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water_n half_a ounce_n small_a 3,273 5 6.7851 4 false
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A14264 Enchiridion medicum containing an epitome of the whole course of physicke: with the examination of a chirurgion, by way of dialogue betweene the doctor and the students. With a treatise contaning a definition of all those difenses that do chiefly affect the body of a man, and an antidotary of many excelllent and approued remedies for all diseases. Published for the benefit of young students in physicke, chirurgian, and apothecaries. Pomarius, Petrus.; Hobbes, Stephen. 1609 (1609) STC 24577; ESTC S101306 91,960 299

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ij Moschi Scr. ss Aquae rosarum lib. ij Vini maluatici lib. ss Aceti ros lib. ss Let all be finely bruised and mixed for viij daies and afterwards distilled in Balnea mariae A water against the syncope or swounding Rec. Aquae rosat lib. ij Acetirosati lib. j. Maluatici lib. ss Florum rorismarinae Maioranae an Dra j. ss Zedoariae Dra j. Coriandrorum Scr. ij Cubebarum Nucis Muscatae Macis Garyophillorum singl Dra. ss Cinamonti Scr. ij Ligni aloes Dra. ss Specierum Diamusci Drag j. Camphorae Scr. ss Ambrae Gran. iiij Let all bee bruised and mixed together with the liquors and let it infuse together for foure daies then let it be distilled in Balnea Maria. You may adde to these Aquarum nympheae Violarum Lauendulae an ℥ ij Aquae vltae ℥ iij. It is a most effectuall remedie astainst swounding in the pestilence In like manner three branches of pentiy-royall infused in two ounces and a halfe of vineger of Roses and one ounce of Rose water for onely with the smell of this the spirits are reuiued A restoratiue water Take a Capon or Phesant or a Pertridge the bowels being pulled out and let him be cut into small pieces washed then with Rose water and vineger adde one dragme of Cinamon Of Cloues Ser. ij Manus Christi Cum perlis ℥ ss Succiarantiarum ℥ ij Acetositatis citri ℥ iij. Let all be put into a glasse or into some earthen vessell and let it be boiled with a strong fire in Balneamaria vntill halfe becōsumed then strain it preserue it and drinke thereof twice a day A Cinamon water We make Cinamon water either by distillation the Cinamon being grossely bruised and infused in as much Borrage water or Rose water as shall suffice and so distilled in Bolneamaria Or else we take two dragmes of Cinamon being finely powdred with sine ounces of the best suger being put into a measure of the water of the decoction of Barlie beeing very hotte and so to remaine vntill it bee cold or else with three dragmes of Cinamon one handfull of Barly Reasons of the sunne being washed one ounce Anisseed two drag of white suger Candie two ounces and a halfe running water sixe pints and so let it bee boiled at a gentle fire vntill halfe be consumed and then straine it A water in the opilation of the Liuer and Iaundes Rec. Caponem Deplumatum Et euisceratum being cut into small pieces and boiled and then bruised with the flesh and bones in a morter then adde thereunto Aquaeviolarum Betonicae Endiuiae Lupulorum Cuscutae Sichorijan ℥ iij. Succipomorum Redolentium ℥ iiij ss Decoctionis caponis Macri lib. j. Sandalorum citrimorum Dr. j. Scr. ij Spodij Drag j. Cinamomi Dra. ij Camphorae Gran. v. Let all be put into a vessel of tin close stopt and placed in a vessel of water and so boiled for foure houres space then let it be strained and put the straining into a Lembecke and so distilled by Balnea Marinae A wine against the oppilation of the liuer splene reines and the euils of the bladder Rec. Scolopendriae M. vij Adianti M. iiij Chamae pyteos M. iij. Roris Marinae M. ij ss Cyperi ℥ ss Radicis liquiritiaerasae ℥ ij Rhapontici ℥ j. ss Passularum lib. ss Alkakengi M. iiij ss Let all be put into an earthen vessell well glassed and being close stopped and so let there bee put into a peece of fine linnen of Calamus aromaticus Drag iij. Gariophillarum Drag ij And so let it hang in the vessell in the middest of the wine for foure and twentie houres then distill it by filter as we vse to distill hipocras stil letting the Calamus aromaticus and cloues hang in the vessell A wine that is laxatiue Rec. Fumiterrae M. j. Foliorum scolopend M. ij Fol. senae alexandr ℥ j. Polypodij Drag v. Turbith electi Drag ij Cinamomi Drag j. ss Garyophillorum Scr. iiij Zinziberis Drag j. Rhabarbari cum scrupulo Vno squinanti in petia Ligati Scr. v. Florum violarum Borraginis an M. ss Let all boile in an earthen vessell with three pints of white wine and so let it stand for a night in the morning let it be strained in which shall be dissolued foure ounces of sine white suger one white of an egge and with ij scruples of Cinamon and halfe a dragme of Cloues tied in a peece of fine linnen in the boiling let it be clarisied The dose for those that be of ripe yeares is iiij ounces and a halfe in which may be dissolued fiue scruples or two dragmes of Diaturbith Against the retention of the Menstrus Rec. Baccarum Lauri ℥ ss Roris marini M. ss Granorum Iuniperi num xi Cinamomi fracti Scr. v. Croci integri in petia ligati Gran. v. Let all be boiled in one pinte and a halfe of white wine and let the patient drinke euery morning a good draught hotte against the time that nature seeketh to expell the matter In like manner you may take Trochis de myrrha subt pulu Drag j. in a cup of white wine being warme in the morning fasting Or Rec. Boracis mineralis Dra. ij Cassiae ligneae Scr. ij Croci Graen iij. Let al be made into fine powder and with v. ounces of aqua matricaria Let it be giuen once in a weeke A Diuretic decoction in the stone Rec. Capillorum veneris M. j. ss Crithami marini M. ss Radicum apij remorae an ℥ i. Liquiritiae rasae Drag ij Corticum radicis scolymi ℥ j. ss Seminum saxifragiae Dra. j. ss Damasonij Drag ij Alcacengi num xvij Radicum graminis Drag iij. Let all bee cutte bruised and boiled at a gentle fire in three pints and a halfe of running water vntill the third part be consumed then make a strong expression in which shall be dissolued one ounce and a halfe of syrupe of Violets of fine Rhubarb two ounces then let it be clarified with the white of one egge The dose is ℥ iiij ss A decoction against the strangurie and burning of the Vrin. Rec. Flordei integri M. j ss Liquiritiae Drag j. Seminum anisi Drag ij ss Dactilorum incisorum num v. Sebesten incisorum num xv Let all be boyled in two measures and a halfe of running water in an earthen vessell being glased vntill the barly breake then let it bee strained and take three ounces and a halfe of this decoction Syrupi de papauere ℥ j. Syrupi liquiritiae ℥ ss Pulueris glandum Drag j. Let it bee mixed and giuen at the entrance into bed A Iulep against the Apoplexie and Vertigo Rec. Florum Lauandulae M. j. Violarnm Rosarum Sticados Arabici Origani an M. ss Radicum Poeoniae Acori Pyrethri an ℥ ss Squilla Drag ij Cubebarum Drag j. Cardamomi Cinamoni Gariophillorum an Scr. j. Let all bee boiled in one pint and a halfe of Betony water and one point of Marioran water and let it bee strained
originall or matter of a feuer in generall is from the abundance of the foure humours for from the redundance of blood is engendred a continual feuer From the superfluity of choler is ingendred the feuer tertian From the domination of slegm is ingendred the feuer called Ephemera or quotidian and from melancholy putrisied is ingendred a continuall quartane And generally the Physitions do define a feuer to be an vnnaturall heat kindled in the heart and liuer distempering the whole body and hurting the same Some define a feuer to be an vnnaturall heat kindled in the heart and liuer distempering the whole body and doth proceede from the spirits and blood by the artiers and veines into the whole body and so doth hurt and let the operation of it This we must note that there be 3. kinds of simple feuers The first is called Ephemera and doeth continue but one day for if he continue any longer he is changed into some other kind The second is called Putrida and Humuralis or rotten feuer and is in the foure principall humors as blood choler flegm and melancholy The third is Febris hectica and is in the solid and radicall members and of all others is most dangerous for it doth consume the naturall humidity in man that is to say the blood and so consequently nature From these three are deriued al other kinds of Feuers FINIS The Antidotarie Pilles for Alopecia proceeding of Phlegme Rec. ALoes Hepatici Diagridij an Scr. ij Pulpae colocynthidos Scr. j. Mastiches bdellij an ℥ ss With the iuyce of wormwood make a masse of which you may giue one dragme or halfe a dragme in three pilles according to the strength of the Patient after midnight Rec. An vngueut for alopecia Euphorbij Seminis Nasturlij an Scr. ij Sulphuris viui Ellebori Elleborialbi velnigri an Scr. j. Cerae Scr. vj. Olei laurini Q. S. make an vnguent with the which annoint the place Pilles for Cephallagia and paine of the head Rec. Pil. aurearum Scr. ij Pil. de fumo terrae drag ss Mixe them with the sirup of violets and make v. pils And if it chance that the paine doe proceed from morbus Galicus you shal after the takiug of these pils take this potion following for the space of twentie dayes together and so sleepe vpon it Rec. Decocti ligni guiaci Secundum artem facti lib. vi Fol. senae alex. an M. ss Betonicae an M. ss Staecados Arab. an M. ss Polypodij querc an M. ss Tū by th boni an Drag Agarici elect ij ss Mixe them and boile them al together vntill the third part bee consumed then let it be strained and take of the straining ℥ vj. Oximellis simplicis Drag ij Let them be mixed for one dose Let him continue this manner and there is no doubt but he shall grow well Vnguents for achor and Vlcerations of the head Rec. Sulphuris foliorum Parietariae an ℥ ss Saponis Galici ℥ j. Mixe them with the iuyce of Parietaria and make an vnguent An other Rec. Litargirij ℥ ij Foliorum rutae virid ℥ j. Staphisagriae ℥ ss Vitrioli Drag ij Mixe them together in a morter with vinegre and oile of mirtles vntill it come to an vnguent and there with annoint the place A water called aqua Booeoartica or a water against the Pestilence Rec. Cardui benedicti Radicum cnulae an ℥ j. Zedoriae Imperatoriae Carlinae Diptami albi Angelicae an ℥ j. ss Gentianae Pimpinellae Tormentillae Sandalorum omnium an drag vj. Petasite Serpentariae an ℥ j. Valeriana ℥ ss Let all these be brused very finely then adde Musci optimi Ser. j. gra v. Camphorae Scr. ij ss Theriacae Mithridati an ℥ ij ss Let all bee infused for two dayes in vij pintes of aqua vitae or of wine twice distilled and then let it bee distilled in a lembeck with a gentle fire and then wil it be a most perfect water against the Pestilence and other venom whose dose is Some make an infusion for 3. or 4. dayes making afterwards an expression and it is more delectable ij ounces or one ounce and a halfe with sorrell water and the water of Cardu benedictus and for a presetuatiue halfe a spoonfull is enough at a time A distilled water against the falling sicknes called aqua Epileptia Rec. Florum lilij conuallij M. vj. Infuse them in one measure of the best white wine and so let it stand for tenne dayes then let it be distilled at a gentle fire in a lembeck in balneo mariae afterwards take Florum lauendulae M. j. Florum anthos M. ss Garyophillorum Scr. ij Macis drag ss Cubebarum Scr. j. Visei quercini Radicis diptami alb an drag ij ss Let these be infused for foure dayes in the aforesaid distillation then let all bee distilled againe by a lembeck The dose for preseruation is one or two spoonefuls to be taken once or twice in a weeke the day before the new moone and the full of the moone and in or after the Paroxysme or fit so much also And with this water and suger may be made Manus Christi against the falling sicknes caros subeth and the Apoplexie A distilled water againg the Apoplexie and Palsie Rec. Florum primulae veris. an M. j. Florum rorismarini an M. j. Florum maioranae an M. j. Florum iuae artheticae an M. j. Speciarum Diamusciamar an ℥ ss Diapliris an ℥ ss Diambrae an ℥ ss Confectionis anacardinae ℥ j. Cubebarum Ligni alocs Nucis Muscatae Gariophillorum Macropiperis Carpobalsami an Drag j. Radicum acori Ireos Aristologiae rotund an ℥ j. ss Seminum sileris montani Poeoniae Faemiculian Drag j. Aquarum herbae paralyfis Saluiae Betonicae an lib. j. Aquae florum tiliae lib. j. ss Serapini opoponacis Myrrhae Gummi Iuniperi an Drag j. ss Let al be brused and mixed together and let to stand in infusion for eight daies afterwards let there bee a threefold extraction in hot ashes or by vapour or Balneo sicco It is of marueilous vertue in the preseruation from the Apoplexie and all other cold sicknesses of the nerues It cureth the Palsie tortura oris spasmus and doth marueilously restore speech A water that doth strengthen the memorie Rec. Aquarum buglossae Betonicae Florum tiliae an lib. j. Aquae ardentis opt lib. ss Florum anthos Rosarum rubearum Maioranae Buglossae an M. j. Specierum confectionis Anacardinae ℥ ij A Cordial water Rec. Rosarum rubearum M. ij Florum Borraginis M. ss Cinamomi drag ij ss Xyloaloes drag j. Spicae Indicae Garyophil an drag ss Radicum ireos ℥ j. ss Ben albi rubei an drag j. Sandalorum rub citri an drag ss Corallorum rubeorum drag j. Corticum citri drag ss Seminum ocimi Garyophi lati drag ss Galliae muscatae drag ij Margaritarum Scr. ij Zedoriae drag j. Zinziberis albi drag ss Camphorae gra vij Croci orientalis Scr.
and with seuen ounces of suger make a Iulep according to Art Or if you will you may dissolue in your decoction for your daily vse the syrup of Sticados A pectoral Iulep Rec. Cinamomi Scr. iiij Thymi P. j. Liquiritiae drag j. ss Radicumireos drag ij Enulae drag j. Passularum euucle ℥ ss Let all bee boiled in a double vessell with eight ounces of fennell water iij. oūces of hyssop water half a pint of Scabios water then let it be strained in the straining dissolue 7. ounces of fine suger Cinamomi Scr. ij Gariophilorum Scr. j. Ireos drag ss in Petia ligati boile the Iulep to a thicknes and with the white of an egge let it bee clarified A Cordial Iulep of wine Rec. Vini Rhenensis lib. j. Aquaerosarum ℥ ij ss Gariophilorum Contus Ser. ij Cinamomi drag ss In petia ligatorum Saccharisim ℥ iij. Let it bee boiled at a gentle fire to a thicknes of a cleere Iulep let it be giuen in the morning and euening two spoonefuls against swounding A Iulep for the stomack Rec. Foliorum scolopendriae M. iiij Cuscutae M. ss Menthae P. j. Galangae Xyloaloes an drag ss Seminum anisi Scr. ij Gariophilorum drag ij Cinamomi drag j. ss Vini albi lib. j. Aquae absinthij lib. ss Aquae chamomillae ℥ iij. Let all bee boiled in a double vessel then let it stand for a night afterwards make a strong expression then with v. ℥ of fuger let it be boyled to the thicknes of a Iulep it is vsed in the paine of the stomack through the oppilation of the entrals and from a cold cause A Iulep in the intollerable paine of the stomack and cholick Rec. Conseruae rosarum ℥ j. Opij the baici opij gr ij iusti ponderis Croci orientalis gra iij. Let it be dissolued in foure ounces of chamomel water and then strained and drunke three houres before supper It doth extinguish heate and paine of the stomack and colick without any harme it doth also prouoke sleepe especially if the cause proceedeth of heate A Iulep for melancholy a quartan Feuer and the French Poxe Rec. Fumiterrae M. j. ss Scolopendriae Cascutaean M. ss Adianti M. j. Foliorum folliculor Senae Drag vi Polypody ℥ ss Corticum myrobalanor Indorum Drag ij Paffularum enulcat ℥ j. Florum borraginis Buglossae an pugil j. Epithymi Drag j. Ellebori nigri Drag ij ss Radicum capparorum Drag ij Let all boile in three pintes of common water to the consumption of the third part then let it stand for two houres and then make a strong expression which shall bee afterwards twice distilled by filter then afterwards with two Scr. of cloues and one dragme and a halfe of cinamond tied in a linnen cloth and with Sacchari ℥ ij Syrupi de pomis Velregis sabor ℥ j. ss Let it bee boiled to the thicknes of a cleere Iulep the dose is v. ℥ and for strong bodies there may be in petia ligati Agarici Drag j. ss Cum duobus scrupulis zinziberis in the last decoction A Iulep for Dysenteria and the bloody fluxe Rec. Rosarum rubearum M. ss Sumach Balaustiarum an drag j. ss Seminum lappatiae Acutae drag j. Myrtillorum drag ij Antherae drag ss Radicum torm●ntillae drag ij Let it boile for the space of halfe an houre in one pint of the water of the flowers of the slow tree seuen oūces of plantane water then let it stand eight houres and make a strong expression in the which shall bee dissolued one ounce and a halfe of the iuyce of plantane being purified three ounces of fine white suger with two scruples and a halfe of the powder of nutmegs and halfe a dragme of cloues tied in a peece of fine linnen and so boiled to the thicknes of a cleere Iulep A Iulep for the Sciatica goute and paines in the ioynts Rec. Chamaepyteos M. j. ss Asari M. j. Betoniae Chamedrios Sticados Arab. an M. ss Capillorum veneris Rutae an M. j. Turbith alb gumosi drag ij ss Polypodij querc ℥ ss Foliorum folliculorum Senae sine stipitibus drag vj. Hermodactilorum drag iij. Seminum anisi Faniculi an drag j. Passularum enucleat ℥ j. Let all boile in three pintes of running water vntill the third part be consumed then let it stand for an houre and make a strong expression which shal be twice distilled by filter in which at the last shal be put of Agarick Scr. iiij Zinziberis Scr. v. Caryophilorum Scr. ij ss Being brused tied in a peece of linnen with three ounces of fine white suger and so againe boiled to the thicknes of a cleere Iulep the dose is ℥ v. A powder against poison and the Pestilence Rec. Zedoariae Euphorbij Corallinae Tormentillae Gentianae Diptami vulgaris Terrae sigillatae Boli armeni Corallorum rubeorum alborum Spicaenardi Masticis Herbaegaryophillatae Centaurij minoris Sandalorum rubeorum Ossis de corde cerui Camphorae an partes equales Let all bee made into fine pouder of which giue one dragme with the water of sorrel or of wine and sorrel boyled together An experimented powder in the fitte of the falling sicknes Rec. Seminum nigellae Scr. j. gra v. Maioranae gra vj. Nucis muscatae Radicum poeoniae Mumiae an Scr. ss Make all into fine powder and let it be blowne vp into his nostrels For the Vertigo Palsie Apoplexy Scotoma for the memory lost Rec. Radicum acor● Pyrethri Poeonia an Drag j. ss Galanga Costi an Drag ss Cileris montani Drag ij Roris marini Drag j. ss Florum saluiae Lauendulae Betonicae an Scr. j. ss Cubebarum Cardamomi Baccarum lauri an Scr. ij Macis Scr j. Nucis muscatae Ganyrphillorum an Drag ss Cinamomi Drag j. Sticados Arab. Foliorum rutae an P. j. Seminum amisi Sem. faeniculi Ameos Caruian Scr. ss Piperis longi Carpobalzami an Scr. j. Let all be mixed and made into a fine powder and with suger dissolued in the waters of maioram and sage make Lozenges or with the syrup of sticados or hony clarified you may make an Electurie Lozenges for the same Rec. Specierum Diambrae scr iiij Cinamomi Drag j. Garyophillorum scr j. Musci gra j. Ambrae gra ij Cubebarum scr ss Pinearum praeparatarum Drag iij. Sacchari ℥ iij. ss All being made into fine powder and with as much of the Epileptick water before written and rose water as much as shall suffice make Lozenges Lozenges comforting the braine and the heart Rec. Ambrae griseae scr ij Cinamomi Drag ij Sacchari candi ℥ iij. Aquae rosarum Q. S. make Lozenges they are of a most pleasant tast Lozenges for paine of the head singing of the eares and Vertigo Rec. Nucis muscatae nu● i. Cimini Seminum anisi Faeniculi Carui Cubebarum Piperis longi Gary●phillorum an Drag i. Pulegij sicc● Foliorum maioranae an scr i. Specierum diacimini ℥ ss Mixe all together and make a fine
powder giue one dragme with fennell water or with fiue ounces of suger and aqua epilleptica and rose water Q. S. make Lozenges A Pectorall confection Rec. Cinamomi Drag i. ss Liquiritiae Scr. ij Thymi P. j. Radicum ireos Scr. iiij Let all be brused and let it boile Cum aqua foeniculi ℥ ij Scabiosae ℥ j. Rosarum ℥ j. ss Then let it stand one quarter of an houre and straine it and take so much of the same straining as shall suffice to dissolue ii ℥ ss of white suger candie and of Pennidice j. ℥ and so let it boile to a thicknes and then mixe therein of cinamon in sine powder halfe a scruple Radicumireos Scr. j. Dragaganti alb Scr. ss Margaritarum Praparat gra vi Seminis bombicis Enucleati Scr. ss Fol. aurinum 4. And therewith make pectorall roles Roles for the cough and Asthma Rec. Pinearum praep Drag ij Radicum ireos Liquiritiae rasae au Scr. ij Dragaganti Drag ss Seminum anisi Scr. j. Feniculi Vrticae an Scr. ss Rad. angelicae Drag ss Cinamomi Scr. iiij Storacis calamitae Scr. ss Sacchari Penidij candi an ℥ j. ss And with the water of Scabios and fenell as much as shall suffice make roles Restoratiue Lozenges Rec. Pinearum praepara Drag ij ss Fisticorum viridium Drag ij Specierum Diambrae Scr. ij Cinamonu Drag ss Galangae Scr. j. Garyophillorum Drag ss Nucis muscatae Scr. ij Zinziberis albi Drag ss Xiloaloes Scr. ss With iiij ℥ and a halfe of suger dissolued in rose water with the species and other things make a confection in Lozenges Lozenges for the oppilation of the Liuer euill state of body and the Dropsie Rec. Specierū aromatici rosati Drag j. sc ss Specterum Dialaccae Drag ss Macis Scr. j. Squinanti Carui Radicum asari an scr ss Cinamomi scr iiij Sandalorum citrin Rubeorum an Drag ss Cyperi scr j. Limaturae eboris scr j. Fisticorum viridium scr iiij Seminum melonum Excorticat scr ij With vj. ℥ of suger in the water of Agrimony and roses Q. S. dissolued make a confection in Lozenges A Tragea for Dysenteria and the blody Fluxe Rec. Margaritarum scr ij Carabe Xyloaloes an scr j. Chermes Garyophillorum an Dra. ss Nucis muscatae Corallornm praeparat an scr j. With one ounce and a halfe of manus Christi sandalini being finely powdred make Tragea it is also very good against Abortion Manus Christi sandalini Rec. Specierum trium sandalorum dr j. ss Margaritarum praep Scr. ij Corallorum amborum an Scr. j. Seminum mclonum Excorticat Drag j. Conseruae rosarum ℥ j. Sacchari in aqua Rosarum dissoluti Q S. Make a confection in roles it is good against a hot distemper of the liuer and stomacke and other diseases that spring thereof Tragea Against inuoluntarie pissing Rec. Coriandri Drag j. Carabae Drag ss Corallorum rub Xyloaloes an scr j. Glandium quercus Drag ij Nucis muscalae Scr. v. Sandalorum rubeor Scr. ij ss With v. ℥ and a halfe of suger make Tragea and let it be giuen at the entrance into bed Against the superfluous flux of the Menstrus and of the wombe Rec. Granorum chermes Scr. v. Sandalorum rubeorum Drag ss Carabe Scr. j. Nucis muscatae Scr. ij Fragmentorum sinaragdi gra v. With three ounces of fine white suger make Tragea Against ache and paine of the ioints Rec. Chamedrios Chamepitheos Gentianae an Drag iij. Foliorum rutae siccae ℥ iiij Make all into fine powder this must be administred after euacuation the body being well purged and there is vsed to be giuen one spoonefull in the winter time with white wine and in the summer with some distilled water Her mes composed the like powder ex Chamedrios Gentianae an ℥ iiij Aristologiae rotund ℥ j. Seminum rutae siccoe lib. ss The dose is one spoonefull with Hydromel Vide Gal. 14. meth c. Tragea de tartaro Rec. Foliorum senae ℥ j. Tartari albi de vino potenti ℥ ss Turbit albi gummosi●m ℥ ss Cinamomi Zinziberis an Dra. ss Gariophillorum Drag j. Sacchari ℥ j. Fiat tragea A laxatiue powder Rec. Polypodij Scr. ij Zinziberis Scr. j. Agarici trochiscat Drag ss Rhabarbari Drag j. Folliculorum senae Scr. j. Garyophiliorum Turbit Cinamomi an Dra. ss Make all this into powder for the delicater sort of people For those that be stronger there may be added of Diagridium one scruple The dose is one Drag giuen in foure ounces of Claretum laxatinum Laxatiue Lozenges Rec. Foliorum senae mund scr ij ss Cinamomi Zinziberis Garyophillorum an scr ij Hermodactilorum scr iiij Rhabarbari Drag j. Turbit electi Drag ij ss Diagridij Drag i. scr ij ss Squinantij Gran. v. Galangae Nucis muscatae an scr ss With eight ounces of suger dissolued in the water of Endiue make a confection in Lozenges The dose is from three Drag vnto sixe Drag An Electuarie against the Epilepsie and vertigo Rec. Diacori ℥ j. ss Conseruae maioranae Lauendulae Rorismarini an ℥ j. Conseruae sticados ℥ ss Specierum diambrae scr v. Caryophillorum Cinamomi Cardamomian scr ij Cubearum Drag ss Nucis muscatae Golangae an Drag ss Visci quercini scr ij Corallorum rubeorum scr j. With suger dissolued in the water of Lauender make an Electuarie An Electuarie for the conseruation of the sight Rec. Conseruae Euphragiae ℥ j. ss Conseruae rosarum ℥ j Galangae Drag ss Macis ser ij Cubebarum scr j. Garyophillorum Drag j. Cinamomi scr iiij Seminum rutae Faniculi an Drag ss Nucis muscatae Scr. ij Pulpae Chebulorum Conditorum Dra. iij. Nucis muscatae Conditae ℥ ss Let all be brought into fine powder cum Brodio emblicorum conditorum or of Ginger condite make an Elexuatie An Electuarie for spitting of blood Rec. Conseruae rosarum vet ℥ ij ss Betonicae ℥ ss Electri albi Scr. iiij Corollorum praeparat Drag j. ss Cornu cerui vsti Drag j. ss Gummi Arabici Scr. ij Rob. deribes Dra. vi With the syrupe of purslane as much as is sufficient make an Electuarie An Electuarie for trembling of the heart Rec. Conseruae rosarum ℥ iij. Conseruae florum Tunicae ℥ j. Conserua melissa ℥ ss Specier um margariti Frigidi Scr. iiij Galangae Scr. j. Cinamomi Scr. iiij Garyopbillorum Scr. ij Doronici Scr. j. Succini alb Drag ss Nucis muscatae conditae Drag ij Zinziberis conditi ℥ ss Corticum citri Pinearum praeparat an Drag ij Seminum melonum Drag j. Manus Christi cum Perlis ℥ ss Margaritarum prap Gran. v. Foliorum aurinum iiij With the syrupe of Acetosus cirri make an Electuarie A restoratiue Electuarie Rec. Conseruae rosarum ℥ ij ss Conseruae cichorij ℥ ss Sandalorum citrinorum Xyloaloesan Scr. ss Galangae Scr. j. Cinamomi Scr. ij ss Calomi aromatici Conditi Drag ij Radicum cichorij conditi Drag iij. Zinziberis conditi ℥ ss Fisticorum viridium scr v.