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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03448 The firste [laste] volume of the chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande conteyning the description and chronicles of England, from the first inhabiting vnto the conquest : the description and chronicles of Scotland, from the first original of the Scottes nation till the yeare of our Lorde 1571 : the description and chronicles of Yrelande, likewise from the first originall of that nation untill the yeare 1571 / faithfully gathered and set forth by Raphaell Holinshed. Holinshed, Raphael, d. 1580? 1577 (1577) STC 13568B; ESTC S3985 4,747,313 2,664

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ITEM A VENTA ICINORVM Londinio m. p. cxxviij sic Sitomago m. p. xxxj Combretouio * m. p. xxij Cumbr●…tonio Ad Ansam m. p. xv Camoloduno m. p. vj. Canonio m. p. ix Caesaromago m. p. xij Durolito m. p. xvj Londinio m. p. xv ITEM A GLAMOVENTA Mediaolano m. p. cl sic Galaua m. p. xviij Alone * m. p. xij Alauna * Aliona Alione Galacum * m. p. xix Galacum Brig●…at●… Bremetonaci m. p. xxvij Cocci om p. xx Manc●…nio * m. p. xviij Ma●…cio vel 〈◊〉 Condate m. p. xviij Mediolano m. p. xix ITEM A SEGONTIO Deuam mp lxxiiij sic Canouio m. p. xxiiij Vatis m. p. xix Deua m. p. xxxij ITEM A CALEVA alias MVRIDONO alias Viroconiorum Per viroconium Vindonu * m. p. xv Vindo●… Venta Belgarum m. p. xxj Brige * m. p. xj Brage Soruioduni m. p. ix Vindogladia m. p. xiij 15. Durnouaria m. p. viij Muriduno m. p. xxxvj Scadum Nunniorum * m. p. xv 12. Isca●… Leuearo m. p. xv Bomio m. p. xv Ni●…o m. p. xv Iscelegua Augusti * m. p. xiiii Iscelegia Borrio m. p. ix Gobannio m. p. xii Magnis m. p. xxii Brauinio * m. p. xxiiii Bro●…nio Viriconio m. p. xxvii ITEM AB ISCA Calleua m. p. cix sic Burrio m. p. ix Blestio m. p. xi Ariconio m. p. xi Cleuo m. p. xv Durocornouio m. p. xiiii Spinis m. p. xv Calleua m. p. xv ITEM ALIO ITINERE ab Isca Calleua m. p. CIII sic Venta Silurum m. p. ix Abone m. p. ix Traiectus m. p. ix Aquis Solis m. p. vi Verlucione m. p. xv Cunetione m. p. xx Spinis m. p. xv Calleua m. p. xv ITEM A CALLEVA Iscadum Nunniorum m. p. CXXXVI sic Vindomi m. p. xv Venta Belgarum m. p. xx●… Brige m. p. xi Sorbiodoni m. p. viii Vindocladia m. p. xii Durnonouaria * m. p. viiii Durnouaria Moriduno m. p. xxxvi Iscadum Nunniorum m. p. xv FINIS ¶ Faultes escaped In the First Booke IN the first leafe columpne .1 23. lin reade thorow the trade In the 3. leafe col and 20. line reade so a comeling In the 3. leafe col 4. and 43. lin reade Gyants were In the 4. leafe co 1. lin 1. read S. Augustine therfore fol. 5. col 3. lin 32. reade liue in these dayes fol. 6 lin 1. col reade or Gwinhead ibid lin 23. col 1. reade limites of this ibid lin 25. reade consisted ibid lin 36. for Shropshire reade Shrewesbyry ibid col 2. lin 25. and 53. read extended themselues ibid col 3. lin 45. read Sussex in the south ibid col 4. lin 25. put out yeares after 35. fol 7. col 4. lin 26. reade easily fol 8. col 1. lin 29. reade put out also saying ibid col 4. line 49. for will I begin reade woulde I begin fol 9. col 3. lin 33. for infinity reade infinite fol 10. col 2. lin 51. reade holde this opinion Ibid lin 54. reade they shall sée ibid col 4. lin 49. reade those 45. for those fewe fol 11. col 1. lin reade 25. errour of their founder ibid col 2. lin 19. reade pittes of errour ibid lin 20. put out as and reade welles in déede that holde no water Ibid col 3. lin 50. reade withstande him there fol 13. col 1. lin 10. for Chichester reade Winchester fol 13. col 1. lin 38. reade and thereby gathered fol 16. col 1. lin 10. reade themselues lying néere hand or within this Isle also fol 17. col 2. lin 46. reade S. Ninians ibid lin 59. reade it séemeth hereby ibid col 3. lin 2. reade vnto Mona onely fol 18. col 1. lin 33. reade northeast and other also beyond them in like sort subiect to Scotland fol 20. col 2. in the margent reade as I heare néere Cantorbury for about Gaunt ibid col 3. lin 1. read Stoure whereof ibid. put out parenthesis in the margine ibid lin 39. reade diuided it selfe fol 24. col 1. lin 52. reade also to the point fol 26. col 1. lin 49. reade another great streame ibid col 2. lin 16. for to a village read and a village fol 27 where you reade Towz reade Towy ibid col 4. lin 26. reade into the mayne sea fol 30. col 1. lin 40. for Dunrith reade Drurith ibid. col 2. lin 55. read Harleswell ibid. lin 58. reade by north of Beltingham ibid. col 4. lin 6. for Tine reade were fol 31. co 2. li 18. for Cockingham read Cottingham ibid col 3. lin 9. reade lyke in the next booke fol 32. col 3. lin 24. put in to in the ende of the line ibid lin 42. for Magey reade Maxey fol 33. col 3. lin 10. for Mores reade Meres ibid lin 18. for his place reade this place fol 36. col 4. lin 28. reade forth by west of Marton fol 37. col 2. lin 52. read sing of cattel and put out the. fol 39. col 1. lin 33. read history after him Bodinus fol 45. col 1. lin 11. reade in these dayes fol 47. co 4. li 32. read touching it for touching by it ibid. lin 41. read wall was of stone In the seconde Booke FOl 74. col 3. lin 1. reade Leircester for Lewcester fol 75. col 1. lin 18. reade quantitie thereof ibid. col 2. lin 22. reade gayles within fol 76. col 3. in the margine reade howe those men shoulde haue done in the name note col 4. lin 1. tayler he fol. 77. col 2. lin 32. and 33. put out and the wight for I mistooke it ibid lin 43. for in olde time read also the weight fol 84. col 3. lin 26. for hope of recouery reade hope of realese fol 85. col 3. lin 53. reade before the olde be expyred fol. 85. col 1. lin 1. put out therefore and reade I finde therefore ibid col 4. lin 49. for riuerets reade riuettes fol 87. col 1. li 19. for their ordinaunce reade the store of ordinaunce ibid lin 27. reade that in some one barons house I haue ibid lin 33. reade done then trow you ibid. col 4. lin 9.10 reade we had some also for a few ibid lin 15. put out and betwéene Alfrede Etheldred fol 88. col 3. lin 17. reade being the more plenteous ibid lin 22. reade if place did serue therefore ibid col 4. lin 46. reade for these causes therefore fol 89. col 4. lin 58. for sunt duo reade sint duo fol 90. col 1. Canone 13. beside the misplacing of the point lin 52. there is n to much in y e last word of the 56. line ibid col 2. lin 9. the whole line is peruerted for Siquis autem cum primario pugnauerit ibid lin 39. for aliquot reade aliquam ibid col 3. li 34. for Gemiscisione read Genuscisione fol 91. col 3. lin 19. for whereas reade thus ibid li 21. for behauiour whereby read behauiour and hereby ibid lin 22. reade defrauded and the. ibid lin 33. reade euery man
yeares in like sorte a ship named the Cristopher after she had lien three yeares at 〈◊〉 in one of these yles was brought to Leith where bycause hir timber was found to be rotten shee was taken in sunder and in hir keel●… were found infinite holes as if they had bene eaten with wormes or bored with a wimble and eche one of them filled with such creatures as I haue sayde before Here if any man will alledge that the Christopher was buylded of such timber onely as grew in these Iles and that all rootes trees there growing are of such nature as in their corruptiō do turne into these foules I will disproue his assertion by one notable example shewed before mine eyes Master Alexander Galloway parson of Kinkell was with vs in these Iles and giuing his minde with attentiue diligence to searche out a full resolution with vs of these obscure and hidden matters it hapned on a tyme that he tooke vp a braunche of Alga called in Scottishe Seatangle whiche hanged ful of muskle shelles from the roote euen to the very to●… Being also desirous to see what was in them he grewe to be more astonished than before for when he had opened one or two of them he saw no fish but a foule perfitely shaped fully answering to the capacitie of the shell Finally knowing that I was very inquisitiue of these and the like rare nouelties he came hastily with the sayde hearbe and shewed it vnto me who founde no lesse by experience ●●an I before reported By these and many other reasons and examples I cannot beleeue that these Claikes or Barnacles as I call them are producted eyther by the qualities of the trees or the rootes thereof but only by the nature of the sea whiche is the cause and product●● of so many wonderfull creatures Furthermore bycause the rude and ignoraunt people saw oftentimes the fruytes that fell from trees which stoode neuer in the sea conuerted within shorte time into geese they beleeued that these geese grewe vpon trees hangyng by their nebbes as apples and other fruyte do by their stalkes but their opinion is vtterly to be reiected For so soone as these apples or fruyte fall from the tree into the Sea they grow first to be worme eaten and in processe of time to be conuerted into geese Thus haue I spoken sufficiently of the Iles of the Hebrides adiacent vnto the realme of Scotland and therewith all would shut vp my discourse of the same were it not that I haue somwhat to say also of Thule not vnknowen vnto the Romaynes as may appeare by Tacitus who telleth how the Romaine nauy by the cōmaundement of Agricola was sent to dewe the coastes of the whole Iland of Brytaine and in their returne reported how they had seene the Thule with other Ilandes lying aboute the same Ptholomy writeth that the I le of Thule is one of the Shetland Iles whiche lie neare vnto Norway and beyond the Orchades but this cannot be proued so by late experience for Thule is many miles distant from Shetland Some say that Thule is the same whiche wee call Island other write that it is the last I le of the Ocean sea and so is Island which lieth in the colde frosty sea beyond the Artike circle toward the North pole The people of Islande bycause no corne groweth among them lyue onely by fishe whiche they drie and powder so small as meale doth come backe from the mill afterward they mixe it with water and worke it vp for bread Of the description of Orkenay and Shetland with sundry other smal Iles and of the maners and conditions of the people dwelling in the same Chap. 12. BEyond the Iles of Scotlond lie those of Orkenay partly toward the Northwest and partly toward the A●●anc●… seas The principall I le of these is called Pomb●● wherein is a Bishops se●… and two strong castels In their groweth no wheate they are in like sorte voyde of wood howbeit al other graine groweth there very plentifully they be without all vene●●ous beasts also neither can such as are brought thither liue any while more than in Irelād which susteyneth no creature that is aduērsarie to miskinde ouer and beside this there are no frogg●… as for Erls they are seldome found to be seene in the Orchades Hauing thus fallen into the mentiō of Ireland I thinke it good among ●●uers other rare gifts of nature to remember one thing that I haue proued by experience to be done there although the tractation of Ireland hir commodities appertaine not to this place whiche farre passeth all that euer I haue 〈◊〉 in bookes Certes there is a Loch linne or 〈◊〉 there neare vnto the whiche by many miles there groweth neyther hearbe nor tree howbeith such is the qualitie of this water that if a 〈◊〉 be pitched in the same the nature thereof 〈◊〉 within one yeeres space alter and change accordingly for that parte thereof which 〈…〉 the grounde is conuerted into harde 〈◊〉 the same that is enuironed with water turneth 〈◊〉 tough yron onely that portion whiche is 〈◊〉 the sayd Element retaining hir formes woddy substaunce whereby it is often seene 〈◊〉 in out and the same body three distinct substance 〈◊〉 found that is to say stone yron wood which farre exceedeth all credite But to returne againe to our Orchades whereof things of 〈◊〉 or no lesse importaunce are to be rehearse●… 〈◊〉 sith there is great abundance of Barley wherof they make the strongest Ale that is to be founde in Albion and thereto knowen that they are the greatest drynkers of any men in the worlde yet was there neuer dronken or man disguised with drinke seene there neyther any foole 〈◊〉 person otherwise berefte of his wittes thorow phrenesie or madnesse There is herevnto small vse of Phisick●…e for mankinde liueth there most commonly vnto extreme age in found perfite health whose bodies also are of strong constitution very white of colour The Ewes that are to be found in these Ilandes haue for y e most part two or three Lās a peece at euery ●…e●…ing and therewithall they haue in this countrey suche plenty of foules bothe wilde and tame as the lyke number agayne is not to be founde in Brytaine Theyr horses are litle greater than the French Asses but in their labour they exceede all other what shoulde I speake of the plenty of fishe there to be had which passeth al credite among whiche there is one sorte greater than any horse of marueylous and incredible sluggye desire to sleepe This fi●● when the prouideth to sleepe fastneth hyr huge teeth vpon some cragge that lieth aboue the water then slumbreth or falleth into a moste ●…ounde reste whiche the seafaring men espyi●…g they foorthwith cast ancre and then letting downe theyr shippe boates they conueigh themselues to the fishe and bore a greate hole thorow hir tayle whereinto they put one ende of a cable and so make it sure
old time called Edlingsey 217.55 Atonement made betwene king Stephen and Archbyshop Theobald of Cantorburie 383.3 Athelilan second sonne to Egbert ordeyned king of Kent Sussex and Essex 205.12 Atlas Maurus one of Iaphets names 1.88 Athelmare confirmed byshop of Wynchester 725.1 Athelney fortresse in Edelynsey I le builded 214.74 At the wall why so called 174.11 At the wall 173.33 Atrius made by Cesar Lieutenant of the nauie 40.89 Athelstan vanquisheth the Danes by sea 207.8 Attacotti a kinde of Scots or Pictes 104.7 Attempt agaynst strangers Incumbentes 639.25 Athanasius cited 94.44 Earle of Athol taken 842. 45. a. executed 843.37 a. Earle of Athol slayne 898.40 b. Aulus Atticus a Romane captayne slayne 72.94 Aulafe and Vlfus princes of Swedeners ouerthrowen by kyng Cnute 261.16 Aulafe prince of Sweden expulsed out of his kingdome 261.40 Augustine the Monke sent into England 146.11 and .146.74 Auon Riuer 222.80 Auon castle builded 222.80 Audley Iames Lorde warreth on the welchmen 748.45 Award pa. 1292. col 1. lin 50. A water Iohn Maior of Corke hanged 1454.10 Aydan sent into Englande to preach the Gospel 168.25 Aydans aduice concerning the preaching of the Gospell in Northumberland 167.107 Ayde from the French king to the Barons agaynst kyng Iohn 594.20 Aydans happie successe in preaching the Gospell 168.69 Aydan dyeth and is buryed in Lindesfern 171.19 Aylewin Earle 234.23 Aydan disagreeth from the new Church of England touching the obseruing of Easter 168.30 Ayre Towne wonne and brent by kyng Iohns Souldiers 584.10 B. Barons accursed agayne by name 596.72 Barons sende to Lewes the French kings sonne offring to him the crowne if he wil succour them against kyng Iohn 597.52 Barons haue ayde out of Frāce 597.71 Barons do homage to Lewes the French king sonne 599.90.600.16 Barons make rode vnto Cambridge and from thence into Northfolke and suffolke robbing Churches and putting the Townes by the waye to Raunsome 603.8 Barons begyn to mislyke with the matche which they had made with Lewes 603.70 Barres William taken prisoner 468.36 Barons refuse to stand to the French kings iudgment betweene the kyng and them 764.47 and .765.26 Bassianus eldest sonne to Seuerus the Emperour succeedeth him in the kingdome of Britaine 78.46 Bassianus slaine 78.57 Barons of Mayne and of the Marches of Britaine subdued by the Englishmen 409.44 Barons possessions seysed into king Iohns handes and by him committed to strangers 596.56 Baldwin and Ae●…ti consecrated Byshops of the East Angles 180.58 Bassianus put in tense wyth the Romane armie looketh neglegently to his charge 80.30 Bassianus practiseth with Phisitions and other to dispatch his father 80.38 Baldwins Earle his Oration to his souldiours 375.30 Barons encamped betwixte Stanes and Windsore king Iohn commeth from Windsore to them to talke of some agreement 589.69 Barons will try their quarell with king Iohn by dent of Sworde 592.60 Bassianus and his brother Geta rule the Empyre equally together 81.35 Bassianus slaying his brother Geta possesseth the gouernment of the Empyre alone 81.40 Bassianus slayne by one of his owne souldiers 81.41 Bale cited 118.38 .123.73 Badō hill supposed to be blackamore 128.64 Bailleuile Focelin accursed by Archbyshop Thomas Becket 409.62 Bale Iohn cited 4.39 .4.57 .5.22 .6.35 Baldud well seene in the knowledge of Astrologie and Necromancie 19.18 Baldud sonne to Ludhurdibras of Rud beginneth to reigne ouer Britaine 19.14 Barons of England complaine to Henry the thirde of the 〈…〉 Balwin Earle taken prisoner 376.33 Barwike castle gaged to the king of England 439.40 Basset Philip made chiefe Iustice of England 759.61 Barons denounced accursed by the Popes cōmaundement 594.69 Baldwyn Bishop of Worcester consecrated Archbyshop of Canterburie 460.17 departeth this lyfe at Tyrus 497.46 Barcehādowne in Kent where king Iohn assembled together his great army to resist the French king 574.70 Bakers punished by the tumbrelt 753.58 Battell betwixt Fishes 658.41 Bau●…an Stephen a captayne slayne by the Welchmen 744.60 Barbitus looke Gurg●●●s Bardsey an Iland in Wales 4.51 Bale Iohn cited 1.37 .1.102 .2.75 .2.100 .4.2 .4.7 Edward Balliol resigneth hys right of Scotland to kyng Edward the third 955.6 a. Banerectes made 163.2.10 Thomas Bradwedin made Archbyshop of Canterburie 943.55 b. Barons take armes against the Spencers 858.40 b. Barons take armes against king Edward the seconde 863.1 a. take flight at Burton vpon Trent 865.30 b. discomfited at Borowbridge and taken 866.26 b. executed 868.1 b. Iohn Bal priest cōdemned and executed 1034.50 a. Barke Ager lost recouered againe 1604.46 Bardus made king of the Celtes 3.103 Charles bastard sonne to Henry last duke of Somerset made the kings chiefe chamberlaine 1461.30 Batel at S. Omers 911.1 a. Banishing of men in England when and by whom ordeyned 346.39 Barwike wonne by the Englishe pag. 1352. col 2. lin 48. Bayliffes of Londō discharged of their office and committed to warde 565.69 Iohn Bailol adiudged kyng of Scots 804.40 a. crowned and doth homage 805.33 b present at the Parliament at Westminster 809.45 a. submitteth himselfe and his Realme to the king of England 821.45 b. sent to London 823.7 b. set at libertie and dyeth 835.33 a. Edward Bailol commeth into England 895.36 a. is crowned king of Scotland 895.20 b. chased thence ibidem obteyneth Scotland by helpe of king Edward the third 896.50 a. doth homage to him 896.50 b. The battel of Stoke 1430.50 the battell of Saint Albin 1433.50 the battell of Dixuew 1436.10 the battel of Blacke heath 1427.20 Bray Renold 1427.40 Battaile on the Sea 992.23 a. Baldred succedeth Cuthred in the kingdome of Kent 205.16 Baldred chased out of his kingdome 203.59 and .205.21 Battaile of Aulroy 969.51 b. Bastard Ogle pag. 1313. col 2. lin 50. Bastard of Borgongde pag. 1317. col 2. lin 16. chalenged the lord Scales lin 44. Barons of Phictow reuolt frō the French king and doo homage to king Iohn 584.32 William Duke of Ba●…ire bringeth corne into England 948.10 b. Bayeult yeeldeth to Chastillion 1824.38 Barney Kenelme executed for treason 1861.37 Andrew Barton a famous Scottishe Pirate slayne 1441.56 Barlow doctor byshop of Chichester 1803.8 Battaile at Muskleborough 1624.10 Barnards castle geuen to the Earle of Warwick 844.37 a. Baynam Alexander knight 1450.13 Battaile of Vernoile pa. 1224 col 1. lin 46. battaile of Herings pa. 1241. co 1. lin 12 at Saint Albous pag. 1287 col 1. lin 57. at Blorhothe pag. 1295. col 2. lin 4. at Northampton pag. 1299. col 1. lin 20. at Wakfeeld pag. 1303. col 2. lin 37. at Mortimers crosse pa. 1304 col 2. lin 43. at Saint Albons the second pag. 1305. col 1. lin 30. at Erham pa. 1314. col 2. lin 16. Burdetknight pag. 1227. col 1. lin 32. lin 56. col 2. lin 10. pag. 1237. col 2. lin 30 Barkeley Wylliam of Weley atteinted 1425.43 Baldud fleeth in the ayre 19.37 Barkeley Maurice knight 1450.13 Battel of Algeberota 1049.54 b. Battel of Ratcote bridge 1067 30. b. Barbe Noir a Gemway 909.30 a. Barnes Wylliam
Britaines 82.13 London recouered from the Romanes by the Britaines 82.44 London besieged and surrendred to the Danes 253.57 London besieged by the Danes and rescued 238.42 London receiued into the obeysance of the Danes 256.12 London a great part burnt by casualtie of fire 238.12 Londoners slayne in great number by the Danes 240.20 Loydes countrey 176.7 Loegria bounded 16.66 Longchampe William his ambition and traine 494.73 playeth the partes of a right tyrant 495.18 leeseth his power Legantine 496.9 refuseth to make answere to his doings before the Barons at Reading 498.23 fleeth into the Towre of Lōdon with his army and is there besieged 498.36 deposed 499.7 seeketh meanes to flee ouer sea and is taken in womās apparel 499 60. Londoners chased and slaine at the battaile of Lewes by prince Edward 768.71 chased and spoyled at Croydon 770.92 Loches castle besieged wonne by king Richard the first 520 85. Loches wonne by the French king 562.12 Longespee William Earle of Salisburye goeth into the holy land 729.11 is slayne by the Sarasins 723.30 Louel Fraunces Viscont Louel 1425.40 departeth out of the Sanctuary at Colchester and moued an insurrection 1427.10 mistrusting his soldiers priuily fleeth into Lancashyre and lurketh there 1428.2 and. 14. fleeth into Flaunders 1429. sayleth into Ireland 1430.35 landeth in Lancashyre eadem 50. is slaine at Stoke 1431 44. Locrinus falleth in loue with Estrild 17.14 Locrinus marieth Guendoloena daughter to Corineus 17.21 Locrinus refuseth Guendoloena and marieth Estrild 17 25. Locrinus slaine 17.30 Locrinus buryed in Troynouāt 17.33 Lothore king of Kent departeth this life 186.19 Lothore plagued for consenting to murder 186.30 Londoners receiue honorably Henry Earle of Richmond 142.50 lend si●…e thousand markes to king Henry the seuenth 1427.40 lende the king foure thousand pounde 1434.54 lend the king money 1435.33 Londoners offer the Citie of London and their ayde to the Barons against king Iohn 589.2 Londoners courage against K. Iohn 598.49 Longchampe William made gouernour of the Towre of London and of those partes 481.22 instituted the popes Legate in England 494.71 Longchampe Osbert made gouernour of Yorkshyre 483.115 Londoners put to flight by the Danes 216 63 Losaunge Robert Byshop of Lherfoord goeth to Rome to do penance 333.70 London to be gouerned by two Bayliffes 479.15 diuided into Craftes and felowships 479.42 diuided into Wardes 479.56 Loyre a Ryuer in Fraunce 13 84. Lordane whereof the worde came and what it signifieth 243.18 London enclosed with a wal 33.92 Loth king of Pictes marrieth Anne sister to Vter Pendragon 132.16 Loth king of Pictes aydeth the Saxons against Arthur 132.27 London chiefe citie and Metropolitane of al England 247 105. Londoners valiancie in defending their citie agaynste the Danes 247.100 Londoners submyt them selu●…s to the Danes 248.39 Londoners through familiaritie with the Danes become like vnto them 263.28 Lollius Vrbicus sent Lieutenant into Britaine 76.57 Lollius appeaseth the vnquietnesse of the Britaines 76.60 Lordes Temporal refuse to ayd the Pope with money 632 65. Longchampe William made bishop of Ely 478.13 Lorde Chauncelor of England Prolocutor of the vpper house 354.64 Londoners conspire to take Maude Empresse prisoner 377.28 London walled by Helene the Empresse 94.9 Louthian in Scotland wasted by the English men 430.36 London when and whence so named 33.115 Lord la Vaal slaine at Roche Darien 941.47 a London the kings special chamber pa. 1381. co 2. lin 57 Londoners lend the king mony 1585.40 L. Lomley Williā put to death 1570.12 Lord Maior of London serueth Wine to the King and hath the cup gyuen him pag. 1120. col 1. lin 38. Lord fits Water appealeth the Duke of Aumerle of treason pag. 1122. col 2. lin 53. Lord Morley appealeth the Earle of Sarisbury pag. 1124. col 1. lin 33. Lordes conspired against king Henry the fourth pag. 1126 col 1. lin 30. Lorde Cromwel slaine pag. 1335. col 1. lin 10. Lord Say slayne pa. 1335. co 1. lin 11. Lord Wenlooke pag. 1335. col 2. lin 13. slayne pag. 1339. col 1. lin 48. Lord Clifford slayne pag. 1311. col 1. lin 38. Lord Dakers slayne pag. 1312 col 1. lin 38. Loncaster William 475.55 Locrinus eldest sonne to Brute 16.32 Lou or Lupus Hugh departeth this life 323.51 Londoners refuse to go with king Edward the second 878.18 a. London called first Troynou●…nt builded 16.18 Lord Audeley pag. 1313. col 2. lin 1. Lord Clinton pag. 1313. col 2. lin 1. Lyuel●… playne pag. 1314. col 2. lin 12. Lord Roos pag. 1314. col 2. lin 23. beheaded pag. 1315. col 1. lin 1. Lord Molins pag. 1314. col 2. lin 23. beheaded pag. 1315. col 1. lin 1. Lord Hungerford pag. 1314. col 2. lin 24. beheaded pa. 1315. col 1. lin 1. Lord Scrope pag. 1315. col 1. lin 20. London chiefe Cytie of the kingdome of the East Saxons 131.33 Lincolne besieged by Cheldrike 132.69 London lendeth money to king Edward the third 907.5 b. Lord Scales pa. 1346. col 2. lin 32. Lewlin Prince of Wales dieth 656.44 Londoners of right called Barrons 731.54 Londoners fauourers of Wicclifs doctrine 1039.50 a. London a great part consumed with fire 199.66 Londoners encline to the Nobilitie 1069.16 a. London sharply besieged by the Danes 240.64 Lorde Hastings pag. 1321. col 2. lin 13. Lome Geffrey abiured 1541.36 Londoners muster before the king 1573.40 Lord Bonuille pag. 1305. col 2. lin 7. beheaded lin 10. Lordes deuise newe orders of gouerning 707.60 London sometime called Auguste 104.32 Lord Cobham pag. 1298. col 2. lin 38. Lord Louel pag. 1298. col 2. lin 47. Iohn Neuil Lord montacute Marques mountacute pag. 1315. col 2. lin 1. Londoners disquieted for the election of the Maior 1046.30 a. Louiers besiged by Englishe men pag. 1193. col 1. lin 25. yelded lin 38. Londō appoynted byshops See of the east Saxons 181.15 League betweene Henry the fift and the Duke of Burgoigne pag. 1209. col 2. lin 3. Losecote field pag. 1322. col 1. lin 44. Lord Duras pa. 1323. col 1. lin 34. Longespee William sore broosed with iusting 742.72 Locrinus taketh vppon him the gouernment of Loegria or England 16.61 Longipee William Earle of Salisburye base brother to king Iohn 578.14 Longland Henry byshop of Lincolne and the Kinges confessor putteth a scruple into hys conscience touching hys mariage 1550.56 Louel Thomas Knight one of the Priuie counsel to Henry the eyght 1464.53 London Maior Sherifes reduce their tables to a sober dyet 1589.40 Lordes Talbot Scales Hungerford taken by the French pag. 1242. co 2. lin 30. lord Talbot released by exchaunge pag. 1247. co 2. lin 54. tooke the Castle of Soing pa. 1251. co 2. li. 31 Saint Loe yeeldeth to Chastillion 1824.40 Londoners deny to fight against the nobilitie 1064.20 a. London and Kent assigned to Androgeus 34.41 London destroyed by y e Danes 206.112 Lother a Captaine of the Danes 270.31 The Londoners doe banquet the King and Queene of Hungarie 1525.12 The Londoners send a thousand souldiours