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A57242 The experienced farrier, or, Farring compleated In two books physical and chyrurgical. Bringing pleasure to the gentleman, and profit to the countrey-man. ... For here is contained every thing that belongs to a true horse-man, groom, farrier or horse-leach, viz. breeding; the manner how, the season when, ... and what are fit for generation; the feeder, rider, keeper, ambler and buyer; as also the making of several precious drinks, suppositories, balls, purgations, ... and directions how to use them for all inward and outward diseases. Also the paring and shooing of all manner of hoofes, ... The prices and vertues of most of the principal drugs, both simple and compound belonging to farring, ... also a large table of the virtues of most simples set down alphabetically, and many hundreds of simples placed one after another, for the cure of all ... diseases, ... with many new receipts of excellent use and value; never yet printed before in any author. By E.R. Gent. E. R., Gent. 1681 (1681) Wing R13A; ESTC R220639 427,228 473

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the spunginess apt to suck in all manner of Filth and to dilate and spread the same all over the Body the appearance thereof is on the left side under the short Ribs where you shall perceive some small Swelling which Swelling gives great Grief to the Midriff and taketh away more of his Digestion then his Appetite and being suffered to continue it maketh faint the Heart and grows in the end to a hard Knob and stony substance Now if I mistake not this Spleen is no other then the Milt and I have known four or five Horses die of it out of one Stable and it hath been lookt upon no other then the Plague which if they had had things proper for the Distemper they might have lived Things good in General for the Spleen either inwardly taken or outwardly applied A Decoction of the Herb Archangel in wine applied to the place grieved hot Barley-Meal-boyled with Melilot and Chamomel flowers with some Lynseed Fennegreek and Rue applied warm the Juice of Chamomel given inwardly or to make him Sweat and then give him a quart of white-wine wherein hath been boyled the Leaves of Tamarisk and a good quantity of Cummin seeds beaten to powder and give it warm or to pour into his left Nostril every day after he hath Sweat the Juice of Myrobalans mixt with Wine and Water to the quantity of a pint or take Cummin-seed and Honey of each six ounces of Lacerpitium as much as a Bean of Vineger a pint and put all these into three quarts of water and let it stand so all night and give him a quart thereof next Morning fasting or Garlick Nitrum Hore-hound and Wormwood sodden in sharp wine and given and to bathe his left side with warm water and to rub it hard A Particular Receipt for the Spleen Take a Handful of Agrimony chopped very small and work it up with sweet Butter into two or three Balls with half an Ounce of the powder of Turmerick and as much of Cummin-seeds powdred and give him them fasting in the Morning for several Mornings together and it will Cure him 'T is good also to give him some of the Herb boiled in his Drink or Oxicrocium applied Plaister-wise to the grieved part is very good Things good in General to Cure the Colt-Evil The Juice of Rue mixed with Honey and boiled in Hogs-grease Bay-leaves with the powder of Fennegreek added thereto and anoint the sh●ath with it The powder of the Herb Avit and the leaves of Bittony stamped with white-Wine to a moist Salve and anoint the Sore therewith to wash the Sheath clean with luke-warm Vineger and to draw out the Yard and wash that also and to Ride him twice every day into some deep Running Water tossing him to and fro to allay the heat of the Members till the Swelling be vanished and if you swim him now and then it will not be amiss but the best way to Cure a Horse is to Give him a Mare and to swim him after it To bathe his Cods with the Juice of Housleek or with the water wherein Knee-holm hath been sod if it stops the Urine then give him new Ale and a little black Sope in it to drink or to wash his Cods with Butter and Vineger made warm or with the Juice of H●mlock or else take Bean-flower Vineger and Bolearmoniack and mix them together Lay it Plaister-wise to his Sheath and Cods or to make him a Plaister of Wine-Lees Housleek and Bran mixt together and laid to his Sheath and Cods c. Things good to Cure the Mattering of the Yard Take Roch Allom one Ounce and white-Wine one Pint boyl them till the Allom be dissolved then Blood-warm inject this Portion with a Syringe putting it up into his Yard so far as it may be four or five times a day till it be well This is so perfect that you need not any other Things good in General for Shedding of Seed which is no other then the Running of the Reins in Men. Amaranthus that bears a white Flower the Juice of Bistort added to the Juice of Plantine outwardly applied Comfrey to Ride him into some cold water up to the Belly then cover him warm and give him Red Wine and Hogs-dung or Red-Wine and Acatium Venice-Turpentine c. Two Receipts which may serve in stead of many more for the Shedding of the Seed or Running of the Reins which is an infallible safe and sure Way of stopping it And is also good for all manner of Bruises by Falls or any other Accident c. Take a pound of common Turpentine if you will not go to the Charge of the Venice and put to it so much of the fine powders of Bolearmoniack and English Liquoris with a little Wheat-Flower as will make it up into a stiff Paste When you have occasion to use it Rowl it out between your Hands and break so much of it off as contains the bigness of a small Wash-ball and give him three of them Morning and Evening upon the end of a stick or in a Horn full of strong Beer till you find the Flux of Seed stayed which will be in a Week or Fortnights time at farthest 'T is convenient to purge and cleanse his Reins very well first before you give him his Balls which will not only Expedite but perfect the Cure so much the sooner and better Another for the same Take brown Sugar Candy Tanners Bark finely powdred and Sifted with the powder of the dried leaves of Clary and incorporate them very well with some common Turpentine and make them up into Balls with a little Wheat-flower and give him two or three of them at a time Morning and Evening about the bigness of a Pigeons Egg till the Flux of the Seed stayeth which will be in a very short time Things good in General for the Cure of the Falling of the Yard To Wash his Yard with Sea-water or Water and Salt and if that will not prevail prick all the outmost skin of his Yard with a sharp Needle very slightly and wash all the Pricks with strong Vineger and this will not only make him draw up his Yard again but also if at any time his Fundament chance to Fall this Cure will put it up again or to put Honey and Salt into his Yard made liquid or else a quick Fly or a Grain of Frankincense or a Clove of Garlick clean pilled and bruised and Bath his Back with Oyl Wine and Nitre made warm and mingled together But the best Cure is first to wash all his Yard with white-Wine warmed and anoint it with Oyl of Roses and Honey mixed together and so put it up into his Sheath and with a l●ttle Bolster of Canvass keep it from falling down and dress him thus in twenty four houres until he be recovered and let his Back be kept very warm as is possible both with Cloth and a Charge of Plaister made of Bolearmoniack Eggs Wheat-Flower
Handfuls Marsh-mallow Roots cleansed and bruised and Violet leaves of each two Handfuls Flax-seed three spoonfuls as many of the Cloves of white Lilly Roots as you can hold in your hand Boyl all these in fair water from a Gallon to a quart and strain it and put thereto of Sene one Ounce which must be infused or steeped in the Liquor three houres standing upon the hot Embers then put to it of Sallet Oyl half a Pint and being Blood-warm Administer it A Glister in Case of desperate Sickness Take of the Oyl of Dill Oyl of Camomile Oyl of Violets of Cassia of each half an Ounce and of brown Sugar-Candy in powder three Ounces then take half a Handful of Mallow-leaves boyl them to a Decoction in fair Water then strain it and put to it all the fore-named Ingredients and Administer it Blood-warm This helpeth all Feavers it is good against the Pestilence and all Languishing Diseases most excellent against Surfeits either by Provender or otherwise and it will occasion great strength in a short time if it be rightly made and carefully given A Glister for the Pestilence and all Feavers Take the Pulpe of Colloquintida half an Ounce I mean the Seeds and Skin taken away of Dragantium three quarters of an Ounce of Centaury and of Wormwood of each half a Handful of Castoreum a quarter of an Ounce boyl all these in three quarts of water to a quart then strain it and dissolve into the Broth of Gerologundinum three Ounces and of white Salt three Drams of Sallet-Oyl half a Pint and Blood-warm Administer it A Glister for the Cholick Take Salt water or new made Brine two Pints dissolve therein a pretty quantity of Sope and so Blood-warm Administer it Vertues This is very good for the Cholick or any Sickness or Griping in the Guts or Belly And let this suffice for Glisters Advice given upon giving Glisters 1. Before you Administer any Glister be sure to Rake him 2. When you put in the Glister-Pipe apoint it first with Butter or Sallet-Oyl and that you put it in and out gently and by degrees you must anoint likewise the Hand and Arm. 3. Let him keep it above half an hour by holding his Tuel close to his Fundament 4. That you do Administer it but Blood-warm 5. That you squeeze and press between your Hands the Bladder strongly 6. And lastly that you let him not drink any cold water in a day or two after but let it either be a sweet Mash or else white Water What things are put into a Laxative Glister Pellitory Melil●●e Camomile but Pellutory is the best and of this would I make a Decoction and to this Decoction would I put Sallet-Oyl Honey Aloes and Verjuice of the Crab Brank-urfine Mallows or Marsh-Mallows Fennel Roots Parsley Roots Jack by the Hedge The Nature of the Principal Drugs Agarick purgeth the Brain Alloes the Breast and Body Rhubarb purgeth the evil water and it openeth the Liver and helpeth Obstructions and Opilations Aristolochia rotunda mollifieth the Breast Liver and Lungs and Ba●●●aury or Bay-berries do mortisie the peccant humours which do engender in the Breast or Entrails near about the Heart and Saffron if it be discreetly given doth marvellously comfort and enlighten the Heart What the true Nature of Rubarb it Rubarb hath two contrary Natures for if you either scrape grate or cut it then it is a Loosner for it dissolveth and openeth the Liver and expelleth the Obstructions thereof it expulseth all bad Humours in and about the Heart Liver and Spleen it cleanseth the Body and sendeth away the peccant Humours among the Excrements and all such things as may annoy or offend the Entrails But if you shall pound or beat it in a Mortar or otherwise the spirit whereof being a subtil Body will Transire and flie away whereby the Operation thereof will be to bind and be no way profitable The Nature of a Suppository The Nature of Suppositories are to help a Horse that cannot well empty himself for a Suppository causeth him to discharge himself of many superfluous and evil Humours which do disturb annoy and distemper his Bod● with their peccant qualities and conditions for they breed bad 〈◊〉 which oft-times good Diet cannot amend and therefore must be sent away by Purgation that is to say by Suppository or Glister or Portion A Suppository is but a Preparative to a Glister or Portion and is of all other things the gentlest you can use it will Loosen the Guts which may be bound and clogged with dry hot and hard Excrements which a Glister will not so well do The first Suppository Take a Candle of four or five in the pound and cut off three Inches at the smaller end and anoint the biggest part of it either with Sallet-Oyl or fresh Butter and so put it into his Fundament then with your Hand hold his Tail to his Tuel about half an hour by which time the Suppository will be dissolved then take his Back and Trot him up and down till he do begin to empty and purge himself for by this means it will work the better and more kindly This is she most gentle of all Suppositories that can be given This dissolveth all hard dry and hot Excrements and sendeth them forth and besides it suppleth the Guts Another if you find him so weak that you dare not without the peril of his life administer unto him any Portion or Purging Medicine then give him this Suppository The second Suppository Take of Common Honey six Ounces of Salt-Niter one Ounce and a half of Wheat-Flower and of Anniseeds in fine Powder of each an Ounce boyl all these to a stiff thickness and so make it into Suppositories then take one of them and anoint it all over with Sallet-Oyl and your Hand also and so put it up into his Fundament the length of your Hand then Tie his Tail betwixt his Legs by fastening it to his Girts and let it remain so half an hour then ride and order him as before This is good in case of Surfeits or inward Sickness Suppository the third Take a piece of Castle-Sope and paring it bring it into the fashion of a Suppository and apply it and order him as before is taught you This is special good to purge Phlegm Suppository the fourth Take so much Saven as will suffice and stamp it to a Mash and stamp with it Stavesakar and Salt of each two ounces boyl these in common Honey so much as will suffice till it be thick and so make it up into Suppositories and administer one of them as you did before and order him ●o likewise This purgeth Choler Suppository the Fifth Take an angry red Onion and Pill it and Jag it Cross-ways with your Knife and so administer it and order him as before This purgeth Melancholy Suppository the Sixth Take common Honey a pint and boil it till it be thick and make it up into Suppositories as it cooleth and administer it
him stand upon the Trench until three or four of the Clock then give him a warm Mash and order him as you do Horses in Physick Give him this Medicine every other or third day three or four times and you shall find it an infallible Cure Before you use this Medicine you must prepare his Body with Bran prepared and after with a Glyster and your Goose-feathers Another Take better then two handfuls of the Cankerous Moss which groweth upon an old Oaken Pale and boyl it in two quarts of Milk to one then strain it and squeeze the Moss well and give it him luke-warm to drink then take two Goose-feathers and take as much sweet Butter as contains a Wall-nut and with the powder of Brimstone finely beaten and s●arced work them well together with your Knife till the Butter be brought to a high Gold Colour Then take two Feathers the longest you can get in a Gooses wing and first at the Quills end with a Needle fasten two long threads then with your Salve anoint your Feathers all over which done rowl them well in the powder of Brimstone and thrust them up into his Head then fasten the thread on the top of the Horses Head and ride him abroad for an hour or two Airing him in this manner Morning and Evening and when he hath stood a pretty while in the Stable after you have brought him home again untie the threads and draw forth the Feathers and wiping them very dry lay them up till you have next occasion to use them This Disease cometh not suddenly but grows out of long process of time and therefore the Cure must be done by leisnre therefore you must continue the Medicine as your leisure will serve either every day or at the least thrice a week if it be for four or five Months together and be sure it will in the end yield your desire Another which will Cure any high Running Glanders called the Mourning of the Chine Take Elecampane Roots and boyl them in Milk till they be soft that you may bring them to Pap then with a Horn give them to the Horse with the Milk luke-warm being no more then will make the Roots liquid and having anointed your Goose-feathers use him and ride him as you did before Another Take of Agri-pigimentum and of Tussilaginis beaten into powder of each four drams then beating them with fine Turpentine bring them into a Paste then make them up into little Cakes as broad as a Groat and dry them Then lay two or three of them on a Chafing-dish of Coals and cover them with a Tunnel so that the smoke may come up onely at the end thereof and so without auy loss ascend up into the Horses Head through his Nostrils then Ride him till he begin to sweat this do once every Morning before water till the Running be stopped which will be in a very short space considering the greatness of this Disease Another After you have purged him two days before give him this Drink Take of Tanners Owes new made wherein never came Hides one pint of Sallet Oyl four spoonfuls two Heads of Garlick pilled and bruised Feathersew and Sellandine of each one handful chopped very small Anniseeds and Licoris and Bay-berries all finely pulverized of each one spoonful boyl all these a little and give it him blood-warm twice a week fasting and being thus four times drenched will be perfectly cured which seldom or never fails The best Receipt for this Disease is in my First Part. Another Take Cummin-seeds Grains of Paradice and Fennegreek in powder of each half an Ounce of Diahexaple a quarter of an Ounce beat this in a Mortar with a quarter of a pint of Verjuice three spoonfuls of Sallet-Oyl and two spoonfuls of Aqua vitae then put altogether to a quart of old Ale with a good slice of sweet Butter and set it on the Fire till it be ready to boyl then being luke-warm give it him part at his Mouth and part at both Nostrils then ride him pretty roundly for an hour and set up warm let him fast an hour and if you perceive Sicknes to grow give him a pint of new Milk Another for the Glander Keep the Horse fasting for four or five houres then give him this Drink here under written viz. Ten Cloves of Garlick peeled and bruised half a handful of Oaken Moss and one handful of Pollipody of the Oak boyl all these together upon a gentle Fire in three Pints of new Milk till half be consumed then strain out the Milk from the Moss and other Ingredients and put into it three quarters of an Ounce of the powder of Elecampane Roots one Ounce of the Floure of Brimstone half an Ounce of the Juice of Spanish Liquoris and half an Ounce of the powder of Fennegreek well mixt together Then take two handfuls of the innermost Bark of green Elder and boyl it in a quart of Spring water till more then half be consumed then strain it forth and pour it into the other Ingredients and stir them well together and give it him lukewarm some at his Mouth and some at his Nose exceed not above a pint of it at a time warm him very well after it but bring him home cool and Cloath and Litter him up warm and let him fast three or four houres after it and Order him as you do sick Horses with Mashes of Malt boiled Oats and white Water c. Observations upon it This Disease is very difficult and hard to Cure and therefore you must not think that once or twice giving it will get 〈◊〉 Conquest over this sturdy Disease but it must be the work of a longer time a Month or more at least viz. Give it him two or three days together and intermit a day or two between to recruit his spirits and so continue it till you have recovered him But the best and most certain Receipt for the Cure of this filthy and lothsom Disease is by a Receipt at the latter end of the Book which I Refer you principally unto vide T●e best Receipts for the Cure of the Glanders Another to stay it for a time being incurable Take the green Bark of Elder and beat it in a Mortar and strain it till you have a pint thereof Then put that Juice to a pint of old Ale and warm it on the Fire with a good Lump of sweet Butter and an Ounce of Sugar candy and so give it lukewarm ride him after it and let him fast an hour and keep him warm do thus divers Mornings If you are minded to take a general Receipt to Cure all Colds Glanders Heart sickness and to purge away molten Grease Look in the First Part for B●lls Cordial to Cure any c. Things good in General given inwardly to a Hide-bound Horse White-wine Sallet Oyl Venice Turpentine Mithridate Loaf sugar Cassia prepared milk of sweet Almonds Verjuice given him Muscadine strong Ale Grunfel Rue Smallage
the Sore you cleanse wash and inject the Wound with this water A Water to wash and cleanse a Sore or VVound before you use the Ointment above Take red Sage Plantain Rib-wort Yarrow Bramble-leaves Rosemary Hysop and Honey-suckle leaves of each half a handful boyl them in one Pint of white-Wine and as much of Smiths or Cold Trough water then add thereto the boyling of common Honey one spoonful and as much Allom as a Wall-nut and a bright black piece of a Sea coal the bigness of an Egg unbroken then let it boyl till half be consumed then strain it hard and wash the Sore therewith and if the Wound be deep inject of this Water with a Syringe into it every day when you dress him and by this doing you shall cleanse the Wound and take away all bad and dead flesh and heal it up soundly Another Water to cleanse and heal a S●re To a Gallon of Smiths Water and a quart of Ale add two Handfuls of Sage a Pint of Honey an Ounce of common Allum and half an Ounce of white Copperas boyl them very well together till they be all consumed and put them into a clean Vessel and keep them for your use Dr take spring-Spring-water and put to it Roch-Allum and Madder and boyl them till they be both consumed and put them up for your use Or take Sage Cinquefoyl and Fennel of each a good handful and boyl them in a Gallon of Spring-water till they be tender then strain the Liquor from the Herbs and put to it a quarter of a pound of Roch-Allum and let it boyl again a little while till the Allum be dissolved then take it from the Fire and make use of it after this manner viz. Dip Lint in it warm and lay it upon the Sore and if it be hollow apply more Lint Then make a Bolster of Linnen Cloth and wet it well in the Water then wring out the Water and bind on the Bolster close A Receipt for a Puncture or green Wound If it be in the Foot or any other part of the Body if you can come well unto it or if it be an Imposthumation unbroken scald it first with this Medicine Then wash it with the Water above Medic●ne Take red Tarr a penniworth of the reddest and best of Hogs grease half a pound of green Copperas and Bay-salt of each a handful both made into fine Powder boyl all these very well and with a Clout fastned upon a stick apply it scaulding hot four Mornings together for this scaulding doth so kill the Malice of the Fistula that it can never break to annoy the Horse any further It Careth the Imposthumes and ●oul Ulcers being thus applied Things g●od to take a VVen or any other Excression arising in the Flesh or hard Swellings Balm used with Salt taketh away the hard Swellings in the Throat or W●ns or Kernels therein The Decoction of the lesser Sellendine wonderfully Cureth all hard Wens or Tumors applied to them The seed of Darnel Pigeons dung Sallet-Oyl and the Powder of Linseed bo●led to the form of a Plaister consumeth them the Seed of Turn-Sole laid upon them Archangel or rather the Hedge-Nettle stamped with Vineger and applied as a Poultess taketh away any hard Swelling and also fiery hot Inflammations To Tie a double Thread about it to eat it off then with your Incision-Knife cut it a cross in four equal parts or quarters to the very bottom but beware you touch not either Vein or Sinew then with Oyl of Vitriol eat it away or with Mercury or else burn them off with your hot Iron then heal the place with your green Ointment The Leaves of Bucks-horn bruised and applied will consume them The Milk that issueth out of the Fig-Tree Branches when they are broken and applied is also very good so is the Juice of Housleek or Mercury the Juice of the Leaves and Flowers of Mullein with the Powder of the dried Root rubbed upon them taketh them away The Water that droppeth from the hollow places of the Popla●-Tree anointed with it doth the like Garden-Rue bruised with a few Myrtle-leaves made with Wax and applied taketh away all sorts of them so doth an Ointment made of the burnt Ashes of the Willow-Tree mixed with Vineger and the place anointed therewith c. Things good to Cure an Anbury which is a great spungy Wart full of Blood To Tie it about with a Thread or Hair so hard as you can pull it and in few days it will fall away of it self then strew upon it the Powder of Verdegrease to kill it at the Root and heal it up again with your green Ointment But if it be so flat that you cannot bind any about it then take it away with your Incision-Knife close to the Skin or else burn it off with a hot Iron and then first kill the Fire with Turpentine and Hogs Grease molten together and heal it up as before prescribed but if it grow in such a Sinewy place that it cannot be conveniently cut away with a hot Iron then eat it out with the Oyl of Vitriol and heal it up as you do other Wounds Head Purged Vide Perfumes in the First Part. Things good for to put in Ointments and Salves for the Cure of all manner of Wounds in General The Juice of ordinary Centaury is good to cleanse Old Sores and to heal ●p Wounds the Juice of the leaves of Cleavers do close up the Lips of green Wounds or the powder of the Seed of the Herb doth the same Clowns Wound-wort Coral-wort Cole-wort the powder of the Root of Sow-Fennel or Hogs-Fennel Fox-gloves Golden-rod Winter-green True love or one Berry Hounds tongue St. Johns-wort Kidney-wort Knape-weed Ladie Mantle is the best Wound-Herb that is and is good for inward and outward Wounds Loosestrif● The dryed leaves of Medlers strewed upon a Wound healed it quickly Money wort or the Herb two pence The Juice of Nettles is good to wash a Wound with and if it be bound to it but three days you need no other Medicine Pimpernel Ground-pine Plantine Rag-wort w●ld Sage Sarasens Consound Solomons Seal Sanicle Burnet Saxafrage Scabius Self heal Southern-wood the Juice of wild Tansie Tutsan Vervain Blew-bottle Elder Couch-grass or Dogs-grass Daffadil Cranes-bill Comfrey doth so Conglutinate things together that it is reported that it will sodder Meal together being cut into pieces and put into the Pot Celandine Broom Turpentine Mastick Frankincense Balsom the leaves of Elm Flix-weed is good for Ulcers and VVounds Byfoyl Costmary Cowslips Cross-wort Yarrow is good for Fistulaes and Ulcers c. Particular Receipts for Salves or Ointments for VVounds Old or New Take common Honey and Verdegrease finely pulverized of each as much as will suffice boyl them together till the Medicine wax red and this will heal up any Old or green Sore in short space Another Take Turpentine black Soap Hogs-grease green Treat and Pitch a like quantity mix and boyl them
yet the Ball of the Eye very sound and good then you need do nothing to him but to keep him warm with a Hood made fit for his Head of some Linnen Cloth and to anoint them twice a day with white Sugar-Candy Honey and white Rose-Water and in two or three days time they will turn into their Places again then take Blood from him which is partly the occasion and cold Rheums together setling in the Head of this Disease do not clip nor meddle with the Bladders or any part of the Eye lest you do not only put out his Eyes but endanger his Life or at best make him but Blear-Ey'd Particular Receipts for the Eyes Take Rose Leaves Smallage Maiden-hair Euface Endive Succory Red-Fennel Hill-wort and Cellandine of each half a quarter of a pound bei●g washed clean lay them in white-Wine asteep a whole day and then distil them And the first Water will be like Gold the second like Silver and the third like Balm this Water hath recovered Sight for some years Another to take off a Felm or Pin and Web. Take white Copperas and beat it to powder and sift it through a very fine Sieve with the same quantity of white Sugar-Candie beaten and blow it into his Eye once a day and as you see it amend once in two or three days is enough Another to take off a Felm Take Alabaster and beat and searce it very fine and blow it into his Eye once or twice a day and it will take it off Another for the same Take Bay-Salt or for want of that Common-Salt and bruise it very small and mix it well with fresh Butter then make it up into small Balls as big as a Hazel-nut and open his Eye-lid and put one of them in holding your hand over it till it be all melted and thus doing once a day will take off any Felm if it be taken in time Another to take away the Rheum from his Eyes and to clear it Take Butter and Salt of each alike and mix them well together with your Knife then take a piece as big as a small Wall-Nut and put it into his Ear on that side that is offended and let it remain there for four or five houres and this will dry up the Rheum and clear his Eye You must Tie or Sew his Ear close or else he will shake it out Another to stay the Rheum in a Horses Eye Take fine Bole or Bole-armoniack and blow it into his Eyes and it will drive back the Rheum but if he will not suffer you to blow it into his Eye mix it with Butter and some white Sugar-Candy beaten to powder and make it up into little Balls and put one of them into his Eye once or twice a day as you shall see occasion Another to take off a Felm Take the blackest Flint you can get and Calcine it then beat it to powder and Sift it through a fine Sieve and put to it the powder of Ginger and blow it into his Eye as you see occasion Another for sore Eyes dim Eyes or Moon-Eyes Take Lapis Calaminaris half an Ounce and heat it red hot and quench it in a quarter of a Pint of Plantain water or white Wine do this eight or nine times then beat it to powder and put it to the water then add half a dram of Aloes and a spoonful of Camphire in powder and let them dissolve drop this into the Eye Another for the same Take a Pint of snow-Snow-water and dissolve into it two or three drams of white Vitriol and with it wash his Eye three or four times a day and it helpeth Another for a white Felm or Skin over the Eye Take the Root of the black Sallow and burn it to Ashes then put to it the like quantity of white Sugar Candy and grated Ginger finely searced and blow it into his Eye Morning and Evening Another for any Soreness in th● Eye at Pearl Pin Web or Bruise Take a new laid Egg and roast it very hard then cleave it in sunder long-wise and take out the Yolk then fill the empty holes with white Vitriol finely beaten and close the Egg again and roast it the second time till the Vitriol be molten Lastly beat the Egg Shell and all in a Mortar and strain it and with that moisture dress the Eye If instead of the Vitriol you fill the Holes with Myrrh finely searced and hang the Egg up that it may drop and with that moisture dress the Eye it is every way as good only it is a little stronger Another which is infallible for the Curing of a Pin Pearl VVib or Spot in a Horses Eye Take an Egg and make a Hole in the top put out half the White then fill up the empty place with Salt and Ginger finely mixt together then roast it very hard so as you may beat it into fine powder having formerly lapt it in a wet Cloth then Morning and Evening after you have washed his Eye with the Juice of Ground Ivy or Eye-bright water blow this Powder therein To Cure a VVart in a Horses Eye which is upon the Edge or inside of the Eye-Lids Take burnt Allom and the same quantity of white Copperas unburnt both being beaten very small and ●ay some of this powder on the Head of the Wart once a day and it will consume it Another for ●oul Eyes sere Eyes or Sight almost lost Take Thacchamahaca Mastick Rosin and Pitch of each a like quantity and being molten with Flax of the Colour of the Horse lay it as defensive on each side his Temples as big as a twenty shilling Piece then underneath his Eyes upon the Cheek-Bone with a round Iron burn three or four holes and anoint them with sweet Butter then take a handful of Cellandine and wash it clean in white-Wine but let it touch no water then bruise it and strain it and to the quantity of Juice put the third part of Womans Milk and a pretty quantity of white Sugar-Candy searc'd through a Piece of Lawn and lick it into his Eye Morning and Evening Thus do for the worst of sore Eyes but if the offence be not extreme then you may forbear both the defensitive and the burning and use only the Medicine Another for a Bite or Stroke upon the Eye Honey powder of Ginger and the Juice of Cellandine mixed together and licked into his Eye with a Feather twice a day is a very good Cure for it Another for a Felm The powder of Verdegrease finely beaten and searc'd and burnt Allom of equal parts alike mixed with some of the Ointment of Marsh-mallows and about the bigness of a Pease put into his Eye once or twice a day will Cure him Another for Blood-shotten Eyes Roman Vitriol steeped in white Rose water till it be Coloured or for want of that fair Spring water and the Eye washed therewith twice or thrice a day Cureth it Another to
Clip them away with a Pair of Scissers and let them Bleed then prick them in the Palate of the Mouth with your Fleam and wash the place with Wine Vineger Bolearmoniack and Salt and see that no Hay dust stick upon the Place Clipped and he will be well again Several Receipts for the Canker in the Mouth Nose or in any other Part of the Body For the Canker in the Mouth or Nose take white-Wine half a pint Roch-Allom the quantity of a Wall-nut Bay-salt half a spoonful English-Honey one spoonful Red-Sage Rue Rib-wort Bramble-leaves of each alike much boyl these in the white-Wine so much as will suffice till a quarter be consumed and inject this water into the sorrance or if it be in the Mouth wash the place with a Clout fastned to a stick and dress him therewith twice a day or oftener as you shall see ●it till it be whole Another for the Nose or Mouth or any other place Take the Juice of Plantine as much Vineger and the same weight of the powder of Allum and with it anoint the sore twice or thrice a day and it will kill it and Cure it Another Take of Ginger and Allum of each alike made into fine powder mixing them well together till they be very thick like a Salve and after you have washed it very well with Allum-water or Vineger anoint it with this Salve and in twice or thrice dressing it will be killed Things good in General for the Canker The Herb Fluellen stamped and the Juice given inwardly or applied outwardly healeth the most spreading and eating Cankers and Ulcers and fretting Sores Sage Plantine Rosemary Honey Allum Verdegrease green and white Copperas Brimstone Tansie Bay-salt Bramble-leaves Elder Ginger the Roots of Asphodil quick Silver Arsnick Agrimony made up with Hogs-grease Cureth old Cankers and inveterate Ulcers Allum Honey and Verdegrease mixed together is good the Decoction of white Beets in Water is good for Running Sores Ulcers and Cankers in the Head Legs or other Parts of the Body the Decoction of the leaves of the Burr-dock c. Another Excellent Cure for the Cure of the Canker in the Head Face or Ey●s c. Take three Ounces of Burgundy Pitch and half a pint of Sallet Oyl and put them into a large Earthen new Pipkin and set them over a soft Fire and let them Simper gently keeping them stirring while they are on the Fire to incorporate them the better Your Pipkin must be the larger by reason that you are to put in Verdegrease which is of that fie●y Nature that it will make it quickly rise and boyl over if you have not a special care thereof After you have boiled it near a quarter of an hour put to it one Ounce of the Oyl of Turpentine and as much of the Powder of Verdegrease as will lie upon a six-pence finely powdered and searc'd through a Lawn Sieve boyl them also a little while together then take it off the Fire and put it into a Gally-pot and keep it till you have occasion to use it Directions to know whether it be well or ill made If it be vell boiled it will be neither too thick nor too thin but in the condition of an Ointment and of a very good green Colour But if it be too much boiled your Verdegrease will turn it of a red Colour which will be so prejudicial to your Salve that it will lose the healing quality thereof Directions how to use it If you use it for a Canker in his Nose you are to Tie a Linnen Rag upon the end of a stick and dip it in Wine Vineger and Salt or Verjuice and Salt mixed together and put it ●p into his Nostrils and rub and scrub off the scabs and filth that you find therein When you have thus washed and cleansed it take the longest Goose-feather you can get and if it be not long enough to reach to the top of his Nostrils Tie it to the end of a small stick and dip it into the Salve and use it as before once a day and he will do well If you find it on his Head Face or Eyes you must do the like viz. to rub and scrub off the scabs till they Bleed and lay on some of your Salve with a Feather and strew some Wheat-Bran upon it to make it keep on the better You are to dress it once a day till you find it heal and then once in two or three days is enough Observa●ion The quickest and speediest Way for to effect all outward Cures is to let him stand in the House during his Cure Things good to Kill Wormes in General Alheal Alkanet Water Agrimony the leaves of Bistort or Snake-weed the powder of the Root of Butter-Bur the Seed of Sea Co●ewort bruised and given in Beer the powder of ordinary small Centaury the powder of the Root call'd Devils Bit Elecampane the powder of Fern-Roots the Juice of Flix-weed Gentian Feltwort or Baldmony Germander Hops beaten to Powder and given him the powder of Horehound Knotgrass Groundsel Savin Brimstone Allom Salt Mother-wort the Bark of the Root of the Mulberry-Tree Nettleseeds the powder of the leaves of the Peach tree the powder of Plantine Horse-Radish Wild-Rotchet Rupture-wort Southern-wood Vervain the Bark of the Wallnut-tree or the powder of the green shells Wormwood dried and beaten and given Tansie seed the white Beete sodden with Garlick Mercury Calcin'd Alloes blak Soap Ta●ners Ouze his own Hair chopped small and given him in his Provender Rue Soot the warm Guts o● a new slain Hen or Chicken rowled up in Salt and Brimstone and given him Elder-berries sodden in Milk Chalk Fennegreek Bay-berries Turmerick Worm-seed Garlick Hens dung Saffron Mint Sage Rozin Juniper berries the green Branches of Sallow or Willow given him Reeds so much of Sublima●um as will lie upon two pence workt up in Butter and given him Stone-crop Quick-silver crude or mortified with the Juice of Lemons c. Particular Receipts for the ●ots or Wormes Take a quart of new Milk and as much Honey as will extraordinarily sweet then give it him in the Morning luke-warm having fasted all the night before and let him ●ast after it two houres then take a Pint of Beer and dissolve into it a good spoonful or more of black Sope and being well mixed together give it him then ride and chase him a little and let him fast another hour and the Wormes will avoid Another more Easie Take Savin chopped and stamped small a good handful warmed in a quart of Beer and given him luke-warm or a quart of Brine given him is very good Another Take as much Precipitate alias red Mercury Calcin'd as will lie upon a Silver two-pence and work it into a piece of sweet Butter the bigness of a small Wall-Nut in the manner of a Pill then lape it all over again with Butter and make it as big as a small Egg and give it him Fasting in a Morning
taking forth his Tongue and putting it upon the end of a stick put it down his Throat and Ride him a little after it and give him no Water that Night and let him fast two houres and then let him feed as at other times With this Medicine you may kill all manner of Bots Trunchions and Wormes of what kind soever but you must be very careful you exceed not the quantity prescribed for it is a very strong poison Another Take the ●ender tops of Broom and of Savin of each half a hand●ul chop them very small and work them up into Pills with fresh or sweet Butter and having kept him over Night fasting give him three of these Pills the next Morning early and let him fast two houres after it and give Him no Water that Night Or take Rosin and Brimstone beaten not very fine and strowed amongst his Provender and given him fasting long before he drinks is good To a Mare with Foal be Cautious what you Give her You shall need therefore but only to Rake her and to let her Blood in the Roo● or Palate of her Mouth and make her eat her own Blood for that will not only Kill but help all inward Maladies Another Take a quart of Milk warm from the Cow and put half a pint of Honey to it and give it him the first day The next day take Rue and Rosemary of each half a handful stamp them well together then let it in●use together with the powder of Brimstone and Soot so much as will suffice four Houres in a quart of Beer or Ale-wort then strain it and give it him Blood-warm then Ride him gently an hour or two and set him up warm and give him Hay an Hour before you give him Drink and let it be white Water and give him no Hay before you give him his said Drink and let his Drink be either a Mash or white Water Another Take two or three Heads of Garlick well peeled and bruised with the quantity of a small Nutmeg of black Soap and put them into a quart of strong Beer and warm it a little over the Fire and give it him luke-warm in the Morning fasting with about an Ounce of the Flower of Brimstone at the Mouth of the first Horn And Order him as you do Horses that you give Drenches to Another Three or four penniworth of the powder of Carolin● which you may buy at the Apothecaries given him in a quart of sweet Wort in the Morning fasting is a very good Cure for them Another Take of Turmerick and Anniseeds a good spoonful of each beaten to powder put them in a quarter of a Pint of Brandy and a pint and a hal● of strong Beer and gi●e it him fasting in the Morning luke-warm with some Flower of Brimstone put at the Mouth of each Horn not exceeding an Ounce of it in all and let him Fast three or four houres after it You may Repeat this Drink two or three times as you see occasion Another for the Bots in a Horse Take the Guts of a Chicken newly Killed and wrap them up warm in Honey and put it down his Throat over Night the next Morning give him a Pint of New Milk with about three Ounces of the Flower of Brimstone and exercise him after it Things good i● General to stench Bleeding either inward or outward or of any Sinew Cut or Wound or of B●e●ding at the Nose The leaves of Snakeweed or Bistort strowed upon the Wound after it is beaten to Powder the Juice of Cleavers applied to a bleeding Wound will stop it the green leaves of Cud-w●ed or Cotton-weed bruised and laid to the Wound the decoction of the Herb called Golden Rod outwardly applied the smoother Horse-tail is good either inwardly taken or outwardly applied Ladies Mantle the dried leaves of Medlars strowed upon the Wound being beaten to powder stoppeth the Bleeding of it the Juice of Mint given in Vineger stayeth Bleeding inwardly Money-wort or the Herb two pence stayeth Bleeding inwardly so doth Moonwort or the Oaken Moss of a Pale or Spear Mouse-ear stayeth the Flux of Blood inward or outward the Powder of the leaves of the Peach Tree strowed upon the Wound Plantain Queen of the Medows Medlars dried before they be ripe and beaten to powder and strewed upon the Wound the Juice of Sorrel stone-crop a piece of a Fuze-ball or a Mullipuss laid to any Bleeding Wound stoppeth it presently An Ointment made of white Lilly-Roots with Hogs-Greas is very good for them The Broth wherein Coleworts hath been sodden is good for cut Sinews and Joynts The Root of Garden-Lilly stamped with Honey gleweth and soddereth them together the Herb Tutsan or Park-Leaves the Leaves or Bark of the Willow-Tree is good for the Bleeding of Wounds or at the Nose or Fluxes of Blood the powder of the blew Bottle taken inwardly the Juice of Clowns Wound-wort taken inwardly with Comfrey or applied outwardly the Down of a Hares or Cony Skins or Woolen Cloth burnt to Ashes and strewed upon the Wound Primrose leaves or Wild Tansie bruised and old Felt burnt and beaten to Powder Bolearmoniack beaten to powder and given inwardly or applied outwardly stancheth Bleeding To stop Bleeding at the Nole Tie him hard upon his fore-Legs about twelve inches above his Knees and just beneath his Elbow and keep the Nape of his Neck as cold as may be with wet Hay or Clothes and it will stanch him presently The leaves of Rosemary made into Oyls Ointments or Bathings help all cold and benumbed Joynts Sinews or Members c. The best Receipt to stop Bleeding at the Nostrils The Juice of the Roots or Leaves of Nettles squirted up his Nostrils stayeth the bleeding at the Nose But the best thing of all to stop bleeding at the Nose is to take a Hank of Coventry-blew thread and hang it cross a stick and set one end of it on fire and strow a little white-Wine Vineger on it to keep it from burning too fast and let him receive the smoak up his Nostrils and it will stop it in a very short time when Nothing else will do New Horse Dung tempered with Chalk and strong Vineger laid to a Bleeding Wound will stop it burnt Silk is good likewise for it so is the Juice of Coriander or bruised Sage or Hogs dung or a Clod of Earth or bruised Hysop or the soft crops of Haw-thorn bruised or to boyl two ounces of the Horses blood and beat it to powder and strow upon the Wound and to stop Bleeding at the Nose the Juice of Coriander squirted up it stayeth it or the Juice of Periwincle the Coam of a Smiths Forge laid to the Wound stayeth bleeding or Shepherds Pouch distilled and an ounce given fasting stayeth any inward bleeding whether natural or unnatural or Bursa-Pastoris bruised and applied to the place Particular Receipts to stop Bleeding Take the powder of the Stone Emachile and blow it up into his Nose and
to a salve and put this Medicine into his Eares by equal portions in the Morning before Sun-rise and stitch them up and let him stand with Meat before him and let his Drink be white water Unstitch them not in twenty four houres then take forth the wooll and stuff and he is Cured Another If the Farcin be in the fore-parts of the Horse take two ounces of Arsnick and put it into a piece of new Cloth and bind it up with a piece of new pack-thread and fasten it unto his Mayn and if it be in his hinder-parts as well as his fore-parts then hang it upon his Tail and the more you ride and exercise him the better and though the common way is to keep him with a spare diet I like not of it for you cannot keep him too well for the lower you keep him the more doth the disease get the upper hand of him Another to anoint the Farcy Knots with Take black Hellebore and add to the Herb some of its Juice then put to it old Boars or Barrows Grease and boyl it till the Juice be quite boyled away in it whereby to bring it to an Ointment with which anoint the Knots or Buttons of the Farcin with but shave or clip away the hair before you do anoint it Another for it when it first appears before it begins to be raw Take of Chamberly Soot and Bay-salt and boyl them very well together then at night wash the Places infected with a rag upon the end of a stick very hot but not so hot as to scauld away the hair then in the morning anoint it with Tarr and black Sope boyled together pretty hot This done four or five times together will Cure it Another which De-Grey says he hath Cured 100 Horses with Take of Rue the leaves and tender tops only without any the least stalk a good handful first chop them small then stamp them in a Mortar to an Ointment then put to it one spoonful of the purest tried Hogs-grease you can get and work them together to a Salve then stop into either Ear the whole quantity by equal proportions and put a little wooll upon the Medicine to cause him to keep it in the better and so stitch up his eares and let it be in about twenty 24 houres and then unstitch them and take forth the Wooll and he is Cured Another which if he hath it given him twice it will Cure him Take the inner Rind of Elder the inner Rind of the Wall-nut-tree the inner Rind of the Barberry-tree of all of them an equal quantity and not exceeding above a handful of all of them together Boyl them in a quart of strong Beer a little while then take out the Barks and add to it the powder of Turmerick Fennegreek and two Nut-galls beaten to powder with the powder of Grains of Paradice about an ounce of all of them boyl them in the same Beer about as long as you did before then sweeten it with Treacle and give it him luke-warm in the Morning fasting and let him fast two or three houres after it and order him as you do a sick horse if you put into it a little handful of stone-crop it will be the bettet You must wash the buds of the Farcy night and morning with this water Take half a pound of green Copperas and boyl it a little while in a quart of Chamberly before you boil it you must put in a good quantity of Salt or Brine Another After you have kept him slenderly fed all Night give him the next Morning fasting half a pint of the Juice of Housleek and half a Pint of Sallet Oyl mingled together and let him Fast till Night and then give him Hay and no Water till the next Morning and that warm too This Drink used twice will almost Cure any Farcy Another for the Farcy Take a handful of each of these Herbs here under-written chopped very small and boiled in three Pints of strong Ale or Beer to about a Pint and an half and after you have strained the Liquor very well from the Herbs give it him luke-warm fasting in the Morning but before you give it him stir into it an Ounce of crude Antimony finely powdred and searc'd About three or four days after give him the like Drink again and repeat it the third time if there be occasion and it will certainly Cure him The Herbs are these Chickweed Wood-bittony Groundsel and Mullen The Buds must be anointed also with this outward Application Take the bigness of a Hazel-Nut of yellow Arsnick beaten to powder and put to it about a spoonful of black Sope or for want of that common Sope and lay a little of it upon the Head of every one of them which will so corrode and eat into them that they will become so loose that they will drop out by the Roots then heal up the wounded places by anointing them with your green Ointment which you may find in the first Part or with Sallet-Oyl or Hogs grease take care you let him not come to gnaw it with his Teeth for fear of poisoning him or that you lay it not upon any sound place for it will make a Wound wheresoever it comes You may anoint them with the Oyl of Vitriol if yo● please which hath the same Operation with the other Another outward Application for this Disease which will not only Cure the Buds of it but any foul Scab Leprosie or Mange After you have let Blood which is always convenient in this Disease Take three Pints of old Urine and a Pint of Vineger or Verjuice and put to it half a Pound of the Stalks of the strongest Tobaccho you can get but let them be first bruised and laid asteep in the Urine all Night before you boil them After you have ●o done set it over the Fire and put to it an Ounce of the Flower of Brimstone and boil them altogether till it come to a quart then strain forth the Liquor from the stalks and anoint the infected places with it till they be well Another inward and outward Application for the Farcy After you have Blooded those Buds with your Incision-Knife which are fresh and green wash them once or twice a day with your fistula-Fistula-water which will Kill them conditionally you give him this inward Drink with it viz. Take two quarts of Running Water and put to it two Handfuls of Herb-grace chopt indifferent small with two or three spoonfuls of bruised Hemp-seed and set it over the Fire and let it boyl away till it come to three Pints then give it him three times in nine days and Order him as you do sick Horses and he will do well Another to Cure it by p●tting something into his Eares After you have bruised about nine or ten Cloves of Garlick being first peel'd wiuh a Handful of Rue and about half a quarter of a Pint of Brandy strain the Juice through
Sanguis Draconis Turpentine and Vineger or else lay next his Back a wet Sack or wet Hay and a dry Cloth over it and that will keep his Back exceeding warm VVhat is good for the Cure of the Particular Diseases in Mares Barrenness Consumption Rage of Love Casting Foals hardness to Foal and how to make a Mare cast her Foal If you have your Mare barren boy● good store of the Herb Agnus in the Water that she drinketh or to stamp a good Handful of Leeks with four or five spoonfuls of Wine then put twelve Flies called Cantharides and strain them altogether with a sufficient quantity of Water to serve the Mare two days together by pouring the same into her Nature with a Glister Pipe made for that purpose and at the end of three days offer the Horse to her and if he covers her wash her Nature twice together with cold water Or to take of Nitrum Sparrows dung and Turpentine of each a like quantity wrought together and made like a Suppository and put that into her Nature and it will cause her to desire the Horse and also to conceive If you will have her fruitful boyl good store of Mother-wort in the Water which she drinketh If she lose her Belly which sheweth a Consumption of the Womb give her a quart of Brine to drink Mug-wort being boiled therein If your Mare through good keeping forsake her food give h●r for two or three days together a Ball of Butter and Agnus Castus chopt together If you will have her cast her Foal take a handful of Bittony and boyl it in a quart of Ale and it will deliver her presently If she cannot Foal take the Herb Horse-Mint either dry it or stamp it and take the powder or the Juice and mix it with strong Ale and Give it her and it will help her And if your Mare is subject to cast her Foals as many are keep her at Grass very warm and once in a Week give her a good warm Mash of Drink this secretly Knitteth beyond expectation Things good in General for the Cure of a Consumption Wood-bitony Hore-hound Juniper-berries Leeks mixed with Sallet Oyl and Sack with some Frankincense Agarick Bay-berries Brank-Ursine China Dandelion but the best is to scour him well and put him to Grass Or take a Sheeps Head with the Wooll on wash it clean and boyl it in a Gallon of fair water until the flesh come from the Bones then strain it and put into the Broth half a pound of Re●ined Loaf Sugar of Cynnamon Conserve of Roses Conserve of Barberries Conserve of Cherries of each three Ounces and give him a quart every Morning fasting use this till four or more Sheeps-Heads be spent and let his Drink be either sweet Mashes or white Water Take no Blood from him in this Disease but rather labour to Cherish the Blood h● hath neither be too busie in Administring unto him Purges but Cordials as Diapente Diatessaron Duke Powder Cordial Powder and such like Restoratives and to give him good Meat and good Mashes and to change his Meat sometimes to make him eat his Meat the better Things good in General for the Lungs Physick-Nuts is good for Rotten Lungs Lung-wort or Wood Liver-wort beaten to powder and Given in Beer is good for Inflammations and Ulcers of the Lungs the powder of stinking Gladdon given him in Beer with a little Mastick is good for them The Decoction of Hysop made with Figs Water Honey and Rue helpeth the Inflammations of the Lungs the old Cough or shortness of Breath Featherfew Penny-royal given with Honey cleareth the Breast from all gross and thick Humors and cleanseth the Lungs Calamint is good for the Wheesing of them Common Horehound cleanseth them and is good for the Ulceration of them so doth Bittony Scabius scoureth the Chest and Lungs Mullen or Lungwort is good Comfrey Cowslips of Jerusalem Cinquefoyl is good for the Liver and Lungs Chervel boiled is good for the Consumption of the Lungs Cummin-seeds Brank-Ursine Rue Licoris Bay-berries Cassia Water-Agrimony Alehoof the Leaves of the Fig-Tree Lung-wort which grows upon Oaks or Beeches which is a kind of Moss with broad grayish tough Leaves Maiden-hair wilde Marjorem Hedge Mustard-seed Rosa Solis or Sun-dew the Juice of Sanicle Vervain Wood-bind or Honey-suckles Cresses Almonds Bugloss Garlick boiled in Milk Tartar which is the thickest of white-Wine Lees dried and made into powder Elecampane Sugar-Candy Diapente or take a Pint of sweet Sack Honey Myrrh Saffron Cassia and Cinnamon of each alike made into fine Powder and mix two spoonfuls of it with your Sack and give it him warm fifteen days together and feed him with Mashes and white Water But if his Lungs be rotten then take the Juice of Purslain half a Pint and mix with it Oyl of Roses and put to it Tragantium steeped in Cows Milk and give it him seven Mornings together and this will Ripen the Impostume which you may know by his stinking Breath then give him this Powder Take of Cassia made into fine powder seven Raisi●s of the Sun stoned boiled in a Pint of Muskadine and give it him Blood-warm or the Water of Angelica give him with some of the Root Particular Receipts for the Lungs Take of Horse Lungwort alias Mullet it groweth in every place with broad hoary soft leaves which do feel like Velvet shred it stamp it and strain it Then take of Fennegreek a good spoonful and of Madder as much made into ●ine powder and give this to him in a quart of good Ale or Beer and give it him every other day for twelve or fourteen days and sprinkle his Hay with Water and let his Oats be washed in good Ale and let his Drink be white Water and somtimes sweet Mashes Another Take a Snake and cut off the Head and Tail and Flea it and after cut the same into Pieces the length of your Finger and roast it as you would an Eel upon a Spit and let it Baste it self and keep the Oyl of it in a Glass for your use when you use it anoint the Breast and his four short Ribs which be against the Lungs but first clip away the Hair for that will take too much of the Oyl up and thus do often for some time and it will recover his Lungs again and make him perfectly ●o●nd Things good in General for the Consumption of the Liver There is no absolute Cure for it but to preserve it give him half a Pint of Sack with the same quantity of the Blood of a young Pig luke-warm to drink or to give him three days together no other food then warm Wort and baked Oats and let him be kept Fasting the Night before he receives his Medicine or to put into his Wort which he drinketh two or three spoonfuls of the powder of Agrimony red Rose-leavs Saccarum Rosaceum Diarcadon Abbat is Disantelon Lico●as and of the Liver of a Wolf or to give him Sulphur and Myrrh
good in General to keep the Flies off a Horses Head To anoint his Head with Oyl and Bay-berries mingled together or to rub his Head all over with the water wherein Rue hath been steeped in after it is well bruised or to anoint his Head or round about his Eyes with Lynseed Oyl and it will keep them away or with the water wherein Devils dung hath been dissolved is the best of all or with the water of Pellitory of Spaein or the leaves of Ivy bruised with a little Water and his Head washed therewith Things good in General for the Cure of the Leprosie or Mange To take Blood first from the Neck-Vein good store and scrape away the Scurf with an old Curry-eomb Oyster-shell or such like then these things you are to use as your discretion serves Staves-acre Chickweed Elecampane Mercury Sublimate the leaves of Bramble boyled in Lye Cow-Piss the powder of the dried root of Briony the powder of the red Dock or the powder of Arsnick Resalgar or white Mereury mixed with Hogs grease till it be killed Urine Tobaccho and Brimstone boiled together is very good or Salt Verdegrease Allum Verjuice and Train Oyl boiled together and anoint him therewith or Broom Wormwood Mustard-seed Elecampane Chimney-soot and black Soap boyled together or the Juice of Hemlock unslackt Lyme Pepper and Ginger boiled in Beef-broth and anointed therewith is very good Particular Receipts for the Mange Take a quart of fair Running Water and put into it half a pound of green Copperas and an Ounce of Allum and an Ounce of Tobaccho chopped small then boyl them together till they come to somwhat more then a Pint and anoint him all over with it very warm after you have rubbed off the Scabs and Tie him to the Rack three or four houres twice dressing him cures him Or the Ashes of the Bark of the Ash Tree made into a Lie and the Body washed therewith Calamint taken inwardly the Decoction of the Leaves of the Fig tree wilde Flower c. Another First let Blood then take a quart of old Urine or Vineger and break it into a quarter of a pound of Tobaccho and set it on the Embers to stew all Night and wash the infected places whether it be in the Mane or otherwise Another for any Mange or Vniversal Leprosie in a soul Surfeited Horse After you have let him Blood and scraped off the Scabs or Scurf take of Verjuice and Vineger a Pint Cow-Piss a Pint Train Oyl a Pint old Urine a Pint and put to them a Handful of wilde Tansie and a Handful of Bay-salt a quarter of a pound of Brimstone as much Allum two Ounces of Verdegrease and four Ounces of Bolearmoniack boyl all well together with this very hot wash him well and if you put to it a quantity of a Pint of Blood you take away it is not amiss do this twice or thrice Another Take Mother of Salt Peter the best and strongest and wash the Sores therewith so hot as he is able to suffer it and in three or four times dressing it will cure him this will not only kill the Mange but all Scratches Pains and Rats-tails c. Another Take of Sopers Lees and after you have scraped away the Scurf wash him with it and in once or twice dressing he will be well it cures the Mange not only in Horses but also Dogs provided they get not to it with their Mouth An inward Drink with an outward Application which I think is the best Remedy that can be Invented for this Disease Take Anniseeds and Turmerick of each an Ounce finely beaten of the blackest Rozin powdered one Ounce put them into a quart of strong Beer heated luke-warm and give it him in the Morning lasting with a little of the Flower of Brimstone at the Mouth of every Horn you give him not exceeding above an Ounce in all and let him fast four or five houres after it and Order him afterwards as you do a sick Horse About two or three days after his Drink when he hath a little recruited and recovered his strength again apply this outward application but first curry off all the Scabs with an old Curry-comb till the blood and water appear viz. Take Oyl of Turpentine and Beer of equal parts alike with some Flower of Brimstone well shaked and Jumbled together in a Glass Vial to incorporate them the better and anoint him all over with it Tying him first with a strong Bridle to the Rack to prevent him from biting at it for it is a very terrifying biting and sharp Medicine and will torment him for about half an hour or more and then the smarting will be over If you find your Horse full of good and in heart you may venture to give him two or three of these Drinks and Ointings if you see the Cure will not be performed without them but if he be a very poor lean Horse then one is enough till he hath recovered more heart and strength Things good in general for the Cure of the Scab Tetter or Ring-worm The water that is ●ound in the hollow places of a decayed Beech-tree and annoint him with it the Juice of the leaves and roots of stinking Gladwin one part of Plantine water and two parts of the Brine of Beef boyled together and clarified and anoint him with it Plum-tree leaves boyled in Vineger killeth Tettars the Juice of the Root of Monks Rubarb which is a kind of Dock some call it Garden-Patience is very good the Oyl of Wheat pressed between two thick Plates of Copper the Juice of Mercury mingled with Vineger Water-cresses the Roots of Docks boiled in Vineger and bathed therewith Cardimonium mixt with Vineger To make a strong Lye of old Urine Ash Keys and green Copperas and bathe the Knots therewith and it will kill and heal them or to cut the Head and Tail of a Snake and cut it into small Pieces and roast it and anoint the Sore with the Grease of it and it will heal it in a shor time and have a care you touch no place but the Sorrance for it will venom Particular Receipts to Cure the Tettar or Ring-worm Take two drams of Precipitate and put it into a small Vial-Glass with fair water much more then will cover the powder keep it close stopped and with this Water twice a day wash it and it will infallibly Cure it and after you have dressed the Sorrance shake the Glass and let it stand till the next dressing But if it be in any fleshy part you may kill it by Bathing the Sorrance with the Juice of Southern-wood Maudlin and Rue of each alike stamped together and strained and Bathe the place with it twice a day till it be whole Another Take the roots of Elecampane and the roots of red Docks of each alike slice them thin and put them into three quarts of Urine with two Handfuls of Bay-salt let it boil till one quart be
the Juice of Sage Morning and Evening in Wine or Ale but if he be outwardly venomed bruise the Sage and apply it to the grieved part twice a day and it will take out the Venom Things good in General for Vlcers Tarr Hogs-Grease green or white Copperas Salt-Peter Bees Wax Honey Rozin Verdegrease Linseed Oyl all boiled together and make a Salve of it and dress it with it Euphorbium Mastick French Soap is good or to wash the Sore with white Wine and green Copperas dissolved together and to heal it up with Swines Grease the Leaves of Lillies beaten in a Mortar and make a Salve of it and lay it upon the Sore and cover it with a Plaister or Loam and Horse dung mixed with Pepper and the white of an Egg or to strow upon the Sore of the powder of Galls or to scald it once a day with Sallet-Oyl or Sack Frankincense Cloves green Copperas and Brimstone and double as much Myrrh as any of them and put it upon a Chafing-dish of Coals and receive the smoke of it upon Hurds and keep it close in a Box and when you use it wash the Sore with Urine or Vineger twice a day Things good in General for a Vlcer or Canker in the Nose Green Copperas and white Copperas with some Allum boiled in Running water and squirted into his Nostrils luke-warm three or four times one after another is good but if the Canker be hot and very burning with great pain then take the Juice of Purslain Night-shade Lettice and mix them together and wash the Sore with a fine Cloth dipt therein or else squirted up his Nostils and it will allay the heat of it Or to take Sage Rue Hysop of each a Handful and seethe them in Urine and Water and strain it out and put into it a little white Copperas Honey and Aquavitae and wash or squirt it into the place But if the Canker be killed heal it with this Water take of Rib-wort Bitony and Dasies of each a Handful and Seethe them well in Wine and Water and wash the Sore therewith Or take Chrystal made into fine Powder and strow upon it Pauls Bitony bruised is very good Things good in General to Cure the Vives To Cut a Hole where the Kernels are and pick them out with a Wire and ●●ll the Hole with Salt and at three days end it will run then wash it with the Juice of Sage and heal it up with an Ointment made of Hony Butter and Tarr or with your green Ointment in my First Part or to wash the Sore wherein hath been boiled green Copperas and Allum and to Taint it with Flax dipt in the white of an Egg beaten to an Oyl or to heal it up with Hogs Grease Turpentine and Wax molten together or take a Spunge dipped in white-Wine Vineger and bind to the Sore and renew it twice a day till the Kernels do Rot then open the nethermost part of the softness and let the corruption out and fill the Hole with Salt finely brayed and the next day wash away the Filth with warm water and the next day after wash the Sore with Honey and Fitch-flower mingled together till it be whole Particular Receipts for the Cure of the Vives Take Tar tried Hogs-Grease Bay-Salt and Frankincense powdered of each as much as will suffice melt them together and with a Clowt fastned to a stick scald the place four or five Mornings together until the inflamed places do become soft and ripe then slit the Skin with your Incision-Knife and let forth the Corruption and heal up the Sore with tried Hogs-grease and Verdegrease made up into fine Powder melt them upon the Fire and let it not boyl more then a Waum or two then put in some ordinary Turpentine and so stir all together till it be cold and anoint the Sorrance with it till it be whole Another which is the best Cure for it Take a penniworth of Pepper beaten to fine Powder Swines Grease a spoonful the Juice of a Handful of Rue Vineger two spoonfuls mix them very well together and convey it equally into both the Eares of the Horse and so Tie or stitch them up then shake his Eares that the Medicine may sink downwards which done let him Blood in the Neck-Vein and Temple-Veins and this is an infallible Cure Another very good for the same The Vives are Cured several manner of ways as you find by the Receipts above but the most usual and common way that our Smiths generally use for the Cure of this Infirmity is for to let Blood on both sides the Neck-Veins then to sear the Swelling with a small hot Iron from the Root of the Ear down to the bottom of it till the Skin look yellow the manner and form of the Searing-Iroh must be somewhat like the shape and fashion of a great Arrows Head as you see by the Figure in the Margin with three or four small Lines or Stroaks on each side drawn from the Body of it After you have seared it to take out the Heat of the Fire and to make it sound again anoint it with fresh Butter or Hogs-Grease and he will do well What is good to Cure the Arraistes or Rats-tails which is a kind of Scratches To Ride him till he be warm which will make the Veins to swell and the better to appear then let him Blood on the Fet-lock Veins on both sides making him to bleed well and the next day after to wash the Sores with warm water and then clip away all the Hair from about the Sores and anoint the grieved place with this Ointment viz. Take green Copperas and Verdegrease of each two Ounces and of Common Honey four Ounces beat your Copperas and Verdegrease very small and so work them with your Honey to an Ointment and anoint the Sores daily with it till it be whole Things good in General for the Cure of the Wind-Cholick Alheal True-love or one Berry the Berries of Holly Holm or Hulver-Bush Juniper-Berries the Flowers of Lavender steeped in Wine wilde Parsnips Jack by the Hedge Winter and Summer Savory but the Summer is the best Burnet Saxafrage the leaves of the Willow-tree bruised and the Juice given with some Pepper in Beer Cardamum Fennegreek Hawes beaten to powder Rue Cloves Cinnamon an Onion peeled and Jagged and put it into his Fundament or to give him a Pipe of Tobaccho at his Fundament lighted and the Wind of his Body will draw it out If you intend to see more of this Nature look for Cholick Angelica Wood-bittony Mullen Mustard-seed Centaury A Plaister to lay upon the Wound to keep in the Taint or Salve Take Pitch Rozin Mastick Turpentine Hogs grease of each so much as will suffice melt them together and keep it for your use when you use it spread it upon Leather and cover the wound therewith this Salve doth infinitely comfort a Wound both green or old be the same Fistula or
Scaldings either by Shot Gun-Powder or Wilde-Fire The leaves or roots of the yellow Lilly Daffodil stamped with Honey the Juice of an Onion the Juice of the red Lilly Lettuce the Juice of Thorn-Apples boiled in Hogs-Grease to the form of an Ointment cures all manner of Burnings or Scaldings whatsoever in a very short time Water Plantine the Juice of Housleek St. Johns wort bruised the Herb Tutsan or Park leaves an Ointment made of the Juice of Cowslips and Oyl of Linseed Cureth all manner of Scaldings or Burnings whatsoever Ivy that groweth upon Walls or Trees Brank-Ursine the Juice of Elder-leaves the Decoction or the distilled Water of Archangel the Flowers and Herb of Ladies Bed straw made into an Oyl by setting it in the Sun is good the leaves of the Bur-dock bruised with the White of an Egg is a most excellent thing for all manner of Burnings by Fire the Juice of Colts-foot the Decoction of Dasies Wall-wort and Agrimony cureth inward Burnings being given inwardly the Decoction of the leaves of Brank-Ursine Particular Receipts to Allay Burning with Shot Gun-Powder or wilde Fire Take Varnish and put it into fair Water and beat them very well together then pour away the Water from the Varnish and anoint the place burned with a Feather dipt into it and in a few days dressing it will kill the Fire which done heal the Sore with your carnifying and healing Salves Another Take Hogs-Grease and set it on the Fire and take off the Filth that shall arise and when it is well boyled take it off the Fire and put it into an Earthen Pan to cool for four or five Nights together in the open Air then wash it in fair Running Water so often till it become White then melt it down again and keep it for your use and anoint the place grieved and it will Cure him Another Take fresh Butter and the Whites of Eggs as much of each as will suffice beat them well together till you bring them to a formal Ointment and anoint the places burned therewith and it will speedily take away the Fire and Cure them soundly Another Take a stone of quick Lime which must be well burned which you may know by its lightness dissolve it in fair Water and when the Water is setled strain the clearest through a fine Cloth then put into the water either the Oyl of Hemp-seed or Sallet Oyl of like quantity with the water and so beat them well together you shall have an excellent Unguent very precious for all sorts of Burnings And the Nature of these three Unguents be to leave no scars Wherefore we apply them for most sovereign Remedies as well for Man as Beast To Help a Horse that is Costive in his Body Take a Decoction of Mallowes one quart Sallet Oyl half a Pint or fresh Butter half a pound Benedicta laxativa one Ounce give him this Blood-warm Glister-wise then clap his Tail to his Tuel and hold it close and make him keep it for half an houre at the least and when it hath workt give him a sweet Mash and so keep him to Mashes and white Water for two or three days What is good to make a Horse draw up his Yard To Bathe his Yard and Sheath with white-Wine made warm then anoint it with Oyl of Roses and Live Honey mingled together and so put up the Yard into the Sheath and with a short Bolster of Canvass keep it from falling down and dress him once every day till he be well and let his Back and Fillets be kept warm and anoint him with Acopum but if you have it not apply this Charge unto his Back and Fillets Take Bole-armoniack the Whites of Eggs Wheat-Meal Sanguis draconis Venice Turpentine and strong white-Wine Vineger of each as much as you think fit mix them well together and charge his Back with it as also his Sheath and his Stones Another Take the Ashes of Ashen wood the whitest finest and best burned and searce them one pound of Red Clay dried and made into fine powder half a pound Bolearmoniack half an Ounce powdred boyl all these in as much Verjuice of the Crab as will make it liquid like Pap and with it anoint his Yard Sheath and Stones Morning and Evening and he shall be presently Cured A Receipt to Scour and Cleanse a Horses Yard that is Foul and Furred by Pissing within his Sheath Draw forth his Yard and Rub and Pick off the Filth with your Hand and cleanse it well with Butter and white-Wine Vineger melted together and squirt some of it up into his Yard with a Syringe and he will do well A Receipt to Prevent Diseases in a Horse the whole Year The first day of April open a Vein in the Neck and if it be good take the less if bad take the more then from that day until the first of May give him this which I shall prescribe and let him have it Morning and Evening during the whole Month of April from the first to the last which is before his turning out to Grass or Soyling which shall be about the middle of May and let him have the same all the whole Month of October like as you must do in April after you have taken him from Grass about Bartholomew Tide that which I prescribe is this To Prevent Diseases Take a Bushel of Old Rye sweet and clean well purged or made clean from all Filth and put it in a clean Iron Pot dry and without Water put it over the Fire and put in your Rye and keep it continually stirring to the bottom until it be so parched that it becometh black hard and dry then take it from the Fire and put it into some clean Vessel and when it is cold keep it close stopped for your use When you use it take two or three Handfuls of it and beat it into fine Powder and mingle it amongst his Provender at every Watering Morning and Evening or at other times when you give him Oates do this these two entire Months of April and October for all Men hold that in these two Months the Blood turneth and altereth as we alter his Diet from hard and dry Meat to Grass and so likewise from Grass to dry Meats for this Rye thus parched and ordered doth refine the Blood cool the Liver and purgeth the Spleen so as the whole Structure of the Body is thereby better ●ured and freed from all such bad and unnatural Humours which would otherwise make the Body inclinable to sundry Maladies and Diseases which this Rye preventeth Things good to keep a Horse from Casting forth his Drink As it proceeds from Cold in the Stomach or other Causes as Cold in the Head where the Rheum bindeth about the Roots and Kernels of the Tongue hath as it were strangled and made strait the Passages to the Stomach therefore to prevent this mischief you must give him Cordial and warm Drinks as Malmsey Cinnamon Anniseeds and Cloves well brewed
Zedoary Camomil Dill Juniper Marjorem Organy savory Wormwood ●chenanth Bay Nutmeg pepper Ginger Annis Caraway Cummin Humour-d●ssolving things Roots of Turmentil Zedoary Virginian snake weed Ginger leaves of Cardus benedictus scordium Butter-bur Rosemary sage Rue Flowers of Saffron Bezoar-stone Cochenele Treacle Things good to drive away poison Angelica Birthwort Bistort ●ugloss Costus Cyprus Carline Doronicum Enula Garlick Gentian smallage Turmentil Vipers bugloss Zedoary Bitony Cardus Calaminth Agrimony Avens Juniper Organy penny-royal Rue scordium Wormwood Centaury Bay-berries pepper Citrons Anniseeds Animi Cardamums Caraway Fennel Bezoar saffron Cochenele Dragons plantine See more in this part Astonisting things Mandrake-roots leaves of Mandrake Hemlock Henbane poppey Opium spirit of Darnel and Darnel meal To stop the Running of the Glanders for present sale Take some Frank in cense and strow it upon a Chafing dish of Coals and let him receive the smoke through a Tunnel into the Nostril that runneth and it will stop it for some time The best Receipt for the Cure of the Glanders that is which if your Horse be Youthful and his Strength and Lungs not too much wasted you need not fear the Cure For if any thing in the World will Cure this Disease this Receipt will Take a small Faggot made of the green Boughs of the Ash-tree and set it on Fire in some Chimney-corner clean swept for your use then having a Gallon of the best Ale you can get in a readiness quench so many of the Coals that is made thereof therein as will make it pretty thick then strain it through a Linnen Cloth into some convenient Vessel fit for your use then double it over again to make it the stronger by quenching fresh Coals therein then strain the Liquor from the Coals as you did before and when it is cold put it into a Bottle close stopped for your use for if you do not put it in cold it will quickly soure which will spoil it If you make it strong enough you shall find that the Coals will drink up a quart or more of your Ale when you use it shake the Bottle to make it all alike then pour out of it so much as you think fit for your use and warm it luke-warm and put a small drenching Horn full of it into each Nostril of your Horse if he runs at both if not but one will serve do this Morning and Evening during his Cure and ride him gently after it for about an hour Then let him feed a while upon Hay and after that you may give him some drink Three or four quarts of this Liquor will perfect the Cure at the farthest if you find that the Kernels under the Chaul do waste which this Liquor will take away in four or five days at the furthest you need not much question the Cure you are to keep him in the House during his Cure After you have given him this drink for about a week together you may rest him by forbearing to give him any more for a day or two then give it him again and so use it till you have Cured him 'T is convenient if the Horse be very strong and lusty before you give him this Drink to cleanse his Body with this Scouring which is both safe and sure Take an ounce of the best Barbadoes Alloes you can get for mony and beat it very fine then mix it very well with fresh Butter and after you have so done divide it into three parts and cover every part all over with Butter as big as a good Wash-Ball then give them the Horse in a Morning fasting upon the point of a stick and stir him a little after it then bring him into the Stable and keep him warm and let him fast two or three Houres then give him a Mash of Malt and after that some Hay The best of all Receipts for the Ordering and Making up of Pills or Balls of Alloes for the Scouring or Purging of a Horse that is sick either of Cold Surfeit Molten Grease Worme● or any other inward Illness c. Take an Ounce of the best Barbadoes Aloes or of Aloes Hepatica with half an Ounce of the Fylings of Steel Needles and put them both together in a Mortar and beat and rub them round about with your Pestle till the Aloes be finely powdred then drop into it sixteen or twenty drops of B●andy or for want thereof Water and rub them round with your Pestle and they will incorporate and become one Body which you may work and make up with your Hand like unto Paste into what form or shape you please Divide them into two or three Balls and give him them Fasting in the Morning one after another in a Hornful of cold strong or small Beer and exercise him after it then bring him Home and set him up warm Clothed and Littered and no question but he will purge very well Some Observations upon i● If you chance to put too much Brandy into it it will be so thin that you cannot work it up into a Paste If this Misfortune happen to you put a little of the powder of English Liquoris to it and that will so qualifie the thinness of it that you may work it up into a Body very well Or you may make up your Aloes after the same manner only with the powder of Liquoris or with any other Powder which you think most proper for your use How to know the Goodness of the Fylings of Steel Needles If it look bright and be clean from dirt 't is good but if you find it of a rusty colour 't is naught You may buy it at the Needle-makers in Crooked Lane near the Monument for 6 d. the pound Another Receipt very good for the said Distempers Take an Ounce of Barbadoes Aloes or Aloes Hepatica with a dram of each of these Roots here under-written finely beaten and searc'd viz. Gentian Aristolochia rotunda and Elecampane put them into a Mortar together and make them up as in your former Receipt Or you may make up your Aloes with the powder of Crude Antimony Another Excellent Purge or Scouring which is good to free a Horse from the same Distempers as the others did and is the best way I know of for the dissolving of Aloes Take an Ounce of the best Barbadoes Aloes or Aloes Hepatica and beat it in a Mortar to a fine powder then put it into a Bladder and wet the powder very well with Brandy wine then Tie it up hard that it receive no Vent and put it into a Skillet of Water and set it over the Fire and you shall find that in a little more then a quarter of an Houres boyling your Aloes will be quite dissolved Then take it off the Fire having first in a readiness a quart of strong Beer indifferent hot and untie or clip your Bladder with a Pair of Scissers and let out your Aloes into the Beer and put also into it an
Labour Their best Food is sweet Hay Chaff or Pease or Oat-hulls and Pease or chopt straw and Pease mixt together To give them warm Grains and Salt once a week will not be amiss which will prevent the breeding of Wormes and such like Mischief The Office of the Rider and Groom and of things belonging to him Viz. His General and Particular Knowledge in Handling Sadling Mouthing Backing and Riding of the Great Horse or Horse of Pleasure Of the Stable and what it ought to be built with TO begin first with the Winter-house of the Horse the Stable You ought to place it in a good Air and to be made of Brick and not Stone for Brick is most wholesom and warmest for Stone will sweat upon change of Weather which begetteth damps and causeth Rheums in Horses There ought not to be nigh it any unsavoury Gutter nor Sink no Jakes Hog-sty or Hen-Roust to annoy it The Rack ought to be placed neither too high nor too low and so well-Placed that the Hay-dust fall not into his Neck Mane nor Face The Manger ought to be of an indifferent height made deep and of one entire Piece as well for strength as conveniency Let the Floor be Pitched and not Planked and let there be no Mud or Lome-wall near it for he will eat it which will cause him to be sick for Lome and Lime are suffocating things and they will infect and putrifie the Blood and endanger his Lungs and spoil his Wind Neither let any dung lie near his heels for that will breed Cib'd and scabby heels Paving of Stables is better then Planked Stables for these Reasons First they are much more durable and lasting Secondly they are less charges by much Thirdly for him to stand continually upon a pitched Floor it emboldneth his Feet and treading the more Fourthly it is the most excellent thing that may be for Colts who are unshod for it hardeneth their Hoofs so that by custom they will be as bold to go upon stones rocky and hard ways as Horses that are shod neither will it suffer the Hoofs to grow abroad in the manner of an Oyster besides the use thereof will make their Hoofs more tough durable and hollow insomuch that when they come to be shod they will carry their Shooes much longer To shew the Inconveniencies of a Planked Floor First it is more slippery out of which reason a mettl'd Horse may be endangered to be lamed or spoiled by some sudden slip which a pitched Stable is not so subject to Secondly the Planks oftentimes shrinking if the Horse be high Mettl'd and be subject to Curvet he may break a Plank and so Plunging may easily spoil or break his Leg. Thirdly when you put forth your Horse to Grass in the Summer the Sun will so dry the Planks that they will warp and loosen the Pins and make them give way that so when Horses that have gone for some Months before not being handled become wild and unruly that when they come into the Stable and feel the Planks to give way under them will fall to Flinging and Leaping till they have dislocated the Planks and not only both endanger himself but his Fellows also Fourthly whereas you may imagine a Planked Stable warmer then a Paved one I know the contrary for your Pitched Floors have no Vaults or Channels under them like as your Planked ones have to carry away the water that the Horses make by which means the Horses lieth over a dampish moist Vault and besides the evil savour of the Horse-Piss will be ever in their Nose which is very unwholesom and noisom and many times the cause of many infirmities neither can it be so warm as the other for chinks and holes which are made by the Awger through the Planks which must always be kept open to let forth the Urine to give way to the cold wind which cometh from thence which cannot but be very unwholesom Therefore I do affirm that if your Groom do Litter up Horse well so that he may lie soft and warm he will prosper better then upon a Planked Floor provided it be laid even not higher before then behind more then will carry the water to his hinder-feet where there ought to be a small Gutter to carry it away for by raising your Floor too much his hinder Legs will swell and so he will become Lame by reason he bears too much weight on his hinder parts Of the Care in the Choice of a Groom After you have bred Colts according to my Instructions and that that they prove to your Mind then the next care you ought to have is of Grooms which ought to be very expert in their Faculties which consisteth their Making or Marring for you cannot say that a Colt three or four years old can be a perfect Horse till he come to be Handled and made fit for his Masters Riding which is to be made Gentle Shod Backed Broken Ridden Wayed Mouthed and in brief brought to his utmost Perfection His Rider therefore must be an Expert and able Horseman and his Keeper every way as sufficient otherwise what defects you find in your Horse are not to be attributed to him but either to his Rider or to his Groom therefore let your care be that they be both sufficient How a Rider ought to be Qualified If you desire your Colts to come to their utmost Perfection then let your Rider be one who is Cried up to be an Experienc'd Horse-man he must not be of life dissolute or debaucht nor of Nature harsh furious cholerick or hair-brain'd for the least of either of these Vices are very unseemly in a Person of this Profession He must be Master over his Passions for he that is not cannot make a good Horse-man And it is not much to be wondred at if a Horse fall into Imperfections or Vices for these his evil conditions and faults are not so much to be imputed to the Horse but to the Teacher for he is not a good Horse-man that doth not bring his Horse to Perfection by sweet and gentle means rather then by Correction and severe Chastisements yet not but that I allow of Correction and that it is as necessary as Meat if it do not exceed the limited Bounds of Moderation and that it be done at the very instant when he offendeth and doth justly merit the same or else he will not know the Cause why he is Chastised so on the other side when he doth well let h●m be Cherished and made much of which will encourage him to go forward in well-doing What Manner of Person a Groom ought to be The Groom must be a Man that must truly love his Horse and so shape his course towards him as that the Horse may love and dote upon him for a Horse is the most lovingest Creature to Man of all other bruit Creatures and none more Obedient to him Wherefore if he be mildly dealt withal he will be also reciprocal but if
stirred up on which the Medicine worketh with a conquering quality the Horse is brought to a little Sickness therefore in this case you shall only take off his Bridle put on his Coller toss up his Litter and absent your self having made the Stable dark and still for other two houres which is the utmost end of that Sickness But if you finde no such offence then give him the Ears of Wheat by three or four together and if he eat this handful give him another and so another or two Then give him a little Knob of Hay well dusted and draw his Bridle and rub his Head well An hour after give him a quart of clean Oats and put two or three handfuls of spelted Beans amongst them and see that they be very clean and break amongst them two or three Shives of Bread clean chipt and so leave him for two or three houres At Evening before you dress him give him the like quantity of Oates Beans and Bread and when he hath eaten them Bridle him Dress and Cloath him for you shall neither Saddle or Air him forth because this Evening after his Heat the Horse being foul and the Scouring yet working in his Body he may not receive any cold water at all After he is drest and hath stood two houres on his Bridle then wash three pints of clean Oates in Beer or Ale and give them him for this will inwardly cool him as if he had drunk water After he hath eaten his washt Meat and rested upon it a little you shall at his feeding times with Oates and spelt Beans or Oates and Bread or altogether or each several or simply of it self according to the liking of the Horse feed him that night in plentiful manner and leave a Knob of Hay in his Rack when you go to Bed The next day early first feed then dress Cloath Saddle Air Water and bring home as at other times only have a more careful eye to his emptying and see how his Grease and Foulness wasteth At his feeding times feed as was last shewed you only but little Hay and keep your Heating-days and the preparation of the day before as was before shewed Thus you shall speed the second Fortnight in which your Horse having received four Heats Horse-man like given him and four Scourings there is no doubt but his Body will be drawn inwardly clean you shall then the third Fortnight Order him according to the Rules following The third Fortnights Feeding The third Fortnight you shall make his Bread Finer then it was formerly As thus The Second Bread Take two Pecks of clean Beans and two pecks of fine Wheat Grind them well and Searce them through a fine Raunge and Knead them up with Barm and great store of Lightning and make it up as you did the former Bread With this Bread after the Crust is taken away and being old feed your Horse as before shewed for this Fortnight as you did the former putting it amongst his Beans and Oats observing his Dressings Airings Feedings Heatings and Preparations as in the former Fortnight only with these differences First you shall not give your Heats so violently as before but with a little more pleasure as thus If the first Heat have violence the second shall have ease and indeed none to over-strain him or to make his Body sore Next you shall not after his Heats give him any more of the former Scouring but in stead thereof instantly upon the end of the Heat after the Horse is a little cooled and cloathed up and in the same place where you Rub him give him a Ball as big as a Hens Egg of that Confection which is mentioned in the Office of the Farrier and goeth by this Title The true Manner of Making those Cordial Balls which Cure any violent Cold or Glanders which c. The fourth and last Fortnights Feeding The fourth and last Fortnight you shall make your Bread much Finer then either of the former The last and best Bread Take three Pecks of fine Wheat and one Peck of Beans Grind them on the black Stones and boult them through the finest Boulter you can get then Knead it up with sweet Ale Barm and new strong Ale and the Barm beaten together and the Whites of twenty or thirty Eggs But in any wise no Water at all but in stead thereof some small quantity of New Milk then work it up Bake it and Order it as the former With this Bread having the Crnst cut clean away and with Oats well Sunned Beaten and Rubbed between your Hands then new Winnowed Sifted and Dress'd with the purest spelt Beans and some fine Chiltern Wheat with any Simple or any Compound feed your Horse at his Feeding times as in the Fortnight last mentioned You shall keep your Heating-days the first Week or Fortnight but the last Week you shall forbear one Heat and not give any five days before the Match-day only you shall give him strong and long Airings You shall not need this Fortnight to give him any Scouring at all If this Fortnight Morning and Evening you burn the best Frankincense in your Stable you shall finde it exceeding wholesom for him and he will take wonderful delight therein In this Fortnight when you give him any washt Meat wash it in the Whites of Eggs or Muskadine for that is most wholesom and less Pursie This Fortnight give him no Hay but what he taketh out of your hand after his Heats and that in little quantity and clear dusted The last Week of this Fortnight if the Horse be a foul Feeder you must use the Muzzle continually but if he be a clean Feeder then three days before the Match is sufficient The Morning the day before your Match feed well both before and after Airing and water as at other times before Noon and after Noon scant his Portion of Meat a little before and after Evening Airing feed as at Noon and Water as at other times but be sure to come home before Sun-set Late at Night feed as you did in the Evening and give him what he liketh according to his stomach only as you can forbear Bread and Beans This day you shall Coul your Horse Shoo him and do all extraordinary things of Ornament about him provided that you do not give him offence to hinder his Feeding or Resting For I have heard some Horsemen say that when they had shod their Horses with light Shoos the Night before the Course that their Horse hath taken such notice thereof that they have refused to eat or lie down But you must understand that those Horses must be old and long Experienced in this Exercise or else they cannot reach these subtil apprehensions But to pass by Curiosity as plating of Tails and all other unnecessary Ornaments whereby they do injury to the Horse I shall advise you for necessary and indifferent things that they be done the day before then in the Morning of the Course because I would
and order him as before prescribed This purgeth ill Humours it cooleth and comforteth the Body very much and causeth a good Appetite to Meat Observations to be observed in Giving of Suppositories Glisters or Portions First you must do it in a Morning Fasting unless Necessity urgeth the contrary Secondly you must not at those times suffer him to drink any cold water no not with exercise but either sweet Mashes or white water Thirdly It is very needful that before you administer either of them to Rake him And Fourthly That he be after kept warm Of Purgations and their Uses Purgation is an emptying and voiding of superfluous Humours which do cumber pester and disturb the Body with their peccant condition which ill Humours do breed bad Nutriment which when it will not be concocted and amended either by fair means or by the help of Nature then it must be compelled forced and driven away by Purgation Vomit Glister or Suppository but to speak only of Purgations Purging of Horses are either by Pills or Portions Pills are any solid or substantial stuff fixed together in one Body and being made into round Balls are cast down the Horses Throat A Portion is when you give him any liquid purging Matter to drink whether it be Purging Powders dissolved in Wine or Ale or that if it be any other liquid stuff Now Pills purge and make clean the Head and Brain bringing Phlegm and other gross Humours down into the Excrements And Potions cleanse the Stomach Guts and every other inward Member VVhat a skilful Farrier ought to know before he goes about to Purge a Horse he ought to consider the Nature of the Simples Now the Art of the true Farrier is in choosing of the Simples whereof these Pills or Portions are to be compounded and in skilfully applying the same First then he ought to know what ill Humours he is opprest with as whether it proceed from Choler Phlegm and Melancholy and where they do most abound and then what Simples are best to purge those Humours and with what quality or temperament they are indued for some Simples are most violent and next Cousins to strong Poisons as Scamony or Colloquintida some again are gentle as Manna Cassia Whey Prunes and such like and some are neither too violent nor too gentle but of a Mean as Rubarh Agarick Sene and Aloes The Nature of the Disease the Strength of the Horse and the Climate he was bred in You ought to consider the Nature of the Disease the Strength of the Horse and with them joyn the Nature Strength and Quantity of the Medicine he must consider likewise the Climate wherein he was bred And you are to make a difference between delicate and tender Horses and strong and sturdy Horses and in such Cases the quality and quantity is to be looked into of every Simple The Climate likewise is to be respected whether it be too hot or too cold and you are not to administer as hot Simples in the Summer as in the Winter nor so cold things in the Winter as in the Summer you ought to have respect to the day and to chuse that always that is most temperate for too much Heat makes a Horse faint and too much cold spoils the working of the Medicine When he is to have his Portion Give him his Portion in the Morning after he hath fasted from Meat and Drink all the Night before To Ride him after it After he hath received his Portion ride him gently after it about an hour and set him up and let him stand on the Bit two houres after it well Littered and Cloathed If he be sick let him lie down but if that will do him no good and that you finde him so sick that you fear his life then give him a quart of warm Milk with a little Saffron in it and he will do well and give him no other Meat then a Math of Malt and white water to drink till his Medicine hath done working How to make a Mash Take half a Peck of Ground Malt and put it into a Pale then put in as much scalding hot Water as will wet it very well then stir it about half an hour till tasting the Water you finde it as sweet as Honey then being luke-warm give it to the Horse to drink This Mash is only to be used after you have given him a Purge to make it work the better or after hard labour or instead of drink in the time of any great Sickness Now to come to particular Receipts and Medicines themselves and though the Ancient Farriers do make but two kinds that isto say Pills and Purgations yet I divide them into three that is to say Scourings Pills and Purgations VVhat Scourings are Scourings are those wholesom Natural and gentle purging Medicines which stirring up no great Flux of Humours do only keep the Body clean from such Evils as would arise and grow being every way as wholesom in Health as in Sickness and may most properly be termed Preparatives or Preparers of the Body to entertain more stronger Medicines Scouring by Grass To speak of the most gentle and natural Scouring which is Grass which you are to give but for fifteen days together and no more for after that it Fatteth the best Scouring Grass is a new Mown Meadow for that will Rake his Guts very well nor will he in such a place gather Flesh but if you intend to Fat him you are to take him out from thence and put him into some other Pasture where the Sithe hath not been And this manner of Scouring will cause him to empty himself well of all his evil Hamours and Surseits ease his Limbs marvellous well do his Legs and Feet very much good refine his corrupt Blood and make him agile and full of Spirit Next unto Grass is Sorrage which is only the Blades of green Corn as VVheat Rye Barley and such like being given him seven days and no more which cleanseth and cooleth the Body very much so doth the leaves of Sallows and of the Elm-green Thistles likewise being cut up and given him for about five days is a good Scourer And the last of these gentle Scourings is the Mash of Malt as ascresaid but as you are prescribed there to make it of a quarter of a Peck of Malt you are to take a larger here if you use it for a Scouring a Peck of Malt and put to it a handful or more of beaten Hemp-seed A Scouring to be given after a Sweat Take half an Ounce of Rozin of Jallop in Powder half an Ounce of Cream of Tartar powdred and half an Ounce of Licorish in Powder make these up into Balls with fresh Butter about the bigness of a small Wall-nut and give him four or five at a time in a Horn-full of Beer one after another Scourings of a little stronger Nature are these To Mix with his Oats a Handful or two of Hemp-seed or to take a Handful of
a sweet Mash or white Water This is very good against Feavers Colds and the Yellows Another Receipt for inward Sickness Take Aristolochi● Rotunda Bay-berries Gentian Anniseeds Ginger and of Trifora Magna of each an Ounce beat all the Simples to very fine powder and mix them well together then take of white-Wine or good Ale or Beer a quart then put into it one spoonful of all of them with half a p●nt of Sallet-Oyl and of Mithridate two drams warm these upon a Fire and administer it Blood-warm and Exercise him before and after his drink but not to Sweat him neither let him drink any cold Water in four or five days after but either warm Mashes or white Water This is most Sovereign for any inward Sickness Droopings forsaking of Meat Feavers Colds Coughs or the like A Suppository for inward Sickness If he be so sick that you fear to give him any strong Medicine and that Costive withal then give him this Suppository Take of Honey six Ounces of Salt-Niter one Ounce and a half of Wheat-Flower and of Anniseeds beaten into fine powder of each one Ounce boyl all these into a hard thickness and make it into Suppositories and after you have Anointed your Hand with Sallet-Oyl and the Suppository likewise convey it into his Fundament a pretty way and Tie his Tayl betwixt his Legs to his Girts or else hold it close with your hand about a quarter of an hour till it be throughly dissolved and this will purge kindly and Loosen his Guts so that you may be the more bold to Administer what Drinks Cordials or other things which you think most requisite for his recovery Other General Dr●n●hes to Cure all inward Sickness in Horses which trouble the whole Body of Feavers of all sorts Plagues Infections and such like Sickness in General are of two Kinds one offending the whole Body the other a particular Member the first hidden and the second visible Of the first then which offend the whole Body are Feavers of all sorts as the Quotidian the Tertian the Quartan the Continual and the Hectick the Feavers in Autumn in Summer or in the Winter the Feaver by Surfet Feaver Pestilent Feaver Accidental or the General Plague they are all known by these Signes much trembling panting and sweating a sullen Countenance that was wont to be chearful hot Breath sainting in Labour decay in Stomach and Costiveness in the Body c. First let him Blood then give him this Drink Take of Sellendine Roots leaves and all a good handful as much Wormwood and as much Rue wash them well then bruise them in a Mortar then boyl them in a quart of Ale or Beer then strain them and add to them a pound of sweet Butter then give it the Horse to drink luke-warm or half an Ounce of the powder of Diapente given in Sack or Ale two or three Mornings together Or give him three or four Yolks of new laid Eggs beaten with seven or eight spoonfuls of Aqua vitae or Brandy This is good when he hath his shaking Fit upon him Or take four Ounces of Diapente and mix it with four Ounces of clarified Honey and keep it in a close Glass and give him half an Ounce thereof in Wine or Ale or take of Licoras an Ounce of Anniseeds Cummin-seeds and Elecampane Roots of each half an Ounce of Turmerick and Bay-berries of each a quarter of an Ounce of long Pepper and Fennegreek of each two drams beaten small and put five spoonfuls thereof into a quart of Ale warmed with a little Putter or Oyl and it is very Sovereign for any Disease coming of cold Causes Or Red Sage Mint Sellendine and Rue boyled in Beer is good Diatessaron is good simply of it self so is Diapente or Diahexaple There are several particular Receipts which I might give you for every sort of these Feavers I have Named but I think these in General may serve instead of a more particular Account only observe this Note by the way That you must in all hot causes administer cooling things and in cold Causes hot things Signes whereby you may know every sort of Feaver Signes in General to know a Feaver is by holding down of his Head he will quake and tremble and when his trembling is over he will burn and his Breath be hot he will breath fast and his Flank will beat he will reel he will forsake his Meat his Eyes will swell and be closed up and watering his Flesh will as it were fall from his Bones and his Stones will hang down he will desire to drink yet not drink much neither will he sleep but more particularly A Quotidian Feaver proceeds from hard Riding being set up too hot in the Stable without Riding Quotidian or every days Feaver is known by Blood-shotten Eyes short and hot Breathing panting loathing of his Meat and stiffness in his Limbs and his Sickness will not last above six or eight houres in a day and then he will be well again Tertian Feaver proceeds from the same Causes as the Quotidian The Tertian or every other days Feaver is known by the Signes formerly spoken of and this as the chiefest that he will be sick as on Monday and well on the Tuesday and sick on the Wednesday following Quartan Feaver proceeds from the same Causes as the Tertian doth The Quartan Feaver as some Farriers call a third days Sickness as thus If his Fit begin on the Monday he will be well on the Tuesday and Wednesday and sick again on the Thursday There is no other Sign to know it then the coming and going of the Fits Continual Feaver proceeds from Heats and Colds The Feaver continual is that which continueth without any Intermission the Signes are want of rest and falling away of the Flesh besides certain Inslammations or Swellings which will appear about his Withers and Flanks Hectick Feaver proceeds from a sick Stomach being Scalded with hot Drinks hath lost the power of Digestion The Hectick Feaver which is the worst of Feavers is known by this that he will never eat with Appetite and when you draw out his Tongue you shall find it Raw his Flesh will be Loose and Flaggy and his Body subject to trembling All these Feavers do most commonly happen to a Horse in the Spring because the new Blood is apt to be inflamed Autumn Feaver proceeds from new Blood being inflamed The Signes of an Autumn Feaver is known by the same Signes I have declared for they are the same Feavers only altering the time of the year Summer Feaver A Feaver taken in the Summer is the worst of all ordinary Feavers whatsoever especially such as are taken in the Dog-days The Signes of this Feaver are that his Arteries will beat most palpably and wheresoever he staleth you shall perceive he sheddeth his seed also Winter Feaver A Feaver in the Winter is not so dangerous as the Feaver before-mentioned yet if you do not remove it speedily it will
Coals and let him receive the smoke of it up his Nostrils through a Tunnel which will bring away abundance of tough Matter into water from the Head and Brain insomuch that it will be almost ready to extinguish the Fire It is a most excellent Comforter of the Brain and brings a great chearfulness to the Heart and rejoyceth the whole Body The Green Ointment The Green Ointment which Cure Sores whether old or green Vleers Fistulaes Poll-evils or what else for where this Ointment cometh no proud or dead Flesh will grow no Flies will come near the place or for Horse or Mare-Filly that is Gelt or Splad anoint but the place and they will neither swell nor fester for it doth not only heal soundly but speedily also provided you lay nothing upon the Wound or Sorrance where the Ointment is administred as neither Hurds Lint Plaisters or the like unless you have occasion to taint a Wound which is deep neither that for any long time or too often and besides the seldomer the Wound is dressed as once a day or once in two days it will heal the better and faster especially if it be brought into good for wardness of healing And together with this Ointment you may do well wash the Sorrance with the Copperas water which by reason it is always first to be used you shall have it first and the Green Ointment after it The making of the Copperas water Take two quarts of fair water and put it into a clean Postnet and put to it half a pound of green Copperas of Salt a handful of ordinary Honey a spoonful and two or three Branches of Rosemary boil all these till one half of the water be consumed and a little before you take it from the Fire put to it the quantity of a Doves Egg of Allom then take it from the Fire and strain it into a Pan and when it is cold put it into a Glass close stopped and keep it for your use And when you are to dress any Sore first wash it very clean with this Water and if the Wound be deep inject it with a Seringe The Vertues of it This Water will of it self Cure any reasonable Sore or Wound but the green Ointment being applied after it is washed will heal any old Ulcer or Fistula whatsoever if they come to the bottom of them and for green Wounds they have not their fellow if you think good you may boyl it in Verjuice or Chamber-lye one being a great Searcher Cleanser and Healer the other a great Drier How to make the green O●n●ment Take a clean Skillet or Postnet and first put into it of Rozin the quantity of a Wallnut which being Molten put to it the like quantity of Wax and when that is also Molten put to them of tried Hogs-grease half a pound and when that is Molten put into it of common English Honey one spoonful and when all these are Molten and well stirred together then put in of ordinary Turpentine half a pound and when that is dissolved take it from the Fire and put to it an Ounce of Verdegrease beaten to fine powder and so stir it altogether but be careful it run not over for that the Verdegrease will cause it to arise then set it again upon the Fire till 〈◊〉 begin to Simper then take it off for if you let it boil too much it will turn red and lose its vertue of Healing and become a Corrasive then strain it through a Cloth into some Earthen Pot and keep it for your use close covered The Vertues of it This is the most Excellent Ointment that ever I knew for de Grey hath done such rare Cures with it that he hath been offered ten pounds for it For it cleanseth a Wound be it never so foul or infected with dead proud spungy or naughty Flesh it carnifieth and healeth abundantly and withal so soundly and firmly as that it doth never more break forth it draweth forth Thorns Splinters Nails and all such things in the Flesh and in a word it Cureth all sorts of Sores and Wounds Another Excellent Green Ointment made only in the Month of May which Cureth all sorts of Strains Aches Burnings Scaldings and Swellings whatsoever either in the Throator any other part of the Body Take half a pound of each of these things here under-mentioned viz. Rue red Sage Wormwood and young bay Leaves beat them very well in a Mortar Then take four pounds of new Sheeps Suet and work the Herbs and it very well together with your Hands till they be incorporated and become as one Lump Then put to them two quarts of Sallet-Oyl and Work that also till it become all of one softness and colour Then put it into a new Earthen Pan and let it stand covered eight days then boyl it over a soft Fire the space of two houres or more keeping it stirring all the while Then put into it four Ounces of the Oyl of Spike and let that boyl as long The way to know whether it be well boiled is to put a drop of it upon a Plate and if it be upon a fair Green you may assure your self it is enough Then strain it through a new Canvass and keep it in an Earthen Pot for your use This Ointment will hold very good seven or eight years A very good Receipt to keep back Humours that flow too fast to a Wound you have in Cure which will make it heal so much the sooner Take two pints of white-Wine Vineger or Tartar and put to it an Ounce or more of the powder of Bole-Armoniack and of common Salt well dried the like quantity the powder also of the Bur-dock Root or the Juice of the Leaves and wash the swelled place round about with it once or twice a day and it will be a great help in Order to its Cure Another for the same Vse After you have beaten a penniworth or more of Camphire very small dissolve it in a Pint of Verjuice and boyl it about a quarter of an hour then put it into a Glass close stopped to keep for your use and use it as you have Directions in the former Receipt To Cleanse a Wound Old or New before you dress it Take more or less of white-Wine Vineger according as you have occasion and put into it the powder of the Roots of Elder dried or the Juice of the Leaves with a spoonful of Honey and a little powder of burnt Allom and boyl it about half a quarter of an hour and use it warm Another sort of Green Ointment which is good to heal any Wound Old or New Take a handful of these Herbs here under-mentioned viz. Rosemary Wound-wort Red Sage Mug-wort Comfrey Rue and Southern-wood c. Cut them small and boyl them in a pound and an half of May Butter and the like quantity of Sheeps Suet When you have boiled it according as you have Directions for the Boyling of Ointments in
and do this three or four times and it will cure him Another Take of Sanguis Draconis three quarters of an Ounce Bole-armoniack one Ounce Sallet Oyl as much Mastick three Ounces Sewet as much and as much Hogs-grease melt and mix all these together and lay it to the swelling and it will take it away A●other Take one or two Handfuls of Saexafrage and all the Sewet of a Loyn of Mutton and a Pint of white Wine chop the Herb and Mince the Sewet very small and boil them all very well ●ogether then take a good quantity of Horse-dung newly made that goes to Grass and mix with the other Ingredients and work it to a Salve and apply it Plaister-wise hot to the place renewing it every day so long as you think convenient and this is a very excellent Cure Another for the Nether Attaint Take a Piece of Filletting and bind it about the Pastern Joynt pretty hard which will cause the blister or swelling the better to appear then let out the corrupt Jelly with your Incision-Knife and crush it all out then heal it up with your Copperas water and anoint it with the green Ointment Things good in General for the Stavers Head-ach or Farcin To let Blood to hang about his Neek the Root of Amara dulcis the Juice of Sow-Fennel or Hogs Fennel squirted up his Nose or the Seed and Root of Cow-Parsnip boiled in Oyl and his Head anointed therewith The Seeds of Brank-Cresses blown up his Nostrils or Ducks-Meat applied to his Forehead made into a Poultess or his Head Bathed with the distilled water of common Elder taketh it away if it cometh of a cold cause Flea-wort bruised and applied after the same ●anner do h the like so doth Germander and Henbane bruised with Vineger and applied the dust of Tobacco blown up his Head with a large Quill or Kix causeth him to Neese which easeth him from the pain the Root of Pellitory of Spain dried and beaten to Powder and used in the same manner doth the like The Juice of Cellendine put into his Eares or Assa foetida dissolved in Brandy and put into his Eares or Verjuice and Salt put into his Eares or Groundsel and Aqua vitae stamped together and put into his Ears c. Particular Receipts for the Stavers After you have taken Blood from him take the quantity of a Hazel-Nut of sweet Butter and Salt dissolve it in a Sawcer full of white-Wine Vineger then take Lint or fine Flax dipt therein and so stop both his Eares therewith and stitch them up and let it remain there about twelve houres and he will be Cured Another Take of bitter Almonds an Ounce and a half of the Gall of an Ox two drams of black Ellebore made into fine powder a half Penniworth of Grains Castoreum Vineger and Varnish of each five drams boyl all these together till the Vineger be consumed then strain it and put it into his Eares and do as you did before Another Aqua vitae and Garlick so much as will suffice and stamp them together and put into his Ears doing as before Another Take the Seeds of Cressy of Poppy of Smallage of Pursly of Dill the Seeds only of these Herbs and take also Pepper and Saffron of each two drams make them all into fine Powder and put to them of Barley-water two quarts boiling hot from the Fire and ●et it infuse therein three houres and strain it and give him one quart thereof and his Hay sprinkled with water and the next day give him the other quart fasting and let him drink no cold water for four or five days after but only white water unless sometimes a sweet Mash and this will cure him You must Note that in this Disease of the Stavers you must be sure to let him Blood before you give him any Medicine Another After you have sharpned a small and tough Oaken or Ashen stick and made a Notch at one end like a Fork to keep it from Running so far into his Head put it into his Nostrils and Job it up and down to the top of his Head which will cause the Blood to descend freely then in the Morning fasting give him this Drink well brewed together viz. One Ounce of the Powder of Turmerick with as much of the powder of Anniseeds in a quart of strong Beer or Ale with a pint of Verjuice and a quarter of a pint of Brandy and stop his Eares with Aqua vitae and Herb-Grass beaten very well together Put an equal quantity into each Ear and stop Flox or Hurds over it to keep it down and stitch them up with a Needle and Thread and let it remain in for about twenty four houres then unstitch them and pull forth the Hurds and the next day blood him in the Neck and give him his Blood with a handful of Salt put therein well stirred together ro keep it from clotting and he is in a fair way to be cured Things good in general for the Yellows Agrimony Water-Agrimony the Bark of the black Elder Tree Hops Fennel Smallage Endive Succory-Roots Garden-Arrach Orach Asarabacca Ash-tree the Juice of Coleworts the inner Rind of the Barberry Tree or Berry Bay-berries Burr-dock Roots Wood-Bitony Bistort or ●nakeweed Red Beetes Burrage or Bugloss Butchers-broom Calamint or Montanie Mint Camomel Cardus benedictus Celandine the Juice of Cinquefoyl the Juice of Cleavers the seed of Columbines and Saffron boiled together and given him Dandelion Dodder of Thyme Eringo Flax-weed or Toad-Flax the Juice of the Flower-de-luce Fumitory the Fuzz-bush Garlick Gentian Feltwort or Baldmony the seed of Germander Groundsel the Roots of black Hellebore the yellow berries of Ivy Liver-wort Madder Maiden-hair Wall-Rue the seed both of the male and female Mercury Wilde-marjorem Worm-wood Mouse-Ear Hedge-mustardseed Cow Parsnips the Roots of Penny royal the seed of Plantine Bastard-Rubarb or the great round leaved Dock Rupture-wort Sarasens Consound or Sarasens Wound-wort Shepherds Purse the Seeds and Roots of Sorrel Spleen-wort Tamarisk Turmentil or Setfoyl Vervain Ground-Pine Myrrh Ivory or Harts horn Long-Pepper Licoris Anniseeds Ganders or Geese dung Misle-toe white Thorn the Roots of Parsley Pimpernel Chick-weed Sheeps dung steeped in Beer You are to let him blood in the first place A particular Receipt for the Yellows Take an Ouuce of Mithridate and dissolve it in a quart of Ale or Beer and give it him luke-warm But if you have no Mithridate give him two Ounces of London Treacle and for want of that two or three spoonfuls of common Treacle Another particular Receipt for the Yellows Take of Turmerick Burr-dock Roots long Pepper of each about half an Ounce Anniseeds and Licoris in fine Powder and searced of each a spoonful Celandine the Leaves and Roots one handful chopt small and strain the Celandine and put them into a quart of strong Beer and boyl them a little on the Fire and in the Cooling sweeten it with London-Treacle and put into it a
good piece of Butter and give it him Blood-warm and give him white water and he will do well Another Take of the best Live Honey half a pound of Saffron and Fennegreek made into fine powder as much as will suffice incorporate these with your Honey to a stiff Paste and so make thereof three Pills and dipping them in Sallet-Oyl give him them and ride him and walk him gently an hour and set him up warm Another After you have let him Blood take a quart of Ale and put an Ounce of Saffron and an Ounce of Turmerick into it being first made into fine Powder and with the Juice of Sellandine so much as will suffice and give it him Blood-warm Another for the Yellows After you have blooded him on both sides the Neck and third Barr on the Palat of the Mouth Give him Camomil Elder leaves and Celandine of each a small handful chopped indifferent small with a little of the inner Rind of the Barberry Tree boiled in three Pints of strong Beer or Ale till they come to a quart Then strain the Herbs from the Liquor and give it him luke-warm fasting in the Morning with a piece of sweet Butter melted in it and sweetned with two spoonfuls of Honey or Common Treacle And Order him as you have Directions in the Physicking of Horses Another for the Yellows To let Blood as before Then give him Turmerick and Anniseeds beaten to powder of each an Ounce with half an Ounce of the powder of the inner bark of the Barberry tree or for want of that a Gill of the Juice of Celandine Give him all these either in a Pint of white Wine Vineger or in a quart of stale Beer and half a pint of Brandy luke-warm fasting in the Morning Give him with it a spoonful of the Flower of Brimstone at the Mouth of the first Horn you give him but none with the rest And Order him as you do usually sick Horses Another for it After you have let Blood as you must always do in this Disease mix two penniworth of Saffron beaten well to powder and a Thimble-full or two of the powder of Turm●rick with fre●h ●utter and make it up into a small ●all and give it him for three or four Mornings together fasting and it will cure him Simples that are good in Gener l for the Cure of the black ●aurdice or Yellows The Decoction of the Flowers of Sorrel made in white-Wine or stale Beer and sweetned with Honey helpeth it given him often the powder of the Leaves and Bark of the Tamarisk Tree is also good given him in beer so is the Juice of the leaves of Broom a● also the Seeds given him several Mornings together in beer till you see Amendment A Horn-full of it is enough to give it him at a time A Particular Receipt which is very good for the Cure of it Take the Roots of red Docks the Roots of burr-docks and slice a good quantity of them and put them into a Bottle of Beer with a little Mithridate close stopped and give him a Horn or two full of it in the Morning fasting Things good in General for the Falling-Evil Planet-struck Night-Mare or Palsey Fifteen of the Seeds of the single Peony given him in four Wine to hang a Flint-stone over his Head or some old Sythe or old Iron or to give him exercise before and after water and to mix Hemp-seed in his Provender and to enforce him to Sweat Mis●etoe of the Oak given Mustard-seed the Seed of the black Poplar Cinquefoyl Germander Hysop St. Johns wort c. Particular Receipts for the Night-Mare Take a handful of Salt half a pint of Sallet-Oyl brown Sugar candy four Ounces mix them all very well together and warm them on the Fire and give it him Blood-warm two Mornings together and it will cure him Another Give him this purging Pill take of Tarr three spoonfuls of sweet Butter the like quantity beat them well together with the powder of Licoris Anniseeds and Sugar-candy till it be like Paste Then make them into round Balls and put into each Ball two or three Cloves of Garlick and so give it him observing to warm him before and after and let him be fasting likewise two or three houres before and after Things good in General f r Cramps or Convulsion of the S●n●ws Rhub●rb taken inwardly the Seed of Bastard St. Johns wort given the Oyl drawn from sweet Marjorem and the grieved place anointed with it is good for all manner of Aches coming of a cold cause Calamint given inwardly Bitony Elecampane Master-wort or the Herb Gerard given inwardly the roots of Valerian given southern-wood or the seeds of the Ladies Thistle given Juniper-berries given Bay-berries China-roots Brank-Ursine taken inwardly or applied outwardly the leaves of the Burr-dock bruised and laid to the place grieved Oyl of Chamomel Centaury applied to it Costus the Juice of Chick-weed made up with Hogs-grease and anoint the place grieved with it is very good or to force him to sweat by Clothes or to bury him in a Horse dunghil only with his Head out Alheal or Centaury bruised and applied to them is very good so is sow-Fennel bruised with fallet-Oyl and Vineger and applied so is Gentian and Germander bruised and applied the powder of stinking Gladwin boiled in Ale or Beer and given is good a Poultiss made of Hawk-weed and Barley-meal and said to the place offended is also good Lavender is good for them given inwardly the roots and seeds of Marsh-mallows boiled in the Grounds of Beer and applied is also good for them so is a decoction of Mugwort with Camomil and Agrimony and the grieved place bathed therewith warm Penny-royal applied with salt honey and vineger is also good Hermodactils and Venice-Turpentine given inwardly is also very good the Juice of the green herb of Tobaccho made into an Ointment and applied is also very good c. Particular Receipts for the Cramp Chafe and rub the Member contracted with Vineger and common Oyl and then wrap it all over with wet Hay or rotten Litter or else with wet Woollen Clothes either of which is a present Remedy Another After you have sweated him well in a Horse dunghill anoint him with this Ointment take of Hogs-Grease one pound of Turpentine a quarter of a pound of Pepper half a dram of new Wax half a pound of sallet Oyl one pound boyl them altogether and anoint him with it Another Take Pimpernel Primrose-leaves Chamomel Crow-foot Mallows Fennel Rosemary of each six handfuls steeped fourty eight houres in fair water and boil them in it till they be tender and Bath him therewith four days together Morning and Evening and apply the herbs to the place with a Thumb-band of Hay wet in the same Liquor and anoint the said Member every day about Noon with Petroleum Nerval and Oyl of Spike mixed together Another Take two quarts of strong Ale and of black soap two
Gally-pot or Glass close stopped in a dry and warm place where they may not give again and when you use it beat so much of it in a Mortar as you shall use with the Syrup of Coltsfoot and the Powder of refined Sugar still working it till you have brought it to a perfect Conserve and give it him in sweet Sack The first of these two which is the Simple helpeth any ordinary Cold or stopping it comforteth the Lungs enlargeth his Wind purgeth the Head from all filthy matter and dissolveth many other Obstructions as well in the Body as the Head But the Compound or Conserve worketh better effects in the Body of the Horse espe●ially if the Malady be old and dangerous or if there he any Taint in the Lungs Liver or inward parts This Conserve in time by the frequent use thereof will Cure all dry Coughs which are held to be incurable But if you have not these Conserves take this other Receipt Another Take of the Syrup of Colts-foot one Ounce of Elecampane Roots dried Anniseeds and Licoris of each half an Ounce all made into fine powder an Ounce of brown Sugar-candy which must be divided into two parts then take sweet Butter as much as will suffice and so make this up into three Balls good and stiff which done roul them in your other moiety of your powdred Sugar-candy and so give it him Fasting and ride him gently for half an hour and so set him up warm and let him fast three houres after it and let him drink no cold Water unless it be with Exercise and sprinkle his Hay with Water and his Oats with Beer or Ale A Fume for a Horse that is stopped in the Head and that he voideth Filth and stinking Matter out of his Nose Take of Auripigmentum and of Colts-foot made into powder of each two drams with Venice-Turpentine work them into a stiff Paste and make them into small Cakes the bredth of a six-pence and dry them a little and put one of these Cakes into a Cha●ing-dish of coals covered with a Tunnel and so fume him and this not only during his Physick but at other times after For a new Cold give him this Cawdle Take the Yolks of four new laid Eggs and beat them well together and dissolve them with a quart of good Ale then take three Nutmegs with a little Anniseeds and Licoris made all into fine powder and as much Pepper in fine powder as you can put upon a six-pence and put these in also with a piece of sweet Butter and two or three spoonfuls of ordinary Treacle and of brown Sugar-candy four Ounces warm them all upon the Fire till the Treacle and Butter be molten and give it him Blood-warm four or five Mornings together and this is an infallible Cure Another for a Cold. Take four Ounces of Horse-Spice half an Ounce of Diapente one Ounce of the powder of Elecampane Roots half an Ounce of the Flower of Brimstone one penniworth of common Treacle one penniworth of Honey half a quarter of a Pint of Sallet-Oyl Take all these together with a little Wheat-Flower to a Paste made up in a small Ball every Morning so long as it lasts wrapped up in sweet Butter Another which Cures any Cold or dry Cough shortness of Breath Pursiveness or broken-Winded Take of Tarr and sweet Butter of each three spoonfuls and work them well together with the fine Powder of Licoras Anniseeds and Sugar-candy till it be brought to a hard Paste then make it into three round Balls and put into each Ball four or five Cloves of Garlick and so give him them and warm him before and after he hath received them and be sure that he be fasting before he takes them and let him fast three houres after them Another for the same Purpose Take of the white Fat or Lard of Bacon a Piece four Fingers long and almost two Fingers thick both ways then with your Knife make many holes in it and stop it with as many Cloves of Garlick as you can conveniently get into it then rowling it in the Powder of Licoras Anniseeds Sugar-candy and Brimstone of equal Proportions alike and give it him in a Morning fasting twice a Week till you find amendment and Ride him after it and sprinkle his Hay with Water Another Take a Red Herring and take out the Bones and rowl it up in Tarr and give it him down his Throat and it will Cure him Another Take of the Juice of Licoras London-Treacle Anniseeds Turmerick Fennegreek and long Pepper of each an Ounce beat the hard Simples into powder then put to them two Ounces of English Honey and as much of Sugar-candy and incorporate all together and make thereof Balls as big as Pullets Eggs and give him two or three in a Morning Fasting and give him two new laid Eggs after them and at Noon give him a Mash keep him warm and do this twice or thrice Another for a desperate dry Cough Take a pint of burnt Sack Sallet-Oyl and red Wine Vineger of both a quarter of a pint of Fennegreek Turmerick Long pepper and Licoras of each a spoonful in powder and give it him half at one Nostril and half at another and do this twice a Week and Ride him after it and let him fast two houres and keep his Head and Breast warm Another for a Horse that ●ath a Ratling Cold in his Head Take a quarter of a pint of Mustard made with white-Wine Vineger and put to it more when it is made another quarter of a Pint to make it Liquid then put to it an Egg well beaten and two Spoonfuls of Sallet-Oyl then let it be luke-warm and work it very well together till it foams again and give it him in three Parts one down his Mouth and the other two at each Nostril Ano●her for a Cold long Setled Take three Heads of Garlick and Roast them in Embers then mix them with three spoonfuls of Tarr as much Powder-Sugar and half a pound of Hogs-Grease then with Anniseeds Licoras Elecampane Fennegreek and Cumminseeds made into Paste and give as much at once as a Ducks Egg. Another for a dry Cough or Ro●ten Lungs Take Elecampane the Flour of Brimstone Licoras Fennel-seeds Lins●ed of each an Ounce and of Clarified Honey one pound work the Powders and those together and to a Pint of sweet Wine put two Ounces of these and give it him Morning and Evening and Ride him after it and let him fast one hour after Riding A Cordial Powd●r for any ordinary Cold and to prepare a Horse before Travel and to Preserve him from Mischief after Travel Take of English Licoras Elecampane Roots of each an Ounce of Sugar Candy an Ounce and a half and beat them into fine Powder and ●earce them Keep it in a Box and when you use it for a Cold give him an Ounce in a Pint of Sack if it be in Travel then give it in sweet Wine or
Rosemary Bitony Gum Dragagant Garlick sweet Butter boiled to a pint and given him three several mornings together the pint being divided into three parts and keep him very warm and feed him with mashes and white Water or Fennel-seeds Anniseeds Licoris Bay-berries Elecampane Fennegreek Turmerick all made into fine Powder infused in Ale and sallet Oyl given him four mornings together or Hogs-Grease Dragon-wort Incense syrup of Roses dissolved in Tutsan and given him Blood-warm with moderate Exercise till he sweat General outward Applications To let him Blood either on both sides the Neck or on both the side-Veins then to take fair Water mallows smallage Rosemary Bay-leaves boiled in Water till they be soft and Bath his Body with it warm and after he is dried anoint him with this Oyntment Hogs-Grease Camomil mallows Grunsel smallage chopped small and boiled in the Grease and anoint his Body with it which will Loosen his skin or rub him against the H●ir all over and lay upon him a Sack well soaked in Water and ●ers it is well drained a while lay it upon him and over that so many Cloa●●●s as will bring him to a sweat which will be the best Cause to restore him but let him not sweat above an houre at most and cool him by degrees Particular Receipts for a Hide-bound Horse After you have let him Blood to give him three or four mornings together a quart of new Milk with two spoonfuls of Honey and one Ounce of London-Treacle and let his food be warm Grains and Salt or sodden Barley or sweet Mashes Another First let him Blood in the Neck-Vein then give him this Drink Take two Handfuls of Sellandine if it be in the Summer the leaves and stalks will serve but if it be in the VVinter take leaves stalks roots and all chop them small then take a Handful of VVormwood and a Handful of Rue chop them likewise put them all into three quarts of Ale or Beer and boyl them to a quart then strain and squeeze the Herbs and dissolve into it three Quices of Treacle and give it him luke-warm and for a w●ek together once a day rub the Horses Body all over with Oyl and Beer or Butter and Beer against the hair and seed him with warm Mashes of Malt and Water and for his Provender let him have Barley sodden till it begin to break provided you keep it not until it soure Another Take Anniseeds Licoris Fennel-seeds Bay-berries Elecampane dried Fennegreek Turmerick of each alike made into fine Powder give him two spoonfuls of this Powder mixed in Ale or Beer one quart with two spoonfuls of Sallet-Oyl and give it him four Mornings together and the first Morning you are to give him two spoonfuls of the powder and the other three Mornings but one keep him warm and order him as a sick Horse and he will certainly be Cured Things good for a Tyred Horse in general either taken inwardly or Applied outwardly Powder of Elecampane Cinnamon Ginger Nutmegs Grains Cloves Anniseeds Fennel-seeds Sage Rosemary Mint Ru● Camomil Tyme half an Ounce of either of them or all of them giv●n him in a quart of Beer or Ale or apply outwardly to his Back Ar●mart laid under his Saddle and his Back rubbed therewith and if he hath any life in him this will make him go Or to take three or four round pebble stones and put into his Ear and Tie them fast in and the noise of them will make him go Or to make a hole in the Flap of his Ear and thrust a long stick full of Nicks through the same and to saw and fret him with it and while he hath any life left him ●e will go or to T●e a bunch of Penny royal to his bit and it will keep him from Tyring An Ounce of the Powder of Bitony mixed with Honey and Vineger given him is very refreshing Simples that are good in general for to comfort the Sinews Arteries and Joyn●s ●fter Travel Cold or Pain A Poultess made of Pellitory of the Wall with Mallows or marsh-Mallows boiled in the Grounds of strong Beer with the Flower of Wheat and Bran and some Oyl of Roses put thereto and laid upon them hot restoreth any bruised Sinew Tendon or Muscle to their strength again A Decoction of Mug-wort with Camomil and Agrimony and his Limbs hathed therewith while it is warm is a very good help for them so is the Herb Ladies bread or the Flower made into a Bath and used as before is very good so is Oaken Moss boiled in the Grounds of Beer and applied to them c. Particular Receipts for a Tyred Horse Take half an Ounce of Elecampane powdred and give it him in a quart of Ale and Tie his Head to the Rack and Provender him well at Night Or a bunch of Penny-royal Tied to the Bit or Snaffle is very comfortable to him and will cause him to Travel lustily Another Take the powder of Bay-berries and mix it with Hogs-grease and Bath his Limbs very well with it doth wonderfully refresh him Of Purgation and their Uses vide my First Part. Scourings in general and in particular vide my First Part. Things good in general for a hot Stomach Bilberries Barberries given inwardly or to wash his Tongue with vineger or to give him cold Water mingled with Vineger or to give him Mi●k and Wine mingled together with some Mel Rosatum the Decoction of Endive Grunsel Hawkweed Kidney-wort Garden Sorrel Sow-thistles c. Things good in general for a cold Stomach Bay-berries Angelica Caraway-seeds Garden Chervil Clary Mace Cinnamon Grains of Paradice Saffron Pepper Cloves Ginger Elecampane two drams of the dried Root of Lovage is good for it Particul●r Receipts for the Stomach If his Stomach be cold give him Wine and Oyl mixt together divers Mornings together or other Farriers give Wine Rue Sage and Oyl boyled together or to add to the former Compound white Pepper and Mirrh or to give him pilled Onions Chopt and Rochet-seed boiled in Wine but to conclude for general forsaking and loathing of Meat proceeding from hot or cold then give him Blades of Corn in good quantity Things good for a Blood-Spaven To Cure it first shave away the hair on both side the Swelling so far as it goes then take up the Thigh-Vein and let it Bleed well which done Tie the Vein above the Orifice and let the Vein bleed from below what it will whereby the Blood which was Assembled about the Spaven place is by this means sent away Then with your Fleam or Incision Knife make two Incisions in the lower part of the Swelling and after prick two or three holes in each side of the Hough where the ●pav●n is that so the Medicine may take the better effect and when the Blood and Water hath vented away so much as it will do bind ro●nd about it Plaister-wise the Whites of Eggs and Bolearmoniack very well beaten together either upon Hurds or Linnen Cloth
lay it to the Vein or Wound that Bleeds and it stancheth them Another Take the Root of Rubarb and bruise it in a Mortar and stop it into the Nostrils that bleeds and it stayeth it Ano●her for the Bleeding at the Nose Take Bitony and stamp it in a Mortar with bay-Salt or other white Salt with Wine-Vineger and put it into his Nostril that bleeds and it stayeth it Loosening Things in General Vide the first Part. Binding Things in General which is good to stop a Loosness Lask or Flux of Blood Sloes or the inner Rind of the black Bush wilde Bryar-ball or the inner Rind of it Dock-Roots or the seeds of Docks boiled in Beer the inner Skin that covereth the Chest-Nut Cud-weed or Cotten-weed the Root of the Water-flag or Flower-de-luce the seed of Flea-wort fryed and given the seed of Flix-weed given in Water where Steel hath been quenched the powder of stinking Gladwin is good for the Flux Winter green the dried shells of Hazel-Nuts or the red Skin that is over the Kernel the berries of Holly-holm or Halver-bush beaten to powder and given Knape-weed Knot-grass Ladies Mantle the seeds or Roots of Water-Lilly Loose-strife or Willow Herb Honey-wort or the Herb Two-pence Moon-wort the Oaken-Moss of a Pale or Spear Mulberries the Roots of Mullen the Leaves and Bark of the Oak and Acorn Cups the leaves of the Pear-Tree or sour Pears Periwincle Queen of the Medows red Roses Sanicle the powder of Services when they are mellow Shepherds Purse wilde Tansie the Bark of the Wall-Nut Tree or the Kernels of the Wall-Nuts when they are old Yarrow Wormwood the Juice of Rue mixed with clarified Honey with red Wine or Bean flower and Bole-armoniack boiled in Milk or red Wine and Bay-Salt bruised together Cinnamon and Nutmegs boiled in red Wine Tanners Bark Dragon-water a pint of it sweetned with Treacle Myrrh Mastick Storax the Rind of Pomegranate Allum for a Foal give him a Pint of Ver-Juice to drink The inward and outward Barks of the Willow-Tree burnt to Ashes is a great binder and dryer up of Sores c. Particular Receipts to stay a Lask or Loosness Take Bean-flower and Bolearmoniack of each three Ounces mix them with red Wine or stale Beer and give it him blood-warm Another Take half a Pint of Plantine water and half a pint of red Wine or for want of that Claret and put into it an Ounce of Cassia powder finely beaten with as much of the powder of Pomgranate Rinds and boyl them well together then take the Yolks of two Eggs and some Loaf Sugar and make a Caudle of it and give it him luke warm and it will help him Another The powder of a Stags Pizel dried and grated and given him in Claret or stale Beer is a very Sovereign Remedy for it so is the powder of the Jaw-bone of a Pike Teeth and all given after the same manner Another very Excellent Take three pints of stale Beer and put to it the powder of Cummin-seeds three spoonfuls and boyl them together till half be consumed then take Knot grass Shepherds Purse and Plantine and stamp them severally and put four or five spoonfuls of the Juice of each of them and put to the Beer and boyl them again a little and give him it half over-night and half the next Morning But if it fall out in the Winter that you cannot get the Herbs then take the Water of the distilled Herbs and use it as before Another Take as much Bole-armoniack as contains the bigness of a Wall-Nut beat it into fine powder and put it into a pint of Claret or for want of that Verjuice and give it him when you find occasion Or take a pint of Claret Verjuice or Beer and put into them an Ounce of the powder of Cinnamon with some of the powder of the wild Briar-balls and two or three ●olks of new laid Eggs warmed over the Fire This Given twice or thrice at most will perfectly Cure him Another very good Take a quart of Claret and put to it four Yolks of new laid Eggs half an Ounce of long pepper with as much of the Grains of Paradise boyl them together and give it him luke-warm Or take an Ounce of the inward Bark of an Oak and half an Ounce of the powder of long pepper boiled in a quart of new Milk and give it half over-night and the other half of it the next Morning fasting is very good Another Take two or three wild Briar-balls if they be not very large and beat them to powder and boyl them in a quart of Beer with a little of the powder of Bolearmoniack and give it him Blood warm and it is a certain Cure Another for a violent Scouring Take the Intrails of a Pullet or great Chickin all but the Gizard and mix with them of Spikenard one Ounce and make him swallow it and this will infallibly stay his Scouring yea though it be a bloody Flux Another which will stay a Lask be it never so violent Take a penny worth of Allum powdered Bolearmoniack powdered an Ounce put them in a quart of Milk keeping them stirring till the Milk become all of a Curd and give it him luke-warm Another Take a quart of Red Wine and put into it an Ounce and a half of Bolearmoniack in fine powder and two Ounces and a half of the Conserve of Sloes mix them together and boyl them pretty well then take it off and put into it a spoonful of the powder of Cinnamon brewed altogether and give it him and let him fast two houres after it and le● him eat no washed Meat Hay is wholesom so is Bread and Oats if they be well mixt with Beans or Wheat but not otherwise Another Take a handful of the Herb Shepherds Purse and boyl in a quart of strong Ale and when it is luke-warm take the leaves of Woodrose stampt and put therein and give it him Things good in General for a Bloody Flux Cummin-seeds Knot-grass Plantine the leaves or seeds of Agrimony the inner Rind of the Barberry-tree or Ber●ies or red Beets Bistort or Snakeweed and Turmentil is very excellent Brank u●sine Bears-breech Bucks-horn Plantine Burnet the Roots of Cinquefoyl or Five Leav'd Grass the Juice of Clowns Wound-wort red Darnel the powder of the yellow Water-Flag or Flower de luce the Flower of ●vy Kidney-wort Sage Wormwood Shepherds pouch Red Robin the seeds of Sorrel or Roots wilde Tansie ●ole-armoniack Myrrh Southernwood Parsley Rue Spittlewort Cassia Cinnamon Chalk Vineger Bursa Pastoris Tanners Bark Red Wine Sloes Arsmart Self-heal Pauls bittony Milfoyl the blood of a Hare made into Powder the Powder of Mens bon●s the powder of white Dogs Turd the Pizzle of a Hart or of Harts or Goats Hornes burned the Jaw bone of a Pike beaten to powder red Saunders c. Particular Receipts for the Bloody Flux Take an Ounce of Saffron two Ounces of Myrrh three Ounces of
Southernwood of Parsley an Ounce of Rue three Ounces of Spittle-wort and Hysop of each two Ounces of Cassia which is like Cinnamon one Ounce beat all these into fine powder and with Chalk and strong Vineger work them to a paste of which paste make little Cakes and dry them in the shadow and dissolve some of them in a pint and a half of Barley Milk or for want of that that Juic● which is called Crimor or P●isane and give it him to drink and it doth not only Cure the bloody Flux but being given with a quart of warm Water healeth all grief and pai● either in the Belly or Bladder which cometh for want of staling Another Take Red Wine three pints half a handful of the Herb called Bursa Pastoris or Shepherds purse and as much Tanners bark taken out of the Fat and dried boyl them in the Wine till somwhat more then a Pint be consumed then strain it hard and give it him luke-warm to drink if you add to it a little Cinnamon it will be the better or to dissolve into a pint of Red Wine four Ounces of the Conserve of Sloes and give it him to drink either of the Medicines are sufficient Another most Excellent Receipt which is infallible for the Cure of the Bloody Flux or any other Scouring whatsoever Take three pints of new Milk and dissolve in it over a gentle Fire four or five Ounces of Issing-Glass which when it is thoroughly dissolved it will so thicken the Milk that it will look like unto Cream After you have so done pour or strain it forth through a very course Sieve to take out the dross and dregs of the Issing glass that will remain behind undissolved and give it him luke-warm in the Morning fasting and at twice or thrice giving it will Cure him at farthest 'T is also a very great Strengthner of Nature When the Issing-glass is dissolved and the dregs strained and poured from the Milk there will not be above a quart of it which is quantity enough to give him at a time To make your Issing-glass dissolve the freer and better bruise it first in a Mortar and then take it in pieces which if it be right and good it will Flake off like unto a Wafer and be Transparent Issing-glass is not much unlike in form and shape unto a white Pudding The Price of it you may find in the Table of the Prices of Drugs 'T is very good also to be given to a weak Horse to strengthen and make him lusty Things good in General for the Falling of the Fundament To anoint it with Oyl of Roses or warm Red-Wine if it be not inflamed and put it up again but if it be bath it with a Spunge dipt in the Decoction of Mallowes Chamomel and Dill mingled together to asswage the Swelling and put it up again with your warm hand and bath the Tuel about with Red-Wine wherein hath been sodden Acatium Galls Acornecups and the paring of Quinces then throw upon it the powder of Bolearmoniack Frankincense c. Particular Receipts for the Falling of the Fundament Take Garden Cresses and having dried them to powder with your Hand put up the Fundament and then strow the powder thereon after it lay a little Honey thereon and then strow more of the powder mix with it the powder of Cummin and it helpeth Another Take white Salt made into very fine powder strow a little upon the Gut then take a piece of Lard and first having boiled Mallow-leaves till they be soft and beat the leaves well with the Lard and when it is well beaten make it up like to a Suppository and apply it to the place every day once till it be whole Another Take a small Fagot made of the green Boughs of the Willow-tree and burn them to Ashes in some clean place When you have done wash his Fundament with warm Water and strow some of the finest of them upon it and put it up into its place again with your warm Hand and Tie down h●s Tuel between his hinder Legs to his Surcingle pretty streight and it will Knit very strong again Or white Pepper strowed upon it after it hath been beaten and s●arced to a very fine powder and used as you did the other is very good also Things good in General for the Biting of a mad Dog To let blood first Angelica Balm Wood-bittony Cardus Benedictus the Juice of Elder all taken inwardly An Ointment made of the Juice of the Figtree leaves and Hogs grease is good to anoint the sore Gentian Felt-wort or Baldmony Hounds to●gue Mint bruised and laid to the ●ore is good Pimpernel given inwardly or applied outwardly Plantine the Bark of the Wall-Nut tree taken with Onions Salt and Honey is good the tops of Rue Box leaves Primrose roots of each alike powdred together and boiled in new Milk with London-Treacle is good Hob goblin Dan-wort Sallet-Oyl the powder of Diapente given inwardly or lay a live Pidgeon cleaved in the midst hot to the Wound and it will draw out the venom and heal the sore with Turpentine and Hogs-grease melted together the leaves of Aristolochia bruised will take away the poison Yarrow Calamint and Southernwood made into a Salve The Ash Keys the Roots of the sweet Bryar dried and beaten to powder and given inwardly and applied outwardly is good c. Particular Receipts for the Biting of a mad Dog Take Hob-goblin Periwincle and Box-leaves of each half a handful first mince them small and stamp them very small in a Stone Mortar and with Milk or Beer administer it both at the Change and Full of the Moon The best of Cures for the Biting of a mad Dog Take the Herb which groweth in dry and barren Hills called The S●ar of the Earth you must give it three days together the first time you must gather three of these Herbs with all the whole Roots and wash and wipe them clean then pound them well losing no part of them and give it him in Beer an ● be careful that he hath all the Herbs and Roots you may make them up in sweet Butter which will do as well The second day give him five of these Herbs and Roots and the third day seven and he will be assuredly Cured for it Cureth all manner of Cattel of all sorts whatsoever It Cured a whole Kennel of Hounds of a Gentlemans one Beagle excepted which they did not suspect to be bitten It Cured a Gentlemans Son who was so far gone with it that his Head began to be Addle and to talk idlely yet it Cured him perfectly and though he was then but a Child yet he lived to be a proper man Look for another afterwards Another Take Goats dung and of Flesh that hath layn long in the Salt with the Herb Danewort of each half a pound and fourty Wall Nuts stampt altogether and lay part thereof to the Sore and it will suck out the venom and
a Cloth into some convenient thing and put to it so much of black or white Wooll as it will well drink up and fill each Ear full of it putting a piece of dty Wooll upon it to keep it in the better Then sowe them up as you have Directions before and do not unstitch them in twenty four houres If you open his Head in the usual place under his fore-top and put into it about the length of an Inch of the inner Rind of Elder and let it remain there about the same time the Cure will be the sooner Expedited Another Medicine to put into his Eares to Cure it when it is in his Head After you have let Blood bruise so much of Housleek and Hemlock as will contain two spoonfuls of the Juice of each of them and add to them two spoonfuls of Sallet-Oyl and fill each Ear full of it leaving so much room as you may put Flox or Wooll upon it to keep it in the better When you have so done stitch up his Eares as in the former Receipt and at twenty four houres end take out the stuff If you like best the former way of soaking up the Juice with the Wooll better then this you may use that A Drink to Cure the most malignant Farcy that is Before you Give him this Drink here under-written let him be kept very sparing of Meat all night and the next Morning Blooded on both sides the Neck very well 'T is this Take the inner Rind of the Barberry Tree Herb-grace Sage Wormwood Fennel Lungwort of each half a Handful chopped small Anniseeds Turbich Turmerick and of Aristolochia rotunda about two Ounces of all of them beaten to powder boyl the Herbs pretty well in two quarts of small Beer to one quart then strain it forth and put in your Powders to it and when it is cold enough to take give it him How to Order him before and after you have Given it him 1. Before you give it him let him fast four houres and after it as much when you have given it him Air him well by Riding him after it 2. Let him drink but once a day and let it be white Water which is a handful or two of Wheat-Bran stirred in amongst his water made first luke-warm 3. Let him be kept in the House with very dry Meat during his Cure 4. Exercise is very good in this Distemper and the more you use him to it the better you will find him 5. 'T is good also in order to his Cure once or twice a day to Flounce him backward and forward in some clear River or Pond up to the Midsides which will cleanse his Body and take away the Filth and Venom of the Disease 6. This often washing him in cold water will wash off the poisoned Medicines if he hath been poisoned with any and also abate very much the Malignancy of the Disease 7. Let him rest three or four days after his first Drink and then give him another and Order him in every thing as you did before 8. If you find him after this second Drink that he is not perfectly Cured you may give him the third and this will certainly Cure him 9. When you give him his first Drink if you please you may Blood him with the end of your Cornet in the Furrow on the top of his Mouth The Vertues of this Malignant Drink for the Farcy are these It will cause him to vomit up much Filth and run at the Nose very nauseous and stinking stuff and yellowish Water It is a great Sweetner and Purifyer of the Blood as also a great Drier up of all evil and malignant Humours that are seated and rooted in the Body If the Heads of the Buds appear red and loose lay upon them a little burnt Allom mixed with a little Butter or Hogs-grease and you shall quickly find them to fall off A Receipt for the C●re of the Water Farcy This is the usual and common Way for the Cure of it viz. To take a long and small Iron Rod and bend it backward at one end about the length of a Fleam then heat it red hot in the Fire and strike the swelled places under his Belly and chaps full of Holes and let and squeeze out the grey and Oyly water that you find pent up in the Skin and wash the places to keep them from wrankling and to take out the Fire with Chamberly and Salt and some powder of Bolearmoniack mixt amongst it as hot as he can we●l endure it for three or four times and he is Cured Things good in general to Cure the Running or rotten Frush To take off the Shoo and pare away all the corrupt places and make them raw then put it on again being widened then take Soot and Salt bruise them well together in a Dish and mix therewith the Whites of three Eggs and dip Tow therein and stop all the Foot with it renewing it seven days together or to wash it with Urine three or four times a day or take a quart of urine and boyl in it a quarter of a pound of Allom with some green Copperas and strain it out and keep it for your use and after you have washed the Sore with it strow on it the powder of green Nettles Fryed and Pepper and it will dry it up When you dip Tow in any thing you must splint it in that it may not fall off and during the Cure to let him come into no wet and at the seven days end leave stopping him and ride him abroad and bring him in very clean into the Stable for dirty setting up breeds this infirmity c. Things good in general for the Over-flowing of the Gall which is a yellowness of the Skin and a Costiveness of the Body Saffron boiled in Milk is good or Ale Saffron and Anniseeds mixt together or Cellandine Roots chopt bruised and boiled in Beer or for want of Cellandine Rue and give it him luke-warm c. Things good for Gangrenes inward or outward The Leaves Fruit or Roots of Briony but it is a great Purger which must be Corrected the Leaves of Bugle bruised and applied or the Juice of it to wash the place the Meal of Darnel is good to stay them Cankers or any other eating and fretting Sores Water-Cresses Mallows Elder-leaves Brook-lime mouldy Hay and Bran boiled in the dregs of strong Beer and laid to very hot is good to stay its spreading if any thing will do it Nettles bruised and laid to them is good so is the decoction of the Leaves or Bark of the Tamarisk-Tree and the place Bathed therewith VVhat the Spleen i● It is a long flat narrow and spungy substance of a pale fleshy colour joyning with the Liver and Gall it is the Receptacle of Melancholy and the dregs of the Blood and it is as subject to Infirmity as any inward part whatsoever as to Inflammations Obstructions Knobs and Swellings it is through
Ginger Particular Receipts for the Cure of a Ring-bone Scarifie the place about the Ring-bone with a Lancet then take a great Onion and pick out the Core then put into it Verdegrease and unslackt Lyme then cover the Hole and roast the Onion soft then bruise it in a Mortar and so very hot lay it to it four days together and it will Cure it Another Take unslackt Lyme and burn it well which you may know by its lightness make into fine powder and lay it upon the place Swelled all along of a good thickness and bind a Linnen Cloth upon it very fast and so put him into the water and let him stand there a pretty while then take him forth and unbind his Foot and he is infallibly Cured for the burning of the Lyme doth kill the Ring-bone even unto the Root thereof de Grey declares that he hath Cured with this Receipt about one hundred Horses but when you are to dress your Horse you are to bring him close to the water and so soon as you have dressed him you are to put him presently therein Another After you have Washed Shaved and Scarified the place then take grey Sope and Arsnick pulverized of each the quantity of a Wall Nut which being very well mixed spread it upon the Sorrance so far as the Ring-bone goeth and having thus spread it apply upon it a few Hurds and bind a clean Linnen Cloth upon it and remove it not in twenty four houres then take it away and stir not the Scab but only anoint it with fresh Butter till it fall away of it self and so heal it up with some healing Salve whereof you have plenty in the First Part. And this Medicine will Cure either Bone-spavin Splint or Curb let him come in no water during his Cure The common way that our Smiths do generally use for the Cure of this Infirmity is to take up the Vein on the inside of the Leg where the Sorrance is and then to ●ear the Ring-bone with a hot Iron made about the thickness of the back of a Knife three times downright and as many times cross it till it look somewhat of a yellowish colour then prick three or four holes in it on an equal distance one from another in the seared Lines quite through the Skin with a Nail or other Instrument of Iron which you think most proper and fit for the Work When you have so done rub a Handful of common Salt very well in upon it which will fetch forth the Blood and Water that was occasioned by the scaring and pricking of it Then apply this Charge to it viz. half an Ounce of Mastick and Frankincense Burgundy Pitch and common black Pitch of each as much as contains the bigness of a Wall-Nut Boyl all these very well together in an Earthen Pipkin till they be thoroughly melted and incorporated and apply it very hot upon the grieved place with a Lath or any other flat stick and clap Flox or Hurds upon it pressing it down hard with your Hand to make it stick on the better Observations how to Order him Let it stick on till it come off of it self and if Occasion requires apply another fresh Charge to it If you turn him to Grass let him remain the first Night in the Stable which will make it stick on so much the better The Cure will be the sooner perfected if you keep him upon dry ground for if he goes much in the wet it will quickly come off Things good to Cure the Red Water Take of the Root of the Herb called Emanuel alias bonus Henricus or good King Henry or all Good boyl the Roots in Water and give it him or Mustard-seed beaten small a good handful given him in white-Wine Vineger two or three times together one after another keeping his Belly rubbed with a good long stick by two men one taking one end of it and another the other end A particular Receipt very good for it Give him these things here under-written well mixed and brewed together in a Quart of strong Beer or Ale for three Mornings together viz. Three spoonfuls of the powder of the Lean of salt Beef dried two spoonfuls of the powder of Bolearmoniack with about four or five Shallots peeled and bruised in a Mortar with the rest of the Powders dissolve all these in the Beer as aforesaid and give it him 'T is not amiss to give him after his Drink a Pint of Butter-milk or for want of that a Pint of Cheese-Runnet This is a very good and certain Cure for it Things good in General to provoke Vrine or to cause a Horse to Stale Wilde Bryar balls beaten to powder is very good Alheal Water-Agrimony Birds-Foot Parsley-roots or seed Mustard-seed Alexander and Horse-parsley or Wild parsley which is sold in Apothecaries shops for Macedonian parsley Burdock-seed is a great provoker of Urine Asarabacca th● Kernels within the Husk of Ashen Keys Brook Lyme Pimpernel Water-cresses Butchers-Broom the Root of the Butter-Bur the Juice of the leave of the Bur-docks Champions Wild-Carrots the Berries and Fruit of the Winter-Cherries the Juice of Garden-chervil the Juice of Cuckoe-point boiled in Ale or Beer the Seed of Cucumbers Dandelion Dodder of Thyme Dogs-grass Elder Elecampane Eringo or S●a-holly the Root of Fern Fennel-seeds Filipendula Drop-wort Flax-weed or Toad-Flax the Flower-de lu●e Gentian Felt-wort or Baldmony the Seeds of Germander the seeds of stinking Gladwin Golden-Rod Gromel Groundsel Hartichoke weed Hawk-weed Herb Robert Hops the smoother not the rougher Horse-tail St. Johns wort the Berries or Leaves of Ivy Garlick Radish roots Horse Radish-roots the seeds of Rochet Kidney-wort Knot-grass Juniper Berries the Flowers of Lavender steeped in white Wine Ladies smocks or Cuckoe-Flowers Lovage Maiden-Hair Wall-Rue the Roots of Master-wort Mother-wort Mug-wort Nettle-seeds dried Acorns beaten to powder and given Parsley Piert or Parsley-break stone the powder of the Bark of Rest-Harrow Burnet Smallage the Roots of Spignel the Seeds of the Star-thistle Lady Thistle great Turnsole boiled in Water with Cummin the Water that is gathered from the Willow-Tree when it Flowreth the Bark being slit to let it out Honey suckle leaves Wormwood Saffron the Roots of Valerian with Fennel-seeds Haws bruised and laid asteep in Beer or Ale Egg shells dried and beaten to powder and given in Ale or Beer the Juice of Coleworts Southernwood Mallows stamped and given him in Ale Cherry-stone Kernels Madder But for a Horse that can neither stale nor dung take the Root of Male brake or Fern the Male is to be known for if you cut it you will find the perfect Figure of an Eagle upon it put a piece thereof upon his Tongue and it will cause him both to stale and dung a Flint-stone beaten to powder will make him Stale given him in Beer Ivy-berries dried and beaten to powder and given in white-Wine is very good Particular Receipts to cause a Horse to Stale or Piss Take a
Simples and Order him as you do sick Horses with Mashes bursten Oats scalded Bran warm Clothing and warm Water c. About three or four days after he hath done Purging and drank cold Water to bring him to a Stomach give him Honey and white-Wine and to comfort him and Loosen his Body and to make him Stale freely give him the Cordial of Houshold Wheat Bread boyled in Beer c. You may find the manner how to make this also in the Directions how to Order sick Horses after the Table of Simples As to the Ordering of his swelled Cods or Legs you may apply to them after his Physick hath done working the common Charge of Soap and Brandy scalding hot and three or four days after Ride him into some River or clear Pond up to the mid side and Flounce him backwards and forwards which will be a means to abate and take away the Swelling You need not lay on your Charge above once These Directions are in case of a dry Surfeit But if he be troubled with a Cold which you may soon know by his Coughing and Running at Nose then give him this Drink viz. of the Powder of Anniseeds and Turmerick of each on Ounce put into a Pint and a half of strong Beer half a quarter of Brandy and about five or six Spoonfuls of white-Wine Vineger or for want of either Verjuice Boyl all these a little and give it h●m luke-warm Fasting in the Morning If you find his Stomach lost give him his Cordial But if you find that your Horse is fat and strong and hath his Grease setled within him then give him the Purge of Aloes first but if you find him both fat and ill together then give him this white-Wine and Honey and Cordial to bring him to a Stomach and after them give him his Purge Observation These Heats and Colds which are occasioned by hard Labour or violent Riding does commonly bring along with them hard Pustules and Kernels under his Chaul which you may either sink or break with your common Charge of Soap and Brandy boiled together and applied hot If you find that they break wash them with Verjuice and Butter or Vineger and Butter melted together and they will do well Things good in General to Mollifie Hardness Linseed Fennegreek Rosin Pitch of Greece Flower of Roses boyled together with Turpentine Honey and Sallet Oyl till it come to an Ointment Malvar●sco Oleum Rosatum Brank-ursine Mallows Coleworts Lard Oyl of Cypress with Meal Pellitory Wormwood or Grease Mustard-seed and Cummin boiled together or the Juice of the Roots or Leaves of Elder Armoniack Aloes Opoponax Nettles Mercorella the Roots of Cucumbers Hogs-Grease and Tar Turpentine and old Grease beaten together Oyl of Turpentine is very excellent to take down a Swelling Patch-Grease and Turpentine melted together and stop his Feet therewith and anoint his Coffins therewith or Salt and Water mixt together and Bath the Swelling therewith and dip a Linnen Cloth in the same and lay that upon it and it will dissolve it What is good for bruised Kidneys The powder of the Herb called Crabs-Claws Plantine Licoris Broom c. Things good in General for a sore Mouth and Throat Wood-bine leaves Bolearmoniack Plantine water to wash it with a Water made of them or to wash it with Bay salt and Verjuice warmed together If the Palate be sore then let him Blood there then take Honey young Onions and toasted Cheese boiled together and anoint the Pallate with it or to wash it with the Juice of Alehoof the Juice of Golden Rod Mallows or Marsh-Mallows or Mint or Mulberries or Nettles or Pellitory of the Wall or Privet or Queen of the Medows or Rag-wort or Sage and Allum or Self-heal or Succory or the Juice of the English Vine the Decoction of Rag-weed Plantine boiled in white-Wine Mustard-seed applied outwardly dissolveth the Swelling of the Throat What is good for the Quinsey To let Blood under the Tongue and if his Throat is so swelled that you can get nothing hardly to go down it lay a Poultess under his Chaul and that will open the Passage then take a Bulls Pizzle or a Whale-bone and Tie a Linnen Rag about it and dip it into Milk wherein Allum and the powder of a Dogs-turd hath been dissolved and thrust it up and down his Throat and put a Hornful of it down after it if he be so bad that he can eat nothing but what you give him with a Horn which must be comfortable and Cordial things be sure let the Hornful of Milk wherein Allum and Dogs-turd hath been dissolved be the last thing you give him or else it will do him no good and to Tie him up to the Rack half an Hour after it you are to use it two or three times a day or oftner as you shall see occasion or four Ounces of the Juice of Cinquefoyl given down at a time for certain days together cureth it or the Juice of Cudiweed or Cotton-weed taken in Wine and Milk is a good Remedy against t so is Hysop boyled with Figs. Another Receipt good for it After you have Blooded him under the Tongue take as many Leaves of common Mallows as you think fit for your use Boyl them very well in his own Piss and apply it as hot Poultiss-wise to his Throat as he o●n well endure it and you shall soon find the wonderful effects of it for it will open the Passage of his Throat and take down the Swelling occasioned by the Inflammation of it Do this two or three times if you see occasion and apply your inward Medicine also to it as the Receipt above will direct you Things good in General to Kill Lice or Vermin The Decoction of the Herb or seed of Henbane and wash him with it to wash his Body all over with Cows Piss for three or four days together it is an approved and certain Cure and is as good as any I can give you However I shall give you some more Receipts which is to anoint him with Quick-silver and Hogs-grease mixed together or take Staves-acre and green Copperas boiled in Running water and wash him all over therewith and at twice dressing it will Cure him or Tobacco shred small and boyled in small Beer with some powdred Allum and when the Allum is dissolved to wash him therewith Another very good to destroy them Take Hogs Lard and anoint your Horse all over his Back-bone and under his Mane and about his Flanks or any where elsewhere you find your Lice do come and it will destroy them the reason is that this food being so very delicious and so well lik't of by them makes them seed so much upon it that it causeth them to burst Or to take Train Oyl which is Whale Oyl and anoint his Breast and Flanks with it and then dip a broad List of Woollen into it and sow it about his Neck and this will destroy them Things
consumed then take it off and with a Clout fastned to a stick wash the Sorrance very hot four or five Mornings together and it will Kill it A very good Receipt to Cure any manner of Scab Itch or Scurf in any part of a Horses Body Mix Sallet Oyl his own Water white Wine Vineger Salt Butter and Brimstone together and anoin● the grieved part with it twice a day and it will Cure them Let your Quantities of all these things be more or less according to the Cure you undertake Things good in General for the Crown Scab which is a stinking and filthy Scab breeding round about the corners of the Hoof. Spread upon a Plaister this Ointment take salt Bacon Grease Soot Wax and Pitch molten together and lay to it and if the Flesh grows proud eat it away with Verdegrease beaten to powder or with burnt Allum or scrapings of Harts-horn or Ox-horn made into powder or take Sope and Hogs-Grease and half a pound of Bolearmoniack and a quarter of a pound of Turpentine mixed well together and make a Plaister and bind it on fast renewing it every day till it leave Running and then wash it with strong Vineger made warm and let him come into no water during the Cure or to Bathe him with old Urine sod with salt and that will dry up the Humours and heal it or to wash it with green Copperas Allum and Honey boiled together in fair water and wash the Sore with it three or four times a day and this will both kill and heal it without any other Medicine Things good in General for a surbated Horse Take two new laid Eggs and after you have well picked his fore-Feet break them raw into his Soles then stop them up with Ox or Cow dung and he will be well by the next Morning or Sugar-Candy melted with a hot Iron between the Shoo and the Foot and when it is hardned take Nettles and Bay-salt stamped and laid upon it or after his Foot is pared to cool it stop his Feet with Bran and Hogs-Grease boiled together very hot and to cover the Coffin round with the same or to stop them every Night with Cows dung and Vineger mingled together Things good in General for Sinews that are Cut Prickt Bruised or Shrunk or for any other Griefs in them Alheal is good for the Grief of them Wood-bitony Comfrey soddereth cut Sinews together the dried powder of red Wheat boiled in Vineger is good wilde Tansie Oyl of Chamomel Mugwort cureth the Contraction and drawing together of the Sinews or Tarr Bean-flower and Oyl of Roses mixed together and laid to the place hot and if it do not presently good then take Wormes and Sallet-Oyl Fried together or else the Ointment of Wormes which you may have at the Apothecaries and apply either of them for they Knit the Sinews again if they be not quite cut asunder but if there be a Convulsion you must with your Scissers cut the Sinew asunder then take Rozin and Turpentine Pitch and Sanguis Draconis melted together and clapped somewhat hot to the Sore then take Flax and clap upon that for that will cleanse and defend and is a very excellent Medicine for any swollen Joynt whatsoever But if the Sinews be not much swelled but only stiff then take of black Soap a pound and seethe it in a quart of strong Ale till it wax thick like Tarr and anoint the Sinews and Joynts with it and it will supple them and stretch them forth be they never so much shrunk Or take a quart of Neats-soot Oyl a quart of Ox galls a quart of Aqua-vitae or Brandy a quart of Rose-water or a Handful of Rosemary stamped boyl all these together till half be consumed and strain it and use it as you see occasion A Receipt for a Cut Sinew Take the Leaves of Nep or Woodbine and bruise them well in a Mortar with May Butter and apply it to them is very good to Knit them together A Particular Receipt for the Shrinking of the Sinews Take a Handful of Chickweed of red Roses dried the like quantity put them into a Pint of Ale and a Pint of Canary and let them boyl together till a fourth part be consumed then put to them a Pint of Trotters Oyl and let that boyl also a good while keeping them stirring which being strained anoint the grieved part therewith chasing it in very well with your Hand holding a hot Fire-shovel or Brick bat before it at the same time to make it sink in the better When you bind it up put to it some of the Herbs and at three or four times Dressing it will be well The Decoction of the Root of Scabius and Garden Tansie boiled in Sallet Oyl Or the Decoction of the Leaves of Mullen with Sage Marjorem and Camomel Flowers and the grieved part bathed therewith is excellent good for them c. Things good in General to Cure the Tongue of a Horse that is hurt To boyl in Water Wood-bine leaves Primrose leaves black Berryleaves Knot-grass with some Honey and put to it a little Allum and two or three times a day wash it with a Clowt Tied upon a stick being luke-warm or take Mel Rosatum and anoint therewith and be sure whensoever you dress his Tongue or Mouth Tie him up to the Rack an hour after it that so the Medicine may take the better effect or take red Honey the marrow of powdered Pork quick Lime and Pepper made into fine powder of each alike boiled together till they come to an Ointment and anoint with it twice a day Particular Receipts for the Cure of the Tongue of a Horse that is hurt Take of Arman half an Ounce and put it into the Fire till it become red hot then take it out and beat it to very fine powder then take a Sawcer full of live Honey and of white-Wine one Pint mix and steep these with the Powder together and so let it boyl over the Fire keeping it stirring then take it off and let it cool and so wash his Tongue Morning and Evening with it till it be whole Another Take the Juice of Selandine and wash the Hurt therewith nine days together and it will Cure it though it be half Cut asunder for the Juice of the Selandine will conglutinate and sodder the Tongue together being cut or wounded Things good for Venomed Things Garden Bazil or sweet Bazil laid to it is good for any thing Venomed by a Spider Wasp Bee or Hornet Water-bistort or Snakeweed is likewise good and if he hath drunk Horse-Leeches Hens-dung and the like give him three spoonfuls of the Herb Sow-thistle dried in a quart of Ale Another for a Venom Take a Handful of Rue and stamp with it the Fat of rusty Bacon till it come to a perfect Salve and therewith dress the Sore till it be whole Another to be used either inwardly or outwardly If he hath eaten any Venomed thing Give him
put on the Saddle again and let it so remain all Night and this presently helpeth any Swelling in the Withers or any other part of the Back as also any Swellings by Spur-Galls But if the Skin be broken or ulcerated then take sweet Butter Bay salt and the powder of Frankincense of each as much as will suffice boyl all these together and with a Clout fastned upon a stick dip it into it scalding hot and scald it two or three times but if it be full of corruption then make incision on both sides beneath that the Matterative stuff may the more easily void away downwards and heal it up with your powder of Lyme and Honey or to anoint it well with the Oyl of Turpentine and it will either asswage or break the Swelling and if it be broke squeeze forth the corruption and drop some of the said Oyl into it Morning and Evening and it will both cleanse and heal it but if the Skin be only Galled off take Cream and Soot well mixt together and lay upon the Sore and it will heal it presently if the Wound be not very deep Things good in General for Swelled Cods If it come of Rankness of Seed or of Blood then let him have a Mare and let him Cover her two or three days together and half an Hour after Ride him into the Water above the Cods or Stones against the stream and he will do well But if it come of other Causes take the Lees of Claret-Wine or for want of that the Dregs of strong Beer and Cummin-seed made into fine powder and a little Wheat and Bean-Flower boyl them altogether to an Ointment and anoint his Cods warm therewith then draw forth his Yard and wash that and his Sheath also with white-Wine Vineger and three or four Houres after Ride him into the Water above the Cods and let him stand in the Water some short time and to Ride him against the stream do this every day till the Swelling be asswaged or take the Roots of wilde Cucumbers and white Salt boyl them in fair Water to an Ointment and anoint his Cods with it warm and then apply this Ointment Take Goats-Grease or Deers Sewet the White of an Egg and Sallet Oyl boyl them gently and anoint his Cods therewith but this must be after he hath been ridden into the Water and dry again A Charge for Swelled Cods Or take Bolearmoniack beaten into fine Powder Vineger and the Whites of Eggs well beaten together and anoint him therewith daily till it be abated and if it Impost humate where you find it to be soft open it with a hot Iron or with your Incision Knife if it break not of it self and heal it up with your green Ointment taught you as aforesaid Another for any Bite or Bruise on his Cods which cause them to Swell very much To remedy this Accident Wash and Bathe them very well with warm Whey Morning and Evening for three or four days together and anoint them after it with the Oyl or Ointment of Populeon till you finde the Swelling abated keeping his Cods warm with a Linnen Bag made in the nature of a Purse and drawn easily over them If you find that the Swelling is abated you may then apply the Common Charge of Soap and Brandy to it very hot which will Knit the Strings of his Cods together again But if you find that they are so torn that you question his Cure then the best way in my opinion is to Geld him A most Excellent Bath which is not only good for Swelled or bruised Cods but for all manner of Bruises in any Part of the Body from Head to Foot Take two quarts of the strongest Ale you can get Then set it over the Fire in a large Skillet or Pipkin and put to it two good Handfuls of the Rind of the black Berry Bush and let it Simper away till it come to a quart then strain it forth and keep it for your use How you are to use it Bathe the grieved part Night and Morning with it very hot and heated very well in by the Fire then dip a Linnen Cloth in the same and bind it up hot When you have done peel off the Bark towards the Root when you gather it for that is the best This is a very great Strengthner of any weak Member by either Bruise Strain or Pain Things good in General for Bursting or Ruptures in Horses Though I hold it incurable yet I shall give you those things that worketh much good though no absolute Cure These things are great Knitters and are to be taken inwardly Valerian Rupture-wort Cross-wort Cranes-bill the powder of the Roots of Chammack the Leaves and Nuts of the Cypres Elm leaves or the Bark thereof Corn-Flag any of these things given inwardly with the outward means used maketh the Cure the more effectual The outward means is this Bring the Horse into a place where there is a Beam overthwart and strow it thick with straw then put on four strong Pasterns with four Rings on his Feet and fasten one end of a long Rope to one of those Rings with the loose End of the Rope and so draw all his fore-Feet together and he will fall then cast the Rope over the Beam and hoist him up so that he may lie flat on his Back with his Legs upwards without strugling then Bathe his Stones well with warm Water and Butter molten together and the Stones being somewhat warm and well mollified raise them up from the Body with both your Hands being closed by the Fingers close together and holding the Stones in your Hands in such manner work down the Gut into the Body of the Horse by stroaking it downwards continually with your two Thumbs until you perceive that that side of the Stone to be so small as the other and so having returned the Gut to the right place take a List of two Fingers broad thoroughly anointed with fresh Butter and Tie his Stones both together with the same so nigh the Body as may be yet not over-hard but so as you may put your Finger between that done take the Horse quietly down and lead him gently into the Stable and keep him warm and let him not be stirred for the space of three Weeks but forget not the next day after you have placed his Gut in his true place to unloosen the List and to take it away and as well at that time as every day once or twice after to cast a dish or two of cold Water up upon his Cods and that will make him to shrink up his Stones and thereby to restrain the Gut from falling down and at the three Weeks end to make the Cure so much the surer take away the Stone on that side he is bursten so he shall hardly be bursten on that side again and during the Cure let him not eat much nor drink much and let his Drink be always warm A
make into a Syrup and bruise it a little in a Mortar Then take it forth and put to every Handful of Roots Herbs or Flowers a pint of Running Water and boyl it till half the Water be consumed After you have so done strain it through a Woollen Cloth letting it Run out at leisure without pressing And to every pint of this Decoction add one pound of Sugar then boyl it again over the Fire till it come to a Syrup which you may know when it is well done if you take a little of it now and then in a Spoon and let it cool Be sure you take off the Filth that doth arise while it is a boyling And when you think it is enough strain it hot through a Woollen Cloth and press it out and keep it for your use 3. Syrups that are made by Juices usually are made of such Herbs as are most full of Juice and are best made this Way viz. Take the Herbs and beat them in a Mortar with a Wooden Pestle then press forth the Juice and Clarifie it as you were taught before in Juices then set it over the Fire again and let it boyl till a quarter of it be consumed and to a Pint of it add a pound of Sugar and boyl it up to a Syrup keeping it scumming all the while When you think it is well boiled strain it through a Woollen Cloth as you did the other and keep it for your use 4. If you make Syrups of Roots that are hard as Grass-Roots Parsley Fennel c. Bruise them very well first then lay them asteep in that Water you intend to boyl them in which will cause the Vertue of them to come forth so much the better 5. Your Syrups that are well made will keep somewhat above a year but such as are made by Infusion will not keep so long 6. The best Way to keep them when made is in Glass or Stone-pots and to bind a Paper about the Mouth of them CHAP. X. Of Decoctions 1. Decoctions are made either of Fruits Barks Roots Leaves Flowers or Seeds and is made after the same manner as is shewed you in your Syrups 2. Those Decoctions that are made of Wine are more durable then those made of Water 3. If you make a Decoction for to cleanse the Passages of Urine and to open Obstructions chuse rather to make it of white-Wine because it is of a more penetrating and subtil Nature then Water 4. Decoctions are of the best use for the Cure of such Diseases as lie Lurking in the Passages of the Body Stomach Bowels Kidneys Passages of Urine and the Bladder c. which are more powerful in Operation in passing quicker to the aforesaid Diseases then any other sort of Medicines 5. All the difference that are between Decoctions and Syrups made by Decoction is only this Syrups are made to keep Decoctions only for present spending 9. You may sweeten them with Sugar or Syrup or such things as you imagine most fit for the Disease you give it 7. If you make a Decoction of Roots Herbs Flowers and Seeds together boyl the Roots a good while first because they retain their Virtues longer so then the next in Order according to the same Rule are first Barks secondly Herbs thirdly seeds fourthly Flowers And fifthly Spices which are put in last because their Vertues do soonest come sorth 8. All Decoctions are to be kept in a Glass close s●opped and the cooler you set them the longer they will keep their usual time of lasting is not above a Week at most 9. The usual Dose you are to give him at a time is a quart or more according to the Age Strength and Constitution of your Horse Season of the year strength of the Medicine and quality of the Disease Roots th t are hot in the First Degree Liquoris Dogs-grass Marsh-mallows Burrage China Valerian Bazil Parsley Bugloss Pilewort Lillies Peony male and female wilde Parsnips Burrdocks Spatling Poppey Kneeholly c. Herbs hot in the second Degree Lovage Water-flag Fennel Butter-bur Hogs Fennel Swallows-wort Carline-thistle Devils-bit Spignel Mercury Sarsaparilla c. Hot in the third Degree Ginger Angelica Asarabica white Dittany Doronicum Elecampane Hellebore white and black stinking Gladdon Filapendula Aron Sow-bread Birth-wort Galangal Cellandine Snake-root 〈…〉 and black Master-wort Rest-harrow c. Hot in the fourth Degree Leeks Onions Garlick Pellitory of the Wall c. Roots that are very Temperate Cinquefoyl Turmentil Mallows Bears-breech Mechoachan Jallop Eringo Asparagus our Ladies thistle c. Roots Cold in the first Degree Plantine Comfrey the greater Sorrel Madder Beets white and red Rose-root c. Cold in the second Degree Hounds-tongue Alkanet Succory Endive Dazies c. Cold in the Third Mandrakes Bistort c. Cold in the Fourth Henbane Roots dry in the first Degree Calamus Aromaticus Bears-breech Madder Burr-docks Pile-wort Red Beets Eringo Self-heal Knee-holly Endive c. Dry in the second Hounds-tongue Zedoary Plantine Mercury Reeds Devils-bit parsley Butter-bur Fennel Spignel Lovage Alkanet Marsh-mallows Valerian Sprattling poppey Bazil Water-flag our Ladies thistle Cyprus long and round ●orrel Smallage Aspodel male swallow-wort c. Dry in the third Cellendine Angelica Hogs Fennel Turmentil Ginger Birth-wort long and round Aron Sow-bread Carline thistle Bistort Briony white and black Sarsaparilla Asarabica Virginian snake-root China Doronicum Dittany Galangal of both kinds Hellebore white and black Elecampane Rest harrow Peony Male and Female Filapendula Orris English and Florence stinking Gladdon c. Dry in the Fourth Costus Pellitory of Spain Garlick Onions and Leeks c. Roots Moist are Dasies Burrage Valerian and spatling poppey Bugloss white Beets Liquoris Dogs-grass parsnips Skirrets c. Of hot Medicaments Appropriate to the Parts of the Body 1. Heating the Head Doronicum Fennel peony Spikenard Winters his Cinnamon Bitony Costmary Cardus benedictus Cowslips Eye-bright Featherfew Goats-Rue Herb Mastich Lavender Laurel Lovage Maudlin Mellilot Time penny Royal Rosemary Celandine Scurvey-Grass Sneese-wort fena peony Male and Female Chamomel sage Nutmegs Jallop 2. Heating the Throat Devils-bit pilewort Archangel white and red Alewort 3. Heating the Breast and Lungs Birthwort long and round Calamus Aromaticus Cinquefoyl Elecampane Liquoris Orice squills Cassia Lignea Cinnamon Bitony Bayes Bawm Calaminth Camomil Distaff Thistle Fennel Germander Hysop Hore-hound Indian-leaf Maiden-hair Nettle Oak of Jerusalem Organy periwincle Rue scabius Time Figs Raisins Orris English and Florentine 4. Heating the Heart Angelica Butter-bur Basil Cinnamon Citrons Carline-thistle Turmentil Valerian of both sorts pimpernel Bay-berries Bawm Broom Cardus Benedictus Rue Goats Rue Rosemary southernwood sene saffron spicknard Juniper-berries Mace Nutmegs Wall-nuts Mustard-seed Doronicum Bugloss 5. Heating the Stomach Avens Fennel Galangale Ginger Radish Spicknard Enula Cassia Lignea Cinnamon Citrons Lemmons Sassafras Bayes Bawm Broom Hysop Indian Leaf Mints Time Parsley Sage Smallage Wormwood Rosemary Cloves Almonds Ben Nutmegs Pine-Nuts Annis Caraway Cardamums Cummin Elecampane Fern. 6. Heating the Liver
Ounce of fresh Butter with the Yolks and Whites of two New laid Eggs Brew and beat all these very well together till you think they are cool enough to give him and Order him as in the former Receipt If your Horse be strong and lusty and that you think this is not a sufficient Dose strong enough for him you may either add more Aloes or else you may put into it as much of the powder of the Root of Jallop and Liquoris as will lie upon a Six-pence which will strengthen his Purge very much and make it work very freely kindly and safely Some more Physical Observations in the Giving of Purges or Scourings 1. When you give your Horse a Purge or Scouring either for Surfeit Cold or any other Illness let him fast about three houres before he takes it and about three or four houres after it 2. Let the first thing he eats after he hath fasted his limited time be a Mash of Malt or boiled Oats and let him not have it till his Physick hath wrought twice or thrice with him which will set it working so much the more freely 3. If you give him Hay first before you give him his Mash 't will so bind his Physick upon his Stomach that it will spoil the Operation and working quality thereof to the no little prejudice of his Health 4. The best time in my opinion is to give it him about four or five in the Afternoon for then 't is possible you may see the Working of it the next Morning which if you give it him in the Morning which is the usual time of giving a Horse Physick it may work in the Night and so prevent you of seeing the Operation thereof 5. According to the strength of your Horses Body and the quantity or quality of the Physick you give him will be the Operation of it for in some Horses it will work in twelve houres in others not in twenty four and again in others not in fourty eight 6. Let him have no Water till after his Physick hath done working and then let it be a little Aired before you give it him with a Handful or two of Wheat-bran put amongst it 7. If you fear your Horse is troubled with Bots or Wormes and that you find him to begin to dung loose after his Purging then put a Tobaccho-pipe at the same time ready lighted into his Fundament breaking off some part of it before you put it in lest it prove too long and the Wind from within his Body will draw it out as orderly as if it were taken at your Mouth so that the Smoke being thus received into his Body will so suffocate and choak them that it will make them to let go their hold which being loose will be the more easily thrown out by the Purge in his Excrements A Particular Receipt for Splaiting of the Shoulder which is a Torn Shoulder Put a Pair of streight Pastornes on his Feet keeping him in the Stable without disquieting of him then take of Dialthaea one pound of Sallet Oyl one Pint of Oyl de bay half a pound of fresh Butter half a pound Melt all these together in an Earthen Pot and anoint the grieved place therewith and also round about the inside of the Shoulder and within two or three days after both that place and all the Shoulder will swell and either prick it with a Launcet or Fleam in all the swelling places or else with a sharp hot Iron and then anoint it still with the Ointment before said but if you see that it will not go away but swell still and gather to a Head then Launce it where the Swelling doth gather most and is softest under your Finger and then Taint it with your Green Ointment which you may find in the First Part. Things good in General to Cure a Shoulder Pight which is a Shoulder out of Joynt To make him swim in a deep Water up and down a dozen Turnes for that will make the Joynt to go into its right place again then make two Pins of Ashen-wood the bigness of your Finger being sharp at the Points and five inches long then slit the Skin an Inch above the Point and an Inch beneath the Point of the Shoulder and thrust in one of these Pins from above downwards so as both the ends may equally stick with the Skin and if the Pin of Wood will not easily pass through you may make it way first with an Iron Pin then make other two holes cross to the first holes so as the other pin may cross the first pin right in the midst with a right Cross and the first pin should be somewhat flat in the midst to the intent that the other being round may press the better without stop and close juster together then take a piece of a little Line somewhat bigger then a Whip-cord and at one end make a Loop which being but over one of the Pins ends so that it may lie betwixt the Pins ends and the skin and fasten the last end with your pack-thread unto the rest of the Cord so as it may not slip And to do well both the Pins and the Cord should be first anointed with a little Hogs-grease then bring him into the Stable and let him rest the space of nine or ten days and let him lie down as little as may be and put a Pastorn shoo on the sore leg and at nine or ten days end you may anoint the place with a little Dialthea or Hogs-grease and so turn him out to Grass and let him run there till the pins be rotted off If you work him in a Cart after a Months time it will settle his shoulder the better and make him the more fit to ride The Cure for the Canker in the Mouth Take Allum half a pound Honey a quarter of a pint Columbine leaves and Sage leaves of each a handful boyl them together in three Pints of running Water until a Pint be consumed and wash the sore places therewith with a Rag Tied upon a stick till they bleed Morning and Night till they be Cured The C●ring of the Gigges Bladders or Flappes Pull out his Tongue and slit them with an Incision-Knife and thrust out the Kernels or Corruption and wash the place with Vineger and Salt or Allum-water and they will do well again But to prevent their coming at all is to wash it often with Wine Beer and Ale and so shall no Blister breed thereon nor any other Disease To make Vseful unto you those several Weights and Measures which are set down by some Authors in some Physical and obscure Characters and therein contained many Excellent Receipts Take them as followeth VIZ. ss The Character of the half-pound lb A pound lb ss A pound and a half ℥ An Ounce ℥ j ss One Ounce and a half ʒ A Dram ʒ ss A Dram and a half ℈ A Scruple ℈ ss A Scruple and a half gr A Grain which
This is also known by his Neck and Head standing awry his Eares upright and his Eyes hollow his Mouth dry and clung and his Back will Rise like a Camel which must be Cured by giving him something to make him Sweat and by Loading him with warm Woollen Cloaths 239 240 Costiveness is when a Horse is so bound in his Belly that he cannot dung but with great pain and trouble It is a Disease very dangerous and perillous to him and is the Origen of several Maladies you may know it by several Symptoms sometimes it proceedeth from Glut of Provender or over-much feeding somtimes by eating too dry and hard meats which sucketh and drieth up the moisture of a Horses Body viz. Beans Pease Wheat or Tares c. Not but that they are very wholesom food and the heartiest Meat a Horse can eat but feeding too much upon them over-heats his Body more then any other Grain whatsoever which shuts up a Horses Office of Nature so that it makes him he cannot dung And besides they are very windy food which causeth many bad humours and obstructions in the Body sometimes Costiveness cometh also by much Fasting in the Dieting of them for Races or Hunting which doth suck up like a Spunge the phlegmatick moisture of the Body 378 and 381 Crown-●●●b is a filthy stinking and cankerous disease breeding round about the Feet upon the Coronets or top of the Hoof next the Hair which causeth much pain unto him It cometh to him by reason he hath been bred in some cold wet Soyl striking corrupt Humours up to his Feet and is more troubled with these in the Summer then the Winter The Signes to know it are these The Hair about the Coronets will be thin and staring like Bristles and run with Matterative Water 372 Camery or Frounce are small Warts or Pimples in the most of the Palate of a Horses Mouth which are very soft and sore and are bred also somtimes in his Lips and Tongue It is occasioned many ways somtimes by eating of wet Hay whereon Rats or other Vermin hath piss'd upon somtimes by drawing frozen dust amongst the Grass into his Mouth and sometimes by licking up of Venom The Signes shew themselves which are the Pimples or Whelks and soreness of them with the unsavoriness of his food that he hath eaten before and his falling from his Meat 301 C●rb is a long Swelling beneath the elbow of the Hough in the great Sinew behind above the top of the Horn which maketh him halt and go lame when he hath been heated It cometh to him several Ways either hereditary or by some bruise or strain or by heavy loading him when he was too young 263 Casting out of his Mouth and Nostrils his drink proceedeth from a cold Stomach or by some Cold taken in his Head where the Rheum bindeth upon the Roots and Kernels of the Tongue which hath as it were strangled and made strait the Passages of the Stomach 383 Canker in the Eyes cometh of a rank and corrupt Blood descending from the Head into them where it breedeth a little Worm like the Head of a Pismire which groweth in the corner next his Nose which will eat in time if let alone through the Gristle of his Nose and so pass into his Head and kill him You may know it by the great and small Pimples within and without the Eye-lids and the Eye it self will be full of corrupt matter What cures it in the Mouth cures this 302 318 Chops Clefts or Rifts in the Palate of a Horses Mouth proceedeth either from course and rough Hay full of Thistles and other pricking stuff or by ●oul Provender full of sharp seeds which by frequent pricking the Bats of his Mouth doth cause them to wrankle and breed corrupt blood which may turn to the Canker What Cures the Canker in the Mouth if it comes to this disease cures this but to prevent the Canker wash his Mouth with Vineger and Salt and anoint it with Honey 418 Canker in the Mouth is a rawness of the Mouth and Tongue which is full of Blisters and cannot eat his meat It proceeds from crude and undigested meat rankness of blood or unnatural heat coming from the Stomach 302 and 418 Crick in the Neck is a kind of Convulsion which I shall speak but briefly hereof because I have handled it fully before in all the Kinds thereof It is when the Horse cannot turn his Neck any manner of ways but hold it right forth insomuch that he cannot take his Meat from the ground but with great trouble and pain 384 Crest-fallen is when that part which a Horses Man● groweth on which is the upper part thereof and called the Crest leaneth either to one side or other not standing upright as it ought to do It cometh for the most part from Poverty occasioned by ill keeping and especially when a sat horse falleth away suddenly upon any inward sickness 385 D. Dropsey is a disease which causeth a universal Swelling of the Body through the great quantity of Water that lieth between the Skin and the Flesh occasioned by Melancholy Blood Water and Wind which will make his Belly and Legs to Swell but his Back Buttocks and Flanks will be dried and shrunk up to the very Bones if you thrust your Finger hard upon the place swollen you shall leave the print thereof behind for the Flesh wanting natural heat will not return again to its place Other Signes there be to know this disease viz. he will be evil coloured heavy dull and of no Face Strength nor Spirit and therefore proceedeth principally for want of good Nourishment and Digestion which passeth into Melancholy It proceedeth also either from the Spleen or the Liver or both the Blood being putrified and turned into a thin Water and sometimes for want of good Exercise or over-much rest He will be also short Breath'd lose his Stomach and be very dry and though you bring him to the Water he will drink little but only pudder long with his Nose in it In a word he will be as if he had a general Consumption over his whole Body and his Hair will peal off with the least rubbing 363 Dimness of Sight or Blindness is occasioned several ways Either by some strain violent Riding hard Labour and overcharging him with a Burthen beyond his Strength whereby the Strings of his Eyes are stretched beyond their due Compass hereditary Lastly by some blow or wound The Sign is want of Sight or the ill effected colour of the Eye 288 E. A Boney Excretion is occasioned most an end by Causticks or burning Corrasives which are put to Wounds that lie close to the Bone as when the Wound is in the Leg or about the Pasterns for the Flesh being very much burned by them cause then Excretion to grow upon the Bone which by the little Experience of the Farrier the wound is healed but this Excretion doth remain and somtimes it cometh by a
side of the Fet-lock Joynts upon all four legs and are so painful to him especially in the Summer season when the Weather is hot and the ways hard that they make him not only halt downright but sometimes fall They come for the most part from extream labour and heat whereby the humors being dissolved do flow and resort into the hollow places about the nether Joynts and there settle which is the occasion of this evil Malady 377 VVolfes-teeth are two small teeth growing in the upper Jaws next unto the great grinding teeth which are so painful to him that he cannot endure to chaw his meat but is forced either to let it fall out of his Mouth or to keep it still half chewed 384 Wormes vide Bots. and there you may find all sorts of them that breed in a Horses Body and how you may distinguish them one from another 303 VVind-cholick vide Cholick 363 and 377 Wrench in a Horses back vide Flanks 300 The Womb of a Mare is subject to many diseases viz. Ascent Descent Falling out Convulsion Barrenness Abortion c. She may be barren through the untemperateness of the Womb or Matrix as for that it is too hot and fiery or else too cold and moist or else too dry or else too short or too narrow or having the Neck thereof turned awry or by means of some obstruction or stopping in the Matrix and that the Mare is too fat or too lean or sometimes for want of being well horsed the cure is Take a good Handful of Leeks well stamped in a Mortar with half a Glass full of white-Wine then put to it twelve Flies called Cantharides then strain altogether with a sufficient quantity of water that may serve her therewith two days together by pouring the same into her nature with a Horn or Glister-Pipe made of purpose and at the end of three days next following offer the Horse unto her that should cover her and immediately after she is covered wash her Nature twice together with cold water Or take Nitrum Sparrows dung and Turpentine of each a like quantity wrought together and made like a Suppository and put into her Nature causeth her to desire the Horse and also to conceive Y. Yellows in a horse is the same that the Physicians do call the Jaundice in a man and there are two kinds of them The yellow and the black the yellow being moist and the black dry the yellow proceeds from the overflowing of the Gall occasioned by Choler and the black cometh from the overflowing of the Spleen proceeding from Melancholy which are both dangerous infirmities but the black is most deadly and mortal The yellow is discovered by the changing his natural colour from white to yellow viz. The Balls of his Eyes The Tongue the inside of his Lips and inward parts of his Nostrils are coloured yellow The black Jaundice is discovered by the quite contrary symptomes for having this disease the whites of his Eyes Tongue Mouth and Lips will be of a duskish colour and not so clear and sanguine as before And though this distinction of the yellow and black Jaundice be strange to some Farrie●s ye● it is most certain that when a Horse dieth of the Yellows he dieth of the black Yellows for when it cometh unto the case of Mortality then are all the inward parts converted to blackness and the yellow substance is clean mastered The Origen of this Malady cometh principally from unnatural heats given him by hard riding or labour which inflames the Liver Gall Blood and Spleen which causeth choler to have the sovereignty and dominion over the humors which occasions this disease which endeth in a sudden death if not timely prevented 237 Yard mattering or mattering of the Yard cometh most commonly in covering time by his over-freeness in spending upon Mares when the Horse and Mare are both too hot doth burn them giving him the Running of the Reins as we truly term it The Signes to know it are The falling down of yellow Matter from the Yard and a swelling at the end thereof and when he staleth he will do it with a great deal of pain and cannot well draw up his Yard again 331 Yard fallen down or Falling down of the Yard cometh to him for want of strength to draw it up within the Sheath but let it hang down between his Legs It is occasioned either through the weakness of that Member or by means of some Resolution in the Muscles and Sinews serving the same caused by some violent slip strain or stroke in the Back or else by some great weariness and tyring 332 and 381 The TABLE of the Diseases and Cures THE Nature Temperature and Virtue of most Simples set down Alphabetically From page 175. to p. 224 A. Accloyed is Prickt vide Prickt An Advertisement not only about the several sorts of Aloes how you may know and distinguish them one from Another but also some Directions for the Physicking of Horses and for Dressing of Wounds From p. 226 to 228 An Advertisement touching the Vsefulness not only of the Table of Simples but also of the General Simples set down one after another before every Disease 229 Antimony crude or raw the use of it declared 232 Aches Numbness or any swelling or weakness in any Joynt or Sinew General Simples good for them ib. Aloes how to make into Purges and Scourings See the manner of it after the best Receipt for the Glanders at the latter End of the Book St. Anthonies Fire General Things good for the Cure of it 233 Particular Receipts good for the same 234 Anticor or Heart-Sickness General things good for the Cure of it ib. Particular Receipts good for the same ib. Attaint Upper or Nether General Things good for the Cure of it 235 Particular Receipts good for the same ib. Aristes vide Rats-Tails Apoplexie vide Palsey Adders Tongue Ointment vide Ointments Anberry cured 279 Aloes several excellent Ways how you are to make it up into Purges 414 and 415 B. Broken Wind General Simples good to help it 251 Particular Receipts good for the same ib. Breath short General Simples good to help it 252 Particular Receipts good for the same 253 Blood-Spaven General Things good for the Cure of it 260 Particular Receipts good for the same 261 Bone Spaven Cured ib and 379 Back Galled to Cure From 283 to 285 Bruises or Swellings either inward or outward General Simples good for the Cure of them 285 Particular Receipts good for the same 286 Bruises and Strains Observations upon the Cure of them 293 Back-Wrench't weak or swayed General Things good for the Cure of it 330 and 331 Barbes cured 331 Bots or Wormes General Things good for the destroying of them 303 Particular Receipts good for the same 304 Bangle-Eares help'd vide First Part 121 Bleeding General Simples good to stanch it 306 Particular Receipts good for the same 307 Binding Simples in General which is good to stop a Loosness Lask