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A95997 Speedy help for rich and poor. or, certain physicall discourses touching the vertue of whey, in the cure of the griping flux of the belly, and of the dysentery. Of cold water, in the cure of the gout, and green-wounds. Of wine-vineger, in the preservation from, and cure of the plague, and other pestilential diseases: as also in the prevention of the hydrophobia, or dread of water, caused by the biting of a mad dog. &c. Written in Latine by Hermannus Vander Heyden, a physician of Gaunt. Heyden, Hermann van der, 1572-ca. 1650. 1653 (1653) Wing V63; Thomason E1305_1; ESTC R30733 79,878 247

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tot homines peste interire quòd plerique tardiùs Alexipharmaca usurpant multosque posse servari si ea citius antequam venenum humores corrumpere incipit assumerent Aliquoties enim observavi in pestilentibus constitutionibus quosdam cum se infectos sensissent statim sumptis Alexipharmacis ad sudorem se composuisse postea nihil mali amplius passos esse imò postridie ad consueta negotia rediisse Contrà si curatio protrahitur horae 8 aut 9 jam elapsae sint antequam Medicamentum aliquod propinetur centesimus vix evadit I am of Opinion saith he that the reason why so many die of the Plague is because they differ the time too long before they take any Preservatives and that many might scape if they had but had recourse to the same before the Venom of the disease had begun to corrupt the Humors For I have several times observed that in a Pestilential season some that have found themselves infected presently betaking themselves to Sudorificall Preservatives and sweating thereupon have immediatly freed themselves utterly from the same and the next day after have gone about their business again Whereas on the Contrary where the Endeavors for Cure have been deferred and put off for a matter of eight or nine hours without the taking of any Preservative there is scarsely one of an Hundred that hath scaped Now the Ordinary Dose of this Sudorifical Preservative is A Dram and a half of the Philosophers Egge The Quantity of the Sudorifical Preservative that is to be taken one Scruple of Confection of Hyacinth six Graines of Oriental Bezoar or ten Graines of Bezoar of Peru and five drops of Oyl of Sulphur Mix these together and take it in a Spoonful of Warm Vineger as hath before been shewed and drink upon it three other spoonfulls of Veneger Warmed And in defect of the Philosophers Egge they may take two Drams and a half of Old Treacle and half a Dram of Confection of Hyacinth and in stead of Bezoar Stone where the people are poor they may take some Grains of the Shavings of Vnicorns Horn. Extracts and Salts which are made out of Scordium Rue Carduus Benedictus and Angelica are used by many in this case taken to the quantity of about a Dram. The spirit of Antimony also so prepared as that it may neither cause Vomitings nor Going to Stoole but may provoke Sweating onely is here very much commended in which as in the former Extracts we may have much the greater Confidence if it be given with a little Warme Vineger and a Dram of Old Treacle at the least lest that part of the Medicine which is principally Antidotal as Vipers Flesh is here should be wanting And for this cause I chiefly prefer the aforesaid Preservatives Which also may be administred in a greater quantity where the strength of the Venom requires the same and therefore in this case they may take two Drams of the Philosophers Egge or three Drams of Old Treacle with the other prescribed Ingredients in like manner as Galen himself also and other ancient Authors were wont to prescribe half an Ounce of Treacle and in case that were not sufficient to expel the Poyson then they appointed the same to be repeated prescribing either the same or a less quantity according to the Constitution of the Patient And I know besides that at Gaunt in the year 1647. this Preservative was administred by Mr. Cortreau a Jesuite to another of the same Fraternity who had a Tumor risen under his Left Arme-Pit and two Plague-Sores broke out in other places whom within the space of twenty hours he caused to take an Ounce and a half of Treacle namely the first time he gave him Two Drams and eight hours after half an Ounce and after the space of other eight hours six Drams more drinking after each several Dose a lusty draught or two of Water of Carduus Benedictus and the like with such Syrups as are proper in this case in the mean time not neglecting the reparation of the Parties strength by convenient and proper Meats About the same time during the raging of the Pestilence there a Surgeon belonging to the Pest-house gave to one that was sick of the Plague and that with very good success too half an Ounce of Treacle with Quantity of the said Preservative seems much more proper to be administred at the first where the disease appears Evidently upon the Party then two Drams onely for this quantity may suffice in the beginning of the disease Although I shall not advise any to take so great a quantity nor yet an ordinary one when the Party Affected is very drowzy and given to sleep in which case some other Sudorifical Medicines may be administred And I have also heard from Persons of very good credit that both in this and other diseases too they have caused their Patients to sweat in a very abundant quantity and with very happy success by administring to them half a Dram of the Powder of a Viper which is thus prepared You must take a Viper and put it in whole and alive with its head teeth tailè and bowels too into an Earthen Pot covered at the top in which cover there must be some holes made for Evaporation and thus you are to set it upon live Coals so that it may only be dried not scortched and this being so prepared may as occasion shal require be made into a Powder and be administred as other things are to be and as I have more largely related in my French Treatise with Vineger Warmed And it would not be amiss if one should adde to this a Scruple of Sudorifical Antimony as half a Dram thereof or else some few Graines of Bezoar And where these things are not to be had they may take five Ounces of Wine-Vineger warmed with a Dram of Nutmeg and a Scruple of Saffron and put them into a Bladder half full of warme Water and so apply it to the Lower part of the Belly continuing this Application so long till such time as some other Preservative Medicine that may be able if need be to cause the Party to Sweat in so great a quantity as in necessary may be procured And for as much as where the Patient is to Sweat in so great abundance as in this disease is very requisite his Shirt and his Linnen about him must necessarily be very Wet and therefore Authors conceave and reasonably enough that these being as certain Recaptacles of the Venom ought to be changed that so the Patient may be freed from the filthy Stench wherein he lyes wrapped up yet I advise all people that they should not be too rash in changing the sick Parties Linnen The Patients Shirts and his other Linnen about him is not to be changed unadvisedly but should rather wipe off the Sweat from them with Towels which are not fresh and newly taken out of the Chest but being
these Pills and of the weight aforesaid least they should be suddenly snatch'd away by the violence of this disease before any can be new made or be sent for to the Neighboring Cities I have also in like manner allways perswaded my friends that when ever they take any journey seeing these Pills are not every where to be had they would be sure to carry with them one or two of them The same care did I also take above twenty years ago for my Sons when I sent them abroad to the University instructing them withal in my way of proceeding in the cure as well of this disease as of the Griping Diarrhoea before spoken of and also in the manner of Preservation from and Cure in the Plague wherein notwithstanding I advised them to consult the Physicians of the place that so the Cure might be the more certain and speedy As concerning Diet Concerning Regiment of Health I have spoken very largely in my French Treatise where I have said that for their Ordinary Drink the sick parties must take Water and Verdjuyce of each a like quantity Drink mixt together that is to say the quantity of a Cup and a half of either with the Yolk of an Egg boyled in it with a small quantity of Sugar And if the Party be not very thirsty he may then take a draught of Red Wine or where that cannot be had of old White Wine with which if need be you may mix Water with a little Cinnamon boyled in it You may also allow your Patient a draught of small Ale so it be cleare He may also have made him several kindes of Broths of the aforesaid Verdjuyce Meat or Wine with Water Sugar and the Yolks of Eggs mixed with it Restorative Gellies also and a Toast of White Bread in Wine mixed with Water and with a little Sugar put upon it are here of very good use And whatsoever he takes either of Meats or Drinks he must take them Cold. And least by drinking too much his Evacuations should be the more violent upon him he may sometimes allay his thirst in some measure by taking two or three spoonfulls of Wine and Water mixed together in equal quantities with a little Sugar and juyce of Citron added to it to make it rellish the better He may also take a slice or two of Citron the Pill taken off rouled about in Sugar Rob de Ribes c. Conserves of Red Currans and of Berberies and the like which are both Cooling and Astringent and also pleasant to the tast are here of good use also THE THIRD DISCOURSE Wherein the most Excellent and Incredible Effects of COLD WATER as well taken Inwardly as applied Outwardly are declared and its wonderful Vertue in curing of Wounds is set forth IN my French Treatise I have prescribed Cold Water for my Patients to take But do you not think me a very Inhumane person Or do you allow me to be a Physician for doing so Certainly there is not any greater Preservative from the Gout if it be taken twice a year at the least Nothing is more useful both for Preventing and Curing the Gout then Cold Water that is in the beginning of the Spring and Fall and continued for some days together or else if it be taken some days immediately before such certain times as it is usually wont to seise upon the party in like maner as nothing is of more efficacy when it hath seised on him for the asswaging the violent Torments of it then Cold Water is as I have there by many reasons proved at large and especially if to this taking of Cold Water we joyn the Breathing of a Vein Neither will any man deny this that shall come to it with a cleare Eye and without any Prejudicate opinion if he but weigh diligently those Pregnant Reasons if not Demonstrations whereby I have there made it appear that the tormenting pains of the said disease of the Gout are caused either by Acrimony or Saltness and so consequently by Heat Neither need any man be hindred from assenting to this opinion because perhaps he hath known many times old men and those too that have been withall Hydropical to have been taken with this disease For there is even in them a sufficient stock of Salt Serous Humors to cause this disease Neither let it seem strange to any one that the Parts affected by a Cold Humor do swell for he ought to take notice that when by reason of this Malignant Humor the Natural Heat is weakned The parts affected here like as in the Erysipelas swell by reason of a Cold Humor because that the Natural Heat is weakned too much by the Malignancy of that Humor this both may and must be and especially if he do but consider that for the greater clearing of this business that part of the Body that is taken with an Erysipelas immediately also begins to have a swelling about it Which seeing it is not imaginable that it should be caused by the mutual conflux of both Humors we therefore ought to think that it must proceed from the Malignant Heat of Choler that hath so far weakned the Natural Heat Which Bilious Humor as it is likened to the Element of Fire so when it is kindled to a very great heigth it also burns the part Affected like Fire and so raises Blisters on it But suppose that the excellent vertues of Cold Water in the Cure of this Disease were never before discovered to the world or that other its excellencies in other the like Cases have heitherto been neither written nor heard of Suppose this I say Must the Vast Abyss of Physical knowledge and the large stock of the ways of Cures have before this been necessarily exhausted and drawn dry Is it impossible to say or write any thing that may be deduced out of the very Principles of Nature which may be of good use in the Curing of the diseases men are subject unto and particularly of the intollerable Paines of the Gout and the like Certainly there are diverse that having by experience found the excellent vertue of Cold Water for the asswaging of those Horrid Torments of the Gout which are a second Hell will be ready with a very gratefull remembrance Publickly to extoll the same And those that to the use hereof have added the opening of a Vein either upon the part affected or somewhere neare it will cry it up to the same height And to the end that what concerns the Publike Good may Publickly be known I shall deale Ingeniously with those that are Ingenious I say that I have known many who have testified that among the so many and various Medicines that are in use for the cure of this disease they have not known nor applied any that hath so certainly asswaged if not utterly cured as it sometimes hath done the intollerable pains of this disease as Cold Water especially when it is joyned with Letting of
Blood For it is certain enough as I have proved in my French Treatise that the Pains in the Gout are caused not by any Cold defluxion of Humors from the Head but by a Hot Humor which is either an Acrimonious or a Salt one proceeding from the Liver and gathered together in some neighboring part till such time as that Nature drives it forth by the Greater Veins into the Capillary as into certain smal Channels by nature designed for the conveighing of humors whence it is conveighed to the Joynts together with the Aliment provided for the nourishment of the parts of the Body and commonly first of all it seises upon the Great Toe and as the cause of the disease increaseth it afterwards seiseth upon other joynts also For this cause therefore my Counsel hath been that a Vein should be opened both in the Great Toe and also in other parts that are nearest to it that so the next Antecedent cause which lies in those Veins and fomenteth the Concomitant Cause lying neare unto it may be taken away which being removed the pain is either asswaged or altogether ceaseth For I cannot beleeve that the Concomitant cause lieth in the very joynt where the Bones are not wrap'd about with any Periostium which is of most exquisite sense for so all Motion must needs be painfull but instead of that are invironed with a Gristle and joyned together with Ligaments that are void of al sense so that the pain must therefore necessarily be attributed to the neighboring parts which are most sensible In the producing whereof seeing that this Antecedent Cause is also to be supposed to cooperate I am clearly of opinion that without any Letting of Blood either by way of Revulsion or Derivation we ought to fall immediately to the opening of a Vein upon the part it self unless the body being very Plethorical or the Patient young or the part lying convenient for Revulsion which had formerly been infested with the same distemper do require the same For in other Cases you must be careful how you let Blood both because my opinion is that people ought to be let Blood once or twice a year by way of Prevention and especially in the aforesaid Great Toe or what other part of the Body hath usually been most afflicted with this disease as also because that when it hath seised upon several joynts at once the violence of it seems to require the opening of a Vein where neither the Age of the Person nor any other impediment is against the same And seeing it is confessed and assented to by all Physicians that Contraries are cured by Contraries why may I not lift up my voice and make use of my Pen in the just Praises of this our Cold Water Especially seeing I am able to produce Experience on my side who is the best Mistress in all Sciences whatsoever and that back'd with Reason two I shall not here speak of Young men or of those of Perfect Age but I shall onely here have to do with Old men who by reason of the Saltness of Humors wherewith they commonly abound are very much subject to this terrible Disease many of whom when they either already felt or were in feare of these Tormenting pains have by my Counsel had recourse immediately to this drinking of Cold Water which drinking constantly for many days weekes yea and moneths together it hath succeeded so well with them as that many of them who have been very far stricken in years have found very great ease hereby and that too without any offence to the Stomack or hinderance of Digestion and have continued thus now for some years space together only drinking a draught of it off every morning which course they also resolve to continue while they live And some that had used to drink Wine constantly did the same drinking Water at their Meals but moderately And although that in an Inveterate Gout or where the Party is very old or where there are other either Manifest or Occult Causes hindering it I have said that the use of it would do very little or no good at all yet in very many of this kinde of patients where I have judged the use of it to be convenient I do here testifie to the world that I have had very good success And as for all other Medicines whether they be those they call Anodyna that is Mitigatives of paine or those they call Discussives that is such as dispel the cause of the disease in the Gout as I have made little mention of them in my French Treatise so in this where I commend so much the use of Cold Water and Letting of Blood do I make as little because as the aforesaid Mitigative Medicines by too much relaxing of the parts Affected do open an easie passage for the return of the sharp Humor back again upon them so the Discussive by over-drying the parts dispose them toward the Knotted Gout Yet those that either cannot or will not patiently endure the tormenting pains of the Gout and yet abhor to drink Cold Water or to be let blood upon the part Affected they may make use of the common Poultess made of White Bread which they must make of crums of the same or rather of the pouder of the Root of Althaea boyled in new Milk to a Consistence and pounded together with Oyl of Lilies or fresh Butter mixed with a small quantity of Saffron There are some that choose rather to make use of an Oyntment made of raw Yolks of Eggs and Rose-Water heated together over the fire and there are others that say they have found very much ease in putting their feet or hands into a Bath made of Castile Sope made as hot as they can endure it and when it begins to be cold they must take them out There are som also that in this case make use of the Lees of Red Wine An also Oyntment made of Spanish Wine and Oyl of Olives of each a like quantity and boyled till halfe of it be boyled away and so applied hot to the part Affected hath been said to have done good to some which having bin either Casually or seasonably applied nay sometimes if not of it self yet Accidentally have asswaged somwhat the pain Neither is this taking of Cold Water as I have prescribed it useful onely in asswaging and curing the pains of the Gout in the Feet Hands and Shoulders but also the Sciatica or Hip-Gout which is both the most violent and the hardest to be removed of all the rest And who ever shall but grant us that the cause of this Gout proceeds from the self same Acrimony or Saltness of Humors if not from a greater it need not seem so strange a matter to him if while it is yet but newly begun by the taking of Gold Water according to my Prescription either Well-Water or Fountain-water taking it an hour or two before supper because this disease uses commonly to rage most of all
according to the Constitution of the Patient and of the Part Affected the Wound being closed up and grown whole it falls off of it self And yet I have observed that where this thin Egg-Skin hath been gently taken off Nature it self hath defended the part now left naked with a dry and hard Scab which also when the Wound was perfectly whole fell off for there was danger that if it had been violently pulled off the Sore would have grown worse again if at least it be proper in this Case to use the Word Sore which presupposeth Purulent Matter whereas here was not any so much as the thinnest moysture that could be seen to come from the Wound all the while till it was perfectly whole As in like manner where this my Counsel hath been followed no running Matter at all hath been seen to come from such Wounds as have been either in the Heads or any other parts of the Body where ever it hath been my fortune to be called to Patients of this nature either with Surgeons joyned with me or otherwise save only in one Wound that a Person of Quality of eighty four years of age had receaved in his Leg where although the blood had been repelled by the speedy and continued Application of Cold Water yet some small quantity of Purulent Matter coming from the Wound on the sixth day after the hurt receaved yet without any foregoing Pain or Heat in the part the Surgeons that were called thither were presently of Opinion that for the perfecting of the Cure they were to make triall of Suppurating Medicaments which when they had without my knowledge applied and had put the Patient to a great deal of pain and had caused much Purulent Matter to come from the Wound I was then streight sent for again where immediately causing the said Medicaments to be taken away and cleansing the Wound with Whey I applied to the Sore a Plaster that is usually called Emplastrum Diapompholigos which being well bound about with dry Linnen Cloathes and then taking other Linnen Cloathes and dipping them in Cold Water and so wrapping them all round about the place having first well wrung the same and changing them ever and anon I caused this Application to be used for the space of a quarter of an hour together at least that so the part Affected might be freed from all Heat and Pain which Application I caused to be repeated for the space of four or five days together till such time as the Wound was perfectly healed up not the least drop hardly of Purulent Matter in the mean while being seen to come from the same In like manner as at other times while the aforesaid thin Egg-Skin was sticking still upon the Wound when there was very little or no sense at all either of Heat or Pain in the part Affected I have caused a wet Linnen Cloath well squeezed and the Water well wrung out to be wrapped about the place That so the Penetration of the Cold might assist the said Skin and might moysten it without pulling if off Yet if you shall perceave that there is any thing under the Skin you must then take it off and so cleansing the Wound you may apply to the Wound the aforesaid Emplastrum Diapompholigos and the place must be wrapt about with a Linnen Cloath dipped in Cold Water and afterwards well wrung in the manner we shewed before Neither was I at all restrained from making use of the aforesaid Experiment by that Aphorisme of Hippocrates Lib. 5. Cap. 23. where he saies that Cold things are not to be applied to those parts whence Blood either already issues or is likely to issue for he there speaks of such Wounds as are to be cured by Suppuration neither was the world then at all acquainted with this way of healing up of Wounds perfectly by the First Intention by the Application of Cold Water which Hippocrates there speaks of And although t is true that Cold Water applied to any Sore causeth some Smart and Pain in the part yet there is much more regard to be had as the same Hippocrates else where rightly admonisheth us to the exceeding great Benefit here to be expected then to the very little harm or Annoyance as indeed the Smart is but little which is caused by the application of Cold things to the part Cold Water cureth Wounds when a Nerve is hurt And I conceive a Question might here very well be moved whether or no in the Hurting of a Nerve either by a Cut or by a Prick where by the Surgeons neligence in striking a Vein either with a Lancet or other Instrument he hits upon a Nerve whence commonly follow Impostumations Gangrenes yea and Death it self although the Prick be never so small this Application of Cold Water for a good while together as hath before been set down might not be of good use Notwithstanding that our Authors will not hear of the applying of Cold things at the beginning of the Cure and such Medicaments as are of an Astringent faculty and are therefore proper to close up the Wound as in other cases is usually practised As to instance among the rest in Paraeus who would not at all allow of this way of proceedings in the curing of the King of France that had had a Nerve pricked by his Surgeon in being let Blood but the course he took was to poure into the Wound Oyl to Turpentine warm mixed with a little Aqua-Vitae whereby the Nerve was dried up and the Sharp Humor proceeding thence which put him to great pain was consumed yet both it and all fear of the other aforementioned Accidents together with it immediately ceased Which course of his if it had not succeeded according to his desire he had then resolved to have cauterized the Nerve by pouring into the Wound some drops of scalding Oyl or perhaps he would rather have cut it in two then that he would have suffered the Fatal Atropos to have cut the thread of the Kings Life in sunder And yet Paraeus observings that notwithstanding the application of these Hot things the Conflux of Humors toward the part affected was also to be hindered to prevent the aformentioned accidents immediately upon the receaving of the Wounds he fell to make use of Refrigerating and Repulsive Applications over the whole arme fortifying it with a very streight Rowler which bound down the Muscles exceeding close binding the same about the whole Arme from the Hand-wrest up to the Shoulder But seeing this curing of Wounds by the Application of Hot Medicaments is Accidental onely as it that of curing a Burnt Finger by the Fire as we have said before why should we not rather go the direct way to work in these kind of cures by opposing Contraries to Contraries and so endeavor by this Application of Cold Water to repel the Blood and Spirits from the part affected and to allay the Pain caused by the Acrimonious Humor that draws the
something touching what Meat is in this case to be eaten and what to be forborne In Contagious times therefore people must abstaine from Hogs-Flesh Beefe Of Meat and all other kinds of flesh that are Hard of Digestion as also from all Inwards and Extream Parts of Beasts as Feet Ears And so likewise from all Slimy Fishes all kinde of Pulse Herbs and from all White Meats or things made of Milke Except onely Butter And so on the contrary they are to make choice of all such Meats as are light of Digestion and withal they must abstain from Fish when they eat Flesh which also they are to eat rather Rosted then Boyled and if they will have them boyled in any Liquor or make Broth of the same they may put into it a little Wine Vineger Juyce of Citron Nutmeg Cloves or the like or some Sweet Herbs prepared according to the quality of their Meat which will not onely be very pleasant to their Palate but also do them otherwise very much good Hitherto is to be referred also a certain Sause which I would have them always to have at their table and it is made of Wine-Vineger Nutmeg and Sugar boyled in Broath or in defect of this they may take Wine with Butter in it which yet must be so prepared as that the tast of the Vineger and of the Nutmeg may be above all the rest And in this Sause I would have them to roule all over and lay a soaking all meat whatsoever that they eat or else they may take at the end of their Meale a spoonful or two of it and sup it up Those that are Asthmaticall or Short-breathed or are otherwise Tyssicall and troubled with a Cough must put the lesser quantity of Vineger and the greater of Sugar into this Composition as likewise in using the Contrapestilentiall Vineger they must either decoct or infuse in it some Figs Currance Liquorish or other the like Pectorall Ingredients and if their Cough be very strong upon them instead of Vineger they may then use some other Preservatives in like manner as those that are Hydropicall should every morning drink a good draught of Wormewood-Wine or Rue-Wine rather then a spoonful of Contrapestilentiall Vineger Concerning their Ordinary Drink my Opinion is that they may take the same that they have been accustomed unto Of their Ordinary Drink whether it be Wine or Beer or Ale into which nevertheless I would have them somtimes squeeze in some few drops of Juyce of Citron or of Oyl of Brimstone and the Ale they drink must be cleare and not strong as their Wine also must not be of the richer sort but must be either Rhenish Wine or Ordinary French Wine wherein they may do well to put sometimes a little boyled Water with a small quantity of Citron Pill or Cinnamon And if it so fall out that any one hath either been in company with those that have been infected In the lest suspicion of being infected they must immediatly fly to their Preservatives or that have been with such as have been with such as have been necessitated to attend upon such as have had the disease upon them which can hardly be without a strong suspicion if not a certainty of being infected by this Contagion and especially when he hath not before hand armed himself against it by Preservatives notwithstanding that the Party finde no sign of it at all about himself yet my advise is that he presently betake himself to Sudorifical Medicines and take two Drams of Old Treacle mixed with a spoonful of Wine-Vineger and drinke upon it two or three spoonfulls of the said Vineger warmed Now to the end that people may know where the signs of the Plague do evidently appear whether the Cure of it may be undertaken with any hopes of recovery of the Patient I shall here breifly set down such things as seem chiefly to relate to the Predictions in this case And first of all I conceave Predictions that very good success may be expected if so be the aforemention Preservative be taken at the very beginning of the Disease and that the Party keep it so that he may thereby Sweat lustily in case that any Plague-Sores and Swellings appear before he feels any Feaverish Heat And although this Treacherous Enemy flatter us thus and thus yet that we are by no means to trust him Sad Experience hath too often taught us And if the Party be taken with a Continuall Vomiting and be extreamly Sleepy and have a very Stinking Breath or the Tongue be Black at the beginning of the Disease it is a sign that the danger is very great and so likewise if the Patient have an Intermitting Pulse or Swooning Fits or a Looseness or where there happens a Bleeding at the Nose or an unseasonable Eruption of the Courses and especially if the Party have a Hoarsness or if his Vrine and Excrements and what he throws up by Vomit be black or he be taken with the Hickop or a Trembling in his Limbs or if he spit Blood or pisse Blood are evident signs of Death And if as I have formerly said it is very Necessary that where any one hath but the least suspicion of being infected he should presently have recourse to Sudorifical Preservatives there is no question but such as finde any real sign that they are already Infected ought to fly unto the same as to a Sanctuary and that too at the very Instant that they discover the same seeing the Disease may be over-mastred much easier then the people imagine if it be taken in time lest when these aforesaid Fatall Prognosticks appear there be no hope of Recovery left And this Preservative the Patient is to take with Vineger as hath before been shewed and in his Bed being well covered with Cloathes and with a good fire by him if it may conveniently be had And he is to sweat as long as possibly he can and if the Sweat come not from him in very great Abundance which in this case is very Necessary he must then have a Bladder half filled with Warme Water applied to his Belly in which if there be decocted some leaves of Carduus Benedictus Rue or Angelica Roots or Zedoary there may much the better success be expected And if so be the Party sweat not enough nor grow the better upon it he must presently as soon as he hath something recovered his strength a little fall again to his Sweating the second time yea and sometimes also there is very good reason that he sweat the third time too Which Reiteration of Sweating notwithstanding is very often not at all Necessary in case that the Sudorifical Preservative being taken in the beginning of the disease hath wrought abundantly enough Concerning the Efficacy of which Timely Sweating in the beginning of this Disease Sennertus also hath given us a large Testimony in his Lib. 4. De febribus Cap 6. where he hath these words Existimo
annoynt the Part with Oyle of Lillies and Scorpions or with Fresh Butter mixt with a little Treacle over which you may lay a Red Cabbage-Leaf having first soaked the same in Warme Water After this you must apply Cataplasmes made of the Roots of Lilies Mallows or of the Leaves of the same adding thereto some Leaves of Rue and Linseed which being boyled and brought to a due Consistency you must then put into to same some Yolks of Egges Vnguentum Basilicon Turpentine or the like There are some that in this case apply nothing to the Part Affected save Rosted Onyons mixed with Fresh Butter or Oyle of Lillies Many have with very good success made use here of a Hens Fundament having the feathers pulled off and then being rubbed over with Salt and so applied to the part for a good while together and when the first Hen was dead they applied another as long as the Patient was able to endure it and the Bills of the said Hens they held somtime fast shut up When they had thus done they then fell again to make use of the aforesaid Oyntments and Cataplasmes untill such time as that the Tumor being brought to a sufficient Suppuration it might be lanced with an Instrument to let out the Purulent Matter which yet if the Hardness of the Tumor will not admit you must make use of a Caustick to draw it forth And when the Tumor is now broken you must cleanse the Sore with Hony and you may apply unto it as occasion serves either the Yolke of an Egge with a little Turpentine mixed together or else some of the Oyntment called Vnguentum Apostolorum or else that other called Vnguentum Aegyptiacum if need so require And you must cover the part Affected all over either with the plaster called Emplastrum Diachylon with the Oyntment named Basilicon or else with some other plaster of the like Faculty and Vertue In the curing of a Carbuncle or Plague Sore they make use of the like Oyls and Plasters which yet are ordinarily made not quite so strong and drawing least being so strong they might too much exasperate the same And you are afterwards to proceedin the cureof this as of al other Sores til it be perfectly healed up Which Carbuncles or Plague-Sores as well as those of Plague-Tumors must be kept open as long as may be As concerning the Cure of the Tokens as they call them which are Dark Purple Spots or of the like colour appearing upon the Skin in Pestilential Diseases I shall not say anything here having said so much of this point in my French Treatise least by doing the same thing over again I might seem to have troubled my self to no purpose Now while this care is taken for these External Tumors and Spots the Patient is not in the mean time to neglect the taking Inwardly of Sudorifical Preservatives Cordial Confections and Powders and likewise his Julips and Apozemes which he is to take all in their due times in like manner as he must be very exact also in his Diet. And for quenching his Thirst he may sometimes take a little Ale which must be but small and very clear and I have been informed and by persons of very good credit too that they have in this case often given Infected persons a draught of plain Fountain or well-Well-water and that with very good success Yet that they may not drink too much of it they may now and then sup up two or three spoonfull of smal Ale with some Juyce of Citron mixed with it putting a Brown Toast into it and a little Sugar To which you may adventure to adde a little Rhenish Wine or some other smaller sort of Wine in case a Delirium or else the greatest of the Feavorish Heat he is in hinder not the same Slices also of Pome-Citron with the Pil taken off put into two parts of Water and one of the aforesaid Wine with a little quanti of Sugar may be allowed the Patient for the same purpose and this Composition besides the allaying the Thirst of the party will be also very pleasant to his Palat. Yea the whole Pome-Citron also taken with its Pill and Kernels together both which are also Cordialls and so cut in pieces may very properly be put into his Ordinary Drinks Now how the Impure filthy Stenches of such houses as have been infected are to be cleansed and washed away with Water which would do better if it were mixed with Vineger or with Rue boyled in it and hot also rather then if it be onely faire Water and also ought to be suffocated and overmastered by Fumigations of Juniper Berries Brimstone Gunpowder Vineger and the like things which have been made use of with good success and which are to be diligently observed by such as keep such infected houses and by those also that live near unto infected places and besides that those that have forsaken their houses ought not by any means to return backe to the same again till six Weeks at least are over since that any person died out of their house of the disease or till the last Infected person hath now been recovered and clear from the same and in perfect health for a whole months space as hath been sufficiently asserted both by others and by Mee also in my French Treatise Neither was it my Intention to have here said any thing more touching this so Pestilential and Contagious a Disease save onely to set down what Antidotal Medicines and Preservatives I have found to be most proper for the driving out of the Venom of this disease in the beginning of it through the Outward parts of the body by the right and due administring of which I have always found good success to follow And I had also resolved to have said nothing either of this or the former matters before treated of unless it had seemed both to some others and to my self also a very unreasonable thing if leaving those Epidemial Diseases that usually rage in our Maritime Parts untouched I should here make an end of this Treatise I shall therefore here in the next place say something of the same that so the Malignity of these places being known people may either avoid the coming into them or else may know how to provide for their health by convenient and proper Preservatives THE FIFTH DISCOURSE Wherein is treated concerning those Epidemial Diseases and their Symptomes that in Maritime parts which are commonly called in Dutch Polders do infest the Inhabitants but more especially Strangers that had before been unaccustomed to this Malignant Aire and where are set down also the best Preservatives against the said Diseases THese Diseases are wont to seize upon people about the beginning of Autumn and sometimes also sooner according to the temper of the foregoing Summer whether that had been hotter or cooler they some years rage so violently as that they last the greatest part of the said seasons miserably afflicting people all