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A35689 The ruine of Rome, or, An exposition upon the whole Revelation wherein is plainly shewed and proved that the popish religion, together with all the power and authority of Rome, shall ebbe and decay ... written especially for the comfort of Protestants and the danting of papists ... / published by Authur Dent ; to which is added an epitome of Reverend Mr. Brightman his Exposition upon the Revelation. Dent, Arthur, d. 1607.; Brightman, Thomas, 1562-1607. Exposition upon the Revelation. 1644 (1644) Wing D1057; ESTC R29350 192,764 462

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other place but not destroyed For God doth remove but not destroy his Candlesticks Pergamus is threatned that unlesse they did speedily repent Jesus Christ should come shortly and fight against them with the sword of his mouth Thyatyra is threatned that except they repent them of their workes they should be cast into a bed of affliction and all their favorites should be slain with death Sardis is threatned that if they did not watch and awake CHRIST would come suddenly upon them as a Thiefe and they should not know what houre hee would come Concerning promises they be very great and large for everlasting joy and the very fulnesse of glory is promised to all that fight the good fight of faith and overcome in the spirituall battle against the flesh the world and the Divell Ephesus is promised that if they fight it out couragiously and constantly to the end they should eate of the tree of life which is in the middest of the paradise of God Smyrna is promised in like case that they should not be hurt of the second death Pergamus likewise is promised to eate of the Manna that is hid to have the white stone of victory given them Thyatira is promised to have power given them to rule over Nations and to be lightned with heavenly brightnes like the morning Star Sardis is promised to be cloathed with white array that is with heavenly glory and to have their name continued in the booke of life Philadelphia is promised to have a piller made in the Temple of God that is a firme and unmoveable place of eternall glory Laodicea is promised to sup with Christ and to sit with him upon his throne for evermore Thus we see what great and precious promises are made to all Churches that fight and overcome in this their spirituall battell and conflict Concerning the conclusion it is one and the same to all these seven Churches Wherein they are exhorted that such as have eares to heare should heare ponder and consider all the aforesaid praises and dispraises admonitions reprehensions threats and promises And it is therefore said such as have eares because they are very few to be found that have circumcised and sanctified eares to heare and understand heavenly things This is proper to the elect this is but to whom it is given And thus briefly and generally we see what was the present state of every one of the Churches of Asia unto which this Prophecie was to be sent so that by them we may see in what estate the universall Church militant was at that time For as some of these seven as yet stood firme and others had much declined so was it with all other Churches Hitherto concerning the first vision containing generally the inscription of this booke Johns salutation to the Churches Johns new calling The excellency of Christ which called him And the present estate of the Church Now we are to proceed to the second vision contained in the next eight Chapters to the twelve wherein is shewed what should be the future estate of the Church in all ages even unto the end of the world CHAP. 4. THe principall thing contained in this fourth Chapter is a description of the person of God the author of this booke who is most gloriously described of that excellent glory that is in himselfe and of his royall throne which hee sitteth upon and of his goodly retinue and troopes of Saints and Angels attending about his most glorious throne Whereunto is added the diverse qualities both of Angels and Saints both in themselves and their owne natures as also in their manner of praising and worshipping of God This is the generall summe and sense of this Chapter But for the better clearing and more full opening of I will come to the words of the text and open them as they lie in order After this I looked and behold a doore was open in Heaven and the first voice I heard Verse 1. was as it were of a Trumpet talking with mee saying Come up hither and I will shew thee the things which must bee done hereafter These words After this have relation to the first vision spoken of before as if he should say after I had received the former vision concerning the present estate of the Church now I had another vision concerning the future estate therof and therfore he saith a doore was opened in Heaven that he might come in and see all these things which should be revealed to him For the opening of the doore in Heaven doth here signifie the unlocking of heavenly things unto Iohn or his entrance into them for so the word doore is taken 2. Cor. 3.12 Apoc. 3.8 After the opening of the doore he is called up with a loud voice like a Trumpet saying Come up hither for although the doore was opened yet durst he not enter in till he was called and commanded to come in For in these cases he doth not presume in any thing as of himselfe without speciall warrant and direction As the Scripture saith No man taketh this honour unto himselfe Heb. 5.4 but he that is called of God as Aaron was The voice that calleth him is like a Trumpet that is loud and shrill that he might be stirred up more diligently to attend unto the contemplation of these great secrets which should be revealed unto him This voice commandeth him to come up hither which sheweth that Iohn was rapt up in the Spirit unto the Heavens to see this vision This voice promiseth to shew him things which must be done hereafter that is that he should be made acquainted with the future estate of the Church as already he was with the present estate thereof And immediately I was ravished in the Spirit Verse 2. and behold a Throne was set in Heaven and one sate upon the Throne Upon this suddaine and extraordinary calling by so heavenly and loud a voice Iohn was forthwith ravished in Spirit For as the Prophet Ezechiel was by the spirit in the visions of God carried from Caldea to Ierusalem So this holy Apostle is carried by the Spirit in the visions of God into Heaven and by the same Spirit is made fit and capable of all these heavenly visions which should be shewed him So that in all this we do plainely and cleerely see that Iohn hath as it were a further calling and admittance from Heaven to to behold and see these wonderfull secrets which now are to be imparted unto him Behold a Throne c. Here beginneth the description of the most high and glorious majesty of God who is described after the manner of earthly Kings and Judges sitting upon their thrones and judgement seats For he is King of Zion and Judge of all the world And he that sate was to look upon like unto a Jasper stone Verse 3. and a Sardine and there was a Rainebow round about the Throne like an Emeraud God for his admirable glory and beauty is
here compared to two most precious stones The one which is the Jasper being of a perfect greene colour as Philosopers write the other which is the Sardine being of a most bright red colour Nothing can sufficiently resemble the glory of God being infinite but these things being the most precious under the Sun do after a sort shaddow it unto us There was a Raine-bow round about the Throne which may signifie that Gods Throne in glory and beauty doth farre excell all other Thrones of mortall Princes yea even that of Salomon which was of most pure Ivory or rather it may signifie that although God in himselfe is most glorious and admirable yet hee keepeth promise and covenant with the sons of men For the Rainebow was a signe of his covenant as appeareth Gen. 9. and assuredly God will be mindful of his covenant to a thousand generations This Raine-bow is said to be like an Emeraud which is alwaies of a fresh greene colour signifying that Gods covenant of grace and mercy towards his Church is alwayes fresh and greene and his goodnesse towards his people perpetuall and unchangeable Moreover God is described of his glorious retinue and heavenly company about him For it is sayd Verse 4. Round about the throne were 24. seats and upon the seats 24. Elders which signifie the whole Church both militant and triumphant both of Jewes and Gentiles and are therefore called 24. because the Church of the Jews grew out of 12. Patriarchs and the Church of the Gentiles out of 12. Apostles And as the glory and pompe of mortall Kings is set out by their troops and traines of nobles and other excellent personages So the glory of God which in it selfe can receive no increase is to our capacity commended and set forth by his goodly companies of Saints and Angels These 24. Elders are cloathed in white rayment which signifieth their righteousnesse as it is expounded Chapter 19. verse 8. not inherent but imputative For they having no righteousnesse of their owne Christs righteousnesse is imputed unto them through faith and through faith is made theirs For Abraham beleeved and it was imputed unto him for righteousnesse These 24. Elders had on their head Crownes of gold which signifie their victories over the world for all the elect overcome the world through faith as S. Iohn teacheth and not the world only but even the flesh and the Divell also And therefore the crowne and garland of victory belongeth unto them as most valiant conquerors Verse 5. Moreover it is said that out of the throne proceed lightnings and thundering and voices which signifie his terror and fearefull power in the preaching of the Law for the preaching of the Law is as it were a voice of lightning and thundring The powerfull preaching of the law is the very thundring of hell and lightning of the wrath of God upon all impenitent sinners and therefore at the delivery of the Law there were lightnings and thundrings and Mount Sinai it selfe did tremble and shake Further it is said there were seven lampes of fire burning before the throne which are the seven Spirits of God These seven lampes which are interpreted to be the seven spirits of God doe signifie the preaching of the Gospell and the manifold graces and gifts of the Spirit which are given to the Church by the meanes thereof For the Gospell giveth a cheerefull and comfortable light being the Ministry of the Spirit as the Apostle saith and therefore is resembled to seven Lamps So then from the throne that is from the presence of God proceedeth both Law and Gospell and the Ministry of them both for the saving of soules And all this maketh much for the setting forth of Gods glory and Majesty being the marke heere aimed at And before the throne there was a Sea of glasse like unto Chrystall Verse 6. This Sea of glasse is the world which is fitly compared to a Sea because it is full of stormes tempests and waves that are continually raised up in it It is full of rocks upon which many dash and make shipwracke It is compared to a Sea of Glasse for the brittlenesse changes and uncertainety of all things in the world It is said to bee before the Throne like Chrystall because the all-seeing God doth as cleerely behold from his Throne all the thoughts words and works of the sonnes of men and all other particular actions of all his creatures under the Sunne as we behold our face in a Chrystall For all things are naked and as it were laid out in an anatomy unto his eyes with whom we have to doe Moreover it is said that in the middest of the throne Verse 6. and round about the throne were foure Beasts full of eyes before and behinde These foure beasts doe signifie the Angels of Heaven the invisible and elect Angels as it is expounded Ezech. 10. verse 20. where the Prophet in a vision seeth foure beasts as it were bearing up and drawing Gods Chariot of triumph And at the 20. verse he saith expressely that he at last understood they were the Cherubins The first and tenth Chapter of Ezechiel being throughly looked into do make this plaine The reason why the Angels are called by the name of Beasts is because in the next verse they are compared to beasts for their qualities of certaine beasts They are named foure in number being otherwise innumerable because they are likened to foure severall beasts The Angels are sayd to have eyes before and behind for their great vigilancy over the Church and every member thereof and because they are endued with knowledge of things past and things to come and last of all because they see and discerne almost all actions under the Sun upward and downeward backward and forward And the first beast was like a Lyon Ver. 7 the second like a Calfe c. Here the Angels are compared to foure severall beasts to a Lyon for strength and courage to a Calfe or an Oxe for service and use to a Beast having the face of a man for wisedome to an Eagle for swiftnesse and readinesse to execute the will of God And moreover because the Eagles soare aloft and fly a very high pitch we are given to understand that the heavenly Spirits are much in celestiall contemplation and do receive the knowledge of hid secrets counsels for they are much aloft about the Throne of God and many high and deepe secrets are opened unto them And the foure beasts had each of them sixe wings about him Verse 8. and they were full of eyes within c. This maketh it very plaine that by these Beasts are understood the sixe Angels because he ascribeth unto every one of them sixe wings a peece For the Angels are described with wings both in the first and tenth of Ezechiel before mentioned and also in the sixth Chapter of the Prophesie of Isaias where the Seraphins are sayd to have six wings a peece two
above all things in this world but also did reach even to heaven and hell For they imagined that the Pope might carry to heaven whom hee would and whom he would he might cast down to hell And therefore who could warre with the beast And thus we see the reason of their wonderment and of their speech All stories and experience it self do shew that there was never any power in the world so wondred at as the usurped power and majestie of the Pope after hee came to bee the head of the Roman Monarchy For then the world supposed that hee had power even as God and that he might depose and set up Kings and Emperors at his pleasure Then it is clear that under the dominion of the Popes Rome hath been in her highest exaltation and glory For the Papacy was the seventh head of the beast whereby the Whore of Babylon was supported in her most magnificall pomp and pride Verse 5. And there was given unto him a mouth that spake great things and blasphemies and power was given unto him to doe fourty two moneths And hee opened his mouth unto blasphemy against God to blaspheme his Name Verse 6. and his Tabernacle and them that dwell in heaven Here are set down the proud and blasphemous speeches both of the old and new Roman Empire and of the old and new Roman Emperors For this beast as I said before comprehendeth all the Roman Empire both under the heathen Emperors and the Popes Touching the great things and blasphemies which the old persecuting Emperors have belched out against the God of heaven it would require a volume to set them down in particulars I will therefore onely mention two or three for examples sake As first that of Caius Caligula which would have his image set up in Temples to be worshipped as God and that the people should swear by his name Nero also did openly blaspheme the Name of Christ required divine honour to be given unto him Domitian commanded that hee should be called God and Lord. Many others required the like things and so all the world wondred and worshipped this blasphemous beast Now as the sixth head which was the old Empire of Rome was full of the names of blasphemy so the seventh head which is the new Empire under the dominion of the Popes which he here chiefly speaketh of did most of all blaspheme For the Pope did challenge to himself all power both in heaven and earth hee would be worshipped as God hee usurped authority over the Word of God hee did take upon him to forgive sins hee did most blasphemously incroach upon all the offices of Christ as King Priest and Prophet he hath commanded the Angels hee hath erected blasphemous images and caused pictures to be made of the Godhead he boasteth and cracketh great things of his papall power of Peters keyes of Peters chair of Peters succession of his miracles of his two swords and of his manifold prerogatives royall One of the Popes poysoned his god another cast his god into the fire another would eat his peacock in despite of God Some of them counted the religion of Christ a tale or fable some drank to the Divell some said they could do as much as God It were infinite to set down all their blasphemies for it is said of the whore of Babylon that she was full of the names of blasphemy Let this suffice for the understanding of this text that as the old heathenish Emperors did blaspheme so the Popes being heads of the Empire did most of all blaspheme And as it is here said they did not only blaspheme the Name of God but also did open their black and blasphemous mouthes against his tabernacle that is his Church calling it a company of hereticks schismaticks apostates and such like and also against them that dwell in heaven that is the spirits of just and perfect men which are in heaven as Luther Calvin Melancthon and such like Moreover it is to be noted that this mouth was given unto this monstrous beast thus to blaspheme and speak great things But this is to be understood that it was given in the wrath and just judgment of God upon the world to plague them withall because they regarded not the knowledge of the truth But it is added that this power of the beast thus to work his actions was limited to 42 moneths so that although he rule and rage for a time yet shall he not long continue And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints and to overcome them Verse 7. and power was given unto him over every kindred and tongue and nation Verse 8. Therefore all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb which was slain from the beginning of the world These two verses doe set forth the great power which was given to this beast both in fighting agai●st Gods people and also overcoming of them and murthering of them by heaps As we read of thousands murthered in the first ten persecutions and ten thousands by the Popes since they came to exercise the civill authority and jurisdiction of the Roman Empire and that in all countries and kingdoms of Europe as it is here said that power was given unto him over every kindred and tongue and nation And it is added that all that dwell upon the earth that is all the subjects of the Roman Monarchy shall worship the beast and make a God of him as we read they have done And the chiefe motive thereof was his blasphemous mouth boasting and threatning great things if any did withstand him and also his mighty power and authoritie whereby hee bare down all before him For if any did mutine against him hee was sure to smart for it And thus through his tyrannicall power hee subdued all nations under him and made them stoup and fall downe and worship him But it followeth that for all this none of Gods elect did worship him or submit themselves to his religion and authority but only those that dwell upon the earth that is earthly men as Papists Atheists and Reprobates and all such whose names are not written in the book of life Christ is called the Lamb slain from the beginning of the world because the saving power of his death was from the beginning of all beleevers although he was not actually exhibited untill the fulnesse of time If any man have an ear let him hear Vers 9 10. If any lead into captivity hee shall goe into captivity if any kill with a sword hee must be killed by a sword Here is the patience and the faith of the Saints Here is shewed that the things spoken of this great beast are very secret and mysticall and can be understood of none but those only whose eares and eyes God openeth to hear and see and understand that is the very elect of God as for all papists and
therein are that time should be no more But in the daies of the voice of the seventh Angell ver 7. when he shall begin to blow the trumpet even the ministery of God shall be finished as he hath declared unto his servants the Prophets The summe of these three verses is that Christ giveth warning of the last judgement that men might awake and looke out in time Amo. 6 1. And because men for the most part are carelesse and secure putting the evill day far from them as the Prophet speaketh therefore here Christ bindeth it with a solemne oath and solemne gestures thereunto annexed as was the lifting up of the hand in antient time Genesis 14.22 The thing that our Lord Jesus disposeth is that time shall be no more that is Time as it is now or the state of things as they be now but he telleth us flatly that as six Angels have already blowne their Trumpets so when the seventh Angell should blow the Mystery of God shall be finished that is the time of punishing the wicked and rewarding the godly should come which is therefore called a Mystery because the world understandeth it not They thinke there is no such matter Mal. 3.14 They imagine there is no reward for the just or punishment for the wicked as the Prophet saith But the holy Ghost saith Verily there is a reward for the righteous Psa 58.18 doubtlesse there is a God which judgeth the Earth And here it is said that God hath declared it to his servants the Prophets And the voice which I heard from Heaven spake unto me agine verse 8. and said goe and take the little booke which is open in the hand of the Angell which standeth upon the Sea and upon the Earth So I went unto the Angell and said unto him give me the little booke v●rse 9. And he said unto me take it and eat it up and it shall make thy belly bitter but it shall be in thy mouth as sweet as hony Then I tooke the little booke out of the Angels hand and eat it up ver 10. and it was in my mouth as sweet as hony but when I had eaten it my belly was bitter And he said unto me verse 11. Thou must prophesie againe among the people and nations and tongues and to many Kings The briefe sence of these foure verses is that the Preachers of the Gospell being called allowed and authorized by Christ unto their ministery should study the Scriptures with great diligence even untill they had eaten up the booke of God and they should preach and publish unto all nations and Kingdomes that truth of God and doctrine of the Gospell which now a long time had lien hid in the raigne of Antichrist It is to be observed that John in this place representeth the person of all the ministers of the Gospell which should be raised up in these last daies for the overthrow of Antichrist and the restauration of true Religion for John himselfe did not live to these times Further it is to be noted that all godly Students and zealous Ministers do eate up the booke of God by reading study prayer and meditation and they find it sweet in their mouth that is they find and feele great joy and comfort in the study and meditation thereof especially when God revealeth therby great and hid secrets unto them and giveth them to understand the mysteries of the Gospell and counsels of his will which are locked up from the wise and prudent of this world This I say is sweeter unto their mouth than hony and the hony combe Concerning their phrase of eating up the Booke looke Ezek. 2.9 for here the holy Ghost alludeth thereunto This booke being so sweet in the mouth yet being eaten and digested is better in the belly There may be three reasons yeelded of this bitternesse First because it being once taken downe into our soule by godly meditation doth mortifie our corrupt nature and bring under our lust and therefore seemeth bitter to flesh and blood Secondly because afflictions and trialls do alwaies necessarily follow the sound digestion of the Gospell Thirdly because the doctrine of the Gospel being swallowed by the ministers therof must not be kept to themselves as it were closed up in their stomacks but they must out with it againe as if it were some loathsome and bitter thing which must needs be cast up againe And for this cause it is sayd in the last verse that they must prophesie againe among the people and nations and tongues and many Kings Now blessed be the name of the Lord our God who hath given us to live in this age wherein we do with our eies behold and see the fulfilling of all these things let us therefore praise God for this great worke which we see wrought in our daies and let us still more and more magnifie this little Booke which will utterly destroy Popery and bring downe the proud Antichrist do all that fight for him what they can CHAP. XI VVE have heard that the little Booke should be opened and the Gospel preached and published to many nations and Kingdomes after the great darknesse of Popery and that this was done by Luther Melancthon Calvin Peter Virit Peter Martyr Bullinger Bucer and all their faithfull successors unto this day Now in this Chapter we are to understand the effect and good successe of their preaching and publishing the Gospell which was that the Church should be restored reformed and built up thereby which a long time had been wasted and oppressed by the tyranny of Antichrist and that many should embrace this Gospell forsake their Idolatries and turne unto God with all their hearts yea whole Nations and Kingdomes in Europe should be converted to the faith as we see this day God be praised So then the principall drift of this Chapter is to shew those things which yet remaine to be fulfilled under the blowing of the sixth Trumpet which is the preaching and prevailing of the Gospel even unto the worlds end and also the things which follow upon the blowing of the seventh trumpet which is the resurrection and last judgement This Chapter containeth six principall things as it were six parts thereof First it sheweth how the true Church should be gathered together ver 1.2 and built up by the preaching of the Gospell and all the wicked refused and cast out ver Secondly it describeth the builders that is all the faithfull Ministers which had and should resist Antichrist Thirdly ver 7.8 it sheweth how Antichrist should persecute the Preachers and Professors of the Gospell unto death and murther them by heapes Fourthly it sheweth that Papists Atheists and wicked worldlings ver 9.10 should rejoyce in the death of Gods people and not vouchsafe them so much as the honour of buriall but sends gifts one to another for joy that they were rid out of the Earth Fifthly it sheweth that
Here is shewed that this image of the beast was not a dead image but a living image for Antichrist put a spirit into it that is life and power and great authority insomuch that this image could speake and not only speak but speak with great authority and terror so as whosoever would not worship this image that is submit himself to the Popish Hierarchie should be put to death But may some man say How did this image speak I answer by the Popes Clergy For the Romish rabble of Cardinals Abbots Monks Priests Friars and all that cursed corporation were the very breath life and spirit of this image I mean that the life-bloud of their externall regiment did lie in the execution thereof by the Clergy as it were in certaine arteries and veines For what was their outward form of government without this cruell execution of their stinging Clergy-men but as a dead image without life But when Antichrist had once consecrated and erected his Romish Priesthood then did hee put life into his image which before he had caused to be made and erected Then we do plainly see that the Popish Hierarchy is not a bare resemblance of the old Roman policy to stand as a picture on a wall but hath a spirit put into it by the false prophet and speaketh with such power and terrour in all kingdoms that it causeth all to be put to death that will not submit themselves unto it and fall down and worship the beast Who knoweth not this that as many in the countries as would not imbrace Popery and the old Roman tyranny the Popish Clergy their Inquisitors and other Officers did condemne them in their Courts as hereticks schismaticks and delivered them over being condemned to the secular power to be put to death Vers 16 17. And he made all both small and great rich and poor bond and free to receive a mark in their right-hand or in their foreheads And that no man might buy or sell save hee that had the marke or the name of the beast or the number of his name Antichrist is not content to murder and massacre in all countries which wil not worship the image of the beast that is stoup to his government and authority but he will go yet a step further and will have all sorts of people brought in bondage unto him as his marked servants For as men use to set a brand upon their sheep and other cattel and to ear-marke them that it might openly and manifestly appeare to whom they appertaine so doth Antichrist this Romish beast cause all men in all kingdoms to carry in open view his mark or brand whereby all men see that they doe appertain unto him It is here said that all the vassals of Antichrist of what degree estate or condition soever must receive this mark in their right hand or in their forehead that is they must openly professe and practise the worship and religion of the beast For the forehead is put for the profession and the right hand for the action so that in one of them at the least every man must openly declare that he acknowledgeth the Pope of Rome to be lord of his faith Moreover it is added That no man might buy or sell save hee that had the marke or the name of the beast or the number of his name the meaning is that no man might traffique in the world or have any doings amongst men nay hee might not be suffered to live except hee had the mark of the beast in his forehead or in his right-hand that is unlesse he did professe and practise the worship the religion laws decrees of the Pope For the marke of the beast is put for his worship religion lawes decrees regiments and policy Moreover the Popes vassals have not only his mark upon them whereby they may be known but also the name of the beast for they must be named after him even as children bear the name of their fathers and must be called of the Pope or Papa Papists And not only so but also they have another privie mark upon them and that is the number of his name which is Latinos or professors of the Latine religion Latine kingdome and Italian Church as shall by and by appear Now then to grow to conclusion and to make a brief recapitulation of all things here spoken concerning the second beast which is Antichrist Let us consider what increasings and proceedings he hath made as it were by degrees First although hee hath two horns like the Lambe that is Civill and Ecclesiasticall power yet hee speaketh like the Dragon that is he bendeth all his power and authority words and works for the Divell Secondly hee doth as much as the first beast could do in the service of the Dragon Thirdly he causeth the first beast to be worshipped that is established the substance of his religion Fourthly hee maketh the image of the beast that is addeth a forme to the substance Fifthly he putteth life into his image by his Clergy Sixthly he will have his image worshipped and yeelded unto on pain of death Lastly he will have all men of all conditions to wear his livery and to receive his mark as it were his hired and covenant servants Here is wisdome Verse 1● Let him that hath wit count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is six hundred threescore and six Now last of all the holy Ghost telleth us that it is a very high point of wisdome and understanding to count the number of the beast and requireth a sharp and pregnant wit and withall telleth us that it is the number of a man that is such as a man endued with Gods Spirit may find out Then wee are incouraged to search into it sith it is within the compasse of mans reach It is no impossible thing If therefore we could find out his name we would desire no more then the field were won for his name would discover him and descry him to all the world and quite stop the mouthes of the Papists so as they should never have any thing more to say For if Saint John had said expressely and in plain termes that the Popes of Rome are this second beast and the very Antichrist himselfe then the Papists had beene put to perpetuall silence all matters quasht and all controversies ended betwixt them and us for ever But here the holy Ghost doth not tell us his name plainly but mystically as many other things in this booke that the worldlings which should fulfill them might be blinded whilest the eys of Gods elect are opened to see into the truth of all these matters Well to come to the point S. John doth only here set down the numerative letters of the beasts name Hee wrote in Greek and hee only setteth downe three Greek letters or characters which in Greek numeration make six hundred sixty six Now further we are to note the