Selected quad for the lemma: water_n

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water_n plantain_n rose_n spot_v 20 3 16.8219 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A94783 Musæum Tradescantianum: or, A collection of rarities. Preserved at South-Lambeth neer London by John Tradescant. Tradescant, John, 1608-1662.; Hollar, Wenceslaus, 1607-1677, engraver.; Wharton, Thomas, 1614-1673.; Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692. 1656 (1656) Wing T2005; Thomason E1613_4; ESTC R203792 33,133 208

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Capa bonae spei Daffodill from the Cape of good hope tertius Martthioli great white sea Daffodill Montis Carmeli Daffodill from Mount Carmel Virginianus Virginian Daffodill medio fimbriatus mean ringed Daffodill Robinus major Indicus bifolius flore rubro squamosâ radice Morini juncifolius luteo flore pleno great yellow rush D●ffodill humilis dwarfe Daffodill reflex flo lut yellow Daffodill whose flowers turn upwards relex flo albo white turning Daffodill oblong calice flo luteo yellow Daffodill with a long cup. oblong calice flore albo white Daffodill with a long cup. calice brevi short cupp'd Daffodill titesose va Hecuus omnium maximus great Nonsuch Daffodill montanus mountaine Daffodill Non-pareil flore albo white peerlesse Daffodill Non-pareil Nonpareill or peerlesse Daffodill Constantinopolitanus Daffadill from Constantinople totus albus milk-white Daffadill Narcissus Matinesse the Lady Mattenesse's Daffodill Lilio Narcissus Indicus Morini Narsturtium Indicum Indian Cresse hortense crispum curled garden Cresse hort angustifelium latifolium great and small leafed Cresse Hyemale sc Barbaraea Bank-Cresse Nepeta Mentha Cattaria Neppe Nicotiana English Tobacco Nidus avis sive Satyrion abortivum Birds nest Nigella flo pleno double Nigella citrina yellowish seeded Nigella flo simplici single Nigella Romana Fenell flower or Roman Nigella Nummularia major great Moneywort minor flore purpura●cente Nux juglans Virginiana Wallnut of Virginia vesicaria Bladder-nut castanea Equina Horse-Chesnut Juglans Canadensis Walnut of Canada Juglans Angliae novae Walnut of New England Juglans major great Walnut Juglans minor small Walnut O. Ocimum vulgare common Basil sylv sive Clinopodium vu●g wilde Basil Oculus Christi wilde Clary Oenanthe bulbosa marina venenosa the poysonous sea Dropwort aquatica water Dropwort Olea sativa manured Olive sylvestris wilde Olive Bohemia Bohemian Olive Oleander flore albo Rose-bay with white flowers flore rubro Rose-bay with red flowers Olus album Dad. Onobrichis caput Gallinaceum Cockshead flore purpureo purple Cockshead Ononis non spinosa Pyrenaea the smooth Pyrenean harrow Ononis non spinosa oderata flore luteo sweet smooth Rest-harrow with yellow flowers non spinosa aestiva minor flore luteo small smooth Summer Rest-harrow with yellow flowers spinosa prickly Rest harrow Ophyoglosson Adders tongue Ophris sive Bifolium Tway blade Orchis melissias Bee Orchis or Satyrion albo calcare oblongo sive Testiculus Vulpinus Gnat Satyrion flore albo odorato Lady Traces flo luteo odorato Lady Traces with yellow flower palmata montana maculata white-handed C●chis palmata palustr●s ●atifolia Marish Satyrion palmata palustris maculata spotted Marish Satyrion Origanum Anglicanum wilde Marjoram fistulosum Canadense verum Hispanicū true Spanish Marjoram Ornithogalum Neopolitanum maj great Sarre-flower of Naples Arabicum Starre-flower of Arabia majus flo albo great white Starre-flower purpureum purple Starre-flower spicatum spiked Starre of Bethlehem Ornithopodium majus great Birds foot minus small Birds foot Orobus Venetus blew upright everlasting Pease Pannonicus Clusii Hungarian Osmunda regalis Filix florida water-Ferne or Osmund Royall Oxyacantha Dioscoridis spina alba major Gal spina acuta Dod vulg Berberis berberis absque nucleis Oxys trifolia flore albo wood-Sorrell with white flower flore luteo carniculato yellow flowered wood-Sorrell P. Paliurus Christs Thorne Palma Christi mas male hand Orchys foemina female hand Orchys Poeonia mas flore simplici single male Piony foemina flore simplici single female Piony foemina flore pleno double female Piony flore pleno incarnato flore purpureo purple Piony Panax coloni Clownes Alheale Pappas solanum tuberosum Esculentū Ba●hin Virginian Potatoes Americanum flore albo white flowred American Potatoes Amer flo purp Potatoes from America with purple flower Papaver spumeum sive Behen a●b spatling Poppy rhaeas flore luteo radice perpetua rhaeas flore simplici single Poppy rhaeas flore duplici double Poppy nigrum capit rotundis corniculatum flore luteo horn Poppy rhaeas red Poppy Cornrose Paralysis flore viridante simplic single green Cowsl●p fatua foolish Cowslip or Jack-an-Apes on Horsback inodora geminata double Oxlips or Hose in Hose flo calice crispo curled Cowslips or Gaskins Parietaria Pellitory of the Wall Paronychia folio alsine vulgaris Chickweed whitlow Chickweed Rutae folio altera Ger sedum Rue whitlow grasse Pastinaca latif sativa garden Parsnip latifol sylvestris great wilde Parsnip aquatica sc Sium Dioscoridis water Parsnip Pathenium Feverfew Pecten veneris Shepherds Needle or Venus Combe Pedicularis rubra red Ratle or Lousewort pratensis lutea yellow Ratle Coxcombe Pentaphyllon elatum heptaphyllum luteū erectum repens vulg flore luteo yellow creeping Cinquefoyle or Five-leafed grasse minus small Cinquefoyle rubrū palustre marsh Cinquefoyle Pepo Americanus luteus yellow Pompian from America Americanus viridis green American Pompian Perchpier Anglorum Parsley breakestone Perfoliata vulgaris common Thorow-wax Periclymenum rectum 2. Clusii upright Woodbine fructu ceracino hortense garden Woodbine Germ flo rubro red Woodbine sylvestris wilde Woodbine Periploca Dogs bane Persicaria siliquosa codded Arsmart maculosa flore albo rubro spotted Arsmart with white and red flower urens flore albo rubro white and red quick Arsmart Persicaria Virginiana Virginian Arsmart Petasitis Butter-burre Petroselinum vide Apium Peucedanum Hogs-fewell or Sulphur-wort Phalangium Alobrogum Clusii Savoy Spider-wort Virginianū Tradescanti Tradescants Virginian Spiderwort Phalaris sativa Canary seed pratensis minor Quaking grass or Cowquake Phaseolus Indicus flo miniato semine nigro Indicus flore miniato semine variegato Phaseolorum variae species Philyrea angustifolia narow-leafed mock Privet Phyllitis vulg lingua Cervina Harts-tongue multifida finger Harts-tongue Pilosella major Dod great Mouseare repens creeping Mouseare Pimpinella sive sanguisorba maj great Burnet sanguisorba min small or little Burnet saxifraga Burnet saxifrage sativa garden Burnet agrimonoides Colum. sylv vulg common Burnet Pinus Pine tree Pinaster dwarfe Pine tree Pirola winter green Pistolochia Smilacis folio Virginiana Virginian Snake weed Pisum perenne Pease everlasting bacciferum maculatum spotted Pease majus rouncivall Pease minus field Pease quadratum lotus quad square Pease vulgare garden Pease Plantago major rosea great rose Plantane rosea spicata sive quinque nervia rofea spiked rose Ribwort serato folio Plantane with dented leaves aquatica major great water Plantane aquatica minor small water Plantane vulgaris common Plantane Plantanus Plane tree Polium montanum Poley mountaine Polygala Valentina 1. Clusii ever-green Sene of Valentia Valentina 2. Clusii flore caeruleo blew Milkwore flore albo white Milkwort flore rubro red Milkwort Polygonatum majus sigillum Solomonis broad leafed Solomons seal angustifoliū narrow-leafed Solomons seal minus small Solomons seal racemosum Virginianum cluster like Solomon's seale of Virginia alterum vulgare Solomons seal Polygonum marinum Lobelii Lobel's sea-Knotgrasse mas vulgare common Knotgrasse selinoides Perpierre Anglorū Parsley Pert. Pomum aureum fructu luteo Morini Prickly Costard apple
from Barbades Poma amoris Apples of Love Pomum amoris medium middle-sized Apples of Love Pomum amoris fructu Phoeniceo rubro Morini Populus alba Virginiana Tradescant● Tradescant's white Virginina Poplar alba white Poplar tree nigra black Poplar tree tremula five Lybica the Aspen tree Porrum vulgare common Leeks Portulaca marina sea Purslan sativa garden Purslan aquat sive Alsine rotundifol water Purslan Potamogeiton angustifol small Pondw●ed latif great Pondweed Potentilla sive Argentina wilde Tansey Primula veris flore albo white Primrose veris albo flore pleno double white Primrose veris flore pleno viride double green Primrose veris angustifolia flore albo narrow leafed white Primrose veris angustifolia flore rubro narrow-leafed red Primrose veris flo viridi albo simpl single green and white Primrose veris major field Cowslips veris minor field Primrose veris vulg flore purpureo purple Primrose Prunus sylvestris Bullace tree sylvestris fructu minore serotino the Slowe tree or blacke Thorne Myrobolanus purging Indian Plumme Prunella flore albo white Selfeheale vulgaris Selfeheale Pseudo-Dictamnus bastard Dittany Pseudo Narcissus vulgaris our common English wilde bastard Daffodill Pseudo Rhabarbarum Rhabarbarum Monachorum Monks Rhubarbe Psyllium Coniza Fleawort Ptarmica flore pleno double flowered Sneezwort vulgaris Sneezwort bastard Pellitory flore duplici Morini Pulegium Regale great Penyroyall Pudding grasse minus vulgare small Penyroyall Cervinum Harts Penyroyall Pulmonaria flore albo white-flowered Lungwort flore purpureo maj Germanicum flore purpureo vulg common purple flowred Lungwort Gallorū Hieralitis the lesser French or golden Lungwort maculosa spotted Lungwort Pulsatilla flore violaceo purple Pasque flower vulgaris single Pasque flower Pyrocantha vulg ever●green Thorne Virginiana ma non hyemalis virescit Q. Quercus vulgaris common Oake Quinque nerva vulg common Ribwort Rosea rose Ribwort Qamoclet Indorum R. Radix cava major flore purpureo great purple Hollow root cava minor flore albo small white Hollow root cava vulgaris common Hollow root Ranunculus albus flore pleno double white Crowfoot arvensis echinatus flore luteo yellow rough-headed Crowfoot of Fallow-field aquatilis water●Crowfoot Asiaticus sangu flore pleno double Asian Crowfoot with a blood-red flower Asiat tenuifol pleno flo luteo thin-leafed Asian Crowfoot with double yellow flower Asiat flore albo white Asian Crowfoot Lusitanicus odoratus flore duplici Morini Asiaticus flore rubro red Asian Crowfoot Asiat flore luteo yellow Asian Crowfoot Asat folio papaveris Asian Crowfoot with a Poppy leaf Asiat Drape de argentine Illyricus Crowfoot of Sclavonia Illyricus major greater Crowfoot of Sclavonia radice grumosa folio rutae flo pleno aquaticu● hederaceus luteus Ivy leafed water-Crowfoot hortensis flore luteo pleno double yellow garden-Crowfoot vulg● repens flore pleno common creeping Crowfoot with double flower pratensis meddow Crowfoot Virginianus Virginian Crowfoot albus multiflorus double white Crowfoot Globosus Globe Crowfoot Raphanus aquaticus water-Radish rusticanus Horse-Radish niger per annū black Radish sativus garden-Radish Rapistrum arvorum Charlock Rapum radice rotunda round Turnips radice oblonga long Turnips radice lutea yellow Turnips Rapuntium Rampions Rha capitatum folio enulae Morini Reseda major great base wilde Rochet ma Italica flore albo Italian Rocket with white flower minor flore albo lutescente Rhabarbarum verum true Rubarbe Rhamnus min Dioscoridis small Buckthorne Catharticus Buckthorne Rhus Plinii myrtifolia Monspeliensium Virginian Jasmini foliis Ribesium dulce sweet wilde Currans Ribes fructu rubro red Currans fructu albo white Currans fructu nigro black Currans fructu spinoso prickly Currans Ricinus Austrica flore Phoeniceo Palma Christi of Austria or great Spurge with Vermilionflower Rorella sc Ros solis Sun-dew or Rosa solis Rosa Provincialis Province Rose Provincialis flore albo white Pr●vince Rose Provincialis flore rubro red Province Rose vitriensis flore pleno Incarnata carnation Rose flo pleno luteo double yellow Rose flore luteo simplici single yellow Rose muscata flore pleno double Mu●ke Rose Italica sive muscata flo simp single Muske Rose Cynamonia flore pleno Cinamon Rose Cinamonia flore albo white Cinamon Rose Francofurtiana Frankford Rose Batavica alba variegata white variable Rose flo pleno elegans variegata dainty double variable Rose flore simplici pomifera single ●pple Rose Virginiana Virginian Rose Moscovita Moscovie Rose canina flore pleno double Dogrose canina flore simplici single Dogrose Eglanteria flore pleno double Eglantine or sweet-Bryerbush Eglanteria flore simplici single Egglantine Rose holoserica velvet Rose semper virens ever-green Rosebush flore rubro red Rose flore albo white Rose Damascena Damaske Rose mensalis monthly Rose Warneri Warner's Rose sylv pimpinellae folio Burnet Rose Austriaca flore Phoeniceo Vermilian Rose of Austria Hieorchuntina Rosmarinus Coronarius latifolius great Rosemary Coronarius angustifolius narrow leafed Rosemary foliis aureis gilded Rosemary foliis argenteis silverd Rosemary Coronarius maximus Rubia major tinctorum great garden-Madder minor small Madder sylvestris Rubus Idaeus fructu albo rubro white and red R●spberries Idaeus non spinosus gratissimo odore flo purpureo sylvestris the Bramble-bush or Blackberry-bush Ruscus Bruscus Oximersine Butchers Broome Ruta hortensis garden-Rue muraria sive salvia vitae wall-Rue Ruta pratensis sive Thalictrum meddow-Rue S. Sabina baccifera Berry bearing Savin vulgaris sive stirilis barren Savin stirilis cupressi facie Sagitaria major br●ad Arrowhead minor small Arrowhead Saginae spergula Spurry Salix humilis angustifolia the Osier caprea rotundif round-leafed Sallow or great Goats-willow caprea latifolia broad or rather long-leafed Willow small Goats Willow vulgaris arborescens longis angustis foliis common Willow Salvia variegata painted Sage hortensis rubra red gardenSage hortensis viridis green gardenSage major foliis crispis great crisped Sage minor odoratissima agrestis wood Sage Sambucus aquatica water Elder vulgaris common Elder aquatica simplex single marsh-Elder Rosea sc aquatica multiplex Ro the Gelder Rose laciniatis foliis jagged Elder Sanicula vera vulgaris Sanicle alpina guttata sive Auricula ursi spotted Sanicle of the Alpes Hispanica guttata Spanish spotted Sanicle Saponaria flore pleno double Soapw●rt flore simplice single flowered Soapwort Alpina flo pleno double Soap-wort of the Alpes concava sc exautica folio caulem obtegente R. hallow Felwort or Soapwort Satureia semper virens Winter-Savory annu● Summer Savory Satyrion vide Orchys Saxifraga alba white Saxifrage aurea golden Saxifrage Anglicana alsine folio English Saxifrage with Chick-weed-leaves Angl umbellata sc facie seseli common Saxifrage pimpinella major great burnet Saxifrage pimpinella minor small burnet Saxifrage Scabiosa Hispanica major great Spanish Scabious Hispanica Clusii Clusius his Spanish Scabious Indica Indian Scabious Indica Clusii Clusius his Indian Scabious major common Scabious minor small Scabious minor sive Ovilla Sheeps Scabious Scammonium Scamony Scandix