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water_n plantain_n rose_n spot_v 20 3 16.8219 5 false
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A09123 The widowes treasure plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approoued secretes in phisicke and chirurgery for the health and pleasure of mankinde : hereunto are adioyned, sundry pretie practises and conclusions of cookerie : with many profitable and holesome medicines for sundrie diseases in cattell. Partridge, John, fl. 1566-1573. 1588 (1588) STC 19433.7; ESTC S3385 35,594 114

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through a two fold linnen cloth it is good for a surred mouth or throate To heale the Canker vpon the Yarde TAke an vnce of Roche Allom and half an vnce of Verdegres with Smithes water and put all in some vessell of glasse and séethe it two houres straine it and vse it as you thinke good PIllute Aeliphauge helpeth the stinkinge of the mouth béeing taken euerye daye nipped betwixt your teeth For a Stitche or winde Collicke TAKE Capillus veneris Parslye rootes Fennell rootes of eache a quarter of an vnce bruse these hearbes and drinke that iuice with white Wine Haire to grow A Cornes burnte and mixt with Beares greace Against Spottes and Pimples in the Face NIgella brayed and mixed with Flowre and Honey and make thereof an ointment and annoynt here-with the spots at night and in the morning wash them with Parslie water For a hot burning in the stomacke growen of Choller which causeth the Feuer TAKE Borrage Mallowes Fumitorye Violet leaues Béetes greate Raisins the Stones taken out Prunes Polipody with a little Dill seethe these in pottage and eate héerof For a saustem face TAKE the iuice of houslike and the iuice of Tansye and seethe them in a pinte of white Wine to halfe a pinte and when it is colde laye it to the face with a Flaxen cloth dipped in the same and so let it lye al night and when it is drye then you may wet it so often as you list For an Ache. TAke Oyle de Baye and Aqua vitae a spoonefull and mixe them together and anoynt it For heate in the face TAke a pounde of Almondes a pinte of warme Water straine them then put thereto halfe an ounce of white Campher a pinte of white Wine beat them together and straine it with a pinte of Margerame water and put it in a glasse and wash therwith For the same TAke Vineger halfe a pinte Deares suet as muche as you can holde in your hand Brimstone so muche as will goe into an Egge béeing finely brused séethe them altogeather till they be almoste drye béeing made in a ball take a litle thereof and put it into a Saucer and melte it with a fewe Coales then take a fine cloth and dip therin and rub softlye the place where the corruption is vntill it be taken away If this helpe not within a moneth then drinke euerye morning a Cuppe of Béere put into it fine English Madder finely picked brused and searsed and drink it For the same TAke Capons Greace melt it and strain it through a cloth and let it stande to coole a a quarter of an howre then put in Brimstone finelye brused and mingle it with the Capons greace and annoint the face therewith when you goe to bed where the pimples be or rednes and in the Morning wash it with Rosewater luke warme Remember you pick not your Nose if you will haue it stronger put in Ginger finely beaten a peniwoorth of eche will serue but of Capons greace y.d. To vomit vp Cholor TAke sixe Docke Rootes cleane washed and the pithe taken out a fewe toppes of Redde Mintes and a little Woormwood béeing stéeped in a quarte of Ale or white Wine all night and drinke thereof half a pinte at one drafte It is good to clense the bodye in all partes as before is said perhappes with a froole or two this is approued béeing taken betwéene Marche and Iune For a Fellon TAke twelue Snailes in the garden and beate them shelles and all vntil that it come to a salue and applye it and when it waxeth drye take freshe stil and it wil kill heale and drawe To stop the whites in women POmegranet Flowres the kirnelles of Pine apples brused together with two or thrée braunches of S. Iohns woorte being boyled in a quarte of red Wine from a quarte to a pint and a half and drink morning and euening For the stuffing of the Lightes and Lunges TAKE Arthemesia Epithimum redde Sage Rosemarye toppes redde Fenell of eache a handfull a Galingale roote halfe ʒ of gréene Ginger halfe ʒ of Manus Christi a sticke of Liquorice séethe it from a quarte to a pinte For the heate in the back approued D. Huicke TAKE the water of Plantaine distilled or the iuice therof put to the leaues the leaues of red Roses distilled and the Water of red roses and the water of red Rose Vineger then put all these togeather in an earthen pot put it into the water as Linnen cloath and the same stéepe there then after a while take it out and with a fewe leaues of red Rose cake lay it to the backe and when it waxeth ●ot vse another cloath dipped therin To drye vp the Rewme TAke Nutmegs Cloues and Mace beaten to powder with the powder of Rosemary boyle these togeather in swéete Sallet Oyle vntill it be somwhat thick spread it vpon a cloth and laye it to the crowne of the head this is approued to help it To keepe the eyes cleere coole and from rednes and to kill the Itche TAke of P●a●●●ne two handfull Housléek one handfull stampe them and straine them and let it settle then powre out the cleare iuice from the drosie put thereto halfe as muche red Rosewater and a quarter of a Spoonefull of white Suger Candy in powder then take Lapis Caluminaris a péece as bigge as your thumb and slake it 12 times in the same water and héereof put 4 droppes morning and euening lying vpon your backe Approued Against the Collick and Stone in maner of a plaister TAKE Parslye and Smalage Ana. two spooneful of Capons Greace put this in an earthen vessell putting the one spoonful in the bottome and the other in the top vpon the hearbes set these on the Embers to boyle from Morne to night then stampe them and straine them and spread the ointment vpon a linnen cloth and lay it hot to the Nauell and bottome of the belly A Clister to be giuen to a Childe or woman in childe bed TAke a pinte of newe Milke thrée vnces of redde Suger candied boyle your Milke well then take it of and let it stand till it be no warmer then you can abide it on your chéeke and with a Clister pipe put it vp A Clister TAKE a Hen pullet drawe it very clean and breake all the bones thereof then séethe it with a quarte of licour vntill that it come to a pinte then take a handfull of Spinage one handefull of Marche Mallowes or other Mallowes and a handful of Violet leaues seethe these hearbes in the licour of the pullet very well with as muche salte as wil season an Egge then put therto a Saucer full of pure Sallet Oyle and warme it To breake the Stone TAke a Cocke of a yéere olde and open him and you shall finde in his Mawe small white stones take them and beate them in a brason Morter very fine and put it in good white Wine and drink it and it wil breake the stone Against toothache
what cause soeuer TAke a handfull of Camomill a handfull of Betonye a handfull of Veruaine leaues cleane picked stampe them and séeth them in Ale woorte and when it hath sodde put therevnto a little Commin séede finely beaten with a little powder of Harts horne thrée spoonefulles of Vineger the yolkes of two Egges and a little Saffron stirre them about and lay a plaister hot ouer all his forehead It is an approued medicine for the Megrim Chestwoormes that are found betwéene the Barke of Trées which will be rounde like a Pease sodden in Oyle it maketh a singuler ointement for the Megrim and the same Oyle dropped into the eares swageth the paine An approued remedye for the Toothache The Rootes of Henbane sodden in Vineger and Rosewater put the decoction in your mouth A woorthy purgation to auoide Choller TAKE halfe an vnce of Cassia newly drawne a dragme of good Rubarbe infused a night with water of Endife with a little Spicknarde and an vnce of Sirrop of Violets mixe all the sayde thinges with thrée ounces of Ptisan or Whay and drinke it warme Against vnkindely heate of the Liuer TAke a good handfull of Liuer woorte that groweth vpon the stones and an other of Fumitorye with as muche of Hartes tunge and séethe them in Whay clarified and drincke them euerye daye twice Also séethe Barberies in Whay and drinke it THe Liuer of a Hare dryed and made in powder is approued for all diseases of the Liuer Mythridates medicine against corrupt ayres TWentye leaues of Rewe two fatte Figges two Walnuts and a little salte whosoeuer eateth of this composition shall be sure from all kinde of venim that day To increace Milke in Womens Brestes PArsney Rootes and Fenell Rootes sodden in broath of Chickens and afterwardes eaten with a little fresh Butter maketh your milke increace RIce sodden in Cowe milke with crummes of white breade Fenell séede in powder and a little Suger is excéeding good CHristall made in fine powder and mixe it with as muche Fenell séede and Suger and vse to drinke it warme with a little Wine An excellent sope for Scabbes and Itche TAke white Sope halfe a di and steepe it in sufficient Rose water til it be wel soked then take two dragmes of Mercury Subblimed disolue it in a little Rose water labour the Sope and the Rose Water well togeather and afterwarde put in it a little Muske or Ciuet and keep it This is singuler to cure a great Scabbe or Itche without perrill An approued medicine to driue away Lyce TAke the Dregges of Oyle or freshe Swines Greace a sufficient quantitye wherin you shall chase an vnce of Quicke Siluer till it be all suricke into the greace then take powder of Staues-acre fearced and mingle all togeather make a Girdle of a woollen list meet for the middle of the pacient and all to annoint it ouer with the said medicine then let him weare it continually next his skinne for it is a singular remedy to chase them away The onely odour of Quick siluer killeth Lyce For to stop the Flixe TAke Sene croppes and stampe it and drinke it with stale ale and it will amend by Gods helpe For the blooddye Flixe TAke an Apple and roste it and put therin as muche Waxe as a Beane and let the Patient eate it and by Gods helpe it will amend For any bruse TAke an Ore Gall and Onyons and fry them with Shéepes Tallow and it will helpe presently An ointment for the backe TAke foure ounces of Vnguentum Frigidum Galeni an ounce of the iuyce of Houslike two dragmes of Mirt●e and as much of Lead burned one dragme of Camphier halfe a dragme of red Rose leaues as much red Currall and according to Art make all these an Oyntmente in a Morter of Lead For an Ague TAKE a handfull of Hartes horne that groweth in the féelde and a handfull of baye Salte and lay it to your wristes For the Tooth ache TAKE Bytonye Sage and Allome seethe them in Vineger and let it lye in your Tooth To keepe Venison fresh a long time PResse out the blood cleane and put it into an earthen pot and fill it with clarified Honey two fingers aboue the fleshe and binde a Leather close about the mouth that no ayre enter To keepe it from rotting after it is new flaine COuer it close from the Sunne or Ayre with Fearne and laye it in a colde place then washe it cleane and let it lye in Water halfe a daye and then laye it on the Floore to drye then set the Water and Salte together and let it coole till it be leuke warme and then washe the Venison therin and let it lye in that pickle three dayes and thrée nightes then take it out and powder it with drye Salt and barrell it and stop it fast To keep Peares PVt them in a vesse ll that they touche not each other and make a bed of peares and an other of fine white Salt and couer them close To kill Lyce MAke a fier and put quicke siluer therein and hang the clothes ouer it in the smoke and no vermin will come in them Against drunkennes DRinke the iuyce of Yarowe fasting or els the Marrow of Porke fasting To make Linnen cloth or Yearne white TAke a Herring Barrell and fill it full of Ale dregges and stoppe it fast but first you must haue a good dishefull of parthed Beanes and put them in a Linnen bagge and béeing hotte put them to the Dregges till they coole and shut it fast the space of one quarter of an hower then take a paunde of Allome ground to powder and cast it therein and let it lye so foure dayes well closed then wash it To remedy the feet that are sore with Trauailing TAke Plantaine and stampe it well and annoint your féete with the iuice thereof and the gréef will swage A notable experiment against the Phitiske of the Lunges TAKE of the Pimpernell brought into very fine powder two ounces of newe Pimpernell water and of Suger as much as shall suffise making thereof an Clectuarie of which take dayly two dragmes PArsly with crummes of Breode applyed in the stéede of a plaister dooth heale the Shingles but the decoction of the same drunke dooth breake the Stone Florenti MIntes put into Milke it neither suffereth the same to curde nor to become thicke in so muche that layed into curded milk this would bring the same thinne againe so that by the same vertue and propertie he saith to resist and abate the generation as wel in man as woman Florentinus A good drinke for the pestilence TAke a Lillye roote and washe it cleane and boyle it in white Wine till the one halfe be wasted and then giue it the sicke to drinke and he shall breake out ful of bladders as if he were burnte of scalded which of them selues will drye and waxe whole Pastor CHestnuts eaten with Honnye fasting doo helpe a man of the Cough To make a
Stillatorye and kéepe the Water close and occupye it by a spoonefull at once To make fine Cakes TAke a quantitye of fine wheate flower and put it in an Earthen Pot stoppe it close and set it in an Ouen and bake it as longe as you woulde a Pastye of Venison and when it is baked it will be ful of clods then serce your flower through a fine Serser then take Clouted Creame or swéete Butter but Creame is best then take Suger Cloues Mace Saffron and yolkes of Egges so muche as will seeme to season your Flower then put these thinges into the Creame temper all together then put thereto your flower so make your Cakes the paste will be very short therfore make them very little lay paper vnder them To make an excellent Pomander TAke of Storax Calamitaʒ ss of Beniemin two ounces of Labdanum ʒ ss of Cloues white Saunders of eache thrée dragmes Margerum two dragmes mingle with these powders Musk and Ambergrice of eache a scruple make your ball with the infusion of Rosewater and Ciuet in a morter somwhat warme A precious oyntment for all manner of Aches TAke a pound waight of Sage as muche of Rew halfe a pound of Woormewood and as muche of Croppes of Bayes and beate them verry small in a Morter then take two pound and a halfe of shéepes Tallow and temper it with the Hearbes that be beaten and beate them againe together newe and then put them in a panne and set them vpon hotte Embers and put therto a pottle of Oyle of Olife and let it stand vpon the hot Embers two howres and a halfe at the least then straine it through a course cloth and put it in an earthen Pot and so occupye it This would be made in May or in Iune For the canker in the mouth TAke white Vineger a quantitye with as much Honye and then set them on the fire to boyle with a little Allom and washe your mouth therwith as oft as shall neede TAke the iuice of Plantaine and Vineger and Water of Roses and washe your mouth TAke the iuice of Woodbin and the iuice of Solseque that is Marigoldes and Hony and powder of Canell and pouder of Copporis and the powder of wilde Sage burnt and medled all togeather and laye it theron where the Canker is and it shall dry it But to slay the Canker take a Red Onyon and lay it theron CArduus eaten or drunke in powder prouoketh sweate A Mouce rosted and giuen to Children to eate remedieth pissing a bed A precious drinke for the Pestilence approued TAKE Fetherfew Matfelon Mogwort Solsequi Scabions and Mallowes washe them and stampe them and temper them with Ale and giue the sicke to drinke sixe spoonefulles at once if he haue it betimes it wil destroy the corruption and saue the sicke patient A singuler medicine to resiste the pestilence TAke pouder of Saffron tenne graines Wallnutes twentye graines Figges ʒ ij and sixe Sage Leaues stamped togeather with ʒ i. of Pimpernell water and iij. Graines of Mithridatum kéepe this in a close Glasse and eate thereof in the Morning twelue Graines and this will defend the receiuer from the Pestilence THe greate Garden Docke druncke in Wine purgeth Flegme Cholour and water downwardes The vertue of Motherwoorte IT groweth by the high wayes and Stony Walles bushing with many stalkes leaued like a Nettle but more ragged and towards the bottome like Crow foote It is of wonderfull force against any sickenes of the hart whereof the chéefe name is deriued it helpeth Crampes and Palsies it killeth Woormes in the body it clenseth the breste from Flegme it dooth open colde obstructions it prouoketh Vrine Moueth Womens flowres the iuice drunke or the hearbe in decoction and a spoonefull of the powder of this hearbe giuen in Wine helpeth the hard labours of Women An excellent medicine againste Impostumes Plurifie Coughes and all diseases in the Brest TAKE a handfull of Scabions the herb● dryed of Liquorice cut small an ounce twelue Figges Fenell séede an ounce Anniséede as muche Erius halfe an ounce lay these in water or white Wine a night the next daye boyle them til it be consumed to y t third part then swéeten it with suger A medicine for the Collick TAKE Otes and bren them in a pan as yée doo parched Peason and as hot as yée may suffer it lay them to the Nauel in a Linnen cloth For the same TAke a faire flatte stone and make it red in the fire and then take it out and let it coole till the rednesse be passed and then take a halfpeniwoorth of Saffron and lay it vpon the stone and turne it thither and hether vntill it be turned almoste to powder and take a spoonefull of Malmesie and put the Saffron there vnto and so drinke it wil soone passe away A present remedy against the plague TAke a great redde Onyon and make a hole in the middest and put a spoonful of Triacle roste him in the fire take a spoonefull of Vineger a spoonefull of Aqua composita bruse them all togeather strayne them through a cloth and giue it to drinke For the cough TAke thrée Figges and roste them and put them in a Cup of Béere and a little Liquorice and Anniséedes beaten then let it stande by the fire till it be warme then take out the Figges and eate them then drinke vp the drinke and goe to bed warme and in iiij nightes it breaketh the Cough To delay heate TAke of Vineger one parte fine Suger two partes running water foure parts boyle them all togeather to the one halfe or more and when you shall occupie it take a spoonfull and a halfe of the said sirrop and eight or nine sponefulles of Barlye water drinke it To breake Flegme TAke a quarte of Muskadel a pint of Hisoppe water thrée good Rases of cased Ginger and as muche of Liquorice cleane pared then take two peniwoorth of Suger candie brused put all these in a glasse shake them together couer your glasse foure and twentye howres drinke thereof Morning and Euening A preparatiue before you purge the Stomacke TAKE Sene three ounces of Polipodye thrée ounces of Anniséedes thrée ounces séethe all these in a quart of water to a pinte and strain them through a faire cloth put in Suger to make them plesant To purge the stomacke TAke a handfull of Mercurye as muche of yong Mallowes an ounce of Sene thrée spoonfulles of Anniséedes put them in a pinte of white Wine and as much Ale all night the next daye séeth them together till halfe be consumed then drincke a good draughte thereof in the Morning sléepe vpon it An excellent purger from all partes of the body TAKE an ounce or two of perfecte Turpentine of the chéefest bruse it and disolue it in a Morter with a Pestell with halfe the yolke of an Egge put thereto thrée ounces of smalledge water beat them together till it be like milke and sup it vp but firste wash your
TAke a little burnt roche Allome and in the burning put a little fine Linte into it and put it into your téeth that is hollow this will ease the paine A medicine to strengthen the backe TAke a quarte of good Ale thrée or foure whole Maces and as many Dates the stones taken out and pith also then take the toppes of Rosemarye a good handfull and boyle all togeather from a quarte to a pint then take the oyle of two or thrée new layde Egges and take off the rinde about the yolke then put the yolke into the Ale and boyle them togeather and stirre them wel and so drink it morning and euening For the heate in the backe TAke Vng. frigidum Galeniʒ iij you must take the oyntment and spread it vpon a fine Linnen cloath béeing firste dipped in red Rose water then warme it against the fire and so lay it vpon the Kidneis when it waxeth hot take it off and lay to an other For the Collick and Stone TAKE the Cuttinges of a Vine and drye them throughlye when you will make your Medicine burne them then take the Ashes that dooth come thereof and put it into a pinte of Renishe wine or white Wine and let it stande in it all night and in the morning drink therof thus vsing the quantity of the vine to the quantity of the wine Probatum est To staunche blood TAke the beste Vineger that you can get Plantine Water of eache two poundes and therein wette diuers linnen clothes and laye them to the soles of the féete the palme of the hand and againste the Liuer and the blood shal forthwith stanche To take away spottes from the handes or sunburninges TAKE the in●●e of a Lemon with a little Baye Salte washe your handes with it and let it drye then wash them with cundit water and you shall finde all spots gon it is good against scurffe or such like Against stuffing of the Lunges TAKE and make a Posset of Sacke and Ale with Anniséedes and Licorice beaten to powder and let it séethe with the drinke put in it a good péece of Suger and Dredge if you haue any and drinke thereof euery morning it helpeth A water to wash the yard for one that had the running lately of the Reines TAKE Daisies Plantine leaues and woodbinde of eache three handfulles of the best English honye and a péece of Roche Allom as bigge as a Walnut boyle al these in a quart of faire water with a prittye quantitye of redde Rose-Water in an Earthen Potte close couered so long as you will séethe an Egge vntill it be hard then straine it and with this water with your sering squirte it into the yard the water béeing luke warme so that the pipe thereof be put an inche or more and spout it strongly that the water may come behinde the sore place and so vse it euerye day thrée times for a monethes space For Sinewes that be shrunke in maner of an ointment TAke twelue yong swallowes out of the nest take also vnset Tyme the leaues and stringes of Strawberies and Lauender Cotten of eache a handfull and stampe them togeather and the Swallowes with their feathers Guttes and all then stamp them in a morter and so boyle it in Maye Butter and then let it be put into an earthen Pot stopped close the space of nine dayes then séeth it againe with some more May butter and straine it and when néed is chase it against the fire For sore eyes that smart or Itche TAKE Lapis Caluminaris and make it hotte in the Fire quench it in a pint of white wine thrée or foure times then take the srane and stampe it to fine powder and straine the wine with the powder and put it in a glasse and when you haue néede vse it Remember to shake the glasse till it be thicke and with a feather drop two or thrée droppes in your eies the party lying on his back Against the Sciatica TAKE foure or fiue great Onyons and rost them very soft then pil and stamp them in a Morter and put thereto halfe a pinte of Aqua vitae thrée spoonfuls of Neats féete Oyle and boyle them together till it waxe verye thicke then strain them and therewith annoynte the gréefe chasing it in before the fire a quarter of an howre euening morning then lay a wilde Cats skin thereto the hairye side next your fleshe and within xv dayes you shall haue ease ¶ An oyntment for Aches bruses Lamenes Stitches Gowtes hardnes of the Splene Ague Cankers and for paine in the eares TAKE of Sage and Rewe of eache a pounde of Woormewood of Baye leaues of eache halfe a pounde of Sheepes Sewet cleane picked from the Skinne thrée pounde of swéete Oyle Olife a pottle chop the hearbes very small and then stampe them as small as maye be thē shred the sewet very fine and put them all togeather and then stampe them altogether vntill the sewet be not seene then take it foorth and put it into a faire Panne and put the Oyle into the Panne and couer it close and so let it stande for the space of ten dayes then take it forthe and breake it into a brasse panne and set it on a soft fier and alwaies stirre it vntill the hearbes be crackinge then take it off and straine it through a wide Canuas Cloth into a faire Earthen pot and so kéep it For those vehement aches when you shall lay of this ointment vpon it you must take the Wooll that groweth betwéene the Shéepes Legges or the longest of the wooll and carde it in brode flakes and baste it vpon a linnen cloth and keep that alwaies to it To cause one to pisse TAke horsedunge of the Stable newe Maye Butter and Aqua vitae of eche like portions fry them together and make thereof a plaister and apply it to the patient from the Nauell to the Fundament as hot as you maye suffer it and feare not though it cause to make bloud issue for such is the woorkinge of the medicine it causeth the stone to auoide approoued A soueraine medicine for an ache in the shoulder TAke Figges and Raisons of the Sunne of eache a like quantitye and halfe asmuche Musterde séede and beat them very small grinde them with the beste Vineger in a paire of Mustard Quernes that doone spread it vpon a Lambes skin and laye it to the ache To staunche blood at the nose TAKE an Egge and breake it and put out the meat and then receiue so muche blood as will fill the shell of the partye bléeding that doon set the same in the fire vntill it be hard then burne the ●a●ie to ashes and it will stanche the bleeding Idem TAke an Inkell and binde the person so bléeding about the temples of the head and knit the knot thereof in the neck and it stauncheth For an Ague TAKE thrée pintes of Ale an ounce of redde Sage the like quantitye of Baye leaues thrée ounces of fine