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A08913 A treatise of the plague contayning the causes, signes, symptomes, prognosticks, and cure thereof. Together with sundry other remarkable passages (for the prevention of, and preservation from the pestilence) never yet published by anie man. Collected out of the workes of the no lesse learned than experimented and renowned chirurgian Ambrose Parey. Paré, Ambroise, 1510?-1590. aut; Johnson, Thomas, d. 1644. 1630 (1630) STC 19192; ESTC S103146 56,219 88

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Fogges or Mists and the nocturnall obscuritie then to take it in the morning with a draught of good Wine for it being aboundantly diffused presently ouer all the Body filles vp the passages thereof and strengheneth it in a moment For Water if the Plague proceed from the tainture of the Aire we must wholly shun and auoid Raine-water because it cannot but be infected by the contagion of the Aire Wherefore the Water of Springs and of the deepest Welles are thought best But if the malignitie proceed from the vapours contained in the Earth you must make choyse of Raine-water Yet it 's more safe to digest euerie sort of Water by boyling it and to preferre that Water before other which is pure and cleerer to the sight and without either tast or smell and which besides suddainly takes the extremest mutation of heat and cold CHAP. VII Of the Cordiall Remedies by which we may preserue our Bodyes in feare of the Plague and cure those already infected there-with SVch as cannot eat without much labour exercise and hunger and who are no louers of Breakefasts hauing euacuated their Excrements before they goe from home must strengthen the Heart with some Antidote against the virulencie of the Infection Amongst which Aqua Theriacalis or Treacle Water two Ounces with the like quantitie of Sacke is much commended being drunke and rubbing the Nose-thrils Mouth and Eares with the same for the Treacle Water strengthens the Heart expels Poyson and is not onely good for a preseruatiue but also to cure the Disease it selfe For by sweat it driues forth the Poyson contained within It should be made in Iune at which time all simple Medicines by the vitall heat of the Sunne are in their greatest efficacie The composition whereof is thus Take the Roots of Gentian Cyperus Tormentill Diptam or Fraxinella Elecampaine of each one Ounce the Leaues of Mullet Carduus Benedictus Diuels-bit Burnet Scabious Sheepes Sorrell of each halfe a Handfull of the tops of Rue a little quantitie Mirtle Berries one Ounce of Red Rose Leaues the Flowres of Buglosse Borage and S t Iohns Wurt of each one Ounce let them be all cleansed dryed and macerated for the space of 24 houres in one pound of White Wine or Malmsey and of Rose Water or Sorrell Water then let them be put in a Vessell of Glasse and add thereto of Treacle and Methridate of each foure Ounces then distill them in Balneo Mariae and let the distilled Water be receiued in a Glasse Viall and let there be added thereto of Saffron two Drammes of Bole Armenicke Terra Sigillata Yellow Sanders Shauings of Iuorie and Harts-horne of each halfe an Ounce then let the Glasse be well stopped and set in the Sunne for the space of eight or tenne dayes Let the prescribed quantitie be taken euerie morning so oft as shall be needfull It may be giuen without hurt to sucking Children and to Women great with Child But that it may be the more pleasant it must be strayned thorough an Hippocras Bagge adding thereto some Sugar and Cynnamon Some thinke themselues sufficiently defended with a Root of Elecampaine Zedoarie or Angelica rowled in their Mouth or chawed betweene their Teeth Others drinke euerie morning one Dramme of the Root of Gentian brused being macerated for the space of one night in two Ounces of White Wine Others doe take Worme-wood Wine Others sup vp in a rere Egge one Dramme of Terra Sigillata or of Harts-horne with a little Saffron and drinke two Ounces of Wine after it There be some that doe infuse Bole Armenicke the Roots of Gentian Tormentill Diptam the Berryes of Iuniper Cloues Mace Cynnamon Saffron and such like in Aqua Vitae and strong White Wine and so distill it in Balneo Mariae This Cordiall Water that followeth is of great virtue Take of the Roots of the long and round Aristolochia Tormentill Diptam of each three Drammes of Zedoarie two Drammes Lignum Aloes Yellow Sanders of each one Dramme of the Leaues of Scordium S t Iohns Wurt Sorrell Rue Sage of each halfe an Ounce of Bay and Iuniper Berryes of each three Drammes Cytron Seeds one Dramme of Cloues Mace Nutmegs of each two Drammes of Masticke Olibanum Bole Armenicke Terra Sigillata Shauings of Harts-horne and Iuorie of each one Ounce of Saffron one Scruple of the Conserues of Roses Buglosse Flowers Water Lillyes and old Treacle of each one Ounce of Camphire halfe a Dramme of Aqua Vitae halfe a pint of White Wine two pints and a halfe make thereof a distillation in Balneo Mariae The vse of this distilled Water is euen as Treacle Water is The Electuarie following is verie effectuall Take of the best Treacle three Ounces Iuniper berries and Carduus Seeds of each one Dramme and a halfe of Bole Armenicke prepared halfe an Ounce of the Powder of the Electuarie De Gemmis and Diamargariton Frigidum the Powder of Harts-horne and Red Corall of each one Dramme mixe them with the Sirrupe of the Rinds and Iuyce of Pome-citrons as much as shall suffice and make thereof a liquid Electuarie in the forme of an Opiate let them take euerie morning the quantitie of a Filberd drinking after it two Drammes of the Water of Scabions Cherryes Carduus Benedictus and of some such like cordiall things or of strong Wine The following Opiate is also verie profitable which also may be made into Tablets Take of the Roots of Angelica Gentian Zedoarie Elecampaine of each two Drammes of Cytron and Sorrell Seeds of each halfe a Dramme of the dryed Rinds of Cytrous Cinnamon Bay and Iuniper Berryes and Saffron of each one Scruple of Conserue of Roses and Buglosse of each one Ounce of fine hard Sugar as much as is sufficient make thereof Tablets of the weight of halfe a Dramme let him take one of them two houres before meat Or make thereof an Opiate with equall parts of Conserues of Buglosse and Mel Anthosatum and so adding all the rest dry and in Powder Or take of the Roots of Valerian Tormentill Diptam of the Leaues of Rue of each halfe an Ounce of Saffron Mace Nutmegs of each halfe a Dramme of Bole Armenicke prepared halfe an Ounce of Conserue of Roses and Sirupe of Lemons as much as will be sufficient to make thereof an Opiate liquid enough Or take of the Roots of both the Aristolochia's of Gentian Tormentill Diptam of each one Dramme and a halfe of Ginger three Drammes of the Leaues of Rue Sage Mints and Peny-royall of each two Drammes of Bay and Iuniper Berries Citron Seeds of each foure Scruples of Mace Nutmegs Cloues Cinnamon of each two Drammes of Lignum Aloes and Yellow Saunders of each one Dramme of Male Frankincense i. Olibanum Masticke shauings of Harts-horne and Iuorie of each two Scruples of Saffron halfe a Dramme of Bole Armenicke Terra Sigillata Red Corall Pearle of each one Dramme of Conserues of Roses Buglosse Flowers Water Lillyes and old Treacle of each one Ounce of Loafe
Sugar one pound and a quarter A little before the end of the making it vp add two Drammes of Confectio Alkermes and of Camphire dissolued in Rose Water one Scruple make thereof an Opiate according to Art the Dose thereof is from halfe a Dramme to halfe a Scruple Treacle and Mithridate saithfully compounded excell all other Cordiall Medicines adding for euerie halfe ounce of each of them one Ounce and a halfe of Conserues of Roses or of Buglosse or of Violets and three Drammes of Bole Armenicke prepared Of these being mixed with stirring and incorporated together make a Conserue It must be taken in the morning the quantitie of a Filberd You must choose that Treacle that is not lesse then foure yeeres old nor aboue twelue That which is some-what new is iudged to be most meet for Cholericke persons but that which is old for Flegmaticke and old Men. For at the beginning the strength of the Opium that enters into the composition thereof remaines in its full vertue for a yeere but afterwards the more yeeres old it waxeth the strength thereof is more abolished so that at length the whole composition becommeth verie hot The Confection of Alkermes is verie effectuall both for a preseruatiue against this Disease and also for the Cure The quantitie of a Filberd of Rubarbe with one Cloue chawed or rowled in the Mouth is supposed to repell the comming of the pestilent Aire As also this composition following Take of preserued Citron and Orange Pilles of each one Dramme of Conserue of Roses and of the Roots of Buglosse of each three Drammes of Citron Seeds halfe an Ounce of Annice Seeds and Fennell Seeds of each one Dramme of Angelica Roots foure Scruples Sugar of Roses as much as suffices Make a Confection and couer it with Leaues of Gold and take a little of it out of a Spoone before you goe abroad euerie morning Or take of Pine Apple Kernels and Fisticke Nuts infused for the space of sixe houres in the Water of Scabious and Roses of each two Ounces of Almonds blanched in the fore-named Waters halfe a Pound of preferued Citron and Orange Pilles of each one Dramme and a halfe of Angelica Roots foure Scruples Make them according to Art vnto the forme of March-pane or of any other such like Confection And hold a little piece thereof often in your Mouth The Tablets following are most effectuall in such a case Take of the Roots of Diptam Tormentill Valerian Elecampaine Eringoes of each halfe a Dramme of Bole Armenicke Terra Sigillata of each one Scruple of Camphire Cinnamon Sorrell Seeds and Zedoarie of each one Scruple of thē Species of the Electuarie Diamargariton Frigidum two Scruples of Conserue of Roses Buglosse preserued Citron Pilles Mithridate Treacle of each one Dramme of fine Sugar dissolued in Scabious and Carduus Water as much as shall suffice Make thereof Tablets of the weight of a Dramme or halfe a Dramme take them in the morning before you eat The Pilles of Ruffus are accounted most effectuall preseruatiues so that Ruffus himselfe saith that he neuer knew any to be infected that vsed them The composition of them is thus Take of the best Aloes halfe a Dramme of Gumme Ammoniacum two Drammes of Mirrhe two Drammes and an halfe of Masticke two Drammes of Saffron seuen Granes Put them altogether and incorporate them with the Iuice of Citrons or the Sirupe of Limons and make thereof a Masse and let it be kept in Leather Let the Patient take the weight of halfe a Dramme euery morning two or three houres before Meat and let him drinke the Water of Sorrell after it which through its tartnesse and the thinness of its parts doth infringe the force and power of the malignitie or putrefaction For experience hath taught vs that Sorrell being eaten or chawed in the Mouth doth make the pricking of Scorpions vnhurtfull And for those Ingredients which doe enter into the composition of those Pilles Aloes doth clense and purge Myrrhe resisteth putrefaction Masticke strengthens Saffron exhilarates and makes liuely the Spirits that gouerne the Body especially the Vitall and Animall Those Pilles that follow are also much approued Take of Aloes one Ounce of Myrrhe halfe an Ounce of Saffron one Scruple of Agaricke in Trochisces two Drammes of Rubarbe in powder one Dramme of Cinnamon two Scruples of Masticke one Dramme and a halfe of Citron Seeds twelue Graines Powder them all as is requisite and make thereof a Masse with the Sirupe of Maiden Haire Let it be vsed as afore-said If the Masse begin to waxe hard the Pilles that must presently be taken must be mollified with the Sirupe of Lemons Take of washed Aloes two Ounces of Saffron one Dramme of Myrrhe halfe an Ounce of Ammoniacum dissolued in White Wine one Ounce of Honey of Roses Zedoarie Red Saunders of each one Dramme of Bole Armenicke prepared two Drammes of Red Corall halfe an Ounce of Camphire halfe a Scruple Make thereof Pilles according to Art But those that are subiect or apt to the Haemorrhoides ought not at all or verie seldome to vse those kinds of Pilles that doe receiue much Aloes They say that King Mithridates affirmed by his owne writing that whosoeuer tooke the quantitie of an Hasell Nut of the preseruatine following and dranke a little Wine after it should be free from Poyson that day Take two Wall-Nuts those that be verie dry two Figges twentie Leaues of Rue and three Graines of Salt beat them and incorporate them together and let them be vsed as is afore-said This remedy is also said to be profitable for those that are bitten or stung by some venomous Beast and for this onely because it hath Rue in the composition thereof But you must forbid Women that are with Child the vse of this Medicine for Rue is hot and dry in the third degree and therefore it is said to purge the Wombe and prouoke the Flowers whereby the nourishment is drawne away from the Child Of such varietie of Medicines euerie one may make choyse of that that is most agreeable to his tast and as much thereof as shall be sufficient CHAP. VIII Of Locall Medicines to be applyed outwardly THose Medicines that haue proper and excellent vertues against the Pestilence are not to be neglected to be applyed outwardly or carried in the Hand And such are all aromaticall astringent or spirituous things which therefore are endewed with vertue to repell the venomous and pestiferous Aire from comming and entring into the Body and to strengthen the Heart and the Braine Of this kind are Rue Baulme Rosemary Scordium Sage Worme-wood Cloues Nutmegs Saffron the Roots of Angelica and Louage and such like which must be macerated one night in sharpe Vineger and Aqua Vitae and then tyed in a knot as bigge as an Egge Or rather let it be carryed in a Sponge made wet or soaked in the said Infusion For there is nothing that doth sooner and better hold the spirituous vertue and strength
Pestilence commeth of the Aire therefore so soone as one is blasted with the pestiferous Aire after he hath taken some preseruatiue against the malignitie thereof he must withdraw himselfe into some wholesome Aire that is cleane and pure from any venomous Infection or Contagion for there is great hope of health by the alteration of the Aire for we doe most frequently and aboundantly draw in the Aire of all things so that we cannot want it for a minute of time therefore of the Aire that is drawne in dependeth the correction amendment or increase of the Poyson or malignitie that is receiued as the Aire is pure sincere or corrupted There be some that doe thinke it good to shut the Patient in a cloase Chamber shutting the Windowes to prohibite the entrance of the Aire as much as they are able But I thinke it more conuenient that those Windowes should be open from whence that Wind bloweth that is directly contrarie vnto that which brought in the venomous Aire For although there be no other cause yet if the Aire be not moued or agitated but shut vp in a cloase place it will soone be corrupted Therefore in a cloase and quiet place that is not subiect to the entrance of the Aire I would wish the Patient to make Wind or to procure Aire with a thicke and great Cloath dipped or macerated in Water and Vineger mixt together and tyed to a long Staffe that by tossing it vp and downe the cloase Chamber the Wind or Aire thereof may coole and recreate the Patient The Patient must euerie day be carryed into a fresh Chamber and the Beds and the Linnen Cloathes must be changed There must alwayes be a cleere and bright Fire in the Patients Chamber and especially in the night whereby the Aire may be made more pure cleane and voyd of nightly vapours and of the filthy and pestilent breath proceeding from the Patient or his Excrements In the meane time least if it be in hot weather the Patient should be weakned or made more faint by reason that the heat of the Fire doth disperse and wast his Spirits the Floore or Ground of the Chamber must be sprinkled or watered with Vineger and Water or strowed with the branches of Vines made moyst in cold Water with the Leaues and Flowers of Water Lillyes or Poplar or such like In the feruent heat of Summer he must abstaine from strong Fumigations that do smell too strongly because that by assaulting the Head they increase the paine If the Patient could goe to that cost it were good to hang all the Chamber where he lyeth and also the Bed with thicke or coarse Linnen Cloathes moysted in Vineger and Water of Roses Those Linnen Cloathes ought not to be verie white but some-thing browne because much and great whitenesse doth disperse the sight and by wasting the Spirits doth increase the paine of the Head for which cause also the Chamber ought not to be verie lightsome Contrariwise on the night season there ought to be Fiers and Perfumes made which by their moderate light may moderately call forth the Spirits Sweet Fiers may be made of little peeces of the Wood of Iuniper Broome Ash Tamarisk of the Rind of Oranges Lemmons Cloues Benzoin Gumme Arabicke Orris Roots Myrrhe grossely beaten together and layd on the burning Coales put into a Chasing Dish Truly the breath or smoake of the Wood or Berries of Iuniper is thought to driue Serpents a great way from the place where it is burnt The vertue of the Ash Tree against venome is so great as Pliny testifieth that a Serpent will not come vnder the shaddow thereof no not in the morning nor euening when the shaddow of any thing is most great and long but she will run from it I my selfe haue proued that if a circle or compasse be made with the Boughes of an Ash Tree and a Fier made in the middest thereof and a Serpent put within the compasse of the Boughes that the Serpent will rather run into the Fier then thorow the Ashes Boughes There is also another meanes to correct the Aire You may sprinkle Vineger of the decoction of Rue Sage Rosemary Bay Berries Iuniper Berries Cyperus Nuts and such like on Stones or Brickes made red hot and put in a Pot or Pan that all the whole Chamber where the Patient lyeth may be perfumed with the vapour thereof Also Fumigations may be made of some matter that is more grosse and clammy that by the force of the Fire the sume may continue the longer as are Ladanum Myrrhe Masticke Rosine Turpentine Storax Olibanum Benzoin Bay Berries Iuniper Berries Cloues Sage Rosemary and Marioram stamped together and such like Those that are rich and wealthy may haue Candles and Fumes made of Wax or Tallow mixed with some sweet things A Spong macerated in Vinegar of Roses and Water of the same and a little of the decoction of Cloues and of Camphire added thereto ought alwayes to be ready at the Patients hand that by often smelling vnto it the Animall Spirits may be recreated and strengthened The Water following is very effectuall for this matter Take of Orris fourÄ— Ounces of Zedoarie Spikenard of each sixe Drammes of Storax Benzoin Cynamon Nutmegs Cloues of each one Ounce and a halfe of old Treacle halfe an Ounce Bruise them into a grosse Powder and macerate them for the space of twelue houres in 4 pound of white and strong Wine then distill them in a Limbecke of Glasse on hoat Ashes and in the distilled Liquor wet a Spong and then let it be tyed in a Linnen Cloath or closed in a Box and so often put vnto the Nose-thrils Or take of the Vineger and Water of Roses of each foure Ounces of Camphire six Graines of Treacle halfe a Dramme let them be dissolued together and put into a Viall of Glasse which the Patient may often put vnto his Nose This Nodula following is more meet for this matter Take of Rose Leaues two Pugils of Orris halfe an Ounce of Calamus Aromaticus Cynnamon Cloues of each two Drammes of Storax and Benzoin of each one Dramme and a halfe of Cyperus halfe a Dramme beat them into a grosse Powder make thereof a Nodula betweene two peeces of Cambricke or Lawne of the bignesse of an Hand Ball then let it be moystned in 8 Ounces of Rose Water and two Ounces of Rose Vineger and let the Patient smell vnto it often These things must be varied according to the time For in the Summer you must vse neither Muske nor Ciuet nor such like hot things and moreouer women that are subiect to fits of the Mother those that haue Feauers or the Head ach ought not to vse those things that are so strong smelling hot but you must make choise of things more gentle Therefore things that are made with a little Camphire and Cloues bruised and macerated together in Rose Water and Vineger of Roses shall be sufficient CHAP. XIII What Dyet ought to
respect vnto his custome age the region and the time for through emptinesse there is great danger lest that the venomous matter that is driuen out to the superficiall parts of the bodie should be called backe vnto the inward parts by an hungrie stomacke and the stomacke it selfe should bee filled with choloricke hot thinne and sharpe excrementall humors whereof commeth biting of the stomacke and gripings in the guttes CHAP. XIV What drinke the Patient infected ought to vse IF the Feauer be great and burning the patient must abstain from wine vnlesse that he be subiect to swounding and he may drink the Oxymell following in stead thereof Take of fair water three quarts wherin boile foure ounces of hony vntill the third part bee consumed scumming it continually then straine it and put it into a clean vessell and adde thereto foure ounces of vineger and as much cynamon as will suffice to giue it a taste Or else a sugered water as followeth Take two quarts of fair water of hard sugar sixe ounces of cynamon two ounces straine it through a woollen bagge or cloth without anie boiling and when the patient will vse it put thereto a little of the iuice of Citrons The syrupe of the iuce of Citrons excelleth amongst all others that are vsed against the Pestilence The vse of the Iulep following is also verie wholesome Take of the iuice of Sorrell well clarified halfe a pinte of the iuice of Lettuce so clarified foure ounces of the best hard Sugar one pound boile them together vnto a perfection let them be strained and clarified adding a little before the end a little vineger let it be vsed betweene meales with boyled water or with equall portions of the water of Sorrell Lettuce Scabious and Buglosse or take of this former described Iulep strained and clarified foure ounces let it be mixed with one pound of the forenamed cordiall waters and boile them together a little And when they are taken from the fire put thereto of yellow Sanders one dram of beaten Cinamon halfe a dram straine it through a cloth when it is cold let it bee giuen vnto the patient to drinke with the iuice of Citrons Those that haue accustomed to drinke Sider Perrie Beere or Ale ought to vse that drinke still so that it be clear transparent and thinne and made of those fruits that are somewhat tarte for troubled and dreggish drinke doth not onely engender grosse humors but also crudities windinesse and obstructions of the first region of the bodie whereof comes a feauer Oxycrate being giuen in manner following doth asswage the heate of the feauer and represse the putrefaction of the humors and the fiercenesse of the venome and also expelleth the water through the veines if so be that the patients are not troubled with spitting of bloud cough yexing and altogether weake of stomacke for such must auoid all tart things Take of faire water one quart of white or red Vineger three ounces of fine Suger foure ounces of Sirup of Roses two ounces boile them alittle and then giue the patient thereof to drinke Or Take of the iuice of Lemons and Citrons of each halfe an ounce of iuice of soure Pomegranats two ounces of the water of Sorrell and Roses of each one ounce of fair water boiled as much as shall suffice make therof a Iulep and vse it between meales Or take of Sirup of Lemons and of red Currance of each one ounce of the water of Lillies foure ounces of faire water boiled halfe a pinte make therof a Iulep Or Take of the syrups of water Lillies and Vineger of each halfe an ounce dissolve it in fiue ounces of the water of sorrell of faire water one pinte make thereof a Iulep But if the patient bee young and haue a strong and good stomacke and choloricke by natnre I thinke it not vnmeete for him to drinke a full and large draught of fountaine water cold for that is effectuall to restraine and quench the heate of the feauer and contrariwise they that drinke cold water often and a verie small quantitie at a time as the Smith doth sprinkle water on the fire at his forge doe increse the heate and burning and thereby make it endure the longer Therefore by the iudgement of Celsus when the disease is in the chiefe increase and the patient hath endured thirst for the space of three or foure dayes cold water must be giuen vnto him in great quantitie so that hee may drinke past his satietie that when his belly and stomacke are filled beyond measure and sufficiently cooled he may vomit Some doe not drinke so much thereof as may cause them to vomite but do drinke euen vnto satietie and so vse it for a cooling medicine but when either of these is done the patient must be couered with many clothes and so placed that he may sleepe and for the most part after long thirst and watching and after long fulnesse and long and great heate sound sleepe commeth by which great sweat is sent out and that is a present helpe But thirst must sometimes bee quenched with little peeces of Melons Gourds Cucumbers with the leaues of Lettuce Sorrell and purslane made moist or soked in cold water or with a little square peece of a Citron Lemon or Orange macerated in Rose water and sprinkled with sugar and so held in the mouth and then changed But if the patient be aged his strength weake phlegmaticke by nature and giuen to wine when the state of the feauer is somewhat past and the chiefe heate beginning to asswage he may drinke wine verie much delayed at his meate for to restore his strength and to supply the want of the wasted Spirits The patient ought not by anie meanes to suffer great thirst but must mitigate it by drinking or else allay it by washing his mouth with Oxicrate and such like and hee may therein also wash his hands and his face for that doth recreate the strength If the Fluxe or Laske troubel him he may verie well vse to drinke steeled water and also boiled milke wherein many stones comming red hot out of the fire haue beene manie times quenched For the drinesse and roughnesse of the mouth it is verie good to haue a cooling moistening and lenifying lotion of the mucilaginous water of the infusion of the seedes of Quinces Psilium id est Flea-wurt adding thereto a little Camphyre with the water of Plantaine and Roses then cleanse and wipe out the filth and then moisten the mouth by holding therein a little oyle of sweete Almonds mixed with a little sirup of Violets If the roughnesse doe breede or degenerate into Vlcers they must be touched with the water of the infusion of sublimate or Aqua fortis CHAP. XV. Of Antidotes to be vsed in the Plague NOw we must entreate of the proper cure of this disease which must bee vsed as soone as may bee possible because this kinde of poison in swiftnesse exceedes the celeritie of the medicine
is aforesaid the Treacle and cordiall water formerly prescribed are verie profitable for this purpose Also the water following is greatly commended Take of Sorrell sixe handfuls of Rue one handfull drie them and macerate them in Vineger for the space of foure and twentie houres adding thereto foure ounces of Treacle make thereof a distillation in Balneo Mariae and let the distilled water be kept for your vse and so soone as the patient doth thinke himselfe to bee infected let him take foure ounces of that liquor then let him walk and sweat He must leaue sweating when he beginneth to waxe faint and weake or when the humor that runs down his bodie begins to waxe cold then his bodie must be wiped with warme clothes and dried The patient ought not to sweate with a full stomacke for so the heate is called away from performing the office of concoction also he must not sleepe when he is in his sweate lest the malignitie goe inwardly with the heate and spirits vnto the principall parts but if the patient be much enclined to sleepe he must be kept from it with hard rubbing and bands tyed about the extreame parts of his bodie and with much noise of those that are about him and let his friends comfort him with the good hope that they haue of his recouerie but if allthis will not keepe him from sleepee dissolue Castoreum in tart Vineger and Aqua vitae and let it be iniected into his nostrels and let him be kept continually waking the first day and on the second and third euen vnto the fourth that is to say vnto the perfect expulsion of the venom let him not sleep aboue three or foure houres on a day and night In the meane time let the Physition that shall bee present consider all things by his strength for it is to be feared that great watchings will dissolue the strength and make the patient weake you must not let him eate within three houres after his sweating in the meane season as his strength shall require let him take the rinde of a preserued Citron conserue of Roses bread toasted and steeped in wine the meate of a preserued Myrabolane or some such like thing CHAP. XVI Whether purging and bloud-letting be necessarie in the beginning of pestilent diseases SO soone as the heart is strengthened and corroberated with cordials Antidotes we must come vnto phlebotomie and purging As concerning bloud-letting in this case there is a great controuersie among Physitions Those that wish it to be vsed say or affirme that the pestilent Feauer doth infixe it selfe in the bloud and therein also the pestilent malignitie taketh its seate and therefore it will soone infect the other humors vnlesse that the bloud be euacuated and the infection that remaineth in the bloud be thereby taken away Contrariwise those that do allow phlebotomie in this case alledge that it often commeth to passe that the bloud is void of malignitie when the other humors are infected with the venemous contagion If any man require my iudgement in this doubtfull question I say that the Pestilence sometimes doth depend on the default of the ayre This default being drawn through the passages of the bodie doth at length pierce vnto the entrals as wee may vnderstand by the abscesses which breake out one while behinde the eares sometimes in the arme-holes and sometimes in the groines as the braine heart or liuer are infected And hereof also come Carbuncles and other collections of matter and eruptions which are seene in all parts of the bodie by reason that nature vsing the strength of the expulsiue facultie doth driue forth whatsoeuer is noisome or hurtfull Therefore if the Physition will follow this motion of nature he must neither purge nor let bloud lest that by a contrarie motion that is by drawing in from without the motion of nature which proceeds outwardly from within should be troubled So wee often see in those who are purged or let bloud for such Buboes as come through vnlawfull copulation that the matter is thereby made contumacious and by drawing it inwardly it speedily causeth the French Poxes Wherefore when Buboes Carbuncles and other pestilent eruptions appeare which come through the default of the ayre wee ought to abstaine from purging and phlebotomie but it is sufficient to forearme the heart inwardly and outwardly with Antidotes that are endewed with a proper vertue of resisting the poison For it is not to bee doubted but that when nature is debilitated with both kindes of euacuation and when the spirits together with the bloud are exhausted the venemous ayre will soone pierce and be receiued into the emptie bodie where it exerciseth its tyrannie to the vtter destruction thereof In the yeare of our Lord God 1565. in which yeare there was great mortalitie through out all France by reaso nof the Pestilence and pestilent diseases I earnestly and diligently enquired of all the Physitions and Chirurgians of all the Cities through whom King Charles the ninth passed in his progresse vnto Bayon what successe their patients had after they were letten bloud purged wherunto they all answerd alike that they had diligently obserued that all that were infected with the Pestilence and were letten bleede some good quantitie of bloud or had their bodies somewhat strongly purged thenceforwards waxed weaker and weaker and so at length died but others which were not let bloud nor purged but took cordial Antidotes inwardly and applied them outwardly for the most part escaped and recouered their health for that kinde of Pestilence tooke its originall of the primatiue and solitarie default of the ayre and not of the corruption of the humors The like euent was noted in the hoarsenesse that wee spake of before that is to say that the patients waxed worse and worse by purging and phlebotomie but yet I doe not disallow either of those remedies if there bee great fulnesse in the bodie especially in the beginning and if the matter haue a cruell violence whereof may be feared the breaking in vnto some noble part For we know that it is confirmed by Hippocrates that what disease soeuer is caused by repletion must bee cured by euacuation and that in diseases that are verie sharpe if the matter doe swell it ought to be remedied the same day for delay in such diseases is dangerous but such diseases are not caused or inflicted vpon mans bodie by reason or occasion of the Pestilence but of the diseased bodies and diseases themselues commixed together with the Pestilence therefore then peraduenture it is lawfull to purge strongly and to let a good quantitie of bloud lest that the pestilentvenome should take hold of the matter that is prepared and so infect it with a contagion whereby the pestilence taketh new and farre greater strength especially as Celsus admonisheth vs where he saith that By how much the sooner those sodaine inuasions do happen by so much the sooner remedies must bee vsed yea or rather rashly
absolued and perfected which may be also done by the application of the following ointment Take of Vnguentum Dialthaea one ounce and a halfe oile of Scorpions halfe an ounce of Mithridate dissolued in Aquavitae halfe a dramme this liniment will verie well relaxe and loosen the skinne open the pores thereof and spend forth portion of that matter which the Cupping-glasse hath drawne thither in stead thereof mollifying fomentations may bee made and other drawing and suppurating medicines which shall bee described hereafter A Vesicatorie applied in a meete place below the Bubo profits verie much but not aboue as for example If the Bubo be in the throate the Vesicatorie must be applied vnto the shoulder blade on the same side if it bee in the arme-holes it must be applied in the middest of the arme or of the shoulder bone on the inner side if in the groine in the middest of the thigh on the inner side that by the double passage that is open for to draw out the matter the part wherein the venome is gathered together may bee the better exonerated Spurge Crow-foot Arsmart Beare-foote Brionie the middle barke of Trauellers-ioy the rindes of mullet Flammula or vpright Virgines-bower are fit for raising blisters If you cannot come by those simple medicines you may apply this that followeth which may be prepared at all times Take Cantharides Pepper Euphorbium Pellitory of Spaine of each halfe a dramme of soure Leauen two drams of Mustard one dramme and a little Vineger the Vineger is added thereto to withhold or restraine the vehemencie of the Cantharides but in want of this medicine it shall suffice to droppe scalding oyle or water or a burning candle or to lay a burning cole on the place for so you may raise blisters which must presently bee cut away and you must see that you keepe the vlcers open and flowing as long as you can by applying the leaues of red Coleworts Beetes or Iuie dipped in warme water and anointed with oyle or fresh butter Some apply Cauteries but Vesicatories worke with more speede for before the Eschar of the Cauteries will fall away the patient may die therefore the vlcers that are made with vesicatories will suffice to euacuate the pestilent venome because that doth worke rather by its qualitie than its quantitie Let the abscesse bee fomented as it is shewed before and then let the medicine following which hath vertue to draw bee applied Fill a great onion being hollowed with Treacle and the leaues of Rue then rost it vnder the hote embers beate it with a little Leauen and a little Swines grease and so apply it warme vnto the abscesse or sore let it be changed euery sixe hours Or Take the rootes of Marsh-mallowes and Lillies of each halfe a pound of Line Foenigreeke and Mustard seedes of each halfe an ounce of Treacle one dram tenne figges and as much hogges grease as shall suffice make thereof a Cataplasme according to Arte. Or Take of Onions and Garlicke rosted in the embers of each three ounces bruise them with one ounce of soure Leauen adding thereto Vuguentum Basilicon one ounce Treacle one dramme Mithridate halfe a dramme of old hogges grease one ounce of Cantharides in powder one scruple of Pigeons doung two drams beate them and mixe them together into the forme of a Cataplafme Hereunto old Rennet is verie profitable for it is hot and therefore atractiue beeing mixed with old Leauen Basilicon you ought to vse these vntil the abscesse be growne vnto its full ripenesse and bignesse but if presently after the beginning there be great inflammation with sharpe paine as it often happeneth especially when the abscesses be of the kinde of Carbuncles wee must abstaine from those remedies that are hot and attractiue and also from these that are verie emplasticke and clammie because they doe altogether close the pores of the skinne or because they doe resolue the thinner part of the collected matter which if it might remaine would bring the other sooner to suppuration or else because they may perchance draw more quantitie of the hot matter than the part can beare whereof commeth rather corruption than maturation and last of all because they encrease the Feauer and paine which inferreth danger of a Conuulsion or mortall Gangrene Therefore in such a case it is best to vse cold and temperate locall medicines as the leaues of Henbane and Sorrell rosted vnder the coles Galens pultis and such like There are manie that for feare of death haue with their owne hands pulled away the Bubo with a paire of Smiths pincers others haue digged the flesh round about it and so gotten it wholly out And to conclude others haue become so madde that they haue thrust an hot iron into it with their owne hand that the venome might haue a passage forth of all which I doe not allow one for such abscesses doe not come from without as the bitings of virulent beasts but from within and moreouer because paine is by these meanes encreased and the humor is made more maligne and fierce Therefore I thinke it sufficient to vse medicines that doe relaxe open the pores of the skinne and digest portion of the venome by transpiration as are these that follow Take the rootes of Marsh-mallowes and Lillies of each sixe ounces of Chamomill and Melilote flowers of each halfe an handfull of Linne seedes halfe an ounce of the leaues of Rue halfe an handfull boile them and straine them dip spunges in the straining and there with let the rumor bee fomented a long time Or Take the crumme of hot bread and sprinkle it with treacle-Treacle-water or with Aqud vitae and Cowes milke or Goates milke and the yelkes of three egges put them all on stupes or flaxe and apply them warme vnto the place Or Take of soure Rie leauen foure ounces of Basilicon two ounces three yelkes of egges oile of Lillies two ounces Treacle one dramme let it bee receiued on stupes and applied in like manner Or Take of Diachylon and Basilicon of each two ounces oile of Lillies one ounce and halfe let them be melted and mixed together and let it be applied as is abouesaid When you see feele and know according to reason that the Bubo is come to perfect suppuration it must be opened with an incision knife or an actuall or potentiall Cauterie but it is best to bee done with a potentiall Cauterie vnlesse that happely there be great inflammation because it doth draw the venome from beneath vnto the superficiall parts and maketh a larger orifice for the matter that is contained therein neither must it bee looked for that nature should open it of her selfe for then it were danger that lest while nature doth worke slowly a venemous vapour should be stirred vp which striking the heart by the arteries the braine by the nerues and the liuer by the veines causeth a new encrease of the venemous infection For feare whereof there bee some that will not expect