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A63799 Miscellania: or, A collection of necessary, useful, and profitable tracts on variety of subjects which for their excellency, and benefit of mankind, are compiled in one volume. By Thomas Tryon physiologus. Tryon, Thomas, 1634-1703. 1696 (1696) Wing T3185; ESTC R220931 73,089 207

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Spread this Poultis on a Linnen Cloath indifferent thick apply to the grieved part every Hour or two at most and by God's assistance it will effect the Cure to your Heart's desire An excellent Remedy against any Wound Stab Prick or Cut with a Sword or other Weapon Take Spirits of Wine with some double refined Sugar or other Sugar mixed with it Wash or Serringe your Wound with this Sugared Spirit very well then take a small quantity of the fine Powder of Refined Sugar and put into the said Wound and presently sow it up with a fine Needle and Silk the quicker you do it the better will the Cure be performed for the more the Air is kept out of it the better If this Method be observed it will do wonders the way of tenting is generally pernicious and prolongs the Cures of the above mentioned hurts keeping the Parts from closing or cementing for this prevents the flowing of the Humors and putrefaction and Nature does her own work without trouble cost or pain Pithagoras's Method and Advice to his Disciples viz. Whenever they had Occasion to make any Medicine Poultis Plaisters Decoctions of Herbs or any other thing they were always to be mindful to take of those things that their Genius did first dictate to them and not only the Herbs or Seeds grains or other things but likewise the number of their Composition that is how many ingredients they were to mix together the manner form and postures they were to observe in gathering of them also what Words Invocations and Prayers they use also naming the name of the Person they operate for expressing in words for whom they do it for to Cure such or such a Disease And if you would know more of this Read Pythagoras's Letters lately Printed by T. Sowle in White-Hârt-Court and observe th● Methods and Numbers there treated off at large and your understanding will be enlightened if you are in good earnest and live in the Fear and under the Dominion of the Fountain of Benignity whose Signal Character is plainness Simplicity and Innocency An excellent remedy against all Old Inveterate Vlcer's and Sores occasioned by the Disease called The Kings Evil viz. First take Rain or River Water with which wash the Grieved part very clean then take strong Spirits mixed with white Sugar and wash it several times and fill up the Mouth or cover the Sore with Sugar and Spirits mixed thick then apply this following Poultis viz. Take two Quarts of Rain or River Water as much dried Wormwood as the Water will cover let it lie and infuse two Hours then strain it off and add as much good Bread as will make it thick add to it two or three Ounces of white Sugar with half or a Pint of good strong Beer or Wine then make it boyling hot stirring it all the time then it is done Apply this every two Hours as warm as your Blood washing the Sore every time with water and then with the Sugared Spirits as is mentioned before Remember that the Water wherein the Wormwood is infused two Hours must be cold and after the Ingredients are put in made boyling hot as in other Poulises An Vniversal fomentation for all Tumors Bruises Hard Swelled Members or parts of the Body Take a good quantity of dried Wormwood put it into two three four or five Quarts of Rain or River Water make it boyling hot then take it off the Fire and let it lie in the Water one Hour then add to every Quart of this Wormwood Liquor half a Pint of old Wines three Spoonfuls of good Spirit of Wine two Ounces of double refined Sugar and one Ounce of Salt of Tartar with this wash or foment the part very well for half an Hour together or more resting one Hour and in the Interim apply this following Poultis viz. Take two or three Handfuls of the Green Leaves of Sorrel infuse them in two Quarts of boyling Water one Hour Strain it off and add to this Water as much good Mault Flower as will make it thick to every Quart put half a Pint of Ale and two Ounces of double refined Sugar apply it warm every Hour fomenting the part as you are taught before and you need not doubt but it will have a good Effect and Cure to Admiration A Famous Poultis against Sprains Take two or three Quarts of good Water and a Quart of good strong Beer four Ounces of refined Sugar make this just boyle then put in it as much fresh gathered Thyme as the Liquor will cover make it ready to boil again and then Strain it from the Herbs and add to it as much Brown Bread as will make it thick stir this over the Fire till it be boiling hot then it is done Add to this three Ounces of Spirits of Wine stirring it all well together spread this thick on a Linnen Cloath and apply it every three Hours as warm as your Blood A good Method to Cure Sprains if you cannot have the Forementioned Poultis viz. So soon as you have Sprained any Member of your Body then presently put that part into cold Water wherein some Wood-Ashes are put continue the grieved part one Hour or at least half an Hour this will give you ease and have a good Effect An Excellent Wash against all old Aches and Sciatica's in any part or Member of the Body Take Rain Water in March April May Iune or Iuly and keep it in Glass Bottles open standing either without Doors or in Airy Rooms wash your infirm part three times a Day Very well the Water must be cold and the Part or Member must not be kept warmer then is usual This do for two three or four weeks if you have occasion but in many this Method will effect the Cure much sooner An Excellent Method to Cure the Sores occasioned by the Disease called The King 's Evil. Fist take Water wherein Wormwood is infused wash the Sore part very well then take Spirits of Wine Mault or Sider mixed with Sugar and wash it again then apply this following Poultis viz. Take three Pints or two Quarts of Rain or River Water make it boil then put into it as much Hyssop as the Water will just cover continue it on the Fire till it boil then take it off and Strain it add to this Liquor as much Bread as will make it thick to every Quart put two Ounces of Refined Sugar and half a Pint of Ale spread this pretty thick on a Linnen Cloath and repeat the application every Hour two or three the oftner the better the like is to be understood in all applications of this Nature as we have demonstrated in our Book Entituled The Good Hous-wife made a Doctor A rare Poultis against all Inflamation● Rhumes and other Sores in the Eyes viz. First wash your Eyes with Rain or other good Water then apply this following Poultis viz. Take one Quart of Water the whites of three Eggs beaten well together with
three Ounces of double refined Sugar as much white Bread as will make it into a Poultis then make it boiling hot stirring it all the time then it is done Spread this thick on a Linnen Cloath apply it to your Eye every Hour fresh and you will have your desire but this course and repeated application must be continued for 1 2 3 4 5 or 6. Days as you see occasion Observe that you never apply your Poultis hotter then your Blood nor bind the Grieved part hard both are great Evils but more especially the last A rare Poultis against the Head-Ach Take one Quart of Rain or River Water one Ounce of white Sugar as much Mault Flower new Ground as will make it thick enough add to it half a Pint of good Ale making it boyling hot and stirring it all the tim● then it is done Spread this on a Linnen Cloath pretty thick apply it as warm as Milk from the Cow every Hour or every two Hours continue the application one two or three Days more or less as occasion An Excellent Poultis against all Sorts of Sprains Take two Quarts of Rain or River Water make it boiling hot or boil up put to it as much good Green Sage as the Water will cover then make it just boil take it off the Fire and let it stand one quarter of an Hour Strain the Water off then add to this Sage Liquor as much Bread as will make it thick put to this three Ounces of double refined Sugar and a quarter of a Pint of Red Wine and five Spoonfuls of Spirit of Wine Sugar or Mault stir them well together and make them boiling hot stirring it all the time then it is done Spread this likewise on a Linnen Cloath and apply it warm as your Blood every Hour or two for one Day or two resting all the time A brave Noble Poultis against all hot Tumors Bruises or Swellings or the like Take two or three Quarts of Rain or River Water as much Spinnage as the Water will cover But first let the Water be boiling hot then make it boil take it off the Fire and let it stand one quarter of an Hour the Vessel uncovered Strain it off add to it as much House-hold Bread as will make it thick with two Ounces of course Sugar make it boiling hot then it is done Spread this on a Linnen Cloath apply it every two Hours as warm as your Blood for two three four or five Days and you will find good Effects thereof always observe and be careful that you do not bind the Grieved part too hard but very Gently there being nothing worse then hard binding it often occasions great Evils even to Mortification Wormwood Smokt in Pipes being well dryed in the Sun and Bagg'd in Paper close is far better and more a vail●ble for the help and Cure of all or most of the Diseases Tobacco is taken in Pipes for A method how any Person may supply the place of Hops with Wormwood to all intents and purposes and please the pallats of the Drinkers for Wormwood is an Excellent Herb and of far greater Strength Power and Vertue then Hops provided it be gathered in it's proper Season and dried in the Sun and bagg'd up as Hops are so keep them for use according to the Directions in our way to Health long Life and Hppiness viz. Take what quantity you think fit of dryed Wormwood as you have occasion to keep your Drink a longer or a shorter time and put it into your hot Water in your Mash-Tub or Vessel and then presently put your Mault in and stir it together as is usual and when it has stood the common time draw it off then you must take the Wormwood out and add some fresh to your Liquor that you put up the second time and do the like when you put up your third Liquor if you mash more than twice by this Method or way you will only extract the thin fine saline Vertues of the Herb and leave the Gross Churlish bitter behind and Drink thus made doth not only Drink pleasant and keep well but i● far more wholsome and healthy than the best Hopped Drink and if your Wormwood is well preserved it will keep three four or five Years good and the second and third Year it is better than the first The very same Method is to be observed in useing all other Herbs But if the forementioned way should make the Grains so bitter that Cattel will not eat them Then observe the following Method viz. Make of fine thin Canvas Baggs both for your strong Beer Ale and small Beer and put such a quantity of your Wormwood as you think fit into them and when your several sorts of Drink is Working in the Tun then hang these Baggs in your Working Drink for three Hours and then take them out this being an approved way which do impregnate or imbibe the fine airy Spirituous Vertues of the Wormwood into the Drink The natural and common vertues of this Drink is it warms and strengthens the Stomack fines the Blood purgeth by Urine Generates like pure Spirits and Drink thus made if not too strong nor too great a quantity Drank then it will prove a Friend both to the Eyes Head as well as to the Stomach Healths Grand Preservative OR THE Womens best Doctor CHAP. I. Of the Nature and Operation of Bandy Rumm and Rack which of late years are become as common Drinks amongst many as Beer and Ale not only in England but also in all the West-Indies where the English inhabit and of the evil consequences that do attend the Drinkers thereof BRandy Rumm Rack and other distilled Spirits are all very pernicious and hurtful to the Health of the Body if not sparingly taken on extraordinary occasions in a Physical way for the Intention of all such Chymical Preparations when first Invented was for Medi●inal uses and not be used as Common Drink as of late years indiscreetly they are to the Destruction of many thousands the frequent use of them contracting such grievous and stubborn Diseases as for the most part are incurable 1. All such Spirits as are drawn by common Distillation though those cruel Sulphurous Fires where the Air hath not its free egress and regress atheir Volatile Spirit and Balsamick Body is as it were totally destroy'd As for Example take the best Sack which is the Richest and most Cordial of all Wines and hath the greatest Body put it into a Limbeck or any other Furnace of the like nature and draw it off and you shall have nothing but a strong harsh fiery Spirit or Brandy The same you shall have if you distill Sugar only it yields a stronger Spirit for the more Balsamick the Body of any thing is the stronger and fiercer is its Spirit when that Balsamick Body and the pure Volatile Spirits are destroyed or separated from it Now here you will see that the Volatile Spirit and sweet Cordial Qualities or
double refined Sugar half an Ounce of Mirrh and mix them well together Use it thus First wash your Ulcer with Rain Water very clean dropping some of the forementioned Spirits into your Ulcer then apply this Poultis following Take one Quart of Rain Water Parsley Mint and Balm of each a like Quantity cut small two Ounces of good Sugar as much Bread as will make it of a fit Consistency for a Poultis make it boyilng hot stirring it all the time then put a Glass of Wine Sider Ale or good Beer into it lay this Poultis on every three Hours always washing it with the Rain Water and Spirits If this Method be observed it will Cure almost to a Miracle To Cure Gaul's or the Skin being rubbed off by any accident Take Spirit of Wine and Vinegar mix it well together wash your Sore every Hour for a Day or two laying on it a Diaculum Plaister This will heal and Cure the most inveterate Gaul in a few Days time An Excellent Poultis to Cure Sore Breast's Take one Quart of Rain or River Water some Sorrel cut small half an Ounce of Coriander Seed beaten to Powder two Ounces of good brown Sugar as much Bread as will make it into a Poultis make it Boyling hot stirring it all the time then it is done Apply this every Hour or every two Hours as warm as your Blood on a Linnen Cloath for two or three Days more or less as you see occasion and remember to wash your Breast with good Water and fresh Butter beaten together every time you apply the Poultis and you need not doubt but with God's Blessing the Cure will be Effected in a short time A rare Poultis to allay all Swellings or Contusions in any part of the Body Take one quart of Rain or River Water Rosemary and Balm cut small two Ounces of Sugar a Glass of Wine Sider Ale or good Beer as much good Bread as will make it into a Poultis make it boyling hot stirring of it all the while then it is done Lay this pretty thick on a Linnen Cloath as warm as your Blood every Hour or at least every two Hours for a Day two or three according to the occasion washing of it well with Spirit of Wine wherein Sugar is disolved This is a safe and secure remedy Another excellent Poultis to Disolve Ripen and Cure any Rising Swelling or Boyl in the Flesh viz. Take white Lilly Roots good Figgs boyl them soft in River or Rain Water then Temper them together add as much Bread as will make it thick enough for a Poultis add to this one Ounce of white Sugar and half an Ounce of Carr●way Seeds beaten to Powder stir them all together on the Fire till they are boyling hot then it is done Apply this Poultis every Hour washing the Grieved part with Ale and Sugar every time you lay the Poultis on this is a Noble Poultis and is likewise good to cure sore Breasts applyed as abovesaid The best Spirit of Scurvygrass is made Thus. Take the Leaves of Scurvygrass some Horse-Redish-Roots Scrapt small put this into a Glass or Earthen Vessel put to it as much strong double Spirit of Wine as will cover it stop this Vessel close and let it stand three Days and three Nights then Pour it off into Glass Bottles when settled you may put it into other Bottles and then it is fit for use This is called The plain Spirit of Scurvygrass and it is the best that is made you may take in a Morning of this Spirit from 60 to 80. or 90. Drops in good Water Beer Ale or Wine fasting two or three Hours after it then eat some of our Gruel with Bread How you may make this plain Spirit of Scurvygrass into a purging Spirit Take one Quart of this plain Spirit put into it one Ounce of Rozin of Scamony and half an Ounce of Rozin of Jallop both beaten to Powder let it stand one week and● then it will be fit for your use Take 50 60. or 80. Drops of this in a Glass of Ale Beer or Wine Drink plentifully of our thin Gruel after it staying within it will purge you very well and not gripe or but very little An Excellent Drink against the Stone Gravel and other Obstructions Take Scurvygrass Leaves the Seeds of Dorcas some Horse-Redish-Scrapt put them in an Earthen Vessel and then add as much White-wine as will cover the Herbs Seed and Roots let them stand five Days and Nights then pour it off and keep it in Glass Bottles it will continue good four or five weeks Take a Sack Glass of this and a like quantity of Water every Morning fast two Hours and then Drink at least a Quart of our thin Water-Gruel either of the cold or hot The constant use of this is not only a prevention and Cure but it moves most sorts of obstructions of the Stomack begets appetite Generates good Blood causing it to circulate freely How to purge by Herbs and Foods When you are minded to purge your self with both ease and safety and to preserve your Health then observe the following Method viz. In the Morning drink a Quart of our thin Water-gruel either the cold or the hot Eat a small piece of Bread with it at dinner take Spinnage Lettis Onions parsley and Sage wash them and Eat plentifully of them with your Food be it what it will at night Drink a like quantity of Gruel and Eat some good Bread as you did in the Morning this you must do for four or five or six Days together more or less as you see Occasion the like Method you are to observe If you would purge your self with Carrots Turnips and Parsnips as you did with Herbs with this Variation viz. Drink your Gruel and Eat your Bread Mornings and Nights and at Dinner Eat only Carrots Parsnips or Turnips boyled only in good Water and Eat them freely with no other thing but a little Salt and Bread during these several Days you may Purge your self to what degree you please Another way to Purge by Food 's and Drinks Drink in the Morning at several times three Pints or two Quarts of thin Watergruel at Dinner drink a Pint or a Quart at Night drink a Quart more and Eat some Bread This Method will Purge or at least will keep your Body open let your Foods at Dinner be what it will the Body being kept open and cool doth prevent and Cure Various Diseases in hot costive constitutions An excellent Poultis against the Headach Pain in the Side also a rare Remedy against the disease called St. Anthonies Fire Take Sage Parsley and Balm of each a like quantity cut small one Quart of Rain or River Water one Pint of Whitewine three Ounces of white Sugar two Ounces of Coriander Seed beaten as much good Bread as will make it fit for a Poultis mix them and stir them over the Fire till they are boyling hot then it is done
observed and do effect the Cure not only in shorter time but much safer and with greater ease to the Patient For by this Philosophical Operation of repeating it so often it doth mightily advance and forward the Cure And Note that every fresh Application of this Homogenial-Poultice to the grieved part do add new and fresh Supplies of Vertue for in all Operations of this Nature the fine healing Spirituous Qualities thereof do first impart and give themselves forth which by a secret simpathetical Power do penetrate the whole and incorporate with their similes administring their sweet Vertues which gives a new Life to th● wounded Spirits and dismayed Oyles and do at the same time withstand and allay the fierce raging awakned or irritated poysonous Humours it being the way of Nature for all homogenial Bodies that have passed through any Preparation Digestion or Fermentation when aptly applied or joyned to any Proper Subject or thing For the fine cleansing healing Qualities and good Vertues do give themselves forth and joyn or incorporate with their Similes even as the fine sweet Spirituous Qualities of 〈◊〉 do imbibe or give themselves forth and incorporate with the hot Water in● our Mash-Tub in the method of Brewing therefore every Applycation does add new supplies of Vertue and strength to the wounded Spirits and draws forth and consumes the gross humidity and exalts the Essential Life of that part and are as refreshing to the wounded Spirits as the pleasant influences and salutiferous Breezes of Wind in a hot season For Note that the Spirits and fine Qualities of each thing are light volatile ready quick and powerful in Operation that in a moments time they penetrate even to the Center for every particular Quality in Nature has a Key in it self to open the Gate of its own Principle what Man in the World would believe the attractive inclination which the Load-stone has upon Iron if it did not appear to his sight the very same simpathetical Power have all other things though in some it is more occult And for this cause one Body works upon another by a certain natural attraction and simpathetical Inclination Thus the wise and wonderful Creator has endued every thing with an attractive and influential Vertue it is not therefore the gross Body of your Poultice that will do your Business that is full of corrupt and poysonous Humours which are awakened by the long Continuation thereof for these Reasons the long lying of Poultices and Plalsters on Wounds and Sores have no better Effects then the long Continuation or standing of the Liquor on the Mault in your Mash-Tub which if it continue more then two three or four Hours it will spoil and corrupt the whole for First as I said before the fine sweet Volatile Spirituous Vertues imbibes or incorporates themselves with the hot Liquor and then if there be not a separation made in two three or four Hours by drawing it off but the applycation continued then there will soon awaken another Quality of a gross harsh sour ●een Nature which with a rapid motion tinges or transmutes all the fine sweet healing Vertues into their own Qualities which all Brewers and good House-Wifes are sensible of the like is to be understood in the applycations of Poultices and Plaisters do not their long lying of them on the wounded or sore part cause them to smell four and stink when they have been continued on for twelve or twenty four Hours which do not only indanger the part and prolongs the Cure but it puts the patient to great Pain and Torment and often the Limb is cut off and sometimes the Life too which by this forementioned method might have been prevented for if Physitions and Chyrurgeons do not understand Nature then there can be no certainty in their Operations or Cures Also Note that during the time your Poutices Plaisters Ointments or Salves are making on the Fire that you keep them stirring by which you keep the fine Spirits and Qualities Living for by this stirring the friendly Powers and thin Spirits of the Air do penitrate the whole Mass or Body which incorporate and assist the Spirits and good Vertues and keep them from being Stagnated and Suffocated the Air being the Life of all things and where its Friendly influences and circulations are prevented the Life and Spirits becomes heavy dull and gross for these Reasons all Spoon-Meats made thin are sweeter and of a more quick penetrating Operation and Digection then those made thick therefore despise not our method nor our plain home bread Poultices I could produce many living Testimonies of its Success but it is needless since every Man's Experience that tries it will soon confirm the Truth of what is here delivered nor I am not much Solicitous whether I am credited or not it is the consideration of the publick good it may do to many poor People pomps me to publish it whether you will follow the forementioned Rules or not I have done my Duty in offering it and therefore am satisfied True and Natural Methods how to Cure all sorts of Cuts Bruises Pricks of Thornes Weapon's or any kind of Wounds Also Old Vlcers and to prevent Gangreans and other Evils whatsoever viz. To Cure Cutts TAke Spirit of Wine one Pint put in three Ounces of double refined Suger shake it together With this wash your Wound or Cut very well then take some of the same Spirit and mix so much Sugar as will make it as thick as a Salve clap this into the Wound then bind it up for Ten or Twelve hours after this open it wash it again with your Sugared Spirits very well then sow it up with a small Needle and Silk then temper a little Water Bread and Sugar together and lay a little on a Linnen Cloth and bind it on Repeat this every five Hours always washing the outside of your Wound with your forementioned Spirits This will Effect the Cure in a few Days provided the Humours be not too Venemous and the Parties keep themselves Temperate How to Cure Pricks in any Member of the Body Take one Pint of double Spirit of Wine three Ounces of double refined Sugar one Ounce of Camphir mix them well-together and if your Prick or Wound be deep then take ths Spirit and with a good Serringefrce it into the Wound then Temper some of this Camfired Spirit with Sugar as thick as a Salve clap this on the mouth of the Wound then bind it up with a Cloath that the Air may not penetrate the Wound repeat this every seven Hours for five or seven times every time Cleansing the Wound with your Serringe then ●ew it up laying the forementioned Poultis to it repeat it as you did the former and wash it every time you lay your Poultis on with said Spirits This doth likewise Cure with great ease and safety To Cure Old Vlcers Take one Pint of the best double Spirits of Wine half an Ounce of Aloes beaten three Ounces of
Poyson in the Body it does so powerfully strengthen and awaken it that in a moment it over comes the pure Oyl of Life and the pure Spirits become suffocated and then the Natural Life is at an end for every Property in Nature both in the evil and also in the good does with highest diligence seck out its likeness and wheresoever it findeth its Simile there it joyns forces and mightily stirreth up its own Quality which when it happens in the Evil Nature as it does in Brandy Rumm Rack and other Distilled Liquors then it endangers the Health and Wellfare of the Body Nor is it otherwise in all sorts of Food and other Drinks if the pure Vertue thereof be separated or any way destroyed for then forth with the dar● Brimstony Spirit is set at l●berty which before the Separation the Balsamick Body and pure Spirits did qualifie and hold Captive that it could not manifest its self in its own Nature but being separated from the good Properties and Friendly Principle this dark fiery sulphurous Spirit becomes of a furious Nature and Operation endeavouring to bring all in Subjection to it self therefore such Liquors or Spirits frequently taken burn up the Radical Moisture and Natural Heat and are grreedy devourers of the sweet Oyl in the Body whence proceeds General Obstructions Crude Windy Humours Consumptions unnatural Heats and Flushings loss of Appetite Reachings to Vomit and many other Disorders and if those of the Female Sex take to drink such Spirits as of late years they do too frequently the Evils are doubled unto them 2. In all the before-mentioned Spirits that have passed through those cruel harsh Fires where the Air hath not its free Egress and Regress the pure Spirit and sweet Body is totally destroyed which is the Root of Motion and Fermentation therefore such Spirits will not Work or Ferment as all other Drinks and Liquors will even water it self but you may put what quantity of Sugar you will to Brandy Ramm or any other Distilled Spirits they will continue a strong Fire void of Mo●ion or Fermentation this doth further declare that all the good Principles and Vertues are destroyed by the Preparation and that there remains only a strong fixed Fire which has its Uses in Physick as is mentioned before but not otherwise 3. Such Spirits being frequently drunk do generate various Diseases according to each Mans Nature and Constitution and the Climate whether hot or cold for they do powerfully Prey upon the Natural Heat consuming the sweet Oyl and pure Spirits for the Balsamick Body and pure Spirits of all such Liquors being destroyed in the Preparation they become an Extream which Nature in her simplicity hates and for this Cause such Liquors cannot Administer any Proper or Agreeable Nourishment to the Body or to the pure Spirits it cannot give what it hath not it hath only Power to awaken the Central Heat or Fire which ought not to have been kindled and this it doth by a Sympathetical Operation for all Meats and Drinks have power in the Body to awaken and strengthen their likeness for this reason all Wise Men Skilled in the Mysteries of Nature have commended simple Meats and Drinks because most such things are as it were equal in their Parts having no manifest Quality that does predominate violently over the other but yet contains a sufficient Noarishment for the Body and also for the Spirit for Meats and Drinks ought to be equal in their parts the Spirit ought not to be separated from the Body nor the Body from the Spirit but both ought to be Administred together for the Body without the Spirit is of a gross heavy dull or dead Nature and the Spirit without the Body is too violent and fiery but the Health of Mans Body and Mind doth chiefly consist in the equality of both do not all Meats and Drinks wherein any Quality or Property of Nature is ●xtream whether it be in Vertue or Harmfulness if not sparingly taken certainly discompose the Harmony both of the Body and Mind For every Quality begets its likeness and so on the contrary Concord and Harmony are tain'd by their likenesses if there be not a Sympathetical agreement between the Stomach and the Meats and Drinks both in Quality and Quantity the Unity and Concord of the Properties of Nature are immediately broken whence proceeds various Diseases according to the degrees of the Disorder This every one ought to understand or else they may unadvisedly lay heavier Burdens than Nature can bear for most Diseases are generated through surplusage of Nourishment For unto weak Heats there ought to be Administred a proportionable Food but stronger Heats will admit of stronger Foods and greater quantity which all Persons might know if they would but observe the Operation of their own Natures for no Health nor Harmony can be continued where the parts do disagree aniong themselves What Harmony can the most skilful Master of Musick make if the strings of his Instruments be some too sharp and others too flat even so it is in the Elements of the Body and also in the Mind 4. For Man is the most Beautiful and Perfectest of all God's Creation and ●is Image called by the Antients the lesser World for in him is contained the true Nature and Properties of all Elements Numbers Weights and Measures therefore Man is both capable of and and ●lable to receive all all Impressions and to be influenced by all things he communicates with or joyns himself unto as all sorts of Meats Drinks Imployments Communications and whatever else he suffers his Will or Desires to enter into the same things have power respectively to awaken their Similes therefore all extreams are perilous to the Health If Men and women were but sensible of the danger and terrible Diseases that are contracted by the frequent eating and drinking of those things that are unequal in themselves as Brandy Rumm and other Spirituous Drinks and high prepared Foods they would not so eagerly desire them Do not all or most that do accustome themselves to such things quickly spoil their their Healths Nature is Simple and Innocent and the Simplicity thereof cannot be continued but by Sobriety and Temperance in Meats and Drinks that are simple and harmless which will not only gratifie Nature but contribute both due and moist Nourishment for beyond all lushious fat compounded Dishes of the Richest Food and Spirituous Drinks as it appears by many hundreds of poor People who are constrained by pure necessity not by Wisdom to live for the most part on simple Food and mean Drinks their Labour hard Cloathing thin open Air cold Houses small Fires hard Beds standing on Earthen Floors by all which means they are not only preserv'd in better Health but also enabled to endure Labour with more ease and pleasure than the Intemperately Supet fl●ous can lie a Bed or sit by the Fire O then how excellent are the ways of Temperance and Sobriety They free the
tells us of a Winter so hard That the River Tyber was frozen over a matter very strange in such a Climate as Italy In the Year 1234. the Adriatick Sea was so frozen that the Venetians went over the Ice thereof with Carts Zon●rus assures us that in the Reign of that Emperor Constantine who for a nasty Reason in his Christning was called Copronimus about the Year 750. the Pontick Sea was so Congealed that People for many Miles travelled it on foot And Horses and Carts loaden passed over the Fretum or narrow part of it but withal he adds that the Summer following was so excessive hot and dry that great Rivers and most Fountains were wholly dry'd up and People and Cattel perished for want of Water In the Year 821. the greatest Rivers of Europe as the Rhine the Danubius the Elb and the Sein were so incrusted with Ice that for the space of above 30 days Carriages freely passed along on them as on the Land But to look nearer home In the Year of our Lord 1365. and 49th year of K. Edward the 3d A Frost lasted from the midst of September to the Month of April but though so tedious the Cold was nothing so intense or violent as now In the 15th Year of the Reign of K. Henry the Eighth after great Rains and Winds there followed so sore a Frost that many died for cold and some lost Fingers some Toes and many their Nails I follow the very words of Sir R. Baker fol. 297. The same Author tells us That in the Seventh Year of Q. Elizabeth on the 21. of December began a Frost so extream that on New-Years-Day Even People passed over the Thames on foot some plaid at Foot-Ball some shot at Pricks as if it had been firm ground yet this great Frost the third of Ianuary at Night began to Thaw and by the fifth day there was no Ice to be seen but great Inundations followed In the Year 1609. which 't is not impossible but some living might remember being but 74 Years ago a Frost began in December which continued till April following with such violence that the Thames was so frozen that Carts loaden were frequently driven over it most Fowls and Birds were destroyed In the Year 1637. was another Frost which rendred the Thames passable so in the Year 1664. immediately followed by the Great Sickness and the like towards the latter end of the Year 1676. Some of the Consequences of these Extream Frosts I have mentioned more I might all are not convenient those that consult Chronology may ea●ily satisfie themselves a Man may soon err in assigning Effects to such or such particular Causes or adapting Events to Signnificators Modesty is the first Lesson in Wisdoms School Therefore as we have been studious in matter of Fact past but sparing as to Sequels so we shall retain the same becoming tenderness as to Futures wherein we shall steer our Course rather by the Guidance of Nature in her usual Operations here below than by curious Researches into remoter Influential Causes above though not neglecting them neither for the Universe is Intire Harmonical and Sympath●tical and he that does not competently understand the right Tone of the whole and the true Key of every part will make but bad Musick wherever he lays his Clumsy Fingers First then I say This Extremity of Cold Presages many Calamities and Evils to attend Mankind and the rest of their Fellow-Creatures for as the Innocent Inhabitants of the Air or expanded Suburbs of Heaven viz. Birds and Fowls are endangered by the Elements denying their usual Benefits and Provisions wherein another fourth part of the Creation viz. Fishes are somewhat concern'd so degraded Man taking advantage of this Cruel Weather does for Profit or Pleasure or Vanity destroy many thousands of them Now this great Destruction of them is but a Forerunner of Mortality amongst Creatures of greater value and even of Men themselves Would you know the reason I told you but now Universal Nature is Sympathetical 2dly This Immoderate Cold locks up the Pores of Mens Bodies and drives the Natural Heat more Central which occasions great Appetite and Draught whence follows much and excessive Eating and Drinking of Gross Fat Succulent Foods and strong Drinks in all that have wherewithal to procure them which the voracious desires do at present seem able to bear and digest yet really Nature is not able to do it and so by degrees there are Seeds sown and Foundations laid for Diseases On the other hand amongst the Poor necessity of Feeding on unfit and unusual Viands for their support at present or defect of due Nourishment must to them do as much mischief For want is as great though I think not so common an Enemy to Nature as Superfluity the way to prevent these mischiefs is for the Rich to observe Sobriety and Temperance and for the Poor to use Discretion in their Diet for a pint of Milk with a quarter of a pint of Water thickened with one Spoonful of Flower and heated just to Boyling and then putting into it a few Crums of Bread all which will not cost above a Penny shall give any Person as Nourishing a Meal as the best Surloyn of Beef or Capon I mention not this to prevent Benevolences towards the Poor which all that are able are bound to afford but only to Advise them how to supply themselves when they meet not with other Accomodations but find Rich Mens Charity more frozen than the Thames 3dly This Excessive Frost condenses the Air and renders it Sulphurous and Unhealthy especially in such Cities as London where Sea-Coals are generally used for Firing and most People especially Women creep close to those fulsom Fires without using themselves to proper Exercises whereby their Blood stagnates and becomes thick and foul whence are Generated the Scurvey stoppages of the Breast Coughs and Shortness of Breath the ill effects whereof will more manifest themselves next Spring and Summer 4thly This Disharmony and Inequality of the Elements portends a dry hot Summer to ensue for all Extreams as before observed produce their Contraries which will not only encrease Distempers but I fear some Epidemical Disease and it is also a Forerunner of Dearth and Scarcity and the latter is the more to be apprehended because we have had several Plentiful and Fruit. ful Years and very few of us scarce any have improved them to that end for which they were given us by the Lord and his Hand-Maid Nature but most that abound in Plenty have gratified their Lusts and Passions and such as have not had wherewith to commit the same Intemperances in Act have done it in their Wills and Desires and shall not our God visit us for these and other crying Abominations daily exhaled from our polluted Streets and Dwellings I will not take upon me to aver a Plague or Scarcity shall be the next Year Iehov●h the All-Wise is the Limiter of Times and Seasons for extraordinary
have the Preheminence of Foods Neither are they indued with so much nor so good Nourishment as Corn Foods But here we must give way to the prevailing Tyrant Custom which is the Champion I am to make War against and as the Foods of Beasts are better or worse● clean or substantial their Health Strength and Ability are according The like is to be understood of the Food Men live on for it is not as is said before the gross Juices that affords the true Nourishment but the fine light volatile Spirituous Vertues for this cause most are greatly mistaken that attribute so great and good Nourishment to Flesh and Fish Indeed they are full of gross Matters and Juices which do serve chiefly to cloud the finer Vertues and true Life which do also add Weight and not Spirit so that the great Eaters thereof become dull and heavy loading Nature with too great quantities of Phlegmatick Juices and Humours which do not only oppress Nature in all her Operations but is the Root of many Diseases both of the Body and Mind Green Corn and Grass are endued with more Substance and Juices than either Hay or Corn but it is Earthly and Gross and affords a Nourishment of a like Nature The more any thing is loaded or endued with Gross or Corrupt Matter the sooner it falls into Putrifaction But on the contrary the dryer firmer and more Spirituous any thing is the longer it will endure and be preserved from Corruption But of all things Men eat Flesh and Fish do s●oner decay because of the abundance of gross Matter it does contain which does as it were in a moments time cloud and suffocate the fine Sal-nitral Vertues I am sure that a Man may make a better Meal with half a Penny-worth of Wheat-Flower made into Pap and half a Penny-worth of Bread to eat with it and a little Salt and be as strong brisk and able to perform any Labour as he that makes the best Meal he can with either Flesh or Fish So great is the Ignorance Folly Blindness false Opinion and Custom of those that call themselves the Learned Pray tell me what kind of Ignorance and Madness does possess the Poor Labouring Man that hath but Six Pence or One Shilling to buy Food for his whole Family and to lay it out in a Sheeps Head and Gethers or an Oxes Liver which is his whole Stock and the best Food that can be expected from it is a little Corrupt Broth or Putrified Pottage when with five times less charge in Flower he might have procured a far better Meal being made into Pap or Gruel with a little Bread and Salt It is also to be noted that those that live on Corn Food have not occasion to drink Strong or Cordial Drinks as those that eat Flesh and Fish the first being more spiri●uous and warming the last Cold Phlegmatick and Gross and harder of Concoction 'T is likewise observable that half the quantity of Wine or strong Drink will exhillerate a Man that lives on CornFood to as high a degree as double the quantity will those that feed on Flesh c. which is a good Argument that Corn Food affords the cleanest and finest Nourishment and breeds the best Blood and Humours the Spirits being as it were always upon the Wing and consequently apter to be moved The Complexion of Fish and Flesh is Cold and Phlegmatick but whilst living they are for the most part of a hot lively-brisk Temperament each according to its Nature and the Food they live on But when the great Powers of Life are destroyed by the baneful stroak of the Butcher all the airy brisk Vertues bid the Corp● adue and the whole Mass becomes a lump of a sad Melancholick Nature and Operation what Notions soever some have to the contrary The True and most Natural Method of Preparing the forementioned Pottage Gruels and Paps made of Flower Pease c. TAke one Ounce of Wheat● flower which is a small Spoonful make a Point of Water near boyling hot temper your Flower with 3 or 4 Spoonfuls of cold Water then stir it into your hot Water keep it stirring on your Fire till it boyls up then it is at the thickest and is compleatly prepared add some Salt and a few crums of Bread letting it stand till it be almost cold this makes an excellent Meal for any Child from five or six years of Age to ten or twelve Or you may make it thus Take an Onion cut it 〈◊〉 boyl it in your Water a few minutes then add your temper'd Flower as before seasoning it with Salt and some Crums of Bread this eats very pleasant and is very satisfactory to the Stomach Onions are very wholsom in Pottages and Gruels they naturally warm and open the Obstructions of the Brest and Ureters and are not prejudicial to the Head nor Eyes when temperately used Another TAke two Ounces of Flower beaten or mixed with cold Water stir this into one Pint and a half of hot Water till it boyls up adding Salt and a little Bread and those that have no Bread may boyl an Onion in the Water before the Flower is put in this eaten makes a brave noble Exhillerating Meal for a Man which costs little more than one Farthing notwithstanding Corn is at such a high Price after this manner you may make what quantity you please thicker or thinner as it agrees best with you thick is best for strong Healthy People and for such as Labour thin is more advantagious for sick People or such as are troubled with foul Stomachs and obstructed Ureters a mean or middle sort is most proper for those that are of a soft Imployment or live a Sedentary Life Oatmeal Pottage TAke a Quart of Water make it boyling hot then take a large Spoonful of small or ground Oatmeal or somewhat better than a Spoonful temper it with cold Water then set it on your Fire till it begins to boyl up then brew it again and it is done add Salt and a little Bread letting of it stand till it be almost cold with this alone a Man may make as good a Meal as with all the Varities the four Elements afford for it renders the common Eater thereof strong lively and healthful Or you make it thus if it be for a Meal without other things make your Water boyling hot then take an Onion and some Pot-Herbs let your Herbs and Onions boyl a little time in your Water before you brew or stir the tempered Oatmeal after which you must stir your Oatmeal in till it boyl up or begins to boyl then it is done adding Salt and Bread this a most pleasant and wholsome Pottage and very nourishing but such as loves it plain may have it so and others that will have it with Pot-Herbs without an Onion may please themselves it 's a brave Food whether with or without Herbs But give me leave to tell you that for such as live only on such Flowered or