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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A96816 A supplement to The queen-like closet, or, A little of everything presented to all ingenious ladies, and gentlewomen / by Hannah Woolley ... Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670.; Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670. Queen-like closet. 1674 (1674) Wing W3287; ESTC R221176 74,618 219

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of Ale put into it a quarter of a peck of Garden-Scurvy-grass bruised two great handfuls of Sage two ounces of Horse-Radish-root scraped and sliced very thin Red-Dock-root sliced very thin two ounces Anniseeds bruised one ounce and an half Liquorish scraped and sliced thin four ounces Sena two ounces Figs sliced thin half a pound When your Ale hath done working put in all these things and stop it up when it hath been four days then drink every Morning a pint and again at four in the After-noon till you have drunk all the Ale With this I have Cured many who were very bad For a Squinacy or other sore Throat Take the whitest dung of a Dog which he hath dunged abroad in May let it dry in the Sun very well and when you have occasion to use it beat it fine and searce it and give the Party thereof a slight spoonful in a Glass of White-wine and mix some with Hony and spread it and lay to the Throat let the Plaister lie on and take the other three Nights and it will Cure you For a Red-face Every Night wash your Face with this following Take Fumitory-water half a pint a little lump of Allom and a little white Sugar-Candy with the juyce of one Lemmon and as much common Brimstone beaten fine as will lye upon a half Crown heaped Do not wipe your Face when you have washed it but let it dry in Every Morning drink a Glass of old Malago-Sack and eat a little Toast dipped therein It will be very good for you to Purge every Spring if you find much heat in it which you may know by a dry hot hand and inward heat be sure to shift them often till the Coar be drawn out For a Plague-Sore Take Figgs half a pound and of Hony as much beat them together extreamly well then spread some of it upon a Burdock-leaf if you can have one or else upon a linnen Cloth dress it twice a day this will both break and heal it Use it till it be quite well An excellent Medicine prescribed by a Worthy Physician against the Plague and Pestilence Take of strong White-wine Vinegar half a pint of spring-Spring-water one quarter of a Pint mix them together and put thereto one ounce of Venice-Treacle Take of this every Morning two spoonfuls and anoint your Nostrils with a little Methridate for that will not suffer any Infection to pass that way To kill Worms which breed about the Nose Wash it often with Vinegar Allom and Brimstone till you find they are killed and then use Pomatum every Night to smooth the skin For Childrens Scabbed-faces Take Mallow-leaves and the leaves of Red-Dock of each a like quantity shred them small and put as much sallad Oil to them as will just stand even with them then boil them on a soft fire till you find the Herbs begin to be crispy then presently take it off and strain it out and keep it Anoint the Face with it twice in a day and every time before you dress it wash off that you laid on before with Butter and Beer This is very good to Heal and Cleanse For Chest-Worms Take a quarter of a pint of New-Milk and when it boils put in a piece of Allom and stir it about till you see that the Milk be well turned then take out the Allom and take off the Curd very clean and give the Party the Cleer drink to drink in the Morning fasting do so three Mornings together and it will kill all the Worms but then it will be necessary for to purge them with these things following Take a pound of Pruons and stew them leisurely in fair Water and take half an ounce of Sena and tie it up in a piece of Tiffany with half an ounce of Liquorish scraped and sliced thin and a quarter of an ounce of Anniseeds bruised let these stew in the Pipkin with the Pruons till they are enough then every Morning fasting give four or five or more of the Pruons according to the Age of the Party and also two or three spoonfuls of the Liquor do so so long as you see fitting I have given this with very good success A fine Julip for one in an Ague or Feaver Take four ounces of French-Barley and wash it well then boil it in three quarts of Water till half be consumed then strain the Barley from it and put into the Water the juyce of two Lemmons and as much white Sugar-Candy as will well sweeten it then put in two ounces of Sirrup of Violets and nine sheets of Leaf-Gold cut very small give the sick Party of this three or four times in a day four or five spoonfuls at once it is both cordial and very pleasant I Think I have said enough concerning those things which I have already written in this little Book I will now give you some Directions for several sorts of Work which may pleasure you in your Chambers and Closets And if any of you shall desire to be further informed than I can possibly direct in Writing or to confirm themselves in what they have already made Trial of if you please to give your selves the trouble as to come to me I shall give you the best assistance I can in any of those things which I profess to teach and for a competent gratuity I have set down every thing as plain as I can and I know there are many who have done things very well by my Books only but you may imagine that if you did learn a little by sight of my doing you would do much better For if my Pen can teach you well how much better would my Tongue and Hands do The one to make answer to any Objection or Question the other to order or to shape any thing So that in my opinion you would not lose by having some personal Acquaintance with me neither would I willingly lose my time and labour in informing you Therefore I beseech you let it be thus Be pleased to afford me some of your Mony And I will repay you with my pains and Skill That I judge to be fair on both sides Imprimis To make Transparent Work BOil all in Earth and let your Pipkin be three quarts full of Isinglass such as you have at the Apothecaries broken ●nto small pieces and a small quantity of Gum-Dragon amongst it then fill it up with fair Water and boil it till you find it be enough which you may well know by dipping your Wyer therein which must be shaped according to the Leaves or Flowers you intend it for Strain it while it is hot Now for the COLOURS First For Red. Take the shavings of Brazil-wood and fill your Pipkin half full with them then fill it up with Water and put in a little Roch-Allom set it over the fire and when it boils strain it out This and Oil-Tartar makes a Purple Do not mix it too hot for that will spoil it For Sea-Green Take one ounce of
cut small when it is boiled enough put in as much of the best sallad Oil as will make it very soft and moist according to the bigness of your Sore spread some of it upon a linnen Cloth and lay over it as hot as you can suffer it Morning and Evening when you dress it wash it with a little Brandy and Butter For a tickling Rheum and Cough Take of Conserve of Fox-lungs two ounces Sirrup of Colts-foot Sirrup of Maiden-hair Sirrup of Hore-hound Sirrup of Hysop Sirrup of Violets of each one ounce mix them well together and take them often in the day or night upon a Liquorish-stick An excellent Balsom for inward Bruises for outward Wounds and for the Stone Take of Oyl-Olive Oyl of Turpentine and of the best Whitewine of each one quart put into them three good handfuls of the tops of St. Johns Wort with the flowers and seeds let them stand in a Glass in the Sun ten daies then put them into a long Gally-pot and set that pot into a Kettle of water and fasten it with Hay let the water seeth for two hours then take it out and set it by alwaies keep it covered If you take it for the Stone take a spoonful of it at a time in a Glass of Whitewine in the Morning fasting for three days together at the New and Full of the Moon but if you should be suddenly taken then take it when your self is in pain For Sores warm it a little and after you have vvell vvashed the Wound with Brandy lay on the Balsom with a Feather and dip Lint in it and lay into it and a piece of Hogs-bladder over that that the linnen you bind it up with may not soak it up dress your wounds Morning and Evening If you take it for an inward Bruise take two spoonfuls of it in a Glass of Whitewine and go to bed and sweat do so three nights together be sure to jumble the pot well together when you take any or else the Oils vvill be at the top and the Wine at the bottom the Herbs and Flowers applyed stench bleeding in Wounds or at the Nose A most admirable Drink for a Cough it also expelleth any congealed Blood Impostume or other filthy Humour It healeth all inward Vlcers and cooleth inflamed Lungs and also healeth Vlcers in them Take two pounds of quick-Lime and put it into ten quarts of Spring-water in an Earthen-pot let it stand twenty four hours then you will see as it were a thin ice on the top of it which you must take off very clean with a scimmer then pour off all that is clear into another pot and put into it these things following Of blew Figgs slit in two half a pound of Raisons of the Sun stoned half a pound of Liquorish scraped and sliced thin four ounces of China Root sliced thin two ounces of Anniseeds bruised one ounce of the shavings of Ivory four ounces of Maiden-hair one handful of Burrage of Pimpernel of Balm of Penny-Royal of Colts-foot Scabions Horehound of St. Johns Wort of each one handful and half a handful of Marigold flowers then put in four ounces of Earth-worms slit and cleansed from their filth with Whitewine Let all these steep in that water 24 hours then take it and strain it gently and keep it in Glass-bottles drink thereof Morning and Evening a good draught or if you please oftener and you will find a great benefit Take two pounds more of quick-Lime and put it into the same quantity of Spring-water and do as you did before only you may use the same Ingredients as you made the other without any new For a Pin and Web in the Eye Take of red-Rosewater one quarter of a pint put into it two pennyworth of Mastick finely powdered and one quarter of an ounce of white Sugar-Candy then have in readiness of burnt-Allom and white Sugar-Candy of each a like quantity beaten fine and searsed and mixed well together When you dress the Eye first wash it well with the Water and then blow in some of the powder with a quill and hold your hand over it till the smart be gone the next Morning let some Breast-milk be milked into it and do nothing else in the Morning and every Evening use the other so do till your Eye be well Do not put any Cloth or Silk before your Eye for that poysons it by causing the venemous humor to return This Water is very good for other Sore-Eyes if they be well washed with it Morning and Evening and if the Rheum be very much in the Eyes then lay a plaister of Burgundy-Pitch to the Nape of the Neck and let it lie as long as it will stick For the Tooth-ach Anoint that side of the face on which the Tooth-ach is from the Temple down to the lower part of the Ear upon all those Veins which carry the Rheum to the Teeth with a few drops of Oil of Amber work it well with your hand and gently then spread a black Ribbon two penny broad with Mastick and lay it upon the place which you did anoint and keep it on For a Thrush in a Childs mouth Wash it Morning and Evening with a little Verjuyce and Hony warmed a little and then blow in some white Sugar-Candy beaten fine with a quill For the Itch. Take some common Brimstone beaten fine and mix a little beaten Ginger with it then tie it up in a Tiffany or Lawn and let it lie in strong Whitewine Vinegar with some Roach-Allom when it hath lien all night you may begin to use it but the longer it lies the better it will be when you use it take up the Cloth wherein the Brimstone is tied and rub all your Joynts with it very well every night when you go to bed then take a little Methridate before you go to bed so do till you are Cured It is a dangerous thing to cure the Itch and not to drive it out for that strikes it in and many times it falls upon the Lungs sometimes it causes Convulsion-fits Apoplexies or Lethargies if not driven out It is also very necessary when you have quite killed and cured it to purge the Party very well to prevent further mischief For a Bruise where no skin is broken There is no better thing than to bath it well with Oil of Spike morning and evening For a Sinew-strain Take strong Beer or Ale and boil it till it be very thin then spread it upon Leather and lay it on as hot as you can suffer it and let it stay on For a Consumption or other weakness Take a Gallon of strong Ale-wort and put therein two ounces of Liquorish scraped clean and sliced thin and one ounce of Anniseeds bruised boil them together till it be very thick then strain it while it is hot and keep it in a Gally-pot and take thereof every Morning and Evening It is a very good Remedy For a Burn. Take the juyce of a great
Verdigreace and a pint of Whitewine and let it but just boil together then let it drop thorough a double Brown-paper and it will be a perfect Sea-Green For White Take of the best Cerus and dissolve it in some of the best Isinglass-liquor and it is done So must you mix all your Colours as you do use them with some of that Liquor and put them into Gally-pots For Yellow Take Saffron and tie it in a Rag and put it into some of your Liquor to which you must add Gum-Arabick and Fair-water two parts of Gum and one of Water When you use them you must warm them and lay them on with a Pencil on the wrong-side of the Flowers For Primrose-Colour Yellow and White makes it very right You may make it as Deep or as Pale as you will some will do well a little Deeper than the other Flesh-Colour Vermillion and White makes Flesh-Colour Damask-Rose Colour Vermillion and Brazil and Purple and White makes the Damasck-Rose Colour Grass-Green The yellow added to the Sea-Green makes a perfect Grass-Green and very beautiful Blew You must put in some Smalt into your Liquor and strain it very well and when you will have it Pale mix a little White with it Clove-Colour Take Logwood and boil as you do the Brazil Tauney Mix the Clove-Colour and Red together To make the Puff-work Take two ounces of white Vellom cut in pieces and steep it in a pint and half of Blew Take Indico and mix with the Spirit of Sack and when your stains are thorough dry rub them over with White-bread and wipe it off again with a soft clean linnen Cloth A most excellent Black-Dye for any Stuffs or Stockens Take one peck and half of black Alder-Bark and break it indifferently small then steep it three days in three Pails full of water and if you have any rusty Iron steep it with it then boil it with a pound of green-Copperus for the space of an hour and half if you can get them put also one ounce of Nut-galls beaten to boil with the rest then scum off all the Bark and let it boil up again then put your Stuff in which you mean to Dye and stir it down altogether as near as you can and keep stirring of it down for a quarter of an hour then take it out and drain it and let it half-dry then put it in again and do as before then let it be quite dry and when it is so wash it so long as it will blaze the Water then dry it well To make clean Glass-Windows First brush them with a Cobwebbing-Broom then take some Spanish-Whiting and warm Water and wash them all over very well and rub them every where then wash it off again with cold Water very well and rub them with clean Rags till they are very dry And if you would paint the Wooden-barrs of your Windows white or red take Red-lead or White-lead and grind it with a little Linseed-Oil and then lay it on with a Brush but first you must let them be very clean Do it over twice but let the first be dry before you lay on the second To make pretty Frames for slight Pictures in Black only Cut Past-board plain without form but only long narrow pieces about two fingers breadth and fasten them together at the corners with a little Glew then wash them over with a Brush with a little Lamb-black and Size mixed well together then presently before it be dry strew it all over with French-Frost of what Colour you please then put on some Shells with Bees-wax and Rosin melted together hot To make Frames for Pictures in work of Satten Stitch and the like Let a handsome plain Frame be made of Deal-wood fit for your piece of Work then black it over as you did the other and Frost it then have in readiness some Bones out of the Heads of Whitings Frosted over first do them over with a Feather with some Water wherein Gum-Arabick hath been steeped and put on your Frost and let some be of one Colour and some of another Make some little Flowers of several Colours upon round pieces of Cards with small Satten-Ribbon and fasten some Wier for the stalks get some Shells and some Mother-Pearl some Corral and some Amber some little kinds of Creatures made in Wax as Frogs and such like pieces of old Neck-Laces and Pendants with a little Moss When you have got all your things ready put on your Shells first in several Fancies with Bees-wax and Rosin and do them quick and crush them on hard then put on the Mother-pearl and then as you please the rest of the things till you have put on all It will look like a Frame of great price but it will not cost any great matter To adorn a Room with Prints Buy of your Prints only Black and White of sorts what are good and cut them very exactly with a small pair of Cissers from the paper put them into a Book as you do cut them then let your Room be done with plain Deal but Wainscot fashion and let it be painted all over with White-lead and Linseed-Oil ground together and some little streaks imitating Marble then lay your Prints upon a smooth-board with the wrong-sides upwards then with a knife take some Gum-Dragon steeped well in fair water spread them all over as thin as you can and still as you do them take them up with your knife and so turn them into your hand and clap them upon the Wainscot but let it be dry first close them well on with your fingers that they be not hollow in any place and observe to put them in proper places or else it will be ridiculous be sure to put the things flying above and the walking and creeping things below let the Houses and Trees be set sensibly as also Water with Ships sailing as you put them on observe that they have a relation one to another If you employ your fancy well you may make fine stories which will be very delightful and commendable also Gardens and Forrests Landskips or indeed any thing you can imagine for there is not any to be named but you may find it in Prints if you go to a Shop that is well stored nor no Pencil can shadow more rare than that will shew it makes a Room very lightsome as well as fine as for those in Colours I do not esteem for this purpose for they look Childishly and too gay If you mean to make Stories you must buy good store of Figures the coloured ones are good to put upon white Plates and Flower-pots for Closets To dress up Glass-Plates on which you may lay dry Sweetmeats or Biskets Take your Glass-Plates and lay the right-sides downward upon a Table then have in readiness some coloured Prints finely cut and lay them on with Gum with their right-sides to the wrong-side of the Plates then take some Spanish-Whiting mixed with Size which is purely cleer let
Pot stand in a Vessel of cold water four daies very well luted they usually break the Pot when they take the Candy then break it off the sticks and keep it in a Box in some dry place A most rare Receipt for the Scurvy for old Catarrhs or Rheums or for a Consumption Take a good quantity of Scurvy-grass and beat it and strain it take the juyce thereof and set it over the fire till it be hot but let it not boil so soon as you see a thick scum arise take it off and strain it through a linnen Cloth but never press it between your fingers as soon as the scum is thrown away then set it over the fire again and take clarified Hony three ounces Butter clarified with three Cloves of Garlick one ounce Anniseeds half an ounce Eunulacampane half an ounce Liquorish half an ounce powdered very fine and searced through a lawn Sieve Saffron one dram finely beaten White Sugar-Candy finely beaten one ounce mix all these powders very well together and strew them carefully into the aforesaid Juyce with the clarified Butter and Hony and keep it continually stirring till you have incorporated it fully over the fire then take it from the fire and keep it stirring till it be cold then if you have a mind to keep it for a Sirrop you may keep it in a Gally-pot or you may make it thicker with more Sugar-Candy add a little F●os Sulphuris and you may perfume them if you please that is if you stiffen it enough for Lozenges An excellent Medicine for any Obstructions Take a quarter of a peck of fine Wheat-flower half an ounce of Cloves beaten very fine two Nutmegs and a quarter of an ounce of Mace beaten fine mix these well with the Flower as also half a pound of fine Sugar beaten and searced put in some juyce of Harts-tongue and Liver-wort the yolks of six Eggs and six ounces of fresh sweet Butter knead it together very well and make it into a Cake and bake it with Bread eat of it very often and no doubt you will find good of it for it hath done very great Cures upon many who were Obstructed Here is a most excellent Plaister which is called the Catholick and for fear I should forget it I will not omit it any any longer Take of Rosin beaten beaten to powder two pounds and a half Heifers Tallow one pound and a quarter tryed with a gentle fire and cleansed when it is cold scrape away the dross from the bottom and melt it in a Brass Vessel then strew in the Rosin by handfuls and stir it with a Willow Spatula continually stirring it until it be all stirred in and melted then have ready a Bason of Pewter and in it of Water of Camomile of English Briony-Root and of Damask Rose-water of each eight ounces with powder of Salt of Wormwood Salt of Tartar Salt of Scurvy-grass Vitriol camphonate of each one ounce and half then pour in the melted bod●●●d stir it with the Spatula from the East to the West round continually until the body have seemingly swallowed up all the Waters and Salt continue it stirring until the Water appear and thus work it until the body be as white as Snow then let it stand a Month in the Water covered from dust and when you use it let it not come near any fire but work a little at a time until it be as white as Snow on the brawn of your hand over against the little-Finger spread it on a linnen-Cloth or Leather for the best Catholick Plaister in the World for the Reins in all Accidents for all Bruises and great Contusions and where the Bones are broken into small bits to ease pains least a Gangrene ensue then twice a day foment the part with hot stroops wrung out of a fomentation made with a strong Lye of three quarts made with Wood-Ashes then in the Lye Centaury St. Johns Wort Mallows Wormwood of each a good handful one root of Solomons Seal if you can get one or else it may be made without foment with hot stroops wrung out of this liquor of Wollen Cloaths and apply to the part as hot as may be and cover it 〈◊〉 Blankets to keep in the heat and before it be quite cold renew another hot stroop continue this order one hour Morning and Evening then presently apply the Plaister a little warmed every time when you see want spread it again if you see cause But when such shatterings are of Bones Contused Wounds Dislocations roul it not up as other fractures but have a Box made open at each end and lay the part on a pillow and let the strings of binding come about the pillow and lay the Member in the Box bind it not hard and sometimes not at all This is a very great Secret and to be valued To make fine Jelly of Fruit which will look transparent Take some Isinglass and break it in little bits and boil it in Water very well and strain it then colour it with any sort of Fruit by putting in the juyce thereof then to every pint of it take one pound of the best refined Sugar boil them together and scum it very well and when you find it to be enough put it into flat Glasses and keep it in a Cubbord You may make Jelly of any Cordial Herb or Flower in this manner which will be very comfortable and strength●ing and also very pleasant A pretty sweet Meat of Lettuce-stalks Boil them in several Waters till they are tender then wash them in cold water and dry them well then take their weight in fine Sugar just wet it with Water and boil it to a Candy-height ●hen put in your stalks being first stamped in a Mortar very well boil them together till it be very cleer and take them from the fire and put them into Glasses and if you please you may add 〈◊〉 little juyce of a Lemmon to it as it ●oils and a little candid pill of a Lemnon shred small for that will give a good taste and make it look very beautiful In like manner you may do with Harty-Choaks bottoms when they are boiled ●ender To make Marmalade of Damsons Take your Damsons and scald them in Water till the skins do crack then pill them and take away the Stones then beat them well in a Mortar then take their weight in fine Sugar wet it with Water and boil it to a Candy-height then put in your Damsons and boil it and keep it stirring continually till it will come from the bottom of the Posnet To make Sirrop of Snails most admirable in Consumptions Take shell-Snails and break their shells off and wash them very well in a Pan with Water and Salt and then with several Waters alone till they be very clean then put them into a long Gally-pot with a blade or two of Mace and a little quantity of Whitewine cover the Pot and set it into a Kettle of boiling Water for
of Claret-vvine all night vvith a little grated Nutmeg and cracked Pepper in the Morning make your Pye and lay some Butter in the bottom then lay in your Meat but first Salt it a little then lay some more Butter on the top and pour in that Wine in vvhich it lay and so close it up and let it Bake three hours or more So serve it in hot To dress red Beet-Roots Wash them and boil them very well slice them in round slices and eat them with Butter Vinegar and Salt and you may if you please eat them cold with Oyl and Vinegar and Salt it is a very pleasant Sallad To make a good Pidgeon Pye Pluck your Pidgeons very well then cut them in halves wash them and dry them cleanse their Livers and Gizzards also and let them go with them season them with Pepper Salt and Nutmeg When your Pye is raised lay in some Butter in the bottom then lay in your Pidgeons with the cut-side downward and then the Yolks of hard Eggs and a little Time stripped from the Stalks then lay on some more Butter on the top and put in a glass-full of Claret-wine So lid your Pye and let it bake one Hour To boil a Cock and to make good Broth with him Pluck and draw your Fowl wash him very vvell and bruise his Leggs boil him in a little Water and Salt for one hour then add some Water wherein Mutton hath been boiled and put in a quarter of a pound of French-Barley or Rice which you please with some Time Winter-savory and a little Lemmon-pill a little large Mace and sliced Nutmeg with a Clove or two When it is clean scummed let it only ●●ew till it be enough then take up the Cock for a while and boil the Broth very well then put him in again and ●eat him throughly then serve it to the Table and garnish your dish with Lemnon and Barberries Be sure to truss your Fowl handsomly This Dish is very good for Weak People To boil a Fore-Loyn of Pork with good Sauce to it Let your Pork be reasonably well salted and boil it very well then have 〈◊〉 readiness a good quantity of Sorrel stripped from the Stalks and beaten in a Mortar as fine as possible you can then put in a few Crumbs of Bread the yolks of hard Eggs vvith a little Mustard and a little Salt and so serve in your Pork vvith this Sauce and garnish your Dish vvith Persley or any other Green Leaves To stew Rabbits When they are flea'd cut them in pieces and put them into a Pot vvith as much Water as vvill vvell cover them put in some Salt and let them boil and scum them vvell then put in a faggot of Sweet-herbs and let them stevv close covered then pill a good quantity of great Onions and boil them in several Waters till they be tender put them also into the Pot vvith your Rabbits and let them stevv till the Rabbits be very tender a little before you take them up put in a good quantity of fresh Butter and a little Vinegar and stir it about very vvell and then Dish them for the Table and garnish your Dish vvith Onion Salt and green Leaves To boil Green-Pease When they are sheal'd put them into a long Gally-pot and set it into a Pot of Seething-vvater and cover the Gally-pot very vvell and in a short time you vvill find the Pease to be fine and tender then put them out into a Dish and strew some Salt upon them and put in a good quantity of Butter and so shake them vvell betvven tvvo Dishes then put them into a hot Dish and serve them to the Table If they vvho are to eat them do love Sparemint put in a sprigg into the Pot vvith them These are far more pleasant and svveet then those vvhich are boiled in Water To preserve Green-Pease a while When they are sheal'd and pickt put them into a long Gally-pot and take ●ome Butter and cover them vvith it and close it down upon them vvith your and your Butter must not be melted ●ut cold then cover your Pot very vvell and set it in a cool place To dress Old Beans Lay them in Water one Night then put them into cold Water and set them over the fire and let them heat by degrees and when they are hot let them boil apace and with them a piece of Bacon and some Persley when they are very tender take them up and drain them well from the Water pour some Butter melted very thick over them and lay Bacon on each side of them and serve them to the Table To dress Old French-Beans Water them as you do the other Old Beans and boil them after the same manner but no Bacon with them and when they are enough take them up and drain them well from the Water strew some Salt and grated Nutmeg on them and Butter them well To stew Beef a very fine way Slice your Beef in thin slices and put it into a long Gally-pot with a sliced Onion some Pepper and some Salt and sweet Herbs with a little Persley cover the Pot close and set it in a Kettle of seething water so let it be ten or twelve hours and put in a little Clarret Wine also Let the fire be well tended under the Kettle and you will find a dainty Dish of it Your meat must be reasonable Fat Serve it to the Table upon sippets of White-bread To make rare Pyes of a Calves-Head Take a fine fat Calves-Head and cleanse it well boil it with Water and Salt till it be very tender then take it from the Bones and mince it very small then to a pound of this Meat take one pound of Currans washed and picked very well one pound of Raisons of the Sun a little Salt some Nutmeg Cloves Mace and Cinnamon beaten fine a little Whitewine and a little Lemmon-pill shred small with a little Sugar and the yolks of four hard Eggs having your Pye ready raised lay Butter in the bottom then put in your minc'd Meat and on the top of it lay some pieces of Marrow and some Dates cut in thin slices then lay Butter over that and lid it and bake it and when it is baked cut open the Lid and put in a little Whitewine Butter and Sugar This is a very good Pye and may be eaten hot or cold To make a Pudding of cold Meat Take any pieces of cold Meat which is not fit to come to the Table any more as Veal Mutton Lamb Capon Chicken Rabbit or the like mince either of these very small and put some Milk to it and the yolks and whites of Eggs with some beaten Spice and Salt and a little Sugar make it up with a little Flower so that you may wrap it in a piece of thin Paste put it into boiling water and let it boil two or three hours then take it up and put it into a Dish and so cut it in slices
all these in a Mortar to a Paste with a little Sack and one grain of Amber-grease then mould it up with searced Sugar make it into little Cakes according to your fancy and lay them upon Wafer sheets upon a Tin-plate and bake them after Bread is drawn Another sort of Bisket Take half a pound of Naples-Bisket mix them with a little Sack when you have sliced them thin and let them lye in soak in it then take half a pound of sweet Almonds blanched in cold Water and beaten to a Paste with a little fair Water to keep them from oyling then beat that Paste with the Naples Bisket and the Yolks of three Eggs and the Whites of one when you have mixed them then put in three quarters of a pound of searced Sugar a little juyce of Lemmon and one grain of Ambergreace of what Spice you like you may put in a little beaten and searced When these are well incorporated take them out of the Mortar and mould it up with searced Sugar upon a smooth Board and make it into what form you please bake them upon Waser-sheets on tin Plates after-Brown-bread is drawn do not take them from the Plates till they are cold enough To make Sirrop of Violets Pick your Violets very clean and beat them well in a Mortar then strain them and to one pint of the juyce take one quarter of a pint of Spring-water put it into the Mortar with the stamped Violets which you have strained stamp them together a while and strain the Water well from them and mix them with your other juyce then put it into a long Gally-pot and to each pint of Juyce put in one pound of double Resined Sugar let it stand close covered for the space of twelve hours then put in a little quantity of Juyce of Lemmon that will make it look purely transparent then set your Gally-pot into a Kettle of seething-water covered till you find it to be thick enough then set it by till it is cold and then put it up Sirrop of Roses a good way Fill a great Stone-pot with Damask-Rose leaves as hard as you can thrust it then fill it up with Damask-Rose water and cover it with Stone or Glass and set it into a Kettle of boiling Water till you find that the Rose-water be very well coloured which may be about four hours then strain it out hard and put the Liquor into a Gally-pot and to every pint of it put two pounds of Sugar then cover the Pot and set it into a Kettle of seething Water and let it stand till it be a thick Sirrup when it is cold put it up and keep it for your use it will worke very kindly and very effectually The best way to preserve Fruits Wet the Sugar for them with the juyce of some of the same Fruit instead of Water and that will give a full and lively taste and they will keep the better The worst of your Fruit will serve for that Be pleased to observe my former Books for the ordering of all Fruits in the Preserving only do not put in Rose-water so generally as is set down because it is not so much used as formerly unless in Cordial things or some other particular things therefore where it is liked use it or else not for we have new Modes for Eating and Drinking as well as for Apparel One cannot so strictly set down any thing but that in the making of Sauce dressing of Meat with Seasoning Preserving several things and the like there must be a judgment in those who order them to leave out or to add or else they will please but a few pallets for some do hate the taste of what others do extreamly love To make very fine Jelly for a weak stomach Take Calves-Feet or Sheeps-Trotters cleanly dressed and split them in half put them into a Pipkin with as much Whitewine as will cover them put in a little Salt make it boil and scum it well then put in a blade or two of whole Mace with a sprig or two of Time and a little Lemmon-pill put in a few Dates sliced very thin cover it close and let it boil leisurely till the Feet be very tender then take them up and eat them if you please and take the Liquor and strain it and to a quart of it put in the juyce of one Lemmon and as much fine Sugar as will well sweeten it and set it over the fire till the Sugar be throughly melted then keep it in a Gally-pot and give the Party of it three or four times in a day as much as they please to take if you like it you may put in a little Ambergreace and Rose-water the one is pleasing and good for a weak stomach the other for the Brain Amber-greace is good for the Head if inwardly taken but it is not good to smell to because it will raise fumes to the head Yet observe this I once did ask a Physician concerning Musk and Ambergreace Why the smell of either of them did offend so much He Answered me thus The reason saith he why either of them are so offenfive is because they smell but a little and do only disturb but if they go into a Shop where store is and smell to divers pounds of it they will find it rather a purge downward than a raiser of Fumes to the Head To Candy White Sugar excellent good for any Cough or Cold. Take two pounds of the best powdered Sugar and put it in a Dish to dry very well in a warm Oven then beat it fine and searce it mix with this quantity one ounce of the best prepared Amber mingle them very well together and put them into a Preserving-Pan with one pint of Fair-water melt it over a gentle fire and when it boils put in the White of an Egg to clarifie it then seum it very well and when you perceive it to be as clear as Chrystal then let it stand in the Pan until it be cold covered very close then take fair Running-water about two quarts and one ounce of the clearest Roch-Allom beaten to powder mix them together and let them stand twenty four hours When you have so done take an Earthen-Vessel or Pot and some few sticks of the whitest sappy-Fire splintered from un-wrought Deal and place your sticks as you do in a Bee-Hive cross every way set this Pot over a few Embers empty then mix your Sugar and your Water in your Preserving-Pan setting them upon the fire and so soon as you perceive the Sugar to sink then pour out the Water having a Cullender● pour your Sugar into the said Pot very gently through the Cullender and it will Candy presently in square forms and that which falleth to the bottom will be as good as the rest though perhaps not altogether so clear of colour as soon as you have poured in all your Sugar which will rope like Hony then stop your Pot very close and let the
the space of two hours or more then put them out into an Hippocras Bag and hang them up to drain and let them drop into a Glass with a mouth so wide as that it may not drop besides and when it hath dropped all it will then to a pint of it take a pound of White Sugar Candy two spoonfuls of the best Cinnamon-water one quarter of a pint of red Rose-water one grain of Ambergreace and twelve sheets of Leaf-Gold put all these into the Glass and let it stand all night then set it carefully into a Kettle of Water when it is cold and fasten it very vvell about with Hay and let the Kettle be set on the fire and by degrees be made to boil but if you should put in a Pot or Glass into a Kettle of boiling hot Water the suddain heat would break it or else not Let it stand thus slightly covered till you find that the Sugar be quite incorporated with the Juyce when it is taken off and cold put it up to keep and give the Party of it two spoonfuls at a time twice in a day in the Morning and in the Afternoon about four of the Clock Very fine Lozenges for a Cough of defluxion of Rheum Take two ounces of powder of Liquorish half an ounce of powder of Anniseeds one quarter of an ounce of powder of Elecampane one dram of flower of Brimstone and one dram of prepared red Corral one pound of double refined Sugar beaten and searced then with some Gum-Dragon steeped all night in red Rose-water beat them into a paste then mold it up with a little searced Sugar and make it up into Lozenges print them with a Seal and dry them in the Sun or in some warm place eat of these often in the day or night putting one in your mouth and let it lye till it be quite melted To make a Paste very delicate rich and very pleasant Take one pound of red Quince-Marmelade which is made very smooth one ounce of candid Lemmon-pill one ounce of candid Cittron-pill one ounce of candid Iringo-root one ounce of candid Ginger one ounce of Dates sliced thin and one ounce of Prunels let all these be cut small and beaten with a little Sack to a Paste then put your Marmelade to them with four ounces of sweet Almonds blanched and beaten and four ounces of fine Sugar beaten and searced and a little Gum-Dragon steeped all night in fair water when you have beaten them extream well then take it out and mold it up with searced Sugar and make it into little Cakes of what form you please and dry them upon Wafer-sheets on Tin-plates in an Oven after Bread is drawn If you please you may perfume some of them To make good Drink to comfort you in a cold Morning Take a pint and a half of Claret-Wine and half a pint of stale strong-Beer boil them with such Spice as you like very well and a little Lemmon-pill then take the Yolks of four or five Eggs and beat them very well then put so much Sugar into your Wine as you think will well sweeten it and after mixing some of your hot Wine with the Eggs brew them and the Wine very well together and let there be a little piece of Butter in it Be sure to brew it a pace that it curdle not for then it is spoiled To make an excellent Cordial Electuary for to restore one that is weak or against Melancholy Take of Conserve of Burrage flowers Rosemary flowers of Marigold flowers of Sage flowers of Benorty flowers of each of these one ounce two ounces of Sirrop of Clove-Gilly flowers two ounces of the Sirrop of the juyce of Cittrons one dram of Confection of Alkermes two ounces of the best Cinnamon Water and twelve or fourteen leaves of Leaf-Gold with one ounce of prepared Corral either White or Red mix all these together very well and take about the quantity of a Walnut every night when you go to Bed A very good Cordial Water without the trouble of a Still Take two quarts of Brandy and keep it in a great Glass with a reasonable narrow mouth put into it of Cloves Nutmeg Cinnamon and Ginger Cardemon seeds Coriander seeds Anniseeds Liquorish of each of these half an ounce bruised Long-pepper and Grains of each one dram bruised Elecampane one quarter of an ounce bruised let all these steep in the Brandy a fortnight then pour it out into another Glass softly so long as it will run clear then put more Brandy into the Glas where the Ingredients are and let that stand three weeks and so along as you find there is any strength in the Ingredients still put in more Brandy and let it stand every time longer and longer Then take your first two quarts of Brandy which you poured off and put in it four ounces of White Sugar-Candy and so much Sirrop of Clove-Gilly flowers as will well colour it with store of Leaf-Gold give two spoonfuls at a time It is good in case of any Illness or Swouning to drive out any infection and venemous humors it is good for wind in the Stomach and to keep out Cold. A pretty Sweet-mèat made of Grapes very good in Feavors Take Grapes and pluck them from their Stalks and bruise them well then strain them through a Strainer made of French Canvas then set that juyce in a Gally-pot into a Kettle of boiling Water for three hours then take the weight of it in fine Sugar and boil it to a Candy height then put in your juyce of Grapes and boil it till it be very clear and scum it well then put it into Glasses and set them into a Stove for a while To make Marmelade with Barberries and Pippins Take one pound of fine Sugar and a pint of Water and boil them together and scum them very well then put into that Sirrop one pound of the best Pippins pared and cut in quarters and Coared boil them quick in this Sirrop till they are extream clear then take them and bruise them as small as you can with the back of a Spoon then put to them one pound of Conserve of Barberries that is curiously made and stir them well together and let them boil till they are well incorporated and then put them into Glasses This is very Cordial and pleasant in Feavors To Candy Fruits after they have lien in Sirrop Take any sort of Fruit which you have preserved as Apples Pears Plumbs Oranges Lemmons Citrons or any other and lay them out of their Sirrop all night to drain then lay them upon Sieves and set them into a warm Oven to dry then wash them over with Wat● wherein Gum-Arabick hath lien to steep one night and do it with a Feather then have in readiness some White Sugar Candy beaten not fine but grosly and some small some bigger so soon as you have washed your Fruit with Gum-water then strew it over with this Sugar Candy so thick as the Gum