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A15106 A godlie sermon preached the xxj. day of Iune, 1586. at Pensehurst in Kent, at the buriall of the late right honourable Sir Henrie Sidney Knight of the noble order of the Garter, Lord President of Wales, and of her Maiesties most honourable priuie councell, By Thomas White professor in diuinitie. White, Thomas, ca. 1550-1624. 1586 (1586) STC 25404; ESTC S101855 15,728 42

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nowe it is nothing so but otherwise and we shall see him as he is and not as he was We shal sée him but not as Peter and the rest when he appeared glorified on the mount Tabor but partly and after a sort Matt. 19. whose brightnesse yet the Apostles could not beare though it were not long nor fully reuealed vnto them but we shal beholde him as the onely Emperour sitting in the throne of heauen with all his hoste of Saintes and spiritual powers not by faith as nowe but truely by sight not in the mirror of his worde but in the presence of himselfe So the wicked shall see him when he commeth for al flesh shal beholde him Mat. 29. 30. It is true But this thing shalbe their death a thousand times that they shal sée him in whome they haue not beléeued nay him whom they haue pearced Ioh. 19. Zach. 12. They shall sée him as Adam heard the voyce of God in Paradize and ran away Gen. 3. If no mortall wight can beare or abide the glorie of an Angell but he must tremble and feare melt and fall in sunder for the brightnesse how much greater horror and confusion shalbe to the sinnefull creature when the Creator is in presence and ready to enter his indgement But mercie shall worke in that day toward all beléeuers according to the couenant and we shall be chaunged into his glorie after an image when we shall behold him as he is 2. Cor. 3. 18. These things ought to kéepe our faith and hope aliue in the promise and against all temptations to make vs moste patient for if we be afflicted we are more sutable vnto Christe We must kéepe the possession of our selues and of our soules by patience not by insensibilitie but by suffring after Christ by Hope we must correct and cut off all preposterous humors and affections of the fleshe which doe but wound our faith and cast a man into many perplexities remedilesse if he promis to him selfe any other thing or do looke for it otherwise or sooner or later than God hath ordeined in his word It is lawfull for a man to burne in desire and for this cause speaketh the Apostle to stirre vs vp and celeritie in desire séemeth alwaies to be delaie but the qualitie of faith through hope is to be contented with the opportunitie of God called the Lordes leasure knowing for a suretie that she shall once sée him as he is The third part And he which hath this hope in him purgeth him selfe euen as he is pure These words concerne y e exhortation that we should labor to be holy as he is holy Leu. 19. 2. for albeit the promises of God do passe most fréely frō himself yet there are alwais certaine couenantes conditions required as faithfulnesse and obedience to the word So Abraham our Father with whome the contract was first made and as it were left in his hand for vs is commaunded to walke vprightly before the Lorde Gen. 17. 1. And so albeit we are saued fréely yet it is by faith and not by euery starting faith but if we doe continue to the end Matt. 10. And because there is no other way to make our calling sure than by adding vertue to our faith therefore true faith is alwayes fruitefull neuer idle nor wearie of good workes for albeit they be no cause yet they are the way to heauen for by these meanes an entring into the euerlasting kingdome shall be ministred aboundantly vnto vs 2. Pet. 1. 11. Saint Iames reasoneth thus No workes and no faith and Saint Iohn in this place thus No purging of our selues and no hope all one in conclusion He that mindeth not sanctification shall neuer sée the Lorde Hebr. 12. 14. but the pure in heart are blessed for they shal see God saith Christ Matt. 5. 8. Neither let the deuill insinuate himselfe to make vs thinke Gods grace the lesse or our state the worse for these conditions as he delt with Adam our father about the trée forbidden for our saluation standeth most sure in Christe the he●uens haue no sounder foundation the whole matter being firmely past by worde and othe from God nay beeing fully done and finished by the life and death of Christe Wherefore if Adam in Paradize and the Angels in heauen euen in their creation did stand vpon their obedience which when they forsooke they fell howe much more should man in his redemption content himselfe with the couenants of God especially séeing they are such as doe not hinder but further him in the faith life of Christ And albeit such perfection is required as séemeth is impossible vnto mā To be pure as he is pure in whose sight the Angels are not without spot yet we must cōsider that he dealeth not with vs as by the rigor of the law though he might iustly iudge vs for all our transgressions and wants therin but he setteth vp himselfe as a marke of perfection to aime contend vnto as Philip. 3. 14. And because we can neuer come néere vnto perfectiō in this life and yet we ought to presse hard and to followe after it what else doth the Apostle meane by these words but that there should be in vs a continuall indeuour to procéede from vertue to vertue and neuer to desist vntill we come into the brightnesse of his presence And as this place giueth no allowance to mens workes after the Romish rate who may aswel think to clense durt with dung as to purge sinne with their desert for if we trust to merit then we must dispaire so it answereth thē as Calumnious enimies which so shamefully béelye the doctrine of faith to be against good works where as nothing is more oft or vsual in scriptures thā after faith workes It is the course that all the Apostles take as it were the line they al draw in The fountains do not more naturally break forth and issue into streames than the holy Scriptures doe plentifully powre out themselues into this kinde of exhortation Wherefore if they could hit vpon it they should sée themselues lyers For it is meritte of workes and not good workes 〈◊〉 disclaime And herein as we are wise ●●●aue the law which is impossible to saue vs because of sin so are we found faithfull vnto God when we sticke vnto his ordināce and will not séeme to saue our soules otherwise than he hath appointed in his worde which is by faith onely But I haue béene ouer long and tedious séeing this part is an exhortation with an exhortation I will conclude it That séeing to sin and do wickedly hath béen the way both of men Angels but to arise and repent pertaineth only to Christians the saued of God and séeing we may not as stockes and stones suffer the spirite of Christ which is in vs to passe thorough vs insensibly without all effect of holinesse as water runneth through his pype but our continual diligence and indeuour is required let vs craue the continuance increase of Gods grace spirit in our hearts y t therby séeing the infirmity of our liues we may be able to purge our selues our bodies soules euē as he is pure and that we vse not the spring to purge the body think the fall good enough for the soule after the olde maner making Winter-worke of our saluation lest we be preuēted in an houre that we consume not the strength of our dayes vpon our selues the worlde and the deuill and bring to God our bleared eyes palsey handes which was forbidden to be offred in the Law Mala. 1. except we shall thinke it a sacrifice good enough for the Gospell but that taking nay redéeming the time because the dayes are euill we may shake off presumption and preuent desperation our deadly enimies and so disapoint the Deuil And albeit we cannot winne heauen by our merits who are the sonnes of him that lost paradize by his works the entrance whereof an Angell of anger did alwayes kéepe against him with a brandeshing sword yet séeing we are all the sonnes of God by faith heires annexed with Christ of eternal life through the spirit let vs contend thither by continual righteousnes holinesse of life as by y e way let vs neuer faint or giue ouer vntil we come to that place where only we shalbe perfect and without spot and where we shall sée him as he is that is moste glorious To whom with the Father and the holie Ghost thrée persons and one eternal euecliuing God be all honor glorie praise and power both now and euermore Amen Errata In the third page of A in the third verse of the text adde in him In the 14 page of A the last line breath for birth In the 15. 22. line adde saying Ibid. line 23. And for Yet In B. pag. 7. line 18. person for perish In B. 13. line 26 When for That Obiect Solutiō Gen. 25. 6. Psal. 49. 1● Mat. 6. 21. Psal. 49. Iosua 10. 13 Eccle. 9. Rom. 8. Obiect Solutiō Phil. 3. Colos. 5. 3 The Papists grosse error of transubstantiation Demer Act. 1. Heb. 6. Iames. ● Mat. 27. 46. Obiec Solut. Obiect Solutiō Gen. 3. 14.