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A67479 Physick for families discovering a safe way, and ready means, whereby every one at sea or land, may with Gods assistance be in a capacity of curing themselves, or their relations, in all distempers or extremities, without any the hazards, troubles, or dangers, over usual, in all other wayes of cure. Walwyn, William, 1600-1681. 1669 (1669) Wing W687; ESTC R15165 56,948 126

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small occasion if not to worse Distempers arising from the unhappy remains of unwholsome Physick Whil'st the other are no sooner discharged from their main Distemper but in a manner immediately their Strength Stomack Courage and countenance return at once without fear of any after inconveniencies And may well appear a circomstance of no mean consideration to manifest the difference of the means and Medicines And having thus far disburthened my reason of so many important thoughts which I judged worthy the knowledge in this weighty cause of Physick upon which mans happiness so much dependeth wherein my principal aims have been to make the differences of the usual Physick And that which I here propose so apparent that every capacity may be enabled to make their choice accordingly For perfecting this work having been somewhat large in shewing the stilness quietness safeness and untroublesome way of cure by my really benigne Medicines very much resembling the operations and effects not of Terrestrial but of Celestial Influences for a more evident witness of their difference and to put this main point past all dispute I shall here present the whole Entire Process of no mean Physitian but of a most learnred Doctor Engaged in the undertaking of a Cure and by himself published in Print as what he deemed most laudable though the success was doubtful And wherein is chiefly to be minded what afore I have expressed Touching the trouble hazard danger and ill Events of Purging Vomiting Bleeding Glisters Blisters c. And the happiness of that way by which all those are safely and securely avoided His own Relation verbatim being as followeth RIVERIV'S Observations page 36 37 c. The Distempers Denominated Tisick Inflammation of the Lungs and Palpitation of the Heart ON the 8th of April 1632. The Widow of Monsi Sejelory of Mon ' Pelier Starting out of her bed at midnight thinly clad to the window was presently taken with great shortness of breath like a Fit of the Tisick with a Cough spitting of blood a Feaver and readness of Face I being sent for caus'd a vein to be open'd in her right arm and 8 ounces of blood being taken away her shortness of breath presently ceased Afterwards a Laxative Glister was injected and a Julep given her of Red Poppy water Sirrup of Violets Sal prunellae and Confectio de Hyacintho On the ninth day at ten in the forenoon I visit her again and find her in a Fever troubled with a Cough and spitting of bloody matter also she felt a heavy weight in the middle of her breast with an inward burning and pricking in many parts of her Chest I cause her to be let blood in her left arm and that the Glister and Julep should be repeated to anoint her breast with Oyl of Violets and that she lick frequently some Sirrops of Violets after the blood-letting she was presently eased that sense of weight and burning in her Chest were ●bated At five in the Evening the same day conceiving that vapours arose from beneath and humours into her Chest which that shortness of breath did sufficiently declare I cause her to be let blood in the Saphena Vein after which she was also better The night following she took the foresaid Julep again she slept but little On the tenth day in the morning she was better her Fever and other Symptoms were very remiss About the third hour of the Evening she had a coldness in her extream parts with a light sweat in her Feet and palms of her hands after that an a●●te Fever her pulse very much expressed and the sense of heaviness in her chest very much augmented Dr. Ranchinus the Chancellor was called to Consultation who conceived that it was a Pluerisie arising from inflammation of the Mediasticum and by common consent she was Let blood in her right Arm to seven ounces after which also she was better The other Medicines were continued also Frictions Ligatures and Cupping-glasses were applyed to her lower parts On the eleventh day which was the third of her sickness moved with what I had observed in another Disease of the same patient in which she was afflicted by turns with a Flux of her Belly joyned with a Tenesmus and a Catarrh falling upon her breast So that as often as her loosness stopt she was grievously afflicted with her Catarrh and when her Flux recovered her Catarrh presently ceased The humour falling into her breast being drawn downwards I conceived that a Purge would do her most good which I made after this manner Take leaves of B●gloss and Lettice of each one handful Tamarind ha●●●● ounce Liquorice ●h●ee dr●●s Violet flowers 〈◊〉 Pugil boy all to ●our ounces in the strained Liquo● dissolve one dram of Rubarb infused in Beglo●● water with yellow Sanders Manna and firrup of Roses of each one ounce make all into a potion which she took in the morning and voided much Flegmatick Wheyish sharp and stinking matter nevertheless the Disease was more violent towards the Evening than formerly yet her Pulse was not oppressed as before and the weight in her breast was less But she felt a pain about her right Chanel bone which encreased by handling the same she slept little that night she took Emulsions frequently The fourth day of her Disease and the twelfth of the moneth when as in the morning her Fever and the pain in her Chanel bone continued Dr. Ranchinus was again called to Consult and besides the foresaid Symptoms a great palpitation of the heart which appeared also in her right Hypocondrium also in her right side but it lasted not long there But about her heart it continued and did beat like a Hammer violently she was again Let blood in her right Arm. And an Ovntment was appointed for the part pained and Remedies to revel the humours to the lower parts About Evening the Disease was again exasperated and the Palpitation continued some hours after she did sweat a little all her body over by which she was a little eased But her Palpitation and Fever continued as before when we began to suspect that Vapours did arise from her Womb we prescribed her a Glister for the Mother Frictions Ligatures and Cupping-glasses to be applyed to her lower parts Emplastrum Hystericum was applyed to her Navel and a Julep was given her to assist her sweating of Scabious and Carduus water with Bezoar stone and half an ounce of Orange flower water in regard of her womb In the night she had three large stools of stinking corrupt matter after midnight she slept quietly till morning On the fifth day of the Disease I found her in the morning with a small Fever without any oppression in her breast or any pain and with very little Palpitation of heart about Evening she did sweat a little and was better afterwards After she had voided her Glister her palpition was augmented her Fever became more intense and she was pretty well in the Night On the sixth day all
embraced though never so safe easeful and free from all disturbance the aversness being generally whetted by some sinister interest that without perpetual insisting in a full discovery of the Advantages and disadvantages there would be no hope of Prevailing for such a condescension as in this weighty Cause is agreeable to Truth and Reason But all things have their season Evangelical Doctrine bringing nothing but peace though long opposed by the Legal which brought nothing but terrour to the sin-sick Conscience yet in time as truth prevailed became clearly victorious both over the Law and their Interest that would maintain it And so in time I doubt not but it may also prove in this as the difference once comes to be rightly understood for however Custom and Interest may have so prevailed enchained mens minds as almost in every sickness to reckon no other but that there is a necessity of undergoing all those painful cruel dangerous and mischievous practises and proceedings afore recited yet certainly when they shall be serious in their thoughts and plainly see that there is another way in Physick Established upon more sure Foundations and Principles and another sort of Medicines arising from these Principles which cure with much more certainty and yet wholly exempt from all terrours pains and dangers and that may by every one be known to be such by Evident Marks and Characters and by abundant Instances of Cures performed solely by such Medicines as in the touchstone of Physick plentifully appeareth There will then certainly be no place for opposition nor need of farther Arguments to perswade their chearful Entertainment nor to doubt a general adherence to their assistance by all Persons and Families For whose clear understanding and more easy ordering of them to their own their Friends and Relations occasions in any Distempers or necessities I shall here acquaint them with their particular Titles Vertues and Uses with all requisite Circum stances as followeth As 1. Refugium vitae Exceedingly behoveful and prevalent in all sudden frightful and confused distempers afflicting either the Head the Breast the Stomack Bowels Mother or any other part of the body with or without Vomiting Loosness Gripings to be given with confidence 2 or 3 spoonfuls to Children and from 6 to 12 spoonfuls to those of years and at three hours may be repeated or the like quantity given again and so as long as there is occasion warm or cold at 8 s. the pint in Colds Surfets Agues Fevers Convulsions c. is of singular advantage 2. Sanguis vitae In all Distempers of Stomach and Bowels griping in the Guts Surfets Vomitings Agues new Fevers first signes or fears of the Pestilence small Pox Measels and in all such cases to be well heated the Dose or quantity from four spunfuls to 12. yea to six Ounces if need require but for conservation of health may be used cold familiarly to a quarter or half pint at a time as every one pleases the price is 2 s. the pint 3. Adjutrix vitae For Appetite and Digesture a pleasing Cordial for all times the Dose from 2 to 6 or 8 Ounces best between meals is good also in any Spoon-meat or drank in Milk against Consumptions the price is 2 s. the pint 4. Vis vitae For Dropsy Scurvy Spleen Wind Gravel Strangury Stopage of Water or of the natural course or in swellings from thence or other sweatings the Dose from two to six Ounces and at 4 hours may be repeated and continued till occasion cease Also may be familiarly taken for prevention of all such Distempers and for conservation of health and chearfulness at 3 s. the pint 5. Succus vitae For Convulsions Palsies Falling-sickness Mother-fits c. the dose from two to 4. and six ounces and at 4 hours distance may be repeated or taken in like quantity again and to be continued as long as occasion requireth at the pint 5 s. 4 d. 6. Lac vitae For Rickets Worms Green-sickness Diseases of the Mother and weakness or sikicshness of the stomach the Dose is as the last and to be repeated and continued as long as there is occasion the price also is 5 s. 4 d. the pint 7. Radix vitae In Coughs shortness of breath Vomiting Loosness Griping pains in the Head or Stomack in Fevers also and Pestilence or any occasion with or without Fevers Agues c. The Dose from 2 to 6. Ounces or larger quantities and to be repeated and continued as long as there is occasion the pint is 6 s. note that 3 small usual spoonfuls make an ounce 8. Nutrix vitae For Consumptions Defluxions a great strengthner also may be familiarly used for preservation of health strength and chearfulness from 2 to 4 6 or 8 ounces the pint 8 s. 9. Salus vitae For all difficult Cases Infectious Feverish Pestilential or Dangerous in Small Pox Measels Agues of all kinds with Vomitings Loosness Gripings Virulent Scaldings or Itchings over the body sore Mouth or Throat violent Coughings Headach or Toothach with or without swellings the Dose from 2 to 4 and 6 Ounces and after 4 hours time to be repeated and continued as there is occasion at 8 s. the pint 10. Medulla vitae For Wastings and all Weaknesses especially in fears of miscarriage of singular efficacy against Consumptions with or without Oeavers the Dose from two to four and six ounces but in Milk as warm as from the Cow or in Oatmeal and Milk or any other Spoon-meat as nothing is like pleasant so also is nothing a more powerful strengthner or improver of Nature two spoonfulls to a mess suffiseth at 12 s. per pint 11. Deliciae vitae Against Sadness Melancholly a great reviver and though the dose be from 2 to 4 and 6 ounces yet half a spoonful held in the mouth a while and after swallowed generally makes so great a chearfulness in the most indisposed and dejected as hath been admired and by perseverance alters from a sad to a chearful constitution and conversation the price is 20 s. the pint 12. Stella vitae Very powerful in Swoonings and all Extremities As also for extinguishing most virulent inflammations in any part of the body arising from impure venomous Causes the Dose from 1 to 2 4 and 6 ounces as to the amazement of some Arts-men and observers hath with safety and wonderful success been even daily taken by divers and so used hath been also very prevalent in pleuretick shortness and suffocation of breath in violent Vomitings Loosness Griping of the Guts stopping of the stomach stoppage of Urine and Strangury And though very high in Spirit and seemingly hot yet is so safe and innocent that the smallest children partake thereof to great advantage the price is 12 s. the pint 13. Ignis vitae Exceeding high in spirit and of singular use in Lethargies Vertigoes swimming of the Head Dulness of sight and to the wonder of Art in violent Headake and inflamation of the Eyes with or without
refuse the undertaking of any that I either doubt or will not promise to persevere with them and strictly to adhere to Directions upon which being resolved none need to fear success Answerable either to the Instances mentioned in the Touch-stone of Physick or to those Cures since performed by them Some whereof to manifest that they are still the same both in Efficacy and in Performance I shall here recite as followeth 1. A Gentleman about thirty years of age upon an Extream cold taken with great pains over all his body Headake and stoppage at his stomack I sent him 3 ounces of Vindex naturae to be taken a little warm'd last at night which quit him perfectly of his Distemper 2. A Boy about 3 years old taken in so stupid a manner as those who are said to be struck with Death as the Parents verily thought this Child Being somewhat far from me they made use at first of some other means but being worse upon it they sent to me I sent him a small quantity of Radix to be given by a spoonful every hour and 2 ounces of Salus for the night to be taken a little warm at twice and continued for divers days and nights with no appearance of prevailing in the least yet depending solely upon these Medicines they sent to me daily much and often they solicited me to allow a Glister which I durst not admit the malignity being so obstinate besides the child had ordinary stools daily at length I ordered 3 ounces of Athleta naturae Upon which there followed two or three sharp and loose stools whereupon he became perfectly well 3. The Brother of this Child some 2 yeas older was soon after taken very ill also and Feverish but being instantly sent to I ordered him 3 ounces of Vindex which proved to his absolute recovery In all which Cases or the like where thirst molesteth or is feared I always appont White-wine Posset-drink to be freely taken made with a quarter of a pint of White-wine to a quart of Milk and not to exceed in Wine and to use no other Drink if they can be so perswaded but if not then once in four or six hours to admit a draught of 8 shillings Beer with Sugar and a Toast which I desire may be noted as a general Rule and not to be scrupled 4. A young woman layn in and well almost to the end of her moneth upon a sudden had no passage for her water upon which I was sent to her condition being very much feared I sent her half a pint of Vis vitae which being given her at twice warmed within 3 hours time she became perfectly well One almost 70 years of age having contracted some foulness of stomack and sliminess in the Uriters was unexpectedly taken with stoppage of water which he bore awhile as hopeing it might alter of it self being not much provoked nor pained so eat and drank as usual soon after making trial he found the stoppage to continue and withal an unusual aptness to Vomit which he gave way unto and brought up abundance without pain which being ended I ordered him to drink a quarter of a pint of Stella vitae which he did at one draught half an hour after though otherwise well yet still his water staid wherupon I order'd him totake a quarter of a pint of Vis vitae well warm'd which he drank off at one draught and so laid him down upon his bed where he slept so soundy for two full hours that when he wak't he thought it had been but half an hour and then trying to make water it freely issued as at other times and troubled him no more 6. An Elderly Gentleman frequently and vehemently troubled with Gripings Wind and Loosness using much means in Physick being by his Physitian allowed the use of Vis vitae which generally he keeps by him always in readiness never fails of certain relief thereby 7. His Wife generally troubled with Wind and weakness of Stomack having recourse upon all occasions to the use of Sanguis vitae renders her life very secure and comfortable 8. A Gentleman sufficiently able to distinguish of Physick being in London his Wife being Extreamly ill far off in the Country through a long crazed body and then afflicted with intollerable pains all over with debility of stomack and all faculties applyed himself with very anxious solicitation to me as dreading her immediate loss so consulting together we agreed to send her a quart of Radix vitae to take of in it continually a little and little day and night which being taken he received and brought me very joyful tidings of her happy recovery 9. Awhile after the same Gentleman desired my advice for a Gentlewoman quite stuffed up with Flegm and oppressed with an Extream Cough and defect of Appetite upon a little discourse we agreed she should have a pint of Radix to take a little and little all the day and at bedtime 6 spoonfuls and in the night a liitle and little as she sound occasion which through Gods goodness perfectly recovered her 10. A Gentleman about 30 highly Feverish with Vomiting Thirst and Headake and sore all over his body I sent him 3 ounces of Vindex to be taken at Bedtime and to drink White-wine Posset made as afore is mentioned this he took and next morning was much mended and omitted to take any thing all that day but the day following I saw cause to send him 6 ounces of Lac vitae to take by sips all that day and 3 ounces of Vindex for bedtime which enabled him next day to come himself and give me thanks for so happy an alteration with so little trouble and cost 11. A Gentleman about 35 going out of London not very well far off in the Country oppressed with perpetual business even night and day his Body also being not of the firmest Constitution fell into so Extream a Fever and so confusedly ill all over that to preserve himself he was forced to make use of such Helps and Helpers in Physick as the place afforded which was not despicable yet availed nothing upon which his Friends by his Order sends to me his Condition desiring me to send what I thought fit for he was well acquainted with my Medicines and used never to travel without full quantities of them so I sent him a quart of Radix and a pint of Vindex naturae But so obstinate a Distemper was hardly ever heard of for though he had after this much more and larger quantities of Radix and of Vindex Athleta Lumen naturae and Vis vitae and Salus vitae all which he took always with very much assurance of goo● ●et by one occasion or other he was so often even upon the point of Death that I became afraid to open the Letters that came from his Disconsolate friends How it came to be thus I could not certainly learn though some imputed it to diversity of advice proceedings of
either Dead or had put him self into other hands But when I least expected the messenger came to me desiring me to send him somewhat to support his spirits as he went about his occasions I ask't what was become of his Ague and found he was absolutely quit of it The party telling me that that night he took the last things I sent him he had 6 or 7 large stools which quite Discharged his Ague and that ever since he had been very well only upon stirring a little faint And truly this manner of effect I have often noted in obstinate Distempers for that which I always give being not slight insignificant but powerful friends to Nature cannot possibly be utterly frustrate but first or last must some way or other prevail for good as here by Purgation so sometimes by Vomit when their forces by frequent repetition become so united as not to be resisted And this way of Operation as it hath Established my hope in all I give So may it be of good assurance to Patients though for a time they see little or no alteration For that which is good in it self and powerful and taken in full quantity frequently when least look't for produceth even above and beyond all hope Imaginable And is the peculiar blessing of Prudence in Patients and Perseverance under the use of means so certainly safe and so prevalent as these upon all occasions have been approved But this Gentleman adventuring too much upon his mettle before confirmation of his strength before two moneths came to an end renewed his Ague and being much nearer to other means then mine sell into the common Road of Physick under which in few days he ended his life somewhat under the blame of his Relations for declining his own Reason and Experience but is the usual fruit of Instability and Inconstancy 27. A young Child so ill and stupid that none knew what to what of it as the manner is was excused and laid upon toothing so long till help was almost too late the Father Disired my advice so I ordered two ounces of Salus vitae to be given by a spoonful every hour which before it was quite taken gave an appearance to the small pox and so he perfectly recovered 28. A Gentleman far in the Countrey having contracted a very ill habit of body with weakness of Stomack and aptness to vomit By the use of Vis for days and Salus for night in less then a moneths time was restored to a far better condition 29. A Gentlewoman having a young Daughter very much languishing under a Distemper and weakness like that of the Green-sickness by the use of three quarts of Vis vitae taken thrice every day between meals and last at night ● spoonfuls at a time recovered into a very good condition 30. A Gentlewoman very much stuffed in her breast with Cough and shortness of breath by three quarts of Flos vitae taken thrice every day and a little in the night became very well and hearty 31. A Gentleman of somewhat a weake Constitution through many occasions both at home and abroad subject to Heats Colds Weariness and thereby frequently to illness and sometimes to very Dangerous fits of sickness using in all such times full and large quantities of Salus Vindex Stella and Radix freely and seriously professes that he believes they have often by taking the value of a quarter of a pint saved him both a fit of sickness and a chargable course of Physick And that in his extremity of sickness they have saved his life when it was in his judgment impossible for any other kind o● Physick to have done it having seen to his grief as he says divers of his friends fail and fall under the best of the usual practise And which hath so confirmed his Opinion of their safety and Efficacy that he soly under God Depends upon them for support of his no small Family and whereby both to his Son and Servants so much hath been performed both in Small Pox and Griping of the Guts and other illness as might well make out many weighty instances But where as in this large Family they are always at hand and in readiness it 's hardly credible how frequent and how speedy very great Inconveniences are daily prevented But for this Griping of the Guts which every week rose higher in the Bills of Mortality as many times to exceed an hundred as I have never known any so Distempered to fail under these Medicines So I do verily believe they would have proved a perfect Remedy to whosoever had relyed upon them And it troubled me Exceedingly they were made no more use off in that Mortal Distemper by those who undertook its Cure or that those who were concern'd took no more beed to them whil'st with a little consideration and small Cost they might have cur'd themselves which is the main intention of this Treatise 32. A young Maiden by overmuch toyling above her strength taking cold fell into a Feverish Distemper which stopping the course of Nature strange pains flew all over her Body and into her head especially Some Artist at hand presently bleeds her but that proving rather to the increase then abatement of her Distemper I was desired to help what I could I ordered 3 ounces of Vindex naturae for the night and half a pint of Vis vitae for the Day And this repeated next night and next day reduced her to a very good condition 33. The Father of this yong Maid being tortur'd with violent pains of the Srangury and stoppage of his water sending to me I sent him only half a pint of Vis vitae which he had no sooner taken but he found instantly a perfect release both from pain and stoppage to his Extream joy satisfaction But this also is a Family long time used to a Dependence upon these Medicines unto which there belongs so many stories of Cures performed by them for young and old as would take up a larger room then is needful at this time 34. An Elderly full bodied Woman troubled and almost strangled often with stoppage of the stomack and Vapours flying up into her breast and throat hath not failed of relief by half a pint of Sangis vitae well heated and drank off in an hours time 35. One about 27 of long time troubled with a vehement pain in his Legs yet nothing to be seen having used sometimes one Plaister and then another instead of ease redned and pimpled all over swelling somewhat but itching so extreamly that by scratching became extreamly painful and tedious to him Asking my advice I smelt the Plaister and found it too hot and rank so I ordered him to put no kind of Plaister any more to it but to moisten a fine Cloth or Linen stocking with fine Tallow dropt in fair Water and to keep that on till that Leg was like the other which happily proved to be so in some five or six nights Then as to