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B00420 A profitable booke declaring dyuers approoued remedies, to take out spottes and staines, in silkes, veluets, linnnen [sic] and woollen clothes. With diuers colours how to die velvets and silkes, linnen and woollen, fustian and threade. Also to dresse leather, and to colour felles. How to gylde, graue, sowder and vernishe. And to harden and make softe yron and steele. : Very necessarie to all men, speciallye for those which hath or shall haue any doinges therein: with a perfite table herevnto, to fynde all thinges readye, not the like reuealde in English heretofore. / Taken out of Dutche, and englished [sic] by L.M.. Mascall, Leonard, d. 1589. 1583 (1583) STC 17590; ESTC S126114 50,650 94

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of Turpentine and oyle of linseed of ech i. ounce then mix thē wel altogether and so reserue it on this ground ye may gild vpon any mettall Another way to gild on yron Take of bolearmoniac white gūme of ech one ounce thē put it into a pot of earth wel leaded let it seeth therin softly with a fyre of coles put therin two oūces of linseed oyle whē it doth rope like a thread it is then a signe it is ynough sod with which ye maye vse to gylde as is afore declared by these and such practises in mettals yee may finde out the like of other hereafter A water to eat on mettals Take an ounce of Saltpeter an ounce of coperose beat them together and put them into a double glasse distill a water thereof then take yelow or red wax and spreade it thin as paper on what mettell yee will or weapon then draw theron to the ground with a pensil of steele or other then all to strike it ouer the drawne places with the sayde water distyld so let it remayne xxiiii houres which water will eat on your yron or steele sufficiently The like waye ye may doe with other sort of mettals Finis The table of all the principall thinges in this Booke A. AZure colour to worke on 39 Azure another to worke with 39 B. Black dye after the countrey manner 58 Blacke silke to dye fayre 24 Black silke or Veluet to dye 53 Blacke water to dye withall 37 Blacke spanish leather to dye 48 Black silke to dye 53 Black thread to dye 54 Blue colour to make 39 Blue linnen to dye 33 Branne water to make 22 Brazil to dye a red 30 Brazill colour to worke on cloth 35 Buckeram to dye blue 35 Buccking of linnen clothes to scoure well 9 C. Carnation dye to make 26 Cloth staynde to helpe 1 Crampmede to make red 36 Crane colour Fustian to dye 11 Crimosine colour to make 57 Currying of raw Gotes skinnes 55 Colouring of Tinne Copper and suche 71 D. Dying a fayre yealow 32 Dying linnen red 21 Dying with facet woad or willow woad 27 Dying after the countrey sort 58 F. Fels how to dye redde 43 Fels how to dresse with golde 42 Fels to colour greene 44 Fels how to curry and colour raw 55 Fels how to dye blue 55 Fels how to dye with Madder 56 Fels how to dye a fayre greene 56 Fustian to dye in a graye 57 Fels how to dye greene with sappe berries 52 G. Gownes spotty to helpe 5 Golde kepte from stayning 9 Gylding on Leather 50 Gyld on yron or steele 71 Gylding another way Gylding on yron with quicksiluer 72 Gilding another waye on yron or steeele 75 Grauing on yron steele or other weapons 76 Grauing with a water on yron or steele 77 Gilding another way on yron 78 Gold laying on yron or steele 78 Graye Florey how to make 37 Greace to take out of Veluets or silkes 17 Gray thread how to dye 54 Greene to dye fayre 24 Greene another colour to make 25 Greene water how to make 31 Greene a good colour to make 46 Greene another to make Greene with sappe berries to make 57 H. Hard yron to make 65 Hardning of yron another way Hammers and Kniues and other tooles to harden 66 Hardning of all tooles of yron 66 Hardning of steele or yron Hardning of yron as hard as steele 67 Hardning of yron another way Hardning of steele to cut well 68 Hardning of yron without crack or warpe 69 Hardning another good way Hardning of axes files and other edge tooles 69 Hardning of tooles to hew all other 70 Hardning of awgars persars and suche 70 I. Iron moules to take forth of linnen 6 Iron moules out of Linnen another way 7 Iron or steele to soften 59 Iron another way to soften 59 Iron to soften with a water 59 Iron to soften another waye 60 Iron or steele to soften 60 Another way to soften yron 60 Another way for the same 61 Another softning of yron 61 Iron steele or Christall to soften 61 Another way to soften yron 61 Another way for the same 62 Iron to make soft as leade 62 Iron or steele to soften 62 To soften Iron easily to cut it 63 Iron to soften another way 63 Another good way to soften yron 64 Iron how to vernish and colour 64 K. Keeping of Linnen long and good 1● L. Leather how to gyld on 43 Leather how to dye red 42 Leather to dye red another 42 Leather how to colour greene 44 Lether how to colour a blue 44 Leather another fayre blue 55 Leather to dresse after the maner of germany 46 Leather felles all white to make 47 Lye to make to dye a blue 50 Lye to make to take out spots 4 Linnen to dye in a fayre red 20 Linnen to preserue with a sweete water 12 Linnen how to dye with brasill Another fayre dye with brasill 31 Linneu to dye with brasill another way 34 M. Mougths to keepe from clothes 11 Moles of yron to take forth of linnen 6 O. Oyle spots to take out of clothes 6 Oyle spots another way to take out of cloths P. Parfumes to make for clothes 4 Parchment spotty to help 7 Paper spotty to clense 8 Pouder to make to soften mettals 65 Purple silke to dye 24 Purple sad colour to dye 55 Q. Quoyes of silke to colour red 23 R. Red silke how to dye 37 Red water how to make 38 Red to dye with Brasill 38 Red light dye for skins 40 Red colour fayre to make 44 Another fyne red to make 44 Red leather how to colour 45 Red to dye a fayre colour 47 Red thread to dye 20 S. Scarlet greazie to helpe 1 Scarlet with spots to helpe 6 Sanguine dye fayre to make 39 Shirts to wash for stayning 13 Silke leesing colour to helpe 52 Silke how to dye a fayre black 53 Silke how to dye in a sanguine 23 Silke staynde how to helpe 1 Sope to take forth greace spots 2 Sope agaynst spotty woollen to helpe 15 Sope another for the same 15 Sope to take out oyle and greace 5 Sope water to helpe all spots 6 Spots or staynes in clothes to helpe 16 Spots in white silke or other colour to helpe 16 Spottes in coloured clothes or others 2 Spots of greace to take forth 3 Spots to take out of clothes 8 Spots in woollen to take forth 8 Sponging of woollen cloth fayre 10 Spots in woollen a ready helpe 12 Syluer colour on copper for buckles 72 Sowdering cold on yron 73 Sowdering yron another way 75 Sowdering on warme yron or steele 74 sowdering on copper 74 Soudering on Latine 74 Staynes in linnen to remedy 8 Staynes on silke or woollen to helpe 12 Stained clothes with wyne or viniger to helpe 14 T. To colour Leather black after the order of Germany 46 V. Vernish like gold for siluer tinne or Copper 75 Vernish on yron to make 73 Veluet being spotty to helpe 6 Veluet to dye in a blacke 36 Veluet how to dye black or silke 52 W. Water to worke on yelowe or other colours 38 Water to eate on yron or steele 77 Water another to eate on mettals 77 War to take from clothes 14 Woollen to dye in a sanguine 28 Woollen cloth to dye in colours 29 Woollen greene yearne to dye 29 Y. Yealow to dye fayre 32 Yealow to dye it fayre 19 Yealow a golden colour to dye 51 Yealow fels how to colour 54 Yealow dye to dye with woad 19 Yealow to worke on with red water 38 FINIS
and lay it a night therein and a daye so it shall be very soft if ye will haue it hard agayne so quench it in cold water as the other aforesayd Another way to soften yron Take your yron red hote then quenche it in Linseede Oyle doe this so often till ye shall perceiue it to be soft ynough and another is take the blood of Eeles and make your yron hote and quenche therein Agayne to make yron soft Take of clay and lappe it round about your yron with a weat cloth then lay it in a hote fyre of coles or in a fyre of white turffes so lette it lye till hee coole by himselfe Another to soften yron Take the iuyce of an hearbe calde in latine Marubium in English Horehound with the iuyce of gherwe so calde in duche which I take to be Henbane and also the iuyce of Radish and mixe them with Aquauite then quenche therein and when yee will haue it harde agayne then make it red hote as before and quenche it in colde water To make yron as softe as leade Take and make blacke flintes into a fine pouder and grynde it well vpon a paynters stone thē put it in an yron panne and make it red hote then cast it on a marble stone till it be nye colde and then agayne make it red hote then let it coole and grynde it so long till it cleaue to the stone and grynder lyke clay then put that in a glasse and set it vnder the eaues of a house where the sunne commeth not nye in the day then the night after take out the water that ye shall finde in the glasse aboue thereon then take that pouder and grinde it with the water and put it in a stillatory and let it stille out the halfe then reuerse the water agayne vpon the poulder and still it agayne with a soft fire then take and seeth that water till the halfe bee wasted so done then take some yron blade that is newe broke in two put it together holde it so a little while then take of the water which was sod to the halfe with a fether lay it fyrst on the one side of the blade and when that water is colde then lay it on the other side and it wil sowder fast with that water And with this water ye may make steele as soft as lead or butter to make thereof with tooles as in waxe what ye list Also this water is a souerayne thing to helpe the goute if therewith it be annoynted where the greefe is it wil soone remedy it With this water ye may make letters on yron or steele to write with a water thereon with your pen. Then after take of the vnsodden water and put thereto some saffron and grynde it together and then draw thereon what ye will with other water and so let it drye which shall seeme a fayre colour like golde thus ye may mixe and grynde any colour ye please with your sodden water and it will shew in like fayre To make Steele or yron soft Take the iuyce of Hemloc stamp and strayne it then put vnto it of neates Oyle and so warme it and beeing warme make your yron or steele red hote and quenche therein and then heate your yron agayne three or foure times and so quenche therein til ye see your yron become soft and bow like leade also ye may take oyle and droppe into it molten leade three or foure times therin quenche your yron or steele also To make yron or steele so soft that ye maye easily wreath it Take the gall of a Bull or of an Oxe and mixe it with Vernice and pisse with the iuyce of Nettles eche of lyke quantitie then make your Steele or yron red hote and so quenche therein and ye shall see experience To make yron soft another way Take Saluiter Vitrioll in poulder made and well beaten together then yee shall distill them in a Lymbec of glasse Then take the sayd distylde water and your yron which ye would haue softe lay it therein a day and a night then take out your yron and couer it in hote horse dongue the space of fifteene dayes then worke therewith and ye shall see experience Also in making your yron red hote ye may quenche it in Oxe dongue or Cowe dongue mirt with honye and Oyle olyue Then heate it and so often quenche therein and ye shall see it will be so softe that ye may make or worke with it at your pleasure Another good way to soften yron Take hony and scymme it cleane and then take of fresh new gotes pisse a quantitie of roche Allum as muche of Burras also of Oyle olyue and salt in like portion then mixe them all wel together and make your yron red hote and so quenche therein Agayne when ye would soften any yron or steele firste holde it ouer the flame of the fyre til it be hote thē stryke it ouer with suet or other greace then holde it ouer the fire and let it dry in do so twise or thrise and it will be soft Also take of horne and scrape it vpon leather and put thereto Salarmoniac and pisse thereon then turne your yron theron being hote til it hath consumed your leather and stuffe and so it will be soft Likewise take of Salarmoniac of vnsseet lyme of eche like of Venis sope more then both the other stur all well together and lay your steele therein and make it moyste with Vineger so let it rest therein foure dayes and work therwith ye may vse final peeces so but for greater take cow dongue whites of egges and clay temper it with vineger and lay your steele therein Another take salt wyne stone of ech in like portion temper it with clay altogether and so lay your steele therin so lay it in the fyre the space of two houres then take it forth and let it coole of it self and it will be soft Agayne take of sope and vnsleked lyme of eche in lyke portion and of Salarmoniac somewhat lesse and work make a paste thereof then lay your yron or steele therin so lap it round with clay and lay it in the fyre and heat it red hote and then take it forth and let it coole of it self as the other aforesaid and then ye may worke therof at your pleasure A poulder to soften mettals Take iiii parts of looking glasse of galles of other glasse of salt of ech one part beat myx them all well together iii. parts of that same pouder i. part of your mettal and melt them together and so vse it as ye please To make yron harde To make yron hard yee shall take the distilde water of Varuen and heate your yron red hot and quench it therein do thus viii or ix times and ye shal see it very hard also another which is take the greene iuyce of Marubium cald in English horehound with the iuyce of radish mixt
with some Aquauite your yron being red hote quenche therin or take the sayd horehound and dry or burn it and then make poulder therof mixe it with much salt harden therewith Another way to harden yron Take of Antimonia Callamint and Coperose beat ech by himselfe to poulder and then strew therof on your gloing yron and so heate it agayne and all to smeare it with these poulders agayne then temper it with this iuyce following Take the iuyce of Celondine as much of the roots as blades till x pounde waighte and stampe thēm and seeth the iuyce to sixe pounde and when yee will season any mettall quenche in the sayd iuyce of Celidon and it shall be hard To harden hammers and knyues To harden all maner of edge tooles ye shal take horse dongue and then make your Kniues or other tooles redde hote and so quenche it therein also to take the filinges of yron or steele and they will harden also or take shoes and burne them till they be black and make a pouder thereof and take of that poulder with the like quantitie of salte then straw it vnder and aboue your fyles whiche shall bee layde in a square yron couered with a lid of yron ye shall straw your pouder thick theron and then shut it This ye shall make red hote altogither in a hote fire and quicklye quenche it in cold water and so let it coole therein and it will be good and hard To harden another way all kinde of tooles Take the iuyce of Pentasilon that growes in heathes which is a fiue leaued grasse calde of some synke foyle with so much of the iuyce of Wormewood keepe this in a vessell of glasse Then take Pieren so calde in dutche and stampe it and straine it thorow a cloth and al too strike ouer with this your yron being red hote and as it dryeth in strike it so agayne and it wil make it hard Another good to harden yron or steele Take the iuyce of an hearbe called Nigil Romana in Latine it is calde Melanthia and make your yron red hot and quenche therein Agayne to make yron so harde that it will cut all other tooles make it red hote and quenche it in the iuyce of Mouse eare whiche is called in Latine Pilocella To harden yron so hard as steele Take Snayles and the first drawne water of a red die of the which water being taken in the two firste moneths of haruest when it raynes then still it or taken in the end of May then heate your yron red hote and quench it therin and it shal be as hard as steele Also take Fimus humanus the dongue of men still it in a Lymbec so that no water come therevnto it and that it maye bee somewhat drye when ye stille it and take ye heede of his sauour the water ye shal distil twise in a new glasse in Balneo mary that is one glasse within another in a pot of water Ye may do the like stil mens blood of a man of xxx yeres and of sanguine complexion warme and moyst and being of a mery nature and pleasaunt and whole sound of body such a man to be let blood in the middest of his age and that hath plenty of blood distil of his in the middst of may or in May. And thus by proofe and also the water of mans dong if it be wel and rightly stild heate your yron glowing hote and quenche in that water so it wil make it as hard as steele But if that water be not rightly stilde the yron wil not harden therewith but bee as soft as it was before To make yron or steele hard Take the iuyce of Varuen cald in Latine var bena and strayne it into a glasse and ye wil quenche any yron take thereof and put to of mens pisse and the distilde water of wormes so mixe altogether and quenche therein so farre as ye will haue it hard but take heede it be not too harde therfore take it forth soone after and let it coole of it self for when it is well seasoned ye shall see golden spottes on your yron Also the common hardning of yron or steele is in cold water snow water so when the edge shall seeme blue after his hardning signifieth a good sign and a right hardning To make steele hard and to cut well Take an hearbe calde oxe tongue or langdebefe seeth it in water both the rootes and leaues then make your yron or steele red hot and quench therin and ye shal see experience Also take the yelo flagge cald in Latine spatula faetida some doe call it spurge wort take with it Varuayne of eyther like quantitie then seeth them together in fayre water a good space and then let them stand and cleare til it be cold then heate your yron or steele red hote quench therein Yee maye make mustard and put vineger vnto it and quenche your mettals therein Also ye may take the iuyce of earth wormes with the iuyce of housleeke beate them together then strayne them and quenche therein or take of mens heare and heare of beastes and seeth them in water til the water wax reddish colour thē let it coole strayn it and quench therein Also some do quench in the iuice of radish the iuyce of smallage mixt together and the fyne poulder of rosin put therin and therein quenche your mettals Agayne they take the iuyce of Veruin and the iuyce of an hearbe calde Dragons blood and of scraped horne with halfe so muche salt the iuyce of earth wormes and the iuice of radish put al these together aforesayd and therein quench your mettals this way aforesayd are very good to make your mettals so hard as ye would desire make them whole fayre and bright withal To make yron hard without any crackes clefts or warpinges Take first suet or tallow of a beast and melt it then put it in some pot or some other vessell whereas colde water is and this molten suet must be a finger thicke vppon the sayde water and when ye will harden any thing ye must put it downe softly thorow the suet into the sayde water and the quenching first in the suet and then in the Water it doth saue it withoute cracke clefte or warping Another way to harden yron Take the iuyce of Varuin and take of land wormes in the field after the plough or a nights in gardens and put a pinte of those wormes into a leaded pot then put vnto a good handfull of salt then stur them wel and so there will come a water of them and that water straynde vnto the water or iuyce of varuin and when they bee together yee shall quenche therein This way is good for al weapons A way to harden Pikeaxes Fyles or other tooles Take the iuyce of Radish the iuyce of Cadloc the iuice of great worms a quantitie of gotes blood mix altogether your weapons being ground quenche therein likewise
and so it shal receiue the fume To take out spottes out of gownes and clothes Take the rootes of Limoniō cald in Latine in English I take it to be the wild Bete Take the rootes and seeth them in water and with the same water wash the spotty places in your gownes or other garments and it will be cleane To make a sope to take out spottes of oyle and of greace Take of good scowring sope and mixe it finely with the syfted ashes of a vyne of eche in like portion thē put therevnto a quantitie of the powder of burnt allum and also of the lies of wyne beaten into a fine pouder and put it therevnto then mixe and incorporate all these well together then make thereof square brickes or round bals and when yee shall haue neede to occupye thereof then take of warme water and rubbe and chafe all ouer your spottye places and then rubbe thereon with your sope ball if then it be not all cleane then must ye take your warme water agayne and rubbe and chaffe it as yee did before and then your sope and so at length ye shal haue it cleane forth A very good way to take out spottes of oyle out of clothes Fyrst ye shal take of the oyle of tartar and rubbe therwith on the spotty places and then scrape it away incontinent agayn then ye shall wash it well with luke warme water and three or foure times with colde water so then wring it foorth and see if all the spots be cleane out if not wash it agayne so long as you did before and so the cloth shal be as fayre as it was when it was new or before any spots came on it There is also another way for to take forth spots with this cyle of Tartar but because I haue not the true knowledge thereof I wil not here expresse it ¶ A sope water to take out all spots Also some doe vse to take the water wherein strawberries had bene sodde and with that water ye shal wete and soke the spottye places then take fayre water and washe out all the filth thereof so done take and hang it in the sonne to drye and it will be so cleane as before it was A way to take out yron moles out of all linnen cloth Take and wring forth so much of the iuice of the sowrest Orange or Limon that ye can get then take of the same iuyce and rubbe the place of the yron moll therwith so let it dry and euer as it dryeth in rubbe it ouer again thus doe often and euer as you haue wet it let it rest and drie in the sunne and at the length ye shall see it will bee all forth and cleane A way to take out spottes in scarlet or veluet of what colour or sort soeuer it bee not chaunging the colours Take a hearbe called of the surgeons Saponaria in frenche called Foullons in English Sopewort beat them oft and take out the iuyce and put thereof on the spottes then let it so rest the space of one houre if it be in sommer but if it be in winter let it rest foure houres then washe those spotty places with fayre cleane water so shall it be cleane to seeme too but put once agayne the sayde iuyce thereon Also if the scarlet be not dyde in the cleare grain then ye may put therevnto halfe of black sope with so much of the sayd iuyce so mingle it together and then frote it thereon then let it be washte in luke warme water and then ye shall see the spots cleane forth For this way is proouded by experience to be true Another way to take out yron moles out of linnen Make a chafer seeth full of water then take your cloth and wet it with the iuyce of Limons or sower Oranges or crabbes or sower wildinges and then holde it harde to the side of the chafer and euer as it dryeth in weat it still agayne till ye see the moll go forth for all these thinges aforesayd are good but the iuyce of Limons and Orenges are the best So euer as ye haue weate your spottes with the sayd iuyce hold it then hard vnto the syde of the chafer as is aforesayd thus doe vntill it weare awaye for this way hath bene proued true often Or take the boyling iuyce of Sorrell and lay it therin and rubbe it with the back of a spoone till it be out How to take out oylie spottes out of parchement or writing paper Take a mutton bone and burne it to poulder then let it be fyne beaten then put of this poulder on both sides of your spots and let it be prest betweene two hard boordes the space of two dayes then take it out and ye shal see the oyle to be cleane gone be it eyther parchment or paper Another way to take out spottes of paper Ye shall take off the water willow boughes and make ashes therof or ashes of the buds of the vine with the husks of greene beanes steepe them in water a day and a night then put of the same water on the spots then presse it and let it so remayne for a daye and a nighte or as ye shall see cause and ye shall see it will doe well A very good waye to take out spottes of clothes Take of the rootes of the hearbe called Gentian in english brome take and burne of it and make ashes thereof and with the ashes make a lie and with the said lie ye shal wash your spotty clothes and in a short space it will take away all the spots therof Well prooued A good way to take out spottes out of woollen Take ashe water and the powder of Allum together then take of the ashes thereof and lay it vpon the spottye places on the cloth and when it is drie doe sponge it off and ye shall see it cleane Another agaynst staines in linnen cloth Firste take your cloth and rubbe it well all ouer with baye salte then take an Orange and cutte it in two and wring the iuyce thereon and laye the sayde Orange vpon the spottes also and so lette it rest an hower or two then lay them in a bucke and wash them and they wil be fayre and cleane Or else ye may lay thereon the iuice of sorrell and salte and so put them into the buck as is afore sayd ¶ A way to keepe silke from stayning in the washing Take fayre water and seeth it and being all seething hote put therevnto of sope and let it so melt therein then take it from the fyre and let it coole til it be almost colde and then at your pleasure yee may washe therewith your clothes and it will scoure well and not stayne your silke and after ye haue washt them doe not let them lye weat long together but lay drye clothes betweene or else they he in daunger to stayne and this way you may saue both Sylke and Golde withoute chaunging of theyr colour ¶ Another verye
good way to keepe Golde from stayning Firste take your Golde and annoynte it all ouer with good Honye then sette it in the Sunne and lette it reste the space of halfe an houre and nowe and then lette it bee turnde in the Sunne Then after take and washe it in the foresayde sopie water and this way it shall neuer chaunge nor stayne but keepe colour long ¶ Howe to bucke linnen clothes and to scoure oute all spottes of greace Firste yee shall laye all your foule clothes to soke in colde water then driue them as yee doe a bucke of clothes and when they are well driuen then shall yee take them all forth of the bucking tubbe then laye them agayne abroade in the sayd tubbe without any lye and euer as ye lay them betwixt euery cloth scrape of chalke thinne all ouer thus when ye haue all layde them then put of your lye vnto them and so chaunge your lye twise or thrise after then take and wash them forth and they will be fayre and cleane without greace and very white withall ¶ A good way to keepe linnen fayre 20 yeares without remouing and will not waxe moulye nor rotte Fyrst take your linnen in marche so much as you intend to keepe vnremoued and washe them and then drye them fayre agayne So laye them vp in your cheastes vntill May next following then shall ye take them oute and wash them agayne when ye haue so washte them looke that ye doe then drye them thorowly and well and then folde them fayre vp and lay them in your chestes or presse and yee shall not neede for to remooue them in twentye yeares after yet they shall continue drye and well How to sponge woollen clothes Take a quart of fayre water and let it be heat luke warme on the fyre then take a quantitie of walkers clay and al to crush it therin then let it stand vntil it be cleare then poure that water into another potte and set it on the fyre agayne till it begin to seethe then take of Venice sope or other good sope and put thereof into the sayd water in stirring it well all about then take it of the fyre and all hote sponge or occupye therewith at your pleasure in making it alwayes warme euer when yee will occupye thereof How to make crane colour Fustian to be as fayre canuas as at the first First for the proofe thereof take a peece of crane colour Fustian and take also as much of the iuyce of Orenges or Limons as will weat the sayd peece thorowe then let it rest and drie in and the sayd Fustian wil be as faire canuas as it was before it was coloured thus if yee can get so much iuyce of Oranges or Limons for to serue your purpose yee maye returne the colour agayne what quantitie yee shall thinke good for this hath bene well proued Thinges to keepe moughths from clothes very good in sommer and other times The flying moughths will bee in the beginning of Iune and continue till August but they are chieflye from mid Iuly to mid August The running moughth he will continue in your cheasts all the yeare long winter and sommer whiche are greate spoylers of geare and other thinges For the flying moughth Take the powder made of drye Orange Pilles and the powder of Elecompane rootes mixt together and so cast it among your cloths also perfume in a chafingdish of coles your clothes therewith Thus you may vse quarterly and it will saue thē Or ye may take the powder of Arras with the powder of Ginoper also the powder of sitrinum cast among clothes saues them from moughths Wormewood or Lauendar small preuayleth Some vseth oyle of spyke to annoynte their cheasts and hang it in bladders therein Some laies the hearbe called Flewort in Latin pulicaris which if ye lay it in your chāber no flea wil breede some takes brimstone perfumes therewith but for the running mougth I know nothing but strong perfuming and remoouing your geare A way for to take out spottes of wollen clothes Take and seeth of common ashes in fayre water and the pouder of Allum together and then take of the sayde ashes and lay thereof on the spots and so rubbe it in then let it drye and when it is thorowly dryde then take a sponge and sponge it away as it is declared of the other afore ¶ A good way to helpe all staynes in thinne silkes and woollen clothe Take of good strong vineger and make it luke warme then dip a black cloth therein and then rubbe therewith your stainie spots al ouer so done thē take away so much of the sayd fylth as ye can with a spoone as for the reste ye must haue all ready a tailors yron hote and lay a peece of blacke cloth on the spottes betwixte the yron and the cloth and so drie out all the rest of the sayd filth with the hote yron and then yee shall see it will doe well and bee fayre A pleasaunt water to preserue linnen or any other thing yielding a pleasaunt sauour a long time after Take 2 pound of spike flowers as much of rose leaues one pound of cost mary with halfe a pound of marioram as much of Balnea two great handfull of Organy or peniryall foure ounces of mace a quarter of a pound of Arras poulder let all these well seke together in red wyne then put it all into a pot close stopte that the ayre doe not passe Let it stande so the space of foure and twentie houres then let it bee put into a distillitorie and see that it bee well stopte rounde aboute with flowre egges and water mixte well together and see that no ayre do come nor go oute but at the spoute onely Vpon the ende thereof ye shall hang a fine linnen cloth with a grayne of muske or Ambergreace within it vppon the which ye shall alwayes let the spoute droppe on and yee shall see it will be a pure water for that purpose ye shall also take to the distilling of the foresayd thinges halfe a pounde of baye leaues so shall this water be good for the purpose as is afore mentioned A good way to washe a shirte and saue the Golde or Silke thereon from staining Take a newe shirte fyrste of all afore it be euer weat and lay the coller and ruffes or silke in pisse somewhat warme halfe an houre space then take it forth and then wash him in hote schalding licar or seeth him and it shall neuer stayne the silke If ye haue not pisse yee maye take groundes of strong beare or ale and let the silke lye therin the night before ye doe wash it And this hath bene oft proued very true But alwayes ye must foresee that ye hang not your clothes in the hote sunne after they bee washte but laye another cloth thereon betwixte the Sunne and it or else the Sunne wyll chaunge both Golde Siluer and Silke Therefore it is better to hang them
the sommer it shall be ynough to lye therein viii dayes ye must ech ii dayes see vnto them if it be in the winter they must lye therein a moneth then take your felles out and hang them again in the foresaid riuers or water thre dayes three nights then after washe them well in a tubbe with luke warme water and stampe them with your feete then after wash them agayne in the riuer water as aforesayd and hang a Kettle ouer the fyre with fayre water and therin put iiii pound of Allum and when it is molten in the water seething hot putting in so much water that it may be no hoter but your hād may suffer therin without scalding then set it from the fyre and put your felles therein and stirre them well with your hand so let it rest a day and a night but as ye go to bed you shall sturre them once wel then after take your felles forth and wring the water well out as your felles do waxe somewhat drye ye must weat them agayne then take foure pottles of pisse that is stale hang it ouer the fyre in a pan let it seeth well scum it cleane so long as any scum will rise then put in a pot full of beaten lacke and let it therein seeth a little and put therein so much Allum as a hasel nutte and giue it therewith a boyling then set it from the fyre and let it so rest till it be cold to suffer your hand therein then put a glasse ful therof in your felles which be readie sowd like a sack holde it too aboue with your other hand hold vnder and shake it vp and down as ye would bolt meale do thus so long til the colour hath wel taken the leather then turn your fels about but if it be faire ynough let it so be if it be not faire ynough put of your sayd substaunce againe another halfe glasse therein and stirre it about as before and then rippe your felles and hang them to drye in some hye lofte And as they be drye so take and lay them a night in a fat with water and next day taw them on a sharpe tawing yron vntill they be all workemanly done then they are well To make leather red Take an oūce of Allum melt it in a gallon of water thē take a calues felle spreade it on a rame so it must be rubbed al ouer with allum water first then incōtinent ye shal strike it all ouer with brasill water and let it so drye in and then strike it all ouer agayne and so let it drye in like but the colour or dye must be made warme alwaies when ye rub thereon But fyrst ye must make it weat with cold water and wring it agayne out and then stretche it forth on a bord and so ye may vse it The foresayd brasill water ye shall make thus Take three gallons of rayne water and put therein foure ounces of brasill woad made in poulder and halfe an ounce of Wey ashes calde sope ashes with a little saffron Then seeth it so long till the third part be wasted Then cleanse that out and the pot with rayne water againe and let the halfe seeth away Then is the strength all out and with this last water ye shall colour first and with the first water ye shall dye or colour last To dye red felles To dye red Leather ye shall seeth Lack in bene straw and a cursy pisse as aforesayd is Then put therin so much as two great beanes and then take an ounce of brasil water and so let them seeth together To dresse Felles with golde To dresse Felles with golde take broune red grinde it on a stone with water mixt with chalke and lyme water and therewith you shall strike your felles twise ouer then lay your siluer or golde thereon and let it drye then shall ye smoothe it with a tooth and so strike it ouer and then drye it in the sunne To colour greene Felles To colour green felles take spanish greene and grind it vpon a stone with wine Vineger and some saffron temper this with gumme water and lyme and so strike youre skinnes therewith To gylde on leather Ye shall ouerstrike your leather thrise with whites of egges and gumme water then lay your gold thereon and lick it well and fayre or the yolkes of harde rosted egges mixt with gum water and ground the red and the graye skinnes ye may vernish them take a flat bason and put fire vnder and spred the felles thereon and strike varnishe also ouer the skinnes where it is coloured but afore you strike your felles strike it warme on the Bason and then let it drye then smooth the colour all ouer euen and when it is drie then licke it or burnish it with a tooth and as ye will haue it fayre so take an end of a tallowe candle and rub it on your arme from the hand to the elbowe then strike it all ouer with that parte of your arme and it is done Agayne to colour leather red Take the dye for a red leather and take an ounce of brasill in a nealed pot and seeth it till the third part be wasted but first washe your leather in Allum water or in other water but lette it not lye long therein so lette it drye and put it therein and let it rest two dayes and two nightes on a tack and then hang that leather in the ayre to drye If ye will haue it sanguine take of vyne braunches ashes and make lye thereof and with this lye seeth your brasill woad and so ye may colour red therewith To colour leather greene Take an ounce of Equisetam in English horsetayle it is an hearbe growing in low places or medowes put ther to of olde standing water with a quantitie of Allum pouder with a little coperose beate in poulder so vse it To culler a blue leather First you shal take an ounce of Endix so calde in duche with one ounce of chalke and a pottle of Vineger or good sharpe lye then put all into a bason and there slyrre it all well together first your felles must be made redy thereto as afore is declared then put your stuffe thereon and so vse it as the other and it wil shew a fayre blue element colour To make a fayre red colour Take your leather which is allumde before then take of olde pisse of such as vse to drinke much wyne and let it stand til it stinke then take the clearest thereof and seeth it til the half be wasted then take two ounce of lack with one part of brasill a part of Allum a part of Salarmoniacum beate them altogether and put them into a pot and set it ouer the fire and stir it wel with a white stick vntill the stick waxe red as blood then take it off colour therwith luke warme Another fine red colour Take halfe an ounce of brasill poulder
forth and then stretch them as the order is then take of the same sap berries aforesayd let them be stampt with roche allum water and a little boyld and therwith giue your skinne a stroke or two al ouer then let it dry then giue him a colouring with yealow made of the sayd berries sod with allum water and agayne of saffron then let it dryé and ye shall see a fayre colour Another greene for skinnes Your skinnes being annoynted washed and spread ye colour him with the foresayd sappe greene and put vnto it a few weat ashes and rub the felle al ouer therewith being washed and wiped agayn strike him ouer with Indian colour sod with roch allum then let it dry thē strike him ouer with the foresayd yealow and so ye shal haue a fayre excellent greene colour To dye a crimosine colour Scrape hard sope and so melt it in commen water put your silk in a linnen or thin canuas bag and so put it into the Kettle to the soped water let it boyle softly halfe an houre space but stur it ofte for burning then washe it in salte water fyrste and after in fresh water for ech pound of silke take a pound or more of allum layde sufficyente in colde water and therein put your silk without the bag and let it rest therein viii houres then take and washe it in fresh water then wring it put it in the pan to the crimsine colour being wel stampt cleane take iiii ounce and boile it with so much water as wil couer your silke foure fingers aboue in water and to ech pounde of crimosine colour put too three ounces of galles in fyne pounder or in steede thereof yee maye put in halfe an ounce of Arsenic which is not very wholesome because of the fume nor the water thereof and when it boyleth put in your silke as afore prepared there let it boyle a quarter of an houre then wring it a little and drye it in the shade and so it wil be fayre To die a black after the common sort of the countrey women They take so much water as wil couer the hose or other cloth but firste they al to strike their hose or cloth with swart of the grindstone then they laye alder pilles first in the bottome of the vessel thereon lay your cloth or hose and then pilles thereon agayne then lay your hose thereon pilles thereon agayn then couer al with water so let them boyle softly two haures space and turne your cloth often therein then see if it be black ynough if not take new swart and pilles and vse them as yee did at the first and so boyle them agayne til they be black then scoure and washe them out and it is done Some women doe take in steede of alder plumtree pilles some blacke thorne and some yong oken pilles and oke apples greene and so dyes with them in like case or the tender shewts of brachryers or greene walnut huskes al these are good in sommer to dye with How to harden Jron and Steele and also to soften to sowder and to gylde To make Yron or steele as fofte as copper TAke a chalk stone vnslect with as much allum first stampe the Allum verye fine in a morter then take your chalke and mingle therewith then spread it half a finger or a finger thick on a linnen cloute and wrap your yron therein whiche yee would haue soft and lay it in the middest of a fyre there let it lye an houre or more till the fyre is out and bee all cold of himselfe without any other thing done to it Then shall ye take out your yron or steele and it will be as softe as it were right copper in his hardnesse Another way to soften Another way for the same take only a white fyre turffe and lay your yron or steele in the middest thereof and lay it in the fyre and let it lye there so long til the fyre do go forth and waxe colde of it selfe then take it out and it shal be as soft as neede shall require To make Yron softe Take the water or the iuyce of Rafany which I take to be the Rape then heate your yron hoce and quenche it therein and it shal become soft agayne Another way to make yron soft Take of Sope ashes and vnslect lyme of eyther alyke then make a lye thereof whiche lye yee shall strayne nyne tymes thorowe a strayner then take other yron or steele and lay it therein one night and it will be so soft ye may easilye cutte it will yee then haue it harde agayne so quenche it in colde water and it shall waxe harde agayne Another way to make yron or steele softe Take the yelow flowers of Marigoldes with the stele and blossome stampe the flowers and strayne it thorowe a cloth and put that iuyce into a pot then take the yron or steele that ye will make soft and as red hote as yee canne doe sleke it in that iuyce and it will bee as softe as Copper Another way to soften Also take slecken and long wormes out of the earth of eche alike and a thyrd part of falte then take an earthen potte and make it full of holes in the bottome lyke to a siue then take the salt and salte the wormes into the pot Then take another potte and set it vnder that pot then will that salt melt with the wormes and runne into the other potte and that in the vnder potte yee shall keepe then lay a stone on that pot and make it to seeth well and scumme it so long as any scumme will ryse then take it from the fyre that it may coole then scumme that off aboue then make your steele red hote as fyre and so quenche therein which yron or steele a man may bow like as it were copper then to make it hard heate it red hote and quenche it in colde water and ye shal thinke it were fine steele To make yron soft Take an hearbe calde in Latine Vngula cabellina it is a clote cald in English of some Colts foote or Buls foote take and make a water therof and make your yron redde hote whiche yee will haue softe then quenche it in the sayde water and it shall become softe that yee maye vse it for your purpose and so harden it agayne as the other Another way to soften Take Slecken so calde in duche and stampe it with strong wyne Vineger then make your yron or steele red hote that yee will haue softe and quenche it in the sayde iuyce and then it shall bee softe like the other and to make it harde agayne wherein to quenche with colde water as before To make Steele or Christall softe Take of vnquenched lyme with as much of sope ashes thereof ye shal make a lye after this maner whiche is yee shall strayne it thorow a strainer ix times then take your steele or cristall
your yron to make it hard But to harden Mayles Ares Knyues and such is to quench in the iuyce of radish also men oft tymes to make files hard do quenche in Linseede oyle or with scrapt horne or with gotes blood To harden tooles to hew all other Ye shall gather of fielde snayles or house snayles with their shelles then stampe them a little and distil them in a Lymbec and in that distild water harden your steele or yron but if ye wil haue it very hard ye shal take sande and brymstone and grinde them together and so strewe it on your yron or steele being red hote and then quenche it in the sayd water and they wil be very hard A way of hardning of Augars Persars and such like Ye shal take of mens vrine old and cold with the iuice of varuen and the iuice of wormes of ech like quantity then stur it wel altogether and so quench your mettals therin so farre as ye wil haue it hard then let it coole softly of it selfe till ye see spots like golde ryse thereon then take it out of the sayd water and they wil be wel To set a colour or Vernish on yron To vernish yron or steele take the gall of a Calfe and your yron or steele being cleane vernished take stryke with a cloth your gall thereon and then let it drye in the sunne and it will shew like a gold colour To colour tinne or copper or to colour the buckles of gyrdles and such Take of Linseede oyle so much as ye list set it on the fire and scymme it cleane then put therein of Amber and of Alopaticum in like portion then beat and styrre it wel altogether with the oyle ouer the fyre till it waxe thicke then take it from the fire and couer it close then set it in the earth three dayes and when ye list to occupy thereof stryke your mettall al ouer therewith and so let it drye as aforesayde in the Sunne and so yee shall haue a golden colour How to gylde vpon yron or steele Take a quantitie of wyne stone with as muche Salarmoniac and like of Verdegrece and some salt then seethe altogether in whyte wyne then stryke all ouer your burnished yron or Steele and let it burne in the sunne as before and ye may gyld thereon with commen gold as the order is and so it wil be fayre and good To gyld yron with a water Take of water or running water for iii. pound of water take two pound of roche allum and an ounce of vitriol Romayne and a peny weight of verdegreace of salgēma three ounces one ounce of Orpement then boyle al these together and when it begins to boyle put in some lyes of tartre and bay salt of euery halfe an ounce make it seeth and being soo a prety while take it from the fyre and thē strike your yron therewith then let it drye agaynst the fire and being drye burnish it and it wil be fayre To gylde gn yron another way Take iiii ounces of oyle lyne of Tartre or wine lyes two ounces and two ounces of the yeolkes of harde rosted egges stampt of Alio Cicotrinum one oūce a quarter of a dragm of saffron then boyle all these in an earthen pot a good space if the oyle of linseed couer not al that substance put therto sufficiēt of water then annoint your burnished yron therewith and it wil shew as the colour of golde To cast a siluer colour on copper for buckles of harnes and such Take of wyne stone of allum and of salt of ech like quantity then grynd them altogether on a paynters stone and put thereto a leafe or two of siluer and so grynde it well with the rest of your stuffe so done then put it in a leaded pot of earth and therin put your copper a little while so done then scrape it with your wyar brush then ye shal see if it be well if not let it remayne therein long and so wil it be fayre To gylde yron as Goldsmiths do with quicke siluer and gold foyle Take vitriol i. oūce allum ii oūce salarmoniac i. ounce then beate these into poulder and boyle it in commen water thē take your burnished yron all to weat it with the sayde water so then lay your goldfoyle theron dry it agaynst the fire then burnish it as men do so it wil looke fayre but if ye wil gylt with gold mixt with quickūluer as goldsmiths do ye shal put in a dragme of verdigreace with half ounce of Sublimatum so boyle them together let your yron boyle in the same water but being so great ye cannot then rub it therwith heat it to receiue better the colour with quick siluer and gold when yee haue so heated your yron ye may gyld with the same gold so mixt and then fume it with a fire lampe or brimstone or waxe A good way to burnish yron Take an ounce of Alopaticum citrinum an ounce of Amber then mix and beate them togither into a poulder then set it ouer the fyre of coles in a earthen pot make it not to hote at the fyrst but when it is molten put thereto a quantitie of seething oyle and stur it al wel together with a stick then let it rest take it from the fyre and coole and so keepe it and with this ye may vernish at pleasure as ye do other mettals To sowder on cold yron Take two ounces of Salarmoniac two ounces of salte two ounce of wynestone made in poulder ii ounce of clock spyce so calde in dutche vi ounces of looking glasse beate all these and mingle them well together then put them in a linnē cloth lay it round a finger thick with good clay which clay must be wel tempered Then put them in a leaded pot of earth couer it with another like pot of earth then set it softly on glowing coles so let it softly warme and by little little encrease your heat till the said stuffe be al glowing hote and run so done then let it coole from the fyre then take it forth and breake it small and so grynde it to a fyne poulder and when yee will sowder any yron yee muste make it fast on a borde and see that the ioyntes be sette close together as ye canne and firste lay a paper vnder your yron and put of the sayd poulder a little betwixt the sayd ioynts and also vpon al the ioynts then wrappe it all rounde with claye sauing aboue which yee shall leaue open to sowder at then take of the poulder of Burras and put it in wine luke warme or Aquauite and so let it melt therein so done take of the same wine and with a feather strike on the ioynts aboue which ve vncouered then it will begin to seeth so when it leaueth sething it is then whole sowdred and sound then being so take of your clay and such roughnesse as doeth remayne
on the ioynts which ye shall not fyle of but grynd it of and thus it shal be wel Another way to sowder warme on yron or steele Take of gūme water and beate therewith some hearbes which hearbes it shall not skil what and make it thick as a past and when ye wil sowder any place strike thereon or lay it on the ioynte then rub it thereon with sope and then holde thereto a fyre cole and it will runne Then washe of the sayde dough from the sowdred place and so it wil be fayre To sowder on Copper Take an ounce of Coperas halfe an ounce of whyte Arsenic which is calde whyte Orpemente then make your Coper to runne and diuide your Arsenicke in two parts then cast one part into your copper and stir it well all together and then cast in the other parte of your Arsenic to your copper and stir it wel altogether so done cast it on a stone and spread it thin and when it is colde beate it into a fyne poulder and vse it likewise as the other before mentioned To sowder on Latine Ye must fyle your lattine cleane al ouer then put the ioyntes close together and thereon scrape quicklye youre burras so ye shal see it wel and sure sowdred Another sowder to sowder on yron Ye shall set your ioynts of yron as close as ye maye the one vnto the other then lay them so in glowing coles and then take of Venis glasse made in fine poulder and youre yron being red hote in the fyre caste the poulder of your glasse thereon and so it shall sowder of himselfe and bee very strong withall And if ye clap it in clay as aforesayd ye shall not do amisse Another good way to gylde on yron or Steele Take one ounce of Orgall or Orgyrs in dutch so named with a thyrde part of Vermillion and a fourth parte of Bolearmoniac with as much of Aquauite then worke and grinde them altogether on a stone with lynseede oyle so done put therevnto some of the stone calde Lapis Calaminaris the bignesse of a hazel nutte and grynd therwith in the end three or foure droppes of Vernish so take it off the stone and strayne it thorow a linnen cloth into a stone potte for it must bee as thicke as hony so keepe it and strike it whereon ye list and so let it dry and then ye may lay your golde or siluer thereon as aforesayd A Varnish like golde for tinne Siluer or buckles of copper Ye shal haue small pots well leaded then put therein vi ounces of Linseede oyle one ounce of Mastick an oūce of Aloepatieum citrium then make them altogether in fine poulder and then put them into your sayd oyle couer it with such another pot whiche pot aboue yee shall make a small hole in the bottome thereof wherin ye shall put thorow a small sticke with a brode ende beneath to stur the other pot withall and when the pots are set iust together one to the other ye shal close thē al about with good clay and couer them al ouer also in leauing but the hole open aboue with the stick to stir the other pot so done set them ouer the fyre in stirring it ofte as it doth seeth like painters vernish and when ye will gylde therewith poollishe your mettall fyrst all ouer and then strike the vernish all ouer thereon and then let it dry in the sunne if it lye too thinne strike it ouer agayn so often as ye shal think good and so let it drye betwixt your striking and then ye shall see it will do well A way to graue on yron or steele or other kynde of weapons Take cole of a wille or sallo two partes of Vitriol or Copares two parts of Salarmoniac worke and beate all these together well with Vineger and make it thick like broth and when ye will eate or graue any thing withall draw first thereon with this thing following Take Vermilion linseede oyle mixt all together then dry it late it ouer with your past a finger thick or more and the warmer it is the sooner it will graue and eate but see too it it burne not and when it is dryde well doe off the sayde poulder and cleanse the casting out then take two partes of spanish greene calde verdigreace and a part of salt thē beat them together in a morter and put vnto it strong vineger and do as it is abouesayde or take Vitriol Allum salt Lapis calamynaris viniger and sallo cole and make it as the other aforesayd or take two parts of vitriol and a third part of salarmoniac and grind them wel al together on a stone with vrine or pisse then laye it on as it is aforesayde but ye must lay it cold on and set it then foure or fiue howers in a seller or low coole place for it wil be the better A water to eate or graue on yron or steele Take of verdigreace of Mercury sublyme of vitriol of Allum of ech a like then beat them smal so put it into a glasse so let it stand half a day styr it often then strike it al ouer with wax or yealow lead mixt with lynseed oyle or liisen smout so cald in dutche and strike thereon with the water in the glasse let it stand half a day but if ye write or lay thin that the water may eate it the sooner which yee shal couer al the yron or steele thin with wax and to draw theron what ye list with a pensil in the wax vnto the groūd then strike your water al ouer and so it shal eate on your grauen places or lay theron Mercury sublimatū in your grauen places and put therevnto vineger and so let it rest half an hower after and it wil do wel Another water to eate on yron or steeele more stronger Take an ounce of Verdigreace halfe an ounce of Allum Plumosum and half an ounce of Salarmoniac as much of wynestone and halfe an ounce of Vitriol and as muche of common salt let al be smal beaten so put together put thereto of sharpe viniger so let it stand an houre and when to graue or eate any thing therwith it must be first grauē ye shal write with Liifen smout or yelow colour then let it drye and then make your foresayde water hote in a leaded panne and let it stande ouer the fyre and hold your yron and steele ouer the panne and poure of that hot water thereon with a ladle that the rest may fall agayne into the foresayde panne thus muste yee doe still a good quarter of an houre this doing the take ashes or vnssect lyme rub it looke of that ye would haue eaten if it be clean or not if not draw it agayn with your yelo matter then poure on your said water and so ye shal haue it wel To lay gold vpon yron or other mettall Take of liquid varnish i. li.
long then vncouer it and stirre it wel about a good while then couer it close again and let rest other vi houres then vncouer it stir it as before so stop it agayn then vncouer it within two or three houres looke if the die begin to come or begin to wax green if they doe not let it rest longer and stop it close if ye see it be come put therein some of your cloth that ye would dye and turne it well therein then wring it out and let it rest 2 or 3 houres thē put in agayn your cloth and vse it as aforesayd so stop it well agayn and let it rest so two or three houres til ye shall see the dye begin to come the flower to lie aboue to euery going the ye go thereto see if the colour be greene ynough or waxe greene and when ye shall see it so ye shal scom of the flower with a dish and then put your cloth agayn therein stir it wel and wring it forth then stoppe it agayne wel and thus ye must colour three or foure times a day Then must ye take the dye in the dessell and hang it ouer the fire agayne and there let it be hote and putte therein two pound and a halfe of ashes Then put it in the Fatte and so lette it rest but stoppe it well and close so let it rest a night but stirre it once in the nighte with a staffe and see in the morning if the dye be come as aforesayd and so put in your cloth agayne but lette it not lye therein too long that it coole not the dye and as yee haue thus dyed it foure times Thē shal ye make it hote agayne ouer the fyre putting therein two pound of pot ashes and so let rest all a might and stirre one in the nighte as aforesayde and stoppe it close and when ye goe thereto see if the dye be come if it be come ye may dye as before that ye thinke good and when your colour waxe a fayre greene then is your dye good and rype and the flowers will lye fayre aboue but as it beginnes to waxe yelowe then it is too rype Then must yee put in more cloth How to dye a fayre Linnen with brasill Ye shall take so much linnen as ye will and to euerye elle of linnen take two ounces of gall nottes or xii nots these nots ye shall breake in two or three peeces then put them in a kettle with water and let them seeth together and as they haue sod a quarter of an houre or lesse take it of the fyre and take your cloth forth thereof and let it a little soke by but let it not drye As ye haue thus sod it ye shall take another Kettle with fayre water and put it ouer the fire and make it seething hote Then shall ye to euery elle of cloth take two ounces of Allum which yee shall put in the sayde water and as it is melted yee shall take the foresayd cloth and put it into the sayde kettle to the Allum let it seeth together a quarter of an houre then take forth of the kettle and wring it a little then hang it to drye a little but not too muche Then must yee haue your sod brasill as thus yee shall take lye made of wood ashes but see it be not too strong And thereof so much in your panne as will make your cloth weat then put your brasill in the panne with the lye and so lette it seeth a quarter of an houre then set it from the fyre and haue ready an earthen panne and by and by put your lycor brasiil therein then shall ye put your foresayde cloth therein styrre and turne it well therein but see that it be not too drye of the sayd Allum that it hath bene sod with Also to foure gallons of lye ye shall put lesse then halfe a pound of brasill poulder small beaten To make a fayre brasill colour to worke on cloth or paper Ye shall take a fayre potte and put therein a pounde of chalke small broken and put thereto a pottle of good Vineger and stirre it well togither Then let it stand a daye and a night then poure the clearest into a fayre panne and see that no chalke go therein then take two partes of the sayd lye and put it in a fayre pot and set it ouer the fyre and seeth it fiue pater noster long then take it from the fyre and put the lycor in to fayre a panne and ye shall put thereto xiiii ounces of allū and stirre it wel with a staffe then take the other part put it to the sayd brasill wood the which ye haue changed and let it there seeth as afore sayd and put that licor into another panne and put thereto xiii ounces of Allum which ye shall stirre so well as aforesayd and when ye haue tost it long put it then to the other and stirre it well as ye will haue it drye take a pan and fill it full and set it in the winde eight dayes or more and there let it drye as it is fayre ye may worke therewith Blue Buckeram to dye Take three pound of gruis of Turwin so calde in dutche and a pound of Mede a pound of Floray and to three pound of Sope ashes take lx quartes of water first ye shall put your Floray into a fayre fatte and put thereto tenne quartes of water and stirre it well altogither this must be so hote that ye cannot suffer your hand therein in the other water ye shall put the gruis with the ashes and Mede and that put together and so stand which ye shal stir xii houres long and waxing a blue so ye may worke with it If it be not blue ynough so let it stand couerd xx houres long A red to dye with Crampmede Take a pound of crampmede to three elles of linnen take a fayre pot with water and set it by the fire till it be ready to seeth and put therein two ounces of gals and let them so seeth together and then put your linnen therein and take it sometimes out and in and at eche time wring it well out Then take a fayre pot with fayre water and make it seething hote then put therein an ounce of Allū and so let it seeth wel then put your cloth in as aforesaid Then take another pot of water and let it seeth therein til it be red then take that cloth out and clense it al about with a cloth If ye will haue it more darker then must yt haue a lye of vnquenched chalke with the lyke dye men with woad ashes do make a red dye or colour without vnquēched lime in hauing woad ashes in stede of vnquēched lime To dye blacke Veluet or linnen Take of galles and coperas seeth them together and put your linnen therein if it be gray silke then take of elder barks and olde yron
and put all in a hearing barrell or vessel Then take gruis or swarfe this shal be a thurden dele of the fat the other two parts shal be fayre water so let it stand three weekes long so stirre it often wel about and put your gray silke therein and as this is done so shall ye hang it to dry and so put it in agayn so often til that it be black ynough In steede of galles ye maye take harkes of Oke and shoemakers blacke To make gray flore Take flore and lay it to soke 24 houres then wring it out thorow a cloth then take lye of wyne ashes spread it 2 houres long on a fayre table then take the sayd lye and put it in three vessels and take the Flore put it into one of the vessels Then put it wel forth then put that Flore in the least vessell then so in the middest and in the firste but eare ye put the linnen therin put in vineger wring it out To dye silke red Take of good wood ashes make a good lye therof put therin of willow or facet woad barbary wood or yelow wood soke them therin an houre then seeth a quarter of an houre then put your cloth therein put in a little spanish greene but that cloth ye must first allum it To make a black water to dye with A blacke water to dye all maner of silke clothes ye shall take halfe a pound of gall nots and put thereto somewhat lesse then a pottle of water and an ounce of swarfe of the grindstone and a good deale of the fylings of yron make it seeth and put thereto a quarter of a pound of coperas and seeth all to the halfe and put therein a pounde of gūme arabic then seeth it till al the gumme be melted Then set it from the fire the older it is the better it wil be ¶ To make a thicke water to worke on yealow silke Take a pottle of the best vernice ye can put in an ounce of brimstone in fine poulder half an ounce of Camphyer then seeth it a while and let it coole then strayne it thorow a cloth also with this ye shal worke thinne and this must be sod with the fourth part of gumme Arabic To worke on yealow silke white gray or azure colour Take a pottle of Conduite water and a fourth part of Arsenicke in poulder and two ladle full of woad cut the woad in small peeces and make it seeth as hering that is softly then set it from the fyre and put therein so much of graynes as ye put in porrage and herein also ye shall put in of gumme of Arraby so much as you shall seeme good To make a red water Take a pottle of fayre water and a fourth parte of gumme and halfe a pot of faucet woad so cald in dutche and then seeth it together till three pintes be consumed then set it from the fyre and herein yee shall put halfe an ounce of spanish greene and then put in also of graynes so much as ye doe in seasoning your pottage To make a red with brasill Take your Linnen to one pound take a fourth part of Allum but first seeeth allum then laye your linnen therein the space of two houres then take of beaten galles and put water thereto then lay your linnen therein and put in a quarter of a pounde of brasill and an ounce of gumme of Arabie Then let it seeth a fourth part in and then put in your Linnen If you will haue it a redde then put in no galles To make a red water for white silke or woollen greene yealow violet or azure Take a pottle of running water and an ounce of brasill seeth these till the halfe be consumed Then take it from the fyre and put in so many graynes as ye put vnto a pot of porage and a fourth part of gumme But if ye wil make it a light red put it into another fat whereas there is a quarter of a pound of Allum made in poulder and so let it rest all a night and it will do well To make a blew Take three partes of Sope ashes and one parte of vnquenched lyme and make a lye thereof and then lette it cleare then strayne it thorow a thicke cloth and yee shall take xv quartes of the sayd lye and put thereto a pounde of Bloemen so calde in dutche then styrre it all well together with a staffe and warme it ouer the fyre so that ye may not scant suffer your hande therein but firste your cloth must be sod in Allum and also dryed then put it in the warme dye two or three tymes then after if yee will haue it black or light colour so ye may vse it but before all things your dye must be warmed ere ye dye or colour therewith To make a fayre sanguine dye Take vpon eche elle of linnen sixe galles beaten into poulder and then take three gallons of water put into a tubbe and put the poulder of the galles thereto sturre them well togither then laye your linnen therein and turne and wend it well Then take and wring it drye out then let it lye therein agayne two houres long but at ech houre ye must wring it as before and lay it therein again in the tubbe and as it hath layne two houres so wrong out then take one ounce of Allum of the best and three gallons of water in a Kettle and make it well and hote redy to seeth till all be well molten then set it from the fire and put your linnen therein do it as ye haue done before agayne two houres long then after that take a panne and put therein two gallons of water and warme that lyke the other then take three ounces of brasil and cast it therein agayne let it seeth a quarter of an houre then take a good quart of water and cast it therein seething and take a quart of that dye and lay your linnen therein six or vii pater nosters long so that the dye be dronke all in the sayde cloth then wring it forth and handle it well then laye the cloth agayne in that dye tosse it and turne it and wend it well therein and let it lye so long therin as aforesayd and so wring it out then take the thyrd colour and lay it therin and let it lye therin a quarter of an houre and so it wil be well A light red dye for skinnes To dye a fayre light red take xiiii drye skins as they come from Antwerp and put them in the riuer or in water two dayes and two nights then take them out of the sayd water and put into a fat a Kettle full of vnquenched lyme or chalke and put so muche water thereto as the felles maye well be couered therein then sturre them wel with a staffe altogether and put your felles therein then turne and tosse them well if it be in