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water_n half_a ounce_n small_a 3,273 5 6.7851 4 false
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A57071 The whole body of cookery dissected, taught, and fully manifested, methodically, artificially, and according to the best tradition of the English, French, Italian, Dutch, &c., or, A sympathie of all varieties in naturall compounds in that mysterie wherein is contained certain bills of fare for the seasons of the year, for feasts and common diets : whereunto is annexed a second part of rare receipts of cookery, with certain useful traditions : with a book of preserving, conserving and candying, after the most exquisite and newest manner ... Rabisha, William. 1661 (1661) Wing R114; ESTC R20908 195,916 326

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minced lay your Legg of Mutton with the fairest side upward upon sippets in your garnished dish having all these things in readiness to put into your aforesaid broth when it comes boyling off the fire then pour it on your Legg of Mutton hot To boyl Partridges TAke three Partridges put them in a Pipkin with as much water as will cover them also take three or four blades of Mace one Nutmeg quartered five or six whole Cloves a piece of sweet Butter two or three Manchet tosts tosted brown soak them in a little Sack or Muscadine strain it through a Canvas strainer with some of the broth and put them into the Pipkin with your Partridges boyl them very softly often turning them untill your broth be half consumed then put in a little sweet Butter and salt When your broth is boyled garnish your dish with a sliced Lemon and the yolk of a hard Egg minced small then lay on small heaps between the slices of Lemon and place your Partridge in your garnisht dish on sippets and your broth hot on them lay upon the breasts of your Partridges round slices of Lemon pared mince small and strow on the yolk of a hard Egg prick over all their breasts five or six wing feathers and serve them up after this manner you may boyl young Turkeys Feasants or Pea-chickens Woodcocks Quails c. Capons in Pottage in the French fashion TAke two Capons draw and truss them parboyl them and fill their bellies with Marrow put them in a pipkin with a Knuckle of Veal let them boyl together when they are half boyled with strong broth if you have it then put in your Lamb-stones and Sweet breads season it with Cloves Mace and a little salt a faggot of sweet herbs and an Onion let it boyl gently untill all is enough take heed you boyl them not too much in the interim make ready the bottoms and tops of four rolles of French bread put them a drying in a fair dish wherein you put the Capons set it on the fire and lay over them some strong broth with a ladle full of gravy cover it untill you dish them up then dish up your Capons with your Knuckle of Veal between them garnish your Capons with Sweet-breads and carved Lemon and your Veal with slices of Bacon fryed up with the yolks of Eggs and pour on it strong broth and gravy with a little drawn Butter and serve it up To make a boyled meat much like a Bisk. TAke a Rack of Mutton cut it in four peices and boyl it in three quarts of fair water in a pipkin with a faggot of sweet herbs bound up close scum your broth and put in some falt about half an hour after put in three Chickens scalded and trust with three Partridges boyled in water the blood being well soaked out of them putting to them three blades of large Mace then have all manner of sweet herbs finely picked being minced and before you dish up your boyled meat put them to your broth and let them have four or five walms and take for the top of your boyled meat a pound of interlarded Bacon cut in thin slices put them in a pipkin with the Marrow of six bones twelve bottoms of young Artichokes six Sweet-breads of Veal strong broth Mace Nutmeg with Goosberries or Barberries Butter and Pistaches these being all ready garnish your dish with Artichoke carved Lemon Pistaches Grapes and large Mace your sippets being finely carved with slices of French bread in the bottom of your dish dish up your Mutton three pieces round about and one peice in the middle with your three Chickens between the three pieces of Mutton and your Partridge in the middle pour on the broth with the herbs then put on your pipkin over all it being Marrow Artichokes and the other ingredients with sliced Lemons Barberries and drawn Butter over all your sippets round the dish c. To boyl a Neck Loyn or Chine of Mutton or a Neck Legg Fillet Knuckle of Veal Legg or Loyn of Lamb. CUt any of these meats in so big peices as that two or three of them may serve in a dish and put them into a pot with so much water as will cover them if you have one neck of Mutton or Veal you may take ten sprigs of winter-savory and as much of Time adding to them twelve great Onions if they are small take the more grate to them half a penny loaf with half an ounce of Cloves and Mace and one handful of Spinnage a little Salt and Parslee if in the Spring or Summer otherwise Capers and Sampier let it boyl moderately untill it be half consumed when you take it off add a little Vinegar and drawn Butter but you must note not to let your Spinnage and Parslee to have above a quarter of an hours boyling you may dish it in as many dishes as you please and serve it hot to the table To boyl a Chine of Veal whole or in pieces BOyl it in strong broth with a faggot or two of sweet herbs a peice of Bacon and when it s above half boyled put in Capers a little large Mace whole Pepper some Salt and Oyster liquor your Chines being well boyled have some stewed Oysters by themselves with some Mace whole Onions Vinegar Butter and Pepper c. then have Cucumbers boyled by themselves in water and salt or pickled Cucumbers boyled in water putting thereto beaten Butter and Cabbage Lettice being parboyled then dish your Chines on sippets broth them and put on your stewed Oysters Cucumbers Lettice and parboyled Grapes or sliced Lemon and run it over with beaten Butter To bake a Pigg to be eaten cold called a Maremaid Pie TAke a Pigg flay it and quarter it bone it take also a good Eele flayed split boned and seasoned with Pepper Salt and Nutmeg then lay a quarter of your Pigg in a round Pye and part of the Eele on that quarter then lay on another quarter on the other and then more Eele and thus keep the order untill your pye be full then lay a few whole Cloves slices of Bacon and Butter and close it up bake it in a good fine Paste being baked and cold fill it up with good sweet Butter Another way SCald it and bone it being first cleansed dry the sides in a clean cloth and season them with beaten Nutmeg Pepper Salt and chopt Sage then have two Neats tongues dryed well boyled and cold slice them out all the length as thick as half a crown and lay a quarter of your Pigg in a square or round pye and slices of the tongue on it then another quarter of Pigg and more tongue thus do for four times double and lay over all slices of Bacon a few Cloves Butter and a Bay-leaf or two then bake it and being baked fill it up with good sweet Butter make your Paste white of Butter and Floure To bake Steaks the French way SEason your Steaks with pepper
the juice of two Lemmons then also to the white Jelly one race of Ginger pared and sliced and three blades of large Mace to the red Jelly two Nutmegs as much in quantity of Cinamon also as much Ginger to the Turnsole put also the same quantity with a few whole Cloves then to the amber or yellow colour the same spices and quantity then have eighteen whites of Eggs and beat them with six pound of double refined Sugar beaten small and stirred together in a great Tray or Bason with a Rolling-pin divide it into four parts into the four pipkins and stir it to your Jelly broth spice and wine being well mixed together with a little Musk and Ambergrease then have new baggs wash them first in warm water and then in cold wring them dry and being ready strung with pack-thread and sticks hang them on a spit by the fire from any dust and set new earthen pans under them being well seasoned with boyling liquor Then again set on your Jelly on a fine Charcoal fire and let it stew softly the space of an hour or almost then make it boyl up a little and take it off being somewhat cold run it through the bag twice or thrice or but once if it be very clear into the bags of colours put in a sprig of Rosemary keep it for your use in those pans dish it as you see good or cast it into what mould you please As for example these Scollop shells Cockle shells Egg shells half Lemon or Lemonpeel Wilks or Winkle shells Muscle shells or moulded out of a Butter squirt or serve it on a great dish and plate one quarter of white another of red another of yellow the fourth of another colour and about the sides of the dish Oranges in in quarters of Jelly in the middle a whole Lemmon full of Jelly finely carved or cast out of a Wooden or Tin mould or run it into little round glasses four or five in a dish on silver trencher plates or glass trencher plates To bake Apricocks green TAke young green Apricocks so tender that you may thrust a pin through the stone scald and scrape the outside oft putting them in water as you peel them till your Tart be ready then dry and fill the Tart with them and lay on good store of fine Sugar close it and bake it scrape on Sugar and serve it up before you close it cut your lid in branches or works that it may look somewhat open and it will look the greener To make an Oatmeal Pudding STeep Oatmeal in warm Milk three or four hours then strain some blood into it of fish or flesh mix it with Cream and add to it suet minced small sweet herbs chopped fine as Tyme Parslee Spinnage Succory Endive Strawberry-leaves Violer-leaves Pepper Cloves Mace fat Beef suet and four Eggs mingle all together and so bake it To make an Oatmeal Pudding boyled TAke the biggest Oatmeal mince what herbs you like best and mix with it season it with Pepper and Salt tye it strait in a bag and when it is boyled butter it and send it up Oatmeal Puddings otherwise of fish or flesh blood TAke a quart of whole Oatmeal steep it in warm Milk over night and then drain the groats from it boyl them in a quart or three pints of good Cream then the Oatmeal being boyled and cold have Tyme Penny-royal Parslee Spinnage Savory Endive Marjoram Sorrel Succory and Strawberry-leaves of each a little quantity chop them fine and put them to the Oatmeal with some Fennel-seeds Pepper Cloves Mace and Salt boyl it in a Napkin or bake it in a Dish Pie or Guts sometimes of the former Pudding you may leave out some of the herbs and add these Pennyroyal Savory Leeks a good bigg Onion Sage Ginger Nutmeg Pepper Salt either for fish or flesh dayes with Butter or Beef-suet boyled or baked in Dish Napkin or Pie To make white Puddings an excellent way AFter the Hoggs humbles are tender boyled take some of the Lights with the Heart and all the flesh about them picking from them all the sinewy skins then chop the meat as small as you can and put to it a little of the Liver very finely searsed some grated Nutmeg four or five yolks of Eggs a pint of very good Cream two or three spoonfuls of Sack Sugar Cloves Mace Nutmeg Cinamon Carraway-seed a little Rose-water good store of Hoggs fat and some Salt roll it in rolls two hours before you go to fill them in the Guts and lay the Guts in steep in rose-Rose-water till you fill them To make an Italian Pudding TAke a fine Manchet and cut it in square pieces like Dice then put to it half a pound of Beef-suet minced small Raisins of the sun Cloves Mace minced Dates Sugar Marrow Rose-water Eggs and Cream mingle all these together put them in a buttered dish in less then an hour it will be baked when it s enough scrape on Sugar and send it up To make Metheglin TAke all sorts of herbs that are good and wholesome as Balm Mint Rosemary Fennel Angelica wild Tyme Hyssop Burnet Agrimony and such other field herbs half a handful of each boyl and strain them and let the liquor stand untill the next day being setled take two gallons and half of Hony let it boyl an hour and in the boyling scum it very clean set it a cooling as you do beer and when it is cold take very good Barm and put it into the bottom of the Tub by a little and little as to Beer keep back the thick settling that lyeth in the bottom of the vessel it is cooled in when it is all put together cover it with a cloth and let it work very near three dayes then when you mean to put it up skim of all the Barm clean and put it up into a vessel but you must not stop it very close in three or four dayes but let it have some vent to work when it is close stopped you must look often to it and have a pegg on the top to give it vent when you hear it make a noise as it will do or else it will break the vessel sometimes make a bagg and put in good store of sliced Ginger some Cloves and Cinamon boyled or not How to make Ipocras TAke of Grains half a dram take of Cinamon four ounces of Ginger two ounces of Nutmeg half an ounce of Cloves Mace of each a quarter of an ounce bruise all these well in a Morter and infuse them in a gallon of white Wine four or five dayes the vessel being close stopt then put to it a pound and half of Sugar when the Sugar is dissolved put to it half a pint of rose-Rose-water and as much Milk let it stand a night and then let it run through an Ipocras bag then may you put it in a fine new Runlet if you purpose to keep it or if you spend it presently you may put it into certain
not stick to the pan put it into your Marmalade boxes but your Conserve must not be boyled so high in any case for then it will not be good To make Conserve of Borage flowers TAke of the flowers well coloured pick the blacks from them then weigh them and to every ounce of flowers you must add three ounces of Sugar and beat them together in an Alablaster Morter with a wooden pestle until they be very fine so that you cannot discern any Sugar in lumps then take them out and put the Conserve in a pipkin and heat it through hot and having thus done put them up and keep them all the year for your use To make Conserve of Rosemary flowers TAke them fresh and good pick them from the green tusk and weigh them then add to every ounce of flowers three ounces of Sugar-candie beat them very fine together using them in every degree as you did your other Conserves To make Conserve of Bugloss flowers TAke and pick them as you did your Borage flowers weigh them and to every ounce add two ounces of loaf Sugar and one of Sugar-candie beat them together until they become very fine then set it on the fire to dissolve the Sugar and when it is so done and the Conserve hot put it into your Glasses or Gallypots for your use all the year To make Pectoral rolls for the Cough TAke one ounce of your Liquorish powder finely searsed of the spices of Diadragaganthum Frigdium two drams Dragagant in fine powder and Gum-Arabick of each a dram white Starch half a dram Anniseeds in fine powder one ounce mingle it with the rest then take of Sugar six ounces of Pennets an ounce and half Sugar-candie powdered and mingled with the afore-mentioned powder then take Gum-dragagant steeped in rose-Rose-water beat it into a Paste make them into long rolls dry them and keep them for your use To make Conserve of Strawberries SEeth them in water then strain them casting away the water boyl them again in White wine keeping them stirring to a good stiffness when they are almost boyled add to them a convenient quantity of Sugar stirring them all well together then put them up into your pots for your use To make Conserve of Prunes or Damsins TAke of your Damsins one pottle prick them and put them into a pinte of Rose-water or Wine into a pot cover them and let them be well boyled stirring them well together when they are done tender let them cool and strain them with their liquor then take the Pulp and set it over the fire adding to it a sufficient quantity of Sugar then boyl them until they are enough so may you put them up in your Gallypots or Glasses for your use To make Conserve of Red and Damask Roses HAve of them the best coloured budds that can be gotten clip off their whites and to each pound of leaves you must add three pounds of the best clarified Sugar beat them together till they are very fine then with a wooden Spatter take it up and set it on the fire till it be through hot and soon after put it up and it will be of an excellent colour To Conserve Cowslips Marigolds Violets Scabions Sage and Roses c. HAve of the flowers of either of these being picked clean from those which are withered and to every ounce of the flowers add three ounces of Sugar but first let them be stamped very small without the Sugar by themselves as they grow dry put to them rose-Rose-water or the juice of Lemmons and when they are beaten small enough put to them your Sugar and beat them again together until they are well mingled after which you may put them up for your use To make a Pomander TAke of Beazon a dram and an half Storax half an ounce Lignum Aloes in fine powder half a scruple of Labdanum half an ounce powder all these very fine and searse them through Launes then take of Musk one ounce Ambergrease and Civet of each half a scruple and dissolve them in a hot Morter with a little Rose water so make them into a Pomander adding to it six grains of Civet Another way to Conserve Strawberries TAke and strain them when they are full ripe boyl them in wine with a quantity of Sugar until it be stiff enough so may you put them up for your use in a Glass or Gallypot To make Conserve of Cichory flowers TAke them new gathered for if you let them lie but one hour or two at the most they lose their colour and will do you but small service your way is assoon as they are taken to weigh them immediately and to every ounce of them you must take three ounces of double refined Sugar beat them together in an Alablaster Morter with a wooden pestle until they are throughly beaten for the better they are so done the better will your Conserve be Let this be your General rule that being very well brayed you may take them up and put it into a Chafer clean scoured and set it on the fire until it be throughly hot then take it off put it up as you have formerly heard so may you keep it for your use all the year Here follows the Sirrups To make sirrup of Pomcitrons TAke them and cut them in halves juice them but beware you wring them not too hard lest it be slymie add to every pinte of juice three quarters of a pound of the best white Sugar boyl them in an earthen pipkin untill it comes to the height of a sirrup but take heed you boyl it not over too hot a fire for fear it burn and when you see it is enough you may put it up and keep it for your use all the year To make sirrup of Liquorish TAke of Liquorish scraped well and bruised eight ounces add to it of Mayden-hair one ounce Anniseeds and Fennel of each half an ounce let them steep together in a pottle of Rain-water for six or seven hours then set them on the fire and let them there remain until it be boyled half away so done boyl that liquor with a pound and half of the best clarified Sugar until it comes to a sirrup so glass it up and keep it for your use To make sirrup of Hoare-hound TAke thereof two handfuls Coltsfoot one handful Calamint Time and Penny-royal of each two drams Liquorish one ounce and half Figgs and Raisins of the Sun of each two ounces Pyonie-kernels Fennel and Anniseeds of each a quarter of an ounce boyl all these in a gallon of fair water until it comes to a pottle or three pintes then strain it so done take three pound of white Sugar with three eggs and clarifie that liquor so let it boyl to a sirrup and keep it all the year for your use To make sirrup of Hyssop TAke thereof one handful of Dates Raisins and Figgs one ounce French Barley the like half a handful of Calamint boyl them in three pintes of
if you please Corral after which set it on the fire again for a quarter of an hour more or less according to the strength or weakness of your Jelly then clarifie it with whites of Eggs and run it through your Bags as aforesaid and preserve it in a glass or Pipkin for your use This Jelly is a great Cordial very Restringent and strengthening to the back It may be taken cold or else dissolved being heat again and so drank How to make Leach TAke a pottle of New Milk half a pound of Jordan Almonds being first Blancht then steept in Water for half a day or better then let them be beaten very small in a Morter after which put them into your Milk set them both upon a heap of coals in a skillet until they boil keeping it alwayes stirring for fear of burning to and so let it boil for the space of half an hour then strain out your Milk through a hair strainer into another skillet add thereto one ounce of Ising-glass being pull'd to pieces and steept in Milk for an hour before put thereto likewise a good quantity of whole Cinamon with some large Mace and a Nutmeg quartered together with half a pound or more of your fine white Sugar Musk and Ambergreace of both one grain then set it on the fire again keeping it stirring while it continues there If you feel it to begin to grow at the bottom shift it into a clean skillet it being very apt to burn when it hath boiled half an hour take a spoonful and put it into a cold sawcer if when it is cold you finde it strong then add more Milk thereto if weak then boil it longer When it is enough add to it a little Rose water then strain it into your Bason How to run your Leach into colours TAke Saffron Cutchencle and Spinnage let them be all beaten apart and tyed up in three ●…ssin●… Raggs by which you may make three colours wring forth a small quantity of Spinnage it makes the one Green the other two steept in a little Rose-water bruised tenderly with a spoon makes your Red and Yellow if you would have any other colours you must use sweet syrrups which are clear you may cast these to make Ribbon Leach Dissolve one of the said colours and pour it into a deep bason when it is congealed and strong dissolve another and being so cold that it will but just run run it on the top of your former thus do with as many as you have The use of your Jelly and Leach YOur Jelly and Leach is a great second and third course dish Your Jelly being s●…ced forth thin and placed in your dish so is your Leach also cut forth in Ribbons and placed between the Jelly with your colours opposite one to another Beat some of your Jelly to pieces and put a spoonful in goblets or more in the middle and also garnish it with goblets or diamonds of Jelly in every vacant place you may also run your Jelly into the pill of Lemmon being cut into half and the mea● taken out or into the sets of sweet-meat-Tarts or little Coffins made for that purpose or any other way that is proper according to your pleasure To make divers sorts of Creams To make Cheese and Cream VVHen you have run your morning milk with about one pottle of fresh Cream to a gallon and half your Curds being cleansed from the Whey season it with fine beaten Cinamon Sugar and rose-Rose-water fill five or six dishes about half a pint a piece with the said Curd then lay trenchers on the top of them and a board thereon and press them until they come into a body like Cheeses then turn them out whole into your dish which you may do the better by buttering the bottom of your dish and having a pottle of Cream boyled up with whole Cinamon large Mace and a Nutmeg quartered with the yolks of six eggs beaten with Rose-water stirred in a little before it comes off the fire seasoned with fine Sugar you may add one grain of Musk in the boyling which will serve for the same purpose another time when it is almost cold put it in with your ladle between the said Cheeses scrape thereon Sugar and serve it up Another way SEason your pure fresh Cream with beaten Cinamon Nutmeg Rose-water and Sugar with as much Naple-Bisket grated as will make it somewhat thick so pour it over your Cheeses as was done with the other strow on Cinamon and Sugar and se send it up To make Apple-Cream TAke a quantity of Pippins and boyl them in a pinte of white-wine and a pinte of Sack with a pill of minced Orangado some whole Cinamon and Ginger sliced half a pound of fine Sugar keep them close covered until they are boyled unto a jelly then lay them by spoonfuls as high as you can into your dish when they are cold pour in your boyled Cream as aforesaid stick your Rocks of Jelly with sliced Citte●n This may be done without Sack or White-wine only adding a pound of Sugar more to fourteen Pippins you must use no more water in the boyling then will cover them you shall know when they are rightly boyled down they will be as red as Rubie and clear To make Quince-Cream BOyl your Quinces unpared and when they are boyled very tender pare them and take the Pulp from the Core season it with beaten Cinamon and Ginger O●angado and dryed Citte●n minced small Ca●…y Co●…its and Rose water and Sugar so you● Cream being boyled and seasoned as in the first and half cold put it into your Quinces being dished in spoofuls or if you please you may 〈◊〉 it altogether the Cream will not curdle but if you do this with Ra●… Cream your Quinces must be quite cold else your Cream will curdle To make a Cream called Sack and Pottage TAke about a pottle of cream or new milk whilest it boyls beat the yolks of a dozen eggs with half a pinte of sack and when the milk boyls put it in keeping it stirring until it comes to a tender curd then run it through a strainer save your curd being cleansed from the whey season it with beaten Cinamon Ginger Nutmeg Sugar rose-Rose-water so put it into your dish as a Tansey strowing thereon beaten Cinamon and Sugar To make a Sack-Posset the best way SEt a gallon of milk on the fire put therein a grain of Musk whole Cinamon and large Mace when it boyls stir in half a pound of Naple-Bisket grated keeping of it stirring while it boyls then beat eight eggs together casting four of the whites away beat them well with a ladleful of milk or two amongst them take off the fire the aforesaid milk and stir in your eggs put it on the fire again but keep it stirring for fear it curdles having almost a pinte of sack in your Bason upon the coals with a spoonful of Rose-water your milk being seasoned with sugar and taken
off the fire pour it into your said sack stirring of it apace while it is so pouring forth take out your grain of Musk so throw thereon beaten Cinamon and send it up To coddle Codlings green to serve up with Cream TAke Apples from the tree fit to coddle put them into a broad Pan or Skillet of water set them over an heap of charcoal fire so that they may be alwayes scalding hot and never boyl kept close covered only to have an eye on them that now and then they may be turned in the pan This constant sober heat without boyling and being ke●t close causeth their greenness when they are tender take off the outwa●d skin your cream being boyled up and seasoned you may put them in whole or in halves all over your cream being very well sprinkled with Rose water so scrape on sugar and send them up To make Barley Cream LET your Pearled barley be well boyled then set over your cream and put therein as much of the said barley as may bring it to a reasonable thickness being boyled up for the space of a quarter of an hour boyl in it whole Cinamon and large Mace with a little Lemmon-pill then having two yolks of eggs for each quart of Cream well beaten with Rose-water and some of the said Cream put them in keeping your Cream stirring adding a little salt when you take it off the fire seasoned with sugar you may serve it hot to the Table To make Rasberry Cream WHen you have boyled up your Cream as other Creams aforesaid take two ladlefuls of the said Cream being almost cold bruise them together season it with Sugar and Rosewater and put it into your aforesaid Cream stirring it altogether so dish it up After the same manner may you do your Strawberry Cream To make Red Currans Cream YOu must first bruise your Currans with some of the said Cream being boiled as aforesaid then strain them through your strainer or sieve and put the Liquid substance thereof to the said Cream being almost cold and it will be a pure Red so serve it up To make Cabbage Cream TAke three gallons of milk when it boyleth put therein a pottle of Cream and after its in let it boyl a dozen walms then take it off the fire and put it in four o● five broad milk-pans let it get a head until the next day that you intend to use it when you dish it put half a Cabbage in the bottom of your dish with the cut side downwards then take off the head or clouts of Cream with a slice or scummer and lay them over the Cabbage sp●inkle on Cinamon Sugar and Rose-water between each sheet so lay one on the top of the other until all the heads of your pans is on the Cabbage and it will appear on the Table like a Cabbage you may stick it with sprigs of Rosemary laying Artificial snow thereon But if you dish the said Clouts in the bottom of a small dish within a greater you may then call it Clouted Cream To make Snow Cream BReak the whites of six eggs put thereto a little Rose-water beat them well together with a bunch of feathers until they come perfectly to resemble snow so lay on the said snow in heaps upon some other Cream that is cold which is made fit for the Table you may put under your Cream in the bottom of the dish part of a penny loaf and stick therein a branch of Rosemary or Bayes and fill your tree with the said Snow so serve it up To make Almond Leach Cream BEat a quarter of a pound of Jordan Almonds in a Morter until it comes to a Paste but note in the beating you must mingle by degrees some Rose-water and Sugar after it is well composed or beaten thin with a little milk adding thereto a little Rice-flower so make it like a batter pouring it into your Cream or Milk over the fire and let them boyl altogether putting thereunto whole Cinamon a little large Mace Ising-glass and a quartered Nutmeg for the space of half an hour But you must keep it stirring the whole time for fear of burning when you take it off put into it the yolks of four eggs beaten in a little Cream and rose-Rose-water with half a pound of white Sugar stir all together and dish it up a pottle of milk is enough for all the aforesaid compounds The aforesaid compounds being boyled in a quart of Milk you may pour it into two basons you may colour one of them green with the juice of Spinnage and slice it into your dish when it is cold stick your green with sliced Almonds and your white with green Cittern To make Goosberry Cream FIrst preserve your Goosberries as you are taught in the Book of Preserves then having a clear Cream boyled up and seasoned with old Cinamon Nutmeg Mace Sugar Rose-water and Eggs as you have read before dish it up and when it is cold take up your Goosberries with a pin and stick them on in rows as thick as they can lie upon the said Cream Garnish your dish with them strow them over with Sugar and send them up To make Rice Milk or Cream to be eaten hot BOyl your Rice in water about half a quarter of an hour put it out into a Cullender and pick out the unhuskt Rice from it then put on three pints of Milk or Cream or both together and set it on a heap of coals in a skillet put to it large Mace whole Cinamon a Nutmeg in halves then put almost a quarter of a pound of your aforesaid Rice being thinned and beaten with Cream or Milk let it boyl until the Rice be very tender and it begins to thicken then take the yolks of four eggs and beat them with some Rose-water and a ladleful of your Cream off the fire so stir it all into your Cream over the fire then take it off and season it with Sugar and a little salt dish it up and take forth your whole spice scrape Sugar round the brims of your dish After the same manner may you make Barley Milk or Cream only note you must give Barley far more boyling then your Rice both in the water and milk To boyl Milk or Cream with French Bread to be eaten hot TAke a French Role being chipt and slice it exceeding thin in litle pieces dry it upon the fire then having three pints of Milk or Cream ready to boyl with Cinamon large Mace and Nutmeg put in your Bread and let it boyl together with your Milk beat the yolks of four or five eggs with a little Rose-water and a ladleful of your Milk over the fire and stir it in together with your Cream season it with Sugar and Salt and send it up These two above-mentioned do use to be sent hot to the Table on fish dayes To make Spring Pottage PUT on about a gallon of fair water with a handful of great Oatmeal beaten small and
a piece of Ribb Bacon then take a handful of Brook-lime as many Water-●…ess●s Nettle tops Elder budds Violets and Primrose-leaves with young Alexander leaves mince all these very small put them to your 〈◊〉 with a little large Mace so season it with salt and put ●n b●tter when you take it off and so serve it to the ●able on fa●…i●g d●yes or eat it in the morning fasting It is good to cleanse the blood To make Water-Grewell TAke a pottle of water a handful of great Oatmeal pickt and beat in a Morter put it a boyling when it is half enough put to it two handfuls of Currans washed a faggot or two of sweet herbs four or five blades of large Mace a little sliced Nutmeg let a grain of Musk be infused a little while in it season it with Sugar and rose-Rose-water when it is enough and put to it a little drawn Butter To make Punnado TAke about one quart of Running-water put it on the fire in a skillet then cut a light Roul of Bread in slices about the bigness of a groat and as thin as Wafers dye it in a dish on a few coals then put it into your water with two handfuls of Currans pickt and washed a little large Mace season it with Sugar and Rose-water when it is enough And infuse or rub the bottom of your dish with Musk You must add Salt to this and the above-mentioned To make Barley-Grewell TAke half a pound of Barley and give it one or two walms in two or three waters then put it in a stone Morter and beat it so set it a boyling in a pottle of water or more with two ounces of Harts-horn when it hath boyled about two hours strain it through a strainer then add a little more water to your Barley to get out the heart and strength of it then set your liquor a boyling again with half a pound of Currans a faggot of cold herbs as Sorrel Strawberry and Violet leaves c. also a little Time three or four blades of Mace and when the Currans are boyled enough your broath will be ready then add about a quarter of a pinte of the juice of Sorrel let it boyl one walm take it off the fire and scruise in the juice of sour Lemmons season it with Rose water with Musk infused therein with a little Salt there is nothing better then this to give any one in a I eaver all the time of their sickness if you serve it to the Table leave out cold herbs and add sweet herbs you may also send up the Barley with it but for weak stomacks strain it To make a Pearmane Cawdle MAke a Posset with a quart of Milk and White-wine very clear then slice half a dozen great Pearmanes and boyl them in your Posset when they are boyled enough strain the liquor forth with as much of the Apple as will run lay it on the fire again with two or three blades of Mace when it boyls bear the yolks of three eggs into it to thicken it season it with some Muskified rose-Rose-water and Sugar this is very good to give sick people which are subject to Melancholly To make a Lemmon Cawdle TAke a pinte of White-wine and a pinte of water and let it boyl put to it half a Manchet cut as thin and small as you can put it in with some large Mace then beat the yolks of two eggs to thicken it and scruise in the juice of half a dozen Lemmons season it with Sugar and rose-Rose-water To make a Florendine or Made-dish of Rice THe Paste for your Florendines ought to be a rich cold buttered Paste or Puff paste take a pound of Rice boyl it a quarter of an hour in water then put it out into a Cullender afterwards boyl it half an hour in milk or as long as you can provided your Milk burns not too put four or five sticks of Cinamon in the boyling thereof and let it stand in a deep dish or bason until it is cold and congealed together then take the one half of it or as much as you need break to it the yolks of six eggs and the whites of two put to it half a pound of Beef-suet minced small and almost as many Currans a dozen of Dates minced season it with Cinamon Nutmeg a little Cloves Mace Ginger Salt and a handful of Sugar with a little Rose water so mingle it all up together in a thick batter with a little Cream cover over your dish you intend to bake it in with a sheet of Paste put in your Rice fill it not too full that it rise not over the brims of your dish then jagg a sheet of Puff-paste the breadth of your dish about half an inch broad twist them and lay them over your Florendine from the one side of your dish to the other fastening them to the sheet of Paste in the bottom so cross them over again that they may be Chequer-work then cut your Paste upon the brim of your dish double over all the ends of your cross-bars bake it and stick it in the chequers with Lozenges scrape on Sugar and send it up To Butter Rice TAke Rice that is after the same manner boyled in water then in milk bruise it with your ladle with some sweet Cream amongst it put butter to it and set it on a heap of coals in a dish let it boyl and keep it stirring season it with Cinamon grated Nutmeg Salt Rose-water and Sugar when it is enough dish it on sippits of toasts and stick them with the same or Lozenges of Paste fryed or baked scrape on Sugar and send it up To make a Florendine or Made-dish of Apples PUt on a skillet of water with some Currans a boyling then pare about a dozen of Pippins and cut them from the Core into the said water when they are boyled tender pour them into a Cullender when the water is drained from them put them into a dish and season them but if you have time stay until they are cold lest it melt your Sugar besides it will spoyl your paste with Sugar Rose-water Cinamon and Carraway seeds then role out two sheets of Paste put one in your dish bottom and all over the brims then lay in your Apples in the bottom round and high wet it round and cover it with your other sheet close it and carve it about the brims of your dish as you please prick and bake it scrape on Sugar and send it up for a second course To make a Florendine or a Made-dish of Spinnage TAke almost a peck of Spinnage when your kettle boyls very fast throw it in and let it have half a dozen walms then put it out into a Cullender and let it drain and scruise out all the water mince it very small with a pill or two of Orangado add to it half a pound of boyled Currans season it with Cinamon Ginger beaten Nutmeg and Salt then put it in your
dish upon a sheet of Paste put to it butter and sugar cover and close it prick it over and bake it When it is almost baked put to it a glass of Sack a little drawn Butter and Vinegar so shake or mingle it together with your knife or spoon and when you have occasion for it scrape on Sugar and send it up To make Pasties to fry TAke of the same compounds of Apples and other ingredients as is in your Florendine of Apples and make very small Pasties as you did of the Rice only add to them a little sliced Orangado To make a Florendine or Made-dish of Kidney of Veal TAke the Kidney of Veal fat and all as much as you have and mince it small then mince a few sweet herbs and about a quarter of a pound of Currans or more according to the quantity of your meat season it with Cloves Mace Cinamon Nutmeg Sugar Rose-water Salt the yolks of three or four eggs and a little Sack if you think it will be too fat you must add a handful or two of grated bread a Pippin or two minced with a little Orangado so put it on a sheet of Paste in the bottom of your dish and cover it with another so close it up prick it and bake it scrape on Sugar and send it up for the first course To make toasts of a Kidney of Veal called Marrow toasts MInce it and season it as aforesaid and put it in a dish on the coals as it melts add grated bread and the yolks of eggs a little Cream so stir it up and down until it comes into a body like Pap then take two or three rouls of stale light bread and cut off the two corners of every one of them then cut them forth in toasts throughout the roul wash the one side with the yolks of eggs and spread on your composition being hot it will spread like butter thus do with all of them until all be on wash them over on the top with the yolks of eggs and so fry them softly dish them up on a plate strow on sugar and send them up for second course in a common dyet To make a Florendine or a Made-dish of a Calves Chaldron TAke one that is very fat and boyl it mince it very small with Time Parslee a handful of Spinnage and a few other sweet herbs mince all these very small with a couple of Pippins then put to them some grated bread more or less according to the fatness or leanness of your Chaldron season it with Cinamon Cloves Mace Salt Nurmeg and Ginger then break in half a dozen yolks of eggs and two whites mingle all together with a good quantity of Currans according as you put to Mince-pyes all these ingredients being well mixed and your sheet of Paste in the bottom of your dish lay your meat on it but do not over-charge the dish leave room that the fat boyls not over the brims thereof then lay over it Dates Marrow and Raisons of the Sun so close it up and bake it scrape on Sugar and send it up for the first course dish If you have a mind to make a pye or Mince-pyes with the said meat you need leave out nothing but the eggs Again you ought to put into your Mince-pyes a lear of Verjuice After this manner may you bake Calfs-feet To make a Made-dish of Apples and Red Currans BOyl up your sliced Apples in a little water and Sugar let them boyl until the Apples have soaked up all the liquor and begins to be dryish then beat in a Morter a pinte of red Currans or more put the Apples and them together with the yolks of four eggs and whites of two boyl up a quart of Cream and thicken it up with your eggs put your Apples and Currans into your dish on a sheet of Paste and lay on more sugar close it carve your Paste on the brims cover your Florendine with another dish and bake your Paste in a soft Oven when your Paste is dry take off your dish and let it bake awhile gently then when your Cream is cold put in part of it and mingle it together let it stand a little in the Oven then scrape on sugar and send it up for a second course dish You may only make it with the Currans and Apples with Sugar Cinamon and Rose-water so let it stand in the Oven for about half an hour while the Paste is dry and serve it up with a cut It ha●h a very good taste and an excellent colour and it is the better way To make a Made-dish of Artichokes BOyl up about a pinte and half of Cream with two eggs as before with a little whole Cinamon rose-Rose-water and Sugar then slice five or six Artichokes very thin season them with Cinamon and sugar and season the Marrow of three or four Marrow-bones in pieces as big as your thumb your dish having a garnish opposite on the brims butter it in the bottom then lay a laying of Artichokes all over strow on the parboyled Currans and spread over it a laying of marrow then pour on that a ladleful or two of Cream and let it congeal ●ogether a little in the Oven take it out and lay over another laying of Artichokes with Marrow Currans and Cream as you did before so bake it stick it over with Almonds and send it up with a cut over it You may make Florendines with Poratoes Wardens Quinces or Pears but by what you have already read you may be able to perform according to their several Natures To make forced meats TAke a piece of a Fillet of Veal and a little piece of Westphalie Bacon boyled and a piece of Bacon larded a little Beef suet the lean more in quantity then the fat mince them altogether with one handful of sweet herbs with some onions minced added to them seasoned with Cloves Mace and Nutmeg beaten put as many raw yolks of eggs into at as will make it up into a stiff body you may mingle amongst it Pine-Apples and Pistatious Add salt to your seasoning this being rouled in the yolks of eggs is your savory forced meat And you may use it with any savoury baked or boyled meats as you shall hereafter hear To make part of the said forced meats green for your use TAke Spinnage scalded in boyling water turn it out into a Cullender and scruise out the water then mince it small and mingle it with so much of the forced meat as you intend to use you may also mince a handful of Spinnage and Parslee very small and when you have made your small Balis of forced meat as big or little as you please dip them in the yolks of eggs and roul them in your green herbs so that a quick boyling will make them as green as the herbs Another forced meat TAke a piece of a leg of Veal or any other flesh cut out of the skin that you intend to force mince it with
also to know what they want in their seasoning softness or hardness for they ought not to have so much blood in them to congeale them hard and according to this Tryal you may order the rest so fill up your lengths and tye them up in six links or but four if you please you must allow at least three inches scope in each link let your water boyl very sober and when they have boyled half an hour take them forth and put others in then afterwards put them in for half an hour again as you fill your Puddings you must supply your Pan still with Hogs suet and order your hand in the filling that the ingredients may all carry a due proportion these Puddings with some white Puddings made with Beef suet after the manner of the little ones but of a span length will be a very good service for a common diet especially at night you may add to your white Puddings a pretty quantity of flower with your grated bread but then you must put in the fewer eggs but the more Beef suet minced exceeding small To make Polony Sassages to keep all the year YOu may take a piece of a Gammon of red Bacon and half boyl it mince it very small if your Gammon be not fat take half as much bacon lard mince it likewise mingle them together and beat them in a Morter season them with Time and Sage minced very small and good store of Pepper beaten to dust with a little Cloves Mace and Nutmeg and a pretty quantity of Salt for they ought so to be add to them the yolks of two eggs and so much Red wine as will bring them up into a stiff body mingle them well with your hands fill them into middle skins as big as four of your ordinary Sassages so hang them in your Chimney for a time and when you will use them they must be cut out very thin round wayes and put them in your dish with Oyl and Vinegar and serve them for a Sallet for the second course or for a Collation before you drink Another way for Sassages TAke Pork not as much fat as lean mince it exceeding small together then take part of the fleck of Pork in pieces about the bigness of the top of your finger season each apart with minced Sage good store of Pepper and Salt some Cloves and Mace mix in your seasoning into each of these take your small sheeps guts and cleanse them so fill them with your funnel alwayes putting some of the pieces of fleck between the minced you may sprinkle a little wine on the top of your Sassage meat it will fill the better I have made rich Sassages of Capons and Rabbits and could shew a receipt for it but none so savoury as those of Pork by reason that Sage and Pepper is not so suitable to the nature of the other so tye up your Sassages in links and keep them for your use To make a Pudding of Hogs-Liver BOyl your Hogs-Liver and grate it put to it more grated bread then Liver with as much fine flower as of either put twelve eggs to the value of a gallon of this mixture with about two pound of Beef-suet minced small with a pound and half of Currans half a quarter of a pinte of rose-Rose-water a good quantity of Cloves and Mace Nutmeg Cinamon and Ginger all beaten and as much Salt as it requires with some Winter-savoury Penniroyal Sweet Margerum and Time all minced very small mix all these with sweet Milk or Cream let it be no thicker then Fritter Batter so fill your Hogs gutts you may make one for the Table in the maw to be eaten hot in your knitting up the guts you must remember to give them three or four inches scope in your putting them into your boyling water you must handle them round to bring the meat equal to all parts of the gutt they will ask above an hours boyling the boyling must be sober if the wind rise in them you must observe to prick them To make a baked Marrow Pudding SEt a quart of Cream a boyling with Cinamon and large Mace take eight eggs casting away the whites of four beat them well together with a little more Cream or Milk when your Cream boyls take it off the fire and stir in your eggs let it not be too hot lest it curdle season it with Rose-water Sugar and grated Nutmeg your dish being ready with a garnish of Paste about the brims cover the bottom of your dish with thin sippets of light bread lay raw Marrow thereon all over also Dates and Raisons with Orangado and other suckets then put in a ladleful or two of your Cream boyled up and lay on the top of that a laying of sippets put also a laying of Marrow and suckets as before on the top of that then pour in your Cream again if your dish be deep enough you may go three stories high fill it not too full till it comes in the Oven lest it spill over it will not ask half an hours baking you may garnish it if you please with Lozenges or otherwise To make an Oatmeal Pudding TAke two handfuls of great Oatmeale and beat it exceeding small in a Morter set on three pintes of Milk in a skillet put into it two or three sticks of Cinamon and large Mace stir in this Oatmeal into your Milk before it is hot so much as will make it reasonable thick fit to be eaten boyl it for the space of half an hour but keep it stirring put therein a good handful of Beef suet shred small then take it off the fire and put it in an earthen Pan and let it stand until it is almost cold if it grows thick thin it with a little more Milk beat in four eggs with almost a handful of Sugar a grated Nurmeg and some Rose-water butter the bottom of your dish and pour in your Pudding for it ought to be as thin as batter bake it softly it will ask but half an hours time so scrape on Sugar and send it up To make a Pudding of Rice flower THicken three pintes of Milk with about a handful of Rice flower beaten into a batter put in Cinamon and large Mace in the boyling keep it continually stirred till it be thick put into it a piece of butter let it boyl a quarter of an hour then put it in an earthen Pan and let it be cold add to it two handfuls of Currans a little Sugar beaten Cinamon and a handful of Dates minced beat half a dozen eggs casting forth three whites beat them together put butter in the bottom of your dish and pour in your Pudding you must add Salt and all things else in this nature according to your discretion you ought to have a garnish of Paste on the brims of your dish when it is baked scrape on Sugar and serve it up adding a little Rose-water To make a hastie Pudding SEt on three pintes of
Cream two grated Manchets or French rolles sliced thin and minced put to this a grated Nutmeg a little Cloves Mace Cinamon and Ginger beaten add thereto half a handful of flower mingle it together and stir it into your milk when it boyls throw in a piece of Butter then having four or five eggs beaten with the whites of half cast away put them also into your Pudding with a handful of Sugar and a little rose-Rose-water stir them together again till they begin to boyl and thicken then put it out into your dish you serve it up in set it on a heap of coals put a fire-shovell to be red hot in the fire then hold it close to your Pudding untill it is brown on the top so scrape on Sugar and send it up To make Andolians TAke the great guts of a Hog let them be clean scoured and shifted in several waters for four and twenty hours together then take a handful of very good sweet herbs and Parslee with a piece of Beef-suet mince it together very small and put to it a good quantity of Cloves Mace Ginger a little Pepper Salt and beaten Nutmeg add to it a handful of grated bread mingle it altogether then cleanse and stroke your gutts from the water and slime through a cloth very clean and season the fat side of them with your aforesaid ingredients so pull one length over another your least underneath and your greatest on the outside you may put five or six lengths over one another but for the more sure way for after-service you ought to wash every length over with eggs and then season it before you pull over the other length when you have done all bind them up at both ends and boyl them softly until they are enough then sowce them When you use them you may cut them in slices and fry them so serve them up with Mustard but if you think they will be better you may dip them in the yolks of eggs and so fry them BOOK IX Contains Hash Stewed Broyled and Carbonadoed meats To farce a Fillet of Beef CUT your Fillet of Beef into three great Collops throughout from side to side beat them very well with a Rouler or back side of a Cleaver so that you have made them flat and thin then mince a great handful of Parslee with Time and other sweet herbs having your meat seasoned as it lyeth with Pepper Salt Cloves Mace and Nutmeg and being washed over with the yolks of eggs as you joyn them together again throw on a handful of sweet herbs and a handful or two of Beef suet purely minced then joyn on the other Fillet with the washed side downward to the herbs so do with the third having the herbs and Beef-suet between beat them close together with the flat side of the Cleaver so put it into a great Pan and put a pinte of Claret and a pinte of strong Broth with half a dozen of Onions and whole Pepper to it but it is better to wrap it up in two Veal Caules being washed over with the yolks of eggs so cover it with a sheet of course Paste and let it stew up in an hot Oven for about five hours you must note that this I call a Fillet is but three great Collops of one side the Fillet containing the bigness of a Fillet of Veal when it is baked you must dish it up on good store of sippets and pour in the Broth it was baked with then having a red Cabbage boyled hacked and tost up in drawn Butter garnish it upon and the sides of the meat in the inside the dish To stew a breast of Mutton TAke a breast of Mutton and joynt it well and farce it with some sweet herbs and minced Parslee then put it in a deep Stewing-dish with the right side downwards put to it so much White-wine and strong Broth as will stew it set it on a great heap of coals put in two or three Onions a faggot of sweet herbs and a little large Mace when it is almost stewed take a handful of Spinnage Parslee and Endive and put into it at the last you may put some Goosberries or Grapes in the Winter time you may stew it with Sampier and Capers it will not be amiss to add these to them at any time dish up your breast of Mutton and put by that liquor you do not use and thicken the other with yolks of eggs and drawn Butter so pour on the Lear and the herbs over the meat and garnish the dish with Lemmon or Barberries To farce a Fillet of Veal CUT two Fillets out of a large leg take a handful of sweet herbs and Parslee minced with a handful of Beef suet minced and some yolks of hard eggs season this with two grated Nutmegs and a little Salt and so farce your Fillets of Veal being well larded with Bacon and drawn with Time let them be roasted almost enough then in the mean time take the rest of your farced meat being about a handful put half a handful of Currans to it and a little strong Broth Vinegar and a little Claret with some large Mace and a little Sugar your meat being almost roasted draw it off and let it stew in this when it is enough add a ladleful of drawn butter so dish up your meat and pour your sauce all over it To stew Venison THey which have much Venison and make many cold baked meats may stew a dish in haste after this manner when it is sliced out of your Pie Pot or Pastie put it in a stewing-dish and set it on a heap of coals with a little Claret-wine a sprig or two of Rosemary half a dozen Cloves a little grated bread Sugar and Vinegar so let it stew together a while then grate on a Nutmeg and dish it up How to stew Calves feet YOur Calves-feet being boyled and blanched split them in the middle take from them the great bones put them into a stewing-dish with a little strong Broth two or three Onions a faggot of sweet herbs with a little large Mace and Salt when they boyl put to them a handful of Parslee Spinnage and sweet herbs minced with a handful of Currans when they are enough beat the yolks of two or three eggs with four or five spoonfuls of Vinegar and a little Sugar so thicken your Lear with that and a little drawn butter dish up your Calves feet on sippets and pour on your Broth. To hash a shoulder or leg of Mutton YOur shoulder or leg being almost roasted you must hash them in as thin slices as you can into a deep dish put into it a ladleful of strong Broth three or four whole Onions a faggot of sweet herbs a little large Mace and Salt put in on a good heap of coals when it is boyled up to an heighth put into it two or three Anchovies half a handful of Capers a little Sampier minced two yolks of eggs beaten with a little White-wine
you may have part of the body with it boyl it in water and salt and having ready about a quart of Cockles with the meat out of the shell of a Crab or two put these in a pipkin with about a quarter of a pint of Whitewine a bunch of sweet herbs an Onion or two with a little large Mace and a grated Nutmeg add to it a little Oyster Liquor set it on the fire and when it boyls and the liquor in it is wasted put to it two or three Ladles of drawn butter or as much as will serve then dish up your Codds head on sippets and put it on a good heap of coals to dry up the water then cut the tripe of your Codd as you cut pallats also cut the pease or spawn in thin slices and the Liver in pieces take likewise the Gill and pick out the bones and cut it as you did the other dish up your spawn or pease round about your Codds head and some on the top and put all over it your Tripe Gill and Liver then take a ladle and pour your leare over it with a little drawn butter on that and stick all your gill bone with Oysters fryed in batter and stick them on the pease of the fish and all over the head where they will enter so garnish it over with the same Oysters grate on a Nutmeg and send it smoaking up take notice that the pease of your fish will ask more boyling then the head if it be a great one also remember that you blanch off all the skin of your Codds head when you dish it and garnish it with Lemmon and fryed bay leaves To make an Olve of Fish TO this you may have all manner of fish that are not flat as Carps Pikes Mullets Base Rotchets Gurnets Trouts or Salmon-peel c. being all drest and washt take the firmest and biggest for boyling and the other for frying and forcing when your Pan is seasoned and your fish boyled off quick according to the time that each takes its boyling as also your other fish being all ready dish on your sippers some great fish turned round in the middle of your Charger cise a Coller of Salmon baked in an Oven with the heads of four fishes on the top of it then dish your boyled fish round about and your fryed fish between them your Smelts and Gudgeons round towards the brims of the dish if you have forced meat of fish made in little bals you may garnish that between the boyled and the fryed then having your Oysters Cockles Perriwinckles Pranes Crafish or sliced Lobster or any of these ready in your Lear of thick butter Lear your fish therewith all over stick your Coller with fryed bay leaves at the heads and round the dish so garnish it with Lemmon grate on a Nutmeg and send it up smoaking I have heard of Cooks heaping up an Olue of fish on the top of one another but that way is neither Honourable or profitable the biggest Fish here that I advise you to lay on the other are only Smelts Gugdeons or pieces of Souls or Flounders fryed up very Crisp and brown and all manner of shell fish as is shewn To boyl Mullet or Base to be eaten hot YOu must scale your Mullets or Base and wash them saving their Livers or Tripes Rows or spawns Boyl them up in Water Salt Vinegar Wine faggots of sweet herbs sliced Lemmon and two or three whole Onions your lear must be drawn butter large mace whole Nutmeg cut in quarters and two or three Anchovies dissolved in the wine you drew your butter withall so dish up your fish pour on your lear you must alwayes remember to season all your lear with salt to your Pallat and garnish it with fryed Oysters and Bay leaves season your liquor after this manner for the boyling of most of your fish To stew or make broth with Whitings or Smelts PUt on the coals in a deep dish half Wine and half water put to it a race of Ginger sliced a little large mace a Nutmeg quartered and two or three faggots of sweet herbs with Parslee adding as much salt as will season it let this all boyl up together half a dozen Walms then put in your fish orderly as they are to lye in your dish when you send them up and let them boyl hastily with a little butter put into them less then a dozen walms is sufficient for them when they are enough pour all the liquor into a pipkin and set it on the fire again with your spice and sweet herbs that were in it then mince a handful of parslee small and a little fennel and time and let it boyl with the fish-broth then wash out with Vinegar the meat of a shell or two of Crabs with the Carkass of a Lobster the yolks of two or three eggs a ladle of drawn butter beat all this together with some of the said liquor and stir it into the pipkin untill it thickens shift out your Smelts or Whitings on sippets as you will send them up and pour on your lear as it comes from the fire this is an excellent broth and good for a weak stomach How to stew or boyl Eels YOu may Coller up one of the biggest of your Eels and boyl him up and the other being flead cut in pieces twice as long as your finger stew them up with half white wine and half water with an Onion or two and some faggots of sweet herbs large Mace and whole Pepper when they are half stewed put to them a pint of Oysters with a little minced parslee and time when they are ready put to them drawn butter and vinegar if your lear be not thick you must add the yolk or two of an egg dish up your Collerd Eele in the middle and your pieces round about it to the dish brim and your Oysterrs and lear over the wh●…e you may garnish it with brown pieces of fryed fish about the breadth of a plaice Anoth●r way CUt your Eels as aforesaid and stew them up when they are above half done take a spoonful or two of Ale yest beaten up with a little vinegar and put therein with a greater quantity of parslee and sweet herbs then was in the last so dish them up served to the Table in their broth adding salt To dresh a dish of small Jack CUt off the heads of them put them into balls of forced meat made of fish so that the heads may stand upright or looking forwards indore them over with yolks of eggs and put them into an Oven a baking then cut your Jacks in pieces stew them up in a dish with a little white wine water salt vinegar sweet herbs two or three Anchovies Mace sliced Ginger and Nutmeg when this boyls up in your deep dish put in your Pike and some small forced meat bals of fish both green yellow and white let them boyl then turn the other side with a knife let them boyl
all over them being wrapt up in the yolk of an egg and grated bread that it may not melt you may also boyl the stalks of your Artichokes near the bottoms and season the pith thereof as aforesaid cutting them about three inches long and put them in with your Marrow and put amongst it quartered Dates sliced Lemmon and large Mace so put on Butter and close your Pie let your lear be White-wine and Sack with a little Sugar beaten up with the yolk of an egg and drawn Butter when it is enough put it in at the funnel shake it together scrape on Sugar and garnish it and send it up To make a Skerret Pie BOyl your biggest Skerrets blanch them season them with Cinamon beaten Nutmeg Ginger and Sugar your Coffin being ready lay in your Skerrets season also the Marrow of three or four bones with Cinamon Sugar a little grated bread with the yolks of three or four raw eggs put on your Marrow with the yolks of eight hard eggs cut in halves a handful of blanched Chesnuts and a few quartered Dates lay Butter over your Pie and close it let your lear be Butter Vinegar and Sugar with a little Sack and the yolk of an egg when your Pie is baked put it in shake it together so scrape on Sugar and garnish it To make a Pota●… Pie BOyl your Spanish Potatoes not overmuch cut them forth in slices as thick as your thumb season them with Nutmeg Cinamon Ginger and Sugar your Coffin being ready put them in ove● the bottom add to them the Marrow of about three Marrow-bones seasoned as aforesaid a handful of stoned Raisons of the Sun some quartered Dates Orangado Cittern with Ringo-roots sliced put butter over it and bake them let their lear be a little Vinegar Sack and Sugar beaten up with the yolk of an Egg and a little drawn Butter when your Pie is enough pour it in shake it together scrape on Sugar garnish it and serve it up To make Marrow Pasties to fry TAke the Marrow of four bones throw it into a Bason of water and let it drain in a Cullender let the pieces be as big as the top of your thumb put them into a deep dish with the rest of your small Marrow mince a little Orangado Cittern and Dates exceeding small take two handfuls of grated bread and put it all into the dish to your Marrow with about a spoonful or more of Sugar season it with a good quantity of beaten Cinamon Salt a grated Nutmeg and a little Ginger with a little Sack and Rose-water break to it the yolks of half a dozen eggs so mix it altogether if it be too thin put it on the coals keeping it stirring with a spoon that the eggs may congeal it together take it off the coals your Paste must be made with fine flower cold butter and yolks of eggs make it very rich then drive out thin sheets put them on papers and lay on your Marrow in pieces that your Pastie may be four or five inches long and three or four inches broad then lay on of your grated bread and your other ingredients over all your Marrow to congeal it together wash it in the closing with yolks of eggs turn over your sheet and close him as you do a Pastie Jagging of him round with your Jagging-iron so do by the rest mingling your Marrow eggs and bread proportionably together your pan being ready full of Clarified stuff when it is hot prick your Pasties and put them into your pan holding it high from the fire because they are apt to burn they ought to boyl at the top as well as at the bottom and to be turned two or three times in the frying when they are enough take them up with your slice and place them on your plate six or eight will make a fair dish scrape on Sugar and serve them up After this way you may do it with slices of Artichokes cut thin in the bottom under your Marrow and at the top likewise the same may be done with Potatoes in the Winter To make egg Pies YOu must make your Paste pretty rich with the yolks of eggs your butter must be melted and well mixed with your flower and eggs your water to bring it into a Paste must be hot but not boyling hot so make it up into a pretty stiff Paste you must drive it out into borders and cut your sets even at the bottom and jagg it in the edges then set it round on a bottom that it may contain in the inside the bigness of a Goose egg and about the height of four inches about a dozen or sixteen will make a handsom dish Jagg them round at the foot when they are set to the bottom then take the yolks of about twenty eggs boyled hard and minced very small with a little Orangado Cittern and Dates likewise minced put it into a dish with the yolks of about six eggs and the whites of three beat it all together with half a pinte of Cream and let there be another pinte heating on the fire and when it is almost scalding hot beat it in by little and little into the afore-mentioned Composition if it thickens too much add more Cream season it with rose-Rose-water Sugar Cinamon Nutmeg and a little Salt put a little Marrow into all your Pies and set them in the Oven so fill them with a little ladle let your stuff be so thin that it may run like a Pancake-batter they will ask about a quarter of an hours baking when you dish them stick them with Cittern and strow them over with small Biskets scrape on Sugar and send them up Note that the Coffins must be dryed a little in the Oven before they are filled To make a Trotter Pie and Taffatie-Tarts YOu must make a Coffin with hot buttered Paste about the heighth of the Crown of a hat and as small in circumference fill it with sliced Pippins close it without Sugar if you mistrust it will fall pin a paper about it and put it in the Oven a baking you must roll out sheets for your Taffatie-Tarts with such Paste as you had for your Marrow Pasties it must be exceeding thin and four square your Apples may be cut throughout your Pippin as thin as you can cut them paper your sheets of Paste and lay on your Apples in one end only leave a place to close lay on the slices of your Apples in the form of a little square Trencher in length but not in breadth by two inches strow on a little Orangado or minced Orange-pill between every laying of Apples build them up about four stories high after the same manner lay on the top thin slices of Orangado and Cittern cover them flat over with powdered Sugar and wet them with your wetting-brush round in the closing then turn over your sheet of Paste as you do a Pastie and close them firmly jagg them squarely off at the ends and
dish being ready put it in and bake it To make a Pine apple Tart. BEat two handfuls of Pine Apples with a pickled Quince with the palp of two or three Peppins when they are well beaten put to them half a pint of cream a little Rose water the yolks of half a dozen eggs with a handfull of Sugar if it be thick you may add a little more cream to it so having your thin low coffins for it dryed fill them up and bake them you may garnish them with Orangado or Lossenges of Sugar paste or what else you please Another Tart of Pistaches YOu must beat your Pistaches Kernels about the quantity of two handfuls in a morter with the quarters of about four Pear-mains adding to them a preserved Quince preserving all the Cock treads of your eggs and eight yolks with almost a pint of cream mingle it altogether well in a morter with Sugar and Rose water perfumed with Amber-grease and Musk remember that your quarters of Pear-mains were first boyled before mixt with the rest of your Ingredients it must be filled into thin shallow coffins about two Inches high you may either fry or bake them otherwise you may bake them open your coffins being dryed you may stick them over with sliced Pistaches so scrape on Sugar To make a Spring Tart. YOu may gather the leaves of Primroses Violets Strawberries with a little young Spinnage or all other buds that are not bitter boyl them in a little milk then put them forth into a Cullender and preserve your milk for another use chop your herbs very small and boyl them up again in cream take as many yolks of eggs with two or three whites as will make your cream into a thick body after it is off the fire if it be not thick enough with your herbs put in a handfull of grated Naple Bisket colour it all green with the juice of Spinnage season it with Sugar Rose water Cinamon Nutmeg and a little Salt you may bake it in a dish on a sheet of paste cros-barred over with puff paste so garnish it with Lossenges To make a Cowslip Tart. YOu must take the blossoms of at least a Gallon of Cowslips mince them exceeding small and beat them in a morter put to them a handful or two of grated Naple Bisket about a pint and half of cream so put them into a skillet and let them boyl a little on the fire take them off and beat in eight eggs with a little cream if it doth not thicken lay it on the fire gently untill it doth but take heed it curdles not season it with sugar Rosewater and a little salt you may bake it in a dish or little open Tarts but your best way is to let your cream be cold before you stir in your eggs To make a Cheese Tart. TAke about three quarters of a pound of old Cheese of Parmyzant and grate it put it into a stone morter with about a dozen eggs casting away six of the Whites put therein half a pound of sweet butter melted with some Ginger Cinamon grated Nutmeg and Salt with a penny Manchet grated season it with Sugar and Rose water then beat into it so much Cream that it may be as thin or thinner then batter for Fretters you may make it in a dish on a sheet of paste otherwise you may dry your Coffins and put it in with your Ladle and put over it cross bars of puff paste so bake it and garnish it To make a Prewen Tart. STew a pound and a half of Prewens in as much Claret wine as will cover them and when they are tenderly done strain them through a bolter or thin strayner rub them all to pieces with your hands and pour in some of the liquor they were stewed in to wash the Prewens from the stones so that which remains in the bolter or strayner shall be nothing but the skin or stone thereof set your dish with the palp of the Prewens on a Chaffin dish of coals with a little whole Cinamon Large Mace with a little Orangado and Cittern minced season it with Sugar Rose water beaten Cinamon and Ginger let it boyl up untill it be thick together then take out your whole spice you must make your Coffin about an inch and half high And set it in corners in what form you please either in six eight or twelve when it s dryed in an Oven put in your Tart stuff plaining it all over with a spoon put it into the Oven and let it stand a little when you take it forth stick it with Sugar Lossenges and strow it over with small Bisket red and white scrape on Sugar To make Cheese Cakes PUt Runnet to three Gallons of Milk that it may be a tender Curd run it through a thin strayner when it s come and gathered scruise or press out the Whey as well as you can possible put it into a deep dish or bason put to it about a pound of sweet butter melted a matter of fourteen eggs casting away half the whites season it with beaten Cinamon Ginger Cloves Mace Nutmeg Sugar sufficient to sweeten it with a little salt with Orangado and Cittern minced with Rose water and a handfull of grated bread or Naple Bisket mix it all well together if it be to stiff add a little sweet Cream let it not be too thin to beat down the sides of your Cakes then make your paste with the yolks of eggs melted butter and warm milk with a handful of fine powdred Sugar roll out your paste very thin and jagg out your patterns by a large round Trencher and paper them then put on your seasoned Curds by spoonfulls and turn up the sides on it in four six or eight Corners bake them in a quick oven but not too hot they will ask but a quarter of an hours time baking you may bake them on sheets of paste in a pattee pans else in set Coffins To make a dish of Puffs TAke Cheese Curds as before to the value of three pints mix with them a good handfull of floure dryed in an Oven put to them six eggs casting by the whites of four with about a quarter of a pound of butter in little bits season them with Cinamon Ginger and a little Salt mix them together with your hand very well then take white paper buttered over so lay on your curd by spoonfuls bake them in an oven as before when they are enough take them off the papers put them into a dish and wash over their upperside with butter scrape Sugar upon them and set them into the oven again and when they are well dryed put into them Rose water drawn butter and Sugar so toss them up together then dish them up and put to them the said lear and scrape Sugar over your dish you may also make them green another way throw a handfull of spinnage into boyling water that it may be very green take it up and
of sweet sirrup To make a Pie with whole Pippins YOu must pare and core your Pippins and when your Coffin is made take a handful of sliced Quinces and strow over the bottom thereof then place in your Pippins and fill the core-holes with the sirrup of Quinces and put into every one a piece of Orangado so pour on the sirrup of Quinces over your Apples with Sugar and close it these pies will ask good soaking especially the Quince-pie A set Tart. YOu may make your paste rich put in good store of yolks of eggs and warm milk but not too much Butter and drive out a sheet of paste very thin let your borders also be driven out in lengths thin but so as they will stand cut out your borders through your sheet an inch and half high Jagging out one length with your Jagging-iron and another with your knife then take the center of your bottom and set up a tower of about three or four inches high then set your proportions round about some Hearts and some Diamonds so set the outward circumference in what form or figure you please when you have pricked and dryed it you may fill it with your sweet meats Jellies Leaches c. as for example pour in Chrystal Jelly into an Heart and also into the opposite Leach into another and also into the opposite so two of each sort one opposite to another in all your figures RARE RECEIPTS IN COOKERY Part II. To make a Bisk divers wayes TAke a Rack of Mutton and a Knuckle of Veal put them a boyling in a Pipkin of a gallon with some fair water and when it boyls scum it and put to it some Salt two or three blades of large Mace and a Clove or two boyl it to three pints and strain the meat save the broth for your use and take off the fat clean Then boyl twelve Pigeon Peepers and eight Chicken Peepers in a Pipkin of fair water Salt and a piece of interlarded Bacon scum them clean and boyl them fine white and quick Then have a roste Capon minced and put to it some gravy Nutmeg and Salt and stew it together then put to it the juyce of two or three Oranges and beaten butter c. Then have ten Sweet-breads and ten Palats fry'd and the same number of Lips and Noses being tender boyled and blancht cut them like Lard and fry them and put away the butter and put to them gravy a little Anchove Nutmeg and a little Garlick or none the juyce of two or three Oranges and Marrow fry'd in Batter with Sage leaves and some beaten Butter Then again have some boyl'd Marrow and twelve Artichokes suckers and Peaches finely boyl'd and put into beaten Butter some Pistaches boyled also in some wine and gravy eight Sheeps tongues larded and boyled and one hundred Sparagrass boyled and put into beaten Butter or skirrets Then have Lemons carved and some cut like little dice. Again fry some Spinnage and Parslee c. These foresaid materials being ready have some French bread in the bottom of your dish then dish on it your Chickens and Pigeons broth it next your Quails then Sweet-breads then your Palats then your Artichokes or Sparagrass and Pistaches then your Lemon Pomgranat or Grapes Spinnage and fryed Marrow and if yellow Saffron or fryed Sage then round the Center of your boyled meat put your minced Capon then run all over with beaten butter c. 1. For variety clarified with yolks of eggs 2. Knots of eggs 3. Cocks stones 4. Cocks Combs 5. If white strained Almonds with some of the broth 6. Goosberries or Barberries 7. Minced meat in balls 8. If green juyce of Spinnage stamped with Manchet and strain it with some of the broth and give it a walm 9. Garnish with boyled Spinnage 10. If yellow yolks of hard eggs strained with some broth and Saffron and many other varieties To boyl a Capon in Rice BOyl a Capon in salt and water and if you like it you may put into a fair cloth a handful of Oatmeal then take a quarter of a pound of Rice and steep it in fair water and so half boyl it then strain the Rice through a Cullender and boyl it in a Pipkin with a quart of Milk put in half an ounce of large Mace half a pound of Sugar boyl it well but not over thick put in a little rose-Rose-water blanch half a pound of Almonds and beat them in a Morter with a little Cream and Rose-water very fine strain them in a Pipkin by itself then take up your Capon and set your Almonds a little against the fire garnish your dishes as you think fit and lay in your Capon and put your Rice handsomely thereon then broth up your Rice A Bisk another way TAke a Leg of Beef cut into two pieces and boyl it in a gallon or five quarts of water scum it and about half an hour after put in a knuckle of Veal and scum it also boyl it from five quarts to two quarts or less and being three quarters boyled put in some salt Cloves and Mace being through boyled strain it from the meat and keep the broth for your use in a Pipkin then take eight Marrow bones clean scraped from the flesh and finely cracked over the middle boyl in water or salt three of them the other reserve for garnish to be boyld in strong broth and laid on the top of the Bisk when dished again boyl your fowl in water and salt Teals Partridge Pigeons Quails Larks Plovers then have a joynt of Mutton made into balls with sweet herbs Salt Nutmegs grated bread Eggs Suet a clove or two of Garlick and Pistaches boyled in broth with some interlarded Bacon Sheeps tongues larded and stewed as also some Artichokes Marrow Pistaches Sweet-breads and Lamb-stones in strong broth and Mace a Clove or two some white wine and strained Almonds or with the yolk of an Egg Verjuice and beaten Butter and sliced Lemon or Grapes whole then have fryed Clary and Pistaches in yolks of Eggs with carved Lemons all over To boyl a Leg of Mutton the French fashion TAke a fair Legg of Mutton and a piece of suet of the Kidney cut in long slices as big as ones finger then thrust your knife into the flesh of your Legg down as deep as your finger is long and thrust into every hole a slice of the said Kidney suet but take heed one piece touch not another boyl your Legg well but not too much then put half a pint of the broth into a Skillet or Pipkin and put to it three or four blades of whole Mace half a handful of Barberries and Salt boyl them untill the broth be half boyld away then take it off the fire and straight before the broth hath done boyling put in a piece of sweet Butter a good handful of French Capers and a Lemon cut in square pieces like dice with the rind on and a little Sack with the yolks of two hard Eggs
spring-spring-water some Cloves Salt and Mace boyl it down to a Jelly strain it and keep it warm for to scald the Bisk then take four Carps four Tenches four Perches two Pikes two Eeles flayed and drawn the Carps being scalded drawn and cut in quarters the Tenches scalded and left whole also the Perches and the Pikes all finely scalded cleansed and cut in twelve pieces three of each side then put them into a large stew-pan with three quarts of Claret-wine an ounce of large Mace a quarter of an ounce of Cloves half an ounce of Pepper a quarter of an ounce of Ginger pared and sliced sweet herbs chopped small as stripped Time Savoury sweet Marjoram Parslee Rosemary three or four Bay-leaves Salt Chesnuts Pistaches five or six great Onions and stew all together on a quick fire Then stew a pottle of Oysters the greatest you can get parboyl them in their own liquor cleanse them from the dregs and wash them in warm water from the grounds and shells put them into a Pipkin with three or four great Onions pilled then take large Mace a little of their own liquor or a little Wine-Vinegar or White wine next take twelve Flownders being drawn and cleansed from the guts fry them in clarrified Butter with an hundred of large Smelts being fryed stew them in a stew-pan with some Claret wine grated Nutmeg sliced Orange Butter and salt then have an hundred of Prawnes boyled picked and buttered or fryed next bottoms of Artichokes boyled blanched and put in beaten Butter grated Nutmeg salt White-wine Skirrets and Sparragrass in the aforesaid sauce then mince a Pike and an Eele cleanse them and season them with Cloves Mace Pepper salt some sweet herbs minced some Pistaches Barberries Grapes or Goos-berries some grated Manchet and yolks of raw eggs mingle all the aforesaid things together and make it into balls or force some Cabbage-Lettice and bake the balls in an Oven being baked stick them with Pine-apple seeds and Pistaches as also the Lettice then all the aforesaid things being made ready have a clean large dish with large sops of French bread lay the Carps on them and between them some Tench Perch Pike and Eele and the stewed Oysters all over the other Fish then the fryed Smelts and Flownders over the Oysters then the balls and Lettice stuck with Pistaches the Artichokes Skirrets Sparragrass buttered Prawnes yolks of hard eggs large Mace fryed Smelts Grapes sliced Lemmon Oranges red Beets or Pomgranats broth it with the lear that was made for it and run it over with beaten Butter To dress eggs in the Spanish fashion TAke twenty eggs fresh and new and strain them with a quarter of a pinte of Sack Claret or White-wine a quartern of Sugar some grated Nutmeg and Salt beat them together with the juice of an Orange and put to them a little Musk or none set them over the fire and stir them continually till they be a little thick but not too much serve them with scraping Sugar being put in a clean warm dish on fine toasts of Manchet soaked in juice of Orange or Sugar or in Claret sugar or White-wine and shake the eggs with Orange Comfits or Muskadines Red and White To dress eggs in the Portugal fashion STrain the yolks of twenty eggs and beat them very well in a dish put to them some Musk and Rose-water made of fine sugar boyled thick in a clean skillet put in the eggs and stew them on a soft fire being finely stewed dish them on a French plate in a clean dish scrape on sugar and trim the dish with your finger Other wayes take twenty yolks of eggs or as many whites put them severally into two dishes take out the Cocks-treads and beat them severally for the space of an hour then have a sirrup made in two several skillets with half a pound a piece of double refined sugar and a little Musk and Amber-grease bound up close in a fine rag set them a stewing on a soft fire till they are enough on both sides then dish them on a plate and shake them with preserved Pistaches Muskadines white and red and green Citron sliced put into the whites the juice of Spinnage to make them green To dress eggs called in French A la Hugenotte or the Protestant way BReak twenty eggs beat them together and put to them the pure Gravie of a leg of Mutton or the Gravie of roast Beef stir and beat them well together over a Chaffin-dish of coals with a little salt add to them also juice of Orange and Lemmon or grape Verjuice then put in some Mushrooms well boyled and seasoned Observe as soon as your eggs be well mixed with the Gravie and other Ingredients then take them off the fire keeping them covered awhile then serve them with grated Nutmeg over them To dress eggs in fashion of a Tansey TAke twenty yolks of eggs and strain them on flesh-dayes with about half a pinte of Gravie on fish-dayes with Cream and Milk and salt and four Makeroons small grated as much Bisket some Rose water a little Sack or Claret and a quarter of a pound of sugar put these things to them with a piece of Butter as big as a Walnut and set them on a Chaffin-dish with some preserved Citron or Lemmon grated or cut in small pieces or little bits and some pounded Pistaches being well buttered dish it on a plate and brown it with a hot fire-shovell strow on fine Sugar and stick it with preserved Lemmon-pill in thin slices To dress Poach Eggs. TAke a dozen of new laid eggs and the meat of four or five Partridges or any roast Poultry mince it as small as you can and season it with a few beaten Cloves Mace and Nutmeg put them into a dish with a ladleful or two of pure Mutton Gravie and two or three Anchovies dissolved then set it a stewing on a Chaffin-dish of coals being half stewed as it boyls put in the eggs one by one and as you break them put by most of the whites and with one end of your egg-shell put in the yolks round in order amongst the meat let them stew till the eggs be enough then put in a little grated Nutmeg and the juice of two Oranges put not in the seeds wipe your dish garnish it with four or five whole Onions boyled and broyled To butter Eggs upon Toasts TAke twenty eggs beat them in a dish with some salt and put Butter to them then have two large rolls or fine Manchets cut them in toasts and toast them against the fire with a pound of fine sweet Butter being finely buttered lay the toasts in a fair clean dish put the eggs on the toasts and garnish your dish with Pepper and Salt other waies half boyl them in the shells then butter them and serve them on toasts or toasts about them To these eggs sometimes use Musk and Ambergrease and no Pepper An excellent way to Butter eggs TAke twenty yolks of
new laid or fresh eggs put them into a dish with as many spoonfuls of Jelly or Mutton Gravie without fat put to it a quarter of a pound of Sugar two ounces of preserved Lemmon-pill either grated or cut in thin slices or very little bits with some salt and four spoonfuls of Rosewater stir them together on the coals and being buttered dish them put some Musk on them with some fine Sugar you may eat these eggs cold as well as hot with a little Cinamon water or without Other wayes dress them with Claret wine Sack or juice of Oranges Nutmeg fine Sugar and a little Salt beat them well together in a fine clean dish with carved sippets and candid Pistaches stuck in them To make Cheese-cakes FOr your Coffins take half a pound of floure a quarter of a pound of fine Sugar beaten in a morter two spoonfulls of rose-Rose-water three or four yolks of eggs make this into a paste with cold butter and two or three spoonfulls of milk roll it into sheets as broad as Trencher-plates and cut them round with a Jagging-iron then take three pints of tender Cheese curds made of new milk pressed exceeding dry from the whey put to them about twelve yolks of eggs and three whites one pint of thick Cream a pound of fine Sugar some Nutmeg and Cinamon beaten exceeding small other wayes oyl of the same three spoonfulls of Rose water and as much or more of Sack bear all these together by adding a pound of sweet Butter melted and so much grated Naples bisket or Maccaroons as will bring it into such a body that when you lay it with your spoon on your sheets of paste it will not so run abroad as to beat down the sides fill your sheets with three or four spoonfuls of each or at your pleasure raise them and close them at the corners and give them a quarter of an hours baking in a gentle Oven you may infuse Musk or Ambergrease in them if you please if this be too thin so that it will run abroad set it on a heap of Charcoals and harden it but alwayes keep it stirring for it must be cold before you use it To make Dowsets TAke two quarts of sweet Cream and infuse a Nutmeg or two cut in pieces two or three sticks of Cinamon and blades of large Mace set it for some time upon the coals but boyl not your Cream at all then take fourteen eggs casting by ten whites and beat them to your Cream blood-warm then run it through a strainer and beat to it about half a pound and upwards of white Sugar four spoonfuls of Rose water if you please a little oyl of Cinamon and Nutmeg you may colour some of your stuff with Cowslips Spinnage Violets or Gilliflowers and so have your varieties at your feast your Coffins are usually after the manner of high cups about four or five inches high some bake them in little cups of Chainie about eight ten or twelve in a dish is enough you may stick your white ones with a sliced Citron and your coloured with sliced Almonds and so serve them up How to make a congealed meat to be eaten cold TAke a Calves head and parboyl it then cut off all the meat from the bones and mince it small season it with minced Sage Time and other sweet herbs and some Onion with them as also beaten Pepper Cloves Mace Nutmeg Anchovies minced and a reasonable quantity of Salt then take a narrow pot or pitcher something high and small and put in two handfuls of the meat into the bottom of the pot then strow in a little Bacon thereon cut in dice then put in two handfuls more as also mince Bacon thereon till all the minced Calves-head is in the pot cram it in hard and stop the pot with a cork and a cloth and let it boyl in a pot up to the neck for the space of six or seven hours then take it off let it stand till it is cold and then break the pot and the congealed colour will be fitting to be sent to the Table whole or to be sliced forth for second course thus may you do Calves-feet or Cow-heels season it high with minced herbs Salt spice and Bacon How to congeal a Turkey or Capon PArboyl either and take the flesh from the bones and mince it the blackest flesh by it self and the whitest by it self then take a great Onion a little horse-Raddish and a little Time minced small season it with this as also Mace Nutmeg and Salt with a handful of fat Bacon cut smaller then Pease and a handful of Westphalia Bacon minced small mingle all these together with your flesh only the white by it self and the black in another parcell then put a handful or more into a Pitcher or narrow Pot as aforesaid then put a handful of the black flesh on it and then the white again so do till all be rammed into the Pot then having a quart of White-wine and nine Anchovies with two ounces of Izinglass boyled to the consuming of half a pinte thereof strain it into the Pot to your aforesaid ingredients and stop it close with a cork and a cloth and boyl it in a pot of water your Pitcher standing up to the neck for the space of six hours when it is cold break your pot and it will be in a coller you may slice it or serve it whole in a coller if you have three little pots you may divide it in three and so serve it in three little collers at a Feast these kind of meats ought to be seasoned high How to make small Pindents to fry for first course TAke one pinte of floure and as much grated bread eight eggs cast away the whites of five thereof beat it to a thick batter with Cream Rose-water and Sack season it with beaten Cinamon Ginger Nutmeg and Mace put to it a handful of parboyled Currans and a handful of minced Marrow if not Beef-suet add Salt then let your pan be hot with clarified Butter or sweet suet then drop it in by spoonfuls and when they are fryed on both sides dish them up on a dish and plate and scrape on Sugar you may add a handful of Sugar to the batter How to make rich Pancakes TAke a pinte of Cream and half a pinte of Sack and the yolks of eighteen eggs and half a pound of Sugar season it with beaten Cinamon Nutmeg Mace beat all these together for a good space then put in as much floure as will make it so thick as it may run thin over the pan let your pan be hot and fry them with clarified Butter this sort of Pancakes will not be crisp yet it is counted a rare way amongst the Gentry Another way to make them crisp TAke the said ingredients only put no Sugar into your batter and put in but fourteen eggs cast away the whites of nine let it be as thin as it can run fry them crisp
and strow Sugar on them when you send them up How to fry a leg breast or neck of Lamb. BOne your Lamb and parboyl it then slice it in thin pieces and take about six yolks of eggs put to them Time sweet Marjoram and Parsley minced small and a grated Nutmeg and a little Mace beaten add Salt and beat it all together with your yolks let your pan be hot with clarified Butter and dip your slices of Lamb into your eggs and herbs and fry it softly when it is fryed enough on both sides put in a little White-wine Gravie and strong Broth beaten with the yolks of two eggs a sliced Nutmeg the juice of a Lemmon and some drawn Butter shake it till it boyls in your frying-pan and pour it into your dish upon sippets if you love it sweet and sharp add to your Lear White-wine Sugar and Vinegar instead of strong Broth. How to make a green Friggasy of Chickens TAke four Chickens and boyl them almost enough then cut them in pieces then take a good handful of Parsley scalded green and mince it small and put it into the yolks of eight eggs put to it some minced Time and grated Nutmeg your pan being hot with clarified Butter dip in your pieces of Chickens into the green batter and put them into the frying-pan and when they are fryed gently on both sides put to them a Lear of White-wine beaten with three yolks of eggs and Parsley boyled green minced small with a Lemmon cut dice wayes and a little Sugar and Vinegar and keep them shaking in the pan till they boyl then put them into a dish and serve them up upon sippets you may add Goos-berries or Grapes to them in the Summer season and in the Winter Skirrets or Potatoes over them A fryed meat in haste for the second course TAke a pinte of Curds made tender of morning Milk pressed clean from the Whey put to them one handful of floure six eggs casting away three whites a little rose-Rose-water Sack Cinamon Nutmeg Sugar Salt and two Pippins minced small beat this all together into a thick batter so that it may not run abroad if you want wherewith to temper it add Cream when they are fryed scrape on Sugar and send them up if this curd be made with Sack as it may as well as with Rennet you may make a Pudding with the Whey thereof thus How to make a Pudding with Whey PUt into a quart of Whey one pound of Butter one penny roll cut very thin in slices a stick or two of Cinamon some large Mace and let it boyl all together half a quarter of an hour then cool it and beat to it six eggs cast away three whites you may add Almonds beaten Dates cut in quarters Marrow Sugar rose-Rose-water and salt butter your dish having a garnish about the brims it will take a quarter of an hours baking when you make Sack and Pottage as is taught in my first Book you may make use of the Whey thereof if you make not a Cawdle with it as you may do if you please How to make Apple-pyes to fry TAke about a dozen Pippins pare them cut them and almost cover them with water and almost a pound of Sugar let them boyl on a gentle fire close covered with a stick of Cinamon minced Orange pill a little Dill-seed beaten rose-Rose-water when this is cold and stiff make it into a little pastie with rich paste How to make a boyled meat a forced meat a dish of Collops and a roast meat and a baked meat of a leg of Veal with some other small ingredients FIrst for your boyled meat take a small knuckle of the said leg and about a pound of good middling Bacon take off the rine and the inside and cover both in a little pot with strong Broth when it boyls and is scummed put to it two whole Onions and a good faggot of sweet herbs a little whole Pepper and large Mace when it is almost boyled take an handful of Spinnage as much Lettice and Parsley and hack it three or four times over with a knife and put it into your Broth and Meat add some minced Time and sweet Marjoram let them have a quarter of an hours boyling when it is enough and seasoned with Salt beat to it the yolks of three eggs and dish the Knuckle of Veal on sippets and cut the Bacon round about and over it then pour on your broth and herbs on the meat garnish your dish with Lemmon and serve it up in the Winter time you may make Barley broth of the said Knuckle and leave out the Bacon Then split your Fillet of Veal down by the bone and of the sinewy part make two or three large Collops as broad and as long as half a sheet of white paper by beating of them thin with a Cleaver then cut two dishes of Collops very thin and hack them more thin with the back of a knife take half these Collops and fry them brown in clarified butter then put them into a Pipkin with strong broth Claret-wine Gravie two Anchovies a handful of Oysters two Onions a faggot of sweet herbs or Time minced stew them up together when they are enough add a grated Nutmeg and drawn Butter and dish them up on sippets For the roast Olives take the other half the thin Collops being spread abroad season them with Cloves Mace Nutmeg and Salt then take a good handful of sweet herbs Parsley and Spinnage mingled together with a piece of Beef-suet the yolks of hard eggs put to it a handful of Currans and season it with Cloves Mace Nutmeg beaten Salt and a little Sugar so put the yolks of four new eggs and lay part thereof upon all the Collops and roll them up close so spit them cross wayes on a small spit and let them roast with a dish under them having therein the rest of the herbs if any left put a little Claret-wine and Vinegar into the said dish when your Olives are roasted draw them into the said dish and set them on a tapitt of coals and let them boyl then put to them a ladleful of drawn butter let your sauce be sharp sweet by adding a little Sugar dish them up and pour the sauce over them and garnish them with Lemmon Then take the rest of the meat undisposed of and the pieces that you could not well cut in Collops and parboyl it and mince it with more Beef-suet then it self contains to also three Pippins some Dates a little Orangado season it with Cloves Mace Nutmeg Cinamon then take the one half of this minced meat and add Sugar rose-Rose-water and a handful of Currans thereto of this meat make one dozen of small Petetes about the bigness of a Goose egg close them and bake them and when they are baked put to them Verjuice sugar beaten up hot with the yolk of an egg so scrape on sugar and serve them to the Table For your forced meat take
of Grapes set them on the fire but shake them in your pan that they burn not to the bottom when the sugar is melted let them boyl very fast you shall know when they are enough by the clearness of your Grapes and the thickness of your sirrup To preserve Cherries TAke of the best and fairest Cherries about two pound and clip off the stalks by the middle with a pair of sheers wash them clean beware of bruising them then take of fine Barberry sugar set it over the fire in a quart of fair water in the broadest vessel you can get and let it seeth till it be somewhat thick then put in your Cherries and stir them together with a spoon so let them boyl scumming and turning them very gently that the one side may be like the other until they are enough which to know you must take up some of the sirrup with one Cherry so let it cool and if it will scarce run out it is enough rhus being cold you may put them up and keep them for your use Another way TAke your Cherries in the morning before they are too ripe pull off the stalks and lay them in a pan with a little Sugar under them to a pound of Cherries add a pound of Sugar be at very fine as your Cherries boyl up cast sugar on thern scum it not till it be ready to seeth over boyl them with a quick fire for the sooner they are boyled the sourer they will be fear not their breaking for they will close again seeth not above two pound at once the fewer the better boyl them not over-much but rather too little when they are boyled put them into a fair platter if no water comes from them they are enough but if it doth boyl them a little more use a silver spoon that is imployed about nothing else take no ladle or knife that have been used about flesh that will cause mites to breed in it this is the best and approvedest way to preserve Cherries Another way HAve a pound of the smallest Cherries but let them be well coloured boyl them tender in a pinte of fair water then strain away the liquor and take two pound of other fair Cherries stone and put them into your preserving-pan with a laying of Cherries and another of sugar and pour the sirrup of the other strained Cherries over them and with a blazing fire let them boyl as fast as may be that the sirrup may boyl over them and when it is of a good colour something thick and jelly set them a cooling and when they are cold pot them and keep them all the year for your use To preserve Barberries TAke your Barberries very fair and well-coloured pick out every stone of them weigh them and to every ounce of Barberries you must add three ounces of loaf-sugar with half an ounce of the pulp of Barberries and an ounce of red rose-Rose-water you must first dissolve your sugar then boyl it to a sirrup then put in your Barberries and let them boyl a quarter of an hour then take them up and assoon as they begin to wax cool put them up and they will keep their colour all the year To preserve Raspberries TAke those which are fair and ripe but not over-ripe pick them from the stalks add to them weight for weight of double refined sugar and the juice of Raspberries to a pinte of Raspberries take a quarter of a pinte of Raspberry-juice and as much of fair water boyl up the sugar and liquor and make the sirrup scum it and put in the Raspberries stir them into the sirrup but boyl them not too much being preserved take them and boyl the sirrup by it self not too long it will keep the colour being cold pot and keep them thus may you also preserve Strawberries Another way HAve the fairest and best coloured Raspberries pick off their stalks and wash them very clean but in any case bruise them not weigh them and to every pound add six ounces of hard Sugar as much Sugar-Candie clarifie it with half a pinte of fair water and four ounces of juice of Raspberries being clarified boyl it to a weak sirrup then put in your Raspberries stirring them up and down let them so boyl until they are enough using them as your Cherries you may keep them all the year To preserve your Pomcitrons TAke and grate off the upper skin cut them in pieces as you judge requisite let them lie in water twenty four hours then set a posnet on the fire with fair water when it boyls put in your Pomcitrons and shift them until you find the water not bitter take them up and to each pound add a pound and a quarter of Sugar then take a pinte and a quarter of the last water and set it on the fire with the Sugar and take two whites of eggs and beat them with a little fair water and when your sirrup begins to boyl cast in that which riseth from the eggs and let it boyl together then strain it through a fine cloth into a clean posnet set it on the fire and when it begins to boyl put in your Pomcitrons let them boyl softly three or four hours until your sirrup be thick enough keep them never turned alwayes under the sirrup put them into Gallypots or Glasses when they are cold cover them To preserve Oranges and Lemmons TAke them large and well-coloured and take a Rasp of Steel and take the outward rine from them and lay them in water three dayes and three nights then boyl them tender and shift them in their boyling to take away their bitterness and when they be boyled tenderly take two pound of Sugar clarified with a pinte of fair water when your sirrup is made and betwixt hot and cold put in your Lemmons and Oranges and there let them be infused all night in the morning let them boyl two or three walms in your sirrup let them not boyl too long in the Sugar because the rines will be tough take your Lemmons out and boyl your sirrup thicker when it is cold put them up and keep them for your use To preserve Saterion roots TAke of the fairest you can get wash and boyl them upon a gentle fire as tender as a Codling then take them off and pare away the blackest skin from them as you do them put them into fair water and let them stand therein one night then take them out and add to every pound of roots eleven ounces of Sugar finely clarified then boyl it almost to the height of a sirrup then put in your roots let them not boyl too long for then they will grow hard and tough when they are enough set them a cooling until they be through cold and keep them close covered for your use To preserve red Rose-leaves TAke the leaves of the fairest budds half a pound sifted clean from seeds then take a quart of fair water in an earthen pipkin and set it over
fair water until it comes to a quart then strain and clarifie it with the whites of two eggs add to it two pounds of white Sugar boyl it to a sirrup when it is enough let it stand till it be cool and put it up in Glasses which may serve for your use all the year To make sirrup of Violets PIck the flowers and weigh them put them into a quart of water and steep them on hot embers until such time as the flowers are turned white and the water as blew as any Violet then add to that quart of infusion four pounds of refined Sugar and boyl it until it comes to a sirrup being boyled and scummed on a gentle fire lest it turns its colour so done put it up and keep it for your use Another rare way TAke and cut away the white of your flowers then scruise out the juice of them and add to every spoonful of juice three of fair water put it into an Alablaster Morter with stamped leaves strain them dry through a cloth then add to it as much of fine beaten Sugar as you judge convenient let it stand ab out twelve hours in a clean earthen pan then take the clearest thereof into a glass with a few drops of the juice of Lemmons it will be very clear and of a Violet colour this is the best and most excellent way to make sirrup of Violets To make sirrup of Mulberries TAke of those which are very ripe● press the juice from them through a linnen cloth between two sticks and then to every pinte of juice take a pound of Sugar boyl it to the height of a sirrup so may you keep it all the year long if it wax any thing thinner in a Moneths time after you put it up boyl it again so put it up To make sirrup of Clove-Gillyflowers TAke a peck of the flowers cut off the whites sift away the seeds and bruise them a little then take a pinte of water when it hath boyled let it cool a little and then put in your flowers let them be kept close covered for a day and a night it is best to put on but half your flowers at once for it will make it the stronger then add to it a pound and half of clarified Sugar and let it stand for one night the next day put it into a Gallypot and lay your pot in a pot of fair water and let it boyl therein until your Sugar be totally melted and your sirrup indifferently thick then take it forth and let it stand until it be cold so may you Glass it for your use To make sirrup of Roses solutive TAke your Damask Roses and pull them then have ready a gallon of fair water when it is hot put therein a good many Damask Rose leaves when they look white take them out do this ten times together which will make your water look red then to every pinte of that liquor add the white of an egg and a pound of Sugar clarifie it and boyl it to a sirrup so may you keep it all the year the thicker the sirrup is the better it will keep Another way to make sirrup of Damask Roses YOu may take as much water as you think fit let it be luke-warm then put into it a good quantity of Damask Rose-leaves the whites of them being first cut away let them lye in your water until they look pale then take them out and crush them gently then put in more fresh leaves as aforesaid continuing it so until your water turn to a deep red colour and very bitter which will be done in less then twenty changes of the leaves if you would have it strong do it as often more as you think fit adding to every quart of water two pound of Sugar and seeth it with a soft fire until it be as thick as Honey and of the colour your mind is to have it To keep your liquor of Roses all the year FOr preventing the use of much Sugar you may preserve so much of this liquor as you please before you boyl it you must let it settle so done pour out the clearest into a long necked glass to the neck thereof then put in as much sweet oyl as will fill it up and let it stand in the Sun for certain dayes this will keep good all the year so that if you want any sirrup you may seeth this liquor with Sugar if not you may spare so much Sugar To make sirrup of Cowslips TAke your distilled water of Cowslips and put therein your Cowslip flowers picked clean but the green in the bottom cut away so boyl your sirrup in Sugar as you do other sirrups To make sirrup of Lemmons TAke them and cut them in halves and between your fingers juice them and the liquor that runs from them will be very clear add to every pinte of juice a pound and half of loaf-Sugar being very white so boyl it to a sirrup and it will keep rarely well To make sirrup of Maiden-hair TAke thereof six ounces Liquorish scraped and sliced one ounce steep them twenty four hours together in four pintes of conduit-Conduit-water then set it on the fire and boyl it to a quart then take that liquor and add to it two pound of clarified Sugar and let it boyl upon a gentle fire of Charcoals until it comes to a sirrup being scummed very often that it may be the clearer the more it is so the better it is thus being boyled enough put it up for your use To make sirrup of dry Roses TAke of your best red Roses dryed four ounces infuse them in a quart of fair water on hot embers until the Roses have lost their colour then have a pound and half of Sugar so clarifie your liquor and sugar with two eggs then boyl it to the height of a sirrup but have a special care that you set not your sirrup on too hot a fire for then it will lose its colour and be nothing worth To keep Cherries all the year and to have them at Christmass TAke of the fairest of them you can get but beware that they be not bruised rub them with a linnen cloth so put them into a barrel of hay first place in the bottom of your barrel a laying of Hay then one of Cherries so do until your Vessel be full then must you stop them up that no air may come to them and lay them under a Feather-bed where one doth constantly lie for the warmer they are the better will they keep and so doing you may have Cherries any time of the year Candying To Candie Violet flowers TAke of them which are very good and new being very well coloured weigh them to every ounce of flowers you must add four ounces of refined Sugar which is very white and fair-grained and dissolve it in two ounces of fair running water so boyl it until it comes to a Sugar again you must scum it often lest it be not clear
Pork In the second course Pottage Mortrus or Conies or Sew the roasted flesh Mutton Pork Veal Pullets Pigeons Teals Widgeons Mallards Partridge Woodcocks Plovers Bittern Curlew Heron-sew Venison roasted Streat birds Snites Feldfares Thrushes Fritters Chewets Beef with sauce and other baked meats as is aforesaid And if you carve before your Lord or your Lady any boyled Flesh carve away the skin above then carve not too much of the flesh for your Lord and Lady and especially for Ladies for they will soon be angry for their thoughts are soon changed and some Lords will be soon pleased and some not as they be of complexion The Goose and Swan may be cut as you do other Fowls that have whole feet or else as your Lord and Lady would have it Also a Swan with a Chaldron Capon or Pheasant ought to be dressed as it is afore-mentioned but the skin must be taken away and when they are then carve before your Lord or your Lady for generally all manner of whole-footed Fowls that have their living on the water their skins be wholsom and clean for cleanness of water and fish is their living and if they eat any stinking thing it is made so clean with the water that all the corruption is clean gone away from it But the skin of a Capon Hen or Chicken is not so clean for they eat foul things in the street and therefore their skins be not so wholesom for it is not their kind to enter into the River to make their meat void of filth Mallard Goose or Swan they eat upon the Land-fowl meat but after their kind they go to the River and there they cleanse them of their foul stink the skin of a Pheasant as is aforesaid is not wholesom then take away the heads of all field and wood birds as Pheasant Peacock Partridge Woodcock Curlew for they eat in their degree foul things as worms toads and other the like Sewing of Fish First Course TO go to the sewing of Fish Muscalade Minnews in sew of Porpas of Salmon baked Herring with sugar Green-fish Pike Lamprey Salens Porpas roasted baked Gurnard and Lamprey baked Second Course JElly white and red Dates in Confect Conger Salmon Dorey Brit Turbet Halibut for standard Base Trout Mullet Chevine Sole Eeles and Lamprey roasted Tench in Jelly Third Course FResh Sturgeon Bream Pearch in Jelly a Joll of Salmon Sturgion Welks Apples and Pears roasted with Sugar-candy Figgs of Malike and Raisins Dates Capt with minced Ginger Wafers and Ipocrass they be agreeable this being accomplished void the Table Of Carving of Fish THe Carver of fish must see to Peason and Frumenty the Tayl and Liver ye must look if there be a salt Porpas or Sole Turrentine and do after the form of Venison baked Herring and lay it whole upon your Lords trencher white Herring in a dish open it by the back pick out the bones and the roe and see there be Mustard Of salt-fish green-fish salt Salmon and Conger pare away the skin salt-fish stock-fish Marlin Mackrel and Hake with Butter take away the bones and the skins a Pike lay the womb upon his Trencher with sauce enough a salt Lamprey cut in seven or eight pieces and lay it to your Lord a Plaice put out the water then cross him with your knife cast on salt Wine or Ale Gurnard Rochet Bream Chevin Base Mullet Roch Pearch Sole Mackrel Whiteings Haddock and Cod-ling raise them by the back and pick out the bones and cleanse the rest in the belly Carp Bream Sole and Trout back and belly together Salmon Conger Sturgeon Turbuthirbol Thornback Houndfish and Halibut cut them in the dishes the Porpos about Tench in his sauce cut two Eeles and Lampreys roasted pull off the skin and pick out the bones put thereto Vinegar and Powder A Crab break him asunder in a dish and clean the shell so put in the stuff again temper it with Vinegar and Powder them cover it with bread and heat it then set it to your Lord and lay them in a dish A Crevis dress him thus part him asunder slit his belly and take out the fish pare away the red skin and mince it thin put Vinegar in the dish and set it on the Table without heating A Joll of Sturgeon cut it in thin morsels and lay it round your dish French Lamprey baked open the Pastie then take white bread and cut it thin and lay it in a dish and with a spoon take of Gallentine and lay it on the bread with red Wine and Powder of Cinamon then cut a piece of the Lamprey and mince it thin and lay it in the Gallentine then set it on the fire to heat Fresh Herring with salt and wine Shrimps well picked Flounders Gudgeons Minews Mussles and Lampreys Sprats is good in sew Musculade in Worts Oysters in sew Oysters in gravie Minews in Porpos Salmon in Feel Jelly white and red Cream of Almonds Dates in Confects Pears and Quinses in sirrup with Parsley roots Mortrus of Houndfish raise standing Sauces of all fish MUstard is good for salt Herrings salt Fish salt Conger Salmon Sparling salt Eele and Ling Vinegar is good with salt Porpos Turrentine salt Sturgeon salt Thrilpole and salt Whale Lamprey with Gallentine Verjuice to Roach Dace Bream Mullet Flounder salt Crab and Chevin with powder of Cinamon To Thornback Herring Houndfish Haddock Whiting and Cod Vinegar powder of Cinamon and Ginger Green sauce is good with Green-fish and Hallibut Cottel and fresh Turbet put not your Green sauce away for it is good with Mustard An excellent way for making Ipocras TAke of Grains half a dram of Cinamon four ounces of Ginger two ounces Nutmegs half an ounce Cloves and Mace of each half an ounce bruise these well in a Morter and infuse them in a Gallon of White wine four or five dayes the vessel being close stopt add to them a pound and half of Sugar when it is dissolved put to it half a pinte of rose-Rose-water and as much Milk let it stand one night then run it through an Ipocras bag then may you put it into a fine new Runlet if you purpose to keep it if you presently spend it you may put it into certain pots An approved Receipt for a Consumption that hath long remained TAke nine or twelve white Snailes and break away their shells from them then put them into a bowl of water for twelve hours to cleanse them from their slime then change the water and let them remain in the like bowl of running-water for the like space then take them out and put them into half a pinte of white-wine and keep them in it twelve hours then take the Snails out of the wine and put them into a quart of red Cows milk and boyl it until it comes to a pinte then add to it one ounce of Candied Sugar and give the Party diseased to drink every morning and at four in the afternoon but you must not
ib. Wing that Partridge 252 Wing that Quail ib. Display that Crane ib. Dismember that Heron ib. Vnjoynt that Bittern ib. Break that Egript ib. Vntach that Curlew 253 Untach that Brew ib. Break that Sarcell ib. Mince that Plover ib. A Snite ib. Thigh that Woodcock ib. From the Feast of Whitsuntide unto Midsummer ib. From the Feast of Saint John the Baptist unto Michaelmas 254 From the Feast of Michaelmas unto the Feast of Christmas 255 Sewing of Fish First Course 256 Second Course ib. Third Course ib. Of Carvig of Fish ib. Sauces of all fish 257 An excellent way for making Ipocras 258 An approved Receipt for a Consumption that hath long remained ib. To coller Flounders 259 To roast a shoulder of Mutton in blood ib. To make a Portugal pie ib. To stew a Carp 260 To make a Bacon Tart ib. To make Vever Ollie or Cheese pottage ib. The whole Body of COOKERY DISSECTED BOOK I. How to pickle Cowcumbers TAke your smallest Cowcumbers or Gerkines after Bartholmew-tyde dip a cloth in beer and rub them clean from the dirt then put a laying of Bay and Dill leafes in the bottom of your Firkin or Pot and a quantity of whole Pepper two or three blades of Mace and as many Cloves then place a laying of Cowcumbers thereon so continue with your said in gredients till your Pot or Firkin be full then make a Liquor with fair water and good store of Dill to make it strong with so much salt as will bear an egg you may infuse the Dill or you may boyl it but let it be cold then put it into your Cowcumbers let this pickle continue to them almost a fortnight then pour part away and fill it up with white wine Vinegar so shall your Cowcumbers be green and crisp and not too sour How to pickle Mushroms TAke a bushell of Mushroms blanch them over the crown barb them beneath if they are new they look as red as a Cherry if old black this being done throw them into a pan of boyling water then take them forth and let them drain when they are cold put them up into your Pot or Glass put thereto Cloves Mace Ginger Nutmeggs whole Pepper then take white-wine a little Vinegar with a little quantity of salt so pour the Liquor into your Mushroms and stop them close for your use all the year To pickle the tops of Elder BReak the tops of your young sprouts of Elder in March or April having a quantity thereof broke in pieces six inches long boyl them in water half a dozen walms then pour them out into your Sive or Collinder and let them drain then prepare a pickle of wine or beer put thereto a little salt and a little bruised Pepper so put them into the said pickle and stop them A good sallet To pickle Elder-buds in March before the tree leaves HAving gathered what quantity you please before they are full blown and put them into wine-vinegar they are a good sallet If in case they are full blown as in June they serve to make strong Elder-vinegar and themselves no sallet This Vinegar is good to make sauce for divers sorts of meat To pickle Clove-Gilly-flowers WHen you have picked a good quantity of Gilly-flowers mingle half white-wine and half Vinegar together with so much white sugar as will make them sweet and sharp and so put your Gilly-flowers in with a few Cloves which is a good sallet and the liquor thereof will serve for Lears for sweet and sharp boyled meats or baked meats To pickle Pursland stalks WHen they are washed and cut in pieces six inches long boyl them with water and salt a dozen walms when they are taken up drained and cold let your pickle be stale beer and wine-vinegar add a handful of salt thereunto and put them up into your vessel and stop them up close and they will keep to the Spring following To pickle Artichokes TAke your Artichokes before they are over-grown or too full of strings and when they are pared round that nothing is left but the bottom boyl them till they be indifferent tender but not full boyled take them up let them be cold then take good stale-beer and white-wine with a great quantity of whole Pepper so put them up into a barrel with a small quantity of salt keep them close and they will not be sour it will serve for baked meats and boyled meats all the Winter To pickle the tops of Turnips TAke the tops of young Turnips cut off the superfluous branches or leaves when your water boyles put them in and let them boyl till they are indifferent tender then take them out and let them drain and put them into a pickle of white-wine Vinegar and salt The same manner may you pickle the sprouts of Cabbage-stocks but take a care you do not over-boyl them To pickle green Figgs TAke your green Figgs about August cut them in halves and boyl them up in Vinegar a little quantity of Sugar large Mace and Cloves so put them up into your Pot or Glass in the same liquor they will serve to Garnish your boyled meats or Friggeses in the Winter To pickle Barbaries red WHen your Barbaries are picked from the leaves in clusters about Michaelmas or when they are ripe let your water boyl and give them half a dozen walms let your pickle be of white-wine and Vinegar not too sharp so put them up for your use To pickle Sampier green TAke your Sampier fresh from the Rock and pickle it in water and salt when you have occasion to use thereof take what quantity you please and throw it into boyling water although before it had lost its colour six or seven walms will make it green drain it cool it and put it into a pickle of Vinegar for your present use otherwise you may first boyl it in good store of water and salt and keep it in the same liquor but the first way is the best To pickle stalks of Thessell or Sherdowns IN March or April there is Thesell runs up like an Artichoke the root thereof is like to the bottom of an Artichoke both root and stalk being peeled and boyled in water and salt you may pickle them in white-wine it will serve either for baked or boyled meats or else to be ordered and sent to the table as Artichokes To pickle Reddish tops YOu must do with this as you do your Turnips or sprouts of Cabbage it will serve for a hot sallet To pickle Taragon YOur Taragon being stripped from the stalk put it into your Glass or Vessel and let your pickle be half white-wine half Vinegar so keep it for your use To pickle Cowslips THey are only to be pickled with Vinegar and Sugar To pickle Fennell or Dill. LET your water boyl then having your young Fennell tyed up in bunches half a dozen walms will be enough drain it and let your pickle be Vinegar To pickle Red Cabbage TAke your close-leav'd Red-Cabbage and
cut it in quarters and when your liquor boyls give it a dozen walms and pickle it in Claret-wine Vinegar you may put into it your Beet-roots boyled and your Turnips half-boyled it will all serve both for garnishing and sallet for your Turnips thereby shall be dyed into a crimson colour a handsom garnishing to the eye To pickle Burdock-Roots YOur Burdock-Roots being scraped and half-boyled pickle them with half white-wine half Vinegar with a little Pepper and Salt and when you will make use of them slice them thin To pickle Lemmon and Orange Pill THey being boyled with Vinegar and Sugar put them up into the same pickle you must observe to cut them in small long thongs the length of half the Pill of your Lemmon being pared it is an handsom savoury Winter-sallet these ought to be fi●st boyled in water before you boyl them in Sugar To pickle Ashen Keyes BOyl your Ashen Keyes in water and let the pickle be Vinegar To pickle curled Endive YOu must give your Endive a scald in a walm of boyling water and pickle it with half white-wine and half Vinegar To pickle Charnell YOu must give your Charnell two or three walms in boyling water the pickle must be only with Vinegar To pickle Quinces TAke your fair Quinces and core them with your boring irons or scoop take the worst of your Quinces and cut them to pieces and boyl your core or pieces in your pan of liquor so that you make the liquor strong then boyl your Quinces prepared to pickle till they may be supposed a quarter boyled then strain out your liquor with your hair-sieve or strainer and put a small quantity of salt add thereto some strong beer and put up your Quinces whole in your Vessel or Pot and pour in some of the same liquor and stop them close up To pickle Bramble-Fruit IT is a long berry but full of stones some call them Services or Hipps Your pickle is beer-vinegar and a little Sugar you must give them three or four walms but if they are full ripe you are to pickle them raw as they are To pickle Broom-buds PUt your Broom-buds into little Linnen Baggs tye them up close make a pickle of Bay-salt and water being boyled together so that it will bear an egg when it is cold put it into your Vessel or Pot to your baggs of Broom-buds keep it close stopt and let it lye until it looks black shift it again once or twice until it change to a bright or green colour afterwards take it out and boyl it as your occasion calls for and pickle it in Vinegar It will keep a moneth or two To pickle Bog-berries BOyl up some Vinegar and Sugar together and pour it in being hot into your Pot or Vessel where your Bog-berries are And they will serve to garnish your dishes all the Winter you may do the like to pickle Hogg-haws only boyl them up if they are not ripe To pickle Grapes LET not your Grapes be fully ripe their pickle is white-wine and a little Sugar To pickle Red and White Currans TAke Vinegar and white-wine with so much Sugar as will make it pretty sweet then take your Red or White Currans being not fully ripe and give them one walm so cover them over with the said pickle keeping them alwayes under liquor To pickle Elder or many other budds of trees in the Spring that useth to serve for Spring-sallets GIve them one or two walms with Vinegar Salt whole Pepper long Mace and a Lemmon-Pill cut in pieces then drain them and let the Buds and the Liquor cool severally afterwards put them in a Pot and cover them with your pickle To pickle Cabbage-stalks ABout Michaelmas you may take your Cabbage-stalks an handful or more from the Cabbage or so far as the pith is good shave off the out-side and cut them in quarters half boyl them in water and salt then cut the pith from the outward pill and pickle it in white-wine a little stale beer bruised Pepper large Mace a few Fennel-seeds and salt you may slice out this with your pickled sallets To pickle Shampinnions YOu must give them two or three walms and pikle them in white-wine Vinegar bruised Pepper Salt with a little large Mace To pickle Sleep-at-noon LEt your water boyl with a little salt throw it in and let it have three or four walms put it forth into a Cullender when it is cold pickle it in white-wine Vinegar with a little Pepper and large Mace To pickle the stalks of March-Mallows IN the latter end of March and in April your stalks will be as big as a childs finger you may gather of them the cuantity of a bushel more or less break them in lengths about five or six inches and pill off the outward peel and when your pan boyls with water and an handful of salt put them in and let them have five or six walms then take them up with your Scummer and lay them a draining until they are cold and make your pickle with stale beer some Vinegar gross Pepper and an handful of salt when they are pilled as aforesaid you may take an handful of them and eaven them at the ends and cut them as round as you can about the bigness of a Pease thus do until you have cut a good dish of them then lay on a skillet of water and let it boyl with some beaten Pepper tyed in a ragg put them in and let them boyl quick as you do pease when they are enough put them into a Cullender let the water drain from them put them in a dish with sweet butter and toss them up together dish them after the manner of pease with Pepper and Salt on the dish brims And they differ very little in their taste from Pease therefore some call them March Pease To pickle Alexander-Buds TAke Alexander-Buds before they begin to run to seed take off their loose leaves and top so that the bud may be firm cut part of the root to it let them be half-boyled in water and salt then put them from the liquor and when they are cold pickle them with Vinegar salt and a little stale beer when you dish them up you must slit them in the middle To pickle Mallagatoons YOu must take them before they are ripe so that with a knife you may split them through the stone then take half so much Sugar as they weigh and put it in as much water as will boyl them up and when your Sugar and water boyls well scum it and put in your Mallagatoons with their skin-side downward and let them simber but not boyl up after this manner you may do Peaches and Apricocks being not full ripe or Apples in halves pickle them in the said pickle as you boyl them this will serve for the garnishing of sallets In these varieties of pickles you have matter sufficient to make Grand-sallets for the Winter as also for the Summer being many times desired for
of Pepper with a handful of sweet herbs and sage about a spoonful of Salt all this being mixed cast them on both sides of your Pigg then Coller it close beginning at the tail and bind it up wash it clean from the herbs and put it a boyling in fair water keep it constantly scummed when it is more then half-boyled put in a faggot of sweet herbs some large Mace a race of two of Ginger sliced with half a pint of Vinegar and a piece of Izenglass or at least boyl your Izenglass and your Spice in so much of it that you intend to jelly The Pigg being boyled put it forth into your Vessel or pan take away the top and the bottom of your broth or jelly melt it and pour it to your Pigg again dish up your Pigg when you are ready cut your Coller into three or four and dish the head in the middle on the top of them with an apple in his mouth beat your jelly and garnish your Pigg and dish with slices and gobbets with some slices on the back as also with flowers and Bay leaves To Coller Porck YOu may take a piece of Porck out of the side as you did before of Brawn being watered all night and well squeezed from the blood seasoned with a good handful of Sage sweet Margerom Time and Parslee minced together very small then having cut out of a fillet of Veal so many thin collops hackt with a back of a knife and washed over with yolks of eggs cover over your said Coller with your eggy side of your Veal downwards then wash over your Veal on the upper side with eggs and throw on your seasoning with so much Salt as you may imagine may season it and it will congeal together by reason of the eggs so Coller it and bind it up and when it is boyled Sowce it with some of the said liquor and a little Vinegar beaten Pepper and Ginger You may slice a Coller thereof when you dish it it will fill three or four great dishes or chargers or you may send it up in a Coller garnish about your dish with sage and flowers and stick your Porck with Bay-leaves or Rosemary and flowers To Coller Mutton TAke a breast of Mutton and bone it cut off the neck part of it slice it about the brisket soak it very well in water from all the blood it being dryed and spread abroad season it with an Onion a little Sampier a few Capers a pickle Cowcumber add to it a little Time all this being small minced together throw it on your meat with Pepper Cloves Mace a little Ginger and Salt with some pieces of Anchoves all over sprinkle a top thereof with your feather the yolk of an egg then wind up your Coller exceeding close and boyl it with water and salt with a faggot or two of sweet herbs you may cut a neck in five or six pieces and lard it with Lemmon-pill and boyl with it thus you may do with your Chines also but if you Sowce your Chines you must lard them with bacon being boyled put Vinegar into the liquor This will also serve for a hot boyled meat the lear being made as you shall see in the hot boyled meats if you send it up cold you may cut it into so many slices as you have larded pieces put the highest Coller in the middle then garnish your dish with Sampier or Capers your meat with Lemmon To Coller Goats flesh TAke your Goats flesh breast or neck bone it cut it and beat it out as thin at one place as another season it with Pepper Salt some Cloves Mace a little Time sweet Margerom Winter-Savory and Ginger beaten Coller it bind it and bake it in a Pot put a pint of white-wine and strong broth thereto when it is baked add more wine to the liquor cut it in the middle and let it lye in the pickle so you may send it up in slices or how you please To Coller Geese BOne your Geese and cut them square fit to be Collered let them soak one night in their seasoning it being Cloves and Mace Pepper and Salt so in the morning take it forth and put small pieces of Anchoves all over and Westphalie bacon minced then roul it up as aforesaid and boyl it in strong broth with a little whole Pepper and large Mace pickle them in the same liquor when you dish them cut them in halves then the two sides will stand upwards dish them up garnish the brims of your dish with Westphalie bacon minced To Coller Swan BOne your Swan and part the two sides season it as the Geese aforesaid only instead of the Westphalie Bacon and Anchoves take thin slices of fat bacon almost the breadth of the sides season them with small Pepper and Sage minced and dip them into yolks of eggs and so lay them on upon the sides of your Swan and roul them up into Collers let your pickle as aforesaid be as to the Geese boyl the head to set upon your Collers in the middle of your dish To Coller Brand Geese or Wiggens DO as you did by your Geese before only add thereto an Onion or two before you have Collered it this will all serve for second course in case you want number of dishes or else you may use them for the first course By the same rule you may do any other fowl according to their nature in the time of season BOOK III. To Sowce Pickle or Marble Fish To Coller Eeles TAke your greatest Eele and cover it well with salt split it down the back close to the bone then cut out the bone as bare as you can wash them and dry them well and lay them upon a dresser-board strowed with salt that he may not slip when you go to Coller him then take a handful of minced Oysters with a little Time sweet-Margerom Winter savory one Onion minced small then some Nutmegs Cloves and Mace beaten small all this being mingled strow it on the inside of your Eeles the salt that lyes on the slippery side of the Eele will be enough to season it if not add some more thereunto so roul them up close and bind them with Tape boyl them in fair water and salt with a little Vinegar a faggot or two of sweet herbs and two or three whole Onions and sliced Ginger let that be your pickle then at your pleasure you may serve them up to the Table garnish them with Fennel and flowers as you see good To Sowce a Tench to be served in jelly TAke a Tench and split him down the back only cut off the head whole when you have washed them clean from the blood boyl them up with white-wine water Vinegar and salt with large Mace sliced Ginger Nutmegs slices of Lemmon so let them boyl in no more liquor then will cover them and keep them down under liquor with a dish or plate when he is boyled take him up with your scummer and
a quantity of Beef-suet and sweet-herbs seasoned with Cloves Mace Nutmeg and Cinamon beaten add to it a little Sugar rose-Rose-water and one handful of Barberries a little Salt make it into a body with the yolks of eggs and you may put in the whites of half of them in this forced meat It is necessary you put in dryed Cittron and Orangado minced very small you may green what part of it you please as you did the other this serves for your sweet boyled meats or baked meats of flesh or to force any thing that you would dress sweet to please some palates if desired BOOK VI. Containing strong Broths and Pottages with other preparations of Cookery To make Strong Broth for your use in dressing of meat TAke a leg of Veal or other knuckles of Mutton and Veal being well soaked in divers waters and the blood dryed clean out put it a boyling in fair Running-water keep it scumming during the boyling when it is almost boyled you may add a faggot of sweet herbs large Mace and a little Salt your meat may be used for service but preserve your Broth in a Pipkin An excellent Cordial Broth. TAke a Cock or two cut off their wings and legs cleanse all the blood out of the inside parboyle them very well that when they are boyled there may arise no more scum then wash them again in fair water put them in a pitcher with a pinte of Rhenish wine and as much of your aforesaid strong Broth as will cover them add thereto a few Cloves large Mace sliced Ginger and Nutmeg a little whole white Pepper if desired with a small quantity of Chainie and an onnce or two of Harts-horn put in a little Salt and stop up your pitcher close that no steam may come forth then having a Pot over the fire let your Pitcher boyl therein about six hours then pour out your Broth through a strainer into a bason and scruise in the juice of two or three Lemmons this may be heated as you have occasion It is not only Cordial but good against a Consumption also To make a Pottage of broth to serve up with a Bisk or grand boyled meat WHen you boyl up your Fowl or other meat for that purpose you may use the strong Broth before cited and boyl as much meat therein as you have when it is at the full strength take a quart the●eof add a pinte of gravie drawn with wine half a dozen of Anchovies two or three whole Onions a quarter of a pinte of Oyster liquor one handful of Raspine of your French Bread the juice of two or three Lemmons the yolks of a couple of eggs beaten into it when you are ready to use it with a sliced Nutmeg so draw it up all together this is a Pottage or Broth fitting for savoury boyled meats if you please you may use some herbs in the said Broth for some of your boyled meats as Spinnage Sorrel Endiff Lettice Purslin or the like however forget not some faggots of sweet herbs in the boyling of it up This is a rich Broth with a very high hogo Another way TAke a quart of strong Broth put to it four whole Onions a faggot or two of sweet herbs some large Mace a handful of Goosberries with Lettice and Endiff hackt the yolks of two eggs beaten in half a pinte of white-wine two Lemmons cut dice wayes when your Broth is boyled with your herbs put in your eggs and wine adding to it a sliced Nutmeg so draw it up till it boyls then cast in a ladleful of drawn butter if it should be too thick you may add any quantity of Broth you please to it this is a savoury sharp Broth and may be served up with Veal or Mutton or what Fowl you please But let not your Goosberries be boyled too much for fear they turn to mash To make a Broth or Pottage called Skinck TAke a leg or legs of Beef according to the quantity of broth you would have cut off the meat in pieces bigger then an egg break the bone in pieces let them lye a soaking in water washing and cleansing it clean from the blood put it in your Pot and a little more then cover it with water set it over the fire watch the boyling and scumming thereof then put a quantity of Pepper tyed up in a rag or cloth and when it is above half boyled add four whole Onions a little Cloves and Mace whole a Race or two of Ginger sliced take forth a ladleful thereof and steep a ragg full of Saffron in it bruise it with the handle of your knife until you have coloured it or the vertue of the Saffron gone then put in the ladleful of Broth again and let it boyl until your meat be exceeding tender or to the consuming of half your Broth season it with salt to your pallate and dish it up on sippets of French bread with some of the meat in the middle of the dish this is the Skinck but you may alter it sometimes by putting a handful or two of chopt clove-Cabbage otherwise by bruised Spinnage and Endiff cut your herbs in this case must not be shred small you may add sliced Manchet to it which way you please If you put in any of these they must boyl out their time which is about half an hour otherwise they will lose their colour To make white Broth. TAke a pinte or a quart of white-wine put it on the fire in a Pipkin with three or four quartered Pippins being pared eight Dates cut in halves a faggot of sweet herbs large Mace whole Cinamon a quartered Nutmeg let them all boyl together if you want liquor add a pinte of strong Broth take the Marrow of three Marrow-bones put it also in when your aforesaid Broth boyls but if you please wrap it up in the yolks of eggs and a little grated bread lest it melt away then take the yolks of four eggs well beaten with wine or strong Broth your Broth and ingredients being boyled stir it therein so season it to your pallate with white Sugar and take it off the fire some add a pinte of Cream to the eggs but there is great danger therein that it turns when the wine and Cream comes together let both of them be boyled first and almost cold before you compound them together then you may set them on and heat it again by a continual stirring of them together this Broth you may serve up with boyled Capons or Chickens garnish the Marrow and Dates upon the breast you may if you please use Spanish Potatoes boyled and sliced or skirrets in this Broth but for dishing and sending away your meat you may see further in the Book of boyled meats To make Stewed-Broth TAke your shins of Beef or Mutton otherwise what meat is allowed being washed and set on scum it clean then slice your brown bread and soak it in the said Broth when it is so soaked rub it through a
boyl them well together then put in some small bunches of grapes and some loose with a handful of minced Oysters a handful of parboyled Parslee minced very small likewise and a Nutmeg sliced thicken it with the yolks of two eggs so pour it all over your meat garnish it with Grapes on the top of it pour over all your Oysters a ladleful of drawn butter and strow on the yolks of hard eggs minced small To boyl a leg of Veal and Bacon LArd your leg of Veal with Bacon all over and a little Lemmon-pill amongst it then boyl it with a piece of middle Bacon when your Bacon is boyled cut it in slices season it with Pepper and dryed Sage mixed together dish up your Veal with the Bacon round about it send up with it saucers of Green-sauce strow over it Parslee and Barberries To make your Green-sauce two wayes 1. TAke a handful or two of Sorrell beat it in a Morter with two Pippins pared and quartered add thereto a little Vinegar and Sugar this is your Green-sauce to send in Saucers 2. Take two handfuls of Sorrel beat it well in a Morter scruse out the juice of it put thereto a little Vinegar Sugar drawn butter and a grated Nutmeg set it on the coals until it is hot and pour it into your dish on your sippets so dish up your Veal and Bacon To boyl a breast of Veal BOne your breast of Veal and beat it well then wash and dry it having one handful of sweet herbs Parslee and a little Sage minced small with a small quantity of Cloves Mace and Nutmeg beaten adding to it a little salt wash over the inside of your Veal with the yolks of eggs and strow your herbs all over it and lay over it some slices of Bacon dipt in the yolks of eggs so roul it up into a Coller and bind it with Tape boyl it with a piece of middle Bacon when it is enough cut out your Coller in eight slices and dish it on sippets slice out your Bacon in the same number dished between your Veal let your Lear be made with gravie and strong Broth with a sliced Nutmeg drawn up thick with drawn butter and the yolk or two of an egg pour it over your meat garnish it with slices of Bacon fryed up in yolks of eggs To boyl a Knuckle of Veal with the Neck cut in five pieces to be served in Broth. LArd the pieces of the Neck with Lemmon put it a boyling in fair water or strong Broth if you have it let it be clean scummed put therein a faggot of sweet herbs a little large Mace when it is almost boyled put in some small forced meat balls both green and white two handfuls of Spinnage with one Manchet in slices when it is enough dish up your Knuckle upon sippets in the middle of your dish and the pieces round about with the forced meat between and the herbs and broth over your meat you may lay on slices of Bacon if you please To boyl a leg of Pork LEt your leg of Pork be well powdered for a week then boyl it and having a handful of boyled Sage minced very small put it into a little strong Broth with butter and Pepper then let your Turnips be boyled as before for your leg of Mutton toss your Sage and them together with more drawn butter dish up your Pork and lay on your Turnips over it you may stuff your leg of Pork first with Parslee and Sage and boyl it up with Cabbage after the same manner being chopt a little and tost up in drawn butter To boyl Capons or Hens for the Winter-season AFter your Capons or Hens are boyled with a piece of bacon take a pinte of strong Broth and white-wine put in a pound of Sassages two or three whole Onions a little Nutmeg and large Mace a faggot of sweet herbs a quart of Oysters a little minced Time let them boyl up together thicken them with the yolk of an egg and a little drawn butter dish up your Capons or Pullets on your sippets then pour on your Lear and Oysters upon the breasts and the Sassages round about with slices of Bacon betwixt garnish them with Lemmon strow them over with the yolks of hard eggs minced Another way with Mushroms IF you gather your Mushroms peel off the outward skin and barb them underneath throw them into water then take them up and put them in a Tinn dish put to them some whole Pepper Mace and three or four whole Onions set them on the fire for a while and there will run from them much liquor stir them about in the said liquor when they are well shrunk pour the liquor from them and put to them a little white-wine and strong Broth Oyster liquor with three or four Anchovies a little minced Time and sliced Nutmeg add to them half a pinte of the best gravie thicken the liquor with the yolks of two eggs beaten and a little drawn butter your Capons or Pullets being dished upon sippets toss up your Mushroms and pour them on your Capons garnished with Lemmon To boyl Chickens BOyl your Chickens in water and salt with a faggot of sweet herbs and large Mace put in a piece of butter keep them white then take a little strong Broth and white-wine● some bunches of Grapes when they are boyled together put in a sliced Nutmeg the yolk of an egg to make it thick with a handful of Parslee scalded and minced with a ladleful of drawn butter so dish up your Chickens and pour on your Lear garnish them with Lemmon and put your bunches of Grapes on the breasts of the Chickens Another way TAke half a pinte of the juice of Sorrell set it on the fire then take three or four bunches of Sparragrass being already boyled but not too much cut off the buds so long as your finger then cut off another cut from your Sparragrass if they be not stalky put them into your Sorrell that is heating on the fire and with them a ladleful of drawn butter and grated Nutmeg a little set Parslee minced if you add a little Vinegar you must do the like with Sugar that it be not too sharp neither must it be too sweet Set your dish with sippets on a heap of coals which you ought to do with all your meat put strong Broth to your sippets that the fire may make them swell dish up your Chickens shake your Lear together put the Sparragrass on the breasts with a little drawn butter thereon Another way TAke your bottoms of Artichokes being already almost boyled cut them in slices not too thin then take the marrow of two or three Marrow-bones and boyl it in a little white-wine and strong Broth put in your Artichokes and let them boyl together until they be enough thicken it with a little drawn butter and the yolk of an egg cut your Chickens in halves and dish them on your sippets so take out your Marrow
turn it and froth it on the fire and dish it up in order your sawce must be Butter and Vinegar Mustard and Sugar being mingled together put it into your dish so lay on a little drawn Butter and garnish it with Lemmon you may lay on Sassages round your dish if you please To Carbonado Turkies YOU must observe the same order as you did in the Goose your sawce must be a little gravy and strong broth boyled up with an Onion and a little grated bread with sliced Nutmegg an Anchovie and a ladle of drawn butter add a little salt dish up your Turky and put your sawce all over it strow it over with Barberries and garnish it with Lemmon To Carbonado Henns LET your sawce be a little White wine and Gravy half a dozen of the yolks of hard eggs minced boyled up with an Onion add to it a grated Nutmeg thicken it up with the yolks of an egg or two with a laddle of drawn butter dish up your Henns and pour over your sawce strow on yolks of eggs minced and garnish it with Lemmon To Carbonado Veal TAke a breast of Veal lard it very thick with bacon and when it is boyled Carbonado it long and cross-wayes wash it over with a little butter and the yolk of an egg strow it over with salt put it on your Gridiron with the right side downward untill it be of a yellowish brown dish it up garnish it with a little fryed bacon let your Leare be a little strong broth boyled up with some minced Time and some Nutmegg grated a little Vinegar and a ladle of drawn butter pour it over your meat so scruise in an Orange or two and garnish it with Oranges cut in quarters To Carbonado Mutton BOyl a shoulder or breast of Mutton then scortch them over as aforesaid and strow on minced Time Salt and a little Nutmeg when they are broyled dish them up let your sawce be Claret wine boyled up with two Onions a little Sampier and Capers minced with drawn butter and gravy pour this all over your meat and garnish it with Lemmon A dish of Collops of Mutton Broyld CUT off a piece of your legg of Mutton close to the bone cut it into Collops very thin back them as broad as you can with the back of a great knife and lay them in a broad dish then having a little Time small minced and a Nutmeg grated mingled with a little salt strow the one half on the upperside of your Collops your Gridiron being clean rubbed with the skin of Bacon put on your Collops with the seasoned side downwards then cast the rest of your seasoning on the other side and let them broyle on a moderate fire when the one side is enough turn them they must not be brown so let your dish be on the coals with a little gravy dish them up in a heap pour on a little butter and gravy hot cover them with a dish and send them hot to the table being garnisht with sliced Lemmon Steakes of Pork Broyled TAke a Loyn of Pork cut off the skin and about an inch or more of the fat if the Loyn be so fat then cut off your steakes with your Cleaver very thin and beat them with the flat thereof as broad and as thin as you can Lay them on a dish strow them over with a little salt and Sage minced very small so lay them on your Gridiron and season the other side let your sawce be drawn Butter Vinegar and Mustard with a little Sugar when they are ready dish them up and put the sawce to them To Carbonado a Calves head WHen it is boyled according to the usual manner Carbonado it and strow on salt so wash it over with the yolk of an egg and drawn butter rub the bars of your Gridiron with the skin of fat Bacon and ler it broyl gently to a yellowish brown dish it up with your tongue about it your Leare may be a pint of Oysters stewed up in gravy and wine with a ladle of drawn butter put to it so pour it all over your Calves head and put your sliced Bacon round about Garnish it with Lemmon To Broyl a Chine of Pork WHen your Pork is boyled wash it over with a little butter and broyl it then take your Raw Turnips cut to pieces in the length and bigness of your thumb being boyled in a little strong broth and milk tost up with some drawn butter and vinegar your Pork being disht pour this all over it Garnish your dish with Barberries strowing some over the meat and send it up There are many Gentry who delight in Carbonadoes and broyled meats for indeed it is a very good savory and wholesome meat therefore I do acquaint the Student in Cookery that he may make use of this way for any other meats or Joynts which I have here omitted provided the sawce be natural to the meat Butter and Vinegar being the good old sawce for most broyled meats As for Example Boyl a Brisket of Beef take off the skin and Carbonado it then broyl it dish it and serve it up with Cabbadge or Turnips your Leare is butter and Vinegar In the same manner you may do the Goose or skin that you took off BOOK X. Containing Frigasies and Frying How to fry all manner of Garnishing YOu must beat the yolks of eggs put in the beating a little flower and Sack make them into a batter add to the batter some grated Nutmeg if you make much you may put in four whites amongst eight eggs let it be thick How to fry Oysters in Batter LET your Pan be hot with your Clarified Butter or tryed Suit and your Oysters being set and dryed dip your Oysters in the aforesaid Batter and put them into your pan do not over charge your pan if you do it will Rise up in a froth and spoil that which you fry hold your pan on a hot fire with your Oysters and when they are come to a lovely brown take them out with your cummer thus you may fry sliced Lobsters Pranes or Periwinkles the tayls of Crafish to serve for the garnishing of your fish you may fry Rosemary dipt slightly in Batter your Pan must be very hot to fry Bay-leaves Fennel or Parslee your scummer must alwayes be in your hand for assoon as they become green and crisp they will turn black if you take them not forth these things you must not dip in batter you may fry Skirrets sliced Potatoes and bacon in thin slices in the said batter If you would fry green then you must scald some Spinnage in boyling water and mince it with your knife exceeding small you may strain in a little of the juice of it but then you must add more flower beat this in with the yolks of eggs and fry your green away with your pan seasoned as your other before To know if your Pan be hot if it leave ●ishing and begin to smoak then it is
cut them in slices or Collops beginning at the butt end until you come within five inches of the tip and cut that in sippets length wayes both of your Udder and Tongue then take a handful of Spinnage Parslee Time sweet Margerum and Wintersavoury minced exceeding small and put it into your dish with the Udder and Tongue put to it Cloves Mace and Cinamon beaten with a little Salt the yolks of six or seven eggs and mingle it all together very well with your hands then fry it in clarified butter put it forth into a great stewing-dish on a heap of coals with Clares-wine beaten Cinamon and Ginger Sugar a little Vinegar a branch or two of Rosemary and a handful of grated bread when it boyls up together add a ladleful of drawn butter so dish it up with the slices of your tops of Tongues c. round about like sippets and pour on your Lear. To potch a dish of Eggs for a weak stomach TAke a handful of very good Sorrel beaten in a Morter strain it forth with the juice of Lemmon and a little Vinegar put to it a little Sugar and grated Nutmeg then take some sippets hardened upon a Gridiron and lay them on the bottom of your dish put on them a little strong Broth and a spoonful of drawn butter then pour in your Sorrell and set it on a great heap of coals your eggs being potched in a little water and salt either in a clean frying pan or a broad bottomed skillet with a little more water then will cover them then take them up drain them from the water and lay them on your sippets so cover them and send them suddenly away you must observe that your sauce must never be no hotter on the fire then that you may eat it without cooling it again for if you do it will change the colour of your Sorrell and give your Lemmon and it a bad taste Another way rich and strengthening PUt sippets in your dish as aforesaid then beat half a handful of Pistaches and put them into half a pinte of very good Mutton gravie distill them over the fire adding a grated Nutmeg and the juice of a Lemmon with two or three Anchovies dissolved in some of the gravie then put it to or on your sippets being on a great fire then dish up your potched eggs drained clean from the water on your sippets put all your Pistaches over your eggs with a little drawn Butter to make them look handsom Another way FIll your dish with toasted sippets as aforesaid put to them a pinte or half a pinte of Tent or Muscadine grate a Nutmeg on them your eggs being very rarely done and drained clean from the water by a little false bottom or spoon made for that purpose lay them on your sippets and wine being moderately warm send them up How to Butter Eggs. BReak about sixteen eggs or what you please beat them and put them into a deep dish with about half a pound of Butter or more in pieces and almost melted set them upon a great heap of coals until they begin to come together in the bottom then have about a dozen toasts ready through the roul put them all over the bottom of your dish and with a great spoon rake them round from one side to the other and lay the fleaks as they rise upon your toasts in the dish this must be done with much quickness and diligence lest it burn to the bottom when all is laid on the toasts pour over every one of them drawn Butter stick them with small toasts and send them up Another way BReak them on Butter as aforesaid then bring them up into a tender body with your spoon dish them into a dish with toasts round about this is your common way To fry Collops and Eggs. CUt your Collops out of middling Bacon exceeding thin and about four inches long so cutting of it off the rine at once part it into a dish of fair water and let them lye an hour or two to take away the Salt then take them forth and dry them from the water and fry them in a pan with Butter or tryed stuff keep them tossed while they are a frying put them in a dish before they are through crisp and set them before the fire then pour the liquor out of your pan and make it exceeding clean by scouring of it with the shells of eggs then almost fill your pan with pure clarified dripping or butter when it is hot but not to blister your white much break in your eggs one by one then put them on your Trivett on Charcoals and part them asunder with your knife and shake your liquor all over them so will they fry on the top your need not turn them in case your pan be not full enough you may just turn them and dish them upon your Bacon and part of the Bacon on the top of them this way they will be as white or whiter then potched Many more things of this nature is or may be used in Frigasying or Frying but by the knowledge of these all other things according to their nature may be performed by an ingenious Practitioner BOOK XI Containing all manner of Sallets and Roast-meats with their several sauces To make Sallets To make a Grand Sallet for the Spring YOur Gardiner or those that serve you with herbs must supply you with all manner of Spring-Sallets as buds of Cowslips Violets Strawberries Primrose Brooklime Watercresses young Lettice Spinnage Alexander-buds or what other things may be got either backward or forward in the Spring having all these things severally and apart then take by themselves Sampier Olives Capers Broom-buds Cowcumbers Raisons and Currans parboyled blanched Almonds Barberries or what other pickles you can obtain then prepare your standard for the middle of your dish it may be a wax tree or a standard of Paste like a Castle being washed in the yolks of eggs and all made green with herbs as also a tree within that in the like manner may be made with Paste made green and stuck with flowers so that you may not perceive it but to be a tree with about twelve supporters round stooping to and fastened in holes in your Castle and the other end bending out to the middle of your dish they may be formed with Paste then having four rings of Paste the one bigger then another like unto hoops your biggest must come over your Castle and reach within three inches of the foot of your supporter the second to be within two inches of that and so place as many as you please gradually that they may be like as many steps going up to a Cross you may have likewise four Belconies in your Castle with four Statues of the four seasons this done place your Sallet a round of one sort on the uppermost ring or step so round all the other till you come to the dish with every one a several sort then place all your
pickles from that to the brims of your dish severally one answering another As for example if you have two of white and two of green let them be opposite the white against the white and the green against the green and so all the other so your dishes bottom being wholly covered below your Mount garnish your dish with all kinde of things sutable or afforded by the Spring your Statues ought to have every one a Cruitt placed in their hands two with Vinegar and two with Oyl when this Sallet is made let it be carried to the Table and set in its place and when the guests are all placed unstop the Cruitts that the Oyl and Vinegar may run on the Sallet these Cruitts must be glasses not a quarter of a pinte apiece sized over on the outside and strowed with flowers After the same manner may you make your Sallet in Summer Autumn or Winter only take those Sallets that are then in season and changing of your standard for in the Summer you ought to resemble a green tree and in the Autumn a Castle carved out of Carrets and Turnips in the Winter a tree hanged with Snow This only is for great Feasts and may inform the Practitioner in such Feasts for the honour of his Master and benefit of himself the Paste that you make your Castle or Standard with must be made of Rye The Flesh Sallet of a Capon or Turkey TAke of either slice it very thin as for a Hash put that which is white of the breast and wings by its self and that which is black of the legs or other part of the Fowl by its self put the rump and sides of the rump in the dish and the other bones of the legs and wings about the sides of the dish like sippets then season your meat with a few Sives a little Tarragon Speeremint and Parslee with the Cabbage o● two of Lettice mince these exceeding small add a little small Pepper Salt and sliced Nutmeg with a little Horse Raddish scraped and minced mingle your seasoning together and strow it on your Sallet pour on Oyl and Vinegar so toss it up together let your blackest flesh be laid all over the bottom of your dish and bones and your whitest on the top of all strow on a Lemmon Cut in Dice and garnish it at your pleasure A made dish of Parmyzant TAke a Grater and grate half a pound of Parmyzant then grate as much Manchet and mince some Tarragon together with Horse Raddish season this with almost a handful of Carraway Comfits put to it a little brisk Claret-wine to moisten it over then dish it in a small dish from the middle to the brim in parcells as broad as your knife garnish it with Carraway Comfits Horse-Raddish and Tarragon send it up the last dish of your mess or messes with Mustard and Sugar because at a Feast it is not common to send up a whole Cheese A Sallet of a dryed Neats-Tongue LEt your tongue be exceeding red sliced as thin as a groat and about the same bigness put to it a little Tarragon minced small toss it with Oyl and Vinegar and dish it put Bay-leaves round your meat and strow on West-phalie Bacon on the brims of your dish A Sallet of Fennell TAke young Fennell about a span long in the Spring tye it up in bunches as you do Sparragrass when your skillet boyls put in enough to make a dish when it is boyled and drained dish it up as you do Sparragrass pour on Butter and Vinegar and send it up A Sallet of green Pease WHen your green Pease appear about a handful and half from the ground cut off enough to boyl for your Sallet let your liquor boyl before you put it 〈◊〉 when it is tender pour it forth into your Cullender let all the water be drained clean out of it into a dish with some drawn Butter season it with Salt and hack it with your knife and toss it together in the Butter so dish it up Thus may you do with Turnip or Raddish-tops that are young A Sallet of boyled Spinnage BOyl your Spinnage as before you did your Pease but in Broth if you have it you must boyl it exceeding quick else it will change colour put it out into your Cullender and drain it from the water hack it with a knife and put it in a stewing-dish with a handful or two of parboyled Currans a little Vinegar drawn Butter Sugar a grated Nutmeg and Salt mingle it altogether and let it stand on a heap of coals until it begins to boyl up have ready a matter of a dozen toasts cut thin through the penny Manchet put them into the bottom of your dish and put your Sallet on them with a spoon in heaps so scrape on Sugar I having before hinted of several Sallets in the Spring season need not speak to you of the Summer because there is none almost but knows so many varieties of that season and so much made use of by the vulgar that it would take up not only a great deal of my time which may be better spent to recite them but fill my volume which I have intended for a better use As for part of the Autumn and Winter I have before prescribed you Rules to pickle I shall leave you to that and so proceed to what is behind Rules how to Roast meats with their several Sauces To roast a Hanch of Venison IF your Venison hath been seasoned you must water it and stick it with short sprigs of Rosemary let your sauce be Claret-wine a handful of grated bread Cinamon Ginger Sugar a little Vinegar boyl these up so thick as it may only run like batter it ought to be sharp and sweet dish up your meat on your sauce To roast a Jegget of Mutton YOur Jegget of Mut●on is the leg and half the loyn cut to it draw it with Lemmon-pill and Time roast it soberly save the gravie in a dish under it put therein Claret-wine two or three Onions cut in halves two Anchovies a spoonful or two of Elder-Vinegar let this boyl up together then put in a few minced Capers and Sampier with a Nutmeg sliced this is sauce for your Jigget of Mutton or for any other roast Mutton you may add what gravie you have to it and Oyster-liquor To roast a shoulder of Mutton with Oysters Your Oysters being parboyled put to them some Parslee Time and Wintersavoury minced small with the yolks of six hard eggs minced a handful of grated bread three or four yolks of eggs so mingle all together with your hands your shoulder or other joynt of Mutton being spitted lay it upon the dresser make holes with your knife and put in your Oysters with the herbs and ingredients after them about twenty Oysters will be enough take ●he rest of your quart or as many as you have put them into a deep dish with some Claret-wine two or three Onions in halves a couple of
and serve it up To bake an Oyster Pie TAke a good handful of Parslee Time Wintersavoury an Onion or two mince them very small put to them a little grated bread Cloves Mace Nutmeg Salt and Pepper beaten season your great parboyled Oysters and put them into your Coffin put on them some blanched Chesnuts and a Potatoe boyled and cut in pieces with the yolks of hard eggs cut in halves if it be not a fasting day you may add Marrow so put over it some sliced Lemmon large Mace Butter and close up your Pie and bake him you must put them in a thin Coffin for a little more then half an hour will be a sufficient baking for them when it is enough lear it with Oyster liquor White-wine the yolk or two of an egg and drawn Butter cut up your Pie and put it in shake it together and let it stand a little in the oven and serve it up To make a Batillye of Pie of Fish YOu must set a large Coffin cut with battlements and set forth round the Coffin with as many Towers as will contain your several sorts of fish you may set it in the inside also from one bending to another for partitions to lay your several fish with their Lear asunder dry your Coffin well and wash it over in the inside with the yolks of eggs flower it in the bottom to soder it then what ever fish you have prepared before so your Pie must be either broyled or fryed brown in the middle of your Pie you may put the head of a Salmon cut off beyond the gills forced and baked in an Oven bake the heads likewise of your other fish that they may stand upon forced meat bottoms then dish up all your fish in order every sort one opposite to another placed in the several partitions and having ready your Oysters Cockles Perriwinkles and Pranes being boyled up in Lears as you have been formerly taught and thickened up with drawn butter pour it over your fish and garnish on your shell-fish all over and let the forced heads stand over the battlements if your Pie be full of lear you may let it stand in the Oven to keep warm when you send it away pour on lear on the top garnish it with fryed Oysters or Lemmon or what you please You may make the like partitions upon a sheet of Paste in a dish with a standing battlement set round the brims in which partitions you may dish up all manner of shelled fish and send them severally to the Table with their distinct lears To make Peteets of Shrimps or Pranes WHen you have made your little Coffins like Hearts Diamonds round or how you please you may fry up your shelled fish with the yolks of eggs Cinamon Ginger Nutmeg Cloves and Mace beaten together and when they are crisp and brown fill your dryed Coffins with a lear made with a little Claret-wine drawn Butter and Oyster-liquor beaten up with the yolk or two of an egg so put it to your fish and let it stand in the oven until you dish it up By these rules in boyling broyling roasting and baking of those varieties of fish before mentioned the ingenuous Practitioner may know the nature and how to order and dress any other To Marrinate a Carp to be eaten hot or cold TAke a large Carp scaled scoured and washed clean from the slime split him through the head down the back dry him with a cloth sprinkle him with Salt and flower him dry let your pan be hot full with oyl or clarified Butter fry him away very crisp and brown put him in a broad pan with as much White-wine as will cover him with some fryed Bay-leaves and Rosemary a faggot or two of sweet herbs with some sliced Ginger Nutmeg Cloves Mace whole Pepper Salt and a sliced Lemmon so you may dish it up with some of the liquor garnish it with Bay-leaves and Lemmon with your spices all over it To Hash a Carp TAke a good male Carp or two scale and scrape off the slime with your knife when you open them wash out the blood with a little White-wine cut off the heads then take all the flesh from the bone and cut it in pieces as big as the top of your thumb you may cut after the same manner a fat Eele amongst it then take about a pinte of White-wine or Claret-wine put to it a faggot or two of sweet herbs a quartered Nutmeg Ginger Mace a couple of whole Onions and two or three Cloves of Garlick when all these ingredients have boyled a little while in the Wine take them out then add to your Wine half a pinte of Oyster liquor a piece of Butter and the blood of your Carp you saved before and when it boyls very fast put in your Hash of Carps and Eele with about a pinte of Oysters add to it Salt a grated Nutmeg and two or three Anchovies and let it boyl as fast as it can until it is enough and crisp then beat up the yolks of two or three eggs with a ladleful of drawn Butter to thicken it so dish it upon sippets and stick it with toasts fryed stiff with fryed Oysters over them A Frigacy of fresh Salmon TAke a tayl of fresh Salmon and cut it out in pieces as long as your thumb not altogether so thick take sweet Margerum Time Parslee a little Fennel and mince it exceeding small season it with Salt small Pepper Cloves Mace Ginger and Nutmeg beaten put all these to your pieces of Salmon with the yolks of eight eggs mingle it all well together your pan being full of liquor and hot put it in with two or three hands because you must part it one from another that it fryes not in lumps when it begins to turn brown and is about half fryed put out your Butter from it and put in about half a pinte of White-wine as much Oyster liquor a pinte of set Oysters with a little minced Time Nutmeg three Anchovies an Onion or two whole when it is enough beat the yolks of two or three eggs with a little of the liquor put it in and keep it shaking together let it be thick so dish it up on sippets and put drawn butter over it you may garnish it with Shell-fish sliced Lobster or fryed Oysters set it on the coals and grate a Nutmeg over it if none be offended with flesh you may add half a pinte of gravie to this lear To Frigacy great Plaice or Flounders RUn your knife all along upon the bone on the black side of your Plaice then raise the flesh on both sides from the head to the tayl and take out the bone clear then cut it down the middle where the bone went and likewise cross wayes that it may be in Collops the length of half the breadth of the Plaice about two inches broad it being very well dryed from the water and sprinkled with Salt and flowered very dry fry it away in a
Mace and Nutmeg put it into your Coffin with a few Pallets sliced and seasoned and some balls of savory forced meat put in two or three whole Onions with butter and close it up when it is baked put in a lear of Claret wine Vinegar and a little Sugar beaten up with the yolks of two eggs To make a Calves head Pye YOu must cleave your Calves head wash the cheeks very well and when it s almost boyled and cold take it from the bones cut it in pieces about the bigness of a great Oyster then take a pretty quantity of Time sweet Margerum Rosemary Parslee mince them all small together and put it to your meat with a little Pepper Salt Cloves Mace and Nutmeg season some slices of Bacon cut very thin with Pepper and Sage season also a handful of Oysters with the seasoning appertaining to the Calves-head your Coffin being made put in your meat with the Bacon and Oysters all over it slice on Lemmon and put on a handful of Barberries with butter over it so close your Pye make a lear with a little gravy drawn with Claret wine and beaten up thick with two yolks of eggs and a little drawn butter when it is baked cut it up and pour your lear all over put on your lid and serve it up To make a Neats Tongue Pye to be eaten hot TAke a couple of Neats Tongues and almost boyl them then blanch them and cut out the meat at the butt ends as far as you can not breaking it out of the sides put a little suit to the said meat you cut out a few sweet herbs and Parslee minced altogether very small season it with a little Pepper Salt Cloves Mace Ginger and a handful of grated bread a little Sugar and the yolks of three or four eggs mould it up into a body season your tongues in the inside and outside with your seasoning aforesaid and wash them within with the yolk of an egg and force them where you cut forth the meat and make small forced meat balls of the Residue then having your Coffin made in the form of a Neats tongue Pye lay them in with the balls round them put on Dates and sliced Lemmon with butter on the top close it up when it s baked put in a lear of a thin Gallendine or Venison sawce shake it together and send it up To make a Chicken Pye for the Winter TAke half a dozen or eight small Chickens when they are scalded drawn and truss for baking season them with Cloves Mace Nutmeg Cinamon and Salt wrap up part of the seasoning in butter and put it in their bellies your Coffin being made lay them in put over and between them some pieces of marrow quartered Dates pieces of Spanish Potatoes boyled with a sliced Lemmon and half a handful of Barberries stript so put on butter and close up your pye let your lear be made with White wine Sugar a grated Nutmeg and beaten up with the yolk of an egg and a little drawn butter when your pye is ready cut it up and pour it over sha●e your pye well together and cover it you may put Suckets and Chesnu●… 〈…〉 ●…ase Another way WHen you have trus●… and seasoned your Chickens with Pepper Salt Cloves Mace and Nutmeg beaten mince a good handfull of Parslee a little Time and wrap it up in a piece of butter with some of the aforesaid seasoning and stuff the bellies of your Chickens so lay them into your Coffin prepared for them strow over them some Lemmons cut like dice and half a handful of grapes with some pieces of boyled Artichokes and hard Cabage of Lettice so put butter on it and close it up when it is ready put in a lear of White wine and gravie beaten up thick with a little drawn butter and the yolk of an egg and a grated Nutmeg shake it together and serve it up Another way YOur Chickens being seasoned as aforesaid you may if you please cut them in halves or quarters and put them in your Coffin so may your pye be the larger and the lower when it s baked plain take a little Verjuice White wine and a handful of parslee boyled green and minced with a bunch or two of Sparragrass boyled and cut in pieces an inch long when your Lear boyls put this all in together with some sliced Artichoke grated Nutmeg a little Sugar and drawn butter beaten up thick with the yolk of an egg when your pye is ready pour your lear all over your Chickens and shake it together thus you may bake Rabbets To make a Calves foot Pye YOu must boyl and blanch your Calves feet and when they are cold mince them with half the quantity of beef suit with a handful of good sweet herbs Parslee and Spinnage minced put to them a good quantity of Currans some Cloves Mace Cinamon Ginger Nutmeg Sugar and Salt with a little Rose water your Coffin being ready put in your minced meat put over it Dates sliced Lemmon and a little Butter close it and bake it when it s enough let your lear be Verjuice Sugar grated Nutmeg beaten up with the yolk of an egg with a little Rose water put it into the pye through the funnel and let it soak together in the oven until you serve it up To make an Olive Pye CUt thin collops off a peice of the butt end of a leg of Veal as many as you Judge will fill your Coffin hack them very thin with the back of your knife season them with a little Pepper Salt Cloves Mace Nutmeg and Ginger wash over your Collops on the upper side with your feathers dipt in the yolks of eggs then mince a good handful of all manner of sweet herbs especially Time and Parslee with some Spinnage mince likewise as much Beef suit very small put to it a good handful of Currans the yolks of about eight hard eggs minced with a little Orangado season all this together as you did the Collops sprinkle it with Rose water and put it on your Collops so roll them up very hard with the forced meat within them and lay them in your Coffin strowing your forced meat that is left all over it then according to the season of the year you may put on Artichoke bottoms hard Cabage Lettice or Endive scalded else Chesnuts or Dates put butter on your pye close it and bake it let your lear be White wine Verjuice and Sugar beaten up with the yolk of an egg and drawn butter put it in at the funnel when your pye is enough and let it stand in the oven untill you send it up To make an Artichoke Pie. BOyl the bottoms of about eight or ten Artichokes scrape them and make them clean from the core season them with Cinamon Sugar Nutmeg Salt with a little small Pepper take the Marrow of four Ox-bones seasoned with the like seasoning except Pepper lay your Artichokes in the Coffin prepared then lay your Marrow
wring the water clean out of it mince it exceeding small and put it to your curd seasoned as aforesaid so bake them and serve them up as before To bake a set Custard YOu may make your Custard paste of fine floure and put in the yolks of a few eggs but let them be well mingled then make up your paste with milk almost ready to boyl let it be very stiff and mould it very well then drive forth your pattern let your border be very thin raised about three inches high and when it is footed round cut off your border if you make a great custard you may raise two large borders drive out your bottom very thin and when it is papered form your custard upon it in the best fashion you can then wet it round with a feather between the bottom and foot and set it jagg off the Paste round by the foot and prick your Custard in the bottom then take a pottle of Cream and let it heat on the fire beat a dozen of eggs with a little Cream and strain it through a strainer to take forth all the Cock-treads then beat it into your Cream being blood-warm you may put Raisins Dates and Currans in the bottoms of your Custards and put them into the Oven to dry then season your stuff with Sugar and Rose-water and stir it together on the fire but let it not be but little more then blood-warm stir it together and fill your Custard with your ladle with this stuff you may make Dowcets this is only to teach them which are ignorant for every Cook is expert in this and commonly make their Paste with boyling water and florue take heed your Oven be not too hot To make Tarts of the Jelly of Pippins FOr making of your Jelly of Pippins you must take of your fairest Apples pared quartered and cored for every pound of them take three quarters of a pound of fine Sugar put them into a stew-pan and almost cover them with clear Spring-water put to them three or four sticks of Cinamon cover your pan very close with a lid set them upon Charcoals and let them boyl up softly until they come to a colour see that your fire be not too fierce and stir them sometimes that they do not burn when they are enough they will look as red as Rubie and clear as Crystal then take them off the fire and put them in a dish when they are cold you may fill them into Coffins dryed like Hearts or Diamonds and stick them with Orangado and Cittern and serve them up as a dish or garnish other rich Tarts or Baked meats with them you may also put them on thin sheets of rich Paste and make them little in the manner of Taffatie-Tarts To make a Goosberry Tart green and clear as Crystal MAke the Coffins of your Tarts and put powdered Sugar all over the bottom then take your fair round Goosberries and fill your Coffins with them laying them in one by one put Sugar on the top of them so lay on another laying then cover them with Sugar let your lids be carved at the top so close your Tarts and give them a quick baking so will they be green and clear In the same manner must you bake Codlins after you have made them green by adding to them good store of Sugar and cutting the lid on the top By a contrary way must you bake Cherries or whatsoever you will have red as Currans Raspberries Strawberries Pippins or Quinces c. you must allow to them Sugar sufficient as before but bake them close without cutting the lids and let them bake soberly giving them soaking enough and they will be red To make Puff Paste TAke a pottle of floure and the whites of six eggs make it up into a Paste with cold water let it not be very stiff when it is well wrought roll it forth four square into a sheet as thick as your finger then take three pound of Butter and beat it well with a rolling-pin then lay it on in slices all over your Paste about as thick as your finger and strow a little floure all over then roll up your sheet of Paste like a Coller with the Butter within scruise and close it at both ends with your rolling-pin also scruise it all along the roll of Paste and roll it broad and long wayes then clap up both ends and make them meet in the middle one over another and fasten it down again with your rolling pin rolling it forth every way as thin as it was at the first when you laid on the butter then floure your board well underneath and spread it over with butter roll it up and work it as before thus do three or four times until your three pound of Butter be gone in the Summer you must make this Paste in the morning with the stiffest Butter you can get and lay it in a cold place until you make use thereof in the Winter time you must beat your Butter very well otherwise it will be harder then your Paste and break holes through it To make a laid Tart for preserves TAke a sheet of puff-paste being rolled forth about an inch thick and as broad as a large pie plate or as you please put it on a large sheet of white paper and carve it with your pen-knife in what form or fashion you please either like four flowerdeluces or in the fashion of a tree with limbs and branches then take it on your pastie-peel and put it in your Oven not too hot nor too cold when it is baked take it forth and wash it over with a little Butter scrape on Sugar and let it drie a little longer in the Oven dish it upon a dishing plate and place on your preserves all over the limbs or branches of your Tart and your suckets and dryed sweet-meats To make a Warden or Pear-Pie FIrst bake your Wardens or Pears in an Oven with a little water and a good quantity of Sugar let your pot be close covered with a piece of dough let them not be fully baked by a quarter of an hour when they are cold make an high Coffin and put them in whole adding to them some Cloves whole Cinamon Sugar with some of the liquor they were baked in so close it and bake it To bake a Quince Pie CUt your Quinces from the core and fill your pie lay over it sliced Orangado and pour into it the sirrup of Barberries Mulberries Orangado and put on good store of Sugar with two or three sticks of Cinamon so close and prick it but give it as little vent as you can you may also bake them whole after you have cored them with your coring-iron and pared them very thin when they are placed in your pie fill the vacant place where your core was taken out with the sirrup of Orangado they ought to have as much Sugar to them as their weight but not if you have store
nutmeg and salt lightly and set them by then take a piece of the leanest of a legg of Mutton and mince it small with some Beef suet and a few sweet herbs as tops of tyme and penny-royal grated bread yolks of eggs sweet cream raisins of the sun c. work all together and make it into little balls and roles put them into a deep round pye on the Steaks then put to them some butter and sprinkle it with verjuice close it up and bake it when it s enough cut it up and liquor it with the juice of two or three Oranges or Lemmons A Pudding stewed between two dishes TAke the yolks of three eggs and the white of one half a dozen spoonfuls of sweet cream a nutmeg grated a few cloves and mace a quarter of a pound of beef suet minced small a quarter of a pound of currans temper it like a pudding with grated bread and a spoonful of rose-rose-water then take a Caul of Veal cut it in square pieces like Trenchers lay three spoonfuls of your batter on one side then roll it up in the Caul pin on one side over another with two small pricks and tye each end with a thred you may put two or three or four of them in a dish then take half a pint of strong Mutton broth and half a dozen spoonfuls of vinegar three or four blades of large mace and an ounce of sugar make this broth to boyl upon a chaffin-dish of coals and then put in your Pudding when it boyls cover it with another dish and let it stew a quarter of an hour longer turn them for burning then take up your pudding and lay it on sippets and pour the broth upon the top garnish your dish with the core of a lemmon and barberries serve them hot either at dinner or supper To make French Puffs with green herbs TAke spinnage parslee endive a sprig or two of savory mince them very fine season them with nutmeg ginger and fugar wet them with eggs accoding to the quantity of herbs more or less then take the core of a Lemmon cut in round slices very thin put to every slice of your Lemmon a slice of this stuff then fry it with sweet Lard a frying-pan as you fry eggs and serve them with sippets or without sprinkle them either with white wine or sack or any other wine saving Rennish wine serve them either at dinner or supper To Baks all manner of Land-fowl as Turkey Bustard Peacock Crane c. to be eaten cold TAke a Turkey and bone it parboyl and lard it thick with great lard as big as your little finger then season it with two ounces of beaten Pepper two ounces of beaten Nutmeg and three ounces of Salt season the fowl and lay it in a pye fit for it put first Butter in the bottom with some ten whole Cloves then lay on the Turkey and the rest of the seasoning on it lay on good store of Butter then close it up and baste it either with Saffron-water or three or four eggs beaten together with their yolks bake it and being baked and cold liquor it with Clarified Butter c. To fry Sheeps-tongues Deers-tongues or Calves-tongues BReak three or four eggs with Nutmeg Cinamon Sugar and Salt peel your tongues and slice them in thin slices put them into your eggs and when your frying-pan is hot with Butter or sweet lard cut the core of a Lemmon in small pieces like Dice and put it into your Eggs and Tongues but not before you are ready to put your meat into the pan for then it will make them curdle then fry them in spoonfuls like eggs on both sides the least burning takes away all the good taste of the other things fry them and dish them on sippets or upon thin Manchet-toasts fryed with sweet Butter let your sauce be Sack or White-wine sweet Butter and Sugar heat it hot and pour it on the top of your Tongues scrape on Sugar and send it hot to the Table To bake a Pigg to be eaten hot FLay a small fat Pigg cut it in quarters or in smaller pieces season it with Pepper Ginger and Salt lay it into a fit Coffin strip and mince small a handful of Parslee six sprigs of Winter-savoury strow it on the meat in the pye and strow upon that the yolks of three or four hard eggs minced and lay upon them five or fix blades of Mace a handful of clusters of Barberries a handful of Currans well washed and picked a little Sugar half a pound of sweet Butter or more close your pye and set it in an Oven as hot as for Manchet and in two hours it will be baked draw it forth and put in half a pint of Vinegar and Sugar being warmed upon the fire pour it all over the meat and put on the pie-lid again scrape on Sugar and serve it hot to the table To bake all manner of Sea fowl as Swan Whopper to be eaten cold TAke a Swan bone parboyl and lard it with great lard season the lard with Nutmeg and Pepper only then take two ounces of Pepper three of Nutmeg and four of Salt season the fowl and lay it in the pye with good store of Butter then close it up in Rye-Paste or Meal course bolted and made up with boyling liquor and make it up stiff or you may bake them to eat hot only giving them half the seasoning you may bake them in earthen pans or pots for to be preserved cold they will keep longer In the same manner you may bake all sorts of wild-Geese tame-Geese bran-Geese Muscovia-Ducks Gulls Shovellers Herns Curlews c. In baking of these fowl to be eaten hot for the garnish put in a big Onion Goosberries or Grapes in the pie and sometimes Capers or Oysters and liquor it with Gravie Claret and Butter To Hash a Carp TAke a Carp scale and scrape off the slime with your Knife wipe it with a dry cloth bone it and mince it with a fresh-water Eele being fleaed and boned season it with beaten Cloves Mace Salt Pepper and some sweet-herbs as Time Parslee and some sweet Marjoram minced very small stew it in a broad-mouthed Pipkin with some Claret-wine Goosberries or Grapes and some blanched Chef-nuts Being finely stewed serve it on carved sippers about it and run it over with beaten Butter garnish the dish with stale grated Manchet searsed and some fryed Oysters in Butter Cockles or Prawnes sometimes for variety use Pistaches Pine-apple seeds or some blanched Almonds stewed amongst the Hash or Sparragrass or Artichokes boyled and cut as big as Chestnuts and garnish the dish with scraped Horse-Radish and rub the bottom of the dish in which you serve the meat with a Clove or two of Garlick sometimes mingle it with some stewed Oysters or put to it some Oyster-liquor For the Stock for Jelly TAke two pair of Calves-feet finely cleansed the fat and great bones taken out and parted in halves being well
soaked in fair water for twenty four hours and often shifted boyl them in a brass pot or pipkin close covered in the quantity of a gallon of water boyl them to three pints then strain the broth through a clean strong Canvas into an earthen pan or bason when it is cold take off the top and pare off the dreggs off the bottom put it in a clean well-glazed pipkin of two quarts with a quart of white-wine a quarter of a pinte of Cinamon-water Nutmeg and Ginger-water as much of each or these spices sliced then have two pound of double refined sugar beaten with eggs in a deep dish or bason Your Jelly being new melted put in the eggs with sugar stir all the aforesaid materials together and set it a ste●…ing on a soft Charcoal-fire the space of half an hour or more being well digested and clear run take out the bone and fat of any meat for Jellies for it doth but stain the stock and make it that it will never be white and pure clear To make a Jelly as white as Snow with Jordan Almonds TAke a pound of Almonds steep them in cold water till they will blanch which will be in six hours beat them with a quart of Rose-water then have a decoction of half a pound of Izing-glass boyled with a gallon of fair spring-spring-water or else half Wine boyl it till half be wasted then let it cool strain it and mingle it with your Almonds and strain with them a pound of double refined sugar the juice of two Lemmons put Saffron to some of it and make some blew red yellow green or what colour else you please and cast it into Lemmons or Orange-Rines c. serve of divers of these colours on a dish or plate To make some Kick-shaws in Paste to fry or bake in what form you please MAke some short puff-paste roll it thin if you have any molds you may work it upon them with the pulp of Pippins seasoned with Cinamon Ginger Sugar and Rose-water close them up and bake them or fry them Or you may fill them with Goos-berries seasoned with Cinamon Sugar Ginger and Nutmeg roll them up in yolks of eggs and it will keep your Marrow being boyled from melting away Or you may fill them with Curds boyled up with whites of eggs and Cream and it will be a tender Curd but you must season the Curd with parboyled Currans three or four sliced Dates put into it or six bits of Marrow as big as half a Walnut put in some small pieces of Almond-paste Sugar Rosewater and Nutmeg And this will serve for any of these Kick-shaws either to bake or for a Florentine in Puff-paste any of these you may fry or bake for dinner or Supper To make a Pottage TAke Beef Palats that are tenderly boyled blanched and sliced put to them a piece of good middle Bacon and five or six sweet-breads of Veal let these boyl together in a deep dish with strong Broth put to them a handful of Champignions a great Onion or two about six Cloves a little large Mace and a faggot of sweet herbs when it is almost boyled add to it a pinte of Gravie a grated Nutmeg season it with Salt make ready a dish with your tops and bottoms of French bread sliced put Gravie thereon and set your dish on the coals add Chesnuts to your Broth you must have in a Pipkin by with the Marrow of three bones stewed in strong Broth with the bottoms of three on four Artichokes cut in pieces when all is enough dish up a round piece of your Bacon upon sippets in the middle of your dish and your sweet-breads and palats round about with your other Bacon in slices then dish up your Marrow Artichokes and Chesnuts all over that so pour over your Broth and scruise on two or three Lemmons To make a small Bisk of flesh roasted TAke half a dozen of Chicken peepers and as many squob Pigeons scalded drawn trust and set lard the one half of them or any other such like fowl as Larks Quails c. then take Lamb-stones blancht also Cocks combs and stones with Ox palats tenderly boyled and cut three inches in length and breadth lard them exceeding thick with small lard also take slices of Bacon and great Sage leaves spit your fowl on a small spit with one of your slices of Bacon and Sage between each fowl as also a piece of palat thus do untill all your fowl Bacon and palats are spitted parboyl likewise some great Oysters and lard them with a small larding prick also lard your Sweet-breads and Lamb-stones and spit them with slices of Bacon between each of them then season your Oysters with grated bread Nutmeg and Tyme a little Salt and when your Sweet-breads are almost roasted broch your Oysters upon square rods and tye them on the Sweet-breads baste them with the yolks of Eggs beaten with a grated Nutmeg and let them roast together then take your Cocks combs and stones being tenderly boyled and fry them being dipt in yolks of Eggs also fry the bottoms of Artichokes and marrow in Eggs put all these in a deep dish with a pint of Gravy on a heap of coals only the Artichokes and marrow by themselves with a little drawn Butter add to them Oyster liquor Claret wine grated Nutmeg with some Anchoves dissolved a handful or two of Mushrooms some Chestnuts and Pistaches when your Range is ready baste up your birds and dish them into the middle of your dish then dish two rows of your palats opposite one to another from your Chickens towards the dish brim so with your Sweet-breads in two parcels crossing them also your Lamb-stones and Oysters thwarting in two parcels opposite likewise these eight parcels will cover your dish from the fowl to the brim let your Bacon be garnisht over the whole then take your other ingredients in the lear and garnish over your fowl and the rest with your Artichokes marrow Pistaches and Chestnuts over all then add a little drawn Butter and the juice of two or three Lemmons to your lear and pour it over all garnish it with Lemmon and Bay-leaves fryed and send it to the table hot this dish is for your second course A Jelly for service of several colours TAke four pair of Calves feet a knuckle of Veal a good fleshy Capon and prepare those things as is said in the Chrystal Jelly boyl them in three gallons of fair water till six quarts be wasted then strain it into an earthen pan let it cool and being cold pare the bottom and take off the fat on the top also then dissolve it again into broth and divide it into four equal parts put it into four several pipkins as will contain five pints each pipkin put in a little saffron into one of them into another Churcenela beat with Album into another Turnsole and the other his own natural white also to every pipkin a quart of white Wine and
pots for the present To Jelly Lobsters Crawfish or Prawnes TAke a Tench and split him from the head to the tail taking out the gills and wash him in four or five waters very clean from the blood set as much water on as will conveniently cover him in a broad pan pressing him down with a dish or plate let your liquor be seasoned with Salt Wine-Vinegar Cloves Mace Ginger quartered Nutmeg five or six Bay-leaves a faggot of sweet herbs bound up together observe to let your liquor boyl with the forementioned ingredients before you put in your Tench it being boyled take it up and wash off all the loose scales then strain the liquor through your Jelly bag and put to it a piece of Izing-glass being first washt and steept for that purpose boyl it very cleanly and run it through a Jelly bag again then having your shell fish lay them in a clean dish the Lobsters being cut in slices and the Crawfish Prawnes and Shrimps whole run this Jelly over them you may make this Jelly of divers colours to garnish your dish To Stew Crabs YOur Crabs being boyled take the meat out of the bodies or ba●…els and save the great claws and the small leggs whole to garnish your dish strain the meat with some Claret wine grated Bread wine-Vinegar Nutmeg Salt and a piece of Butter stew them together a quarter of an hour on a soft fire in a Pipkin and being stewed almost dry put in some drawn Butter the yolk of an Egg a grated Nutmeg with juice of Oranges beat up thick then dish the legs round about them put the meat into the shells and serve them To force Crabs TAke so many Crabs as you please take the meat out of the claws and mix it with the meat of the body the skin and strings thereof pick out then take some Pine-apples Pistaches and Artichokes bottoms minced with the body of an Eele half boyled but not very small with the meat of the claws before you mix it as also a handful of Oysters put to it a little grated Manchet Nutmeg Cinamon Ginger and Salt with a Lemmon cut in dice with the yolks of two or three raw Eggs and a quarter of a pound of Butter in small bits make up this into a reasonable stiff force meat and force your shells make the rest into small balls and put them into a deep tin dish and bake them gently in an Oven let your meat in your shells be a very tender meat when they come out of the Oven add to them some drawn Butter and the juice of Oranges and Lemmons dish them with your forced balls round about them stick them full of picked sprigs of Paste about four inches long and stick upon your sprigs fryed Oysters so send them for second course To make water Leach TAke a pound of sweet Almonds blanch them in blood-warm water and throw them into cold water beat them in a Morter with rose-water and when they are beaten to an Almond Paste put a pint of Rose-water more to them and a pottle of fair spring water and about a quart or more of Renish wine set these together in a skillet on a heap of Charcoals then add to it about half a pound of Isinglass being before pulled to pieces and steeped in fair water for the space of two hours put to it some whole Cinamon large Mace let it boyl about an hour keeping it stirring then strain it into a bason through a piece of Tiffanie season it with Sugar Rose-water and a little oyl of Cinamon Nutmeg Cloves and Mace with a grain of Musk tyed up then set it on the fire again you may take out some in a saucer to try its strength if it be too strong you must add Renish wine if too weak boyl it longer with Isinglass you may add also some juice of Lemmons strain it again when it is boyled enough run it into what colours you please To make a boyled Pudding TAke two grated penny loaves and as much floure dried in an oven season it with Cinamon Cloves Mace Nutmeg and Salt put to it four Eggs casting away two of the whites temper it with sweet cream put to it a handful or two of Raisins as many Currans with about half a pound of Beef suet minced very small let it not be so thin that the Raisins and Currans fall to the bottom so wash over a double cloth with Butter and put it into a bason or skillet gather it together and tye it close only give it a little liberty to rise let your water boyl before you put it in Another way TAke a pint and half of Cream and boyl it up with some beaten Cinamon and Nutmeg and when it is cold beat to it six Eggs casting away the whites of three season it with sugar rose-rose-water and salt then cut two penny loaves in sippets and butter over a cloth as before and put it in a bason spread the sippets all over the bottom of your bason as also the sides that the cloth may not be perceived then strow on a handful of minced Marrow and Dates not very small then pour a ladleful of Cream or two all over and lay it over with sippets again then strow a handful of Marrow and Dates as before so do untill all your Cream and Eggs is in then lay it all over with sippets on the top and wash them well over with Butter so gather up your cloth and bind it when your pot boyls put him in A baked Pudding after the Italian fashion corrected TAke a penny white loaf or two and cut it in the manner of dice put to it half a pound of Beef suet minced small half a pound of Raisins of the sun stoned a little sugar six sliced Dates a grain of Musk the Marrow of two bones season it with Cloves Mace Nutmeg salt and Rose-water then beat three Eggs with about half a pint of Cream and put it to your bread and other ingredients and stir it together softly that you break not the bread nor Marrow then slice some thin pieces of Apple into the bottom of your dish that you bake it in and put your Pudding thereon bake it in an oven not so hot as for Manchet when it s enough stick it with Cittern and strow it with Sugar To blanch Manchet in a frying-Pan TAke twelve Eggs casting by the whites of six beat them in three quarters of a pint of Cream put to it almost a penny Manchet grated a little Sugar Cloves Mace Nutmeg and a little Rose-water beat all these together and fry it in sweet Butter as you fry a Tansie when it is fryed wash it over with a little Sack and the juice of a Lemmon then turn it out on a Plate dish it scrape on Sugar and send it up Another way GRate four Manchets and put them in a dish with six Eggs two quarts of Cream Cloves Mace Rose-water Salt Sugar with a handful or
the rest of your minced meat and mingle it with a good handful of sweet herbs Spinnage and Sives a little Bacon minced then put a little sugar and Vinegar the yolks of half a dozen hard eggs and as many raw eggs so make it up into a body very tender with grated bread and lay it all over your three large Collops and roll them up close bake them in an Oven and when they are baked slice them out into a dish add Butter Vinegar and Gravie to the liquor that they were baked in for their Lear so have you five dishes boyled fryed roasted baked and forced A Fridayes dish made with Barley TAke a quarter of a pound of perled Barley and boyl it untill it begins to break then put it into a Cullendor and set on your skillet with other liquor and when it boyls put in the Barley again and let it boyl till it be very soft then strain the water from it then take a quarter of a pound of blanched Almonds and beat them in a Motter when they are almost beaten beat your Barley with them then put to it some of the said liquor a little Sack Rose-water season it with Sugar Nutmeg Cinamon and boyl them well together on a Chaffing-dish of coals when you send it up add a ladleful of drawn Butter scrape on Sugar For Friday to make a dish of fryed toasts TAke a stale two penny loaf or two and cut them in round slices throughout the loaf soak them in Sack and strong Ale on the one side then dry them on a pye-plate on that side do so to the other side then take the yolks of a dozen eggs beaten seasoned with Nutmeg and Cinamon dip your toasts therein your pan being hot with clarified Butter put them in and fry them brown on both sides and dish them up and pour on them Butter Rose-water and Sack drawn together so scrape on Sugar Another Friday or Lent dish TAke a pinte of floure put to it three yolks of eggs a little Butter a little Sugar Cinamon beaten and Nutmeg grated and make it into a stiff paste with Cream and Rose-water then roll them out into very thin ropes and gage them round your pan being hot with clarified Butter fry them quick away but burn them not take them up and let them dry then dip them in the yolks of eggs being seasoned with Cinamon and Nutmeg and fry them of a good yellow colour and dish them scrape on Sugar A second course dish in the beginning of the Spring TAke of Primrose-leaves two handfuls and boyl them and scruise the water from them and mince them small three Pippins season it with Cinamon put to it half a handful of dry floure and the yolks of eight eggs only two whites of the same mingle this together adding a little Sugar Cream and Rose-water your stuff must be thick that it run not abroad your pan being hot with clarified Butter drop them in by less then spoonfuls and fry them on both sides as crisp as you can dish them and scrape on Sugar To make a made dish TAke a quarter of a pound of Almonds and beat them small and put in Rose-water in their beating that they may not oyl strain them into Cream then take Artichoke bottoms and Marrow your Cream being boyled with Dates Sugar whole Cinamon large Mace and Nutmeg cool your Cream and beat in the yolks of four eggs then pour in your Cream into a dish garnished with Paste on the brims put on your Artichokes and Marrow and bake it for a quarter of an hour you must take out the whole spice An excellent way how to broyl Eeles TAke the great Eeles such as you spitchcock or others and flea them and cut them into lengths about four inches and scorch your pieces very thick with your knife then baste them over with Butter in the scorches then having one Onion minced small with more Time then it a little small Pepper Nutmeg and Salt cast all this to your Eeles and rub it into the scorches your Gridiron being very hot lay it on and let it broyl softly for your sauce take a little Oyster liquor boyled with Time Nutmeg and drawn Butter otherwise drawn Butter it self How to butter a dish of eggs with Anchovies BReak your twenty eggs into your Butter in a dish as at other times and set them on coals then take eight Anchovies and dissolve them in six spoonfuls of White wine and pour them into your eggs then having one handful of Pistaches beaten small in a Morter put them into your eggs with a quarter of a pinte of Mutton Gravie if you please you may leave out your White wine and dissolve your Anchovies in Mutton Gravie let not your eggs be too stiff then having a dish full of toasts cut in large sippets lay your eggs by spoonfuls on the toasts or else dish them other waies with the toasts about them and on the brims of the dish How to fry a dish of Cheese TAke a quarter of a pound of good Cheese or Parmisant and grate it put to it a little grated bread a few Caraway seeds beaten the yolks of as many eggs as will make it into a stiff batter so that it will not run fry it brown in Butter and pour on drawn Butter with Claret-wine when they are dished How to broyl a leg of Porck TAke part of the Fillet and skin it and cut it into thin Collops then hack them thinner with your knife then take Sage and a little Time minced exceeding small with a little small Pepper and Salt and strow over them then put them upon your Gridiron so strow the other side with your seasoning and broyl them on both sides for thier sauce take Mustard Vinegar Sugar and drawn Butter so put your Collops thereon How to roast the said Collops WHen they are cut and hacked as aforesaid then take one handful of sweet herbs with some Sage and Spinnage mince them small with Beef-suet and a little flack of the Hog season this with Mace Nutmeg Pepper beaten and Salt so strow it all over your Collops and roll them up and spit them as you do Olives make sauce with the said herbs with Mustard Butter and Sugar when they are roasted draw them and dish them How to make a Palate pie TAke one fat Capon or Fowl and cut him into small pieces season him with Mace Nutmeg minced sweet herbs and a little Salt and put this in the bottom of your Coffin then take two dozen of Larks or other small fowl and force them with the aforesaid seasoning adding the yolks of three eggs with some Bacon minced and force them filling their bellies and lay them in upon your Capon in the Coffin then season half a dozen Lambs sweet breads being cut in pieces and if in the season some stones and boyled Palates sliced and hard eggs place all these between with some forced meat balls as big as the yolks
of eggs and also yolks of eggs boyled hard and according to the season Artichokes or Oysters in Winter close your pie with Mushrooms in it and butter and make a Lear of strong Broth Gravie Anchovies or as rich as you can with a hogo Very rare and most choice RECEIPTS For all manner of Preserving Conserving and Candying c. To Preserve Pippins TAke and slice them round as thick as half a Crown and some Lemmon-pill in slices amongst them Or else cut like Orange-pill or small Lard being boyled and cut in the same manner then make the sirrup weight for weight that being well scummed clean and clarfied put in your Pippins and boyl them up quick to a pinte of water add a pound of Sugar or a pinte of Claret or White-wine so you may make them of different colours Another way TAke three pintes of Conduit-water nine spoonfuls of Rose-water two pound or more of Sugar boyl all together scum it clean then pare and core them if you intend to keep them long weigh them after they are so done and unto every one of your Apples add a pound of Sugar but if you keep them not long put in as many as your sirrup will boyl and let them seeth being often turned about three hours or more when they are enough the sirrup will be like a Jelly After this way you may preserve all sorts of Apples Another way to preserve them Green TAke them when they are small and green off the tree and pare four or five of the worst cut them all to pieces boyl them to pap in a quart of fair water then pour the liquor from them into a bason and put to them one pound of refined Sugar add to this as many green Pippins unpared as your liquor will cover let them boyl softly and when they are enough or as tender as Codlings take them up and peel off the outermost white skin then will they be green boyl them again in your sirrup until it be thick for your keeping all the year To preserve Apricocks TAke of Apricocks and Sugar of each one pound clarifie your Sugar with a pinte of water and when it is made perfect put it into a preserving-pan together with your Apricocks so let them boyl gently when they are enough and your sirrup thick pot them and keep them for your use In the like manner you may do your Plumb or Pear Another way TAke them when they are green and young that you may thrust a needle through stone and all but all other Plumbs must be taken green and at the highest growth then put them into indifferent hot water to break them let them be close covered therein until it will come off with scraping all this while they will look yellow then put them into another skillet of hot water and let them there remain until they turn perfect green then take them out and weigh them and add to them the like quantity or more of the best refined Sugar with the white of an egg So keep it preserved for your use Another way to preserve them ripe STone and weigh them with the like quantity of Sugar pare them and strow on the Sugar let them remain together until the moysture of the Apricocks hath dissolved the Sugar and are come to a sirrup then set them on soft fire but have a care they boyl not until your Sugar be all melted then boyl them a pretty pace for half an hour keeping them stirred in the sirrup then set them by for two hours and boyl them again until your sirrup be thick and your Apricocks look clear Boyl up the sirrup higher then take it off and when it is cold put in your Apricocks into a Glass or Gally pot being well closed up keep them for your use To preserve Pippins red TAke of the best coloured Pippins being pared with a Pearcer bore a hole through them then make sirrup for them as much as will cover them so let them boyl in abroad preserving pan put into them a piece of Cinamon-stick so let them boyl close covered very leisurely turning them very often or else they will spot and the one side will not be like the other let them thus boyl until they begin to Jelly then take them up and pot them You may keep them all the year for your use To preserve Pears TAke them when they are new gathered being found and mellow put them into your pot with a laying of Vine-leaves dryed in the bottom thereof then put a laying of Pears and on them another of leaves so do until your pot be full then put in some old wine with a weight on the top of your pot to keep them down that the Pears swim not and so preserve them Another way for white Pippins TAke fair large Pippins after Candlemass pare them and bore a hole through them as you did before for the red take a weak sirrup and let them boyl until they be tender then take them up and boyl your sirrup a little higher and put them up in a Gally-pot let them stand all night and the next morning the sirrup will be somewhat weaker then boyl the sirrup again to its full thickness so pot them for your use all the year if you would have them to have a more pleasant taste then the natural Pippin put in one grain of Musk and a drop of Chymical oyl of Cinamon and that will give them a pleasant taste To preserve Medlars TAke the weight of them in Sugar adding to every pound thereof a pinte and half of fair water let them be scalded therein till their skin will come off then take them out of the water and stone them at the head then add your Suggar to the water and boyl them together then strain it and put your Medlars therein let them boyl apace until it be thick take them from the fire and keep them for your use To preserve Peaches TAke a pound of your fairest and best coloured Peaches and with a wet linnen Cloth wipe the white hoar off them parboyl them in half a pinte of White-wine and a pinte half of running-running-water and being parboyled peel off their white skin then weight them and to every pound of Peaches add three quarters of a pound of refined Sugar dissolved in a quarter of a pinte of White-wine boyl it almost to the height of a sirrup then put in your Peaches and let them boyl in the sirrup a quarter of an hour or more if need should require so put them up and keep them all the year for your use Another way TAke your Peaches and put them into scalding hot water till you can pull off the skin then take your Rose-water and Sugar and boyl it until it be thick then put your Peaches therein one by one strowing on Sugar and as they melt strow on Sugar about four or five times more and let them boyl with a soft fire until they be tender Observe
to keep them covered while they boyl then take them out and preserve them for your use Another way TAke a dozen or twenty young Peaches part them in two and take out the stones then take as much Sugar as they weigh with some Rose-water put in your Peaches and make a sirrup that it may stand and stick to your fingers boyl them softly a while then lay them in a dish and let them there stay for two or three dayes then set your sirrup on the fire boyl it up put in your Peaches and so preserve them for your use To preserve Quinses TAke of Quinses a pound and core them parboyl and peel off the outermost white skin weigh and add to them a pound of refined Sugar then cover and boyl them over a gentle fire adding to them a stick or two of good Cinamon cut in small pieces and so stir them continually that they may be well coloured on every side and when the sirrup is come to the height of a perfect Jelly then take them off the fire for the higher your sirrup is the better will your Quinses keep Another way to preserve them white or red PAre and core your Quinses that must be white put them in fair water two or three hours take the weight of your Quinses in Sugar put them in as much water as will make the sirrup to cover them let your sirrup boyl a little before you put your Quinses in after let them boyl apace until they are tender and clear then take them out and boyl the sirrup by it self a little while when they are cold put them into your Pots or Glasses for your use if you would have them red put them into your Sugar raw cover them close and boyl them softly until they be red they must not at all be put in cold water To preserve Goos-berries TAke of the largest of your Goos-berries but not through ripe pick all the stalks from them wash them clean take a pound set them on the fire until they be hot then take them off and let the liquor run from them then take ten ounces of hard Sugar and four ounces of Sugar-Candy clarifie it with a pinte of water and the white of an egg and boyl it to a thick sirrup then put in your Goos-berries let them boyl a walm or two so betwixt hot and cold put them up and keep them all the year for your use Another way TAke your Gascoyn Goos-berries which are of the largest sort set a pan of water on the fire and when it is luke-warm cover them close keep them warm half an hour then have other water aforesaid put them into that after the same manner coddle them three times over in hot water until they look green then pour them into a sieve extract all the water from them then add as much clarified Sugar as will cover them let them simper leisurely close covered which will make them look as green as Leeke blades let them stand so for an hour then take them off the fire and let the sirrup stand until it be cold then warm them once or twice take them up and let the sirrup boyl by it self so pot and keep them for your use Another way TAke of your biggest Goos-berries with their stalks on then prick three or four holes in each of them take to every pound of Goos-berries a pound of Sugar and lay the most of your Sugar in the bottom of your preserving-pan lay your Goos-berries one by one thereon then strow more Sugar on them to each pound of Goos-berries add four spoonfuls of water set them on a Chafin dish of hot embers let them stand uncovered a pretty while before they boyl but not too long for it will make them red let them not seeth too fast put the rest of the Sugar upon them as they boyl and it will keep them from breaking when they are enough put them up for your use To preserve Mellacatons STone and parboyl them in water then peel off the outward skin they will boyl as long as a piece of Beef therefore you need not fear the breaking of them when they are boyled make a sirrup of them as you do of other fruit and keep them all the year To preserve Damsins TAke those which are large and well coloured but not through ripe then they will break pick them clean and wipe them one by one weigh them and to every pound of Damsins you must add a pound of Barbary Sugar that is white and good dissolved in half a pinte or more of water boyl it almost to the height of a sirrup then put in your Damsins keeping them with continual scumming and stirring with a silver spoon let them boyl until they be enough on a gentle fire then may you take them up and keep them all the year Another way GAther your Damsins in a fair day and two dayes before you preserve them let none be bruised but all full ripe or else they will not be well coloured put unto every pound of them a pound of fine sugar add to every pound a spoonful of Rose-water put your Damsins one by one in a fair platter then put them on a Chafin-dish with embers not too hot cast on them so much sugar as the Rose-water will melt before you set them on the fire and when your platter is warm cast on half your Sugar let your platter be but as hot as you may suffer your hands on it turn them not until there be as much sirrup as will bear them up and then turn them but let them not seeth when you so do then cast on the rest of your Sugar and they will break on both sides but let them lie in sirrup a little while then turn the broken sides downwards again and let them seeth softly a little while then turn them as often as you will let them seeth until you think they are enough but not boyl too long for it will make them tough and spoyl their colour scum them very clean and when they are cold put them up in glasses putting into it four or five Cloves with as many sticks of Cinamon an inch long thus may you do with any kind of plumbs but you must put no Cloves or Cinamon to your white Plumbs To preserve Grapes TAke them very green stone and cut them into little bunches then take the like quantity of refined Sugar finely beaten and strow a row thereof in your preserving-pan and a laying of Grapes upon it lay more sugar on them put to them four or five spoonfuls of fair water and boyl them up as fast as you can Another way TAke your Grapes when they are almost ripe cut off their stalks and as you stone them put on sugar take three quarters of a pound of sugar to every pound of Grapes also take some Grapes that are not full ripe stamp and strain their juice out of them and put two spoonfuls thereof to a pound
let the Party eat or drink any thing for two hours space after the taking of it And there is no question by Gods blessing if rightly prepared and taken according as is here prescribed it will recover the Patient although he hath a long time lyen very weak and lingering under that Disease Many there are who when Doctors have left them off for lost have been raised up again by this Receipt And whosoever please to make use of what I have here inserted will find what I say to be true To Coller Flounders TAke your Flounders garinge five and flea them and scorch them wash them put them into a Pipkin or Skillet let them be covered with White or Claret-wine put in two or three An●hovies some Lemmon sliced two or three blades of large Mace ●ome whole Pepper a little Salt the dust of Manchet let these stew ●ogether half an hour dish your fish for sauce take some of the ●ame liquor with a Lemmon minced a little gravie of Mutton ming●ed together beaten Butter pour it on your fish dust your dish side and garnish it with Lemmon To roast a shoulder of Mutton in blood TAke grated bread some sweet herbs picked washed and minced with a little rind of Lemmon Beef-suet also with Pepper Nutmeg and Salt let your sheep be ready to kill prepare your blood being cold the bread and herbs with the blood mingled like a Pudding fearse the shoulder being cut off as hot as you can so having your Caul hot from your sheep pouring the rest of the fearse with the ●ame blood on the meat and prick it up close in your warm Caul when it is cold spit it and roast it throughly sauce it with Gravie two or three Anchovies dissolved and some minced Lemmon To make a Portugal pie TAke two Capons roasted and being cold bone and skin them mince them very small with half a pound of Almonds blanched season it with Salt and Nutmeg Sugar Rose water the juice of two Lemmons work these up with a pound of sweet Butter like a Paste then ●ake a piece of cold Butter Paste rich and roul it into a sheet then ●…o or three sweet-breads of Veal some sliced Lemmon then lay on ●…em half of your minced meat then put on that the Marrow of ●…o or three Marrow-bones then lay the rest of your meat put in ●…e yolks of hard eggs make it up Pastie fashion garnish it to your ●ancie indore it with melted Butter and rose-Rose-water scrape on a ●…tle Sugar a pretty quick Oven three quarters of an hour will bake 〈◊〉 stick it with Almonds quartered and send it up To stew a Carp TAke a Carp scale and blood him in the tail garinge him in a vessel put to him a quart of Claret-wine a little Vinegar and Salt put him into a Pipkin with that liquor with some Oysters with the liquor five or six blades of large Mace whole Pepper and Cloves the tops of time three or four Anchovies an Onion minced and fryed in brown Butter some grated bread let all these stew together half an hour with some Lemmon sliced till it come to a body to your mind with sippets dish and garnish it as you please To make a Bacon Tart. TAke three pound of Lard or thick fat Bacon scrape it as you do Butter for a dish put it in water a little warm to draw out the salt then take it into a dry cloth and dry up the moisture put it into a stone Morter and beat it well together with the yolks of eight eggs when well beaten into a dish set it over a slow fire keep it continually stirring till you have brought it like Cream then press it through a strainer season it with Sugar three or four grains of Amber-greece or Musk close it betwixt two sheets of Paste in a Patie-pan or else indore it with melted Butter and bake it quick and send it up hot To make Vever Ollie or Cheese Pottage TAke a pottle of strong Broth or fair water in a Skillet or Pipkin set it on a clear fire to boyl put to it half a penny Manchet grated a little quantity of grated Cheese season it with Pepper and a blade of Mace let them boyl together half an hour having half a pound of Parmisant or well-relished Cheese let it have one walm remember some Parslee Penny-royal and Beets small minced put in at the first and when you are ready to take it off put to it the yolks of six eggs with a quarter of a pound of sweet Butter beaten well together dish them with sippets and send it up with grated Cheese about the dish Reader I Have here presented to thee the order of a Feast and a Bill of Fare which was taken out of the Records of the Tower I have done it the rather that thou maist see what liberality and hospitality there was in antient times amongst our Progenitors this is like to Solomons royal house-keeping yet he was one that was endued with wisdom from above by which liberality his subjects were made rich so that silver was as plenty as the stones in the streets of Jerusalem and there was peace in all his dayes according to his judgement from his inspired wisdom so was his practice and so was his declaration For food and raiment is all the portion that man hath in this life Thus hoping to see liberality and hospitality flourish amongst us once more as in old times I remain thine W. R. A great Feast made by George Nevill Chancellor of England and Arch-Bishop of York in the dayes of EDVVARD the Fourth 1468. 0300 QUarters of Wheat 0300 Tunn of Ale 0100 Tunn of Wine 0001 Pipe of Ipocras 0104 Oxen. 0006 Wild Bulls 1000 Muttons 0304 Veals 0304 Porks 0400 Swines 3000 Geese 1000 Capons 3000 Piggs 0400 Plovers 0100 Dozen of Quails 0200 Dozen of fowls called Rees 0400 Peacocks 0400 Mallards and Teals 0204 Cranes 0204 Kidds 3000 Chickens 4000 Pigeons 4000 Coneys 0200 Bullers 0400 Heronshaws 0200 Pheasants 0500 Partridges 0400 Woodcocks 0100 Curlews 1000 Egrites 0504 Stags Bucks and Roes 0103 Pasties of Venison cold 0508 Pikes and Breams 6000 Dishes of Jelly 0103 Cold Tarts 3000 Cold Custards 1500 Hot Venison Pasties 3000 Hot Custards 0012 Porrosses and Seals Besides abundance of Sweet-meats The great Officers Earl of Warwick Steward Earl of Northumberland Treasurer Lord Hastings Cup-bearer Lord Willowby Carver Lord John of Buckingham Controuler Sir Richard Stranwig Surveyer Sir William Worlly Marshal of the Hall Eight Knights of the Hall Eighty Esquires of the Hall Two other Surveyers of the Hall Sir John Malbeury Pantler Two Esquires Keepers of the Cubbard Sir John Brakenock Supervisor of the Hall Estates sitting in the Hall At the high Table The Archbishop in his State On his right hand the Bishops of London Durham and Elie. On his left hand the Duke of Suffolk the Earls of Oxford and Worcester At the second Table The Abbots of Saint Marris The Doctors of Halles of Rivones The Queresters of Rivones The Prownes of Durham of Girglen and of Birlenton of Giserow and others to the number of eighteen At the third Table The Deans of York the Lords of Cornwell York Durham with forty eight Knights At the fourth Table The Deans of Durham and of Saint Sambroses all the Prebends of the Minster At the fifth Table The Maiors of York and Calice and all the Aldermen At the sixth Table The Judges of the Land four Barons of Exchequer and twenty six Counsellors At the last Table Sixty nine Knights wearing the Kings badges and his arms Estates sitting in the chief Chamber At the first Table The Duke of Glocester the Kings Brother and upon his right hand the Duke of Suffolk and upon his left hand the Countess of Westmorland and Northumberland and two of the Earl of Warwicks daughters At the second Table The Barons of Greystock with three other Barons At the third Table Eighteen Gentlemen of the said Lands Estates sitting in the second Chamber At the first Table The elder Dutchess of Suffolk the Countess of Warwick and Oxford the Ladies Hastings and Barwick At the second Table The Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland the Lords of Fitshugh only with two Barons At the third Table Fourteen Gentlemen and fourteen Gentlewomen of quality In the low Hall Four hundred and twelve of the Nobility with double service In the Gallery 0200 Noblemens servants with their servants 1100 Inferiour Officers with their servants 1500 Other meaner servants of all Offices 0062 Cooks 2862. FINIS
two of Currans and a pound of Beef suet minced with a handful of Dates sliced all manner of good sweet herbs minced and stamped with a handfull of spinage strain out the juice of them add thereunto Cinamon and Nutmeg beat all these together put Butter in your dish with sippets thereon so put your Pudding therein and bake it To boyl Pigeons the French Fashion TAke your Pigeons set and lard them put them into a Pipkin with so much strong broth as will cover them when they are scummed put to them a faggot of sweet herbs some large Mace a handful of Capers and Raisins of the sun shred small six quartered Dates a piece of Butter with the yolks of three hard Eggs minced with a handful of Grapes or Barberries then beat two yolks of raw Eggs with Verjuice and some of your broth a ladle of drawn Butter and a grated Nutmeg so dish it on sippets and lay it round with slices of Bacon To boyl Mullet or Pike with Oysters TAke a fair Mullet or Pike truss it round and set on a pan of water strow into it a handful of Salt and a handful of sweet herbs make your water boyl tye your Mullet or Pike in a fair cloth and put him in your boyling liquor with a pint of white wine Vinegar let your fish boyl leasurely untill it swim take the rivet and a pint of Oysters with their liquor and a little White wine three or four blades of Mace and a little gross Pepper boyl all these by themselves when they are enough strain the yolks of three or four Eggs with half a pint of Sack add to it a ladleful of drawn Butter then dish up your fish on sippets pour on your broth and Oysters all over you may add roasted Chesnuts and Pistaches so garnish it over with fryed Oysters stick it with Toasts and Bay-leaves and strow all over your dish hard Eggs minced To boyl Carps an honourable way TAke two live Carps or as many as you intend to boyl knock them on the head open them in the bellies and draw them clean take heed you break not the gall wash out the blood with a little Claret wine and save it salt them well on the bellies and save the scales as whole as you can on them set on your pan with fair water and about a quart of Vinegar a faggot or two of sweet herbs half a dozen cloves of Garlick sliced Ginger large Mace and quartered Nutmegs and a handful and half of Salt with a Lemmon or two cut in slices when your pan boyls put in your Carps upon your false bottom and whilst they boyl make your sawce after this manner take the body of a Crab or two and put it into a deep dish put to it the blood of your Carp and Claret wine before named with two or three Anchoves a little Tyme and Fennel minced exceeding small some Oyster-liquor Vinegar and Salt and half a dozen Oysters minced let this stew up all together and be ready with your Carp if it be thick you may add Claret wine or gravie if none be offended when it is enough grate a Nutmeg into it and beat it up with the yolk of an Egg and a little drawn Butter and put it into half a dozen large Sawcers it ought to be but little thinner then Mustard then take up your Carps being quick boyled and dish them on a large Dish and Plate garnish the brims thereof and underneath with Fennel Flowers or Orange peel minced garnish your Carps with Oysters fryed up in Eggs and put your Sawcers on your dish round your Carps and serve it up Another way to boyl a dish of great Flownders WHen your Flownders are drawn scorch them on the black side very thick and put them into a great Dish pour on Vinegar and strow them over with a handful of Salt and when your pan boyls seasoned as before lay in your Flownders on your false bottom with their white sides downwards they will be boyled with about a dozen walms take them up dish them in a large dish on sippets with the black side upwards and pour on drawn Butter all over them grating on a Nutmeg and scruise in a Lemmon or two so garnish it with Lemmon and send it up To make a Hash of Partridges or Capons TAke twelve Partridges and rost them and being cold mince them very fine the brawns and wings and leave the leggs and rumps whole to be carbonadoed then put some strong Mutton broth to them or good Mutton gravie grated Nutmeg a great Onion or two some Pistaches Chesnuts and Salt then stew them in a large earthen Pipkin or Sawce-pan stew the rumps and leggs by themselves in strong broth in another Pipkin then have a fine clean dish then take some light French bread chipt and cover the bottom of your dish and when you go to dish your Hash steep the bread with some Mutton broth or good Mutton gravie then pour the Hash on the steeped bread lay the leggs and the rumps on the Hash with some fryed Oysters Pistaches Chesnuts sliced Lemmon and Lemmon-peel yolks of Eggs strained with the juice of Orange and beaten Butter beat together and run over all garnish your dish with carved Oranges Lemmons fryed Oysters Chesnuts and Pistaches thus you may Hash any kind of fowl whether water or land A rare Friggasy TAke six Pigeons and as many Chicken-peepers being clean drawed scald and truss them head and all on then set them and have some Lambstones and sweet breads blanched parboyled and sliced fry most of the sweet-breads floured have also some Sparragrass ready cut off the tops an inch long the yolks of two hard eggs Pistaches the Marrow of six Marrow-bones half the Marrow fryed green and white batter let it be kept warm till it be almost dinner time then have a clean frying-pan and fry the fowl with sweet Butter being finely fryed put out the Butter and put to them some roast Mutton-Gravie some large fryed Oysters and some Salt then put in the hard yolks of eggs and the rest of the sweet-breads that are not fryed the Pistaches Sparragrass and half the Marrow then stew them well in the frying-pan with some grated Nutmeg Pepper a Clove or two of Garlick if you please a little White-wine and let them be well stewed then have ten yolks of eggs dissolved in a dish with Grape-Verjuice or Wine-Vinegar and a little beaten Mace and put it to the Friggasy then have some slices of light bread in a fair large dish set on coals with some good Mutton-Gravie then give the Friggasy two or three walms on the fire and pour it upon the sops in your dish garnish it with fryed sweet-breads fryed Oysters fryed Marrow fryed Pistaches sliced Almonds and the juice of two or three Lemmons To make a Bisk of Carps and other several fish MAke the Carbolion for the Bisk of some Jacks or small Carps boyled in half White-wine and fair