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A92202 Most excellent and approved medicines & remedies for most diseases and maladies incident to man's body, lately compiled and extracted out of the originals of the most famous and best experienced physicians both in England and other countries, by A. R. Doctor in Physick decesased. And since revised by an able practitioner in the same science, and now published for the universall good and benefi [sic] of this Common-wealth. Read, Alexander, 1586?-1641. 1651 (1651) Wing R434; Thomason E1301_1; ESTC R209005 55,664 160

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given in substance finely powdered from 1. grain to 2. grains rubbed in a Morter with Oyl of Nutmeg in infusion from 4 grains to 7. grains in White wine Claret or Sack Of Medicines purging Melancholy Sena is the best from Alexandria with green Leaves and thin and a little whitish The Dose in powder is one drachm in infusion or decoction half an ounce or 6. dr It is corrected with Ginger Cloves and a sprig of Time Anise-seeds and sweet Fennel-Seeds Epithymum is given in powder to 2. dr in decoction from half an ounce to 2. ounces It must be but little boyled nor given in the heat of Summer It is corrected with Salgem and purgeth black Choler and Hypocondriacal winds Black Helebore it should have a black root full byting The Dose is in powder from half a scruple to a scruple or more It purgeth black or yellow Choler from all the body and that strongly Fumitary evacuates melancholy humours The juyce is given to 2. ounces in decoction The Hearb is put from 3. ounces to 5. or 6. ounces in Whey you may strengthen his operation with a little Wormwood put to it Mirabolans Indian so called it purgeth black Choler and burnt The Dose is in substance from 2 dr to 4 dr in infusion from 4 dr to 10 drachmes Lapis Aramenus purgeth black Choler and all grosse thick clammy muddy humours It is given from 1 dr to 3 dr Lapis Lazuli astillatus is prepared as Lapis Armenus which must be by washing them 20 times with water in a Morter after being powdered rub the same and wash it 10. times with Rose-water The Dose of Lapis Lazuli washed is from 1 drachm to 2 dr It purgeth Melancholy plentifully but troubles more the body then Lapis Aremenus Polipodie of the Oak fresh gathered moveth the Belly but floweth If the Roots be boyled it purgeth burnt Choler and Fleam This Polipodie is corrected with Anise-seeds Ginger Cloves and Cynamon The Dose is from half an ounce to an ounce An Infusion Purging Fleam TAke of the five opening roots of Polipody of the Oak of each 2. drachmes of Hysop Camphery Flowers of Rosemary Stachadoes of each 2. little handfuls of Anise-seeds Fennel-seeds Carua-seeds of each 1. drachm Licorish 3. drachmes Rasins stoned 2. drachmes boyl them in a Pinte of water to half of this take 4. or 6. ounces Agarick 1. dra and half or 4. scruples of Ginger 1. dr of Salgem 5. grains Infuse it all night warm in the morning strain it out hard and put to it 2. drachmes of Diaphenicon half an ounce of Syrrop of Violets or Syrrop of Roses of which Agarick 1. ounce mingle make a Potion this will purge Fleam plentifully An Infusion purging Choler TAke of Damask Roses 2. ounces of Rhubarb 2. dr and half of Spikenard 1. scruple of Orcyn 1. scruple Cut all small and infuse them in a Quart of Clarified-Whey all night and in the morning strain it gently and put to it 1. oun of the Syrrop of Roses or Violets An Infusion Purging Melancholy TAke Fumetary Epithymum Flowers or Leaves of Burrage and Buglosse of each half a good handfull Polypodie of the Oak 1. ounce Sena half an ounce Fennel seeds 2. d. Whey three Pintes Infuse and boyl it to a Quart whereunto add 2. ounces of the Syrrop of Roses solutive The Dose is half a pound you may quicken a draught with 1. dra of Electuary of Roses An Infusion Purging both Choler and Fleam TAke of Rhubarb 1. dra of Agarick freshly trochiscated 2. scru Cynamon 1. scruple Ginger half a scruple Infuse them all night in 2. ounces of endive-Endive-water and 1. ounce of White wine In the morning strain it out hard and add Cassia or the Lenitive Electuary of Diacatholicon or Diaphenicon half an ounce Syrrop of Violets 2. drachmes mingle them and make a Potion An Infusion Purging all Humors TAke of Sena 3. drachmes Ginger Epithymum of each 1. d. Fennel-seeds 2. scruples Mary-gold-Flowers a small handfull infuse them in 6. ounces of Water after boyl them to 4. ounces and strain them In which infuse Rhubarb Agarick 4. scruples Cynamon and Ginger of each 1. scruple after a gentle Symphering on the fire strain them again and add thereunto Manna half an ounce Syrrop of Roses with Agarick 1. ounce mingle them and make a Potion An Opening and Cooling Julip for Choler and burnt Humors TAke of Barly 2. small handfuls Savory with the Roots Maiden-hair Liverwort Sorrel of each half a good handfull of Roots of Grasse and Fennel of each half an ounce of the Flower cold Seeds of each 2. drachms boyl them in Water unto 16. ounces in which infuse Sena half an ounce Tamarinds Polypodie of each 3. drachmes Mechoaean Jalop and Hermodactils of each 2. drachmes Fennel Anise-seeds and Licorish of each 1. drachm Currents bruised half an ounce of Burrage Buglosse and Rosemary-flowers a small handful infuse these warm then boyl them untill 5. ounces of Succory-water be consumed then strain them and add the expression of 4. scruples of Rhubarb infused in 3. ounces of Manna and Syrrop of Roses of each 1. ounce of the Christalls of Tarter 1. dra mingle them The Dose is 4. or 5. ounces every morning A Cooling Opening Julip TAke 4. ounces of Succory-water 2. ounces of Rose-water of Syrrop of Violets and Syrrop of Roses solutive of each half an ounce Oyl of Vitriol two or three drops to make a Julip of a gratefull tartnesse take hereof two or three spoonfuls at a Time For the Lungs stopt with Soyl. TAke Elycampany Roots well dryed Licorish and Anise-seeds of each an ounce Flowers of Brimstone half an ounce Sugar-Candy 6. ounces make it all into powder and eat half a spoonfull or more thrice a day Also take this direction as followeth Boyl in a Pottle of water of Hysop Maiden-hair Scabeous Foal-foot Horehound of each a good handful of Anise seed bruised Licorish sliced Rasins stoned and Dates of each 3 ounces boyl it to a Quart and sweeten it with Sugar whereof take a little draught warm three or four times a day Another for the same purpose TAke half a Pinte of hysop-Hysop-water and asmuch Aquavitae which put in a dish over the fire on a Chafindish of Coles whereunto add 1. ounce of Sugar-Candy beaten and stir it often with a spoon and take thereof a spoonfull in a day warm A Mead for the same BOyl one Gallon of Honey with half a Pinte of Water and skim it then with four Gallons of Water still skiming for two hours gently and with it Rasins stoned 4. oun Elycampany-roots 2. oun Fennel-Roots Althea Polypodie of each 1. ounce Maiden-hair Foal-foot of each a like quantity Sage Betony Scabious Hysop of each a good handful Anise-seeds 1. oun If an Eg fall to the bottom it is strong enough Cool and turn it into wooden vessell A Powder to kill and purge forth Worms TAke of Wormseed 2. ounces of Sena half an ounce of Corianders prepared
a gentle fire of small coles in a glazed Pipkin So let it vapour away til it be too thick to stir with a Spatter Then put more Juice of Damask-Rose or Rose-water to it and do as is already said still reiterating the same till seven pounds of the Juice or Rose-water it self be spent and the Masse at last conduced keep for use The Dose is from 1. scruple to 2. or 3. scruples Against Winde in the Stomach TAke a pound of Sugar a quarter of a pound of Anise-seeds and the like quaintity of Coriander-seeds beat the seeds to a powder and sift them through a fine searcer Then take four or five spoonfuls of Rose-water and boyl these to a Paste so make them up in the manner of Lozenges A Water for Sore Eyes FIll a shell with white or Red-rose-water and therein dissolve four graines of white Copperas over the fire put therein ten seeds of Comin and keep it for use dropping now and then two or three drops in the Eyes A Physicall Course for Sore Eyes TAke of the Pils of Aureae Lucis and Cochiae of each 1. scruple mingled well together In the Morning and Evening eat the powder of Olibanum and Mastick in the ●ap of an Apple or Olibanum with the Conserve of Roses Also wash the Eyes with Eye-water made with Tutty quenched in Eye-bright-water and a little Sugar-Candy Another approved Water for the Eyes TAke halfe a quarter of Red-rose-water and five Kirnels of a Quince sliced very thin Let them lie in the water two hours then strain the water and put therein half a dra of Tutty prepared and two spoonfulls of Womans Milk Drop a little now and then into the eyes A Receipt for the Mother TAke 2. ounces of Bayberries the outward rinde being taken off and being dryed reduce them into a fine powder which mingle with half a Pint of honey and so take morning and Evening a spoonfull at a time A Physical Course for provoking the Courses FIrst purge thus Take of the Powder of Hiera Picra simplex of the Pilles de tribus Fernelii of Agarick trochiscated of each 1. scruple of Castorium half a scruple of Chymical Oyl of Time four drops make these up into Pilles with the Syrrop of Mogwort to the number of six or seven Let the Patient take them immediately after her first sleep Then sleep again The next day after let her take this Decoction Boyl in Ale and white-wine of each a Pinte half unset Hysop unset Time Penny-royall Mugwort Germander of each a good handfull Madder Smalledge Parsley and Fennell-rootes steeped in wine of each an ounce Juniper and Cynamon of each half an ounce After they be well boyled strain them hard and sweeten the same with 3. ounces of the Syrrop of Mugwort drink of this twice a day in the morning and after noon about four of the clock and four dayes after their accustomed time of flowing open the Saphaena vein and bleed the quantity of three or four ounces to incite them downward The Saphaena vein is running about the Inner Anckle upon the foot towards the great Toe Receipts for Vomits TAke of the Glasse of Antimony pounded as small as may be 5. grains Infuse the same all night in 4. ounces of White-wine shaking it divers times early in the morning pour out all the cleer part whereunto add one ounce of Oxmiel Julinizans so take it drinking after every vomit a draught of Posset-Ale Or take of Mercurius Vitae 5. graines in a spoonfull of White-wine Or take 2. ounces of the infusion of Crocus Metallorum or take Warm-water wherein a Reddish-root hath been boyled adding to it a little Sallet-oyl also a little Oxmiel of the squill may be added This vomit is taken specially for the weaknesse of the Stomach and for four or five dayes together it is taken for expelling the Flegmatick and Malign humours A Receipt of a Pessary for the Mother TAke Benjamin Storax Cloves of each 1. dr Musk 6. graines Civet 4. graines powder them with Bumbast make a Pessary anointing with oil of Mase A Fomentation to provoke the Courses TAke the Rootes of Madder Eringus Fennel Smalledge Parsley Grasse Lillies and Marsh-Mallowes of each 4. ounces Penny-royall Fetherfew of each a good handfull of Parsley Smalledge Cessely Feunegreeke Althea of each one ounce of Comin Flowers a good handfull boyl these in two parts one part Water and one part Wine Foment the region of the Womb very well An heating Fomentation for a cold Stomach TAke Red-roses Mints Worm-wood Time Sage Marjorum of each a good handfull Ginger Cloves Cynamon of each 2. ounces Citron-Pilles half an ounce boyl these in a quart of Red-wine and foment the Stomach with it hot dipping in the same a piece of scarlet-cloth pressing out the Liquor with two Trenchers Also this may be made more comfortable by putting to it 1. drachm of the Spices of Aromaticum rosatum A Cooling Fomentation for an hot Liver TAke of Oyl of Roses 2. ounces Oyl of Camomile 1. ounce Juice of Succory and Orenges of each 1. ounce and half Claret-tart-wine 1. ounce mingle these and with a spunge or linen clout foment the region of the Liver it 's good in hot Fevers An Epithem for the forehead to drive away head-aches TAke rose-Rose-water four ounces Oyl of Roses 〈◊〉 ounce Rose-vineger half an ounce the white of an Eg beaten in the same wherein dip Linen clothes cold or but milk warm and apply them to the forehead to asswage head-aches and repell hot vapours An Epithem to Cool and open Obstructions of the Liver TAke Agrimony Endive Succory with the roots of each a good handfull Wormwood half a handfull Succory-Flowers 2. small handfuls of the four cold great and lesserseeds of each 1. drachm and half Lupines 3. drachmes Copper as all the Saunders of each 1. d. Vnicusodoratus 1. scruple put these into a Bag and boyl them in half a pinte of endive-Endive-water add 2. ounces of each Vineger and Wine and apply it to the Liver luke-warm pressed with your hand An Epithem to cause Sleep TAke Henbane Lettice-leaves Flowers of water-Lillies Violets of each a good handfull seeds of Poppy Lettice Dill Henbane of each half an ounce bruise all and sowe them between two linen clothes and apply them to the forehead An Incesse for the Piles swelling hard and painfull TAke Henbane-Leaves 4. good handfuls Mullet and Plantane of each two good handfuls Linseed 2. ounces boyl it in a Gallon of Milk strain it and set the Fundament to bathe in it upon a close-stool afterwards apply dubble clothes dipped therein A Bath to clense the skin of Scabbs Scurse and such like TAke Red-dock-roots Bryony-roots Elycampany Wake Robbin-roots Serpentary or Dragon-roots of each a pound Mallowes Violets Branck urcyn Mercury Beets Scabius Fumitary Burrage Sapomana Hastalaregis Succory of each a good handfull Centary-flowers and roots of each a good handfull Lupines Beanes and Pease of each 2. ounces Barly two
good handfuls Sena 4. ounces boyl all in Water for a Bath to bathe in and give the Patient half a pound of each of Lupine Flower and red Cycers into the Bath to rub himself withall A Receipt to bring out the Small Pox. TAke two Figs sliced a spoonfull of Harts-horn steeped a few Mary-gold-Flowers and Tops one Leaf of Carduus Benedictus and a little Saffron boyl them in Posset-Ale and give the Patient to drink thereof To hinder Dinting TAke Beef-broth and bathe the Scabs therewith after take the Fat of Calves-Feet boyled and beaten white with May-dew and Rose-water anoint the face withall Or take white-wine and Butter of each a quarter of a pound boyl them together and use to bathe the Face often or melt salt-butter put into cold-water so anoint the Face withall A Bath for cold Diseases or Palsies BOyl Juniper-berries Broom-seed 20. good handfuls Penny-royall Origanum Hysop Time Sage Satureia Bayberries Rose-mary Camphery Pellitory of Spain of each 2. good handfuls Guaicum Sassafrass of each 1. pound boyl them in water enough to bathe them A Lotion for the Feet to induce Sleep TAke Malloes and Lettice of each 2. good handfuls Poppy-heads in number ten the rindes of Mandrake-roots Baum of each 1. oun Flowers of Water-Lillies Mellilot of each a good handful Dil-seed half an oun boyl them in water wherein wash and bath the feet bed-ward but do not dry them and wrap them up in a cloth wet in the same A good Restorative for weak Convalescent persons after a long and tedious sicknesse TAke Pine-Apple-Kirnels Pystaches of each 4. ounces fine White-Sugar half a pound Red Corall 1. drachm and half Cynamon 1. drachm species de gemmis Frigide 2. drachmes Nutmegs half a drachm Mace 5. grains Conserve of Burrage Cytron-Pils preserved of each 1. ounce and half Pearl 1. dram and half white burrage-Burrage-water make paste and yce it over with Sugar Cynamon To make a Caudle for restoring good Blood TAke white-wine and water of each a like quantity Rose-water one spoonfull two Yelks of Egs sweetened wel with Sugar together with some Cynamon boyl it a while so drink thereof A Powder against the winde in the Womb. TAke Cynamon 1. dra Saffron half a drachm Cassia Lignea 2. scr white Amber 1. scruple mingle them make a Powder and give it in white lillie-Lillie-water or Lark Spur. Another for the same TAke Cynamon Saffron of each 1. scruple Borax 4. scr give it in Mugworth-water A Pultes to binde the Belly in Fluxes proceeding from a cold Cause to be applyed to the Belly TAke Tostes of bread steeped in Vineger 6. ou beat it in a morter and add Mace Mastick Mirtle-berries Stones of Rasins Cloves Galany Flowers of Pomgranats of each 1. ounce Oyl of Worm-wood and Mints of each 2. ounces make a Cataplasm A Pultes to soften the hard swelling of the Liver and Splene TAke Marsh-Mallow-roots of each 3. oun Malloes Violets Holy-oaks or each 3 good handfuls Flowers of Camomile Mellilot of each 1. good handfull Figs six Tops of wormwood 2. small handfuls boil them in water untill they be tender and strain them in a course searce then add Flower of the Flowers of Camomile Anise-seeds of each 1. ounce Flowers of Lin-seed Fenny-greeke Goose-grease and Oyl of Camomile Lillies Fresh-butter Marrow of a Calf Oyl of Flowers de Luce of each 1. ounce mingle them make a Pultes whereunto add a little Vineger A Pultes to ripen and supporate Biles and Tumors TAke Marsh-Mallowes and Mallow-Roots half a pound Mallowes 1. good handful Bread 1. pound Boyl them in water and strain them through a searcer and with 4. oun of Barrowes-grease make a Pultes A Pultes for Bruises TAke of both the Camphery-roots of each 3. ounces Camomile and Mellilot of each 2. good handfuls Saffron 1. scruple Bean●-flowers 2. ounces Fennegreek 1. ounce boyl them in water and add Worm-wood and Comin-seed of each half an ounce make a Pultes A Pultes to allay heat and Inflammation in any part TAke Marsh Mallow-roots 3. ounces Mal●lowes with the roots Violets Blank V●s●● Chick-weed of each a good handfull Flowers of Camomile Violets powdered and Bo●● 1. small handfull boyl ●hem in fat Mutter-broth or water and add Hoggs-grease half a pound make a Pultes A Gargle for inflammation in the Throat c. TAke Plantine Cinque-foil Bramble-Leaves Columbine Straw-berry-Leaves Honey-suckles Red-Rose-leaves Jewsears Sage of each half a good handful Barley one ounce Licorish half an ounce boyl them in water and to one pound ad Melcosatum four ounces Allom one dr make a Gargle to be used luke-warm And for sore throats you may put to the aforesaid one dr of Salpruneliae to cool cleanse and dry more This Salpruneliae in Ale with Honey will cure Sore-throats very well If the sore in the Mouth or Throat be foul and Sordid to this Gargle you may add Aegyptiacum allayed first with Vineger and Honey of Roses or take Plantine water half a pound Syrrop of Mulberries 3 ounces and a little Oyl of Vitriol to make it a little tart For foul and Eating Sores TAke Sublimate 4 grains Plantine Rose-water of each 3 ounces dissolve it and touch the place and Gargle sometimes luke-warm A Gargle to draw Fleam TAke Sage Rose-mary Time Origan of each one good handfull boyl them very well and to half a pound put Oxmiel three ounces Mustard one or two good spoonfuls or else boyl Sage in Vineger and put to it Mustard and Honey A Gargle for Sore Throats called in the shops mouth-Mouth-water made but once for all the year in the spring TAke Woodbine-leaves and Flowers halfe a peck Salendine Lawrell or Spurge Sage Rue Mary gold-tops Cytron Rose-mary-tops Cinquefoile Valerian Agrimony Perry-winkle St. Johns-wort Veronica or Speed-well white Collumbine leaves Scabious Scrophulania of each a good handfull Boyl them in a Galon of running water to the East into two parts standing first one night in infusion then being boyled strain them hard and adde one ounce of Alom of the Cork and four ounces of Honey Then boyl it again and skim it as long as any that riseth afterward let it settle one night In the morning pour out the clearest which keep for use putting thereunto about 4 ounces of Vineger A Gargle for an unsavory breath TAke Rose-water Mirtle water Orenge-Flower-water of each 2. oun Musk 3. gra Amber-grease 6. grains Salt a little more Musk and Amber-grease you may put in for greater persons A Moderate suppository to loosen the Body TAke Honey thickned 1. ounce hieriae species Hierae picrae aloes or Agarick 1. scruple Salt half a scruple or add Salgem or Mustard 2. scruples make a Suppository A stronger Suppository TAke Honey thickned half an ounce Scamony Salt of each 1. scruple or take Honey concrete 2. ounces Euphorbium half a scruple powder of Colloquintida 5. gra powder of white Hellebore 2. ounces Salt 1. ounce Hierae picrae half an ounce make a
Suppository A Suppository for Winde TAke Honey congealed 1. ounce seeds of Fennel Rue Comin Anise Carua of each 1. scruple Colloquintida half a scruple Salt 1. drachm These will make a good Suppository for winde A Suppository to cease Pain TAke Opium Saffron Castor of each half a scruple with boyled Honey or Wax and Oil of water-Lillies make Suppositories with long strings to them to draw them out at pleasure Nourishing Glisters to be given to weak persons or when they cannot swallow by reason of some impediment or when they vomit up all they eat to the hazard of their starving They must be given after another Glister hath washed away the excrements and towards bedtime They are as followeth TAke Capon-broth or distilled Capon-broth 1. pound and half Sugar of Roses 2. ounces Mingle them make a Glister Or take Barly-Creame 1. pound and half Claret or White-wine 4. ounces mingle and inject or take Chicken-broth or thick Barly-water 1. pound and half three yolkes of Eggs Wine 4. ounces Mingle and inject These will nourish weak persons exceedingly An Heating and warming Glister for cold diseases of the Head or Guts TAke Mercury Origan Calamint Rue Penny royall of each a good handfull Flowers of Camomile Mellilot Dill Stecado's of each a good handful of Fenne-greek Carua Comia Anise Fennell of each halfe an ounce Agarick tyed in a clout 2. drachmes Boyl it in Tripe-broth or Sea water dissolve it in a pound and halfe of this Decoction Benedicta Laxativae an ounce Oyle of Dill. 3 ounces Canar●-sack make a Glister A Cooling Glister in hot diseases TAke Mallowes Violets Lettice of each a good handfull of the four could seeds great seeds of each half an ounce Prunes 20. Violet and Buglosse Flowers of each a small handfull boyl them to a Pinte and put in Kitchin-sugar 1. ounce and Oyl of Violets 3 ounces or take Barley and Lin-seed of each 2 ounces boyl them and to 1 pound put Sugar 1 ounce and half one yolk of an Egg common Oyle 3 ounces Salt one handfull take Milk warmed one pound Sugar and Syrrop of Violets of each two ounces Make a Glister to cool An Emollient Glister TAke the Common Decoction of Glisters one pound Common Oyl Butter or Barrowes-grease three ounces make c. The Common Decoction for Glisters is this Take of Mallows Violets Pellitary of the wall Beets and Mercury of each a good handfull of Fennel seeds half an ounce boyl all these in a sufficient quantity of water to a Pint. An Emollient purging Glister TAke Lillie and Mallow-roots of each one ounce Mallowes Marsh-Mallowes Orah of each a good handful Lin-seed Fen-greek of each an ounce Flowers of Mellilot Violets of each a little handfull Figs Anise-seeds 2 drachmes Prunes five boyl these in water or fat broth and to a pint put Cassia extracted for Glisters 1 ounce Hieraepicrae half an ounce Butter Oyl of Violets Lillies of each 1 ounce and half inject this Glister three hours before Meat To make this Glister more Stimulating and purging put one ounce of Benedicta Laxative or Diaphenicon with a scruple or halfe a drachm of Salgem and a drachm of common Salt A Carminative or Collick-Glister TAke of the Carminative Decoction 1. pound Canary-wine and Oyl of Dill of each 4 oun inject the same The Carminative Decoction is this Take Anise-seeds Fennel-seeds Caroway-●eeds Commin-seeds Carrot-seeds of each 2. drachmes Flowers of Camomile halfe a good handfull Raisins an ounce and half boil them in 2. pound of water to a pound Another Glister for the aforesaid purpose TAke Mallow-roots half a pound Branch Vrein Mallowes Penny-royall Hore-hound Calamin● Origan Wormwood of each half a good handful Figs 12. Lin seed 1. ounce Com n Anise Fennel Carua seeds of each half an ounce Flowers of Comin Mellilot Lavender Ste●ado's of each two small handfuls boyl these in water and old wine to a Pint add Benedicta Laxativa 1. oun Electuary of Bay berries half an ounce Oyl of Comin and Rue of each 3. ounces make a Glister A Glister for the Stone in the Kidneys and Bladder TAke the roots of Althea Grasse Sparagus Licorish shaved Pedis Columbini of each 1. ounce Betony Linaria Fennel of each a good handful Malloes with the Roots a good handful Figs Raisins of each 10. a peece Seeds of Parsley Malloes Alhakengi Grummel Smalledge Linseed of each 2. ounces Bay-berries and Juniper-berries of each 2. ounces Flowers of Broom Camomile and St. Johns Wort of each 2. small handfulls boyl them in Water and White-wine and to a pint put Oyl of Lillies bitter Almonds Scorpions and Honey of each 2. ounces Turpentine 1. ounce make a Glister for the Stone A Glister to break the Stone TAke Roots of Grasse Smalledge Parsley Sparagus Althea Licorish of each 2. ounces Leaves of Betony Saxifrage Sea-Fennel of each a good handful Seeds of Grummel Winter-Cherries of each one ounce boyl them in a pint dissolve juice of Raadish or Pellitory of the Wall one ounce Oyl of Scorpions 3. ounces make a Glister A Deterging or washing Glister TAke Barley-water one pound Red Sugar or Honey 2. ounces c. A Consolidating or healing Glister in Dysenteries TAke Barley torrified two small handfulls Plantane Mirtles of each half a good handful Comfery-roots and Mullet of each two ounces Red Roses a small handfull boyle them in steel-Steel-water or smiths-Smiths-water to ten ounces then add juice of Plantine and Purslein of each one ounce and a half bole Armoniack Dragons-blood Starch Trochiscarum albarum thasis of each one dr Goats sewet two ounces make a Glister A Glister to kill Wormes TAke Roots of Gentian Torrid Aristolochia a small handfull and halfe Tilochia one ounce Wormwood Fetherfew of each a good handful Peach-leaves half a good handfull Flowers of Centry two smal handfuls Lupines one spoonful boyl them in conduit-Conduit-water to a pound and add Oyle of bitter Almonds three ounces make a Glister and inject this twice in one hour for the small Worms in the Guts A Glister for Worms in the Stomach TAke of Barley two small handfuls Figs ●o Anise-seeds 1 drachme boil them thick make a Glister without Oyl or Salt to invite them down-ward An Astringent Glister in a Lientary Diarrhea or Scowring TAke Roots of Bistort Tormentil Mullet of each a good handful St. Johns Wort Myrtles Tops of Brambles of each a good handful sower wild Peares to one Cypress-Nut Red Roses a good handful boyl them in Steel water or Smiths-water and Red-wine to a pound and Hipocislis or Acathia Ladanum of each half an ounce inject this after a deterging and astringent Medicine given by mouth of Rhubarb and Mirabolans A Glister to purge Choler TAke in any cooling or emollient Glister Cassia one ounce Syrrop of Roses Solutive three dr make a Glister A Glister to purge Fleam TAke one pound of the Common Decoction whereunto put Benedicta Laxativa one ounce Diaphenicon one ounce Honey of the Squil one ounce Salt one
sufficient quantitie of water till half be consumed so use it A very good Syrrop to be taken against cold diseases of the Brain and Sinews as the Palsey Falling-sicknes the Cramp and water distilling out of the head lying TAke of the Flowers of Stechados 4 ounces of Time Calamint Origanum of each 1. ounce and half of Sage Bettony-flowers and Rosemary of each half an ounce of the Seeds of Rue Pyony Fennel of each 3 drachms Boil them in 10 pound of water till half be consumed When the decoction is strained boil it again to a syrrop with sugar and honey of each 2 li. and candie it with Cynamon Ginger Calamus aromaticus or Nutmeg of each two drachms which being bound up in a course cloth with open threeds must be hanged in the syrope To binde in Fluxes of the Belly and to comfort withall the Stomack TAke a quarter of an ounce of Ising-glasse which lay to steep in water 12. houres after boil the same in a quart of milk wherunto put a slack or two of Mace two Dates sliced in the middle with the stones keep it stirring till the one half be consumed take hereof 7. or 8. spoonfuls morning and evening use to take the same for a week or ten days together if occasion so require you may therefore provide a better quantitie of the aforesaid things as 1. ounce of Ising-glasse half an ounce of Dates 3. or 4. penyworth of Mace So long as you may use hereof take withall these Waters mixt together as followeth Of baum-Baum-water half a li. and a like quantity of hysop-Hysop-water dissolve therein a quartern of Sugar over the fire strain and take thereof five spoonfuls one houre after dinner wherunto put 4. or 5. drops of Cynamon-water If the aforesaid do not sufficiently binde put a little Cynamon or the cups of Akhorns powdered therein Against Winde in the Body TAke of Ginger half a ounce Anise-seeds 2 drachms Coriander prepared 1. ounce and half Mace Galingale Cabebes of each a drachm make all into fine powder well searced adding as much sugar as you please Take 1 dram of this powder in four ounces of sweet wine either Muscadine or Malmsie in the morning fasting and afterwards walk awhile Against Pain in the Back TAke the slimie substance of the Camphery root in posset drink and take the same 4. or 5. days together Or take Knotgrasse shread it and mix it with butter make a tansey with all It much profiteth for the said Cure For the Stone in the Kidneys TAke the distilled water of Parseley what quantity you please for one draught whereunto add half a spoonful of the whitest Snail-shels finely powdered with 4. or 5. drops of the Oyl of Turpentine drink it fasting and walk after it for an houre or more For cleansing the Blood TAke the leaves of Sena Polypody of each 3 ounces seeds of Fennel and Anise of each 1. ounce Hermodactils 2. ounces and half Salsaparilla 3 ounces Sassafrasse thin sliced 2 ounces Agarick sliced 1 ounce Rhuberb half an ounce Ginger a quarter of an ounce Scurvy-grasse Brooklime Watercresses of each 3 good handfuls Red dock-roots 2 ounces put these into a Boultering-bag and boil it in 4. gallons of Ale or Bear and let the bag hang in the vessel Take every morning the quantitie of 4 ounces or more according to the nature and condition of the body A Julip for a Tertian Fever TAke Endive Succory Sorrel Strawberry-leaves violet-leaves of each a good handfull French barley a good handfull Rasins stoned half a pound Aniseseeds 1 ounce one stick of Licorish decoct these in a pottle of faire water to the consumption of half Take hereof 7 or 8 ounces in the morning at a time A Purge for the same TAke the Pills of Cochi aureae of each half an ounce mix these together and make a Masse and take the weight of nine pence for the Dose A Dyet Drink to open and temper the Liver TAke the Roots of Fennel Parsly Dock Coroch Knee-holm of each half a good handfull the leaves of Endive Buglosse Fumitary Harts-tongue Agrimony Garden wormewood Cetrach of each a good handfull the back of the roots of Capers half an ounce Boyl these in a convenient quantity of Whey till a third part be spent then clarifie the same whereof drink in the morning fasting at the least half a pound at a time A Receipt to make purging Prunes Rasins and Currents TAke of Prunes half a li. of Sena 1 ounce Mechoacon 3 drachms Turbeth 3 dr of borage-Borage-water Baum water and rose-Rose-water of each 4 ounces boyl them a little then strain them whereunto add Manna 2 ounces and Sugar a sufficient quantity to make the Liquor into a Syrope A Restorative Broth for weak and consuming Bodies TAke half an ounce of the best China thin sliced infuse the same the space of foure and twenty houres in four Pintes of fair spring-Spring-water in a Pipkin close stoped standing upon hot Embers Then put therein a small Chickin or a little peece of the Rack of Veal and so set it over the fire made of Charcoals to boyl gently and put therein a Succory-root the pith taken out of the Leaves of Agrimony Buglosse Cetrach and Edive of each a good handfull of Hartshorn a quarter of an ounce at the least scraped and a crust of White bread the which boyl till half the Liquor be consumed then strain it and with a convenient quantity of fine Sugar make the same fit for the taste Hereof let the party take in the morning early and in the afternoon about four of the clock at every time the third part of a pinte warm and so every day for the space of three weeks Remedies for the Hemorrhoids TAke the third part of a pinte of Milk and so much of Smiths-water wherein quench Gads of Steel Oftentimes put into the same 2 ounces of the juice of Clary so inject luke warme Take a pinte of Milk and boyl it in boyling slack it often when it riseth with Plantine-water so continue doing till a pinte of Plantine-water be put in about the slacking of the Milk Then take it off the fire and put thereunto 3 ounces of Mel rosarum wherof drink at your pleasure Take the white of an Egge 4 ounces of Fresh Butter out of a Chirne well washed and of Saffron a scruple work these together whereof at times put up a little into the fundament for ceasing paine but if the pain continue to the aforesaid add 2 good handfulls of Night-shade and then it will be much more effectuall for the said purpose Also take Mastick and Frankincense of each a good handfull powder and straw it upon coals of fire in a Chafindish put it into a close stool so fit over it to take the fume thereof and apply an Hagtaper-Leaf to the place Also take the Roots of Pilewort and Mutton-suet and shred them both together small then boyl the same and strain them so keep them for use to
anoint the Piles withall A speciall Receipt for the making of Aquavitae TAke of Tops of Rosemary Sage Marjorum Origaum Time Wormwood Sparemints Baume of each a good handfull of Ginger scraped clean 1 ounce of Nutmegs and Cynamon of each half an ounce of Cloves Mace Pepper and Graines of each a quarter of an ounce of Galleangle-Roots sliced 1 ounce of the Rasins of the Sun cut through the middle 1 pound of Fennel-seeds and Annise-seeds of each 2 ounces of Licorish scraped clean and cut into thin slices half a pound Bruise the Spices and the Seeds a little and break the Herbs between your hands then put all together into a Gallon or two of Muskadine Sack or such like strong Wine and so let them infuse in a Limbeck-pot close stopped 24 hours upon hot embers and the next morning distil them with a very temperate fire and take speciall care that the head of your Limbeck be kept cold continually with fresh Water and that the bottom thereof be fast Luted that none of the Vapours breath forth Out of a Gallon of Liquor you may draw a quart of excellent Aquavitae and if then to the Fleeces in the Pot you will add a Gallon of strong Ale or Lees of Wine or of them both with half a pound of Licorish foure ounces of Aniseseeds and one ounce of Graines and distill it again you shall draw an Aquavitae good for your Families and poor Neigbours in their necessities There is not a Water in use which can better fortifie Life then the aforesaid Aquavitae for it greatly comforteth a weak stomack expelleth Winde putteth off Melancholy passions preserveth the humors from Corruption and exceedingly prevaileth against sownding But the use thereof is not alike wholsome and good for all Bodies for unto them that are Lean and of a dry Nature and in the Summer it is rather hurtful then good because it drieth too much the inner parts especially the Liver and radicall Moisture But to old men to grosse and moist Bodies it is very profitable for it fortifieth the Stomack comforteth excremental humors discusseth Winde and defendeth them from the Lethargie Apoplexy and other cold diseases unto which by reason of their moist habit of Body they are very subject Wherefore the moderate use thereof is to be permitted to cold and flegmatick bodies especially in cold and moist seasons upon taking too much meat and when the Stomack shall be troubled with Winde the quantity of a spoonfull or two at a time well sweetned with Sugar and if it be taken with an equal portion of Wormwoodw-ater as a spoonfull or two of the one and so of the other with Sugar also comforteth the Stomack exceedingly helpeth the Concoction and discusseth Winde without causing any manner of hurt to the Liver And being taken in this manner after a great Meal or whensoever the Stomack shall be ill-affected by reason of Windinesse or otherwise It is not only good for the Flegmatick and such as are cold by Constitution but agreeable and wholsome for all other Bodies But such as are intensively hot and dry in their state of Body If they stand in need of the help thereof it is best to take two parts of Wormwood water and one of Aqua-vitae mingled with Sugar and so they may securely and profitably use it A Receit for making of Cynamon-water TAke of Cynamon grosly beaten 1 li. of white Sugar 1 li. one Gallon of Sack and a quart of Rose-water steeped together four and twenty houres of this aforesaid is drawn by distillation a Water of singular efficacy against sownding debility of the Spirits and principall parts Physicians do advise all that are respective of their healths especially such as are of weak Natures never to be without it and take now and then a spoonful or two especially when occasion shall invite the use of it A Receit for making the Pills called de tribus Fernelii TAke of Mastick Rhubarb of each 2 ounces Aloes 4 ounces Agarick t●ochiscated Powder of Hidra of each 1 ounce and half Cynamon half an ounce with Syrop of Succory and Canary Wine make it into a Masse of Pils A Receit for curing the Bloody Flux and for healing the Ulcers in the Guts caused thereby TAke the inner Rind of a sapline Oak about 20 yeers growth put 2 handfuls of the said Rind being cut into small peeces in a quart of Milk Boyl the same till it be ready to run over then slake it with cold Milk and Plantine-water So boyl and slake it five or six times which maketh more astringent Let the Patient take half a pinte at a time adding to it a little grosse Pepper Put the same back in water and boyl it with a little Cynamon and drink at Meals together with the aforesaid An approved Remedy by many for an Ague TAke of Smalledge one handfull and bruise the leaves by it self then take of white Frankincense 1 d. and break it small with one handfull of Bay-Salt the which mingle together with the Herbs and make a Plaister thereof And a little before the Fit cometh apply it to the wrists of each Arm and likewise to the bowing of his Arms so let them lye on till they be dry continue so doing four or five times and it helpeth An Almond-Milk to cool and induce sleep TAke sweet Almonds blanched 5 li. beat them in a stone-mortar by sprinkling them now and then with a little Barly-water at last put a quart of Barly-water to them and four ounces of fine Sugar Then strain it adding two ounces of Rosewater this may be drawn out with Chickin broth and sweetned with Sugar-candy instead of other Sugar To make a Barly Cream TAke 3 ounces of Barly boiled till it break off blanched Almonds 2 ounces draw it out with half a pint of Barly-water and strain it And put so to it 1 ounce of the Julip of Roses and a little sugar Make a draught of Barly Cream to be taken bedward to bring sleep in Fevers and to cool hot and sharp Urine An excellent approved Water for Sore Eyes to preserve the Eye-sight and to recover it being hindred by any cause or means whatsoever TAke 3 dr of Tuttia beaten into small powder and as much Aloe Epaticum 3 dr of fine Sugar 6 ounces of Rose water and as much White wine Mingle all together and put them into a glass and stop it close and let it stand in the Sun for the space of a moneth stirring it together once every day then take the same and distill it and when you will use it take the quantitie of 5 or 6 drops at a time of the same Water and drop it into your eyes both morning and evening and so continue it for a short space and it will preserve your sight and cause it to come again being hindred and gone and to be as clear and as perfect as ever it was before This hath been truly proved by divers that have lost their Eye-sight
it with clarified Honey or Sugar and make thereof an Electuarie and eat thereof morning and evening An excellent Medicine for the Wind-Collick TAke Sassafrasse Parsley Lime and Archangel of each a like quantitie boil them in stale Ale from a quart to a pinte then strain them and let the Patient drink thereof morning and evening and fast an hour after it Another approved Receit to expell Winde and to comfort the Stomack TAke Cynamon Ginger Mace Cubes Gallingall Anise-seeds Comin-seeds and Parsley-seeds with powder of Bays Camomile-flowers Wormwood Mints and Rue mix them together and put them in a cup of Beer drink hereof morning and evening and you will finde speedie remedie A marvellous good Remedie for the Palsie TAke the distilled water of Daffodils bathe and rub the Patient with the said Liquor by the fire and it will cure him An approved Remedy for heat in the Mouth or Throat TAke a quart of Spring-water and put it into a Pipkin and put thereto 2 sticks of Licorish and some Violet-leaves then boyl it to a pinte and strain it and gargle therewith often For the Heat of the Back TAke Oyl of Roses 6 ounces and an half and put to it a little Wax 4 drops of Vineger and anoint the back therewith An excellent Receit for the heat in the Face TAke Campher and lay it in fair water 4 or 5 hours then take a peece of Campher and some of the Water which it lyeth in and a spoonful of Capons grease and stir them wel together half an hour then anoint the face therewith 20 times a day and it will drive away the heat An excellent Receit to cause sleep TAke 1 ounce of Conserve of red Roses half a drachm of Alkirmis and one drachm of Diuscordium mingle these together and eat them when you go to bed the quantity of a Nutmeg at a time An approved Remedy for the Cough TAke Brimstone beaten to powder half an ounce put it in a new-laid Egg soft rosted mingle it well together then drink it in the morning at your breakfast make as much again at night when you go to Bed and you shall be well at the second or third time but if the Cough hath holden you long you must take it so much the oftner A soverain Medicine for the Cramp TAke the little bone of the knee-joynt of the hinder leg of a Hare and touch ●he grieved place therewith and it doth straitway help the Cramp An excellent Receit for an Ague TAke Dragon Salendine Burrage Buglosse Angelica Succory Endive Sorrell Betony Pimpernell Scabius Agrimony White honey-suckles that grow among the graft a and Red honey-suckles of the same sort of each of these a handfull of Carduus Benedictus 2 handfuls dryed or green shred them and boyl them very small then set them to steep in a pottle of White-wine over night and still it the next day in a dry still the first is the best and the small Water is very good though not so strong then give it to the sick party 1 hour before the fit doth come 6 or 7 spoonfuls warming it first and let the sick go into a warm bed to sweat presently and he will find help hereby This hath been truly proved To make an Issue TAke Rie-flower and Mustard-seed beaten to powder and with water make a little paste and lay a Ring upon the place made of a rush and apply it An approved Receipt for a Scal'd Head TAke a Candle and let it drop upon it as hot as you can in so doing it will scale off then take the Stale of a Cow and the furring of a whole Chamber-pot boil these together and wash the place and it will straightway cure it For the Hickup STop both your ears with your fingers and the hickup will presently leave you An excellent Medicine for the Gowt TAke Ivie that grows on a Wall 2 handfuls and put it into raw Milk and put thereto Bores-grease and Oatmeal and boyl it together and apply it to the part grieved For the Morphew USe to drink the Water of Strawberries distilled and it wil kill the root of any Morphew that is within the body A Posset-drink to cool the Liver TAke Milk and put therein a Succory-root well bruised and boil them then make a Posset thereof with two spoonfulls of Vineger and boil therein Currents Raisins of the Sun and Cynamon To open the Obstructions of the Liver and to preserve from the Dropsie TAke every day half a drachm of fine Rhubarb thin sliced with a spoonfull of Currents steeped and washed in White-wine 2 hours then chap them finely with the Rhubarb and eat them fasting 9 mornings together at the Spring and Fall To stay a Loosenesse TAke a Pint of Milk of a Red or black Cow set it on the fire and when it Boils up pour in a spoonfull of Spring-water then let the Milk boil up again and do in the same manner 9 times drink hereof when it is boil'd in the morning after dinner and in the evening A speciall Receipt for the Spleen TAke 3 or 4 handfulls of the Leaves and Flowers of Melilot and put them into a pottle of Water but let the one half of the water be Smiths-water and the other hal● the party grieved his own water and let it seeth till it come to a quart then take both Herbs and Flowers and put them into a bag and then lay them to the Patients side a● hot as he is able to endure it let him use this for 9 or 10 dayes together every day once and it will cure him How to make the Salsaperilla-drink which is very good for those that are troubled with the Foul Disease otherwise called Morbus Gallicus or the French Pox. TAke 4 ounces of Salsaperilla and let it soak in 10 pound of Water a whole night then take the Salsaperilla out of the Water and cut it into small pieces then put the Salsaperilla so cut into the same Water again and take 1 ounce of China-roots grate or cut them very small take also 1 ounce of Licorish beat it with an hammer and cut it also into small pieces then take 1 ounce of Anise-seed and bruise it a little and take 1 pound of Raisins of the Sun the stones being taken out of them put altogether into the said 10 pound of Water and put all into a large pot or Pipkin which must be so large that the foresaid Commodities with the Water do not fill the Pot above half full lest it should run over in the boiling keep the said pot close stop't boiling some 8 or 10 hours together untill half be boiled away then put into it again as much Water as you conceive was boiled away and let it boil for the space of 3 hours longer then take it off from the fire and put therein half an ounce of Sena and drink thereof in the morning a good draught to go to stool the rest of the drink when it 's
will speedily destroy them all A singular approved Medicine for one that is burst in the Belly or Cods TAke a handfull of Camphire a handfull of Polypodium otherwise called Oak-Fern a handfull of Knot-worth a pottle of White-wine Knot-gras and Solomons-seal of each a handfull half a pound of Raisins of the Sun Mace 3 drachms Dates 4 drachms Put all these together in an Earthen-Pot and stop it close then take a Kettle of five or six Gallons and fill it with Water and set it on the fire then take the said Earthen-pot and stop it very close with a little Paste and put it into the Kettle of Water aforesaid and let the Water boil continually the space of 5 or 6 hours at the least with the Earthen-Pot therein and keep another Kettle still boiling with Water to supply the want of that which boyleth away then take the Earthen pot out of it and take out all the things that are therein and beat them in a Mortar then strain them and give the patient of this Liquor to drink both first and last and it will cure him A marvelous good Medicine for those that cannot void Water TAke Wood-Betony both the Roots and Leaves of it wash them very clean and dry them in an Oven then beat them into fine powder and drink the same in White-wine Posset-Ale or any ordinary drink and it will cause you immediately to void water with ease although you were much troubled therewith before Another for the same purpose TAke Ivie-berries and beat them to powder and let the Patient drink it in White-wint or in stale Ale somewhat hot and it will cause him forthwith to make Water that often could not A singular good Medicine to cure the Strangury TAke red Bramble-berries but take them before they become black and likewise Ivie-berries and Acorns put these into two severall pots and let them stand in an Oven to dry untill they be fit to be beaten into powder Then take Sitia Alexandrina Persley-seeds Grommelseeds Broom-seeds Coriander-seeds and of the inward part or pith of Ashen-keyes of each of these a like quantity add thereunto twice as much Licorish finely scraped as the weight or substance of all these cometh to Afterward beat them all into powder and mix them all together and use to drink hereof both morning and evening in Posset-drink made with White-wine or else with Renish wine Use this drink twice or thrice a week at the least and you will find great ease and comfort thereby An approved Remedy for a Bruise TAke Wall-wort Smalledge and Balm of each a handfull stamp them altogether well in a Mortar then add thereunto a pound of May-butter and mix them all well together afterward make them into round Balls and let them lie by you for the space of 7 or 8 dayes then stamp them again as you did before and after you have done so take it and fry it and strain it and put it into an earthen Pot and souce it and this will cure the bruise be it never so black A singular good Receipt for all manner of Bruises and sprainings of the Sinews TAke a pottle of Neats-foot-Oyl and a quart of Ox-gall a pint of Aquavitae and a pint of rose-Rose-water likewise Bay-leaves Rosemary stripped from the stalk Strawberry-leaves roots and strings Lavender-cotten of each a handfull beat them very small and put thereunto the aforesaid stuff and let it boil on the fire in a Pot or Pipkin that holdeth two Gallons and at your perill see that the flame touch not the stuff Let it boyl very well then take it off and let it stand untill it be almost cold then strain it through a course linnen cloth but not the grounds or botom of the said Liquor then put it into a Glasse and so keep it and when occasion serveth anoint the place grieved therewith and it will help you A very good Medicine for young Children that are bound in the Belly and troubled with Wormes TAke one scruple of the pulp of Colloquintida Infuse it in pure Sallet-Oyl for the space of 24 hours or else infuse 2 scruples of Aloes-Cicatrina pounded in warm Sallet-Oyl Anoint the Childs Navill when he goeth to bed with either of these and it will give him 2 or 3 stools and destroy the Worms in the Body A singular good Receipt to cure a Canker upon a mans Yard TAke Roch-Allom one ounce and half an ounce of Verdigrease Mingle them well in smiths-Smiths-water and put altogether into some Glasse or other Vessell close stopped and when they are well soaked boil them for the space of 2 hours then strain them and put it in again into the Glass or Vessell aforesaid and stop it very close Anoint your Yard often therewith and it will speedily destroy the Canker A marvellous good Remedy to cure the Sciatica TAke the Oyl of Neats-foot Aqua-Composita Mingle and incorporate both well together when you have done so annoint the place grieved well therewith then take Wooll that is newly plucked off from the Sheeps back and lay it thereupon and keep it close wrapped in with warm clothes and this will afford present ease and comfort A wonderfull good Medicine to cleanse the Mouth and fasten the Teeth TAke Woodbine-leaves and Sage of each a good handfull and a spoonful or more of pure English Honey and a piece of Allom of the quantity of a big Wallnut Boil all these together in a quart of fair Running-water and boil them untill the one half be consumed or boiled away then strain it through a fine Linen-cloth and wash your mouth and teeth well therewith luke-warm it wil both cleanse your Mouth of all corruption and filth and fasten your Teeth A marvelous good Remedy for the Gowt which never faileth TAke half a pound of unwrought Wax half a pound of Rosin and one ounce of Libanum a quarter of a pound of Lettargie of Gold and 3 quarters of a pound of White-Lead beaten to powder searse it through a Searser then take a pint of Neatsfoot-Oyl and set it over the fire in some small Vessel and mingle it with the Wax and Rosin and when it is melted put all the other powders therin then stir it as fast as ever you can with a stick and put a litle of it into a Pewter sawcer and if it be hard being so tried in the Sawcer then take it from the fire and anoint some fair even board with some of the Neatsfoot-Oyl and as soon as you are able to handle it by reason of the heat work it as it were Shoemakers wax and so make it into great Rolls or Balls Make plaisters hereof with a Chafindish of Coles spread it upon a piece of Leather apply it warm to the place where the pain or Grief is and renew it so every morning and evening untill the pain be clean gone or untill it be drawn into some other joint and then apply your plaisters in like sort where the grief is
and Harts-horn of each 1. dra Rhubarb 2. drachmes dry Rue 3. drachmes mingle them together The Dose is 2. drachmes at a time A very good Powder to be taken Evening and Morning and at Bed-time against the Epilepsies TAke Pyony-seed and Mistletoe of the Oak of each 1. dra of the great beast an ounce and half Red Corall Nutmegs Mustard-seed Clarified and the Root of white Dictamne and Corianders prepared of each 1. drachm mingle them and take a little at a time A Powder or grossely prepared Dredge to be taken in the Morning and after meales to help Concoction to comfort the Brain to break Wind and to make a sweet Breath TAke Licorish cut small Anise-seed-Comfets with one skin of Sugar of each 2. ounces Comfets of sweet Fennel-seeds with one skin of sugar Coryanders prepared and Carua-seeds of each 1. ounce White Ginger Cynamon Calamus Aromaticus Nutmeg of each 1. dra cut very small of the Lozanges of acomaticum rosarum of Manus Christi with Chymical Oyl of Cynamon Cloves and Lozanges of Dyambra of each alike cut into small peeces half an ounce to be taken about a spoonfull at the times aforesaid A Confection for the same TAke Anise-seeds Fennel-seeds Carua-seeds Coriander-seeds White Ginger of each 3. Drachmes and half Calamus aromaticus Nutmeg of each 1. drachm Cynamon Licorish small cut of each 2. drachmes White-sugar dissolved with rose-Rose-water one pound and half Musk 2. grains Make hereof a Confection to take in little morsels A Powder for Bruises and against Congealed blood TAke Mummy and Dragons blood and Terra sigillata or Lemnia of each two drachmes Sperma Caeti 1. dra Rhubarb half a drachm Make hereof a Powder The dose is 1. drachm 4. scruples A good Conserve in hot Pestilent Fevers restoring the spirits consumed with heat TAke the tart flesh of Cytrons quite from the seeds with a wooden Instrument 3. pound Water 1. pound Sugar well refined 3. pound and a half Boyl it in a glazed Pipkin stirring it with a wooden Spatter untill it comes to the consistance of a Conserve A Physicall Bag to dry up and stay Rhumes TAke Milletseed half a pound Anise-seeds Fennel-seeds Carua-seeds Comin-seeds Camomile-flowers Tops of Dill of each 1. oun make them hot in a pot and put them into a Bag and apply it hot to the head or any part that hath a cold Rhume to trouble or Palsey it A Physicall Bag or Quilt for a cold Stomach TAke dry Wormwood Mints Anise-seeds 2. ounces Rynds of Cytrons half an ounce Galange Cipporus Cloves of each alike Mastick Corall Anise-seed-rootes of each 2. drachms make a Quilt for the Stomach For a Pain in the Side TAke one Pint of the Carminative Decoction of Diacatholicon half an ounce of Kitchin Sugar 3. ounces of Oyl of Camomile 2. oun of Salt a small handfull wherewith make a Glister at night take half an ounce of London-Treakle dissolve it in a draught of Camomile or Carduus-Posset so drink it bedward and sweat after it In your sweating now and then drink a little Mace-Ale also anoint the pained side with oyl of Dill hot or make a quilt of Camomile or Mellilot-flowers also the herb of Camomile and Pellitory of the wall of each 3 good handfuls of Dill-seed 4. ounces of the seeds of Anise Fennel Comin of each 2. ounces make a quilt about the bignesse of two Trenchers square Then boyl this quilt in milk for half an hour after presse it very well between two Trenchers so apply it as hot as may be endured to the pained side all night An Excellent Syrrop for a weak Stomach TAke Cynamon grossely bruised Sea-wormwood of each a quarter of a pound Red-Roses 1. ounce the Juyce of Quinces and Sherry Sack one pint and 3. quarters put them into a stone-bottle close stopt and set them to infuse in a pot of warm water four and twenty hours then take them out and give them one boyling or two then strain them after boil the same into a Syrrop with a pound and a quarter of fine Sugar Take hereof every morning two or three spoonfulls so likewise in the Evening either alone or in a little Mint-water This Syrrop is very effectuall to strengthen a weak Stomach Liver to excite a dejected Appetite to make the Bowels hardy and strong and to take away their weak wearish tendernesse and comfort their retentive faculties A comfortable Syrrop to be taken against Melancholy TAke the clear juyce of Burrage Buglosse and Pippins of each half a pound The Juyce of Sorrel Endive and Hops of each 2. ounces Cynamon and yellow Sanders of each 1. drachme clarifie them with the white of an Eg and boyl them into a Syrrop with a pound and half of fine Sugar then hang therein this tied in a Button Saffron half a drachm of Scarlet-Dye one drachm 6. grains of Ambergrease of Lignum Aloes one scruple For the Green-Sickness TAke of Sena half a pound Polipodie 4. ounces Epithymum 2. ounces Agarick Rhubarb of each one ounce sweet Fennel and Anise-seeds of each an ounce half Salsaperilla 5. ounces Sassafras one ounce Make a Bag for three Gallons of new Ale and about 2. or 3. dayes after it hath done working drink of it both evening and morning without intermission the quantity of 5. ounces about 2. or 3. dayes after the ending of this bleed in the Arm then rest one day after take the Steel-wine for a fortnight then rest for 2. or 3. dayes Lastly take the Pills de tribus Farnelii the quantity of half a drachm or somewhat more at a time one hour at least before Supper thrice a week Another for the Green-sicknesse FIrst vomit then for four or five dayes take Worm-wood-beer and Conserve of Worm-wood afterwards purge as before once then take the Steel-Electuary or Steel-wine using after that great exercise after the Electuary use Worm-wood-beer or Wine and once in five or six dayes purge with the Extract Rhudius a Pill so called or otherwise as before and seven or eight dayes before the time of the Courses or towards the new Moon bleed in the foot use the Steel-wine set down in London-dispensitory taking from half an ounce to an ounce or the Steel-wine thus In a quart of White-wine put half an ounce of prepared Steel and 1. drach of Cloves and Mace and more of this take 2. ounces at the first according by degrees unto 6. ounces A Cooling Julip TAke Barly-water sorrel-Sorrel-water of each half a pound Julip and Syrrop of Violets Syrrop of the Juice of Cytrons of each 1. ounce Oyl of Vitriol two or three drops mingle them make a Julip very pleasing to Cool To make the Pills of Rosetta for Quitting the Stomach of soil and for helping Concoction TAke one pound of pure Aloes powdered and searced and put it into an Earthen vessel glazed whereunto put so much Juice of Damask-Roses or rose-Rose-water as to make it of the consistance of Honey Then set it upon
dr make a Glisters Also the Corminative Decoction hath the same effect A Glister to purge Melancholy TAke one pint of the Common Decoction wherein boyl Burrage Buglosse Fumitary flowers of Camomil Mellilot and Dill to the which put Diacatholicon 1. ounce Hamech half an ounce Oyl of Dill Violets and Lillies of each 1. ounce make a Glister To stay bleeding at Nose PUt up Tents of Towe in powdered colcated Vitreol burnt red with the white of an Egg which doth presently cauterize the vein and sear it up A Powder outwardly applyed to bind astringe in Bleeding TAke of Frankincense 1. dr Aloes half a dr make them into powder which temper with the white of an Egg to the consistance of Honey Then put thereunto the soft hairs of a Hare and apply it to the bleeding wound Sore or vein plentifully and tie it on To take away red Spots Freckles and Pimples in the Face TAke of Mercury Sublimate powdered 1. dr the which dissolve in half a pound of fair water upon hot embers in a Pot put to it the ●uice of Lemmon so use it Of Nasalls deterging these are used to purge the Head by the Nose and are of excellent use in Apoplexical Diseases Lethargies or dead sleep TAke Barley-water a pound Honey Roses or Syrrop of Stecados 4. ounces mingle them and snuf into the Nose a moderate quantity at a time Liquid Nasalls for Fleam TAke the distilled water of Hysop Sage Marjoram Betony Piony half a pound White-wine 2. ounces Juice of Mercury Anagalis of each 1. ounce Honey or Oxmiel Scilitium an ounce and half for a Nasall to be snuffed up warm will bring down Fleam in abundance and to increase more the drawing down of Fleam you may boyl in the waters 1. drachme and half of Agarick trochiscated A Nasall to draw down Choler TAke Barley-water wherein you may put 1 dr of Diagredium and 2. ounces of the Syrrop of Roses A Nasall to draw down Melancholy USe the Nasall for the Fleam wherein you may boyl Sena or black Hellebor or Polipody or Epithymum A Nasall against an ill smell proceeding from the Nose TAke the juice of Marjoram Rose water of each 2 ounces of the flowers of Orenges one ounce Honey of Roses strained half a dram Musk 1 grain Amber-grease two grains mingle these together and snuf them up into the Nose Directions how to Govern a Woman in her first conception before in and after the great work of labour that she may know how to foster it and hold it fast till time of Maturity then how with ease and good speed to bring it into the world and after how to reduce her selfe to her wonted state of health THerefore to preserve her Infant and prevent Abort or miscarrying this ensuing Remedy is commended to be taken Take of Coriander seed prepared 2 drachms of the root of Bistort the shavings of Ivory and red Corrall of each a drachm of White Amber Christal or each a scruple Alkermes half a scruple Sugar dissolved in 4 ounces of Rose-water make Tabelets each of them weighing a drachm Let the patient take one every other day in the morning and in the Evening between whiles Let her sup up a rear new Egg thickned a little with Magisterium of Pearl or fine Powder or red Corral But if her Brests after their filling should begin to lessen and fall it is a presage of future Abort she must then apply these sear-clothes hereafter following Take the Root of Bistort of Corianders of each t o dr of unripened Gales of red Sanders and Hipecistidos of each one dr of Ladanum a Gum Mastick of each half an ounce of choice Frankincense of Bdellium the Gum of a Tree in Arabia of each two dr of Coral Amber of each one dr powder these which are to be powdered and with Oyl of Mastick Turpentine and Wax make two or three Searclothes Apply them sometimes to her Loyns and sides and sometimes too under the Navil she must avoid all sudden and violent motions both of the mind and body as Coughs Sneesings Frights also Spices and strong Wines and thus much before labour In Labour to procure ease and speed take of the Powder as followeth Take of the root of white Dictamne of the Stones of Dates of Borax of each 2. scruples of Cynamon Cassia Lignea Amber Fine Pearl of each 1. scruple of Saffron half a scruple make a small powder which divide into two equall parts and let her take one part in a draught of the Water of white Lillies or Posset-Ale made with Renish Wine and the other part let her take about six hours after if need require if she should be subject to fainting or swouning before or after Labor take now and then a spoonfull of this excellent Cordiall as followeth Take of Borage-water Rose-water Strawberry-water and Renish-wine of each 2. ounces of the Species of Diamargaricum Frigidum 1. scruple make a warm infusion for the space of an hour then strain and adde thereunto Manus Christi made with Pearl 4. ounces of the Syrrop of Baum 1. ou of the Syrrop of Lemons and the Syrrop of Gilley-flowers of each 2. ounces of Oriental Besar Vnicorns-horn and amber-grease of each 6. grains make a Cordial Julip After Labour Many times great pains and panges do follow women newly delivered for which this plain simple Remedy is very good Drink a good draught of bear boyled with a spoonfull of Camomile-flowers and in greater pains let her drink 6. ounces of the Oyl of sweet Almonds fresh drawn To dry up Milk a quick and safe Remedie is neu sponges wet in vineger wherein a handfull of comin-seed bruised is boiled tyed close to the Brests also anointing them with Vnguentum populeum To procure store of Milk use Posset-drink made and boiled with Fennel and the sweet seeds of Anise seeds and Fennel Also to cause speedy Labour take 3 or 4 drops of the distilled Oyl of Nutmegs in a spoonfull of white-wine These Remedies are approved to be safe sure and forceable to effect what is desired A Restorative-broth for weak persons TAke an ounce and half of very good Salsaperilla and half an ounce of China sliced a spoonful of Hartshorn scraped and a spoonfull of Ivory Infuse them 3 or 4 houres in 3 pints of chickin-broth upon hot embers and close stopt then boil it to a pint and a half with a few Rasins stoned and two or three Dates whereof drink every morning a glassefull Adde towards the end of the boiling half a spoonfull of Marigold-flowers A Cordial against Melancholy vapors c. TAke of baum-Baum-water half a pound of Burrage and rose-Rose-water of each 2 ounces make it a little tart with a few drops of the oyl of brimstone in which infuse cold 1 scruple of Saffron for 4 houres then put to it half an ounce of Burrage and Buglosse which let stand for 4 or 5 houres more then let it run thorow an hipocras bag whereunto put dulcified
Magisterium of pearl 2 scruples East-Indie-Bezer 6 ounces as much Vnicorns horn Syrop of Baum fresh made 1 ounce Syrop of the rindes of cytrons and good syrop of Gillyflowers of each half an ounce confection of Alkirmis 1 drachm Aqua caelestis one spoonful so make it a Julip very cordial whereof take a spoonfull now and then as occasion requireth Dissolve in this Julip 1 ounce of Manus christi A temperate cordiall Julip TAke of Burrage Sorrel Scabious and Rose-water of each 2 ounces and half of the species of Diamargarater frigidum 1 scruple give it a warm or two over the fire Then turn it in an hipocras bag to which adde Manus christi with pearl 3 ounces or 4 ounces of syrop of Baum and Lemons of each 1 ounce Dissolve the Manus christi on the fire then take it off and adde to it Bezer-stone and Vnicorns-horn of each 4 grains so make it into a Julip A distilled purging water to be used in Dropsies TAke the berries or seeds of Elders of Danewort being ripe in the Autumn a good quantity presse out their juyce then bruise the stones or kirnels and pour on the juyce and distill it This water purgeth plentifully waterish humors in Dropsies given from 1 ounce to 2 ounces being aromatized with Cynamon and Corianders prepared A Vomiting Water TAke of Crocus metallorum 1 ounce of Carduus Benedictus-water 2 li. Cynamon half a ounce infuse them for 3 or 4 days then ●train them and keep it for use The Dose is from 1 ounce to 2 or 3 ounces For provoking the Courses and curing Vapours histericall TAke Pils of Castorium with a little Nutmeg Castor powdered as much as will ●ye upon a Groat taken often in Beer provo●eth womens Courses and cureth Vapors histe●icall Cordials to be taken after Physick TAke of Alkermes 1 drachm and mingle it with 2 ounces of the Syrop of Gillyflowers or take the Conserve of Gillyflowers 2 drachms and mingle it with Alkermes Or take of Diacodium half an ounce and Alkermes half a drachm dissolved in Strawberry or Lettice or Carduus benedictus or Rosewater Of take of Mitridate or old Conserve of Roses of each the quantity of an hazle Nutt Take it towards bed-time A Purging Ale or Bear to clear Melancholy Fleam Choler and all muddy and terrestriall humors to purifie the Blood and quit the Scurvy and the like TAke the depined juices of Apples Fumitary Agrimony Succory Burrage Baum Scabius Liverwort Scurvy grasse Tops of Hops all stampt together 2 pound Roots of Polipody of the Oak 2 ounces roots of Grass Asparragus Sorrel Buglosse Succory red Dock Elycampany of each half an ounce rindes of Capers Tamarisk the inner rind of young sprouts of Ash of each 3 drachms Licorish and Epithymum of each 1 drachm half Maidenhair Agrimony of each 2 good handful Broom-flowers Violets Burrage and Buglosse of each a good handfull the foure greater and foure lesser cold-Seeds of each 2 drachms Sena 5 ounces or half a li. Rhubarb 1 ounce Mechoican 1 ounce and half Seeds of Fennel Carua Anise of each 6 drachms Ivory Harts horn Yellow Sanders Sassafrasse of each half an ounce Ginger 2 drachms 1 Nutmeg prepare all according to Art and make a Bag to foment and work in foure Gallons of Eight shillings Bear and after it hath wrought put in the juices Let all the Herbs be of equal quantity Also this purgeth a dust burn atrabilarious humors openeth obstructions of the Liver and Spleen Another Purging Ale TAke of Sena 6 ounces Polipody of the Oak 4 ounces Epithymum 2 ounces Agarick Rhubarb of each 6 drams Ginger 1 ounce Anise seeds sweet fennel-seeds of each an ounce and half Sasaparilla sliced half an ounce Dockroots Madder roots Succory and Fennel roots of each 1 ounce and if green Fumitary Agrimony and Succory be come up take 2 good handfuls of each of Harts-horn Ivory of each 2 ounces yellow sanders 1 ounce make it into a Bag of 4 gallons of Ale to which adde one pint and a half of the juyce of Succory scurvy-grasse Let all work 3 days and then drink of it twice a day A Dyet-drink to clear and temper the blood TAke Scurvy grasse half a peck Brooklime Watercresses Agrimrny Maidenhair Liverwort Burrage Buglosse Bettony Sage Sweet marjorum Sea-wormwood tops of green hops Fumitary of each a good handfull Ivory Harts-horn and yellow Sanders of each one ounce Red dock-roots 2. ounces Persly Fennel Asparagus-roots of each 1. ounce Rasins half a pound boil these very well in a gallon of Beer then stamp and strain them and put it into three gallons more of Beer to work together A Cerote for the Splene TAke of Amoniack Bdellium Apapanax of each 1. drachm of the flowers of Mellilot Camomile Scolopend Maidenhair the Rindes of the roots of Tamarick Capers Plantin-seed Lin-seed and Fennegreek of each two scruples Of the oyl of Capers 2 ounces of fresh Butter an ounce and half of Ship-pitch 1 ounce mingle them and make a Cerote to be applyed to the Region of the Spleen A Decoction to be taken against the Inflammations and obstructions of the Liver TAke of Burrage Buglosse Agrimony Succory Violets Endive Fumitory of each a good handfull of the roots of Parsley and Fennel of each 1. ounce of Rasins stoned 4 ounces of Dates 3 ounces of Anis seeds 2 ounces of fountain-Fountain-water and White-wine of each 3 li. of sugar 1 li. of Licorish 1 ounce Mingle all and boil to the consumption of half strain it very well Take hereof every morning six ounces at a time A Syrop to cleanse and temper the Blood TAke of the Juice of Scurvy-grasse Brook-lime Water-cresses Buglosse Pippins or Pear-mains of each half a li. of the Rinds of roots of Capers tamarisk Ash of the roots of Elicampany of red dock-roots of Polipody of the Oke of each half an ounce of Epithymum Baum Agrimony Maidenhair Broom Flowers Burrage of each half a handful of the seeds of Cucumber of Millions bruised of each half an ounce seeth all to a li. and half strain boil it into a Syrop with a sufficient quantity of Sugar A gratefull Potion to purge and cleanse the Spleen TAke of Sena 6 drathms of strawberry-Strawberry-water made sharp with the Juyce of Lemons half a li. a little stick of Cynamon Infuse it 24 houres then boil it gently and strain it hard to which expression add an ounce and half of the Juice of Pippins or Pearmains of Sugar-candy half an ounce clarifie it with the white of an egge A good Decoction against the Cough and short-breathing TAke of Baum Maidenhair Scabius Hore-hound Hysop of each a good handfull of the flowers of Violets Buglosse Burrage of each a good handfull of the roots of Longdebeef 2 ounces of Damask-Prunes Junibes 1 ounce and half Sebesten Barly Dates dry figs of each 1 ounce of Licorish 10 ounces Penedies 2 ounces and half of Fennel 4 ounces of Honey half a li. Seeth all in
bind it up Plague Eat so much of it as a Nutmeg every morning and put a little of it in your Nose Green-sicknes Eat so much of it as a Nutmeg every morning walk a good while after Note that when you apply a cloth dipped to any Wound Swelling or Bruise you must do it very hot A speciall good Receipt for the Falling-Sicknes TAke of Boxleaves 3 handfulls of Pionie-roots small and thin sliced 2 handfulls of Pionie-seed pilled 6 ounces Boil these in 3 Gallons of Ale or Bear to 2 Gallons then give of this drink to the Patient every day twice a good draught warm and by Gods blessing he shall recover A marvelous good Medicine for the Deafnesse in the Ear. TAke of the pulp of Colloquintida the seeds clean picked out and 〈◊〉 ●t away 1 scruple infuse it 6 hours in half an ounce of Oyl of Bitter Almonds and 5 grains of Civit being well incorporated let it stand in a Glass in warm-Warm-Water 6 hours as aforesaid Reserve this and when you have use of it with a feather drop when you go to Bed thrice a week two or three drops into your ear lying upon the contrary ear and so sleep that ear being stopped with Wooll An approved Remedie for the Plague and to prevent infection TAke three Pints of the best Malmsey boyl therein one handfull of Rue and one handfull of Sage till one Pint be boyled away then strain it after set it over the fire again and put thereto Long-Pepper Ginger and Nutmegs all these three beaten together one ounce then boyl all these together a little more after take it off from the fire and put therein 1 ounce of the best Mithridatum and 2 ounces of the best Treakle a quarter of a Pint of the best Aquavitae So keep this as thy life above all other things or Medicines and make use thereof viz. Note this well If thou think thy self to be at any time infected of the Plague take every Morning and Evening one spoonfull at a time luke-warm if not infected take this but once or twice a week at the most and but half a spoonfull at a time In any Plague-time trust in God and next under God trust to this for there was never Man Woman nor Child that ever this Drink deceived if the heart be not clean mortified and drowned with poyson too long before It is not only good against the common Plague but also the next kin to the Plague as the Swelling-Sicknes Small-Pox Measels Surfeit and such like taking a spoonfull of it when thou first fallest sick and at all other times as need requireth Assure your selves this is better then Beazer-stone to draw away all infection from the Heart Where any sick Party drinks thereof they must lye down and sweat two or three hours in Bed and after be very well dried and very warm kept drinking nothing but warm drink and Caudles so shall the sicknes keep from thy Heart c. This Drink will keep half a year good being well covered An Aquavitae Bottle will keep this Drink very well This hath been proved of many and never failed but did good with Gods help An excellent and approved Medicine for the Piles TAke two handfuls of Souhern-wood and strip the leaves from the stalk then take new fresh Butter as it cometh from the Churne unsalted and a little Saffron Bruise the Herbs and fry them in a Frying-Pan with the aforesaid Butter untill they are become tender then take and spread them upon a fine linen Cloth and lay them to the sore place as hot as possibly it may be suffered and doubtles this will help A speciall Receipt to stanch the bleeding of the Piles TAke a good quantity of the Juice of Milfoil put thereto a pretty quantity of the powder of burnt Garlick and let the party grieved drink thereof either in Ale or Wine and the Piles will dye in a short space Another for the same TAke Leaves of Mullet and Leaves of an Elder-Tree and stamp them very well and mingle them with a Butter that is unsalted and anoint the place grieved often therewith before a good fire and this will cure you To Loosen the Body of one that is hard Bound TAke a Chickin and a pretty quantity of Cassia Fistula Boyl these in fair running-Water and drink the Broth there of and it will immediately procure loosenes without pain Another for the same purpose TAke the Juice of Southernwood and anoint your Belly well therewith and it will loosen your Body very gently A speciall Remedy for those that spit Blood TAke Betony Mints Smalledge Yarrow and Rue of each a like quantity Boyl them all together in new Milk and let the Patient sup it off as hot as he can endure it and it will help him An approved Receipt to stanch the Bleeding of any Wound TAke a linnen-cloth and burn it then take the powder thereof and spread it thick upon another cloth and lay it to the Wound and it will stanch the bleeding of it immediately Also take Pimpernel and hold it between your Teeth and you shall not bleed any more whilest you hold it there Another excellent Remedy to stanch Bleeding TAke a Toad and dry him very well in the Sun then put him into a linnen-bag and hang him with a string about the Neck of the party that bleedeth and let it hang so low that it may touch the Brest on the left side neer unto the Heart and this will certainly stay all manner of Bleeding at the Mouth Nose Wound or otherwise whatsoever A speciall Remedy to cure one that is bitten of a Mad Dog TAke Night shade Betony and Wild Sage of each a handfull and a pint of fair Running Water Stamp the Herbs and strain them with the said Water and then put thereto one peny-worth of Treakle and so give it the party to drink 3 or 4 mornings together fasting and apply the Herbs strained to the Wound and this will shortly help Another excellent Medicine for the biting of a Mad Dog Adder or Snake or any other Venimous Beast DRink in Dragon-water the powder of Crefish shels with Mithridat● and apply to the Wound Garlick and powder of Crefish-shels mixed and strained together To avoid the stinging or biting either by Wasps or Bees TAke a good quantity of Mallows stamp them and mingle them with Oyl-Olive and whatsoever part of your Body is anointed therewith neither Wasps nor Bees will touch there A speciall Receipt to destroy Lice TAke Frankincense and beat it into fine powder and a good quantity of Bores-grease Boil them together in an Earthen Pan and when it 's boiled anoint therewith the place where the Lice are and you shall be suddenly rid of them Another for the same purpose TAke two peny-worth of Staves-acre beat it into very fine powder then searse it and mingle the same with Sope and Tobacco Ashes and so make an Ointment thereof use this often and it
would boil Marmalade for then you spoil it then take half an ounce of fine Ginger beaten to powder and strow it on and alwayes stir it till it be cold put it in a Box as you do Marmalade and use to eat the quantity of a Chesnut first and last it causeth sleep and refresheth health An exceeding good Receipt for a Consumption TAke a handfull or two of Clary-leaves and pick them clean and 4 or 5 Yolks of Hen-Egs newly laid Make a Tansie hereof and use it 8 mornings together with Nutmegs and Sugar then take Saffron and dry it upon a Tile stone or some such thing and grind it very small and put all these together and fry them in Fresh-Butter and let the Patient eat it first in the morning for 8 dayes together and it will do him exceeding much good Another excellent Medicine for a Consumption TAke a Cock that is of a reddish colour and about the age of 4 or 5 years kill him and dress him very fair and divide him into 4 quarters and bruise him then pick out all the fat very clean and take half a handfull of red-Mints and a handful of Harts-tongue put them into a Pot and cover it close then put thereto half a pint of fair running-Running-water and as much pure Malmsey 6 crops of Hysop one root of Parsley one root of Fennel one root of Endive drie red-Rose-leaves Raisins of the Sun and Pruines of each 15. and 4 or 5 Maces distill all these together for the space of 12 or 13 hours and keep the Pot close covered with Paste that none of the Liquor or Moisture run out Let the patient drink hereof every morning fasting and by Gods help he shall recover An experienced Medicine for the Tisick TAke Parsley-roots Fennel-roots Hysop and Succory-roots of each an handful pick all the piths clean out of them and then wash the Roots well that there do no gravel or sand remain in them then seeth them in a pottle of White-wine untill they be soft and if you can get any Ginger-berri●s boyl them therein with the rest and when it is well sodden strain it and put thereto a little Pellitory of Spain a spoonfull of English-Honey and a penny-worth of Saffron Let the patient drink it both morning and evening for the space of 8 or 9 dayes together and this will help him Another approved Medicine for the Tisick and stopping in the Brest TAke Rae and seeth it in Eysel and let the patient drink it and let him also drink Nettle seeds brayed and it will cause him to avoid great store of gravel from the Stone in the Reines of the Back A Physical Course to be observed in Plague-time by those that are visited with the Sicknesse SO soon as any apprehend themselves taken with the Plague let them go into their warm bed and take this ensuing Medicine viz Take of Verben with the Root dried and powdred 2 drachms and of the Juice of Verben 3 ounces half a spoonful of White-wine-vineger mingle all together and let them drink it warm and sweat for 2 or 3 hours But let them not sleep during the time of their sweating And whilest they sweat let them hold under their Arm-pits and upon the either Enunctories especially the Groyns a Radish-root divided into 2 parts the same Root is to be tyed unto the Plants or hollow of their Feet when they have sweat well for 2 or 3 hours according to the strength and age of the Patient drie their bodies well with warm and clean linen-cloths beginning with the Arm-pits and Groyns then the Brest whereon after the sweat is well wiped away lay a fresh and clean linen Napkin doubled That done let them wash their mouth face and hands with water and vineger and drink a good draught of Mutton-broth made with Rosemary Thyme Sorrel Cicorie If their stomach wil give them leave they may eat a little Mutton or Veal at dinner but they are to forbear Flesh-meat at suppers Instead of broth Water grewel with Rosemary or Burnet will do well or thin Pannada For their drink let it be small or 6. shill Beer warmed with a Toste or water boil'd with Carduus-seed and Caroway seed and the roots of Scabius and Verben with a crust of bread Then let them rest or sleep washing their mouth often with water and vineger They may likewise make a Quilt with Balm Mint Rosemary Sage Sweet-marjoram dried and sprinkling it with vineger of Worm wood or Herb-grace or ordinary wine vinegar apply it to the region of the heart warm After 8 hours from the first invasion of the Plague let them take another sweating Medicine viz Take of the Powder of the Root of Dictamne Scabius Gentian of each half a drachm of the seed of Carduus Benedictus 1 scruple the Juice of Marigold flowers and Devils-bit of each 2 ounces half a spoonful of Vineger of Rue or Wormwood or in want of them of ordinary White-wine-vineger Let the sick parties drink this warm and sweat again as at the first time 2. or 3. houres keeping in the mean time a Radish-root at the Emunctories as before Then let them dry off the sweat wash the mouth face and hands and take some convenient nourishment and carry themselves as in the first interim of 8. hours Again the third time after the like pause or interval let them take another sweating and Cordiall Medicine in this manner viz Take of the Seed of Rue or Herb-grace a scruple and a half of the roots of Enula Campana Valerian Fullers Teasels Aristolochia the round of each half a scruple of the Juice of three-leaved Sorrel called Allebia two ounces of the juice of Rue and Scabius of each an ounce and a little of the fore-named Vineger Mix all these together and let the sick parties take it warm and sweat as before and let them demean behave themselves in all points as before and continue this course for 4 or five days But if any be in that extremity of povertie that they cannot procure these easie and cheap Medicines let them drink twice a day a draught of their own Vrin viz in the morning and at 5 a clock in the afternoon If in the first 2d or third day the Botches or Carbuncles appear then follow the direction given in pag. 120. and by the help of God you shall undoubtedly recover unlesse the poyson have too much already possessed the Heart But as a Corollarie and conclusion to the whole take this caution along with you see that you tamper not too soon with the Botches or Blains before they be well come forth and nature well cleared and relieved but rather continue in the taking of inward Cordials and sweating Medicines The over-hastie applying of Topical and outward Remedies especially if they be forcible and sharp which is too usually practised by some Physicians and Chirurgians and by Patients themselves do oft-times by causing pain increasing the Fever and weak'ning Nature drive back and scatter the Venom into the inward parts which suddenly by a second assault and encounter surpriseth the Fort of Life the Heart and carrieth away the Patient Si quid novisti rectius istis Candidus imperti si non his utere mecum FINIS
112 127. For the Tisick p. 140 For a hollow Tooth p. 112 To fasten he Teeth p. 101. V. TO put away Venome from the Heart p. 123 For an Ulcer p. 88 How to make Unguentum-Nutritum p. 122 Receipts for Vomits p. 24 A Vomiting-Water p. 51 W. WArming Medicines for cold Diseases p. 26 38. To take away Warts p. 107 For those that cannot hold their Water p. 125 For those that cannot void Water p. 97. 98 125. For weak convalescent persons p. 30 37 49 61 For young Children that are Weak in their Limbs c. p. 124 To heal a Whitflaw p. 108. See Biles Fellon For Wind p. 14 15 21 31 36 58 76 77. For the Wind-Collick p. 76. 88 How to govern a Woman with Child before in and after the great work or Travel and to cause an easie and quick Deliverance p. 46 For the Wormes p. 13 42 88 100 For a Green-wound p. 85 87 To oure all manner of Sores and Wounds p. 105 21 Y. FOr the swelling of the Yard or Cods p. 103 For the Canker upon the Yard p. 100 To incarnats the skin of the Yard within p. 104. Most Excellent and approved MEDICINES AND REMEDIES For divers Diseases and Maladies Of Medicines that purge Choler ALoes is the Juice of an Herb The Dose is from one dr to two dr in Substance but in Infusion from one dr to three dr It purgeth Choler and Fleam and helps the Diseases of the Stomach and Head but hurts the Hemorrhoides and Fundament Cassia is a long black fistulous round fruit having a black substance within it must by freshly extracted when it is used and it is given to all Ages to the weaker in one ounce and a half to the stronger in 2. ounces or 10. drachmes in the morning and before Supper in Bolus or Potion It purgeth gently without any offence Choler and Fleam from the stomach in the first waies and is good in hot Fevers Manna is a dew falling on Herbs Trees Stones the best is of Calabria The Dose is from 6. drachmes to 2. ounces or 3. ounces It purgeth very gently fleam and yellow Choler Cytrine Mirabolins is a Fruit of the Arabians the Dose is from 2. drachmes to half an ounce in substance but in infusion from half an ounce to 2. ounces They purge Choler from the Stomach and are good in Fluxes when moderate Astriction after purging is required They are naught in obstructions and their obstruction is let if they be rubbed with Oyl of sweet Almonds Scammony is the Juice of an Hearb the Dose is from 5. grains to 12. grains It worketh upon all humors strongly but especially upon Choler and water It hurteth the Heart Liver Stomach out of his innate property but is corrected with Anise-seeds Dragant Mastick the juice or infusion of Damask Roses and the Conserve of it is given from 1. ounce to 2. or 3. ounces It purgeth Choler Rhubarb is a thick Root from the Indies dying like Saffron It is corrected with the sixth part of Spica Indica or Cynamon and is safely given without any Corrective The Dose is in substance from 2. drachmes to 3. and 4. drachmes It purgeth gently Choler from the Stomach and the Liver and taketh away Obstructions Tamarindes are tart Dates the Fruit of a wild Palm-Tree in the Indies the newest are the best The Dose in infusion or decoction in Whey is from 2. ounces to 5. ounces It purgeth yellow Choler quencheth Thirst cures acute Fevers Whey is a Lenient and Laxative Medicine The Dose is 4. ounces to half a pound and a pound Of Medicines that purge Fleam AGarick is growing on the Trunks or Bodies of Trees as Toadstooles It is averse to the Stomach by reason of his lightnes It swims uppermost and so will provoke to vomit But this ill quality is bridled by adding a third part of Ginger or Salgem It is taken either in substance or in infusion In substance it is taken from 1. drachme to 2. dr And in infusion from 2. drachmes to 3. dr It purgeth grosse roping Slyme and tough Fleam as also yellow Choler Mechoacan an Indian Root a kind of Bryony Root which some call White Rhubarb It is taken in powder or grated from one drachm and a half to 2 drachmes It purgeth Fleam and watry humours without griping It is good in old Head-aches Feavers intermitment Cholicks and Astinatical dispositions Jalap is a kind of Mechoacan and hath the same vertues The Dose is from one scruple to 2. scruples in strong bodies If one scruple or half a drachm be finely searced it purgeth very pleasanty without griping hath no taste When any other purge worketh slowly give 1. scruple of this after it and it will forward the other plentifully and safely Turbit is a Gum and white Root given in substance and in infusion as Agaricks His Correction is a third part of Ginger It purgeth tough and thick Fleam and cures long Flegmatick Diseases as Apoplexies Epilepsies Madness c. The Seeds of Carthamus or Lincus is given from 2. drachmes to 5. drachmes It purgeth Fleam and Water It is a friend to the Stomach Colocynthis is the Fruit of a wild Gourd his Pulp which is in use must be white and fresh It is corrected with Ginger Cynamon Cloves Mastick Dragant It is seldom given alone but in infusion with other purging decoctions or added to Pills It purgeth Fleam Choler mucous humours It is good in great and inveterate Head-aches Megrims Epilepsies Apoplexies Vertigoes or Giddiness Gout Sciatica Asthyma Flegmatick Cough and difficulties of breathing Harmodactils is a known Root The Dose is one drachm or one dr and a half his Corrections are Cynamon or Ginger It is more used with Decoctions with other Purges then alone It purgeth grosse Fleam from the Joynts Elacerium is the Juice of Wild Cowcumber The Dose is from one grain to one grain and a half or 2. grains or 3. grains in robust bodies It purgeth Water Fleam and Choler strongly but churlishly It is corrected with Tragacanth Mastick Cynamon Euphorbium is a Gum the Dose is from one grain to a drachm and in mixtures with Pills to 10. grains This is rarely used alone but in Pills called Pills of Euphorbium The Dose is one dr It helps Cholicks and very cold Diseases of the Belly Head and Joynts Mirabolana Chebula drawes away Fleam The Dose in substance is from 2. drachmes to 4 drachmes in infusion from 1. dr to 6. dr They purge Fleam are good for the Sinews and against Viturnas and sleep-Diseases they whet the Wit and comfort the Stomach Mirabola Bellerica must be used as Emblica Apopanas is a Liquor ferule the best is white within and yellow without It is given from 1. drachm to 2. drachmes It is corrected with Mastick and Spike It purgeth rough Fleam from the Brain Sinews and Brest Vitrum Antimonii the Glasse of Antimony purgeth and vomiteth and avoideth Water and Fleam very much besides other humors It is
for a good while together and by using this means by the blessing of God upon it have recovered the same again and seen as clearly and as perfectly as ever they did before Another approved Medicine to clear the Eye-sight MAke a Powder of Fennel Anise and Elicampany and temper them with Aquavitae and then dry them again and eat hereof every morning and evening a pretty quantitie and it will not onely clear your Sight but also purge Winde and make one that is old seem young a long time after Another excellent Remedie for the Eyes TAke pure new White-wine and infuse therein the herb called Eye-bright and Wood betony of each a small handfull and so let it remain for the space of 3 days together then seeth it with a little Rosemary in it and drink hereof a good draught both morning and evening and it will help you and cause you to have your sight both perfect and good Accustome your self also to eat every morning a new laid Egg rear rosted and put therein some of the powder of Eye-bright and that will likewise do you much good to the clearing and perfecting of your sight An excellent Medicine to preserve the sight and to clear the Eyes TAke a handful of Eye-bright bound together put it into a gallon of Beer when it is newly cleansed let it hang in the midst of the drink and let all work together until the drink be clear and ripe to be drunk according to the common use and then drink as oft as you will It were not amiss to every handfull of the herb to avoid windiness to add 2 drachms of Fenel-seed well dusted and a little bruised This hath been truly proved For a Web or Pearl in the Eye TAke the White of a new laid Egg beaten to an oil and the juice of Dasie-roots and leaves and of the juice of the roots leaves of brown Fennel and of the juice of the leaves and roots of the white Honey-suckle with the 3 leaves take of these joices two good spoonfuls and put it to the White of the Egg and a little spoonfull of pure honey and a spoonful of womans milk and one spoonful of Rosewater and a half penyworth of Spermacaeti and as much White-sugar-candy beaten and as much white Coporas as a good Nutmeg made into fine Powder labour them all well together with a silver spoon and scum off the foam and put it into a glass and keep it close stopt and lying on your back with a feather drop 2 or 3 drops at a time into your Eye use it 3 times a day till it be well For the Rheum in the Eyes and to cure the Redness of them ANoint the Eyes 3 nights together with thin Cream and then anoint them other three nights with live Honey and it helpeth A marvellous good Remedie for the Tooth Ach. TAke a little Honey and set it on the fire and put there into some of the bark of a tree called a White Bullace-tree or else the bark of the Elder-tree either of them will serve being cut into very small pieces take also a little quantitie of Ginger and some Bay-Salt Mingle these together and apply it warm to your Tooth and you will finde present Remedie A marvellous good Medicine to drive away the Itch. TAke something to make you sweat 2 nights one after another viz Mithridate with water of Carduus Benedictus Afterwards purge your self with this Purgation following viz half an ounce of Diaphenicum and Hamech mingled with Honey or Syrop of Roses also with a little Flesh broth as the Broth of a Chickin or knuckle of Veal or the like taken in onely in the morning and so continue your going to stool by often taking in some warm broth or caudle Afterwards use this cooling Drink viz Take 2 good handfuls of Sorrel of the herb called in the shops Fumus terrae Agrimonie Scabius Cinquefoil Endive Succory Harts horn of each a good handfull boil them all in some quantitie of Buttermilk or Whey and when it hath well boiled take it off from the fire and to make you purge wel take a pinte thereof add to it half an ounce of Sena Take hereof every morning a good draught and it will give you every day a small purge and by this means with the blessing of God thereupon you shall in a very short time be cured A present Remedie for the Itch. BOil the Roots of Elicampany boil them very soft and mix them in a Mortar with fresh butter and with the powder of Ginger of these make an excellent Ointment against the Itch Scabs c. To take out a Burning TAke Lambs-blood if you have it or Chickins-blood warm from the Lamb or chickin if you can if not warm it and so bathe the place burnt therewith Another excellent Remedie for a Burning TAke Cassel-sope and stir it on the fire untill it be as thick as Salve and make plaisters thereof and lay them on the place that is burnt or anoint the same therewith and it will take away the heat or burning For the Bloody Flux STill Frogs as you do Herbs or Flowers or any thing else but you must put nothing unto them but the Frogs take 2 or 3 spoonfuls of this Water in any thing that you will drink and you shall finde present case An excellent Medicine for the Stone or Gravel TAke some quantitie of White wine Nutmegs a smal quantitie of Oil and sugar also Limons if they may be had mingle these together and take it in It is also exceeding good for the Collick An excellent Meath to cleanse the Stomack preserve the Liver and very good against the Stone TAke fair Spring-water and put as much honey to it that when it 's warm and well stirred together it will bear an egg the bredth of a groat above the water let it stand so all night close covered the next day set it on a clear fire and boil it still scumming it as long as any will rise then put into it 3 handfuls of Agrimony and 2 handfuls of Pellitory of the wall Cynamon 3 ounces Ginger 2 ounces and 4 or 5 Nutmegs grosly bruised put the Spice into a little bag with a bullet of lead or a stone to make it stick put the herbs and spice in a kettle together and let them seeth about half an hour then take out the herbs when you take off the Meath from the fire let the bag of Spice be put into the barrel with it but it must stand till it be quite cold before you tun it This quantity of herbs and spice will serve 10 or 12 Gallons of Meath which is an excellent thing to cleanse the Stomack preserve the Liver and wonderfull good against the Stone A soveraign Remedie for the Mother and Winde about the Heart TAke Licorish Fennel-seed Anise seed Alexander-seed of each a like quantitie beat them together then take Cynamon and Saffron and beat them to powder and temper
Wine-Vineger Anoint the place grieved well therewith and in a very short time it will cure it A wonderous good Receipt for Legs that do ranckle or fester TAke Smallage Southernwood House-leek Violet-leaves and Roots and Waybroad-leaves of each a good quantity and a good quantity of Honey Temper all well together and strain it through a fine linen cloth Make a plaister thereof and lay it to the Sore and renew it twice every day and alwayes before you lay on the plaisters wash the Sore well with White-wine or with Oyl of Roses and as long as you continue this Medicine use to put 5 or 6 Leaves of Sage in your drink and in a short space your Legs will be sound and whole A soverain Medicine for a Burning ro Scalding TAke a Brake-root and stamp it well in a Mortar then strain out the juice thereof clean anoint the place burned or scalded well therewith and it straightway helpeth Another for the same purpose TAke of the Parings of new-liquor'd Shoe-makers-leather boil them in Water and let them stand till they be cold then scum off the Fat or Oyl on the top of them Mingle t with a little juice of Housleek and Rosewater Beat these together and make an Ointment thereof anoint the place burned or scalded well therewith and it will heal it in a very short space A singular good Remedy for the Tooth-Ach TAke Red-sage and Betony of each a like quantity adde thereunto a little Roch-Allum Boil these in White-wine-vneger and rub your Teeth that ake well therewith and you shall incontinently feel ease Another excellent Remedie for the Tooth-Ach TAke Vineger Honey Aqua-vitae Henbane-roots Long-pepper and Round-pepper Camphire Gum and Ivie of each a like quantitie Boil them all together untill they be hard and let the Patient put some of it between his Teeth and this will speedily ease him But if his Teeth grow sore by reason of the extream pain let him take a pound of Henbane-roots and boil them in a quart of White-wine-Vineger and a pint of Rose-water and when it 's well boil'd put into it a little fine Sugar to sweeten it withall then strain it and wash your mouth often therewith and it will asswage the pain without all doubt If your Tooth be hallow take 2 or 3 drops of Aqua fortis and dip a little lint therein and stop the hollow place therewith and for the space of an hour or thereabouts it will put you to some pain but in a very short space after it will give you ease use this twice or thrice and it will quite expell the pain for ever after without perishing the tooth any thing at all To heal a sore Mouth or Throat TAke a good handfull of Sage and a pretty quantity of Rosemary a good handful of Honey-suckle leaves and of Roch-Allom th● quantity of half a Wallnut and a spoonful● of pure English-Honey Boil them altogether in a quart of fair running Water for a good while together then strain forth the Wate● from the Herbs and the other Dregs into some fair Glass and stop it very close and when you will use it wash your Mouth or Throa● both morning and evening well therewith and it will speedily help it An excellent Medicine for the Falling-Sicknesse TAke Pionie-Roots and dry them well then cut them very small and give it the Patient to eat in his Pottage at meals and let him also drink it continually in his drink especially in the morning fasting and also last in the evening and by Gods blessing this will cure him A special Remedy for the Gowt TAke a good quantity of Flint-stones break them into small pieces and heat them well on coles in the fire then put them into a Stillitory and put therein a good quantity of Wine-vineger and Aqua-vitae and distil them and with this Water often wash the place grieved and it will take away the pain An exceeding good Receipt for the Yellow Jaundice TAke a handful of red Nettle-tops Plantane and Saffron and boyl them well in a pint of Ale then strain it and drink thereof for 4. or 5. dayes together and you shall find help An Approved Medicine for the Small Pox. TAke Milk Saffron and English Honey boil them together and give it the Patient to drink and let him be kept warm and the Pox will come forth very speedily Another excellent Receipt for the same purpose Take Dragon-water White-wine and Mithridatum or Treacle of Jean of each of them a pretty quantity and put some Vnicorns horne therein Boyl all these together and give it to the Patient and let him be kept warm and it will help him A singular good Remedie for the SCIATICA TAke Ivie Mugwort Walwort and the inner rind of an Elder-tree boyl them n fair water with a good quantity of Salt bathe the sore place well therewith 3. or 4. times in a day for 9. dayes together and questionless it will ease it An approved Medicine for a Stitch in the Side TAke the Vrine of him that is sick Wormwood and Comin seeth them well together and by the fire anoint your side therewith and after with the Oil of Bay Also Endive water Water of Devills-bit Water of Mallows and Cardun Benedictus-water are all exceeding good for the Stitch. Another approved Remedie for the Stitch in the left Side Take a pretty quantity of Comin and steep it in a Pottle of Malmsey then take and fry it in a Pan and put it into a linen bag and lay it hot to your fide and it will help you A singular good Receipt for the Collick and Stone TAke Parsley-seed Fennelseed Anise-seeds Comin-seed Plantane-seed of each a quarter of an ounce 1. ouce of Nutmegs 4 ounces of fine Sugar beat all the Seeds into pouder and searce them and let the Sugar be beaten with Ale then take of the said powder the quantity of an hazel-nut and let the Patient drink thereof morning and evenning 4. times a week warm with Wine or Beer but Wine is best and when the pain cometh drink it with Malmsey and you shall find great ease and and benefit thereby Another excellent Receit for the same purpose FRy Pellitory and Butter together and bind them to your Navil and this will suddenly cease the pain Or take a Lapwing and burn her in the fire feathers and all then take the Ashes of her and give it the Patient to drink with Wine somewhat warm and this will ease the Collick For the Cough of rhe Lungs TAke a handful of Figs and seeth them in Ale or Beer until they be somewhat tender then slit them asunder and put them in a linnen bag and so lay them on your stomach warm and when they be cold warm them again in the same liquor and apply them to your stomach as formerly do this several times and by Gods grace you will soon find ease A special Medicine to open the LVNGS Take Hysop-water and drink thereof twice a day evening
and morning at every time 1. ounce and a half or 2. ounces and you will find help A soverain Medicine for Fatness about the Heart TAke the Juice of Fenel and Honey seeth them all together until they be hard then eat thereof evening and morning and you shall be whole A marvelous good Remedie for the French Pox TAke 6. Gallons or more of the purest White-wine that may be gotten and the like quantity of stale Ale 1. pound and a half of Salsaperilla Licorish and Sena of each 1. l. of the Bark of Guairarum 2. l. Colloquintida 1. ounce Boil all together for the space of 24. hours over a soft fire in Balneo Mariae and when it 's well boiled put therein 1. ounce of Mithridatum then take it off and put it into some earthen pot and stop it up close and when you will use it take a good quantity thereof at a time twice or thrice a day and this will cleanse both the inward and outward parts of your body and make you very sound ever after A speciall Receipt for a Consumption TAke a pottle of Rose-water and the like quantity of Goats or Asses Milk if it may be had or else of the Milk of a Cow that is all of one colour put therein 50. or 60. Yolks of new-sayd Hen-Egs Temper the yolks the milk and the Rose-waters all well together but let none of the Whites remain among them Distill a water hereof and give it the Patient that is in a Consumption to drink first and last warm with a Cake or two of Manus Christi which is made of Gold or Pearls let him use this and he shall find great comfort and ease by it A precious and wonderful good Drink to be used by one that is troubled with a Consumption TAke Longwort Liverwort Harts-tongue and red Sage of each a handfull Parsley half a handfull Licorish one handfull Anise-seeds one ounce Cynamon finely beaten to pouder one ounce two penyworth of white Ginger two penyworth of white Sugar-Candy two Nutmegs and a penyworth of Cloves and if the Patient be bound in the body then put a little Sena and a dram of Rhubarb therein if not leave these two things out Boil all these together in a pottle or somewhat more of the best new Wort that can be gotten but it must be brewed without any Hops at all and let it boyl untill it come to three pintes But if you put any Sena therein then put the quantity of three quarts of the same Wort and boil it to a pottle then put it to stand and strain it and so use it A speciall Remedy for the Plague and how to make any kind of Swelling or Plague-sore to break TAke a pint of strong Beer and crums of Rye Bread one handfull of Mallows white Lillie-roots a great lump or knob Beat all these together with some quantity of Linseed until it become a Cataplasm or thick pap and spread it upon a linnencloth and lay it on the Bile or sore If the Swelling or Sore be ripe and continue a long while before it break then lay some Corrasive upon it especially upon Plague-sores When the Bile or Sore is broken through or the Corrasive hath wrought and produced a Core then lay thereon this Tent-salve or Oyntment as followeth Take Honey and Turpentine but let the Turpentin be set on the fire in a little Pipkin and stir it continually and mingle with it a small quantity of Honey and when it 's melted take it off from the fire and stir it still untill it beginneth to wax somewhat stiff and then mingle therewith the yolk of an Egg with a little flower then spread it upon a flat tent very thick as broad as the hole or wound is then lay upon it the aforesaid Cataplasm or Pap untill all the corruption or filthy matter be quite drawn out then heal it with the hard Salve of which we shall treat anon if there be any heat in or about the sore anoynt it round about with a white ointment called in the shops Vnguentum Nutritum of which also we shall give directions anon how to make it If any Plague-blains or sores do appear you must lay the aforesaid Tent-Salve thereon and anoint it round about with Vnguentum Nutritum Afterward take Sorrel roste or boil it in a pan in the Embers with a little butter wrapped up in a Cabbage-leaf lay it a little warm thereon But when you at first feel the said dangerous disease coming upon you use Mithridatum with the Water of Carduus Benedictus or take of Bezoar-stone the quantity of 6. or 7. grains mingled with Beer or Wine and sweat upon it This is a wonderfull excellent Remedie for the Plague Directions how to make the hard Salve which is a soverain Medicine to cure all manner of Sores or Wounds TAke Rosin Turpentine Bees-wax Muttonsue of each a quarter of a pound Boyl them together in a Pipkin with 3. handfuls of Lyn-seed Oyl and stir it continually til it 's quite melted and if it should chance to run over set the Pipkin in water and when it 's quite melted take it off from the fire and put into it of Frankincense the weight of a groat then strain it through a cloth and when it begins to be cold put therein Lapis Calaminaris very small beaten to pouder and stir it till it be quite cold How to make the White Ointment called in the shops Vnguentum Nutritum TAke Letargie of Gold about a thimble-full put it into a Mortar and add thereunto as much Oyle as will quite wet or moisten the same then pour into it 2. or 3. drops of Vineger and stir it well round about then pour in Oyl again and twice Vineger to once Oyl and stir it so continually till it be quite white that no red spaecks any more appear This is wonderfull good to anoint round about any sores or swellings where any heat appeareth A special Receipt to put away Venome from the Heart TAke Bole Armoniack and Sanguis Draconis of each 3. ounces and of the best Cynamon 4. ounces Mingle them all together in powder and so receive it it will expell and remove Venom from the heart A Soverain Remedie for the Gnawing about the Heart TAke Sage-leaves a pretty quantity and as much Yarrow grind them together and temper them with Ale then strain them and drink thereof and you will find present aeliefe To make a very cooling and pleasant Water to drink in Summer TAke a Gallon of Spring-water or as much as you will a pint of Strawberries two ounces of Cynamon 3. or 4. Cloves one gram of Musk Still these with a soft fire and it is a very cooling and pleasant drink and very fit to be used in Summer A wonderfull good Remedie for young Children that are exceeding weak in their Limbs and can neither go nor stand TAke Sage Sweet Marjoram of each a like quantity beat them a long
time together and strain out the Juice and put it into a double Viall Glass fill the Glass as full as it can hold then stop it with Paste very close and cover it with thick Paste all over then set it in an Oven and there let it stand so long as a great Loaf requires time to be thorowly baked then take it out and let it be cold then break the Paste round about it and if the Juice be grown thick break the Glass and take it in a dish and keep it in a Gally-pot When you will use it take the quantity of two spoonfuls at a time and as much Marrow of an Ox-Leg melt them together and mingle them well and both morning and evening anoint therewith as warm as can be endured the tender parts of the Childs thighs and legs and also the knees chafing them well with your warm hands and so in a short time through Gods blessing it will be able to stand and go This hath been truly proved An approved Remedie for those that cannot hold their Water ROst a slain Mouse or make it in pouder and drink it off at one draught and it will presently help you especially if you use it 3. mornings together A soverain and approved Receipt for those that cannot void Water TAke Sassafrass Persley and Archangel of each a like quantity boyl them in stale Ale from a quart to a pint then strain them and let the Patient drink thereof morning and evening and fast one hour after it An excellent Remedy for a Woman that hath great Brests IF a VVoman anoint often her Paps with the Juice of Succory it will make them round and hard if they be hanging or bagging it will draw them together whereby they shall seem like the Paps of a Maid A singular good Medicine for a Womans sore Brest occasioned by cold or otherwise TAke a Cole-wort-leaf and cut away the veins of it and then anoint the leafe it self with May-Butter first boiled with Rose-water and then lay it to the Womans sore brest and it will asswage both the swelling and pain in a short time How to increase Milk in a Womans Brest TAke Crystall and beat it into fine pouder and mingle it with as much Fennel-seed likewise beaten into fine pouder and a little fine Sugar let the woman use to drink hereof often somewhat warm with a little White-wine and this will cause great store of Milk to increase in her Brests yea it will restore her Milk again although it be clean gone away from her An excellent Remedy to take away Freckles in the Face TAke the Blood of a VVhite Hen anoint your Face therewith and after three or four times dressing it will take away all the Spots and Freckles A most precious and approved Medicine to make the Face both fair and clear even as white as Milk TAke Blossoms of VVhite-Thorn and of Violets Blossoms of Beans and Blossoms of an Elder-Tree of each a like quantity and a Lemon thin sliced distill them and put the water into a Glass and stop it close and when you will use it take two spoonfulls thereof and wash your face with it twice or thrice a day for 4. or 5. dayes together and your skin will be exceeding clear and fair An excellent Gargle for a furred Mouth or Throat TAke Barley-water Strawbury-leaves Cinquefoile a stick of Licorish and half a pinte of VVhite-wine-Vineger let it run through a double Linen cloth twice or thrice after 〈◊〉 hath been well steeped the rein take this and you will find present help A solid form of Nasals TAke dry VVormwood Marjoram Morsu● Galinae Betony Sage Dictamne of each two drams and the seed of Nigella Mustard Rue 1. dram trochishes of Athandall 4 scruples with the Juice of Beetes and Mercury Boyl them till the Juices be consumed then Incorporate them with a little Turpentine and make Tents of a finger long covering them with red silk and a threed at them So put it into the Nose and it will cause a snotty Nose and Sneesing and cleanse the brain very well An approved Receipt to heal a Fellon TAke the grounds of Ale and a handfull of Groundsel with a peece of soure Leven Boil them together to a Salve and apply it and it healeth the Sore A speciall Receit to preserve one from the Plague TAke of Aloes Hepatica and of pure Cynamon and Myrrhe of each 3 drachms of Cloves Mace and Wood of Aloes usually called Lignum Aloes Mastick and Bole Oriental of each 1 ounce mingle them and make thereof a fine powder and drink thereof every morning fasting either in White-wine allayed with water or in Ale and this by Gods help will preserve you from being infected with the Plague Another excellent Remedie to preserve one from being infected with the Plague TAke of the Powder Imperial one drachm and an half and one drachm of Treacle of dragon-Dragon-water and Sorrel-water of each 1 ounce Drink it with Ale in the morning fasting and by Gods grace you shall escape the danger of the Plague A speciall good Medicine to heal and cure the Canker in a Womans Brest TAke the Juice of Selandine and Goose-dung of each an equal proportion then take Pellitory of the Wall Garlick and Rie-meal stamp them in a Mortar fry or boil them all together in good pure Wine vineger and let it boil untill it be thick like a Salve then make a Plaister thereof and apply it to the Sore and so let it continue untill you perceive that it be white then take a good quantity of Pimpernel and grinde it very small and adde thereunto a good quantitie of English honey and make a Plaister thereof and lay it to the Sore and it will heal it in a very short time A speciall Remedy to destroy a Canker in any part of the body TAke a good quantity of the Bark of a Slowe-Tree chop it very small and boil it in some fair running Water and let it boil till it be black then temper it with a little Rie-meal a little burnt Allom powdered and a little Honey Make a plaister thereof and lay it to the place grieved and it will speedily heal it A wonderfull good Medicine for a Canker in the Mouth TAke Penny-royall red Fennell red-Sage Rosemary-tops and Maiden-hair of each a good handful and a little Hysop Boil them together in a quart of White-wine and put thereto the quantity of 2 Wallnuts of Roch-Allom and as much Honey as will make it sweet then take it and strain it through a fine linen-cloth and wash the parties mouth well therewith and it will cure him Another approved Receipt for a Canker in the Mouth TAke a good quantity of White-wine-Vineger and as much Honey set them over the fire to boil with a little Allom and when you think it is well boiled take it off and wash your mouth often well therewith and it will help you For the Kings-Evill TAke of pure Yellow
cold strain through a linnen cloth and boil again the rest of the substance as before for the space of 8 hours with Fresh water fresh Licorish and Raisins of the Sun half an hour before you take it off from the fire put into it these Herbs following viz. Fumiterie Violet-leaves Succory Strawberry-leaves Sorrell of each a handfull put these into the pot and let them boil half an hour then take them off frō the fire strain them as before This second drink you must use in the day time when you are a dry bui you must close up your Stomack both after Dinner and after Supper with the former drink This is a soverain Medicine to cure the foul Disease or French-Pox An excellent Drink or Potion for sundry Diseases TAke the Roots of Munks Rhubarb and Red Madder of each half a pound Sena 4 ounces Anise seeds and Licorish of each 2 ounces Scabius Agrimony of each 1 handful slice the roots of the Rhubarb bruise the Anise-seeds and Licorish break the Herbs with your hand and put them into a Stone-pot called a Stean with 4 Gallons of strong Ael to steep or soak for the space of 3 dayes and then drink this Liquor as your ordinary Drink for 3 weeks together and the longer you take it it is the better provided you have alwayes one Stean under another being alwayes carefull to keep a good diet It cureth the Dropsie the Yellow-Jaundice all manner of Itch Scabs Breaking-out Maunginesse It purifieth the Blood from all Corruption prevaileth against the Green-sicknes very greatly and against all Oppilations or Stoppings maketh young Wenches look very fair Cherry-like and bringeth down their Courses the stopping whereof hath caused the same An excellent Remedie for a Green-wound THe coles of a Burch-fire made into powder and put into the Wound or Sore healeth it presently without any other thing in few dayes A Diet-Drink for any desperate Disease that is curable TAke of Hermodactiles 2 ounces of Salsaparilla 4 ounces of Sena Alexandrina 4 ounces of Sassafras 2 ounes of Licorish 1 ounce of Aniseseeds 1 ounce of long Pepper half an ounce of the leaves of Scabius a great handful of Watercresses and Brooklime of each one great handull Sea-scurvygrass 2 great handfuls Nutmeg 1 ounce let all the Weeds be slit and cut small and the Herbs shred and put it into a bag and hang it in a barrell with 6 Gallons of new Ale and let it stand and setle 8 dayes then drink continually of it and no other drink while it lasteth and eat Bakers Bread with Corianderseeds and keep a good diet use this 6 weeks together and doubtles you will recover For a Quartane Ague TAke Red-Wine and new-Milk of a Cow that is all of one Colour of each of them a pottle then take 3 or 4 handfuls of Mouse-ear of Lettice and Strawberry-leaves of each 2 handfulls well picked and washed strip them into the Wine and Milk and temper them all together and let them stand so for the space of one night then put them into a fair still and so distill them with a soft fire then take the Water and put it into a Glass and set it where it may stand in the Sun for the space of five dayes and let the Patient when he is dry in his Ague drink thereof 3 or 4 times and he shall be rid of his Ague and this drink will quench his thirst be he never so drie A most soveraign Balsam for 22 severall Diseases with the Vertues TAke five Pints of Sallet-Oyl one pound of Venus-Turpentine half a pound of Virgins-Wax six ounces of Red Sanders half a Pinte of Damask-Rose water First put your Oyl with six spoonfuls of the Rose-water into a clean skellet or new Pipkin and let it boyl a quarter of an hour wash the Turpentine with the rest of the Rose water pare the Wax clean and cut it into thin slices and put it into an other clean Skellet or new Pipkin with the Turpentine Let them be well melted and mixed together then pour the water from the Oyl if you can see any put it into the Wax Turpentine let them boyl upon a gentle fire a dosen Walms Then take it off and put in the Saunders by two ounces at a time mingling and stirring it well Then let it boyl a dosen walms more stir it to avoid burning then strain it into a Bason and fill it into Gally Pots The Vertues Green Wound Warm it and pour it into the Wound lay a dubble Cloth on it dipped in Balsam Burn or Scald Apply it hot if the Skin be not broken and bathe it well but if the Skin be broken then not so hot bathe it well and lay on a dipped Cloth Dog-Biting Warm it and boyl the place well and lay on it a dipped Cloth Bruise If the Brest or Stomack be bruised eat the quantity of a Nutmeg and drink a little Bear after it and lay a dipped Cloth on the place Swelling Bathe it well and warm and lay a dubble dipped Cloth to it bind it up Aches in the Head Anoint the Temples warm and apply to the Nape of the Neck a hot dipped Cloth when you go to Bed Joints or Sinews Eat in the morning as much of it as a Nutmeg Gowt Bathe the place scalding hot and lay a dubble dipt Cloth and bind it up Wind-Collick Eat as much of it as a Nut and bathe the place very hot and lay on it a dubble dipped Cloth and bind it up Pleuresie After Blood-Letting eat so much of it as a Nut bathe the Left-side very hot Surfeit If you be Surfeited or have any poisonfull Disease eat so much of it as an Nutmeg Vlcer Fistulo Pour it into the Sore as hot as you can endure it and lay a dubble dipped Cloth to it and bind it up Canker Warme it and rub the place very well that is grieved with a Rag. Stone If it be in the Kidnies take a Pint of White Wine and make it boyl but not burn brue it with Sugar and drink a quarter of a Pint of it morning and evening warm and eat so much of it as a Walnut before you drink Wormes Eat so much of it as a Nut in a poonful or two of Milk eat a Messe of Milk after it anoint the Navell with it you may administer it to Old-folks or Children Flowers Eat so much of it as a Nutmeg Provoke sleep Eat so much of it as a Nut and anoint the Temples warm Spleen Eat so much of it as a Nutmeg and anoint the place very hot Running of the Reines Make a Caudle of Eggs and Ale and put in Sugar Cynamon and Nutmeg beaten to powder and so much of the Balsam as a Nutmeg drink it warm and anoint the Reines of the Back very well and hot and lay to it a dubble dipped Cloth Sciatica Bathe the place very hot and lay on it a dubble dipped Cloth and