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A84524 A collection of the statutes made in the reigns of King Charles the I. and King Charles the II. with the abridgment of such as stand repealed or expired. Continued after the method of Mr. Pulton. With notes of references, one to the other, as they now stand altered, enlarged or explained. To which also are added, the titles of all the statutes and private acts of Parliament passed by their said Majesties, untill this present year, MDCLXVII. With a table directing to the principal matters of the said statutes. By Tho: Manby of Lincolns-Inn, Esq.; Public General Acts. 1625-1667 England and Wales.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn. 1667 (1667) Wing E898; ESTC R232104 710,676 360

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in course And that the Gold and Silver brought in and Coyned as aforesaid shall be in the same order delivered to the respective bringers in thereof their Executors Administrators or Assigns successively without preference of one before the other and not otherwise And if any undue preference be made in Entring of any Gold or Silver or delivering out of any money Coyned contrary to the true intent and meaning of this Act by any Officer or Officers of the Mint or Mints Penalty then the party or parties offending shall be liable by Action of Debt or in the Case to pay the value of the Gold or Silver brought in and not Entred and Delivered according to the true intent and meaning and direction of this Act as aforesaid with Damages and Costs to the party or parties grieved and shall be fore-judged from his or their Place or Office And if such preference be unduly made by any of his or their Deputy or Deputies Clerk or Clerks without direction or privity of his or their Master or Masters then such Deputy or Deputies Clerk or Clerks onely shall be liable to such Action Damage and Costs as aforesaid and be for ever after uncapable of serving or bearing Office in any Mint in the Kingdom of England Provided always That it shall not be interpreted any undue preference to incur any penalty in point of Delivery of moneys Coyned if the Officer or Officers What shall not be an undue preference or their Deputies or Clerks shall deliver out or pay any moneys Coyned to any person or persons that do come and demand the same upon subsequent Entries before others that did not come to demand their moneys in their order and course so as there be so much money reserved as will satisfie them which shall not be otherwise disposed of but kept for them And for the more orderly and clear performance thereof Be it Enacted And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the Master-worker of His Majesties Mint or Mints for the time being shall at the time of the Delivery and Entry of any Gold or Silver in the said Mint or Mints give unto the bringer or bringers in thereof to be Coyned a Bill under his hand denoting the Weight Fineness and Value thereof together with the Day and Order of its Delivery into the said Mint or Mints And for the further Encouragement and Assurance of such as shall bring any Gold or Silver into his Majesties said Mint or Mints to be Coyned Be it Enacted There shall be no seisure or forfeiture c. of any Gold or Silver brought in to be coyned And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Confiscation Forfeiture Seizure Attachment Stop or Restraint whatsoever shall be made in the said Mint or Mints of any Gold or Silver brought in to be Coyned for or by reason of any Imbargo breach of the Peace Letters of Mart or Reprisal or War with any Foreign Nation or upon any other accompt or pretence whatsoever But that all Gold and Silver brought into any of his Majesties Mint or Mints within the Kingdom of England to be Coyned shall truly and with all convenient spéed be Coyned and delivered out to the respective bringer or bringers in thereof their Executors Administrators or Assigns according to the Rules and Directions of this Act. And whereas it cannot be reasonably expected that the Expence Waste and Charge in Assaying Melting down and Coynage be born by Your Majesty And for the further encouragement of Coynage Be it Enacted And it is hereby Enacted by the Authority aforesaid An Imposition set upon Wines Vinegar Sider or Beer Imported That for every Tun of Wines Vineger Sider or Béer that shall be Imported or brought into the Port of London or into any other Port Créek or place within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed from any parts beyond the Seas or Scotland from and after the Twentieth day of December in the year of our Lord One thousand six hundred sixty and six there shall be Levied Collected and paid the sum of Ten shillings And for every Tun of Brandy-wines or strong-Strong-waters that shall be imported as abovesaid the sum of Twenty shillings Brandy-wine Strong-water and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity to be Levied Collected and paid at the respective Custom-Houses to the Collectors and other Officers of the Customs for the time being at the Importation of the said Commodities over and above all other Duties charged leviable and payable upon the said Commodities and to be by them distinguished and kept apart from all other moneys by them Collected and Levied upon the same Commodities or upon any other Commodities or Merchandizes whatsoever and to be by the said Collector or Collectors respectively so answered and paid Quarterly into the Receipt of the Exchequer of Your Majesty Your Heirs and Successors there also to be kept distinct and apart from all other moneys arising by the Customs or by any other way or Revenue whatsoever which said Duty they are hereby injoyned to receive and pay according to the several Directions of this Act without any Salary or Fée And be it further Enacted and Declared by the Authority aforesaid That all manner of Wines Vinegar Sider Béer Brandy-wines and strong-Strong-waters Imported as aforesaid shall pay their several and respective Duties imposed by this Act And upon non-payment thereof shall be liable to such and the same pains penalties and forfeitures as in and by the late Acts for Tunnage and Poundage and for Frauds are Enacted and appointed upon non-payment of the Duties by the said Acts imposed upon Goods and Merchandises of the same nature with those mentioned in this Act. Provided always and it is hereby Enacted That for what of the aforesaid Commodities shall be Transported into any parts beyond the Seas within the term and space of one year after the Importation thereof That the Duty paid by this Act for the same shall be repaid by the respective Collectors of the Customs for the time being And it is hereby further Enacted That no moneys leviable and payable by this Act shall be applied or converted to any use or uses whatsoever Moneys leviable upon this Act shall be imployed onely to the use of the Mint other then to the defraying the charge or expence of the Mint or Mints and of the Assaying Melting down Waste and Coynage of Gold and Silver and the encouragement of the bringing in of Gold and Silver into the said Mint or Mints there to be Coyned into the current Coyns of this Kingdom Nor shall any of the said Moneys be issued out of the Exchequer but by Order or Warrant of the Lord Treasurer and Vnder-Treasurer or Commissioners of the Treasury for the time being to the Master and Worker or Masters and Workers of Your Majesties Mint or Mints for the time being and mentioning That they
but that the same during the continuation of such Lease Leases or other Agreements shall be payed delivered and performed in such measure and form as the same hath been payed delivered and performed before the making of this Act And that such measure Water measures to be continued that is commonly called Water-measure in any Ports Maritime Towns or other places shall be still used and continued as formerly the same hath béen Any thing in this Statute contained to the contrary hereof in any wise notwithstanding The general issue may be pleaded Provided also That no Iustice or Iustices of the Peace Mayor Bailiff or other head Officer Churchwardens Overséers or any other authorized by this Statute for the due execution thereof in any point shall be sued impleaded or otherwise impeached for doing or executing their said Offices respectively And if any Suit or Suits hereafter shall be Commenced against them or any of them their Agents or Assistants touching the premisses That then it shall and may be lawful for them and every of them so sued or troubled in any Court or Courts wheresoever to plead the general issue Not Guilty and to give this Statute in Evidence or any other special matter in Evidence Treble costs for unjust vexation And in ease by or upon this Law they or any of them shall be found not guilty or the Plaintiff be Non-suited the Defendant or Defendants shall recover treble Costs against the Plaintiff for his unjust vexation CAP. XX. None shall be compelled to take the Order of Knighthood Writs issued for persons to take the order of Knighthood WHereas upon the pretext of an ancient custom or usage of this Realm of England That Men of full age being not Knights and being seised of Lands or Rents of the yearly value of forty pounds or more especially if their seisin had so continued by the space of thrée years next past might be compelled by the Kings Writ to receive or take upon them the order or dignity of Knighthood or else to make Fine for the discharge or respite of the same Several Writs about the beginning of his Majesties reign issued out of the Court of Chancery for Proclamations to be made in every County to that purpose and for certifying the names of all such persons and for summoning them personally to appear in the Kings presence before a certain day to be there ready to receive the said Order or Dignity Upon return of which Writs and transmitting the same with their Returns into the Court of Exchequer Returns and upon other Writs for further inquiry of the names of such persons issuing out of the said Court of Exchequer Processe by Distringas was thence made against a very great number of persons Distringas many of which were altogether unfit in regard either of Estate or quality Fines to receive the said Order or Dignity and very many were put to grievous Fines and other vexations for the same although in truth it were not sufficiently known how or in what sort or where they or any of them should or might have addressed themselves for the receiving the said Order or Dignity and for saving themselves thereby from the said Fines Process and vexations And whereas it is most apparent that all and every such procéedings in regard of the matter therein pretended is altogether useless and unreasonable May it therefore please your most Excellent Majesty that it be by authority of Parliament declared and Enacted No person shal be compelled to take on him the order of Knighthood nor undergo any fine for that cause And be it declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That from henceforth no person or persons of what condition quality estate or degrée soever shall at any time be distrained or otherwayes compelled by any Writ or Process of the Court of Chancery or Court of Exchequer or otherwise by any means whatsoever to receive or take upon him or them respectively the Order or Dignity of Knighthood nor shall suffer or undergo any Fine Trouble or Molestation whatsoever by reason or colour of his or their having not received or not taken upon him or them the said Order or Dignity And that all and every Writ or Processe whatsoever and all and every procéeding which shall hereafter be had or made contrary to the intent of this Act shall be déemed and adjudged to be utterly void And that all and every processe procéeding and charge now depending by reason or colour of the said pretended custome or Writs aforesaid or of any the Dependants thereof shall from henceforth cease and stand be and remain discharged and utterly void Any former Law or Custome or any pretence of any former Law or Custome or any other matter whatsoever to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Stat. 1 E. 2. CAP. XXI Liberty for bringing in of Gun-powder and Salt-peter from Forraign parts and for the free making of Gun-powder in this Realm Mischiefs by prohibiting importing of Gunpowder WHereas the Importation of Gun-powder from forreign parts hath of late times béen against Law prohibited and the making thereof within this Realm ingrossed whereby the price of Gun-powder hath béen excessively raised many powder works decayed this Kingdom very much weakened and indangered the Merchants thereof much damnified many Mariners and others taken prisoners and brought into miserable Captivity and Slavery many Ships taken by Turkish and other Pyrates and many other inconveniences have from thence insued and more are likely to ensue if they be not timely prevented Liberty to all to import gun-powder Be it therefore declared and Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Majesty and the Lords and Commons in this present Parliament assembled and by the Authority of the same That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and singular persons as well Strangers as natural born Subjects of this Realm to import and bring into this Kingdom any quantities of Gun-powder whatsoever paying such Customes and Duties for the same as by authority of Parliament shall be limited and set down And be it further Declared and Enacted by the Authority aforesaid All Subjects may make and sell Gun-powder and import Salt-peter That it shall and may be lawful to and for all and singular his Majesties Subjects of this his Realm of England to make and sell any quantities of Gun-powder at his and their will and pleasure and also to bring into this Kingdom any quantities of Salt-peter Brimstone or any other materials necessary or requisite for the making of Gun-powder And lastly Be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That if any person or persons Penalty for putting in execution Letters Patents Proclamations c. against this liberty from and after the tenth day of August which shall be in the year of our Lord God One thousand six
raised levyed collected 12 Car. 2. c. 2. ● and paid unto Your Maiesty during Your Life for Beer Ale Sider and other Liquors herein after mentioned The several Rates Impositions Duties and Charges herein after expressed and in manner and form following That is to say Beer and Ale above 6 s. the barrel For every Barrel of Beer or Ale above six shillings the barrel brewed by the Common Brewer or any other Person or Persons who doth or shall sell or tap out beer or Ale publickly or privately to be paid by the common Brewer or by such other person or persons respectively and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity One shilling three pence XV. d. Beer and Ale of ● s. the barrel For every barrel of Six shillings Beer or Ale or under brewed by the common Brewer or any other person or persons who doth or shall sell or tap out such Beer or Ale publickly or privately to be paid by the said common Brewer or by such other person or persons respectively as aforesaid and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity three pence iij. d. Sider Perry For all Syder and Perry made and sold by retail upon every Hogshead to be paid by the Retayler thereof and so proportionably for a greater or lesser measure One shilling three pence XV. d. Metheglin Mead. For all Metheglin or Mead sold whether by Retail or otherwise to be paid by the maker thereof upon every Gallon One half-penny Ob. Vinegar-beer For every Barrel of Beer commonly called Vinegar-Beer brewed by any common Brewer in any common Brew-house six pence Vi. d. Strong water For every Gallon of Strong-water or Aquavitae made and sold to be paid by the maker thereof One penny i. d. Beer and Ale Imported For every barrel of Beer or Ale Imported from beyond the Seas Three Shillings iij. s. Syder Perry Imporced For every Tun of Syder or Perry Imported from beyond the Seas and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity Five shillings V. s. Spirits Imported For every gallon of Spirits made of any kind of Wine or Syder Imported Two pence ij d. Strong-water Imported For every gallon of Strong-water perfectly made Imported from beyond the Seas Four pence iiij d. Coffee For every Gallon of Coffee made and sold to be paid by the maker Four pence iiij d. Chocolatte For every gallon of Chocolatte Sherbet and Tea made and sold to be paid by the maker thereof ●ight pence Viij d. The Excise upon forreign liquors imported to be paid by the importers in money upon entries made before landing Common brewers to accompt weekly and other retailers of beer ale c. monthly And be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid That the several Rates Duties and Charges of Excise or New Impost above mentioned hereby set or imposed upon all and every the said Forreign Liquors which shall be Imported or brought into all or any the Ports of this Kingdom and Dominions thereof aforesaid from and after the five and twentieth day of December next shall be from time to time satisfied and paid by the Merchant or Merchants Importer or Importers of the same in ready money upon his or their Entry or Entries made and before the landing thereof The penalty for not accounting as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all common Brewers of Béer and Ale shall once in every Wéek And all Inn-kéepers Victuallers and other Retaylers of Béer Ale Syder Perry Metheglin or Strong-water Brewing Making or Retailing the same shall once in every moneth make true and particular Entries at the Office of Excise within the limits of which the said Commodities and Manufactures are made of all Béer Ale Perry Syder Metheglin Strong-Water or other the Liquors aforesaid which they or any of them shall Brew make or Retail in that Wéek and Moneth respectively as aforesaid The penalty for not accounting as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such common Brewers who do not once a Wéek make due and particular Entries shall forfeit five pounds And that every such Inn-kéeper who doth not make true and particular Entries once a Moneth shall forfeit five pounds And that every Alehouse-kéeper Victualler or other Retailer who doth not once a moneth make due and particular Entries shall forfeit twenty shillings And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Common Brewer who shall not pay and clear off within a Wéek after he made his Entry or ought to have made his Entry as aforesaid shall pay double the value of the Duty And that every Inn-kéeper Alehouse-kéeper Victualler or other Retailer who shall not pay and clear off within a Moneth after he made his Entry or ought to have made his Entry as aforesaid shall pay double the value of the Duty The said respective forfeitures to be levyed upon their Goods and Chattels in such manner and form as hereafter in this Act is Ordained and directed Provided that no such person as aforesaid shall be compelled by the Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners of Excise No person to be compelled by the Commissioners of Excise to go further for making their entries then the next market-Town The Commissioners for execution of this act impowred to appoint gagers The power of the gagers to travel for the making of the said Entries or payment of the said Duties or other cause whatsoever touching or concerning the same if he live in a Market-Town out of the said Town if he live out of a Market-Town then to no other place then to the next Market-Town to his habitation in the same County on the Market-day And be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid That the Commissioners who shall be appointed by his Majesty for putting this Act in execution and their Sub-Commissioners in their respective Circuits and Divisions shall hereby have power to constitute under their Hands and Seals such and so many Gagers as they shall find néedful Which Gagers and every of them shall at all times as well by night as by day And if by night then in the presence of a Constable or other lawful Officer be permitted upon their request to enter the house Brew-house Distilling-house and all other houses and places whatsoever belonging to or used by any Brewer Inn-kéeper Victualler or other retailer of Béer Brewing or making the same as aforesaid or by any Distiller of Strong-waters or Retailer of other the Liquors aforesaid And to Gage all Coppers Fat 's and Vessels in the same And to take an accompt of Béer Ale Worts Perry Syder Strong-waters Aquavite Metheglin or other the Liquors aforesaid in the said Houses Places and Vessels from time to time Brewed or Made and Distilled and thereof to make return or report in Writing to the said Commissioners or Sub-Commissioners of Excise
offending to Gaol till the next Sessions there to be indicted and procéeded against for the same and that the Officers and Inhabitants of the Village or Parish where such offence shall happen shall be assistant therein and moreover the party grieved shall have his Action or Actions against such offender or offenders and therein recover his treble damages and treble costs In which Action no Essoin Wager of Law Aid-prayer Priviledge Protection Imparlance Iniunction or Order of Restraint No action upon this Statute to be stayed but by Order of the Court where such action depends shall be granted or allowed And if any person or persons shall after notice given that the Action depending is grounded upon this Statute cause or procure any Action at the common Law grounded on this Statute to be delayed or stayed before Iudgment by colour or means of any Order Power Warrant or Authority save onely of the Court where such Action shall be brought and depending or after Iudgment had upon such Action shall cause or procure Execution of such Iudgment to be stayed or delayed by colour or means of any Order Warrant Power or Authority save only by Writ of Errour or Attaint or Order of such Court where such Writof Errour or Attaint shall be depending That then the person so offending shall incur the pains penalties Premunire and forfeitures ordained and provided by the Statute of Provision and Premunire made in the sixtéenth year of the Reign of King Richard the second Provided alwayes That this Act extend not to prejudice any of His Majesties Rights Titles or Duties of in or to or out of any Tinne in the Stannaries of Devon and Cornwall Proviso for the Stannaries Butserage Prisage nor to prejudice the ancient Duties of Butlerage and Prizage of Wines but that the same shall be in the same plight that the same were before the making of this Act any thing herein contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding Recompence to his Majesty for the Court of Wards and Purveyances And now to the intent and purpose that His Majesty His Heirs and Successors may receive a full and ample Recompence and Satisfaction as well for the profits of the said Court of Wards and the Tenures Wardships Liveries Primer-Seizins Ousterlemaines and other the Premisses and Perquisites incident thereunto and for all Arrears any way due for the same as also for all and all manner of Purveyance and Provisions herein before mentioned and intended to be taken away and abolished and all sums of money due or pretended to be due or payable for and in respect of any compositions for the same 12 Car. 2. cap. 23. Rates of the Excise Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That there shall be paid unto the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successors for ever hereafter in recompence as aforesaid the several Rates Impositions Duties and Charges herein after expressed and in manner and form following that is to say For every Barrel of Beer or Ale above six shillings the barrel brewed by the Common Brewer or any other Person or Persons who doth or shall sell or tap out beer or Ale publickly or privately to be paid by the common Brewer or by such other person or persons respectively and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity One shilling three pence XV. d. For every barrel of Six shillings Beer or Ale or under brewed by the common Brewer or any other person or persons who doth or shall sell or tap out such Beer or Ale publickly or privately to be paid by the said common Brewer or by such other person or persons respectively as aforesaid and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity three pence iij. d. For all Syder and Perry made and sold by retail upon every Hogshead to be paid by the Retayler thereof and so proportionably for a greater or lesser measure One shilling three pence XV. d. For all Metheglin or Mead sold whether by Retail or otherwise to be paid by the maker thereof upon every Gallon One half-penny Ob. For every Barrel of Beer commonly called Vinegar-Beer brewed by any common Brewer in any common Brew-house six pence Vi. d. For every Gallon of strong-Strong-water or Aquavitae made and sold to be paid by the maker thereof One penny i. d. For every barrel of Beer or Ale Imported from beyond the Seas Three Shillings iij. s. For every Tun of Syder or Perry Imported from beyond the Seas and so proportionably for a greater or lesser quantity Five shillings V. s. For every gallon of Spirits made of any kind of Wine or Syder Imported Two pence ij d. For every gallon of Strong-water perfectly made Imported from beyond the Seas Four pence iiij d. For every Gallon of Coffee made and sold to be paid by the maker Four pence iiij d. For every gallon of Chocolatte Sherbet and Tea made and sold to be paid by the maker thereof Eight pence Viij d. And be it further Enacted and Ordained by the Authority aforesaid That the several Rates Rates of Excise upon forreign Liquors imported to be paid in money before landing Duties and Charges of Excise or New Impost above mentioned hereby set or imposed upon all and every the said Forreign Liquors which shall be Imported or brought into all or any the Ports of this Kingdom and Dominions thereof aforesaid from and after the five and twentieth day of December next shall be from time to time satisfied and paid by the Merchant or Merchants Importer or Importers of the same in ready money upon his or their Entry or Entries made and before the landing thereof And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid Entries to be made at the Office of Excise by Common Brewers Inn-keepers c. That all common Brewers of Béer and Ale shall once in every Wéek And all Inn-kéepers Alehouse-kéepers Victuallers and other Retaylers of Béer Ale Syder Perry Metheglin or Strong-water Brewing Making or Retailing the same shall once in every moneth make true and particular Entries at the Office of Excise within the limits of which the said Commodities and Manufactures are made of all Béer Ale Perry Syder Metheglin Strong-Water or other the Liquors aforesaid which they or any of them shall Brew make or Retail in that Wéek and Moneth respectively as aforesaid And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That all such common Brewers The penalty for not making Entries who do not once a Wéek make due and particular Entries shall forfeit ten pounds And that every such Inn-kéeper who doth not make true and particular Entries once a Moneth shall forfeit five pounds And that every Alehouse-kéeper Victualler or other Retailer who doth not once a moneth make due and particular Entries shall forfeit twenty shillings And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That every Common Brewer The penalty for not paying who shall not pay and clear off
Wardens and Assistants for the time being or any Thirtéen of them whereof there shall be One of the said Iustices or One of the said Masters at the least alwayes present shall have Times and places of their meeting and hereby have Power and Authority from time to time to méet and kéep Court upon the first Saturday in every moneth in every year for the ends in this Act mentioned within the said Town of Leeds at the place commonly called or known by the name of the Sessions-House or Common Hall in Leeds aforesaid And also at such other time and place of the said West-Riding as shall from time to time be appointed by the said Iustices Masters Wardens and Assistants or any Thirtéen of them upon eight days notice or warning to be given of such méeting and Court to be held And in case that the Masters Wardens and Assistants or the major part of them shall refuse or neglect to appear so as a Court cannot be holden accordingly as is before directed That then such Master Warden or Assistant so refusing or neglecting shall forfeit the sum of Twenty shillings the one moyetie to the use of the Poor of such respective Town where the person so refusing or neglecting shall live the other moyetie to the use of the Corporation And the said Iustices Masters Wardens and Assistants or any Thirtéen of them are hereby impowered to summon to appear at the said Courts to be held as aforesaid so many of the said Clothiers as they shall in their discretions think méet for the better ordering the Affairs of the said Trade who are hereby required to appear upon such Summons the number of which Persons so Summoned shall not be under Eight and forty And in case of neglect or refusal are to forfeit to the use of the said Corporation the sum of Ten Groats for every default of not appearing to be levied as is hereafter directed And the said Iustices Masters Wardens and Assistants or any Thirtéen of them whereof One of the said Iustices or One of the said Masters to be present as aforesaid shall have Power to appoint a Comon Seal and to make orders and By-laws and hereby have Power and Authority from time to time to make and appoint a Common Seal for the use of the said Corporation and to Make and Ordain By-laws Rules and Ordinances for and concerning the better Spinning Working Making Fulling and Milling of Wollen Cloth as in their Iudgements and Discretions may tend to the good Credit and Advancement of the said Trade and Manufacture the same not being contrary to Law which By-laws Rules and Ordinances being Ratified and Confirmed by the Iustices of Assize to be holden for the County of York shall be Published Four times in the year at the least at Four publique méetings or Courts viz Vpon the first Saturday in June the first Saturday in September the first Saturday in December and the first Saturday in March and shall be obeyed and kept by the several persons within and under the said Regulation or Corporation Penalty for not Conforming to By-laws And the said Courts constituted as aforesaid shall have and hereby have power to impose a Fine and Penalty upon any person or persons of the said Corporation or Regulation being a Clothier that shall not conform to such Rules Orders and Ordinances so made as aforesaid Prouided That the said Fine or Penalty of any person for not conforming as aforesaid excéed not the sum of Twenty shillings for one offence the full moyety or one half of the said Fines and Penalties to go to the use of the said Corporation and the other half or moyetie to the use of the Poor of the Parish where such person so offending may be dwelling and inhabiting And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the said Iustices Masters Power to appoint searchers of Cloth Wardens and Assistants or any thirtéen of them shall have power to nominate and choose Searchers of Cloth in the several places of the said West-Riding who shall be sworn before them or any thirtéen of them in manner aforesaid for the true searching of Cloth that it be of a due weight length and breadth according to the Statute And in regard the nature of Cloth is much changed in these late years and that the new Drapery is now most in use for which sort of Cloth there is no certain Standard for length weight The new Drapery most in use and breadth appointed by any Statute Be it therefore Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That the length weight and breadth of the said new Draperies of broad Woollen Cloth made within the said West-Riding be and shall be as is hereby limited and appointed viz That every Cloth called by the name of an End or half Cloth shall be betwixt fiftéen yards and eightéen yards in length in the water and not to excéed and one yard and an half in breadth at the least within the Lists And every Cloth Commonly called a Short Cloth betwéen twenty four yards and twenty eight yards in length in the water and not to excéed and one yard and an half in breadth at the least within the Lists And every Long Cloth so called betwixt thirty yards and thirty six yards in length in the water not to excéed a yard and an half in breadth at the least within the Lists And that every yard of such Cloth shall weigh respectively two pounds and a quarter accounting sixtéen Ounces to the pound being well thicked scoured misled and fully dryed And that the said Searcher shall according to his Oath duly try and examine by weight or by water all broad Woollen Cloths of what sort soever made within the said West-riding and shall affix thereunto a Seal of Lead expressing the true length and weight thereof And in case any of the said Cloths be found faulty upon trial and examination the said Iustices Masters Wardens and Assistants or any thirtéen of them shall have power to impose such Fine and Penalty upon the Offenders as by the Laws and Statutes of this Realm in that behalf are or ought to be imposed upon them for such defaults the one third part of all such Fines and Penalties to be disposed of to the use of such Searcher or Searchers certifying the said Default of Length Weight or Breadth and the other two parts to the Poor of the Parish where such offence shall be committed to be recovered in such manner as is limited and appointed by the Statute made in the One and twentieth Year of the late King James Ch. 18. And that all and every such Searcher and Searchers so chosen as aforesaid 21 Jac. cap. 18. shall before he or they enter upon the execution of the said Office take the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and also the Oath ensuing which Oath the Iustices Masters Wardens and Assistants or any thirtéen of them as aforesaid have
Parliament not having accounted for all the moneys by him received and to be accounted for upon such Act or Acts before Christmas one thousand six hundred sixty seven shall be appointed Receiver for any the moneys due by this Act and shall intermeddle therein every such person shall forfeit the sum of five hundred pounds to be recovered by any person or persons that will sue for the same in any of his Majesties Courts of Record by Action of Debt Bill Plaint or other Information wherein no Essoin Protection Wager of Law Aid Prayer Priviledg Injunction or Order of restraint shall be in any wise prayed granted or allowed nor any more then one Imparlance And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That where any money shall by vertue of this Act be assessed upon any Inhabitants or place being within any Castle Fort or Garrison if such money so assessed be not paid within twenty dayes after such Assessment That then the Commissioners for such places shall make Certificate thereof unto the Barons of the Exchequer who shall cause such Proceedings to be had for the recovery thereof as for any other Debt due to his Majesty Provided always and be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That in case any part of the moneys which shall be raised by vertue of this Act or any other Act or Acts of this present Parliament shall be assigned or issued for and towards the Victualling of his Majesties Navy the same shall be subject to no charge nor shall any manner of Fee or deduction be taken or made out of the same to any other Officer or person whatsoever save only the usual Fees in such cases due and payable to the Tellers and other his Majesties Officers of the Exchequer And be it further Enacted by the Authority aforesaid That no Letters Patents granted by the Kings Majesty or any of his Royal Progenitors or to be granted by his Majesty to any person or persons Cities Boroughs or Towns Corporate within this Realm of any manner of Liberties Priviledges or Exemptions from Subsidies Tolls Taxes Assessments or Aids shall be construed or taken to exempt any person or persons City Borough or Town Corporate or any the Inhabitants of the same from the burthen and charge of any sum or sums of money granted by this Act or any other Act of this Parliament now in force to the aid and supply of his Majesty in the present War And all Non obstantes in any such Letters Patents made or to be made in bar of any Act or Acts of Parliament for the Supply or Assistance of his Majesty are hereby declared to be void and of none effect any such Letters Patents Grants or Charters or any Clause of Non obstante or other matter or thing therein contained or any Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding FINIS A TABLE of the Principal Matters of the several Statutes contained in this Book Accompt and Accomptants 1 ALL Moneys and Goods for which any persons are accomptable not pardoned by the Act of Oblivion are Vested in the King 13 Car. 2. 3. See Excise and Collectors 2. Accompts of Sheriffs 14 Car. 2. 21. Administrators 1 Administrators de bonis non c. may sue Executions upon Judgment obtained by the Testator 17 Car. 2. 8. 2 Administrators and Executors of Sea-men shall pay but 12 d. for their Administration 19 C r. 2. 7. Advowsons See Rectories Ale-houses 1 Foreigners as well as Inhabitants may not tipple in Ale-houses Inns Taverns nor Victualling-houses 1 Car. 1. 4. 2 The penalty and punishment of any that keep an Ale-house or sell Beer Cyder or Perry without Licence 2 Car. 1. 3. Alienation 1 How persons may be eased in pleading Licences of Alienation 1 C●r 1. 3. Aliens See Merchants Anniversary 1 A perpetual Anniversary Thanksgiving on the 29th day of May for his Majesties Happy Restauration 12 Car. 2. 14. 2 A perpetual Anniversary Fast on the 30th of Jan. for the Murder of the late King 12 Car. 2. 30. Arrest 1 Persons arrested by Process out of the Kings-Bench or Common Pleas not expressing the cause of Action shall be bailed and set at liberty upon their own Bond for appearance 13 Car. 2. 2. Stat. 2. 2 Bonds given upon Arrests shall be discharged upon appearance Ibidem 3 Arrests upon Capias Utlaga● Attachments upon Rescous Contempt and upon Priviledg Excepted Ibidem Attainder 1 The Attainder of several persons for the Murther of his Sacred Majesty King Charles the First 12 Car. 2. 30. 2 The Attainder of the Earl of Strafford reversed 14 Car. 2. 29. 3 Thomas Dolman Joseph Bampfield and Thomas Scott Attainted of Treason if they render not themselves by a day 17 Car. 2. 5. Bankrupts 1 A Further Declaration who shall be esteemed Bankrupts 14 Car. 2. 24. 2 Persons for putting money into the East-India Stock or Guiney Company or Fishing Trade shall not be within the Statute of Bankrupts Ibidem Bays 1 Bays making in Colchester regulated PR 12 Car. 2 22. Benevolence 1 Commissions of that nature not to issue but by Authority of Parliament 13 Car. 2. 14. Books 1 The manner of Licensing all manner of Books and penalty for Printing unlicensed Books and Seditious Pamphlets 14 Car. 2. 33. Bone-Lace See Manufactures Bandstrings See Manufactures Buttons See Manufactures Bromfeild and Yale 1 A Confirmation of divers Estates there in the County of Denbigh 3 Car. 1. 6. Burials 1 All dead persons shall be buried in Woollen onely 1● Car. 2. 4. Butter 1 How Butter shall be packed and the contents of a Firkin of Butter 14 Car. 2. 26. Cardwire 1 THe Importing foreign Wooll-Cards Card-wire and Iron-wire prohibited 14 Car. 2. 19. Carriages 1 How necessary Carriages shall be provided for the King in his Royal Progresses and Removals 13 Car. 2. 8. 2 How Carriages shall be provided for the Navy see Ships and Shipping Cattell 1 The Penalty for Importing Foreign Cattel at certain times of the year 15 Car. 2. 7. 2 Proviso for Importing Cattel from the Isle of Man ibid. 3 Penalty upon Butchers that shall sell live fat Cattel 15 Car. 2. 8. 4 Cattel may not be Imported from Ireland or other Parts beyond the Seas nor Fish taken by Foreiners 1● Car. 2. 2. See N●san●e Clerk of the Market 1 Grievances by Clerks of the Market and inequality of Weights and Measures 17 Car. 1. 19. 2 Mayors Head-Officers and Lords of Liberties have power as Clerks of the Market ibid. 3 The penalty of taking any unlawful Fine or Fee by any Clerk of the Market ibid. 4 Water measure in Maritime Towns and others shall be continued as formerly ibid. Cloath 1 A Corporation erected and how Woollen Cloath shall be made in the West Riding in Yorkshire 14 Car. 2. 32. See Bays Coaches 1 The ordering and regulating the number and prices of Hackney-Coaches and who onely may be permitted to keep them about London 13 Car. 2. 2. Stat. 3. Coals 1 The Regulation of the