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A07721 The perfection of horse-manship, drawne from nature; arte, and practise. By Nicholas Morgan of Crolane, in the countye of Kent, Gent [Morgan, Nicholas, of Crolane]. 1609 (1609) STC 18105; ESTC S110036 189,920 367

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olde cleane svveet oates The next day after he hath taken the saide drinke giue him earely in the morning this drinke viz. Take a pinte of the best vvhite vvine vvherein hath bene steeped all night an ounce of Sence straine it and put into it one ounce of the best Aloes beaten into povvder halfe an ounce of Agaricke and a spoonefull of the povvder of Licorish vvarme them a little on the fire and brevve them vvell together and then giue it the Horse ride him gently or vvalke him a quarter of an houre set him into the stable very warme clothed let no aire come to him and let him neither eate nor drinke 6 houres after and at night giue him a warme mashe svveete vvheat stravve olde cleane svveete oates and plenty of litter The next day if the signe be good let him blood if the blood be very bad take from him tvvo quarts if indifferent but one quart keepe him verie vvarme and with vvarme mashes in vvhich mashes if possibly he will take it put the powder of brimstone Fenegreke Turmericke and of Enula campana of each one spoonefull The next day after if the weather be faire ride him very gently a mile and so backe againe and at his comming home presentlye haue him into the Stable and cloath him so warme as hee may sweate but not violentlye and so faile not to ride him when hee is fasting euerie day moderately a mile or two vppon some pleasant ground and euerie day to sweate a little for sixe daies and keepe him warme and with warme water and the Stable close when he is in it Hetherto you haue heard how to cleare him outwardly by washing and inwardlye by purging bleeding and sweating and for vomiting take a great roote or two of Polipodium of the Oake cleane scraped and laide all night in steepe in Spike oyle tyed fast to his bitte and euerie morning fasting let him bee ridden vvith it and if hee haue anye colde or filth in his stomacke it will force him to cough and reare it from the stomacke and by this means you shal be sure to clense refine his blood to exhaust his watrish humors and to make his inner parts cleane so as with temperate order before prescribed you shall bee sure to keepe him long a sound perfect and seruiceable Horse Now because the Liuer being the fountaine of blood the Lungs the bellowes of breath yet not vnlike a standing poole which continually gathereth corruption the which being corrupted or stopped speedilye destroyeth the subiect I will set downe excellent meanes to preserue both the one other in perfefection otherwise hee wil be but as a silthye vessell which is seldome clensed CHAP. 60. To refine the blood and preserue the Liuer from infection TAke a root of polipodium of the Oake made verie cleane cut it into small peeces a handfull of Liuer-wort cut in small peeces sixe pence weight of Ruebarbe cut small and euerie morning for three or foure daies in a month giue it the horse in his prouander verie earelye two or three houres before his watering and once in halfe a yeare make triall of his blood how pure it is accordinglye minister helpe if need be CHAP. 61. A most soueraigne drinke to preserue his lungs cleere the most excelling knowledge in Horseman or Farrier TAke the Tartar of white wine lees which is alwaies at the Apothecaries which is no other then the lees of white wine dried to powder one ounce and a halfe of I sop two handfuls of Coltesfoote two handfulls of Horehownd one handful of Ennula campana roots one ounce foure Licorish stickes brused Anniseed one ounce red Sugar candy foure ounces boyle them all in a quarte of ale and when it is halfe boyled put to it of Isop water twice distilled one pin̄te of Coltes foote water twice distilled one pinte boile them againe then straine it and giue it him verie warme to drinke The charge heere of is small you may make what quantity you will by doubling or trebling the simples If you haue a delicate Horse and haue cleared him dieted him as I haue prescribed then euery morning that you will hunt him or excercise him giue him fasting a pinte heereof and so continue him vntil you finde him cleane in perfect breath and then the moderate excercise of him wil be sufficient to keepe him cleane The reasons why the Horse should be thus clensed and cleared after long rest and full feeding are First the pores of all the skinne being opened the Horse will easily sweate and therebye cleere the body from the vnperfect moisture Secondly it maketh the whole body to receiue Ayre which of it selfe is naturally moiste to helpe to coole the burning violent heate of the heart and of the other members when the Horse doth labour as appeareth by the office of the lungs which as a paire of bellowes dooth continuallye drawe fresh Ayre vnto the same filling all the emptie corners with moistnes and therefore the Lungs most principally ought to be kept cleere to draw breath to coole the same and that is the reason why Horses are broken winded because the lungs are vnperfect to doe their office and likewise the reason why broken winded Horses when they are kept at drie meate doe drawe their breath much more shorter and with more violence then when they goe to Grasse because grasse is naturally colde and moist and thereby his heart being more colde the Horse draweth his breath more at length but if the Horse be cleare emptie and sound in the body then doth he alwaies draw his breath alike and so doth euery other creature also from which ground of reason three things may be collected obserued The first is that the horse head bee kept verie cleare from all obstructions the which euermore commeth by colde which greatlie hindereth drawing breath into the body Secondly that the skinne of the Horse be kept cleare and open to draw breath at the pores of the skinne into the body Thirdlye that Canales Pulmonis the pipes or Canes of the Lungs bee not opilated or stopped throgh viscous fleame or tough humors like bird-lime or with impostumation in the pipes and so become putrified euerie of which with continuance thereof will destroy the horse there is no truth more apparant then that the causes of all these inward corruptions and infirmities proceede onely from great rest full and foule feeding and the distemperatures of heate and colde that by the taking away of these causes such effects cannot follow so as you see the preseruation of health and long life is the moderate and temperate labour and exercise the spare cleane and sweete foode as hath bene formerly expressed CHAP. 62. Certaine rules to be obserued by such as shall either trauell or exercise their horses FIrst when your Horse is lustie and pleasant and cleere in bodye then is he fit for labour or any exercise but if he be
you to take so long time as you think fit to credit them The first is if the Horse haue a chollick if he looke vpon a Duck or any water foule it wil cure him the second is if a maid strike him on the face with her girdle he is presently remedied CHAP. 117. For Costiuenes or belly bound TAke of the decoction of mallows a quart put toit halfe a pint of oyle or somuch butter an ounce of Benidicte luxature powre into his fundament with a litle horne and hold his taile close to his fundament whiles another doth lead him so keep it as long as you can and after keepe him warme and giue him warme water to drinke For the Laxe CHAP. 118. TAke of Beane flower Bole armony of each a quarterne mingled in a quart of red wine giue it him luke warme and after drinke warme water with beane flower but if that will not stay him then giue him halfe a penny worth of Allom beaten into pouder Bole Armony beaten small in a quart of milke stirring them til the milke be all of a curd and this will stop him For the Wormes CHAP. 119 THey are ingendred of raw euill humors there are 3. kindes of them the worme the bot the truncheon The Horse wil lye downe and wallowe which is when they feede on him his breath will stincke and his mouth clāmy The cure giue him a quart of new milke and halfe a pinte of hony in it blood warme this will make them rest from gnawing of him because they wilsuck therof vntil they be ready to burst then the next day giue him this drinke following The cures that are pretended are diuers first take a quart of wort or ale of the strongest then take a quarter of a pound of ferne half a pound of Sauin halfe a pound of stone crop stamp them and put them together with two spoonefulls of brimstone and asmuch chimney soote beaten to pouder and let them lye in steepe two houres then straine them and giue the Horse a little warme then bridle him and let him stand 6. houres after without meat and there is no doubt but the Horse wil be at quiet for the strength thereof is such to staine the mawe as the bot will not meddle but fly from it but it doth not kil them And so is it of all other medicines for the same whereof are infinite Now if I may perswade you or rather Mai. Iohn Orpen that worthy Farrier deceased after these former drinkes giuen the third day make him purging pils as hath bene before viz. Take of lard a pound laid in water two houres then take nothing but the cleane fat thereof stamp it in a morter thereunto put of Licoris of Anniseedes of Fenegreeke of each beaten into pouder 3. ounces of Alloes in pouder 2. ounces and of Agaricke one ounce knead them in paste and make 6. balles therof then hauing fasted ouer night giue him the next morning 3. of these pilles nointed with hony when you haue opened his mouth catch hold of his tongue holde it fast til you haue hurld in one and thrust it downe his throate with a rowling pin and then let his tongue goe till he hath swallowed it down and so do with the rest and keepe him close from all ayre and at night giue him a good strong mash warme water 3. daies after my reasō is for that these balles wil now purge out of his body all the bots and wormes and al the humors that bred cherished them so as your Horse wil be perfectly cleane And you shall finde most of the bots aliue when they are purged for you cannot kil them with medicine but only make them forbeare vexing of him so long as his mawe resteth so bitter stinched as they dare not feed on it but vpon other humors whereby moste men thinke they haue cured their Horse perfect and the like reason is for chickins gut and such like which being a pleasanter foode then the horse mwe leaue him aprest to feede on them but doe not cure him for in reason it cannot kill them nor auoide them and therefore the botts remaine stil in the body CHAP. 120. For the Colt euill THe eure is to wash the sheath cleane with luke-warme Vinegar draw out his yarde and wash it also then ride him in some running streame vp to the belly to allaye the heat and thus doe lustily a quarter of an houre and so euerie day after for three or foure daies CHAP. 121. For mattering of the yard TAke a pinte of white wine boile therin a quarter of Roche Allum and with a Squirt thrust vp verie farre into his yarde squirt the same three or foure times to pierce and clense the bottome from the filth and thus continue vntill he bee whole CHAP. 122. For the Foalling of the yard THe cure is to wash the same with warme white wine and annoint it with oyle of Roses and hony mingled together then put it vp and with a codpeece or trusse keepe it still vp and dresse him euerie day once till he be whole CHAP. 123. For the swelling of the Cod or stones THe cure is to let him blood on both sides in the flanke veines then take of Oyle of Roses and Vinegar of each a pinte halfe a quartern of Bole Armony beaten into pouder mingle them together and being luke warme annoint the Cod therewith with two or three feathers and the next day ride him into the water and giue him 2. or three turnes then bring him to the stable and when hee is dry annoint them againe and so continue till he be whole but if the cods doe swell by meanes of anye hurt then couer the cods with a charge of Bole Armony and Vinegar wrought together renewing till the swelling goe away and if it breake taint it with Melrosatum and make him a breech renewing it til it be whole CHAP. 124 For incording or Bursting THis is when the rimme that incloseth the guts is broken so that they fal into the Cod of the horse which is apparant to sight or feeling the cure is to put 4 pasternes on his feet as the horse-gelders vse then bathe his stones with warme water and butter then raise them vp from the bodye with both your hāds being closed by the fingers fast together and so holding the stones in your hands worke downe the gut into the body of the Horse by striking it downeward with your thumbes one after another vntill that side of the stone be so small as the other then hauing returned the gut into his place take a woollen list of two fingers broad thoroughly annointed with fresh butter and tie his stones both together or so nigh his body as maybe not ouer hard but that you may put your finger betwixt that done in all quietnes take the Horse away and let him not be stirred 3. weekes after but the next day vnloosen the list
the hole full of salt For the same TAke Egremony hony and violet leaues stampe them together and flit the sinew vnderneath the care and lay a plaister thereunto three dayes For the same TAke a handfull of sorrell lap it in a bur-dock leafe and roste it in hot embers like a warden then take it out and very hot apply it to the kirnels and so let it rest a day and night and stil so renew it vntill the kirnels be rotten and breake and after all is rotted and gone take the yolke of an egge hony and wheat-flower well incorporated and made thicke and make plasters thereof to heale it CHAP. 94. For the Canker in the nose THis commeth of a corrupt blood consumeth the flesh and makes it rawe within and in the end will eate the gristle therof it will also cause the horse to bleed at the nose and yeild filthy sauour the cure is take of greene copperas and of Allom of each a pound and of white copperas one quarter boile these in a pottle of running water vntill it be almost halfe consumed then take it of and put into it halfe a pint of hony then hold vp his head with a drinking staff but not too high and with a squirt of brasse or elder squirt the same water being luke warme three or foure times together into his nostrils and giue him libertie to blowe out the filthy matter least you choke him and with a stick and a ragge wash his nostrils twice a day vntil he be whole For the same IF you see the canker be of great heate and burning in the sore with exceeding paine take the iuce of purslaine lettice sorrell night shade and wash the sore with a sine clout and with a squirt wash the same and this will kill it CHAP. 95 For bleeding at the nose THis may come vppon many causes which cannot be truely known comming from within the body therfore I wil shew how to cure the same take a pint of red wine put thereunto a quarter of bole armony beaten vnto fine powder put the one half thereof into his nostril that bleedeth holding vp his head this may do wel if in the nostril or head there be the original cause the next day giue him the rest into his body that wil surely binde his body it may help the bleeding being invvard For the same LEt him blood in the brest vaines of each a pint for that is most likely to turne the course of the blood take 2 or 3 sponefuls of his blood and put it in a saucer and boyle it vntill it be dried to povvder then take the povvder thereof and blovv it into his nostrils and if it come of a vvound put it into the same and it vvill presently stint it horse-dung asses dung hogs dung sage leaues brused put into the wound or take of frankinsence an ounce alloes halfe an ounce beat them into fine pouder and mingle them throughly vvith the vvhites of egs vntil it be so thick as hony and with soft hares haire thrust his nostrils so ful as it cānot fal out And lastly some vvill throvv colde vvater vpon him against his haire it is likely that the over-cooling of him that vvayes may stop the flux thereof this did M Iohn Orpen a vvorthy Farrer vse if at any sudden such an accident did happen CHAP. 96. Of the riftes or corruption in the pallate of the mouth TAke sharpe vinegar and salt and wash the same and then annoint it with honny For the lampas or bladders in a Horse mouth euery Smith can cure CHAP. 97. For the canker in the mouth VVash the fore place with strong vinegar made thicke with the pouder of Allome two or three daies together to destroy the exulcerate matter Then take a quart of faire water of Allome 4 ounces of honny 4. or 5. spoonefulls of maudlin leaues Sage leaues Collumbine leaues of each a handfull boile al these together till halfe be consumed and then euery day wash the same two or three times being warmed and it will heale it CHAP. 98. For the Gigs in the mouth THey are swellings with blacke heads growing in the inside of the lips the cure is to flit them and thrust out the corruption and to wash the same with vinegar and salte CHAP. 99 For the heat in the mouth TVrne vp the vpper lip and iagge it with a lancet that it may bleede and washe it with vinegar and salte CHAP. 100. For the Camey in the mouth THis commeth by eating of filthy hay that cats dogs and other vermine haue pist vppon which will cause the Horse mouth to be furd or clammy as he will not not eat The cure is to let him blood in two great vaines vnder the tongue and to wash his mouth with vineger and salte and to giue him new bread that is not hot CHAP. 101. For the hurt of the tongue with the Bit. THe cure is to wash it with Alome water then take black bramble leaues and chop them with larde then put them within a cloute and make them as round as a ball then dip the same in hony and annoint the tongue therewith vntill it bee whole CHAP. 102. For the Barbels or paps vnder the tunge THe cure is to clippe them away and to wash the mouth with vinigere and salt CHAP. 103. For the swelling in the gummes THe cure is make him to bleede well in the pallet of the mouth and also to scarifie the gummes that the ranke blood may come forth and then rub them throughly with vineger and salt For to drawe the wolues teeth CHAP. 104. THese are two litle teeth growing in the vpper Iawe next to the great grinding teeth which hinder the horse for grinding his meat so as he will let it fall vnchewed somtimes you shall see some teeth so long and ouerhanging in his Iawes that they doe race and cut his cheeks so as he cannot feed The cure is tye the horse head to some rafter or post and his mouth to be openned with a corde so as you may see euery part therof then take a round yron toole halfe a yard long made at the end like a Carpenters Gouge and with your left hād set the edge of that toole at the foot of the wolfes teeth on the outside of the Iawe turning the hollowside of the toole doūward holding your hand stedily then with a mallet in your right hand strike on the head of the toole a pretty blowe to losen it and make it bend inward then wrench the tooth outward with the inside of the toole and thrust it out of his head doe the like to the other tooth and fill the holes with salt and if any tooth ouerhang the nether teeth to the hurt of the horse then with your mallet and toole pare the tooth or as many as do ouerhāg for hurting the horse mouth For the crick in the neck
of sallet oyle foure penny worth of the best triacle and ride him vntill he sweat then presently set him in a warme stable and clothe him very warme and at night giue him a good mash of malte with the pouder of brimstone to the quantity of two spoonefuls CHAP. 113. For Surfeting with Prouender VVHen a Horse hath eaten more then the stomacke can well digest he is in such paine as he is not able to stand but lyeth and walloweth as if he had the bots the danger whereof I haue formerly written The cure is to let him blood and to draw his yard and wash it to put a peece of a cloue of garlicke into it to make him pisse also to rake him behinde and to giue him a glister with the water of sodden mallowes fresh butter and sallet oile keepe him warme and let him eat very little for 4 or 5. daies after CHAP. 114. For the surfetting called the foundring in the bodie THe cause of this disease is ouermuch eating after labour whiles the Horse is hot whereby his meat not being digested breedeth euill humours which by little and little do spred through all the parts of his body and at length oppresse the whole body and do so take away his strength that he hath not power to goe or mooue his ioynts and being laid is not able to rise whereby he wanteth the vse of pissing as also of dunging for nature being ouercome then doth the humor rule the body to the vtter destruction thereof In lik● maner it is when the Horse beeing over hotte with trauell drinketh so much as the colde thereof suppreseth his naturall heate The cause is that the evil humors being predominate according to their nature being heauy moist immediatly resort down to the horse legs and feet and there rest whereof there must be some dissolution which if it be not preuented make great gourdy lims as the paines cratches spauins winde-galls casting of the houes such like all which seeme more then wonderful to the ignorant because ignorance is the mother of wonder The cure hereof must be according to the effects that are wrought in the horse as if it be espied when the haier beginneth to stare that he be chil and shrug for cold forsake his meat hang downe this head quiuer after cold water and after two or three dayes begin tocough then it is a signe that his surfet is not great and then he may be cured thus couer his belly with the glister last mentioned and giue him this drinke take of malmesy a puart of sugar half ●●atterne of houy half a quartern of sinamon half an ounce of licoris and Anisseeds of each two spoonfull beaten into fine pouder put it into the Malmsie giue it him blood warme keep him warme with warme water 4. or 5. dayes after let him blood CHAP. 115. For the yellowes THe cause herof is also the aboundance of bad humors the cure is plaine let him blood if you see it yellow a pottle then cure him by giuing a quart of white wine of saffron and turmerick of each halfe an ounce and the Iuice that is wrong out of 2. handful of Selondine being blood warm giue it him and keep him warme and with good mashes wherein put two sponfull of the powder of Brimston some will giue in this drinke the greene order of geese strained I could now intreat of the dropsie in a Horse but if you obserue those fewe rules I haue set downe in the beginning of the title of cures you will be free almost from all diseases CHAP. 116. For the Colick The cause of this disease is 2. fold either it commeth through aboundance of humors or with wind and herein the owner or or keper may giue good direction for if he knew the Horse to be cleane within and orderly dieted then it will be probaly coniectured it is the wind and although it be winde yet I iudge the origenal to beobstruction of humor which will not suffer the vvind to haue his free passage vvhich othervvise nature vvould expell as his enimie The cures may be diuers because it is a disease that few Farriers vnderstand I wil set downe seueral cures because if one thing cannot be spedily procured another may First it may be an obstruction for that the horse hath the stone cannot stale first take a quart of white wine halfe a pinte of burre seed beaten smal 2 ounces of parslyseed of smalage Saxafrage the roots of philupendula Grommell seed broom seed of each 2. ounces beaten to fine pouder a good handfull of water-cresses and lay them in steep all night and in the morning strain them cleane and put to it a litle black sope and a litle butter and ride him till he begin to sweat then set him in your stable with a great quantitie of sweet litter vnder him and cloath him warme and so let him stand meatles seuen or eight houres then giue him dryed oates vvarm vvater vvith a quantitie of sallet oyle to drinke and before he haue this drinke let him fast all night If he be a Horse there is nothing better for him then to couer a Mare For the same if you think it to come of winde THis commeth vvhen a horse is ridden hot and set vp cold he vvill pine avvay and forsake his meate keep him emptie all night in the morning take a quart of vvhite vvine four ounces of Fenegreck 7 ounces of baies as much corne pepper an oūce of Graines an ounce of Ginger 2. handfuls of vvater cresses a handful of sage a pound of Sēgreen and wring out the iuce another of mints stamp them put them into the wine let them stand on the fire till it boyle then straine it out and giue it him blood warme with a litle hony For the same TAke a quart of Malmsie of cloues pepper Sinamō of each half an ounce of suger half a quarter and giue it the horse luke warme and labour him vpon it one houre that he dung and stale and keep him with warme water But if he be a stond horse there is not any better thing then that he hauè his ful desirewith a mare if he cannot pisse or be troubled with the Collick it helpeth many sicknesses and strengtheneth Nature For the same TAke a pint of white wine and stamp to powder three of foure Cantharides they are a kinde of flyes which you shall haue at the Apothecaries when your horse is very empty giue them vnto him being very well wrought and brued into the white wine luke warme vnderstand I pray you that these flyes are a verye corosiue and eating through as poyson and they will not be stopped by any humor with twice giuing it would cure any cholick that had not bin very old After these many medicines for a cholick to refresh your conceits I will set downe two other cures which I finde in some Writers leaue
cloath him very warme and so let him stand foure houres then vnbit him and if it be in the winter giue him wheat strawe but no hay and if in sommer giue him grasse and for nine daies giue him onely mashes to drinke with some sallet oyle or hogs grease in it CHAP. 88. For the hawe in the eye THis is knowne to all Smithes and no doubt is ingendered by some grosse humor defending out of the head the cure thereof is to pul both the eye-lidds open with 2 seuerall threds stitched with a needle to either of the lidds then catch hold of the hawe with the stich of another needle and thread and pull it out so farre as you may stay it with your singer to the intent it may be cutte round the bredth of a penny and leaue the blacke behinde for by cutting away too much of the fatt and blacke of the eye the Horse many times becometh bleer-eyed and therfore you must spare the fat which is the wash of the eie and the filme wherein the eye groweth but cutt betwene the filme and the crush and then squirt in a little white wine or beere CHAP. 89. For the Lunaticke eyes FOr as much as they are so called I am content so to continue the name and it is said that the Horse becometh blind at certain times in the moone thereupon most men doe gather that his sight is good or bad according to the Naturall course of the Moone but the truth thereof is from the Naturall sight of the eye which is a blewish eie or sight and all Horses that are so sighted after extraordinary heat and trauell wil be blew and haue a filme ouergrow the sight so as he cannot see and although it be cured yet vpon like occasion will fall blinde againe which I haue often seene therfore horses that haue such blew eies are to be anoided the full experience whereof I had from that worthy Ferrar M. Iohn Orpen of Greenewich deceassed who alwaies cured the same by thrusting Tutty into their eyes with his singer but if you lay vpon the temples of his head a plaister of pitch rosen and masticke and then with a sharpe knife make two slitts on both sides of his head an inche long somewhat towards the nose a handfull beneath the eyes not touching the veine and with a cornet loose the skin vpward the breadth of a groat and thrust therein a round peece of leather as broad as a two penny peece with a hole in the middest to keepe the hole open and looke to it once a day that the matter may not be stopped but run ten or eleuen daies then heale it with Turpentine Hogs grease and waxe boyled together with flaxe dipped in it and take not away the plaisters til they fall away then burne him with a small hot drawing yron made like a starre with a hole in the middest in each temple vaine where the plaister did lie in this sort ** and if this helpe not set him to carte beware you breed no colts of Horses that are so eyed for vppon euery hard trauell he wil be blinde CHAP. 90. For the canker in the eyes THis commeth by corruption of blood by meanes whereof you shall see many red pimples both within and without the eye thorough inflamation the eye will looke red and be full of corruption The cure is to let him blood on that side the necke that you see the eye is grieued a pottle or more if you see the blood very foule and the inflamation great then take 3. pintes of faire water and of roch allome and greene copporas of each halfe a pound and of white coppor as an ounce boile them vntill halfe be consumed then once a day being made warme with a fine cloth clense the eye so as it looke rawe and thus doe euery day vntill it be whole CHAP. 91. For impostumes in the eare THis commeth by some blowe or euill humors The cure is take the pouder of Linseede and of wheat flower of each halfe a pinte of hogs grease one pound warme them in a pot on the fire vntill they be throughly encorporated by continual stirring then take a peece of white leather somewhat biger then the impostumation and spred it being very warme as farre as will couer the swelling and renue it euery day vntill it breake then lance it so as the corruption may goe dounwarde and taint it to the bottome with a full taint of slaxe well dipt in this ointment following of melrosatum of Oile olife and turpentine of each two ounces and mingle them throughly well together then make him a biggin of Canuas to close in the sore so as the taint and ointment may abide with in renewing it euery day once vntil it be whole But if the paine be in the eares without great swelling which may be only with cold then take black woole dipt in the Oyle of Camomil and thrust into his eares CHAP. 92. For the Poole euill THis cōmeth of like causes groweth as a fistula betwixt the eares or nape of the neck you shal perceiue it by the swelling if it be not broken ripen it with plasters of white hogs grease as though you would scald it therewith and make him a biggin to keep it very warme and renue the plaster twice a day very hot and the sooner it will ripen then where it is softest and where the corruption may best issue forth with a round hot yron as big as your litle finger two inches beneath the softe place thrust it vpward so as the point of the yron may come forth at the ripest place then taint it with flaxe dipt in hogs-grease and lay also a plaister of hoggs-grease vpon the same renewing it 4 or 5 da then after take half a poūd of turpentine cleane washed and dry from the water with two yolkes of egs and a litle saffrone and mingle them together then with a quil search the depth of the hole and taint it with a sponge so big as the hole to the bottome well anointed with that ointment and so thrust it with a quill into the wound to the bottom and a warme plaster of hoggs grease to couer it renevving it tvvice a day but vvhen the svvelling ceasseth vse no plaster CHAP. 93. Of the Viues THis commeth of corruption of blood the cure is draw them with a hot Iron right down in the midst from the root of the eare so far as the tip of the eare will reach being pulled downe and againe vnder the roote of the eare with a hot yron drawe two strikes on each side like a broad arrow head thus then in the middest of the first line lance them with a Lancelet or Rasor taking holde of the kirnels with a paire of pinsers but beware you touch them not with your bare finger pull them so far out with your pinsers as you may cut the kirnels out without hurting the vaine then fill
qualities moisture and drought for too much moisture oppresseth the naturall heate as wee see greene wood quench an vnequall quantitie of fire so that the good and iust proportion of temperate mixture are true causes of long life for all mixture of superstuities is against these three 1. Nature 2. Enemie to good digestion 3. And found Nutrition The first cause Temperature is a firme and standing habit of the body Now if it be demaunded what this iust proportion is and when they are truelye tempered so as may be best auaileable for long life the answere is that heate and moisture are then well proportioned when neither the moisture with his too greate quantitie deuoureth the heate nor the ouermuch heat too suddenly consumeth and eateth vp the moisture yet must the heate haue a kinde of dominion ouer the moisture else it cannot bee able to nourish the body For in nutrition the thing nourished by reason of the instrument ordained for that purpose must actually work vpon that wherby it is nourished because that euerie agent must be proportioned vnto the patient in the equalitie of excesse therefore must the heate being the vegetatiue soules actiue instrument of Nutrition haue dominion ouer the moisture the subiect matter of that facultie The second cause The second cause of long life is the moderation of their naturall appetite of eating being auaileable either in excesse to kill or in moderation to saue by which moderation the horse shal daily repaire the decay of his humidity by supply of moderate nourishment and neuer ouerwhelme his heat with aboundance of moisture neither mingle his radicall moisture with too much superfluous impurities for the extreames are dangerous both excesse defect to much eating hindering good digestion and ingendering crudities to little eating giuing occasion of the heats too suddaine preuailing ouer the moisture both which are friends to sicknes and death The third cause The third cause of long life is moderate labour a thing very auaileable to digestion dispersing the nourishment into the parts of the bodie and as a bellowes to kindle and reuiue their natural heat for ouer●●●h rest by excesse of humors cooleth the bodie And as the elementish fires which wee vse vnlesse it be sometime blowne and fed as it were with aire which in naturall qualitie is moist is extinguished so their naturall heat without moderate labour and excercise is after a sort cast a sleepe or rather benummed whence proceedeth that other daughter of dulnes collection of excrementall superfluities their heat not being able to digest their receiued nourishment and thence commeth their many corruptions and sincke of vnnatural humors as we see standing water soonest putrifie and gather filth And therefore beware to trauell Horses before they haue thoroughly digested their meat for thereby they clog their stomackes and make them vnfit after concoction and withall fill their bodies with ouer rawe humors which by excercise are dispersed thorough the veines into all the partes of the bodie And therefore neither too much labour neither to vehement nor yet continual for these by consuming of the spirits are like hurtfull neither too little for continued rest and idlenes engender putrifaction The fourth cause of long life The fourth cause of long life is moderate vse of sleepe and waking for they are the maintenance of life in their mediocritie and both hurtful if beyond measure for the immoderat watching wasteth the spirits and consumeth the vitall iuice causes leannes hindereth the operation of the sence and dryeth the marrowe the braine and the moderate sleepe hindereth health dulleth the naturall heate and consumeth the moisture and sleepe is but a vapour ascending from the stomacke to the braine which benummeth the braine for a time and keepeth the bodie sencelesse and the sooner and more prouoked by full feeding The fift cause The fift cause of long life is to keep a Horse from excessiue spending himselfe vppon Mares for it is deaths best harbinger for it wasteth the spirits weakeneth the stomacke and dryeth vp the braine and marrowe and therefore the reason why a Mule being a mixt creature begotten betwixt a Horse and an Asse is longer liued then either of them is for that his iusting in that kinde is but once onely in the whole course of his life The sixt cause of long life The sixt cause is moderate riding in lōg iournies for by the immoderat emission of heat into the outward parts of the body it kindleth the fire of cholor which being vehement is an horror vnto nature and inflameth the blood so as if the Horse at that instance be not very empty and cleane in the body the blood and humors being mingled together are through the violence thereof dispersed into all the parts of the bodie and then a suden colde taken vppon it which seldome escapeth the same dooth presently putrifie the blood and congealeth it to the in●uitable danger of the Horse The seuenth cause The seauenth cause is wholesomnesse of ayre and soile cleane keeping the stable sweete cleane olde and dry meat when he is in the stable dressing him in some shed out of the stable that the filth of his bodie do not come neere his manger neither stinking litter lying vnder the manger continually fuming vp to his head neither euill sauour neere to the stable The eight cause is The eight cause not to trauell or labour a Horse that is taken from grasse vntill he be purged and clensed from his superfluous humors which he hath gathered at grasse in the time of his rest and full feeding the which being many by his trauell and heat will by the veynes be dispersed into all the parts of the bodie which afterwards cannot be taken away without great perrill and when hee is made cleane he will draw his breath long and be cleane and empty betwixt his Iawes without any impostumation The ninth cause knob or kirnell The ninth cause is to keepe the Horse whiles hee feedeth in the stable from all rawe and greene meat the mother of many vnnatural humors and the nurse of many inward diseases proceeding from the aboundance thereof and the corruption of blood The tenth cause is The tenth cause to keeep the Horse from eating and drinking whiles he is hotte for that weakeneth the hearte and spirits hindereth appetite and maketh digestion vnperfect and often times present death The cleuenth cause is neither to wash nor walke him after trauell and labour The eleuenth cause but to set him in the stable warme clothed and painefully rubbed and dryed and if necessitie inforce to wash his legs with beere and butter or dish water or beefe broth made warme and clense cleere and rub them thoroughly both cleane and dry and litter him with plenty of sweete strawe and if he haue not drunke in the time of his trauell then when he is colde and has well eaten giue him warme water to
drinke vvith a little Malte Meale or Bran. The twelfth last cause of long life is The twelfth cause to put often times into his prouender the powder of Anniseeds Licorish Fenegricke Turmericke Bay-berries the powder of brimstone white Lillie rootes small chopped Ennula campana rootes small chopped or the povvder thereof Rootes of Polipodium of the oke small chopped or the povvder thereof Sauen small cut Marshe vvoorme-vvood small cut or the povvder thereof Garlicke small chopped Tobacco smal chopped Hearb of grace smal chopped Isop Horehovvnd and Coltefoote smal chopped or some of them vvhich vvill keepe him sound and perfect from all inward diseases Thus hauing briefely set dovvne the invvard causes of long life wherout you may deduce the cōtraries sicknes and short life for such is the disposition of Horses and of all creatures bodies that by the continuall combat and enterchangeable dominion of the euer-iarring elements they often change their primary constitution so that if there were no cause of transmutation which notwithstanding are many and manifolde yet hauing that home-bred cause within them that would in time alter their temperature for we see the same bodies in youth and old age diuersly tempered euen by the variation of their originall constitution and the infallible cause of their diuersitie and difference although many times not the onely cause but that onely which proceedeth from the inward ingendred cause of destruction thorough some accidental immoderate contingent or vnnaturall action which sometime happeneth in their full strength and perfection for that which is onely naturall neuer passeth from one extreame vnto another Aristotle in his tripertite diuision of ages but by the meane And although experience the naturall and true mother of knowledge time the mother of truth who euermore bringeth her owne daughter to perfection approoue the contrariety of the inherent qualities of heat colde drynes moisture the onely causes of invvard diseases and the continuance and vnperceiueable lingering thereof the principle cause of their vntimely death knovving a successiue impairing alvvaies importeth a small dissolution so that the preuention of the extremity and suppressing the dominion of the contraries there is not so much as an apparance of their perpetuitie yet vvho is he that seeth his Horses enioy but a small perfection of health doth not possesse himselfe with the forgetfulnesse thereof and of their mortalitie whence you see how farre they wrong their sences and themselues from iudgement standing stil to beholde the execution of doubtfull issues neuer remembring that as from the firmest friendshippes doe spring the greatest enmities so from soundest health the deadliest maladies Therefore qui causam rei praestat is remprestare videtur he that preuenteth the cause of sicknesse preuenteth the sicknes it selfe it is not better occurrere malo quam postea remedium querere to preuent the disease then afterwardes to seeke remedie for the disease but how a perfect order and stability should consist in these disioyned subiectes vnlesse the origionall causes there of had bene formerly expressed without begetting error the childe of confusion extendeth beyond the limits of vnderstanding It therefore remaineth how to cure those horses that haue inward diseases and afterwards the outward diseases CHAP. 59. The meanes to helpe and preserue horses from the inward diseases THere are foure waies or meanes to preserue and keepe horses from their inward diseases viz. purging sweating letting blood and vomiting whereof in order First of purging which may bee saide two-folde outward inward the time of purging or clensing the outward parts must be presently after the taking of the horse from Grasse into the stable which euer wold be at or before the feast of Saint Bartholmew by reason of the great moistnes and colde that then vsually happen to be taken vp very gently for fear of heating of him least his humors thereby should be dissolued by the veines and Arteries into euerie part of the body and that euery horse at such times are ful of humors appeareth in the best spirited horses if you then perceiue their actions how lubburish and heauily they performe the same at such times The manner of purging or clearing the outward parts of the bodye would bee in this manner First sheare his eares and a little place behinde for the head-stall to lye flat and euen Then take Sope and annoint his head and iawes therewith and then take warm Buck-lie and wash and clense the same in euerie part so cleane as is possible from all sweate and scurffe and presently rubbe his head and euerie part with cleane linnen cloathes and after with wollen cloathes verie drie then put on his head a double whood or beggin made of purpose to keepe all the parts of his head verie warme Then if it bee a faire warme day in the Sunne in like maner wash purge and clense all his body and euerie part thereof especially his maine taile and cods then rubbe him and cleare him verie dry and cloath him and stuffe him verie warme and giue him plenty of sweet cleane litter Then annoint all his hoofes hauing first washed them and made them dry with this oyntment Take of Turpentine and sheepe suet halfe a pound of vnwrought waxe a quarterne of Allom of Sallet Oyle halfe a pinte of Tarre a quarter of a pinte boile themll together vntill they be well incorporated keepe it in a pot and euerie day his feet being clean annoint his hoofes therewith neither let him goe at grasse if he be a horse of worth aboue one moneth in the yeare at any time after The manner of purging or clensing the inner parts of the horse A moste excellent Glister to be giuen within a day or two after the horse is taken frō grasse must euermore be done before hee be laboured or exercised in this manner viz. First annoint your hand with sope and thrust your arme into his fundament and rake out al the dung and then giue him this glister take of Malloes three handfuls Marsh mallowe rootes two handfuls bruised Violet leaues two handfuls Flaxe-seed three spoonefuls and a good quantitie of the white Lilly rootes and boyle them together in a Gallon of faire water to a Wine quart straine it and put thereto of Seene one Ounce let it steepe in the lycour three hovvers ouer embers then put to it of Sallet-oyle halfe a pinte and being blood vvarme giue it him in a glister and make him keepe it so long as you may and this vvould be done three or foure daies before thefull or nevv moone The next day after he hath taken the saide glister giue him early in the morning this drinke viz. Take a quart of the strongest and best alevvorte a quarter of a pinte of honny and six penny vvorth of the best treacle vvell mixed and brued together and keepe him meatles after six houres and let him not drinke any colde vvater but a mashe and eate svveet vvheat stravve and