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A88617 Panzooryktologia. Sive Panzoologicomineralogia. Or A compleat history of animals and minerals, containing the summe of all authors, both ancient and modern, Galenicall and chymicall, touching animals, viz. beasts, birds, fishes, serpents, insects, and man, as to their place, meat, name, temperature, vertues, use in meat and medicine, description, kinds, generation, sympathie, antipathie, diseases, cures, hurts, and remedies &c. With the anatomy of man, his diseases, with their definitions, causes, signes, cures, remedies: and use of the London dispensatory, with the doses and formes of all kinds of remedies: as also a history of minerals, viz. earths, mettals, semimettals, their naturall and artificiall excrements, salts, sulphurs, and stones, with their place, matter, names, kinds, temperature, vertues, use, choice, dose, danger, and antidotes. Also an [brace] introduction to zoography and mineralogy. Index of Latine names, with their English names. Universall index of the use and vertues. / By Robert Lovell. St. C.C. Oxon. philotheologiatronomos. Lovell, Robert, 1630?-1690. 1661 (1661) Wing L3245_pt2; Wing L3246; Thomason E1810_1; Thomason E1811_1; ESTC R30507 298,085 412

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plaisters They are very hurtfull to the bladder in so much that used outwardly they exulcerate it They are used by some to destroy the foetus and as a philtron Galen used their wings and feet as an antidote against their poyson but now the wings feet and heads are throwne away and the body only used Their oile drawn by the spirit of wine is lithontriptick Jonst They are to be used very warily in physick they are poysonsome if taken in a great quantity and cause paine in the bowells from the mouth to the privities they exulcerate the bladder and inflame the next parts they cause pissing of bloud and flesh often the diarrhaea dysentery syncope and alienation of minde and in the mouth the taste of pitch is perceived The remedy is milk of Women Goats or Cows taken every houre and clysters with fatt broth and emollient oiles oile of lillies and almonds fresh taken in a sorbile egge oile of dropwort and purslain Also oile of quinces vineger of squills earth of Samos and the Armenian triacle and mithridate with things that refrigerate resist erosion and ease paine with vomiting Aldrov They also cause nauseousnesse and the vertigo and ill taste in the mouth by reason of vaporous humours in the stomach and liver adust by intense heate and so the right side is most troubled The remedy after vomiting is oile or the decoction of the head of a Goat Hogg or Lamb boiled with line seed also fatt broths largly taken using the proritation of the finger after it And clysters of milk Also crude and fresh butter Diosc Clysters of rice barley mallows lineseed fenigreek or roots of marsh mallows taking nitre with hydromel Wine with pine kernels seeds of cucumbers mulse or Goose fatt Cels Alheale with milk or galbanum Matth. The seed of fleabane quinces and mallows The syrrupe of water lilly-flowers and violets Also of poppies lettuce purslain the juyce of cucumbers the cremor of the seed of lettuce poppies cucumbers and citruls with the water of violets and winter cherries purslain oile of white poppies Baths of marsh-mallows and gourds And for the dysentery fatt broths oile omphacine roses with plantain water in clysters For inflamed parts barly meale with mulse at last Eating the flesh of Hens Kids Pigs that are fatt with lineseed drinking muste And using the Electuary of Matthiolus and Dioscorides Merul. They may be driven away by the fume of Cows dung and galbanum Their description is needlesse they are bred of humidity by exsiccation on leaves of ashes or the white rose c. They generate worms and smell like tarre Spider Araneus P. They live almost every where in corners c. M. Of flies wasps horseflies and oxflies c. N. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Audax Spider Diosc The least kind called Lycos applied with linnen to the temples or forehead helps tertian feavers So Aeg. Some use it with leather against quartains Boiled in oile of roses and put into the eares it helps quartans So Plin. The long and white having slender feet if stamped in old oile olive help white spots in the eyes so with oile or used alone in wool or with saffron Plin. That called Lycos helps spitting of bloud Some count that those carried in a box cause foecundity Pliny useth the cobwebs of the flie spiders to cure the epiphora Gal. Their webbs help cutaneous wounds and ulcers as upon cutts by knives but the white and pure doth constipate and coole put upon fresh wounds it keepeth them from sa●ies and cleanseth fresh spotts Diosc Plin. It helps inflammation mixt with certain unguents and applied to the temples it helps feavers Avic Dropt into the eare with oile it helps its paine Remedies wrapt up therein and applied to the region of the heart and stomach help tertians and tremblings of the heart Being put upon a broken head with oile and vineger it goeth not off till the wound be healed so Seren. Some say that cantharides wrapt up in their webbs and worn by one that hath a quartain help it Aetius makes a Cerot thereof Some of the Indians eate spiders to cause vomiting Schrod Spiders used to the pulses and temples help febrile paroxysmes and quartans The webb bindeth conglutinats is vulnerary stopps bleeding prevents inflammation and helps febrile motions used inwardly and outwardly Their oile both simple and compound is used in the antifebritick plaister Jonst A cerot made of them used to the navil helps the suffocation of the womb rubbed on without the head and feet they help the Condylomata The webb helps hemorrhages and fluxes It s used in ointments against creeping ulcers Their description is needlesse Theophrast They are hurtful to vines their bitings cause an erection of the genital so Ponzet the poyson easily penetrating though terrene and so moving flatulent humours which carried to the inferiour parts cause the same The field Spiders eaten or drunk doe inequally affect the whole body by heate cold horror and itching inflaming it causing it to swell disturbing it and much troubling the braine whence followeth a distention of the nerves trembling and diabetes Arab. Their poyson is cold and dry Those that are hurt by the Asterius presently rage the head is heavy with sleepe and there is a relaxation of the nerves and ligaments The Caeruleous causeth a paine of heart deep sleep and vomiting of a webby matter The Dysdery cause swelling in the wound by paine so the Myrmecion Also stammering and want of breath The Tarantula causeth singing laughing talking sleeping waking vomiting dauncing sweating trembling feares and phrensies c. according to various tempers Aet All bitings of field spiders are to be cured by constant baths the decoction of the bituminous trefoile and oile fomentation with sponges in vineger and the remedies of Dioscorides And Pliny against spiders The seed of tamarisk sc drach 1. with black berries drunk with honey organy stamped in white wine and smallage bay-berries taken in wine chaste tree applied rue saffron with posca flowerdeluce vervain Sen-green Spider-wort castoreum with mulse the Mullet fish eaten or applied Lees of wine applied The juyce of ivy roots drunk in vineger and bawm so Lul sc its wine Cels Garlick rue and oile applied or a plaister of flies Also triacle andmithridate Against the Phalangia or Tarantula some use musick others take round birth-wort mithridate an unc 2. of sealed erth unc sem of the flies that feed upon helmet-flower 22 and of the juyce of citrons q. s M. Jonst The description is needlesse they are engendred of aereal seeds corrupted and putrified They hate the Stellion Lizard and Serpents and spin in foule weather out of their excrements and feele easily T. Tike Ricinus P. They are almost every where upon cattle M. Of the bloud of Cows sheep and goats c. N. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Reduvius 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 TIke Schrod Plin. T. Those of doggs are a psilothron and help the holy fire Amat Lus and their
which is caused by excrementitious choller putrifying in the mesaraick veines afflicting the third day with rigour which heat and other symptomes follow it 's cured by purgation vomitories venesection preparers and concocters appropriats things acid diureticks sudorisicks roborants topicks things hindering paroxismes and a coole moistning diet as ptisans and other diet of good juyce and easy concoction if it be a notha the diet must be more copious it being longer 2. Quotidian intermittent which is caused by phlegme putrified in the mesaraick veines and invadeth every day it 's cured by clysters vomits preparers purgers sudorificks and strengthners 3. Quartan intermittent which is caused by a melancholick humour in the mesaraick veines and afflicteth the fourth day it s cured by purgers venesection preparation and concoction vomits opening of the haemorrhoids sudorificks specificks humecting and attenuating diet as sorbile eggs chickens goats flesh veale partridges saxatile fishes sweete almonds prunes ptisan apples rapes drinking white wine or beere well defecated with herbs 4. Semitertian which is caused by a continual quotidian and intermittent tertian afflicting continually but the third day with rigour it 's cured by mixt remedies respecting both purgers venesection preparation cold and moist diet Also the compounded feavers are subintrant coalterne or communicant confuse or implicit with a double and triple tertian and quartan and double quotidian and they are cured almost as the simple 3. Hectick which is caused by heate so possessing the parts of the body that though it be chearished by no cause yet it remaineth and continually afflicteth and it is with a tabes or without it also it hath three degrees the first when the rorid humidity is consumed and dryed the second when the carnose and adipose the third when the fibrous is exsiccated it 's cured by things that humect and coole as Juleps and emulsions baths of sweet water and milk tepid inunctions and topicks that coole applied to the heart liver and reines cold and moist diet of good juyce and easy of concoction not soone dissipated sc ptisans new eggs chickens kids flesh fishes almonds the greater cold seedes milk of women asses goats and cows snailes restorative broths collises amygdalats barly water with prunes liquorise and a little cinamō cold water in the beginning if complicate the causes are to be observed 4. Feavers malignant which are caused by somewhat that hath an occult quality and venemous causing symptomes that are more troublesome than ordinary yet not killing many or suddainly and they are cured by clysters sudorificks venesection if need and lenients as also vomitories vesicatories on the armes and leggs alterants preparants diureticks epithems diet of good juyce and easy concoction small drink decoction of harts horne with spirit of vitriol q. s pulp of tamarinds barberries citron-seeds infused in common water As 1. The small-pocks in particular which are pustules caused in the top of the skinn and parts in proportion answering it by reason of a peculiar effervescency and ebullition of the bloud from the expulsive faculty with a continual feaver they are cured by clysters venesection in the adult expulsives refrigerants according to Gallenists moderne writers and defensives the eyes by plantain and cuphrage water with a little camphire and saffron the nostrils by a nodule of saunders and camphire with rose vineger the throat by diamoron decoction of plantain with barley and honey of roses the lungs by the lohoch of poppy tussilage syrup of jujubes and violets the intestines by the syrup of quinces myrtles rob of ribes and plantain and sorrel water and to the pustules some use the rosate unguent and white camphorate and a moderately cooling and astringent diet small beere hordeate water chalybiated with the citron juyce and ribes The symptomes are removed according to their nature 2. The measells which are little swellings red breaking out in the skinn with a continual feaver caused by the expulsive faculty and a peculiar ebullition of the bloud they are cured as the small pocks hereto belong the crystals tubercles rubeols and rossals 3. The spotted feaver which is caused by malignancy in which certain spots like flea-bitings of diverse colours but chiefely red doe appeare in the skin from the thinner part of a putrid humour expelled by the expulsive faculty and is cured by lenients phlebotomy in the beginning sudorificks vesicatories and corroborants as the confection of alchermes using the rosate ointment to the heart temples and pulse with triacle and the juyce of citron 4. The Hungarick feaver which is continual malignant and contagious caused by corruption of the humours with a great quantity thereof about the ventricle and first passages and is joyned with a great paine of the head it 's cured by clysters lenients vomitories phlebotomy if need alexipharmicks topicks fumals and diet as in the maligne 5. The hydropyretos or English sweating feaver caused by a humid and poysonsome constitution of the aire adverse to the spirits and heart with a peculiar influx of the starres it 's cured by sudorificks sc the acetose water scabious and sealed earth using citron juyce to corroborate 6. The spasmatick malignant feaver which is thought to be caused by pestilent ichorous and malignant vapours troublesome to the nerves which arise from evil diet it 's cured by taking away the vitious and venenate matter and strengthning the nerves by inunction of the oile of castor fox and worms c. on the spine with Sp. V. sage rue c. after purgation 7. The malignant feaver with a cough and catarrhe epidemick which is caused as it 's thought by a humid constitution of the precedent yeare and long continuance of the australe winde it 's cured by alexipharmicks and appropriate remedies 5. Feavers pestilential which are continual putrid caused by the aire and contagion destroying most whom it doth infect having heate and putrefaction from a deletery and venenate force of a contagious seminary and afflicteth with greater symptomes than the malignant as also with buboes and carbuncles it 's cured by alexipharmicks as the theriack water bezoardick syrup liberant species mithridar diascordium c. purgation by the pestilential pills de tribus with flowers of sulphur syrup of rhubarb phlebotomy diet without excrements and vitious humours new eggs fishes beere small temperance fontanels suffumigations pomanders liniments for the nostrils balsams vinegers powders fumale candles sweet waters troches sacculs amulets theriacks sudorificks venefection in the beginning if plethorick bezoardicks camphorats vomitories vesicatories alterants preparants things acid diureticks topicks c. as in the malignant If it exceed it 's turned into the plague which is a venenouse disease of the heart caused by a venenate and contagious matter hurting all the actions of the heart suddainly and lethaly with a complication of all kinds of symptomes arising from the aire ill diet venifice imagination feare and contagion it 's cured as aforesaid and chiefely by sudorificks phlebotomy purgation vomitories vesicatories preparants diureticks
roborants castor the martiat unguent oile of castor vapours exsiccant lotions the flesh of wild beasts as hares foxes staggs goats c. boiled and applied to the parts affected and the head and inward remedies as in the palsey and convulsion and diet as in them looking on the deformity and altering it by care as also playing upon a pipe c. the exercise reducing the parts 4. The ptyalisme or often spitting involuntary caused by too great a quantity of spittle from humours distilling a humid ventricle intestines breast and lungs and mercurials c. it 's cured by exsiccants if from a catarrhe as catarrhes if from the ventricle by phlegmagogons exficcants aloeticks diagalanga diatrion piperion vomitories and fasting if from the spleen or lungs it 's cured accordingly and by drying and strengthning the tonsils and astringents If there bee a salivous defect which is caused by the drynesse of the brain ventricle tongue and tonsils c. it 's cured by humecters c. according to the cause VIII The diseases and symptomes of the teeth 1. The corrosion and rottennesse thereof which is a diminution of their magnitude caused by things corroding so that they breake and fall out by peeces and sometimes causing fistula's it 's cured by exsiccants as bay berries c. things hindering putrefaction as brimstone camphire liniments mastick frankincense wiping alum cauteries use myrrhe if they stinck and aloes if worm eaten and if need evulsion c. 2. Mobility and loosenesse which is caused by blows falls ill juyce humidity and defect of aliment it 's cured if from violence by astringents so if from defect of aliment and by dryers if from humidity as alum and austere wine waters and powders if from erosion of the gumms by such things as restore them strengthen and bind them if wanting it may be helped by the factitious their sordes are remooved by washing and cleansing them and their blacknesse by dentifrices The symptomes of the teeth are 1. The odontalgy which is a sad sense of the teeth caused by the solution of their continuity by humours or distempers in the membrans nerves or body of the teeth it 's cured if from plethory by phlebotomy scarrification cupping-glasses derivation and revulsion by frictions ligature lotions vesicatories flammula applied to the hand astringents roborants erthines temporals of tacamahaca mastick c. discutients stupefacients if the matter be hot vineger rose and plantain water oile of vitriol and the alabaster ointment if cold by burnt alum and salt camphire chymical oiles tobaco laudanum opiats philonium washing after with the decoction of rosemary c. and extraction if need after preparation with the milk of tithymal c. and fit diet abstaining from sweet things acerb and very acid hard and very hot or cold it 's prevented by theriack salt astringent lotions and dentifrices In the dentition of infants use rarefacients and emollients the braines of young creatures and birds butter with line seed and that of marshmallows and section if need 2. The stupidity thereof which is caused by acid sapours altering the temper of the teeth vapours and imagination it 's cured by purselane eaten bitter almonds salt new bread licorice walnuts fresh cheese and lotions c. it 's algor if from cold is helped by the hot rosted yolk of an egge eaten hiera treacle bayberries if hot by camphire and purselane 3. The gnashing of the teeth which is caused by an imbecility of the muscles of the jaw from cold worms or vapours it 's cured according to the cause 4. The blacknesse c. of the teeth which is caused by vitious humours vapours eating of sweet things and black c. it 's cured by dentifrices abstersives odorats alum water rosate honey with spirit of vitriol juyce of limmons washing oile of sulphur c. and their bleeding is helped by astringents c. IX The affections of the gumms 1. Their excrescencie which is caused by serous vitious and corrupted bloud flowing copiously thither and laxity it 's cured by repressers and astringents alum water burnt salt myrrhe c. 2. Their bleeding which is caused by sharpnesse of the bloud and is cured as laxity 3. The consumption of the gumms which is caused by an ill and sharp humour flowing to them and corroding the same it 's cured by sarcoticks powders and liniments c. 4. The parulis which is an inflammation thereof so prominent at the roots of the teeth both inwards and outwards that the next parts are distended hot and red caused by thin bloud or other humours it 's cured as other inflammations by phlebotomy gargarismes of plantain water diamoron rob of barbarries discutients resolvents and apertion if need lotions and dryers c. if ulcerose by exsiccants astringents gargarismes and those that are stronger if fistulous by the green water so in the epulis or caruncle and section X. The affections of the jaws 1. Their luxation which is a depulsion of the same either in one part or both to the fore part but seldome caused it 's cured by reposition emollients and laxants if long after by astringents with the white of an egge and swathing 2. Their immobility which is caused by luxation fracture and distillation c. it 's cured according to its cause XI The vices of the mouth 1. The inflammation thereof which is caused by bloud and hot and bilious humours c. it 's cured as other inflammations by phlebotomy purgation refrigerants repellers astringents discutients whey the decoction of plantain diamoron maturation if need figgs and honey c. 2. The aphthae which are certaine fiery exulcerations in the upper superficies of the mouth caused by sharp meates bad humours and vapours they are cured by astringents repellers discutients maturants if need by extersives if sordid stronger astringents and escharoticks stronger or weaker according to the patient For if in infants from sharp or salt milk by cydoniats purselane diamoron astringent syrups if pituitous by astringent discutients frankincense mastick c. rosat honey if livid if adult they are to be stronger with phlebotomy evacuation stomaticks astringent and drying diamoron alum spirit of vitriol mucilages and saccharate water if putrid as ulcers by the green water alum aegyptiacum with rosate honey and plantain water quinces lettuce and cold dier avoiding things sharp salt or acid 3. The corruption of the bone of the pallat which is caused by wounds or corrosive humours it 's to be cured by abste●sives and dryers and helped by a golden plate if need 4. The stink of the mouth which is a stinking of the breath caused by a foetid vapour passing out thereof by reason of meate excrements of the intestines faetid humours and wormes it 's cured by odorats nutmeg myrrhe muske pills troches and rosate honey if from the stomach by evacuants corrigents roborants aloephangin pills aromaticks diacydoniats dianisum if frō wormes c. according to the cause
Inflammation thereof caused by bloud preternaturally flowing thether and is cured as other inflammations by venesection cupping-glasses evacuants repellers cataplasmes of barley and bean meale epithems of rose water plantain and quinces with ligature upwards intercipients defensives of bole the white of an egge plaister against ruptures digerents with repellers afterwards oile of roses chamomil and the poplar ointment diachylon with oile of roses refrigerants and laxants if painful cataplasmes of the leaves of henbane if need aperiēts if suppurating cleansers consolidants if inflation by discutients barly meale with axunge and pigeons dung with the leaves of henbane if need c. if hard swellings and scirrhous they are helped V.P. by emollients and discutients oile of bitter almonds ointment of marshmallows martiat and diachylon simple and compound and section if need or amputation 3. mutation of situation which if caused by laxation cold it 's cured by purgers hot exsiccants applying cataplasmes of sage c. if retracted they are helped by emollients and laxants 4. The wounds thereof are caused and are to be cured as those of other parts by venesection if need clysters inunction with oile of roses ●igerent and roborant cataplasmes and diapalma if ulcerous they are helped by purgation mundification with the ointment of the apostles and the aegyptiack washing with the decoction of roses with frankincense plantain water and red wine ointment of miniū c. 5. The diseases of the scrotū which if it be an inflammation it 's caused and to be cured as that of the testicles so the wounds the excoriation thereof is helped by pompholix myrrhe and frankincense c. the ulcers thereof are helped as those of the testicles the gangreen is helped as the rest 6. The rupture which is a swelling of the same caused by the omentum fallē into it or flatulency water gathered there or flesh there begotten it 's cured if ventose called pneumatocele V.P. by discutients as in the flatulent collick rue aniseseed bayberries sacculs fomentations anointing with oile of rue chamomil bayes discutient cataplasmes plaisters of bayberries or melilore abstaining from flatulent meat if aquose called hydrocele it 's cured by prohibents and evacuants apertion defensives digestives mundificatives discutients fomentations cataplasmes inunctious oile of chamomil rue the plaister of Agrippa and arregon cauteries if need and amputation if carnose called sarcocele it 's cured V. P. by repriments and exsiccants section if need and ustion and cataplasmes if varicose called cirsocele caused by melancholy it 's cured V. P. by melanagogons exsiccants washing often with the water of cypresse nuts with suspension some use emollients and discutients baths oile of sweet almonds with bdellium and cataplasmes stones therein are to be removed by section 7. The diseases of the penis sc the distortion thereof caused by venery and is cured by abstaining from it putting in a leaden or silver pipe with ligature and astringents c. as in the hernia the inflation is helped by dryers and discutients as in the pneumatocele its inflammation is helped as others by phlebotomy and purgation if need using repellers in the beginning resolvers in the augmentatiō which are to be increased in the state and after to be applied alone if tubercles by ligature with silk after applying alum rose-water tutty section stoppers of bloud digestives and defensives if imperforat by apertion and a pipe with oile of roses if wounds as the rest using litharge cerusse washed myrrh sarcocol tutty prepared and tragacanth used as a powder or unguent with oile of roses if ulcers by abstersives and dryers aloes pompholix water of roses plantain hydromel alum water the white ointment camphorat diapompholigos if in the glans if old putrid by hydromel with alum the Apostles ointment and aegyptiack if virulent by precipitate c. if betwixt the glans and prepuce by the green water or wine with honey of roses if the ulcer be creeping by incision if neere a gangreen by defensives aegyptiack and the Apostles ointment and amputation if need if an ulcer in the passage it 's helped by ptysans amygdalats shunning things sharp acetose salt and diuretick temperants evacuants injections of abstersives and glutinants plantain and horse-taile water and troches of winter cherries with cicatrizants 8. The diseases of the prepuce sc the phimosis or too much covering of the glans caused by conformation or ulcers c. it 's cured by section dry liniments the white of an egge with rose-water if callous it 's to be mollified with the oile of sweet almonds putting in a pipe and making it larger by degrees if with a defluxion by emollients and discutients and tepid milk if a paraphimosis or retraction of the prepuce use a thin and cooling diet purge with cholagogons if need use phlebotomy and refrigerating ointments and the laudan opiat if need if from an impure congresse by cold thin diet evacuants and cataplasmes if there be a coalitus of the frenum it 's helped by section applying the white of an egge digestives and drying plaisters if there be a fissure of the prepuce use oile of roses amylum and frankincense XVI The symptomes in the genitals of men 1. The generation of sperme hurt which is when it is not generated or such as is not prolifick caused by vice of the matter or faculty hurt c. it 's cured according to its causes if by the vice of the whole body or any principal part it 's helped accordingly if distemper by correctors and specificks c. the greater roots of satyrion artichoacks sperage rapes garlick onions dates sweet almonds cubebs oisters diasatyrion diambra and sweet diamosch syrups eryngo roots applying oile of mastick bread of wheat rice almonds sorbile eggs veale kids flesh weathers hens partridges pheasants young pigeons sparrows shelfishes figgs pease beanes garlick carrots mirth shunning ebriety refrigerating meats 2. Erection and ejaculation of sperm hurt when the genital cannot be erected or extended caused by the defect of vital spirit or resolution it 's cured if by defect of sperm or distemper by heaters inunctions with oiles and unguents oile of costus and musk c. if from distorsion according to the cause as aforesaid if a node by astringents and fomentations if a double foramen by scarrification of one and occludents if laxity of the passage by dryers and sulphureous baths if the sperm be aquose by incrassation 3. Salacity priapisme and satyriasis the first is too great a propension to venery caused by the vice of the sperm and sometimes so great that it 's turned into fury The second is an erection of the pudend about the desire of venery caused by a flatuous spirit filling the fistulous nerve of the genital The third is a palpitation of the pudend following an inflammatory affection of the spermatick vessels with tension the first is cured by phlebotomy temperants and evacuation of sharp humours spermosbesticks
to the groin falling of the upper parts and extension of the lower and it is natural when the head is downwards and the membrans are to be broken by the midwife putting her finger into the mouth of the womb the patient being placed in a semilunate chaire leaning backwards and opening the leggs wide is to retain the breath when the womb openeth it selfe and is to strive to expel the foetus then is the midwife to comfort hir and anoin the womb with oile of white lillies in those that are fat that have narrow pudends dry and at the first time of parturition sitting on a low chair and so receiving the infant in a fine linnin cloth pressing the bloud in the umbilical vessels towards the navil and cutting it foure fingers off the belly tying it gently an inch off applying a dubled cloth wet in oile of roses also the secundine is first to be drawn out putting in the hand anointed with hot oile if need those that stand by are to encourage presse down the belly preventing fainting by giving wine distilled waters and odorats and they are to be such as are old and have had experience of the pains of childbirth 3. The difficult natural birth which is caused by the debility of the expulsive faculty and infant or bignesse thereof or the membrans of the womb if thick and the womb and fissure are narrow and not slippery it 's cured by things facilitating almost like emmenonagogicks sc round birthwort dittany of creet seed of lavender thyme saffron cinamon cassia lignea myrrh oile of amber mineral borax cinamon water and oile thereof vervain water powder of the secundine sweet fumes pessaries unguents of savin myrrh and galbanum sternutatories eagle stone and coral strengthning the patient with wine and nutmeg confection of alchermes diamoschum and hot diamargariton if there are twins the midwife is to order them by her hand if large the ways are to be laxed and lubrified by oiles and emollient decoctions oile of sweet almonds fatts and mucilages so if there be tumours if fatt the site is to be directed if the membrans are strong they are to be broken by the fingers anointed with sweet oile and if the foetus be weake they are to te breathed into after chewing aromaticks anointing the mouth with honey dropping aquavitae on the tongue using the same to the pulses and nostrils washing the foetus in wine or milk putting a sacculus upon the head made of nutmeg mace cloves cinamon wet with malmesey fomenting the navil with the same the diet about the time of parturition ought to be of easy concoction and good juyce little in quantity taken often chicken broth dates raisins using laxant baths anointing with oile of white lillies and sweet almonds using in travel sorbile eggs and citron pills c. 4. The vitious birth or difficult preternatural which is caused by the amplitude of the womb and inordinate motion of the patient and thicknesse of the involving membrans it 's cured or helped by the hand of the midwife anointed with oile by putting the foetus back into the womb if with the feet foremost or else taking by the hands lubrifying the passages and giving a sternutatory to the patient if the armes and leggs are distorted the patient is to be moved about and the womb to be pressed till there be a more fit site if the armes are stretched upwards the patient is to be supinated and the lower parts elevated removing the pillow pressing up the belly and putting back the foetus till the head be turned so also if onely one foot appeares and the hands are joyned to the thighs or else they are to be pressed together by the midwife so if the knees are foremost using volutation if the hands are foremost they are to be reduced to the sides as before and the parts are to be relaxed if only one hand be foremost the foetus is to be put back till the site be natural if the feet and hands be joyned the feet are to be put upwards and the armes to be reduced so if the posteriours move to the mouth of the womb or the site be transverse or lateral if the belly be forewards the armes are to be taken hold of by the hands and so the head is to be turned or else the patient is to be had to bed as in the rest that the position may be natural by concussion and motion if there bee twins rightly mooving that next the mouth of the womb is first to be taken yet the other is not to be let goe lest the site becom worse if the feet be forewards one is to be taken by the arm and the body is to be inverted and so the other afterwards if only one moove regularly that is to be taken and the other is to be reduced by volutation c. as aforesaid till there be a precipitant and fit site 5. Defect of parturition and the dead foetus which is caused by weakness of the mother foetus or narrownesse of the passages and death by defect or plenty of aliment percussion coughing sternutation and diseases c. it 's cured by surgery or section and if dead it 's to be expelled by savin dittany of creete round birthwort gentian myrrh castor borax powder of horses testicles after emollient baths sternutatories anointing the pudend with oile of sweet almonds chamomile and goose grease purgers external ocytocions ointment of sowbread pessaries suffumigations of asses hoofes galbanum and castor extraction after supination as aforesaid using fat injections insessions irrigations and cataplasmes dissection of the dead foetus and eduction thereby with analepticks anodynes prevention of symptomes keeping the bed using hen broth eggs cold diamargariton diambra electuary of gemms with wine borage water roborants fomenting with the decoction of mugwort mallows rosemary wormwood and hypericon using the ointment Comitissae 6. The caesarean birth which is to be preserved by keeping the mothers mouth open and the womb warm then is section to be made as in lithotomy beginning at the top of the womb and avoiding the spermatick vessels and testicles so taking out the foetus and secundine wiping away the blood and fomenting with an astringent decoction then using gastroraphia speedily and so curing it as green wounds preventing cold by unguents cataplasmes plaisters and fomentation c. using pessaries and injections those may be made of wax candles or linnen covered with butter hens fat oile of roses and the yolk of an egg these may be abstersive roborant and consolidating of the decoction of mugwort plantain wormwood marsh-mallowes red roses roots of birthwort and salsa-parilla sod in chalybeat water with hydromel and austere wine with meat of good juyce corroborating clysters of red sugar simple diaprune fresh butter rosate oile and hens broth c. XXVII The regimen of breeding women and their affections after child-birth 1. Their rule after child-birth at which time the
secundine also is to be drawn forth and the aire is to be temperate avoiding odorats and anointing the belly and sides with the oile of sweet almonds and white lillies with a little warm wine using meat of good juyce easy concoction sc broth of hens and their flesh with white bread panadoes sorbile eggs chickens capons kids veale drinking water boiled with cinamon or coriander seed eating sparingly avoiding noises and passion And if they will not be nurses the blood is to be diverted from the duggs by repellers under the armpits the rosate ointment cerot of saunders cataplasmes of bean meal oxymel mints and parsly baths of mugwort agrimony borrage rosemary lineseed faenigreek and hempseed c. before going abroad using suffumigations of frankincense saunders kermes nutmeg cinamon cloves to dispose to conception 2. The secundine retained after the birth and mola which may be caused by their thicknesse rupture of the navil smells cold and feare c. it 's cured or remooved by attraction sternutatories fumes of burnt feathers and asses hoofes used to the nostrils specificks some what like those that expel the dead foetus sc dittany of creet the secundine prepared troches of myrrh borax and castor powder of horses testicles onions and warm wine pessaries of mugwort sage savin coloquintida hellebore honey and bulls gall fumes of cassia nard savin mugwort penny-royal and dittany injections of the same suppurants if need detersives expulsives the mola is remooved as aforesaid 3. The purgation after child-birth retained or lessened which is caused by narrownesse of the vessels or the blood is diverted by reason of thicknesse thereof or perturbations c. it 's cured by frictions ligatures cupping-glasses and scarrifications phlebotomy in the foot and other revulsives laxants and reserants inward and outward anointing the region of the womb with oile of white lillies sweet almonds oily pulse ointment of marsh mallows hens fat saffron oile of angelica spike cinamon fomenting with the decoction of plants as in the suppression of the menses emollient and laxant clysters purging with rhubarb agarick or sena emmenonagogick pessaries things attenuating and diffusing the blood juyce of borrage and stone parsly with wine c. as in the narrownesse of the womb 4. The excessive flux of blood after child-birth which is caused by the quantity of bloud thin and acrimonious opennesse of the vessels and violent extraction of the secundine it 's cured by revulsories roborants rosted hens almonds rice quinces conserve of red roses red wine mastick water friction of the extreams anointing the belly with oile of roses and myrtles cupping-glasses used under the duggs and to the hypochondria cataplasmes of red roses bole and rose water used to the region of the liver if violent by astringents and stoppers sc syrup of dryed roses myrtles purselain coral comfrey conserve of red roses bole troches of carabe purselain and plantain water ointment Comitissae using astringent oiles and unguents astringent fomentations fumes of frankincense mastick red roses tragacanth horse hoofes phlebotomy in the arm if need if there be grumous bloud in the womb the patient is to walk and the decoction of barley oxymel or honey of roses is to be injected c. as in the flux of the menses 5. The pains after child-birth and tormina which are caused by external aire grumous bloud retained and sharpnesse thereof they are cured by extenuation and evacuation of what doth irritate diacyminum and diagalanga cardiacks if need if the humour be thin sharp it 's cured almost as the collick from choller using external extenuants laxants and anodynes fomenting with betony mugwort bawm penny-royal bayes calamint seed of cumin caraways wild carrot or cataplasmes of white lilly roots onions cumin seed and oile of white lillies and fumes 6. The rupture of the womb to the anus which is caused by narrownesse thereof and is cured by fomentation with hot wine and butter reposition of the matrix future tarre and consolidants it 's prevented by putting a role into the anus if there be a falling of the womb it 's helped by rest using foetid things to the pudend and sweet to the nostrils and astringents after the menses if there be inflammation it 's helped as aforesaid carefully using coolers least the courses should be stopped if there are ulcers they are to be helped after the courses are past if there be suffocation the belly is to be swathed or girt with a girdle made of mans or staggs skin with friction and ligature of the leggs cupping glasses castor and rue applyed to the nostrils and sweet things to the pudend c. as aforesaid 7. Watching delirium's and the epilepsy of childing women are caused by vapours c. and are cured by revulsion and evacuation of the courses c. 8. The swelling of the belly which is caused by cold it 's cured by hysterick fomentations a warm sheeps skin and wine the swellings of the leggs arising from flatulency are cured by hysterick fomentations and if from viscous humours by good diet and little drink evacuation after the courses and discutient fomentations of wormwood southernwood mugwort flowers of chamomil and betony c. as in the inflation and dropsy of the womb 9. Their vomiting which is caused by retention of the menses c. and is to be cured by stoppers if the meat also be evacuated a good diet is to be used of easy concoction and in a little quantity with roborants if vitious humours they are to be remooved by abstersives if bloud it 's to be revelled by friction cupping-glasses phlebotomy in the ankle topicks mooving the courses anodynes asses milk if there be an opening in the liver and the oily pulse If there be a flux caused by meat not well concocted there must be a good diet external roborants abstersives after the courses decoction of barley syrup and honey of roses temperant and abstersive clysters gentle astringent purges syrup of roses solutive pulp of tamarinds and rhubarb astringents of roses plantain tormentil quinces and coral c. topicks eating quinces peares almonds and rice using emmenonagogicks if the courses be retained pessaries evaporations and unguents if the belly be bound it 's helped by suppositories of figgs and white sope c. clysters of pellitory mallows line-seed with common oile and that of sweet almonds cassia and manna taken if there be incontinency of urin it 's helped by baths of betony sage laurel rosemary penny-royal and organy and the citrine and rose ointment 10. The wrinkles of the belly after child-birth which are caused by the extension of the skin and are cured by the juyce of the roots of white lillies honey and wax and when great it 's to be laxed if need with oile of sweet almonds oily pulse or white lillies after delivery oile of mastick and roses also may be added to the former and baths detersive may be used if the pudend be
walnut shells halfe full of the rosin of the larch-tree if the perforation be small it 's helped by often sucking if fissures therein they are prevented by wearing coverings of wax with rosin of the firre-tree and cured by oile of wax ointment of lead or tutty populeon and pomatum and the paine in sucking may be prevented by an artificial nipple covered with that of a young heifer c. XXIX The symptomes of the duggs 1. The defect of milk which is caused by the defect of blood or debility of the galoctopoietick faculty it 's cured by remotion of the cause by aliments of good and much juyce and easy concoction galactogeneticks the udders of beasts sorbile eggs milk pulps thin puddings almonds sugar rice butter fresh cheese raisins of the sun analeptick broths ptisan with fennel and anise-seed new bread with fennel-seed strong drink avoiding passions and great evacuations using powder of earth-worms chrystal prepared lac lunae fomentations of the decoction of fennel parsly cataplasmes of barley meale and leaven dropaces and sinapismes 2. The redundancy of milk which is caused by the quantity of blood and a good constitution it 's cured by thin diet that is of little nourishment barley smal drink exercise watching phlebotomy cupping-glasses repellers astringents resolvents mints calamint coriander and hemlock applied anointing the armpits with myrtine and rose oile vineger bole plantain oxycrat exsiccants and discutients repellers if hot lettuce water lillies poppies and house-leek 3. The vices and coagulation of the milk which is caused by the exhalation of the thinner parts it 's cured as the scirrhus in the beginning by prohibents oile of mints chamomil dill and rue resolvents seed of fennel cumin parsly sage mints saffron myrrh fomenting with the decoction of fennel dill southernwood chamomil flowers melilot lineseed applying parsly and butter c. 4. The evacuation of the menses by the duggs c. which is removed by phlebotomy in the ankle 5. The pain of the duggs which is caused by solution of continuity distension inflammation erosion and vellication by sharp humours c. it 's cured according to the cause if from milk and inflammation by anodynes lettuce chamomil crumbs of bread with oile of roses water of night-shade in the cancer applying green pimpernel IV. The diseases symptomes of infants 1. Their regimen and diet which should be answerable to their age as for the nurse shee should be healthfull of a good habit of body ruddy colour and good temper young of good manners quiet and ingenious that hath had children and having mean duggs using a good diet of good juyce and easy of concoction veale chickens hens capons partridges and eggs shunning intemperate meats salt and hot as also immoderation in diet and drink c. abstaining from venery but it 's better to be nursed by the mother except the former qualifications are wanting and the milk be not good which ought to be of a mean consistence white colour sweet and pleasant taste and smell which if it be thin and aquose it 's helped by drying and heating diet bread seasoned with anise and fennel-seed rostmeat rice almonds strong drink purgation if need with the syrup of roses solutive mechoacan and rhubarb and sudorificks if thick it 's corrected by meat of good juyce and easy concoction chickens veale heaters moisteners and attennants fennel hyssop succory and evacuants if need if acrimonious of a vitious taste smell and colour it 's helped by correcting the vice of the blood good diet odorats abstaining from that which is sharp salt of ill juyce by alterants lenients syrup of roses solutive and rhubarb if bilious agarick if pituitous sena if melancholick not giving suck that day when newly borne after cutting of the navil and washing if in health which is known by rednesse loud crying and health of the mother all the parts are to be viewed and cleansed and the infant is to be swathed after salted giving it a little honey oile of sweet almonds diamygdale or sugar before sucking keeping it in a temperat aire if temperate before the light avoiding frights rocking it in a cradle and bathing it daily in tepid water and rubbing it after which it is to be swathed up that it may not move the hands or feet the belly also is to be kept open anointing below the navil with oiles and fats or using emollient clysters after some months it 's to be fed with bread and milk till dentition after which they are to be fed by masticated bread and flesh and then they are to be let stand or goe according to their strength having a prominent cap for defence also they are to be washed every other day from the third month to the seventh and after twice a weeke at which time if they use the left hand it is to be tied that they may use the other and they are to be weaned after the number of teeth is almost perfected but it 's better to continue their sucking longer if they are weake and to take them off by degrees using them to broths of henns flesh of easy concoction and good juyce halfe chewed then the niple is to be anointed with the juyce of wormwood or aloes with absence of the nurse and they are to be fed with pulps broths and panadoes and after weaning for the first seven years they are to have meat often and their passions are not to be moved but corrected and they are to be exhilerated by exercise 2. As for their diseases in general they are to be cured by gentle remedies sc suppositories clysters of the decoction of mallows violets and syrup of roses solutive unc 4. or 5. according to the age or they may take syrup and honey of roses and violets solutive syrup of succory with rhubarb and sena manna cassia and laxative raisins mechoacan in broth and gentle alterants 3. Their fevers c. which are caused by the corruption of milk and breeding of teeth they are cured if from corrupted milk by coolers and moisteners lettuce endive sorrel emulsions and ptisans given to the nurse also manna cassia lenitive electuaries diacatholicon and solutive syrups giving to the infants the juyce and syrup of violets citrons water of succory endive and violets edulcorated anointing the spine with the mucilage of psyllium and quince seeds with a little oile and wax and applying a plaister of houseleeke plantain night shade rue barly meale and the white of an egg and coolers and binders to the ventrickle to prevent the corruption of milk if from dentition by things to facilitate anodynes and the precedent alterants as for the pocks and measels they are cured as aforesaid 4. The lacteal crust achores and scaule which are ulcerose tubercles chiefely in the head sometimes in the whole body yeelding matter out of the holes caused by excrementitious and serous and sharp humours they are cured by expulsion with fumitory scabious blessed thistle and harts horn
roses syrup of dryed roses myrtles pomegranats diamoton and the rob of nuts and outwardly using oile of sweet almonds chamomil and hypericon c. as aforesaid 15. Dentition which is about the seventh moneth and first the incisory then the canine and the molar after from which many symptomes doe arise it 's cured or helped by laxants and emollients with refrigerants rubbing the gummes with honey and butter or a wax candle the emulsion of the seed of quinces made with mallow water or hares braines fomenting the jawes with the decoction of marsh-mallows flowers of chamomil and dill if there be inflammation adde the juyce of night-shade and lettuce anointing the jawes therewith and oile of roses the nurse using a good and temperate diet and cooling broths sorbile egges prunes lettuce and endive abstaining from things sharp and biting 16. Tongue-tiedness and the ranula under the tongue that is cured by section and a liniment of barly meale despumate honey yolks of egges frankincense mastick and burnt alum with honey of roses as for the ranula caused by a pituitous humour transuding it 's helped by salt armoniack salt and frankincense or powder of sage and organy with honey of roses and spirit of vitriol applying a plaister under the chin of goose dung and honey boiled in wine 17. The catarrhe cough and difficulty of respiration which are caused by excrementitious humours and cured by temperants and impedients the infant being kept from plenitude and the nurse abstaining from things sharp salt and acid or vaporose using a pectoral decoction keeping the body loose with honey syrup of roses solutive cassia manna clysters or oile of sweet almonds with sugar if from repletion it 's helped by line-seed with honey and a little cumin-seed juyce of fennel with milk syrup of jujubes and maiden haire and if the matter be thicker by syrup of hyssop and horehound or emulsion of almonds lohochs in those that are bigger rotuls of diaireos cold diatragacanth with the extract of licorice and oile of fennel if the catarrhe be hot by the emulsion of the foure greater cold seeds with cold diatragacanth applying hempen towe heated with the powder of red roses and frankincense to dry fomenting the feet with a cephalick decoction and anointing them with oile of bayes or costus if the nostrils are stopped by anointing with butter and oile of almonds or sternutatories of basil cloves or marjerom anointing the breast with butter hens fat or oile of chamomil and sweet almonds 18. The singult which is caused by the corruption of aliment repletion or refrigeration it 's cured if from corruption of aliment by vomit with an oleated feather calefacients and subtraction of milk if from corruption of milk it 's to be corrected and what is corrupted is to be remooved by the syrup or honey of roses solutive giving after the conserve of red roses with the powder of coral or bole if from refrigeration by heaters giving to the infant syrup of mints and betony fomenting the ventricle with the decoction of mints organy and wormwood after anointing with oile of mints mastick and dill or applying of mints and anet-seed with oile of mastick or applying mastick and frankincense with the white of an egge to the navil if it be with calling the back of the infant is to be knocked with the hand 19. V●●ting which is caused by quantity of milk pravity worms phlegme debility and laxity of the stomach it 's cured if from quantity of milk by subtraction of milk if from corruption thereof by correctors abstersives syrup or honey of roses solutive roborating the ventricle if moist laxe by syrup of mints quinces if the humour be sharp hot by syrup of pomegranats ribes coral using outwardly the plaister of the crust of bread stomachick cerot or a crust of bread moistened with malmesey if the milk be too hot by anointing with oile of roses myrtles and quinces wearing coral about the neck 20. The tormina of the belly which are caused by the corruption of milk and wormes c. and cured if from flatulency and crude humours by clysters oile of sweet almonds and sugar and powder of anise-seed using outwardly heaters attenuants dissipants and laxants as also anodynes oile of dill and chamomil to the belly if from corrupted milk and sharp humours by abstersives syrup of roses solutive honey of roses solutive syrup of succory with rhubarb or a clyster of bran and the decoction of pellitory using outwardly oile of dill roses and chamomil 21. The inflation of the belly and hypochondria which is caused by too much milk taken it 's cured by subtraction evacuation with honey of roses solutive water of motherwort powder of piony-roots cumin-seed honey oile of sweet almonds and sugar fomenting the hypochondria with the decoction of motherwort chamomil-flowers and cumin seed anointing with oile of chamomil rue and bayes 22. The flux of the belly which is caused by dentition watching paines feavers refrigeration humidity and laxity of the intestines it 's cured by correcting the vice of the milk cleansing the vitious humours by the syrup or honey of roses solutive conserve of roses with manna using after if the matter be hot syrup of dryed roses quinces myrtles coral ribes or powder of coral mastick harts horn and red roses fomenting the belly with the decoction thereof plantain and red wine applying the plaister of the crust of bread or the stomachick cerot if the cause be cold by syrup of mastick and quinces with mint-mint-water and hares curd applying mints wormwood mastick and cumin or sacculs thereof 23. The astriction thereof which is caused by a cold or dry distemper viscid humours and vice of the milk c. it 's cured by remooving the cause if cold by frequent washing in baths of stomachick heaters if dry by humecters of mallows pellitory branck u●f●● anointing the belly if cold with heaters if dry with humec●● as oile of white lillies ointment of dialthaea hens fat and butter the nurse not using astringents sc quinces medlars peares services barberries and ribes but mallows raisins prunes and broths if the infant be stronger give him the decoction of colewort with a little salt or honey if there be viscid phlegme in the intestines use inciders abstersives and honey of roses solutive if any of the intrals be hot and dry use syrup of violets succory decoction of barley and emulsions if the biliary meatus are obstructed use the decoction of sennel sperage and maidenhaire using suppositories of honey salt lard sope and mallow roots with butter clysters epomphalia butter oile of sweet almonds with a grain or two of scammony or coloquintida bulls gall or juyce of sowbread emollient unguents aloes if strong and not very young give cyprus turpentine syrup of violets and roses or their honey solutive laxative raisins cassia or manna and honey and milk and sugar if young 24. The worms which are caused by too
are cassia extracted with or without the leaves of sena diacassia the passulate electuary diaprune lenitive the common decoction syrup of violets honey of the same syrup of roses solutive mercurial honey and passulate and conserve of pallid roses c. preparāts are the capillary herbs wall-rue polypody of the wall spleenwort liverwort agrimony scabious bettony dodder tamarisk caper roots endive sperage liquorice raisins anise-seed sweet fennel-seed seed of coriander carawayes dill The compounds are syrup of maiden haire bettony simple and compound succory agrimony of the five roots miltwast and stoechas Elective purgers sc rhubarb agarick seed of bastard saffron Jallap turbith and epithymum c. the compounds are syrupe of roses solurive of succory and rhubarb of dodder of time and fumitory diacatholicon confection hamech and benedicta laxativa also manna cassia Mercurius d. syrup of apples the lenitive electuary diaprune by specifick alterants the roots of osmond the royal cryngo tamari●k sowthernwood sea wormwood saffron maddir roots sarsaparilla sassafras china the three saunders guajacum and it's bark flowers of brimstone steele prepared sperage maidenhaire spleenwort harts tongue liverwort bettony sage rosemary steele prepared chalybeat wine and syrup parmacity musk amber greese and castor c. hereof may be made potions powders and electuaries c. if there be a flux of the belly purge with rhubarb use diacodium if great use syrup of sloes if obstructed use chalybeat salt if immoderate sweat use rhubarb and chalybeat wine and roots of marshmallows to facilitate dentition using fit decubiture agitation gestation sedentary sports walking suspension friction muscadine red wine aquavitae fomentations oile of earthworms foxes castor capers wormwood and elder balsam of Tolu the nervine ointment aregon and martiat and pectorals applying plaisters of betony and diacalciteos with mastick and olibanum Thus of the universal and particular internal diseases common to both sexes and propper to each as also those that belong to infants There yet remain 1. The arthritis which is a pain of the parts about the joynts caused by the defluxion of a serous and sharp humour shed out of the veines and arteries into them invading by periods and having a conjunct impedite motion the membrans being affected it 's cured by phlebotomy cupping-glasses leeches purgation alterants succory endive purselane sorrel conserve of roses diatrion santalon defensives of bole flowers of roses rose-water vineger and the white of an egge red roses oake mosle and the ointment Comitissae purgers of serous and bilious humours syrup of roses solutive purging thorn or domestick manna mechoacan sena seed of bastard suffron diacatholicon triphera persica and of the juyce of roses and caryocostinum vomitories sudorificks harts horne diaphoretick antimony decoction of sassafras sarsaparilla or china with succory and endive topicks anodynes goats milk white bread yolks of eggs saffron mallows mucilages cassia with night-shade water and that of roses and oile of chamomil water lentils water of frogs chamomil flowers if cold melilot and wormwood and plantain and rose water if shot narcoticks if need henbane opium repellers lettuce purslane violets plantain roses and houseleeke discutients salt of urine mustard and figgs if cold antipodagrick waters oxycrocium fomenting with mugwort organy wormwood bettony calamint flowers of lavender chamomil melilot decoction of foxes if tophous by ammoniacum dissolved in vineger diachylon simple lute of baths and the decoction of ground pine taken if a sciatica by phlebotomy purgation caryocostinum pills of hermodactils arthritick and foetid attrahents and resolvents elder danewort bayes rue bettony chamomil melilot rosemary cantharides pitch sulphur turpentine ammoniacum bdellium galbanum winter cresses dittander ants earth cupping-glasses and vesicatories c. it 's prevented by using a temperate aire sparing diet little supper not various weather mutton veale cabbige avoiding things fat fryed and aromatick as also wine and fruits little drink using moderate sleepe and rest and exercise c. phlebotomy purgation taking scrup 1. of pills twice in a weeke before supper syrup of roses solative aloes agarick rhubarb and caryocostinum antipodagricks vomitories triacle the antidots of foure and seven things as also of centory hypericon that of Heraclitus and diacorallion pulvis Jovis and Saracenicus decoction of germander aqua vitae if cold ground pine S. Johns wort round birthwort and long centaury rhapontick gentian spignel root of mugwort coral and crabs eyes the arcanum of tartar issues things roborating the joynts baths of betony sage ground pine roses cranes-bil oake leaves and juniper berries baths sulphureous salt nitrous vitriolat and aluminous anointing after with oile of myrtles or roses with salt of juniper diacalciteos diapalma cerot of bryony excision of the veines mithridat and arthriticks 2. Occult diseases in general which are caused by malignant and pestilent humours aire contagion poysons taken and externally communicated they are cured by purgation sudorificks vomitories clysters attrahents ligature corroborant alexipharmicks common and proper if sharp poyson by things sat and unctuous with specificks and appropriats and the common if need sc roots of angelica tormentil divels bit vipers-grass gentian white dittany round birth-wort bark of ash carduus benedictus rue dittany of creete scordium wormwood plantain sage scabious vervain flowers of marigolds roses borrage bugloss orrenges juniper berries walnuts seeds of cirrons ash basil sorrel balsam juyce of citrons bezoar unicorns horn harts horn pearls bole earth of Lemnos sealed earth coral jacynth mithridat triacle the Saxony powder diascordium with conservant diet corrected with juyce of citrons pomegranats sorrel coral pearles and milk if poyson be taken abstaining from sleepe and motion they are prevented by things hindering putrefaction evacuants and alexipharmicks sc malignant epidemical and pestilential feavers the plague scurvy elephantiasis and french pocks c. 3. Malignant occult and venenate diseases from an internal vice of humours which may be caused by disposition of the body peccant meat and drink influence of the starrs aire imagination and affections of the mind and ill matter sc the epilepsy hydrophoby chorea S. viti the mania epidemick and malignant catarrhes coughs quinsies pleuresies the scorbute malignant colick dysentery uterine suffocation elephantiasis malignant gangreen bubones malignant and pestilent feavers they are cured by evacuants pills of three things rhubarb syrup of roses alexipharmicks absinthiat wine carduus benedictus scordium citron pills zedoary elecampane root and the elixi● proprietatis 4. Occult malignant and venenate diseases from water which are caused thereby they running by minerals or having a malignancy from venimous creatures c. they are cured by alexipharmicks c. note the vices of waters may be corrected by boyling or quenching hot stones or iron therein also by colature through a handkercher if nitrous and bitter by barly meale if unwholsome by horsemint or spirit of vitriol and by percolation through sand 5. Malignant diseases from the vice of the aire which are caused by malignant
vapours therein from the earth water and things putrifying they are cured by remooving the causes by the use of fire alexipharmicks sudorificks purgation and venesection if need and the body be strong hereto bolongeth contagion which is a preternatural affection communicated to an other body from a body preternaturally so affected to which belong certain catarrhes malignant and pestilential feavers lippitude phthisicks the dysentery scurvy scab tinea Arabian leprosy canine madnesse and the French pocks 6. The French disease called also Italick Neapolitan Spanish Indian siphylis pudendagra variola magna the venereal plague and it is a virulent contagious cachexy of the whole body for the most part with a hot dyscrasia falling off of the haire spots tubercles contumacious ulcers great pain chiefely in the night hurting the liver and nutrient facultity caused by an excrement infected with a malignant and poysonsome quality by contagion but chiefely by concubiture and hurting by many symptomes it 's cured by phlebotomy cupping-glasses preparants mercurial purgers proper remedies antidots alexipharmicks guajacum sarsaparilla sassafras and china root as also sopewort the antidots of Fernelius and Palmarius also his water and powder the triacle water of Rondeletius the troches cypheos triacle mercurials mercurius vitae it 's diaphoretick spirit inunction therewith mixed with butter oile and turpentine and oile of guajacum V. P. taking ptisan with milk washing after with the decoction of rosemary bayes calamint and organy using nervine plaisters holding gold in the mouth diamoron if hot washing the teeth with Austere wine and drinking the decoction of pock wood applying the plaister of froggs to the hands feet and emunctories mercurial lavatories girdles fumes and salivating pills with conservatory diet of good juyce and single eating little when sudorificks or hydrargyrats are used using bread and raisins if weake a little veale chickens bisket the decoction of the aforesaid woods if salivation use ptisan conserves of roses and violets if hot moderate exercise keeping the belly open The diseases and symptomes conjunct are ulcers chiefely of the genital which are cured by anointing the root with a defensive ointment and washing the ulcer with the decoction of scabious horehound sopewort and guajacum and after with some convenient ointment mercurials if in the prepuce remedies are to be injected with a syringe so if in the genital plantain water with alum litharge and cerusse boiled and mercureals if great if in the womb use injections of aluminous water with guajacum and sarsaparilla or pessaries of the juyce of plantain with the powder of aloes bole and cerusse c. if sordid use aegyptiack that of pompholix and suffumigations if in the jawes use gargarismes of the decoction of sarsaparilla bark of guajacum leaves of plantain scabious myrtle red roses sumach alum using after oile of sulphur with some convenient liquour or alum water compound if in the nostrils use errhines powders and fumes of guajacum and cinnabar Fissures of the hands and feet are cured by the decoction of guajacum its bark scabious scordium five leaved grass and mallows and marsh-mallows if hard after using an ointment of butter fat ammoniacum bdellium apples and quick lime as also by the juyce of tansey Bubones are helped by friction scarrification in the inferiour parts venesection applying strong attrahents thereto purgation apertion maturants to suppurate of the mucilage of mallows wheat lineseed and lard and goose grease or diachylon simple or compounded with gummes if cold use purgation sudorificks and alexipharmicks Gummatous and nodose tumours as in the forehead head and leggs are helped by sarsaparilla and mercurials if after the disease by attenuants and digerents more strong sc the roots of wild cucumbers bdellium sagapenum opopanax ammoniacum diachylon with gummes the mercurial cerot and lavatory and causticks if need Tubercles and pustules are cured V. P. if in the head by the decoction of guajacum chiefely its bark and sarsaparilla oile of scorpions and vipers mercurial ointments and aluminous water if in the mouth by gargarismes of the decoction of guajacum and chalybeat whey roses and plantain if inflammatory if sordid use scabious and alum and aluminous water with that of roses and plantain if in the anus and genital by fomenting with the decoction of guajacum and sarsaparilla with aluminous waters unguents and precipitats exsiccants refrigerants touching with oile of vitriol The falling off of the haires is cured V. P. by shaving discutients and abstersives lixive of guajacum and its bark sarsaparilla leaves of sumitory bettony scabious southernwood wormwood asarum agarick mallows and pellitory if the skin be dry hydrargyrate suffumigations Paines which are remooved by sarsaparilla and guajacum and china root purging every weeke applying fomentations of guajacum leaves of penny-royal sage rosemary flowers of chamomil oile of white lillies rue scorpions vipers and guajacum laudan opiat if need mercurial unguents with castor and arthriticks Vigo's cerot of froggs and that of Plater as also mercurial lavatories The gonorrhoea is helped by decoctions astringent oiles of mastich mints roses myrrses used to the loines perinaeum giving remedies of the seed of agnus castus lettuce hemp with the powder of sarsaparilla or water-lillies or rosin of guajacum and turpentine washed in violet water with the yolk of an egg or decoction of sarsaparill The tabes is helped by specificks sarsaparilla guajacum and Septalius his remedy c. 7. Diseases from witchcraft and inchauntment which may be caused by philtrons and natural causes may be cured by vomitories purgers diureticks alterants alexipharmicks the herb Paris Saxonick powder round and long birthwort hypericon rue unguents fumes of bayes rue sage rosemary roses wood of aloes saunders bark of citton frankincense mastick myrrh benjamin storax ladanum musk and brimstone to roborate and discusse and baths ceruleous fleabane triacle syrup of water-lillies anointing with the juyce of mugwort bugloss fumes of hornes and dungs for preservation and bettony c. but chiefely by sanctity and intercession 8. Poysons which are things having a faculty by themselves greatly and vehemently to hurt the body of man in an occult manner and to destroy the same with a multitude of strainge symptomes caused by things taken inwards or hapning outwardly they are cured in general by expulsion the same way they entred into the body by alexipharmicks and cordials hot cold moist or dry according to the occasion roots of tormentil white dittany leaves of borage buglosse violets roses and water-lillies seed of citrons flowers of borrage buglosse bawm sorrel scabious seed of citrons and basil wood of aloes juyce of citrons oranges quinces saffron cinnamon cloves harts-horn ivory pearles musk amber coral jacinth emerald sealed earth bole syrup of borrage buglosse oranges sorrel violets roses conserves of the same species of gemms letificant temperate diamargariton and confection of alchermes with vomiting c. abstaining from sleepe if taken inwardly they are
evacuated by gentle emeticks of fat broths oile butter milk decoction of broom-flowers and radish c. with harts-horn and bezoar by clysters if descending gentle purgers of cassia manna and agarick with roborants diureticks emulsions of melonand citron seeds cassia with liquorice powder common and proper alexipharmicks applying compound oile of scorpions to the pulse in the hands feet temples and region of the heart or put the patient into the belly or skin of a horse c. newly killed using sudorificks with a fit diet milk meat fat and unctuous sc butter oile borrage bugloss and figgs with cardiacks and alexipharmicks harts-horn coral pearls jacynth emerald zedoary saffron and citron pils if admitted outwardly it 's to be helped by extrahents or epispasticks sc mustard-seed pyrethrum birthwort sowbread pepper bryony bulls gall live lime goats dung galbanum opopanax euphorbium sulphur and leven young creatures dissected applyed hot oile of scorpions spiders and the venimous creatures themselves applyed also by intercipients ligature amputation alexipharmicks the patients drinking their own urin and if there bee an ulcer it is long to be kept open using scarrification if from venenate unguents by those that are extrahent and oile of scorpions aforesaid if from suffumigations or odours by the contrary of myrrh amber musk civet rue aspalathus roses gum animae wood of aloes saunders cloves saffron storax receiving the odours by the nostrils the mouth being shut using balsam of rue odorate masticatories and the precedent alexipharmicks and particular specificks which relate to peculiar poysons as amongst animals to that of the aspe horned serpent hemorrhe seps dipsas water-snake double head scytal millet dryine cockatrice viper scorpion land dragon crocodile lizard stellion salamander leeche scolopender toad shrew-mouse spider tarantula spanish flies burn-cow caterpillers flies bees wasps mad-doggs c. braines and blood of a cat menstrual blood buls bloud coagulated milk staggs tailes pairing of the nailes sweat of beasts cramp-fish lamprey sea hare fork-fish sea scorpion sea dragon and dogg-fish's gall c. amongst minerals to that of quick lime plaister vitriol aqua fortis antimony load-stone diamond azure-stone arsnick sandaracha and realgar brass burnt it's squams flowers and verdigrease copper filings of bels iron its dross and rust lead cerusse minium litharge quicksilver crude sublimate and precipitate sinople c. of which in their proper places amongst vegetables to that of opium road-stooles helmet flower wolfsbane toxicum pharicum hemlock quickfading flower henbane deadly nightshade dorycniū mandrake apiū risus coriander chamelion yew-tree euphorbium nut methel rose-bay walnut-tree spurge vomiting nut hellebore African flower darnel juyce of Indian bread and other exoticks c. which see in my Pambotanologie These are the internal diseases c. that belong to the body of man The external maladies are 1. Tumours which are recesses of the parts of mans body from the natural state the magnitude being increased caused by humours flatulency and solid substance they are cured by imminution subtraction of aliment digestion and discussion c. if from humours and by congestion it 's helped by alteration and evacuation sensible and insensible if by affluxion and flowing by evacuation revulsion derivation repulsion and incerception after flowing by emollients and maturants if impacted if from humours included in a peculiar membran and malignant it 's helped accordingly if from flatulency by evacuation discussion and roborants if in solid parts it 's cured accordingly and they terminate by discussion suppuration induration or corruption 2. Vlcers which are solutions of continuity with imminute magnitude caused in a soft part by an eroding matter external or internal they are cured by evacuation and venesection if need suppuration turpentine oile of mastick c. abstersion sarcoticks and cicatrizants if from hot distempers by coolers anodynes astringents plantain roses saunders bole turpentine plantain water if cold by heaters oile of S. Johns wort nard flowerdeluce and rue if dry by tepid water if moist by squams of iron and horehound if from afflux of humours by revulsion interception repulsion sarcoticks epuloticks if sordid from humours by evacuation detersion if from unctuous medicines by gentle abstersives if from strong medicines by gentle coolers diapompholigos c. if livid by scarrification and exsiccation and the green water if callous by emollients corrosives section if with tumours it 's so cured if with hypersarcosis from blood by dryers if from debility of sarcoticks by wood of aloes if sinuose it 's so cured if verminose by extraction and enecation if varicose by sublation if with rottennesse of the bone by denudation with the root of gentian causticks or section ablation by euphorbium or surgery ustion and anodynes if with a fistula V. P. by remooving the callus aegyptiack and the Apostles ointment apertion by cauteries and consolidants c. 3. Wounds which are solutions in soft parts caused by things sharp cutting or pricking they are cured by remotion of things therein conjunction of the lipps digestion turpentine gum elemi and hoggs fat conglutination traumaticks balsam of sulphur and aversion of fluxion by phlebotomy and purgation if of the vessels by conjunction of the lipps obstruction of the orifice by vitriol myrrh camphire revulsion interception and dissolution of the blood if of tendons as those of the nerves if of the nerves by venesection evacuation apertives temperate exsiccants and fomentations if from puncture by purgation anodynes attrahents and moderate heaters dryers and diet if by incision in longitude by bands traumaticks and diapalma if transverse by future if in the joynts without luxation by conjunction prevention of afflux by evacuation interception and right situation if with luxation as the rest preventing fluxion by purgation and sudorificks if with contusion by preventing afflux by revulsions defensives and repellers and suppuration of the contusion and the wounds by digestives of rosin turpentine and yolks of egges abstersives and consolidants and scarrification if tending to a gangreen if of the nerves and tendons by discutient oiles lenients of the white of an egge and oile of roses emollients and digerents if hard if of the ligaments by heaters and dryers if by gun-shot by extraction suppuration abstersion and sarcoticks if venenate by preclusion extraction by cupping-glasses deligation excision washing with wine and triacle causticks alexipharmicks and traumaticks c. 4. Fractures which are divisions of bones caused by externals violently forced on them they are cured by repellents hindering inflammation and the fracture by extension right conformation deligation applying defensives of the white of an egge with bole c. elevated collocation venesection and purgation if need colleticks ostiocolla and comfrey water remooving symptomes sc inflammation and gangreens by appropriats itching by the white comphorate and rose ointment pain if from too much adstriction of the bands by laxing them if from pungent bones by reposition remotion or precision if from afflux of homours
stuffed veines swift motion boldnesse little sleepe swift pulse much haire crisped and black a reddish colour and dark If cold slow grouth dulnesse of wit a slow and small pulse occult breathing coldnesse to the touch impotence to venery and sleepinesse If moist softnesse of touch tendernesse of the flesh loose members hiddennesse of the bones impotency to labour immoderate sleepe paucity of haire If dry roughnesse leannesse stiffenesse strength to labour manifest veines much haire c. 3. From the part affected 4. From the strength of the patient 5. From the aire 6. From the age 7. From custom 8. From every ones peculiar nature 9. From the sex 10. From exercise and course of life 11. From the foure times of diseases 12. From the length or shortnesse of the disease 13. From the paroxismes of diseases 14. From the functions of nature 15. From the strength of remedies 16. From the constitution of the heavens After which is to be considered whether any thing is to be done or not what is to be done with what remedy of what quality in what quantity after what manner at what time and in what order it is to be used More particularly for cure 1. Usually a diet sutable to nature opposite to the disease is to be appointed 2. The body is to be opened with some gentle remedy or suppository and sometimes with a clyster 3. If need a veine is to be opened with revulsion 4. The quantity of morbifick matter is to be lessened by a gentle apozeme 5. The more churlish matter is to be prepared for evacuation 6. The matter prepared is to be expelled by some strong purge 7. Revulsion is to be againe used diureticks sudorificks frictions and cupping-glasses 8. Derivation is to be made to the next parts 9. It 's to be drawn out by fomentations dropaces and cauteries that the containing cause may be removed 10. The residue of the matter is to be dissipated and the part to be strengthned 11. The strength is to be repaired by analeptick and pleasant diet c. All which being considered it is manifest that this Art is not so facile and easy to be attained to as many lately have dreamed of and willingly would have others to have beleeved to their own infamy and their proselites ruine who thought it sufficient to consult with some empyrical matrone and that having got a remedy with the testimony of probatum est unto it it should be sufficient to vanquish the Antagonist to nature without the precedent knowledge of the aforesaid tackticks not regarding the knowledge of Anatomy Haplologie Physiologie Pathologie Semeioticks Therapeuticks and Hygiasticks Dieteticks and Pharmaceuticks c. the dose of the remedy nature of the disease its complication and strength of the patient c. this they say is only periculum facere to make an experiment or try what may be done without troubling the Physitian who findeth it worke enough for the time of his whole life to studdy the hidden secrets of nature and how to overcome the enemies thereof and indeed usually it is not sine periculo for though such cure not the disease yet the patient is never more troubled therewith and thus whilest they studdy to save the fee they often loose the Farmer yet Friend whoever thou art think not that what is here said is intended to make thee Prodigal or to send thee to the Artist in every petty distemper or to discourage thee in attempts therein but rather to advise thee not to be too bold in tampering with thy selfe unadvisedly least thou purchase thy knowledge of the danger by the losse of thy health Which that it 's so intended and that thou art not envied knowledge therein thou hast reason to judge by what is now presented to thy view Thus of the Anatomy of the whole body of man and the Definitions causes and method of curing all diseases thereof Now followeth the matter of physick which is internal or external I. Internal 1. Medicines cooling and attenuating choller fc Simples Roots of sorrel grasse succory and sharp pointed dock Leaves of endive succory sorrel maidenhaire garden endive and Lions tooth Seeds the foure greater cold seeds seeds of endive sorrel and barley Fruits apples soure plums and soure cherries Flowers of succory with flowers of borrage buglosse and violets Compounds Waters of sorrel succory grasse endive and barly by decoction Juices of limons granates apples vineger and bitter grapes Syrups of limons vineger simple juyce of sorrel maidenhaire apples soure granates agresta oxysaccharum Conserves of flowers of succory sorrel leaves maidenhaire and cherries preserved Powders and electuaries cold diamargarite and diatriasantalon Chymicals spirit of sulphur vitriol and sal prunellae 2. Cooling and thicking choller sc Simples Roots of marsh-mallows and plantane Leaves of purslaine plantain mallows and marsh-mallows Seeds of lettice purslaine white poppy mallows fleabane and quinces Fruits juiubes sebestens and quinces Flowers of water-lilly poppy pine-tree violets red roses Gumms arabick and tragacanth Animals ivory spodium and harts-horne Minerals terra sigillata and bole armenick Compounds Waters of lettice purslain poppy pine-apples water-lilly and roses Syrups of violets jujubes poppy drie roses and white poppy Juice of quinces Conserves of roses violets flowers of water-lillies candid lettice and preserved quinces Electuaries diatragacantum frigidum and diapenidion without species Troches of spodium Chymicals laudanum opiaticum and sal prunellae 3. Altering flegme sc Simples Roots of elecampane cyperus calamus aromaticus galingal smallage parsly fennel zedoary or serwal florence orrice china sarsaparilla and ginger Woods xyloaloes guaiacum and sassafras Barks of dry citrons guaiacum and cinamon Leaves of sage betony rosemary marjerom thyme origanum calamint penniroyal wormwood mint germander and groundpine Seeds of anise smallage parsly citron blessed thistle carawaies bishops-weed carrots and hartwort Fruits pepper cubebs cloves and cardamome Flowers of sage stoechas rosemary lavender betony squinanth and mace Animals musk civet and castor Minerals amber greese and prepared steel Compounds Waters of sage betony fennel hyssop wormwood bawm blessed thistle celestial imperial treacle water cinamon and aqua vitae Syrups of stoechas hysop mint wormwood the five roots simple oxymel and compound of conditement of citron pills and mel rosatum Conserves comfits of sage flowers stoechas rosemary leaves of wormwood ginger roots of elecampane root of acorus citron pills myrobalanes and nutmegs Confections treacle mithridate aurea alexandrina and alkermes Powders electuaries diambra diamosch of gemms dianthos diaireos diagalanga Troches gallia moschata alipta moschata of myrrh wormwood and eupatory Chymicals oile or essence of annise fennel thyme sage cinamon and gilliflowers 4. Altering Melancholy sc Simples Roots of elecampane eringoes parsly buglosse and fennel Barks and rinds of roots of capers the middle rind of ash-tree tamarisk elder and citron pills Leaves of fumitory hops spleen-wort dodder bawm borrage burnet and maiden-haire Seeds of annise
sulphur bay berries and filii zachariae Cold. Simple roots of marsh-mallowes and liquorice Leaves of venus-haire and lungwort Seeds the foure greater cold ones mallowes white-poppy fleabane bombax and barly Fruits jujubes sebestens sweet almonds and sweet prunes Flowers of violets water-lillies and red-poppy Gumms arabick and tragacanth Juices amylum or juyce of wheate juice of liquorice Animals womans asses goats milk flesh of lobsters and river crabs Compound Waters of lettice purslain water-lillies red-poppy and barly Syrups of jujubes violets venus-haire and white-poppy which is narcotick Sugars of roses and penids Conserves of roses violets borrage lettice and inside of gourds candied Electuaries diatragacanth cold diamargarite cold and diapenidion without species Externals Oiles of violets water-lillies and sweet almonds Greases of hens ducks calves and new butter 20. Cardiacals Hot Simple Roots of dittany cinkfoile vipers-grasse setwal gentian masterwort and doringium Barks cinamon and drie rind of citron Wood xyloaloes Leaves of bawm scabious carduus benedictus basil polley mountain southernwood rosemary and lavender Seeds of carduus benedictus basil and citron Fruits dyers-grains juniper-berries nutmegs and cloves Flowers of rosemary borrage buglosse mace saffron and spikenard Gumms frankinsence myrrh and mastick Juices of bawm scabious and borrage Animals musk civet bezoar-stone and raw-silk Minerals amber succinum Compound Waters of orange flowers bawm rosemary carduus benedictus scabious aqua vitae imperial treacle coelestis and cinamon Oiles Chymical of cinamon cloves and nutmegs Syrups of the conditure of citron peel and byzantine Conserves of the flowers of citron pils candied nutmegs candied and mirobalans candied Confections alkermes and treacle Electuaries aromaticum rosatum diambra de gemmis laetificans Galeni and diamoschum dulce Cold. Simple Roots of sorrel buglosse bistort and tormentil Woods all the sanders Leaves of borrage buglosse sorrel and sharp pointed-dock Seeds of quinces plantaine and sorrel Flowers of roses violets borrage buglosse and water-lilly Fruits citrons limmons soure cherries ribes soure granats sweet apples and quinces Gumms camphire Animals pearl unicorns horne the bone in the heart of a stag ivory spodium harts-horn and bezoar-stone Minerals terra sigillata bole armoniack precious fragments gold and coral Compound Water of roses borrage buglosse and sorrel Syrups of granats limmons violets of the juice of sorrel dry'd roses and fragrant apples Conserves of the flowers of borrage buglosse roses violets and leaves of sorrel Confection of hyacinth Electuaries cold diamargarite and diatriasantalum 21. Hepaticals Hot. Simple Roots of calamus aromaticus cyperus and elecampane Leaves of agrimony wormwood mint germander ground-pine betony and lesser centaury Seeds of anise fennel carawaies and bishops-weed Flowers of rosemary mace squinanth and spiknard Fruits cloves nutmegs and raisins Compound Waters of wormwood mint and betony Syrups of mint wormwood byzantine and the five roots Conserves of the flowers of sage rosemary pil of citrons root of elecampane acorus walnuts nutmegs and mirobalans all candied Confections treacle and mithridate Electuaries aromaticum rosatum diambra and diarrhodon Troches of wormwood rhubarb and eupatory Externals oile of wormwood mint and nard Cold. Simple Roots of grasse asparagus succory sorrel and knee-holly Woods all the saunders Leaves of endive succory scariola chondril liverwort maiden-haire sorrel lettuce and purslain Seeds the foure greater cold ones and foure lesser and the seed of sorrel Flowers of roses water-lilly and succory Fruits soure prunes soure granats gourds ribes and cucumers Juices of limmons granats quinces endive sorrel succory vineger and soure grapes Animals ivory and spodium Minerals coral Compound Waters of succory endive grasse sorrel roses and agrimony Syrups both simple and compound of succory of the juice of sorrel granats limmons and dry roses Conserves of flowers of succory leaves of sorrel roses barberries and soure cherries preserved Electuaries diatriasantalum diarrhodon abbatis and cold diamargarite Troches of spodium and caphura Externals Oiles of roses soure grapes and water-lillies Ointments of roses santaline cerecloth and refrigerans Galeni 22. Stomachicals Hot. Simple Roots of ginger cyperus calamus aromaticus and galanga Rindes of dry citrons and cinamon Wood xyloaloes Leaves of mint both wormwoods sage betony and rosemary Seeds of anise fennel coriander citrons and pepper Fruits cloves and nutmegs Flowers of sage rosemary betony mace and saffron Gumms mastick Minerals succinum and amber Compound Waters of betony wormwood mint and sage Syrups of mint and pontick wormwood Conserves of flowers of sage rosemary flowers of wormwood pils of citrons nutmegs mirobalans ginger and acorus all candied Confections treacle mithridate and alkermes Electuaries aromaticum rosatum diambra and diagalanga Troches of wormwood and of rhubarb Externals Oiles of nard wormwood mint nutmegs mastick and myrtle Emplasters of mastick Cold. Simple Roots of plantain and sorrel Woods red saunders Leaves of plantain and myrtle Seeds of plantaine and quinces Flowers of red roses and pomegranates Fruits quinces pears medlars and myrtle-berries Juices acacia and hypocistis Minerals coral Compound Waters of roses plantain and sorrel Syrups of dried roses quinces granates myrtle the juice of sorrel and agresta Conserves of red roses and the leaves of sorrel Electuaries diatriasantalum Externals Oiles of roses mastick and soure grapes Ointments santaline cerecloth and of roses 23. Spleneticks Hot. Simple Roots of smallage elecampane orrice calamus aromaticus and birthwort Rindes of the roots of capers of the middle rind of ash-tree as also of tamarisk and cinamon Leaves of germander dodder spleenwort heads of hops tamarisk penniroyal tyme water-cresses fumitory centaury the lesse and bawme Seeds of agnus castus water-cresses anise smallage and carduus benedictus Flowers of broome marigolds tamarisk and saffron Fruits capers Gumms ammoniack bdellium and myrrh Minerals steel Compound Waters of fennel fumitory bawme carduus benedictus and cinamon Syrups of fumitory of five roots simple oxymel oxymel of squills Conserves of flowers of tamarisk broome acorus candied ginger candied and citron pil candied Confections alkermes Electuaries de gemmis and laetificans Galeni Troches of capers and of cuphorbium Externals Oiles of capers tamarisk orrice and rue Ointments of sowbread and of marsh-mallows Emplaisters of mucilages melilot and diachylum with gumms Cold. may bee fetched from those before mentioned that attenuate choller 24. Nephriticks Tempering the heat of the reins and urine Simple Roots of althaea and liquorice Leaves of mallows lettuce purslain endive sowthistle and scariola Seeds of mellons pompions cucumers althaea mallows lettuce white-poppy fleabane and barly Fruits sweet prunes raisins jujubes and almonds Flowers of violets and water-lillies Gumms tragacanth Animals milk and butter Compounds Waters of lettuce purslaine and water-lilly Syrups of liquorice jujubes and violets Conserves of violets water-lilly and candied lettuce Electuaries cold diatragacanth Externals Oiles of violets roses and water-lilly Ointments refrigerans Galeni and of roses Stone-breaking Simple Roots of cammock great burdock saxifrage golden-rod and caltrops Wood nephritical wood Rindes of dry beanes and of laurel
roots Leaves of saxifrage caltrop wild tansy strawberries pellitory of the wall and sea fennel Seeds of millet of the sun nettles and radish Fruits kernels of cherry-stones peach-stones medlars juniper-brries ivy-berries Gumms turpentine Animals hog-lice goats-bloud prepared and river-crabs eyes Stones the judaick nephritick and crystal prepared Compound Waters of saxifrage caltrop and of tobacco Syrups nephrocathartick of Joubertus of radish of Fernelius simple oxymel and oxymel of squils Electuaries lithon-tripticon or the stone-breaking electuary Clansing away sand and viscous humours The same with diureticks and those which expel the stone but the most efficacious are turpentine pellitory of the wall radish smallage red chiches 25. Hystericals Helping conception Simple Roots of calamus aromaticus bistort galingal or cyperus Leaves of bettony sage rosemary and marjoram Fruits nutmegs and cloves Flowers of sage rosemary betony mace and spikenard Gumms styrax benzoinum frankinsence and mastick Animals civet and musk Minerals succinum amber and coral Compound Waters of sage betony and marjoram Conferves of flowers of betony sage rosemary acorus candied and walnuts nutmegs myrobalans roots of satyrion all candied Confections treacle and mithridate Electuaries diamoschum diambra de gemmis diagalanga and aromaticum rosatum Troches galliae moscharae and aliptae moschatae Externals oile of nard and of myrtles Expelling the birth and secundine cretian dittany mugwort birthwort saffron cinnamon water confectio alkermes borax of the shops savine opopanax sagapenum myrth castor assa foetida the two last are proper only for the secundine because they kill the child with their evill smell Moving the moneths Simple Roots of both birthworts madder valerian cyperus orrice gentian Barke of cinamon Leaves of mugwort mercury featherfew cat-mints sage calamint penny-royal organy rue southern-wood horehound and cretian dittany Seeds of hartwort anise carrots fennel rue and carawaies Flowers of camomil featherfew and saffron Gumms myrrh assa foetida opopanax sagapenum and galbanum Animals castor Minerals borax of the shops Compound Waters of mugwort and of cinamon Syrups of mugwort and of hysop Conserves and electuaries among the diureticks Troches of myrrh Externals the oiles and unguents are to be seen in the emollients among external medicaments Stopping the months Simple Roots of lungwort snakeweed and tormentil Leaves of plantain mastick-tree horse-tail raspis purslain myrtle knot-grasse and mint Seeds of plantaine and of sorrel Fruits of myrtles Flowers of roses and of pomegranats Gumms mastick and dragons-bloud Animals kids-rennet harts-rennet harts-horne burnt ivory and spodium Minerals bole-armoniack terra sigillata and coral Compounds Waters of plantaine roses water-lilly purslain and mints Syrups of myrtle mint quinces and dry roses Conserves of roses and candied quinces Confections philonium Romanum Troches of spodium and of terra sigillata Externals Oiles of roses myrrh and of quinces Vnguents comitissae Emplaisters of mastick and plaister against a rupture Purging the womb The same which move the moneths cheifely briony both birthworts gentian mercury mugwort featherfew horehound and germander c. 26. Arthriticks Hindring defluxion Leaves of henbane hemlock night-shade mandrakes and sempervivum or ever-live Juices of henbane nightshade lettice vineger and opium Gumms caphura Mucilages of the seed of fleabane and of quinces Waters of roses plantain and nightshade Oiles of roses Easing paine Roots of marsh mallows cows milk cows-dung sheeps-dung frankinsence beaten with the white of an egge yolk of an egge flowers of camomil melilot and saffron Digesting Roots of elecampane and hermodactyls Leaves of mullin ground pine nettles walwort sage and centaury the lesse Seeds of nettles and water-crosses Gumms opopanax bdellium ammoniack sagapenum galbanum and cuphorbium Animals castor and live puppies applied Liquors wine aqua vitae sea-water and water of sulphureous baths Chymicals Oiles of vitriol wax and bricks Emplaisters of mucilages melilot oxycroceum diapalma 27. Increasers and Diminishers of milk Increasers green fennel seed of the same green dill smallage powder of chrystal decoction of colewort butter taken with milk and fennel Decreasers mint celandine the greater calamint coriander basil soure grapes vineger oxymel and camphire 28. Increasers and Diminishers of seed Increasers Seeds of rocket turnep nettles mustard and pepper Fruits pistachias and pine-kernels Animals scincus sparrows braines and cocks stones Decreasers lettice purslaine camphire mint rue seed of agnus castus and dill 29. Discutients of wind heate and attenuate and are not much differing from such as attenuate flegm 30. Astringents Some cold and dry Some hot as wormwood mastick vitriol or all things before proposed for stopping of the moneths are astringents 31. Killers of wormes Simple Roots of grasse cowslips setwal white dittany gentian angelica mulberry and rhubarb Leaves of purslain cichory sorrel wormwood water germander S. Johns wort lesser centaury vervain hoarhound and cretian dittany Seeds of citron tansy coleworts supines and bitter almonds Juices of limons granates purslain and aloes Animals shavings of ivory and of harts-horne Compound Powders against the wormes and hiera picra Chymicals spirit of sulphur vitriol and mercurius dulcis 32. Vulneraries Roots of comfrey round birthwort zedoary and tormentil Leaves of perwinkle pimpernel sanicle bugle mouseare speedwel agrimony and lesser centaury Seeds of carduus benedictus Animals river crabs II. External 1. Medicines refrigerating and repelling Refrigerating Simple Rindes of the root of night-shade and of mandrake Leaves of lettuce endive henbane ducks-meat navel-wort These simply refrigerate purslaine knotted-grasse plantaine privet night shade ever-live and mandrake Seeds of fleabane white-henbane white-poppy the foure cold great and lesser seeds Flowers of roses violets and water-lilly Juices of granates lettuce purslain ever-live night-shade plantaine limons vineger and bitter grapes Animals the white of an egge Compound Waters of night-shade water-lillies roses plantain and knotted grass Oiles of roses violets water-lillies poppy henbane and of mandrake Ointments of roses santaline cerecloth refrigerans Galeni and of the buds of black poplar Repelling and astringents Simple Roots of snakeweed comfrey tormentil and rhapontick Rindes the middle rinde of sumach granates green walnuts and of the cups of acorns Leaves of the vine and its tendrels myrtle cypresse oake wild-olive sumach knot-grasse shepheards-purse horsetaile plantain wormwood mint mullein and tops of bramble bush Seeds of purslaine plantain shepheards-purse grana tinctorum stones of grapes Flowers red roses the setlings of distilled roses and flowers of pomegranates Fruits myrtles cypresse-nuts unripe galls midlars services and quinces Juices of plantain the forementioned herbs acacia and hypocystis Gumms mastick dragons-blood frankincense sandaracha tragacanth sarcocol and gum-arabick Minerals bole arminack terra sigillata alume and coral Compound Waters of roses plantaine night-shade and nut-shels Oiles of roses unripe olives myrtles mastick wormwood and of mint Vnguent comitissae Emplaisters contra rupturam and of the crust of bread 2. Emplasticks Simple Meales of wheat and of beans Juices amylum Gumms mastick and dragons-bloud Animals the white
errhines abstersives odorats wine with myrrhe c. myrtine oile c. if from the polypus ozaena or ventricle it 's to be cured accordingly 3. The haemorrhage of the nostrils is an immoderate excretion of bloud by the veines of the nose divided rarefied or opened preternaturally and is caused by whatsoever occasioneth the same by anastomosis diaeresis or diapedesis it 's cured by phlebotomy cupping-glasses ligatures frictions application of cold water purgation coolers opiats cerats astringents internal and external crocus martis with plantain water sperniol frontals epithems glutinants frankincense aloes and the white of an egge with hares furre specificks causticks alum c. and diet coole and binding thin little with rest the feet of animals they being glutinous hordeats amygdalats emulsions avoiding things that increase heate sharpen attenuate and make the bloud fluxile 4. Sternutation or sneezing which is an expulsion of flatuous spirits and sharp vapours offending the brain violent and involuntary through the nostrils and is caused by things external or internal sc humours and vapours it 's cured by evacuants butter milk oile the white of an egge washing with cold water ligature friction revulsion retention of the breath c. 5. The coryza which is a defluxion of the humours of the brain and excrements crude and thin like water to the nostrils together with much sneezing caused by a hot or cold distemper of the brain it 's cured by universals and diet as in the catarrhe the fume of rose vineger taken marjerom water attracted if cold by the fume of frankincense if sharp by pomatum c. V. The diseases symptomes of the tongue 1. The asperity and roughnesse of the tongue which is caused by hot sharp and putrid vapours drying and burning the tongue it 's cured by remotion of the causes by cooling waters diamoron hordeats and things acid c. 2. The tumour of the tongue which is caused by things external or internal sc the afflux of hot matter cold poysonsome or putrid and cancrous it 's cured by averters evacuants repellers discutients suppurants if pituitous by oxymel spitting often if with inflammation as aforesaid if venenous with the decoction of plantaine hony of roses if stony by emollition section if ulcerous as other ulcers 3. The wounds of the tongue which are caused by violence and cured by lohochs liniments of the syrup of dryed roses and colate rasate honey and gargarismes c. 4. The ranula under the tongue which is a tumour in forme like a frog and is caused by a soft flesh under it upon which the tongue lyeth and to which it is tyed as it were by a band and ariseth from a viscid and pituitouse bloud flowing thither it 's cured by universals phlebotomy diversion purgation lotions made of inciders resolvers salt organy c. apertion mulse gargled c. 5. The ancylosis or tongue-tiednesse caused by the vinculum it 's cured by cutting the same with a paire of cisers or sharp knife washing the mouth after with posca after which sprinkle on manna thuris or use rosate honey c. 6. The taste hurt the imminution of which is caused by the refrigeration of its nerves from the third conjugation of the brain and emollition of the same obstruction or ill conformation it 's depraved by external causes or internal sc humours and vapours it 's cured if from hot humours by evacuation vineger gargled and juyce of limons if from cold by preparation evacuation gargarismes of hysop liquorice honey and robs if from pustules ulcers or consent according to the cause 7. The motion of the tongue hurt which is caused by the affection of the nerves of the seventh paire of the brain by the vinculum tumours ebriety concussion wormes it 's taken away by conformation obstruction c. it 's depraved by humidity and ficcity c. it 's cured if from the palsey by universals cupping-glasses scarrification diversions by clysters frictions and ligatures if from a cold pituitous matter by preparation purgation and other diversions lotions gargarismes apophlegmatismes castor with oxymel of squils c. inunctiōs with nard oile phoenigmes cauteries if from convulsion by antispasmaticks in the neck if by the vinculum by section if by tumours as before if stammering or aphony as aforesaid VI. The diseases and symptomes of the lipps 1. Their tumours which are caused by inflammation c. and are cured if from stingings c. by the decoction of marshmallows with vineger or milk triacle if from inflammation as others if hard by-section if from cancers as the rest and the rest according to their causes 2. Fissures or chaps which are solutions of the continuity of the lipps caused by too much drynesse and tension and are cured if from outward cold by pomatum oile of wax and fatts c. if from heate and drynesse by the juyce of sempervive and goose grease rosewater mucilages and humectation with mastick c. 3. Vlcers of the lipps which are caused by sharp bilious and serous humours they are cured V. P. by the rosate unguent and liniment of litharg and the fume of the seeds of henbane shunning sharp and salt meates spices and much talke if cancers they are cured as others 4. Their wounds which are caused by violence c. and are cured by future glutinants and honey of roses and syrup of dryed roses inwardly if flesh be wanting by digerents incarnants and consolidants c. if hare lipps by excoriation conjunction future with unguents plaisters c. if curt it 's to be cured by insertion 5. Their trembling which may be caused by cold anger debility of the nerves vellicant humours and wormes c. as also perversion of the lipps caused by the affection of the nerves of the third conjugation feavers And bleeding thereof caused by sharp serous and salt humours and blewnesse caused by cold c. all which are cured according to their causes VII The diseases and symptomes of the face c. 1. The apertion of the mouth hurt which is caused by wounds of the nerves in the neck and tumours about the juncture c. it 's cured by remotion of the causes 2. Oscitation which is a vehement distention of the mouth caused by vapours collected in the spaces of the muscles of the lower jaw and cheekes inclining them to excretion it 's cured by exclusion discussion of vapours and revulsion by wine drunk with water eating of acorus and long spiration 3. The distortion of the mouth which is a distention of the same caused by the affection of the muscles of the face or nerves of the third and fifth conjugation or those which descend from the first vertebra's of the neck from convulsion or resolution and it 's called spasmus cynicus if both sides are affected it 's cured by phlebotomy cupping-glasses ligature frictions sinapismes phoenigms dropaces errhines apophlegmatismes gargarismes masticatories resolvers
XII The affections of the uvula 1. The laxation thereof which is when it swelleth preternaturally without inflammation is extended which is caused by a humour chiefely phlegmatick sent to it from the brain it 's cured as its inflammation by venesection cupping-glasses after purgation diversions evacuations by errhines consumers of phlegme and correctors of cold and moist distempers astringent and repelling topicks in the beginning afterwards by dissolvers and dryers plantain and rose-rose-water oxycrat and viniger diamoron gargarismes the conserve of roses vitriolated powders long pepper with alum bole and myrrhe coronal plaisters a hard hot egge with frankincense and ginger so used c. and if need by extersives consolidants 2. The inflammation of the same and exulceration that is a swelling thereof caused by bilious bloud flowing in with rednesse heate paine danger of suffocation and sometimes with a feaver it 's cured as other inflammations by venesection cupping-glasses scarrification diversions by clysters frictions ligatures evacuation repelling topicks gargarismes powders diamoron plantain water rob de ribes c. discutients anodynes milk ptisans emollients if need maturation section extersives and exsiccants mulse water rosate honey the green water if exulcerated aegyptiack section if need and diet as in other inflammations with the juyce of quinces c. abstaining from talking c. XIII The affection of the tonsils sc Their inflammation which is a swelling of the same caused by the afflux of humours it 's cured as other inflammations by astringent gargarismes in the beginning phlebotomy cupping-glasses friction clysters lenients repelling topicks astringents oile of sweet almonds melilot plaisters suppurants if need emollients and resolvers if hard album graecum if ulcerose milk exsiccants c. abstaining from things that may cause a flux of humours c. II. The diseases of the midle venter I. The disease of the gullet sc the quinsey which is a stopping of the upper parts of the throat through which the meate drink and breath passeth causing a difficulty of breathing and swallowing caused by inflammation luxation or defluxion it 's cured by phlebotomy scarrification cupping-glasses purgation sharp clysters repellers gargarismes of diamoron dianucum the myrtine syrup and plantaine water c. by derivation digesters discutients mucilages exsiccants resolvers plaisters of swallows nests and melilot c. suppurants if need album graecum apertion detersives consolidants of bole and myrrhe c. specificks laryngotomy and thin diet sc ptisan broth sorbile eggs prunes lettuce the foure greater cold seeds barley water with surup of violets small drink and temperance II. The diseases of the throat 1. Strumes or scrofuls which are tumours in the glandules caused by tough phlegme shut up in its proper membran they are cured by evacuation discussion maturation section purgation dryers scrophularia powders emollient resolving topicks suppurants apertion mundificants the apostles ointment or de apio and cicatrizants section and septicks 2. The bronchocele which is a tumour in the throat extuberant in the large space caused by flatulency and joyned with tension from violent motion c. it 's cured by astringents and the plaister against ruptures inward astringents and dryers as the powder of burnt alum c. discutients c. as in strumes If hydropical it is to be cured by incision III. The diseases of the rough artery And 1. The diseases of distemper which are caused by the aire meat and drink humours c. these are cured by the contrary sc by evacuating matter that is troublesome if hot by syrup of violets c. if cold by syrup of hysop c. if humid by diacalaminth c. if dry by syrup of licorice and emulsions c. if it be with matter it 's to be cured as catarrhes 2. Asperity which is a defect of natural smoothnesse caused by things immoderately corrosive salt sharp acid humours vapours much talking c. it 's cured by lenients and levigants and things emplastick syrup of liquorice jujubs diacodium c. arteriacks lenients abstersives dryers discussers sublingual troches c. 3. Straightnesse of the rough artery caused by compression inflammations tumours and obstructions it 's cured by remotion of causes inciders attenuants extersives and knocking on the back if by externals 4. Wounds and ulcers thereof those are caused by violence these by sharp salt and poyson some humours the first are cured by conjunction and conglutination by diacodium and diatragacanth and lohochs c. The ulcers are cured by detersives and dryers and cicatrizants c. IV. The diseases of the lungs 1. The distemper of the same which is a deflexion thereof from the natural temper to that which is preternatural caused by things external and internal sc potions and humours c. it 's cured if from heat by refrigerants as syrup of violets c. epithems barly water refrigerating herbes and temperance if cold by corrigents syrup of hysop hot oiles mulse and well seasoned flesh if humidity by corrigents dryers decoction of guajacum salt and sulphureous baths aromaticks suffumigations aromatick wine dry diet mountain birds exercise and talking c. If drynesse by violets melons tepid water barly water emulsions sorbile eggs veale saxatile fishes chickens shelfish milk sleepe and quiet 2. The peripneumony or inflammation of the lungs caused by the effusion of bloud into the substance thereof with a narrownesse of the breast difficulty of breathing acute feaver and coughing it 's cured as other inflammations by averters evacuation maturants resolvers discussers phlebotomy cupping-glasses scarrification ligature clysters lenients pectoral decoctions expectorants inciders topicks as in the pleurisy plaisters fomentations inunctions extenuating diet ptisan with honey after defluxion ceasing fat broths hydromel oxymel or hydrosaccharate c. 3. The straightnesse thereof which is an interception of the vessels caused by obstruction compression or exsiccation occasioning a cough oppression and difficulty of respiration it 's cured if from a cold and thick humour by preparers inciders detersives evacuants violet troches medicate wines revulsives derivation vomit clysters diureticks humecters oxymel liquorice turpentine lohochs inunctions liniments exsiccants absorbents syrup of tobaco pectoral waters rotuls fumes diet with hysop melicrat and mulse with thoracicks if from flatulency by discutients with pectorals if from tubercles by attenuants and dryers mithridat and chymical salts if from the stone by wood lice and honey if from bloud by stoppers and oxymel if from drynesse by almond milk and syrup of violets c. 4. The apertion thereof when the vessels that ought to be shut are opened caused by anastomosis diapedesis rexis and diabrosis it 's cured by phlebotomy purgation scarrification revulsion leeches frictions ligatures corrigents dissolvers oxycrat oxymel mumy sperma ceti consolidants astringents emplasticks glutinants lambatives sealed troches powders myrtine oile frankincense mastick if from catarrhs by diaspermaton cerot of thapsia the hematire with bole and syrup of purselain diet thin astringent and emplastick ptisan conserve
retentive faculty weake by preparants syrup of wormwood vomitories mastick astringents galingal theriack salts oile of wormwood outwardly sinapismes dropaces meate of easy concoction good juyce and dry and red wine c. if from the expulsive faculty irritated by the syrup of roses solutive with the decoction of tamarinds abstersives dryers and astringents vomitories if need rhubarb hordeats cydoniats fomentations unguents plaisters refrigerants little drink and long sleepe c. so also is the coeliack affection helped differing only in degree from the other and is a quick passage of things eaten and drunk out of the stomach to the intestines by reason of which they passe out like chyle or cremor 5. The diarrhaea which is an immoderate frequent and long dejection of the belly by which the excrementitious and purer humours stimulating the expulsive faculty of the stomach and intestines by quantity or quality doe flow out without phlegmon lientery exulceration tenesmus or much sense of paine caused by things irritating or debilitating it 's cured by evacuants revulsives and stoppers phlebotomy purgers rhubarb myrobolans tamarinds vomitories friction ligature diureticks sudorificks roborants astringents and narcoticks if need if there be a chylous flux by aperients rotules of diarrhodon abbatis and diachylon applied c. according to the part affecting if a toto and with a feaver by alterants and roborants if excessive by abstersives temperants abstersives evacuants revulsives outwardly by oile of quinces and stomachick cerots friction and venesection if symptomatick if colliquative by refrigerants and humecters with astringents ptisans cold water syrup of ribes purslane and quinces buttermilk clysters cooling epithems refrigerating humecting and astringent meats hordeats amygdalats and coral if from the whole without a feaver by lenients roborants tamarinds thubarb syrup of roses solutive coral oxysaccharats vomitories diureticks abstersives if serous by wormwood wine and chalybeat water applying the plaister of the crust of bread if from the ventricle corrupted meats by evacuants roborants vomitories clysters adstringents stomach pills if from worms by scolecobroticks if from the liver and a bilious humour by evacuation with rhubarb abstersive clysters syrup of succory alterants and astringents troches of sealed earth and spodium astringent epithems cerot of saunders and hydroticks c. if from the spleen and melancholy by venesection polypody diacatholicon temperants the byzantine syrup clysters astringents fit diet aperients and scorbuticks if need if from the womb by aperients evacuants astringents and roborants if from the brain by preparants evacuants diversion by frictions ligatures cupping glasses errhines sacculs not sleeping soon after meat roborants vesicatories about the first and second vertebra of the neck setons issues in the armes triacle decoction of guajacum and sudorificks if in infants breeding teeth if from phlegme by purgers and stomachick cerots if from corrupted milk by syrups anointing the gumms with butter if from hypercatharsis and poyson taken by abstersives chalybeat milk ligatures frictions fomentations cupping-glasses below the stomach astringents taken rob of ribes opiats if need clysters bezoarticks and cardiacks c. 6. The dysentery which is a frequent bloody and purulent dejection with paine of the belly and exulceration of the intestines caused by sharp corroding matter peculiarly troubling the intestines it 's cured by venesection purgation by tamarinds tosted rhubarb diacarholicon potions boles syrups clysters vomitories diureticks sudorificks alexipharmicks mitigants roborants anodynes abstersive clysters narcoticks opiats if need astringents emplasticks conserves of red roses rob of barberries emulsions electuaries micleta rotules troches of sealed earth topicks saccules insessions mundificants sarcoticks and cicatrizants if from purgers by abstersives theriacks stomachick cerots vomits if from poyson fat broth ptysans antidots and cristal c. fit diet meat of easy concoction milk barly water hydromel sealed earth partridges hens hares conserve of roses diacydoniats drinking little red wine sleep and rest 7. The bloody flux and hepatick that is caused by fulnesse or acrimony and heate and is cured by slender diet frictions cupping-glasses and venesection temperants juyce of plantain troches of sealed earth c. if hepatick it 's caused by the imbecility of the liver and defect of innate heate if legitimate it 's cured by roborants the liver of geese ducks hepatick herbs with astringents rubarb conserve of roses topicks heating diet of good juyce and easy concoction and raisins c. VI. The symptomes of the anus which are 1. The paralysis which is caused by the affection of the nerve of the sixth paire from which the intestines receive nerves the same is cured as that of other parts The itching of the anus is caused by a salt viscid and biting humour wormes and ulcers if with a tenesmus it 's so cured if from a salt humour by evacuants washing with plantain water a little alum or juyce of dane-wort if from faeces they are to be washed away with the decoction of mullen if from wormes by clysters terebinthine suppositories if from ulcers by mundificants The paine of the anus is helped by washing with milk anodynes and narcoticks if need 2. The tenesmus which is a continual cupidity of evacuation by the belly with paine in which nothing or very little is evacuated caused by too much refrigeration the stone or wormes and bilious pituitous and salt humours it 's cured by universal evacuation abstersion roborants lenients fomentations common oile syrup of poppies and the laudan opiat if neede suppositories of fat and powder of frankincense abstersives the decoction of barley if bilious if from hardned faeces by emollient clysters if from wormes by clysters of hiera and wormewood if from refrigeration by sacculs of mints c. if by consent it 's so cured 3. The hemorrhoids being a flux and excessive dejection of bloud through the hemorrhoidal veines caused by things irritating the expulsive faculty and hurting the retention they are cured if swelling by friction and anodynes revulsives laxants the rosate and poplar unguent as also scrophulary mullein sealed earth laudan opiats if need derivation manna frankincense the rupture plaister the white of an egge thin and humid diet cassia barley water and bole c. the suppression thereof is helped by mitigation of pain and apertion after universals and friction c. VII The diseases of the mesentery 1. The distemper of the same which for the most part is hot and dry caused by a like matter and is cured by purgers and clysters 2. The obstruction thereof which is caused by gross and viscid chyle flatulency and humours it 's cured by moderate aperients preparanes purgers tartar vitriolat vomitories diureticks and chalybiats 3. The inflammation which is a tumour of the same caused by humours carried out with the nutrient bloud into the spaces thereof or such as is impacted in the glandules and putrefying by external heate it 's cured by phlebotomy if need moderate refrigerants lenients rhubarb with whey diureticks abstersives anodynes thin
humours they are cured V. P. by medicaments section and ustion exsiccants discutients erodents and adurents with defensives of bole sealed earth rose water vineger using corrosives in shells and ligature with horse haire c. 7. The hemorrhoids of the womb which are tubercles like those of the anus in the neck of the womb caused by the afflux of feculent bloud they are cured V.P. by purgation revulsion derivation anodynes if need fomentations unguents butter oile of roses poplar ointment yolks of eggs saffron and opium if need if they bleed not they are helped by scarrification sprinkling on a sharp and drying powder bole and alum c. if bloody by emollients aperients and discutients leeches section and extirpants if the flux be great by revulsion cupping-glasses frictions ligatures and stoppers of bloud with the white of an egg 8. The ulcers of the neck of the womb which are caused by sharp humours and things corrosive they are cured by evacuants anodynes emulsions astringents and dryers if pure if deepe by injecting the decoction of red roses detersives if sordid whey barly water with honey wormwood myrrhe turpentine alum if sordid by aegyptiack or ointment of the Apostles if creeping by abstergents dryers and astringents alum water sarcoticks and cicatrizants fumes drying sulphureous and aluminous baths traumaticks turpentine with sugar pills of bdellium and milk and the conserve of roses if tabid 9. The rhagades of the neck of the womb or fissures which are caused by laborious birth afflux of sharp humours and viscid they are cured if from violent coiture by the decoction of roses plantain bole and frankincense with the white of an egg if from the flux of sharp humours V. P. by topicks if from inflammation accordingly by topicks c. according to the cause and the fissures are to be cured by things binding without biting oile of lineseed and roses with the yolk of an egge ointment of mucilages with pompholix and burnt lead if callous by oile of lillies turpentine and wax if malignant by things helping fistula's if itching and painful by ointment of mucilages white camphorat pomatum or diapompholygos moistening diet of good juyce chickens veale broths sorbile eggs mallows borage ptisan and sweet almonds abstaining from things sharp salt 10. The fistula of the neck of the womb which is caused when the matter of abscesses is not evacuated and corrodeth it 's cured by universal evacuations palliatives sudorificks detersive and roborant injections diapalma drying potions of centory agrimony and betony c. topicks gentian roots and bryony used as tents things taking away callus section ustion remedies aegyptiack sublimat causticks detersives incarnants cicatrizants 11. The cancer of the womb which is caused by menstruous adust bloud and torrified humours flowing thether it 's cured by a fit diet universal purgations and melanagogons taking the powder of bozoar sapphir and emerald cooling astringent topicks fomentations of plantain and night shade water diapompholigos herb Robert fomentations of mallows c. if painful by corrosives of antimony and arsnick if need and chickens dissected applied 12. The gangreen sphacelus of the womb which is caused by inflammation cancers and ulcers it 's cured by things hindering putrefaction scarrification washing with the decoction of wormwood lupines and myrrhe using aegyptiack the powder of aloes and myrrhe amputation ustion ligature cordials external and internal injections of night shade and plantain taking the decoction of sorrel scabious and damask prunes little refrigerating acid diet and cathereticks c. XX. The diseases of the womb it selfe 1. The distemper of the womb which is a deflexion of the same from its natural temper so that which is preternatural caused by things external and internal it 's cured if hot by refrigerants cold hystericks endive violets lettuce diatrion santalon the rose ointment Galens refrigerant the cerot of saunders cataplasmes of barley meale baths fomentations abstaining from hot meats and aromaticks using barley water c. if cold by heaters mugwort savin rue spices diamoschum triacle mithridate oile of bayes rue nutmeg and diet of easy concoction and good nourishment with aniseseed fennel and aromaticks if moist by dryers sulphureous baths and drying diet if dry by humecters borrage mallows satyrion eryngo roots conserves emulsions baths fomentations oile of sweet almonds and the resumptive ointment moistening and humecting diet of good juyce easy concoction much aliment not excrementitious fat broth veale hens weathers flesh sorbile eggs milk fresh cheese almonds dates sweet wine rest if with matter sc if cold moist by fit remedies preparants purgers syrup of mugwort betony hissop agarick turbith sena aloephangin mastick pils cochie diaphoenicon dacarthamum purging pessaries dryers heaters consumers discutients sudorificks the decoction of guajacum china and sarsaparilla thin diet rosted birds veale and sweet almonds chalybeats insessions baths plaisters of caranna sulphureous drying baths bread seasoned with anise cumin seed meat rosted with aromaticks strong wine if hot dry with choller by preparants alterants evacuants syrup of citrons violets roses solutive manna tamarinds rhubarb and sena c. as for the temper of the womb it 's known by the gynaecomystax on the lip genitals menstruals venery conception they all being soonest in those that are hot prolifick 2. The narrownesse of the womb and its vessels which is an interception thereof caused by viscid humours inflammation astringents compression and cicatrices c. it 's cured according to the cause if by obstructon by evacuants aperients attenuants abstersives things mooving the courses chalybeats fomentations baths oile of rue and dill fumes and pessaries if from diseases according to the cause 3. The opening of the vessels of the womb preternaturally which is caused by anastomasis diaeresis and diapedesis it 's cured according to the cause by astringents agglutinants sarcoticks condensants incrassants not viscid if an anastomosis as roses saunders coral viscid if a diaeresis sc comfrey plantain the whites of eggs troches of carabe bole macilages c. 4. Things troublesome in the womb sc wormes generated caused as the rest are cured or removed by the powder of illyrick flowerdeluce with the juyce of pomegranats made into a pessary fomenting with the juyce of ivy metrenchyts of the decoction of wormwood hiera picra Stones in the womb are removed by clysters the decoction of fenegreek mallows and oile of roses resupination depression and extraction by the two longest fingers 5. The inflation of the womb which is a distension of the same caused by flatulency from a cold pituitous flatulent matter begotten by the vice of deficient heate it 's cured by discutients evacuants temperants hiera diaphoenicon with castor hystericks diagalanga oile of aniseseed cataplasmes of rue chamomil plaisters of bay-berries or caranna carminative metrenchyts pessaries fumes of aloes myrrhe
with a fit diet heating and attenuating fermented bread with seed of fennel anise and cumin meat of good juyce rosemary and cinamon little sleep and much exercise 2. The paucity of the menses which is caused by the bloud expulsive faculty or passages it 's cured if from defect of bloud by analepticks if from thicknesse thereof by attenuants and inciders and purgation c. 3. dropping of the menses which is an eruption of menstrual blood by drops for more dayes or continually caused from externals feculent bloud or imbecility of the retentive faculty it 's cured by good diet evacuation if need and purgation if from imbecility by roborants dryers and binders c. 4. The excessive flowing of the menses which is caused by anastomosis diapedesis diaeresis or erosion tenuity of the bloud and laxity it 's cured if from the quantity of bloud by phlebotomy cupping-glasses ligatures frictions of the arms temperants evacuants water of plantain purslaine surup of dryed roses conserve of red roses bole and sealed earth norcoticks if need syrup of poppies triacle and the laudan opiat if by a serous humour by evacuants mechoacan rhubarb and china revulsives astringents and emplasticks if need stoppers of bloud syrup of purselane coral troches of sealed earth pessaries of astringent herbs the ointment comitissae injections of plantain and bole fumes of mastick and frankincense astringent cerots baths and fomentations astringent and roborant and myrtine syrup if a rupture by bole dragons bloud in pessaries if frō erosiō by cholagogons aversions revulsions glutinants plantain sealed earth cold diaphoenicon and fit diet cooling and astringent hordeats purselane rost flesh feet of living creatures rice fresh cheese quinces barley or chalybeated water 5. The difficulty of the menses which is a flux of the same with paine griefe and great symptomes caused by the vice of the veines or bloud it 's cured V. P. if from the thicknesse of the bloud by fomentations inunctions and attenuants syrup of five roots diet thin anodynes and laxants 6. The discolouring of the menses which is a declination of the same when they ought to be red to paleness whiteness greenness yellowness or blewness caused by the vice of the blood diet distemper of the parts or mixture of vitious humours it 's cured by evacuants preparants fit diet gentle attenuants if gross sudorificks pessaries fumes triacle mithridate and the decoction of angelica roots if the humours be cold 7. The anticipation of the menses which is caused by things external and internal it 's cured if from irritation of the faculty and plenty of blood by imminution thin diet exercise phlebotomy if from acrimony by temperants fit diet evacuants baths if from the retentive faculty weake and laxity of the vessels by corrigents and astringents if from evident causes it 's to be cured accordingly 8. The stopping of the menses too long which is caused by the paucity or thicknesse of the blood narrownesse of the passages imbecility of the expulsive faculty and torpidity of sense it 's cured if from paucity of blood by full diet and rest if thick and feculent by attenuants and inciders preparants evacuants scarrification friction cupping glasses pessaries if from stupidity of sense by things helping it and paralyticks c. according to the cause 9. The excretion of the menses by other parts which is caused by suppression thereof strength of the womb and vitious conformation it 's cured by venesection in the ankle cupping-glasses scarrification friction baths inunctions injections and pessaries c. 10. The whites or womans flux which is an excretion of an excrementitious humour inordinate out of the womb much differing from bloud caused and collected by the vice of the whole or some particular part it 's cured by evacuants averters good diet preparants if pituitous the decoction of guajacum and china drying and attenuating diet and diureticks if bilious by temperants subastringents succory and endive evacuation by rhubarb aggregative pills and those of rhubarb if melancholick by preparants and evacuants if serose by dryers heaters and hydragogons if from crudity of the stomach by heaters dryers and roborants after emeticks if from choller by refrigerants if from the vice of the womb and distemper by correctors and baths dryers and astringents bole spodium coral after purgation triacle and mithridate with conserve of roses extersive liquours the decoction of barley with rosate honey decoction of wormwood mints red roses and alum c. fumes of frankincense mastick and red roses meat of easy concoction and good juyce and drying abstaining from suppers drinking red wine frictions and moderate exercise 11. The gonorrhoea which is caused by the imbecility of the retentive faculty and laxity of the containing vessels c. as in that of men and it 's so cured and as the nocturnal polution if from the quantity of sperm it 's helped by the seed and leaves of willows if from debility of the retentive faculty by castoreum renal and lateral topicks baths sacculs of astringents using myrtine oile and mastick XXIII The symptomes of virgins and women after twelve years of age from the womb 1. The green sicknesse virgins disease white feaver pallid and amatory is a mutation of the natural colour in the face into that which is greenish and pale caused by the quantity of crude humours from suppression of the menses narrownesse of the vessels or obstruction it 's cured by preparants evacuants clysters venesection in the ankle calefacients attenuants inciders vomitories specificks according to the part affected emmenonagogicks conserve of marigold flowers chalybeats more grosse if in the ventrickle and more fine if the liver be obstructed with spleneticks if the spleen be stopped the syrup powder and wine thereof roots of vipers grasse bezoar roborants sudorificks hot baths corrigents meat of good juyce easy concoction heating with hyssope sage rosemary and cinamon bread with fennel and caraway seed strong beere exercise friction and moderate sleepe 2. The symptomes of the womb and other parts by consent with the brain heart liver stomach spleen duggs hence is caused the syncope suffocation aphony convulsion trembling cachexies hypochondriack melancholy noise and paine of the belly and hysterick passion which are cured according to the cause 3. The suffocation of the wombe which is a congeries of symptomes sometimes hurting the actions natural sometimes vital by periods joyned with a refrigeration of the whole body caused by a malignant vapour elevated from the womb it 's also called the strangulation of the womb and hysterick passion it 's cured in the paroxysme by supine decubiture solution of garments noise pulling of the haires of the pudend pinching the eares ligature and dolorifick friction revulsion by cupping glasses also using stinking things to the nostrils burnt feathers haire castor asa foetida galbanum the fume of horses lichens using odorats to the womb discutient clysters pessaries nascals discutients rue castor
dilated it 's to be helped as aforesaid 11. The lecteal feaver which is caused by the suppression of the menses or vitious humours it 's cured if from the generation of milk by good diet and sudorificks if from the suppression or imminution of the courses by emmenonagogicks venesection and purgation if from vitious humours by venesection purgation and hystericks if their feavers are putrid they are cured by phlebotomy in the foot if need purgation with care and in the beginning with cassia manna syrup of roses solutive rhubarb and sena alterants of endive borrage barly water and juyce of sweet pomegranats with moderate attenuants avoiding things very cold or acid and using thin diet at first of ptisan and chicken broth c. if there be a pleuresy caused by the retention of the menses or vitious humours it 's to be cured by phlebotomy in the ancle revulsive clysters gentle purgers in the remission c. as in other pleuresies so in the quinsey if inflammation of the liver by phlebotomy in the arm c. as aforesaid using attenuants that the courses may not be stopped Hereto may be reduced the affections of the duggs being chiefely in those that are newly delivered XXVIII The diseases of the duggs 1. Their vitious magnitude which is caused by a great quantity of aliment and attrahent heat rest retention of the menses and handling c. it 's cured or prevented in virgins by fit diet repelling cooling and astringent topicks linnen cloths applied humected with water of plantain roses mints and hemlock or the leaves thereof applied with vineger as a cataplasme powder of whetstones applied with oile of roses and the same used under the armpits in those that are delivered it 's helped by exsiccants and discutients the smalnesse thereof is caused by things hindering diverting and intercepting the afflux of blood it 's helped by good and copious diet white wine removing the intercipient repellent and averting causes using fomentations of warm water with emollient herbs anointing with oile of sweet almonds or the Indian nut frictions and gentle dropaces if there be softnesse and flaccidity thereof it 's helped by copious aliment afterwards using astringents c. 2. The swelling of the duggs by milk which is caused by reason of too great quantity of blood and retention of milk the infant not drawing it out or after weaning it 's cured by sucking or the suctory instrument hindering the afflux by epithems of rose-water rose-vineger and alum resolvers and consumers mints parsly corriander red cabbage and bryony or cataplasmes of barly meale beans lentils lupines chamomil-flowers wormwood and mints 3. The inflammation and erysipelas of the duggs which are caused by blood and quantity of milk c. it 's cured by venesection in the ankle if the courses are stopped gentle purgers alterants refrigerants lettuce endive plantain and water lillies gentle repellers posca and oile of roses with a cloth lettuce oile of roses and vineger afterwards adding discutients and using only discutients at last if hard it 's helped by emollients and attenuants album graecum with turpentine and oile of earth-worms and suppurants if need diachylon simple or white bread boiled in milk with saffron apertion in the lower part mundificants with turpentine and honey of roses oile of roses and myrrh The erysipelas is helped by sudorificks harts horn sealed earth carduus benedictus and water of elder resolvent topicks applying scarlet or barly flower wet in elder water avoiding external coolers and binders and after curing it as the inflammation 4. The ●●demd of the duggs which is caused by a pituitous humour and suppression of the menses it 's cured by a heating and drying diet purgation resolving discutient and roborant topicks not too hot or strong fomentations of sulphur hysop sage organy and chamomil flowers anointing after with oile of chamomil white lilles and bayes cataplasmes of bean meale chamomil flowers and cumin-seed the melilot plaister great diachylon and that of bay-berries and suppurants if need roots of white lillies bryony and the ireat diachylon 5. The scirrhus thereof which is caused by pituitous and melancholick humours incrassated it 's cured V. P. by remotion of the cause emollients attenuants and discutients avoiding what may too much heat attenuat humect or mollify using the decoction of mallows faenigreek and chamomil flowers anointing with the oile of sweet almonds chamomil fats calves marrow and ointment of marsh-mallows the great diachylon Vigo's plaister of frogs or that of ammoniack if it be illegitimate and degenerat into a cancer it 's cured by universal evacuation by venesection or purgation emollients with exsiccants oile of roses juyce of plantain the plaister of frogs adding juyce of night-shade if there be pain causticks and section if need aegyptiack and stoppers of blood c. as in wounds 6. The swellings of the glandules of the duggs scrofula's and strumes which are caused by a thick humour and retention of the menses c. they are cured after universal purgation by emollients and discutients that are more strong suppurants if need section and causticks c. 7. The cancer of the dugs which is caused by vitious humours regurgitant and adust it 's cured by phlebotomy purgation anodyne specifick topicks the juyce water of night-shade boiled snailes oile of green frogs remedies of lead agrimony blessed thistle taking the powder of burnt crabs herb robert by extirpation defensives of oile of roses wax bole balsams basilicon and plaisters of gum elemi if exulcerated it 's to be extirpated as before with ustion if great things remooving the malignant matter and stoppers of blood often purging opening the hemorrhoids and provoking the courses taking triacle mithridate with borrage sorrel water chickens dissected and applied Fuchsius his powder precipitate ointment of turpentine and the yolk of an egg the ammoniack plaister when young and palliatives when old and plates of lead c. 8. The ulcers and fistula's thereof which are caused by abscesses they are cured by universal evacuations dryers of the milk bands and rest from motion of the next arm abstersives cleansers the roots of rhapontick zedoary and leaves of agrimony boiled in white wine with a leadden pipe in the bottom of the ulcer consolidants injecting astringent wine boiled with cypresse nuts sumach and agrimony if fistulous the orifice is to be inlarged the callus to be remooved and then it 's to be cured as other ulcers 9. The narrownesse of the vessels in the duggs which is caused by thick humours tumours ulcers and conformation it 's cured by attenuants fennel dill stone-parsly anise-seed earthworms cataplasmes and fomentations thereof and friction 10. Haires therein which are caused by putrifying blood and are cured by applying the flesh of sea crabs or those of the river c. 11. The diseases of the nipples sc the shortnesse thereof which are helped by the suctory instrument and sucking by whelps applying
the best and most digested and fragrant the next is the yellow pellucid and sweet when rubbed the black is worse The prepared amber is of the same vertue with the first The magisterie being the more pure and resinous part is more strong That made hereof when powdered a little tosted having distilled vineger poured thereon and so extracted and precipitated with the spirit of vitriol is sudorifick and diuretick The sweet fixed magisterie of amber is an excellent sudorifick and very usefull in the measles and pleuresie and comforteth the heart c. the D. is g. 6. to 12. the pills and troches thereof may be seen in the London Dispensatory Callist Caes being drunk it helps the difficulty of urine hung about the neck it helps feavers powdered with honey and oile of roses it helps the vices of the eares and of the eyes with attick honey as also of the stomach being drunk in water so Plin Ru. it 's used as an amulet for children against phantasies it helps fluxes of the stomach and belly Agric it strengthens the bowels and other parts of the body if there be not a plenitude of humours being drunk with wine it prevents the epilepsie resolution convulsion and distension of the nerves and helpes the paines of the stomach especally the o●le and helps the trembling of the heart the fume dryeth the phlegme of the head and helps parturition and infection of the aire so Cardan Aldrov the magisterie helps cicatrices and virtigoes so the oile Amber-griece Ambra grysea P. It 's brought from the Septentrional region M. It 's a kind of bitumen cast from the Sea N. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Ambarum ambara Amber-griece Schrod T. heateth dryeth resolveth strengthens the heart and braine and restores the vital and animal spirits by its sulphureous and sweet exhalation V. therfore it s often used in balls to correct infected aire and to preserve the spirits from infection which balls are therefore called vulgarly poma ambrae or Pomanders The essence of amber-griece is given in the q. of a few g. Hartm in pract in Croll Essentificated amber-griece is an excellent strengthner of all the bowels especially it provokes procreation the D. is the q. of a small pease in wine or some other liquour C. The best is the amber-griece and that of an ash colour clean sweet light which sends forth a fat juyce being pricked with a needle the black and very white are bad the factitious is known by odour shewing the materials as also by colour commonly black and quickly is disolved in water it 's made of musk civet wood of aloes siorax and ladanum Arsnick Arsenicum P. In Mysia Pontus Cappadocia M. Of a mineral sout or juice fat and combustible N. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Auripigmentum Arab. Harnet Arsnick Schrod K. as the white or crystall●ne citrine or yellow called orpine and red called sandaracha Diosc T. it 's astringent and corrosive V. it causeth crusts by it's vehement burning and violent biting it represseth excrescencies and eradicates the haire Sandaracha helps the alopecia being used with rosin● with pitch it helps rough nailes with oile it helps the phthiriasis or lousiness with fat it discusseth knots with oile of roses it helps the ulcers of the mouth and nostrils and other breakings forth of pushes and swellings in the fundament with honied wine it helps spitting of purulent matter the fume taken with rosin through a funnel helpeth an old cough it cleares the voice taken with honey and shortness of breath made into a pill with rosin Schrod arsnick is not the least among poysons being sharp and adverse to the balsame of life insomuch that not only inwardly but used outwardly it often produceth horrid symptomes H. sc convulsions stupidity in the hands and feet cold sweats palpitations and faintings of the heart vomiting corrosions and paines in the intestines thirst and unquietness yet it hath some usefull faculties inwardly in the curing of the plague and other poysonsome affections as also of the malignant itch or scab and cancrose evils being rightly prepared and used outwardly it 's used in cauteries and amulets as for orpine and sandaracha they are almost of the same vertue note the sandaracha of the Arabians is only the gumme of juniper the white arsnick is the best oftenest used the yellow seldome and the red less often of the white crystaline the best is heavy hard pure tending to a milkie colour R. the remedie against orpine and sandaracha which is more concocted in the earth is whatsoever dulleth its ac●imonie and looseneth the belly as the juyce of mallows decoction of lineseed rice honied water fat broth much milk and good juyces so Diosc Querc in Alexicac The sweet arsnick is so farre from hurting those that take it as that it will gently and without any perturbation expell those poysons which will not yeeld to other catharticks D. the sublimate thereof may be given in substance in infusion to 5 6 7. or 8 graines also per deliquium it may be reduced into an oile usefull in ulcers The diaphoretick Rubinus of arsnick is specifick in affections of the lungs from thick catarrhes also it may be used to provoke sweat in mal●gnant and venenate d●seases used outwardly it cureth all malignant ulcers hard to be cured the D. is from 5 gr to 8 Tentzel Querc arsenick thus prepared may be given to scrup 1. after the same manner may be made the rubinus of orpine used in an equal dose and for the same affections The oile of orpine as also the fixed is a sudorifick Mull. in mirac chym Querc in spag The fixed arsnick for sudorificks moveth sweat given with triacle the D. is g 3 4 or 5. The anodyne oile butter or liquour of orpine cureth venemous ulcers in the french pocks the cancer tetter fistula's of the fundament and bitings of a mad dogge used in plantain water so mixed that it may not offend the tongue and so used to the wound S. Closs as for the spirit of arsnick it dissolveth iron radically and affords an ingresse into metallick bodies but the butter of arsnick is a violent septick it eradicates exulcerated cancers yet an equall q. of opium ought to be added to take away the feeling of paine and it 's to be applied with lint and convenient defensives Caes waters flowing amongst orpine or sandaracha heat and bind but they clarifie the voice and help shortnesse of breath Caes The oile is caustick Albert. Mag. arsnick is of a sulphurious nature burning more hot than dry and therefore putrefactive and biting and if burned it 's of more thinne parts Agric. orpine wrapped in a cloath and applyed to the heart freeth a man from the plague Aldrovand the oile of the luteous arsnick applied to the pulses expelleth poyson by vomit stool and sweat it 's used in plaisters with sulphur lime and sope to cure fistula's by purifying and cleansing them so Schol. Salern some use the oile in
given only in the beginning of pestilentiall feavers but Saxonia attributes little vertue to it Garz. used outwardly to plague sores it sucketh out the poyson thereof being used also inwardly with the conserve of sorrell powder of pearle and harts horne so Wittich and Fallop Ruland it cureth the Hungarian disease yet he attributeth more to harts horne and useth it with other alexipharmick remedies Par. it helps against pushes pocks and measles and St. Anthonies fire 1 or 2 graines being given every day in rose water Garz. others give it in sorrell water carduus or brook-lime water in the juice of limons citrons or syrup thereof yet Crato mai●es no great Caesalp Outwardly it 's used in troublesome scabs the leprosie itch and ringwormes so Garz. Acost therefore the Portugals use it often with bugloss-water Boet. it 's also a present remedie against the crysipelas and other vices of the skinne Acost it helps the Kings-evill being opened Arnold it helps hard collections in the side a small q. being taken daily for 2 or 3 weeks Acost Fragos the Indians use it in old ulcers Rod. à Castr the powder helps an ulcerated cancer Agric. it helps the bitings of poyson some beasts Garz. as of vipers and serpents Acost Cardan with treacle Fabric it helpes the bitings of a mad dog being applied Jordan Ryff also it cureth the same without damage Monard it helpeth wounds made by poysoned arrowes and against toxicum Garc. it helps exceedingly against poyson in so much that other remedies for that purpose are called by its name so Matth. Jordan Par. Forest Ardoyn Acost Amat Rauwolf Crat. Lacun. Ryff Montu Rhas Avenz Conciliat Augen Diomed. and Serapio being either taken by the mouth hung about the neck or the infusion in water being taken or applied it resisteth all poyson both hot and cold and all bitings and wounds of venimous beasts Amat giveth it against all poyson q. gr 3. in the distilled water of orange flowers and Gebelch in that of vipers grasse Caesalp in that of orange flowers Portus tox gr with the sugar of roses Caesalpinus addeth also Bole-armoniack Amat and Mercurialis use it also in vomits with other alexipharmick remedies as harts horne emeralds sealed earth and bole that by the emplastick and alexiterie vertue it may impaire the strength of the poyson Boet. Sarr Card. Augen Garz. also it may be used as an amulet some further affirme it expels all putrid matter out of the body insomuch that it 's of more worth than Unicorns horne Bauh yet though it be alexipharmick it is not sufficient against all poyson but chiefely napellus and a●snick or sublimate Ryff and Linscot preferre it before unicorns horne though Valesius contemnes it and Jordan preferres Earth of Lemnos and others and therefore the rest is left to experience Thus of the orientall bezoar now followes the occidentall or that of Peru. which some say is taken from all beasts there but Baccius saith from the Capricerve Acost out of the stomach or belly thereof containing 3 or 4 thereof and are generated of the same principles and matter as the first and of the same laminate forme they also for the most part are of an ash colour with a certaine blacknesse being lesse elaborated by heat and compacted than the orientall As for tast they have almost none Bacc. T. they are temperate and not drying as other stones and antidotes and are rather eccoprotick than d●aphoretick Monard saith that the occidentall of Peru is equall to the orientall so Salmuth in Pancirol Pet. de Osma Wittich As for the D. Alvar. Torres and Baccius give seven graines in wine when there is no feaver else with an ounce of sorrell water Saxonia giveth twice as much as of the orientall V. The occidentall bezar also Monard hath excellent faculties especially in diseases of the heart as the syncope being drunke in the paroxisme or a little before in the morning the stomach being emptie and then in rose water if there be a feaver or else in the water of orange flowers being powdered to the q. of gr 4. each time Note also it s more effectuall in women than in men It resists poysons by bitings wounds water or the like being taken twice or thrice It helps pestilentiall feavers and spotted the quartan agues symptomes melancholy humours in the whole body or part thereof as also the leprosie scab itch St Anthonies fire and other vices of the skin having a peculiar faculty against the same It helps long diseases especially where there is suspicion of poyson or flatulency being appropriate therefore it 's good to put some grains thereof into purging remedies to correct strengthen and facilitate dejection It killeth wormes especially in children and young people with other elmintick remedies giving it in the morning and afterwards a clyster of milk and sugar it helps the epilepsie in children with milk or with other things in the aged in short we use this stone in all long and difficult diseases in which vulgar remedies do little good and that with great profit or however without hurt thus Monardes Pet. de Osma also used outwardly it resists poyson and intoxication as also wounds made by venomed arrowes all which both affirme out of their own experience it 's to be given pouderod in some liquour as wine vinegar and destilled water of borrage buglosse or other according to the disease and pleasure of the Physitian Note the Spanish are lesse effectuall C. The true orientall may be known by their forme not smooth shels diverse inward hollownesse weight light mixture with chalk tincture and burning being layed on coles blowing in it friability liquation and dissolution in water blacking of the teeth clearnesse of sound when struck to the teeth a needle heated being fastned to it fragments crusty magnitude little vomiting being given after poyson and by experiments on beasts these are the signes whereby to know the true from the adulterate though found salt with by Sylvaticus If any desire the whole History thereof they may read Bauhinus though this is the summe thereof He also reckons other Bezoar stones as the Paxar that of the Aspe Toad gall of a Porsupine the minerall of Serapio Rabbi Moyses and Caesalpinus that of Hercules Saxonia that of the Staggs teares heart that in a Calfes maw in the Roch goat or Germanebezoar that in a Horse and the Arabians and American Much also may be seen in Aldrovandus who hath been as serviceable as some of the Authors aforesaid Schrod The orientall stone is of diverse figures ovall round and hollow within containing a chaffe or haire or the like it 's of a diverse colour most commonly a blackish green green paleish ash or yellowish c. without smel of a diverse magnitude but most commonly lesse than a walnut The adulterated are made of the fragments of the stone and pitch or of chalk ashes of shels and dry bloud or of cinabaris antimony and qu●cksilve● united