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A03479 A needefull, new, and necessarie treatise of chyrurgerie briefly comprehending the generall and particuler curation of vlcers, drawen foorth of sundrie worthy wryters, but especially of Antonius Calmeteus Vergesatus, and Ioannes Tagaltius, by Iohn Banister ... Hereunto is anexed certaine experiments of mine ovvne inuention, truely tried, and daily of me practised. Banister, John, 1540-1610. 1575 (1575) STC 1360; ESTC S100786 92,466 324

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ex qua fit vitrū half a poūd Axungij veteris one quart Let them all remaine mixed with Liee whereof Sope is made the space of seuen dayes afterwarde straine it and boyle it to the hardenes of a stone or to a sufficient thickenes and drienes ad to if you will Saponis moll one ounce And this not onely auayleth to take awaye fleshe but also to consume Fistulous hardenes I● shal be good also to vse Aqua sublimata as is in the aforesaide Chapiter whiche without great paine doth corrode heale both the Ulcers of the mouth and other partes Or vse this in liquid fourme following Rec. Terebentinae lotae halfe an ounce Cerae albae ii dragmes Melte them together and adde therto Hidrargyri sublimati one ounce So stirre them together till they be cold Or Rec. Hidrargyri sublimati i. ounce Sanguis Draconis ii dragmes Make it in poulder and strewe it into the Ulcer els rowle Bombast on thy instrumēt fasten it in the Ulcer or Ueine where hence the bloude floweth Which is is astringent and hath power to cauterize and then to finishe flye to the cure of Gangrena or Sphacelus and also for this purpose many thinges are to bee founde profitable in the chapiter aforegoing Of the deepe and Crooked Vlcer THe methode in curing depe and crooked Ulcers appertaineth to diet and other vniuersall order according to the disposition of the bodie and Ulcers forseeing and preuenting all paine intemperature c. associating the Ulcer for alwaye the causes bothe efficient and fauouring must be resisted The parte affected must be so ordred that the Ulcers orifice may decline downward whereby the matter may more easely auoyde● but if that can not bee done incision is to bee made from the orifice to the bottom of the Ulcer chiefly if the hollowenes be along or nere the skinne els if the imminēt daūger prohibite the same in the botome at the least it ought to bee opened and annointed with a mundifying vnguent The which if it cannot be fitly applied then in to the hollowe and crooked corners must iniections mundicatiue be ministred for whiche purpose these or suche like are profitable viz. Oximel Oenomel of astringent wyne Aqua alluminosa cum melle Lixiuium Aqua marina Egipt ac pulueris Mercurii Dissolued in hony lye as in the aforesayd chapter Rec. Aquae Plantaginis an ii ounc Peculi rosar Caprifolii Vng. Egiptiacū i. ounce and s. Make thereof iniection Or Rec. Aquae Plantaginis an foure ounces Peculi Rosarum Vini albi ii ounces Aluminis vsti half an ounce Baccarum mirti an one dragme Aloes Make iniection Or Rec. Hordei integri i. P. s. Ceterach an one handfull Agrimoniae Centaureae minor an halfe a handful Absinthii Coquantur in Mellicrato and make thereof iniection And when the Ulcer is sufficiently wel clensed then vse this folowing to regenerate the substaunce Rec. Hordei i. P. and a halfe Radicis ireos Foliorum oliuae an halfe a handfull Plantaginis Agrimoniae Boyle them in water in half a pound of the strained liquor dissolue Mel. Rosar colata ii ounces Mirrhae ii dragmes and a halfe Thuris an one dragme Masticis Make thereof iniection Or Rec. Decoct Hordei one pounde Mel. Rosar col iii. ounces Sarcocollae ii dragmes Mirrae an one dragme Thuris Vini vi ounces Boile them to the consumption of the thirde parte whereto may bee added if it seme requisite some Aloes Rec. Farinae Hordei an one ounce Lupinorum Mel. iiii ounces Thuris an one dragme Mastices Mirtice halfe an ounce Terebentinae lotae i. ounce s. Olei hiperici q. s. Make thereof an vnguent and this or the aforesayde shal be auaileable Afterwarde applie this cerote folowing Rec. Nitri tenuiss pul i. quart Aquae Rosar ii ounces and a half Boile them together at a gentle fier to sufficient thickenes euer stirring it and after ad to it Rec. Terebentinae an one quart Olei veteris Cerae q. s. Boile them together againe stirring them still and make thereof a cerote Fitte also to bee applied alofte is Emplastrum de Minio vel Apostolo Chirurg vel Diacalchiteos wherto to increse exic●ation and astriccion we may mingle Nonnihil calchitidis Corticis Granat Gallarum Omphacitidū in pul redact In the meane season let vs defende the nighe partes with medicines partlye repellent and partly discutient or washe it with this decoction folowing Rec. Calamithi Origani Saluiae an one handfull Matricariae Adsinthij Rosmarini Camomeli an one P. Stecados Ros. rub Nucis cupressi x. Salis ii ounces Aluminis x. dragmes Mellis one pound Boile them in Lee or sower wine to the third part and make a fotiō or take other astringentes namely Sumach Plantago Balaust Herb. Rosar Mirt. And boile thē in wyne Also it were profitable to applie a peece of Leade in the orifice and to vse ligatures so that the matter may auoide or a sponge likewyse in the orifice that by the sucking and drawyng thereof the Ulcer may be dried Of the Fistula DUe diet being prescribed and the bodie according to that nature of humors being prouidētly purged the inner parts are next to be strengthened and this decoc●ion folowing to bee geuen in drinke Whiche hath bene proued and tried by sundrie Authours exceeding cōmodious in this kinde of case Rec. Osmunde regalis ana parte● Filix mas Diosc. dicitur Scrophulariae Agrimoniae an tvvo partes Centaurie minoris Aristolo an halfe a parte Gentianae Radi filicis partem Filipendulae ii partes Boyle them in whyte wyne adding to Zacchari q. s. and let the party take of the decoction daily a prety quantitie And good it were to ad to the same decoction Guiacum And after Callus be remoued and taken awaye the vse of Guiacum in wyne or water boyled hauing respecte to the strengthe and humors and how much or howe little drying is expedient Iniectiōs here are also profitable such as is afore in the chap. of the crooked Ulcer or els make a decoction ex Radic filicis Agrimoniae foliorum Oliuae wherein dissolue Egiptiac or Apostolo as shal be needefully required Or Rec. Lixiuij ex cineribus brassicae cortic Fabarum iiii ounces whereto ad Mel. Rosar one ounce and a halfe Aluminis halfe an ounce Boile them a litle then take the decoction iii. ounces wherto ad Pulueris Precipitati halfe an oūce Make thereof an iniection or vse the destilled water Stercoris humani Els. Rec. Terebintinae one ounce Thuris ii ounces Mastic Aloes Gariofilorum Galangiae an one ounce Cinamomi Nucis muscatae Cubebarum Croci Gummi Hederae vi ounces Infuse them in whyte wyne and Aqua vitae and distille them and vse this distilled water for an iniectiō to the Fistula And after the infection applie one of the Emplastres aforesayde as Emplastrum Diuinum or Gratia Dei. Some appoint to fill the Fistula with Hellebory and so to remaine three
daies Notwithstāding I hauing proued the like once in a Fistula of the ridge of the backe next the region of the harte there chaunced to the pacient Lipothimia To conclude I iudge it nothing profitable chieflye if the Fistula be in any part of the brest If the Fistula bee newe it is cured with the aforesayde remedies but if it be old the orifice streit it must well be enlarged either with Penicillo or a tent of Gentian or a Sponge often prepared Rec. Cerae an one ounce Resinae Hidrargyri sublimati one drag vel one dragme and a halfe Melt the waxe with Rosin and then ad to the sublimate and in that mixture dip the Sponge and straight take it foorthe least it be burned and presse it diligently and so apply it to the orifice of y Fistula the which when it is large enough must be rooted out either with sharper medicines incision or cautery els cut it in the botome and applie thereto a cauterie Medicines whiche take awaye the Fistula are these viz. Trochi Asphedi Helleborū Auripig rub sublimatum or the sublimated water aforesayd Arsenicum or Trochi de Arsenico but if thou minister Arsnick thre or foure times mixed and dried with the iuyce Solani Mandragorae ii ounces then vse thy defensitiue round about as Vng. de Bolo arme c. least perhaps by the paine inflammation doe happen When the Fistula is where it may not safely be cutte nor yet any cauterie fit to be applied then make sharpe iniections amongest whiche wee haue often proued this very profitable Rec. Vng. Egipt halfe an ounce Sublimati halfe a dragme Arsenici one scruple Lixiuij one ounce Aquae Ros. ii ounces Aquae Plantaginis iiii ounces Boile these to the halfe and vse these for iniection three dayes together The iniection being done close vp the orifice of the Ulcer with waxe or bombast so that that within maye moue and consume the Fistula els vse Aqua forti or the cauterie aboue written After the vse of the cauterie and sharpe medicines endeuour to take awaye the ●skar and after to remoue Callus and washe the Ulcer cum mulso or decoctione erui cum melle Furthermore Rec. Terebint in aquae vitae lotae●●oū Succi Apij an vi dragmes Cinoglos Mel. Rosar col one ounce and a half Make thereof a decoction to the consumtion of halfe the iuyces afterwarde ad to Rec. Aristolo rot ii dragmes Farinae Lupinorū half an ounce Wherto if thou ad Radi peucedani Ireos Mirrhe and Sarcocoll It shal be profitable to regenerate flesh Other order is to be vsed like as in the chapiter of the deepe Ulcer When it seemeth not expedient to cut away Callus neither to vse cauterie nor sharpe medicines it only resteth to auoyde the cure Yet purge often the flegmaticke humors and melancolike and with medicines meanly drying and Emplastrum Diachilon Ireatum or Diacalciteos Of the Vlcered Canker THe methode of curing the Cankred Ulcer by diet and purgation shall be the same prescribed in the tumor Canker If it be in the outward part of the bodie whiche may be safely taken awaye with the rootes must bee cutte wholy and the grosse bloud of the veines nighe thereto pressed out afterwardes the lippes of the Ulcer to be taken awaye and finishe the cure in some with medicines cauterizing in others to consume it with a cauterie or after incision expression of the veines to applie the cauterie And amōgest cauterizing medicines Arsnick in this case is principall or the cauterie aboue written but then vse defensatiues to auoyde inflāmation Then take away the eskar and proceede as in other Ulcers But if the Canker be great and haue deepe rootes or be neare some principall member or inwarde parte or the party cannot suffer excisiō either through weakenes or feare or that by the cure thereof hee should incurre greater daunger it is enough then to hinder the Canker to encrease by diet purgation of adusted or melancolike humors and that gently with drying medicines without mordication or biting And this potion is exceeding profitable to bee vsed nine dayes before excision taking euery daye twoo ounces thereof whiche preuayleth also though the cure be desperate Rec. Radi tapsi barbati an tvvo ounces Scrophularie Filipendulae an one handfull Ceterach Herb. Roberti Agrimoniae Turmentillae Scabiosae Gariofilati Linariae Sem. Vrticae iii. drammes Florum Sambuci an one p. Rosimarinae Make thereof a decoction wherin dissolue zacchari q. s to make it pleasaunt washe the place also with the one parte thereof and applie Magma thereto in forme of a Cataplasme which is thought much to delaye paine And among simple medicines these folowing doe moste prohibite the increase of the Cankar The iuyce of Night shade Sorel c. and their stilled waters also Plumbum Antimonium other like colde drying things as Vnguentum Album vng Lithargyri vng de Plumbo pulu●r cum vino albo aut Succo acetosae vng de Pōpholig or those mixt with the aforesaide herbes in decoction or waters of Camfer Or this water folowing cannot bee in vayne applied Rec. Succi solani Semperuiui Acetosae Scabiosae Caprefolij Tapsi barbati an half a poūd Scrophulariae Fili pendulae Plantaginis Linariae Agrimoniae Succi om● hacij one pounde Carnis L●macum an halfe a poūd Ranarum Cancrorū fluuiatiliū Albumina ouorum vi Aluminis iii. ounces Caphurae one dragme Destill them all in a Leaden still and with the water washe the place and laye vpō it a clothe dipped in the same water whiche water is esteemed excellent Rec. Vng. Pompholig half a quart Vnguentum albū tvvoo ounces Litargyri an halfe an ounce Plūbi vsti loti Succi Scabiosae an tvvoo ounces Solani Olei Omphacini an foure ounces vel de ranis Stirre them in a Leaden mortar together to a whyte ointment Or. Rec. Tuthiae preparat Cerusaelotae Plumbi an one ounce and a halfe Lithargyri loti Coriandri prepar Amili Cerae albae tvvoo ounces Olei Rosar vel de Ranis i. pound Muccaginis sem● Psilij cum succo Scabiosae Herb. Roberti iii. oūces Linariae Tapsi Barb. extracti Mixe and make thereof an oyntment in a Leaden mortar Or Rec. Cerusae vst fiue times i. ounce● washed in Rose water Plumbi vsti loti Tuthiae preparatae half an ounce Lithargyri nutriti iii. dragmes Succi solani an one ounce Semperuiui Hiosciami Lactis Sem. Papaueris cum aq● Rosa extract tvvo ounces Lactis mulieris i. ounce Olei Rosar iiii ounces Cerae albae one ounce Make thereof an oyntment according to arte Or Rec. Succi fol tapsi barbati iiii oun● Mellis halfe a pounde Pul. spongiae bedega●●s iii dra● Pulueris Ma●ecorij an tvvo dragmes Ossium Mirobal Boile them to the consumption of t●● iuyces and ad to the pouders Some vse to washe the Ulcer dayl● with wyne wherin Tapsi barb hath be● boiled Others with water of Nightshade Plantaine
Roses cum Corticae Mirobal modico Aluminis somwhat boyled then to stirre the iuyce of Nightshade in a Leaden mortar to the fourme of a liniment and so applie it Rec. Plumbi vsti lot iii. dragmes Antimonij pariter lot ii drag Pomphol iiii scruples Cerusae i. drag s. Camforae i. dragme Lapid Hematitis an tvvo scruples vtriusque Corallij Cineris cancrorū fluuiat ii drag Succi plantaginis an tvvo ounces Solani Olei Rosar omphacini q. s. vel de Ranis Stirre them in a Leaden mortar to the fourme of a liniment Of the Vlcer containing vvormes TO prohibite the generatiō of wormes in Ulcers it is requisite firste to take awaye all moisture putrefactiō wherof they may be engendred wormes are destroyed by the iuyces or decoctions Absinthij Eupatorij Centaureae and such bitter thinges so doeth the iuyce of t●● leaues and flowers of Peaches bein● brused and applied Or Rec. Olei Absinthii ii ounces Succi Absinthii vi ounces Pulueris Cumini an ii ounc●● Dictamni Aloes Cerae q. s. Boile them to the fourme of an Empl●ster whiche thou maiest vse in any par● where wormes be Yarrowe also is commended for the killing of wormes both men and beastes geuing one drāme the●● of for wormes in the bellie that in ch●●●dren and to bigger folkes greater qua●●titie and an in●ection made thereof kille● wormes in the eares Of burning If it bee great a thinne diet then and ●●ders vniuersally must be prescribed a●cording to the dominion of humor sin ●● bodie Aristotle estemeth it profitable that the parte or member burned may be holden somewhat to the fier that thereby one heate maye drawe foorth another and keepe it from blistering Others with the same reason doe applie Onions with salce But the cōmon remedies are these viz. Aqua Solani Rosar vel Endiuiae lōg beaten with the white of an Egge but to mingle Uineger therwith I allowe not bicause of the sharpenes thereof but vng Album rub cum Camfora Albumine Oui aqua Rosar is very good and prohibit the generation of blisters Or Rec. Butiri recētis vel Olei sepe loti iii ounces vng Populionis one oūce and a half Oua ii Mixe them in four me of a li●iment els ex Succo Solani Semperuiui oleo violarum Cera make a liniment Or take the water wherein a Lime-stone hath bene quenched boyle it with the Oile of Nuttes then stirre it till it be thicke and an●int the place therewith seuen daies and it is a present remedy the seuen dayes ended Rec. Olei Nucum coct ii ounces Cerae halfe an ounce Stirre thē together which is not to be vsed before the generation of blitters but after they be opened Rec. Vng. Albū camforatū an tvvo ounce Vng. Popu. Mucaginis sem Cidoneorum in aqua Rosar extract one ounce s. Make thereof an vnguent If the burning seme very great ad to Mucaginis sem Psilii and Olei de Nimphea There is another vnguent made of Lime mencioned before whiche willingly I vse not to the face for that it to muche draweth a Cicatrice Or Rec. Calcis lot one vnce Cerae albae half an ounce Olei Rosar iii. ounces Stercoris colūbi vst ii dragmes Aquae Rosar one ounce Albumen oui one If neede bee to mundifie vse this following Rec. Terebentinae lotae in decoctione Hordei ii ounces Siru Rosar iiii ounces Mirt. ana one dragme A●oes Hordei q. s. To thicke it And then to induce and excellēt Cicatrice Rec. Diachilon commune ii ounces Vnguentum Pop. an three ounces Ole● Rosar Muccag sem Cidoneorū in aqua Rosar extract iiii ounces Vitellos Ouo ii Make the vnguent The Cicatrice being made anoint it daily with y oile of the yolkes of Egges and after the combustion for the repletion of the Ulcer This folowing is laudable Rec. Olei Rosar viii ounces Olei Ouorum ii ounces Vitri albiss tenuis pulueri i. oūce Corticis medii sambuci i. m. Ceraealbae one ounce and a half Boile them together and make therof an vnguent Of the particuler cure of Vlcers Vlcers of the head THe curation of Ulcers of the head differ not from the aforesayde methode viz. corroding Ulcers are cured by the methode of corrosiues and the putrefied Ulcer by like medicines saue that the outwarde skinne of the head of natural temperature requireth strong exiccatiues if Craneum be putrefied howe it shal be remoued is afore mencioned Of the mouthe IN this disease is requisite a thinne diet and suche as may decay all Flegmatike and Melancolie humors and besides that to haue euacuation of humors partly by Phlebotomie if strength and age do permitte and partly by purging medicines like as is prescribed in Oedema Scirrho wherfore this folowing also is profitable Rec. Cassiae an halfe an ounce Catholiconis Tripherae persicae i. ounce Mirobal Indorum citrinorum confricat an 2 dra Olei Amigdalarū dulciū Senae iii. dragmes Sirupi violarū q. s. fiat opiata Then approche to cōmon or simple medicines first therefore shaue or powle the head neare and washe it sixe dayes together with the decoction ex Fumaria Oxilapatho Folijs Hederae Oleastri Salicis Sic●ae Acetosae Herbae Roberti or Lixiuium exciner●bus sarmentorum vitis Fraxini braslicae conficito wherein boile Calamentum an one handfull Fol. Lauri Camomel an ii P. Mel●loti Stichados Therewith washe the head fiue or sixe dayes Afterwardes Rec. Olei Laurini an tvvo ounces Olei sem Lini Pinguedinis suillae vi ounces Terebentinae ii ounces Pul. Apij risarum i. ounce s. Elleborialbi an tvvo dragmes Aluminis vsti Eruginis Rasilis an i. dragme Auripigmenti Make thereof an vnguent Notwithstanding those sharpe medicines are not to be applied to Ulcers Or Rec. Nuces communes cum corticibus assas xx Aluminis an halfe an ounce Vitrioli Lithargyrij ii dragmes Cinabrii half an ounce Olei luniperi an tvvo ounces Nucum Resinae Picis q. s. Make thereof a liniment wherewith anoint the head being shauen before and chaffed with a rough cloth till it bee very reed Rec. Emplastri Oxicrocei one ounce Ceronei ii ounces Ammoniaci vino dissoluti albo halfe an ounce Make thereof a plaster and applie it to the head Wee haue often anoynted the head being powled with hony and sprincled aloft the poulder of Rosin and after applying Placentam ex farina Triticea in fourme and maner of a cappe and after eight dayes more taking the heare away vse this ointmēt folowing vntill the cure be finished Rec. Aluminis vst an one dragme Vitrioli Aristologiae an half an ounce Eruginis Rasilis Picis naualis ii ounces Axungiae equi i. ounce Butiri veteris one pounde Make thereof an vnguent wherewith anoint the head after the vse as aforesaid and this kinde of curation is more safe with lesse paine then others whiche wee haue proued To encrease heares FIrst consider the
and corrodeth more Rec. Mercurij precipit one ounce and a halfe Masticis tvvo dragmes Vitrioli cōbust i. drag and a half Aluminis vsti ii dragmes Corallij rub one dragme Poulder them finelye and make it to your vse ¶ Trochisis corrosiue very strong but exceading commodious being vsed with good discretion Rec. Mercurii precipit one dragme s. Mercurii sublim i. ounce i. drag Cinabrii ii drag and a half Masticis one dragme Vitrioli combusti halfe an ounce Corallii rub tvvo dragmes Amyli iii. dragmes Poulder these fine and make thereof trochisis with Muscilage of gumme Dragagant and Plantaine water drie them not at the fier but otherwyse and to occupie them make one in poulder and applie it ¶ A resolutiue plaster to be vsed vvhere any hardnes swelling or inflammation or paine is about the Ulcer Rec. Muccag altheae iii. dragmes Muccag psilii ii ounces s. Muccag dragagāti one ounce s. Olei rosar halfe a pounde Olei meliloti iii dragmes Olie Chamomillae half an ounce Olei liliacei iii. ounces Olei nenupharis ii ounces Olei violacei one ounce and a halfe Boile them together till the muscilages be consumed after ad to Ammoniaci one ounce Bdellii ana halfe an ounce Galbani Gummi Arabici iii. dragmes Opopanacis one ounce ii drag Sagapeni iii. dragmes Ping. Anseris ana halfe an ounce Anatis Resinae purae iiii ounces Terebintinae ii dragmes Cerae albae one pounde Cerusae vi ounces Plumbi albi vi ounces Dissolue the gūmes in vineger poulder that whiche is to be pouldred make it according to art in fourme of a plaster in roules of what bignes you will and so vse it ¶ A potion preparatiue for Vlcers THis I vsed in the curing of grosse Ulcered persones such as be engrossed replete with much corrupt humors for in suche bodies the Ulcers doe become rebellous and difficult to be cured for that is one of the principal thinges which maketh Ulcers hard of curatiō Neuerthelesse it must be vsed aduisedly and with good discretion that is to saye to what bodie it is geuen for as muche as that whiche helpeth a moist bodie harmeth a drie and that whiche succoureth a grosse bodie offendeth the leane c. Rec. Ligni sancti one pound and a halfe Corticis eiusdem vii ounces Salxza Parilia ii oūces and a half Aquae fontanae tvvelue pounde Vini albi foure pounde Herbarum saluiae ana i. hādful and a half Fumariae Eupatorii one handful Scabiosae ana halfe a handful Betonicae Epithimi Lapathi acuti vii ounces Rubarbari iii. dragmes Agarici ana one ounce Sem. Cartami Senae Alexandrinae vi ounces Zinziberis half an ounce Polipodii iii. ounces Galangae one ounce Sem. Anisi half an ounce Glicyrrizae rasae ana one p. Florum cordial Put all these into a narrowe mouthed pot close stopped that no aire goe foorth then set it within an other vessel of water and let it boyle the space of fourty houres then streine and clarifie it and ad thereto Mellis rosarum halfe a pounde and let the patient take thereof morning and euening the quantitie of foure or fiue ounces at a time a litle warmed the terme of three dayes together and on the fourth daye geue the patient foure ounces of the decoction adding therto Cōfection hamech● tvvo dragmes and a halfe Syrupi Cichorii cum Rubarbare one ounce Use it in this order to your patient so long as you thinke conuenient ¶ An excellent and most profitable ointment which extinguisheth the heate of al Cholericke humors flowing to any Ulcered part and moste chieflye circa vlcera virgae as if the heate be betweene Glans and preputium it yeeldeth a wonderous cōmoditie Rec. Axungiae porcinae purae i. pound and a halfe Pomorum dulcium scissorū halfe a pounde Pingued caponis ana foure dragmes Cigni Succi Limonis iiii ounces Let them boile betweene twoo pewter ●ishes on a chaffingdishe with coales the space of foure houres or vntill the iuyces be perfectly consumed then let it runne through a linnen cloth into a fayre hasen and ad therto Muccaginis psilii extracti cum aqua Plantag. one oūce and a half aquae rosaceae iiii ounces aquae Semperuiui tvvo ounces Labour them altogether so long vntill all bee encorporated brought to one vniforme substaunce and no water perceiued then haue in readines these following finely pouldred viz. Boracis one ounce and a halfe Camforae half an ounce Plumbi albi tvvo ounces Aluminis vsti halfe an ounce Mixe all these together and laboure them a whole houre and reserue it the goodnes whereof is sufficient to cōmend it selfe as the learned who ministreth aduisedly shall plainly perceiue VVhat meates are to be vsed as touching diet in Vlcered bodies GALENE sayth that in the curing of Ulcers whiche haue their beginning of other matters or humors there be thre principal wayes viz. Diet aide of medicines and operatiō of the hand And sithens diet is the moste noble and excellent instrument among the rest as Galene supposeth I haue accompted it worthy the labour only in this treatise or part to set foorth the onely order of diet to bee vsed in curation of Ulcers but amongest those thinges wherof our bodies doe chaunce necessarily to bee altered as Galene saith and wherein also the whole way or consideration of diet doth consist is especially the aire whiche doeth enuiron and compasse vs about Whereto also Galene adding sayth that whiche doth compasse and enuiron vs is that without the which neither the disease can be taken away nor the health be kept and preserued further he saith also that there is no small strength or force of preseruing the healthe by chosing the good aire and for this cause it is meete first to shewe what aire the bodye corrupt with Ulcers doth require It is worthy to be noted howe the disease is driuen awaye by the chaunging of the ayre to the sicke bodie and that is by chaunging to an other kinde of temperature in the aire whiche the dissease which is driuen awaye by his contrarie doth aptly require as if the disease be of nature colde the ayre must bee hoate and somewhat more that is to witte of a greater inequalitie of the temperature of the ayre to the propertie of the disease whereby it may the more easelye be driuen awaye as for example If the disease be colde in twoo degrees moist in one the ayre must be of greater heate then of twoo degrees and of more drienes then one degree But howe shall we be able to know or discerne exquisitely this proportion or excesse in degrees sithens Galene hath saide that the certaine quātitie of the thing can neither be written with penne nor pronounced with the tongue The Chirurgian must therefore endeuour to finde it foorth by coniecture for it suffiseth to the driuing awaye of the disease if the propulsatiue cause of the disease doe obtaine a certaine
be taken away either with cauterie actuall or corrosiue pouders the weaker sorte be these Alumen vst hermodact cū tartaro Nuclei dactil cōbustorum aqua vitae cū Sulphure vng Aposto Sem. vrticae Serpētaria squāma aeris es vstum Radix asphodeli Cinis Erinacei Stupa minutim incisa Somewhat more vehement be these Pul. Mercurij solus vel admixtus alumine vsto ad partes equales vng Aegiptiacum vel Apostolorum cum aerugine rasili vel aqua vitae ij ounces Eruginis rasilis ii drag misceantur vel linimentum aqua sublimata ter aut quater imbutum exiccatum The strongest be these viz. Calx viua Calcitis Calcanthum vstum sublimatū Hydrargyrum and like these in fourme following Rec. Hydrargyri sublimat ii drag Aluminis crudi v. drag Aqua Ros vel plantag vi ounc Bulliant ad consumptionem quarte partis And this water is of maruelous operation Rec. Salis nitri Vitrioli Romani an half an ounce Aluminis Hydrargyri sublim half a drag Aqua plantagi vi ounc Aceti ii ounc Bulliant vt dictum est But when this is applied haue in a redines vng de Bol. armeno and applye it to the places round about to preserue the partes nighe therto duely considering the quantitie of superfluous fleshe Of the discoloured Vlcer vvith hardenes of the edges VUhen the Ulcer is discoloured the edges hardened note if the hardnes be but small it may be cured by resolutiue medicines whiche be these Ping. Anser Gal. Anatis Vituli Bouis Vrsi Leonis ●orum medullae and of thē those that be newest are beste muche profitable also be these viz Ole Lill Amigdal dul Lūbric Vulpinū Oesipus Muccag Alth. Lini Fenugr omnia gummi genera Bafilicon Diachilon Emplastrum de muccagine Medulla cruris bouis cum Muccag al thee Dragagan Terebent Ole Omphacino exigua cerae parte If by gentle medicines the hardnes amend not then scarifie the edges and lay on them Mercurie in poulder then apply some of the aforesayde medicines or vse a cauterie or incision els strong medicins as is aboue mentioned first knowing the Pacientes minde and then the sense and situation of the member Rec. Lithargyrij an ii drag Lapid hematitis Vitrioli Ro. Hydrargyri sublimati ii dram and a half misce Of the Vlcer vvith tumor in the the Veines OF this we haue litle to entreate whē as touching this matter wee haue spoken sufficiently in the Ulcer with tumor This only resleth that the Ulcer can not be cured till the tumor in the veines be taken away with often bathinges and after a sorte nourishing the which being taken away with the accidētes aforesaid either it will cure it selfe or els receiue the cure of a simple Ulcer Of the Vlcer vvith putrefaction in the Boone IF in an Ulcer the Boone be also putrefied the Boone is firste to bee bared by corrosiues or other wyse as is aforsayd so much of the boone as is corrupted must be taken awaye till the Boone appeare bloudye and afterwarde applye this following Rec. Radic Aristolo rotund Ireos Peucedani Corticis panacis an ii drag Corticis Pini Thuris Aloes Puluerizentur subtilissi Which being mixed cum Melle vng Regis vel Egiptiaco apply to the place lay alofte Emplastrum Diacalcitis vel diuinū When the Boone putrified lieth so deepe that it cannot be come by with instrumente prepare this iniection following Rec. Rad. Aristolo vtriusque an i. oūc. s. Iridis Florentiae Cen taurea minor Agarici iii. drag Simphitum Hiperici an i. m. Pes Collumbini Herb. Roberti Cortic. Pini ii ounces Ros. rub an P. sem Anthos Mel Ros. cola i quart Infuse them all in wyne and still them in Limbecke and iniec●e into the Ulcer of the water thereof twise in one daye Neuerthelesse if the Boone be greatly corrupted nothing can be better therfore then Cauterie for safely and speedely it drieth both the bottome and toppe Notwithstanding so order the heate of the Iron that it serue aptly both for y depth and quantitie of the Boone corrupted for we haue seene that to hotte and vehement cauteries expelleth not so sone the Boone corrupted but haue spoyled it with corruption But if the corruption lye ye● deepe after thuse of your first cautery to the ende it may be more easely auoyded to make the Boone sounde and whole it shal be moste expedient to pearse it with many holes vntill some bloud appeare in those holes to applie a cauterie by meanes whereof the Boone may be very well dried Or els fill them with Aqua forti so shall the Boone be dried and by litle and litle expell that is corrupted And vnder that shall nature incarnate fleshe to preserue the sounde Boone from the corruption of outwarde aire To conclude the Boone corrupted shal be excluded and none or very litle humor shall folowe it After the Cauterie hath bene applied the three first dayes and the Escar remoued thē good it is to powre into the Ulcer Ol. Ros. cum Oui albumine and the three dayes following vse a digestiue made Ex Oui vitello Rosaceo deinde Butyrum cum Melle. The reste of the cure for the Boone corrupte maye happely be wrought by this water followīg Rec. Aquae vitae ter distill an iii. ounces Aquae Rosarū Sublimati i. drag Bulliāt lento igni ad sublimati dissolutionem and keepe it to thy vse in pure Uial And after the vse therof the sequele is profitable Rec. Aristolo rotun iii. dragmes Cort. Pini sing Radi Peucedani an ii dragmes Arundinis Agarici albi an i. dragme and a halfe Tartari Euphorbij i. dragme Powder them together very small and put thereof into the Ulcers orifice Els mixe it with hony or vng Regis cū melle or vng Egiptiaco and applie that to the Boone corrupted after the vse of the water and laye on alofte Emplastrum Diacalciteos or diuinum or this plaster following whiche enduceth the Boone corrupted doth mundifie and incarnate by vse whereof I neuer fayled Rec. Corticis ouorum Ossiū humanorū an ii drag Pann cōbustorū in pul redact Radi Peucedani an halfe an ounc Lumbric puluerizat Emplastri de gratia Dei. an ii oun Diachilon com Picis naualis Mixe them together and make thereof a plaster whiche applie after the vse of the water and poulder or linamente as is aforesayde And finally if the Boone be corrupted through vsque ad medullam the remedy is only to seperate the member except it be capite coxendicis vel spina dorsi and thē it is best to flee the cure Of the malignaunt Vlcer called Cacoethes IN curing these kyndes of Ulcers the causes must first be diligently searched to witte whether it be Plethora Cacochymia or Cachexia els an vniuersall intemperature or of some inward part as the Liuer Splene Uentricle
incarnatiue Memitha The lesse Salendine drie in the first degree restrictiue Mespila Medlars constrictiue Mummia Mummie hoat and drie in the seconde degree constrictiue Minimum Read lead cold drie cicatrix Maiorana Maioram hoat and drie in the thirde degree digesteth Mater syluae vide caprefolium Matricaria Mugwort hoate and drie in the seconde degree aperitiue Malauinzana Mad apples cold mo●●●● stupefactiue Melissa Balme hoate in the seconde drie in the first degree abstersiue congl●●● Mentha Minte hoate in the thirde dri● in the second degree astringent Mercurialis the trewe Mercurie hoate drie in the firste degree solutiue Millium Millet colde in the first drie in the thirde degree aperitiue Millefolium Yarrowe drie astringent Millemorbia vide Ficaria Mora vaticana Bramble hoate and drie astringent Morella Lesse nightshade or Alkakengi colde in the seconde degree and meane betweene moist and drie astringent Morsus Diaboli Diuels bitte hoate and drie dissolueth and ripeneth Morsus Gallinae Mouseare colde and moist mundificatiue Morus Mulberie Colde and moist abstersiue Malum Granatum Pomegranates the sower be colde and drie the sweete cold and moist comforting the stomacke Malum medicum Orenge colde and moiste in the firste degree the rinde is hoate and drie and comforteth the stomacke Macis Mace drie in the thirde degree without manifest heate astringent Manna hoate and drie in the seconde degree constringēt sayth Paule Egineta Mirobalani Mirabolanes colde in the firste degree drie in the seconde stiptickes Malacidonea vide cidon Malum Marathrum vide Foeniculum Marcasita hoate and drie consolidatiue and astringent Malecoria the rindes of Pomegranetes colde in the seconde drie in the thirde restrictiue N Nenuphar Water Lilies colde moist in the second degree delaying inflammations Nuces auellanae Small nuttes hoate and drie in the seconde degree abstersiue Nux Indica hoate and moist in the firste degree confortatiue Nuces cupressi Cipresse nuttes hoat and drie astringent Nux vomica the vomiting nutte hoate drie prouoking strong vomite Nux Muscata Nutmigges hoate drie in the seconde degree confortatiue Nepita vide Calamentum Nux iuglās wal nuttes the withered are hoat in the thirde degree and drie in the beginning of the second but the greene are not so hoate and drie they lose the bellie Nasturtium satiuum Garden Cresses hoate and drie in the fourth degree abstersiue Nasturtium aquaticum water Cresses hoate and drie in the thirde degree aperitiue Nasturtium tectorū wilde mustard seede hoate and drie in the fourth degree aperitiue Nil vide Guadum Nigella Romana A seede so called hoate and drie in the thirde degree clenseth the skinne Nitrum Salt peter subtillatiue mundificatiue O Opium The iuyce of black Poppie dried colde and drie in the fourth degree stupefactiue and mortificatiue Ordeum Barley colde and drie in the first degree maturatiue and abstersiue Oleum oliuarum Oile Oliue temperate and according to the qualities of simples altered Oleum muscelinum hoate mollificatiue Orobus Fetches hoate in the firste drie in the second degree apertitiue and abstersiue Oua Egges temperate the whyte cold the yolke hoate mitigatiue Opopanax A gumme hoate and drie in the thirde degree remollitiue Occularia vide eufrasia Oculus boui● Oxe eie hoate drie resolutiue Oleander hoate in the thirde drie in the seconde degree abstersiue Opthalmia vide Eufrasia Origanū Pen●rial hote drie in the 3. deg Os mundi A fetch hote drie astringēt Oriza R●se hote drie in the first degree astringent Ocimum ●ariofilatum Basill hoate in the firste drie in the second degree mūdificatiue and confortatiue Olibanum A gumme hoate and drie in the seconde degree consolidatiue Ossa combusta Burnt bones drie astringent P Plantago Plantaine colde and drie repercussiue and consolidatiue Portulaca Purslaine colde in the thirde moist in the seconde mitigatiue Populus The Poplar tree colde drie repercussiue Psilli●m Fleewort the seede is colde in the seconde degree and moiste in the firste Psidia● vide Malecoria Polium Wylde time hoat in the second drie in the thirde degree resolutiue Parietaria Pellitorie hoate and drie in the thirde degree resolutiue Piper Pepper hoate drie in the fourth degree attractiue mundificatiue Petroleum A stone of a rocke hoate and drie in the fourth degree Pix Common pitche hoate and drie in the thirde degree maturatiue abstersiue Pinguedo Fatte hoate and moist maturatiue moll●ficatiue Palma● The Date tree colde and drie in the seconde degree astringent Pentaphilon Vide quinque folium Pimpenella Pimpernell hoate and drie consolidatiue Porrum Leekes hoate drie in the third degree attractiue Pinus The Pine tree the Kirnels of the whiche be hoate moist but the barke is colde and drie with much stipticitie Plumbum Lead colde and drie in the second degree resolutiue Peonia Pionie hoate and drie astringēt Pagana lingua great Laurell hoate and drie aperitiue Palma Christi Spourge hoate and drie in the thirde degree mundificatiue Panis cuculus Cocowes meate colde and drie conglutinatiue Panis Porcinus hoat and drie in the third degree mundificatiue Papauer satiuum Garden Popie cold in the fourth degree stupefactiue Pastinaca Persnep hoate in the seconde drie in the first degree aperitiue Pastoris bursa vide Bursa pastoris Perforata vide Fuga demonum Persica Peaches cold and moist in the second degree astringent Peruinca vide Laureola Pes Anserinus Goose foote colde in the seconde degree astringent Pes Columbinus Doues foote drie astringent Pes Coru● Crowe foote hoate and drie Uehement Ulceratiue Pes Leonis Lions foote drie astringent Pes Vituli vide Aron Petroselinum Perseley hoate in the seconde drie in the thirde degree aperitiue Pilosella vide auricula muris Podagra lini vide Cassutha Polipodium Oke fearne hoate and drie in the thirde degree mundificatiue attractiue Pollitricon vide capillus veneris Potentilla Wylde tansey hoate and drie in the thirde degree astringent Prassium Horehound hoate in the second drie in the thirde degree aperitiue Prassium fetidum the stinking black horehounde hoate and drie in the thirde degree Primula veris Primrose hoate and drie conglutinatiue Prunella Burnette hoate drie cōglut Prunu● Damacens colde drie meanly astringent Pseudomelanthion Coccle hoate and drie in the seconde degree abstersiue Pu●egium vide Origanum Pirethrum sy●uestrae Wilde Pellitorie hoate and drie in the seconde degree mundificatiue Papirus Paper cold and drie astringent Panis Bread hoate and drie in the firste degree resolutiue attractiue Passulae Reasins hoate moist resolut Penidiae Penittes hoat and moist in the first degree conglutinatiue Panicum A graine like grommell colde in the first drie in the beginning of the seconde astringent Pira Peares the ripe are colde and moist in the first degree the sower or greene are colde and drie in the second degree and the halfe ripe are colde and drie in the first degree Pruna Prunes colde and moist in the second degree loseth the belly Q Quercus the Oke hoat drie astringēt Quinque folium Fiue leaued grasse