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A28994 Medicinal experiments, or, A collection of choice and safe remedies for the most part simple and easily prepared, useful in families, and very serviceable to country people / by R. Boyle ; to which is annexed a catalogue of his theological and philosophical books and tracts. Boyle, Robert, 1627-1691. 1693 (1693) Wing B3990; ESTC R10015 64,874 347

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they call them or Fits of the Mother TAke the Liver of a Hare if it hath been hunted it may be the better and hang it up in a dry place till it be somewhat fryable having a care that it putrifie not of this reduced to Pouder let the Patient take two or three Scruples at a time in any convenient Vehicle 57. An Excellent Medicine for dry or Convulsive Asthma's and also for Costiveness GIve at Bed-time 8 or 10 Grains of choice Saffron pulveriz'd grosly in a little Syrup or Conserve as of Violets c. to embody it with 58. An Excellent Mixture for Fits of the Cholick and some kinds of Convulsions TAke one Ounce of Flowers of Sulphur and as much Sugar-candy grind them very well together in a Glass or Stone Mortar and upon this quantity drop thirty drops of Oyl of Carraway-seeds as much of Oyl of Orange and as much of the Oyl of Aniseeds Incorporate these well and of the Mixture give about 20 or 30 grains for a Dose 59. An incomparable Medicine for the Cholick THE yellow Peel of Oranges being reduc'd to Pouder give from half a Dram to two Scruples of it in any convenient Vehicle 60. To make a good Purging Drink for the Cholick TAke two Ounces of Rhubarb four Ounces of Gentian and a quart of good aniseed-Aniseed-water let the Roots infuse along in it and give the Patient about two spoonfuls at a time as often as need requires 61. An almost Specifick Remedy for a Fit of the Cholick TAke about half a Dram of express'd Oyl of Nutmegs usually sold in the Shops for East-Indian Oyl of Mace Dissolve this in some spoonfuls of good Wine which the Patient is to take as hot as conveniently he can 62. An uncommon but try'd Remedy for Cholicks without much Matter and good in Fits of the Mother TAke good Ginger dry and instead of poudering it cut it into as thin slices as you easily can With these fill a Tobacco-pipe and take the smoak as you would that of Tobacco Do this twice thrice or four times a day but especially at Bed-time and in the Morning 63. An Excellent Medicine for Convulsive Cholicks TAke of the Volatile Salt of Pigeons-dung two or three Grains or somewhat more not exceeding five or six in all mix these with a Scruple or half a Dram of the same Dung crude but well and slowly dry'd and finely pouder'd Give this Mixture for one Dose in some spoonfuls of any convenient Vehicle 64. For the Cholick or Pains in the Sides TAke two Balls of fresh Horse-dung and infuse them for 12 hours if haste require 3 or 4 may serve the turn in good White-wine in a close Vessel then strain the Liquor and let the Patient take five or six Ounces of it at a time 65. For the Cholick BOyl about one Ounce of the Seeds of the black stinging Nettles in about a quart or more of good Claret-Wine then strain the Decoction and give of it a Wine-glass full at a time two or three times a day or as often as need requires 66. An Excellent Medicine for the Cholick TAke of Doctor Stephens's Water half a Pint plague-Plague-water half a Pint juniper-berry-Juniper-Berry-water half a Pint Pouder of Rhubarb 2 Ounces mingle these together shake the Bottle when you take any of it and take about four spoonfuls at a time 67. For the Cramp TAke the Leaves of Rosemary chop them very small and sew them so in fine Linnen or Sarsnet as to make a kind of Garter of them to be tyed about the Patient's bare Leg. 68. To take off the Pain of the Cramp TAke of the Oyntment of Populeon two parts Oyl of Spike one part mix them and with the Mixture anoint well or chafe the Part affected D. 69. A Remedy by which an Hydropical Merchant was cur'd GIve about half a Dram or two Scruples for a Dose of yellow transparent Amber twice or thrice a day in any convenient Vehicle 70. An Experienc'd Medicine for a Dysentery or Bloody-flux GIve about three Ounces of the Juice of Ground-Ivy mixt with one Ounce of the Juice of Plantane once or twice a day 71. For to stop a Dysentery or Bloody-flux USE the Pouder of Crepitus Lupi or Fuss-balls made up with some Conserve of Roses or other convenient Additament into Pills Of this Mixture give in Dysenteriâ as much at a time as contains from about a Scruple to about half a Dram of the Pouder 72. An easie but very often try'd Digestive to be used instead of Basilicum TAke two Ounces of good Venice Turpentine and incorporate very well with it the Yolks of two fresh Eggs and then add to it at discretion a little Spirit of Wine with this dress the Part Morning and Evening laying it on thicker if the Part be near some Nerve or other dryer Part and less thick if it be fleshy or moist 73. A good Medicine for Incontinency of Vrine and the beginning a Diabetes CUT off the Necks of well blown Sheeps-Bladders of the remaining Membranes put up pretty store one over another into a cover'd Pot where being dry'd gently and yet sufficiently in a Baker's Oven take them out and pulverize them well The Dose is as much as will lye upon a large Groat or small Sixpence 74. For a Diarrhoea Loosness or Flux of the Belly MIX up 15 Grains or if the Distemper be but slight 10 Grains of pouder'd Rhubarb with half a Dram of Diascordium and let the Patient take it either going to Bed or early in the Morning after his first sleep E. 75. For a Contusion of the Eye TAke the Crumb of Whitebread and diligently incorporate with black soft Soap as much of it as will make a somewhat soft Paste and then with your Thumbs make a little Cake as it were of it and apply to the bruised Part the Eye being first shut and bind it so that it may lye on for some hours or a day if need be But this ought to be used with Caution 76. An Excellent Medicine for clammy Humors of the Eyes TAke New Milk and let it stand till it hath got a little Cream upon it then let the Patient when he is in Bed take up with his Finger a little of the Cream and not of Milk and shutting his Eye-lids besmear his Eyes with it having a care that very little or none get into his Eyes because it would make them smart let this Cream lye on till the next Morning and in case the Patient chance to wake in the Night he may if he finds cause lay on a little more and wash all off in the Morning 77. A somewhat sharp but often try'd Medicine to take off the Pearl on the Eye TAke of the Juice of Celandine and mix with it about an equal part of pure Honey and of this Mixture employ a drop or at most two at a time letting it fall upon the Part affected Morning and Evening 78. An easie Remedy for a Recently Blood-shot
92. An Excellent Remedy for Red Eyes made such by a defluxion of a hot or sharp Humor TAke of the tops of Rosemary about one Dram and beat them up with one or two Ounces of rotten Pearmains or Pippins or if those cannot be had with the like weight of the soft part of the same Apples that are sound And when by exquisite beating you have reduc'd these things to a Cataplasm apply them the cold being first taken off to the Part affected binding it thereupon and letting it lye all Night 93. An Eye-Water TAke House Snails and beat them in their Shells and stratifie them with about an equal quantity of Juice of Celandine draw off the Water in a cold or Pewter Still such as is us'd for Rose-Water and keep the Liquor that will come over close stopt for your use 94. The Lady Fitz-harding's Eye-Water which lately cur'd an almost blind Person whose Eyes look'd like Glass Lady Fitz-harding's Eye-water TAke three spoonfuls of White Rose-Water as much Eye-bright Water and as much sifted White Sugar-candy as will lye on a Three-pence and the same quantity of fine Aloes sifted and put to the Water and shak'd together and drop a few drops every Night going to Bed 95. A Pericarpium or Wrist-Plaister that often-times frees the Patients from flying Clouds in the Eyes and sometimes lesser specks specially if Recent TAke of Rue Camomile Hemlock each half a handful of Bay-Salt two spoonfuls one or two Ounces of Leaven Incorporate these well together and make thereof Pericarpia to be apply'd to the Patient's Wrists and kept on till growing dry they become troublesom 96. An Excellent Medicine for hot Defluxions on the Eyes TAke of prepar'd Tutty half an Ounce White rose-Rose-water and Frogs spawn-spawn-water carefully drawn in very good Canary Wine of each two Ounces of Aqua Mirabilis half an Ounce mix these well together and let fall two or three drops into the Patient's Eye especially at Bed-time 97. An easie but useful eye-Eye-Water to keep the Eye cool and moderately dry TAke to two Ounces of Succory-water half a Dram of prepar'd Tutty shake them well and keep them together for use 98. An often try'd Pericarpium or Wrist-Plaister for Defluxions and Fumes in the Eyes TAke Rue Camomile Hemlock Wormwood of each half a handful Bay-Salt pulveriz'd about two spoonfuls sour Dough about an Ounce mix all these together very diligently moistning them from time to time with Elder-Vinegar to a consistence fit for Pericarpia one of which is to be apply'd to the Wrist of that side on which the Part affected is and to be renewed if there be occasion 99. For a Phlyctena or little Tumor in the Carneous Tunicle of the Eye TAke the Decoction of Mucilages that is proper for Phlyctaea's and dress the Eye from time to time to ripen the Tumor Then open it with a Lancet and squeeze out all the Matter and lastly cleanse and heal the Part with Honey N. B. But when the Tumor is beginning or not great you may in want of the Decoction of Mucilages dress the Eye with the Mixture of equal parts of the Water of Melilot Camomile and Betony 100. A Plaister to strengthen the Eyes and stop Defluxions on them TAke of Frankincense 2 Ounces Olibanum and Mastich each half a Dram mix these well and reduce them into fine Pouder of which a convenient quantity is to be melted and spread upon black Ribbon or some such thing with a hot Knife or Spatula and so presently apply'd to the Temples 101. An often Experienc'd Medicine for little Strokes or Contusions of the Eye TAke Betony-water three Ounces and five drops of clarify'd Honey mix them and drop a little of the Mixture from time to time into the Patient's Eye N. B. Take succory-Succory-water Crumbs of White-bread a little Saffron and sometimes a little Honey for sharp Humors in the Eye lids and burns or small specks of the Eye four Grains of Roman Vitriol to four Ounces of Water of either Rose-water Succory-water or Fennel-water c. 102. A good Electuary to strengthen the Sight TAke Conserve of Borrage and Betony of each an Ounce and half Venice-Treacle two Drams Species Dionisi Diarrhodon abbatis Diatrion Santalon of each half a Dram Tartar Vitriolate a Scruple Diacorallion a Dram and half Oyl of Fennel seven drops Syrup of Violets and Coral of each a sufficient quantity mix and make an Electuary 103. A Choice Medicine for an Opthalmia Sicca TAke of the Leaves of Fennel Hyssop Celandine Betony and Carduus of each half a handful or a whole handful of Linseeds Quince-seeds Fenugreek and Flea-wort of each half a Dram of French Barley one Ounce Boyl all these a little in two quarts of fair Water and half a Pint of White-Wine Let the Patient hold his Head well fitted with a Napkin for the purpose over the Fumes for about a quarter of an hour 104. For a Film or other such thing growing in the Eye TAke of Crude Roch-Allom two parts Turmerick one part and refin'd Sugar three parts Pulverize each of these separately then mix them exactly and warily blow it into the Patient's Eye from time to time as need shall require 105. To make an Excellent as well as Famous Eye-Water TAke Celandine the whole Plant except the Root and having shred it or chopt it a little put it into a Retort and distil it in Balneo When all the Liquor is come over empty the Vessel and put in as much of the fresh Plant and distil the Liquor from it to make it more strong of the Plant. Put this Liquor once more upon new or fresh Celandine and distil in Balneo as before and keep this well-impregnated Water close stopt 'T is to be outwardly us'd in the Dose of 2 3 or 4 drops at a time 106. A Medicine for Hurts in the Eye TAke Succory-Water and crumbs of White-bread enough to bring it almost to a consistence then add a little Saffron to tinge and quicken it and sometimes also you may put to it a little Honey to make it more cleansing and healing Apply it if need be with Plagets of Flax to the Part affected 107. A Remedy that hath cured the Epilepsie GIve daily half a Dram at a time of choice and very finely pouder'd Amber in any convenient Vehicle for about six Weeks together 108. Elixir Salutis TAke of the Seeds of Anise Sweet Fennel Coriander and Parsley of each two Ounces of Liquorish scrap'd wash'd and bruis'd and choice Leaves of Senna of each likewise two Ounces of Raisins of the Sun rub'd clean and bruis'd one Pound of Elecampane-Roots and Guajacum Wood of each one Ounce Mix these Ingredients and pour on them two quarts of Aqua Vitae or English Spirits for Brandy is too hot a Liquor Let these infuse together 48 hours Then put them all into a hair Bag and press them strongly in an Apothecary's Press and if there be need pass what is strain'd through an Hippocras-bag
them up into an Electuary which is best done not long before you mean to make use of it of which the Patient may take the quantity of a small Nutmeg or more if need be twice a day and if occasion requires it thrice P. 169. Aloetick Pills that do scarce at all occasion the Piles TAke of the Frankfort Angelick Pills and give of them from one Scruple or half a Dram to two Scruples or more for a Dose 170. A Medicine for the Pain and Tumors of the Piles TAke the Patient 's own Urine moderately warm and with Rags dipt in it foment for a while the Parts affected and then anoint them with Vnguent Populeon This do if need be three or four times a day and if the Tumors be internal you may then inject a little of the foremention'd Urine 171. An Excellent Remedy for Scorbutick and other Pains in the Limbs TAke red and unsophisticated Oyl of Peter and anoint therewith from time to time the Part affected 172. An easie but Excellent Poultise to appease Pains and Aches even Arthritick or Gout-Pains TAke Onions and boyl or stew them in Water till they be soft enough to make a Poultise then drain away the Water and beat them and having spread them to a good thickness upon a Linnen Cloath apply them as hot as the Patient can well bear let him keep them on all Night 173. To strengthen a Part weakened by a Sub-laxation SPread Emplastrum Divinum upon soft Leather and apply it keeping it on for some time 174. A somewhat rough Emetick by which the French-Pox has been often cur'd TAke good Mercury Sublimate and Mithridate or Venice-Treacle of each one Ounce mix them together and put them into a quart of spring-Spring-Water set them in Balneo to dissolve in a close Vessel and of this Liquor well setled let the Patient take about half a spoonful or if need be a spoonful but never above a spoonful and a half in four Ounces of small Ale warm fasting in the Morning and once in the Afternoon or Evening the Stomach being empty Every second day intermit and give a gentle Purge 175. A Choice Medicine for the Palsie TAke Sarsaparilla a Pound and half Bark of Guajacum China in Chips of each 2 Ounces and a half Boyl all in six Pints of Water to a consumption of a third part At the end add Raisins of the Sun stoned four Ounces Liquorish bruised one Dram fat Figs number twelve boyl and strain it Of this let the Diseased drink warm as their ordinary Drink 176. For weakness in the hands arising from the Palsie or an ill-cur'd Rheumatism TAke the tops of Rosemary and bruising them a little make them up into a Ball of the bigness of a small Orange or a large Walnut with the green Husk on Let the Patient often roll one of these Balls between his hands and for divers hours in a day grasp one of them in the hand affected that it may grow hot there and transmit its Effluvia into the part Continue this course as long as the Distemper requires 177. A Choice External Remedy for Paralitick Affections MAke a strong Decoction of Rosemary-Leaves or Flowers if the Season afford them and let the Patient hold the Part affected for a good while at a time in the Liquor kept very warm If after several tryals this Medicine prove not effectual enough take ten drops of Oyl of Worms and mix with it well four or five drops of Oyl of Turpentine and with this Mixture well warm'd anoint the Part from time to time or else let the Patient keep the Part for a good while together for more than once or twice if need require in warm Rain-water to dissolve the Scorbutick Salts 178. To take off little Pimples or grating inequalities within the Eye-lids TAke one spoonful of Eyebright-Water one spoonful of Plantane-Water and half a spoonful of good Red rose-Rose-Water mix these and put to them about 15 Grains of choice Tutty finely prepar'd shake them together and then let the Pouder fall to the bottom and with the clear Liquor moisten the Eye several times in a day if it be found needful 179. For the Pleurisy CUT green Broom-tops short and fill therewith a Skillet or Pipkin of a pint and a half then fill it up with Ale boyl it softly till it be wasted to two or three spoonfuls it will look black like Treacle and be thick When 't is enough and cold add as much Mithridate as a Nutmeg and mingle it well and give it the Party warm in Bed and let him sweat three hours or more after it by adding some Cloaths If it help not at first repeat it next day or the second not to fail 180. An Experienc'd and by some good Authors Excellent Medicine for the Pleurisy TAke as many fresh Balls of Stone-Horse Dung as the Horse in good case may disburden himself of at one time cover these whilst they are warm with good White-wine let them stand a little to act on one another and then press out gently through a clean Linnen Cloath as much Liquor or Juice as the Mixture will readily afford and of this somewhat warm give a moderate draught from time to time as need shall require 181. A very often Experienc'd Medicine for the Small-Pox especially in Children TAke the little Balls of fresh Sheeps-düng and having freed them from straws and dust and other things forrain to them put an handful of them thus cleans'd into a quart of good White-wine and in a Vessel well stopt let them infuse in a moderate heat for a Night or till the Liquor be well impregnated with the taste and colour of them Strain this Infusion and give of it warm about a spoonful at a time once in two or three hours or oftner if need require N. B. In case of Necessity the Infusion may be much sooner made by putting into the Wine a greater proportion of the Sheeps-dung R. 182. A Successful Remedy for a kind of Rheumatism and a Contracture of the Limbs that followed upon it TAke the inward Bark that which grows next the Wood of an Elder-Tree cut or tear it into small bits and with them loosely plac'd fill about a third part of a Bottle Then pour in as much small Ale or Beer as will fill up the remaining part of the Vessel stop it well till the Liquor be strong of the Infusion And of this let the Patient drink a good draught once or twice a day or if he can well bear it let him use it as a Diet-drink 183. An approv'd outward Medicine to cause Rest without Opiates TAke of Rose-Water 8 Ounces good Wine 4 Ounces strong Vinegar 2 Ounces mix these well and having warm'd stupes in them foment therewith the Part affected laying them on but moderatly warm but taking them off when they begin to grow cold This fomenting may last between a quarter and half an hour before the Patient should compose himself to Rest
Medicine in the Fit of the Stone TAke somewhat less than a handful of red Chick-Pease or Cicers and boyl them softly in a quart of Spring-water till the Liquor be red and well impregnated with the Seeds Strain this Decoction and sweeten it with Syrup of Marsh-Mallows out of which all the stronger Diureticks are left 203. For the Stone TAke a quarter or half a pint of simple arsmart-Arsmart-Water sweeten it with a little Sugar or some convenient Syrup and Aromatize it with a little Nutmeg scrap'd and give this Mixture for one Dose 204. For the Stone and Gravel in the Reins and Bladder TAke equal weights of common Daucus-seeds and of Burdock-seed and having mixt these together put one Ounce of the Mixture to a Gallon of small Ale and let the Patient use it as a constant Drink 205. A good Liquor to use as Drink in a long Fit of the Stone MAke Posset-drink of three or four parts at most of Milk and one of White-Wine Into two quarts of Posset-drink scrape or thinly slice a Nutmeg and a half or two Nutmegs add a little Juice of Lemon to your Palate and if you please sweeten it a little with Syrup of Marsh-Mallows Take of this Drink a pretty quantity at a time and use it often in a day 206. A good Medicine for the Stone TAke a pint or a quart of Ale somewhat new sweeten it with pure Honey and boyl it to the consumption of about one half skimming it well from time to time Then dissolve in it the Yolk of a new-laid Egg and let the Patient drink a good draught of this Mixture once or twice a day till he find relief thereby 207. A Choice Medicine in an actual Fit of the Stone TAke the Decoction made according to the London Dispensatory for the Syrup of Marsh-Mallows with this difference That to the same quantity of Water you must take but half the quantities of each of the Ingredients Let this corrected Decoction be well clarify'd and let the Patient take of it warm 6 8 or 10 Ounces at a draught from time to time as need shall require 208. The Stone and the Cure Taken out of the History of the Barbadoes written by Rich. Lygon Gent. p. 118 119. AFter the stoppage of Urine more than fourteen days the following Medicine did not only break but brought away all the Stones and Gravel And about three Weeks after the like Pains returning the same Medicine did the like effect within ten hours after the taking thereof Take the Pizzle of a green Turtle or Tortoise which lives in the Sea dry it with a moderate heat pound it in a Mortar to Pouder and take of this as much as will lye upon a Shilling in Beer Ale White-Wine or the like and in a very short time it will do the Cure These are to be had easily both at the Charibee and Lucaick Islands where these Fishes abound 209. A good Medicine in Pains of the Stone or Cholick TAke half a pint of good Sallet-Oyl and as much good Sack or if that cannot be had good Claret Wine shake them very well together and give them moderately warm for a Clyster 210. To expel the Stone in a Fit TAke Crabs-Eyes pouder'd and dissolve a large proportion of them in good White-wine Vinegar and of this Drink let the Patient take from two spoonfuls to five or six at a time T. 211. An almost Specifick Remedy for the Tooth-ach INto a quart of red Wine or at least of Claret put one Dram of Allom and another of Acorns a Dram and half of Galls and half a handful of good dry'd Rose-leaves Boyl this to the Consumption of near half and then take it from the fire and strain it and dissolve in it a Dram and a half of Acacia cut into small bits and with this Liquor a little hot you must wash the Part several times in a day 212. An uncommon but not unuseful Remedy for the Tooth-ach LET the Patient lye on the Ear that is opposite to the Part affected and into the other Ear drop two or three drops of the freshly exprest Juice of Rue a little warm and stop the Ear lightly with fine black Wool or Cotton 213. An odd but very Succesful External Remedy for the Tooth-ach IN the declining of the Moon in August take the Fruit called Hipps viz. those of the Wild Bryar with all the Fuzey stuff that grows upon it and lapping it up in a piece of thin Sarcenet tye it upon the Arm that is on the same side with the Part affected and keep it on as long as there is need 214. For the Tooth-ach TAke a handful of Red Sage and a handful of Clary shred them small and beat them sprinkle them with May Dew then strain out the Juice put it in a Glass Bottle and set it in the Sun in a Window and when you use it put three drops into a Spoon and heat it over a Candle blood warm and drop it into the Ear and let them eat a Crust of Bread wet either in Broth or Posset and chew it upon the Teeth that ake 215. An Approved Medicine for an aking Tooth that is hollow TAke two parts of common Pepper ground to fine Pouder and mix exactly with it one part of Sugar moderately fine over a gentle heat form these into a small Pill of a shape and bigness fit for your purpose and when your Stuff grows cold 't will harden and may be apply'd when you please to the Part affected 216. An Excellent Remedy to fasten Teeth TAke of burnt Allom Acorns of each one Dram Galls a Dram and half Red Roses half a handful Beat all these together and make them boyl in about a quart of good Red Wine to the consumption of about a fourth part Then strain the Decoction and dissolve in the transmitted Liquor of good Acatia cut into very small bits half a Dram. With this Decoction the Mouth is to be washt several times in a day 217. To fasten the Teeth PUT Mastick finely pouder'd upon the end of an Handkerchief rub your Teeth therewith twice or thrice in a day and chew Mastick often Also boyl Pomegranate-flowers with Mint or Mastick in Red or Claret Wine Gargle or wash your Mouth often with it 218. A Medicine prescrib'd to a great Prince Charles the First to fasten the Teeth TAke a pint of Spring-water and put to it four Ounces of Brandy let the Patient wash his Mouth with the Mixture of these every Morning and twice or thrice a day besides and let him in the Morning roul for a little while a bit of Roch-Allom to and fro in his Mouth 219. A good Astringent Liquor to fasten the Teeth TO four Ounces of Claret-Wine or some other convenient Menstruum you may put to dissolve about four Drams of Terra Japonica 220. An Excellent Medicine to fasten the Teeth in Scorbutick Gums TAke of Choice Bole-Armoniack two Drams choice Myrrh not lucid one Dram
dip Linnen Rags which being applied to the Part affected will soon stick to it and seldom need be remov'd till the Patient be reliev'd and then to get them off the Rags must be well wetted with warm water which will soften and loosen the adhering Aloes III. For a slighter Excoriation MElt Mutton-Suet taken from about the Kidneys and freed from its superfluous Fibres or Strings and to about two Ounces of this add little by little about 16 or 18 Drops sometimes 8 or 10 may serve of Oyl not Aethereal Spirit of Turpentine spread this Mixture on a Linnen Cloth and by binding or otherwise keep it upon the Part affected IV. For an Excoriation when the true Cutis is affected TAke Prunella in English Self-heal and having pounded it very well in a Marble or Glass Mortar not one of Metal apply it to the Part affected renewing it but seldom and not without need V. To take off the Pain and Inflammation of Vlcers in the Legs and elsewhere IN a Quart of Water boil about so much White-bread as in ordinary years may be found in a Halfpenny-loaf then add to it two Ounces of good Sheeps Suet cut very small and when that is boil'd a little add to it one Ounce of finely pouder'd Rosin and a little well searc'd Brimstone Of these make a Cataplasm which is to be kept constantly on the Part affected and shifted once or twice a day as need shall require VI. For a Cough especially accompany'd with a Tickling Rheum TAke equal Parts of finely pouder'd Olibanum and Venice Treacle incorporate them exactly and of this Mass form Pills of what bigness you please Of these let the Patient take about half a Dram at Bed-time or if need be one Scruple or more twice a day VII To prevent the Tooth-ach and keep the Teeth sound LEL the Patient frequently rub his Teeth moderately with the Ashes that remain in Tobacco-pipes after the rest of the Body hath been consum'd in Smoak sometimes after washing if need be his Mouth with fair Water not too cold VIII For a Rupture especially in a Child or young Person TAke of that Geranium or Cranes-bill that is commonly called Columbinum reduce the Root and Leaves to fine Pouder and of this let the Patient take about half a Spoonful Night and Morning for three or four Weeks together washing it down each time with some Spoonfuls of Red Wine IX For the Heart-burning as they call it TAke from 15 or 20 to 30 or 40 Grains of Crabs-eyes known commonly in the Shops by the Name of Lapides Canororum reduc'd to very fine Pouder and either take it alone or in any convenient Conserve or Syrup 'T is for the most part best to take this Medicine when the Stomach is empty X. For a Strain TAke the strongest Vinegar you can get and boil in it a convenient quantity of Wheat-Bran till you have brought it to the consistence of a Poultess Apply this as early as may be to the Part affected and renew it when it begins to grow dry DECAD V. I. For a Recent Strain TAKE Worm-wood and pound it very well in a Mortar of Stone or Glass then put to it as much of the Whites of Eggs beaten to Water as may serve to make it up into such a Consistence as may be applied like a Poultess to the Part affected II. A Strengthening Plaister after a Strain or when there is any Weakness in the Joynt MELT down together and incorporate very well two parts of Diapalma and one part of Emplastrum ad Herniam spread this Mixture but not very thick upon Leather and lay it to the Joynt to be strengthened III. For Loosenesses BOil a convenient quantity of Cork in Spring-water till the Liquor taste strong thereof Of this Decoction let the Patient drink a moderate Draught from time to time till he finds himself sufficiently reliev'd by it IV. For Obstructions and divers Diseases proceeding thence LET the Patient drink every Morning fasting a moderate Draught of his own Vrine newly made and if it can conveniently be whil'st 't is yet warm forbearing Food for an hour or two after it V. For difficulty of Hearing from a cold Cause OUT of a Bulbe or Root of Garlick chuse a Chive of a convenient Bigness then having pass'd a fine piece of Thread or Silk through one end of it that thereby it may be pull'd out at pleasure crush it a little between your Fingers and having anointed it all over with Oyl of Bitter or in want of that Sweet Almonds put it into the Cavity of the Patients Ear at Bed-time and draw it out the next Morning stopping the Ear afterwards with Black Wooll but if need require this Operation is to be reiterated with fresh Garlick for some days successively VI. For Ruptures in the Belly especially in Children HAving well cleans'd the Roots of Sigillum Salamonis scrape one Ounce of them into a Quart of Broth and let the Patient take a Mess or a Porringer full of it for his Break-fast or else give half a Dram or two Scruples of the Pouder of it at a time in any convenient Vehicle VII To give Check to Fits of the Gout and in some measure to prevent them TAke three Ounces of Sarsaparilla slic'd and cut thin to these add an equal weight of Raisins of the Sun rubb'd very clean but not broken Put both these Ingredients into three Quarts of Spring water and let the Vessel stand in a moderate heat that the Liquor may simper for many hours yet without bursting most part of the Raisins keep this Decoction well stop'd and let the Patient use it for his only Drink till he need it no longer VIII A Water for Vlcers and Sores TAke a Solution of Venetian Sublimate and having made with very good Quick lime as strong a Lime-water as you can so that if it be possible it may bear an Egg drop this upon the dissolv'd Sublimate till it will precipitate no more reddish stuff at all which will not so soon be done as one that hath not try'd will imagin As soon as you perceive that the Liquors act no longer visibly upon one another pour the Mixture into a Filter of Cap-Paper which retaining the Orange-colour'd Precipitate will transmit an indifferently clear Liquor Which is to be in a Glass Viol kept stopp'd for its proper Use namely that the Part affected may be therewith wash'd from time to time and if need be kept covered with double Linnen Cloths wetted in the same Liquor IX A Plaister to Discuss Tumours or Ripen them if it cannot Discuss them TAke of Yellow Wax Frankincense and Rosin of each four Ounces or a sufficient quantity melt them together gently and being strain'd make up the Mass into a Roll for Use X. For the Black Jaundice it self TAke a Spoonful of Honey boil it gently and scum it till it come to a good
2 hours after or when it begins to grow too cold another like it and well heated is to be substituted in its room and whil'st this is cooling the other may be heated and made ready for use So that the Part affected may be always kept in a considerable degree of warmth for about 48 hours if the Remedy be so long needed VI. An often experienc'd Medicine for the Cholick especially produced by sharp Humors TAke a Quart of Claret and put into the Vessel about two Ounces of Nettle-seeds stop the Bottle and keep it in boiling Water till the Water has made three or four walms to assist the Wines Impregnation with the finer part of the Seeds Of this Liquor let the Patient take a small Draught once or twice a day VII To appease the Pain of the Haemorrhoids whether Internal or External TAke two Parts of Flowers of Sulphur and one part of Sugar very finely pouder'd mix them exactly together and make them up with a sufficient Quantity of a Mucilage of Gum Tragacarth into Lozenges of about a Dram a piece Of which you may give one at a time thrice in a day or if need be 4 or 5 times VIII To make an excellent Drink for the Scurvy TAke two handfuls of Water Trefoil and let it work in about 8 Gallons of Wort instead of Hops or of Small Ale or Wort made for it And let the Patient use it for all or for a great part of his ordinary Drink IX To make an easie Diuretick PEel off the Inner Skin of an Egg-shell then beat the Shell to a very fine Pouder Give about a Scruple of it at a time in any convenient Vehicle X. A Powerful Application to prevent and check the Apoplexy MAke an Issue at the Meeting of the Sutures and keep it open for a good while but if the Case will not admit delay clap on a good Cupping-Glass without Scarification or with it as need shall require upon the same Concourse of the Sutures DECAD VIII I. A Choice Medicine for a sore Throat TAke Housleek and having lightly beaten it in a Glass or Stone Mortar press out the Juice hard between two Plates to this Juice put almost an equal Quantity of Virgin-Honey mix them well and add to the mixture a little Burnt Allum as much as is requisite to give it a discernable Alluminous Taste Let the Patient take this from time to time with a Liquorish Stick or some such Thing II. An Approv'd Medicine for a Cancer not broken TAke Dulcify'd Colcothar and with Cream or Whites of Eggs beaten to a Water bring it to the Consistence of a Cataplasm which ought to be made large and spread about the thickness of half a Crown and applied warm to the part affected shifting it at least once a day III. To make a very good Syrup for thin Rheums TAke Syrup of Jujubes Syrup of Dryed Roses and Syrup of Corn Poppy Flowers of each alike quantity mix and use them as the necessity of the Sick requires IV. For the Dysentery and Pleurisie GRate to fine Pouder the dry'd Pizzel of a Stagg and give of it as much as will lie upon a Shilling or thereabouts once or twice a day in any convenient Vehicle V. To Strengthen the Gums and make the Teeth grow firm TAke Catechu Terra Japonica or Japonian Earth and dissolve as much as you can of it in a Pint of Claret or Red Wine then Decant the Liquor warily from the subsiding Faeces and let the Patient now and then wash his Mouth with it especially at Bed time VI. For a Hoarsness upon a Cold. TAke three Ounces of Hyssop Water sweeten it with Sugar-Candy then beat well into it the Yolk of one Egg and Drink it at a Draught VII A Choice Medicine for the Jaundice in Children TAke half an Ounce of choice Rhubarb made into Pouder incorporate with it exactly by long beating two Handfuls of well chosen and cleans'd Currans Of this Electuary let the Patient take every Morning about the quantity of a Nutmeg for several days together VIII A rare Medicine to take away Gouty and other Arthritick Pains TAke highly rectify'd Spirit of Mans Vrine and anoint the Part with it the Cold being just taken off once or twice the first day and no longer unless the Pain continue IX For a Prolapsus Uteri APply to the Patients Navel a pretty large Cupping-Glass but let it not stay on too long not above a quarter of an hour for fear of injuring the part it covers especially the Navel-String X. To allay heat in the Eyes proceeding from sharp Humours BEat the White of an Egg into a Water in which dissolve a pretty quantity of Refined Loaf-Sugar and then drop some of it into the Patients Eye DECAD IX I. An Experienc'd Medicine for Strengthening a Weak Sight TAke of Eye Bright sweet Fennel Seeds and fine Sugar all reduc'd to Pouder of each an Ounce Nutmeg also pulveriz'd one Dram at most mix these very well together and take of the Composition from a Dram to two or more from time to time II. An often try'd Medicine for Tertian Agues TAke Crude Allum and Nutmeg finely scrap'd of each about half a Dram mix the Pouders well together and with about six Grains of Saffron Give this in two or three Spoonfuls of White-Wine Vinegar at the usual time III. For Stuffings of the Lungs and the Chin Cough MAke Syrup of Penny Royal or of Ground Ivy moderately Tart with Oil of Vitriol and of this let the Patient take very leisurely about a quarter of a Spoonful from time to time IV For the Falling Sickness in Children TAke half a Dram of choice Amber finely pouder'd and give it for six or seven Weeks together once a day when the Stomach is empty in about four Ounces of good White-Wine V. An approv'd Medicine to drive the Stone and cure Suppression of Vrine proceeding from it TAke the Roots of Wild Garlick by some Country People called Crow Garlick wipe them very clean stamp them very well in a Mortar of Stone or Glass and strain out the Juice with which make a moderate Draught of good White-Wine considerably strong and let the Patient take it once or twice a day VI. An Experienc'd Medicine for Sore Throats TAke of Scabious Water six Ounces of Wine Vinegar a small Spoonful of Mustard Seed beaten and of Honey of each a Spoonful stir and shake them very well together and then filter the mixture and keep it for Use VII An often experienced External Remedy in Apoplectick Fits FIx a Cupping-Glass without Scarification to the Nape of the Neck and another to each of the Shoulders and let them stick on a competent time VIII An easie but approv'd Medicine for the Cholick TAke about half a Dram of Mastich and mix it with the Yolk of a new laid Egg and give it the Patient once
or twice a day IX To appease the heat of Feavers by an External Remedy APply to the Soles of the Feet a mixture or thin Cataplasm made of the Leaves of Tobacco fit to be cut to fill a Pipe with beaten up with as much of the Freshest Currans you can get as will bring the Tobacco to the Consistence of a Poultis X. The Medicine that is in such Request in Italy against the Worms in Children INfuse one Dram of clean Quicksilver all Night in about two Ounces of the Water of Goats Rue distill'd the common way in a cold Still And afterwards strain and filter it to sever it from all Dregs that may happen in the making it This quantity is given for one Dose DECAD X. I. A Choice Medicine for a Whitloe TAke Shell Snails and beat the pulpy part of them very well with a convenient quantity of fine chopt Parsly which is to be applied warm to the affected part and shifted two or three times a day II. A Simple but Vseful Lime-Water good for the Kings Evil and divers other Cases TAke half a Pound of good Quick-Lime and put it into one Gallon of Spring-Water and infuse it for Twenty four Hours then decant the Liquor and let the Patient Drink a good Draught of it two or three times a day or he may use it for his ordinary Drink this Infusion may be coloured with Saffron or Red Sanders and if need be to make it stronger add more Lime and warm the Water and keep it well stopt III. An Excellent Medicine for a fresh Strain TAke four Ounces of Bean Flower two Ounces of Wine Vinegar of these make a Cataplasm to be applied a little warm to the part affected but if this should prove something too sharp as in some Cases it may then take two Drams of Litharg and boil it a little in the Vinegar before you put it to the Bean-Flower IV. For the Pyles TAke Balsam of Sulphur made with Oil of Turpentine Ointment of Tobacco equal Parts Incorporate them well and Anoint the grieved place therewith V. For a Burn. MIngle Lime Water with Linseed Oyl by beating them together with a Spoon and with a Feather dress the Burn several times a day VI. For a fresh Strain BOil Bran in Wine Vinegar to the consistency of a Poultis apply it warm and renew the Poultis once in twelve hours for two or three times VII An experienced Medicine for the Cholick TAke good Nitre one Ounce and rub it well in a clean Mortar of Glass or Stone then grind with it half a Scruple or more of fine Saffron and of this mixture give about half a Dram for a Dose in three or four Ounces of Cold Spring Water VIII To make an Issue raw that begins to heal up TAke of Lapis Infernalis one Ounce of Crown Soap an Ounce and half Chalk finely pouder'd six Drams mix them all together carefully and keep them close stopt except when you mean to use them IX For a Sore Throat MAke a Plaister of Paracelsus three or four Fingers broad and length enough to reach almost from one Ear to the other and apply it to the part affected so that it may touch the Throat as much as may be X. For heat about the Orifice of the Stomach MAke a Syrup with the Juice of House Leek and Sugar and give about one Spoonful of it from time to time A Stomachical Tincture TAke Agrimony two Drams small Centory Tops one Dram Coriander Seeds bruised one Scruple Sassafras Shavings and Bark one Dram Gentian Root half a Dram Zedoary Root ten Grains pour upon these three quarters of a Pint of boiling Spring Water cover it and let it steep twelve hours then Strain it and put it in a Bottle then drop a drop of Oil of Cinnamon upon a lump of Sugar and put it into the Liquor The Dose is three Spoonfuls twice a day an hour or two before Meals THE END A CATALOGUE OF THE Philosophical Books and Tracts Written by the Honourable ROBERT BOYLE Esq Together with the ORDER or TIME Wherein each of them hath been Publish'd respectively To which is added A CATALOGUE Of the THEOLOGICAL BOOKS Written by the same Author LONDON Printed for Sam. Smith at the Sign of the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard 1693. Advertisements of the Publisher I. Many Ingenious Persons especially Strangers having pressingly endeavour'd to procure a Catalogue of the Honourable Mr. Boyle's Writings and the Author himself being not at leisure to draw one up 't was thought it might be some Satisfaction to those Inquirers if I publish'd the following List as it was drawn out for his own use of the Philosophical Transactions as well as the Printed Volumes by an Ingenious French Physician studious of the Authors Writings some of which he Translated and Printed in his own Language II. The Letter L affixt in the Margin denotes the Book related to to have been Translated and Publish'd in the Latin Tongue also Several of the rest having likewise been Translated into Latin but not yet Published III. Those that have an Asterisk prefix'd to them came forth without the Authors Name tho' 't is not doubted but they are His. IV. Such as have this Mark ☞ prefix'd to them are Sold by Samuel Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard V. Divers of those mentioned as drawn out of the Transactions did probably come abroad in Latin some of the Transactions themselves having been published in that Language A Catalogue of the Philosophical Books and Tracts NEW Experiments Physico Mechanical touching the Spring and Weight of the Air and its Effects made for the most part in a new Pneumatical Engine written by way of Letter to the Right Honourable Charles Lord Viscount of Dungarvan Eldest Son to the Earl of Cork by the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq A Defence of the Doctrine touching the Spring and Weight of the Air propos'd by the Author in his New Physico-Mechantoal Experiments against the Objections of Franciscus Linus wherewith the Objectors Funicular Hypothesis is also examin'd An Examen of Mr. Tho. Hobbes's Dialogus Physicus de Naturâ Aeris as far as it concerns the Authors Book of New Experiments touching the Spring of the Air with an Appendix touching Mr. Hobbes's Doctrine of Fluidity and Firmness These three together in a Volume in 4 to being a Second Edition The First at Oxford 1662 had been publish'd Anno 1660. The two others at London 1662 had been publish'd Anno 1661. The Sceptical Chymist c. 1661. Physiological Essays or Tentamina Written and Collected upon divers Times and Occasions with an History of Fluidity and Firmness in 4 to 1662. An Experimental History of Colours begun 8vo 1663. Some Considerations touching the Usefulness of Experimental Natural Phylosophy propos'd in a Familiar Discourse to a Friend by way of Invitation to the Study of it A
part and put them into a Bottle which being carefully stopt the Liquor is to be kept so for use which is that the Patient make it his constant Drink 22. To reduce flagy Breasts to a good shape and consistence TAke green Hemlock well bruis'd and reduc'd to a kind of Cataplasm or Pultise which is to be apply'd the Cold being first taken off to the Parts 't is to work upon and to be kept on till it hath perform'd what was intended shifting it once a day 23. An easie but useful Remedy for a fresh Bruise or Contusion TAke fresh Butter and Parsley of each a sufficient quantity and having chopt the Herb mix it very well with the Butter to the consistence of a Cataplasm which is to be apply'd warm to the newly bruised Part. 24. For Coagulated Blood or a Bruise TAke black soft Soap and with a sufficient quantity of soft Crumbs of white-bread very well mixt with it make a Paste which is to be laid on the Part with a linnen Rag and kept bound upon it for some hours that it may have time to resolve the congealed Blood and bring the contused Part from a livid to a red colour which will much hasten and facilitate the restoring it to its former state 25. To stanch Blood falling from the Nose by a Simple held in ones hand LET the Patient hold Knot-grass and Solomon's Seal in his hand till it grow warm there or longer if need be 26. An Excellent Remedy to stanch Blood in any part of the Body TAke Plantane-water two Ounces barley-cinnamon-Barley-Cinnamon-water six Drams Spirit of Vinegar one Ounce Dragons-blood half a Dram Syrup of Myrtles five Drams mix and make a Julep of which let the Patient take three spoonfuls every hour 27. The Styptick Water for stopping of Blood in any part of the Body TAke one Pound of Excellent Quick-lime and put it into a clear Earthen Pot pour upon it five or six Pounds of Fountain-Water cover the Pot close and let it lye to infuse about an hour without touching it then after stir it with a stick for a little time then let it lye as before for 24 hours sometimes stirring it in the end you shall let it settle to a Sediment the Water being very clear above pour it off by inclination without stirring Take of this Water one Pound which being put into a Vial you shall add to it a Dram and half of Sublimate finely pouder'd then shake very well all together so that the Pouder may dissolve and be of an Orange colour or more reddish than yellow and in the end clear and limpid because the red Powder will praecipitate to the bottom Your Water being clarify'd you must separate the Water from the Grounds into another Vessel without troubling the Sediments and to the Water you shall add one Dram of Oyl of Vitriol and an Ounce of Saccharum Saturni Shake all together that they may mix the better afterwards let all settle and pour off the clear Water and keep it for your use 28. A Choice Medicine to resolve extravasated Blood GRate or Rasp the Root of Burdock and spreading the pouder upon a Linnen Cloath bind it quite round the Part affected renewing it twice a day 29. To make an Excellent Styptick for stanching of Blood TAke Hungarian Vitriol Allom of each half a Pound Phlegm of Vitriol ten Pounds Boyl to a dissolution of the Vitriol and Allom being cold filter it through brown Paper and if any Crystals shoot separate the Liquor from them adding to each Pound one Ounce of Oyl of Vitriol Dip Cloaths into this Liquor and apply them to the Part affected 30. An often try'd Styptick to stanch Blood especially in Wounds TAke Colcothar as it comes out of the Retort and having pouder'd it roll Tents of Lint in it and apply them to the Orifices of the greater Vessels and employ other usual means to compress the Vessel upon the Tent and to fill the Cavity of the Wound partly with Colcothar too 31. A very often Experienc'd Remedy for Burns TAke two parts of Oyl of Walnuts and one of Honey mix them well together over a gentle Fire and when they are thorowly incorporated dip a Feather in the Mixture and anoint therewith the Part affected so as the Oyntment may touch it immediately and then strew on it some Pouder of Ceterarch or Spleen-wort and keep the Part quiet and defend it from the Air. 32. An easie Medicine and common enough but useful against Burns TAke Onions and beat them into a soft Mass and apply them as speedily as you can to the Part affected and keep them on it till they begin to grow dryish and then if need be shift them and apply fresh ones 33. For a Recent Burn. TAke Onions a sufficient quantity and beat them very well with common Salt finely pouder'd into a Mash that may be applyed as a Cataplasm the Cold being first taken off to the Part affected and renewing it if need be till the impression of the Fire be taken out 34. An Excellent Oyntment for Burns and Scaldings TAke of the inner Rind of Elder-Tree and of fresh Sheeps dung without any adhering straws or foulness of each one Handful and with fresh Butter or Oyl make thereof an Oyntment to be applyed as is usual in such Distempers 35. An easie and approv'd Remedy for Burns especially Recent ones TAke a sufficient quantity of Adders-Tongue and boil it softly in Linseed-Oyl till the Liquor be strongly impregnated with the Herb then strain it and keep it stopt for use 36. An Excellent Oyntment for Burns and Scaldings TAke of Saccharum Saturni half a Dram of the sharpest Vinegar four Ounces make a solution of the former in the latter and add to this Solution drop by drop often stirring or shaking them together as much Oyl of Elder as will serve to reduce the Mixture into the form of a Nutritum or Oyntment 37. A slow but innocent way of making Blisters without Cantharides TAke Crows-foot and putting to a handful of it about half a spoonful of Mustard beat them very well together to the consistence of a Poultise put this to the thickness of ones little Finger into the cover of a Box cut shallow and of about the breadth of the Palm of ones Hand tho' this cover be less necessary than convenient and cutting a hole of the wideness of the Box in a Plaister of Diapalma or the like to make it stick you must apply it to the Part and let it lye on 12 or 14 hours because it works as well more slowly than Cantharides as more safely and innocently 38. A good Medicine to raise Blisters TAke Cantharides reduc'd into Pouder and upon half an Ounce of this put two or three Ounces of good Spirit of Wine let them lye together four or five days that the Spirit may acquire a good Tincture then filter it and dip into it a piece of Linnen Cloath 6 7 or 8 times double and of the
Eye TAke a rotten Apple and as many tops of Wormwood as being well beaten together with it will make a Mass of the consistence of a Cataplasm warm this a little and put a sufficient quantity of it into a thin and clean Linnen Rag and let the Patient keep it upon the Part affected all Night the next Morning wash it off with some red Rose-water or the like Liquor 79. To make a choice Opthalmick Water to preserve the Eyes and Sight TAke of the distill'd Water of Rue Celandine and Vervain of each one Ounce mix them and infuse in them two Drams of Crocus Metallorum exquisitely ground for a Week or Ten days then very carefully filter the Infusion that none of the Atoms of Pouder pass thorow with the Liquor Of this let fall into the Eye a drop or two Morning and Evening having a care not to shake the Glass when you employ the Liquor lest some unheeded dust may have escap'd the filter and be rais'd 80. For a slight Opthalmia or Blood-shot Eye SHake half a Dram of diligently prepar'd Tutty into an Ounce of red rose-Rose-water and drop it often into the Eye 81. An Experienc'd eye-Eye-water for an Inflammation and Tumor of the Eye TAke of prepar'd Tutty half an Ounce the Water of white Roses and of Frogs Spawn and also of the best Canary Wine not distill'd of each two Ounces of Aqua Mirabilis half an Ounce Mix these well and drop a very little at a time into the Patient's Eyes 82. An odd and often try'd Medicine for an Eresipalas TAke the Blood of a hunted Hare whilst 't is yet warm and drench thorowly in it clean Linnen Rags which are to be dry'd in the Wind or free Air and then kept in a dry place for use Lay a good piece of Linnen thus stain'd upon the Part affected and either by binding it on or covering it with some silken or other Cloath whose edges have some sticking Plaister keep it from falling off and renew it from day to day if there be need N. B. If it grow too stiff with long keeping you may soften it with a little sprinkling of fair Water 83. An experienc'd Water for sharp and slimy Humors in the Eyes and Eye-lids TAke of prepar'd Tutty half an Ounce prepar'd Coral and Pearl of each half a Scruple Trochisci-Albi Ras five or six Grains Red rose-Rose-water and succory-Succory-water of each an Ounce and half mix them well and if you will have the Medicine stronger you may put three or four Grains of Aloes into it 84. A Choice Remedy for an Opthalmia or Blood-shot Eyes TAke of the Juice of Housleek two parts Daisies and Ground-Ivy of each one part mix these Juices together and to about two spoonfuls of the Mixture put five or six drops of clarify'd Honey Let the Juices depurate themselves by residence and then in some small Silver Vessel clarifie them and of this Mixture let fall a drop or two into the Eye three or four times a day N. B. But if the Inflammation be not so great but there is more need of Abstersion use more of the Juice of Ground-Ivy and less of that of Housleek 85. For a light Stroke or Contusion of the Eye TAke two Ounces of Bettony-water and three drops of clarify'd Honey mix them well together and drop them into the Eye three or four times a day the Composition must be made fresh every second and third day 86. A Potent but smarting Medicine for things growing on the Eye TAke white Paper and let it flame away upon a clean Pewter Platter till there remain so much Oyl behind as you think you shall need blow off the Cinders of the Papers and with a little of your Spittle mixt by your Finger with the Oyl make up a kind of Oyntment which being taken up with a Feather is to be apply'd once or twice a day as need shall require and as the Patient can well bear to the affected Eye Which course is to be continu'd till the Cure be compleated 87. For Hurts that make a Solution of Continuity in the Eye TAke two Ounces of Celandine-Water and put to it 2 3 or 4 drops of good clarify'd Honey enough to give the Water a faint tast With this dress the Eye at least twice if not thrice a day But the Mixture must be made fresh once in two or three days or else it will grow sourish 88. An Excellent and very often try'd Eye-Water especially for outward Affections of the Eye TAke of Plantane-leaves 4 Ounces and of Strawberry-leaves as much Digest these for 24 hours in a Pound of good White-wine Then distil them to dryness in a Glass Head and Body in a Balneo Mariae The Liquor that is thus obtain'd put into a very clean Brass not Copper Vessel and let it stand there for some hours till it have acquir'd a manifest but not a very deep blew Tincture and then put to it when pour'd on an equal weight of White Rose-Water distill'd after the common way Shake these together and let fall one drop into the Internal corner of the Eye the Patient stooping backward and shutting his Eye-lids for a Minute or two that the Water may disperse on the Eye and that the quickness of the Liquor which may make him weep may the less prejudice him 89. To make a Vseful Medicine for Pain or Itching in the Eye-lids or on that account in the Eyes TAke half a spoonful of French Barley after the first Water it was put into over the Fire is cast away and boyl it softly for a little while in a Pint of Spring-water seasonably putting to it a good Pugil of dry'd Damask Rose-leaves N. B. Sometimes you may add if you please a few Red Rose-leaves or Melilot-flowers or both With this Liquor foment the Part with a soft Sponge for a pretty while in the Morning and at Night having a care that it be apply'd pretty hot or at least warm 90. To make an Excellent Eye-Water for Redness and light Films c. upon the Eye MAke some Lime-Water by pouring a Gallon of Scalding-hot Water upon a Pound or somewhat more of Quicklime stir them together and after some hours decant warily that which is clear And to a Pound of this Water put half an Ounce and no more of choice Verdigrise pulveriz'd And in a very moderate heat extract a Tincture of a fine but somewhat dilute Saphirine colour but it ought not to be too deep Decant this very warily and let a drop or two of it at a time fall into the Eye as often as need requires 91. An Excellent Remedy to stop a violent Defluxion on the Eye TAke red Sage and Rue of each one handful a spoonful of fine Wheat-flower and the white of a new-laid Egg beaten to Water mix these very well and spread them upon very thin Leather or black Silk and apply it to the Temples 't is to be about the bigness of a Silver Crown at least
S. 184. A Choice and diversify'd Medicine for the Scurvy FRom the freshly gather'd tops of Firr a little bruis'd abstract Spirit of Wine or at least good Nants Brandy and with this Liquor draw a deep Tincture from other fresh tops of which Tincture reduce some part into an Extract whereof to form Pills keep these the Tincture and the impregnated Liquor apart to be employ'd separately or conjoyntly as occasion may require 185. For an Excoriation and for preternatural Tenderness of any part of the Skin TAke Vnguentum Diapompholigos and spread it thinly upon Lint which must be apply'd to the Part affected and kept on by a Bandage or some sticking Plaister 186. To take off the heat and roughness of the Skin especially on the Lips ANoint the Part affected with fresh or at least not too stale Cream 187. To take out the marks of Gun-pouder shot into the Skin of the Face or elsewhere TAke fresh Cow-dung and having warm'd it a little apply it as a thin Poultise to the part affected renewing it from time to time as occasion shall require 188. An Excellent Medicine to strengthen a weak Sight TAke Eye-bright Penny-royal Rue Celandine Lovage Saxifrage of each half a handful Blewbottle-Flowers Fennel-seeds Parsley-seeds of each half a Dram Grains of Paradice one Dram Hyssop Organy Willow-leaves each half an Ounce Galingal three Drams Ginger half a Dram Cinnamon one Dram Sugar half an Ounce Let them be finely pouder'd and very well mixt together Take of this Pouder one Scruple or half a Dram every day with your Dinner 189. A distilled Water for strengthening the Sight TAke Rosemary-Flowers Sage Betony Rue and Succory of each one handful Infuse these in two quarts of good Sack distil them in a Copper Alembick The Dose is a moderate spoonful 190. A Choice Medicine which I have several times used for a light Stroke or Contusion of the Eye PUT to two Ounces of Carduus-Water or that of Betony three or four drops of Honey use it every three hours But have a care not to keep it above a day or two lest it grow sour 191. A much commended Pouder to strengthen the Sight POuder of Eye-bright 1 Ounce ordinary Fennel-seed in Pouder half an Ounce Pouder of Nutmegs half a quarter of an Ounce double refin'd Sugar two Ounces All these being finely pouder'd and sifted are to be mixt together and taken as much as will lye on a Shilling at a time as often as you please The Pouder is to be taken dry and kept in a Box close shut in some dry place This has done great Cures in dimness of Sight and Rheums in the Eyes 192. To make a Drink to be taken like Tea for strengthening the Sight TO a quart of Water ready to boyl put in half a handful of Eye-bright and then let the Liquor boyl but one walm or two before you take it off to drink it instead of Tea 193. A rare Water to strengthen the Sight TAke Clary and distil it in a cold Still and of the Water let the Patient take every Morning and if need be every Night going to Bed from two or three spoonfuls to six either alone or sweetned with a little Sugar let him also with the same Water unsweeten'd bath or wash the Parts affected in the Morning and at Bed-time and if need be once or twice more every day 194. An Excellent External Medicine to strengthen the Stomach TAke Wormood Mint and Mugwort and by beating them well in a stone or glass Mortar make a Cataplasm to be apply'd somewhat warm to the Stomach and kept upon it for a pretty while 195. An often try'd Remedy to strengthen the Stomach and also to take off Griping Pains in or near it 'T is good also for Colds TAke Emplastrum Stomachum of the London Dispensatory and drop upon it five or six drops of Oyl of Cinnamon rubbing it well over with your finger and so apply it to the Patient's Stomach and after three or four days or as soon as it grows dry remove it and having scrap'd the Plaister and warm'd it on the wrong side let fall some drops of the Oyl of Cinnamon upon it or more drops of the Cordial Spirit and apply it again 196. An Excellent Plaister to strengthen the Stomach and Chest TAke of Cinnamon Nutmegs Cloves and Mace of each a sufficient quantity pouder them well and strew some of the Pouder all over the bottom of a Deal Box of a convenient length and breadth and fit it with a cover to shut close upon this Pouder lay a piece of clean Flannel well dry'd and strew it over thinly with some of the same Pouder then lay on another piece of the like Flannel of the same Dimensions with the former and upon that likewise if need be a little more Pouder This done shut the Box till the time of use and then take out one of the pieces of Flannel and having lightly dusted off the Pouder lay it on the Patient's Brest Stomach and Belly and let it lye on there for some days When you perceive its Vertue begins to languish you must substitute for it the other piece of Flannel and put the first in the Box to receive new Vertue and so proceed alternatively as long as you need the Medicine adding now and then some fresh Pouder if Necessity require Note That each piece of Flannel ought to be long and large enough to cover the Brest and to reach from about the Paps to the Navel or lower 197. For a Recent Strain TAke a pint or more of Claret-Wine and boyl in it for a little while in a close Vessel about a handful of Red Rose-leaves till the Liquor be strong of the Plant. In this well heated dip a piece of Linnen or Flannel and wringing out the moisture double it and apply it hot to the Part affected using a Fillet or some such thing to keep it on 198. My Lord Bacon's Experienc'd Medicine for a Recent Strain or Bruise TAke a good handful of fresh Wormwood and boyl it in a sufficient quantity of strong Ale to the softness of a Poultise then take it off the fire and when you apply it which you should do whilst 't is very hot put to it a spoonful or two of good common Brandy 199. A Choice Plaister for a Recent Strain TAke equal parts of the Plaisters called Diapalma and Oxycroceum and make of them a compounded Plaister to be spread upon thin Leather and apply'd to the Part affected and to be renewed if need be twice a day 200. An approv'd Medicine for a Recent Strain APply seasonably a Cataplasm made of Bran boyl'd in good Vinegar till it be soft enough to make a Poultise 201. A slight but choice Remedy for a Recent Strain TAke two spoonfuls of Vinegar and beat into it very well the white of an Egg and spreading it upon Flax or Tow apply it to and keep it on the Part affected 202. A Parable but Excellent
Roch-Allom crude half a Dram Claret-Wine one Pint. Boyl these softly a little while together and let the Patient use twice thrice or if need be ostner in a day 221. To fasten Teeth made loose by the Scurvy ANoint the Parts affected with Oleum Myrrhae made by Deliquium with Whites of Eggs boyl'd hard 222. A Lotion to fasten the Teeth IN a quart of Spring-water Decoct for a while one Ounce of the best Terra Japanica reduc'd to gross Pouder And then having filter'd the Decoction keep it stopt for use 223. A good Astringent Liquor to fasten loose Teeth IN a Pint of Red Wine infuse about half an Ounce of Terra Japanica till as much as will be dissolv'd be taken up by the Liquor Decant it from the Faeces if there be need and keep it well stopt for use 224. An useful Liquor to fasten the Teeth and prevent the Tooth-ach TO a Pint of spring-Spring-water put half an Ounce of clean Sal Armoniack and with the Solution of this Salt let the Patient wash his Mouth from time to time 225. To make an Excellent Poultise to ripen Tumors TAke eight Ounces of fat Figs two Ounces of white Lilly-Roots and two Ounces of Bean-Flower or Meal Boyl these together in Water and reduce them to the consistence of a Poultise which is to be spread to a good thickness and laid warm enough upon the Part and shifted as often as it begins to grow dry 226. An Excellent Medicine to relieve those that are troubled with Tumors in the Throat and some other Parts TO a quart of New Milk put a handful of Mallow-leaves with as much of the Leaves of Solanum or Nightshade shred them small let them boyl till the Herbs be tender as if they were to be eaten Then put into the Milk as much Crumbs of White-bread as being stirred well with the other Ingredients will bring all to the consistence of a Poultise This is to be spread upon a Stay for the Throat or some other thing fit to be apply'd to any other Part affected and is to be laid on as hot as the Patient can well endure it and when it begins to grow cold it is to be succeeded by fresh made very hot and so long as the case shall require 227. A Medicine that lately cur'd an Obstinate Tumor of the Knee that had baffled some Chirurgeons TAke a green Colewort-Leaf with red Veins or Streaks and having cut the Ribs flat and almost level to the rest of the Leaf bruise it with the haft of a Knife or some such thing apply it to the Part affected renewing it once or twice a day 228. A Powerful and Experienc'd Topick for a Sore Throat TAke two new-laid Eggs roasted moderately hard and the Pap of two well-roasted Pippins beat them well together and add to them as much Cruds of Posset made with Ale Having incorporated them all very well apply the Mixture very warm to the Part affected shifting it if need be once in five or six hours 229. An Approved Remedy for a Sore Throat TAke Verjuice of Grapes one Ounce good Honey half an Ounce crude Allom about a Dram and half and Sea-Salt half a Dram Pouder the Salts finely and incorporate them very well with the Liquors into the form of a kind of Liniment In this dip a long Feather or a piece of Rag tyed about the end of a slender Stick as of Liquorish and with it touch the Part affected three four or five times between each two times gargling with a Mixture of Plantane-water and some red Rose-water 230. A Choice External Remedy for Sore Throats TAke Millepedes Sows or Hogs-Lice alive and sew them up between the foldings of a piece of Linnen and apply them to the Throat in the form of a Stay which is to be kept on all Night 231. An easie but try'd Remedy for a Sore Throat TAke Bay-Salt dry'd and having pounded it put it into the folds of a Rag in a sufficient quantity to make a Stay to be ty'd about the Throat and apply it over night as hot as the Patient can conveniently endure it 232. A Choice Remedy for a Sore Throat especially if enflam'd TAke a little handful of the Leaves of common Mallows and eight or ten good Figs boyl these about a quarter of an hour in a Pint of New Milk and let the Patient use it very hot and often 233. A homely but Experienc'd Medicine for a Sore Throat TAke about one Dram of Album Graecum or white Dogs-turd burnt to perfect whiteness and with about one Ounce of Honey of Roses or clarify'd Honey make thereof a Linctus to be very slowly let down the Throat 234. A homely but Experienc'd Remedy for a Sore Throat INto the Leg of a worsted Stocking that has been long worn next to the Flesh put in a sufficient quantity of good Sea-Salt exactly dry'd or else decrepitated and this Salt being put in warm if not hot the Stocking is to be ty'd about the Patient's Neck and kept on all Night And if by the next Day the Distemper be not remov'd you may apply fresh Salt in the proportion in the same Stocking as before the Night following 235. A try'd Medicine for a Sore Throat caused by Acid Humors in the Internal Parts of it TAke half a handful of the Leaves of common Mallows and boyl them in about a Pint of New Milk near half an hour then let it run through a clean Cloath and let the Patient use it a little warm three or four times a day as a Gargle or else let him use it by holding it in his Mouth and letting some drops slowly slide down his Throat 236. An often Experienc'd Remedy for Tettars and the Itch. TAke Flowers of Sulphur finely pouder'd Ginger and burnt Allom each alike save that of the Allom there must be somewhat less Incorporate these with as much fresh Butter without any Salt as will bring them to the consistence of an Oyntment with this anoint the Part affected at Bed-time as hot as the Patient can well endure it and let it lye on all Night wash it off in the Morning with Celandine-water well heated and whilst you continue the use of this Medicine take daily some Cordial to keep the noxious Humour from being driven inwards This will not fail to do the Work 237. A Choice Medicine for a Thrush in Young Children or a Sore Mouth TAke an Egg and put out the Meat then fill it with the Juice of Red Sage and set it on hot Embers till it boyl then skim it whilst any skum doth rise Then take as much Allom beaten as the bigness of a Pea or Bean and half a spoonful of Honey and let this be put in the Egg and boyl it a little and so take it off and when 't is cold rub the Child's Mouth as oft as you see cause 238. An almost Specifick Remedy for a Tenesmus MIX Balsam of Sulphur made with Oyl of
Minium or such like as they use for Wounds in the Body or a Plaister of Honey and Wax This Drink is effectual for Sores old or new Womens Breasts putrified Bones causing them to scale 't is good for any Ach in the Stomach for the Kings-Evil it hath cured also caused Bullets in the Flesh to come out having long continued there Sir Jo. Mince was healed by drinking of this being wounded through the Loyns 256. A quick Remedy for a small and fresh Cut or Wound LET the Patient speedily plunge the hurt Part into Brandy and keep it there for a while till the Pain which will be excited be extinguish'd or much abated Or if the Part be unfit for this Operation the Liquor may be apply'd to it immediately with a soft Sponge c. 257. A good Vehicle for divers Remedies and that 't is it self useful against the Jaundies and Worms in Children THE distill'd Water of the Husks of Walnuts is a very good Vehicle in divers Diseases particularly in Jaundies 't is a Cordial and exceeding proper to be mixt with Julaps in Fevers 'T is also an excellent Antiverminary or Medicine against the Worms especially for Children 258. A Powerful Medicine for White Fluors and the like Distempers TAke a Pottle of Ale and shred into it two Ounces of white Ichthyocolla Isinglass and in a loosely stopt Vessel let the Liquor simper till about half is wasted strain the rest and give of it two or three Ounces at a time once or twice a day as need shall require 259. A tryed Medicine for an Ulcus Uteri TAke of true and choice Bitumen Judaicum or Asphaltum and having reduc'd it to very fine Pouder let the Patient take of it about a Dram at a time in any proper Vehicle once or twice a day 260. An Excellent Water to preserve the Sight TO half an Ounce of celandine-Celandine-Water and two Drams of Succory-Water mixt together put two or three drops of clarify'd Honey and shake them all together when you are to use them Of this Water let fall a drop or two into the Eye once or twice a day It will not keep above three or four days especially in Summer and therefore must be often renewed 261. A try'd Medicine for a Whitloe TAke House Snails and beat them shells and all in a Stone or Wooden Mortar so long till they be reduc'd to the Consistence of a Cataplasm which apply somewhat warm to the Part affected and keep it on for 16 or 24 hours renewing it then if need be 262. A powerfully Dissolving Oyntment for Warts and divers Tumors TAke May-Butter and having melted it in a moderate heat mix with it very diligently but by little and little as much Oyl of Tartar per deleq as will give it a sensible but not a considerably strong taste 263. An Experienced Remedy for Bloody Water TAke Waters of the black Alder of Mallows of each three Ounces Syrup of Comfrey one Ounce mix them and let the Patient take four spoonfuls immediate and four or five times a day 264. To make a well Experimented Lime Water TAke fresh Quick-lime 2 Pound on which pour two Gallons of Water boyling hot when they have stood together about 24 hours pour off the clear and into one Gallon of this put of Anniseeds Liquorish and Sassafrass thinly slic'd of each four Ounces Let them infuse for 24 or 48 hours in a cover'd Vessel then take a pound and a half of Smirna Raisins which some call great blew Currans wash'd and stamp'd Let these infuse for a few hours and then pass the whole Mixture first through a Sieve and then through a woollen Bag. The Dose is about a quarter of a pint warm twice a day 265. An Experienc'd Medicine to Correct the peccant Humor in the Kings-Evil TAke half an Ounce of Cuttle-Bone dry'd till it may be finely pouder'd Give this to the Patient for one Dose 266. An Excellent and often-try'd Clyster in Fluxes especially in sharp Humors and some other Distempers of the Bowels IN a Quart of New Milk boyl softly two small spoonfuls of grosly pouder'd Rice till it be brought to the consistence of Cream then dissolve in it two Ounces of our Suet of Sheeps-Kidneys and having strain'd it to keep back the Fibres give it at once for a Lavement 267. A Cure for Scrophula's and the Kings-Evil TAke a handful of Paronychia folio rutaceo call'd Rue Whitlow-grass and by some Felon-wort boyl it every Morning in a quart of small Beer strain it and drink it for your ordinary Drink It wastes the peccant Humor appeases the Pains discusses the unbroken Tumors and heals the broken ones 268. Against Epilepsies or the Falling-Sickness TAke of the Pouder of the true Misseltoe of the Oak as much as will lye upon a Sixpence early in the Morning in Black Cherry-water for some days near the Full Moon 269. A Simple Remedy for the Stone TAke Persicaria or Arsmart as much as you please Distil it in a common Rose-water Still and give some spoonfuls of it in or before the Fits 270. An Excellent Remedy against Fluxes TAke unsalted Butter boyl it gently till a pretty part be consum'd skimming it diligently from time to time whilst it stands over the Fire Of this Butter melted give now and then a considerable quantity as the Patient is able to bear it This Medicine was very Successful in Ireland FINIS B A B B A B B B B B B B C B B B B A A B A B A A B B A B A B C B B B B B B A B B B B C B B A B B B A B B A A A B C A B B B A B B A A B A C A A B A B B B A A B B B B B B A A A B C B A B A A B A A B A B A I. ☜ L L ☞ L ☞ ☜ L L L L L L ☜ L L L L ☜ L ☞ ☜ L ☜ L ☞ L ☞ L ☞ L ☞ ☞ L ☞ ☞ * L ☜ * ☜ ☜ ☜ ☜ ☞ L * ☞ * ☞ * ☜ * * L ☜ * ☜ ☜ * * De simpl Medic. Facultatibus lib. ix Titulo Jaspis Viridis Ac nonnulli quoque annulis inserunt Scalpuntque in eo draconem radios habentem Velut Rex Ne●hespos memoriae ●rodidit in sexto decimo libro
Consistence then add of Wheat-flower and Saffron reduced to a Pouder as much of each as you may take up upon the point of a Knife and having mix'd all well put it over the Coals again until it lose its Smell Afterwards you may put it into a little Stone or Earthen Pot and keep it for Use which is that the Patient take the quantity of a Pea and anoint the Navil and fill the Cavity thereof with it repeating the Application for some days together when the Stomach is empty and abstaining from Meat and Drink about two hours after the Medicine is us'd The End of the First Part. Medicinal Experiments OR A COLLECTION OF Choice Remedies FOR The most part Simple and Easily Prepared The latter Five DECADS being A SECOND PART By the Honourable R. BOYLE Fellow of the Royal Society LONDON Printed for Sam. Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard 1693. DECAD VI. I. A parable Medicine for the Stone TAke of the Seed of Flixweed and give of it about as much as will lie upon a Shilling either whole or grosly bruis`d in any convenient Vehicle II. For Fits of the Mother DIssolve store of Sea-Salt in the best Wine Vinegar and in this dip a soft Linnen Cloth which being folded so as to make 3 or 4 Doubles is to be applied somewhat warm to the Soles of the Patient's Feet and kept on till the Fit be over III. A Choice Plaister to Strengthen the Joynts after the Gout and hasten the going off of the Pain TAke of Paracelsus and Diapalma ana melt them and incorporate them exactly together and spread the mixture very thin upon fine Leather to be us'd as a Plaister to the Part affected IV. A very good Drink in continual Fevers MAke a Decoction of the Leaves of Rue in fair Water till the Liquor tast pretty strong of the Plant This being strain'd is to be made somewhat Palatable with Liquorice or a little Sugar or Aromatic Body To half a Pint of this add about 10 Drops of Spirit not Oyl of Vitriol Let the Patient use this for his ordinary Drink V. A good Drink to be frequently used in Fevers especially continual Ones GIve in half a Pint of some small convenient Drink half an Ounce of Harts-horn burnt to great whiteness which is to be a little boyled in the Liquor and this thus alter'd is to be given from time to time VI. An easie Medicine for a fresh Strain MAke up the Clay with which the Bungs of Barrels are wont to be stopp'd with as much Vinegar as will bring it to the Consistence of an indifferently stiff Cataplasm Then warm it a little and apply it to the Part affected VII A Remedy much used for Chilblains TAke a Turnep roast it well under the Embers and beat it to a Poultice then apply it very hot to the Part affected and keep it on if need be for 3 or 4 days in that time shifting it twice or thrice if occasion require VIII A Simple Antimonial Remedy that has often done much Good even in the Leprosie and all continual Fevers TAke Crude Antimony well chosen and pouder'd of this give about one two or three Scruples Morning and Evening according to the Age of the Patient in a little Syrup of Clove-Gilly-Flowers or any such Vehicle or else mix'd with fine Sugar enough to make it somewhat Palatable This may be continued for 4 or 5 Months if need require and if the first Dose prove Beneficial to the Patient in Cases not urgent a Scruple or half a Dram may serve the Turn nor need the Exhibition be continued for so long a time IX For the Cholick and divers other Distempers TAke four or five Balls of fresh Stone-horse Dung and let them steep for about a quarter of an Hour or less in a Pint of White-wine in a Vessel well stopp'd that the Liquor may be richly impregnated with the more volatile and subtil Parts of the Dung strain this and give of it from a quarter to half a Pint or some Ounces more at a time the Patient having a Care not to take Cold after it X. An often Experimented Antimonial Infusion TAke one Ounce of pouder'd Antimony tied up in a little Bag of clean Linnen and hang it in a Gallon of Beer or Ale that is brought from the Brew-house and is yet scarce fit to be drawn out much less to be drank Of this Liquor when 't is ripe let the Patient make use for his ordinary Drink only having a Care that if by Age or Accident it be perceived to grow sour that Vessel then be left off for fear lest the Acidity of the Liquor corroding the Antimony might make it vomitive DECAD VII I. An easie Medicine to cleanse the Womb especially after Child-bearing TAke a large white Onyon of about four Ounces in weight if you can get so big a one and boyl it in about a Pint of Water with any thing fit to make a very thin Broth till a third part or more of the Liquor be consumed Of this Broth which may be made a little palatable with Nutmeg c. the Patient is to take six or eight Ounces twice or thrice a day II. An Experienced Wash that quickly cures the Itch. TAke strong Quicklime one Pound and put to a Gallon of Spring-Water let them lie together for some hours and then warily pour off the clear filter the rest and take two Ounces of Quick-Silver ty'd up in a Linnen Bag and hang it in the Liquor and boil it for half an hour or more then pour off the cleer Liquor once more and wash the Hands only with it twice or at most thrice a day III. A Remedy often us'd with Success in Fluxes and even Dysenteries TAke fresh Roots of Bistort cut them into thin Slices and moisten them well with fair Water and Wine to make them more soft and Succulent then press out the Juice as strongly as you can And of this give about three or four Spoonfuls mingled with half a Dozen Spoonfuls or somewhat more of Red Wine or some other convenient Liquor IV. A good Medicine for a sore Throat TAke the White of a New-laid Egg and by beating it reduce it into Water and with this Water mix diligently so much Conserve of Red Roses as will reduce it to a soft Mass Whereof the Patient is to let a little Bit at a time melt leisurely in his Mouth V. A choice Medicine for a sore Throat TAke a piece of greasie Linnen Cloth of such a bigness as that being doubled it may make a Bag in form of a Stay to reach from one side of the Throat to the other and contain as much Matter as may make it of the thickness of an Inch or more This Bag being fill'd with common Salt is to be heated throughly and apply'd to the Part affected as warm as the Patient can conveniently indure and within
to have particular notice given of it and not only to be confirm'd that 't is good but to be told how good it is and possibly also that it may be usefully employ'd in other Distempers besides those for which 't is prescrib'd in the Printed Book The most of these Receipts are intended chiefly for the use of those that live in the Country in Places where Physicians are scarce if at all to be had especially by Poor People And because very frequently a Labouring-Man or a Handicrafts Man or some Tradesman has a whole Family depending upon him being maintain'd by his Pains and Industry and yet is disabled to help himself and them not by any Internal Disease but by External and often-times Accidental Maladies such as Bruises Strains Cuts Tumors Aches Burns and the like I have been careful to furnish this final Collection with a pretty number of good Receipts obtain'd most of them from able Surgeons and Practitioners for those External Accidents that those poor Upholders of Families who cannot find or Fee a Surgeon or a Doctor may be cheaply reliev'd without either of them The INDEX A. APoplexy Page 1. Aches 2. 122 Ach or Strain 2 Ach Scorbutical 2 3. 3 4 Aches and pricking pains 5 Anasarca ibid. Agues 6 7. 7. 9 Aguish Distempers 7 Ague Plaister 8 Agues Tertian 10 Ague Quartan 11 Acidities in the Stomach 12 Asthma 12 13. 41 Anodyne Clyster 89 Arthritick Pains 95. 122 Affections of the Nerves 120 Aloetick Pills 121 B. BReathing difficult 14 Breasts flaggy 16 Bruise 16 17. 141 Blood to stanch 18 18. 21 22 Blood extravasated 20 Burns 22 23 24 25 25 Burns and Scalds 24 Blisters to draw 26 27 28 Breast affected with Cold Page 33 Bloody-flux 49. 49. 81 82 83 83 84. 86. 178 Blood-shot Eye 54. 56. 59 Biting of Mad Dogs 119 Biting of Vipers 177 Balsam for Wounds 179 Bloody Water 188 C. COnvulsive Asthma 13. 41 Cholick Scorbutick 15 Contusion 16. 31 Coagulated Blood 17 Costiveness 29. 41 Cancer in the Breast 29 Chilblains 31 Consumption 32. 35 Colds 33 Coughs 34 34 35 36 36 Corns 37 38 38 39 Convulsive Fits 39 40 Convulsions 42. 79 Cholick 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 47. 149 Cramp 47 48 Contusion of the Eye 52. 60. 73. 136 Clouded Eyes 68 Clyster Anodyne 89 Children Griped 90 Contractures 117. 130 Courses stopt Page 172 Cuts and Wounds 183 Clyster for Fluxes 190 D. DRopsie Anasarca 5 Distemper Aguish 7 Difficulty of Breathing 14 Drink for Cholicks 43 Dropsie 48 Dysentery 49. 49. 81 82 83. 83 84. 86. 178 Digestive 50 Diabetes 51. 172 Diarrhoea 51 Defluxions on the Eyes 65 66 69 72 Drink for Fevers 80 81 Drink to correct sharp Humors 101 Dulness of Hearing 102 Drink for the sight 137 Drink for the Stone 145 E. EXtravasated Blood 20 Expectoration 36 Eye contused 52. 60. 73 Eye Blood-shot 54. 59 Eye-sight to preserve 55. 74. 134. 138. 186 Eye-Water 56. 58. 62. 64. 67. 67. 70. 76. 135. 138. 186 Erysipelas 57 Eye Medicament 60 Eye-lids pained Page 63 Eye clouded 68 Eye Rheumatick 65 66. 69. 72 Eye-Plaister 72 Electuary for the sight 74 Epilepsie 77. 79. 191 Elixir Salutis 78 Excoriation 133 F. FLaggy Breasts 16 Fits of the Mother 44 Flux bloody 49. 49. 81 82 83 84. 86 Flux common 51. 83 84. 86. 190. 192 Films in the Eyes 64. 75 Falling-sickness 77. 79. 191 Fevers 80 Flux of the Whites 84 Fundament falling 87 French Pox 123 G. GAngreen 88 Griping of the Guts 89 Gripes 90. 139 Gargle 91. 91 Gout 93 94 95 96. 99. 122 Gunpowder to remove 134 Gravel 145 Gums Scorbutick 156 Gonorrhoea 92 93. 98 H. HEart-burnings Page 12 Hysterical Vapours 40 Hydropsie 48 Humor in the Eye 52. 58 Hurts in the Eye 61. 77 Head pouder 100 Hearing hurt 102 Haemorrhoids 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 106 107 107 108 109 109 110. 121 Hollow aching Tooth 153 Humor of the Kings-Evil to correct 189 I. INcontinency of Urine 51 Itch in Hands c. 111. 167 Jaundies Yellow 112 112 113 114 K. KIngs-Evil 115. 189 190. Kidneys pained 115 Kidneys stopped 116 L. LOoseness 51 Laxation of a Part 123 Liquor for Ulcers and Wounds 175 Lime-Water to make 188 M. MOther-Fits 44 Milk to increase 117 118 Mad Dogs Biting Page 119 Marks of Gunpowder to remove 134 Mouth sore 168 Menses stopt 172 N. NUrses Milk to increase 117 118 Nerves affected 120 O. OLD Aches 2 Ophthalmick Water 55 Ophthalmia 56. 59. 74 Oyntment for the Gout 94 Obstinate Tumor of the Knee 161 P. PRicking pains 5 Plaister for Agues 8 Plaister for Corns 37 38 38 39 Pain in the Side 5. 46 Pearl in the Eye 54 Pain in the Eye-lids 63 Pericarpium 68 Phlyctena in the Eye 71 Plaister for the Eyes 72 Piles 102 103 103 104 104 105 106 106 107 107 108 109 109 110. 121 Pains Scorbutick 116. 122 Pills of Aloes 121 Palsie Page 124 125 126 Pimples in the Eye-lids 127 Pleurisy 127 128 Pouder for the sight 136 Pissing Blood 188 Q. QUartan Ague 11 R. REcent Burn 24 25 Redness of Eyes 64 66 Running of the Reins 92 93 98 Running Gout 97 Rheumatism 125. 130 Rest to cause 131 Recent Strain 141 141 143 143 144 Retention of Urine 171 171 S. SCorbutical Aches 2 3 3 4 Strain 2 Sides pained 5. 46 Scorbutick Cholick 15 Stanching Blood 18 18 19. 21 22 Styptick Water 19. 21 22 Scalding 24 25 Specifick for Cholicks 44 44 Solution of continuity in the Eye 61 Sight to strengthen 55. 74. 134. 138. 186 Scorbutick Gout 97 Sharp Humors Page 101 Specifick for the Jaundies 113 Scorbutick Pains 116. 122 Small Pox 129 Scurvy 132. 157 Skin rough 133 Stomach to strengthen 139 139 Stomach-Plaister 140 Strains 141 141. 143 143 144 Stone 144 145 145 146 147 147 148 149 150 192 Sore Throat 162 162 163 164 164 165 165 166 T. TErtian Ague 10. 10 Tumor in the Eye 71 Tooth-ach 150 151 152 152 153. 158 Teeth to fasten 154 154. 155 156. 156 157 157. 158 158 Tumors to ripen 159 Tumors in the Throat 160 Tumor of the Knee 161 Throat sore 162 162 163 164 164 165 165 166 Tettars 167 Thrush in Children 168 Tenesmus 169 Terms stopt 172 V. VApours Hysterical Page 40 Urine sharp 170. 172 Urine stopt 171 171. 173 173 174 Urine running away 172 Vomiting 175 Ulcers 175 176 176 Vipers biting 177 Voiding Blood 178 W. WRist-Plaister for Agues 8. 68 Womens Breasts flaggy 16 Water Ophthalmick 55 56. 58. 62. 64. 67 67. 70. 76. 135. 138. 186 Whites in Women 84. 185 Weakness in the Hands 125 Wounds 175. 179 179. 183 Wound Drink 180 Worms in Children 184 Ulcer of the Womb 185 Whitloe 187 Warts 187 A COLLECTION OF Choice Remedies The Second Volume A. 1. A Powerful Remedy in Apoplectick Fits TAke the Herb Mastick and distil by an Alembick with a Copper Body an Essential Oyl of which with such a Pipe or Quill that one end may be open'd and
stopt at pleasure the other still remaining open blow up some drops first into one of the Patient's Nostrils and a while after into the other 2. A good Plaister for Aches especially Scorbutical SPread thinly upon Slinck or very fine Kids-Leather the Emplastrum de Mucilaginibus and let it lye upon the aching Part as long as there is need 3. For an Old Ach or Strain TAke of Lucatella's Balsam one Ounce of Oyl of Turpentine one Dram incorporate them very well with a gentle heat and anoint the Part affected therewith wearing on it a piece of unwash'd Flannen besmear'd with the same Oyntment 4. For Scorbutick Aches especially about the Share-bone TAke two parts of Palm-Oyl and one of Oyl of Camomile to which if you please you may add a little Oyntment of Elder mix these exactly and anoint the Part affected 5. A Powerful Remedy for Scorbutick Aches TAke to one Ounce of Oyl of Turpentine one Dram or two of the Volatile Salt of Harts-horn or as much as being well ground with it in a Mortar of Glass or Marble will bring it to the consistence of a kind of Oyntment with which the cold being taken off the Part affected is to be lightly anointed 6. A very easie Medicine for light Scorbutick Aches or Pains ANoint the pained Part from time to time with fasting-spittle and if you will have the Medicine a little stronger the Patient may put Roch Allom to the bigness of a small Pea into his mouth before he employs his Spittle 7. For Aches and pricking Pains in the Sides and elsewhere WIth a sufficient quantity of clean Sulphur finely pouder'd mix diligently as much Venice-Treacle as will bring it to a consistence for Pills Of this Mixture you may give the quantity of a Pistol-bullet twice or at most thrice a day drinking any convenient Liquor after it 8. An Experienc'd Medicine for an Anasarca or General Dropsie of the whole Body FRY freshly-gather'd Rue with Oyl of Walnuts till it become fit to be applyed hot as a Cataplasm or Pultice to the Navil and keep it on that part for some hours renewing it once or twice a day if need require 9. An External Medicine often successfully try'd for Agues TAke 5 7 or 9 for 't is pretended it must be an odd Number of the Roots of Ribwort and having made them clean put them into a little Bag of Sarsnet or fine Linnen and let the Patient wear it upon the nape of his Neck renewing it within 2 3 or 4 days if need require 10. A try'd Remedy for Agues TAke of the Bark of Sassafras-Root and of Virginian Snakeweed both in pouder of each 10 Grains and with half a Dram or two Scruples of Mithridate or Venice-Treacle or as much as will give it a due consistence make a Bolus to be taken at the usual hours 11. A Choice Medicine for Aguish Distempers TAke of Salt of Wormwood 15 Grains Crabs-eyes or Pouder of Crabs Claws simple 8 or 10 Grains mix these well and give them in two or three Spoonfuls of some Cordial Water 12. An Excellent Wrist-Plaister for Agues TAke Wax and spread it to about the thickness of a Crown Piece of Silver and of a convenient breadth and length to make an entire Wrist-Plaister up-this spread and display as well as you can the Leaves of the tops of Rue not yet fully open'd by time so that they may cover the whole Plaister as well as you can make them do it Then apply this Emplaster and let it lye on for several days consecutively 13. An often-try'd Medicine for Agues TAke Ribwort gather the leaves as near the Root as you can in a dry Morning wipe them clean but do not wash them then dry them carefully till you may reduce them to Pouder Of this Pouder give from one Dram to two at most mixt with one Dram of Conserve of Roses or the Crumbs of White-bread or the Yolk of an Egg or two N. B. You may before you dry the Leaves distil a Water out of some of them and make an Extract out of others with Spirit of Wine or which is better with Spirit of Dew They are both good for the same Disease that the Pouder is The Dose of the Water is one Ounce or an Ounce and half at the usual times And that of the Extract about one Dram in some Ounces of White-wine 14. An Excellent Medicine for Agues especially Tertians GIve as much of well-condition'd Virginian Snake-Root reduc'd to fine Pouder as will lye upon a Shilling in a Cup of Sherry just before the beginning of the cold Fit repeating it once or twice if it need to be us'd oftner 15. For a Tertian Ague TAke of the Root of Angelica grated or otherwise made into Pouder and give of it from half a Dram to a Dram in any convenient Vehicle at the usual times viz. about two hours before the Cold Fit 16. A Medicine with which a Quartan was cur'd that could not be cured with the Jesuits Bark TAke one Dram of the black tips of Crabs Claws and having reduc'd them to exceeding fine Pouder let the Patient take it in any convenient Vehicle or Conserve twice or thrice as he would take the Cortex without intermitting any day 17. An easie Remedy which long continued does much destroy Acidities or Heart-burnings in the Stomach TAke half a Dram at least of finely pouder'd red Corral and give it from time to time in any convenient Vehicle till the Patient be reliev'd 18. A very often try'd Remedy for the Asthma TAke Soap-boilers Lees made with Pot-Ashes and Quick-lime one part Spirit of Wine rectify'd two parts set them in Digestion to unite them well and then add some drops at discretion of Chymical Oyl of Carraways and if you please of Aniseeds too The Dose in younger Persons is about 10 drops in elder ones from half a Dram to one Dram in some convenient Vehicle 19. An Excellent Medicine for a dry or Covulsive Asthma TAke choice Saffron reduce it by rubbing it in a Stone or Glass Mortar to a kind of Pouder and with any convenient Mixture give 8 or 10 Grains of it in the form of Pills at Bed-time B. 20. An Experienc'd Remedy for Difficulty of Breathing TAke of choice Castoreum dry'd enough to be pouder'd 2 3 or at most 4 Grains mix this with 10 or 11 Grains of Gasgoin's Pouder reduc'd to very fine Pouder mix up these with some little Syrup or Conserve and when the Patient has taken it let him wash it down with the Mixture consisting of five Drams of Pennyroyal-water and half a Dram or at most two Drams of briony-Briony-Water Compound 21. An Approved Medicine for Inveterate Scorbutick Cholicks and Pains of the Bowels TAke English Barley and having well wash'd it boil it in a sufficient quantity of fresh Spring-water till it be just ready to burst Then pour off the clear upon the yellow part of the Rinds of Lemmons freshly cut off from the white
after the Liquor is setled Keep this in Bottles well stop'd in a cool place and give of it two or three spoonfuls at a time in the Morning fasting and if need require at Bed-time 109. An Experienc'd Remedy for Convulsions and Epilepsies in Children TAke about half a Dram or from one Scruple to two or somewhat more of well chosen and very finely pouder'd Amber Native Cinnabar 10 Grains mix them and of this sweetned with some pouder'd Sugar or other fit thing that may give it a relish let the Patient take twice a day at least for most days during six Weeks unless he fully recovers before that time And however he is to take it for two or three days before each New and Full Moon for some Months successively F. 110. An Excellent Drink in Fevers even Malignant TAke a quart of Spring Water and having given it a walm or two put to it one Ounce at least of Harts-horn calcin'd to perfect whiteness and when the Mixture is cold put to it three Ounces of Syrup made of the Juice of Lemons shake this Mixture when you will use it shake it well and let the Patient take of it a moderate draught several times in the Day and Night 111. An Vseful Drink in Feverish Distempers IN a Pint and a half of clear Posset-drink boyl about one Ounce of cleans'd Roots of Dandelion or Piss-a-beds cut or slic'd very small till near half a Pint be wasted and then strain it and let the Patient take half a Pint or the whole quantity if he can at a time 112. An Excellent Remedy for Dysenterical Fluxes TAke good Venice Turpentine and with a very gentle heat evaporate so much of it that when 't is cold it may be but little short of Coagulation This yet sost but not fluid Substance incorporate with fine Sugar enough to make it up into Pills whereof give in the Morning fasting as many as will amount from a Scruple to half a Dram or two Scruples or a whole Dram of the Turpentine besides the Sugar 113. An uncommon but Experienc'd Remedy for Dysenterical Fluxes TAke the Bone of the Thigh of a hang'd Man perhaps another may serve but this was still made use of Calcine it to whiteness and having purg'd the Patient with an Antimonial Medicine give him one Dram of this white Pouder for one Dose in some good Cordial whether Conserve or Liquor 114. For the Dysentery and Fluxes caused by sharp Humors TAke from half a Dram to one Dram of Merourius Dulcis and as much either of fine Sugar or Sugar-candy and with some Purgative or other let the Patient take it once a day with care that none of it remain in his Mouth or stick in his Throat 115. An often try'd Medicine for Fluxes of the Belly thô Bloody ones GIve for a Dose in any convenient Vehicle as much pouder'd or grated Pizzle of a Hart or Deer as will lye upon an ordinary Half-Crown Piece 116. An Effectual Medicine for Dysenterical and other Fluxes TAke of a Hare the Skin Liver Gall and all the Parts except the Muscles and having dry'd them so far and no further as that they may be conveniently reduc'd to Pouder Give of this Pouder from about two Scruples to one Dram in any convenient Vehicle 117. An Experienc'd Remedy for sharp Fluxes of the Belly TAke a pint of new Milk and dissolve in it two Ounces of Loaf-Sugar and at length about the bigness of a Walnut of good Mithridate give this Mixture moderately warm for a Clyster to be reiterated if there be occasion 118. To stop Fluxes and Whites FOR Fluxes you may in divers cases give the Patient from time to time a moderate quantity of a Decoction of half an Ounce of Ising-glass in about a pint of new Milk 119. An easie Medicine for Fluxes especially those caus'd by sharp Humors INstead of Butter take well-condition'd Oyl-Olive and thorowly drench therewith a good Toast and let the Patient eat it 120. For a Bloody-Flux TAke half an Ounce of London-Treacle an Ounce or an Ounce and half of Conserve of red Roses mix them together with some Syrup of Clove Gilly-Flowers or Syrup of Citrons and keep them thus mix'd in a Pot cover'd for your use Take of this about the quantity of a Walnut at Night and in the Morning for two days fasting two hours before and after intermit then a day and take it again in the like manner 121. A try'd Medicine for the falling down of the Fundament TAke some Ginger and having carelesly slic'd it put it in a little Pan heat it by clear and well kindled Coals and let the Patient receive the Fume of it cast on by little and little in a kind of Close-stool or some equivalent Seat where the lower part of his Body may be well cover'd for about half a quarter of an hour at a time G. 122. A Medicine for a light incipient Gangreen AFter having lightly scarify'd the Part affected apply as hot as the Patient can well bear it a Cataplasm made of strong Brandy and the Pith or Crumb of Whitebread shifting it three or four times a day or somewhat oftner if need be N. B. Some use Turneps boyl'd and made Unctuous with a little fresh Hogs-lard to resolve the hard Tumors of Womens Brests 123. A Choice Anodyne Clyster TAke Marsh-Mallow Roots half an Ounce Leaves of the same Mallows Mullein of each one handful Camomile Flowers two Pugils Boyl them in a sufficient quantity of Water to ten Ounces and dissolve therein Goats-suet 2 Ounces Yolks of two Eggs and Oyl of Camomile an Ounce and half Mix and make a Clyster for easing Pain 124. A slight but often try'd Medicine for the Griping of the Guts TAke about a quarter of a Pint of Brandy and having made a Toast of Bread not too fine and white throw it in very hot into the Liquor and as soon as 't is thorowly drencht let the Patient take it out and eat it hot and this may be repeated if there be need two or three times a day 125. An often try'd Remedy for the Gripes in little Children TAke of Oyl of Nutmegs and of Wormwood of each a like quantity mingle them well and with the Mixture a little warm'd anoint the Patient's Navil and the Pit of the Stomach 126. To make an Excellent Gargle TAke six Ounces of Scabious-Water one spoonful of Mustard one spoonful of Honey and one spoonful of Vinegar grind all these very well together in a Marble or Glass Mortar till you have reduc'd them to a liquid Mixture which is to be used as a Gargle 127. A Choice Gargle for a sore Throat TO four Ounces of plantane-Plantane-Water add three or four spoonfuls of Red rose-Rose-water and mix very well with these the White of an Egg beaten to a Glair or Water sweeten this Mixture with a small spoonful of white Sugar-candy or in want of that as much very fine Loaf-Sugar Let the Patient Gargle this as
often as need requires 128. An Experienc'd Medicine for a Gonorrhoea TAke two Ounces of ripe Laurel-Berries and infuse them for a day in a quart of good White-Wine Of this let the Patient drink about two or three spoonfuls twice a day for a pretty while together only once in three days or thereabouts intermitting that he may take some gentle Purging Medicine 129. For a Gonorrhoea TAke choice Mastich a sufficient quantity and having very finely beaten and searc'd it take about half an Ounce of it at a time in the Yolk of a new-laid Egg washing it down if it be thought needful in any convenient Liquor 130. An Excellent Remedy to take off the Pains of the Gout TAke Minium or Red-Lead ground fine half a Pound Oyl of Earth-worms one Pound or a sufficient quantity Boyl them to the consistency of a hard or solid Emplaster without burning Afterwards add of Camphire two Ounces dissolved in Oyl of Earth-worms so much as may make the Emplaster of a just consistency 131. An Excellent Oyntment in the Gout TAke Barbadoes Tar and Palm-Oyl of each a like quantity melt them together in no more fire than is needful to make them incorporate well with this Mixture warm the Part is to be anointed and warily chafed 132. A slight but effectual Medicine to appease Gouty Pains TAke Linseed well condition'd and with a little Water beat them in a Marble or Glass Mortar rubbing them very well that the Medullary part may be separated in some measure from the Husk and may make the Water considerably white In this Liquor dip clean Rags and when they are thorowly wetted apply them somewhat warm to the Part affected shifting them if need be once in an hour or at most in two 133. A speedy Remedy to take off Arthritick or Gout-Pains TAke good Spirit of Sal Armoniac and with a Feather dipt in it moisten gently all the Part or Parts affected 134. A Medicine that almost presently appeases the Pains of the Gout TAke of black Soap four Ounces choice Wood-soot finely sifted about a Dram and half and add to these about half the Yolk of an Egg Incorporate them diligently together and spreading the Mixture somewhat thin apply it the cold being first taken off by way of Cataplasm to the Part affected 135. A homely but often try'd Medicine to appease the Pains of Scorbutical Running Gouts TAke Earth-worms cleans'd and having fill'd an earthen Pot with them and luted on a cover very well set it into an Oven with a batch of Bread and let it stand there till the Oven be cold Then take out the Pot and having remov'd the cover you will find the Matter turn'd into a gross Liquor ill scented Strain this with expression and keep it stopt for use which is to rub therewith the Part affected with a warm hand once or twice a day N. B. If the smell be offensive you may put to it a few drops of Oyl of Rhodium or some other Odoriferous one to Correct it 136. An Excellent Remedy for the Gonorrhoea TAke of choice Amber and of Mastich both reduc'd to very fine Pouder and very well mixt equal parts and of this Mixture give half a Dram at a time in a proper Vehicle or in a draught of Chocolate Continue this for three Weeks or a Month if need require purging the day before you begin to take it and once every Week afterwards especially when you leave off the use of the Pouder 137. To appease the Pain of the Gout and by degrees lessen the Fits TAke one part of Spirit of Sal Armoniac and three parts of Spirit of Wine neither of them too well rectify'd Shake them together and if you please digest them a while and having dipt old but clean Linnen Rags in the Mixture apply them to the Part affected shifting them now and then as need shall require H. 138. To make an Excellent Cephalick or Head-Pouder good also for the Eyes TAke the Leaves or Flowers of Betony Marjoram and Damask Roses also the Flowers of Sage and Rosemary all at discretion To these add the Pouder of Lignum Aloes and some Seeds of Nigella Romana Reduce all these to Pouder to be us'd as a Hair-pouder when the Patient goes to Bed 139. An useful Drink to be frequently employ'd to Correct Sharp Humors TAke two Ounces of choice Barley English or French well wash'd from its Dust and Sordes Boyl this in a quart or more of Spring-water till the Grains begin to burst Then strain the Decoction through a clean Cloath and let the Patient use it at Meals and other times for his ordinary Drink 140. An experienc'd Medicine for Dulness of Hearing and Hysterical Affections THE Juice of red Onions is Excellent for Diseases of the Ears and for a Deafness in its beginning N. B. Briony-Roots also wonderfully prevail against all Affections of the Womb. 141. An Experienc'd Medicine for the Pain of the Haemorrhoids TAke the sole of an Old Shooe worn by some Man that walks much cut it in pieces and burn it not to white or gray Ashes but to a fryable and tender Coal reduce this to impalpable Pouder and then with a sufficient quantity of unsalted Lard make it into an Unguent wherewith the Part affected is to be anointed from time to time 142. For the Haemorrhoids MAke a Suppository of Hogs-Lard or Bacon or instead of that employ Goose-grease made up into the same form 143. For the Haemorrhoids IN the Yolk of an Egg or a little of some convenient Syrup or Conserve give from half a Dram to two Scruples or one Dram or somewhat more of Flower of Brimstone once or if the case be urgent twice a day The Pouder may be also given in Milk to those that like it better than sweet Vehicles 144. A Choice Internal Remedy for Painful Haemorrhoids TAke about two Scruples of choice Sulphur vive and mix it with a little Sugar to make it relish and give that Dose once or at most twice a day 145. A very choice Medicine for the Pain and Tumors of the Haemorrhoids TAke fresh Leeks the whole Plant shred them small and fry them well with fresh Butter till they be fit to be brought to the consistence of a Cataplasm or Poultise that is to be apply'd very war to the Part affected and to be renewed from time to time as need shall require 146. An Vseful Medicine for the Pain of the Haemorrhoids MAke up Flower of Brimstone and an equal weight or a double of fine Sugar with a Solution of Gum Dragon into Tabulets that may weigh about a Dram a piece of those that contain the most Sulphur you may give one twice a day but of the other sort much oftner if need require 147. A choice Remedy for the Pain of the Haemorrhoids TAke Album Graecum or white Dogs-turd reduc'd to an impalpable Pouder mix it up with a sufficient quantity of Goose-grease and by grinding it well in a Leaden Mortar