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A68556 The treasurie of commodious conceits, & hidden secrets and may be called, the huswiues closet, of healthfull prouision. Mete and necessarie for the profitable vse of all estates both men and women: and also pleasaunt for recreation, with a necessary table of all things herein contayned. Gathered out of sundrye experiments lately practised by men of great knowledge. By I. Par. Partridge, John, fl. 1566-1573. 1573 (1573) STC 19425.5; ESTC S110299 27,425 98

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toughe with this gather your Oselets or other Fumygations ¶ A moyste fume vpon a fuming dish chapter xlvi TAke a peece of your Pomeamber as bigge as a hasel Nutt bruse it put it into you fumeing dishe with sweete water put therunto a few bay leues as much of dried Basell leaues a lyttle rosemary and set it ouer the fyre vpon a Cubbard or els in the stede of the Pomeāber put .ii. or iii. of the cakes before written broken small ix or x. whole Cloues and if you wyll haue it excellēt sweete then put i. or ii graynes of Musk and let the leaues them stand ouer that fyre together as before is sayde ¶ A Fumigation for a Presse and clothes that no Moth shall bréed therin chapter xlvii TAke of the wood of Cipres or of Ieniper of Rosemary dried of Storax Calamit of Beniamin of Cloues a like waight beaten all in to pouder then take of the powder of Wormwood leaues dried as muche as all the others mixe them well together cast therof vpon a Chafyngdish of coles and set it in your press and shut it close thus do ofttimes tyll you haue well seasoned your Presse or Coffer * A Powder wherwith to make sweete waters cap. xlviii TAke of the wood of Cipers or the roots of Galingal i. quarterne Of Calamus aromaticus i. quarterne Of Orace or Iris one quarterne Of Cloues i quarterne Of Storix Calamit one quarterne Of Beniamin one quarterne Or ye may take of each of these one ounce for a proportion let all be beaten into powder and when ye wyll distyll your Roses fyll your Styll with Rose leaues and a few Spick Flowres vpon the top of them strew some of your pouders so distill them Some put a little of the powder of Nigella romana to the other powders These cakes wyll be very sweete put the water in a large glasse and to the pottle put xii graynes of Muske let it hang in the middes of the water in a thin Linnen cloth with a thred set it in the sonne xx or xxx daies then take the Glasse in and set it in a drye ayre * An other manner of makyng of Damaske water cap. xlix TAke of Arace or Iris of Spike flowres dried of Cloues of ech i. oūce make thē in poder put them together with a pint of new Ale in cornes and. i. pynte of Rose water into an earthen pot put therto a good manye of grene Rose leaues let them soke in it a night tyme stoped close in the morninge when ye wyll distyll first lay other Roseleues in the bottom of your Stilitory for fere of cleuing to then take of the Rose leaues out of the Pot and put them with other greene Rose leaues in your Stilitory sufficient and to the water put Muske as aboue is sayd This water is excellent to set foorth a Carte an Apple moyse or Almond butter ¶ To perfume Gloues cap. l. TAke the Gloues wash them in Rose water or Damaske water tyll the scurfe of the Lether be gon aud then stretch them foorth softly and keepe the water you wash them with styll Then hang them vp to dry and then laye them in a cleane lynnen cloth that is foulded iii. or iiii doubles and when they be drye let them lye in Rose leues dryed a day or two then take Oyle of Ciuet Almons and Musk and grind them together vp on a Marble stone Stretch them foorth softly and with your hande annoynte your Gloues iii. or iiii tymes euer among stretch them foorth then let them drye and euer stretch them forth softly as thei dry Then take Sandifer mixed with a lyttle Ambergreace and strewe the powder of it thinly vpon them and laye them in a Paper and in a Box or els melte the Amber greace with a quantiti of Rose water and mixe the Sandifer to it and so annoynt the Gloues with the same Then let them dry and lay them in fayre white papers 2. To perfume Gloues another way TAke the Gloues washe them as aforesaid iii. or iiii times wring them eueri time softly then take Gūme of dragagant and stepe it in fine Damask water one night then strain the water through a fine Linnen clothe and take the Gūme and mix it with an ounce of Amber greace and a quarter of an ounce of Muske fyrste grynde your Amber greace with Oyle of Turpentine then mingle al together roll your Gloues with the same laye them to dry lay a paper betwene 3. A preparatiue for Gloues WAshe the Gloues as afore is said tyll the sent of the leather bee gon then take Beniamin ii ounces of Storax Calamit i. ounce let them be very fine then take oyle of Ciuet Almons and mingle it with Beniamin Storax vpon a Marbell stone When it is wel grownd put it into an earthen Potte with more Oyle of Ciuet Almons then put in Cloues in powder and so let it stand very close couerd and when you neede take a little Rose water in a Sponge and rub the Gloues softly then in lyke manner with the Oyle called Ciuet Oyle for the same purpose 4. Another way TAke twelue Graynes of Muske syxe graines of Ciuet. viii graines of ambergrece iii. grains of storax Calamit vi graines of Beniamin and a few Cloues grynde all these together with Oyle of Ciuet Almons Fyrste wash your Gloues with Fusses disolued a day in Damask water 5. Another for Gloues TAke your Gloues wash them in rose water once or twice til all the scurffe be gon frō them and then let them drye and stretch them well out fyngers and all Then playne them and wash them once or twice then take two ounces of Storax and as much Beniamin made in powder Dresse your Gloues all ouer on a smooth boord before they be dry then hang them to drye and when they be drye saue the powder that is lefte then take a pynte of Rose water and. ii ounces of Storax and two ounces of Cinimon put all these in fine pouder and cast them to the rose water and let thē seethe in a close Posnet couered Then take a fine Brush and brush them ouer 6. An other way to perfume TAke Amber grece a dramme of Musk halfe a dram of Fusses a dram of Ciuet halfe an ounce put all these together in a pynt of rose-rose-water or Damask water 7. An other way TAke a dram of Amber grece a dram of Beniamin halfe a dram of Fusses a dramme of Storax a quarter of an ounce of Labdanum put all these to Rosewater ¶ A perfume for Chestes and Cubbords And also for Gloues cap. lj TAke Beniamin and Storax of ech one ounce Labdanum and Fusses of ech a quater of an ounce halfe a Dramme of Ciuet. If you burne it for Chestes or Cubbordes beate it in a hot Morter If it be for Gloues boyle it and put it to Rose water * To collour Gloues Cap. lii YOu must haue
small boyle it with Butter veriuce vpon a chafing dish season it with sugre and a little Pepper grose beaten when it is redi put in a few fine Crūmes of white bread put it in amongste the other let it boyle agayne till it be standing thē lay it in a Platter lyke the breadth of three fingers lay of each side one rosted Conye or moe and so serue them ¶ To bake an Oxe toung Chapter vij SEeth the toung till it be tender then slyce it on a boorde in fayre peeces and take a good quantity of Marow slceed smal cast it into the bottome of the pye lay the slices of the toung vpon it and betwixte euery one some marow and a little salt vpon them Bake it the space of an howre then rost halfe a manchet a little at the fyre and put the tostes into halfe a pynte of Redde-wine with a little Vineger straine them out together thē take cloues Mace Sinimon and Suger seeth them in that liquor tyll it waxe somewhat thick make a hole in the couer of the Pye put it in set the Pye agayne into the Ouen for a quarter of an howre and serue it ¶ To make Vineger of Roses Chapter viij IN Sommer time when Roses blowe gather them ere they be full spred or blowne out and in dry wether plucke the leaues let them lye halfe a day vpon a fayre borde then haue a vessel with Vineger of one or two gallons if you wyll make so much roset put therin a great quantity of the sayd leaues stop the vessell close after that you haue styrred them wel together let it stand a day and a night then deuide your Vineger Rose leaues together in two parts put thē in two great Glasses put in Rose leaues ynoughe stop the Glasses close set them vpon a Shelfe vnder a wall syde on the Southside without your house where the Sonne may come to them the most parte of the daye let them stande there all the whote Sōmer longe and then strayne the vineger from the Roses and keepe the vinegre If you shall once in .x dayes take and strain out the Rose leaues and put in newe leaues of halfe a dayes gatheryng the vyneger wyll haue the more flauor and odour of the Rose You may vse in steede of Vinegre wyne that it may wexe eygre and receiue the vertue of the Roses both at once Moreouer you may make your vineger of wine white red or claret but the red doth most binde the bellie white doth most lose Also the Damaske Rose is not so great a binder as the red Rose and the white Rose looseth most of all hereof you may make vinegre roset Thus also you may make Vinegre of Violets or of Elder flowers but you must firstgather vse your flowers of Eldern as shal be shewed hereafter when we speake of makyng Conserue of Elderne flowers ¶ To make a Mar●hpane Cap. ix TAke halfe a .ii. of blanched Almons of white sugre a quarter of a. It of Rose water halfe an ounce of Damaske water asmuche Beate the Almons with a litle of the same water and grinde them til thei be smal set them on a few coles of tier til thei wax chick then beate them agayne with the Sugre fine Then mixt the sweet waters and then together and so gather thē fashion your Marchpane Then take wafercakes of the broadest makyng cut them square paste them together with a litle licour and when you haue made thē as brode as wil serue your purpose haue redy made a hoope of a greene hasell wand of the thiknes of halfe an inch on the inner syde smothe and on the vttersyde round smooth without any knags lay this hoope vpon your Wafer cakes foresayde thē fyl your hoop with the geare aboue named the thiknes of the hoop the same driuen smoothe aboue with the backe of a Siluer Spoon as ye do a Tarte and cut awaye all the partes of the Cakes euen close by the outlyde of the hoope with a sharp knife that it maye be rounde then haueing white paper vnderneathe it set it vpon a warme hearthe or vpon an instrumēt of Iron or bras made for the same purpose or into an Ouen after the breade is taken out so it be not stopped it may not bake but only be hard and through dryed and ye may while it is moyst stick it full of Comfets of sundrye coolers in a comely order ye muste moyst it ouer with Rose water and Suger together make it smoothe and so set it in the Ouen or other instrumēt the clearer it is lyke lanterne horne so much the more commended if it be through dried and kept in a dri warme aire a march pane will laste many yeares it is a comfortable meat meete for weake folks such as haue lofte the taste of meats by reason of much and long sicknesse The greatest secret that is in the makynge of this cleare is with a little fyne flowre of Ryse Rose water and Suger beaten together layd thin ouer the marchpane ere it go to dryinge this wyll make it shine lyke Ice as Ladyes reporte To gylde a Marchpane or any other kinde of Tarte Cap. x. TAke and cut your leafe of Golde as it lyeth vpon the booke into square peces like dise with a Conies taylles ende moiste a litle take the Gold vp by the one corner lay it on the place beyng first made moiste with another rayle of a Conie dry presse the Golde downe close And if ye wil haue the forme of an Hert or the name of IESVS or any other thing what soeuer cut the same through a peece of Paper lay the Paper vpon your Marchpayne or Carte then make the void place of the Paper throw which the Marchpayne appeereth moist with Rose-water laye on your Golde presse it downe take of your Paper there remayneth behinde in Golde the Print cut in the said Paper ¶ To bake Quinces Cap. xi PAre them take out the Core perpoyle thin in water tyll they be tender let the water run frō thē til they be drie then put into euery Coffin one Quince ī it a good quātity of marow Also take sugre Cinamon a litle Ginger fil the Coffin therwith close it let it bake an howre and so serue it * To kepe Quinces vnpared all the yeare long Cap xii TAke ripe Quinces and at that great end cut out a stoppell then take out the core cleane and stop the hole agayne with the same stoppel but pare them not and perboyle them a little take them vp and let the water drayne from them then put all the Cores and some of the smallest Quinces into little peeces all to cut into the water wherein the Quinces were perboyled and let them sethe till the liquor be as thick as molten size that painters occupye then take it from the fyre and let it keel in the meane season
couch your cold Quinces in a barel or an earthē pot the great end downward if the stoppel be out it makes small mater one vpon an other Then put the liquor in that it be a handfull ouer and aboue them couer them close and after .iiii. or .v. dayes looke to them and when you see the liquor suncke downe put in more of the same which ye purposed li kepte to couer them as before then lay a boorde vpon them and a stone that they rise not and couer the vessell close with a thicke cloth folded that it take no ayre so let them remayne And when ye intende t● occupy some of them vncouer the vessell and ye shall fynde a Creame coueryng the whole liquor breake it in the midst turn it ouer with your hand then take out your fruite in order begīning in the midst first then by the sides so that you remoue none it is maye be but those that you take away and euery time that ye break the Creme to fetch Quinces turne the Creame ouer agayne into his place for you muste know that the Creame keepeth out ayre kepeeth in the strength of the Surrop therfore it maketh much to the cōseruation of the fruite to saue it and also to se the vessel close couered Also when ye wyl bake your Quinces washe them well and cleane in warme water and bake them as before is written ¶ To make fine Blaunch pouder for rosted Quinces Chapter xiij TAke fyne Suger halfe a pound beaten in a whote Morter too fyne powder of whyte Ginger pared halfe an ounce of chosen Sinimon a quarter of an ounce beaten ready to fyne powder mixt them well together and yf you wyl haue it moste excellent cast two Spoonful of Rose or Damask water in the beatyng of the Suger ¶ To conserue Quinces in Syrope condict alway ready to be serued whole or in quarters Cap. xiiij AFter your Quinces are cored and pared seeth them till they be tender soft then lay them out tyll they be colde in the meane time take of the same licor ii quarts or more accordīg to the number of your Quinces which ye wyll kepe and put therein the cores and some other small Quinces all to cut in small peeces sethe them in the liquor to make the Syrope strong straine them put into the liquor being .ii. or .iii. quartes .i. pynte of Rose-water for euery quart also of lyquor one half pound of suger seeth them againe together on a soft fire of coles tyl the suger be incorporated with the liquor then put in your Quinces let them seeth softly tyll you perceaue that your Syrope is as thick as liue hony thē set them to keel and take them out lai them in a tray or treene platter tyl they be cold then take one ounce of brused Cinimon some whole cloues put them with some of the Cinimon in the Syrope and when it is colde lai a larde of quinces in your glasse called a gestelyn glasse or an erthē pot well glased then straw a little of your Cinimon vpon you Quinces thē powre some Syrope lay on an other larde of Quinces and agayne of your spice and Syroppe and so foorthe tyll you haue done and couer them two fingers ouer with Syrop aboue couer thē close and within .iii. or .iiii. dayes looke to them and when ye finde the Syrop shrunken downe put in more and so reserue them Chese are to be serued in with Syrop See that the Quinces be tenderly sodden and the Syrop thick and stronge ynough ¶ Plummes condict in Syrrope Chapter xv TAke halfe a pounde of Suger halfe a pint of Rose water and a pinte of fayre Rayne water or of some other distilled water seeth the Suger the two waters vpō a softe fyre of coles till the one halfe be consumed thē take it frō the fire when it leaueth boylīg put therin halfe a pound of ripe Damazines or other plummes set it agayne on the embers kepe it in the lyke heate tyll the plummes be softe by the space of an howre if neede bee then put into it some cloues brused and when it is coulde keepe it in a Glasse or in an earthen or Gallypotte the stronger the Syrrope is with Suger the better it wyll continew Some put into the Syrroup Sinimon Saunders Nutmegges Cloues and a little Ginger seethe them not hastely for feare of muche breaking ¶ To kéepe Cheries condict or Goose beries Cap. xvi MAke your syrop as for plūmes then take halfe a pound of Cheries and cut off half the length of the stalke of euery Chery put them into the syrop and vse them as you did the plummes put in what spice that pleaseth you and so kepe it as before is written but make your syrop strong inough of suger lest it waxe hore and corrupte then must ye make a new syrop stronger of the Suger and put the cheries in it to keepe as before is sayde Thus ye maye doe with Goosberies to make of them Tarts or sawces al the wynter longe sauing that Goosberies may be wel sodden without breakyng because of their tough skin so it be softly and dilligently donne To make Conserue of Roses or other Flowers Cap. xvij TAke the Buddes of Red Roses somwhat before they be ready to spred cut the red part of the leaues from the white then take the red leues and beat and grind them in a stone morter with a pestell of wood aud to euery ounce of Roses put .iii. ounces of suger in the grinding after the leues ar wel beaten and grinde them together till they be perfectlye incorporated then put it in a glas made for the nonce and of purpose or els into an earthē pot stop it close and so kepe it Thus ye may make conserues of all kynde of flowres vsed therunto The vertue of the conserue of Roses COnserue of Roses comforteth the stomack the heart and all the bowells it molysyeth and softneth the bowells and is good againste blacke Coler melancoīy conserues of white roses doth loose the bellymore then the red To make conserue of Violets Chapter xviii TAke the flowres of Violets anpicke them from the stalke beat and grind them with suger as you did your Roses to these put double the waight of Suger to the waight of Violet flowres but to all other flowres put .iii. partes of Suger to i. parte of the flowres ¶ The vertue of the same COnserue of Violet Flowres is good against the heate and influmation of Coler called yellow Coler it quencheth thirstines it maketh the Belly moyst soluble ¶ The vertue of the conserue of Buglosse chapter xix COnserue of buglosse flowres cōforteth the hot hert it is good for the franticke for the lunatick and for the melancolicke it is good for the Sincop and sowning it taketh away heart burning and trembling of the heart or stomack it profiteth against Coler ¶ The vertue of the conserue of
or three graynes of Musk disloue it in rose water and sprinckell the water vpon the powder and turne it vp and downe in the sprincklyng tyl it haue drunkē vp the water when it is dry kepe it in bagges of sylke * A swéete powder for Napery and all Lynnen Clothes chapter xlii TAke of sweete Mariornm that is hore that is the sweeter when it hath in him Seedes ripe cut the braunches so that the Roote maye springe agayne when this Mariorum is dried then rubbe out the sedes and keepe them to sowe about Easter and the Huskes or leues that grow about the Seedes take for your purpose rubbe them small betweene your handes for if you beat them to powder in a Morter they wyll loose the most parte of their sauor then take of white Saunders or of grey Sanders but looke that they be new of right sweete odour for if they bee olde and haue no pleasaunt and quick odour they ar nothyng worth take I say of these sweet Saunders beaten into fyne powder one ounce and put it to an ounce of your sweet Mariorum rubbed betweene your handes as afore is sayde and yf you put one or two Graynes of Muske therunto for your wearyng linnen it is the better sowe these vp in a sylke bag together lay it among your Linnen of such baggs haue a dosen or two which wyll continue many yeares and when you looke to your Linnen then chafe each of the bagges betweene your handes that they may yeld our their swete odour Moreouer in the Sommer time gather red Roses in faire wether so soone as they be blowne opened laye them vpon a Table a Bed or a fayre flore of boords and now and then remoue them least they mould and waxe foysty when they are dry pick off the leaues that you may haue ii peckes of them then strewe them amonge and betweene the boughts and foldynges of your Linnen with i. handful of of drye spike flowres to vi handful of dry Roses and lay your sweete bags amongst them Be sure that your lynen be euerthrough drier ye lay them vp for els the Roses wyll waxe hore set your coffer in a drye ayre and in the winter tyme or in wet wether when ye perceue your Roses to waxe moyst thē put them into a pyllow bere or twayne that they fall not out and lay them vpon your bed betwene the Couerlet and the Blancket all night or els before the fire let them drye and strew them agayne Moreouer ye must alwayes haue a bag full of dry Roses in store kepte in a dri ayre for if he loose his readnesse thē looseth the rose his swetnesse Fynally ye must euery yeare put away your olde Roses and occupye new out keepe your sweet Bagges styll many yeares * To make a Pomeamber cap. xliij TAke of Beniamin .i. ounce of Storax calamit halfe an ounce of Labdanum the eight part of an ounce beat them to powder put them into a brason Ladle with a little damask or Rose water set thē ouer the fyre of Coles til they be desolued and be soft lyke waxe then take them out and chafe them betweene your hands as you do wax thē haue these powders redy finely serced of Cinimon of Cloues of sweet sanders grey or white of ech of these iii. pouders halfe a quarter of an oūce mire the pouders with the other and chafe thē wel together if they be to dry moysten them a litle with some of the Rose water left in the Ladle or other if they waxe colde warme then vpon a Kniues poynt ouer a Chafingdishe of Coles then take of Amber greace of Musk and Ciuet of ech iii. graines desolue the Amber greace in a Siluer Spoone ouer the bot Coles when it is cold make it smal put it to your Musk and Ciuet then take your Pome that you haue chafed and gathered together and by little and little with some swete water if need be gather vp the amber musk ciuet and mixe them with your Ball til they be perfectly incorporated then make one Ball or two of the lumpe as ye shal think good for the waight of the whole is aboue two ounces make a hole in your Ball so hang it by a Lace If you perceaue that the Ball is not tough ynough but to brittle then take a curtesy of storax liquida and therwith temper your Bal against the fire but take not to much storax liquida because it is too strong Or the better way is to haue some gūm cald dragagāthi redy disolued in swete water it will be desolued in ii daies with the gather your Ball with the heate of the fire this Ball wil be of like goodnes within as without and of great price ¶ Some men put in the makyng hereof iii. or iiii drops of the Oyle of spike beware of to much because it is veri strōg When ye wyll haue your Ball exceede in sweetnes breake it haue ii or iii. graines of Musk or Ciuet or Amber greace as you delight in or al together desolue them in rose or Damask water with the same chafe your Ball ouer the fyre tyl al be drunken in then pearce a newe hole as before * To make a fine Fumigation to cast on the Coles cap. xliiij TAke of Beniamin .i. ounce of Storix calamit half an ounce disolue them as for a pomeamber then haue redy these woods in powders or one of them Gyniper or Cipres or of white Sanders of Cloues of either halfe a quarter of an ounce al in fine pouder mixt them all together and with some Storix liquida gather thē together with the heat of fire then make thē rownde of the bignesse of a blacke sloe and with your Seale printe it a Cake while it is warme and soft Of these cast one or two vpon a Chafingdishe of Coles to purge all pestifferous infection and corrupte ayres out of your house if you put to the other thinges the powder of Amber beades it wil be the sweter ¶ Some put also Labdanum as before is sayd in makyng of the pomeamber hearein doo as the sauor therof shall please you To make the same in Oseletts chapter .xlv. TAke a little of the fyne powder of Sallow or wyllow Coles mix it w tsom of your fumigatiō last before named in the makyng work them wel together then fashion it with iii. or iiii feete lyke a Cloue and when it is dry kyndle the ende of it at a quick Cole it wyll yelde a sweet sauour put not to muche coles for thē it wyl sauor of thē put not to little Coles ▪ for then it wyll not kepe fyre put not to much Storax liquida for then it wyll be too brittle and to moyste and wyll not lightly drye therfore it shal be well to haue som Gūme of the cheritree or Plumtree which they call Gūme Arabick disolue some of it in swete water tyl it be liquide and
to as much more water and seethe them lyke wyse and so doe agayne till the water wherin they are sodden haue no bitternesse at all of the Peeles then are they ready Now prepare a Syrop as ye doe for quinces condict in syrop in the xiiii chapter before written seeth them in the Syrope a while a keep them in a Glasse or Pot. ¶ To make gréene Gynger chapter xxxiii TAke the Rases of cased Ginger of the fairest and vse them as foloweth lay a broad lane of faire sand vpon a low flore on the grownd halfe a foote thicke then laye your Rases of Ginger vpon the sande in order couer the Ginger with more sand .iiii. or .v. fingers thick sprinkel the sand ouer faire with water twice euery day that it be moyste thus dayly do tyll ye shall perceaue your Rases to be soft Then take vp your Rases wash them scrape them cleane haue a Syrop readye made as aboue is sayde seeth them in it till they be wel seasoned take them vp and with some of the Syrop cast thē or put thē in a pot of stone ¶ To make Pepper soft with the vertue of the same AFter the same manner with sand ye may make pepper soft and with lyke Syrop season kept them Ginger Pepper in syrop comforteth a colde stomake helpeth much to good disgestion To make all kinde of Syrops chapter xxxiiii TAke Buglosse Borage white Endiue of each .i. handfull of Rosemary Tyme Isop winter Sauery of each halfe a handful seeth them being fyrste broken betweene your hands in .iii. quartes of water vntoiii pints thē straine it and put to ȳliquor whole cloues an ounce pouder of Cinimon half an ounce pouder of Ginger a quarter of an ounce .i. Nutmeg in powder of suger half a pound or more let them seethe vpon a softe fyre well styrred for burnning too vntyll it come to the thicknesse of liue Hony then keepe it in Gally-pots if you put .i. pynte Malmzey in the second seethīg it wyl be better When it is perfecte haue sixe graynes of fine Muske in powder stirre it amongst your Syrop as ye put it in the Gallypot and couer it This Syrop will last many yeres and is excellent against swowning and faintnesse of hert it cōforteth the Brayne and Sine wes if it bee vsed as muche as a Hasell Nut at once at your pleasure ¶ To make MANVS CHRISTI Chapter xxxv TAke halfe a pownde of white Suger put therto .iiii. ounces of Rosewater seethe them vpon a softe fier of Coales tyll the water be consumed and the Suger is become hard then put therin a quarter of an ounce of the powder of Pearles stirre them well togither put for euery spoonfull a peece of a leafe of Golde cut of purpose caste them vpon a leafe of white Paper annointed fyrste with the Oyle of sweete Almonds or sweete butter for cleauing too ¶ To make Losings Cap. xxxvi TAke halfe a pownd of Suger and as much Rosewater or other distild water as for Manus Christi seeth them lykewise and when ye wyll know when it is sodden inough take out some vpon a kniues poynt and let it keel and if it be harde lyke Suger then it is sodden innough then put into it of any of the powders hereafter nexte folowing one ounce stirre thē well together lay it vpon a paper oyled driue it as thin as ye thinke meete lay on your Golde leafe with a Conys tayle cut your Losings Diamonde fashion and so keepe them ¶ Powder of Hollond against Colick and gnawing of the belly cap. xxxvii TAke Cinamon Anys seede fenel seede Cummin seede of ech a quarter of an ounce of shauen Lyquerice .iii. quarters of an ounce of Gallingal one ounce and a half of Spyknard a quarter of an vnce of Sene of Alexandrya .ii. ounces beat them al into fyne powder and serce them whereof take a quarter of an oūce in a messe of Potage Powder to make the belly soluble causing a gentle laske méete for noble personages Chapter xxxviii TAke Sene of Alexandria one ounce of fyne Gynger halfe a quarter of an ounce of Anys seede a quarter of an ounce beate them into fyne powder and serce them put of this powder into your sodde Sugre and make Losynges as before of the whole the nūber of xvi wherof disolue two of them in a messe of Potage or in a Cup of Myne fastyng in the morning and fast one howre after if you doe put as much of sugre in powder as the waight of the whole powder yee may keepe it in a Bladder and the whole pouder wil serue .viii. times to receaue as euen now is sayd A receipt to restore strength in them that arr brought low with long sicknesse chapter xxxix TAke of the brawne of a Fesant or Pattridge and of a Capon sodden or rosted of ech a quarter of an ounce steepe them in rose-water two howres of the Kernels of Nuttes called Pistaciorum of the kirnels of the pine apple of ech a quarter of an ounce of Cinimon in fine powder the waight of twenty Barly cornes of the Spices of Dianthos diamargarition Letificantes Galent of each the waight of forty graines or barly cornes of the seed of Millon pepon Go orde and Cucummer of each the waight of ten graines the skin taken of let them be all grownde smal then take .vi. ounces of suger dissolued in borage water seethe it on haighte as for Lofinges and when it is sodden ynough thē put in al the other geare and make Losings therof Wherof one is sufficient at once disolued in a messe of Potage or a draft of drīk thus doo it or .iii. times euery day ¶ To make Ipocras Cap. xl TAke of chosen Cinimon two ounces of fyne Gynger one ounce of Graynes halfe an ounce bruse them all sleepe them in iii. or iiii pyntes of good odiferous wine with a pound of Sugre by the space of xxiiii howres then put them into an Ipocras Bag of Wollen and so receaue the liquor The rediest and best waye is to put the Spices with the halfe pownde of sugre and the Wine into a stone Bottle or a stone pot stopped close and after xxiiii howres it wyll bee ready then cast a thin linnen cloth or a peece of a boulter cloth on the mouth let so much run thorow as ye wyll occupy at once and kepe the vessell close for it will so well keep both the sprite odour and vertue of the Wine and also Spices ¶ A violet pouder for wullen clothes and Furres cap. xli TAke of Ireos ii ounces of Calamus aromaticus iii. quarters of an ounce of Cipres or gallingal of Spiknale of Rose leues dried of ech a quarter of an ounce of cloues of Spyke or Lauender Flowres of each halfe an ounce of Nigella romana a quarter of an ounce of Beniamin of Storax calimit of each halfe an ounce Let them be all finely beaten and serced then take two
Hulles of greene Walnuts that must lie in water all the yeare long roule them well with these Hulles make them as deepe a couller as you may ¶ How to couller Gloues yellow within TO collour Gloues yellow within take the yolkes of xx Egs put them in a fryinge pan with a soft fyre styrre them euer and bruse them with a ladle the Oyle that ascendeth of them being annointed on the in syde of the Gloues wyll make them loke yellow ¶ To make Muske Sope. cap. liii TAke stronge lye made of chalk and six pounde of stone chalk iiii pounde of Deere Suet and put them in the lye in an earthen potte and mingle it well and kepe it the space of forty daies and mingle and styr it iii. or iiii times a daye tyll it be consumed and that that remayneth vii or viii dayes after then you muste put a quarter of an ounce of Muske and when you haue don so you must al flyrre it and it wyll smell of Musk ¶ To make red sealyng wax cap. liiii TAke to one pound of Wax .iii. ounces of cleare Turpentyne in Sommer in Winter take fowre melte them together with a soft fyre Then take it from the fire and let it coole Then put in Vermylion verye fynely grounde and Salet Oyle of each an ounce and mix them well together and it is perfect good To kéepe Damsins in syrop TAke Damsins picke them with a knife or a pī thē take clarified Suger asmuch as you shall thinke wil serue them you must boyle it til it be as thick as birdlime Then boyle your Damsins in the clarified sugre til they be soft thē take thē vp and put them in a glasse then you must boyle the syrop till it be thick as the other was before you put in the Damsins as soone as it is so thick you muste powre it into the Damsins and so couer them close For the gnawing in a Womans stomacke TAke a good handful of Spermīt and a handful of Worme wod and heat a tile stone lai these ii thīgs on it make a little bag whē the herbes be hot put thē in the bag so laye them to her stomack ¶ To make swéete Damaske pouder fowre maner of wayes cap. lv TAke ii or iii. handfulls of dried Rose leues ii graines of Musk halfe an ounce of Cloues and beat these all to powder 2. An other way ¶ Take vi ounces of Orace iiii ounces of Cloues ii ounces of florax Calamite i. ounce of Labdanum ii ounces of yellow Sanders and a lytle Musk 3. An other way ¶ Take ii ounces of Cloues iiii ounces of Spruce iiii ounces of Storax calamit iiii ounces of Roses iii. ounces of Beniamin 4. An other way ¶ Take iii ounces of Sypres iiii ounces of Beniamin ii ounces of Coleander or Labdanū iii. ounces of Storax Calamit ii ounces of Roses beate all these to powder ¶ To keepe Barberyes cap. lvi TAke claryfied Suger boyle it tyll it be thick whiche you shal perceue yf you take a litle betweene your fingers it wyl rope lyke Birdlyme Then put in your Barberyes and let thē boyle with a soft fyre vntyll you perceaue thei be tender thē put them in a Glasse and couer them and so kepe them ¶ To make fine Rise Porredge cap. lvii TAke halfe a pound of Iordyn Almons and halfe a. li. of Ryce and a gallon of running water a handful of Oke barke and let the bark be boyled in the running water the Almons beten with the hulles and all on so strayned to make the Rie Porrege withal For the Ague in a womans brest cap. lviii TAke Hemlocke leues frye them in sweete Butter as hot as she may suffer it lay it to her brest and lap a warme white cotten and it wyll driue it away in short time ¶ For the vnnaturall heat of the Liuer Chapter lix Take borage buglosse sicory violets fumitori yong hop buds fenel buds of ech a quarter of a handful yong mallows mercury of ech halfe a handfull boyle these in a potle of Whey and straine it For the Cankar in the mouth cap. lx TAke halfe a pinte of ale a sprig of Rosemary seethe them together scum your ale and then put in a pece of Allū as much as a nut and a spoonfull of Honey and two spoonfull of Honysuckle water * To know what time in the yeare Herbes and Flowres should be gathered in their full strength cap. lxi MEdicines ar made diuers and sundry wayes some by leues some by sedes some by rootes some by Herbes some by flowres some by fruits Such leues as are put to medicins shuld be gatherd whē thei be at at theyr full wexing ere that their coullour be chaunged or that they fade any thing ¶ Sedes when they be ful ripe and the moystnes somwhat dried away ¶ Flowres shoulde be taken when they be fully open ere they begin to fade ¶ Herbes should be gathered when they be full of Sappe and ere they shrink ¶ Rootes should be gathered when the leaues fall ❧ Fruites shoulde be taken when that they be at their ful growth or when they fal the heauier the fruite is the better those that be great and light in ponderation chuse not them and those that be gathered in fayr wether be better then those that be gathered in rayne And those Hearbes that groweth in the Feldes are better than those that groweth in Cownes in Gardens and those that groweth on hills in the field be best for Medicines for cōmonly they be lesse not so fat and haue more vertue Many Herbes there be that haue special time to be gathered in And if they bee gathered in that time they haue their whole vertue to their propertie or els not so good Some helpeth when so euer they be gathered some be nought yf they be gatherd out of time therfore mark well what I teach thee ¶ Betayne shal be gathered principally in Lāmas Monthe with the seede and the roots and without any Iron toole and it shal be dryed in the shadow for medicins it may be gathered other tymes but euermore it is the better yf it be gotten without Iron and it muste be gathered afore Son risyng ¶ Swinsgras shal be gathered whē it pleaseth in time of neede ¶ Camimamill shal be gathered in Apryll ¶ Perytory shal be gathered ī Iune before the Son rysing ¶ Red docke shal be gathered when they neede dayly ¶ Longedebefe shal be gathered in Iune and Iuly ¶ Penyworte shal be gathered in the beginning of Winter ¶ Germander shal be gathered in Lammas Month. ¶ Dragaunce shall be gathered in Iune and Iuly ¶ Columbyne in Lāmas month ¶ Addertung should be gathered in Apryll ¶ Pedelyon when thou wilt ¶ Groundsill alway after midday ¶ Wal wort when it pleaseth you without Iron ¶ Violet should be gathered in the Month of