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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A75579 Aristotle's master-piece compleated in two parts: the first containing the secrets of generation, in all the parts thereof. Treating, of the benefit of marriage, and the prejudice of unequal matches, signs of insufficiency in men or women; of the infusion of the soul; of the likeness of children to parents; of monstrous births; the cause and cure of the green-sickness: a discourse of virginity. Directions and cautions for mid-wives. Of the organs of generation in women, and the fabrick of the womb. The use and action of the genitals. Signs of conception, and whether of a male or female. With a word of advice to both sexes in the act of copulation. And the pictures of several monstrous births, &c. The second part, being a private looking-glass for the female sex. Treating of the various maladies of the womb; and of all other distempers incident to women of all ages, with proper remedies for the cure of each. The whole being more correct, than any thing of this kind hitherto published.; Aristotle's Masterpiece. Aristotle, attributed name.; Salmon, William, 1644-1713. 1697 (1697) Wing A3697kA; ESTC R230121 84,412 197

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Penny-royal Feverfew Hysop Sage of each 2 ounces make a Julep Take Oyl of Anniseed one Scruple and half Diacymini Diacalaminthe Diamosci Diagalangae of each one dram Sugar 4 ounces with water of Cinnamon make Lozenges take of them a dram and half twice a Day two hours before Meales Fasten cupping-glasses to the hipps and belly Take of Stirax Calamint one ounce Mastick Cloves Cinamon Nutmeg Lig. Aloes Frankincense of each half an ounce Musk 10 Grains Amber-greese half a Scruple with rose-Rose-water make a Confection Divide it into four equal parts Of one part make a Pomum Odoratum to smell on if she be not hysterical Of the second make a Mass of Pills and let her take three every night Of the third make a Pessary dip it in Oyl of Spikenard and put it up Of the fourth make a suffumigation for the Womb. If the Faculties of the Womb be weakened and the life of the Seed suffocated by overmuch humidity ●●owing to those parts Take of Betony Marjorum Mugwort Penny-royal Balm of each one handful Roots of Asrum Fenel Ellecampane of each two drams Anniseed Cummin of each one dram with Sugar and Water a sufficient quantity of which make a Syrup and take three ounces every other morning Purge with these Pills following Take of Digridion two grains Specierum de Castorei one scruple Pil Foetid two scruples with Syrup of Mugwort make six Pills Take Spec. Diagemmae Diamosci D●ambrae of each one dram Cinnamon one dram an half Mace Cloves Nutmeg of each half a dram Sugar six ounces with Water of Feverfew make Lozenges to be taken every morning Take of the Decoction of Sarsaparilla and Virga Aurea not forgeting Sage which Agrippa wondering at the operation of hath honour'd with the Name of Sacra Herba a holy Herb And it is recorded by Dodonaeus in his History of Plants Lib. 2. Cap. 77. That after so many Egyptians were dead the surviving Women that they might multiply the faster were commanded to drink the Juice of Sage Anoint the Genitals with Oyl of Anniseed and Spikenard Take Mace Nutmeg Cinnamon Styrax Amber of each one dram Cloves Laudani of each half a dram Turpentine a sufficient quantity make Trochisks to smother the Womb. Take the Roots of Valerian and Ellecampane of each one pound of Galangale two ounces Origan Lavender Marjoram Betony Mugwort Bay leaves Calamint of each three handfuls with Wat●r make an incession in which let her sit after she hath had her Courses If Barrenness proceeds from Driness consuming the matter of the Seed Take every day Almond-milk and Goats-milk extracted with Honey Eat often of the Root Satyrion condited and of the Electuary of Diasatyrion Take three Weathers Heads boyle them until all the flesh comes from the bones then take of Mellilot Violets Cammomile Mercury Orchis with their Roots of each an handful Fenugreek Linseed Valerian Roots of each one pound Let all these be decocted in the aforesaid Broth and let the Woman sit in the Decoction up to her Navel Also take of Deers Suet half an ounce Cows Marrow Styracis liquideae of each two drams Oyl of sweet Almonds two ounces with Silk Cotton make a Pessary Make Injections only of fresh Butter and Oyl of sweet Almond If Barrenness be caused by any proper affect of the Womb the Cure is set down in the Second Part. Sometimes the Woman proves barren when there is no Impediment on either side except only in the manner of the Act As when in the Emission of the Seed the Man is quick and the Woman too slow whereby there is not an Emission of both Seeds at the same instant as the Rules of Conception require according to the opinion of the Antients Wherefore to take away this Inconvenience Mulier preparari ac disponi debet molli complexu lascivis verbis oscula lasciviora miscenda If this doth not suffice before the Act of Coition foment the private parts with the Decoction of Betony Sage Hysop and Calamint and anoint the Mouth and Neck of the Womb with Musk and Civet The Cause of Barrenness being removed let the Womb be corroborated as follows Take of Bay-berries Mastick Nutmeg Frankincense Cypress Nuts Laudani Galbani of each one dram Styracis liquid two Scruples Cloves half a Scruple Ambergreece two grains Musk six grains then with Oyl of Spikenard make a Pessary Take red Roses Lapidis Haematitis White Frankincense of each half an ounce Sanguis Draconis fine Bole Mastick of each two drams Nutmeg Cloves of each one dram Spikenard half a scruple With Oyl of Wormwood make a Plaister for the lower part of the Belly Let her eat often of Eringo Roots condited and Make an Injection only of the Juice of the Roots of Satyrion The aptest time for Conception is instantly after the Menses are ceas'd because then the Womb is thirsty and dry apt both to draw the Seed and to retain it by the roughness of the inward superficies And besides in some the mouth of the Womb is turned unto the back or side and is not placed right until the last day of the Courses Excess in all things is to be avoided Lay aside all Passions of the Mind Shun Study and Care as things that are Enemies to Conception for if a Woman conceives under such circumstances how wise soever the Parents are the Children at the best will be but foolish because the animal Faculties of the Parents viz. the Understanding and the rest from whence the Child derives its Reason are as it were confused through the multiplicity of Cares and Cogitations Examples hereof we have in learned Men who after great study and care instantly accompanying with their Wives often beget very foolish Children A hot and moist Air is most convenient as appears by the Women in Egypt which usually bring forth three or four Children at one time CHAP. X. Virginity what it is in what it consists and how violated together with the Opinions of the Learned about the mutation of Sexes in the Womb during the Operation of Nature i● framing the Body THere are many ignorant People that boa●● of their Skill in the knowledge of Virginity and some Virgins have undergone har● Censures through their ignorant Determinations And therefore I thought it highly necessary to clear this Point that the towering Imaginations of conceited Ignorance may be brought down and that the Fair Sex whose Vertues are so illustriously bright that they both excite our Wonder and command our Imitation may be freed from the Calumnies and Detractions of Ignorance and Envy that so their Honours may continue as Unspotted as they have kept their Persons Uncontaminated and free from Defilement Virginity in a strict sence does signifie the Prime the Chief the Best of any thing which makes men so desirous of marrying Virgins imagining some greater pleasure to be enjoy'd in their Embraces than in those of Widows or such as have before been lain withal Tho' not many years ago a very
Pouder take one dram in 4 ounces of Mugwort water Take of Hypericon Calamint Penny-royal Bettony Hyssop Sage Horehound Valerian Madder Savine with water make a decoction take 3 ounces of it with one ounce and half of Syrup of Feverfew Take of Mugwort Myrrh Gentian Pil. Coch. of each 4 Scruples Rue Penny-royal Saggapenum Opopanax of each half a dram Assafoetida Cinnamon Juniper-berries Borage of each one dra● with the juice of Savine make Pills to be taken of every Morning Make Insessions of Hyssop Bay-leaves Assrum Calamint Bay-berries Camomile Mugwort Savine Take of Sagapenum Marjoram Gentian Savine Cloves Nutmeg Bay-berries of each 2 Scruples Galbanum one dram Hierae Picrae Black Hellebore of each one Scruple with Turpentine make a Pessary But if these things prove not available then must the Mole be drawn away with an instrument put up into the Womb called a Pes Griphius which may be done with no great danger if it be performed by a skilful Chirurgeon After the delivery of the Mole by reason that the Woman hath parted with much blood already let the flux of blood be stayed as soon as may be Fasten Cupping-glasses to the shoulder and ligatures to the arms If these help not open the Liver-vein on the right arm The air shall be moderately hot and dry and her diet such as doth molify and attenuate she may drink White-wine CHAP. XII Of the Signs of Conception IGnorance makes Women become Murderers to the Fruit of their own Bodies many having Conceived and thereupon finding their Bodies to be out of Order and not knowing rightly the Cause do either run to the Shop of their own Conceit and take what they think fit or else as the Custom is they send to the Physitian for Cure and he perceiving not the Cause of their Grief seeing that no certain Judgment can be given by the Urine prescribes what he thinks best perhaps some strong Diuretical or Cathartical Potion whereby the Conception is destroyed Wherefore Hippocrates saith There is a Necessity that Women should be instructed in the Knowledge of Conception that the Parent as well as the Child might be saved from Danger I will therefore give you some Instructions by which every one may know whether she be with Child or not The signs of Conception shall be taken from the Woman from the Urine from the Infant and from Experiment Signs collected from the Woman are these The first day after Conception she feels a light Quivering or Chilness running through the Whole Body a tickling in the Womb and a little Pain in the lower parts of the Belly Ten or twelve Days after the Head is affected with Giddiness the Eyes with a Dimnes of Sight Then follows Red Pimples in the Face with a Blue Circle about the Eyes the Brests swell and grow hard with some pain and pricking in them The Belly suddenly sinketh and riseth again by Degrees with a hardness about the Navel The Nipples af the Brest's wax Red the Heart beats inordinately the Natural appetite is Dejected yet die hath a longing Desire after strange Meats The neck of the Womb is retraced that it can hardly be felt with the Finger being put up and this is an infallible Sign She is suddenly Merry and as soon Melancholly her Monthly Courses are stayed without any Evident Cause The Excrements of the Guts are unaccustomedly retained by the VVomb pressing the great Gut and her Desire to Venus is abated The surest Sign is taken from the Infant which begins to move in the VVomb the third or fourth Month and that not in the manner of a Mole from one side to another Rushing like a Stone but mildly as may be perceived by applying the Hand hot on the Belly Signs taken from the Urine The best Clerks do affirm that the Urine of a VVoman with Child is white and hath little Motes like those in the Sun-beams ascending and descending in it and a Cloud swimming aloft of an Opal Colour the Sediment being divided by shaking of the Urine appears like carded VVool. In the middle of her time the Urine turneth Yellow next Red and lastly Black with a Red Cloud Signs taken from Experiment At Night going to Bed let her drink Water and Honey afterward if she feels a beating pain in her Belly and about her Navel she hath Conceived Or let her take the juice of Carduus and if she Vomiteth it up it is a sign of Conception cast a clean Needle into Womans Urine put into a Bason let it stand all Night and in the Morning if it be coloured with red Spots she hath Conceived but if it be blacker or rusty she hath not Signs taken from the Sex to shew whether it be Male or Female Being with Child of a Male the right Breast swells first the right Eye is more lively than the left her Face Well coloured because such as the Blood is such is the Colour and the Male is conceived of purer Blood and of more perfect Seed than the Female Red Motes in the Urine settling down to the Sediment foretells that a Male is conceived but if they be white a Female Put the Womans Urine which is with Child into a Glass Bottle let it stand close stopt three days then strain it through a fine Cloth and you shall find littte living Creatures if they be Red it is a Male if White a Female To conclude the mod certain Sign to give Credit unto is the motion of the Infant For the Male moves in the third Month ad the Famale in the fourth CHAP XIII Of Vntimely Birth WHen the Fruit of the Womb comes forth before the Seventh Month that is before it comes to Maturity it is said to be Abortive And in effect the Child proves Abortive I mean not to Live if it be Born in the eighth Month. And why Children born in the seventh and ninth Month may Live and not in the eighth Month may seem strange yet it is true The cause hereof by some is ascribed unto the Planet under which the Child is born for every Month from the Conception to the Birth is Governed by his proper Planet And in the Eighth Month Saturn doth Predominate which is cold and dry and coldness being an Enemy unto Life destroys the Nature of the Child Hippocrates gives a better Reason The Infant being every way perfect and compleat in the Seventh Month desires more Air and Nutriment than it had before which because he cannot obtain he labours for a Passage to go out and if his Spirits be weak and faint and have not Strength sufficient to break the Membranes and come forth it is decreed by Nature that he should continue in the Womb until the 9th Month that in that time his wearied Spirits might be again Strengthned and Refreshed but if he returns to strive again in the eighth Month and be born he cannot Live because the day of his Birth is either past or to come for in the eighth Month