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A03318 The vertuose boke of distyllacyon of the waters of all maner of herbes with the fygures of the styllatoryes, fyrst made and compyled by the thyrte yeres study and labour of the moste co[n]nynge and famous mayster of phisyke, Master Iherom bruynswyke. And now newly translate[d] out of Duyche into Englysshe Nat only to the synguler helpe and profyte of the surgyens, phisycyens, and pothecaryes, but also of all maner of people, parfytely and in dewe tyme and ordre to lerne to dystyll all maner of herbes, to the profyte, cure, and remedy of all maner dysseases and infirmytees apparant and nat apparant. And ye shall vnderstande that the waters be better than the herbes, as Auicenna testefyeth in his fourthe conon saynge that all maner medicynes vsed with theyr substance, febleth and maketh aged, and weke. Cum gratia et preuilegio regali.; Liber de arte distillandi. English Brunschwig, Hieronymus, ca. 1450-ca. 1512.; Andrew, Laurence, fl. 1510-1537. 1528 (1528) STC 13436; ESTC S109790 201,357 259

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O lviii Z lix N xci Y ccxciii G ccxciiii E Agaynste bytynge of a madde or furyous dogge xli KK xlix AA cxiiii F clxix C Agaynste styngyng of a spynner xvi A xlix R lix N clxix D ccxxiiii D cclvii L Agaynste styngyne of bees xvi A clxix D Agaynst the styngyng of a Sorpyo lix N clxvlii GG ccxxiiii BB Agaīst the axces or ague HEre begyneth the xviii parte shewinge all maner of axces For to withdryue ī gene call all maner of axces xix A xx L xlix DD lviii N lxiiii C lxvii C cxvii M cxxvi E clxviii NN cxcii E cci P ccxvi● G celvii I cexvi I cclxxi K Agaynst the axces of the yonge chylder cclxxiii Q Agaynste the hote axces named febres acute in latyn ii B liiii C xvii 〈◊〉 xlvii S cl E and F clxvi A Against the thyrst in the tyme of the axces whā a body lyeth ī a hote axces or pestylence hath great thyrst with what waters the thyrste shall be withdryuē or sla●ed clxi N ccl N Agaynst the ache of the hart with what waters it shall be withdryuen xvi L lvi F cviii A ccii● I Agaynst the dayly axces named 〈◊〉 quotidiana ▪ iiii D lxxii D lxvii C ccxiii A ccxvii G cclxix K Against the axces cominge on the fourthe day named sebris quartana vii I lix P lxxii F cxx E cxxxvii F cxcii I ccxx●iii EE cclix C cclxxi K cclxxv 〈◊〉 Agaynst the water Colera and colde moistnes comynge of the axces of the thyrde or fourth daye clxxxviii D Whan a yonge childe or olde persō hath an on natural here sore named Erisipila with what waters it shall be holpen lvi 〈◊〉 xciiii A cxl B cl E cli K clviii C ccxxxiiii V Agaynst the axces comīge on the thyrde day named febris tertiana lvi P lxxii D cxvii M cxxxvii F cxcii S ccxiii A cclxxi K cclxxv EE Agaynst the euyl ayre of the pestylence lxvi V lxxix A Agaynst the pestylence with what waters a body shal be p̄serued of the same named p̄seruatiue ii N ix D xii A xxv G liiii S xxvi D lvi 〈◊〉 lxv F lxvi H lxxi A lxxix A xciii 〈◊〉 c A cxci A ccxvi I ccxxx X ccxxxil C cclii D cclxxi B cclxxv FF cclxxxii D Agaynste the pestylence whan a bodie hath the same on hym selfe with what waters he shall be holpen xii A xl A xlix II lix O lxix A clxxvii A cxxl G clii K cxxv A ccxliiii A cclxxi B For to flake the ouer moche hete of the pestylenc xlvii A cxxii C ccl M For the secrete thīges of the man Ere begīneth the xxix parte of this registre comprehendyng the secrete pryuytees of a man For to make a mā more manly and coragyous ciii B xcviii B cxxxiii B ccxlvii B cclxiiii E Adgetterandum sperma This chapytre shewith what waters shal 〈◊〉 the sperma xxviii B cxxix G clxxx B ccxlvi B For to minisshe the lechery xci L lxviii L cxxxvii BB clxx F ccxxx B ccl P ccxcii CC ¶ Ad sperma Whan a body had holdē his nature that the sperma is come betwene the skyn and the flesshe and that it be brennyd become scabby with what water he shall be holpen cxliiii A Whan a mā or a womā hath to moch ocupied the worke of lechery or of generaciō with what waters they shall be holpen cix F clxvi D clxxxi C ccliii P Agaynst the dysseases of women HEre begynneth the xxx parte and sheweth all dysseases of women For to make a woman mery cxliiii D For to make a womā frutyfull that is baren 〈◊〉 to colde of nature cix D clxiiii B clxviii O ccxxvi BB ¶ Water of Brunella is good for a womā that is rente or disordred in the byrthe of her chylde that she can not kepe her water or vrin such a womā shal drynke euery mornīg and at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe the water of brunell water of roses water of ●ylles water of Camomyll water of ysope al those In the fyrst chapytre C ix B cxxiiii C Agaynst inordynate desyrynge or luste of womē that be with chylde ccxx F These chapiters sheweth which waters be scathful to the chylde in the moders wōbe to the womā beynge with childe xlv H lxxxii E clix C With what waters a womā shal be holpē berīge chylde and suche another that it do no harme to the beryng womā nor to the chylde cxliiii C For women that ben labouringe of chylde with what mater they myght haue a lyght departynge from the chylde xlviii C Thre or foure ounces of betony water dronkē of a labouryng womā shal cawse her the sonner depare from the chylde clix D clxix E ccxxx AA With what maner of waters shal be brought out of a woman the dede childe named Aborsis vi H xlviii D lxviii M lxiiii F cv A cxcvii O ccliii C ccxcvi E cxxcii x cclxxvii M With what waters it is to withdryue of women the after byrth named secundyna to purifye thē xlv F xlix GG cxl I cclix D How a womā shal be puryfytd of the byrth of the chylde whiche is not puryfyed ynowgh in her departynge of the chylde cix E cci N Whan a woman is sore enforced and broken in her labourynge byrthe of the chylde with what water she shall be holpē clxiiii ● How a woman shall be holpen with water that hath no mylke or lytel in her brestes lxviii B xci BB clxi I clxi● N With what water a woman shal be holpen whā the milke is tōne togider in her brestes or the brestes be swollen greate of the mylte or of the super fluyte of blode xxix E clxxiii H Agaynst greate brestes as whā a maydē hath to bigge brestes with what water she shall make thē small and proper ¶ For harde brestes Whan a woman or mayden hath to softe brestes with what water they shall be made harde ccxv B cclxi B cclxxxix B For to prouoke the floures of a woman that is stopped fro them named Men●●rum vi F xx M xxvi H xli Y xlv B xlviii A lviii L xci AA cviii I cxl P cxliiii B clxix L cxcvii O cxcii B ccxli A ccxxx RR cccvi E cclxxiii I cclxxv K cxxcvi D ccxcii DD For to puryfye a women whā she hath her floures xli Y xlviii B lxv M lxxiii M lxxxix C cxxiiii D clxix L ccxxx BB ccliii K cclvii E ccxcii EE Against the flours of women whan it endureth to longe than women become feble or seke of it with what water it shal be stopped xxxii I xlix EE lxxv K cxxxii A cxxxix R cxlix A cli F clviii E clxix L ccii C ccxxxiiii D cclxiii E cclxxii E ¶ Ye shall vnderstande whan ye wyll stoppe the slode of the women with any of this waters than ye shall begynne seasonably to the intent that it be not sone stopped nor let of his naturall course and that for two maner of causes The fyrst bycause
be dronkē at mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe H Lykewyse it heleth fresshe woūdes whan they be wasshed therwith luke warme and dryed agayne thā a grene woūde plaster layde vpon it I It heleth also open īpostumes yf it be luke warme and wasshed therwith ī the mornyng at nyght lynē cloutes wetted therin layde vpon it K The same water is good to be drōke at mornyng at nyght at eche tyme two oūces is good for them that haue the dropsy yf they can refrayne them of moche drynke moyst meat occupye the same water at tyme contynuyng L At eche time of the same waters dronke an oūce or oūce a halfe strengtheneth the stomake yf it be takē at mornynge at nyght M Also it strēgtheneth the brests vsed in the same maner N The longnes the lyuer O The kydnes or raynes the mylste P and also the bladder this all be strengtheneth by the same water ¶ Sorell water Ca. iii ¶ The water of the herbe Sorell ACetosa in latyn ▪ Sorell in Englysshe A Sorell water is good to be dronke oftē of them that be ī hote sykenes his drynke myxced with the same is very gode for it slaketh the thyrst B Yf it be dronke as before is sayde it is good for the hote ague or febres C Sorell water is good for the yelow Iandys yf it be dronke .vi. or .viii. dayes D Sorell water withdryueth the hete from the lyuer yf it be dronke as before is sayd And with a foure dowble clowte or with hem 〈◊〉 towe steped in the same and a lytell wronge out layde without on the ryght syde of the lyuer and whan it waxeth drye do as ye dyde before twyse or thryse a daye E Sorell water dronke thre or foure tymes a daye at eche tyme an ounce cawseth good appetyt to meat F Sorell water slaketh saynt Anthonys fyre or plage whan there is a cloute or tow of hempe steped in the same and layd vpon it .iii or foure tymes a daye two or thre dayes contynuynge G Sorell water drōke .iii. or .iiii. tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst impoysonynge comynge of here H Sorell water is good for all maner of hote thynges for it coleth and slaketh all hote thynges bothe with in the body and without yf it be dronke at mornynge a none and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and outwarde layde vpon it I Sorell water dronke and the hede wette with the same and let it drye agayne by hym selfe with dryueth the hete of the hede that cometh of payne Sorell water is good agaynst the scoyn that is an on naturall hete on the body with great rednes wette clowtes therin and laye them therto two or thre tymes in a daye K The same water withdryueth impetigines whan ther be wet cloutes or towe layd to it or yf it be wasshed ther with L Yf you wasshe your iyen therwith ones ī a day an howre before nyght it purifieth the iyen it slaketh the hete and withdryueth the reednes of the iyen comynge of hete M Also if it be luke warme and so dropped in the eares it causeth hym to here N Sorell water is alway good to be dronke at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe agaynst the pestylence O Sorel water dronke in the mornīg at nyghte at eche tyme an oūce is good for thē that be empty stomaked thrughe ouermoche hete of the stomake and causeth luste appetyte thrughe his sharpenesse styptyke it strengtheth and conforte the stomake the harte and also courage ¶ Of viscus water Ca .iii. VIscus in latyn This herbe hath a longe slender lese nother full grene nor ful yelowe and bereth a small whyte berye And the water shall be dystylled of the same beryes A This water yf it be dronke in the mornynge at none and at nyghte at eche tyme halfe an ounce strengtheth the longues whā they be dysseased with ouer moche moystoure B The same water dronke in the forsaid maner is good for the cowgh comyng of the lōgues Of Ebulꝭ or walwort water ca. iiii EBulus in latyn walwort The best parte or tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbes or leues chopt and dystylled whan it begynneth to blossome A Who so drynke the same water at eche tyme two ounces or two ounces a halfe cawseth laxatyfe B The same water is good to be dronke at mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two oūces is good agaīst swellynges inwarde and outwarde and specyally agaynst dropsy whan clowtes be wet in the same and layde vpon it C The same water dronke somtyme amonge an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good for the dayly axces or febres D Walwort war is good yf it be drōke in the mornyng and at myght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or ellys two ounces for the payne in the sydes and layde vpon it whan ther come stytches or other payne in the sydes comyng of blode or other moystoure ¶ Of Enula campana water ca .v. ENula campana the moost comon parte and tyme of his distyllaciō is the rote the herbe chopped with eche other and dystylled in the ende of may but moche better it were onely the water of the rotes A The water of the herbe and rote of Enula campana dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme as moch as wyll go in an eggys shelle fyue or syx dayes cōtynuyng with dryueth the grauell B Of the same water dronke in the forsayd maner and your drynke myxt with the same is good for them that be rente within the body C Drōke of the same in the same maner before sayd the hede wet with the same and let drye agayn by hym selfe strengtheth it well D In the mornyng and at nyght and som tyme amonge besyde drynke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe conforteth the stomake E. In the mornīg at none somtyme besyde dronke of the same water and the lymmes stryked rubbed therwith strengtheth them sore F Also the same water of the herbe rote drōke in the mornyng and at nyght therof an ounce after all maner of drynkes whā ye go to bedde is good for the stone in the raines and in the bladder G Lyke wyse the same water vsyd in the same maner puryfyed the kydnes and the bladder H The same water oftē tymes drōke and at eche tyme halfe an ounce causeth one well to pysse ¶ Of Enula Campana rote ca .vi. ROte water of Enula cāpana is dystylled in this maner Fyrst it is stamped and than dy●tylled whiche dystyllacyon is beste per Alembicum A The water of this rote dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an oūce and youre drynke myxced with the same softheneth aud maketh a large breste B In ounce and a halfe
dronke an ounce at euery nyght is good agaynst all flodes comīg of the hede G Agaynst hote axces or hote sekenes is good to be dronke of the same water .iii. tymes in a daye at eche time an oūce or an ounce and a halfe H The same water dronke .x. or .xii. dayes contynuynge in the mornynge at none at nyght at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the yelowe Iandys named 〈◊〉 in latyn I Thre dayes contynuynge dronke of the same water .iii tymes in adaye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe slaketh all hete of the lyuer K The same water dronke is good for parsons that neuer be vsed to let blode bycause it puryfyed and clenseth the body of the naghty and dystroyed blode L Dronke of the same water openeth the vaynes and all the membres The water of Henguale ca .xviii. IVsquiamus in latyn Henquale otherwise Thus herbe is of two maners The one bereth whyte sedes and the other blacke sedes and the blacke sedes be vsed in medicynes The best parte and tyme of his distillacyon is the herbe rotes flowres all to gyder chopped stamped and dystylled aboute saynte Iohannes day mydde sommer A The same water is good for them that haue onnaturally reste inwardely or outwardely of her bodye or hede amonge of ten the temples therwith enoynted clowtes wet in the water and layde vpon the temples than cometh the ꝑson to his naturall and conuenyent reste B The same water with dryueth all payne of the hede coming of hete the hede therwith rubbed and vsed as before is sayde C The same water cawseth well to slepe whā the fore hede and the slepynge vayne is enoynted therwith D The same 〈…〉 all he●e whā thre or foure double clowtes be wet in the same water and layd ther vpō E The same water softeth al paynes of the membres clowtes wet in it and often tymes layde ther vpon F The same water occulteth and hydeth the pymples and reednesse of the lepre in the face and the face becometh clere whan it is often wasshed therwith G It is also good against an hote membre the membre oftē rubbed with the same water and than it softeneth and slaketh all onnaturall hete ¶ Of water of floure deluce purpur● Capitulum xix IRis in latyn flowre delu●e otherwyse The beste parte tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the ende of the maye whan the flowres be parfytely ●ype but tary not so longe that they be inclyned to falle of the floures onely dystylled in balneo marie A Water of floure deluce put pure dronke in the morninge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynst all axces or febres how they be B The same water .ii. or thre wekes dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche time an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynste the rede dropsy C Six or .viii. dayes contynuyng dronke of the same in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for hym whose liuer is dysseased D It is good dronkē fasting amonge agaynste swellynge at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe Or for hym that is swollen a lynen clout wet therce in and wrongē out agayne somwhat and layd on the swellynge E Luke warme dronke of the same in the mornynge at none and at night .iii or foure dayes contynuynge at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or two ounces is good against shrinkynge in the bely and the gowte in the guttes F The same water heleth all woūdes whan they be wasshed therwith in the mornynge and at nyghte and clowtes wet in the same water and layd there vpon G The same water heleth the canker in the same maner wasshed wet cloutes layd theron H Also the same water heleth that euyll soore named noli metāgere wasshed therwith in the mornyng and at nyght and cloutes wer in the same and layd vpon it I It is good dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe agynste the hote flode in the lymmes which be scabby K The same water is good agaynst all etyng and bytyng sores specially on the womēs brestes euery day in the mornyng and at night wasshed therwith and lynē cloutes wet in the same layd ther vpon ¶ Of the water of the rote of floure deluce purpure Ca .xx. BAdyces Iris in latyn ● The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rotes small choped dystylled in the marche aboute the day of saint Gertrudis A Cloutes wet in the same water in the mornīg and at nyght is good agaynste all swelling that is gone away and vanysshed layd ther vpon B In the morning at none at night dronke of the same water at eche tyme halfe an ounce and a quarter of an ounce warmeth dryeth weketh and causeth the brest to be temperate C It purifieth the longues whan it is dronken in the maner before sayde D It is also good dronke for to consume the yll and grosse humours E It clēseth the vnclene sores and impostumes in the mornyng at nyght wasshed therwith F Of the same water drōke in the morning at none at nyght is good for the skrynkyng ● the bely G Thesam lasketh the wōbe drōke at eche tyme .iii or .iiii. oūc H The same water dronke thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good againste the dropsy and cawseth to lose the yelowe water I It is good for bitynge of bestes wasshed therwith in the mornynge and at nyght and also dronke K The same water dronke in this maner is good for the mylte L It is good so dronke agaynste axces or febres M Thre tymes dronke of the same water in a daye at eche tyme an ounce a halfe prouoketh the floures in women N The same water dronke as before is sayde stewed ouer the drethe of the same water is good agaynst the payne of the moder or matryce and against the stopyng of her mouth O The same water is good agaynste the payne Impetiginis spottys and vnclenes of the skynne wasshed therwith thre tymes in a daye P This water put in the iyen taketh away the spottys scelies of the iyē Q The hede wasshed with the same water cawseth to growe the here R The same water a longe tyme holdē in the mouthe is good for impostuminge and payne in the gommes S Also the same water pulleth out broken bones and other thynges hyded in the bodye of a parson whan cloutes be wette in the same be layde ther vpō T It is also good clowtes wet layde on the syde for payne in the syde V The water layde in the same maner befor is good for payne in the hyppes named Sciatica in latyn x The same water dronke .iiii. tymes in a day is good for the strangury or droppell pysse named stranguria ¶ Water of the sedes of floure deluce
purpure Ca .xxi. VIbe● in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the yongest leues chopped stamped and dystylled A Of the same water dronke in the mornynge at nyghte at euery tyme two ounces is good agaynste grauell in the lymmes and raynes B The same water is good agaynste all hete places dysseases in the membres And specyally for the yerde of the man whan clowtes be made wette in the same and layd vpon it two or thre tymes in a daye ¶ Of the byrtche Iuce water Capitulum .xxiii. IN the maye shall be perched an hole ī a byrtche tree and set there vnder a glasse or an other vessell ther out wyll come some water and that water ye shall dystylle per Alembicum A The water of byrtche Iuce is good to all woundes wasshed therewith cloutes wette therwith and so layd vpon the woundes B The same water dryed all open sores wasshed therewith and cloutes wet therin layde ther vpon ¶ The water of Scrofularia Capitulum xxiiii SCrofularia in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote wasshed and the leues stroped frome the stalkes and so to gyder dystylled A Sores pyles on the fondamēt lyke wrattes wasshed with the same water and in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme dronke an ounce of the same water is very good for it B It is also good that the faces whiche loketh yf they were leprous be wasshed with the same water ¶ Of the water of 〈◊〉 Capitulum .xxv. POttulaca in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbes and the stalkes chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of maye A Water of porcelain dronke in the mornynge and at nyght thre or four dayes contynuynge at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good for a person that spetteth blod or hath the blody flixe B The same water vsed in the forsayd maner stopped all maner of laskynge and to moche goyng to the stole C The same water of ten tyme dronke an ounce or an ounce and a halfe with dryueth the hote drye cowgh D Oftē drōke of the same water the tēples enoynted therwith causeth well to slepe E The same water is good against the hete of the lyuer whan it is drōke in the mornynge at none and at nyght and hempen towe wet therin and without layde on the lyuer F It is good to be dronke to the yonge chylderen in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce for the hete and for the wormes G Porcelayn water dronke in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme an oūce slaketh the thyrst And in the same maner it is good all so agaynste the pestylence H In an ounce of porcelayne water wette a nyght longe ten graynes of barley weght the sedes of psilie and than a spōge wet therin and therwith touched and stryke vpon the tongue .iii. or foure tymes in a daye heleth them well whiche the tongue is become blacke in hote sekenesse I The same water is good for to cole hote blode whan it is dronke and myxced in the drynke And withdryueth also the payne in the bladder K It dronke among withdryueth the drye cowgh comyng of hete sekenes ¶ Of the water of burnet Ca .xxvi. P Ipinella in latyn is of two maners The one hath a small stalke aboute a cubyte of length with a small whyte floure and a rote sharpe of taste The other is named the greate Pynpinella or burnet The beste parte tyme of the dystyllaceon is the small burnet or pipinella whose rote is sharp of tast the herbe and the rote with her substaunce chopped to gyder and stamped and so dystylled and specyally they that growe in drye places or on hylles mōtayns A The same water is good to be dronke agaynste the stone in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tym an ounce and a halfe or two ounces B Whan it is dronke in the forsayd maner is good agaynstethe stone grauell in the lymmes or in the bladder and clenseth the raines in the backe lymmes C The face often wasshed therwith and the handys somtyme also in the mornīge and at nyght and let it drye againe by him selfe causeth the face and bandes to be fayre D Dronke of the same euery mornynge and at nyght is good for the pestylence E Water dystylled of the gētylnest pumpinella or burneth and dronke of it .xiiii. dayes contynuynge ones in a daye at eche tyme thre or foure ounces is very good to be preserued of the pestilence and the more the ayre be infecte the oftener ye shall drynke F The water of burnet or pumpinella rotes is good to be drōke for women whiche haue to colde a moder in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe G The same water soden with Castoreum and so dronke .ix. dayes contynuynge euery daye an ounce withdryueth the gowte H It is good to be dronke for women for it prouoketh theyr flowre I who so drynketh two ounces fastynge of the same water is preserued the same daye from all vnnaturall sekenesse bicuase it taketh away al yls and impostumacyons from the harte K Of this water dronke among with dryueth all euyll moystour out of the body and causeth well to pysse and withdryueth all the moystoure oute with the vryne L Water of the same onely dystylled of the rotes is good to be dronke for venym and impoysonynge ¶ Of the water of wylde peruynke Ca .xxvii. 〈…〉 in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his distyllacyon is the leues sttoped from the branches which be growen in the same yere in the ende of the maye A Water of the same is good for the swellynge of a mannys yerde whan the same is made warme and clowtes wet therin and so wrapped aboue the yerde or spowted therin tyll it be hole B The same water heleth holes ytchynge of the yarde whā it is drōke in the mornīg at none at nyght be wasshed therwith C The same water heleth the holes and sores on the secrette ofwomen whan they be oftē tymes wasshed therwith D The same water is good agaynst etynge sores and all other sores in the mouthe wasshed therwith E Peruynke water heleth the fystule whā he is kylled before two or thre tymes in a daye wasshed therwith ¶ Of the water of the floures of wyde peruynke Ca .xxviii. FLos petuincie agrest is in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the begyn nyng of octobre A The same water is good to be dronke agaynst the drye cowghe and for heleth of the lōgues B The same water heleth woundes byles and euyll holes or sotes whan they in the mornynge at nyght be wasshed therwith G It heleth also the cankce whan it is wasshed therwith and than clowtes wet in the 〈◊〉 and layde vpon it And whan ther be put in a pownde
the mornynge fastyng at none at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the stone ¶ Water of Scariola Ca .lxxii SCariola in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the leues the stalke chopped togyder and dystylled in the ende of Maye A Dronke amonge at euery daye an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agayn●e all axces or febres where they be hote or colde B The same water so dronke as before conforteth the lyuer C It drōke in the same maner easeth the dysseases of the mylre D The same water with dryueth the dayly the it yrde daye the fourthe daye axces whan it is dronke two or thee tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the drynke myxced with the same and outward layde vpon with a lynen cloute E The water dronke in the same maner taketh awaye the hete of the blode F Dronke of the same two or thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the drynke myxced ther with is good agaynste the fourthe daye axces named febres quartana ¶ Water of strawberyes Ca .lxxiii. Frage in latyn They shall be dystylled whan they be hole type but nat softe and they that growe on hye erthe be the beste A The same water is good to be dronke in the morynge and at nyghte to them that haue euyll sweet in theyr bodyes B It is also good to be dronke and the drynke myxced ther with for them whihe haue euyll hotenes and it slaketh the thyrste C In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynste lepre and it puryfyeth the blode whan it is dronke with boyne or eaten with brede D Of the same dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for them that haue vnclene scabbes E The same water dronke is good for the eatynge in the mouthe and in the throte whan it is gorgeled in the throte F The mouthe often wasshed with the same water is good agaynste a stynkynge mouthe G It is also agaynst impostumynge in the throte H Drōke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe the drynke myxced therwith is good for the lyuer and for the yelowe Iādys I Of this water dronke in the maner afore sayde is good for to make the breste large K It is good the hede therwith to be enoynted L Of the same water dronke in the mornyng at none and at nyghte conforteth the harte M In the mornyng at nyght dronke at eche tyme two ounces puryfyeth the menstruum in the womē N Of the same dronke in the mornynge and at nyght is good for thē that had broken a bone or a legge O The same water heleth all maner of yll legges whan they be wasshed therwith and clowtes wet ther in layde ther vpon P The woundes wasshed therwith is very good and whan it is dronke of a wounded parsone than it ronneth out thrugh the woundes and heleth them very well Q It is good for them whose nature moūteth vpwarde in the face and the face becometh reed thā the face wassheth therwith it wanysshed awaye R Water to make of strawberys with fyre or without fyre Take strawe beries medle them with salte dystylle them thrughe an helmet the same water claryfyeth very wel the iyen and coleth them Euer ye maye make water of strawberyes Take salt and strawberyes put it in aglas and stoppe it well ▪ set it in a moyste seller tyll it become all to water than put the water in a basyn let it stande therin that it becometh a fayre grene iyen water and it must alwayes be kepte in the seller S Whan it is dronke euery day a whyle dayes durynge clēseth and puryfyeth the blode T whe sam dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and the drynke mixced therwith is good against scabbes and skaldnes V Of the same dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the stone ¶ The water of the strawberyes herbe Ca .lxxiiii HErba frage ī latin The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the myddest of Maye A The same water in the mornynge and at nyght dronken at eche tyme two oūces is good agaynst the yelow Iandis B The same water dronke in the forsaid maner maketh the breste large and clenseth the longues C The same water is good to be put in reed iyen for it heleth them ¶ Water of the leues of an oke Capitulum lxxv QVer●us in latyn Oken tree other wyse The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the Maye the yonge leues som what enclynyd to reednes growe not downwarde vpon yonge tres nat farre fom the erthe A water of the same is good for them that haue moche reednes vnder the iyen small blaynes wasshed with the same B The handes wasshed with the same water and let drye by hym selfe agayn causeth them to be white C Drōke of the same water in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme .ii. ounces is good agaynst congeled blode whan a body is beten or pusshed or fallen that the blode wyll ronne within thā the same water dryueth it out D The same water is good 〈◊〉 in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme tore ounces or gyuen in meat for them that haue the whyte laske or laskynge for it stoppeth the same laskynge E The water of yong oke leues is good to be dronke for an vnclene lyuer and a lytell clowte wet ther in and layde there ouer it is beste aboue all other thynges and is good agaynst cottynge of the lyuer F Dronke of the same water in the mornīg nyght at eche tyme two oūces is good agaynste thē that haue dysseases of the lyuer and agaynst the rottynge of the longues G The same water drōke in the wrsayde mesure is good agaynst the styches in the syde H The yarde of a man whiche is with holes wasshed with the same water in the mornynge and clowtes wet therin laid vpō it is good for it coleth well all sore holes I The same water vsed in the maner afore sayde and layde ther vpon heleth olde sores on the legges for it dryeth them K Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme thre oūces is good for women that haue to moche of her flowres named mēstruū for it stoppeth it L Dronke of the same in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme thre ounces stoppethe the blode whan a body is wounded and bledeth M Dronke of the same water in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or two oūces is good for a bodye that pysseth hlode N Dronke in the forsayde maner is good for a body that is wounded
and ●ledeth sore O The same water is good agaynste the hete reednes of the legges the blacke bsaynes clowtes or he●pē towe wet in the same water and layd ther vpon twyse or thryse in a daye tyll it is slaked P The same water dronke in the mornyng fastynge and at nyght goynge to bedde at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe it is good agaynst the brekinge stone and the grauell in the lymmes than shal be kept the vryne in a glas and in the bothom shall ye fynde a maner of 〈◊〉 and ye shall se that the stone departeth from the body N The same water dronke thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce heleth the gutte in the fondamēt whan he is trauayled after the laskynge ¶ Water of polypody Ca .lxxvi POlipodium in latyn or tilica or filir The beste tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote of thē which groweth on an oken tree chopped without the herbe and dystylled be twene bothe our lady dayes A Of the same drōke in the mornyng at nyght is very good for the cowgh B The same dronke in the forsayd maner is good agaynst madde wyttes melācolye C The same water dronke in the forsayde maner is good againste thought heuynes of the harte D In a day two or thre tymes dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or two ounces maketh a large breste softeth the bely E Dronke of the same at nyght goyng to bedde at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for heuydremes F Drōke of the same in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for the yll coloure bycause it clēseth and puryfyeth the blode ¶ Water of fungus Ca .lxxvii. FVngus in latyn The beste parte and tyme be the whyte tabe stoles or muscherōs whan they be full rype and than a lytell layd abrode ī the ayre and thā chopped small and dystylled per Alembicum im balneo marie A The same water is good agaynst the colde paralysia or gowte The membre shal be made warme by a fyre and the colde membre shall be rubbed with the water that shall be done often tymes contynuyng in the mornynge and at nyght tyll it be amendyd ¶ Water of Abstronum Ca .lxxviii. ABstronum in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyl 〈◊〉 is the rotes dystylled in the maye A Whan a pet sone hath in his body cōgeled blode a cloute wet therein and layd vppon the bely and wounded place than the blode vanyssheth B The same water is very hote therfore it must be taken hede that it touche not the iyen C Dronke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for the shrynkynge in the bely D In the for sayde maner dronke of the same water fasting is good agaynst the wormes in the bely E Dronke of the same water in the morning and at nyght at eche tyme on ounce foure or .v. dayes contynuyng is good agaynst the grauell in the lymmes in the raynes and in the bladder F The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce consumeth the s●athefull moystnes in the stomake ¶ Water of Veronica Ca .lxxix. VEronica in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the begynnynge of I●ne chopped and dystylled with all his substaūce but it were very good and moche better that it were steped fyrst and layde in good wyne a daye and nyght than dystylled in Balhed marie A In the mornyng fastynge dronke of the same water an ounce and a lytell pece of a spongye wetre therin and put in a wodē boxce with holes bereth and often smelled theron it is a good preseruaryf agaynst the pestylence in the tyme of the same and the handes and the hede all aboute ther with enoynted B The same water borne in the maner aforsaid in a lytel boxce and ther with enoynted as before is very good agaynst all euyll smellynges and yll brethes lykewyse in the chyrche and other places also and specyally for womē beeing chylde which can not suffre well all the brethes of the people and defende the chylde that is getteth not the lepre nor other heuy sekenesses of the yll smellīges or ayres C The same water is also good against the pestylence for it rawseth well to s●ete whan the person is lette blode anone whan it cometh vpon him than ye shall gyue the parson to drinke of the same water an ounce and a halfe myxced with a dragina and a halfe of the powder of the same herbe D The same water heleth very well all fresshe woundes where they be hewen or stytche● whan it is dronke twyse in a daye of the wounded parson at eche tyme two ounces than it swereth oute of the wounde in lykewyse as oyle of olyue and the woundes wasshed therwith and in the mornynge and a● yyght a lynon clowte wet therin and layde on the wounde heleth th●● fayre without ●emaynynge of any when and 〈◊〉 E This water heleth also euyll holes and sores in the forsayde maner wasshed and cloutes wet layde there vpon F Halfe an ounce of vytryol wher of the ynke is made resolued in a poūde of the same water heleth and with dryueth all sores with matter all yll scabbes all scaldnes all blaynes which be full of euyll moystnes and how the water is older it is to more better G The same water is good agaynste styngynge of a spynner whan it is dropped therin and rubbed there with and wasshed and cloutes layde ther vpon heleth it and is goode agaynste all bytynge of the veni●●● bestes and swelleth not therof H The same water dronke and gorgeled in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce whan it is done in tyme withdryueth the swellynge in the throte anone and all the payne of the necke to mynge of the blaynes I A quarter of an oūce of allume resolued in a pounde of the same water made luke warme with dryueth the spottes in lynen cloutes whan they be wet therin K It is good for to drynke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce for thē that haue mothe yll blode or ouer moche blode in the body for it clenseth consumeth a wasteth L It is good to be dronke for the flyeng● sore for it openeth the swete holes M Dronke in the mornynge and at night of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe or two oūces puryfyeth so moche the blode yf a body were leprous and dronke of the same water fastyng in the forsayde maner neuer mayster sholde knowe the blode so moche it clēseth N In the mornyng fastynge dronke two ounces of the same water .iiii. or .vi. wekes contynuynge causeth a body to be come leue of fleshe therefore it conforteth strengtheth the stomake consumynge the ouermoths moystour growinge of the flesshe O In
and dryueth them out D In the same manere dronke of the same water cawseth well to pysse C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and myxced in the drinke clēseth the bladder but it is nat good for women ¶ Water of the blode of an ast Capitulum lxxxiii S Angris 〈◊〉 in latyn The dystyllacyon of the same blade is as is lerned 〈◊〉 A In the mornyng fastyng dronke of the same water dronke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. dayes contynuyng is good agaynst the stone B In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water it eche tyme an ounce .x. or .xii. dayes cōtynuynge is good agaynste the grauell in the lymnes also it causeth a fayre face ¶ Water of Centun morbia Capitulum lxxxiiii CEntian morbia in latyn The beste tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the ende of the Maye A Thryse dronke of the same in a daye at eche tune an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste congeled blode yf it be come of berynge pusshynge or fallynge B The same water dronke in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the great laske C The same water heleth woūdes whā they be wasshed therwith ¶ Water of pysemer or pismer egges Ca .lxxxv. FOrmica in latyn The best parte and tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is the lytell pysmer in the tyme whan they haue egges Than set a pot in the erthe where as they dwelle in suche maner that in the pot come no vnclenes but couer hym well with Ieues of treesthan they shall vere theyr egges in the holowe pot and whan ye thynke that ye haue ynowgh than putte them in a bagge to gydes and shake lyke as mele is boultyd than they be dasyd and stere no more as yf they were starke dede than put them in a glasse and dystyll them per Alem●●um A Thre droppes āf the same water put in the iyen goynge to bedde taketh awaye the skynne and the spottes frome the iyen The pysmer be somtyme take in this maner ye shall thruste a stycke in the erthe than they ronne vpwarde on the stycke and than ye shall pulle out the stycke and steyke of the pysmer in a bacyn and than dystyll as before is said and it hath the vertue as before is sayd ¶ Of pysmer egges Ca .lxxxvi OVa formice in latyn The beste maner to gadre the egges is ye shal sette dysses of trees in thre or foure hepes wher as the pysmers dwelleth the dysshes shall be wel couered with leues of trees than they bere theyr egges in the dysshes And whan ye wyll take the egges awaye than vncouere the disshes and take a litell stycke and knocke vppon the bysshes than the ●erpysses shal cōne oute for feare and leue theyr egges behynde them Those egges dystylle per Alembitum in balneo marie A Ther or foure droppes of the same water put in defe eares and ther lefte in cawseth heryng agayne And is good also for the pypynge in the eares ¶ Of the whyte of a egge Capitulum .lxxxvii. ALbumen oui in latyn Ros● egges of hennes harde and put away the yolke and dystylled the whyte of the same as I haue lerned in the .xiii. chapytre in the fyrst boke in the chapytre of balneum marye In the same maner that the water be no hoter than ye maye suffre your fynger in the same water And in the dystyllynge shall the helmeth or glas well be stoped or other wyse the water shollde stynk and yf become stynkynge for his longe dystyllynge than shall it be dystylled agayne in a newe glasse It maye also be dystylled in a comon helmeth or Alembyck where as roses be dystylled in A The same water put in the iyen some dayes is good for them that haue or growe shelles or a skynne vpon the iyen that haue had yll iyen longe tyme. B The same water cawseth a fayre and clere face whan it is wasshed therwith C The same water cawseth whyte handes and with dryueth the markes or tokens abydynge of woundes or sores whan they be often wasshed therwith and let drye by hym selfe ¶ Water of the yolkes of egges Capitulum .lxxxviii. VItellium oui in latyn The best ꝑte tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is the egges and hennes rosted and not soden and the whyte putte frome the yolkes and the yolkes dystylled in an helmet of erthe not all stopped tyll the yll sauour or taste or smellynge be lesser And ye muste take hede that ye brenne nor dystylle that to moche for ther sholde come out oyle But I desyred in yeres paste or brenne oleum vitellorum after the lette and wrytyng of Mesue and auycenna but it became so moche stynkynge that it neuer myght be occupyed for his stīkynge for all that this vertue is very stronge great A With the same water wasshed vnder the iyen whan a body is goynge out of the bathynge and is drye agayne withdryueth the spottys and masses oute of the face ¶ Water of Geneyan Ca .lxxxix. GEncyana in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote with the herbe chopped and dystylled in the ende of May. And yet better the rote allone well small chopped and dystylled in the ende of the canyculer dayes ▪ B In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces in the tyme whan the women sholde haue her flowres or menstruū prouoketh it and cawseth it to come C Twyse or thryse dronke of the same water at eche tyme .ii. oūces withdryueth the venym that is come of the floures of women D In the mornyng at none at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good for them that haue no appetyte to eat meat and for them that haue an yll colde and vnclene stomake and pryncypally whan in an ounce of the same water is myxced a dragma of calamus well powdred a dragma of sugre It shall so be dronke fastynge thre or foure dayes contynuynge and at eche tyme after the drynbe ye must faste .ii. or thre howres and so ye shall get good apperye for to eat ¶ The leues of the Asshen tree Capitulum lxxxix ERaxinus in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the buddes of the tree steped in vynegre fyue or syx dayes lōge in the myddest of the Maye and so dystylled A The same water withdryueth the euyll vnclene spottys named Morphea clowtes wet therin and layde vpon thr spots in the mornyng at night thre or foure dayes contynuyng or as it nedyth B The same water heleth drye scaldes in the mornynge and at nyght often wasshed and rubbed ther with C In the mornynge and at nyght wasshed with the same water sore legges clowtes wet in the same water and layd ther vpon heleth them D clowtes wet in the same water and layde vpon the blaynes
at eche tymy an oūce and a halfe and they re drynke myxced with the same water B In the morninge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good for them that be shorte on the harte C The same water dronke som dayes in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that hath impostumynge or swellynge on the brest or on the harte D Dronke of the same water in the maner aforsayd is good for thē that hath impostumynge on the longues ¶ Water of cynke foyle Capitulum xcv QVinque folinm in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the stalke and the rote with all his substaunce chopped and dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A Of the same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xii. or .xvi. dayes contynuynge is good agaynst the stone B The same water drōke in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the grauell and clenseth the raynes C The fore hede rubbed with the same water and a foure folde clowte wet in the same water and layde on the fore hede stoppeth the bledynge of the nose D The same water is good agaynst the tremblynge of the membres and handys whan they be often rubbed and enoynted therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe And is proued by a goldsmyth at Straesborowe E It heleth olde and freshe woūdes whan they be in the mornynge and at nyghte wasshed ther with clowtes wet in the same and layde ther vpon F Of the same water dronke and clowtes wet therin and layd vpon the impostumes and swellynge causeth them to vanysshe and with dryueth all swellynges G Th same water causeth very good laste and compellyth all me dycynes to be resolued whan it is dronke in the mornynge at nyght and with clowtes wette layde ther vpon ¶ Water of frogges Ca .xcvi. BAna in latyn There be many maner of frogges but I wryte here of the frogges whiche be founde vpon the fyldes And the best parte and tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is on saynt Iohn̄s baptyste daye and dystylled as I haue lerned before of the whyte of the egges and yf the water of the fyrste dystyl lacyon become not clere ynoughe than shall it be dystylled agayne in the Alembycke A The same water is the moost worthyest and the best water whyche maye be founde agaynste the gowre paralisis where so euer the gowte paralisis be and in what place or membre rubbe the place therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe and clowtes wet in the same water and layde ther vpon thā vanyssheth the payne ¶ Water of testriculus sacerdotis Capitulum .xcvii. TEstriculus sacerdotis in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues the cote with all hys substaunce dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A The same water is a pryncypal water agaynste the fycke wrattes within the foundament or withoute whan it is dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two oūces and clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon two or thre tymes in a daye ¶ Water of lingua auis Ca .xcviii. Lingua auis in latin that groweth on asshen trees The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the ende of Maye A Dronke of the same water twyse in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe it causeth to pysse B In the forsayde maner and mesure drōke the same multyplyeth sperma C Of the same dronke as is bewre sayde is good agaynst a fearefull harte ¶ Water of the herbe roberti Capitulum .xcix. HEthe Roberti bel 〈…〉 ī latyn The beste tyme and parte of his dystyllatyon is the leues the stalke with all his substa●ce chopped togyder and destylled 〈◊〉 the ende of the. Maye or in the begynnynge of the monethe of Iune A The same water is very good agaynste the eatynge sores on the pry●ytees of womē B The same water is good for them that hath be tē o● fallen blewe byles thre or foure tymes layde ther vpon than it vanysshed the congeled blode vnder the skynne inwardely and it be cometh whyte and hole C The same water is good agaynste fyckwrattes in the foundament in the mornynge and at nyght wasshē therwith and cloutes werte therin and layde ther vpon D The same water is good agaynst paralisis in the backe or in the legges or in other places rubbed with the same and with clowtes layde ther vpon E It is also good to be layde twyse or thryse in a daye vpon the brestes of a woman whā they be swollen and rede and haue payne in the brestes F The same water is good for them that hath clammed hym selfe or an other twyse or thryse in a day clowtes wet in the lame and layde there vpon ¶ Water of gotes mylke Capitulum c LAc captinum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the mylke of gotes dwellynge on bye mountaynes after that mylke of gotes goynge in good pastures and feldes wheras many maners of flowres growe the same mylke whyche is mol●en in the mornynge in the myddest of the Maye shall be dystylled A In the moruynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme .ii. ounces is good agaynst the pestylence B With the same water the face enoynted and let drye agayne by hymselfe is good agaynste the rosome in the face C Of the same water dronke in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme thre ounces foure or .v dayes contynuynge is good against the shrynkynge in the bely D Of the same dystiled water drōke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good for the whyte flode in women named menstrum album in latyu ¶ Water of batley Ca .ci. ORdeum in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the ende of the Maye A The water dystylled of the herbe barley is good to be put in the iyen against all euyll ī 〈…〉 for it clenseth them and 〈◊〉 them ¶ Water of auticula muris named gagell Ca .cii. AVricula muris in latyn The herbe bereth rede small flowres The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan it bereth flowres the herbe and the flowres dystylled togyder A Thre oūces dronke of the same and than layde downe and well warme couered that a body may swete is very good agaynst the pestylēce And the male of the herbe serueth for the men and the female for the womē B Ones or twyse dronke of the same water in a daye at eche tyme two ounces and the woundes in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed therwith cawleth them to be hole wher euer they be olde or fresshe ¶ Water of Consolide media Capitulum c .iii. C 〈…〉 Amaeusca in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the flowres and the stalke with all his substaunce
ylnes of the mylte R Drōke of the same in the mornīge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for the yelowe Iandis ¶ Of hony water Cap .c.xxi MEl in latin The best hony of bees is that is whyt that of the bees dwellīge farre frō the see frō vnclene places whā ye wyl distyll the hony myxce it with clene whyte wasshed sande which is dryed agayne in the maner as yf it were past the fyer muste be very softe in the begynīg A The hede often wasshed rubbed ther with cawseth to growe fayre lōge heres B Thesame is good put ī the iyē C The sam clēseth all vnclene woūdes all olde sores holes ones or twyse wasshed therwith D Often wasshed with the same woūdes cloutes wet layd ther vpō causeth flesshe to growe in the same woūdes E Thesame heleth brēnyng cloutes wet layd ther vpon ¶ Now I wyll lerne you an other maner for to dystylle hony wat. Put as moche hony as ye wyll ī a croked glas named retortū and stoppe it well faste set it a tyme of xl dayes in horse doūge but the doūge must euery senyght be reneuede Thā put the glas ī asshes ī a wynde ouyn dystylle it ꝑaiembicū whā it wyll droppe to fast ordre it softer the fyrste water is whyte and clere but that put awaye the seconde is yelowe and that shall ye kepe G Whan the pestilence cometh on one than take of the same water an ounce alotpaticū rube a tīctotū mirre Orient saffrō of eche .xx. barly cornes of weyghte a lefe of fyne beten golde braye all these togyder well tēpered than gyue it the seke body to drīke for it is specyally good for that and for many other dysseases ¶ Of housleke water Ca .c.xxii. BArba Iouis in latin The best ꝑte of his dystyllacyon is the small leues chopped and dystylled in the ende of May A The same dystylled slaketh all here where euer it be and in what place clowtes wette in the same and layde ther vpon and the same water is to moche colde of his nature therfore it is not good to be dronke without it be myxced with other waters B The same water is good for the lyuer whan it is myxced with a lytell water of toses and hempen towe wet with the same and layde vpon the place of the lyuer C The same is good against the hete of the pestylence in the for sayde maner layde ther vpon and the membres rubbed therwith D The same water soden with oyle olyuē and put in the eares cawseth herīge E It is very good againste the gowte princypally for men a thre or foure folde clowte wette therin a lytell wronge oute agayne wrapped theron F The same water is good for them whose iyen be baken to gyder of matter or of other vnclene humoures that they can not well opene them than they iyen lyddes be halfe opened enoynted with the same water G A clowte wet in the same water and wronge oute agayne somwhat with dryueth the swellynge layde ther vpon in the mornynge and at nyghte H It slaketh the brenninge and all hote dysseases clowtes wet there in and layde ther vpon And whan a body hath feare for hete or swellynge than clowtes wet in the same layde ther vpon pulleth oute the same hete or swellynge I The same water is very colde and lytell dryenge and is aswagynge in all thynges and is good agaynste the sore named Erisipila and other hote impostumes whiche be eatynge aboute and remoue frome the one place to the other towe wette and layd ther vpon with clowtes K The same water layde vpon the hote podagra slaketh them L It heleth the brennynge of fyer whā it is myxced with oyle of reses and layd theron M The hede enoynted with the water let drye agayn by hym selfe is good agaynst the payne comyng of hete N Clothes wet in the water oftē layd vpō the hed wrapped therin is good agaynste the flode of the braynes O Wyne myxced with the same water and dronke therof thryse in a daye at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe stoppeth a great laske ¶ Water of alnus Cap. c.xx.iii ALnꝭ in latyn The beste parte tyme of his dystyllacyon is the yōge leues in the begynnynge of the maye A The same water is pryncypally good agaynst catyng sores in the mouth in the mornynge at none and at nyght wasshed there with B It is also good to a mānys yarde therwith wasshed spowted therin ¶ Water of Cowslop Cap .c.xxiiii. HErba paralisis in latyn The best parte tyme of his distillacyon is the leues the floures with all hys substaunce in the begynnyng of the pryme tyme A The same water is good agaynste the payne in the hede comyng of colde a cloth wet in the same and wrapped aboute the hede cawsethe to slake the betynge payne in the hede comyng of colde B Two tymes dronke in a daye of the same water at eche tyme an ounce ▪ is good for the colde stomake and warmeth the colde lyuer C The same water dronk in the forsayde maner is good for women that bereth chylde D In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce puryfyeth the women in the sekenes of theyr floures E In the mornynge and at nyght wasshe the venemous bytes of bestes or other wormes and clothes wette in the same and layde there vpon heleth them F The same water vsed in the forsayd maner heleth the bytyng of a mad dogge G The same water dronke thre or four dayes contynuynge at eche tyme an ounce wythdryueth the payne in the hede H The face often wasshed therwith with dryueth the spottys pymples ī the face causeth the skyn̄ to be fayre I Of the same water dronke in the mornynge at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe .viii. or .x dayes contynuyng is good for the grauell in the limmes ¶ Water of haselnuttys Capitu .c.xxv. Nur auelana in latyn The best parte tyme of theyr dystyllacyons is in the tyme whan they haue a pyth that the shellys be weke and softe aboute faynt Iohn̄s day at myd somer stamped dystylled A The handes and armes enoynted or wasshed with the same water is good for them that be scabbed ¶ Water of wylde Nardus Capitulum cxxvi BAccara or Nardus agrestis in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dhstyllacyon is the rote and the herbe with all his subaunces chopped and dystilled togyder betwene bothe one lady dayes A Thesame water slaketh the hete in all membres whan clowtes be wet therin layde vpon them B The same water is very good agaynst a hote lyuer hempen towe wet in the same layde theron C A lytell clowt wet in the same water and layd vpō the shoyne in the wornynge
at none at nyghte it heleth them well D Women be rynge chylde shall nat drynke of the same water bycawse it wyll dryue the chylde frome the moder quycke or dede If a woman with chylde fortuned to drynke of the same water thā sholde not only the chylde dye but also the moder in contynent whiche were great pyttye E In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaīst the febres or axces F The same water dronke in the foresayde maner is good for to prouoke the flowres in women G In the mornynge and at nyghte drōke at eche tyme .ii. ounc cawseth wel to pysse H In the mornynge nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces contynuynge thre or foure wekes is very good for the dropsy ¶ Water of mawes of Polel Capitulum c.xxvii THe inward yelowe skynne of mawes of the polell shall be stroped of named Pellicula interior ī latyn And it shall be dystylled in balneo Marie A The same water is meruelously good agaynste the reed lyddes of the iyen therwith the lyddes enoynted inwarde also outewarde in the mornyng and at nyght tyll they be hole ¶ Water of heth Cap .cxxviii. MIri●a in latin The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the leues the herbe and the flowres stroped frome the stalkes in the mornynge before the rysynge of the sonne chopped and distilled in the time whā it bereth fulli his floures A The same water is meruaylousli good for seke and feble iyen whan in the morning and at nyght two or thre droppes of the same be put theryn and enoynted ther with rounde about And in the somer to loke vpon the grene feldes and places conforteth also the iyen ¶ Water of smerworte Ca .cxxix. Ristologia Longa in Latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote the herbe with all her substaunce chopped and dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A The handes in the mornynge and at nyght often wasshed with the same water and lette drye agayne by hym selfe is good agaynst tremblynge of the handes B The same water is good for all woundes and cawseth them to be quyckely hole whan they be wasshed in the mornyge and at nyght with the same water C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water with dryueth the hardnes of the mylte D The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces withdryueth the payne in the sydes E With the same water wasshed the membres in the mornyng and at nyght is good agaynst the crampe whan it drieth agayne by hym selfe F In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce slaketh the thurst in a body G The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces cawseth mo●he of sperma H Of the same water dronke in the mornynge at nyght and the membres rubbed therwith easeth podagra I Dronke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is very good agaynst the fla●●yn 〈◊〉 sekenes named ●pylēcia K The same water dronke in the forsayde maner is good for the payne in the bely ¶ Water of Meron Bap. YMpia minor in latin The best tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is all the herbe dystylled in the ende of the Maye A The same water is good agaynste the hete of the leuer twyse in a daye layd ther vpon with towe of hempe wet therin B The same water is good agaenste hote swellynges wet therin a lynyn clot a lytell wronge oute agayne and iayd theron it often vsed C The same water is good for woundes in the mornynge wasshed therwith and clowtes wet therin and layd ther vpon D Whā a body is seke it is good to gyue hym to drynke of the same water by cawe that no gowte come vpon hym if he hath the gowte and drynketh of the same water tpā the gowte shall leue hym and come not vpō hym agayne E Of the same water dronke thryse in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is very good for them that longe tyme haue ben seke therwith they shall become quycke agayne ¶ Water of henues Cap .c.xxxi QAllina in latin And shall be dystylled in the same maner ●orowe a good blacke henne whiche is two or thre yere of age and plucke the same well clene withoute wettyng of warme water Thā put of all here grese and intrayles and choppe that in small peces dystyl the same in an helmeth After that put the water in a glas and dystyll it per valneum marye A Water of hennes shall be geuen to drynke to them whiche haue ben so longe seke that he hole is consumed and is hole feble and faynte it is good aboue mesure for such one for it gyueth hym so moche vertue and strēgtheth hym so moche that all the medycynes haue meruayle of the same ¶ Water of hartes horne Ca .c ▪ xxxii BOrnu Carui in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan a myddell aged harte had cast of hys hornes and ther bē other newe hornes growynge vpō a quarter and a halfe of a yarde longe in the tyme that they be softe tender lyke cartylago that is a gyr●le than they shall be chopped and dystylled A The same water drōke an aunce or an ounce and a halfe stoppeh the flode of the flewres is women whiche is sure and truely founde ¶ Water of the herbe of hoppes Capitulum c.xxxiii LUpulus vel humulus in latyn The best parte tyme or his dystyllacyon is the fyrste toppes named in latyn Cunarum lupuli whan they begynne to growe about two spannes of lengthe than they be broken of and chopped and dystylled in the ende of the mouethe of Apryll A The same water drōke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the drynke mixced with the same water .xxii. or .xxx. dayes contynuynge puryfyeth the vnclene blode and dryueth out the melancolye wherof a body becomethe scalde scabby and leprous and taketh awaye all that maye become of vnclene blode for it rectyfyeth the ylnes of the mylte where oute is comynge all the vnclenes B In the mornynge and at nyghte of the same water luke wat●●● put in the eates clensethe con●●meth and withdryueth the matter ¶ water of resta bouis Ca .c.xxxiiii. REsta bouis in latyn The beste tyme and parte of his dydyllacyon is the flowres whan it bereth flowres A The same water is very good for the rede spottys rede pymples and lytel rede blaynes in the face twyse in a daye wasshed therwith B Yf ye wyll recouere or gyue to a man his nature agayne whiche had loste his nature than gyue hym a spoune full euery tyme of the same water and it
thesame at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynste shrynkynge in the bely vt sepius claruit ¶ Water of Calfes blode Ca .c.liiii. SAnguis vituli in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the blode of a black calfe and how blacker how better brenned or dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A The same water is good for the consumynge membres in the mornynge at nyghte rubbed therwith It warmeth and cōforteth the membres greued with the Palsey rubbed with the same water in the mornynge at nyghte well warme and clothes wet therin and warme layde ther vpon B The same water conforteth the membres senywes and bryngeth the very membres to theyr fyrste strengthe whan they be rubbed ones or twyse in a daye with the same water ¶ Water of calfes blode and longues to gyder Ca SAnguis pulino vituli in latyn The beste parte of his dystyllacyon is the blode and lōgues of a blacke calfe chopped to gyder and dystylled per Alembicū after the maner artyfycyal A The same water is good for consumynge membres the membres rubbed therwith let drye agayne by hym selfe But yf the body consumeth than the same water muste be dronke and the drīke myxced therwith and the bodye rubbed also with the same water Water of calfes lyuer Cap .c.lvi. IEcur vel Epar vituli in latino The beste lyuer for to dystylle is of a blacke calfe whā it can be get A The same water is good for a membre that consumeth often wasshed the membres therwith ¶ Water of Creuys ▪ Ca .c.lvii. CAncer in latyn The best parte tyme of his dystyllacyon is the quicke creuyces whan the mone is at full stamped and dystylled A Consumynge membres rubbed with the same water doth cawse flesshe to grow agayn B Twyse a daye vsed of the same wat at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynste the palley C Clothes wet therin also layd twyse a daye on a sore that is brent with fyer heleth it ¶ Water of rede corne roses Capitulo C.lviii FLores papaueris rubei in latyn The best parte and tyme of theyr diūyllacyons is the leuys of the flowres dystylled ī the begynnynge of Iune A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce is very good agaynste all maner of inwarde sekenes cōmynge of hete ELores papaueris rubei ●laf The best ꝑte and tyme of the dystyllacion is the leues and floures dystylled in the begynnyng of Iune A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce is good agaynste all inwarde sekenes comynge of hete B The same water is specyally good for the lyuer whan she is ful of vnnaturall hete the water dronke in the forsayde maner and clowt●s wet in it and layde on the lyuer outwarde C In the mornynge at none and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the wyld fyre D In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good for saynt Anthonys plage or fyre yf the drynke be myxced therwith and clothes or towe wet layde vpon it E The same water dronke two oūces and clowtes wet therin layde betwene the brestes of a woman storpeth the flode of her flowres yf she hath to moche of F In the same water wet clothes layde betwene the brestes and on the nose thrylles stoppeth the blode at the nose G The same water is good agaynste all vnclene etynge sores agaynste scabbes sores ●●●ute the mouthe often wasshed therwith it heleth the same H P●● .vii. or viii kernelles of quences in an ounce of the same water and rubbe ther with the tongue or do it without the kernelles and scrappe the tongue with a small knyfe of wode of a vyne or of a quenche tre it wyll hele the tōgue which was blacke thrugh sekenes I The same water is good agaynst al spottes of lepre wasshed ther with clowtes wet therin layd vpō it K The same water is good agaynste the dysseas named the rede flysshe wet therin a lenen clothe and layd ther vpon L It is also good for eatynge and corrosyng sores scabbes and blaynes on the secrete place of women in the mornynge at nyght wasshed therwith and clothes wet therin and lay de vpon it M The same water is good agaynste the swellen mānys yarde and holes clothes wet there in wrapped rounde about the yarde twyse in a daye N It is good for sores and holes in the mannys yarde clotes wet theryn often wrapped theron O It is also good agaynste the vnnaturall hete as the sheyne clowtes wet therin and layd theron P It dryueth away the payne in the hede comynge of hete whan the forehede the tēples the necke enointed is therwyth Q A clothe werin the same water and layd aboute the iyen dryueth away the payne of the iyen and pulleth out the hete of them R The same water is good to be dronke agaynste feblenes and fayntenes of the harte ¶ Water of wottes Ca .c.lxxix Olus in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues brenned and dystylled in the begynnynge of Iune A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe stoppeth the flode of the flowres in women B. In the same maner dronke of the water is good for them that pysse with payne named Strangury C The same water is yll for women berynge chylde bycawse yf a women dronke it the chylde sholde dye and she sholde laboure before her ryght tyme and she her selfe in feare daunger of her lyfe Neuertheles though it be not conuenient for me to wryte of the same for all that it muste be knowen for the great scathe that therof myght come and that euery woman sholde take hede for the same D A clowte wet in the same and holden before the nose of a women lobourynge of chylde cawseth to her a lyghter byrthe Et docuit experiencia C In the mornyng at none and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe stoppeth the la●●ynge ¶ Water of Capones Ca .c.lx. CApo in latin The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is Ye shall take a blacke capon foure or fyue yere olde and worowe and plucke hym without wettynge of water ther after cut hym in foure quarters and put a way all the grete frome hym and wasshe well and make clene the intrayles and than choppe hym in small peces and dystylle hym than per Alembicum or in a helmet lyke other waters But it is good that the water whiche is dystylled thrughe the helmet be putte in a glasse and distilled agayne per Alembicum A The same water dronke in the mornynge at none at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and his drynkynge wyne
tyme an ounce is good for them whiche shyteth colde blode B In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good for women that ben baren C Cotton wette in the same water and putte in the nose stoppeth the bledynge at the nose D In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water in the forsayde maner and mesure is good agaynste the hardenes in the bely and agaynste payne in the lymnes E Woundes wasshed with the same water in the mornynge and at nyghte cawseth them quickly to be hole F The same water is good for women whom the secrete membres be forced and broken after the byrthe of chylde and cawseth it to he le whan it in the mornyng and at nyght is wasshed therwith ¶ Water of Caprifolium or wood bynde Cap .c.lxv. CAprifolium in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the fyrst flowres dystylled in the begynnynge of Iune A The same water dronke in the morninge and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynst the spānyng of the harte B It is good dronk in the forsayd maner against straytnes of the brest C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tune an ounce and a halfe thre or foure wekes cōtynuynge is good agaynste Dropsy ydropisis named in latyn D In the mornyng fastyng at night goynge to bedde dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces .xii. or .xiiii. dayes contynuynge is good agaynst the hyskynge for it causeth a longe brethe and largeth the brest E In the mornynge dronk of the same water in the forsayde maner is good agaynst the stone in the lymmes and clenseth the raynes F In the mornynge at none at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce is good against Lechery G The same water is good agaynst the rede blaynes and pymples in the face whan it is twyse or thryse in a day wasshed ther with H In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe is good for them whiche hath thought and feate to become leprouse I In the morning and at nyghte the face wasshed with the same water lette drye agayne by hym selfe cawseth a fayre clere face K At all tymes drōke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the membres rubbed with the same water is good for them that be fallen of the palsey L Whome the membres ben lame and drye out and consume he shall hym wasshe all tyme twyse in a daie and rubbe let it drye agayn by hym selfe M The same water is good for olde woundes whan they be wasshed therwith in the mornynge and at nyght and dronke of the same N It is good for olde sores on the legges vpō the shynne bones wasshed therwith actu verba comprobarunt O In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for all swollen places P In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and the drinke myxced therwith thre or foure wekes contynuynge clenseth and puryfyeth the blode Q The same water heleth all maner of brennynge yf it be of the fyre or of water whan it is wasshed therwith twyse or thryse in a daye and cloutes wette therin layde vpon it R It cawseth to hele the cankre wasshed with the same water and cloutes wet therin layde ther vpō S The same water kylleth the fystule and cawseth hym to he le in the mornynge and at nyghte wasshed therwith and clowtes wet in the same and layde ther vpon T The same water withdryueth the sore named the moder or ammase wasshed therwith and clowtes wette in the same layde ther vpon V The same wat withdryueth Scrpigines that is drye and small scabbes and spottys wasshed with the same and clowtes wet therin layde ther vpon x The same water withdryueth the spottys and mases in the face in the mornynge and at nyght the face wasshed therwith Y The same water heleth the cankre in the mouthe wasshed often therwith and clowtes wet in the same and sayde ther vpon z It heleth all woundes wasshed there with and clowtes wet layde theron AA The same heleth the gommes often wasshed therwith BB It claryfyeth the iyen whan it is putte therin an howre before nyghte CC The same heleth the eatyng in the gōmes specyally whan ther is put in a lytell asume wasshed therwith in the mornynge and at nyghte A comon rule of all herbes flowres ¶ Ye shall konwe to all open dysseases outwardly the flowres with the herbe shall be brent dystylled than 〈…〉 the stronger whan the herbe or the flowres eche al●● be dystylled they be vsed within the body ¶ Water of lyuer wort Cap .c.lxvi. EPatica in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is onely the leues clene gadered and dystylled in the ende of the May or in the begynnynge of Iune A The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche time an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynst the hote axces B Dronke of the same water in the forsayde maner .xii. or xiii dayes contynuynge is good agaynste the hote dropsy C In the mornynge at none and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good for the liuer for it cōforteth and strengtheth the lyuer it staketh awaye the onnaturall hete of the lyuer whan clowtes or towe bewes therin and layde outwarde on the lyuer D In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces syx or .viii. dayes contynuynge is good for them that occupye to moche the worke of loue or of generacyon that his lyuer destroyeth and dryeth also ¶ Water of Lauendre Capitulum c.lxvii A The same water is good agaynste the daiynge in the hede the hede enoynted with the same and lette it drye agayne by hym selfe and euery nyghte dronke an oūce nit or .xiiii. dayes contynuynge B The same water vsed in the maner afore sayde is very good agaynste the crampe C The same water vsed also in the forsayde maner is very good agaynste the colde paralysis D The same water is good agaynste euyll seke nesses agaynst the palsey and for the slepynge membres twyse or thryse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce two or thre wekes contynuynge and euery daye the membres rubbed therwith and lette drye agayne by hym selfe E The same water dronke and vsed in the foresayde maner is good agaynst the tremblynge of the membres and handes F An ounce or an ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water is good for them whose tongue is become blacke and can not
hede spottes in the face than shall it be wasshed in the mornynge and at nyght with the same water and let it drye agayn by hym selfe than it wyll go awaye B The same water withdryueth Guttam roseam whiche cometh from hete or frome hote blode and frome the lyuer which becometh so hote in the face that therof become and appererede spottys in the face lyke as yf a body were leprouse in the mornyng and at nyght wasshed with the same water and let drye agayne by hym selfe C In the mornyng and at nyght longe tyme the face wasshed with the same withdryueth the froūces of the face and causeth a fayre clene face ¶ Water of cow●lop Ca .c.lxxvii. SAponatia vel herba fullonū in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyons the herbe and the rote chopped togyder brēned or dystylled in the begynnynge of Iune A Thre ounces dronke of the same water is good agaynste the pestylence B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynste impostumes and agaynst straytnes aboute the breste Water of mannis blode Capitulum .clxxviii. SAnguis humanus in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the blode of a mā of .xxx. yeres sanguyne of complexion warme and moysty of nature reioysynge of mynde fayre clere and holsome from all sekenes whiche be let blode thrughe the moche super fluyte of blode brenned or dystylled in the myddest of the Maye or aboute the Maye A The same water is good agaynst a consumed membre the mēbre well and sore rubbed therwith thre or foure tymes in a daye thā cometh the mēbre agayne to his ryght condycyon B In the mornynge and at night the same water is good to be dronke at eche tyme an ounce for the Prisicis and etisis and for the consumynge sekenes of the longues and also agaynst the consuminge of the longues and agaynste the consumyng of the body C With the same water the hede rubbed cawseth the here to growe D The fystules wasshed with the same water and dropped therin cawseth thē to hele ¶ Water of mānys torde Ca .c.lxxix. FImus humanus in latyn It is dystylled in this maner Dystylled mannys torde in an Alembyke and take hebe that ther come no water to it and that he be a lytel drye whan ye dystylle it and take hede for his smellynge and dystylle them secondarely in a newe glasse in balneo marye in lyke wyse do with the blode A The same water is costlyer than golde to many maner of dysseases and specyally for the brēnynge yf a bodye were brenned he shall be enoynted with the same water in the mornynge and at nyght he shall be hole B The same water put in the iyen withdryueth the flode of the iyen and breketh the skīne of the iyen and putteth awaye the spottis of the iyen It is also good for many dysseases of the body and some calle it aqua vite as they call the brenned wyne C Euery day rubbed and wasshed the balde place .iii. dayes contynuynge cawseth the here to growe D The same water heleth all impostumynge comyng on the legges and the dyssease named mal●● mortuum that be great vnclene spottys and holes whiche be eatynge and corrosynge within and also rounde aboute they shal be wasshed with the same water and after the wasshynge there shall be strewed powder vpon it dryed of mannis blode E In this maner ye may proue of the same water be good and 〈◊〉 well dystelled Make an yron glowynge hote and putte it in the same and flake it with the same it wyll become as harde as any stele But yf the water be nat tyght well dystylled than the yron shall nat become no harder than it was before F The same water rubbed on the temples of the hede withdryueth all tearfull and horyble dreames G A body that hath a reed face lyke as yf he were leprouse shall wasshe his face with the same water than it shall become fayre and whyte H Set the same water in any place in the sonne and ther oute shall growe wormes And whan the wormes be great than take them out of the feces and put thē in a smal croked glas or ī any other small dystyllyng glas and dystylle it per Alembycum with the same water wasshe your face clere and fayre and well dysposed of colour vt ratū inuentum est ver●tan consonum but the face must be fyrste wasshed well with comon water I Take water of mannys torbe of eche lyke moche and put them to gyder vpon the feces at the mannys blode and dystylle them secondately The same water is very good for them that is fallen of the pa●sey and can not speke than shall ye put them to gyder vpon the feces at a lytell of the same water vpon his tōgue and the temples of the hede rubbed therwith than he shal become hole ¶ In the same water put a glowyng cole in a glas and lest a wynde hole as great as a strowe pype the cole abydeth glowynge hote as longue as there is any water in the glasse ¶ Cotton wet in the same water and let drye by hym selfe and do it thre tymes whan the cotton is holde in the sonne and become warme in the sonne than the cotton becometh b●●nnynge and kendeleth of the hete of the sonne And whan ye wyll dystylle those thre forsayd waters than take hede of they re smellynge and stynkynge bycawse it sholde do you great harme ¶ Water of Scestroppe Capitulum c.lxxx CEntum capita vel ytingus in latyn The best parte of his dystyllacyon is onely the rote chopped and dystylled in the ende of the Mai and not later A water of the same dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good agaynst the droppynge pysse named Strangurya B The same water is good and multy plyeth the sperma and moueth and prouoketh the warke of venus or lechery ¶ Water of maydē here Ca .c.lxxxi CApillus venetis or Coriāde ●●putei or capillus porcinus in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the herbe with all his substaunce dystylled in the myddest of the Maye or betwene bothe our ladyes dayes A In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the inflammed lyuer and coleth the same B The same water is good agaynste the rottyynge lyuer whan it is drōke in the maner aforsayde C In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water is very good for thē that haue to moche occupyed the playeng of venus or the worke of generacyō that his lyuer wyll destroye Water of botter flowres Capitulum c.lxxxii THe beste pa●te and tyme of his dystyllacion is onely the floures whā they be well rype dystylled A The same water is good for the impostumynge of the iyen in the euenynge
ther with is for them that haue a colde lyuer B The membres rubbed with the same water and let drye agayne by hymselfe and oftē dronke is goog agaynste the palsey C The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme .ii. ounces or two ounces and a halfe is good agaynst the crampe whā the membres be rubbed therwith D It vsed in the maner aforsayd is very good agaynste the colde paralysis E The same water is good for the slepynge membres often the mēbres rubbed ther with and dronke in the mornynge and at nyght of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe F In the mornynge or at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces forty dayes contynuynge is good agaynste the fallyng sekenes G In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is very good agaynste the dasynge in the hede ¶ Water of the herbe Buglossa Capitulum .c.iii. BVglossa vel lingua bouis in latyn is of many maners As buglosse withone stalke and purple coloured flowres and is called of many persones shepes tongue and it is nat trewe for that is named in latyn lingua agni or lyngua arietis and groweth on harde stony wayes and it is very comun And there is an herbe called small oxce tongue groweth in the gardyns and on other laboured feldes with many smale flowres and his stalke groweth seldome aboue a ●nbyte of hyght There is yet an other huglossa and with braunches with oughe leues with blewe flowres lyke borage The same Buglossa is with rede flowres Wherfore she is called of many parsones borage and in latyn buglosta siluestris or agrestis in some places and somtymes they haue rede rotes The best parte and tyme of theyr dystallacyon is the Buglossa with the rughe leues blewe flowres or rede floures the rote the herbe the steles and the flowres chopped togyder dystylled in the begynnyng of Iune whan she hath ouermoche flowres After that the small vuglossa is the best and after that the fyrst Buglossa and they shall all thre be dystylled in the for sayd maner A In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynste the murte in the hede B The same water dronke in the forsayd maner cōforteth the braynes whiche ben grened with the brēnynge colera and moystour Therfore it is good for them that be out of theyr wyttes and must be bounde agaynst the madnes Mania for the same water is takynge away the melancolye Whan it is dronke in the mornyinge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the drīke therwith myxced In lyke wyse I my selfe haue sene in the towne of ●ouelence in Almayne a scole mayster which had studyed so moche that he had lost his wyttes and must be bonde Than came there an onlerned Empyricus and dyde gyue hym to drynke of the same water and chopped the herbe for his meate and the herbe stamped he dyde laye vnto his hede plaster wyse thre or foure wes●es contynuynge wherwith he became fully hole and well amended gat his wittes agayne and he studyed moche more than ●e dyde before C Drōke twyse or thryse in a day of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or two ounces is good for the menstruum in women D In the mornyng at none at nyght dronke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and his wyne mixced therwith cawseth good vnderstondynge and memorye E The same water drōke in the forsayde maner strengteth and reioyseth the harte very well It is also good agaynst the betynge tremblynge woo and fayntnes of the harte It is sayde also yf a great company were syttynge at dyner or soupper and were sprynkeled with the same water it sholde cause them all to be mery F In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe xii or .xiii. dayes cōty●uynge is good for the yelowe Iandis G It dronke in the forsayde maner withdryueth all euyll moystenes from the longues H The same water is meruaylously good to be dronke the drynke myxced ther with against the payne and stytches in the syde I Dronke of the same water in the mornyng and at night at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the tremblynge of the harte K Dronke two ounces fastynge of the same water with the moste best wyne that can be gottē strēgtheth all the membres L Dronke of the same water in the forsayd maner and thy mouth therwith wasshed is good agaynste the stynkynge of the mouth M Twyse a daye dronk of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst all maner of scabbes and leprye for it clenseth the blode ¶ Water of crabbes Ca .cc.iiii. MAla mariana in latyn The best part and tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the ende of the secōde monthe of haruest stamped and dystylled A In the mornynge fastynge at none and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is very good agaynst the shrinkyng ī the bely vt probatū reperunus B water of the same herbe distilled about faynt Iohn̄ baptyste daye at mydsomer is very good agaynste the rede faces whan they be enoynted with the same water and let drye agayn by thē selfe C In the mornynge at none and at nyght drōke of the same water stoppeth the laske with his styptycite D Thryse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or thre ounces thre or foure dayes contynuynge melteth the stone E Dronke in the forsayde maner of the same water is good agaynste the grauel for it clenseth the bladder and the raynes ¶ Water of apples Ca .ccv. POma in latyn The best parte of theyr dystyllacion is the apples beynge hole rede and the redest be the best A The same water is good agaynst the colde brennyng and for a sore eatynge rounde aboute and fallynge out with peces or in what maner it is wasshed with the same water and clowdes wet therin and layde there vpon in the mornynge and at nyght tyll it be hole B The same is good or blacke blaynes ●gaynste Antrax ī the pestylēce a small hole prycked therin and clowtes wet also in the same layd ther vpo i.iii or .iiii. times in a daye it slaketh coleth and defēdyth fro the eatyng roūde about withdryueth the payne the stynkynge C Ye may also brenne water of tame apples whiche be nat rype they shall be brenned whā they be fully rype but or they become softe or they fall of The same water conforteth and coleth the bodye and the harte naturally ¶ Water of flowres of apples Capitulum FLores pomorū in latin The best
of the same water multyplyeth and prouoketh lecherye EE Two tymes in a daye drōke of thesa same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe prouoketh the flowres in women FF In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good agaynste the brekynge stone in the bladder ¶ water of Ieues of Raffani Capitulum cc.xxv Folia Raffani in latyn The best parte and tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is in the begynnynge of Iune A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the grauell in the lymnes and in the bladder ¶ Water of Rosemary Ca .cc.xxvi. G Who so euer that is swollen on the hyppe bone or on the kne shyue with betynge or impostumynge he shall wette a small lynen clothe in the same water and laye it where as the swellynge is thre or foure wekes contynuyng and it shall become hole agayne H Thre or foure tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe two or thre wekes contynuynge reioyseth the small vaynes named arteryes for it openeth the spyryte of the stoppynge I An ounce dronke of the same water in the mornynge fastynge is good agaynst the pestylence K In two dayes dronke of the same water halfe an ounce or an ounce duryng the tyme of two or thre monethes puryfyeth and maketh clene the blode L In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water foure or fyue wekes contynuynge is good for them that be narowe brested and haue the cowgh M In the mornynge dronke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces cawseth a man to be couragyous for it conforteth the substaunce of the harte and it is also good agaynste the wofull payne of the harte N In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for hym that hath the consumynge sekenes than he wyll become hole agayne O In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water sherpeneth the tongue and cawseth well to speke And no bodye can tell the myght and vertue of the same water P In the mornynge and at nyght the face wasshed with the same water cawseth a fayre and clere face Q The hede wasshed with the same water and lette drye agayne by hym selfe preserueth the fallynge out of the here 's and cawseth more for to growe R Of the same water dronke and therwith wasshed defendeth a bodye frome Antrax that be the great yll fauoured blaynes of the pestylence T In the mornynge and at nyght the fystules wasshed with the same water wyll cawse them to hele S The same water cawseth a bodye to appere longe tyme fayre and yonge whā it is dayly vsed myxced with his drynke a lytell and outwarde therwith rubbed V With the same often wasshed rectyfyeth the tethe and gōmes and heleth the fystule and gommes there on x The same rectyfyeth the euyl woūdes and impostumes for it dryeth them in the mornyng at nyght wasshed therwith Y In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst the flode in the bely z In the forsayde maner dronke of the same and in the mornynge at nyght the membres enoynted and rubbed therwith and let drye agayn by hym selfe is good for the paralytycō or paralisis and agaynste the shakynge tremblynge of the membres it rectifieth the senewes AA Two oūces drōke of the same dryueth venym out of the body lykewyse as doth the tryacle BB Two or thre tymes drōke of the same at eche time halfe an oūce rectyfyeth the moder It cawseth the womē to be frutful whā they make a bath of his decorciō the same bathe is also a bathe of lyfe a restraynynge a withdrawyng of age a renewīg of a body for it hath many secret vertues for whā a glas is full of the floures and buryed in sande more than halfe so let stande therin a moneth or more tyll the flowres become to water Than set the same water in the sonne all moste .xl. dayes than it wyll become clere and of the vertu of bawme CC The same is than confortynge the harte the braynes the hole body DD It is good for the wekenes of the vaynes EE It clēseth the 〈◊〉 of the face FF It kepeth a body in yowthe and hath the vertue of the bawme GG The same water worketh maruaylously in the iyen wastynge and puttynge a way the skynne and spottes out of the iyen whan a droppe or two of the same is put at nyght in the iyen HH The same water rectyfyeth also the slepynge membres in the mornynge and at nyght rubbed therwith and dronke at eche tyme an ounce II It heleth also the salte flegma the fistule the cankre whiche can none otherwyse be heled It mēdyth also aqua vite whan the rosemary is steped and wette therin but better were it dystylled KK Water of rosemary taken and vsed thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and the drynke myxced there with and a clowte of sylke wet therin and outwarde layd vpon the harte whyche is dysseased of colde cawseth it to be hole ¶ Here after foloweth a fayte addycyon of the wyne of Rosemary with the vertues and propryetes of the same herbe wryten by the moste lerned and experte mayster named Arnoldus de villa noua sayenge that he gate of an auncyen physycyen the propryetees and vertues of Rosemary the whiche he kepte for his secrete And sayde that one of his chyefe vertues is in the wyne another in a bathe the thyrde in electuaryes And yf oyle were made of it it sholde haue the effecte and operacyon of hawme And of wyne and the iuce of this herbe is made aqua vite The wyne ther of made confycte of other wynes as is aforsayde hath many maruaylous good propryetees for it profyteth moche for all colde sekenesses It rectyfyeth also and sharpeth the appetyte It conforteth confyrmyth iustyfyeth all the membres the vaynes and the synewes The mouthe wasshed therwith maketh it swete and to smell well and maketh the face fayre that is wasshed therwith The here wasshed therwith kepeth the heres frome fallynge and to growe at eche wasshynge Item vsed therof in meat preserueth greatly agaynst the hete of the sonne and agaynst other sores and pymples And also it consumeth the fleme and melancolye and properly conforteth the substaunce of the harte And it causeth also the age to gette yowthe and strengthe Also yf one be in helthe and vseth customably his body shall not rotte and it wyll preserue hym in helthe And yf the tethe and gōmes be rubbed there with it taketh awaye the ache It heleth the cankre and fystula And yf ony be weked of sekenenesse the drynkynge therof restoreth his strengthe Also
mornynge fastynge dronke of the same thre ounces or thre ounces a halfe cawseth the laske G It drōke euery mornynge nyght at eche tyme on oūce a halfe is good for the the gowte in the guttes H Dronke of the same in the forsayd maner is good for hym that can not kepe his meat in the stomake I In the mornyng and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme two ounces and a halfe or thre ounces contynuyng two or thre dayes is good for strangury and dyssury K In the mornynge fastynge and at nyght goynge to bedde dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces xxx or .xl dayes contynuynge is good for the stone L Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe fyue or syx dayes cōtynuyng is good agaynst the grauell in the lymmes M Whan a body get an onnatural hete than he shall take of the same water an ounce water of Roses water of duglossa water of cicorea a quarter of an ounce all myxced togeder and he shall it so drynke in the mornynge and at nyght ¶ Water of zizania Cap .cc.xxxiii. ZYsania in latin and groweth in the rye where and in other sedys and hath small purple flowres The best parte and tyme of his dystillacyon is the herbe with all his substaunce chopped and dystylled in the myddest of the maye A In the mornynge and at nyght the membres rubbyd with the same water is good agaynste the consumynge of the membres B Of the same water put in thei●●n an houre before night thre or foure wekes contynuynge is good agaynst the payne in the 〈◊〉 C In the mornynge and at nyght the fystule wasshed with the same water and clow●es wette therin ●ayde ther vpon heleth hym vti dedit experientia mo●strum ¶ Water of wylde roses Ca ▪ cc.xxxiiii BOsa syluestris vel rosa agreitis in latyn The best parte tyme of her dystyllacyon is whan it is in ryght season and begyn to opene the leues plucked of and dystylled A In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same water is good for all onnturall here at eche tyme an ounce and cloutes wet therin layd outwarde theron wher as the hete apereth C The same cōforteth the hede whan the handys and the fete be enoynted therwith and nat the hede than i● h●●eth and slaketh D In the mornyng and at night dronke of the sameat eche tyme an ounce keypeth the 〈◊〉 of the 〈…〉 whan it is come of hete E The same water is good for seke persones whiche he faynte of on naturall hete two or thre tymes in a day therwith enoynted outwardely F In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and the mouthe wasshed therwith withdryueth the stynkyng of the mouthe G The same water is good agaynst rede impostumynge iyen an howre before the nyght put in the iyen some dayes cōtynuynge H Foure ounces dronke of the same water in the mornyng fastynge whan the water is newe and fresshe laxeth the bely whiche is to harde of hete I In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water whiche is metely olde at eche tyme an ounce and cloutes wet ther in and layde vpon the bely stoppeth the flode of the bely whiche cometh to moche bycawse of hete K The same water is good agaynste the hote lyuer and conforteth the same clowtes wet in the same water or hempe towe and layd theron twyse or thryse in day L In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce witdryueth the hete of the stomake cōforteth the stomake M The temples the betyng vaynes and the nose holes enoynted with the same water withdryuth the murre in the hede and cawseth good rest and well to slepe N The same water clenseth the stynkynge woundes whan they in the mornynge and at nyght be wasshed therwith O In the mornyng at none at nyght dronke of the same at eche time an oūce cloutes wet laid theron outwardely is good agaynst the inwarde hete whiche ronneth outwarde comynge of Colera P Of the same a longe tyme holden in the mouthe withdryueth the payn in the tethe comynge of hete Q In the mornynge at none at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme and ounce or an ounce and a halfe stoppeth the whyte flyxxe named lyenteria in latyn R He that is in dasynge and fayntnes hym shall be gyuyn of the same water and his hede shal be rubbed therwith S With the same rubbed the fore hede the vaynes of the temples the betynge vaynes on the handes and fete the nose thrylles conforteth the braynes and the hede and slaketh the hete T In the forsayd maner vsed the same water reioyseth and cawseth a bodye to be mery V dronke of the same water an ounce fastynge is good agaynst the onnturall here named the vresame comynge on the skynne with rede pymples and lytell small blaynes X A dragma of pouder shaued of yuory named Rasura eboris in latyn putte an ounce of the same water ī it is very good to be dronke agaynst any maner of swellynge ¶ Water of the rede Roses Capitulum cc.xxxv C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynste Dyssenterea and Lienteria that is the blody flixce or otherwise the whyte laske D The same water vsed in the maner aforsayde is good agaynste fayntenes comynge of swete whan a bodye becometh faynte of to moche swete E In the mornynge and at nyght rubbed and wasshed with the same water the tethe and gommes strengteth and conforteth the tethe and cawseth the mouthe to haue a good odoure F The mouthe wasshed with the same water strengtheneth and fasteneth the flesshe and maketh the face well colored G The same water myxced with a lytell wyne clenseth dryeth the yen prīcypally whā therof is taken halfe an ounce of the same water with halfe an ounce of wyne and therin melted or resolued Churia ●pa●at a dragm● Aloepaticum and sugreandy of the same twenty barly gray●en of wēght In lyke maner dothe also the rose water onely hym selfe an ounce with whyte sugre a dragma and specyally sugre candys ●ulleth and clenseth the substaunce of the iyen with his 〈◊〉 yeyte and in the same maner is strengthed also the syght H ¶ Nota. water roses is good for desseases of fayntenes lyke as I haue wryten of the wylde roses but wher nedyth to stake hete and cōfortynge therto shal be vsed the water of the wylde roses I It is also good for sore iyen comynge of hete whā it is put in the iyen than it with dryueth al hete of the iyen yf it be so that the blode cometh down from the hete in the iyen that the lyddes of the iyen be
swollen rede also than a clowte wet in the same layd vpō the iyen withdriuith al grefe and redenes frome the iyen K Dronke of the same water fastynge an ounce and a halfe cōforteth the hede L The same water is colde and drie and letteth neuer humours nor moystenes come to the iyen whan it is put in the iyē an howre before the nyght and the iyen rounde aboute enoynted with the same M Thre ounces dronke of the same water and wyne myxced togyder taketh awaye the dasynge of the hede and strengtheth the leuer whan it is ful of hete and strōge stoppyng N In the mornyng at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the rede and whyte flyrce O Clowtes or towe wet in the same water and layd vpon the woundes or on the nose stoppeth the bledynge of the woundes and rose P In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water with dryueth the 〈…〉 of hote humours and it is also very good agaynste the hete of the axces or febres Q The same water is good agaynste the hete of the impostumacyons whiche be hote of nature for it is a repercussinum clowtes or towe wet in the same and layde there vpon .iii. or foure tymes in a daye and it is good also agaynste all sores comyng frome hete R The same water myxced with wyne and so dronke of it two ounces is very good agaynste the stomake for it conforteth the stomake S The same water conforteth the harte whan it is enoynted therwith ¶ Water of same whyte roses Capitulum .cc.xxxvi. BOsa alba in latin Those white dowble roses shal be dystylled in balned marye A Twyse or thryse in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce strēgtheth and conforteth and is good agaynste the fayntnes of the harte B It strengtheth the synewes membres rubbed with the same C With the same water rubbed the fore hede the temples the iyen lyddes and behynde on the necke easeth and cōforteth them that be faynt and it easeth the mouynge of the blode D The same water is good for thē that slepe nat easely whan they be rubbed with the forsayd water on the fore sayd places for it causeth easely to slepe or only the slepyng vayne rubbed therwith helpeth well also E The same water luke warme put in the iyen with a fayre lynen clowte or the iyen enoynted therwith after the bathe pulleth out the hete of the iyen ¶ Water of the Eglentyne roses Capitulum .ccxxxvii ROsa bedagar vel rosa vini in latyn A At none and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce som dayes contynuyng is good for them that be colde of nature whom the stomake is become colde and is good for all sekenesse cominge of colde wher as a bodye becometh faynte of he shall be enoynted there with in the forsayde maner and drōke therof it wyll strengthe and consorte hym agayne B Euery daye of the same water put in the eares .viii. or .x. dayes contynuynge is good agaynst de●nes ¶ Water of the buddes of the roses Capitulum cc.xxxviii ▪ THe same water may be deffylled of what roses that you plese but of the rede roks it is best And there after the wylde roses ther after the whyte roses and there after the Egglēty●● roses The leues plucked from the buddes and the yelowe sedes within whan they begynne to become open and than the buddes dystylled A Foure tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe stoppeth very wel the laske without harme and hyuderaunce and princypally the rede laske comyng of here named dyssenteria in latyn and the whyte laske lienteria ¶ Water of pyonye roses Ca .ccxxxix PEonia in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the roses whan they be rype and fully well in theyr season the leues of the roses frome the steles myxced with so moche weyght of theyr rotes stamped and dystylled or brenned A A parsone that hath fallen of the palsey that he hath 〈◊〉 his sp●che he shal drynke of the same water an ounce and it shall cawse hym to speke agayne and he shall become hole B In the moruyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an onnce and a halfe is good for yonge chylderen agaynste the stone C Twyse in a daye drōnke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynste the payne in the lymmes D In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or xl dayes contynuyng is good agaynste the fallynge sekenesse ¶ Water of nauis Ca .cc.xl. ● Apa in latyn The best tyme and parte of the comen naues dystyllacyon is in the ende of Iune the ●ote or naues chopped and brenned or dystylled A The same water is good for membres the whiche sore be frosen ther with wasshed and rubbed and cloutes wet there in and layde there vpon twyse or thryse in a daye B The same is good agaynst brennyng where so euer it be of hote water of fyer of an hote yron or of what maner of brennynge it be with the same wasshed there shall come vpon a scurfe the scurfe shall be wasshed with the same water tyl it is hole ¶ Ware of Cheryses Ca .cc.xli. CErasia or grana regis in latin the cheryses that I wryte of the comē greate cheryses with the shorte steles The best time of they re dystyllacyon is whan they be fully rype or they begynne to rotte or destroye than they shall be layd vpon a fayce lynen clothe the space of a daye or two bycawse that the watery flegmatyke moystenes may somwhat be pulled out and comsumed and there after brenned and dystylled A Twyse or thryse dronke of the same water in a daye prouoketh the floures in women B In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water cawseth the whyte laske and the rede laske to be stopped C Euery daye in the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the hete of the lyuer and of the stomake and confort the harte ¶ Water of blacke Cheryses Capitulum cc.xiii CErasa nigra in latyn Those Cheryses be great blacke but in some contreys be small blacke cheryses some hole pale and some be whyte on the one syde rede on the other syde but of those is nothing wryten in medycynes but onely of the great rede the great blacbe the ryses The best part of the great blacke cheryses dystyllacyon is the most blackest that may be goten dystylled in the 〈◊〉 maner as it is done of the great rede cheryse A Euery day twyse dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce thre or foure wekes cōtynuynge is good agaynste the dropsy B Twyse a daye dronke of the same water at ethe
tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the fallynge of the membres and lamen̄es comynge of the palsaye yf they be rubbed and wasshed there with and let drye agayn by hym self And he that is enclyned of nature to the palsey shall drynke euery mornīge fastynge an ounce of the same water C In the forsayde maner dronke of the forsayde water is good agaynste swellynge D In the mornynge fastyng and at nyght goynge to bedde dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce a halfe stoppeth well the laske ¶ Water of storkes Ca .cc.xliii. CIro●a vel Ibis in latyne The yonge storkes shall beworowed and plucked oute of theyr seders cut and chopped in small peces and than brēned and dystylled A With the same wat the place shall be rubbed and enoynted where as the goute or paralisis is in the membres and so it shall be done twyse or thryse in a day and clothes wet therin and layd ther vpon than a parson heleth quyckely surely ¶ Water of hogges blode Ca .cc.xliiii SAnguis porcinus in latyne The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the blode of a geldyd hogge and 〈◊〉 as it is gelt put the blode quyckely into the styllatory A Two oūces and a halfe dronke of the same water is good for them that haue the pestylenre ¶ Water of saynt Iohn̄s worte Capitulum cc.xlv SCopia regia ypericon vel herba sancti Iohannis vel herba perforata in latyne The ▪ beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues floures stroped frome the steles dystilled in the ende of Iune A The same water myxced with the rote and sedes or with the rote of pyonye dronke of the same water in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the fallynge sekenes B Euery mornynge and nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce agaynste the fall of the palsey C It is also ●ood for the tremblynge membres twyse or thrise in a day rubbed therwith and let deye agayne by hym selfe D The same water myxced with rede wyne and twyse in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst all maner of laskes and flode of the beli or cloutes wet in the same and layd vppon the bely foure tymes betwene daye and nyght E Mury domus conspercicū aqua ista valet contra diabolicam illusionem F The same water heleth all maner of woūdes outwardly and īwardly sticked or hewen in the mornīg at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces and the woundes outward wasshed therwith and clothes wet in the same layd ther vpon ¶ water of Satyryon Ca .cc.xlvi SAtyryo vel testiculus vulpis vel leporina in latyn And is of two maners the male the female The rote of the male hath two rootes hangynge to gyder lyke two nutmeges The female hathe two rootes laynge ouer eche other lyke two small handes and is named in latyn Palma christi The best parte and time of the distillacion of the male is the root brenned or distilled in the ende of May A In the mornyng and at night dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe strēgtheth and conforteth the stomacke B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth great hete therfore it geueth lust vnto the workes of generacyon and multyplicacion of sperma C Dronke of the same water in the forsayde maner withdryueth the yelow iaundys named Ictericia D In the forsaid maner dronke of the same water of palma christi ¶ Water of palma Christi Capitulum ccxlvii A The same water is good against swellynge outwardely and inwardely euery mornyng drōke two oūces of the same water and clothes wette therin and layde ther vpon B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two oūces cawseth apetyte and lust to the worke of generacyō multyplyeth the nature and sperma C In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe conforteth and strengtheth the body D It heleth olde newe wounder inwardely and outwardely in the morning at night dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe clothes wet therin and layd there vpon ¶ Water of corona regia Ca .ccxlviii COrona regia in latyn The beste Parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the leues and floures stroped from the steles and brenned or dystylled in the ende of Iune A The same water is good for them that haue euyll hasty moued wyttes clowtes wet therin and boūde vpon the hede ¶ The same water shall be dronke of prynces lordes wyse vnderstaundynge parsones whiche haue moche to putte in theyr myndes and remembraunce and the same water is better for the remembraūce memorye than all the other waters ¶ Water of fayne Cristofels worde Capitulum cc.xlix OS mundi in latyn The best time of his dystystyllacyon is in the ende of the May chopped dystylled A The same heleth the cankre wasshed therwith and clowtes wet therin layde ther vpon It heleth also the fystle wasshed ther with cloutes wet therin layd theron B It withdryueth the dysseas named the modernale twyse or thryse wasshed therwith in a daye let drye by him selfe C Whā a man is rente thā he shall drynke of the same an oūce .ix. dayes cōtynuyng he shal become h●le without doubte ¶ Water of Nenufaris Ca .cc.l. NEnufaris vel cacabus veneris vel papauer palustris in lati they be of .ii. maners one with whyte floures the other with yelowe floures The best tyme of his dystillaciō is the whyte floures whā they be full ī theyr season or they becom blacke rede thā dystylled A The same slakethall here on the body of a mā whā it is drōke in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe cloutes wet therī layd ther vpon B the hede often enoynted with the same let drye by hym selfe agayne coleth the hete of the hede C It myxced with other drynke drōke cloutes wet therin layd on the harte outward coleth the here of the harte D It vsed in the forsayde maner is good for a dyssease named Ethica E An ounce a halfe drōke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght .x. or .xii. dayes contynuyng is good for the yelowe Iandys F Towe or lynē clothe wet in the same and ●aid two or thre times in a day outwarde on the lyuer coleth the lyuer G Thre tymes in a daye drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce is good against the hote drie cough H In the mornyng at night dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst pleu●e●●s that is an impostumynge in
the brest with stitches in the syde I In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce is good for impostumyng in the guttes K Often drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce is good agaynst the olde flode in the bely L The same is good agaynste all spottys mases in the skyne comynge of hete often rubbed therwith wasshed let dry agayne by hym selfe M An oun●e dronke of the same and the drinke myxced therwith dronke is good agaynst the here of the pestylence N In the mōrnyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe slaketh the thyrst O Of the same water drōke in the mornynge at nyght and at eche tyme wasshed therwith let drye agayne by hym selfe is good agaīst the whyte morphea but more better it is for the rede morphea whiche cometh of hete P Dronke of the same water in the morning at night at eche tyme an ounce a halfe cōsumeth sperma and it febleth the membre of generacyon and taketh away the ouer moche lechery Q Two or thre tymes in a daye drōke of the sam water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good against the impostumes of the mylte ¶ Water of Saxifrage Capitulum SAxifrage in latyn And is of thre maners as Saxifraga cnbaa Saxifraga maior Saxifraga minor and ther of I wyll wryte The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon of the Saxifraga minor is the small grene herbe dystylled in the begynnynge of Iune but the best part and tyme of Saxifragra maior is the herbe with all his substaunce dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or xl dayes contynuynge is very good agaynst the stone B In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water two or thre wekes contynuynge is good agaynst the grauell in the lymmes and in the bladder C Two or thre dayes contynuynge dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth well to pysse and it clenseth the raynes and the bladder ¶ Water of Scabyose Ca .cc.lii. SCabiosa in latyn The beste parte and time of his distillacion is the same with the small leues chopped dystylled in the ende of the May A The same water is good to all thynges where as the water of consolida regalis is good It is good for the iyen an houre put in the iyen before the nyghte B Twyse or thryse dronke of the same water in a day at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the stytches in the syde C In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water .viii. or .x. dayes contynuynge is good agaynst impostumyng of the bodye D Euery mornyng dronke fastyng of the same water an ounce and a halfe is good for the pestylence E Twyse in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces or two ounces and a halfe is good agaynst venym F It is good for holes in a mānys yarde whā it is wasshed therwith sponted in the mornynge at nyght thā it shal hele without doubte G Twyse in a day dronke of the same water eche tyme two ounces .x. or .xii. dayes cōtynuynge is good agaynst the cowghe H In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water is good agaynst all vnclennes in the bodye I Twyse in a day drōke of the same water at eche time an ounce whan any impos●umyng wylcome within the bodye and or the impostumyng growe cawseth to vamishe the impostumyng It is also good agaynst skaldnes yll blode K In the forsayde nane● drōke of the same water heleth woūdes inwarde or outwarde rōneth out of the woundes and clothes wet in the same and layd ther vpon L A bodye that hathe an impostume out warde or inwarde or that is scalde or scabby he shall drinke it fastyng at eche tyme two oūces .ix. dayes contynuyng than he shal become hole M In the same maner drōke of it clēseth the brest preserueth the longue and withdriueth the impostumacyons in the syde N It is also good agaīst the fycke blaynes in the fondament cloutes wette therin layde there vpon O The same water is good agaynst serpigo and Imperigo in the morning and at night wasshed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe at eche tyme dronke an ounce bycawse it is warme and drye in the second degre therfore it is consumyng dryynge P Euery day drōke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe of the same water is good agaynste the lepre Q It is good agaynst the blaynes of the pestylence named Antrax clowtes wet in the same water and layde there vpon pulleth out al the venym ¶ Water of the great Sage Chapiter .cc.liii. H The same water heleth woundes wasshed therwith clothes wet therin and layde on the dyseas and in the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and a halfe I Two or thre tymes a daye the vaynes rubbed there with openeth the s●oppynge of them K In the mornynge fastyng an ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water .vi. dayes contynuynge clēseth the flowres in women L In the mornynge at nyght vanymous byttes wasshed therewith and clothes wet in the same water layde ther vpon draweth out the ven●m M Cotton or moste growynge on trees wet in the same water bownde vpon fore bledynge woūdes N In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe vi or .viii. dayes contynuynge breketh the inwarde impostumes O In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water conforteth the braynes and the vaynes of the braynes and it is also good agaynste the flode of the hede P In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce twenty or .xxx. dayes contynuynge is good for all suche parsons as hathe to moche occupyed the workes of generacyon and that their lyuer be wasted and hurte it cōforteth strengtheth it aggayne and cawseth it to come agayne into his former myght as it was before Q Dronke of the same in the forsayde maner .x. or .xii. dayes cōtynuynge conforteth the stomake R The same water is good also agaynste the ytche of a mannys coddes whan they be wasshed there with and let drye agayne by them selfe S Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce twenty or thyrty dayes contynuynge taketh away the madnes of the braynes and the hede oftē rubbed therwith T With the same water the rede or gray heres wasshed cawseth them to be blacke V The same water is good in all dysseases of the colde membres as paralisis tremblinge crampe or Epilencia and such other lyke dysseases In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same
yron put in the same water becometh as harde as stele ¶ Water of small plantayne Capitulum cc. lixi B In the mornynge fastynge dronke of the same water two oūces withdryueth the spoulworme in the bely C The same water is good agaynste the fourth dayes axces or agaynste febris quartana drōke two howres before his comynge on D Thre oūces or thre ounces and a halfe dronke of the same water withdryueth the after byrthe or Secundina E In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the venymous and euyll hete and bytes of vnclene wormes or bestes cloutes wet therin and layde ther vpon twyse in a daye F The same water is good for all woundes whan they be wasshed therwith and cloutes wette therin and layd thervpon in the mornynge and at night for it clēseth the olde sores and heleth them also It also heleth fresshe woundes whan the lynte is wet in the same and layde in the myddest of the wounde with oute touchynge the egges and borders of the woundes G The same water is good agaynste swellynge whā clowtes be wet therin and layd ther vpon H In mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe clēset the raynes and the bladder I It heleth all venymous bestes byttes in the mornynge and at nyghte wasshed therwith and clothes wet in the same and laid thervpon ¶ Water of Celendyne Ca .cc.lx. F The same water witdryueth Antracem that be the blaynes of the pestilence is good yf a cloth be wet thre or four tymes a day layd theron G yf it be longe kept ī the mouth it is good for the tothe ●che H Twyse a day dronke of the same water .x. or .xii. dayes contynuenge at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or twayne withdryueth the axces I the same water dryeth and heleth the canker and systule twyse or thryse a daye wasshed there with clothes wet in the same and layd ther vpon L Two or thre tymes dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and the scabs whiche be come of colde wasshed ther with heleth the same M Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynst the stoppynge of the lyuer N In the mornyng fastyng dronke of the same water an oūce is good agaynst the walwynge of the stomake ¶ Water of on●ype sloose Ca cc.lx● A Ceasum or prunesla syluestris in latyne The best tyme of his dystyllacyō is in the ende of septēber stamped and dystylled A Water of sloose whiche be nat rype thre tymes a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynste the blody flyxce tha is named dissentecia and also is good agaynste the hote flyxce B Cloutes wet in the same water and often layde on womens brestes causeth the softe brestes to become harde ¶ Water of the flowres of sloose Capitulum cc.lxii FLores prunellorū agrestiū in latyn The beste tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is lyke as I haue wrytten of before of the aple flowres A An ounce and a halfe dronke in the morning fasting is good against unpostumes or they ryse B An ounce of the same dronke in the mornynge fastyng is good agaynste ouermoche blode ¶ Water of berberyes Ca .cc.lxiii. BEtbetyes in latin The best ꝑte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the fruytes or beryes whā they be fully rype and than brenned or distilled in the seconde monethe of the heruest A Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good against walowyng about the harte B Dronke of the same water in the forsayde maner cawseth good appetyte luste to meat C The same wa● slaketh the euyll hete in a bodye and it is good to be dronke agaynst the hete of the lyuer whan cloutes wet there in be layd vpon the ryght syde out warde D Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe slaketh the thyrste ¶ The same water maye well be made withoute brennynge in this maner pluck● the beries frome the steles and put them in a lytel vessell there vpon pore water at eche hantfull a pounde of water E The same F The same water is good for women that haue to moche they re flowres An ounce of the same water tempered with the thyrde parte of a dragma of rede corall that so dronke twyse a daye for that stoppeth or ellys it wolde torne to harme and do moche scathe ¶ water of Saueyn Ca .cc.lxiiii. SAuine in latyn The beste parte an tyme of his dystyllacyon is the same that is grene growen stroped frome the braūches and brenned and dystylled in the last moneth of heruest A With the same water enoynted the hede and clothes wet in the same and laid vopn the forhed wasteth the dasynes of the hede ● A cloth wet in the same water and layd two or thre tymes on the fynger killeth the worme on the fynger ● With the same water rubbed the yelowe spottys whiche be come of sekenes in the face whan they be wasshed ther with and thre dayes after gone to the hot howse and than the spottys wasshed agayne and enoynted dothe vanysshe them but there shall be nothynge enoynted nor rubbed but onely the spottys D An oūce dronke of the same water cawseth the flowrs in women but it dothe hynderaunce to women beryng chylde E Of the same water dronke in the forsayd maner cawseth lust and cotage to the workes of generacyon and lechecy ¶ Water of mostard sede Ca .cclxv SInapis in latyn The best parte tyme of hys dystylcyon is the herbe whan it dothe bere flowres as in the begynnynge of Iune A with the same water the tethe and gōmes often wette taketh away the payne in the tethe B The cōsumyng membres often rubbed with the same water cawseth them agayne to become in their helth and cawseth the flesshe to growe agayne C with the same water the leggys or bonys often rubbed ther with and let drye agayne by hym selfe warmeth the mary in them D with the same water the membres rubbed let drye agayne by themselfe is good agaynste the colde gout● ¶ Water of paritaria Ca .cc.lxvi. PAritaria in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the leues the steles chopped togyder and dystylled in the ende of the Maye A Two tymes in a day dronke of the same .viii. of .x dayes contynuynge openeth the stoppynge of the stomake and the lyuer the mylte B The same water is good agaynst the swellinge comynge on with payne for it slaketh the payne of the swellynge clowtes wet therin and layd theron two times in a daye C Thre tymes in a day drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe clenseth the raynes and the
the brestes than they shal not become so great D The same is good for the hote dropsy cloutes wet therin and layd there vpon in the mornyng and at nyght E The same is good against the hote paralisis or palsey .iiii. dowble clothes wet therin and layde vpon the membres but take hede that ye take nat of the same within the body for it is one of the maner of colde venym F Halfe an ounce dronke of the same fastynge luke warme is good for hym that hath swalowed a gnat for it dryuech the same out ¶ Water of woodwyne Ca .cc.lxxx. TOlubulis in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe with the whyte belles or flowres whyche wyndeth hym round about the hedges dystylled in the myddest of the May A In the mornyng and at night dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good against dyssury or the droppe pyste ¶ Water of wood wyne flowres Capitulum cc.lxxxi FLores volubilis in latin The best parte tyme of their dystyllacyon is the whyte belies or floures onely dystylled whan they be fully rype A The same is good for many dyuers dyseases inwarde in the body therwith enoynted clowtes wet therin and outwarde layde theron B In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same at ech tyme an an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the droppyng pysse ¶ Water of the herbe of gowles or cuddes Cap .cc.lxxxii. A In the mornyng at none and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and the drynke myxced therwith withdryueth the hete of the stomake B In the for sayde maner dronke of the same water and clowtes wet therin and laid outward on the harte conforteth the harte and stomake C It is also good against the hete of the lyuer towe or hempe wet in the same water and layde outwarde theron thre tymes in a daye D Dronke of thesame water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good for the pestilence for it defendyth and preserueth a body of the same E Thesam is good agaynste the lytell small blacke blaynes dronke of the same in the forsayde maner as I haue lerned of the pestylēre and his drynke myxced therwith and a clowte of hempe or towe wet therin and layd on the smale blacke blaynes at eurry syr howres ones in the daye and at nyghte F It vsed in the forsayd maner slaketh the wylde fyre G The same is good for the longues whā she wyl growe or is growen in the throte often dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe H In the mornyng at none and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe conforteth the harte of a man I In the mornyng at none and at nyght stoppeth the blody flyxce dissenteria whan of the same is dronke at eche tyme two ounces K The same water gorgwoled and dronke is good for the spene in the throte L The same wat is good for the lōgues which wyll or is growen in the throte oftē dronke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe M In the mornynge at none and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe openeth the stoppyng of the lyuer N The same water is good agaynste the consumynge membres in the mornynge and at nyghte wasshed therwith and lettedrye agayne by hym selfe thre or fonce wekes contynuynge or longer D The same water is colde and drye and is good agaynste the bytynge of venymous bestes drōke therof agaynst theyr byttes in the mornyng at nyght with wet clothes layd therō P In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is good agaynst stoppyng of the mylte ¶ Water of Cicorea flowres Capitulum cc.lxxxiii Ionisia in latin The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is as ione as they be open dystylle them A Of the same water an howre before night put in the iyen is good for the impostumynge in the iyen B In the forsaid maner put in the iyen cawseth the iyen to be fayr and clere C The same water is good against the webbe skynne and spottis D The same water is good in the iyen and agaynst more other dysseases of the iyen whan it is put often in the iyen an howre before nyght and enoynted therwith rounde aboute E Often dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce wythdryueth the hete of the liuer and cloutes wet ther in layd theron outwarde ¶ Water of Tapsus barbatus TApsus barbatus in latyn And they be of two maners tame and wylde but I wyll wryte of the male of the tame with the yelowe flowres The best ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues flowres stroped from the steles whā they be fully rype and than dystilled A The same water is the moste gentylyest water for al swellinges inwarde outward in the mornyng at night dronke of the same at eche time an ounce a halfe or two ounces a dowble clowte wet thein layde ther vpon whan the swelling is out warde B The same is good whā a body hath a face lykewyse as yf he were leprous but he is nat a whyte lynen clowte wet therin and layd thervpon whan the cloute is drye wet it agayn thā the face becometh fayr C In the mornyng at none at nygh dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for hym whome the longue is growen or wyll growe in the throt D In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is very good for the hote goute E It is a well proued water agaynste the euyll brennynge as whan a body hath brennyd hym than quyckely he shall take a cloth two double and layd there vpon wet in the same and as sone as the lynnen clothe begynneth to drye than wet it agayne and vse it so often tyll it be hole F The same water is good agaynst the bytyng scabbes clothes wet ther in and layde ther vpon in the mornīge at none and at nyghte G It is good also yf the fore named the shoyne were by accidēt come to the seabbednes a clothe wette therin layde ther vpō but whā the clothe is drye it must be wet agayne and euery time the clothe shal be somwhat wronge oute agayne H The same water is good for them that haue had longe connynge or terynge ieyn a drope or two put in the iyen two or thre wekes contynuyng than they become I Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste all diseases commynge of flodes how so euer they be K Tryse dronke of the same water betwene the daye and the nyght is good against all shrynking in the
bely ¶ Water of swynes grasse or knot grasse Capitulum cc.lxxxv CEntsi nodia in latyne The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the herbe and rote with all his substaunce chopped and distilled in the myddest of the Maye A In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water stoppeth the ouer great laske B Clothes wet in the same water and layd vpon the wylde fyre heleth it C The same water is good for thē that getteh the axces with hete dronke for the same and outwarde rubbed therwith D The same war̄ is good agaynste all paynes in the woundes and other accidentes comyng therto The woūdes wasshed with the same with clothes wet therin and so layde there vpon it is very good and cawseth helynge E The same war̄ luke warme put in the eares is good against the dyssegses in the erys F The same water clenseth the raines of the grauell cōducteth the vryne openeth the stoppyng of the same membres causeth the maters to go thrugh the wayes of the vryne for the rote is diuretica that is moth better for the same dysseases than oother waters G Of the same drōke of a chylde an ounce of a myddell aged bodye an ounce a halfe of an aged body .ii. ounces is good agaynste the wormes in the bely H The same is good agaynst the yll gōmes often wasshed therwith I Twyse or thryse in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is very good agaynst the blacke blaynes and clothes wet rherin and outwarde layd ther vpō K It is a princypall water for to slake a● hete a clowte or towe wet therin and two or thre dayes layd ther vpon tyl it be hole ¶ Water of Salamons seale Capitulum cclxxxvi SIgillum salamonis in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is onely the rote chopped in the ende of the Maye A The same water is good against the congelod blode whiche layth vnder the skyn clothes wet therin and layde there vpon and drōke also B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche time an ounce and a halfe and the drynke myxced therwith is good agaynst the grauell in the lymmes C It cawseth a fayce face often wasshed therwith and let drye agayne by hymselfe And it withdriueth also the spottys and malys in the face and on other places of the body wasshed with the same water thre or foure wekes contynuyng at leste two tymes in a day D The same water withdryueth the rosome of the face often wasshed therwith and lette drye agayn by hym selfe E Often rubbed and enoynted with the same water with dryueth the moder F Thre or foure tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynst inwarde impostumes ¶ Water of wild sage Ca .cc.lxxxvii SAluia agrestlis in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped frome the steles chopped and distilled in the myddest of the Maye A Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst the stytches about the herte comīg of vnclene blode B It is good for him that is fallē woūded or stycked and hath bleded inwarde hath congoled blode within it causeth departynge of the one blode from an other dryueth it out of the body C It is good to be dronke for them that haue had the palsey whan they drynke of it an ounce or an ounce a halfe thre or foure times in a weke than they be sure that they shal haue no more the fall of the palsey ¶ Water of Pirola Ca .cc.lxxxviii. PIrola in latyn The beste parte tyme of his dystyllacyō is the herbe stalke and rote of the male dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A In the mornyng at none at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce is good for fresshe woūdes at eche time the woūdes wasshed therwith cloutes wet therin layd ther vpō B The same is good for olde sores in the mornynge at none at nyght wasshed therwith ¶ Water of 〈◊〉 Ca ii.lxxxix PIra syluestris in latyn The best tyme of theyr dystillacion is in the fyrste moneth of the heruest or they begynne to be softe stanped dystylled A In the mornīge at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme ii oūces or .ii. oūces a half stoppeth all maner of laske B The same is good whan a maydens or womans brestes become to weyke growe to great Than cloutes shall be wet in the same layd theron twyse or thryse a day than they abyde the smaller and become herde ¶ Water of Clarey Ca .cc.xc. TAlitricū agreste vel siluestre ī latyn Ther is also tame clarey it shall be dystylled in the myddest of the may for it is the best nat the wylde A Water of clarey conforteth the hede therwith enolted B The same slaketh the paine of the beli of the stomake of the sydes drōke of the same and outwarde clowtes wet in the same water layde ther vpon C The same water slaketh maruallously the payn of the moder and prepareth for to receyue the same dronk of the same twise in a daye at eche tyme an ounce D Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe outwarde layde on the moder conforteth and rectyfyeth the moder whan the membres of the moder ben dysseased with colde maters ¶ Water of Esula Ca .cc.xci. ESula in latyn the best parte of his dystyllacyō is the herbe the steles the rote with all his substance Of the great Esula named in latyn Esula maior distilled in the begynnyng of the pryme tyme A The same water is good for the wrangenayles whan they be somwhat cut thre or four times in a day wasshed therwith and clothes wette therin and wrapped theron but the same water shal not onely be dronke without other thynges nor putte in the iyen ¶ Water of whyte Lylles Ca .ccxcii. LIlium in latyn The best cōuemente parte and tyme of they re dystyllacyōs is whan they be in their full season only the white leues plucked from the flowres and is dystylled in the ende of Inne A An houre before the nyght put in the iyen and rownde aboute enoynted therwith after that a body hath bene in the bathe pulleth oute the reednes and hete of the iyen that they become clene and gete none impostumyng B with this water the handes and the face wasshed twyse on a daye cawseth theym to be clere clene whyte and fayre C In the morning and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche time an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst fayntnes of a body D In the forsaid maner ordred is good whan a body hathe hete aboute the harte E Dronke of it in the for sayd maner is good agaynste the hete of
the lyuer F In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or two ounces contynuynge viii or .x. dayes is good for thē that haue euyll moistours with in them be narow on the brest as if they had a bade about the brest about the harte G It drōk twyse in a day at eche tyme an ofice a halfe .vi. or .viii. dayes cōtynuīg is good for womē whō the moder causeth wo wherof it mairome H In the for sayde maner drōke of the same is good for īpostumynge of the lōgues I In the mornyng at none at nyght drōke of the same is good for hym that hath lost his speche for it recoucreth agayne K It drōke in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe .xxx. or xl dayes contynuyng drynke as lytel as is possyble is good for dropsy L Gyuē to drynke of the same to a weyke feble womā an oūce a halfe i. oūces a half or .iii. oūces to a strōge womā is good for womē labourige of chylde for to be the soner delyuered bycawse it openeth the woman helpeth her softly without harme M In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce a halfe the hede enoynted therwith .v. or .vi. dayes contynuynge is good for hym that hath a great flode in the hede N Twyse a day drōke of the same at eche tyme an ofice a halfe is good agaynst impostumyng all vnclenes of the body O Of the sam drōke a lōge tyme duryng euere day an oūce the body outward wasshed therwith is good for the flode of the lepre P A quarter of a mesure of the same put in a vessell of .vi. barles of troubled wyne cawseth it to be clene clere Q Two or thre tymes in a daye wasshed the romsom in the face let drye agayne by him selfe iii or foure wekes cōtenuyng with dry the same dysleas R Twese a day drōke of the same at eche tyme an ofice xxx or xl dayes contynuyng is surely good agaynst the stone S A small clothe wet in the same twyse in a day put in the secrete of women at eche tyme dronke an ounce cawset the harde moder to become temperate T In the mornyng fastyng dronke of the same an ounce a halfe or two ounces myxced with a lytell rose water is good for womē of whome the moder is dysseased with suche an impostumynge that the mater rōneth out thrugh her secrete it with dryueth all vnclenesse of the moder whiche is inwarde in her V It dronke myxced with rose water is good to be dronke of a woman that hath payne aboute the nauyll it wasteth the payne X In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme .ii. oūces dryueth oute the dede chyld frome the moder Y The same water withdryueth the spottys in the face whan it is often wasshed and rubbed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe Z The same water is warme of nature and drye also and temperate and clensynge therfore it is good agaynst Impetiginis whan t is myxced with hony and therwith it enoynted in the mornynge at none and at nyght AA The same water heleth the brēnyng of the fire in the mornynge at night wasshe therwith cloutes wet therin layd theron BB The same water is good agynste the venemous byts of bestes in the mornynge at nyght wasshed ther with as before is sayd CC A womā that is enclyned to moche lecherye shall drynke an ounce of this wat it will mynysshe it DD Twyse a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce prouoketh floures in women EE A woman that hath to moche or to sone her flowres shall take a small lynen cloth wet in the same water put in her secrete than it wyll come mediatly at dewe season FF The face often wasshed with the same water geueth it a good colour withdriueth the frounces ¶ Water of whyte lylle rotes Capitu. cc. xciil EEpe liliorū albarū in latyn A This water is good wher as a woūde is hote and yll desposyd wasshed therwith clothes wet ther in and layde there vpon in the mormynge and at nyght it coleth them and it heleth them and is more precyous than golde B The face often wasshed with the same water and let it drye agayne by hym selfe withdryueth the frounces in the face C The same water heleth all maner of blaynes in the mouthe yf they be often wasshed therwith D Hony mixced with the sam water and therwith the mouth wasshed it healeth the eatyng sores with in the same E The same water heleth the rottyng fowle gōmes yf the same water be often holden in the mouthe F This water healeth the bytte of a snake In ●the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce clothes wet therin layd ther vpon H It puryfyeth clenseth the iyen an houre before nyght put ther in ¶ water of the leues and the roots of whyte Lylles Ca cc.xcuii FOlia rader liliorū alborum The leues and the rote of the whyt lylles of eche a lyke moch chopped togyder and dystylled in the tyme that the herbe bereth floures A The face wasshed with the same water let drye agayne by hym selfe clenseth the mor●● ī the face B The same heleth the brēning twyse a daye wasshed therwith at eche tyme a cloute wet therin layd theron C The same helpeth the dysseased mēbres oftē rubbed therwith let drye agayn by hym sefe D The same heleth fresshe woūdes twyse in a daye wasshed therwith cloutes wet ī the same layd ther vpō E It heleth the bite of a serpēt therwith wasshed a cloute wet therin sayd theron F Cottō wet in the same layd wel vpō a wounde stoppeth the bledynge of a woūde G It puryfyeth clēseth the secrete of womē often wasshed ther with H The same heleth dryeth the woundes wasteth the matter which is to moch twyse in a day wasshed therwith a clowte wet therin layd ther vpon ¶ Water of maydē here Ca .cc.xcv CApill● veneris in latyne The best ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyō is the hole substaunce chopped a dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A The same water is inclyned to lytell drynes is temperat it heleth sore in Alopicia that is a skaldnes of the hede that the here 's fal out it causeth the hetes to holde is good for the kyrnelles of the hede whā therof is dronke two or thre tymes in a day at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe B In the forsayd maner dronke of it clēseth the brest lōgues from the grosse slymy moystnes C Dronke of the same twyse in a day at eche time an oūce a halfe .xxx. or xl dayes contynuynge breketh the stone D
or more or lesse as the water requyreth Or elles dygge a hole in the grounde of a moyst cellar and set it more than the two partes therin and so lette it stande as before sayd for ther with the fyry complexiō is expressely mynysshed Also it fortuneth often tymes whan two maner of waters be myxed to gyder that they become troblous incontynent and whyte lyke mylke as whan ye put olde waters in to new therfore ye shall myxe in two or thre pounde of waters vi or .viii. droppes of good whyte wyne vynegre Than the trouble some of the waters draweth to the botton and becometh fayre and clere ¶ How and wher the dystylled waters owght to be kepte Ca. xxii IT is necessarye and profitable to knowe how and inwhat maner the dystylled waters shall be kepte to the intent that they may the longer abyde in theyr goodnes and be preserued frome theyr hynderaunces Fyrst whan the dystylled waters be better dystylled as before is spececifyed thā it is nedfull for you to haue stonen pottes with small neckys or pure fyoles with small mouthes well wasshed specyally with the powder of the herbe named parytaria well my●●ed with the wat of it or ashes of the same herbe so clēsed as yf they were newe those vessels alway well stopped with a woden stopell or elles stoppels made of the two partes of waxce one parte of rosell torpentyn and fyne powder of tyle stones of eche one parte and a halfe all those myxed to gyder and molten on the fyre but they may not sethe and whan it is colde make therof theyr stoppelys and aboue that ye shall bynde ledder very iuste and close to the intent that the water kepe his nature and strength thā ye shal wryte about the vessell the name of your water and the tyme of his destyllacyon ▪ Than shall your vessell be it pot or glasse be sette in a celler to the inteut that it do not frese for whan ony dystylled waters bene frosen they lese theyr myght strength and chaungeth nature so that ye must pour them out or cast them away Also whan ony water is sette in a hote stewe in the witer it becometh rede and his power and strengthe is mynysshed therwr it shall be set in a conuenyēt place that is nother to hote to colde nor to moyst to the entent that it abyde the longer in vertue strength withouten hynderaunce or perysshynge ¶ Here after foloweth how lōge ye may kepe youre dystylled waters and whan they must be poured or cast away Capitulum .xxiii. WHan the waters be dystylled rectyfyed stopped and kepte in a cōuenyent place yet it is good and conuenyent to knowe and vnderstande how longe those waters may contynue in goodnes and whan ye shal cast them awaye how be it that the booke of Nicolao de Atomatibus sheweth that comonly euery water ought to be renewed ones ī a yere wher with he meneth that they cā abyde but one yere in theyr goodnes whiche can nat be trewe for it may not be nor is not of necessyte for these causes folowynge ¶ Fyrste that the herbes floures rotes or frutes ben not yerely to be dystylled as I haue shewed to you in the .ix. chapytre before in the begynnyuge of the .xxi. chapytre The secunde whan they be well rectyfyed in the sonne The thyrde whan they be well stop●bed and kepte in a conuenyēt place The fourthe whan they ben euery yere ones set in the sonne the space of fourty dayes or more The fyfte yf nede requyre euery yere ones ye shall streyne your water thrught a wollen sacke that so the feces be deuyded frome the pure water The syxte that the water be renewed towarde the ende of the yere as I shal shewe you more expressely The seuenth the waters that be distylled contynue lōger than the waters that be brēned for the clere and subtyll partes be deuyded frome the grosse superfluytes for the dysserence betwene dystylled waters and btēned waters is this the one is ordred with fyre and the other mother maners The .viii. all maner of waters that be dystylled of drye and hote herbes contynue longer than the waters that be dystylled of colde moyst or flymy herbes or rotes The .ix. some waters Beynge a yere olde or aboue do alter or change theyr cōplexyon with mynysshyng of theyr venymous colde or hete Therfore in breue se●ence I shall shewe toyow how longe the dystylled waters maye be kepte as nere as god therto wyll gyue me grace for it is ryght dyffycyll for any erthli creature to haue therof vnderstondyng wherfore I call to god for helpe for the parfyt knowelege therof is onely in hym and in none other without hym wherfore it is very necessary to you for to wryte the tyme of theyr breuynges or dystyllacyons ¶ How longe the waters may be kepte in substaunce FYrst euery maner of water is to be kepte a yere whan it is b●ennyd dystylled and kepte as before is shewed But whan the waters ben not close truely stopped than shall they be cast out be fore the yere lykewyse all maner of water dystylled of be●●es of fowles or other wormes that bereth lyfe may scantely contynue a yere Secōdarely all maner of water dystilled of floures as malow floures borage flowres blew flowre deluce bene flowres blewe viollettes maye flowres named ●●lium conuallium ī latyn whyte lille flowres water whā they be dylygently kepte as be fore is specyfyed they contynue frome the one yere to the other If that they in the secōde yere be rectyfyed in the sonne or dystylled per fylttum or poured thrughe the wollen sack as I haue shewed you before they abyde good vnto the ende of the seconde yere but than they shal be cast out Rede rose water dureth vnto the ende of the thyrde yere yf it be wel kepke and euery yere rectyfyed but in the thyrde yere it is more comfortatyfe than colynge or styptyke whyte rose water may endure two yere yf it be well kepte and rectyfyed wylde rose water enoureth two yere in great operacyon and vertue for to cole yf it be well kepte but in the thyrde yere this colynge is sore mynysshed and is good for comfortatyues wherfore it is not to be kept ouer the thyrde yere and it must ke euery yere rectyfyed as before is specyfyed Also the water of Nenufar a flowre which is growyng in the ryuers hauyng a great rounde grene lefe whiche flowres be somtyme yelowe somtyme white and whan the flowres fall the sede of them is closed in a rounde botton lyke a small gorde or an vrynall may endere in his colde operacyon to the fourth yere the fyrst yere to be layde withoute vpon the dysseases for it is halfe poyson or venym thrughe his graet coldnes or stupefactyfe the seconde yere it may be vsed withn the body for to cole In the thyrde yere his colynge is temperate and in the ende of the thyrde yere it shall
ccxxxii E ccxxxv G Agaynst rede iyes lix F lxxiiii C cvi A cxiiii A cclx B Agaynst stalde and ble●e iyes cxxii D cxxvii A ccl●● Agaynst the fede swollen iyen that is comen of the here or smoke Whan the iyen and the mēbres be wasshed with poley water taketh awaye the rednes or fume of the iyen clxvi D ccxcii A Agaynst slymy iyen baken togyder in the mornynge or at any tyme after slepe cxxii ● Agaynst itche in the iyen lix F Agaynste blaynes in the iyen cvi D xxxii E Against the pynne in the iyen xx P ccxxxiii B cclxxxiii D Agaynste stytchynge in the iyen comynge of the heres of the iyen lyddes cvi B To the eares VEre begineth the fyfth parte whiche sheweth all maner of disseases of the eares and remedyes to the same Agaynst defnes ii M lxxxvi A cxxii D cxcv B cxvii N ccl●xv HH Agaynst syngyng or pypynge in the eares xvi G xlvii O lxxxvi A cxxxix N cxcv B Agaynst payn of the eares The fyrst chapytre E xli H xlix M Agaynst sores or impostumes in the eares ii M xlv V clxxxvi●● M Agaynst swellyng in the eares liiii F xci O cxcii M ccxii E ¶ For the face HEre begynneth the syxt parte shewyng the dysieases of the face the remedyes for the same For to make the face fayce and amyable xxvi C xxxii H xlv BB lxxxvii B cix P cxxxix H cliii D clxii C clxv I clxxvi C ccxx C ccxxvi P ccxcii B For palenes of the face xxxii H lxxvi F xci M cx C cxxxvii L clxviii D cclxx AA cclxxxvi ● Agaynst the stounces o● the face ccxcii ● ccxciii B Agaynst the rede pymples in the face xxiii B lxv B lxxiii Q lxxv A cxxxiiii A clxv G clxviii P clxxix G cciiii B ccvi A ccviii B cccv G ¶ The water of great burre rotes taken an oūce and a halfe and water of rede roses halfe an ounce and quycke brym stone a dragma myxced to gyder so set a monethe in the son̄e and the face therwith enoynted iii. times in a day so let drye by hym selfe is very good for the rose or reednes of the face Agaynst spottys in the face 〈◊〉 I 〈◊〉 A 〈◊〉 P 〈◊〉 H 〈◊〉 x 〈◊〉 P clxxxiiii F ccxxiiii S cclx H ccxcii Y Agaynste reed spottis in the face cxiii D clxiii I and K clxxiiii A clxxvi B cccv E Agaynste yelowe spottys in the face cliii E ccxxiiii T cclxiiii C Against the rose in the face xlv CC c B clxxxix A cciiii B ccxx D and E cclxxxvi D ccxcii Q cxxx f ¶ For the nose HEre beginneth the .vii. parte whiche treateth of the dysseases of the nose the waters that shal opē the stopping of the nose ye shall fynde it ī the chapytre of the hede before● Agaynst bledynge at the nose xlv Y l A xcv C cli L clxiiii C ccxxxv O cclxxii C Agaynst fowle stynkyng fleshe growing in the nose cxci I cxcvii I ccxxx T Agaynst the impostumacyon of the nose xix H lix Q cxcvi A ¶ Of the mouthe HEre beginneth the viii parte against the dysseases of the mouth and with what water it may be remedyed Against an inward etynge sore in the mouthe xxvii D xxviii E lvi E lxv H lxxiii E ciii F cxxiii A clii A cliii A clviii G clxvii K ccxciii D Sage water is good for the same eting in the mouthe whan it is wasshed .ii or thre tymes a day with the same For the corruptynge and etyng of the gommes xxviii F xlix I cxlv CC ccxxx KK ccliii x ccxciii E For sores in the mouth or in the throte or necke xxviii D xliii D xlix I cxx L cxxv C lviii G cxciii K Agaynste blaynes or byles in the mouth gōmes or necke within named squinancia xliiii D lvi E Great plantayn water heleth al maner of bladders or impostumes within ye put it therin and so let it remayn a good whyle xliiii D lvi E lxxiii G cxlii F clxviii S cxv C ccxxiiii V ccxciii C Agaynste cancre and cleftis of the gōmes mouthe and lyppes xlix I clxii H clxv Y ccxxvi V cclxxvi B Agaynst swellynge of the mouth and throte and of the gommes that be swollen and ful of corrupcyon xlix P cclxs C ¶ Of the tongue When the tongue swelleth sore thrughe superfluyte of hote xxv H ciii K clviii H Of the stynkynge mouth and breth xxx C lxxiii F lxxix B clxviii I clxxiii E cciii L ccxxxiiii F ccxxxv E ¶ Of the spece Whan it is lost whether it come of paralysis or of other sekenes with what water it is to behelpen clxxxiii G clxix M cclxxv BB ccxcii I ¶ Of the tethe What maner of water is good for the payne of thē xx R cxxxvii N cxxxix K clxvii H clxviii HH ccxxxiiii ● ccliii ● cclx G cclxx ● cclxv A For to make harde gommes and shakynge tethe to stande fast Purceleyn water often vsed longe kepte in the mouthe maketh the tethe stande fast ccxxxv F ccliii x Agaynste the spene in the throte named vuala cxx L cclxx B cclxxv LL ccxxxii K ¶ Of the trothe Whā the lōgues beswollen or begyn to growe in the throte cclxxxii L cclxxxiii C ¶ Of the voyce HEre beginneth the ix parte treatynge of all the dysseases comynge to the pypes where as the brethe passeth thrughe and of the dyssease of the bres●e and for the makes clere voyce 〈◊〉 F cxxxi● A ccxxiiii x Agaynste hoernesse xlvii EE cxxxix A clxii E clxxxvii B ccci C Agaynst short brethynge xvi E cxlvi C cxcix G Agaynste tysyke or drie towghe comynge of colde xxvii A lviii K cxxxvii G cxxxix A clxv D ccxxvi L cclvii A cclxx A Against the tysike cominge of hete xvi E xxv K cccii C Agaynst tho hycke or yeskyng named in latyn singultu●s cxx D For the breste to comforte and strengthe In the fyrst chapytre M xii B xlviii Q cxcvii N cclxx A For to clēse the brest and to puryfye the ●ame xli R clxi L clxv D clxxxviii K cxcii O cclii M cclvii B Agaynst straytnes of the harte and the b●est In the fyrst chapytre D vi A ix A xii B lxxiiii B lxxvi D xci E xcii D cxxxvii G cxxxxix T clxv B cxcii O ccxvi A For the drye streytnes of the breste cxciiii B clxxii M cci M Agaynst impostumacyōs of the brest Brode plantayne water yf it be dronke at the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the same dissease xiii D clxxviii B ccxvi A ccliii N cclvii T cclxii A For to make softe and large the breste vi A xx B xli R lxxvi D cxvii A cxxxix D ccxxx F ccci A Agaynste the slymynes of the brest cxxxix D Against swellyng of the breste payne vnder the rybbes xciiii C cxciii D ccxxx F Of the dyessases of womens brestes ye shall fynde here after ¶ Of the harte HEre beginneth the x. parte comprehēdynge
C ●●i O Agaynst the apostume of the mylte xli S ccxxiiii Q ccl Q Agaynste stytches in the syde iiii E ●x H ●lii C xliii A liiii D lvi A lxx G xcii A xcviii D ciii G cxx●ix O xxxv H ●liii B clxviii AA ●ci F cciii H cclii B ccliii E The water of rotes of valeryane is good for the payne in the syde whan the syde is rubbed therwith and clowtes layde ther on wet in the same water Agaynste stytches in the syde of yonge chylderen ●●ii A ¶ For the bely HEre begynneth the xv parte whyche sheweth all desseases of the bely the guttes With what waters the bely and guttes shall be strenthed consorted xlvii CC ccxxx I Agaynst the wynde and corlynge in the bely lxxx B ccxvii D ccxxx G and EE Against payne in the bely xlvii FF lviii A lxviii H xci P cxxxvii R cclxxiii F Agaynst the hardeswollen bely xvi C Agaynst the gowthe in bowelles xix E lviii B lxiiii L Water of the rotes ofenula campana or scabwort dronken in the mornyng and at nyght euery tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the gowte in the bowelles Water of wylde tansey or Tanacetum agresse drōke thre tunes in a day euery tyme an oūce and a halfe or two ounces it is good agaynst the gowte in the bowelles clxviii B clxxxiiii C clxxxviii F cxcix A ccxxxii G cclxvii C cclxxv L Agaynst the shrynkinge in the bely xi D xvi B xx F xlv M lv A lviii C lxiiii M c C ciii C cxxxvii DD cliii A clxviii V cciiii A cclvii N cclxvi F cclxvii F Agaynst the impostumes comyng in the bowelles clxviii KK ccxxi C cc● I Agaynst wormes in the mawe or stomake bely in the bowelles in olde persons or in yonge chylderen vii H xlix CC lxi D lxiiii B lcxviii D cxiii C cxxvii Q cxxxix E cxlvi E clxxii K clcxxiiii H ccxii C ccxxiiii H ccxxvii D ccxxx z cclvii K cclx B cclxxv E cclxxvii E cclxxxv G Agaynst the wormes named scarytes xxv F For onclene and stopped bowelles thē to opene to clense cxxxvii R For them that brast or●●te named ruptura that the bowelles fall downe in the coddes v B vi B xxxl E xlv G lxvi G cv B clxxiii L cxciii N ccxlix C cclv C cclxxv O cclxxvi I Agaynst costyfnes in the bely xli EE xlvii C liiii I lv A cxl Q cxlvi D cclxi P clxiiii D cxcvii M ccxxix A ccxxxii F ccxxxiiii H cclxxv I ccciiii D Water of borage floures dronke thre tymes in a daye at eueri time an oūce and a halfe is ī the bely good for laracyon ¶ Costysnes Agaynst stoppyng in the bely and to cause laxyng iiii A lxv 〈◊〉 cxv A ccxcii A cccv C Agaynst to great alaske xxv B xlix 〈◊〉 lviii V lx A lxxv D lxviii I lxxxiiii B cxxii O cxlviii A cli A clix C cc●xx FF ccxxxv N ccxli B ccxlii D ccxxi D cclxxil A cclxxv I ccxxxv A ccc A cclxxvii F Agaynste the blody flyre named dyssenteria in latyn xvi D xxv A xlv C xlix F liiii O cxlii 〈◊〉 clxi C cc●xxv C cclxxxviii A cclxi A ccxli B cclxxi D cclxxii A cclxxv I Agaynst the inforced intrayles after a laske xlix QQ c●xvii M For one that thynketh hym selfe laxatyfe yet can do nothynge liiii H ¶ For the bladder HEre beginneth the xvi parte and sheweth al the remedyes for the dysseases of the bladder kydnes and lymmes These chapyters lerne with whiche waters the bladder the kydnes the lymmes shall be conforte and strengthe In the fyrste chapytre P Agaynst the here of the bladder and the reynes xlix BB clxi O Agaynst coldenes in the reynes where with they maye be brought agayne to theyr naturall hete cxcii P cxcix D Agaynst apostumynge of the reynes cxxxviii D cclxviii A and B Agaynst sorounes in the lymmes or in lombis xli FF liiii Q lxi N cvi G cclvii D cclxvii G Agaynst onclenes in the reynes or bladder v G xxvi B xlvii DD lxiii C lxxxiii E xci x cli B cxxxvii S cxxxviii B cxl L cl B clxv E clxx C clxxxviii I cc B ccxii B ccxxiiii C ccli C cclix H cclxvi C cclxviii H cclxxxv F Agaynste the grauell in the raynes lymmes v A vi G xv B xxii A xxvi B xxix A xliiii B lxiii B lxxxi C xci K xcv B cxi A cxxiiii K cxxxvii S cxxxviii B cxl D cxlv B clxii D cxc A cciiii E ccix B ccxii A For a body that can not pysse without payn lxviii G xci X clix B cxci F ccxvii F Agaynst strangury cclvii Z Agaynst dyssuri xx 〈◊〉 xli I xlv P cxx P cxlvi F cli M clxix Q clxxx A clxxxviii P ccix F ccxvii P cclvii z cclxvii E ccxcv F Agaynst pyssynge of blode xlv C lxxv M cxxxvii Y cxxxviii E c●lii K clxxii A ¶ For the secrete places HEre beginneth the xvii chapitre Agaynste wrattes in the foundament xxiiii A xlvii L lxii A lxvi C xcvii A xcix C cxviii A cxxxvii E ccxv A ccxviii B Against the sores or pyles in the foundament xlvii KK lxvi T cclii N Agaynste the tonnynge sores and pyles in the foūment xlix RR lxxvi E Agaynste the fycke and whan is growen in the foūdament rede flesshely be a lytell sponge clviii K cclxxv Q Agaynst clyftes in the fōdament xlvii I This chapitre sheweth remedye for the fondament that yssweth benethe out of the body vi I Agaynst the impostumes of the secrete places xci R Agaynst swellyng in the secrete places vi D xxvii A clvii M clxix T Agaynste the swellyng of the ballockes cl B Agaynst ytche on the ballockes ccliii R Agaynst ytchyng or sore holes in the yarde of man xxvii B xxxiii B xlviii N xci A xcxix A xclii F Agaynst hotenes of the yarde xxii B Agaynst the scabbes of the secrete membre lviii R clviii N ¶ Here after in the xxx parte shal ye fynde of the dysseases of women For the outwarde membres HEre begīneth the xviii parte shewynge the remedyes for the dysseases of the membres outwarde For to strengthe and to cōforthe the outward membres v E lix H cliiii B clxxii B cciii K ccxxix E ccliii BB For to make whyte and fayre handys lxxxvii C clxxiiii B cxcviii A Agaynst the whytlow or vite in the fyngers clxxi B ccxxii B ccxxx DD cclxiiii B Against the wrāge nayle and wrattes cxliii B and C clxviii M ccxxv A ccxx F cclviii B ccxci A Agaynst shaking handis xcv D cxvii G cxxix A clxix O ccxxix E ccxxx V ccxlv C ccliii F Agaynste scabbes on the leggys or vnder the arme lviii T Agaynst the payne in the hyppes xx V xli FF Agaynst the swellinge of the knees or there aboue ccxxvi G cclvii G Agaynst the consumynge membres cliiii A clv A clxv L clxxviii A ccxxvi F ccxxxxiii A cclxv B Agaynst werynes and heuynes in the membres xlviii R lviii G
it is natural for euery women to haue for it is a puryfyenge of them in generall Another it drawed in to her hede and in the lymmes and somtyme her belys swell of it therfore it shall neuer be stopped excepte it be thrughe cause of sekenes and feblenesse of the women than it must be stopped quyckely Agaynst that album of the women or whyte floure the whithe dothe great ha●ine lxx C For to cōforte strength the moder xlix FF clxxii K ccliii Y Agaynst the coldenes of the moder in womē with what wa● it shal be warmed agayne xxvi F xlv A clxxii K cxcvii L cclxxiii H Agaynst stoppyng of the moder whan she is s●my and stopped with what water she shal be holpen xx N lviii P clxxiii G cclviii S Agaynste the rysynge of the moder and comynge to the nauyll with what waters it shall be amendyd xx N liiil L lviii N clxiii B clxxxiiii E and G cxcii D cxcix C ccx D cclvii O cclx D cclxvii G ccxcii G Agaynst swerynge of the moder or whan she is with matter or cottyde with what water it shall be dryuen awaye xlvii G lvi O Agaynst swellyng on the secrete place of women or of the moder vi C xlviii E cci E Agaynste the sores of the the secrete membre with what waters it shall be holpen xxvii C xiviii E xxviiii E lviii K xcix A ciii● B cxxxvii EE clviii L Agaynste the great bely of the women or heuy mēbres whiche hath colde matter in the body or payne aboute the nauyll cviii L clxviii O HEre begynneth the xxxi parte sheweth some vertues of waters but not belongynge to the body of man ¶ To prepare ynke This chapytre sheweth with what mater the ynke shall be made of that the paper therwith wryten shall not be eaten of inyre cclxxv C Agaynst the ●oldenes of brede This chapytre sheweth with what maner of water the dowgh shall be tēpered whan ye wyll bake that the brede shal not molde clxvii L To make yron harde This chapytre sheweth with what water ye shal tempere yron and make it as harde as style clxxix E cclviii C To make trowblous wyne clere what water ye shall occupye therto lxvi P clxviii A Agaynste flyes shytynge This chapytre sheweth with what water ye mai defende that no flyr or other worme shal not 〈◊〉 vpō fysshe nor flesshe nor other maner of meat clxviii ● To make vnite and pay betwene man and wyn that be at debate 〈◊〉 with what water they shal be apaysed lxvi D To kepe a cole glowynge reed hote and with what water it shall be done and kepte so longe clxxix I To kendell fyre withoute fyre and with what water it shall be done clxxix I THere endeth the table the regystre of the same boke ¶ The prologue of this present boke of dystyllacyon IN the name of the holy trynyte the fader the sonne the holy goost ▪ here begynneth the boke of these present operacyons as of the vertue strengthe goodnes of the dystylled waters or deyned agaynst al maner of sekenesses and dysseases compyled and gadered to gyder for the comon people that haue no physycyons nor can gette no medycynall substaunces for lacke of money that they be not able to paye for it All suche to confort and supportacyon of theyr infyrmytees tyll that they maye gette an experte and lerned physycyon or maystar in medycyn to whom the sekenes or dysseases be well be knowen also the cōmplexyons of the dysseased bodyes whether they come of hete of drowght of moystour or of coldnes The whiche is farre from the knowlege of the onlerned people Also yf the people can gette no physycyons nor medicyns yet I wyll shew som maner of wayes to be holpē thrughe the experyence that I haue founde by vsynge of the waters whiche is nother heuy nor shadefull to be mynystred for they haue not the appendynge gowtes of laxatyfe medycyns or reseptes lyke wyse the substaunces of ther corpus be not mynistred in the body but onely thrugh a louely fayr maner well pleasyng to the pacyent as I haue shewed before in the .ii. chapytre of the fyrste boke but moch better it were and more ꝓfytable to folowe the lerned medycynes or physycyōs whā they may be gottē O good lorde how oftē haue I sene an onlerned physycion mynystre his medicines that knewe nor dysseases nor yet the complexyō but ministred hete to hete thrugh the which the naturall moistour was spente and the body dried away cōsumed or moystour to moystour thrugh the which the body cotted awaye or colde by the which the naturall hete that sholde preserue the life of man is hole my nyssed and brought to nought for the holy prohphet Iob sayth that the lyfe of man is plāted for to dye a naturall dethe with out any payne yf he may attayne his naturall lyfe vnto the deth the whiche may so well come to purpose by an expert lerned maister or physycyon Wherfore I maruell for that any wyse persone of vnderstondynge can fynde in his harte to gyue hymselfe to fowlyshly ouer into the handys of any suche onlerned mayster that knoweth nother begynynge myddest nor ende of medicynes not complexyōs Thus I counsell you and instantly requyre you that ye cast not away ignorātely the p̄cyous yuwell of your naturallyfe that almyghty god had created planted in you naturally to be kept with suche graces as he therto had gyuen you therwith to be preserued ¶ The fyrste chapytre sheweth of the water Marubium The fyrste chapytre MArubyum or passiū in latyn This herbe is of .ii. maners both male and female therfore whā it is wryten marubiū alone without more therby ye shal marke the female yet they be bothe good for the male is mynystered vnto the men and the female vnto the women And it must be dystylled with his substaunce as rote stele and herbe chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of the may A The same water dronken .ii. or .iii. dayes at mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe helpeth thē that haue the cowghe B The same water helpeth thē that be streyth brested C The same water is somtyme good for womē with chylde to drynke at eche tyme an ounce for it conforteth the womā strēgtheth the chylde D The same water .viii. or .x. dayes at mornyng at nyght at eche tyme dronke an ounce the hede be enoynted therwith cawseth good vnderstādynge E Also the same water made luke warme put in the eares or a lynē clowt wet in the same oftē tymes so layd vpō the eare withdryueth the payn of thē F Lykewyse the same water dronkē in the morning at nyght at eche time an ounce or an oūce a halfe somtyme amōge is good for them that spette blode G For them that be heuy or hath euyll fantasyce this water is good for them to
of the same dronke in the mornynge at nyght a certayne season healeth all dysseases named ruptura interior C An ounce or an ounce and a halfe of the same water dronke and cloutes wet therin and layde vpon the swollen moder causeth it for to swage D Clowtes or tow wette in the same water is good to be layd warme vpon an euyl swollen yarde of man thryse a daye E an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good to be dronke in the mornynge at nyght for them that haue the stone F The same water an ounce therof drōke at nyght causeth women to haue her flowres named menstruum G The same water an ounce and a halfe therof dronke at none and at nyghte is good for the grauell in the raynes and conducteth the vryne H A woman that drynketh two or thre tymes oft he same water at eche tyme .ii. ounces dryueth from her the dede child I This water drōke sōtyme amōg at eche tyme an oūce a half is good forthe secret gut behīd K The sam war yf it be oftē drōke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the cowgh ¶ Of Egrymonye water Ca .vii. AGrmoinia in latyn Egrimonye The best tyme and part of his dystyllacyon is in the begynnīge of the sommer A Agrimonye water yf it be dronke at morninge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for the cowgh B The lymmes enointed with the same water is good for the dropsy C yf it be dronke in the mornyng at none and at nyght at eche tyme an egge shelle full is good for the yelowe Iandis D Yf ye drynke the same water a good season drynke myxced with the same maketh good blode E An ounce and a halfe of the same water drōke in the mornynge and at nyght is good for euyl stopped blode F The same water is good for the rottynge and etynge in the mouthe yf it be oftē tymes wasshed therwith G This water causeth all maner of wormes in the bodye to dye whan a chylde drynketh therof halfe an ounce fastinge a myddell age an ounce an aged body an ounce a halfe H It is also good for thē that haue wormes in woundes whan they be va●me wasshed therwith twyse in daye and also other sores with wormes I This water is good to be dronke in the mornynge at nyghte for the axces K The same water luke warme drōke gargoled in the throte in the mornyng withdryueth the payne of throte yf it be done .iii. or .iii. tymes in a daye ¶ Of columbine water Ca. viii AQuilegia in latyn Columbyne otherwyse The parte time of his dystyllacyon is the herbe stele chopt togider whan it doth blossome A Columbyne water at eche tyme drōke an oūce a halfe or ii oūces is good for īpoysymyng B The same water is good to be drōke in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an oūce is good for the yelow Iādys in the stomake C An ounce of the same water is good to be dronke in the mornīg at none at nyght for impostumacyōs with in the body D Two oūces of the same dronke now thā is good to them that be to ●ostyfe E An ounce a halfe of the same water drōke euery day now and than is good for shrynkynge in the body F Columbine water is good to be drōkē for them that be very ●aynt and haue no myght nor knowe not hym selfe what they ayle he shal drynke of this water in the mornyng at none and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe and mixced with theyr wyne than they gette agayne theyr myghte and strengthe Ca .ix. ¶ Of Endyue water ENdiua in latin Endyue otherwyse The beste parte and seasons of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped from the stelys chopped so dystylled in the ende of the Maye A Endyue water drōke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an oūce is good for thē that hath a narowe breste B Endyue water oftē drōke of a womā beeynge chyld at eche tyme an oūce cōforteth strengtheth her C Wa● of endyue drōke in the forsayd maner cawseth a good brayne D Water of endyue drōke is for hym that haue the pestilēce at eche time an oūce or an oūce a halfe E Endyue water drōke in the mornynge at the nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for the yelowe iandys F Dronke of the same water at eche tyme .ii. ounces or .ii. oūces and a half is good for the īordinate thirst whā it happeneth in the tyme of the pestylence in the sharpe and hote axces or febres G A plaster made of hempen tow a quarter of brede and well wet in the water of endyue a lytell wrongen oute agayne and so layd wet on the ryght syde slaketh all the hete of the lyuer yf it be in hote axces or of hote sekenes whan the plaster is oftē wet in the same water H At eche tyme dronken of the same water an oūce a halfe is very good agaynst paynefull stytches specyally for the stytches of the harte wher it be of superfluytees of blode or of hote moystnes or yf a body had fallen ¶ Of ●okow pyntell water Ca .x. AAron in latyn the beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote herbe chopt to gyde● and distylled in the ende of the May A The water of Aaron dronke in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is good for them that is rente B Wasshed the greate vnclene woundes in the mornynge and at nyghte with the same water is very good and holsome C The same water dronken thre howres before brekefaste in the mornyng almoost an ounce and a halfe thrughe cuttyth and deuydeth olde and harde slymy matters laynge in the stomake ¶ Of Mandrake water Ca .xi. MAndragora in latyn The beste parte and season of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the rotes stamped and dystylled in the ende of the may A The fore heed and the temples enoynted with the same water of mādrake or drōken a lytell of the same rawseth a body well to slepe B The hede the fore hede and the temples enoynted with the same water in the mornynge at nyght the tyme of two or .iii. dayes is good agaynst the payne in the hede comynge of hete C Water of Mandrake slaketh all hete whan clowtes be wet therin and layde vpon the body of a person two or thre dayes at eche tyme wet agayne two or thre tymes in a daye D A two or thre dowble clowtes wet in the same water wronge oute agayne a lytell and laide vpon a paynfull place it slaketh therwith bycawse it is stupefac tyfe that is it taketh away the felynge of the membres and therfor oute of his owne and proper nature and cōdyciō it slaketh all wofull paynes ¶ Of Angelyca water Ca
.xii THe best tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is the rote ī the ende of the second yere in the heruest chopped stamped and dystylled A Water of Angelica is the moost worthyest water that may be founde against the pestilence Yf ther of be dronken halfe an ounce euery mornynge fastynge And whan any body is taken with the pestylence he shall take of the same water two oūces Tiriaca genesti one dragma powder of the roteof Angelica halfe a dragma vynegre a quarter of an oūce These shall be myxced eche amōge other and that shall be gyuen to the seke body or euer he slepe but fyrst he shal be well lette blode in the place that is moche necessarye And whan he hath drōke that for named drynke than he shal be layde downe and well couered that he may swete for that is to hym a grete helpe B That same water is good for them that haue payne in the brest whether it be of straytenes or slime openeth it yf therof be dronke an oūce in the mornynge at nyght C The same water vsed in the same maner .xii. or .xiii. daies is veri good for an ouerloden stomake that hath no dygestyon D The same water euery morning vsed an oūce therof strengtheneth all the partes of the body and is good also for the goute ¶ Of the deuyls byte water Ca .xiii I A●ea nigra vel morsus diaboli in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the floures the stalkes and the rotes chopped all togyder and stamped and than dystylled in the tyme whan it be●eth flowres A Dronke of the same thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme two ounces is good for them that be shotten cast or fallen that theyr blode wyll or is ronne togyder B This water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces is very good agaynst impostumacyons within the body C The same water dronke foure tymes in a daye at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst stytches within the bodye and in the syde D The same water dronke thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynse impostumacyons aboute the harte the lyuer and about the breste E Euery mornynge dronke of this water an ounce fasting is good for the pestylence ¶ O● pyes water Ca .xiiii. PIca in latyn The best parte tyme of theyr dystyllacions is whan they be hatched or they can flye out of theyr neste and ●orowe them and choppe them with all theyr substaunce dystylle them in clene glasses A Water of pyes is good for hym that is dysseased of saynte Anthony and receiue●h the bote and remedye cloutes wet therin and .ii. or thre tymes layde theron in a day at eche tyme let it drye by hym selfe two or thre dayes cōtynuynge tyll it slakyd B Water of yonge pyes is very good for the webbe skynne of the iyen And is also very good for the iyen whā the water be put in the iyen an howre before nyght The whiche an olde mayster at Straesborowe had proued by experyence on many ꝑsons specyally agaynste the reednes of the iyen ¶ Duckys blode water Ca. xv SAnguis anetis in latyn And the blode of the wylde duckis is the best The beste parte tyme is the blode of the wylde duckys in the last moneth of the heruest dystylled in balneo marie A Water of blode of duckys is good agaynst the stone whā it is dronke .xxx. or .xl dayes cōtynuyng at eche tyme an oūce B The same water drōke ● or .xii. dayes in the maner before sayd is good agaynst the stone in the lymmes and bladder for it purified the raynes the lymmes the bladder of all theyr vnclenes ¶ Of borage 〈◊〉 Ca .xvii BOrago in latyn The best 〈◊〉 and season of the dystyllacyon the rotes the herbe chopped with all her substaunce stamped so dystylled A Water of borage is very good whan a parson is stynged of a spynner or of bees a dowble clowt● wet in the same water and vpon the stynged place layde withdryueth the payne heleth the woōde B Water of borage dronke in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe withdryueth the shrynkīg in the bely C This water dronke among a certayne dayes at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe withdryueth the scadeful swelling in the bely D Drōke of the same water in the mornynge at none at night at eche time an oūce or an oūce a halfe is very good for the blode flyxe named dissente●ria E An ounce or an ounce a halfe dronke amonge in the mornynge and at nyght is good for thē that be streght on the breste and narowe named asina in latyn F A reed cloute of sylke wet in the same water a lytell wronge out agayne and so layd vpō the darke iyen a hole nyght duryng contynuyng som dayes thā the iyē become clere agayne G A cloute wet in the same water layd on the rares on the necke is good for them that haue the pypyng in the eares taketh awaye the payn of it H Dronke in the mornyn and at nyght of the same water whiche is dystylled with all his substaunce conforteth the harte maruaylously I The same water dronke in the maner befor sayd cōforteth the braynes and maketh good memorye and remembraunce and wytte K The same water dronke in the maner before sayd is good agaynst madnes or vnwyttyng and melancolye named mania in latyn L In the foresayde maner dronke it is good for the tremblynge in the harte M This water dronke in the same maner maketh the harte mery ¶ Of the water of borage floures Capitulum .xvii. ELos boraginis in latyn The borage floures other wyse The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan the herbe bereth floures the fyrst lytell stalke wheras the floures hangeth on shall be to togyder plucked of chopped dystyllyd in balneo marie The water of the floures is not so stronge as the water that is dystylled and brenned of the herbes but it is more gentylyer and therfore serueth to the subtyll persones whiche be gentyll and noble of complexcyon A An ounce dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme .xxx. or .xl. dayes durynge causeth good and clene blode B Of the water dronke .iii. or foure wekes causeth a mery harte and greate reyoysynge and wythdryueth the heuynes and frenesy Therefore it is one of the moost worthy●● waters agaynst the melancolye C The same water drōke two ounces or two ounces and a halfe in the mornynge at none and at nyght .ii. or .iii. dayes duryng is good agaynst stytches about the harte D The same water dronke an ounce at euery daye preserueth the body frome leprousnes E Dronke of the same at nyght thre or foure tymes in a weke is good agaynste paralisis F The same water
of the same water halfe an ounce of powder of allume resolued than it heleth euyl blaynes whan they wyl rot●e E It is also good agaynste the etynge sores in the mouthe and on the secrete of women F It is also good against the fowle gommes wasshed often therwith ¶ Of the water of watere eresse Capitulum xxix SEnacionum nastuciū aquaticum in latyn The beste ꝑte and tyme of his dystillacion is the vppermooste partes of the stalkes and the leues aboue about a spanne of lēg the plucked of and chopped and so dystylled in the ende of the Maye A In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good for the gra●●ll B. It is good 〈…〉 in the body whan it is dronke fastynge in the mornynge two ounces and a halfe or thre ounces C It is good to be dronke for them that bain an yll longue in the mornynge and at night at eche tyme two ounces or thee ounces and a halfe D The hede wet in the same water preserueth the heare for fallinge out ● Drōke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for sekenes of the lyuet but ye shall not drynke to inoiche at ones bycawse it sholde do grea●● hatme to the stomake ¶ Of water of rede mynts or 〈…〉 Ca. xxx MEnta tubea vel 〈◊〉 in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the vpp●● moost parte of it with the stalke and leues chopped to gyder and so dystyl led in the myddest of the may A In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good for the yelowe Inadys B It dronke warmeth also the colde stomake C Oftē the mouth wasshed with the same water is good for the stynkynge tethe D The same water putin the nose clenseth the hete of the yll humours E Drynke of the same water after the batynge is good for them that be rente named ruptura ¶ Of vngula raballium water Capitulum xxxi ONgula Caballina in latyn A In the mornynge and at nyght wet cloutes in the same water vpon a mēbre or other place that is brennyd B The same water dronke in the mornynge at nyght is good for the inwarde payne with in the body C Wasshed therwith the pyles is good and dronke in the for sayd maner D Thre ounces dronke of the same cawseth to swete E Water of the same whiche is dystylled of the cotes dronke thre ounces after that a bodye is letblode is good agaynst the pestylence F Water of vngula caballina is good agaynst all yll spottes on the bodye for it maketh the skyn whyte as it often tymes is wasshed therwith let drye agayne by hym selfe Of water of bene flowres ca .xxxii. Lores sabarū in latyn The beste tyme parte of his dystyllacyon is whā they be fully rype and or they beginne to cotte or become blacke and so dystylled in balneo marye A The sam water dryeth the ronnyng and teryng iyen whā it is put in the euenyng an houre before the nyght in the iyen B The skynne wasshed rubbed with the same water withdryueth all the spottys causeth the skynne to become softe E Thre ounces or thre ounces and a halfe is good agaynst the venym that lyeth hyden in the bodye of a man D The same water is also good for the yeche and moche rede lyddes within the iyen thre or foure dayes at euery euenynge an howre before the nyght the same water put in the iyen E A clowte wet in the same water and layde in the mornyng and at nyght vpon a woūde pulleth out of it thornes splyntes broken bones other thynges beynge therin F It it also good layde in the mornynge and at nyght vpon the euyll blaynes G Floutes of Benes steped in stronge wyne than wronge oute a lytell agayne so dystylled The face enoynted therwith caused a good coloure and a fay re face H It stoped the flode and slure in women whan in the mormnge and at nyght it be dronke at euery tyme an ounce and a halfe .vi. or viii dayes contynuynge I The same wat slaketh the wylde fyre whā cloutes wet be layde theron Of water of benes Ca .xxxiii FAba in latyn The beste tyme and parte of his destyllacyon is whan they be grene than put in a glas and dystylled in ventre equido A wasshed well with this water the cottynge of fowle legges and pouder the feces of the beries where the water is dystylled of and strawe the powder in the euyll sores and holes of the legges than they be dryed for it is a very good putyfyenge and ●lensynge and helyng to euyll legges Of water benehuskes ca. xxxiiii BEnes huskes be the coueringe where as the be nes growe in The best parte tyme of his dystyllacion is whan the sone is in leone And the mone in aciete A This is the moost worthyest beste water for the grauel in the lymmes in the bladder whā it is dronke in the mornyng at night at eche tyme an ounce or ounce and a halfe Of the herbe of benes Ca .xxxv HErba ●aharum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues and stalkes dystylled in the ende of the maye A The same water drōke .xxx. or xl dayes cōtynuynge withdryueth the stone of the yonge chylderē B Drōke of the same water a moneth cōtynuīg euery day in the morning at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe causeth good blode C Whā the handes and the face be wasshed with the same water than they become softe Water of greate besilicō Ca .xxxvi. BAsilicō in latyn The beste parte tyme of his dystyllaciō is the leues stalkes whā it bereth floures the herbe is of a cubyte length A Water of the same dronke in the mornyng at nyght is good agaynst paralisis And often rubbed the same lymmes membres in the mornyng at none at nyght doth thē become ●upcke agayne ¶ Water of Basilicon Gariofilata Capitulam xxxvii BAsilicon Gariofilata in latyn The beste tyme of his dystyllacion is the stalke the leues chopped togyder dystylled per balnest marie in the monethe of Iune A Water of the same dronke .ii. or .iii. oūces is good agaynst the wormes which be growē or closed ī the body of a man thā they must departe from the body without harme or scathe B The same water is a pricypall confortyng and reioysyng of the harte yf therof be drōke an oūce in a day the drynke myxced ther with cloutes wet in it layd vpō the place of the harte ¶ Water of blewe Maye floures Capitulum .xxxviii. THe beste tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the Maye whan it bereth floures A The same water is good agaynst any payne whā the place is often rubbed ther
with ¶ Water of buckes blode ca .xxxix Sanguis hirci in latyn The best parte tyme of his dystyllacyō is the blode of a bocke whiche is not gelded takē in the canyculet dayes dystilled A The same water is very good for the stone drōke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce It is also good for the grauell in the lymmes and in the bladder Water of bottys of the bramell ca .xl SPaniba in latyn the beste tyme of the herbis distillacyō is whan it is moste strongest in the taste lyke in the ende of the Maye the leues stroped of so dystylled A This water dronke is good for them that haue the pestylence and it wyll helpe well ¶ Betonye water Ca .xli. BEtonica in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues and steles of them that bereth browne flowres dystylled in the ende of the Maye A The same water is good against the payne in the hede comynge of colde take a foure solde clowte wette therin and a lytell wronge out agayne and so layde counde about the bede so often tyll it be gone B A body drynking an ounce a halfe in the mornyng shall get no thyrst the same daye C Water of the same is good to be drōke for thē that haue the hote axces a cloute wet therin layd ouer the breste whā the hete is comyng for it coleth all the quartayne axces D Drōke of the same two tymes in a day at eche tyme an oūce a halfe withdryueth the payn in the hede E Of the same put in the iyē an houre before the nyght causeth thē to be clere F It is a veri costely water for to hele euyll sores whā they be wasshed therwith in the mornyng at nyght clowtes wet in it layd ther vpon G It stoppeth the teares cōnynge of the iyen whā the same water is put at nyghte in the iyen H Luke warme dropped of the same in the eares softeth the payne of thē I In the mornynge at none at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for them that pysseth with payne for it prouoketh the vryne K This water drōke in the same maner is good for the stone in the bladder L It openeth the stoppynge of the lyuer whā it is drōin the maner before sayd M ▪ Two ounces drōke at eche tyme ī the mornynge at none at nyghte is good agaynst dropsy N whā it ●t drōke ī the mornīge fastyng at nyght goyng to bedde heleth woūdes oute wardely inwardeli to yōge olde ꝑsones it ronneth out thrughe the woundes O Drōke of the same iii. or .iiii. wekes euery day ī the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or .ii. ounces cawseth to get a fayce colour myxced with some reednes whi●he was 〈…〉 P It is also good drōke in the maner before for them that haue moche moistnes ī their body withdriueth many payns frō the stomake bycawse it cōforteth the stomake cawseth good dygestyon Q Drōke of the same in the mornynge at nyght taketh away the walmyng spettyng vnclenes in the mouth R In the forsayd maner drōke of the same water softneth clēseth the breste the lōgues S Dronke of the same in the maner afore sayde is good for a moysty mylte for it clenseth the mylt T In the mornyng at night drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good for thē that where 〈◊〉 crysseleth with the tethe V In the forsaid maner drōke the same is good for the olde cowgh narowe breste cowghing X In such maner dronke of the same is good for the yelowe Iandys named i●●eric●● in latyn Y Drōke of the same in the mornīg at nyght at eche tyme .ii. oūces clēseth prouoketh the floure in the womē Z viii or .x. dayes drōke of the same in the mornynge fastynge at nyght goīge to bedde causeth a good dygestīge stomake AA In the mornyng fasting drōke of the same at none at nyght at eche tyme .ii. oūces or .ii. oūces a halfe is good for thē that hath taken euyll medyeynes by cause it pulleth the same away from● the body BB. The same drōke xl dayes cōtynuyng in the mornīg at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for the fallyng sekenes named Epylē●ya CC The same vsed in the maner befor sayde is good for denym dryueth it out DD It is also good for the venemoꝭ bytyng of beshes or of other lyke whan it is dronke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and cloutes wet therin layd vpon the bytynge EE The same drōke in the mornynge fastynge at eche tyme two ounces softeneth the brest FF in the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce is good for the payne in the byppes caynes and in the bladder GG Dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght at euery tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for sperynge blode and water comynge of the brest and lōgues II Kepeth the same in the mouthe it helpethe agaynst the payne in the tethe II The same vsed is good for the goute in the fete named podagra whan it is oftē rubbed ther with and clowtes wet therin and layd ther vpon KK Dronke of the same water twyse in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste bytyng of a madde dogge and cloutes wet in the same and layde theron also it pulleth out broken bones ¶ Water of echen leues Ca .xlii. FOlia alni in latyn The best tyme of hys distyllacyon is in the ende of Maye A Chesame water is good agaynst the pareenes whan the here be chauen and therwith be wasshed and let drye agayne by hym selfe than they dye and falle of ¶ Water of barba hircina Capitulum .xliii. BArba hircina in latyn The beste tyme of hys dystyllsacyō is the herbe with the stalkes and rotes chopped to gyder and dystylled whan it bereth floures and that is in the monethe of Iune A The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces is good for the stytches in the syde ¶ Sater of blacke beryes Ca .xliiii Mora bacci in latyn The beste tyme of theyr dystylacyon is whā the beryes be fully eype but not softe than they shall be plucked of and wasshed and the water dropped of agayne and so dystylled A The same water dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynste the stone in yōge chylderne B The same also is good agaynst the stone in the lymmes and in the bladder in the forsayde maner vsed C It is also good to be gotgoled agaynst vuala that is the spene in the throte D The same is good also foure or
fyue tymes in a day agaynste the impostumynge and other dysseasea in the throte ¶ Water of poley Ca .xlv. PVlegium in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is all the herbe chopped whan it hereth floures and so dystylled A The same water dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for women which haue to colde a moder B Dronke of the same two or thre dayes two tymes in a daye it prouoketh the flours in women yf it be in the tyme conuenyent and comynge of the floure It shal be knowē that in womē shal not be prouoked the floures but in the ryght ordred tyme that they were wōte to haue it Therfore all waters seruynge to the same shall be dronke whā the womā weneth that she shal haue her floure or whā it beginneth somwhat to apere C It is good dronke .ii. tymes in a daye at eche tyme an oūce for them that spetteth blode pysseth blode or shyteth blode D The same is good put in the iyen agaynst tering iyē is good agaīst all dysseases of the iyē a cloute wet in the same layd vpō thē E This water puryfyeth the iyen it cō●orteth the syght taketh awaye 〈◊〉 he●e the payne whan it is put 〈◊〉 in an howre before or pe go to bedde for to reste in the mornynge drōke an oūce a halfe therwith the iyen enoīted roūde aboute clowtes wet in the same layd ther vpō F Thre oūces drōke of the same is good for womē which be myscaryed of the mydwyfe in the byethe of her chyld the after byrthe that is the secund●na is ynough deparied frome her as it therto belōgeth G .ii. oūces drōke in the mornyng at nyght heleth the tente whiche shortly is come named ruptura H Of the same water drōke lytell or moth is hynder●●● to the woman that bereth childe for it cawseth the chylde to be borne before the time ordred this haue I writen that euery good honest woman shall take hede for hynderaūce of the same I Drōke of the same water fastyng at nyghte goynge to bedde cawseth to be thine of the thyk slymy water in the brest K The same water drōke in the maner before sayd is good for thē that waloweth perbraketh cloutes wet therin and a lytel wronge out agayn layd vpō the stomake L Drōke of the same in the same maner withdryueth the blacke colera that is melancolye takynge thought heuynes at the harte not knowīg wherof M Drōke of the same in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or two ounces withdryueth the skrynkynge in the bely N In the same maner dronke of it withdryueth the venym the same water euery daye .ii. or .iii. oūces shall be layde theron also at euery day twyse thā it shal be heleth P Two oūces drōke at eche tyme of the same fastynge in the mornyng at nyght is good for strāgury Q Twyse in a daye wasshed with the same taketh awaye the ytche R Of the same water shall be gyuen to a womā labouryng of chylde for it is good for the woes of her cawseth the byrth to be soner lyghter S It is also good for the colde floude ī the here or in the nose dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe twyse in a day the hete enoynted therwith T It vsed in the sam maner wythdryueth the olde sekenes in the hete V For the tolde moystoure in the eares the water is good to be put therin X It softeth the goute podagra ī the fe●e therwith rubbed and layd theron A cloute wet in the same layde vpō the nose stoppeth the bledyng at the nose AA A whyt cloute wet in the same is good for the inward goute or paralisis whā the membres swellynge be wrappeth about with the same clowte whā it is drye thā it must agayn be wet BB The face wasshen often therwith causeth to be fayre CC The same water taketh awaye the frounces in the face Than it is rubbed therwith Of the blew rye floures Ca .xlvi. FLores feumenti vel floures siliginis in latyn The best ●ym of theyr dystyllacion is in the ende of Iune A Rede iyē with the impostumynge sholde be wasshen with the water of the same than they become hole fayre agayne B Of the same water put in the iyen at nyght an howre or ye go to bedde breketh the spottys or skynne vpon the iyen maketh them clene C It is good for to wasshe the fystules with thesame water twyse in a day clowtes we therin layd vpō the fystule D The cankre wasshed with the same twyse in a daye and clowtes wet in the same water and ther vpon layde cawseth hym to hele Water of blewe byoltetys Ca .xlvii. VIola in latyn The beste tyme of her dystyllacyō is the floures onely nat the herbe dystylled ꝑ alembicū but in the marte Yf ye desyre to dystylle the herbe thrughe an helme in the Maye A water of the sam blew vyolettys is good to be drōke the drinke myxced therwith agaynste the hete of the pestylence B Cloutes wet in the same and wrappeth aboute the pod●gra whā they be drye thā wet agayn layde rounde aboute so often tyll it is slaketh the payne gone C Of the same water drōke in the mornīge at none at nyghte at eche tyme an ofice a halfe softeneth the bodye causeth the bel● to be weke D in the same maner drōke coleth the hart E The same water put in the iyen enoynted therwith taketh awaye the payne in the iyē stoppeth the flode comyng of hete F Dronke of the same in the mornynge at none at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe cloutes wet in the same layd outewarde on the lyuer coleth the lyuer G The same water drōke in the maner before said clēseth purifieth the moder withdryueth the īpostumīg of her H Of the same water drōke twyse in a daye cōtynuyng the time of .ii. moneths the hede enointed therwith let drye by hym selfe agayne is good for thē that haue loste theyr wyt thrugh ouermoche stīkyng fume I It heleth the pyles ī the fondumēt whā they be wasshed therwith twyse in daye clowtes wet in the same layde ther vpō K Drōke of thesam in the mornīg at nyght at eche tyme .ii. ofices is good for the hote drie cowgh L The same water wasteth sone the pyles on the fondamēt whā clowtes wet therī be ●●de vpō the same M In the mornīge at nyght drōke of the same at 〈◊〉 the time an oūce is good for the pain of the mylte N The same wat dronke slaketh the thyrst is good for the hote stomake O Cloutes wet in the same water layd vpō the ●ares withdryueth the
pypyng in the races P The hede oftē enointed with the same let drye agayne by hym selfe withdryueth the scelles frome the l●de Q Drōke the same water in the mornīge at none at nyght at eche tyme .ii. oūces is good for the ●●tches on the hart for it coleth conforteth the body R In the iyē put the same water brīgeth agayn the sight whiche was lost before S Drōke the same water in the mornyng at none at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is veri good for hote axces of febres for all yll here T Dronke thesame water fastyng in the mornyng ii oūces weght kylleth the wormes in the body V With the same water wasshed the tethe gōmes thesam water longe tyme holden in the mo● the seaseth the impostumīg payn in the tethe gōmes x Drōke of the same .iii. tymes ī a daye heleth the ptisyke ethyke Y Cloutes wet in the sam wat stoppeth the bledīg ī the woūde whan they be layd thee vpon z In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that haue the fallynge seuenesse and pryncypally for the yonge chylderen AA Dronke of the same in the forsayd maner tempereth the ouermoth hete and drought of the inwarde membres and layde theron outwarde BB Of the same water is good to be dronke for ●ē that often sygeth heuy in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme .ii. ounces CC The same dronke as before conforteth the bely and thein trayles DD It dronke in the same maner clenseth the raynes EE In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces is good for thē that be full of hete and specyally for yonge persones FF In the same maner dronke of it seaseth the payne in the bely GG The hete enoynted with the same water dryed agayne by hym selfe contynuyng some dayes withdryueth the payne and shotte in the hete comynge of hete HH Whan a persone is beten on his hede that the brayne panne boweth inwarde and therwith hath loste his speche and hate no myght in his tongue he shall drynke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce than he shall recourte his speche II The same water dronke in the same maner before and cloutes layd theron outwardely weketh all thynges that be hote KK A fayre clowte wet in the same water and laid on the blaynes and wra●●s of the 〈◊〉 in the mornynge and at nyghte refresshed is good for it And it is to be knowen that the blaynes and the wrattes be consumed in foure dayes yf they be not to olde but yf they be● within the fondament that they can not become by than the water must be spowted therin and the pacyent shall be layde two or thre dayes in suche ordre that the water may abyde within And he that hath the same within his body shall drynke the same water Of moder wort water Ca .xlviii. M Yf a body can not slepe and had loste his test than he shall be rubbed with the same water on the vaynes of the temples therwith he shall become slepynge N Dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or ii ounces is good agaynst dropsy O The hete often wasshed with the same water is good for the wormes in the eares P Whā the face is wasshed with the same water it causeth the berde to growe Q An ounce and a halfe or two ounces of the same water drōke in the morning and at nyght conforteth the breste the colde stomake R Two or thre times rubbed thewery membres and let drye agayne by hym selfe is good for hym that is wery of goynge ¶ Greate plantayn water Ca xl●● A Great plantayne water dronke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme two oūces xl dayes contynuynge is good agaynst dropsy B Dronke of the same water foure spones full at nyght is good agaynste the hote cowgh C Clowtes wet in the same and layd on swellyng comynge of hete is very good D In the mornyng and at nyght drōke of the same water heleth the blaynes comynge of hete or where hete is aboute E It heleth the brennynge on the bodye whan clowtes wet therin be layde vpon it F Dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces is good for the blodye flyxe and for other shy●ynge or dyssenteria but pryncypally for the reede flyxe whan an ounce of the same water is myxced with Bolo Armeno and with lapide ematitis of eche a dragma and dronke in the maner before specyfyed G The same water dronke in the for sayde maner stoppeth the whyte laskys named Liēteria and stoppeth also grosse and ouermoche humoures and moystoures in the body H The same water heleth all maner of impostuma●yōs where they be be●yn or come otherwyse whan there be layde on clowtes wette in the same water or the water be spowted therin I The water taken and kepte in the mouthe heleth all woundes and sores in the mouth and heleth also the ●●mmes K Thryse in a daye drōke of the same water at euery tyme two ounces .xvi. or .xvii. dayes contynuynge wasseth Ptisim that is a brethe comynge of the longues L And euery daye the fystule wasshed with the same water and putte therin causeth to be hole M The same water luke warme putte in the eares wasteth the payne of thē N The same water slaketh the wylde fyre whan clowtes be layde theron wet in the same O The same water often put in the iyē with dryueth the swellynge of the iyen P Whan the same water is kepte a longe tyme in the mouthe it withdryueth all swellynge and other dysseases of the gommes Q Often gorgoleth with the same water and taken in heleth all dysseases in the throte R Twyse in a daye wasshed the styngynge of a spynner or of an worme and clowtes layde ther on steped in the same heleth it without harme Therfore dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynst venym S Dronke of the same water in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce .xvi. or .xvii. dayes contynuynge seaseth quicly the fallynge sekenesse T It is good dronke for them that hath eatē or hath in his body any incantacyō they shall drynke thre tymes in a daye of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe foure or fyue dayes contynuynge after that they shall take a stronge purgaryon It is also good agaynst scathful meat V Two or thre ounces dronke of the same cawseth to swete x wet moysty woūdes wasshed with the same water in the mornynge and at nyght and cloutes layde theron wet in the same heleth the woūdes Y Agaynste the payne in the mylte is good in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme to be
dronke an oūce of the same water z Cotton wet in the same and layde vpon a bledinge wounde stoppeth the blode AA Whan a body is byten of a madde dogge than it is good the wounde to be wasshed with the same water and cloutes wet in the same layde theron in the mornynge and at nyght BB Agaynste the dysseases of the bladder and raynes is the same water good to be dronke at mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .viii. or .x. dayes contynuynge CC Of the same water dronke in the mornynge fastynge at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the worme in the body named the spole worme DD It is good to be drōke for the axces in the mornynge fastynge two ounces or the axces be comynge bycawse it easeth and withstande all axces and febres pryncypally whan it is dronke thre dayes contynuynge fastyng EE An ounce of the same water myxced with bolo Armeno and lapide Ematitis and so dronke in the mornyng at none and at nyght stoppeth the flode in women FF Dronke of the same helpeth and profyteth to the moder GG Dronke of the same water two ounce or .ii. ounces and halfe dryueth oute the after byrthe named secundma HH Thesam water is good agaynste onnaturall ronnyng hete clowtes wet therin and layd vpō it II Great plantayne water dronke clowtes wet in the same layde vpon the lyuer on the ryght syde and it often tymes vsed causeth to vanysshe the pestyllence KK Two or .iii. folde of clowte wet in the same water and layde on the plastre of a wounde broder two or thre fynger than the plaster is and it vsed two or iii. tymes in a daye two or thre dayes contynuynge preserueth the woūde frome swellynge impostumacions and of all other euyll accydentes LL Whan with the same be wasshed any sores in the mornynge and at nyght taketh awaye the eatynge rounde aboute the sores MM The same water ceaseth the wolfe comynge in the ryght of the legges And is also agaynst the eatyng gnawyng or corrodynge of the same whan it is wasshen cloutes wet in thesam water there vpon with the nyghtful ordre whā therin is soden Balastienuces cipresse Psilie xiobalsami Earpobalsimi Alumen zuccarinū of eche a quarter of an ounce Canfer a dragma and of the water a pounde NN The same water is good agaynst all the eatyng gnawyng sores causeth to growe flesshe in the fystules and other lyke as impostumes and other corosiue sores be wherin as nedeth to growe flesshe whā the sores in the mornynge at nyght be wassed therwith OO Wasshed the fystule in the foūdamēt with the same causeth hym to he le PP Oftē tymes takē the same kepte in the mouthe heleth all the impostumacyons blaynes in the mouthe QQ The same water dronke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or .ii. ounces with a spout or clystre spouted in the foūdament easeth the consuming gutte RR The same is good agaynst the flode and bledyng of the golden vayne and the yll wrattes in the fōdament whā they be bledynge than shall be layde ther on cotton wet in the water .ii. or .iii. tymes in a daye SS Twyse in a daye layde the same water on the euyll blaynes easeth them TT Impostumacyons wasshed in the mornyng at nyght with the same water clowtes wet therin layd vpon the same heleth the impostumacyons Great plātayn sedes water Ca .l. SEmē plantaginis maioris in latyn The best tyme of his dystillacyon is in the tyme as the sedes be rype dystylled with the stalkes A The same water stoppeth the blode in woundes and at the nose at eche tyme dronke two or thre oūces cloutes wet in the same layde on the woūdes And a wyke or tēte of cotton wet therin put in the nose clowtes wet in the same layde vpon the for hede Water of great plantayn flowres Capitulum .li. FLores plātiginis maioris in latyn The beste parte tyme of his dystillacyon is whā on the stalke hangeth smalle blossom and than shall the stele with the blossome be dystylled in the same tyme whan the vyne blossometh A The same water is good put in the iyen whan they be sore and onholsom B Dronke of the same water in the mornynge at nyghte at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynste impostumacyon C The same water dronke in the forsayd maner is good agaynste venym Water of gariofilata Ca .lii. SAnamūda or gariofilata in latyn The beste tyme parte oh his dystyllacyon is the herbe rote wasshed chopped to gyder so dystylled in the ende of Marche A Dronke of the same water in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme two oūces foure or fyue dayes cōtynuynge is good for the flymy moystenes of the lyuer B The water dronke in the same tyme and maner consumed the vndigested meat layng in the stomake And it is also good for the colde stomake C Dronke of the same as before is good for the sekenes of the lyuer comynge of hote slyme D The same water easeth heleth woūdes dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces the woundes wasshed therwith E The impostumes be heleth with the same water therwith wasshed and clowtes wet ther in layd ther vpon F The same water heleth the fystule whan it is drōke in the mornīge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the fystule wasshed therwith and clowtes wet in the same and layd theron G The same water withdeyueth a sore called the moder male whan it is wasshed therwith Water of parsneppes Ca .liii. PAstinaca domestica in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote onely and not the herbe chopped in the ende of Marche A Dronke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the membres rubbed therwith is good for the lame mēbres B Of the same dronke at nyght whan a man is goyng to reste prouorat coitum et multiplicat sperma ¶ Water of Malue Ca .liiii. MAlua in latyn The best parte tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote and the stalke whā it beceth cheses floutes wasshen chopped dystylled A Water of malue is colde moyste therfore it weketh and makeh softe all harde thynges which be hote for it cawseth grete moystour whan it is dronke in the mornynge after soupper at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or .ii. oūces B The temples of the hede rubbed with the same water cawseth to slepe C The legges wasshed and rubbed with the same water is good for the hote axces dryenge out or cōsumynge D Four tymes drōke of the same betwene the day and nyght at eche tyme two ounces is good for the sekenes named Pleuresis E It puryfyeth
the woundes whan it is drōke in the mornynge at nyght F It withdryueth the swellyng of the eares whā luke warme the same water be put therin layd ther on G The same wasteth also other maner of swellyngs whiche be colde of nature whan it is enoynted therwith layd ther vpon dronke a lytell of the same specyally for the armes or legges H The same water is godd for payne of the gutte of the fondament named tenasmus that is whan a man thynketh that he wolde go to stole but he can do notyng dronke of the same cloutes wet in it layd on the bely I Dronke of the same .iii. oūces or .iiii. oūces a half weyketh the bely that a body may go the bert to stole k The bytyng of venymoꝭ bestes wasshed with the same water cloutes wet therin layd theron cawseth it to he le L Thryse in a daye drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe easeth the payne of the moder M It is also good for scabbes heleth them whan they be wasshed with the same cloutes layde vpō it wet in the same twyse in a daye N Thre tymes in a daye drōke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce a half heleth īpostumes inwarde O The same dronke in the for sayde maner withdryueth the blody flyxce P Dronke of the same an oūce and a halfe withdriueth the stone Q The water dronke in the forsayde maner taketh away the payne in the bladder R The same water with dryueth spottis on the body whan they be oftē wasshed therwith let drye by hym selfe S Water of the malue withstādeth the venym of the pestylēce whan therof is drōke euery mornynge fastynge an ounce and a halfe And it is in the tyme of the pestylence a very good p̄seruatyue for euery body that vseth it in the tyme of the plage T Luke warme wasshed the holowe woūdes with the same twyse in the mornyng at nyght cloutes wet in the same layd there vpō fulfylleth the same holowe woūdes with flesshe V Dronke of the same in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe breketh heleth the impostumes inwarde x. The same with dryueth Scrofulas where so euer they be on the body whan cloutes be wet often layd theron ¶ Water of malue floures Ca .lv. FLores malue ī latyn Malue water is the beste of the floures of the lyttell or malue dystylled in the tyme whā they be fully rype A The same water drōke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme ii oūces is good for shrynkynge ī the bely it warmeth and it weyketh the bely Water of Brunelle Ca .lvi. BRunella in latyn The best ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyō is the herbe floures chopped to gyder dystylled ī the ende of the may A In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme two oūces is good agaynste the stytches in the syde B In the same forsayde maner dronke of the same is good for impostumacyons on the body C It dronke in the forsayde maner slaketh the on naturall hete in the body D The same water is good for woundes whan in the mornynge at nyght they be wasshed therwith and cloutes wet in the same water layd ther on E The same water is good agaynste eatynge and gnawyng sore in the mouth and throte whan it be wasshen therwith and gorguled for it easeth all sores of the mouthe and specyally the vuala that is the spene in the throte and brennynge in the mouth and in the throte is good agaynste blaynes in the mouthe F It is good for the axces laynge aboute the breste the harte it clenseth also the brest of al her hynderaunce G It is also good agaynste spottys vpon the bodye whiche cometh of on naturall hete often ther with enoynted let drye by hym selfe H Twyse dronke of the same in a daye at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynst fayn tenes of the harte I Dronke of the same water in the maner before is good agaynst vnholsome swollen legges whan they be wasshed ther with and cloutes wet therein layde ther vpon K Foure tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme two ownces and a halfe is good for the sore called the rynge worme in olde persons and yonge chylderen L Fastynge dronke of the same water euery mornynge in the tyme of the pestylence preserueth a man of the pestylēce M At eche tyme drōke two ounces of the same clensyth the brest all his hynderaūce N Thryse in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe wa●teth the dropynge pysse Strangur●● O Two or the tymes in a daye shall be layd a lynen cloute wet in the same water vpon the sore closyng in of the fundamēt tyll it be hole P Two or thre times drōke in a day at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or .ii. ounces is good agaynste the dayly axces also at the terciane axces Q A woman whiche hath the moder rede or blacke or is full of matter she shall drynke two or thre tymes in a daye of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe than she shall become hole agayne the matter vanysshed pryncypally whan of it is dronke a good draught in the mornyng fastyng ¶ Water of mercury Ca .lvii. MErcutialis in latyn The best ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyons is the herbe the rote with al his substaūce ī the begynīg of Iune A The same water somtyme snuffed vpward ī the nose is very good to puryfye the hede for the descēdyng flode whiche dyscendeth to the iyen to the nose to the eares frome the whiche the iyen the nose and the eares droppe ronne B Thre oūces drōke of the same in the mornynge fastynge driueth out the ouermoch hete and the grosse moystnes as coleta grossa and flegma falsa C The same heleth open holes brēned with fyre clowtes in the mornynge and at nyght layde theron wette in the same D The same water myxced with wyne and cloutes wet therin and layde vpon the sores in the mornynge and at nyght heleth all open sores ¶ Water of the herbe of camomell Capitulum .lviii. Camomilla ī latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe and floutes chopped to gyder and dystylled in Iune A Of the same dronke in the mornynge fastynge and at nyght goyng to bedde at eche tyme an oūce at two easeth the payne in the wombe B The same dronke as before is sayde vi or .viii. dayes contynuynge is good agaynste the goute in the guttes C It vsed in the same maner is good agaynste the shrynkynge in the bely D The hede the brayn and the temples of the hede enoynted with theame and let drye agayne by hym selfe conforteth the hede and the brayne E Vater of Camomell warmeth the colde hede very naturally whan the
hede is rubbed ther with and dronke of the same an ounce in a daye softeneth the payne in the hede F Water of camomyll xii or .xiiii. dayes drōke an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the yelowe Iandis named yeterycia G Dronke of the same two or thre tymes in a daye rubbed ther with the wery mēbres let drye by hym selfe is very good H Dronke of the same two tymes in a daye at eche tyme two ounces is good for them that pysse with payne I Euery daye in the mornyng at night drōke at eche tyme an oūce a halfe .xxx. or xl dayes contynuynge breketh the stone in the raynes bladder K Two tymes dronke of the same in a day at eche tyme an oūce a half is good for a short brethe named asma L Thesam drōke as afore ꝓuoketh the floure ī womē M Euery daye dronke an ounce a halfe .viii. dayes contynuynge dryueth out frome the moder the dede chylde N Two tymes dronke in a daye of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the backe enoynted ther with is good agaynste the axces O Dronke an ounce two tymes in a daye openeth the stoppyng of the lyuer mylte P Of the same dronke as be fore is sayd withdryueth and consumeth the slymy water of the moder Q It dronke in the same maner wythdryueth the payn of the moder in women R The same water is good agaynst the sores on the secrete membres of men and women two tymes wasshed ther with in a daye S Dronke of the same two tymes in a day .viii. or .x. dayes contynuynge conforteth the stomake and softeth the swellynge of the same stomake T The same water is good for men and for women which haue sores vnder the armes or on the legges a clowte wet in the same water and layde on the sore becawse it slaketh the hete it softeneth the payne it dryueth heleth V Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme stoppeth the whyte laske named lien tecta X Dronke of the same water in the same maner befor sayd is good agaynst the impostumynge of the longue Y The same dronke as before helpeth them whiche complayneth of the lyuer Z The same water heleth the bytynge of a serpente dronke in the 〈◊〉 befor sayde and two times in a daye layde vpon it clowtes wet in the same AA An ounce dronke of the same water euery mornynge heleth the lepre BB Stynkynge woundes wasshen with the same water clenseth them and withdryueth the euyll smellynge CC The same water is very good to conforte the stomake DD Twyse dronke of the same water in a day at eche tyme an ounce warmeth naturally the colde de stomake EE The same water is good for them that getteth colde in the bones and mary the legges and armes often cubbed there with and let drye agayne by hym selfe Water of Cardo benedictus Ca li● CArdo benedictus in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllatyon is the leues thopped and dystylled in the ende of the Maye A The same water dronke in the motnynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce .x. or .xii. dayes contynuyng ceaseth the payne in the hede B The same water dronke in the same mesure is good agaynste the payne comynge in the hede aboue the iyen named Epetanea that is whan a body thynketh that a nay 〈◊〉 is beten thrugh his hede C The same water dronke in the mornyng fastynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe two or thre moneths contynuyng causeth good memorye and conforteth the remembraunce D The same water dronke in the same maner taketh awaye the swymynge of the hede E The water dronke in the maner a sore seyd conforteth strēgteth the brayne F It is good for the iyen wasshed therwith ones in a day in the mornyng at nyght dronke at eche tyme an ounce withdryueth the reednes of the iyen and so vsed withdryueth the bitynge and itche of the iyen G Drōke of the same water in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce wasteth and consumeth all euyll humoures in the body and kepeth the good moystoure H The same water strēgteth weke mēbres rubbed ther with two tymes in a day and let drye by hym selfe I Dronke of the same water euery daye two tymes at eche tyme an ounce two or thre wekes contyuuynge is good for them that falleth awaye after they be emendyd of sekenes K In the mornyng and at nyght vsed at euery tyme an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or xl dayes contynuynge breketh the stone L The same water heleth all disseases that brenneth clowtes wet therin and in the mornynge and at nyght layd ther vpon M Two ounces dronke of the same water of a parsone and than layde to bedde and well couered cawseth well to swete N yf any person of a Scorpyon or serpente or spynnet were lycked or stynged shal drynke of the same water an oūce a halfe and wasshe the wounded place therwith twyse a day thā shall be layde ther vpon in the mornynge and at nyght clowtes wet in the same and than it shal become hole O The same water preserueth a man of the pesttylence whan ther of he deynketh an ounce and a halfe or two ounces P Dronke of the same water in the mornynge fastynge an ounce and a halfe or two ounces .x. or .xii. dayes contynuyng is good agaynste the axces on the fourthe daye named febrys quartana Q The same water is good for the yl sore Noly me tāgere whā it is wasshed therwith and the her be powdred and strawed in the same R Two or thre dragmas of thes water was ones dronke of a lytel wē●he whiche had eaten venym with an apple wherof she sore was swollē and anone swaged the swellynge whiche the trynck coude not do nor other medecynes S It happeneth vpon a tyme that a man was slepynge vnder a tree and a snake of an elle of lengthe was kreped in his throte and to hym was gyuen in fyue or syr droppes of the same water and anone the snake come oute agayn and dyed But I coūsell of the same water to be dronke two or thre mornynges fastynge at eche mornynges fyue or syr dragma and yf she than chaung the place thā a parson must be fastyng two dayes and shall drynke an ounce and a halse or two ounces than he shall be hole T The same water is good agaynste the canker in the breste whan it is wasshed therwith and the powder of the herbe strewed therin and a clene clowte layde ther on that the powder fall not of do it so often tyll it be hole ¶ The water of Rubea Ca .lx. BVbea vel Ruba in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the stalke and flowres chopped togyder and dystylled in the ende of May A Twyse in a daye dronke of the
same water at eche tyme two ounces stoppeth the laske in the bely B Dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme two oūces is very good agaynst the yelowe Iandys And is one of the pryncypal medycynes of the same ¶ Water of Scatum celle Peny worte Ca .lxi. SCatum celle in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the stalkes and the flowres chopped to gyder dystilled in Iune A The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the yelowe Iandys B dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme two oūces is good for thē that be dysseased in the lyuer clowtes or hempen towe wet in the same layde on the place of the lyuer out warde C In the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe conforteth the harte body D Two ounces drōke fastynge in the mornyng is good for the euyll worme called the spoul worme The water of the lytell brennynge Nytetls Ca .lxii. URt●ca ferues in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe withoute the rote chpoped and dystylled A The same water is good agaynste wrattes on the fōdamēt in the mornyng at nyght there with wassed But yf any body had the same with in the bodye than shall he drinke of the same in the morning at nyght at eche tyme an ounce B Water of lytell brennyng nettles dysslled about the day of saynt Iohn̄ habtiste and .xiiii. dayes set in the sonne and ther with wasshed hāde and fete and other membres preserueth a body in the winter frome froste colde as longe as it be not wasshen of with other water ¶ Water of whyte betes Ca .lxiii. BEta alba in latin The best parte and time of his dystillacyon is the leues stroped from the stalkes and dyslylled in the ende of Iune A water of the same dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at ech tyme two ounces is good for the stone for it melteth and consumethe it B Dronke of the same in the maner aforesayde is good agaynste the grauell in the lymmes C The water dronke in the same maner clenseth lymmes and taynes D The same water is good again steal woo in the membres clowtes wet in the same and layde on the wofull place and whan the clowtes bedrye than wet agayn tyll the payn is eased ¶ Water of Centory Ca .lxiiii CEntaurea in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyl lacyon is the leues the stalkes and the flowres chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of Iune A Dronke of the sam water at nyghte and in the mornyng at eche tyme anoūce a halfe or two oūces is good for them that haue an yll colde and vndesgestynge stomake for it warmeth the stomake consumeth all yll beynge in the stomake B Anoūce dronke of the same of a chylde and. ii oūces of an aged body ī the mornige fastynge withdriueth the wormes in the bely C In the mornyng fastīg at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme .ii. oūces is very good a gaynste the febres axces D Fresshe woundes wasshed with the same water in the mornīg at night and cloutes wet ī the same layde ther on heleth them E The markes or yll fauored spottes of olde woūdes often wasshed therwith vanyssheth F Two or thre tymes dronk of the sāe at eche tyme .ii. oūces withdrueh the dede chylde frome the mother G whan a body hath broken a bone in his body than he shall drynke of the same water luke warme in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an oūce for it heleth consolydeth agayne togyder H Agaynst the stopped stomake is good to be dronke of the ame water luke warme in the mornyng fastynge at nyght goynge to bedde at eche tyme .ii. oūces it cawseth appetyt I The same water is warmyng dryenge with a styptyke it openeth the stoppyng it cut deꝑteth maketh ●nder the grosse humoures clenseth dryueth them out yf a body be ●lesterd therwith that haue the podagra wyth deyneth the grosse roleryk flegmatyk humotes in the mornynge at nyght drōke at eche tyme an ounce a halfe the podagra or sciatica clystered ther with K drynke thryse of the same in a day at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is very good agaynst the hardnes of the mylte or the lyue● L dronke offhe same at mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good agaynste the goute in the bowels M the same water dronke twyse or thryse in a daye is good for the shrinking in the wombe ¶ Water of fumitory● Ca .lxv. FVmus tetre in latyn The best tarte and 〈◊〉 of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the stalke with all his substaunce chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of may A Dronke of the same water in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or two ouuces is good agaynst perbrakynge B Drōke of the same in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme twooūce four or fyue wekes cōtynuynge is good for all yll fauoured faces maketh it fayre pale of colour C The same vsed in the maner aforsayde is good for them that be fearīg the lepce for his vertue is clēsynge D The same dryeth easethal scabbes pryncypally whan there is taken a lytell tryacle in a good drawght of the same water thā shal be swete oute all euyll venemous moystnes in a bath but a body shall not be wasshed not be made wette●yl● the tyme that he hath well sweted for it withdryueth all skalde scabbes of the body whan ther with a body is wasshed and rubbed E Of the same water in the mornyng at night drōke at eche tune an oūce and a halfe or two oūces is good against outward inward impostu mynge of the body F Of the same water dronke in the mornynge fastynge is very good agaynste the pestylence specyally whan it is dystilled per Alemvicum G Foure oūces dronke of the same about viii of the clocke cawseth laske H The same water is good agaynst eatyng of the mouth whan it is often wassed therwith I It is also good agaynste the droppe and flode of the face twyse wasshed in a daye K The same water is good agaynst swellynge whan it is rubbed ther with in the mornyng and at nyght L Dronke twyse in a daye at euery tyme two ounces is good agaynste olde congeled blode agaynste hurtynge castynge or fallynge M Of the same water dronke twyse in a day at eche tyme two ounces clenseth the floure in women whan it is vsed in tyme of theyr floures N It causeth a body to be fayre which drynketh oftē of the same water often therwith wasshed and let drye
by hym selfe agayne O It conforteth the stomake whan it is dronke twyse in a day at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe P The same dronke in the forsayde maner is good against all maner of scabbes for it resoluith colerā and sanguinem and clenseth them from the brennynge mater Water of valeryan Ca .lxvi. MArcinella or valeriana herba benedicta or amantylla or valentina or seepillum maius in latyn The beste tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is the rote the herbe and the stalke chopped togyder dystylled in the ende of the Maye A Water of valerian drōke in the mornynge at nyghte at eche tyme two ounces is good for impostumynge and swellynge whiche be woful clowtes wette therin and layde ther vpon B The same water distylled betwene bothe our lady dayes dronke in the mornynge a sponefull is good for yōge chylderē against the wormes in the bely C Twyse in a daye drōke of the same clowtes wet therin and layde vpon the fyeke wrates on the foundament heleth them D A cloute wet in the same water and layde on the iyen whan a body hath bathed it clary fyeth the iyen of the hete fume of the bathe E It is also good agaīst the fyeke blaynes on the foundament whiche be flodynge terynge whan theron be layde cloutes wet in the same it dothe vanysshe bothe the flode and terynge F In the mornynge at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme .ii. ounces a halfe or thre ounces caseth them that haue broken a bone or legge G Dronke of it in the same maner before sayde heleth them that is rente called ruptura H Two oūces drōke of the same fastynge or a parson● goth out of his house is good against the 〈◊〉 I Dronke 〈◊〉 the same is good agaynste veinym .ii. ounces and a halfe or thre ounces K Dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyght ribbed ther with the membes whiche haue gotten colde cawseth them to be warme agayne L Two ounces dronke fastyng of the same water heleth fresshe and olde woundes and fulfylleth the woundes M Dronke of the same an ounce and a halfe or .ii. ounces fastynge withdryueth all unpostumacyons within the body and dryueth them outwarde N In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water an ounce and a halfe withdryueth the payne in the lymmes O A man and a wyfe maryed togyder and can not well agre togyder thē shall begyuen to drike of the same out of one vessell or pot and they shall agre P The same water put in onclere wyne cawseth them to be clere Q It myxced with wyne so dronke with dryueth beletteth moche wo and sekenes in the iyen for it is of the pryncypall medycyns for the iyen whan it also is put therin R Twyse in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth to swete S In the mornynge at nyght the same water is good for 〈◊〉 payne in the lymmes comynge of colde whan they be rubbed therwith let drye by them selfe T It is good agaynste fyeke blaynes whā clowtes be wet therin layde vpō it V An ounce dronke of the same i● the mornynge or a body goth out of his house is good agaynste the euyll ayre of the pestylence Water of valeryan rotes Ca .lxvii. BAdyces valeriane in latyn The best tyme of his distyllacyon is betwene both our lady dayes A Two ounces dronke of the same is good agaynste venym B The same is good agaynste bytynge of venemous bestes whan the hole of the harte or the mouth or the mawe is enoynted with the same C Dronke of the same thre ounces is good agaynste the dayly axces or febres whan it is dronke before the tyme of the axces comynge on D It is also good for the payne in the syde clowtes wet ther in layde vpon the syde ¶ Water of Dylls Capitulum lxviii ANetum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe in the ende a● the may dystilled A Of the same water dronke the temples and the nose ther with enoynted causeth slepe B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces cawseth good mylke in womans brestes C Twyse in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe thre dayes contynuynge with dryueth the euyll winde out of the stomake and restryngeth the rupsomyng or golpy●● D The same water lōge tyme holden in the mouth is good agaynste the euyll moystnes in the tethe E It withdryueth also the crampe drōke in the mornynge at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and the membres rubbed therwith F A person whiche sore perbraketh waloweth take drynke an ounce of the same water in a daye it shall amēda therwith G Dronke of the same is good for them whichd neseth with payne whan of the same water is dronke an ounce and a halfe in the mornynge and at nyght H Dronke in the same maner of the same water is good agaynst the dysseases in the wombe I The same water drōke of causeth hynderashce for goynge to stole K Cloutes wet in the same water is good for īpostumynge and swellynge whan the clowtes be so wette layde theron L The same water myxced with vynegre and so dystylled and dronke of the same two dayes fastyng in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce flaketh lechery ¶ Water of Grayes blode Ca .lxix. SAnguis Daronis in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his distyllacyon is in the caniculyer dayes A The same water is good for them that haue the pestylence whā they drynke therof two ounces or two ounces and a halfe and cloutes wet in the same and layde there vpon than shall the person be hole ¶ Water of dede nettles Ca .lxx. VRtica mortila in latyn The best ꝑte tyme of his bystyll lacyon is ye shall take the flowers the lytell stalkes or knottys where as the flowres growen on and dystylled ī the myddest of Iune with the same water wasshed in the mornynge and at nyght the rynge worme or wylde worme rubbed therwith and a lynyn cloute wette therin a lytell wronge out agayne and layd theron tyll it be hole B Sores or pousshes washed with the same water in the mornyng and at nyght heleth them C Dronke of the same water an ounce or an ounce a halfe at eche tyme in the mornyng and at nyght is good agaynst the whyte of women named menstrum album ¶ Water of Dyptan Ca .lxxi DIptanum in latyn And is of two maners whyte and blacke The same tyme of the distyllacyon of the whyte is betwene bothe our lady dayes A Drōke of the same in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good against the pestilēce B Dronke of the same .iii. oūces is good for venym C Dronke of the same in
the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynst the dasynge in the hede P In the forsayde maner drōke of the same waters is pryncypally good aboue all waters for the memory and remembraūce whan the ●ede is enoynted therwyth outwarde and let drye by hym selfe agayne by cawse it conforteth the hede and braynes and lyghteth the tongue clenseth the blode Q Dronke of the same water in the mornynge fastynge with a dragma of the powder made of the myddest rynde of the stalke named Amara dulcis in latyn causeth the brest to be large and causeth to spette and putteoute the flegmatyke matter and it helpeth moche for it is the nature of the water R In the mornyng and at nyght easeth strongly the longue whan she is rotted in the body of a man and styncketh in the throte also yf she were so lytel as a nut she wyll become hole and well amended S Dronke of the same water in the mornyng and at nyght an ounce is good agaynste the dysseases of the lōgue for she pussheth the harte with yl blowinges or wynde And what man whiche becometh sone angry and swelleth for angre lyke the nowghty wynes he shall drynke of the same water twyse in a daye at eche tyme an oūce myxced with dragma of powder of the same herbe Veronica Bycawse al angre taketh his orgynall and cometh from the mylte whiche is nyest vnto the longue wherfore the longue swelleth for anger of the mylt And lyke wyse as is defendyd with a sponefull of colde water that a pot sedinge ronne not ouer In lyke wyse synketh the great anger vp blowynge of the longue whan a dragma of the powder of the same drye herbe veronica is myxced wyth the same water of the Veronica and so dronke bycawse of no membre cometh so moche payne and wo as frome the longue For whan the membres be in reste and quyete than the longe is euer rysynge vp and laborynge whether a parson be slepynge or watchynge euer is the longue labourynge with blowynge and vnclenes as with fastyng and shytyng The wyndes come all orygynally frome the longues Therfor it is a very wyse mā which that can refraine the tongue and the longue C In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same myxced with a dragma a halfe of the pouder of the same dryed herbe of Veronica wythdryueth the yelowe Iandys in man V The same water dronke cawseth well to pisse x The same water with the powdre dronke in the maner aforsayde is good for women that be fatte and wolde fayne bere chylde be lene bycawse she myght the better conceyue for it dysposeth the women to conceyue And lyke wyse as fyre purgeth the golde soo puryfyeth the same water the womē for to conceyue chylde Y It is rede of a lytell venymous worme smaler than a Scorpyon which kylleth the yonges of the lyon with his venymous stynges And whan the lyon perceyueth it than he choweth of the same herbe and layth it vpon the venymous swellynge of his yonges than it shall be no harme to thē but they shall become hole agayne z Also is rede of a bere whan he is to fat than he cateth of the same herbe whā he can get it therwith he becometh lene and well dysposed and bolde lyke wyse the bere whan he hath sene great oxcen than he desyreth to haue and to eate the fatteste of them but yet he is afrayd But as sone as he hath eaten of thē same herbe than he becometh bolde and taketh the fattest oxce withoute feare It is rede of the bere whan he is seke than he eateth pyswer than he becometh hole and eased and after that he eateth so moche of them that he can not dygeste them in his nature than he falleth sometyme in swome and fayntnes Than he cateth of the herbe Veronica and ther of the getteth the laske and therof he becometh agayn hole It is rede that the graye water makes egendreth them with the eale a fysshe called Anguilla in latyn And whan the eale hath conteined thē she becometh so colde of the venymous nature of the snake that she can not suffre the water no longer and than she ●●●peth often oute of the water and seketh the same herbe and eateth it than the yonges muste nedys departe frome her and dye before or they be warped And yf it be that the ●ale can not fynde the same herbe and the yonges kylle her or they be warped AA Of the same water dronke two ounces at ones cawseth a body to swette whan that nedeth BB The same water dystylled in the forsayde maner with wyne maye be kepte ten yeres in his vertue And the powder of the same shall be made thus Badre the herbe in the begynnynge of Iune and hange it in the ayre for to drye and than powder it ¶ Of the water of Anys Capitulum lxxx ANilum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the toppe whan it hath flowres and the sedes begynne to rype the crowne with the sedes plucked of and dystylled A Of the same dronke in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme an aunce or an ounce and a halfe taketh awaye the heuy bolkyng out of the stomake and warmeth the stomake B Thre tymes dronke in a daye of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good so the wyndes in the bely ¶ Of the water of Apium Capitulum lxxxi APium do●nestirum vel Apiūortuum in latyn The best tyme of hys dystyllacyon is the rote and the hethe with all his substaunce chopped and dystylled in the ende of the Maye A Cloutes wet in the same water and layd vpon hote thynges heleth them B The hede and the temple enoynted with the same water and let drye agayne by hym selfe causeth reste and slepe C In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe causeth well to pysse and make moche vryne .viii. or .x. dayes contynnuynge it withdryueth the grauell oute of the membres and bladder D Woundes washed therwith in the mornyng and at nyght and cloutes wet therin layde ther vpon is vere good ¶ Water of 〈◊〉 Ca .lxxxii. EDera arborea in latyn The best tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is the same whiche groweth on the oken trees with the leues and betyes dystylled in the myddest of Apryll A The same water is good agaynst the payne in the hede the hede often enoynted there with and let drye by hym selfe B Dronke of the same water an ounce or an ounce and a halfe ī the mornynge fastyng and at nyght goynge to bedde .vi. or .viii. dayes contytaynge C The same water drōke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe contynaynge some dayes is good agaynste the stone in the bladder lymmes
whiche be broken through cawseth them to be hole ¶ Of Fenell herbe water Ca .xc. FEniculus in latyn There is founde many maner but I wyll wryte of the tame fenell and of none other The beste parte and season of the Fenell herbe is in the ende of the. Maye but the rotes in the ende of the Caniculer dayes A The same water claryfyeth the darke iyen and is good agaynst all dysseases of the iyen be it of colde or of hete whan it is dropped ī the iyē and ther with rubbed the vaynes of the tēples than it pulleth out the colde and the hete of the iyen B The same water put in the iyen in the mornyng and an howre before goyng to bedde .ix. or .x. dayes contynuynge sherpeth the syght with dryueth the impostumes the floude rednes of the iyē C In the mornynge at nyght whā a body gothe to bedde at eche tyme dronke of the same water an ounce and a halfe clenseth the harte D An ounce dronke of the same water and the hede enoynted therwith let drye by hym selfe it conforteth the braynes E At nyght and in the mornynge dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe causeth a large breste F The same water dronke in the for sayde maner cawseth a good voyce in a man G The same water dronke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or tow ounces .vi. or .vii. dayes contynuynge puryfyeth and clenseth the longue And is good agaynste impostumynge of the longue H In such maner dronke the same water clenseth the stomake and slaketh the hete I It clenseth also the lyuer whan it is dronke in the for sayde maner K In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce an a halfe .ix. or .x. dayes contynuynge is good agaynste the grauell in the blader and for them that be dysseased in the bladder L Of the same water dronke amonge at eche tyme an oūce and the drynke myxced therwith withdryueth and taketh awaye the lechery M Dronke of the same water and the face therwith enoynted cawseth good coloure and clarefyeth the face N Dronke an ounce or an ounce and a halfe of the same water somtymes is good agaynste venym O The same water dropped in the eates kylleth the wormes that be ther in P Some dayes dronke of the same water easeth the woo in the bely Q The same water myxced with wyne and so drōke at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe withdryueth the dropsy R Cloutes wet in the same water and layde on the secrete place heleth it S In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces viii or .x. dayes contynuynge with driueth the yelow Iandys T At nyght and in the mornīge at eche tyme drōke of the same water an ounce openeth the stoppynge of the mylte V A clowte wet in the same water and layde on the place of the lyuer taketh awaye all the hete of the lyuer x Dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce cawseth them well to pysse that cowlde not pysse or that pysse not but with payne for it clēseth the vryne the bladder and the raynes And it is good against al maner of dysseases of the raynes Y Water of the same in the mornynge layde vpon the stynges of the snakes and therwith wasshed causeth them to hele z The same water is good to be dronke agaynste all maner dysseases of the hede and the hede wette ther with and lette drye agayne by hym selfe AA Fenell water dronke in the mornynge fasting at nyght thre or foure dayes contynuynge dryueth out the flowres of women BB In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same Fenell water at eche tyme and ounce and a halfe .x. or .xii. dayes cōtynuyng causeth moche milke to the norses and womē in theyr brestes CC In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same fenell water an ounce and a halfe or two ounces myxced with wyne .ii or thre dayes contynuyng withdryueth the wamelynge that is whan a bodye thynketh alwaye to perbrake DD Fenell water put in the iyen whiche wyll become styll blynde and dronke dayly helpeth them EE Water of fenell dronke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth the grosse humores in the bely become subtyll FF In this maner it dronke cawseth moch sperma GG Dronke of the me water in the forsayd mesure and maner is good agaynst the slepyng sekenes named Lytargia ¶ The water of our lady thystell Capitulum .xcii. CArdo Marie vel lachrum veneris in latin The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues broken of from the stalke and so dystylled in the ende of maye A Our lady thystyl water dronke in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme two oūces or two ounces and a halfe is vyry good agaynste the stytches in the body and pryncypall for the yonge chylderen B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same halfe an ounce and a quarter is goodd for yonge chylderen And myxced with the drynke is good for the rynge worme or against the on naturall hete named shyngles on the bodye C Of the same drōke in the mornyng at none and also at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the ronned or cōgeled blode in a parson where it be of fallynge or betynge D In the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme dronke of the same water an ounce myxced with the drynke cawseth a body to be large aboute the breste and the harte E The same water dronke in the maner aforsayde is very good for the longues and the mylte F Of the same water dronke in the mornenge at none and at nyght at eche tyme thre ounces is good for the infllammed lyuer and for other hete a thre dowble lynē cloute wet in the sam water and layd ther vpō G Our lady thystyll water drōke in the same maner aforsayde slaketh the thyrst Water of rede Saxyfrage Ca .xciii. FIlipendula in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe and rote chopped togyder in the ende of the Maye A In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the pestyllence B Two or thre ounces dronke of the same water is good agaynste venym yf a bodye had eaten or drōke any ¶ The water of Yacea Capitulum .xciii. YAcea vel herba elauellata in latyn The byste tyme and parte of his dystyllacyō is the herbe with the stalkes whiche growe in gardyns dystylled whan it bereth flowres A The same water is good to the yonge chylderen whan them ouercometh the on naturall hete and maketh them seke that shall to them be gyuen for to drynke
dystylled in the myddest of the maye A The same water is good agaynst payn and sherpe hote or brēnynge guttes dronke of the same in the mornynge at none and at nyght goynge to bedde at eche tyme a ounce and a halfe B The same water is good for wecy membres and synewes somtyme rubbed therwith and let drye agayne by hymselfe C Of the same water dronke euery daye in the mornynge fastynge and at nyght gounge to bedde at eche tyme an oūce .viii. or .x. dayes contynuynge is good agaynst shrynkynge all paynes in the body D Euery daye woundes wasshed with the same water in the mornynge and at nyghte and clowtes wet in it and layd ther on cawseth them to he le E Of the same water dronke two ounces or two oūces and a half is good for congeled blode in the body where it be of pusshyng betynge or fallynge downe F The same water is very good agaynste eatynge sores in the mouthe whan the mouthe is wel clensed and wasshed with the same water in the mornynge at none at nyght G In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces and the drynke myxced therwith is good agaynste the stytches in the body H The same water dronke in the maner aforsayde is good agaynst swellynge whan outwarde it is layd theron I A parson that falleth with the palsey hath lost his speche and can not speke hym shal be gyuen of the same water to drynke and he shall speke agayne by and by K Taken of Psylye sedes as moche as .x. barly graynes be heuy steped a nyght in an ounce of the same water and taken a lytell sponge and wette in the same water and therwith stryken on the tongue thre or foure tymes in a daye is good for them that of any hote sekenesse theyr tongue is become blacke ¶ Vater of walwortor Camfrey Capitulum .ciiii. COnsolidā maiot in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the hole herbe in Iunio dystylled A The same water is good to be dronke agaynst impostumynge with in the body or with out layde with clowtes ther vpon B The same water is good agaynste eatynge sores on the secrete of women often wasshed therwith Of medtacle or Gammdre Capitulum Ca .cv. QVercula minot in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystillacyon is in the myddest of the Maye with all his substaunce chopped and brenned or dystylled A Two ounces dronke of the same water with driueth the dede byrthe frome the moder B Often dronken of the same water at eche tyme two ounces helpeth them that be rēte in the body C The same dronke amonge in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe clenseth puryfyeth maketh good blode and reioyseth the harte D Of the same drōke in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce refressheth the lyuer pryncypaly whā the herbe with the flowres is dystylled E The same water dronke at some dayes in the mornynge at none at nyght at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and a halfe withꝭ dryueth many paynes F Thre tymes in a day the mouthe wasshed therwith is good agaynste catyngaor gnawyynge sores in the mouthe ¶ Water of the wylde Tansey Capitulum cvi POrtentilla or Tanacetum agreste in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote and the herbe chopped to goder and dystylled betwene bothe our lady dayes A The same water putte in the iyen is good for the redenes and the flode of the iyen B The same water is good for the heres of the iye lyddes that come in the iyen often wasshed therwith than goth it away C The same water put in the iyen is good agaynste darkenesse and spottys or skynne in the iyen the whiche is come to a persone with in the tyme of a yere D Often put in the iyen of the same water with dryneth the blaynes of the iyen E The same water heleth woundes whan they be wasshed therwith twyse in a daye F Twyse in a day dronke of the same water and clowtes wette therin and layd on the wolfe heleth it G The same water is good for the backe bone for thē that oftē hath greate payne in the backe bone oftē tymes rubbed therwith H In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and halfe is good agaynst that album or white in women ¶ Water of wylde tansey floures Capitulum cvii. ELos Anaceti agressis in latyn Ye shall dystylle the floures per Alembicum whā they be fully rype A The same water drōke in the mornynge fastyng at eche tyme an ounce .xii. or .xvi. dayes cōtynuynge conforteth the man in all his membres B The same water pulled vp or put in the nose is very good for hym that hath the murre in the hede for than it conneth out thrugh the nose C The same water is good to be putte in the iyen an howre before the nyght D The same mater is the mooste pryncypall water aboue all waters agaynste the dasynge in the hede and bcaynes whan it is dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and therwith the hede enoynted contynuynge syxtene dayes E The same water is good agaynste al vnclene humours which droppeth aboute the iyen And strēgtheth all the membres at eche tyme dronke an ounce in the mornynge and at nyght and the membres rubbed therwith and lette drye agayne by hym selfe F The same water is a pryncypall water for them that hath a moysty sore the moystoure drynketh thrughe the swete holes than wet in the same water clothes and lay theron twyse in a day than it shall be stopped and heled ¶ Water of the grounde 〈◊〉 Capitulum cviii HEdera tertestt is in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe with the stalkes chopped and dystylled in the begynnynge of Iune A The same water is good to be dronke in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that haue the axces aboute the harte B The same water dronke in the mornynge fastinge and at nyght goynge to bedde at eche tyme an ounce is good for the yelowe Iandys named Ictericia in latyn C The same water in the forsaid maner is good agaynste the yll stomake D The same water is good to be drōke in bathe .ii. ounces for thē that hath flegma in the bladder in the longues and in the lyuer bycawse the same water consumeth E Two of thre ounces dronke of the same water is good agaynste the venym of the pestylience F Euery day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an oūle and a halfe fyue or syx dayes contynuynge is good for the payne in the hede G In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe
some dayes contynuynge cawseth well to pysse H In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water openeth the lyuer and the mylte whiche be stopped I In the mornynge and also at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe contynuynge two or thre dayes cawseth in women they re flowres issuynge K It is good to be dronke agaynst the gowte and the membres rubbed therwith L The same water dronke in the mornyng at none at nyght at eche tyme two ounces is good for womē that haue heuy membres or graet heuy bodye and foure tymes in a daye the membres therwith rubbed ¶ The water of yelowe vyolettes Capitulum cix C Heiti in latin The best parte and tyme of theyr dystyllacyons is the vppermoost toppes whan they be fully rype and it is aboute the end of the Maye A Of the same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that haue losse theyr wyttes for it conforteth and bryngeth them agayne B Of the same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe conforteth the lyuer C It conforteth also vsed in the maner aforesayde the raynes D In the mornynge at none and at nyght Dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe thre or foure wekes contynuynge cawseth the women to be fruytfull E Dronke in the same maner aforesayd purifyeth the women after the byrthe of the chylde yf it be contynued syx or .viii. dayes F In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe contynuyng xii or .xiiii. dayes is good for men or women which euer be besy in the worke of generacyon G The same water dronke in the maner aforsayde is good for hym that is seke of colde for it warmeth the harte agayne H In the same maner aforsayde and mesure vsed the sam water sharpeneth the wyttes and vnderstandyng I In the morninge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xii. or .xiiii. dayes contynuynge reioyseth and causeth to be mery the hart and mynde of a man K The same water dronke in the maner aforsayd clenseth and puryfyeth the destroied blode and it warmeth the mary in the bones and dryeth out the colde blode L The same is good for them that be dysseased of the paralisis or palsey that they become lame in the tongue and can not speke or for them that be takē in the side ther with Suche shall drynke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce thre or foure wekes cōtynuynge and myxce theyr drynke therwith and the mēbres therwith rubbed M The same water is good for a parson whome the hādes trēble therwith rubbed in the mornynge and at nyght and let drye agayne by hym selfe and dronke at eche tyme an oūce taketh awaye the tremblinge of the handes and membres N Of the same water drōke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an oūce causeth the harte to be temperate whan it is to hote or colde O The same water dronke as before is sayde reioyseth the blode P The same water is good agaynste all spottys in the face whether they be of hete or of colde and it causeth a fayre whyte face Q A lynen clowte me in the same water and bounde rounde aboute the hede taketh awaye al the payne in the hede and also the flode of the hede and cawseth well to slepe ¶ Water of yatowe Ca .cx. MIlle folium in latyn The best parte and tyme of his his dystyllacyon is the herbe and the stalkes chopped togeder dystylled in the ende of maye A Of the same water dronke ī the mornyng fastige at eche tyme two ounces and in the pytte of the hart wher as the mouth of the stomake is rubbed with warmeth it well B The same water of a chylde dronke in the mornynge at nyght an oūr .iii. or .iiii. dayes cōtynuynge of a myddle aged persō two ounces a halfe or thre ounces is very good for the wormes in the bely C In the mornīge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and the drynke mixced ther with is very good for a persone that hath lost his colour of to moche bledynge D It is also good for a fresshe wounde wasshed therwith in the mornyng at nyght E In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and a halfe clenseth puryfyeth the blode ¶ Of lyuer worte Ca .cxi THe best Parte and Tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues chopped dystylled in the myddest of maye A The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the grauel ī the lymmes B It dronke in the for sayde maner clēseth the raynes cawseth well to pysse C The same water dronke in the mornynge at nyght an ounce or an ounce and a halfe cōforteth strengtheth the lyued ¶ Of yelowe Lylles Ca .cxii. OLadiolus in latyn The best tyme of their dystyllacyon is whan they be fully rype but not to nygh the fallynge of theyr leuys A In the mornynge at nyghte drōke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces contynuynge a sertayn season stoppeth in women the flowres whā they come to moche ¶ water of Cresses Ca .cxiii NAsturcium in latyn The best parte tyme of his distillacyon is the herbe with the stelys distylled in the ende of may A The same water withdeyueth the payne in the tethe whan the tethe be often washe therwith and rubbed B In the morning at night dronke of the same to good agaynst swellynge and the swelling rubbed therwith C Two ounces dronke of the same water in the mornynge fastyng is good for the wormes in the body D Houy myxced with the same water and a cloth wet therin and four folde of thyckenes layde vpon fresshe blaynes and whan the clothe is drye than wette hymagayne it pulleth the rede spottys ther oute And yf ther be blaynes on the legges than let blode on the ancle drynke in the mornynge and at nygrt of the water with water dystylled of straweberyes and take hede of all hote meate cawsinge hete in the body of a man ¶ Water of Linacia Ca .c.xiiii. IN laten Linacia The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe and steles chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of the maye A The same water is the moste beste water for rede iyen whan it in the mornynge at nyght is put in the iyen And ther can nat better water be founde agaynst rede iyen than the same B Gyuē thre or foure ounces of the same water to a man whiche is disseased with the dropsy and eaten of the myddest rynde of the rote of Ebulus so moche as the quantyte of
an halfe nutte it wyll cawse to make a mesure or two mesures of his vrystle the one after the other and do it so often tyll the body be hole ¶ Water of the myddeste rynde of ridre Ca .c.xv. THe beste tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is ye shal cut of the grosse and vppermoste rynde than take the other grene rynde and dystille it in balneo Marie in the begynuynge of maye A Thesame water twise or thryse dronke in a daye at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynste the dropsy B Thre oūces drōke of the same fastyng cawseth laske incontynent withoute harme well sauedrly ¶ Water of eldre Ca .c.xvi. SAmbucus in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the vppermost toppes the bottes and leues chopped and dystylled in the myddeste of maye A The same wat is good for euyl heled bones or legges that haue bene brokē often wasshed with the same water let drye agayne by hymselfe Water of flowres of elder Ca .c.xvii. FLores Sābu●● in latyn The best tyme of theyr dystyll acyon is the flowres stroped frome the stalkes whā they be fully ripe than dystylled A In the mornynge at nyghte drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce weketh the brest B It is good in the same maner vsed for swelīg rubbed ther with C The same water put in the iyē slaketh the hete of thē D In the mornynge at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme ●ii oūces is good for dropsy E The same is good for olde holes and sores whiche be colde therwith wasshed F The same dronk is good forlepre G The same is good for trēblynge of the hādes wette therwith in the mornynge at nyghte let it drye alone agayne H In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce a halfe .viii. or .x. dayes cōtynuynge conforteth the stommake In the mornynge at nyght the face wassed therwith lette drye agayne by himselfe with the same is good for the vpcomiynge pymples of the face K With the same rubbed the necke behynde cloutes wet ther in layd vpon it is good for the payne in the hede L In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche same an oūce or an ounce a halfe openeth the stoppynge of the lyuer mylte raynes contynuynge som dayes M The same drōke in the forsayde maner with dryueth the axces of the thirde daye named febris terciana puryfyeth all blode comynge of melācolye N Two or thre oūces drōke of the same puryfyeth the bely from benethe without payne O In the mornynge at nyght put in the iyen causeth the departynge of the skynne from the iyen ¶ water of dogges tōgue Ca .xviii. LIngua canis in lati Chynoglossa in greco The best ꝑte of his dystyllacyon is the herbe leues stalkes rotes with all his substaunce chopped and dystylled in the ende of Iune A The same is good for fyckwrattes on the foundamēt whether they be inwarde or outwarde Yf they be inwarde than shal be dronke of thesame in the mornynge at eche tyme an ounce a halfe tyll they be vanysshed And yf they be outwarde than vasshe them with the same water clowtes wette therin layde theron tyll they be wasted B It is good for al woundes in the mornyng at nyght wasshed therwith C The same is good for olde sores holes whan thei be wasshed ther with clowtes wette in the same and layde theron ¶ Water of hempe Ca .c.xix. CAnapus in latyn The beste ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the tyme of his yougth whā he is grene chopped dystylled A The same is principally good for payne in the hede the hede the forehede the temples of the hede enointed and rubbed therwith B Water of hēpe is good for all hete where so euer it be clowtes wette therin and layde ther vpō foure tymes in a daye in the sommer two tymes in the wynter ¶ Water of hartes tongue Ca .c.xx. SColopēdria or lingua cerui ī latyn The best parte of his distyllacyon is the lefe in maye A An oūce or an ounce a halfe dronke of the same is good for stoppynge of the harte for it conforteth the harte B In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce is good for the mylte The mylte becometh somtyme harde and agaynste that shall be dronke as before is wryten .xl. dayes cōtynuynge it shall be holpen surely And it is also good for stoppynge of the mylte C In the mornynge at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for stoppynge of the lyuer D The same dronke in the maner aforesayde is good for the yeskyng named Singultus in latyn E In the mornynge at night dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces is good for the axces on the fourthe daye named febres quartana F In the mornynge at nyghte drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for the stone in the lymmes and in the bladder for it breketh them surely G The same is good for the hete in al membres cloutes wet ther in layd theron dronke of the same H The same myxced with water of roses is very good for the hote lyuer whan it is layde theron with hēpen towe the same vsed thre or four tymes in a daye tyll the lyuer is staked I The Cancer wasshed with the same clowtes wet ther in layde ther vpon cawseth thē to bele K Two oūces of the same drōke in the mornynge at nyght is very good agaynst swellynge L The same water gorgoled is good agaynst the sore throte or payn in the throte or whā the spene cometh in the throte for it wasteth it anon M Often drōke of the same an ounce a halfe is good agaynst heuy horryble dremes whiche happe often of the euyll myste N It is also good agaynst heuynes in the harte whiche cometh also frome the mylte a frome the melācolye whan it is drōke in the mornynge at nyght at eche eyme an oūce a halfe pryncypally whan it is well myxced with the water of Thamariscus for they be pryncypalle good for all dysseases of the mylte O Dronk of the same in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme .ii. oūces withdryueth the congyled blode frō the harte that layth stopped ther aboute comynge from fallyng iustynge or pusshyng The hole monethe of May drōke at euery nyght an ounce a halfe puryfyeth the yll frome the good the good abydeth within the body the yll is consumed withdriuen out P Drōke of the same thre or .iiii. tymes at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good for the droppynge of the braines Q Oftē drōke of the same is very good for heuy horryble dremes comīge of the
shall cawse his nature to come agayne ¶ water of herba sortis Capitulum .c.xxxv. HErba sortis in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped frome the stalkes and the roote chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of Maye or betwene bothe our ladye dayes A The same water is good for the woundes in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed therwith B The same water is good agaynste all sores therwith wasshed and dryed againe and dronke of the same water twyse in a daye in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme .ii. ounces thā it heleth the soner C It is very good for the sores in the mouth whan therbe wasshed therwith twyse or thrise in a day D The same is that beste and gentylyest water for woundes whan the herbe is steped and thā dystylled drōke and than with cloutes layde theron E The same water is very good for the mannis yarde and for the secrete of womē wasshed therwith in the mornynge at nyghte and lynen clowtes wette and layde there vpon twyse in a day layd in the sommer and thryse in the wynter at eche tyme dronke an ounce or myreed in the drynke it heleth very well and taketh awaye the payne and swellynge whan ir is so vsed some dayes contynuynge ¶ Water of dogges beryes Capitulum .c.xxxvi. CInos batos in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his distillacyon is the beryes whan they be fully rype and dystylled A Of the same water dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces breketh and clenseth the stone or the grauell B Of the same water dronke in the mornynge at none and at night at eche tyme two ounces cawseth to make moche vryne ¶ Water of Verbene Ca .cc.xxvii. B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce with dryueth the yelowe Iandis named Ietericia C The same water is good agaynste backenes and impostumynge of the iyen and is good for them that haue no good syght for it strengtheth thē and bryngeth them agayne the shynyng euery daye ones or twyse put in the iyen and enoynted rounde aboute and also som dronke of the same D The same water is good dronke for venym than he shall be hole whan it is dronke in the stede of metridatum at eche tyme two oūces and a halfe or thre ounces E The same water is good agaynst the fycke wrattes in the fondamente in the mornynge and at nyghte wasshed with the same water tyll they be vanysshed F The same water is good to be dronke in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two oūces agaynst the axces on the thyrde daye and the fourthe daye G the same water vsed in the foresayde maner is good agaynst the narowe breste and for them that with payne and heuynes dothe coughe H The same water in the mornynge and at nyghte dronke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and myxced with his wyne whiche he drynketh is good agaynste the impostumynge of the longues and with clowtes layde outwarde on the syde conforteth the longue I The same drōke in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the consumynge dysseases of the longue named prisis in latyn K The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght and layde there vpon lyke it standeth before strengtheth the lyuer I The same water dronke and therwith enoynted and lette drye agayne by hym selfe causeth a good colour for a body M Of the same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynste the payne in the stomake the stomake enoynted therwith outwarde N Holden the same water longe tyme in the mouthe is good agaynste the payne in the tethe O In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces is good againste the payne in the lymmes and bladder C In the forsayde maner it dronke is good agaynste the stoppynge of the lyuer and mylte Q Dronke of the same water of a chylde an ounce in the mornynge fastynge fyue or syxe dayes contynuyng is good agaynste the wormes in the bely R In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same at hche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good againste the stoppynge of the intrayles of the stomake and of the bely S In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe puryfyeth the raynes frome the grauell and cawseth the stone to breke in the bladder T The same water heleth fystules whan they be wasshed therwith in the mornyng at night and clowtes wette therin and layde there vpon V In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of thesame water at eche time an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste impostumynge in the breste x In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water dronke of the same is good agaynst the blaynes in the body Y An ounce and a halfe or two ounces dronke in a daye of the same is good for them that pysseth blode z The enoynted with the same water and let drye again by hym selfe and clowtes wet therin and layde vpon the bede is good agaynst longe abydynge sekenes which is not to be knowen wherof it may be AA In the mornyng and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good agaynste the inwarde and outwarde impostumyng BB Twyse or thryse in a daye dronke of the same water a eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe withdryueth very moche the lechery CC An ounce or an oūce and a halfe drōke of the same water in the mornynge at none and at nyghte is good agaynste the stoppynge of the lyuer DD In the mornynge and at nyghte drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ouuces is good agaynste the shrynkynge in the bely EE The same water is good agaynste eatynge and corrosynge and holes on the secrete places of women whan it is wasshed with the same water in the mornynge and at nyght and clowtes wette therin layde ther vpon The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the stone ¶ Water of Alkakēgi Ca .c.xxxviii. ALkakengi in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the beryes in the seconde moneth of heruest whan they be fully rype A In the mornynge at none and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme for an olde man ▪ an ounce and a halfe or two ounces and for a yonge chylde halfe an ounce is one of the beste waters agaynste the stone that can begotten B The same water vsed in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the grauell in the lymmes and in the bladder bycawse it hath a wonderfull vertue and nature in clensynge of the raynes and bladder C The same water is good
for them that can not pysse to be dronke twyse in a daye for it conueyeth the vryne to his naturall conduytes and cawseth well to pysse and it is trewe D The same water vsed in the forsayde maner is very good agaynste impostmynge in the raynes and in the bladder for it puryfyeth them E In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water is very good for them that pysseth blode The herbe of thē maye be dystylled in Iune but it is not so good not so myghty as the water dystylled from the beryes F In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water is good for the paralisis ¶ Water of Ysope Ca .c.xxxix. ISopus in latyn The best tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is onely the leues stroped frome the stalkes dystylled in the tyme whan it bereth blewe flowres that is in Augusto A In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same is good for them that haue a hoorse voyce to make it clere B In the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme dronke two ounces is very good for them that haue great cowgh cominge of moystnes and can not voyde it easeth the same cowgh and all the dysseases of the longues and ●●che is lyke C The same dronk in the forsayd maner is good agaynste all dysseases of the longue comynge of the slymy and the flegmatyke mater bycawse it warmeth and dryeth the longues and is specyally good agaynst the impo●tumynge of the lōgues or other dysseases of the longues D The same water dronke in the forsayde maner wekeneth the towghe slymy flegmatyke mater of the brest E In the mornynge faitynge dronke of the same water two ounces and a halfe ●or thre ounces is very good for the worme called the spoul woe me F Dronke in the mornynge and at nyght of the same water at eche tyme an ounce openeth the vaynes G The same water dronke in the maner afore sayde withdryneth all the yll swete of the body H The same water dronke and the face and wasshed therwith cawsethe a fayre face I In the forsaid maner heleth the impostumacyons inwarde K The same water holden in the mouthe is for them very good that haue payn in the teth for it cawseth the payne to vanysshe L In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces .iii. or foure wekes cotnynuynge is good for the dropsy comynge of a colde mater M It is very good for hym whose stomake is greued with unpostumyng and it conforteth the stomake and cawseth the meat to dygeste N The same put in the eares taketh awaye the pypynge in the eares O In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for them that haue payne in the mylte and in the rybbes and is also for the stytches in the syde P In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water is good for the yelowe Iandys Q Id is also good for the wise and vnderstanding men for to abyde in good helthe R In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water .vi. or .viii. dayes contynuynge at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good for womē that haue to moche of theyr flowres S The same water dronke in the maner aforsayde conforteth the harte the stomake and the mylte T Thesa me water dronke in the mornynge at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth a large breste V In the mornyng at none and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the stoppynge of the lyuer ¶ Water of the herbe Mal●● Capitulum c.xl. ALtea in latyn The best parte of his dystyllacyon is the rote stamped and dystylled betwene bothe our lady dayes A Water of the same is good for swellinge whan clowtes be wet therin and layde ther vpon B In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is good agaynst the onnaturall hete named Erisipila C Clowtes or cotton wette in the same water and layd on woūdes stoppeth the bledynge of the woundes D In the mornyng and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good for the s●one and agaynst the grauell in the lymmes E The hede wasshed with the same water is good agaynst lyce and causeth them to falle of F It is also good to all fresshe woundes in the mornynge and at nyghte wasshed there with G It is good against swellynge of the woundes whan a cloute is wette therin and layde on the wounde H Of the same water dronke an ounce and a halfe mixced with as moch wyne stoppeth the blody fly●ce named Dyssenteria I Dronke of the same thre or foure tymes in the mornynge and at nyght dryueth oute the after byrthe named Secundina K An ounce and a halfe or two ounces myxced with wyne is good to be dronke for them that pysse blode L The same drōke in the forsayd maner is good and clenseth the bladder M In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that haue a colde stomake N Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that haue a shorte heuy brethe bycawse it taketh awaye the hycke O The same water maketh impostumes and other harde thynges weke and cawseth warme thynges to chaunge for it is colde and moysty P Twyse in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe prouoketh the flowres in women Q The same water is colde and moysty of nature therefore it weketh in the ●ely whan it is dronke thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces ¶ water of the herbe Peruynke Capitulum c.xli. PEruinca in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe growynge by hym selfe dystylled in Maye A In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for women whiche haue a colde moder B Two tymes in a daye dhonke of the same water is good for them that haue a colde stomake and a clowte wette in the same and layd theron cawseth it naturally to warme ¶ Water of cardes Ca .c.xlii. V Iega pastoris in latyn The beste parte aud tyme of his dystyllacion is the leues stroped from the stalkes and dystylled in the myddest of the maye A The same water is good agaynste corrosynge and eatynge sores in the mouthe it often wasshed therwith B The same water is good agaynste the sore named the shoyne whan a man layth double or threfolde clowtes wet there in and somwhat wronge out and so vpon the sores often renewed C The same water is good for the paralisis often therwith rubbed and let
drye agayne by hym selfe D The same water is very colde inclynynge to a drawght and is styptica therfore it is good agaynste all hote impostumes erisipila and flegma pryncypaly whan in the begynnīge clowtes be wet in the same layd theron E The same is good for the hete for the brēnīg of the stomake and lyuer clowtes wet therin layde outwarde theron also somwhat drōke therof F In the forsayde maner vsed the same is good for the brēnyng G The same water is good for impostumes whiche ronne of mattery humours and moystones whā it is layde theron with clowtes H It heleth cureth also woūdes I The same water is good against payne in the eares whan it is put in the eares K Of the same drōke at eche tyme an ounce is good for impostuming in the guttes It is also good for ouermoche flode of the flowres in women and for other flode where so euer they come of L Whā in the same often be cloutes wet tow layde vpon the forhede lykewyse an Epithima it preserueth the braynes madnes frenesy that they can not get place in the braynes M Thesame is for woundes whiche begyn to matter wasshed with the same it heleth thē ¶ Of the water whiche is dystyllled of the water standynge in the cardes Capitulum .c.xliii. AQua cardonū in latyn The beste tyme for to gader this water is in the maye whā it can not be goten than put it in a glas set it xl dayes in the sonne than dystylle it per fyltrū A The same is better for the eatynge corrosyng ī the monthe than the wat dystylled brēned of the leues of cardes B The same is good for the wrattes in the foundamēt C The same is good for blaynes on handes fete toes whan they be fyrste somwhat with a nedle lette out powder brenned of youry strewed therin at eche tyme with the same water wasshed of D The same water is very good agaynst the yelowe spoteys in the face whyche become of sekennes whan the face is wasshed therwith and at euery thre dayes goynge in the hote howse E The same water is a very good connyng for to make the face clere and fayre and heleth all dysseases of the fare whā it is in the mornynge and at nyght enoynted therwith ¶ Water of palacum and nat of Cerysolum sedes Cap .c.xliiii. PAlacum in latyn A The same water is good for them that haue an indryed nature dystroyed twyse or thryse dronke of the same in a daye than the persone shall amende and the nature shall be recouered and come agayn And yf a person weneth that his nature wyl fall betwene the flesshe and the skynne wherof he mnght become vnclene and scabby than he shall drynke of the same as before is sayde aud it shall not be so B Water of the same dronke in the forsayd maner prouoketh the flaures in womē C The same water is good for a woman berynge chylde and sncketh another chylde whan ●he drynketh an ounce and a halfe or two ounces of the same water than it shall not be scathefull to the chylde that she bereth nor to the same that she sncketh D An 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 halfe or two oūces dronke in a day reioyseth the womans hartes and cawseth them to be mery in theyrs my●des ¶ Water of Cheruell ca .c.xlv. CErifolium in latyn the best parte and tyme of his dystylllacyon is the herbe the stalke the rote with all his substance chopped and dystylled in the myddest of the May A The same dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two ounces is good for them that be rente and for them that haue had a sore fall that the blode ●onneth not togyder and yf it were cōgeled it cawseth to departe agayne B The same myxced with other comō water and so dronke at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst the stone in the raynes C Thre or foure ounces dronke of the same water at ones cawseth the laske D In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth a good stomacke E Dronke of the same in the forsaid maner strengtheth and conforteth the harte F In the mornyng and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme .ii ounce withdryueth the axces or ●●bres C The hede enoynted with the same water and let drye agayne be hym selfe is good for the hete aud conforteth the wyttes H In the mornyng at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe with dryueth the great stytches and paynes in the sydes I The same water dronke in the forsayd maner at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good for the longues and for all theyr dyseases ¶ Water of Garlyke Cap .c.xlvi. ALi●●n in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the rote stamped and dystylled in the camculer dayes A The same water dronke at eche tyme an ounce is good for thē that be swollen in the necke and a clowte wet in the same water wrapped about the necke and so often done it shall be hole B Two or thre ounces dronke of the same water is good agaynst the grauell and cawseth well to pysse C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the cowghe and helpeth them that be of an heuy brethe D The same dronke in the forsayde maner is good for them that can not goo to sco●e and wold fayne it helpeth to the same very well E Of the same water dronke in the mornynge fastynge an ounce of a chylde of an olde person an ounce a halfe is good agynste the spoul worme in the bodye F In the mornyng at none and at nyght dronke at eche tyme an ounce aud a halfe is good agaynst the droppe pysse named stranguria G The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme an oūce or a ounce and a halfe or two ounces ¶ Water of traylles Cap .c.xlvii. TRifolium in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues and the flowres brenned or dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the yll stomake B In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water is good for euyll and stynkynge breth C Dronke of the same water in the forsayd maner at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe stoppeth the whyte in women named menstruum album ¶ Water of Quynces Ca .c.xlviii. POma Citoniorum in latyn The best parte and tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is whan they be fully rype or they begynne to be softe for the harder the better chopped stamped dystylled A Two ounces of the same water myxced with an ounce of rede wyne whiche is
stipticum and in the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke so moche is very good for the euyll weke stomake bycawse it strengteth and conforteth the stomake and causeth her to keye the meate and is good agaynst wallowynge and per brabynge named Nausea in latyn It stoppeth also all maner of laske yf it be rede or whyte ¶ Water of flowres of Quynces Capitulum c.xlix FLores Citoniorum in latyn The best tyme of theyr dystyllacyons is whan they be fully rype A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce mynyssheth in women theyr flowres whan they haue to moche of them B The same water dronke in the forsayde maner conforteth the harte C Dronke of the same in the mornyng at none at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste perbrakyng ¶ Water of gowordes Capitulum .c.l. CVcurbita in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is onely the fruyte whan she is fully rype brenned or dystylled with her kernelles and with all the thynges that there is within A Twyse dronke of the same water in a daye and eche tyme anounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. dayes cōtinuyng or more is good for the stone B In the forsayd maner drōke of the same x. or .xii. dayes contynuynge causeth well to pysse clēseth the bladder the raynes C Clowtes wet in the same layd to the hedes of chylderē roleth the hote impostumes blaynes D Clowtes wet in the same layde vpō the podagra of the fete comynge of hete slaketh the same E Rose oyle myxced with the same and therwith enoīted the lymmes the back bone is good for the hote axces G Of the same dronke at eche tyme an oūce is good for the hete of the axces G Of the same drōke an oūce or an oūce a halfe is good for the thyrste H An oūce a halfe of the same myxced with a quarter of an ounce of sugre twyse drōke in a day at eche tyme is good for the cowgh comynge of hete I Thre oūces of the same myxced with halfe an oūce of ingre drōke in the mornyng fastynge cawseth laske ¶ Water of horse tayle Ca CAuda equina in latyn The beste tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe dystylled in may A The same is good for the squyrt a clowte wet in the same put behynde in the foūdament or layde ther vpon B A lynen clowte wet in the same wel warme wrapped roūde aboue the swollē ballockes of a mā as hote as he cā suffre it it oftē so done easeth the same dedit experiētia mōstrū C The same is specyally good for them that spettyth blode in the mornyng and at nyght dronke at eche tyme an oūce D with the same water fresshe woūdes wasshed heleth them bycawse it is colde in the fyrst degre with moch styptiknes therfore it heleth fresshe woūdes naturally opē holes or sores E Of the same water dronke in the nornynge and at nyght heleth the forsed and impostumed gutte in the fundament F In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water stoppeth the flode of the womens flowres G In the forsayde maner mesure dronke of the same water conforteth the impostumynge stomake a lyuer and clothes wet in the same and layde ther vpon outwarde H Clothes wet in the same water and layd vpon the swellynge of the dropsy wythdryueth the same I In the mornynge at none and at nyght of the same water dronke two ounces at eche tyme is good and clowtes wet in the same or towe lyke a plaster layde vpon the dyseas named Erisipila and they be hote brennyng blaynes lyke the shoyne K Clowtes or towe wet in the same water and a lytell wronge out agayne and layde vpon the forhede and on the beginnyng of the nose and also put into the nose stoppeth the blode connynge out of the hede L Dronke of the same water in the mornynge at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and halfe is good agaynste strangury dyssurye M The same water is good agaynste the flode in the nose whan it is s●●effed vp into the nose N In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the stone ¶ Water of kowe torde Capitulo c.lii. FImus bouinus in latin The best parte tyme of his dystillocyon is in the myddest of Maye of kowes goynge in the feldes and pastures where as many flowres stande gader there the kowetordes and let theym drye a lytell in the sonne and than they may be the better hādeled and therof dystyll vater and whan it is distylled than it smelleth somwhat rāmysshe than put almondes ther in or ellys the kernellys of quynces than the same ayre vanyssheth Or distyll it agayne per Alembicum and than the water is good Clothes wet in the same water and layd vpon the shoyne and also wasshed therwith is very good for the shoyne whiche cōmeth with hote brēnynge blaynes yf cloutes be wette therin and layde theron B In the mornynge at none also at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the shrynkynge in the bely C Clowtes wet in the same and layd vpon impostumynge is therfore very good D It is also good agaynst euyll blaynes clothes wet therin and layd there vpō twyse on a day in the wynter and thryse in a daye in the somer E The same wat is good agaynste the swellynge of the woūdea whan clothes be wet and layde there vpon in the mornynge and at nyght F The same water is good agaynste a sore named the daye and nyght shotte clothes wette therin layde there vppon G The same water is good agaynste brennyng whan it is wasshed ther with and clothes wette in the same layde there vpon than becōmeth the body hole H The same water is good whan any body cōmeth out of the hote howse is well drye than he shall with a fayre clothe wasshe the face whā he gothe to bedde and in the mornynge at his vp rysyng but a sponge ware beter and thys maketh a very whyte skynne But he must take hede of the sonne I It is good for the euyll holes on the legges 〈◊〉 the mornyng and also at nyght wasshed therwith and lynen clothes wet therin and layde theron than it heleth euyll holes and open sores K The same water whiche is brenned or dystylled of the kowe torde is good agaynst the pestylence Vt repertum est ¶ Water of kowes creme Ca .c.liii. THe beste parte and Tyme of his dystyllacyon is the creme of the Mylke that is molken in the mornynge in the myddest of Maye of kowes goyng on hye mountaynes yf suche may be goten and after that the creme of kowes goynge in drye feldes or pastures where as growe many flowres A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of
myxced with the same water is very godd for a man that hath bene so longe seke that the humidum radicale is all moste gone and is lene hole consumed for it conforteth and strenghteth the nature of the body the humidum radicale and reioyseth the spyryte B Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water cawseth appetyte to eate meate and conforteth the nature and the body and withdryueth all dysseases frome the harte strēgtheth a persone so moch that it is sene on his bodye B In the mornyng and at nyght the face wasshed with the same water and lette drye agayn by hym selfe causeth the face to be fayre and clene ¶ Water of Lettys Cap .c.lxi LActuca domestica in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is onely the herbe dystylled in the myddest of the May A In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce roleth and conforteth naturally the lyuer B The same water dronke in the foresayde mesure and maner coleth the hote and inflammed blode C Often dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or more stoppeth the blody flyxe named Dissenteria and other laskes whan of them is to moche D Often with the same water the hede enoynted and let drye agayne by hym selfe is good agaynste the swyndelynge in the hede E The membres rubbed with the same water defendyth them from the palsey and frome the fall of the same F In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynste the tremblynge of the membres G In the mesure and maner dronke of the same water the temples of the hede the betynge vaynes and the handes therwith enoynted cawseth well to slepe and to take reste H In the forsaid maner dronke of the same water is good for hym that hath lost his wyt and the bede enoynted therwith I Women suckynge a chylde and hauynge lytell mylke in her brestes shall drynke of the same water myxce theyr drynke therwith than groweth the mylke and the blode where the mylke cometh of K In the mornyng and nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the cowghe and pryncypally agaynste the hote drye cowghe L The same water dronke and gorgwoled soteth the trothe and largeth the brest M In the mornynge at nyght dronke at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe openeth the vaines of the lōgues N Thre or foure tymes dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe withstandeth the thirste and tempereth the hete of the lyuer O Dronke of the same in the forsaid maner and mesure tempereth the hete of of the stomacke of the raynes and of the bladder P Thre ounces dronke of the same water and clothes wet therin laid vpon the bely cawseth laske ¶ Water of Louage Cap .c.lxii. LEuisticum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues and stalkes togyder chopped and dystylled in the mydest of may A Clothes wette in the same water and layd vpon the hede is good agaynste the swellynge of the hede B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the stytches in the syde or about the brest C The face washt with the same water cawseth it to be fayre whyte and clere D In the mornynge at none at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme ▪ an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the stone grauell ī the lymmes in the bladder E The same water dronke in the forsayde maner is good agaynst horsenes F The same water gorguled is good agaynst the impostumyng ī the throte G The same water is good for them that haue blaines on the legges and the legges be reed and hote than clothes wet in the same watere and layd theron slaketh the hete H The same water heleth also the cankre on the mouth and it be wasshed therwith and at eche tyme strewed therin of the Rote named Erbsall or Versiche I The same water heleth all sores and payne on the secrete of women twyse or thrise wasshed ther with in a day and clothes wet ther in layd ther vpon ¶ Water of blossom of Lynde wode Capitulo c.lxiii FLores Tilii in latin The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is only the blossom whā it is fully rype A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good for them that hath the fallynge sekenes B He that hath the moder or the payne in the guttes shall drynke an ounce of the same water and he hym selfe shall not knowe what it is he shall be hole C In the mornynge at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce is good for tremblīge of the herte D The same water is good and the moste beste gentylest water for the iyen for to haue clere and stronge syghte whan it in the nyght is put in the iyen E Dronke of the same water in the mornyng and nyght at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good agaynst the stone F The face wasshed with the same water in the mornynge and at nyght is good agaynste al vnclennes and spottys in the face G Clothes wet in the same water twyse in a daye layde vpon the membres whiche be frosen and bresied or wounded of the frost than it pulleth oute the frost and heleth them H The same water dronke in the morning at night at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for women whiche haue a colde moder for it warmeth the same I The same water is good agaynste the spottys in the face whan the face is wasshed therwith K It is good for a body that is brēned of the son̄e whan he is wasshed therwith clowtes wet layd theron L In the mornynge at none and nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth women to haue moche mylke M It is good for al maner of brēnynge clothes wet ther in and layde ther vpon for it pulleth out the brennyng and heleth them N Dronke of the same in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce is good for the paralisis O It dronke in the foresayde maner is good againste swellynge P Thyse dronke in a daye of the same water at eche tyme an ounce withdryueth al euyll hete out of the body Q A body that can not speke of sekenes take on his tongue of the same water it wyll cawse hym to speke R An ounce dronke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyghte warmers the colde stomake ¶ Water of Lekes Ca .c.lxiiii Portum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystillacyon is onely the rote dystylled in Iune A At nyght in the mornynge dronke of the same water at eche
well remeue G The same water is good for membres whiche belame euery tyme therwith rubbed and let drye againe by hym selfe bycawse yf anythynge sholde brynge agayne the lame membres to they re myghte it sholde be 〈…〉 the same water I The same water is good for them that 〈◊〉 fallē with the palsey dronke of the same an ounce and a halfe than he getteth agayne his spec●e K The same water is good against the eatynge 〈…〉 whan it is often wasshed therwith L A nutte shelle full of the same water myxed with other water whereof is madde dowgh so what brede is br●ken of the same dowgh shall n●t 〈◊〉 molde M The same water is good for them that haue greate payne in the hede comyng of colde the hede well rubbed with the same and let drye agayne by hym selfe it wyll helpe surely Water of moder Worste Capitulum c.lxviii B The herbe of Moderworte a lytell stamped all nyght in wyne well steped and after that dystylled Of the same water dronke a spone full fastynge causeth in a man to haue sherpe wyt good vnderstandynge and good memorye and remembraunce for to kepe and remembre euery thynge that is possyble for a man to remembre kepe in his my●de C The same water is good for them whos stomacke is greued with colde and vnclenes D The same water dronke an ounce and a halfe cawseth them to be mery and refresshe agayne whyche were afore sore greued with angre it makethe also softe and good myndes and amyable colour E The same water preserueth a man from graye here 's twyse dronke of the same water a in daye at at eche time an ounce and the here 's wet with the same water and let drye agayn by hym self F The same is good for them that be fallē of the palsey that they haue gotten the tremblynge in theyr membres where so euer it be in the hede or in the handes or in the fete than he shall drynke euery daye of the same water halfe an ounce myxced with thre ounces of wyne and the membres rubbed ther with and lette drye agayne by hym selfe than he shall be hole G The same water is very good for hym whose tongue is greued with suche sekenes and nat of nature that he can not speke he shall take a blewe wollen clothe wet in the same water and the tongue often wasshed ther with and than it shall become hole agayne and the sperye also H An ounce of the same water myxced with a dragma of tryacle and gyuen to them for to orynk that haue the fallynge sekenes and they shall be helpen with all very well and they shall become fully hole therof I The tethe gommes oftē wasshed with the sam water dryketh the stenche of the euyll breth the yl tethe K A persone that is dysseased ī the lōgues or stomak is swollen of great sekenes he shall drynke of the same at eche tyme an oūce myxced with wyne than he shall become hole get appetyt for to eat meat L Twyse in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce layde vpon swellynges heleth them it is also good for dysseases in the guttes M The same is good for scabbes puysies and other impostumyng on the body therwith wasshed cloutes wet ther in layd ther on causeth thē to breke A The same water is good agaynste vnwytnes and madnes of the hede dronke in the morning and at nyghte at eche time an ounce and the hede enoynted ther with and let it drye agayne by hym selfe O In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce syr or .viii. wekes contynuynge is good for women whyche wolde fulfayne conceyue a chylde And it is also very good agaynst al euyll moysty maters in the body P The same water is good agaynste the impetiginis and the custome in the face ther with enoynted or myxced therwith some spetell and with the same rubbed twyse or thryse in a daye than it shall cawse the same to vanysshe Q It is good agaynste the euyll smellyng and super fluite of the body whan the bodye is rubbed and wasshed therwith and than it cawseth them to be hole R Flesshe or other thynges sprayde with the same water abydeth longe tyme good and the flyes and other wormes wyll nat come theron S The same water is very good agaynste the impostumynge in the mouthe twyse dronke of the same in a daie at eche tyme an ounce and often holden in the mouthe T Twyse in a daye dronk of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste dropsy comynge of c●lde and moysty 〈◊〉 V In the forsayde maner dr●nke of the same water is good agaynste shrynkynge in the bely and for the dysseases in the bladder x Also dronke in the forsayde maner of the same water withdr●ueth all the paynes in the bely Y An ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water fastynge syx or .viiii. dayes contynuynge clenseth and puryfyeth all euyll moystnes oute of the bodye and withdryueth also all euyll impostumes out of the bodye z The same water dronke in the maner befor sayde puryfyeth clenseth wasseth and consumeth all vnclene blode in the body within the space of thre or four wekes AA The same water with dryueth all buyles swellynge woo and payne in the sydes in the mornynge dronke fasting of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and clowtes wette therin and laid there vpon BB A parson whiche hath eatē a spynner venym or other euyl and vnclene stynges let hym drynke of the same water two ounces bycauthe same water lettith nat abide any vnclenes nor venym in the bodye of a man CC Twyse or thryse in a daye the woudes or sores wasshed with the same water and a cloute wet in the same and layde theron clenseth them and preserueth them frome yll flesshe DD In the morny●g and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the colde and moy●ty stomake and helpeth to the dygescyon EE In the morninge at nyghte dronke of the same water an ounce and the drynke myxced therwith reioyseth the spyryte conforteth the harte and the braynes and taketh awaye the thoughte and fear comynge of the brenned melancolye and flegma FF It is also good agaynst bitynge of madde dogges therwith wasshed and clowtes wette therin layde ther vpon GG It is also good for the stynges of Scorpyons clowtes wet therin and layd thervpon in the mornynge and at nyght HH It is also good ●eped in the mouthe for the payne in the tethe II The same water dronke thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the euyll brethe or smellynge as whan a body hathe eaten of these yll campernoles or tode●oles bycawse they can neuer so well be dressed they be onholsom for to be eaten of any body KK
The same water dronke in the maner before sayde is good agaynst stytches in the guttes LL The same water is also good with cloutes layde on the scrop●ulas MM Thre tymes dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and the drynke myxced with the same water is good for hym whose harte is dysseased of colde for it warmeth the harte naturally agayn NN Twyse or thryse dronke of the same in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for them that be disseased of the axces OO In the forsayde maner and mesure dronke of the same water is good agaynste the fourthe daye axces named febris quartana ¶ Water of May or parke floures ¶ Capitulum c.lxix LIlium conuallium in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is onely the floures dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A Of the same water dronke th● ounces and a halfe or thre ounce● is good for them that haue takē venym and they he le therof incontynent B The same is very good for any maner of body that is hurte or harmed by stingīge of any venunous beste or worme as a spynner or such lyke clothes wette in the same water and layde to the grefe is very souerayne for the same and also heleleth it C Also the same water dronke in the mornynge and eke at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the bytynge of a madde dogge yf clothes be wet in the same and layde theron and also therwith wasshed D What maner of parsone that is stynged with a bee or a waspe or with other stynges he shall laye a clowte wette in the same water there ophn in the mornynge and at nyghte E Two ounces and a halfe or thre ounces dronke of the same helpeth a woman labourynge of chylde whan she is in nede and moste greuous taruayle F The same water socoureth and helpeth all maner of vnclene sores and dysseases specyally for the iyen for it clarifyeth them and withdraweth the flece from them whan it is put in them at theyr goynge to rest that haue nede therof G In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and the hede there with enointed conforteth the braynes and strengthethe the mynde or the wyttes H In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water conforteth and strengtheth the braynes I Dronke in the mornynge and at nyghte of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. dayes contynuynge is very good for them that haue the fallynge sekenes K In euery mornyng dronke of the same water fastynge is good for them that haue thought and feare to become leprouse L In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces and a halfe thre or foure dayes contynuynge is good for women that haue to moche of her flowres M With the same water often enoynted the tongue cawseth agayn to come the speche whiche was loste N At euery daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces .vi. or .viii. dayes contynuynge is good for women that haue loste the mylke of her brestes for it cawseth the mylke to come agayn O An ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water at euery daye contynuynge .iii or foure wekes and the handes rubbed therwith but ouer the elbowe is good agaynste tremblynge of the handes P Whan a body hath tremblynge in his hede or other membres shall be holpen in this maner whan such one wyll go to bedde than shall he wasshe well clene his handes with comon water than he shal make his handes well wet in the same go to rest without dryenge the hādes and in the same maner do also in the mornynge and he that hathe tremblynge in the hede shall be enoynted in the mornīge and at nyghte on the temples than it amendeth with oute faute yf it be done dayly Q Of the same wat twyse or thryse dronk at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two oūces is good agaynst dyssury R In the mornying at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the stitches about the hart S Twyse or thryse on a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the hete of the lyuer T The same water is good for a mannis yarde or coddes wether the be swollē or that they wyll rotte yf a clothe be wette in the same water and wrapped about them V Of the same dronke twyse a day at eche tyme an ounce is good for women whose flowres bene harde it cawseth them to become softe x A bodye that is fallē so sore that he ther with hathe lost his speche let hym drynke twyse or thryse a day of the same water and he shall gete his speche agayn Y In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and the drynke myxced ther with and clothes wet in the same and layde theron Tabula os●endet quidnam erit z The same water is good agaynst the sore named the shoyne yf a clothe be wet therin layde theron twyse or thryse a daye ¶ Water of Cocombres Ca .c.lxx. MIllū in latyn The beste part and tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan the fruyte is fully growen and well rype aboute the monethe of August and the hole fruyte shall be chopped and so dystylled A Dronke of the same water euery mornynge at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or two ounces thre or foure wekes vsed coutynually is good agaynst the stone B In the mornynge at none and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces cawseth one well to pysse C In the same forsayd maner drōke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces clenseth the raynes maruelously well ¶ Water of Orpyn Ca .c.lxxi. CRassula minor vel vermicularis in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is only the herbe dystylled in the Maye A The same water coleth meruelously all maner of hote impostumes wherther they be within the body or withoute but it shall nat be dronke But there shall clothes be wet therin and layde theron B The same water killeth the wormes on hedes fyngers other places yf clowtes be wet therin and layde theron thre or foure tymes in a daye C The same water is a repercus●uū or a withdrawer of all hole thīges cloutes wet therin and layde theron ¶ Water of Mariolayn Ca .clxxii ▪ MAiorana or Sam●●rus in latyn The beste time and parte of his dystillacion is the leues stroped frome the s●elys and dystylled in the ende of the Maye A In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is good agaynste grefe in the hede coming of colde whan the hede is
therwith enoynted and lette drye agtyne by hym selfe B In the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme dronke of the same water an ounce and a halfe and rubbe ther with the feble membres is veri good for them C In the mornyng an howre before nyghte put the same water in the iyen streke or enoynt them therwith rounde aboute .viii. or x. dayes contynuynge is good for the colde wo in the iyen D The same water dronke in the mornige and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good against the strāgury and dyssury E In the forsayde maner drōke of the same water .iii. or foure wekes contynuynge withdryueth the brekyng stone in the bladder F Twyse a day dronke of the same water an ounce a half the membres rubbed therwith let drye agayne by them selfe is very good for the palsey G The same water bryngeth speche agayne whiche hath ben lost yf it be oftē vsed and dronke of them that loste it thrughe the palsey but kepe it longe in the mouthe H In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe and the hede enoynted therwith causeth a good remembraunce and memory I In the forsayd maner it drōke and vsed cōforteth the brayne and the hede K In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe warmeth the colde moder L In the forsayde maner vsed the same water cawseth the flowrs in women and with dryueth the wythe in womē named menstruum album M The same water dronke in the mornynge aud at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe dryueth oute frome the body all euyl matters and humoures and cawseth the ptysyke and narowe brested persons to become large aboute the breste that the breste is the lyghter and clene and it strengeheth and conforteth the harte N It is also good agaynst the flode of the hede agaynst the murre whan a lytell of the same is snuffed vp in the nose O In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe cōforteth and strēgtheth the moder in women ¶ Water of mynte Ca● .c.lxxiii. MEnta in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllatyon is the herbe chopped and dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A Thesam water is warme and drye dyssoluinge dygestynge consumynge confortynge the vigour of the stomacke through his well smellynge vertue in the mornyng and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe cawseth good dygestyon B The same dronke in the forsayde me sute and the stomake enoyted outwardely therwith and let drye by hym selfe heleth them that can not kepe theyr meat in the stomake C The same vsed in the forsayd maner is also good agaynst the stoppynge of the lyuer the mylte and of the vaynes and conduytes of the veyne D Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce strēgtheth the stomake and cawseth lust and appetit to eat meat for it defendeth the stomake from perbrekynge E Dronke of the same water and the mouthe often wasshed therwith is good for the stynkyng of the mouthe F The same water is very good agaynst fayntnes and dasyng named Syncopis whan brede of barly is wet in the same water vynegre or in wyne and that so holden before the nose thrylles than a body shall amende of the fayntnes G Thryse drynke of the same water in a daye at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe and outwarde layd on the moder clenseth the moder in women H Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe a clowte wet in the same layd vpon a womās brest causeth the rōned cōgeled mylke to be well dyssolued frome the rōnynge togyder I It is also good for venym and other dysseases K Of the same water drōke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the spoulworme in the body L In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe heleth them that be rente bothe yonge or olde M In the mornynge at ne and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe myxced with thre oūces of good whyte wyne cōforteth the colde stomake warmeth it agayne ¶ Water of the herbe of popye Capitulum .c.lxxiiii. PApauer in latyn The beste parte of his dystyllaciō is the herbe of the whyte popye sedes and ther after of the whyte graye popye sedes chopped and dystylled or brenned in the begynnynge of Iune A The sam water is good for the rede spottes in the face twyse in a day the face wasshed therwith B The handes often wasshed with the same and let drye by hym selfe cawseth white handes C Two ounces drōke of the same goynge to bedde and the temples and the betynge vaynes rubbed ther with causeth wel to flepe and to kepe good rest D The hede enointed with the same water twyse in a daye and let drye agayne by hym selfe softeneth the payne in the hede E The same water slaketh all hete clowtes wet in the same and layde ther vpon thre tymes in a day F The same is good for thē that be brenned of the sōne .iii. tymes in a day clowtes wet ther in and layde ther vpon ¶ Water of Lyntyldewe or duckes meate Cap .c.lxxv. LEnticula aque vel lentigo in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is they shall clene be wasshed and a lytell dryed agayne and dystylled in Iune A In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce helpeth a person all wet thathe brenned inflainmed inwarde ni the body and yf it be outwarde than shall hempe tow be wet in the same and layd theron thre tymes in a days and at nyght ¶ Water of the Maye dewe Capitulium .c.lxxvi. BOs Maii in latyn The beste ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyou is ye shall ī the myddest of maye whā the mone is en tessyng and all most full go in a fayre clere mornynge before the rysynge of the sonne and that whan in the euenyng nor in the nyght before it had not rayned than drawe a great linyn clothe ouer apasture or felde where as growe many flowres and the pasture stādeth far●ro watery places and the nyer it is to the montaynes the better it is After that wrynge the dew oute of the lynnyn cloth in a glas and do it so often tyll ye haue ynowgh of the same dewe than strayne the dew thrughe a fayre lynyn clowte and put it in a glas and dystyll it pet alembicum in balneo marye after that set hym .xxx dayes in the sonne A The same is good whan a body hath an vnclene
put an howre before nyght in thē and rounde about ther with enoynted .viii. or .x. dayes contynuynge ones in a daye It it also good vsed for all dysseases of the iyen ¶ Water of reed docke Ca .c.lxxxiii. LAp●●ium acutum in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the herbe and the rote chopped to gyder and dystylled in the ende of Iune But whan ye wyll dystylle onely the herbe it shall be dystylled in ende of the May and the rote betwene bothe out lady dayes A Twyse or thryse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and halfe or two ounces is good for scabbes and therwith wasshed outwardely and let drye by by hym selsea gayne B The same water is very good agaynste impetigines euery daye therwith rubbed and let drye agayn by them selfe specyally whan ther is putte to Salgēme or comon salt with a lytell vynegre ¶ Water of 〈◊〉 Ca .c.lxxxiiii. E In the mornynge at none at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good for them that spyttyth blode for it conforteth them F Twyse or thryse in a daye the face wasshed with the same water and sette drye again by them selfe is good agaynst the spottys in the face G Thre or foure tymes dronke of the same water luke warme in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is very good for women whose moder dooth ronne vpwarde to the harte for them also that haue shrīkynge aboute the nauyll H In the mornyng faltyng dronke of the sam at eche tyme two oūces two or thre dayes contynuyng kylleth the spoul worme in the body I In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .ii. or thre wekes contynuynge is good agaynst swellynge K The same water is good agaynste the paralisis whan it with a cloute is wet therī layde theron than it easeth the stytches it is also good for the euyll here clowtes wet in the same water and layde ther vpon L An ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water twyse in a day is good for the euyll drye hote sekenes in the body for it laxeth the body ¶ Water of flyes Cap .c.lxxxv. M Vsca in laten The same water shall be dystylled of the comon flyes and it wyll be come somwhat blewe A The same water put in the euening an houre before nyght in the iyen withdryueth all spottys and skynne from the iyen contynuynge thre or foure wekes at euery nyght B The same water causeth to growe fayte and longe here 's whan the heres be wet with the same euery day two or thre tymes thre or foure wekes contynuynge And it shall be dystylld in this maner drawe aclothe streght ouer a panne or a bacyn or ouer an other holow dysshe of erthe and laye the flyes in a smalle bagge vpon the clothe and than take an other bacyn with fyre and set it vpon the bagge with the flyes and than ronneth the water thrughe the bagge and clothe in the panne or bacyn Bycause yf ye sholde dystylle it in a helmet it sholde stynke so sore that the helmet sholde be dystroyed and nothynge worthe And in this maner is distroyed but an erthe panne is therfore most nesesary Water of molberyes Ca .c.lxxxvi. MOra celsi in latin The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan the beryes be fully rype and nat nye by theyr fallynge downe A Thre or foure tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and often gorgowled withdryueth the impostumynge of the throte named Squinancia B In the morning at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces syx or seuen dayes contynuyng with dryueth the impostinnynge in the breste and in the bodye C In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water is good for them that be fallen and haue congeled blode in the body for it withdryueth away cawseth to departe frome them D In the same forsayde maner dronke of the same water is good against the cowgh and cawseth a large breste E The same softeneth the senewes often rubbed ther with let drye agayne by hymselfe F Water distilied of the vnrype molberyes is good for the iyen whan the iyen be enoynted therwith roūde about G The water of the vnripe molberies is one of the principallest for the spene in the throte named Vnala specyally whan it is gorgwoled twyse or thryse in a daye dronke at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe for it taketh a waye all scabbes sorenes and hete of the throte as I often haue proued H In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces and myxced in the drynke is good for impostumes of the lyuer ¶ Water of betes Cap .c.lxxxvii. BLata vel blet● in latyn The beste tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe and rote chopped to gyder and dystylled in he ende of the Maye A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the hote paynes in the hedē and a lynen clowte wet in the same bounde to the sore hede on the temples of the hede B Dronke of the same water in the for sayde maner wythdryueth the horssenes in the the throte C In the mornynge fastynge snuffed vpwarde in the nose often of the same water pulleth out of the hede reuma and the flode of the hede ¶ Water of Raffanus ca .c.lxxxviii. RAffanus maior in latin The best pare and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote onely chopped brenned or dystylled in Iule whan the sonne is in Leone and the mone in Ariete than is his workyng meruaylous out dryueng the super flutees A The same water is good agaynst the browne blaynes in the mornyng at nyght clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon B The same water is good agaynst the cankre in the mornynge at nyghte wasshed therwith and clowtes wet in the same layd there vpon C The same water vsed in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the fystule D The same water is good agaynste sores whiche cawseth greate itchynge and be not open as impetiginis twyse wasshed with the same in a daye E The same is good for sores cawsyng ytche and teares as megera twyse wasshed with the same in a daye and wrapped in a cloute wet therin F In the mornynge at nyghte dronke of the same at eche time an oūce or an oūce halfe is good agaynst the gowte in the guttes G Whan a body hath venym or other vnclene meat in the stomake he shall drynke all moost thre ounces of the same water than he shall be hole quyckely yf he had it eaten dronke H Drōke of the same in the mornynge and at nyghte thre or
foure wekes contynuynge at eche tyme for an olde persone two ounces for a yonge ꝑsone an ounce for a childe halfe an ounce is good for the stone whan it is dystylled in the maner aforsayde I In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water cawseth wel to pysse and clenseth the raynes and also the bladder K In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe clenseth the brest is good for the cowgh L Dronke in the forsayd maner of the same is good for the impostumes on the lyuer cōforteth the lyuer M Of the same water put in the eares withdryueth the impostumynge of the eares N In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe openeth the stoppynge of the lyuer O Of the same water somwhat salted and made luke warme all moost two ounces dronke fastynge and halfe an howre after that ye shall take a fedder wet in oyle and put in the throte causeth to avoyde the olde cold moistours and the watery Colera wher of cometh the tertiana quartana febris the which the same water withdryueth away P In the mornynge and at night dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynst dyssury and strangury Q Two ounces dronke of the same fastynge purgeth the yll stomake and withdryueth all euyll out of the stomake and the body R The same water withdryueth the wolfe in the legges whan it is wasshed therwith and clowtes wette in the same and layd ther vpon ¶ Water of Melander wormes Capitulum .c.lxxxix. The best parte and tyme or season of theyr distillaciō is They shall be gadered in the Maye before the sonne rysynge A The same water is good agaynst the rossome in the face twyse or thryse in a day the face wasshed therwith ¶ Water of gromell Ca .c.xc. MIlium solis vel Grana solis vel Cauda porcina in latyn Gromell in englysshe The best parte and tyme of hys dystyllacyon is the leues sttoped frome the stalkes and distilled in the ende of the moneth of the Maye A Dronke of the same water euery day an ounce and a halfe .viii. or .x. dayes contynuyng is good for the stone agaynst the grauell ¶ Water of Serpentyne or adde● tonge Ca .c.xci. SErpentina vel bistor●a in latyn The rote of the same is of rede colour and croked lyke a snake or a serpente The best parte tyme of his dystyllacyon ●a the rote chopped and stāped and dystylled betwene both the saynt mary dayes A An ounce of the same water dronke in the mornynge fastyng is good agaynst the pestylence B Cotton wet in the same water and put in fresshe woundes slauncheth them of bledynge C The depe woundes oftē wasshed with the same and lynē clothes wet in the same and put depe in theym and in the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce cawseth them to hele In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce .vi. or .viii. dayes contynuynge is good agaynste the cowgh E Dronke in the forsayde maner of the same water withdryueth the euyll humours out of the breste F Two ounces dronke of the same is good for them that pysseth with payne G Whom the fete be full of frost or ben frosē he shal wasshe his sete with the same water in the mornynge and at nyght and he shall be hole H Whan a bodi is stinged of an Adder than shall the woūde be wasshed ther with and clowtes wet layd ther vpō I Cotton wet in the same water put in the nose holes is good agaynst Polippus that is stynkinge flesshe in the nose K The same water is good agaynst the cankre whiche vlcereth nat and that same is an yll apostumyng growyng on the back with many holes and at last becometh all one hole wasshed with this water .ii or thryse in a daye and a lynen clowte wet therin layd ther vpon than it becometh hole L The same water is very good for them that be beten cast fallen or stycked and that he bledeth or had blede inwarde or that he haue congeled or ronne blode vnder the skynne than shall be taken a pounde of the same water hempe sede stamped .ii. ounces cheruell water two ounces myxced to gyder strayned thrugh a fayre lynen cloute lyke the mylke is strayned of it gyue drynke to the pacyent in the mornynge at none and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe myxced with a qutarter of an ounce of sugre ¶ Water of Nepte or eattes myntes Capitulum c.xii. NEpita velmenta nō odorisera in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped frome the stalkes dystylled in the endē of Iune A Two ounces dronke of the same cawseth one to swete B In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same at eche 〈◊〉 me an ounce and a halfe prouoketh the floures in women C Of the same drynke mixced with wyne at none and at nyght is good agaynst the yll luste that cometh of the melācolye D In the mornynge at none and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for them that haue payne in the moder comynge from hete or from colde E The same water is good for the axces whan a body is rubbed ther with or the axces be comynge F It is good whan a body is stynged of a worme ones in a days dronke of the same water an ounce and a halfe and clowtes wet therin layde there vpon G The same water withdryueth all venym for all that yf a body had it taken a hole daye and nyghte he shal drynke of the same in the mornynge fastyng at eche tyme an ounce a halfe .x. dayes H In the maner aforsayd dronke of the same water is good agaynst the paralisis I The same vsed as afore is sayd withdryueth the axces and the fourth daie axces comynge of melancolye K Euery mornynge at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste lepre L The same is good for women whiche haue spottys in the face abydynge of theyr chylde berynge twyse or thryse the face enoynted with the same and let drye agayne by them selfe M The same twyse in a daye put in the ●ares kylleth the wormes in the eares N The same kylleth the wormes with oute scathe twyse in a daye wasshed therwith and clowtes wette therin layd ther vpon O Fastynge dronke of the same an ounce and a halfe or two ounces denseth the euyll humoures in the breste and is good for an narowe breste P In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe warmeth the colde raynes Q Put the same water in the iyen an howre before nyght strengtheth the syght R In the mornynge at nyght dronke
of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe strengtheth the stomake and the membres belongyng to the stomake S Dronke of the same in the forsayde maner is good agaynst the febres on the thyrde daye T In the forsayd maner is good to be dronke of the same for the dysseases of the lyuer V In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste a dysseased longue with clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon outward X The same water cawseth a bodye to be fayre of face twyse in a daye is enoynted and rubbed with the same water and let drie again by hym selfe Y Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for thē that haue payne in the lyuer ¶ Water of Nightshade Capitulum .c.xciii S Olatrum vel vua vulpis in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan it berethe grene beryes than the leues stroped frome the stalkes dystylled A The same is good agaynste the hynder ꝑre of the necke cloutes wet in the same and layde on the necke in the mornyng at none and nyght euery daye cōtynuynge than it heleth B The same is good for payne in the hede comynge of hete whan the hede is often enounted ther with and let it drye agayne by hym selfe C Clowtes wet in the same water and layd vpon the goute and paralisis in the mornynge at none and at nyght two or thre dayes contynuynge ceaseth the payne D Vsed in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the sore named the shoyne E The same water coleth and slaketh all yll hete and sores It with dryueth also all hete of the bodye inwarde and outwarde dronke of the same in the forsayde maner and cloutes wet therin and thre or foure tymes layde theron betwene daye and nyght F It is also good agaynst payne in the trees twyse or thryse in a daye cloutes wet therin layd theron G It is pryncypally good for the hote impostumes cloutes wet therin layde thee vpon H It is also good agaynste the payne in the breste clowtes wet therin and luke warme layde vpon the breste I The same is good agaynst the payne in the hyppes clowtes wet therin layde ther vpon in the mornynge at none and at nyght K It is good for the throte in the mornynge at nyght gorguled therwith and clowtes wet therein layde ther vpō heleth the throte L The same water is good agaynste all hote swellynges Dronke of the same in the mornyng at none and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe clowtes wet therin layde ther vpon slaketh the hete and swellynge M The same water coleth and slaketh the hete of the lyuer very well whan clowtes or hempe row is wet therin and layde theron in the mornynge at none and at neght N It is also good for them that be rente clowtes wet therein and layd theron twyse or thryse in a daye O Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche time an oūce is good for thē that do stret by night in theyr slepe it doth nor hurt nor hynder P In the mornynge at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe xiiii dayes cōtynuyng is good for the stone Q A body whiche can not swete shall drynke of the same water of water of wormwode of 〈◊〉 lyke mured to gyder almost thee ounces than he shall swete R whan the brestes of women be swolen thā cloutes wet in the same layd warme ther vpō .ii. or thre dayes cōtynuyng it shall au●●ed s The same s good reperuustium for it withdcyueth all hote maters flodes whiche sholde become to an impostume cloutes wet therin and layd ther vpon twyse in a daye ¶ Water of grene wallnucles Capitulum .c.xciiii. Our vsualis in latin The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is about saynt Iohn̄ babtyst day so grene stamped dystylled A The same water is good for a woūded person twyse or thryse drōke in a day of the same thā a woūds is inflāmed and doutes wet therin layd ther vpon it helpeth very well B Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good agaynst all hete and clowtes wet in the same and layd theron It is also good for the blacke blaynes and for the blaynes named An tear and they be the blaynes of the pestylence lynen clowtes or rowe wet in the same water and layd ther vpon two or thre tymes in a daye C Dronke of the same water two ounces or two ounces and a halfe is good agaynst the pestylence D Clowtes wet in the same water and layd vpon the blacke blaynes or vpon anttar wher euer they be on the body withdriueth the hete and the eatyng rounde about it softeneth the payne and heleth them ¶ Water of the grene shales of walnuttes Cap. c.cxcv V Iridis co etex 〈◊〉 exterios in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the outwarde shelles of the walnuttes but yf they be blacke it is no harms as farre as they be not rottynge and so ●●●nned and dystylled in the fyrst moneth of the beruest A Dronke of the same water with the thyrde parte of vynegre is pryncipally good for them whome the hete cometh on and hed let blode before the .xxiiii. howres repertum est veritari consinum este is trewe be founde against the pestylence B The same water is good agaynste the pypynge and syngynge in the eares And a body whiche hereth nat them shall be clenseth with a lytell spone the eares and put at eche tyme therin of the same water than he becometh to heare agayne C It is also good gorgoled for the impostumynge of the throte named Squinantia Ye may also brenne or dystylle the shelles whan the nuttes be rype whan the shelles deꝑte lyghtely frome nuttes ¶ Water of Walnut leues Capitulum c.xcvi FOlia nucis in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped frome the fyrst braunches of the nut tree chopped and dystylled in the ende of the May A The same is a pryncypall water for to drye sores and boles whan they be no deper but euyn thrughe the skynne for it cawseth the skynne grow theron in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed therwith clowtes wet therin layde ther on ¶ Water of rotes of nettelles Capitulum c.●●vii BAdices Vertice in latyn The beste parte and tyme of they re dystyllacyon is the rotes gadered of the greate netteles in the ende of the canyculer dayes clene wasshed dystylled A In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the olde colde sorynkynge in the bely and it can seth it to vanysshe B In the forsayde
maner dronke of the same water is good agaynst the olde cowghe and withdryueth it C The same water dronke in the forsayde maner breketh the impostumes of the lōgues D Create depe and vnclene woundes wasshed with the same puryfyeth all the vnclennes stynkynge of the woūdes E In the mornyng at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe preserueth a man frome the fall of the palsey E The same heleth the 〈◊〉 dysseases of the cankre twyse in daye ●●●shed ther with and clowtes wet therin and sayde thee vpon F It heleth also the fystule wasshed therwith and cloutes wet therin layde ther vpon H The same water heleth the podagra and the impostumes clowtes wette therin and layde ther vpon I The same water heleth Polipiū nasis that is foule stynkynge flesshe growynge in the nose in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed ther weth K Cloutes wet in the same water and layde vpon the forehede stoppeth the bledynge at the nose L In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for the moder in women M Two ounces dronke of the same water in the mornynge fastynge cawseth laskynge in the bely N In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the dysseases of the longues and helpeth the breste O In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe wyll not suffer the dede chylde longe to abyde in his moders wombe P In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme halfe an ounce with dryneth the payne in the stomake Q It dronke in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme an ounce a halfe prouoketh the floures in women ¶ Water of nettell sedes Ca .c.viii. SEme vrtice in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is in August A The same causeth the handes to be white in the mornynge and at nyght often washed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe ¶ Water of netteles Ca .c.xcix. VRtica in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacion is The comon nettels the leues and flowres stroped frome the stalkes dystylled about the tyme daye of saynt Margarete A In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyne an oūce and a halfe is good agaynste the goute in the guttes B It dronke in the fore sayde maner is good agaynst the shrinking in the bely C In the for sayde maner dronke of the same is good for the ber mother whan she pussheth vpwarde D An ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water in the mornynge fastynge and at nyght goynge to bedde with dryueth the stone the dysseases of the raynes comyng of colde E an ounce of the same water dronke fastynge is good agaynste the wormes in the bely F At none and at nyght dronke of the same is good agaynst the colde cowgh G In the maner aforesayd drōke of same is good for thē that haue a heuy brethe is faynte of colde H In the forsayd maner dronke of the same is good for rysyng vp and blowynge in the bely K The same water is good for greate dere vnclene woundes and impostumes in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed therwith and cloutes wet therin and layde ther vpon L The same water is good for them that haue īpostumīg whiche floweth and ronneth in the mornynge and at nyght therwith wasshed and clothes wet in the same and some what wronge oute agayne and sayd ther vpon M With the same water wasshe the dogges byte and clowtes wet and a lytell wronge out layd ther vpō causeth them to hele N Water of rede neteles is very holsome for biles therwith wasshed in the forsayde maner ¶ Water of Eufrasye or iyen cōfort Capitulum .c. C It vsed in the same maner withdryueth the wo of the iyen C The same water is very good bycawse it conforteth and strengteth and beleth the syghte and is a repercussiuum of the same dysseases pryncypally in the olde flegmatyke cōplexyons an howre before nyght put in the iyen and enoynted ther vpō and at eche tyme dronke an ounce and halfe ¶ Water of sme●wort Ca .cc.i. ARistologia longa in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues the rote and the stalke chopped to gyder dystylled in the end of the maye A The same water heleth the yarde of a man in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed ther with B The same water with driueth the crampe with the podagra the membres ther with wasshed and let drye agayn by them selfe C It is good for yll legges wasshed with the same water clothes wet ther in and layde on the legges it cawseth them to drye D In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce anad a halfe ceaseth the payne in the bely E In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water is good against the fallynge sekenes F Dronke of the same water in the maner afore sayde and clowtes wet therin and layde vpon the syde with dryueth the stytches in the syde G In the mornynge and at nystht drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe taketh awaye the swellynge and gretnes of the bely comynge of the moder H The same water is good for the olde flowynge woundes in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed therwith and clowtes wet in the same and layde there vpon I The same water heleth the gutte of the fondamente whan it goth out than a sponge wet in the same and layd ther vpō K It is good for fystules whan they be wasshed therwith cloutes wette therin layd ther vpō L Ther spones full dronke of the same in in the mornyng and at night amendeth Reuma that is the murre flode in the hede M It is also good dronke in the maner aforsayd for them that be narowe on the breste N In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe thre or foure dayes contynuynge puryfyethe the woman after the byrthe of a chyld O In the morning and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe heleth the dysseases of the mylte P It drōke in the forsayde maner .x. or xii dayes cōtynuyng withdryueth the axces or febres Q The same wat heleth the small holes the lytell blaynes and scabbes on the womans secrete mēmbres oftē wasshed ther with and clowtes wette therin and layde ther vpon ¶ Water of Sage Cap .cc.ii. SAluia in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllyciō is the leues of the noble sage stroped frome the stalkes whan she bereth flowres and dystylled A The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyghe at eche tyme .ii. ounces and the wyne myxced
flowres ●ē of the rede apples aforsayd whan the botthes begynne the blossome and to go open Than shall be layd a fayre lynē cloute vndernethe the appell tree betē vpō the braunches of the tree with a smallstycke and the leues of the floures whiche as than fall downe gade red and dystylled in balneo Marie A The same water is good agaynst the reednes of the face the yll dysposycyō of the face whā the face is wasshed therwith and let drye agayn by hym selfe and that shall be done thre or foure wekes or ellis tyll it be hole ¶ Water of Oxce blode Ca .cc.vii. SAnguis bouinus in latyne The best parte and tyme is of a blacke oxe which goth in a good pasture where as many flowres growe that dystylled in the maye A The same water is good agaynst the paralisis and woes wether it com of colde or hete ther with enoynted and softely rubbed in the mornyng at none and at nyght .ix. days contynuinge and yf the water greue hem than it helpeth hym probatum et inuentum rerum veritas B The podagra wasshed with the same water clowtes wet therein layd ther vpon it s●aketh the payne ¶ Water of muscherons Ca .viii. FVngus boictus in Latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the muscherons growynge vpon clene places dystylled whan they be fully rype A The same water is good agaynst the paralisis in the mornynge and at nyght therwith enoynted let drye by them selfe agayne B The same water brēned or dystylled in the May is the best water agaynst the rede blaynes and byles in the face the face with the same enoynted and let drye agayn by thē selfe The same water is colde of nature in the thyrd degre therfore it is wel dryeng but outwarde layde theron withdryueth al hete of the body where euer it be D It is good also ageynst podagra and paralisis cloutes wet therin and layde there vpon And it is good also for the membres and ioyntes E It is also gode for the shoyne clowtes wet therin layde there vpon two or thre tymes on a daye ¶ water of percely Ca .cc.ix. PEtrosilium in Latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the rotes and the herbe with all his substaunce chopped and dystylled A Dronke in the mornynge and at nyght of the same worthy water at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. day yes contynuyug is good agaynst the brekynge stone B In this maner dronke of the same two or thre wekes continuynge is good agaynst the grauell and clenseth the bladder and the raynes C Two or thre tymes dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces cawseth well to pysse Dronke in the forsayd maner of the same clenseth the lyuer and cawseth well to eate meat and to dygest E Any place that es enoynted with the same shall waxe ballde and it taketh away the heres of the sam place F In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst dyssury and strangury ¶ water of the pypes of dandelyon Capitulum .cc.x. DEns leonis or rostrum porcinum in latyn Of the same herbe shall onely be dystylled the pypes in the mydest of the maye A The same is pryncipali good for the blacke blaynes cloutes wet therin layde there vpon and also wasshed and twyse drōke of the same in a day at eche tyme an ounce B The same water is good agaynst the grete euyll blaynes on the legges cloutes wet therin and layde ther vpon C It is good for the iyen put therin D Two ounces dronke fastyng euery day in the mornynge is good for the moder E Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the flode in the membres in the ioyntes and clowtes wet therin and layd ther vpon F It dronke in the forsayde maner is good agaynst the stiches in the lyde ¶ Water of the flowres capitis monacht Capitu. cc.xi. FLos capitis monachi in latyn the best parte and tyme of his distyllacyon is the flowres only distylled in the begynnynge of the May A The same water is very good for the iyen whan it is put there in B with the same water the face wasshed and let drye agayne byhym selfe causeth a fayre and clere face C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe slaketh all euyll hete ¶ water of peche leuys Cap .cc.xii. FOlia perserorum in latyne The best parte and tyme of thyer dystyllacyon is the leuys stroped of in the creasynge of the Mone whan she is almoste full dystylled in the ende of the Maye A An oūce and a halfe or two ounces dronke of the same in the mornynge fastynge is good for the grauell B Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe causeth well to pysse and clenseth the bladder C An ounce dronke of the same water of yonge chyldren is good agaynst the spoulworme in the bely D In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water two oūces or two ounces and a halfe xxx or xl dayes contynuynge is good agaynst the brekynge stone E Whan it is put in the eates it kylleth the wormes therin F It is gode for the payn in the hede whā it is therwith enoynted iet drye by hym selfe ¶ Water of petches flowres Capitulum .cc.iiii. FLores persicocum in latyn The best parte and tyme of theyr dystyllacyon is the flowres whan they begynne to blossome and begynne fyrst to become all most fully out and gadre them lyke as I Inue sayd before of the apple flowres A An ounce and a halfe dronke of the same faste ther vpon is good agaynst the axces on the thyrde day ¶ Water of Brome flowres Capitulum cc.xiiii FLores geneste in latyn The best tyme of theyr dystyllaciō is whan the flowres be fully open nere by theyr fallynge of lyke as I haue sayd of the apple flowres A The same water dronke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halte .xxx. or .xl. dayes cōtynuynge is good agaynst the stone B At euery daye dronke of the same thre tymes in a day at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xii. or .xiiii. days continuyng is good for the yelowe Iandis C It is very good for the hede whan it is enoynted therwith drye agayn by hym selfe D with the same water rubbed the mēbres and ioyntes and let drye agayne by thē selfe withdryueth the wetynes out of the membres E Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme thre ounces prouoketh vryne F Two tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce clenseth the taynes and the bladder ¶ ater of persicatia Capitulum .cc.xv. PErsicatia
in latin The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the stalke and the rote chopped togyder dystylled in the monethe of Iune A It is a good water for the fyewrattes in the fundament clowtes wet therin twyse a day layde there vpon ¶ Water of Scabyose female Cap .cc.xvi. Scabyosa femina in latin And it is the Scabyose withonte stalkes with the brode leues The best tyme and parte of his dystyllacyon is the flowres and the rote chopped to gyder and brenned or dystylled in the ende of the Maye A Thre or foure tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces is good agaynst impostumyng in the brest and causech to be large about the breste ¶ Water of our lady bedstrawe Cap .cc.xxii. TErpillum in latyn The best ꝑte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the herb the stalke the rote withal the substaunce chopped and dystylled in the ende of Iune A The same is warme and drye And whā it is dronke two or thre tymes in a day at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe the hede rubbed therwith it conforteth the hede and the braynes B It is good agaynst bytynge of bestes in the mornynge and at night wasshed therwith and cloutes wet therin layd ther vpon C In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and the drynke mixced therwith causeth appetyte for it conforteth and strengtheth the stomacke D It so vsed in the forsayde maner withdryueth the rōmelynge in the bely E Two or thre tymes in a day drōke of the same at eche tyme two ounces and the drynke myxced therwith weyketh the harde stomake F In the forsayd maner dronke of the same is good agaynst strangury G Drōke of the same myxced with worme wode water is good agaynste the dayly axces probatum verū per truditum quendā doctorē H In the mornyng at none and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce a halfe the hede wasshed ther with withdryueth the colde moystnes and other euyl moysturs of the hede And consumeth the flode of the hede named Reuma I The same dronke in the forsayd maner conforteh the syght K It is very good for them that haue clāmed them on a membre clothes wet therin layde ther vpon ii or thryse on a day L Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water thre or foure wekes contynuynge is good for the colde lyuer openeth the stoppynge of the same the mylt M Dronke of the same in the forsayd maner heleth the guttes inwarde after the mattery las●e named lienterya N Of the same water dronke two or thre tymes in a day at eche time an oūce or an oūce a halfe thre or four tymes contynuynge amendeth the herynge O It strengtheneth the synewes often rubbed therwith P Thre or four tymes a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynst dyssury Q In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe snuffed vpwarde in the nose R The same is good for the dyseas in the hede drynke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe the hede often enoynted ther with aa lynen clothe wette theryn and wrapped about the hede S An ounce or an ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water and a lynen clothe wet therin and holde before the nose is good agaynst dasynge in the hede T Thre tymes a day drōke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce withdryueth the wamelyng of the stomake V Two tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe strengtheth the myste x In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or .ii. ounces is good agaynst the shrynkīge and rysynge in the bely Y In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe strengtheth the lyuer z Twyse or thryse in a day drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or .ii. ounces dryueth out the stone with peces AA Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces proueketh the vryne ¶ Water of radices Hermodactili Capitulum .cc.xviii. HErmodaetylus in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote chopped in the heruest whan it bereth floures and the herbe is for notyngh A Two or thre tymes in a daye wasshed with the sam with dryueth the partenets yf the here be fyrst s●●uen of B The same is good agaynst the fyck blaynes in the foudament at euery daye therwith wasshed and clowtes wet therin layd ther vpon C The same water is good agaynste blewe vnder the tyen and agaynst other spotts in the face the face often wasshed therwith ¶ Water of the flowres of hermodartili Cap .cc.xix. FLos hermodartili in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is in the pryme tyme for on other tymes it hath no flowres the flowres gadereth whan they be fully rype but not melynyng to fall of and than dystylled A The same is the best water to the holes of a mannes yarde wasshed therwith in the mornynge and at myght causeth them to hele B It is also good agaynst the fyth wrattes in the foundament in the mornyng and at nyght wasshed therwith and clowtes wet therin layd ther vpon ¶ Water of Iuce of the ●yte Capitulum .cc.xx. LIquor vinee in latyn The Iuce of the vyne shall be gaderd in the begynnyng of Apeyll in a glas whan the vyne is cut and dystilled per balneum Marie And thā set in .xl. longe and rectyfyed and it shall be gadered of the most gētylest vyne that may be gotten A In the same water bathed or twyse in a daye wasshed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe is good agaynst all Icabbes B Of the same water dronke and drynke myxced with the same causeth good wyttes and confortteth them C It cawseth a fayre clere face wasshed therwith and let drye agayn by hym selfe D Euery daye wasshed with the same water thre or foure wekes contynuynge and let drye agayne by hym selfe is good for the eatynge in the face E With the same the face wasshed and let drye agayn by hym selfe with dryueth the yll and fowle spottys in the face F The droppes gadered of the vyne whan the curtyd braunches be layde on the fyce is good agaynste the wrangenayle on the 〈◊〉 and agayn the wrattes often rubbed therwith and cloutes or cottō wet ther in and layd theron G The same water is good agaynst 〈◊〉 or ●erpigo or Serpygenes thyse or thryse in a daye rubbed therwith and wasshed and at eche tyme lette drye agayne by hym selfe H The same water is good agaynste hote impostumes named Crispila in latyn clowtes or towe wet therin two or
thre tymes in a daye layd ther vpon ¶ water of vy●e lettes Cap .cc.xxi. VItis in latyn The best tyme of his dystyllacyon is the lettes of gentyl and good frenisshe or spanysshe vynes growynge on hyght and in places wher as the sonne wel and fayre shyneth A The same water put in the 〈…〉 iyen is good for it dryeth and 〈◊〉 the syght B Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche 〈◊〉 an ounce and a halfe is good for spyttynge of blode C Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the impostusmynge in the guttes D water of vyne leues dronke two or thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe stoppeth the hote ●lode in the bely E Dronke of the same water thre tymes in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe dryueth out the stone in peces F Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same vyne leues water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is very good for women that be vetynge chylde agaynst the onnaturall luste that suche lust do no scathe nor hurte to the chylde not lyke wyse to the moder ¶ water of the gall of an ox●e Capitulum cc.xxii FEle tauri in latyn The best gall is of a blacke oxce whan they may be gotten and she shall be dystylled in Iulio or in the canyrulet dayes A Of the same water an houre before nyght in the iyen doth withdryue the fleces and spottes in the iyen B The same water is good agaynst the worme in the fynger clowtes wetre therin and layd theron twyse or thryse contynuynge and at eche tyme wette agayne whan the clothes bene drey and layd therupon agayn than the worme dyeth ¶ Water of marygoldes Capi .cc.xxiii. BAramos vel Kalendula in latyne The best parte tyme of his dystyllacyon is the vppermoste with the flowres in the tyme whan they be fully rype chopped togyder dystylled in valneo marye A The same water is good agaynst all dyseases in the iyen where of so euer it come whether it be of hete or of colde it clenseth and claryfyeth them whan it is put therin an houre befor nyght in the iyen so contynuynge .vi or .viii. dayes cawseth the iyen to be clere and fayre B Two o● thre tymes a daye dronke of the same water and at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe the hede enoynted therwith is good agaynst al maner of diseases of the hede ¶ Water of Radyee Ca .cc.xxiiii. A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. dayes contynuynge is good agaynst the stone B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces and a halfe or thre ounces foure or fyue dayes contynuynge is good for them that hath eaten or drōke venyn for it with dryueth yt out from he persone C The same water dronke in the fore sayd maner causeth to pisse and purgeth the place wher as the stone layeth in D The same water is good for them that is stynged of a spynner or of a waspe whanne it is wasshed with the same water clothes wet therin and layd ther vpon E Of the same oftē holden in the mouthe is good for payne in the tethe F In the mornynge fastynge and at nyght goynge to bedde dronke of the same water at eche tyme .ii. ounces thre or foure wekes contynuynge is good agaynste the dropsy cawseth the water to departe thrugh the vryne frome the body yf a bodye kepeth hym frome drynke for the lesse a bodye drynketh the lesse he pysseth and the soner he shall become hole G In the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the yelowe Iandys H Two or thre tymes in a daye and euery mornyng dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or .ii. oūces kylleth the spoule worme in the bely I Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water cawseth good dygestynge in the stomake K The same water coleth the hote swellynge for it resolueth and consumeth it a lynen clowte wet therin and luke warme layde ther vpon L Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces fy●● at syx dayes contynuynge clenset 〈◊〉 stomake of all slymy moystenes 〈◊〉 of all that is hynderfull to the sto●●●ke for the dygestynge M 〈…〉 Of the same water dronke in the 〈◊〉 layde maner openeth the stoppyng 〈…〉 of the entrayles and of the inwarde lymmes and of the vaynes N The same water dronke in the maner afor sayde consumeth the yll meat in the stomake O In the mornynge fastynge dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good for them that haue eaten euyl mussherons for it consumeth them P Twyse in a day drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe cawseth the grosse slymy humoures in the longues to be subtyll Q Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche time an ounce is good for the swellynge in the mylte R The same water melteth consumeth the moystenes which is in cornea of the iyen wherof a bodye be cometh blynde S The face often wasshed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe wassteth the spottes in the face T It wythdryueth the yelowe Iandys in euery membre whan the membre is often rubbed wasshed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe V Often go● goled consumeth and resolueth the impostumacyon of the throte named squinancia x Dronke of the same water twyse or thryse in a daye at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe cle●reth the voece Y ●n ounce and a halfe dronke of the 〈◊〉 water certayne tymes in a day 〈◊〉 the brest and cawseth to be 〈◊〉 the grosse slymy humoures of 〈…〉 same water is warme and drye of nature therfore it cawseth the grete moysture subtyll and is openynge and clensynge therfore it is good agaynste Imperigo and Serpigo whan it is wasshed in the mornynge and at nyght and let it drye agayne by hym self AA Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynste dedely and venymous medycynes and dryueth the same oute BB It is good agaynst the styngynge of the Scorpyon wasshed therwith in the mornynge and at nyght with the same water and clowtes wet therin and layde at eche tyme ther vpon it kylleth also the Scorpyon CC Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is very good against the acres on the four the daye and agaynste the grete shakynge of the axces DD In the forsayd maner and mesure dronke
if ye vse to eate tosted brede wet in the same water it iustyfyeth the appetyte it conforteth the weyke membres and setteth them in vygoure Also yf wyne be tempered with water of the decorcyon of the flowres therof it ordreth the Ethykes and Epatykes whiche is a great secrete Also it helpeth agaynste passyons of the harte dyssenterye and flyxe ¶ Also the water therof auayleth agaynste all dayly febres quartayns and lytargyes Also it is taken in the stede of tryacle and helpeth agaynste venymous metes and agaynste venym and it hath great vertue as well in meates as in drynkes for it conforteth greatly the vertue regytyfe and in drynke it helpeth greately to the paralytykes and for them that tremble for it releseth they re membres Also it helpeth the podagte am bulant Also it helpeth all women of moyste complexcyon in easynge theyr matris and cawseth them to conceyue vt probatum est ¶ Electuary made of the flowres of Rosemary wyth mel escane as mel rosarum is made whiche hath a maruaylous vertue for it helpeth all thynges aboue sayde Also Escume made of this herbe vsed in vaperous bathes dystroyeth age maketh a man to renewe as the egle in youth and this is certaynly approued ¶ Also yf oyle be made of the same flowres it hathe the offyce of bawme and vycegerence of his vertues which is a maruaylous thynge and great secrete of the whiche the chyef is this Take a vessell of glasse and fyll it with flowres of Rosemary and stoppe it close with a clene lynen with mastyke and bury the same in sande to the myddell and lette it abyde a monethe or more tyll all the flowres be consumed to water than wyll the forsayde water clenely departe frome the huskes and it beynge so clere pure shall be put in to another vessell of glasse than puryfye it in the sonne thre or foure dayes and the forsayde water wyll be thycke in the maner of bawme This oyle or bawme conforteth the harte the brayne and the other membres of the bodye It conforteth also all wekenes and synewes and wasteth the webbe and all other paynes of the iyen And it taketh away also the spottis and pymples from the face And lyke wyse vsed in the meate and drynke it kepeth the body in yowthe And after the forsaid maner it beteth the profe of very bawme for a droppe of the sayd oyle put in colde water goth to the bothom and abydeth there hole Also a droppe put in sore iyē fastynge in the mornyng it heleth the cankre and also spottys and webbes It restrayneth the eares all other dysseases that hurteth the syght It heleth truely yf it be put thre or foure dayes in the same Also yf water of wyne dystylled thrugh Alembyke called water of wyne be tempered with this herbe it heleth salt fleme scabbe fystula the mormall the whiche sores without doubte maye neuer be heled other wyse And yf the herbe flowres be putte in the brennynge of aqua vite and therwith in the hete therof wasshe the handes and other membres of hym that hath the dyssease of the palsey and within a shorte tyme he shall become hole ¶ Water of tansey Ca .cc.xxvii. TAnacetum in latin The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues and flowres stroped frome the s●eles whan it bereth flowres that is in the caniculer dayes and than dystylled A The same water slaketh al euyll hete cloutes wet therin two or thre tymes in a daye layd ther vpon B In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water of eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. dayes contynuyng is good agaynste the stone C He that hath the stone and can not pysse thrugh the payne of the stone he shall drynke in the mornynge and at nyght an ounce and a halfe of the same water myxced with a lytell wyne D In the mornynge fastynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the wormes in the bely ¶ Water of coole worte Ca .cc.xxviii. CAulis romanorum in latyn The best part and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped frome the stalkes chopped and dystylled im Iune A The same water is good and holsom to fresshe woundes in the mornynge and at nyght clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon B Clowtes wet in the same water and sayde vpon the canker and also wasshed therwith twyse or thryse on a daye heleth them C The same water is good agaynst all olde sores two or thre tymes in a daye wasshed therwith and clowtes wet in the same and layd ther vpon ¶ Water of rede Cooles Capitulum cc.xxix CAulis rubea in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues broken frome the steles chopped and brenned or dystylled in the ende of the May A In the mornynge fastynge thre or foure ounces dronke of the same water slaketh the bely B In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe two or thre dayes contynuynge is good agaynst the dasynge of the hede C An ounce or an ounce and a halfe dronke of the same water is good agaynst the palsey D The same water dronke is good agaynste the crampe the membres rubbed there with and let drye agayne by them selfe E The membres and ioyntes oftē rubbed with the same water let drye agayne by hym selfe is good agaynst the shrynkyng and tremblyng of the membres and strengtheth and conforteth the membres and vaynes F The same water is good to be layd vpon all hote places and impost●unes G The same water heleth woundes inward and outwarde in the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme two ounces and a halfe or thre ounces and clowtes wet ther in and twyse in a daye layd ther vpon Water of Rue or of herbe glace Capitulum B In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe withdryueth the lecherye C Two tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for the yll lyuer mylte or stomake D Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces and the drynke also myxced therwith is very good agaynst parbrakyng and wamblynge of the stomake E In the forsayd man̄er dronke of the same helpeth the longues F In the forsayde maner dronke of the same wasseth the swellynge on the brest and vnder the rybbes and softeth the brest G Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe withdryueth the wynde in the bely H It heleth the paralisis comyngne of here in the mornyng and at nyght wasshed therwith and clowtes wet ther in layd ther vpon I Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and
a halfe helpeth the ●●tcayles K The same water is good for the ●el 〈◊〉 for it with dryueth the webbe and spottys out of the iyen and maketh them clere fayce whan it is put in them rounde aboute endynted therwith euery day drōke an oūce thā it becometh so clere and stronge that the stetrys may be sene as well in the day as in the nyght L Of the same water put in the iyē dryeth and clenseth the iyen of all slymy maters M Two tymes in a daye dronke of the same water areche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good for the dasynge of the hede N In the mornynge and at nyght drōke of the same at eche tyme an oūce a halfe .xxx. or .xl. dayes contynuyng helpeth the 〈◊〉 O It is also good for the 〈◊〉 in the mornynge and at nyght rubbed therwith and let drye agayne by hymselfe P Cloutes wet in the same and downde to the hede two or thre tymes in a daye wasseth the swellynge of the 〈◊〉 Q Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce the mēbres rubbed therwith is good agaynst the paralisis R Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe with deyurth the sorbbes S The same water with dryueth the on naturall colde the membres rubbed therwith and cloutes wet therin layde ther vpon T The same water heleth Polip●●●nasis that is the yll fowle flesshe in the nose in the mornynge at nyght wasshed therwith and rentes wet therin and putte in the nose V The same water is good agaynste tremblynge of the membres twyse a day the membres rubbed therwith and let drye agayne by hym selfe X The same snuffed vp in the nose breketh the impostume of the hede Y Two or thre mornynges fastynge dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the spoulworme in the bely AA An ounce dronke of the same water is good for women labourynge of chylde for it wythdryueth oute the byrthe therfore it is scathefull for women that bereth chylde for they sholde labour of chyld before theyr ryght tyme. BB In the mornynge dronke an ounce of the same water foure or fyue dayes contynuynge puryfyeth the flowres in women CC Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water an ounce and a halfe thre or foure dayes contynuynge is good agaynste the cowgh DD The same water slaketh the payn before on the fynger named the vyke yf clowtes be wet therin and wrapped aboute the fynger specyally whā the worme is in the fynger EE An ounce and a halfe of the same water dronke in the mornynge fastynge is good agaynste the rommelynge in the bely FF The same water dronke in the mornyng fastinge is good agaynste the rommelynge in the bely FF The same water dronke in the forsayde maner stoppeth the flode in the bely that is the slyxe or great ronnynge sake GG In mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or ellys two ounces .x. or .xii. dayes contytynually is good for the febres or axces HH In the mornyng fastynge dronke of the same water thre ounces two or thre mornynges and dayes contynuynge is good agaynste venyn or empoysonynge II The same water strengtheth the synewes and vaynes often rubbed therwith .vi. or .viii. dayes contynuynge KK Twyse in a daye the mouth wasshed with the same water is good for them that haue rotten tethe of whome the gommes wyll rote LL The same water is good agaynst the payne in the senewes therwith rubbed and clowtes wet therin and layde ther vpon twyse in a daye MM In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe heleth the bytynge of a made dogge and whan it is also wasshed with the same water and clowtes wet there in layd theron NN It is also good agaynst all venymouse bytynge of venymous bestes whā it is layde ther vpon twyse in a day It may be also in the slede of tryacle OO who so hath the same water in his hawse can not be hurte of the deuyll by the grace of good PP Two oūces dronke of the same eueri day .xxx. or .xl. dayes contynuynge is good for the fallynge sekenes QQ The same water is good against 〈◊〉 and payne in the membres clowtes wet therin and in the mornynge and at nyght layd ther vpon RR In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe prouoketh the floures in women ¶ Water of grounde wormes Capitulum cc.xxxi LOmbrici terce vel ysculi in latyn The maner to gadre these wormes is put rede o●yons a night stepyng in water thā pore out the water vpon a good fat erth th● they crepe out of the erth Than shall they be layd in mosse of trees or of erthe than they be clensed frome the erthe by crepynge out ī the mosse and thā they shal be dystilled but the best be which be founde vpon the chyrche yarde or amonge graues A The same water with cottō warme layd in the woundes stoppeth the glyttynge water betwene the ioyntes B Cloutes wet in the same and layde in the woundes in the mornyng at nyght heleth the vaynes cut in the woundes C It so vsed causeth to grow flesshe in the woundes D A lytell cāfer m●lted in the same put in the iyē an houre befor nyght is good for al paynes in the iyen E It dronke thre tymes in a day at eche tyme an oūce heleth him that is stycked thrughe the guttes F In the sayd maner drōke of the same wasteth the congeled hurted blode And whā a body is stycked it bledeth inwarde it helpeth hym it dryueth the blode out cōsumyth it G It vsed in the sayd maner helpeth thē that haue brokē a bone for it cawseth it to he le togyder agayne ¶ Water of Consolyda regalis Capitulum cc.xxxii Consolida regalis in latin The best ꝑte of his dystyllacyon is the herbe floures chopped togyder brēned or dystlled in the begynnīg of Iune A It drōke thre tymys in a day at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or two ounces and the drynke myxced therwith is good agaynste the onnaturall hete B It vsed in the forsayd maner is good for the cowgh C In the mornynge fastyng dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the pestylence D Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good for venym in the body whether it be impostumynge or swellynge E Clowtes wet in the same water and layd vpō the iyen pulleth out all maner of reednes out of the iyen and causeth them to be fayre and clere and defendeth them frome reednes F In the
an oūce and a halfe and his wyne some what myxced therwith and those greuous and dyseased colde mēbres rubbed therwith and than let drye agayne by them selfe is good x It is good agaynst the rottynge of the gommes and also agaynst the greuous payne of the tethe and also agaynst the shakynge of the tethe whan it is often taken in a day and kepte in the mouth Y Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces is good in cawses belongyng to the stomake and to the moder in women It maye be layde also outwarde there vpon with towe or clowtes wette there vpon in lyke wyse as an Epirhima that is a moysty plaster z In the mornyng and at night dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is veri good agaynste the disseases of the braynes and theyr senewes against the fallinge sekenes of paralisis and agaynste the tremblyng membres dronke as it is sayde before and often rubbed therwith and lette drye by hym selfe agayn AA The same water is warme and drye of nature It hath vertue attractyfe and dyssolutyfe therfore it cōforteth the stomake very well whiche is full of euyll inoystenes and it cawseth appetyte in this maner Ye shall take of the same water and a lytell vinegre and a lytell of our lady bedstrawe and make therof a sawce and eat it with youre meat BB The same water strengtheth and conforteth the membres in the mornynge and at nyght rubbed and enoynted therwith ¶ Water of Daysy Ca .cc.liiii Consolida minor farraria maior Samteula in latyn The best ꝑte time of his distillaciō is the herbe the ●ote with all his substaunce brenned or dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A A wounded body drynkyng of the same water in the mornyng at nyght at eche tyme two oūces helpeth so the woūdes inwarde that they becom fully hole outwarde B The same water is good agaynst all swellyng clowtes wet therin and two or thre tymes in a day layd there vpon C The same heleth all woūdes and al that is opē on a mānis body and on the sory scabby bodi wasshed ther with and cloutes wet therin layde there vpon ¶ Water of Synd●we Ca PEsleonis vel plāta ●eonis in latyn The best parte and tyme of his distillacyon is the rote the herbe with all his substaūce chopped and brenned or ●stiylled in the ends of the Maye or betwene bothe oure lady dayes A The same water is good for all woundes and slaketh the euyl hete of the woundes yf they be twyse or threse wasshed therwith and clothes wette in the same layd ther vpō B In the mornyng and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good for them that be rente● named ruptura whiche is a greate dyseas ¶ Water of Lappa minor whiche be sharpe burres Ca cc.ivi LAppa minor vel lappa acuta in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the fruyte of the sharpe Burres whan they be fully rype with as moche weyght of the rote the herbe Chopped brēned or dystylled A Alonge tyme drōke of the same water twyse in a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the brekyng stone in the līmes raynes bladder ¶ Water of Abrotanom Ca ccl.vii ABrotanū in latyn and ther be found bothe wylde and tame bnt the wylde I knowe nat The beste parte and tyme of the tames dystyllacyon is The leues stroped frome the steles and so dystylled in the begynnynge of Iune A In the morning at none at nyght dronke of the same water certayne dayes cōtynuyng at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste a shorte brethe B In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water largeth the brest C Thre tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is good agaynste the cowgh D The same water drōke in the forsayd maner is good agaynst the dysteases in the lymmes E It is good for the womens secrete whā they be wasshed therwith for it clenseth theyr dyseas F Thre foure tymes in a daye dronke of the same water is good for them that cānat pysse for it cawseth one well to pysse G The same water is good agaynste the dyseas named Sciacis that is a swollen thyghe it shall be often rubbed therwith and let it drye by hym selfe H Of the same water dronke in the mornyng fastynge at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste venym I Agaynst colde axces it is good whan any body is rubbed with the same for the comynge of the axces K Often dronke of the sam water in the mornynge fastynge at eche tyme two ounces is good for the wormes in the bely L A body that is stinged of a spynner he shal be wasshed with the same water and clowtes wette ther in layde there vpon twyse in a daye and he shall be hole M An ounce fastyng dronke of the same water is good to chylderē for the spannyng of the harte N In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces is good agaynst shrynkynge in the bely O In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water is good agaynst payn in the beli named the bermoder P Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water and the hede enoynted therwith is good for the dysseases of the hede Q Two or thre times in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce stoppeth the flode of the floures of women named menstrum R So what persone drynketh an ounce of the same in the same maner he shall be preserued from al onnatural sekenesse S Dronke of the same water ī the for said maner openeth the moder in women T In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water withdriueth the impostumes V In the mornynge fastynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .xxx. or .xl. daies cōtynuynge with dryueth the stone X Two or thre dayes dronke of the same water in the forsayd maner is good agaynst strangury and dyssury Y In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of thesame water at eche tyme an ounce is good for strangury two or thre dayes contynuynge Z In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good against strangury dyssury ¶ Water of erth snalles Ca .cc.lviii LImax in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the rede erthe snayles whiche be founde on the watery wayes whan it rayneth in the seconde monethe of the heruest distilled or in the ende of the Maye A The wrangenayle somwhat cutte and put in of the same water wythdryueth them whan it is often don B It doth vanysshe the wrattes on the handes whan they be often wasshed therwith C A glowinge
bladder D It dronke in the maner aforsayd .iii. or .iiii. tymes is good for the moder softeneth the paine of he● E Dronke of the same thre tymes in a day .iii. or .iiii. dayes contynuynge at eche tyme an ounce a halfe cawseth the flowres of women to come named menstruum F In the morninge and at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe .vi. or .viii. dayes contynuynge is good for the shrynkyng ī the bely G In the mornynge at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is good for the payne in the moder ¶ Water of Spargus Ca .cc.lxvii SPargus in latyn The best ꝑte and tyme of his dystyllacyō is the rote the stalke and herbe chopped to gyder and dystelled in the Maye and also in the heruest whan it bereth rede beryes A In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two oūces dryueth the vryne out so quickly that the vryne smelleth lyke the water B In the forsayd maner dronke of the same water consumeth and withdryueth the grauell of the lymmes and the bladder C Thre or foure tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good agaynste the gowte in the guttes D In the forsayd maner dronke of the same openeth the stoppyng in the lyuer and mylte E Two or thre tymes in a day dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynst dyssury F In the mornyng at none at nyght goynge to bedde dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the shrynkynge in the bely G Thre or foure tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe is good agaynste the payne in the lymmes raynes comyng of wyndes and flegma H In the morning and at nyghte dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe or two oūces some dayes contynuyng clenseth the raynes and the bladder I twyse in a day of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the payne in the hede K Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce or an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste th●e 〈◊〉 be Iandys ¶ Water of Fusamus Ca .cclxviii. FVsamus in latyn The best 〈◊〉 tyme of his dystillacyon is the leues fruyte chopped togyder whan they be rype and rede A In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the byles and impostumes in the bladder B In the foresayde maner dronke of the same water clensethe the raynes which haue hote impostumes C In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water is good agaynst swellynge and withdryueth the swellynge out with the vryne whan a bodye is bathed in a bath of water and drynketh of the forsayd water ¶ Water of Cathapucia Ca ce.lxix CAthapucia in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the steles leues distylled in his full growynge A The same water clenseth melteth puryfyeth the colera the watery flegma the ouermoche blody moystnes heleth Impetigo and Serpigo often wasshed therwith B An ounce and a halfe dronke of the same cawseth laske C The same is good for moysty scaldnes scabbes and impostumyng of the hede often wasshed therwith D The water of Fusanus with dryueth vnclene spottys E In ounce and a halfe dronke of the same is good agaynst the wormes F mostarde sedes foure dayes steped in vynegre is good for lame membres in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed therwith ¶ Water of Origanum Ca .cc.lxx. ●Rlḡanum in latyn The 〈◊〉 parte and tyme of his dystyllacion is the herbe and s●ele in the season whan it bereth flowres chopped and dystylled A The same water dronke in the mornynge and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the streghtnes of the brest B Two or thre tymes gorgwoled the same in a daye withdryueth the spene in the throte C Often holden in the mouth of the same water heleth and dryeth the swolen gommes D Often holdē in the mouth of the same withdryueth the payne in the tethe E In the morninge at none and at nyght drōke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe helpeth the hole body inwarde ¶ Water of Tor●●ntill● Capitulum cc.lxxi COnsolida 〈◊〉 in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe and the rote with all his substaunce dystylled betwene bothe our lady dayes A In the mornyng fastynge dronke of the same is good for all maner of venym B It drōke in the mornīge fastyng is good for the pestylēce is a preseruat●●um that is a defendyng of the sayd sekenes for the pestylence that she can not come on a bodye And yf a body hath the same sekenes than he shall lete blode on the same membre as it is rightfull and after the lettynge blode hym shall be gyuen two ounces of the same water myxced with a dragma of venys tryacle and halfe an ounce and a quarter of an ounce of vynegre Than he shall be layde downe and rubbed his handes and fete with vynegre herbe of grace wormewode with salte and than let hym well swete and the other day doyng it also thā he becometh hole agayne C In the mornyng and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst all maner of impostumynge D In the mornynge and at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces stoppeth the flyxce specyally the rede named dyssenteria E Two or thre tymes in a daye wasshed the woundes with the same water and euery mornynge dronke of the same water an ounce and a halfe heleth the woundes without ony other salue or plastre F The same water is also good agaynst all the dysseases of the iyen an howre before the nyght put in the iyen and than they shall becom hole in the space of ten dayes for it claryfyeth sharpeneth and clenseth the fyght whyche is darke aboue all other waters G In the mornynge and at night dronke of thesame water at eche tyme an ounce reioyseth and refressheth the bodye of a man frome many maners of sekenesses for it conforteth the braynes the stomake the mylte the lyuer and the hole brest H The same water heleth the fystule whan it is often wasshed and rubbed with the same I The same water heleth also the cankre often wasshed therwith and clowtes wet in the same and layd ther vpon K In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is very good agaynst the axces or febres specyally agaynste the dayly axces agaynst the Tertiane and Quartane also L In the
mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces kepeth the bodye frome dysseases M In the mornyng at nyghte dronke of the same water is good for the breste for it conforteth strengtheth the breste ¶ Water of shepeherde●s purse Capitulum cc.lxxii HErba cancri bursa pastoris Sāguinaria in latyn Cassewede or shepherdes purse in englysshe The best ꝑre tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe the rotes the stalkes with all his substaūce chopped togyder distilled in the ende of the May or in the begynnyng of Iune A In the mornyng at nyght drōke of thesam at eche tyme .ii. oūces is pryncypally good against al flodes of blode of the bely where it is the blody flyxce named dyssenteria or the whyte flyxce named lienteria or for blode to pysse B The same is good for al woūdes in the mornynge at nyght wasshed therwith C Thre or foure ounces drōke of the same cottō wet therin layd vpon the fore hede stopped the bledinge of the wounde D Two or thre tymes in a day drōke of thesame at eche tyme an ounce or an oūce and a halfe stoppeth the flode ●●owres in womē named menstruum F Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe .v. or .vi. weekes a contynuyng is good for the stone ¶ Water of Dodyr Ca cc.lxxlii CVscuta in latyn 〈◊〉 The best ꝑte tyme of his dystyllacyon is whan the braunches and herbes bere botthes or sedes for it hath not leues as other herbe in the same tyme chopped and dystylled A It the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces is good agaynst all dyrases in the lyuer B In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water conforteth and clenseth the longues C In the mornyng at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces driueth the exces●yuenes of humours moystnes from the hole body of a man D In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce a halfe withdryueth the yelowe iaundys named in latyn Ictericia E Dronke of the same wa● in the forsayde maner dryueth out the stone with the vryne F In the forsayd maner dronk of the same water is good against the shrīkynge in the bely G If it be put in the iyen claryfyeth them H In the mornyng at none at night dronk of the same water at ech tyme an oūce and a halfe is good agaynst the moder that hath taken colde I It is good for a woman dronke in the forsaid maner yf she haue not the flode of her flowres at her dewe tyme And that she be swollen about the nauyll K In the mornynge at none and at nyght dronke of the same water a eche tyme an ou●nce a halfe or two oūces is good for them that haue the stone cawseth them well to pysse L A body that were scabed thrugh onclene blode so yll that he were dysposed to lepry he shall drinke of the same wat in the mornynge at none and at nyghte at eche tyme an ounce a halfe purifyeth the blode bryngeth it to good dysposycion agayn M Two tymes in a day dronk of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe confortethe the stomake O Thre times a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme two ounces bringeth the vrine to his passages P The same water clenseth the superfluites of the vaynes for his nature is dryuynge out the onclene superfluytees of the vaines and it clenseth also the subtyll and eke grosse vaynes for it is of nature openynge and clensyng Q Water of Dodyr which groweth in the flaxce is good ayenst the arces or febres of the yonge chyldrē that yet be sucking their moders brestys and to them shall be Qyuen to drink almost a quarter of an oūce and a lytell myxced in theyr pappe for it spurgeth colera ¶ water of Tamariscus Ca .cc.lxxiiii. TAmariscus domesticus in latyn The beste ꝑre tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rynde shaued frō the wode the leues sttoped therof chopped togyder dystylled in the myddest of the May A In the mornynge at none at nyghte drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynste the grauell in the lymmes in the bladder B In the forsayde maner dronke of the fame is very good agaynste the stoppynge of the mylte C The same water dronke in the forsayde maner is good agaynste hardenes of the mylte for it is a pryncypall water agaynste all dysseases of the mylte bycawse it clenseth the blode of the mylte D The same water is good agaynste the fearfull mynde yll heuy dreames fantasye melancolye E In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same is good agaynst the dysseases inwardly as pris●e consumynge of the longues and agaynste the stoppynge of the lyuer and of the mylte F Two tymes in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce or an ounce and a halfe is very good for the stomake for it strengtheth and conforteth the stomake ¶ Water of wor●●wode Capitulum cc.lxxv F In the mornynge and also at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe for that causeth appetyte and desyre vnto meat and it is also good agaynst the walowynge of thestomake G It openeth the stoppynge of the lyuer and of the mylte comyng of colde H In the mornyng and at night dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce thre or four wekes contynuyng clenseth the blode I Two ounces and a halfe or foure oūces dronke of the same water fastyng causeth the bely for to be laxatyfe K Two oūces and a halfe or thre ounces dronke of the same water cawseth women to haue their flowres at a dewe conueuyent tyme L Twyse in a day dronk of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the goute and shrynkynge in the bely M The same wat cawseth well to pysse boydeth all euyll humours out of the body N It is good that a ꝑson being swetīg in the bathe and enoynted with thesame water as nede requireth D In the same water a clothe wet and layde vpon the bely or on the guttes helpeth them very well that be rent P Two or thre ounces of the same water dronk wythdryueth the venym Q This water is good agaynste a spongye flesshe the whiche groweth only vpon men in their fondament and vpon women in their secret membre clothes wet therin and layd there vpon R It is also good for fressh woundes in the mornynge and at nyght wasshed with the same water and clothes wette ther in and layde ther vpon heleth them merueilously wel S The same water vsed killeth the wormes in olde sores and great holes T
Put of the same water in ynke that ye wyll wryte with and the bookes that be wrytten therwith shal be preserued frome the catynge of the myce V Dronke of the same water in the mornynge and at nyght at eche tyme two oūces is good agaynst the axces on the fourth daye named the fourth day axces or febres quartana X In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is meruelously good agaynst al maner of greuous impostumes breding or growyng within the body Y Dayly in the mornynge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good against scabbes and the drynke myxced therwith Z Of the same water is good to be dronke agaynst dysseases commge of yll drynke and rawe kletes AA In the mornynge and at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce cawseth a good colour to parsone BB The same water cawseth a good and fayre speche and it heleth the moystnes of the tongue and eke it cawseth one to speke with a conuenyent voyce CC In the mornynge at none at nyghte dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good for rottynge of the medycynes layeng nydde in the secrete places in the body for it consumeth wasteth with his stypcyte therfore it is clēsynge and conforteth the membres wher as the rottynge was DD Thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce cōforteth the stomake with clensynge wasshynge of with his styptycyte therfore it conforteth with clensynge EE The same water vsed in the forsayde maner is good agaynste the thryde daye axces or febres And is good for the fallyng sekenes FF In the forsayde maner vsed the same water is good agaynste the byles pestylence GG Two ounces or two ounces and a halfe drōke of the same water withstandeth resysteth the venyms of Opium and Iusquiamus that is milke of Popye sede and iusquiamꝭ yf a body had ere or dronke of the same dryed wythstandeth it HH A fumygacyon made of the same water is good for beryng II The woundes 〈◊〉 with the same water p̄serueth theym frome fystules therfore in them can growe none yll flesshe KK The same water wasteth the swellinge and payne in the mēbres wasshed therwith and it consumeth paralisis in the membres LL The same water gorgwolled is good agaynste the swellynge of the tongue named vuula MM Two or thre tymes in a daye dronke of the same water and at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynst the colde lyuer ¶ Water of waltworte cots Capitulum cc.lxxvi COnsolida maior in laty● In the .c. and .iii. chapyre I haue wrytten of the hote substaunce of the walworte here I wyll wryte of the rote of walwort The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is onely the rote wasshed chopped brēned or dystylled in the myddest of the Maye A Lynte wet in the same layd in fresshe woundes heleth them B The same is good for clyftes in the lyppes of the mouthe often wasshed ther with C The same water is nat good to be dronke for a bodye onely with out myxcyng for it is to strong in the helyng A body whiche is rent shall drynke it mixced with wyne at eche tyme an ounce a halfe D It dronke in the mornyng at none at nyght at eche time an ounce a halfe the mēbres oftē rubbed therwith cloutes wet therin layd theron with dryueth the hote goute E It vsed in the forsayd maner slaketh the wylde fyer F The same slaketh swelllynge wher so euer it is cloutes wet in the same twise or thrise in a day layd theron G Cotton wet in the same layd vpō fresshe woūdes stoppeth the bledyng of them In lyke wyse it dothe whan it is dronke two or thre tymes n a daye at eche tyme an ounce myxced with other drynke H In the mornyng at none at nyght dronke of the same at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe helpeth them very well that haue broken a bone or legge and it be agayne set togyder for to hele it I In the forsayde maner dronke of the same water is a 〈…〉 whan a man is rente named cuptura in latyn and that he be bounde with a hande therto belongynge ¶ water of wyllowe leue● Capitulum cc.lxxvi D The water brēned of the leues of rede wyllowes is very good agaynste the wylde fyre E Dronke of the same rede wyllowes water two oūces or two ounces and a halfe in the mornynge fastynge is good agaynst the wot●es in the bodye F Some tyme the fete wasshed with the same rede and whyte wyllowe leues water in a daye and at eche tyme an ounce a halfe that softeneth the bely and cawseth it to be laxatyfe G The water of wyllowe leues specyally of the yonge braunches of a yere olde thryse dronke on a daye at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the grauelye or brekynge stone H The same water yf it be dronke of thre tymes on a daye at eche tyme two ounces cawseth one well to pysse I Rede wyllowe and whyte wyllowe water is veri good for the helinge of the fistule whan a lytell wyne is myxced with the waters and therwith the systul a wasshed K Of the same water dronke an ounce or two ounces dryueth out of a man and consumeth all euyll moystenes L The same water often put in the iyen is good M Water of rede willowe leues dronke two or thre ounces dryueth out the dede chylde frome the moder ¶ Water of wyllowe flowres Capitulum cc.lxxviii FLoressalicis slatyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is lyke as I haue wryten of the flowres of apples and of the peche flowres A The same water is good agaynst the gowte clothes wet there in and so laide ther vpon in the mornynge at none and eke at night thre or foure dayes contynuynge tyll the payne be wasted B The same water heleth the scaldnes of the hede often wasshed therwith and let drye agayne by it selfe and thus it must be done so often tyll it be hole C The same water cawseth fayre heres to growe yf they be often wasshed therwith and a fayr combe or brusshe wet in the same and the here 's combed therwith and let drye agayne by them selfe ¶ Water of henlocke Ca cc. lxixx CIcuta in latyn the beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbes stroped from the steles dystylled in the myddest of the may A The same is one of the coldest waters that may be foūde therfore it is good agaynst the holy fyre a clowte wet therin and laid vpon the sore it wyll slake it B The same is good for a mayden whose brestes wyllen cresse to great she shall enoynte her brestes with the same a cloute wet therin made luke warme wrapped rounde aboute
Twyse in a day drōke of the same at eche tyme an ounce a halfe is good agaynst the yelowe Iandys and wo in the mylte E It clēseth the stomake guttes of the ouermoch coler yeke humours drōke therof F It drōk is good against dystury G It with dryueth scrophulas with cloutes wet therin .ii. in a day layde ther vpon Water of geniper beryes Ca. cc. xcvi Ami fructus vel bacce Iuniperi vel granū Iuniperi The beste tyme of his dystyllacyō is ī the beginynge of the fyrst moneth of haruest the blacke beryes whyche be wel rype broken and dystylled A In the mornyng at none nyght dronk of the same water at eche tyme an oūce is good agaynste the grauell in the lymmes and in the bladder cawseth the vryne to come out wel to pysse B It is good for al dysseases of the membres cōmynge of colde in the mornynge at none and al nyght rubbed therwith and let it drye agayne by hym selfe C The water cawseth moche subtylnes it openeth clenseth the vnclene imposstumes wasshed ther with D Twyse in a day dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and an halfe cawseth well to pysse and prouoketh the floures in women cawseth them to yssewe E Two ounces dronke of the same water dryueth out also the dede and quicke chylde out of the moders wōbe so dronke dryueth out also the venym F It is good agaynst the venymbyttes of bestes ¶ water of matrisilua Ca .ccxxvii. ●atrisilua vel herba stellatis The best parte tyme of his distillacion is the herbe the sle●● the rote with all his substaunce whiche groweth in the feldes chopped dystylled in the ende of the Maye A Of the same water dronke a longe tyme in the mornyng and at nught at eche tyme an oūce and a halfe is good agaynst a cottīge body or whiche wyll rotte causyng of ouer moche worke of lechery or other wyse ¶ water of wylde saffran Capitulum cc.xcviii CRorus ortulanus in latyn The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the leues stroped from the steles and dystylled in the ende of the Maye A The same water slaketh the wylde fyre named ignis persitus clowtes .iii. or foure folde thicke wet in the same water and layd theron thre or foure tymes in a daye ¶ water of the rotes of pelether Capitulum cc.xcix RAd●r Elebori nigri The beste parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is onely the rote chopped and dystylled in August A A dragma of the same water myxced with an oūce of wyne drōke at thre of the clocke in the mornynge faste ther vpon tyl it be .ix. of the clocke it clenseth the melancolye and cawseth to be laxatyfe ¶ Water of the herbe of pelether Capitylum .ccc. HErba helebrori nigri The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the herbe chopped and dystylled in the myddest of Maye A The same water stoppeth the sake yf it be dronke and it is good agaīst many dysseses and for to kepe the bodye in helthe euery daye a halfe an ounce dronke of the same For I haue sene a man at Stralborowe whiche was a hondred and therty yere olde whiche had euery day without vpon his hande the powder of the same herbe the quantyte of an hasell nutte lycked therof and he abode in good helthe vnto the tyme of his naturall endynge of lyfe ¶ Water of Azara alba Ca .ccci ASara alba vel Assa dul●ls in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is onely the rotes stamped in peces and dystylled betwene bothe the saynt mary dayes A In the mornyng at none and ar nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe or two ounces is very good agaynst all dysseases of the brest it largeth the brest and conforteth it B In the mornyng at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe is good agaynste the cowghe it conforteth the longues C In the forlayde maner dronke of the same water causeth agaynste horsnes the voyce to be lusty and clere ¶ Water of Amara dulcis Ca .cccii AMara dulcis vel arbor dulcis in latyn The parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the mydel most rynde and the vttermost grosse rynde or backe shall be scraped clene away that in the myddest dystilled A Bothe euyn morne drōke of the same water at eche tyme an oūce a halfe is good agaynste the stone B In the forsayde maner drōke of the same is good for the deye cowghe it largeth the brest cōforteth openeth the lōgues C It drōke .ii. or iii tymes in a day is good against tisyke comyng of hete ¶ Water of comō onyōs Ca .ccc.iii. CEpa in latyn The beste tyme of his dystillacyō is in the fyrst mone the of the heruest chopped dystylled A Four or .v. tymes drōke of the same is good for them that haue gottē the horsenes that they can scante speke of dytyng of a beste or worme B The same snuffed vpwarde in to the nose withdriueth the payn in the hede D with the same euery day wasshed the balde hede cawseth ther to grow here 's agayn C In the mornyng fastynge dronke of the same an ounce or an ounce and a half with dryueth the spoulworme out of the bodye ¶ Water of Dasyes herbe and water of pryme roses Ca .ccc.iiii. PRimula veris in latyn The besse ꝑte tyme of his dystillacyon is the herbe the rote with all his substaunce chopped dystylled ī the end of the May A At none at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce a halfe or .ii. ounces a halfe two ounces causeth apperyt for to eat meat B In the mornyng at nyght drōke of the same water eche tyme two ounces is good for them that haue brokē a rybbe or bone in his bodye The same water heleth woundes very wel whan therof is drouke in the mornyng and at nyght at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe and the woundes wasshed therwith D In the morninge at nyght dronke of the same water at eche tyme thre ounces laxeth the bely E The same water is good agaynst the lame membres in the morninge and at nyght wasshed therwith F Twyse in a daye dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce and a halfe heleth the goute the whiche is frusshed ¶ Water of Viticella Ca .ccc.v. VIticella vel vitis alba in latyn The best parte and tyme of his dystyllacyon is the rote chopped and brenned or dystylled in the ende of the Maye The fete rubbed with the same wa● is good agaynste the goute in the fete named podagra B In the mornynge fastynge dronke of the same water at eche tyme an ounce is good for the yll stomake and clenseth the same C In the mornyng fastynge dronke of the same water at foure of the clocke
maner of the seconde waye is of the dystyllynge with fyre as thus A glas reasonably fyllyd and set in water vnder it a fyre made ther vpō an helme or Alēbick set named distillacio ꝑ balneū marie or distillacio in duplovase The second maner of the seconde way is ye shall put to the same water that the glas standeth in horse downge thā shall it be named distillacio per ventrem equinum The thyrde maner of the second way is Set your glas in a capell wher as syfted asshes be in named distillacio per Sineres The fourthe maner of the seconde waye is ye shall put sande for asshes in the capell where as the glas shall stande in is called distillacio ꝑ arenam The fyfte maner of the seconde way is ye shall set boldely the glas vpō the fyre nothyng betweyn the fyre and it but onely an yron grate or an yron treuet and is named distillacio per ignem Thus yr haue the maners of the .ii. wayes of dystyllacyons with cost with out cost How be it many more maners ther be to dystylle wayes out of nombre wherof the Alkemystes aparte can testy fye and is to theym well beknowen pendynge in these fornamed ten maners of the whiche as now I wyll cesse for shortenynge of the tyme and bycawse as now it is no necessite here toreherse ¶ What instrumentys be necessarye or nedefull vnto thys worke AFter the rehersals of the .ix. maners of the dystyllacyons aforesyad now it is behouefull to knowe the instrumentis therto belongyng the whiche as nyghe as god wyll gyue me grace in shorte conclusyon I wyll to you declare them as farre as it is possyble to the entent that the operacyon of dystyllacion may be accomplysse and openly shewed in fygures as here after foloweth How be it that the lerned and experte maysters of the scyence of Alkemye here of haue a knowlege yet it is not open to all maner of people wherfore I shall make here of as thus the fyrste rehersall ¶ Ye must haue also stone cannes or crukys to kepe the waters in after they be dystyllyd ¶ The molde or forme shall be as large and wyde 〈◊〉 thin as this picture is in euery condycyons lyke greate and small wythin the blacke circle 〈…〉 is the instrument to fassyon the stone in whiche stones must drye by theyr owne acorde 〈…〉 the ouen sholde not ryue nor cleue with the hete of the fyre whan they be dreythey sha●●ynysshe the thyrde parte in length brede ● thycknesse The .vi. stones maketh a roūde laye 〈◊〉 ouen The .v. stones and an halfe maketh a rounde lay to the wynde hole of the fornase 〈◊〉 as ye drawe out the asshes And other .v. stones and an halfe closeth another rounde laye 〈◊〉 the hole where ye put the coles in and thus make thefo●uase ¶ Howe that ye sholde make the stones claye or lutum that belongeth to these workes Ca. v. BY the grace of almyghty god vnto you shall be declared the handy ▪ worke of this here after folowynge the whiche ye be desyrous for to accomplyssh for to forme or make your stone that ye shall make your forneys of it is of necessyte that ye sholde haue an instrumente of yron or Nut tre or Peer tre wode of vii ynches thycke ¶ Also ye must haue good meane erth nother to fat nor to leane well purifyed from all onclēnes and tempered with water Also it must be beten and troden togeder tyll it be remperate and of maner lyke waxe or doughe The form must be threst in water or made wet layde in sande vpon a borde therin ye shall put of your forsayd claye Yf there be to moche ye shall stryke it of with a wet hande than ye shall lyfte vp your instrument by the ears knock vpon it on an other borde than the stone shall fall out And the instrumēt is as the precedent pycture sheweth And in this maner ye maye make as many as few stones as ye well and sett them in the ayre in a shadowy place or hye in your howse till they be drye And ye may take prō sinders smal betē to pouder the .viii. parte therof as moche as claye thā the stones becōme as harde as yron in the fyre Or elles bere your instrument to the tyle maker and cawse hym to make as many as ye nede whā ye haue your stones it is nedeful to you to tempre your lome or claye for your fornayse in such maner that he do not ryue nor cleue not onely your fornayse but also the instrumentys of copper yron glas or erthen to be stryken or lute them ther with at all tymes requysyte ¶ Fyrst ye must haue a toughe puryfyed clay at the Potters well beknowen tow here flockes or horse tordes beten with a lytyll wāde tyll euery here be losse frome another than shall they be choppyd small and tempered with the clay so moche that it bere the thyrde parte of the ●laye and it is best that ye tempere it with salt water to the entent that the claye dothe not ryue with the fyce Nor no maner capellys pannys or glassys that be lutyd therwith thre or foure tymes ouer and so let it drye by hym selfe Yf you wyl make a lome or clay to enoynte your glasses or fyoles ye must take pure claye or lome and put it in a tubbe or payle or other close vessell and cast wyne vpon it and myxce it with horse tordys and with small shyuys or herdys of flaxce like thycke pappe and there with enoynte and ouer stryke your glasses or fyoles and let them so drye by themselfe in the shadow Yf ye will that no maner of stones shall ryue rente not breste asonder thrugh the hete of the fyre than tempere your lome with sty●●ed water of nettels and enoynte or wasshe therwith your stones Also that no maner of lynen clothe burne with the fyer that your glasses shall be luted with whan the one is whelmed on the other take your lynen clouthe and depe it well in salte water and than let it drye by hym selfe After that wet it in the white of an egge well beten let it drye agayne by hym selfe Whan you will lute any thyn what so euer it be enoynt it well with ●e clay tempered as is before specyfyed ●ta a lutynge for a glasse that ryueth ●n the fyre take rede lede and halfe ●noche vnsleked lyme beten to pow●● and a lytell duste mele of the myllys ●pere all this togeder with the whyof an egge and make a lynen cloute ●tte therin and holde it a lytell by the 〈◊〉 tyl it be warme and so ordred laye it the ryue of the glasse standynge vpon fyre ye must be ware that no maner olde thynge towche yowr glasse the ●yle that yt ys hate for that whill make ●o rente and breke asonder Thus shall you make lutum sapientie arnoldus de villa noua
cleue to euery place than torne it with the bottom vpwarde and puore out of the ware than enoynte the canne without with awollen clothe full of molten talowe than set it agaynea lytyll withī the ouen than the waxe and the talowe soketh in to the canne And whan it is colde than put thy water therin and stoppe the mouthe therof with a woden tappe and with waxe and hange on the cruke in a small byll the name of youre water and what tyme it is dystylled ¶ Now ye shal dystylle thrugh a fylte named per fultrum distillacio Ca .viii. FOr to dystyll al maner of sapoure or other watery moisturs thrughe a fylte as water wyne or other lyquor or sape which ye wyll puryfy from all trowblous and vnclere substaūces for ye can dystylle no maner of herde thīges thrugh a fyllte as herbes ●otes or ●●uytes bycawse of he● herdens wherfore ye must haue .x. or .xii. fyltes pure and whyt beyng thresquare a fote of length viii ynches of brede and the sapoure or ●yquor shall be done in an erthen panne well leded within and the pan shall be set vpon a hye steyr or greses whiche panne shall be somwhat lenyng wherin shall laye the brodest ende of the fylte the smallest ende shall hange in a glas or in another panne that shall stande vpon the nexte steppe of the steyer down wardys in the sayd vndermoste pāne shal be a fylte layd as it was in the fyrst alway the pāne heluynge downwardys and the fylte with the smallest ende hangyng downwardys in an other pāne so forth doyng with as many fyltes and as often as ye wyl Whan your fyltes be ouerladen stopped with the vnclenesse that therin is sowked by the dystyllacyon ye shall washe them in fayre waters tyll they be puryfyed of theyr vnclenes than ye shall drye them agayn and laye them in the pāne as they were befor In this manes ye maye dystylle .x. or .xii. tymes in a day with on labour tyl the substaunce be purely claryfyed frome all vnclenes And this is pryncypally good for the waters that be dystylled with fyre for to 〈◊〉 them hate with of in the sāne and this is the fyrste maner to dystylle without fyer ¶ How ye shall dystylle in the sonne named per solis distilacionem Ca .ix. THe secōde maner to dystyll with out fyes which may be done with oute coste as thus ye shall take a glasse that shall be almooste as wyde aboue as beneth named an vrynalle or lyke this fygure about The two partyes of this glasse shall be fylled with blossom of floures as roses violettes or other blossomes or suche lyke than shall ye make a small crosse of woden styckes and laye that vpon the mouth of the glasse thā make an other crosse of smalle styckes somwhat longer than the other that mai be bent crosse wyse euer the other streyght within the glasse to make them both sure than tourne the mouth of the glas downe wardys vpon the mouthe of such and the glas that the mouthe of it maye be somwhat within the fyrst glas than lure them well togyder that there come none ayre out than hange thē in the hotest of the sonne the glas with the floutes vpwarde Thus dystylleth your substaunce thrugh the hete of the sonne oute of the vppermost glas in to the vndermoste ¶ How ye shall dystyl in hote brede with man ouen named per panis distillationem THus shall ye dystylle in an ouen Take a flatte flacron or botell of glas put it full of roses or other floures or pyssemer eggys or ony other blossom than stoppe the glas faste with a woden stoppell and couer the glas ouer all as yf it were a lofe and putte it in the ouen whan ye put other brede therin and drawe it oute agayne with that same brede whan it is baken and let it cole by hym selfe and whan the brede is colde thā breke it softely of sauynge the glasse frome brekynge than pull out the stoppell and put it in another suche glas and order it as the other glas was so often tyll it be ynoughe Ysit be not pute than and clene ynoughe ye may dystylle it perfiltrum yf ye wyll And these two maners be very good to dystylle of flowres the waters seruynge for the ●yen ¶ How ye shall dystylle in horse downge named perfimum equorum dystyllatio Capitulum xi TAke a glasse lyke a gorde named in latyn cucume● on it a blynde helme Or ellys take a glas that is small in the myddel and great beenethe and also aboue named in latine circulatorium lyke as these glasses here be fygured ¶ Fyl the thyrde parte of this glas with what maner of flowres that ye wyll and stop that glas well with a wodē stoppell and ouer lute it wel than put the glas in warme horse downge whiche horse doūge muste lay in a woden vessell chyst wyse well stopped and couered and therin it muste laye a monethe or longer and also this horse downge muste be renewed euery forthenyght after that drawe oute the cappe softely than puryfye the cleryst of in another glas named a pellycā which before is fygured or in another wherof ther be tweyne as here is figured the one in the other This glas or the pellycanste shall be well lutyd and also sette in the horse downge as before is sayde Than this lycou●e or water wyll ronne vp and downe frome the one glas in the other Thā becometh it saye and of great operacyon Thus bē also other costely waters rectyfyed as autum potabile aqua vite and othere waters for with the great ronnynge vp and down in the pellicane it is rectyfyed and amendyd Thus ye haue the fourthe maner of dystyllacyon with out fyer ¶ How ye shall dystylle in a pyssme● hyl named ꝑformyce distillacionem Ca .xii. THe fyft maner is thus Fil a glas full of floures of what maner of flowres ye wyll and stoppyd in the maner afore sayde than burye it in a pyssemer hyll that some call an antehyl where as many of them be fourteē daies and more as ye thynke that nede requyreth Than take out the glas agayn and poure out the clerest aboue ther of into another glasse and hange it in the sonne or put it in a pellicane in horsse downge to rectyfyed it as before is sayde thā it shal be pure and sayre In this maner is wyne put in to a glas and set in a pysemer hyll as before is sayd a month cōtynuynge than it shall be pure and fayre as yf it were dystilled by Alembyke and hath a godly taste and is well smellynge In this maner is dystyled the dewe of maye Thus haue ye the fyfte maner of distillacyon without fyer ¶ How ye shall dystyll in bolneō marie ●amed per balneum marie o● in 〈◊〉 Ca .xiii. THe syxte maner of dystyllacyon is ordred in this maner The glasse shall be sette in warme water
handys remeued or leftyd vp Than lay therin suche thynges as ye wil dystylle and set the helme vpon it Than make a longe small lynen cloth wette in thynne claye tempeted as before is sayd with the same clothe ye shall stoppe youre styllatorye betwene the helmete and the panne than set a glas before it that the pype therof maye hange in the glas and lute it well that none ayre come oute of the glas thus dystyll and marke thrugh the glas how the dropes fall therin acordinge to the same temper your fyre great or small as it behoueth whan ye se that it droped no more than it is tyme to breke it vp agayn and put other herbes therin Whan ye wyll haue moche water out of lytell herbys Than laye the herbys thre ynches thycke vpon eche other in the panne flowres shall be layde .vi. ynches thycke fruytes .ii. ynches thycke for yf it laye thycker vpon eche other than is the moystoure of the vndermoste herbes dyssolued or euer it can be sublymed thrughe the vppermoste wherfore whā I wyl dystylle costely herbes which ben nat easy to gette as maioran rosemare flowres or other suche lyke Than I thynke nat my laboure loste nor tedyous to laye but a lytell in at ones for the labour and coste is dowble recompensyd ye shall vnderstande that all maner of waters whiche be dystylled in glasses be the beste Nexte vnto them those which be dystylled in erthen vessels and be wel ledyd with erthen pannis vnder helmets aboue as the potters full well can make After tynē helmets aboue and leden pannes vnder After that leden helmets and pannys as I haue sene occupye in howsys of relygyon at Straesborowe in hye Almayn wheras they made they re fyre with wode but it was very smal for scare of meltynge of theyr leden panne whiche stode vpon syfted asshes an hande full hye and nat in sande After that copper helmets ouertinne within After that brasōne helmets but alway the copperen helmets be to feare and specyally the brason helmets for two maner of causes the fyrste is the water that in them is dystylled comunly borneth and smelleth of the fyre and hath a reed colour lyke wyne that is dede in hym selfe The seconde cawse is for the copper and brasse hath alwaye a maner of a goute palsey pendynge vnto hym more than any other metall whiche gyueth occasyon that euery one sholde therof beware as Christophorus de honestis testyfyeth super Antydotacio mesue ¶ How you shall dystylle in general eche accordynge to his nature Ca .xix. TO all maner of people that wyll occupye and vse the acte or scyence of dystyllacyon it is ryght nedefull for them to knowe whan they wyll dystylle ought what maner of way is most conueniēt therfore to the entēt that it lese not his strēgth goodnes of cōple●yō proptye but that it be the bet● drawē broughte ī to the water as farre as it is possyble cōuenyēt for it is nat possyble that ● ●nybody l●●ynge sholbe brynge all thi●●es to purpose after his mynde wyll ●ent onely God that hath created heuyn erthe and all thynges that is there in There fore it is to be regardyd that all ●aner of flowrys and blossoms whereof is but lytell to gette and is very scarce is moste conuenyent to be dystylled in Alembyk or Alembicum of glas in bal●e● Marie and in none other vessell ¶ Also your flowres or blossoms that ye wyll dystylle muste be plucked whanne they be fully rype but yet or they fall or fade her colour or than they marde and de●resse and they shall be layde softe and lyght in the glas as I reherse to you be fore in the .xiii. chapytre in Balneo Marie or in the .xiiii. chapytre in Vētre equino And whan that water is clene dystylled it is rectyfyed after warde in the son as to you more playnly shall be shewed here after in the .xxi. chapytre But whan ye wyll haue the water more strōger and better thā ye must take the floures that the water is dystylled of and put them in a glas named Circulatoriū● as before is shewed in the .xi. chapytre ▪ And cast vpon them the same water dystylled of the same and selfe floures than stoppe the glas agayn surely and sette it in pure horse donge a .xiiii. dayes nyghtes or more or in Balneo Marie .ii. or .iii. dayes and nyghtes and lette it so dylgest in hym selfe Than put it agayne in the fyrst glas and dystylle it ones again in Balneo Marie and the oftener that ye so do the purer and more nobler and excelenter it wylle be in strengthe and vertue ¶ Yf you wyll dystylle herbes they shall be gadered in season conuenient or euer the seues fade or chaunge theyr natural colour Also they shall not be gadered whan they be wet with rayne but whā they be drye in sayre weder and clere as ●po●tas and Auycenna testyfyeth ▪ ¶ In the thyrd part of this boke I wyl shewe to you the tyme and season whan all the herbes sholde be dystylled that in this boke shall be specyfyed Ye shall sttope the herbes an leues frome theyr stelys and stalkys and choppe them smal and than ye shal chop the stelts and sta●kes by them selfe also than ye shal put them agayn togyder with theyr herbys or leuys and ye shal put it thā in a glas or helmet and so dystyll it in vētre equ●no or ī sinere whā it is so distilled thrughe helmet or glas than it shal be rectyfyed as I shall shewe yow here after in the .xxi. chapytre ¶ Ye shall vnderstand that to dystyll herbes or floures wyllynge therof to haue the sent and odoure of the herbes or flowres that it is dystylled of the distillaciō therof shal be ordred in two or thre maners of ways The fy●s● is ordred and dystylled in ventre equino or in balneo marie so that the water be no hotte but that you may suffer your finger therin Another maner poure the water alredy dystylled vpon the sayde herbes agayn or ellys putryfye it or it be dystylled as befor is shewed you of the floures in this presente chapytre The herbes and the 〈◊〉 maye comonly suffer stronger fyre than the flowres wherfore they may be dystylled in vētre equino which is halfe a degre hoter thā in balneo marie and asshes more hotes the sande ●●est ¶ Whan ye wyl distil any rotes they must be gadred in the hoūdes dayes or in diebus canicularibus that is in the canykeler dayes whan the leues begynne to fall The rotes must be wasshed clene and the water dryed of agayne and so chopped small and broken than put in a panne or in a glas and so dystylle it thrugh an helme or glas as before is rehersed ¶ The fourthe maner whan ye wyll dystylle any superfluytees of fowles or bestes as egges blode lyuer longues cowtorde or any suche that is thycke
of substaunce ye shall choppe them small and dystylle them in ventre equino and not well stopped for ellys the water becometh stinkyng but yf it do become stynkyng ye shal it dystylle agayne in balneo marie for cowtorde water of the fyrste dystyllacyon is seldome without stynche but melke or hony maye be stopped and at the fyrst tyme well dystylled ¶ The .v. who so desyres to distil water of fleshe he shall kyll it be it beste or fowle or ellys worowe it that no blode yssue frome hym after that and yf it haue any fatte or grese take it awaye than take the flesshe chopped it small dystylle it in ventre equino with softe fyre to the intente that the water do not stynke or smelle of the fyre for sodenly therof cometh a greate stenche wherfore all suche waters may be .ii. dystylled for therwith it is greatly amēdyd ¶ Also whā ye wyl dystylle any fruytes as plommes peres apples slone medlers nuttys and suche lyke ¶ They shall be gadered whan they be fully rype or euer they fall waxe softe and they shall be chopped small and stamped than shall it be stylled in an helmer in the sande with so softe fyre that it do not borne and than it shall be ●●●●tyfyed as I shal shewe to you in the next chapytre folowynge ¶ Item ye shall vnderstande that all maner of herbes flou●res fruytes or rotes that ye wyll dystyl● moost conuenyently ought to be gadered in the cressynge of the mone whan it is fayre weder acordynge as the tyme requyreth than they shal be sayre wasshed and well pycked forme all vnclenesse and than shall they layde a dryenge a ●●le day and than it shall be chopped and dystylled as before is specyfyed ¶ How ye shall dystylle make waters of drye herbes floures and rotes whan the grene can not be gotten Ca .xx. IT fortuneth somtyme that ye haue no dystylled water nor none can gette in no place whan ye behoue it thrughe forgetfulnes of the tyme that is past whan they sholde be dystylled or ellys thrughe great hete and drowghte by th● whiche the herbes and flowres be beene and wytherd or through great rayne or superfluyte of wettnes thrugh the which the herbes and flowres be marde and rotten and also thr water ther of dystylled shall haue lytyll strength or none Therfor it is necessary to you for to knowe how ye shall dystylle waters of drye herbys flowres or rotes such as ye shal behoue how be it it were more profytable and better of the grene herbys yf it were possyble to gete them But yf it fortuned that ye sholde dystylle the drye herbes c. Ye shall euery yere in the moneth● of maye before the sonne rysynge whan it is fayr weder and hath not ray●ed by nyght ye shall take a fayr whyte lynen clothe sprede a brode trayled or drawen ouer the gras in a fayre lese or gardyn wher as many fayre herbes and floures stande growynge The same lese or gardyn where as ye do this in ought nat to stande on a morysshe or watery grounde nor in depe valleyes but vpon hye groūdes as nye as it is possyble and than shall thys clothe be wrounge out in a glas and than do so agayn as oftē tyl ye haue ynought This dewe must be thryse dystyllyd in balneo Marye and rectyfyed as it here after shall be declared in the nexte chaptre folowynge and so kepe that water from yere to yere than yf ye lyste to dystylle within the yere any drye herbes than take suche herbes as is dryed in the shadowe as moch as ye wyll hauynge his naturall sente and odo●● and cast vpon it thre tymes of the fornamede water of dewe so moche that at euery tyme the herbes be couered Thā put it in a glas and s●oppe it well and so put it in horse douge .ii. or .iii. dayes and nyghts After that dystylle it ī balneo marye thre tymes steped and at euery tyme agayne dystylled but Albucasis wrytyth ī libro Seruitor that vpon euery poūde of drye floures or herbes shall be powred .x. poūde of comon water and so dystyllyd in an helmet the whiche is not so good as the water before sayde For I haue rede of an olde erperte phylosopher a doctor ī medecyn that wolde that the may dewe shold be .ix. times distilled ī balneo marie that the herbes be gaderd ī the somer ī a dew seasō they shal be clene pycked the leues stryped from the stalkys or stelys layd in a shadowy place on dryeng so that they maye kepe theyr sauoure Take as muche of these herbes as ye w●l and cast theron thre tymes as moche as the for named maye dewe ix tymes dystyllyd dystyll that thre tymes ouer as before is specified and that water is better than the water dystylled of grene herbes bycause that onely the flegma of the grene herbes is dystylled And sayd that the may dewe that hath ben .ix. tymes dystylled draweth the myght and strengthe to hym wardes lykewise as aqua vite or other dystylled wyne doth Therfore it were good that euery water shold be cast vpon his owne feces that is vpō his owne herbes wher as it had ben stylled of and is putryfyed and agayne dystylled but yet it ware moche better that ye sholde powre that water of such lyke herbes before dryed and that so distyled and than as I haue wryten before it to be putryfyed in a circulatorium or in a blynde helmet named in latyn alēbicus cecus whyche is before fygured in the .ix. chapytre and so dystylled it getteth greate goodnes and stregnth ¶ How ye shall rectyfye your waters after they haue ben dystyllyd Ca .xxi. NOw after the dystyllynge of the waters it is nedefull that they be rectyfyed to the intente that the fyre be drawen oute of theym and the flegmatyke nature and complexion be temperated And also that they maye the longer contynue without marrynge whyche is often done thrughe the he●e of the sonne whan the waters be put in to a glas the two partes therof fyllyd and well stoppyd with ledder and that well surely bounde The thyrde parte of the glasse shall be set in fyne sande and so in the sonne thr space of sixe wekes in the canicula●e dayes or after as the weder is temperate for the same becometh very hote for to rectyfye the waters from the superfluytees of theyr moystures lykewyse the waters of fyry nature that be dystylled of spyces fyrste steped in aquavite a certayn while theyr superfluytes of colera is nedfull to be tempered of the fyer comple●cyō For thrugh the great hete and drowght the complexyon of man is often marred and destroyed be pendynge therto of some maner of gowres suche lyke waters be rectyfyed thus The glas shall be faste stopped as before is sayd and the two partes therof shall be set in wet or moyst sande in a cellarx the space of a moneth