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A53921 The store-house of physical practice being a general treatise of the causes and signs of all diseases afflicting human bodies : together with the shortest, plainest and safest way of curing them, by method, medicine and diet : to which is added, for the benefit of young practicers, several choice forms of medicines used by the London physicians / by John Pechey ... Pechey, John, 1655-1716. 1695 (1695) Wing P1030; ESTC R17969 344,757 525

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Morning chiefly At Night apply the following Cataplasm Take of the Flower of Foenugreek-seed one ounce of Aloes half an ounce of Saffron one dram make a fine Powder mix it with White Wine wherein Crocus Metallorum has been infused make a Cataplasm to be applied hot at Bed time Many commend Pidgeons Blood dropped hot into the Eye but because the heat of it soon goes off it were better to apply a young Pidgeon before it has Feathers cut in the middle to the Eye The Suffusion being cured either by Resolving Medicines or by Chirurgical Operation care must be taken to preserve the Eyes for the Eyes being much weakned by the Disease are ready to receive Fluxions therefore Purging is to be used frequently and Issues are to be made to turn the Humours and such strengthening things are to be used as were proposed in a Gutta Serena and the Eyes must be washed in the Morning with Wine held in the Mouth till it is warm and mixed with Sage chewed in the Mouth Moreover Spectacles that represent the Objects neither greater nor lesser than they are preserve the Sight much Lastly all those things are to be avoided which injure the Sight and such as help it are to be used CHAP. XVIII Of the Dilatation of the Pupil THE Vvea Tunica is subject to many Diseases especially Rupture Distortion Dilatation and Constriction A Rupture may be occasioned by an external Cause as by a Bruise or the like or by an internal namely by a great quantity of Humours extending or breaking it But this can never be cured by Art the distorting of it happens from the first Conformation when it sticks on every side to the horny Tunick and this also can never be cured The Dilatation of the Pupil which is the hole of the Vvea Tunica through which the Species of the Objects enter the Eye injures the Sight for that the Light enters in too great quantity upon which account such as are troubled with a Dilatation of the Pupil see better where there is a little Light than where there is a great deal and this shews the natural and the ordinary changes of the Pupil which happen according to the more or less Light of the place we are in for in a very light place the Pupil is contracted and this is the Reason that when we come out of a very light Place into another that is more obscure we can at first scarce see any thing till the Pupil is gradually dilated to receive more light and then things that could not be seen at first plainly appear and on the contrary they that come put of a dark place into a very light place can scarce bear the Light The preternatural Dilatation of the Pupil is either from the Birth or arises from preternatural adventitious Causes which are either internal or external The next and immediate of the Internals is Extension of the Tunica Vvea which is either from driness or repletion driness stretches the Vvea and renders the hole of the Pupil larger as holes in Leather are larger when they are dry This dry Intemperies is occasioned by long Watchings by Fevers and other drying Causes The Repletion of the Tunica Vvea it being extended on every side renders the Pupil larger and this is produced either by Wind or Vapours or by Humours flowing upon the Eye or by the watery Humour encreased above measure and lastly from a Swelling of the Tunica Vva To these Causes may be added a Convulsion of the Tunick which chiefly appears in Fits of the Falling Sickness and in Chldrens Convulsions The external Causes are a Fall a violent Shaking holding of the breath in Women in Travail and in Trumpeters The Diagnostick of this Disease is not difficult for the Dilatation of the Pupil may be perceived by the Eyes especially if before the Disease the Physician know the natural largeness of it and also if with the largeness of the Pupil the Sight is obstructed besides the natural largeness of the Pupil is known by shutting one Eye for then the Pupil of the other is more dilated which does not happen in a Dilatation that is a Disease because the Tunica Vvea is so much distended by the preternatural Cause that it can be distended no further As to the Prognostick A Dilatation of the Pupil from the Birth is incurable and that which arises after is difficult to Cure especially if Driness be the Cause CVRE The Cure is to be varied according to the variety of the Causes and if it come from Driness the whole Body must be refreshed with moistning Medicines and Nourishment such as is used in Hectick Fevers the Body is also to be moistned with a Bath of hot Water and new Milk if it be also frequently drop'd into the Eyes especially Womens Milk If it proceed from an Humour that fills the Eye the-whole Body is to be Evacuated and presently the Hu +mour wherewith the Eye is stopped must be discussed which may be sufficiently performed by the Remedies prescribed in the Cure of a Suffusion But after them Astringents may be used to contract the Pupil of the Eye to which end the following Collyrium may be used Take of Red Roses dried two scruples of Saffron Spikenard and the Bark of Frankin●ense each half a scruple of Tutty prepared Spodium Acacia each one scruple reduce them to a Powder and tie it up in a fine Rag and infuse it in three ounces of Rose-water Drop the Water in the Eyes often and press the Rag every time you use the Water If it proceed from Wind after general Evacuations those Medicines are to be used which expel Wind and the Eyes may be fomented with a Decoction of Fennel Rue Dill Red Roses and Myrtles made in Rose-water and a fourth part of White Wine Lastly if it be occasioned by a Bruise it must be cured like an Ophthalma if there be an Inflammation but if there be no Inflammation apply at the beginning a Cataplasm made of Bean Flower the Leaves of Plantane Red Roses and rose-Rose-water But afterwards Pidgeons Blood must be often drop'd into the Eye which is an excellent Remedy for all Wounds and Bruises of the Eyes CHAP. XIX Of the Narrowness of the Pupil THE Narrowness of the Pupil is also injurious to the Sight It is either narrow from the Birth and then it is no great Injury for though they cannot see so well as others in a Place where there is not much light yet they see better in a very light Place or the Narrowness of the Pupil is occasioned by preternatural Causes as from too great moisture or driness from a Defect in the Watery Humour or for want of Spirits The Cure of this Disease is the same with the former though they produce different Effects CHAP. XX. Of an Albugo Spot and other Colours of the Cornea changed THE natural Constitution of the Cornea is altered when it loses its Perspicuity or changed into another Colour It loses its
of an Ophthalmia If there be also an Inflammation and Pain Medicines respecting both must be added to the former Moderate cleansing and drying Medicines are Sugar Honey Saffron Myrrh Frankincense Aloes Sarcocol Tutty and Ceruss whereof the following Forms may be composed Take of the Decoction of Barly and Foenugreek four ounces of the best Hony half an ounce or of Syrup of dried Roses one ounce make a Collyrium wherewith wash the Eye often or Take of Vervain and Plantane Waters each two ounces of Sugar-Candy half an ounce mingle them for a Collyrium or Take of Hony Water distilled in a Bath and of Rose-water each equal Parts or Take an Egg boiled hard and clear'd from the Shell divide it into two parts take out the Yolk and fill the hole with Sugar-Candy powder'd bind it up and set it in a Cellar and a Liquor will drop from it which is very fit to cleanse Vlcers if you would have it operate more powerfully you must mix powder'd Myrrh with the Sugar-Candy In the Progress of the Disease if it is necessary to cleanse and dry more powerfully add to the forementioned Collyria white Troches of Rhasis Frankincense Aloes Myrrh Sarcocol and such like in a small Dose You may also add Milk the White of an Egg Mucilages and other Anodyns but Tutty is better than the rest because it dries without causing Pain The following Collyrium is very drying and cleansing Take of Sarcocol moistned in Rose-water of Ceruss Aloes wash'd Myrrh Tutty prepared each half a dram of Sugar-Candy one dram with the Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth extracted in Rose-water make a Collyrium wherewith anoint the Eye-lids CHAP. XXV Of the Cancer of the Cornea AS Cancers are wont to happen in all Parts of the Body so also they sometimes grow in the Eyes A Cancer of the Eye is either occult or ulcerated An occult is called a Cancerous Tumor when it is ulcerated it is called a cancerous Ulcer in both there is an unequal hardness and a leaden and livid Colour great and pricking Pain especially about the Temples the Veins appear swoln like a Varix in the Tumour and in the Neighbouring Parts sharp Blood frequently flows our when the Cancer is ulcerated and the Pain is very much exasperated by Medicines that are never so little heating This Disease is incurable both in the Eye and in other Parts of the Body when it is rooted unless it be irradicated by a Chirurgical Operation Two sorts of Cures are proposed by Authors viz. a true one and a palliative The true one can be performed only by Chirurgery the palliative Cure which mitigates the Symptoms is perform'd by Evacuations and convenient Topicks But first of all a cooling and moistning Course of Diet must be ordered afterwards Blood must be drawn from the Part opposite to the Eye affected and Leeches must be applied behind the Ears of the same side and to the Hemorrhoidal Veins if they are any whit swelled Cupping-glasses must be also applied to the Shoulders and other sorts of Revulsions must be used Purging and the prepara●ion of the Humours by Potions Apozems medicated Brothes and the like must be frequently prescribed But above all Black Hellebore rightly prepared or the extract of it for an incipient Cancer has been cured by using of it twice or thrice These Remedies hinder the influx of the Humours into the Eyes and much lessen the Pain and other Symptoms But Topical Remedies such as are described in the Chapter of an Ophthalmia to ease pain do also much good especially Collyria made of Mucilages of the white Troches of Rhasis of Tutty prepared and with the Water of Roses Night-shade and Plantane The following Water is excellent for washing the Eye Take of the Roots of the greater Figwort and of Herb-Robert each two handfuls of Ribwort Night-shade Borrage Bugloss Purslain Eye-bright Betony each one handful of green Frogs and of the white of Eggs each number seven of the Seeds of Foenugreek and Quinces each one ounce the Roots and Seeds must be beat and the Leaves cut then pour upon them of Rose-water and Eye-bright water each one pint mingle them and distil them in a leaden Still The Flesh of Pullets eases the Pain much and some say this Disease has been cured by this Remedy only A Lady that had an ulcerous Cancer upon all the right side of her Face a long while and had used various Medicines that were prescribed by Italian French German and Spanish Physicians was cured by a Barber by this common Remedy He cut Chickens into thin and broad Pieces and applied them often in a day to the Part affected Lastly The true Cure of a confirm'd Cancer can only be perform'd by the Extraction of the Eye which Fabricious Hildanus says may be safely and successfully done and he describes at large the manner of Extirpation and all the Circumstances of it in his Observations CHAP. XXVI Of the Rupture of the Cornea THERE is such a Solution of the Continuum in the horny Tunick sometimes that the watery Humour comes out of the Tunica Vvea this is call'd a Rupture of the Cornea The cause of this is either a Rupture or a Wound and it is most commonly incurable but if the Wound be small and if but part of the watery Humour flows out the Cure may be undertaken For Galen says that the watery Humour is sometimes regenerated The Cure of this Disease must be entred upon by conglutinating Remedies Universal Evacuations namely Bleeding and Purging if they are necessary being first used drop into the Eye the White of an Egg mingled with the white Troches of Rhasis and foment the Part with the Decoction of Red Roses of the Leaves of Knot-grass Brambles Shepherds Purse and Plantane made in astringent Wine if there be not an Inflammation if there be it must be made in Simple Water Or Take of Quinces paired the Seeds and Cores being taken out half a pound of red Roses three pugils of Acacia two drams of Saffron one scruple boil them in astringent Wine and make a Pul●ise to be applied to the Part and to strengthen the whole the following Collyrium must be used Take of Aloes wash'd of prepared Tutty and of Sarcocol moistned with Womans Milk each half a scruple Saffron grains eight with Mucilage of Gum Tragacanth make a Collyrium CHAP. XXVII Of the Falling out of the Uvea THE Falling out of the Vvea often succeeds the Rupture of the Cornea the Cure of it is very difficult But if it be very small it may be oured by moderate Astringents such as are proposed in the foregoing Chapter CHAP. XXVIII Of a Fistula Lachrimalis HItherto the Diseases of the Eyes which happen in the Tunicks or Humours of them have been treated of It remains now that we speak of the Diseases of the Eye-lids and of the Corners of the Eyes And first the Tumour appearing betwixt the greater Angle of the Eye and the Root of the Nose offers
Matter comes out through the Membrane of the Ear either rarified or corroded then the Sick should lye on the Ear affected that the Matter may flow out easily and such things should be dropt into the Ear as may wash and cleanse it Take of the Decoction of Barly four ounces of Honey of Roses one ounce mingle them drop it warm into the Ear. If the Ulcer be generated by Acrimony of Matter it requires a peculiar Cure which may also be used for an Ulcer arising from Fluxion of Humours And first according to the Opinion of Galen Topical Medicines must not be applied to any Member before the whole Body is purged wherefore Evacuation by Bleeding and Purging being administred agreeable to the Nature and Constitution of the Patient and repeated through the whole course of the Cure as often as there is occasion drying and astringent Topicks may be used beginning with the Mild and proceeding to Stronger by degrees For instance Take of the best Honey and of old White-wine each three ounces boil them till all the Scum rises drop it into the Ear afterwards stop the Ear with Cotton dipt in the same Liquor when you would have the Medicine stronger mix the Juice of Horehound Smallage Wormwood the lesser Centaury or of Sow-bread with Honey boil them gently and drop them into the Ear. Or Take of the Juice of Beets one ounce of Horehonnd half 〈◊〉 ounce of the best Honey six drams boil them a little afterwards add two drams of Syrup of Wormwood mingle them You may make a stronger Medicine in the following manner Take of the Juice of Sow-bread one ounce of Myrrh on● ounce of Saffron half a scruple of Frankincense one scruple of Verdigrease half a scruple of old Wine one ounce an● an half boil them till the Wine is consumed drop th● Liquor into the Ear twice or thrice a day Note Before any Liquor is dropt in the Ear must be well cleansed with warm Hydromel a Probe wrap● round with a Cotton being dipt in the Liquor and used for that purpose The Ulcer being well cleansed it must be cicatrized by Epulotick Medicines used in the following manner Take of round Birthwort of the bark of Pomegranates and of Galls each half an ounce boil them in equal parts of Wine and Smith's-water to half a pint strain it and add to it of the Juice of Plantane and Knot-grass each one ounce of Honey of Roses two drams mingle them and drop it into the Ear or drop into the Ear burnt Allum mixed with the Wine for it is very drying If the Ulcer be very obstinate and has continued a long while it is certainly promoted by Fluxion which therefore you must endeavour to remove by Purging and a Diet-drink of Gujacum or Sarsaparilla by Errhins Masticatories Issues and by other Remedies that divert the Fluxion If Pain arise by reason of the Sharpness of the Remedies Oyl of Sweet or Bitter Almonds with Myrrh Aloes and Saffron must be dropt into the Ear If the Pain be violent a little Opium must be mixed with them or the Oyl of the Yolks of Eggs beat in a leaden Mortar may be used If the Ulcer be very Sordid Aegyptiacum must be mixed with the foresaid Juices If the Pain of the Ear be occasioned by something thrust into the Ear you must endeavour to draw it out by wrapping Wool upon a Probe dipt in Turpentine or made glutinous by Rosin or some other Gum But if this will not do warm Oyl must be often dropt into the Ear to relax it and to Lubricate the Matter contained in it and so it may the easier be drawn out and Sneesing-powder must be given and these things must be used continually till the Sick is freed for if any thing remain long in the Ear an Inflammation will arise and afterwards it will be much more difficult to extract any thing from the Ear and there will be besides great danger Lastly If the foresaid Remedies are not sufficient Chirurgical Instruments must be used See the manner of Extraction in Fabritius Hildanus Cen. I. Observ 4 5 6. Gnats sometimes insinuate themselves into the Ears and moving in the Cavity of it they cause much Trouble but they may be extracted by a Probe wrapped round with Cotten and dipt in Turpentine Sometimes water runs into the Ear in swimming or when the Head is wash'd and is often very troublesom and causes Pain but is most commonly easily shook our by hopping upon the Leg of the same side and by holding the Ear downwards But if this will not do you must endeavour to suck it out with a Pipe wrapt round with Wool to stop the hole of the Ear that the external Air should not enter in It is also dried by a small soft piece of Spunge often put in CHAP. XXXV Of things that come out Preternaturally from the Cavities of the Ears MAny Things come out preternaturally from the Ears which must be particularly mentioned and peculiar Remedies must be prescribed for them First therefore an Abscess being broken arising from an Inflammation or from an Ulcer proceeding from the Acrimony of Humours Matter or Sanies is wont to flow the Cure of which depends on the Cure of the forementioned Diseases which are proposed in the foregoing Chapter Blood also sometimes flows from the Ears as in Wounds and Concussions of the Head whereby the Veins of the Ears may be broken or torn But if this Flux be moderate it must be left to it self for if it should be retained within it might cause an Inflammation but if it be immoderate or continue a long while it must be restrained by bleeding in the Arm and by applying Cupping-glasses with Scarification to the Shoulders afterwards cooling and astringent things must be dropt into the Ears as the Juice of Plantane Knot-grass or the Decoction of Bramble-tops red Roses Mastich Acacia Hyposistis Balaustins Sumach and the like in Wine and Vinegar or Smiths Water A watry Humour sometimes flows from the Brain to the Ears this most commonly happens to Children and ought not to be stop'd for being suddenly stop'd it occasions the Falling-sickness or some other great Disease of the Head For Nature puts off Excrements and the too great Moisture that abounds in Childrens Heads not only by the ordinary ways appointed for this use viz. The Nostrils and Pallate but also through the Eyes the Ears and the Superficies of the Head where Ulcers and Scabs often happen But when such an Evacuation is Symptomatick and when the Humour flowing to the Ears causes Ulcers in them and hinders the Hearing you must endeavour to cure it by a convenient Method And First the Superfluous Humours in the Brain must be evacuated by gentle Purges often repeated and also by Derivation by Blisters in the Neck and an Issue there afterwards the Ears must be cleansed and dried by the following Medicine Take of the Juice of Agrimony and Worm-wood each four Ounces of Whitewine and Honey of
Roses each one Ounce boil them a little and drop them into the Ear the Filth being cleansed away afterwards the Ears must be stopped with Cotton dipt in the same Liquor But if a watry Humour flows from the Ears of grown People and continues so a long while the whole Body and the Brain must be evacuated afterwards the superfluous Moisture must be dried up by Sudorifick Diet-drinks and the Course of it must be endeavoured to be turned by Blisters Issues and Cupping-glasses Lastly Worms are sometimes generated in the Ears from putrid Ulcers which being cured they cease to come out But Because the healing of the Ulcer requires Time you may endeavour to kill the Worms in the mean while by convenient Remedies For Instance Take of the Oyl of bitter Almonds of the Juice of Smallage and the lesser Centaury each two Ounces of Vinegar two Drams boil them a little then add of Mirrh and Aloes each one Scruple mingle them and drop it into the Ear. If you would have it stronger add ten Grains of Coloquintida Of Diseases of the NOSE CHAP. XXXVI Of Vlcers of the Nostrils and of an Ozaena AN Ulcer of the Nostrils is either fresh and simple or old and putrid which is called an Ozaena The fresh and simple proceeds either from extetnal Causes as a Wound or Contusion or from internal viz. From Acrimony of Humours flowing thither espeally from Salt Flegm But an Ozaena comes from a simple Ulcer neglected or by reason of greater Acrimony of Humours A simple Ulcer hath little or no Pain and Blood flows frequently from it especially when it is touched or rubd or it is covered with a dry and black Scab which is sometimes blown out but an Ozaena is accompanied with a greater Pain the Scab is more filthy and the Snot stinks and it often eats the Back Bones and perforates the Pallat especially if it be of a cancerous Nature or from the French Pox or an Elephantiasis As to the Cure such a Course of Diet must be ordered as may attemperate the Acrimony of the Humours and hinder its Generation afterwards the whole Body must be evacuated by Bleeding and proper Purges and Cuping-glasses must be applyed with Scarification And if the Fluxion of sharp Humours to the Nostrils be very obstinate Derivation must be made by Blisters in the Neck and Issues there and things that strengthen the Head must be used After universal Remedies Topicks must be applyed and first you must see whither the Ulcers are crusty if they are the Scabs must be taken off before you go any farther and first you must foment them with warm Water or anoint them with fresh Butter with fresh Goose or Hens Grease or with rhe Oyl of sweet Almonds or the like When you have mollified them they must not be forcibly pulled off but you must suffer them to fall themselves or gently remove them with your Finger anointed with Oyl of Almonds When the Scabs are cleared you must use drying and astringent Medicines in a simple Ulcer it may be sufficient to wash it with Barly-water sweetned with Honey of Roses and to anoint it with Oyntment of Tutty or with the white Oyntment of Rhasis or with the Oyl of the Yolks of Eggs rub'd in a leaden Mortar But for an Ozaena you must prepare the following Medicines Take of whole Barley one Pugil of the Leaves of Agrimony Plantane Wormwood and the lesser Centaury one Handful of red Roses half a Pugil boil them in Smiths Water in the Liquor strained dissolve four Ounces of Honey of Roses make an Errhine which must be often snuffed up After it hath been cleansed the following Decoction must be used Take of Balaustins and Pomegranate-peel each two Ounces of the Leaves of Plantane Horse-tail Mouse-ear Rupture-wort each one Handful of the Roots of Bistort one Ounce of Crude-alum one Ounce and an half make a Decoction The Water of Allum is also very good and also those Medicines which are to be proposed to dry a Polypus in the following Chapter Egyptiacum also dissolved in Barly-water is good Afterwards use the following Oyntment Take of Omphacine Oyl half an Ounce of Pomegranate-Bark and Balaustines each three Drams of Mirrh Allum and Labdanum each two Drams of Chalcitis Aloes and the Bark of Frankincense each one Dram of the Oyl of Roses and Mirtles each two Ounces of red Wax a sufficient Quantity to make an Oyntment apply it to the Vlcer or dissolve it in Wine or Plantane-water snuff it up often the Mouth being filled with Water When the Ulcer is well cleansed you must dry it with the Powder of red Roses snuft up Rondeletius says that nothing is so effectual to dry the Ulcers as Fumes of Orpiment and Cinnabar As for Instance Take of Pure Labdanum of Hypocistis Mastich and Mirrh each three Drams red Storax and Storax calamit of the Bark of Frankincense Sandarach and Orpiment each two Drams mix them all with Turpentine and make Troches wherewith let the Sick be fumed Morning and Evening in his Chamber It is also of great Use to burn Candles made of red Wax in the Patient's Chamber which ought to be small and the Windows and Doors must be kept close shut And this Way says Rondeletius I have cured Ulcers which the Italian and French Physicians left off as incurable CHAP. XXXVII Of a Sarcoma and Polypus UPon Ulcers of the Nose comes sometimes fleshy Excrescences which constitute another Kind of Disease viz. A preternatural Tumour whereof there are two Sorts one a Sarcoma and the other a Polypus A Sarcoma is a fleshy Excrescence in the Nose which has no certain Shape and is much like proud Flesh in other Ulcers But a Polypus is a fleshy Excrescence arising with small Roots and afterwards spreads broad and hangs down in the Nose and resembles the Fish Polypus from whence it takes its Name It is a soft Caruncle sometimes white sometimes red and sometimes livid and if it grow much it sometimes hangs out of the Nostrils But if it be rooted high in the Nose it sometimes hangs down to the Pallat and obstructs the common Passage of the Mouth and it may be plainly seen behind the Uva It swells much in a southerly Constitution and at full Moon and is much diminished at the new Moon It may be distinguished from a Sarcoma because a Sarcoma is wont to grow at the Bottom of the Nostrils but a Polypus near the Root of the Nose The Cause of both Tumours is a thick viscid and flegmatick Humour flowing from the Brain mixed with some Blood and sometimes a melancholly Humour is mixed with it and then there is Danger lest it degenerate into a Cancer A Sarcoma is also generated often from a superfluous Nutriment of the Nostrils A Sarcoma is most commonly easily cured but a Polypus very difficultly But that which is soft and white or red or redish is cured most easily but when it is hard and livid it
is very hardly cured and there is Danger least it should turn to a Cancer That which is seated below or in the Middle of the Nostrils is easier cured than that which grows at the Root of the Nose because Medicines can scarce reach thither Both of them are to be cured the same Way viz. The superfluous Flesh must be taken off But first the antecedent Cause must be removed which is a Flegmatick Humour falling from the Head To this End an attenuating Course of Diet must be ordered and universal Evacuations Revulsion and Derivation Afterwards the superfluous Flesh must be taken off either by a caustick or by an Instrument and the Ulcer remaining must be cicatrized But at the Beginning when the Disease is fresh it is sometimes cured by astringent and very drying Medicines and such gentle Means are always to be used before you proceed to greater Take of unripe Grapes three Pounds of the Bark of Pomegranate of Balaustins and Sumach each two Pounds infuse them in Vinegar and distil them then add of Allum a Pound of Vitriol three Ounces distil them all again and touch the inward parts of the Nostrils frequently with the Water If this is not sufficient more powerful things must be used and you must add Sandarach and Orpiment to the foregoing Water or the Polypus must be frequently touched with Spirit of Vitriol tempered with Plantane Water But red Precipitat often washed is reckoned the best Medicine It may be mixt with Honey of Roses and applyed with a Tent dipt in it Plaisters are also used in this Case Take of Verdigrease Orpiment Vitriol Crude-alum each one Ounce and an half of Antimony six Drams infuse them in Vinegar and then powder them very fine when they are dry infuse them and powder them eight Times more then lastly infuse them in Plantane Water and dry them afterwards take of Oyl of Roses four Ounces of Thithargo two ounces mix them and boyl them and towards the End two Ounces of the foresaid Powder boyl it to a sticking Plaister and make Tents of it to be put up the Nostrils Note That before the Use of Causticks the Nostrils must be defended by Galen's cooling Oyntment or with Populeum or with the White of an Egg mixt with the Oyl of Roses or the like Secondly you must take Notice that caustick Medicines must be conveyed through a Silver Pipe which must incompass the Polypus so that the Medicine may work and not touch the Nostrils Thirdly you must take Notice that such Medicines must be used when the Moon is waneing for then the Tumour is much diminished and so the Medicine may the easier reach the Root of it Lastly if it cannot be cured by Medicines you must proceed to Chirurgical Operation which is described by Cornelius Celsus and by late Authors CHAP. XXXVIII Of the Loss of Smelling and other Faults of it SMelling as all the other Actions of the Body is hurt three Ways it is either diminished abolished or depraved The Cause of Smelling diminished and abolished are the same they only differ in Degree they are Intemperies Obstruction and Compression A cold and moist intemperies joyned with Flegmatick Matter lessens Smelling or quite abolishes it upon which Account in a Catarrh and Coryza the Sense of Smelling is frequently lessened or wholly destroyed Obstruction is occasioned by a Flegmatick Humour which stops the Passages of the Nostrils and the Pores of the Mamillary Processes so that Smells cannot come to them it may also be occasioned by a Sarcoma Polypus or any thing else that stops the Passages of the Nostrils A Compression also sometimes may happen from a Flegmatick Humour collected in the fore part of the Brain compressing the Mamillary Processes as happens in Diminution of the Sight by compressing of the Optick Nerves It also may happen from a natural Defect in the Confirmation of the Nostrils as when the Nostrils are so narrow and low that there is not a free Passage The Cause of depraved smelling is a bad Savour continually striking upon the Nostrils which either proceeds from an Ulcer of the Nostrils or from putrid Flegm gathered together about the Nostrils or the Os Ethmoides For that Flegm that putrifies in the Sense of Smelling or near it betwixt the Coats of the Brain does not affect the Sense it self nor those that labour under it but any one that sits near them will easily find it out for nothing can be smelt but what is carried to the Sense from some other Place A nasty and stinking Vapour may be carried to the Processus Mamillares from other Parts as from the Stomach Gums and the Brain it self that spoil the Sense of Smelling so that all Savours are thought to be such even as the Tongue being disordered by bitter Choler tasts all things bitter Any of these Causes are easily known a cold Intemperies and Abundance of Flegm are known by a cold and moist Intemperies of the Brain and a slimy Flegm dropping from the Head An Obstruction if it be occasioned by Flegm is known by the same Signs If it proceeds from a Sarcoma or a Polypus the Diagnostick is to be taken from their proper Chapters The Place wherein the Matter causing the Obstruction resides is known from this If it sticks in the Passages of the Nostrils there is a Defect of the Speech because the Nostrils do greatly contribute to the forming of Words But if the Matter stick in the fore part of the Brain or the Mamillary Passages the Speech will be perfect You may know by the peculiar Diseases of each Part from whence the ill Scent arises that offends the Organ of Smelling As to the Prognostick Smelling if it be lately lost or if it arises from a simple Coriza may be easily cured The cure must be varied according to the Variety of the Causes if it arise from a cold Intemperies those things are proper which are used for a cold Catarrh But to open an Obstruction occasioned by Flegm thrust into the Passages of the Nostrils or into the Mamillary Processes such Remedies are to be used as purge those Parts viz. Errhins Sneazing-Powders and Apoplegmatisms Lastly If the Nostrils are obstructed by a Sarcoma or Polypus it must be cured by the removing of them CHAP. XXXIX Of an ill Scent in the Nostrils AN ill Scent in the Nostrils and a stinking Breath are very different for that comes wholly from the Nostrils but this from various Parts viz. From the Stomach Lungs Gums or from Ulcers in the Jaws which are either apparent to Sense or may be known by their proper Signs But an ill Scent in the Nose is occasioned by putrid Vapours arising either from the Nostrils as in an Ozena a Sarcoma or Polypus or from Air transmitted to the Nostrils from putrid Humours contained in the Brain and in rhe fore Part of it or about the Mamillary Processes or Os Cribrasum But Flegmatick Humours putrifie in the said Parts when they are retained in
of Allum and Galls made into a Plaister with Pitch are very effectual Riverius chief Physician to Henry the Great kept the following Plaister as a great Secret Take of Pine-nuts and red Roses of the Seeds of Cresses torrified of Mastich and seal'd Earth each one dram and an half infuse them in Rose Vinegar twenty four Hours afterwards dry them and add of Opium dissolved in Aqua Vitae three ounces of Ship Pitch and Colophony each one Ounce of Yellow Wax melted in the Oyls of Henbane and white Poppies by Expression a sufficient quantity make a Plaister which must be applied to the Arteries and pained Part. Medicines also are put into the Ears for Pain in the Teeth because the Arteries which nourish the Teeth do pass by the Ears upon that account Oyl of bitter Almonds is put into the Ear next to the Tooth affected also a Suffumigation of Vinegar in which Penyroyal or wild Marjoram hath been boiled is often used Vinegar is also dropt into the Ear by which the Fluxion is powerfully stopped and it is most effectual in a hot Fluxion But in a hot Fluxion Juice of Garlick mixed with Venice Treacle and dropt warm into the Ear mitigates the Pain powerfully Also the Root of Garlick the Bark being taken off and made in the form of a Suppository and put into the Ear produces the same Effect Astringents are also applied in the beginning of the Fluxion and they ought to be cold if the Matter be hot but if it be cold hot Medicines mixed with those that are repelling are to be used in whatever Cause if the Pain be violent Anodyns are to be mixed with Discutients To which Purpose the following Medicine may be prescribed Take of the Roots of Cinquefoil Bistort Tormentill each one dram of the Leaves of Vervain Plantain and Mullein each one handful Cypress-nuts Galls and Cups of Acrons each two drams of red Sanders a dram and an half of red Roses and Balaustines each one pugil boil them in astringent Wine and Vinegar fomeri● the pained Part with this Decoction frequently This Decoction may be used in the beginning of a hot Fluxion in a cold one you may add the Roots of Cyperus the Bark of Box-wood Ivy-leaves and the like A more Simple Medicine may be prepared of Plantain and Rose Water with a little Vinegar after the manner of an Oxycrat Or the Teeth must be washed with a Decoction of Galls in Vinegar Or Take of Cinquefoil-roots half an ounce of Willow-leaves half an handful boil them in astringent Wine and wash the Mouth with the Decoction This Decoction stops the Fluxion and eases Pain After that these Remedies have been used which mitigate the Pain and discuss the Cause of it of which there are a great Number proposed by Authors and also by the common People We shall in the next Place propose those that are more effectual of the which such Choice is to be made that these which not only resolve and discuss but also stop the Flux being mixed with astringents in the beginning and increase of the Disease those which only discuss in the Height and Declination Take of the Juice of House-leek and Night-shade each two ounces of Cow or Sheeps-milk eight ounces Oyl of Roses Omphacin one ounce and an half of OpiUm and Saffron each three grains mix them and apply a Rag dipt in the Liquor warm often to the Jaws where the pained Tooth is Or Take of the Pap of sweet Apples boiled two ounces of Bra● infused in Vinegar three ounces Oyl of Roses Omphacin one Dram Saffron half a scruple of Opium two grains mix them and make a Cataplasm to be applied to the part affected Or Take of wheaten and Bean-flower each three ounces of Oyl of Roses compleat and of sweet Almonds each half an ounce of the Juice of the greater House-leek an ounce and an half of Milk a sufficient quantity make a Cataplasm to be often applied warm to the Part affected Or Take the Whites of two Eggs beat them with Rose-water with Rags whereon two drams of Pepper powdered has been sprinkled apply them over the whole Cheek affected Nevertheless it is carefully to be noted that Astringents be not applied to the Jaws if they be tumified least the Humour be repelled back and should suffocate the Patient Cotton dipt in Oyl of Cloves and put into the Hollow Tooth is frequently used to ease the Pain Oyl of Box also does the same But if the Pain be so violent that it cannot be quelled with the foresaid Remedies we must use Narcoticks which may be applied to the pained Tooth but they most certainly give Ease being taken inwardly you may give three or four grains of the London Laudanum it gives ease and stops the Fluxion Take of Opium Mirrh and Labdanum each one Dram powder them and boil them in Whitewine to the Consistance of a Liniment mix Cotton with it and stop the Hollow Tooth If Worms are in the Teeth they must be killed by bitter things Take of Aloes one Dram of Champhor ten Grains of Aqua Vitae half a dram mingle them and apply them to the Teeth with Cotton It is to be noted that there is seldom a Pain in the Teeth unless they are Hollow and untill they are eaten through to the Nerve wherefore that the Pain may be taken off the Nerve must be burnt either with an actual Cautery or with Aqua fortis or Oyl of vitriol put into the Cavity But if notwithstanding all these means the Pain continues the Tooth must be drawn but care must be taken that the Tooth be not drawn when the Fluxion rushes violently upon it or when the Headach accompanies it or the Gums are swelled and when the Pain is violent and the Tooth-drawer must be admonished that he does not pluck it out violently at once least a concussion of the Brain shou'd follow or the breaking of the Jaw-bone upon which violent Bleeding a Feaver and sometimes Death comes As soon as the Tooth is drawn the Part from whence it is taken must be pressed on every side that it may be restored to its natural State afterwards let the Sick wash his Mouth with warm Oxycrat and let him be careful least he catch cold whereby a new Fluxion may fall upon other Teeth But if Blood flow so much as that it can scarce be stopt which sometimes happens though the Jaw be not broken by reason of a Vein or Artery torn This Flux of Blood is most commonly stopt by applying Lint rolled up hard and pressing it hard down an hour or two with the Fingers But if this does not succeed burnt Vitriol must be applyed and a Rag dipt in Vinegar over it which also must be pressed down with the Finger till it be crusted The last Remedy is an actual Cautery which presently stops the Blood But if any timerous Person cannot bare the drawing of a Tooth but desires to have it extracted by Remedies Those things are to
the Sick bends towards the well Side the Motion of Nature must be furthered by applying Cataplasms made of emollient Roots and Herbs of the Seeds of Flax and of the Flowers of Camomil to which being boiled bruised and pulped Meals Butter Grease and proper Oyls must be added whereby unless the Abscess break and cleanse it self by Urine the Matter breaks into the Cavity of the Belly upon which account sudden Death or an hectick Feaver follows Sometimes the Tumour swells outwards and then it must be opened by a Potential Cautery or with a Knife It also happens sometimes that the Tumours become Scirrhous the Feaver ceasing but the Pain continuing with a greater Sense of Weight and a Numbness of the neighbouring Parts which are most commonly incurable for the Sick falls into a Cachexy and Dropsie yet the Cure may be attempted by emollient inciding and digestive Medicines CHAP. LXXXIX Of Bloody Vrine BLood may be conveyed from many Parts to the Urinal Passages and be mixed with the Urine and so render it bloody but that rarely happens and we only discourse here of Diseases of the Reins and Bladder and of that bloody Urine which proceeds from the fault of those Parts The Blood flows from the Reins and Bladder as from all other Parts either by opening of the Vessells by a Rupture or a Solution of the Continuum but very rarely by reason of the Thinness of the Veins which carry Blood to these Places The most frequent causes are Fullness and Acrimony of the Blood and a Stone in the Kidneys a Fall or Blow the lifting or carrying of a great Weight violent Motion of the Body or the like When Blood flows from the Bladder it is little in quantity The Cure of this Disease must be varied according to the Variety of the Causes And first If it proceed from a great quantity or Acrimony of the Blood Bleeding must be used frequently but little must be taken away at a time and in this case Cupping glasses Frictions and Ligatures must be used to the upper Parts and Derivation must be made by bleeding in the Foot or by opening the Hemorrhoidal Veins When serous and Cholerick Humours promote this Evacuation they must be purged off by Catharticks used by Intervals Take of Rubarb a little torrified and powdered one dram of Coral prepared half a Scruple of the Whey of Goats-milk or of Plantane-water three ounces make a Potion Take of Cassia fresh drawn half an ounce of the Pulp of Tamarinds six drams of Bole-armonick half a Scruple with Sugar make a Bolus After due Revulsions and Evacuations or whilst they are used if there be occasion such things as restrain the Blood and heal the Veins must be given but they must not be presently used least the Blood should be stopt too soon and being thickned it should coagulate somewhere for this Purpose the Juice of Plantane fresh drawn is much commended four or five ounces of it being taken Morning and Evening which is also very proper in all Hemorrhagies but if it be too cold for the Stomach it may be boiled a little with Sugar Sheeps-milk is also much commended four ounces of it being taken with a dram of Bole-armenick but after takeing it the Sick must not sleep nor exercise himself Decoctions also of Knot-grass Horse-tail Purslain and of the Tops of Brambles sweetned with Syrup of Quinces or to qualifie the Heat of the Blood the following Apozem may be used Take of the Leaves of Lettice Purslain Plantane and Comfrey each one handful of the four greater and lesser cold Seeds each one dram of Jujubes three pair of Liquorish half an ounce of the Flowers of Water-lillies of Violets and of Roses each one Pugil make a Decoction to a Pint and an half in the strained Liquor dissolve of Gum-tragacanth a dram and an half of Syrup of Violets and of dried Roses each one ounce and an half of Sal-prunella half an ounce of the Troches of Alkakengi without Opium half a dram make an Apozem for four Doses To thicken and restrain the Blood more powerfully we may add to it an ounce of Syrup of Poppies If the Disease be lasting an Electuary may be made in the following manner Take of the Conserves of Roses and of the Roots of Comfrey each two ounces of sealed Earth and Bole-Armenick of Dragons-blood red Coral Blood-stone and Troches of Ambar each one dram of Hypocistis grains of Kermes and of the Seeds of Plantane each one scruple with equal Parts of Syrup of Mirtles and of Poppies make an Electuary whereof let him take the quantity of a Walnut Morning and Evening drinking upon it a little plantane-Plantane-water Dr. Gordon's Troches are also reckoned excellent in this Case But because Clots of Blood are wont to be retained in the Bladder and to occasion violent Symptoms for the Dissolution of them it will be convenient to drink warm now and then Mallow-water mixed with a little Vinegar but the quantity of the Vinegar must be so small that it can scarce be tasted Outwardly Topicks must be applied to the Region of the Loins such as are proper to cool and bind the Reins Take of the Roots of Bristort and of Comfrey each one ounce of the Leaves of Plantane Purslain Shepherds-purse Knot-grass each one handful of the Flowers of Pomegranates half an ounce of the grains of Sumach and Mirtles and of Hypocistis each two drams of the Cups of Acorns and of yellow and red Sanders each one dram of red Roses three Pugils boil them in smith's-Smith's-water with a little Vinegar strain the Liquor and foment the Reins with it warm A Bath may be made of the same Decoction the quantity of it being increased Take of the Juice of Plantane and of Blood-wort each two ounces of Vinegar half an ounce of Omphacine Oyl one ounce boil them to the Consumption of the Juices then add of Dragons-blood Mastich and of Pomegranate-peel each two drams of Champhor half a dram of the Countesses Oynoment four ounces of Wax a sufficient quantity make a Liniment Anoint the Loins with it frequently at the time you use it mix a little Vinegar with it Leaden Plates with many holes in them worn upon the Reins are very proper When the Voiding of Blood proceeds from the Stone the following Method has been found very successful by Dr. Sydenham who was much troubled with the Gout the Stone in the Kidneys and a bloody Urine and I have also found it very successful I drank says he two ounces and a half of Manna dissolved in a quart of Whey swallowing now and then a little of the Juice of Lemmons while I was purging to quicken this Cathartick which used to work slowly and to render it more pleasant to the Stomach It can scarce be said how much Ease I received about the Region of the Reins by the use of this Remedy for though they did not always ach before yet they were affected with a heavy and troublesom Pain and
quantity of them being increased or diminished as there seems occasion In the mean time if the Belly be hard it must be loosened by things that purge gently and cooling Glisters frequently injected do much good in qualifying the Inflammation the Womb lying upon the right Gut But the quantity of them must be very small that they may be the longer retained Take of the Roots of Marsh-mallows one ounce of the leaves of Mallows Violets and Lettice each one handful of Night-shade half an handful of the flowers of Violets and red Roses each one pugil of acid Prunes number ten boyl them in Barly-water to six ounces of the strained Liquor add three ounces of Oyl of Roses make a Glister If the pain be very violent to the foresaid Glister may be added yolks of Eggs Hens grease Woman's milk the mucilages of the Seeds of Fenugreek Flax o● Mallows and a little Opium and a little Saffron Injections may be also made for the Womb of Goats or Sheeps milk with Opium or Saffron each Grains three or four with a little Rose-water Or to the Pessaries may be added a moderate quantity of Opium with a little Saffron yolks of Eggs and Oyl of Roses or Pessaries may be made of Philonium Romanum with Cotton or an anodyne Fomentation may be prepared in the following manner Take of Marsh-mallows with the roots of Mallows and Violets each one handful of Camomile Melilot and Roses each one pugil boil them for a fomentation The Disease decreasing Purging must be repeated with gentle Catharticks but if it tend to resolution which may be known by a remission of the Symptoms and by a lesser weight in the part Discutients must be added in larger a quantity to the foresaid Remedies or make the following Cataplasm Take of the Powder of the roots of Marsh-mallows one ounce of the flowers of Melilot and Camomile each two drachms of the leaves of Mugwort powder'd of the Meal of Barly and Beans each half an ounce boil them a little in rough Wine add to them of fresh Lard of the Oils of Camomile and of white Lillies each one ounce make a Cataplasm A dissolving fomentation or bath is here also of use If the Tumor cannot be dissolved but tends to supparation it must be furthered by the following Cataplasm Take of the powder of the roots of Marsh-mallows of the flowers of Camomile and Melilot of the Meal of Linseeds Fenugreek-seeds each one ounce of fat Figs number eight boil them to the consistence of a Cataplasm then add of the yolks of Eggs number four of Saffron ten grains of Oil of Lillies and fresh Butter each one ounce make a Cataplasm The Pus being made which may be known by the remission of the heat and pain and by its ●loating when it is touched the breaking of the abscess must be endeavoured by the motion of the Body Sneazing Coughing by applying Cupping-glasses by cleansing and attenuating Injections or by Pessaries that have a faculty of breaking Tumors For instance Take of Goose-fat half an ounce of Turpentine two drachms of the powder of the seeds of Rue and of Orris-root each half a drachm mix them and make a Pessary The Abscess being broken we must endeavour to cleanse and heal the Ulcer as shall be shewed in the following Chapter CHAP XCIX Of an Vlcer in the Womb. AN Ulcer follows an Inflammation of the Womb suppurated it also proceeds from other causes viz. from whatever corrodes the Womb. Therefore the causes of it are an Abscess broken acrid Humours flowing to the Womb acrid and corr●ding Medicines injected or taken inwardly as Cantharides The antecedent causes are all those things that occasion an Inflammation as hard Labour violent and ungovernable Copulation acrid and long Whites Wounds Falls Contusions but especially a virulent Gonorrhaea and the French Pox the Contagion whereof is easily communicated to the Womb and the neck of it The differences are to be sought for from the Place Magnitude Figure and Complication with other Diseases The diagnostick Signs are a Pain and Gnawing and the evacuation of purulent Matter The cure of the Ulcer must be performed by stoping the defluxion of acrid Humours and by cleansing and conglutinating the Ulcer And first if the Body be Plethorick or if the Ulcer be accompanied with an Inflammation a Vein must be opened in the Arm and bleeding must be repeated as often as there is danger of a new fluxion especially at the time of the Courses to lessen them which are wont to increase the matter of the Ulcer and to promote the flux of other Humours to the Womb. Purging is also very necessary to cleanse the Body from ill Humours but it ought to consist of gentle Catharticks as of Sena Rhubarb Tamarinds Myrabolanes and the like which must be often repeated that the vitious Humours may be diverted and this is of so great moment that Forestus says That a noble Matron was cured of an Ulcer of the Womb by taking every fourth day five ounces of the decoction of Sena Dodder of Thym red Roses Indian Myrabolanes sweetned with Sugar and by injecting a cleansing decoction into the Womb. For common use a magisterial Syrup may be made in the following manner Take of the roots of Comfry and of fresh Polypody of the Oak each one ounce of the Bark of dried Citron six drachms of the leaves of Plantain Periwinkle Sanicle Sorrel and Maiden-hair each one handful of Liquorish rasped and of Raisins of the Sun stoned each one ounce of Sena cleansed six drachms of the seeds of Bastard-saffron bruised two ounces of Agarick fresh trochiscated and tyed up in a Rag ten drachms of the seeds of Anise and Melon each three drachms of the Cordial Flowers of Rosemary and of Dodder each one pugil make a decoction of all in a part of which infuse half an ounce of choice Rhubarb and one drachm of Cinnamon in a pint and an half of the strained Liquor dissolve three ounces of Syrup of Roses solutive and a sufficient quantity of Sugar boil them well and make a Syrup whereof let her take two or three ounces twice or thrice in a month with a decoction of Agrimony and Plantain or with an infusion of Rhubarb in Endive water If the sick vomits easily a Vomit is most useful for it makes a revulsion of the Humours from the Womb and the days the sick does not purge a vulnerary decoction must be used a long while made in the following manner Take of the leaves of Agrimony Knot-grass Burnet and Plantain each half a handful of the roots of China three drachms of Coriander-seed one drachm of Raisins half an ounce of red Sanders one scruple boil them in Chicken Broath strain it Let the sick take of it morning and evening Or Take of the leaves of Mugwort Plantain Yarrow each one handful Rhaponticum half an ounce of the seeds of Nettles one drachm boil them in a measure of white Wine and sweeten it with Sugar let
the sick take two or three ounces in a morning If the Fever be violent and if a great quantity of Sanies be evacuated Whey is very proper half a pint or more being taken in a morning with a little Hony of Roses If the Body begin to waste and there is a hectick Fever Asses Milk must be taken with Sugar of Roses for a whole Month. Sudorificks there being no Inflammation or a hot Intemperies may also do good to dry the Ulcer and to drive the serous Humours towards the habit of the Body Turpentine washed in some proper Water for the Womb as in Mugwort or Feferfew-water or in some Water proper for the Ulcer as Plantain or rose-Rose-water taken with Sugar of Roses by Intervals cleanses and heals the Ulcer Pills of Bdellium taken daily or every other day are also very good Take of Bdellium three drachms of Myrrh and Frankincense each one drachm of Sarcocoll Amber Storax and of Myrabolanes called Chebule each one drachm of red Coral two scruples with syrup of Poppies make a mass for Pills to which when the Pain is violent may be added a little Opium Troches of Alkakengi with Opium may be also used when the pain is violent and to ease the pain the same Remedies may be prescribed which were proposed in an Inflammation of the Womb for the same Symptom The following Powder is also very effectual to dry the Ulcer Take of Acacia and Hypocistis each one drachm of Dragon's-blood white Starch the roots of Plantain and of round Birthwort each half a drachm of Bole armenick one drachm of Mastich and Sarcocol each half a drachm make a fine Powder the dose is one drachm in Plantain or rose-Rose-water or in some Chalybeat-water To cleanse dry and heal the Ulcer various Injections are prepared but they must not be used till the Inflammation is taken off and till the Pain is eased and therefore upon account of the Inflammation and Acrimony Emulsions of the cold Seeds the Whey of Goat's-milk or the Milk it self or mixed with the juice of Plantain or Shepherd's purse may be injected first if necessity requires a decoction of Poppy-heads and tops of Mallows may be injected Some Practitioners say The Sick may be much relieved by injecting frequently warm Water The hot Intemperies and the Pain being quieted or at least diminished we must use such things as cleanse beginning with the gentle and proceeding by degrees to the stronger The gentle are Whey with Sugar a decoction of Barly with Sugar or Hony of Roses but simple Hydromel cleanses more A decoction will be a little stronger made with Barly Lentils Beans not excorticated of the Leaves of Smallage Plantain and Pellitory a little Hony of Roses being added When the Ulcer is very sordid the following decoction may be used Take of the roots of Gentian Rhaponticum Zedoary and round Birthwort each one ounce of white Wine three pints boil them to the consumption of a third part in the strained Liquor dissolve half a pound of Sugar and keep it for use If the Ulcer be very fetid a little Vnguentum Aegyptiacum may be added to the decoction When the Ulcer is well cleansed we must use such things as dry and consolidat Take of the roots of Comfry and Bistort each one ounce of the leaves of Plantain Horsetail Shepherd's-purse Sanicle Mouse-ear Milfoil each one handful of red Roses half an handful boil them in a measure of Water for an injection The following Sarcotick Powder may be added to it Take of the roots of Orris Birthwort and Comfry each half an ounce of Myrrh one ounce of Aloes three drachms make a Powder whereof let half an ounce be mingled with every injection Take of Turpentine washed in Plantain-water two drachms dissolve it with Hony and the yolk of an Egg and mingle it with the Injection This is very effectual but is more so if the sarcotick Powder be also added Oil of the yolks of Eggs stirred well about in a leaden Mortar is also very good Fumes must be used for deep Ulcers for they penetrate to the bottom of the Womb and dry the Ulcers Take of Frankincense Myrrh Mastick Gum-juniper Labdanum each one ounce with a sufficient quantity of Turpentine make Troches for a Fume When the Ulcer is very obstinat Cinnabar must be added which is of excellent use The Bath-waters have cured Women when all other Medicines have been ineffectual Plasters may be also conveniently applied to the Epigaster If the Ulcer be in the Neck of the Womb it must be anointed with Liniments that cleanse and dry Take of the juice of Smallage two ounces of hony of Roses one ounce and an half of Turpentine half an ounce of the meal of Barly or of Orobus a sufficient quantity make a Liniment Oyntment of Diapompholigos may be also applied adding to it Frankincense Mastich Myrrh Aloes according to the condition of the Ulcer These things cleanse After you have sufficiently cleansed the Ulcer you must apply a drying and cicatrizing Ointment Take of Tutty washed half an ounce of Lytharge Ceruss and Sarcocoll each two drachms of Oil and Wax a sufficient quantity make an Ointment Sometimes the Ulcer penetrates the right Gut and sometimes the Bladder which may be known by the Matter evacuated by those Parts If it flow by the right Gut lenitive cleansing and drying Glisters must be injected But if it flow from the Bladder gentle and cooling Diureticks must be used as an Emulsion of the greater cold Seeds Turpentine and other Remedies prescribed for an Ulcer of the Bladder If the Ulcer turn to a Fistula which chiefly happens when it is opened outwardly towards the Hip though it may happen in the Womb it self or in the Neck of it in this case we must consider whether it be best to leave the accustomed Passage untouched through which Nature endeavours to evacuate various Excrements or to undertake the Cure of it But if that be thought most proper for the Sick a Cure that is called palliative must be instituted by Purges frequently repeated and by sweating twice a year and by cleansing and strengthening Injections and by applying over a Plaster of Diapalma or the like But if there be any hopes of a Cure the same Remedies must be used which are proper for other Fistula's If the Ulcer be occasioned by the French Pox it cannot be cured without an universal Cure in performing which the Fumes of Cinnabar received through a Tunnel into the Womb are peculiarly proper also the anointing the inner Parts of the Womb with a mercurial Ointment In all Ulcers of the Womb if there be a troublesome itching about the Neck as it frequently happens by reason of a defluction of an acrid and salt Humour to the part a Pessary must be made to qualifie it dipt in the Ointment of Elecampane with Mercury or in Aegyptiacum dissolved in Sea or Alum-water or in fresh Butter wherein quick Silver has been extinguished to which must be
sorrel one drachm of species Liberans half a scruple with a sufficient quantity of the syrup of the juice of Citron make a Cordial Bolus Take of the compound Powder of Crab's claws half a scruple of Volatile salt of Hart's horn three grains of confection of Hyacinth a sufficient quantity Take of the Cordial magisterial Powder of compound Powder of Crab's claws each twelve grains of the temperate Cordial Species eight grains mingle them make a Cordial-powder for two Doses Take of the compound Powder of Crab's claws and of the Goa-stone each half a drachm mingle them Make a Powder to be divided into three doses Catharticks TAke of Quercetan's pill of Tartar one drachm and an half of the Pil. Coch. major two scruples of chimical Oil of Marjoram three drops mingle them make twelve Pills and let three be taken at Bed-time once in two or three days Take of the fetid Pill and of Troches of Myrrh each one drachm of volatile Salt of sal Armoniack one scruple of peruvian Balsam a sufficient quantity make midling Pills Take of the fetid Pill and of Rudius's extract each half a drachm of salt of VVormwood ten grains of Oil of Cloves two drops with a sufficient quantity of Elixir Proprietatis make twelve Pills Let him take four every third day with Regimen Take of the Pills of Storax ten grains of Aloes Rosat two scruples make eight Pills Let him take them every other night and the next morning an ounce of Manna and a drachm of Cream of Tartar Take of Pil. ex duobus and of Pil. Coch. minor each one scruple of salt of Tartar half a drachm with a sufficient quantity of syrup of Backthorn and four drops of Juniper berries make twelve Pills Let him take six with Regimen Take of the Pill of Hound's-tongue one scruple of Aloes Rosat and of the Pil. Coch. minor each one drachm of salt of Tartar half a drachm with a sufficient quantity of syrup of Violets make eighteen Pills Give six when the cholick pain is violent and let the sick keep his bed six hours and repeat them upon occasion Take of Manna one ounce and an half dissolve it in two ounces and an half of black Cherry-water add one ounce of the purging syrup of Apples of spirit of Sulphur three drops Let the Child take half of this every other day Take of Gerion's decoction of Sena four ounces of syrup of Buckthorn six drachms of spirit of Sulphur six drops of Aqua mirabilis one drachm mingle them make a Potion to be taken in the morning Take of the Powder of Rhubarb twenty five grains of salt of Wormwood eight grains of syrup of Succory with Rhubarb a sufficient quantity mingle them make a Bolus to which add two drops of chimical Oil of Aniseeds Take of Mercurius dulcis and Diagridium each fifteen grains mingle them make a Powder to be taken in the morning Diaphoreticks TAke of Venice-treacle half a drachm of bezoartick Powder one scruple of syrup of the juice of Citron a sufficient quantity Make a Bolus Take of the Powders of the roots of Contrayerva Virginian snakeweed and Butterbur each one drachm of Cochinele and Saffron each half a drachm mingle them make a Powder The dose is half a drachm Take of the compound Powder of Crab's claws half a drachm of conserve of VVoodsorrel one drachm of Mithridate two scruples and an half mingle them Presently after taking it drink a draught of Posset-drink wherein Camomil or Marigold-flowers have been boil'd Take of Venice-treacle one drachm of Laudanum Opiatum one grain and an half of the pulp of Conserve of Roses half a drachm mingle them make a Bolus to be taken at bed-time drinking upon it the following draught Take of Treacle-water one ounce of Carduus-water two ounces of syrup of Cowslips three drachme mingle them make a draught Take of Venice-treacle two scruples of volatile Salt of Amber and Bezoartic mineral each half a drachm of Laudanum opiatum three grains mingle them make a Bolus Take of Salt of Hartshorn two grains of the magisterial Cordial-powder six grains of Camphor and Cochinele each four grains of Venice-treacle one scruple of the Aqua Coelestis a sufficient quantity mingle them make a Bolus Let it be taken at a convenient time and let nine ounces of the following Apozem be taken every third hour Take of the roots of Scorzonera two ounces of Butturbur Angelica and Fennel each one ounce of rasped Hartshorn six drachms of Ivory rasped three drachms of Marigold-flowers one pugil of Vetches half a handful boil them in a sufficient quantity of Barly-water to a quart of the Liquor strain'd add half an ounce of tincture of Saffron of Christalline Sugar one ounce mingle them make an Apozem Diureticks TAke of Sal Prunellae two drachms of Sugar candy one drachm make a Powder to be divided into six parts Let one be taken thrice a day Take of Sal Prunella three drachms of Salt of Amber half a drachm make a Powder The dose is half a drachm thrice a day Take of Compound-water of Horse-radish two ounces of Pellitory-water four ounces of spirit of Salt one scruple fifteen grains of salt of Tartar fifteen grains of syrup of Violets half an ounce mingle them make a Potion Take of the Powder of Bees one scruple of the seeds of Lovage half a scruple mingle them make a Powder Take of the Powder of Egg-shells half a drachm or one drachm give it in a draught of Whitewine Take of the Waters of Arsmart and Wake-robin each six ounces of compound Briony-water and compound Radish-water each two ounces of the syrup of the five opening Roots one ounce and an half of spirit of Salt forty drops mingle them make a Julep Let four or five ounces of it be taken twice a day Eye-Waters TAke of the water of Spawn of Frogs of Plantain and of Roses each one ounce of Tutty-stone prepared two scruples of the white Troches of Rhasis half a scruple mingle them make an eye-Eye-water to be used twice or thrice a day cold Take of red Rose water two ounces of Salt of Vitriol finely powder'd five grains mingle them make a Collyrium Take of Crocus metallorum one drachm of Plantain-water three ounces digest them hot for six hours and then filter them Make a Collyrium to be dropt into the Eyes often in a day Emulsions TAke of blanched Almonds number three of the seeds of Melons Lettice and white Poppies each one drachm of the pulp of Barly three drachms beat them and pour on them a sufficient quantity of Barly-water to eight ounces of the strained Liquor add five drachms of Diacodium mingle them make an Emulsion Take of blanched Almonds twelve of the four greater cold Seeds each one drachm and an half of the seeds of Lettice and white Poppies each half a drachm beat them in a marble Mortar and pour on them gently a sufficient quantity of Poppy-water make an Emulsion for 2 doses
Medicines may be applied to the Forehead and the Temples at the very beginning of the Disease because by them the Veins by which the Humours fall upon the Eyes are compressed and the Humour repelled They may be made after this manner Take of Bole-armenick Dragons blood Frankincense Mastich each one Dram red Roses Balaustins and the Flower of Lentles each two Scruples mix them with the White of an Egg and Vinegar of Roses Make a Cataplasm to be applied to the Forehead and Temples A Cataplasm made of the Juice of Nettles and Wheaten Flower is esteemed very effectual for stopping the Flux of Humours upon the Eye being applied to the Forehead and Temples sometimes the Juice of Nettles by a specifick quality does stop all manner of Fluxes of Blood being either applied outwardly to the place or taken inwardly In the mean time if the pain be very violent which causes a Fluxion more and more upon the Eyes anodine Medicines must be applied to the Eyes of which the new Milk of an healthful Woman is the best which is to be milk'd from the Breast into the Eye instead of it new Cheese made of Sheeps Milk may be used But it must be often changed lest it turn to Butter and so augment the inflamation The White of an Egg beat into Water is greatly commended by Galen because it eases Pain and stops the Fluxion gently An Apple roasted under Cinders does also greatly mitigate the pain of the Eyes The Mucilages of the Seeds of Fleabean Quinces and Fenugreek Seeds extracted with Rose-water do greatly ease Pain they must be changed once in two days lest they become sharp Of these several Compositions may be made upon occasion For example Take of the Pap of a sweet Apple roasted under the Cinders one Ounce of the Mucilages of the Seeds of Psyllium and of Quinces extracted in Rose-water each six Drams of the Liquor of the White of a new Egg and Womans Milk each one Ounce Make a Cataplasm to be applied to the Eyes Pieces of Kids Calves or Sheeps Flesh new kill'd frequently applied to the Eyes powerfully ease Pains A more simple Cataplasm may be made of Crums of Bread moistned in Womans Milk and Rose-water But if the Pain be vehement and intolerable Narcoticks must be used but sparingly and with Caution because they condense the Spirits that serve for Sight and thicken the Coats of the Eye and the Humours and so dull the Sight Amongst the Ocular Narcoticks Trochisci Albi Rhasis with Opium are the best which may be prescribed after this manner Take of Rose Water two Ounces the White of an Egg strongly beaten one Ounce Trochisci Albi Rhasis with Opium one Dram make a Collyrium to be dropt into the Eyes After the Pain is abated repelling Medicines are to be used which ought to be moderate and anodine Medicines are to be always mixed with them to this end the following Collyrium uses to be prescribed Take of Plantane-water Rose-water each an Ounce and an half Liquor of the White of an Egg an Ounce Trochisci Albi Rhasis without Opium one Dram make a Collyrium to be often dropt into the Eyes If the Pain be more sharp Womans Milk and the above mentioned Mucilages may be added to the Collyrium The following Remedy powerfully abates the Inflammation and stops the Fluxion Take the white of one Egg beat it with a pretty big piece of Allum in a Tin Platter stir it until it has got the consistence of an Ointment spread it upon a Rag and apply it warm to the Eyes romove it in the space of two Hours lest by staying too long it fix the Humours in the Eye by the astringent force which is in the Allum Sal Saturni dissolved in Rose-water or Oxycrate or mixed with Pomatum does powerfully extinguish the Inflammation of the Eyes In the augmentation of the Disease digesting Medicines are to be mixed with repelling Medicines therefore to the above-mentioned Collyriums may be added Waters of Eye-bright Fennel Celandine and the Mucilages of the Seeds of Flax Marsh-Mallows Foenugreek Galen chiefly commends the Decoction of Foenugreek Seeds because it Digests Concocts and moderately repels When the Disease is at a height Sarcocol is also added to Collyriums which digests a little more powerfully But because it hurts the Eyes by its Acrimony it is fit to infuse it some days in Milk often changed before it be used and a small quantity of it ought to be prepared at once for after it is long kept it turns sharp and is hurtful to the Eyes it may be used after this manner Take of Flowers of Melilot Camomil red Roses each one pugil of the Seeds of Foemigreek well cleansed one dram boil them in Plantane-water in four ounces of the strained Liquor dissolve a dram of Sarcocol prepared of Tutty prepared and Trochisci albi Rhasis without Opium each half a dram make a Collyrium There are some Waters commended by Authors as very effectual Quercetan in his Dispensatory commends the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum in Eye-bright and Plantane-waters Crollius and the rest of the Chymists greatly commend Salt of Saturn dissolved in Rose-water to which may be added some Grains of Sal Ammoniacum It may be prescribed after this manner Take of Sacharum Saturni three grains of Salt Ammoniacum three grains Rose-water three ounces mix them and drop of it into the Eyes Morning and Night A Water made of white Vitriol it being dissolved in Red Rose-water or Plantane-water is commonly used as Take of White Vitriol one scruple dissolve it in four ounces of Plantane or rose-Rose-water strain it and drop it into the Eyes If it be too sharp it must be qualified by mixing more Water with it Many Ointments are also commended for the Cure of an Ophthalmia Take of prepared Tutty an ounce and an half of Camphor one dram of Verdigrease grains twelve powder the Camphor and the Tutty together in a Mortar and the Verdigrease by it self all of them must be very finely powdered then take of fresh Butter one Ounce of Rose-water one dram boil them together gently and having taken them from the Fire mix by degrees first the Tutty with the Camphor afterwards the Verdigrease strain them through Silk and make an Oyntment Anoint the inward part of the Eye-lids especially about corners with this Oyntment This is of excellent use for Inflammations of the Eyes and for itching of the Eye-lids When the Disease is come to its State resolving Remedies ought to exceed Repellents and the same Remed●es which were used at the beginning are also good when it is at its height if you increase the quantity of the Resolvents and lessen the quantity of the repelling Ingredients A Fomentation made in the following manner is convenient to be used to discuss the Morbisick Matter when the Disease is at height Take of the Flowers of Camomil Melilot Roses each one Pugil of the Seeds of Fenugreek two Ounces make a Decoction wherewith foment
them beyond Measure especially if there be also a hot and moist Intemperies of the Brain they are retained by reason of an Obstruction of those Parts or too great an Oppression of them as in those that are flat-nosed The Disease of the Nose occasioning such a Stink may be known by its proper Signs But if there be no such Disease in the Nostrils we may conjecture that it arises from a putrid Humour contained in the Brain or Mamillary Processes or in the Os cribrosum The Prognostick of an ill Scent in the Nostrils which is occasioned by an Ulcer Polypus or Sarcoma depends on the Prognostick of them But that ill Scent which proceeds from Corrupt Humours contained in the fore part of the Head if it be lately come may be easily cured if it be inveterate it is incureable especially if it come from an ill Confirmation of the Nostrils as in such as are flat-Nosed The Cure is performed by taking away the Causes and by moderating the Symptoms The Cure of an Ulcer Sarcoma and Polypus are mentioned above but a putrid Humour contained in the Brain Mamillary Processes or in the Os Ethmoides must be carried off by Purging and Cleansing And first universal Evacuations are to be ordered which free the whole Body and the Brain from Flegmatick Excrements and if there be abundance of Humours a Sudorifick Diet-drink must be also ordered afterwards cleansing Errhins must be prescribed to remove the conjunct Matter And first Whitewine wherein Centaury has been infused must be put into the Hand and snuft up Morning and Evening or the Juice of Beet drawn with Marjora● Water may be used but the following is more Powerful Take of the Roots of Florentine-orris half a Dram o● white Hellebore and long Pepper each half a Scruple of the Seeds of Anise and of dried Marjoram powdered each one Scruple of the Oyls of Nard Wall-flower and Violets each as much as is sufficient Make a soft Oyntment wherewith anoint the Top of the little Finger and anoint the Nostrils within or a Tent besmeared with the Oyntment may be applied Lastly To palliate the ill Stink sweet-smelling things may be often drawn up the Nostrils as an Infusion of Nutmegs in fragrant Wine Angelica Water and the like CHAP. XL. Of a Coryza COryza is a sort of Catarrh wherein the Fluxion falls on the Nostrils it 's easily known by the abundance of Moisture that is evacuated by the Nostrils 't is commonly call'd a Cold or Stoppage in the Head It requires the same Method of Cure as is used for a Catarrh but in this Case you must not use Errhins least they should draw Humours to the Part affected Masticatories and Apoplegmatisms may be prescribed after general Evacuation and some-things are reckned peculiarly proper for this Disease as the Vapour of a Decoction of Marjoram received into the Nostrils or of Vinegar wherein red Roses have been infused the Venegar being poured upon red hot Iron if it be occasion'd by a very cold Fluxion the Fumes of Frankincense cast upon live Coals corrects the cold Intemperies of the Brain and dries up the Superfluous Moisture CHAP. XLI Of Sneezing THo Sneezing often happens in Health and is generally so small a thing that it scarce deserves the Name of a Symptom yet sometimes 't is so very troublesome that it requires Medicines and the Physicians help and the ancient Custom of saying God bless you upon sneezing shews that some time or other it has proved dangerous some say 't was an Epidemical Disease in the Time of Gregory the Great and that the Sick died sneezing As to the Prognostick 't is of it self without Danger but 't is very injurious at the Beginning of a Catarrh or Coryza and in Feavers when it is frequent it sometimes occasions bleeding at the Nose but most commonly it does good by expelling Superfluities from the Brain When Sneezing is injurious as in a Plurisie Peripneumonia and the like or when it becomes a Disease the Cure must be undertaken by Revulsions and Evacuations and if by Reason of a hot Intemperies of the Brain or of any other Part sharp Vapours are transmitted to the Nostrils Bleeding must be used and proper Purges and to qualifie the Acrimony and to asswage the Irritation of the Nostrils it will be proper to snuff up warm Milk into the Nose or to anoint the Nostrils wlth Oyl of Violets or of sweet Almonds or with fresh Butter CHAP. XLII Of Bleeding at the Nose or Spitting of Blood BLeeding at the Nose comes at any Time of the Year and seises chiefly those that are of a weakly Constitution and have hot Blood and oftner when they are in Years than when they are Young at first there are some Signs of a Feaver which goes off by bleeding at the Nose but a Pain and a Heat in the fore part of the Head remains the Blood flows for some Hours then stops a while and afterwards breaks out again and so it does by turns till at length it is quite stop'd either by the use of Remedies or of its own accord by reason the Quantity is diminished but the Sick is in danger of a Relapse yearly either upon drinking of Spirituous Liquors or from being over-heated upon any other account In order to the Cure I endeavour to qualifie the Head and Ebullition of the Blood upon which account the preternatural Extravasation arises Wherefore I bleed often in the Arm and take away a large Quantity of Blood I order a cooling and thickning Course of Diet as three parts of Fountain Water and one of Milk boil'd together and drank cold roasted Apples Barly-broths and the like forbidding the use o● Flesh I also prescribe thickning and cooling Juleps and Emulsions and the like Take of the clarified Juices of Plantane and Nettles each six Ounces of the Aqua Lactis Alexiteria four Ounces of Cinnamon Water hordeated three Ounces of white-Sugar a sufficient Quantity mingle them make a Julep let him take four Ounces in the Morning and at four in the Afternoon and so daily for three Days following Take of the Waters of Plantane and of Cinnamon hordeated each four Ounces of distill'd Vinegar half an Ounce of true Bole and of Dragon's Blood each half a Dram of London Laudanum three grains of Syrup of Myrtles one ounce and an half mix them make a Julep let him take five or six Spoonfuls every Night at Bed-time Take of the Syrup of Juice of Nettles four ounces give half an ounce in his Liquor every time he drinks and he may drink of Tincture of Roses every time he drinks Take of the Seeds of Henbane and of white Poppies each half a dram of Sugar of Roses three drams of Syrup of Comfry a sufficient quantity make an Electuary give the quantity of a small Nutmeg twice a day and let him drink a draught of Tincture of Roses presently after it Or Take of the four greater cold Seeds each one dram and an half of
often in a day But if the foresaid Remedies will not do the business and if the Tooth near the Ulcer be rotten it must be drawn out and the Ulcer will be soon cured otherwise it will be incurable CHAP. L. Of Blood flowing from the Gums BLOOD sometimes flows in a great quantity from the Gums either Critically or Symptomatically But though a Critical Hemorrhage seldom happens by the Gums yet that it does so sometimes Experience and the Observations from Authors show It flows Symptomatically from the Gums by reason of its Acrimony and of the vitious Constitution of the Spleen and also the Scurvy It also sometimes flows plentifully after the drawing of a Tooth the little Artery being torn which was inserted into the Root of the Tooth upon which account sometimes so much Blood flows as kills the Patient The Cure of a Symptomatick Flux is performed by Bleeding and Purging and other Remedies that correct the Disorders of the Bowels afterwards Topicks must be used that are of an Astringent Nature in the form of a Gargarism Lotion Powder Liniment or Opiate If a great quantity of Blood flows upon drawing a Tooth Revulsion first must be made by Bleeding and Cupping-glasses and Astringent Medicines must be applied to the part as a Cataplasm made of Bole-armenick Dragons Blood sealed Earth and other Astringents mixed with the white of an Egg. If these things do not do the Patient must apply his Finger to the part from whence the Blood flows and must be kept there so long till the Blood coagulated upon the Orifice of the Artery stops the Flux If the Blood cannot be stopt by these gentle means stronger must be used Chalcitis burnt and applied stops Blood wonderfully Gum-arabick powder'd and the Cavity fill'd with it is also of use So is also the Powder called Thuraloes applied with the white of an Egg and Hares Down CHAP. LI. Of Vlcers of the Mouth and Jaws SMALL and Superficial Ulcers of the Mouth are called Aphthae and when they are large they go under the common name of Ulcers as those are that happen to Pocky People These Ulcers are wont to be generated by Acrid Humours or Vapors translated from various parts of the Body to the Jaws So in Malignant Feavers such Ulcers frequently happen and to those which are of a hot Constitution and are subject to an Intemperies of the Parts and to others that abound with corrupted Humours upon which Account Children are frequently troubled with Aphthae These Ulcers are various not only for that some are small some greater and because some trouble Children and some grown People but also because an Inflammation accompanies some of them and others it do's not These various Degrees happen according to the variety of Humours from whence they are generated for either they proceed from Blood Choler Flegm or Melancholy or rather from black Choler which is of a burning and malignant Quality But these Differences may be known by their proper Signs for red Ulcers proceed from Blood yellow from Choler white from Flegm livid from black Choler a stinking Ulcer signifies Putrefaction As to the Prognostick Aphthae properly so called are easily cured but deep Ulcers or such as are putrid are difficultly cured and they are most dangerous in Children both because they spread more by reason of the Softness of their Flesh and also because they cannot bear strong Medicines upon which account Children sometimes die of them if they are accompanied with Putrefaction and Malignity And with respect to the Cause from whence they proceed they are more or less Dangerous if they proceed from Flegm there is little Danger if from Blood or Choler there is more if from black Choler most of all Black and crusty Ulcers are deadly especially in Children Ulcers of the Jaws accompanied with a Feaver are dangerous As to the Cure a cooling and drying Diet must be ordered to hinder the Generation of the Antecedent Cause wherefore if in Children the Disease arises from a Fault in the Milk either the Nurse must be changed or her Milk must be corrected by proper Meats and Drinks and by Bleeding and purging if there be Occasion But you must be sure to prescribe a cooling and astringent Diet to the Nurse as Quinces Pears Medlars Lettice and Purslain The same must be prescribed for grown People and they must avoid acrid salt and peppered Meats Moreover with respect to the antecedent Cause universal Evacuations must be prescribed according to the Age of the Sick and first Bleeding makes a powerful Revulsion of Humours flowing to the Part and attemperates their Acrimony and cools the whole Body Afterwards Cupping-glasses with Scarification must be applied Leeches behind the Ears and under the Chin and a Blister must be applied to the Neck The next Day after Bleeding Purging must be ordered suitable to the peccant Humour and the Age At the same time viz. From the very beginning of the Cure Topicks must be applied but such as are gentle must be first used as Gargarisms or Lotions made with the Waters of Plantain or Honey-suckle and sweetned with Syrup of dried Roses or of Mulberries or of a Decoction of Plantain Leaves Bramble-tops knot-grass Balaustins red Sanders and the like with the foresaid Syrups And if there be an Inflammation it is proper to add the Juice of Night-shade House-leek or of Purslain and Sal Prunella in such Quantity as may not sharpen it too much or instead of them a small Quantity of Crude Allum may be mixed with it If there be no Inflammation Spirit of Vitriol or Sulphur is the only Remedy which may be used by it self to grown People The Ulcer being touched with a Stick wrapped round the top with a Rag dipt in it and so simple Aphthae will be cured immediately But for Children the Spirit must be mixed with Honey of Roses to mitigate the Sharpness and must be used with a Stick as above directed If the Ulcers are very painful and accompanied with Inflammation the Mouth must be often gargled with Milk or with an Emulsion of the cold Seeds or with a Mucilage of the Seeds of Fleabean and of Quinces extracted with Plantain and rose-Rose-water Lastly If the pain be so very obstinate that it cannot be appeased by the Revulsions and Topicks proposed but by Reason of the Violence of it sharp Humours are continually attracted and long Watchings occasioned and a Wasting of the whole Body whereby the Life is much endangered the last Remedy are Narcoticks which ease the Pain and hinders the Influx of the Humours they are to be dosed according to the Age and Strength of the Patient I cured a Boy says Riverius of four Years of Age when he was just dying by giving him a grain of Laudanum His Jaws and Tongue were full of deep Ulcers and the Inflammation so great that he cou'd not bear Topick Remedies and the Flux of Humours so much that they flowed perpetually out of his Mouth like a Stream and the
an half strain it let the Sick take three or four Spoonfuls either by themselves or in some hot Broth. These kind of Jellies may be made more pleasant to the Pallate by adding at the time of use a little of the Syrup of Baulm Gilliflowers Raspberries Oranges or Lemmons though it must be confessed Acid Syrups do not so well agree with Jellies The manner of making a Restorative Broth is as follows Take a Capon drawn and cut in pieces of Sheeps and Calves feet each two pair the shavings of Ivory and Harts-horn each half an ounce two leaves of Mace one Nutmeg cut yellow Sanders three drams or half an ounce boil them all gently in one gallon of fountain-Fountain-water till half is consumed add towards the end of boiling a pint of Malago-Sack and of the Flowers of the greater Daisie Coltsfoot Maiden-hair Spotted Lungwort each one handful of fat Dates eight pair of Jujubs twelve pair of Sebestens ten pair of Raisins of the Sun stoned three ounces strain it let the Sick take a large Draught of it twice or thrice a day Prepared Coral Millepedes Pearls Crabs-eyes prepared the Simple Powder of Crabs-claws and other testaceous Medicines taken plentifully and often in a day are good to blunt the Acrimony of the Blood Take of the Aqua lactis Alexiteria of Carduus or of black Cherry-water one pint of Cinnamon-water hordeated half a pint of prepared Pearl half an ounce of white Cristaline Sugar two ounces mingle them make a Julep whereof let the Sick take four ounces shaking the Viol always when it is used three or four times in a day adding if the Stomach require it one or two ounces of Epidemick water Or Take of the Powder of Millepedes of Crabs-eyes prepared of the Simple Powder of Crabs-claws each one dram of the Powder of white Ambar half a dram mingle them divide it into nine Papers whereof let him take one thrice a day in a Spoonful of the Pearl Julep Fifthly If the Sick seem free from an Obstruction of the Liver and has neither the Dropsie nor the Jaundice but the Milk-Diet before described does not agree by reason of a Loosness or the Acid Ferment of the Stomach besides the altering Medicines above described the free use of the compound distilled Waters of Milk Snails a Pig and the like may be ordered with success to attemperate farther the Acrimony of the Humours The Milk-water Take of the leaves of Maiden-hair Coltsfoot spotted Lungwort Speedwell each three handfuls of Hyssop Goats-rue Mint and Wormwood each two handfuls of the Flowers of St. John's Wort and Scabious each two handfuls of English Saffron one dram three Nutmegs sliced Dates and fat Figs each half a pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned one pound cut them and infuse them in three gallons of fresh Cows Milk and three quarts of Malago-Sack distill them in a cold Still and draw off half the Liquor and mix the Distillations and keep them for use If the Consumption be Scorbutical you may add in Distillation the tops of Pine Water-cresses and Brook-lime and Ground-Ivy with other gentle Antiscorbuticks And instead of Malago Sack you may use Brunswick Mum. If you would have this Water also Restorative you must add a Capon or a Pig in the second Distillation For instance Take a Capon or a Pig the Intrails being taken out cut in pieces of the Milk-water above described one gallon distill off three parts of the Liquor Snail-water Take of Garden-Snails cleansed with Salt three hundred of common Milk or rather of the Milk-water above prescribed three gallons distill them in a cold Still with a gentle Fire till the Liquor becomes Acid And the following Magisterial water of Worms is not to be despised for it will keep good a long while Take of fresh Milk two gallons of Mint and Roman Worm-wood each two handfuls distill off one gallon Then take of Garden-Snails first wash'd in common water then in Small-beer half a peck of Earth-worms prepared one Pint of Angelica one handful and an half of Agrimony Bettony and Rue each one handful put the Herbs into a Still and the Snails and Worms upon them and at top shavings of Harts-horn half a pound Cloves one ounce Saffron three drams infuse them in two quarts of Syder and one of Malago-Sack then distill all in a cold Still These Liquors are to be drank freely for the ordinary drink mixed with an equal part of Milk if the Stomach will bear it and if the Sick can quench his Thirst with it If a Julep be more pleasing give it in the following manner Take of the Waters of Pig or Capon before described one pint of white Cristaline Sugar a sufficient quantity boil them to a Syrup Take of Milk or Snail-water one pint and an half of the Syrup just described four ounces mingle them make a Julep whereof let the Sick drink freely Or Take of the Water of Milk or of Magisterial Snail-water a quart of pearled Sugar ten drams or an ounce and an half mingle them make a Julep whereof let him take freely and frequently But if there is not so much a Hectick Feaver as a difficulty of Breathing as it often happens to such as are afflicted with a Scorbutick Consumption a Pectoral Hydromel is better for the ordinary Drink than distilled Waters abounding with Flegm Take of the roots of China sliced six ounces of the roots of Coltsfoot gathered at a Fit-time three ounces of the roots of Burdock and Avens each three ounces of the roots of Elecampane two ounces of the leaves of Lungwort all the Scabious both the Speedwells Meadow-sweet and Monywort each two handfuls of all the Capillaries each one handful of the flowering tops of Bugles and Bettony of the flowers of red Speedwell and of Cowslips each four Pugils of all the Ground Ivy three handfuls of Jujubs Dates Sebestens and Raisins of the Sun cleansed each one ounce and an half of Spanish Liquorish one ounce and an half cut them all and boil them in sixteen quarts of Fountain-water with a gentle Fire till half is consumed strain it and clarifie it and add to it four pound of the best Honey boil it again and take off the Scum strain it again add half an ounce of Cinnamon six drams of Coriander-seed of the Seeds of Annise and Sweet Fennel each three drams put the Liquor into a large Tub and let it ferment which it will the sooner do if the Tub be placed in the Sun for then it will be sufficiently fermented in forty days otherwise it will require a much longer time The Vessel must be always kept open and full Of this let the Sick drink a good Draught twice or thrice a day for many Months When the Consumption comes to its third State the Sick very rarely is cured or lives long unless the Ulcers are very small and benign wherefore though a prudent and honest Physician being called to Consumptive People at this time may endeavour to
Sick cannot take a Vomit he must be purged by stool but the Humour must be first prepared by things that incide and cleanse Afterwards these things that follow are convenient Cupping-glasses must be applied opposite to the Region of the Stomach and to the Stomach The Stomach must be bound with a Swath-band that it may not be so much dilated Ligatures of the Extremities must be used Let him eat Anniseeds which is thought to Cure the Hickops peculiarly Frequently Glisters must be injected to draw away the Noxious Humours from the Stomach Young Animals must be applied to the Stomach Vinegar of Squills may be taken by Spoonfuls Sneezing casts off the Matter impacted in the Coats of the Stomach As the Physician Chrysimacus cured Aristophanes of a Hickop by provoking Sneezing when he could not do it by stopping of the Spirits and Gargling with cold Water Pills made of one dram of Aloes and three grains of London Laudanum are good Platerus in his Observations says That he cured a Boy of ten Years of Age that had the Hickops for eight Days and Nights continually with the Water of green Nuts distilled with Radishes infused first in Vinegar which he gave him to provoke Vomiting and though he did not Vomit at all yet he was cured But to conclude Narcoticks wiil do the Business when nothing else will CHAP. LXVI Of Vomiting of Blood THe conjunct cause is the Quantity or Quality of the Blood exceeding The external causes are Wounds and Bruises and violent Heat or immoderate Cold or unaccustomed Labour and Excercise or Hollowing If the Blood flow from the Stomach there will be almost always a continual Pain and Weight there and the quantity of it will not be much because the Veins of the Stomach are small and Nauseousness will accompany it and 〈◊〉 Blood will be mixed sometimes with Meat sometimes with Choler and sometimes with Flegm If it flow from the Head there will be a Tickling perceived about the Jaws and Pallate and Blood will flow sometimes from the Nostrils mixed with Snot and a Pain or Heaviness of the Head precedes If Vomiting of Blood proceeds from a Suppression of the Courses it will be Periodical As to the Prognostick Vomiting of Blood from what Cause soever it arises is dangerous for if too great a quantity be evacuated there is Danger of Death if it coagulate in the Stomach and corrupt there it occasions Fainting But a Vomiting of Blood from Suppression of Courses is least dangerous They which fall into a Dropsie by Vomiting of Blood die It must be cured by Medicines that cause a Revulsion of the Blood from the Stomach and by such as attemperate it and stop the Apertion of the Veins And First Because an orderly Diet is of great use in this Case the common Diet ought to be astringent and Emplastick and also cooling as Barley Broths Almond and Rice Diet Water-gruel and Jellies and especially Starch boiled in Milk whereunto may be added Pomegranate Juice or a little Rose-vinegar hard Eggs may be also used dipt in Vinegar Also Bread dipt in Water Chicken Broth with Wood-sorrel Purslain and Plantane boiled in it but at the beginning of eating some Astringent thing should be taken as a Quince baked under Ashes Medlars or the like Let the Sick abstain from all acrid salt peppered and fried Meats and also from such things as yield a great deal of Nourishment unless the Weakness of the Sick requires that they should be taken sparingly He must drink but little and when he does he must drink Water wherein Iron has been quenched with a little Juice of Pomegranates in it The Air must be somewhat Cold but he must not expose himself to the Winds nor to the Rays of the Sun or Moon He must sleep moderately and his Body must be kept open and his Mind free from Passion Bleeding must be used sparingly and it must be repeated Frictions and Ligatures must be used and cleansing Glisters must be injected Apply Cupping-glasses to the Buttocks Legs Loins and Hypochondres Let two Spoonfuls of Oxycrat be given if there be a Suspicion of coagulated Blood for by the use of it it may be easily dissolved and driven from the Veins of the Stomach and they will be stopt thereby foment the Region of the Stomach also with it cold and if the Sick does not Vomit the following Mixture may be used to stop the Veins Take the White of one Egg of Rose-water and Vinegar each one dram and an half shake them well and add to them two drams of Starch mix them and let the Sick take it by Spoonfuls Or Take of prepared Coral sealed Earth Bole-armonick Blood-stone Troches of Ambar each one dram of Plantane-water and Syrup of Mirtles each two ounces mingle them let the Sick take it as before Or Let the Sick take Morning and Evening four ounces of the Juice of Plantane cold Galen says That nothing is better than this Juice to stop any Flux of Blood The Juice of Purslain and Knot-grass is also good for the same Purpose Take of the Waters of Plantane and Purslain each one ounce and an half of Syrup of Mirtles half an ounce of Syrup of Poppies one ounce mingle them make a Julep to be repeated often Take of old conserve of Roses and of Comfrey-roots each one ounce of Marmalad of Quinces half an ounce one Mirobalan candied Troches of Ambar and of Lemnian Earth each two drams of Coral prepared and of Saffron of Mars each one dram with Syrup of dried Roses make an Opiat to be used frequently Troches of Ambar do not only bind but also dissolve concreted Blood and therefore are frequently to be used Tincture of Coral made with Juice of Lemons is also very good But when the Blood is evacuated violently and cannot be stopt by the forementioned Medicines Narcoticks must be taken inwardly and injected by Glisters and the Region of the Stomach must be anointed with Oyl of Roses and of Mirtles washed in Vinegar and after you have anointed it sprinkle on Powder of Coral Bole-armonick and sealed Earth or anoint the Stomach with the following Ointment Take of the Juices of Plantane and Knot-grass each one ounce and an half Rose-vinegar one ounce of Omphacin Oyl six ounces boil them to the Consumption of the Juices then add of Dragons-blood Mastich Pomegranate peels and Mirtles each two drams of Camphor one scruple with a sufficient quantity of red Wax make an Ointment Let him drink Water wherein hot Iron hath been quenched with Syrup of Quinces and Spirit of Vitriol in it and let his Broths be made of the same Water Let his Loins and Hypochondres be fomented with a Decoction made of Plantane and Purslain in Oxycrat and let it be used when it is almost cold and let him put his Hands into cold Water Afterwards let the foresaid Parts be anointed with Galen's cooling Ointment washed in Vinegar Bleeding being sufficiently used gentle and frequent Purging must be ordered
because it succeeded so well with me I took the same of a set day once a Week for some Months and after every Purge I plainly found my self better and could bear the shaking of a Coach when it went fast and was indeed wholly freed from this Symptom But it returning again some time after I took it twice a Week for three Weeks and afterwards only once a Week I continued this Method some Months on set Days and the Bleeding quite stopped The Diet that I observed is as follows In the Morning when I rise I drink a Dish of Tea at Dinner I moderately refresh my self with any sort of Meat of easie Digestion that I like a draught of small Beer is to me instead of a Supper and when I am in Bed I take another draught that by this Julep I may cool and dilute the hot and acrid Juices lodged in the Kidneys whereof the Stone is generated and I prefer at this time and at Dinner time small Beer that has Hopps in it before that which has none for though that which is not hopped is smoother and softer and so fitter to carry off the Stone from the Kidneys yet that which is hopped by reason of the stiptick Quality which the Hopps impart to it is not so apt to generate sandy and stony Matter as that which is not hopped the Substance whereof is more viscous and slimy I take care to go to Bed early especially in Winter and to prevent a bloody Urine I take care that as often as I have occasion to ride a long Way upon the Stones to drink a large draught of small Beer before I go and also before my Return if I be abroad a pretty while whereby I secure my self pretty well from bloody Urine CHAP. XC Of an Vlcer of the Reins and Bladder AN Ulcer is occasioned in the Reins and Bladder by three Causes first from an Abscess broken secondly from the Acrimony of the Humours and thirdly from a rough Stone and this is the most frequent and ordinary cause Among the Diagnostick Signs the first and chief is the voiding of Matter with Urine which continuing a while certainly shews an Ulcer in the urinary Passages but whither the Reins or the Bladder are affected with the Ulcer may be known by the Situation of the Pain as whether it be in the Region of the Loins or in the Pubis or Perinaeum Moreover Matter proceeding from the Reins is better concocted is white light and not at all stinking because the Parenchyma of the Reins being fleshy concocts better and the Matter is also in a greater quantity and more mixt with the Urine which looks like Milk along while after voiding it the Matter is seperated from it and falls to the Bottom of the Chamber-pot But Purulent Matter flowing from the Bladder is little and not much mixed with the Urine nor so concocted but crude variegated and stinks much for the Part having little Heat cannot sufficiently concoct the Matter but from the Neck of the Bladder or from the urinal Passage pure Matter without Urine is often voided Moreover In an Ulcer of the Bladder or of its Neck there is a continual Heat of Urine and a continual Pain in the part which is not so in an Ulcer of the Reins for in that Ulcer the Heat of Urine and Pain cease sometimes When the Ulcer is deep Blood sometimes flows out plentifully which is difficultly stopt and often small pieces of the Parts are voided with the Blood and Matter viz. most commonly small Caruncles from the Reins sometimes they are larger and passing difficultly through the Ureters they occasion a Nephritick Pain but from the Bladder small Scales or small Membranous Skins flow like Bran. And lastly In a long and callous Ulcer of the Bladder a mucous Flegm is produced As to the Prognostick these Ulcers are very difficultly cured because there is a perpetual Flux of Humours to the Part for though the Serum of its own Nature is cleansing yet when it is infected with other qualities it is not so and when acrid and salt Humours are mixed with it ●hey occasion Ulcers or further them Fresh Ulcers of the Reins and Bladder may be cured but when they are inveterate they are incurable In old Men they can never be cured in young Men they may sometimes but with great Difficulty Ulcers that are occasioned by the Stone cannot be cured till the Stone is extracted The Pain and other Symptoms which accompany these Ulcers occasion Watchings and waste the Body and at length the Sick is brought into a Cachexy and Consumption The Cure of the Ulcers of the Reins and Bladder as of all other Ulcers is performed by cleansing drying and consolidating Medicines To which end the following things may be used And First if there be a Plethora or an Inflammation of the Part Bleeding must be ordered first in the Arm and afterwards in the Foot Afterwards Purging must be prescribed frequently that the vitious Humours abounding in the whole Body and flowing to the Part affected may be evacuated but only gentle and lenitive Medicines must be ordered as Cassia Manna Syrup of Roses Rubarb and Agarick reduced to a Bolus or some other solid Form because in a liquid Form they easily run to the Urinary Passage and so increase the Acrimony The following Electuary may be prescribed Take of Polypody of the Oak and of Liquorish rasped each half an ounce of the four greater Cold Seeds each one dram of the Flowers of Violets and Borrage each half a pugil of Jujubes six pair of Damask Prunes three pair of Raisins half an ounce of Senna cleansed two ounces and an half infuse them a Night in Barley-water boil them in the Morning and strain them afterwards dissolve an ounce and an half of Manna in a sufficient quantity of the Decoction strain it again add to it three ounces of Cassia fresh drawn boil them to the Consistence of an Electuary adding at last half an ounce of Rubarb powdered The Dose is one ounce once a Week two Hours before eating Or Take of Cassia two ounces of Manna one ounce and an half of the Pulp of Sebestines and Tamarinds each one ounce of the Mucilage of the Seeds of Psyllium six drams of the four greater cold Seeds each one dram of Juice of Liquorish two drams with Syrup of Roses solutive make an Electuary If you add Mercurius Dulcis to the Electuaries above mentioned it will succeed the better for it is of great Vertue to cleanse and heal all inward and outward Vlcers Among Purgers Turpentine is reckoned and is much commended in this case because it loosens the Belly and cleanses the Ulcer half an ounce of it washed in Plantane water must be given in Powder of Liquorish but it is chiefly to be used when the Urine is very mucous and thick Vomiting is much commended by many whereof some provoke it before Meals with warm water and Oyl with which only Remedy
things to draw downwards they bring the Blood also to the Fundament and if you use astringent things to it they by reason of the Nearness of the Parts repel what should be brought to the Womb so that the only Way of Cure is to apply such things to the Womb as may allure the Blood thither after you have used such things as draw the Blood downwards But the most frequent Obstruction of all is that which proceeds from an Obstruction of the Veins of the Womb the Cure whereof is in a manner the same with that of the Green Sickness But the Eruption of them must be helpt by opening a Vein in the Foot about the time they used to flow when the Patient was well as also by Cupping-glasses applied to the Hips and Legs instead of Bleeding with or without Scarification by Frictions of those Parts and by painful Ligatures Take of the Roots of round Birthwort half a dram of the leaves of dried Savin one dram and an half of Dittany of Crete and of Troches of Mirrh without Assa-Faetida each one dram of choice Cinnamon two drams of white Sugar two ounces make a Powder whereof let her take two drams every Morning for some days with the Broth of red Vetches wherein two drams of Cinnamon and half a dram of Saffron have been boiled Take of Roots of Briony of Lillies Cyperus Valerian Angelica Asarabacca Orris and Parsley each one ounce of the Leaves of Mugwort Bays Rue Savin Thym Rosemary Penny-royal Nep Mallows Mercury each one handful of the Flowers of Elder of Wall-flowers and of Camomil each two Pugils of the grains of Juniper two ounces boil them in Water and Whitewine with the strained Liquor foment the Belly and Thighs with a Spunge With the same Decoction the quantity being increased a Bath may be made wherein the Sick may sit up to the Navel and the boiled Herbs being put in a Bag may be applied to her Belly but you must take care that she does not sweat for that rather stops the Courses Take of the Leaves of Mercury bruised one handful of the Powder of Hiera Picra and of Benedictum Laxativum each two drams of the Powder of long Birthwort one dram with a sufficient quantity of Honey or the Juice of Mercury make a Pessary Injections are also wont to be made for the Womb which are called uterine Glisters for they cleanse it from Filth sticking to the Sides and they open the inner Orifices of the Vessels They may be prepared with a Decoction for the Fomentation above described the acrid things being left out or of fat Figs with Mugwort Penny-royal Mercury or only of the Juice of Mercury clarified wherein a little Benedictum Laxativum has been dissolved for you must not use acrid things lest they should occasion an Inflammation And after the use of these things which must be retained only an hour it is convenient to inject a Decoction of Mallows Barley and Violets or a little Hydromel diluted with the Whey of Goats Milk When the Disease is inveterate Issues in the Leg do much good In the use of the forementioned Medicines some things are to be observed First You must never use Remedies to force the Courses unless general Evacuations went before Secondly You must begin with gentle Means and proceed by degrees to stronger Thirdly Medicines that are given to move the Courses must be taken in a large quantity Fourthly Pessaries and uterine Glisters must be prescribed only for married Women But for Virgins Fomentations Baths and the following Fume may be ordered Take of Cloves Cinnamon and Mace each two drams of Juniper-berries half an ounce of the Seeds of Nigella one dram of Storax Calamit two drams make a gross Powder which must be cast upon Coals and the Fume must be received through a Tunnel Lastly In Cholerick and Melancholly Constitution the hottest Medicines must be avoided and only such as are gentle must be used and things that are opening moistening and mollifying must be mixed with them CHAP. XCV Of an immoderate Flux of the Courses AN immoderate flux of the Courses invades either in Child-bed or at other Times As to the first that afflicts Women most on the first Days after a difficult Labour and is accompanied with a long train of Hysterick Symptoms and as it happens only on the first days so usually does not last long for if a thickning Diet be ordered it soon abates The following Drink may be also used Take of Plantain Water and red Wine each one pint boil them till a third part is consumed Sweeten it with a sufficient quantity of white Sugar and let her take half a pint of it twice or thrice a day and in the mean while some gentle Hysterick Julep may be used and the following Nodulus may be often held to the Nostrils Take of Galbanum and Assa Foetida each two drachms of Castor one Drachm and an half of volatile Salt of Amber half a drachm mingle them make a Nodulus Or two drachms of spirit of Sal Armoniack may be often held to the Nose But as to the Flux which happens out of Child-Bed though it befals Women at any Time yet most commonly it invades a little before the Time they leave them viz. when they are about forty five Years of Age if they had them very young and about fifty if it was late before they began to have them And by reason of the great quantity of Blood which is continually evacuated they are almost continually seized with Hysterick Fits and though in this Case Hystericks both inward and outward may be used by the by but you must forbear the strongest lest they should further the Flux yet the Cure must be managed by such things as stop the Flux You must bleed in the Arm and eight Ounces of Blood must be taken away The next Morning the following Purge must be given Take of Tamarinds half an ounce of S●na two drachms of Rhubarb one drachm and an half infuse them in a sufficient quantity of Fountain Water In three ounces of the strained Liquor dissolve of Manna and syrup of Roses solutive each one ounce make a purging Potion which is to be repeated every third day for twice every night at bed-time through the whole course of the Disease let an Anodyn be given of an ounce of Diacodium Take of the conserve of dryed Roses two ounces of the Troches of Lemnian Earth one drachm and an half of Pomgranate peel and of red Coral prepared each two scruples of Blood-stone of Dragon's-blood and of Bole-Armenick each two scruples with a sufficient quantity of simple Syrup of Coral make an Electuary whereof let her take the quantity of a large nutmeg in the morning and at five in the afternoon drinking upon it six spoonfuls of the following Julep Take of the waters of Oak-buds and of Plantain each three ounces of cinnamon-Cinnamon-water hordeated and of Syrup of dried Roses each one ounce of Spirit of Vitrial a
Apozems Juleps Broath Milk Whey cold mineral Waters and the like which are commonly prescribed for any Cancer But Purging most especially must be repeated that the antecedent Cause of the Cancer may be diverted Topicks must also be applied which moderately bind and cool without Sharpness they must especially be used in form of Liniments Take of Oyl of Myrtles and of Roses each two ounces of the Juice of Night-shade and of Housleek each one ounce stir them all about in a leaden Mortar with a leaden Pestle till they grow black then add of Litharge and Cerus washed in Scabious Water each three ounces of Tutty prepared two drachms of Camphor ten grains make a Liniment wherewith anoint the Part three or four times in a day Or Take of the Oils of the Yolks of Eggs and of Roses each one ounce and an half of Sacharum Saturni one drachm stir them about in a leaden Mortar till they change colour The following is better than the rest and with it Tumors of the Paps which are counted cancerous may be perfectly cured Take of the Oil of Yolks of Eggs two ounces of the Juice of Night-shade and Speedwel or of Housleek each half an ounce of crude Mercury two drachms stir them about in a leaden Mortar with a leaden Pestle till they acquire the consistence of a Liniment The foresaid Liniments are to be put into the Womb with a long Tent or with a Wax-Candle wrapt round with a Rag But Injections may be much easier used Take of Barly-Water half a pint of the Waters of Night-shade and Plantain each two ounces of the Water of Speedwel one ounce of the white Troches of Rhasis two drachms of Sacharum Saturni one drachm Make an injection If the Pain be very violent add to four ounces of the Injection one ounce of the Syrup of Popies Foment the part affected with the Waters of Plantain and Night-shade or with the decoction of them whereunto may be added the Leaves of Water-lillies white Poppies and red Roses and Camphor which Decoction may be also frequently injected into the Womb and it will be much more effectual if it be stirr'd about in a leaden Mortar or if Sacharum Saturni be mixed with it Among Specificks are commended Frogs wash'd and boil'd and apply'd instead of a Cataplasm or a decoction of them injected also the decoction or juice of River-crabs injected into the Womb or Herb-Robert taken inwardly or apply'd If the Cancer be ulcerated the Dose of the Minerals to be added to the foresaid Linimenss must be increas'd and the Ashes of River-Crabs may be conveniently added to them but with the Injections may be mixt the white Troches of Rhasis and Barly-water If the Pain be very violent Fomentations of Mallows Marsh-mallows Water-lillies Poppies Henbane green Coriander Dill of the seed of Psyllium Milk Saffron and the like may be used by Intervals or a Cataplasm made of them may be apply'd with which also Decoctions Injections and Baths may be also prepar'd But all these things are not sometimes sufficient to appease the violent Pain which sometimes will not suffer the sick to sleep or rest so that we are forced sometimes to use Narcoticks and indeed they are not injurious in this Disease I knew a Woman that was afflicted with a Cancer in her Breast who took every Night for four Months two or three Grains of Laudanum and was much reliev'd by it If much Blood flow from a Cancer ulcerated as it often happens inject into the Womb the juice of Plantain with a little Frankincense CHAP. CII Of a Gangrene and Mortification of the Womb. A Gangrene is an incipient Mortification this Disease is easily generated in a Womans Privities because those Parts are very moist and soft and easily receive the Excrements of the whole Body it often succeeds an Inflammation Absess or Ulcer ill cured when the vital heat of the part is suffocated and destroy'd it is suffocated in great Inflammations when more Blood flows in than the innate heat of the part can digest 't is destroy'd either by a cold Intemperies that extinguishes it or by an hot that dissipates and resolves it An incipient Gangrene is known by an unusual heat that is perceiv'd in the part a shaking and shivering also invades with a languid and frequent Pulse and with Fainting and because most commonly this Disease is chiefly seated on the Neck of the Womb and so the part affected may be seen that appears soft livid black and cadaverous and may be prick'd and cut without feeling and sends forth a fetid and cadaverous Stink As to the prognostick this Disease is very dangerous and most commonly deadly But it has been observed by many Authors that the Womb having been corrupted or gangren'd has fallen off of its own accord or has been cut off and the Woman has done well The Cure is to be perform'd by the same Remedies wherewith the Gangrenes of the other parts us'd to be cur'd if the Gangrene be in the neck of the Womb or tend towards the external parts Scarification must be us'd and a decoction of Wormwood Myrrh and the like also Unguentum Aegyptiacum and a Cataplasm made of the three Meals Take of the Meals of Barly Beans and Orobus each two ounces of Oxymell one pint boil them to the consistenee of a Cataplasm but it will be more effectual if you add the Meal of Lupines Myrrh Aloes and Wormwood But if it be wholly corrupted it must be cut off or in a falling of the Womb it must be bound by degrees harder and harder till at length it falls off of which Operations Schenkius has collected many Observations In the whole course of the Cure Corroboratives must be us'd and emollient cleansing and cooling Glisters must be frequently injected CHAP CIII Of a Dropsie and Inflation of the Womb. THE Inflation and Dropsie are confounded by almost all Authors but they are to be distinguish'd for there is a certain Inflation of the Womb which ought not to be call'd a Dropsie viz. when the Womb is inflated and stretch'd suddenly by Wind rushing in upon which account a violent pain is occasioned as it happens in the Cholick and therefore if this Inflation does not last long it does not deserve the name of a Dropsie such an one is often in hysterick Diseases Wherefore a Dropsie of the Womb is twofold one from Wind which is like a Timpany another from a watry Humour which is like the Dropsie of the Belly Some add a third from Phlegm And first of Wind contain'd in the cavity of the Womb. Sennertus mentions an observation in a Woman That when she thought she was with Child and about to be deliver'd evacuated a great quantity of Wind and her Belly presently asswag'd He also mentions Observations of great quantities of Water contain'd in the cavity of the Womb. But Authors testifie That Water is sometimes contain'd in Bladders and excluded in them and sometimes a Dropsie of
Carminative Medicines be applied below the Navel of the Patient such are Bags of Anniseeds Fennel-seeds Fenugreek-seeds Flowers of Camomile Elder Rosemary and Stechas mixed together or a Rose-cake fried in a Pan with rich Canary and sprinkled with Powder of Nutmegs and Coriander-seeds or the Gaul of a Wether newly kill'd or his Lungs laid on warm If by these means the pains cease not let a Glister be injected made of Wine and Oil wherein two drachms of Philonium Romanum may be dissolved or Narcoticks may be given inwardly in a small quantity to allay the violence of the Humors and Wind as we are wont to do in the pains of the Cholick But if by reason of contumacious pains that will not be asswaged or of the violence of some external cause Blood begins to come away Medicines that cause Revulsion are to be applied to turn the course of the Blood from the Womb such are Frictions of the upper parts and painful Ligatures also Cupping-glasses fastened to the Shoulder-blades under the Dugs and under the short Ribs on both sides and if the Woman be full of Blood it will not be amiss to take some blood from her when she begins to void blood and especially before it begins to come and the blood must be taken away at several times a little at once And if the flux of blood continues we must proceed to an astringent and thickening Diet and Medicines and so the Powders and Electuaries before described may be administred also juice of Plantain new drawn and syrup of Poppies to the quantity of an ounce with Powder of Bole-armenick or Dragons-blood Also binding and astringent Fomentations may be used outwardly made of Pomgranate-peels Cypress-nuts Acorn-cups Baclaustins Grape-stones and the like boiled in Smiths water and red Wine Or a little bag full of red Roses and Balaustins may be boiled and applied hot to the Patient's Belly The above-mentioned Plasters and Cere-cloaths may be used and to bind more make a Pultiss of astringent Powders with Turpentine and whites of Eggs spread it upon Tow or course Flax and apply it to the Navel and Reins warm The Tow that is to be applied to the Navel must be moistened with Wine that which is to be apply'd to the Kidnies with Vinegar The two following Medicines are accounted Secrets and it is believed they will certainly retain the Child in the Womb if they be used before it be torn from the Vessels of the Womb. Take of Leaves of Gold number twelve of Spodium one drachm the Cock's treading of three Eggs not addled mix all very well till the Gold be broken into small pieces afterwards dissolve them in a draught of white Wine and give it three Mornings following At the same time let the following Cataplasm be applied Take of Male-frankincense powdered two ounces the whites of five Eggs let them be stirr'd together over hot Coals add Turpentine to make them stick then spread them upon Tow and lay them upon her Navel as hot as she can possibly endure them twice a day Morning and Evening on the three days aforesaid CHAP. CVII Of hard Labour THAT is said to be hard Labour which does not observe the due and ordinary course of Nature and longer time is spent in it and the pains are more violent than usual and the Symptoms that accompany it are more grievous Many Causes may be assigned of it both external and internal The internal depend on the Mother the Womb or the Child As to the Mother the natural weakness of the whole Body may make the Labour difficult or her Age she being too young or too old or it may be occasioned by Diseases which she had with her Big-belly Leanness and too much dryness of the Body or Fat compressing the Passages of the Womb the ill conformation of the Bones encompassing the Womb as in those that are Lame may also occasion it Wind swelling the Bowels a Stone or a preternatural Tumour in the Bladder that presses the Womb may be the cause so may the ill constitution of the Lungs or of the parts serving Respiration For the holding of the Breath is very necessary to help the exclusion of the Child As to the Womb various Diseases of it may render the Delivery difficult as Tumors Ulcers Obstructions and the like As to the Child hard Labour is occasion'd when by reason it is dead or putrified or any way diseased it cannot confer any thing to its own exclusion Also when the Body or Head of it is large or when there are many So Twins most commonly cause hard Labour or when it is ill situated as when the Hands or the Feet offer first or when one Hand or one Foot comes out or when it is doubled or when the Membranes break too soon so that the Water flows out and leaves the Orifice of the Womb dry at the time of exclusion or when the Membranes are too thick so that they cannot be easily broken by the Child The external causes depend on things necessary and contingent things necessary are those which are commonly call'd Non-natural so cold and dry Air and a North-wind are very injurious to Women in Labour because they bind the Body and drive the Blood and Spirits to the inner Parts and they are very injurious to the Child coming from so warm a place also hot Weather dissipates the Spirits and weakens the Child and causes a Fever in an ill habit of Body Crude Aliments and such as are difficultly concocted and those that bind taken in great quantity before Labour do render it difficult the Stomach being weakened and the common Passages contracted which ought to be very open in this case Drowsiness hinders the action of the Mother and Child and shews that Nature is weak The unseasonable motion of the Woman much retards the delivery as when she refuses upon occasion to stand walk lie or sit or flings her self about unadvisedly so that the Child can not be born the right way being turned preposterously by the restlesness of the Mother The retention of such things as should be evacuated at the time of Labour as of Urine that swells the Bladder or Excrements in the right Gut the Hemorrhoids also much swelled narrow the neck of the Womb and so hinder Natures endeavours And lastly violent Passions of the Mind as Fear Sorrow and Anger make the Labour difficult To things contingent ought to be referred a Blow a Fall or a Wound which may much obstruct Labour also the By-standers which ought to assist the Woman viz. strong Women and Maids which may lift her up just at the time of Delivery especially a skilful Midwife which ought to advise in every matter for if she be unskilful she may make the Labour difficult For sometimes the Midwife orders the Woman to endeavour an Expulsion and to stop her Breath when the Ligaments of the Fetus stick firmly to the Womb so that the Woman is tired before the time of her Delivery
be accustom'd to digest it if it be the Maeconion of the Intestines which by its long stay causes these Pains for to help to discharge them of it give them inwardly a little Oyl of sweet Almonds and Syrup of Roses and to provoke it further give it beets-Stalk cover'd with Hony for a Suppository or a Sugar'd Almond also dip'd in common Honey or you may give a small Glister And when the Child is Grip'd give no Pap because this Food by its Viscosity easily causes Obstructions which afterwards ingender Wind. If the Pain be occasioned by Worms lay a Cloath dipp'd in Oyl of Worm-wood mix'd with Ox Gall upon the Belly or a small Cataplasm mix'd with Powders of Rue Wormwood Coloquintida Aloes and the Seeds of Citrons incorporated with Ox-gall and Flower of Lupines and to drive them downwards if the little Infant can take any thing by the Mouth give it a small infusion of Rubarb or half an Ounce of Compound Syrup of Succory having before given a small Glister of Sugar'd Milk When the Gripes are caused by Wind as it often happens or by sharp Humours in the Guts anoint the Child's Belly all over with Oyl of Violets or else with Oil of sweet Almonds or else with the Oyls of Wallnuts Camomel and Melilot mixed together having first warm'd them in which also a Cloath may be dipp'd to lay upon it and a little Anodyne or Carminative Glister may be given Very frequently the Milk of a Nurse that is red Hair'd given to Wine or very Amorous may by its heat and acrimony cause small Ulcers in an Infant 's Mouth which are called Apthae or the Thrush and Vulgarly Cancers Sometimes also though the Milk have no ill Quality in it self it may however corrupt in the Stomach because of its Weakness or for some other Indisposition Of these Ulcers some are benign as they are caused by a simple heat of the Nurses Milk or by the Child's Blood and Humours being a little Over-heated or also from having had a small Fit of a Fever and they are then very superficial of a small continuance and easily yielding to Remedies Others are Malignant such as are caused by a Venereal Venom or that happen after a Malignant Fever and are Scorbutick these are putrid corrosive and spreading and do not only possess the Superficies of the Membranes which cover the Roof of the Mouth and Tongue but make deep Scabs and are communicated to the internal Parts of the Throat the Venereal ones especially which can never be Cured by ordinary Remedies but must be handled with Specificks without which they ever augment and soon kill little Infants who are too weak to undergo the Remedies fit for their Cure To Cure these Ulcers when they are small and without malignity you must take care to temper the Nurse's Milk prescribing her a Cooling Diet Bleeding and Purging also if there be occasion and wash the Child's Mouth with Barly or Plantain Water and Hony of Roses or Syrup of dryed Roses mixing with them a little Verjuice or Juice of Limons as well to loosen and cleanse the viscous Humours which cleave to the inside of the Child's Mouth as to cool those Parts which are already over-heated This may be done by means of a small fine Rag fastned to the end of a little Stick and dipp'd in the Remedy wherewith the Ulcers may be gently rubb'd being careful not to put them to too much Pain lest by irritating them an Inflammation should be caused The Child's Body must be kept open that the Humours being carried to the lower Parts so many Vapours may not ascend as usually do when the Excrements of the Belly are too long retained If the Ulcers participate of any malignity let topical Remedies then be used which do the Business speedily and as it were in an instant For this purpose touch the Ulcers with Plantain-water sharpned with Spirit of Vitriol taking great care that the Infant swallows none of it and the Remedy must be so much the stronger and sharper as the Ulcers are profound and malignant As soon as they have been cauterized with this Water by only touching them once or twice with it according to their bigness depth or corruption that no sharp Serosities may destil upon the parts not yet ulcerated and upon the Infants Throat wash its Mouth with Plantain-water or with a decoction of Barly Agrimony and Hony of Roses continuing to touch and wash the Ulcers as it may be judged convenient and until you find they spread no further To prevent that in the use of these sharp Medicines not the least portion of them should fall upon the Child's Throat and that by swallowing of them you may receive no great prejudice Some chuse rather to cauterize these Ulcers with small Linnen Tents dipt in boiling Oil and if it should be swallowed it would be no great hurt It will not be amiss to punge the ill Humors out of the whole habit of the Child by giving him half an ounce of syrup of Succory with Rhubarb The Teeth which were hidden in the Jaws usually begin to come forth not all at a time but one after another towards the fifth or sixth Month sometimes sooner and sometimes also later for to effect which they cut the Gums wherewith they were covered Then because of the exquisite sense of those parts there happens so great pains to the Children that many who were hitherto very well are now in great danger of their Lives and often die by reason of many mischievous Accidents which happen to them at that time And Hippocrates says When Children begin to breed their Teeth they are troubled with itching of their Gums Fevers Convulsions and Loosnesses and principally when they breed their Tusks or Dog-teeth especially those Children who are fat and full of Humors and bound The Dog-teeth commonly called the Eye-teeth cause more pain to the Child than any of the rest because they have a deep Root and a small Nerve that has communication with that which moves the Eye The Teeth which are first bred are the Cutting or Foreteeth The Signs when Children will breed their Teeth are when the Gums and Cheeks are swelled they feel a great heat there with an itching which often makes them put their Fingers in their Mouths to rub them from whence much Moisture destils into the Mouth because of the Pain they feel there The Nurse in giving them suck finds their Mouths hotter they are much changed and cry every moment and cannot sleep or but very little at a time And one may feel and see small points of the Teeth through the Gums which appear thin and pale on the top and swelled and red on the sides and if it happen that the Teeth are a long time ' ere they are cut or that too many of them cut at a time there is great danger that the Child will fall into those Accidents mentioned above In this case two things are to be regarded
so much danger when they Flux the Physician should endeavour all he can to hinder their Fluxing by bleeding presently in the Arm if there be the least suspicion of the Flux-pox and by giving a Vomit afterwards and by keeping the sick up till the 6th Day from the first sickness Afterwards he must be put to Bed and keep there to the end of the disease but he must have no more Cloaths on nor a greater fire in his Chamber than he used to have when he was well and he must drink freely of small Beer or other cooling Liquors But because notwithstanding the sick frequently grows hot lightheaded and restless I give an Anodyne every Night but a little earlier than is usual because in this Disease a fit of heat and restlessness comes almost every day towards the evening But which is to be lamented notwithstanding these things and all other Physical Helps the sick is very often seized on the 11th Day or on some other of those Days which we said were most fatal in the various kinds of Flux-pox with a violent Fever difficulty of breathing and restlessness and dies suddenly In this case nothing is more effectual than the taking away of ten or twelve ounces of Blood and in the evening a large Anodine must be given as before and so afterwards morning and evening and sometimes oftener for it is diligently to be noted that in some the fury of the Disease is so high that a very large dosed Anodyne cannot stop its force in 12 hours in which case it is necessary to repeat the Anodyne every 6th or every 8th hour But because it happens often at the latter end of the Disease that the Body is bound up so much that the sick is like to be suffocated and consequenrly is in great danger in this I have given successfully an ounce and an half of Lenitive Electuary dissolved in four ounces of Succory-water or the like which Draught gives some stools before night but if it does not an Anodyne must be given in the evening and sooner notwithstanding the Purge if great Restlessness or some considerable sickness threaten danger If therefore the Purge does not answer the first day it must be repeated the next and then it seldom fails and in this manner Bleeding and Purging may be repeated by Intervals as occasion requires But it is to be noted that the sick must not be purged till the 13th day or after nor then unless Bleeding has gone before For spitting of Blood and a bloody Urine coming upon the small Pox for both these Hemorraghes come sometimes at the beginning of the Disease After bleeding largely once give an Anodyne Take of red Poppy water two ounces of liquid Laudanum 14 drops of distill'd Vinegar three drachms of Diacodium half an ounce make a Draught to be repeated every night at bed time Take of Troches of Lemnian Earth and of Bole-armenick each one drachm of sealed Earth Bloodstone Dragon's-blood and red Coral prepared each half a drachm of Mastich and Gum-arabick each one scruple mingle them make a fine Powder whereof let him take half a drachm every third hour in a spoonful of syrup of Comfry drinking upon it four or five spoonfuls of the following Julep Take of the Waters of Plantain and Oak-buds each three ounces of cinnamon-Cinnamon-water Hordeate two ounces of syrup of dried Roses one ounce make it a little acid with spirit of Vitriol Emulsions also of the four greater cold Seeds with white Popies do a great deal of good But after the Hemorrhage is stopt you must proceed according to the method described in the small Pox. Great care must be taken that the Salivation continue according to the manner of it from the beginning to the 12th or 13th day for if it quite stop before the 11th day the Sick is in great danger It may be much promoted by ordering the Sick to drink freely small Beer or any other Liquor which is neither heating nor provokes sweat In the next place the Loosness in Children must be permitted because it evacuates the morbifick matter At last when the Pustles are crusty and hard I use to anoint the Face often with Oyl of sweet Almonds If in the distinct small Pox the Face does not swell I give an Anodyne presently but if the Patient be light-headed and very sick and makes Water often but little at a time he can be relieved no other way Death being near at hand than by giving Narcoticks freely or by taking away a large quantity of Blood and by exposing the Body to the Air but I would not be so understood here as if in every Phrensy coming upon the small Pox there being no Symptom more frequent that I should advise Bleeding presently but only in that which therefore happens because the Face does not swell in the distinct kind tho' there be a great number of Pustles If in the Flux-Pox the Spitle be so thick and clammy that the Sick is in danger of being suffocated which happens often on the 11th day a Gargarism must necessarly be prescibed and must be ordered to be used often Day and Night It may be made of small Beer or Barly-water with Hony of Roses Or the following may be used Take of the bark of Elm six drachms of Liquorice half a drachm of Raisins of the Sun ston'd number twenty of red Roses two pugils boil them in a sufficient quantity of Water to a pint and an half In the strained Liquor dissolve of simple Oxymel and of Hony of Roses each two ounces mingle them make a Gargarism But when the sick is in danger to be suffocated every moment and is stupid an ounce and an half of the Infusion of Crocus Metallorum must be given for a less Dose will not work by reason of the stupidity of the sick But this Remedy does not always do the business The Coma may be easily relieved by the help of a moderate Regimen For a Suppression of Urine which sometimes afflicts young and brisk People nothing does so well as taking the Sick out of Bed and after he has walked twice or thrice cross the Room by the assistance of the By-standers he will presently make Water freely and be much relieved thereby But the Symptoms arising from catching cold or by Evacuations unduly used whereby the small Pox are struck in must be removed by Cordials and an agreeable Regimen but they must not be continued after the Symptoms are gone off The chief of these are a flatting of the Pustles and a Loosness in the distinct small Pox for in the Flux a depression of the Pustles is natural nor is a Loosness dangerous in Children In both these cases a Cordial-potion made of distilled Waters Diascordium liquid Laudanum and the like is proper not only to remove these Symptoms but also at any time of the Disease if the Sick complain of a pain at the Heart or of sickness But to speak the truth Symptoms of this kind are