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water_n half_a ounce_n small_a 3,273 5 6.7851 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A06288 Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague as for preuenting the infection; with many easie medicines of small charge, very profitable to His Maiesties subiects / set downe by the Colledge of Physicians by the Kings Maiesties speciall command ; with sundry orders thought meet by His Maiestie, and his Priuie Councell, to be carefully executed for preuention of the plague ; also certaine select statutes commanded by His Maiestie to be put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme ; together with His Maiesties proclamation for further direction therein, and a decree in Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates. Royal College of Physicians of London. 1636 (1636) STC 16769.5; ESTC S108814 57,021 154

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putrefaction such are these Pills which are vsually to be had at good Apothecaries and are called Pestilentiall Pills Take Aloes two ounces Myrrhe and Saffron of each an ounce Ammoniacum halfe an ounce make them vp into a masse with the Iuice of Limons or white Wine vineger to keep the bodie open A small Pill or two will be enough taken a little before supper or before dynner but to purge the bodie take the weight of a dram made into fiue or six or more Pills in the morning fasting and that day keepe your Chamber If the Patient be costine and bound in his body let him take a suppositary made with a little boiled honey and a little fine powder of salt and so taken in at the fundament and kept till it mooue a stoole For the poore take Aloes the waight of six pence put in the pappe of an Apple and for the Richer Pills of Ruffus to be had in euery Apothecaries shop Such as are tied to necessarie attendance on the infected as also such as liue in visited houses shall doe well to cause Issues to to be made in their left Armes or right legs or both as the Doctor shall thinke fit Blood letting IF the Patient be ful of bloud and strong let him be let bloud vpon the Liuer-veine in the right Arme or in the Median veine of the same arme if no sore appeare For bloud-letting and strong purging there must bee particular directions had from the Doctors deputed according to the constitution of the parties These two last remdies of blood-letting and strong purgings are to bee vsed the first day that the Patient shall fall sicke as cause shall be to vse the one or the other no sore appearing In which case if any sore or spots shall appeare they are both to be forborne Vomits To prouoke vomit with two ounces of Ranck Oyle or Walnut Oyle a spoonefull of the Iuice of Celendine and halfe a spoonfull of the Iuice of Radish roote or two spoonfuls of Oxymel of Squils with Posset drink and oile Medicines expulsiue THe poison is expelled best by sweating prouoked by posset ale made with Fennell and Marigolds in winter and with Sorrell Buglosse and Borage in summer with the which in both times they must mingle London Treacle the waight of two drammes and so to lay themselues with all quietnesse to sweat one halfe houre or an houre if they be strong For the cure of the Infected vpon the first apprehension B ur seeds Cucheneely powder of Harts horne Citron seeds one or more of them with a few graines of Camphire are good to bee giuen in Carduus or Dragon water or with some Treacle water Take Burre seeds and Cucheneely of each halfe a dramme or to a weak body of each one scruple Camphire fiue graines mix these with two ounces of Carduus or Dragon water halfe an ounce of Treacle water sirrup of Wood sorrell a spoonefull mix these giue it the Patient warme couer him to sweat you may giue him a second draught after twelue houres let him drinke no cold drinke this posset drinke or the like will be good to giue the visited liberally Take Wood-Sorrell halfe a handfull Marigold flowers halfe so much shavings of Harts-horne three drams a figge or two sliced boile them well in cleare posset drink let them drink thereof freely you may put thereto a little suger Take Citron seeds six or eight shavings of Harts-horne halfe a dramme London Treacle one dramme mix them with two ounces of Carduus water or with three ounces of the prescribed posset drinke Drinke it warme and so lie to sweat Take Sorrell-water fiue or sixe spoonfuls Treacle-water one spoonefull London-Treacle one dramme and a halfe mix them well giue it warme and so lay the Patient to sweat Take Tormentill and Celandine roots of each foure ounces Scabious and Rue of each one handfull and a halfe White wine viniger three pints boile these till one pint be wasted straine out the liquor which reserue for the vse of the Infected let it be taken thus Take of this liquor and of Carduus water of each one ounce and an halfe London Treacle one dramme and a halfe Bole-Armoniak halfe a scruple put thereto a litte sugar mix them well let the partie drinke it warme and couer him to sweat In Summer this is good TAke the Iuice of Wood-sorrel two ounces the Iuice of Lymons one ounce Diascordium one dramme Cinamom sixe grains Viniger halfe an ounce giue it warme and lay the sicke party to sweat Vse this in case of Fluxes of the belly or want of rest Take an Egge and make a hole in the top of it Take out the white and yolke fill the shell with the weight of two french crownes of Saffron rost the said Egge thus filled with Saffron vnder the Embers vntill the shell begin to wax yellow Then take it from the fire and beat the shell and Saffron in a morter together with halfe a spoonefull of mustard seed Take of this powder a French crowne waight and as soone as you suspect your selfe infected dissolue it into ten spoonfuls of posset Ale and drinke it luke-warme Then go to bed and prouoke your selfe to sweating Or Take one dram of the Electuarium de Ouo Take fiue or six handfuls of Sorrell that groweth in the field or a greater quantity according as you wil distill more or lesse of the water thereof and let it lie infused or steeped in good vineger the space of twenty foure houres Then take it off and dry it with a linen cloth and put it into a limbeck and distill the water thereof and as soone as you finde your selfe touched with the sicknesse drinke foure spoonfuls of the said water with a little sugar and if you be able walk vpon it vntill you sweat if not keep your bed and being well couered prouoke your selfe to sweating Take of the root Butter-burre otherwise called Pestilent wort one ounce of the root of great Valerian a quarter of an ounce of Sorrell an handfull boyle all these in a quart of water to a pinte then straine it and put thereto two spoonefulls of Vineger two ounces of good Sugar boyle all these together vntill they be well mingled let the infected drink of this so hot as he may suffer it a good draught and if he chance to cast it vp againe let him take the same quantity straight way vpon it and prouoke himselfe to sweat Or the Infected may take one dram of this powder following Take Sugar of Roses foure ounces Ginger two ounces Camphire one ounce make these into fine powder keep it made vp into Balls with Wine Take of the powder of good Bay-berry the huske taken away from them before they be dried a spoonfull let the Patient drinke this well mingled in a draught of good stale Ale or Beere or with a draught of white Wine and go to bed and cast himselfe into a sweat and forbeare sleep Take the inward Bark
Labdanum of each two drams more or lesse as shall be thought fit to mixe with the other things make hereof a ball to carry about you you may easily make a hole in it and so weare it about your neck with a string The richer sort may make vse of this Pomander TAke Citron pills Angelica seeds Zedoary red Rose leaues of each halfe a dram yellow Sanders Lignum Aloes of each one scruple Galliae Moschatae foure scruples Storax Calamit Beuzoni of each one dram Camphire six graines Labdanum three drams Gum Tragaranth dissolued in Rose water enough to make it vp into a Pomander put thereto six drops of spirit of Roses inclose it into an Iuory box or weare it about your neck By inward Medicines LEt none go fasting forth euery one according to their fortunes let them eat some such thing as may resist putrefaction Some may eat Garlike with Butter a Cloue two or three according to the ability of their bodies some may eat fasting some of the electuary with Figs and Rue hereafter expressed some may vse London Treacle the weight of eight pence in a morning taking more or lesse according to the age of the party after one houre let them eat some other breakfast as bread and butter with some leaues of Rue or Sage and in the heat of summer of Sorreli or Wood-sorrrell To steep Rue Wormwood or Sage all night in their drink and to drink a good draught in the morning fasting is very wholsome or to drink a draught of such drink after the taking of any of the preseruatiues will be very good In all summer Plagues it shal be good to vse Sorrell sawce to be eaten in the morning with bread and in the fall of the leafe to vse the iuyce of Barberies with bread also By Cordialls Mithridates medicine of Figs. TAke of good Figs and Walnut kirnels of each twenty foure Rue picked two good handfulls of Salt halfe an ounce or somewhat better first stamp your Figs and Walnuts well together in a stone morter then adde your Rue and last of all your Salt mixe them exceedingly well take of this mixture euery morning fasting the weight of sixteene pence to children and weake bodies lesse Or this will be effectuall also TAke twenty Walnuts pill them Figs fifteen Rue a good handfull Tormentill roots three drams Iuniper berries two drams Bole Armoniack a dram and a halfe First stamp your roots then your Figs and Seeds then adde your Walnuts then put to your Rue and Bole and with them put thereto sixe drams of London Treacle and two or three spoonfuls of wine vineger mixe them well in a stone motrer and take of this euery morning the quantitie of a good nutmegg fasting they that haue cause to goe much abroad may take as much more in the euening two houres before supper For women with child children and such as cannot take bitter things vse this TAke conserue of red Roses conserue of Wood-sorrell of each two ounces conserues of Borage of Sage flowers of each sixe drams Bole Armoniack shauings of Harts horne Sorrell seeds of each two drams yellow or white Sanders halfe a dram Saffron one scruple Sirrupe of Wood-sorrell enough to make it a moist Electuary mixe them well take so much as a Chesnut at a time once or twice a day as you shall finde cause For the richer sort TAke the shauings of Harts horne of Pearle of Corall Tormentill rootes Zedoarie true Terra Sigillata of each one dram Citron pills yellow white and red Sanders of each halfe a dram white Amber Hyacinth-stone prepared of each two scruples Bezoar stone of the East Vnicornes horne of each 24. graines Citron and Orange pills canded of each three drams Lignum Aloes one scruple white Suger Candie twice the weight of all the rest mixe them well being made into a Dredge powder Take the weight of 12. d. at a time euery morning fasting and also in the euening about fiue a clocke or an houre before supper With these powders and Sugar there may be made Lozenges or Manus Christies and with conuenient conserues they may be made into Electuaries All which and many more for their health they may haue by the aduice and directions of their owne Physicians or at least Physicians will not be wanting to direct them as they may haue need to the poore for charities sake They may also vse Bezoar water or Treacle water distilled compounded by the Physicians of London and known by the name of aqua Theriacalis stillatitia which they may vse simply or they may mixe them also with all their Antidotes as occasion shall require The vse of London Treacle is good both to preserue from the sicknesse as also to cure the sicke being taken upon the first apprehension in a greater quantitie as to a man 2. drams but lesse to a weake body or a childe in Carduus or Dragon water Take of the finest cleare Aloes you can buy in colour like to a liuer and therefore called Hepatica of Cinamon of Myrrhe of each of these the weight of three French Crownes or of two and twentie pence of our money of Cloues Maces Lignum Aloes of Mastick of Bole Orientall of each of these halfe an ounce mingle them together and beat them into a very fine powder of the which take every morning fasting the weight of a groat in white wine delayed with water Take a dry Figg and open it and put the kernell of a Walnut into the same being cut very small three or fower leaues of Rue commonly called Herbgrace a corne of Salt then rost the Figg and eat it warme fast three or fower houres after it and vse this twice in the weeke Take the powder of Tormentill the weight of six pence with Sorrell or Scabious water in Summer and in the Winter with the water of Valerian or common drincke wherein hath bene infused the fore named herbes Or else in one day they may take a little Wormewood and Valerian with a graine of Salt in an other day they may take seuen or eight berries of Iuniper dried and put in powder and taking the same with common drincke or with drincke in which Wormewood and Rue hath been steeped all night Also the Treacle called Diatessaroum which is made but of foure things of light price easie to be had Also the roote of Enula Campana taken in powder with drinke Likewise a piece of Arras roote kept in the mouth as men passe in the streets Take six leaues of Sorrell wash them with water and vineger let them lie in the said water and vineger a while Then eats them fasting and keepe in your mouth and Chew now and then either Setwall or the roote of Angelica or a little Cinamom or foure graines of Myrrhe or so much of rattle Snake roote By Medicines Purgatiue IT is good for preuention to keep the bodie reasonable open especially with such things as are easie of operation and good to resist