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A64114 Holy living in which are described the means and instruments of obtaining every virute, and the remedies against every vice, and considerations serving to the resisting all temptations : together with prayers containing the whole duty of a Christian, and the parts of devotion occasians [sic], and furnished for all necessities / by Jer. Taylor. Taylor, Jeremy, 1613-1667. 1656 (1656) Wing T374; ESTC R232803 258,819 464

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advantages by publishing that person whose work is religion whose company is Angels whose thoughts must dwell in heaven and separate from all mixtures of the world 4. Virgins have a peculiar obligation to charity for this is the virginity of the soul as purity integrity and separation is of the body which doctrine we are taught by S. Peter 1 Pet. 1.22 Seeing ye have purified your soules in obeying the truth through the Spirit unto unfeigned love of the brethren see that ye love one another with a pure heart fervently For a Virgin that consecrates her body to God and pollutes her spirit with rage or impatience or inordinate anger gives him what he most hates a most foul and defiled soul. 5. These Rules are necessary for Virgins that offer that state to God and mean not to enter into the state of marriage for they that only wait the opportunity of a convenient change are to steer themselves by the general Rules of Chastity Rules for Widowes or vidual Chastity For Widows the fontinel of whose desires hath been opened by the former permissions of the marriage-bed they must remember 1 That God hath now restrained the former license bound up their eyes and shut up their heart into a narrower compasse and hath given them sorrow to be a bridle to their desires A Widow must be a mourner and she that is not cannot so well secure the chastity of her proper state 2. It is against pulick honesty to marry another man so long as she is with childe by her former Husband and of the same fame it is in a lesser proportion to marry within the year of mourning but anciently it was infamous for her to marry till by common account the body was dissolved into its first principle of earth 3. A Widow must restrain her memory and her fancy not recalling or recounting her former permissions freer licenses with any present delight for then she opens that sluce which her Husbands death and her own sorrow have shut up 4. A Widow that desires her widowhood should be a state pleasing to God must spend her time as devoted Virgins should in fastings and prayers and charity 5. A Widow must forbid her self to use those temporal solaces which in her former estate were innocent but now are dangerous Rules for married persons or matrimonial chastity Concerning married persons Nisi fundamenta stirpis jucta sint probé miseros necesse est esse deinceps pesteros Eurip. besides the keeping of their mutual faith and contract with each other these particulars are useful to be observed 1. Although their mutual endearments are safe within the protection of marriage yet they that have Wives or Husbands must be as though they had them not that is they must have an affection greater to each other then they have to any person in the world but not greater then they have to God but that they be ready to part with all interest in each others person rather then sin against God 2. In their permissions and license they must be sure to observe the order of Nature and the ends of God Non debentus eodem amico uti 〈◊〉 ato●e nec eàdem ut uxor s●o●t● Plut conjug praecept He is an ill Husband that uses his Wife as a man treats ● Harlot having no other end but pleasure Concerning which our best rule is that although in this as in eating and drinking there is an appetite to be satisfied which cannot be done without pleasing that desire yet since that desire and satisfaction was intended by Nature for other ends they should never be separate from those ends but alwaies be joyned with all or one of these ends with a desire of children or to avoid fornication or to lighten and ease the cares and sadnesses of houshold affairs or to endear each other but never with a purpose either in act or desire to separate the sensuality from these ends which hallow it Onan did separate his act from its proper end and so ordered his embraces that his Wife should not conceive and God punished him Non rectè est ab Herodoto dictum simul cum tunica multerem verecundiam exuere Quae n● casta est positā veste verecundiam ejus loco induit ma●i●rtaue verecioidiâ conjuge tasserâ maximi invicen● moris uttentur Plut conjug praecept 3. Married persons must keep such modesty and decency of treating each other that they never force themselves into high and violent lusts with arts and misbecoming devices alwaies remembring that those mixtures are most innocent which are most simple and most natural most orderly and most safe 4. It is a duty of matrimonial chastity to be restrained and temperate in the use of their lawful pleasures concerning which although no universal Rule can antecedently be given to all persons any more then to all bodies one proportion of meat and drink yet married persons are to estimate the degree of their license according to the following proportions * 1. That it be moderate so as to consist with health * 2. That it be so ordered as not to be too expensive of time that precious opportunity of working out our salvation * 3. That when duty is demanded it be alwaies payed so farre as is in our powers and election according to the foregoing measures * That it be with a temperate affection without violent transporting desires or too sensual applications Concerning which a man is to make judgment by proportion to other actions and the severities of his religion and the sentences of sober and wise persons alwaies remembring that marriage is a provision for supply of the natural necessities of the body not for the artificial and procured appetites of the minde And it is a sad truth that many married persons thinking that the flood-gates of liberty are set wide open without measures or restraints so they sail in that channel have felt the final rewards of intemperance and lust by their unlawful using of lawful permissions Only let each of them be temperate and both of them be modest Socrates was wont to say that those women to whom Nature had not been indulgent in good features and colours should make it up themselves with excellent manners and those who were beautiful and comely should be careful that so fair a body be not polluted with unhandsome usages De conjug precept To which Plutarch adds that a Wife if she be unhandsome should consider how extremely ugly she should be if she wanted modesty but if she be handsome let her think how gracious that beauty would be if she superadds chastity 5. Married persons by consent are to abstain from their mutual entertainments at solemn times of devotion not as a duty of it self necessary but as being the most proper act of purity which in their condition they can present to God and being a good advantage for attending their preparation to the solemn duty and their demeanour in
to satisfie whom we have injur'd and to forgive them who have injur'd us without thoughts of resuming the quarrel when the solemnity is over for that is but to rake the embers in light and phantastick ashes it must be quenched and a holy flame enkindled no fires must be at all but the fires of love and zeal and the altar of incense will send up a sweet perfume and make atonement for us 7. When the day of the feast is come lay aside all cares and impertinencies of the World and remember that this is thy Souls day a day of traffique and entercourse with Heaven Arise early in the morning 1. Give God thanks for the approach of so great a blessing 2. Confess thy own unworthiness to admit so Divine a Guest 3 Then remember and deplore thy sins which have made thee so unworthy 4. Then confess Gods goodness and take sanctuary there and upon him place thy hopes 5. And invite him to thee with renewed acts of love of holy desire of hatred of his enemy sin 6. Make oblation of thy self wholy to be disposed by him to the obedience of him to his providence and possession and pray him to enter and dwell there for ever And after this with joy and holy fear and the forwardness of love address thy self to the receiving of him to whom by whom and for whom all faiths and all hope and all love in the whole Catholick Church both in Heaven and Earth is designed him whom Kings and Queens and whole Kingdomes are inlove with and count it the greatest honour in the World that their Crowns and Scepters are laid at his holy feet 8. When the holy man stands at the Table of blessing and ministers the rite of consecration then do as the Angels do who behold and love and wonder that the Son of God should become food to the souls of his servants that he who cannot suffer any change of ●essening should be broken into pieces enter into the body to support and nourish the spirit and yet at the same time remain in Heaven while he descends to thee upon Earth that he who hath essential felicity should become miserable and dye for thee and then give himself to thee for ever to redeem thee from sin and misery that by his wounds he should procure health to thee by his affronts he should entitle thee to glory by his death he should bring thee to life and by becoming a man he should make thee partaker of the Divine nature These are such glories that although they are made so obvious that each eye may behold them yet they are also so deep that no thought can fathome them But so it hath pleased him to make these mysteries to be sensible because the excellency and depth of the mercy is not intelligible that while we are ravished and comprehended within the infiniteness of so vast and mysterious a mercy yet we may be as sure of it as of that thing we see and feel smell and taste but yet is so great that we cannot understand it 9. These holy mysteries are offered to our senses but not to be placed under our feet they are sensible but not common and therefore as the weakness of the Elements adds wonder to the excellency of the Sacrament so let our reverence and venerable usages of them adde honour to the Elements and acknowledge the glory of he mysterie and the Divinity of the mercy Let us receive the consecrated Elements with all devotion and humility of body and spirits and do this honour to it that it be the first food we eat and the first beverage we drink that day unless it be in case of sickness or other great necessity and that your body and soul both be prepared to its reception with abstinence from secular pleasures Dis●●di●e alia is Qums tuli● h●stemā gaudia nec●e Venu● that you may better have attended fastings and preparatory prayers For if ever it be seasonable to observe the counsell of Saint Paul that married person by consent should abstain fo● a time that they may attend to solemn Religion it is now It was not by Saint Paul nor the after ages of the Church called a duty so to do but it is most reasonable that the more solemn actions of Religion should be attended to without the mixture of any thing that may discompose the minde and make it more secular or less religious 10. In the act of receiving exercise acts of Faith with much confidence and resignation believing it not to be common bread and wine but holy in their use holy in their signification holy in their change and holy in their effect and believe if thou art a worthy Communicant thou dost as verily receive Christs body and blood to all effects and purposes of the spirit Cruci haremus sanguinem sugimus in●er ipsa Redemptori● nostri vulnera figimus linguam Cyprian de caena Dom. as thou doest receive the blessed elements into thy mouth that thou puttest thy finger to his hand and thy hand into his side and thy lips into his fontinel of blood sucking life from his heart and yet if thou doest communicate unworthily thou eatest and drinkest Christ to thy danger and death and destruction Dispute not concerning the secret of the mystery and the nicety of the manner of Christs presence it is sufficient to thee that Christ shall be present to thy soul as an instrument of grace a pledge of the resurrection as the earnest of glory and immortality and a meanes of many intermediall blessings even all such as are necessary for thee and are in order to thy salvation and to make all this good to thee there is nothing necessary on thy part but a holy life and a true belief of all the sayings of Christ amongst which indefinitely assent to the words of institution and beleive that Christ in the holy Sacrament gives thee his body and his blood He that believes not this is not a Christian He that believes so much needs not to enquire further nor to intangle his faith by disbelieving his sense 11. Fail not this solemnity according to the custom of pious devout people to make an offering to God for the uses of religion the poor according to thy ability For when Christ feasts his body let us also feast our fellow members who have right to the same promises and are partakers of the same Sacrament and partners of the same hope and cared for under the same providence and descended from the same common parents and whose Father God is and Christ is their Elder brother If thou chancest to communicate where this holy custom is not observed publickly supply that want by thy private charity but offer it to God at his holy Table at least by thy private designing it there 11. When you have received pray and give thanks Pray for all estates of men for they also have an interest in the body
parts of it 1. Sobriety 2. Justice 3. Religion For the grace of God bringing salvation hath appeared to all men T it 2.11 12. teaching us that denying ungodlyness and wordly lusts we should live 1. Soberly 2. Righteously and 3. Godly in this present world looking for that blessed hope and glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The first contains all our deportment in our personal and private capacities the fair treating of our bodies and our spirits The second enlarges our du●y in all relations to our Neighbour The third contains the offices of direct Religion and entercourse with God Christian sobriety is all that duty that concerns our selves in the matter of meat and drink and pleasures and thoughts and it hath within it the duties of 1. Temperance 2. Chastity 3. Humility 4. Modesty 5. Content It is a using severity denial and frustration of our appetite when it grows unreasonable in any of these instances the necessity of which we shall to best purpose understand by considering the evil consequences of sensuality effeminacy or fondness after carnal pleasures Evil consequents of voluptuousness or Sensuality 1. A longing after sensual pleasures is a dissolution of the spirit of a man and makes it loose soft and wandring unapt for noble wise or spiritual imployments because the principles upon which pleasure is chosen and pursued are sottish weak and unlearned Tu si animum v●●isti p●tius quàm animus te est quod gaudea● Qui animum vin●unt quàm quo● animus s●mper probiores cluent ●●num such as preferre the body before the soul the appetite before reason sense before the spirit the pleasures of a short abode before the pleasures of eternity 2. The nature of sensual pleasure is vain empty and unsatisfying biggest alwaies in expectation and a meer vanity in the enjoying and leaves a sting and tho●n behinde it when it goes off Our laughing if it be loud and high commonly ends in a deep sigh and all the instances of pleasure have a sting in the tail though they carry beauty on the face and sweetness on the lip 3. Sensual pleasure is a great abuse to the Spirit of a man being a kinde of fascination or witchcraft blinding the understanding and enslaving the will And he that knows he is free-born or redeemed with the blood of the Son of God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Arrian c 2 l. 1. will not easily suffer the freedom of his soul to be intangled and rifled 4. It is most contrary to the state of a Christian whose life is a perpetual exercise 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. Epist. cap 34. a wrastling and warfare to which sensual pleasure disables him by yielding to that enemy with whom he must strive if ever he will be crowned And this argument the Apostle intimated 1 Cor 9 ●5 He that striveth for masteries is temperate in all things Now they doe it to obtain a corruptible crown but we an incorruptible 5. It is by a certain consequence the greatest impediment in the world to martyrdom that being a fondness this being a cruelty to the flesh to which a Christian man arriving by degrees must first have crucified the lesser affections for he that is overcome by little arguments of pain will hardly consent to lose his life with torments Degrees of Sobriety Against this voluptuousness sobriety is opposed in three degrees 1. A despite or disaffection to pleasures or a resolving against all entertainment of the instances and temptations of sensuality and it consists in the internal faculties of will and understanding decreeing and declaring against them disapproving and disliking them upon good reason and strong resolution 2. A sight and actual warre against all the temptations and offers of sensual pleasure in all evil instances and degrees and it consists in prayer in fasting in cheap diet and hard lodging and laborious exercises and avoiding occasions and using all arts and industry of fortifying the Spirit and making it severe manly and Christian. 3. Spiritual pleasure is the highest degree of Sobriety and in the same degree in which we relish and are in love with spiritual delights the hidden Manna Apoc. 2.17 with the sweetnesses of devotion with the joyes of thanksgiving with rejoicings in the Lord with the comforts of hope with the deliciousness of charity and alms-deeds with the sweetness of a good conscience with the peace of meekness and the felicities of a contented ●pirit in the same degree we disrelish and loath the husks of swinish lusts and the parings of the apples of Sodom and the tast of sinful pleasures is unsavoury as the Drunkards vomit Rules for suppressing voluptuousness The precepts and advices which are of best and of general use in the curing of sensuality are these 1. Accustom thy self to cut off all superfluity in thy provisions of thy life for our desires will enlarge beyond the present possession so long as all the things of this world are unsatisfying if therefore you suffer them to extend beyond the measures of necessity or moderated conveniency they will still swell but you reduce them to a little compasse when you make nature to be your limit Desideria tua parvo redime hoc n. tantum cura●e d●bes u● d●sinant Senec. We must more take care that our desires should cease then that they should be satisfied and therefore reducing them to narrow scantlings and small proportions is the best instrument to redeem their trouble and prevent the dropsie because that is next to an universal denying them it is certainly a paring off from them all unreasonableness and irregularity L. 3. Eth c. 12. For whatsoever covets unseemely things and is apt to swell to an inconvenient bulk is to be chastened and tempered and such are sensuality Facilius est initia affectuum p●ohibere quàm impetum ●eg●re Senec cp 86. and a Boy said the Philosopher 2. Suppresse your sensual desires in their first approach for then they are least and thy faculties and election are stronger but if they in their weakness prevail upon thy strengths there will be no resisting them when they are increased and thy abilities lessened you shall scarce obtaine of them to end if you suffer them to begin 3. Divert them with some laudable imployment and take off their edge by inadvertency or a not attending to them For since the faculties of a man cannot at the same time with any sharpness attend to two objects if you imploy your spirit upon a book or a bodily labour or any innocent and indifferent imployment you have no room left for the present trouble of a sensual temptation For to this sense it was that Alexander told the Queen of Caria 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that his Tutor Leonidas had provided two Cooks for him Hard marches all night and a small dinner the next day these tamed his youthfull aptnesses to dissolution so long as he eat of
guilt 6. Use S. Pauls instruments of Sobriety Let us who are of the day be sober putting on the brestplate of faith and love and for an helmet the hope of salvation Faith Hope and Charity are the best weapons in the world to fight against intemperance The faith of the Mahometans forbids them to drink wine and they abstain religiously as the sons of Rechab and the faith of Christ forbids drunkenness to us and therefore is infinitely more powerful to suppresse this vice when we remember that we are Christians and to abstain from drunkennesse and gluttony is part of the Faith and Discipline of Jesus and that with these vices neither our love to God nor our hopes of heaven can possibly consist and therefore when these enter the heart the others goe out at the mouth for this is the Devil that is cast out by fasting and prayer which are the proper actions of these graces 7. As a pursuance of this Rule it is a good advice that as we begin and end all our times of eating with prayer and thanksgiving so at the meal we remove and carry up our minde and spirit to the Celestial table often thinking of it and often desiring it that by enkindling thy desire to Heavenly banquets thou mayest be indifferent and lesse passionate for the Earthly 8. Mingle discourses pious or in some sense profitable and in all senses charitable and innocent with thy meal as occasion is ministred 9. Let your drink so serve your meat as your meat doth your health that it be apt to convey and digest it and refresh the spirits but let it never go beyond such a refreshment as may a litle lighten the present load of a sad or troubled spirit never to inconvenience lightness sottishness vanity or intemperance and know that the loosing the bands of the tongue and the very first dissolution of its duty is one degree of the intemperance 10. In all cases be careful that you be not brought under the power of such things which otherwise are lawful enough in the use All things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any thing said S. Paul And to be perpetually longing and impatiently desirous of any thing so that a man cannot abstain from it is to lose a mans liberty and to become a servant of meat and drink or smoke And I wish this last instance were more considered by persons who little suspect themselves guilty of intemperance though their desires are strong and impatient and the use of it perpetual and unreasonable to all purposes but that they have made it habitual and necessary as intemperance it self is made to some men 11. Use those advices which are prescribed as instruments to suppresse voluptuousnesse in the foregoing section SECT III. Of Chastity REader stay and read not the advices of the following Section unlesse thou hast a chaste spirit or desirest to be chaste or at least art apt to consider whether thou ought or no. For there are some spirits so Atheistical and some so wholy possessed with a spirit of uncleannesse that they turn the most prudent and chast discourses into dirt and filthy apprehensions like cholerick stomacks changing their very Cordials and medicines into bitternesse and a in literal sense turning the grace of God into wantonness They study cases of conscience in the matter of carnal sins not to avoid but to learne waies how to offend God and pollute their own spirits and search their houses with a Sun beam that they may be instructed in all the corners of nastiness I haue used all the care I could in the following periods that I might neither be wanting to assist those that need it nor yet minister any occasion of fancy or vainer thoughts to those that need them not If any man will snatch the pure taper from my hand and hold it to the Devil he will only burn his own fingers but shall not rob me of the reward of my care and good intention since I have taken heed how to expresse the following duties and given him caution how to read them CHastity is that duty which was mystically intended by GOD in the law of Circumcision It is the circumcision of the heart the cutting off all superfluity of naughtinesse and a supression of all irregular desires in the matter of sensual or carnal pleasure I call all desires irregular and sinful that are not sanctified 1. By the holy institution or by being within the protection of marriage 2. By being within the order of nature 3. By being within the moderation of Christian modesty Against the first are fornication adultery and all voluntary pollutions of either sex Against the second are all unnatural lusts and incestuous mixtures Against the third is all immoderate use of permitted beds concerning which judgment is to be made as concerning meats and drinks there being no certain degree of frequency or intension prescribed to all persons but it is to be ruled as the other actions of a man by proportion to the end by the dignity of the person in the honour and severity of being a Christian and by other circumstances of which I am to give account Chastity is that grace which forbids and restrains all these keeping the body and soul pure in that state in which it is placed by God whether of the single or of the married life Concerning which our duty is thus described by S. Paul For this is the will of God even our sanctification 5. Thess. 3.4 5. that ye should abstain from fornication that every one of you should know how to possesse his vessel in sanctification and honour Not in the lust of concupiscence even as the Gentiles which know not God Chastity is either abstinence or continence Abstinence is that of Virgins or Widows Continence of married persons Chaste marriages are honourable and pleasing to God Widowhood is pitiable in its solitariness and losse but amiable and comely when it is adorned with gravity and purity and not fullied with remembrances of the passed license nor with present desires of returning to a second bed But Virginity is a life of Angels Virgini●as est in cae ne corrupiteth incorruptionis perpetua meditatio S Aug. I 'de Virg c. 13. the enamel of the soul the huge advantage of religion the great opportunity for the retirements of devotion and being empty of cares it is full of prayers being unmingled with the world it is apt to converse with God and by not feeling the warmth of a too forward and indulgent nature flames out with holy fires till it be burning like the Cherubim and the most extasied order of holy and unpolluted Spirits Natural virginity of it self is not a state more acceptable to God but that which is chosen and voluntary in order to the conveniences of Religion and separation from worldly incombrances is therefore better then the married life not that it is more holy but that it
our Patron for our Lord for our friend desiring God to be all in all to us as we are in our understanding and affections wholly his Adde to these 4. To be a stranger upon earth in our affections and to have all our thoughts and principal desires fixed upon the matters of Faith the things of Heaven For if a man were adopted heir to Caesar he would if he believed it real and effective despise the present and wholly be at court in his Fathers eye and his desires would outrun his swiftest speed and all his thoughts would spend themselves in creating Idea's and little phantastick images of his future condition Now God hath made us Heirs of his Kingdome and Coheirs with Jesus if we believed this we would think and affect and study accordingly But he that rejoices in gain and his ●eart dwels in the world and is espoused to a fair estate and transported with a light momentany joy and is afflicted with losses and amazed with temporal persequutions and esteems disgrace or poverty in a good cause to be intolerable this man either hath no inheritance in Heaven or believes none and believes not that he is adopted to be the Son of God the Heir of eternal Glory 5. S James's signe is the best Shew me thy faith by thy works Faith makes 〈◊〉 Merchant diligent and venturous and that makes him rich Ferdinando of Ar●agon believed the story told him by Columbus and therefore he furnished him with ships and got the west Indies by his Faith in the undertaker But Henry the seventh of England believed him not and therefore trusted him not with shipping and lost all the purchase of that Faith It is told us by Christ He that forgives shall be forgiven if we believe this it is certain we shall forgive our enemies for none of us all but need and desire to be forgiven No man can possibly despise or ref●se to desire such excellent glories as are revealed to them that are servants of Christ and yet we doe nothing that is commanded us as a condition to obtain them No man could work a daies labour without ●aith but because he believes he shall have his wages at the daies or weeks end he does his duty But he only believes who does that thing which other men in the like cases doe when they doe believe He that believes money gotten with danger is better then poverty with safety will venture for it in unknown lands or seas and so will he that believes it better to get Heaven with labour then to go to Hell with pleasure 6. He that believes does not make haste but waits patiently till the times of refreshment come and dares trust God for the morrow and is no more s●llicitous for next year then he is for that which is past and it is certain that man wants faith who dares be more confident of being supplied when he hath money in his purse then when he hath it only in bils of exchange from God or that relies more upon his own industry then upon Gods providence when his own industry fails him If you dare trust to God when the case to humane reason seems impossible and trust to God then also out of choice not because you have nothing else to trust to but because he is the only support of a just confidence then you give a good testimony of your faith 7. True Faith is confident and will venture all the world upon the strength of its perswasion Will you lay your life on it your esta●e your reputation that the doctrine of JESUS CHRIST is true in every Article Then you have true Faith But he t●a● fears men more then God believes men more then he believes in God 8. Faith if it be true living and justifying cannot be separated from a good life it w●●ks miracles makes a drunkard become sober a lascivious person bec●me chaste a covetous man become liberal it overcomes the world it works righteousness and makes us diligently to doe 2 Cor. 13 5. ●om 8 10. and cheerfully to suffer whatsoever God hath placed in our way to Heaven The Means and Instruments to obtain Faith are 1. An humble willing and docible minde or desire t● be instructed in the way of God for perswasion enters like a sun-beam gently and without violence and open but the window and draw the curtain and the Sun of righteousness will enlighten your darkness 2. Remove all prejudice and love to every thing which may be contradicted by Faith How can ye believe said Christ that receive praise one of another An uncha●te man cannot easily be brought to believe that without purity he shall never see God He that loves riches can hardly believe the doctrine of poverty renunciation of the world and alms Martyrdom and the doctrine of the cross is folly to him that loves his ease and pleasures He that hath within him any principle contrary to the doctrines of Faith cannot easily become a Disciple 3. Prayer which is instrumental to every thing hath a particular promise in this thing He that lacks wisdome let him ask it of God and if you give good things to your children how much more shall your Heavenly Father give his Spirit to them that ask him 4. The consideration of the Divine omnipotence and infinite wisdom and our own ignorance are great instruments of curing all doubting and silencing the murmures of infidelity 5. Avoid all curiosity of inquiry into particulars In rebus miris summa ●●dendi ratio est omnipotentia creato●is S. Aug. and circumstances and myste●i●s for true faith is full 〈◊〉 ing●nuity and ●e●rty simplicity free from suspicion wise and confident trusting upon generals without watching and pry●ng into unnecessary or undi●cernible particulars No Man carries his bed into his fi●ld to watch how his corn grows but believes upon the general order of Providence and Nature and at Harvest findes himself not deceived 6. In time of temptation be not busie to dispute but relic upon the conclusion and throw your self upon God and contend nor with him but in prayer and in the presence and with the help of a prudent untempted guide and be sure to esteem all changes of belief which offer themselves in the time of your greatest weakness contrary to the perswasions of your best understanding to be temptations and reject them accordingly 7. It is a prudent course that in our health and best advantages we lay up particular arguments and instruments of perswasion and confidence to be brought forth and used in the great day of expence and that especially in such things in which we use to be most tempted and in which we are least confident and which are most necessary and which commonly the Devil uses to assault us withall in the daies of our visitation 8. The wisdom of the Church of God is very remarkable in appointing Festivals or Holidaies whose solemnity and Offices have no other special business but to
of Christ whereof they are members and you in conjunction with Christ whom then you have received are more fit to pray for them in that advantage and in the celebration of that holy sacrifice which then is Sacramentally represented to GOD * Give thanks for the passion of our dearest Lord remember all its parts and all the instruments of your Redemption and beg of GOD that by a holy perseverance in well doing you 〈◊〉 from shadows passe on to substances from eating his body to seeing his face from the Typicall Sacramentall and Transient to the Reall and Eternall Supper of the Lambe 13. After the solemnity is done let Christ dwell in your hearts by faith and love and obedience and conformity to his life and death as you have taken CHRIST into you so put CHRIST on you and conform every faculty of your soul body to his holy image and perfection Remember that now Christ is all one with you and therefore when you are to do an action consider how Christ did or would do the like and do you imitate his example and transcribe his copy and understand all his commandments and choose all that he propounded and desire his promises fear his threatnings and marry his loves and hatreds and contract all friendships for then you do every day communicate especially when Christ thus dwels in you and you in Christ growing up towards a perfect man in Christ Jesus 14. Do not instantly upon your return from Church return also to the world and secular thoughts and imployments but let the remaining parts of that day be like a post-Communion or an after-office entertaining your blessed Lord with all the caresses and sweetness of love and colloquies and entercourses of duty and affection acquainting him with all your needs and revealing to him all your secrets and opening all your infirmities and as the affairs of your person or imployment call you off so retire again with often ejaculations and acts of entertainment to your beloved Guest The effects and benefits of worthy communicating When I said that the sacrifice of the cross which Christ offered for all the sins and all the needs of the world is represented to God by the minister in the Sacrament and offered up in prayer and Sacramental memory after the maner that Christ himself intercedes for us in Heaven so far as his glorious Priesthood is imitable by his Ministers on earth I must of necessity also mean that all the benefits of that sacrifice are then conveyed to all that communicate worthily But if we descend to particulars Then and there the Church is nourished in her faith strengthned in her hope enlarged in her bowels with an increasing charity there all the members of Christ are joyned with each other and all to Christ their head and we again renew the covenant with God in Jesus Christ and God seals his part and we promise for ours and Christ unites both and the holy Ghost signes both in the collation of those graces which we then pray for and exercise and receive all at once there our bodies are nourished with the signes and our souls with the mystery our bodies receive into them the seed of an immortall nature our souls are joyned with him who is the first fruits of the resurrection and never can dye and if we desire any thing else and need it here it is to be prayed for here to be hoped for here to be received Long life and health and recovery from sickness and competent support and maintenance and peace and deliverance from our enemies and content and patience and joy and sanctified riches or a cheerfull poverty liberty and whatsoever else is a blessing was purchased for us by Christ in his death and resurrection and in his intercession in Heaven and this Sacrament being that to our particulars which the great mysteries are in themselves and by designe to all the world if we receive worthily we shall receive any of those blessings according as God shall choose for us and he will not onely choose with more wisdom but also with more affection then we can for our selves After all this it is advised by the Guides of souls wise men and pious that all persons should commūicate very often even as often as they can without excuses or delayes Every thing that puts us from so holy an imployment when we are moved to it being either a sin or an imperfection an infirmity or indevotion and an unactiveness of Spirit All Christian people must come They indeed that are in the state of sin must not come so but yet they must come First they must quit their state of death and then partake of the bread of life They that are at enmity with their neighbours must come that is no excuse for their not coming onely they must not bring their enmity along with them but leave it and then come They that have variety of secular imployments must come only they must leave their secular thoughts and affections behind them L'Evesque de Geneve introd a la vie d●vote and then come and converse with God If any man be well grown in grace he must needs come because he is excellently disposed to so holy a feast but he that is but in the infancy of piety had need to come that so he may g●ow in grace The strong must come lest they become weak and the weak that they may become strong The sick must come to be cured the healthfull to be preserved They that have leisure must come because they have no excuse They that have no leisure must come ●ither that by so excellent religion they may sanctifie their business The penitent sinners must come that they may be justified and they that are justified that they may be justified still They that have fears and great reverence to these mysteries and think no preparation to be sufficient must receive that they may learn how to receive thee more worthily and they that have a less degree of reverence must come often to have it heightned that as those Creatures that live amongst the snowes of the Mountains turn white with their food and conversation with such perpetual whitenesses so our souls may be transformed into the similitude and union with Christ by our perpetual feeding on him and conversation not onely in his Courts but in his very heart and most secret affections and incomparable purities Prayers for all sorts of Men and all necessities relating to the severall parts of the vertue of Religion A Prayer for the Graces of Faith Hope Charity O Lord God of infinite mercy of infinite excellency who hast sent thy holy Son into the world to redeem us from an intolerable misery and to teach us a holy religion and to forgive us an infinite debt give me thy holy Spirit that my understanding and all my faculties may be so resigned to the discipline and doctrine of my Lord that I may be prepared
in mind and will to dye for the testimony of Jesus and to suffer any affliction or calamity that shall offer to hinder my duty or tempt me to shame or sin or apostasie and let my faith be the parent of a good life a strong shield to repell the fiery darts of the Devil and the Author of a holy hope of modest desires of confidence in God and of a never failing charity to thee my God and to all the world that I may never have my portion with the unbelievers or uncharitable and desperate persons but may be supported by the strengths of faith in all temptations and may be refreshed with the comforts of a holy hope in all my sorrows and may bear the burden of the Lord and the infirmities of my neighbour by the support of charity that the yoak of Jesus may become easie to me and my love may do all the miracles of grace till from grace it swell to glory from earth to heaven from duty to reward from the imperfections of a beginning and little growing love it may arrive to the consummation of an enternall never ceasing charity through Jesus Christ the Son of thy love the Anchor of our hope and the Author and finisher of our faith to whom with thee O Lord God Father of Heaven and Earth and with thy holy Spirit be all glory and love and obedience and dominion now and for ever Amen Acts of love by way of prayer and ejaculation to be used in private O God thou art my God ea●ly will I seek thee my soul t●i●ste●h for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is to see thy power and thy glory so as I have seen thee in the sanctuary because thy loving kindness is better then life my lips shall praise thee Psal. 63. I am ready not only to be bound but to dye for the name of the Lord Jesus Acts. 23. How amiable are thy tabernacles thou Lord of Hosts my soul longeth yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house they will still be praising thee Psal. 84. O blessed Jesu thou art worthy of all adoration and all honour and all love Thou art the Wonderfull the Counsellor the mighty God the Everlasting Father the Prince of peace of thy goverment and peace there shall be no end thou art the brightness of thy Fathers glory the express image of his person the appointed Heir of all things Thou upholdest all things by the word of thy power Thou didst by thy self purg our sins Thou art set on the right hand of the Majesty on high Thou art made better then the Angels thou hast by inheritance obtained a more excellent name then they Thou O dearest Jesus art the head of the Church the beginning and the first-born from the 〈◊〉 in all things thou hast the preheminence and it pleased the Father that in thee should all fulness dwell Kingdomes are in love with thee Kings lay their Crowns and Scepters at thy feet and Queens are thy handmaids and wash the feet of thy servants A Prayer to be said in any affliction as death of children of husband or wife in great poverty in imprisonment in a sad and disconsolate spirit and in temptations to despair O Eternall God Father of Mercies and God of all comfort with much mercy look upon the sadnesses and sorrows of thy servant My sins lye heavy upon me and press me sore and there is no health in my bones by reason of thy displeasure and my sin The waters are gone over me and I stick fast in the deep mire and my miseries are without comfort because they are punishments of my sin and I am so evill and unworthy a person that though I have great desires yet I have no dispositions or worthiness towards receiving comfort My sins have caused my sorrow and my sorrow does not cure my sins and unless for thy own sake and meerly because thou art good thou shalt pity me and relieve me I am as much without remedy as now I am without comfort Lord pity me Lord let thy grace refresh my spirit Let thy comforts support me thy mercy pardon me and never let my portion be amongst hopeless and accursed spirits for thou art good and gracious and I throw my self upon thy mercy Let me never let my hold go and do thou with me what seems good in thy own eyes I cannot suffer more then I have deserved and yet I can need no relief so great as thy mercy is for thou art infinitely more mercifull then I can be miserable and thy mercy which is above all thy own works must needs be far above all my sin and al my misery Dearest Jesus let me trust in thee for ever and let me never be confounded Amen Ejaculations and ●ort meditations to be used in time of sickness and sorrow or danger of Death HEar my Prayer O Lord and let my crying come unto thee * Hide not thy face from me in the time of my trouble incline thine ear unto me when I call O ●e●r me that right soon For my dayes are consumed like smoak and my bones are burnt up as it were a fire brand My heart is smitten down and withered like grass so that I forget to eat my bread and that because of t●ine indignation and wrath for thou hast taken me up and cast me down * Thine arrows stick fast in me and thy hand presseth me sore There is ●o health in my flesh because of thy displeasure neither is there any rest in my bon●s by reason of my sin * My wicked esses are gone over my head and are a sore burden too heavy for me to bear But I will confess my wickedness and be sorry for my sin O Lord rebuke me not in thy indignation neither chasten me in thy displeasure Lord be mercifull unto me heal my soul for I have sinned against thee Have mercy upon me O God after thy great goodness according to the multitude of thy mercies do away mine offences O remember not the sins and offences of my youth but according to thy mercy think thou upon me O Lord for thy goodness * Wash me thoroughly from my wickedness and cleanse me from my sin * Make me a clean heart O God and renew a right spirit within me * Cast me not away from thy presence from thy all-hallowing and life-giving presence and take not thy holy Spirit thy sanctifying thy guiding thy comforting thy supporting and confirming Spirit from me O God thou art my God for ever and ever thou shalt be my guide unto death * Lord comfort me now that I lye sick upon my bed make thou my bed in all my sickness * O deliver my soul from the place of Hell and do thou receive me * My heart is disquieted within me and the fear of death is
our sins 1 John 3.5 If ye being evill know to give good things to your children how much more shall your Father which is in Heaven give good things to them that ask him Matth. 7.11 This is a faithfull saying and worthy of ●ll accep●ation that Jesus Christ came into the World to save sinners He that hath given us his ●on how should not he with him give us all things else Acts of hope to be used by sick persons after a pious life I Am perswaded that neither death nor life nor Angels n●● Principalities no● powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate me from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord Rom. 8.38 I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me onely but unto all them also that love his appearing 2 Tim. 4.7 Blessed be the God even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of mercies and the God of all comforts who comforts us in all tribulation 2 Cor. 1.3 A prayer to be said in behalf of a sick or dying person O Lord God there is no number of thy dayes nor of thy mercies and the sins and sorrows of thy servant also are multiplied Lord look upon him with much mercy and pity forgive him all his sinnes comfort his sorrows ease his pain satisfie his doubts relieve his fears instruct his ignorances strengthen his understanding take from him all disorders of spirit● weakness and abuse of fancy Restrain the malice and power of the spirits of darkness and suffer him to be injured neither by his ghostly enemies no● his own infirmities and let a holy and a just peace the peace of God be within his conscience Lord preserve his senses till th● last of his time strengthen his faith confirm his hope and give him a never ceasing charity to thee our God and to all the world stir up in him a great and proportionable contrition for all the evills he hath done and give him a just measure of patience for all he suffers give him prudence memory and consideration rightly to state the accounts of his soul and do thou reminde him of all his duty that when it shall please thee that his soul goes out from the prison of his body it may be received by Angels and preserved from the surprize of evil spirits and from the horrors and amazements of new and stranger Regions and be laid up in the bosom of our Lord till at the day of thy second coming it shall be reunited to the body which is now to be layed down in weakness and dishonour but we humbly beg may then be raised up with glory and power for ever to live and to behold the face of God in the glories of the Lord Jesus who is our hope our resurrection and our life the light of our eyes and the joy of our souls our blessed and ever glorious Redeemer Amen Hither the sick persons may draw in and use the acts of several vertues respersed in the several parts of this book the several Letanies viz. of repentance of the passion and the single prayers according to his present needs A Prayer to be said in a storm a● Sea O My God thou didst create the Earth and the Sea for thy glory and the use of man and doest daily shew wonders in the deep look upon the danger and fear of thy servant my sins have taken hold upon me and without the supporting arm of thy mercy I cannot look up but my trust is in thee Do thou O Lord rebuke the Sea and make it calm for to thee the windes and the sea obey let not the waters swallow me up but let thy Spirit the Spirit of gentleness and mercy move upon the waters Be thou reconciled unto thy servants and then the face of the waters will be smooth I fear that my sins make me like ●onas the cause of the tempest Cast out all my sins and throw not thy servants away from thy presence and from the land of the living into the depths where all things are forgotten But if it be thy wil that w● shall go down into the waters Lord 〈◊〉 my soul into thy holy hands and preserve it in mercy and safety till the day of ●est●●●tion of all things and be pleased ●o●n ●e my d●●th to the 〈◊〉 of thy Son and ●o accept of it so united as a punishment for all my sins that thou mayest forget all thine anger and blot my sins out of thy book and write my soul there for Jesus Christ his sake our dearest Lord and most mighty Redeemer Amen Then make an act of resignation thus TO God pertain the issues of life and death It is the Lord. Let him do what seemeth good in his own eyes Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven Recite Psalm 107. and 130. A form of a vow to be made in this or the like danger IF the Lord will be gracious and hear the Prayer of his servant and bring me safe to shore then I will praise him secretly and publickly and pay unto the uses of charity or Religion then name the sum you designe for holy uses O my God my goods are nothing unto thee I will also be thy servant all the dayes of my life and remember this mercy and my present purposes and live more to Gods glory and with a stricter duty And do thou please to accept this vow as an instance of my importunity and the greatness of my needs and be thou graciously moved to pity and deliver me Amen This form also may be used in praying for a blessing on an enterprize and may be instanced in actions of devotion as well as of charity A Prayer before a journey O Almighty God who fillest all things with thy presence and art a God afar off as well as neer at hand thou didst send thy Angel to bless Jacob in his journey and didst lead the children of Israel through the Red Sea making it a wall on the right hand and on the left be pleased to let thy Angel go out before me and guide me in my journey preserving me from dangers of robbers from violence of enemies and sudden and sad accidents from fals and errours and prosper my journey to thy glory and to all my innocent purposes and preserve me from all sin that I may return in peace and holyness with thy favour and thy blessing and may serve thee in thankfulness and obedience all the dayes of my pilgrimage and a● last bring me to thy country to the celestial Jerusalem there to dwell in thy house and to sing praises to thee for ever Amen Ad. Sect. 4. A prayer to be said before hearing or reading the word of God O