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water_n half_a ounce_n small_a 3,273 5 6.7851 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A64906 The English-mans treasure with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by ... Mr. Thomas Vicary, Esquire ... ; whereunto are annexed many secrets appertaining to chyrurgerie, with divers excellent approved remedies ...; Profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body Vicary, Thomas, d. 1561.; Turner, William, d. 1568. Of the bath of Bathe, in England.; Bremer, William.; Boraston, William. Necessary and briefe relation of the contagious disease of the pestilence.; Mondeville, Henri de, 14th cent.; Lanfranco, of Milan, 13th cent.; Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565.; Fioravanti, Leonardo, 1518-1588.; Ward, William, 1534-1609.; Hester, John, d. 1593. 1641 (1641) Wing V334; ESTC R13290 183,199 320

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thereof a gallon of Lye and put thereto a gallon of Tanners woo●e and powder of Roch Allome and Madder a pound and séeth all these and let your panne be so great that it be little more then halfe full and when it riseth in the séething stirre it downe with a ladle that it runne not over and let it stand thrée or foure houres till it bée cléere and all that is cléere straine it thorow a good thick Canvas and then wet therein a ragged cloath and long lint and lay it on the sore and this is good for all the diseases aforesaid A good Medicine for the Canker and Sores TAke a pottle of cleane running water or white wine Sage Rosemary and Sink foyle of each a handfull Allome one ounce boyle all together till halfe a quarter be consumed and for the Canker put in a little white Coperas and Camphere For the Canker in the mouth TAke Plantine Bittony Egrimony Violets and Wood-bind and boyle them in Wine or Water with Isope Pyony Pimpernell and gréene Walnuts and therewith wash foure times in a day and hold it in your mouth hot and therewith wash For Canker old or new or Marmole TAke Smalledge Wormewood-gréene Walnuts Lillies Broome Crappes white Hazell red Nettle Sage Selfe-●eale Pimpernell the roote of Floure-deluce Planten ground Ivie Wallwoort Mouse-eare Celondine Mintes Bittony Egrimony Violets Charvell Colwortes Avence stampe all these and rot them and fry them in Barrowes grease Shéepes tallow and Honey and make thereof an oyntment with Turpentine Waxe Rozen Pitch Gum Frankensence burnt Allome and powder of Tanners barke For the Canker TAke the powder of Saden Hony and creame and white wine and mixe them altogether and melt them over the fire and when it is hot with a linnen cloath wash therewith thy mouth and when the Sore is well washed put thereof into the griefe with Lint as hot as may bée suffered two times a day and bée whole For a Canker in a mans body and save the man TAke the rootes of Dragons and cut them and dry them in gobbets and make powder of them and take a 9. d. weight of that powder and séeth it in white Wine and let the sicke drink thereof warme fasting and in thrée dayes he shall be whole For the Head-ache TAke Hemlockes and séeth them till they be as thicke as Pappe and lay them where the paine is Let them lye all Night and on the morrow lay another of the same heat and doe so thrée or foure times and it is done Another for the same ALso take and make Lye of Veruen or Bytton or Worme-wood and therewith wash thy Head thrice a wéeke and it shall doe thée much good and take away the Ache. Another for the same TAke the Hearbe called Bursa Pactoris and bruise it and lay it to the hart of thy Foote and it helpeth both the Head-ache and the Toothache Another for the same TAke Bitton Veruen Sel●ndine Waphroade Rewe Wall-woort and Sage and a quantity of Pepper and Hony and séeth them all together in water and straine it through a cloath and drinke it Fasting Another for the same STampe Bittony and lay it on thy Head vnder the Cappe or bind it to thy head Another for the same TAke Sage Bittony and Rewe with Wormewood ana séeth these in faire water and then put out the same water into a vessell and then grind the same Hearbs in a Morter small a●● then take of them and of the liquor and ●e●per them with Wheate Branne and with the rest of the liquor w●sh thy head and then lay a Plaister thereof vpon the Mould and let it lye there a day and a night and do so thrée or foure times Item yée may take rootes and leaues of Primroses fresh Butter and Tarre boyled together Another for the ssame TAke Avence Pigeons dung and Wheate flower ana one ounce and temper them with the white of an Egge and bind to thy griefe Another for the same TAke Bittonic and Camomill ana a handfull and séeth it in a pottle of Wine to a quart and wash thy head with the liquor and if it be the Megrim it shall helpe thée Another for the same TAke Frankensence Doues dung and flower of Wheate ana one ounce and temper them together with the white of an Egge and lay a Plaister thereof where the griefe is Another for the same TAke the white of an Egge and beate it well and take away the froth and put thereto Rose-water and the powder of Alablaster then take Flaxe and wet therein and lay it to the Temples and when it is dry wet it againe vse it thrée or foure times Another for the same TAke Verven Bittony Wormewood séeth them well and wash the Patients head and after that make a Plaister and lay on the over part of the Head on this manner take the same Hearbes b●foresaid when they are sodden and wring out the Iuyce 〈◊〉 them then take the Hearbes and stampe them in a Morter and temper them with the water they were sodden in and put thereto Wheate branne to cover the Iuyce of the hearbes that it goe not out then take a garland of Linnen cloth that will goe about thy head and bind the Plaisters in it as hot as the Patient may abide it and then put on a cappe over that Another for the same IF the paine come of hot humours take a quantity of House-léeke and distill it as much as you please and with the same water wash thy Temples and the Forehead and then dippe a linnen cloth therein and lay it on thy Forehead or thy temples Another for the same TAke Margerom and gréene Iuy leaues Bittony and Verven of every one two handfuls cut them small and beate them in a Morter and séeth it in two penny worth of fresh Butter and stirre it till it waxe very gréene and so let it stand nine dayes in an earthen pot then séeth it againe and stirre it well and straine it and kéepe it in a faire vessell and when you néed warme a little thereof in a Sawcer and annoynt your Temples therewith Another for the same TAke a quart of white Wine and Horehound two handfuls and Camomill one handfull and boyle them together and therewith wash thy Head then take Wheate bran and put to the hearbes and boyle it and make a Plaister and lay it to thy head Another for the same TAke the Iuyce of Salondine and good Vineger mingled and made hot and with a spunge or a linnen cloth lay it to thy forehead it quencheth great heate and purgeth it that it come no more Another for the same TAke the Iuyce of Pimpernell and put thereto May butter and frye them together with a soft fire and keepe it and therewith annoynt the Head and Temples To cleanse the Head TAke Alloes one ounce Myrrhe halfe an ounce Garlicke foure drams Saffron in powder halfe a penny worth and mingle them together in fine powder then take
fume thereof It never failed To stop white Menstruum and red TAke the Iuyce of Planten and of Bursa Pastoris and ●w● whites of Egges well beaten among the Iuyce and put thereto Bolearmoniac one ounce and of Terra sigillata demi ounce and a portion of Beane flower and make it thicke vpon the fire and draw thereof a Plaister vpon thin cloth and lay it to her Backe and Navill Another for the whi●e TAke the inner rinde of the Slo●trée Sumatch Balestianes the rinde of the Pomegranate Planten Knot-grasse the inner rinde of the red Bryer and a little French-Bolearmoniac and boyle all these in red Wine till halfe be consumed and let her drinke it fasting Et restringer fluxum Menstruum Another for the same TAke the foote and Legge of Hare and bake it to powder haire and all and drinke it and it restraineth the same Of Fearne THe roote is good to be drunke and laid too Plaister-wise for Wounds that are made with Réedes and in like manner the roote of the Réede drunke and laid Plaister-wise to the ●●re where Fearne sticketh the powder is good to be strowed vpon moyst 〈◊〉 which are har● to be covered with ●●in and ill to be healed the juyce pressed out of the Fearne roote laid too with Rose-water or other cold water is good for all manner of burning or scalding perfectly and sure To take away heate and inflamation of a Member TAke the waters of Planten and Purslaine of each two ounces and the water of a little hearbe called Vernsenlarie two ounces Liturge and ●eruts in fine powder of ●uch foure drams Camphere thrée 〈…〉 all 〈…〉 A Locion for inflamation of Balam THe waters of Planten and Roses of each two ounces Tuthers prepriat a dram Verdigreace sixe drams Allome halfe a dram Camphere two drams Honey of Roses two ounces burnt Lead sixe drams weight and it is done A Locion for a sore Mouth TAke running water a pinte Vineger halfe a pinte Honey foure ounces Bay leanes one ounce Galingale one dram Let all these be decocted to the forme of a Syrope A preparative TAke Syrope of Violets Endiffe and of Femitory of each two ounces and of common Decoction foure ounces To make Vergent milke TAke Litarge of Leade one pound with Vineger a pinte 〈◊〉 in Fuse thrée dayes and then drawne with woollen shreds and so kéepe it in a Viall by it selfe close then take foure ounces of conduit-Conduit-water and one ounce of Allome and one dram of Camphere and melt all over the fire and kéepe the water by it selfe in another Viall and when you will vse it put both these waters together of each like quantity and it will be like milke Another of M. Doctor ●axleys TAke Litarge of Silver halfe a pound with Vineger a quart Boyle these together till halfe be wasted and then draw the Liquor from the Litarge with woollen ●hreds and so kéepe it to your vse in a Viall close take also of Camphere thrée drams Muske foure graines against all these things put one ounce and a halfe of Oyle of Tartary and put all in a pinte of rose-Rose-water and boyle it till the third part be consumed and then draw the rest with woollen ●hreddes and kéepe it to your vse in a Viall close and when you will vse it take a very little bottle-Glasse and fill it halfe full of the first Water and fill it vp with the second Water and it will coagulate together straight wayes marvellously as white as Milke and also it taketh away the spottes and Feeckles in the Face if it be often applyed thereto A Plaister for the Collicke and Stone TAke Peritory Camomill ground Iuy-leaues Cummin stampe them and boyle them in white Wine and make a Plaister thereof and put it about the Reines as hot as may be suffered and sée that it lye close round about behind and before A Plaister for the Headache and for hot Agues TAke red Myntes Leavened Bread of Wheate and white Vineger Make thereof a Plaister and lay it to your Forehead for it helpeth diseases in the Head and also fo● hot Agues A comfortable Powder for the Heart TAke Synamon Ginger of each thrée ounces graines of Paradice long Pepper of each two drams Saffron one dram Suger foure ounces and so make your Powder Another Remedy that breaketh the stone which being used a certaine time will cause the stone broken never after to harden in the bladder TAke a pound of Gromwell a pound of Saxefrage séede and a pound of Coliander with a quarter of a pound of Soras white and red and grinde all these in a Morter very small and so kéep it vsing to eate thereof in your Pottage every day a spoonefull Another proved Medicine for the Stone TAke Time Dam●ons Beane Cods Pellitory of the wall Saxefrage like quantities and stéepe them one night in white Wine then distill them and vse to drinke thereof Another remedy for the Stone and to cause the voydance of Urine TAke Pellitorie of the Wall Sothernwood and séeth them in Water or white Wine with a quantity of Shéepes Suet till it be tender then put the hearbes and fallow in a linnen bag and lay it warme to the bottome of the belly vsing this you shall finde remedy A proved Medicine to avoid the Urine that hath beene long stopped also for the Stone TAke Radish rootes one if it be of bignesse and strong is sufficient and scrape it very cleane and lay it in white Wine a night in stéepe then straine the Wine and giue the Patient to drinke and he shall voyd water A very good water for the stone proved THe water of Strawberries with the leaues distilled and so vsed by draughts as other drinke To breake the Stone DRye the stones of a Cock a yeare old and beate them into fine powder and giue the diseased thereof to drinke in white Wine but if he haue the Charward then giue it to drink with good water The Lady Gath her Medicine against the Plague TAke Abaunce Turmintell Sage Spermint and Violet leaues of each one handfull and stampe them in a Morter very small when you haue so done straine them through a strainer with red wine claret or white whether you can most easily get and luke warme giue of this water to the diseased to drink Against the new Ague by D. Langdon TAke Sortell Sowthistill Endiue Dandelion Succor●e croppes of Fennell with Mallowes with Violet leaues of each one handfull and séeth them all in a gallon of stale Ale to a pottle with skimming that done straine out the liquor and make thereof an Ale posset and let the Patient drinke thereof as oft as he is a thirst putting into every draught as much Treacle as the bignesse of a Beane and yée shall be healed To kill the Paulsie DRinke the roote of Valerian in powder and it will destroy the Palsey so that ye eate no Hogge flesh A remedy for the Dropsie SCrape an Elder roote very cleane and breake
and you shall sée marvellous operation For all manner of Tooth-ache TAke the juyce of ground Iuy and put thereof in thine Eare on the same side that thy T●●th aketh and it shall ake a while but it shall soone leaue aking and be well Another and if thy Tooth be hollow TAke the inner-side of the Elder barke and shred it fine and take a little grosse Pepper and good Mustard and mingle them together and put them in a little Linnen cl●●te and make little balles or pellets of them and boyle them in Vin●ger and as hote as then canst suffer it lay it to thy Tooth and if thy Tooth be hollow put it into thy Tooth and when it is cold take another and this vse till the paine be gone Probatum est A Medicine for Teeth TAke the leaues of H●● a pot full and séethe them in water till they be all to sodden then powre it in a ●aire Bason and hold over thy mouth gasping and if thy Chéekes be too much swollen it shall slake looke that thou haue clothes over thy Head and all about the Bason that no ayre passe out but into thy mouth Probatum est Another for the Tooth-ache TAke a peny-worth of Sanguis Draconis Item Ob O●ti Terra Sigilaro wij Ragd Gallis Beate them single by themselues as they be written afore After that mingle them with good Vineger then take foure toasts of a Rye loafe of the bottome and let them be made hollow and let the Medicine be mingled together and let two of them be layd one to the Temples of thy head another to the Ly●t of thy Eare and when they be dry lay the other vnto it and it shall helpe you Probatum est Another for the same TAke a Bricke and burne it red hote and put it in a Pas●e of water So that it be halfe couered in the same then take He●bane-séed and cast it vpon the vpper part of the Bricke and hold your Head over it casting a Cloth or couering ouer your head that no steame of the smoake goe out when you open your mouth over it and it will helpe you for euer Probatum est A Powder to make white Teeth TAke Rosemary two ounces and a halfe and Date stones Harts-borne of eyther a dram red Corall two stones of Roch Allome one ounce a piece of Scarlet or Linnen cloth and rub your Téeth with the same But all these aforesaid must be beaten to small powder before yée lay the Scarlet to rub your Téeth with it which if you try yée shall proue that the operation thereof shall make your Téeth as white as Snow For smarting or pricking in the Eyes TAke the white or an Egge and the juyce of House-léeke and womans milke beate them well together and straine it thorow a cloth and then drop thereof in thine Eyes For blood-shotten Eyes and other diseases in the Eyes TAke the juyce of Wormewood and Planten Rose water and Womans milke the white of an Egge and beate them well together and dresse thine Eyes therewith for it is very good therefore For eyes that be red and full of blood TAke the white of an Egge and swing it in a Dish heaue out the streame thereof then take Waxe and wet in the white and lay it aboue thine Eye to kéepe the sight After take Fennell and Houseléek and stampe them together and make a plaister and lay it from thy Nose to thy Forehead all about thy temples Vse it thrée nights or foure and it shall heale thée For the Eyes that be red with Itching TAke fiue drops of cléere water and so much white Copperas Make it small and put it in the water and let in stand and rest a while then take halfe a drop and annoynt thine eye therwith if it be strong put to more water A precious water for Eyes TAke Smalledge and red Fennell Rew Ver●en Bittonie Egrimonie Sinckefoyle Pimpernell Eufras Sage Selondine of each a quarterne wash them cleane and stampe them put them in a faire Brasen pan and take the powder of two and twenty Pepper cornes fairely scarced and a pinte of good white Wine and put the Hearbs thereto and thrée spoonfuls of liffe Honey and fiue spoonfuls of knaue Child Vrine of an Innocent and meddle them together well and boyle them a little ouer the fire and strain them through a cloth and put it in a vessell of Glasse and stop it fast with Leather For eyes that be Running TAke the water of Roses and Camphere well ground and meddle them together and let them stand together thrée dayes naturall and with it wash thine eyes cleers and it is profitable for many other diseases for the Eyes For eyes that be Blasted TAke water of Planten water of Roses the white of an Egge and mingle them together and wash your eyes there with and againe laying it vpon your Eye this will surely helpe A Medicine for sore Eyes TAke an Egge that is hard roasted and pluck out the yolke in whose place yée shall put Sugar that is small beaten as hote as yée can suffer it and when yée haue taken away the Egge-shell cut the Egge the longest way in parts and within a little while after take a cloth and straine out the juyce of the same Egge and therewith annoynt thine eye with a feather or else let it drop into your eyes in the morning and at night when yée goe to bed and your paine shall be cleane taken away An excellent good Water to make cleare eyes and sight if your eyes be not pure and cleane TAke S●londine Eye bright red Fennell red Roses Sin greene Maiden-haire Rew of every of these hearbs two ounces then put thereto halfe an ounce of Aloes and still all these together in your stillatorie then take the water when it is stilled and wash your eyes therewith and yée shall haue a very cléere eye sight Probatum est A precious Medicine to take away the Web in your eyes TAke the gall of a Hare and a little quantity of purified Hony and temper them together then take a feather and annoynt your eyes where the Web hurteth you and yée shall féele amendment A very good Medicine for a Pearle in the Eye or Pin and Web. TAke fine white Ginger and grind it vpon a Whetstone and beat fine a little white Coperas and put to it and when the Patient goeth to bed put some of it with a quill into your eye and when it hath béene there a while take ground Iuie beaten and strained with womans milke and put thrée or foure drops into the eye euening and morning after the Ginger and white Coperas hath béene in the eye halfe an houre For watering of your eyes TAke the juyce of Planten tempered with Rosewater and drop it warme into your eyes the same office worketh Rose-water the Iuyce of Lilly rootes with the Iuyce of Planten For the Pin and the Web. TAke a newlaid Egge and rost it blew
as proved by the Philosophers for it is one of the nine Waters The second Water is called Poetalis aqua Dulcedimus Occulorum and it is made in this manner as hereafter followeth TAke Egrimony Saturion Celendine and the stone called Lapis Calumniaris and beate it all to powder and Tutty and then put them vnder the Cap of the Stillatorie and distill thereof water by an ea●●e fire and this water hath many vertues in it for be the Eyes never so sore they shall be cured and healed with this water Item this water drunke with a fasting stomacke destroyeth all manner of Venome or poyson eate● and drunke and causeth it to be cast out of the mouth Item this water quencheth the holly fire so that there be linnen cloathes wet therein and layd on the sore but you must also note that this water in fire is of blacke disposition To make Aqua Vitae TAke Isope Rosemary Violet Verven Bitony Hearbe-Iohn Mouseare Planten Avence Sage and Fetherfoy of each a handfull and wash them and put them in a Gallon of white Wine and so let it stand all night cleane covered and then on the morrow distill it and kéepe the water well This water is good for the Megrim in the Head and for the Impostume in the head and for the Dropsie in the Head and for the Fever in the head and for all manner of Aches and sicknesse in the Head To make Aqua Magistralis TAke the rootes Pyonie the rootes of Turpentine the crops of Fennell of Egrimonie Honysuccle Celondine Rewe Chickwéed Pimpernell Phillippendula the tender leaues of the Vine Eufrase Sowthistle Redroses Strawbery leaues and Verven of each alike quantity and bray them in a Morter and put therein good white Wine 9. dayes and then put thereto a pinte of womans milke that doth nurse a Man-child and as much Vrine of a manchild of a yeare old and as much pured Honey and put them all together and let them stand thrée dayes so and then distill as ye will in a Stillatorie and kéepe well this water in a Glasse vessell that no Ayre come thereto and if you will occupie this water wash thine eyes therewith and vse it and if euer man be holpen of the disease of Eyes this will helpe him in short time A precious Water for Eyes that seeme faire and yet be blind TAke Smalledge red Fennell Rew Verven Byttony Egrimony Sinckfoile Eufrase Sage Pimpernell and Selondine of each a quarterne and wash them cleane and stampe them small and put them in a brasse Pan and powder of Tuttie of Pepper of Ceruse and a pinte of white wine and put it to the Hearbs and two or thrée spoonefuls of Hony and seuen spoonefuls of the Man-child and temper them together and boyle them ouer the fire a little and straine it thorow a cloth and put it into a Glasse and stop it well till you will occupy it and when you will vse it put it into thine eyes with a Feather and if it waxe thicke temper it with white wine and then vse it often A Water that will make one to see that did never see TAke Rosemary Smalledge Rewe Verven Mather Eufrase Endiue Houseléeke Fulwort red Fennell Selantine of each a like halfe quarterne and wash them cleane and lay them in white Wine a day and a Night and then distill them in a Stillatorie the first water will be like Gold the second like Siluer and the third will be like Balme and that is good for all sores of the eyes To make another Aqua Vitae TAke Nutmegs Gallingale Spikenard of Spaine of each two penny-worth and of Cloues Graines Ginger of each one penny worth two penny worth of Annys take and bray them all in a brasse Morter and then take a handfull of wild Sage and of the other Sage Rosemary Isope Sauery puliall royall puliall of the Mountaine Sothernwood Horehound Wormewood Egrimony Bettony Iuy leaues of each a like handfull and two penny worth of Quibebes and bruse all these in a Morter and then take thrée Gallons of good red Wine and put it into a brazen pot and then put the Spices and Hearbes therein and set the Stillatory aboue and close it well and take faire Paste and put it about the brinkes hard with thy hand and make it cleane well and sadly thereto and when it doth begin to waxe hot put cold water aboue in the Stillatorie and when it doth waxe b●te let the water runne out at the Conduite and put in new cold water and so doe as oft as yée shall thinke good but looke that the fire be not too great for if it be then will the water come vp and if there come vp smoake of the Stillatorie with the Water then is the fire too much and if it be not then it is well tempered The vertue of the third Water TAke Mustard séed Pimpernell Crow●oof and the clote of Masticke and all these well bruised and medled together with the blood of a Goate and put thereto good Alleger a little and so let them stand thrée dayes and then put them vnder the cap of a Stillatorie and still it and this water will helpe a man of the Stone if he drinke thereof and if he drinke thereof euery day fasting the stone shall voyd from him as it were sand Item this water drunke fasting maketh good blood good colour both in man and woman Item this Water drunke with Castorie destroyeth all manner of palsie if it be not dead in the Sinewes or members Item it will heale ascald head and make the haire to grow if it be washt therewith Item if a man be scalded wash him with this water and in 9. dayes he shall be whole and of all other Medicines it comforteth best the Sinewes for the Palsie The vertue of the fourth Water TAke young Pigeons and make them in powder and meddle them well with Castorie in powder and a little Aysell and lay it vnder the Cap of the Stillatorie and distill water thereof this water drunke with a fasting stomack helpeth the Frensie and the Tysicke within 9. dayes it will make them whole Item this water drunke fasting is a good true medicine against the falling Euill if the Sicke haue had it but few yeares it shall helpe in on warrantise giue it him to drinke thrée dayes in the morning fasting as is aforesaid and he shall be whole by Gods grace of what manner of kinde soever it come Item this water drunke fasting maketh good colour in the face of man or woman and it cleanseth the wombe the stomacke and the breast of all euils that is congealed within them and comforteth all the veynes and draweth the roote of the palsie out of the sinewes and out of the joynts and nourisheth nature in him Item if a man or woman before called in a sinew or joynt it healeth them again● Item this water being drunke fasting healeth any man or woman of the continuall Fever
but take héed that no woman with child drinks of this Water Item this water drunke with Isope putteth away all sorrow from thy heart and causeth man or woman well to sléepe well to digest his meate well to make water and well to doe his sege Item if a man will wash himselfe with this Water it will draw away the haire from any place of man and destroy it that it shall not grow there any more on warrantise The vertue of the fift Water called Aqua Lasta TAke Isope Gladion Avence Sothernwood of each a like quantity and stampe them in a Morter and put them in a Stillatorie and still them to water and this water drunke in a morning fasting is good against all manner of Fevere hote or cold Item this water being drunke fasting is the best medicine against the fluxe of the wombe and clenseth the belly of all ill humours and kéepeth a man in health and helpeth the Palsie but it must be drunke fasting and as hot as may be suffered To make the sixt water called Dealbantiums TAke Mole warpes and make them in a powder with Brimstone and take the Iuyce of Selondine and so let them stand certaine dayes after lay it in a Stillatorie still water of water of it this water will make any black beast white that is washed therewith nine times in nine dayes or any place in him that a man will haue white Also this water medled with Waxe and Aloes it healeth all manner of Gouts if the Patient be annoynted therewith Also this water helpeth the sicknesse called Noli me tangere but a plaister thereof must be laide to the sore Also it helpeth a man of the Strangle if a plaister thereof be laid to the sore Item it healeth scald Heads if they apply a plaister thereof to the sore Item a plaister thereof healeth burning with fire Item this with Lapis Calumniaris helpeth perfectly a sicknesse called the Wolfe but the plaister must be changed two times in a day but let no man nor woman drinke any of this Water The seuenth Water called Aqua Consuitivae TAke Pimpernell and stampe it in a Morter and lay it in a Stillatory and still water thereof Item this Water washeth away all Wounds in a mans body Item this water drunke fasting with Ginger is a good Medicine against the Tysicke and will cleanse the Breast from all euill Humours The eight Water called Aqua Huplaciam the double Water TAke Mustard-séed Pepper and Sinamon of each a like and beate them in a Morter and put thereto Aqua Consuetudo and lay them vnder the Cap of the Stillatorie and distill Water thereof and these be the vertues thereof and if it be drunke fasting it is the best Medicine against the Tysicke and all diseases of the brest and it must be drunke in the morning cold and at Evening hot as yée may suffer it and it will make him to sléepe and have good rest Item this water being drunke with Castorie is good against the Sicknesse called Epilentia viz. the Morbus Caducus Item this water being drunke fasting comforteth all the Members that be strucken with the Palsie and comforteth the sinewes of the Head and the braine Water of Pimpernell the ninth water TAke the séed of Pimpernell and put it in red wine and then after put it in the Sunne and then breake it in a Morter and then presse out the Oyle through a cleane cloth this water or oyle being drunke fasting healeth a man of the sand or gravell in the bladder for it will breake the Stone within him Item this water being drunke sustaineth and lightneth all the members of man of what disease soever he be grieved with To make water of Sage the tenth Water TAke Sage and Pollyon of each a like quantity and breake them in a morter and put them in a Stillatorie and distill water thereof this Water drunke fasting eateth away all manner of sicknesse Item this water sodden with Castory and drunke fasting of all Medicines in the world if prolongeth most a mans life Item if a man before called doe this nine dayes and he shall be whole but it must be taken with warme water Item this water being drunke fasting draweth away all evill in the stomacke or wombe Item it is good against the Scabbes and causeth a man to haue good blood and good colour in the face Item this water being drunke hote in the morning or in the day healeth any manner of evill in a man within thrée dayes if the Patient be in any wise curable The making of Waters and first of greene Waters TAke white Wine a pinte the waters of Roses and Planten of each sixe ounces Orpiment one ounce Verdigreas● halfe an ounce c. Another greene Water TAke the waters of Honey suckles Planten and Roses of each halfe a pinte Orpiment Allome Ceruse and Verdigrease of each two drams white Wine Iuyce of Planten of each halfe an ounce and it is done Waters for old Ulcers TAke white Wine and running Water of each a pinte Frankensence and Allome of each one ounce Deco●ted in Balmarn for thrée houres space and it is done A good Drinke for the Gummorium Passio TAke Bursa Pastoris Planten of each two handfuls take the Iuyce thereof in a pinte of good Ale and drinke if thrée times in a day for thrée dayes A water for old Vlcers in the Armes TAke Smiths water a quart burnt Allome one pound Salarmoniac one ounce Galls two ounces Tartary Copperas of each one ounce distill all these with ●hreds and so kéepe the water to your vse A Water for a Canker TAke Bugle Fennell and Rosa-Solis of each a like and take as much in quantity of Honey-suckle flowers as also all the other hearbes and let them be cleane picked and so distilled in a Stillatorie and so kéepe it close for it is a precious water A Femicorie Water IS to be drunke in the Morning at Noone and at night it is much worth against Dropsies and Sweating sicknesse it purgeth Fleame and Choller and Melancholy and it bringeth foorth heate and dry Sicknesse and it is good for the paine of the Head to wash it and drinke it A Water of Rosemarie IT hath more vertues in it then a man can tell one is if a man haue an Arrow or Iron within him wet a tent and put into the wound and drinke the same water and it shall avoyd out and it helpeth all Wounds inward and outward the Canker the Fester and it killeth the Wormes in man or Child and all manner of Impostumes inward and outward it helpeth the ●ysicke and Fluxe white or bloody it is a great helpe for a woman with Child to drinke thereof it maketh cleane the Face or any where it yée wash it therewith Water of Verven IF it be distilled in the later end of May it hath vertue to spring Choller and to heale Wounds and to cléere the Eye-sight it is a principall thing to
compound Medicines A Locion for a sore Mouth YOu must take of Honey-suckle-water halfe a pinte Planten and rose-Rose-water of each foure ounces Hony of Roses two ounces Alloes one ounce white Copperas and Vineger of each halfe an ounce A Water for a sore mouth TAke Lapis Calaminaris beaten into fine powder and put in a pinte of white Wine then take a pottle of water and Rosemary boyle it in the water till it be halfe sodden away then straine the water from the Rosemary and put it into the white Wine and so it is done A compound Water TAke first Pimpernell Rew Valerian or Sedwall Alocelipis cap and breake them and lay them in this said water following Take Isop Pelyall R●yall Anyséedes and Cenforie and beate them in a morter and after put them in a Stillatory and distill water of them which is vertuous and let them boyle together and after that straine them that the water may goe from them and close this water in Vials of glasse by the space of nine dayes and give to him that hath the Falling evill foure dayes fasting sixe houres and this is the truest medicine for this Disease that wée can finde except the mercy of God and this Water drinking is good for the Palsie if it be drunke fasting also it is good for all Gowtes like wise in the time that they be mortified in the members and limbs of a man it is very helping to Wounds that are festered it they be washed therewith it destroyeth all manner of Fevers Behly Water TAke Water a pottle Suger-Candy foure ounces let them séethe then put in foure ounces of Verdigrease in fine powder and let it séethe A good Barley water for all Diseases of the Lungs or Lights TAke halfe a pound of faire Barley a gallon of Water halfe an ounce of Licorice Fennell séed Violets and Parsly-séed of each a quarter of an ounce red Roses a quarter of an ounce dry Hysop and Sage of each a penny weight sixe leaues of Harts tongue a quarter of an ounce of Figg●s and Raysins Séethe all these in a new pot of cold Water and then straine them cleare from it and drinke it the same cooleth the Liver and all the members driveth away all evill heate slaketh thirst causeth to cast out much purgeth the Lights and Spléene the Kidneyes and Bladder and causeth to make water well and especially it is good for all Agues that come of heate A good Drinke for the Poxe TAke Selendine and English Saffron the weight of a halfepeny and a farthing worth of Graines a quart of long Pepper a penny weight of Mace and stale Ale stampe your hearbe and pound your Saffron and mingle them together and then drinke it Doctor Stevens Water TAke a Gallon of Gascoigne wine then take Ginger Galingall Cammomill Cynamon Nutmegs Graynes Cloues Mace Anniséeds Carraway séed of every of them a dram then take Sage Mynts red Roses Tyme Pellitory of the wall wild Margerum Rosemary Peny-mountaine otherwise wilde Tyme Cammomill Lavender of every of them a handfull then beate the Spices small and bruise the hearbes and put all into the Wine and let it stand 12 houres stirring it divers times then distill it in a Limbeck and kéepe the first pinte of the water for it is the best and then will come a second water which is not so good as the first The vertues of this Water be these it comforteth the spirits and preserveth the youth of a man and helpeth the inward diseases comming of cold against the shaking of the Palsie it cureth the contraction of Sinewes and helpeth the conception of women that be barren it killeth the wormes in the belly it helpeth cold Goutes it helpeth the Tooth ach it comforteth the stomack very much it cureth the cold Dropsie it helpeth the Stone in the Bladder and the reines in the back it cureth the Canker it helpeth shortly a stinking breath and whosoe●er vseth this said Water it shall preserue him long Take but one spoonefull of it once in seauen dayes for it is very hot in operation it preserued Doctor Steven very long who lived a hundreth yeares lacking but two and tenne of them he lived bed rid A very good drinke for the Cough TAke a quart of white Wyne and boyle it with Lycorice Anniséeds and Sugar-candy of each a like quantity putting therein tenne Figs of the best till it be halfe consumed and so preserue thereof to drinke Evening and morning thrée or foure spoonefuls warmed A restorative made of the Herbe Rosa Solis with other things and gather it in June or Iuly THis herve Rosa Solis groweth in Marish ground and in no other place and it is of a hoary colour and groweth very lows and flat to the ground and it hath a meane long stalke growing in the midst of it and seaven branches springeth out of the roote round about the stalke with leaves coloured and of a meane length and breadth and in no wise when this Hearbe should be gathered touch not the Hearbe it selfe with your hands for then the vertue thereof is gone yée must gather and plucke it out of the ground by the stalke yée must lay it in a cleane basket the Leaves of it is full of strength and nature and gather so much of this hearbe as will fill apostle pot or glasse but wash it not in any wise then take a pottle af Aqua Composita and put them both in a large pot or vessell and let it stand hard and fast stopped thrée dayes and thrée nights and on the fourth day open it and straine it through a faire linnen-cloath into a cleane glasse or pewter pot and put thereto a pound of Sugar small beaten demi pound of Licorice beaten to powder and demi pound of Dates the stones taken out and they cut in small péeces and mingle them altogether and stop the glasse or pewter yot well so that no ayre come into it in any wise Thus done yée may drinke of it at night when yée goe to bed demi spoonefull mixt with Aqua vitae or stale Ale and as much in the morning fasting and there is not the weakest body in the world that is wasted by Consumption or otherwise but it will restore him againe and make him to be strong and lusty and to have a good stomacke and that shortly and hée of shée that vseth this thrée times together shall finde great remedy or comfort thereby and as the patient doth féele himselfe so he may vse it OF VNGVENTS PART IX The making of Oyntments and first of Vnguentum Basilicum TAke Oyle halfe a pound Waxe Colophonie of each two ounces Turpentine Pitch Perosine and Cowes suet of each two pound and a halfe Frankensence Myrrhe of each halfe an ounce and so make your Vnguent The golden Unguent called Vnguentum Aureum TAke yellow Waxe foure ounces Oyle one pound Turpentine Colophonie and Rozen of each one ounce Frankensence and Masticke of each halfe an ounce
Saffron a dram and so make an Vnguent To make a drying Vnguent called Vnguentum Calliminaris TAke the Stone called Lapis Calaminaris Déeres Suet and Waxe of each foure ounces oyle of Roses halfe a pound Camphere two drams and so make your Vnguent according to Art To make the white Oyntment called Vnguentum Album Rasis TAke oyle of Roses halfe a pound Waxe two ounces Ceruse sixe ounces the whites of thrée Egges and Camphere a dram and after these things be melted and commixed together you must wash it with rose-Rose-water To make Vngueutum Lytargerii TAke oyle of Roses one pound Litarge of Lead one pound Vineger halfe a pound Camphere two drams and so make your Vnguent To make Vnguentum Lypcione TAke the juyce of Hony succles a quart Hony a pinte white Copperas halfe a pound and so make your Vnguent To make the Incarnative Vnguent TAke oyle of gréene Balme two pound Waxe and Perofine of each halfe a pound Déeres suet foure ounces Frankensence and Myrrhe of each two ounces Turpentine of foure ounces the yolkes of foure Egges and so make your Vnguent Another Incarnatiue Unguent TAke Déeres suet oyle of Roses Rosen Pitche Litarge of Gold Frankensence and Myrhe of each foure ounces To make Unguentum Viride TAke Offingie Porsine one pound Verdigreace two ounces Sall-gemme halfe an ounce and so make your Vnguent Another Unguent TAke burnt Allom and Vineger of each two ounces Offingie Porsine sixe ounces and so make an Vnguent A drying Unguent TAke oyle of Roses one pound Waxe sixe ounces Litarge of Gold and Silver Bdeltum gum Armoniac red Corall Dragons bloud Déeres suet Masticke of each two ounces Camphere halfe an ounce and so make your Vnguent An Vnguent against the Morphew TAke quicke Brimstone sixe drams oyle of Tartary foure drams Ceruse Vnguentum Cytrium of each two drams oyle of Roses sixe drams the white of an Egge as much Vineger as néeds and so make your Vnguent An Vnguent called Rosye TAke Rozen Turoentine and Hony of each halfe a pound Linséed and Fenekriks of each one ounce Myrrhe one ounce Sercoll one ounce let them all bée made in fine powder and so make an Vnguent thereof An Vnguent for Vlcers in the Arme. TAke Litarge of Gold and silver Ceruse of each two ounces Balarmouiac halfe an ounce Lapis Calaminaris Dragons blood of each one ounce Frankensence Mastick of each ●al●e an ounce Tartary Sall●gemme and Camphere of each two drams Turpentine washes in rose-Rose-water and Waxe of each two ounces oyle of elders halfe an ounce oyle of Bayes two drams oyle of Violets and of Poppie of each foure drams and so make your Vnguent An Vnguent against Cabes TAke Storax liquide two ounces Bay-salt in fine powder and oyle of Roses of each one ounce the juyce of Orenge● as much as shall néed and so make your Vnguent according to Art An Unguent called the gift of God TAke Orras powder Sall gemme Sall Nitrie of each one ounce a Stone called Lapis Magnates two ounces Lapis Calaminaris two ounces Waxe one pound Oyle thrée pound and so make your Vnguent according to Art A precious Vnguent TAke Ceruse washed one ounce in an ounce of Vineger burnt Lead foure ounces Litarge two ounces Myrrhe one ounce Hony of Roses two ounces oyle of Roses sixe ounces the Yolkes of sixe Egges and Waxe as much as needs and so make your Vnguent Another Vnguent against Cabes TAke the juyce of Salle●me Femitary Borage Scabi●us and Dockes of each thrée ounces Litarge of gold washed Ceruse burt Brasse Brimstone Bay salt burnt Allom of each halfe an ounce oyle of Roses two ounces Storax liquide Turpentine of each one ounce Vineger foure ounces Ossingie Perosine one pound and a halfe and so make your oyntment To make the greene Oyntment called Vnguentum Viride TAke Waxe one pound Perosine one pound Frankensence halfe a pound gum Arabic halfe a pound Verdigrease two ounces Hony foure ounces oyle Olive two pound and so make your Vnguent according to Art An Vnguent to increase Flesh TAke the gum Dragagant and dissolve it in rose-Rose-water and so make it in forme of an Vnguent An Vnguent to heale the Serpigo TAke Pepper Bay-salt Tartary Verdigreace Allumines ynke of each halfe an ounce Ceruse Litarge and Quicksilver well killed of each two drams of Osingie Perosie as much as néeds An Unguent for Fistuleas TAke Myrrhe Masticke Alloes and Epatike of each two ounces the juyce of Salendine Planten Hony of Roses and Vineger of each a like quantity and make thereof an Vnguent A cold Vnguent TAke oyle of Roses and Waxe of each two ounces the ●u●e● of red Gowrd leaves Night shade leaves of each two ●●●ces Ceruse washed burnt Lead washed in Rose water or Planten water of each halfe an ounce Fea●kensence two drams melt all together and decoct it a little and then take it from the fire and put it into a Leaden Morter wherein you must labour it a good while and so make your Vnguent An Unguent for a sawse fleame Face TAke May butter one pound Hony-suckle flowers thrée handfuls stampe the flowers and the butter together and lay it in fuse for sixe dayes space then melt it and straine it and put thereto quicke Brimstone the weight of twelue pence finely powdered and so reserue it An Vnguent for the Piles TAke Mollene Archangell red Fennell stamped small of each like quantity and as much Ossingie as of the Hearbes Mixe all these together and lay it a rotting a wéeke space then strains it and kéepe it for that vse Another Vnguent for the Piles TAke ●arrow and May butter and stampe them together and apply them as hot as may be suffered To make Unguentum Lipcium TAke a quart of Iuyce of Hony-sucles and a pinte of Hony and halfe a pound of white Coperas and seethe them on the fire and let them boyle till it waxe blacke then put in your Copperas in fine powder To make Vnguentum Fanscome TAke Waxe one pound Rozen Colophonie of each two pound Pitch one pound Cowes suet one pound May-butter halfe a pound Honey two pound Oyle two pound Turpentine foure Ounces Verdigrease and Ceruse foure Ounces and so according to Art worke it To make Vnguentum Aegyptiacum TAke Honey a pinte Vineger a pinte Allom halfe a pound Verdigreace two Ounces in fine powder and so make your Vnguent To make Vnguentum Dunfinnitive TAke two Ounces of Litarge of Gold two drams of Lapis Calumniaris and foure ounces of Terra sigillata and powder them small then take a pinte of Oyle and put thereto halfe a pound of Waxe and melt it with your Oyle and then take it off the fire and put in your powders and when it is cold almost put in foure drams of Camphere in fine powder To make an Unguent for the Skerby TAke a Gallon of red Vineger and one pound of the roote of Briony and séeth therein till it bée consumed then take the roote thereof and beats
it with Oxsingie and beat it very fine then take one ounce of Arguentum vivum well killed and labour them altogeter very fine and so annoint therewith To make an Vnguent for Vlcers in Childrens faces TAke Litarge and Ceruse of each fiue ounces the leaues of Ashe and Vine leaues of each thrée ounces oyle of Roses one ounce Waxe halfe an ounce relent your Oyle and Waxe together and beate your Litarge and Ceruse and mingle them with two yolkes of rotted Egges To make the Sinnitive Oyntment TAke Turpentine foure Ounces Harts greace or the Marrow of a Heart two ounces oyle of Roses one ounce white Frankensence halfe an ounce oyle of Spike two drams and halfe a dram of Mynium and so worke it To make an Vnguent for the Itch. TAke thrée handfuls of Allecompany rootes séethe them in thrée Gallons of water till they be soft then take the Roots and scrape them and take the white of them to the quantity of a pound and beate them with one pound of Barrow hogges greace and a quantity of Salt and a little Saffron and so bring them to an Oyntment To make an Oyntment for the Morbus TAke two ounces of Vermillion two ounces of Quick-silver two ounces of Oyle of Bay two ounces of Bores greace halfe an ounce of Vineger foure yolkes of Egges and let them altogether be laboured To make the Dunsymitive Vnguent TAke Oyle Olive one pound Rozen one pound Lapis Calaminaris one pound Waxe halfe a pound Turpentine and Shéepes suet of each a quarter of a pound To make Vnguentum Dulsum TAke Shéepes suet five pound Rozen in powder one pound roch Allom in powder one pound and a quart of white Wine boyle them altogether And if you will make it red you may put into one ounce of Vermilion in powder To make Vnguentum Bassillicon TAke Waxe one pound the best Pitch one pound Rozen halfe a pound Colophonie one pound Cowes suet one pound Oyle two pound May-butter halfe a pound Turpentine foure ounces yolkes of foure Egges Make all these in an Vnguent according to Art To make a Mundifigitive TAke Smalledge a little bagge full one pound of Exingie thrée pound of Rozen a quarter of a pound of Waxe Stampe your Smalledge and Oxingie together in a stone Morter then put it into a great Panne and set them vpon the fire till it be hot then straine them through a cloth into a faire panne till they begin to waxe cold then fleete it off with a slice till you come to the water then put in the Rose-water and Waxe all together vpon the fire and let them boyle altogether then straine them through a Linnen cloth and so make your Mundifigitive To make Vnguentum Rosine TAke Honey two pound Rosen one pound and a quarter Turpentine two pound Frankensence one ounce Fenekrike Semminis ben of each two ounces Myrrhe and Sercole of each two ounces in fine powder To make Gibsons Incarnative TAke gréene Broome two pound Waxe and Rosen of each halfe a pound Déere sust foure ounces Frankensence and Myrrhe of each two ounces Turpentine and the yolkes of Egges as much as néeds To make a yellow Incarnatiue TAke one pound of Rosen halfe a pound of Frankensence a quarter of a pound of Waxe halfe a pound of shéepes suet halfe a pinte of oyle Oliue halfe a pound of Turpentine and so make your Vnguent To make another Incarnative TAke oyle of Roses twelve drams Rosen two ounces Turpentine eight ounces Waxe sixe ounces melt the Waxe Rosen and Oyle together and in the boyling put in your Turpentine and the Iuyce of Valerian and so let it bée cold and as you occupy it put in oyle of Turpentine and so kéepe it To make an Unguent for the Piles TAke Barrowes grease halfe a pound burnt Allome one ounce and the yolke of an Egge hard rosted put these together and make an oyntment and annoynt your sore as hot as you can abide it Another fumetive Vnguentum TAke halfe a pound of Déere suet halfe a pound of Waxe one pound of oyle of Roses halfe a pound of oyle Olive of Lapis Caluminaris and Camphere two ounces and so make your Vnguent according to Art For the blacke Iaundies TAke a quantity of great Wormes a quantity of Herbe-grace a quantity of Arsmart and the gréene of a Goose turd To make Vnguentum Foscovem TAke oyle Olive one pound Saffron foure drams Colophonie Pitch Naviles Gumme Seropine of each two Ounces Masticke Oblibanon and Turpentine of each one ounce Waxe a quarter of a pound melt your oyle and then your Waxe and then put in the Colophonie and after stir●e your Pitch Naviles and your Gumme Serapine and last your Turpentine Masticke and Olibanon every thing being bruised except your Pitch and Turpentine when you put in your powders he ever stirring it with your spittle till it bée full dissolved Vnguentum Veride TAke Small-gemme two ounces Verdigreace two ounces Masticke one ounce Olibanon one ounce May-butter one pound oyle Olive one pound Waxe one pound and so make your worke Vnguent Posteleris TAke Galbom one ounce Gumme Armoniac one ounce Mera one ounce Masticke one ounce Apopany one ounce Litarge Aure foure ounces Arestologia one ounce Olibanon on ounce Bidelion one ounce Verdigreace halfe an ounce An Oyntment for the Stone and Collicke to be made in May. TAke the buds of Broome-flowers néere the shutting halfe a pound of them picked from the staikes and beate them in a morter very small that done mingle them with clarified May-butter as much as you shall thinke méete and so kéepe it close in a vessell eight dayes then séethe it and straine it as the other before and there with annoynt the Patients griefe very warme Evening and Morning OF PLAISTERS PART X. To make a resolutive Plaister of great vertue This Plaister is to resolve Tumours and hardnesse if it be laid thereon very hot and when it is cold to lay on another and this you shall doe till the hardnesse be resolved and it is made in this order TAke common Ashes that are well burnt and white and finely searced one pound Clay beaten in fine powder halfe a pound Carab one ounce mixe all these in an Earthen dish on the fire with Oyle of Roses in forme of a Liquid Vnguent and that yée may suffer it and change it Morning and Evening and yée shall sée it worke a marvailous effect Moreover when the Pelechie commeth foorth of a diseased let him bée folded in the same remedy very hot and in foure and twenty houres yée shall bée holpe if yée bée first well purged for this is a great secret which I have revealed This word Pelechie is as it were certaine spots like those which wée call Gods tokens the which commonly come to those that have the Pestilent Feaver To make a maturative Plaister of great vertue This maturative doth open an Impostume without Instrument and paine And the order to make it is this TAke the
let the Patient drinke it blood warme in the morning and evening without taking of other drinke the space of two houres either before or after A speciall Remedy for the Stone TAke a quantity of Anniséedes Lycorice Fennell rootes and Parsley rootes Reysons and Currants and let all these be boyled in Whay from a pottle to a quart For the sweating Sicknesse YEe must take a good spoonefull of Treacle thrée spoonefuls of Vineger fiue spoonefuls of water and two spoonefuls of the Iuyce of sinckfoyle swing them all together and drinke them luke warme For him that pisseth Blood TAke a good quantity of Rew otherwise called hearbe Grace and dry it so that you may beate it to powder and then take the powder and drinke it with Ale and it will change the rine For the Canker in the Mouth TAke white Wine and a penny-worth of Ginger in powder and let them séeth a walme together and wash the 〈◊〉 place with a feather and drinke not in one houre after and yée shall haue ease in seven dayes on warrantise A powder for the same TAke Sage Pimpernell of each a like quantity and halfe so much Parcely as of them both shred them and stampe them small and put thereto a little burnt Allome and then take it vp and drie it and beate it to powder and kéepe it for it never failed To know the Fester and Canker HEere you may learne whereof and of what manner the Fester commeth and also the Canker it commeth of a sore that was ill healed and breaketh out againe and if it bée in the flesh there doth come out water if it be in the ●inews there commeth out browne lie and if it be in the bone there commeth out as it were thicke blood A Fester hath a narrow hole without and within and a Fester is seldome séene but it hath more holes then one and the Canker hath alwayes but one hole For a Canker in the body TAke the rootes at Dragons and cut them in small pieces and lay them to dry and make powder thereof and take a penny weight of that powder and put it in water all Night and on the morrow powre out that water and put thereto white-wine and then séeth it well and let the Patient drinke thereof warme and in thrée dayes he shall be whole For a Canker in a womans Pappes TAke th● Dung of a white Goose and the juyce of Salendine and b●ay them together and lay them to the sore and it will kill the Canker and heale the Pappe A good powder for the Canker TAke Copperas and Roch Saunders and Verdigreace and Salarmoniac and beate them to powder in a brasen Morter of each a like quantity by weight and put the powder in a vessell and séethe it on a charcole fire till it glowe and then take it downe and let it coole and after make powder thereof and that powder shall destroy the Canker on warrantise A good feate for the Canker Fester Botches and Sores old and new TAke Virgins waxe Barrowes greace molten ana one pound Pero●ien demi ounce and of Masticke and Ollibanon ana one ounce of Veride demi ounce Pitch demi pound beate all these and put them in a Panne and melt them and when it is molten looke that the Veride be ready beaten and put it in and stirre it fast for cleaving to the bottome of the vessell and then take it downe and set it coole and so yee may straine it and wet the panne that it shall be strained into for cleaving thereto and with a feather put away the corruption and take héed to a sore that is ill healed and that the place breaketh not out againe for being fiue wéeks old and more it is both perilous and doubtfull of a Canker To slea the Canker or Marmoale TAke a pecke of the Ashes made of Ashen-wood and ashes of Oate straw and put hot water on them and make a gallon of Lie and put thereto two handfuls of Barkedust and let it stand a day and a night and then clense it thorow a canvasse and then take the same dust and put it in againe and put thereto as much Allome and halfe as much of Madder crops and put them in a pot and let them boyle almost to halfe and ever stirre it that it grow not to the bottome nor ru●●e over and after clense it through a cloath and let it coole and when it is cold take a quantity thereof and wet a linnen cloath therein and lay it to the sore For the Canker in the mouth TAke seven spoonefuls of Honey and clarifie it in a pewter Dish and then put it demi pinte of white Vineger and roch Allome the quantity of a Hasell nut and a spoonefull of Bay-salt and let all these boyle together a quarter of an houre and then take of dryes Rose leaues and Sage ana a handfull let them séeth together the space of a quarter of an houre and let the Patient wash his mouth therewith and lay the ●●●ues to the sore and if the liquour bée too thicke to wash your mouth with then take running Water and white Vineger and a spoonefull of Honey and boyle them well as before To make a red Water to slea the Canker TAke thrée handfuls of Rew bray it in a Morter and put thereto a quart of Vineger and Madder one ounce and take halfe a penny worth of Allome and beate it to powder and put thereto and let it so rest nine dayes or more and then take them out and then straine them through a cloth into a cleane glasse and stop the vessell close and keepe it To take away the Canker TAke Martlemasse B●●fe that hangeth in the Roofe and burne it to powder and put the powder into the Sore and it will slea the Canker For the Canker in the mouth TAke Hearbe G●ace Lavender Cotton Sage Honysuckle leau●● Rosemary and ana wash them and stampe them with a little roch Allome and a little English Honey and put them into a faire Dish and when yée dresse a sore mouth therewith take as much as yée thinke will serue and take a few Sage leaues and wash thy mouth and lay it to thy Gummes and i● yée put thereto a little Pepper and Bay salt it will be the better A powder for the Canker TAke one quarter of a pound of Roch Allome and burne it in an earthen vessell that there come no ashes thereto then take Argo one halfe ounce and one quarter of an ounce of Bole-armoniacke and make all these in fine powder alone and then mixe them altogether and put them into a Bladder and kéepe it close and when yée will minister it wash well the sore with the water and then lay on the Powder and so dresse it once in the day and it shall helpe him For Canker Fistula Warts or Wounds new or old TAke a gallon and a halfe of running Water and a pecke of Ashen-ashes and séeth them and make
a cloth vntill it bée dry then shred it vpon a Trencher with a Knife and take a handfull of Camomill flowers and bruise them in a morfer then mixe the flowers and the Mallowes together and put some oyle of Roses to it then make two little bagges of fine linnen cloth and fill them with the geare aforesaid and lay it to the griefe as warm● as yée can suffer it and so change the bagge as you shall haue cause and alwayes kéepe it warme and by the grace of God it will helpe you Another for the same TAken pinte of white Wine and halfe a handfull of Camomill flowers and séethe them in the white Wine and wash your chéeke both within and without the same as hot as you can suffer it which is very good also A Medicine for the Mother TAke a pinte of Malmsie a little cur●ie of Commin-séede and Coliander séed and a Nutmegge beate these together and then séethe them to halfe a pinte with a little white Suger-candie you must take a spoonefull at a time A Medicine for a Stitch or Bruise TAke thrée quarts of small Ale and one penny-worth of Figs and one penny-worth of great Reisons and cut the stones out of them and one penny-worth of Licorice of Isope of Violet leaues and of Lettice of each one handfull and séethe them from thrée quarts to thrée pints and straine it and so let the person drinke it and after make this Plaister following ●a●e a quantity of horse-dung and a quantity of Tar fry it and put a little Butter and Vineger into it and make a Plaister and lay it to the side A Remedy for Wartes FIrst with a paire of Sizers cut off the heads of the Warts and then rub them with Garlicke and Bay-salt stamped both together doe this sixe or seven times and lay ouer them a little plate of Leade or rub them with Allome water and Bay-salt nine times this infirmity doth come of grosse and euill humours A Remedy for a wild or running Scabbe TAke Mercury mortified with Fasting spittle thrée ounces incorporate it with oyle of Bayes and annoynt the body or else take Mercury mortified thrée ounces of the powder of Brimstone two ounces of the powder of Enula Campana two ounces confect these together with Barrowes grease and annoynt the body oft A Remedy for a Fellon THis infirmity doth come of a venemous matter and other while it commeth of an inferiall cause or of an exteriall the interiall cause commeth of some euill humour the exteriall cause doth come of some venemous stinging of a Worms if it doe come of an euill humour eate Treacle and make a Plaister of Treacle and lay it vpon the place or take the white of a rawe Egge and put in salt to it and beate it well together and make a Plaister thereof and lay it to the same A remedy for Wormes in the belly TAke the juyce of Lauender-Cotton and put to it the powder of Worme-séed and drinke it thrée times euery Morning fasting and drinke not one houre or two after the vsage of eating Garlicke killeth all Wormes in the body A remedy for sore Eyes TAke the white of two Egges and make a Plaister with it put to it a little Honey and after that put to it flaxe or towe and to bedward lay it ouer thine Eyes and let it lye all night and in the Morneing wash thine eyes with cold water and a ●n● cloute doe this thrée nights one after another A remedy for Scalding with Water TAke the juyce of House léeke and dip a linnen cloath in it and lay it vpon the place Also boyle Armoniac and Camphere is good when it is dissolued in the Oyle of Roses and lay vpon the place the water of Purslaine and Myrtils Ceruse and the white of rawe Egges and such like be very good for all manner of scalding A remedy for Burning with fire TAke the white of a rawe Egge and beate it with Oyle of Roses one ounce then put to it the juyce of Housléeke one ounce of Night-shade and of Planten of each of them halfe an ounce of the rust that is vnder the Anvile of a Smith two ounces compound all these together and wash the place oft and then take Popilion and no●e to it a little of the oyle of Roses as much of Planten juyce and incorporate all together and make Plaisters or else take the oyntment of Ceruse and oyntment of Seracine named in Latine Vnguentum scricinum and Popillion is good and such other like A remedy for the Tooth-ache ANd if it come of any colde cause chewe often in thy mouth the roote of Hore●ound and if it come by Wormes make a candle of Waxe with Henbane séeds and light it and let the perfume of the Candle enter into the Tooth and gape ouer a dish of cold water and then may you take Wormes out of the water kill them on your naile the Wormes is little greater then a worme in a mans hand and beware of pulling out any tooth for pull out one and pull out moe to mundis●e the Téethe wash them euery morning with cold water and roche Allome A Remedy for the Fluxe TAke of Suger rosset made of drie Roses of Trissindall of each one ounce and a halfe mixe these together and eate it with meate or drinke it with drinkes but the best remedy that I could finde is to take thrée handfuls of Saint Johns Woort as much Planten and as much Cre●●is and séeth these in a gallon of Raine water or red Wine to a pottle and straine it and then put to it two ounces of Sinamon beaten and drinke thereof often A remedy for the Cappes TAke the oyle of swéet Almonds one ounce and annoynt the place and any of these things following is good the powder of the rinde of Pomegranets the Marrow of a Calfe or a Hart the fatnesse of a Capon Goose or Ducke and such like A Remedy for the Shingles OF Rose-water and Planten water take of either of them halfe a pinte of white Wine asmuch put these together and wash the place oft or else take of red Wormes that come out of the Earth and bray them in a morter and put to them a little Vineger and make plaisters c. Or else take flowers of Camomill of Rose leaues of Violets the weight of either of them one ounce of Myrtles of Sumake of either of them one ounce and a halfe séethe all these in white Wine and make a Plaister and lay it to the place or else make the oyntment of Ceruse I haue taken House léeke and haue stampt it with a little Camphere and put to it white Wine and haue laid it to the place and haue healed the Patient and the Oyle of Roses or the Oyle of Violets is good for this impediment mixt together with the white of Egges and the juyce of Planten A Remedy for a Tetter TRose de Arsmeg is good and if it come of blood
exhaust two or thrée ounces of blood or more if néed shall require and that Age time and strength will permit and if it be Lupte cut off the heads of them and rub them with Salt and Garlicke stampt together and lay over them a plate of Lead Another Remedy for a Tetter TAke Oyle of Wheat and mixe it with the Oyle of Egges and with a mans vrine wash and annoynt the skin or else take the water of Burres or séethe Burres in water and leas● the body A Remedy for the Kibes FOr the ●ibes beware the Snow doe not come to the héeles and beware of cold and neither pricke nor picke the Kibes but keepe them warme with Woollen clothes and to bedward wash them with Vrine or Neates-foote oyle A Remedy for Hoarsenesse TAke the water of Scabious Fennell Licorice Buglosse of ●●ch of them a pinte of Sugar-Candy a pound and séethe the● together and Morning and Euening drinke nine spoonfuls 〈◊〉 a time A Remedie for the Mother TAke of Bittonie leaues halfe an ounce stampe it small and drinke it with white Wine smell to Galbanum and Sarapine and make perfume of Iuniper or old Leather and sit ouer it Or else take Pyony séeds thrée drams drinke it with Mellicrate If the Mother doe fall out first wash the place twice or thrice with white Wine Or else take of Iuniper cut in pieces thrée ounces of Myrtles thrée ounces Séethe therein Running water and wash the place two or thrée times then take of Galbanum thrée drams drinke it with red wine Euery thing that will helpe the falling out of the Fund●ment will helpe this impediment al●o A Remedie for the Itche TAke of salt water a gallon and séethe it with thrée handfuls of Wheaten bread crums that is leauened and wash the body with the water twice or thrice Or else wash the Body in the Sea two or thrée times Or else take the bran made of Co●cle séeds thrée handfuls of the powder of Brimstone two ounces Séeth these in a pottle of white wine Vineger and wash the body therewith thrée or foure times A Remedy for the Fluxe TAke a Spunge and séethe it in a pinte of Muscadine and wring it out and let the patient sit ouer it as hot as they can suffer it and couer them warme A Remedie for falling out of the Fundament FIrst beware of taking cold in that place and beware of Costiffnesse and kéepe the Arse and Buttocks warme and sit not on the cold Earth nor vpon stone or stones nor vpon any hard thing but take somewhat vnder thy Buttockes not onely for falling out of the Lo●gation or Arsegut but for all other infirmities that may be in the Longation engendred A Remedy for the same TAke of Myrtles thrée ounces of Iuniper cut in small pieces foure ounces séethe them in water and wash the place and after that make a perfume of Iuniper and ●it ouer it Or else make a Perfume of Benga●in Myrrhe or Frankensence or else take the inward rinde or barke of an Oke séethe it in water with Galles and wash the place and drinke of Gal●anum with stale Ale and lay the substance of it to the Navill It is good for falling of the Mother Also for these Impediments in a mans Fundament or Arse it is good to annoynt the place with Oyle of Lineséeds A Remedy for the Ache. TAke of Balms Camomill Horehound Pennyriall garden Bittony Mother of Time Marigold leaves and Housetéekes of each of them a handfull stampe them all together in a morter and strain● them through a faire cloth and so boyle them with a pinte of Sallet oy●e moderately vpon the Embers and when you doe annoynt the Patient put to the salve a little Oye-gall and a little Aqua-vitae A Remedy for the Itch. TAke a quantity of Brimstone and a quantity of Allome and burne them on a fire-sho●ell over the ●●re and beate them very small and boyle them with Bores gre●se and so annoynt the Itch. A precious Powder for a Web in the Eye TAke two drams of Th●ty Neporate and of Sadrangon two drams of Suger one dram and bray them well together till ●hey be very small and cast a little of that Powder into the eye at once and be whole Another for the same TAke ground Ivy beaten for it destroyeth the Web in the Eye well and soberly if it be put in once a day A precious Medicine for sore Eyes TAke Violets Myrrhe and Saffron and make of them a plaister and lay it to the sore Eyes if they be great or swolne it will ease the Ache and swelling A Medicine for the Head-ache TAken spoonefull of the juyce of Bittonis mingled with as much Wine and as much Honey and put nine Pepper cornes in it and drinke foure dayes and it will driue it away for ever A profitable Medicine for Deafenesse of the Eares TAke Bittonie and Hore-hound and stampe them both in a Morter and wring out the juyce and let the Patient lie on his side and powre it into his Eare for this a prooved Medicine A Medicine to staunch bleeding at the Nose TAke Bittonie and Salt mingled together and put it in the Nose and it will staunch the blood A Medicine for the Tooth-ache or for Wormes in the Teeth TAke Pepper and stampe it and temper it with good Wine and suppe thereof warme and hold it in the mouth till it be colde and then spit it out vs● this often A Medicine for stinking Teeth or a stinking Breath TAke two ●●●●fuls of Cu●●●in stampe it small and séeth it it in Wine and drinke if fiftéene dayes together A Medicine to make Teeth white TAke Honey Salt and Ri●-meale mingle them together 〈◊〉 froth the Téeth therewith A Medicine for the Cough TAke ●age Rew and Pepper and séethe them with Honey and eate thereof a spoonefull first and last A Medicine for diseases in the side TAke little Balls sodden of Redwortes and burne them in a new Earthen pot and then grind them to powder after that gather it together with Honey and mingle them together and plaister it to the sore A Medicine for the Morphew TAke water of Burrage and water of Femitorie mingled together by even portions and let the sicks drinke it at morning and evening and hée shall be whole within fourtéene dayes Another for the Morphew TAke Mustard séed and Salt and stampe them together and temper them with Vineger and annoynt therewith For the heate in the Kidnies TAke Housléeke and Planten and doe not wash them but wipe them with a cloath and beate them and put to juyce 〈…〉 water and Wine-vineger and Womans 〈◊〉 and take the Hearbes and put them into clothes and dye the clothes with thred like a couple of Bals and you must 〈◊〉 when you doe vse it haue one to doe it for you in the morning when you are in your Bed and the party must take the Bals and dip them in this liquor and so bathe your
and infuse them in a gallon of Spring water 24 houres The first Boyling THen boyle the Sassafrase and Salsaperilla and Polipodum first alone an houre and a halfe in an Earthen Pipkin close covered The second Boyling THen put in the Hearbs and the Lycorice and the Hermoda●tile and boyle them with the Woods an houre The third Boyling THen restore the Water to her first quantity including in quantity a pint of white Wine or Muskadine if you will haue it purge more and so let it boyle an houre longer Then put in the Sena Sticados Epithinium Maydenhai●s Ceterach and swéet Fennell Séeds and boyle them with all therein a quarter of an houre Then take it from the fire and let it settle thrée or foure houres Then strayne it out and put the Drinke into a Bottle or other close Vessell and drinke thereof halfe a pinte at a time in the Morning In the Summer time it will not kéepe good aboue 4. dayes and in the Winter not past sixe dayes Another excellent good Dyet Drinke TAke a pecke and halfe of Seascurbut grasse picke it and wash it and dry it well take also Scabias Bittany and water Crosses of each a good handfull stampe them and straine them and let the Iuyce thereof stand in a Glasse all Night then take two good handfuls of yellow Dock rootes two ounces of China rootes sliced one ounce and a halfe of swéet Fennell séeds bruised and a stick● of Lycorice sliced Put all these Ingredients in a Boulter Bag and bind a flint stone to the Bag to make it sincke Then take a Rundlet of sixe gallons and put the Bag into it then put the juyce of those Hearbs aforesaid into the Rundlet with sixe gallons of new Béere and let it worke and when it worketh ouer let that which is wrought ouer be put into the Vessell againe Another excellent Physicke Drinke TAke Cardus Benedictus Wormewood and Scabias of each foure handfuls Succory Scabias Marigold flowers and the leaues of Angelica tops and rootes Turmentile and Pimpernell of each thrée handfuls Sage 6. handfuls Iuniper berries bruised 8. ounces all these to be brued with 36. Gallons of Béere and when it is a wéeke old drinke a draught thereof in the Morning An excellent Medicine for the Iaundise TAke sixe Earth-wormes ●●it them and scoure them from their filth and ●limy matter cut them in pieces or chop them make pottage of them with water and Datmeale eate the same for 12. dayes together and it will perfectly cure the Iaundize A rare Medicine for the sharpnesse of the Vrine TAke a quart of new Milke from the Cow and the whites of 18. Egges beaten very thinne mingle those Whites and the Milke together distill them with a ●o●t fire but let it not be too néerly stilled but that it may have a good deale of moysture in it when you haue done stilling it then put into it as much Sugar-Candy as you shall thinke good to swéten it and a sticke of Lycorice scraped and bruised then drinke thereof the quantity of a wine pinte in the Morning Fasting and if it be in the heate of Summer drinke as much also about foure of the Clocke in the Afternoone An excellent Fomentation for the Stone TAke a Platter full of Pigeons Dung of the newest you can get and a good handfull of Feather few bruised in your hands fry them together in a Frying Pan putting thereto a little Honey let that be last let it Fry a good while then put it in a Canvas bagge about halfe an Ell long and a handfull broad and lay it as hot as you can suffer if along your side from the Backe to the priuy parts and if it helpe not at the first take it againe and it shall by Gods grace make you well An excellent and approved Remedy for the Cough of the Lungs TAke two Gallons of faire running water to which quantity take two handfuls of cleane Barley well picked 24. Re●sons of the Sunne stoned and of Currans of each a quarter o● a pound Lycorish shred Ginger shred and Sugar-Candy of each two ounces Anniséeds Fennell-seeds Coriander-séeds and Cummin-séeds of all together a quarter of a pound beaten in a Morter Isope rootes Parcely rootes and red Fennell roots of each a handfull boyle all th●se together in the gallon of water abouesaid till halfe the water be wasted then straine it well and drinke thereof a good draught first and last An excellent and sure Remedy for a swelling or sore Throate NOte the place of the Trée or poast Hogs Trough or any thing where a Swine rubs it selfe rub your hand thereon and presently rub your throate with that hand twice or thrice or rub your hand vpon the bare ground and then presently rub your Throate with that hand doe it thrée times together and it will helpe you or if you can get a piece of that part of the Trée hogge Trough or stone where the Hog hath rubbed and rubbe your Throate with it An excellent Salve to cleanse and to heale Wounds TAke Smalledge Petty-morrell and Whay bread of the Iuyce of each of them a like quantity take also of life Honey and of the whites of Egges of each a like quantity of the Iuyce of the Hearbs then take fine Wheate flower and mingle them well till they be as thicke as Pappe these will swage the burning or ranckning of Sores or Wounds in any case But let not this Medicine or the Sore come neare the fire An excellent Remedy to stanch vomiting Incorporated TAke the Leaven of white past a good quantity of Speare Mints and the quantity of a Nutmegge of the Oyls of Mace beate them in a Morter and when you haue incorporated or made it into Passe spread it on a cloath and heat it hot at the fire and lay it to the mouth of the stomacke An excellent Remedy for the Head-ache or Megram TAke Frankensence put it in a Chafingdish with coales take also a handfull of fine Towe or Flaxe and tost it in the smoake of the Frankensence and as the smoake ceaseth put in more Frankensence and open the Towe in the Smoake till it be warme then lay the Towe to the Temples of the head and on the Browes bind a Kerchiefe over it and so goe to Bed vse this and it will helpe you Another for the Head-ache A Medicine worth Gold TAke the Iuyce of Ground Ivie and out of a spoone or sawcer snuffe it vp into your Nose with a Quill An excellent Medicine for the Spleene TAke Wormewood Mallowes Camomill and Melitots of each a handfull boyle them in faire water till halfe the Liquour be wasted then put thereto a good ●●●dfull of wheaten Bra● and boyle it to the thicknesse of a Plaister quilt it on a linnen cloath and apply it to the side as hot as you can suffer it and removing it often An excellent helpe for sore Eyes TAke Ground Ivie otherwise called Alehoose Celadine and ●aisies of each a
Conce●t together take 2. spoonfuls of the same every Morning fasting and likewise before dinner and before Supper and also at other times betwéene meales if you will with a stick of Liquorice spunged all the end and so to sucke it from the Liquorice An excellent Cure for a sore Throat TAke Sage Rosemary Woodbine-leaues red Fennell and Peny-royall of each a handfull boyle all these in a pottle of running water till it be halfe wasted then put into it halfe a pinte of Vineger and a good piece of Allome then let all these be boyled together till the Liquor be wasted to a pinte then let the Patient wash his mouth warme and if it be for a sore Throat take a stick of Liquorice and springe the end of it very soft and binde a soft rag about it and therewith being dipped in the abouesaid water wash the ●o●e and it shall cleanse it and heale it by the grace of God Another for a swolne or sore Throat a sure remedy BOyle fiue leaued Grasse in Spring water and gargle it warme it is an excellent and an approved remedy An excellent Medicine for an Ache swelling Spraines and for the strengthning of any Sinew in any part of the body TAke Butter vnwasht and vnsalted and Hony of each a like quantity to every quarter of a pound of each of them put so much Saffron finely beaten as will lye vpon a great melt them together and dip therein a piece of white vnshorne Bayse wring it a little and so apply it warme to the place grieved For a stripe in the Eye or an humour falne into the eyes TAke a new laid Egge make a hole in the top of it take out the white and beat it into a water then take a spooufull of the Iuyce of Hous●éek and put into the Egge-shell as much of the white of the Egge and halfe as much Rose water and a little Sugar set it on the Imbers and let it séeth then strain it through a faire linnen cloth and with a feather drop therof into the eye Another for dimme-sighted eyes TAke a dish over a hot séething pot and there will be a dewye water on the inside of the dish which water kéepe in a glasse and when you haue occasion to vse it drop a little thereof into the Eyes and it will helpe it marvailously Another for watering Eyes of paines in them or distillations that comes from the Head TAke a piece of raw Béefe not too thick nor too thin stéepe it all Night in good Aqua vite apply it to the Temples or forehead till the next day without removing it all night vse this thrée or foure nights For one that vseth to Swound or faint at the heart an excellent remedy TAke Rosemary Sage Bittony and Margerom of each a handfull séethe them in a Gallon or more of faire-water till halfe the water be consumed then take away the Hearbes and put to the said water a good pinte of Hony then scumme it well then put thereto an ounce of Sticado tyed in a faire linnen cloth so let it séeth a little while and then take it out of the said water and put in an ounce of Sinamon thrée quarters of an ounce of Nutmegs and as much Ginger in Powder drinke a good draught thereof warme first and last for the space of sixe or seuen dayes together and then it helpes perfectly To draw out a Splinter of Wood or Iron or other things out of the Flesh DIp a tent in the Iuyce of Valerian and put into the Wound or sore as déepe as you can and tye the Hearbe Valerian being stamped vpon the sore with a lynnen cloth that it remove not off this will not onely draw out the Wood Iron or other things out of the Flesh but will also cure the sore An excellent remedy for one that is Broken bellyed or burst TAke 9 red Snayles put them betwéens two tyles so that they slide not away so dry them in an Oven then make them into Powder then give the quantity of that powder of one of those Snayles in a draught of white Wine to the party grieved every other morning fasting till it be all done and let the party neither eate nor drinke for two houres after if these first nine Snayles doe not throughly helpe let the party begin againe in the same manner An excellent helpe for those that cannot hold their Water TAke the Bladder of a Shéepe dry it throughly and beate it into powder put it into foure or fiue spoonfuls of Vinege● or water giue it the party going to bedward to drinke that cannot hold their wa●er and it will remedy it Certaine tokens of Death in a sicke Man IF the Fore-head of the sicke party waxe red his Browes fall downe his nose waxe sharpe and cold his left eye become little the corner of his eye runne if he turne to the wall if his Eares be cold if he may suffer no brightnesse if he pull strawes or cloathes of the bed if he picke his Nostrils often with his fingers if he wake much being a young man or sléepe much being an old man these are most certaine tokens of Death An excellent remedy for the removing of a Wenne BInde fast the Wen then take verdigrease Brimstone ●ope Oyle of Egges Allome and Hony of each a like quantity temper them well together and apply it thereto it will both driue away the Wen and heale it For a Timpany TAke a pinte of Broome Ashes eyther of gréene or dry and a quarter of an ounce of Sinamon bruised ●i●t the Ashes and let a pinte thereof and the bruised Sinamon lye in stéepe all night in a pottle of White Wine then let it run through a gelly bag twice or thrice till it run cleere put in some Sugar and a tost vnto it drinke thereof thrice a day in the Morning fasting and an houre before Supper and an houre after Supper For one that is in a Consumption TAke foure ounces of Shavings of Harts-horne one ounce of the Shavings of Ivory put in a Pipkin with a Gallon of faire water let it stand on the fixe twelue houres in fusing and boyling softly close covered then take twenty Egges in their Shells crack their Shells and put them in a dish with Salt and let them stand an houre and purge themselues then pull them from their shells washing them till they be cleane then put them in the Pipkin to the Harts-horne and let it boyle two houres then put in a good handfull of Raisons of the Sun stoned halfe an ounce of Liquori●e scraped and sliced and a blade or two of Mace boyle all these till it come to a quart of Liquor then put in halfe a pinte of white-Wine sixe spoonfuls of Rosewater two peny-worth of Saffron powdered boyle all a little while then straine if or run it through a gelly bag if you please you may swéeten it as you like it put a little Salt in it when it is
transversly linked to the stomacke and his substance is thinne And two causes I finde why he was ordained there The first is that by the Melancholius superfluities which are engendred of the Liver which hée draweth to him hée is nourished with The second cause is that the nutritiue Blood should by him be made the more purer and cleane from the Drosse and thicking of the Melancholy c. And next of the Reynes and Kidneyes It is to be vnderstood that within the Region of the Nutrites backwards are ordained the Kidneyes to clense the Blood from the watery superfluities and they haue each of them two passages or holes or Neckes By the one is drawne the water from Venakelis by two Veyns which are called Vencae Aemulgentes the length of the finger of a man and issueth from the Liver and by the other is sent the same water to the Bladder and is called Poros Urithides The substance of the Kidneyes is Lazartus Flesh having Longitudinall will and their place is behinde on each side of the Spondels and they are two in number and the right Kidney lyeth somewhat higher then the left and is bound fast to the backe with Lygaments The Philosopher saith that mans Kidneyes are like the Kidneyes of a Cow full of hard Concavities and therefore the sores of them are hard to cure Also they are more harder in substance then any other fleshly member and that for two causes One is that hée bée not much hurt of the sharpenesse of the Vrine The other is that the same Vrine that passeth from him might the better be altered and clensed through the same Also there commeth from the heart to each of the Kidneyes an Artier that bringeth with him Blood heat spirit and Life And in the same manner there commeth a Veyne from the Liver that bringeth blood to nourish the Kidneyes called Blood Nutrimentall The grease of the Kidneyes or Fatnesse is as of other inward members but it is an officiall member made of thinne Blood c●ngealed and crudded through cold and there is ordained the greater quantity in his place because it should receiue and temper the heat of the Kidneyes which they haue of the byting sharpenesse of the Water Now by the Kidneyes vpon the Spondels passeth Venakelis or Venacua which is a Veyne of great substance for he receiveth all the Nutrimentall blood from the Liver and from him passeth many small Pipes on every side and at the Spondell betwéene the shoulders he divideth himselfe whole in two great branches the one goeth into the one arme and the other into the other and there they divide themselves into many Veynes and branches as is declared in the armes CHAP. IX The Anatomie of the Haunches and their parts THE Haunches are the lower part of the Wombe joyning to the Thighs and the secret members And thrée things there are to be noted thereof The first is of the parts containing the second is of the parts contained and the third is of the parts procéeding outwards The parts containing outwardly be Myrac and Syfac the Zirbus and the bones The part contained outwardly a●e the Vez●ke or Bladder the Spermaticke vessels the Matrix in women Langaon Nerues Veynes and Artiers descending downewards the parts procéeding outwards are the Buttocks and the Muscles descending to the Thighes of which it is to bée spoken of in order And first of the parts containing as of Myrac Syfac and Zirbus there is enough spoken of in the Anatomy of the Wombe But as for the Bones of the Hanches there bée the parts of the backe thrée Spondels of Ossa sacri or of the Hanches and thrée Caitailiginis Spondels of Ossa Cande called the Taile-bone And thus it is proved that there is in every man thirty Spondels and thus they are to be numbred in the Necke seaven in the Ridge twelue in the Reynes fiue and in the Hanches sixe And it is to be noted that every Spondell is hollow in the middest through which hollownesse passeth Nuca from the Braine or the Marrow of the Backe And some Authors say that Mynuca is of the substance that the Braine is of For it is like in substance and in it selfe giveth to the Nerues both the ver●ue Mouing and Féeling And also every Spondell is holden on every side through the which holes both Arteirs and Veynes doe bring from the Heart and the Liver both Life and nourishment like as they doe to the Braine and from the Pannicle of Mynuca or the Marrow of the backe through the holes of the sides of the Spondels springeth foorth Nerues motiues and there they entermeddle themselues with the strong Lygaments that be insensible and so the Lygaments receiue that féeling of the Nerue which the Nerues taketh of Mynuca And by this reason many Authors prooue that Mynuca is of the same substance that the Braine is of and the Pannicles of the Nuca is of the same substance of the Pannicles of the Braine c. And each of these Spondels bée bound fast one with another so that one of them may not well bée named without another And so all these Spondels together contained one by another are called the Ridge-bone which is the foundation of all the shape of the Body They with the last Spondell be contained or joyned to the Bones of the Hanches and they be the vpholders of all the Spondels And these Bones bée small towards the Tale bone and abroad towards the Hanches and before they joyne and make Os Pectinis And so they bée broad in the parts of the Iles and therefore some Authors calleth it Ilea And each of these two Bones towards the Liver hath a great round hole into which is received the Bone called Vertebra or the Whorlebone Also besides that place there is a great hole or way thorow the which passeth from aboue Musculus Veynes and Artiers and goe into the Thighes And thus it is to bée noted that of this Bone Pecten and the Bone Vertebra is made the juncture of the Thigh Now to speake of the parts contained the first thing that commeth to sight is the Bladder the which is an officiall member compound of two Nervous Pannicles in complexion cold and dry whose Necke is carnous and hath Muscles to withhold and to let goe and in man it is long and is contained with the yard passing through Peritoneum but in women it is shorter and is contained with the Vulua The place of the Bladder is betwéene the bone of the Share and the Tayle-gut called Longaon and in women it is betwéene the aforesaid bone and the Matrix And in it is implanted two long vessels comming from the Kidneyes whose names be Porri Urikcides bringing with them the Vrine or water from the Kidneys to the Bladder which privily entreth into the holes of the Pannicles of the Bladder by a naturall mooving betwéene Tunicle and Tunicle and there the Vrine findeth the hole of the nether Tunicle and there it entreth privily into
cause the Doctors did feare the Cure Neverthelesse I dressed him with our Magno Licore and Balsamo Artificio kéeping the wound as close as was possible anointing it onely vpon the wound and so in fouretéene dayes he was perfectly whole to the great wonder of a number of Chirurgions in that City For to heale Hurts and Wounds TAke Mallowes and séeth them well and when they be sodden take and stampe them and take old Barrowes grease and cleane Barley meale and mingle the Iuyce the Meale and the Greace all together and make a Salve thereof it is a ready healer To stanch the blood of a Cut. TAke a good handfull of Nettles and bruise them and then lay them vpon the wound hard bound with a cloth and it will stint presently Another for the same TAke Hogs-dung hot from the Hog mingle it with Suger and lay it to the Wound For to staunch the bloud of a Wound TAke a Linnen cloth and burne it to powder and binde it to to the Wound or Veyne that is hurt The Lord Capels Salve for Cuts or Rancklings comming of Rubbings It is also good Lip-salve TAke a pound of May-butter and clarifie it then take the purest thereof also take thrée ounces of English wax and two ounces of Rozine and clarifie them by themselves then boyle them all together when it is boyled coole it and after kéepe i● in the Cake or otherwise as your Salve For to draw and heale a Cut. TAke the Iuice of Smalledge the Iuyce of Bugle of each a quantity take also Waxe Rozen vnwrought Shéepes Suet Déeres suet of each a like quantity Sallet oyle Turpentine but a little Fry them all and scrape a little Lint and lay a little salve vpon the Lint and put it in the Cut and then lay a Plaister over it A Salve for fresh Wounds TAke Harts-grease and Turpentine of each foure Ounces oyle of Roses Frankensence and Masticke of each one ounce and so make your Salve A Salve that cleanseth a Wound and healeth it TAke white Turpentine vnwashed foure ounces the yolke of an Egge and a little Barley meale and so make a Salve To kill dead Flesh TAke the Iuyce of Smalledge and the yolke of an Egge Wheaten flower a spoonefull of Honey and mingle all these together and drop it into the Sore or otherwise make a Plaister Fine Suger scraped into powder will doe the ●ame A Playster for old Sores TAke Litarg● of Gold one pound oyle of Roses two pound white Wine a pinte Vrine a pinte Vineger halfe a pinte Waxe Frankensence and Myrrhe of each two Drams and so make your Plaister according For Canker Fistula Warts or Wounds new or old TAke a Gallon and a halfe of running Water and a pe●ke of Ashen ashes and séeth them and make thereof a Gallon of Lie and put thereto a gallon of Tanners woose and powder of roch Allome and Madder a pound and séeth all these and let your panne be so great that it be little more then halfe full and when it riseth in the séething stirre it downe with a ladle that it runne not over and let it stand thrée or foure houres till it be cléere and all that is cléere straine it through a good thicke Canvasse and then wet therein a ragged cloth and long Lint and lay it on the sore and this is good for all the Diseases aforesaid A Salve for any Wound TAke Housléeke Marigold leaues Sage Betonie and garden Mallowes of each one handfull stampe them and straine them then take the juyce halfe a pound of fresh Butter one peny-worth of fine Turpentine very well washed one peny-worth of Aqua Composita and an Oxe-gall mixe them all together and boyle them moderately vpon the Imbers and so make a Plaister To helpe the Ach of a Wound FOr Ache of a Wound stampe Fennell with old Swines Greace and heate it and binde it thereto Recip the juyce of Smallage Honey old Swines gret●e and Rye meale and apply it Plasterwise To heale Wounds without Plaister Tent or Oyntment except it be in the Head STampe Fennell Yarrow Buglosse ana white Wine and drinke it 2 or 3 times a day till you be well Mixe Swines greace with Honey Rye meale and Wine and boyle it and vse it if it heale too fast put in the juyce of Bryonie a little bruise Isop and put in while the wound is raw is very good To heale a Wound that no scarre or print thereof shall be seene ROst Lilly roots and grinde them with Swines greace and when the wound is healed anoynt it therewith often Thus much concerning the Cure of Wounds OF THE BATH OF Bathe in England PART V. The rare Treasure of the English Baths Written by WILLIAM TVRNER Doctor of Physicke Gathered and set forth for the Benefit and Cure of the Poorer sort of people who are not able to goe to the Physitians by WILLIAM BREMER Practitioner in Physicke and Chyrurgerie CHAP. I. ALthough there be a very excellent and wholesome Bath within the Realme of England yet for all that I reckon that there are many in the North parts which being diseased with sore diseases would gladly come to the Bath of Bathe if they knew that there were any there whereby they might be holpen and yet know not whether there be any in the Realme or no. Wherefore séeing that I have writ of the Baths that are in forraigne Countries therefore I thought good to shew the vertues of our owne Bathes For if they be able to helpe mens Diseases what shall men néed to goe into farre Countries to séeke that remedy there which they might have at home The Bath of England in the West Countrey in Sommerset-shirs in a City called in Latine Bathoma and Bathe in English of the Bathes that are in it This City of Bathe is fiftéene miles from Welles and fiftéene miles from the Noble City of Bristowe The chiefe matter whereof these Bathes in this City have their chiefe vertue and strength after my judgement is Brimstone and of my judgement are divers other which have examined them as I have done when I was at the Bathes with a certaine man diseased of the Goute I went into them my selfe with my Patient and brought foorth of the place next vnto the Spring and out of the bottome flyme mud bones and stones which altogether smelled evidently of Brimstone if that a man may judge the matter of the effect may gather that Brimstone is the onely matter in these Bathes or else the chiefe that beareth rule in them for they dry vp wonderfully and heale the Goute excellently and that in a short time as with divers others one Miles Somelines one of my Lord of Sommersets Players can beare witnesse which things are no light tokens that Brimstone beareth the chiefe rule séeing that neyther by smelling nor tasting a man can féele no other matter or Mines to raigne there If there be any thing lightly mingled with the Brimstone which
yolkes of Egges two ounces white Salt finely ground one ounce Hens dung that is liquid and red like Honey one ounce Mixe all these well together without fire and when you will bring an Impostume to superation and breake it lay on this Plaister Morning and Evening little and in short time it will draw foorth the Impostume and breake it and heale it without any other helpe Kéepe this as a secret A Plaister Bessilicon TAke white Waxe Rozen Pine Cowes suet Stone pitch Turpentine Olibany of each these one ounce and of Oyle as much will serve the turne Another Plaister TAke Balme Bittony Pimperuell of each of them a handfull lay them in a Fuse in a pottle of white Vineger two dayes then let them be boyled strongly till the third part be consumed put thereto Rozen one pound white Waxe foure ounces Masticke one ounce Turpetine demi pound and so make your Plaister The Mellilote Plaister TAke Mellilote tenne handfuls let it be small stamped and laid in Fuse foure dayes in a pottle of white Wine and then boyle it strongly till the third part bée consumed then let it coole and put thereto Rozen two pound Perosine one pound demi Waxe one pound Déere suet demi pound Masticke one ounce Frankensence foure ounces and is make your Plaister according to Art The Musiledge Plaister TAke March Mallowes rootes Fenekrike and Lipséed of each one pound lay them in fuse in thrée quarts of water thrée dayes then boyle it over the fire a little and so straine it to a Musilage and take thereofore pound demi and of Lytarge of Lead foure pound of good Ole sixe pound put all over the fire in a great vessell and so let it boyle with a soft fire ever stirring it till it come to the forme of a Plaister according Another Plaister TAke the the Iuyce of Bittany Planten and Smalledge of each Demi pound Waxe Rozen and Turpentine of each demi pound Pitch foure ounces and so make your worke A plaister of Camphere TAke common Oyle demi pound Waxe foure ounces Seruse one ounce Camphers demi ounce and so make your worke A Spiced Plaister TAke white Waxe one pound demi Perosine one pound Colophony foure ounces Rozen demi pound Déere suet demi pound Cloves and Mace foure ounces Saffron demi ounce red Wine and water of each a quart boyle these together till they come to a Plaister A Plaister called Apostolicum TAke white Lead and red of each one pound Oyle foure pound stirre them altogether and boyle them with a soft fire to the forme of a Plaister according to Art A Drying Plaister TAke Oyle of Roses Déeres suet of each one pound Terra Sigillar Lapis Caluminaris Seruse of each one pound Sanguis Draconis thrée ounces and Incense of each one ounce Turpentine foure ounces Camphere halfe an ounce and so make a Plaister A Plaister for the Gowt Arteticke TAke Oxium Saffron of each one dram in fine powder tempered in the yolkes of thrée Egges hard boyled and oyle of Violets or Roses Plaister-wise applyed to the painfull place and it easeth A Plaister to slake paine TAke crummes of white Bread foure ounces temper them with swéet Milke and the yolkes of foure Egges hard boyled and take of oyle of Roses thrée drams and in the making put thereto a little Turpentine and Saffron two drams in fine powder A Plaister against the coldnesse of the Nerves TAke Waxe two ounces Euforbium Castoris of each halfe an ounce Shéepes suet and Pitch of each one ounce Turpentine ● dram and so make your worke according to Art A good cold drying Plaister TAke Oyle one pound Waxe ten ounces Seruse and Lytarge of Gold of each foure ounces boyled with a soft fire in Furnace wise A red Plaister TAke Waxe Déeres suet of each one ounce Lapis Calaminaris Bolearmony of each one dram Turpentine one ounce Camphere a dramme put altogether and so make a Plaister A blacke Plaister TAke Waxe and Oyle of each a pound Ceruse and Litarge of each five ounces Terra Sigillata one ounce boyle all together till it be blacke and like a Plaister A blacke Plaister for old Sores TAke Litarge of Gold and Ceruse of each one ounce the Cinders of Iron Quilled story fererie sixe drams Oyle of Roses foure ounces new Waxe one ounce strong Vineger two draws and so make it according to Art A Plaister to dissolve hard things TAke Gum Armoniac Serapine Boelium Oppopenacie of each one ounce oyle of Spike five drams Turpentine two drams the mell of Fennikrike and Linséed of each one ounce the mell of Lupianes as much as néeds and so make your Plaister Another blacke Plaister TAke Oyle one pound Waxe and Ceruse of each halfe a pound and so make a Plaister according to Art A Plaister against old Sores TAke Oyle twelve ounces Litarge of Gold halfe a pound Vineger sixe ounces Ceruse Colophonie Perosine Pitch Goates Suet of each two ounces Dragons bloud Terra sigillata of each one ounce Waxe two ounces and a halfe and so make a Plaister A cold Plaister TAke Litarge of Lead one pound Oyle foure pound Vineger two pound boyle them to a Plaister A Plaister to draw an Apostume TAke Galbanum and Gum Armoniac of each one pound dissolved in foure pound of Suger for foure dayes together and then boyled till the Vineger bée consumed with a soft fire according to Art A Plaister for the Lords marke de Wiser TAke Virgin Waxe two pound Perosine two pound Galbanum and gum Armoniac of each halfe a pound Pitch foure ounces Déeres Suet Ceruse of each halfe a pound Clovas and Mace foure ounces Saffron to the weight of twelve pence red Wine and water of each two pintes Boyle these things till the Licour bée wasted away and so make a Plaister thereof according to Art The white Musilage Plaister TAke pure good Oyle eight pound Litarge of Lead side pound and a halfe Mussilage of March mallow Rootes and of Fennekrike and Linséed two pound Boyle all together to the forme of a Plaister with a soft fire ever stirring it then take and wash it in thrée or foure waters and it will bée very white A Spiced Plaister TAke Waxe and Perosine of each one pound Crossine halfe a pound Colophony two Ounces Frankensence and Goates Suet of each foure ounces Cloves and Mace Oyle of Turpentine and Oyle of Spike of each one ounce Saffron halfe an ounce red Wine two pound and so make pour Plaister according to Art A Plaister for old Sores TAke Litarge of Gold one pound oyle of Roses two pound white Wine a pinte Vrine a pinte Vineger halfe a pinte Waxe Frankensence and Myrrhe of each two drams and so make your Plaister according A Sparadrope TAke Oyle a pound white Waxe thrée ounces Ceruse tenne ounces Litarge of Gold foure ounces boyle all these in forme of a Plaister A drying Plaister TAke Iacobs Plaister halfe a pound Unguentum Lapis Caluminaris one pound and so make a
the powder héereof with the juyce Borage is good for the cold Rhume and to comfort the Braine Dragagant is of three kindes and the white is the best in cold Medicines and the red in hot Euphorbium his vertue is to dissolve to draw to ala●e to consume to purge Fleame and Melancholly Esula is the rinde of Eleberus Albus or Peritory of Spaine it hath vertue to purge Fleame and Melancholly and it is the best that purgeth next to Scamonie Take Esula five drams Canell Fennell-séedes Anyséedes and vse this with warme Wine or other broth Gum Arabic the white is cold the red is hot in Medicines Gariofiolate is Ade●●●e his vertue is to open dissolve and consume whilest hée is gréene the Gollicia passie Hermadactilus the whitest is the best it hath vertue to dissolve consume and draw and they principally purge Fleame Jarus Barba Aron Calves féete Cuckoo pintell the leaves and the rootes and the gobbets about the rootes bée of good vertue and the Roote should be cloven and dryed they haue vertue to dissolve and lake Ipaguistidos is Gobbets that are found by the roote of the Dog bryer it hath vertue to straine together Jempus is the fruit thereof it hath vertue to dissolve and consume for the Strangury Illiaco drinke Wine wherein it was sodden Licium is good with the juyce of Fennell for sore Eyes Litarge is good to close together and to clense Lovage séed with Cinamon is good for the Liver and Spléen and wind in the Guts and stomacke Mamia is good to make Bloud cleane Mumia hath vertue to straine together Medeswece gréene or dry bringeth Menstruum and clenseth the Mother Mora is the fruit of the Cicomore Trée it hath vertue to dissolue consume and make cleane it is good for the Ovinffe and for costiuenesse Nitrum the whiter the better it hath vertue to dissolve and wipe away filth Opponax if it be cléere and draw to Cytrin colour it is good it hath vertue to dissolve and consume Oppium that is not hard nor soft is good it hath vertue to make one fléepe Organum flowers is good powdered to make Luxe to dissolue and to consume and the powder put within and without abateth blowne chéekes Oxificentia Phenicon Dactilus Indie Tamarindus they that bée good be neyther too moyst nor too hard and be some what blacke and some what sower the Ryne nor the Séed shall not be vsed in Medicines it hath vertue to purge Choller to make Bloud cleane and to abate vnkind heate Os de corde Cervi is the bone of the Hearts heart on the left sidé it is good to purge Melancholy Bloud and Cardiacle and Sinicapos or Sincapos with the Iuyce of Borage and Os Sexi will make the Téeth white Periatory or Pellatory shall be gathered in Winter and his vertue is to dissolue consume and draw Dog Fennell the roote is good for the Strangury Oissury and stopping of the Liver and Spléene Pineapples the Kernels doe moysten and open and is good for the Disease in the Brest or Cough or Etike or Consumption and to increase good bloud Damsons bée cold and moyst in the third degrée gather them when they bée ripe and cleane them in the Sunne and spring them with Vineger aboue and then yée may kéepe them two yeare in a vessell their vertue is to coole a man and make his Guts light and therefore they be good in Fevers against the costivenesse that commeth of drynesse or of Cholericke humors in the Guts when they be ripe to cut and when they be dry soake them in water and eate the Prune and drinke the water Psilium is cold and moyst in the third degrée his vertue is to make soft and light and to coole a Mans body and to straine together Periatory while it is gréens hath vertue to dissolve and consume the windes in the stomacke Purslene is good both raw and sodden to abate vnkind heate in Chollericke men Pitch liquide hath vertue to dissolue and consume Ponticum is good for the stopping of the Liver and Spléene that commeth of cold Storax hath vertue both to comfort and consume and to fasten Teeth and comfort the Gummes Squilla is a Sea Onion and that is found by himselfe is deadly his vertue is to purge and to dissolue but the outer and Inner parts shall be cast away for they be deadly and that which is in the middest shall be put in Medicines and it hath more vertue rawe than sodden Sedes within the berries of Elder is good to purge Fleame Sravisacre hath vertue to dissolve consume draw and purge Fleame and Lytarge and to put away heavinesse of the heart and if it be put in his nose Seapium is good and hath vertue to dissolve consume draw and laxe and heale it is good for fallins downe of the Mother with suffumigation or supositor and for the tearmes of secondine dead Childe Saracoll if it bée with sad it is good it hath vertue to straine together and to sooder Drinke Calamint sodden in Wine for coldnesse of the stomacke and stopping of the Liver and Spléen Reynes and Bladder and Illaco passie Saterion his root is gréen hath vertue to vnloose mans nature Saligem his vertue is to dissolve and consume Scabiouse while he is gréene hath vertue to dissolve consume and cleanse Dragons take the roote and cleave it and dry it in the Sun yée may kéepe it two yeares meddle the powder of Dragons with Sope and wet a Tent therein and put it déepe into a fester and it will clense and enlarge it and if there bée a bone in it it will draw it out or else loose it that yée may take it out lightly Sene is to purge Melancholy and Epilencie and Fever quartaine and Emerodes for the Spléene Liver and Cardiacle sodden in water and put to Sage and make a Syrope or the Iuyce of Borage and Suger Terra sigillata terra sarasincia trara argenta is all one manner of earth his vertue is to constraine together Turbith if it be hollow small and of an Ash-colour and gummie it is good it hath vertue to dissolve and draw humours from the vttermost part of a mans body and namely Fleame for the Gout and Illiaca and Podegra and Chiragra giue him fours scruples of Turbith mingled with some other Medicine Taplia or faiters Hearbe his vertue is to purge aboue and beneath both gréene and dry for it is never given by himselfe hée that stampeth it let him hide his Face and eyes that hée sée not Also heale or kéepe close his Testacles or else they will swell with this Hearbe beggers doe make them séme on the Dropsie and be nothing like Tartar is the Lées of Wine and hath vertue to dissolve and wipe away filth and to abate away a mans fatnesse Take small powder halfe of foure drams and cast thereto the powder of Masticke to abate his egernesse and give the powder with Dia Penedion or with same
them very finely together and so drink halfe a spoonfull of powder or a spoonefull at a time in a draught of good Ale and let it bée luke warme in any wise For the Collicke TAke Parceley Water-cresses Pellatory of the Wall vnset Time of each a handfull a dish of swéete B●tter let the hearbes be cleane washed and séeth them in a quart of running water let your water be taken vp against the streame let them séeth till you may make a Plaister thereof then temper them together with a handfull of Wheate branne and make a Plaister and let it be laid to the Patients belly beneath the Navill and let him put in his pottage Pellatory of the Wall and let the Patient make water strained thorow a faire cloth and thereby yée shall know and pe●ceine whether it doth him good or not and let him vse this thrée or foure times A Medicine to purge the Head TAke Masticke Peritory of Spaine tame Cressis Séede Cockle-séede Stavisacre both the kindes of née●ing powder white and blacke Ginger Sinamond of each halfe a dram in fine powder and mixed together and put it in a little bagge of fine linnen cloth and let the Patient hold one of these bagges in his mouth a good space but these bagges must first lye in Fuse a pretty while in Vineger and it will draw out Rheums from the head wonderfully and when he hath done he must wash his mouth well with Wine or Ale A Medicine for a scald Head TAke Daysie Rootes and Ale and stampe them with as much May-butter as néeds and annoynt the sore head therewith For the Head-Ache TAke a good handfull of Red-Rose leaues dryed and a good quantity of Cummin grossely bruised and a good handfull of Camomill gro●sely shred and a quantity of browne leavened Bread then mixe them and put it into a Linnen cloth then quilt it and set it into a hot Dish vpon a Chasing dish and sprinckle the bagge with Rose water and Vineger and turne it in the dish till it be as hot as may be suffered to be laid to the noddle of the Necke and let it lye till it be cold and so vse another and kéepe his head so hot as hée may sweats For paine of the Head TAke Marromand presse out the Iuyce of it and let me Patient take of it in his Nose For deafenesse in the Eares TAke the Iuyce of Coleworts and mixe it with warme water and droppe it into thine Eares and it will help To make Honey of Roses called Mel Rosarum TAke foure pound foure ounces of Honey clarified and two pound of the Iuyce of Red-Roses and let them boyle together till it be like a Sirrope Another making thereof TAke a pottle and halfe a pinte of Honey well clarified with a pottle of white or red Wine two pound of Red-Rose leaues Boyle the Rose Leaues and Wine till halfe be wasted and then put in your Honey and let it boyle till it be somewhat thicke and in colour like a Syrrope For the Pockes TAke the Iuyce of Peny-Ro●all and young Tausie and giue the sicke party to drinke A true Medicine for the Jaundies TAke a handfull of Chery Leaues séeth them in a pinte of Milke and let them boyle well Then straine it and drinke agood draught thereof to Bedwards and in the morning fasting and the Iaundies shall avoyd from you by siege or else drinke in the morning this following Take the wood Bayberries pill the vpper shell with the leaues from it and take the second shell that is yellow put thereof as much as a Walnut into a cloth and séeth it with a pinte of water let it be well boyled and let it coole and then drinke it this hath béene experimented A Remedy for the Stone TAke the Stones of Medlers and lay them vpon a hot T●●estone after that you haue rubbed and dryed them in a faire cloth then being dryed vpon the til●stone beate them into powder then take a parcell of Tyme and pars●y and place it vpon the fire with Béere and Butter and throw in halfe a spoonefull of the said powder and hereof you must drinke a good draught fasting in the morning and eate nor drinke nothing else for thrée houres after For the Liver that is corrupted and wasted TAke a good quantity of Liverw●rt and bruse it a little and then séeth it in good strong Woort with a quantity of Rubeth and vse this medicine and thou shalt be whole For heate in the Liver TAke the Iuyce of sower Apples and swéet Apples of each a pound or more as much as you thinke best and two pounds of Sugar mingle these things together and lettheth boyle on a simple fire till it bée thicke as a Syrrope and vse this course every day fasting with luke warme water For to make haire grow TAke and séeth Mallowes rootes and all and wash the place where Haire lacketh and it shall grow For to take away Haire Take Horsse aches and burne them to powder and mingle it with Eysell and touch the place where the Haire groweth and it shall grow no more there Approved To know whether a woman shall conceive or no. TAke of the ruyne of Hare and having fryed and consumed it in hot water giue it to the woman to drinke in the morning at her breakfast then let her stand in a hot Bath and if there come a griefe or a paine in her belly she may very well conceiue To make a barren woman beare Children TAke of these little Sea fishes called in Latine Pollipodes and roste them vpon the coales with our Oyle and let the woman eate of them and it shall profit and helps very much having in the meane time the company of a man To make a woman have a quicke Birth TAke leaues of Dictarij and stampe them or else make powder of them and giue the woman that laboureth drinke of it with a little water and she shall be delivered incontinent without any great paine or griefe For all manner of Lamenesse or swellings TAke a handfull of Time a handfull of Lavender cotton and a handfull of running Strawberries that be like to a string and so cut them small then beat them in a Morter with foure or fiue young Swallowes taken out of the nest very fligge and quicke 〈◊〉 them together vntill yée sée never a feather of them whole ●hat done take a penny worth of May butter clarified and mingle it in the Morter with Hearbes and so let it stand foure and twenty houres before they séeth when you haue sodden it vse it as before you are taught as well in preserving of it as in vsing of it Eor to stay the Laxe or Fluxe TAke Plantine otherwise called Weybred-leaues and rootes and wash them in faire water and then stampe them and take a good quantity of the Iuyce and put it to old ale and make a Posset therewith and after take the ale Posset and clarifie it vpon the fire perfectly and then
thereto Sinamon two penny-worth and hol● Mace one penny-worth and séeth all these to a quart For the Bladder and the Reynes TAke the sé●●es of Planten beaton in a Morter and séeth them in Wine and drinke thereof alone To stay the Backe TAke the pith of an Oxe backe and scald it and then straine it out of the skin and ●hred Nippe and beate it in a Morter with the said pith very small and then put thereto a quart of Milke and straine it and then séeth it with fiue or sixe Dates and a graine of Amber-gréece and powder of Ginger and let the Patient vse it often For Ache in the Backe and Legge TAke the marrow of an Oxe and oyle Oliue thrée spoonefuls and the yolkes of Egges and Butter ana Pepper one ounce then take the milke of a woman and mingle it together and annoynt the sicke therewith To take away the paine of the Reynes of one that is low brought TAke thrée quarts of white Wine and boyle therein a red Cocke and put thereto a handfull of red Nip a quantity of Clary and the rootes of red Fennell Harts-tongue a sticke of Synamon bruised Dates great and small Raisins with a few Prunes séeth all these together till the strength of the Cocke be in the broth and put therein one ounce of Manus Christi and vse this Morning and Evening luke warme A Plaister for the Reynes TAke Callamint Camomill Wormewood Peritory Hockes and bray them in a Morter with Oyle or Butter or Déeres and Shéepes suet and grease of a Boare or Barrow-hogge with a quantity of Commin and lay it in a Plaister both behind and before For all Diseases in the Backe TAke the rootes of Dasies of Planten of Bursa pastoris of Centimodum and the Cups of Acorns ana a handfull and of Bolearmoniac two ounces and of Harts-horne burnt ana and also a Bucke Conie that is fat and let all these be sodden together in white Wine and water as much Wine as water till the Cony be con●umed from the bones of the flesh then take away the flesh and the bones from the broth and so let the broth stand till it come to a Ielly and when you are in your bed cause your Backe to be therewith annoynted by a Chafingdish of coales thrée nights together and lay thereon a warme linnen cloth and it shall helpe you by Gods grace For paine in the bladder and to make it whole for ever TAke thrée rootes of Smalledge and wash them faire and cleane and cut them small and séeth them in a quart of faire water till three parts of the water be consumed then straine it and take foure drams of the powder of Bittony and put thereto and drinke the said water Against running of the Reynes TAke one pound of Iordaine Almonds and blanch them and parch them and grind them right small and make Almond milke thereof with a pinte of Rose-water and a pinte of Planten water and then séethe it with Suger and Sinamond and when it is cold put thereto a dramme of Masticke in fine powder and vse thereof to eate and be whole Probatum est A Syrope for the Backe TAke the rootes of Emila Compana cleane scraped and slice them thin and lay them in faire running water thrée dayes and shift them every day then at thrée dayes and take them out and put them in a gallon of faire running water with a quart of Hony of Lycorice one ounce scraped cleane and sliced and of Anniséed one ounce cleane rubbed from the dust let all these be boyled with a soft fire and take out the rootes out of the liquour washing them one by one and when they be cut lay them on a faire dish and so let them lye 24. houres and then take the rootes and weigh them and for every pound of your rootes take a pottle of Muskadine and white ●a●tard and put your roots therein and put thereto two pound of fine white Suger two or thrée whole Maces boyle all these to a Syrope with your roote and then put it into a pot and when you occupy it let the Patient eate of the rootes and drinke a spoonefull of Syrope with your rootes and then put it into a Pot and when you occupy it let the Patient eate of the rootes and drinke a spoonfull of Syrope after if Morning and Evening Probatum est To provoke Menstruum Mulieris TAke powder of Péeter Bittony Yarrow-séed in white Wine and drinke it Another TAke M●gwort Selondine Marigold Vernen Nippe ana nine crops thrée dayes before the change and thrée dayes before the full of the Moone Another TAke Germander and the rootes of red Madder and séethe it in Ale and giue it her to drinke or else take Radices Et femem pionae red Sanders and Suger and vse it as aforesaid Another TAke Cotula Fetuda the which is like Camomill but it ●●inketh and make a fomentation thereof Another TAke the Iuyce of Mercury and Hony and flower of Cockle as much as will incorporate it and make thereof little balls and giue her one or two of them and she shall haue Menstrum also it shall after dispose her to conceiue for it hath seldome failed and is well proved Another TAke the blacke séed of Pion●e and bruise them one by one to the number of nine and picke the blacke buskes and in a Morter breake them to powder eate and drinke the said powder at times aboue said in the second Medicine Pro cadem Another TAke the rootes of Gladion and Arsmart and séethe them in good white Wine or Vineger and when they be well sodden take them from the fire let the woman sit ouer it so that the ayre may strike vy and none got away for this is proved Another TAke Bittonie Puliall Riall Centory ana a handfull séethe them with Wine or water till the two parts be wasted and then clense it thorow a cloth and drinke it Another TAke Balme Margerom Isope Marigolds ana a handfull and séethe them from a pottle to a quart vpon a soft fire and so take it and drinke it every morning fasting and if it be bitter put thereto Suger and vse it To stop Menstruum Mulieris TAke the blackest holly-hocks that yée can get and take the flowers thereof and ma●e them in powder and drinke them and wash the place with the water of Lovage Another TAke the water of Oake leaue distilled halfe a pinte of Rose water ana and Syrrupe of Quinces sixe ounces and let her drinke thereof first and last Another TAke Horse-dung and séeth it in good Vineger and put it into little bagges of linnen cloth and lay the one vpon the Reines of the backe and the other betwéene the Nauill and the privie place as warme as she may suffer it and let her drinke every Morning and Euening Synamon till shée be whole Another TAke the rootes of Glad●●●n and séeth them well in Wine or water and receiue the
it in many pieces or shred it into white Wine and let it stéepe therein then drinke the Wine and it will heale your Disease Against stopping of the Pipes TAke Hisope Mintes Rose-mary Daisies and Consond of each like quantity and séeth them with Ale in Lycorice and vse it Morning and Evening Against Hoarsenesse TAke a good quantity of a Verveine and séeth it with Lycorice in faire water then straine the water and vse no other drink with your meate vntill you find remedy To cause good fasting of meate DRinke wine sodden with Sentory and Plantins Euening and Morning and it shall helpe you For the yellow Jaundise TAke the reddeft Docke rootes that ye can get and being washed cleane put them into a vessell of good Ale and when it is stale let the diseased drinke no other drinke to his meate but ale and it shall helpe Doctor Argentines Medicine for the Stone TAke the red barke of an Ivie trée dryed and beaten into fine powder and after searse it through a fine Searse also take a like quantity of blacke Ieat beaten and searsed in like manner and being mingled together drinke thereof with Wine or Ale blood warme fiue or sixe times For Wormes in the Bellie AGainst the Wormes in the Bellie take Onyons and pill them cut or slice them small powre Spring-water over them Let it stand all Night and in the morning drinke that water and it driveth away all wormes powre the same water vpon the Earth where the Wormes are and within halfe an houre they will all créepe out of the Earth Another for the same LIkewise if one eate Garlicke Fasting it killeth and driveth out Wormes out of the Body Or else drinke distilled water of Knot-grasse or Shanie-grasse The same killeth wormes also how beit it worketh more in young then in old folkes An approved Remedy for a Woman that hath her Throwes before her time SEeth a good handfull of whole Cheruill in a quart of Claret Wine and when the Hearbes be well sodden wring them into the Wine and clense it and make thereof an Hypocras with Sugar Cynamon and Ginger of Smouane and give her thereof warme at times néedfull And it shall expulse the paine Approved A Drying Powder for old Sores TAke the round Astrologia Frankensence and Allome of each two drams in fine Powder A Powder for the Strangury TAke Ivie Berries dryed ouer the Fire betwéen two stones and Alisander séedes of each a like quantity and make a Powder thereof to be vsed in a draught of good Ale For Gomora Passie R. Cassia extracted halfe an ounce Venice Turpentine thrée drams washed in Rose-water oftentimes the powder of Rubarbe one dram and a halfe and with sufficient of Sugar make it in round Bal●es For a sore Legge that is swolne with the Axis or Ague TAke B●are leaues and binde them vpon your Legges and it will make them water For the Collicke and Stone TAke vnset Léekes vnset Time and Parcely and make pottage of it with Mutton it is also good for the Mother Eor a Megrim in the Head TAke a cloath and warme it very hot and cha●e the nape of your necke and your temples a mornings For the Ague or Axis TAke a quart of Red wine and a quart of Milke and still them and giue it to the Patient to drinke when the Axis come vpon him but the milke must be taken as it commeth from the Cowe For the Tooth-ache TAke nine Pepper cornes and fiue Cornes of Bay-salt and some English honey and breake your Pepper cornes and beate them ●ll in an Oyster shell then make little balls of lint and dippe them in the Honey and lay it vnto your tooth or rub your teeth with Allome heaten For a sore Brest TAke a Red rose cake and white Wine in a dish and set it on a Cha●●ngdish of coales and turne the cake vp and downe in the dish and lay it to the brest as hot as may bée suffered and vse this thrée or foure times till it be whole For a sore eye that burneth and is watrie TAke Hem●ockes and distill them and take the water and lay it to your eyes and take a little Lint and dippe it in the water and so lay it vnto your eyes as you lye vpright in your bed For to stoppe the Bloody Fluxe TAke a pinte of Milke and a pinte of water and let them boyle together ouer the Fire vntill it come all to a pinte and let the Patient drinke it Morning and Evening For the Strangulion TAke Reddish leaues and séethe them in Ale and giue it to the Patient to drinke and it will cause him to make water For a Fellon TAke Rew and Soape Salt Soo●e and Boares greace and stampe them together and lay it to the Fellon For the Stone BEate the stones of Medlers into powder and drinke it with stild Milke or with white Wine A Medicine well proved for the Megrim TAke the Iuy●e of Night-shade and as much Vineger with crummes of leavened Bread and the white of two Egges a quantity of Bolearmoniac a quantity of Sage and Dragons tayle All these are to be made Plaister-wise vpon Flaxe and lay it vpon your griefe also Village to be stilled is very good A Medicine for the Ague TAke a quart of good Ale and a quantity of Bay leaues and séethe them from a quart vnto a pinte and giue the Patient to drinke halfe an houre before the Fit come vpon him For to heale a sore Eye that is hurt with a small Pocke TAke the Marrow of the pinions of a G●●se-●ing cold a quantity of Honey new taken out of the Combe in the blue and mingle it together and lay it on the Patients Eye-●idde and it will heale it For a sore Eye with a Pinne and a Web. TAke white Allome and Running-water and boyle it together in an Egge-shell till it be halfe consumed For a sore Eye that Itcheth and pricketh TAke Running water a quart and put in white Copperas a Rosemary sprigge and a spoonefull of Hony and let it boyle to a pinte and then drop a little into the Eye and kéepe it after him Rubbing or touching For a Ciatica or Ache in the Bones TAke Rew and of red Nettles of each a handfull Commin blacke Sope and Frankensence of each a quantity boyle all these together and make a Plaister thereof and lay it to the griefe Another for the same TAke a la●full of Nettles another of Neppe séethe them in Chamber-lye and put therein a handfull of Bay-salt and a quantity of blacke Soape and let them boyle well together and lay it to the griefe For the Stone TAke Turpentine of Ieane make it in little balls and rowle it in fine Suger and swallow it downe whole For the Collicke TAke a thinne Ashencuppe and lay therein a laine of Rew in the bottome and powre a few hot ●mbers vpon that and so laine vpon laine vntill the Cuppe be full and then clappe another
thinne Cuppe vpon it and lay it vnto the Collicke and it will immediately take away the griefe For Sore Eyes TAke Fennell rootes white Daisie rootes and leaues and lay it in white Wine and wash your Eyes with it To stoppe a great Laske TAke a pottle of faire water and put therein a Cony fleade well washed and quartered let it be well skimmed when it doth séeth then take a good handfull of Almonds vnblanched and the stones of great Raisins and beat them in a Morter with some of the broth in the Pot and vnstrained put them in then take halfe an ounce of whole Cinamon a handfull of Blackberry leaues a handfull of Planten with the rootes thereof the Pot being cleane skimmed put the aforesaid gredience therein and let the Patient drinke thereof Morning and Evening or at other convenient times in the day Analliter if the aforesaid Broth be warmed with a god of Stéele when it is cold it is so much the better To cause one to make Water TAke Parceley and séethe it in white Wine and drinks it Morning and Evening For the Wind Collicke TAke Commin-séede or fine Cod séede and beat them to Powder and put it into Ale Béere or white Wine and drinke it and it will make one Luskatiue For to make Water for the same TAke Broomeséed and beate it to Powder and drinke it with Muskadine ●any other Wine For to bind one from the Laske TAke a penny-worth of Roch Allome and séeth it in a pinte of white Wine and drinke it To kill the Tooth-ache or a Ring-worme or a Tetter TAke Oyle of Broome and annoynt the Gums at the roote of the Tooth where the paine is It must bée vsed after this manner Take a piece of ol● Broomesticke the older the better and light it and hold it downeward and it will drop that which is yellow and annoynt your Gummes with it or put it in the hollow Tooth For a broken Head TAke vnwrought Waxe and a little Sugar and running Wawater and boyle it in a Sawcer and make a Plaister and be whole For Chilblaines in the Feet or Hands TAke Shéepes Suet and vnwrought Waxe and Rozen and boyle it in a Sawcer and make a Sal●● and it will heale them For a Stitch. TAke Ground sill and dry it and put swéet Butter into it and put it where the paine is as hot as may be suffered Or take Oates the blackest that you can get and fry them with red Vineger and lay it as hot as may be suffered where the pain is For an Ache or a Bruise TAke oyle of Péeter it must be vsed after this manner Take a stoole and when that you are Rising or going to Bed sit with your Backe towards the fire you must haue a great fire and where the paine is you must rub it with some of the Oyle all downewards and they that doe dresse you must dry their hands well against the fire and chafe it For to skin a sore Finger or broken Skinne TAke Neruall Oyle or Rose Oyle or Camomill Oyle or Pompilion and annoynt your Finger or shinne with it and it will be whole For a cold Ague TAke a spoonefull of Vineger a spoonefull of Aqua-Vitae and a little Treacle with long Pepper and warme this blood-warme and so let the sicke person drinke it when the cold commeth and let him walke if he be able if not laid downe and made to sweate For a vehement Cough in young Children TAke the Iuyce of Parcely powder of Cummin Womens milke and mixe them together then giue the Child to drinke thereof and afterward make this Oyntment following Take the séed of He●pe or Flaxe and Vennycrit●e and séethe them in common water then presse out with your hands the substance of the Hearbs which you shall mingle with Butter and so annoynt the Childes brest with it as hot as may be A singular Oyntment which healeth all Burning with Fire not leaving Circratis or Scarre where it hath beene TAke the white of two Egges two ounces of Lucia Alexandrina two ounces of Quicke Lime washed in nine waters one ounce of new Waxe with as much oyle Roset as shall suffice and make-thereof an Oyntment A perfect Remedy against the Collicke and to make a man pisse that hath beene three or foure dayes without making water and that in the space of halfe an houre and it will breake the Stone within tenne or twelve dayes TAke fine powder of Virgo Aurea and put a spoonefull of it in a new la●e Egge soft roasted and giue the Patient to drinke thereof in the Morning at his Breakefast and let him not eate at the least in foure houres after and then shall he make water in halfe an houre If he use this continually the space of tenne or twelue dayes as is aforesaid he shall pisse out the Stone without paine or griefe To make white Teeth TAke Lemmons and make stild water of them and wash your Téeth with it for it is a soveraigne thing Or if you will not make the water take the Liquor of them which is also good for the same purpose but the water is better because it is finer so that in the Stilling it lose not his force To make a cleere voyce TAke Elder berries and dry them in the Sunne but take héed they take no moysture then make powder of them and drinke it every Morning Fasting with white Wine To make a Perfume suddenly in a Chamber where a sicke man lyeth TAke a little Earthen Pot and put into it a Nutmeg two scruples of the sticke of Cloues and two of the sticke of Cinamon and foure of storax Calamity Rose-water or water of Spike or some other swéet water and séethe it then put it into a pot-shar● with a few hot Ashes and coales vnder it and set it in the Chamber and the smoake thereof shall giue a swéet amiable and hearty savour A very soveraigne Salve for old Sores TAke Waxe foure pound May butter one pound Pitch one pound Rozen a pound Snailes in the shell a quart Pimpernell Chickwéede Smalledge Ragworth Alehouthe Marigolds Red crosse Campians Valerian Tutson Selfe-heale red Archangell Sage and Planten of each of all these two handfuls this Salue is to be made in May when these hearbs are best to be gotten First stampe the Hearbs and the Snailes in a stone Morter then set them ouer the fire and séethe them with the Butter then straine them through a cloth and set it on the fire againe and put in the R●zin the Pitch and the Waxe and boyle them and then put it into an Earthen pan and when it is cold take the crust that standeth vpon it and put it vp and vse it when there is néed and the thinnest water beneath you may cast away A Medicine for a swelling in the Cheeke TAke a handfull of wilde Mallowes and séeth them in running water till they be very tender then take it out of the water and swing it in
a day if it be néedfull A Medicine for an Impostume in the Body TAke Centorie Rosemary Worme-wood and Horehound and make them in a syrrup with white Wine and let the sicke drinke thereof and it shall cause the Impostume to goe downe and when it is broken let him drinke of the said syrrup warme A Medicine for the yellow Jaundies TAke white Spanish Sope and a little stale Ale in a Cup and rub the Sope against the cups bottome till the Ale be white then shane in a halfe penny weight of Ivorie and let the sicke drinke it at Morning and last at Euening till they be whole A Medicine for all manner of Aches TAke Sage Row Wormwood Sorell leaues Horehound red Nettles stampe them all together and mingle them with May-butter and let it stand so ten dayes oft fry them straine them cleane and then melt therewith Incense and this serueth for all manner of Aches A Medicine for the Wind collicke TAke halfe a spoonefull of dry Oreng● Pilles beaten to powder and halfe a spoonefull of Anniséeds beaten to powder and put them into Ale or Béere and drinke it when the pain doth take you walke vpon it and by Gods helpe it will driue it away For faintnesse in the Stomacke or the Morphew TAke a quantity of Amb●● beaten to powder and a quantitie of English Saffron in powder likewise and put it into white Wine and drinke it seuen or eight times A Medicine for the Collicke and Stone TAke of ●ovage Smalledge Pellitorie Fe●it●rie and Stone-woort or Sone crop of each of all these one handfull and two groats-worth of Stone-powder or of the Oxe-gall boyle all these with a pottle of white Wine and make thrée bagges and put these Hearbes in the bagges and lay them as ●ote as may be from the Huckle-bone forwards and so apply them hote still with the broth of the Wine and then you must drinke Possets of white Wine abundantly made with Parceley rootes and Mother of Time Another Medicine for the same TAke a black Flint stone and let it be red hot and let it breake and put it into a pinte of white Wine and then there will be on the top white foame so let it stand for halfe an houre and then drinke it and it will by Gods grace helpe you For the paine at the Stomacke TAke a peny-pot of Malmesey and a little Butter and heate it annoynt your stomacke with it then take a Rose cake and dip it in the Malmesey with the Butter and lay it where the paine is For to stay one from Vomitting TAke a quarter of a pinte of Rose-water and thrée spoonefuls of white Wine and put them both into a Posnet with a few sops of white bread a piece of Suger and a piece of Butter and eate thereof first and last A Medicine for one that is in a Consumption or for any disease at the Heart or any part of the Body TAke a quart of Sacke and put into it a Nutmeg a Race of white Ginger a few Graines and halfe a graine of Long Pepper and beate them all to powder thrée Bittony leaues thrée tops of Rosemary and a few Cloues bruised Set all these to the fire with a Date finely cut into it and so burne it and in the meane time get a new layd Egge and beate it fine with thrée spoonfuls of Rose water and when that the Wine is well burnt then brew them together out of one Pot into another with a little Sallet oyle and a good péece of Suger A Medicine for the Stone and Strangulion TAke a quart of Milke and a handfull 〈◊〉 Bay leaues another of Time another of red Sage another of Parcely and a quart of Malm●●y and a little Rosemary and boyle them all together from a quart to a pinte But yet let the Milke and the Hearbes be boyled all whole together from a quart to a pinte before the Malmesey come in For the Stomacke that is bound TAke Sage Neppe vnset-Time Violet leaues Iso● of each one handfull and three pintes of Ale and séethe the Hearbe and the Ale together and skim it cleane till it come to quart then take it off the fire and straine it together through a faire Linnen cloth then take a pinte of Malmesey and séeth that that was strained and the Wine together a little and put therto a quarterne of Suger thrée penny-worth of Cloues and Mace and then drinke it Another for the same TAke of Harts-tongue of Liuer-wort of Penny-ryall of toppes of young Rosemary and of Charnell of these one handfull halfe an ounce of Graines two peny-worth of Mace and a Nutmeg For the Wind-Collicke TAke two new layd Egges beate the white and the yolk together with a quantity of Pepper bruised and lay it vpon a piece of Fl●●e both at your backe as also at your belly where the paine is and this is apresent remedy An excellent Medicine for the Wind-collicke TAke a quart of white Wine two ounces of Parcely sóede Time Phillippendulo Charnell Saxifrage of each two handfuls and boyle all these together from a quart to a pinte and then drinke thereof morning noone and euening An inward Medicine for the paine in the bottome of the belly TAke Scuruy-grasse and Scabby-arse wash them and picke them very cleane and stampe them and drinke it luke-warms with white Wine or any other drinke that you like best at morning and euening first and last also you must annoynt your body with Oyle of Masticke An outward Medicine for the same being taken both together TAke Gardus Benedictus called the Blessed Thistle two handfuls cleane picked shred and washt and halfe a pound of vnwashen Butter and vn●alted as if commeth out of the Chearne a quantity of French Mallowes shred two penny-worth of Rose water and boyle all these together in a new Earthen pot and let it be close stopt and then put it in a cleane linnen cloth and lay it where your paine is and let it be the thicker spread where the paine is most then take a red cloth and put it thereto aloft of all as hote as euer you can suffer it this must be taken at seuen eight or nine of the clock going to bed and let it tarry on till the same time that you goe to bed againe then lay more of the same Good-man Murfords Medicine for the paine in the stomacke concerning lacking of winde Davis TAke the Light the Liuer the Heart the Kidnies or the Milt of a Foxe wash them with water and then lay them in a quantity of Rose water the space of halfe a day or thereabouts and turne them vp and downe and day the water out of them with a linnen cloth then put them in an Earthen panne and put some white Sugar-Candie A●●yséeds and gréene Lice-rice being beaten and so strained vpon it and so let it be put into an Ouen and dryed then beate it to powder and mingle all these aforesaid things with it
much pleasure in wounds For sucking Children having the Morbogallico REcipe Elecompane the rootes of red Docke Epithemie the leaues and flowers of the Violets boyle all these in water till the strength of the Hearbs be in the water then take a Sp●nge and wet it in this decoction and wash the Childes body especially the sore places and giue to the Nurse this following Take Epitime Polipodie Violet flowers Borage Langdebéefe and then boyle all these hearbs in a perfect oyle and let her drinke this all day and no other and this shall discharge as it hath done thankes be to God c. A S●are-cloth for Aches REcipe oyle two pound white Lea●e and red Lea●e tenne ounces Waxe sixe ounces Goose grease and Capons grease halfe an ounce séethe all till it be blacke To make a Poultis TAke Mallowes and stampe them and séeth them in Fennell and Camomill and oyle of Roses and crums of Bread An oyle for the Gowte and for the Sinewes that be shrunke vp TAke me thrée ounces of Turpentine and two ounces of Yeltate Brimstone and foure new-laid Egges the yolkes of them A quantity of red Nettles of the tops of the séeds of them take me a young Whelpe of an ebrage Hound the fattest you can get take and scald him and draw out of his Guts as much of the Fat as you can and rost him and the oyle is good for the disease aforesaid Approved very good ●●vers times To take away War●s TAke Sauen and Orpiment and Corks vevie and powder them together and this shall take away the Warts To make a cold Oyntment TAke Litarge of Lead one pound and a halfe and a pinte of oyle Oliffe and a quart of Vineger Another cold Oyntment TAke a little Salt and Verdigrease and the white of an Egge and grind● them together in a morter of Brasse For the Ague P. Bucke TAke Sentorie flowers two spoonfuls Cam●mill Tansie and red Coleworts of each two handfuls two peny-worth of Treacle a little Saffron in powder and foure or fiue spoonfuls of English Hon●e Boyle all these in thrée pintes of white Wine and a pottle of Running Water till the third part be consumed then straine it hard and Drinke none other all the while the heate holdeth you thrée or foure times very warme if néed require For the Ague TAke vnset Isope and Camomill of each two handfuls Violets Strawberies Sinkefoyle Endiffe and Planten root● and all of each a handfull a penyworth of French barley and so much Currans Boyle these in thrée quarts of running water to thrée pintes straine it make Almond milke with it put in Sugar let the Child drinke while it lasteth warme For the Collicke and gripings in the Belly TAke and giue the Patient Ieane Treakle and powder of Cloues well sodden in good Wine and let them drinke it warme Another for the same TAke the roote of Lilly and Horehound and séeth it in Wine and giue the Patient to drinke thereof warme for Probatum est A plaister for the same TAke Lynséed and stampe them and Docke le●●es and séeth them well in water and make a Plaister and lay it to the griefe very warme Probatum est For the Stone in the Reines or in the Bladder TAke and make a Bath with Parcely and Alysanders Politorie Fennell Sax●frage and let the Patient sit therein vp to the N●●●ll and let them drinke the Powder of these séeds and the Hearbs with warme white Wine for this is a principall practise for this disease Probatum est Another for a grosse or a strong Person TAke and séethe seuen heads of Garlicke in faire water a good while and let the Patient drinke thereof thrée or foure dayes together Probatum est For the Stone TAke and drinke the Iuyce of Saxifrage vse it in the Morning fasting thrée or foure dayes and it shall away For evill in the Bladder TAke A●●● Parcely and Fennell of all alike put them and temper them with water and drinke it and it shall help thée well to Pisse and it shall ●ast out the Stone and heate well thy stomacke Powder to breake the Stone TAke the blood of the heart of a Kid and of a Foxe the blood of the heart of both a like quantity take the bladder of a Boare and all that is therein and put this blood thereto take the juyce of Saxifrage and juyce of Parcely of each like quantity and put these in the Bladder also and h●ng vp the Bladder in the smoake over the fire vntill such time it be congealed together as hard as a stone and make power thereof and drink it with hote Licour when thou wilt first and last and this shall breake the stone to powder For the Stone TAke Perstone vnset Léekes and Ramso●s of all a like quantity Boyle them and clarifie them with the ●●●tes of Egges and then take the juyce and drinke it with Wine or Ale in double so much in Wine or Ale as she juyce is Another for the same Disease TAke a handfull of Bay-berries and the shell of an Egge when the Chicken is new hatcht out of it and bray them together then take the powder and put it into Ale or Wine and giue sicke to drinke and with the grace of God it shall make him whole For to make a man pisse that cannot TAke a quart of Renish wine and a piece of Venice soape as much as a Walnut and séethe them well together from a quart to a pinte and drinke it and it shall make thée pisse lustily by Gods grace A Medicine for to keepe Teeth from stinking and to make them white TAke Salmit●io Roch-Allome distill them together and with a cloth or Cotton wet in this water rub your Téeth For the Tooth-ache TAke a little long Pepper and beate it small and take a little Hony and a little Ale or Béere and boyle them together and put a little All●●● vnto it and when it is boyled put it in a cloth and lay it to your G●●mes A Medicine that the Tooth-ache shall never vexe you more TAke twenty leaues of Iuie a little long Pepper and boyle them with a handfull of Salt in old Wine and then put the Licour when it is well boyled into your mouth on that 〈◊〉 that is vexed with the Ache and you shall proue that the Ache shall be destroyed in Sempiterna Secula To make a Powder to whiten Teeth and fasten them and to heale the Tooth-ache TAke the fourth part of a red Corall and that which the French-men doe call Pyrote and cut it small and dry it on the Harth with small heate then make powder of it putting thereto one part of Masticke and a little fine Sugar All which things being beaten into powder you must mingle them together and kéepe it for your vsage and rub thy Téeth therewith when it pleaseth thée Also when your Téeth doe ake or waxe loose rub it with the same powder and kéepe it a while in your mouth
purge steame and to confort a cold stomacke and for rising and swelling at the heart and especially it is a helping and relieving against the Palsie if it be drunke ere yée wash and chafe the limmes therewith of him or her that is vexed with the Palsie and it will ease them For the Palsie TAke Rosemary Sage hearbe Magdalen of either of them a handfull of Camomill flowers thrée handfuls and make white Sallet oyle as yée make Oyle of Roses For the dry Coughe TAke Herselue and Comfrey and eate therof thrée dayes or foure with Hony A good Fumigation forth French Poxe confirmed TAke Synaper two ounces of Frankensence of Liquid St●rax ana a dram and a halfe and mingle them the manner how to minister this suffumigation is this You must set your Patient naked vnder a straight Canopie and you must lay vpon the Coales the first part of your foresaid Receipt and the Patient must enforce himselfe to receiue the smoake kéeping the fire betwéene his Legges till be begin to sweate and so doing the space of foure dayes till his Téeth begin to ake Pilles against Morbo TAke of all the Mirabulines ana threée drams of Troskes of Colloquintida of Masticke of Digredium ana two drams of Nigula of Organy of Cummin ana two drams of blacke Elibore one dram of Spike of Euphorium of Harts-horne burnt of Sall-gemme ana halfe a dram of Mayden haire of the Coddes of Seney of Pollytricon of Galitricon of the flowers of Rosemary of Harts-horne of Epithiam ana one dram of Coryanders of Ann●séed of Polipodium ana sixe drams of good Triacle sixe drams of Agaricke in Traskes and of washed Aloes ana tenne drams of the Spices of Hieta De octo Rubijs of the spices of Diarodam Albatis ana eight drams Make a pas●e of Pilles with the juyce of Femitory and honey of Roses one dram To make your Drinke TAke twenty ounces of Pockwood being turned of a Turner very small which put into an Earthen Pot of two Gallons and put thereto eight pound of Running water the best you can get and let it stand in soake foure and twenty houres the Pot being covered then take and stop the Pot with Paste so close that no ayre may goe out you must kéepe the strength in it and that is your chiefest helpe and with the point of your Knife make a hole in the Paste and therein put a peg of wood which is to giue it ayre at times in the boyling for breaking of the pot and thus l●t it boyle on a soft fire of Coales the space of sixe houres in which time it will be consumed to a pottle and that will serue you for your Drinke to take Morning and Evening for foure dayes against which time you must make more After the fir●t séething séeth the same wood againe with the like quantity of water and time likewise and that is for your common Drinke to serue at all times till you make new To make your Bisket TAke foure and twenty pound of the purest Wheat-flower which you can get and put thereto one pound of fine Sugar and so make your Bisket which will serue for your turne all the time of your Dyet A Receipt and a Soveraigne Dyet for the French Poxe Proved FIrst prepare a Chamber which make so close that no ayre come into it and defend all ill savours out of it and therein to bée twelue dayes together before you doe begin your Dyet every day forbearing of eating and drinking Flesh and lese on the thirtéenth day you must begin your Dyet then to take a Purgation of Cassia Fis●ula or of Scamonia to make your Body empty kéeping your Bed sweating temperately without any prov●king which sweating is your greatest remedy in the which your Sweate you shall drinke of your second drinke as often and as much as you lift and of your first drinke you must drinke every Morning at fiue a clocke and Evening at eight a clocke eight ounces at a gulpe warme saving on the dayes you take your Purgation On which dayes drinke all of your second Drinke desiring alwayes to be merry and light-harted in occuping to smell to dryed Orenges hot Bread Vineger of Roses Mustard and Apples and after this manner you must kéepe your Chamber thirty dayes together and never to take Ayre and at fiftéene dayes you must take another Purgation like to the first and that day to drinke all of your second Drinke and in like manner another Purgation the thirtieth day on which day you may take Broth of a Chicken or of Mutton and by little and little take the Ayre and drinke good drinke The order of your Fare EVery day take a quantity of a Chicken and séethe it in water and put thereto Borage leaues or Borage Flowers without other Spices or Salt or any other thing which Chicken eate to thy Dinner and every day eate thrée ounces of Bisket and no more that which you leaue of your Bisket eate at night with a few Raisins of the Sunne and your Dinner must bée at tenne a clocke before noone and your Supper at fiue a clocke at after noone and at your Dinner you may dippe your Bisket in your Broth if you will and so drinke your Drinke as aforesaid and this is your Fare and Dyet for the space of thirty dayes and no other A marvailous secret to preserve a man from the Plague and hath beene proved in England of all the physitians in that great and vehement Plague in the yeare 1348. which crept through all the VVorld and there was never any which used this secret but hee was preserved from the Plague TAke Aloe Epaticum or Sicotrine fine Sinamon and Myrrhe of each of them thrée Drams Cloues Mace Lignum Aloes Masticke Bole-armoniack of each of them halfe a dram let all these things be well stamped in a cleane Morter then mingle them together and after kéepe them in some close vessell and take of it every Morning two penny-weight in halfe a glasse of white Wine with a little water and drinke it in the Morning at the dawning of the day and so may you by the grace of God goe holdly into all infection of the ayre and Plague A soveraigne Drinke to preserve one against the Plague or Pestilence TAke the quantity of a Dram and an halfe of Powder Imperiall a dram of Triakle and of Dragon water and Sorrell water of each of them an ounce and drinke it with Ale in the Morning Fasting and if one haue taken the Infection within 24. houres before yet by Gods grace he shall escape it This hath béene truely proved in the last great Visitati●n Another for the same TAke a dram of Methridatum and giue it the Patient with Dragon water white Wine or some other liquor to drinke when he supposeth himselfe infected first Another Preservative against the Plague TAke seven or eight leaues of Sorrell and wash them in faire Water and Vineger and stéepe them in
or sixe times it will certainly and soone helpe you of the bloody Fluxe For paine or swelling in the Throat a very good remedy TAke Iewes-Eares that groweth vpon old Elder and is to be had at the Apothecaries let it lye in stéepe in Ale a whole night drinke thereof once or twice a day till you be amended An excellent Remedy for a Pin or Web in the Eye TAke two Egges rost them blew hard slit them in halfe long-wise take out the yolkes and put as much white Copperis as a hazell nut betwéene the halfes of the whites then close them together againe and lay them in the Embers till the Copperis ●e melted then take them out and wring them betwéene two trenchers let the water that commeth out drop vpon a cleane Whetstone and euer as it drops rub vpon the whetstone a race of Ginger kéepe that water in a Vyall glasse and lying vpon your backe drop some of it into the Eye with a feather this in twice doing will helpe it An excellent Dyet-drinke for the Dropsie TAke Scurbut grasse a pecke of Brooklime and water Cresses of each twelue handfuls Wormewood and horse Radish of each two handfuls Scabious and Hysop of each sixe handfuls Graines and Long Pepper of each an ounce and put them into a boulter bagge and put it into fiue Gallons of Eight shilling Béere and when it is Eight dayes old drinke thereof and of no other An excellent Remedy for a Loosnesse in the body TAke the Gelly of an Egge and mingle it with the water of red Oake buds and Sinamon bake it on a Tile stone and eate that Cake at any time of the day this will stay any loosenesse though it be bred to the bloody fluxe if the party bée so weake that he cannot eate the Cake then let him boyle the Oake buds water in Milke and ever as it riseth vp put in a spoonfull of the Oake buds water and let the party drinke of the same at any time of the day A Remedy for an Impostume TAke Barley dry Beanes and of Liquorice sliced of each a like quantity boyle them in faire water drink a good draught thereof with Sugar every Morning fasting and at night going to bed fiue or sixe dayes together or more It will draw out any Impostume and cause you to avoyd or cast out the same An excellent Cure and Remedy for a sore Breast BOyle two or 3 handfuls of Mallowes in water till they be tender then take them out of the water and put in a quart of thick Ale grounds and a pinte of white Wine let it so boyle a good while then thicken it with Crums of leavened wheaten bread and when it is almost ready put in of Mutton suet the quantity of a Hens Egge and so apply the same very warme to the Breast An excellent remedy for the Feaver or Ague especially in a body of a weake Constitution TAke a pinte of the best Muskadine make a tost of such bread as you doe most affect put your tost into the Muscadine and eate the tost then drinke a little of the Muscadine so as the tost and the Muscadine be eaten and drunke together and take a spoonfull of grosse Pepper take a little in a spoone to swallow downe with the Muscadine till you haue taken all the Pepper and so eate and drinke so long as your stomacke will well receiue it though it be with striving to drinke the whole pinte off this must be done about thrée houres before the fit do come and abstaine the next meale before the fit and after the taking of this Medicine goe to bed and sweat vpon it This may be giuen to any man or woman that hath the Ague yea though a woman with Child or that giues sucke Another for an Ague in one that hath a strong body TAke of the best Venice Treacle or pure Methridate the quantity of a Hazill Nut or for want thereof asmuch of London Treacle as a Wall nut take also 6 or 7 spoonfuls of the best Aqua-vite and according to the age and strength of the partie one spoonfull of grosse Pepper and as much of the powder of red Sage mixe all these together let the party eate this with a spoone by little and little an houre before the fi● and sweat vpon it by walking if he be able or else goe to bed and sweat there to dry vp the viseous or ●ymie humour which is the cause of the Diseases let the party abstaine the next meale before to starue the Disease Another for the Ague TAke the juyce of a rosted Orenge with a little burnt Sacke before the fit An excellent Remedy for the Stone in the Bladder to provoke Vrine from one that maketh water but by drops TAke life Hony and Renish wine of each a quart Saxifrage Philapendula and Pellitory of the wall of each a handfull still all these in Balma Maria with a very flow fire kéepe it in a cold place in P●w●er or Earthen vessels and drinke thereof the quantity of halfe a pinte euery morning fasting and afterwards eate the quantity of a Walnut of life Hony and use to fast and walke an houre after it Another excellent Remedy for the Stone TAke a pinte of Milke and put into it a pinte of wilde Mallow leaues let them boyle together a quarter of an houre then make Posset-drinke of Ale or Béere take of the Curds and the Mallow leaues then set your Posset to boyle again and put into it a good stick of Liquorish well bruised one spoonfull of Anniféeds and halfe a spoonfull of Parcely●éeds well bruised and so of Sugar Candy the quantity of small Wallnut boyle all these to the quantity of halfe a pinte or lesse then straine it and at your going to bed drinke it bloodwarme putting into it a quarter of a grated Nutmeg An Injection for the Stone TAke a quart of Barley-water and boyle therein a handfull of Mallow-leaues and as much of Violet leaues till halfe the water be consumed then put thereto 3. spoonfuls of Mel-rosarum let the party take it as an Injection with a Searinge An easie yet approved Medicine for the Stone TAke a pottle of Ale and a flint stone taken from the Chalke and beaten to powder and a peny-worth of Reddish rootes boyle all these together to a quart then strain it thrice and drink thereof evening and morning An excellent Remedy for the Cough of the Lungs for the Liver and for a Consumption TAke of Long wort 6 good handfuls with both your hands and of Liver wort 5 handfuls Mayden-haire a pound and a halfe beat these● seuerally and take of each Iuyce a like quantity then mixe them together and then put thereto halfe a pound of white Sugar Candy finely beaten put thereto also a quarter of a pinte of the best Sallet oyle you can get then put all these into a glasse and shake it together every day for the space of a wéeke that it may
cold it will be a Ielly you may take it cold or warme thrée or foure spoonfuls at a time in the Morning fasting at foure of the clock in the afternoone and when you goe to bed If you doe thing this too troublesome you may boyle the Egges in Broth or Milke so you boyle them a good while and so drink the Broth or Milke as you like best they are excéeding strengthning and will doe you great good if it please God to giue blessing to it To make a womans Dugs little round and hard LEt a woman that hath her Dugs or Pays over great flaging or hanging downe annoynt them often with the Iuyce of Savory it will draw them vp and make them little round and hard and séeme as the Dugs of a Maid For Lamenesse in the Ioynts TAke of good Aqua Composita and Oyle of Roses of each a like quantity and mixe them well together and annoynt the grieved therewith Morning and Euening vntill he be well which will be within a little after but rub the place with warme clothes well before An excellent Antidote against the Plague or Poyson TAke two Walnuts two Figs twenty leaves of Rew and one graine of Salt stampe them and mixe them all together eate it in the morning fasting and you shall be safe from the Plague or poyson that day An excellent Preservative against the Plague TAke Sage Hearbe grace Elder leaues and Bramble leaues of each a handfull take also a quart of white Wine and a good race of Ginger beaten small or grated stampe the Hearbs with the Wine and the Ginger then strain it through a cloth take a spoonfull of this Medicine every morning fasting for nine dayes together after the first spoonfull you shall be safe for twenty foure dayes and after the nynth spoonfull you shall be safe for two moneths But if it shall happen that you be stricken ere you drinke of this then take a spoonfull of the water of Bittony with a spoonfull mingled altogether and drink it it will expell the venome and if the sore doe appeare then take Bramble leaues and Elder leaues of each a like quantity stampe them and make a Plaister thereof and lay it to the sore and it will heale it with Gods helpe How to breake a Plague sore TAke black Snayles and leauened Bread stampe them together make a plaister thereof and apply it to the sore and it will breake For a paine or swelling in the Privy parts TAke or white Wine Vineger and Cow-●ung boyle them to a Poultis and when it is ready put thereto a little oyle of Roses and if the griefe doe procéed of a cold cause put thereto some Camomile flowers and apply it hote Another for the Cods that are swolne BEate Comminséeds into Powder Barley Meale and Hony of each a like quantity fry them together with a little Shéepes suet heate it and binde it as a plaister about the Cods For the paine of the Mother BEate Nettleséeds into Powder and drinke a spoonefull thereof or some what more in good Wine asswageth all pain of the Matrix and griefe of the Mother For an Ache in the Ioynts a Plaister TAke a good quantity of the Inner barke of Elder boyle it in your owne Vrine make a plaister thereof and apply it to the place grieved as hote as you can suffer it For the Ache in the Backe TAke Camomill and Mallowes of each a handfull séethe them in running water till they be soft then chop them small and put thereto a handfull of Damaske Rose leaues then boyle all in a pinte of the Oyle of Roses and being warmed annoynt the Back therewith Morning and Euening then make a plaister of the Hearbs and apply it to the Backe Another speciall good Medicine for the same TAke a pound of new Waxe vnwrought Stone pitch and Rosen of each a quarter of a pound Venice Turpetine or other ordinary Turpetine two spoonfuls white Lead halfe a pound Shéepes suet and Déere suet of each halfe an ounce finely chopt boyle all these together with a pinte of Oyle Oliue till it come to a Salue then spread it on the fleshy side of white leather and so apply it very warme For a Burning or Scalding TAke fiue or sixe spoonefuls of Sallet-oyle and as much of Running water beate them together till they be well incorporated then annoynt the place therewith and then lay thereon a Wort lease it will both ●●ake it and heale it Another being a most excellent Medicine for the same TAke of the hearbe Periwi●●kle fry it in a panne with fresh Butter or fresh Grease and Shéepes dung newly made when it is well fryed straine it through a cloath and it will bée like Salve then spread it on a Linnen cloath as broad as the sore is and apply it thereto It will cure it though it were scalded or burnt to the guts if it be taken in time and renew the plaister Morning and Evening An excellent helpe for the Piles BVrne two or thrée Brickes red hote and put them into a Panne in a close Stove sprinkle Vineger vpon them and let the party sit vpon the Stove that he may receive the fume thereof into his fundament vse this thrée or foure times if néed require Where Medicines effect give God the glory A necessary and briefe Relation of the Contagious disease of the Pestilence with the Causes Signes and Cures of the same By W. BORASTON of Salop Practitioner in Physicke and Chyrurgerie PART XII Wherein is shewed the Causes with most certaine Preservatives against the Infection thereof THis contagious Sicknesse called the Pestilence is no other thing then a pressure Contagion and Whip which GOD out of his indignation vseth to chastise men for their Transgressions as it is written in the 28 of Deut. saying If thou wilt not obey the voyce of the Lord thy GOD and keepe and doe his Commandements the Lord shall make the Pestilence to cleave unto thee For God the Creator of all things is the chiefe and principall moouer of all things created and vseth them as secondary meanes to execute Punishment against the offenders So that the Pestilence is either Supernaturall and immediately commeth from God to Man or Naturall as when God punisheth Man he performeth it by his Creatures Also the Pestilence supernaturall is to be vnderstood two manner of wayes that is to say either when God doth it wholly from himselfe or else permissiuely hée suffereth Sathan to punish Man for the reasons aforesayd Hée being the most cruell Enemy both of God and Man who grieveth and repineth at mans felicity and enviously séeketh to extirpate and roote out all Mankind Euen as the Historie of Job testifieth So that his power is also two-fold viz. Hée eyther doth this office of himselfe or else by Inchanters or Witches Exodus 7 Chap. and 8 of whom Christ spake Act. 8. Math. 7. The Pestilence naturall is also taken two manner of wayes Then one generated from an
Spagiricum whereof being taken in a morning the quantity of a Beane or lesse with Sugar or in any other convenient liquor hath a marvellous effect Also for correction of the ayre R. Sulphuris lib. ss Thuris zi ss Assa fetidae z. ss Pulverizantur misceantur To this Powder adde a double quantity of the Cortex or shels of Bayberries of white Amber halfe a quart Take of this Powder two drams and cast it vpon coales and make a perfume thereof daily twice or thrice For want of this Powder you may take the wood of Iuniper and vse it in like manner but it is nothing so good as the powder Rules to be observed in Common Communities SVch things as doe rarifie and subtile the spirit inferior are Saffron Cassia Fistula Planten with mirth in measure these doe specially serue in common communities and Companies where quickly one is infected of another The eyes are obscured and darkned by an infectiue ayre if a man carry not the foresaid things or such like in his hand Therefore it shall be a safe course to wash the eyes mouth and hands oftentimes in the day with Rose water mixt with Vineger as aforesaid but if both cannot be had let Vineger alone be vsed This being observed thou mayst with more security enter into any company To kéepe the body soluble is thought to be an effectual remedy if it be not laxatiue naturally let it be provoked artificially by suppositors for which purpose also serueth the Pillulae Pestilentiales which may be had at the Apothecaries Let there be also fire made in the house because it much hindereth Celestiall impression and clarifieth the ayre To take Treacle is also profitable and good as well for the sicke as whole I meane the right Venice Treacle or Treacle of Andromachus or Ieane-Treacle if it be administred twice in a day with pure and cléere Wine Béere or Rose water in quantity of a small Beane or Pease at each time mixt with two spoonfuls of any of the foresaid Liquors Let Dinner bée deferred vntill Midday whereby the Treacle may haue its operation in the body Then chuse a good messe of meate with pure Wine drinke is to be taken oft in the day but not much at once because Nimia Superabundantia putrifactionem humorum inducit Beware of all hote things in meates as Pepper and Garlick for although Pepper purgeth the braine of Flegme and likewise of Spirituall Members from Viscous and clammy humors yet it heateth overmuch and Calefaction and heate causeth Putrifaction Bitternesse is more wholsome then hote Odours or Savours Garlicke although it purgeth also Flegme and casteth forth evill humors provoketh appetite to Meate and permitteth not any dry ayre to enter because it perturbateth and vexeth the eyes and heateth the Head of every one which often vseth the same therefore it cannot proue agréeable For the Pestilence through the vse of hot things is oftentimes augmented and increased All kind of meates by so much easie they are of digestion so much better they are In the morning boyled meates are more to be commended but in the evening roasted Brothes and Pulps are to be eschewed except they haue some pleasant sowernesse for sower meates in time of Pestilence serveth to all Medicines In like manner all fruits must be refrained except those of a sower taste as Cherries Pomgranuts or little quantity of a Peare or Apple in place of Medicine for most fruits commonly induceth putrifaction As for Spices which are commonly vsed and convenient are Ginger Sinamon Cumin Mace and Saffron with these are made sauces for the richer sort The poorer folkes may eate Rue Sage Walnuts Parcely minced and mixed together with Vineger These doe hinder putrifaction Likewise beware yée dread not death overmuch but thinke well to liue For he that dreads ouermuch shall imagine hee féeles pricking and moving thereof at the cleansing places in his owne conceit when he féeles nothing Having set downe sundry meanes for prevention It shall be convenient to speake of some signes and tokens whereby a man may judge whether he be infected with the Pestilence or no and they are these that follow THe first is great paine and heavinesse in the Head The second when the body is inwardly affected with heate and the outward parts cold and ready to shake and is thirsty and dry withall The third is difficulty of breathing and that with paine The fourth signe is he hath a great desire to sléepe and can hardly refraine it Sometime want of sléepe and cannot obtaine it The fift is paine and swelling in the stomacke breaking forthwith stinking Sweats The sixt signe is divers and heauy lookes of the Eyes séeing all things of one colour as gréene or yellow and the colour of the eyes are also changed The seaventh signe is losse of appetite vnsavory taste bitternesse of the mouth sower and stinking The eight is wambling of the stomacke and a desire to vomit and sometime vomitting humors bitter of divers colours The ninth is the Pulse beateth swift and déepe The tenth is heavinesse and dulnesse in all the body and faint and weake limbes The eleaventh is the Vrine most commonly is troubled thicke like Beasts water and stinketh but smell it not if you loue your health but oftentimes the water doth not shew at all especially in the beginning of the sicknesse The twelfth and last signe and surest of all other is there ariseth in the Neeke vnder the Arme or in the flanke a tumor or swelling or in some other part of the body there appeareth a red gréenish or blackish coloured sore This is an apparent signe of infection with the Pestilence Assoone as by the signes and tokens aforesaid if any one perceiueth himselfe to be infected with the venomous quality of the Pestilence let him take of the foresaid Potus Pestilentialis Paracelli in quantity agréeable vnto the age of the Patient that is to say If he be aboue Fourtéene he may take there of at a time halfe an ounce or a good spoonefull But if he be of younger yeares two drams or more or lesse according to the condition and respect of the Patient and let him be well couered in his bed with cloathes and sweat thereon for foure or 5 houres after Within sixe houres after that let him take the like dosse and againe let him sweat After sixe houres are past let him take the third dosse especially if the Patient féeleth and perceiueth any punctions or prickings remaining For which the third dosse God willing all the venome will be expelled and driven forth For thrée dayes following the venome expulsed every morning the Patient shall take one dosse of the said liquor or drink whereby nature may be corroborated and comforted Alexipharmacum Spagiricum will performe the same of which you may giue vnto them that are aboue Fourtéen yeares one dram but vnto them that are younger halfe a dram and that thrice in foure and twenty houres space And for
I could not perceive it must be Copper for whilest I walked about the Mountaines out of the which the Bathes doe spring I found here and there little pieces of Marquesteth and stones mingled with Copper but I could by no sence or wit perceive that the Bathes had any notable quality thereof then séeing that there cannot be found any other Minor or matter to be the chiefe ruler in these Bathes then Brimstone we may gather that these Bathes are good for all those diseases which all learned Physitians write that all other Bathes whose chiefe ruler is Brimstone are good for Aetius writing of naturall Bathes wherein Brimstone is eyther the onely Minor or matter of them or chiefe matter thereof sayth thus as followeth hereafter The Bathes of brimstone soften the sinewes swage the payne that a man hath in desiring to goe oft vnto the stoole and when he commeth he can eyther doe little or nothing They scowre and cleanse the skinne wherefore they are good for the white Morphew and blacke for the Leprosie and for all Scabs and Scurffes for old sores and bot●hes for the falling of humors into the joynts for an hardened Milt or the Cake in the left side for an hardened Mother for all kind of Pals●es for the Sciatica and for all kinde of Itch or itching But the Bathes of Brimstone hurt the Stomacke and marre it thus farre writeth Avicen Agricola in his Bookes of those things which flow out of the earth writeth thus of Bathes of Brimstone The Bathes of Brimstone doe soften the sinewes and doe heate they are good therefore for Pals●e for places pulled in too much or stretched too farre foorth for the shaking or trembling of any member and they swage ache and draw out Swelling of the limmes and driue and scatter them away They are good therefore for the Gowte in the hands for the Gowts in the féet and for the Sciatica and all other diseases in the ioynts they swage also the paines in the Liuer and Milt and driue away the swelling of them both they scowre away freckles and heale Morphewes and Scabbes but they vndoe and ouerthrow the Stomacke Then séeing as I said before our Baths of Bathe haue their vertue of Brimstone they that are diseased in any of the aboue named diseases may goe thither and by the helpe of Almighty God be healed there When those Bathes haue of long time béene knowne euen about a thousand yeares eyther the vnlearnednesse or the enuiousnesse of the Physitians which haue béene in times past is greatly to be rebuked because either for lack of learning knew not the vertues of these Bathes or else for enuiousnesse would not send the sicke folkes whom they could not otherwise heale vnto the bathes for all men can tell very few in times past haue béene by the advise of the Physitians sent vnto the bathes but now in this our light and learned time after that so many learned Physitians haue so greatly commended these bathes I doubt whether the niggardly liberality or the vnnaturall vnkindnesse of the rich men of England is more to be dispraised which receiving so many good turnes at Almighty God now after that they know that the bathes are so profitable will not bestowe one halfe-penny for Gods sake vpon the bettering and amending of them that the poore sicke and diseased people that resort thither might be better and sooner holpen when as they are there There is money enough spent vpon Cockfightings Tennis playes Parkes Banquettings Pageants Playes and seruing onely for a short time that pleasure of times but of priuate persons which haue no néed of them but I haue not heard tell that any rich man hath spent vpon these notable bathes being so profitable for the whole Common-wealth of England one groate these twentie yeares Hée that hath béene in Italie and Germany and had séene how costly and welfauoredly the bathes are trimmed and appointed there in divers and sundry places would be ashamed that any stranger which had séene the bathes in forraigne lands should looke vpon our Bathes for he would thinke that the stranger would accuse vs Englishmen of thrée things of grossenesse and brutish ignorance because we cannot trim our Bathes no better of vnkindnesse because we doe so lightly regard so high and excellent gifts of Almighty God of beastly filthinesse because we make no partition betwéen the men and the women whilst they are in bathing but suffer them contrary both vnto the law of God and man to goe together like vnreasonable beasts to the destruction both of body and soule of very many If there be any liberall Duke Earle Lord Knight Esquire or other gentle or no gentle honest man that will bestow any cost vpon the bettering and amending of these Bathes I will for my part because I haue no store of other riches helpe the matter as forward as I can with my counsell which is this First and before all other things my counsell is that every Bath haue an hole in the bottome by the which the stopple taken out the Bath should be cleansed and scoured euery foure and twenty houres at the least once and that I would aduise to be done at eight a clock in the afternoone that against the morning it might be full of fresh and wholesome water against the time the sicke folke come to it in the morning and so should they be a great deale sooner healed of their old diseases and in lesse jeopardie in taking of new which may easily come vnto a man if he goe into a Bath wherein a sicke man namely if hée be sicke in a smiting or infectiue disease hath continued It were also méete that euery Bath had a Couering about it or at the least it should be so builded that in the time of foule weather it might be couered Notwithstanding I would least such places should be open that the Vapors might goe out that they that haue ill Heads be hurt with the Vapors which are too much holden in I thinke also that it were necessary that certaine Lofts should be builded right over some part of the first or principall Bath that honest women and other which would not gladly be séene in the Baths might euer haue as often as they need Fresh water drawne vnto them through an hole wherewith they may haue to bathe themselues in Vessels of wood made for that purpose Provided with all foresight that not one drop of the water which they in the Lofts haue occupied fall in againe into the principall Bath but be conveyed out by some other conuenient way For the bringing of this matter surely to passe it were best that the Lofts should be so builded that onely a Bucket might goe downe into the hath saving that little portion whereby water may be drawne vp through to serue them that are in them and such a fit place might be devised to draw water through that it might serue for halfe a dozen Chambers aboue or moe
This were also necessary that in one of the Bathes should be builded ouer the hottest place that there is a little house after the manner of a Seaffold very néere vnto the Water after such a manner that the hote Vapor might strike hote vpon certain places of mans body For this manner of reseruing of the hote vapors is much better for some kind of Dropsies or Govets then the water it selfe is therefore these things is not to be forgotten This were also necessary that not onely certaine seuerall bathing places should be appointed for women alone but also that others should be appointed for such persons seuerally as are sicke in smitting infectious or horrible diseases Furthermore because Almighty GOD hath shapen and made Hearbs Stones Gummes Mettals and Medicines of diuers other things principally for Man It is to be thought that his Will is that the same should sometime serue such Creatures of his as man cannot well want wherefore as it is well done that Hearbs and Medicines made of divers other things should be giuen to the Beasts that serue us so that I thinke it were not amisse if that we made the Bathes after they haue served man for whom they were principally made serue also to helpe Horses for performing whereof I would wish that one or two Bathes in some convenient place might be drawne out from one or two of the hottest Bathes and then would I haue so deuised that the Horses that haue diseases in the Legs and Ioynts might stand in the Bath almost vnto the belly and that other that haue other diseases might stand higher in the water which thing may easily be brought to passe ●f that two holes be made with stopples the one higher and the other lower that a man may set the Horses as déepe or as shallow as he list the water increasing or decreasing according to the holding in or letting out of the water I thinke verily that the Bathe of Brimstone within the space of a Moneth healeth Splents Spa●e●●s and all 〈◊〉 hard lumps and swellings if they be not very old 〈◊〉 and Found●ing farces or Fashions or all such like diseases that are without If the Horses by the advice of a cunning Horse-leache haue giuen the in a convenient drinke before they come to the Bathes and ordaine for them such Emplasters and Powders as are méet for them to use in the Bathing time but whilest they stand resting themselues out of the Bathe my aduise is that they that have not much money to bestow vpon Horse-leaches that they lay in good quantity the Slyme and Grounds of the Bath vpon the sore places of the Horses all that time that they are out of the Bath resting them in the stable betweene o●e Bathing time and another But I would not that the Horse should be exercised in the Bathing time for that is not my meaning For I would that a Horse should be as well exercised as a man and so much more as hée is stronger then a Man except the diseases be in his Féet and then are they more measurably to be exercised And for the Dyet that men should kéepe at this Bath of Bathe hereafter ensueth with divers other necessary Rules néedfull to be obserued of all those that enter the said Bath CHAP. II. Certaine Rules to be obserued of all them that will enter into any Bath or drinke the water of any Bathe THe Counsell of learned and wise Physitians is that they should not at any time goe into any Bath to séeke remedy for any sicknesse except it be such a one that almost the learned Physitians dispaire of the healing of it if God haue smitten you with any disease before you goe to any Bath for the healing of it call to your remembrance ●o 〈◊〉 ●●●en and wherein you haue displeased GOD and if any of your sinnes come to your remembrance occupy the same no more but be earnestly sorie for it and aske GOD mercy for it intending and promising by his mercy and grace neuer to ●all into the same againe This Counsell is agréeing with that which is written in the 38. Chapter of Ecclesiasticus in this manner My Sonne in the time of thy sickenesse faile not but that thou pray to Almighty GOD for he will helpe thée Leaue off all sinning and shew out thy straight Hands and cleanse thy Heart from all sinne and deale Almes and then giue place to the Physitian and let him come vnto thée as one that God hath sent vnto thée And a little after he doth plainely declare that Sicknesse commeth from the punishment of sinne where he sayth Hée that will sinne against his Maker vseth to fall into the hands of the Physitian As Christ in the fift of John doth also meane when he said unto the blind man he had healed Goe and sinne no more least worse things chance vnto thee Howbeit wée may judge no man to be a greater sinner then another because he is oftner sick then common sort be for God sendeth vnto good men oftentimes sicknesse not for the sinnes they haue done more then other men but to kéepe them in good order that the flesh rebell not against the spirit For if that many infirmities had béene a sure token that a man were a great sinner then should T●●othie which had many infirmities and sicknesses as Paul writeth béene a very great sinner but he was not so therefore that argument is not true But whether Sicknesse come for to punish sinne or to hold a man in good nature and obedience all Sicknesse commeth of God Wherefore for whatsoever cause it commeth of before yée aske any helpe of any worldly Physitian yée must make your Prayers to Almighty GOD as the good King Ezechias did and if it be méet for you to be healed you shall be healed as he was Then after yée haue confessed your selfe vnto Almighty GOD and to such as yée haue offended in the Name of God Aske counsell of some learned Physitian who is sent of God and not of some selfe-made Idoll who is onely of himselfe if hée can vsing all the lawful meanes commonly w●nt to heale such diseases as yée are sicke on and if yée féele your griefe no better then it shall be high time to goe to the Bathes as to the shot Anker Before yée goe to the Bathes in any wise yée must goe to some learned Physitian and learne of him by the helpe of the telling what Complexion you be of and what Humour or other thing is the cause of your disease and there after his Counsell vse such Dyet as shall be most fit for your Complexion and sicknesse Let no man enter into any bath before his body be purged or cleansed after the aduice of some learned Physitian for if any man goe into the bath ●●purged he may fortune neuer come home againe or if hée come home againe he commeth home most commonly with worse diseases then hée brought to the bath with him Yée may