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A68859 Holsome and catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church expedient to be knowen of all men, set forth in maner of shorte sermons to bee made to the people, / by the reuerend father in God. Thomas byshop of Lincolne. Anno. 1558. Mense Februarij. Watson, Thomas, 1513-1584. 1558 (1558) STC 25112.5; ESTC S100033 209,288 398

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foreheade as in the place and seate of shamefastnesse to thyntente he shoulde neuer bee ashamed to be a Christian and to folowe the doctryne and woord of the crosse whiche was an offence to the Iewes and thought foolishnesse to the Gentiles but to vs and all them that be saued it is the vertue the power and the wysedome of GOD. The same sygne also is marked vppon the chyldes eyes whereby we be taughte that he is elected and prepared to see GOD in thys worlde by true faythe and in the nexte worlde to see hym face to face in the fruition of hys glorye Hys eares be also sygned wyth the crosse declaringe that he is nowe dedycate to GOD to heare hys woorde and to learne the truthe of hys Catholyke doctryne and to obey the same in hys lyuinge and to stoppe hys eares from the hearinge and beleuinge of errour and the false doctryne of Heresie Lykewise his nose is sygned wyth the crosse to thyntente he shoulde alwayes remember to lyue so that hys doynges and woorkes bee a swete sauour to almyghtye God Moreouer his breste and mouthe be sygned wyth the crosse that by the vertue thereof he shoulde conceyue and beleue in hys harte the true faythe of Christe to his righteousnesse and shoulde with his mouth speake and confesse the same faythe to hys saluacyon without feare of anye daunger or trouble that myghte worldlye come to him thereby And laste of all hys shoulders be signed with the crosse to the intent he shoulde take vppon hym to beare the swete yocke and lyghte burthen of Goddes seruyce accordinge to the commaundement of oure Sauioure Christe saying take my yoke vppon you and learne to bee meke and humble in harte and ye shall finde quietnesse and rest in your soules After the sygne of the crosse foloweth the Ceremonye of puttinge salte in the childes mouth whereby is signified that the childe is prepared and made the salt of our lord and a swete vessel to receyue into it the salt of gods heauenly wisdome of his spiritual grace by the presēce of gods holy spirit and that all his woordes and dedes ought to be sauourye and well seasoned with the sayde heauenly wysedome and grace not putrifyed by the wormes of synne nor yet smellinge euyll by the corruption and poyson of abhominable iniquity After this like as our sauiour Christe when he healed the deafe and dombe manne he putte his fingers into his eares and with his spittle touched his mouth and saide Bee thou opened euen so after that maner the Priest in the persone of Christe doth open the eares and touche the nose of the childe that is borne spiritually deafe and dombe that he shoulde nowe begynne to heare the voyce and woorde of GOD and to obey hys mooste holye commaundementes hauynge the eares of hys harte opened to vnderstand and approue that whyche is the good well pleasinge and perfyte wyll of GOD and also that he shoulde haue discretion by the openinge of his inwarde smellinge to discerne the good smell of lyfe from the euyll smell of death and to receyue the swete sauour of Gods knowledge by the vertue of the incarnacion of Gods sonne which is signifyed by his spittle and to thinke continuallye vppon suche thynges as bee true chaste iuste holye and of good name and fame and that the power and illusions of the wycked spirite the deuyll might bee restrayned and that the grace of GOD mighte bee geuen to the childe whereby the spiritual effectes and al that is taughte and signified by these Godlye Ceremonies mighte be wrought in the childes soule The Priest with them that represent the whole Churche saye the Pater noster and make theyr mooste humble prayer to almightye GOD and in spirite and trueth do cal vppon his name and after all these thinges done without the dore of the Visible Churche whereby is sygnifyed the true Churche and misticall body of Christe oute of whiche the chylde remayneth tyll he bee baptysed at laste they enter into the Churche and bringe the childe to the fountayne of baptisme and there is made the solemne league and couenaunt betwene GOD and man First the league and vowe of the mans parte with God when he voluntarily by three solemne professions renounceth the deuyll and all his woorkes and all his pompe and pryde The pompes of the deuyll bee the vnlawfull desyres that defyle the soule as the desires of the fleshe the desires of the eyes and the ambition of the worlde He that wyll ouercome the worlde muste ouercome these three thinges whyche bee in the worlde and thereby shal he ouercome the deuyll that by perswasion of these three deceyued the worlde On the other syde the league of Gods parte wyth man is to remytte hys sinnes to receyue him as hys sonne to endue him with his holye spirite and to bringe him to eternal saluation This league and couenaunt is neuer broken of Gods parte but whosoeuer beleueth and is baptised shall be saued which promise of our sauiour Christe is euer fulfylled excepte the man breake his vowe and promise before by seruinge the deuyll and doynge his workes and so finally loose by sinne the grace whiche is geuen vnto him in baptisme After this league made the child is anoynted with oyle vppon the breast to the intent he should vnderstand when he commeth of age that the holy ghost which is signified by the oyle shoulde alwaies possesse his hart by faith and alwaies dwel in that hart by charitie as in a holye temple euer in all aduersytyes comfortinge it with the oyle of spiritual ioy and gladnes and he is also anoynted in the backe that he should vnderstand that the same faythe whiche he hath receiued into his hart oughte to be exercised with good woorkes to the glorye of god and the edifyinge of his neighbour And so is he anoynted as a champion of Christe as one that euen than entreth into the battayle of thys world to fight with the deuil and al his wicked Aungels And because Christ sayde he that beleueth and is baptysed shall be saued therefore the partye that is brought to be baptised is inquired and asked what he beleueth concerninge the holye Trinitye and all the other artycles of our common Crede and yf he bee of age and dyscretion he professeth hys owne faythe in hys owne persone withoute the whiche professyon he maye not be admytted to the holye Sacrament of baptisme And this fourme was alwayes obserued in the beginning of the church when menne of perfyte age were baptised but after that the multytude of the Gentiles were conuerted to the faythe of Christe the holye Churche prouydinge for the saluation of theyr chyldren whiche can not be saued but by regeneracion of the water and the holye ghost hathe euer vsed to baptyse them in the Sacramente of faythe that lyke as they were alyenated from GOD by an other mannes
flesh is accustomed to corrupt the soule and finally by the handes and feete is practysed muche vyce the particulers whereof I neede not to reherse For these causes the sycke person is anoynted in the sayd places at which tyme the Priest and they that do than assist hym with sure faith and confidence in almighty God putting away all mystrust and doubt make theyr most humble prayer to his maiestie that it would please the same throughe that vnction as a spirituall medicyne and hys most mercyfull goodnes to pardon and remit what so euer the sycke person hathe offended by his sight or hearing or anye other part of hys bodye aboue mentioned with manye other godlye and holsome prayers thereunto annexed and vsed to be said and frequented in the church of Christ. And thus to praye ouer the sycke persone and to aueyle him is not the inuention of man deuised by mans wytte but accordynge to Gods ordynaunce is done in the name and authoritie of our Lord who is the authour of thys sacrament as he is lykewyse of al the other by whose assistaunce and secrete operation this sacrament woorketh hys spirituall and inwarde effect which effect Saynte Iames last of al declareth saying The prayer of fayth shal saue the sycke and God shall relieue and lyft hym vp and if he be in synne they shall be forgyuen vnto hym Which effect is double or twoo wayes the one chiefe and principall is in purging and makyng cleane the soule from daylye and veniall synne whych neuer fayleth if the sycke partye doo not stoppe the influence of Gods grace whyche hee maye doo by remayninge then in deadlye synne neglectinge to procure that to be forgyuen vnto him before by the sacrament of Penaunce or by mistrusting to receyue that grace of God whiche is signifyed and promised by that holy vnction Therefore ought euerye man and woman beyng sycke fyrst to confesse hym selfe and receyue the Sacrament of Absolution then to receyue the blessed foode of immortalitie in the Sacrament of the Aultare for the perfection of Gods influence and the increase of all hys former graces and than afterwarde wyth sure faythe and confidence in God requyre to be aneyled of the Priestes of Christes Churche And in so doyng besyde the perfyte purgynge of hys soule hee shall no doubte of it feele inwardly great easement agaynst the paynes and horrour of death great strength and comforte of the spirit wherby lyke a good warriour and stoute Champion of Christe he is then made more able to wythstande the vyolent tentations of the deuyll and fynallye greate ioye and gladnesse in hym selfe great staye and increase of fayth and hope towardes God and great desyre to be deliuered from the myseryes of thys transitorye worlde and to be called to the eternall Cytie of God in the kyngdome of heauen The other effecte is the healyng of the bodye from corporal diseases or at lest the mitigation of the same Which effect is not principall and doth not alwaies follow partly for the smalnes of faythe in the sycke person for great and vehement fayth is requyred to haue Gods power to woorke such corporall health in men partly for that God our most mercyfull father accordynge to his heauenly wisdome thinketh it best for vs other wyse to dispose of vs as he knoweth to be most expedient for the saluation of our soules or the commoditie of his elect people whose benefite of corporall health if it had bene then bestowed vpon vs perchaunce the malice of our wyll would haue abused it to the offence of God and the daunger of dampnation to our soules Therefore in all such indifferent thynges as be sycknes or health of body euery Christē man ought to commit and referre it to the good wyll and pleasure of almighty God and to think and esteeme that to bee best what so euer God shall worke by vs although it seeme to be hurtfull to vs or to be contrarie to oure desyres and petitions which in all thinges as he taught himself ought to be directed and submitted to hys wyll and pleasure who alwayes of his godlye prouidence disposeth all thinges swetelye and mercyfully But how so euer God shall worke concerning our corporall healthe we ought surelye to trust that god for his part if there be no stoppe in vs fayleth not to woorke inwardlye in oure soules the spirituall effectes whiche I haue rehersed before And because there be two thinges whiche let the soule freelye to haue recourse to God and to delyte altogether in him the one is that weaknes and feablenes which is left in the soule of man after the wounde of deadlye synne althoughe the gylte of the same be remytred by true penaunce the other is the daylye heapynge vp of many venial synnes into which a man fa●leth by fraylnes of nature by sodeyne motions by imperfection or coldnes of charitie by vehement agonies of sicknes or by negligence in not taking heede to himselfe his actes and profession For that cause to remoue these twoo euils God hath ordeyned this Sacrament of extreme Unction to bee ministred whereby the weakenes of the soule is strengthened and all venyall synne remitted if it be well and deuoutly receyued And seyng a man must needes once departe hence and ende the iourney of this troublesome lyfe for so much as the soule is by the flesh lodē drawen backe infected disquyeted and weakened therefore it hath neede of a newe strengthe and spirituall medicyne specially at the passage hence by deathe that it neyther fall gyue ouer or dispayre but that it be relieued disburdened pacified comforted made able by the strength of the holy ghost to abyde wyth God and by his ayde to passe through the miseries and trauails of this lyfe and to exchaunge the shorte lyght affections of thys tyme wyth the eternall and weyghty ioyes in the kyngdome of heauen All whych graces as I sayd before the soule of the sycke person receyueth and is indued withall by the worthye and deuout receipt of thys holy sacrament ordeyned of almighty God for the same purpose Thus haue ye heard good people the meaning effect of the doctrine of s. Iames concerning this sacrament how it ought to be vsed what grace and vertue is geuen to vs thereby which to neglect and to defraude or depriue our selues of the benefites thereof wylfullye were great folye For althoughe it be not absolutelye necessarie to saluation as is Baptisme without the which no man ordinarylye can be saued yet if it be dispised and of contempte not regarded when it may be had it is a let and stoppe to saluation Wherefore I shall exhorte you all in the name of God that when God by syckenes shall visite any of you ye folow the counsel of the holy ghost vttered and expressed by the writing of this holy Apostle Saint Iames that ye call for the priestes of the Churche I meane the great vniuersall Church of Christe which is knowen
Holsome and Catholyke doctryne concerninge the seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes Church expedient to be knowen of all men set forth in maner of shorte Sermons to bee made to the people by the reuerend father in God Thomas byshop of Lincolne Anno. 1558. Mense Februarij Excusum Londini in aedibus Roberti Caly Typographi Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum ¶ The contentes of the Booke OF the numbre of the Sacramentes of Christes Church and the effectes of the same Ser. i. Fol. i. ¶ Of the Sacrament of Baptisme Ser. ii Fol. viii ¶ Of the necessitie of Baptisme and the ministers of the same Ser iii. Fol. xiii ¶ Of the auncient and godly ceremonies perteyninge to Baptisme and what is ment and taught by them Ser. iiii Fol. xviii ¶ Of the Sacrament of Confirmation Ser. v. Fol. xxiiii ¶ Of the seuē giftes of the holy ghost geuen in the sacrament of Confirmation Ser. vi Fol. xxix ¶ Of the real presence of Christes body in the sacrament of the Aultar Ser. vii Fol. xxxvi ¶ Of the chaunge of bread and wyne that is to saye of Transubstantiacion Ser. viii Fol. xlii ¶ Of the effectes of Christes bodye and bloud in the worthye receiuer Ser. ix Fol. xlviii ¶ An exhortation for the worthye receyuinge of the holye Sacrament Ser. x. Fol. liiii ¶ How a man maye come worthely to receiue the blessed Sacrament Ser. xi Fol. lx ¶ Of the sacrifice of the newe Testament whiche is called the Masse Ser. xii Fol. lxviii ¶ Of the godly prayers ceremonies vsed in the sacrifice of the Masse Ser. xiii Fol. lxxv ¶ Of the necessitie and commoditie of Penaunce in generall Ser. xiiii Fol. lxxx ¶ A Sermon againste desperation Ser. xv Fol. lxxxvi ¶ Against presumption of mercye ▪ Ser xvi Fol. xciiii ¶ Of Contrition Ser. xvii fol. ci ¶ Of inward Confession to almightie God Ser. xviii Fol. cviii ¶ Of Confession to a Priest Ser. xix Fol. cxiiii ¶ what a sinner ought to doe in makinge his confession Ser. xx Fol. cxviii ¶ Certayne Instructions whereby a man may consider hys lyfe make his confession the better Ser. xxi Fol. cxxv ¶ Of confession to a mans neighbour whom he hath offended Ser. xxii Fol. cxxxii ¶ Of Satisfaction Ser. xxiii Fol. cxxxix ¶ How a man shoulde after penaunce auoyde sinne and lyue well Ser. xxiiii Fol ▪ clxvi ¶ Of the Sacrament of Order Ser. xxv Fol. cliii ¶ In what estimation the Prelates and other Ministers in Chrystes Churche oughte to be hadde of the people Ser. xxvi Fol. clix ¶ Of the Sacramente of Matrymonye and what grace is geuen in it Ser. xxvii Fol. clxvi ¶ Of the maner how to minister and contracte matrimonye Ser. xxviii Fol. clxxii ¶ For what intent and wyth what affection men and women ought to marrye Ser xxix Fol. clxxix ¶ Of the Sacrament of extreme Unction Ser. xxx Fol. clxxxv FINIS ¶ Of the number of the Sacramentes of Christes Church and theffect of the same Sermo primus THe Catholike Church of god good people dothe extende her doctryne concernyng the matter of oure beliefe not onely to the Articles of our Crede and such poyntes as by reuelation from God it teacheth vs to beleue of God and the woorkes of our Sauiour Christ which he did or suffered for the redemption and saluation of man but also to the holye Sacramentes of God by the woorthie vsing whereof he powreth abundantlye his many folde graces into our soules and by them maketh vs people mete to receyue the fruites and benefites of his passion And as ye haue bene instructed partly concerning the Articles of our faythe so it is expedient ye be likewise instructed concerning the holye Sacramentes of his churche to thintent ye might not onelye knowe the maner of Gods working in curinge of your soules but also prepare and dispose your selues to the fruitful receiuinge of his medicynes whiche be ministred to euery man by his holy Sacramentes And therfore at this tyme by Gods helpe I intend to declare vnto you the number of the sacramentes of Christes church also theffect of them all in general at other times euery one of thē in special It is to be beleued vpon paine of damnation that there be seuen Sacramentes of Chrystes holy churche institute and ordeined of our sauiour Christ in his new testament or law whiche be Baptisme Confirmation the Sacrament of the Aultar Penaunce extreme Unction Order and Matrimonie The first fyue be ordeined for the making good and the perfection of euery man and woman as by Baptisme we are iustified and made members of Christes misticall body by Confirmation we are increased and strengthned in grace by the sacrament of Christes body and bloud we are nourished to euerlasting lyfe and made fat with God by Penaunce we are restored to our former rightwisnesse and goodnes if in case we fall after Baptisme by extreme Unction we are made hole spiritually and also corporallye if it be thought to God expedient to our soules Al these fyue Sacramentes be ordeyned to beginne or restore our ryghtwysnes and to bringe it to perfytnesse for oure saluation The other two laste be ordeyned for the common state of the hole Churche as Matrymonye to encrease and multiplye the Church corporally by generation and Order to multiplye the hole Churche spiritually by regeneration and also by the ministerie of Gods woorde Sacramentes and discipline to rule and gouerne it after the will of almightye God And where as the holye Scriptures in manye places compare a mans lyfe to a warre we maye verye well by that same similitude vnderstande the numbre and diuision of Gods Sacramentes and the true effecte of the same For Christe our Lorde and kinge who hath for vs ouercommed the deuyll the fleshe the worlde hell death and all his enemies and ours laboreth to make all vs for whom he hathe prepared triumphe and the inheritaunce in the kingdome of heauen to be his souldiours and by his power and helpe to fight againste the sayde enemies and to ouercome theym in our owne persones and so to atteine the promised rewarde The first thinge that a worldly Prince doth intendinge to make warre againste his enemye is to muster and choose out his souldiours and to take their names and to apparel thē with his liuerye and badge that they may be knowen frō the souldiours of his aduersary Euen so Christ our chefe captaine by Baptisme hath called and chosen out of all the people of this world whiche he hath holly redemed certeine to be his souldiours to fight against his enemy the deuil which soldiours thus called haue geuē their names to Christ their kinge haue renounced the seruice of their old maister the deuil who was a tyrant deliting onely in theyr death and haue promysed to serue onely Christ like true souldiours against the deuill and by this sacrament of Baptisme are pardoned and washed from theyr olde spots of originall
the mightie princes of the world but contemned al there threatninges and gloryed in their tribulations and reioyced that they were thought worthy to suffer either shame or deathe for the name of Iesus takinge this for a rule of their liuing rather to obey God than man For this same intēt and spiritual effect good people receiue we the holy ghost in our Confirmation that wee shoulde be established in the giftes and graces before receiued in baptisme y t we lightly fall not frō them againe that we should be made hardyer and more bold to confesse our fayth not regardinge any daunger or peryll that mighte come to vs therby and that we should constantly withstand all the assaultes and tentations of the deuyll the worlde and the fleshe and neyther shrinke for feare or geue ouer for paine nor cease for shame bu with pacience and continuaunce keping our promise bearinge our crosse not yelding to our enemy should with sure hope looke for the crowne of righteousnes which god wyll geue to all them that loue hys comminge These Godlye effectes be taught and sygnyfyed vnto vs by the matter of this sacrament and by the other ceremonies which be vsed in the ministracion of it The matter of it is y e holy Chrisme which is mingled and made of two thinges oyle Oliue and balme By the oyle oliue is signifyed the infusion of grace and the feruent zeale charitie towardes the maintenaunce of Chrystes faith wherwith he is indued that is confirmed By the balme is signified the swetenes of gods holy spirit wherwith Christ doth allure vs and draweth vs to his seruice also wherby we are made a good and swete sauour to God replenyshed with the fruite of righteousnes to the glory and praise of god and to the good example edifying of our neighbour With this holy Chrisme the man or chyld is anointed in his foreheade by the impositiō of the bishops hādes with the signe of the crosse By the imposition of handes is signified the strength of the holy ghost wherewyth we be indued in our Confirmation to thintent we might be able to stand in our faith to aboūd in hope and to grow in charity in good workes And the crosse is signed in our forehead that we shoulde neuer be ashamed of oure Lorde Iesus Christ nor of our religion but should stedfastlye resist the tentations of the deuill and ouercome with paciēce the troubles of this world alwaies glorying in the crosse of Christ and laboringe to come to the felowship of his passions that so we might be partakers of his glorious resurrectiō After confirmation the party confirmed hath a blow of the cheke geuen him by the bishop to the intent he shoulde know and remember that hys religion and profession is mekely and gladlye to suffer the shame rebuke and tribulation of the world for the name of Christ and for righteousnes sake without grudging against God or reuenging of his owne quarel and so in peace and patience to possesse his soule Therfore I beseche you brethren doe not neglect this holsome profitable sacrament but diligently consyder what ayde and what grace is geuen vnto you in it if by your necgligence fal ye haue lost that grace for a great part yet it may be recouered agayne not by a newe Confirmation which may not be iterate but by your inward conuersion faythfull penaunce and after ye bee risen and haue recouered your strength agayne than take better hede and do not make heauye nor dryue not away the holy ghost from you who flieth alwaies from fained ypocrisy wil not dwel in that body that is subiect and seruaunt to synne And lyke wise be you carefull and diligente to haue youre children confirmed in this grace to be indued with these excellent giftes of the holye ghoste by receiuing this holy sacrament in the catholik churche and specially they whose chyldren were baptysed of heretykes in the tyme of any scisme and out of the catholike Churche For although they did than receiue the sacrament of baptisme whiche may not be ministred to them again lest we should shew our selues to crucifye Christe a●gaine yet they did not than and there receiue the grace of baptysme beinge oute of the Churche but may nowe receiue the grace whiche they lacked before and be reconciled to god and be made members of his holy catholike Churche and so in tyme be admitted to receiue the blessed bodye and bloud of our Lord Iesus Christe Whiche thinges yf you procure for them and bothe they and you stand stedfastly in that same grace to your lyues end ye may perfytly trust to atteyne that glory which shal be reueled and geuen to all Gods electe people in the last day by the merites of our sauiour Christ to whom with the father and the holy ghost be al honour and prayse for euermore Amen ¶ Of the seuen gyftes of the holy ghost geuen in the Sacrament of Confirmation Ser. vi WHeras it is declared vnto you good people that in the Sacramēt of Confirmation the holy ghost is geuē to him that is confirmed not for the making of him a new man or the childe of God and the inherytour of the kingdom of heauē for which purpose he was geuen before in baptisme but to cōfirme him in that grace he hath receyued and to ayde him in hys spirituall battayle wyth his ghostlye enemyes and to defende hym in his conflictes and to comforte hym in hys trauayle and to bee his tutour in kepinge him from fallinge and to make him stronge able to resyst and ouercome his enemies all whiche thynges the holye ghoste worketh in the hart of the partye confirmed by induing him with his vii principal giftes therfore I intende God wyllinge at thys time to declare vnto you which be those seuen giftes and how they be vsed to auoyd the suggestions and assaultes of the deuyll These seuen giftes be set forth by the prophet Esai where he saith of our sauiour Christ that there shall a rodde or branche spring forth of the roote of Iesse and a floure shall ascende from that roote and the spirite of god shall rest vppon him the spirit of wysedome and vnderstanding the spirite of counsell and strengthe the spirit of knowledge and pitie and the spirit of the feare of god shal replenish him Which seuen giftes do not onely rest vpō Christ as mā being the hed of his mistical body the churche but also vpon euery one of vs that be made mēbers of the same body the holy ghost dwelleth in his soule that hath these giftes alwayes defendeth hym frō his enemies whē he loseth or quencheth them by yeldinge to his enemye than the holye ghoste withdraweth his gracious presēce from him tyl he by penaunce and prayer recouer them againe And these giftes after the maner of holye scripture be termed called by the name of spirytes not that
to saye to shewe reuerence to our superiours to shew conformitie to our equalies and to shew reliefe in word and dede to our inferiours Out of this roote of pitie springeth the Godlye vertue of mekenes for he that is wel affected towardes the seruice and honour of God and studious to do his duetie towardes all degrees of men shall shew him selfe to be not heady styffenecked enuious but meke gentle and tractable not resisting euyll but with good ouercomming euil therfore this meke man may wel be called happy which by gods promise shal inherit possesse the land of y e liuing And if this gift of pitie or the vertue of mekenes chaūce to decay or be lost by the enuy of the deuyl than let him pray the effect of the second petition which is O father let thy kingdome come either to vs that we may be as thou art and teacheth vs to be humble and meke in oure owne hartes so haue the who is eternal rest dwelling in our soules or els let thy kingdome come frō heauen to earth in the clerenes of the glorious comming of our lorde Iesus Christ whē the meke men shal heare him cal the blessed people of his father to his kingdome and therfore shal reioice be glad for euermore The third bolt that the deuil shooteth against a man is yre for of enuy groweth yre when he enuyeth his equall or superiour vpon a small occasion eyther geuen or taken he is stirred to indignation malice swelling of mind and euil lookes or els to chyding and brauling and so in processe to iniury vengeaunce or murder Wherin appeareth hys greate folye For noughtye anger resteth no where but in the bosome of a foole because it is great folye to thrust a sworde through his owne hart to thintent he mighte hurt the coate of hys enemy which thing euery angry man doth that vsurping the office of God seketh to reuenge his own quarel thus the deuil as he by pryde robbed him of his loue to god by enuy of hys loue to his neighbour so now by yre he robbeth hym of the loue of him selfe Against this fyery darte of the deuyll the holye Ghoste hath armed vs with the gift of knowledge whereby we knowe howe to walke vprightlye and without offence in the middes of this wicked generacion also that we should behaue our selues to theym that haue by wrong done vs iniury as we would do to sicke folkes children or mad men of whome both their parentes and other frendes and phisicions often tymes wyll suffer dyuerse iniuries tyl their youth or infirmitie be gone away Out of this gifte of knowledge springeth the vertue of mourning For when we know in what miseries we be wrapped in what a greate heape of euyls be round about vs which we of ignoraūce desyred as good thynges and profitable for vs than we fall to mourninge and lament the lack or prolonginge of the verye true and eternall goodes and ryches that bee stored vp for vs in heauen and begynne to sette lytle by those vaine and transitorye thinges whyche we estemed as good in earth For which cause our Sauioure Christe estemeth vs happye that so doe mourne and hath promysed vs the comforte of the holye ghoste that for contemninge these temporall thynges here we shoulde enioye eternall gladnesse in heauen And for restitucion of this gifte and vertue when it decayeth or is lost by vs we maye praye the third peticion that Gods wyll myght be done in earth as it is in heauen that when oure fleshe as earth and the desyres of it dooe in all thinges without rebellion obeye oure spirite the lacke of whiche obedience is the cause of oure mourninge as the hauinge of it is the perfourmaunce ●f Gods wyll in earth than we myghte haue this promysed comforte presently in our hartes as a pledge of that gladnes which is to come The fourth darte of the deuil is ydlenes and slouthfulnes when he tempteth a mā to esteme the fulfyllinge of Gods commaundementes eyther vnpossible or very harde and paineful and so to forbeare the doing of his duty or to be werye in the beginning and sadde euer after Agaynste this darte the holye ghoste hathe armed vs with the gifte of fortitude and strength and thereby perswadeth vs to thynke Gods commaundementes not to be heauy or greuous but to be a light burden and swete yoke and encourageth vs to set vpon that worke whiche is excellent and worthye praise and for auoyding of fayntnes or werynes he kyndleth oure hartes wyth hys loue to continue stedfaste and immo●uable from the hope of the Gospell increasing in good workes and knowinge that oure labour is not in vayne in Christe Oute of thys gyfte commeth the vertue whiche is called the hungre and thrist of rightwysnes whyche consisteth in true fayth and perfyte obedience to Gods lawe the earnest and vehement desyre whereof causeth a man to be moued neither wyth the flatterie nor aduersitie of this worlde nor to be sadde when he dothe well but to hope as a Lyon and not to geue place to hys aduersarye Therfore seinge that fortitude is the gift of the holy Ghost wherby they be happy that be hungry and thristy that is to say greedy and desirous of ryghtwysnes because they shall be made ful with the meate of Christ whiche is to do the wyll of hys father and also with that drinke which causeth a fountayne of water to be in theym springinge vp to euerlastinge lyfe if at anye tyme we lacke these vertues or be slacke in vsynge of theym than lette vs praye that oure daylye breade may be geuen vnto vs thys daye by vertue whereof we beyng susteyned and made stronge myghte come to that perfyt fulnesse and satietie whyche shall admitte no hunger or thyrst any more euer after The fyft darte of the deuyll is couetousnesse for when he perceyueth a man encouraged to do good and serue God by the gift of fortitude and strength he laboureth al he canne to turne that his constancie and strengthe to a wronge ende that is to saye from the fulfillinge of Gods law and mainteyninge of his truthe to the greedye and vnsatiable appetyte of fulfilling the desyres of the worlde and to the mayntenaunce of vyce and errour and tempteth him further to be obdurate and stony harted in vnmercyfulnes and so in processe for hope of gayne not to regarde crafte deceipte violence or treason Againste this darte of Couetousnesse the holye Ghoste armeth vs with the gift of counsell that oure courage and strengthe maye be stayed and dyrected to the right ende that is to saye to the contempte and despisinge of the vanitye of thys worlde and not to truste in the vncertayntye of riches but to trust in the liuing God and to do good to all we can and to be riche in good woorkes beinge readye to geue parte of that God hathe sent and to
lambe is sprinckled vpon both the postes of our doore when it is receiued not onelye wyth the mouth of the body for redemption but also with the mouth of the hearte for imitation Whyche bloude is not nowe shedde vpon the handes and coates of the souldiours that crucifyed him but is powred into the mouthes of the faithfull that receyue hym And this newe doctryne was not knowen to the worlde tyll our Sauiour Christe taught it hymselfe in his ghospell For the olde lawe dyd forbydde the eatinge and drinkinge of bloude with theyr mouthes and the newe law dothe commaunde it so to be dronken for which cause we that pertayne to the newe lawe do vse often tymes to drinke of this bloud knowynge that except we eate his flesh and drink his bloud we shall not haue lyfe in vs. Wherein wee are called to more dignitye than any of the prophetes of the olde testamente was For Dauid dyd neuer eate of thys bodye nor neuer dranke of this bloude although he beleued in Chryste as well as we or rather better and so was onelye pertaker of them spirituallye by fayth and not corporally by the sacrament as we be See with what great dignity almighty God doth honour our mouthes by which as by certeine gates and doores our sauiour Christ entreth into vs when we communicate and receiue his bodye and so hauing Christ within vs by his fleshe in hym corporally vnited by the sacrament of perfit and natural vnitie we shal likewise be partakers of his propretie which is life euerlasting I wil no more at this time good people occupy you with any longer processe concerninge this most true euidente matter but shall speake of it at other times besechinge you in our lordes name not to wauer in your faythe lyke reedes blowen a syde with euery wind but to stand stedfast in the certein belief of this most holy sacrament whiche is set forth to vs by the mouth of our sauior Christ himself and the sacred bookes of al his holye Euangelistes and is confirmed with the bloud of his martirs with the miracles of God and hys faintes shewed for that purpose with the testymony of all catholyke wryters in euery age and with the aucthoritie and consente of the holle church of Christ throughout the worlde as well in general coūsels assembled in the name of oure Lord Iesus Christ as in euery perticulare prouince and realme which is the piller of trueth the surest staffe to leane vnto for a christen man to holde himselfe stedfaste in trueth so that the mooste manyfeste woorde whyche was spoken by Chr●ste oure Lorde vpon this holye Sacrament and the true meaninge of the same woord declared from tyme to tyme by his holye Catholike church deliuereth vs from all ignoraunce what it is and assureth vs that in this most holy sacrament is present by the omnipotent power of god the real and true body and bloude of our sauiour Christ god and man vnder the sensyble formes of bread and wine and is there receyued of the faithfull people not onelye spirituallye by faithe but also corporallye with their mouthes for the attayninge of immortalitie and euerlastinge life both of body and soule the which GOD of his infinite goodnes graunt vs through the merytes of his sonne Iesus Christ and the sanctification of hys holye spirite to whom bee all prayse honour and glorye world without ende Amen ¶ Of the chaunge of the breade and wyne that is to say of Transubstantiation Serm. viii WHat is the substance of thys blessed Sacrament we haue learned good people of oure sauiour Christes owne wordes who the nighte before he suffered at hys laste supper with his disciples toke breade and blessed it and brake it and gaue it to hys dysciples and sayd take and eate this is my body and takinge the chalice he gaue thankes gaue it to them saying drinke al you of this for this is my bloude of the new testament whiche shall bee shed for many for remission of sinnes Upon these wordes of Christe all true christen men ground their fayth concerning this blessed Sacrament and beleue verelye that the inwarde substaunce of this sacrament is the fleshe of oure Sauiour Iesus Christe whyche suffered for oure synnes and that in the chalyce consecrate is the same bloude that dyd runne foorth of Chrystes syde when it was opened with the speere And furthermore vpon the same woordes of Christ the holy churche and all true christen men her members doe grounde their faithe concerninge the chaunge whiche the holye ghoste by his vnspeakable power worketh in this sacrament where t●e inwarde substaunce of breade and wyne is chaunged into the substaunce of the bodye and bloude of Chryste the outwarde formes of the saied breade and wyne with the quantitie and qualities of the same still remayninge vnchaunged Whiche maner of chaunge because it is singuler and hathe none like it eyther in nature or otherwise therefore the holy Churche dothe call it by the name of Transubstantiatiō the whiche woorde was inuented by the holy churche in the greatest generall counsell that euer was which was called the counsell of Lateranense where there were present seuenty Archbyshoppes and foure hundred Bishops and they spake of thys chaunge by that name to thintent that lyke as the holie church of Christ in euery age dyd agree and was of one minde concerninge this chaunge of the bread and wyne euen so they should agre and be of one tong in the vtteringe and speaking of that chaunge that the diuersitie of manye wordes vttereth diuersly in the bokes of learned men should not impayre and bring in doubt the olde knowen trueth reueled to the Churche by the holye ghoste This olde trueth the Churche learneth of Christes owne woordes For where as it was but one thinge or substance which our Sauiour Christ gaue out of his hand to his disciples to eate whiche one thinge he saied plainly was his body which shoulde be geuen for them and in saying so made it so to be by hys almightie word for that cause the holy church beleueth that it is not breade but his very bodye in dede And also where as it appeareth to al a mans senses to be very bread which sēses be not deceiued so farre as they can skyll of reache vnto which is onely to the outwarde apparaunce and qualities or qualitie not to the inwarde substaunce therefore the holye Churche beleueth that the chaunge which is in the sacramente is made in the inward substaūce of the bread and not in the outward forme of the breade whiche remayneth as it was for whiche cause the Churche calleth that chaunge Transubstantiation For that bread which our lord reached to his disciples being chaunged in nature and not in forme by the omnipotency of his worde was made flesh And as in the person of Christe hys humanitie was sene and his diuinitie was secret vnsene
our sinnes that the bytternesse of our penaunce mighte wype awaye the fylthye humour of our corrupt life from our soules The Iewes did eate their lambe standinge hauinge their stafes in their handes and in greate haste ready to flye out of Egipte euen so oughte we to stande in true faythe and good lyfe not to syt or lye in corrupt doctryne or lyuing but to haue the staffe of true hope of eternall ioyes to come in our handes to stay vs in the daūgerous iourney of this worlde that wee neyther faynte for werines nor giue ouer for cowardnes to our gostly enemies knowing that theyr iorney was but from Egipt to Iewry and our iorney is frō the earth to heauen the strong and holsome vittale of whiche iorney is this heauenlye foode of Christes body and bloode And as they were in readynes to departe out of Egipt by and by after the eating of the lambe so ought we cōmyng to this blessed sacrament to haue our liues so vp righte and pure from all synne as thoughe we shoulde euen then depart out of this transitorye worlde For looke in what state of clene lyfe aman wold auenture his soule when he dyeth let him with all diligence prouide and procure that his soule be in the same state when he commeth to communicate By this comparison ye may learne good people howe to proue iudge your selues and so to come worthely to this heauenly foode The next thing is to lerne how to iudge and discerne the body of our Lord whē we come vnto it that is to say we may not vndiscretlye negligentlye take it but we oughte to discerne Christes body from other common meates and considering the great dignitie and worthynesse of it we ought to geue honour and reuerēce due to so great a thing as is the flesh and bloode of Christ God and man not the fleshe of man one lye for than it could not geue life but the proper fleshe of Gods sonne vnited to his person in diuinitie and is therfore able to geue lyfe eternall to our mortal bodies For which cause we ought with feare reuerence and a deuoute mynde to come vnto it which beyng the same in substaūce that suffered is also the best wytnesse of Christes paynful passion Wherefore when thou doest go vp to the Aultare to bee fedde wyth thys spirituall and heauenlye meate beholde wyth fayth the most holy body and bloude of thy God honour it maruel at it touch it with thy minde take it with the hand of thy hart and speciallye drynke of it wyth the draughte of the inwarde man No man eateth worthely this flesh but he that first honoureth it with godly honour in the holye Sacrament considering that it is greate synne not to honour it seinge it is the bodye of him that made thee and wyth it redemed thee and shall by it rayse thee oute of dust and ashes for the which thou hopest to receiue heauen and the ioyes that bee therein and to bee associate to his holy angels But wher as in this sacrament there be two thynges conteyned the outwarde fourme of breade which is sene with the eyes of the bodye and the bodye and bloude of Christe whiche is seene onelye with the eyes of the soule which is fayth Therefore let euery man or woman when he seeth this sacrament in the Priestes handes direct the eye of his faythe and hys intent to honour onely that substaūce of Christ God and man whiche he seeth not with hys bodelye eyes but beleueth it moste certeinlye to be there present and let him not fyxe hys thoughte vpon the visible whitenes or roundnesse of the bread which be sensible creatures reserued ther for the vse of this mistery and may in no wise be adowred and worshipped with godlye honour but let him intend to honour the body and blood of Christ and yet not those as onely creatures but as they be vnited to the Godhead and made one person in diuinitie for onelye God is to bee honoured with godlye honoure whiche we doo when we honour Christe God and man present in the blessed Sacrament This honour specially consisteth in oure true and lyuely fayth which we haue of Christe there present which honour we declare outwardly by kneling and other reuerent behauour of our bodies protesting thereby what is our faythe and iudgement concernynge the substaunce of thys most blessed Sacrament and so we truly iudge and discerne our Lordes bodye And for further honour to be geuen vnto it when so euer we receiue it we take it fastinge before all other meates except extreme sicknes or the instant danger of death doo require otherwyse to take it when and as we maye For euer synce the Apostles time it pleased the holy gost that for the honour of so great a Sacrament the body of our Lorde shoulde first enter into the mouthe of a Christen man before all other externall meates For thys maner and custome is obserued vniuersallye througheout the holle worde And for that cause it is decreed by the vniuersall Churche of Christ that this moste honourable Sacrament shoulde bee reserued for the necessitie of theym that be sicke or absent least where as it can not bee duelye consecrate at all tymes and places of a priest not fasting the sicke folkes should die wythoute thys heauenly foode whyche is theyr strengthe and the staye of theyr passage to the next worlde Furthermore at the tyme of the receyuing of this Sacrament we ought to haue our myndes occupyed in remembryng the passion of Christe For by this sacrifice which Christ geueth to vs we know assuredly that he boughte vs wyth no worldly treasure of golde and syluer but wyth this same his moste precious bodye and bloude and by it we are prouoked to remēber alwayes his most hye benefite and therewithall continuallye to render moste humble thankes to him in deuout affection and obedient seruice according to hys good wyll and pleasure Thus receyuing the bodye and bloode of oure Lorde we oughte thankfullye to remember and confesse that oure sauiour Christ hath geuē his body to death and shed his bloude for vs knowyng that we ought agayne rather to suffer our bodyes to be slayne and our bloud to be shed for hym and in defence of hys truthe and edifyeng of his people if the case so required than to forsake or denie him or the truth of his gospell reueled by the holy ghost to the catholike churche By this good people ye knowe how to iudge and discerne the bodye of our Lord and how to behaue your selues when ye come to receyue it Now likewyse know what is your dutye to do after ye haue receiued it Ye ought to keepe and preserue your selues clene from synne rather after than before lest you commit anye thyng that might displease the presence of his maiesty whō ye haue receiued and therby be an occasiō of his
departing from you and of wythdrawing hys grace frō your hartes that haue desyre to haue synne whych is the mother of deathe rather to reign in your mortall bodies thā to haue Christ and hys heauenly father with the holy ghoste to make theyr habitation ther. As it is more shame for a man to dislodge hys honest gest and thrust him out of doores a●ter he hath receiued him into his house than at the first tyme to haue sayde him nay and to haue denied him lodging euen so it is greater damnation to defyle thys our flesh with the fylthines of synne when it hath receyued Christes fleshe and bloude and so to treade vnder foote Gods sonne than to haue absteined and not to haue receyued hym before makynge the last end worse then the first Wherein we be like cursed Absolon that called his brother Amnon to a feast and caused his seruauntes to kyll him there And also wee be lyke to the traytour Iudas that after with Christe in his supper he receiued Christes body at Christes hande gaue place to the deuils suggestion betraied Christ his mayster to the wicked Iewes and we be also like to the Iewes that met Christ cōming to the citie with vowes of palmes and olyue trees and within fiue daies after cryed Crucifige vpon him and pursued him euen to the death But our duty is to geue as much reuerence to Christ being present and dwellyng with vs as we did when he was commynge to vs and not to take hys precious body and blood in vayne and with out cause but to expresse in our lyues that we imitate and folow his footesteps and so keepe a perpetuall commemoration of him that died for vs and rose againe in that we be now mortified to synne and the world and liuyng to GOD in Christ our Lord. For this sacrament of the Aultare wherin we receiue Christes body bloode doth signifie and teach vs that we should communicate with Christ in his passions and folow that cōuersation in our maners which be shewed in his fleshe and as his bodye in forme of breade is seene to enter into our mouthes so we maye knowe that he also entreth into vs by that conuersation which he vsed in earth to dwel in our hartes by fayth Therefore hee that so remembreth Christes deathe that he accordyng to Christes example doth mortifie his members which be vpō earth that is to saye fornication vnclennes noughtye desyres couetousnesse and suche lyke he eateth woorthely Christes body and blood and hath euerlastyng lyfe remayning in him and sufferynge wyth Christe shall raygne with Christ in the glory of hys father with the holy gost world without end Amen ⸫ ¶ Of the sacrifice of the newe Testament which is called the Masse Serm. xii AS Christ our Sauiour hath geuen vnto vs hys moste precious bodye and blood in the Sacrament to be our meate to feede and nouryshe vs to euerlastyng lyfe So hath he geuen good people vnto vs the same hys bodye and bloode to be our daylye Sacrifice for that teynynge of remission of synnes and eternal saluation and as he commaunded vs to take and eate that hys bodye whyche he gaue vs so hath he commaunded vs to offer it to GOD the father in remembraunce of his passion So that the Sacrifice of the Masse whych is the proper Sacrifice of the newe Testament whereupon by Gods helpe I intreate at this tyme is the execution of Christes commaundement in his last supper when he sayd to his disciples Do this in my remembraunce wher in the bread and wyne be consecrate and chaunged and the bodye and bloode of Christe beynge made present there by the almyghtye power of the holye Ghost be offered to God the father by the Churche for the Churche and be receiued of the faythfull people Christ our Lord God who loued vs synners so excedynglye that for oure redemption and saluation abased hym selfe to be made manne and was made obedyent in humblynge hymselfe to the moste paynefull and vyle deathe of the Crosse and for our iustification rose agayne the thyrde daye and ascended to heauen to the glorye of hys father whyche be the wonderfull woorkes of God and therefore m●rueylous in oure syght hath also instituted and ordeyned a memory of these merueyles sayeng So often as ye shall doo these thynges ye shal doo them in my remembraunce And when sayd our mercyfull Lorde that woorde verelye euen than when hee gaue the meate of hys bodye to them that feared hym And than in hys last supper did he beyng our most hye Priest fyrst of al offer a Sacrifice to God the father and commaunded the same to be done of the Priestes of hys Churche that occupy hys office in memorie of hym and so taughte the newe oblation of the newe Testament whych oblation the Churche receyuing of the Apostles dothe offer to GOD throughout the holle worlde And for playner vnderstandyng of thys matter good people I praye you call to your remembraunce the summe and grounde of all our faythe which is that we beleue to be saued onelye by the merites of our Sauiour Christe and that he bearing our synnes in his body vpon the Crosse and beyng the innocent Lambe of God wythoute all synne hym selfe shedde hys moste innocent bloud for vs sinners and by the voluntarye Sacrifice of hys owne bodye and bloude made satisfaction for all the synnes of the holle worlde and reconciled the wycked world to the fauour of God agayne Thys bloudye Sacrifice made Christe oure Sauiour vpon the Aultare of hys Crosse but ones and neuer but ones and it is the propitiatorye Sacrifice and a sufficient pryce and raunsome for the synnes of al people from the beginnyng of the worlde to the last ende Al our comfort and ioye is and ought to be in thys Sacrifice and passion of oure Sauioure Christe by whyche onelye we haue and may haue sure hope of saluation All that were saued from the creation of the worlde and the fall of Adam were saued by the vertue of thys Sacrifice and by lyuelye faythe in Christe that was promysed to Adam and Noe and Abraham and the other Patriarches and fathers of the olde testament and all the Sacrifices whych they offered then were but fygures of thys Sacrifice of Christe whereby they dyd protest theyr fayth in Christe to come And lykewyse all we that haue bene iustifyed and saued synce Christes tyme and shall be to the worldes ende obtaine and receyue that redemption remission of synne and saluation by the onelye vertue of the same bloodye Sacrifice of Christe vpon the Crosse. When so euer we be in synne wee resorte to that passion to haue remission when so euer our woorkes be vnsufficient and vnperfite we runne to that passion to haue that supplyed that lacketh in vs when so euer we go aboute to render thankes to God for all his benefites wee can not doo it
woorthely and sufficientlye tyll wee ioyne oure selues to that passion that maketh our thankes geuing acceptable in the syghte of GOD. No tounge can particularlye expresse the woorthynes and commodities of this Sacrifice of Christes passion which hath purchased for vs all pardon all grace all rightwisnes all holynes euerye good gifte and eternall saluation The action and doyng of this Sacrifice was not long but accomplished and ended vpon good Fridaye whyche was the daye when Christ dyed and he dyeth no more but liueth euer but the operation and vertue of this passion is a longe thing extended to the saluation of man from the begynning of the worlde to the laste ende from the tyme when Christe was fyrst promysed to be the Sauiour to all men tyll the tyme when hee shall come agayne in his Maiestie to be the iudge of al men And althoughe the sufferyng of hys passion was but shorte and is alreadye ceased yet the effect of it which is mans redemption and satisfaction ceaseth not and because it is applyed to euerye man that is partaker of it by lyuelye faythe in continuall succession duryng all the tyme of the holle worlde therefore Christe our Sauioure wylleth that the Sacrifice of thys redemption shoulde neuer cease but bee alwayes to all men present in grace and alwayes be kepte in perpetuall memorye For whych cause he hath geuen and committed vnto hys churche the moste cleane and pure Sacrifice of hys bodye and bloode vnder the formes of bread and wyne and hath commaunded it to be offered to God and receyued of vs in the remembraunce of hys passion tyll hys laste commyng Which thing the churche most faythfullye and obedientlye obserueth and vseth not by presumption taking vpon it self to offer that Sacrifice of our Sauiour which is farre aboue the dignitie of man but by commission and warrant of his most holy woorde authorised to offer Christ Gods sonne to God the father that is to saye to represent to the Father the bodye and bloode of Christe whyche by hys omnipotent woorde hath there made present and thereby to renew hys passion not by sufferyng of deathe againe but after an vnbloody maner not for this ende that we shoulde thereby deserue remission of synnes and delyueraunce from the power of the deuill which is the proper effect of Christes passion but that we shoulde by oure fayth deuotion and thys representation of hys passion obtayne the remyssion and grace alreadye deserued by hys passion to bee nowe applyed vnto oure profytte and saluation not that the passion of Christe is vnperfytte or needeth anye woorke of ours to be added to supplye the imperfection of it but to comforte and relieue oure imperfection that some droppe of grace maye bee drawen and broughte vnto vs oute of the fountayne of all grace and wellspring of hys passion not that wee canne applye the merites of Christes deathe as wee lyst and to whom we lyst but that we by this representing of his passion most humblye make petition and prayer to almighty God to applye vnto vs that remission and grace whyche was purchased and deserued by Christes passion before after the measure of hys goodnes to al those whose faith and deuotion be knowen vnto him So that the host or the thing that is offered both in the Sacrifice of Christ vpon the Crosse and in the Sacrifice of the Churche vppon the Aultare is all one in substaunce beynge the naturall bodye of Christ our hye Priest and the price or raunsome of our redemption but the maner and the effectes of these two offrynges be dyuers the one is by sheddyng of Christes bloud extendyng to the death of Christe the offerer for the redemption of all mankynde the other is without shedding of hys bloude onelye representynge hys deathe whereby the faythfull and deuoute people are made partakers of the merites of Christes passion and diuinitie Thus is Christe a Priest for euermore after the order of Melchisedech who in hys last supper offered hys bodye and bloud wythout sheddynge of his bloode and so taughte and delyuered to hys Apostles and theyr successours Byshoppes and Priestes the maner how they shuld offer him being the lambe of God in sacrifice for euermore to the worldes ende after the order that is to say after the ryte maner of Melchisedech vnder the fourme of breade and wyne who in old time in figure of Christ offered bread and wine did dedicate and prophecy before the misterie or sacrament of vs Christen men in the body bloude of our sauiour Wherof also spake Malachie the prophet saying that in thys oure time of the newe testament God woulde reiecte and detest the Iewes and all theyr sacrifices of brute and vnreasonable beastes and that hys name should be magnified among the Gentiles from the rising of the Sunne to the setting and that one singulare pure sacrifice without spot or imperfection should be of them offred to him not onely in one place among the Iewes but in euery place among the Gentiles which sacrifice should succede all the other sacrifices of the olde testament which were offered in the shadowe of thys to come For the Iewes in theyr sacrifices of beastes dyd as it were by prophecie declare signify before that sauing sacrifice which Christ offred vpon the crosse and the Christen mē now do celebrate the memorye of the same sacrifice of Christ that is past euen by the offeryng and receiuing of the same body and bloud that suffred passion For as Christ vpon the crosse beyng the head of all vs his misticall body the church offering there himselfe did also offer all vs that be of the churche to God the father for the pacifyeng of hys wrath and indignation agaynste our sinne so we being his mistical body do vse to offer to god the father Christ our head and by his merites do begge pardon for our offēc●s knowing that God who spared not his onelye begotten sonne but gaue him to vs for our redemption will now denye vs nothing for hys sake that we haue neede vppon who is nowe also at the right hande of God and maketh intercession for vs. So that Christ in heauen and al we hys misticall body in earth do bothe but one thing For Christ being a priest for euermore after his passion and resurrection entred into heauen and there appeareth now to the countenaūce of God for vs offering him selfe for vs to pacify the anger of God with vs and representing his passion and all that he suffred for vs that we might be reconciled to God by him Euen so the church our mother being carefull for all vs her children that haue offended our father in heauen vseth continually by her publike minister to praye and to offer vnto god the body and bloud of her husband Christe representing and renewynge hys passion and death before God that wee thereby might be renewed in grace and receiue
for them that bee present and communicate wyth the Priest in true faythe and deuoute affection And also the Churche offereth Chris●e for the soules of theym that be departed hauynge at theyr departing the sygnes of faythe whyche be the holy Sacramentes and good woorkes and sleepynge in the sleepe of peace whyche is the peace of conscience towardes God wyth sure hope and truste of remission by Christe that is to saye for suche as in theyr lyues obteyned so muche grace of God that oure charitie and Sacrifices myghte helpe and relieue theym after theyr deathe For seeyng the soules of suche be not seperate from the Churche whyche is the kyngdome of Christe amonge the members of whyche kyngdome there is a mutuall communion of all good deedes and godlye woorkes or Sacrifices therefore the Church commendeth them to the mercie of GOD and the intercession of Christes oblation verelye beleuyng that the precious bloude of Christe as it is profytable for the saluation of the lyuinge so it is also auaylable for the absolution and perfection of them that be deade that they being for a tyme deteyned in the temporall afflictions and purgacions might the sooner by the vertue of thys blessed sacrifice be deliuered and brought to the place of light and eternall peace where nothyng entreth that is spotted and vnperfite Thyrdlye because the blessed virgin Marye the mother of God and the holye Martirs and Sayntes in heauen be also oure brethren and members of Christes Churche for the whyche Christ suffered his passion and beyng knyt to vs in one communion by the bande of perfite charitie and being careful for vs and they be sure for them selues cease not to communicate with vs in prayer and to requyre of Christ the perfection of his bodye whiche is the churche therefore in our oblation of Christes body and bloode we ioyne wyth theym and wyth honour and reuerence we remember them at oure Lordes table not to pray for them as we do for other that rest in peace but rather that they should pray for vs ▪ that we maye folowe theyr footesteppes and in all oure affayres be defended by Gods protection and that by the merytes of Christ whom we praye not to weye oure merites but to pardone our offences And laste of all in the Canon is expressed for what ende we offer Christe that is to saye in remembraunce of hys passion hys resurrection and glorious ascension most humblye beseching that God of his mercye woulde accepte him for vs and oure saluation and where as hee is for hym selfe most acceptable in his sight that likewyse he woulde accepte vs that bee hys bodye in earthe for hym that by participation of hys moste precious bodye and bloode wee myghte be fulfylled wyth all grace and heauenlye benediction Thus doth the churche offer Christ her head to GOD the father as a woorthye Sacrifice of prayse and thankes for her redemption for the hope of healthe and saluation and for all his other benefites and also it offereth him as a Sacrifice propitiatorye by the vertue of hys passion for all her synnes and offences that we in this world might lyue in peace wyth GOD and afterward be deliuered from eternal dampnation and with his elec●es be rewarded in the kingdome of heauen ▪ And to conclude thys Canonicall prayer the Prieste hauynge Christe Gods Sonne in hys handes before hym who is the onelye Mediatour betwene GOD and manne trustyng to obtayne what so euer hee asketh in hys name and beyng instructed by hym howe to praye to the father saythe boldlye the Pater noster in whyche prayer is conteyned all that is good and needefull for the lyfe of manne bothe temporall and eternall And so maketh an ende of the Canon And because thys is the mysterye of vnitye and peace whyche canne not be hadde but by the mercye of Christe therefore the priest turnyng hym to the Lambe of God who onelye taketh awaye the synnes of the worlde prayeth deuoutly for the peace of conscience whyche commeth by remissyon of synne and for the peace of hys affections whyche commeth by the mortification of the flesh and also for the peace of brotherlye charitye whyche is poured into oure hartes by the holye Ghoste and so taketh and geueth to the people the kysse of peace the token and testimonye of vnitye and Christen charitye The other prayers that folowe in the Masse perteyne to the deuotion of hym or theym that receyue the blessed Sacrament that they maye receyue it worthely to the profite and saluation both of body and soule and that it myght be acceptable to God for al them for whom it is offered therefore good people seyng that I haue now by Gods helpe declared vnto you as shortlye as I coulde the holle summe of all that is sayde and done in the Masse whych is all moste godlye and most comfortable perteyning al to thys ende to set foorthe the benefite of Christe and the vertue of his passion and conteynynge in it almoste all the spirituall Sacrifices of the newe lawe and the exercisies of true fayth as confession of synne inuocation of God prayer doctrine gyuing of thankes and suche other as I haue rehersed I shal most hartely require you as you are moste bounden to haue thys worke of God in such estimation as becommeth Christen men that bee members of Christes Churche redemed wyth bys precious bloude and that by vsing of this Sacrifice of the churche which is a commemoration of Christes passion moste acceptable in the syght of God and commaunded by Christe to be done of vs ye myght thereby receyue plentuous and aboundant grace and mercye bothe for you that be alyue and also for them that be departed in the faithe of Christe and in all your necessities and distresses reliefe and succour And when the consecration of the verye bodye and bloude of oure Sauiour is made by the power of his omnipotent woorde and the price of our redemption is lifted vp for you to see by faithe vnder the seuerall fourmes of breade and wyne to be adoured and woorshipped with godlye honour then call to your remembraunce howe that Christe for your saluation was lifted vp alofte in the ayre vpon the crosse to be seene of all the worlde and howe his precious bloode ranne foorthe aboundantly out of all the woundes of his bodye and then pray that God the father would looke vpon him for vs and accepte him for a full satisfaction of all our sinnes ouer and beside al that we can do and suffer and for a perfite supplieng of all our negligences and vnperfitenes and for a woorthy Sacrifice of thankes for all his benefites geuen vnto vs. And to thintent ye myghte bee more intirelye ioyned to Christe and be more replenished with his giftes and grace I woulde wyshe and exhorte you the oftener to prepare your selues to receyue corporally the blessed sacrament which is euer readye prepared for you to receyue and whē as of reuerence you forbeare
to receyue him as ●he Centurio said that he was not woorthye that Christ shoulde enter into his house yet at lest resort to this Sacrifice and with fayth and deuotion receyue Christ spiritually and geuyng thankes for all hys gyftes commit your selues hollye to the custodye and tuition of almyghtye god who is alwaies ready to shew vs mercy for Christes sake to whō with the father and the holye ghost be all honour prayse and glory worlde wythout end Amen ⸫ ¶ Of the necessitie and commoditie of Penaunce in general Serm. xiiii OUr Lorde and Sauioure Iesus Christe whyche came into thys worlde too call and saue synners dealynge patientlye with them not wyllyng anye man to peryshe but all men to bee conuerted and turned too hym by Penaunce after that Iohn Baptiste whom God sent before his face to prepare hys way by preaching of Penaunce was apprehended and cast into prison than I say our Sauioure Christe began to preache the gospell of hys grace and glorye after thys forme sayinge Do penaunce for the kyngdome of heauen draweth nere teaching vs bothe by hys woorde and deede and lyke as Iohn Baptiste goeth before whose ministery was to preach Penaunce and Iesus commeth after by whose death we haue redemption and remission of synne euen so in the harte of euerye synner the effecte of Iohns preachynge whyche is true and vnfayned Penaunce must go before that theffect of Christes passion which is grace mercie and remission of synnes maye come after And as this doctrine of penaunce was first of all other taught by our Sauiour hymselfe and by Iohn hys moste holye Prophet as a thynge most necessarye for the instruction and saluation of all men euen so hys holye Apostles in the beginning of theyr preachynge obserued the same matter and forme of doctrine as Sainte Peter in his first Sermon made at Hierusalem in the day of Pentecost when he had opened the worke of the holye Ghoste in the gifte of tounges and thereby tooke occasion to sette foorthe the mysterye of Iesus Christe at the last ende his doctrine to the people whyche were smitten wyth compunction of hart by his woordes was thys Doo penaunce and be euerye one of you baptised in the name of Iesus Christe for the remission of your sinnes and ye shall receiue the gift of the holye Ghoste And in hys next Sermon wrytten in the thyrde chapter of the Actes hee taughte the same doctrine in these woordes Doo you therefore penaunce and bee conuerted that your sinnes maye bee taken awaye Saynte Paule also calleth the doctrine of Penaunce the foundation of all other doctrines in the harte of a godlye man out of whych doo spryng suche other vertues as brynge a man to the perfection of a Christen lyfe Lykewyse Saynt Iohn Euangelist began wyth the same doctrine of Penaunce writynge in hys Reuelation to the seuen Churches that were in Asia sayinge thus to the church of Ephesus in the person of Christ Remember from whence thou haste fallen and doo pena●nce and do the first woorkes or els I shal c●me to thee soone and shall remoue thy candlesticke from his place excepte thou doo penaunce And thys doctrine also dydde all the other Apostles fyrst and principallye set foorth to all them that receyued the fayth of Christe as most necessary for theyr saluation beyng taught and commaunded so to do by our Sauiour Christe hym selfe when before hys Ascencion hee opened to them theyr wyttes and vnderstandinges to vnderstande the Scriptures saying to them that it was so written that Christe so shoulde suffer and ryse from deathe the thyrde daye and that penaunce shoulde bee preached in hys name and remission of synne throughout al people beginning at Hierusalem For which cause and consideration I as a minister of our sauiour Christ to whom he hath committed the woord and ministerie of reconciliation vsynge as it were hys embassage to exhort you to be reconciled to him intendynge to teache you at thys tyme what thynges to doo for the sauynge of your soules and the atteynynge of euerlastynge lyfe haue thought it most expedient for satisfyeng of my dutie in folowynge the example and commaundement of our mayster Christ and his Apostles and for your erudition to be taught the streight pathe and hye beaten waye for our Christen religion to speake of penaunce and fyrste to declare the necessitie and commoditie of the same and than in order the partes of it and how to do it in suche maner as it maye be acceptable to almightye God and a meane to atteyne hys mercye and remission of synne Fyrst of al consider you good people that penaunce is a gift of God as the scripture saythe God hath geuen and graunted penaunce to the Gentiles for lyfe and saluation And it is God that standeth at the doore of our hart and knocketh by whose inspiration wee haue the begynnyng of our conuersion wythoute whom we be not able and sufficient of oure selues as of oure selues to thinke any good thought Thys gyfte of penaunce is a perfite and merueylous greate gift beyng as Saynte Chrisostome saythe the mother of mercy wherby as the wisemā sayth God dothe dyssimule the synnes of men for penaunce that is to saye God of hys mere mercye and fatherly affection doth beare with the syns of men and differreth to auenge and punysh thē iustly according to theyr desertes patiently looking for their conuersion and penaunce by meanes wherof he might remit theyr offences delyuer them from manye daungers geue vnto thē plenty of grace and conduct them to the fruitiō of his glory For if God should by and by punish al off●dours neither Zacheus should haue had space to haue done penaunce nor yet s. Mathew nor many other beyng taken awaye to eternall deathe before the tyme of theyr penaunce But our most mecke father calling euerys one to penaunce dothe abyde and tarye for vs which pacience who so euer abuseth and contemneth by remayning still in his former synnes according to the hardnesse and obstinacie of his own hart dothe store vp to himselfe Gods indignation in the daye of Gods anger and iuste iudgement when he shall render to euerye one according to his woorkes And as he saith himselfe except in very deede we do penaunce we shall all peryshe and bee condempned whereby we vnderstande howe profitable and necessarye a medicine penaunce is without the whiche sinnes be not remitted to them that haue the vse of theyr vnderstanding and reason The Serpent in Paradise moued Eue to sinne penaunce loosed her again and from thence came good and euyll to manne Our father Adam was expulsed oute of Paradise for synne and we and all other that be hys children be called thyther agayne by penaunce For penaunce openeth that sinne hath shut and the mercyfull goodnes of God doth call vs thyther agayne from whence his anger hathe cast vs out What a great power
the strawe the straw will burne euen so our weake and synfull nature is soone set on fyre wyth the burninge dartes of the deuyls tentation if they be suffred to come nere and theyr waies and entries be not stopped Also besyde the diligent keping of his fyue senses a man must flee and forsake the companye of euil and lewde persones and of those that shew euyl example or geue occasion to vice For he that toucheth pitch shal file his handes with the same he that kepeth company with a proud man shal begyn to be proud As Saint Paul saith Do you not knowe that a litle sower leuen doth make sower the holle batche of dowe euen so the vice or euil example of one dothe infecte a great manye and draweth other that be weake to folow him in the like vice Departe thou saithe the wiseman from a wycked man and kepe no company with him and so shal vice and wickednes depart from thee The fourth thyng for a man to auoyde sinne is to remember his last ende in all his woorkes and deedes and so he shall not synne for euermore It is good for a man to thynke vpon the beginning of his life to consider the middes and to remember the last ende The beginning bringeth shame the middes bringeth sorow the ende bringeth feare If a man thinke from whence he came he shall be ashamed if he consider in what case he is he shall lament if he remember whyther he shall goo he shall be afrayde Man fyrst of all when hee was in honoure made to the Image of God and to be pertaker with Aungels of the kyngdome of heauen not regardinge hys dignitie contempning the commaundement of God his maker and folowing his owne sensual appetite was cōpared to vnreasonable beastes and chaunged the similitude of God wyth the similitude of beastes and the honour of hys first image beyng taken away by carnal desyres and beastly lyuing was made like a beast If a man ther●fore remember hys olde nobilitie howe he was made Lord ouer the woorkes of God a felowe of Aungels a Citizen of Paradyse and one of Gods housholde and being by hys owne fault cast into inwarde darkenesse of errour and ignoraunce banished from pleasaunt Paradise made felow with brute beastes and a straunger or rather enemye to God maye not he considering thys his beginning and hys great fall into suche vyle beastlynes be worthely ashamed After this if man consider where and in what state he is he shall perceyue that beyng in thys transitorie worlde he is in the vale of miserye where nothyng is vnder the sunne but vanitie labour and affliction of spirite where nothing is verely and constantly pleasaunt but onely by chaunge by passing from one thing to an other where the remedye of one labour is the beginning of an other where the lesse euill seemeth a great good where the encrease of knowledge is the increase of griefe where man in banishment dwelleth in wildernes walketh in darkenes in daunger of falling downe the hyll and eating his bread in the sweate of his face Maye not a man considering whyther he is now brought be right sory and lament that the time of his trauayle and dwellyng here is prolonged but the best remedye to auoyde sinne is alwayes to haue in remembraunce his last end In the last end there be three thinges the death of the bodye the iudgement of God and the tormentes of hell What is more horryble than death what is more terrible then the iudgement of God and what is more intollerable than the paines of hel What shal a man feare if he tremble not at the remembraunce of these three yet if he haue lost shame for hys vyle beginning and if he feele no sorowe for hys present miserye at least let him take feare for the dreadful thinges to come For if he now spend his life in the workes of the fleshe in deathe he shall be dyuorced and separated from hys bodye and all the pleasures thereof in the iudgement he shall bee presented before him into whose handes to fall is most horrible and be examined of hym to whom nothing is vnknowen in hell if he be found giltie he shal suffer torment without hope of relese without measure of quantitie and without end of time Hath not this man good cause to liue alwaies in feare ▪ and with feare and trembling to laboure aboute his owne saluation thys feare which is the begynning of wysedome hath more strength to withstande sinne then eyther shame or sorowe For shame is taken away by the multitude of sinners where the felowship of so many euyll lyuers pulleth shame oute of hys harte And sorowe taketh comforte of the vayne pleasures of this present worlde and so is weakned and made vnable to withstand synne But feare that proceedeth from a sure and certaine faythe of thynges to come taketh no comforte of the worlde seynge that in deathe he shall carye no worldly good wyth hym and in iudgement he shall neither be able to deceyue nor to withstand Christ his iudge and in hel he shal haue no comforte nor redemption but perpetuall woo The fruite of this feare is that it bringeth before the eyes of oure soules sometymes the synnes that we haue done to the intent we shoulde bee wyllyng and ready to suffer the scourge as the prophet sayd of hymselfe confessing oure iniquitye and thinking for our synne sometimes the euerlasting paynes whyche we haue deserued to the intent we shoulde thynke al that we suffer here to be delites and pleasures in comparison of the tormentes whych we haue escaped sometymes the heauenly rewardes for which we labour and hope to the intent we should esteme the afflictions of this present life not to be equal and worthy the glorye that shall be shewed to vs sometimes the passions which Christ hath suffred for vs that cōsidering what his maiesti hath vouchsafed to suffer for vs vnprofitable seruauntes we should be ashamed to drawe backe and suffer so litle for our selues and our own saluatiō And to make an end he that as I haue declared vnto you considereth the noughtynesse and vylenesse of hys synne and endeuoreth hymselfe to putte oute of mynde the fyrste motions of sinne whych the deuyll suggesteth and watcheth diligently the wyndowes of his fyue senses and as muche as he may flye the company of euyll persons and the occasions of synne and hathe the laste ende of hys lyfe alwayes in hys remembraunce wyth feare being also careful to walke warelye and woorthelye in the syght of GOD considering as occasion shall serue the synnes whyche hee hathe done the eternall paynes which he hath deserued the heauenly rewardes whyche he hopeth for and the passions whyche Christe hath suffered for him with suche entent as I haue before rehearsed no doute of it but that man which thus dothe shal auoyde synne shall lyue well shall increase in grace