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A09316 An excelent comfort to all Christians, against all kinde of calamities no lesse comfortable, then pleasant, pithy, and profitable: Compendiously compiled by Iohn Perez, a faithfull seruant of God, a Spaniard (in Spanish) and now translated into English by Iohn Daniel, of Clements Inne, with diuers addicions by him collected and therevnto annexed.; Epistola para consolar a los fieles de Jesu Christo. English PĂ©rez, Juan, d. 1567.; Daniel, John, of Clements Inne. 1576 (1576) STC 19626; ESTC S111936 128,141 335

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armed with this faith which was communicated vnto him by the Gospell did ouercome hys enimies furies so that they could not resist the wisdome and spirit with the which he spake Dauid a verie yoūg man of small age what maner of weapon had he to fight against Golias that mightie capteine of the Philistines hée sought no helpe of Saul nor could not abyde his Armour and weapons nor yet did not fauour any kynde of humaine counseile nor hys own force which was nothing in comparison to the strength of that mightie Gyaunt But onely armed with a sure faith affiance and hope in God he fought couragiously did ouerthrow him cut of his head and so set the chosen hys fellow members at libertie In this is and shall bée for euer verified to all the faythfull that God wil fulfil and performe his promises And so he sayeth by the Prophet Dauid hée that trusteth in mée I will kéepe and deliuer him for that he hath knowen my name And therfore sith he is greater that is in vs then he that is in the world let vs forsake all humayne counseill strength industrie prudencie and wisdome in the same for that how much the lesse we estéeme and depende vppon them so much the more is the efficacie strength power of God in vs and our sight the clearer perfecter to sée the great admirable works don in his elected by his most mightie potencie might Euen then doeth God discouer to our weaknesse the greatnesse of his most mightie power and strength to our health and saluation For when we think our selues most strong depend most vppō terene and earthly defence euē thē are we most weakest and our hope most frustrate Bicause those things in the worlde we accompte and holde most sure for our reliefe in our greatest necessitie falleth from vs and so we left at the worste and in displeasure with god For that we so vaynely dyd forsake him and slée to vanitie which are the things of this world for our help and defence so are we left forsaken both of God man Bicause we made a God of those things the which wée trusted in therein did forsake the true god Those which doe put their trust in worldly things doe it bycause of the fayre shewe thereof to their carnall or fleshly eyes but so they make a deuision of that hope whiche they ought to haue in God put aparte or péece therof into those which are of the worlde which is vanitie and of no value at all Our filthie flesh is fondly ledde to trust and hang all hope on creatures in place and steade of that hope which is due vnto God the creator Suerly it is such a subtle snare of the father of all subtelties lyes that it often deceyueth manye and continually it deceiueth it self For it hath alwayes a custome to couer infidelitie and hipocrisie with some one craftie cloaked colour or other that may not easily be knowen So that when wée bee beguyled by the same we doe thinke our selues in such securitie that we sléepe therein as though fortified with suche humayne helpe furniture and fauour as none might be the like when as in very déede by the ende of experience we may shal finde our owne weaknesse to be such as is of no validitie at all Whereby is manifested that these carnall furnitures weapons armour in which we hope and trust to be succoured by doe not onely serue vs nothing at all for our helpe and defence but also is and are extréeme lets and hynderances to kéepe vs from the doyng of that which we ought and are bound to doo by the commaundementes of god And therfore in this lyfe which is a tyme of trouble tirannie battail and warfare let vs be imitators and folowers of Dauid who neuer did bear other armes nor weapōs against his enimyes then onely his sure trust in God wherewith he alwayes got the victorie and ouerthrew them all How we oughte to doe and behaue our selues to our enimyes as wel visible as in visible corporall as spirituall God doeth teache vs by hys Apostles All the wyse holy and mightie of the world All the riches aucthoritie dignitie exelencie greatnesse humaine strength and policie that was in the same was against them in such sorte that it séemed inuinsible There was very fewe scarce none neither Lordes Earles Dukes Princes Kings and Emperours kingdomes nor countreis but were against them with most cruell warres and persecutions But yet they I mean the childrē and disciples of God armed with confidence and affiance in God and pacience by the onely wordes of the Gospell did convince and ouerthrow to the grounde all the power and potencie of them all aswell the principalles as the reste And by beléeuyng truely in the Gospell they did fyght with and ouerthrowe all the sublymate and supreme highnesse that dyd rise repugne against them Christ their heade in them They did ouercome captiuitie bring a great number to be ruled by preaching the pure Euangelie of truthe in the Gospell and to the obedyence of fayth therin By force wherof they made the world to tremble and did work marueilous works most worthy of memory The world was not so strong nor Sathan so mightie nor yet his ministers so subtil that they altogither with their strength mighte policie and subtiltie could let or hinder the small grayn of musterd séede the fayth in the Gospell but that it did increase florysh and growe into a great and mightie trée the braunches wherof did extend into all partes of the worlde so that the byrdes of heauen might buylde their neastes therein at hys pleasure The diuill all his vaseilles bōdslaues are beaten down daily ouercome with that Armour weapon wherwith God hath armed the faithfull elected If those which serue the prince of darkenes that are marked with the mark of the beast which S. Iohn speaketh of could make that the sonne did not aryse and shewe it selfe so that dayly he did not or might not dryue awaye the darkesome nyghtie cloudes so spread his beames into all parts of the world wherby the force may bée felte of the heate and light of the same they might as well let and hinder the shyning sonne of the Gospell that the splendant light thereof should not shine and shewe his inestimable brightnesse to giue light vnto the blynd that they might goe and be guyded thereby in the righte way of truth And also let that the potencie of God therein shoulde not take the captyue out of captiuitie open the prysons to the prysoners and that the contrite of hart should not receiue frée lybertie thereby Let them goe to heauen if they can and throwe the sonne downe oute hir place vsuall vnto the earth or let them let hinder the shining of the Gospell of glorie which doeth manyfest that
God that did remember and know vs before the beginning of all things visible and did determyne all these his blessings for vs that we shall for euer be buried in obliuion and refuse so smal a thing as worldly affliction I pray you deare friends bretheren wherfore serueth our liues if we will be saued but to glorify him did we not promyse hym to aduenture all things to his glorie and honour wherfore then shall we reserue any thing to the detriment thereof Hée him self went before vs and dyd passe first thorough the pikes of persecution and affliction in the world hée is our head shall we thē stagger stop or stay in following him beyng hys members whose is the wealth and riches that we haue whose is our life or who did giue vs our honours did not he giue vs all bycause wée should glorifie him as his chosen faithful and beloued then for what cause should we let to glorifie him in all that euer we can or haue Haue we not sayde that with all and in all thinges Iesus Christ did glorifie his father and that we were chosen to be conforme and lyke vnto him And therfore sith we sée it is our duties let vs doe and indeuour our selues all that possiblie we may to accomplish the same at the least a parte that we mighte the sooner attayne to the whole in imitatyng that we might be glorified alyke with him For when wee serue him doubtfully and follow him waveryngly as if wée thought all to no purpose all that we doe in such sort is but in vayne of no validitie nor effect but rather falleth out cleane to the cōtrarie for that in doubtful dealing can no true seruice be done nor yet he be glorified So that all maner of doings or workes which are not to his glorie are lost of none effect nor valour but yet all that is done in true faith is of muche validitie and verie effectuall thervnto The which he will neuer forget bicause he doeth so loue vs that he is verie vnwillyng we should loose our labours in anye thing or spend our traueils in vaine He accepteth all that possibly may agrée with his iustice for the great desire and good will hée hath to bée our guarder sauiour kéeper and defender He asketh of his father for vs all things as well honour wealth and riches as healthe lyfe and saluation There is nothing that he taketh into his handes for vs but it taketh effecte in vs there is nothyng in the handes of our persecutors that hath any effect at all or securitie Why doe the foolishe phoppes infected with fylthie incredulitie and misbeliefe loose their lyues euerlastingly but onely bycause they trust not in God rather would saue their lyues to serue the world then lightly to loose them and to glorifie God and yet therein they loose for euer both lyfe and loue of him By the ryghtuousnesse of fayth sayeth Sainct Paule we are constituted and chosē heires of the world euen lyke vnto our father Abraham Then being heires thereof why doe we feare to put into the handes of God all that we haue Sith wée are sure to receiue it again bettered with so great aduantage He that shall ouercome sayeth the same Lord shall possesse all things I will be his God and he shall be my sonne Thus if we dye for his loue we doe ouercome in ouercommyng we enter into the possessiō of all things we haue God for our God and we be his true children if we be children we be also heires both in heauen and earth In what then should we doubt sithe to make so great and good an exchange we giue him nothyng yet we remayne with him and receyue all things We gyue nothyng vnto God bycause we haue nothyng that is our owne all that wée haue is his so that in giuing him all we giue him nothing And therefore let vs not be vnwillyng to yéelde all that we may vnto him sith he is so liberall magnificall in giuyng vnto vs all things yea euen till he had giuen hym selfe for vs but let vs loue hym accordyng to our callyng as Iesus Christ our onely sauiour redéemer health saluation and reconciliation and in any wyse let vs loue his honour and glorye more then anye worldlye thing Haue we not hearde of many of the Gentyles that dyd offer them selues vnto death and so desyre it that they kylled them selues wyth theyr owne proper handes onelye vppon desyre to bée delyuered from the paines and trauayles of the world their liues in it And vppō some vain hope which they had and thought to finde by their immortalitie of the soule This they did vppon a certayne opynion which was foolishe had amongest a number of them yet they were not onely frée from worldly traueils by this immortalitie but also by their desperate dealinges to departe from their lyues in suche wyse they en●ered a new into ten tymes treble more torments yea a number infinite euerlastingly God doth not commaūd of vs any suche maner of death but doeth most ernestly forbid it yet béeing animated by true faith as thus if we beléeue that our lyfe is his and that he is our lyfe so that when our tyme shall come and he shall call vs to render our lyues agayne to him of whom we hold them as tennants at his will that then we doe obey hym and yéeld them vp be it by fire sword halter presse Racke by wyld horsses Tigres Lyons wilde beastes or any kinde of crosse we doo but our duties and no more then we are bounde vnto And in so doing we shewe the fruits of our fayth hope in him proclaime crye out and preach vnto the world and shewe vnto the braue ministers thereof that we be none of theirs but his owne who hath bought and best payde for vs In this maner we shall also openly appeare to haue more estimation of his glorie and rather to fulfill his heauenly holy will then to séeke the maintenance of our liues in this world which perisheth togither with the people thereof He will not in any maner of wise that we run into any kynde of daunger rashly to procure our death Nor yet that we denie and so blasphéeme him to eschue or escape the same But rather that as tyed on a string wée should bée prompte and readie lyke faithfull seruaunts to follow hym so soone as he plucketh or calleth vs we may certainly assure our selues that hée hath counted and numbred our dayes and hath made such a determination for vs as we may in no wyse passe Hée hath put and inclosed our soules in our bodies as in a tabernacle to the end they should be wel kept and preserued vntyll hée hym selfe which put them there shall returne againe to call and receyue them So then in being called we ought not to refuse our filthie lodginges in thys worlde for that we are to receiue a
shew that it is not against vs nor yet that hée is angrie with vs bycause he cannot let be nor leaue beare the fatherly affection that he hath towards vs Let vs enter into the withdrawyng place or chamber that hée doeth commaunde vs and then although hée séeme neuer so disformed outwardly yet we shal finde him inwardly such as he hath shewed hym selfe to bée in Christ that is to say a father full of mercy whose bowels doe burn with loue for and towardes vs So that then we need not to dispaire nor yet be dismayed in our selues Although the warres and contradictions of the wicked worldlinges and the worlde béee neuer so great agaynst vs or the misformed and the ilfauored face of death be neuer so gréeuous to our bodies which are mortall yet our most louyng father God almightie will not leaue but be with vs in the middest and greatest of all our temptations troubles vexations calamities and outragious griefes yea euen to their vtter confusion To all the faithfull that are vexed troubled surcharged or ouerloadē with the crosse the holy ghost doeth giue aduice by Esay the Prophet in this maner Say vnto the weak and faint of hart comfort your selues and doe not feare behold the Lorde your God that wil take vengeauce on your enimyes and gyue vnto them payment accordyng to their deserte the same God shal come in proper person and saue you This is as much as if he had sayd I pray you heare me my dearly beloued friendes the troubles which you doe suffer is bycause you are myne and gouerned by my worde and for that you haue cast away the yoke of impietie and false religion and haue receyued myne looke not in exterior things which are troubles vnto your fleshe onely but know for a certeyntie that as there is nothyng that the worlde doeth more abhorre or that doeth more suffer the rage and furye thereof then you So for the contrarie there is nothing in the world that I loue better then you And therefore my children haue you a sure trust in me for I haue alreadie ouercome all those thinges that doe torment you and sith your enimyes doe not feare to molest make warre against you doe not you cease to receiue comforte in the ryches of my promyses whiche are yours and are for you If they doe accompt you for cursed and abhomynable doe you praye for them I saye pray and bée not wéery let not your hands be loosed but holde fast the sword of your defence which is my worde be of good cheare feare not bée stoute and of a good courage for why your enimyes doe fable and lye in all that they tell you I am not absente from you as they say but am alwaies with you present apte and ready to defend yon as I haue promysed I doe not abhorre you nor yet I haue not forsaken you but doe loue you and am so nigh that those which touch you doe touche euen the very balles of my●● eyes I euen I saieth the Lord will take vengeance of them that trouble you I my selfe in myne owne person will deliuer you perseuer and goe forwarde constantly in a sure fayth and affiaunce in my loue for your aduersaries haue done what they can and yet know not what they haue don against you in me let the eyes of your harte be setled in me Although your sences be shut vp with smoke ashes and flames of fyre yet doe not think that I am fled or from you one ynch or any thing at all For I will not leaue you but bée alwayes present with you although you sée me not I my selfe am hée that doeth fight for you although you féele it not feare you not that your enimies shall ouercome you according to their determinations assure your selues that I wil giue you the victorie in the ende I haue promised it and I my selfe will fulfill it These and such lyke are the louing words of our good God and sauiour vnto vs that be his chosē such louing swéet amorous spéeches doth he vse vnto vs notwithstanding that we bée persecuted and afflicted with fyre and other kinde of crosses before we can come to him A persuasion to trust only in God and to avoyd all vaine trust had in any humain helpe c. The xx Chapter SYth therefore that we sée that our swéete God is so present with vs when we think him to be farthest of that he doeth loue vs dearely when wée thynke our selues forsaken and abhorred and that hée doeth not forgette vs when we thinke our selues farre out of fauour remembrance Let vs put our whole truste and confidence onely in hym for that he is altogither sufficient to and wil stād with vs for our defence in all our troubles and aduersities And also let vs saye with holy Iob Although he giue me vnto death I will not leaue to trust in him As our fleshe is the greatest enimy that wée haue so is it that which doeth make the greatest warre with vs Bicause it doeth not onely deny this fauourable presence of God but also doth not let to fyght agaynst it that is to say against the promises of God and doe leane and trust to things which are vaine thinkyng to bée defended and deliuered by the helpe thereof from all the harme calamitie and griefe that it doeth féele And so doeth not onely fall out to the contrarye but also is an occasion why that greater griefes doe folow And therfore it behoueth vs to be vigilant and to take héede that we doo not tempte God with puttyng anye vayne trust or hope in men whither they séeme or shewe to be good or bad faithfull or vnfaithfull for any thing touching saluatiō or dampnation For so the wicked by their wickednesse would deuise and be of strength and efficacy sufficient to blinde and bring vs into doubtes and like to dispayre by means of our doubtfull and weake beliefe Bicause that all of vs are full of that monstrous masse of sinne euer fallyng and in déede fully subiecte to fall into all kinde of miserie But let vs giue héede to that which the holy ghost doth commaund by the Prophet Dauid doe not trust in Princes nor in the sonnes of men bicause there is no health nor helpe in them Miserable are the successes of suche as put their trust in men For that as the Prophet Ieremy sayeth cursed is he that putteth his trust in man. Therefore let vs put our trust onely in God and depend and put our trust onely in his moste faythfull promises And so shall we be sure that he will fight for help and defend vs against the world the flesh all other the snares of the diuill As the Prophet Esay sayth if we beleue this word of the Gospel we haue obteyned victorie alreadie Bycause as S. Iohn sayeth our faith is the victorie that ouercōmeth the world Saint Steuē being
procure to be so much the more certaine and sure of our vocacion and calling of the good will that God had and hath vnto vs and that we doo not doubt by no way nor meanes of the immutabilitie and firmnesse of his diuine councel with and by the which he dyd determine before the beginninge of the worlde to saue vs in Christ Iesu in knowledge of whome dothe concist all our wealth comfort and consolacion The want of knowledge the doubt had hereof is wont to dooth engender great amasednesse dismayinges troubles in the myndes of some of the faithfull it dooth make them fearfull weake full of cowardise sad discomforted mistrustfull and doth put them into great forgetfulnesse of the benefits which they haue receiued of god From hence dooth also arise growe springe those déepe moorninges groninges and sighinges with the which many séeinge themselues afflicted for the trueth doo repent them that they haue vsed their eares heard and beleeued the voyce of the lord Bicause that they séeinge the aduersities that doo succede follow by reason of professing and confessing the name of Iesu Christ they call it guile and deceit and doo retorne againe to wallow in the dirtie mire of their olde errours and supersticions in which they were before their calling doo become more enemies to God and more cruell against the trueth by meanes wherof their last ending is worser then theyr beginninge And for the contrary to know the trueth thereof aright and well and to haue the same printed in the hart it dooth make the good christian the stronger againste all kindes of aduersities and the more mightie to warre and fight magnanymousely manfully against all the might force of hell and neuer more to turne his shoulders to the enemie but doth become from day to day the more inriched with heauenly giftes whereby he is made the more exceptable to god All that is agaīst Iesus Christ in the world maketh war contradiction againste him but yet he ouercommeth all victoriously and most triumphantly by the vertue and strength of his perfect knowledge thereof And how much the more as it is printed in his heart so much the more shal be increased his cōfort in the time of affliction persecucion more strong firme constant in aduersitie more burning in desire to be with god greater in disdaine of the worlde and of all the delights the reigneth therein know the better how to sanctifie the name of the Lord and to demaunde with more feruent zeale that his kingdome may quickly come bicause his enimies might be destroied wholly and that he alone might be obeyed and reigne in the consciences of all those which he hath redéemed with his most precious bloud What we were before our being reduced to god Cap. ii IF we dyd vnderstād how the sinne which we dyd commit against God in the beginning dyd leaue vs after it had once gotten power emperye ouer vs we should vnderstand aswel how great the loue goodnesse of him was that dyd redeeme and take vs out of the same and deliuer vs from the condēpnacion so iustly due vnto vs for it The diuell by sinne dyd breake in and destroy all goodnesse that God had indued vs with by the which we were cléerely knowen to be his owne workmāship he did blot out the Image of god which was grauē in our soules so that the likenes of him by whom we were created was taken quite frō vs we depriued of all kinde of holines rightuousnes also made strāgers to all trueth cleannes He did leaue vs without the direction libertie that we had to cōfort our selues with in all thīgs by the diuine wil of god Finally we did remaine voyde emptied of all those gifts graces with the which God had adorned bewtified enritched vs to be serued by Bicause we might haue him euermore to be our god and that we might be known to be his childrē by the effect of those his wicked works in the world he dyd destroy in vs all the good that god had geuen vs so that we remayned full of all euill that is to be abhorred and cōtrary to god For that the diuel in place of the perfect picture Image and likenesse of him that was in vs did put his owne And so we were ful of all vnrightuousnesse of life hipocrisie fornicacion mallice couetousnesse enuie guyle hatred wickednesse abhominable abhorrours haters of god and his trueth proud vaine glorious disobedient vnfaithfull without vnderstandinge altogether blynde and without mercy made at the last a pestilent picture euen like vnto the diuell whose captiues we were In the Epistle to them of Ephesus Sainct Paule declareth and in them to vs that such was our condicion before God did call vs And you sayth he were dead by your owne delightes of sinne in the which sometyme ye walked according to the course of this world after the prince and gouerner that ruleth in the Ayre which is the spirit that now worcketh in the children of vnbeléefe amonge the which we all in tymes past haue béene conuersant in desires of the flesh and fulfylled the wyll and mynde thereof so that by nature we wer the children of wrathe And thus he concludeth that in vs there was not one spot of goodnesse nor rightuousnesse but that we were in all subiect to the diuell that all our delightes and pleasure was in naughtinesse and infidelitie so that all our works were of the flesh corrupted and accursed Bicause that if the flesh be an enemie to God and not subiect to his lawe nor may nor can be All the worckes that procéede thereof is so likewise and plaine demōstracions of the hatred of the truth wherewith the hart should be possessed And if that all humaine thoughts or thoughts of men doo from the beginning tend to euil all workes done by them be of the same qualitie euil cōdempned lost prouokers of gods great indignacion and ire so that all our euil commeth by nature At the first we were the childrē of god now by sinne we are the children of his wrath that is wholly lost banished disinherited of his riches goodnesse moreouer enimies to all that dooth please him All of vs are corrupted abhominable saith the Prophet there is none that dooth good there is none no not one Then being by sinne and the flesh al corrupted what may spring come therof but curssed stick of such efficacie the it corrupteth all goodnesse by the which it passeth By reasō wherof we are compared by the same prophet to an open sepulchre wher ther is nothing but bodies dead rotten ful of worms frō whēce may nor can come nothing but suche cruel stincke as dooth infect corrupt and kill The mouth of this sepulchre is our throfe as the said Prophet saith
happie as to make vs of the number of them that doe beléeue and are builded in Iesus Christ let vs not doubt the causes of our afflictiōs for before that he did giue vs his lighte to beléeue in hym and to knowe him the diuill did possesse vs in peace so that we had a very perfect friendship with the worlde But he who is most strong being come as he is hath gotten the victorie and taken his spoyle from him for which cause that enimy doth so bray bluster and roare out his warres against vs and to make a recouery of vs he doeth arme all his armie with so great crueltie as we sée So that the cause of our persecution is not as they professe which are the ministers therof it is but only for the word of the Gospell as testifyeth Iesus Christ in his owne preachyng to them that he hath called to him self And for that we be most assured and certeine of his truth we may wel susteine and beare the extremitie of the crosse that is layd vppō vs by the hands of God and neuer bee dismayed nor fainte for althoughe that wee of our selues be weake we shall be strengthened by hys force and magnificall might with his wisdome shall be ouercome our ignorance and foolishenesse with his rightuousnesse shall be blotted out our sinnes and wickednesse with his light shall be lightned our blynde darkenesse with his blessing shal be ouercome and vndone our cursse malediction with his mighte shall bée distroyed our infernall hell with his holynesse we shall be made holy and finally by his merits with his benifites we shall be made rych in suche maner of wyse that it is impossible of our selues to be suche lyke as he wil make vs And therefore let vs not bée hindered by any kynde of crosse but the rather made more perfect and clearer with constancy in beléefe of the trueth which hée hath taught vs. To this ende doeth the Apostle set out our estate in this maner forme You be saith he Pilgrims straūgers as we were in tyme of our ignorancy you are now saints and citizens with the houshold seruants of god builded vppon the foundation of the Prophets Apostles that is Iesus Christ in whom you are builded togither iointly to be the house dwelling place of God in spirite Whereby we may sée that all the vertue that is in vs whither it be by good workes which are the fruites of faith or by suffring the griefes afflictions of this world the which we are subiecte vnto yet both the one and the other came from our foundation whiche is Christe our head Yea also they doe both the one and the other serue to clense vs frō all the contaminate filthie foulenes of the flesh perfectionate make perfecte our myndes spirit with the feare of God and the sanctification of his holy name whereby we might be cleane cleare frō any kynd of thing that may offend the eyes of his diuine maiesty that dwelleth in vs So that we haue the entrie made plaine vnto vs to enter treate with God familiarly and aske of him all those thinges which be necessarie for vs to folow Iesu Christ with to be wholy holy as he hath commaūded vs by his spirit saying be ye holy bicause that I the Lord your God am holy God did know saieth S. Paule and predestinate all his chosē to make thē cōformable like to the image of his sonne bycause they should be Primogenitus the first begotten among many brethren So that in making vs cōforme like vnto him he did iustify vs whē he pardoned vs of our sinnes and did make vs pertakers of his redemptiō Euen then he did begin to reforme in vs the image of his sonne which reformatiō is yet but begun But yet it goeth forwarde from day to day increasing by degrées vntil we be all togither lyke vnto him yea euen to be a very perfect pictor liuely like him For the as by Christ the father is known so by vs shuld the son be known also for we shuld be like vnto hī in al things as wel spiritually as tēporally celestially as terrestrially and as we did beare the Image of the earthly Adam euen so should we beare the image of the celestial Adam which is Iesus Christ that came downe from heauen All that God doeth vnto vs is to the same end and purpose and therfore Christ doeth incite vs saying be ye perfect as your father in heauen is perfect It is notorious to sée and wonderfull to consider howe farre of wee bée from this sanctitude and perfection to the which wée haue béene called Euerye man may sée him self a great contradiction in comming to the same wée may sée also what great resistance the worlde and all the ministers thereof doth make against vs to kéepe vs from it for which cause God hath taken vs in charge to make his worke perfect in vs. What thyng more amyable may ther be or what more may be desired then to haue the image of the son of God conformed and made perfecte in vs there is nothynge that can bée more blessed and vnhappie for vs then this that God doeth loue vs so much as to shewe and cast vppon vs such copious aboundancies of hys heauenly pleasures and good will if we loue riches and honors those be the true ones If we desire to be sure against all euilles and temptatiōs of the diuil the world and the flesh in this doeth consist the suertie thereof Howe much the more that we are lyke vnto God so muche the more mightie wée are by him in our owne defence against all maner of temptations afflictions and persecutions If we will inioye the riches that God hath prepared for his faithfull thys is the way to come to the possession of them And therefore wée ought not to be feareful off nor to refuse any thing that God doth chastise vs with And sith hée hath giuen vs Christ his sonne to be our head it is a thing conuenient that we which bée his members be lyke vnto him and that we goe togither with him treading in hys owne steppes Bycause the self same end that he had him self his members must haue also and for that cause to the self same ende that we should passe both by one way and haue one ende and inheritance God did so vnite knit vs in him Wherfore we ought to vnderstand well the purpose of God to haue alwayes in remembraunce the effect therof bicause we should not faint waxe weake nor feare the troubles afflictions that the striuing therwith mistaking therof doeth bring vs vnto The end wherof being wel rightly cōsidered with the knowledge of the same we ought rather to imbrace thē stifly to stād against it Hovv that the estate of Iesus Christ is common to the faithful
heauenly hope that they had did pearce the boiling bowels of his loue and mercy And did obtein the fruit of their faithfull desires So that when the curssed crueltie and tirannie of the Egiptians was at the full the highest and the greatest euen then did God extende hys mightie arme from heauen so that they being without any humain helpe or remedie at all he did deliuer them onely by his own mightie potencie and power There is no tirannie nor persecution that can continue long for looke how much the more it is malicious out of measure so much the nigher is the ende and distruction thereof As did appeare by Pharao for when that the crueltie and tirannie of him his ministers was most extréemest agaynst God and his people euen then did it perishe and ende with most cruell distroy thereof and the executioners togyther for there is nothing that will more sooner distroy and consume the euill tyrannie and crueltie of the tiranicall persecutors then the pacience and humilitie of the Sainctes with submitting thēselues in harte and mynd to the onely will and pleasure of God askyng of him succour and ayde with fayth in his promise There is no suche whetstone to blunt nor beate downe the rasor sharpe edges of the sweards of the Tirantes nor no suche water to quenche the burnyng flames of fyre which they vse for the faithfull as is a sure faith and hope in the Lord bicause as all the enimyes that doe afflict and torment vs be deade Euen so althoughe wée sée it not with our bodily eyes he doeth kill them styll for vs And notwithstanding that they doe séeme to our carnall fight to bée aliue yet for the hatred they haue to the truth they are dead in the presēce of god And howe muche the greater their frensie furie is towardes vs So much the surer is the signe that theyr vtter distruction is at hand The people of God were so occupied and dryuen vp against the read Sea in such a streight thereby that the weaklings amongest them faynted feared and began to yéelde them selues for dead men by the handes of their enimyes the men of warre who so fiersly folowed them as was possible makyng accompt of the same they were armed in all points for the purpose but God prouided a present remedie for his people to put their appoyntment cleane to the contrary He diuided the hugie heapes and waues of waters so that they stood stil on eche side like stone walles till his people the children of Israell had passed throughe the myddest thereof drye footed And presently passing the same and lookyng backe to beholde the huge armie of Pharaoes hoast their furious foes that folowed so faste for filthie thirst they had after bloud they sawe the waters agayne kéepyng their course in a most swifte maner and coulde sée nothing els but the ouerwhelmed and drowned bodyes of those furyous fightyng fellowes who folowed them so fiercely Those fonde furyes were blynded so that they could not sée till they came to that distruction the which then they would haue fled from but it was to late they were mightie and most magnanimous and valiant till then But being thus killed dead distroyed and ouercome by him that mightie Iehouah he discouered the same to them his most louing people bycause they should not feare nor fainte at the lyke agayne though it séemed neuer so mighty or terrible Euen so those which persecute vs at this present tyme so trimly lyke as they would roote cast out the name of God from the earth yea and out of heauen also that he myght neuer bée neyther knowen nor professed are dead and killed by the same our most myghtie and eternall God though to our foolishe fleshe it séeme to the contrarie and to the sight therof And therefore dearely beloued there is no cause at all that may make vs by any iust reason that our enimies can vse to fainte feare or leaue the true professing of our fayth in our master Christ though they doe threaten it out neuer so lustily for that we béeing once passed the seas of sorowes in thys worlde by suche crosses and calamities as it shall please God to vse for a meane to passe vs ouer the same Shall haue lykewyse discouered and shewed vnto vs that those which now séeme vnto vs liuing doo intreat vs so euill without pietie or pittie blasphéeming the name of Christ and his holy Gospell are not in truth but dead bodies which can nothing hurt vs If it should be great foolish folly to feare the pictors paynted in parishe churches of images or the puppetly Idols set vp in popish temples as though they might helpe vs to good or saue vs from euill It were and should be ten tymes treble greater folly without comparison to leaue and renounce the friendship and obedience of faith in him which is an euerlasting mansion for vs in all ioye and felicitie If there were any cause at all to fear those dead bodies which can doe vs neyther good nor harme The holy Ghost would not giue such counsell cleane to the contrary Saying feare you not any thing that they can doe nor be you not troubled but sanctify the Lord God in your hartes So that it is a plaine consequent that as by sure fayth and hope that the children of Israell had in almightye God with their incessant and humble prayers and petitions which they vsed vnto him he did distroy and ouerthrow the Egiptians Pharaoes hoast and that they were so set at libertie celebrating of Sacrafice with himnes and songes of prayse and thankes gyuing vnto him the onely aucthor therof Euen so nowe in these present tymes by the lyke faith hope which they had and that we oughte to haue in his mercie And by the power and strength of the same God shall perish all those that persecute vs for the profession of his name and Gospell for they are no lesse enimyes and rebelles to him and his people thē was Pharao and his vaseils or subiects Wherfore let vs bée firme and constant in the trueth and in no wyse leaue the communion or congregation of the true catholike church but with a sure hope belieue in Christ Iesus By whome we shall as well be defended and deliuered from harmes as were the childrē of Israell And all those mischiefs which our persecutors doe threaten and thunder against vs the most mightie God will confound and conuert or turne them vppon their owne heads as the holy Ghost hath promysed by the Prophet Dauid Of Predestination and of glorification thereby c. The xxvij Chapter JF we consider the end and what stoppe and stay we are brought vnto by abiding so bitter crosses persecutions no doubt we shal finde therby great occasion to passe in sufferyng them with great ioye S. Paule doth declare vnto vs the effect of the end therof and what it shal be Those whom I
and little the more to increase our tormēts for theyr reuenge onely bycause we confesse the trueth of Christe our maister whome they can not abyde Howe can it be sayth our blynd fleshsences but that suche crueltie must néedes ouercome our patience What other thyng may this bée called but a blasphemie wherewith we denie the myghtie potenciall power of God that which he is to vse to all the trust in him a mean to seperate vs from his crosse to which he dooth call vs so amorously and louingly bicause we might be gloryfied with Christ And therefore let vs not heare nor yet giue credit to any suche leasinges and errours Worldly men doo easily suffer those thinges wherin they féele some grief for their gain By these firy tormēts wherof we haue such horrour there can be no kynde of harme nor griefe that is euill but rather a great and mightie blessednesse much more to our gayne wherefore wée ought not to beleue nor thincke that our pacience which God giueth wil be ouercome thereby From syx trybulacions the Lord will deliuer thée and in the seuēth no maner of euill shall touch thée sayth the holy ghost by iust Iob the seauenth is the very last instant howre or tyme of death So that when it séemeth to sight that al our euills are heaped vppon vs and that our enimies doo vse theyr greatest tiranny and make account to haue gotten the victory and that wée remayne ouercome swallowed vp with all maner of mischief Euen then the same holy Ghost doth assure vs that no maner of euil doth touch vs. What occasiō is ther thē for vs to flie frō that which hurteth nor toucheth vs not or to make accompt that humain persecution will or can ouercome our pacience or th●● our patience is not able to abide 〈◊〉 All things are possible to them that beléeue saith the Lord So that vnto such it is also certainly possible to haue patience to abide the extremitie and furie of the fyre and to suffer the same with great constancie It was patiently passed ouer by the Prophets in the olde time Euen so it is now to them that be holy faithfull and beléeue Bycause that which the Apostle sayth concerning the same must néedes bée true therein God is faithfull sayeth hée and will suffer no man to bée tempted more then he will make him able to beare but rather with our temptatiōs he sendeth good successe bicause we may suffer Wherby it is most manifest plain that christian patience doeth not onely ouercome death executed by extremitie of fyre but also all the moste cruell kynds of deaths and torments that any Triant and all the Tirants in the world can vse deuise Bycause that with all the tyrannie they can execute God will not alter his purpose from accordyng to his worde nor leaue to admynister some one secret vertue or other to them that be his whereby they shall ouercome death tirannie hell sinne the diuill and all other kynde of mischiefes So full of compassion pittie is our high priest Iesus Christ that as hée ouerpassed temptations which happened to him selfe so will he also by hys power and might ayde strengthen all those which are tempted As the Apostle sayth if Iesus Christ in whom wée beléeue and for whom wée suffer doe knowe by experience our griefes and troubles and is not onely moste myghtie louyng and good to vs in our helpe but also doth suffer with vs as the heade with the members shall he be so weak in vs that he can not abyde the fyre or being strong as hée is will not he help vs in the middest therof béeyng principall in persecution and suffering the same with vs. Is it possible that God will forsake and leaue vs or that we should fear or doubt the same when that for professyng of hys name wée are by our enymies throwen into the myddest of the fyre or that wée should thinke God to bée forgetfull of hys louing chyldren and that hée loueth vs in wordes and not in déedes and truth Surely in so dooyng wée should much iniure hym and gyue hym greate cause to bée gréeuouslie offended with vs for it For vs to thynke that hys almightinesse will forsake vs in any necessitye it were an abhomynable actyon of vs if he haue not as in déed hée hath not forsaken but remembred vs in the greatest matters of a suertie hée will not forsake but remēber helpe and deliuer vs in and from such trifles it were abhominable to think the contrarie much more worsser to beleeue it Well my dearely beloued bretheren and sweet fellow members I trust there is none of vs that doeth eyther beléeue or thynke any such thing but rather my hope is that we thinke and surely beléeue to féele his goodnesse according to the saying of the holy Ghost by Esay the Prophet who sayeth the Lorde God thy creator sayeth feare thou not for I haue redéemed thée and called thée by thy name thou arte myne and when thou passest by the water I will bée with thée the ryuers shall not ouerwhelme thée when thou passest by the fyre thou shalt not be burned nor the flames thereof shall not bende them selues against thée for I am the Lord thy holy God of Israell which kéepeth thée God hath alwayes in remembrance the benifite which he vsed in calling and makyng vs partakers of his redemption and in adopting vs hys children neuer to leaue vs. So that when it shall séeme to the iudgement of the world that hée hath left vs that is when he suffereth vs to passe into the middest of the fyre or any other torment euen then is he most nighest vnto vs and so nyghe in déede that he is closely ioyned with vs and temperating the furie of the fyre bicause it should doe vs no harm and for that it might appeare that he is both God and father to all his and will kéepe and defende vs from all euill in all tymes of torment and tribulation If the gates of hell may not preuayle agaynst vs how can the fire which is visible and corporall preuail against vs if eternal and euerlasting death haue no parte in vs how can any thing that is temporal and momētarie harme vs will God deliuer vs from the greatest euilles and suffer vs to perish in the little ones no for a certeintie his euerlasting promise is to the contrarie A meruailous comfort to those that are afflicted eyther by fyre or othervvise The xxxij Chapter THe fyre and all things terestriall are creatures of God and serue for the health and wealth of his chosen and also for the distruction of his enimyes As it is written in the booke of wisdom Bycause the iust should bée sustayned and vpholden the fyre doeth loose his force furie for that it béeing a creature in seruing him that is his creator and maker doeth vse hys furies and inflame hym selfe to