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A09713 Delightes for ladies to adorne their persons, tables, closets, and distillatories with beauties, banquets, perfumes and waters. Plat, Hugh, Sir, 1552-1611? 1602 (1602) STC 19978; ESTC S1267 50,686 193

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glasse in balneo full of sweete oyle with some store of bruised cloues and rinds of ciuil Oranges or Lemmons also therein and so continue your fire for tvvo or three houres and then letting the Clouès rindes remain in the oile til both the sent taste do please you I think many men which at this day do loath oile as I my selfe did not long since woulde be easily drawen to a sufficient liking thereof 37. How to clarifie without any distilla●ion both white and claret wine vinegar for gellies or sauces TO euerie sixe pintes of good wine vinegar put the whites of tvvo new laid Egges wel beatē then put all into a nevve leaden pipkin cause the same to boyle a little ouer a gentle fire then let it run through a course gelly bag twise or thrise and it vvill be very clear and keep good one whole yeare 38. To make a most delicate white salte for the table FIrst calcine or burn your white salt thē dissolue it in cleare conduit water let the water stād without stirring fortie eight houres then carefully drawe away all the cleare water only filter it after euaporate the filtred liquor reseruing the salt Some leaue out calcination 39. A delicate Candle for a Ladies Table CAuse your Dutch Candles to be dipped in Virgin wax so as their last coate may be meerly waxe and by this meanes you may carrie them in your hande without melting and the sent of the tallow will not break through to giue offence but if you would haue them to resemble yellovve waxe candles then first let the tallow be colored with Turmericke boyled therein and strayned and after your Candles haue beene dipped therein to a sufficient greatnesse let them take their last coate from yellow waxe this may be done in a great round Cane of tinne plate hauing a bottome being somewhat deeper then the length of your candles as the wax spendeth you may still supply it with more 40. How to hang your candles in the aire without candlesticke THis will make a strange shewe to the beholders that knowe not the conceite it is done in this manner Let a fine Virginall wier be conueied in the midst of euerie weeke and left of some length aboue the Candle to fasten the same to the postes in the roofe of your house and if the roome be any thing high roofed it will be hardly discerned and the flame though it consume the tallow yet it will not melt the wier 41. Rose Vinegar made in a new manner MAcerate or steepe Rose-leaues in faire water let them lye therein til they wax soure in smell and then distill the water SWEETE Powders oyntments beauties c. 1. An excellent damask powder TAke of yreos halfe a pounde Rose leaues 4. ounces cloues one ounce lignum Rhodium two ounces Storax one ounce and a halfe muske and ciuet of each 10 grains beat and incorporate thē well together 2. An excellent hand water or washing water very cheape TAke a gallon of faire water one handful of Lauēder flowers a few cloues and some orace powder and foure ounces of Bēiamin distill the water in an ordinarie leaden still You may distill a second water by a newe infusion of water vpon the feces a little of this will sweeten a bason of faire water for your table 3. A ball to take out staines from linnen TAke foure ounces of white hard Soape beate it in a mortar with two small Lemmons sliced and as much roche allome as an hafell Nut roll it vp in a ball rub the staine therewith and after fetch it out with warme water if neede be 4. A swéete and delicate Pomander TAke two ounces of Labdanū of Beniamin and Storax one ounce muske sixe graines ciuet sixe graines Amber greece sixe graines of Calamus Aromaticus and Lignum Aloes of each the waight of a groat beat all these in a hote mortar and with an hote pestell till they come to paste thē wet your hand with rose water roll vp the paste sodainly 5. To take staines out of ones hands presently THis is done with the iuyce of Sorrell washing the stained place therein 6. To take away spots and freckles frō the face or hands THe sappe that issueth out of a Birch tree in great aboundance being opened in March or Aprill with a receiuer of glasse set vnder the boring thereof to receiue the same doth perform the same most excellently maketh the skin very cleare This sap will dissolue pearl a secret not known vnto many 7. A white fucus or beauty for the face THe iawe bones of a Hogge or Sow well burnt beaten and searced through a fine searce and after grounde vpon a porphire or serpentine stone is an excellent fucus being laid on with the oyle of white poppey 8. A delicate washing ball TAke three ounces of Orace halfe an ounce of Cypres two ounces of Calamus Aromaticus one ounce of Rose leaues two ounces of lauender flowers beat all these together in a mortar searcing them through a fine searce then scrape some castill sope and dissolue it with some Rosewater then incorporat all your powders therewith by labouring of them well in a mortar 9. Damaske powder TAke fiue ounces of orace two ounces of Cipres two ounces of Calamus halfe an ounce of Cloues one ounce of Beniamin one ounce of Rose leaues one ounce of Storax calamitum halfe an ounce of Spike flowers mixe them well together 10. To keepe the teeth both white and sound TAke a quart of hony as much Vinegar and halfe so much white wine boyle them together and wash your teeth therwith now and then 11. To delay heat and cleare the face TAke three pintes of conduit water boyle therein two ounces of French barly change your water and put in the barly again repeate this so long till your water purchase no colour from the Barley but become verie cleare boyle the last three pintes to a quart then mixe halfe a pinte of white wine therein and when it is cold wring the iuyce of two or three good Lemmons therein vse the same for the Morphewe heate of the face or hands and to cleere the skinne 12. Skinne kept white and cleare VVAsh the face and body of a sucking child with breast milke or Cowe milke or mixed with water euerie night and the childes skinne will wax faire and cleare and resist sunburning 13. An excellent Pomatum to clear the skinne WAsh Barrowes grease often times in May dewe that hath bin clarified in the sun till it bee exceeding white then take Marsh mallow rootes scraping off the outsides then make thin slices of them and mixe them set them to macerate in a seething balneo and scumme it well till it bee throughly clarified and will come to roap then straine it and put now and then a spoonesull of May-dewe therein bearing it till it be through cold in often chāge of May-dew then throw away that dewe
for the sea FIrst make paste of sugar gum Dragagant mixed together thē mixe therewith a reasonable quātiry of the powder of Cinamon ginger and if you please a little muske also and make it vpp into rols of seuerall fashions gilding them heere and there In the same manner you may also conuey any purgatiue vomit or other medicine into sugar paste 40. To make paste of Violets Roses Marigolds Cowslips or liquerice SHred or rather powder the dry leaues of your flower putting thereunto some fine powder of Ginger Cinamon and a little muske if you please mixe them all confusedly together then dissolue some sugar in Rosewater and being boyled a little put some saffron therein if you worke vpon Marigolds or else you may leaue out your saffron boyle it on the fire vnto a sufficient height you must also mixe therewith the pap of a roasted apple being first well dried in a dishe ouer a chafing dish of coales then poure it vpon a trencher beeing first sprinkled ouer with Rosewater and with a knife worke the paste together Then breake some sugar candy small but not to powder and with gumme dragagant fasten it heere and there to make it seeme as if it were roch candied cut the paste into peeces of what fashiō you list with a knife first wet in Rosewater In licorice paste you must leaue out the pap of the pippin and then worke your paste into drie rolles Remember to searce the liquorice through a fine searce These rolles are very good against any cough or colde 41. To make Marmelade of Lemmons or Orenges TAke ten lemmons or orenges boyle them with half a dozē pippins so drawe them throgh a strainer then take so much sugar as the pulp doth wey boyle it as you doe Marmelade of Quinces and then box it vp 42. How to candie Nutmegs Ginger Mace flowers in halfe a day with hard or roch candie Lay your Nutmegs in steepe in common Lee made with ordinarie ashes 24. houres take them out and boyle them in faire water till they be tender and to take out the Lee then drie them and make a sirup of double refined sugar and a little rose-Rosewater to the height of a manus Christi place this sirrup in a gentle balneo or some small heate putting your Nutmegs into the sirup Note that you must skim the sugar as it casteth anie skumme before you put in your Nutmegs then hauing sugar candie first bruised grossely and searced through colanders of seuerall bignesse take the smallest thereof and roule your Nutmegs vp and downe therein either in a dish or vpon clean paper then stoue your Nutmegges in a cupboard with a chafing dish of coales which must be made hote of purpose before you set them in and when they are drie enough dip them againe in fresh sirup boyled to his height as before and roule them in the grosser sugar candie then stoue them againe till they be hard and so the thirde time if you will increase their candie Note that you must spend all the sugar which you dissolue at one time with candying of one thing or other therein presently the stronger that your lee is the better the nutmeg ginger c. wouldly in steep in the lee 10 or 12 daies and after in the sirup of sugar in a stoue or Cupboarde with a chafing dish and coales one whole weeke and then you may candie them suddenly as before Flowers and fruits are done presently without anie such steeping or stouing as before onely they must bee put into the stoue after they are coated with your powdered sugar candie and those flowers of fruits as they are so dainely done so they will not last aboue two or three daies faire and therefore onely to be prepared for some set banquet 34. Casting of sugar in partie moldes of wood LAy your moldes in faire water three or foure houres before you cast then dry vp your inward moisture with a cloth of Linnen then boyle rosewater refined sugar together but not to anie great stiffnesse then poure it into your moldes let your molds stand one houre and then gently part or open the moldes and take out that which you haue cast you may also worke the paste aniè numero 12.13 into these molds first printing or pressing gently a little of the paste into the one halfe and after with a knife taking away the superfluous edges and so likewise of the other halfe then presse both sides of the mold together two or three times after take away the crest that will arise in the middest and to make the sides to cleaue together you may touch thē first ouer with Gum Dragagant dissolued before you presse the sides of the mold together note that you may conuey comfits within before you close the sides You may cast of any of these mixtures or pastes in alablaster molds molded from the life 44. To mold of a Lemmon orenge peare Nut. c. and after to cast it hollowe within of sugar FIll a woodden platter halfe full of sande then presse downe a Lemmon peare c. therein to the iust halfe thereof then temper some burnt Alablaster with faire water in a stone or copper dish of the bignesse of a great siluer boll and cast this pap into your sande and from thence clap it vppon the Lemmon Peare c. pressing the pap close vnto it Then after a while take out this halfe parte with the Lemmon in it and pare it euen in the insides as neere as you can to make it resemble the iust halfe of your Lemmon then make 2. or 3. litle holes in the halfe viz in the edges therof laying it downe in the sande againe and so caste an other halfe vnto it then cut off a peece of the top of both your partie moldes cast thereto another cap in like manner as you did before Keep these three parts bound together with tape till you haue cause to vse them and before you cast lay them alwaies in water and drie vp the water again before you poure in the sugar Coloury our Lemmon with a little saffron steeped in Rosewater vse your sugar in this manner Boile refined or rather double refined sugar and Rosewater to his full height viz. till by powring some out of a spoone it will run at the last as fine as a haire thē taking off the cappe of your molde poure the same therein filling vp the mold aboue the hole and presently clap on the cap and presse it downe vppon the sugar then swing it vpp and downe in your hande turning it rounde and bringing the neather parte some times to be the vpper parte in the turning and è conuerso This is the manner of vsing an Orenge Lemmon or other round molde but if it be long as a pigs foot will be beeing molded then roule it and turne it vp and downe longe waies in the aire 45. How to keepe the drie
pulpe of Cheries Prunes Damsons c. all the yeare TAke of those kinde of cherries which are sharpin taste Quaere if the common blacke and redde cherrie will not also serue hauing in the ende of the decoction a little oyle of Vitrioll or Sulphur or some veriuice of soure grapes or iuice of Lemmons mixed therewith to giue a sufficient tartnesse pull off their stalks and boile them by themselues without the addition of any liquour in a caldron or pipken and when they begin once to boile in their owne iuice stir them hard at the bottom with a spattle least they burn to the pans bottom They haue boyled sufficiently when they haue caste off all their skins and that the pulp and substance of the cheries is grown to a thicke pap then take it from the fire and let it coole then diuide the stones and skins by passing the pulpe onely through the bottome of a strainer reuersed as they vse in cassia fistula then take this pulpe and spread it thin vpon glazed stones or dishes and so let it drie in the sunne or else in an ouen presently after you haue drawne your breade then loose it from the stone or dish keepe it to prouoke the appetite and to coole the stomacke in feuers and all other hote diseases Proue the same in all manner of fruit If you feare adustion in this worke you may finish it in hote balneo 46. How to dry all manner of plums or Cheries in the sunne IF it be a small fruite you must dry them whole by laying thē abroad in the hote sunne in stone or pewter dishes or Iron or brasse pannes turning them as you shall see cause But if the plum be of any largenesse slit each plum on the one side from the top to the bottome and then lay them abroad in the Sunne but if they be of the biggest sort then giue eyther plum a slit on each side and if the sun doe not shine sufficiently during the practice then dry them in an ouen that is temperately warme 47. How to keepe apples peares quinces wardens c. all the yeare drie PAre them take out the coares and slice them in thinne slices laying them to drie in the Sunne in some stone or metalline dishes or vpon high frame couered with course canuas now and then turning them and so they will keepe all the yeare 48. To make greene Ginger vpon sirup TAke Ginger one pounde pare it cleane steepe it in red wine and vinegar equally mixed let it stand so 12. dayes in a close vessell and euery day once or twice stir it vp and downe then take of wine one gallon and of vinegar a pottle seeth altogether to the consumption of a moitie or half then take a pottle of cleane clarified honey or more and put thereunto and let them boile well together then take halfe an ounce of saffron finely beaten and put it thereto with some sugar if you please 49 To make sucket of greene Walnuts TAke Walnuts when they are no bigger then the largest hasill nut pare away the vppermost greene but not too deepe then seeth them in a pottle of water till the water be sodden away then take so much more of fresh water and when it is sodden to the halfe put thereto a quart of vinegar and a pottle of clarified honie 50. To make conserue of prunes or Damsons TAke ripe Damsons put them into scalding water let them stand a while then boyle them ouer the fire till they breake then straine out the water through a colander and let them stand therin to coole then straine the damsons through the colander taking away the stones and skinnes then set the pulpe ouer the fire againe and put thereto a good quantitie of red wine and boile them wel to a stiffenesse euer stirring them vp and downe and when they bee almost sufficiently boyled put in a conuenient proportion of sugar stir all well together and after put it in your gally pots 51. To make conserue of strawberies FIrst seeth them in water and then cast away the water and straine them then boyle them in white wine and worke as before in damsons or else straine them being ripe then boyle them in wine and sugar till they be stiffe 52. Conserue of prunes or Damsons made another way TAke a pottle of damsons prick them and put them into a pot putting thereto a pinte of Rosewater or wine and couer your pot let them boile well then incorporate them by stirringe and when they be tender let them coole straine them with the liquor also then take the pulpe and set it ouer the fire and put thereto a sufficient quantitie of sugar and boile them to their height or consistencie and put it vp in gally pots or iarre glaffes 53. How to candie Ginger Nutmegs or any Roote or flowers TAke a quarter of a pounde of the best refined sugar or sugar candie which you can get powder it put thereto two spoonfuls of Rosewater dip therein your Nutmegs ginger rootes c. being first sodden in faire water till they bee soft and tender the oftner you dip them in your sirrup the thicker the candie will bee but it will be the longer in candying your sirrup must bee of such stiffnesse as that a droppe thereof beeing let fall vpon a pewter dish may congeale and harden being cold You must make your sirrup in a chafing dish of coales keeping a gentle fire after your sirup is once at his full height then put them vpon papers presently into a stoue or in dishes continue fire some ten or twelue dayes till you finde the candie hard and glistering like diamonds you must dip the red rose the gillow flower the marigold the borrage flower and all other flowers but once 5. The arte of comfetmaking teaching how to couer all kinds of seedes fruits o● spices with sugar First of all you must haue a deep bottomed bason of fine cleane brasse or latton with two eares of Iron to hang it with two seuerall cords ouer a bason or earthen pan with hote coales You must also haue a broad pan to put ashes in hote coales vpon them You must haue a cleane latton bason to melt your sugar in or a faire brasen skillet You must haue a fine brasen ladle to let run the sugar vpon the seedes You must also haue a brasen slice to scrape away the sugar frō the hanging bason if neede require Hauing all these necessarie vessels instruments worke as followeth Choose the whitest finest and hardest sugar and then you need not to clarifie it but beate it onely into fine powder that it may dissolue the sooner But first make all your seedes verie cleane dry them in your hanging bason Take for euery two pounde of sugar a quarter of a pound of annis seedes or Coriander seedes and your Comfites will be greate enough and if you wil make them greater take halfe a pound more of sugar or one
comfits alwaies when the water doth seeth then put in your sugar powder and let it seeth a little vntill it bee cleane dissolued and boyled to his perfect decoction that the whitenesse of the colour be clean gone and if you let it settle you shall see the sugar somwhat clear For biskets take two spoonfulls of liquor of sugar searced in a course searce one dram and of sugar powder to be melt cast one ounce This donne will make the biskets somewhat faire and somewhat greater then poppie seeds Aliter Take sugar powder foure drams sugar to cast foure ounces with liquor sufficient lay golde or siluer on your comfits Euery dramm of sugar powder will take an ounce of sugar to be cast 8. drammes make one ounce To thus much powder for biskets take half a pound of sugar to cast theron Coriander seedes a quarter of a pound sugar 3. pound Coriander seedes halfe a pound sugar 3. drams will make faire comfits For biskets Annis seeds halfe a pound Fennel seeds a quarter of a pound and sugar two pound sufficeth In sixe or eight of the last coats put in two spoonefuls of sugar verie hot to make them crispe To one pound of sugar take 9. ounces of water 55. To make a cullis as white as snowe and in the nature of gellie Take a cocke scalde wash and drawe him cleane seethe it in vvhite vvine or rhenish vvine skū it cleane clarifie the broth after it is strayned then take a pinte of thicke and svveete creame straine that to your clarified broth and your broth vvill become exceeding faire and vvhite then take powdred ginger fine vvhite sugar Rose vvater seething your cullis vvhen you season it to make it take the colour the better 56. To make Wafers TAke a pinte of flowr put it into a little creame with two yolkes of egges and a little rose-vvater vvith a little scarced cinamon and sugar vvorke them altogether and bake the paste vppon hote Irons 57. To make Almond butter BLanch your almonds beate them as fine as you can with faire water 2. or three houres then straine them through a lynnen cloth boyle them with Rosewater whole mace and annis seedes till the substance be thicke spreade it vpon a faire cloth dreining the whey from it after let it hang in the same cloth some fewe houres then straine it and season it with Rosewater and sugar 58 A white gelly of Almonds TAke Rosewater gum Dragagant dissolued or Isinglasse dissolued and some Cinamon grossely beaten feethe them altogether then take a pounde of almonds blanch and beate them fine with a little faire water drie them in a faire cloth and put your water aforesaid into the Almonds seeth them together and stir them continually then take them from the fire whē all is boiled to a sufficient height 59. To make Leach SEeth a pinte of Creame and in the seething put in some dissolued Isinglas stirring it vntil it be very thicke then take a handfull of blanched Almonds beat them and put them in a dish with your Creame seasoning them with sugar and after slice it and dish it 60. Sweete Cakes without eyther spice or suga● SCrape or washe your Parsneps cleane slice them thinne drie them vpon Canuas or networke frames beat them to powder mixing one thirde thereof with two thirds of fine wheat flower make vp your paste into coates and you shall finde them very sweete and delicate 61. Roses and Gilloflowres kept long COuer a Rose that is fresh and in the bud and gathered in a faire day after the dewe is ascended with the whites of egges well beaten presently strew theron the fine powder of scarced sugar and put them vp in luted pots setting the pots in a coole place in sand or grauell With a fillip at any time you may shake off this inclosure 62. Grapes growing all the yeare PVt a Vine stalke through a Basket of earth in December which is likely to be are Grapes that yeare and when the Grapes are ripe cut off the stalk vnder the basket for by this time it hath taken roote keepe the basket in a warme place and the grapes will continue fresh and faire a long time vpon the vine 63. How to drie Rose leaues or any other single fl●wer without wrinkling IF you would performe the same well in rose leaues you must in rose time make choise of such roses as are neither in the bud nor full blown for these haue the smothest leaues of al other which you must especially cull choose from the rest Then take right Callis sand wash it in some chāge of waters and drie it throughly well either in an ouen or in the sunne and hauing shallow square or long boxes of 4.5 or 6. inches deepe make first an euen lay of sande in the bottome vpon the which lay your rose leaues one by one so as none of them touch other till you haue couered all the sand then strowe sand vpon those leaues till you haue thinly couered them all thē make another lay of leaues as before and so lay vpon lay c. Set this box in some warme place in a hot sunnie day and commonly in two hot sunnie dayes they will bee through drie then take them out carefully with your hand without breaking Keepe thefe leaues in Iarre glasses bound about with paper neere a chimney or stoue for feare of relenting I finde the red rose leafe best to be kept in this manner also take awaye the stalkes of pansies stocke gilloflowers or other single flowers pricke them one by one in sande pressing downe their leaues smooth with more sande layde euēly vpon them And thus you may haue Rose leaues and other flowers to lay about your basons windows c. all the winter long Also this secret is very requisite for a good simplifier because he may drie the leafe of any hearbe in this manner and lay it being drie in his Herball with the simple which it representeth wherby hee may easily learne to knowe the names of all simples which he desireth 64. Clusters of Grapes kept till Easter CLusters of grapes hanging vpon lines within a close presse will last till Easter if they shrinke you may plumpe them vpp with a little warme water before you eat them Some vse to dip the endes of the stalkes first in pitch some cut a branch of the vine with euery cluster placing an apple at each end of the branch now and then renewinge those Apples as they rot and after hanging them within a presse or cupbord which would stand in such a roome as I suppose where the grapes might not freez for otherwise you must be forced now and then to make a gentle fire in the room or else the grapes will rot and perish 65. How to keepe Walnuts a long time plumpe and fresh MAke a laye of the drie stampings of crabs when the veriuice is pressed from them couer that lay with Walnuts and vpon
delicate Spirite of each of the saide aromaticall bodies 4. Spirit of wine tasting of what vegetable you please MAcerate Rosemarie Sage sweet fennell seedes Marierom Lēmon or Orenge pils c. in spirit of wine a day or two and then distill it ouer againe vnlesse you had rather haue it in his proper colour for so you shall haue it vpon the first infusion without any farther distillation and some young Alchimists doe holde these for the true spirits of vegetables 5. How to make the water which is vsually called Balmewater TO euery gallon of claret wine put one pound of green balm Keep that which commeth first is clearest by it selfe and the second whiter sort which is weakest and commeth last by it selfe distill in a pewter limbeeke luted with paste to a brasse pot Drawe this in May or Iune whē the herb is in his prime 6. Rosa-solis TAke of the hearbe Rosa-solis gathered in Iuly one gallon pick out all the black moats from the leaues dates halfe a pounde Cinamon Ginger cloues of each one ounce graines half an ounce fine sugar a pound and a halfe red rose leaues greene or dryed foure handfuls steepe all these in a gallon of good Aqua Composita in a glasse close stopped with waxe during twentie daies shake it wel together once euerie two daies Your sugar must be powdred your spices brused onely or grosselie beaten your dates cut in long slices the stones taken awaie If you adde two or three graines of Amber greece and as much muske in your glasse amongst the rest of the ingredientes it will haue a pleasant smel Some adde the gum amber with coral and pearl finely poudred and fine leafe golde Some vse to boyle Ferdinando bucke in Rosewater till they haue purchased a faire deepe crimson colour and when the same is cold they colour their Rosa-solis and Aqua Rube a therewith 7. Aqua Rubea Take of muske sixe graines of Cinamon and ginger of each one ounce white sugar candy one pounde pouder the sugar and bruse the spices grossely binde them vp in a cleane linnen cloth and put them to infuse in a gallon of Aqua cōposita in glasse close stopped twentie foure houres shaking them togither diuers times then put thereto of turnesole one dram suffer it to stand one houre and then shake al together then if the colour like you after it is setled poure the cleerest forth into an other glasse but if you wil haue it deeper coloured suffer it to worke longer vppon the turnesole 8. Steeuens Aqua composita TAke a gallō of Gascoign wine of ginger galingale cinamō nutmegs graines Annis seeds fennel seeds and carroway seeds of each a dram of Sage mints red Roses Time Pellitorie Rosemary wild thime camomil lauender of each a handfull braie the spices small and bruise the herbs letting them macerate 12. houres stirring it now and then then distill by a limbecke of pewter keeping the first cleare water that cōmeth by it self so likewise the second You shal draw much about a pinte of the better sort from euery gallon of wine 9. Vsquebath or Irish aqua vitae TO euery gallon of good Aqua composita put two ounces of chosen liquerice bruised and cut into small peeces but first clensed from all his filth and two ounces of Annis seeds that are cleane bruised let them macerate fiue or sixe daies in a wodden Vessel stopping the same close and then draw off as much as will runne cleere dissoluing in that cleare Aqua vitae fiue or six spoonfuls of the best Malassoes you can get Spanish cute if you can get it is thought better then Malassoes then put this into another vessell and after three or foure daies the more the better when the liquor hath fined it self you may vse the same some adde Dates Raisons of the sun to this receipt those groundes which remaine you may redistill and make more Aqua composita of them of that Aqua cōposita you may make more Vsque bath 10. Cinamon-water HAuing a Copper bodie or brasse pot that will holde 12. gallons you may well make 2. or 3. gallons of Cinamon water at once Put into your body ouernight 6. gallons of conduit water and two gallons of spirit of wine or to saue charge two gallons of spirit drawne from wine lees Ale or lowe wine or sixe pound of the best and largest Cinamon you can get or else eight pound of the second sort wel brused but not beaten into pouder lute your Lymbeck begin with a good fire of wood coals till the vessel begin to distil then moderate your fire so as your pipe may drop apace and run trickling into the receiuer but not blow at anie time it helpeth much heerein to keep the water in the bucket not too hot by often change thereof it must neuer be so hot but that you may well indure your finger therein Then diuide into quart Glasses the spirit vvhich first ascendeth and vvherein you finde either no taste or a very small taste of the Cynamon then may you boldely after the spirit once beginneth to come strong of the cinamō draw vntill you haue gotten at the least a Gallon in the receiuer and then diuide often by halfe pintes and quarters of pintes least you drawe too long which you shall knowe by the faynte taste and milky coulour which distilleth in the ende this you must nowe and then taste in a spoone Now when you haue drawen so much as you finde good you may adde thereunto so much of your spirit that came before your Cinamon water as the same will well beare which you must find by your taste But if your spirit and your Cinamō be both good you may of the aforesaid proportion wil make vp two gallons or two gallons and a quarte of good Cinamon water Heere note that it is not amisse to obserue which glasse was first filled with the Spirit that ascended and so of the second thirde and fourth and when you mix begin with the last glasse first so with the next because those haue more taste of the Cinamon then that which came first and there fore more fit to bee mixed with your Cinamon water And if you meane to make but 8. or 9 pintes at once then begin but with the halfe of this proportion Also that spirit which remaineth vnmixed doth serue to make Cinamon water the second time This way I haue often proued found most excellent take heede that your Limbecke be cleane and haue no maner of sent in it but of wine or Cinamon and so likewise of the glasses sunnelles and pots which you shall vse about this worke 11. How to distill Isop thime lauender Rosemary c. after a new and excellent manner HAuing a large Pot containing 12. or 14 gallons with a Limbecke to it or else a copper body with a serpentine of 20 or 24. gallons and a copper heade beeing such a vessell as
being beaten and the iuice of a Lemmon beeing brought into paste roule it into round strings then caste it into knots and so bake it in an ouen and when they are baked yee them with Rosewater and sugar and the white of an egge being beaten together then take a feather and guilde them thē put them againe into the Ouen and let them stande in a little while and they will be yced cleane ouer with a white yce and so box them vp and you may keep them all the yeere 17. To make a paste to keepe you moist if you list not to drinke oft whi h Ladies vse t● carrie with them whē they ride abroad TAke halfe a pound of damaske prunes a quartern of dates stone them both and beate them in a mortar with one warden being rosted or else a slice of olde marmelade and so print it in your moldes and drie it after you haue drawne bread put ginger vnto it and you may serue it in at a banquet 18. To make a Marchpane TAke two poundes of Almonds being blanched and dryed in a sieue ouer the fire beate them in a stone mortar and when they bee small mixe with them two pounde of sugar beeing finely beaten adding two or three spoonefulls of Rosewater and that will keep your almonds frō oiling whē your paste is beaten fine driue it thin with a rowling pin and so lay it on a bottome of wafers then raise vp a little edge on the side so bake it then yce it with Rosewater and sugar then put it into the ouen againe and when you see your yee is risen vp and drie then take it out of the Ouen and garnish it with pretie conceipts as birdes beasts being cast out of standing moldes Sticke long cōfits vpright in it cast bisket and carowaies in it and so serue it guild it before you serue it you may also print of this Marchpane paste in your molds for banqueting dishes And of this paste our comfit makers at this day make their letters knots Armes escocheons beasts birds other fancies 19. To make bisket bread otherwise called french bisket TAke halfe a pecke of fine flower two ounces of Coriander seedes one ounce of annis seedes the whites of foure egges halfe a pinto of Ale yeast and as much water as will make it vp into stiffe past your water must be but blood warme then bake it in a long roll as big as your thigh let it stay in the ouen but one houre and when it is a daye olde pare it and slice it ouerthwart thē sugar it ouer with fine poudred sugar and so drie it in an ouen again and being drye take it out and sugar it again then boxe it and so you may keepe it all the yeare 20. To make prince bisket TAke one pounde of verie fine flower and one pounde of fine sugar and eight egges and two spoonfuls of Rosewater and one ounce of carroway seeds and beat it all to batter one whole hour for the more you beat it the better your bread is then bake it in coffins of white plate beeing basted with a little butter before you put in your batter and so keepe it 21. To make another kinde of bisket called biskettello TAke halfe an ounce of gumme Dragagant dissolue it in Rosewa Rosewater with the iuice of a lemmon and two graines of muske then straine it through a faire linnen cloth with the white of an eg then take halfe a pound of fine sugar being beaten and one ounce of carroway seedes beeing also beaten and searced and then beat them altogether in a mortar till they come to paste then rol them vp in small loaues about the big mall egge put vnder the of a small egge put vnder the bottome of euerie one a peece of a wafer and so bake them in an Ouen vpon a sheete of paper cut thē on the sides as you do a manchet and pricke them in the middest when you break them vp they will bee hollow and full of eyes 22. To make Giagerbread TAke three stale manchets and grate them drie them and sift them through a fine sieue then ad vnto them one ounce of ginger being beaten and as much Cinamon one ounce of liquerice anniseedes beeing beaten together and searced halfe a pound of sugar then boile all these together in a posnet with a quart of claret wine till they come to a stiffe paste with often stirring of it and when it is stiffe molde it on a table and so driue it thin print it in your moldes dust your moldes with Cinamon Ginger and liquerice being mixed together in fine powder This is your Ginger bread vsed at the court and in all gentlemens houses at festiuall times It is otherwise called drie Leach 23. To make drie Gingerbread TAke halse a pound of almonds and as much grated cake and a pounde of fine sugar and the yolke of two newe laid egges the iuyce of a Lemmon and 2 graines of muske beate all these together till they come to a paste then print it with your molds and so dry it vpon papers in an ouen after your bread is drawne 24. To make pusse paste TAke a quart of the finest flower and the whites of three egges and the yolkes of two and a little colde water and so make it into perfect paste then driue it with a rouling pin abroade then put on small peeces of butter as big as Nuts vppon it then folde it ouer then driue it abroade againe then put small peeces of butter vpon it as you did before doe this tenne times alwaies folding the paste and putting butter betweene cuerie folde You may conuey anie prettie forced dish as Florentine Cherry tarte rice or pippins c. betweene two sheets of that paste 25. To make paste short without butter TAke a quart of fine flower and put it into a pipken and bake it in an ouen when you bake manchet then take the yolkes of 2. or three egs and a pint of creame make paste put it into two ounces of sugar beeing sinely beaten and so you shall make your paste short without butter or sewet In like sort when you make sugar cakes bake your flower first 26. To make crystall gelly TAke a knockle of veale and two calues feete your calues feete beeing flayed scalded and boile them in faire spring water and when they are boyled readie to eate you may saue your flesh not boyle it to peeces for if you doe so the gelly will looke thicke then take a quart of the cleerest of the same broth and put it into a posnet adding thereunto ginger white pepper 6. whole cloues one nutmeg quartered one grain of muske put all these whole spices in a little bag and boyle them in your gelly season it with some ounces of sugar candie and three spoonefuls of Rosewater so let it run through your gelly bag and if you meane to haue it sooke of
is commonly vsed in the drawing of Aqua vitae fill two partes thereof with faire watet and one other thirde part with such hearbes as you woulde distill the hearbes being eyther moist or drie it skilleth not greatly whether let the hearbes macerate all night and in the morning begin your fire then distil as before in Cinamon water beeing carefull to giue change of waters to your colour alwaies as it needeth drawe no longer then you feele a strong and sensible taste of the hearb which you distill alwayes diuiding the stronger from the weaker and by this meanes you shall purchase a water farre excelling any that is drawen by a common pewter still you may also gather the oyle of each hearb which you shall finde fleeting on the top or summity of your water This course agreeth best with such herbs as are not in taste and will yeeld their oile by distillation 12 How to make the salt of hearbs BVrne whole bundles of dryed Rosemary Sage Isop in a cleane ouen and when you haue gathered good store of the ashes of the hearb infuse warme water vpon them making a strong and sharpe Lee of those ashes then euaporate that Lee the residēce or setling which you finde in the bottō therof is the salt which you seek for Some vse to filter this lee diuers times before euaporation that their salt may be the clearer and more transparēt This salt according to the nature of the hearb hath great effects in physicke 13. Spirit of hony PVt one part of honey to 5. parts of water when the water boileth dissolue your honey therein skimme it and hauing sodden an houre or two put it into a wodden vessell and when it is but bloud warme set it on worke with yeaste after the vsuall manner of Beere and Ale tun it and when it hath lyen some time it will yeelde his spirit by distillation as wine beer and ale will do 14. To distil Rosewater at Michaelmas and to haue a go●d yeeld as at any other time of the yeare IN the pulling of your Roses first diuide all the blasted leaues thē take the other fresh leaues and lay them abroad vpon your table or windowes with some cleane linnen vnder them let them ly 3. or foure houres or if they bee dewy vntil the dewe be fully vanished put these rose leaues in great stone pottes hauing narrowe mouthes and well leaded within such as the Goldfiners call their hookers serue to receiue their Aqua fortis bee the best of all others that I know and when they are well filled stop their mouthes with good corkes eyther couered all ouer with waxe or molten brimstone and then set your pot in some coole place and they wil keepe a long time good and you may distill them at your best leasure This waie you may distill Rosewater good cheape if you buy store of Roses when you find a glutte of them in the market wherby they are solde for 7. pence or 8. pence the bushell you then engrosse the flower And some hold opinion that if in the midst of these leaues you put some broken leauen and after fill vp the pot with Rose leaues to the top that so in your distillatiō of them you shal haue a perfect Rose vinegar without the addition of anie common vinegar I haue knowen Refeleaues kept well in Rondlets that haue been first well seasoned with some hote liquor and Roseleaues boiled togither and the same pitched ouer on the out side so as no aire might penetrate or pearce the vessell 15. A speedy distillation of Rosewater STampe the leaues and first distill the iuice being expressed and after distil the leaues and so you shall dispatch more with one Stil then others do with three or foure stils And this water is euerie way as medicinable as the other seruing in all sirrups decoctions c. sufficiently but not altogether so pleasing in smell 16. How to distill wine vinegar or good Aligar that it may bee both clear sharpe I Knowe it is an vsuall manner among the Nouices of our time to put a quart or two of good vinegar into an ordinary leadē still and so to distill it as they do all other waters But this way I do vtterly dislike both for that heere is no seperation made at all and also because I feare that the Vinegar doth cary an ill touch with it either frō the leaden bottō or pewter head or both And therefore I coulde wish rather that the same were distilled in a large bodie of glasse with a head or receiuer the same being placed in sande or ashes Note that the best part of the vinegar is the middle part that ariseth for the first is fainte and phlegmatick and the last wil taste of adustion because it groweth heauie toward the latter end and must be vrged vp with a great fire and therefore you must nowe and then taste of that which commeth both in the beginning towards the latter end that you may receiue the best by it selfe 17. How to draw the true spirit of reses and so of all other hearbs and flowers MAcerate the Rose in his own iuice adding thereunto being tēperately warm a conueniēt proportion either of yeast or ferment leaue thē a few daies in fermentation till they haue gotten a strōg heady smel beginning to incline toward vinegar thē distill them in balneo in glass bodies luted to their helms happily a limbecke wil do better and rid faster and drawe so long as you find any sent of the Rose to come then redistill you haue purchased a perfect spirit of the Rose You may also ferment the iuice of Roses onelie and after distill the same 18. An excellent Rosewater VPon the top of your glasse bodie straine a haire cloth and vpon that lay good store of Roseleaues either drie or halfe drie and so your water will ascend verie good both in smell and in colour Distill either in balneo or in a gentle fire in ashes you may reiterate the same water vppon fresh leaues This may also be done in a leaden Still ouer which by reason of the breadth you may place more leaues 19. An excellent wvy to make the extract of all Vegetables EXpresse a good quantity of the iuice thereof set it on the fire and giue it onely a walme or two then it will grow cleere before it be cooled pour away the cleerest filter with a peece of cotton and then euaporate your filtred iuyce till it come to a thicke substance and thus you shal haue a most excellent extracte of the Rose Gilloflower c. with the perfect sent and taste of the flower whereas the common waie is to make the extracte eyther by spirit of wine faire water the water of the plant or some kind of menstruum 20. To make a water smelling of the Eglantine Gilloflowers c. DRie the hearbe or flower and distill the same in faire water in a limbecke draw no longer
thē you find sent in the water that issueth reiterate that water vpon fresh herbes and distil as before diuiding the sweetest frō the rest 21. A Scottish hand water PVt thyme Lauender and Rosemary confusedly together thē make a lay of thicke wine Lees in the bottom of a stone pot vppon which make an other laye of the said hearbes then a lay of Lees and so forwarde lute the pot wel bury it in the ground for 6. weeks distill it it is called Dames water in Scotland A little therof put into a bason of a cōmon water maketh very sweet washing water 22. How to draw the bloud of hearbes STampe the hearb put the same into a large glasse leauing two parts emptie some commend the iuice of the hearbe onely nip or else lute the glasse very wel digest it in balneo 15. or 16. daies and you shall finde the same very red diuide the watrish part and that which remaineth is the bloud or essence of the hearb 23. Rosewater and yet the Roseleaues not discoloured YOu must distill in balneo and whē the bottom of your pewter Still is through hotte put in a fewe leaues at once and distill them watch your Still carefully and as soone as those are distilled put in more I know not whether your profit will requite your labour yet accept of it as a newe conclusion 24. How to recouer Rosewater or any other distilled water that hath gotten a mother and is in daunger to be musty INfuse your water vpō fresh Rose leaues or vpon Rose cakes broken all in peeces and then after maceration for three or foure houres with a gentle fire redistill your water Do this in a Limbeck take heed of drawing too long for burning vnlesse your Limbecke stand in balneo 25. To drawe both good Rosewater and oyle of Roses together AFter you haue digested your Rose leaues by the speace of 3. moneths sicut ante num 13. eyther in barrels or hookers then distill thē with faire water in a limbeck draw so long as you finde anie excellent smell of the Rose then diuide the fatty oile that fleeteth on the top of the Rose water and so you haue both excellent oile of Roses and also good Rosewater togither and you shall also haue more water then by the ordinarie way and this Rosewater extendeth farther in physicall compositions and the other serueth best for perfumes and casting bottles You may also distill the oyle of Li●num Rhodtum this way sauing that you shall not neede to macerate the same aboue 24 houres in your water or menstruum before you distill this oyle hath a most pleasing smell in a manner equall with the oyle of Roses COOKERIE AND Huswiferie 1. To souse a yong Pig TAke a young Pigge being scalded boile it in faire water and white wine put therto some Baye leaues some whole Ginger and some Nutmegs quartered a fewe whole cloues boyle it throughly and leaue it in the same broath in an earthen pot 2. Aliter TAke a Pig beeing scalded coller him vppe like brawne and lap your collers in faire cloathes when the flesh is boyled tender take it out and put it in colde water and salt and that wil make the skin white make sowsing drinke for it with a quart of white wine and a pottle of the same broth 3 To boyle a flounder or Pickerel of the French fashion TAke a pinte of white wine the tops of young time and Rosemary a little whole mace a little whole pepper seasoned with Veriuice salt and a peece of sweete butter and so serue it this broth will serue to boyle Fish twise or thrise in 4. To boile Sparrowes or Larks TAke two ladles full of mutton broth a little whole mace put into it a peece of sweet butter a handful of Parsly being picked season it with sugar veriuice and a little pepper 5. To boyle a Capon in white broth BOyle your Capon by it selfe in faire water then take a ladlefull or two of mutton broth and a little white wine a little whole mace a bundle of sweete hearbs a little marrowe thicken it with Almonds season it with sugar and a little veriuyce boyle a fewe currans by themselues and a Date quartered least you discolor your broth and put it on the breast of your Capon Chicken or Rabbet if you haue no Almonds thicken it with Creame or with yolkes of egges garnish your dishes on the sides with a Lemmon sliced sugar 6. To boyle a Mallard Teale or Wigin TAke mutton broth and put it into a pipken put into the belly of the foule a fevve sweete hearbes and a little Mace sticke halfe a dozen of Cloues in his breast thicken it with a tofte of bread stieped in veriuice season it with a little pepper and a little Sugar also one Onion minced small is very good in the broth of any water foule 7. To boyle a legge of Mutton after the French fashion TAke al the flesh out of your leg of mutton or at the but end preseruing the skinne whole and mince it small with Oxe suet and marrow then take grated bread sweete Creame and yolkes of egges and a fewe sweete hearbes put vnto it Currans and Raisins of the sunne season it with Nutmegs Mace Pepper and a little sugar so put it into the leg of Mutton againe where you tooke it out and stew it in a pot with a marrow bone or two serue-in the marrowe bones with the stewed-broath and fruite and serue-in your legge of mutton drye with carot rootes sliced cast grosse pepper vpon the rootes 8. To boyle Pigs petitoes on the French fashion BOyle them and slice them being first rolled in a little batter your batter being made with the yolke of an egge two spoonefuls of sweete creame and one spoonfull of flower make sawce for it with Nutmeg vinegar and sugar 9 To boyle Pigeons with rice BOyle them in mutton broath putting sweete hearbes in their bellies then take a little Rice and boyle it in Creame with a little whole mace season it with sugar lay it thick on their breasts wringing also the iuice of a Lemmon vpon them and so serue them 10. To boyle a chine of veale or a chicken in sharpe broth with hearbes TAke a little muttō broth white wine and veriuyce and a little whole mace thē take lettuce Spinage and Parsley and bruise it put it into your broth seasoning it with veriuice pepper and a little sugar and so serue it 11. To make Beaumanger TAke the brawne of a Capon toase it like wool then boile it in sweete Creame with the whites of two egges and beeing well boyled hang it in a cloth and let the whey run from it then grinde it in an Alablaster mortar with a woodden pesteell then drawe it thorough a thinne Strayner with the yolks of two eggas and a little Rosewater then set it on a chafing dish with coales mixing foure ounces of sugar with it and when
and put it in a glasse coueing it with May-dewe and so reserue it to your vse Let the mallowe rootes be two or three daies dryed in the shade before you vse them This I had of a great profes sour of Arte and for a rare and dainty secret as the best fucus this day in vse 14. Another minerall ficussor the face INcorporate vvith a woodden pestle and in a woodden mortar with great labour foure ounces of sublimate and one ounce of crude Mercury at the least sixe or eight houres you cannot bestowe too much labor herein then with often change of colde water by ablution in a glasse take awaie the salts from the sublimate change your water twise euery day at the I-ast and in seauen or eight daies the more the better it will bee culcified and then it is prepared Lay it on with the oyle of white poppey 15. To take away chilblanes out of the hands or feete BOyle halfe a pecke of Oates in a quart of water till they waxe drie then hauing first annointed your handes with some good Pomatum well chafed them hold them within the oates as hotte as you may well suffer them couering the bowle wherein you put your handes with a double cloth to keep in the steame of the oats Do this three or foure times and you shal finde the effect The same Oates wi●l serue to bee sodden with freshe water three or foure times 16. To helpe a fa●e that is red or pimpled DIssolue common salte in the iuice of Lemmons and with a linnen cloth pat the patients face that is full of heate or pimples It cureth in a few dressings 17. Aliter TAke of those little whelkes or shels which some do call giny money wash fiue or sixe of thē beate them to fine powder and infuse the iuyce of Lemmons vpon them it will presently boyl but if it offer to boyle out of your glasse then stop the mouth therof with your finger or blow into it This will in a short time bee like an ointment with which you must anoint the heate or pimples of the face often times in a daye till you find helpe As the ointmēt dryeth put more iuyce of Lemmons to it I his of an outlandish Gentlewoman and it is an asiured remedy if the heate bee not very extreme Some haue found by experience that bathing of the face with hote vinegar euery night when they go to bed doth mightily repell the humour 18. Aliter QVilt baye salte well dryed and powdered in double linnen sockes of a prettie bignesse let the patient weare them in wide hose and shooes day and night by the space of fourteene dayes or till he be well euery morning and euening let him drie his sockes by the fire and put them on againe This helped M. Foster an Essex mā and an Atturney of the Common pleas within these few yeares but now deceased wh●se face was for many yeares together of an exceedinge highe and firye colour of my owne knowledge and had spent much money in Physicke without anie successe at all vntill he obtained his remedie The patient must not take any wet of his feete during the cure 19. Aliter optime TAke halfe a pound of white distilled vinegar two newe laid Egges with their shelles two spoonfuls of the flowers of brimstone let these macerate in the vinegar by the space of three dayes then take out the Egges and pricke them ful of holes with a needle but not too deepe least any of the yolke shoulde happen also to issue let that liquor also mixe with the vinegar then straine all through a fine cloath and tye vp the brimstone in the cloth like a little ball dippe this ball in the strained liquor when you vse it and pat it on the place three or foure times euerie daye and this will cure any red face in twelue or fourteene dayes Some do also commende the same for an approued remedie against the morphew the brimstone bal must be kept in some close thing from the ayre 20. How to take away any pimple from the face BRimstone ground with the oyl of Turpentine and applied to any pimple one houre maketh the flesh to rise spungeous which being annointed with the thicke oyle of butter that ariseth in the morning from new milke sodden a little ouer night will heale and scale away in a fewe daies leauing a faire skinne behinde This is a good skinning salue 21. To helpe any Morphew sunburning itch or red face STeepe two sliced Lemmons being large and faire in a pinte of Condu it water leaue them foure or fiue daies in infusion couering the water then straine the water and dissolue therein the quantitie of a hasell nut of sublimate some hold a dramme a good proportion to a pinte of water finely powdered let the patient wet a cloth therein and rub the place where the griefe is euery morninge and euening a little till the hew doe please hee you may make the same stronger or weaker according to good discretion 22. For the Morphew TAke a pinte of distilled vinegar laie therein two newe laid egges whole with their shelles three yellowe Docke rootes picked and sliced two spoonefulls of the flowers of brimstone and so let all rest three daies and then vse this liquour with a cloth rubbing the place three or 4. times euerie daye and in three or foure dayes it commonly helpeth put some bran in your cloth before you moisten your cloth therein binding it vp in forme of a little ball This of Maister Rich of Lee who helped himselfe and a gallant Ladie therewith in a few dayes 23. To take away the freckles in the face WAsh your face in the wane of the moon with a spunge morninge and euening with the distilled water of elder leaues lettinge the same drie into the skinne Your water must bee distilled in Maie This is of a Trauailer who hath cured himselfe thereby 24. To cure any extreame bruise vpon a sire fall on the face or any other mēber of the body PResently after the fall make a greate fire and applie hote cloathes one after another without intermission the patient stāding neere the fire for one houre and a halfe or till the swelling be cleane abated This I knewe proued with good successe in a maid that fell downe a paire of staires whereby all her face was extremely dis figured Some holde opinion that the same may bee perfourmed with clothes wet in hote water and wroonge out againe before application Then to take away the chaungeable colours which doe accustomablie followe all bruises shred the roote of a greene or growing flower deluce beate it with red rose water and grinde it till it come to a salue apply the same in a fewe houres it taketh away all the colours but if it lie too long it will rayse pimples and therefore so soone as the colours be vanished immediately remooue the salue 25. How to keepe the teeth cleane CAlcine
sunne in glasses couered with papers or parchment prickt full of holes strain it often continuing it in the sun and in an hote place till the same growe white and cleere which wil require the best parte of the summer Some commend May dewe gathered from Fennell and Celandine to be most excellent for sore eyes some commend the same prepared as before aboue Rosewater for preseruing of fruits flowers c. 34. Diuers excellent sentes for gloues with their proportions and other circumstances with the manner of perfuming THe Violet the Orenge the Lemmon duely proportioned with other sentes performe this well so likewise of Labdanum Storax Beniamin c. The manner is this First lay your vmber vpon a few coales till it begin to cracke like lime then let it coole of it selfe taking away the coales then grinde the same with some yellowe ocre till you perceiue a right color for a gloue with this mixture wash ouer your gloue with a little hairebrush vpon a smooth stone in euerie seame and all ouer then hang your gloues to drie vppon a line then with gum Dragagant dissolued in some Rosewater ground with a little oyle de Ben or of sweet Almonds vpō a stone strike ouer your gloues in euerie place with the gum and oyle so ground together doe this with a little spoonge but bee sure the gloues be first throughly dry and the colour well rubbed and beaten out of the gloue then let them hange againe till they be drie which will be in a short time Then if you will haue your gloue to lie smooth and faire in shewe goe ouer it againe with your spoonge and the mixture of gumme and oyle and drie the gloue yet once againe Then grinde vppon your stone two or three graines of good muske with halfe a spoonefull of Rosewater and with a verie little peece of a spoonge take vp the composition by a little and little and so lay it vpon your gloue lying vppon the stone Picke and straine your gum Dragagant before you vse it Perfume but the one side of your gloue at once and then hang it vp to drie and then finish the other side Tenne graines of muske wil giue a sufficient perfume to eight paire of gloues Note also that this perfume is done vpon a thin Lambes leather gloue and if you worke vpon a kids skin or goates skin which is vsuall leather for rich perfumes thē you must adde more quantitie of the oyle of Ben to your gumme and go ouer the gloue twise therewith 35. Sweet bags to lie among linnen FIll your bags only with lignum Rhodium finely beaten and it will giue an excellent sent to your linnen 36. To make haire of a faire yellowe or golden colour THe last water that is drawne from honey being of a deepe red colour performeth the same excellently but the same hath a strong smell and therefore must be sweetned with some aromatical bodie Or else the haire beeing first cleane washed and then moistned a prettie while by a good fire in warme allum water with a spunge you may moisten the same in a decoctiō of Turmericke rubarb or the barke of the Barberie tree and so it will receiue a most faire and beautifull colour The Dog● berrie is also an excellent berrie to make a golden liquor withall for this purpose beate your allum to powder and when the water is ready to seeth dissolue it therin foure ounces to a pottle of water will be sufficient let it boyle a while straine it and this is your allom licour wherewith you must first prepare the haire 37. How to colour the head or beard into a Chesnut colour in halfe an houre TAke one part of lead calcined with sulphur and one parte of quicke lime temper them somewhat thin with water lay it vpon the haire chafing it well in and let it dry one quarter of an houre or thereabout then wash the same off with faire water diuers times and lastly with soape and water and it will be a verie naturall haire colour The longer it lyeth vpon the haire the browner it groweth This coloureth not the flesh at all and yet it lasteth verie long in the haire Saepius expertu● FINIS