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A26981 A paraphrase on the New Testament with notes, doctrinal and practical, by plainess and brevity fitted to the use of religious families, in their daily reading of the Scriptures : and of the younger and poorer sort of scholars and ministers, who want fuller helps : with an advertisement of difficulties in the Revelations / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1685 (1685) Wing B1338; ESTC R231645 1,057,080 615

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in due time Christ died for the ungodly 6. For when we were worthless helpless lost and miserable in the fittest season Christ died even for the ungodly guilty Sinners to recover them to God and save them 7. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die 7. For among Men few or scarce any one would die for an Innocent Man though perhaps some few of rare Charity and self-denial would venture on death for a Man of eminent worth and goodness 8. But God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us 8. But the love of God to us was so transcendently declared and magnified that while we were yet Sinners against his Law and him Christ died to reconcile and save us 2. Much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him 9. And if he loved us so far as to give his Son to die for us when we were meer guilty Sinners we may be sure that now he hath made and accepted us as Righteous pardoning all our Sin for the Sacrifice of the Blood of Christ he will certainly save us from Damnation 10. For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life 10. For if God reconciled us to himself by his Sons death when we were his Enemies doubtless he will save them that are now reconciled and pardoned Believers by the Intercession of him that liveth in Glory and is now our Head the Lord of Life by giving us his Spirit and justifying us at last and receiving us to himself in Glory He that loved his Enemies will not damn his beloved Children 11. And not only so but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ by whom we have received the atonement 11. And now moreover through this reconciliation by Christ which we have received upon our believing God is so far from being our terrifying avenging Judge that he is become our greatest glorying and joy he being our God and we his People and he being our Father and alsufficient Portion and Felicity 12. Wherefore as by one man sin entred into the world and death by sin and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned 12. In all this we have notice of this great Mystery that as Adam was the Root or first cause of Mans Sin and Death and by that one Man sin entred into the World and death by Sin and so all being Sinners death passed upon all even Temporal death actually and Eternal death by the Sentence of the Violated Law as being our due 13. For until the law sin was in the world but sin is not imputed where there is no law 14. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adams transgression who is the figure of him that was to come 13 14. For it is certain that Sin was in the World before Moses's Law even from Adam's fall And whereas that is no Sin nor imputed to Guilt and Punishment which is against no Law yet death reigning from Adam's fall till Moses and therefore all were under some Law Sin being so far imputed to them though they sinned not themselves as Adam did against an express particular command and penal threatning by supernatural Revelation from Heaven nor all that died e. g. Infants did actually and personally transgress Therefore it was from him as his vitiated guilty Seed that they derived Original Sin and by this vitious nature they at age sinned actually against that Law which they were under and by both were the Children of death so that we may compare Adam as the root of Sin and Death to all with Christ who is to all true Christians the root of Holiness and Life 15. But not as the offence so also is the free gift For if through the offence of one many be dead much more the grace of God and the gift by grace which is by one man Jesus Christ hath abounded unto many 15. But the disparity must be noted For if the sin of one Man had such malignant power and pernicious efficacy as to procure the guilt and death of many we may be sure that the Grace and Mercy of God and the gift of that saving Grace which is from the Merits Intercession and Spirit of Christ shall be more effectual to the Life of many 16. And not as it was by one that sinned so is the gift for the judgment was by one to condemnation but the free gift is of many offences unto justification 16. And there is this further differences that Adam one Man by one sin brought the Sentence of Death on all the World which had not passed else upon us But it is many Sins of many Men which Christ doth deliver us from in the free gift of our Justification 17. For if by one mans offence death reigned by one much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one Jesus Christ 17. For if one offence of one Man made all Men Subjects to Death by that one much more powerfully and effectually they which receive from one Redeemer abundance of Grace and the gift of Righteousness in the healing and pardoning of all their Sins shall certainly Reign in the purchased and promised life of Glory by that one Saviour Jesus Christ 18. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men to justification of life 18. Therefore as by the offence of one the Sentance of Death was passed upon all his posterity so also by the Righteousness of one as the meritorious and procuring cause the free gift came on all Men for Justification and Life That is A free Gift is made and offered promiscuously to all on condition of believing suitable acceptance and actually justifieth all to Life who so believingly accept it and unthankfully reject it not 19. For as by one mans disobedience many were made sinners so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous 19. For as by one Adam's disobedience all Men as receiving their Nature from him are made guilty and corrupt and punishable as Sinners so by the procuring meritorious Obedience of one in performing all that was required of him as our Redeemer in perfect holiness of Soul and Life fulfilling the Law of Innocency and of Moses and the peculiar Law of Mediation being obedient to the Death on the Cross shall the many that by Faith receive him be constituted Righteous and so accounted and judged of God even reconciled pardoned adopted and made the Heirs of Life 20. Moreover the law entred that the offence might abound but where sin abounded grace did much more abound
Hate Persecute Silence and Murder those that imitate them 37. O Jerusalem Jerusalem thou that killest the Prophets and stonest them which are sent unto thee how often would I have gathered thy children together even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings and ye would not 37. How oft have I offered by my Messengers and attempted to gather thee into a State of greatest savour and safety with tenderest Love but you would not Consent N. 1. Christ would have taken the whole City and Nation into his Church had they not refused And therefore Infants as they were before 2. If the Jews had all believed in Christ he would not have continued the Law of Moses and that Policie which did but lead to him nor have forsaken the rest of the World to make them onely his Church but would have made them a part of the Catholike Church 38.39 Behold your house is left unto you desolate For I say to you Ye shall not see me henceforth till ye shall say Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord. 38.39 Your Temple and City are near to certain Desolation when you have executed you fury on me I will leave you to the fury of Destroyers and you shall see me no more till Conviction constrein you to desire me as your Saviour Note That the Country of Judaea where the remnant of the Jews after the Destruction of Jerusalem abode were Converted to Christ as other Countries were in the days of Constantine and after and a Patriarck setled at Jerusalem an A. Bishop at Caesarea and many Bishops and Churches among them though some remained obstinate CHAP. XXIV 1. AND Jesus went out and departed from the Temple and his Disciples came to him for to shew him the buildings of the Temple 2. And Jesus said to them See ye not all these things Verily I say to you There shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down 1.2 All this shall be cast down for the Sin of this People 3. And as he sate on the mount of Olives his disciples came to him privately saying Tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world 3. They desired him that had so oft told them that he must be Crucifyed and Rise again and yet come again to tell them the meaning and signs of this his coming which they did not well understand Some Expositors of this hard Chapter think That the Question meaneth no more than what shall be the Signs of thy Coming to Destroy Jerusalem and of the end of their Policie Others think That they expected that Christ should presently come and Reign at Jerusalem and set up a Kingdom so excellent as should be the beginning of a New Age or World as Noahs after the Deluge when all the World of wicked men should submit to him or be destroyed Others say That these questions are put of different things and times and accordingly Answered 1. When the Temple should be Destroyed 2. When Christ would set up his Visible Kingdome 3. When the World should End The two first undoubtedly they meant but by his Coming I do not think they meant either his sending the Roman Army nor his Coming at the Day of Resurrection and Judgment but his Coming to be a Visible Monarch and Declaring himself King and Reigning accordingly And 3. By the End of the World whether they meant the utter Desolation at last or the End of the Unreformed Age or World which his Kingdom should overthrow I am not certain And though Christ do not presently blame their mis-expectations his Answers approve them not but tend to rectifie them 4. And Jesus answered and said to them Take heed that no man deceive you 5. For many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many 4.5 It s true that this Temple shall be destroyed and my Kingdom shall be set up and the world of Enemies be subdued and that of Nature be dissolved But for your Question of the time let me first admonish you to be fortified by Patience and Faith against many Deceivers that will for tryal be permitted to pretend that not I but they are the true Messiah such were Simon Dositheas Theudas and look not for a Visible Monarch 6. And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars see that ye be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet 6. There will be fearful Commotions Risings and Wars before these things come to pass Let not that disturb you 7.8 For nation shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in divers places All these are the beginning of sorrows 7.8 Wars by sedition among your selves and Wars of other Nations with other Plagues and Commotions and Signes shall be but fore-runners of that sorrowful time 9. Then shall they deliver you up to be affl●cted and shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my Name sake 9. And before that day fore-know what shall befall your selves Persecution Murder and common Hatred for my Name sake 10. And then many shall be offended and shall betray one another and shall hate one another 10. And the temptations of those days shall prevail against many that professed Faith and shall pervert them and draw them to betray and hate my true Disciples and shew their unfaithfulness 11. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many 11. And many that make themselves the Masters of Sects and Heresies shall pretend Inspiration and Revelation for Lies and pernicious Doctrines and many shall be deceived and follow them 12. And because iniquity shall abound the love of many shall wax cold 12. And iniquity shall so far abound both in the World assaulting the Church and in the declining of Church Members by Worldliness Fleshliness Pride and Heresie that the first fervours of Christian Love shall be abated 13. But he that shall endure to the end the same shall be saved 13. But he that overcometh these Temptations and keepeth his Integrity and persevereth in his Fidelity shall attain the end of his Faith and be Saved 14. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness to all nations and then shall the end come 14. And the Jews driving you away by Persecution you shall Preach the Gospel to the Heathen Nations who by receiving it shall condemn the Jews And then shall come the desolation of their State and the ending of their Law and Policie 15. When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet stand in the holy place whoso reade●h let him understand 16. Then let them which be in Judea flee into the mountaines 17. Let him which is on the house top not come down to take any thing out of his
is the full Truth as I have proved in a set Treatise 18. Let no man beguile you of your reward in a voluntary humility and worshipping of angels intruding into those things which he hath not seen vainly puft up by his fleshly mind 18. Let no Man beguile you of the Reward of Christianity by pretending greater self humbling than God commandeth by worshipping Angels intruding into and pretending to know the things which he never saw nor God revealed to him vainly puffed up by the Imaginations of his fleshly Mind and building on his deluded Conjectures and Self-conceits 19. And not holding the head from which all the body by joynts and bands having nourishment ministred and knit together increaseth with the increase of God 19. By which they depart from their due Dependence on Christ the Head whose Office it is to be the sole immediate Mediator between God and Man and the Lawgiver to the Church who hath given us sufficient notice what Worship God accepteth It is from him the Head of Life and Government that the Body even the Church receiveth its Nourishment and holy Increase by the Blessing of God it being by Joynts and Ligaments of Faith Love and Ministry and Communion for Concord conjoined and made a meet Receiver 20. Wherefore if ye be dead with Christ from the rudiments of the world why as though living in the world are ye subject to ordinances 21. Touch not taste not handle not 22. Which all are to perish with the using after the commandments and doctrines of men 20 21 22. If then you be dead to the Rudiments of all other Masters and Customs in the World of Jews or Heathens in conformity to your Crucified Lord why as though yet you were not separated from the World to Christ are you subject to such Ordinances which Christ never made you but hath abolished as Touch not taste not meddle not with such and such Meats as unclean and the like which were all temporary things and consist in transient unprofitable Actions having no Reward of God as being but the Products of the Commands and Doctrines of unauthorised Men. 23. Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom in will-worship and humility and neglecting of the body not in any honour to the satisfying of the flesh 23. Which are the things for which as deceitful Shews tho Heretical and Heathen Seducers pretend to be wiser Men than the Apostles and Christians and to be more pious Men and so would draw you to their Errours as being stricter in Voluntary Worship and greater Humility and neglecting of the Body on pretense of being more for the Soul and not as sensual Men do setting up and pampering the Flesh Note The Description of Paul and Church Historians notifie to us that these Hereticks made up a Religion of three Parts 1. Of the Name and some Parts of Christianity to keep in with the Christians 2. Of many Jewish Rites to keep fair with the Jews 3. But the main Substance which they boasted of was Pythagorean Heathenism in which they pretended great knowledge of Spirits Demons and invisible things their Orders Powers Offices Durations c. which God never revealed but the deluded Imaginations of themselves and the said Pythagorean and Platonick Philosophers taught them In many of which Superstitions of Will-worship Angel-worship Laws of Penance on the Flesh while the vain Mind usurpeth Christs Legislative Power too many of the carnal corrupt Church do imitate them to this day CHAP. III. IF ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God 1. If then you be true Christians risen with Christ as you profess to the hope of a Celestial Glory and to a Holy Life shew it by seeking the things which are above where Christ who you trust in is as your Head over all in glory 2. Set your affection on things above not on things on the earth 2. Let the Heavenly things and not the things on Earth have your strongest affections your Love your Desire your Hope your Joy your Care your very Hearts 3. For ye are dead and your life is hid with Christ in God 4. When Christ who is our life shall appear then shall ye also appear with him in glory 3 4. For ye are dead to the World and sin and the root of your Spiritual Life is not in your selves but both your Objective Life which is your Happiness and the Root of all your Spiritual Life are out of sight with Christ in God It is by him that you live and it is with him and on him that you must live in Glory for ever 5. Mortifie therefore your members which are upon the earth fornication uncleanness inordinate affection evil concupiscence and covetousness which is idolatry 6. For which things sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience 5 6. Therefore tho your Lusts are as it were the very Members of your corrupt fleshly Nature kill them all even Fornication Uncleanness Inordinate Affections of Love or delight all evil lustings or desires and Covetousness which loveth the Creature above God and which is Idolaters sin For it is for these things that the Unbeliving Rebellious World is under the wrath of God 7. In the which ye also walked sometime when ye lived in them 7. These sins were formerly your own practices when you were Heathens among them 8. But now you also put off all these anger wrath malice blasphemy filthy communication out of your mouth 9. Lie not one to another seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds 8 9. But now you must not only cast off all these filthy sins but also all that is contrary to Love and Peace all sinful wrath and malice and evil speaking and rybaldry and lying For all these are the Members and Deeds of the Old Man or state which you have renounced 10. And have put on the new man which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him 10. And you have by Conversion become New Men renewed in Saving Knowledge unto the Image of that God and Saviour who is the maker of this New Creature 11. Where there is neither Greek nor Jew circumcision nor uncircumcision barbarian Scythian bond nor free but Christ is all and in all 11. Where the Interest and Union that we have all in One Christ who is all in all doth swallow up all the little differences of Greeks and Jew c. And so must lo in our Communion 12. Put on therefore as the elect of God holy and beloved bowels of mercies kindness humbleness of mind meekness long-suffering 12. Let these therefore be your very Habit and Nature and Practice as becometh Gods chosen holy and beloved ones Bowels of Mercy Kindness c. 13. Forbearing one another and forgiving one another if any man have a quarrel against any even as Christ forgave you so also do ye 13. Note 1. That
be trusted with the Ministry but Men Faithful and able to teach others 3. It is the same Doctrine which was delivered by the Apostles which must be committed to Ministers to teach the People 4. While the Scriptures were yet unwritten or unfinished the words which Men heard from the Apostles were to be their Rule of Doctrine 3. Thou therefore endure hardness as a good souldier of Jesus Christ 3. Note The Life of a Minister or Bishop is not a Life of Ease and Idleness and Safeness and Dominion and fulness but like a Souldiers a Life of Hardship hard Labour hard usage by the World Hard Sufferings requiring Resolution Fortitude and Patience 4. No man that warreth intangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a souldier 4. A Bishop or Minister must be like a Souldier who maketh it his whole Business and doth not joyn any other Trade of Life that would take up any of his time 5. And if a man also strive for masteries yet is he not crowned except he strive lawfully 5. And in the Games in which Men strive for Masteries for a Prize as Running Wrestling Fencing Fighting it is not every one that striveth that hath the Crown or Prize but onely he that winneth it by getting the better And so must a Minister of Christ strive for the Crown of Life by putting forth all his care and strength 6. The husbandmen that laboureth must be first partaker of his fruits 6. The Husbandman must labour Plow Sow c. before he reap and gather the Fruit. Note God will reward no Pastors but the Laborours tho' Men may advance the Proud and Idle 7. Consider what I say and the Lord give thee understanding in all things 7. Note They that will have Gods Word and good Council blest by God to their Understanding must consider of it even of its meaning truth and use 8. Remember that Jesus Christ of the seed of David was raised from the dead 8. If thou deeply consider and remember that Christ was raised from the Dead as it will infer the truth of all the rest of the Gospel to thee so it will be to thee a powerful example of Patience and Hope in all thy Sufferings for Christ 8 9. According to my Gospel Wherein I suffer trouble as an evildoer even unto bonds but the word of God is not bound 8 9. This Resurrection of Christ is it which I Preach for which I suffer as reputed a Malefactor and that even to Imprisonment and Bonds but God● Word still prospereth and is not bound Note So blind and Devilish is Malignant Enmity to Truth and Godliness that Christs best Servants are reputed and used as Malefactors and Rogues even for the best of their Duty to God and that which is most profitable to the World 10. Therefore I endure all things for the elects sakes that they may also obtain the salvation which is in Christ Jesus with eternal glory 10. And I think not any Suffering too dear for the sake of Gods Elect though the rest of the World reject the Gospel that it may but further the Salvation of them by the Grace of Christ to bring them to Eternal Glory 11. It is a faithful saying For if we be dead with him we shall also live with him 12. If we suffer we shall also reign with him 11 12. Believe this as a Gospel Maxim if we be dead to the World for him as he died for us we shall live in glory with him And it we suffer for and with him we shall follow him also in Exaltation unto Glory 12 13. If we deny him he also wil deny us If we believe not yet he abideth faithful he cannot deny himself 12 13. If for fear of suffering we deny him he will disown us and deny us his Salvation And if we be unfaithful and forsake him and our own Salvation yet he will be true of his Word and will not deny and forsake his own Cause but make good his threatnings against them that forsake his Mercies 14. Of these things put them in remembrance charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit but to the subverting of the hearers 14. Note Bishops and Ministers have great need to call Men to the serious study of fundamental practical truths from vain diverting kinds of study 2. Such are the Disputes and Contentions about Words or Grammatical Criticisms and Barren Speculations in Arts and Sciences which profit not by their due subserviency to Saving Truths but subvert Men by diverting their Thoughts Love and Labour 15. Study to shew thy self approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth 15. Study not for applause and to humour sick-brains but to please God and do all as approved to him with such skill and care and diligence as beseemeth a good Workman that need not be ashamed of his Work and disgrace not the Work by an ignorant bungling confused handling but take great care rightly to order methodize and distribute the word of Truth Note That tho curious unprofitable trifling with Words be sinful yet the more accurate ordering methodizing or distributing Truth setting each in its proper place and giving every hearer his due part is the part of a skilful Teacher 16. But shun profane and vain bablings for they will increase unto more ungodliness 17. And their word will eat as doth a canker 16. But avoid profane and vain Clamors and Bablings of Heathen Philosophers or Hereticks who set up a course of Ostentation of their Wit by unprofitable Disputes for the Fruit will be but the Increase of ungodliness And Vain Proud Wits are so liable to the Infection that their words will eat like a Gangren 17 18. Of whom is Hymeneus and Philetus who concerning the truth have erred saying That the resurrection is past already and overthrow the faith of some 17 18. Note It is not certain on what account they said the Resurrect●on was past 1. Whether as the Familists and Quakers by pretending that it is but an inward Resurrection from sin that is meant Or 2. As Pythagoreans saying That it 's but the Transition of Souls into other Bodies which is done here and no more to be expected I incline most to this last It is that which Paul Disputeth against 1 Cor. 15. that is here meant And the Doctrine of Transmigration was then so common and the Hereticks had so much from the Pythagorean Philosophers that it 's most likely to be this 19. Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal The Lord knoweth them that are his And Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity 19. But whoever falls away God's Foundation on which we build our Hope is sure and hath a Seal as it were with this double Inscription on one side The Lord knoweth them that are his for he
them which stumble at the word being disobedient whereunto also they were appointed 7 8. To you who believe as he is esteemed precious so will he be in the riches of his grace to you But to them that obey not the Gospel but are unbelieving rejecters of him he whom the builders the Jewish Rulers did refuse is made the foundation of the Church and they shall feel his Kingly Power He is that Stone on which they stumble and fall and that Rock on which the Adversaries dash themselves in pieces even they that unbelievingly reject and quarrel against the Gospel and disobey it To which destruction not to their sin the righteous God appointed them 9. But ye are a chosen generation a royal priesthood an holy nation a peculiar people that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light 9. But as the Israelites were by their proper Covenant of peculiarity separated to God from the rest of the World and called a chosen Generation a royal Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar People especially as typifying the Christian Church so are you more eminently a chosen Seed of Christ by his Spirit a dignified Kingdom of Priests who are all designed to reign with Christ and all may have access to God a Nation or sort of men sanctified by dedication to God though all the World be his you are his peculiarly and have the Covenant and Priviledges of Peculiarity having greater mercies than the rest of the World that as Priests you may stand daily before God and celebrate his praises who hath called you out of the darkness of ignorance and unbelief and wickedness into that marvellous Light by which you know him the Father of Lights 10. Which in time past were not a people but are now the people of God which had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy 10. Who were under the Roman Captivity and scattered over the Earth and alienated from God by unbelief but now are made Christ's Free-men and Fellow-Citizens with the Saints and have obtained that mercy which unbelievers do reject 11. Dearly beloved I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul 11. But you are yet Strangers and Sojourners in the Countreys where you are scattered and indeed on Earth therefore I earnestly beseech you to abstain from that fleshly pleasure and life which are usually the fruit of wealth and prosperity in the World and are warring Enemies against the holy Inclinations Motions and Works of the Holy Spirit 12. Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles that whereas they speak against you as evil-doers they may by your good works which they shall behold glorifie God in the day of visitation 12. And let your conversation among the Heathens be so just and decent and exemplary that they that now speak against you as if you were a sort of bad deluded contemptible men through prejudice and malicious same may by your excelling all others in good works rejoyce and give glory to God when he shall visit you with deliverance from your oppressors and shall exalt you 13. Submit your selves to every ordinance of man for the Lords sake whether it be to the King as supream 14. Or unto governours as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evil-doers and for the praise of them that do well 13 14. Be subject to every Civil Humane Ruler tho Heathen whether it be to Caesar as supream or those subordinate Rulers who are sent by him for that which is truly the Office of Magistrates to which God impowereth them which is to be punishers of evil doers and praisers or encouragers of them that do well 15. For so is the will of God that with well-doing ye may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men 15. Your peace and safety is not to be look't for by resisting and conquering the Powers that are over you but by due subjection and patience while you obey God to silence those ignorant foolish men who falsly reproach you as a turbulent and unruly sort of People for differing from them in Religion and obeying God before men 16. As free and not using your liberty for a cloak of maliciousness but as the servants of God 16. You are indeed Christ's Free-men delivered from true servitude to Sin and Satan but you are God's Servants and must obey him in using your Christian Liberty to his glory in your appointed way of duty and not as a covering for any evil 17. Honour all men Love the brotherhood Fear God Honour the King 17. In short Give all men their due respect Love all Christians especially Christian Societies or Churches with a special love Fear God above all with reverent obedience and under him give that eminent honour to Kings and Rulers which is their due 18. Servants be subject to your masters with all fear not only to the good and gentle but also to the froward 18. Christian Servants must be subject to their Masters whether Christian or Heathen with due respect and reverence even to those that are froward and wrathful and abuse them and not only to the good and gentle Note That this binds not free Servants to continue with such Masters when they may have better but only Slaves that may not change and also voluntary Servants till their time of Service be at an end 19. For this is thank-worthy if a man for conscience toward God endure grief suffering wrongfully 20. For what glory is it if when ye be buffetted for your faults ye shall take it patiently but if when you do well and suffer for it ye take it patiently this is acceptable with God 19. For this God accepteth as a rewardable act of Obedience when in conscience of God's commanding patience you indure wrongful suffering 20. Can you think it a rewardable thing as of any special worth to take it patiently when you are beaten for your faults c. Note What then shall we think of those Servants even the religious sort that can neither bear stroaks nor words when they deserve them but will repine and swell with passion if they be but reproved for their faults yea for their sins against God and will not humbly confess them 21. For even hereunto were ye called because Christ also suffered for us leaving us an example that ye should follow his steps 21. For your very Calling of Christianity bindeth you to this obedient Patience in imitation of Christ who in his suffering for us became our Example whom we must follow 22. Who did no sin neither was guile found in his mouth 23. Who when he was reviled reviled not again when he suffered he threatned not but committed himself to him that judgeth righteously 22 23. Who never did ill in word or deed and yet being scorned and reviled he returned not to them the like nor gave them one ill word for another nor
Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth 6. Upon this glad tidings I lookt and saw Christ in the likeness of a Lamb wounded and bloody as he was sacrificed which signified that it was by the Merit of Redemption that he had his power over all And he seemed to have seven Horns and Eyes for the exercise of Government by Judgment and Victory over his Enemies and Illumination of his Church and the full notice of all that concerneth his Government which is done by the Spiritual Powers or Angels and Ministers whom he sendeth forth from God into all the Earth Or as others by the manifold Gifts of the Holy Ghost which is his Agent or Advocate on Earth 7. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sate upon the throne 7. He that alone was worthy received Power from God both to open the Mysteries and execute them 8. And when he had taken the book the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of odours which are the prayers of saints 8. Note Who were the four Living Wights here ill translated Beasts when one was a Man was before enquired but its hard to know only they seem to signifie some Greater than the Elders Some Papists think they were the four first Patriarcks and the Elders the Councils It s more probable than so that they were all the sorts of Ministers that were entrusted with the first gathering of Churches and sealing the Gospel by Miracles as distinct from the fixed Church-Bishops called Elders That is that they were Apostles Prophets Evangelists and Miracle-workers as such But all is doubtfull 2. That both the Living Wights and the Elders were men on earth is plain by their work here described They are Priests that in the sacred Assembly do by office Speak for and Lead the Church in offering up the Common Praises to God and also the Prayers of the Congregation That there be any Angels that resemble this office in Heaven we cannot conclude from so obscure a Text. Hence we see 1. That Church Guides are the Worshippers of Jesus 2. Though we cannot hence prove that Gods praises must be used with harps and Musicall Instruments they that use such have a fairer pretence hence to prove them lawful as doing Gods will on earth as John saw it resembled in Heaven than any can shew to prove it unlawful 3. Ministers in offering up the Churches praise and prayers are submediators under Christ 9. And they sung a new song saying Thou art worthy to take the book and to open the seals thereof for thou wast slain and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation 10. And hast made us unto our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the earth 9.10 Note 1. Christ is to be praised in the Church with a new song or Praises suited to his works of Redemption and his Glory and not only with the Jewish Psalms and Worship though those Psalms also may be used 2. Though the Collective phrase of gathering out of every nation c. makes some think that it is an assembly of Glorified Saints in the heavenly Jerusalem called the General Assembly of the first born and the Spirits of the perfected just that is here primarily meant it seems more probable that it is the Church on earth alone And that it is the first ages by Faith and the following also by some experience of the Churches deliverance by Constantine that mention reigning on the earth The Saints departed indeed shall judge the World To be Kings and Priests to God is to be endowed with Power and Honour and Holyness and employed accordingly in Gods administrations and Holy Worship 11. And I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the beasts and the elders and the number of them was ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands of thousands 11. As I looked I seemed to hear innumerable Angels joyning with the Living Wights and Elders in the Praises of Christ for mans Redemption Note That this signifies the multitude of believers or of Ministers through all the World is not to be proved But that it is meant properly of Angels is most probable And it is to be noted that when the Living Wights are but four and the Elders but twenty four the Angels that praise Christ are millions and numberless So Heb. 12.24 Whence note that its ignorance that calls God more severe then merciful because it s but a few of this World that are sanctified and glorified when as the vast and glorious Regions above seem to Reason and by scripture to have so many millions of Angels that its like the damned are very few to them The greatest Kingdom is not near so great and glorious in comparison of one Jail and one Gallows as the Heavenly Regions are in comparison of this spot called Earth or the place of execution called Hell 12. Saying with a loud voice Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honour and glory and blessing 12. These Angels joined with the Churches in the Praises of Christ ascribing to him in their Praise all Power and Glory c. as deserved by his Redemption of the World by his death Note Those Angels that joyn with us in Christs praises and are present in our assemblies and Guardians of us and them and pitch their tents about us and bear us up in their hands and rejoice in our Conversion and are ministring Spirits for our good are not so ignorant of us and our concerns and our prayers as some imagine We have many ignorant men that think they know more of our case here below than the Angels do when they scarce know so much as may keep them from being seducers and deviders of the Church They are sure but ill Guardians who know as little of our affairs as these men think Christ saith that the least Christians have their Angels who behold the face of God And why are they called their Angels and what do they for them with God if they know not our condition and concerns And though this will not warrant Praying to them which themselves in this book seem to disown yet we ought not to think that mistake of those ancient fathers and Churches to be greater than it was who thought that as Pastors on earth offer up the Congregations prayers and praises to God so there is an answerable office of Angels to offer them as from them to Christ who offereth them to God the Father And who thought as a man might pray a Minister to pray for him so he might do an Angel though it be an errour one is no more Idolatry than the other 13. And every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and
I fear perplexing the Readers and must not be so large I mention what I have done to tell you why I understand not the Revelations and cannot help it that I am no wiser than excellent Calvin nor than a● the Ancient Fathers though I disown their conceit of a future Antichrist at the end of the World I doubt not but many in blind zeal will call this my confessed Ignorance a warping towards Popery though I have long in my Writings against Popery confest the very same This I must bear from them that bear more from themselves and from whom the Church beareth more It 's a small thing for one man to be censured by those persons that censure hardlier almost all the Church of Christ on Earth But when I try whether they know any more than I I find little more than a believing that to be the sense of the Revelation which those good men say it is whom they most value Some will desire yet to know more of my own Opinion And I will freely tell it them I. I am much perswaded by impartial consideration of the Text that the Roman Imperial Power as the upholder of Heathen Worship of Devils Idols and themselves and a Captivaters of the Church of Jews and Gentiles was the first Beast and that Rome in that respect was Babylon and the Whore that made all Nations drunk with her pompous Idolatry And the whole current of the Book seemeth plainly to drive at this But many of the subordinate particulars I understand not II. Whether the Papacy be another Beast or Whore there meant and the Text mean two first Beast● and two Whores or the similitude notwithstanding so many diss●militudes and six hundred or seven hundred or a thousand years interruption make these two one or whether it be Antichrist that is the Beast I will neither affirm nor deny but see no evidence to prove the Affirmative III. What my Judgment is of Popery the Reader may fully see 1. In one Sheet enumerating its Errours 2. In a Book called The Safe Religion 3 In another called A Key for Catholicks 4. In two of the true Catholick Church against Johnson altas Terrel 5. In one called The Christian Religion certain without Popery 6. In one called Full and easie Satisfaction whi●h is the True Religion 7. One called Naked Popery I● these satisfie not the Censurers Zeal him that is ignorant be ignorant and he that is wrathful be so still IV. I do judge of Popery by the knowledge of its particular Errours and Sins and not by the Revelations or any thing which I understand not If the Pope be the great Antichrist which I neither deny nor affirm because I know not as I have long ago confessed I think that it is formally as he is by claim the Vice-Christ Vicarius Christi and claimeth an Universal Soveraignty Ecclesiastical over the whole Church on Earth and not over a Nation only and that he began with that claim to which his many corruptions are joyned to make up a body of iniquity Were there no more to be said against that Church than 1. This claim of Universal Government 2. And the cherishing of Ignorance by forbidding the reading of the Scripture in a known Tongue without Licence and Latine Prayers and Service and an Ignorant Clergy 3. And the Inhumane Doctrine of Transubstantiation 4. And the vile corruptions of much of God's Worship 5. And their horrid Blood-guiltiness by which they do uphold their Kingdom called a Church I take those Popes and Papists who own all this to be liable before God to greater punishment than the Beast and false Prophet mentioned in the Revelations it being far worse to sin thus under the name of Christians and Christ's Vicar and holy Bishops than as Infidels and Heathens to whom as to Sodom it shall be easier in the day of Judgment than for these V. Therefore I judge that a Confederacy or Coalition with the Church of Rome in any of these sins or in the very form of a Church headed by a pretended Universal Head or Soveraign is to be abhorred by all sound Christians And I am glad that this Kingdom is sworn against all Foreign Jurisdiction Civil or Ecclesiastical though Union and Concord with all Foreign Churches must be as far kept as we are able not partaking of their sins But I have long ag● in my Key for Catholicks proposed the desirable terms not for a Coalition but for neighbourly Peace that we may live in love and quietness and not as those that still take themselves bound to destroy each other VI. On these grounds I judge of Persons according to their Personal Guilt and not by the general name of Papists I abhor those that are wicked and that own the foresaid wickedness but not all that are called Roman Catholicks that live in the fear of God and in Charity I will try uncertainties by certainties and not deny Fundamentals in opposition to mens By-Opinions I am certain that I must love a Christian as such and that as much as in me lieth I must live peaceably with all men and avoid all unnecessary Division Wrath and Hatred and I am sure that Blessed are the Peace-makers for whatever Errour calleth them they shall be called the Children of God I am sure that I must unnecessarily speak evil of no man and that slandering and false-accusing are diabolical works and that ●he Wisdom is from beneath which causeth Envy and Strife and in a word that LOVE is Christ's Work and Character and Hatred the Devils But I am not sure that the Church of Rome hath these 1000 or 1300 years been the Whore and Babylon meant in these Texts nor that yet all Papists shall be tormented as worshiping the Beast or his Image c. I am sure that the Visible Church will have scandals and ambitious men and yet that its deliverance in Constantine's time and the following Ages was a wondrous mercy which Heaven and Earth did rejoyce in and praise God ●or And it was a great part of Christ's coming to Reign by Christian Princes and that the Kingdoms of the World were made the Kingdoms of Christ Therefore I dread the denying Christ these Kingdoms and reproaching even the best Ages of his Church on Earth as Antichristian lest I deny him to have any Church Visible at all or tempt men to Infidelity by saying that Christ is so little a King and came to so little a work in the World as to have no Church save the persecuted part till An. 300 and the Reformers since 1560 save a few latent persons Men will judge of the Workman by his work and of Physicians by their Cures And though it be honourable to save one Soul they will tempt men to dishonour Christ that call almost all his Church Antichristian I would not slander one man but should I mistake and slander millions for thirteen hundred years together how great were my guilt VII I dread the turning