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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A26694 Remaines of that excellent minister of Jesus Christ, Mr. Joseph Alleine being a collection of sundry directions, sermons, sacrament-speeches, and letters, not heretofore published ...; Selections. 1674 Alleine, Joseph, 1634-1668.; R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681. 1674 (1674) Wing A976; ESTC R22421 168,509 338

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Idolatry of the land but God doth hear of it again by us before we sleep by Prayer This should be for a lamentation to us that the wounds that are given to God are no more upon our hearts We may say of the glory of God as they of David 2 Sam. 18. 3. 'T is worth ten thousand of us Our estates and names and all that is dear to us yea our very souls are not so much worth as the honour of God And how is it then that we can see God dishonoured and we cannot mourn sor it Gods glory is his Crown that is upon his head and shall we see his Crown trodden down in the dirt and not be affected with it we are far from the disposition of Gods Saints and servants heretofore When Moses saw the Idolatry of the people he was so zealous that he overturned the Tables that God wrote with his own finger And Ezra when the people had taken strange wives he sate down and 〈◊〉 his cloaths Ezr. 9. Bretheren how may we blush to hear and read this and to think how far our hearts are from this frame It may be you do think it enough that you did cry out upon it when you hear●… the Blasphemy so that you are free from 〈◊〉 your selves but this is your sin if you do no●… mourn over it 1 Cor. 5. 2. 7. No doubt the godly Corinthians did detest this sin but the Apostle tells them that is not enough whil●… they did not mourn over it When wic●…ness doth raign as if it were the time of 〈◊〉 Devils incarnation as if Hell it self were ●…ken loose upon us to Act its part 〈◊〉 ground and we not mourning ov●…r it Thirdly Do not I live in 〈◊〉 that I know or fear to be a Sin If I do thus there is no peace with God or Con●… to be h●… sor you Psal. 66. 18. If I 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in my heart God will not hear my Prayers It is a sign that God doth not regard thee if thou art one that dost live in the practice or allowance of any sin and he will not own thee for this Rom. 6. 16. If thou dost yield up thy self to any sin willingly that is a manifest sign that thou art none of Gods Thirdly For your hearts Ask several questions First Have I been much in holy ejaculation Thus we ought to Pray continually not onely at our set and solemn times but upon all occasions to step aside and speak a word or two with God in our Journeys and Occupations this is walking with God indeed when we do not onely take a turn or two with him in the morning and so in the evening but all the day long It is said of Mr. Dod that he never got up his Horse but he prayed before he came off Thus did Nehemiah while the King was talking with him he was praying to God Nehem. 2. 4. So I prayed to the God of Heaven this was a Heavenly ejaculation this would keep your hearts a praying all the day long When the hearts of men do naturally bend to God as the sparks fly upward this is a good thing indeed when we cannot go by the door but we must step in and have a turn with God you will take it as a great kindness for a man not onely to come on set times to visit you but when he comes in every time he comes by the door to see you And when thy heart is thus wont to turn into God this will be an 〈◊〉 to thee that thy heart is used to converse with God Secondly Hath not God been out of mind Heaven out of sight put that question to thy heart My Brethren this is our great sin and should be our great shame that the thoughts of God are such strangers to our souls that we are so little in heaven in the day as we are O what a loser is God by this in his glory what losers are we by this in our graces and comforts O were our hearts on all occasions thus thinking of God how holy a frame should we quickly grow into Why should not our hearts be as much with God as the hearts of the Worldlings be with the Creature Doth not God deserve it as much as the Creature His heart is always talking with the World If he come to hear his heart is talking with the world If he come to pray his heart is alway with the World Why should not our hearts be talking with God while our hands are employed about this world It was a Heavenly breathing of a gracious spirit a confounding passage that I met with Lord as formerly I lived without thee in the world so now let me 〈◊〉 without the world in thee If we did but love God as well as a worldly man doth love his wealth and riches we should be so taken up with the love of God as quite to forget the world For the world makes them forget God that he is not alwayes in their thoughts Yea says he we should be taken up always with God My Brethren what shall we say for this How shall we excuse this that we should be so unmindfull of God while the Worldling is so mindful of the world O what a shame is this For shame be ashamed at your selves before we go away hence I profess Christians I have wondred 〈◊〉 God will throw away his kingdome upon some that do care so little for it as we do O shame thy self out of this evil frame Brethren why do not we carry it towards the world as the world doth towards us The world doth carry it towards us as 〈◊〉 and we know not what it will do to us VVhy should not we carry it more strangely towards it O never leave till the thoughts of Heaven be thy natural thoughts O check thy heart ronndly in the Evening for this sin if 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 find thy heart faulty here and never leave till thou ha●… brought it into a right frame Thirdly Have I been often looking into my 〈◊〉 made conscience even of vian thoughts you know your Rule Keep thy heart with all 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of it are the Issues of life Now hast thou been keeping thy heart with all diligence Brethren you may be sure your work will go but badly on unless you look to your hearts and keep your hearts Examine then in the Evening how hath my heart been employed to day hath it not been a thorow-fare of vain thoughts of evil imaginations I fear that many of us do make little con●… of this It may be thou dost make conscience of vain thoughts in duty but I fear that few 〈◊〉 do make conscience of vain thoughts at other times Ah Brethren you 〈◊〉 not known what it is to live the life of Christianity if you do not look to this This must be mended Brethren what a blessed thing would this be if we had but once attained this frame If our hearts did but naturally run
lest I should not be the man Now lest this should damp thy Joy let me give thee two Characters by which thou mayst come to know whether this be thy case Thou mayst know it by the Transactions that have passed between Christ and thy Soul and by the Treasure that hath been made choyce of by thee First By the Transactions that have passed between Christ and thee Hast thou passed under the Bond of his Covenant as Christ hath offered himself to thee hast thou again delivered up thy self to him hast thou renounced all thy known sins And took the Lord Jesus Christ for ●…hy Head and Husband to love honor obey him above all hast thou considered the conditions of Christ and accepted of them all and sayest as my Lord saith so I will do Doth thy heart close with the self-denying laws of Christ and art resolved not to allow thy self in any known sin but to rise again by repentance If so thou art the man I am speaking of Secondly Thou mayst know it by the Treasure that hath been made choise of by thee Every man is known by what he pitcheth his heart upon for his Treasure What is it man that carryeth thy heart The things seen or the things unseen Who hath most of thy heart God or the world Which way stands the bent of thy heart a godly manmust not judg of himself by what he is at worst under a prevalent Temptation Nor others by what they are at best in a fit but where is thy constant bent What is thy chiefest care and delight Is it to converse with God And be like to God VVhat doth please thee best when thou art contriving thy happiness Doth this that God is thine Or is it something here below VVhat is thy care Is it to please God If it be thus thou art the man that I am speaking to And now you that are thus that have passed under the bond of Gods Covenant and have made choice of him for your happiness know and understand First That you are the election of Grace The election h●…th obtained it saith the Apostle but the rest were blinded You are the handful that God hath taken out but the heap are left Oh Christians the great Transaction of God from all eternity hath been about you And the great transactions of God in time have been about you The Lord did from all eternity enter into a league with his Son for you and did give him to you God was laying the foundation of your happiness before he laid the foundation of the world God was making provision for you from all eternity Our Saviour is often speaking of this gift in John 17. so John 10. 29. My father which gave them me is greater then all John 6. 39. And this is the Fathers will that of all that he hath given me I should loose nothing And so All that the Father hath given me shall come unto me Oh Christian doth not this assect thy heart that the eternal Counsel of the great God should be taken up about thee that God should be bargaining and agreeing with his Son about thee that thou shouldst be mentioned by name from all eternity Christ knows his sheep by name And he bids such rejoice because their names are written in heaven O man did God design thee from all eternity by name How should this affect thy heart what did God build all this world for It was that Christ might have a seed And why do he continue the world 't is because Christ might have the elect sinished when the elect are numbred the Trumpet shall sound and away he comes togather his elect Christs coming what was it for that he might ransom his sheep And his second comming what is it sor but that he might receive his elect John 14. 3. I will come again and receive you to my self that wher I am ye may be also Math. 24 31. He shall send his angels with a great sound of a Trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other What was the end of Christs low Humiliation even to death but to save his people from their sins Math. 1. 21. And what is the end of Christs glorious exaltation to all power and greatness it was all for the elect John 17. 2. Christ hath all power in heaven and earth delivered to him for your sakes for the elect That he might give eternal life to the elect Oh man what a heart hast thou if all this cannot move thee if thou hadst stood by when he laid the foundation of the fabrick of this world wouldst thou not have said surely 't is for some great end if thou hadst stood by when Christ was Crucisied and known the mistery wouldst thou not have said surely this is for some great end why all this was for thee Secondly You are the first born of God Heb. 12. 23. you are come to the general Assembly the Church of the first born which are written in heaven The Apostle speaks of our priviledges as if we were come to heaven already You are come c. you are Gods Israel and beside you areadmitted to have fellow ship with Jesus Christ and by faith are made one with him Now Christ is Gods first born and we being joyned to him are made one with him We are joynt heirs with Christ. Now the first born had many priviledges As. First The sirst-born had the dearest affestion Zach. 12. 10. They shall be in bitterness as one for his sirst born There is the great sorrow because there run out the great stream of affection in this respect you are the first-born of God you are they that have his dearaffection Eph. 5. 1. You are called the dear children of God O the dear expressions that he useth to you and the dear affections that he hath for you you are called the dearly beloved of his soul. O what drops of love doth God drop in these sacred leaves of this book how full is the book of the Canticles My love My dove My undesiled God doth out bid the love of all the parents in the world Can a woman forget her sucking child sho may but I will not forget thee saith the Lord. The dearest mother when she lets her child out of her hands may forget it but you are never out of my hands you are engraven there O what rouling bowels are there in those words Jer. 31. 20. Is Ephraim my Son is he a pleasant child For since I spake against him I do earnestly remember him still therefore My bowels are troubled for him I will surely have mercy upon him saith the Lord. Oh man dost thou consider that all this is spoken to thee All this love God hath in his heart for thee yea beyond all expression dear art thou to God Secondly The first-born do carry the inheritance This is your case the inheritance is for you Though a
and yet he loved us and washed us when he was fain to stop his breath as it were and hold his nostrils yet he would come and wash us yea he would make a bath of his own blood Christ commended Mary that she washed his feet with her tears but how is the love of Christ commended in that he hath washed us in his blood Christ hath our names down upon his book Rev. 21. 27. There shall in no wise enter into it any thing that desileth c. But they that are written in the book of life Mark Christ keeps his book for you lest you should be forgotten or there should be any mistake It is a metaphor taken from men that keep their books because they will not let any thing be mistaken or forgotten Yea but books may be mislaid therefore Christ hath your names written on his breast The High preist was to have the names of the twelve Tribes upon his breast So doth Christ he hath you for remembrance sake engraven upon his hands Isaiah 4. 9. 15. Can a woman sorget her sucking child c. She may forget but I have engraven thee upon my hands yea he hath you upon his heart He challengeth all the world for his love to you He tels you that a woman may forget her child but he will not forget you A woman cannot chuse but have a very tender respect for her child for this child saith she have I born many a bitter throw and pain now for you did Christ travail Isaiah 53. 11. And so the Apostle Peter speaking of the Resurrection of Christ Acts 2. he tels us that he being freed from the pains of death it being impossible he should be holden of them The word in the Greek signifies birth-pains Believers they did as it were come forth of the womb of his love There is the very picture of a believer upon the heart of Christ. So that he cannot look upon his hands or his heart but he must be put in mind of us so dear was was his love to us What characters of love be ther that cannot be found in Christ Love covereth a multitude of faults And O how may this be seen in Christ we have may sins and yet Christ passeth by them all Thou art all fair there is no spot in thee Cant. 4. 7. Again Love is strong as death And so it was in Christ his love was stronger than death he under went death it self for us He was not afraid to passe under the pangs of death that he might redeem us Again love fils the heart with love to the person beloved what a dear respect hath Christ for his spouse every thing of theirs is sweet to him Come my Love that art in the clefts of the Rock in the secrets places of the stairs let me see thy Countenance let me hear thy voyce for sweet is thy voyce and thy countenance is comely Cant. 2. 14. The Church says she is black but Christ says she is comely But more particularly I shall shew you some evidences of the greatness of Christ's love His letters are letters of Love His lips they are lips of Love His Tokens are the tokens of Love His Test●…ment is the evidence of Love His Blood is a stream of Love 1. His letters are the letters of Love the Gospel is the book sent down from heaven wherein every chapter is a letter of love Thou art ready to faint sometimes Christian and unbelief is ready to prevail here thou mayst read the promises under Christs own hand sent down srom heaven to thee Here thou mayst read how love did care sor thee when thou wast in thy blood he said Live Here thou mayst read what expressions of love there was between Christ and thee when he was wooing of thee here are the letters of his love Here thou mayst read those loving melting passages of his whereby he woo●…d thee and prevailed with thee Here he shews though he be absent for a while yet he will come again Here he hath set the time and the day when thou shalt be marryed to him even when the body of Christ is compleat O how canst thou hear these letters of love and not be in love with Christ again Secondly His lips are lips of love the kisses of his mouth are sweeter than wine the words of his mouth are better than life His lips drop as the Honey-comb Never man spake like this man all that heard him bare him witnesse and wondred at the gracious words that proceeded out of his mouth Well did Mary chuse to sit at the seet of Christ rather than at the feast she found more sweet in the Honey-comb of Christs lips than at the feast Let us but look over the last sermon of Christ and the last prayer of Christ and how may this set us a loving of Christ. Look over his last sermon John 14. 15 and 16. chapters how lovingly doth he dispute down the unbelieving fears of our hearts Let not your heart be troubled And he propounds loving arguments though he be gone he will send us the comforter and he will not be long from us neither and then we shall be in no worse a case or place than he himself And in the mean time his going from us is out of love to us not because he wanted love for us but because he went to prepare a place for us Look into his last prayer and how lovingly doth he carry us in his arms to his Father when he was going out of the world begging his Fathat he would sancti●…ie us and keep us from the evil of the world and that he would at length bring us to enjoy his glory Thirdly His tokens are tokens of love As a woman will be often looking over her tokens because in these she sees the heart of her beloved so if you would be in love with Christ be often looking over the love-tokens of Christ. Thou canst not turn thy eye but thou must see his tokens But there are three or four tokens especially that you should be looking into First He hath sent thee a pardon for thy sins O what a blessed token is this Psa. 32. 1 2. Blessed is the man whose sin is for given c. He is blessed and blessed again over and over blessed he is a thrice happy man that hath got his pardon why this is the token that Christ hath sent thee that art a believer O look after thy pardon and thou shalt find that thy pardon is written in the blood of Christ for it was his blood that made satisfaction He loved thee and therefore washed thee from thy sins in his blood O with what joy and sweetness shouldest thou look over thy pardon Christian it is that which must carry thee through all thy dissiculties Doth the Devil assault thee do but shew thy pardon and this will worst him Doth the Lord frown upon thee shew him thy pardon this will silence him Doth thy