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A26939 How to do good to many, or, The publick good is the Christians life directions and motives to it, intended for an auditory of London citizens, and published for them, for want of leave to preach them / by Richard Baxter. Baxter, Richard, 1615-1691. 1682 (1682) Wing B1283; ESTC R5487 40,184 56

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it to one that is liker to use it for the Devil in a fleshly unprofitable Life What account can such a Steward give Did God give it you to maintain idleness and sin Obj. O but it is a Son whom I am bound to provide for Ans Are you more bound to your Son than to your Self God doth not allow you to spend it on your self to maintain Idleness and Vice Rom. 13. 13 14. Make no provision for the flesh to satisfie the lust or will thereof And may you leave it for such a use as is forbidden both your Son and You It is God that is the owner of it and it is to him that you must both use and leave it Whether you Eat or Drink or whatever you do do all to the Glory of God And will you leave it to be the fuel of lust and sin Obj. I leave it not for sin but if he misuse it I cannot help it Ans Would that excuse you if you put a Sword into a mad mans hand to say I cannot help it if he use it ill You might have helpt it It s supposed that you fore-knew how he was like to use it Obj. But he may prove better hereafter as some do Ans It is not bare possibilities that must guide a wise mans Actions when probability is against them Would you commit your Children to the care of a Mad man or a Knave because he may possibly come to his Wits or become honest Have you not long tried him and have you not endeavour'd to cure him of his Idleness wickedness or lust If it be not done what ground have you to presume it will be done when you are dead You may have so much hope as not utterly to despair of him But that will not allow you to trust him with that which God made you Steward of for his use and service But if such hopes may be gratified give your estate in trust to some Conscionable friend with secret order to give it your Son or Kinsman if he become hereafter fit to use it according to the ends for which God giveth it Reas 2. The Obligation in my Text of doing good to all extendeth to the end of our lives And therefore to our last Will and Testament Therefore you must make your Wills so as may do good to all and not to cherish sin and idleness Reas 3. You are bound to your best to destroy sin and idleness and therefore not to feed and cherish it Reas 4. Doing good is the very thing which you are Created Redeemed and Sanctified for and therefore you must extend your endeavours to the uttermost and to the last that as much as may be may be done when you are dead If Magistrates and Ministers took care for no longer than their own lives what would become of the State or Church Reas 5. The Common good is better than the plenty of a sinful Child Yea it is to be preferred before the best Child and before our selves And therefore much more before the worst Reas 6. It s a dreadful thing to be guilty of all the fleshly sins which your ungodly Sons will commit with your estate when they shall by it maintain the sins of Sodom Pride Fulness of Bread and abundance of Idleness If not to strengthen their hands for oppression or Persecution To think that they will spend their days in voluptuousness because you gave them provision for the flesh Reas 7. It is cruelty to them that are already so bad to make their temptations to sin much stronger and their place in Hell the worse and to make the way to Heaven as hard to them as for a Camel to go through the eye of a needle To prepare them to want a drop of water in Hell who were clothed richly and fared sumptuously on Earth To entice them to say Soul take thine ease thou hast enough laid up for many years till they hear Thou fool this night shall they require thy Soul to cherish that love of the world which is enmity to God by feeding that lust of the flesh and lust of the eyes and Pride of life which are not of the Father but of the world Reas 8. When this preferring unprofitable and ungodly Children before God and the Common good is so common and Reigning a sin in the world it is a great fault for Religious Men to encourage them in it by their example and to do as they Reas 9. It is a sin to cast away any of Gods gifts When Christ had fed men by a Miracle he saith gather up the fragments that nothing be lost If you should cast your mony into the Sea it were a crime But to leave it to such as you foresee are most likely to use it sinfully is more than casting it away If you saw men offer Sacrifice to Bacchus or Venus you would abhor it Do not that which is so like it as to leave bad men fuel for fleshly lust Reas 10. It is the more dreadful because it is dying in studyed sin without repentance To put so much sin into ones Will shews a full consent and leaveth no room and time to repent of it On all these accounts I advise all the Stewards of God as they love him and the publick good and their own Souls while they have opportunity even to the last breath to do good to all and to provide more for the common good than for superfluities to any and than for the maintaining ungodly Children in sin to the increase of their guilt and misery Indeed in the choice of a Calling employment and condition of life and place for their Children doing good should be preferred before their rising in the world And they that justly endeavour to raise their Families in wealth honour or power should do it only that they might do the more good But it is Satans design to turn all Gods mercies to the cherishing of wickedness and even the Love of Parents to their Children to the poisoning of their Souls the strengthening of their snares and the hinderance of their own and other mens Salvation But its shame and pity that they who in Baptism devoted their Children to God the Father Son and Holy Ghost renounceing the world the flesh and the Devil as under the banner of the Cross should labour all their life that impenitently at death they may leave all that they can get to such as in all probability will use it in pride fulness and idleness for the flesh the world and the Devil against him and his interest from whom they received it and to whom both they and all they had were once devoted When men are loth that their estates should remove from the Name and Family for which there may be just cause I take it for the safest way as aforesaid to trust some as men do their Children with Guardians by the advise of Lawyers to secure all from their unworthy heirs for the next or some other
How to do Good to Many OR THE PUBLICK GOOD IS THE Christians Life DIRECTIONS and MOTIVES to it Intended for an AUDITORY of London Citizens AND Published for them for want of leave to preach them By RICHARD BAXTER Tit. 2. 14. Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purifie to himself a People zealous of good Works LONDON Printed for Rob. Gibs at the Ball in Chancery Lane 1682. The Contents GAL. 6. 10. Doct. To do Good to all men is all mens duty to which every Christian especially must apply himself I. Who this All meaneth and in what order p. 4. II. What is the Good that we must do p. 5. III. The Rules for judging and doing good p. 5. IV. What qualifications are necessary hereto 1. To know good from evil p. 6. 2. To love all men p. 8. 3. To love many and the Common good above himself p. 9. 4. To be good himself p. 10. 5. Suitable abilities 6. A large prospect of the world and of time to come 7. Christian fortitude against discouragement 8. To look to God for his reward p. 11. And finally believe the life to come The Impediments of doing good p. 12. V. Particular good works or directions for publick good I. Do as much good as you can to mens bodies in order to the good of Souls p. 15. II. Promote knowledge of necessary truth 1. Set up Reading Schools 2. Give Bibles and good Books p. 16. III. Order Families aright and Educate Children for Christ p. 18. IV. Promote a faithfull Ministry 1. Devote not your Children to the Ministry that are unqualified p. 18. 2. Let honest Rich men buy Presentations The difference between good and bad Pastors p. 19. V. Keep order and Discipline in particular Churches p. 20. VI. Promote Love and Concord with all that deserve to be called Christians p. 21. Who those are p. 22. VII Do your best to keep up sound Religion in the Parish Churches and do nothing to deprave or lose it there p. 24. VIII See that no injuries tempt you into Sedition or unlawful Wars What is lawful Patiently trust God and cut not the Infant of deliverance out of the Womb before his time of birth p. 25. IX Do your best to procure faithful and just Rulers What private men may do The great difference between good Rulers and bad p. 30. X. Know publick sins and dangers to oppose them p. 31. XI Know your duty to your Neighbours and be not strange to them XII Be such as you would make others p. 31. Use of exhortation to do good Cavils refuted Motives to do good to many p. 33. Specially to Magistrates and Ministers p. 35. Consectaries 1. A selfish fleshly life is the state of Hypocrites p. 38. 2. How carefully should we take heed of doing hurt p. 39. 3. It s not enough to leave others to do good by our last Wills 4. Yet dying men should do what good they can by their Wills p. 39. Leaving great Estates to Children who are like to do hurt with them or no good but live in idleness and fulness proved a great sin and the objections answered p. 40. 5. Humbly proposed to Merchants and Rich men 1. Whether our Factories might not be made more useful to promote the Gospel by Chaplains and Factors 2. Whether Armenians Greeks and Mofcovites might not be helpt and how 3. Might not more be dove for the Natives in our Plantations 4. Or at last for the Blacks that are their slaves p. 45. 6. The great opposition to good in all the World by Satan and his Servants the more obligeth all Christs Servants to seek to over do them and to be zealous of good works p. 46. ERRATA Page 1. blot out 1 before Gal. 6. pa. 26. 1. 15 for Cold read Gold pa. 23. 1. 31. for with read within TO THE TRULY CHRISTIAN Merchants and other Citizens OF LONDON AS my Disease and the Restraint of Rulers seem to tell me that my Pulpit work is at an end so also my abode among you or in this World cannot be long What Work I have lived for I have given the World more durable notice than transient words It hath been such as Men in Power were against and it seems will no longer indure What Doctrine it was that I last prepared for you I thought meet to desire the Press thus to tell you not to vindicate my self nor to characterize them who think that it deserves six months imprisonment but to be in your hands a Provocation and Direction for that great Work of a Christian Life which sincerely done will prepare you for that safety joy and glory which London England or Earth will not afford and which men or Devils cannot take from you When through the meritorious righteousness of Christ your holy Love and good Works to him in his Brethren shall make you the joyful Objects of that Sentence Come ye blessed inherit the Kingdom c. This is the life that need not be repented of as spent in vain Dear Friends in this Farewel I return you my most hearty thanks for your extraordinary love and kindness to my self and much more for your love to Christ and to his Servants who have more needed your releif God is not unjust to forget your work and labour of Love You have visited those that others imprisoned and fed those that others brought into want and when some ceased not to preach for our affliction it quenched not your impartial Charity It hath been an unspeakable Mercy unto me almost all my dayes when I received nothing from them to have known so great a number as I have done of serious humble holy charitable Christians In whom I saw that Christ hath an Elect peculiar People quite different from the brutish proud hypocritical malignant unbeleiving World O how sweet hath the familiarity of such been to me whom the ignorant World hath hated most of them are gone to Christ I am following We leave you here to longer tryal It s like you have a bitter Cup to drink But be faithful to the death and Christ will give you the Crown of Life The Word of God is not bound and the Jerusalem above is free where is the general Assembly of the first Born an innumerable company of Angels the Spirits of the just made perfect with Christ their glorified Head The Lord guide bless and preserve you How to do Good to Many OR THE PUBLICK GOOD IS THE CHRISTIANS LIFE c. 1 Gal. 6. 10. As we have therefore opportunity let us do good to all Men especially unto them who are of the houshold of Faith GOOD is an Epithite of the highest signification of any in humane Language Some think the Name GOD is thence derived Greatness and Wisdom are equally his Attributes but Goodness is the completion and sweetest to the Creature Christ appropriateth it to God to be good that is essentially primarily and perfectly and universally communicative