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A06932 A new postil conteinyng most godly and learned sermons vpon all the Sonday Gospelles, that be redde in the church thorowout the yeare ... Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1566 (1566) STC 1736; ESTC S101291 689,601 1,060

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are playn that God loueth vs. Wherfore for this loues sake ought we greately to esteme all thynges that he geue vs. And especially those gyftes whiche are ordeyned and geuen of hym to vs for our saluation and confirmation of oure faithe as Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord is c. For all be it that the worlde doth not regard these thyngs yet they ought to be estemed for oure chiefe felicitie that by them we myght put asyde all sorowe and be ioyful in heart forasmuche as these thinges are of a fatherly loue and beneuolence ordeyned for our saluation Wherfore Christ in this place sheweth not only that the father will geue vs any thinge but also he describeth the way how the father will geue vs that is of a fatherly and of a godlye loue And as hytherto wee haue spoken of the geuer and of his louyng mynde so is the gyfte it selfe no lesse to be estemed For God geueth not riches here nor kyngdoms nor any creature but geueth his onely begotten sonne which is no lesse than the father If wealth and prosperitie causeth ioy howe great ioy ought this gift to be to them that it is geuen vnto For as God the geuer is excedyng great and his loue also wherof the gyfte procedeth So is the gyft that he geueth which is his onely sonne For he geueth hym selfe wholly in this gyft as Paul saith to the Romains seyng God hath geuen for vs all his sonne how can it be that with him he should not geue vs all thynges also Sinne death hell heauen rightuousnes and life al are ours for that that the sonne as by gyft is ours also in whom are all thynges Wherfore if we beleue truly and receiue this moste excellent gift by faith it must nedes be that euery creature fautie or not fautie muste be ours and geuen to our cōmoditie as saint Paule saith in an other place Al things ar ours whether it be Paul or Apollo or Cephas either the world or life or deth And you ar Christs Christ is Gods For if we cōsider this gift well we shal perceiue that it passeth all that is either in heauen or earth and in respecte wherof all the goodes of the world are but as it wer a graine But here doth incredulitie misbeliefe trouble vs as Christ himself dothe afterward complayn and also incredible darknes and ignorāce as whē we heare of this so great a gift yet we do not beleue it the words of such great matter goeth in at the one eare and rūneth out at the other neuer perceth to the heart When men conceiue any hope of purchasing possessions or of bying landes they can neuer haue their heart at rest for the feruent care and gredy desyre to obteyne the same But where as it is declared here that God hath geuen vnto vs his sonne of mere loue we are slouthfull and sluggyshe without all desire to receiue it What is the cause that we sette so lyghtly by suche an hygh gift and do not embrace it worthily as we ought to doo The deuyll truly whiche casteth a myste ouer our heartes that we care not for the worde and promise as touchyng this gifte but in the meane tyme we bestow all our cares in worldly thynges Wherfore in the beginnyng I sayde that these woordes oughte dayely to be rehersed and vsed when we rise in the morning when we go to bed at nyght that we might print them in our hearts geue God thankes for this so great benefite For all things are so great that they can be no greater the giuer the loue of the geuer and the gift it selfe that is geuen vs of mere loue not of merite and is so geuen that it remaineth with vs not as borowed nor lent nor recompensed For the whiche also is nothing geuen agayne neither is any thinge required therefore but that thou shouldest ioyfully embrace it and so declare thy mynd But alas what an vnworthy thynge is this that neither heartes neither handes there be to receaue this gyfte as it is proffered that this should be our Christ and shold remayne with vs for euer vnto euerlasting lyfe But herein chaunceth a very leude and greuous thing that they to whom this gift is offred although thei haue great nede therof yet they regarded it not but refuse to receiue it If a riche man shold proffer a gift to a nedy begger that he might therby liue in more welth more at ease and yet that riche mā wold require nothing for himself but that the poore wolde receiue this excellent gift gladly Now if the begger were suche an vnthriftie person that he wold not take the gift but wold set more by his owne miserable state than by this gifte might ye not count him worthily to deserue yet more greater wretchednes thā he was in before but here to this beggerly world the is void of al life saluatiō is profered the son of God And god demādeth nothing els of vs but to receiue it to take it as our own but this is our madnes that although we be starke beggers yet we think scorn to be prouided for Iudge thou therfor here of what a greuous syn is vnbelefe It is not agreable to mans nature to be agaynst oure owne profite and gaines and not to receaue it when it is proffred Hereof it appereth how madde the worlde is that it hath no ioy and felicitie in this gift of God and putteth himself in such great blame that it wil not receue and take to his vse that that is proffered If it were neuer so little gold that were proffred we woulde be ready to receaue it with bothe handes yea and with al the other lymmes of the body also Wher as the sonne of God is proffred for a gift al men ar in doubt whether they may embrace hym or no and beare themselfe in hande that they haue no nede of hym Wherfore he hath his proper name geuen hym to whom the gyfte is proffred and is called the worlde which is worthy to be hated and specially if it bee compared with the gyfte For so littell dothe he deserue this loue and gift of God that nothyng can be more againste God nor nerer vnto the deuyll than the worlde is And yet this is the very testimonye and witnesse of Christ saying God so loued the worlde that he gaue his only begot-sonne Print this thyng well in thy mynd After that thou haste heard what God is and what is the gift that he geueth freely of mere loue learne this thynge also what is the worlde truely a great multitude of men that hath no faith that thinketh God vnfaithful of his promise yea and blasphemeth curseth and persecuteth his worde whiche are also disobedient to father and mother murtherers aduouterers traitours theues wicked persons c. as dayely examples shewe vs playnly that
the world is full of periurie and blasphemye To this so odious a beast and monster and extreme enemie of God geueth god his sonne and that of pure loue The gift of God is specially commended hereby that God dothe not let or spare to doo good for our so great wickednes and frowardnesse But what soeuer is done and cōmitted against him he regardeth it not No not in that that his name and worde is so blasphemously handled and such stubburnesse is vsed agaynst his commaundement For where as the gift is so excedyng and the geuer so great the geuer might of good reson be offended for the frowardnes of him that receaueth it But God ouercommeth hym selfe and putteth out of syght all the synnes that we work eyther against the fyrst or the seconde table of Moses But because of these synnes and this myserie wherwith we synners are encombred and so encombred that we could neuer escape without the help of God doth God put foorth this loue and bestoweth this gift freely vpon vs. Is not the mercyfull Lorde therfore worthy to bee loued again And ought we not to put our whole confidence in hym which forgeueth vs our synnes yea the synnes of all the world and doth not recken them although they are innumerable For seyng that the sinnes of one man are infinite who can numbre the syns of the whole worlde And yet is this sentence trewe and certayn that God forgeueth the worlde all their synnes For wheresoeuer is the loue of God there is also remission of synnes We shoulde haue here ready hertes to haue diligent meditation on this loue wher as God geueth to the world that is his enemye euen his owne selfe so that we shold loke for no other thing of hym but mere grace and mercy Whatsoeuer chāce in this lyfe yet shold our hope be in this loue and our faith remain constant in the mercy of God for Christ. Suche thoughtes must nedes be full of great ioy as I and many other godly mē do protest that we haue liued in all kind of abhomination and idolatrie haue ben defyled with dyuers syns This vngodlynes hath not God punished in vs after our deseruyng but hath declared his loue and hath by the gospel opened again his sonne which he had geuē to the world before that now we may heare again the holsom doctrin vnderstande that God is not angry with the worlde but loueth it in that he gaue his sonne to it But alas howe execrable is our ingratitude what excedyng dulnes of vnderstādyng is this that we can not consider this great goodnes of god For if we wold truly consider it ther shold rise in vs the affection of such ioy that we wold not onely shewe highe obedience vnto God but we would also gladly suffer all thynges for his sake But we may thank our vnbelefe for this which regardeth not this great ioye but in the meane while setteth his pleasure in worldly trifles and seketh for vain daliāce Thus farre haue we shortely rehersed these fower thynges who is the geuer what is the gifte howe it is geuen and to whome Whyche thynges are all so great that no man can expresse them sufficientely by wordes now foloweth the entent wherfore god gaue this gift Truly not that we should eate cloth our selues get a liuyng therby and muche lesse that he shold be vnto vs a poyson or pestilence as we teache also of Baptisme and of the Lordes supper that al these thinges might be counted wholsome vnto vs But it appereth plainly that he was geuen to this entent that all that beleue in hym shold not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe Here is it declared with playne woordes that in this matter there is no respect had vnto riches or worldly desires but that we myght therby be delyuered from death and synne and that we mighte not perishe This is the onely busynes that the Father of mere loue hath enioyned his sonne to do euen to ouer come the deuyl and hell and to deliuer vs from eternal death into the whiche we fel headlong by sinne This is the cause and entent why this gift was geuen Wherin we haue iust cause to beleue and trust stedfastly For we heare by the mouth of Christ that he hymself is geuen vnto vs and that the power of the diuell is weakened and ouerthrowen and power to pacifie the troubled conscience is restored to vs for the attainment of euerlasting life and saluation Death shal be abolished al ioy shal rise for this sure faith wherwith we beleue that God is merciful vnto vs that he loueth vs of very loue gaue his son vnto vs that we shold not perish but haue euerlastīg life The words be such that they can not be sufficiently cōprehended with thought Wherfore a christiā must daily pray that god by his spirit wyl make these words swete pleasant to our hertes and kendle and inflame them in our myndes Suche kind of teaching and discipline might easily make true doctors of diuinitie to teach vs truly of Christ and to iudge al other doctrines and to abyde all things with out murmuring that it shal please God to lay on vs. But where as it is so that we heare this doctrine and yet care not for it whether it take roote in vs or no and whether it bring forth fruite or no alas so are we neuer the better And there is no doubte but that the damned in the latter Iudgement shall chiefely be confounded in theym selfe for thys faultt that they despised thys preachynge and dydde not regarde it But nowe lette vs go foorth and see what is the waye to come by this gifte For all thyngs are not of lyke force to obteyne this gyfte Christ himself dothe shewe that playnly by his worde when he saith that all that beleue in him shold not perishe but haue euerlasting life This is an euident profe that onely Fayth that is the trust in the grace and mercy of God is the very hand wherwith we must take vnto vs thys gyft For euen as God geueth by loue and mercy so we do take and receaue by Faith and can receue no otherwise As for thy merite for doyng this or that it hath no place For our workes are nothyng requisite to the obteinyng of this gyfte onely is it necessary to shew our selues ready through Faith and euen as it is geuen of God by loue so we ought to receaue it by Faith in Christ. As for an example We heare here that God is merciful and redy to forgeue and that he doth declare his loue and charitie by this towarde vs when he sendeth his only begotten sonne into the fleshe and layeth our sinnes on hym accordyng to this sayinge of Iohn Beholde the Lambe of GOD whych taketh away the synnes of the worlde that by this gyft and loue oure heartes may be confirmed against synne and the
redy a perfect people for the Lord. That Iohn turned many by the preachyng of Gods word vnto the Lord it is manifest in the Euāgelical history What great multitudes of people S. Peter as I may speake nothing of the other apostels turned vnto Christ by preaching the word blessed Luke in his Chronicle of the Apostles acts doth partly declare Was not the holle world in a maner turned vnto the faith of Christ thorow the preaching of the word As sainct Paul saith Faith cōmeth by hearing and hearing cōmeth by the worde of God But I aske Haue they not heard No doubt their sound went oute into all landes and their woordes into the endes of the worlde In matters of controuersie concernyng religion it declareth and sheweth who maintaineth truthe and who approueth falshode It is the true touchestone wherby we easily discerne the true doctrine of Christ frō the fals corrupte teachyng of Antichrist And therefore it is called of the Psalmograph the faithfull testimonie or wytnes of the Lorde And in all matters of doubt the Prophet exhorteth vs to flee vnto this word of that to learne the certaintie of al matters cōcerning Faith and Doctrine If any man saieth he want lyght lette hym looke vpon the law the testimonie whether they speake not after this meanyng If he doo not this he stumbleth and suffreth hunger And if he suffer hunger he is out of pacience and blasphemeth his king his God So reade we of the noble men of Thessalonica whiche when they herd Paul and Sylas preache that Christ muste nedes suffer and rise agayn frome death for the saluation of the worlde receaued the word wyth all diligence of mynde and yet notwithstandyng searched the scriptures dayly whether those things were euen so as Paul and Sylas preached And therfore S. Paul afterward writing vnto thē as one greatly alowing this their act saith in his epistle Quench not the spirite despise not prophecyings Examyn al things kepe that which is good And. S. Iohn in his canonicall Epistle saieth Derely beloued beleue not euery spirite but proue the spirites whether they are of God or not c. It geueth wisedom to the simple to the poore in spirit to the hūble to the meke to the litle ones to the babes This wisdom is the true knowlege of god of his blessed wil. This wisedom cā we not haue but by the word as God himself saith by the prophet Unto whom shall I haue respect but vnto him that is poore of a lowly troubled spirit and standeth in awe of my wordes The fyne Phariseys the sawcie Saduceis the subtil Scribes the lustye Lawyers the bite●hepe Byshoppes the patteryng Priestes as I maye speake nothyng of the eloquente Oratours noble hystoriographers learned Poetes quickewitted Logitians farre syghted Astronomers c. were before the worlde great wyse learned men and yet vnderstode they nothyng of God aryght The symple ideots and vnlearned men had more true knowledge of God then all they as oure sauiour Christ sayd vnto his heauenly Father I thanke thee O Father Lord of heauen and earth because thou hast hid these thynges from the wyse and prudent hast shewed them vnto babes Uerily Father euē so was it thy good plesure Likewise sayth S. Paule Not many wise men after the flesh not many myghty not many of highe degree are called But God hathe chosen the foolish thynges of the worlde to confound the wise And God hath chosen the weake thynges of the worlde to confounde thynges whiche are mightie and vile thinges of the world and thynges whiche are despised hath God chosen yea and thinges of no reputation for to bring to naught things of reputation that no flesh should reioyce in his presence S. Iames also saith Hath not God chosen the poore of this worlde suche as are riche in Faith and heyres of the kyngdom which he promised to them that loue hym It reioyceth and maketh the heart mery as the Prophet Ieremie saieth When I had found thy wordes I dyd eate them vp gredily They haue made my heart ioyfull glad For thy name was called vpon me O Lord God of Hostes. The Prophete Ezechiel saith also I dyd eate the boke and it was in my mouth sweter then hony Were not these the woordes of the two disciples that went vnto Emaus after that Christ had interpreted vnto them the scriptures which wer writen of him Did not our heartes say they burne within vs while he talked with vs by the way and opened to vs the scriptures Who is able to expresse what ioy what mirth what solace what confort Adam and Heua receaued after their transgression when they heard out of the mouth of God that the sede of the womā should treade downe the serpentes head Who can sufficiently declare how greatly king Dauid being rebuked of the prophet Nathan for his whoredome and manslaughter was conforted and replenished with all true perfect gladnes when he heard out of the prophetes mouthe these most swete and confortable wordes The Lorde hath put away thy synne thou shalte not dye What ioye and confort the synfull woman conceaued in her heart which before was almost swalowed vp of sorowe for her wicked and synfull life past as her teares and outward behauiour do manifestly declare when she hearde these wordes out of the mouthe of Christ Thy synnes are forgeuen thee Go in peace no man is able to expresse The thefe likewise hanging on the crosse and hearyng these wordes spoken vnto him of Christ Uerily verily I say vnto thee This day shalte thou be with me in Paradise conceaued in his heart an vnoutspeakable ioye Many suche examples fynde we in the Scriptures bothe of the olde and newe Testament The worde of God I meane the Gospel of our Lord and Sauior Christ Iesu apprehended and layde hande on with a sure and strong faith bryngeth to the heart and conscience of man peace rest ioy solace confort c. For thys cause it is called the worde of reconciliation or attonement of ioy of peace of confort of helth of spirite of lyfe c. It lyghtneth the eyes It sheweth vnto men the ryght waie howe they ought to walke to please God and to doo those thynges which are acceptable vnto him It deliuereth men from the cloudes of ignorancie and from the darknes of mens traditions and openeth vnto them the glorious God that they may not stumble and walke safely in that way that the Lord hath appointed declinyng neither on the righte hande nor on the left hande as the Psalmographe saieth Thy worde O Lord is a lanterne vnto my fete and a lyghte to my pathewaies For this cause it is termed of the holye writers Light in diuers places of the sacred Bible Our Sauior Christ saieth This is condemnation that the light is come into the world and men haue loued
and to instructe in righteousnes that the man of God may be perfect and prepared vnto all good workes Thus haue we heard most dere brethren both what a precious pearle ioyfull iewell and noble treasure the woorde of God is and also what inestimable fruictes incomparable commodities and vnoutspeakable profites it bryngeth vnto vs. Uerily it is more woorthe then precious stones and all the thynges as Salomon saieth that thou canst desyre are not to be compared vnto it For the gettyng of it is better then any marchandise of syluer and the profite of it is better then gold Upon her ryght hand is long lyfe and vpon her left hande is richesse and honour Her waies are pleasant wayes and all her pathes are peaceable She is a tree of lyfe to them that lay holde vpon her and blessed is he that kepeth her faste For her doctrine is better then syluer and the knowledge thereof is more worthe then fyne gold and precious stones O blessed is the man that heareth the word of God watching dayly at her gates and geuyng attendance at the postes of her doores For who so fyndeth her fyndeth lyfe and shall obteyne fauoure of the LORDE But who so offendeth agaynste her hurteth his owne soule But all they that hate her are the louers of deathe Now what fruictes cōmodities and profites we receyue by the word of God we haue tofore partly heard Salomon addeth and saith That the worde of God geueth long life maketh mē to walke safely to slepe swetely deliuereth from sodain feare preserueth such as embrace her promoteth them bringeth thē vnto honor is lyfe vnto them and health vnto al their bodies deliuereth from the straunge woman and from the harlote which geueth swete woordes enricheth her louers with wisedome knowledge vnderstanding doctrine learning councell magnanimitie strength righteousnes iudgement richesse wealth prosperitie honour renoume glorie c. This incomparable treasure I meane the woorde of God with the fruites therof hath God of his great mercy committed vnto you by callyng you vnto the ministerie of his moste glorious Gospell and vnto the dispensation of his diuine misteries not that ye should become dumbe dogges not able to barke not that ye should conceale hyde and kepe secrete these ioyfull iewels and precious pearles but that ye should publish sette foorth declare and make them to be knowen to other as our Sauiour Christe saieth A citie that is sette on an hyll can not be hyd neither doo men lyght a candel and put it vnder a bushell but on a candell sticke and it geueth lyght vnto all that are in the house Agayn What I tell you in darknes that speake ye in lyghte And what ye heare in the eare that preache ye on the house tops God wyll haue his mysteries his lawes his decrees his statutes his testimonies blased abrode and made knowen to all creatures and not be kept in houcker moucker as thynges not able to abyde the lyght that all men may glorify prayse his holy blessed name by hauyng knowledge of them And that it may so come to passe accordynge to his godly wyll he hath called you to an office not to say masse not to mumble a great number of prayers in a strange tonge not to exorcise or coniure water salt bread candles fyre palmes ashes c. not to offer sacrifices for the quicke and the dead not to hear auricular confession not to absolue men from their synnes with a fewe latin wordes c. but to preache the gospell to declare the lawe of the Lorde to the people to publyshe his holy testament to reproue synne to declare to the world their vices synnes and wickednes to exhort al men to repentance fayth hope loue pacience long suffryng mercy gentlenes and such other fruictes of the spirite and to leade a lyfe agreable to theyr profession in all godlynesse and honestie As my Father hath sent me saieth Christ so send I you Now who knoweth not that Christ was sent to preache as he hymselfe saieth by the Prophete He hath sent me to preach the Gospell to the poore And in the Euangelicall hystorie he saieth Let vs go into the next townes that I may preache there also For therfore am I come And he preached sayeth the Euangelist in theyr synagoges and in all Galilee Again he sayth I must preache also to other cities the Gospell of the kyngdome of God for to that ende was I sent If ye therfore be sent of Christ and called vnto the ministerie and haue not rather thruste in your selues for hope of worldly gayne and bodyly ease euen to the entent that ye maye lyue wealthylye and ydelly of the labour of other mennes handes and of the sweate of other mennes browes as it is to bee feared that a greate number doo at this present daye rather seekyng their owne then the profyte of the flocke so are ye sent to preache not mennes traditions but the Gospell of the kyngdome of God And this was the commission that Christe gaue to his Apostles and to all theyr successours Goe sayeth he thoroughe out the worlde and preache the Gospell to euerye creature If ye therefore bee the successours of Christes Apostles so haue ye receaued an Iniunction frome the hyghe shepehearde and euerlastynge Byshoppe Iesus Christe to preache the Gospelle Neyther canne ye bee his Disciples excepte ye earnestly studye to obeye and fulfyll his Iniunction Christe woulde haue the loue of hys Apostles towarde hym none otherwyse knowen but by feedynge his lambes and shepe If thou louest me sayeth he feede my lambes feede my shepe fede my shepe If ye therefore wyll shewe your selues to loue Christe so muste ye feede the flocke of Christ as Sainct Peter saieth The Elders whiche are among you I exhorte whyche am also an elder and a wytnesse of the afflictions of Christe and also a partaker of the glorye that shall bee opened Feede ye Christes flocke as muche as lieth in you takyng the ouersyght of theym not as compelled thereto but wyllynglye not for the desyre of fylthy lucre but of a good mynde not as thoughe ye were lordes ouer the paryshes but that ye be an ensample to the flocke And whenne the chiefe shephearde shall appeare ye shall receaue an incorruptible crowne of glorie Now yf ye feede not the flocke of Christe but rather your selues if ye eate vp the fatte if ye clothe your selues wyth the wolle if ye deuoure the mylke and yet laboure not aboute the safe kepyng of the flocke but rather churlyshly and cruelly reigne and rule ouer them catchyng and snatchynge frome theym what ye can gette so that they are scattered here and there as shepe without a shephearde and are deuoured of all the beastes of the fielde howe can ye iustly saye that ye loue Christ If thou louest me saith he fede my lambes and fede my shepe Agayne Ye are my
with his craftes deceytes For not as much as the spirituall wickednes in heauenly things can lie hyd from him As Paul doth boste of this also 2. Corinth 2. that he knoweth the mynde and the thought of the dyuell And here is nede of no other wayse then to compare this doctryne with this chyld whether they do agree The Papacie extolle them selues hyghely for their gorgiouse ceremonies rites But who may not perceaue that al is idolatrie in that they beleue to merite saluation therby that is men put their truste in them to be saued therby and that they be pleasant to God as his due seruice wher as yet it is plainly declared in this place as touching this chyld that he must be oure sauiour Wherfore the Pope and the Bishops may be worthely accused for their false doctrine and wicked seruice For al theirs agreeth nothing with this doctrine of the Angell He that hath this sauiour as a rule is neuer ouerseen is neuer deceaued whatsoeuer he take vpon hym to Iudge Wherfore this thing is most worthie to be prayed for that the light of this childe may neuer go out of oure syght which openeth vnto vs all the wycked prankes of the dyuell and of the worlde that we may be sure agaynst all things and soone confounde with oure iudgementes whatsoeuer is set vp against this childe for the doctrine of oure saluation This matter hath not nede of farre compassinge and many words the meaning is playne It is not so in the sermon of the Angell Wherfore do not thou contrarie this counceller sent from GOD which teacheth me on this sorte that to me a sauiour is borne whose name is CHRIST and not Peter Paule or the rule of Augustin or of Frances not masses pylgrimages to saintes or pardons The proper office of this sauiour is to minister vnto me al things necessary for oure saluation Go not about to take this doctrine from me I wil not suffer my eyes to be bleared with any other This sermon of the Angell is passing all comparison at the whiche a great multitude of Angels mustereth together and setteth vppe quiers of Musike And the syngular order and processe of their verse is as much to be marueyled at as the sermon it selfe For they singe such a Genethliacon and byrth verse as was neuer heard of before in the worlde And the words therof are these Glorie be to God on hyghe and in earthe peace good will towards men THIS hymne consysteth of three partes The fyrst parte is not only so to be taken as thoughe the Churches office were thereby appoynted what is expediēt for it to do But it is also as a Prophecye what effect should herof ensue and that GODS great glory should ryse herof And the meaning of that Angels sermon is no other but that it was farre other wyse before this childe was borne and that ther was blasphemy and Idolatry at that tyme in the worlde For whatsoeuer is without Christ be it neuer so glorious and glystrynge yet can it bee counted no other thing then blaspheming of God Ther can be no wais to worshyp and glorifie God but by this chyld For in Christ only may the tru bounteousnes mercy and humanitie of God be knowen where as he spared not his onely begotten sonne but sent hym into the fleshe for our sake The greatnes of this benefite causeth the herts to cōceaue true loue trust hope toward God to geue him largely thanks This fruit song that Angels to be to come And that now it taketh his beginning wheras god is truly glorified on high not by our workes which cānot reach so high into heauē but by herts which frō the earth are raised surmoūt vpward to the mercyfull God and father with thankes geuyng and great confidence Wherfore loke wher this child is not truely knowen there can not God be truely glorified As the example of the worlde and specially of the people declareth that to be true when all things were ful of idolatrie when they folowed diuers sectes and ordeined so many kynde of worshippinges as there bee groues or hylles in the worlde as testifie the Prophetes of this thyng Yea and this was aboue all other a most damnable idolatrie where as their good entent was to God and to hym they did sacrifice fast vexe their bodies spared not lyfe it selfe yet all was diuellyshe and of their owne imaginations In these thyngs was gods glory bestowed This is the shame blasphemy wher with God is dishonored throughout all the erth wher as Christ is not knowē Of this therfore doth the angels reioyce in the behalfe of all thyngs that this blasphemie is now at an end There is moreouer an other dishonoryng of God which is lesse fine and more sensible then the former when men worship Mammon and suche lyke All thynges of the worlde are full of this idolatrie All men both great and small worshyp this grosse imagerie and in it put al their trust in time of nede Wherfore on all parts God is dishonored and blasphemed both of them that make an Idoll of their owne rightuousnes also of such as worshyp Mammon But now the Angels syng that it shal be other wyse at the appearyng of this light Men shall put no longer trust in their owne rightuousnes they shal not care for their parentes nor for those thyngs that other striue for They shall onely imbrace this sauiour and trust in hym And this shal be the beginnynge of gods true glorie so shall he be truly knowen glorified and worshypped Such glorie lost Adam in Paradise For so are all mens wittes corrupted by nature that they had rather haue the glorie them selues take for an example the Pope and byshops They are very riche yet can they not be brought in mind to promote the word of GOD. And howe can they but greatly esteme it seyng the basest persones that be loue to be glorified Seynge therefore that it is so in the lowest persones that none would be without glorie how muche more must it so come to passe with them that hath such high matters in hande suche holynesse rightuousnes good workes ciuile honestie and behauioure These wyll not well be contente that GOD shoulde haue his honour They will not suffer their owne honoure to be dimynished therby Suche ambition besieged men when the fyrste of mankynde in Paradise were brought of the diuell to that point that they would be like vnto God and we can neuer liue without it Wherfore al men for that gyfts of God as science riches imperie and diuers vertues c. seketh thē selues glorie yea in very trifles this vice cannot be escaped But the angels mean that through the light of this chylde it shal come otherwise to passe and that nowe Gods glorie shall be surrendred vnto him again and therfore they reioyce and syng both for Gods and mans behalf for the true difference of
down headlong into destruction After lyke maner doo our Monkes calle oure doctrine dyuellyshe and hereticall They shewe foorthe theyr prayers fastes they crake of a great burdein What say they shold this be nothing should God be against all this Then let vs doo euyll let vs surfet and bee whooremongers that by these thynges we maye make oure selfe allowable to GOD and gette saluation seynge good woorkes preuayle nothynge to thys Theyr offence also is dampnable and stumblyng to theyr confusyon that they can neuer aryse Wherefore yf thou bee delyghted trewely wyth the state of Christianitie so behaue thy selfe that thy Prince CHRIT thou thy selfe thy doctrine and all thy trade of lyuyng maye not please men For here thou hearest without any longe circumstaunces that Christ is in the worlde as a stumblyng blocke caste in the way at the whiche all the myghtie and holye men shall stumble Wherfore if thou doest not refuse to be called an heretike a foole and a seducer ioyne thy selfe with this kynge If thou myslyke this state haue nothyng to doo with this kyng For it is an vnmutable lawe of this kyng and of his kingdom that according to the Prophete bothe the maister and his disciples the lorde and his seruantes whiche the lorde hym selfe haue geuen bee for a signe and wonder for a stumbling stone and rocke to fall at But after this terrible Image of the greuous wrathe of God there is putte forth an other exāple ful of humanitie and swete comfort whiche is not to be passed by For many saith he he is put for to ryse by Nowe therfore turne thy selfe vnto them that receaue this kyng and that doubt not for his sake to put their lyfe and that they haue in ieopardie These doo rise vp by CHRIST For they knowe this that in theim selues they haue no hope of saluation They that are fallen downe on this wyse fynde helpe to ryse by in this signe Other ware fierce against those thyngs they blaspheme they curse with great impudencie and pride Take diligent hede that this offence moue the not But as a man woulde say turne awaye thy eyes for as muche as it can be no otherwise with thys chylde Seke for to delyght thy eyes in beholdyng thys poore and nedye people whyche fynde in thys chylde a way to rise by Whatsoeuer is in combrance or heauy laden braste or disconforted in heart fynally whatsoeuer is redy to perishe all that is appointed to this king All things condemned are restored by hym folishe things learne to be wyse and things that are blamable are iustified and sanctified by him Stycke sure to this cōforte and neuer fall thou from this man In the Popedome say they all things were quiet there was no trouble neither by heresies neither by dissention But by and by at the springing of this doctrine sprong vp also all trouble so that very litle good or nothing at al is come therby To suche reprouers such an aunswere mayste thou geue That the Gospell of CHRIST shall neuer be preached earnestly but with the fall and ouerthrowe of many which afterward do become the begynners of great turmoylings But yet neuer the lesse we muste not leaue this commoditie vnspoken of in that certaine do embrace and recouer their falle And these be consciences that be in myserie and affliction which in their feare receaue confort by the Gospell This thing will not oure aduersaries consyder they behold only the falle and offence which could by no meanes be escaped not for the fault of the doctryn which is good syncere and perfecte but by the fault of men which will not applie thē selues to this doctryn neither obey it But here cōsider the matter vprightly whether it were not muche better that the Papistes should be offended by oure example than that the dyuell should rule in all places without offence in quiet possession by Idolatrie and false doctrin and the miserable men driuen to perdition by whole flockes For who had not rather suffer a short punishement for a tyme than an endlesse punishemēt And this punishemēt was euerlasting and vnrecouerable in that that in the Popedome was corrupt doctrine without any knowledge of God without any true seruice We haue proued this tried in many generall Councels how this doctrine might be applied to all men offēd no man But the matter is euident that if thou take away this offence Christ can not remayne For at the sight of this man forthwith riseth trouble ruine and falling And vnto vs also at the laste is Christ come by his Gospell and that whilest we do thinke litle theron euen as he came also to the Iewes Whiche thyng we ought to repute for a great renoume and to geue great thanks therfore for that that we are thought worthy of so vnspeakable grace and goodnes of God The Pope and the Bishops be angry because God called not them fyrst to Councell in this matter that the reformation of the Church myght be set vpon by their assent And because God vsed not this order in so doyng there riseth offence euery where Christ after his maner preacheth freely the Pope and the Bishops will not suffer that Hereof commeth this trouble And the prophecie of Simeon endureth for euer in that this child is put forth to the falling of many in Israel yea rather in all the worlde Wherfore it muste nedes be that offences come As Christ saith in an other place There muste be sectes and heresies The doctrine is not without persecutiō Yet remaineth Christ in the middest of their furies and madnes and some men rise in him and be saued Other do falle and perishe that wold faine haue Christ to be after an other sorte than he is sent of God the Father that he should be a blocke to helpe that he should lyfte vp and make men rise And wheras the madnes of many is suche that they will not crepe humbly to this blocke but stryue against hym with a styffe necke so by their owne desire put them self in perill of falling Here is no fault in Christ but in these mad men which thorough their pryde make Christ which is put forth for a sygne to rise by a signe of falling and ruine Wherfore the Gospell is falsly slaundered to be a troblesome and a seditious doctrine as the Pope and Byshops say it is as though no euill rose by them in the cōmon welth and as though they dyd not stirre vppe all kynd of myserie and plagues by their synnes and Idolatries If they wold geue place to this doctrine caste no stoppe against it there should be no dissention nor any other euill But where as they set them selfs stubburnely against it and thinke not them self mete to geue place what marueil is it if God doth not alway after their desyers Ye the Iewes also were offended in Christ. Ther was no fault in Christ which wold rather haue them saued and
mother Mary and Iohn the Baptist and other excellent sainctes But his procedyng is named to be from the old days Wherfore death could not shewe suche strength in this chylde wherwith hytherto he kylled all men For wher as he was God he coulde not synne neither bee made gyltie by the lawe neither be killed of deth neither damned of the diuel And yet for all that forasmuche as he had his procedynge in tyme out of Bethleem and was borne into the worlde as other chyldren were he coulde not but dye Hereof it is that death and the dyuell layeth snares for theym selues which consyder no more then the procedyng out of Bethleem And after this procedyng the chyld is in daunger of death But when he was now in his Sepulchre he trieth his righte by these woordes I was borne before the world and so by the diuine and godly power he breaketh the bandes of death of synne and of the diuel that they can take no hold vpon him at all Suche a memoriall would this Prophete set foorth as touchyng this kynge that we shoulde not be ignorant of his two maner of procedynges or as we saye of two maner of byrths For he is such a person whiche is bothe a true GOD and also a very man but yet on suche wyse that he is not two persons but one So that he confesseth that CHRIST is the sonne of Mary whiche sucked at her brestes and encreased in the body as other men dyd But yet neuerthelesse he was borne before the worlde without beginnynge so that nowe these two seuerall substances of manhoode and godhead be withoute separation vnited togyther in one persone and ioyned togyther This dyd not the hygh priestes tell Herode neyther was he worthye to knowe so greate mysterie This byrthe is excedynge meruaylous whiche if we desyre to knowe we muste take our begynnyng of our discipline and meditation out of his procedyng in Bethleem As this also is the order of the Prophete as soon as he reherseth the carnall byrthe Yea and hee maketh more large mention as touchyng this than as concernyng that byrthe that is eternalle For hee that wylle meddle wyth matters belongyng to God without peryll muste begyn at the lowest and first of all learne what thynge he doothe in the earthe and howe hee reueleth and openeth hym self to men Then shal he go foorth with out stumblyng as the order of the Prophetes description appoynteth and shall know that this chyld was borne from euerlastyng Then shall it not bee terrible but pleasant cōfortable But the ouerthwart nature of men marreth confoundethe all thynges because that all begyn their discipline at predestination Sithe God knewe all thynges before why dyd hee not take hede that man should not haue fallen And if thou takest this waye to the knowledge of God thou shalte fall downe headlong For this was the fall of Lucifer whiche coueted so hygh renoume that he coulde not comprehende hym selfe for pride But if thou wilt go the right waye to the knowledge of God take thy begynnyng at Christes swathing bands As the prophet setteth foorth this order that a man should fyrst go to Bethleem and afterward clymbe vp into heauen and to eternitie As Christ hym selfe teacheth where as he sayth Philyp I am the waye he that seeth me seeth the father He that despiseth these principles and tendeth or goeth forthewith to the hyghest as to searche what is the gouernement of God how he punysheth This reward of his folishnes he taketh euen to stumble to his damnation As the wise man saith He that is a searcher of the maiestie shall be oppressed of his glorie Wherfore this is the true waye for hym that desyreth the true knowledge of this chyld fyrst to come to Bethleem Then when he hath sufficientely beholden and considered hym in the maunger this will succede of it selfe that he is not onely the sonne of Mary but also the sonne of God borne of God before there was any creature created of God And so the matter shall be without perill For when thou canst truly comprehende this man Christ thou shalt know God also If thou beleuest in hym thou beleuest in God If thou callest vpon hym thou callest vpon God ▪ If thou blasphemest hym thou blasphemest God And this is the Prophecie as touchynge the chylde Iesus in Bethleem But consyder also therwith the peruerse and vnresonable reason of Herode and of the Scribes Herode persecutethe this chylde the Scribes despyse hym This way of God is worthy to be had in mynd whiche putteth foorthe a moste euident scripture to men wherof they may talke syng and speake dayly in their communication and yet they vnderstand not a word thereof For is not thys a straunge and monstrous thynge that the Scribes recite thys Prophecie Herode after the iudgemente of the Prophecie sendeth to Bethleem and addeth therto hym selfe saying Make dyligente searche for the chylde and whenne ye haue founde hym brynge me woorde that I maye come and worshyppe hym And yet they vnderstande not one iote of the meanynge thereof They are alwayes kept busye with the shadowes they neuer attayne to the bodye of the matter Neither goeth the matter anye otherwyse at this tyme amonge the vnkynde yea and that not onely amonge the Papistes whyche haue the Bible as wel as we whiche reade it and knowe it as wee doo but also amonge men of our part They reason of the Gospell but they vnderstande nothynge therof at all For if they vnderstode it they woulde with all their hearte declare it in theyr lyuyng As the Scribes and Herode reherseth this Prophete by mouthe But yf they had vnderstande they woulde haue surely gone with the wise men to this chylde and woorshypped hym But in that they doo not so and in that they despyse these greate thynges as the brute beastes doo it is a token that they knowe not that thynge whyche they teache other Wherefore Christians haue this aboue all other that they doo not onely heare but also vnderstande the woordes and conceaue an exceadynge meruaylle and pleasure thereof Wherefore althoughe that the worlde the Pope and our proude Citisens and husbandmenne doo farre passe vs both in rychesse strengthe and dygnitie yet wee knowe that we passe theym agayne farre in thys and that thys is theyr incredyble punyshemente that notwithstandynge they doo heare Gods woorde talke of it and teache it vnto other yet doo they vnderstande nothynge at all thereof As theyr owne lyfe maye bee an euidente proofe of thys that they haue eares as the Iewes had and heare not they haue eies and yet see not Let vs pray to GOD that he wil through the starre of his moste holy worde lead vs to his son Iesus Christ and preserue vs for euer agaynst all offences of his goodnes Amen An other sermon of the Baptisme of Christ vpon Twelfth daye Math. iii. THen came Iesus from Galile to
suerty that God is merciful vnto them But why is Christ baptised which neuerthelesse is without synne Not for his owne behalf but for ours which are synners For he taketh oure synnes vpon hym and deliuereth vs from them And for this cause he cometh to baptisme as the Euangelist sheweth very properly wheras he saith Christ forbidden of Iohn aunswereth Suffer me for this is it mete to fulfill all righteousnes Which is as much as to say In his baptisme is conteyned the righteousnes of al the world For wheras al the worlds synnes are put on me if the recouer of the worlde be sought for I muste do that that God commanded synners to do that is that they should be baptised of the. Do not thou forbyd it but rather further it that euen as I do gladly take vpon me baptisme for synnes sake so do thou gladly procure baptisme for me that the wrath of God may be pacified and remission of synnes ordeyned To this meaning sendeth the Father this voyce out of heauen This is my dearly beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased He speaketh these words at that tyme when Christ is baptised that we may vnderstande that this is oure baptisme and thinke surely that the wrathe of God is pacified and oure synnes purged by this baptisme and that God wil receaue vs again into fauour for his sonnes sake No difficultie or combrance be it neuer so great should take the sound of this voyce and so magnificēt a reuelation out of oure sight and mynde wheras the Lord oure GOD openeth the heauens and sendeth doune the holy Ghost in the forme of a doue wher as God the Father hym self sendeth forth such a pleasant voyce saying Beholde here is for you my sonne whome I loue and esteme aboue all things yea and my self also wholy for you But what doth the sonne he behaueth hym selfe as a miserable and wretched synner and is baptised of Iohn There coulde be no gentler and meker reuelatiō of al the godheade according to the three persons in three sortes than this was so that all men may be sure of this that he that receaueth Christ and beleueth his word and trusteth in his working pleaseth God in all pointes Which thing is set forth and confirmed in this place Whatsoeuer he commandeth saith or doth all that is verily after the will and pleasure of the Father Blessed were we if we wold obey his will and embrace his sonne with a stedfaste faith and confidence But who wold not meruaill at the great madnes of them which at the sound of this most magnificent voice passe by as deafe But yet the rable of Papistes adde to this contempte a more greuouse crime They curse and persecute this voyce and they speake with open blasphemy that Christ is not only he in whome the Father is delighted but that he is delighted also in Mounkes Masses Pilgrimages and suche lyke He that wold earnestly ponder with hym selfe what a blasphemy this is to dishonour and disgrace Gods goodnes and humanitie with such pryde wold thynk it better to dye then to lyue leaste he should fede on that ayer with this wicked kinde Wherfore my childern learne this whyle ye haue occasion A fewe yeares paste ye knew not these things Then was heauen shut vppe Then were we fayne to hear and beleue Mounkes dreames as touchyng purgatorie and terrible spirits and soules and suche other lyes But now other things are taught and only it remayneth that men learne But for as muche as we preuayle nothing with the worlde as touching this at leaste wyse let vs remember oure duetye and geue GOD thankes for this benefite for that he reueleth his mynde vnto vs on this daye geuing vnto vs a thing of inestimable pryce euen the holye Ghost in the lykenes of a doue his owne sonne at Iordane in baptisme and hym self in a voyce full of maiestie and confort Who woulde not therfore condemne hym worthely whiche geueth not thanks which reioyceth not which receaueth not the sonne of God with a feruent desyer whiche standeth here in Iordane receueth baptisme as a synner Upon whom commeth the holy Ghost in the sight of a doue where the Fathers voyce is so nighe that it can be no nigher There is no doubt but that the angels of God were present For where as is the Father the sonne and the holy Ghoste there muste nedes be a great multitude of Angels Wherfore see that ye esteme this hystory hyghly In dede it is a reuelatiō wher as CHRIST openeth hym self to the wyse men by a starre But this reuelation passeth that very farre For these are three especiall kynges God the Father God the sonne and God the holy Ghost whiche are al present together when Christ is baptised If it had so pleased hym this reuelation might haue ben done as well either in the wildernes or in the temple of Ierusalem But it was shewed euen at baptisme of the set purpose of God that we might learne religiously and reuerently to esteme baptisme And bycause we also are baptised let vs esteme oure selues no other wyse then fresh and new made sayntes The pratynge of the Anabaptistes is very great where as they say now that baptisme is nothyng els than water But with what word myght a man sufficientlye curse these execrable heddye persons This is the Iudgement of brute beastes and not of Christians For there is not only water but also the worde of GOD as it is seen at CHRITES Baptisme For God the Father the Sonne and the holye Ghost is present Wherfore it is no more water of the Element but suche water as in the which the Sonne of God is washed vpon the which the holy Ghost is caried God the Father preacheth that this water might not be counted symple water but sanctified whereat God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost is present As Christ also for that cause appoynteth the forme of baptisme that it should be geuen in the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holy Ghost Wherfore when a chylde is now baptised the Sonne of GOD is present at this baptisme whiche with his body The holy Ghoste whiche with his presence God the Father whiche with his voyce hath consecrated and halowed baptisme Wherfore it can not be said that it is but water For all the Godhead is present And for this cause we iudge baptisme no mans worke For although a man baptiseth yet he baptiseth not in his name but in the name of the Father of the sonne and of the holy Ghost whiche come and are present at the worke of their owne accorde Or els that wold neuer folow at baptisme that ought to folow Now who is he that wold count this vile and of no valew that God the father the sonne the holy Ghost is present who will be so bold as to calle it very water Is it not euident what God of his owne addeth to
attentiuely here Gods worde and studiously exercise thē selues therin They must desire of God the holy ghost and neuer cast away Gods worde they must always be ready to fight against the deuyll and his subtilties desiryng God alwais to send them helpe defence and pacience And such men waxe perfect christians wher as contrarywise they that thinke it Gods will not to be that all should be saued either they fall into desperation or els into a dissolute careles liuing whiche afterward nothing differ frō beasts in their cōuersatiō whilest that they thynke on this wise Now it is decreed alredy whether I shal be saued or damned Why then should I bestow labour in vayn But thou sholdest not on this wise take thy beginnyng where thou shouldest haue ended This commaundement of God is put forth before thee that thou shouldest beleue in Christ that he is thy sauiour that hath satisfied for thy synnes This cōmandement must thou folow And if thou felest that thou haste no faith or very litle pray to god for the holy ghost and doubt not Christ is thy sauiour and thou arte predestinate to be saued yf thou beleuest that is if thou with a sure faithe trustest in hym and commyttest thy selfe vnto hym The which GOD graunt vs all through the same our Lord Iesus Christ. Amen Amen The Sonday called Sexagesima ¶ The Gospell Luke viii WHen muche people were gathered together and were come to him out of al Cities he spake by a similitude The sower went out to sow his sede and as he sowed some felle by the waye side and it was troden downe and the foules of the ayre deuoured it vp And some fell on stones and assone as it was spronge vp it wythered away because it lacked moystnesse And some felle amonge thornes and the thornes sprang vp with it and choked it And som fell on good ground and sprang vp bare fruict an hundreth folde And as he saide these thynges he cried He that hath eares to heare let hym heare And his disciples asked him sayinge What maner of similitude is this And he said Unto you it is geuen to knowe the secretes of the kyngdome of God but to other by parables that when they see they should not see and when they heare they shoulde not vnderstand The parable is this The sede is the words of God Those that are besyde the waie are they that heare then commeth the deuyll and taketh away the worde out of their heartes least they should beleue and be saued They on the stones are they whiche when they heare receyue the worde with ioy and these haue no rootes which for a while beleue and in tyme of temptation go awaie And that whiche fell amonge thornes are they whiche when they haue hearde go foorthe and are choked with cares and richesse and voluptuous lyuyng and brynge foorth no fruite That whiche fell in the good ground are they which with a pure and good heart heare the worde kepe it and bryng foorth fruite through pacience THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell are put foorth fower kynd of disciples that heare the word of God to th end that euery man shold cōsider with himselfe of what sort he him self is of and endeuour with all diligence to be made a part of that good ground and soile that he maye bee fruictfull The first saith Christ be as the sede cast by the hie way and that can bring forth no fruict For because it is either trode vnder foote or deuoured of birdes The second are they that heare and professe it not onely in worde but beleueth so groweth as though it wold bryng forth fruict as that doth that is sowed amongest stones but yet they can not abyde heate for that they can not deepely caste their rootes and so by iuyce and moysture saue them selues agaynste heate Wherfore they when there cometh any tempestuous persecution and temptation wyther away before they yelde fruict in pacience long suffering and hope The third sort at most easiest to be knowen They are christians and as a man would saye sede vnder thornes which although it bringeth forth blade yet before haruest it is ouergrowen of thornes and choked vp But the fourth ar true disciples whē a pure mynd is ioyned with the word is not cast out therof vntil it bring forth fruict in paciēce For they suffer all things for the wordes sake their study is wholly to loue obey God yeldeth fruict a thousand fold And these ar the foure sortes of mē that hear the gospel Now let euery mā search himself cōsider of which sort he is of For thre of them be naught vnfruictful And specially the first are worst of all which heare the word when it is herd saith Christ the diuel cōmeth taketh the word out of their heartes that they may not beleue be saued Marke this wel For by myne owne iudgement I wold neuer haue thought that the herts whilest thei hear the word of God ar besieged assaulted of the diuel that though they here it yet litle regard it neuer remēber it but vtterly forget it It semeth to our resō to be but a chaūce that these mē are so careles light negligēt enē as it is a natural vice of negligēt forgetfull persons to take litle hede to things that ar most profitable necessary And it semeth also to be a like matter to our iudgemēt whē the word of God is heard not regarded but forthwith forgottē But Christ iudgeth other wise euē that the diuel stealeth the word out of the herts of mē And here ye se what ye ought to iudge of those men that ar forgetful when they here the word For thei behaue themselues so afterwarde as though they had neuer heard it They can not trust that they haue the holy ghost for the deuil is so nigh thē that he putteth his hand into their heart stealeth out the worde Wherfore all kind of vice must nedes ensue therof stubbornesse disobedience vnfaithfulnes iniquitie filthines diuelish desire to reuenge For if the word remained still in the heart they had herd it attentiuely it wold haue garnished their heartes with true obedience faith modestie mercie such lyke vertues And these are the first worst of al. Christ is not a littell offended with these vntoward persons and therfore he rebuketh none so sharply as them For this he opēly affirmeth that the dyuels flying in the aire steale the word out of their hertes that they may not regard it nor set so much by it nor thinke it to be so great a faulte if men lightly esteme the voyce of Gods worde But if thou wilte knowe how this trespas is to be iudged heare the iudgement of Christ which without doubt vnderstandeth better thā al the wisedom of the world can And he saith precisely that the diuel doth it wherfore whersoeuer any such be that
God vnto dumbe and beggerly ceremonies that they whiche are all redy snarled with the bondes of idolatrie and superstition might be holdē the more strongly with the same and confirmed lest at any tyme they should begyn to leane and truste vnto the woorde of God and his mercy and so at the laste bee saued All suche miracles sygnes and wonders are wrought by the deuyl and ar lying false and vntrue as S. Paule termeth them yea they are nothyng els then playn sorcerie and iuglynge to deceaue them that are vnfaythfull because they would not embrace the truthe that they myght be saued Thynke thou those to be the true signes and miracles wherwith Christe the Apostles through the word did cast out the deuil so that he against his wil was cōpelled to depart For ther was no such daliance neither declared he himself of his own frewil to go away In those miracles the deuill was enforced against his will to geue place to the word of God that vnto this end that the glorie of God might be set forth the christen religion confirmed stablished this dothe not the deuil gladly Therfore in such agony conflict strife against the deuill crosses halowed candels holy water such other trifles do no good at all Where it is for the deuils profit and for the enlargement confirmation of his kyngdom in all superstition idolatrie false religion wickednes c. that he should be put out that by this meanes the wycked worlde may receaue the punyshemente of their frowardnes because they wyll not call vppon Christe and so be the more depely drowned in superstition there it is possible that the deuyll will suffer himselfe to be expelled and caste out of suche wicked persones as Sorcerers Necromancers witches and such lyke are For thys is not done to the ende that the Gospell maye be aduanced and the truthe knowen but that errour may be confirmed that the more authoritie may be geuen to monkerye to the inuocation of Sainctes to Pylgremages to Uigiles to Masses and to suche lyke trumperie For the mayntenance of these thynges wherwith the glorie of God is obscured and the truthe of his holye word hindred the deuyl is wel content to geue place and to suffer himselfe to be caste oute But where the castyng out of the deuyll is done to this end that the fynger and power of GOD may be sene and that the kyngdome of God may be stablyshed there the deuill resysteth wrastleth and sheweth him selfe vnwilling to depart and maintaineth his abode there so long as he can as Christ teacheth in the Parable of the strong armed man Therfore let vs neuer forget this great exceding mercy singular goodnes of the Lord our God but most humbly and hertily thanke hym that he hath sente his sonne to be an helper vnto vs against the deuil to cast hym out and hath geuen vs his worde wherby euen nowe also that worke is done I meane the kyngdom of the deuill is destroied and the kyngdom of God is set vp and encreaced In this grace God for his mercy euer kepe vs for his dere sonnes sake Iesus Christ our Lorde and alone Sauior to whom with God the faand the holy ghost be all glorie for euermore Amen The fourthe Sondaye in Lent ¶ The Gospell Iohn vi IEsus departed ouer the sea of Galile whiche is the sea of Tiberias and a greate multitude folowed him because they saw his miracles whiche he dyd on them that were diseased And Iesus went vp into a mountayne and there he sat with his Disciples And Easter a feaste of the Iewes was nye When Iesus then lyfte vp his eyes and sawe a great company come vnto hym he sayde vnto Philip whence shall we bye bread that these may eate This he sayde to proue hym for he hym selfe knewe what he woulde do Philip aunswered him two hundred penyworth of bread are not sufficient for them that euery man may take a lyttle One of his Disciples Andrewe Simon Peters brother sayeth vnto hym There is a lad whiche hath fiue Barlye loaues and two fishes but what are they a monge so many And Iesus sayde make the people sit downe There was muche grasse in the place So the men sat downe in number about fiue thousande And Iesus toke the bread and when he had geuen thankes he gaue to the Disciples and the Disciples to them that were set downe and lykewyse of the fyshes as muche as they would When they hadde eaten ynough he sayde vnto his Disciples gather vp the broken meate whiche remayneth that nothyng be lost And they gathered it together and fylled .xii. baskettes with the broken meate of the fyue barley loaues which broken meate remayned vnto them that had eaten Then those men when they had sene the miracle that Iesus dyd sayde this is of a trueth the same Prophete that shoulde come into the worlde THE EXPOSITION IN this Gospell we learne that our Sauiour CHRIST hath a syngular and special care for them that folow him that seeke the kyngdom of God and the rightuousnes thereof and sette theyr chief delectation and pleasure in hearyng the worde of God and in practisyng the same so that all such shall want no good thyng necessary for theyr lyuynge but shall haue abundantlye what so euer is needfull so farre is it of that they neede to despayre of Goddes prouidence in this behalfe as though he were ledde wyth no care at all towarde theym and theyr necessities Thys doctrine the wicked worldlyngs and couetous carles are not woorthy to heare muche lesse to beleue seyng theyr myndes are otherwyse sette In dede they heare that Christe bounteously wroughte thys great miracle but they doo not beleue that Christe wylle doo the same for theym Therefore are they all together gyuen to the worlde scrape and rake together what so euer they can gette by hooke or by crooke by ryght or by wrong by laufull or vnlaufull meanes declaryng by all theyr doynges that they haue no good and faithful persuasion of Gods prouidence and that Christe neyther can nor wyll deale with them as he dyd with this people of whom oure Gospell maketh mencion Yea some of them after the maner of Epicures thynke God to bee a carelesse God and not to regarde hys people but to sytte ydell in heauen gasing about I can not tell vpon what And therefore they thynke it to bee their charge and duetie to carke and care to aforesee and prouide all thynges necessary for them selues that they suffer not hunger and colde c. But suche men yea rather monsters of men Christe regardeth not They that embrace his word Christe conforteth them in this place that he will fede theym not with wordes but with dedes euen with all thinges necessarie Let vs not doubt thynke or compasse in our mynde how we should be nouryshed but lette vs put our whole confidence in
will we chose out of it onely this principall point namelye that Christ sayth we ought gladly to heare the worde of God and that he which heareth the worde of God is of God Contrariwise he that heareth not the word of god is not of god These wordes are so symply and plainly spoken of Christ that no man wil thincke that they be of any great weight or muche to be estemed But he that knoweth these thinges truly searcheth pondereth earnestly what this meaneth to be of God or not of God he shal soone perceaue that the thinges wherof Christ here speaketh are of greate waight and singuler importaunce For this is certen that mā can haue no greater faulte layde to his charge neither can he suffer anye greater infamye then to be reported that he is not of God All the displeasures that can chaunce to a man in this life be they neuer so greuous and many are not to be compared to this that Christ in fewe wordes sayeth to y● Iewes ye are not of god Therfore all the matter cōsisteth in this thing that we heare the worde of god and kepe it For this is euidēt thorow the whole story of the gospell that they which wil not here the worde of God but speake euil of it and blaspheme it folowe the deuil and are obedient vnto him which caryeth them whyther he wyll and vseth them to what purpose he lysteth and the lenger the worse as we maye see in the Gospell of this present Sonday Firste the Iewes are angrye because Christ begynneth to preache Afterwarde they begin to speake euill and spiteful wordes of hym callynge him a Samaritane and sayinge that he hath a deuill This might seme to be wycked ynough Not withstandynge they procede and go forwarde with their wickednes and ware still madder and madder What makest thou saye they of thy selfe to be shorte they geue ouer themselfes so greatly to all vngodlines and mischife that at the last they bende them selues vnto murder and take vp stones to kyll Christe Into this horrible wyckednes are they fallen because they despise the worde of God because they blaspheme god and his worde and speake euil of the lorde Christ. And here ye see what it is to be of the deuil verely not to heare the worde of god to blaspheme the true god to speake ill of him and to go about to murder him Of this sorte in these our dayes are stubborne disobediēt children which wil not obeir their parētes but despise both them their cōmaundementes Afterwarde they go forward in their wickednes they curse their parēts and rayle on them And although they do not execute the very acte of murder vpon them yet wyshe they their parentes dead or els they them selues lyue so vngraciously that their parentes wyshe them selfes rather dead then a lyue And all this come to passe because such wycked children wil not heare the worde of god nor endeuour them selues to kepe it And thus goeth it thorow out the worlde where they will not heare the worde of God and frame them selfes to liue accordyng therunto as we may see in euill speakers lyars blasphemers fighters ruffins and suche other wicked persons whiche go forward dayly more and more in their wickednes tyll at the last they come to a shamefull ende Of this matter haue we also experience in the Papistes whiche the longer they continewe the worse and madder they are They rayle they speake euill they curse they blaspheme both the worde and the preachers thereof and neuer ceasse frō their furious madnes and mad furie till they condēne the worde for heresie and the professours thereof for heretikes Scismatikes aprehending them casting them in prison and afterwarde moste cruelly murderyng them with fyre with sweorde with halter with water Uerely the contempte and despising of godes worde is the greatest synne that may be For in other synnes when a man offendeth he may be reproued taught to do better the giltie will acknowledge and confesse his fault but in this synne when the worde of God is contemned and blasphemed the professours therof are most miserably entreated at the last most cruelly murthered it is not possible that the auctours of this most abhominable wickednes will suffer them selues ones to be admonished of their faultes or be persuaded that they do euill Yea they thincke they do well and that in so doinge they please god and do god hye seruice As for the doctrine that they condēne it is saye they playne heresie And as touchinge the professours thereof what other are they then wicked heretikes so wers of newe doctrine deceauers of the poore scismatykes Apostatas forsakers of the tētes of Israell enemies of our mother holy churche troublers of the comon weale and at the laste what not whome to destroye and vtterly to take awaye from the face of the earth who is so farre estranged from the rule of reason that will not iudge it a moste reasonable and lawfull acte Thus they please thē selfes in their wickednes They reioyce when they haue done euill and ioye in their synnes so farre is it of that they are ashamed of their euill doing where as in all other synnes comonly the contrarye is founde Therfore it commeth of the deuill not to heare the worde of GOD but to blaspheme it and to persecute the preachers of it This wyckednes of the Papistes aboue all things must be eschewed of them that hope for any parte of gods kyngdome otherwise nothinge is to be loked for at the hande of God but anger indignation at the laste death damnation For this is an harde and greuous worde that Christ speaketh here to the Iewes ye heare not the worde of god therfore are ye not of God For he that is not of God is of the deuill and is opprest with the greatest plagues and pestilences that can be deuised No man can wishe vnto him a greater euill then he is all redy fall into It is lamentable to consider that this great and abhominable synne is nowe cōmon almost among all states I meane the contempte of hearinge gods worde and specially amonge them that be of greate authoritie If a man saye vnto them thou doest not well that thou cōmest no ofter to the sermons What doest thou set them at naught this thinge sheweth euidentlye that thou art not of god The greatest part of thē wil answer on this maner what haue I to do with sermōs I knowe my selfe I trow what is best to be done If thou be importunat vpon them and tell them they must take an other waie or els they can not be saued thou shalte fynde them by litle litle to be exasperate and moued that they will rayle vpon thee threaten the a displeasure if thou hold not thy peace This is suche an horrible wyckednes and greuous synne that it maketh any Christen heart to tremble
trēble they as these do 〈◊〉 fele no consolation nor conforte in the worde for he that feleth death and is not armed with the worde of god against death the terrours of the same he is madde wode frantike fareth as though he were in desperation yea and possessed with the deuil Cōsider therfore O dearely beloued what a great treasure precious Iewel ye get when ye diligently gladly heare the word of God The firste is this ye know the ye are of god haue ouercome the deuil and al his infernal armie that neither sinne nor damnation hath any power ouer you Moreouer what soeuer shoulde be obiected againste you to the hyndraunce of your saluation it can not preuaile againste you but ye shall easely ouercome it But contrariwise the worlde with the leaste trouble that cōmeth waxeth madde is impaciēt falleth vnto vtter desperation The Christians vndoubtedly in this worlde haue many troubles For the worlde the deuil hate thē most extremely Therfore are they at al times in daunger of life of goods of fame of al that euer they haue Now how shal they fynde meanes to suffer these thinges paciently verely by none otherwaye then by holdinge faste the worde and cleauinge harde to the same saying let it go as it wil go I am not of the world but of god for if I were of y● world that worlde wolde deale otherwise with me But I had rather a thousand times that worlde should hate persecute me then loue me so fal out of the fauour good will of god Where the minde is thus affected setled all the troubles aduersities of that worlde passe awaye as a cloude or as a byrde that is swyfte of wynge They shewe them selues a litle while vnto vs but straight way they are gone Let this be your greate singuler consolation that euen in this life ye fele the power of y● worde but specially then whē death cōmeth which now thorow the faith that ye haue in the worde is euē as a swete pleasaunt slepe And as he y● walketh ī darkenes perceaueth not the theaues is y● soner oppressed ouerthrowen yea that befor he be ware euē so goeth it with the faithful the deuil is the theife mur therer hath sworne our bodely death so that we cā not escape it notwithstāding when we are enarmed with the worde holde faste that we shal scasely fele death or any payne therof For the worde setteth men in a ioyeful and quiet state maketh their cōsciences chereful mery and gladde so that they despaire not when aduersitie cōme neither make they any busines whē they loose their promotiōs lyuinges but kepe pacience in all kinde of aduersitie yea when death cōme they embrace it ioyefully receaue it without any feare at al onely this is their conforte that for Christes sake they haue a merciful father in heauen For this they learne in the word without the word they can learne nothing If there were non other cause that we should desyre the knowledge of gods word but only to learne how we ought to take these dayly cōbrances aduersities that chaunce vnto vs it might worthely seme a cause sufficient But this is nothing in comparison of the last miserie that cōmeth by death For as cōcerning that it is euident that then there is no helpe in any phisition or in any other thinge Christe alone our Lord is he which helpeth vs which also ought to be more estemed of vs then al the things in the worlde But how goeth it with vs whē he offereth vs this helpe remedie yea and bringeth it home to our owne dores we despise it and set naught by it This therfore chaunceth vnto vs worthely afterwarde that we be not of God and so by litle and litle dayly fall more and more into more greuous sinnes and become worse worse as it is sufficiently before sayd When suche are at the point to dye they can fynde neyther helpe nor councel And what remayneth there for all suche then lamentation feare tremblyng horroure yollyng out roring yea desperation and damnation Therfore this is the principal point of doctrine contayned in the Gospell of this present sonday that we diligentlye embrace the worde gladly heare it and faithfully beleue it If ye do this then shall ye ouercome synne deuyll death hel c. And althoughe death shall take you out of this lyfe yet shal ye fele no payne of hym but it shal be vnto you as a moste swete and pleasaunt slepe For the worde of God is suche a conforte and present helpe that it bringeth vnto vs a quiet lyfe a mery cōscience euerlastyng saluation As for the vngodly and suche as despyse the worde of God there can no more mischief be wyshed vnto them then they suffer all redy For seing they heare not the worde of God they are not of God As an vnruly childe whiche despyseth the commandement of God careth not for his parentes What can be spoken more vnto his reproche then that he is the sonne of the deuill and not of God This is not lightly to be regarded or to be set naught by For it were better to be the bonde slaue of the Turke or of any other most barbarous and cruell tyraunt then to to be the captiue and bondslaue of the deuyll which is an accuser a calumniatour a picker of quarels a murderer and seketh all means possible to cast vs into vtter destruction Take hede of this mischiefe and dilygently consider with your selfs in what gret reuerēce and estimation ye ought to haue the woorde of God For there is none other reskue help or remedy against euerlasting death deuyl sinne hell c. then to hold fast the word of Christ that is to say to beleue his promise and thorow faith in his worde to haue a sure hope of euerlastyng saluation For when Christ saith He that wyll kepe my woorde shall neuer see deathe He meaneth not the lawe that God gaue to the Iewes by Moyses Whiche lawe although it bee a trewe holy and profitable doctrine yet seyng we because of our vicious and corrupt nature can not obey that doctrine it is become vnto vs the ministerie of deathe and alwaies reproueth accuseth and condemneth our sinne before God Therfore haue we nede of an other word that we may be delyuered from synne and be iustified before God And that nowe is the woorde of Christe where he sayth He that beleueth in me shall neuer se deathe This worde muste be apprehended and layde hande on with a strong faithe so that we may by no means doubt but that it is true which Christ promyseth For he that refuseth the worde and taketh counsell of his owne deuise he shal fynd death and not life Therfore in the agony of death not according to that we fancie but according to
from the curse of the law from desperation from death from hell from the wrathe of God and from euerlastyng damnation and are translated and remoued vnto the heauenly countrey that glorious kyngdome of the moste glorious God Last of all we opened vnto you how we ought by faith to take and chalenge vnto vs those moste singuler and inestimable benefites so forme and frame our conuersation and lyfe after the example of Christ that it may outwardly appere that we be the thankfull disciples of Christ and the faithful and louing children of the heauenly Father And for as muche as we can not doo this of our owne strengthe and power let vs moste humbly pray vnto God that he for Christ Iesus sake may geue vs his strength and spirite that we may liue before him in pure faith vnfained loue in the great day of the Lord appere fautlesse among the dere and welbeloued children of God and so heare out of his mouthe which suffered and dyed for vs this moste swete and comfortable saying Come ye blessed of my father possesse the kyngdome whych was prepared for you from the begynnyng of the worlde To this lord CHRIST our alone Sauiour and most perfect redemer with God the father the holy ghost our moste swete conforter be all honor glorie praise for euer Amen The Gospell on Easter day Iohn xx THe fyrst day of the Sabbothes came Mary Magdalen early when it was yet darke vnto the Sepulchre and saw the stone taken away from the graue Then shee ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Iesus loued and sayth vnto them They haue taken away the Lorde out of the graue and we can not tell where they haue layde hym Peter therfore went forth and that other disciple and came vnto the Sepulchre They ran bothe together and that other disciple dyd outrunne Peter and came firste to the Sepulchre And when he had stowped downe he sawe the lynnen clothes lyinge yet went he not in Then came Simon Peter folowynge hym and wente into the Sepulchre and sawe the lynnen clothes lye and the napkyn that was about his head not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped together in a place by it selfe Then went in also that other disciple whiche came fyrst to the Sepulchre and he sawe and beleued For as yet they knewe not the Scripture that he shoulde ryse agayne from death Then the Disciples went away againe to theyr owne home THE EXPOSITION IN as muche as thys daye accordyng to the auncient and commendable custome of Christs church we celebrate the laudable feast and worthy memorie of the moste noble and victorious resurrection of oure Sauioure Iesus Christ it is mete and conuenient that we speake and entreate of the same at this present For the true sanctifying and halowing of feastfull days consisteth in the true worshippyng of God which is none other thing praiers thankes geuing ones done then to exercise the worde bothe in preachyng and readyng We therfore at this tyme wyll make our conference according to the tyme of the glorious resurrection of our moste louyng Lorde and swete Sauiour Christe Iesu. And in this our conference we will firste of all consyder what maner of Resurrection the risyng agayn of Christ frome death vnto lyfe was After that we will declare what vtilitie and profyte what fruicte and goodnesse the moste victorious and triumphant Resurrection of Christe hathe broughte vnto vs as we haue to fore shewed of his Passion and deathe As touchynge the fyrste lette vs not thynke that the resurrection of Christ was a common resurrection frome deathe as was the Resurrection of Lazarus but besydes thys that Christe rose agayne in the fleshe and corporallye he also spiritually became the Lorde of deathe and ouercame it and broughte with hym euerlastynge lyfe so that all that beleue are risen agayne with hym and haue ouercome deathe And by this his resurrection he hath not onely obteined a temporall life but also a spirituall lyfe For as he before by the temporall deathe of the Crosse dyd slea and vtterly abolyshe the spirituall deathe of synne and hell So he lykewise by his resurrection hath not only recouered and broughte agayne the temporall lyfe and quietnesse but also euerlastynge lyfe and perpetuall ioye Wherof wee may learne that Christe is rysen agayne twoo manner of wayes Fyrste after the fleshe by the whyche Resurrection he made hys deade body quicke his despised body glorious His weake and feeble body mightie and stronge his naturall body supernaturall and spirituall Of this resurrection we reade in many places of the scripture Among all Paule hath these wordes in the chronicle of the Apostles Actes where he speaketh on this maner And we shewe vnto you that the promise whiche was made vnto the fathers God hath fulfilled to their children euen vnto vs in that he raised vp Iesus as it is written in the first Psalme Thou art my sonne this day haue I begotten the. And in his firste epistle to the Corinthiās he saith that Christ after his resurrection was sene of more then of fiue hūdred brethren And moreouer that he shewed himself before to the .xii. and to many other brethren as we maye see playnly written in the Euangelistes Secondly there was in Christ also an inward spirituall resurrection in that he escaped from the horror of death hell syn and the wrath of God and came vnto euerlasting ioy life health peace gladnes Of this he glorieth and speaketh by the mouth of that prince like Prophet sayinge Thou haste made the wayes of lyfe knowen to me Thou shalt fill me ful of gladnes with thy countenance Againe Thou hast turned my heuines into ioye thou hast put of my sackclothe and girded me with gladnes All these ar gratulations reioycinges and thankes geuynges that God the heauenly Father hath deliuered his sonne Christ from the horror of hell and death and not him only but also with him and through him all faithfull christians Whereof we shall speake more largely hereafter How the resurrection of Christ was don according to the historie how he rose again on Easter day betymes in the morning before the sonne was vp howe the women found the sepulchre emptie Again howe they were conforted of the Aungell and admonished of his resurrection This with diuers other things appertaining vnto the resurrection of Christ ar diligently written of the foure Euangelistes and ye your selues haue hertofore both heard red them Therfore at this time we will speake nothinge of that matter but we will rather declare set forth vnto you the profites and fruites which Christ hath gotten for vs by his glorious and royal resurrection and opē vnto you how we ought to enter into a newe lyfe with Christ. But before we come vnto this matter let vs speake somwhat of the innocencie and Godhead of Christe by the whiche he
could we beleue on Christe of whome we hadde not hearde as it is wrytten But howe shall they heare without a preacher Fayth commeth by hearyng hearyng commeth by the worde of God Therefore Christ suffered that victorie ouer death and hell and also that his glorious Gospell to be published to the whole world and all nations thorow the preachyng of the holy apostles and other godly doctours and teachers to be inuited bydden and called vnto it The seuenth fruict of Christs Resurrection is that Christe wyth his rysynge agayne frome death hathe iustified vs thorowe Faithe For as hee by his deathe hath abolyshed and put awaye synne euen so by hys Resurrection hath he brought vnto vs ryghtousnes as Paule saieth Christe was betrayde for oure synnes and rose agayne for oure iustification And blessed Peter sayth Blessed be God and the Father of oure Lorde Iesus Christe whyche accordyng to his abundant mercy begate vs agayn vnto a lyuely hope by that that Iesus Christ rose agayne from deathe to an inheritance immortall and vndefyled and that perysheth not reserued in heauen for you which ar kept by the power of God thorough Faythe vnto saluation Thus hath Christe by his resurrection made vs godly and ryghteous thorowe Fayth that we shold not onely by hym be made free frome synne but also become holy and righteous in hym if as Peter saith we beleue in God thorough hym which raised him vp from the dead and gaue the glorie vnto hym that we myght haue faith and hope toward God The eyght fruicte of Christes Resurrection is the glorious blessednesse and eternall lyfe of the soules whyche foloweth of Iustification and Faythe wherof the holy Apostle S. Paul speaketh in hys Epistle to the Ephesians sayenge GOD whyche is ryche in mercye for hys greate loue wherewyth hee loued vs euen whenne wee were deade in synnes quyckned vs together in CHRIST by grace are ye saued and raysed vs vp together with hym and made vs sytte togyther wyth hym amonge them that are in heauen The Prophete Osee also saythe He shall make vs alyue after twoo dayes and on the thyrde daye he shall rayse vs vppe that wee maye lyue in hys syghte Hereof commeth it that S. Peter calleth Christe the Lorde of lyfe For he that confesseth wyth hys mouthe and beleueth wyth his heart that GOD raysed vp Christe he is saued Thys lyfe and euerlastynge saluation Christe by hys Resurrection hath purchased and geuen vnto vs. Therefore Christ sayde to Mary Magdalene that she shoulde telle hys disciples that he would go vp vnto his father and their father As though he shoulde saye Nowe we haue a common inheritaunce one father one kyngedome and an euerlastynge lyfe common to vs all For hee that sanctifyethe and they that are sanctifyed are all one The laste fruite of Christes resurrection is the glorification and dignitie of our mortall bodies For as Christe in his Resurrection dydde caste awaye frome hym all weakenesse of mannes bodye because from hensefoorthe he shoulde bee no more mortall weake hungrye thyrstie nor haue any other infirmities but immortall and withoute all infirmitie and weakenesse So shall our mortall bodies bee lyke vnto hys glorious bodye at the Resurrection of the deade and shall for euer remayne in that glory and honour worldes without ende Of thys speaketh Sainct Paule sayenge Our conuersation is in heauen from whens wee looke for a Sauioure euen the Lorde Iesus Christe whyche shall transfigure and chaunge thys oure vyle bodye that hee maye make it lyke to his owne glorious bodye accordyng to the power wherwyth he is able to make all thynges subiecte to hymselfe And in an other place Paule reioyceth wyth all the Christians that we haue an euerlastyng dwelling place in heauen although this oure corruptible body destroyed and put awaye For yf we beleue that Iesus dyed and rose agayn then shall God bryng them with hym that are fallen a sleape by Iesus So shall we bee glorifyed with Christe as he before was glorified by hys Resurrection and made hys mortall bodye immortall and brought it vnto glorie As he also before gaue a shewe of this matter to hys Disciples in mount Thabor where his face dydde shyne as the Sunne and hys garmentes were made whiter thenne snowe He that desyreth to heare more of this matter lette hym reade the .xv. Chapter of saint Paules first epist. to the Corinthiās There shall he abundātly find how Christ rose again how manyfold and great fruict he hath purchased and gotten for vs by that his glorious resurrection Nowe forasmuche as we haue hearde and do perfectly knowe what great and singuler benefites we haue receaued by the victorious and triumphant resurrection of our Lorde and sauiour Iesus Christ How he hath ouercome synne death deuyll and hell and hath made vs not only free and safe frome them but also holy godly and rightous thorowe fayth so that we shall haue with hym euerlastyng lyfe and a glorified body it becometh vs as thankfull children with Christ to take vpon vs a new pure syncere vncorrupt and fautlesse lyfe as S. Paule exhorteth vs in his Epistle to the Romains saying We are buryed with Christe by baptisme for to dye that likewyse as Christ was raised vp from death by the glorie of the father euen so we also should walke in a newe lyfe Nowe what other thyng is a new lyfe then to eschew sinne and to doo that whiche is good and godly As Paul saith in his foresaid Epistle We ought no more from hensforth to serue synne And in an other Epistle hee sayth that Christ dyed to this ende for all menne that they whyche lyue shoulde from hensefoorth lyue not to them selues but to hym that died for thē and rose agayne So lykewyse doothe Paule reioyce that he lyueth not but Christ in hym And he exhorteth the Corinthians that forasmuche as they through faith in Christe are holye and righteous and yet for the remnantes of the vncleane fleshe are synners and vnrighteous they would purge out that olde leauyn Know ye not saith he that a litle leauen so wreth the whole lumpe of dough Purge out therfore the olde leauen that ye may be new dough as ye are swete bread For Christ our passeouer is offred vp for vs. Therfore lette vs kepe a ioyfull feast not with olde leauen neyther with the leauen of maliciousnes wickednes but with the swete bread of purenes trueth In the whiche wordes Paule doth euidentlye expresse require that we should leaue the olde vnpure lyfe whiche we haue of Adam and in spirite begin exercise a newe spirituall lyfe vnto the whiche Christe hath brought vs and that we should from tyme to tyme if anye olde leauen of wyckednes we fynde in our selues purge it out and vtterly cast it out awaye from vs so that for euer after as in profession so lykewise
the worlde shal reioyce ye shal sorow but your sorow shal be turned to ioy A womā whē she trauayleth hath sorow because her houre is come But assone as she is delyuered of the chyld she remembreth no more the anguishe for ioy that a man is borne into the worlde And ye nowe therfore haue sorowe but I wyll see you agayne and your heartes shall reioyce and your ioye shall no man take from you THE EXPOSITION THis Gospell is parte of that longe sermon whiche Christe made vnto his disciples for to conforte and confirme them in the waye of trueth after his last supper before he suffered This conforte tendeth specially to this ende that for the shortnes of the tentation which should chaunce very vehemēt to the Disciples by the reason of Christs passion and death they should not despaire but be on a good conforte and courage forasmuche as he would absente hym selfe from them but a litle while that he would comme againe vnto them after his resurrection and make them ioyeful and mery for euer after so that of this their ioye there should be no ende The Euangeliste S. Iohn maketh many wordes in this behalfe and oftentimes repeateth the same that the Disciples did not vnderstande what Christe ment by this his saying A lytle while And although christ declared his mind ī this behalfe yet did not they vnderstande it But this is not written for the disciples only For S. Iohn by this wolde signifye wherof all we haue dayly experience that we are not able well and truly to cōsider this saying and that we are not free frō that thing which did so greatly hinder the vnderstandinge of the disciples For when tentation was at hande and the most ignominious and spitefull death of Christ troubled al their wittes they could not then cōsider what this lytle while ment but their heartes were so astonyed that they thought Christe to be vtterly vndone that they shortly after should also comme to that point and for Christes sake be in lyke maner moste miserably handled But that this their sorowe and tentation should not continew past two or three daies when the Lorde Christ should rise again from death vnto an euerlastyng lyfe and helpe them here in this worlde againste the worlde deuill synne and death and at the laste geue them a moste ioyefull and euerlastinge lyfe in the worlde to comme that vnderstode they not neither though they it possible Therfore S. Iohn afterwarde in his Gospel declareth how the disciples hyd them selues and kepte thē secret for feare of the Iewes neither wolde they beleue that Christe was rysen again although the women Peter and other two disciples declared it vnto them To be short they coulde not beleue that whiche Christe spake vnto them of A lytle whyle For they thought that Christ shoulde haue remayned in death still as other men do otherwise they woulde neuer haue bene so weake and fainte hearted but with a lustye courage and stronge hope they woulde haue looked for his resurrection We maruell at the infirmitie and weakenes of the disciples and yet for al that when we be assayled with the lyke tentation and in daunger to be ouerwhelmed with the waues of the like aduersitie we forget also that A litle whyle and caste awaye all hope of confort and thincke that this oure vexation and trouble will continewe so long as we lyue We can not be persuaded by any meanes that this trouble will cōtinue but a lytle while and that God in his tyme wyll geue a fortunate and ioyefull ende to these oure euilles and miseries And by this means are we in tentation clene out of courage and vtterly dismayde fallyng to lamentynge and wepinge as thoughe there were no GOD that wolde helpe vs or had any regard vnto vs When not withstandinge the blessed Apostle S. Paule commandeth vs to ioye and reioyce in trouble not onely for the assured deliuerance whiche muste nedes chaunce to the faithfull but also because that by the crosse and trouble a moste certein and sure tryall is made whereby we knowe that we are the sonnes of GOD and heires of euerlastynge lyfe as we shall more at large declare hereafter This Gospell therfore contayneth a moste noble and notable doctrine of conforte not onely for the Disciples of Christe but also for all Christians that in tentations and afflictions they shoulde euer haue before their eyes and remember this A lytle whyle and diligentlye consider that althoughe reason and mans wytt can not see howe deliueraunce maye cōme yet that we shall not be left succourles in those oure euilles not without helpe and confort but that they shall shortly haue an ende againe that in steade of them ioye and gladnes shall comme and continually abyde with vs. And that this confort ioye gladnes maye the better be perceaued of vs we wyll at this present speake altogether of the crosse and afflictions Mannes witt and reason thinketh and Iudgeth on this wyse If God had any regard vnto vs the godly shold neuer be in so great miseries and troubles as they are And therefore when there aryse diuerse troubles which diuersely vexe vs our mynde thynketh straight wayes that god hath eyther vtterly forgotten vs or that he hateth vs and regarde vs not otherwise that we coulde neuer lacke his defence and helpe Against these thoughtes and imaginations of reason we muste get vs ayde and helpe out of the worde of God lest we suffer this matter to be disputed after the iudgemēt of reason where as we ought to referre the whole iudgement in this behalfe vnto the worde of god For if we iudge these thinges without the worde our iudgement shall be false and nothing to the purpose But what sayeth the worde Fyrste of all it sayth that not somuche as an heare of our head shall fall to the grounde without the wil of God Of this worde then this followeth that although the kingdom of the deuill and the worlde be a mightie and stronge kyngdome yet that it can do nothing at al against a Christian man but so farre as God doth permit and suffer it As Christ sheweth also by this his saying One of these litle sparowes shal not fall vnto the groūd with out the will of the father The price of a sparowe is but lytle It is solde for halfe a farthing yet Christe sayth that God hath care of it How muche more shal he care for the godly whiche are better then many sparowes He will not therfore suffer the deuil and the worlde to do with them that their pleasure is but what his good will is so that what soeuer hindraunce shall chaunce to the godly thorow the deuill and the worlde it can not be without the prouidence of god neither can they rage further then God appointeth The surges of the Sea are maruelous sayeth Dauid but the Lorde on hye is
holy ghoste doth rebuke the worlde because it hath sinne for asmuch as it beleueth not in Christ that it hath no righteousnes because it knoweth not neither hath any conforte therin that Christe is gone to the father so likewise doth he rebuke it of iudgement because it knoweth nothing hereof and therfore feareth where nothinge is to be feared if it wolde heare him and receaue his worde For this is an extreme miserie and a lamentable plague to haue syn no righteousnes and besides that not to knowe of any consolation and conforte againste sinne death and all other euilles In this also sayth Christe is the office of the holy ghost that he should preach of iudgement and procure to be pronounced and set forth by the gospel that the prince of the worlde is iudged and that therfore he can not hurte them that beleue in Christ and put their cōfidence in his goinge vnto the father He maye vexe them with diuerse tentations but he can neuer preuaile againste them For although he be the prince of the worlde yet the prince is iudged he is spoiled of his pallace armour and with the chaines of darcknes as Peter speaketh is he bounde of Christ. There is no cause why Christen men should feare him or all his kyngdome For if the prince be iudged the world also whiche is his kyngdome muste nedes be iudged and depriued of all his power This the vngodly knowe not Therfore althoughe somtime they heare the worde and begynne to beleue yet so sone as the worlde rageth and goeth about to persecute they straightwaye are a frayde and fall awaye both from Christ and his worde as Christ saith in the parable of the sower parte of whose sede fell vpon the stones But the Christians are constant and stand stedfaste lyke a stronge and an inuincible bulwarcke For this voyce whiche rebuketh the prince of the worlde is alwaye in their heartes and eares Why sholdest thou feare why shouldest thou be faint hearted geue ouer to these tentations knowest thou not that the Prince of the worlde is iudged He is no more a lorde or a prince Thou hast a Lord that is mightier then he euen Christe Iesus whiche hath ouercome and bounde this prince Therfore let hym threaten bragge and boaste let him be as madde as he luste yet feare thou not For he shal hurt thee no more then that cruell beaste whose violence and crueltie is repressed and restrained with stronge and mightye chaines If thou wilte only beware that thou comest not nighe vnto hym and so willyngly cast thy selfe into daunger thou nedest not feare Thou arte without peril He shall do thee no harme Wherfore this only is required that the Christiās do not make light of the enemie kepe them selues in the feare of God diligentlye praye and the enemie that is iudged shall neuer hurte them Contrariwyse he that wyll not take hede but be secure and carelesse he shall sone be caste hedlonge into diuers perilles of this prince although iudged And of this cōfirmation strenghtening they haue moste nede which are the instrumentes of the holy ghoste in the worlde and do rebuke it of synne and righteousnes For there is no accusation that the worlde can les beare then of synne whiche is a thing most haynous and of righteousnes that it hath none at all Where this publique accusation is as it ought to be that world waxeth wode maketh an hurly burly and attempteth all kinde of violence tyrāny againste the ministers of the worde But the holy ghost by this iudgemēt setteth forth cōsolatiō For if this were not the preachers could neuer endure againste the violēce of the world but must nedes feare tremble And for this cause specially is the holy ghost called Paracletus that is to say a cōforter or an Aduocate which in aduersitie trouble stādeth by the preachers cōforteth thē encourageth thē boldly stoutly to cōfesse the truth forasmuch as they heare that the prince of the worlde is iudged And this is the doctrine of the office of the holy ghost euen what misteries of most worthie matters he shall declare and most specially set forth vnto men in this worlde He can be no Christen man that not only not knoweth these moste excellent misteries but also that when he knoweth thē doth not set more by thē then by all the goodes in the worlde For as for all other thinges they are transitorie and passe awaye but these thinges are euerlastinge which shall neuer decaye as Paule sayth The gospell is the power of God vnto saluation for so many as beleue This going awaye therefore whereof Christ here speaketh is greatly to be estemed and to be reioyced in as a moste singuler benefite for the whiche we are bounde dayly to geue god oure heauenly father most hartie thanckes and to desire him with feruent prayer that we maye dayly more and more fele in our selues thorowe fayth the fruite of this his inestimable benefite namely remission of sinnes and euerlasting righteousnes again the consolation and conforte of this iudgement that the prince of this worlde is iudged Nowe goeth Christe forth in his sermon and saith I haue yet many thynges to saye vnto you whych you can not nowe beare But when that spirite of trueth shall come he shall teache you all trueth How the Papistes interprete this sentence of Christ it is well knowen All their traditions innouations and alterations they defende by this saying of Christe and make the holy ghost author of them al as though Christe had to fore spoken of them But this is not true For this is the righte vnderstanding of Christs wordes that the holy ghost shall teache the Apostles and the churche and instruct them concerninge suche matters as Christe him self had to fore taught them whiche by the reason of their carnal iudgements they could not vnderstād nor attaine vnto the knowledge therof No new doctrine but the same doctrine that Christ tofore had taught shall the holy ghost teache as Christ declareth more plainely by these his wordes He shall not speake of him selfe but what so euer he shal heare that shall he speake and he will shewe you thinges to comme He shall glorifye me for he shall receaue of mine and shal shewe vnto you Again The conforter whiche is the holy ghost whome my father will sende in my name he shall teache you all thinges and bring all thinges to your remembrance whatsoeuer I haue said vnto you The holy ghost openeth and lightneth the darke mindes of the Apostles with the golden glisteryng beames of his godly influence He maketh plaine vnto them and vnto the whole church the true doctrine of Christe concerning sinne righteousnes and Iudgement He maketh them to haue a righte iudgement of Christes kyngdome whiche they looked for to be a carnall and glorious kingdome in
vnto God euen to cal on his glorious name by feruent prayer This exhortation vnto prayer Christe made after his last supper when he had vttered that parte of his sermon whiche ye haue to fore hearde when he tolde them aforehand that they shoulde be sadde for his departure but notwithstanding that it should be but for a litle whyle for asmuche as he wolde shortly comme againe and see them and so turne their sadnes into gladnes After this consolation foloweth nowe this exhortation vnto prayer and it followeth very aptly in conuenient place For Christen men in their afflictions and troubles in all perilles daungers haue none other helpe then to staye them selfe with praier and to crye vnto God for helpe This doth Christe teache his Disciples in this place that in the tyme of sadnes they shoulde haue their refuge vnto prayer And this he vttereth maruelous pithyly with great vehemencie of wordes that they shoulde do this worke with a stout courage with a stronge fayth and by no meanes be dysmayd For sayth he I say not vnto you that I shal pray my father for you For the father himselfe loueth you because ye haue loued me and haue beleued that I come out from God This is true that Christ sitteth on the right hande of the father and maketh intercession for vs as Paule saith And we knowe that his prayer which he made after his laste supper for his churche and for poore sinners and afterwarde on the crosse was hearde and yet is stil of suche efficacie strength mighte and power that it remaineth styll of full force euen vnto the worldles ende But sayth Christ ye haue no nede of suche prayer as I make for you for ye are able to praye the father neither doubte ye but that your prayer is heard for my father therefore loueth you because ye haue loued me Which is not so to be vnderstanded as though the prayer of Christ should be vnto vs neither conforte nor helpe but that we should not set our owne prayer at naught forasmuche as we loue Christ. For this is most certein and a thing earnestly to be beleued that all that fauour and loue Christe them can not the father hate yea their prayer can he none otherwise then heare Where are nowe the Papistes which haue inculked and set forth vnto vs the inuocation of Sainctes What can be of greater force for the auauncement and setting forth of our prayer then that Christ by his death and departure out of the worlde vnto his father hath gotten vnto vs that entraunce that wheresoeuer we be in temple in house in secret places in the feilde in the shoppe so that we be Christians loue Christe we maye be bolde to come before God to talke with him to praye vnto hym and to craue of hym whatsoeuer we haue nede of For vnto suche prayer we nede nothinge but only suche an hearte as can saye O our heauenly father I knowe that thou louest me because I loue thy sonne and my redemer Christ Iesu. With this boldnes wil I now pray vnto thee not that I am so holy and righteous but because I knowe that thou gladly geuest all thinges for thy sons sake Iesus Christ. In his name I nowe come vnto thee and praye and I doubt not but that thou wilt heare this my prayer whatsoeuer I be For euery man must diligently take hede of this that he do not so long differre his prayer till he shall thincke him selfe pure and cleane ynoug and apt to praye as the deuill will sometime put in a mans mynde and saye Thou arte not nowe apte and mete to praye Thou arte a sinner and god heareth no synners Do this and that worke fyrst and afterwarde when thou felest thy selfe pure and without sinne fall to prayer But he that geueth place to such suggestions of Satan suffreth himselfe to be troubled with suche idle imaginations he shal finde lettes plenty to withdraw and plucke hym awaye from prayer The deuill is sutle and craftie and seketh all meanes possible to let vs from prayer We must therefore get vs certein and present helpes that we maye remoue his subtilties frō vs. And whē soeuer thy necessitie requireth praier thincke that to be the time whē thou oughtest to pray and differre the tyme no lenger but fall straightwaies in hande with prayer If thou of thy selfe be not apte or worthie to praye God will make the apte and worthie For thincke this verely with thy selfe that God loueth thee for Christes sake and not because thou art righteous and holye otherwise should he neuer loue thee nor heare thy prayer For who can be founde righteous and holy in his sight before whom the child of one daye olde yea the Angells in heauen be not pure Enter not O lorde into iudgement with thy seruant saith Dauid for none that lyueth shal be founde righteous before thee God hath wrapped all thinges vnder sinne that he might haue mercie on al sayth S. Paule This requireth Christ in this place that we diligently praye and by no meanes neglecte prayer as some wicked persones are wont scoffingly to saye I said not the lordes prayer not a great whyle and yet I haue as good a stomacke to my meate and drincke as euer I had in my lyfe If thou be a Christen man and chalengest vnto thee that name let neuer suche a worde come out of thy mouth If thou saye the lords prayer no ofter at the lest say it in the morninge when thou ryseth again both before and after meate also when thou goest to bedde at night For we that are Christians are bounde to pray alwayes whiche with the mouth can not at all times be done but this is the prayer of the heart For the heartes of the faythful ought to wyshe this continually that the name of God may be sanctified that his kyngdome maye come that he wil geue vs peace seasonable weather a sounde body good health c. This doth euery Christen man inwardly wishe at all times and although he doth not euer thincke in it yet that is his continuall desire This is a spirituall prayer and a prayer of the hearte And we haue nede of such prayer at all tymes because a Christen man can not so muche as a moment of an houre be safe and without ieopardie for the deuill and his owne fleshe lest he should be cas● hedlong into diuers sinnes and vices But as with the heart so likewise with the mouth ought we to praye Now what maner of prayer it ought to be Christ teacheth here sayth Aske in my name Againe the father loueth you-because ye haue loued me and haue beleued that I haue come out frō God· And when a man is so instructed that he beleueth in Christ he is the true priest with all his furniture neither wanteth he any thinge but that
to do the same must nedes be occasion of great feare and dreade inwardely For herof it doth folow that a man thinketh that he is condemned alredy of God to death orels that he shall forthwith suffer the paynes of deathe Wherfore the Pentecost of the Iewes is a remembraunce of a great and necessarie thyng yet the consideration therof can not be pleasant and acceptable For the example of the people dothe declare what thys mysterie woorketh inwardly When they desyre Moses to be a mean betwene them and God and when they thought it necessarie in theyr heart to haue a meane yet could not fynde who might be this meane and mediatour But GOD hym selfe hathe promysed a Mediatour whyche is a Prophete lyke vnto Moyses c. And by thys he doothe declare what shoulde bee the Whytsontyde of the Newe Testamente that it is fulle of comforte swetenesse ioye and peace For thus sayeth the Euangeliste as it is rehersed that in the daye of Pentecoste whenne the Iewes dydde kepe holye the feast of theyr lawe at what tyme that the Apostles and Disciples were gathered togyther sodeynelye there camme as it were the sounde of a vehemente wynde and fylled the whole house and there appered vppon them clouen tongues as it hadde bene of fyre and so the Holy ghoste was opened there bothe to the syghte of the eyes and the hearynge of the eares For in the sounde was he hearde and seene in the fyre as Christ hadde promised before and Iohn Baptist prophecied that they shold be baptised in fyre and spirite But all these thynges haue theyr signification and meanynge The tongues doothe sygnifie the office of preachynge whiche thenne shall woorke with effecte when the holy ghost worketh therwith that therby maye be enkendled a newe lyght inwardly And forthwith after this sounde and fyry tongues he sytteth on eche of them and so dothe inflame their heartes and with such a blast and motion perceth their vnderstandyng that in a momente of an hower they knowe bothe God and his sonne Iesus Christ they vnderstand the scriptures and waxeth so bold in heart that they dare openly professe the true knowlege of God so that thei can speake with all languages where as before they knewe but their owne For out of Sion it behoued that the lawe shoulde procede and the woorde of the Lorde oute of Hierusalem and that afterwarde the Gospell shold be heard in al lāguages And forasmuch as the Gospel shuld be publyshed not only in Iury but also in all the worlde therfore the holy ghost dothe instruct his apostles with languages that it myght bee vniuersally sette foorth throughout all the earth This is our Whitsontide and Pentecost in the new Testament wherby the trewe knowledge of God is ordeyned not with feare and dreade but with ioy and peace whereby there ryseth suche a conscience at the length which turneth not from God but abydeth all things for Christs sake as the apostles by theyr examples doo shewe Not only Christ at his laste supper prophecieth of this Whitsontyde but also the Prophetes Dauid Esaias Hieremias Ioell Zacharias and other Wherfore we shall not lose our labour but rather bestowe our tyme very well yf we at a certayne appoynted tyme enstructe men of the holye Ghost teaching what he is and what is his propretie and what is nedefull for vs to doo that we also maye obteyne the same spirite And fyrst of all we muste not thynke that the holy ghoste was then firste in the congregation and neuer before For hee is God eternall and almyghtie as Christ sayth that he cometh of the father Wherfore he is of one substance and nature with the Father and there be many euident testimonies that the holy ghoste hath always bene effectuous in men and hath lightned them and broughte them into the waye For Christ hymselfe and Peter also sayth that the Holy Ghost spake by the Prophets and the Euangelistes doo testifye of Anna Zacharia Elizabeth Iohn Baptist that they had the holy ghost Wherfore we must thynke and beleue none other thyng of the holy ghoste then wee beleue of Christe which hath ben for euer and forthwith after the fyrste promyse made in Paradyse exercised his office and stode in battaile against the deuil and began to breke the head of the serpent This worke was long agone began of the sonne of man and euer diligently done and at laste fully accomplyshed at what tyme he became manne and dyed on the Crosse and the thyrde daye rose agayne from the deade Therfore the workynge of the Holy Ghoste was therewyth and the holy Ghoste was alwayes in the worlde gouernyng mens hearts and stirryng vp their faith by the word in them he kyndled a lyght and them he cōfirmed and brought into all truthe But yet he dydde at lengthe perfectly and absolutely fulfylle thys greate woorke vppon thys Whytsondaye wherein hee was not secrete and priuie as hee was before But hee declared hym selfe openlye that all that dyd see myghte perceaue and confesse that the holy ghoste was present For where as there were some amongest theym in thys place that iudged the woorkynge of the holy Ghoste to be dronkennesse it was doone of an aduysed and purposed madnesse For they are proued false by theyr owne reason wherby they may knowe that diuers languages commeth not of dronkennesse or of newe wyne It shoulde make muche with oure matter to consyder why the reuelation of the holy Ghost was deferred vnto this daye For euen as after the delyuerance of the old people there folowed immediatly the couenant betwene GOD and the people so after our delyuerance whyche commeth thorough Christe doothe this pledge of the Holy Ghoste ensue whereby we myght be made certayne and confirmed as concernyng the couenant betwene God vs. For fyrst was it mete that this deliuerance shoulde be made and confyrmed thoroughe CHRIST and that he should entreate the Father to sende vs the Holy Ghoste And by hym onely are we made parte takers of thys greate gyfte as wee sayde in the daye of the Ascension prouynge it by the thre score eight Psalme That hee ascended on hye and receaued gyftes for men For thus doothe Peter also expounde that saying in his sermon of this daye where as he saieth Wherfore Christe beynge exalted on the ryght hand of God when he had receaued the promise of the holy ghoste of his father he dyd shedde foorth this as you now see and heare And this is the fyrste worke of his but hath bene alwayes in the worlde wyth dewe administration and workynge But yet on this daye at the laste dyd he openly declare hymselfe where as he shewed foorth hymselfe with greate vertue and strengthe so that by this reuelation we maye knowe what a greate thynge CHRIST hath wrought and brought to passe for vs thorowe his death and resurrection
in the felde or in the Citie he is taken to be in heauen for that that god the father the sone and the holy ghoste doth come vnto hym and haue their abydinge with hym And this thing haue we heare in this lyfe in the worde and do fele it inwardly by fayth but all these thinges shal be felte in dede in the lyfe to come For to haue god dwelling in vs in this lyfe is none other thynge then that all thinges that we do saye thinke or suffer are acceptable vnto God and that al thinges when we eate drinke worke slepe wache praye reade singe learne c are alowed of hym This were the very felicitie it selfe yf we were so wyse as to consider and beholde it with true eyes wyth a sure faith For the glory of the godly doth herein passe the glory of heauen For God sayth not so by heauen that he will dwel in it but thus he sayth that heauen is his seat and the Earth his footestole But the heart of the godly is the very habitation wherin god dwelleth if so be that he can but so much apprehende Christ that he beleue surely that he suffred and died for vs for these benefits loue him And so all thinges are consistinge in this that we should loue Christ and as for the rest there is no cause why any man should greatly feare For this loue shal make all other thinges easie and tollerable whatsoeuer shal chaunce for hym and his worde sake where as contrariwise without this loue all thynges shall seme intollerable and aboue all mens power as Christ sayth in the wordes folowing But if a man doth not loue me He will not kepe my worde Where as Christe is loued this is also certayne that the father for Christes sake doth loue againe and doth not onely loue vs but commeth vnto vs and he with Christ the holy ghost maketh his dwellyng with vs. This thing is so great that if we consider it well we could not but patiently suffer all thynges that chaūce vnto vs for Christs sake Where this loue of Christe is not and wheras men receaueth the gospell to the entent that they maye inuade the Churche goodes and make hauoke therof to their owne profite and commoditie and to serue their owne lustes as it is the fashion of the worlde in all thynges to seke his owne vantage and profit ther can not the worde of Christ be long kepte For it is very necessary to haue loue if a man wyll be constant in trouble profite gaines doth nothyng helpe in this case Wherefore if we loue godlines in dede that we wold not depart from the golspel we must so vse all thinges that we may saye In the name of our Lord Iesu Christe was this begon and by his commandement do we this Wherfore no case so harde can moue vs but that we take all things well in worth that God sendeth But what is the cause that we should styke vnto the worde so constantly and that we shold geue no place to anye danger or perill Surelye because Christe sayth furthermore the worde that I speake is not myne but my fathers whiche sent me And after this maner doth Christe often times speake And this is the pyth of that that Christ speaketh If ye do receaue me and embrace me that is my worde and promesse then be ye sure of this that the true GOD hath receaued you neyther must ye thinke besides of any other GOD. For ye shall find god no wher els but in me and in my worde The reason why is that the worde that I speake is not mine but the worde of my father If ye receaue this worde ye receaue my father If ye beleue in it ye beleue in my father Wherefore nowe it is easie to iudge howe the worlde stande Mahumet the Turke the Pope the Iewes do crake much of GOD they praye muche and affirme them selues to be the true worshippers of GOD. But the matter is plaine that Mahumet the Turke the pope the Iewes do not fynde the father neither knowe anye thynge of hym For they haue not the worde of Christ which is not Christes but the fathers Wherfore Christe by these wordes geueth a sure doctrine to beware by as thoughe he shoulde saye Yf ye will heare GOD and haue hym ioyned vnto you ye must tourne awaye your eyes and eares in no case from him But heare me and ye heare God see me ye see God For this it is decreed eyther must ye heare god by me or neuer heare him Wherof this muste by reason folowe that Christe when he vttereth the bountefull worde the hole godhed doth alow it so that neyther the deuyll nor the worlde can make it frustrat and false The reason is this Christs word is not his but the fathers as he saith the wordes that ye heare are not mine but my fathers that sent me The wordes be so simple and plaine that nothyng can be more simple and plaine Wherfore whan the men that are worldly wyse chaunceth vpon these words they thynke that they are but wordes coldlye slenderly spoken that in great and wayghtie matters he woulde haue vsed more earnest and pythye wordes Howbeit what great matter there is included in these wordes that are so basse and slender that doth then appeare when great perill and feare is at hande Wherfore Christ here maketh an ende of his sermō and saith these thinges haue I spoken to you whan I was byding with you but the holy ghost the conforter whome my father will send in my name he shal teache you all thynges and shall put you in remembrance of those thinges whiche I haue spoken vnto you For if a man shoulde bestowe neuer so manye wordes yet if the holy ghoste shoulde be lackynge the matter coulde not be perceaued Nowe whatsoeuer remaineth in this gospell it is the conclusion of the whole sermon that Christ in this chapter made to his Disciples that they should be of good confort and not be troubled nor offended for the spiteful death that he shoulde suffer and so be dismayd forasmuche as they shold therby obtayne their saluation Of this dyd we speake here tofore Therfore nowe we wil be cōtent with this doctrine that we haue taught which Christ doth cheifly entreate of in this part that then specially shall we kepe the worde and shall not go from it for feare of any peril if so be that we loue god And that this is the onely waye to make God loue vs and to come so nighe vnto vs that he dwell in vs. But he that goeth to God by any other waye then by the loue of Christe he fleeth frome God and can neuer come nygh vnto hym and whatsoeuer he dothe or suffreth all is but loste labour and in vayne Wherfore seyng that our Lord saith that these wordes that he spake are not his but the fathers all men
bytyng worme of conscience forasmuche as God is not now angrie with vs but standeth sure by his promise of grace and mercy which he hath made with vs for his sonne Iesus Christes sake He that beleueth thys is sure to be saued For this gift is geuen to make vs safe from death and synne For euen as a great flame is in comparison of a droppe of water so is Christe in comparison of the synnes of the worlde As soone as they touche Christe and as soone as the gift is receyued by Faith our synnes are quite consumed and abolyshed euen as a drye stalke is by an hot fier For here thou hearest by the worde of Christ that God so loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne for the worlde that all that beleue in hm shoulde not peryshe but haue euerlastyng lyfe He saith precisely here They that beleue in hym He saith not he that taketh vpon hym this or that worke and thereby endeuour hymselfe to purchase Gods fauour Only Faith it is that purchaseth this gyfte Wherfore lette our aduersaries withstand this sentence neuer so muche lette them rayle neuer so muche agaynst it yet is this sentence sure and inuincible that they that beleue in him shall haue euerlasting lyfe and shall not perishe And se thou put nothyng hereto nor take nothyng from it lest thou shouldest seme to take vpon thee to correcte Christes iudgement These are excellente woordes and the wordes of lyfe God graunte vs hys grace to print them in our heartes For he that hath these wordes surely fixte in his hearte can be feared neyther of the deuyll nor of synne nor of helle but wyll be of a quiete heart and say I am withoute all feare For I haue with me the sonne of God whom God hath geuen vnto me by loue and by the word of God that is by the gospel which certifieth me therof And thy word O lord thy son Iesus wil not deceiue me in whom alone I put my truste If I be any thynge weake in Faith grant me that grace that I may beleue more stedfastly For I besydes this haue no other healpe in thys euident gyfte and loue of GOD but that we shold all by a lyttell and a lyttell beleue more and more in this gyft For Faith is requisite as thou hearest here of CHRIST And the stronger that Fayth is the greater is the ioy pleasure and securitie that is felt risyng in the mynd so that after that the mynd is most prone and readye to doo and to suffer all thynges whyche we knowe that God doothe requyre of vs and wylleth vs to doo knowyng that he is louyng and vseth nothynge but loue towarde vs. But thou wylt say If I were as Peter Paule and saint Mary were this gift would be confortable vnto me For they are saintes and therfore doubtlesse this saying pertaineth but vnto them Howe should I that am a synner by any meanes vnderstande that it pertaine vnto me whiche haue so often offended God by my synnes and haue made hym my enemie Such thoughtes can not be auoyded when the hearte after this kynd of preaching reasonyng beholdeth it self considereth his syns And here must we be circūspect and ware least we laying aside Gods word geue our selues any long tyme to such thoughtes but forthwith must we returne to the word and order oure Iudgement accordynge to the same For those thoughtes ar nothyng els but very incredulitie and vnbelefe which goeth about to withdraw vs from this swete gospel And trewely vnbelefe can be ouercome by no other meanes but by the worde of God Of this preacheth CHRIST that wee shoulde not doubte of thys woorde sayenge that his Father the trewe and eternall God in heauen dyd so loue the worlde that he delyuered his only begotten sonne And this is sure that the world here dothe not signifie Mary Peter Paule onely But the worlde signifieth all mankynd Therefore if thou takest thy selfe to be of mankynde or if thou doest not beleue that compare thy self with other mortall men that thou mayst vnderstande that thou art a man For why shouldest thou not suffer thy selfe to be of thys name seyng that Christ with plain wordes saieth that GOD gaue not his sonne onely for Mary Peter or Paule but for the worlde that all shoulde receaue hym that are the sonnes of men Then yf thou or I wold not receaue hym as though he dyd not appertayne vnto vs truely it would consequently folowe that Christes wordes are not true where as he saith he was geuen and deliuered for the worlde Wherfore hereof appeareth that the contarye therto is moste assuredly trewe that is that this gift belongeth as well vnto thee as to Peter and Paule forasmuche as thou also art a man as they are and a portion of the worlde that God maye not be iudged in his worde and this thought rise in our heart thynkyng on this wise Who knoweth whether I am also of their number to whom the sonne of God is geuen and eternall lyfe promised For that is as muche as to make God vntrewe of his promise Wherefore whenne thys thoughte commeth vpon thee suspecte it as thou wouldest suspecte the deuyl least thou be therwith deceaued And say thou what is that to me that I am neyther Peter nor Paule If GOD woulde haue geuen thys gyft to them only that should haue ben founde worthy he wold haue geuen it to the Angells to the Sonne and vnto the Mone For they are pure and vndefyled creatures whyche alwayes obeye God and neuer doo declyne and swarue frome hys Preceptes But thys is the truthe of the matter hee gaue hym to the worlde And the worlde is no woorthyer thereof then as I sayde before Wherefore although I am neyther Peter nor Paule yet wyll I not suffer my selfe to bee putt besyde thys gyfte but wyll challenge as muche thereof for my part as dydde Dauyd and all the holy Apostles For what was Dauyd Dydde he not trespasse heynously and greuousely Also what were the Apostles were they not synners and vnworthye Wherfore lette no man folowe thys reason saying I am a synner I am not iust and holy as Peter was Wherfore I dare not bee so bolde as to chalenge this gyfte for myne But rather reason on thys wyse What soeuer I am yet God is not to bee taken as vnfaithfull of his promyse I am a portion of the worlde wherfore if I wold not take this gift as myn owne I shoulde make God vntrue But thou wilt say Why dothe he not shewe this to me alone then I wold beleue and thynk surely that it apertained vnto me But it is for a great cōsideration that God speaketh here so generally to the intent verily that no manne should thynke that he is excluded from this promyse and gyft He that doth exclude him selfe must geue a count why he dothe so I wyll not iudge them
sayth he but they shall be iudged of their own mouth For this gyft was geuē to all the world and they by their vnbelefe and mistrust of Gods word will not receyue it Yet if a man consider well he shall perceaue that Baptisme and also the Communion of the body and bloud of Christ were ordeyned to the intent that euery man should take this gift free franke as his owne And thus muche haue we spoken generally for the vnderstandyng of this sentence whiche can neuer be sufficiently declared and perceaued For it is the principall doctrine by the faith whereof we dye and obteyne saluation in the whiche Christe doothe describe plainely to oure greate conforte that he hym selfe is wholly geuen vnto vs from the father of pure loue whiche loue he as a mercyfull God performeth to the wicked and vnkynde worlde And here it is playnly sette foorth to all menne what a greate tresure we Christians haue We learne here also what God and the worlde is and howe that we bee made partakers of this grace onlye thorough fayth as Christe sayth all that beleue in hym haue euerlasting lyfe For the doctrine of workes whiche after this fayth ought to ensue by the power of the holy Ghoste is to be placed in an other matter What a Christian ought to do as the obedient Sonne of God and as one shewing himselfe kinde and mindeful for so great a gyfte of eternall lyfe and loue of God as touchyng that I say Christe teacheth nothynge in this place Wherefore we will nowe entreate no farther of this matter that we are saued only by the mercie of god and that we obtaine this grace only by fayth with out vertu without merits and without our workes For all the whole matter that is requisite and necessarie to the gertinge of euerlastyng lyfe and remission of our sinnes is altogether and fullie comprehended in the loue and mercie of God thorough Christ. God graunt vs his grace that we maye beleue and trust hereunto surely and that we may abyde and suffer all thynges with a glad and a redie heart and that we may so die that we may be saued for euer Our God graunt vs this thoroughe his sonne and our Lorde Iesu Christe Amen The first Sermon on Trinitie Sonday Of the feaste MAny thinges shold be spoken as touching this feast For first of all the Gospel is very fruitfull and preacheth of great matters And it is necessary also to speake of the cheife article of our religion for as muche as we Christian men onlye and none beside vs do beleue in god the father and in god the sonne and in god the holy ghost This is the principall article in our congregation which was not inuented by man neither came euer to mans mynde But is only opened vnto vs of god by the worde Wherfore euen as God by other feastes thorough the eare is gloriously set forth by his workes which he hath don that by thē his good will and pleasure toward vs might be knowen as the feast of the Natiuitie of Christ is celebrate kept holy at that time whan Christ became man and the resurrection of Christ whan this man that was god raysed himself from the dead and Whitsontyde when the holy ghost came downe in a visible forme began his operation and so forth so that all feastes do declare with what god is as a man woulde say appareled So this present feaste was therfore ordained that it might be knowen as nigh as it is possible out of gods worde what God is in his nature and substance of hymselfe without any maner of visers or shewes And here are all creatures Angels and heauens to be ouerpassed with a highe contemplation and all inferiour thinges to the whiche we are commonly accustomed are also to be set asyde And these thinges only are to be heard whiche God pronounceth of hymself and his proper substance and nature And here doth appeare what is the wisedom of the worlde and the folyshnes of God For whan the worlde heareth that one eternall God is three distincte persons this it can in no case alowe but iudgeth all mad that either teache those thinges or beleue so as they teache Wherefore this article in the new testament in the whiche it is very euidently set forth hath ben sharplye withstanded resisted So that this was the occasiō as witnesseth the histories that Iohn the Euangelist wrot his gospell For by by there sprong vp the hereticke Cherinthus which had learned of Moyses that ther was but one God Whereby he gathered that Christ could be no God as God himselfe could not be man Wherfore he did vse this sylogisme and sophisme of reason and thought that euen as he hymselfe could vnderstande and gather by reason the thynge that it was so in dede in heauē and could none otherwise be But away with this iudge false estemer of things I meane reason Blind reason where as it is not sufficiētly able to knowe it selfe yet wil it not stycke to be so bold as to iudge of god For yet is there none foūde that can know for a suretie what this is that men see with eyes speake laughe with mouth And yet we stāde so highe in our owne conceite that we will speake dispute of God and of his substance yea and that of our owne proper reason without helpe This is a great folishenes I can not parfectly determine what is seing or laughyng and yet I will take vpon me to knowe and geue sentence of that wherof I knowe nothing at al wherof god only ought to pronounce Yet the worlde setteth muche by this folishnes the Turkes the Iewes mocke vs christiās as half mad because we beleue that Christ is god But if this were wisdō who might not pronounce thinke with the Turkes Ther is but one god Christ is not god But when scripture and the word of god is put forth this thinking and pronouncing is nothing worth But we muste speake or at least wise stammer of those things as the scripture doth point vs that is that Christ is very god that the holy ghost is very god yet that ther are not three gods neither three natures or substāces as we nūber three sons three men three angels or three windowes For so is not god distinct in his substance but there is one only substance of god Wherfore although there be three persons god the father god the sonne and god the holy Ghost yet in substance they can not be deuided or discerned For ther is only one god consistyng of one indiuisible substance For so sayth Paule of Christ whiche is the Image of the vnuisible god the first begotten of al creatures for by hym were all thynges made that are in heauen or in earth visible and inuisible whether they be thrones or dominations or principats or potestats
As it chanceth in the wynd The sound therof is heard but we can neither declare the risynge nor the slackyng therof So is it in the newe byrthe The outwarde ceremonie commeth by the water vnto the eyes and the word is heard that the woorke is done in the name of Iesus vnto the absolution and remission of synnes He that regardeth not the worde and spirite and the vertue thereof and seketh it not after that sorte as Christe hath appoynted shall bee deceyued For nothyng els is requisite to the getting of the newe birth and spirite but that thou must be baptised with water and take diligent hede to the word This is the newe birth to the kyngdome of God and no other way is there What wil these sectaries say here which only crake of the spirite and in the meane tyme lay asyde baptisme the sacrament worde Wherfore Christ here doth not teache but he sheweth by a plain demonstration baptisme the word And doth admonyshe vs that if we will not be content to vse the water and word that we shall haue nothing of the holye ghost neither shall we euer atteyne to the new byrth Wherfore let vs haue diligent regard of our baptisme and of the word as of the chief part of our saluation Where we know for a suretie that if we kepe that we are new borne vnto the kingdome of God And this doctrine how we must be new borne that is how we must come to the kingdom of God is strāge and not heard of in the world and yet it is only true vnfallible where as of the contrary part all other doctrines deceaue seme they neuer so good by the iudgemēt of the world of reason The life of the phariseis the rules of monkes the deuotion of the single shauelings are very fantasticall And the works of vertue of the ten cōmandements do not a little cōmend them that haue them Yet there is none of al these things that doth regenerate It is only water and the spirite that doth worke these thinges which spirite will no otherwise be knowen of vs or felt but as the wind is knowen by the sound He that heareth the sounde that is beleueth is baptised he is new borne shal be saued But Nicodemus is so deepely drownde vp in his phantasticall imaginations of the law and good workes that he can not cōprehend this doctrine as it doth also chaunce in those Papistes that are moste wittie For it hindreth them alwayes when they think thus should all this be nothing should not this please God that we fast that we pray that we geue almes Wherfore Christ hādleth hym with the more austeritie for that he wil not beleue knowledge the true doctrine saith Art thou a master in Israel and knowest not these thinges As though he should say How then doest thou thy dutie as a maister of Israel seinge thou knowest not the way of true saluation This doctrine of the newe byrth and regeneration is the doctrin of the prophets necessarie to saluatiō Now art thou so ignorāt that thou doest not knowe that vice in oure nature whiche hath neede to bee abolished by regeneration But for what purpose is this reprouing of a maister in Israell Uerily that all preachers of religion and of true saluation may know that all learninge which is without the doctrine of regeneration is naught and false Not because it is a faulte to teache good workes and to adhorte men therto For so doth the lawe of god and doth wel therby But herin are they to be blamed that beside this doctrine they teache men nothyng els as though nothing els were requisite to euerlastinge life For it is euident in this place that although the lawe and good workes be done yet they profitte nothynge to the attainement of the kyngdome of god but that there muste nedes be the new byrth of water of the holy ghost And it is the spirite which by the water worde doth make other new men The lawe and the workes do change neither the men neither the workes Wherfore he that thinketh with himselfe how he might bring men to saluation let him haue respect to the newe byrth as Christ hath here let him not beginne it by good workes but let hym laye the fundation by that thing that can make a new heart that is let hym lead men to baptisme and to the spirit ye and to the word by the whiche the holy Ghoste doth worke in mens heartes For as the winde nothing is knowen but the sounde so of the holy ghost nothyng is perceaued but the worde That must ye kepe surely and then looke for the operation of the holy ghost Nowe what maner of worde this is and how the holy Ghoste doth make a sounde Christe here teacheth No man goeth vp into heauen but he that came down frō heauen euen the sonne of man which is in heauen This begynninge of the sermon is of that wherof Christe sayth ye beleue not me if I speake earthlye thinges to you how wil ye beleue if I speake heauēly things vnto you For this sermon can not be inuēted by any man but the only begotten sonne which is in the bosom of the father hath declared it vnto vs. Of this sermon or saying ther are two partes The fyrste is somwhat harde For of this it is certainely decreed No man ascendeth into heauen but he that came downe from thence the meaning wherof is all one with the saying before Except a man be new borne he cā not see the kyngdome of God That is No man can be saued or obtaine remissiō of his sinnes rightousnes neither by the law neither by good workes reason or free wil. And he that hath no more then these things although they be neuer so good he is dāned can haue no hope of saluation It is a very euident plaine sentence whiche if the Iewes papistes wold beleue it wold make them to forsake al the trust that they haue in their owne workes and righteousnes For what man hath his birth from heauen None no not the first that were Adam and Eue. It is only the sonne of Mary as Christe here saith Therfore if none shal enter vp to heauen but he that came downe frō heauen it is plaine that all men as they be borne of their parēts can not ascend into heauē If they can not go vp into heauen what place is there for them For they can not cōtinew in earth for death If therbe no going vp to heauen than can no man escape damnation This is the iudgement of Christ as touching all the worlde no man excepted whether it be Adam Eue Abraham Moyses or Dauid all they can not enter in to heauen For he only ascēdeth into heauen that came down frō thence What do we then preuaile by good workes merits the law or free wil All these things are
openeth their eies and loseneth their tongue For this is certaine and sure that all saluation commeth to vs onely by the worde of God Otherwise what coulde we knowe of Christe and his sacrifice of the holy ghost of the wyl of God c. Wherfore this also euen in these our dayes is an excedynge great miracle and a moste hygh benefite when God geueth to any man such an eare as gladly heareth his worde and suche a tongue as dothe not blaspheme but blesse and glorifie God Our aduersaries the Papistes are muche more miserable and in aworse case then this dumbe mā was For their eares are stopped And although they heare the worde of God yet can they not heare it I meane vnto their profite and edifying But they heare it as the Iewes did when Christ most excellently preached of the forgeuenes of sinnes and of euerlastynge lyfe they vnderstode nothyng they delyted not in the sermons of Christ but contrarywyse they were vtterlye madde and blasphemed Christ and his doctrine Suche are all they that wyll not heare the worde of God They are deafe and dumbe and in a farre worse case then this miserable man was of whom our gospell maketh mencion For they can doo nothynge ells with their tongue then blasphem and most spitefully rayle vpon the worde of God that most excellent and precious iewelle But they that gladdely heare the word of God and vnto whome Christ saythe as he sayd to this dumbe man Ephata that is to saye Be opened and haue the benefit of hearyng are those to whom healpe is geuen in dede against the deuyll For God hath opened vnto vs none other way vnto heauen then his word and his holy Gospell He that gladly heareth that diligentely kepeth that and hath hys chiefe delyght in that is safe and without all danger This is one miracle whiche is euen at this daye in the churche among men that our eares whiche the deuyll thorowe synne hadde stopped are made open by the word that we may heare the worde of GOD which is the doctrine of our saluation An other is that he toucheth the tongue and maketh it to speake as Paule saythe With the hearte it is beleued vnto righteousnesse and with the mouthe confession is made vnto saluation For when we beleue in Christ we obteyn therby remission of our sins But after this it is necessary also to confesse and to open by speache that which is felt and beleued in the heart And this maketh a christenman All other workes can not doo it It is possible that a Monke may faste watche and wearye his bodye more thenne a Christian but by that hee is not made a Christian manne For in thys one thynge he fayleth that he is yet deafe and dumbe He wyll not heare the worde and muche lesse confesse it But a christen manne heareth and beleeueth and afterwarde confessethe These two thynges make a christian manne Thus CHRIST exercysethe hys woorke dayely in the Congregation spiritually and by the woorde which he wroughte thenne corporally that hee myghte testifye howe hee geueth healpe agaynste the vniuersall myschiefe of the deuyll but specyally agaynste the spyrituall wyckednesse of Sathan the deuyll that wee myghte stedfastely beleue and put oure whole truste in hym Nowe muste we consyder thys also what Christe meaneth by thys ceremonie that he vseth about thys deafe and dumbe persone The people broughte thys wretched man vnto Christe and desyred hym to lay his handes vppon hym Christ taketh hym asyde from the people putteth his fyngers in his eares he spitteth and touchethe hys tongue hee looketh vp to heauen he mourneth and sayeth Ephata All thys muste sygnifye some speciall matter seyng that Christ vseth suche circumstances in doyng this miracle passyng all other that he wrought Nowe therfore for as muche as we haue declared what it is to be dumbe and deafe lette vs consyder also what meruaylous Ceremonye thys is and why CHRIST woulde specially vse it in thys miracle where as neuerthelesse hee myghte haue doone it wyth one woorde For thys is moste euident and playne that when so euer Christ spake the worde streyght wayes the woorde tooke effect Ueryly Christe by this soo exquisite a ceremonye hathe respecte to a spirituall miracle For by thys he wyll shewe what an harde matter it is to restore the deaffe to theyr hearynge and vnto the dumbe their speache Hee rayseth vppe Lazarus with one woorde To the manne that was sycke of the palsey hee sayde Ryse and walke and he immediatly was made whole But wyth thys manne whyche was deafe and dumbe it pleased hym not to vse suche speede But hee doothe vse a syngular kynde of proceedynge and order in woorkynge of thys myracle He puttethe hys fyngers into the deafe mannes eares Hee towcheth his tongue wyth spetle Hee looketh vppe into heauen He mournethe and then at the last he saieth Ephata that is Be thou opened that by this he might signifie vnto vs that yf we will escape the bondes of the deuyll and haue a redy tong to speake open eares to heare it must be done by the external outward worde and by the ministerie of the same agayn by the outwarde signes or sacramentes that he hath appoynted to bee vsed in hys churche For the worde is fyrst to be hearde and then Baptisme and the Lordes supper must be ioyned therto vnto the whyche thinges the holy ghost commeth and deliuereth the eares and tongue frome their bondes that they may lerne to auoyd all sectaries which despise the outward word and sacramentes and loke tyll God talketh with thē inwardly But Christ saith Thys is my fynger euen the outward worde Thys oughte to sounde in mens eares This is my spettle wherewith their tongue muste be touched and made moyste Then shall my woorke very well and prosperously procede as ye may see For where the outward word is sincerly taught there are christians but wher it is not taught there are none Therefore lette euery man prouide that they followe these steppes Let hym gladly heare the worde of God For God wil not shyne nor geue the glorious lyght of his Gospell into thy hearte except thou firste heare his woorde If thou bee desirous to see and to knowe hym it must be done onely by the worde and sacramentes For without this the holy Ghoste wille not procede to his workynge as God hymselfe euen from the very heauens protested vnto vs whenne hee sayde This is my derely beloued sonne in whom I greatly delyte Heare hym Christ also gaue this commandement to his disciples Go into all the worlde teache and baptise all nations Agayn he that heareth you heareth me Here dothe Christ with open mouth cōmaunde that his Gospel shold be preached to men that they should be baptised And by this his cōmandement he sheweth that this is the true way vnto saluation and none other He that heareth you saith he heareth me Therfore
if thou wilt heare the worde of God heare thy father and thy mother thy preacher and pastor and finally thy Prince and magistrate c. what they saye when thou hearest them thou hearest God except that in executynge their office they commaunde any thynge that is contrary to the worde of God Then are they not to be heard For we must obey God more then men We must fyrst here the word of God in the congregation and afterwarde menne But this one case excepted what soeuer thy pastor or curate thy parentes or magistrates saye to thee that saieth God vnto thee that must thou remember to receaue and to obey For what is hee amonge vs all that woulde not take a long iorney to go vnto suche a churche wher he might heare God preache For all men would be glad to heare and to know that voyce But Christe saieth I wyll brynge that to passe nerer home so that thou shalte not nede to trauayle so farre Heare thy Pastor and thy parentes and so haste thou hearde me For these are my disciples when thou hearest them I wil sound in thy heart Ephata Be thou opened as I did to this deafe person that thy eares maye be opened thy tonge set at libertie and that thou from hensforthe may be no more deafe in thy heryng nor dombe in thy speaking as thou wer afore But how goeth the world The children and housholde although they heare theyr parentes and maysters yet woulde they not doo the least thynge that is commaunded theym except they were compelled suche stubburnesse and disobedience reigneth nowe a daies in the heartes of theym that oughte to be moste humble and moste obediente And as in families so lykewyse in common welthes men are very negligent and slow to obey the officers What soeuer they ordeyne in a realme or citie ye shall fynde very fewe amonge so greate multitudes that wyll trewely and syncerely execute the commaundement of the magistrates The subiectes shewe more disobedience towarde the hygh powers in this time of this theyr so great knowledge then they dydde in the tyme of darkenesse ignorancie and blyndnes suche is the wyckednes and ingratitude of this oure moste wycked and ingrate worlde And it is apparant also howe fewe there are whiche with true zeale and feruent desire heare the sermons whyche is euidentely knowen not onely by their fruictes but also by thys moste specially that the men of townes and villages yea and of cities also do moste vnworthyly handle theyr ministers and pastors not onely by railyng vnreuerently of them but also by takyng awaye vniustly from them suche tythes and dueties as by publyke order are apoynted vnto them Therfore a worthy payne foloweth euen this that when the worde of God pronounced by parents ministers of the churche and by magistrates is neglected nothinge set by the deuill by litle and litle shold stop their eares more and more and tye theyr tongues streyghter then it was afore and so set them in suche case that they can not abyde either to heare or to speake the worde of God But on the other parte it maketh their eares wide open to heare the dotyng dreames of the sectaries and their false and diuellyshe doctrine agayne to heare baudye balades fylthy fables triflyng talke whorish wordes and suche lyke as corrupte bothe bodye and soule It loseneth and setteth at libertie also their tong to blaspheme God to slaunder theyr neyghboure to lye to backbyte to rayle to scoffe to ieste c. that it maye be an offence to all good and godly men And this is a rewarde worthy suche ingratitude vnthankfulnesse vngentylnesse yea playne churlyshenesse and it worthely chaunceth vnto theym on such sorte because they wyshe it to bee none otherwyse But what shall bee the ende Uerily that all thynges shall go to hauocke the woorde of God shall be taken awaye from vs seynge wee haue noo delyghte therein As it is wrytten He would none of the blessing therefore shall it bee farre frome hym And as oure Sauiour Christe sayeth This is condemnation that lyghte is comme into the worlde and menne haue loued darkenesse more thenne lyght For their woorkes were euyll And in the place of the woorde shall the wycked decrees of Antichriste bee thruste into the churche Our countrey shall be oppressed with diuers kyndes of plagues as pestilence famyne tempestes c. Oure common wealthe shall be tourned into common wo. Myseries yea and those mooste greuous and intollerable shall ouerflowe this oure countreye Insurrections commotions Rebellions Conspiracies tumultes ciuile warre murderynge one of an other c. And after al these things except we repent tourne vnto God with all our hearts gladly heare the word with our tong magnify the same to the vttermost yea frame and fashion our lyfe and cōuersation according to the doctrine therof shal this our realme be a spoile to foreyne nations This hath our ingratitude worthely deserued whiche beyng prouoked so often with so many benefites at the hand of God wyll notwithstandyng not onely not repent but also where as we ought to procede from faith to faith and from vertue to vertue we go from vice to vice from syn to synne and so we cease not daily more and more to heape the whote wrath and most horrible vengeance of God vpon vs to the destruction of our countrey vnto the damnation of our selues both body and soule And this is the cause why Christ loketh vp to heauen mourneth and as one greatly troubled saith Ephata Be opened For this greatly greueth our sauior Christe that where as the good pleasure and mercyfull wille of GOD is to delyuer vs frome the bandes of Sathan thorough the woorde wee as people without all reason refuse oure owne Saluation and thorowe our contumacie and stubbornesse haste vnto our selues euerlastynge damnation and prouoke the wrathe and vengeance of God to fall vpon vs. Therfore let vs consider well this miracle and folowe the example of these good men whiche glorifye commende prayse and magnifye CHRIST affyrmynge and openly confessyng that he hathe doone well in that hee of his greate mercye and infynyte goodnesse hathe made the deaffe for to heare and the dombe to speake And thys dooth our Sauioure Christe by his fynger and spetle euen at thys houre yea continually in the worlde that the eares of the deefe maye bee opened and the tongues of the dumbe losened by the outewarde woorde whyche we heare in the Churche of our Pastours and Mynisters and at home of oure parentes For by thys woorde the holye Ghoste woorketh myghtely in vs and by none other thynge Marke that welle and soo muche the more studiously and diligently embrace thou the word For thys is the next and most certaine waye that our eares may be opened oure tongues losened and we our selues at the laste obteyne euerlastyng saluation Whyche thynge oure Lorde and Sauiour Christe Iesu
graunte vs for hys mercies sake To whome wyth God the Father and the holy Ghoste be all honour glory prayse and dominion worldes withoute ende Amen The .xiii. Sonday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Luke x. HAppye are the eyes whiche see the thinges that ye see For I tell you that manye prophetes and kinges haue desired to see those thinges whiche ye see and haue not seene them and to heare those things which ye heare and haue not heard them And behold a certaine lawyer stode vp and tempted him saying Maister what shall I do to inherite eternall lyfe He sayde vnto him what is written in the lawe howe readest thou And he aunswered and saide Loue the Lorde thy God with all thy harte and with al thy soule and with all thy strength and with all thy mynde and thy neyghboure as thy selfe And he sayd vnto hym Thou hast aunswered right This do and thou shalt liue But he wyllyng to iustifie him selfe saide vnto Iesus And who is my neyghbour Iesus aunswered and sayde A certaine man descended from Ierusalem to Hierico and fell amonge thieues whiche robbed hym of his rayment and wounded him and departed leauynge hym halfe deade And it chaunced that there came downe a certaine priest that same waye and when he sawe him he passed by And likewise a Leuite when he went nye to the place came and loked on him and passed by But a certayne Samaritane as he iourneyed came vnto hym and when he sawe him he had compassion on him and went to and bounde vp his woundes and powred in oyle and wine and sett hym on his owne beast and brought hym to a common Inne and made prouision for hym And on the morowe when he departed he toke out two pence and gaue them to the host and said vnto him Take cure of him and what soeuer thou spendest more when I come agayne I wyll recompence thee Whiche nowe of these three thynkeste thou was neyghbour vnto hym that fell amonge the thieues And he saide vnto him He that shewed mercye on hym Then sayde Iesus to hym Go and do thou lykewyse THE EXPOSITION THys gospel is long Therfore we wyll selecte and chose out of it one or two partes thereof whyche wee maye remember and fele the fru●ct and swetnesse thereof The fyrst part is that Christ greatly extolleth and auanceth hys woorde and Gospell and turnyng hym selfe vnto his Disciples he sayd vnto them Blessed are the eies which se the things that ye do se. For I say vnto you many Prophetes and kynges woulde haue seene the thynges whyche ye doo see and they haue not seene them and haue hearde the thynges whych you heare and they haue not heard them By this Christs mynd is to confirme and strengthen vs agaynst the miserie whiche we see in the worlde for asmuche as nothyng is more vile and more despised in this wicked worlde then the Gospell For the worlde can abyde and heare all other doctrines lyes and heresies but as for the Gospell it wyll neyther see it nor heare it yea the worlde blasphemeth it and persecuteth it moste cruelly and vexeth them with all kynde of tormentes that professe it as there hath bene great store of examples before certaine yeares the more pitie in this realme of Englande and yet is in dyuers places of the worlde Thys seeth Christe and therefore hee comfortethe his disciples and sayth The world blasphemeth the Gospell but hee that is so wyse as to heare it hathe blessed and happy eares and is most indebtedly bounden to geue god thanks therfore that he is made partaker thereof and so he may worthily magnifye that whyche the worlde dothe so contemptuously handle and so spitefully entreate For this is moste certayne that ye are happier and more blessed then Dauid and other kynges For thys was al theyr desyre that they myghte lyue in that tyme when they myghte see me wyth theyr bodylye eyes beholde my myracles and heare my Sermons But that theyr desyre coulde they not obtayne For the full tyme that GOD hadde appoynted frome euerlastynge was not yet come In spirite and with the eyes of theyr Faithe they sawe mee my commynge into the fleshe my byrthe my passion my deathe my Resurrection my Ascension c. and greately reioyced But vnto you it is geuen to see me in the fleshe to beholde my myracles and also to heare my Sermons Therfore see that ye be thankfull to God that suche felicitie is chaunced vnto you that ye may both heare and see me For our state is so miserable ▪ and specially when we are without the Gospell that by lytle and litell errors crepe in yea errour vpon errour is heaped so that ther is almost no ende of errours and heresies in so muche that very hardly many tymes we canne defende oure selues agaynst them as alas for sorowe we had experience hereof to muche in the tyme of the Papacie For at the last the matter came to this poynt that the deuyll was taken for a preacher and credite was geuen vnto hym whatsoeuer he fayned by his busy wicked spirites and moste vayne and lyeng preachers as touchyng Masse pylgremages purgatory pardons and suche lyke trumperie And euen so is at in all places where soeuer the worde is not Errours and lies are there receaued and beleued And then is this the opinion also that that is the way vnto saluation where as in dede it leadeth streyght vnto hell and to the dyuell But on the contrarye parte if the Gospell be present so great madnesse reigneth in the world that very fewe receaue it Therfore I maye well and truely saye that the state of vs men is moste myserable and harde If God denyeth vs his worde we can not be without the destruction of oure soules If he geue it vs all the world refuseth it so that it were beste for men that God woulde haste his commynge vnto the iudgement and shortly make an ende of this wicked wretched synnefull worlde For thys vnthankefulle worlde is neuer the better whether God sendeth vnto it punyshementes or benefites so truely is it sayd of S. Iohn All the worlde is sette vpon wyckednes And this is the fyrste thynge wherof Christ complayneth here which is that he offereth and geueth to the worlde his worde and with that remission of synnes and yet is the worde despised and set naught by Therfore he turneth hymselfe to his Disciples and sayth ye are blessed whiche haue the worde of God and heare it and that ye dyed not before it was reueled brought to light I say vnto you that moste mightie and puissant Kyngs and most worthie Prophetes also would gladly haue liued in this time and haue both sene and heard these thinges And yet such is the wickednes of the worlde whereas it may haue now plentie and abundaunce of so noble thynges it regardeth them not Let not this wickednes of the worlde trouble you but so behaue your selues that ye be
the mariage that is they put this people in a sure hope that Christ would set foorth the gospel throughout all the worlde and procure that remission of synnes and euerlastyng life shold be preached in his name To this ought men to be exhorted and they shoulde waite for the gospell and trust in it that they myghte be saued by Christ. But Christ saieth here they wold not come as the Iewes in the desert would haue returned into Egypt After that he sent other seruantes when the tyme of Christes comyng was whych shold open hymself with teachyng with myracles and great wonders For Iohn and Christes disciples sayd that all thynges were ready and that there was nothynge lackyng but that they should make them selues redy to the mariage But they could not be persuaded by the messengers to comme They regarded not saythe Christ and one went to his farme an other to his busynesse and merchandise c. It is a very vnworthye thyng to despise this feaste euen remission of synnes and euerlasting lyfe and yet to hope for saluation For if it were not so they woulde neuer so gredilye haue gone to their farme or merchandise and vtterly set at naught so noble a mariage But this is alwaies the state of the Gospel as often as it is preached the world waxeth worse then it was before They vsed no suche merchandyse before But as soone as this callyng to the Gospell was set vp they falle to merchandyse wyth all theyr studye It canne not bee otherwyse Wherfore lette no manne be offended for these present maners for that they geue them selfe so to couetousnesse bothe in the citie and also in the countrey for that they bee so insolente and prowde and handle their shepheardes and curates whyche call theym to this feast more vnwoorthily then they handle other men Lett no man thynke that this peruerse maner shall haue good successe Neither wil I hope for much better state then other haue Let not this offēce moue thee muche For it is the long sufferance and pacience of God yet wyl he not suffer it to escape vnpunyshed So nowe GOD can suffer men in theyr licentious lyuyng to despise the Gospell and faithefull warnynges to brynge in the dearthe of all thynges to encrease theyr owne substance he wynketh at this and maketh as though he sawe it not But whenne God shall sende the pestilence that men may dye and falle downe as flies or leaues in the harueste whenne he shall stirre vp battaile so that the violent souldiours shall breake into thy house and destroye all thynges and beate thee and handle thy wyfe and chyldren vilainously ▪ before thy face whenne thou shalte cry out at their cruell doynges and complayne of the greate wrathe of GOD. Then shall it appeare what God thynketh of thy auarice insolence and great madnes For thenne shalt thou bee reproued on thys wyse If thow couldest despise the counsayle of God before thoroughe thy couetousnesse and insolencye nowe muste thou holde thy selfe contente with these thynges whyche thou haste stirred vppon thee by thy licentious and longe outragious lyuynge For GOD suffereth not hym selfe to be mocked longe Wherefore menne myghte doo well yf they woulde ceasse betyme and amende as Gods worde dothe diligently exhorte vs to doo But we woulde haue lycence to doo bothe euen nowe to despyse the woorde of God and to folow our lustes and yet that God should absteyne from punishyng vs. But it will not be as this Gospell teacheth farther of this matter Some of them that were byd were so bolde that they tooke the seruauntes reuyled theym and kylled them By this doth Christ specially meane the citie of Ierusalem whiche kylled the Prophetes and at length the sonne of God But what commeth therof The kyng when he hearde thereof was wrothe and sent his warriours euen the Romaynes These could not but serue Gods turne and kyll these murderers and burne their citie so that the Iewes were sold better cheape then byrdes euen thirtie for a penye There lacked no lamentation cōplaynyng when God toke vengeance but for as muche as they refused to come when they were called to repentance and the mariage of the sonne therfore God refuseth nowe agayne to heare them which thyng beware that it chance not to thee There ar many thinges inough with the which we offende god as ire vnpatience auarice care of liuyng lechery hate and other vices All these are synnes yet are all these thynges nothyng in comparison of this synne whiche is contemnyng of gods worde And yet it is the moste common synne To bee geuen to auarice to steale to committe whoredome and fornication are not so common synnes For all the world is in danger of this synne the citizens and husbandemed sette not this muche by the gospell All sleape at this seruice as a man may se in the churche When one loketh this way an other that waye and in so great a multitude scarsely ten or twelue come to thintente to learne any thynge Yea and furthermore besyde all this this encreseth the matter also that it is such a cōmon synne so deathlyke so greuous so hellyshe and diuellyshe that it can not be noted as other synnes bee All count this for a lyght matter to be presente at a sermon and to take no hede yea rather a great parte geue them selues to bousyng and bybbyng in tyme of the sermon and regard it not and thinke it no matter at all No man is moued with this no man is greued therfore that men are so coldly affected with the worde but it is not so in other synnes For other synnes as slaughter adulterie theft c. dothe make men oftentymes contrite and sorowfull so that they wold wishe it vndone For no man can counte these thynges well done But not to heare the word diligently to despise it to persecute it no man count these matters of conscience Wherfore it is suche a synne for the whiche imperies commonalties and cities must be destroyed For when it is not acknowledged nor receaued no repentance or amendement of lyfe can ensue So chanced it therfore to all kyngedomes and to Ierusalem And England also shall greuously be punyshed for this synne For this synne cryeth daiely to God neyther dothe it suffer God to rest before he saith in his wroth I gaue you my sonne the highest price that I had and wold gladly haue had communication with you to teache and instruct you to euerlastyng life but there is none that is desyrous to heare Wherefore I can not withdrawe the punyshment as it is in Iohn This is damnation that lyght came into the world and men loue darkenes more then lyght For theyr workes ar euyl As though he would saie I would gladly wynke at the other syns but this is damnation that the worlde condemneth that I haue sent euen my worde and it careth not for it This greueth me they are full of sinnes and I would
healpee theym by my worde and they wyll not Therfore if they wil not hear my word let them heare the deuyls worde and let them perishe also in the kyngdome of confusion Thus hath it chaunced to the congregations of the east and to the mooste flouryshynge communalties and to greate regions whyche are nowe vnder the Turke Hungarie also is almoste vndoone vtterlye In other places they wyll not heare the gospel Wherfore for a punyshment they are constreigned to heare the Anabaptistes and other diuelyshe doctoures This is the punishement where as Gods worde is despised and not hearde For it is the greattest and moste haynous synne and therefore the moste greatest and greuousest punishemente is prouided for it This is gods will that we should embrace the worde most louyngly and not onely write it in fine letters in our bookes but also in our heartes But the world will not grant hym this place and it scarcely suffereth it to be in bokes sermons it had rather haue the dyuel in the hert and it shall haue hym at length Wherfore learne this also that God hath cause inough to punishe other synnes of oures But this synne passeth all whenne his worde is set at naught and when they are yll ordered that call men to this mariage He therfore that is holden wyth thys synne lette hym learne to see vnto hym selfe by thys doctrine that he may know that it is no lyttle synne but the moste greatest and most greuous of all synnes whiche God canne not suffer but punysheth it most greuously All men crye out agaynste periurie and auarice that they beare such route in the worlde And thus is trewe that these thynges canne not longe escape vnpunyshed But in that we haue the Gospell and care soo lyghtely for it and in the meane tyme sette our myndes idelly vppon trifles whyle that the woorde is preached this is a synne passynge all other synnes and doubtlesse shall so bee punyshed of GOD that errours and lewde teachers maye enter in wyth all power to take awaye all thynges As it is in Grece and in other Regyons where as nowe Mahomette reygneth whych at thys time dryuethe theym to the abhominations of the dyuell whyche before hadde the worde of GOD but wold not beleue it In the Popedome it chaunced thus also There was first the trewe doctrine When menne were vnkynde and despysed the doctrine God punyshed that synne on thys wyse that they allowed monkery and mooste impudente lyes Nowe also is thys commynge to passe agayn For there must nedes chance to thys synne bothe corporall and spirituall punyshementes where as the dyuell castethe amongest vs Arrians and Anabaptistes For why is not Goddes woorde regarded Why is it not receaued thankefullye Remember ye therefore that we muste beware of thys synne and magnyfye the woorde of GOD and heare it dylygently For although we had none other cause to doo it yet this were a sufficient cause that GOD hathe commaunded it for that it is a mooste acceptable seruice vnto hym For it is no littell matter that we doo serue suche a greate Lorde Hee canne requite and recompence it moste lyberallye Wherefore thys seruyce oughte to be moste acceptable to all Christian men that they might thynk Trewely yf my Lorde and my GOD requyre thys that I shoulde heare hys worde I wyll gladly doo hym thys seruyce that I may boaste of this that I haue bestowed an hower of a daye in Goddes seruice This shoulde be a sufficient cause for vs to regarde Gods word But besydes these there are other causes also more euidente For thys doth GOD promyse to the also yf thou wylt heare my woorde and kepe it Thou shalt subdue the deuyll so that he wyll not be so bolde as to come nere vnto thee For where my word is there am I. And where I am the deuyll can haue no place And besyde all this profite thou shalt haue all thy synnes forgeuen thee and thy hearte inflamed to the true study of religion and obedience towarde God and man and to be short thou shalte obtayne at last lyfe euerlasting For I poynt and prescribe to thee suche seruice to do as for the whiche great profit may redounde vnto thee For if there were no profite for thee at all yet were thou bounde to doo it because it is my will that it should be doone But now I commaunde thee to do such seruice as is moste for thy profite As we proue by experience when we do nothing but repete the ten commaundementes and the Lords prayer there commeth always therof a newe profite that we may vnderstande some thyng that came not to our mynde before And this commoditie is specially therwith that the dyuell therby is dryuen frome thee that he may not hurt thee Wherfore lette no christian be so arrogant that he thynke that hee vnderstandeth now the Lordes prayer and the ten commandementes And if any suche thynge come in mynde iudge it to be a temptation and say If I haue sayd it to day nowe wille I saye it agayne that thou mayest alwayes repelle and put awaye the deuyll frome thee and so shalte thou doo vnto GOD moste profytable seruice If thou doest not so thou shalte offende God greatly But who would gladly proue and fele so greate wrathe of God But alas thus goeth the matter A great parte nothyng regardeth the worde But yet nothyng is more certaine then that if for sinnes pestilence and warre befalleth that God will not regarde thee but that he will stoppe his eares at thy crie Euen as thou also hast deafe eares at his worde As it is in Salomon Because sayth he I haue called and ye haue refused I haue put forth my hand and there was none that would see ye haue despised all my councell and neglected my discipline I also will laugh and scorne you when that that ye feared is chaunced vnto you When sodein miserie shall fal vpon you and destruction as a tempest breake in on you When tribulation and anguishe shall come vpon you Then shall they call m to e and I will not heare them in the morning they shall ryse and shall not fynde me because they hated to be reformed and receaued not the feare of the Lorde and obeyed not my councell but did caste of all my correction This shal be the punishement of this synne when thou shalte at thy appointed tyme be bytterlye punished euen then thou shalte haue GOD to laugh thee to scorne which shall say that this chaunced worthely vnto thee because that wheras he put forth vnto the doctrine of sincere councell thou despisedst it now therfore it chaunceth worthely vnto thee that thou hearest the deuil If thou wilt not heare him that saith Come vnto me all that labour and are heuie burdened I wil refresh you heare thou the vngodly souldier which first curseth and banneth and afterward thrust thee through with a speare Thou cāst not refuse this as
to Cesar that are due to Cesar it is as much as though he should saye If thou be a subiect or one of eyther the hygher or lower degree be content with thy state and trouble not the politique order with thy importunitie and lewde behauioure Hee that hathe an householde lette hym faythfully looke to hys housholde Lette the subiectes obey the rulers as officers appoynted of GOD for the punyshement of wicked doers but for the prayse and safegarde of theym that doo well Lette the chyldren be obedient to their parentes Christe reproueth not neyther doothe he condemne any of these ordinaunces or degrees of persons For they are necessarie vnto a politike kyngedome whyche God canne not want All thys tendeth to thys ende that a Christian manne should not exempt hym selfe frome the politique kyngedome as the Monkes dyd whyche thought thus that if they should lyue after the common sorte of men they shold hardely be saued But Christ teacheth the contrary because that no manne shoulde thynke that he wyth hys doctrine and Gospelle taketh awaye any Ciuile ordinaunce and politique regiment Therefore abyde in thy state Continue in thy vocation and callynge Geue to Cesar that is due to Cesar And geue to god that whiche belongeth to God that is to say Beleue in Iesus Christe heare his Gospell and embrace the same Lyue in the feare of God Be obedient to his cōmandementes Be charitable louyng mercyful gentyll ▪ paciente c If thou geue thys to God he requireth no more As concernyng thynges belongynge to thy body to thy householde to thy state or condition of lyfe lette all these thynges bee subiecte to Cesar A Christian may serue God and Cesar together But the truthe is the Iewes woulde neyther haue geuen to God that was due to God nor to Cesar that belonged vnto Cesar. And here muste we diligently note that as GOD geueth to Cesar his imperie and regimente perfecte whole and sounde For before God or in thy Faith it bryngeth no impediment whatsoeuer thy office or vocation bee thou mayest also if thou wylte with that thy outwarde office exercise trewe godlynesse so likewyse Cesar ought not to trouble the kyngdom of God nor violentlye to compelle menne that they should not geue that to God whyche is due to god What we doo owe to God it was declared before namely to heare his worde gladly and accordyng vnto that to order oure lyfe and to doo nothyng contrary vnto it We canne doo no more to God here in this worlde Neyther oughte Cesar nor any magistrate to bee an impedimente to theyr subiectes in thys seruice of GOD. For if the Magistrate wold presume to doo it the subiectes oughte not to obeye hym yea they ought rather to suffer all extremities thenne to doo any thynge agaynste God and theyr conscience Therefore this is a moste horrible synne whenne the Magistrate is so importune in requyryng obedience that he wyll forbydde that obedience whyche is due vnto God As whenne they forbydde the trewe doctrine of the Gospell to bee taughte in theyr countreys and punyshe theyr subiectes whenne they receaue the Sacrament of the body and blood of CHRIST vnder bothe kyndes accordynge to Christes institution Agayne whenne they enforce and by compulsion dryue men vnto Idolatrie worshippyng of images goynge on pylgremage inuocation of Sainctes byenge of the Popes pardons Masses for soules departed and suche other abhominations In these and such lyke they excede and passe the boundes of theyr power and hynder that obedience whiche is dewe vnto God For that doth God require of vs aboue all thynges And lette vs obeye hym in all poyntes Therfore when the Magistrates sette them selues agaynst God and the trewe woorshyppyng of hym the subiectes ought to know that in thys behalfe they owe noo obedience to theyr rulers neyther are they to be obeyed For it is written We muste obeye God more then menne And Christ commaundeth here not onely to geue to Cesar that is dewe to Cesar but also to geue to God that is due to God If the magistrate can not abide this but for thine obediēce sake toward god his word doth cruelly entreat thee yea taketh thy life from thee be content suffer his tirany paciently cōmit thy cause to God and let this cōfort thee that although the magistrat hath power ouer vs yet hath he not power alone but god also euen the Lord that dwelleth in heuen which is greater then either king or Cesar therfore more to be obeyd thā any magistrate vnder the heuēs And if it so be that one of their commaundementes muste bee neglected and sette aside the commaundement of Cesar oughte to geue place to the cōmaundement of God For if thou wilt not obeye God but shewe thy selfe a flatterer to the Magistrate God is so myghtie a Lorde that he will punyshe that disobedience that thou doest vnto him wyth hell fyre and euerlastynge dampnation Who knowyng this wyll wyttingly cast himselfe into such myserye and not rather wyshe onely one Cesar but also all Cesars yea the whole worlde to be agaynst hym thenne he shoulde disobeye the Lorde hys God and thoroughe that disobedience to purchase to hym selfe eternall deathe Bee the magistrates neuer so madde they can do no more but punyshe the body as oure Sauiour CHRIST sayeth Bee not afrayde of theym that kylle the bodye As for the sowle they canne not kylle But feare hym rather whyche is able to destroye bothe body and soule in hell fyre But we shall here marke that vnder this one word Cesar not onely the persone of Cesar is to be vnderstanded but also euery ciuile Magistrate temporall ruler worldly gouernour officer c. Geue sayeth Christ to Cesar that is dewe to Cesar and to God that is due to God Nowe consyder also the rewardes If thou obeye God and folowe his commandemente the rewarde of thys obedyence shall be euerlastynge and immortall that is to saye heauen and eternall lyfe But yf thou obeye the temporall magistrate agaynste God the rewarde that thou shalte receaue shall bee but shorte and transitorye and after that thou shalte suffer the peynes of euerlastynge damnation in that moste horrible lake that burneth with fyre and brymstone Such as lyue vnder tyrants ought to consyder this that they may certainly knowe that God requireth of all men his obedience whych also oughte vnfaynedly to bee shewed come lyfe come deathe mangre the tyrantes beardes GOD doothe not forbydde but that thou mayste geue to Cesar that belongethe vnto Cesar yet so that that whiche is due vnto hym be not omitted nor lefte vndone And that not withoute a cause For of Cesar we haue no more but meate drynke cloth defence peace and whatsoeuer is requisite vnto thys present lyfe But of God we haue all these thynges body soule and at the last euerlastyng lyfe Why then should we sette lesse by God of whome we haue all good and
her faith But this is a meruailous sayeng of Christ yf wee wyll weygh the matter aryghte He confessethe that power proceded from him ▪ And when the woman cōfesseth the matter openly before hym he doothe not impute it to hym selfe but to the fayth of the woman that so greate vertue and power goeth frome hym when notwithstandyng thys healthe proceded not frome the womanne but frome Christe But Christ doothe this to thys ende that hee maye shewe vnto vs how greatly this thyng pleaseth hym when the Faythe is suche as moste certainely hopeth and looketh for health and helpe of hym alone As though he shoulde saye onely prouide thys that ye may bee well endewed with Faythe in what soeuer daunger ye bee For my mynde is muche more ready to helpe then your desyre is to craue it I doo much more redyly delyuer you from death then ye desyre lyfe This to bee true Christe declareth it plainely in this place seyng that he so bothe liberally and gladly suffreth vertue and power to procede from him in healpynge this woman Therfore we ought to learne by this example that in all peryls and daungers we shold set our Faith only vpon Christ and looke for all healpe at his hande onely But what doo we We heare this at sermons in the temples we are put in remembrance therof at home neyther doo wee wante his miracles at thys daye yet canne not our Faithe be excited and stirred vp to beleue hym Menne wyll not beleue tyll they haue great abundance of all necessarye thynges As long as we are in healthe we hope and beleue well of the helpe of God But if pouertie and sycknesses ones come we haue no Faithe at all We lament we crye we complayne as though there were no healpe to be had neither in heauen nor in earth although we heare dayly both in sermons and otherwise that God wil haue mercy on vs for Christes sake and deliuer vs from all euill if we flee vnto hym with strong Faithe and doubt nothyng of his mercifull promise made vnto vs in the blood of Christ. But how doth this agre with the womans act whiche peraduenture ones or twise had heard of Christe and of his myracles and yet commeth she with so stoute and strong faith vnto Christ that if Christ had ben in the highest part of heuen this Faith would haue brast thorowe all thynges yea and haue brought Christ downe into the earth for to haue holpen her For as we haue oftentymes sayd God can not there deny helpe where he is truely and with a right faith sought and called vpon Wherfore we are alas for sorowe to muche wretches whiche hauyng the worde of God so playnly yet suffer not our faith therby to be excited stirred vp and confirmed But all the faulte of this matter is in the diuell and in oure corrupte and wycked fleshe For if thys were not we shoulde neuer be so vntowarde to beleue that Christ would helpe vs in all our necessities and combraunces were they neuer so great and many For as it is sayde Faythe can not deceaue vs. Therefore Christ dooth here ascribe it to Faithe that he made thys woman whole Thy Fayth sayeth he hathe made thee whole Go in peace be thou whole from thy disease So lykewise shall faithe in Christe rayse vp from death vnto lyfe vanquyshe the deuyll destroye synne and bryng euerlastyng saluation Although CHRIST doothe suche woorkes yet are they the works of Fayth for without faith such workes are not wrought as ye know that neither Christ nor the sacramentes nor the word of God profite any thyng without Faith Faith muste doo all thynges or ells they must be lefte vndoone I speake of things pertainyng vnto saluation For what soeuer is not of Faith is synne And thus much of the first miracle The second miracle is of the rulers daughter that was dead Luke recordeth that thys mayde was so olde in yeres as the woman was diseased of the bloudy issue that is to saye she was .xij. yeres olde for so long had the woman be troubled with her sycknesse All thynges were prepared for the funerall The minstrelles whyche by theyr syngyng and playinge as the maner of that people was gaue tokens of the buryall were there present There was a great noyse of them that wept cried as the maner is in preparation for so noble a buriall In the meane season the Father of the mayde when all thynges were paste hope for what hope can there bee when lyfe is gone out of the body maketh haste vnto Christe nothyng doubting but if Christe were present the mayde myght easylye be restored vnto her lyfe For so declare his wordes He fell downe at the feete of Iesus sayth the Euangelist and sayd My daughter is dead I pray thee come and lay thy hand vpon her that she may be safe and lyue For although Marke and Luke saye that he came to Iesus when hys daughter laye a dyenge yet they also declare that before Christe came to the rulers house the mayde had geuen vp the Ghost and notwithstandyng they signifie that the father dydde not caste awaye his Faithe but surely beleeued that CHRIST woulde restore vnto her bothe lyfe and healthe Who hathe euer sene or hearde of suche meruaylous people A woman whyche in no place of the worlde coulde fynde healpe conceaued suche a fayth hope truste and confidence in Christ that if she might but touche the hemme of his garment she should be healed And this her persuasion was not so farre out of the waye but that as she beleued so came it to passe in very dede In like maner the maides father when his daughter was dead was certeinly persuaded that if Christe did but laye his hande vpon the dead mayd she should receaue her lyfe againe It is easie to be beleued that a man by his hande may rayse vp one that is fallen a sleape But to rayse vp one frō death no hande no diligence no paine taking no noise c. Is able to do it Would not reason thus thincke But the ruler thought not so for if he had he would haue tarried at home and neuer haue taken that iourney vnto Christ but he surely beleued that Christ both was able and also wold restore his dead daughter vnto life And here may we see how acceptable pleasant a thing ▪ faith is to Christ which faith notwithstāding reason the worlde iudgeth plaine folishnes For although Christ was occupied about necessary busines was in disputation with the disciples of Iohn yet all these things set a part when he perceaued this faith of the ruler he turneth vnto him foloweth him satisfieth his desire according to his faith in somuch that when he cōmeth into the house seeth all things prepared for the burial fearinge lest that present sight shold tourne the fathers minde that the example and incredulitie of the men that were there
A similitude The sluggishnes of christeans An example of acouetous man Note well Pro. 19. Preachers must do their duties in preachinge wh●ther the people amende or not Marke well Wee oughte daylye to encrease in the waye of godlynes more and more Phil. 3. Phil. 2. Rom. 8. We ought liberally to geue vnto the poore Papistes abuse the scriptures of god Note this reason Math. 25. Whyther by oure good workes wee deserue heauen Rom. 4. Iohn 11. Iohn 14. Iohn 3. Rom. 14. Faythe Rom. 8.12 Cor. 12. 2. Timoth. 2. Heb. 12. Rom. 4. Scriptures oughte to be conferred An aunswere to the quistiō of the iustification of good workes Galat. 16. An example of gods wrath agenst the despisers of his worde The dispysyng of gods worde is a most horrible synne Ierusalem Let vs repent betymes Rom. 11. At what tym Ierusalem was destroyed and with howe greate a multi●ud● Why god differrethe hys plages Rom. 2. 2. Pet. 3. Note well It is a moste greu●us synn to dispise the worde of god Repente O England and amende Iere. 9. Ioan. 8. Psal. 109. Parētes and householders The plage is certen and yet hydde from the wycked The delaye of punyshement hur●eth greatly in common wealthes A sentence ●or●hy to be remembred 2. Pet. 3. Gods plages differrede are the more greuous Plinius lib. 5. cap. 14. Pro. 10. Osee. 5. Synne Securitie destroyeth the citie Remember this O Englande and beware betyms The seconde parte of the gospellr The priestes sought not the glorye of god but theyr owne gaynes Masse Note Osee. 6. The false doctrine of the Iewishe priestes Humilitie Phariseys Publicanes Christes iudgement of the phariseye and of the publicane two greuous synnes in the phariseye To despysed ther is a great synne Pride abhorred of god Iob. 4. Esa. 14. 2. Pet. 2. Gene. 3. vayne glorye or pride corruptethe all good workes 1. Pet. 5. Iac. 4. Luke 18. What the christen humilitie is Rom. 12. The publican an example of true humilitie 1. Cor. 4. Luke 12. All our glory ought to be in god alone Howe gods gyftes are to be vsed Christe alone is the sauiour The deuyl is the author of all euyll An whole and healthefull bodye is the gyfte of god Why god fulfrethe the deuyll to hurte vs. Ephe. 6. 2. Cor. 4. 1. timoth. 2. Note well God helpethe vs agaynste the deuyll by hys sonne 1. Iohn 3. Gen. 3. Christen men must haue theyr eares opened and theyr tonges losened Rom. 1.10 Iacob 1. Gladly to heare the worde of god is the gyfte of god The papistes are both deaff and dumme God openeth our eares by hys worde Rom. 10. We muste bothe beleue and confesse the worde Why Christ vsed so many circumstāces in restoryng thys man to hys healthe Iohn 11. Math. 9. Note thys well Math. 17. Mat. 28. Marc. 16. Luc. 10· Act. 4.5 Disobediente children and seruauntes Disobediente subiectes The vnreuerent handling of the spirituall ministers in these our dayes The wycked worlde heareth gladlyer Robyn Hood then the word of god Psal. 109. Iohn 3. O Englande take hede be tymes and saye not but thou art warned Why christe lokethe vp to heauen and mournethe God is to be praysed for hys gyftes The word of god is christes fynger and spettle The fyrste parte of the gospell The worlde despyseth the gospell of christe Note well They are most miserable whiche haue not the knowlege of the gospell 1. Iohn 5. What maner of men the gospell makethe The opinion of holines puffethe men vp with pride and makethe the vnmercifull The laweyer What it is to loue god Exod. 20. To loue god is to kepe his commaundementes Iohn 14. Malach. 3. Matth. 10. Luc. ●0 To loue god is to loue thy neyghbour The vnkindenes of the worlde The samaritans loue towardes god God is euery where and in all places a lyke present Rom. Gal. Iobn Fayth obtayneth all thingges He that beleueth not obtayneth nothing Iac. 1. Heb. 1. An apte similitude The seconde doctrine of vnkindnes Unkindnes is the greatest synne The maner of the Monasteries Psal. 116. The world is most vnkynde to god The actes of certayne Gretians Pro. 25. Rom. 1● Math. 5. We muste learne to be kynd of god The nature of Christen charitie The vnthankfull shall not escape vnpunished The whole worlde is set on couetousnes This sermon appertayneth to householders and to preachers ▪ What it is to serue What it is to serue god All gods seruice is cōtrary in the worde ▪ What the true seruice of god is Gen. ● Psal. 45. Pro. 1. Nowe couetousnes maye be auoyded Psal. 59. The fable of Midas Psal. 47. Gods blessing and not care maketh men ryche Not laboure but carefulnes is forbydden Laboure and fayth must go together He that despiseth the word of god despyseth god hym selfe Not idlenes but labour becomethe a christian Ryotus persons Prodigalitie and idlenes forbydden Note we●● the●e ●yue poyntes A comfort agaynst deathe by Christe Christ is the lorde of death We must not feare death Iohn ●1 The deathe of Christen men is a swete and quiet sleape Iohn 5. Pytie or compassion Charitie issuethe out of faythe Rom. 12. Too sortes of compassion pitie Spirituall pitie reprouethe synne Apte and very proper similitudes Folyshe petie marrethe the citie A good lesson for maiestrates To punishe the wycked is greate 〈◊〉 and mercie What is the sanctifyeng of the Saboth Heare and do 1. Iohn 3. What it is to sanctifye the Sabbothe Osee. 6. To a Christian euery daye is the sabboth The seconde part intreateth of humilitie 1. Pet. 5. 1 Pet. 5. Psal. 113. Saull Dauid God can not abyde pride What it is to be perfect The blyndnes of seruing god in the papecie What it is to serue God Math. 2● Monkery is against charitie and the true seruice of god Math. 25. Math. 25. The benefite done to oure neyghboure on earthe is done to god in heauen Why god geuethe vs hys gyftes and to what ende Too knowe christe is most necessari vnto saluacion The knoweledge of the lawe sufficeth not vnto sal●●cion Psal. 110. 1. Cor. 15 ▪ The lawe Phil ▪ ● Iohn 1. Rom. 3. ● 7 Psal. 51. Deathe ▪ Christ Lorde ouer deathe Math. 11. No man can loue god except he knowethe Christe Iohn 3. Rom. 8. Man hath power to forgeue sinnnes The worde and faythe muste be ioyned together Gods mercie is to be found in Christe alone Note well With out the worde it is an easye thing to beleue lyes What things are to be learned of this gospell God alone forgeueth synne The Minister certifyethe the conscience ther of by the worde Math. 28. Marc. 16. Luke 4. Math. 5. Math· 18. Iohn 20. Of the water of Baptisme Note Fayth an the worde are both the gifts of god In the true churche of Christe is remission of synnes and no where ells Math. 18. Numer 22. Contricion The propertie of the palseye Note well What the kyngdome of heauen signifyethe The longe
sufferinge of god The cōtempt of gods worde is the greatest synne that is Note and take hede Iohn 3. The Easte churches Causes that oughte to moue vs to heare Gods worde Pro. 1. Note No hipocrite can hyde him selfe from the face of god Act. 18. The power of gods word Rom 1· Iac. 1. Why christe was sent into thys worlde Of the christē Faythe Rom. 3. Abacuc 2. Luc. 7. What the true fayth is Math. 12. 4. Reg. 16 Esa. 7. The nature of Faythe Math. 6. Luc. 17. Where the worde is not ther can be no Faythe Iohn 8. Iohn 1. Note Rom. 6. Marc. 16. The wordes of absolucion Rom. 4. What faythe is Iohn 2● ▪ Christians must forgeue and not reuenge Deut. 32. Rom. 12. Heb. ●0 The worlde is the worse for libertie What the kyngdome of god is What a talente was in tymes paste Oure synnes are innumerable Psal. 51. Iohn 3. Ephe. 2. Rom. 6. Gen. 2. Rom. ● Synne with all humilitie muste be confessed and mercye craued God by no meanes can abyde anye Iusticiaries In daunger we seke all meanes to escape trouble Rom. 3.5.7 We oughte to be such to our neyghboures as god is to vs. Of gods mercie only muste we loke for remission of our synnes What we ought to think of god in the myddeste of our synnes Ezech. 33. Ezech. ●8 The lawe Psal. 103. Gen. 3. Esa. 43 Deut. 32. Rom. 2. Heb. 10. Pro. 11. Math. 6. Prayer A conditional promese made to the Iewes The cause of rebellion amonge the Iewes We wold also haue heauen but we do nothing worthie of heauen Seruauntes Why the phariseis and herodians came to christ Note the subtiltie of the aduersaries There is no wisdome no forcast no coūcell that can preuaile against the lord saythe Salomon Pro. 21. Twoo thinges are to be learned of this historie In all miseries our sinns agaynste God are to be considered The miserable face of the comon weale of the Iewes The right is claymede the condicion is forgotten Note and practise Maiestrates Preachers The wickednes of the common people against their Pastours Math. 10. Luc. 10. ● Cor. 9. Deut. 2● Math. 10. Luc. 10. Galat. 9. 1. timoth. 5. Deut. 25. Luc. 10. God wyll reuenge the cause of the spiritual pastours Be holde the Parishioners and beware Gene. 9. Oure synnes are the occasion of all our 〈◊〉 The papistes Tit. 1. Ciuile regiment is approued of god Rom. 13. 1. Pet. 2. The temporall Magistrate maye not trouble the kyngdome of Christe Rulers commandyng agenst god are no● to be obeyed Note well Act. 5. Subiectes maye not rebell agenste theyr Rulers be they neuer so wycked God is more to be obeyed then man Math. 10. Cesar what it signifieth in thys our gospell Apoc. 20. Note well What is Cesars O tiranny The doctrine of the papistes The receauynge of the Sacramente vnder bothe kyndes Math. 16. 1. Cor. ●● Sedicion agaynste the Magistrate neuer escapeth vnpunyshed A christen magistrate ought to kepe a measure in his exactions For the defene of theyr contreye all men oughte to bestowe bothe lyues and goodes Psalme 12. Marc. 11. Marc. 5. How the woman touched Christe From christ alone muste we looke for all healpe in oure aduersitie The force of faythe Rom. ●4 Luc. 8. Reason can not comprehend the mastereis of god with Christen eies must wee consider all thinges Note ●ath 21. Exod. 3. Marc. 16. Mat● 26. 1. Cor. 113 Iohn 8 ▪ Belly care is a g●eat enemy to religion All care of lyuinge is to be cast on christ Math. 6. Iohn 6. Exod. 20. Math. 6. Sentences concerninge gods prouidence Psal. 3.3 Psal. 34. Psal. 55. Psal. 105. Psal. 4.5 Psal. 146. Pro. 10. Eccle. 1● Tobi. 4. Phil. 4. ● timoth. 6. 1. Pet. ● ●ohn 14. Examples ●xod 6. 3. Reg. 17. Dani. 14. Iohn 2· Iohn 6. Math. 15. Marc. 8. Iere. 5. Psal. 37. Psal. 107. Iosue 1. Heb. 13. 4. Reg. 4. Eccle. 11. Labour is not forbidden but gredy carefulnes 1. timoth. 6. Couet●snes 1. timoth. 6. Faythe ●ere 6. 〈◊〉 8. Pro. 10. The true wa● to waxe riche Pro. 28. Marc. 8. 1. Cor. 10. 4. Reg ... Apo 20.