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A62269 Paidōn nosēmata· = or Childrens diseases both outward and inward. From the time of their birth to fourteen years of age. With their natures, causes, signs, presages and cures. In three books: 1. Of external 2. Universal 3. Inward diseases. Also, the resolutions of many profitable questions concerning children, and of nurses, and of nursing children. By J. S. physician. J. S.; Vaughan, William, fl. 1664, engraver. 1664 (1664) Wing S79; ESTC R219790 64,761 200

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to do nature doth it of its own accord which consumes daily much of the Childs substance by insensible transpiration therefore it needs not evacuation lest the strength be dejected Others are for Blood-letting because if a Child can endure a disease from fulnesse why not the remedy which is Blood-letting otherwise as often as a Disease begins with the imbecility of strength especially which happens out of a natural dissipation and resolution so often will that Disease be certain and necessarily mortal Besides they which are against Blood-letting allow purges which are contrary to nature and is worse then Blood-letting moreover they bring notable examples for it as Avenzoar's letting of his son blood at three Months old In this Feaver because evacuating blood is an excellent remedy you may in the place of Blood-letting use Leeches which with ease open a vein and do not wast the Spirits they will be most safely safe applied to the Thighs and also to the Arms Or you may use Cupping-glasses which are not to be used in the upper parts because they draw humours from the whole body to the heart wherefore it is safer to apply them to the Loyns or Hips and then they must be oblonge and a narrow mouth because to draw from profound parts If you apply them to the Thighes they are to have a broad mouth which draws from the parts which are next and remote according to Latitude If the Belly be not loose use a Clyster or Suppository before you use Cupping-glasses or Leeches afterwards endevour to remove obstructions by internal and external remedies that attenuate and deterge without any notable heat Take Barly half a Pugil the Leaves of Hyssop half an handful boyl it according to Art Take of that Decoction two Ounces and an half of Simple Oxymel five Drams mingle it and drink it when you have thus prepared the humours Purge gently Take of Sebestens two Drams of Raisins the Leaves of Hyssop the Flowers of Borrage of each one Pugill make a Decoction according to Art take thereof three Ounces of the Hony of Roses solutive and of Manna of each an Ounce and a half mingle them the Purgative Medicaments may be lessened or increased as the body requires Outwardly things that open obstructions are convenient Such as are gentle as meal of Barly rubb'd upon the Skin Barly-water and a little Oyl of Almonds cool and moisten the Breast and prevent the increase of the heat of the Breast A Bath of fresh Water is very convenient This way may be observed also in a Tertian or Quartan Feaver respect being had to the humour that is faulty CHAP. III. Of the Small Pox and Meazles THE Small Pox is a Disease formerly unknown to the Ancients having neither writ any Book of it nor described it and it is not improbable it had a Beginning in our Northern Countries as it had in the West-Indies in which parts it is said by Historians that in that time in which we were infected by them with the French Pox they took from us the Small Pox and Meazles It is a Disease belonging only to Mankind and not to Beasts not is the Murrain or Leprosie in Hogs the same Disease with it as is supposed by some The Small Pox and Meazles have the same matter cause and Cure but the Meazles are made of the thinner matter and they differ from the Small Pox in that 1. The Meazles have little swellings or that the rising of them can hardly be seen 2. The matter of them is more dry and subtile 3. They trouble and affect the eyes lesse then the Pox. 4. The Small Pox for the most part terminates into an Abscessus and Collection of ripened matter which lasts many days and blemishes the body but the Meazles scarce passeth the seventh day either then they vanish or are almost wasted and leave no deformity The Cause as I conceive is not the Impurity of the maternal blood as by most is supposed because 1. The Small Pox proceeds for the most part from the fault of the Air and Stars 2. The fault of the menstruous blood was ever since the Sin of Eve and therefore this Disease should have been always but before the time of the Arabick Physicians no Author was found that writ of the generation of this Disease or clearly explain it which if they had done they would not have concealed it from us it being a great and dangerous Disease in regard they communicated in their Books small Diseases 3. There is scarce any man but some time or other hath a greivous Disease which makes an Ebullition or boyling of blood and putrefaction until the body is clensed and purified divers ways and so the fault from the menstruous blood would be expelled but it is otherwise for it follows immediately other Diseases and the sanguine man who is most healthy is most troubled It is granted that the seed of a Disease may lye in part of the body for many years but the whole blood infected cannot stay long and resist so many injuries and if as some think the menstruous blood infected should ferment and turn into other ill Diseases as pestilential Feavers then the rest of the time they would be free from this Evill 4. Sanguineous Beasts that have menstruous purgation would have this Disease as Bitches Asses and Mares having the matter of the Disease as menstruous Purgation and the Agent Heat 5. Natures care and wisdome for Preservation in seperating the Excrements from Nourishment in the Womb the excrements are past into the Tunicles in which the Child is wrapt and immediately after it is born it purges by stool plentifully and more then is fit for its bigness which is sometimes bloody black and white and afterwards it hath Sores in the head which purgeth the ill humours contracted in the Womb and though natures care may fail in some it cannot fail in all Nor is the cause of this Disease the fault of the Air as some conceive it to be because 1. This Disease arises from the Pravity of matter 2. The quallity of the Air that produces the great effects that follow the Small Pox would be very strong and powerful and so young men would not be free from it The true cause is a paternal propriety in the blood and Ichors of it boyling by heat which Ichors may be excited in the body divers ways That the Ichors is the matter is seen by the 1. Breaking of it out into the Skin 2. All Synoche Feavers arise out of the boyling of the Ichors of blood which Feaver is always in the Small Pox. 3. They are the Ichors or thin and serosous part of the blood because they are not sharp if they were there would be a concussion of the body and shaking when they are expelled That the Disease is made by the Ichors or thin and serosous and waterish humidity is manifest because the humor that goes forth is not a Pus and thick matter but
or weight of Cloathing encrease the Feaverish heat of the Child and if the tongue waxes black with heat the breathing is short and Swounding is fear'd let some cold water be near the Childs mouth that he may suck the cold Air in Sleep is helpfull but the troubles of the mind especially Fear is to be avoided only a little Anger may be admitted which help the expelling the humour If the Belly be bound a very easie Clyster or Suppository may be used which doth not hinder the motion of nature because they only work in the Guts and the motion of nature is to the Skin and in the Veins besides Clysters do not deject us that they may be fear'd contrary to what some think Avoid fulnesse and emptinesse let the body be kept in quiet and rubb'd a little for it expells the humour let the drink be Barly Water with the Juice of Limmons or Barberies or a Decoction of the roots of Sorrell or a Decoction of Ivory or Hartshorn especially in the beginning and whilest the Feaver is vehement If the Feaver is not very vehement a Decoction of Barly and Figs will be most convenient and commonly with successe hath been used by most eminent Physicians for that effectually expells the humours to the Skin If Wine be permitted it must be but a little and in it steep Lettice Endive or Sorrell Avoid gross meats Spice Salt and Sweet meats for sweet things destroy and so doth bitter things being dry and contrary to the Childs nature which is moist wherefore the meat must be easie to concoct cooling as Barly Broth or Broth in which cooling Hearbs are boyled and when the danger is over you may feed them with Broth and Yelks of Egs put into it with some Juice of Limon or Vineger A dried Fig is good meat for it expells the humour to the skin 2. Emptying of the blood before the Eruption and breaking forth of the Small Pox or Meazles If the Feaver is great and there be a fulnesse of blood then it may be admitted unlesse the Age is very tender or something else hinders it It may not be used upon Children that are weake and forbeare the emptying of blood in Children before they are 10. Months old though the Arabians appoint at five months The lessenning of blood ought to be upon the first visit of the Physician because of the beginning of the Ebullition of the blood which is commonly then the Fervour whereof ought to be abated and nature eased so that one ought not to stay until the fourth day but it may be done when one will before that time and not after The lessening of blood is done several ways as by letting blood which ought to be very seldome Cupping-glasses or Leeches the latter is most easie and one or two may suffice in the place of Cupping-glasses or opening a Vein 3. Medicaments All Physicians agree vehement remedies are not to be used but some think gentle means may be used in the beginning of this Disease but I conceive that Medicaments may not be used in the beginning because the operation of it will trouble nature in her work which is critical the Physician being called when the blood is boyling and it is a rule there is nothing to be done unlesse nature act imperfectly which cannot be known in the beginning but a Clyster may be then and at any time used for that works only on the Guts as is said a little before Take a pint of Barly-water 4 Ounces of the Syrrup of Violets three Ounces of Butter and an Ounce of red and course Sugar mingle them for a Clyster the quantity is to be altered as the capacity of the Child is A dried Fig is a convenient Suppository and one made of hony Where the humour moves forth and the whole matter comes forth there no evacuation must be used for there the Child and all things are quiet But if the Child is troubled the trouble may be taken away with a Lenitive Take of Tamarinds half an Ounce Sebestens 15. of Barly two drams of the Flowers of Borrage Violets and Roses of each a Dram boyl them in a pint of water to half a pint Take 4. Ounces of this Decoction and an Ounce of Manna or more as the Child is Some think a gentle purge before the eruption breaking out and appearance of the Pox and Meazles if the Child abound with ill humours and the Feaver rage may be used for it lessens the ill humours that thereby nature doth expel more cheerfully but if the Small Pox begins to break forth then a Purge is pernicious and mortall The rest of the Cure is in helping nature in expulsion wherefore if Nature doth not expell readily and strongly but slowly use such a remedy as cools binds and opens Take of Lents one Ounce of Figs 10. Maidenhair two Drams Smalledge roots half an Ounce Sorrell half a handful boil them in a pint and an half of water to a pint use it morning and Evening from four Ounces to six as the Child is If nature expels strongly omit the opening things in regard of the Feaver which is great and the openings are not then to be used but when nature expels slowly which is known by the fewnesse and slownesse of their coming forth This expels Take of Lents two drams of Figs fifteen of Barly one dram of Lettice and Sorrell of each an handful boyl them in a pint and an half of water to a pint use 6 7 or 8. Ounces of it Morning and Evening as the Child is Note that Lents boyled alone loosens the Belly from whence are mortal Fluxes nor it is not to be used alone for a remedy because of its thickness and binding qualities Take of French Barly one Pugil slic'd Liquorish half a dram red Cicers one dram of the greater Cold seeds of each half a dram Cordial Flowers of each one Pugill three Figs boyl them well in water to 6 Ounces after it is strained dissolve in it half an Ounce of the Syrrup of Granat which is to be taken at twice it is very good it mitigates and tempers the Feaver These that follow are also good to expell as Confection of Hyacynth Alkermes Contraherva Harts-horn or Scabius boyled so is Antimonium Diaphoreticum Bezar-stone and the Bezardical Minerall some use to bath with Luke-warm water to promote expulsion by relaxing the Skin Observe that Medicaments that are Cordials and expelling are to be used from the appearing and first coming forth of the Small Pox to the Eleventh day which some call the increase and state of Eruption of the Ebullition If the Scabs dry not of themselves and have matter in them and are ripe they are not to be opened unlesse they be malignant for if they be ripe and white their heat and fervour and eating of the flesh is gone and they will dry and fall of themselves and so there is no danger of its putrefying and leaving holes and marks If the
well and the parts inferiour to it are hurt Prog. every Palsy especially that which is inveterate is difficult to cure in Children but numnesse is more easie to cure If a Feaver or trembling comes upon a Palsy or numnesse it is very helpfull for the Feaver dissolves the matter of the Disease and the trembling drives the same matter from the nerves The Cure is the same as in the Epilepsy and Convulsion and greater remedies are to be used to the Palsy then Numnesse Take of Earth worms a large quantity burn them in a clean pot afterwards let them be powdered take of that powder half a pound of Ginger and and Galangle of each half an Ounce make a Liniament of them with clarified hony with which annoynt the Child three nights binding his Arm upon his Belly and covering well the Child and beware that the Child is not expos'd to the cold unto the third day so in three days the Child will be cured either of the Palsy or Convulsion as divers affirm CHAP. IV. Of Childrens dreaming and troubled Sleep THe consideration of the chief Diseases belonging to motion being past it follows in the next place to consider the Distempers of the common sense which in Children are Dreams and immoderate Watching Children never sleep moderately for they are opprest with sleep in the womb and after they are born they sleep for the most part because the infant is mindfull of the perpetual sleep he had in the Womb and because his body is very moist not only by the abounding with humours but by the sollid parts being moist and soft the want whereof in old men and their having sollid and dry parts of their heads though they abound with humours makes them most watchfull 2. But this sleep is natural but when sleep which should be for the restoring of the spirits and natural heat consumed by watching is unquiet troubled and terrifying this is a distemper hapenning to Children here intended Disturb'd sleep is an effect in the kind of depraved actions of the Common sense This distemper in an infant is like to the Incubus or Night-mare in these that are elder and as that foreruns an Apoplexy so terrifying dreams are Signes of an Epilepsy and other ill Diseases The internal cause is a corrupted meat in the Stomach they are made in Children by the debility of the Stomach from which arises sad Phantasies for as men are sad and troubled as often as the Stomach is grieved and the notable sense of the mouth of it the manner of it is this Melancholly arises out of the corrupted meat of the Stomach whose Phantasmes are carryed to the Imagination which they necessarily deterre and consequently make terrifying Dreams which are the operations of the Imaginations about Phantasmes offered from the senses The externall cause is milk or meat corrupted and by its acrimony knawing the mouth of the Stomach Signs are the groaning of Children shaking crying out of Children in their sleep an unnaturall colour and heat and a stinking breath by which many are deceived and think they have the worms The Cure is if the Milk be bad from the constitution of the Nurse change her if from dyet correct it if it be good it is vitiated and corrupted in the Stomach by the plenty of it therefore let the Child suck lesse If the Child suck not let him not eat too much nor bad meat and remove what is corrupted in the Stomach to this end the giving of hony to Children is commended because it clenses the Stomach and Guts A Suppository is convenient so is a Clyster Take of whey six or eight Ounces of Hony an Ounce and half Salt a scruple mingle them and make a Clister If the Child be somewhat big Hiera Pietra may be used which wonderfully clears the Stomach which being done the Stomach is to be comforted with half a Scruple of the powder called Diamosce or as much of London Treacle may be used by the Child or take of the Species of Diamoschi one Scruple of Diacalamint one Scruple and half Sugar and rose-Rose-water as much as suffices to make them into small Lozenges one whereof powdered may be given every morning in Milk and suck presently after it If the Child is wean'd give it powdered in Broth or Milk Outwardly Ointments comforts the Stomach annoint it with the oyle of Wormwood Mint Nutmegs or Mastick and Bathings made of Wormwood Roses and Wine and Plaisters also comfort it It is convenient to hang red Corall about the Childs neck which comforts the Stomach by a secret quality if it touch it outwardly CHAP. V. Of immoderate watching of Children THe want of sleep in Children is very hurtful being contrary to their nature who by the greatest and most large sleep are not made sick and being used to sleep much it causes sharp humours alters the temper of the brain it makes Feavers and Crudities and weakens Children The cause is not drynesse as in men but the corruption of the Milk and meat in the Stomach from which sharp vapours ascend to the brain and offending the Membrane hinder sleep If the vapours are thick and ascend not to the brain then only sad Phantasme which onely moves the Imagination and causes troubled Dreams are made but not watchings The Signs are manifest they continually cry mourn and sleep not Prog. The want of sleep is an evill and hurtfull and in Children because it is contrary to their nature The Cure is in taking care the milk and meat be good in quantity quality as in the preceeding Chapter let the Nurse use meats that are very good and apt to cause sleep as Lettice sweet Almonds and the like avoiding strong Wine let the Child be kept clean and wash'd and change the Childs Linnen which often causes sleep and whilest he cryes appease him by motion singing or giving the Child Suck foment and annoint the Stomach with the Oyles in the preceeding Chapter let the feet be washed with a decoction of Mallowes annoint the feet with the Marrow of the bones of a Hart annoint the Temples with the Oyle of Violets or Juice of Poppies Some use the Confection of Requies Nichelai and Sirrup of Poppies when there is great necessity but they are not to be used often for they stupifie and dull the brain of the Child CHAP. VI. Of the Inflammation of the Head IN regard the Diseases of the Sight and Hearing in Children have nothing peculiar to them from the same Diseases in men they are here omitted and the Diseases belonging to the natural faculty of the Head considered This Disease is called by a Word derived from another Greek word which the Latins interpret a Hole because the Head is perceived as it were excavated and made hollow in the former part of the Head it is called by some the heat and burning of the head It is an Inflamation of the parts about the Brain and the Membranes The Cause is a humour whilest it
Tumor of the Head caused by the Collection of Waterish humours in some part of the Members constituting the head The immediate cause is either 1. A Wind which is seldome in regard of the rarity and purosity of the head which appears by the hairiness of it and the Thumes and Tenuity of the Wind made of a very thin humour and so easily dissolved and dissipated 2. Thin and Waterish humour which is sometimes thick and coloured by the mixture of the Ichor of other humours with it This humour is collected more often in the Womb then out of it and in the head then other parts because 1. Of the great moisture of the Brain 2. The plenty of Vapours which ascend to the head and by its coldness turne into Water 3. It being the seat of Waterish humors for the Head is placed over the Belly as the Head of a Still over the body of it 4. The Density of the Skull which retains the Vapours The Signes by which this Disease is known relate to the Cause or Place If Wind be the Cause the head lightly struck will sound like a Drum and the Tumor prest by a Finger yeilds to it and leaves a Dent which presently fills up again If an humour be the cause and not within the Skull the Tumor is soft clear if prest it slowly returns to its former fulnesse the Colour of the Skin is unchang'd and there is crying and want of sleep If the humour be within the Skull the Infant hath an heaviness of the head cryes and cannot sleep and in those of elder years the eyes are prominent and stand out weeping and can hardly be shut and sometimes the fancy is hurt The Presage If the Tumor is within the Skull some think it incureable others think it cureable by Cauteries and by Diaphoreticks If it is on the outside of the Skull it is dangerous because of the Dignity of the Head and the tenderness of it in an Infant for every Disease of the head is dangerous especially in an Infant whose tenderness cannot endure a Disease or Remedy and if the humor should move inwardly there is great danger of a Lethargy or Apoplexy The Cure is by discussing and extenuating the wind and evacuating the humour insensibly or sensibly by purging or manual Operation for the doing whereof a convenient Diet is necessary which ought to be directed to the Nurse if the Child suck otherwise to the Child Wherefore let the Air be hot and dry where the Nurse and Child is kept if it be not so naturally by the season of the year prepare it so by good fires and fumes of sweet and hot woods If the Child suck let the Nurse watch much and if it is wean'd let it sleep lesse then if it was sound because watching doth much dry the body as sleep softens it Moderate Exercise and a soluble belly is very convenient which if need let it be help'd by a Suppository made of Hony The Nurse and Child both are to abstain from Wine and in the place of it a Drink is to be made of Water with Coriander seed prepared and Anniseed let the Meat be such as discusses and breaks wind and dissipates humours wherefore let the Bread have a little Coriander seed in it and the Flesh be rather of Wild Fowl and roasted rather then boyled a Moderate use of spice is profitable and Coriander canded with Sugar All Herbs and Waterish Fruits are to be avoided If the Nurse be sound avoid purging her lest you hurt the Milk if she be unsound purge her as the quality and nature of the humour require External Remedies only belong to an Infant for Purges and other Remedies are to be used to the Nurse and very carefully least they hurt wherefore this Fomentation will be convenient Take of Pennyroyal Maryroom Savory of each an handful Cumminseed and Aniseed of each an Ounce boyl them together in a pint and an half of Water to a Pint in which wet a Spunge and apply it to the head afterwards anoint the head with the Oyl of Cammomile salted if this prevails not the Oyl of Anniseed may be added and to the two Oyles without the Salt you may add a little of the Powder of Anniseed and Fennel-seed It will be convenient for the Nurse to use the following Electuary which will make the Milk discusse wind Take the Conserve of Bettony and of Rosemary of each an Ounce the Powder of Coriander and Anniseed of each an Ounce mixe them and take Morning and Evening half an Ounce In a Child of some years that can endure Medicaments Purge the Child first gently with two Ounces of the Hony of roses solutive mixe it with a little Broath Afterwards prepare the humour thus Take of Mugwort Savory Staccados Celandine of each half an handful boyl them in a pint and half of water to a Pint. Take two or three Ounces of the said Decoction of the simple Hony of Roses of the Syrrup of Staccados of each half an Ounce mingle them and give it the Child 3. or 4. days together then purge the humours so prepared Take of the Pills called Pillula Aurea one Dram and a half of Castor two Grains of the Root of Ireos finely powdred half a Dram mingle them with the Hony of the Syrrup of Roses solutive and make thereof for one Doss or quantity to be taken at once five little Pills If the Child refuse Pills Take an Ounce of the root of Ireos of Raisins of the Sun half an Ounce the Seeds of Fennel and Coriander of each half a Dram boyl them according to Art Take of the Decoction an Ounce and a half of the Trochische of Agarick two Drams infuse them all Night then strain them strongly and add an Ounce and an half of the Hony of Roses solutive After sufficient Purging the use of the Electuary directed before for the Nurse and the External Remedies will be convenient to which may be added this following Lixivium Take of Figtree-wood two pound of Salt or common water twenty pints make of it a Lye according to Art when it is strained add to it Coriander-seeds and Anniseeds of each a Pugill of Bran one Pugill the Leaves of Penny-royal Maryroom and Mugworth one handful and an half boyl them away to a fourth part then strain and use them In the same manner you may prepare a Lye of Brimstone beaten and applied to the head with a drye woollen Cloth it dries the head very much stronger driers are dangerous There may be made Plaisters of the aforesaid Herbs being boyled and bruised to the form of a Plaister and laid upon the head a Plaister made of Snails bruised and applied to the head untill they fall of themselves is an approved of remedy The following Ointment doth very much discusse the water or wind in the head Take of the Oyl of Ireos and Cammomile of each two Ounces of the Powder of Sulphur and Ireos of each two
which make Phlegme all which is done by 1. A Convenient Diet let the Air be hot and dry the sleep little exercise moderate avoid much rubing or kembing of the head and bearing weight on the Head avoid all perturbations of the mind except moderate anger and Wine that is strong and thick if you use Wine do it moderately and mixe it with water Let your meat be attenuating and drying as Bread well bak'd and with Anniseeds or Coriander-seeds Let your flesh be of Wild-fowl and rather roasted then boyled avoid Spices as filling the head with vapours and all thick grosse viscid and cold meats as Beef Cheese Milk Eggs fried or hard and the like Hence it is that the Children of poor persons are more troubled with this Disease then the Children of rich men because they eat grosse and ill Diet which makes and ●oments the humour 2. Purging Take of the Leaves of Senna half an Ounce of Polypode two Drams Ginger 15. grains half an Ounce of Raisins stoned Sebestens Pruins of each three in number of the Flowers of Borrage Violets Red Roses and Rosemary of each half a dram boil them in a pint of fountain water until half be consumed Take of the Decoction two Ounces of the hony of Roses two or three Ounces Let the humours be prepaired thus Take of the Leaves of Brownwort Plantain Dry Bettony and Mint of each half an handful boyle it according to Art of the Syrrup of Roses and Oxymel of each half an Ounce mingle them After the humours are prepared purge thus Take 30 or 40. grains of the Pills of Agarick or infuse two Drams of the Trochische of Agarick in three Ounces of the Water of Bettony all night strain it and add 2. or 3. Ounces of the Hony of Roses solutive Observe that most gentle Remedies often used is better then violent and hath often cur'd 3. By the restraining of the moving of the humour into the Part by rubbing Cupping-glasses and Blisters and there is no remedy so effectual and fit for derivation diversion and evacuation of the humour and in all Swellings and Tumours in Children about the Neck as is the exulceration of the Skin of the Head which is best done with Mustard-seed and a Nettle but with prudence and moderation but have a care you use not Cautharides which cause great pain and pissing of blood 4. By discussing the humour in the part if it be moderately thick and viscid which is done by inward Medicaments as by the use of the Trochische of Vipers and Treacle but principally by outward Medicaments first by softning it and then by dissolving it Emollient or softning Medicaments are the Plaister of Diachilon with the Gums or this Ointment Take four Ounces of Diachilon one Ounce of Hyssop four Ounces of the Root of Ireos finely powdred mingle them and with the Oil of Almon●s make an Ointment which use several days until the matter is softned then use Discutients as drye Figs or a Plaister made of Hony or the root of a wild Cucumber bo led in old Oyl to the form of a Plaister is very effectual so is this following which is stronger Take of Stavesacre Nitre of each two Ounces Rocket four Ounces with as much Turpentine as is convenient make a Plaister The Ashes of Colworts mixt with Hony is also very good Observe that strong Discutients may not be used lest Feavers are caused and the tender Flesh of the Child hurt If the matter be very viscid and contumacious it is not cur'd but by cutting or burning it which is very dangerous and turns them into Cancers that are mortall as is experienc'd in the using such remedies for the Kings Evill in the Neck Breasts or Grayn CHAP. IV. Of Pustules and little Risings in the Head PUstules or Risings or Swellings for the most part they are in the Head but sometimes in the whole body In the beginning they are small and little afterwards they are sore and make hard white Scabs and Crusts by the driness of the humour In sucking Children they are call'd Crusta in those of elder years they are called Achores they are ulcerous Tubercles or Ulcers with small risings perforating the skin with small holes through which passeth a sanious or filthy matter The cause is as some think a nitrous and salt Phlegme mixt with Choler Others a putrid corrupted and Ichorous blood but I consent to them who think the humour is mix'd partly thick and partly thin waterish salt and nitrous and according to the various mixture of the humours with the salt waterish humours the various colours of the Sores arise being thereby black red white or yellow and those humours are either generated in the womb of the Mother out of the Menstruous blood or after the Child is born by the fault of Milk or Diet nature purifying and purging her self sends them forth into the outward parts of the body The signs are manifest to Sight the Child cries cannot sleep and are watchful the Child Itches and after Itching they are sore a bloody humour passes forth and oftentimes the Child is lowsy If they proceed from blood there is a redness pain and more easie Itch but if from a more sharp humour there is a great Itch. The Presage Pustules sometimes degenerate into great Ulcers and sometimes corrode the Skull by the Malignity and badness of the humour that the Membranes may be seen They many times preserve Children from great and many Diseases as Feavers Falling-sicknesses and others by natures purging her self by the skin They heal frequently of their own accord by Time and Age. The Cure is in 1. A Convenient Diet by avoiding salt sharp hot and sweet things fish and fruit If the Pustules are moist a drye Diet is convenient as the eating of Wild-fowl roasted bread twice bak'd c. which ought to be us'd only by the Nurse if the Child suck 2. Evacuation of the humours by Blood-letting Leeches or Cupping-glasses and purging the Nurse if the Child suck not prepare the humours with Cichory Eudave Fumitory and Agrimony of each an handful boyle them in a pint and an half of Water until half a pint be consumed Take thereof three Ounces and add the Syrrup called Syrrup Byzantius and the Syrrup of Fumitory of each half an Ounce or temper the humour that is faulty with the Syrrups of Borrage and Fumitory The humours being prepared Take of Rhabarb one Dram infuse it all night in three Ounces of endive-Endive-water in the Morning strain it well and add an Ounce and an half of the Syrrup of Roses solutive The Body being purged the part excoriated is to be cur'd by outward Remedies A Bath of common Water in which the Leaves of Scabius Agrimony and Plantane are boyled is very good The Ointments of Litheridge Cerusse or Diapompholiges cures it CHAP. V. Of Chapt Lips in Children THe Lips are made not only for Beauty but also for use for the defence of the Mouth and
an Ichor thin waterish humour and that it is by Ebullition appears in the heat colour and Accidents that happen By this we may resolve our selves 1. That in our dayes scarce any man but hath this Disease because it is hereditary which came first by the fault of the Stars which affected all or almost all and now is propagated As Indians now generate children with long heads which in former Ages they endevoured to make by Art and now is become a natural disposition 2. This Disease is mortal to some and not to others by the abundance and badness of humours and ill constitution of body that the blood and Ichors boyling causes an unquenchable Fire and remedilesse putrefaction besides the badnesse of the Air and errors in the ordering of the person 3. They happen most to Children because they are full of blood and thin waterish humidity and abound with heat being nearest to the principle of Generation besides they are given much Motion 4. They that have most thin and waterish humours have most breakin gs out and the thicker and more tenacious the humours are the worse the marks and deformities are 5. The face is most troubled because of the Ebullition of the blood the vapours ascend to the head and so impetuously that neither the Spirits of the head or face or the Air to which the face is exposed can resist besides the face is moist and rare and apt thereby to receive them 6. The Feet and hands next to the face are chiefly troubled notwithstanding the Skin is hard because of the Sympathy between these parts and the Liver which is seen in a hot Liver by the burning of the hands and feet 7. The Small Pox troubles the eyes more then the Meazles because the matter is thicker and can be lesse resisted and repelled 8. The Small Pox is contagious and infectious by the boyling of the blood which sends vapours at a great distance which enter into other persons and infect them as it is in those that have sore eyes and by the Hereditary Propriety so that consanguineous persons are more easily affected in regard of the Similitude of their temper and for that reason whole Families in a Plague are destroy'd 8. Some have this Disease twice very rarely thrice almost all once because this Hereditary Disposition only disposes and continues as long as the Seminary parts in which it is implanted doth remain which most commonly is consum'd the first time the Blood is inflam'd and set on fire especially the second time when the Blood Ferments 9. Scars and blemishes are left chiefly in the Face Lips and Foreskin because the Skin of them is without Flesh or hath but very little and therefore difficult to heal The mediate causes of the Small Pox are 1. Internall hot and moist temper soft and fat habit of body and tendernesse of Age. Boys are more dispos'd to it then Girles by the disparity of heat in them boys being hotter 2. External hot and moist Air Southern constitution Spring time and an hot and moist region or Contagion or other things that move or corrupt the thin and waterish part of the Blood By what hath been said the Small Pox may be defin'd to be a disease having Pustules in an outward part of the Skin with a continual Feaver by the peculiar Effervessency and Ebullition of the Ichorous Blood excited by the expulsive faculty The Signes that this Disease is Imminent and coming which either immediately accompany the Disease or proceed it are Pain in the Neck and Breast with a heavinesse of the Eyes Itching of the Nose Shortnesse of Breath Suddain trembling and starting Often Sneesing Urine sometimes muddy sometimes sound weepings of the Eyes and tears falling of their own accord from them a continuall Feaver The Signes of the Disease present are manifest being little swellings and spots in the Meazles they are Red and not high in the Small Pox they first appear as the head of an Needle or Pin immediately after they are greater and red and daily increase untill they are ripen'd grow white are made an Ulcers and Soars and are dryed up Presage If the Small Pox and Meazles are White and a few appear without any other accident or if many appear and the Feaver is diminish'd and other accidents and the breathing easie there is no danger If the Small Pox are black or green or if few or many appear and the other accidents are worse and exasperated and the breathing difficult then it is pernitious and Mortall They who dye of the Small Pox dye either with a Sounding an Inflamation with which they are strangled or a looseness of the Belly which destroys the strength of the Child The Cure is in 1. Preserving the inward and outward parts the outward are call'd so because they are seen and they are the Eyes Ears Nose and Mouth The internall are Liver Lungs and chiefly the Guts the eyes are frequently troubled with heat and a tenacious Ichor that Exulcerates them whereby the Children cannot sleep which is helpt by cooling and moderately binding Medicaments as the water of Roses or Plantain mix'd with Sumach Take of the water of Roses and Plantain of each five Ounces Sumach half an Ounce infuse them all night and with a little white of an Egge mix them wet a little Cotten in it and wet the eye often with it if there be pain and Itching take the water of roses and milk and add a little Myrrh to them the scratching of the Eyes are to be avoided If the Ears be pain'd itch and run let them be kept open if the pain be great dip a Spunge in hot water with the Oyle of roses and lay it to the Ear the scratching whereof is very hurtfull The Nose is defended from Ulcers if Roses or Plantain be boil'd in water and the steam taken in at the Nosthrills The Mouth is helpt by this Gargarisme Take of the water of Barly one Pint and an half the leaves of Plantain and Flowers of Roses of each one Dram to which you may adde the Juice of Barbaries or Orange and wash the mouth with it 2. In helping of nature in expelling the humour which is perform'd by 1. Dyet that is convenient The Air is to be temperate or rather somewhat hot that the Pores may be opened and the coming forth of the Small Pox promoted therefore let the child be kept in a close room that the cold Air by no means may come in by the opposition of the Air many Children have dyed with a Benigne and gentle Small Pox the matter of the Disease being repercuss'd to the interior Parts let a red cloth be laid next the Skin which is conceiv'd by divers to be helpfull by a similitude it hath with the boyling Blood Be carefull your cloathing be not too much lest the Child be Smothered and Swound and so provide that the outward Parts are rather hot then cold but that neither the heat of the Air
weakness or the fault of the matter of the Teeth being not sufficiently glutinous and earthy or by a privation of matter by Worms or a loosnesse in the seventh year Teeth fall out and others grow in their places growing of Teeth continues until fourteen years afterwards very few grow unlesse they be those called Posteriores Gemini which sometimes grow at 80 years The sooner Teeth come forth the less pain but they are the weaker Teeth come forth in the Spring and Summer more easily but with worse Symptomes and effects in the Winter with more difficulty but with lesse danger for they are lesse troubled with a Feaver Loosness or Vomit because their inward heat is more strong But a modern Author says that in every time of the year some are more troubled some lesse according to the natural constitution of Children which the times of the year cannot hinder The Teeth are of an equal number in men and women being 32. The Cutting Teeth which are four above and below grow first which are made of a thin matter and as they are made first so weaker and are broke fall out sooner then the rest the next are the Teeth called Dogs Teeth whose use is to break the meat as to cut is before breaking so the Teeth that cut are first afterwards the Teeth that break the meat afterwards the great and grinding Teeth grow whose matter is more hard and earthy and therefore they break out the more slowly and last of all the Gemini which never are renewed and grow again Hence it appears why the breeding of Teeth causes so many evils if they should grow in the Womb they would not be troublesome but growing after the Birth of the Child and in that time when the Gums are most soft which being bruised and crushed by a hard body as the Bone is causes great pain The Signs are the Childs crying loosnesse pinching the Paps whilest they suck the Inflammation and heat of their mouths and when their Gums are rubbed they are eased Prog. The breeding of Teeth is alwayes dangerous by reason of the great and grievous Symptomes and effects it produces as Convulsions Feavers and other evils If the Child is loose he is lesse troubled with Convulsions and fat Children more than lean yet there may be Convulsions by the sharpnesse of pain If the Child hath an acute Feaver there is seldome Convulsions by fulnesse it being remedied by the Feaver Teeth come forth more slowly most commonly with a little Cough because there is a defluxion in the mouth which argues the weaknesse of the brain The Cure is in a cold dyet of the Nurse and the pap kept cool which much refreshes the Child the Child is not to eat any hard meat and the Gums are to be cooled and relax'd the Juice of Mallowes and Lettice cools Take the Juice of Mallowes half an Ounce of Butter washt in mallow-Mallow-water half one Ounce half the yelke of an egge mingle and anoint the Gums with it this that followes is stronger Take of the Juice of Night-shade half an Ounce of the Oyle of Roses six Drams of Butter washt in lettice-Lettice-water three Drams mingle them and anoint the Gums with it it being cold rubbing the Gums with your finger for it often mitigates pain The Gums are relax'd by things that are fat as all fat of a Hen c. Oyl of Almonds and the Brains of a Hare boyled in the place whereof may be the brains of a Hen Hony boyled is much commended It is conceived by some that the breeding of Teeth is the more easie by hanging about the neck Corral a Jaspis-stone or the Root of wilde Colothwiths which others think superstitious CHAP. XIII Of the Hiccough CHildren are more chiefly affected with Diseases in the lower Venter in three parts the Stomach Bladder and Guts which follow in their order The Hiccough is a motion like to a Convulsion in which the Stomach endevour to expell what is hurtful infixt in the mouth of it The cause is in Children the plenty or quality of the Milk or nourishment being too cold sharp or corroding vehemently irritating the expulsive faculty sometimes but rarely it comes from emptiness The external causes are a cold Air hot and sharp meats as Pepper The Signes are manifest for as the Proverb is Love and the Hiccough cannot be hid if it is from fullnesse the Child is greedy and Vomits if from cold it is known by rhe Nurses using cold meats and externall injuries that preceeded it if the Childs Stomach is fomented with hot Cloathes it ceases presently if from evacuation fasting flux or vomit preceeded it if from acrimony the meats are corrupted or the milk is sharp and biting and the Child often mourns and grieves and there are pains of the Belly besides the Ordure shewes it Prog. The Hiccough in Children for the most part is safe if it be made from emptiness it is mortal for Children which are naturally full and very moist if they are vehemently dryed by a great cause they are hardly restored If a Hiccough be with the Falling-sicknesse or another kind of Convulsion it is Mortall The Cure is if the Hiccough be from 1 cold use hot things inwardly and and outwardly Take the Syrrup of Mint or Betony outwardly the Oyl of Anniseed Chamomile and Wormwood besides Plaisters and Ointments that are hot and set forth in several Chapters 2. Plenty or quality of Milk correct it as is shewed in several Chapters and if it be from the Acrimony of the Milk let the Child use a little quantity of this Take of Saccharum Rosatum half an Ounce of Bole Armenick half a Scruple mingle them If from Evacuation the same remedies are good as are for Leannesse from Evacuation see the Chapter of Leannesse Bathing with sweet Water and Broth is good in elder Children the Yelks of Eggs and all Meats that easily nourish It is related by some that the Herb called Alyssus held in the hand look'd upon or smell'd to cures the Hiccough by Propriety of Substance Others say that Sneezing and holding the Breath cures all Hiccoughs but these Helps are too difficult for Children and Infants Sneezing and Vomiting because they evacuate the matter is commended CHAP. XIV Of Vomiting and a vain desire of Vomiting BEsides the Hiccough the vain desire of Vomiting and Vomiting happens to Children for the matter that troubles the Stomach is either infixed deeply in the mouth of the Stomach and so makes a Hiccough or infixed but not profoundly and either in the Mouth or Tunicles of the Stomach whence it is a vain desire of Vomiting or else the matter is contained in the Space of the Stomach and so makes a Vomiting The Causes of Vomiting or a vain desire of Vomiting in Children are The humidity and laxity of the Stomach the plenty of cold humours falling from the head the plenty of Milk or Meat the Acrimony and coldnesse of the same Milk The External causes
Child was Epileptick but the Disease made in him by the Evil of the Divel The froth in the mouth is made because the Spirits and Fume which come from the Lungs is mixt with the Spittle and Phlegme that comes from the head which moved and exagitated to and fro turns into froth as the Sea-water agitated and broken with many winds The Noise is a kind of Voice made from the motive faculty hurt and depraved Prog. This Disease in Children is the most acute Disease and therefore mortal because of the straightnesse and narrownesse of the Veins that cannot receive the grosse Phlegme and so it remains in the Brain or because of the moistnesse of the Brain and the weaknesse of the motive faculty the humor cannot be dissolved or driven forth far enough out of the Ventricles of the Brain 2. Those that are once cur'd are never again Epileptick because the expulsive faculty continually expells gathering of humours the same way it did when the Disease was removed whereby it cannot be gathered into the Ventricles to offend 3. The Epilepsy which is by Error of Diet is incurable of it self without help 4. The Falling Sicknesse which is from the Birth of the Child and his Parents is cur'd of its own accord without any rethe great humidity which is the cause of this Disease is lessened by Age and the faculties are stronger If it happen after the change of Age that is after 25. years it is most difficult and impossible to cure because then the faculties are strong and congenited moisture lessned cannot overcome the cause of the Disease which is very powerful and as it produceth it can preserve the Disease and because the humours which makes the Episepsy are Melancholy and dry and so difficult of themselves to be taken away and daily increase by Age. The Cure is 1. A convenient Diet which belongs to the Nurse for a sucking Child and the same is to be used by a Child that doth not suck You are to choose and prepare the Air to be hot and dry they that live in cold Countries their Children are often Epileptick use moderate sleep for this Disease is as it were asleep avoid unseasonable exercises fears and frighting which hath often brought the Disease Bathes and fulnesse are hurtful so is much fasting it fills the head So Wine hurts the Nerves and is to be avoided the Drink is to be such that heats but not hurting the head the meat hot and attenuating which hath cur'd many but that which breeds gross humours is windy and with a certain propriety offends the head is to be avoided 2. If the Child suck and the Disease be by consent from the Stomach which is most frequent being oppress'd with too much Milk let the Child suck seldome Or from the ill quality and sharpnesse of the Milk correct the Milk and apply this Plaister to the Stomach Take of the Powder of Aloes and Myrrhe of each half a Scruple the Powder of Mastick one Scruple and mingle them with a little Wax and Rosine and apply it to the mouth of the Childs Stomach If it be by the fault onely in the head which is most frequently the use of Hony is profitable Take of Paeony half a Scruple of the Leaves of Stocados and Betony half a Pugill Cyperus one Scruple powder them finely put of this Powder in a little Spoon and put it into the Childs mouth and presently give him the Breast that he may Swallow the Powder A Seton in the neck is very profitable so is the following Powder sprinkled upon the head Take Maidenhair Cypresse Iridis of each two Drams Cloves one Scruple powder them finely and mix them The whole body may be anointed with Camomile and the oyle of Iridis Take the Leaves of Coltsfoot one handfull of Oak Misseltoe half an Ounce boyle it according to Art and dip a Cloth in it and wrap the child in the Cloth it is much commended Paeony and Smaradge is much commended to be hung about the Childs neck that it may reach to the Stomach If the Child be somewhat great and the Epilepsy be by consent and from other parts sending a thin humour or vapour to the brain Purge him as he is able to suffer and alter the distemper of the part If it be outwardly in the Arm Thigh Hip or other part rubbing is good and a discutient Plaister applyed to the part then if it will not do Blister the part If the Disease be by the fault only of the head use first this Clyster Take of the lesser Centaury half an handfull of Mallowes one handfull of Bran tyed in a Cloth half a Pugill boyle them according to Art Take of that Decoction 8 Ounces of Hony an Ounce and half of Chamomile 2 Ounces and an half of Salt half a Dram mingle them and make a Clyster then prepare the humours Take of the Leaves of Stocados Betony of each half a handfull the seed of Paeony one Dram boyle them according to Art Take of that Decoction 3 Ounces more or lesse as the Childs age will bear of the Syrrup of Stocados and Oxymel Simple of each half an Ounce mingle When the humors are prepared then Purge but although this Disease require vehement remedies yet they are not to be used by reason of the Age. Two Scruples of Pillulae Aureae are sufficient or take of the Trochische of Agarick two Drams infuse it all night in two Ounces of Betony-water strain it hard then add two Ounces of the Hony of Roses solutive the Electuary di Psillie one Dram mingle and make a Potion this Disease many times appears not in two or three moneths and is very stubborn therefore for the perfect curing it Take of Guyacum two Ounces of the Water of Betony two pints infuse it 24. hours and boyle them to the consumption of a third part and in the end add two Drams of the seed of Paeony finely powdered of Oak Misselto one Dram and half of Coriander-seed one Dram afterwards Strain it and make a Syrrup of it then take the same Guiacum and put four pints of common water to it and boyle the fourth part away and in the end add two Ounces of Anniseed and use it as ordinary drink and give of the Syrrup three or four Ounces every morning continuing so 40. 50. or more days Blistering is good so are Fontanells and Issues There is no Disease that hath more remedies commended by Authors then this hath I shall content my self with the following remedies Take of the seed of Paeony and take Misseltoe of each two Drams Cardamums one dram Cantharades prepared two Scruples Powder them and make an Electuary of them of which half a Dram may be taken three hours before meat Take Coriander prepar'd Mustard-seed Nutmeg of each half a Dram the Seed of Paeony 7 Drams Dictamnes 2 Drams make a Powder of them and give the Child of it in the morning at your pleasure in