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A60662 Medicina practica, or, Practical physick shewing the method of curing the most usual diseases happening to humane bodies ... : to which is added, the philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus, Kalid Persicus, Geber Arabs, Artesius Longævus, Nicholas Flammel, Roger Bachon and George Ripley : all translated out of the best Latin editions into English ... : together with a singular comment upon the first book of Hermes, the most ancient of philosophers : the whole compleated in three books / by William Salmon ... Salmon, William, 1644-1713.; Khālid ibn Yazīd al-Umawī, 7th cent.; Jābir ibn Ḥayyān.; Artephius. Liber secretus artis occultae. English.; Flamel, Nicolas, d. 1418. Figures hierogliphiques. English.; Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Speculum alchemiae. English.; Bacon, Roger, 1214?-1294. Radix mundi. English.; Ripley, George, d. 1490? Medulla alchimiae. English. 1692 (1692) Wing S434; ESTC R183203 439,154 1,009

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if not inveterate Trembling Gout or any weakness of the Nerves and Joynts coming of a cold and moist cause by anointing the afflicted parts therewith and taking of it inwardly as shall be immediately directed for it does gently and by degrees as it were carry off the morbifick Cause and matter almost to a Miracel 9. This marvellous Balsam opens all obstructions of the Liver and Spleen being taken Morning and Evening for a Month together in a little Syrup or other convenient Vehicle It is held for a great Treasure and has many other singular Virtues not here necessary to be named lest we should prejudice its worth and Excellency 10. The way and manner of taking it In diseases of the Head Brain and Nerves give it in Rosemary or Juniper-water or in Canary For the Stone and other Diseases of the Reins and Bladder you may give in Rhenish-wine For the Colick and Diseases of the Bowels you may give it in Juniper or Cardamum-water For Palsies and weaknesses of the Nerves and Joynts you may give it in some Antiparalitick Wine First grind or mix it with a little of the yolk of an Egg to open its body and then mix it with the Liquor you would give it in 11. If the sick cannot take it so it may be made up into Pills with some fit Powder as of Zedoary Nutmeg Cinnamon Bay-berries Cubebs Winter-cherries or what the Physician shall think more fit and so gilded for by this means it will be taken without nauseating you may give the Balsam from half a Dram to two Drams according to Age and Strength and it may be given Morning and Night for a Month two or three together 12. And it is certain that this Balsam is one of the greatest specificks in the cure of the Palsie Scurvy and Gout that is transcending all other Medicaments but it ought to be constantly given in a due Dose and with those Advantages that it may not loath the Stomach so taken it performs more than any other Balsam It cleanses the whole body of all Impurities mundifies the whole mass of Blood heals all inward Bruises Wounds Ulcers or Excoriations whether in the Bowels or Lungs restoring decayed Nature and carrying off all its Faeculencies by Urine and Stool It is only Sold by the Author of this Work at his House at the Blue-Ball by the Ditch-side near Holborn-bridge and at Mr. John Harris's at the Harrow in the Poultry London Price 24 s. the Pound or 18 d. the Ounce AT the sign of the Archimedes and Spectacles in Ludgate-street near the West-end of St. Paul's lives John Marshall who both turns and grinds makes and sell's all sorts of Glass Instruments as Perspective Glasses Telescopes Microscopes Horoscopes Sky-Opticks Reading Glasses from the smallest size to 20 Inches Diametre Microscopes according to Mr. Leewenhoeck Also Microscopes of the said Marshall's Designing a singular Invention for the advantage of Light the like of which were never yet done before Also Spectacles for all Ages Cristal Prisms Speaking Trumpets and all other sorts of Optick Glasses for brevity sake not here named SALMON'S Practical Physick The First BOOK CHAP. I. Of ACHES of all sorts I. For an Ach proceedings of Cold in any part of the Body TAke Oyl Olives Venice Turpentine ana two Ounces Oyl of Amber four Ounces Volatile Salt of Amber six Drachms melt and mix them together for a Balsam and anoint the place well there with Morning and Evening for eight or ten days more or less as occasion requires Salmon II. For an Ach in the Joints Take Palm Oyl Turpentine ana one Ounce Oyl of Wormwood three Ounces Volatile Salt Armonicak two Ounces melt mix and make a Balsam It is excellent being anointed with all Salmon III. For Aches in the lower parts of the Body Take Palm Oyl Turpentine Oyl of Amber and Anniseeds of each one Ounce mix melt and make a Balsam Salmon IV. For an Ach in the Bones Take Palm Oyl Turpentine ana two Ounces Oyl of Amber and Juniper Berries of each two Ounces and two Drachms Camphier two Ounces melt mix and make a Balsam Salmon V. An approved Searcloth for all Aches Take Burgundy Pitch one pound Oyl Olive six Ounces Wax four Ounces white Frankincense two Ounces powdered melt them in a Pipken stirring all well together and Boil to a Consistency then pour out all into a Bason or Pan of Water then anoint your Hands with Butter and make the Plaster into Rolls VI. An Excellent Ointment for the same Take the Gall of an Ox White-wine Vinegar Palm Oyl Aqua Vitae of each a like quantity boyl them gently on a Fire keeping it scum'd till it grow clammy and with this bathe well the part by rubbing it in before a Fire with a warm Hand Morning and Evening still laying a Linnen Cloth upon it VII For Ach in the Bones and the Gout Take of the best Aqua Vitae and Oyl of Amber of each a like quantity mix them well together and anoint the part well with a warm Hand before the Fire and bind on it a Linnen Cloth Morning and Evening VIII For the Joynt Ach and the Gout most Excellent Take the Juice of Sage Aqua Vitae the Oyl of Bays Vinegar Mustard and of an Oxes Gall of each a like quantity put them all together in a large Ox Bladder Tye it fast and chafe it up and down with your Hand during one hour and half then keep it for your Use and anoint the griev'd part Morning and Evening IX A Process against all Aches in the Back Hips Sides Knees or any part of the Body Take first Pil. Mirabile one Scruple to Purge now and then and take them in Syrup of Roses after Purging procure Sweat thus Take Guaiacum one Ounce and a half the Root of Enulacampane one Ounce boyl them in a Pottle of small Ale till half be consumed then drink thereof a quart in a Hot-house and Sweat often Then in the House bathe all the Body with this Oleaginous Balsame Take Oyl of Amber Oyl of Turpentine of Foxes of Excester and of Chamomil of each a like quantity and mix it well with some Brandy And if the Pains and Aches fall out to be most painful in the Night as many times they do Then at Night let him take this Potion Syrup of Poppy three Drachms Syrup of Betony one drachm and a half Waters of Bugloss and Sage of each an Ounce mix them well together X. This Cured a Man perfectly when he was Lame over all his Body Take the Gall of an Heifer for a Man and the Gall of a Steer for a Woman Brandy of each a like quantity then bath it well upon the Wrist a little before the Fit cometh and let it lie till the Fit be gone XI Aches from a hot Cause Take Spring Water two quarts Sal Armoniack Nitre of each four Ounces mix dissolve and keep it for Use Bathe the part with it then anoint with Oyl of Poppy Seed
Bowels but even from the Brain it self Salmon VII Alterative Remedies for the same Nothing is better than our Powers of Rosemary Amber and Spir. Antiasthmaticus given as directed in our Phylaxa Salmon CHAP. III. Of AGVES I. A rare Secret to Cure all Agues whatsoever TAke Venice Turpentine half an ounce incorporate it with as much Camphire and Mastick beaten into fine Powder as will make it into a Plaister then take of it and spread it on a piece of Sheeps Leather cut round and lay it on the Stomach and Navel pretty warm a day before the Fit cometh Probat II. Against an Ague Take Posset-drink a pint and half put into it nine heads of Carduus boyl it 'till half be wasted to every quarter of a Pint put in a quarter of a Spoonful of gross Pepper stir it well and take half a Pint an Hour before the Fit cometh and be sure to Sweat him in his Bed upon the taking of it III. A Plaister against an Ague Take a piece of Leather pricked full of Holes spread it over with Venice-Turpent and on that spread all over Rue and Frankincense beaten into Powder of each a like quantity then bind it to the Wrist a little before the Fit cometh and let it lie 'till the Fit be gone IV. Against a Tertian Ague Take at the coming of the cold Fit half a Pint of expressed Juice of Germander for Germander is styled by Physicians the Scourge of a Fever V. Against all burning and pestilential Fevers Take of the Herb Fluellin cut small and infuse it twenty four Hours in White Wine then Distil it and drink of this Distilla ion with three four five or six Drops of Oyl of Vituol in every Draught when Thirsty This hath cured Old and Young that took it VI. An Excellent Process to Cure all Quotidian Tertiane Pestilential and Burning Fevers and Agues Take Aloes three drachms Myrrh one drachm Saffron half a drachm Sugar three drachms beat them well together then infuse them in a pint of White Wine over Night and give it two several Mornings half a pint at a time to purge with And for ordinary Drink when-thirsty use this Take White-Wine-Vinegar half a pint rose-Rose-water Conduit or Fountain Water ana one Pint seeth them together with a Pound of Sugar VII Sleep to procure in an Ague If he want Sleep Take Syrup of white Poppy one ounce distilled Water of Lettice Sal Prunella 15. grains mix them and take it at Night for Sleep cools the Body and prevents motion and Motion is one of the principal Causes of heat VIII An Ague with a sore Mouth to Heal. If the Mouth be sore take of red Sage grosly cut one handful of French Barley beaten Roach Allom ana one ounce Boyl all these together in a pint and a half of spring-Spring-water then duleifie it before it be cold with Honey and therewith wash the Mouth and gargle the Throat IX Against a new Ague Take one drachm of pine Tobacco in the Leaf infuse it all Night in half a pint of White-Wine then strain it and drink it fasting two Hours after it This will purge Phlegm and Choler throughly X. Against a burning Feaver Take Water distilled from Wall-nuts a Week or two before Mid-Summer and give of that Water one ounce and a half at a time an Hour before the Fit It Cures XI An Excellent Julep in all Fevers Take poppy-Poppy-water four ounces of prune-Prune-water Juice of Oranges Syrup of Gilly-flowers two ounces a few drops of Spirit of Vitriol mix them and let the Patient drink two or three spoonfuls at a time often XII A Specifick against all manner of Agues Take Quin-quina or Jesuits Bark two Drachms beat it into Powder just about the time of using it Infuse it in a good Draught of Claret or other Generous Wine for the space of two Hours then give the Patient both Liquor and Powder at once as they lye in Bed Some advise to give it as the Fit is coming others as the Fit is going off the latter way is best if the Sick be very weak Salmon XIII Another Remedy for the same If you give my Catharticum Argenteum to forty fifty sixty or one hundred Drops according as the Patient is in Age and strength as I have directed in my Phylaxa Medicinae Lib. 1. Cap. 3. and continue it for five or six times taking it will go near to Cure any Ague whatsoever more especially if after such universal Purging you give either my Guttae Vitae or my Volatile Laudanum in such due Dose as in my said Phylaxa is prescribed about three Hours before the coming of the Fit so as the Sick may be in a good Sweat about the coming of the cold Fit by this means used five or six times the Ague goes off and comes no more I scarce ever fail of Curing an Ague by this method Salmon XIV Agues Cured by another Medicine I have Cured hundreds of Agues exactly by the former method except only that instead of the Catharticum Argenteum I have used either my Tabulae Emeticae or Vomiting Lozenges Or my Vinum Emeticum and sometimes some other proper Emeticks and Catharticks alternately But before either Quin-quina or Opiates be given if you would do like an Artist you ought to premise Universal Cleansers Salmon XV. A violent burning Feaver with Vomiting and Bloody Flux Where the Disease has been long the Patient wasted and brought as it were to Death's door there is nothing in the World better than our Pulvis Antifebriticus mentioned in Phylaxa Medic. Lib. 1. Cap. 45. You may give it to half a drachm or a drachm in any convenient Vehicle an Hour and half before the coming of the Fit Salmon XVI Agues chiefly Quartans Cured by the following Arcanum Rolfinc Lib. 5. Sect. 6. Cap. 12. Take Leaf-gold a drachm dissolve it in Aqua Regis Glass of Antimony a drachm dissolve it in Aqua Fortis Quick-silver six Drachms dissolve it in Aqua Fortis mix these Solutions together and Distil them by an Alembick cohobating twelve times at last to the Powder left in the bottom put Spirit of Wine which abstract from it six times then Calcine it upon a Tile or in a Hascican Crucible in a Circulary Fire so have you one of the best Remedies for an Ague chiefly a Quartane yet commonly known Take of this Powder six Grains Scammony twelve Grains mix for a Dose give it in the Morning the day before the Fit or in the Morning the same day if the Fit falls towards Night Salmon XVII Riverius his Ague Frighter Take Flowers of Antimony thrice sublimed with Sal Armoniack and Dulcified Perlucid Hyacinth Glass of Antimony ana half an Ounce Aqua Fortis made of Nitre and Alum 4 Ounces Praecipitate the said Antimony in the said Water Again Take Quicksilver revived from Cinabar six Ounces Aqua Fortis made of Nitre Alum and Vitriol q. s. in which dissolve and praecipitate the Mercury Take also fine Leaf-Gold one
be praised But if the Patient be Young or Weak you must proportionably lessen the Dose You may give it in the Morning Fasting and let the Sick beware of taking Cold. Salmon V. The Cholick with a vehement Catarrb and Cough Where the Griping of the Bowels is with Costiveness of Body which is for the most part accompanied with a great Cough and Catarrh there is no better Remedy upon Earth than our Spiritus Anticolicus of which the Sick may take half a Spoonful every Morning and Evening in a Glass of Ale or Wine and if it be vehement in all the Drink they take Salmon VI. The Cholick with a violent Flux of the Belly downwards and a vehement Catarrb upwards I have several times seen this preternatural Flux though it be not common Once I remember I had a Patient afflicted therewith and in a most deplorable Condition I Cured him by giving a Spoonful or Spoonful and half of my Tinctura ad Catarrhos Morning and Evening in a Glass of Ale and in a Weeks time he was perfectly well See it in my Phylaxa Med. Lib. 2. Cap. 9. Sect. 1. Salmon VII One Purge saith Rolfincius given with Judgment in the Cholick does that alone which ten Clysters will scarcely reach especially in the Cholick pain from Obstruction of the Excrements above the value It was observed when a Patient had thirty Clysters given him without any benefit that another Physician gave him an Ounce and half of Manna with two Ounces of Oyl of sweet Almonds in fat Chicken Broth and eased the Patient of his pain We in the West-India's in this case where the Constipation is great give a strong Decoction of the bitter Gourd or bitter Squash made in Water which effectually does the Cure at once if given in the beginning of the Disease Pulp of Colocynthis here will do the same In the West-India's where Peach-Trees are plentlful the Disease is Cured by taking three or four times Syrup of Peaches or by taking a very strong Decoction made of the bruised Leaves of the Peach-Tree Salmon VIII Sometimes when Clysters are given they come not away but almost suffocate by reason of their ascension be ing stopt by much Wind in this case if one two or more Clysters do not come away you must either put up a very sharp Supository or recall them with a small Clyster made of a strong Tincture or Decoction of Pulp of Colloquintida IX Where the Cholick proceeds from a kind of Glassy Phlegm weak Clysters may not be given made of Oyl Hiera and the like these though in a gentle Cholick may do some good yet in a violent one can do nothing rather mischief In this case nothing less than a strong Clyster made with our Tinctura Aurea see Phylaxa Lib. 2. Cap. 5. will do any good After the Clyster has been taken and is come away let the Patient be three or four times Purged with our Pilula Mirabiles see Phylaxa Lib. 2. Cap. 59. and he will be so perfectly Cured that the Disease will no more recur from that numerick Cause Salmon X. In a vehement Cholick with Obstruction of the Courses I gave the following things 1. I Purged the Sick well with my Pilulae Mirabiles thrice 2. I gave the following Powder Take Livers and Galls of Eeles dry them and make them into Powder Dose from one Drachm to two in white Wine Salmon XI A Venereal Cholick There is no better Medicine upon Earth then to give every day for a Week together if it has been of long continuance our Vinum Herculeanum a Sack Glass full at a time three or four times a day The way of making it see in Phylaxa Med. Lib. 1. Cap. 47. Sect. 15. It is much beyond all the the Spicy and Aromatick Things in the World Salmon XII A Clyster against the Cholick Take Decoction of Juniper Berries a Pint Spiritus Aureus one Ounce Aqua Benedicta four Ounces Oyl of Olive two Ounces mix them this works in a small time but which is admirable even before it works the pain ceases Salmon XIII Another Clyster for the same Take Decoction of Dates made in Mutton-Broth a Pint Vinum Emeticum five Ounces mix for a Clyster it gives ease almost in an Instant and brings away the morbifick Cause or Matter after a wonderful manner Salmon XIV Rondeletius saith that Castoreum and Euphorbium are of good use if the pain be constant and stir not from its place yea he estimates them not only as a present but as the ultimate Remedy If you take six eight or ten Grains of Castor in Wine and drink a little after it it will quickly Cure And five or six Gr. of Emphorbium may be Infused and taken the clear Infusion in the same quantity and manner XV. If the pain be in the upper part of the Belly above the Navel Clysters seldom do any good for they never reach the Morbifick or offending Matter yet sometimes even in these cases when the pain is very violent and the Humours crude Clysters may be given but they ought to be made of strong Attractives such as the afore-mentioned XVI This Clyster has done much good Take fat Broth a Pint Aloes dissolved two Drachms Turpentine one Ounce and a half or two Ounces Truly it is a Medicament not to be despised I remember once above all the rest of the times I used it I recovered a young Lady even from the Jaws of Death with it The Sick had been three daies and three Nights tortured with incessant Pain Clysters of most kinds had been given by an Apothecary by the Prescript of a Physitian moreover there had been given previous to those Aromatick Bolus's bitter Decoctions and lastly Opiates but all in vain nor could the Opiates do any good for that they constipated the Bowels much more which were before costive and so rendered the disease to all appearance uncurable so void of true Medical Sense or Knowledge were those Men of great names which had been before concern'd with her In short they neither gave her any Ease nor made her go to Stool so that what with the Anguish and Pain she was given over and lay for dead In this state and Condition a Gentlewoman then present moved that I might be sent for which was accordingly done when I came thither I viewed my Patient no appearance of Life could be discerned so that I had but small encouragement to act however being entreated by her grieved Parents I was perswaded even for their satisfaction The Apothecary was sent for and gave me an account of all that was done I could not forbear blaming the Physitians for acting so preposterously against the rules of Art as to prescribe Opiates in a Cholick with a strong constipation of the Bowels The Apothecary could no waies take their part but was of my Opinion But the business was now what was most fit to be done nothing could be given by the Mouth for her Teeth seemed to be set
accompanied with a Feaver in which cases as also in an Inflamation of the Colon this Remedy never fails XXIX This is also to be noted That where there is occasion of using my volatile Laudan Guttoe Vitoe new London Treacle or any other of that kind that they ought to be used while there is yet strength For if they be used when the Forces are wasted and the sick consumed or near death they will not only do hurt but also hasten the Patient's death taking away Life and Sense together Nor ought they to be given by any means if the Pulses be low languid and weak Yet if they be at all used they ought to be applied externally or only used in a Clyster in a proper Vehicle and the Clyster being given the sick to lie on the pained side Salmon XXX They are also most effectual if taken after Universals as proper and fit Emeticks or Catharticks or both such as we have before described And without these Preparatives they ought not indeed to be taken Salmon XXXI Authors say Clysters should first be given as of Oils alone from six Ounces to a Pound which the sick is to keep all night If evacuation of Excrements follow not that then exhibit five Ounces of fat Manna dissolv'd in Broth aromatiz'd with Cinnamon or other Spices for that by its softness moistness and subtilty of parts loosens and penetrates and by softning expels the Excrements If this does not Oil may be given again from six or seven Ounces to a Pound When the Excrements are brought away purge with this Take Sena an Ounce Aniseeds bruised a Dram and half Salt of Tartar one Dram Juice of Liquorice half a Dram spring-Spring-water a Pint make an Infusion over a gentle beat for twelve or sixteen hours and strain it out for four Doses This will effectually cleanse the Bowels and take away all the Excrements or remaining morbifick matter Or instead thereof you may use our Tinctura Aured from half an Ounce to a whole Ounce at a time till the whole Cause is removed Salmon XXXII Should the Disease yet return and the Cholick pains be violent there is a necessity of having recourse to Opiates You may give them from 2 to 4 or 6 grains of our Volatile Laudanum after which give this Take of our Spiritus Cosmeticus a spoonful or spoonful and half choice Canary six spoonfuls to eight mix them to be given immediately after and the whole Region the Abdomen is to be bathed with our Spiritus Anodinus And these things are so much the better if the Constitution be hot But if cold the morbifick matter is made thicker and the Disease becomes yet more stubborn XXXIII When the Bowels or their Tunicles are thus afflicted with a gross tough and cold matter heating things ought to be used whether they be Cathartick or Alterative only In this case you may purge with this Take of our Tinctura Aurea from half an Ounce to an ounce Powers of Anniseeds half an ounce mix them with a Glass of White-wine or Ale for a Dose An Alterative Essence of Garlick is an admirable thing for it exceedingly heats warms discusses Wind profoundly and withal prevents the breeding and increase of the cold flegmatick Humor XXXIV To make the Essentia Allii or Essence of Garlick of so great use in this case Take a large quantity of Garlick beat it well in a Marble Mortar and reduce it to an impalpable Pap as much as you can put it into a long-neck'd Matrass or large Bolt-head which seal up hermetically or otherwise well close it set it to digest in Horse-dung or a Sand-heat of equal strength for forty days Then open the Vessel take out the matter which will most of it be reduced into a slimy Liquor strain out the thinner part by pressing Digest again in a little Sand-heat or rather in B. M. that there may be a residence of the grosser parts The thinner separate by inclination which perfectly purifie by adding to every quart of the Liquor from half an Ounce to a whole Ounce of its own fixt Salt or for want of the same as much Salt of Tartar digest again for forty days then separate the pure from the impure and keep the Essence for use in a Glass close stopt It will keep a long time and be as it were incorruptible Dose from half a spoonful to one or two spoonfuls or more The Essences of Plants made after this manner will be transparent either of an Emrald green or of a red Oriental Granate according to the quality and quantity of Salt Sulphur and Mercury predominating in each Plant. Salmon XXXV To make the Essentia Apii or Essence of Smallage which is a specifick in this Disease Take a great quantity of Smallage when in Flower beat it well as aforesaid digest in a long-neck'd Matrass for forty days close stopt in a Sand-heat strain out the thin by pressing Digest again in a very gentle Sand-heat or B. M. to make a farther separation Separate the thinner by inclination which perfectly purifie by adding to each pint of Liquor from two Drachms to half an Ounce of its own fixt Salt or for want of it as much Salt of Tartar digest again for forty days then separate the purely clear and keep it close stopt for use Dose from a spoonful to two or three spoonfuls or more in a Glass of Wine This is a Medicament not enough to be valued Salmon XXXVI These Essences thus drawn from the whole Plant or its parts are purified and exalted until they arrive to the nature of their first Being which will eminently posses all the central Virtues of their mixt for here Art and Nature in this Preparation have preserved all the seminal Powers with which it was endowed and these Essences contain in themselves all the efficacy and Virtues of the Plants of which they are made The addition of the Salt of the Plant not only adds to its virtue but it also causes to separate all the heterogeneous and slimy matter which did hinder the exaltation and perfection of the Medicine and brings it to the highest clarity and purity imaginable If three or four Ounces of white Sugar be added to every Pint of the Essence it will not only help to its conservation but also be more pleasant to the Patient And withal if you put a little Spirit of Wine or instead of the Sugar five or six Ounces of our Syrupus Volatilis the Preparation will not be the worse for it Note also these Essences may be given in Wine Water Broth or Decoction as the sick best likes They restore decayed strength and bring Nature back again into its old path for the health and preservation of the Body Salmon XXXVII The Essence of Peach-leaves Take Peach-Leaves long before the Fruit is ripe so many as by supposition you may have six Quarts of juice from beat them well as before digest all according to the former method for forty days
I commend my Angelus Mineralis or my Piluloe Anglicoe if given according to the Directions in my Phylaxa Medicinoe Lib. 1. cap. 42 53. For they not only stop the Flux of Matter to to the part hinder the generation of new but also dispose the whole habit of the Body and all Humors thereof to a healing temper XXIX If there be an inward Aposteme Nature commonly breaks it yet things proper for the same ought to be given for which purpose some commend Anisated Balsam of Sulphur When it is broken and become an Ulcer it is clearly and fully cured by taking for some time or continuance Antimonium Diaphoreticum or Bezoar Minerale or some other more effectual refined Medicine made of Antimony whose Elixir Magistery Essence or Powers will perform things wonderful although they seem incredible to most not only in curing this Disease which is dangerous and hard to be cured but also other like Distempers which may at any time seize the Viscera XXX Some Men commend the Juice of Water-Cresses as also the Juice of Garden Cresses strained and drank for the speedy breaking of inward Apostemes in the Body This is good Take Mustard-seed grind it well with Water then with a sufficient quantity of Water wash out the Virtue from it which Water sweeten with Honey and drink it XXXI To ripen also an external Tumor you may apply a Cataplasm made of Water cresses and Garden-cresses beaten up with Hogs Lard A Cataplasm also of Goose-dung fresh and hot or of Pidgeons or Hens dung will do the same Or this Take Cresses cut and bruised well Goose dung Hens dung Pidgeons dung ana one handful Goose-grease eight Ounces with Pouder of Aron-Roots make a Cataplasm See my Synopsis Medic. Lib. 3. cap. 24. sect 30. CHAP. XIV Of the THRVSH I. 'T Is certain That every Thrush has its rise from a morbifick Acid and that is the true Reason they are so frequent in Children and in Children rather than in those of riper Age and this is first caused either from ill Milk in the Nurse spoiling the Stomach of the Child or from a natural Weakness of the part and sharpness of Humors there which curdling the Milk breeds or encreases the acid Humor so much 'till it comes to that acidity as to corrode the Skin so that the Mouth and parts adjacent seem as if it was a part scalded and in some as if it was scalded and the Skin rubb'd off II. The first thing therefore to be considered in the Cure is to absorb the acid Humor and that with all the speed that may be For the soreness of the Mouth though it be bad enough yet is not that which indicates the greatest danger inasmuch as the acid Humor may be carried down into the Bowels and do the same thing there at least cause gripings sharp prickings of the Bowels and sometimes a vehement Flux if not a bloody Flux which does not always go alone but are many times attended with dire Symptoms as Convulsions Fevers and the like III. It is also to be noted That where this acid Matter or Spirit extravagantly prevails in little ones by reason of the softness and ductileness of the parts the said acid penetrating and through a thousand Intricacies acscending up to the Brain being volatilized by the infant-heat and subtilty of the Spirits it strikes upon the Ventricles of the Brain and seizing as it were upon the Substance of the Brain contaminating all the animal Spirits with its acidity it forthwith causes an Epilepsie And this is the true ground of this Disease which so often and so much afflicts Children which might easily be preyented in the beginning were but care timely taken to depress the acid and sweeten the juvenile Juices IV. The next thing is to expel the Excrements or Matter contaminated with the acid We must not only correct or absorb the acid Humor but the Matter affected therewith must be expelled for otherwise it will lie both in the Bowels and Vessels and there corrupt or grow sowre again and indeed it easily resumes its former state V. The acid is corrected with Alcalies and such indeed are best which may best and with most ease and the least danger be given to Children Such are impalpable Pouders of Crabs Eyes Pearls Corral Salt of Tartar Lapis Haematitis Antimonium Diaphoreticum Bezoar Minerale Cinnabar of Antimony which last being levigated into subtil Powder is a most absolute thing Out of these things you may make the following Prescriptions or the like VI. Take impalpable Pouder of Crabs Eyes from one Scruple to half an Ounce Syrup of Poppies two Drams mix for a Dose Or this Take Bezoarticum Minerale one Scruple Syrup of Poppies or of Planiane enough to malax it for one Dose Or this Take Antimenium 〈◊〉 ten Grains Cinnabar of Antimony one Scruple All being in fine Pounder let them be given in a little Milk Or this Take Bezoar Minerale Cinnabar of Antimony in impalpable Pounder ana fifteen Grains mix for a Dose And some of these things are to be taken Morning and Night for four or five days These Doses are for elder Persons but if for Children you must diminish the Dose accordingly Ex. Gr. Take Bezoar Minerale four Grains Cinnabar of Antimony eight Grains mix for a Dose Or this Take Salt of Tartar eight Grains Cinnabar of Antimony six Grains mix them VII To carry off the morbifick Matter the vulgar Physicians commonly purge Children with Syrup of Cichory with Rheubarb and it may do indifferent well But Purges which cool the Body are here to be chosen Take Manna half an Ounce Extract of Cassia one Dram mix for a Dose Or the Manna may be made into a Syrup with Water and the Cassia dissolved therein Or two or three Drams of Cassia with two or three drops of Oil of Anniseeds may be given dissolved in Milk Or this Take Sena from half a Dram to a Dram Liquorice bruised half a Dram Anniseeds one Scruple bruised infuse twelve hours in a gentle heat in two Ounces or better of Water strain out and sweeten with Manna Or this Take Sena Liquorice bruised half a Dram Anniseeds Caraways ana ten Grains infuse as before in Water two Ounces for twelve hours strain and dissolve therein Cassia extracted from half a Dram to a Dram and give it for a Dose But if it be to be given to one of riper years you must double treble or quadruple the Dose according to Age and Strength VIII Fat and oily Things take off the edge of the acid but Opiates do it much better For this purpose you may give from ten to fifteen or twenty drops of my Guttae Vitae in any thing the Child drinks at bed-time I have found it very prevalent It not only blunts the points of the acid and dulls the edge of the sharp Homor but gives Nature rest and ease 'till she can recruit her self again as also it puts a present stop
to the flux of the Humor to the sore or raw parts Elder Persons may take my Laudanum Volatile from three to six Grains beginning with the smaller Dose first They that cannot swallow a Pill may take ten or twelve Grains of my new London Treacle in any fit Vehicle These things thicken the fluid acid so that it cannot approach with that violence to the diseased parts IX But whereas Opiates strangely disagree with some People my Tinctura ad Catarrhos answers all the Intentions both of sweetening and stopping the flux of the said Humour and it may be given even to Children with a world of safety and security from half a Dram to one or two in any proper Liquor which the Child will take See it in my Phylaxa Medic. Lib. 2. Cap. 9. Sect. 2. c. X. If an Epilepsie or Convulsion be present or feared you may give with it from ten Grains to fifteen or twenty of Cinnabar of Antimony or from six Grains to twelve of the native Cinnabar levigated into a very subtil Pouder purging presently after with some of the things before named XI If the Child be taken with a vomiting withal it certainly shews the foulness and dissaffection of the Stomach and then you must cleanse it with the most innocent Gilla Theophrasti or the Salt of Vitriol given to fifteen or twenty Grains which has this Property in it not only to cleanse the Ventricle of the sharp and acid Humor causing the Thrush but also even to heal the places already raw And in those of ripe years it is a most admirable thing if given from two Scruples to a Dram in Broth or some such-like XII Sylvius de le Boe saith be prefers a metallick or mineral Sulphur fixt above all in comparison of which nothing saith he that I have hitherto tried does so kindly certainly speedily and safely restrain those vicious effervescencies But what those Sulphurs are or how in his sense to be prepared he has no-where told us I am well satisfied that the Sulphur of Antimony if well made is a most admirable thing But then it must be given to Men and not to Infants Truly I cannot tell whether it may safely be given to Children in any Dose whatsoever or no especially as it is now made There is a Sulphur of Antimony that I know which may be so prepared as it may be given to little ones without danger but that is no where to be sold that I can tell of XIII Among the rest of the ordinary Remedies Lac Sulphuris is no mean thing and it may be given to Infants as well as to elder Persons with a very great advantage XIV Topicks must be also used to the mouth throat and afflicted parts among which elder Persons may use this Take white Vitriol Roch Alum one Scruple Plantane or Spring-water four Ounces mix dissolve and sweeten with Sugar for a Gargarism But Children to whom it cannot so easily be used must have the juice of baked Turneps to wash withal or swallow down or the juice of Parsneps baked with Milk These things are Balsams in their kind and besides their healing Property have a faculty of sweetning and taking off the edge of the acid XV. Moreover you may if you please sweeten these Juices with Honey or Syrup of Roses both which still contribute to the healing of the sore and raw mouth And if the Child has discretion enough it ought to hold the same in its mouth for some time And to these things you may add Syrups of Violets Jujubes Liquorice Lettuce juice of Purslane c for that they all blunt as it were the edge of the sharp Humor and withal contribute to healing XVI But that which is more observable and remarkable but only for Persons of ripe years is the use of Spirit of Wine or pure Brandy for that only held in the mouth and sometimes Gargled with for two or three minutes at a time and that four or five times a day and then spit out certainly heals and cures the afflicted parts to a miracle And though it may smart much at first it is vehement but for a while viz. for the first two or three times using of it afterwards it is easier and at length the parts are as it were pleased and refreshed with the use thereof and in the end it perfectly heals them And this it does not do only from its balsamick Property but also as it is an Alcaly and absorbs the acid in the Ulcer XVII Sylvius commends the Yolk of an Egg mixt with a little Rose-water and Sugar for that it draws to it the acid Humour that hurts the Stomach and so by degrees 〈◊〉 the parts affected and promotes the falling of the Thrush you may use it as the Turnep and Parsnep-Juice Concerning both which Juices you are to note this That they correct the evil Ferment both in Stomach and small Guts whereby the acid effervescency is hindred and the Disease the sooner cured XVIII While the Thrush is ripening to wit gradually falling from the afflicted parts a new Cuticle grows under it and covers the place and although this follows of its own accord by the Benefit of the Medicines now commended yet it will be promoted by Syrup of Red Roses Honey of Roses and the like Also Powder of fine Bole Terra Sigillata Crabs Eyes c. mixt with fair Water and Sugar or Honey and held for some time in the mouth promote the healing XIX This is also observable That as in the curing of other Ulcers Driers are used so on the contrary much spitting is good here as if the Patient was in a Flux for then it is cured with the more speed and ease In other Ulcers things that temper the acid Acrimony and then dry are used In this you must use such things as may temper the said Acid but withal moisten XX. AEtius commends Galls beaten and boiled in Water the strained Decoction made into a thick Syrup with Honey being rubbed upon the place it is good Others commend a Decoction of Cinquefoil Roots You may also if you please use the Leaves too A Decoction of Savory in Wine is said to do it in two or three days If it be malignant Hercules Saxonia used Lixivium of Tartar or Vitriol-Water by which he conquered them Joel first washes the part well then lays on this Take Honey of Roses half an Ounce Oil of Vitriol one Dram mix and make a Liniment This he says is a present Remedy whether in old or young XXI Goclenius advises for a Thrush in children this Take Roch Alum Sugar ana half an Ounce boil in Plantane water add Juice of Mulberries a sufficient quantity mix and wash the mouth often with it But Riverius saith that the best and only Remedy is Spirit of Vitriol or Sulphur if there be no Inflammation which in those that are grown may be used alone Dip a little Cotton bound to the end of a stick in it and give
and speedy suffocation if the congregated Matter be from Phlegm which refuses Repercussives And Humours extravasated sticking in the Flesh whilst thick cannot flow therefore they are to be made Fluxile with hot Remedies If one taken with a Quinsey do saith Wallaeus in the beginning of the Disease gargle with Spirit of Wine all Inflammations will cease in about three hours time XXIII There has been a great noise made in the World about the use of a Swallow's Nest but the Virtue truly lies in the Dung which is found in the Nest And because the Dung is full of nitrous Salt 't is possible it may have a specifick Virtue against this Disease and though it is sharp yet it is withal discutient and therefore may be proper where the Disease arises from thick Phlegm The Tincture of it may be made with Wine or Spirit of Wine and Water and a Gargarism made thereof to be used four five or six times a day hot XXIV Scultetus commends this highly in the beginning of any Quinsey whatsoever Take Plantane Water three Ounces sharp Wine-Vinegar one Ounce Sugar two Drams Saffron in Pouder half a Dram mix and make a Gargarism to be often used XXV Platerus commends the Juice of Tree Ivy swallowed slowly from three Drams to half an Ounce for that it both digests and repels Sennertus saith that the Decoction of the inner Rind of the Hazle or of the Barberry-wood is excellent So also a Decoction of Alder flowers and Leaves with Jews-Ears sweetned with Honey of Roses for a Gargarism An Infusion of Mustard-seed in Wine is also an approved thing XXVI Outwardly Things also ought to be applied to induce the ripening such as this Take of our Antidote one Ounce Hens Dung Turpentine Saffron ana one Dram mix them and apply it hot Or this Take a roasted or baked Turnep split in balves moisten it well with Balsam of Amber and apply them on both sides the Jaws warm But the old Remedy you know is Album Graecum dried poudered and mixed with Honey to be applied as a Cataplasm outwardly and to besmear the parts withal inwardly XXVII Some affirm that the Ashes of an Owl burne in an earthen Pot being blown into the Throat are a specifick against a Quinsie softning it to admiration and breaking of it Others commend as a great Secret this Take Nitre half an Ounce Cream of Tartar one Ounce white Sugar two Ounces make each into a fine Pouder and mix them which put upon the Part leisurely to dissolve there or make a Gargarism therewith with this following Water Take Juice of Housleek one Pound Sal Armoniack half an Ounce dissolve and filter through brown Paper XXVIII I commend this following as a thing I have had great Experience of Take Wine half a Pint Tinctura Stomachica a spoonful mix and give it for a draught It dissipates the Inflammation and by its heat it discusses the Tumor at three or four times using provided it be used at the beginning If used afterwards it does good either discussing the swelling or hastning the maturation it is certainly one of the best of Remedies in this kind but at first it seems to set on fire the whole Mouth and Throat afterwards it is more moderate XXIX Among the number of the rest of the Things which I cannot enough commend our Spiritus Anticolicus has place In Extremity the Parts ought to be smeared or moistened with it with a Rag alone or you may mix a spoonful of it with three four five or six spoonfuls of Wine and gargle with it often warm viz. five or six times a day XXX When a Quinsey is in beginning the only thing and truly the best of Remedies is to take about one ounce of our Spiritus Cosmeticus in a Glass of Sack this given two or three times is indeed an admirable Remedy for it not only discusses or dissipates the Tumor but it brings on a most necessary Diaphoresis by which not only the afflux of new Matter is prevented but the Disease and all its Relicks perfectly cast off CHAP. XVI Of Deafness I. YOu ought to consider whether there be a perfect deafness or a difficulty of hearing only If the deafness be perfect so that the Patient can hear nothing no not the very beating of Drums nor the noise of Guns or Cannon the Tympanum or Drum of the Ear may be supposed to be broken and therefore the Disease to be incurable In this case you ought to attempt nothing for you will reap nothing but Disgrace But if with much gaping hollowing or making a noise the Patient can hear you there is hopes and you may hopefully make a trial II. If Deafness is either attended or begun with Pain it is either through a sharp Vapour or Matter offending the Part In this case according to the Rule of Hippocrates Sect. 4. 〈◊〉 48. you ought to evacuate by vomit For Diseases as he saith in another place are to be discharged by the part next to them and to be drawn out by that part that has a passage nearest to them In Libro de Affectibus he advises That if pain arises in the Ears to wash in much hot water and apply a fomentation to the Ears that the Phlegm may be attenuated and the pain eased but if it cease not yet an emetick Potion is then best to be used III. There are many kinds of Vomits prescribed by Physicians as the Vinum Benedictum Vinum Antimoniale Aqua Benedict a Rulands and a great many more of that kind which without doubt may be profitably given But there is no Vomit which I ever met withal has out done nay scarcely equalled my Caetharticum Argenteum which may be given from two Scruples to a Dram in a little Posset-drink or Ale or in place thereof you may give from four to six Grains of our Impetus Mineralis in a little Conserve or Syrup taking a large quantity of warm Broth after it IV. Now this is to be understood when the seat of the Phlegm and cause of the Pain is above but if it lies lower or vomiting does no good cooling things must be dropt in and that actually cold as Juice of Plantane Fumitory and the like and a Potion or Pills must be given that purge downwards Our Vinum Catharticum is here of excellent use if you give a Potion but if the Sick loaths a Potion and you desire to use Pills our Pilulae Mirabiles are admirable given from twenty Grains to half a Dram If any thing can be said to exceed them it is the Pilula Lunaris given to six Grains which I have several times given with success even in this case See these Medicines in my Phylaxa Med. Lib. 2. Cap. 59 61 62. V. You ought also to consider whether the Pain and Deafness proceeds from a hot or cold cause though what proceeds only from those simple Intemperatures seldom lasts long yet you ought to have some respect to them because hot
means a great quantity of the acid Humor causing the Pain and coagulating the approximate Juices inducing the Deafness will be taken in a great measure away and that is done many times with one Blister which forty Purges and Vomits would not so well accomplish the Success of which having often tried this means I could not but commend to the Consideration of Artists XVIII Whatever Medicines you put into the Ear be sure they be warm unless some great occasion require the contrary but not very hot because the natural temperature of the Ear is cold and dry And be sure you put no new Medicine in 'till they are cleansed from the filth of the former The Sick ought to lie on the contrary side and the Medicament put in ought not to exceed four or five drops at a time The less unctuous the Medicament is so much the better for when it is gotten into the Labyrinth of the Ear it comes not easily out again Things more subtil and spirituous are much to be preferred in this case because they do their Work and then go away in Vapor XIX Dropping in Things into the Ears may do but syringing is much better provided it be done with a fit Instrument and a skilful Hand You ought not to syringe violently but leisurely lest by such a violence the Tympanum should be broke which would cause an incurable Deafness Moreover you ought to be very careful how you apply Topicks 'till Universals are premised though the afflux of the evil Humors be first abated XX. The passage of the Ear being very sensible you must be careful that you use not sharp Things yet Wallaeus boldly attempted the use of Unguentum 〈◊〉 and he saith that therewith he cured a sore Ear that ran with purulent Matter for the space of eight years And Petrus Johannes Faber saith That Nitre dissolved in strong Vinegar and often dropped into the Ears quickly cures any ringing or noise in them XXI Galen advises Opium dissolved to be put into the Ear and Paulus dissolves it in Milk for that purpose But these may be dangerous If an Opiate be required there is nothing better of that kind than our Guttae Vitae or Spiritus Anodynus for by reason of the heat of the Spirit and other Things joined with the Opium the Optate can do no hurt whereas otherwise it might stupifie and much encrease the Deafness and may destroy the Instruments of Hearing However Opiates of any kind must be given if the Sick be in danger of death by the Pain because the saving of the Life of a Patient is much greater than the Hurt should it be a total and perpetual Deafness XXII If 't is certain there is an Aposteme Authors say You may use Juice of Crowfoot 't is much commended but 't is scarcely safe because 't is very hot and corrosive If the Bone that is covered with the thin Membrane be comes carious after such Suppuration you must often drop into the Ear Spirit of Wine mixt with Honey of Roses Marcellus saith That Cows Milk two Ounces mixt with Honey one Ounce being dropt into the Ear and the Ear stopt presently with Wool or Cotton will wonderfully heal the Ulcer yea though it were cancerous XXIII Crato's Medicine for a Noise and Tingling of the Ears Take bitter Almonds blanched an Ounce White Hellebore Castoreum ana two Drams Costus one Dram and half Rue two Scruples Euphorbium half a Dram boil all in a sufficient quantity of Water for an hour over a gentle Fire then strain and drop of it warm into the Ear three or four times a day XXIV Sennertus advises to this Take Ox-Gall Goats Gall Juice of Onions ana four Ounces Vinegar Twelve Ounces mix and put them over a Chafing-dish of good live Coals and let the boiling Fume be taken up the Ear through a Funnel XXV A Deafness which had been of many years continuance I cured with the Powers of Anniseedss dropping them into the Ear but I purg'd the Patient four times with my Pilulae Mirabiles and drew several Blisters both behind the Ears and on other Places adjacent thereto XXVI A poor Man had lost his Hearing as some thought by the Pox falling into an Empericks hand he cured him by fluxing him with the following Medicine Take Turbith Mineral eight Grains Mithridate one Dram mix for a Dose It raised an effectual Flux which continued twenty four Days after which the Patient heard as well as ever he did in all his life Some may wonder at the Success because that some have wholly lost their Hearing or had it mightily depraved by this kind of Operation But this is not to be wondred at since that in some Bodies such Sulphurs abound as are not only able to fix the Mercury but also to condense or coagulate it which mixt with the Humors as it will be if much of it be used coagulates or thickens all the morbifick Matter contained in the part whereby the Organs or Passages are more firmly obstructed than before and a perpetual Deafness succeeds CHAP. XVII Of BUBOES I. A Bubo is a Swelling of the Glandules whether in the Throat Arm-pits or Groin and they proceed either 1. simply from the afflux of Humours caused by Cold or some other Matter 2. Or are complicate with Poyson and Venom as in the Plague or Pestilence and French Disease II. If it be a simple Bubo and indeed let it arise from what Cause soever whether simple or complicate if there be any hope of its breaking you must wholly desist from Purging and Vomiting for those Operations destroy the End of the Bubo since Nature thrustsout the offending Matter by those Emunctories and the nature of Vomiting and Purging is to draw from the Circumference to the Centre whereby the Bubo is hindred from rising and coming to its perfection In all these Cases Natures End in thrusting forth the Bubo ought to be promoted which is best done by a sudorisick means inwardly given and strong Attractives and Suppuratives mixed outwardly III. In order to this end you may give some few Gr. of our Laudanum Volatile or our Guttae Vitae or if for some particular Reasons Opiates are not to be given the Diaphoresis is to be promoted with Antimonium Diaphoreticum or Bezoar Minerale or with some more powerful Medicine as is Mercurius Sudorificus or our Angelus Mineralis or Angelick Pills or you may compound something after this manner Take of our New London Treacle twelve Grains Bezoar Mineralis sixteen Grains mix for a Dose Or this Take of our Antidote one Scruple Antimonium Diaphoreticum twenty five Grains mix for a Dose giving often one Ounce of our Aqua Bezoartica The Patient is to be covered down warm in his naked Bed and he ought to Sweat as long as he can well endure it or 'till Faintness after which let him cool gradually or by degrees Where Opiates are wholly useless give this Take Bezoarticum Minerale one Scruple Juice of Alkermes
in this I think Galen was wholly in the wrong I am clearly of the contrary Opinion for the curdy part of Milk is only Nutritive and the greatest part of it dissolves in the Stomach into a chylous Juice God Almighty Himself seeing it the best and most innocent Nourishment even for Infanes as soon as they are Born And who dares to doubt His Wisdom whilst the oily and serous parts of it cool moisten open cleanse and make slippery the Passages XIX Now things are said to open rather in respect to their emollient attenuating and discussive Qualities than to their Diuretick because there are many things-which powerfully open Obstructions that provoke not Urine at all amongst which are most bitter Herbs and Plants which open by a Specifick Virtue as Centory Wormwood Hops Gentian Carduus Camomil and Carminatives which do it by a discussive property such are Angelica Southernwood Parsly Smallage Anniseed Cuminseed all the sorts of Pepper Cloves Nutmegs Fennelseeds Caraways Carotseeds c. And Emollients which do it by their softning and making slippery such are Oil Olive Mallows Marshmallows Lillies Spinage boiled Onions Garlick Leeks c. But the true great and chief of all Openers is Iron and the aperitive Preparations thereof which do that in a Day which none of the others will do in a Month for which purpose I commend my Tinctura Martis as one of the most famous things in the World to which may be added Tinctura ad Chlorosin an approved thing for opening the most obdurate Obstructions XX. The Matter being prepared the next thing is to cleanse the Vessels and Passages of slime filth matter sand or gravel which does or may obstruct the Passages of the Urine and this is properly done with Diureticks of which kind of Medicaments Authors admirably abound We shall not here tell you all that has been said upon that Subject but rather give you an Abstract of the choicest and most approved Experiments of that kind Take of our Tinctura Stomachica two Dra. Juice of Garlick one Dram White or Rhenish-wine six Ounces mix for a Draught I have often proved it with good success Or this Take Juice of Onions two Ounces Juice of Hydropiper half an Ounce White or Rhenish-wine eight Ounces mix for a Draught I gave this to one in extremity a Woman that had not made Water in eight or nine Days it made her make Water and gave her ease in less than an hour Take Onions four Ounces bruise them Anniseeds Caraways ana two Drams bruised Infuse them all Night in White-wine then squeeze forth the Wine and let the Sick drink it it is a singular Experiment XXI Sennertus commends Lignum Nephriticum and Lapis Nephriticus and so does Experience too Take Raspings of Lignum Nephriticum two Ounces Spring water two Pound infuse 'till the Water is blewish for twenty four or forty eight Hours then decant for three Doses Or thus Take Raspings of the Wood two Ounces Spring-water White-wine ana one Pound digest for forty eight Hours then decant or strain out the clear for use for three Doses Or thus Take Raspings of Lignum Nephriticum two Ounces Winter-Cherries bruised one Ounce White or Rhenish wine two Pound mix digest forty eight Hours and strain out for use XXII Or you may draw forth the Tincture with our Spiritus Universalis after this manner Take Raspings of Lignum Nephriticum two Ounces Spiritus Universalis one Pound digest twenty four Hours so will a substantial Tincture he drawn decant and filtre to the filtred Liquor put Alchool of Spirit of Wine one Pound digest twenty four Hours more so will the Sulphur of the Wood be drawn into the Wine which you may decant leaving the Spiritus Universalis at the bottom with which you may perform the like again Dose one Dram to two in any convenient Vehicle as Waters of Onions Parsley or Hydropiper Mead White or Rhenish-wine or the like The Lapis Nephriticus is seldom given inwardly if you do it give the levigated Pouder from one Scruple to half a Dram or two Scruples in Syrup or other fit Liquor But the usual way of using the Stone is to wear it as a Jewel being tied to the Wrist or Arm or hung about the Neck or Hip. I once knew a Lady which experimented the truth of this as long as the Stone was tied to the brawn of her Arm she had ease and voided much Gravel continually upon making Water but as soon as the Stone was removed the Gravel stopt and the pains returned and that she might be sure this was the effect of the Stone she oftentimes laid it by for experiment sake and the stoppage and pains in some few Hours would return upon the taking it off and again upon the putting it on she would have as sensible ease and freedom of passage as before XXIII Trallianus Lib. 3. Cap. 39. saith The Herb Peony in Pouder drunk with honied Wine is an excellent thing against obstruction of Urine caused by a Stone so hard as not to be broken But the Tincture drawn from the Herb with our Spiritus Universalis as above directed and then with Spirit of Wine being drunk with the said honied Wine is much more effectual After the same manner you may make a Tincture of Golden-Rod which will be no less effectual for that the Crude Herb had been proved in this case in innumerable Persons as Carolus Piso saith with happy success XXIV Zacutus Lusitanus Praxis Lib. 2. Observ. 58. saith A Man sixty Years old of a cold Constitution was cured of the Stone by Purgations made of Turpentine which he took divers ways and a daily use of a Decoction of Lignum Nephriticum by which he voided red Gravel and a Stone and was well for two Years together His Disease afterwards coming upon him again Clysters Ointments Fomentations Plasters Phlebotomy Baths were all used in vain his Urine being retained eighteen Days he began to be afflicted with the Falling-Sickness by Fits and the Sick was given over as desperate at length he took Oyl of sweet Almonds with drops of Natural Balsam I suppose he means Balsam of Peru it made him void a clammy Humor by Stool and small Gravel by Urine and continuing the use of the said Remedy he voided with Bloody Urine a Stone of the bigness of a Date-stone of a purple colour long round rough and very hard and now making Water very freely he took a greater quantity of the Oyl of sweet Almonds viz. to three Ounces and the Balsam to the quantity of half an Ounce and in the space of ten days he voided sixty five Stones hard and of the bigness and shape of Vetches And with this Remedy alone he was preserved for the future for he used every Morning to take half an Ounce of the Oyl with six drops of the said Balsam by which he voided gravelly Urine and lived many Years By this Balsam Avenzoar saith he cured a Scrivener who was at
Death's door with the Stone If you cannot get the true Balsam Zacutus advises to use instead thereof Stacte which is the precious droppings of Myrrh and comes out of the East-Indies also from Peru which saith he works rare effects In the same Observation he saith That he had many times driven out great Stones that were firmly fixed in the cavities of the Kidnies by the Water distilled out of Green Tobacco which he gave the Patient to drink XXV Platerus in Lib. 2. of his Observations tells us He cured one of the Stone with this Julep Take Pellitory-water one Ounce Fennel water bean-flower-Bean-flower-water Julep of Roses ana half an Ounce mix them giving the Patient to drink after a decoction of Pease Bean-shales Parsly Roots and Restharrow-Roots Another he cured by giving 1. A Clyster 2. A Narcotick 3. Pellitory and turpentine-Turpentine-water ana half an Ounce by which the Stone got into the Bladder and then into the Yard and there stopt he sate in a Bath and a little after pissed it forth And by the taking of this following Pouder twice a Week a Spoonful at a time a Patient of his voided many Stones and the continued use of it prevented the pain Take Liquorice in Pouder half an Ounce dried Peach-kernels one Ounce Anise and Fennel-seeds ana two Ounces Winter-Cherries one Dram Gromwel-seeds half a Dram Crabs-Eyes two Drams Sugar-Candy one Ounce and a half make a fine Pouder He drank after it a decoction of Pease Parsley and Bean-shales with Butter and a little Salt And in Lib. 3. of his said Observations he commends this Take Turpentine two Ounces Honey one Ounce Yolk of one Egg grind them in a Mortar together 'till they are white then add White Wine pellitory-Pellitory-water bean-flower-Bean-flower-water ana one Ounce and a half Syrup of Limons or Juice of Citrons one Ounce mix them Dose one Ounce and a half The Sick took also these Pills Take Cyprus Turpentine half an ounce Sugar-candy two Drams with Syrup of Limons make Pills Dose one Dram at a time drinking after a decoction of red Pease but while his pain was great he gave him an Opiate and sometimes a cleansing Clyster of Whey Yolks of Eggs Turpentine and Honey Platerus gave this to a Patient thrice which had his Urine stopt Take Turpentine five Drams Yolks of Eggs two Honey one Ounce Wine four Ounces By the use whereof he avoided so many Rags that he wrote to him That a torn Shirt came out of his Bladder Thus was he cured and lived many Years after sound and with the same kind of Potion he cured a French Minister who voided the Stone with the first Dose XXVI I cured a Man after he had been twelve Years troubled with the Stone and Gravel with this mixture Take Venice or Strasburgh Turpentine four Ounces Oyl of sweet Almonds six Ounces Honey two Drams melt and mix them well together it opened the Passages made him presently piss freely and brought away a great quantity of Sand and small Stones He took it Morning and Evening half an Ounce or better at a time for three Months drinking after it Arsmart-water and was perfectly cured so that for many Years after he had not the least Pain or Symptom Another I cured with this Take Strasburgh Turpentine eight Ounces Yolks of four Eggs grind them together in a Mortar 'till they are white then add Oyl of sweet Almonds four Ounces and mix them well by grinding Dose an Ounce Morning and Evening drinking a Glass of Mead after This he continued for eight or ten Weeks it continually brought away Sand and large Gravel and he was perfectly cured Salmon XXVII Bartholinus tells us That he found no ease by any Diuretick except Bean-shale-water which brought away Gravel so that saith he more may be attributed to it in bringing away the Stone than to Millepedes And saith he Egg-shells are given with singular success after the Chickens are Hatched either to break or expel the Stone this Lithontriptick being reckoned among Secrets of this kind For this purpose Ludovicus Mercatus commends the Flower and Seed of Star-Thistle as a thing highly in request for purging and cleansing the Reins and Bladder daily experience saith he still confirming it giving two Ounces of the distilled Water in the Morning Fasting but an Essence of the whole Plant as we have taught in Chap. 5. Sect. 35 and 37 aforegoing is much better XXVIII Augenius in his Medicinal Epistles Lib. 12. Ep. 1 and 2 saith He has cured near six hundred of the Stone by this following Syrup giving three Ounces at a time with six Ounces of the decoction of Eringo for fifteen days together five hours before Dinner Universals being premised Take Saxifrage Knee-holly Eringo Lovage Restharrow Anise Fennel Parsly Grass ana half an Ounce Horse-Radish Roots two Ounces Leaves of Betony Burnet Marsh-Mallows Nettles Penny-royal Rocket Calamint Knot-grass Pellitory of the Wall ana M. qu. Winter-Cherries twenty Sebestens fifteen Seeds of Basil Burdock Parsly Seseli Millet ana three Ounces Bark of the Bay-Tree Root Liquorice ana three Drams Water five Quarts boyl 'till three Quarts only remain strain and with Honey two Pound Sugar four Pound make a Syrup and aromatize it with Cinnamon one Ounce Nutmegs half an Ounce Probably it may do good there is no Argument against Experience yet it looks like a hotch-potch of all together XXIX Crato in Consiliis saith That he prefers Eringo Roots candied or steeped in White-wine and Syrup of the Juice of Speedwel before all though saith he I am not Ignorant that the Roots of Brier and Restharrow do much good when the Stone is manifest And for the pain in the Kidneys caused by the Stone there is nothing saith he better than a Decoction of Speedwel or the Inspissate Juice thereof But an Essence of the Plant crude as we have directed in Chap. 5. Sect. 35 and 37 much transcends them both XXX Fresh Oyl of Hasle-nuts by expression given to three Ounces at a time every day for some time is commended as an excellent thing and a certain Physician attests That by the daily use thereof he has seen several Stones voided The same probably may be done with expressed Oyl of sweet Almonds as also with the expressed Oyl of Wall-nuts but more with the expressed Oyl of Orange Limon or Citron Kernels Outwardly also to anoint with this following Oyl it is of good use Take Oyl of Scorpions four Ounces Oyl of bitter Almonds one Ounce Palm Oyl six Drams Oyl of Juniper-berries half an Ounce mix them and anoint the region of the Loyns therewith Morning and Evening XXXI With this following Remedy I have done almost Miracles in expelling Sand Gravel and Stones out of both Reins and Bladder Take Balsamum Copaybae or as we call it Capivi four Ounces Yolks of Eggs four Oyl of sweet Almonds Honey ana three Ounces Oyl of Juniper berries one Dram Grind all together in a Glass Mortar 'till they are perfectly mixed and
keep the Mixture for use Dose from six Drams to an Ounce every Night going to Bed drinking after it three Ounces of the Essence of Speedwel in a Glass of Rhenish-wine and Sugar Salmon XXXII Beverovicius de Calculo Cap. 12. saith That when the ways are loosned I suppose he means with Oily and Mucilaginous things nothing is more effectual to remove the Stone than one Dram of Sal Prunellae to be given in Rhenish-wine warm by which Medicine alone saith he I have often brought away the Stone of the Bladder from Children Crabs-Eyes are of tenuious Parts and Diuretick they break the Stone and force it away by Urine especially the Liquor of them which prepared after this manner is best Take Crabs-Eyes finely poudred two Ounces Acetum Terebinthinatum four Ounces stop and digest for a Night in hot Ashes the next Day decant what is clear and pour on as much more repeating this work so often 'till all the Pouder is dissolved These Liquors filterate and evaporate to dryness and the Salt will remain at bottom which dissolve in a Cellar into Liquor per deliquium Dose gut ten or twelve in Horse Radish Water or some such like This Liquor is much more efficacious than the Crabs-Eyes in substance XXXIII Quercetan his Nephritick-water is of great account and it is thus made Take Juice of Horse-Radish of Limons ana one Pound and a half Waters of Betony Saxifrage Wild Tansey Vervain ana one Pound Hydromel Malmsey ana two Pound Juniper-berries three Ounces Seeds of Millet great Burdock Nettles Onions Anise Fennel ana one Ounoe and a half of the four greater cold Seeds Marsh-mallows ana six Drams burnt Egg-shells Cinnamon ana three Drams Cloves two Drams digest all four or five days in a gentle Balneo then strain out and distill in Ashes He says this Water does wonders in the Stone and against suppression of Urine Dose from two Drams to an Ounce He adds a Dram of two sorts of Lithontriptick Species to the Composition but the smalness of the proportion to the former large quantity signifies but little I am of Opinion the Juice of Limons alone depurated without that specious preparation or given in Malmsey-wine as Guarinonius advises may be as good it is found by experience effectually to purge and cleanse the Reins and to give help to many and that without any harm to the Stomach especially if sheathed with Honey or Sugar XXXIV Brannerus de Calculo commends the following Syrup as an excellent Remedy leaving no calculous Matter behind in the Kidnies if after Purging two Spoonfuls of it be taken at a time in the Morning Fasting Take Juice of Speedwell one Pound Juice of Ground Ivy six Ounces of Purslane three Ounces mix and make a Syrup with Honey one Pound and a half Both Helmont and Faber commend the Liquor of the Birch-Tree which we call Birch-wine as a Remedy that does not only expel the Stone and Gravel but also prevents the Bleeding thereof XXXV Riverius saith The Ashes of Egg-shells given from half a Dram to one Dram in White-wine powerfully expels the Stone lodged in the passages of the Urine So also the Salt of Bean-Cods and Stalks of which half a Dram in White-wine operates after a wonderful manner Also Tartar Vitriolate given in the same Dose Spirit of Salt is also praised some drops of it being taken in the Morning Fasting in Broth or some other Liquor as Wine Decoction of Eringo c. He commends this Potion not a little Take Strawberry and Saxifrage-waters ana two Ounces White wine six Ounces Oyl of sweet Almonds two Ounces Spirit of Vitriol one Dram mix for three Doses to be given six Hours one after another Take Sal Prunellae Crystals of Tartar Pouder of Ivy-berries and Leaves of Cresses ana partes equales with some proper Syrup make Pills of which take one Dram every Morning Fasting XXXVI AEtius Sextus Platonicus and Guarinonius do all of them commend a Hare baked in an Oven 'till it is dry then poudred but Poterius saith the Ashes of a Hare given from one to two Drams in Wine is profitable to expel the Stone some say to dissolve it as also to prevent its breeding for the future made into Pills with Turpentine it is indeed of good use The Pouder of Deers-blood given to one Dram is commended to expel the Stone as Hoferus affirms Motherwort and the Roots of Vervain in Pouder or the Essence of those Plants prepared as we have taught in Chap. 5. Sect. 35 and 37. and drank with White-wine or Mead a little warmed are incredible Remedies in removing all things that hinder the passage of the Urine as Hofman and Marquardus say XXXVII For Medicines given Clyster-wise Fontanus commends the Decoction of Millet given to half a Pint but without doubt it may be much more effectual if half an Ounce of Turpentine be added to it being first ground with the Yolk of an Egg to open its body XXXVIII Zecchius in his Consultations commends yea says nothing is better to bring away the Stone in the Kidnies than warm Water or Veal or Mutton or Chicken-broth five or six Ounces being drunk pretty warm Morning and Evening before Eating And the great heat of the Reins will be taken away which is the essicient cause of the pains of the Stone returning if boyled Water to the quantity of seven or eight Ounces be drank before Meals twice a day for nothing renders the Kidnies so free from Recrements and so temperate and their fiery heat is at length extinguished with the warm Water so that they can never after breed the Stone If to what our Author here says you add to each Draught half a Dram of Salt of Tartar or pure Nitre it will in my Opinion be much more effectual because those Salts do in some measure direct the Water to the parts afficted If also it be sweetned with Honey the Medicament will be still the better for that it will less disaffect the Stomach which in some People it will be apt to do Salmon XXXIX Saxonia in prescribing some familiar Purge for such as are troubled with the Stone mightily discommends the use of Cassia whether for Prevention or Revulsion Petrus Pigray Lib. 7. Cap. 4. says That Cassia agrees very ill with those that are troubled with the Stone Others say that Cassia has increased the Disease and that the heat of Urine always followed the taking of it Fabritius Hildanus tells us That two Ounces of Cassia being given one in a continual Fever it raised such a Flux of Urine that for three days together he made his Urine so hot every time that he thought a red hot Wire had been drawn through his Yard XL To all this we answer 1 That very famous Physicians no ways inferior to the former have constantly used Cassia with very good success Platerus scarcely gave any thing in the Stone without it and often gave it mixt with Manna And the learned
Compounds you may see in our Phylaxa Medicinae Lib. 1. and 2. Salmon LXI In a hot Cause and Constitution Barbet gives this Take Roots of Al theae one Ounce Liquorice two Drams Mallow-Leaves M. ij Melon-seeds half an Ounce boyl them in Barley-water in a Quart of the Colature dissolve Syrup of Corn Poppies two Ounces raw Crabs-Eyes bruised one Dram mix them Dose two Ounces three or four times a Day Or thus Take rose-Rose-water Strawberry and purslane-Purslane-water ana one Ounce Prophylactick-water Cinnamon water ana half an Ounce raw Crabs Eyes bruised one Scruple Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Fernelius his Syrupus de Altheae one Ounce mix them and let it be given by Spoonfuls LXII In a cold Cause and Constitution Take Roots of Rest harrow white Saxifrage ana one Ounce Liquorice half an Ounce Goats blood six Drams Crabs-Eyes bruised Nutmegs Cinnamon ana one Ounce Saffron three Drams Cloves two Drams Strasburgh Turpentine one Pound Spirit of Malmsey-wine five pound the Ingredients being cut and bruised digest fourteen days then distil in B. M. Dose one Ouuce Fasting and twice or thrice a day besides Barbet also saith That Cochinele being taken in fine Pouder in Rhenish-wine to one Scruple is a pleasant and sweet Medicine and of great efficacy LXIII Deckers advises the following Pouder Take Mustard-seed Tartar Vitriolate ana one Dram and a half Crabs-Eyes Salt of Bean-stalks of Broom of Rest-harrow of Pidgeons Dung ana one Dram mix and make a Pouder Dose from one Scruple to half a Dram in parsly-Parsly-water The Tincture of the Nephritick Stone is also very good but it is no where described but Moebius has this preparation Take Pouder of the Nephritick Stone put upon it rectified Spirit of Salt digest and there will be a green Tincture Dose from six Drops to twelve or twenty in Wine or proper Water Seeds of Violets are very convenient because they purge and expel the Stone especially if they be used in an Emulsion and is called by Schroder the Nephrocathartick Emulsion it is much commended both by Crato and Hartman and is a good thing against suppression of Urine LXIV Spiritus Acetosae Mineralis Take Tartar Vitriolate one Ounce Julep of Roses one Pound Cinnamon-water four Ounces mix them Dose two Ounces 't is an excellent thing Or Take Tartar Vitriolate one Ounce Radish-water one Pound Juice of Limons two Ounces Syrup of Corn-Poppies and de Altheae ana one Ounce Crabs-Eyes two Drams mix them Dose two Ounces Also Spirit of Juniper-berries affused upon Rob of Elder and Juniper and digested becomes of a pleasant red Colour and in Taste like Malmsey-wine and is truly a Medicine of great efficacy So also a Nephritick Liquor made of Nitre and Sal Gem calcin'd and dissolved per deliquium is a Nephritick of singular use LXV The Urinary Laudanum of Michael Take Spanish Juice of Liquorice dissolved in Winter-cherry-water one Ounce and a half Camphire one Dram Saffron four Scruples Winter-cherries half an Ounce Gum Tragacanth Mastick ana one Dram and a half Laudanum Opiatum two Drams mix them It is much commended for a peculiar Quality of provoking Urine opening Obstructions and expelling the same Michael his Nephritick Liquor Take Lynx-stone Jews-stone Nephritick-stone Sponge Crystal Crabs-Eyes ana q. v. dissolve them in rectified Spirit of Salt filtre the Solutions and distil to dryness so have you at bottom a coagulated Nephritick Liquor LXVI 〈◊〉 his Lithontriptick Pouder Take Crabs-Eyes prepared Goats-blood prepared ana one Dram and a half Jews-stone Nephritick-stone ana one Dram Pikes-Eyes Millet-seed ana two Scruples Crystals of Tartar half a Dram Salt of Tartar one Scruple mix and make a Pouder Dose from half a Dram to one Dram in any appropriate Water LXVII Forrestus his Decoction which some say exceeds all other things Take Red Tares three Ounces Barley hull'd two Drams Seeds of Marsh Mallows Mallows ana three Drams of the four greater cold Seeds ana one Dram fat Figgs nine Sebestens seven Liquorice scraped six Drams fair Water one Pound and a half boil 'till half be consumed then strain for an Apozem These Pills also are esteemed Take Pouder of Millepedes Crabs-Eyes Jews-stone ana one Dram Turpentine two Drams mix and make Pills Dose from half a Dram to one Dram every Morning Fasting Deckers his Apozem is yet better Take spring-Spring-water three Pound red Vetches hull'd Barley ana two Drams Liquorice bruised Juniper-berries bruised ana one Ounce Seeds of Daucus Violets white Poppies Nettles Mallows ana half an Ounce fat Figgs nine Sebestens seven boil to a Quart strain and dissolve therein Syrups of Corn Poppies of the five opening Roots of Diacnicu ana one Ounce and a half Spirit of Sal Armoniack one Dram mix them Dose six Ounces twice or thrice a Day dropping into it at taking 2 or three Drops of the Juniperated Balsam of Sulphur LXVIII The same Deckers commends this Mixture Take parsly-Parsly-water two Ounces Fennel and Treacle-water ana one Ounce Spirit of Vinegar half an Ounce Crabs-Eyes one Dram Oyl of Juniper-berries six Drops Spirit of Nitre one Scruple Laudanum Opiatum two Grains Syrup of the five Roots or rather Syrup of Corn Poppies one Ounce mix them If the same be great this Emulsion may be given Take Hull'd Barley boil'd 'till it cracks two Ounces sweet Almonds blancht Violet-seeds ana half an Ounce white Poppy-seeds one Ounce with a sufficient quantity of Barley-water make an Emulsion to twenty four Ounces of which add Diacodium Syrup of Corn Poppies ana one Ounce mix them He also commends to all the Spirit of Sal Armoniack given in Rhenish-wine or some Diuretick Spirit or Water as a Specifick Medicine not only to prevent but to cure the Stone if brittle or easie to be broken Universals being given before-hand LXIX Junken Medicus Pars 2. Sect. 1. Cap. 18. prescribes this Take Strawberries fresh gathered a Gallon Winter-cherries half a Pound Horse-Radish Roots scraped two Pound Daucus-seeds half a Pound Juice of Birch or Birch-wine twenty four Pound mix and distil in B. M. Dose frome one Ounce to three with Syrup de Althaea half an Ounce sweet Spirit of Nitre ten or twelve Drops Or thus Take ripe Strawberries four Pound Winter-cherries two Pound Malaga-wine two Pound juniper-Juniper-water of Parsly-roots ana two Pound Ground-Ivy white Saxifrage-roots ana one Ounce Peach-kernels two Ounces digest in a Vessel close stopt for a Month then distil Dose from a Spoonful to four in the Morning Fasting it is said both to preserve from and cure the Stone Again Take Crabs-Eyes Sperma Coeti ana half a Scruple Volatile Salt of Amber six Grains mix for a Dose and to be often repeated Or thus Take Wild Bryar Seeds half an Ounce Crabs Eyes pure Nitre ana one Ounce mix them Dose one Dram. Or thus Take Crabs Eyes one Scruple Volatile Salt of Amber six Grains Laudanum Opiatum one Grain or two mix them for a Dose Again Take Malaga-Wine one Quart Opium in pouder Salt
joined with a volatile Alcalie and such are the Spirit of Wine and Essence of the Blood Dose from ten to twenty or thirty or forty Drops in any convenient Liquor It opens all manner of Obstructions in any part of the Body provokes Urine powerfully and is an admirable good thing against the Disury and Ischury viz. where the Water comes scalding and by drops or where it is totally supprest IX I have found much good in this following for bringing away Sand Gravel or any mucous Matter obstructing the Urine Take Strasburg Turpentine two Ounces Oleum Petroleum one Ounce Oleum Anisii Baccarum Juniperi ana half an Ounce Millepedes prepared Earth-worms prepared pure Salt of Tartar volatile Sal-Armoniack ana three Drams mix them Dose from six Drops to twelve or more in a Glass of Ale Wine or Mead. Sometimes I prepared it thus Take Strasburg Turpentine two Ounces Oleum Petroleum one Ounce Oil of Limons Caraways sweet Fen nel-seed ana half an Ounce Crabs Eyes Goats Blood prepared volatile Sal-Armoniack volatile Salt of Amber ana three Drams strong Tincture of Thebian Opium made with the best rectified Spirit of Wine an ounce and half mix them Dose from ten Drops to twenty thirty or more according to age and strength in any proper Vehicle X. This is a thing I have often experienced with good success Take of our Spiritus Universalis two Pound brui sed Onions eight Ounces Parsley bruised four Ounces digest twenty four hours strain out by pressing then pass it through a Filter Dose from half a spoonful to a spoonful or more in a Glass of Ale Mead Wine or Parsley or arsmart-Arsmart-water Or thus Take common Spirit of Wine a Quart bruised Onions Aniseeds Parsley roots ana six Ounces mix digest three days strain filter and keep it for Use Dose three or four spoonsuls in any fit Vehicle XI Laurenbergius Riverius and others mightily commend this as a thing almost infallible Take pure Salt of Tartar one Ounce Parsley-water a Quart mix dissolve and filter it two or three times through brown Paper that it may become clear then put into it the fresh outward Rind of Orange peels so much as to colour it of a Citron-colour viz. about two Ounces after three days decant the clear and keep it for Use The Dose is a spoonfull or more in half a Pint of White or Rhenish-Wine or Wine in which Mustard-seed or Horse-Radish-root has been infused XII This is commended by some for to expel the Stone in the Bladder Take Millepedes prepared Bedugar or Sponge of the Briar bush seeds of purple Violets ana one Ounce Species Lithontripticae two Drams mix them make a Pouder Dose two Drams in ten Ounces of a Diuretick Decoction mixt with two Drams of Spirit of Juniper It was given at five in the Morning for some time and a little after a great quantity of reddish Urine came away with flakes like Scales of Fishes which was the Coat or Crust loosned from a larger Stone and by the continual use thereof the Sick was freed from his Disease XIII This has been approved of Take a Hare with young calcine it to Ashes these Ashes mix with an equal quantity of Sugar Dose two Drams in any convenient Vehicle as Syrupus Nephriticus mixt with a Glass of White or Rhenish-Wine But Arnoldus de Villa nova took a Hare and fill'd the Bolly with the skin Saxafrage Millet Lapis Lyncis Lapis Judaicus Lapis Spongiae Cinkfoil and golden Rod and then calcin'd it of which he gave a spoonful in a Glass of Wine every day it broke says he and forced away the Stone in the Reins and Bladder XIV I have often given this following Medicine with incredible success Take Strasburg Turpentine two Ounces Hercules noster half an Ounce Bezoar Minerale Crabs Eyes Millepedes prepared ana q. s. mix and make Pills Dose two Drams twice a day drinking after it the following mixture Take Rbenish-Wine eight Ounces Syrupus Nephriticus an Ounce Potestates Litbontripticae fifteen Drops mix for a Draught This I have also proved with good Success Take Balsam of Peru half a Dram Oils of Nard and Mastich ana ten Drops Oil of Juniper six Drops Lapis Judaicus prepared Crabs Eyes fifteen Grains mix and give it in White or Rhenish-Wine or a Decoction of Millet XV. If by these or some of the Medicines mentioned in the former Chapter the Sick receives no benefit you must come to manual operation how that is to be performed whether by the Apparatus minor or major we have taught in our Synopsis Medicinae Lib. 3. Cap. 16. Sect. 7. 8. to which we shall refer you But there is another way of taking out the Stone which is thus The Artist puts his Finger up the Anus and moves the Stone to the fore-part of the Belly and then by a hole cut in the Musculus Rectus according to the Duct of the Fibres above the Os Pubis he takes out the Stone by the help of the Lapidillium or a pair of Forceps The Operation being performed this way a dripping of the Urine need never be feared and besides a larger space is allowed to take out the Stone in However this Operations is not without its danger besides the trouble for if the Lips of the Wound made in the Bladder be not united to the Muscles of the Abdomen an Exulceration of the Bladder follows which both makes much pain and creates an Ulcer more incurable than the Stone it self Roussetus commends cutting in the Groin especially for Children and is approved by Hildanus in larger Stones which cannot be brought to the Perinaeum it being there taken out with less pain and danger of an Hemorrhage The healing of the Bladder is not extraordinary because it has fleshy Fibres by the help whereof and the innate heat the Wound is the more easily cured XVI Some inject by a Catheter into the Bladder thinking thereby to break the Stone for that the Medicines are not altered in their passage nor lose any thing of their Virtue as those do which are given by the mouth but reach the Stone immediately I have injected Opiates with good success for giving ease If the Liquors be sharp they ought to be such that breaking the Stone they may not hurt the Bladder as Waters made of the Ashes of Scorpions Parsley-roots Kneeholm Crabs Eyes Pellitory of the Wall Pigeons dung c. Baverius injects Petroleum in which Lapis Lyncis has been boiled and strained forth embrocating at the same time with a Decoction of Mallows He says it wonderfully breaks the Stone in the Bladder Or you may inject with this Take a small Lixivium of Pot-Ashes one Pound crude Opium two Drams mix digest twenty four hours then strain out the Liquor for use CHAP. XXI Precipiolum The Universal Medicine of PARACELSUS WHat we have aenigmatically delivered in our Doron Medicum Lib. 1. Cap. 27. concerning the universal Medicine of Paracelsus by reason of
it would neither move nor work for which reason you must consider and understand that all Metals are compounded of Mercury and Sulphur Matter and Form Mercury is the Matter and Sulphur is the Form According to the pureness of Mercury and Sulphur such is the Influence they assume XVII Thus Sol is engendred of most pure fine Mercury and a pure red Sulphur by the Influence of the Sun and Luna is made of a pure fine Mercury and a pure white Sulphur by the Influence of the Moon XVIII Thence it is that Luna is more pure than the other five Metals which have need of cleansing being cleansed they need but onely the pure Sulphur with the help of Sol and Luna Sulphur is the Form of Sol and Luna and the other Metals their other parts are gross matters of Sulphur and Mercury XIX Husband-Men know many times more than we do They when they reap their Corn growing on the Earth gather it with the Straw and Ears The Straw and Ears are the Matter but the Corn or Grain is the Form or Soul XX. Now when they sow their Corn then they sow not the Matter which is the Straw and the Chaff but the Corn or Grain which is the Form or Soul So if we will reap Sol or Luna we must use their Form or Soul and not the Matter XXI The Form or Soul is made by Gods help after this manner You must make a good Sublimate that is seven times sublimed the last time of the seven you must fublime it with Cinnaber without Vitriol and it will be a certain Quintessence of the Sulphur of that Antimony XXII When this is done take of the finest Sol one Ounce or of the finest Luna as much file it very fine or else take leaf Gold or Silver then take of the aforesaid Sublimate four Ounces sublime them together for the space of Sixteen hours then let it cool again and mix them all together and sublime again Do this four times and the fourth time it will have a certain Rundle like unto the Matter of the White Rose transparent and most clear as any Orient Pearl weighing about five Ounces XXIII The sublimate will stick to the brims and sides of the Vessel and in the bottom it will be like good black Pitch which is the Corruption of Sol and Luna XXIV Take the Rundle aforesaid and dissolve it in most strong Spirit of Vinegar two or three times by puting it into an Urinal and seting it in B. M. for the space of three daies every time pouring it into new Spirit of Vinegar as at the first till it be quite dissolved Then distill it by a filter and save that which remains in the Pot for it is good to whiten Brass XXV That which passed the filter with the Vinegar set upon hot Ashes and evaporate the Moisture and Spirit of Vinegar with a soft fire and set it in the Sun and it will become most White like unto White Starch or Red if you work with Sol which are the Form or Soul or Sulphur of Luna and Sol and will weigh a quarter of an Ounce rather more than less save that well XXVI Take an Urinal half a foot high and take of the firm body five Ounces of the Soul or Sulphur of Sol or Luna a quarter of an Ounce and of the Spirit four Ounces Put all of them into the Urinal and put on its head or Cover with its Receiver well closed or Luted Distil the Water from it with a most soft Fire and there will come off the first time almost three Ounces XXVII Put the Water on again without moving the Urinal and distil it again until no more liquor will distil which do 6 or 7 times and then every thing will be firm Then set the same Urinal in Horse-dung seven days and by the virtue and subtilty of the heat it will be converted into water XXVIII Distil or filter this water with stripes or shreds of Woolen-cloth a gross part will remain in the bottom which is nothing worth All that which is passed the filter congeal which will be about 4 or 5 Ounces and save it When you have congealed it three times melt ten ounces of the most fine Sol or Luna and when it is red hot put upon it 4 Ounces one Coppy said 13 Ounces of this Medicine and it will be all true and good Medicine XXIX Likewise melt Borax and Wax ana one ounce to which put of the former Medicine 1 ounce Put all these upon Mercury or any other Metal 3 pound and it will be most fine Sol or Luna to all Judgments and Aslays Thus have I ended this process in which if you have any practise or judgment and know how to follow the Work you may finish it or compleat it in 40 days XXX An Appendix teaching how to make Aurum Potabile Take Sal Armoniack Sal Nitre ana 1 pound beat them together and make thereof an AR Then take of the most fine Sol q. v. in thin leaves and cut into very small pieces which roul into very thin Rowls and put them into an Urinal or like Glass to which put the AR so much as to overtop it the depth of an inch XXXI Then nip up the Glass and put it to putrefie in Sand with a gentle heat like that of the Sun for 3 or 4 days in which time it will come to dissolution then break the Glass off at the Neck and pouring off the AR. easily and leisurely leave the dissolved Sol in the bottom and repeat this work with fresh AR. 3 or 4 times and keep the first water then put on a Helme with Lute and distil off in Sand Being cold break the Glass and take the Sol and wash it 3 or 4 times in pure warm water XXXII When the Sol is clean from the AR take of it and put it into the like Glasses with rectified S. V. 2 or 3 inches above it put it into putrefaction as before in Sand stoping the mouth thereof very close for 3 or 4 days then put the S. V. out which will be all blood red If any thing remains in the Glass undissolved put in more S. V. and let it stand as before Do this as long as you find any Tincture therein This is Aurum Potabile XXXIII But if you would have the Tincture alone distil off the S. V. with a very gentle fire and you shall find the Tincture at the bottom of the Glass which you may project upon Luna Gebri Arabis Summa The Sum of GEBER ARABS Collected and Digested By WILLIAM SALMON Professor of Physick CHAP. XXXVII An Introduction into the whole Work I. PErfection and Imperfection of Metalline Bodies is the Subject of this present discourse and therefore we treat of things perfecting and corrupting or destroying because opposites set near to each other are the more manifest II. That which perfects Imperfect Minerals is a commixtion of Argent Vive and Sulphur
perfect Luna XIII The Regiment of Luna Dissolve and Coagulate it 7 times or at least 4 times and to it dissolved adjoyn the fixed Rubifying Waters which we shall declare and you will find the body aptly solar for it agrees with Sol and remains quietly with it In this Venus admirably well purged and dissolved may be a great help to you because a most clean tinging and fixed Sulphur may be extracted from it And I tell you that Mercury purified and fixed has power to palliate or illustrate the foulness of imperfect Bodies and fixed Sulphur extracted pure from bodies to tinge them with splendor XIV Hence you may gather a great Secret viz. That Mercury and Sulphur may be extracted as well from imperfect Bodies as from perfect For purified Spirits and middle Minerals are an help and very peculiar for deducing the Work to perfection XV. Another Regiment of Luna This is to reduce it to a more noble state Take Luna dissolved 3 Pounds of Venus dissolved 4 Pounds of Ferment dissolved 1 Pound conjoyn the dissolutions decoct them sor 7 days with gentle fire in a sealed glass as in Mars with their whole water then augment the fire leisurely for other 7 days and let it be as a fire of Sublimation For other 7 days give it fire yet stronger that the whole water may be fixed with it This pouder reduce in a small quantity and if it retains with it self part of the Mercury which you will easily perceive if you know how to calcine it is well indeed but if not put it again to be fixed until it is sufficiently fixt This must be reduced with red reducing Medicines so will you find your Luna tinged transmuted and fixed XVI The Ferment of Luna for the White It is made by dissolving Luna in its own Corrosive water and then boiling this water away to a third part it is to be exposed to the Air or set in B. M. or in Dung for certain days so will it be Oyl of Luna and Ferment which keep for the White Work XVII The Ferment of Ferments upon Mercury for the White Take of the Ferment of Luna which is its Oyl add to it twice as much of Arsenick sublimed and dissolved in water Quaer what Water then to both these add of Mercury dissolved as much as of the Arsenick mix the Waters set them over the fire for one day to be incorporated then draw off the water by an Alembick and cohobate fifteen times so incerating it will be fluid as fusible Wax Add to it as much Virgin-Wax melted commix them and project the mixture upon Mercury washed Quaere What is meant by washing here according as you see fit for that resolved is augmented in Virtue and Weight XVIII A Work upon Luna and Mercury Take Litharge Salt of Pot-Ashes mix and make a Cement Put the Cement first into a Crucible an Inch thick upon which put a Ball of the Amalgamation of Mercury and Luna upon which put the remainder of the Cement that the Ball may be in the middle Dry lute and set the Crucible in a gentle fire for half a day leisurely augmenting the fire and so continue its leisurely in crease from the Evening unto the dawning of the day with moderate ignition at last then take it out and prove it by Cineritium and it will be Luna in weight and surdity and much better in fixation XIX Another Work Amalgamate Luna with Mercury to which add as much Saturn as there is Luna put it into such a Crucible that a fourth part of it may be empty Affuse on it Oyl of Sulphur and decoct it unto the consumption of the Oyl Afterwards keep it for two hours in a moderate fire and there will be generated a black Stone with a little Redness This Stone prove by Cineritium and you will find your Luna augmented in Weight Surdity and Fixation XX. Another Work Take Luna amalgamated with Mercury Grind it with twice so much Metaline Arsenick to which a tenfold proportion of amalgamated Venus viz. That the Amalgamation of Venus may be 10 times as much as the whole Amalgama of Luna and Mercury mixed with the duple quantity of Arsenick grind the whole and fix Then reduce it into a Body and you will find a good augmentation XXI Of the Citrination of Luna or tinging its Body yellow Dissolve 〈◊〉 Philosophick Zyniar which is Verdigrise deduced from Venus prepared in the water of the dissolution of Luna Aqua Fortis to which adjoyn half so much as its self is of Mercury rubified by sublimation and in some sort fixed and dissolved to these add as much of Luna dissolved as the Zyniar Verdigrise is from which fermented for one day extract the water by distillation and cohobate 10 times then coagulate and reduce into a body and you will find it a good Work XXII Or thus Dissolve Zyniar 1 Ounce and our Crocus prepared with Mercury sublimate till it wax red 1 Ounce add as much Sal Armoniack and sublime it thrice from that Crocus which dissolve To which add of Luna dissolved 2 Ounces Then do as in the former incerating and reducing and you will find satisfaction XXIII Or thus Take of Crocus and Zyniar dissolved ana add as much Sol dissol ved incerate as before then coagulate to the coagulate add a fourth part of its weight of the Oyl of Salt-peter and project upon so much of Luna and will be a Tincture of a Citrine aspect XXIV Or thus Make a Water of our Zyniar and of our said Crocus and imbibe the Calces of Sol and Luna of each equal parts therewith until they have drunk in their own weight of it Then incerate with the Oyl of Sal Armoniack and Nitre and reduce the Mass into a Noble Body XXV Or thus Sublime Sal Armoniack from our greenness to which add Crocus and Zyniar from which well commixed sublime the Sal Armoniack and repeat it twice or thrice Then dissolve the whole to which add a third part of Gold dissolved incerate as before and congeal then project upon Sol 1 ounce Luna 2 Ounces mixed together and it will be good CHAP. XLVII Of the Alchimie of Sol. I. PErfect Bodies as Sol is need no preparation in relation to their farther perfection but that they may be more subtilized and attenuated we give you this Preparation Take Leaves of fine Sol which lay stratum superstratum with common Salt well prepared in a Vessel of Calcination Set it into a Fornace and calcine well for 3 days until the whole be subtily calcined Then take it grind it well wash it with Vinegar Quaer Whether Spirit of Vinegar or some other acid Spirit and dry it in the Sun Then grind it well with half its weight of prepared or purified Sal Armoniack and set it to be dissolved until the whole by help of the Common Salt and Sal Armoniack is reduced into a most clear water This is the pretious ferment for
Medicina Practica OR Practical Physick SHEWING The Method of Curing the most Usual Diseases happening to HUMANE BODIES As all Sorts of Aches and Pains Apoplexies Agues Bleeding Fluxes Gripings Wind Shortness of Breath Diseases of the Breast and Lungs Abortion Want of Appetite Loss of the use of Limbs Cholick or Belly-ach Apostems Thrushes Quinsies Deafness Bubo's Cachexia Stone in the Reins and Stone in the Bladder With the Preparation of the Praecipiolum or Universal Medicine of Paracelsus To which is Added The Philosophick works of Hermes Trismegistus Kalid Persicus Geber Arabs Artefius Longaevus Nicholas Flammel Roger Bachon AND George Ripley All Translated out of The best Latin Editions into English and Carefully Claused or divided into Chapters and Sections for the more Pleasant Reading and Easier Understanding of those Authors Together with a singular Comment upon the First Book of HERMES the most Ancient of Philosophers The Whole Compleated in Three Books By WILLIAM SALMON Professor of Physick Living at the Blue-Ball by the Ditchside near Holborn-Bridgè London Printed for T. Howkins in George-Yard in Lombard-street J. Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard and J. Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey 1692. Medicina Practica OR Practical Physick CONTAINING The way of Curing the more Eminent and Usual Diseases happening to HUMANE BODIES As all Sorts of Aches and Pains Apoplexies Agues Bleedings Fluxes Gripings Wind. Shortness of Breath Miscarriage Want of Appetite Use of Limbs lost Collick or Belly-Ach Hysterick Colicks Apostems Thrushes Quinsies Deafness Buboes Cachexia Diseases of the Breast Stone in the Reins Stone in the Bladder Whereunto is annexed The preparation of the Praecipiolum of Paracelsus 2. The Key of Helmont and Lully 3. The Opening of Sol and Luna By WILLIAM SALMON Professor of Physick The First BOOK LONDON Printed by W. Bonny for T. Howkins in George-Yard in Lombard-street and J. Harris at the Harrow in the Poultrey 1692. Errata sic Corrigenda PAge 61. b. line 19. for Pounds read 〈◊〉 pag. 165. b. l. 23. r. Receiver half full of Water pag. 191. a. l. 16. for strange r. strong pag. 191. b. l. 31. for Word r. Work pag. 201. a. l. 22. r. should not be pag. 209. b. l. 4. for noly r. only pag. 236. a. l. 6. for Fire r. force pag. 251. b. l. 23. for removed r. renewed pag. 267. b. l. I. 15. for Coler r. Color Colors pag. 267. b. l. 31. r. Mercury pag. 275. b. l. 6. r. Matters pag. 316. b. l. 9. r. impalpable pag. 316. b. l. 33. r. difficult in respect of the. pag. 342. a. l. 8. r. Venus and Mars by reason of the Oleagenity of Sulphur which is most easily burnt pag. 352. l. 4. r. CHAP. XLII pag. 395. b. l. 13. r. Inimical pag. 3. 6. b. l. 17. 18. r. in this Chap. 47. Sect. 11. 12. aforegoing pag. 497. b. l. 8. r. 〈◊〉 pag. 527. b. l. 7. r. equally pag. 543. a. l. 13. for which r. with pag. 629. b. l. 20. for Dosocourse r. Dis-course What other Litteral Errata you shall find pray be pleased to Correct also with your Pen. THE PREFACE THE intention of a Preface is to inform the Reader of something which the Book it self cannot tell him of and this matter relates for the most part either to the Authors of the Work or the Matter of the Book Now this following Work has had many Authors some of which are of great Antiquity and Veneration and their Works are valuable for that they are some of them the first things which were written in the World 2. The first Book of Practical Physick is for the most part of it my own deduced from a large Series of Experiences The Author of which was only the Translator and 〈◊〉 of the other parts of this work who in a succinct method has taken the pains to clause them viz. to divide them into Chapters and Sections for the more pleasant reading and easie understanding the minds of the said Authors and withal has given you a brief Comment or Explication of the first Book of Hermes who was one of the first and 〈◊〉 Ancient Writers 3. This Hermes Trismegistus who was also the Author of the Divine Pymander lived as some suppose a long time before Moses He received his Name of Hermes Trismegistus i. e. Mercurius ter Maximus The thrice greatest Intelligencer because he was the first Intelligencer who communicated knowledge to Mankind by writing 4. He is reported to have been King of Egypt without doubt was an Egyptian and if you believe some Jews even their 〈◊〉 And for the justification of this they urge this Philosophick Work for that it is by all confest to be originally written in the Hebrew Tongue which he would not have done had he not been an Hebrew but rather in his Egyptian Language 5. But whether he was Moses or not it is certain he was an Egyptian even as Moses himself also was and therefore for the Age it may be supposed without much Controversie that he lived much about Moses's time if he was not Moses but another Egyptian it is more than probable that he was King of Egypt for as Franciscus Flussas thinks being chief Philosopher he was according to the Egyptian Customs preferred to be chief of the Priesthood and from thence to be the Chief Governour or King 6. And as Paracelsus and Nollius say He was called Ter Maximus for having a perfect and exact knowledge of all things contained in the World as this Aureus or Golden Tractate and his Divine Pymander witness which things be divided into three Kingdoms Mineral Vegetable and Animal in the knowledge and understanding of which three be excelled and transmitted to Posterity tho in an AEnigmatical stile the description of the Philosophers Quintessence or Universal Elixir which he made as the Receptacle of all Caelestial and Terrestial Virtues 7. This Great Secret he discoursed and delivered in the following work part of which is also said to be found ingraved upon a Smaragdine Table in the Valley of Ebron Johannes Functius in his Chronology says he lived in Moses his time Twenty one Years before the Law was given in the Wilderness that of Suidas seems to confirm it who says Credo Mercurium Trismigistum sapientem Egyptium floruiffe ante Pharaonem But this of Suidas may be applyed to several Ages for that Pharaoh was the General Name of many of their Kings Or possibly it was intended for some of those times before the name of Pharaoh was given to their supream Governours which if so must be more than 400 years before Moses yea before Abraham's descent into Egypt 8. In this Book our Hermes gives you to understand that he had the Great Secret of the Philosophick Work and without doubt if God ever appeared in any Man he appeared in him as is evident both from this Book and his Pymander In which Works he has communicated the sum of the Abyss and the Divine knowledge to all
I immediately bethought of the former Clyster which was presently given and in half an hour came away with many hardned Excrements after which the Sick was discerned to breath I caused the same Clyster to be administred again and all the Region of the Abdomen to be bathed very well with Powrs of Amber and a Flannel moistned with the same to be laid hot over the afflicted Parts The Clyster stayed Two Hours with the Sick and then came away with more hardned Excrements after which she opened her Eyes and seemed to move her self and in about six hours time speak The first Clyster was given about Ten in the Morning the second before Eleven About Eight at Night I prescribed this Take Mutton Broth three quarters of a pint Aqua Benedicta three Ounces Venice Turpentine two Ounces Oyl one Ounce mix and make a Clyster She confessed she had great Ease before this was exhibited but after she had received this last she confess'd she was in perfect Ease it came away from her in about an hour and quarters time After which I first gently purged her with a Dose of my Family Pills then with two Doses of my Pilulae Mirabiles but withal giving her respite to recover Strength after which she constantly took my Spiritus Anticolicus in all her Drink and became perfectly well Salmon XVII A Cholick proceeding from Gravel obstructed in the Reins It was plainly perceived to be an Obstruction of the Reins because the Sick could not make Water I prescribed the last of the afore-going Clysters which was repeated three times once every day and the Patient by this means alone was perfectly cured And this might possibly be performed by the Balsamick and Diuretick Particles of the Turpentine being received into the Lacteal Veins whereby it was mixed with the Lacteal Juice and so entred into the mass of Blood and was circulated with it whereby altering its Crasis it opened the Obstructions of the Passages and so provoked Urine for alwaies after the Clysters the Sick made a very large quantity of Urine This thing I have many times experienced Salmon XVIII In some Patients the best Clysters do little good and by I know not what hidden cause the Pain in a day or two or three returns again as bad as ever or worse these by the following suppositories have not only found present Ease but the Cure has succeeded as if it had been done by Inchantment Take Honey One Ounce boiled to a thickness that it may be wrought with ones Finger then add in Powder Sal Gem two Scruples Troches Alhaudal half an Ounce and with distilled Oyl of Wax ten drops make and form a Suppository which let be put up in the Paroxysm XIX Whether the Cholick comes from Choler or Vitreous Flegm sharp and emollent Clysters are of excellent Use And sometimes Clysters made only of Oyl on of Oyl three parts Turpentine one part have saved the Life of a Patient For since the Cholick is caused by the Colons being obstructed by plenty of Matters above Wind in the middle and a great quantity of hardned Excrements below whereby the Wind can neither get up nor down or get out It is necessary first of all to open the lower Passages and to help the dryness of the Bowels which may be done by Lenitive and Emolient Clysters and if the matter be tough and viscous by sharp inciding and attractive ones such as we have before described which must be so long continued till all the hardned Excrements are taken away Nor must Oyl be omitted because it mollifies and loosens much more than any Aqueous Body and leaves the Bowels in a better temper Salmon XX. Fienus advises to mix Narcoticks or Opiates with Purgers And this may be good where the Constipation is not Great for by this means the sick has present ease the tough flegm or matter is afterwards carried off and the wind descending into the Colon is discussed In this case take this Take Extract of fine Aloes one Scruple Scammony in fine Powder eight Grains of our Volatile Laudanum with Aloes five or six Grains Mix and make a Dose to be given at night Salmon XXI Bartholinus saith that Clysters of Tobacco-Smoak are excellent and a present help There is a Pipe made on purpose for this use but the Smoak may be blown up the Anus by a common Tobacco-pipe which for the most part effectually brings away the hardest Excrements discusses Wind and even cleanses the Intestines of cold glassie Phlegm XXII An Electuary to purge with in a Cholick Take of Dates pulp of Raisins of the Sun of each half an Ounce Scammony in fine Powder twelve Grains Bezoar mineral a Scruple Mix them for one Dose Salmon XXIII If the Excrements be very muchhardened Clysters of pure Oil ought first to be given then such as are more sharp For the Oil first dissolving the Excrements they are the more easily brought away by a sharp Clyster such as this Take Broth Oil Olive of each seven Ounces Elixir proprietatis sine Acido one Ounce and half mix them 'T is a thing beyond Commendation if seasonably used XXIV If the Cholick proceeds of billious humours whereby the Constipation of the 〈◊〉 vehement one of the 〈◊〉 of simple things is Syrup of Peach-blossoms three Ounces given at a time Or this Take Extract of fine Aloes Calomelanos in fine Powder ana one Scruple Scammony seven Grains mix and make Pills for one Dose it seldom fails Or Take pulp of Raisins half an Ounce Calomelanos a quarter of an Ounce mix for a Dose After which drink an Infusion of Sena and Rheubarb sweetned with Manna and Syrup of Roses After the Purge has done working give eight or ten Ounces of Oil of sweet Almonds and let the sick repose himself Salmon XXV Rondeletius tells us he has cured several with a Clyster made of Decoction of Hedge-mustard especially being made with Wine You may sweeten it with Honey XXVI Hercules Saxonia saith I mustingenuously confess I have cured several in one day with this Medicine Take Diaphoenicon half an Ounce 〈◊〉 Hiera three Drams or a Bolus XXVII in some cases especially where Convulsions attend a Cholick it is good to make Revulsions by vomit Some prescribe a Vomit by Leaves of Asarabacca and it is a good one But there is no better Emetick for this purpose than our Pulvis Emeticus or our Cartharticum Argenteum The first may be given from three Grains to six or eight in Broth or Posset drink the second to a Dram or a Dram and half in like manner They are easie and safe Salmon XXVIII Insome Constitutions troubled with a Cholick Wine and strong Liquors are very pernicious and always generate the matter causing those pains In those cases drinking of Water is the only remedy and Fountain-water in which Sal Prunella a Scruple to half a Pint is dissolved and well sweetned with Sugar and this is always certain in a bilious Cholick especially if
the Gold Take the Gold which you have scraped out of the Retort and pouder it very small in your Glass Mortar with which mingle your Mercury by degrees or by little and little your Mercury will hardly mix with your Gold the reason is the Gold is full of the Praecipiolum and then it is time to separate the Praecipiolum from the Gold and Mercury which is a Womans work when her Cloths are foul she washes them from their foulness The same way you must cleanse or separate the Praecipiolum from the Gold and Mercury as followeth XI When you have the sign that your Mercury will hardly amalgamate or mix with your Gold or that the Gold will not enter into the Mercury then pour on it the fairest Water distilled Water is best three Fingers breadth above the Sol or Luna and Mercury which wash together in the Mortar with a Pestel very well till the Water is blewish black then it is a sign that the Gold le ts fall its Tartar or Praecipiolum into the Water Pour off this Water into a Glass but be careful that not any of the Mercury goes off with it for this Mercury will no more mix with common fair Water than Oil and Water will mix Put more fresh Water upon your Gold and Mercury and wash it again 'till the Water is blew again pour it off as aforesaid Thus continue washing 'till your Water remains white Put this last Water to the other Waters in the Glass and cover the Glass very close that not any foulness may fall into the Glass XII The Praecipiolum being thus washed away the Mercury will again amalgamate with the Gold as Oil will dissolve Wax Take the Amalgama dry it upon warm Ashes very softly with a Sponge or on Paper and by a little heat that the Amalgama may be dry which put again into the Retort and distil it as aforesaid by Sect. 8. 9. so long 'till the Gold will hardly Amalgamate with the Mercury then separate the Praecipiolum as aforesaid by Sect. 10. 11. XIII Now observe I gave you a charge that you should keep your Glass close wherein you put your blewest Water which will be clear and a Pouder at bottom which is some of the Praecipiolum The clear Water pour off without disturbing it as soon as you can into another Glass Now when you see that your Gold will hardly mit with your Mercury or not without great trouble pour the same Water which you poured off from the Praecipiolum upon your Amalgama and wash it again 'till the Water is blewish as aforesaid which pour off and continue so doing 'till the Water is colourless by Sect. 11. XIV Then take the Amalgama again and dry it and repeat the same Work again by Sect. 12. 'till you have the sign which wash again with the aforesaid Water by Sect. 13. and you will find that your Praecipiolum will 〈◊〉 daily This distillation and washing you shall continue 'till the Mercury is freed from the Mercurium coagulatum or Praecipiolum XV. Observe that as the Water grows less you add to it as need requires fresh Water Now the sign when the Mercury has lost all its Sperm or its Tartar or Coagulum or Praecipiolum is That that Mercury will Eternally Amalgamate with the Gold so that they will always mix well together And if you should a thousand times Amalgamate that Gold and Mercury and as often distil the one from the other yet they will still Amalgamate again or mix And if you should wash them a thousand times with fresh Water the Water will be clear and not blewish As long as any Salt or Praecipiolum is in the Mercury you cannot distil two three or four times the Mercury from the Sol but it will be difficult to Amalgamate or mit the one with the other and when you will have it to mix you must wash it and then it will Amalgamate well again But when that the Salt or Praecipiolum is all separated from the Mercury it will Amalgamate or mit after a thousand distillations as aforesaid And if it be wash'd a thousand times the Water will always be clear XVI To prepare the Praecipiolum to a Medicine Pour the clear Waters from the Pouder which lies at the bottom in the Glass that no Water may be left on the Pouder put the Glass on a little warm Ashes that the Pouder may dry which will look blewish Yellow Put this Pouder into a little Cucurbit Glass or Bolt-head and distil off from it the Water of Eggs five or six times or so long 'till the Pouder becomes Red and distil off from it five or six times Spirit of Wine so is it fitted for Medicine Dostwo or almost three Grains XVII To make the Water of Eggs. Take a good quantity of Eggs boyl them very hard take the Whites and cut them very small and distil them in an Alembick per Cineres very softly 'till you have got all the Water from the Whites then take the Egg-shells calcine them put them into a Retort put upon them the former that is their own Water and distil per Arenam with a strong Fire put this Water upon Ashes again and distil it again Thus continue it five or six times so the Water will be fitted for the Praecipiolum XVIII The Philosophers Key which is the Sal Prae cipioli or Salt of the Mercury coagulate You may remember that I gave you Instruction that you should pour off the clear VVater from the Praecipiolum and you should make dry the Praecipiolum and bring it into a Medicinal red Pouder Or you should bring it into its first Matter which shall bring all Mettals principally its own Body into its first Matter which cannot be done without the Sal Praecipioli which is hidden in the VVater you pour off from the Praecipiolum That same VVater filtre through brown Paper and set the VVater to evaporate in a round Glass very softly in Ashes VVhen the VVater is evaporated away you will find at the bottom of the Glass a yellow whitish Salt which is Sal Praecipioli and the Clavis Philosophorum wherewith they do unlock the Lock of the Praecipiolum which brings the same into its first Matter If you know not this Salt you know nothing of the true Chymistry This Salt does decrease in the decrease of the Moon and increase in the full One Grain will purge very safely all Podagra's Struma's venerial and hydropical Humors with two Grains of the Praecipiolum prepared XIX To bring the Praecipiolum into its first Matter or slippery Water Take of the Salt p. 1. of the Praecipiolum p. 2. being dry first dissolve the Salt in warm Water and put it upon the Praecipiolum and evaporate it away very gently in warm Ashes with a very gentle fire then is the Praecipiolum with its own Salt put it into a little Retort nip up the neck of the Retort very close put it into Balneum
Vaporosum and let it stand 〈◊〉 Weeks in digestion or to putrifie and it will become a slimy Water Take the Retort open its neck and lay the Retort in a Sand-furnace and cover it with an earthen Pan fixing to it a Receiver well luted give first a slow fire then a stronger which continue till the Spirits be well resolved into water First the Spirits will come forth in white Clouds or in smoak and at last in red Clouds or smoak give fire so long till all the Spirits are come over in a clear white water and when you have this sign take the Receiver from the Retort stopping the said Receiver very well with Wax that no Spirits may fly away then let the Fire go out XX. The Matter which remains in the Retort take out and put it into a Bolt-head and stop it well and set it in a warm place then rectifie once the Spirits which are in the Receiver and keep them carefully Now observe this you remember that when the Mercury hath lost its Praecipiolum that the same Mercury will be as bright as a Venice Looking-glass Take of this bright Mercury one part of the Spirit aforesaid two parts put them into a Bolt head stop it very close and let it stand in a little warmth and the Mercury will mix with the Spirit then distil all through a Retort in Sand. Take again of the aforesaid Mercury which is clear as a Venice Looking-Glass p. i. of the Spirit p. ij put them into a Bolt-head and set it in a warm place and the Mercury will mix with the Spirit and dissolve then distil again in a Retort in Sand ut supra and it will come over in form of VVater this continue so long 'till all the one half part of the might Mercury is brought to a clear thin VVater which keep very close stopped with VVax Take the Pouder which I ordered to be kept in a Bolt-head and place it very deep in a sand Capel and give a strong Fire for twenty four Hours then let the Fire go out and take the Bolt-head forth and stir the Pouder with a wooden Stick and put it upon the half part of the clear Mercurial Water closing the Glass with Hermes Seal shake it and let it stand in digestion in a warm place for three or four days then pour off this into another Glass and pour upon the remainder of the Pouder the other half of the VVater sealing the Glass again and letting it stand ut supra for three or four days then put it to the former VVater and Seal up the Glass Hermetically letting it stand in Balneo Vaporoso eight Days after distil it through a Retort and if any thing remain in the Retort which will be very little pour upon it the Spirit again and distil it 'till all is come over Now is the Salt with its own Spirit and brought into its first Matter keep it well stopped XXI This is the VVater which the Philosophers have given divers Names to as their Horse-dung Balneum Mariae and Calx Viva and in Sum this is the Philosophers true Fire without which no true work can be done in Chymistry XXII The Philosopher has brought forth this Salamander which will never wast in the Fire the longer the stronger This Water will increase and multiply per Infinitum that is to say if all the Sea were Mercury it would turn the same into its first Matter First you must wash your Mercury with Salt and Vinegar divers times and at last with Water to wash away the Salt Then mix this Mercury with Calx Vive and Calcin'd Tartar and by Sect. 8. aforegoing distil it in a Retort in a sand Furnace and fix to it a Receiver fill'd almost half full of Water that the Mercury may fall into it and coagulate which dry and squeeze eight or ten times through Leather so will your Mercury be well purged and cleansed from all its filth and uncleanness XXIII This is the Mercury which you must use in the multiplying your Spirit or Astrum Mercurij Take of this Mercury p. i. of the Astrum Mercurij p. ij put them into a Bolt-head stop it close and let it stand in a warm place one Night so will the Mercury melt in the Spirit or Astrum Mercurij and turn into Water then distil it through a Retort Thus may you do by repeating the Spirit with fresh Mercury as long as you please XXIV This Water will dissolve Gold and Silver and all sorts of Stones and bring them over with it through a Retort Gold and Silver thus dissolved can never be separated one from another The reason is because they and all other Mettals are of the same Nature and have beginning from the same Water there is nothing in the World but has its beginning from it XXV Medicina Universalis the Universal Medicine Take of your fine Gold in Powder viz. the same which did remain when you made the Praecipiolum one part of your finest Silver two parts in fine Powder put each by it self into a Glass pour upon each the Astrum Mercurij so much as may overtop them a Fingers breadth stop each Glass very close and let them stand in a warm place for eight days and the Gold and Silver will be almost all dissolved into Water pour off this Water each by it self into a Glass and put more Water to the Gold and Silver which yet remains let it stand again eight days in a warm place and then pour off these Waters to the former Waters so will the Gold and Silver be dissolved into Water but there will remain some Foeces XXVI Take of both these Waters a quarter part and put them together into a Bolt-head so as three quarters may be empty seal it Hermetically digest it in an Athanor in a continual warm heat 'till it comes to a fixed red Stone or Pouder Before it becomes a red Pouder there will appear many Colours as Black then Green then Yellow lastly Red When it is very Red and a Pouder take the Bolt head and bury it in a sand Capel very deep and give Fire by degrees and at last a very strong Fire and it will melt like Wax Let it stand one whole Week but the longer the better then take it out and let it cool after break up your Glass and you will find a fird Stone or Pouder and Red as Scarlet XXVII Now you may remember that I bid you keep three parts of your Gold and Silver which were dissolved into Water put both these Waters together into a Retort distil them and both the Gold and Silver will go over with the Water through the Retort with which Water you shall multiply your Medicine Now take of your Medicine p. i. in fine Pouder and put it into a little Bolt head putting upon it twice as much of your Waters as of Gold and Silver Seal it again and digest it in an Athanor 'till it comes to a Red Pouder
and then put it again into the Sand Capell for to give Fixation and that it may melt as Wax as at Sect. 26. thus may you multiply your Medicine ad Infinitum and the Pouder will dissolve in any Liquor XXVIII To make the Astrum Horizontale or Aurum Horizontale viz. the Golden fix'd Praecipitate Take the most fine Gold to wit that which remains over in the working of the Praecipiolum dissolve it in your Astrum Mercurij as much as you will distil it through a Retort once or twice and your Gold will go over along with your VVater and will never be separated one from another for they are both of one nature XXIX Now take the Praecipiolum which is made dry not that which is made already into a Medicine put into a little Glass Cucurbit and put upon it your Golden Astrum Mercurii and distil from it three or four times very slowly but at last very strongly so will your Praecipiolum be a red and fired Stone as some call it or Pouder XXX The same may be done with Mercury purged it will fix the same into a red Pouder The same work may be done with Silver and with your Praecipiolum or with Quicksilver only cleansed No man can find out all the Secrets which are hid in this Philosophick Menstruum the true ALKAHEST of the Immortal Paracelsus The KEY of HELMONT and LULLY 31. TAke Quicksilver purified fix Ounces fine Gold purified with Antimony one Ounce make an Amalgama then distil the Mercury from the Gold mix the same Mercury again with the Gold and thus continue 'till your Gold will no more Amalgama with your Mercury but continue separate XXXII Then take the Gold grind it and put it into a clean Crucible and calcine it 'till it be almost red hot and then quench it in the best rectified Spirit of Vinegar when it is extinguished decant the Spirit from the Gold make the Gold dry heat it again and extinguish in the former Vinegar which work repeat six or seven times XXXIII Then dry your Gold and Amalgama it again with the former Mercury and distil again as at first and this do so long 'till the Gold will not Amalgama with the Mercury then calcine the Gold again and extinguish it in the former Spirit of Vinegar which work repeat as before six or seven times and as your Spirit decays or wastes add to it fresh Spirit of Vinegar-All these Operations you must so long continue 'till all the Semen Salt or Mercury coagulate is extracted out of the Quicksilver XXXIV Take then fresh Quicksilver and work in all things as before by Amalgagamating Distilling Calcining and Extinguishing in the said Spirit of Vinegar and continuing still with other fresh Quicksilver so long 'till you think you have enough from the Gold XXXV Then take this Spirit of Vinegar impregnated with the whole Essence of Gold evaporate it or distil it very softly off so will the Essentia Auri lye at the bottom like a yellow Salt which dissolve in fair rain-Rain-water distilled filtre and evaporate again softly then put it into a small Retort in a Sand-heat with an indifferent large Receiver give Fire by degrees and it will come over in a white Spirit like Smoak and Red like Saffron Being resolved into a red Liquor let the Fire go out and keep the Essence for use It is one of the greatest Medicines under the Sun three or four Drops of it are able to extinguish any Sickness curable The OPENING of SOL and LUNA XXXVI TAke of the Red Lyon twelve parts pulverize it well and grind it with one part of the Calx of fine Gold or Silver Put all into a small Bolt-head set it in Sand to the Neck which Neck must be very well Luted give the first degree of Fire for a Week the next Week the second degree the third Week the third degree and the fourth Week the fourth and last degree to a hissing so that if a drop of Water fall upon the Sand it may hiss XXXVII Then let the Fire go out and cut the Glass with a Ring take the Crystalline Matter like a Ring near the Neck of the Glass pulverize and grind it with its weight of the Calx of fine Sol or Luna as aforesaid pass the afore-mentioned four degrees in eight Hours to a hissing open the Glass as before and take the starry Crown which is the living Gold or Silver XXXVIII This Living Gold or Silver augment by digestion with a twelfth part of fine Sol or Luna at a time as often as you please or till you have a sufficient quantity of the same Take of this Living Sol or Luna a small quantity digest it in Ashes till it changes Colours viz. towards Red or White Earth Take then this Red or White Earth Amalgamate it with Living Gold or Silver and Calx digest again in a Glass Hermitically Sealed till it comes to a perfect Redness or Whiteness LIBRI PRIMI FINIS Clavis Alchymiae OR HERMES TRISMEGISTVS KALID PERSICVS AND GEBER ARABS All Translated out of the best Latin Editions into English and Claused for the sakes of the Lovers of Learning To which is Added A Singular Comment upon the First Book of HERMES the most Ancient of Philosophers By WILLIAM SALMON Professor of Physick The Second BOOK LONDON Printed for J. Harris and T. Howkins 1692. Clavis Alchymiae OR HERMES TRISMEGISTVS KALID ARABS AND GEBER ARABS All Translated out of the best Latin Editions into English and Claused for the sakes of the Lovers of Learning To which is added a singular Comment upon the First Book of Hermes the most Ancient of Philosophers BY WILLIAM SALMON Professor of PHYSICK The Second BOOK LONDON Printed for John Harris and Thomas Howkins 1691. Hermetis Trismegisti Tractatus Aureus The Golden Work of Hermes Trismegistus Translated out of Hebrew into Arabick then into Greek afterwards into Latin and now done out of Latin into English Claused and largely Commented upon By WILLIAM SALMON CHAP. I. The Preface Explicating in part the Prima Materia I. HERMES Even Hermes himself saith I have not in a very long Age ceased to try Experiments nor have I spared any Labour of mind But I obtained the knowledge of this Art by the Inspiration of the Living God only who esteeming me his Servant worthy did reveal and open the Secret to me Salmon There are three things which are certainly most necessary to the attainment of this knowledge I. An Unwearied Study 2. A Continued Experience 3. And the Divine Blessing going along with all Without these it is not probable any Man can attain the knowledge of this Secret There must be a diligent Study and a serious Meditation in the Soul concerning this thing Then these things thus meditated on must by experience be brought to ocular demonstration nor if you miss many times must you be weary with trying Lastly you must all along attend the Blessing of God for his assistance 'T is that Eternal
sink down to the bottom which diligently grind and dry and put them in the Crucible or Test of Ethel and sublime and the Matter being sublimed purely White as fine Salt keep it safely for it is the Auripigment and Sulphur and Magnesia of the Philosopers IX Understand now and see that you govern your Work with Wisdom and Prudence and make not too much haste X. Then take the Cucurbit put half way into lute and put into the same your dissolved black Water which you have sublimed that is to say nine parts and of this whitned Auripigmentum which you sublimed from the Ethel two parts XI I say that this opened or decocted Auripigment is immediately dissolved in the Water and made like to Water that nothing can be seen by mankind of a more intense fixt and perfect Whiteness nor any thing more beautiful to the Eye which the Philosopers call their Sal Virginis or Virgin Salt XII Put this into a little Vessel called a Cucurbit close well the Joynts which put upon a gentle Fire making it as it were but with two Coals at first and then adding two others and look into it to see how the Water ascends and descends XIII When you see the Vapour is consumed and nothing more will ascend of that which is elevated nor descend know that the Matter it self is now coagulated make therefore a more intense and vehement Fire for the space of three hours of the day XIV Then lastly take away the Fire or let it go out and the next day all things being cold open the mouth of your 〈◊〉 and take forth the Matter which is of a substance white sincere and melted or dissolved XV. This is your Substance sought after and now you have comethrough to the end of your Work manage it according to your Reason and Prudence for God assisting you may make of it what you please KALIDIS PERSICI SECRETA ALCHYMIAE Written Originally in Hebrew and Translated thence into Arabick and out of Arabick into Latin Now faithfully rendred into English By WILLIAM SALMON CHAP. XXII Of the Difficulties of this Art I. THanks be given to God the Creator of all things who hath made us renewed us taught us and given us knowledge and understanding for except he should keep us preserve us and direct us we should wander out of the right way as having no Guide or Teacher Nor can we know any thing in this World unless he teach us who is the begining of all things and the Wisdom it self his power and goodness it is with which he over-shadows his People II. He directs and instructs whom he pleases and by his long-suffering and tender Mercies brings them back into the way of Righteousness For he has sent his Angels or Spirit into the dark places and made plain the Ways and with his loving kindness replenishes such as love him III. Know then my Brother that this Magistery of our Secret Stone and this Valuable Art is a secret of the Secrets of God which he has hidden with his own People not revealing it to any but to such who as Sons faithfully have deserved it who have known his Goodness and Almightiness IV. If you would request any Earthly thing at the Hand of God the Secret of this Magistery is more to be desired than any thing else For the Wise Men who have perfected the knowledge thereof have not been wholly plain but speaking of it have partly concealed it and partly revealed it And in this very thing I have found the preceeding Philosophers to agree in all their so much valued Books V. Know therefore that Musa my own Disciple more valuable to me than any other having diligently studied their Books and laboured much in the Work of this Magistery was much perplexed not knowing the Natures of things belonging thereto Whereupon he humbly begged at my Hands my Explanation thereof and my Directions therein VI. But I gave him no other Answer Than that he should read over the Philosophers Books and therein to seek that which he desired of me Going his way he read above an hundred Books as he found or could get them the true Books of the Secret of the Great Philosophers But by them he could not attain the knowledge of that Mistery which he desired tho continually studying it for the space of a Year for which reason he was as one astonished and much troubled in mind VII If then Musa my Scholar who has deserved to be accounted among the Philosophers has thus failed in the knowledge of this Mistery what may be supposed from the Ignorant and Unlearned who under stand not the Natures of things nor apprehend whereof they consist VIII Now when I saw this in my most dear and chosen Disciple moved with Piety and Love to him by the Will also and Appointment of God I wrote this my Book near the time of my Death in which tho' I have pretermitted many things which the Philosophers before me have mentioned in their Books yet have I handled some things which they have concealed and could not be prevailed withal to reveal or discover IX Yea I have explicated and laid open certain things which they hid under AEnigmatical and dark Expressions and this my Book I have Named The Secrets of Alchymie for that I have revealed in it whatsoever is necessary to the knowledge of this Learning in a Language befiting the matter and to your sence and understanding X. I have taught four Magisteries far greater and better than the other Philosophers have done of which number The one is a Mineral Elixir another Animal The other two are Mineral Elixirs but not the one Mineral whose Virtue is to wash cleanse or purifie those which they call the Bodies And another is to make Gold of Azot vive whose Composition or Generation is according to the Natural Generation in the Mines or in the Heart and Bowels of the Earth XI And these four Magisteries or Works the Philosophers have discoursed of in their Books of the Composition thereof but they are wanting in many things nor would they clearly shew the Operation of it in their Books And when by chance any one found it out yet could he not throughly understand it than which nothing was more grievous to him XII I will therefore in this Work declare it toge ther with the way and manner how to make it but if you read me learn to understand Geometrical proportion that so you may rightly frame your Fornaces not exceeding the mean either in greatness or smalness with all you must understand the proportion of your Fire and the form of the Vessel fit for your Work XIII Also you must consider what is the ground work and beginning of the Magistery which is as the Seed and Womb to the Generation of Living Creatures which are shaped in the Womb and therein receive their Fabrick Increase and Nourishment For if the prima materia of our Magistery is not conveniently managed the
is but One and of the Nature thereof I. WHEN it was demanded of Bauzan a Greek Philosopher whether a Stone may be made of a thing which budeth Answered Yea viz. the two first Stones to wit the Stone Aleali and our Stone which is the Workmanship and Life of him who knows and underftands it II. But he that is ignorant of it who has not made nor knows how it is generated supposing it to be no Stone or apprehends not in his own mind all the things which I have spoken of it and yet will attempt to compose it spends away foolishly his precious time and loses his Money III. Except he finds out this precious Treasure he finds indeed nothing there is no second thing or matter that can rise up and take its place or stand it self instead thereof there is no other Natures that can triumph over it IV. Much heat is the nature thereof but with a certain temperature If by this saying you come to know it you will reap profit but if yet you remain ignorant you will lose all your labour V. It has many singular Properties and Virtues in curing the Infirmities of Bodies and their accidental Diseases and preserves sound Substances so that there appears not in them any Heterogenities or Contrarieties No possibility of the dissolution of their Union VI. It is the Sapo or Soap of Bodies yea their Spirit and Soul which when it is incorporate with them dissolves them without any loss VII This is the Life of the Dead and their Resurrection a Medicine preserving Bodies cleansing them and purging away their Superfluities VIII He that understands let him understand and he that is ignorant let him be ignorant still For this Treasure is not to be bought with Money and as it cannot be bought so neither can it be sold. IX Conceive therefore its Virtue and Excellency aright consider its value and Worth and then begin to Work How excellently speaks a Learned Philosopher to this purpose X. God saith he gives thee not this Magistery for thy sole Courage Boldness Strength or Wisdom without any labour but thou must labour that God may give thee success Adore then God Almighty the Creator of all things who is pleased thus to favour thee with so great and so precious a Treasure CHAP. XXXIII The Way and Manner how to make the Stone both White and Red. I. WHen you attempt to do this take this our precious Stone and put it into a Cucurbit covering it with an Alembick which close well with Lutum sapientiae and set it in Horse-dung and fixing a Receiver to it distil the matter into the Receiver till all the water is come over and the moisture dry up and dryness prevail over it II. Then take it out dry reserving the water that is distilled for a future occasion take I say the dry body that remained in the bottom of the Cucurbit and grind it and put it into a Vessel answerable in magnitude to the quantity of the Medicine III. Bury it in as very hot Horse-dung as you can get the Vessel being well luted with Lutum sapientiae And in this manner let it digest But when you perceive the Dung to grow cold get other fresh Dung which is very hot and put your Vessel therein to digest as before IV. Thus shall you do for the space of forty days renewing your Dung so often as the occasion or reason of the Work shall require and the Medicine shall dissolve of it self and become a thick White water V. Which when you shall see you shall weigh it and put thereto half so much by weight of the water which you reserved close and lute your Vessel well with Lutum sapientiae and put it again into hot Horse-dung which is hot and moist to digest not omitting to renew the Dung when it begins to cool till the course of forty days be expired VI. So will your Medicine be congealed in the like number of days as before it was dissolved in VII Again take it weigh it justly and according to its quantity add to it of the reserved water you made before grind the Body and subtilize it and put the water upon it and set it again in hot Horse-dung for a Week and half or ten days then take it out and you shall see that the Body has already drunk up the Water VIII Afterwards grind it again and put thereto the like Quantity of your reserved water as you did before bury it in very hot Horse dung and leave it therefore ten days more take it out again and you shall find that the Body has already drunk up the Water IX Then as before grind it putting thereto of the afore reserved Water the aforesaid quantity and bury it in like manner in hot Horse-dung digesting it 10 days longer then taking it forth and this do the fourth time also X. Which done take it forth and grind it and bury it in Horse-dung till it be dissolved Afterwards take it out and reiterate it once more for then the Birth will be perfect and the Work ended XI Now when this is done and you have brought your matter to this great perfection then take of Lead or Steel 250 Drams melt it and caste thereon 1 Dram of Cinnabar to wit of this our Medicine thus perfected and it shall fix the Lead or Steel that it shall not fly the fire XII It shall make it white 〈◊〉 cleanse it from all its dross and blackness and convert it into a Tincture perpetually abiding XIII Then take a Dram from these 250 Drams and project it upon 250 Drams of Steel or Copper and it shall whiten it and convert it into Silver better than that of the Mine which is the greatest and last Work of the White which it performs XIV To convert the said Stone into Red. And if you desire to convert this Magistry into Sol or Gold take of this Medicine thus perfected at 10. above the weight of one Dram after the manner of the former Example and put it into a Vessel and bury it in Horse-dung for forty days till it be dissolved XV. Then give it the Water of the dissolved Body to drink first as much as amounts to half its weight afterwards bury it in hot Horse-dung digesting it till it is dissolved as aforesaid XVI Then proceed in this Golden Work as before in the Silver and you shall have fine Gold even pure Gold Keep my Son this most secret Book containing the Secret of Secrets reserving it from Ignorant and Profane Hands so shall you obtain your desire Amen CHAP. XXXIV Kalid's Secret of Secrets or Stone of the Philosophers Explicated I. IF you would be so happy as to obtain the Blessing of the Philosphers as God doth live for ever so let this verity live with you Now the Philosophers say it abides in the Shell and contains in it self both White and Red the one is called Masculine the other Feminine and they are
the pure body to descend that descending by means of a vehement heat the pure body may be reduced III. Calcine it again with pure Sal Armoniack as you do Jupiter and most subtily grind and dissolve it by the way aforesaid for this is the water of Argent Vive and Sulphur proportionally made which we use in the Composition of the Red Elixir IV. Lead is a Metalick Body livid earthy ponderous mute partaking of a little Whiteness with much paleness refusing the Cineritium and Cement easily extensible in all its dimensions with small Compression and very fusible without Ignition Yet some Men say that Lead in its own Nature is much approximated to Gold these judge of things not as they are in themselves but according to sense being void of Reason and not conceiving the Truth V. It has much of an Earthy substance and therefore is washed and by a Lavament converted into Tin by which it appears that Tin is more assimilated to the perfect It is also by Calcination made Minium and by hanging over the Vapour of Vinegar it is made Ceruse And tho it is not near to perfection yet by our Art we easily convert it into Silver not keeping its Weight in transmutation but acquiring a new Weight which it obtains by our Magistry It is also the Tryal of Silver in the Cupel as we shall hereafter shew VI. It differs not from Tin after repeating its Calcination to the reduction thereof save that it has a more uncleansubstance commixed of a more grose Sulphur and Argent Vive the Sulphur being more burning and adhaesive to the Argent Vive It has a greater Earthy 〈◊〉 than Jupiter which appears by washing of it with Argent Vive and more Faeculency comes from it by washing than from Jupiter and its first Calcination is easier performed than in Tin because of its Earthiness and because its foulness is not rectified as in Jupiter by repeated Calcinations it is a sign of greater impurity in its principles and in its own Nature VII It s Sulphur is not separated from it in fume but is of a Citrine Colour of much Yellowness the like of which is remaining below at the bottom which shews that it has much of a Combustible Sulphur in it and because the Odour of Sulphureity is not removed from it in a short time it shews that it approaches to the Nature of fixed Sulphur and is Uniformly commixed with the substance of Argent Vive Therefore when the fume ascends it ascends with the Sulphur not burning whose property is to create Citrinity VIII And that the quantity of its not burning Sulphur is more than in Tin appears for that its whole Colour is changed into Citrinity in Calcination but of Tin into White Whence the cause appear why Jupiter in Calcination is more easily changed into a hard Body than Saturn the burning Sulphureity being more easily removed from Jupiter than Saturn one of the causes of its softness is removed whence being Calcined it necessarily follows it must be hardened but Saturn because it has both the causes of softness strongly conjoyned viz. much burning Sulphur and much Argent Vive it is not easily hardened IX Bodies having much Argent Vive have much of Extension but such as have little Argent Vive have little Extension Thus Jupiter is more easily and subtily extended than Saturn Saturn more easily than Venus Venus more easily than Mars Luna more subtily than Jupiter And Sol more subtily than Luna X. The Cause of Induration or hardening is fixed Argent Vive or fixed Sulphur but the cause of softness is Opposite The cause of Fusion is also twofold to wit of Sulphur not fixed and Argent Vive of what kind soever Sulphur not fixed is necessarily a cause of Fusion without Ignition This is evident in Arsenick for projected on Bodies difficult to be Fused it makes them of easie Fufion without Ignition and the cause of Fusion with Ignition is fixed Argent Vive But the Impediment of Fusion is fixed Sulphur XI From hence it appears That seeing Bodies of greatest perfection con tain the greatest quantity of Argent Vive Those Imperfect Bodies holding more of Argent Vive must needs be more approximate to the perfect whence it follows that Bodies of much Sulphureity are Bodies of much Corruption XII From hence it is e vident that Jupiter is near to the perfect seeing it participates more of Perfection but Saturn less Venus yet less and Mars least of all And as to the Medicines compleating them it is clear that Venus is the most perfective of Medicine Mars less Jupiter yet less and Saturn least of all XIII Thus according to the diversity of Bodies diversity of Medicines are found out A hard Body that can endure Ignition re quires one Medicine but the soft that abides not Ignition another that one may be softned and attenuated in its profundity and equalized in its substance but the other hardned and its occult parts inspissated XIV There are three degrees which the Imperfect Bodies chiefly Saturn and Jupiter must obtain in order to perfection First Cleanness or Brightness Secondly Hardness or Densness with Ignition in fusion Thirdly Fixation by taking away their fugitive substance XV. They are cleansed viz. Saturn and Jupiter in a threefold manner 1. By Mundifying 2. By Calcination and Reduction 5. By Solution First By things purifying they are cleansed two ways either by reducing them into a Calx or into the Nature of Bodies reducing into a Calx they are purified either by Salts or Alum or Glass Thus when the Body is Calcin'd put upon its Calx water of Alums or Salts or Glass mixed with it and reduce it to a Body which so often reiterate till they look purely clean For seeing Alums Salts and Glass are fused with another kind of fusion than Bodies therefore they are separated from them retaining with themselves the earthy substance the purity of the Bodies being only left XVI Or thus Let Saturn or Jupiter be filed and mix therewith Alums Salts and Glass and then reduced into a body and this so often to be repeated till they be well cleansed They are also cleansed by way of Lavement with Argent Vive of which we have spoken before XVII The second way of cleansing Saturn and Jupiter by Calcination and Reduction with sufficient fire whereby they are freed from a twofold corrupting substance 1. One inflamable and fugitive 2. Another earthy and faeculent because the Fire elevates and consumes every fugitive substance And by reduction the same fire divides every substance of earth with its proportion See Sect. 1 2 3. above XVIII The third way of cleansing Saturn and Jupiter by Solution of their substance and by reduction of that likewise which is dissolved from them for that solution reduced makes them more clean than any other way or kind of preparation whatsoever except that by Sublimation to which this is equivalent XIX Induration or hardning of their
goodness of Bodies is their abounding with Argent Vive For seeing Argent Vive for no cause of Extermination will be divided into parts in its composition because it either with its whole substance flies from the fire or with its whole substance remains permanent in it it is necessarily concluded to be a cause of Perfection X. Therefore Praised and Blessed be the most Glorious and High God who created it and gave it a Substance and Properties which nothing else in the World does possess besides that this perfection might be found in it by the help of Art as we have found therein with great power For it is that which overcomes Fire and by Fire cannot be overcome but in it amicably rests and rejoyces therein XI Mars is prepared either with sublimation or without sublimation with sublimation we endeavour to unite it with Arsenick not fixed as profoundly as we can that in fusion it may melt with the same but afterwards it is sublimed in a proper Vessel of sublimation the which is the best and most perfect of all other Preparations Mars is also prepared by Arsenick oftentimes sublimed from it until some quantity of the Arsenick it self remain For if this be reduced it will flow out white clean fusible and well prepared Mars is also prepared by fusion of it with Lead and Tutia for from these it flows clean and white XII To Indurate or harden soft Bodies Argent Vive precipitated must be dissolved and the calcin'd Body which you have a design to harden dissolved likewise mix both these solutions together and the calcin'd body mixed with them by frequent imbibitions c. continually grinding imbibing calcining and reducing until it be made hard and fusible with Ignition The very same may also be compleatly effected with the Calx of Bodies and Tutia and Marchasite calcined dissolved and imbibed The more clean these are the more perfectly do they change XIII To soften hard Bodies as Mars c. They must be conjoyned and sublimed often with Arsenick and after sublimation of the Arsenick assated or calcined with their due proportion of fire the measure of which we shall declare in our Discourse of Fornaces Lastly They must be reduced with the force of their proper fire until in fusion they grow soft according to the degree of the hardness of their Bodies All these alterations are of the first Order without which our Magistery is not perfected XIV Medicines dealbating Mars of the first Order That which dealbates it of the first Order is that which makes it to flow The special fusive of it is Arsenick of every kind But with whatsoever it is deal bated and fused it is necessary it be conjoyned and washed with Argent Vive until all its impurity be removed and it be white and fusible Or else let it be red hot with vehement ignition and upon it Arsenick projected and when it shall be in flux cast a quantity of Luna thereon for when that is united with it it is not separated therefrom by any easie Artifice XV. Or thus Calcine Mars and wash away from it all its soluble Aluminosity inferring corruption by the way of solution but now mentioned with Argent Vive then let cleansed Arsenick be sublimed from it and reiterate that sublimation many times until some part of the Arsenick be fixed therewith Then with a solution of Litharge mix imbibe grind and moderately calcine several times And lastly reduce it with the Fire we mentioned in the Reduction of Jupiter from its Calx so will it come forth white clean and fusible XVI Or Only with sublimed Arsenick in its Calx let it be reduced and it will flow out white clean and fusible But here observe the Caution we shall give in the Chapter of Venus concerning the reiteration of the sublimation of Arsenick fixing it self in its profundity from it Mars is likewise whitened after the same manner with Marchasite and Tutia XVII To prepare Mars Grind one pound of the filings thereof with half a pound of Arsenick sublimed imbibe the mixture with the water of Salt Peter and Sal Alcali reiterating this Imbibition thrice then make it flow with a violent fire so will it be white Repeat this so long till it flow sufficiently with a good whiteness XVIII The first White Medicine for Mars and Venus Take Silver calcined 1 pound Arsenick prepared 2 pound Mercury precipitate 1 pound grind them together and imbibe the whole with water of Salt Nitre Litharge and Sal Armoniack in equal parts I suppose there is meant Aqua Regis till it has drunk in its own weight of that water Then dry and incerate with white Oyl as in others until it flow and one part full upon 4 parts of Mars or Venus prepared XIX The second White Medicine for Mars and Venus Take Luna calcined Jupiter calcined and dissolved ana mix dry and increase with double their quantity of Arsenick sublimed until the Medicine flows well XX. The third White Medicine for Mars and Venus Take Luna calcined Arsenick and Sulphur sublimed and ground with it and then sublimed with a like quantity of Sal Armoniack This sublimation repeat thrice and then project 1 pound upon 4 pound of Mars or Venus prepared XXI A Red or Solar Medicine for Mars and Venus Take Tutia 1 pound Calcine or dissolve it in AF then with that water imbibe the Calx of Sol that it may drink in double its own weight of the same water Afterwards by distillation draw off the same water from it cohobating four times Lastly incerate with Oyl of Hair or Bulls Gall and Verdigrise prepared and it will be excellent But be sure to pursue the Operation according to our Directions otherwise you will labour in vain and in your heart understand our Intentions expressed in our Volumes so will you know truth from falsehood XXII To Calcine Mars Mars being filed is calcined in our Calcinatory Fornace until it is very well rubified and becomes a pouder impalpable without grinding And this is called Crocus Martis XXIII The Regimen of Mars Take of the Paste of Mars 2 pound of the Pastes of Venus and of Saturn ana 3 pound mix these without Ferment and decoct the mixture for seven days and you will find the whole dry Fix it and add to it half its weight of Litharge in powder which put into a Reductory Fornace so will you have a Mineral substance very profitable if you be wise CHAP. XLV Of the Alchymie of Venus I. THE Preparation of Venus Lay thin Copper Plates stratum superstratum with Common Salt prepared till the Vessel be full which cover firmly Lute and calcine in a fit Fornace for 24 hours Then take it out scrape off what is calcined and repeat the calcination of the Plates with new Salt as before repeating the Calcination so often till all the Plates are consumed For the Salt corrodes the superfluous humidity and combustible sulphureity and the fire elevates the fugitive
and inflamable substance with due proportion This Calx grind to a most subtil pouder wash it with Vinegar till water will come from it free from blackness Again 〈◊〉 it with more Salt and Vinagar and grind and then calcine again in an open Vessel for 3 days and nights Take it out grind it subtily and long and wash it with Vinegar till it is cleansed from all uncleanness This done dry it in the Sun Add to it half its weight of Sal Armoniack grinding it long to an impalpable substance Then expose it to the Air or set it in Horse-dung to be dissolved To what is undissolved add a new clean Sal Armoniack thus continuing till the whole be made water Esteem and value this water which we call the water of fixed Sulphur with which the Elixir is tinged to infinity II. Venus is a Metalick Body livid pertaking of a dusky redness subject to ignition fusible extensible under the Hammer but refusing the Cupel and Cement It is in the profundity of its substance of the color and essence of Gold and is hammered being red hot as Silver and Gold is It is the medium of Sol and Luna and easily converts it nature to either being of good conversion and of little labour III. It agrees very well with Tutia which citrinizes it with a good yellow from whence you may reap profit we need not labour to indurate it or make it ignitible therefore it is to be chosen before other imperfect Bodies in the lesser and middle Work but not in the greater Yet this has a Vice beyond Jupiter that it easily grows livid and receives foulness from sharp things to erradicate which is not an easie but a profound Art IV. Copper therefore is unclean Argent Vive mixed with Sulphur unclean gross and fixed as to its greater part but as to its lesser part not fixed red and livid in relation to the whole not overcoming nor overcome It s volatile Sulphur is evident from its sulphurous fume and loss of quantity by frequent fluxing and combustion Itt fixt Sulphur is evident from its slowness of fusion and induration of its substance And that there is an unclean red Sulphur joyned with unclean Argent Vive is evident even to the senses V. When the fixed Sulphur comes to fixation by heat of Fire its parts are subtilized but that part which is in the aptitude of solution of its substance is dissolved the sign of which is the exposing it to the vapours of Vinegar which makes the Aluminosity of its Sulphur flow in its Superficies And being put into a saline liquor many parts of it are easily dissolved by Ebulition this Aluminosity by a saline watriness and easie solution is changed into water For nothing is watery and easily soluble except Alum and what is of its nature This understand also of the body os Iron VI. But the blackness in either Venus or Mars created by the Fire is by reason of the Sulphur not fixed much indeed in Venus but little in Mars and it approaches nigh to the nature of fixed Sulphur Hence it is evident that fusion is helped and partly made by Sulphur not fixed but hindred from Sulphur fixed This he certainly knew to be true who by no art of fusion could make Sulphur to flow after its fixation But having fixed Argent Vive by frequently repeating the sublimation thereof found it apt to admit good fusion VII Hence it is evident that those Bodies are of greater perfection which contain more of Argent Vive those of lesser perfection which contain lesser Therefore study in all your Works to make Argent Vive to exceed in the Commixtion And if you could perfect by Argent Vive only you would have attained to the highest perfection even the perfection of that which overcomes the Works of Nature For you may cleanse it most inwardly to which purification nature cannot reach VIII This is manifest for that those Bodies which contain a greater quantity of Argent Vive should be of greater perfection arises from their easie reception of Argent Vive into their substance and we see Bodies of perfection amicably to embrace each other IX Out of what has been said it is also apparent that in Bodies there is a two fold sulphureity One indeed included in the profundity of Argent Vive in the begining of their mixtion The other supervenient from other Accidents The one of them may be removed with labour but the other cannot possibly be taken away by any Artisice or Operation of the Fire to which we can profitably come it being so firmly and radically united therein And this is proved by experiment for we see the aductible sulphureity to be abolished or destroyed by fire but the fixed sulphureity not so X. Therefore when we say Bodies are cleansed by Calcination understand that to be meant of the earthy substance which is not united to the Radix of their nature For it is not possible by Art or force of fire to cleanse or separate what is united unless the Medicine of Argent Vive has access XI Now the separation of an earthy substance from its compound which in the root of nature is united to a Metal is this Either it is made by elevation with things elevating the substance of Argent Vive and leaving the sulphureity by reason of its conveniency with them of which nature are Tutia and Marchasite because they are Fumes part of which has a greater quantity of Argent Vive than of Sulphur XII The proof of this you may see when you joyn those things with Bodies in a strong and sudden fusion for these Spirits in their flight carry up the Bodies with them and therefore you may elevate them with them Or else by a Lavation or Commixtion with Argent Vive as we have already said For Argent Vive holds what is of its own nature but casts out what is alien or forreign XIII The preparation of Venus It is manifold one by Elevation another without Elevation The way by Elevation is that Tutia be taken with which Venus well agrees and that it be ingeniously united therewith Then put it into a Vessel of sublimation to be sublimed and by a most exceeding degree of Fire it s most subtil part will be elevated which will be of most bright splendor Or it may be mixed with Sulphur and then elevated by sublimation XIV But without sublimation it is prepared either by cleansing things in its Calx or in its Body As by Tutia Salts and Alums Or by a Lavament of Argent Vive as all other imperfect Bodies are XV. The Preparation or Purgation of Venus also is two-fold viz. one for the White and the other for the red for the White it is thus Take Venus calcin'd by fire only as aforesaid ground fine 1 pound Arsenick sublimed 4 ounces Grind them together and imbibe the mixture 3 or 4 times with water of Litharge and reduce the whole with Sal
a commixtion through their least parts which keep in sufficient heat as in the White is said Extract the Water and what remains in the Cloth put into a well sealed Glass for 3 Weeks Then take it out and add to it a third part of its own reserved water and decoct by Chap. 42. Sect. 23. aforegoing which Work do thrice When it has imbibed all its proper Water put it in its proper Vessel and Fornace to be fixed When fixed with things reducing reduce it into a Body ready to be reduced and tinged XXVIII We more espe cially handling the Regimen of Venus do declare that you ought seven times or oftner to rectifie it when prepared and dissolved distilling off the Water and cohobating thereon each time which being coagulate thence make a most noble Greenness with Sal Armoniack dissolved in Spirit of Vinegar That greenness rubisie in a Vessel of Mars and again dissolve it to which solution adjoyn a third part of prepared and dissolved Luna afterwards extracting and cohobating the water of Ferment 7 times Then reduce this into a Body and you will rejoyce The Regimen of Mars is as of Venus but by reason of its foulness no great good arises from it XXIX Grind Luna amal gamated with Mercury with twice so much Metaline Arsenick Quaere Whether Regulus of Arsenick be not intended To which adjoyn a tenfold proportion of Venus amalgamated with Mercury Grind the whole and fix and reduce into a Body so will you have a pure White Metal XXX The first Dealbation of Venus Take Realgar 1 ounce Argent Vive sublimed 3 Ounces and half Tartar calcin'd 1 ounce grind and incorporate put them into a Bolt head a Foot and half high and its Orifice so wide as two Fingers may go into it lute it and set it over a Fire covered with a Cloth First make a gentle Fire for a quarter of an hour afterwards augment the Fire underneath and round about until the Fornace be very hot with Ignition when all is cold break the Vessel and take out what you find Metalline and make of this a great quantity XXXI A Second Dealbation Upon Tutia sublime one part of Mercury sublimate and two parts of Arsnick sublimed until it shall have ingress This clearly and very speciously whitens Veuus XXXII A Third Dealbation Take Mercury sublimate 3 Ounces Arsenick sublimed 2 Ounces dissolved with Litharge till they become 8 Ounces to these 8 Ounces adjoyn other 8 Ounces of Arsenick sublimed grind them together and flux them with Oyl of Tartar and there with you may whiten prepared Venus at pleasure XXXIII A Fourth Dealbation Grind Metaline Arsenick with as much of the Calx of Luna and imbibe the Mixture with the Water of Sal Armoniack and dry and grind then dissolve Salt of Tartar in the Water of Salt Nitre some suppose Spirit of Nitre with which Oyl imbibe the Medicine repeat this thrice incerating and drying and you will rejoyce XXXIV A Fifth Dealbation which is of our own Invention Imbibe Jupiter calcined washed and dryed so often with metaline Arsenick and hals so much Mercury sublimate as untill it flows and enters Venus which if first prepared it whitens speedily XXXV A Sixth Dealbation Vpon Tutia calcined dissolved and Coagulated sublime White Arsenick so that the Arsenick be 3 parts to 1 of the Tutia reiterating the sublimation upon it four times for it has Ingress With them mix half as much as the whole is of Mercury sublimate grinding and incerating 4 times with the Water of Sal Armoniack Nitre and Tartar ana Quere whether that may not be Aq. Regis with this when coagulated cement prepared plates of Venus and melt so will you have a very beautiful Body XXXVI A Seventh Dealbation Grind Venus calcined and incerated adding to it Arsenick sublimed and half a part of Mercury sublimate with which being well ground and mixed add a little of the Water of Sal Armonoick Quer. if not A. R incerating upon a marble after dry and sublime Revert the sublimate upon the Foeces again imbibing which do thrice the fourth time imbibe with Water of Nitre Spirit of Nitre and sublime what can be sublimed reiterate this Labor till it remains fluid in the bottom This in Copper prepared will be Resplendent with brightness XXXVII An Eighth De albation Upon the prepared Calx of Venus so often sublime Arsenick sublimate till some part of the Arsenick remaine with it in the strongest Fire That imbibed with the Water of Nitre Spirit of Nitre and lastly incerated with Water of Luna and Mercury precipitate and in the end with Oyl of Tartar Rectified until it flows wonderfully whetens Venus and enters the second order if you have operated right For I have else where said that if you obtain any part of Mercury precipitated in the mixture your Work wil be more splendid especially if the White Ferment dissolved with the Mercury dissolved after a certain fixation of it be added by the medium of Inceration by which you will find you have traced the high way it self Geber our Author here saith that the last 8 Sections are all proved Experiments the first 4 of them being Experiments of the Ancients by him again proved the latter 4 Rectifications of the Practises of the Ancients or rather Experiments of his Own All which he affirms to be absolutly true and by him proved so CHAP. XLVI Of the Alchymie of Luna I. THE preparation of Luna It is subtilized attenuated and re duced to a Spirituality in the same manner as hereafter in Chap. 47. Sect. 1. we shall teach concerning Sol. Therefore in all and every part of the Work do the same as we shall there teachwith Gold and this work of Luna dissolved is the Ferment for the White Elixir made Spitual II. It is a metalick Body white which pure whiteness clean hard sounding very durable in the Cupel extensible under the Hammer and fusible It is the Tincture of whiteness hardens Tin by Artifice and converts it to it self and being mixed with Sol it breaks not but in the examination it perseveres without Artifice III. He who knows how to subtilize it and then to inspissate and fix it associated with Gold brings it into such a State that it will remain with Sol in the Test and be in no wise separated from it being put over the fumes of sharp things as Vinegar A. F. or Salarmoniack and it will be of a wonderful Caelestine Color It is a noble Body but wants of the Nobility of Sol and its Minera is found determinate but it has often a Minera confused with other Bodies which Silver is not so Noble It is likewise dissolved and Calcin'd with great Labor and no Profit IV. If therefore clean fixed Red and clear Sulpher fall upon the pure substance of Argent Vive thereof is made pure Gold then in like manner if clean fixed white and clear Sulphur falls upon the substance of Argent Vive there
of Perfection if in the reiteration of their Cal cination and Reduction they loose nothing of their Goodness in respect of Color Weight Quantity or Lustre of which great care is to be taken in the manifold reiterations of these Operations if therefore by repeating the Calcination and Reduction of altered Metals they loose any thing in their differences of Goodness it is to be supposed you have not rightly persued the Art CHAP. LIV. Of Solution and its Cause I. SOlution is the reduction of a dry thing into Water and every perfection of Solution is compleated with subtile Waters such especially as are acute and sharp and Saline hav ing no Feces as Spirits of Vinegar of sower Grapes of acid Pears of Pomgranates and the like Distillod II. The case of this Invention was the Subtilezation of those things which neither have Fusion nor Ingress by which was lost the great advantage of fixed Spirits and of those things which are of their Nature For every thing which is dissolved must necessarily have the nature of Salt or Alum or their like III. And the nature of them is that they give Fusion before their Vitrification therefore Spirits dissolved will likewise give Fusion And since they in their own nature agree with Bodies and each with other Fusion being acquired they must by that of necessity penetrate Bodies and penetrating them transmute them IV. But they neither penetrate nor transmute without our Magistery or Art viz. That after Solution and Coagulation of the Body there be added to it some one of the Spirits purified not fixed and then to be so often sublimed from it till it remains with it and gives to it a more swift fusion and conserves the same in Fusion from Vitrification V. For the nature of Spirits is not to be Vitrified but to preserve the mixture from Vitrification as long as they are in it Therefore the Spirit which more retains the nature of Spirits more defends or preserves from Vitrification And a Spirit only purified more preserves than a Spirit purified calcined and dissolved Therefore there is a necessity of mingling such a Spirit with the body for from these there results good Fusion and Ingress and true Fixation VI. Now we can demonstrate by natural operation that things only holding the nature of Salts Alums and the like are soluble for in all nature we find no other things to dissolved but them therefore what things soever are dissolved must of necessity be dissolved by their nature or property VII Yet since we see all things truly calcined to be dissolved by reiteration of Calcination and Solution therefore we by that prove that all Calcinates approach to the nature of Salts and Alums and must of necessity be themselves attended with these properties VIII The way of solution is two-fold 1. By hot Dung and by boilng or hot water that is in Balneo of both which there is one intention and one effect IX To dissolve by Dung is That the Calcinate be put into a Glass Vessel up on which must be affused Spirit of Vinegar or the like double its weight Then the mouth of the Vessel must be so closed or stopt that nothing may go forth and the matter with its Vessel set in hot Dung to be dissolved and the solution afterwards filterated X. But that which is not yet dissolved must be again calcined and after Calcination in like manner dissolved until by repeating the labour the whole be dissolved as before which also filter XI The way of dissolving by boiling water is more speedy thus Put the Calcinate in like manner into its Vessel with Vinegar poured on it as before and the mouth being well clofed that nothing expire set the Vessel buried in Straw into a Pot full of water as in Distillation in Balneo then kindling the fire make the water boil for an hour which done decant the Solution and filtrate XII And that which is undissolved let it again be calcined and then again in the same manner dissolved which Work so often repeat till the whole is finished XIII The Dissolutory or dissolving Fornace is made with a pot full of water with Iron Instruments in which other Vessels are artificially retained that they fall not These are the Vessels in which every Dissolution is made XIV Bodies are in a twofold way brought to perfection either 1. By the way of Prepararion or 2. By commixtion of perfect Bodies with the Imperfect i. e. by Medicine prepared for the purpose XV. Now we say that the Body cleansed by the way of Calcination as aforesaid and Reduced must either be filed or Granulated thus being melted we pour it upon a Table-board full of small holes over cold water the water being well stirred while this is doing XVI The body thus granulated we put into our Dissolving water or AF. made of Nitre and Vitriol as to one half thereof or dissolve the filings of the same body in the said AF into a limpid water then add to it of Ferment prepared to a third part of its own weight Abstract the water and revert or cohobate it and repeat this 7 times After it is reduced into a Body prove it in its Examen and you will rejoyce for the Treasure you have found XVII And because we have treated of the perfect administration of Imperfect Bodies we should now give you the special true and certain Rule for every particular body but that being already done for Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus and Luna in their respective Chapters aforegoing where we treat of their Regiment we shall refer you thither XVIII Mercury also purified and fixed has power to take off or away the foulness of imperfect Bodies and to brighten or illustrate them And Fixed Sulphur extracted from bodies to tinge or colour them with splendor Hence you may learn a great Secret viz. That Mercury and Sulphur may be extracted as well from imperfect bodies rightly prepared as from the perfect Purified Spirits also and middle Minerals are a great help and very peculiar for bringing on the Work to perfection XIX The Dissolving Water or AF. Take Cyprus Vitriol 1 Pound Sal-Nitre half a Pound Roch Alum a fourth part Distil off the water with a red hot heat for it is very solutive and use it as we have before in several places taught This may be made more acute if in it you dissolve a fourth part of Sal Armoniack because that dissolves Gold Sulphur and Silver CHAP. LV. Of Coagulation and its Causes I. COagulation is the Reduction of a thing Liquid to a solid substance by deprivation of its moisture for which there is a two-fold Cause one is the Induration or hardening of Argent Vive of which we have already treated Chap. 48. Sect. 8. ad 23. The other is the freeing of Medicines dissolved from their Aquosity which is mixed or joyned with them and so is varied according to the kinds of things to be Coagulated II. The way of Coagulating things
of working this Tryal is thus Take sifted Ashes or Calx or Pouder der of the Bones of Animals Calcined or a Commixtion of all or some of them moisten with Water and make the mixture firm and solid with your hands and in the midst of it work it into a round flatish lump make a round and smooth hollowness and upon the bottom of it strew a small quantity of Glass beaten to Pouder which lay to dry XVI When dry Put your Metal into the Hollowness thereof which you would try or prove put Coals of Fire upon it and then blow with Bellows upon the Surface till the Metal flows upon which being in flux cast part after part of Lead and blow with a flame of strong Ignition XVII Whilst you see it agitated with a strong Concusssion it is not pure cast wait till all the Lead be Exhaled when that is gon off and the Motion yet ceases not it is not yet pure cast Lead then again upon it and blow as before until the Lead vanish If it do not yet rest repeat the casting in of more Lead and blowing upon it till it be still or quiet and you see it clean and clear in its Su perfices XVIII This done take away the Coals scatter the Fire and put Water upon the Test for you will find it throughly proved and if while you are blowing this proof you cast in Glass the Bodies will be the better and more perfectly purified because that takes away the Impurities and separates them XIX Or Instead of Glass you may cast in Salt Borax or a little Alum This Examen of the Cineritium or Test may in like manner be made in a Crucible of Earth if the fire round about it be blowed and upon the surface also of the Crucible that the Body to be proved may the sooner flow and be perfected CHAP. LXIII Of Cementation and its Causes I. WE now come to the Examen of Cement And whereas some Bodies are more and others less burned by the Calcination of fire i. e. they which contain a greater quantity of burning Sulphur more but they which contain less less Therefore seeing Sol has a lesser quantity of Sulphur than other Metallick Bodies it is not in the midst of all Mineral Bodies burnt by the force of fire II. And seeing Luna also next to Sol partakes of a less quantity of Sulphur than the other four Bodies yet has more Sulphur than Sol therefore it can less bear the strong Ignition of a violent Fire for a long space of time than Sol can And by consequence less bear things burning by a like nature but Venus less than it because it consists of more Sulphur still and of greater Earthiness than Luna and so can less bear the violent force of Fire III. Jupiter also less than Sol or Luna because it partakes of greater Sulphureity and Earthiness than either of them yet it is less burnt by violence of Fire than Venus but more than Sol or Luna IV. Saturn in its Commixtion by nature holds more of Earthiness and Sulphureity than either of these before named and therefore is more burnt by Inflamation or violence of Fire and is sooner and more easily inflamed than all the said Bodies because it has Sulphureity more nearly conjoyned and more fixed than Jupiter V. Mars is not burnt by it self but by Accident for when it is mixed with Bodies of much humidity it imbibes that Humidity by reason of its own want of the same and therefore being conjoyned it is neither inflamed nor burned if the Bodies with which it is joyned or united be neither Inflamable nor Combustible VI. But if Combustible Bodies be mixed with it it necessarily happens according to the nature of the Combustion that Mars is burnt and inflamed Seeing therefore that Cement is made of Inflamable things the necessary cause of its Invention is manifest viz. that all Combustible things might be burned VII And since there is but one only body incombustible that alone or what is prepared according to the nature of it is kept safe in Cement But which abide more and which less are known with their Causes Luna abides more but Mars less Jupiter yet less and Venus less than Jupiter but Saturn least of all VIII The way of Examination by Cement is thus You must compound it of Infla mable things of which kind are all blackening flying penetrating things viz. Vitriol Sal Armoniack Verdigrise Alum or Plumous Alum and a very small quantity of Sulphur with Humane Urine and other like acute and penetrating things All which are made into a Paste with the Urine aforesaid and spread upon thin plates of that Body which you intend to examine by this way of Probation IX Then the said plates must be laid upon a Grate of Iron included in an Earthen Vessel but so as not to touch one another that the power of the Fire may have free and equal access to them Thus the whole must be kept in Fire in a strong Earthen Vessel for the space of 3 days but with this Caution That the plates may be kept Red Fire hot but not melt X. After the third day you will find the Plates cleansed from all impurity if the Body of them was perfect if not they will be wholly corrupted and burnt in the Calcination XI Some expose Plates of Metal to Calcination without a Composition of Cement and they are purified in like manner if the Body be perfect If not they are totally consumed But in this kind of Examen they must have a longer space of time for that they are purified by the only force of Fire than if they were Examined by the help of Cement XII And for that the nature of Luna differs not much from the nature of Sol therefore of necessity it rests with it in the Tryal by Cement and there is no separation of Bodies one from another in these two kinds of Tryal unless that be caused by reason of the Diversity of the Composition of their substances XIII For from thence results the Diversity of Fusion and Thickness or Thinness or Rarity which are indeed the causes of Separation for that by reason of the strong Composition of some their substance is not corrupted by the substance of the Extraneous Body in as much as a mixtion of them cannot be made through their least parts XIV Therefore in such a commixture they must necessarily be separated each from other without the total corruption of their Essences And the perfecting of imperfect Bodies is discerned when they are by Ingenuity of preparation found to be of the same Fusion Ignition and Solidity CHAP. LXIV The Examen by Ignition I. SInce Bodies of greatest Perfection with determinate Ignition are found to receive the Fire before fusion of them therefore we say if our design is to find out the com pleat alteration of them there is a necessity to bring such Bodies to their Fusion II. And before these
thick as an Oyl which Oyl first with a soft fire and after with a stronger fix into dry Pouder IV. This Work is not to be done all at once but by little and little at a time till it goes through with it in the Color of Blood then will it precipitate into a Red Pouder called by the Philosophers Sericon Dissolve it with as much of Our Vegetable Sal Anatron the space of an hour then set it in Balneo in a long Receptory till it be clearly dissolved and becomes as it were a fine Wine which with the very softest heat make it to Evaporate and Congeal so will you have a pure Stone and of subtil parts V. Also if you dissolve this same Red Pouder of Mercury in Water or Spirit of Common Salt prepared as Bachon and Albertus have taught you shall have an Oyl or Salt of Gold which no Fire can destroy which will melt and tinge with a solar Color upon a Plate of Venus This Treasure carry always with you wheresoever you go Who knows not the Secret of this prepared Salt in Our lesser Works knows little of the hidden things of Alchymie VI. Try this fixt Pouder at Sect. 3. above for the fixation reiterate still the Work with the same Fire against Nature upon the same Pouder Ten times and it will be dryed up no more into Pouder but remain in a thick Oyl the which will turn Argent Vive and all Bodies into pure Alchymick Gold sufficiently good for all works of the Goldsmith but not for Medicine for Man's Body VII A Second way Gold is much more wonderfully Elixirated by the said Fire against Nature compounded with the Fire Natural after this manner Let Vitriol of the Fire of Nature made of the most sharp Humidity or moisture of Grapes and Sericon joyned together in a Mass with the Natural Mineral Vitriol called the Gum of Adrop or Vitriol Azoth made somewhat dry and with Sal Nitre be dissolved VIII First Ascends a Fair Weak Flegmatick Water which cast away Then a White Fume making the Vessel appear White like Milk which Fume must be gathered into the receiver so long till it ceases and the Vessel becomes clear of its own Color This water of the White Fume is the stinking Menstruum which is called Our Dragon against Nature This Menstruum if the said Dragon against Nature was absent would be our Fire Natural of which we shall hereafter speak in its proper place IX Raymundus saith this Water is made of four things 1. The Composition of Sal Amarum 2. Menstru um Foetens 3. Argent Vive which is a common substance in every Corruptible Body 4. Mineral Vitriol X. This compounded Water Mineral and Water Vegetable being mixed together and made one Water as aforesaid doth work contrary Operation which is wonderful it Dissolves and Congeals it makes moist and dry it putrifies and purifies it divides asunder and joyns together it destroys and restores it kills and makes alive it wounds and heals again it makes soft and hardens it makes thin and thick it resolves Compounds and Compounds again It begins the Work and makes an end of the same XI These two Mineral Waters Compounded together in one are the two Dragons Fighting and striving to gather one against the other in the Flood of Satalia viz. the White Fume and the Red and one of them shall devour the other And here the Solutory Vessels ought to be Luted but gently or closed with Linnen Cloth or with Mastick or common Wax or Cerecloth XII These two Dragons are Fire and Water within the Vessel and not without and therefore if they feel any exteriour fire they will rise up to the top of the Vessel and if they be yet forced by the violence or strength of the Fire they will break the Vessel and so you will lose all your Work XIII This Compounded Water aforesaid does Congeal as much as it does Dissolve and lists it up into a glorious Crystalline Earth This is our Secret dissolution of the Stone which is always done with the Congelation of its Water The Fire of Nature is here put to the Fire against Nature therefore as much as the Stone has lost of its form by the power and strength of the Water or Fire against Nature so much has it gotten and recovered again of its form by the Virtue of the Water or Fire of Nature But the Fire against Nature by the means of the Fire of Nature cannot be destroyed CHAP. LXV The Practice with the said Compounded Water upon the Calx of the Body Dissolved I. THE Practice with the said Compounded Water upon the Calx of the Body duly dissolved and prepared Take the prepared Body made with a thick Oyl put to it so much of the Compounded Water as may cover the same Calx i. e. Our prepared Calx with Our Vege table Menstruum by the depth of half an Inch. The Water will presently boil over the Calx without external dissolving the Stone and lifting it up into the form of Ice with the drying up also of the said Water II. The said Calx being so dissolved and sublimed into the form of Ice you must take away after this is done the residue of the Calx remaining in the Vessel undissolved shall again be well dryed by the Fire upon which put so much of the said Compounded Water as you did before dissolving subliming and drying till the Calx is wholly dissolved III. The substance thus dissolved subtily separated and brought into a Pouder must be put as thereafter shall be shewed into a good quantity of the Fire of Nature which is a Quintescence the same being first well rectified and the Vessel well stopp'd to the end that the means of the heat outwardly administred unto it procuring the inward heat to work it may be dissolved into an Oyl the which will soon be done by reason of the simplicity of the Water or simple Fire of Nature IV. And therefore when you have brought the said Pouder so dissolved sublimed and prepared with the said Compounded Water into an Oyl 〈◊〉 is our Menstruum Visible unto sight by putting thereto a good quantity of the aforesaid rectified simple Fire of Nature as before declared then abstract or draw away the said Water again from the same Oyl by Distilling the same in a moist Temperate heat so long till there remains in the bottom of the Glass a thin Oyl V. This Oyl the oftner it is dissolved with the said simple rectified Fire of Nature and the said Water Abstracted or Distilled by a Temperate heat so much the more will the said Oyl be made subtil and thin VI. With the said Oyl provided the Calx be the Calx of Sol or Luna you may incere the substances or Calces of other Bodies the said Bodies being first dissolved exalted sublimed and prepared with the said Compounded Water in manner and form of Ice aforesaid till that by the Inceration of the