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A39862 The womans doctour, or, An exact and distinct explanation of all such diseases as are peculiar to that sex with choise and experimentall remedies against the same : being safe in the composition, pleasant in the use, effectuall in the operation, cheap in the price / faithfully translated out of the works of that learned philosopher and eminent physitian Nicholas Fontanus.; Syntagma medicum de morbis mulierum. English Fonteyn, Nicolaas. 1652 (1652) Wing F1409; ESTC R7033 90,953 268

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seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantity of Barley water to a quart to the strained liquor add Syr. de 5 radicibus and Syr. lupulorum of each an ounce mingle them and make an Apozem Or Take the roots of Acorns and Elecampane of each two drams The leaves of Pennyroyall Motherwort Balme Betony of each a handfull Two ounces of white Agarick An ounce and a halfe of Anise seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantity of Fumitary water to a pint to the liquor which you presse out add Syrupe of Motherwort Syrupe of Maydenhaire of each an ounce Mingle them and make an Apozem Note that Agarick hath respect unto the nervous parts and that the Syrup of the five roots with vinegar doth hurt the Nerves because all sharp things are hurtfull to the Matrix according to Hippocrates whose Judgement winneth reverence with the best Physitians Fomentations must be applyed to the small guts to the privie parts and you must make them of opening simples and such as will cut into and make thin the grosse and thick humours Baths and halfetubs prepared of the like simples will be very usefull and the best liniments you can choose are made of oyle of Lillies castor dill and capers and the most profitable oyntments are unguent Agrippe and de Althea with gums After you have gone thus far you must evacuate the bloud and provoke urine to which purposes prescribe this Decoction following Take the roots of Butchers broome Sparagus Smallage Fennill of each an ounce The roots of Aristolochy the round Birthwort of each two drams The leaves of Penniroyall Snakeweed Motherwort of each a handfull Foure drams of Sena Two ounces of white agarick Foure ounces of Hermodactyls An ounce and a halfe of Epithymum Anise and fennill seeds of each an ounce Boile them in a sufficient quantity of water to a pint and a halfe to the strained liquor being hard prest add two ounces of the best honey mingle them and make an Apozem Every other morning let her drink foure ounces of this fasting and in the meane time strengthen her belly and her Matrix with fomentations that are good to expell winde you may make them of the Simples aforesaid with the powders Dianis Diacumin Diagalang and the like You must provoke the Menstruum with Pessaries made of the juyce of Mercury Cucumbers Restharrow unsalted butter Hogs-grease the gall of an Oxe Sagapenum Ammoniacum Castor Assa-fetida and the like Perfumes made with spices bring down the Courses if the streame or vapour of them be conveighed into the Matrix or you may appoint little Trochishs to be made with rue aristolochy Castor assa fetida Sagapenum and turpentine which being cast upon hot burning coles they will smoke and that smoke will speedily bring down her Courses if it be received up thorow a tunnell You must make an issue in her leg that the Matrix may exhale and the thick humours may be purged out Such Compositions as have steele in them will be most effectuall for it is manifest by experience that steele is good to cut into and make thin the thick and slow humours to open obstructions to bring down the Courses to provoke urine and to free the vessels from all matter that stop them and all these things it performes by manfest qualities inherent in it and not by the ponderosity or heavinesse thereof as some have conjectured Severall Authors have devised severall preparations of it but we alwayes used to prepare it after this manner following Take a pound of Steele filed into a most fine dust wash it in Pennyroyall water distilled till the water look pure and cleare then put it into a glasse Viol pouring upon it a sufficient quantity of Vinegar made with Penniroyall set it in the Sun thirty dayes stirring it about every seventh day afterwards dry it weare it to a most subtle powder in a Marble morter sift it and keep it for your use the Dose or quantity hereof to be taken is a dram with wormewood wine or Rhenish wine or with Hydromel Note that we advisedly make use of the vinegar aforenamed because the use and vertue of Steele is to unlock obstructions and Vinegar hath a faculty to penetrate make thin and cut asunder the thickest humours and therefore by the help thereof the Steele is with the more expedition transmitted to the remotest parts of the body Yet if the patient be troubled with a hot distemper in her Liver stomack or spleen or if you discerne any weaknesse in her inward parts then prepare the steele with Rose-water or whey of Goats milke When she hath taken the steele let her walke an houre after it for exercise opens the pores and thereby the Medicine is the more easily distributed when she hath observed this injunction let her lie down till she begin to sweat or if she finde in her selfe a disposednesse let her sleep afterwards give her to eat but her meat should rather be rosted then boyl'd and for her drink allow her small wine or wine prepared with steele I doe not judge it meet to determine any time for the continuance of these Rules and precepts onely in generall I hold it convenient to use them till the Patient be more apt and disposed for exercise till she can walke without any lazy complaint of wearinesse till her lips begin to look of a more lively colour till no obstruction be perceiveable by the touch and in a word till the urine which was thin pale and discoloured appeare reddishlike unto the urine of a healthfull woman The Spring time is the most convenient to undertake this Cure for then the humours are most apt to flow which in the Winter are congealed and impacted in the severall parts and in the Summer time it will not be altogether so proper to begin the Cure for then thorough the immoderate heat of the season the humours doe daily threaten to precipitate the sick woman into a fever If the woman be weake in her body let her refraine from exercise and rest her selfe upon her bed and after the space of a full houre let her body be diligently rubbed till it looke red that the faculties of the steele may be actuated and assisted in their operation for Galen in his book de Puero Epileptico and the fourth Chapter saith that the rubbing of the body supplies the want of exercise because it attenuateth and cuteth the humours unlocks the obstructions quickens and kindles the naturall heat and dissolves the peccant matter Many mingle steele prepared with Conserves and Syrups Some make Lozenges thereof and so doe we also especially when the Patient refuseth Wine or Conserves and the like for in some cases we must allow pardon to the queazinesse of the sick and humour the Palate with a safe indulgence The powders Diarhod Abbat Dialacca and Diacucurma are very good to open the passages which are stop't and therefore you may prudently mingle them among the ingredients for the Lozenges aforesaid
that is a woollen bag and give her now and then the quantity of a small wine glasse If these remedies overcome not the disease apply an exceeding great Cuppinglasse to the heart by the force whereof the windy vapour will evaporate for although Glysters doe draw back the humour from the affected part yet in reference to great bellied women you ought to suspect the event of them because they raise too great a disturbance by provoking nature downwards and many times cause abortivenesse yet if the paine be insupportable then inject carminative glysters and omit all bitter ingredients as Hiera benedicta Laxativa or Scammoniata but to prevent all errour prescribe this following Take a handfull of mallow leaves The flowers of melilot The tops of Dill of each halfe a handfull Two drams of fennill seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantity of barley water to nine pints to the strained liquor add two ounces of Syrup of roses Laxative An ounce of red Sugar Mingle them and make a glyster Or Take the flowers of melilot And mallowes of each a handfull Annise and Fennill seeds Of each two drams Boyle them in a sufficient quantity of broth made with an old Cock to nine ounces to the inward liquor add Calabrian Manna And red Roses of each an ounce and a halfe An ounce of oyle of rue Mingle them and make a glyster It might doe much good if you gave her a draught of balme water in the morning in which water you may steep lignum aloes the space of a night and afterwards put to the strained liquor a sufficient quantity of Syrup of mint for this expells the winde cleanseth away the phlegme and powerfully strenghthens the stomack You must frequently and laboriously rub her lower parts tye ligatures about them and apply Cuppinglasses to them if there be no imaginable cause to feare abortivenesse but if there be the least suspicion of that omit all such applications as may procure a revulsion of the bloud nay let me give you this caution absolutely to fo●beare them unlesse she be taken with desperate trembling and fainting fits or swounding in the spring time too when her spirits require them You must cause her Basilick veine to be opened if she be young fleshy and strong for this Remedy besides that it letteth out the thick dreggish and black blood it refresheth the childe also and the heart is sweetly easily and safely delivered from that burthensome humour which did oppresse and almost overwhelme it CHAP. VI. Of a Cough in Women with Childe MOst certaine it is that great-bellied Women by reason of their being with childe have not sometimes a free vent for their crude and indigested aliments either by Stoole or by Urine or by any other Emunctories of the body these being unduly kept in the body putrifie wax hot and communicate noysome fumes and vapours to the spiritous parts which by their clamminesse thicknesse and sharpnesse together with the bad quality that is in them gripe and twitch the Woman and force her to cough Some perhaps may demand why doth this Coughing happen in the last months the answer is obvious namely because in those moneths a greater plenty of excrements are lodged in the body then were accumulated at the first The cause of the Cough according to Hippocrates is a viscous thick and tough humour impacted in the Pipes of the Lungs which humour sometimes also thorough that consent which is between the Matrix and the Chest invadeth that part and raiseth a Coughing and these are set down as the true signes of this evill As for the Prognosticks you must know that a Cough befalling a woman with childe is a bad Symptome seeing that by the least stretching and shrinking the Cotyledons or vessells of the wombe are many times loosned yea sometimes burst asunder and from thence comes abortivenesse The Cure is perfected with sweet wine mild beere and the frequent use of a Ptisan sharp sowre and cold things must be avoided meats also must be forborne which breed a thick nourishment and are hard to digest vehement evacuations likewise are not good wherefore having given order for the observation of a good Diet prescribe some gentle lenifying medici●es to provoke her to spit as manna Syrup of roses laxative Diacnicu and the like These things being administred proceed to Electuaries and expectorating medicines and especially to this Apozem following Take an ounce of cleansed Barley The roots of Aristolochy Licoras scraped of each two drams The leaves of Asarabacca Nettles White Maidenhaire of each a handfull Two drams of raisins pickt The flesh of Dates Fat Figs of each three drams Boyle them in a sufficient quantity of water to two pints and to the strained liquor add Two ounces of Diacodium Mingle them and make an Apozem or You may prescribe Lozenges after this manner Take a dram of the species Diatragacanth frigid Diaireos Poppy seeds of each a scruple Two ounces and a halfe of Sugar dissolved in rose water according to art make them into Lozenges Then prescribe this Conserve Take Conserve of red Roses Elecampane candied of each an ounce Conserve of Violet flowers Rosemary flowers of each halfe an ounce Two drams of meale of beanes A dram of Diaireos Ten graines of Sulphur With Syrup of Coltsfoot make a Conserve Meale of beanes according to Galen doth cleanse and mundifie the Chest digests and crude spittle contained in the pipes and makes it easie to be excerned bean-flower water is exceeding good for the Lungs especially if she drinke it with Syrupe of Maydenhaire or Oxymel Scilliticum the same faculties hath the distilled waters of red Poppies The yolke of an egg taken in the morning with Sugar and the oyle of sweet Almonds is a most incomparable remedy and hath done good to thousands Anoynt her Breast with this Oyntment which is good to prepare the crude and thick matter which stops her pipes Take an ounce of the oyntment of marish mallowes The axungia of a hen Of a Duck of each halfe an ounce Oyle of sweet Almonds Oyle of Violets of each two drams Ten graines of Saffron Mingle them and according to art make an oyntment heat it when you use it and anoynt the whole region of her Chest therewith CHAP. VII Of the swelling of the Legs in Women with Childe FRom the same cause namely from abundance of phlegme and c●ude humours especially in the last moneths proceed the swelling of the legs face and eye-browes and when I have told you that the flesh of the whole body groweth soft and that she looketh white and wan in the face I have discovered unto your consideration the signes of this disease Women in this condition cannot be restored to perfect health till she be delivered yet may we not delay our helps least a worse evill happen unto her for whereas the legs and feet are outward parts and at a great distance from the fountaine of heat they are quickly affected with cold and
foot onely or an arme appeareth or when the breech cometh before the head or when both the feet joyned together come out first and afterwards the head the third is when the childe which comes forth of the wombe is mishapen nature having erred in the conformation the fourth is intolerable paine fainting swounding fits and bitter torments about the bottome of her belly and the secret parts the fifth is an effusion or running out of water many dayes before the birth which being run out the passages which before were slippery to assist the emission of the childe now remaine hard and dry and become an impediment to the birth this humour is of no small advantage nay it is of admirall concernment to facilitate the birth if we may without procuring envie to the man beleeve Galen who saith in his book de us● partium that that humour serves not onely to moisten the childe and to make the wayes slippery but it likewise subdues the callosity and hardnesse of the matrix almost to an incredible dilatation to these we may adjoyne the weaknesse of the mother and the imbecillity of the expulsive faculty as also the strength of the Retentive The signes of an illegitimate birth succeeding are vehement but vaine indeavours and strivings seeing that the childe for the reasons aforesaid is hindred from coming forth No man of understanding can deny but this must be terrible to behold and painefull to endure for if the childe chance to dye and lye dead in the Matrix some dayes it is most certaine that it will putrifie infest the principall parts with noysome vapours and poysonous exhalations weaken their strength and bring an unavoided death upon the woman We have often and with the saddest apprehensions beheld how much diligence was necessary both to the reliefe of the Mo●●● and the preservation of the childe ●●erefore having provided a skilfull Midwife you must lay the woman in a darke place least her minde should be distracted with too much light all passions of the minde must be diverted by a pleasant and cheerefull conversation and provide such meat for her as is easie of concoction Let her drinke be small beere or barley water boiled with Maidenhaire and cinamon unto which add a small quantity of Rhenish wine for this brings down the urine moves the Courses and facilitates the birth boiled meats are most wholsome for her as mutton boiled with Rosemary chicken broth also is good for her and so are the chickens Binding and sharp things must be avoided gentle and moderate exercise is commendable and afterwards the Midwife may rub her legs and her feet We have acquainted you with the Conditions of an ill birth and now we shall furnish you with remedies to prevent or oppose those conditions When the childe goeth out in a depraved figure the Midwife must gently dilate the parts with her hand or with some convenient instrument certaine it is that this happens very often if a monster be borne in regard of the bad conformation of the body if a foot or an arme or the shou●●●ders or the buttocks come out first 〈◊〉 the Midwife by the activity of her hand anoynted with oyle of sweet almonds must thrust back the childe and dispose it to a more regular egresse but if this cannot be done the childs life is in danger and if the child perish it must either be expelled with medicines or drawn out with an hooked instrument as we shall shew you in the chapter next following If vehement Symptomes arise from hence all which are wont to proceed from the weaknesse of the Mother or else from clotted bloud destilling from the Ma●rix before the birth and that you feare a greater inquination in regard of that putrified bloud then comfort the feeble and decayed spirits of the woman with the Rh●nish wine and broths aforesaid when this is done provoke the clotted bloud and feculent humour by strong ligatures by rubbing her body with a course cloath and applying Cuppinglasses to her legs and if the woman be fallen into an agony if she be young of a good habit full of bloud or of a sanguine complexion and if it be also the Spring time if those about her have strong feares that she will dye open a veine in her ankle for thus Nature is disburthened and the womb which was opprest with the weight of the bloud feeles ease and many times the woman recover● who was at deaths doore To witnesse the truth hereof we have an authentick warrant from the writings of Hippocrates who in his booke de morbis mulier hath these words if a woman with childe be a long time restrained and cannot bring forth if she be likewise in the vigour of her age and full of bloud you m●st open a veine in her ankles and draw away the bloud respect being had to the strength of her body Note that he saith out of her ankles that is at one time from both ankles as Cordaeus his Commentatour hath observed unto us but yet in our Climates we conceive it sufficient to cut a veine in the left ankle onely because our opinion is that somewhat must be left to Nature who is somewhat wearied but yet able to make a further resistance After the phlebotomy curb the malice of the humours with Bezoar stone Trea●le Mithridate Alkermes Hyacyntha with Lozenges made of Manus Christi Diamargariton frigidum Aromaticum rosatum and the like If great plenty of waters come away before the birth if the Matrix and the Scabard thereof remaine dry if the Cotyledous be contracted and straightned so that no roome is left for the egresse of the childe then must it be your indeavour to soften to moisten and make wide the passages with oyle of sweet almonds or with a warm cloath dipped in the oyle or else fill a bladder full of this oyle and lay it upon her privities or lastly you may mingle it with a decoction of onyons garlick rue and birthwort Half Tubs are in this case very profitable being made after this manner following Take the leaves of mallowes Marish mallowes of each foure handfulls Motherwort Rue Birthwort Penniroyall of each three handfulls Camomile Melilot flowers The tops of Dill of each two handfulls and a halfe The seeds of Fenugreek Marish mallowes Line of each an ounce and a halfe An ounce and a halfe of Laurell berries Boyle them all in thirty pints of water put them into a tub and let the woman sit covered in it till all things correspond with her expectations You cannot scandalize your judgement by an errour if you present her with an opening dilating and provoking draught as she is seated in the Tub the forme whereof may be this Take two scruples of the Trochisch● of Myrrhe Ten graines of Borace Eight graines of Saffron Halfe an ounce of Syrup of Motherwort Three ounces of a decoction of madder roots and rosemary Mingle them for a draught Many commend this oyntment following which
seldome faileth in its operation Two scruples of boiled Rubarb A scruple of Citron myrobalans Halfe an ounce of syrup of Quinces Two ounces and a halfe of Plantane water Mingle them and let her drink it Divers Authors as Rondeletius Hollerius Amatus Lusitanus and others condemn the boiling of Rubarb and the reason is this as things say they become more milde and weake in their operations when they have past the fire so those things which are gentle become more vehement having acquired a new kinde of faculty by the force of the fire this I grant most willingly but in the meane time they purge lesse and binde more which we desire and as for any corrupt quality which the power of the fire may have contributed to it that is easily washt away by the help of Plantane water or the juice of Quinces if you demand whither this humour should be prepared I answer evacuate it without any delay for you must not expect or wait the concoction thereof Binding Glysters will be very usefull you may make them after this manner Take foure drams of the roots of Consolida major The leaves of plantane and horsetayle of each a handfull Halfe a handfull of red Roses Two drams of shaled Pease Boile them in a sufficient quantity of plantane water to nine ounces to the strained liquor add a dram of the Trochischs de Carabe two ounces of syrup of Roses made with dried Roses The whites of two Eggs. Mingle them and make a glyster Or Take foure drams of the greater Comphrey roots The leaves of knotgrasss and plantane of each a handfull As many red Roses as your thumb and two fingers can take up Sumach and Quince seeds of each two drams Three drams of barley parched and beaten to a grosse powder Boile them in a sufficient quantity of plantane water to nine ounces To the strained liquor add two ounces of syrup of Myrtles A dram of terra sigillata Mingle them and make a glyster After these glysters are injected anoint the Matrix with astringent oyntments Take as many plantane leaves as you can grasp between your thumb and two fingers at twice Red Roses Mulberry leaves Oake leaves of each halfe the quantity aforesaid A dram of Sumach seeds Boile them gently in foure pints of oyle of Quinces Straine and presse the liquor hard and then put in True Bolearmanick Trochischs de Carabe of each a dram With a sufficient quantity of white wax make a soft oyntment according to art or Take two ounces of unguentum Comitisse Oyle of myrtles and oyle of quinces of each two drams Mingle them and make a liniment You must likewise bath the Matrix with fomentations made after this manner Take the leaves of plantane Knotgrasse Oake leaves Red Roses of each a handfull The seeds of plantane Sumach Quinces of each three drams Boile them in a sufficient quantity of red wine or water wherein steele hath been quenched to three pints use the strained liquor as was said above That which remaines after the straining may be kept for a Poultis unto which you may add oyle of quinces and unguentum Comitisse of each two ounces and mingling them together you have an excellent Poultis But if the disease yield not to these Remedies you may exhibit half a dram of new Treacle or Philonium Persicum or a scruple of the masse of Pils de Cynoglossa if the Patient incline to a Consumption give her Cowes milk prepared rightly with steele to drink in a morning fasting if the evill still persevere and you suspect the heat of the Liver to be the Cause of the disease make an issue in her leg that the Liver may exhale at that vent and the other bowells may evaporate or else let her goe into a Bath the waters whereof run from an iron Mine for these naturally binde and thicken CHAP. IV. Of the coming away of the Courses by Drops of the vehement Symptomes thereof and of the Whites AS the urine irritates the expulsive faculty so many times doth the Menstruum for as that when it is too hot doth prick burn and is frequently pist out so the Menstruum being vehemently hot doth cause an itch and an irritation and produceth a Disease which the Doctours call Stillicidium Vterinum which we may english to be a coming away of the Courses by drops The Disease proceeds from the same Causes as doth the immoderate flowing of the Courses therefore the same Remedies will be also proper to overcome them yet in this present cure you need not prescribe so many Remedies nor so often When any notable Symptomes accompanie this Disease as a vehement burning torments in the Matrix a paine about the secret parts it is called the Stillicide or Dropping of the Matrix from a sharp humour arising through the hot distemper of the Liver and the Kidneys and whereas it takes beginning from a hot distemper from whence sharpe hot and fiery humours are generated your Method must be first to root out the Cause and then to cure the distemper wherefore her body must be cooled her bloud must be thickned and the Flux must be drawn back to the upper parts this is done by a coole Ayre by giving her whey to drinke wherein steele hath been often quenched and lastly you may prescribe for her the cold thickning Dyet which we have set down above You may let her bloud in both armes and appoint the opening of the veine called Salvatella Leeches must be applied to the Hemorrhoids that the adust and melancholly bloud may be drawn out Purge her often with Rubarb and Cassia Syrupe of Violets Citron Myrobalaus Manna Tamarinds Diaprun simpl and the like Simples which gently bring away choler Cooling and thickning Juleps will be very necessary which you may make after this manner Take twelve ounces of plantane water Foure ounces of Rose water Two ounces of Syrupe of the juice of Quinces Mingle them and make a Julep or Take the waters of Plantane Purselane of each eight ounces Syrup of Poppy Syrupe of r●stharrow of each an ounce and a half Mingle them and make a Julep If the chiefest fault lie in the Kidneys Take ten ounces of Bean water distilled The waters of Plantane Mallowes of each two ounces Syrupe of Myrtles Syrupe of Poppy of each an ounce A scruple and a halfe of Lapis Prunelle Mingle them and make a Julep But note if the Patient have a hot Liver and a cold stomack it will be convenient to lessen the quantity of the distilled mallow water or to prescribe an equall part of Rose water the vertue whereof strengthens the inward parts Baths made with binding Simples are highly profitable in this Disease for they doe not onely attemper the sharpnesse of the humours but they drive the humours to the outward parts and so defend and fortifie the Matrix from that annoyance which they threatned unto it and in a while the Flux is stayed Whey although it be Diureticall and
●rovoke urine yet when steele is quenched 〈◊〉 it it is wonderfull wholsome for her ●s Hippocrates affirmeth concerning the Son ●f Erotelaus lying sick of a bloudy Flux for ●hen he had drunk whey in which red hot ●nts were quenched his evacuations were ●ore moderate although they were bloudy ●nd in a short time they ended here is to ●e noted that whey although upon a slight ●onsideration it may seeme to be Diureti●●ll and so to provoke rather then to stay ●he flux yet if steele be frequently quenched 〈◊〉 it till the thin and fiery parts thereof ●e wasted away it stayeth the Flux If these Remedies prevaile not to per●●ct the Cure I shall counsell you to make ●n Issue upon the knee for this being kept ●pen the corrupt humours are evacuated ●ithout any decay of the spirits which ●therwise doe many times produce grie●●ous and vehement Symptomes we have ●poken of the coming away of the Menstru●m by Drops with the terrible Symptome which accompanies it namely a vehement ●nd insupportable paine but because this ●aine proceeds from divers causes the Cure ●ust be also diversified Women therefore which are of a cold Constitution especially if they be young prone to Venery Black and Hairy must be purged that the Cause may be taken away and therefore their bodies must be first prepared before you can hope to appease the paine You may evacuate the humour with Diaphenicon Benedicta laxativa or with Pills of Hiera and you may prepare the humour with smallage and fennill roots with agrimony and Motherwort leaves boiled in water wherein steele hath been quenched with Rhodomel The paine must be appeased with unguent Populeum unto which you may add a few graines of opium or else you may apply fomentations to the head A vein also must be opened as we have shewed you above If a woman or Virgin have the whites which come away of a thick and fattish substance you must proceede as in the former Cure but you must be exceeding cautious how you let bloud for such bodies are full of raw humours by reason whereof the spirits are much exhausted and her body is weake and infirme according to the Judgement of Galen in his book de Sanguin missione chap. 11. wherefore in such cases I counsell the Patient to goe to the Spaw waters or some other of the like Nature for they purge away the thick humour both by siege and by urine but especially the melancholy juice which is the cause of this disease A Decoction of China and Salzapavilla cannot be improper nor Leeches applied to the Hemorrhoids Note that the Caul of a Ram or Weather newly killed must be laid to the affected part being first anointed with oyle of Castor for as the skull of a man is good against the Falling Sicknesse and the Lungs of a Fox against the stoppage of the pipes by a specificall vertue or hidden similitude so is this good for the stomack and the Loynes The Whites are defined to be a lasting distillation from the Matrix however it be affected for Nature indevoureth to expell that superfluous moist and excrementitious bloud thorough the Matrix and even at the same time disburtheneth the body from this unprofitable and offensive humour This evill is reckoned among the Symptomes of those things which are immoderately expelled out of the body the Causes whereof are divers for sometimes a predominancy of choler sometimes a phlegmatick juice many times melancholy and very often bloud is evacuated this is easily known because a snottie kinde of humour drops and distills continually from the Matrix which if it be red it proceeds from bloud if white from phlegme if yellow it takes beginning from choler The sick woman complaines of a general weaknesse over all the parts of the body her legs and eyelids are swelled she cannot digest her meat her stomack failes her she is lazie and loves no exercise and cares not to stir up and down so that at length her strength decayeth and her spirits faile through the abundance of bloud which hath come from her wherefore this disease calls for early help least it degenerate as not seldome it doth into a Dropsey or a Consumption or the like terrible Diseases If the body therefore abound with much bloud let a veine be opened in the arme to draw back the course of the humour which is hastening from all parts of the body to the Matrix Thus we read that Galen cured the wife of Boetius unto whom other Physitians had preposterously prescribed Medicines without opening a veine Afterwards you must prepare the phlegmatick humour with a decoction of wormewood unto which add Syr. of Roses or Syr. ●de artemisia the cholerick humour must be prepared with a decoction of endive sorrell unto which may be added Oxysaccarum or Syrup de succo Cichorii if it be a Melancholy humour prepare it with a decoction of Fumitary Buglos unto which add Syr. of Fumitary and Syr. Lupuli Then expell the humour with some gentle purge if it be phlegmatick Take three scruples of white agarick Tro●chischt Two scruples of the root of Mechoacha A dram of Annise seeds Macerate them the space of a night in a sufficient quantitie of fennill water in the morning to two ounces and a halfe of the liquor which you presse out add Three drams of Diacarthamum Halfe an ounce of Diacnicum Mingle them together for a Potion If Cholerick humours abound in the body Take two drams and a halfe of the best Rubarb Citron myrobalans Cinamon of each a scruple Macerate them a whole night in a sufficient quantity of endive water presse them with all your might and add An ounce and a halfe of Syrupe of roses laxative Mingle them and give it her to drinke in the morning If Melancholy humours be predominant Take two drams and a halfe of Sena A dram of Annise seeds Macerate them over night in a sufficient quantity of fumitary water in the morning presse out the liquor and add To two ounces and a halfe of the liquor strained and prest Two drams of Confectio Hamech Halfe an ounce of Syrup of fumitary Mingle them for a Potion If the Disease yield not to these Medicines expell the humour by an Epicrasis that is by some Decoction that by degrees will digest open and evacuate the humour and also mightily provoke urine this Apozem following hath all these vertues Take the roots of Parsly Fennell Buglos Polypody of the Oake of each halfe an ounce The leaves of Maidenhaire Agrimony Motherwort of each a handfull Six drams of Sena Two drams of rubarb One dram of agarick As much Epithymum as you can graspe between your thumb and two fingers Two drams of Annise seed Macerate them together a whole night in two pints of barley water upon hot embers in the morning allow them one or two gentle bublings and when you have strained them add Syrupe of fumitary Syrupe of roses laxative of each an ounce Mingle them for an
Apozem Every other morning let her have foure ounces of it fasting If all these things prove ineffectuall infuse a whole night six graines of Antimony in wine and let her drinke it if her body be strong enough to abide the conflict of the medicine for besides that it draws back the humours from the Matrix by provoking to Vomit it likewise purgeth away by stool that tenacious phlegmatick and thick humour which is the cause of the Disease Wormewood beere is not unwholsome for her or instead thereof prescribe to her beer wherein China roots have been infused for this disperseth the humour to the skin and dries up the superfluous moisture for the same purpose we advise with Galen that a Bath of hot sand be prepared that after the use thereof the body be well rubbed and anointed with honey heated by the fire then as we prescribed above make an Issue in her knee CHAP. V. Of the Complication of the Menstruum with other Diseases THe Complication of the Menstruum with other Diseases is hard to be known and not easie to be cured for if any woman be sick of any Disease and if her Courses be supprest or appeare not the Physitians are at a stand what is most fit during this Judication to be done for it we follow the motions of Nature who worketh rightly and open a vein in the ankle this will not cure the Disease which is rooted in the upper parts And if you draw bloud from the arme you pervert the course and order of Nature to the great disadvantage of the sick woman But you will say in such a case as this what is to be done I shall tell you in few words The Disease is either vehement or moderate and of long continuance if the Courses appeare or come down in a disease of long continuance you may defer the opening of a vein till a more convenient season be it either a vein in the arme or in the ankle which you intended to cut for you can doe no hurt by omitting or at least suspending this remedy But if the Disease be acute and require a speedy evacuation you must observe whither the Menstruum be answerable to the plentie of bloud which abounds in the body if her Courses come down according to the prescription of Hippocrates you must not be busie but leave the whole matter to Nature of the same opinion is Galen also for saith he if at that time when you are letting bloud it should so fall out that her Courses come down or that she should on a suddeu have the Piles you must desist from phlebotomy and commit the whole businesse to Nature if you are satisfied that the Menstruum commeth away in a sufficient quantity but otherwise take from her so much bloud as may make good the deficiency of her Courses But if a burning Fever be upon her if she have not her Courses according to custome and to the satisfaction of her own desires then this defect must be supplied with medicines by opening a veine in her ankle applying Cuppinglasses with scarification to the calfes of her legs or Leeches to the Hemorrhoids to take away the superfluity of the bloud One thing must be considered namely if a woman after her delivery have a burning Fever upon her her Courses actually flowing whither it be lawfull in regard of the vehemence of the Fever to open the upper veines Fernelius Valeriola Amatus Lusitanus and divers others of good account assent the lawfulnesse and expediency thereof for although some have imagined that if the upper veines be opened the bloud will ascend to the upper parts yet if it be true which they imagine more profit and advantage will accrew thereby to the sick woman then hurt or danger for when a veine in the ankle is cut although it bring down the Courses and supply the defective motion of Nature in respect of the part particularly affected yet is it not equally prevalent against a most vehement inflammation nor altogether so profitable in a most acute disease because the bloud must be drawn out from some vessell that is nearer to the part affected that the conjunctive cause may be taken away and although by cutting a vein in the ankle we can draw the whole masse of bloud out of the body yet the bloud is not so fitly taken from one part as from another for in a Quinsey or a Pleurisey 't is more commodious to open the Basilick veine to temper the heat then any other veine in the whole body CHAP. VI. Of hard swellings in the Breasts THe Breasts are naturally thin spongy or fungous and loose for this reason they are apt to entertaine any crude and melancholy humours flowing to them either from the Matrix or from any other parts these if they are not rightly and duly expelled they breed painefull yea malignant and cankerd Vlcers wherefore you must addresse your selfe to the Cure without any truce or delay and this consists in three things in prescribing a Diet in the manuall operations of Surgery and in outward and inward Medicines Let her therefore make choise of a pu●e ayre let her drink be small beer boiled with annise and snakeweed let her meat be of good concoction and easie distribution as Mutton broth Cock broth and rosted Chickens let her avoid meats that thicken the bloud as milke cheese bacon fish and the like open a veine if she have not her Courses in her ankle or cut the Basilick veine twice or thrice to ease the Liver the Spleen and the Kidneys as the multitude of bloud shall require it Note that the humour must be prepared and attempted with this Apozem Take the roots of Succhory Polipody of each an ounce The barke of the root of the Caper and Tamarisk tree of each halfe an ounce The leaves of Buglos Fumitary Balme of each a handfull Two drams of Fennill seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantitie of barley water to two pints and to the strained liquor add Syrupe of Borage Syrupe of fumitary of each an ounce and a halfe Ten graines of Spirit of Vitriol Mingle them and make an Apozem Because the humour is thick and dreggish you must purge her body severall times till it be perfectly cleansed this may be done with this decoction following Take an ounce of Polypody of the oake The leaves Fumitary Hops Borage Endive of each a handfull Epithymum Century the less of each halfe a handfull Boile them in a sufficient quantity of Barley water to two pints and in the strained liquor infuse a whole night An ounce of Sena Foure drams of Rubarb Agarick Troch Creame of Tartar of each two drams Epithymum and The flowers of borage buglos and rosemary of each as many as you can grasp between your thumb and two fingers at twice Two drams of annise seeds In the morning give it one or two bublings straine and presse it and to the liquor add Syrupe of violets Syrupe of fumitary of each
an ounce Make an Apozem or Take the leaves of buglos Fumitary of each a handfull Balme Germander of each halfe a handfull As much Epithymum as you can containe between your thumb and two fingers Boile them in a sufficient quantitie of whey to a pint and a halfe infuse for a night in the strained liquor Six drams of Sena Two drams of white Agarick A dram and a half of annise seeds In the morning presse out the liquor hard and add Syrupe of Violets Syrupe of fumitary of each an ounce and a halfe Mingle them for an Apozem Confectio Hamech and Diacricu will be highly profitable so also are Pils de Lapid Lazuli Sometimes you may prescribe glysters to temper the melancholy humour as for example Take the leaves of Mallowes Marishmallowes Violets of each a handfull Halfe a handfull of bran Two drams of fennill seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantitie of barley water to nine ounces in the strained liquor put in Confectio Hamech Diacatholicon of each an ounce An ounce and a halfe of oyle of violets Mingle them and make a glyster or Take half an ounce of Polypody roots The leaves of buglos Fumitary Violets of each a handfull Foure ounces of sena As much Epithymum as you can take up between your thumb and two fingers Two drams of fennill seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantitie of Cock broth to nine ounces to the strained liquor add Diaprun Laxativum Confectio Hamech of each an ounce Half an ounce of Syrup of Violets A dram of Sal gemme Mingle them and make a glyster Leeches applied to the Fundament may much promote the Cure The event may likewise gratifie your triall if you prescribe Cordials Treacle Mithridate Lozenges of Pearle Alkermes and the like which with their coldnesse drynesse and cordiall vertue retaine the spirits correct the bloud even when it is putrifying and preserve the bowells in their due Symmetry and naturall constitution Note that you may not forget to wash her legs with a decoction of Hops Violets Fumitary Roses Mallowes and Vine leaves If by the advantage of time it prove a cankerd and a creeping Vlcer you must not vex and discompose the Patient with many or strong Medicines but you must institute a palliative Cure for Galen boasteth that he thus cured a woman who had a Cancer in her breast for when the thinner part was brought away it became thicker more full of putrefaction and subject to exulcerate for it is undenyable as the same Author affirmeth that the vehemence of the remedies inflame the humor and set it on fire by that acrimonius quality which is naturally in them Almost all Authors agree that Issues are convenient for they supply the stead of Purges and Phlebotomy as Guido a good writer witnesseth in his book de Cauteriis The end of the first Book of Womens Diseases THE SECOND BOOK Written by NICHOLAS FONTANUS OF Womens Diseases The first Chapter OF the Mother THat Disease which we commonly call the Mother the Physitians terme the Strangulation or Suffocation of the Matrix and sometimes the Ascent of the Matrix Ga●●n took it to be a drawing back of the Ma●●ix to the upper parts Hereupon some of the Ancients conceived the Matrix to be some stragling Creature wandring too and fro thorough severall parts to which phantasticall conceit Fernelius Eugenius and Laurentius contributed a credulous Assent for though a woman be dead yet can you not with an ordinary strength remove the Matrix from the naturall place neither is that reason which Fernelius alledgeth of any moment who saith that in these diseases he hath toucht it upwards seeing that this is not the true Matrix but a grosse windie swelling of a roundish figure and somewhat resembling the Matrix you will say the Matrix doth remove and slip from its proper place I grant it for by reason of the moisture wherewith those parts abound the Matrix is loosened and exceedingly stretched and this is the truth of the whole matter The Cause of this Disease is twofold the Retention of the Seed and the Menstruum which are the materiall cause and a cold and moist distemper of the Matrix breeding phlegmatick and thick juices which is the efficient cause for when the Seed is retained and the Menstruum hath not the customary and usuall vent they burthen the Matrix and choak and extinguish the heat thereof then upon the diminishing of the naturall heat windy humours are bred especially in the Matrix which by nature is a cold nervous and bloudlesse part after the same manner if the seed be kept too long it disturbeth the Function of the spiritous parts and the Midriffe it oppresseth the heart causeth fainting and sounding fits bindeth as it were and girteth about the parts and seemes in such a manner to stop the breath that the sick woman is in danger to be strangled her puls is sometimes weake various and obscure she hath inward discontents and anxieties and is most commonly invaded by at least very subject unto Convulsion fits she lies as if she were astonished and void of sense and from her belly you may heare rumbling and murmuring noises she breatheth so weakly that it is scarce discernable and indeed she is so sad an object that the by-standers may easily mistake her to be dead The drowsie and sleepy disease called Carus differs from this because they who are affected with it have the use of their breath free without any molestation and it differs from a Catalepsy another drowsie disease casting the sick into a profound and dead sleep because they who are taken with that lie without any motion but they who have the mother are tormented with Convulsion fits their legs and their hands are stretched and wrythed into unusuall figures and strange postures and by this it is distinguished from an Apoplexy unto which it is exceeding like Galen wondreth how these women can live who are troubled with these cruell fits of the Mother without any puls or breathing in as much as it is impossible for one that liveth not to breath or for one that breatheth not to live for so long as we live so long we breath To this I answer that although these women live without respiration yet doe they not live without transpiration for this being performed thorough the pores of the skin by the motion of the arteries conserves the symmetry of the vitall heat for then that small heat retiring to the heart as to a Castle may bepreserved by this benefit of transpiration alone Now to procure an assurance whither the woman be living or dead hold a feather or a looking-glasse●to her mouth if the former stir or the latter be spotted it is an undoubted signe that she liveth This is a most acute Disease and soone dispatcheth the sick woman especially if it took beginning from some very contagious and poisonous vapours lecherous women and lusty widowes that are prone and apt to Venery are most subject
he commands the preparation of that cold and thick humour which may be effected by this Apozem following Take the roots of fennill Small Aristolochy Elecampane of each foure drams The roots of Dittany Piony of each two drams The leaves of Nip Penniroyall Calamint Sage of each a handfull The flowers of Stechas Rosemary of each as much as you ca● graspe between your thumb and two fingers at twice A dram of annise seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantity of water wherein steele hath been in●used to two pints To the strained liquor add An ounce and a half of Syrupe of Stechas An ounce of oxymell Scilliticum Mingle them and make an Apozem After you have prepared the humour purge the body with this composition following Take two drams and a halfe of Sena Three scruples of white agarick A dram of annise seeds A scruple of Ginger Macerate them for a night in a sufficient quantity of parsley water in the morning give them one or two bublings and to the liquor which you presse out I meane three ounces of it Add two scruples of Mass Pill Fe●id Mingle them for a Potion or You may prescribe some other mixture to purge phlegm and more valiantly to break and expell winde or make ready this plaister following to be applied to her Navell and her secret parts Take three ounces of bistort ro●ts Lign Aloes Sautali moschatelin N●tmegs Barbar●es Dill of each two drams Cinamon Cloves Scevanth Ca●amile flowers of each a dram Male frankincense or Olibanum Mastick Trochischs de Gallia Moschata Storax calimata Red ●torax or each a scruple Seven graines and a halfe of musk Three ounces and a halfe of yellow wax An ounce and an halfe of ●urpentine A pound of pure ladanum Nine ounces of ship Pitch Mingle them and according to Art make a Plaister If the contumacity of the ●vill be such as not to yield to all these remedies make Issues in the legs and if those also prove ineffectuall my last recourse is to a decoction of Gua●acum wood wherewith the learned Jachinus as he av●rreth in his Commentaries upon Almansor hath cured many of this Disease CHAP. III. Of Melancholy proceeding from the Matrix THis hath one and the same Cause with the Epilepsy namely the retention of the Seed and the suppression of the Menstruum which being earthy and not obtaining a vent they putrifie beget vapours which doe not onely assault the braine but they oppresse the heart also and the Midriffe for when a gloomy and black vapour ascends to the braine the principall parts and their instruments are depraved and the animall spirit which is the chiefest instument of the soule and in its own nature cleare and perspicuous is rendred darke and obscure The true signes of this disease are sadnesse fearfulnesse anxiety of minde and severall figures or postures of unquietnesse appearing in the body They despaire they doate they talke idely especially at that time when they expect their Courses in these you may observe a depraved motion of the principall Members because the temperament of the braine is perverted by that cold and dry humour moreover they are unwilling to dye they cannot sleep they have no stomack to their meat and being taken with a strange loathing of aliment their bodies waste and consume sometimes they imagine that they undergoe the torments of damned soules in Hell they weep without any cause they groan they lament anon againe they laugh desire to goe into some by co●ne●s and according to the inward discompo●ure of their mi●des they turne vary and alter their gestures and countenances into severall figures sometimes they have a conceit that they are talking with Angels sometimes they murmur sometimes they sing certainly there is not a more strange and wonderfull disease for in severall persons it bewrayeth a thousand severall ridiculous and antick behaviours He sees the difficulty of this Cure both in regard of the Symptomes and the stubbornesse of the disease who understands it to be a cold and dry affect for there is no doubt but the braine labours under a cold and dry distemper and how much drienesse resisteth the best medicines is not unknown to Philosophers for as it is of a dull and sluggish action so are there many resistances and from thence comes the danger because it easily degenerates into ●●veing and raging madnesse or into the Falling Sicknesse or into an Apoplexy and it is held incur●ble if the braine be primarily affected because in continuance of time it takes so deep a root that no Magazine of Remedies no stratagems of Art can remove it Wherefore you must be very carefull when you undertake the Cure as for her Diet let it incline to hot and moist assigne her a gently breathing ayre boile her drink with the roo●s of buglos angelica and snakeweed with the leaves of hops buglos balme and fumi●ary allow her white Wine that is small and well sented let her be indulgent to her sleeps avoiding cares pensivenesse and troublesome thoughts if her body be costive make it and keep it soluble Venery is wholsome for melancholy persons provided that it be acted seasonably and with moderation Hippocrates placed the whole hope of the Cure in the evacuation of that excrement commanding as we have said above such Virgins to marry To facilitate the Revulsion and the evacuation of the humour loosen the belly with moistning Suppositories and Glysters observe their composition Take two scruples of the species Hiera pi●ra Ten graines of Troch Alhandal Halfe a dram of common Salt With a sufficient quantity of honey boiled to a due thicknesse make a Suppository or Take a scruple and a halfe of Hiera Picra in the species Trochishs of agarick Troch Alhandall of each a scruple Halfe a dram of Sal gemme With a sufficient quantity of honey according to art make a Suppository Take the roots of Elecampane Polypody of each foure drams The leaves of mallowes Violets Balme Pellitory on the wall Mercury of each a handfull Ten good prunes Five drams of Sena As much Epithymum as your thumb and two fingers can grasp Two drams of annise seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantity of fu●●tary water to nine ounces when you have strained and prest out the liquor add Diaprun Laxat Diaphenicon of each an ounce An ounce and a halfe of oyle of Violets A d●am of Sal gemme Mingle them and make a glyster Or Take the leaves of Buglos Borage Balme of each a handfull Halfe a handfull of Violets Foure drams of Sena Halfe an ounce of the roots of black Hellebore As much Epithymum as you can take up between your thumb and two fingers A dram of fennill seeds Boile them in a sufficient quantity of broth made of a sheepshead and guts soundly wash't before you put them into the pot and to ten ounces of the liquor which you press out add An ounce of Diaprun Laxat Halfe an ounce of Confectio Hamech An ounce and a halfe of
three drams of Dia●henicon Mingle them and let her drink it in the morning early If her Courses be stopped cut a veine in her ankle Leeches also may be applyed to the Hemorrhoids but with caution and warinesse least thereby you more and more weaken such women whose bodies ●re full of raw and indigested humours afterwards you must purge her body again with a scruple of extract Catholic and as much of mass pillul faetidar and lastly prescribe an Apozem or Decoction to cut a●under and evacuare the grosse and tough humours to provoke urine to open the obstructions of the Matrix and to bring down the Courses all which vertues meet together in this Composition following Take the roots of smallage Eryngos And Fennill of each halfe an ounce The ba●ke of the root of the Caper And Tamarisk tree of each two dram● The leaves of penniroyall and birthwort of each a handfull Germander Maidenhaire Balm of each halfe a handfull Ten drams of S●na Three drams of agarick trochischt A dram and a halfe or two drams of Epythymum Boile them all according to art in a sufficient quantity of water wherein stee● hath b●en infused to a quart when yo● have strain●d and with a strong hand pre● out the liquor add Three ounees of ●yrup of roses Mingle them and make an Apozem o● Take the roots of Butchers broome Aparagus Polypody of the oak And fennill of each halfe an ounce The leaves of Penniroyall And motherwort of each a handfull A dram and a halfe of annise seeds The flowers of Violets Rosemary and Borage of each as many as you can take up between your thumb and two fingers An ounce of raisins of the Sun Boyle them in a sufficient quantity of ●arley water to a quart In the strained liquor infuse for a night Ten ounces of Sena Three drams of the whitest agarick Two drams of the best rubarb A dram of Epithymum In the morning let them buble once or twice and then to the liquor which ●ou presse out add Syr. Byzantin And Syr. de eupatorio of each an ounce Mingle them and make an Apozem Of this or of the former let her take ●wice in a day the quantity of three ounces or a week together once in the morning and the second time at foure a clock 〈◊〉 the afternoon Excellent Lozenges may be made of the species Diamosch and Diacinnamomum or you● may compound them with Treacle Mithridate and Bezoar stone When the Mola hath obtained some growth if it be waterish it must be brought away with such simples as have a faculty to purge out waterish humours or if it be windy you must prescribe such medicines as are of a known and approved vertue to strengthen the Matrix and to expell winde and Carminative glysters in such cases will be very convenient so also will plaisters and fomentations applyed to her privie parts but that which is humorall skinny and bloudy may be overcome with the same remedies as are set down at the beginning against the stoppage of the Courses When Nature indeavours to expell this unprofitable burthen and an issue of bloud ensueth thereupon with fainting and swounding fits then you must be diligent to strengthen the Patient with broths made of the flesh of Capons and Partridges and with such things as will stay the bloud and refresh the exhausted spirits such as are Chalybeated wine Sugar of Pearle Corall c. You will object that wine cannot be seasonable because by the heat thereof it makes the bloud thin and makes it more apt to flow away in greater measure by opening the passages rather then it can any way help to stay it I answer it is not guilty of this mischiefe if it hath a reddish Tincture for if good Claret wine be chalybeated as hath bin said besides that it nourisheth the body it is also a binder for it comforteth the spirits and refresheth the whole body which vertues must needs be profitable for and welcome unto a Creature who is hourely subject to faint and swound and although it might provoke the bloud to flow yet a greater good must be preferred before a small inconvenience and therefore give her wine to refresh her spirits which will be more to her advantage then the issue of bloud can be to her prejudice for she may perish suddenly in one of those sits but the flux of bloud may be restrained by degrees Note that foure things require an abstinence from wine First an inflammation of the bowells Secondly a vehement paine in the head Thirdly a Phrensie And fourthly a burning Fever in a crude disease and of this opinion was Galen as appeares in his first book ad Glauconem and the 14. chapter Moreover the Patient should be refreshed with the choicest meats and then the Mola should be disposed to come forth by softning and loos●ning fomentations made of a decoction of marishmallowes mallowes motherwort Mercury Birthwort Sage Hyssope Calamint the seeds of line marishmallowes fenugreek camomile melilot and rosemary in this you may dip a clout and bath her privie parts But if the bloud come not away rub her legs and apply drie Cuppinglasses to the calfes of her legs and binde most painfull ligatures about them and in a word make tryall of all such remedies as will draw down Nature the humours and the Mola to the lower parts CHAP. III. Of Womens Longings WOmen are sometimes so extravagant and preposterous in their appetite that they refuse wholsome meat and long after coales chalke a piece of an old wall starch earth and the like trash which they devoure as ravenously as a hungry Plowman will winde downe a good bag-pudding Now perhaps you may also long to know the cause hereof which is no other then the menstruous bloud especially if it be retained about the middle of their time and grow corrupt for the child in the wombe is nourished with the sweetest part of the bloud and the other part remaining which is vitious filthy and dreggish noisome exhalations especially in the middle moneths arise from it and in such a manner contaminate all the upper partts that the worst things are vehemently desired and the most wholsome refused the signes are apparent from the depravation and irregular temper of their stomack This Disease is hard to cure yet not so much in respect of the disease it selfe as of the subject wherein it is generated which is a woman with childe now we know that such women must be warily and religiously dealt withall and unlesse it be in extreame necessity their bodies ought not to be purged By this unavoidable abstinence the disease is increased and the bad humour being long retained in the body becomes daily more and more corrupt by the tetrous exhalations which ascend up from the pollutions of the Matrix therefore having first appointed a strengthning and drying dyet you must indeavour to rid away that humour with Syrup of roses solutive and afterwards when the body is cleansed
and free from the humour you may prescribe a gentle Purge of Rubarb which hath both a purging and a strengthning faculty for if we may adventure our beliefe to the assertions of the best Physitians Rubarb may be safely given to old men infants and women with childe and Fallopius in his booke of purging Simples and in the chapter where he speaketh of Rubarb saith it dries up all superfluous moisture contained in the vessells of the Matrix it is a gentle cleanser it strengthneth the Heart and the stomack by its astringent faculty neither need you to entertaine the vaine feares of some who suspect that the bitternesse thereof may destroy the childe for the taste of it is not horrible to nature and besides the bitternesse quickly vanisheth There remaines another doubt to be answered namely whether it be more proper and advantagious to prescribe an infusion of Rubarb or to give it in the substance I answer that it purgeth most in the substance or body of it expelling the humours by siege which it doth not in an infusion at least not so powerfully because then it evacuates onely by the purgative vertue which is in it and of the same opinion is the Author before named CHAP. IV. Of a bad stomach proceeding from Vomiting IT is a known truth that most dangerous direfull and pernicious Symptomes invade women with childe from which also forsaking of meat and Vomiting doe afterwards follow all which things proceed from those noysome and foggy exhalations which are distributed into the severall parts from the corruption of the bloud for whereas there is a sympathy and consent between the stomack and the Matrix when any poysonous or malignant vapour ascendeth from the latter it immediately invades and overcomes the stomack which being weakned in the conflict or indeavour to resist and keep out those vapours the functions of it are depraved it refuseth all comfort or nourishment or if at any time it admit any 't is no sooner swallowed but vomited up againe these are the signes of this disease and to cure it proceed according to the Method following In the first place prescribe a cleansing potion Take three drams of Elecampane roots The leaves of wormewood and Century the lesse of each halfe a handfull Boile them in a sufficient quantity of whole barley water to a pint and a halfe to the strained liquor add three ounces of honey of roses strained mingle them for a Potion against the next morning prepare this purge following Take three drams of rubarb Two scruples of agarick Trochischt A dram of annise seeds Macerate them a whole night in a sufficient quantity of mint water to two ounces and a halfe in the morning presse them hard with all your strength and add three drams of the Electuary Diaphenicon if she cannot take down a Pu●ge let her swallow these Pills following Take a dram of the mass of Pills de Hiera cum agarico Make nine pills and guild them The next day following give her this strengthning mixture which doth not purge at all and eve●y morning let her eat the quantity of a Nutmeg Take Elecampane roots candied Marmalade of Quinces of each an ounce Halfe an ounce of Conserve of red Roses Foure scruples of aromat rosat in powder Two scruples of mastick in powder With a sufficient quantity of Syrup of mint make a Confection After the use of these things make this plaister following and lay it to her stomack Take lignum aloes Yellow Sanders And the round Cyperus of each two drams Galangale mace cloves And calam aromat of each a dram Common wormewood roman wormewood Spikenard dried mint Of each as much as you can take up between your thumb and two fingers Mastick Storax calamitu Red Corall of each two scruples Amber Musk of each a scruple Pure ladanum Turpentine of each an ounce Foure ounces of white wax Make a Masse whereof let him take a sufficient quantity and spread it upon leather and lay it to her stomack Bisket steeped in muskadine is excellent good for her because it refresheth the spirits and mightily strengthneth the stomack CHAP. V. Of a Pain in the Belly the Passion of the Heart and of sounding Fits VVOmen with Childe doe often feele a pain in their bellies and this also proceeds from winde and the malignant vapours aforesaid neither are the swounding Fits or the Passion of the heart produced by any other causes because the heart when it is shaken with this fuliginous and grosse spirit doth frequently stretch and contract it selfe and endeavouring to expell the evill which annoyes it it falls into an inordinate and strange motion like unto trembling Under these diseases the woman languisheth is full of feares and frights prone to despaire subject to faint can obtaine no sleep but wasteth away daily and waxeth leane and meager To take away her paine you may administer such remedies as will expell the winde and strengthen the bowell of which sort you may furnish your selfe with plenty above in the chapter of a cold distemper and windy humours in the Matrix● You may likewise anoynt the stomack with this oyntment following Take an ounce of unguent Altheae Oyle of wormewood Oyle of Camomile And oyle of rue of each three drams The powder of lignum aloes Mastick Wormewood And both sorts of Corall of each a dram Halfe a dram of aromat rosat in powder Six drops of oyle of annise seeds With a sufficient quantity of yellow wax according to art make an oyntment This or the like fomentation may likewise be very usefull Take halfe a dram of elecampane roots Two drams of lignum aloes The leaves of Rue Motherwort Sage Wormewood Mint of each a handfull Mastick Cloves of each two drams Boile these Simples in a sufficient quantity of water to three pints and prescribe the strained liquor for a fomentation After the use of the fomentation clap to the stomack the caul of a sheep newly killed In Spaine the greatest persons and those the wisest also take hot bread from the oven afterwards they soake it in Muskadine and having sprinkled upon it the powders of red and white corall and aromat rosatum they lay it to the heart others instead thereof use Treacle Alkermes and Confect Hiachytorum to all which may be added if the evill yield not to the remedies aforesaid a little bag to be worne upon the left pap and made after this manner following Take two drams of lignum aloes Bezoar stone Muske Red corall of each a dram Red and yellow Sanders of each two scuples The Specie Diamosch And Diambr of each a scruple and a half With a piece of red taffata and cotton make a quilted bombast for the use aforesaid Mingle cordialls with her drinke and cordiall conserves as for example Take two ounces of conserve of red roses Two drams of alkermes Macerate them a night in two pints of plantane water and red wine in the morning straine it thorough Hippocrates his sleeve
they apply to the privie parts Take unguentum de Althaea Vnguentum Resumptivum of each an ounce Oyle of white lillies Oyle of Dill Hensgrease of each halfe an ounce Saffron Dittany beaten to powder of each two drams With a sufficient quanty of wax make an oyntment But if nature be culpable in both namely in the weaknesse of the Mother and the expulsive faculty and also in the strength of the retentive then against one you must administer corroborating medicines as hath already been said and to rectifie the other fault you must adhibit loosening remedies such namely as are recited above CHAP. III. Of the Retained Secundine GAlen in his book de usu partium hath rekoned up three membranes which enwrap the childe in the wombe the first whereof is called Ammios this on every side is spread over the whole childe and receiveth the childs sweat that it may swim in it The second is named Allantoeides or Intestinalis or as others name it better Vrinaculum whose use 〈◊〉 to receive the urine the third is called Chorion our Midwives call it the Secundine which is nothing else but a multitude and connexion of vessells and membranes thorough which as by little springs or rivolets the child draweth bloud and ayre these membranes are burst when the childe begins to kick his way out into the world from whence that liquor distilleth as we have noted above which makes the passages slippery after the nativity of the childe these membranes are excerned but if they chance to be retained they introduce most outragious Symptomes and a disease of number in the excesse The Causes of the retention are diverse for many times the Matrix is confirmed after the childe is borne many times the immoderate passions of the minde make nature forget her selfe in his duty sometimes odoriferous things draw the Matrix upwards and so nature is disturbed in her purposes of exclusion an unseasonable drinking of cold water is a very frequent cause of it and so are grosse meats that stuffe the body and thicken the bloud You may know by the Midwives relation that the Secundine is retained unto whom if she be skillfull you ought at the command of Hippocrates yield up your beliefe or you may conjecture it if the woman be sad in minde subject to faint and swound full of tossing and unquietnesse if she feele a heavinesse in her wombe or a round substance like unto a fixt and immoveable ball This is a most lamentable disease for if the Secundine be retained for any considerable time it putrifies and communicates poisonous exhalations to the principall parts as the heart the brain the liver from whence arise swounding fits anxiety of minde giddinesse in the head and direfull torments Wherefore let it be the Midwives care with all speed to attempt the cure bringing down the Secundine with her fingers besmeared with oyle and let her hold fast the umbilicall vessells till the Secundine follow but what if it remaine behinde then according to the Oracle of Hippocrates delivered in the fortieth Aphorisme of his fifth book you may exhibit sne●zing medicines to the nostrills for these by that motion compresse the upper parts and the expulsive faculty being irritated out comes the Secundine Take black pepper Mustard seed Sagapenum of each a dram and a halfe Tobacco Castor White hellebore of each a dram A scruple of Euphorbium Make a fine powder of them and upon the point of a knife or thorow a quill let her sniffe up a little of it at a time or you may prescribe this Potion for two Doses it hath often done the Cure Take eight ounces of penniroyall water An ounce and a halfe of aqua Hysterica Two scruples of Castor in powder Mingle them for a Potion to be taken at twice or Take two scruples of the Trochischs de Carabre A scruple of Borace Halfe an ounce of the Syrup of juice of betony Three ounces of a decoction of Savine Mingle them for a Draught Suffumigations are also very profitable to bring away the Secundine Take Storax Benjamin Lign aloes of each two ounces Musk Civet of each a scruple Make a pessarie of them adding Vnguentum Agrippe and the juice of Mercury Liniments must not be omitted made with unguentum de Althaea de Agrippa oyle of Almonds and oyle of Dill fomentations and halfe tubs are equally necessary made of a decoction of camomile pellitory of the wall Motherwort Birthwort Origanum Sage Savine annise fennill and Line seeds unto all which may be added oyle of Almonds and oyle of Dill Glysters must also be injected and with good successe you may continually rub her hips and her thighes tye ligatures about her legs apply Cuppinglasses and cut a veine in her ankle When the Secundine is ejected or drawn out give the woman Cordialls as Bezoar stone Treacle Confect de hyacintha or Alkermes all which things are of undoubted vertue to restraine the malignity of the vapours sometimes a Mole remaineth in the Matrix after the birth which by reason of the congealed bloud and the fleshi● substance whereof it is compounded is as difficult to cure as the retention of the Secundine wherefore you must indeavour to expell that by the help of those remedies which we have prescribed above in the chapter of a Mola and here also a little above Note the difference betweene the Secundine and a Mole this is fixt and unmoveable but that is moveable from one place to another in a Mole or when a woman is troubled with that halfe conception so called a black and clotted bloud drops from the Matrix which upon the retention of the Secundine appeares not CHAP. IV. Of the Dead Childe CErtaine it is that the Childe dyes in the Mothers wombe for many causes the first of these is an inward cause as a defect of aliment or the corruption of it the second is a most vehement burning Fever which by the excessive heat thereof wastes the spirits and destroyes the naturall heat The third cause is an unseasonable evacuation of bloud at the nose the mouth the Matrix or by phlebotomy The fourth is an exuperance or an immoderate predominancy of humours in the body The fifth is a great quantity of moysture loosening the vessells The fixth is some vehement medicine The first outward cause is some blow the second a Cough the third vociferations or loud and clamorous yawlings the fourth sneezing the fifth sad tydings the fixth some horrible and dreadfull sights The Childe may be known to be dead by a coldnesse about the Mothers navell and by a kinde of fixt and immoveable weight in her belly by a bad taste in her mouth and by her stinking breath Use your utmost activity and cunning to bring away the dead childe both by inward administrations and by outward applications inwardly let her take this Potion Take a a dram of the Trochishs of myrrhe Castor Storax Borace of each ten graines Foure ounces of a decoction of
Savine Mingle them for a draught or Take the powder of assa faetida Trochishs of myrrhe of each a scruple Troch Alhandal Borace of each ten graines Nutmeg Saffron of each five graines Two ounces of a decoction of Savine Two ounces of muscadine Mingle them for a Draught or Take the powder of Euphorbium Dittany of Creet of each a scruple Ten graines of borace Five graines of Cantharides prepared Three ounces of a decoction of Savine Mingle them for a Draught Glystars and Suppositaries are of great concernment and thus make you them Take a dram of rest-harrow roots The leaves of Savine Pennyroyall Birthwort Motherwort of each a handfull Origanum Sage Dittany of Creet of each halfe a handfull Fennill seeds Nettle seeds The pulp of Coloquintida of each two drams Boile them in a sufficient quantity of water to nine ounces to the strained liquor add Two ounces of benedicta laxativa Halfe an ounce of hiera picra Mingle them and make a Glyster or Take Troch Allhandall Scammony of each a scruple A dram of common salt With a sufficient quantity of white honey boiled according to Art make your Suppository Outwardly you may apply oyntments made of oyle of Castor oyle of Foxes oyle of Euphorbium with unguentum Agrippe unto which may be added a little coloquintida powder of dittany scammony the gall of an Oxe Take two ounces of Vnguentum Agrippae Oyle of Castor Foxes Euphorbium of each halfe an ounce The pulp of coloquintida Dittany of Creet Scammony of each two drams The gall of an Oxe Euphoribium of each a dram Mingle them and make an oyntment Suffumigations may be prepared by this forme following Take halfe an ounce of live Sulphur Opoponax Galbanum Assa faetida of each two drams The powder of rue Savine of each a dram and a halfe The gall of an Oxe The juice of an onyon of each a sufficient quantity Make them into Trochischs for your use Pessaries must not be forgotten therefore Take three drams of Hiera piera in the species A dram and a halfe of myrrhe A sufficient quantity of unguentum Agrippae With a piece of cotton according to Art Make a Pessary Or Take Ammoniack Assa faetida Black ●ellebore of each two drams Troch Alhandall Scammony of each a dram The juice of rue Soldanella The gall of an Oxe of each halfe a dram Two drams of Turpentine With wooll and cotton according to Art make a long Pessary If these things will not bring away the childe and if the Mother be sadly fallen into an agony the safest method will be to draw out the childe with instruments if no contraindications appeare as a bad pulse and a difficulty of breathing with anxiety and unchearfulnesse of disposition in the woman CHAP. V. Of the Torments and the suppression of the Courses after the Birth WOmen in labour must be gently handled and carefully lookt unto both in respect of the roome where she is laid and also in regard of the Diet which is most proper for her in that condition As for the place it must be darke far and free from noise or any other disturbance that way least she should be offended by any accidents of feare or sadnesse or by any sudden surprizalls of anger or griese The Diet consists in meats of good juice and easie concoction and such as are not slow in their distribution to the severall parts because they thicken the bloud and obstruct the passages Let her drinke be small beer cleare and well setled from dregs Barley water in which birthwort and borage leaves have been boiled is incomparably the best drinke you can device for her and next to it we prefer Rhenish wine conditionally that the presence of a Fever doth not forbid it The whole hope of preserving the Woman yea of curing the Diseases which happen after the birth is placed in the evacuation of the feculent menstruous bloud and therefore 't is the duty of our skill to provoke and urge down that bloud least that evill befall her which Physitians call Torment This is a paine in the whole lower region of the belly felt upon the privie parts neere the small guts the inward cause thereof is a multitude of thick menstruous bloud retained in the body The outward cause is the inclemency of the outward ayre in regard of the coldnesse and the passions of the minde thick meats as creame custards and the like coarse bread salt flesh hard fish and many other things which are hard to digest and not kindely distributed to all the regions of the body You may most easily discover this affect by the signes for the Courses are retained at least they come downe not so freely nor in such plenty as at other times they were wont a wandring and unquiet paine is perceived beneath the navell with gurgulations and rumbling in the guts the woman breaks winde both upwards and downwards and this winde is bread of a thick and feculent bloud This affect must not be despised by neglect for the matter making way by degrees to the affected part augmenteth the paine yea and introduceth inflammations with a Fever wherefore when you have duely con●idered the age of the woman the Climate in which she liveth the time of the yeare and the menstruum you m●st without delay open a veine in the ankle and not once onely but twice or thrice as it shall seeme expedient for by this administration the thick and feculent bloud i● drawn out rub her legs till by her complaints you know she feeles paine and apply Cuppinglasses to the inward part neither may you forget to lay Leeches to the Fundament by reason of its neernesse to the Matrix and the spleen A Purge be it strong or be it gentle must be exhibited the first dayes because the belly is not sufficiently open and inclined to evacuate the menstruum for should you afterwards purge her body it would take off Nature and interrupt her in her duty as Avicen sheweth in his fourth Fen. and and first chapter Therefore let the bloud be made fluid and the passages kept open and then mitigate the paines with mollifying fomentations mixt with Anodynalls Take the Caul of a weather newly killed and clap it upon the part for by the actuall and asswaging heat thereof it takes away the paine and the same vertue hath the bladder of an Oxe if it be filled halfe full of this decoction following Take the leaves of mallowes Violets Pellitory of the wall Pennyroyall of each a handfull and a half The flowers of Camomile The flowers of melilot of each a handfull Line seeds Fennill seeds of each halfe an ounce Boile them in a sufficient quantity of water to three pints unto which add Three ounces of oyle of sweet almonds Oyle of Dill Oyle of poppies of each an ounce and a halfe use it as was said above Anoynt her belly with this oyntment following Take unguentum de Alth●ea Vnguentum Agrippe of each an ounce
drams of fennill seeds Boile them to nine ounces in a sufficient quantity of a decoction of an old hen and to the strained liquor add Two ounces of honey of roses strained An ounce of new butter Make a Glyster This being given you must strengthen the stomack with the stomachicall Plaister already prescribed and with these Lozenges Take a dram of aromaticum rosatum in the species Red corall and pearl prepared of each half a dram With two ounces and a halfe of white Sugar dissolved in a sufficient quantity of ●ose water make little Lozenges according ●o Art or Take old Conserve of red roses Roman wormewood The Conserve of Quinces of each an ounce Halfe an ounce of the Conserve of Acacia A dram and a halfe of aromaticum rosa●um in the species A dram of the Trochichs de carabe Two scruples of red corall prepared With a sufficient quantity of Syrup of Pomegranets make a mixture Sometimes the Vomiting is accompanied with yexing and they both proceed from the same causes and therefore may both be cured with the same remedies but if it be of long continuance the most rationall and best grounded proceeding is to apply a Cuppinglasse to the mouth of the stomack with a mighty flame After all these follow two more namely spitting of Bloud and a Cough the former whereof is cured by cutting a veine in the Ankle which kinde of remedy is approved by Hippocrates in the thirty two Aphorisme of his fifth book saying a woman is freed from spitting or vomiting bloud if the menstruum breake forth and frequent experience justifies this truth for divers women by the omission hereof as Galen hath observed in his booke of Letting Bloud fell into the Tissick and other most lamentable diseases But the Cough is twofold either dry or moist the cause of the former is a certaine contagious vapour communicated to the spiritous parts provoking the Midriffe the Lungs and the other instruments of breathing to expell whatsoever is faultie and offensive the cause of the latter is a crude and raw humour ascending up from the Matrix to the Chest and sticking fast unto it This is cured by rubbing the parts and tying straight Ligatures about them by Pessaries Glysters Cuppinglasses opening a veine in her ankle by Electuaries Ptisans expectorating Potions to cleanse away the bad humour by laying on Emplastrum Resumptivum Pectorale or Vnguentum de Althaea among which you must mingle Cummin seeds and Saffron After the same manner Women in Child-bed are troubled to fetch their breath because by a mutuall and frequent stretching and compression of the Chest the vapours are transmitted to the Lungs and they who feele themselves molested with such vapours do seldome escape that Cough we last mentioned Moreover to this Catalogue belongeth the Pleurisie which is a most acute and therefore a most dangerous disease this you may discerne by these signes following an acute and burning Fever a Cough difficultie to fetch breath a pricking paine and a hard pulse Open a veine and you overcome this disease without any further remedy but the question will be in what part of the body I answer if it be a most violent Pleurisie that torments the sick if her Courses come down after a right manner and yet the evill abates not then cut a veine in her ankle but if this availe not so as the Patients life is now in danger then open a veine in her arme especially if she be full of bloud that the vitious humour may be drawn away from the inflamed place and seasonably evacuated this advice of mine is justified by the approbation of Mercurialis Mercatus Alphonsus a Castro Meschius Valeriola and the learned Zacutus Lusitanus neither will it be incovenient if you interchange this administration of phlebotomy namely first to draw bloud from the ankle then from the arme then from the ankle againe and so keeping turnes as need shall require for thus you will give ease both to the part inflamed and likewise to the Matrix which is the part mandant or that from whence the evill is communicated and distributed to the other regions This being carefully performed your next designe must be to mitigate and take away the paine with fomentations liniments Electuaries and Ptisans Take an ounce of the roots of marish mallowes The leaves of mallowes marish mallows and white Maidenhaire of each a handfull Halfe a handfull of the flowers of dwarf-elder Annise and Line seeds of each halfe an ounce Boyle them in water to a quart and give her the strained liquor to drinke at severall times then Take a dram of unguentum de Althaea The Axungia of a hen and new butter of each halfe an ounce Two ounces of oyle of sweet Almonds Mingle them and make an oyntment then Take Syrup of Violets compound and Syrup of Maidenhaire of each an ounce and a halfe Mingle them and make a mixture to be licked from the point of a knife Afterwards Take two ounces of cleansed barley An ounce of raisins pickt stoned and washt Two drams of the best Licoras Boile them in raine water to a quart and give her the strained liquor to drinke Note that in all diseases of the Membranes the upper part of the throate and the Jawes yea and in the Falling-Sicknesse the Apoplexy the Palsie and the Convulsions you must begin the Cure by letting bloud if plentie of bloud give occasion to the Disease The swelling of the feet is the last of all those Symptomes which invade a woman after her Delivery and this proceeds from a disorderly and negligent Diet during the time of her being with Childe for by that meanes raw humours are bread in her body which after her Delivery settle in her legs as being cold parts full of nerves and far distant from the Liver which is the fountaine of bloud in which places you shall perceive soft kinde of swellings which being crusht down retaine the print of your fingers This must be cured with strengthning administrations and such medicines as are good to expell the raw humours and likewise with such as will moderately binde for should you give her strong binders you would thereby allure the humours towards the upper parts therefore to avoide that errour prepare this Bath following Take two ounces of marish mallow roots The leaves of mallowes Mint Wormewood Sage Rosemary of each two handfulls The leaves of red roses and camomile Of each a handfull An ounce of Laurell Berries Saltpeter Sulphur of each half an ounce Boile them to eight pints in a sufficient quantity of water wherein steele hath been often quenched and let her put her feet into the strained liquor Then take the dreggish substance which remaines after the straining of the said liquor and add to it The meale of Orobus And Lupines of each three ounces Foure ounces of Oxymel With a sufficient quantity of brine made with the juice of Lemmons reduce them into the forme of a Poultis and lay it
parts of the Matrix partly by reason of the suppressed Menstruum and partly by some violent labour or some vehement Abortivenesse or by some cold distemper and winde in the Matrix The swelling is discernable by the touch and if you lay your fingers upon her Matrix the print of them remaines if the Patient turne her selfe from one side to ano●her the waterish humour immediately ●alls down on that ●ide within you may ●erceive a rumbling noise of waters her Courses are stopped she falsly surmiseth ●hat she is with Childe the breasts grow ●ank and there is no appearance of milke She feeles some difficulty to fetch her ●reath she is troubled with passions of the minde she is tormented with thirst complaines of heat in all the parts of the body is apt to nauseate subject to a paine in her heart and all other things molest her that usually accompany a true Dropsey and that in regard of a salt and waterish phlegme ●etained in the hollow parts of the Matrix and communicated thorough the common wayes to the upper provinces of the body It differs from an inflammation in the Matrix because this is consociated with a Fever continually burning all the parts of the body but in a Dropsey of the Matrix the heat is more gentle and temperate all things are lockt up in the Matrix that is nothing worth the mentioning comes from thence in an inflammation but in a Dropsey a waterish slimy and stinking excrement floweth away This is a Chronicall Disease and doth not quickly either destroy or take leave of the Patient It differs also from the windinesse which swells the Matrix for in that the swelling is not so great the flesh is not so pale and shining neither is there so much winde and it is easily differenced from a Schirrus for in this you may feele a great hardnesse but in the Dropsey the flesh is soft and lanke The Dropsey in the Matrix is a direfull disease whereby the upper parts being vitiated sometimes the whole body is drawn into consent and then the naturall heat of the Matrix is diminished and indeed the oeconomy of this part onely is not disturbed but the universall strength of the influent heat is by degrees extinguisht Wherefore you must begin the Cure without any procrastination or carelesse delayes by a heating and drying diet the forme quantity quality and manner whereof we have set down already at large in the Chapter of a swelling in the Matrix Allow her pure wine for her drinke that is sincere wine or else wormewood wine or if it seeme pleasant to her boile china roots with Annise seeds Cinamon and Agrimony in water for her to drink or alter her beer with China or wormewood or Century All moist things must be avoided and the ayre must be artificially heated unlesse you can settle her in an ayre which is naturally hot Among the universall remedies you must omit Phlebotomy for this exhausts the hot substance and weakens the naturall heat cooleth the body extinguisheth the inborne preservative yet this rule is not so strict or so generall but that sometimes it may be lawfull yea necessary to cut a veine when her Courses are supprest or when the Piles are stopt yea if she be young and in the flower of her youth it may be requisite to let her bloud in the spring of the yeare especially if the constitution of the weather be agreeable and the constitution of her body temperate and sanguine but otherwise never or at least very sparingly and that in the Ankle Purge the first regions of her body with Diasenua Mechoaca or Diaphenicon the thick viscous and waterish humours neverthelesse being first prepared specially with such remedies as we have commended unto you above and although the waterish humours may be purged out without staying for their concoction because water neither concocts nor waxeth thick according to Galen in his book de purgand Med. Facult yet to expell the winde and to open the obstructions wherewith the upper parts are infested I praise those things which are good to break winde to unlock the passages and to purge out the humours this is commodiously performed with wormewood agrimony fennill Maidenhaire the juice of the Florentine Flowerdeluce Sena the roots of Parsly Fe●nill Sparagus Butchersbroom and Alexander boiled after this manner Take the last named five roots of each half anounce Three drams of danewort roots The leaves of wormewood Water agrimony Maidenhaire of each a handfull Six drams of Sena An onnce of the juice of Ireos roots Boile them in a sufficient quantity of Barley water to two pints unto the strained liquor clarified with the white of an Egg add Two ounces of Syrupe Byzant simpl An ounce of Syrupe of wormewood Mingle them and make an Apozem When the humor is prepared exhibit pills de Hiera cum agarico to the quantity of a dram Antimony warily administred is a divine medicine and so are the Trochischs Alhandal for these irresistably bring away those thick and clammy humours which stick so fast to the Matrix afterwards the Matrix must be strengthned and the windy humours must be expelled with Lozenges made according to this manner Take the Electuary Diacinnamomum Diagalanga Dialacea of each halfe a dram Two ounces of sugar dissolved in Cinamon-water According to Art make them into Lozenges or Take an ounce of old Treacle Two drams of aromaticum rosatum With a sufficient quantity of Syrup of wormewood make a mixture The Oyntments Plaisters and Poultisses which are mentioned above must be applyed to the secret parts issues also and scarifications will be convenient as we have already taught Pessaries likewise may bee made after this forme following Take Troch Alhandal Troch de agarico The best Aloes of each two drams A dram of Elaterium which is the juice of the wilde Cucumber inspissated The yolke of an Egg Unsalted Butter The juice of Mercury of each three drams With a sufficient quantity of wax a piece of Cotton and a piece of taffata make a pessary This being administred apply the Fomentation following to her privie parts Take danewort roots newly gathered The roots of the Florentine Flowerdeluce The roots Cucumer asicrin of each six drams The flowers of Camomile Melilot of each two handfulls A handfull of the tops of Dill Juniper berries Laurell berries of each halfe an ounce Boile them in a suff●icient quantity of wormewood water distilled to foure pints to the strained liquor add Oyle of Lillies Laurell berries of each three ounces Use it as was said above CHAP. VII Of the falling down of the Matrix THe Matrix sometimes falleth down upon the lower parts and this disease the Physitians call the Descent of the Matrix this is resembled to a pare or a gooseegg as it is small or great as there are many Causes of this disease namely a hard labour and a frequent bringing forth of children miscarrying a bringing away of the dead child
from wine and all such meat● as are spiced with cinamon and Ginger Let her meat be of easie concoction and distribution potentially cold and moist that is cold and moist in their qualities and operation though they be actually hot when she eats them it would be superfluous to name them having already sufficiently spoken of them in the precedent Chapter of a hot di●●●per in the 〈◊〉 and an inflammation in the Matrix It will be convenient to draw bloud from the basilick vein in the right arme and if the hot distemper be thecause that the Patient hath not her Courses cut a veine in her ankle Moreover you may prepare 〈◊〉 and moistning Juleps after this manner Take Syrup of Violets and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 of each two ounces Twelve ounces of Endive water Six drops of Spirit of vitrioll mingle them or Take Syrup of borage and Syrupe of pur selane of each an ounce and a halfe A decoction of 〈◊〉 with cucumber citru● gourd and melon seeds of each a dram and a halfe take a pint and a halfe of the decoction mingled with the Syrups and let her drink it at three doses 〈◊〉 a Purge 〈◊〉 to evacuate choler Take three drams of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 A scruple and a halfe of citron seeds 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a night in a sufficient quantity of a 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 two ounces and a 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 straine and presse them and to the liquor add three drams of the Electuary Diaprunlaxative Halfe an ounce of Syrupe of Violets by infusion mingle them and give it in the morning Whey of it selfe is exceeding wholsome or else you may thus compound it for your Patient Take an ounce of borage roots Two handfulls of sorrell leaves with the roots Endive and borage leaves of each a handfull Six drams of tamarinds Boyle them in a sufficient quantity of whey to a quart and in the strained liquor infuse for a whole night Halfe an ounce of choise rubarb Two scruples of Cinamon In the morning let them bubble a little over a gentle fire and when you have prest them hard add Three ounces of Syrupe of roses laxative Mingle them together for an Apozem Which is of most excellent vertue to correct the heat and distemper of all the veynes and principall parts this Bath also will be very effectuall to coole the body Take foure handfulls of vine leaves The leaves of mallowes violets and endive of each two handfulls A handfull and a halfe of bran A handfull of salt Boyle them in a sufficient quantity of water to eight quarts let her hold her feet in the strained water two or three houres together You may likewise prepare fomentations of the hearbs aforesaid and bath the privities the Liver and the Reynes of the back and afterwards you may make use of this oyntment Take two ounces of unguent infrigidantis Galeni An ounce of Cerat Sautal●n Oyle of roses and oyle of violets of each halfe an ounce Two drams of the powder of red corall Halfe an ounce of vinegar of roses With a sufficient quantity of white wax make an oyntment according to Art Take the liquor which is distilled out of Cockles Snailes or Frogs mingle it with Saccharum perlutum and give it her to drink as a most effectuall remedy against this Disease A decoction of young Chickens boiled with prunes and borage leaves and taken every morning upon an empty stomack doth refresh the body strengthen the spirits moisten the Matrix cleanseth away the foulnesse that groweth in those parts and very powerfully resists the causes of 〈◊〉 When unfruitfulnesse proceedeth from 〈◊〉 cold distemper you must observe a contrary method of cure as for example The ayre must incline to hot and dry the 〈◊〉 must be also 〈◊〉 hot and dry and because this cold distemper is perpetually consociated with moisture whereby cloudy and grosse vapours get into the Matrix which is cold and nervous therefore it will be requiste to correct this coldnesse to take away the moisture and to consume and dissipate those windy vapours from 〈◊〉 you may gather that this is a very frequent cause of barrennesse and 〈◊〉 and so likewise are flatulent and windy humours for they extreamely swell the Matrix so that the se●d cannot be perfectly 〈◊〉 neither can the child be held fast by the 〈◊〉 When you attempt the Cure abstaine from Phlebotomy unlesse it be preparative onely to di●burthen the oppressed vessells when the Patient is in the spring of her yeares and at the Spring of the yeare least by taking away the bloud the spirits should be wasted the humours should become more cold and indigested which otherwise were not the bloud prodigally ●et out might be seasonably ●●●octed and this you may observe with the learned Fer●●liu● to prescribe a Purge before you open a veine in crude bodies that the first region may be cleansed if any man shall rashly proceed to a contrary course doubtlesse with great disadvantange to the Patient he shall pervert the right order of Nature for when as he hath emptied the veines by Ph●ebotomy he will fill them again with that filthy accumulation of corrupt humours which they suck in with greedinesse from the first places and so he shall not lessen but double the disease the Purge may be made as followeth Take a dram and a halfe of the whitest agarick Two drams of bastard Saffron seeds A struple of Ginger Halfe a dram of An●●●eeds Macerate them a whole night in a sufficient quantity of marjor●m water● to three ounces in the morning presse them hard and add Diaphenicon and Diaenicum of each halfe an ounce Mingle them and let her drink it in the morning If her body be not sufficiently open give the same potion every third day or else prescribe this Glyster following Take nine ounces of a mollifying decoction made with marjoram and groundpine or germander of each a handfull Diacarthamum and Diaphenicon of each an ounce An ounce and a halfe of honey of roses strained Mingle them and make a Glyster When you have thoroughly purged the body and taken away the cause the parts must be strengthned and the distemper must be corrected with these pills Take a dram of right lign aloes beaten to powder Two scruples of aloes rosat Musk and amber of each a scruple With a sufficient quantity of alkermes make thirty five pills Let her swallow five of them or fewer every morning they are exceedingly provocative and withall they strengthen the braine the heart the liver and the Matrix when the man and the woman intend conjunction let him anoint his yard with oyle of mastick and wormewood mingled with a few graines of musk and civet and let the woman also anoynt her privie parts therewith as well within as without for by this meanes there is raised a mutuall inclination to Venery and the seed is received with a greater pleasure and is more duely retained and elaborated reason it selfe will convince us that sweating remedies made of
ebony and Salsapa●illa will mightily help and prepare the Matrix for they expell the windy humours strengthen the Matrix and dissipate the fuliginous and grosse vapours naturall Baths are excellent for the same purposes and so are Treacle Mithridate Alkermes Aromaticum rosatum Diarrhodon Abbatis Diamargarit calidum and Diacinnamomum and lastly if you desire any satisfaction from our opinion concerning Issues we answer that they evacuate those cold and thick juyces which daily flow unto and settle in the Matrix and therefore as we said almost every where we affirme the use of them to be very expedient and conducible CHAP. II. Of the shapeless lump of Flesh called a Mola A Mola is an unprofitable and shapelesse lump of flesh bred in the Matrix of the menstruous bloud as the Materiall cau●● thereof according to the opinion of Galen in sundry places of his works He saith of the menstruous bloud that 〈◊〉 such as is very thick and much hard●● in the Matrix but note tha● he doth no● here exclude the seed of the man for every Physitian knowes that a M●la proceed from a mixture of the menstruum and a corrupted seed which indeed doth somewhat indeavour Conception but cannot perfect it neither is there any cause of wonder that such a lump of deformity should be fashioned in the wombe seeing that severall kindes of monsters are bred there according to the variety of the humour which floweth into the Matrix he that would acquaint himselfe with the knowledge of these things may read Skenkius his Observatns and the wonderfull stories related by Marcellus 〈◊〉 if also he would search into and examine the true cause of these things let him read Laurentius his book of Anatomy But why doth this breed in the Matrix onely of a woman and not in some other part I answer because although the bloud may congeal● and become clotted in the other parts of the body yet it happ●●s so more frequently in the Matrix of a woman then in any other part of ●er body because the Matrix i● as the common shoore of the body where most of the excrements are exonerated But why doth a Mola breed in women onely I answer because women onely ●ave an abundance of this monstruum more ●hen other Creatures and that their bo●ies are full of grosse thick and tenaci●us humours by reason that for the most ●art they use a moist diet and abandon ●hemselves to a reproveable and disor●●erly course of life This Mola is of se●erall kindes for sometimes it is waterish ●ometimes windy and humorall and ●ometimes againe 't is ●●innie and bloudy ●his last in the most ordinary and all Phy●itians have granted it this is that which is most usually presented to our observation and lastly this is that which so often hath deceived women who boasted themselves to be with childe and were not and their Physitians also who told them they were with child when they were not Wherefore to avoid these common couzenages let us be circumspect in the knowledge and right understanding of the signes which are a swelling with a drawing back of the Hypochondriacall parts the women grow leane are full of paine and very apt to long the belly is burthened her back aketh her breasts swell and her Courses are stopped and that at the beginning of her conception but afterwards in processe of time she seemes to have the Dropsey her belly is so immoderately swelled but you may know this from a Dropsey for in that the belly sounds like a Drum the woman feeles within a kinde of fluctuation or waving motion and if a finger be laid hard upon her belly the print of it remaines A Mola is distinguished from a perfect conception by three most certain signes that is by the motion by the milk and by the time that a woman beareth her childe in the motion because there is a great difference between the motion of a childe and the motion or stirring of a Mola because the childe kicks and turneth about to all the parts of the bottome of the belly but a Mola moveth like a Globe now on the right side and anon on the left this also if you presse down the womans belly with a gentle hand removeth from the place and returnes not suddenly into it againe and from the milke you may gather a never-failing signe because the breasts swell all the time a woman is with childe but in the other it happeneth otherwise the time likewise affords a never-failing signe for if the swelling of the belly continue beyond the eleventh moneth which is the most constant and certaine period of a womans Reckoning and no signes of a Dropsie at that time appeare you may warrant your owne confidence that she hath a Mola but no childe in her belly This is a most dangerous disease for many times a woman carries it in her wombe the space of two or three yeares and sometimes longer insomuch that the naturall heat is suffocated therewith moreover in the expulsion of it there is no small danger for many times it groweth to such a bignesse that it comes not away without extreame hazard of the womans life for a great Issue of bloud ensueth whereby the spirits being spent and exhausted she waxeth feeble wan and pale and many times perisheth in the very act of expelling it This evill hath a twofold manner of Cure one Preservative to prevent the Generation or breeding of the Mola and the other curative to destroy and bring it away when it is bred and this last is also twofold for the first designe must be to exclude it and the second to save the woman in the very act of excluding it The Preservation consists in a due observation of these things following the ayre she lives in must be hot and dry and the place healthfull being scituate towards the East let her keep a good diet feeding upon meats that yield a wholsome nourishment to the body and such as are soone concocted and distributed to all the parts let her choice also be rather of hot then cold meats avoiding such as are fat salt and hardned with smoak fish which breed thick windy and viscous juyces are unwholsome for her she cannot desire a more wholesome drink then Wormewood wine or excellent generous French wine her belly must be kept open and soluble exercise must be used and sleep refrained angry chidings and cares of the minde must be moderated and all such things forborne as dry the bloud and diminish the naturall heat In the next place prepare the thick and grosse humours with Rhodomel Syrupe of wormewood Syrupe of mint and the like mingled with some convenient water afterwards prescribe this Purge Take three drams of Sena A scruple of Agarick Trochischt A dram of the root Mechoaca A dram and a halfe of anniseeds Boile them a short space in a sufficient quantity of pure water to three ounces then straine and presse them and the ●maining liquor add