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A01658 The newe iewell of health wherein is contayned the most excellent secretes of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into fower bookes. In the which are the best approued remedies for the diseases as well inwarde as outwarde, of all the partes of mans bodie: treating very amplye of all dystillations of waters, of oyles, balmes, quintessences, with the extraction of artificiall saltes, the vse and preparation of antimonie, and potable gold. Gathered out of the best and most approued authors, by that excellent doctor Gesnerus. Also the pictures, and maner to make the vessels, furnaces, and other instrumentes therevnto belonging. Faithfully corrected and published in Englishe, by George Baker, chirurgian.; Thesaurus Euonymi Philiatri. English Gesner, Konrad, 1516-1565.; Hill, Thomas, b. ca. 1528.; Baker, George, 1540-1600. 1576 (1576) STC 11798; ESTC S103060 364,108 484

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boyling yet a little more incontinent throwe or poure into it the iuice or decoction of Gall nuttes in small quantitie If the water hath of Vitrioll or of Allum it will incontinent become blacke Or else take some composition black as is the medicine named Verzinum knowne in Italie causing it to boyle in water vnto the tyme that the water taketh a colour in maner blacke after strayne the same and sprinckle a quantitie of this water on the groundes and if there be of the Allum that colour blacke will incontinent be restored or caused more cleare And what I haue sayde of the colour left of the medicine Verzinum as much it behooueth to vnderstande of any other matter in such sort that the water for to worke or doe such an experience may be made of euery matter which may dye the water into a blacke colour and the water so that it be blacke it forceth not of what matter the same be caused blacke As touching the astriction which consisteth in the Allum I report nothing of it in that the Allum beyng in the sediment cannot be knowne by the taste For it commeth often to passe that when you taste the sediment and that you féele an astriction yet the same procéedeth or commeth not of the Allum but perhappes of Salt or some other thing The Iron the Copper and such lyke Mettals cannot by other meanes be known● but by the corruption and resolution of the groundes in such sort that euery Mettall that there shall be maye be turned into hys proper excrement and so of his proper excrement shall you after knowe this or that Mettall to be in it By the selfe same fashion and manner is knowne the Iron the Syluer the Golde the Chrysocolla that is the Saulder of Golde the Copper and such lyke For these reasons it behooueth to ioyne and myxe the groundes with some medicine or sharpe lycour to the ende that euery Mettall which shall be contayned in the sediment maye be turned into his proper excrement Nowe the sharpe and corrosiue medicine that a man may finde apt and fitte to doe the same shall be the strong Vinegar the Aqua fortis and such lyke Take therefore the sediment and bestowe the same into Aqua fortis or other such medicine corrosiue and when you shall see the water to be dryed vp and consumed regarde and marke diligently if the excrement of any Mettall be not on the sediment as if you sée on the Groundes the excrement of Iron to be coagulated and heaped togither you shall easily iudge the Iron to be in the sediment or groundes If you there sée of the excrement of Copper or a matter gréene cankered the same is a note that there is of the Copper and euen so of the others Therefore the Mettalles are knowne by the corruption and mutation or chaunging of them into their proper excrements And this shall you knowe to be a sure experience and a troth of the matter as you may easily trie in the doyng if you take a portion of any Mettall as the Fylings of Iron and shall myxe the same with the groundes of any matter and bestowe a payne about it that the fylinges maye be corrupted then shall you sée that the same wyll be corrupted into his proper excrement which is named of the Latynes Ferrugo that is the rust of Iron After this maner are knowen how much and what are the things which are myxed with the Mynurall waters that serue to Bathes which is especially tryed by the industrie and worke of Dystillation But consider and take héede that the gréene colour doth not deceyue you which appeareth sometymes in the sediment although that it hath nothing of the Copper myxed for oftentymes this colour is there ingendred of some Bole which is myxed amongst the grounds for that cause throughly examine and make the proofe if this colour procéedeth of the Copper myxed or Iron or the excrement of Iron or of some Bole in this sort Take the sediment of that water and poure the same into Vineger dystilled and consider or marke what colour the Vineger representeth or draweth vnto the lyke consider what the colour is of the sediment after that it shall be through dryed For if it hath there the excrement of Iron the colour shall be blacke If Bole the colour shall be redde that is lesse blacke and tending or drawing to a rednesse I here vtter nothing of the sauour and taste for that so dyuers is the sauour and taste of Mynurall waters that a man cannot know of them what those are myxed wythall All these hitherto haue I borrowed out of the learned worke of Mynurall Bathes of Fallopius which I haue endeuoured to penne or wryte worde for worde as things appertayning to the matter of which we haue entreated in respect that we so oftentymes entreate of Mettals in this Booke which are things worthie to be examined diligently for the vtilitie and profite of most men ¶ A collection of certaine waters dystilled of Herbes Juices Lycours and Fruites The water of Hempe The .iij. Chapter THe congruent tyme of dystilling the Hempe is that the toppes as yet tender and gréene shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae This water greatly helpeth the paynes of the heade procéeding of a hote cause if the heade the foreheade and Temples be often laboured with the same Thys also profiteth agaynst any heate in what part or member of the Bodie it shall be especially the Goute if a Lynnen clothe dypped in the water be applyed on the place and thys in the Wynter vse twyse in the day but in the Summer thrée tymes of the day Take of the water of the gréene Walnuts one ounce of the water of Egrimonie an ounce and a halfe of the water of Rewe halfe an ounce of the water of Hysope thrée ounces of the water of Hempe foure ounces these myxe togither of which take halfe an ounce adding to it halfe a dramme of Mumia halfe an ounce of Sugar Candie and a dramme of the Conserue of Roses this after the drinking warme to bedde and lying downe well couered with clothes to sweete expelleth those wicked humors of which the plague procéedeth the same potion helpeth the Dropsie taken in the same manner and preserueth a man from such sickenesses A water dystilled of the Hempe séede with the iuice of Garlicke of the same fashion that the Rose water is dystilled which is Cosemeticall that is profitable for garnishing for it causeth heares to growe in the bare and balde places being often applyed The water of Walwort The fourth Chapter THe best tyme of dystilling the Walwort is when it beginneth to beare flowers that then the whole Herbe and roote finely shredde and bestowed in a Cucurbite or Glasse Bodye maye be distilled by Balneo Mariae this water drunke with a little Sugar or the iuyce of Reysons vnto the quantitie of foure or fiue ounces at a tyme fasting doth loose the Bellie In the same
by Balneo Mariae thys water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme recouereth all griefes of the Lyuer and Lunges by purging and comforting for it clenseth ● by a certayne astriction strengthneth it openeth the stoppinges of the Lyuer and dyssolueth the hardnesse of the Mylt and Lyuer by drincking of the water of heartes tongue myxed wyth the same The water druncke twyse a daye expelleth Flewmaticke and Chollericke humours out of the Bodie and causeth Vryne In the same maner druncke putteth awaye Iaundise and sendeth furth the stone of the Bladder It helpeth the grypings of the Bellie druncke morning and euening the water dropped into the eyes causeth them cleare wythin short time The water recouereth womens places colde if it be drunke in the foresayd maner The water helpeth women whose termes be stayed and that haue a swelling about the Nauell The water druncke with a little powder of Annis séedes ▪ profiteth such which abounde in corrupt Bloude and be infected wyth fowle or Leaprowse scabbes The water myxed wyth common drincke and druncke daylie for a tyme comforteth the stomacke The water helpeth Feuers in Chyldren gyuen in Ale wyth a little of the powder of Annis séedes in that it purgeth the hote humour The water of Elecampane The .xxvij. Chapter THe congruent tyme for dystillation is that the rootes wyth the Hearbe shredde togither be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of an Egge shell full at a tyme for fyue or sixe dayes togyther delyuereth the griefe of the stone washing the téeth therewyth strengthneth them i● amendeth the cough by drinking twoo ounces at a tyme wyth the powder of Lycorise and Annis séedes myxed It also expelleth wormes in the Bodie helpeth conuulsions and swellinges and payne in the Loynes In the foresayde maner druncke or taken with drinke helpeth such bursten The water druncke wyth a little Rosed honie and the heade well laboured with the same that it may drye in by it selfe comforteth the heade The water druncke many dayes togither not onely comforteth and strengthneth the stomacke but clenseth the breast and Lunges of grosse and clammie humours Yea this causeth a fayre skinne to women both in face and Bodie through the often vsing of it It also procureth a glansome minde and the person often vsing the same to haue a chéerfull and amyable countenaunce The water druncke and annoynted strengthneth loose membres It profiteth such fetching the breath hardly by drincking sundrie morninges wyth Rosed honie The water druncke morning and euening for a certayne tyme togyther expelleth the stone of the Kydneyes and Bladder clenseth them and causeth Vryne The water of the rootes alone dystilled about the ende of Maye or from the moneth of Iulye vnto September druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitie of twoo or thrée ounces at a tyme for certayne dayes healeth an inner rupture In the same maner druncke helpeth the stone prouoketh the Termes in women delyuereth the griefe of the stone and causeth Vryne This druncke in the abouesayd maner sendeth furth the dead yongling out of the mothers wombe It like druncke or applyed with linnē clothes dissolueth putteth away the swelling of womens places This on such wyse druncke or applyed remooueth the swelling of the testicles The water often druncke swéetned wyth Rosed honnie seasseth the Coughe and consumeth the grosse and clammie humours detayned wythin the Breast The water of Eiebright The .xxviij. Chapter THe congruent tyme for the dystillatiō of it is that the leaues stalkes flowers wyth the whole substaunce be dystilled in a Cucurbyte of glasse by Balneo Mariae when it yéeldeth or beareth the flowers This water dropped and stryked about the eyes causeth cleare eyes and sharpeneth the sight the water vsed in the same maner seasseth the payne of the eies the water dropped into the eyes an houre before night and striked about druncke to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme comforteth strengthneth and preserueth the sight especially in the aged persons and flewmaticke of complexion The hearbe dryed and brought to powder and eaten euerie day in a reare potched Egge for a certayne tyme togither restoreth sight lost the water myxed wyth halfe a dramme of the powder and druncke euerie euening for a moneth or fourtie dayes togyther recouereth a weake sight The water of our Beanes The .xxix. Chapter THe best tyme of dystilling them that the gréene bestowed in a Cucurbyte of Glosse be dystilled by Balneo Mariae wyth the water of Beanes washe vlcered and matterie legges that remayning after the water dystilled quite forth bring by heate of fire into powder Which then sprinckle on the sore for it dryeth vp and is the best remedie for fowle and matterie legges The water of the Beane coddes distilled when the Sunne shall be in Leo and the Moone in Aries druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of twoo or thrée ounces at a time doth marueylously remooue and helpe the griefe of the stone of the Kydneyes and Bladder The water of the gréene hearbe wyth the stalkes dystilled about the ende of Maye druncke for certayne dayes morning euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme swéetned wyth sugar putteth away the stone in Children the same euerie day druncke to the quantitie of foure or fyue ounces at a tyme preuayleth agaynst a strong Poyson The water druncke in the lyke maner for a moneth engendreth good and pure bloud The face and skinne of the Bodie washed wyth the same water procureth a soft skinne and cleare and a fayre face The water of the flowers gathered at the full rypenesse and before the rotting dystilled in a Cucurbyte of Glasse by Balneo Mariae dropped into the eyes at euening dryeth vp the watering and dropping of the eyes It amendeth the exulceration and rednesse of the eyes dropped into them after the maner abouesayd The lyke it auayleth in pushes of the eyes The face also washed wyth thys water or laboured on the Bodye causeth a cleare and soft skinne and clenseth or taketh away spottes on the skynne The same druncke to the quantitie of sixe ounces at a time auayleth agaynst poyson If Lynnen clothes wette in it be applyed vpon doth drawe furth Dart or Arrow heades and thornes runne into the Bodie The water druncke of women morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée or foure ounces at a tyme for sixe or seauen dayes togyther sendeth downe their Termes in due season The water extinguisheth the burning of the Shingles and expelleth euill pushes if it be applyed morning and euening wyth a Lynnen cloth or soft towe wette in the same The water of Filipendula The .xxx. Chapter THe chosen time for dystillyng the same is that the whole herbe with the rootes shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye This water druncke Morning Euening to the quantitye of thrée ounces at a time with a
nim 455. expelleth the same nor suffereth any hurtfull disease to insue to the parson The water druncke fasting for certayne dayes procureth an appetite to meate and purgeth the stomacke of clammye humours If with it before the taking be halfe a drame of pure Calamus Aromaticus brought to fyne powder and a dramme of Sugar myxed the same potion taken thrée or foure tymes doth mightily restore the taste and desire to rate The ●ater druncke with a dramme of Ginger and an ounce of Sugar ●asting doth spéedily deliuer the grypings of the Bellye caused by wynde and the obstruction in the flankes This of experience foun●e that the freshe roote brused and applyed in playster forme on the bellie doth vndoubtedly kill the wormes consisting in the Bowels The Water of ioynted Grasse The .xxxvi. Chapter THe congruent Distillation of it is done of the Herbe with the rootes and the whole substance shredde small And the same after the bestowing in a Cucurbite of Glasse distilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye This water drunke morning and Euening to the quantitie of foure ounces at a tyme with a dramme of the fyne powder of Synamone and a little Sugar stayeth the great fluxe of the Bellie The same quantitie of the water drunke at one time purgeth the Reynes prouoketh vryne and openeth the stopping of partes in the bodie The like quantitie taken with a little Rosed Honie fasting expelleth the wormes in the Bellie to Infantes and children onely giue but twoo ounces to youth of more yeares minister thrée ounces to men and elder persons foure ounces as aboue taught The water ceaseth the grieuous payne of the Shyngles by applying lynnen clothes wette in it ▪ It putteth awaye the Feuer arysing by heate eyther by drinking or applying the same without the bodie The water preuayleth against all paynes and burning beate of woundes yea and closeth them if they be gently wasshed and soupled with a lynnen clothe wette in it or lynnen clothes wette in the same be applyed The water in the foresayde quantitie drunke fasting ceaseth and helpeth the grypinges of the Bowels amendeth the stopping of Vryne recouereth the vlcers of the Bladder and breaketh the stone but a dramme of the powder of the séedes mixed with the water more auayleth in sending forth the vryne The water dropt warme in the matterie eares healeth them in short time It profyteth the rottennesse of the Gummes if they be often washed with the same This helpeth blacke pushes ● if a ly●●nen clothe or soft Towe wette in it be applyed twyse or th●yce a daye and that at eche tyme be thrée or fower ounces drunck The water ceaseth all maner of heates by applying without lynnen clothes wette in it In yongmen and of xxx yeares doth this water m●●e worke than in the elder persons The water of Grounde Yuie or Tunhoue The .xxxvij. Chapter THe congruent time of Dystillation is that the whole herbe shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of Iune This water drincke morning and euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme swéetened with Sugar preuayleth against the trembling of the heart the Kinges ●uill and a weake stomacke The water druncke in a bathe throughlye clenseth clammie h●mours which are contayned in the stomacke the Lungs the Liuer and Bladder and procureth the ●erson healthfull The water druncke in like maner preuayleth ●●ainst the infection and poyson of the Plague in that it expel●eth the same The water druncke twyse a daye to the quantitie abouesayde doth recouer the vlcers of the Heads openeth the stopping of the Lyuer and Mylt draweth downe the T●rmes of women and prouoketh vrine The water drunck morning noone and at euening preuayleth against the wearynesse of members in women if the partes also be rubbed with it fower times in a daye This water stilled into dropping and running eyes stayeth and dryeth vp the water The like perfourmeth the ●●●ce of the leaues or myxed with this water and applyed to them The water of Cowslippes The .xxxviij. Chapter THe aptest time for Dystillation of it is that the leaues and floures with the whole substance shredde togither be dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbite of Glasse about the beginning of Maye or sooner This water druncke twyce a day to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme heateth the stomacke the Liuer and Matrice For which cause it is much auayleable for women painfully traueyling and prouoketh the termes in them The water in the foresayde maner druncke asswageth swellings of the hoade if lynnen clothes wette in it be often applyed The water twyse a day drunck resolueth humors gathered causing ache in the Hyppes and Ioyntes and sendeth them forth by vrine This water preuayleth against all maner of headache procéeding of colde by applying lynnen clothes wette in it to the aking heade It healeth also the bytte and stinging of venimous wormes and beastes and all poysonings The water clenseth the fowle staynings the wrinckling and spottes of the face and the rest of the b●die in that it causeth a smoothe and fayre skynne by often washing with the same The water druncke twyse a day helpeth the Palsie putteth awaye the stone in the Kidneyes and Bladder It also recouereth loose and broken bones by drinking and often applying lynnen clothes wette in it The flowers made into a Con●e●●e with Sugar profite such as are féeble and often swounding and that be decay●d of strength in that they recouer and restore strength lost The water of Stoikes bill or herbe Robert. The .xxxix. Chapter THe ●●st congruent time for Distillation of it is that the stalkes leaues and whole substance shredde small be distilled in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae about the ende of May or beginning of Iune This water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time mixed with a little Pepper and Myrrhe in fine powder profiteth such as are dacayed in strength and the like quantitie druncke twyce a day for thrée dayes togither or longer time mixed with Rosed Honie preuayleth against Inflations and recouereth the Phthisick or sore in the Lunges with a Consumption of all the bodie The water dr●nck with halfe an ounce of the séedes and a quantitie of Myrrhe and Pepper in fine powder myxed togither doth put awaye the ●rycke and s●yffenesse of turning the necke The water profiteth the exulceration of womens places if they be wasshed twise a daye with the same and that lynnen clothes wette in it be applyed This water putteth away the blacke and blewe of the skinne caused by a fall or st●ype if it be applyed with linnen clothes thrée or foure times a day in that it dissolueth and weareth away the congeale●●loude vnder the skinne Th●s also healeth the Fistula if it be washed with the water morning and euening or that lyn●●n clothes wette in it be applyed The water auayleth against ioyntaches of the shoulders and féete if it be laboured on the
time as a certaine man of proofe affirmeth The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time strengtheneth the stomack heateth and comforteth nature The water in like maner druncke putteth awaye the yelowe Iaundise and prouoketh vrine The water taken in the morning fasting for a certaine time togither to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time and that Lynnen clothes wette in it be often applyed doth preuayle against all swellings being as well without as within the bodie The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time and that Lynnen clothes wette in it be often applyed doth heale olde and newe woundes aswell wythin happening as without the bodie The water of Cinkfoyle or fiue leaued grasse The Lix Chapter THe best time for dystillation of it is that the herbe stalke roote with the whole substance shred small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the myddes of Maye This water druncke morning and euening for certaine dayes to the quantitie of foure ounces at a time helpeth the stone the griefe of the Stone in the Loynes and clenseth the Reynes The water druncke fasting to the quantitie of eygth or nine ounces at a tyme doth mightily loose the belly and like resolueth the hardnesse of belly by applying it without The water applyed with lynnen clothes wette in it ceaseth all maner of heates and swellinges applyed with lynnen clothes wette to the foreheade stayeth the bléeding at the nose It recouereth the trembling of members and the handes if they be often laboured with the same and let to drye in by it selfe The water healeth newe and olde woundes if they be washed with the same or applyed with lynnen clothes It also putteth awaye all swellinges and Impostumes The water druncke fasting for certaine dayes profiteth against all maner of Feuers and expelleth them vtterlye The water of Thowrowaxe dystilled in Balneo druncke to the quantitie of two ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar helpeth the inner rupture of Children healeth inflammations with a readnesse and the Shingles and ceaseth the griefe of a burning stomacke The water of S. Iohns Worte The Lx. Chapter THe best tyme for Dystillation of it is that the herbe the leaues and flowers drawne from the stalkes be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Iune This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of two ounces at a time preuayleth against the Apoplexie or depriuing of senses This water myxed with the powder of the rootes or séedes or water of Pionie and druncke twyse or thryse a daye to the quantitie of two or thrée ounces at a time recouereth and helpeth the falling sickenesse The water preuayleth against the trembling of members if they be laboured with the same twyse a day The water drunck with redde wine helpeth all manner of superfluous fluxes of the Bellie the rather being applyed with a lynnen clothe wette in it The water druncke morning and euening healeth all maner of woundes being as well without as within the Bodie foynes or cuttes the rather if they shall be washed or applyed often with a lynnen cloth wette in it The water of Pympernell The Lxi. Chapter THe congruent tyme for dystillation of the lesser Pympernell which hath a sharpe roote is that the rootes the herbe with the whole substance shredde and bruised be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of May. This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a tyme swéetened with Sugar helpeth the stone and griefe of the stone in the Loynes and Bladder and clenseth the Reynes This water helpeth the Plague druncke once wythin sixe dayes It profiteth women whose matrice is become colde and draweth downe the Termes The water druncke in lyke quantitie with a little of Castoreum brought to fine powder fasting putteth away the palsie of members The water druncke fasting to the quantitie of foure ounces at a time defendeth the person from sickenesse that daye in that it putteth away all maner of griefe from the heart deliuereth euill humors and procureth vrine this druncke with a little fine Triacle preuayleth against poyson The water causeth a cléere and fayre skinne of the face and handes if any often washeth these outwarde parts with it The water of Plantayne The Lxij Chapter THe rootes and herbe with the whole substance shredde small dystill by Balneo Mariae about the ende of May. The water druncke for fortie dayes morning and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a tyme swéetened with a little Sugar recouereth the Dropsie a hote Cough and that swelling procéeding of a heate and healeth Blysters and pushes rysing of heate It profiteth any fluxe of the Bellie but especiallye helpeth that fluxe Dysenteria if you mixe in the drinking the powders of the stone Hematites and Bole Armoniacke to the quantitie or weyght of a dramme of eche with two ounces of the water This lyke mixed and druncke stayeth the humorall fluxe and the ouer great fluxe of the Termes The water healeth the vlcers and impostume of the Lunges it preuayleth against poyson The water recouereth the falling sicknesse by drincking it for fortie dayes The water druncke for fower dayes helpeth the loue medicine if a purgation be afterwarde taken and this druncke a time deliuereth the griefe of the Mylt It killeth wormes by drincking fasting the quantitie abouesayde taken fasting for thrée dayes togither to the quantitie of foure ounces at a time helpeth the Ague It also recouereth the Matrice and sendeth forth the after burthen The water helpeth the Plague and profiteth inflammations by applying Lynnen clothes wette in it The water healeth all vlcers which are happened by a bruise stripe fall or by any other cause The water retayned a long time in the mouth healeth all woundes and vlcers of the mouth and the gummes rotten by bloude The water dropped euery day into a Fistula healeth it the rather if it be often washed with the same The water dropped into the eares remooueth the payne of them It helpeth the Shingles and dropped or applyed to the eyes putteth away the swelling of them The water gargelled in the mouth recouereth the exulceration of the throte The water applyed with lynnen clothes on freshe woundes stayeth the issue of bloud It healeth the bytte and stinging of venimous beastes and woormes recouereth inflammations and those with a readnesse by applying lynnen clothes wette in it The water applyed with lynnen clothes preserueth woundes that no inflammation or other incommoditie happeneth to them It healeth those Vlcers which by féeding créepe abrode The water cureth that fore féeding which most men name the Wolfe if in it be boyled the flowers of Pomegranates Psidia the Cypresse nuttes Xylobalsamum Carpobalsamum Sugar Alum of eche an ounce of Mumia an ounce and a halfe and of Camphora one dramme of Plantaine water one pynte with the which decoction thus prepared let the sore bée dayly washed The water often
of this water The water of Verueyne The Lxxvij Chapter THe male Uerueyne with the whole substaunce gathered shredde small dystill by Balneo Mariae about S. Iohns daye in Iune This water druncke morning an● euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time for sixe or eyght dayes togither recouereth the yelow Iaundise preuayleth against poyson helpeth the Tertian and Quartaine feuer and expelleth wormes of the bellie by taking the lyke quantitie euery morning fasting The water in such maner drunck helpeth the straitnesse of the breast the hardnesse of fetching breath the vlcers and consumption of lunges It comforteth the lyuer and causeth a good coulour The water druncke recouereth griefes of the stomack the stoppings of the lyuer and mylt and grieuous paynes of the loynes and bladder The water drunk amendeth the stopping of the bowels stomack and bellie The water clenseth the reynes and bladder and washeth the stones in them The water profiteth against inwarde pushes of the bodie it helpeth the pyssing of bloud and grypings of the bellie It is a precious water for grieuous paynes and strypes of the heade by often annoynting and applying lynnen clothes wette in it to the heade It also helpeth long sickenesses whose cause is not knowne The water preuayleth against all manner of dymnesse of the eyes and vlcers in them comforteth a weake sight ▪ and procureth a clearenesse to it by ●ropping and annoynting it diuers tymes in the eyes The water helpeth sores or scabbes arysing amongst the heares of the heade or other places of the bodie and griefes of the stomacke lyuer and mylte by annoynting and applying lynnen clothes wette in the same The water profiteth against the exulceration of womens places if they be washed morning and euening with the same and that a lynnen clothe wette in it be often applyed The water of Fluelling The Lxxviij Chapter THe herbe with the whole substance shredde small and infused for a day and a night in good Sacke or white wyne dystill by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of Iune which after rectified will indure for tenne yeares This water druncke in the morning fasting to the quantitie of two ounces or lesse at a time or that a Spunge wette in the water myxed with other sauours be borne in an Orenge pyll to smell oftentymes to it preserueth the person from the plague The handes heade forheade and temples annoynted with the same profiteth against any euill and noysome smell The person which is taken with the plague if he letteth a veine before it be opened and taketh an ounce and a halfe of the fine powder of this herbe with thrée ounces of the water myxed with a scruple weyght of Venice triacle and after the drincking be well couered with clothes to sweate the poyson and euill humors be then expelled from the heart and by sweating auoyded so that it is a present and prooued remedie agaynst venimous and pestilent feuers The water druncke twyse a day to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a time healeth newe woundes in that the same issueth forth of the woundes by sweating lyke to an Oyle The woundes are also to be washed wyth this water morning and euening applyed with lynnen clothes wette in it for this on such wyse cureth wounds and euill vlcers in a marueylous manner An ounce of Vitrioll or rather of the stone Chalcites brought to powder dissolued in a pynte of thys water healeth all putrified vlcers the Ringworme spottes of sundrie colours or any euill scabbe whelkes and fowlenesse of the skinne procéeding of corrupt humors The elder that thys water shall be so much the worthyer in diuers causes The water annoynted or applyed with lynnen clothes on the sting of Spyders or byte of venimous beasts healeth and putteth away the swelling The water druncke and gargelled morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time putteth awaye incontinent the swelling of the throte If halfe a pounde of Allum be dissolued in a pynte of this water and heated dryueth awaye Mothes out of clothe by wetting and washing it with the same The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of an ounce and a halfe or twoo ounces for certaine dayes togither putteth away gyddynesse of the heade helpeth memorie clenseth tough and clammie humours wasteth and purifieth corrupt bloude the matrice and bladder purgeth expelleth poysons the stone of the kidneyes and all inwarde poysons of the bodie The water deliuereth the wandring heate and openeth the passages of the bodie This also druncke euery morning fasting for sixe wéekes togither to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a time maketh a man leane of bodie strengtheneth the lyuer and consumeth superfluous euill humors The water druncke in the morning fasting an● labouring it especially on the heade doth greatly profite to the comforting of memorie and to the strengthening of the heade and brayne it also causeth a readynesse of speache and purifyeth the bloude The water druncke to the quantitie of twoo ounces or twoo ounces and a halfe with a dram weight of the fine pouder of the leaues of Fluelling ▪ and a dram of the myddle rynde in powder of Amara dulcis that is bytter swéete myxte and druncke fasting for certaine dayes togither deliuereth the clammynesse of the lunges purgeth the breast by spittings forth helpeth the Cough difficulties of fetching breath corruption of the lungs for which cause the shepeheards in our time vse to giue the herbe with salt to shéepe vexed with the cough The water taken morning and euening doth especially helpe the lunges and liuer if they inwardlye putrifie and doe ascende vnto the throte yea though they shall putrified vnto the gretnesse of a hasill nutte yet will they againe be restored to helth by this The water druncke with a dramme of the powder of the herbe deliuereth the shedding of the gall g●ntly procureth vrine and causeth very fatte and barren women leane and fruitefull The water druncke to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time procureth sweate according to necessitie The water of the Birche tree The Lxxix Chapter THe leaues newly sprunge out ▪ shredde and beaten dystill by Balneo Mariae about the middes o● May. This water drunck morning and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time ▪ swéetened with Sugar deliuereth the griefe of the stone in the loynes The water profiteth vnto the cooling of hote vlcers especially those which shall happen on mans priuities if it be applied with lynnen clothes The water dy●tilled out of the tappe of the trée after this manner purchased as that 〈…〉 a hole bored in the bodie of the trée néere to the roote and vnder the same a glasse set to gather the lycour dystilling forth which after dystilled by Balneo Mariae profiteth vnto all wounds washed with the same yea healeth and dryeth vp open vlcers if it be often applyed with lynnen clothes The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of twoo
o●nces and a halfe swéetened with Sugar for xl dayes togither wasteth the stone of the kidneyes and bladder The water clenseth away spottes on the skin and procureth a fayrenesse of the same It also healeth vlcers of the mouth by often washing with the same The water of the herbe Peryuincle dystilled about the ende of May drunck morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time recouereth womens places colde the rather by applying lynnen clothes wette in the same and helpeth those which haue a colde stomacke The water for certaine dayes druncke with a dramme of the powder of the herbe sendeth forth the water betwéene the fleshe and skinne by veine A Pessarie wette in the water and conueyed vp into the priuie place draweth downe the Termes The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar ceaseth the grypinges of the bowelles and stayeth the fluxe of the bellie ▪ and termes It also purgeth all clammie humours out of the lyuer and bladder and clenseth the reynes The water of the Vyne tree The Lxxx. Chapter THe water of the Vyne trée is gathered in a great glasse about the beginning of Aprill when Vynes are cut and the same after the dystilling by Balneo Mariae requireth to be sunned for xl dayes This water myxed with a little pure wyne and druncke fasting sharpeneth or quickeneth the mynde and senses The water profiteth against any scabbednesse if it be washed with the same it causeth a cleane and fayre face and putteth awaye pushes and pymples of the face The water often applyed weareth away wartes and the thicke knobbes of harde fleshe on the handes The water recouereth ringwormes fowle spottes on the bodie scuruynesse and inflammations with a rednesse of the skynne if they be washed with the same ▪ and applyed with lynnen clothes wette in it twyse or thryse a daye The leaues of the best vynes ▪ which growe on high and sunnie places requyre to be dystilled in a due season of the yeare as about the ende of May by Balneo Mariae Thi● water dropped into running eyes dryeth and stayeth the running of them cleareth the sight The water druncke helpeth the spitting of bloude recouereth vlcers of the bowels and stayeth a hote fluxe of the bellie The water taken thryce a daye to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time expelleth the stone helpeth the abhorring of women with chylde and their foolishe longing for sundrie things that no harme may insewe to the yoongling Of the rootes of the vyne is made a decoction right profitable on this wyse Take of the féete of the Vyne shredde small twoo poundes these infuse in the strongest vyneger couered well ouer to which after adde nyne pyntes of Conduite water and a pynte of whyte honie after the boyling and consuming in a thirde part that only sixe pyntes remayne strayne the whole through a carsey cloth to which then adde of the simple Iu●lepe viij ounces and fower graynes of Muske dissolued in fower or sixe ounces of pure Rose water which after the pouring into a glasse stoppe close with a corke and parchement If any drincketh foure ounces of this decoction hote in the morning fasting and refrayneth meate foure houres after procureth in short time a very good stomacke and appetite to meate This also helpeth the Cholicke passion encreaseth mylke in womens breasts putteth away griefes of the matrice and is much auayleable for the cough the rheume and griefe of the reynes The water of the greater Celondine The Lxxxi Chapter THe congruent time of dystilling the Celondine is that when the herbe bearing flowers the whole substance gathered and shredde small be dystilled in a Cucurbite of glasse by Balneo Mariae about the middes of May. This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time deliuereth the yelowe Iaundise and helpeth the grypings of the bellie The water druncke in the same manner mitigateth the Ague and putteth away scabbednesse procéeding of colde if the places be annoynted with the same The water druncke twyse or thryse a daye to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme swéetened with Sugar recouereth the stopping of the lyuer and mylt The water after the infusion of the herbe for sixe dayes in good Aqua vitae druncke for certaine dayes morning and euening to the quantitie of an ounce at a time preserueth the bodie long in health and expelleth euill humors The water dropped into the eyes recouereth spottes the pynne and webbe deliuereth the rednesse of them preserueth and causeth a sharpe and readie sight and restoreth the same in a maner lost If the mouth be washed with the water it ceaseth the grieuous payne of the téeth and putteth away spottes if the face be often washed with the same The water dryeth and healeth a Canker and lykewise the Fistula and putteth away pestilent pushes if a lynnen cloth wet in it be applyed twyse or thrice a day The water of the greater Celondine that hath the propertie of helping diseases as well the hote as colde giueth strength to the spirituall members expelleth poysen from the heart deliuereth the lunges of that which to it is noyous healeth it vlcered and by drincking sundrie tymes of it stayeth the fluxe of bloude I am in doubt sayth a certaine skilfull Phisition whether a man may beléeue that all these properties be in the dystilled water of Celondine séeing that according to Dioscorides and Galen it is of qualitie mightily clensing and very hote by reason whereof this causeth the veynes to be the cléerer of all grosse humors and deliuereth the obstructions of the lyuer in the Iaundyse This also is the reason why the learned Mathiolus in his commentarie vpon Dioscorides doth so greatly reprehend the Chymists which take vpon them to drawe forth a Quintessence of this herbe that they affirme to be not only commodious for their extractions but as woonderfully profitable for the preseruing of health and expelling of infinite diseases Séeing that this herbe can worke no such matter it is possible that the Chymistes abuse the same where they in steade of rightly naming this herbe Chelidonium doe name it Caelidonum rather deuising for it such a worde Caelidonum as if this herbe were a gyft from heauen to which are attributed all these great vertues This water is on such wyse distilled take the rootes leaues and flowers which shredde small and put into a vessell of glasse well fenced with Lute burie the vessell couered with his heade in horse dung for the space of ten dayes After the taking forth dystill it in ashes according to Arte the lycour that shall first runne forth will be waterishe the seconde as an oyle which you shall dystill yet once againe and kéepe for your vse The water of Strawberies The Lxxxij Chapter THe time most agréeable for distilling of the berries is when they are rype yet not ouer soft and those which growe and are gathered in the
in euery scabbe or in all manner of scabbes The water of Dooues dung stéeped for a night before in wine dystilled and druncke helpeth the stone this Theophrastus The water of a Capon dystilled which a Germaine woman vsed in the traueyle of chylde and in birth of the chylde Take a Capon of twelue yeares of age this strangled pulled and orderly dressed boyle then in a sufficient quantitie of the best Malmesie Rosewater and Borage in a possenet or rather new earthen pot glased vnto a tendernesse of the fleshe after stampe diligently the fleshe with the bones and intrayles which put into a Cucurbite and luted dystill according to Arte in Balneo Mariae adde in the dystilling both Muske and Amber gréece but another willeth of Diambra and of Diamoschus which I rather allowe of the powder of precious stones of Diarrhodon abbatis of Diamargariton calidum Aromaticum Rosatum of eche of these Cordiall powders gotten from the Apothecarie fower scruples of Coriander prepared halfe an ounce adding herevnto besides of the oyle of Cynamone fower graines weyght of the oyle of Cloues sixe graines these diligently mixe togither The description of the water of a Capon out of the dispensatorie of the Colonians The Lxxxiiij Chapter The dystillation of a Capon Maystriall of D. Peter Vnormatiensis he first boyled the Capon in water vnto a sufficiencie on such wyse that twoo pyntes remayned of the broth after he powred the broth and fleshe into a glasse bodie close-luted which he dystilled after Arte in ashes and hauing distilled about a pinte or a pinte and a half ceased of without adding to this water eyther spices ▪ eyther herbes or rootes which water he often ministred and vsed to weake bodies in Agues and was delectable without abhorrement to the pacients Another let a good Capon be boyled in pure water with the leaues of Borage and Buglosse of eche one handfull of the conserue of Violets Roses Borage and Buglosse of eche twoo ounces of the Cordiall powlders a like quantitie added let all these be dystilled in Balneo Mariae the lycour dystilled aromatizate with the powder of the thrée Saunders and let this be druncke or ministred often to weak bodies this borowed out of And ▪ a Lacuria in the ende of his booke of the pestilence The dystillation of a Capon borowed of a certaine doctour Take an auncient Capon of sixe seuen or eyght yeares of age the same drie pull and bare which after the drawing stéepe or soke in pure water for a night the whole put after into a newe earthen pot glased which containeth fower measures of water this in the séething skym diligently and the fatnesse take carefully of remembring alwayes to fill vp the pot boyling After the fleshe t●●derly sodden and fallen from the bones take or pare of both the fatte and thinne skynnes which so ordered shredde the fleshe very small putting it with the boyled water into fower glasse bodies Artely luted vnder which maintaine fire vntill the whole worke be ended which dystilled on this wyse stoppe close vnto your vse for this mightily recouereth those which be decayed of strength and that haue no appetite or will to meate Another water of a Capon vnto the restoring of decayed strength out of a written booke of a certaine Phisition the tender fleshe and pulpe of one Capon the skynnes and fatte drawne of and pulled away shredde finely and washe diligently with Buglosse water after this adde to the conserue of Violets Borage and Buglosse of eche an ounce and a halfe of the conserue of Roses one ounce of lease golde vj. in number all these arteficially mixt togither and put after in a double vessell dystill according to Arte let a spoonefull alone of this licour be often ministred or with comfortable brothes mixed Another water of a Capon out of the same author recouering bodies lowe brought by the ague Take the pulpe or tender flesh of the Capon being chased and coursed vp and downe and to and fro before the strangling from which drawe or plucke both the fatte and skinnes then washe both in the waters of the water Lillie named of the Latines Nenuphar and the Lettuce adding thereto the conserue of Violets new made and the flowers of the Nenuphar of eche one ounce of the conserues of Borage and Buglosse of eche one ounce and a halfe of the whyte Poppie and Lettuce séedes of eche one ounce of the powder of the colde Diamargariton one dramme and a halfe of the iuice of pleasant Apples twoo ounces all these diligently mixte togither and put in a double vessell dystill according to Arte which dystilled lycour vse after the maner aboue taught Another water of a Capon of the same authors for the recouering strength in a colde sickenesse Take the pulpe of the Capon throughly wearied and after washed diligently in whyte wine or else in Malmesie if so be the sickenesse shall be colder adding therevnto of the conserue of Sage flowers one ounce of the conserue of Staechas Anthos and Acorus of eche halfe an ounce of the ryndes of the Cytrons prepared with sugar and finely shred sixe drammes of the inner part of the Cinamone and of Nutmegs of eche one dramme let all these be put in Balneo Mariae and dystilled according to Arte let certaine spoonefulles of thys lycour be ministred for a certaine time to the weake and féeble bodies There be some Authors which in certaine sickenesses especially of the heade and in colde diseases with the weakenesse and decayed strength that highly commende the waters of Capons dystilled on such wyse yea the Author hath experienced to haue auayled somtimes in the Collick passions especially those which were wyndie of bodie for the distilled water giuen to such much perplexed with wynde of the bodie it spéedily ceaseth and stayeth the winde from any more molesting if so be the water shall rightly be prepared Thus diuers and sundrie medicines may skilfully be deuised by a learned Phisition in the varietie of sickenesses For what cause the brothes of Capons and other fattes seeing they be fluxible and of an ayreall substance are so slowly eleuated The Lxxxv. Chapter THe reason of this is in that the fatnesse floting or swimming aboue doth of the same procure and drawe ouer a thyn skin which so kéepeth the moysture resting vnder that the humor can hardly euoporate through and euen the like doth the oyle poured into a vessell with eyther wine or pleasant waters by the floting aboue suffer not any of them to breath through and the Radish roote also eaten with oyle causeth then not the lyke belchings or reastinges of the stomacke to insew as did otherwise without the oyle and euen the like of iuices may be learned which when any woulde haue kept for a time they doe couer it with oyle that neyther the spirites through the same keeping in the iuice doe breath forth nor maye be drawne awaye of the outwarde ayer this written of Langius in his Epistles A
the droppes forth redde and burnt in the Limbeck yea sowre and in sauour or smell lyke to the oyle of the Iuniper woode in a maner and of it fast cleauing to the sides and bottome of the Cucurbite The remnant in the Cucurbite was the honie of a blackish redde colour burnt somwhat sowre and colouring yelowe Maister Gesnerus dystilled the oldest Hydromell in ashes and left in the Cucurbite a substaunce tending or declyning vnto a blackenesse and swéete in taste yet sowre or lothsome in smell The first water which dystilled forth was odoriferous had the hote and quicke taste of Aqua vitae yet the same conceyued nor tooke no flame The seconde water which came forth séemed wateryer with a certaine sowrenesse so that a small quantitie of water he dystilled of the same A water gotten of the hinder legges of frogges by the sublymed vapour helpeth consumptions and wasting of the lunges yea most effectuous for the drie distemperance of the liuer being taken fasting and twyse a daye warme for this prooued Alexander Benedictus most excellent and ministred of it to his great prayse The water dystilled out of the sperme of frogs in the moneth of May and applyed on the gowte doth marueylously asswage or mittigate the payne and taketh the payne away vtterly within a short time Of the compounde waters especially of leaues flowers rootes seedes fruite herbes and trees lycours gummes and woode A water for the eyesight The Lxxxvi Chapter Another water for the eyes borowed out of a written booke of secrets Take of Turpentine of Tormentill I rather suppose of Fennel of Rue or Endyue or Betonie Celondine of Eyebright of redde Rose leaues of Syler of the mountaine and of Mayden heare of eche one handfull let all these be stéeped in whyte wyne for one day and a night after put the wyne and the whole substaunce into a glasse bodie which dystill according to Arte for this is a marueylous water for the eyes Another water borowed out of the same booke excellent for the eyes Take of Eyebright orenegliae Celondine the fiue leaued grasse the Veruaine and Rosemarie flowers of eche one handfull all these myxe togither in the forme of a sawce by pouring the best redde wyne vpon which after the infusion for a time and put vp into a glasse bodie being luted after Arte let so stand before the dystilling for foure or fiue dayes which thus prepared and the receyuer fastened to the nose of the heade dystill with a soft fire to this water after adde these following as the Rewe séedes the Fennell séedes Sugar Candie Tutia prepared and brought to pouder and Aloes hepaticke of eche thrée drammes all these diligently labour and myxe togither with this water in a glasse bodie with a heade and dystilled as before with a soft fire which after kéepe in a glasse close stopped Of this water poure a droppe at a time into the eye of what griefe soeuer the eye shall be molested or payned so that the same griefe be colde for it will ease and heale the griefe wythin a short time A water of maister Peter the Spanyarde which both sharpeneth the sight and cleareth the eyes and putteth awaye spottes and the webbe of the eye take of Persely séedes Fennel séedes Smalledge séedes Siler of the mountaine of Annis séedes of Carowaye séedes of the séedes of eyther Clarée of the rootes of Celondine of Acorus of Betonie of the leaues of Egrimonie of Tormentill Rue Veruaine of eche a like quantitie these togither beaten and grynded put for the first daye in a healthfull chyldes vrine the seconde day in white wyne the thirde day in womans mylke or Asses and in the fourth day let all these togither be distilled according to Art which after kéepe as a Balme in stopping the mouth of the glasse close that it breathe not forth for his propertie is to breathe and séeke out A water of marueylous working cléering a mystie and dimme sight and preseruing the health of the eyes borowed out of Ioannes de Vigo take of the iuice of Fennell of the iuice of Celondine of Rue of Eyebright of eche twoo ounces of Honie ten drammes of Sarcocolla of Antimonie of Tutia and of Aloes of eche halfe an ounce of the galles of Capons Cockes and Hennes of ech twoo ounces of Nutmegs of Saffron of Cloues of eche one ounce of Sugar Candie and of the sirupe of Roses of eche sixe drammes of the lyuer of a healthfull goate twoo ounces and a halfe of the flowers of Rosemarie and Veruayne of eche one handfull and a halfe these altogither beate diligently and very fine and the lyuer cut or shredde very small all these put after into a glasse bodie with a heade dystill twyse ouer according to Arte and droppe of this into the eye for it is marueylous Another water of the same mans vnto that purpose Take of the galles of those fowles which lyue by rapine and of the gall of a Crane of eche twoo drammes of the galles of Partriches Fesants and of Cockes of eche thrée drammes of Honie one ounce of the iuice of Fennell and the iuice of Eyebright of eche one ounce and a halfe of the wyne of the swéete and sowre Pomegranates of eche ten drammes of Aloes hepaticke and of Sarcocolla of eche twoo drammes of Cubebae of the long and round Pepper of eche one scruple of Cynamone one dramme and a halfe of Nutmegs and of Cloues of eche one dramme of Sugar Candie and of the sirupe of Roses of both sixe drammes of Antimonie and of Tutia of eche twoo drammes and a halfe of a Goates lyuer thrée ounces of Rosemarie flowers one handfull all these finely shredde and bette togither and put after into a glasse bodie dystill according to Arte for this water dropped into the eye preserueth the helth and sight of the eie and amendeth both the mystynesse and darckenesse of sight A moste precious water that amendeth the mystynesse the pynne and webbe and all defaults of the eyes It cleareth also the sight by a marueylous maner and clenseth anye manner of spotte of the eyes Take of whyte wyne one ounce and a halfe of the iuice of Fennel purifyed and cléered fiue drammes and a halfe of Camphora one dram of Tutia Alexandrina one ounce of Ginger halfe an ounce of Honie fower ounces all these beaten and grynded togither let stéepe for nyne dayes in a cleane scoured bason set in a cleare ayre where neyther dewe nor the sunne beames may fall vpon which after dystilled by a Fylter kéepe the water in a glasse with a narrowe mouth and droppe of this water both morning and euening one droppe or twoo into the eye this Arnoldus A water of a most noble working in the cataracts of the eyes for it resolueth the matter consisting or being in the wayes of the eyes with a notable comforting of the vertue visiue or séeing borowed out of Ioannes de Vigo Take of a healthfull and freshe Goates lyuer twoo
séedes of Lettuce and séedes of the Darnell of eche thrée ounces these after the well grynding togither dystill by a Lymbecke thrée times ouer and in euery dystilling grynde the fecies or groundes myxing them with the water dystilled and in the thirde dystillation the water which then issueth or commeth forth kéepe close stopped in a glasse with a narrow mouth of this minister only twoo or thrée droppes at a time A water for the washing of the heade borowed out of the same Authour a compounde as they write experienced if so be the hynder part of the heade be bathed therewith and that a decent dyet be vsed before which ought to be applyed at the going to bedde for xl dayes togither and a grayne of pure Olibanum swallowed downe withall the forme of the compounde is on this wyse Take of the flowers of Rosemarie of Borage flowers of Buglosse flowers of the Roses of the Violets and of the herbe Balme of eche one dramme of the Camomill flowers twoo drammes of Baye leaues of Staechas of Maioram and Sage of eche sixe drammes these after the fine shredding stéepe in pleasant whyte wyne for fiue dayes togither after dystill the whole according to Arte which dystilled kéepe close stopped with a narrowe mouth adding to it one pounde of Turpentine of Masticke Myrrhe and of the honie of Anacardus of eche one ounce of Olibanum twoo ounces all these grynded and wrought togither infuse for fiue dayes within the dystilled lycour which agayne dystilled to this lycour adde of Nutmegs of Cloues of Cubebae of Cynamone of Mace and Cardamomum of eche sixe drammes of Lignum Aloes eyght drammes of Amber and Muske of eche halfe a dramme all these grynded and myxte togither infuse for fiue dayes which then begynne to dystill wyth an easie fire and toward the ende a stronger fire the same kéepe to your vse A water experienced for the whitening of the face and making thynne the skynne and clensing or taking away all spottes of the face Take of chosen Turpentine dystilled twoo poundes of Olibanum thrée ounces of Masticke halfe an ounce of the herbe Dragons so much all these beaten togither and with the Turpentine water myxte dystill againe adding to it after newe Barrowes grease molten one pounde of Cloues twoo drams of Nutmegs thrée ounces of chosen Cynamone halfe an ounce of Spica Celtica as much of Spikenarde twoo drammes of Caphura thrée drammes of golde leaues one dramme of siluer twoo drammes all these finely grynded and beaten togither dystill it in a Lymbecke after adde twyse so much of this water as of the water following and scouring the face before with the decoction of Branne washe the face all ouer with this water Take of the water of Quickesiluer one ounce of Borace of Aluminis Zucharini of Ceruse washed of eche one dramme these myxe togither and vse as aboue taught This borowed out of Fumanellus A water for memorie safe and to be marueyled at if so be the pacient kéepe and vse a dyet Take of Nutmegges of Cloues of Ginger of the thrée Peppers of eche thrée dammes of Iuniper beries halfe an ounce of saint Iohns worte of the ryndes of Cytrones of Rosemarie flowers of Basill of Maioram of Mintes of Pennyroyall of Baye beries of Catmyntes of Spyke of Xyloaloes of Cubebae of Cardamomum of Calamus aromatichus of Staechas of eche one dramme and a halfe of Acorus rootes one handfull and a halfe of Orga●●ie of Hysope of Rue of the herbe Hares foote both the Aristolochia and eyther Picnie of Cassia lignea ▪ of Pimpernell of Dittanie of Tormentill of Scabious of the Woodebynde or Honie suckle of the Amryse of Cummin Seseleos and of garden Cresses of eche one scruple of olde Triacle one ounce of Aqua vitae rectified according to Arte and dystilled out of the best wyne thryse ouer viij pyntes all these beaten and ●arced kéepe togither in a glasse bodie which then according to Arte fower tymes continuallye pouring the lycour vpon the fecies that remayned to this fourth dystillation adde of all the Myrobalanes and of Anacardus of eche twoo drammes and a halfe these finely brought to powder and infused dystill after the sixt day beginning to dystill with an easie fire and wythin a whyle after increasing the fire somewhat the first that then commeth is weake as water the next that commeth is of a yelowishe colour the thirde and last through the fire increased commeth forth yelower of colour to which then adde both Muske and Amber gréece and other fragrant powders and vsing it twyce in the wéeke vnto the quantitie of a spoonefull at a tyme sixe houres before meate that if you shall annoynt the seate or place of memorie and the temples you shall soone after call to mynde and remember what you will this borowed out of Fumanellus A water for memorie Take of Beane flowers of the Elder and Camomill flowers of eche twoo small handfuls of Rue of Balme of Pympern●ll of Buglosse of Lycoris cleane scraped and bruised of eche thrée handfuls these dystill in a Lymbecke with a soft fire of this water vse twyse or thryse in a wéeke vnto the quantitie of halfe or one ounce at a time A water helping the frensynesse or madnesse which is a precious secrete and prooued in the cure of madnesse and the Melancholie frensinesse borrowed out of an auncient written booke Take of the flowers of Rosemarie of Borage and of the rootes of Buglosse of eche a lyke of Saffron one dram of the Quince or Quinces fower ounces of the best whyte wyne well digested and cleare twoo pyntes these after the myxing let so stande for a naturall daye after burie the glasse bodie in horse dung for fiftéene dayes which drawne forth dystill according to Arte twoo or thrée times ouer This water sayeth the Authour kéepe as the apple of your eye for it is very precious in that I haue sayth the Author experienced the same in all Melancholie sickenesses very effectuously and in the payne and trembling of the heart the quantitie to be ministred at one time is a dramme Another whytening water causing or procuring a whyte colour Take of the redde Honie twoo pounds of gumme Arabeck twoo ounces these diligently myxed togither dystill according to Arte in a glasse body with a soft fire The first water which commeth serueth vnto the cléering and whytening of the face the seconde and thirde lycour togither procureth yelowe heare An odoriferous water not dystilled out of Alexander Benedict Allachalach as the Arabians wryte and it is a certayne compounde of the iuice of the leaues of the Myrtels of Rosewater and Saunders and a little of vinegar and the water of Alkalef or of the iuice of the fruites well smelling and of such lyke lycour myxed and put into a glasse with a narrowe mouth and after the well labouring of these myxed shall a pleasant smell ascende to the nose comforting the heade and spirites An odoriferous or fragrant water yet in taste
Fulgonus Take of the whytes of egges to the number of fyfteene of roche Alome of the iuyces of Purcelayne of Plantayne of Nightshade of Rosewater of the iuyce of sowre docke or sowre Grapes of each two pyntes these dyligently laboured mixed togither distyll in a Lymbecke with which washe the grieued places for it spéedilye bringeth olde vlcers and sores vnto a scarre A syngular practyse which a cunning Surgion vttered to the Aucthour that he often vsed against the eating Cankers hapning in the ouer partes of the body This Surgeon heated a new tyle stone which he after quenced in Alome water sundry tymes but he oftner vsed to hang vp the tyle redde hote and to poure leasurelye after a sprinckling maner Alome water vppon it vntyll the tyle was colde which water so stylling downe he gathered or receyued in a bason or dyshe and dypping lynnen cloathes in the water he applyed them on the vlcers and sores and thus as hée affyrmed dyd he marueylous soone heale those wicked Cankers to the admyration of many This Fumanellus A most syngular water helping the spottes of the eyes Take of whyte Hony two pyntes of Antymonie of Titia prepared and of Sugarcandie of each thrée drams of the best Aloes halfe a dram of Celondine of Rue and eye bright of each halfe a handfull these grosse beaten and myxed togyther distyll in a Lymbecke A water of Tutia prepared take of the eye bryght water of Fennell water of the Hony suckle water of eache halfe a pynt of Rosewater two pyntes of Tutia prepared two drams of Aloes halfe an ounce of whyte Coperase halfe a dram of Camphora one dram all these laboured and dilygently myxed togither distyll according to arte For this is a notable water experienced sundrys tymes against the spottes of the eyes this borrowed out of the learned practises of Arnoldus A water of Marchasite which consumeth clenseth the web and other spots of the eyes the pyn or web confirmed this softneth The making of which water is on this wyse take sundry pieces of Marchasite which redde hote quenche in a bason or déepe dythe fylled with olde sallet Oyle the pieces through quenched colde breake verye small which after distyll in a Lymbecke the Feces remayning grynde fynelie agayne distylling that ouer agayne A water helping the Leprie and other disseases This water preuayling against the Leprie and al maner foulnesse deformyty of the body cleansing the eyes mayntayning or preseruing youth effectuous in many other causes as by practise may further be cōiectured the making of which distylled lycour is on this wise take of the fylinges or small pieces of syluer of copper of yron of leade of stéele of the owre of golde of copper of syluer of s●or●re of all a lyke wayght these stiepe for a daye and a nyght in the bryne of a chyld not polluted the next daye infuse those in hote whyte wyne the thyrd day these stiepe in the iuyce of Fennell the fowrth daye stiepe these in the mylke of a woman gyuing sucke to a man child ▪ which she bore into the worlde the fyft day infused in redde wine and the sixt day these infused in seuen times so much as the whole is of the whytes of egges which after the distylling kéepe to your vse A water auayling against the Lepry take of May dewflue measures of Brimstone one pound of Christal halfe a pound of Camphora one ounce these diligently beaten myxed togyther let so stand a tyme after boyle the whole easily or lightly which setled agayne distyll according to arte to this water adde pearles This orderlye mynistred purgeth choller adust and melancholic Lyme not quenched or staked ioyned with the whites of egges grinded on a marble stone distyl on such wise that the same which is the grosser may descend and for a day and a nyght kéepe this in a moyst place which distyll agayne with this whyten the face according to discretion Another whytning water take Lyme vnslaked incorporate the same with the water of the whytes of egges distylled by a Lymbecke which worke so thicke as a sauce after powre this into a Glasse body setting it couered in a moyst place for a daye and a nyght after distyll the whole according to arte which dystilled kéepe in a glasse with a narrow mouth A water whitning the face take of the whytes of egges of Boraci● petrosi of salt of roch Alome of each one dram each beaten alone myxe to the whytes of egges the whole distyll and vse A great vse there is at this daye of the strong water and often occupyed of the Chymistes and Goldsmythes yea in Phisicke exercised vnto sundrie disseases For that well practised Phisition Amatus Lusitanus ▪ prosperously exercised and ministred the same in the great and wicked vlcer of the iawes And certaine at the begynning of the webbe cured it by dropping of this water into the eyes A certayne Chyrurgian on a tyme applyed of this water into the hollowe toothe of a Woman which caused the Woman to rag● lyke almadde bodye ●ntyll th●● a lyttle of Opium was applyed to the toothe by the aduise of a skilfull Phisition through which shee speedily after amended But this marueylously cureth vlcers Fistulaes Cankers and knobbes or knottes whyles they yet bée not entred within the bones and hollowe by wetting them onelye with a Feather or Lynnen cloath dypped in the water with which the Golde is seperated from the Syluer●e ▪ The auncient in tymes paste that they myght part or seperate the Golde from Syluer vsed the dystylled Lycour of Shoemakers yncke or bléeche as they also in Asia doe at this daye which with it doe seperate Golde from Syluer But our later practysioners that they might make the water stronger and vehementer added to it Salt peter Bellonius vttering and wryting of those medycines or compoundes preseruing dead bodyes affyrmeth that if yron or any other mettallyne matter bee put into the strong water that it forthwith boyleth and ryseth vp to faste that if it hath not vente to breathe out it then breaketh the vessel or doubble Glasse But yf you throwe Golde into it then doth it not lyke boyle vp but dyssolue the same into the fourme of Sande and all the other mettalles in the fourme of a lycour When Syluer shall be dyssolued in this water then put into it Copper plates and the Syluer wyll cleane to it which after stryke of with a brushe and in the ende this in the melting wyll ioyne A strong water is thus made take of Vitryoll and of Salt peter a lyke quantitye of these drawe a water by distyllacion into which if you put parsyll or doubble gylt ruppes or pottes the Syluer shortlye after wyll bée dyssolued but the Golde remayneth vndyssolued or as I may saye whole which after strayne and if you wyll stryke or wype of the Golde then adde vnto the abouesayd water of the Salt c. * after drye eache and
prepare orderlye Another strong water take of strong water of common salt and a lyttle of Salt Ammoniacum these dystill togyther or if the strong water shall be distylled before and the others after distylled with it this then is named the regall water or water of a kyng which seperateth Golde But the common Aqua fortis or strong water doth only seperate Syluer so that it doth both leaue the Gold and maketh it apparaunt A causticke water in the Fistula without payne ●nd auayleth also against kernelles swellinges and knobbes yea it taketh awaye all maner of excessiue or superfluous increasing of the fleshe in mans bodie without payne The making of which is on this wyse take of the best oyle of Tyle stands of chosen Masticke of gumme Arabicke and of Turpentyne of eache thrée ounces such as are to be beaten beate dilygentlye the whole then myxe togyther which distyll by a Lymbecke this after myxe and incorporate with halfe a pound of the ashes of the trée Cerrus which distyl agayne by a Lymbecke and that distylled or come forth kéepe in a Glasse well stopped A marueylous water in the Fistula with which golden letters may be written in yron take a Rammes horne cleane rasped and cleansed without which cutte into small or fyne pieces puttyng it after into a Lymbecked of glasse to be subtylly distylled this water then come forth worketh so on hote yron that it gyldeth it and marueylously auayleth in Fistulae● This Bertapalia A water corroding and eating away in the stéede of a cauterice in so much that it eateth into yron take of ●alt water two ounces of Romaine Vitryoll one pounde of Vermylion or * of the redde sanguinarie stone fowre ounces grynde each a part which after the myxing togyther dystyll by a Lymbecke the water kéepe in a Glasse this Bertapalia A ruptory which serueth to part and cutte away any swellyng or mattery impostume without yron take of Romaine Vitryoll rubys●ed or made redde sixe ounces or Salt and nyter of each two ounces of gaules of salt Ammoniacū of ech eyght ounces of Vitryol not rubifyed two ounces all these after the powthering and distylled in a Lymbecke keep warely in a glasse The vse of this lycour is that if an Olyue twygge or other piece of wood edged lyke to a knyfe be dypped and well wette in this water that the same cutteth awaye the swelling and wartes maye in lyke maner bée taken away with it This borrowed out of Fumanellus A water agaynst long continuing vlcers yea howe peryllous or wycked so euer they bée and the Fistula a medycine learned of a certayne religious person of which in another place we haue mencioned taught to mée many yeares agoe and by sundry practises tryed the same that it cleanseth all rottennesse and bringeth to healing yea and healeth them in a short tyme which is prepared and made after this maner take of Chalcitis or of the Romain Vitryoll one pounde of Salt nyter so much of water so much as shal suffice these boyle togither with a lyttle of quicksiluer Take of this water cleared two pyntes of quicksiluer one pounde the whole myxed together distyll in a Lymbecke and the distyllacion ended breake then the Glasse body and the substaunce within it which he as Feces or groun●e grinde fynely on a marble stone which distyll togyther agayne with the abouesayd water thrée or fowre tymes ouer For the vlcers being olde doth the powder remayning heale by applying vpon them withall the water This Fumanellus ▪ Another water taking away and healing Fistulaes knobbes or k●ottes Take of the oyle of Tyle stones fyue pyntes of vnquenched Lyme ●ew made thrée ounces of pure Arsenicke two ounces of Euphorbium one ounce all these distyll in a Lymbecke according to arte This Fuma●ellus Another mightyer water inputting away Fistulaes knobbes and wartes Take of the oyle of Tyle stones halfe a pynt of vnslaked Lyme fowre ounces of pure Ammoniacum so much of Euphorbium halfe an ounce all these myxed with the oyle distyll after arte in a Lymbecke and the distylled lycour ▪ kéepe to your vse This Fumanellus An Oyle for the cleansing of the Morphew take of whyte Tartare and of Salt nyter of eache a lyke these grynde finely on a smothe stone after make a hole in the myddle of the powder in which laye a burning coale and the oyle which runneth from the stone dilygently kéepe with the same annoynt the Morphew places and they shall speedily be cleansed and healed A strong water take of Orpymēte of Floris aeris of ech two ounces of Romaine vitryoll one pound and a halfe of Salt nyter two poundes of Alome thrée poundes all these dyligently brought to powder distyll according to art A strong water maruaylous in the curing of an old Fistula and that déepe entered within the bone borrowed out of a most auncient wrytten booke Take of Salt Ammoniaci of vitrioll of the redde and cytrine Orpymente of gréene copperase of each two drams eyther more or lesse according to the discrecion of the workeman all these brought to powder distyll in a glasse bodye well luted making a gentle fyre at the fyrst and increasing it so long vntyll the glasse body become redde that distylled keepe in a glasse closse stopped in that otherwyse it would breath out and consume away This water is of such a force and vertue that it pearceth the bones and for that cause one small droppe let fall in the hollow of the Fistula doth forthwith canterizate the same euen lyke to fyre After let the burning be taken or gotten away with the whyte of an egge or freshe butter and a warie application then vsed for the increasing of fleshe Another strong water take of Salt peter and of the Romaine Vitryoll of eache two poundes of Alome calcyned halfe a pound all these brought to powder distyll in a Cucurbite but I rather thinke a Retorte the better This water whytneth the téeth that be blacke if so be you applye a droppe of it on the téeth with a Goose feather and washe them after with spring or Conduite water A kynde of strong water auayling against wormes wartes and knobbes or lytle swellinges take of Salt Ammoniacum of Romayne vitryoll and of each two ounces of Sugar Alome and of vnslaked Lyme of eache halfe an ounce all these dilygentlye myxed distyll after arte Another water maruaylous in the Fistulaes and in the dyssoluing of pearles and the Gold in leaues Take of Salt Ammoniacum halfe a pounde of Salt niter three ounces of Tartare two ounces of cōmon salt halfe an ounce all these finely brought to powder and distylled by a Lymbecke keepe in a glasse close stopped A water which dyeth or coloureth Horses Dogges cloathes and Feathers of a greene colour take of Salt nyter one pound and of Smerilij halfe a pounde these fynelie brought to powder distyll by a Lymbecke the water kéepe in a glasse closse stopped For the taking away of a Canker a secrete of Master Frances
the artificiall Baulme which by a certayne imytacion and nere agréeing in the vse of the true Baulme was of the same at the first inue●●te● and put in vre of the auncient practissoners For when they wayed and understoode that both the one the other were falsyfied by the counterfayters and that those compound lycours which were solde and mynistred to men neyther agréed in substaunce nor properties by any maner to the true Baulme were upon the occasion the earnest lier moued for the auoyding of such an end ●nyt●●e and great harme that such a treasure especiallie shoulde no longer lye hyd and vnknowne to men vpon this good and so reasonable consideration they applyed theyr wyttes industrye to the attayning and trying out of a lycour nearest aunswering in properties of the precious Baulme And for that they might the commodiousser perfourme and bring it to passe inuented to vs a certayne generall kinde ▪ of the qualityes and properties of the true and naturall Baulme And s●ing by nature the Baulme is most hote and piersing and indued with a mightie propertie and drying or that mightylie ●ryeth of propertie for that cause especiallie this maye preserue bodyes verye long from putrifying being annoynted with it and put of old● age or mayntaine youth a long tyme for the perfourming of which they chose symple 〈…〉 of lyke propertie so nyghe as they coulde purchase which myrte might yéelde the lyke faculties so aptlye as arte coulde matche them Of which kynde that be principallest are the Myrre the Olybanum Frankensence and Aloes The next to these be the Turpentyne and Aqua vitae The thyrde sorte are these the gumme yuie Galbanum ●yquide stor●● the Woodde Aloes or Lignum aloes c. But from the purpose these disagrée not as the Galingale the Nutmegges the Cloues and many others of lyke kynde For all these being gathered into one by an artificiall coniecture matching was so made that of all these myxed togyther by a iu●● proportion in the Chymisticall arte they drewe an oyle which in faculties and consistence was most lyke and nearest agréeing to the true Baulme These hytherto agréeing in a maner to the wordes minde of Leonarde Fiorauant in the making of the artificiall Baulme So that to the making of the artificiall baulme is necessarily required ▪ that the Turpentine of it selfe with the essence of wyne be only 〈◊〉 in Balneo the other spyces after dyssolued in the essence and with the abouesayd oyle of Turpentyne by Balneum againe distylled For wrought in ashes or sand doth a grose oyle ascende euen with a most soft and easie fyre so that the same in the receauer come is then nothing woorth If so be you defyre or would perfitelie knowe a good and true Baulme from an euyll and falsyfied then after the mynde of Fallopius in his secretes cast or instyll certayne droppes of the Baulme into cleare water and with a stycke labour well the water ▪ that if the water then be troubled the Baulme is not perfite but contrariwyse the water if it shall abyde cleare then is the same true and good and doth gather it selfe alwaye● into one place It is to be considered and noted that out of thrée poundes of Turpentyne myxed with one handfull of Salt and a lytle of the essence of wyne are fowre ounces and a halfe of the oyle of Turpentyne distylled and gotten in Balneo Mariae Yet they ought to stande for certayne dayes before to putrifye Further that Turpentyne gyueth or yeeldeth more oyle of it selfe if the same be distylled by a small pype than by boyling water is to be doubted A marueylous Baulme made or drawne by arte most laudable and often tryed which serueth vnto dyuers and sundrye disseases and grieffes inuented by a synguler Greeke of great same in our tyme named Leonarde Fiorauante the making of which is on this wyse take of most fine Turpentyne one pound of the oyle of Bayes fowre ounces of Galbanum thrée ounces of gumme Arabick fowre ounces of pury Frankencense of Myrre ▪ of gumme yuie and of Lignum aloes of each three ounces of Galingale of Cloues of Consolida minor of Nutmegges of Cynamon of Zedoaria ▪ of Gynger of the whyte Dyttanye of each one ounce of Muske and Amber greese of each one dramme all these beate and labour togyther putting the whole after into a Retort to which adde or powre vpon ●i●e pynts of the best o●●ine●● Aqua vitae the tryall of which is on this wyse that a lynnen cloath wet in it and set on fyre burneth cleare which cloath so burning put into the Retorte that it may so cause the ●●ter to burne and the cloath in it togyther which thus burning ●turr● dilygentlye ▪ the water with the stuffe about letting the whole stande to infuse for nyne dayes which after the setting in Ashes distyll according to arte the same which distylleth and commeth forth is a whyte water with an oyle togyther and on such wyse procéede forward with a softe fyre vntyll you sée the oyle begynne to come forth black●she incontynent vpon that syght chaunge your Receauer setting vnder another and increase the fyre stronger vntyll all the spyrites of the substaunce he come forth of the bodye all which throughlye come seperate then the oyle from that blacke water and eache kéepe a parte by it selfe and the lyke doe with the fyrst water in seperating the oyle and kéeping eache a part The first water which is whyte is named the baulme water the oyle seperated from that water is named the baulme oyle The seconde water blackishe is named the mother of baulme the lycour seperated from that water is named the artificiall baulme ▪ which ought to be kept as a most precious Iewell And this composition haue I gathered and dygested into such a perfection as in my opinion séemeth not no defull of any further addicion besydes I haue made many practises and tryals of all these matters here vnder vttered The first water come and dropped into the eyes doth marueylously cleare and preserue the sight of the eyes and washing the face with this water maketh after a most comely bewtyfull face it preserueth youth and putteth of olde age it breaketh and dyssolueth the stone of the kydneys and causeth the pacient to pysse which otherwyse is letted by a certayne fleshie stopping in the way this also cureth all maner of wounds happening in any part of the bodye and of what condicion so euer they be by the washing with this water and the applying vppon of Lynnen cloathes wette in this water which sundrye tymes exercised wyll shewe so marueylous a working as though the same were done by the blessed hand of God onely This besydes mightily helpeth the personnes in a consumption and all maner of rewmes and the coughe This water also bathed or rather fomentedon the Sciatica or ache in the hyppe causeth the payne forthwith to ceasse That other water named the mother of baulme fomented on
and of Polypodie of eache halfe an ounce of Lycoryse and of Annise of each halfe a dram of Fennel séedes two ounces of Colyander séedes prepared halfe an ounce of that wythie on the mountaine and of Cummine of each one dram of blaunched Almondes halfe a pound of Reysons of the Sunne washed with wyne halfe a pounde all these orderly stamped and beaten togyther put into the abouesayd bodye or Cucurbyte with the Hony others And if there be not sufficient of Aqua vitae powre then more vpon the whole letting these stand to digest for seuen dayes close stopped after distyll the substance in syfted ashes set within thrée fingers breadth of the bottome of the potte the ashes artly put about the bodye the head and Receauer being artly luted in the ioyntes that no ayre breathe forth which after sublyme for fowre howers with a verie soft easie fyre least the Hony boyleth vp and a cleare water then yssueth is gathered in the Receauer after which increase the fyre and you shall see come a yellowe water then drawe awaye the Receauer putting vnder another glasse which you shall like lute as the first to the nose of the head the first water then come kéepe seuerall and a part and strengthen or increase your fyre And when the yelow colour in the water shall cease make your fyre againe stronger then before and a water blackishe wyll yssue and when you shall see a fume aryse then ceasse for you haue drawen sufficient whych water also kéepe a part letting the Cucurbite then stand to coole in the Furnace before the drawing forth Into the first water put of fol●● Iudi one dramme of Amber one dramme of Muske so much and fifteene leaues or sheetes of Golde which after the mixing diligently keepe If you will apply of this white water to the head then adde to it of Bytonie or of Buglosse water one ounce which mixe and drinke in the morning fasting For this fortifyeth all the members To an ounce of Malmesie or good wine adde a sponefull of this water which myxed togyther will bée whyte as milke the same drynke with a fasting stomacke two howers before meate and it preserueth all the members For the lyuer vse of it with one ounce of the Succorie Sage Mulberie or Endiue water For the breast and cough proceeding of a colde rewme vse of it with Hysope water or the water of Louage Vnto the heart minister of it with Borrage or Buglosse water or of Yarrow with Wormewood or Baulme water vnto the stomacke For the Lunges with the water of Lung wort ▪ mayden heare or Polipodie For the Splene with the water of Hartes tunge For the gyddinesse of the head Apoplexie with the water of the Pyonie rootes or Hypericone For the Stone with the Radish roote water or the water of Alkekengi In the retention or staying backe of vrine with water●resse water or the parcely or sa●i●rage water For the eyes with Fennell Celondine or eye bright water In the retention or staying backe of the Termes with the water of Mugworte or with the water of the rootes and herbes of Mader In the ouer great fluxe of the termes with the water of playntayne or Solanum In the harming or hurt of the matrice through the ygnoraunce of the Mydwyfe or of a colde cause whereof shee can not after conceyue wi●h chylde let hyr vse of this with the water of Valerian or Bytonie or Lyuerwoort In the spottes of the face take of Pympernell water fowre drams or ounces of this water one dram or ounce which after the myxing annoynt the face with it morning and euening drincke also of this water with the water of Endiue twyse or thryse in the wéeke It cureth the Canker by annoynting with it and dropped into the Fistula spéedily healeth it this helpeth a colde ache in any of the ioyntes by applying of it vpon In Agues adde to it of Folefoote halfe a handfull which put into a glasse with a quarter of a pynte of Alome water letting these stande to dygest for three dayes which after shyfte into another glasse then of these an hower before the comming of the fytte of the Ague drincke one sponefull and annoynt the Temples the Nose the pulses the backe and the Mylte The Cytryne oyle hath many vertues if the same shall be annoynted on grieffes The blacke oyle is of great vertue in the ioynt sicknesse euen lyke to a baulme and the whyte is named the golden water Take of Lauender eyght ounces of Sage so much of Cynanamon and of Mace of eache one ounce of Gynger of Nutmegges of Cloues of eache one ounce and a dram of Rubarbe and of Galingale of eache one dram of small Reysons two ounces of the graynes of Paradize and of the redde Saunders of each halfe an ounce of Cubebae two drams let the Reysons bée beaten a part the spyces put laboured a part which after put al togyther into a Cucurbyte addyng to these one measure and a halfe of Malmesie or of other good wyne the same then dilygentlye stoppe setting it in newe earth towarde the Sunne for fifteene dayes which after distyll by a Lymbecke with a Receauer luted to it and begynning with a softe fyre Take of Turpentyne sixe drammes of Diagridij fiue drammes of Ginger two drams of Mastick of white Saunders ▪ of each one dram of Sugar halfe a pound ▪ of fine wheaten flower one pynte make of the whole a thynne paste ▪ which bake after the maner of hostes or wauer bread of which take one or two in the morning fasting with fleshe broth or Pease broth with Buglosse water c. A most excellent oyle for the recouery of the weake memory for the coldnesse and moysture of the braine which very often proued on the Aucthour and on many others to his great ●umendation Take of Rosemarie flowers as many as you thinke good of these distyll a water of this water then take one pynt the same put into an vrynall bodye of Glasse well fensed about with strong lute into which after put of Nutmegges of Cloues of the graynes of Paradyze of Cynamon of Cubebae of Mace of Gynger of eache one ounce of Muske fowre carates or sixteene graynes wayght of long Pepper one dramme of Saffron thrée drams of Galingale two drams all these brought to powder and myxed togyther incorporate with the Rosemarye water which let stande to putrifye for thrée whole dayes ▪ after the setting in syfted ashes distyll according to arte and continue the fyre vnto the burning of the Feces or that the Feces rest burned After gette a pynt of the water of Rosemarye leaues distylled which myxe togyther with the sayd water alreadie distylled these then powred into a strong glasse and set into Balneo ouer the fyre boyle vnto the consumption of the halfe which done take of the oldest oyle Olyue that you can finde one pynt of oyle de Been one ounce of Euphorbium and
be thus druncke vp which done put al your small and fine pieces of Tyles into that croked body named a Retorte the same dilygently fence with the lute of wysdome to which fasten a receauer to receyue the drops distylling the first which commeth wyll be a water but in the end wyl a most pure oyle distyl forth which you may vse vnto the mollifying softning of members this Bartholomeus Maggius in the cure of harde swellings I learned sayth the Aucthour of a certaine Alchymister in Padua in Italie that Sande very well washed after syfted and myxed with the waxe molten would let the rysing and boyling vp of the waxe There be some which to waxe all other Rosen substances to be distylled put to glasse fyne brought to powder ▪ by which meanes it letteth the rysing of the waxe but this then causeth in the distyllacion that the oyles after distylled with it purchase a certayne strange and an vngratefull sauour through the salt Alkali for which cause this ought vtterly to be refused Some say that in the distylling it maketh a noyse as it woulde breake the glasse The oyle of waxe worketh myracles in the ceasing of paynes as of the gowte and ioynt aches This to conclude is a singuler remedy to many grieffes and a most temperate oyle for which cause it is highly commended in wounds and vlcers An oyle of waxe that healeth the clofts choppes of the hippes and choppes or other sorenesse that happen on the Tettes of womens breastes borrowed out of a written booke in the Italian tongue take of the oyle of new waxe distylled by a glasse in the same maner altogither as the oyle of Frankensence is distylled with this oyle annoynt the chops of the hyps and Tettes of womens breasts they are spedily healed and it nothing hyndreth that the chyld suck in the night time for this taketh away the paine An Oyle of waxe myraculous and dy●ine that helpeth most diseases and healeth a great wound in ten or twelue dayes at the most but a lytle wound in thrée dayes by applying of the oyle on the wound cloathes wet in it on the place it stayeth also the shedding of the heyre of the head heard and giuen to the quantity of one dram by the mouth mightily deliuereth the Collick wyndy gripings of the body The making of the foresayd oyle is on this wyse take a glasse Retort which dilygently lute into which put such quantity of waxe as you thinck necessary so ● it excedeth not the halfe of the glasse to each pound of the waxe adde fowre oūces of Bricke in powder or rather more aptlye make the waxe into many smal balles with the powder of the Brick which after put into a Retort setting it into a pan of ashes or sande vnder which make a soft fyre vntil al the oyle be come which although it conieale or thicken in the glasse it forceth not sayth the Aucthour as touching to his perfection for if you should distill the oyle so often ouer vntyll it wyll no more conieale it would be ●uer hote and sharpe to take by the mouth so that once distylled sufficeth to be gyuen inward and to annoynt on the outward parts of the body that alwayes helpeth and neuer harmeth This borrowed out of the gréeke practisioner Leonarde Fiorauant An oyle of Rosen simple seruing vnto sundry vses distylled on this wyse take a glasse Retort being well fensed with lute into this put of Rosen vnto the quantity of half the glasse full to euery pound adde of fi●e sifted ashes thrée ounces which after set into a pan filled with sand or ashes standing in a Furnace vnder which make a soft fire the first which commeth wyll be a water the same setting a time wyl be most cleare after it foloweth an oyle by making the fire stronger the ysseweth forth of a Rubine color the same after the setling certaine daies kéepe in a glasse close stopped the water first come serueth vnto sūdry purposes amōg which it myraculously cureth the swellings choppings of the handes proceeding of cold in the wynter time by holding thē first ouer the fume of hote water boiling in the euening annointing thē after with the distilled water then drawing o● glooues on the hands by which doing this healeth thē in a very short time This also doth spedily cure the fowle scurse of the head the scab other like matters The oyle serueth in many grieffes especially in all maner of cold grieffes if that they be inward by taking one scruple at a time by the mouth fasting if any grieffes be outward thē annoynt of it on the places ▪ and on great wounds ▪ annoynt only of this oyle without eyther applying playster or tent it cureth in a short tyme and a bruse in lyke maner annoynted with it doth spedilie dyssolue the same sundry other matters this doth not here mencioned this out of the greeke Fiorauant An Oyle of Frogges right profitable to such payned with the Gowte to ioynt aches members ouer febled whose discription Gesnerus receyued of that learned Georgius Pictorius ▪ take of oyle Olyue one pynt of ryuer Frogges fowre in number these put a lyue into the oyle letting them so remayne vntyll they be dead after the whole powred into a new earthen pot sensed with clay and the mouth close stopped boyle with a softe fyre vnto the parting and dyssoluing of the fleshe from the bones Let the frogges after bée taken forth of the Oyle and beaten in a morter which put agayne into the Oyle boyling it after with a verye soft fyre one boyling more this done take it from the fyre and strayne the same that the oyle may so be cleare from his Fe●es to which then adde of cleare and washed Turpentine fowre ounces these by the fyre without any more boyling myxe dyligently togyther This oyle is precious aboue measure Of the water of the Frogges legges reade among the water of Beasts An Oyle prepared and made of the redde Serpent that auayleth against Scroffles take a redde Serpent or Adder as I iudge cutting of the head and tayle the rest of the bodie put into an earthen potte full of small holes in the bottome this set into another potte but that second set into a vessell of boyling water where let the water boyle so long vntyll you suppose that the oyle of the Serpent be distylled into the neather potte and that the Serpent it self be consumed in the vpper pot With this fat ▪ powder of the roote of Caphars myxed togyther the Scroffles annoynted for eyght dayes togyther are throughly healed An Oyle of Scorpions distylled against poysons borrowed out of a written booke take of the oldest oyle Olyue as much as you wyll into it put of Scorpions so many as you can purchase and gather in the moneth of Iulie to which after adde of whyte Dyttanie of the leaues of wormewood of Byttonie of Veruayne and of
lyke to Christall the coniealed take of or away for the same is the stone laboured and desired And this may aptly be prepared and made in the monethes of Iune Iulie and August A syngular way of making Borace that at this daye is in vse with the Goldsmythes which was brought out of Alexandria vnto the Aucthour and out of an Italian booke by him into Latyn turned Take of Goates mylke distylled and poured into a Glasse bodie adde to it of roche Alome brought to pouder that it may easily be dissolued without fire in the water of the mylk The whole poured into a narrow necked Glasse let the water be well two fingers breadth aboue the Alome which close couered let so stand for fiue or sixe weekes or vntyll the Alome appeareth a part which from the water must be seperated or taken and put into another Glasse Which thus ordered take two poundes of Oyle of sweete Almondes and fowre poundes of the marrow of an Oxe or Cowe the marrow with the Oyle mixe so togyther that it maye melt and be dissolued ▪ which after straine through a Linnen cloth you shall obtaine a thicke Oyle To this Oile adde the abouesayd Alome in such maner that the Oyle couereth two fingers breadth aboue the Alome the same then set in the Sunne for three monethes or a longer tyme which is the better and on such wyse shall you prepare and make what quantitie of Boraxe you wyll and this conceaue to be a most excellent secrete For it is the true Boraxe which is made in Alexandria Another composition out of the same D.H.D. Take of Alome purged from the Feces which Dyars vse and of the same with water drayned through strong Ashes able to beare an egge make a Lye after take a quantitie of the past of Boraxe which you mind to haue the same put into a vessell to which powre such a quantitye of scaldyng Lye as wyll couer the paste and with Canell let them be wel incorporated togither then let the whole stand vntyl the ●eces be setled in the bottome Which so ordered ingeniously seperate the Lye as aboue taught that the paste maye be well seperated and purged of all groundes and fylthe After take the whole Lye and powre vpon the paste of the Boraxe these in the boyling in a panne or potte skymme verye pure and cleane And the skimme kéepe a part in a vessel for in it is an Oyle contained which kyndled burneth lyke a Candle That you may rightlye iudge and know of the perfite boyling of the same instyll certayne droppes of it on a marble stone or on your nayle and if it remaine coniealed it is then sufficient Another perfit way borowed out of a Goldsmithes booke of fame with vs Take of Alome one poūd which breake in a grosse maner to it adde of pure cléere Gum Arabicke one quarter of a pound verie fyne brought to pouder of the séedes or corne of Wheate and Barlye of each one quarter and a halfe the seedes of the Wheate Barlie powre into an earthen vessel glased within which couer with warme Cowe mylke after set these into whote Horse doong for fiue and fiftye dayes and at euerie seuen dayes ende renue it with newe whote doong Another wel lyked and to be put in vse Take two partes of auncient oyle Olyue and one part of new Cow mylke these after the myxing togyther powre into a Glasse with a narrowe mouth to which adde of roche Alome such a quantity chopped into pieces so bygge as a Date that the licours may well be two fingers breadth aboue the Alome then burie the Glasse in hote Horse doong for fiftye dayes and let the doong be sufficient hote all that season after drye the substaunce in the shadow c. A speciall paste of Borace take of white Sope which finelye raspe or scrape the same myxe with Honny boyle so long togither in an earthen pan vntyl the whole becommeth tēder this prooued A worthy confectiō of Boraxe take of roche Alome two ounces and resolue two ounces of Salt Alkali dissolued which put into a Tyn vessel ouer a soft fyre to boyle for halfe an houre after draw forth the water myxe with the same two ounces of Salt Geme brought to pouder and so much of Salt Alkali and of Honny two pyntes and one pynt of Cow mylke these then set in the Sun for thrée dayes and you shall purchase stones Another speciall manner and that good is thus made perfyte vnto all iudgementes Take of Salt Armoniacke one ounce of Gumme Arabicke two ounces of Masticke and of roche Alome of each halfe an ounce of Salt nitre one ounce of cōmon Salt two ounces of Tartare calcyned one ounce all these finelye brought to pouder poure into a Glasse with vryne which boyle vntyll it be thycke Of potable Golde of the oyle of Golde and pouder of the Sunne or the Golde of Lyfe The .xiij. Chapter THE auncient Philosophers in tymes past had diuers opinions in the dyssoluing of Golde and yet vnto this day the same not of the learned fullye vttered whether so pure and perfyte substaunce as the Golde is may be purchased by mans industrye with any Arte force and propertie of fire to be resolued into a perfyter and purer lycour For which cause wée shall here vnder vtter certayne disputacions and argumentes of this kynde euen as we founde them written in scroules in the treasure of Euonymus And all those in a manner are propouned of learned men on eyther part by their Letters familyarlye written to D. Gesnerus And first of all doth a certayne most syngular Phisition of great report and fame with vs defende thus the Negatyue part If so be sayth he an Oyle of Golde may be prepared and made then the Alchymisters woulde obtayne and possesse all thinges For neyther an Oyle nor water is purchased except it be reduced into a spirit and the substaunce of the same perfitly mixt dissolued The same whether it may be compassed and done I beseeche you to reuolue and ponder according to your learned and Philosophicall vnderstanding Yet may Golde be dyssolued and into verie small partes in so much that with the lycour in the distyllation ▪ as they name it it may ascende Notwithstanding certaine it is that the substaunce of Golde doth remayne And many thinges there be which so dyssolue the Golde that they reduce it into verye small partes But do drawe a water or oyle out of Golde the skylfull practysioners know yet beleeue meacute e that none hytherto which affirmed this performed the matter in deede which if he coulde or knew the same he would be rytcher then Croesus I doe not denye but that a stone and tinctures maye be wrought and done yet consider a lytle I praye you that these be but tryfles and to small purpose So that howe in a Golden vessell the keuer of Golden vessell can no● be 〈…〉 a dreame 〈…〉 as the most instructions in a
seperated from the oyle and the Oyle mixed togyther with the strongest Aqua vitae which sometymes must be seperated againe by dystyllacion from the oyle And the iudgement of the perfection of the oyle is learned after this maner let a lytle of the Oyle be annoynted on a piece of fleshe which if it gylde not the same but pierceth vnto the déepe partes of it so that no shewe of Golde any where appeareth then is the distyllacion and working cunninglye handled And the singular practisioners affyrme this Oyle to exceede both in vertue and propertie any other potable Golde howe so euer the same shall be prepared A potable Gold borrowed out of an Italian Pamphlet take of the Pomeyse stone brought to powder two poundes of the finest Golde in leaues eyght ounces these verye well labour togyther after take other fowre poundes of the sayde stone in powder without golde then let a Bed be made of the Pomeyse and another on this course of the Pomeyse with the Golde proceeding by lyke order agayne in a glased Potte luted that no ayre breath forth which done set the Pot in a Furnace making vnder a temperate fyre for fortie dayes after drawe forth the water of Lyfe as you knowe that is powre the water of Lyfe on it and the golde as an Oyle shall ascende A potable Golde which is reported to haue bene prepared of Raymunde Lullie He tooke of the purest Gold so much as he thought néedefull which in Aqua fortis dyssoluing especially gold be first dyssolued but after he drewe forth a water and spyrites by distyllation vnto the through drying of the matter wrought wholye after the maner of precypitate practised in our tyme The same thus dryed he after in a wyne Seller brought into an Oyle which he perfourmed by the fift daye and myxing it with other apte matters gaue it to drincke This is easye to be done and a spéedie way and well to be regarded A potable Golde is thus made borrowed out of an auncient Alchymie booke written Potable Golde must bée made in the same manner as afore vttered where out of the same boo●e wee haue taught the way to make the oyle of Vitryoll And in the same manner maye all precious stones be brought and made potable not by adding Mercurie but onely Sulphure or Brymstone Therefore take what precious Stone you wyll and the same grynde verye fine on a Marble stone to it then adde so much wayght of Sulfure vyue most finely grynded these powred into a Crucyble set after on quick coales vntyll the Crucyble become so red as a burning coale and that the Brymstone be burned breathed forth This powder remayning powre againe on a Marble stone to which adde a lyke wayght of Brimstone these worke the lyke as aboue taught doe the same againe a thyrde tyme which done thy stone then shall be sufficient prepared Of this powder take halfe a dramme and of the foresayde water thrée ounces these powre togyther into a lyttle Glasse and cause the water to waxe whyte and thy stone after shall remayne as paste to which then adde the water of Lyfe and you shall possesse the precious Stone potable Such potable Stones doe myghtylye auayle agaynst dyuers affectes and sycknesses of the Body A Medycine reuealed of God for the preseruing of mannes health and lyfe a long tyme yea resysting the Leprye and contayning in it many marueylous and bydde vertues Take of the purest Golde brought into verye fyne powder thrée drams of chosen Baulme one dramme of chosen Myrre of Aloes Hepaticke of Frankencense and of pure Ladamum of eache two drammes of Camphora fyue drammes let the whole bee wrought and made with the Oyle of Mandrake Apples and Baulme myxed togyther Of this Medycine let the Pacient receyue one dramme or halfe a dramme once in a moneth and dryncke on it a Glasse full of burnyng Wyne myxed with the water of Buglosse and Rosemarye flowers myxed and dystylled togyther by a Lymbecke This is a royall and famous medycine whose myghtie prayses are innumerable and not ●ytte to bée communicated to the vnworthy This also is compared to potable Golde yet if pure Golde were resolued into a water without corrosyues and myxed with the abouesayde matters it woulde be a muche preciousser medycine If any also woulde preserue youth a long tyme and coulde not compasse or attaine the lyke medycine let him vse Chebulis preserued with his syrupe Another potable Golde most excellent before any other ▪ take of the oldest wyne so much as shall suffice the same powre into a glasse Lymbecke after lute the head body togyther in the ioynt the Receauer in lyke maner then let the distyllation be done in Balneo Mariae by seperating the fowre Elementes from it as the fyrst water comming forth shall be sharpe tending vnto an vnsauerye taste which is nothing woorth ▪ The second water shall be most sharpe felt lyke fyre which also is vnprofitable The thyrd shall be swéete in taste the same is the best for that is an Ayereall matter The fourth water wyll be altogyther vnsauery which is nothing woorth and is named earth Nowe take of the abouesayde swéete water as the Ayereall matter fyue ounces of the purest Golde dryuen into verye thynne plates and clypped into lyttle pieces one ounce and a halfe these powre togyther into a small Glasse Lymbecke verye well fenced with Lute in the bottome which distyll by the space of fyue dayes with the lyght of fowre Candles as the fygure here vnder to the eye playner demonstrateth The fyue dayes being ended remooue the flame or lyght and put vnder a meane fyre of coales for the space of fowre and twentye howers and the whole water shall passe or fall into the Receauer and the Golde shall r●mayne in the bottome of the Lymbecke being then a most cleare Oyle which is the true and syncere Gold potable and most precious for the vse of Phisicke It is a certaine skylfull man often vsed without the commyxion of others with the water of Lyfe And it auayleth or cureth the shedding of teares of the eyes if into the outward corner of his eye the pacient lying vpryght a droppe or halfe droppe of it be distylled VVhere you see the candelsticke stande there must the burning flame with the foure lyghtes be set And an olde deafenesse is holpen but whether procéeded of any cause I can not ryghtly affyrme by distylling one drop after arte into the eare It throughly healeth the French scabbe if the heads of the pushes be afore clypped and the scarres annoynted with the same after this maner If the pushes shall be olde then these ought fyrst to be lowe seared away with a burning Iron or déepe clypped with a payre of shéeres after the vlcered places annoynted with the onely Oyle That if the pushes shal be new then annoint the oyle onely on them in this maner many were restored as by a sure practise sundrie tymes experienced
it It strengtheneth the gummes and Iawes by often gargelling and represseth the hote styllinges from the heade The water closeth the freshe woundes in the vpper face of the fleshe and dryeth vp olde Vlcers being orderly applyed Neuerthelesse this water harmeth them which be grieued wyth paynes of the stomacke procéeding of wynde and coldenesse and that hardly fetch breath The water of Bryonie The .xiiij. Chapter THe roote of Bryonie shredde small requyreth to be dystilled about the ende of May This water drunke to the quantitie of foure ounces at a time with the conserue of Quinces a little Ma●ticke helpeth digestion clenseth the breast mundifieth the brayne openeth the stoppings of the bowels causeth Vrine expelleth the stone in the Kidney● deliuereth the falling sicknesse The water g●●en with the ●rrup of Roses and Figges wrought togither doth marueylously helpe the Cough and resolueth hard swellings especially of the Mylt The water drunke with a little Cynamone draweth downe the Termes purgeth the whole wombe and expelleth the deade yongling the rather if she sitteth in the decoction of the rootes The féete washed and laboured with the faine preuayleth against the gout Foure ounces of the water drunke with a dramme weyght of s●me Cordiall pouder amendeth an euill stomacke but eyght ounces receyued at a tyme looseth the Bellie The water asswageth the burning heate of the Shingles putteth away vnséemely spottes moles and pimples yea cleareth a redde and L●pr●●● face and amendeth the scarres of woundes if it be often applyed after the forme of a Liniment The water applyed with Linnen clothes wet in it doth recouer a running Palsie and putteth away a swelling and the ●ing● euill The water sundrie dayes drunke doth marueylously helpe the suffocation or strangling of the Matrice insomuch that it throughly deliuereth and healeth such of the same griefe And a 〈◊〉 dayly de●e● in a 〈◊〉 with this griefe for certaine yeares was in the ende throughly cured of the same by drinking of the water boyled with an ounce of the roote swéetned with Sugar at the going to Bedde once in the wéeke for one whole yeare The water of Shepeheardes Purse The .xv. Chapter THe Herbe with the whole substance gathered and shredde small requireth to be dystilled in Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye or beginning of Iune This water drunke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme with a little fine Bole and Plantaine water is profitable for all maner of fluxes and grypings of the Bellie and helpeth the spitting vp of Bloude in the same maner druncke stayeth the abundance of the Termes in women if they sit in the decoction of the Herbe and Persicaria or Arssmart The water orderly applyed closeth freshe woundes and mitigateth the dolour of all woundes by washing them oftentimes with it This also dropped warme into the eares ▪ amendeth the matterie running of them The water applyed with Lynnen clothes wette in it on Inflammations and the Shingles mightily preuayleth Yea it stayeth all fluxes of Bloude by applying Lynnen clothes wette in it round about or on the place This also commended for the washing of wounds on the heade in that it mightilye stayeth bléeding and the same druncke to the quantitie of vj. or .vij. ounces swéetened with a little Sugar stayeth the bléeding of woundes The water restrayneth the bléeding at the Nose if a Pessarie made with rawe silke and dipped or wette in the same be put vp into the Nosethrils The lyke it perfourmeth if with a Lynnen cloth wette in the water it be applyed on the foreheade The water of Camomill The .xvi. Chapter THe Herbe Camomill with the whole substaunce shredde requireth to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbite of Glasse about the ende of May or beginning of Iune This water drunke morning and euening to the quantitie of two or thrée ounces at a tyme swéetned with Sugar doth mittigate the paine of the Bellie and grypings in the Bowels It strengtheneth the sinewes taketh away the Palsie and softeneth styffe members The same quantitie drunck with Rosed honnie looseth the Bellie purgeth downewarde Melancholie and Fleugme with other clammie humors and asswageth heate in the Bowels The water in lyke quantitie druncke amendeth the yelowe Iaundyse openeth the Vrinall wayes procureth vrine breaketh the stone of the bladder and Kidneys by mixing the Saxifrag● water with it It mooueth the Termes in women and expelleth the deade yongling if any such be in the wombe of the woman all clammie humors besides of the Matrice This water druncke in the lyke maner abouesayde doth put away Agues without burning in the bowels procéeding of Cholericke humors or by thicknesse of the skynne It also openeth the Mylt stopped putteth awaye swelling of the stomacke by comforting and heating it stayeth besides the fluxe of the Bellie named Lienteria In the abouesayde maner druncke recouereth the impostume of the Lunges and amendeth the Leprie The water applyed with Lynnen clothes on the vlcered priuities asswageth heate and diminisheth the payne The water druncke and applyed with Lynnen clothes wette in it doth spéedily heale the bytte and stinging of venimous wormes and beastes The water profiteth the Marrowe or Bones if they shall be felt colde by often washing and rubbing of them with the same It also comforteth the Brayne ceaseth headach procéeding of a colde cause stayeth the colde running of the eares and draweth downe euill humors from the Brayne gathered of colde if the heade by a Lye made with the floures boyled in it be well washed The water of Honysuckles The .xvij. Chapter THe tyme congruent to the Dystillation is that the flowers bestowed in a Cucurbite of Glasse be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of Iune This water druncke foure or fiue dayes morning and euening recouereth the Cardiacke passion and harde fetching of breath The water druncke in the same maner helpeth the Dropsie the shortnesse of wynde causing a long breath and purgeth the stomacke This in lyke maner preuayleth agaynst the stone of the Loynes purgeth the reynes and dissolueth the swelling of the Mylt yet by drincking a long time togither of this procureth barraynesse all the life time This water is profitable for them to drincke which feare the cōming of the Leaprie and purgeth the bloud it also amendeth the redde pushes in the Face putteth awaye Moles and causeth a cleare face if it be dyuers tymes in the daye washed wyth the same the water is effectuous for Palsie mēbres which be dryed and consumed if with the same they be dayly rubbed it profiteth olde and new woundes washed morning and euening wyth the same it also healeth spéedily olde vlcers on the legges as the worthie Chyrurgian Iohannes de Vigo affirmeth if they be often washed with the same this annoynted on any swellinges healeth them or druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme The water doth lyke recouer astonished or benummed partes of the body by
diuers dayes drincking or rubbing them wyth it it healeth the burning or scalding if the places shall be washed wyth the same or linnen clothes wet in it applyed vpon them it healeth the Canker in the mouth if it be often washed wyth the same and the gummes vlcered within the mouth A Canker washed wyth the same morning and euening or if linnen clothes wette in it be often applyed doth in short time cure the sore The water dropped into the eyes doth amende a thicke and dimme sight The water healeth a Fistula putteth awaye whelkes the ytche and fowle scabbes by often washing wyth the same The water of Centorie the lesser The .xviij. Chapter THe tyme of Distilling this Centorie is about the ende of Iune then the stalkes leaues and flowers shred togither require to be distilled by Balneo Mariae in a cucurbite of glasse this water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a tyme is right profitable for them which haue a rawe and colde stomacke for all that which is euill and hurtfull in the same it cōsumeth this druncke in the like quantitie abouesayde draweth and sendeth forth Choller Flewme and other grosse Humours by sieges This water druncke of a Childe to the quantitie of twoo ounces but of a man of full age fower ounces in the morning fasting expelleth the wormes in the bellye the same druncke at the beginning of the fitte putteth away the Ague but druncke for thrée morninges fasting swéetned with sugar auayleth agaynst all Agues The water druncke in the maner abouesayde helpeth the harde fetching of breath and putteth away an olde cowgh The water druncke of a woman expelleth out of the wombe the dead younglyng This is ryght profitable for staying the desire to vomite belching of the stomacke it procureth an appetyte to meate purgeth and expelleth grosse Humours of which are woont to procéede Ache and payne in the hyppes féete and handes the Iaundyse and others lyke The water swéetned with sugare and druncke in the morning fasting recouereth the stopping of the Lyuer Loynes Milte and Bladder and amendeth the hardnesse of the Lyuer and Milte it preuayleth agaynst the Chollicke passion gripinges of the bowels The water closeth and cureth new woundes bigge if they be washed with the same or by Lynnen clothes wette in it applyed vppon and olde vlcers that may hardly be brought to a scarre are dooing in the same maner couered wyth a scarre The water druncke much auayleth in the spitting of Bloude The water mixed wyth a little Honny and dropped into the eyes greatly cleareth them the same druncke sendeth downe the Termes This druncke helpeth the sinews affected by emptying and drying vp the matter offending The water swéetned wyth Sugar and druncke fasting is much auayleable for the obstructions of the lyuer and applyed aswell without the bodie as receyued inwarde is a singular remedie in the hardnesse of the Milte The water of Cherryes The .xix. Chapter THe great redde and sower Cherries wyth short stalkes when they shal● be rype are to be gathered And for twoo dayes spreade abr●de on a shete after distilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbite of glasse This water druncke twise or thrise a day to the quantitie of fower ounces at a tyme swéetned wyth a little sugar doth restrayne the termes the fluxe Dysenteria and all other Fluxes of the Bellie In the same maner druncke and applyed without amendeth the heate of the Lyuer stomacke and other partes of the Bodie and comforteth the heart The distilled water of the flowers dropped into the eyes at euening when the pacient goeth to bedde putteth away the pinne and webbe and other spottes of the eyes and the water lyke putteth awaye the rednesse watering of the eyes if it shall be dropped into them twise or thrise a day The water of the blacke Cherries distilled in the same maner druncke twise a daye to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme helpeth the Dropsie but it behooueth that the pacient in the meane time refraine frō taking any other drinck The water druncke in the same maner remooueth the depryuation and Palsie of membres so that they be washed and rubbed with the same and let to drye in by it selfe in lyke maner washing and gargelling the mouth with it restoreth the vse of the tongue lost Also such annoyed wyth those griefes ought dayly to drincke the water fasting to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme The water druncke helpeth swellings and is auayliable in burning and pestilent Agues in that it cooleth seasseth thirst and yéeldeth strength The water of the rype blacke Cherries newlye distilled in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae druncke to the quantitie of halfe an ounce at a time or powred into the mouth at the tyme of the fytte of the falling sickenesse doth forthwith reuyue the person to knowledge of himselfe and causeth hym to be frée from convulsions and Crampes vntill the next fitte take hym Which assoone as it shall happen to come agayne let the same quantitie of the water be powred into the pacients mouth for this not onely shall let but take awaye and heale altogither the fitte as the lyke of experience knowne A certayne woman afflicted wyth the falling sickenesse recouered health and was delyuered throughly of it by the dayly receyuing at the fittes of the water distilled of the blacke Cherries the lesser Nettill and the flowers of the trée named Tilia The water distilled of the meate and kernelles brused togither doth sende foorth the sande procuring the stone in the Kidneyes and Bladder The Gumme of the trée infused a tyme in this water and druncke twise a day is not onely auayleable agaynst an olde cough but helpeth such as are vexed wyth the stone The water of Cheruell The .xx. Chapter THe chosen time for the distilling of Cheruell is that the herbe the roote wyth the whole substaunce finely shred be distilled by Balneo Mariae about the midle of Maye This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of foure ounces at a tyme helpeth persons bursten and harmed by a grieuous fall and resolueth the Bloude clotted into lumpes The same drunke helpeth the stone of the Kidneyes and a great quantitie druncke at a tyme looseth the Bellie it causeth a good stomacke strengthneth and comforteth the heart putteth awaye the colde shiuering or shaking of the Ague amendeth the heade comforteth the senses The water druncke in the maner abouesayde putteth away most great paynes and prickinges or stitches it helpeth the Lunges and his affectes or griefes The water of Germander The .xxi. Chapter THe time of the distillation is about the middle of Maye then the herbe wyth the whole substaunce shredde small requyreth to be distilled by Balneo Mariae The water druncke fasting to the quantitie of foure ounces at a tyme dissolueth the swollen and harde Milt prouoketh Vryne sendeth downe the termes This druncke in lyke quantitie cutteth asundre
the grosse and clammie Humours clenseth the stoppinges of the bowelles and expelleth the youngling deade This water for an inwarde rupture is right profitable if to the quantitie of foure ounces at a tyme it be often tymes in the day druncke The water dayly druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme swéetned with a little sugare purgeth and causeth good Bloud gladneth the heart refresheth and cooleth the Lyuer especially if it shall be distilled with the flowers The water also recouereth the exulceration of the mouth if it be often washed wyth the same The water of the stocke Gelyflowere The .xxij. Chapter THe congruente tyme for the dystillation is about the ende of Aprill or myddes of Maye when the flowers shall be full blowen then the hearbe wyth the whole substance finely shredde ought to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbyte of Glasse This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of two ounces at a time recouereth the Frenticke person comforteth the Brayne The water in the same maner druncke strengthneth the Lyuer and Kidneyes procureth the Termes causeth women to be fruitfull clenseth them after the byrth of Childe and sendeth foorth the younglyng dead In the same maner the water druncke heateth and comforteth the hearte colde sharpneth the senses and reason ioyeth the mynde clenseth strengthneth the Bloude corrupt heateth the marrow of the bones and recouereth colde Fluxes The depriuatiō or Palsie of the tongue doth the water helpe or if the sydes shall be molested wyth thys euill the water throughly recouereth by drincking twise a daye of it or rubbing the membres therewyth The water deliuereth the trembling of the handes if they be rubbed wyth the same the lyke doth the water performe druncke Morning and Euening The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of two ounces at a tyme temperateth the heate of the heart comforteth and openeth the same The water droped twise in the daye doth put awaye spottes in the eyes wheather those shall procéede of heate or of colde and procureth a cleare and fayre face The water seaseth all paynes of the head by applying and binding about the heade Lynnen clothes wette in it and in the same maner applyed procureth sléepe to weake persons The water of Dragons The .xxiij. Chapter THe congruent time of dystilling is that the roote shredde and brused be dystilled by Balneo Mariae betwéene the monethes of Iuly and September This water druncke with a little Rosed honnie preuayleth agaynst the plague The water druncke morning and euening helpeth the Cough openeth obstructions attenuateth grosse Flewme purgeth the breast of euill humours clenseth the Bowels and helpeth the dropping of Vrine The water is greatly auayleable if any shall happen to haue a grieuous fall or be stricken or pricked wyth weapon or brused by staffe that the Bloude wythin the bodie or skinne shall be congeled then take a wyne pinte of this water and foure ounces of Muster séede brused these after the tempering wyth foure ounces of Cheruell water and strayned through a cloth and wringed out to the maner of Milke giue to drincke swéetned afore wyth halfe an ounce of Sugar pennuttes morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme for this throughly helpeth in short tyme If Cotton wette in the water be layde on freshe woundes stayeth the bléeding of them It also healeth woundes by Lynnen clothes wette in it applyed vpon or by drincking morning and euening to the quantitie of two ounces at a tyme The féete astonished and without féeling by colde wash morning and euening with the same water For it expelleth the colde and mitigateth the griefe The person bytte or stinged of a Snake or Adder let him wash the gréeued place wyth Lynnen clothes wet in it and applye those vpon the sore for it spéedily helpeth The lyke doth heale a Canker if Lynnen clothes wette be applyed The water of the greater Comferie The .xxiiij. Chapter THe rootes wyth the whole Hearbe shredde brused require to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the middle of the Spring This water druncke helpeth such as are bursten and that haue broken the bone of the legge by taking of the same to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme both Morning noone and at Euening It healeth the choppes of the lippes if they shall be washed wyth the same The water druncke and Lynnen clothes after the wetting in it applyed vpon doth spéedily heale woundes and extinguisheth inflamations and seaseth paynes The water in the same maner applyed asswageth the burning of the Shingles and expelleth outwarde swellinges Applyed wyth Cotton wette in it stayeth the bléeding of woundes the lyke it performeth if myxed wyth anye other drincke it be druncke twise or thryse a day The water druncke twyse a day dissolueth and sendeth forth the clottes of bloude congealed in the stomacke or in any other part of the Bodie And this applyed wyth Lynnen clothes wette in it doth marueylously clense and sease the running of Matterie vlcers eaten in hapning about the pryuie place of man or woman The water of Quinces The .xxv. Chapter THe chosen tyme for dystilling of Quinces is when they be rype then they shredde and brused requyre to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbyte of Glasse This water to the quantitie of foure ounces myxed wyth thrée ounces of thicke red wyne and druncke morning noone and at euening yéeldeth fresh bloude amendeth an euill stomacke in that it comforteth and strengthneth the same retayneth the meate in it and putteth away the wyll to vomite It also seaseth belching of the stomacke and vomiting and restrayneth all maner of Fluxes of the bellie and comforteth all the membres of the bodie by daily and often drincking of it the water amendeth the exulceratiō of the throte if it be often gargelled wythin the mouth The water retayned in the mouth seaseth thirst healeth tongue vlcered and cooleth the heate of the stomacke The water taken with a dram wayght of some Cordiall powder at euening procureth an appetyte and desire to eate yéeldeth a great strength to the heart and comforteth it and putteth awaye drunckennesse In the griefes of the bowelles this is not to be vsed in that it restrayneth and in Feuers this neyther is to be ministred when as anye coueteth to haue the bellie soluble The water of Quince flowers dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbyte of Glasse druncke of women to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme stayeth the great Fluxe of the Termes In the same maner druncke comforteth the heart and stayeth the will to vomite and vomiting by drincking to the quantitie of three ounces at a tyme morning noone and at euening The water of Doder The .xxvi. Chapter THe congruent tyme of Dystilling the Doder is when the stringes eyes or séedes beginne to appeare for it hath no leaues as other hearbes then to shredde the whole substance and dystill it
dram waight of the powder of the Gentiane roote swéetned with sugar healpeth the stayinge backe of the vryne and dropping of the same it also amendeth the coldenesse of stomacke and helpeth digestion This in lyke maner druncke helpeth such fetching the breath shorte and painefully and all sicknesses procéeding of a cold cause The water druncke in the like quantitie abouesayd mixed with a dram waight of the powder of the blessed Thistell swéetned with sugar helpeth the plague and preuayleth against poison eaten or druncke by happe The water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitye of fower or sixe ounces at a tyme swéetned with Sugar easeth the griefes and expelleth the stone of the Kydneyes and Bladder The Water of Fumitarie The .xxxi. Chapter THe best tyme of dystillation is that the herbe with the whole substance shredde small be dystilled by Balneo about the end of Maye or the middes of Iune this water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a tyme recouereth the Iaundyse and cleareth awaye the foule scabbe on the face after the kinde of a Leaprie and preserueth the person by the dailye vsinge of it from the Leaprie In the same maner druncke helpeth euery kinde of scabbes the morfew ytche Let the pacient entred into Bath drincke this wyth a little Triacle for it then prouoketh sweate by which the bloude is pourged and helpeth the sickenesse which is procéeded of corrupt bloud In the tyme of the plague maye the water be vsed in that it preserueth such by drincking of it The water myxed with fine Tryacle and pure bole Armoniake and giuen to that pacient afflicted with the plague yealdeth a helpe deliuereth him in short tyme The water druncke attenuateth pierceth openeth obstructions looseth the bellye it also purgeth the bloud Choller and all discommodities procéeding of chollor adust humours The water drunck twise a daye strengthneth the stomack the Lyuer and the Bowels it also putteth away the chollericke and burning Agues and those sicknesse which are caused by the obstruction of the vessels The water in the foresayd maner druncke prouoketh much chollericke vryne and helpeth the stoppings of the Lyuer It also putteth away clotted bloude and dissolueth the swelling both within and without the bodie and prouoketh the termes in women The water druncke with a dram waight of the powder of Synamon comforteth the stomacke prouoketh vrine putteth away scabbes and ytche and mundifyeth the bloude A potion of the same water recouereth vlcers of the mouth and dolours The water of the garden Clar●e The .xxxij. Chapter THe aptest tyme for the Dystillation of it is that the whole herbe shredde small be distilled by Balneo Mariae about the myddle of Maye this water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time swéetned wyth Sugare ceasseth the gripings of the bellie and paynes of the stomack and sides the rather by applyng vpon the places lynnen clothes wet often in it The water drunck twise a day to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme remooueth the payne of womens places and prepareth them apt to conceiue with childe it also comforteth and recouereth the members harmed by colde by applying lynnen clothes wette in it on the places The water of Caryophyllata The .xxxiij. Chapter THe Herbe wyth the rootes finely shredde and bestowed in a Cucurbite of glasse requyre to be distilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of March or myddes of April this water druncke Morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée or foure ounces at a tyme swéetned wyth Sugar for fower of fiue dayes togither ceasseth gripinges of the bellie stayeth the blouddie fluxe womens Termes the spitting of bloude and strengthneth a colde brayne This in like maner druncke purgeth all euill clammye humours and sendeth them furth of the bodie The water drunck in the foresayde maner digesteth meate hard of digestion and amendeth a colde stomake This druncke twise a daye profyteth the Lyuer The water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitye of thrée or fower ounces at a tyme healeth the inner woundes of the breast the like doth this recouer woundes déepe and desperate vlcers if they be often washed and that linnen clothes wette in it be applyed on the fores The water helpeth impostumes by applying lynnen clothes wet in it on the swellings The water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitye of thrée ounces at a tyme swéetned with Sugar healeth fistulaes it also profiteth much if they be washed with the same or that linnen clothes wette in it be applyed on the places The water remooueth and putteth away spots moles or other like markes which Infantes haue taken of the Moothers if they be often washed in their Infancie with that water The Water of Broome flowers The .xxxiiij. Chapter THe dystillation of the flowers is to be done by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbite of glasse when the flowers are full rype and begynne in a maner to fall of thys water druncke wyth a little Rosed honye morning euening to the quantitie of two or thrée ounces at a tyme for twelue of fourtéene dayes togither draweth humors from the ioyntes purgeth flewme and auayleth against the shedding of the Gaule The water druncke twise a day to the quantitye of fiue or sixe ounces at a tyme swéetned wyth Rosed honye and a dram waight of the powder of Fe●ell séedes myxed expelleth the excrementes of the kidneyes causeth vrine effectuously and breaketh the stone as well in the bladder as in the kidneyes and suffereth not matter after to gather in th●●● to harden into a stone The water druncke with Oximell or 〈◊〉 hony for a certayne tyme dissolueth the hardnesse of the Mylte and putteth away the swellinges in the throte The water profiteth the heade if applyed it be suffered to drie in by it selfe thys in lyke maner ordred recouereth the wearinesse of members The Water of Gentiane The .xxxv. Chapter THe congruent tyme for dystilling onely the roote as more commendid is that the gréene or freshe roote shredde small and bestowed in a Cucurbyte of glasse be distilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of the Caniculare dayes where otherwise the dryed rootes infused a tyme in wyne maye be dystilled at anye tyme The water symple of the fresh rootes druncke often fasting to the quantity of thrée ounc●s at a tyme expelleth feuers caused by the obstruction of the Bowells and other partes of the bodie kylleth the wormes in the bellie clenseth all maner of spottes in the face if they be often washed with the same and prolongeth mans lyfe in that it consumeth all the clammye humours in the stomacke The water like druncke prouoketh the termes in women and causeth vryne against the plague and stinging or bit of venimous wormes and Beastes this druncke and applyed with lynnen clothes doth myraculously auayle The water druncke of him which hath taken by happe the venemous and monstruous bloude of a
grieued place ▪ or that it be ▪ applyed with lynnen clothes wette in it The water applyed with linnen clothes wet in it putteth away swellings of the Pappes and ceaseth the payne of them The water applyed on brused shaken members to péeces recouereth them and putteth away the clotted blouder The water of Horsetayle The .xl. Chapter THe congruent time for the distillation of it is that the herb● and rootes shred smal be d●sti●●ed by Balneo Mariae about the middes of Maye This water drunke morning and euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time ▪ mixed with a dramme of the powder of Cynamone and a little Sugar recouereth the spitting of bloude healeth the bowels exulcerated and hurt stayeth the termes of Women the fluxe Dysenteria and all other fluxes of the Bellie cureth the Bladder vlcered comforteth the stomacke harmed and the Lyuer by applying also of lynnen clothes wette in it without The water druncke morning noone and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time swéetened with a little Sugar and that lynnen clothes wette in it be applyed in a playster forme asswageth inflammations and burning of the Shingles The water druncke twyse a daye helpeth the griefe of the stone the Strangurie The water recouereth the perillous fluxe Dysenteria if a linnen clothe wet in it be often applyed to the fundament The water applyed hote with lynnen clothes to the mans priuie member swollen doth put awaye the swelling ceaseth the payne The water healeth woundes of the féete the holes open if they be washed with the same The water applyed with lynnen clothes on the swelling of the Dropsie morning euening doth asswage put away the same The water applyed with linnen clothes wet in it to the foreheade nose and put within the nosthrils restrayneth and stayeth the bléeding of the nose and putteth awaye the running of the nose by drawing it vp by the nosthrils The water of Hoppes The ▪ xli Chapter THe congruent time for Dystillation of it is that the vpper toppes and first braunches cut vp in heygth or length of two handbredthes and shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Aprill This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time and that mixed with Rosed hony it be vsed for thrée or fower wéekes togither putteth away Melancholie of which commonly is caused scabs ytche and the Leprie and such lyke griefes that are woont to happen of corrupt bloude The water druncke in the abouesayde maner openeth the stopping of the Milt putteth away the pricking and all griefes which are woont to be caused by the stopping of the Mylt The water druncke and of it dropped at Euening into the eares clenseth and weareth away the mattering of them The water myxed with a like quantitie of Hartes tongue water and druncke with a little Rosed Honie or Sugar before the beginning of the cold deliuereth the Quartaine ague in short time The water on such wise prepared and druncke twise a day amendeth the harde fetching of breath and the stopping of the Breast The waters like prepared and drunck putteth away the Iaundise and Dropsie and looseth the belly The water druncke correcteth Choller purgeth the bloude of the same and extinguisheth his inflammations It also putteth away headach gathered of heate The water druncke mittigateth the heate of the Lyuer and stomacke and auayleth in Feuers caused of Choller and bloud The water of Henbane The .xlij. Chapter THe chosen tyme for Dystillation of it is that the whole Herbe with the rootes and flowers shred and brused be dystilled about S. Iohns daye This water ceaseth all manner of payne of the head procéeding of heate if the head be rubbed and laboured with the same The water annoynted on the forhead and Temples and washing the féete with it procureth sléepe in a sharpe sickenesse the rather if the séedes brought to powder and myxed with womans milke and the whyte of an Egge and a little Vinegar be applyed on the Temples It represseth and asswageth all maner of heate if linnen clothes wette in it be applyed on the places On such wyse it remooueth all dolour of the members and palifyeth or rather hydeth the forme of the Leprie on the face if it be often washed and sowpled with the same in that it draweth forth all maner of heate not naturall The water profiteth them which haue no naturall rest by applying it by discretion as well within as without the bodie and if it be laboured oftentimes on the heade and applyed with linnen clothes wette in it then it causeth a man the rather to rest naturally The water of Hartes ease The .xliij. Chapter THe congruent time for dystillation of it is that the Herbe with the Flowers shredde and bruised be dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbite of Glasse about the ende of Iune or myddes of Iulie This water ministred to children twyse a day to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time swéetened with a little Sugar recouereth without doubt the burning heate that commonly taketh them The water drunke morning and euening to the quantitie of twoo or thrée ounces at a tyme helpeth such hardly breathing and drawing the wynde short ▪ the inflammation and impostume of the Lunges and those which haue a straytenesse about the heart and breast and that haue there some sore or a swelling The water druncke fasting for a certaine tyme healeth scabbednesse and all other corruptions of the skynne The water of Iuniper Beries The .xliiij. Chapter THe congruent dystillation of the Beries is when they bée rype and waxing blacke then they ought to be bruised and dystilled by Balneo Mariae This water drunke morning noone and at euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time swéetened with a little Sugar deliuereth and helpeth the stone of the kidneyes and Bladder also clenseth the kidneyes and Bladder causeth vryne and draweth downe the termes of Women by drincking thrée ounces at a time with a dramme of the powder of Cassia lignea The water druncke with a little Cinamone and Sugar expelleth the deade yoongling and poyson and profiteth against the byte and stinging of venimous beasts and wormes The water auayleth against all ioyntaches procéeding of colde if the ioyntes be rubbed and applyed with the same morning noone and at euening and let after to drye in by it selfe The water attenuateth openeth and clenseth filthie vlcers if they be washed with the same The water of the woode Lillie The .xlv. Chapter THe flowers onelye are distilled in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae about the middes of the Spring yet the rootes distilled more excell The water of the flowers druncke to the quantitie of sixe ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar recouereth them which haue eaten poyson in their meate The water ministred orderly preuayleth against the byte of a madde Dogge it helpeth the harde traueyle of Chylde comforteth the Brayne
the Heart the Liuer and other spirituall members and riddeth away the falling sickenesse by drincking of the same for fortie dayes togither The water druncke fasting swéetened with a little Sugar helpeth swounding recouereth the lacke of speach lost and sundrie diseases of the bodie and restoreth plentie of mylke in womens brestes The water druncke in the foresayde maner helpeth the Strangurie auayleth against the pricking about the heart and amendeth the inflammation of the Liuer The water druncke twyse a daye stayeth the immoderate course of the termes in women The water heal●th the byte and stinging of venimous beastes and woormes if a lynnen clothe wette in it be applyed on the place The water dropped into the eyes putteth away the inflammation and darckenesse of them It cooleth also hote inflammations by applying Lynnen clothes wette in the same Whose members or head doe tremble it behooueth him afore to washe purely and drie them after to rubbe and labor this water on the places and to let it dry in by it selfe recouereth them if this be done morning and euening The water applyed with Lynnen clothes wette in it putteth awaye the payne of the priusties To conclude this water orderly ministred recouereth loose and palsie members the falling sicknesse convulsions dazeling and swimming of the heade and swounding In Germanie certaine doe make of the Flowers dryed in the summer time a wine in the time of pressing forth the Grapes which after the myxing and standing togither a certaine time they minister of it for the foresayde griefes But there are other which stéepe a pounde of the freshe flowers in a gallon or twoo of olde wyne and set the Glasse in the Sunne for sixe wéekes or two Monethes putting to it of Lauander and of Rosemarie flowers with sundrie pleasant spyces this after the strayning they distill in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae which water purchased they bestowed for the preciousnesse of it in Siluer or Golden vesselles close stopped and they name this the Golden water which they vse to all the foresayde griefes of the bodye The rather if it be dystilled thrée tymes ouer and rectified by a Pellicane which then ministred with sixe graynes of Pepper a little of Lauander water worketh miraculously for it cōforteth the Brayne restoreth such swouning and left for deade in a maner yea causeth them to liue after a long time It also recouereth the depriuation of Senses putteth away the Cholicke passion and profiteth that person which shall haue an impostume in the hinder part of the Brayne and Heade by drinking a spoonefull at a time of this precious water This water in lyke manner by applying it often on the foreheade and hynder part of the head procureth a good memorie and readie wit. As touching the recouerie of swounding and great hazard of death by it the learned Mathiolus reporteth that he hath of proofe founde manye tymes the contrarie yet such is the fame of it sayeth he in Germanie that many cannot refrayne the ministring of the same yea in most hote sickenesses The water of the Wyldinges or Crabbes The .xlvi. Chapter THe congruent tyme for Dystillation of them is that they bruised be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of October This water druncke Morning Noone and at Euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar is a most precious water and miraculously auayleth against the grypings of the Bowels The water in lyke maner taken helpeth the fluxe Dysenteria deliuereth the griefes of the stone clenseth the Reynes and Bladder The water of the vnrypened Crabbes or Wyldinges dystilled by Balneo Mariae about S. Iohns daye not onelye helpeth the face swollen by washing it with the same and letting it to drye in by it selfe but putteth away the high red colour and péeling of the skinne on the face and the red pymples or other deformitie of the same The water of putrified and rotten Apples The .xlvij. Chapter OF the graffed or swéete Apples which shall be rotten shall you dystill a water by Balneo Mariae This water helpeth that inflammation which cooled and putrified larger spreadeth insomuch that the fleshe falleth out if the place be morning and euening washed with the same or Lynnen clothes often applyed The water recouereth hote and red swellings and sores or Cankers eating and pestilent Botches by applying Lynnen clothes wette in it thryse in the daye The water of the Apples through ripe and before their rotting dystilled by Balneo Mariae very much auayleth for comforting in that it cooleth the body and heart by drinking morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time swéetened with a little Sugar The flowers of the graffed Apples requyre to be gathered when as they be thorowe blowen and by a Lynnen sheete spredde vnder the trée the blossomes ought to be beaten downe with a staffe and to be dystilled in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae This water recouereth and throughly helpeth the rednesse and deformitie of the face if for thrée or fower wéekes togither it be washed morning and euening with the same The water of the Peache tree flowers The .xlviij. Chapter A Certayne Chymist of fame in Germanie dystilled a Rose water out of the Peache Roses or Flowers which looseth the Bellie and procureth to vomite and he tooke for loosing of the Bellie the water which dystilled forth first before the Roses were burned and dystilled them in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae where he also dystilled the drye herbes and others in Sand● The water of the leaues dystilled by Balneo Mariae at the increasing of the Moone in Maye druncke in the morning fasting putteth away the griefe of the stone in the loynes the rather by taking it thryce a daye to the quantitie of twoo or thrée ounces at a time which in lyke maner vsed procureth vrine and purgeth the Bladder The water druncke of children fasting to the quantitie of an ounce at a time swéetened with Sugar killeth the long wormes in the bodie The water druncke Morning and Euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time preuayleth agaynst the stone The water dropped into the eares killeth the wormes in them Rubbing the heade with it ceaseth headach The water of the smaller Mallowes The .xlix. Chapter WHen the Mallowes shall beare flowers then the rootes with the whole Herbe gathered and shredde small dystill by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of Maye This water betwéene daye and night druncke fower tymes to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time swéetned with a little Sugar recouereth the pricking or stitches in the sides and Pleurisie and purgeth woundes The water druncke to the quantitie of sixe or eyght ounces at a time fasting softeneth and looseth the bellie remooueth the payne of the Matrice breaketh and healeth inwarde swellings The water in lyke maner druncke stayeth the perillous fluxe Dysenteria putteth away the griefe of the stone asswageth the payne of the
Bladder and clenseth the Reynes and Bladder The water applyed on the Temples procureth sléepe If the féete of a sicke person of a hote Ague be rubbed or laboured with the same procureth rest and ceaseth thirst The water putteth awaye the Impostume behinde the eares by dropping it warme into them and by applying it without and by drincking a quantitie eche day The water druncke helpeth the often desire to the stoole and by applying lynnen clothes wette in it on the Bellie The water healeth the bytte of venimous things if it be washed with the same and lynnen clothes wette in it applyed vpon This also putteth awaye scabbednesse and ytche and spots of the body by dooing the like The water drunke resisteth the infection of the Plague and preserueth the person that he be not taken with the same sickenesse The water applyed on woundes or washed with the same filleth them with fleshe The water of the flowers dystilled in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae drunke morning noone and at euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time putteth away the grypings of the Bowels heateth and softeneth the Bellie The water dropped into the eyes diuers tymes in the day doth marueylously recouer and restore a decayed sight as the same of experience founde The water of Horehounde The L. Chapter THe time for Dystillation of it is that the whole substaunce with the rootes shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of two or thrée ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar preuayleth against the Cough the hardnesse of fetching breath the spitting of bloud the Dropsie comforteth the stomack clenseth the breast and lungs openeth the liuer Mylt and strengthneth the Kidneys bladder It comforteth the yongling in the mothers wombe druncke of women with chylde to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar This comforteth and quickeneth the wytte and memorie by chasing or rubbing it on the head The water dropped into the eares taketh awaye the payne of them purgeth and clenseth freshe woundes by washing them morning and euening with it yea it healeth open vlcers The water putteth away visions and euill dreames by drincking sundrie times of it It also helpeth the Dropsie if such refrayne from moyst things and to much drincking and all swellings this healeth by applying it on the places The water of the herbe Baulme The Li. Chapter THe herbe with the whole substaunce shredde small and well stamped lay to stéepe for a whole night in good white wine that it may well dryncke in of the wyne Which done dystill the whole on the morrow in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae about the ende of May. This water druncke twyse a daye to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a tyme recouereth in short tyme any kynde of scabbednesse of the bodie and causeth a swéete sauour of the same if with a grayne of Muske myxed it be washed The water remooueth Pymples Letters and all other spots happening on the face or breast by myxing a quantitie of the naturall or artificiall Baulme and washing or rubbing the places wyth the same and it causeth the face to come to a fayre redde colour The water druncke euery morning fasting to the quantitie of a small Nutte shell full at a time putteth awaye the yll ●auour or stincking of the breath The water also remooueth toothache by holding it a time in the mouth The water preserueth a long time fleshe or fishe by lying in it and poured into turned wyne restoreth the same to be druncke The water druncke procureth vrine and applyed with a Lynnen clothe on the bottome of the Bellie breaketh the stone of the Bladder causeth vrine and mooueth the Termes of women The water druncke recouereth the payne of the Bodie and Kidneyes The water druncke twyse a daye and the herbe applyed in playster forme on that swelling vnder the Chynne named Scrophula helpeth it greatly The water druncke fasting breaketh an impostume growne within the bodie It healeth also all prickinges or stitches of the heart and sides This water taken in the manner abouesayde is a mortall enimie or killeth all maner of wormes within the bodie The water druncke fasting comforteth the afflicted spirites strengtheneth all the members and recouereth those partes endammaged or grieued with the Goute through colde For this comforteth the sinewes farre better than any other remedie The water druncke fasting with a little Triacle deliuereth and helpeth the falling sicknesse And the person which by occasion of any sickenesse cannot speake by putting a fyne lynnen clothe wette in the water and put vnder the tongue oftentimes recouereth the speache hyndered and lacking The water druncke fasting comforteth the brest and helpeth digestion The water drunck twise a day procureth a swéete breath ceaseth all inward swellings putteth away the Cholick and grypings of the Bowels purgeth the matrice and helpeth the Dropsie The water applyed on wounds twyse a daye healeth them in short tyme The water dropped into the eyes stayeth the watering of them and procureth a sharpe sight ▪ The water druncke fasting cheareth the heart maketh a man merrie helpeth a colde stomacke strengthneth the vitall partes helpeth digestion recouereth the stoppings of the brayne amendeth a féeble courage strengthneth the weakenesse of the heart and the same especially by which sléepe is often broken in the night and the beating of his pulse repressed It also putteth awaye the cares of the mynde and troublesome imaginations which eyther are of Melancholie or of adust flewme engendred The water druncke fasting sharpeneth the vnderstanding and wytte and procureth a good or readie memorie The water of the herbe Mercurie The Lij Chapter THe congruent time for the dystillation of it is that the whole herbe shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of Iune This water drawne vp into the Nosethrilles oftentimes profiteth vnto the purging of the heade helpeth the running of the eyes nose and eares The water applyed wyth lynnen clothes wette in it on burnings healeth them and mitigateth the griefes The water tempered with wyne and applyed with lynnen clothes wette in it on Vlcers cureth them The water druncke in the morning fasting to the quantitie of two ounces at a time expel●eth superfluous heates and grosse humors as Flewme and the grosse blacke Choler The water druncke and the herbe eaten for thrée dayes togither of women as a day before and twoo dayes after the Termes begun and at the fourth daye comming out of Bathe to coeate worketh a marueylous matter in conception The rather as Hippocrates affirmeth if before it the powder of the rootes of Iroos and it formed into a Pessarie with Honie be conueyghed vp into the bodie the readier to cause the Termes to come downe The water druncke in time of traueyle of chylde and a Bathe made with the Herbe and Malloes sendeth forth the afterburthen The water dropped into
applyed causeth fleshe to growe againe it healeth the Fistula in the Fundament and recouereth Canker sores by often washing the mouth therewith it healeth the exulcered bowels giuen vp in glyster wyse by the fundament The water applyed on running Pyles with Cotton cureth them it cureth also euill Pushes and grieuous vlcers The water of Rybworte The Lxij Chapter THe time of Dystillation of it is that the rootes and herbe with the whole substance shredde small by dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the myddes of May. This water druncke with Rosed Honie to the quantitie of foure ounces twoo houres before the comming of the fitte deliuereth the Quartaine feuer so that it be vsed before the beginning of sundrie fittes The water in lyke quantitie druncke sendeth forth the afterburthen clenseth the Reynes and Bladder and preuayleth agaynst the vlcers of the Nosethrils or eyes if they be washed twyse a daye with the same The water druncke warme with a little Rosed Honie expelleth the wormes of the bellie This water hath in a manner the same vertues which the greater Plantaine possesseth sauing that these are not so mightie in working The water of the Polipodie The Lxiij Chapter THe seasonable time for Dystillation of the Polipodie of the Oke is that the rootes onely gathered wythout the herbe and shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae from Iulye to September This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time with Rosed honie helpeth the Cough and frensinesse It also putteth away Melancholie heauinesse and griefe of the mynde and druncke for certaine dayes deliuereth the quartaine Ague The like quantitie drunck with the broth of a Cocke or Pullet expelleth by siege Melancholie and flewme and helpeth them greatly which by nature are costiue The water druncke looseth the streyghtnesse of the breast softeneth the bellie putteth away fearefull dreames prouoketh vrine purgeth the bloude comforteth the heart and amendeth an euill colour The water of the Daysie The Lxiiij Chapter THe herbe and rootes with the whole substance shredde small require to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the myddes of May. This water druncke Morning Noone and at Euening to the quantitie of thrée or foure ounces at a tyme procureth an appetite to meate The water druncke profiteth that person which shall haue a rybbe or legge broken and healeth woundes by drincking or washing them with it The water taken to the quantitie of sixe ounces at a time looseth the Bellie healeth the vlcered bowels and strengtheneth the Palsie members if they be often rubbed or laboured with the same It cooleth the Lyuer extinguisheth an inwarde heate represseth Choller helpeth the blysters of the mouth and tongue procéeding of heate The water of Knotgrasse The Lxv. Chapter THe whole Herbe with the rootes shredde small require to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the middes of Maye Thys water druncke morning noone and at euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time stayeth the ouer great fluxe of the bellie The water profiteth against the Ague which inuadeth with a heate It also healeth the Shingles by applying lynnen clothes wette in the same The water helpeth all manner of payne of wounds where an inflammation with redne●se consisteth if they be washed with the same or that a lynnen clothe wette in it be often applyed The water druncke in lyke maner abouesayde clenseth the Reynes expelleth the stone of the loynes procureth vrine and openeth the obstruction of such members The water druncke with Rosed honie profiteth children and men agaynst wormes It recouereth rotten gummes if they be often washed with the same and healeth blacke pushes or bladders by applying lynnen clothes wette in it The water extinguisheth all maner of heates happening as well within as without the bodie The water of wylde Tansey The Lxvi Chapter THe whole Herbe with the rootes shredde small require to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae from Iuly vnto September This water druncke morning and euening for sixe or eight dayes togither to the quantitie of twoo or three ounces at a time stayeth the whyte termes or whytes in women The water dropped into the eyes recouereth the much running of them and healeth the eye lyddes folding outwarde by annoynting them often with it The water applyed to the eyes profiteth against dymnesse of sight the pinne and webbe and other spottes happening in them The water healeth woundes if they be washed with the same and applyed often with lynnen clothes wette in it If the backe bone be laboured with the same it taketh away the griefe therof The water of the flowers when they shall be full rype dystilled in a Cucurbite of glasse by Balneo Mariae druncke in the morning fasting to the quantitie of twoo or thrée ounces at a time for certaine dayes togither comforteth all the members of man The water druncke and applyed with a lynnen clothe on the forehead profiteth against the gyddynesse and swimming of the heade The water deliuereth the Rheume and running of bleared eyes It also recouereth moyst vlcers by applying lynnen clothes wette in the same in that it draweth forth the moysture by the poores The water of selfe heale The Lxvij. Chapter THe time for dystillation of it is that the herbe stalkes and flowers shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye This water recouereth the putrifaction of the mouth tempered with the oyle of Roses and vinegar and applyed to the Temples putteth away the burning of the heade mixed with Rose water doth lyke helpe the heade The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time profiteth against the stitches which are felt in the sides and against the inner impostumes of the bodie It also extinguisheth inflammations and recouereth a weakenesse of the heart In the lyke manner druncke healeth the Shingles and the inflammations with a rednesse as well in men of rype age as in children The water euery daye druncke fasting preserueth from the plague clenseth the breast and putteth away the strangurie It also preuayleth against the Tertian and Quartaine Ague The water druncke in the abouesayde maner helpeth such women whose matrice wythin begynneth to putrifie and matter for by the same are they healed The water recouereth woundes if they be often washed wyth the same and that lynnen clothes wette in it be applyed The water healeth swellings and exulceration of the mouth by washing and gargelling the mouth with it for this deliuereth the putrifaction and heate and the pushes or sores of the mouth The water of the leaues of the Oke The Lxviij Chapter THe leaues gathered and bruised requyre to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the middes of May. This water drunck to the quantitie of sixe ounces at a time recouereth the fluxe of the bellie whether the same be whyte or matterie It also expelleth congealed bloude into clottes by a strype The water druncke to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at
a time profiteth a fowle and corrupt lyuer and diseased lunges or at the least beginneth to putrifie This in lyke maner druncke preuayleth against stitches in the sides The water druncke twyse a daye stayeth the ouer great fluxe of the termes stoppeth the bléeding of wounds and lyke helpeth the pyssing of bloude by taking it in the foresaid quantitie The water dayly druncke doth especially preuayle agaynst the stone of the loynes and bladder It also healeth the bowels exulcerated by the daungerous fluxe of the bellie The water applyed with lynnen clothes on the inflamed member exceedingly cooleth It healeth olde vlcers of the legges if they be often washed with the same and let to drye in by it selfe The water auayleth against rednesse and burning of the legges by black pushes in applying on the places twyse or thryce a day towe or lynnen clothes wette in it vntill the heate be extinguished The water druncke with a dramme weyght of the fine pouder of Mestiltowe of the Oke for certayne dayes togither adding to it a scruple weyght of Aqua vitae rectified recouereth not onely Feuers and the Apoplexie or depriuation of senses but helpeth without doubt the falling sickenesse The water in lyke manner prepared and druncke putteth away gyddynesse swellings of the bodie preserueth from the Leprie and deliuereth most diseases in that it purgeth and sendeth forth the grosse and euill humors offending The water of the leaues of the Willowe The Lxix Chapter THe leaues of the whyte Wyllowes strypped from the twygges being tender in the Spring time requyre to be dystilled about the beginning of May by Balneo Mariae This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of foure ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar helpeth the stone procureth vryne and preuayleth against the wormes of the bellie The water profiteth against the rednesse of eyes being often washed with the same It helpeth the Shyngles and recouereth the Fistula by applying lynnen clothes wette in it The water druncke in lyke quantitie expelleth the yoongling dead The water of the flowers dystilled after the maner of the flowers of the Apples and Peaches recouereth the sight healeth scabbednesse of the heade procureth fayre heare if wetting the heares well with a Spunge dypped in it and kembed be after suffered to drie by themselfe The water of the Elder The Lxx. Chapter THe outwarde rynde scraped and pylled from the slyppes of the Elde● trée and the inner ryndes taken and shredde requyre to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of May. This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of fower ounces at a time recouereth the Dropsie The water druncke fasting to the quantitie of sixe ounces at a tyme swéetened with a little Rosed honie mightily looseth the bellie without harme The water of the tender leaues of the toppes and sides budding forth shredde small and dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the myddes of May helpeth hote legges and putrified vlcers if they be often washed with the same and let to drie by themselfe The water of the flowers through blowne and stamped togither dystilled in a Cucurbite of Glasse by Balneo Mariae druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time swéetened with Rosed honie looseth the straitnesse of the brest The water in lyke quantitie druncke profiteth agaynst the swelling and water betwéene the skynne and openeth the stopping of the lyuer mylt and kidneyes The water druncke putteth away the Tertian ague clenseth and helpeth all courses procéeding of Melancholie and strengtheneth the stomacke The water druncke to the quantitie of sixe ounces at a time purgeth all humors by siege and clenseth the bodie The water dropped into the eyes extinguisheth the heate of them It also druncke twyse a day and dropped into the eyes consumeth whyte spottes in them The water helpeth the trembling of the handes if they be wette and laboured with the same and let to drie by themselfe The water profiteth against vlcers and that be colde if they shall be often washed with the same or that lynnen clothes wette in it be applyed The Water of Scabious The Lxxi Chapter THe leaues and rootes shredde togither requyre to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of Maye This water druncke thrée or fower tymes a daye to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme recouereth the straytenesse of breast and helpeth the impostumes of the same The water druncke morning noone and at euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme preuayleth against stitches of the sides The water profiteth against swellings in the bodie against the Plague poysoning the Cough and all inwarde corruption of the bodie The water in the abouesayde maner druncke helpeth scabbednesse and clenseth the bloude corrupt It also putteth away swellings arysing in the bodie and healeth woundes as well without as within the bodie by applying lynnen clothes wette in it The water in lyke maner druncke purgeth the lunges and putteth away the Cough The water helpeth the Pyles whyte scurfe Letters and Ringwormes It also recouereth pestilent pushes as the Carbuncle sore and amendeth the sight of the eyes The water of the Saxifrage with the whole substance shredde small and dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the myddes of May drunck euery day fasting to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar breaketh the stone of the kidneys and bladder helpeth ache in the hyppes deliuereth the stopping of vryne and clenseth the reynes and bladder The Water of Nightshade of the Garden The Lxxij Chapter THe leaues with the stalkes gathered and shredde small require to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae when that the berries be gréene This water druncke morning noone and at euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time helpeth a swelling procéeding of an vntemperate hotenesse It perfourmeth the lyke by applying lynnen clothes wette on the swelling The water in the foresayde maner taken helpeth the stone and putteth away sweate myxed with the water of wormewoode and druncke to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time The water preuayleth against the griefes and aking of the hynder part and whole heade procured of heate The water applyed with Lynnen clothes wet in it on a hote Gowte and the Shingles doth in short time helpe them the rather by the often applying of the clothes wette in the water The water dropped into the eares putteth away griefe in them asswageth inflamed impostumes of the breastes or pappes of women and represseth hote swellinges in the throte that they doe not hastily strangle nor stoppe the wynde and the water gargelled in the throte cooleth the liuer and extinguisheth heate The water helpeth men bursten by often applying lynnen clothes wette in it on the rupture The water druncke greatly auayleth if by any night terrour certaine pushes shall arise and the lyke doth the water preuayle applyed with lynnen clothes The water of the Mustarde séedes when the herbe bearing flowers is to be
dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the beginning of Iune putteth away vlcers of the gummes by often washyng the mouth with the same The water profiteth the consumption of members if they be often rubbed and laboured with the same in that by it they recouer strength and flesh The water heateth the marrowe of the bones if they be often washed and laboured with the same and let to drie by themselfe The water profiteth against a colde disease of the ioyntes if they be rubbed and laboured with the same and let to drie by themselfe The water of Mullaine or Hygges Taper The Lxxiij Chapter THe leaues with the flowers full rype gathered from the stalkes after the shredding small dystill by Balneo Mariae This water is most precious against all swellinges as well inwarde as outwarde by drincking of it morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée or foure ounces at a time or that a lynnen cloth doubled and wette in the same be often applyed The water in such maner taken helpeth the lunges ascending vnto the throte and increasing Thys in lyke manner profiteth against a hote gowte by drincking of it morning and euening and applying lynnen clothes wette in the same for on such wyse handled a better remedie is not to be founde The water profiteth against all maner of griefes procéeding of a fluxe by drincking thereof morning noone and at night to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time swéetened with Sugar and a little of the fine powder of Cinamone in the same maner druncke putteth away the grypings of the bowels The water recouere●h the face which appeareth infe●●ed after the kynde of a Leprie if a soft lynnen cloth dypped in the same be often applyed vpon The water helpeth burnings or scalding ▪ if a double lynnen clothe assoone as the harme done wette in the same be applyed the rather by dooing on such wyse oftentimes for it draweth forth and extinguisheth the heate without harme leauing The water amendeth an ytching scabbednesse whether the same shall be moyst or drie by applying lynnen cloth●s wette in the same morning noone and at euening The water profiteth if an inflammation with rednesse happeneth on the skinne by wetting a lynnen clothe in the s●me and applying it to the place The water profiteth if an●e shall haue a long tyme dymme eyes and weake of sight by letting one or twoo droppes fall at a time into eche eye for two or thrée wéekes togither The water of the Lynde or rope Timber tree The Lxxiiij Chapter THe flowers orderly gathered and put into a Cucurbite of glasse dystill by Balneo Mariae This water clenseth anye spottes of the face if the face be often washed with the same as Hieronimus the Herbarian reporteth The water druncke with a little Cynawone water recouereth the trembling of the heart The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time helpeth the falling sickenesse The water drunck in like maner profiteth against the fretting of the gu●t●s and dropped at euening into the eyes procureth a cléerenesse of them The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time helpeth the stone In the same maner druncke recouereth swellings and sendeth all maner of euill hum●rs out of the bodie The water of Tormentill The Lxxv. Chapter THe herbe with the whole substance shredde and bruised requireth to be dystilled by Balneo Mariae from the xv day of August vnto the viij of September This water druncke in the morning fasting to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time preuayleth against all maner of poysons The water is a good preseruatiue against the plague and an vnhealthfull ayer For the plague when it inuadeth any incontinent open a veyne as it behooueth after giue this potion on such wyse prepared take of the water of Tormentill thrée ounces of Uenice Triacle a dram weyght of wyne vinegar an ounce and a halfe which diligently myxed togither minister warme to the pacient lying in his bed and well couered with clothes to sweate whyles he thus lyeth in a sweate rubbe and labour his handes and féete with Uinegar Rue Wormewoode and Salt myxed The next day following minister againe the same potion and he shall then recouer helth The water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a time recouereth the desperate and all vlcers in maner and staye●h any maner fluxe of the bellie especiallye the fluxe Dysenteria The water taken in the same maner strengtheneth the bodie comforteth the brayne the heart stomacke lyu●r mylt and the whole brest if wyne sometymes be myxed with the same The water druncke in the same maner helpeth all Agues it strengtheneth and comforteth such recouering out of a long sicknesse The water druncke profiteth woundes as well within the body as without and cureth outwarde woundes the spéedier if they be often washed with the same It also helpeth all manner of griefes of the eyes by dropping of the same euery night into the eyes for it cleareth the sight The water healeth the Fistula and Canker if they be often washed with the same and that lynnen clothes wette in it be applyed To be briefe in what maner and what sickenesses the water shall be applyed and ministred shall of experience founde be profitable The water of Valeriane The Lxxvi Chapter THe congruent time for dystillation of it is that the herbe rootes and stalkes with the whole substance shredde small be dystilled by Balneo Mariae about the ende of May. This water druncke morning and euening to the quantitie of thrée or fower ounces at a time and applyed with lynnen clothes recouereth vlcers swellings causing payne and great pyles in the fundament It also profiteth against other pyles by applying lynnen clothes wette in the same The water helpeth such bursten and the bone somewhat broken by applying and drincking of the same It also dropped into the eyes cleareth them The water druncke in the morning fasting of Chyldren to the quantitie of of a spoon●full at a time deliuereth the wormes in the bellie The water druncke profiteth against poyson and a pestilent ayer It heal●th newe and olde woundes recouereth vlcers and impostumes within the bodie and putteth awaye ache of the hyppes The water drunck procureth cleare eyes taketh away the pai●● of them and prouoketh sweate powred into troubled wine causeth the same cléerer and purer The water remooueth griefe of the members procéeding of a cold cause by labouring the members with the same The water of the rootes onely dystilled by Balneo Mariae from the myddes of August vnto the viij daye of September drunck helpeth poyson and profiteth against venimous beasts wormes The water helpeth the quotidian feuer drunck to the quantitie of sixe ounces before the cōming of the fit The water drunck and applyed with lynnen clothes preuayleth against payne stitches of the sides The water procureth vnitie loue where twoo shall drincke togither a cup full
poundes of Calamus aromaticus and of hony of eche halfe an ounce of the iuice of Rue thrée drammes of the water of Celondine sixe ounces of Fenn●ll water of Veruaine water and Eyebright water of eche thrée ounces of long Pepper of Nutmegs and of Cloues of eche twoo drammes of Saffron one scruple of Rosemarie flowers grynded somewhat Schiara or Bozomus of eche halfe a handfull of Sarcocolla of Aloes hepa●icke af eche thrée drammes of the g●lles of those fowles which liue by rapine if they can be got en● one ounce or in stede of the● let be taken or vsed the galles of the Cockes Capons Henn●s and Par●riches of eche thrée drammes to all these after the grinding and beating togither adde thrée ounces of white Sugar of Rosed honie sixe drammes these after the diligent labouring and myxing togither dystill in a Cucurbite according to Arte which diligently stoppe and kéepe to your vse for this water comforteth any dymnesse and weakenesse of sight mundifyeth the mystinesse of the eyes and letteth or stayeth the comming of a Cataracte A water to be dropped within the eye restoring the largenesse of the apple of the eye with a certaine comforting of the vertue visiue Take of the iuice of the swéete Fennell one dramme of the bloude of a Culuer one ounce of Tutia and Antimonie of eche twoo drammes of Rosewater and of the water of Myrtels of eche one ounce and a halfe of the powder of the Myrobalan●s and Citrines togither halfe a dramme these after the myxing and put into a glasse bodie with a head dystill according to Arte which water after vse as aboue taught this Ioan. de Vigo A water experienced for the recouerie of sight in a maner lost being often dropped into the eyes take of Cellondine Fennell Sage Rosemarie Veruaine and Rue of eche one handfull these dystill in a Lymbecke A water recouering sight in a maner lost and the pynne and webbe Take of the garden Tasill and of Yarrowe of eche one handfull of Celondine of Veruaine of Rue of Fenell of the leaues of Euula Campana of eche one handfull of Caphura halfe an ounce these freshe gathered stampe togither and dystill in a Lymbecke An oyntment or rather medicine for sore eyes recouering the sight in a maner lost and experienced Take of Smalledge of Fennell of Rue of Veruaine of herbe Benedict or Hares foote of Cudwoort or Chasewoort of Egrimonie of Germaunder of Luminella of Pympernell of Strawberie leaues and of Sage of eche of these a lyke quantitie these stéepe togither in a yoong chyldes vrine adding to these seauen graynes or cornes of Pepper and a little whyte honie all which dystill in a Lymbecke this borowed out of Fumanellus A water of Sage Fennell redde Roseleaues Cellondine and Rue of eche a lyke with a little of Veruaine not so much of this herbe as of the others dystill a water which if the same be dropped into the eyes both morning and euening it helpeth the weakenesse of an olde sight this Arnoldus Another water in the beginning of water descending for the swelling of the eye lyddes and teares Take of Assa one ounce of pure whyte honie halfe a pynte of Fennell water and Rue water of eche twelue drammes of Maioram water halfe an ounce dystill in a Lymbecke according to Arte this Fumanellus A water or dystilled lycour vnto the prouoking of sléepe and it is a secrete worker of sléepe Take of Opium thebaicum of Garlicke heades pylled of eche twoo ounces the Garlicke heads bette with a wooden Pestill in a Marble morter adding thereto the Opium grynded these well incorporate togither that it may be lyke to a sawce this dystill in a Retort with a most soft or slowe fire in ashes with this water when néede shall require annoynt the temples the foreheade and pulses of the wrestes and beware you minister not nor vse this but vpon a great necessitie as in the franticke persons as you shall thinke good A water of Fumanellus vnto the prouoking of sléepe Take of the iuices of the blacke and whyte Poppie of eche halfe a pynte of the iuices of the blacke and whyte Henbane of eche twoo ounces of the iuice of Purselane and of Lettuce of eche thrée ounces of the iuice of Faba inuersa halfe a pynte of the Nenuphar thrée ounces of the séedes of eyther Poppie and of the rootes of Faba inuersa of eche twoo ounces of the séedes of Darnell halfe a pounde of the whyte and redde Henbane thrée ounces of Xyloaloes and Nucis Methel of eche one ounce and a halfe of Purselane séedes and Lettuce séedes of eche one dramme of Scariola one dramme and a halfe of Endiue one ounce these all beaten togither put into a glasse bodie for thrée dayes which after dystill of this giue one dramme in eyther wine or water A water of Fumanellus procuring sléepe let the séedes of the Poppie and Lettuce vnto the weyght of a pounde be bruised and stéeped in wyne for twentie houres adding to these a little of Opium and after the dystilling giue one dramme of this water at the going to rest or sléepe A water or sléeping lycour marueylous being distilled Take of Diatragacanthum twoo drammes of Sumach halfe a dram of the flowers Bedegnar thrée drammes of the redde Saunders halfe an ounce of Psilium one dramme of the rynde of the Mandrake roote one ounce of Henbane halfe an ounce of the blacke Poppie twoo ounces and a halfe of the whyte Poppie halfe an ounce of the redde Poppie so much of Opium twoo drammes of the Basill séedes one dramme and a halfe of the rootes of Alkakengi twoo drammes of Camphora one dramme of Dragons bloude one ounce of the séedes of the Hemlocke twoo drammes of the Adamant stone halfe a pound of the Purselane séedes twoo ounces of Lettuce séeds twoo ounces of Endyue séedes thrée ounces of the wyne of Pomegranates halfe a wyne pynte of Plantaine seedes twoo ounces of the wyne of Barberies halfe a pynte of the garden Solanum one pounde weyght of all these dystill a water which is marueylous in that the same procureth a most strong and sounde sléepe if at the lying downe in bedde halfe an ounce weyght be ministred in a draught of good wyne A water procuring sléepe borowed out of Fumanellus Take of blacke Pepper of the whyte Henbane of the ryndes of the Mandrake roote of the séedes of Lettuce of Darnell of the white and blacke Poppie of eche a lyke quantitie and to these one dramme of the iuice of Lettuce which after the stamping let so lye in the glasse bodie for a day and a night and being dystilled minister of this as aboue taught Another water Take of the iuice of the whyte Henbane of the iuice of the leaues of the whyte and blacke Poppie of the iuice of the leaues of Mandrake or the iuice of the Apples of the iuice of Iuie and of the iuice of the Hemlocke of eche halfe a pynte of the
in a maner vnsauerie but in sauour and smell excellent and a droppe rubbed on the ende of the nose séemeth to be as a procurer of sléepe in a maner out of Georg. Sighart Take Assa dulcis and of Styrax calaminta of eche one ounce of Lignum aloes halfe an ounce of Cloues of the cytrine Saunders and of the ryndes of the Cytrone of eche thrée drammes these beaten and laboured diligently togither infuse in Rosewater vnto the quantitie of .xxiiij. ounces for eyght dayes which after dystill in Balneo Mariae the same dystilled kéepe close stopped in a narrowe mouth glasie in which hang of Muske and Amber grece of eche halfe a dramme tyed vp in a fine lynnen cloth of this vse to procure a swéete smell where euer you walke A most prooued water for the falling sickenesse Take of the rootes of the flower de Luce or Ireos of Smalledge of Fennell of Perselie of Sperage of Butchers broome rootes and of Hops of eche twoo handfull of Mayden heare of Harts tongue and the flowers of Tamariscus of eche one handfull of Fennell séedes Annise séedes and Carroway séedes of eche thrée drams all these well beaten togither dystill in a glasse bodie after Arte of this water minister or vse euery morning vnto the quantitie of twoo ounces at a time For the falling sickenesse let the pacient drincke a certaine dystilled water of the flowers of the Lynde trée of the lesser Nettle and Cherie trée leaues or flowers A certaine woman molested with the falling sickenesse by drincking sundrie tymes this water recouered health A water effectuous for the cléering of the voyce and helpeth the harde fetching o● breath the Cough and Leprie Take of Lycoris scraped and the iuice of it of ech thrée ounces of Spikenarde one ounce of Diatragacanthum of the Melon séedes of the Cytrone séedes of the Gourde séedes of the roote of Euula campana of Hysope of Tyme of the flower of Tyme of Polipodie of the rounde Aristolochia of Gentian of Ireos of Saffron of Sauerie of Organie of Penny royall and of Catmynt of eche halfe an ounce all these beaten togither and dystilled orderlye vse A pectorall water or water for the breast of great strength and vertue that especially auayleth in the weakenesse of the stomacke through clammie and rotten humors in that this softeneth and helpeth digestion and openeth withall and is also cordiall Take of Figges of Reysins of the Pynaple kirnels and Almondes of eche foure ounces of Coliander and Annis séedes of eche twoo ounces of common Honie one pounde these myxed togither poure into twenty pintes of common water letting the whole boyle togither vnto the consumption of sixe pynts and that xiiij remayne after strayne the lycour through a lynnen clothe and then haue you the water to this adde of our Quintessence fower ounces and kéepe to your vse in a glasse and this is the pectorall water excéeding by his worthynesse the vertues of all other pectorall waters hitherto inuented of anye this out of the secrete conclusions of Leonar Fiorauantus A dystilled water helping the Dropsie of which let the pacient take fasting euery morning vnto the quantitie of fower ounces at a time and if he will with wyne Take of the rootes of Ireos or flower de Luce of Fennell of Perselie of Smalledge of Sperage of Butchers broome rootes and of Hoppes of eche twoo handfull of Annis séedes Fennell sédes of Cummin of Perselye séedes of Sperage rootes and Butch●rs broome rootes and of Hoppes of eche halfe an ounce of Mayden heare Hartes tongue and flowers of the Tamariske of eche one handfull of Ginger of Galingale of Cynamone and of Mace of eche thrée drammes all these diligently beaten and myxed togither dystill in a glasse bodie according to Arte this water hath the Authour often experienced A water perfitely healing the Dropsie by washing and rubbing the bellie twyse a daye therewith and applying a playster both on the Pulses and Arters made of Bay beries so that the bodie be purged before The water is made on this wyse take of Cinamone of Cloues of the thrée Peppers of Xyloaloes of Spikenarde of Opobalsamum of Galingale of Calamus aromaticus of Cubebae of Saffron of eche brought to powder one ounce of Turpentine fower ounces dystill according to Arte the first which commeth forth throwe away and the seconde lycour that dystilleth forth kéepe to your vse for the applying of this aboue taught both deliuer and clense all the partes and veynes from filling any more Of a water dystilled by a Lymbecke of the matters herevnder described and druncke for a yeare vnto the quantitie of a spoonefull both morning and euening ▪ ech day with fower spoo●●fuls of wyne and the powder described in the seconde place strawed vpon the meates doth dissolue any stone yea hardened being eyther in the kidneyes or bladder It also ceaseth the paine of the bowels and cureth the diseases of a colde cause The preparing of it is on this wyse Take of Fennell rootes of Persely rootes Butchers broome rootes and Radishe rootes of eche one dramme and a halfe all these diligently stamped and stieped in the mightiest wyne dystill according to Arte to which dystilled lycour adde then of the powder of Cynamone halfe an ounce of Galingale of Amber of Ginger and of Catmynt of eche one dramme and twoo scruples of Macropiperis one dramme of Cloues twoo drammes and a halfe of Cummin one dramme of Ameos and of Louage of eche twoo drammes of Spikenarde of Cassia lignea and of Masticke of eche twoo drammes and a halfe which agayne dystilled adde therevnto of Cynamone of Cloues of Spikenarde of Ginger of long ▪ Pepper of Xyloaloes of Mace of Galingale of Zedoaria and Lycoris of eche seauen drammes and ten graynes weyght these togither myxed in the forme of a sawce dystill ouer agayne in a cucurbite which vse as aboue taught this borowed out of Fumanellus A water breaking the stone in the bladder and kidneys Take of the iuice of Saxifrage twoo pyntes of Grummell and of the iuice of Perselie of eche one pynte of the best vinegar of a pleasant wine eyght ounces these altogither dystilled let the lyc●ur be kept in a glasse with a narrowe mouth of which minister in the morning one ounce at a time the like quantitie at noone and at euening before the going to bedde for this is a prooued water as writeth Fumanellus A marueylous and rare water causing the pacient to pysse forth sande and clensing the kidneyes of the same borowed out of Leonar Fiorauantus The which sande in man procureth a much and great heate and drythe of the kidneyes and such doe pysse w●th an extreme diff●cultie and burning in the comming forth of the vrine in so much that such cannot abyde many garments on but rather desire to go thinly and coldly specia●ly on their backe And for that cause any minding to cure su●h a gri●fe and disease ought to minister and vse those matters
w●ich both coole moysten and take away or abate heate like as this remedie following doth both with great facilitie and in a short time The making of which is on this wyse Take of the séedes of the lesser Lemmons and of Orenges of eche one pounde of Saxifrage sixe poundes of Balme of Harts tongue of the herbe Vitriolum growing on olde walles of Sperage of sea Holy of Ysope of the rootes of Fennell and of Perselie of ech vj. ounces of the iuice of small Lemmons so much as shall suffice to labor and incorporate the whole substance togither in the forme of a liquide paste or very soft ointment let this substance be distilled in a Tin Lymbecke which is diligently closed in the edges rounde about vntill all the substance of moysture be drawen which after kéepe in a glasse close stopped But this learne that when you mynde to minister and vse of this water that the bodie before be throughly purged of the crude and clammy humors and like the stomack purged both of fleume and choller which thus prepared let the pacient take of this water warme both morning and euening vnto the quantity of sixe ounces at a time and in the meane time to vse a dyet in abstayning or refrayning from colde and moyste meates and to eate the drie And this in such a case and disease is a most prooued remedie often experienced of the Author A water breaking the stone of the bladder which a Cardinall vsed sundrie tymes Take of Philipendula sixe poundes of the rootes of Acorus thrée poundes of Saxifrage with the rootes as much as the whole these diligently stampe togither and dystill according to Arte of this water vse vnto the quantitie of an ounce at a time A water of a marueylous propertie against the stone of the kidneyes Take of the redde Cicers of the gréene ryndes of Beanes of eche thrée poundes of Madder of the Cherie trée leaues of Egrimonie of Centarach of Mother wort of Date stones of the iawes of a Pyke of eche one ounce of soure Orenges fiue in number of soure Lemmons foure in number of Honie cleane skymmed and of Sugar of eche one pounde and a halfe of the water of Wormewoode twoo pyntes of rosed Honie fower ounces of chosen Cynamone halfe an ounce of Galingale one ounce of chosen Xyloaloes twoo drammes of Pennyroyall one ounce of Maioram one ounce and a halfe these beaten and laboured togither dystill according to Arte of which giue thrée ounces at a time fasting A marueylous and prooued water breaking the stone whether the same shall be in the kidneyes or in the bladder out of Arnoldus de villa noua Take of the Sperage rootes of Acorus of Saxifrage of Virga aurea of Mirasolis the whole with his rootes of eche twoo poundes of the squilliticke vinegar fower pyntes of the iuice of Lemmons twoo pyntes of burnt glasse and of the herbe Po●ey of the mountaine of eche one pounde all these a little beaten and grinded togither distill after Arte in a Cucurbite and that which shall be dystilled reserue in a glasse of this giue twoo drammes with the wyne of the decoction of Leuisticus for it marueylously auayleth A dystilled water for the hearing Take of Betonie one rawe Onyon rounde and whyte of Rosemarie of bitter Almondes of a whyte grosse Eele all these chopped togither dystill in a Limbecke and the lycour which commeth forth kéepe in a glasse of this droppe warme into the eare or eares An odoriferous Damascene water or water of vertue in the tyme of the Plague Take of Rose water fower pyntes of Beniamin that is of Assa dulcis of Styrax calaminta and of Cloues of eche one ounce of both the Saunders of eyther thrée drams of the ryndes of the Cytrone of Cyperus Romanus and of Cynamone of eche halfe an ounce of Camphora thrée ounces of Lignum Aloe sixe drammes these chopped and stamped togither put into a glasse bodie couered close with a Parchment letting it so stande to infuse for thrée dayes which the fourth daye dystill according to Arte by a Lymbecke in Balneo Mariae after adde to the water of Cyuet twentie graynes of Muske twenty graines these throughly laboured togither set in the sunne for xv dayes and then will it be a water very odoriferous A water or rather a lycour precious agaynst pestilent Agues and this sundrie tymes prooued Take of Al●es twoo drammes and a halfe of the dystilled Myrrhe which otherwyse is named Stacte twoo drammes of Saffron one dramme of Nutmegs of Cloues of Cardamomum of the graines of Paradise of Cubebae of Cynamone of Mace of Ginger of Xyloaloes of Caphura of the séedes of the Pome cytron that be soure of the Pionie séedes of Xylobalsamum of eche one dramme of Rosemarie flowers of Buglosse of Borage of Marigolds of Spike of eche one dram of Staechas one ounce of the Dittanie rootes of Tormentill of Zedoaria of the whyte Behen and redde Behen of Euula campana of Acorus of Englyshe Galingale called otherwise Cyperus of Carlina of Reubarbe of the leaues of Hares Lettuce or iagged of eche one dramme of the ryndes of the Pome cytrone so much of olde Triacle of the electuarie of the precious 〈◊〉 of eche an ounce of Muske thrée graynes of the bones of the Harts heart twoo drammes of the iuice of Pomewaters or swéete apples of Honie of the Myrobalanes Chebulae of eche halfe an ounce of Sugar vnto the weyght of the whole which altogither beaten and infused in a glasse bodie for twoo dayes dystill with a soft fire that which first commeth forth let be kept to vse of this minister euery day one great spoonefull for this is one of the best and oftenest prooued of the true medicines in the Pestilence the next which commeth forth chaungeth vnto a whytenesse or begynneth to be troubled which cast away Fumanellus A compounde water which is made of spyces deliuering the Pestilence Poure the water on the spyces delyuering and dystill in the same maner like as the oyle of Cloues or of Annise séedes or of other drie herbes be dystilled In this distillation put a pound of pure whyte Sugar which cleane clarified put in then twoo ounces of the spyces which frame into tables A compounde Damascen water and oyle Damascene Take of Malmesie thrée pyntes of Rosewater and of Lauander of eche halfe a pynte of Cynamone and of Cloues of eche halfe an ounce of Rosemarie flowers and of Maiorame of eche foure handfull of the Cloue rootes of the ryndes of Orenges of Cupressus Costmarie and of the Balme woode of eche halfe a handfull of the Baye leaues and of the Nutmeg of eche one handefull of Ladanum of Nigella Roma of Styrax calaminta of eche one ounce of the pouder of Ireos twoo ounces of Calamus aromaticus of long Pepper of ech one ounce and a half of Camphora twoo drammes of Amber and Muske of eche one scruple these stampe and diligently labour togither which
after the ●●éeping for thrée dayes dystill in a Cucurbite 〈…〉 water and the next an oyle which 〈◊〉 let 〈…〉 in a double ve●●ell A water helping 〈◊〉 procéeding of 〈…〉 the trembling of the heart the Quartain● 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 and griefes of the splene and w●●be diseases 〈◊〉 of 〈…〉 cause Take of the flowers of Rosemarie of the flowers and rootes of Buglosse and of the Q●●nce 〈…〉 o●nce● of Saffron halfe a dramme all 〈…〉 and infused in 〈…〉 of whyt● wyne 〈…〉 bodie couered and set in 〈◊〉 after dystill and vse ▪ this but of Fumanellus A water that deliuereth 〈…〉 of Ague 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 of Fumitarie purified in which Reysins of the sunne be 〈…〉 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 Take of Clo●●● of Nutmegges of 〈…〉 o● Ginger of ●osemarie of Herbe grace and of Scabious of eche twoo ounces 〈◊〉 finely 〈…〉 and 〈…〉 which after 〈…〉 with a soft 〈…〉 kéepe to your vse A water causing the pacient to re●y●e and to appeare yong agayne Take of pure Turpentine one po●nde of clarified honie 〈◊〉 pyntes ▪ of burning water twoo pyntes of Xyloaloes the purest in powder thrée or drammes and a halfe of the Saunders 〈◊〉 much of Olibanum of 〈…〉 of the bone of the Harte● heart of Zedoaria and of long Pepper of eche thrée drammes of gumme Arabecke one ounce of the Nutmegge Galingale Cubebae Cynamone Carowayes 〈◊〉 Mace Cloues Spikenarde Saffron and Ginger of ech● thr●eacute e drammes of chosen Muske a pe●●e weyght all these diligently brought to powder dystill according to Arte vntill a water 〈◊〉 forth so cle●●e as the fountaine water whyles the 〈◊〉 water is in comming forth which then appeareth fierie increase the fire by little and little for the water will ●ssue then vnto the thycknesse of honie Another water of youth this so named the water of youth in that it preserueth youth and deliuereth the person vsing it from sickenesse Take of Xyloaloes of Cloues of Ginger of Galingale of Cardamomum of Cubebae of graynes of Paradyse of Rubarbe of Cynamone of Nutmegs of Aloes of Calomus aromaticus of Mace of eche twoo drammes all these brought into a grosse powder sea●se diligently adding to it of the iuice of Celondine twoo pyntes of 〈◊〉 of Brionie of Buglosse of Fumiterrie of Rue of Bet●nie of Mynte of Borage and of Fennell of eche halfe a pounde all these reduced into one and dystilled with the best whyte wyne of this dystilled lycour druncke euery daye in the Summer time one spoonefull but in the Wynter twoo A dystilled water for the drying of vlcers and the Fistula take of the best Aqua vitae and that thryse dystilled ouer so much as you will into it 〈◊〉 of Bet●nie of Verua●●● of Rosemarie and of saint Iohns worte of eche alike well boyled put into the Aqua vitae ▪ or otherwise let them be dystilled againe togither and the vlcers after washed with it A marueylous water healing the Fistula and all woundes ▪ Take of Rosemarie of B●y●s of the Myrtill of the wilde Sm●lledge ●●garden Smalledge which fower herbes cause newly 〈◊〉 be dystilled by a glasse Lymbeck of which water take one ounce after adde of Turpentine sixe ounces of gumme Iuie thrée ounces of Olibanum twoo ounces of Saffron Mastick of Cubebae of Nutmegs of Myrre of Galingale of Cinamone of Aloes ●●ceatrine of Cloues of eche one ounce but let all these be finely brought to powder and infused in the abouesayde waters put the whole into a Cucurbite which dystill accor●ing to Arte this water reserue in a glasse bodie for this auayleth against any Fistula being from the throte downewarde and all woundes i● of the same you shall apply on them and that a clothe wette in this water be applyed vpon the sayd Fistulaes chaunging it fo●th ● as it wareth dri●● this also much auayleth and helpeth any passion●● the bodie impostume and inwarde griefes by drinc●ing a lit●le of the same But if any Fistula shall be from the thr●te vpwarde then let be added to the foresayd substances one ounce of Pepper ▪ and it will be most perfite and the fecies which shall remayne of the sayde dystillation bying to powder for that applyed on anye vlcer healeth it A water of a diuine working● healing any wounde in a shorte time and both ytche and scabbes Take of the whyte Tartare calcined that is with the quicke siluer decocted and purified of burning water so much as shall suffice vnto the dystilling that if oftener it shall be dystilled it is then caused the effectuou●●● Fumanellu● Another prooued water against the Fistula which so hardeneth yron that you may cut another péece of yron therewith so easie a●● if the same were woode Take of ●a●th wormes and of them drawe a water by dystillation and like drawe a water of Ra●●sh 〈◊〉 wh●ch myxed togither into thi● then put 〈…〉 yron 〈…〉 redde hote the same thus heated and 〈◊〉 for three or fowre tymes by anequall q●●ntitie vsed as 〈◊〉 tymes and the knyfe tempered with an edge ●ippe redde hote againe into the glasse with the waters abouesayde for you may after cut any Iron safely and easily and this w●ter 〈◊〉 is marueylous in Fistulaes A water for all woundes Take of Eg●●monde of Solanum of P●●●taine of 〈◊〉 a pounde of whyte wyne to much ▪ of whyte glasse fower ounces of crude Allu● thrée ounces of Masticke twoo ounces of Orpiment halfe a scruple of the whytes of egges sixe in number let all these be stronglye beatin togither and dystilled with this water washe twyse a day the wounde Another water for Fistulaes knobbes knottes bunches scr●f●●s and any other manner of swelling without payne Take of the chosen oyle of Tylestones fiue pyntes of whyte Franckincense of Masticke of gumme Arabecke of Turpentine of Venice of eche thrée ounces these finely wrought togither dystill in a Cucurbite after Arte and in the dystilling ouer againe adde fiue poundes of Salte and that dystilled lycour then kéepe to thy vse this Fumanellus A water soone healing wounds Take of burning water fower ounces of Triacle halfe ●n ounce this after the dystilling apply on woundes and strawing then the pouder of Aloes and Myrre this Fumanellus A water which healeth all woundes spéedily in any part of th● bodie whether those be newe or olde woundes and the Fistul● ▪ as the author hath 〈…〉 ●●perienced Take of Aqua vitae dystilled of the best wh●te wyne twoo pyntes of Rosemarie water and of Sage water dystilled at one time of ech fiue pyntes of whyte 〈◊〉 ten poundes which laboured togither or still ouer againe● after adde a viall or glasse full of Rosemary flowers and so much of Sage flowers these mixed with the foresayde dyst●lation 〈…〉 it so stande for a daye which after strayne and kéepe in a glasse to your vse The maner of vsing is that it must be applyed on with a lynnen cloth wette in it and as the same cloth alwayes dryeth moysten it againe Another water to drawe out bones
the gummes and any maner of swelling of the throate this breaketh clenseth it helpeth the Melancholicke the persons molested with ache of the hyppes and goute it cureth the dropsie and payne of the great gutte procéeding of a cold cause and annointed about the garland seame taketh away all maner of payne ache of the head comming of a colde cause and slayeth wormes in the body by taking vnto the quantytie of halfe a dram at a time and in the same maner doth it auayle against poyson Many thinges else he promysed which are by him thus written the making of which is on this wyse take of Masticke of Cloues of Nutmegs of the lesser Cardamomum of Cubebae of long Pepper of Cynamon of Galingale of Ginger of Lignum aloe of the great Cardamomum of each halfe an ounce of Spiknard thrée drams of Mace one dram of Caphura one dram a half of the Iundiane nutte halfe a drā of a pleasaunt and cleare whyte wyne so much as shall suffice to infuse throughly the whole which after the dilygent beating and myxing togyther distyll with ● soft flowe fyre according to art The spyces seruing for the distylled Malmesie in the place to be vsed of potable Gold take of the best Malmesie sixe measures which put in a glasse bodie distyll with a slowe or soft fyre in sifted ashes seuen tymes ouer but after the opinion of the best distyllers thrée tymes ouer wyll be sufficient to be druncke as affyrmeth Fumanellus Into the Aqua vitae thus well rectifyed infuse these matters following take of Spermaceti of chosen Ambre and of the best Ruberbe of each two drams of very fine well chosen Muske one dram or more these after the distyllyng and running through a fyne ypocrase bagge made of pure Hob lande and whyte washed put vp the lycour into a glasse with a narrowe mouth which close stoppe that no ayre breathe forth for this after the setling wyl become appeare of a golden color You maye put in a lyttle of the inner part of the Cynamon in the running through which wyll cause the water to taste the pleasaunter The vertues of this water are these it fyrst cureth and expelleth poysons And to preserue the bodye fro●● hauing the plague or pestilence let the person take a droppe of it fasting in the morning with a lyttle toste of whyte bread not to drye tosted but purge the body before with some easie purgation and bée let blood● And the person infected gyue to the quantitye of a great hasyll nutte shell full of it with a toste of whyte bread which by the receyuing delyuereth the pacient But I sayth the Aucthour alwayes dyd gyue of it with preseruatyue medicynes and myxed it besides with Cordiall medycines and Electuaries for the better digesting and comforting of weake persons And in this distyllacion sayth the Aucthour I found and practised many good helpes This borrowed out of a written worke A syngular compound water of spyces hauing great vertue in that the same helpeth all colde grieffes of the stomacke borrowed out of the secrete conclusions of Leonar Fiorauantus the famous Gretian ▪ This water of Lyfe sayth he is only aromatizated with the Leuaunt spyces which is glorious and woonderful in his working as ●y reason and practyse shall playner appeare which is made and distylled on this wyse Take of Nutmegs of Cloues of Galingale of Cardamomum of Cubebae of Mace of Cynamon of Gynger of Saffron of Frankensence or rather Olibanum of each one ounce these myxed and grossely beaten togyther and hauing a glasse body well luted put in your spices powring vpon sixe pynts of the best Aqua vitae distylled thryse or at the least twyse ouer which let so stand for sixe dayes after the closing of the Receauer to the nose of the head distyl the whole in fine sifted ashes the water being come forth wyl be of a red colour which is more precious than any other water the same helpeth all grieffes or sicknesses procéeding of a colde cause and clenseth any maner of wounde or sore This also healeth all cuttes and woundes without causing any payne to the pacient it procureth a readye memorye it healeth the cough of a colde cause it maketh or disposeth the person to myrth and worketh many other great matters besydes which were ouer long tedious to vtter them one by one therefore doth the Aucthour here ouerpasse them wyshing all men to practise and learne further proofes of the vertues of this precious water Of the metalline water and strong waters The .lxxxix. Chapter A Water of Quicksyluer sublymed preuailing against the Canker in eradycating or drawing it vp by the rootes soone slayeth or kylleth the same yf it be applyed vpon so that you shall néede no long cure in the doing of it but euen the same dylygence tyme as is required in an vlcer to bestowe in it the making of which water is on this wyse Let a quantitye of Tynne bée molten and when the same begynneth to coole and waxe thick cast then into it so much of quicksyluer as the wayght of the Tynne which incorporate or worke togyther that the whole may be as a paste and that the paste must be layd on a smoothe euen stone fynely grynded on the stone after it shal be thus handled adde to it of Mercurie or quicksiluer sublymed so much as is the paste which againe grynde and worke on the stone remayning thus on the stone wyll shortlie become liquide as water the same distyll in a strong luted bodie with a head the water which commeth kéepe dyligentlie in a strong glasse to your vse Against all maner of scabbes tetters fowle scurfe ringwoorms and the fowle Morphew c. A distylled lycour out of Theophrastus on this wyse Take Helycampane one ounce of Barrowes grease purifyed halfe a pounde of quicksyluer halfe an ounce of Brymstone two drams distyll the whole in a Retorte but if you wyll in a Lymbecke as the Aucthour wylleth which drawne annoynt the places therewith An Alome water seruing vnto all woundes being a secrete of a certayne noble man take of Egrimon of Nightshade of plantaine of eache halfe a pound of white wyne fowre ounces of rawe Alome fowre ounces of Masticke two drams of Orpyment halfe a scruple of the whytes of egges sixe in number these after the well beating and labouring togyther distyl in a Retorte according to arte with this water let the wound be washed twyse a day Another named an Alome water which marueylouslye and soone healeth all corrosyue vlcers happening eyther in the mouth or in any other partes or places of the bodye Take of Alome of the iuyce of Purcelane of the iuyce of Plantayne of the iuyce of gréene Grapes of the whytes of egges of eache a lyke quantity which after the well myxing togyther distyll according to the order and maner of the Cynamon water Another Alome water borrowed out of the booke of
take the distyllacion by a Lymbecke of the quicksyluer of the syluer sublymed of Romaine vitryoll of each a lyke this orderlye vse A strong water helping a knob called Morum Bertapalia in the sixtene Chapter of impostumes take of Romaine vitryoll of roche Alome of salt Ammoniacū of Salt gemme of each fowre thrée two and one these are the wayghtes according to order which dilygently brought to powder distyll in a glasse body fensed with the lute of wisedome and Ore doong and strawe myxed This water is maruaylous for by touching the rounde knobbe Morum with it both shortlye destroy it yea any other knobbe of fleshe growen on the skinne and this is named the strong water with which the Golosmythes doe seperate the syluer from the Gold. A strong water auayling in Fistulaes and is besydes of great vertue and power in vlcers Take of Salt nyter of Romaine vitryoll of roche Alome of eache one pounde eache fynely grinded alone and incorporated togyther put into a Lymbecke making at the fyrst a soft fyre the fyrst water that comes kéepe by it selfe dystylling forewarde with the increasing of heate vntyll the glasse bodye wareth redde then take awaye that second water and receaue the other by it selfe for the fyrst water is nothing woorth and increase then the fyre myghtyer vntyll the Glasse bodye and headde become redder forsing then the Ashes which are in the vessell to ascende vnto the necke of the Glasse and increase your heate of fyre stronger and stronger vntyll the headde be redde and that the redde fume ascending shall ceasse which shall well or euidentlye appeare in the Glasse the same thus come seale dilygentlye with waxe and kéepe the abouesayde water The Furnace through colde and the bodye opened you shall fynde in the bottome of it a redde masse or lumpe which kéepe The sayde water is stronger then the water of the worlde and hath maruaylous workinges in it For this water dyssolueth corrodeth the fleshe and reduceth or chaungeth all thinges of the worlde into a powder and water as the stones and mettalles If this bée heated it then gyueth vp a verye redde and myghtie fume This water if it toucheth by it selfe eyther the fleshe or a garment it dyeth or coloureth the same yellowe to Saffron which spotte wyll neuer bée gotten out for the colour or stayne on the fleshe contynueth many dayes and if you washe the stayne with Lye it becommeth verye redde of colour Further if you shall put a lyttle piece of good Luna that is of syluer into this water it dyeth then the same of a blacke colour which after cannot be gotten out or clensed away And if you shal put a lytle of Mercurie which is quicksyluer into it ▪ that it bée molten it is then caused mightyer then the fyre For if it then toucheth the fleshe it doth cauterizate or burne euen lyk● to an yron fyre hote and is not fealt and is ryght notable for canterises or to make cauterizations it also mortifyeth all Fistulaes Cankers Carbuneles wicked and venemous humours If yron also bée put into the sayde water it forthwith heateth boyleth without fyre ▪ and if you put into it yron it causeth a redde water by the intermedling dissoluing of the yron And if you shall drawe or distyll the water by a bodye of glasse fensed the yron then wyll remayne in the bottome of the vessel and wyll be a verye redde powder which properlie is named Marses Saffron If also in the above sayd water you shall put Venus that is to say Copper it lyke boyleth and of the same is made a greene water And if you wyll draw that water forth by a Lymbecke then wyll a most blacke powder of Venus remaine in the bottome of the vessell which properlye is named Venus Lyme Note that if you shall put Saturne that is Leade in the sayde water it causeth the water cleare if you shall draw that water forth by Limbeck there wyl remaine a whyte Salt in the bottome that bytter Also if you shall put Iupiter that is tynne into it it wyll then cause of it a paste lyke to butter and if you shall drye the same as aboue taught the powder then wyll be whyte in the bottome And if you shall put Mercurie that is quicksyluer into it it maketh then a cleare water of the same and if you shall let the water of Mercurie to settle it wyll then fall to the bottome lyke to yse and if you wyl drye the same then remayneth a whyte salt in the bottome and strong as the styffest waxe And if you wyll recouer your Syluer when it is in the water put then in the same water crude Mercurie and the good Syluer wyll incontinent enter within the Mercurie after emptye the water and take the myxion which put into a Goates skynne wryng the substaunce verye harde and the Mercurie or quicksyluer wyll then issue forth the substaunce which shal remayne in the skinne put into a Crucible to be molten and you shall then finde the good syluer Also if you shall put Golde in the same water it causeth the water yelowe of it and if you shall drye the same then is a golden salt caused bytter as the earth that auayleth in the drying of Fistulaes If also you shall dyssolue one part of good Luna or syluer in the sayde water and so muche of Mercurie or quicksyluer and so much of the whyte sublymed Syluer and a fowrth part of one of these of Tutia Alexandrina and shall drawe this water by a Lymbecke all these then shall remayne in the bottome of the glasse vnto the fourme of a stone of which stone put one part vpon fowre parts of Copper molten and it shall soone after become so whyte as the syluer 〈…〉 if you ●hall io●ne good Syluer then maye fayre ornamentes be made of the same Also if you 〈…〉 cause l●ttle vesselle● or small rynges or any oth●r thinges be made of halfe Golde and halfe Syluer and that after you shall take the redde substaunce which remayned in the 〈…〉 the vessell of the 〈…〉 and wyll bring it into fine powder you shall then doe or worked 〈…〉 ●nother water p●euayling 〈…〉 and the taking a●●ye of thicke sky●nes and harde fleshe gathered take of Cuperosa that is Romayne vitryoll of Salt nyter of 〈…〉 made of each a lyke quan●●tie these after t●e dily●●nt 〈…〉 ●nd●nyring t●gither distyl ●y a Lymbeck according to arte The fyrst water yssuing or comming forth i● whyte th●t 〈…〉 pymples a●d 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 cleansing thicke and harde ●nottie fleshe the other water is redde which cle●nseth both knobbes and wartes and healeth all those which I have aboue vttered Or thus take of vnsl●●ed Lyme newe made thr●e ounces of 〈…〉 Euphorbi●m 〈◊〉 ounce 〈◊〉 these beaten a parte myxe dyligently with h●th halfe a po●n●e of oyle of Tyle stones which after distyll according to arte that distylled and come kéepe in a glasse both for thicke gatheringes and
knobbes of fleshe Another water take of Salt nyter thrée ounces of Romayne vitryoll one pounde of Vermylion fowre ounces all these grynded togyther distyll artlye by a Lymbecke and the water come kéepe for the gylding of Marse that is to say yron Another water take of Salt nyter of Romayne vitryoll of Salt Ammoniacum of Viridis aeris of Orpimente of newe vnslaked Lyme of Alome of salt Alkali all these after the dilygent labouring a●d my●ing togyther distyll artlye in which stiepe Marse or let the same lye infused in it for a tyine and it wyll corrode and eate in marueylouslye A water dyssoluing the Sonne or Golde take of Salt peter of Vitryoll of Gypsum of Alumiu● iameni of each twelue ounces of Vermylion two o●nces of the water of Salt thrée ounces these after the ●eating distyll in a Lymbecke and the first water come wyll be swéet● ▪ the seconde and l●●t that co●●eth i● redde ▪ and good To seperate golde from any mettall take of oyle of Tartare two partes of Brymston● one parte after the distylling annoin● the metall or yron which made redde hote quenche them in cold water and the Gold wyll after fall of in the ●ourme of Sande to the bottome of the vessell A strong water seperating the Sunne that is to saye Golde from the Moone that is to say syluer take of salt one part of vitryoll one part of Salt nyter halfe a part of Viridis Graeci the fowrth part of one part the whole stiepe with the strongest vineger to the fourme of paste and dryed then sublyme the water Another working b●tter which seperateth the M●●ne that 〈◊〉 syluer vnto one part and the Sunne that is Gold vnto another after the maner of a masse or lumpe take of Tyles one dramme wayght of common salt burnt halfe a dram of Aeris vsti of Viridis aeris of each halfe a dram all these brought to powder and myxed togither put after the matter which you wyll seperate into this pouder being then in a glased earthen panne which c●uer with another panne when the masse is dyssolued the one then wyll be seperated from the other A water and oyle of salt Ammoniaci take of sixe or ten harde Egges sodden which opened in the heads and the yolkes taken forth fyll those emptie places of the Egges with the salt Ammoniaci in fine powder after let th●se be set into a vessell fylled with sande that is moystned or wette with water and the next morrowe you shall finde a water within the shell which powre forth the next morrowe after empty againe the water in lyke maner and so often doe vntyll the whole be resolved But if you mind to draw and haue an oyle of the same then seperate the water by a Lymbecke and the oyle wyll remayne which keepe in a glasse The speciall vse of it is and serveth vnto the fyxing and vnto many other Alchymicall workes Marcell A water mollyfying or softning all mettalies Glasse Stéele and Yron and the Amber stone take of salt Ammoniaci of the Salt nyter with Tartare of each a like quantity which boyle in same lycour with a small ●y●e and the same softneth any mettall powred into it Salt nyter and Tartare equallye or of a lyke quantitye taken doe soften metalles after the opynion of some pr●aysioners A strong water take of Salt nyter of Salt Armoniacke of eache a lyke quantytie ● mak● of these a water for the Sunne that is Golde And if you wyll seperate Golde and Syluer in the water take of Salt nyter one pounde of burnt Alome two pounde● these distyll by a Lymbeck into the water put so thinne plates heaten as a leafe ▪ standing or set on the fyre whi●h then wyll boyle and when the saui● seac●th boyling take it fr●m the fyre and the water c●oled shake well togyther and it wyll be troubled powre then the water lyghtlie or subtyllye forth into another Glasse and you shall see blacke Golde to settle or rest in the bottome then take a lyttle Spryng or C●nduite water powring that vppon the Sun●● or Gold● and washe it dyligentlye and the water after ●●wre as vnto the first water the Sunne or Golde then put into a Cru●ible which through dryed on the coales adde after to it of Salt nyter a lyttle quantitye melting the Sunne with it and then cast it into fourme And when you wyll haue the Moone take the water powred forth and distyll the ●ame by a Lynmbecke and the Moone shall abyde in the glasse which then powre or put forth as is aboue taught of the Golde the Moone then washed with the first water maye be powred vpon the Feces that if more of the Moone in blacke powder happen that the same also be then dyssolued and powre it after forth agayne on which powre Spryng or Conduyte water washing it as aboue taught The Mo●n● in the rude dryed put into a Crucible filled ▪ with halfe so much of Nyter as the same is and making a small hole aboue or on the toppe of it blow the fyre and you shall haue the Moone purifyed A water of the Philosophers borrowed out of a written leafe of Paper in the Frenche tongue take of ●i●maine vitryoll one ●ounde at Salt nyter halfe a pound of Uermillio● three ounces ●●ese fyuelie beaten to powder and myxed together ●●●tyll in a Lymbecke which after must be set in a new earthen potte The same fyll so bighe with syfted ashes as they maye well receyue and ryse somewhat aboue the substance contayned in the Glasse bodye standing in the earthen potte Which so ordered make then in the beginning a cleare and softe fyre and after the first water is ●ome kéepe that a part which is knowne to be then full come when as the necke of the Lymbecke aboue shall appeare yelowe and following or mayntayning the fyre get the seconde water in another Receauer so that each ought to be kept a part The vertues of this water are many with this water are cups helmets Armour sword● kniues such like things gylded yea wry●●ing l●fters paynting leaues or ●ther ornamentes in ordering it after this maner as that first or before the mater or thing to be gylded be stricken ouer with vernishe and the same after dryed at the fyre on which well dryed write what you wyl with a styffe pricke of a harde wood sharpened for the purpose after wette ●ll ●hat pl●●● ▪ 〈◊〉 or written with the sayde water which let to rest a lyttle space then holding or setting these to a soft fyre an● after a whyles to a stronger fyre being then well heated or sufficient hote let them be rubbed ouer with a roughe Lynnen cloath and wyped or clensed from the vernishe And if you wyll whyten or make whyte latten metall let it boyle in this water and i● wyll after appe●re syluer ●yke If you wyll c●●e the wa●ts the 〈◊〉 the pymples or 〈…〉 deformable in any person or take away the super●●uous ●●esh
growing in any place or part of the body let the place be fyrst opened with a needle and power in a lytle of the aboue sayde water which in●ontinent wyll take the same away But if you would helpe and cure Fistulaes and impostumes then with a tent applye the water to them ▪ for it wyll and doth breake the Fistulaes and eradicateth by taketh them awaye by the rootes within two date● and doth lyke take awaye euyll fleshe growne and restoreth the good And if you would open impostumes wi●●out an yron instrument then take whyte ware making of it a playster with a hole bored with them y●●lē whi●h apply on the grieue● plate after po●●e a ●ytl● of the water into that hole which 〈◊〉 after openeth the impostumes This water softneth Corralles if you put them into one or both of these waters myxed togyther which after the softning and taking forth you maye worke and frame to what forme you wyll for after a tyme they returne vnto theyr proper nature and hardnesse This water druncke of any beast slayeth or kylleth him The wind to which this water is admyred forthwith is corrupted but when you wyll recouer the wyne then put into it Rosemarye And it hath also other properties not here to be vttered for the lewdnesse sake of the craftye wicked and detestable persons which may abuse this water vnto menni● destruction A water named Royall for the syngular properties which it hath vnto many grie●●e●punc the making of which is on this wyse take of yellowe Brimstone of roche Alonie and of Salt gemu●e of eache two poundes of Borrace and of ●a●●icke of eache two ounces these dilygentlye beaten in a morter and myxe● after in a glasse bodie fenced with a head and Receauer ●●tly● 〈◊〉 dystyll according to s●yll making a most ●trong or myghtye fyre toward the ende continuing the same vntyll all the moy●ture be drawne and come the water which distylleth and is gathered in the Receauer is whyte troubled which strayne through a fyne cloath the same kéepe in a glasse with a narrowe mouth putting to it fowre graines of Musk● dyssolued in halfe an ounce of Rose water and after the setlyng wyll this water be cleare and very swéete The approoued vertues of this water are many as the Aucthour affyrmeth of which some he doth here vtter that he hath many tymes experienced And the fyrst is that this royall water taketh away the payne of any wound if the wound all about be bathed with it The seconde propertye and vertue of this water is that all maner of vlcers fores and grief●es that maye happen within the mouth and the gummes much putryfied and to the ache by holding a litle of this water in the mouth by the space of a Crade and spytting it after forth doth marueylouslye and sp●dily heale any of the aboue sayd The thyrde propertye and vertue of this water is that rubbing the teeth with a ●yne lynnen cloath wette in this water doth make them verye whyte a matter delectable to many men women The fowrth by giuing halfe a scruple of this water by the mouth with broath to the person in the fyt of an Agu● doth marueylously delyuer it and that for certaine This borrowed out of the singular practises of the Greeke Fiorauant A precious water for the eyes of Vitryoll take a quantitye of Vitryoll drawing a water of it in a Cucurbite by distyllacion in Sande but this Vitryoll needeth not nor ought to be calcyned Another seruing to the same purpose Take a new layde egge which after the seething harde plucke of the shell and cutte the same into iuste halues in the myddle The yolke taken out put in the place the quantitye of a Pease of whyte Vitryoll in powder and it wyl be turned into a water after let the ▪ whole be wrynged through a linnen cloath into a glasse the water kept for it is singular for the eyes A marueylous water taking away the spottes vndoubtedly● of the eyes and clearyng the syght aboue all it preserueth and maintayneth youth and taketh awaye any spotte of the face but in the highe redde c●lour and Leprie it doth not so much auayle or not throughlye cure them The making of which is on this wyse take of the sylinges of Syluer of Tynne of Copper of St●ele of Leade of the Golde and Syluer ower of each so muche as the abillitie of the person maye extende Infuse these fo● the fyrst daye and nyght in the vryne of a sound● chylde the nexte daye in warme whyte wyne the thyrd● daye in the iuyce of Fennell Veruayne or Celondyne the fowrth daye in the whytes of Egges the fyfte daye in the mylke of a woman gyuing sucke to a man chylde the syxt daye in redde wyne the seuenth daye in the whytes of seuen egges and the whole togyther put into a tynne Lymbecke or Rose styll to bée distylled with a softe fyre and that which commeth kéepe dilygently● in a Glasse with a narrowe mouth close stopped Of this water let fall two or thrée droppes at a tyme into the eyes both morning and euening washing the eyes before with Spring water c. This borrowed out of the learned worke of Arnolde De villa noua A water of mettals experienced that helpeth any Leprie fowle scabbes the Fistula the Morphew the 〈◊〉 sootte T●tter and Canker auayleth vnto the comforting 〈◊〉 at the m●mbers of the ●ody pallyueth any contagiou● sore or griefe and kylleth any griefe continually running Take of the fylings of yron of steele of Gold of Syluer of Copper of Tynne and of Leade of eache a lyke wayght of Myrre Aloes so much as of all or of the whole● all these grynde an● myxe togyther which after put into a glasen or ▪ Alchymicall potte with a headde of Glasse set vppon it and artlye luted the same set in a Furnace ouer the fyre and gather the water which distylleth by a Lymbecke in a Receauer standing vnder which keepe to your vse for it marueylouslye auayleth in all the grieffes aboue vttered this out of the aforesayd Aucthour A blessed water distylled against the Cowte take of Romaine Vitryoll two poundes of the distylled Hony fowre pynts distyll these as you knowe after adde a thyrde part of Aqua vitae rectifyed to it which dilygently myxed ke●pe to your vse and with a whyte Dooues feather stryke ouer or annoynt the grieued place according to arte A ●roued water helping the foulenesse and filthy coulour of the ●●eth borrowed out of Guido take of salt Ammoniacke and of Salt gemme of each halfe a pound of Sugar alome one quarter of a pound these brought to powder put into a Cucurbite distyll after arte with this water rubbe the téeth with a piece of Scarlet A water cau●●ng the heyre of the headde yelowe take of the Ashes of the Tree Cerrus one pounde of a Spring or Conduite water syxe pyntes boyled a good whyles togyther to which adde or put
two ounces of Romaine vitryoll and set in the open ayre for thrée dayes after vse the same according to discretion Another water take of salt gemme of the ●rosse beatings about the Antui●ld of Copper and of Alcan●a of each a lyke quantitye these after the beating distyll after art in a Lymbecke Another water more of value take of salt gemme one pound of Romaine vitryoll halfe a pounde of Salt nyter fowre ounc●● of the gréene rootes of Celondyne scraped vnto the wayght of all these seuerallye heate● ▪ and myxed togyther drawe ● water by Lymbecke the same 〈◊〉 fyrst 〈◊〉 thro●e● way 〈◊〉 ●nprofitable the next which co●●eth kéepe● 〈◊〉 it coloureth th● heyre in washing the heyres before with ●ye ▪ and ●●tting the heyres often with a Spunge as th●y drye in the hote sunne A powder made by subl●mation most strong seruing with the corr●●ing and eating away and mortifying de●●●slcke borowe● out of Lanfra●ke in his Anty●●●arie Take of the fylinges of yron of the powder of vitryoll of Al●ne ia●●●i and of Anti●●●nie of eache two ounces ▪ of the Salt ▪ A●●nonia●i of Arsenic●e cytrine ▪ of Sulphure viue of Floris ▪ aeris of each one ounce and a halfe of vn●laked Lyme new made halfe a pounde after all these well beaten and myxed togyther adde to the whole one ounce of quicksyluer extincted or kylled with fasting spyttle or mortifyed with the squilletick vineger or the sea water or strōg Lye which shall be the better if the same shal be of the ashes of Beanes and that Trochistes or lytle flat balles be made therof and dryed put into a Aludel and sublymed after arte The maner of the sublymation ●s on this wyse take a thicke strong Glasse body ▪ which wyl abyde the heate of fire without cracking or breaking or that it be a bodie of earth glased within and hath a couer to artificiallye framed and matched to it that one part entereth close within the mouth of the bodie which shal be vnder and so closely neere ioyned to it that nothing at all can breath out of the same with this that the edges or lyppes be luted round about with the lute of wisedome or potters claye Let the powder to be sublymed be put in the bottome of the body and close couered with the couer and the edges stronglye luted and set in the Furnace vnder which a soft or slowe fyre made for halfe a day after take the vessell from the fyre letting the same throughlye coole which being colde vncouer the head and that which then remayneth alowe in the bottome throwe away But that which cleaueth or sticketh to the couer take away and keepe in the pieces And when you shall néede of the same then vse and worke with the same by good cyrcumspection and in a warie maner in that this burneth lyke to fyre and both putrifyeth and corrupteth the place to which this is applyed Certaine instructions of Mercurie precypitate to be prepared and made with Aqua fortis are here vnder vttered Th●● Mercurie precypitate is made on this wyse take of Aqua fortis or strong w●●er one pound of crude Mercurie foure ounces dyssolued into water after the water euaporate in Sande or by distyllacion seperate it stronglye that it waxeth redde through dryed the same after grinde in a marble morter powring vppon Aqua vitae distylled fiue or seuen tymes ouer which also kyndle ▪ and let it burne vntyll the same be consumed After let it be rectifyed with Rosewater verie well myxed and then by fyltring or by a fylter seperate the Rosewater and leaue or suffer it to drye Then powre againe of the Aqua vitae vppon which kyndle and burne vntyll the same be through drye and the same repeted a thyrd time you shall haue that you desyre and seeke And so much of Aqua vitae must be powred vpon as maye onely suffice to couer it but not to much in any wyse A Mercurie precypitate inuented of an Empericke Frenche man take of quicksyluer one pounde of strong water fifteene pyntes these put into a Cucurbyte stronglie luted distyll after the maner of strong water as is afore taught increasing alwayes the fire vnto the ende Of Mercurie precipitate which serueth and is a remedie against all sicknesses and disseases caused of the rottennesse of humours The lxxxx Chap. TAke equal parts of Romaine vitryoll and Salt nyter and of them gather a water by distyllacion with a body head and Receauer into which bodye you shall put a sixt part of the wayght of crude Mercurie or quicksyluer that is if of the Vitryoll and Salt nyter there be three poundes then adde to these of Mercurie syxe ounces after this so doe that a water with his spirites may ascende and fall into the Receauer All which come in the receauer emptie then into another Glasse bodie pure within stronglye luted and fensed without to the headde of which set a Receauer fastened with lute and standing vnder the same cause to distyll againe and the water when it shall be gathered in the Receauer powre the same againe into the bodie in which Mercurie yet remayned and you shall often repeate and goe ouer with this vntyll a Mercurie come to rednesse being thus come redde take the Cake forth and washe it with Cordiall waters as the water of Rosemarye Buglosse Baulme and such lyke But washe the Mercurie before and that often tymes in spring Cunduite or well water being before distylled which Mercurie thus corrected and prepared you shall mynister to the sicke and grieued persons after this order and maner If the person shall be sufficientlye strong of bodie then mynister after the mynde of Gabriell Fallopius of Aloes cicotri halfe a scruple of Myrre and Masticke fowre graines of precypitate fyue graynes myxe these with rosed Hony or rather with the conserue of Roses framing of the whole eyther three or fowre pylles which gyue fasting in the morning and dryncking a draft of whyte wyne warmed after them If the bodie shall be meane of strength then mynister but fowre graynes with a lytle swéet● butter Sugar and three graynes of Masticke If the body shal be feeble and through crased then onely thrée graynes with halfe a scruple of Aloes ●ycotrine powthered and myxed with Rhodosaccharū which made into thrée pylles minister as aboue taught But if you minde to minister this to a Childe then vse but fowre graynes or rather applye of it according to the strength and weakenesse of the Chyldes body Further learne note that you ought to myxe the precypitate before with Triacle and to mynister the same then to the pacient poysoned to the dropsie person ▪ and pacient taken with the Pestilence or any other sicknesse And that more to be vnderstanded if a healthfull and sound man shall yearely or euery thyrd yeere vse this precypitate as neede occasion shall requyre the same with a prudent digestion of humours that is the preparation of the
scabbes doth speedily and with marueilous easinesse heale them and worketh the lyke on the fowle scurfe the Leprie and all maner of vlcers which are not corrosyue this water marueylously cureth that without tediousnesse and vnto infinite other grieffes also this serueth that the Aucthour here ouerpasseth The baulme oyle serueth vnto infinite matters and purposes and especiallye for woundes of the headde where bones be perished or harmed and the pannickles by powring into and applying on it on the woundes This preserueth the fa●e by annoynting after dyscretion with it This also doth marueylouslie helpe the Plewrisse by giuing one dramme with water at a tyme ▪ and many other matters this worketh besydes The Baulme is a marueylous lycour for who that hath paine of the flankes or bowelles by taking two drammes of this Baulme in the mouth shall spedilie be eased and deliuered this doth lyke helpe the cough the rewme the coldnesse of the head and the stomacke and for all woundes of the headde this is a most synguler remedie by annoynting all the headde about once a daye for this pierceth into the brayne and euen to the stomacke alowe This also dissolueth any swelling happening in any part of the bodye and in short tyme This besides cureth the quartaine Ague by annoynting all the bodie with it in omytting no part vntouched and the same in a shorte tyme to be briefe the Aucthour knewe at no tyme any sicknesse or dissease which he dyd not cure with this Baulme in that this auayleth as well in the hote sicknesses as in the colde for the colde this heateth and the hote sicknesses this of a certayne hydde propertie cooleth To conclude I haue sayth the Aucthour founde and tryed such synguler vertues in this p●ceious lycour that I can not vtter all or at the least to wryte of them all were ouer long Wherefore I wyshe all menne and women being of abilytic to be alwayes prouided and to carrie of this treasure with them whether so euer they traueyle or iourney for the health of bodie in that the vse of this defendeth them a long time from any sicknesse or dissease this is a most certayne truth as the Aucthour of tryall knoweth The maner of distylling an artificiall Baulm● of D. Ioh. Mag. In the begynning ought thyrteene poundes of Turpentine myxed with Aqua vitae rectyfied be distylled and gather that oyle by a Receauer which by Balneo Mariae ascendeth that is most cleare verie thynne and lyght Of this oyle take one pound and a quarter of Borrag● flowers of Roseleaues of Buglosse flowers of Staechas arabica of the garden Spyke of Rosemarie flowers of Lauender and of Chamomyll flowers of eache one pugyll or lyttle handfull of Annnise seedes of Basyll seede and of Pyonie seedes of each halfe a dramme of the rootes of Angelica of Helycampane of Valerian of the flower Deluce or Ireos of the true Acorus of Dyttanie of Lycorps of Pyonie of Spica of eache one dram of the ryndes of the Cytrone and Orrenges of eache two scruples of hearbes as of Sauge of Maioram of Lauender of Rosemarie of Hysope of Myntes of Bytonie and of Baye leaues of eache one lyttle handfull let all these be finelye shredde and stamped according to arte and put into the glasse bodie stronglie luted or Copper bodie togyther with the oyle of Turpentine distylled and to all these powre the water of Annyse or Cloues or that last in the dis●yllacion of Cynamon in so much that the bodye be in a maner fylle● On this after set the headde and the ioynt about close stoppe with lute Then fyre put vnder let the distyllation be lyke done as of the Annise or water of Cyanmon that is let this be distylled by a pype running through a vessell of water Which done that is when the water shall be ascended and come then let the refuse or Feces of the hearbes flowers and rootes be taken forth and put again● into the bodie clensed into which powre one quarter of a pynte of Lyquide stora● and to the same powre what so euer you shall drawe forth in the next distyllacion and let them be distylled agayne as the first That if the water of the first distyllacion shal be diminished in quantity then shal you powre more lycour vpon Nowe as soone as the seconde distyllation shall be ended cleanse againe the bodie powring into it of Storaxe calamyte and of Myrre of eache two ounces of Masticke Frankensence and of Asa dulcis of each one ounce a half which finely brought to powder and put in powre vpon the water and oyle already distylled If those suffice not then adde to it of the like water aboue taught vntill you shal thinke it sufficient let a lyke distyllation be done as aboue taught of the hearbes Which performed take then forth all those which remaine in the bottome of the Glasse powre in these following in theyr stéede Yet this must be noted by the waye that many mixe the Lyquide storaxe togyther with the foresayd gummes so that there ne●deth no peculyar distyllacion of these folowing The spyces to be added are these take of Gynger of Zedoaria of Galingale of each two drams of Rubarbe halfe a dram of Gentiane of Cubebae of eache one dram and a halfe of Saffron halfe a dram of Cynamon one ounce of Nutmegges of Mace and of Cloues of each sixe drams of Calamus odoratus halfe an ounce let al these be finely brought to pouder and powred togither with the water and oyle of the last seperation and distilled like the first time by a pype in water which thus fynished seperate the oyle frō the water and kéepe the oyl● of the artificiall Baulme in a glasse which vse as here vnder instructeth There may also in this last distillatiō be a ball or great button made of the spyces tied round vp in a fine lynnen clothe distilled togither that the sauour may be purchased caused the sweeter take of Mus●● dissolued in Rosewater fiue graynes of Camphora two graines of Cynamon and Cloues of eache one scruple these orderly mixe as aboue taught And this Baulme is fowre times distilled ouer as first with the hearbes onely in the second with the Liquid storaxe in the third with the gummes in the fourth with the spyces This hath the propertie of comforting all the synewie partes and those lacking bloud which be the stomacke the wombe the bowells bladder But it especially helpeth the stranguri● those passioned with the stone if eyght or ten droppes of the same be druncke in eyther Ferne water or wine This also openeth all inner stoppings it defendeth preserueth a person long in health by taking certaine droppes mixed in broth that in the morning fasting twise in the weeke c. A briefe rehersall of this distillation he tooke one pound of the oyle of Turpentine added besides sundrie seedes of herbes of flowers of the aboue mencioned rootes mixed
of a writtē booke tak● of Carpobalsamum of Xylobalsamum of red corral of long Pepper of Nutmegs of each two ounces of Saffrō one ounce of the fat of a Beuer of the fat of a Grype or of the kydneys of a Weather of the marrow of the bones of an Asse or of an horse of each fowre ounces of Turpentine six ounces of olde oyle Olyue one pint of virgin waxe fowre ounces of olde Malmesie two pintes of liue water frogges xxx in number of the iuyce of the toppes of Canes or reedes of the iuyce of the wal yuie which yeldeth yelow seedes ▪ of the iuyce of the rootes of Veruaine of each fowre ounces all these beaten a part put after into a Limbecke distill with a soft fire The first water which cōmeth will be cleare helpeth the moyst gowte the thirde water gathered wyll be redde which auayleth in the colde gowte and this remember that the frogges ought to be put alyue into the Lymbecke for this is an approued m●dicine and alwayes found true A marueylous oyle in the palsie and shrincking of synewes the falling sicknesse the crampe and helpeth any colde sicknesse ingendred of a cold cause Take of Galbanum halfe a pound of gum yuie three ounces these brought to powder myxed togyther dystyll in a Lymbeck after art the water oyle distylling forth gather in a receauer into which put one ounce of the oyle of Bayes one pound of good Turpentine the whole throughly myxed dystyl againe the oyle water then gathered seperate the one from the other and the oyle keepe as a Baulme for it matcheth and is lyke to the baulme in all his vertues A certayne practyser applyed one droppe of the oyle on the pacientes forehead of the palsie and another on his nauell he ●ncontinent arose as amased of him selfe and was after an howre delyuered of the grieuous payne of a wound in a certayne place of the body and the shrincking of synewes he annoynted with this oyle the pacient was speedily healed And in other sicknesses and grieffes was this oyle diuerslie proued and founde to be of great efficacye The hynder part of the head annoynted with it at the going to bedde and that in the morning he eateth one dram wayght of the Reysons of the Sunne it quickeneth in a short tyme the memorie This oyle helpeth the defenesse and any sicknesse procéeding of a cold cause helpeth besydes the losse of smelling this borrowed out of the Breuiarie of Arnoldus de villa noua●●● the Chapter of the palsie An oyle of many vertues but auayling especially in wounds borrowed out of the secretes of Fallopio take of cleare Turpentine two poundes of the oyle of Lyne séede one wyne pynt of the Rosen of the Pyne tree sixe ounces of Frankensence of Myrre of Aloes of Mastick and of Sarcocolla of ech two ounces of Mace of Saffron of Lignum aloes of each two ounces but these thrée last adde to if you wyl All these wrought togyther put into a Retorte of glasse strongly fenced which artly distyll in sand● with a verie soft fire in the beginning a cleare water shall come but a redde oyle within a whiles after wyl distyl forth which séene begyn then to increase your fyre and stronger stronger vnto the end of the distillation or that all be come after take away the receauer and seperate the water from the oyle which kéepe apart in seuerall glasses The water within a time waxeth redde the oyle will become of a Rubine colour This oyle is precious especially to be applyed on woundes where the synewes the bones and vaynes be cutte for by closing or stitching the partes and lippes of the wound and applying of this lycour vpon it healeth the same speedily without any griefe paine to the pacient And Falloppio on a time cured a scholler being a young man with this lycour which had fourteene woundes of these eyght were deadly by sowing or stitching all the wounds and applying only of this lycour vpon was in the space of thyrtie dayes throughly cured without annoyance to the pacient And of the wounds of small importaunce he healed a great number within fowre or fiue dayes with the sayd oyle and vsed none other so that he concludeth and prooueth this oyle to be singular in his properties that a mā with it may do myracles in applying of it on wounds and ruptures An artificiall Faulme helping and putting awaye the scarres of woundes if after a stripe a great scarre shall remayne on the face or in any other partes of the body then with this Baulme following may you remoue a scarre not wholly or altogyther but in such sort that it shall be little séene of any Take of Mastick one ounce of the ryndes of the swéete Pomegranates of gum Arabicke of each halfe an ounce of Saffron two drams of English Galingale one ounce of Carpobalsamū half an oūce of Aloes ten drams of Frankensence one ounce of Myrre one ounce of Turpentine of the Fyrre tree half a pound of old oyle Oliue one ounce those to be beaten bring to pouder after the mixing togither put the whole into a Retort of glasse strongly fensed with the lute of wisdome which order distill with a soft fire in the beginning and increasing after the fire by litle and litle vnto that end The receauer after the close sealing or stopping after art set into Balneo Mariae or burie in horse dung for ten dayes which then drawe forth and vse This perfourmeth the same which the Baulme doth in all proofes The confection of a baulme which is named a gréekes baulme borrowed out of Tarquinius Schnellen bergius take of Turbith two ounces and a halfe of Rhapontick fowre ounces of Rubarb one ounce and a halfe of long Pepper and of Cloues of each two drams of Gynger one ounce two drams of Zedoaria one ounce a halfe and two drams of Nutmegges seuen drams of Cardamomum one ounce a half and two drams of Cubebae eyght drams of Cynamon thre ounces of the rootes of Pympernell one ounce of Annise sixe ounces of Sugarcandie thrée ounces two drams al these beaten a part or seuerallie take after of oyle Oliue fowre pyntes of the oyle of Lyne seede one pynt of the iuyce of wormewood halfe a pynt Let the oyles be first heated after put in the powders but beware that you heate not the oyles ouer hote After the putting vp of the whole ●nto a Retorte or if you had rather in a Cucurbite distyll thrise ouer A secrete water of good accoumpt which putteth away spottes whitneth the skynne taketh away spottes wrinckles pimples causeth besydes a cleare most comely face borrowed out of Bertapalia take of Turpentyne sufficient cleare two pounds and of the same drawe a water by a Lymbecke to the same distylled and come of the Turpentine adde these powthered of chosen Masticke halfe an ounce of the whyte pure
Frankensence thrée drams of Tragacanthi halfe an ounce all these dilygently mixed togyther with the abouesayd water put after into a Lymbecke distyll the substaunce with a very easie fire that which then commeth keepe in a glasse close stopped After take of Barrowes greace strayned through a thyck cloath one pound of chosen Ginger one ounce of Cloues two drams of Nutmegs three in number of chosen Cynamon of Euphorbium of eache halfe a dram of Spykenard two drams of Cubebae halfe a dram of Camphora thrée drams all these after the finelye brynging to powder myxe artlie with the sayde Barrowes greace Also take of crude Mercurie thrée poundes of fine syluer one dram the siluer finely file to pouder chopping the pouder ouer again which after myxe with the sayd Mercury of these two make an argenture incorporate then al these dilygētly with the abouesaid mixture of barrows greace putting altogither into a glasse body setting the headde artlye vpon distyll with a softe fyre in the begynning but after increase the fire stronger vnto the ende of the worke and the same which commeth forth is gathered in the Receauer powre into a glasse dilygentlye keeping the same to your vse After take of the first Turpentyne water halfe a pynt and of this other myxte with the Barrowes greace one pounde and these two artlie myxed keepe in a glasse close stopped And when any woman wyll vse this water let hir w● she hir face well before with the water of the decoction of branne after wyping verye drye hir face let hir pause an howre after and by applying of this water on all the face with a fine lynnen cloth wette in it wyll then cause such a comely whitenesse to appeare that wyll endure or continue many dayes after An oyle hauing the properties of a Baulme borrowed out of a written booke take of chosen Turpentyne two ounces of the rootes of Campherie and of Symphiti Petraei cutte into square Tables and thynne one pounde and of the rootes of Vlmi sixe ounces of the leaues of the wylding tree of horse tayles of yarrowe and of hearbe Iudaica of each two handfulles of rype Dates with theyr kernelles a lytle brused tenne in number of gum Elemi halfe an ounce chosen Myrre of Beniamyne and of Storax Calamyta of eache two ounces of Frankensence and of Masticke of eache three ounces of Nutmegs one dram a halfe of wormes dilygently washed with redde wyne one ounce and a halfe of redde Rose leaues of Spykenarde ▪ and of the flowers of Saint Iohns woort of eache one lytle handfull of the leaues of Vlmi with his licour two in number of Oxe eye brought to pouder two drams all these laboured and artlye myxed togyther put into a Lymbecke with a head close stopped about which dystyll after with a softe fyre The first lycour that commeth is shynne the seconde that followeth is an oyle supplying the properties of a baulme which is most effectuous in the closing and curing of new woundes and fylling the hollownesse with ●●she or vnto other great vlcers and olde grieffes and vnto many others much helping This oyle ought dilygently to be stopped in a glasse with a narrow● mouth that adver●ue of it breath forth Of the Baulmes not distylled The .xi. Chapter AN oyle supplying the properties of a baulme in the curyng of wounds borrowed out of a written booke take of the flowers and hearbes of Saint Iohns woort as much as you wyll those put into glasse with a narrow necke and mouth fylling the same full with olde oyle Olyue or common oyle setting the same after in the sunne for fifteene dayes at the end of which tyme powre into it halfe a cup full of whyte wyne labouring altogyther set the glasse close stopped into hote horse doong for fifteene or twentye daies which after the drawing forth bind about with a smal hand of haye into which put then of Myrre of Mastick of Venice Turpentine and of Rosen of each two ounces or according vnto the quantity of the oyle prepared and let all these be finely brough to powder before the putting in the glasse then close stopped that no ayre breath forth set after into a kettle of water ouer the fire letting the substaunce in the glasse boyle for a certaine tyme and after the same shall be sufficientlye boyled strayne the whole through a common strayner and the refuse throw away the oyle preserue in a glasse close stopped which the older it shal be before the occupying the greater wyll be his effectes and when you wyll vse of it heate the oyle a lytle before Another baulme curing wound● take of gum yuie of Myrre of each one ounce of gum Elemi of Colophoni● of Frākensence ▪ of Masticke of Storax calamita of Lignum aloes of Saffron of Dragons blood of each halfe an ounce ▪ of Sarcocolla of Ammoniacum of Opopanax of Bolellium of the long Aristolochia of Castorie of gum Arabick of Nutmegs of Cloues ● of ●aules ▪ of ech one dram of Ladanum of Storax liquid● of each half an ounce o● Aqua vitae ▪ fowre ounces of Turpentine one pounde of olde oyl● two pyntes of the oyle of thorough waxe made of the symple flowre halfe a pynte all these orderlie put into a glasse boyle in Balneo Mariae as aboue taught A good baulme of many vertues but it doth peculiarly close and heale ●●lde woundes without leauing manifest sygnes of scars this also cleanseth the eyes preserueth the fleshe from putrifying and doth marueylously helpe the swelling of the ioyntes and payne of the hote gowte this borrowed out of a wrytten booke of secretes in the Italian tongue take of the lycour of the bladders of Vlmus the same strayne through a lynnen cloth putting it after into a glasse which set in sande to digest for fiftéene dayes the same lycour strayning euerie thyrde daye after set this in the Sunne for two whole monethes And note that this ought to be prepared and made from the midle of the moneth of March vnto the mydle of Iune Another take of oyle Olyue two ounces of whyte pytche one ounce of Galbanum halfe a dramme let all these be molten with one dram of the oyle of Romayne vitryoll with thrée ounces of the oyle of Poppie with fowre ounces of the oyle of bytter Almondes with one ounce of the oyle of Olybanum those that are to be brought to fine powder myxe with the oyle The inuentour of this is vnknowne to the Aucthour Another out of the secretes of Gabriell Fallopio take the iuyce of Léekes and the iuyce of Myntes of each a lyke which powred into a glasse set in the Sunne all the Dogge dayes and the same shall after be a syngular baulme Another of Tarquinius Schnellen bergius take of Masticke of Olibanum of eache two drams of Ammoniacum one dram of Galbanum thrée drams of Bolellium sixe drams of Opopanax one dram of Ladanum halfe an ounce of Assa foetida one
of the Gréeke Fiorauant The best oyle for the helping of Scroffles freshe new begun especially on children which ●y it are soone healed borrowed out the breuiary of Arnoldus de villa noua take of the rootes of Tapsia and of the Radishe of ech one dram of the old oyle Olyue two ounces let this oyle with the rootes well beaten be put togyther into a glasse or into any other vessell which after put into a kettle of water set ouer the fire letting it there stande vnto a consumpcion of halfe the water in the kettle of this oile warme instyl two or thrée droppes into the eare of the pacient on that syde where Scroffles be and let this be done many tymes And if through the oyle the care shall be heated or swell in so much that some rottennesse or matter beginneth to yssewe forth conceaue then that onely a lytle of this oyle hote put thus euery nyght in the eare may so cure such Scroffles the matter of them by the same shall so be emptied and wholy purged And vse or perseuere with this oile after the abouesayd maner vntyll the pacient be throughly cured But if the eare shall neyther swell nor runne any thing then may you vse other apte reméedies to the purpose An oyle or certaine great lycour of the famous gréeke Leonarde Fiorauant being a composition of most excellent vertue in sundry workings the making of which is on this wyse Take of oyle Olyue twenty pyntes of whyte wyne two pynts these boyle gently togyther vnto the consumpcion of the wine or vnto al the wyne be gone away in smoake Which after powre into an earthen potte glased stopping the mouth very close with clay the same then bury two cubites déepe or more in the earth and let it there so stand couered with earth for sixe monethes But the tyme when to bury or set this potte into the earth ought to be about the first or second day of August to be drawne or taken forth of the earth agayne must be in the moneth of Februarie which opened the oyle wyll then appeare as if it were fyftie yeares olde But when you mynde to bury the potte then put in these insewing of Rosemary flowers three poundes of Lignum aloes sixe ounces of Frankensence and Bolellium of each ten ounces And after the drawing forth of the potte and setting it in the Sunne adde these folowing of Sage of Rosemary of Rue of Byttonie of yarrow of the roote of Campherie of Tamarisci of Bryonie of each one handfull of Galingale of Cloues of Nutmegs of Spykenard and of Saffron of each one ounce of Sarcocolla of Dragons blood and of Masticke of each two ounces of Aloes hepaticke and of Rosen of the Pyne trée of eache eyght ounces of Gréeke pytche one pound of yellow waxe and of Barrowes greace of ech eyghtéene ounces of S. Iohns woort with the seedes two pounds of Muske one dram these after the dilygent myxing togyther boyle in Balneo vntyll the hearbes appeare drye in it and that no more substaunce seeme to bée gotten out of them which after the being on such wyse drawe them forth and straine them through a cloath to the lycour adde for ech pound wayght sixe drams of the natural baulme of Fiorauants inuention And when September is come to it adde in that moneth two pounds of the freshe fruites of that hearbe named Balsami which be redde this done you haue then the greater lycour prepared and in a redinesse which dilygently stoppe that no ayre breath forth and this lycour also the older it shal be before the occupying the better it worketh For this is of such a vertue that it healeth consumpcions and dropsies in the ministring foure drams waight of it with one oūce of the syrupe of Roses hote by the mouth euery morning fasting which for forty dayes thus giuen doth throughly cure them This also is a true perfite oyntmēt with which Petechiae are throughlie cured by annoynting the places sundry tymes with it And any wounded and hauing the veynes the sinewes and bones cutte by closing or stitching the wounds applying of this oyle vpon hote shall in short tyme be cured without any alteracion or great paine to the pacient This also cureth the scurfe by annoynting those places of the head with it For the coldnesse of the head rewmes by applying of it to the nosethrelles morning and euening shall spéedily be cured without the vse of any other thing and this it doth through his sharpe sauour and piersing which entereth and flyeth to the head stomacke and doth so dissolue those corrupt humours both in the head stomacke in that this is a lycour which preserueth from any corruption And if the stomacke be annoynted rounde about with the oyle it procureth a good digestion of meate it also mooueth vryne retained or that cannot pysse through a fleshinesse stopping it or the Gonorrhaea or of any other cause This causeth besydes the heyres to growe preserueth the beard blacke a long tyme and auayleth against wormes artly applyed And all these practises are most true and proued many tymes in the abouesayd diseases grieffes and in many others and neuer harmed nor pained any pacient with it except such infected with the French disease for annoynting any such with this it mightily paineth him by which at any time you shal throughly be perswaded whether the pacient be vexed with the same or any other disease A secrete oyle experienced that healeth the Legs vlcered all other vlcers as well old as new except those which happen on the head It cureth also the canker Fistulaes the making of which is on this wyse Take of Apiū of Rosemary of yarrow of plaintain of wormewood of each one handfull of Sage of Rue of Tapsus Barbatus of Celondine of Lauceola of each two handfuls of the fatte of a Weather one ounce a halfe of Herba Laurentia and of Florum omniū mensium of each thrée handfuls of cōmon oyle two pynts of pure Turpentine one pounde of Galbanum two ounces of the iuyce of yuie growing on trees two ounces a halfe of r●che Alome one ounce and a halfe of the Rosen of the Pyne trée two pounds of Viridis aeris two ounces of Frākensence of Diachylon of Tryacle of each one ounce of Gentiane of the round Aristolachia of each one ounce a halfe of Vitryol of Tartare of Agarick of burnt salt of each two drams of the iuyce of Pulicaria three ounces of the rootes of the flower De luce one ounce of Sarcocolla halfe an ounce of the redde leade powder of leade three drams of al the hearbes the iuyce drawne or wringed forth myxe in a brasse panne with the oyle the Turpentine Galbanum which so long boile togyther ouer a soft fire of coales vntyll the iuyce be consumed sturring it in the meane tyme well about with a short bedde staffe or great
brused before The Mandrake apples are cut into quarters boyled in oyle in a double vessel in a colde coūtrey as afore of the oyle of Roses out of Rogerius was taught or you may otherwyse prepare the Oyle by the heate of the Sunne This Oyle auayleth the lyke in contynuall and burning Agues which the Oyle of Roses doth but in that this oyle stupyfieth and mightier altereth more then the oyle of Roses doth it ought for that cause that the malyce or hurt be repressed with womans mylke myxed the same oyle also auayleth in the hote aches and gowte This borrowed out of Rogerius An oyle out of Bay berries doth Rogerius instruct to make many wayes take the gréene berries those breake small which after the sufficient boyling straine through a cloath kéepe the lycour in a glasse Otherwyse take a quantity of rype bay berries those after the finely breaking boyle with bay leaues after art and the same strayned kéepe dilygently in a glasse Or after the baye berries be finely broken infused for sixe or eyght dayes in wyne and then put vp into bagges an oyle drawne by a presse Or the rype fresh berryes broken which after the putting into bagges an oyle pressed forth This oyle as wytnesseth Rogerius auayleth against the Collick the Ilyacke and Sciaticke passion or payne in the hyppe bone An oyle out of yuie berryes is gotten and made many wayes especially by those wayes taught aboue in the drawing an oyle out of bay berryes this oyle purchased auaileth against cold causes especially against the cold ioynt aches Wherefore I affirme sayth Rogerius that whatsoeuer consisteth in the yuie auayleth against ache of the ioynts whereof the oyle that myghtier worketh is on this wyse prepared and made take of the drye wood the berries and gum of the yuie if you can purchase altogyther the wood small cutte put into an earthen potte being ful of hooles in the bottome or at the least hauing three holes passing through in the bottome which set into the mouth of another potte glased the mouthes of which stoppe close with potters clay or past these two so ordered set to deepe into the earth that the vpper pot stand wholy aboue the earth the mouth of the neather potte couered ouer with the earth which done make a fire about the vpper pot and a blacke oyle wyll after distyll into the neather pot A Rape oyle gotten by pressing out take a Rape which after the making of a hollowe deepe hole in the roote fyll that hollownesse vp with oyle Olyue on which set the cappe or couer of the roote afore cutte of being thus close stopped on the head wrap the whole roote dilygently about with towe wette which after bury in the hote ymbers with a few coales vpon this done let it there lye for halfe an howre after which tyme drawe it forth and taking of the cappe preserue the oyle strayned and the roote also strayned togyther through a lynnen cloath This oyle auayleth against cleftes and choppes of the handes caused of colde This borrowed out of a written booke Out of the Pyne aple kernelles I sawe an oyle drawne or gotten by discencion which serueth for the wrincles of womens faces this out of Manaraus An oyle out of the Onyon and Triacle prouoking sweate in the pestilence take a bigge white Onyon in the myddle of which make a déepe hole filling the same with good Triacle after the cappe set on and a wet lynnen cloth wrapped rounde about ▪ put it vnder the hotte ymbers to rost for half an howre which after the distilling in a Limbecke giue of this lycour vnto the quantity of two ounces to the paciēt The same effect worketh sixe ounces of the distylled lycour ▪ of the greene Nuts This out of Fumanellus Of the oyles out of Spyces but the oyle or water to be gotten out of Cynamon see and reade hereafter among the Barks The .xv. Chapter THis generall precept ought to be obserued in the distillacion of all spyces in a maner that what spices soeuer you chose bray thē first into fine powder powring vpon a quātity of cunduite or spryng water which after the same shall be coloured with the spyce shyft into another glasse into which powre other fresh spyces broken so oftē do the same vntyl the water purchase no further colour then distyl it in Balneo Mariae seperate after the water from the oyle this G. Rast. But the waters oyles which are preapared gotten out of spyces ought to be done by the infusion in simple water not in wyne or Aqua vitae in that those doe hastily ascend not carry the force of the spyces with them but the water contrarywyse ascendeth not without the spyce And to be briefe those are here to be applyed which are afore taught of the oyles out of séedes in the begynning vttered to be done The oyle out of Cloues Nutmegs Pepper Mace Cinamō are made wrought through the spyces before broken put into a Cucurbite wel luted or into a copper body with a head set close on which you shall distyll by a pype retching through a vessell of colde water for on such wyse cooled wyll a water and oyle come which after seperate as the one from the other For the oyle euermore swymmeth aboue the water except the oyle of Cloues which falleth to the bottome An oyle out of Nutmegs vnto the imitaciō of this general rule which a certaine Empericke teacheth to be in a maner lyke prepared Take a thyrd or fowrth part of good Aqua vitae distylled the Nutmegs finely broken put altogither into a glasse body filled with the Aqua vitae three fingers aboue the Nutmegs which let stand couered to infuse for .xxiiii. howres that the Aqua vitae hath attayned a yellow colour the same then shyft into another glasse into which poure after fresh Aqua vitae so much as before the same so often repeate with fresh Aqua vitae vntyl it wyl colour the Aqua vitae no more Which done powre all the Aqua vitae thus colored into a glasse body which after the setting into Balneo Mariae distyll according to art that the Aqua vitae may ascend the oyle of Nutmegs remayne in the bottome of the body and on such wyse shal you attaine the oyle prepared In the lyke maner may an oyle be altogyther distylled out of all other spyces I saw sayth one of Gesnerus friends a distyllation of the oyle of Nutmegs which was an oyle drawne most pleasant swéet and of a great yéeld by an Alchymist after this maner He tooke the Nutmegs brought thē to fine powder on which he powred two measures of simple pure water after he shyfted the whole into a glasse Cucurbite fensed about with that lute of wysedome this lute was made with simple clay to which he mixed the shorne floxe of cloath tempred with salt water euē as the Alchymists
Cynamon shall be stieped in good whyte wyne A water distylled in a Cucurbite is gathered whyte in the receauer I doe take sayth the Aucthour ● 〈◊〉 quantity of Cynamon euen so much as I thinck good and put the same into a Cucurbite or glasse body not luted togyther with water to stiepe for certayne dayes after I distyll the substaunce by the vapour of boyling water in such sort that the Cucurbite in which the Cynamon is contayned doth not touch the water as the lyke Manardus teacheth and on such wyse I distylled and gathered a cleare water not troubled nor the spirites also of the Cynamon heated to much Sometymes when I would haue the water myghtyer I then adde to it a lytle of Gynger And in this maner a certaine Poticarie with the Aucthour distylleth the water of Cynamon Certayne others there be which follow vse this maner take of water sixteene partes of Cynamon one parte which grosely was powdred togyther the same after put into a Cucurbite to stiepe close stopped for a certayne tyme as eyther fowre or fiue dayes after this set on the head close to the body and distyll the substaunce with a most temperate heate in Balneo Mariae which excéedeth not the heate of mans vryne in the fyrst cōming forth for so may a most pleasaunt water be drawne and purchased In the tyme of this boyling may hote water be powred in that a lyke quantity continew styll for doubte of wasting awaye and you shall gather into a Receauer the distinct waters as the fyrst a mightie water the second of lesser strength and the thyrd feble And in the lyke maner may all other spyces be ordered and dystilled and many distyllers there be which purchase by the same doing an oyle and water Another maner brieflie in purchasing the water of Cynamon take of chosen Cynamon two ounces of water a fowrth part of a measure of wyne so much these after the myxing distyll as afore taught A certayne woman well practised and skylfull in distyllation prepared and drewe Cynamon water on this wyse but it lyttle dyffereth from the wayes afore vttered take of the best Cynamon fynelye brought to powder in a morter but not searsed halfe a pounde this so charilye powre into the distyllatorye bodie that none cleaue on the sydes falling in on which powre one measure and a halfe of cleare Cundui●te water then set the headde close to the bodye after distyll in the begynning with a verye softe fyre and increase the fyre by lyttle and lyttle as you see the droppes come eyther quicke or slowly to the Nose of the Lymbecke or headde let a Pype bee fastened as afore taught and demonstrated passing or retching through colde water at the ende of which a Receauer fastened When the water thus commeth you shall néede thrée persons to stand by the one and first to consider tende the head and pype that he or shee alwayes cooleth them with lynnen cloathes wette in colde water applied after discretion on the head and pype the other standing by the Receauer let him obserue and marke the colour of the water distylling into the receauer the thyrde that he marke and tende the glasse in such maner as when neede shall be to retche or put vnder speedily another Receauer to take the other againe stop dilygently The water distilling hath fowre differences for which cause it shal neede fowre sundry receiuers The first water that cōmeth is somewhat fattie and strong and of this is the best and as this proceedeth in distylling a mylkie colour beginneth to come then gather the second water which in his fortitude lacketh of the first or is of a weaker vertue when this colour is vanished that the water comming forth as a water distylled out of other matters remember consider the thirde water which must lyke be gathered a part or seuerall by it selfe When this water shal be turned into a yellowe colour or chaunged yellowishe gather then the fowrth water which distylleth or commeth forth in a small quantity and the worke is at an ende when certayne droppes begynne to appeare of a redde colour at which sight ceasse for the rest behynd is of no force nor serueth to any vse or purpose Besides take héede least through the force of the fyre your substance ouer high boyleth vp through the same may the distyllacion procéede amysse in daunger of losing the whole stuffe Of which to be out of doubt you shall auoyde end that care by good gouernment in the space of one howre Thrée droppes of this water myxed to other waters of lyke propertie aunswering doe helpe the falling sicknesse If with this the veynes vnder the tongue be aptlie rubbed doth helpe the palsie persons in a short tyme. Out of the Cynamon may by distyllacion but a lyttle oyle be gotten for which cause in the steede of it we may often vse the water of Cynamon especially the same which is first gathered for this hath singular properties contayned in it An oyle of Cynamon is prepared gotten on this wyse borrowed out of a certaine written coppie of an vnknowne Aucthor take of the best Malmesie thrée measures and the same distylled twyse ouer After let it be a thyrd tyme that one measure onelye resteth in the Cucurbite Let it be distylled once agayne that a lesser quantity may remaine in the Cucurbite Then let it be yet once agayne distylled that one measure onely remayneth by so often repiticion shal you haue the wyne very wel rectifyed which kéepe to your vse The same done take of Cynamon what quantity you thinke necessary the same breake smally after powre the Cynamon with the rectifyed wyne into a Cucurbite that it may be two fingers aboue the Cinamon Let the Cucurbite then be dilygently closed with a blynd Lymbecke and setting it into Balneo Mariae make a soft fyre vnder for thrée dayes Which time ended powre that wyne warely forth in regarding that none of the Feces or grosser substaunce be powred forth withall the wyne kéepe a part Then powre other rectifyed wyne vpon and worke as you did with the other before These done mixe eyther Aqua vitae or both togyther in a Cucurbite which dilygently couer with a head and begyn to distyll with a very soft fyre and so slow that nynes stroks or knockes with the finger may be made betwéene drop and drop falling and on this wyse you shall continew vnto the tyme that all the wyne be ascended for in the bottome then of the glasse you shall haue an oyle which dilygently kéepe The maner of preparing and drawing a water of Cynamon and an oyle of the same which a most singular Phisition named Maister Iohn Crato a Krafftheim gently opened and taught to the Aucthour The xjx Chapter TAke of the best and finest Cynamon which beate very small after the tying vp in a fine lynnen cloath and this lytle bagge hanged within the
transparent or to be seene through euen as a precious stone or glasse It is sufficiently burned or calcyned by twyse doing ouer and at the thyrd tyme molten and powred forth Another preparatiō of Antimonie not much dyffering from the same which Matthiolus in his second ediciō of Dioscorides discribeth sauing that he addeth also certaine other things where here nothing at al is mixed Take of crude Antimonie the same grind very fine on a stone which put into a small Crucible not glased setting it vnto a soft fyre that the same may putrify be clensed and stur it continually with an Iron spattle vntill the substance begin to gather vp rounde which then remoue or take away and grind the like on a stone as afore put into the Crucible setting the same to the fire againe let this so often times be done vntil the pouder be chaunged come vnto an Ashie white color this will be about the x. or twelf or more times After let this be put into a like Crucible that the goldsmythes commonly vse the same Artly couered set into coales that they may lie burning thrée fingers aboue the Crucible for on such wise shal the substāce melt be decocted sufficiētly within the space of half an howre the same after take forth powre into thin plates in a latton basen cooled keepe diligently in a dry bore For you shal haue that you desire A certaine preparation of Antimonie which many hyde for a most great secret this discription did a notable Phisition send vnto Gesnerus who was a singuler frend of Gesnerus After that the Stibiū is calcyned it must so oftē be powred forth as the same may be molten in a Crucible And the same ought so often be molten as any impure matter remaineth in it for that cause the spume alwayes gathered away And at the last melting but litle of the spume must be taken away the same part to which the spume cleaueth as a cloude must be throwen away The same is rightly prepared that is cleare and to be seen through in a maner without any spot after the forme of a Iacint which neerer draweth or approcheth to a yelow thē vnto a red blackish colour And the same the paler it appeereth so much the better it is so that it be pure without any cloude or blacke spotte An Antimonie like to glasse that may be séen through draweth to a rednesse cōmunicated to Gesnerus as a secret by a singuler Phisition First take of Antimonie finely brought to pouder on a stone or Marble so much as you thinke néedeful the same put into a new earthen pot not glased which set on a meane fire in such order that it may seeme to leane on the one side as the pots that burne the leade to stur after the substance about with a spatle But when the matter beginneth first to fume of the fume shal you beware as you wold of poison if you be wise which after powre on a Marble grind about vntill the same be cold This thē put againe into the pot sturring the same as aboue taught when it beginneth to fume powre it forth grind the same as afore rehersed This so oftē repeate vntill it approcheth to a browne colour or otherwise is as black as glasse which is performed in a maner by the tenth time repeated Thē take of crude Antimonie half an ounce which melt at a strong fire and of the browne Antimonie burnt brought to pouder as aboue vttered fowre ounces these by litle litle put into a Crucible vnto the time the halfe ounce of of the Antimonie moltē the whole be powred in which so melt togither when it shal be a whiles thus moltē powre the substāce on a smooth cold stone The same cooled melt againe repeate the like vntil it sheweth as glasse of a firie colour or like to a Rubine That if you shal diligently marke follow this order you can not erre beleeue me sayth the Authour Of the Antimonie thus prepared they mixe a few graines either fiue or sixe with one scruple of the iuyce of blacke Ellebere artificially drawen or more they forme pilles of the same which they name the pilles of life that do marueilous matters as they report And that the reader should not be frustrate of any matter nor of the preparatiō of this iuyce for the cause I wil not here discame to write the same that al mē may conceiue that there consisteth nothing in me worthy memory that I refrain to vtter make knowē to the world so wel of mine owne practises as those learned and purchased of the singuler Gesnerus to the benefite of all young students fauourers of good knowledge Therfore vnderstand that the iuyce of the Ellebore is thus drawē let one pound of the blacke Ellebore be stieped in hot water for certain howres the same thē shifted forth powre vpon other freshe water the same repeate ii● or v. times in the end that water which is no more bitter boile vnto a thicknesse of honie About the middle of this boiling adde of the iuyce of Alkakengi or winter cherries purified two ounces a half but about the ende of Annise seedes of Cinamō of each one ounce of fennel seedes half an ounce of the flowres of Nymphaee or the water lillie two ounces where must be considered whether these ought not to enter in the substaunce but rather to be put in the last infusion of the Ellebore and to be strayned togyther that the water alone maye after bée boyled vnto a consumption in the ende must a little Masticke be added or at least in the forming of the Pylles This procureth thrée or foure stooles wythout griefe causeth the belly to remaine sufficient solluble many dayes after A certaine person requyred a great value to be giuen him for a dose of these Another maner of preparing the Antimonie that a certayne practisioner which prepared the same for his Ladie had learned this by happe he left briefly noted in wryting he bought sayth the Aucthour of Stimmeos fowre ounces and a halfe that is one quarter of a pounde better of our wayght the same brought to powder searsed he melted ●n a whyte earthen pot the mouth of it couered with a great burning coale so layd vpon that the same could not fall of vpon the coales into the fyre and when this was through cold he dilygently cōsidered whether any other myxture of matter consisted in it that approached to Tynne or rather somwhat like Tinne being altogither of the same kind which many tymes the lyke hapneth in the Antimonie seperated and is easily discerned knowne which vnlesse the same be remooued cleared away it permysteth not the Antimonie or rather so hyndereth when the same is molten that it can not be transparent or seene cleare through but we foūd no such
for the more part a red colour for which cause must it be rectified after the forme and maner folowing A rectifying of the oyle of Vitrioll The ▪ xxxvj Chapter TAke a Retort of Venice glasse ▪ which diligently fence with lute after powre into it the oyle which is contained in the Cucurbite That Retort set into a lesser furnace into a déepe pan filled with pure and washed Sande which like distill in the Sand as you did in Balneo in sharpning and increasing the fire by litle and litle that the droppes may leasurely fall Thrust the mouth of the Retort into the necke of the receauer made of the same glasse and the ioynt diligently close with the best lute ●● no matter breath forth when the whole shal be distilled forth of the Retort suffer it to coole after the taking away powre it againe into a pure Venice glasse which hath a narrow mouth set the same ●h●rely v●●l●se stoppe● as a present remedy in many diseases ▪ that is ▪ the shar●e oyle of v●trioll whose vertues and propertie shall he●e vnder be vtt●●ed The vertues of the oyle of Vitrioll The ▪ xxxvij Chapter THe pure and not mixed ought not nor may be ministred or takē within the body for through the mighty sharpnesse therof after the m●●er of ●●e ▪ this 〈◊〉 all places within the body w●●re the same touche●● ▪ It ●oth also 〈◊〉 all ●hings except 〈…〉 the fa●tie substances ▪ as the waxe ● pitch ▪ 〈◊〉 the colour of 〈◊〉 oyles this cha●ngeth except the colour of the oyle of Mace ▪ to which ●● it bee 〈◊〉 procureth a sanguine colour If the Oyle als● 〈◊〉 conti●●●d within two vessels ▪ and that the one hath a colde 〈…〉 in it and 〈…〉 to the same ▪ 〈◊〉 after ●oyle so fe●●●ntly 〈…〉 scarcely ●e 〈…〉 hold the glasse in yo●● hand The oyle shed downe boy●●●●●he grounde euen as a kynde of Melancholy whereof this is ●a●●ed the artificiall Melancholie● ▪ For lyke as the Mola●●holy ▪ euen so doth this oyle comforte the stomacke and both mooueth and pro●●●eth an app●tyte to meate heateth ● colde● s●●acke ▪ ●onsumeth all maner 〈◊〉 ●utteth a sunder the grosse and cla●●●y humours ●elpeth the 〈◊〉 and perrillous ●yxe Dysente●● ▪ extinguisheth or qualifyeth the thyr●● and burnyng heate of the inner members in Agues it stayeth belching spéedily and putteth away the desire to vomite and the abhorring of meate but this must be orderly myxed with some other apte matters For the better and readyer conceauing of this artely myxture learne an example or two here vnder vttered Take of the oyle of Mace and of cleare Turpentine of eache twelue droppes of the water of Annyse seedes and of Fennell of eche two ounces of the syrupe of Lycorise one ounce of the oyle of Vitrioll three of foure droppes these after the diligent myxing togither taste if the whole hath a sharpnesse with it which ast●nieth not the teethe then is it well but if the potion be not soure or sharpe instill one or two droppes more proouing the same by taste how it is after drincke the same safely against the stone Or thus Take of the syrop of ●intes ▪ one o●●ce of the water of Cynamon three ou●●es and a halfe of the oyle of Cynamon two droppes and of the oyle ●● Vitrioll thrée droppes these after the diligent mixing minister safely vnto the weakenesse of stomacke Or thus take of the syrupe ▪ of the iuyce or infusion of Violettes one ounce of the water of Cynamon one ounce of Barly thrée ounces and of the oyle of Vitrioll thrée or foure droppes these after the mixing draweth and causeth a red colour and taste of an eager or sowre wine a●●●●tysed with Cynnamon this drinke against the heate and drieth of feuers or Agues Of the sowre oyle of Vitrioll how the same may be made sweete to taste The xxxviij Chapter AT the begynnyng of this Chapiter of the oyle of Vytrioll wee sufficiently vttered the oyle of Vitry●ll to be sowre and to consiste of a double myxture as of much Alome and a lytle Brimstone For which cause when you will haue out the eager or sowre drawe a swéete oyle the same is none otherwise wrought and caused then that the brimstone be seperated frō the Alome E y which appéereth that the swéete oyle of Vitryoll is none other than the oyle of Brimstone or the Brymstone it selfe reduced into a lyquide substaunce and thys properlie maye be named a● oyle For it is both fattie and vnctuous euen as the Brimstone it selfe which into an oyle and not into water dissolueth or melteth The maner now of seperation after inseweth The maner of seperating the oyle The ▪ xxxix Chapter TAke of the most sharpe or eager burning wyne and thrise sublymed syxe ounces of the eager Oyle of Vitrioll so much these myxe togyther in a Venice glasse which after powre into a small Cucurbite with a narrowe necke and mouth the mouth then close or stoppe with the surest lute and let the same so stand for a whole moneth or two After powre the whole into a Cucurbite ▪ on which set the head and lute immediatly the ioynt ▪ that no matter b●●●the forth this head ought to be formed ▪ after the maner of the fygure here after described and made of Venice glasse as well as the bodye this so ordered set then 〈◊〉 a small F●●nace ▪ and ●●●e●it halfe way vp with ●ifted Ashes to which after apply the receauer and close diligently the ioynt with ●●te then draw out the ●●xe ●●nces of burnyng wyne that you powred in before That th●● 〈◊〉 the safelyer be wrought and done set the 〈◊〉 ●nto Bal●eum Mariae and the wyne onely doth then ascende without the oyle or the oyle remaineth behinde when you shall 〈◊〉 drawen forth by Balneo the sixe ounces infused of the 〈…〉 wyne the same which remaineth set into a Furnace couered halfe vp with Sande ▪ and a cleare and emptie receauer and the same not b●gge set to the ioynt after diligētly close with lute vnder which kindle then a very soft or modest ●●re and by litle and litle drawe or distill forth all the moysture which was left in the Cucurbite vntill no more moysture at al appeereth in the bottom euermore hauing regard most great care that you so gouerne the fire that the lycour boyleth not vnto the gutter or pype of the head For i● it shal once boyle vp vnto this you cannot after ceasse or stay the boyling by no meanes possible but that all hastily ysseweth into the receiuer to the losse of the whole oyle in that this is wont verye easily and soone to boyle vp But when you shal draw the same leasurely you shal then obtain● your desire by by after draw away the receauer with the licour for you haue purchased two substaunces which you shal plainely sée in it as a waterie and Oylie lycour and fattie These shall you spéedilye seperate one
mynister it And he sometimes wylled a wyne to be dystilled in which the Raspinges of the wood Guaiacum the Iuniper berries Cynamō ▪ and a lytle of red Roseleaues haue bene stieped before A water of Lyfe of D. Thomas Fincke for many grieffes take of Lauender and of Sage of eache thrée quarters of Rue one ounce and a halfe of Gynger of Nutmegges of Cloues of Cynamon of Graines of Paradize and of white Sugar of each halfe an ounce of Mace of Alkekengi of eache one ounce and a halfe of Oyle olyue two drams al these after the beating powre into three pyntes or a pottell of the strongest wyne which let stiepe togyther for fouretéene dayes after distyll the whole according to Art with a very soft fyre A most singular water of Lyfe distylled for a noble man helping the consumption and perhaps the wasting of the Lunges take of the sublymed wine of good Malmes●e foure pintes here white bread a quantity which let stand close stopped in a Lymbecke for foureteene dayes then distyl the same by Balneum Mariae after take of Specierum diamargariton of Diambrae of Diarrhodon abbatis of Dianthos of Diap●●riscū musco letitiae Galeni of each two drams of Cassia newe drawne and of Sugarcandy of eache one ounce of the iuyce of Lycorys two ounces of Rosemary thrée drammes of Musci Alexandrini halfe an ounce let al these stand close stopped in a distyllatory vessell for a whole moneth After let the distyllation be done by Balneum Mariae the water seperated into two partes for the first water gathered is nobler then the second Another water of Life written in the Germane tongue take of the best Aqua vitae one pottel which distyl as you know in a glasse bodie in water or by Balneum Mariae and of the whole gather a quarte after take of Cynamon two ounces the same finely cutte or choppped and powred into a Glasse let it be myxed with the Aqua vitae in such manner that it maye couer the Cynamon a finger breadth aboue which let stande togyther close stopped for twelue or fifteene howres that the Aqua vitae maye so purchase a redde or blooddie colour which poure after into another Glasse and dylligentlie stoppe the same Againe to the same Cynamon powre another parte of the Aqua vitae of lyke quantitye least of the whole which order as aboue taught and the same you shal doe so often as this halfe parte endureth alwayes powring in that so powred and coloured mixe with the first vntyll the Aqua vitae powred in be no more coloured redde After take halfe an ounce of Cloues finely brought to powder and lykewise the other halfe of the Aqua vitae or more remayning powre to this pouder as aboue vttered That if of the Aqua vitae in this doing there shal no more remaine then take the red Aqua vitae in the Glasse body and setting a head on it dystill so much as shal be needeful to stiepe the matter for no rednesse at all ascendeth but what that is then gathered by distyllation is white After this take halfe an ounce of Nutmegs finely cut and as aboue taught poure the water of Lyfe vpon Which done take the Aqua vitae of the Cloues and of the Nutmegs mixe them togyther with the Aqua vitae of the Cynamon Then take of pure Malmesie or of the best Renish wine one measure which poure into a glased pot to it adde of Sugarcādy beaten three ounces the mouth of the pot couered with paste set on the fire that the Sugar may by lytle litle melt the Sugar molten ▪ let it leysurely coole After the cooling poure into it the red Aqua vitae which myxe togyther in the pot or rather in a glasse for that it may aptlyer and closer be stopped and then shall you obtaine a singular Aqua vitae A most noble Aqua vitae against a Reume Take of Hysope of Sauery of whyte Horehounde of Euulae of Ireos of Louage of Bytony of Sage of the leaues of that Trifoyle which sendeth vp or yeeldeth many grosse flowers so byg as a Nut in which flowers sucked is founde a certaine swéetnesse so pleasaunt as Sugar or Hony of each halfe a pound All these after the grosse beating put into a Glasse body on which powre so much of the strongest or myghtiest wyne that wyll couer a finger breadth aboue This after the distylling kéepe dilligently in a Glasse for it is more of value then Golde or precious Stones A water of Lyfe helping the Apaplexie Falling sicknesse for it is as a certaine water of Baulme Take of Gingar of Cloues of Nutmegs and of Graines of Paradize of eache halfe an ounce of Sage leaues one pounde of Cardamomum of Cubebae of Masticke of Galingale of Rosemary of Lauender of Mai●rame of Baulme and of Bytony of each two drams all these beaten and brought to pouder powre into a Glasse body on which poure nine pyntes of the strongest and best wyne or so much dystilled wyne as wyll well couer the whole this infused for ten dayes distyl after according to Arte. The water gathered helpeth the Palsy the swymming of the head the Ap●plexie the Crampe both memory the head and a cold stomacke and fleshe or fishe sprincled ouer with the same doth not after corrupt And myxed with corrupt wyne rectyfieth it of this let be druncke three or foure droppes at a time with a smal slice of bread dipped in the same and after eaten doth so sharpen the wyt And let the hynder part also of the head and other places be rubbed with it It helpeth the dropsie the Melancholicke and such disseased of the Splene and for the eyes it is very precious A certaine marueylous and delectable distyllation which a certaine person obtayned of a certaine occupyer the experience of which I both dyd and saw sayth a certaine man vnnamed take of the best Malmesie sixe measures the same distyll by a Lymbecke with a softe fire nyne times ouer after adde to it of Amber gréese of Sperma ceti of chosen Rubarbe of eache halfe an ounce of Muske halfe a dram these brought to pouder tye vp in a fine Lynnen clothe being thinne which hang or put within the Aqua vitae This water is marueylous and of great vertue and serueth for Kinges and Princes A water of Life of Fredericke the Emperours seruing vnto all grieffes Take of Aqua vitae halfe a measure but of Malmesie a whole measure of Cynamon three ounces of Cloues one ounce of Gynger one ounce and a halfe of Nutmegs one ounce of Venice Zedoaria thrée ounces and a halfe of the Graines of Paradize one ounce and a halfe of Galingale two drams of Cubebae halfe an ounce of Rosemary halfe an ounce of Hysop so much of Althea so much of the rootes of Benedictae one ounce of Sage one ounce of Lauender halfe an ounce let al these be broken with the handes the others
brought to pouder which after put into a Glasse body sufficient large that may containe or hold thrée or foure measures of licour To these thē adde of Sugar Candy thrée ounces of Reysons of the Sun halfe a pound of small Reysons one quarter of a pound of Figges one quarter of a pound of Camphora one dram of Rosewater halfe a cuppe full of the water of Elder flowers so much so much of Endyue water all these then stop close and set in the Sunne for eyght dayes before the Feast of S. Iohn and so many dayes after it which after the strayning dyligently keepe in a Glasse close stopped Of this vse when néede shall requyre that is in the greatest weakenesse of body feblenesse of strength gyue a spoonefull of it and you shall trye sée maruailes for with this alone as the report goeth was Frederick Caesar recouered A compound water of Lyfe maruaylous auayling against the Pestilēce sore vexing often proued discribed of D.D. Mag. Take of the Rue newly gathered of Sage of Lauender of Rosemary of Scabious of the rootes of Tormentyl of Pimpernel of Valerian of the Dragons of each two drams of Iunyper berries Baye berries of each one dram and a halfe of Terra sigillata of the purest Bole Armoniacke of each fowre scruples of the rootes of the counterfaite Dittany of Seminis sancti Benedictae Caryophyllata Helenij Gentiane Rhapontici Dioscoridis Ciambet an Zurumbet of each thrée drams a halfe of Coliander prepared of Sorrel of Basill and of Pympernell of each two scruples a halfe of the thrée Saunders of eache one dram of the flowers of Borrage of Buglosse and of red Roseleaues of each two lytle handfuls of the rootes of the white red Ben of each one dram of the ryndes of the sower Orrendges of the Citrones Pomegranates of each a like waight these after the cutting beating in grosse maner distyll by a Lymbecke in sublimed wyne according to Arte and rectified in a Pellicane vnto a sufficient quantitye as vnto eyght pyntes after take of Niberis whether of whyte Pepper Bulledini of Cynamon of Graines of Paradize of Mace of Nutmegs of Cardamomum of each halfe an ounce and foure scruples of Saffrō two drams of Galingale of Cubebae of Cloues of Calamus aromaticus of eache fowre scruples of Spetierum elect liberantis of the cordiall pouders against the plague of each thrée drams of Diamuscidulcis de gemmis of each one dram a halfe all these finely cutte brought to pouder put into the abouesayde wyne distylled which set in a hote place for 48. howers after distyll the whole by a Lymbecke fenced with the lute of wisedome the water gathered aromatyzate with the pouder of Muske Alexandri 17. graynes of Amber greese 12. graines of Saffrō halfe a scruple or syxe graines wayght these tye togyther in a red Sarcenette and hang within the water then dilligently stopped kéepe vnto your vse A distylled wafer for al Fistulaes borowed out of Theophrastus paracelsus take of the best Aqua vitae foure pints of the Rosemary water of Sage of each two pintes a halfe of pure white sugar fiue poūds these after the mixing togither distil by a Limbeck according to Art for this is most certaine in Fistulaes inward vlcers An Aqua vitae helping ioynt Aches the heuinesse and sorenesse of the Breast and seruing vnto the feare of falling into the sicknesses of the Braine lyke as the falling sicknesse the Apoplexie the Palsie gyddinesse and such lyke borrowed out of the Counsels of the singular Benedic victorius take of the rootes of Acorus two poūds of Pyonie halfe a pound of Galingale and of Zedoaria of each one ounce a halfe of Ina of the lesser Cētory of Sage of Maioram of Stoechados of Bitany of Rosemary of Penny royall of Catmint of Pol●opodie of Poley and of Folium of each one handfull of red Roseleaues of Baccarum Myrthi of each halfe a hādfull al these beate in a grosse maner and in two hundred pintes of mighty and pleasant white wine let the whole be infused for the space of three whole dayes after wryng the wine and substaunce very hard out and that wine poure into a Glasse bodie with a head which distyl after Arte to this then adde of Nutmegges of Mace of Cloues of Cynamon of Masticke of Gynger of eache in a grosse maner beaten one ounce these after the standing a whole day distyll againe the whole by a Lymbecke and this water gathered repeate nyne times ouer To the water remaining of the ninth distyllation adde or mixe of leafe Gold leaues a hundred in number and of Syluer leaues fifty Om●●ū fragmentorum of eache two drams of Pearles halfe an ounce al these most finely bring to pouder which againe distyl two times ouer And in the last distyllation ▪ Aromatizate the water with Muske and Amber And you shall then possesse the dyuine Elixir and treasure of Lyfe The maner of the taking and vse of it is on this wyse that in the morning before the filling of the bellie al the spondyles of the necke the Muscles of the breast and all the partes about it be wette and rubbed ouer with it And for three houres also before dynner let this drincke be taken as of the waters of Sage of Endiue of each halfe an ounce to it mixe flue droppes of the Elixir of Lyfe and giue to drincke as most profitable for the grieffes aboue vttered A cōpound burning water distilled against the Pestilēce borowed out of the treatyse of Guayuerus of the Pestilence Many thinges sayeth he are very singuler and effectuous against the Plague but farre excellenter and mightyer of vertue is the water that heere is taught For such is the agreement betwéene the hart and it that at any tyme as it should seeme may this water be drawne of the heart thus drawne be chaunged in a short tyme and conuerted after into a spumouse substaunce not only of the cōplexional vertue but euen the whole forme resisteth any Pestilentiall poyson and maistryeth the same out of hand And for that cause such is the excellent vertue of the water that the taking and vse of it not onely preserueth a man from Pestilence but that taken of it both spéedily delyuer him the making and drawing of which water is on this wyse Take of Tormentyll rootes freshe if they maye be gotten one pounde of the rootes of Fluellyng and of Dittany of eache halfe a pounde of the rootes of Elecampane eyght ounces of Sorrell with the Séedes if they maye be gotten twoo pounde or of Sorrell one pound and eyght ounces and of the Séedes of it foure ounces of Borrage and Buglosse with theyr flowers of the red and wylde Roses of each one pound of Pympernel and of Scabious of each halfe a pound of the iuyce of Lymons one pounde of fine Tryacle halfe a pounde of burning Water drawne out of
water possesse all the vertues which the Camphora hath That if this Camphora water be mixed with the common water it then worketh the same as milk and if it be strayned through a Lynnen cloathe this water wyll remaine courded of which you maye after make a Candell and lyghted wyll burne lyke the matche or Candle in a Lampe Now thi● water profiteth in the colde disseases of the bodye for it dygesteth and preserueth flesh from putrifying the sadde person maketh merrie draweth vnto it the vertues of all hearbes infused in the same druncke certayne tymes breaketh the Impostume it coagulateth fyxeth Mercurie it dryeth vp teares of the eyes the rednesse heate of them it helpeth and cureth such disseased of the splene It preserueth woundes frō putrifying it helpeth the Fistula Canker reformeth or amendeth cold causes and the Palsie it sharpneth increaseth vnderstanding and helpeth memory if the temples sundry times be annointed with it It maketh a man ioyous and merry ▪ preserueth young age and health and taketh away the styncke of the mouth and gummes It maketh olde wyne of the newe it defendeth a man against poyson it taketh awaye the payne and defenesse of the Eares Two droppes druncke in a cuppe of the best White wyne doe marueylously preserue memory if the same be vsed at the going to bed The water annointed on the Temples foure tymes in the wéeke in the wynter tyme preserueth memory A water of lyfe inuented and drawen for a noble person take of Spetierum diambrae one dram of Dianthos halfe a dram of Pellitory rootes two drams of long Pepper sixe drams of Anacardus one dram and a halfe of Xyloaloes one dram these fynely wrought togeather infuse in Aqua vitae of good Maluesie dystilled seuen times ouer eyght ounces which let so stand close stopped for eyght dayes after dystill the whole by Balneum Mariae according to Arte. An Aqua vitae helping Tertian Agues borrowed out of Theophrastus paracelsus take a penny woorth of Aqua vitae and the white of one egge these beate very well togeather vntyll they be brought vnto the forme of a Pultyse which gyue before the comming of the fytte well an hower or two and to it also adde a lytle Saffron c. A Golden water helping the Apoplexie the Falling sicknesse and infirmities of the Synewes take of the leaues and flowers of the Sage two ounces of Nutmegges of Cloues of Gynger of Cynamon of Graynes of Paradize of eache one ounce of Castory one dram of the rindes of the Citrone three drams of Spykenard one dram of the pure Oyle of Bayes one dram all these after the dylligent beating powre into one measure of the best white wine the mouth of the Glasse body close sealed let so stand to putryfie for fowre dayes after dystill with a soft fyre according to Arte. Another water not vnlyke to the former procuring and mayntayning young age take of the leaues and flowers of Sage royal three ounces of Gynger of Cloues of Nutmegges and of the Graynes of Paradyze of eache halfe an ounce all these most finelie brought to pouder powre into twoo measures of the strongest wyne close stopped in a Glasse body for fouretéene dayes after set on the head cloose Luted and dystill with a softe fyre according to Arte the water gathered kéepe close stopped in a Glasse This helpeth the inward colde impostumes for druncke with the agréeable water incontinent breaketh them It auayleth vnto the Pinne and webbe of the eyes in clearing and putting them aawy it sharpneth also the syght and cureth the cold Ophthalmia with a Feather a lytle dropped into the eyes doth marueylouslye cleare them It auayleth also both without and within applyed druncke it preuayleth besides against bruses and strypes It cureth the Gowte and paine of the ioyntes And annoynting with it helpeth the paine of the head the Apoplexie the rewme and any maner coldnesse of the brayne and druncke auayleth against the dropsie helpeth the stomacke and auayleth against the cough with the water agréeable I beléeue that it doth preserue yong age if a lytle of it be druncke euery daye It cureth also any Scabbe annointed with it and the bytte of a mad Dogge applyed on the byt and giuen to drincke A water of Lyfe according to Aristotles instruction Take of Cynamon of Gynger of Cloues of Nutmegs and of long Pepper of each halfe an ounce of Dates halfe an ounce of Cubebae of Graines of Paradize of Mace of Almondes and of Galingale of eache halfe an ounce of Sage twelue ounces all these broken and beaten to powder infuse after in Malmesie for eyght dayes in a Glasse bodie which then distyll with a softe fyre according to Arte. Another water of Lyfe take of the roote with the hearbe of the blacke Ellebore prepared whether in the Quince Apple sowre ounces of the flowers of the Orrendges of the flowers of Stoechados of the flowers of the Pome Cytrone of the flowers of Horehounde of each fowre handfulles which serueth for the first distillation For the second distyllation take of chosen Ruberbe halfe an ounce or one ounce of the flowres of Borrage and Buglosse of eache sixe handfulles of great Reysons halfe a pounde of Mouse eare of the flowres of the Dasie of the hearbe of the blacke Ellebore prepared of eache two handfulles of the flowres of the Cytrone or Baulme sixe handfulles of the flowres or leaues of Angelica two handfulles of the flowres of Organy eyght handfuls of Lycorys scraped halfe a pounde these after the brusing distyll according to Arte. Also take of rectifyed wine vnto the vttermost foure measures which powre on the Spices and let the whole infuse for eyght dayes sturring it euery daye twyse or thryse after distyll with a soft fyre and on such wyse let it be done a seconde and thyrde tyme After of chosen Honny cleane skymmed and of oyle Olyue of each halfe a measure let these be mixed with the wine distylled and distilled togyther with a most soft fire for then taketh it away the stincke in the wyne and swéetneth the wyne taketh away the stincke and burning of the hearbes But if you wyll haue it better let the wine be fylled with the flowers of the Cytrone Stoechados distylled againe with a most soft fyre After take of this Aqua vitae two measures of white Sugar one pounde and thus corrected let it be most finelye brought to pouder and set on the coales euer sturring it about vntyll the whole Sugar be dyssolued in it and it shall be performed done in .xxix. dayes After take of the best Cynamon one pounde which bring to fine pouder the same infuse for eyght or tenne dayes sturring it once or twise euery daye after straine and wring the same hard in a presse If you be mynded to haue it smell and taste pleasaunter then adde to it of Muske and Amber greese according to your discretion For this lycour is of a maruaylous
three ounces of Gynger of Cloues of eache one ounce of the red Saunders two ounces of Mace of Nutmegges of blacke Pepper of Galingale of Cubebae of Cardamomum of Annise of Fennell of Coriander prepared of Speticrum aromatici Rosati of Drambrae of Dianthos of Maioram of Basill of Lauēder flowers of Rosemary flowers and of Spyknarde of eache halfe an ounce all these beate in a grosse maner to which then adde of red Roses two handfuls and a halfe of good Malmesie foure pyntes or two of sublimed wyne xi or vj. pyntes of Rosewater Musked one pynt and a halfe of the water of Cloues and of Cinamon that is of the water of each two ounces of Sugarcandye brought to pouder thrée poundes let all these stand to infuse for fowre dayes After let a decoction be made according to Arte and claryfied after the accustomed maner A water of Lyfe being a great secrete of Maister Edwardes Take of Cynamon of Cloues of Nutmegs of Gynger of Zedoaria of Galingale of the long and blacke Pepper of Iuniper berryes of the ryndes of the Cytrone of the rindes of the Orrenges of Baye berries of Sage leaues of Basill of Rosemary of Mace of Spyknard of Ligni aloes of Cubebae of Cardamomum of Calamus aromaticus of Stoecadus Arab of Chamcepityos of Myrre of Masticke of Olibanū of the séedes and leaues of the Dyll of the séedes of Mugwoort of eache one dram of drye Fygs of Reysons of the meate of Dates of swéete Almondes of Pynaple kernels of eache one dram and a halfe of white and pure Honny sixe ounces of harde and white Sugar vnto the wayght of all the aboue sayde All these beaten and myxed togyther distyll by a Lymbecke of Glasse fiue tymes ouer A water of Lyfe helping ioynt aches and synewes drawne togither and the Crampe of colde Take of Cloues of Mace of each thrée drams of the graines of Paradize two drams of long pepper two drams of Nutmegs of Ginger of Lauender of Basil of Hysope of Baulm of each one ounce of Galingale of the flowers o● Rosemary of sage of each halfe an ounce of Xyloaloes two drās of fine Muske halfe a scruple all these brought to pouder poure into fowre pyntes of Aqua vitae distilled out of Malmesie for fouretéene daies which after distyl in Balneo Mariae according to Art. A water seruing vnto many harde infirmyties and disseases For this water cureth the Canker the Fistula Sinus Morbum attonicum the falling sicknesse the ryng woorme the Serpigo the ioynt sicknesse the Goute and any paine of the synewes whether the same shall procéede of hote cause or cold the making of which is on this wyse Take of burning water fine and pure tenne or fiftéene pyntes of Ina one handfull of Sagapeni halfe an ounce of Cubebae one ounce and a halfe of Xyloaloes two drams of chosen Myrre halfe a dram of Aloes hepanticke halfe an ounce of Aristolochia of Ammoniaci of Opopanacis of chosen Cadanum of eache halfe an ounce of Sarcocollae halfe a dram of Frankinsence thrée ounces of Masticke halfe an ounce of Gumme Arabicke so much of the red Saunders two drams of Spyknard one ounce of Galingale halfe an ounce of Saffrō two drams of Mumia halfe an ounce of Gum Elemi three ounces of Galbanum halfe a dram of Storax and of Cloues of eache one dram of Nutmegs halfe an ounce of chosen Cinamon halfe an ounce of Graines of Paradize or of Amomum halfe an ounce of Resina liquidae fyue poundes of Turpentyne thée poundes of Dragons blood and of Castorie of eache halfe an ounce of these let a lycour be dystylled according to Arte. This borrowed out of Fumanellus A syngular water for the preseruing of youth and staying backe of olde age the making of which is on this wyse Take of Ligni aloes of Cloues of Gynger of Galingale of Cynamon of Mace of Nutmegs of long Pepper of Calamus aromaticus of Cubebae of Rubarbe of the graynes of Paradize of Cardamomum of each two drams of Rosemary of Celondine of Mercurie of the blessed Thystle of Imperatoria and of the white Dittany of eache one ounce all these after the beatyng infuse in syxe pyntes of the best Aqua vitae that serueth for the Quintessence which let so remayne for eyght dayes after distyll the lycour in Balneo Mariae according to Arte. Of that water gathered adde to eache pynte two ounces of fyne Sugar dyssolued in Rosewater and eyght graynes of Muske which dillegentlye kéepe in a Glasse close stopped This syngular water druncke euerye morning vnto the quantitye of one or two drammes at a tyme preserueth the personne a long tyme in health and perfyte strength in that the same heateth the stomacke being colde increaseth naturall heate and causeth good digestion of meate through which nature is preserued long lustye and young This also heateth the bloud in the Veynes in suche manner that the same causeth it to runne and worcke his effectes without impedyment It dryeth up colde and moyste humours whiche hynder the working of nature and worcketh many other helpes This borrowed out of the singular practises of the Gréeke Leonar Tiorauant A water not to be mysliked yéelding and working many matters for this helpeth the Goute ioynt sicknesses the dystillation of the head preserueth young age and strength gyueth also wyt and memorie reuyueth the spyrites and causeth them purer The making of which is on this wyse take of burning water thrée or foure tymes distylled ouer foure pyntes of Rosemarye flowers one pound of the toppes of the branches of the same halfe a pound these stiepe togyther for a daye and drawe in a double vessell with a long necked Receauer the neather part of it resting in a colde place For we so name it sayth Galen when in a Pan or Kettyl which containeth the hote water another vessell standeth Of thys water thus distylled by a Lymbecke take halfe a pynte of Nutmegges of Galingale of Cloues of Cardamomum of Mace and of Cubebae of eache thrée ounces of white Aumber one ounce and a halfe of Ligm aloes so much of Castorye and of Spyknarde of eache two drams these beaten seuerall and apart and compounded after altogyther vntyll they be come vnto a certaine thycknesse and then distylled againe togyther keepe to your vse For an ounce of the aboue sayde water druncke with a slyce of white bread auayleth so much as a Baulme This Fumanellus as the Aucthour supposeth Of the Iuyces or drawing of Iuyces out of Symples and compound matters The jx Chapter IVyce which of the Greekes is properlie named 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and the working of the same termed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is that which is pressed or wringed out of symple or compounde matters brused chopped or stieped But Iuyces are otherwyse pressed out as eyther out of the leaues or braunches of the hearbes beaten alone and that greene and full of iuyce or out of fruytes as out of
Grapes not rype or greene Pomegranates Seruices Medlars wyld Sl●es Quinces Lemons c. Or out of hearbes hauing lytle moysture and the same clammye as the Iuie the Purselan Cotylidone the Houselyke c. Out of which not simplie a iuyce can be had or gotten but through water poured vpon or other lycour lyke to the properties of them that neede wringing or pressing out that pressed out togither with the same humour the force and vertue of the symple hearbe maye so be purchased or if brused and put into a strayner or Bagge and hanged in a colde Seller or place that the iuyce by lytle and lytle may droppe into a dyshe or Porrendger set vnder Of these and such lyke drawings forth of iuyces which in shoppes in a vessell with a narrow mouth oyle being poured vpon finger highe or sprinckled with Salt as appeareth of the iuyce of vnripened fruites vnto Phisick vse set vp and kept we meane here to intreate nothing thereof nor the lyke of certaine others which in the Sun by a dayly moouing are dryed and thyckned and that in the shadow as the iuyce of Sloes in an Ouen or Furnace or other hote place ▪ included and hāged to drye But we wyll onely intreate of those iuyces which are described out of rootes and the dryer hearbes or such hauing but verye lytle moysture stieped for certaine dayes in water or any other lycour distylled after by Balneum Mariae that seperated from the watery moysture that substaunce of the matter infused pure and sincere may be left somwhat grosser or without distyllation by boyling only conuerted into a vapour hauing a straunge humour the substaunce of the matter infused may thicken strayned before or the whole water distylled by Fyltre c. And the vse of this drawing foorth or substaunce purchased ▪ which of the iuyce taken in a smal quantity yeeldeth great commodities in our bodyes For where of Medicines in the whole substance is want to be giuen one ounce of the iuyce drawne sufficeth onelye one dramme in which vndoubtedlye maye the sicke be much delighted and pleased especiallye seeing many are woont much to abhorre the takyng of Medicines And this is to be noted in the drawinges ▪ that if the spirit shal not be sufficient pure or dilligently seperated insomuch that somwhat of the earthinesse yet remayneth and maye containe that then the vertue or propertye of the matter drawne is myxed to this earthynesse and ascendeth and euaporateth togyther But the sincere and pure spirit doth cause this least in that out of the matter drawne this descendeth without any sauour or taste and for that cause is the spyrit easilie seperated by Balneum Mariae whose heate exéedeth not the degree of heate which consisteth or is in mans vryne Yet it behooueth also that the wate by which the washing is caused be verie subtyll euen lyke as the spyrit of the wyne least the euyll qualitie of the water may ascende togyther But a sure tryall and knowledge of the water is if it shal be without taste or savour The drawing of hearbes and other remedies with burning water perfytelie distylled in Balneo Mariae c. As out of Rubarbe Agaricke Ellebore and Guaicum according to Theophrastus instruction The .x. Chapter THe artificiall drawing of symple matters are wrought after this manner Fyrst let purest and best Aqua vitae be chosen which is sufficient effectuous vnto the drawing foorth and purchasing the properties of the hearbes Then take Sage or any lyke symple out of the which you determine to drawe a iuyce the same laye in a drye ayre towarde the North especiallye Where after it shal be a lytle dryed shred or choppe finelie and powre the whole into a Glasse whose mouth shal be sufficient wyde that is two fyngers broade that when you wyll you maye easily get or draw foorth whatsoever is put in on which powre the Aqua vitae or spirit of the wyne well the lytle fynger breadth aboue the hearbe After couer the vessel dilligently in this maner let paste be made with which let the mouth be a finger breadth stopped round about next to which binde vppon a fayre white Paper and let it be so stopped that it maye onely sticke to the sydes about the mouth of the Glasse This Paper thus set on let paste againe be layd on rounde about the place aboue taught and another newe Paper againe bound vpon the same Then a thyrd time laye paste vpon and rounde about the sydes of the mouth and let a thyrde Paper be fastened which couereth fullye ouer that the mouth through the paste and Paper maye closelie be stopped After couer the whole with ware although this bee not so ne●defull These thus orderlie handled and done let the vessel after be set for two or thrée dayes in a hote place according as the hearbe put in shall be of a thycker or thinner substaunce and shall so néede to stiepe a longer or shorter tyme At the ende of which tyme powre the spirit into another vessell and couer it againe and the hearbes remayning presse or wring through a Lynnen cloth so stronglie as is possible or that you can doe by your strength and after the wrynging throwe them awaye Then powre other freshe hearbes againe of the same kynde and prepared as aboue taught powre into the same spyrit which stiepe and presse forth and the same repeate thrée or fowre tymes ouer euen as you wyll purchase the drafte mightie or weake That if the matter out of the which a iuyce shall be drawne ▪ shall be of great price as is the Rubarbe Lignum aloes then not once pouring of Aqua vitae on it is sufficient but dyuers and often tymes ▪ that whatsoever of the spirit or propertie of the symple shall be maye wholie be lefte in the water Now after the spirit of the wine shall abound in the facultie of the hearbs in so much that it shal in a maner haue lost the proper tast or savour then presse or wring forth the hearbes and the same which shall be pressed foorth dylligentlie and subtyllie distyl by Fylter and vse when néede shall requyre Or the spirit of the wyne from the propertie of the hearbes shall be easyer seperated by distyllation in Balneo Mariae in drawing foorth eyther the halfe or all togyther vntyll it shall come vnto an extreame waterynesse or vntyll it bee thyckened as a Sauce or the iuyce dryed and hardened which may be brought to powder accordyng as you wyll applye and vse the same For when much moysture shall be in the drawing foorth then after the seperation of the wyne is it a noate or token that the spirit of the wyne was not syncere and pure But where the spyrit of the wyne shall be sufficient myghtye and that in the ende of the distyllation no waterynesse remayneth and insueth then take the distylled water of the same symple and poure to that drawne and myxe dylligentlye togyther with a quyll
abyde a part at the bottome of the Lymbecke Howe often the vertues of certaine substantiall partes are lost or chaunged in the Distillations and why that Distillation came but of later tyme into vse this borowed of the learned Ioannes Langius The seconde Chapter NO Person néedeth to doubt that all Bodies which growe and take increasement in the earth are compounded of diuers and in a maner infinite small parts which the Gréekes properly name Atomes of the Elements and that in those rest differing and contrarie vertues neuerthelesse vnder one maner of forme of all the Bodies compounded as the lyke appeareth and is confirmed in that roote of Rubarbe so much regarded and estéemed in all places which doth both loose the Bellie and bynde the same yet this deliuereth and openeth the obstructions and stoppinges of the Liuer The same also is knowne to be in the iuice of Roses which purgeth the bellye of Choler where contrarywise the distilled water and the drye powder of the leaues doe bynde and harden the Belly the lyke to this is found in the bitternesse of the nayles or white endes of the leaues which boyled and applyed vp in Glyster forme after the mynde of the learned Mathiolus doth mightily stay the fluxe of the Belly and by giuing it to drinke this healeth the perillous vlcers of the Lunges The yelowe séedes within the Rose and the heares hanging to them boyled in Wyne and drunke doth staye as he affirmeth the styllings downe to the Gummes and marueylously helpeth the running of the Whites in women He also reporteth that the whole heads of the Rose sodden in Wyne and drunke helpeth the fluxe of the Bellie and stayeth the spitting or casting vp of bloude the séedes within the peares of the Rose are knowen of experience to be astringent for which cause the yelowe and all the whole Peares sodden in wyne doth greatly profite the fluxe of the Bellie and such abundance of the Whytes in women yea marueylously stayeth the tedious Gonorrhea these hitherto Mathiolus And is it not euidentlye séene and knowne that the outwarde part of the Nettle procureth ytching and burning in that part of the bodie as the same toucheth where contrarywise the iuice drawen out of the inner substance applyed on the arteries of the armes doth refresh and coole the burning of the Feuer or feuerous burning of the heart Besides dryed and brought into powder and giuen to a maryed man to eate causeth him after to loue dearely his wyfe and children and the same vsed fortifieth the veneriall acte and purgeth the Matrix in women by the dayly eating in meate yea wasshyng the Bodie with the decoction of it mitigateth all paynes caused of colde and healeth scabbes And doe we not daylye vnderstande sée that out of one ●●per Myne of the veyne vnder the grounde purchased there 〈◊〉 ●olten and separated in the Furnace diuers kyndes of Mettals that is of Leade of Siluer Copper Golde of which always the greater part is conuerted into Fumes When therefore after in the Distillation the grosser and excrementuous partes abyde in the bottome of the Lymbecke then doe the Aereall vanysh into spirits and the moysture thickened through the cooling of the couer or heade of the Lymbecke fall from the Gutter of the heade and runne downe drop by droppe into a Receyuer standing vnder It is not to be marueyled at if distilled waters doe not yéelde their proper sauour taste and all other vertues or but little that they ought of those matters out of which they are distilled For which cause the learned Phisition Mesue reporteth that the water drawne by distillation out of Roses doth greatly comfort and strengthen yet doth the same nor lyke loose and purge the bodie as the iuice gotten out of the freshe Roses or the infusion of them done after Arte by reason that their subtill heate vanisheth with the fire To these adde that the hydde or secrete propertie which procéedeth of the forme that the Phisitions terme particular as in the Lode stone Colocynthis Scamonie and others lyke equally shedde throughout the whole substaunce of his subiect insomuch that when the forces and vertues be lost of the other partes of the subiect it cannot then retayne his proper strength but that hys action and working perysheth as by a lyke the water distilled by a Lymbeck of the Colocynthis or Rubarbe cannot then loose or purge the Belly where the lycour at all times or either of them infused for certayne houres and ministred will easily perfourme the lyke working By the same maner all herbes of a hote and drie qualitie doe yéelde or giue forth in their Distillation the best waters of propertie kéeping neuerthelesse their naturall heate and drynesse but the herbes colde and moyste doe not reteyne so well their coldenesse and moysture by reason they attayne or purchase a certayne straunge heate of the fire of the Lymbecke which abateth and taketh awaye from the waters their proper nature and vertue so that the same water which is distilled doth not any thing reteyne or but little of the nature and vertue of that simple out of which it is distilled Whereof it commeth to passe that although the waters of Endyue Lettuce or Nightshade are accustomed or woont to coole yet doe these alwayes performe the same but a little where otherwyse if these kept the proper qualities of the Herbes from which they are distilled woulde then greatly coole to the ende that the Herbes the same which are of temperature 〈◊〉 maye kéepe their proper qualities they ought rather to be ●●yled with a soft fire and their decoctions ministred when ●●ede requyreth If at anye time the distilled waters are more agréeable and pleasanter in taste than the decoctions of the Herbes it behooueth to vnderstande that these loose lesser of their moysture and coldnesse in that they néede but a temperate fire if they be distilled in the Furnace named MARI BALNEVM Balneum Mariae whose forme is here described to the eye that commonly is made long whereby the same may contayne many vessels and hath sundrie doores that the water may heate togither alyke buylt also of small heygth to the ende the water may be made hote with a smal fire than if they were distilled in a dri● Furnace as in Sande or Ashes of which hereafter shall further be vttered whereas we mynde to intreate of the correction of Herbes By the same discourse eche man may easily conceiue and iudge that all formes cannot wholy resist and doe their workings a long tyme in mixt bodies if the qualities abyde not perfite and hole For which cause it is no marueyle if the waters of Plants and Iuices especiallye those which are distilled by a drie heate of fire doe disagrée and seuer from the vertues of their Simples which for troth more troubled and mooued rather the skilfull to be abashed than the ignoraunt Phisitions and caused that a long tyme after it was or they anye thing to purpose
man Adam Louicer in hys treatyse of the Arte of Dystilling setteth forth an easie maner of Dystilling by the heate of the Sunne beames which also may be vsed howsoeuer a man wyll in colde Countries if so be he myndeth at all tymes to dystill Flowers and such lyke matters to the ende that those maye retayne their sauour and other qualities And the same is to be wrought on this wyse take sayth Louicer a hollowe burning Glasse which directlye place towarde the hote beames of the Sunne after betwéene the Beames of the Sunne and the burning Glasse set the Glasse Bodie filled with the Flowers or other lyke matter and to stand in a small Earthen panne of sifted Sande or Ashes in such maner that the Beames of the hote Sunne fallyng into the hollowe Glasse maye so beate backe and extende to the Glasse Bodie with the proper matter as to the obiect standing ryght agaynst whych so causeth that lighter and purer matter ascending to Dystill forth as more liuely appeareth by this figure here descrybed T●e Italians haue inuented another maner and way of Dystilling waters in the Sunne which wyth them is often vsed after this maner They take two Glasse Bodies wyth narrowe neckes and mouthes the one being emptie and the other filled with Herbes or Flowers Thys Glasse so filled they close or ●●op with a fine Lynnen cloth bounde about through which the lycour may aptly passe or dystill After that they thrust the necke of this Glasse into the necke of the emptie Glasse standing vnder and then diligently ferment and stop the passages and wayes rounde about with Lute or Potters Claye or other lyke matter to the ende that no vapour nor vertue of the substance may breathe forth This done set these twoo Glasses on such wyse ioyned and bounde togyther in the beames of the Sunne after such maner that the same Glasse which conteyneth the Herbes or Flowers maye séeme to be aboue and the other whych is emptie to stande vnder for to receyue the lycour which is heated and decocted by the Sunnes force that so dystilleth downe into the Glasse And on such wyse doe the women of Bononie in Lumbardie prepare and purchase the water of Bremble flowers for the benefit and singular comfort of the eyes As touching another maner or waye of Dystilling in the Sunne reade hereafter in the proper place taught The maner of Dystilling by Ascention and what especially behooueth to be obserued in the sayde working The .ix. Chapter WE haue afore taught that the Dystillation whyche is a separation of the subtill partes from the grosser and heauyer to be wrought done especially after two meanes wayes as by the Ascending and Descending Further of the same which is wrought in the Ascending is one waye done in that named Balneum Mariae in another manner by Ashes or Sande another way in Horse dung and in another manner by another meane heate seruing betwéene these This by the waye in euery Dystillation ought to be obserued that how often Oyles especially are to be drawne out of substances that the Dystillation in the meane tyme be in no maner hyndered or stayde For if this Dystillation begun be once letted insomuch that the matter or substaunce be cooled the woorke or Dystillation after can neuer be perfourmed in that the same can no more ascende For which cause it behooueth that this woorking or Distillation be diligently and carefully followed vnto the ende The maner very commodious for the retayning without great payne and impediment that the Cucurbites flote or swymme not aloft the Kettle or Panne full of hote water when any myndeth to Dystill in Balneo Mariae The .x. Chapter TO doe the lyke prepare an Earthen Vessell or déepe Potte glased wythin and the same so large that it maye well receyue or contayne the Cucurbite which it behooueth you to fill with water in a maner to the brynke at the bottome of which within let foure Tyles be layde as the one lying right agaynst the other and those formed with certaine rysinges boared through to the ende that by the holes of ech of th●se eminencies or rysings vp a corde or string maye passe after thys forme in a maner here described After you haue thus put through the cordes in ech hole place the Cucurbite in the mydle of the Tyles before that you poure in the water as afore taught after the same maner tye the said Corde rounde about the neck of the Cucurbite to which equally fasten the foure small cordes tyed retching from the foure tyles lying in the bottome of the vessell after such maner that these foure cordes may be loosed or stiffned and fastened shorter or longer according as the woorkeman wyll haue that the Cucurbite or Glasse bodie to stande déeper or hygher in the Water And by this meanes maye the Cucurbite be commodiouslye retayned which otherwyse woulde not so well be stayed vnder the water But if the Cucurbite shall be of Copper and not of Earth in the steade or place of that coarde which compasseth the necke of the Cucurbyte maye a man bestowe and fasten a Copper bande hauing foure small Rynges hanging equidistant to which eche Corde retching from the bottome of the Vessell may easily be tyed and on such wyse shall the Cucurbite or Bozia be stayed in the bottome of the Vessell as the same figure aforesayde liuely demonstrateth to the eye Howe a great yeelde and quantitie of waters may with a small cost fewe Instrumentes or Vessels and in a very short tyme be dystilled in Balneo Mariae The .xi. Chapter IF the necessitie present be suche that anye hath to make a great quantitie of waters dystilled in Balneo Mariae he may accomplyshe the same with small charge● little payne fewe Instruments and in shorte tyme such a yéelde and quantitie as he woulde haue by this meanes ▪ in preparing a Wooden bowle or Tubbe of a sufficient compasse and largenesse ouer and placed on a forme or Benche being lyke made of woode in the myddes of which Tubbe erect and set from the bottome vnto the edge or bryncke of the same or rather aboue it a great Copper Vessell in the forme of a hollowe pype sufficient large bored wythout rounde about and all ouer with little holes Vnder the bottome of the Tubbe make a Furnace within which emptie part or space let a part of the Copper Pype descende in such sort and maner that the water be contayned betwéene the outwarde bored wall of the Pype and the parte within of the Tubbe But wythin that part of the Pype which descendeth by the bottome of the Tub let the fire be put and kyndled for the heating of the water which being in such wyse handled and done round about the Pype and in the rest of the space of the Tubbe which is full of Water let many Lymbeckes with their Helmets be placed after such maner that the Beakes and Noses may reach beyonde the edge of the Tubbe
rounde about for the easier and handsommer setting to and fastening of the Receyuing vessels The water wythin the Tubbe must he cause so long to séeth vnto the tyme all the matters and substances in the Cucurbites be wholy dystilled The forme of makyng the abouesayd Balneum Mariae is borowed out of that skilfull worke named Pirotechnia which in Englysh is called the Arte of Firie workes or working by fire The figure of Balnei Mariae inuented by Alb●casis as the learned Gesnerus coniectureth The .xij. Chapter THe Letter A. in this figure representeth the Furnace where the fire appeareth be made and kyndled the Character B. expresseth the Funnell or Chymney of the Furnace the note C. declareth the Potte sette and standynge ouer the fire in whyche the water boylinge is contayned the Figure D. sheweth the Pype by which the water boyling runneth forth into a Wooden Tubbe standing nygh to the Furnace the letter E. expresseth the Tubbe of woode which receyueth the water heated wythin which is set and standeth the Cucurbite or Bodie of Glasse the letter F. demonstrateth the Bozia or Cucurbite with his Helmet which contayneth the matter to be dystilled the figure G. representeth the hollowe Pype by which the water runneth forth into another waste Tubbe or Panne standing vnder the letter H. sheweth the Glasse vessell which receyueth the water dystilled It séemeth vndoubtedly sayth the woorthie Gesnerus the same to be the better fashion of all others for the Dystilling in Balneo Mariae but much more commodious than if the fire were putte vnder the Dystilling vesselles Consider and marke the other forme lyke in a maner to this hereafter among the Oyles The Dystillation of the Quintessence in Balneo Mariae The .xiij. Chapter TAke foure or fiue measures of the best whyte wine or of simple water or of Maye dewe or of other lycour pure according to the greatnesse and largenesse of the Bozia or Cucurbite in such sort that a thirde part of the Glasse bodie remayne emptie which done set the Lymbecke or Heade on the Vessell fast luted about with the whytes of Egges Flowre or Meale and water myxed togither and spred on a Lynnen cloth the Bodie of Glasse on such wyse trymmed and prepared let be set into Balneum Mariae after dystilling by a small or most soft fire daye and night vntill the tyme that the fiue measures be come to the one halfe the same keepe that you haue thus dystilled fo● the extractions you shall haue a signe or note certayne of the perfite Dystillation of the Quintessence if you cast a heare of the Eye browe into the same and that it sinketh or falleth to the bottome incontinent then haue you brought the Quintessence to a perfection commodious and apt for other Dystillations The lyke may you bring to passe and doe with water ●ymple or Maye dewe In the meane whyles it behooueth that the Bozia be very long to th ende that the grosse vapours o● earthly spirites ascende not on hygh The same Dystillation must be repeated fiue or seauen tymes ouer or so often vntill that it be perfite And such a fashion or way séemeth verie excellent for that the sa●●e infecteth nothing at all the extractions infused in it wyth anye straunge qualitie you shall also obtayne a water wyth expedition if on any iuyce or lycour heated you set a Goblet or Bowle of Glasse into which the fume ascended turneth it selfe into sweating drops and those drops gathered togither of the sweatings are on such wyse conuerted into water By the lyke meanes and waye is the Vineger easily conuerted into water euen so the vapor of Herbes boyled in Wyne is gathered rounde about the bottome of Platters or Dyshes couered ouer such a Quintescense is very excellent for the clensing of spottes and Webbe or Pearle of the eyes especially if a man boyle of the Rue or herbe Grace in whyte Vineger us the worthie Phisition Cardanus affirmeth An ingenious maner of distilling by Sande The .xiiij. Chapter BEstowe the matter which you will distyll wythin a Glasse body stopping the mouth wyth Paste that no ayre at al may breath forth after do the like as followeth Set the Cucurbite into a Kettle or Copper panne full of water and fresh Oten strawe which cause to séeth softly vntill the time that the matter or substance boyleth no more as the same perhaps maye be at the consumption of all the water in the Kettell after remooue the Kettle with the Cucurbite from the fire and assoone as the Cucurbite is through colde put the same a newe into another vessell full of Sande in which let it be compassed about and couered with Sande vp vnto the necke after bestowe the same in a sunnie place where the sunne all the day shyneth very hote and in that hote place let this stande for fortie dayes togither which tyme expired take it forth of the Sande and set the Glasse againe on the Sande only without a vessell for the space of eyght dayes at the tyme ended let it runne through a newe Lynnen cloth and wring the substance harde in a Presse for the purpose c. This manner of Dystillation ought rather to be wrought and done in the Monethes of Iuly and August A forme very rare of Dystilling by Dung borowed out of the worke Pyrotechnia The .xv. Chapter THere is also another fashion and maner of distilling sayth a certaine Author much vsed of the Chymistes which is wrought in Horse dung whose heate is to be increased by the fume or vapour of Boyling water after thys order Lette a wooden Coffer or Chest be made of sixe Flemishe Elles in length or not aboue foure yardes and a halfe of our measure and of such a breadth that the same maye commodiously contayne of eyther side the Vrinall bodies of Glasse and that there be no more left than a space by which the Pype maye passe and retch betwéene the rowes of the Glasses standing on eyther side This long Chest fill with dry dung myxed with short chopped straw after lift vp and set the same on a wooden Forme or Benche to the ende that it may stande the higher and commodiouser for the performance of the worke These done it behooueth you orderly to bestowe the Vrinall bodies or Cucurbites of Glasse in the Dung wyth their heades aboue it and regarding by their heygth ouer the edge of the Chest on eyther side to the ende the Noses of the Lymbeckes may the handsomer be luted to the receyuing vessels In the myddest betwéene these vessels must a Pype of Copper or Leade or if you wyll of Woode be extended and couched hauing bored rounde about manye small holes and these in order throughout or all the length of the pype the one ende of which to bende after such fashion that it wholye regardeth towardes the Grounde to this mouth and ende of the Pype let a vessell of the best Earth or of Copper be raysed and set hauing a long necke and
Retort The .xx. Chapter LEt a Retort be made of such a fashion as the letter A. demonstrateth of good Earth that is of broken Tyles péeces of looking Glasses and other Glasses whyte and cleare of Potters clay the sylings of yron diligently powdred wrought togither B. must be thrust wythin C. which hath an edge or border D. the Pype sharpened at the ende made of earth or of copper to th ende that it may be thrust into anye maner of Glasse vyoll or long necked Glasse with a narrowe mouth For to dystill the water of Sinamon a man must prepare such an Instrument First set readie a Treuet on which bestowe a vessell of Iron sufficient hollow filled with fine Sande or sifted Ashes or hauing nothing in it that requyreth then a greater fire and to be bored full of small holes into which set a Cucurbite of Glasse well luted you maye include the whole with a bande of an yron plate c. A figure very rare of the Alchymistes borrowed out of an auncient booke of Alchymie in wrytten hande The .xxi. Chapter In this little Furnace hauing to the right hande thrée flames ought to be filled with fine Sande and sifted and that the fire kyndled and flaming to haue thrée Candles the second Furnace whych is in the myddes of the two ought also to haue Sande and a fire temperate of two Candles as doth the flame demonstrate in the d●●re of the Furnace In the thirde Furnace to the left hande is a Balneum Mariae and the fire or flame of one Candell These Fu●naces ought on such wyse to be disposed and set in order that they stande nigh one the other whereby a verye small space may appeare betwéene Furnace and Furnace as the figure aboue playner sheweth to the eye For the same vse haue the Alchymistes deuysed these Instruments following A. the Cucurbite whiche con●ayneth the substance with his headde B. the heade whose Nose retcheth wythin the necke C. Into the glasse C. doth the secrete spirite of the Quintessēce passe Into the receyuing vessell D. doth the simple wyne or Flewme of the Quintessence fall The maner and Instrumentes of Dystilling by Discention The .xxij. Chapter THe manner of Dystilling by Discention is wrought in a Bozia or Cucurbite turned vpside downe which is conioined to the Furnace with the best lute that is of that part which the body of the Bozia thickest fenced toucheth to the furnace after the well drying closing thus of the Glasse●Body to the Furnace that no matter fall through the Coales then are to be layde vpon all about and on such wyse kindled that the fire be very gentle For a small fire sufficeth in this work at the first but when it toucheth and is come to the Bozia let the fire be after increased by little and little Before the Dystillation it behooueth to thrust couch strongly togither the matter wythin the Bozia or to drye throughly the same or with the whyte of an Egge or by long running to staye the matter in the Bozia turned vpside downe to the ende that it shedde not forth During the tyme of the Dystillation the matter cleaueth to the necke of the Bozia c. Thys maner of Dystilling is so much the more perfite and excellent bycause the matter séemeth to be sublymed often and many tymes as nygh a thousand thousande tymes wrought and dryuen vp and downe a hygh and belowe during the time of the Dystillation yet maye it not cause that such an agitacion and moouing to render and yéelde a perfite Sublimation of the Quintessence of the matter that is to saye the Elementarie conuerted into the name Elementall and of a corruptible matter rendred an incorruptible After this maner of Dystilling by Discention may a man attayne Oyles out of Woods and halfe Mynerals If so be the mouth of the Bozia strong luted be close stopped with a Plate of yron tynned and stricken full of small holes That you may the readyer conceyue the manner and Instruments of this Dystillation beholde the Figure here before descrybed borowed out of the woorke intituled Pyrotechnia That singular man Rogerius ▪ hath set forth a lyke maner of Dystilling on this wyse Let a Bottell of Earth well glased wythin be filled vp to the mouth with Flowers or Herbes hauing in the bottome a reasonable small hole and the mouth of it diligently stopped to be sette into the mouth of a larger vessell lyke glased standing vnder which done to close and stoppe with diligence the bottome of the Bottell wythin the mouth of the other vessell with good Lute or morter of Potters earth and to burie both the Pottes wholy wythin the Earth leauing these so couered for a yeare The yeare being ended to drawe them forth of the Earth and in the nether vessell shall be founde a verye cleare Oyle which is dystilled by vertue of the heate and fumes of the Earth The forme of a Furnace for Balneo Mariae very rare and highly commended The .xxiij. Chapter BEholde here a manner or fashion of Balneo Mariae verye excellent of which the vessell large and greate is of tynne much like to a bygge Vrinall Bodye in lengthe of thrée spannes or thrée great féete long verye bygge below and narrower extending vpwarde the bottome or bellye of the same standing wette well twoo long feete wythin the boyling water and the part aboue retching quyte without the Balneo in heigth of a long foote through a round hole cut out in the myddes of the couer of the Kettell or Panne being the Balneo On thys great vessell is a Lymbeck of Tynne set stedily and fast couered and compassed of another vessell like of Tynne farre larger after the forme of a Bucket that receyueth the colde water which is caused to runne by the Pype or Cocke of Copper out of the vpper vessell somwhat long situated and standing in the highest part of the Columne and the same for cooling continually the Tinne Lymbeck standing in the middes to the ende that the vapours which are ascended maye thicken much better and be sooner conuerted into water so that thys causeth that the Artificers may receyue the more yéelde of water and where the same colde water contayned in the Vessell or Bucket that compasseth the Lymbecke maye be hote wythin short tyme by the heate of the Lymbecke thys in lyke maner by a Pype out of which the water ●●●meth may incontinent be let forth in the nether part through a Cocke turned and the Bucket agayne filled with other colde water drawen out of the vessell on hygh But to th ende a man may not haue so great a labor and payne to emptie so often the hote water and to poure in of colde he maye dispose the same on such wyse that from the vessell whych is standing at the toppe of the Columne he may continually drawe out so often of the colde water into the Vessell which compasseth the Lymbecke as he letteth forth of
the hote to runne out of the same in opening and shutting of the Cockes of the Pypes when néede requireth And to the ende that the Kettell or Panne of Copper in which the Balneum Mariae is maye alwayes be full with a lyke quantitie of water which otherwyse is wasted by the vehement continuall heate of the fire in the Furnace it is deuised therfore by Arte that another vessell below or in the nether part of the Columne placed full of very hote water whych may be caused to runne continually into the Balneum Mariae by a Pype gouerned of his Cocke And thys water is heated wythin hys vessell ▪ with the same fire that the Balneum is heated for so much as the wall of the Columne is hollow and emptie vnto the bottome of that nether vessell This sort or fashion of Balneum Mariae is commended for the dystilling and yéelde of waters in great quantitie by reason of the colde water whyche thyckeneth and conuerteth incontinent the vapours into water For a readyer conceyuing of the former taught beholde the Figure before liuely set forth to the eye Borowed out of the learned Treatyse of Mathiolus The forme of another Furnace for Balneo Mariae to be wrought by sundrie Instruments of Glasse at one instant tyme The .xxiiij. Chapter THere is another fashion of Balneo Mariae which contayneth foure Limbecks of which the vessels being large that are set into Balneum Mariae may be of Glasse or of tynne but their heades onely of Glasse for the persiter séeing of the spirites ascending Besides these foure Bodies wyth their heades there is placed another comely instrument which standeth farre higher than the others that is heated onely by the vapour of the water boyling arysing from the Balneo Mariae which ascendeth on high by the meanes of a great Brasen Pype and thys rendreth or dystilleth by the Herbes or Flowers contayned in it the best water of all the other fower All these vessels well ioyned and closed diligently are to be set into rounde hoales cut out of the Couer that they may so be stayed vpright on the mouth of the Kettell or Panne of Copper sufficient large and capable the same also couered with Tynne and closed on such wyse rounde about that no vapour of the water of Balneo Mariae boyling may breath forth Moreouer all the Instruments requyre so to be placed and set rounde about that these séeme not but as one Bodie togither excepting the heades which maye be separated and taken of and those set on agayne when néede requyreth for the dystilling of waters That thys description may playner appeare beholde the figure liuely set forth to the eye Borowed out of the Treatyse of Mathiolus at the ende of his Commentaries vpon Dioscorides Of the Dystillation by a Fylter The .xxv. Chapter FIll a wyde mouthed Glasse or earthen Potte wyth thycke water or any iuyce and take a Lyste or péece of Woollen cloth being twoo palmes or a spanne long and fashioned sharpe at the one ende lyke to a tongue which wholy wette in water After laye the same into the Glasse or Potte in such order that the one halfe in a maner may séeme to lye wette wythin the water or iuyce and the other to hang ouer the edge of the Glasse or mouth of the Pot wythout which on such wyse ordered you shall then sée all the lycour to drop forth of the Glasse wythin short tyme when you sée that the cloth beginneth to furre and waxeth fowler or blacker or the droppes dystill slower by reason of the groundes or grosser substaunce drunke in then the Fylter or Lyste shall you at such tymes wryng harde out and washing it cleane lay agayne into the Glasse or Pot vntill the worke be finished Further learne that the repeating of iuyces waters and lycours thrée or foure tymes ouer by a Fylter are caused both the purer and clearer if so be you 〈◊〉 out the ●ee●es or dregges as often as néede shall requyre the same Some Chymistes there are which ex●rcysing this manner of Dystilling by a Fylter doe sometymes vse in steade of it twoo crooked Glasse Bodyes named Retortes the one of these filled with the matter and put into the necke of the other being emptie and luted close about place them so that the same being filled A standing hygher wyth the bodye bending vp whereby ▪ it myght the easier and speedyer distill into that marcked wyth the letter B. standynge lower ▪ For by this maner of distilling is the lycour dygested before in Balneo Mariae caused the purer neater pleasanter of smelling But this Dystilling by a Fylter is oftener exercysed of the Chymistes than of the Phisitions and deuysed by them to seperate the subtiller lyghter and purer matter from the heauie grosse and full of dregges as often as néede shall require the sa●● ▪ Of the same named vulgarly the Lute of ●ysedome with which the Chymistes vse to parge● and fence the Dy●●illatorie vessels and for to stoppe or c●ose their Ioy●●● that no ma●ter breath forth The .xxvi. Chapter FOrasmuch as we haue hitherto intreated su●●●cientl●● of the Instrument● necessarie for Dystilling of the moste matters subst●nc●● 〈◊〉 th●refore 〈…〉 this present that we likewise set forth ●nd t●●ch th● maner of the same which defendeth the vessels from the viole●ce ●●ghtie heate of fire and that closeth fast ioyneth them ●●gither in the ioynt●● to the ende that the Dystillation may be the 〈◊〉 perfourmed ▪ And thys is the Morte● ▪ of which the Chymistes haue néede fo● the perfourming of their workes 〈◊〉 Lute Nowe 〈…〉 diuers sortes of Morter ▪ as the one named 〈…〉 onely for the buylding o●●urnaces and Towers for dystilling ▪ The other is named the Lute or Morter of wisedome with which the vessels of Glasse are p●rgetted and fenced to the ende that those may the better sustayne and abyde the violent force of fire ▪ The other is profitable for the conioyning and 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of the vessels gaping or ●hapt although the Morter of wysedome may sometimes serue for stopping and fencing the crackes an● cleftes of Glasses The Lute or Morter common fit and the best for Furnaces ▪ maye on such wyse be prepared Take Chalke or Potters claye or earth which appeareth very fatte and cleau●ng ▪ to the same adde a little quantitie of Sande or grauell myxing or wor●ing with these Woollen floxe and Horse dung After incorporate and labour the whole togither with great diligence ●nto the tyme that it be of a consistence more ●ft than harde or drye This borowed out of Leonarde Fiarauant A Lute or Morter for the buylding of Furna●es and the P●ilosophers Tower Take a quantitie of Hartes heares with which Sad●●●rs are act 〈…〉 to stuffe Saddles being afore well shaken and beaten or else take floxe of Wo●llen ●loth dr●sse or beatings of Iron flying from the Anuill Lyme the bloude of a Bull or Wether of these well myxed and wrought togither
Oyle if the same shall be Oyle but if it be water dystilled then by the lyke meanes the moysture excrementuous if any such remayne shall easily be consumed and the Oyle or the Water rectified This Rogerius Or rather that the Chymists doe and obserue in the water of Lyfe by Balneum Mariae the moysture watrie that they name Fleume is receyued a part and separated from the subtill lycour But of the other maners of rectifying lycours we shall more at large hereafter intreate in the proper place ¶ The ende of the first Booke of secrete Remedies ▪ for Dystillations ¶ The seconde Booke of Dystillations conteyning sundry excellent secrete Remedies of Dystilled waters ¶ Of the Waters simple dystilled of Herbes especially and of diuers other Bodies simple Of Vineger dystilled The first Chapter BEstowe or put the best Vinegar that you can choose into a Lymbecke set after into Balneum Mariae or on fine sifted Ashes hauing the lyppes or edges rounde about well stopped with Paste or Meale tempered in water or with Paper pasted which done make vnder it a soft fire for the space of thrée or foure houres in which tyme the flewme that is the moysture excrementuous is separated from the Vinegar which you ought to cast awaye as a matter vnprofitable And a man maye knowe that the Flewme is taken away and gone when the Vineger shall be consumed vnto a thirde or fourth part After let all the ioyntes of the Lymbecke be well stopped to th ende that it maketh no euaporation then increase the fire by little and little By the same meanes shall you dystill forth for the seconde draught a Vinegar verye good and most whyte vnto the Lyes of which you shall haue a signe or note certayne if you sée the Fecies blacke and that there commeth forth any Lycour which hath the consistence of Honie or Pytch you may drawe the lyke of Vinegar Rosate of the Elder of the Cloue Gellyflowers and others If any shall infuse all a night in Vineger which is drawne the seconde tyme the Pellitorie Staphisagre or Iuye brused in Balneo Mariae after the expression made and the grosser substance throwne away dystill with diligence the Lycour poured into a Lymbecke This third extraction or draught besides a number of experiences that a man may worke with it doth greatlye preuayle agaynst the myghtie ache and dolour of the téeth This borowed out of the Booke of an Alchymister of Paris In the Dystillation of Vinegar only I suppose sayth the worthie Practicioner Leonarde Fiarauante that the part wateryshe first runneth forth after the better sort in ordering the Dystillation as aboue vttered Thys seconde draught of Vineger is a matter incorruptible whych Artely separated from the Fecies becommeth of such force that it cannot after corrupt It also dissolueth precious Stones and Mynerals that are layde to stéepe in it as Iron Tynne Lattone Copper and other lyke things It serueth for the clensing and cléering of womens faces washyng sometymes with it in that this corrodeth and weareth away all spottes It serueth effectuously for making the Sirupe of Vineger It preserueth all matters corruptible put into it as are Fleshe Egges Gourdes Melons Cucumbers Orenges Lemmons Fennell and to be briefe whatsoeuer thing a man will put into it This in lyke maner dissolueth the Rheume maketh a good and cleare voyce by drincking a little at a tyme It mittigateth the payne in all sores and in effect is helping in euerye matter and neuer harmeth in none If the Vineger shall be dystilled by a Lymbecke vnto the tyme that the Fecies remayne drie and they after burned so long in the fire vnto the tyme that they become whyte Ashes which after bestowed in a moyst Celler or other moyste place dissolueth as the Tartare prepared doth into an Oyle which is of so excellent vertue for the health of mans bodie that a man would hardly beléeue For gyuing a little quantitie of this by the mouth it dissolueth the Stone of the Kidneys and wasteth the Stone in the Bladder The Vineger dystilled with a lyttle quantitie of the Oyle of Tartare and pure Aqua vitae togither preserueth the faces of women and maketh them to appéere most comely Sundry other great matters maye be wrought with the dystilled Vineger which here for breuitie are omitted and referred to the wysedome of skilfull practicioners to finde out The Sea or Salte water maye a man make swéete by this meanes If he filleth a vessell or Pot with Salt water and causing it to boyle a tyme by the fire doth after dystill the same by a Lymbecke as the Rose water and the Salt shall remayne a● the bottome But to make a great quantitie in short tyme it behooueth to dystill the same by a Lymbecke hauing a Bucket on the heade which fill with colde water and as the water waxeth hote in the dystilling drawe it forth by the Tap or Cocke and poure colde water immediately into the Bucket For by this often cooling of the heade shall you purchase the more yéelde And thys is the secrete to dystill much at once with a small cost and the Instrument being not of this maner fashioned a man can not dystill but a small quantitie at a tyme. The maner of Dystilling water simple the waters of Minurall Bathes to th ende that a man may knowe the things myxed in them and of their propertie Borowed out of the learned worke of Medicinall waters of Gabriel Fallopius The seconde Chapter A Man maye dissolue after two fashions the waters of Mynurall Bathes by Dystillation the one in Balneo Mariae but such a resolution is hard to bring to passe the other by a Distillation drie which is done in vessels of Glasse whether they be Vrinall Bodyes or those named of the Arabians Bozia it much forceth not as I haue sayde It is sufficient that by this Dissolution of the water which is wrought by the Dystillation of drie heate that all those thyngs are knowen myxed in such waters without excluding or excepting the vapors or spirites which are knowne by this reason Haue a Furnace wholy in a readynesse the fire represented by the letter A. let be kyndled beneath a high on the Furnace as in the hollownesse set a vessell of strong Earth very large in fashion of a Carnation potte full of sifted Sande expressed by B. fill the Bozia or Vrinall vessell declared by C. it forceth not much whether of them with the Mynerall or Bathe water and that the vessell be set vnto the myddle in the sand which is wythin the Earthen potte let the Bozia be couered with his head hauing a nose sufficient long signified by the note D. Both these Lute well togyther to the ende that there be no cleftes nor any space betwéene the two vessels After purchase a Pype of Glasse about the bygnesse of a finger hollowe and open at both endes descrybed by E. into the one ende of this Pype thrust the nose of
manner drunke morning and euening auayleth agaynst the swellinges of the Bodie but especially the Dropsie euen so this drunke helpeth the Quotidian Ague and stytches or other paynes in the sides it profiteth agaynst the outward swellings of the Body by applying Lynnen clothes wette in the same This water also remooueth stytches or other griefes in the sides by applying Lynnen clothes wette in it This gargelled wyth a little of the pouder of Pellitorie helpeth the falling of the Vuula downe Thys drunke warme after the manner aboue taught helpeth a drye cough This gargelled in the throte helpeth that swelling there named Angina The dystilled water of the rootes finely shredde doth much mitigate the grieuous dolor of the Goute by daylye dryncking and applying Lynnen clothes wette in it on the grieued places This also helpeth marueylously ioynt aches by applying on the grieued places Lynnen clothes wette in it and eating a fewe of the tender gréene toppes whether two or thrée in a Sallate causeth a man soluble and to haue sundrye stooles The water drunke with Sirupe of Vineger helpeth a burning Ague The pouder of the leaues marueylouslye worketh in all sortes of Vlcers in that the same asswageth paynes clenseth them and doth incarnate The water of Imperatoria The fift Chapter THe tyme aptest for dystilling the Herbe Imperatoria is when it yéeldeth the floures then the whole Herbe wyth the rootes well shredde although some rather wyll the rootes onely require to be infused in wyne for twelue houres after the bestowing into a Cucurbite dystill the whole after Arte in Balneo Mariae This water drunke doth marueylous expell the wynde of the stomacke Bowels and Bellie for which cause auayleable in the Cholicke p●ssions and t●●sion● of the stomack This also procureth the Termes in women and mooueth vryne If asswageth toothach by washing the mouth therewith The same myxed with Rosed Honie and drinke warme helpeth marueylously the griefes and stranglings of the wombe or Matrice in women and Conception greatly furthereth where the impediment procéedeth of coldenesse This water in lyke maner drunke warme strengtheneth the stomacke and causeth digestion This water sundrie tymes gargelled in the mouth comforteth a colde Brayne and purgeth it effectuously of Flewme A dramme of the pouder drunke with a quantitie of the water preuayleth in colde sicknesses so that this marueylously helpeth the loose parts of the Bodie convulsions and the falling sickenesse This water myxed with Rosed Hony and drunke wyth halfe a spoonefull of the fine pouder of the roote an houre before the comming of the fitte helpeth myraculously the Quartane ague The water gargelled in the mouth amendeth the breath and strengtheneth all the senses Thys drunke wyth halfe a spoonefull of the pouder of the roote helpeth the plague all maner of poysons the byting and stinging of venymous beastes and wormes Thys water drunke with Rosed Honie and halfe a spoonefull of pure Cynnamone water amendeth such hardly fetching breath openeth obstructions helpeth the water betwéene the skynne and flesh the Dropsie and diseases in the Mylt To be briefe it heateth all those partes of the Bodie where colde occupyeth and offendeth The water of the blessed Thystell The sixt Chapter THe commended time for the dystillation of the blessed Thystell is that the Herbe alone finely shredde and stamped be dystilled by Balneo Mariae in a Cucurbite of Glasse about the end of May. This water drunke Morning and Euening vnto the quantitie of twoo or thrée ounces at a tyme with Rosed Honye purifyeth the bloude remooueth headache comforteth and causeth a readie memorie breaketh the stone putteth away gyddynesse of the heade amendeth the consumption of the Bodie and preserueth the person long in health This lyke ministred auayleth agaynst the Plague and deadly poysons receyued as well within the Body as outwardly by the stinging or byting of venymous Beasts applyed vpon This water drunke with a dram of the powder before the comming of the fitte helpeth not only the Quartayne but other Feuers whose beginning are wyth colde This lyke drunke helpeth the falling sickenesse in chyldren The water drunke with a quant●tie of Rosed honye asswageth the griefes of the bowels and kydneys ceaseth the other torsions of the Belly and kéepeth the Bodie soluble It also causeth sweating sleyeth the wormes in the Bellye amendeth the defaultes of the stomacke and wombe The abouesayde quantitie of the pouder drunke with pure Aqua vitae not only kylleth worms in the Bodie of Chyldren but deliuereth in short tyme the grieuous paynes of the Bodie A Passe made with the pouder of the blessed Thystle whyte Breade and Honye and dystilled wyth whyte wyne yéeldeth a water right singular for the decayed sight of the eyes The water of Pellitorie of the wall The .vij. Chapter THe tyme of the dystillation is that the whole Herbe shredde and infused in wyne be dystilled about the ende of Maye in Balneo Mariae the water drunke with Rosed honie for eyght or nyne dayes togither to the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme Morning and Euening openeth the stopping of the Lyuer and Mylt purgeth the kydneyes and Bladder ceaseth the griefes of the Matrice and sendeth downe the Termes in women The same drunke Morning and Euening vnto the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme helpeth an olde and continuall cough The water simplye of the Herbe gargelled and applyed without amendeth the inflammation of the throte The aboue sayde water drunke with a quantitie of Rosed honye auayleth agaynst the Strangulion and grypings of the Bellye procéeding of wynde and colde humors The water applyed with Linnen clothes wet in it asswageth swellings and paine of the Goute also the Shingles burning or scalding and hote vlcers The water of Yarrowe The .viij. Chapter THe congruent tyme of the dystillation of Yarrowe is that the whole Herbe shredde and infused in wyne be dystilled about the ende of May in Balneo Mariae This water drunke euery morning for a tyme togither to the quantitie of foure ounces at a tyme and applying of it on the region of the heart heateth a colde stomacke This also auayleth agaynst the wormes of the Bellie and difficulties of Vrine The water drunke with a dram weyght of the fine pouder of Cynamone stayeth the ouer great fluxe of the Termes The rather if the gréene Herbe bruised be applyed at that tyme by a skilfull Midwyfe This water drunke sundrie dayes profiteth that person which hath lost his colour by much bléeding and purgeth the bloude Also fresh woundes wasshed with the same and Lynnen clothes after the wetting in it applyed vpon morning and euening doth spéedilye cure them A handfull of the herbe brused betwéene two stones and applyed on freshe and bloudie woundes after the stitching of the lyppes if they be great cureth them throughly within the space of .xxiiij. houres as of experience knowne by sundrie persons Thys water drunke with Coowe mylke vnto the quantitie of thrée ounces at a tyme both Morning and Euening helpeth the
dystilled water restoring weake bodies and most profitable in consumptions out of the secrete conclusions of Fierauantus Let a good yong henne be gotten that neuer layde egge this pull alyue whereby hir bloude may so be stirred vp and spersed thorowout all the bodie thus being plucked bare and deade drawe forth the bowels only beating after both the fleshe and bones togither in a morter adding so much of the crummes of whyte breade as the weyght of the fleshe and bones beaten beate these well togither putting therevnto also one handfull of the gréene or drie Scabious and so many leaues of golde as wey a French or Englishe crowne to these after adde so much of the water of the garden Nightshade or petie Morell as is the weyght of the whole substance which after let so stande togither for a whole night putting it then into a glasse bodie with a heade diligentlye luted and thrée pyntes of the best and mightiest wyne also added before the dystilling which after the fastening of the receyuer to the heade dystill in Balneo Mariae vnto the fecies remayne thorowe drie and then haue you the water Nowe to euery pynte of this water adde one ounce of our water of the honye of which shall after be taught in the proper place of this booke which let be kept in a glasse close stopped that the ayre breath not forth The vse of it serueth to be druncke both in the meales and betwéene meales which helpeth the drye cough of the persons diseased and sicke of the Ague and women traueyling in childebed and many other like matters doth this dystillation worke greatly to be woondered at The Alchymistes instruct and teach a waye of the drawing of waters out of the whytes y●lkes of egges by burying the substance before for fiue days in horse dung and adding also a quantitie of Salt in the dystilling The lyke doe they describe of the fattes and rosinie substances ▪ and many descriptions of the like waters may be vnderstanded and read in many practises of Diodorus Euclayon alreadie published by the Author The water of Swallowes helping the falling sickenesse borowed out of the methode of Rondelle●ius ▪ Take of swallowes vnto the quantitie of vj. ounces ▪ of Gastore●m one ounce these mixe and infuse in wyne for a night and put after into a glasse bodie dystill after Arte ▪ let the pacient vse and take of this water vnto the quantitie of twoo spoonefulles once a moneth in the morning fasting A playster marueylously helping the scrofuls and Fistula c. It hath bene experienced that cutting of the heades and tayles of the snakes and clensing forth the bowels and after dystilling them according to Arte This water applyed on scrofulles and the Fistula doth spéedily helpe them this Fumanellus writeth A remedie against the Leprie prepared and made of frogges This one singular remedie and medicine I will not hyde from the worlde sayth Fumanellus nor lightly ouerpasse the confection of frogs which ought before to be fleaed and the bowels drawne forth then put into a Copper vessell tynned within and hauing sundrie small holes in the bottome lyke to the forme of a watering pot vnder which must another pot be set in such sort that the vpper standing within the mouth of the nether pot and diligently luted rounde about that no ayre at all breath forth these so ordred set into the earth vnto the mouth of the nether pot and couering the earth close and harde make a fire of coles rounde about the vpper pot the mouth of it like close luted which so long continue with fire vntill the whole substance and moysture of the frogs shall be dystilled The licour may be ministred or druncke euery morning fasting for a certaine tyme vnto the quantitie of the thirde part of an ounce And if oppurtunitie and iust occasion shall so mooue me I intende to make an attempt of the dystilling also of Snakes in lyke order as aboue taught of the frogges Nowe the forme of the vessels which Nicholaus Florenti teacheth to be made in his large commentarie in fermo 7. fift treatise and xxxix Chapter is on this wyse He first writeth the vessel or potte in which the frogges prepared be to be filled vnto the mouth with them and the mouth all ouer filled and couered with butter with this dystilled lycour being a noble medicine he instrudeth to annoynt the Canker that healeth it in short time The water of the honie combe procureth heare to growe and helpeth the harde fetching and drawing of breath or such short wynded through the straytenesse of the breast if thys bée often druncke it helpeth a mans beard to growe the more being sundrie times annoynted or wette therewith but farre better and sooner doth the oyle and honie performe the same whiche hath a moste great force in the lyke The dystilled honie annoynted on a bald pluee causeth the heare to growe and come very soone againe after the shedding of heare this Theophrastus Ioannes Montanus writeth that of hony may a strong water be made and that in the thirde dystillation of it to become a poysonable lycour ●●t of Mercurie which is resolued by the strong water is to be brought int● a water the which will make a helthfull lycour and strengthening The water of honie to make the face whyte and fayre take of reddishe honie twoo poundes of gumme Arabecke twoo ounces these twoo myxe togither and dystill by a Lymbecke with a soft fire ▪ The first 〈◊〉 tha● co●meth serueth vnto the clensing of the face and vnto the cléering and whytening of it the seconde with the thirde lycour doth cause the heares to grow and become whytishe or flaxen of colour Gesnerus distilled a water out of hony whose first water sauoured somewhat of waxe where besides it was sufficient delectable and cleare and whytish which perhaps may séeme auayleable in the Cholicke passions The seconde water which dystilled forth had a certaine sowrenesse The thirde water which came forth tasted as it were vinegar The fourth water which came forth tasted in a maner as sowre as vinegar he began dystillation in the morning at the seauenth houre and out of halfe a measure of honie he purchased two small vials full in a daye in the euening he began to dystill and continued vnto noone in a maner he also prepared and made his fire to last vnto the ninth houre of the night and from that houre he renued the fire vnto the sixt houre of the next morrowe and following the fire from the sixt houre of the morning vnto twoo in the after noone then began a great fume or smoke to arise and yssue forth into the receyuet and that somewhat stincking and a substance also to ascende as when nothing remayned of the watrie substaunce then did the honie ascende then drewe I forth the Cucurbite sayth the author which I shoulde not haue done but rather haue set or lyfted him hygher in the ashes and then came
purgation the pacient then shall auoyde disseases and from being sicke Here conceyue that in the place of precypitate you may vse the myxture named Amalgama which after the mynde of the Chymistes is made of sire partes of quicksyluer and of one parte of Golde with which thus prepared you may doe the greater marueyles And note that with the fyrst and second precypitate you may cure woundes by vsing the same after this maner as to put of it about the woundes within Besides the water remayning after the precypitate made taketh away the paine of all filthye wounds if they be bathed with the same a droppe of this water put with coten into a hollowe tooth which greuouslye aketh and payneth it doth sodaynlie astonishe mortifye the marow of the tooth and delyuereth the payne for euer Also this water mixed with whyte wine wetting the heyres of the head or beard with it being hoarie whyte causeth them to come yelow And sundry other matters besides this worketh which for breuitye here omytted The maner of making the Philosophers stone which healeth all disseases in man or woman is on this wyse take of Salt nyter prepared of roche Alome of Romaine vitryoll ▪ of each two poundes drye the vitryoll before in an earthen panne and being dryed beate altogyther into pouder vnto which adde fowre ounces of Salt gemme after put the whole into a bodie luted or fensed about with the lute of wisedome and the head close ioyned clayed about which set in an open Furnace making a fyre vnder with cleft wood if you wyl vnlesse you had rather vse coales then to the nose of the headde artlye fasten the Receauer that no ayre breath forth which done kyndle the fyre when it begynneth to distyl wet then lynnen cloathes easilye wringed out which shall applie both vpon the head and Receauer vnto this ende that the spy●●●es of the water do not euaporate waste for by the spirites euaporating the water is so caused vnper●ite to such a purpose in the begynning of this distyllacion doe the vesselles appeare so redde as blood and within a whyles after they become whyte when as you distyll with a strong fyre after that they returne so redde as at the first and these ●e the good spirytes of the strong water after that they returne once againe whyte and as soone as they appeare no more redde the water is then ended and perfite after which drawe forth the fyre and let the vesselles coole the● powre forth the water into a strong glasse close stopping the same which diligently kéepe for the making of the Philosophers stone After take of quicksyluer one pounde of vnflaked Lyme sixe ounces of blacke Sope fowre ounces of strong Ashes thrée ounces all these labour togyther in a morter whiche dilygentlye incorporated put after into a Retorte stronglye luted which fastened to his Receauer set in a Furnace to distyll making about and vnder it a strong or great fyre continuing this fire so long vntyll all the quicksyluer ●ée come forth and gathered in the Receauer which drawe awaye and keepe in a strong Glasse bodie close luted After labour the composition of the stone which is made after this maner Take the sayde water which you made fyrst powring the same into a bodye of such a bygnesse that two thyrde partes of the same may rest emptie which stronglye fence and lute about after powre into it the quicksyluer which you kept adding two ounces of thynne yron plates and one ounce of steele plates beaten verye thynne to the ●● put so many golde leaues or sheetes as wayghe two Englishe crownes or fonte what lesse of wayght after these so put into the bodye set on the head forth with and the Receauer luted to with spéede for immediatly after the myxing of these togyther doth the substaunce in the bodie boyle and cause so redde Funles that yse as blood which then gather to the head so that spedilye ●ou must set the bodie in the Furnace applying fyre so long vnder vntyl the whole water be distylled and come and the Fume ended Then let the vesselles coole and kéepe the water a part close stopped after breake the bodye in the bottome of which you shal finde the Philosophers stone the same reduce bring into very fine powder and dilygently sear●e it keeping it after in a ●alley pot or broade mouthed glasse ●●ry close couered setting it vp as you would a precio●s treasure The water gathered and that you kéepe wyll ser●e anoth●r tyme to perfourme 〈◊〉 ly●● effect and purpose but it for ●●th not although you can worke ●uer but halfe the quantitye of the substaunce the same halfe you must necessarilye labour once ●uer againe in the fayde water which seconde worke ended of the stone bring the same into verye fyne powder and myxing ●● with the first substaunce the water kéepe then close couered vnto infinite uses ▪ as shall after be vttered in the proper place But as touching the powder this one speciall matter is written by the Aucthour of the singular properties contained in it being prepared and compo●●ned after the manner here vnder taught which so framed ▪ and mynistred doth then worke myraculously in that the same 〈◊〉 position named of him Aromaticum leonardi doth helpe all grieffes and sicknesses of the bodie of what qualitye and condi●ion so euer they be for setled in the stomacke doth forthwith drawe to it rounde about and from the headde all the euyll humours thereabout among the bodye which drawne togyther it speedilye sendeth them forth of the bodye as well by vomite as downwarde by stoole or siege disburd●ning by that meanes nature before charged after which the bodye may the sooner without impediment recouer to health and in this respect the same is a helper to the amendment of body and preuayling against all sicknesses as may appeare in the gloryous singular workings of it the making of which composition is on this wyse take of whyte Sugar fowre ounces of Pearles grynded of Muske of Saffron of Lignū aloe of Cynamon of each one scruple of this Philosophers stone fowre drams which after arte make into Tables with Rosewater as you doe Manus Christi these after put vp in a close woodden boxe that no ayre breath forth kept in a drye place The quantity to bée mynistred at a tyme is from one dram ▪ vnto two you may eyther gyu● it in broath wyne or Ale or in any conserue But gyuing it in a potion haue regarde that the same which setleth to the bottome of the cuppe be druncke also in that the same being heauie euermore setleth to the bottome and the same not druncke the effect then is not nor wyll be perfourmed at that tyme This also learne that what ●ays the pacient taketh it he maye then eate but lyttle vnto nyght and drincke onely thynne drincke for the better discharging of the stomacke The Aucthour also wryteth of an
only for the potte whyles it is thus baked is drawne and shruncke togyther much and for that cause the same ought before to be thus handled hauing a deepe foundation and a●roūd hole framed to the bottome hauing a grate made within aboue which fyxe hygher by halfe a foote two barres lying crosse on which set or let the bottome of the potte stand and let the Furnace ryse and be aboue the bottome of the potte that is aboue the yron barres one foote and a halfe or lytle les●e 3. Within the potte set a large Copper vessell● according to the quantity of the water as for two pounds of spyces let twentie pyntes of water be powred vpon in such s●r● that the empty●nesse round about be fylled with Sand a finger and a halfe hygh This vessell with the head shall stande and be aboue the Sande halfe a foote almost 4. Let the helmet or head aboue be rounde and not sharpe poynted that the vapour fall not againe downwarde nor that the head be cooled with water nor hath any edge or gutter For being on such wys● all the vapour wyll yssue and passe spéedily and forth with into the pype If the head nowe should be cooled the vapours there gathered would ●uer soone be thyckened and fall also backward or else this also otherwyse hyndered by this maner in the distylling of oyles For that cause must be c●nsydered and knowne howe the crookednesse of the nose ought to be according to the standing and space of the place that the pype fastened to the nose of the head maye aptlye passe and retche through the Fyrkin or other vessell of water c. 5. Let the pype be long in a maner sixe foote and let it passe or retche through the tubbe or vessell fylled with colde water 6. Let the fyre fyrst or at the begynning be made somewhat great after that by lytle and lytle abated or lessened but let it be kept in an equall force of heate The oyle wyll come forth togyther with the water and flewme c. Some part of it setleth vnder the water and another parte swymmeth aboue and the oyle also may be seperated The water then may be distylled agayne and that which shall fyrst come wyll be the swéetest water for the other is onelye flewme This distyllacion maye be perfourmed in eyght howers these hytherto of the practises of the learned Gesnerus A most apt instrument for the drawing of Oyles out of Rootes Hearbes Seedes Spyces and others lyke The .iij. Chapter A. Representeth the vessell which the Aucthour nameth a bladder in which the matter or substaunce is contayned B. Doth here represent the bellye that is fastened to the necke that the necke maye the commodiousser be applyed to the large mouth of the vessell which the necke coulde not so commodiously be fastned but through this mene and helpe C. Doth here shewe the long necke that letteth the head that ●t heate not to fast D. Signifieth the head E. The vessell or bucket compassing the head into which colde water is continually powred after the heating F. Representeth the long Receauer G. Here signifieth the Tappe or Cocke letting out the water hote This fourme and maner of Furnace purchased the Aucthour of a skylfull practisioner and learned Phisition of Basyll Of the drawing of Oyles by distyllacion of water boyling The .iiij. Chapter TAke a Copper bodie or potte of such a greatnesse that wyll well receyue fifteene pynts the same fyll so with wyne or water or with both myxed togither that a thyrde part onely may remayne emptie To the water powre your substance apt to yéeld an oyle and that grosely beaten which let stand to infuse for thrée howres yea the better fowre or sixe howres After set on the head verie close luted about and cause the water most stronglie to boyle for with the vapour then of the water doe the oylie spyrites ascende which by the pipe passing through the colde water doe descende distyl into the Receauer of Glasse standing vnder and are so chaunged into oyle which after in the Furnace of dygestion you shall seperate from the water with a Siluer spone And on this maner may you drawe an oyle out of Nutmegges Mace Annise séedes Fennel seedes Cynamon Cloues Iuniper berries and others This Furnace of digestion is a vessell into which the water oyle is powred togither in a place temperately hote standing that they maye the aptlyer be seperated one from the other And how this seperacion ought artlie be done shall after be taught The maner of purchasing Oyles by an yron or wood presse The .v. Chapter TAke a presse made with strong cheekes betwéene which two sydes put too yron plates sufficientlie heated but not burning hote after wryng harde togyther the substaunce out of which you minde to purchase an oyle remembring before to put vppe your matter into a newe Canuas bagge and then in this harde drawing wyll an oyle come forthe That if your substaunce shall waxe dryer and dryer before the ende of the worke then moysten the same by sprinckling a lyttle of the best Aqua vitae vpon But this conceyue ▪ that all substaunces ought before to be grosse beaten and being well heated in an earthen panne put then up hote into a newe thynne bagge and wrynging the same harde a more quantitie of oyle wyll come But for a playner vnderstanding conceyue these examples following and fyrst the purchasing of the oyle of Almondes which is gotten ●n this wyse Take of iourdaine Almondes or of other Almondes fowre poundes these after the paring and cleansing of them drye with a knyfe for that they may not be blaunched in water stampe grosely in a marble morter which sprinckle with a lytle of the best Aqua vitae mixed with Rosewater to the quantitye of two ounces of both these after the dilygent incorporating togyther put into a new earthen panne glased ouer the fyre which after the heating so hote that it beginneth to fume or at the least that you can not suffer your hande in it then put up of the same a quantitye being so hote into a thynne square bagge of newe cloath and wryng this verye harde in a presse betwene two smooth yron plates or two square boardes smoothed of Sugar cheast into a porrenger or cleane pewter dyshe this wholye gathered washe after if you wyll in an earthen panne fylled with rayne water which so long labour with a stycke in the water vntyll the same be come whyte with this maye woemen if they wyll annoynt theyr faces both in the morning fyrst and at nyght last for this both cleareth and maketh be wtyfull the skynne in any place wheresoeuer the same be applyed Another example ayding the aboue taught made of Almondes compowned after this maner take of Almondes tenne pounds of redde Saunders in powder syxe ounces of Cloues one ounce of whyte wyne fowre ounces of Rosewater thrée ounces these after the grosse beating let so lye in the marble
the yolkes of Egges when they are harde those beat and worke togyther in a morter which after put into a copper panne setting the same ouer the fyer and making vnder a great fyre of coales which in the meane tyme styrre dyligentlye about with a splatter vntyll the same begynneth of it selfe to turne into an oyle which thus tourned spéedelie put vp into thynne canuase bagges and wringe the oyle harde out and on this mane● haue you purchased the oyle of the yolkes of egges which is both precious and marueylous And in the drawing of it on this maner is a secrete and knowne to fewe personnes and hath also such properties in his workinges that a man wyll scarcelye beleeue them for this healet a wounde with marueylous expedicion it causeth the heyres of the head and ●eard bl●ck and taketh away the sygne and blemishe of a wound by annoynting often vpon it aswageth the greuous payne of the Pyles dyssolueth and helpeth the payne of the sydes and doth many other matters besydes which for breuitye are here omytted The Aucthour here sheweth of a certaine Practysioner that otherwyse prepared and drewe such maner of oyles For he tooke the flowers of Camomyll and the lyke of all other freshe and greene hearbes and after the chopping or shredding of them hee artlye boyled them in oyle and when the oyle was colde h● strongly pressed the whole forth putting into that oyle againe freshe flowers which he after set in the Sunne for a tyme. A Gréeke and synguler practisioner instructeth the maner of making all sortes of oyles out of flowers hearbes and other drye thinges as out of the Saunders the woodde Aloes the Tancariske woodde and s●ch lyke that haue no oyle in them which is on this wyse Take that symple of which you mynde to drawe an oyle the same orderlye beate letting it after lye to soke in the oyle of sweete Almondes for the space of eyght or tenne dayes which after the heating in an earthen panne as afore taught and put vp into square bagges wryng harde in a presse and out wyll come a pleasaunt oyle seruing to sundrye vses And after this manner maye you drawe an oyle out of any of the others aboue mencioned and the same verye perfyte in that this oyle of Almondes as afore vttered 〈◊〉 apte to receyue the vertue and property● of all thinges infused in it and nothing hyndereth the vertue nor working of any By what deuise and meanes an oyle which distylleth forth with the water may be artlie seperated The .vj. Chapter THe seperation of an oyle maye aptlie be done from the water eyther with a syluer spone especiallye if the oyle shall swym on the face of the water or otherwyse which is by a more dilygēce skill in preparing a peculyar instrument or funnel of glasse seruing to the same purpose as is this instrument or funnel here placed right against which hath in the bottom a hole stopped with waxe ▪ or a vessell hauing three smal pypes contained in it as the one retching to the bottome of the vessell another to that midle of it the thyrde to the highest of it But further doth Bessonius vtter in his lytle treatyse of the drawing of oyles after this manner Fyrst he willeth the practisioner to consider learne that the receauer ought to be made somwhat sharpe toward the bottom to be like the poynt of a thing bored or stricken through with many strokes of a small punchin or smal nayle This hole then in the tyme of the distyllacion stoppe dilygentlye with wrought waxe The water oyle after distylled set a tyme to coole in the ayre marke then in the cleare receauer of glasse what place the oyle occupyeth in the water Which you shall well perceyue by the dyuersitie of the colour That if the same occupyeth the bottome in taking or plucking away of the waxe frō the hole of the receauer forthwith doeth the oyle yssue or runne into the viall or glasse set vnder the water wyll rest behynd if so be you mynd to kéepe or to stay the water by stopping the hole spéedily with waxe But if the oyle occupyeth aboue the water then in opening the hole agayne the whole water shall be drawne forth softlye ▪ and by lytle and lytle into the glasse standing ●nder ▪ that the● 〈…〉 in the bottome of the receauer may so be reserued 〈…〉 it 〈…〉 wyse hapneth through the hastinesse imprudencie of the worker that it shedd●th so awaye into the receauer being vnder then into the glasse prepared for the onely purpose But if the oyle through the water carrying it be troubled and turned into clowdes the whole water then shal be strayned through a lynnen cloath in the ayre I meane in the colde ayre and the distyllacion before cooled Through which all the oyle in the ende thus stayed wyll rest on the linnen cloath that you may after gather easily of with a knife and shyft thence vnto a vyall or small glasse by which in the end if néede shall be you may resolue into a thynne lycour ●uen with the least heate that may be c. Of the rectifying of oyles out of ●●ares or gummes wooddes Seedes yea and of Baulme The .vij. Chapter THe oyle that presently is by that force of fyre drawn néedeth also to be rectified which to doe shall then be powred into another Retorte or glasse with a bended necke and with a most soft fyre in ashes distylled which distyllacion perfourmed you shall then purchase a most pure oyle piercing and falling to the bottome Note that out of two poundes of Cynamon scarcelye halfe 〈◊〉 ounce of pure oyle is attayned or gathered but out of two 〈…〉 of Cloues is gathered two ounces or at the least an ounce and a halfe and out of two pounds of Annise or Fennell s●edes is purchased two ounces and out of two poundes of Nutmegs the practysioners attaine in a maner three ounces most commonly Of the many solde vse of oyles The .viij. Chapter MAny and sundry wyse is the vse of the distylled oyles as shal after appeare But on such wyse or on such maner are they commodiouslye applyed and vsed if so be a quantitye of Sugar be dyssolued in the water of Vyolettes or Rosewater or in the water of Cynamon or other spyces and the s●me being thus dyssolued in eyther of these powre into after a droppe or two of some oyle whose vse you seeke to trye and fra●e or make s●●are tables or rounde if you wyll of the whole of these minister according to arte Of the Baulme and Baulme oyles distylled and of a fewe not distylled and of other oyles compouned being in ●se lyke the Artyficiall Baulme The .ix. Chapter WHat a true Baulme is whether the same also be knowne to be at this daye is throughly vttered and opened by the Aucthour in a proper chapter of the first part of his worke Therfore our minde in this place is to vtter and intreate of
Sunne for o●●er nyne dayes putting into it then of the powder of Pollypodie so much as you maye take vp with thrée fyngers of which let the pacient euery day take for one whole moneth An oyle of the Rosemary flowers not distylled may be drawne and made after the maner ensewing borrowed out of a certayne written booke in the Italian tongue take of Rosemarie flowers a good quantitie putting them into a potte and thrusting them harde downe with a staffe After powre vpon of oyle Olyue so much as shall be sufficent that a part of the potte remayne emptie which done close and stoppe dilygently the mouth of the potte with paste that no ayre breath forth The potte ordered on this wyse set or burie in horse doong not made of haye in such wyse letting the potte stande that the doong be more then thrée fingers aboue the mouth of the potte the same so standing for fortie dayes drawe after forth and kéepe the oyle carefully When you wyll vse of the oyle strayne it through a cloath This mightily helpeth in the grieffes and paynes of the Loynes the ache in the hyppes the Armes and other partes It is in the lyke maner appoynted and prepared of the Erle De alta villa Of the oyles out of Seedes The .xiij. Chapter SEeing that sundry Spyces and the séedes of all hearbes in a maner be rather of a hote thinne ayreall substaunce for that cause it must néedes insewe that these possesse a certaine oyly substance In that euery oyle in a maner hath a lyke myxture Nowe oyles distylled or gotten out of séedes as well hote as colde are purchased in this maner These oyles by distyllacion drawne in Sande ought on such wyse be prepared that the séedes before the putting into the Cucurbite be brused and the glasse verie well fensed about with the lute of wysedome And there may sixe or seuen or eyght ounces of any seedes brused be put into the glasse at a tyme or more if you wyll but this according to the greatnesse of the Cucurbite After powre fyue or sixe or seuen pyntes of the clearest water at a tyme on the seedes myxing the whole dilygently togyther Which thus myxed dilygently in the infusion let stande to infuse or dygest or putryfye in some hote place for certayne dayes as eyther eyght or tenne dayes after set the Cucurbyte into a potte apte to the Furnace which fyll so with Sande that the Cucurbyte standing in it toucheth not the bottome by two fyngers breadth and that a good thycknesse of Sande be rounde about the bodie And let the oyle be distylled in the same maner and with the same vesselles as shall after be vttered whereas wee teach the order of drawing of oyles out of Spyces and wooddes This by the waye doth the Aucthour warne you of that at the fyrst you make a softe fyre and take heede that the substaunce contayned in the Cucurbyte boyleth not vp vnto the Lymbecke or headde For certayne seedes as the Annise séedes through the thynnesse of theyr substaunce and clammynesse togyther which they possesse doe myghtilye boyle vppe for which cause you maye not by and by fyxe on the headde but after you see bubbles aryse and the vapour carryed vpwarde take of the Lymbecke and puttyng in a fayre stycke sturre the substaunce well about And on such wyse may the fome or bubbles be resolued into vapour and breath vp which maye after with a meane fyre bée qualyfied and increased at the wyll of the Practysioner Which thus mytygated or alayde set on your Lymbecke close luted about and distyll or drawe so long vntyll you suppose that no more oyle bée contayned wythin which by syght and taste you shall easilye and soone perceyue For when the droppes distylling in taste carrie with them no more vertue of the manifest qualitye of the seedes and Spyces put in then must you ceasse gathering any more least the matter sticke or burne in the bottome of the Cucurbyte this borrowed out of Cordus A preparation of oyles out of séedes as of the Fennell Annise c. Is wrought after this maner as the Aucthour gathered learned by the sundrie letters written vnto the singuler Gesnerus in the Germaine tongue Fyrst I tooke sayth he such a quantitie of seedes as I thought necessarye but a fiue or sixe poundes alwaeys those I so stamped or beate in a grosse manner that I left no one seede vnbroken which I then powred into the Cucurbyte After I powred vpon so much scalding or verie hote water that well couered the seedes and then set on the Lymbecke or head close luted in the ioynt about and stopped the nose that no ayre breathed forth which standing to putrify for thrée or fowre dayes I after distylled with a soft fyre a fayre oyle followed so that the water by which the oyle passeth be very colde as you were afore taught This one matter is worthy to be considered that the oyle of Annise séedes can not in the Summer tyme be distylled at all for that theyr spyrites then are ouer subtyll the Fennell seedes at that tyme much subtyller then them which they euaporate through the heate in that season howe easie so euer you make your fire vnder or labour you● distyllacion So that the aptest and meetest tyme for the dystyllacion of these is in the wynter in that the colder the ayre shall then be so much the sooner when the oyle shall fall into the Receauer wyll it be cowrded togyther lyke to Camphora Which when after you shall strayne through a fayre cloath all the water then runneth through but the oyle remayneth on the cloath which I after sayth the Aucthour dyssolued in a gallie or broade mouth glasse set in a stewe or hote house and the flewme so seperated In the distylling of such maner of oyles must first be considered and noted that a man may not prepare and distyll more then halfe a pounde at a tyme After remembring that the matter to be dystylled be brayed or broken in a morter after a grosse maner and not in a subtyll or fine powder To this matter then let a due quantitie of pure water be powred that it maye couer the séedes which after powre into a copper Cucurbite and well myxed togyther set on a copper head close luted to the bodye in the ioynt that no ayre breath forth This distyllacion then ought to be done through a vessell fylled with colde water the tynne or leaden pype retching to the nose of the head whereby the oyle in the distylling may not burne All which thus prepared make a very soft or slow fire in the begynning vntyl the Furnace waxeth hote then increase your heate or fire more more as the matter beginneth to distyll the water oyle all come seperate the one from the other after art When this begynneth to distyll you may withdraw some of the fire and marke whether the fyre being at that stay the distyllacion neuerthelesse procéedeth
shewing and lying without the Furnace which hath fowre vente holes and couered aboue this with a softe fyre distyll for that which commeth is a marueylous Baulme vnto woundes Note I haue distylled sayth a certaine person forgotten of the Aucthour Masticke by a pype but the same woulde yéelde no more then a sauour or taste Yet was that Masticke neuerthelesse lyght and ●orous in the bottome The water also which remained in the bottome of the Cucurbite was of a yelowishe colour bitterishe And to conclude the Masticke in the boyling then by a Limbecke looseth a vertue powred into the same matter in which it is boyled Séeyng the essence of it yéeldeth a greater vertue by a Lymbecke A confection of the oyle out of Frankensence and Carabe peraduenture also out of Assa dulcis Caphora styrax calaminta c. Take first a body very well luted but of small length the necke somewhat broken of or cut away with a bigge wyer redde hotte that the mouth of the glasse may be the wyder for into the mouth of it must another glasse be thrust into which powre your fyne pouder of Frankensence or of Carabe vnto the waight of halfe a pounde After this prepare another white glasse of Christall hauing a broade mouth like to our pewter quarte potte into which you may powre the hotte water and into this set the first Cucurbyte in such order that the same may stand vpright in the myddle of it Then close the Cucurbite about his ende beyng bored in the toppe into which hole set an apte Tunnel that may haue a tappe somewhat higher than the hole whose narrower part end may regard or leane toward the glasse with the hotte water which thus prepared done powre the whote water into the Tunnel and by opening or plucking forth the tappe the hote water may not then distyll downe ▪ by droppes softlie into the vessell standing vnder on such wyse gouerne your water that the glasse be not drowned for through this with the helpe togither of the vapour of the hote water a most sweet pleasant oyle ascendeth into the Lymbeck bearing with it or hauing the very sauour of the Frankensence which without the working with this vapor doth most filthily smel Iohannes Manardus in his Epistle of the woormes .xxxi. wryteth that he obserued two simple oyles preuayling agaynst the woormes as the oyle of Frankensence oyle of vitryol prepared by the Chymis●●● 〈◊〉 arte With the first sayth h●● let the dully be annoynted but in ministring the seconde the same must cyrcumspectly be done ▪ least the place may be vttered with it if inwardly it be giuen or taken But there be which dare giue a litle droppe of it to drincke with Mellarate An oyle of Myrre that mayntaineth the person long youthfull euen as the naturall baulme doth for this oyle by his naturall vertue defendeth preserueth all things from putrifying which are layd into it and this also annointed on the face mayntaineth a freshe comely face and that long youthful appearing This besides healeth woundes marueylous soone and cureth all inwarde grieffes or at the least a marueylous nūber of diseases in giuing vnto the quantity of two drams at a tyme by the mouth This helpeth the defnesse of the eares by powring certaine drops into them and mightily auayleth against all maner of aches proceeding of a cold cause it preserueth the sight by being distylled into the eyes and especially one drop at a tyme and marueylous singular for women payned with the griefe disease of the matrice and it stayeth the sheding of heyre by anoynting the places with it and annoynting all the parts of the body of him which hath a grieuous Ague and procuring him to sweate shall speedily be cured of his ague and many other sicknesses doth this precious oyle cure if those be wrought after knowledge The making of which singuler oyle is on this wyse take of chosen Myrre that in no maner is falsyfied sixe ounces of pure Aqua vitae which hath no flewme in it twelue ounces these after the myxing togyther in a glasse body set into hote horse doong to digest for sixe dayes After the taking forth distyl the substance in Balneo with an easie fyre at the first vntyll all the Aqua vitae be distylled and come forth for then wyll the oyle carry behinde in the bottome of the bodye which strayne through a fyne lynnen cloath the same dilygently kéepe in a glasse to your vse And when any person wyll annoynt of it on the face to make it seeme at one staye and comelynesse a long tyme let him or hir make a decoction of Nettles in common water and whyles the same boyleth let the partie holde ouer his face that it may by the same meanes strongly sweate after in drying the face verye well annoynt forthwith the face all about with the oyle and the lyke maner may be obserued and vsed in annoynting the breast the handes other partes of the creature in preseruing that those appeare not wrincled and yll fauoured as commonly they doe in olde age This borrowed out of the worthy Gréeke Leonarde Fiorauant This precious oyle of Myrre is otherwyse prepared and made by a certayne practisioner helping the aches and paynes of the Gowte seruing vnto many other maters afore vttered Take of new layd egges ten in number which after the hard seething cutte into iust halfes the yolkes taken forth fyll those hollowe places with so much fyne powder of Myrre in eache as wyll well contayne the half of the yolke Which done close the two halfes of the whites of the egges togyther putting or laying them in a glasen vessel set after into a deepe seller which let there remaine for fifteene dayes or longer and a lycour wyll then yssew forth which keepe dilygently to your vse And if the making of this oyle on this wyse seemeth not agreeable to reason arte let them reade Mattholus last encrease vpon Diascories where he vttereth the same wordes aboue taught c. Beniamine is the gum of a certayne trée which in the Italian tongue is named Lasero Cirenaico that groweth in India brought to Venice other parts of the world in very great pieces being in sauour most pleasaunt of which by art may a most pleasant marueilous oyle be drawne seruing vnto diuers diseases very pleasant of smell but who that myndeth to purchase an oyle that for smell to be woondered at let him prepare and draw the same after this maner Take one pound of Beniamine of Leuanute or the East Musk one dram of most pure fine Aqua vitae ten ounces of the Ryuer sand wel washed dried before fowre oūces all these after the myxing togither put into a Retort of glasse of such a bygnesse that the same may remayne three fowrth partes emptie after the substaunce put in which then distyl in Balneo vntyl all the substaunce be come and when no
of oyle Olyue tenne ounces of Frankensen●s of Sarcocolla of Mastick and of Saffron of eache one ounce of Panis porcini of Cauda equina or horse tayles and of Madder of eache one ounce of earth wormes washed thrée ounces all these incorporate well togyther in a panne ouer a very soft fyre which then powring into a Retort of glasse distyll in the begynning with a soft fyre after increase the fyre vnto the ende of the worke Which ended seperate the oyle from the water and the oyle kéepe dilygently in a glasse For this is a myraculous lycour against the crampe and marueylous sone healeth woundes bruses and other grieffes of the bodie This out of the secretes of Gabriell Fallopio An oyle out of Turpentyne Larigna marueylous against the shryncking of members if members be annoynted with it borrowed out of an vnknowne wryter to the Aucthour He tooke of Turpentyne one parte of Vitryoll calcyned one parte of Apples dryed and brought to powder without skynne or paring one part of oyle Olyueene parte of burnte Tyles one parte all these synelie brought to powder and myxed togyther he let stande in a potte glased in a hotte place for fowretéene dayes sturring it about each daye After the whole he distylled by descention in a vessell which most diligently be luted of thrée fyngers thycknesse and through dryed it before the occupying And when any matter is in the distylling both the Furnaces in the meane time ought to be closed and shutte in all places except certayne vent holes in both the Furnaces that the fume may so passe by them And that these Furnaces may appeare playner to vnderstanding conceyue this figure here aboue discrybed With this oyle purchased by the meanes aboue taught the payned members ought moderatelie to be annoynted An oyle by distillacion of the shyppe pytch annointed on places doth auayle vnto the extenuation of resolued weake members yet doth it not lyke resolue as the pytche lying a long tyme togyther An oyle out of the whyte pytche by distyllacion may be gotten ryght precious this borrowed out of an Empericke vnknowne to the Aucthour Of the oyles gotten out of Barkes The .xviij. Chapter A Water or oyle of Cynamon is to be requyred and coueted before other waters and Oyles as the Cynamon it selfe in respect to other spyces And the Cynamon is of a subtyll heate through which it especially auayleth in the wynter in that it strengthneth then more the stomacke and marueylously putteth away all euyll and corrupt moystures of the stomacke and defendeth it from corrupting at all it also sharpeneth the sight and openeth any maner stopping of the veynes and marueylously comforteth the heart But an oyle distylled of it doth answere in generall to a naturall baulme which within helpeth all putrifaction and without the body cureth all freshe woundes or vlcers And the distylled water mightily auayleth in all colde diseases as well of men as women especially which haue a stomacke so affected that they haue no appetyte When the spirites also bée weakned or the pacient weake a draft of this water with a litle of good Malmesie o● of the iuyce of the Pomegranate taken by the mouth woonderfully auayleth and helpeth Men in a maner dead by dropping or powring a droppe or two into the mouth doth recouer the person in a swoone or traunce especially which to olde men many tymes hapneth this is the presentest remedy Mydwiues and other motherlye women with vs carry of this water with them and vse of the same with prosperous successe to yong women in the daungerous traueyle of chylde For doth in the hastening and helping forward of the byrth it is the worthyest remedy The sundry maners that a water and oyle may be distylled gotten out of the Cynamon shal by a few examples here be vttered Some there be which stiepe the Cinamon before in Rosewater others in whyte wyne ▪ many drawe it in a Cucurbyte luted about but then is the substaunce lightly burned If the same be distylled in a bladder which the Apotetaryes vse it can not then be done without the great quantity of Cynamon The best maner and waye of drawing these is in the vapour of boyling water but as touching the rehersall of these is here sufficient The Poticaries certaine yeares past were woont to stiepe the Cynamon for certayne dayes in Rosewater as that which regarded the heart and was alwayes applyed for the recouerie of strength and for that a lyttle quantity of the water hath not his smell the water is estéemed of the lesser value with many And for that cause better it is that the Cynamō be stieped before the distyllation in olde pleasaunt whyte wyne for a certayne tyme For on such wyse prepared the distylled water is caused the excellenter and in piercing more effectuous The maner of preparing a water out of Cynamon which Gesnerus receiued of a certaine friend of his that made great tryals and often distylled the same Let one pound of chosen Cynamon be gotten which beat so fyne that the powder may passe through a fine sieue yet the whole you may not worke to powder after put al into a Cucurbite on which powre of the water of Borrage of Buglosse of Endiue and of baulme of each halfe a pynt these let stand to infuse in a glasse close stopped for fowre or fiue daies After out of this Cucurbite or glasse body let the whole be shyfted into a copper body which you shall place in a Furnace with his head set vpon cooling beake fastened to after art and beware that the body stand not ouer nigh the fyre but that an yron plate full of holes be fyxed in the myddle betweene that the fyre may so vent through and the vapour be sent vpwarde ▪ Fyrst kyndle or beginne with a soft fyre vntyll the distyllacion be somewhat come but increase after the fyre bygger and bygger that it may the spéedilyer distyll forth When a measure is come or dystilled forth seperate that a part as principal setting vnder another Receauer for the same which next distylleth is gathered is much inferiour to the first and may serue for new Cinamon to be styeped in the same And in the same maner may a water be distilled out of Cloues Where to be noted that a maner and way of cooling be vsed as when the water beginneth to waxe hote to draw forth the same and powre in colder water A water of Cinamō if any wyl distyl by a bladder made of copper togyther with a pype fyxed to it passing through a vessell of cold water a great quantity then shal be distylled togyther for it would not easily be drawne in a small quantity But in a Cucurbite dilygently luted this speciall care is to be had that your stuffe burne not to the bottome whereby your water then distylling forth may sauour of the burning That if the fyre shall be hoter increased an oyle also distylleth and so much the more if the
vessell in which water is conteyned in that bottome but in such sort that the water toucheth not the bagge and the vessell in the meane tyme dilygently closed which vessell set into a great potte full of hote and scalding water in such maner that the water which is contayned in the same vessel in which the Cynamon hangeth may boyle and let the Cynamon hang in this maner for a certaine space in that or ouer that hote vapour vntyll the Cynamon hath sufficiently drawne and gathered to it of moysture After the Cynamon thus prepared and moystned with the vapour of the boyling water let it be agayne beaten ouer and as it were a certayne paste made thereof and the same togyther with the impressed lycour which it before gathered and receyued let be put into a Lymbecke if néede shall requyre you may yet powre in some more hote water but the lesser water you powre in or occupye so much the worthier water of Cinamon you shall possesse and somwhat also of the Oyle But if you couet to haue a more store of water and lesse precious then powre in the more water as certayne at this daye doe to purchase them rather a more gayne then mennes commoditye and health but ordering it thus you shall then obtayne eyther none or very lytle of the Oyle A. Representeth the couer of that pot in which the Cynamon is hanged this couer if it haue within a head pynne made of purpose in the myddle as it were of the hollownesse lyke to that pynne set in the toppe of a Helmette or rather as this fygure more playnlie demonstrateth to which the bagge may aptlyer be fastned and hang by that meanes the iustlyer in the myddle That if the same lyke can not be gotten or wrought in putting a stycke ouerthwart the head of the potte it may to the stycke be tyed and hang. And the couer stoppe dilygently about ▪ that no ayre breath forth B. B. Doth here represent the emptie hollownesse of the vessell C. Doth here shewe the bagge fylled with the Cynamon E. Expresseth the tunnell pype by which the water if that any fayleth or néedeth may be powred in but the hole after dilygently stopped F. F Is here the great potte full of water which conteyneth and receyueth the vessell ▪ into which the Cynamon is put If the vessell receyuing the lycour distylled ▪ be large there néedeth not to drawe the water by the pype of the Helmette ex●ept the Receauer waxe hote ▪ and then let a lynnen cloath wette in colde water be applyed vpon which by that meanes shall perfourme and yéelde the same vse In the same maner as the water of Cynamon is prepared and drawne may also the Annise the Fennell the Cummyne c. be distylled and gotten The distylled oyles of Gums and Rosens ha●e another maner and way and requyre an inspection in the putrifying for a man must dilygently beware and foresée that the fyre be made very soft vnder and the same styl or continually a lyke for if the spirite once beginneth to breath forth the oyle and whole worke is loste And vnto vse must not the ponde but ryuer water be taken Againe the oyle of Cynamon certaine doe affyrme that the same to be prepared and made of some with Aqua vitae and that it ought to be applied to them that are encombred with the falling sicknesse by gyuing of the oyle for three monethes as daylye a droppe with Maiorome water or some other lyke An oyle out of the ryndes of the Orrendges dryed is made most singular but whether the same ought only be done in the Sun or by distyllacion properly as yet is not knowne to the Aucthour But this the Aucthour learned and knew that the Oyle is whytishe and sweete smelling and hath very lytle sowrenesse or in a maner nothing at all that the Aucthour could taste or féele An oyle out of the ryndes of Nuttes take the drye rynders of Nuttes which after the beating in a morter put into a Retorte very well luted about the same set ouer a fyre not ouer bygge you shall then drawe forth an Oyle and water out of the ryndes After shall you seperate the oyle from the water by Balneo Mariae And last you shal purge the oyle by distylling of it in a smal glasse in Sande three or fowre tymes ouer This is in a maner better then the oyle of Vitryoll especially in the pestilence and in poyson G. Ras. Of the oyle of Tartare which is the drye Lyes of wyne prepared The ▪ .xx. Chapter Another oyle of Tartare borrowed out of the same Aucthour take of Tartare cleauing to the sydes of the vessels especially of the whyte wyne which beaten before calcyne in an earthen pan after the calcynation beate againe which being put into an ypocrasse bagge hang in a colde moyst seller setting vnder a deepe glased panne the same let there hang for sixe or eight dayes vntyll you see the oyle come This oyle thus purchased helpeth all maner of spottes of the face maketh a cleare smooth skynne it healeth the fowle scruffe scabbes ryngwoormes the rednesse of the face through a saltmatter and such lyke An oyle of Tartare ▪ that auayleth against the pushes or lyttle wheales of the eyes proceeding of the Leprie Take of Tartare beaten three poundes this put into a glased potte with twentye ounces of vineger boyle for halfe an howres space which in the meane tyme dilygently skym after take the pot from the fyre in stopping it dilygently that no vapour breath forth Then set the potte againe an whote ymbers or hote coales which let there so long boyle or calcyne vntyll the Tartare may be brought into powder againe The same after the cooling or being colde bring to powder which the powre into a Sugar strayner or ypocrasse bagge and hang it in a cold and moyst place or wyne seller some glased panne set vnder The vse of this oyle is on this wyse let the pacient before enter into bathe at night when he goeth to bedde annoynt the places vnder the eyes where the wheales or bladders appeare couer them dilygently with a lynnen cloath that they may not be touched of the ayre before the drying vp of it This continew in lyke order morning and euening for eyght dayes togyther For to calcine the Tartare on a sodaine that with nyter it may be whyte which auayleth aygainst wartes out of a writtē Germaine booke Take of salt peter Tartare brought to powder of each a lyke quantity After heate an oarthen pan not glased into which powre the nyter and Tartare when they make a ●o●se● shal●e through burnt they become spéedily whyte This Tartare thus calcyned after the lying in a bagge you shall hang in a moyst Seller and an Oyle wyll dystyll forth into the panne standing vnder This oyle thus gathered doth remoue put away the wartes on the handes and other parts if with it they be
worketh a mighty matter vnto all paynes of the ioyntes experienced An Oyle of bones helping the falling sicknesse Take the hinder sea●●e bones of dead men named Sut●●● lab●orides ●●ose put vnto calcyning vntyl they be glowing hote after let them be quenched in oyle Olyue and then brought to powder as afore taught of the other bones aboue ▪ and lyke vsed in the distyllacion this is a most singuler medicine and remedy by annoynting the apt place An Oyle of mens bones by discention that mightily auayleth against the gowte of experience An oyle drawne out of the excrements of chyldren that auayleth in the fowle matterie scabbes of the head distyll twyse ouer in a glasse Lymbecke the excrem●●●●s or or●ur● of ●●yldren and with the Oyl● that you shall draw of the same apply hote on the grieued place or 〈…〉 parte but before you ●●all ●●●ppe nee●● away or shaue away the heyre a●●●hall washe the affected place with sharpe lye ▪ prepared and made after this maner take of the ashes made of the Oke branches a reasonable quantity on which powre a lyke quantitye aunswering of water this couer with a cloath close letting it so stande to infuse for a daye and a halfe into this water then put in one handfull of the whyte whea●● eares which done washe the affected parte once a daye with the sayde water or lye letting it drye in after annoynt the place as aboue taught An Oyle out of mannes ordure doth cure the Canker and mortifyeth the Fistula Of the properties of the water drawne out of mane ordure reade among the waters out of Beastes An Oyle or fatnesse gotten out of a fatte Goose auayleth against the colde ioynt ache gowte and I beléeue also sayth the Aucthor that this mightily helpeth the extenuation of members An old Goose stuffed or fylled with swynes blood shéepes sewet pytche larde or common fatte of the hogge of each two ounces of Frankensence three ounces a lytle waxe this Goose so ordred roste according to discretion vnder which set a panne glased to gather the fatnesse distilling the same dilygently kéepe and with it often annoynt the grieued place In the lyke maner they doe distyll a fatnesse out of a fatte whelpe stuffed with Iunyper berryes Beares grease c. An oyle or distylled licour gotten by discention out of the Badgare or Graye helping members shruncke through synewes shrunck borrowed out of a written booke in the Germaine tōgue Take a Graye or Brocke whose skynne flaye of cutting of the head feete and throwing away the bowels this then so ordred put into a glased earthen potte ful of holes in the bottome which set into another wyder mouth potte glased within the same after bury in the earth when they be close luted in the seame or edge and the mouth of the vpper potte close stopped that no ayre out of eyther poste may passe Which done let a fyre of cleare coales be made round about the vpper potte that all the fatte by such a meanes way may from the vpper distyll through the holes into the neather potte and when all by coniecture shal be thought distylled and come then after with that fatnesse kept annoynt the shruncke members An oyle marueylous gotten out of the Beuer that helpeth any palsie extenuacion of partes take a Beuer the same let be put into the strongest Aqua vitae that it may putrifye which after distyll with a soft fyre with which let the partes be annoynted For the extenuation of a member resolued distyll the féete or fatnesse the Lyuer of a Calfe new kylled with fine handfulles of Sage one ounce of Pepper with this annoint the member A marueylous oyle distylled of Egges experienced on many matters the Aucthor not knowne take of the yolkes of Egges sodden harde fiftéene in number those breake betwéene the fingers with one dram of Pelytorie brought to powder these distyl togyther in a glasse but first begyn with a soft fyre after by lytle lytle increase the fyre so that in the ende let the fyre be strong vntyll all the lycour be drawn● and come Which done take of whyte Frankensence of Castorie and of Ladanum of each halfe a ounce althese brought to pouder mixt with the oyle new drawē and let these togither be distilled fowre times againe euer powring the oyle vpon the pouders The fire of the first and second distillation let it be but weake this oyle in the end kept stopped diligently in a glasse kéepe to your vse For this is a great secrete and a proued matter or practise vnto these which ensue First this healeth the defaults griefes of the eyes if a drop at a time shal be instylled into them This mortifyeth cureth by annoynting the Fistulaes It healeth the Canker vlcers hard to close and doth besides that which other remedies cannot ouercome It destroyeth and maistereth the griefe named the figge or sort lyke to a skabbe which groweth in the places of a mans body where heyre is ▪ It taketh away the prickings of any part of the body cureth thē It healeth the mattery skabbe on the head if the heyres afore be shauen away that the skinne be rubbed with a lynnen cloth wette in lye that dried in annoynt the places after wyth the oyle This also profiteth the Apoplexie especially the gowte if the places be annointed with it twise a day for fowre dayes togither This also speedily healeth the burning of fire by annoynting the places with it cureth the disease called the woulfe An oyle out of egges take sixe egges which boyle vnto a hardnesse after the shelles pylled of cut away the whites the yolkes after with your fingers breake into smal péeces those put into a frying panne which whilest they heate fry sturre to and fro by little little with a spone vntill they begin so to melt runne in the panne yet doth the substance remaine of a yelow colour whē the whole shall be in this redinesse powre the substance into lynnen bagges which wring hard in a presse you shall possesse a lycour or yelow oyle with which annoynt the burnings Others after the yolkes be so heated molten in a pan vnto the time the substance run about the pan yet do they further heate as it were fry thē vntill they appeare dry and blacke in the pan which they assoone after as these shall thus be dried and become blacke do melt them againe by that meanes cause a plentifull moisture blacke to run forth yet ill sauoring Thē with a spone those which be in the frying pan they stur grossoly togither that the oyle all the humour fallen to the one side of the frying pan may like fall into the other side and be so gathered to vse A redde oyle out of the yolkes of egges that auayleth agaynst a colde gowte borrowed out of a written booke in the Italian tongue Take the hard yolkes of seuentie egges
of salt nyter of each thrée ounces of copper Incisi one pound al these grinded togither put after into a glasse body not vnglased body which set into a furnace make a great fire for three howres After the cooling of the vessell by the owne accord breake the vessel you shal find in the bottom the Mercurie of the Antimonie seperated from the brimstone which you shal seperate from the vpper this done burne after the vpper face so lōg vntyl it be come impalpable of a redde color the same thē put into a glasse Lymbeck wel luted if it afore be dissolued in most strong vineger Which distyll after the maner order of strong water you shall possesse a most precious oyle lyke to blood Note that the Mercurie drawne out of the Antimonie is a most pure golde with which if you wyll colour take then of the oyle of Antimonie one ounce of Aeris v●●i of Viridis aeris of each thrée oūces of Vermilon or Cinnabaris fifteene ounces of salt nyter fiue ounces of the abouesayd whyte gold fowre poūds these put into an earthen vessel wel luted and set in an open furnace with fyre for sixe howers and you shall then finde a cytrin● mass● which put vnto the royall cemente after vnto Capella and you shal obtayne most pure golde But these royall cements and the Capellas also doe goldsmythes prepare and make Another discription of the Oyle of Antymonie not to be contempned cōmunicated to Gesnerus by a skylfull practisioner and very studious in these matters Take of Antymonie thrée poūds or fowre which dyssolue in a goldsmythes pot that it may rūne After powre a measure of vineger into an earthen glased vessell which done and the Antymonie molten let him then instyll by great care dyligence a little of this molten Antymonie into the vineger taking diligent care that you instyll not to much at one tyme in that the vessell then breaking you should lose both oyle your labour a red fume wyl breath forth the vineger also wyl become so red as blood So that by times a litle lytle and euen by drops as it were must the whole Antimonie be thus instilled For the same is in a glasse bodie that the vineger floting aboue it must alwayes be seperated so often as it is molten in the goldsmythes vessell The Antimonie then must be againe molten in the Crucible as afore as the same shall be molten it must then by lytle and lytl●●e instylled into the vineger ▪ as aboue taught the same ought to be repeated seuen tymes that it may so drawe and gather both the property and rednesse The vineger is consumed by the same order for that cause must other vineger be powred vpon for if the pot or vessell shall remayne eyther emptie or bée ouer fylled the vessell breaketh for which cause you must especially take heede of the excesse least the vessell by such meanes breaketh That if it shall be repeated seuen tymes let the redde vineger in a glasse body dilygently luted be distilled in ashes and a whyte vineger wyl yssew but the oyle remaineth behynd in the bottome Which on this wyse done and the spring or Cunduicte water left so with the oyle for a tyme that softly powred forth and distylled againe the sauour af the vineger may so be taken from the oyle The same after it shall be thus twyse togyther ordred that is the second tyme Cunduite water shal be powred vpon by distyllacion shall after seperate the same you shall then obtayne a swéete oyle of Antimonie in the bottome of the Cucurbite or glasse bodie But this forme and maner of dystylling can not so well be vttered and discrybed in wordes as by demonstracion to the eye and syght of the same done This waye and manner also of making the Oyle of Antimonie is not to be contempned which as it should seame Theophrastus Paracelsus accoumpted for a rare secrete He tooke of Antimonie halfe a pounde of Sugarcandie sixe ounces these brought to fine powder distyl in sande or in Balneo according to arte Of this oyle take one ounce of Aloes succotryne halfe an ounce of Amber two drams of Saffron thrée drams these after reduce into a masse of which make small pylles according to discretion let thrée of these be mynistred or gyuen by the mouth with the conserue of Borrage before the fytte of the Ague and the pacient procured to sweate if it be possible I heare of an oyle of Antimonie to be distylled in the worthy Citie of Vlmes in Germanie by a notable Phisition in the lyke order and maner as the strong water or water of seperation is woont to be made Which afore wrought into most fine powder and myxt with a small quantity of good Aqua vitae for thus prepared it may aptlie be applyed and giuen by the mouth for the healing of vlcers within the bodie Such an oyle also is exercysed and vsed of the Chyrurgians in the Cittie of Norimberge which applyed doth forth with eate or take away superfluous or rotten fleshe This oyle of the Antimonie is prepared with the salt G●mme and Ammoniacum Another maner of oyle there is which a certayne practisioner druncke before mée but certayne affyrme the same not to bée an oyle but rather a certayne washing or Lye yet I suppose the same sayth the Aucthour to be distylled Others affyrme it to be prepared lyke the oyle of Vitryoll of which matter reade more in that booke named Coelum Philosophorum where the maner of such a preparing and this oyle is fully taught And I heare ●sayth the Aucthour that the Chyrurgians of Norimberge doe much and often vse this oyle There is besydes a certayne oyle prepared and made which by reason of the rednesse is named the blood of Stibium which oyle is most singular vnto créeping vlcers and maligne to cure for this dryeth taketh away all the malignity of them and this oile is made after this maner out of the learned Fallopio of Mettals or mynes They take sayth he the Regulum of Antimonie which is here ment the Antimonie fyue or sixe tymes molten cooled For they take the Stibium melting if and letting it coole which they agayne melt and coole the same procéede after this maner vnto the fyft or syxt time so that the Stibium which the last tyme remaineth cooled compact they name Regulū Now they take this Regulum soften it on a marble on which they powre the distilled vineger when the same shall be very well softned they put into an ypocrasse bagge to fylter and powre distilled vineger vpon vntyl the Antimonie shal be wholy dyssolued molten through and that nothing remayneth behynd in the fylter or bagge but all fyltred into the vessell set vnder They after take the strayning or that lycour and put it into a Lymbeck dra●re forth a lycor which drawne there remaineth a certayne
substāc● in the bottome of the Lymbeck lyke to a redde feces which they take put into a fyltring cloath hanging it in a moyst place that the feces may so melt through the moysture of the place into a vessell standing vnder and the same which melteth and runneth through is the oyle which otherwyse is named the blood of the Antimonie a medycine as aboue vttered the notablest vnto creeping and wicked vlcers An oyle of Antimonie which is the flower of all mettalles redde in colour as the Rubyne for so doth some comm●nd it it may safelye be taken by the mouth vnto the wayght of thrée graines for in tast it is swéete pertaking most lightly of a sharpnesse he valewed fowre drams wayght of it at two Crownes He knew lytle vse or none of it yet inuented he at the first to sell the same of a great pryce I my selfe tasted sayth the Aucthour found a certaine sweetnesse of it saw the rednesse tending vnto a sanguine colour and a droppe or two let fall into water went to the bottome This out of a letter sent vnto Gesnerus Another redde oyle of Antimonie the ab●●esayd person hath which I sayth the Aucthour neuer saw vnlike to the first colour and of a burning qualitye whose smallest portion prouooked the bladder burned that vnto this daye the least portion of it dare not safely be gyuen through the wicked quality not sufficiently corrected whether of the crude qualitie I can not iustly report This oyle powred to Aqua fortis through the vitriol the Alome and salt peter it stayneth Mercurie of a yellow colour These I vnderstoode of him in that I could not come to the sight of it he esteemed or valued half an ounce of this oyle at a Floreyne This I learned by the letters of a certayne Phisition vnto Gesnerus The oyle or Quintessence of Antimonie when the same is prepared and made after a dewe fourme and maner is a most precious medycine to be vsed as well within the bodie as without and the quantity of one drop giuen at a tyme by the mouth eyther with wyne or broth or any other distylled water doth as well emptie the bodie by vomytting as downewarde by syege this giuen to a sicke person doth throughly cure him of any crude and maligne kynde of sicknesse as by tryall a further truth may be knowne And this locally applyed on wicked vlcers doth marueylously clense them The making of which oyle or quintessēce is on this wyse take a quantity of the strongest vineger the same distyl thrise ouer to which ad of Antimonie so much as you wyl brought to fine powder these put togyther in a body of glasse but let the vyneger flote thrée fingers aboue the Antimonie then sturre them very wel togither setting the body on hote imbers let the substaunce boyle a lytle space vntyll the vineger become redde which after the being redde let then setle vntyl it appeare cleare the same empty into another body and on the feces powre the lyke quantity of distylled vineger as afore taught the same a whyles boyle empty after into another body doe on this maner so often vntyl the vineger wyl no more be changed become redde this done the feces throw away and all the redde vineger gathered powre into a crooke necked body or Retort that is verie well luted and distyll the vyneger which wyll yssew forth cleare whyte but take dilygent heede when the redde droppes begynne to distyll at the sight of which draw away the receauer with the vyneger putting vnder another glasse and the fyre increase stronger stronger vnto the ende of the worke or that all the substance be yssewed forth for this come is the quintessence of the Antimonie which diligently kéepe in a glasse close stopped that no ayre breath forth And this is the myraculous oyle that mortifyeth all kynds of rotten and wicked vlcers for by bathing on them with the sayde oyle are mortifyed for which cause this healeth them in a short tyme and with easinesse and gyuen besydes with any lycour by the mouth doth heale any wicked sicknesse as aboue vttred So that this Quintessence of Antimonie may be accoumpted and named a holy lycour and precious for the health of mans body This borrowed out of the singuler practyses of the gréeke Leonard Fiorauant Of the same doth a certayne Phisition thus wryte I fynde the oyle of Antimonie to be prepared and made by Stibium most finely brought to powder and so often washed and infused in dystyll vineger vntyll it wyl no more colour nor stayne the fingers which after sublyme for this they say to auayle against the vlcered Canker that it créepeth no further and so to let or staye that the Canker eateth nor payneth any more An oyle of Antimonie of the Alchymistes vnto the colouring of Luna or Syluer is on this wyse prepared as I found the same wrytten sayth the Aucthour in an olde Alchymy booke Take a a quantity of vineger three tymes distylled ouer in this dyssolue of salt artyficiall one part of salt Alkali two partes after the dyssoluing distyll a strong water Then take of Antimonie so much as you shal thinck needeful powring of the sayd water vpon and distilled with a soft fyre powre vpon the water againe this doe for fowre times togither In the end when the moisture shal ascēd that whytishe fumes appeare then by increasing the fire stronger stronger you shall purchase the true oyle of Antimonie Of this oile take three parts of the oyle of the Sun one part of the oile of Mercurie one part these put vnto fixing doth colour change the Moone Mercurie Iupiter prepared into the Sun most perfit Of the preparation of Antimonie that is lyke seene through as the glasse and the sundry effects of the same powder The ▪ .xxvj. Chapter A Certaine practisioner in the Citie of Vlma in Germany chose the Stibium that had long strakes within which the longer they were so much the better he accoumpted it he tooke away the vpper part or his spume he after tenne or fowretéene dayes grynded the Stibium on a marble with vineger for one day styll or continually but in the nyght he letteth it alwayes drye and the next daye he alwayes gryndeth it agayne The precious stone of Antimonie cleare through as the Iacynt they prepare and make after this maner the fine powder of the Stibium they put into a goldsmithes Crucible couering the same with another Crucible which two they close fast lute togyther with strong lute letting the lute drye After they set the Crucibles on the fyre and couer them wholie vntyll the powders melt and runne within this masse then taken out brought to fine powder they thus cōmyt to the fyre for two or three tymes togyther and at the thyrd time they powre the lyquide masse on a smooth Marble stone which sone coniealeth and is harde and is
from the other in such maner that no watery humour be ●eft 〈…〉 in the oyle For that 〈◊〉 water left if any such be corrupteth the 〈◊〉 And the oyle is woont m●st commonly to 〈…〉 the ●a●er especia●●y if the 〈◊〉 wyne be powred ●●●ord and shall be drawne altogyther ●y Balneo Mariae but you may by and 〈◊〉 after 〈◊〉 in the ●●●ling ▪ the oyle from the water In that the oyle is fattie but the water very lytle at all The oyle thus seperated dilygently kéepe stopped to your vse The fygure of the Cucurbite with the Limbecke or head annexed which head must be framed and made of Venice glasse broken molten and wrought into the fourme here vnder demonstrated The .xl. Chapter THe vertues of it which is seperated be altogyther the same which of the Brimstone but it perf●●rmeth all them effectuousser in that through the lyquidnesse this doth eas●er penetrate vnto the properactious which the Brymstone cannot doe for that it is otherwyse hyndered through his solydnesse and thycknesse And the same more may this oyle than the brimstone that it auayleth besydes vnto all putryfactions of the body and especially vnto the plague or Pestilence vnto the clensing of the Lungs in the plure●ie and apostume in the Lungs named Peripuenmonia and harde or paynfull cough matter in the body and both grosse and clammy humours For it may safely and without perryll be taken within the body This suffereth not the stone to ingender neyther in the kydneys nor in the bladder and this healeth the vlcered bladder The dose or quantity of it at a tyme is one droppe or two or thrée and tempered in a lytle wyne It may al●o be prepared and myxed in round and ●●uare tables made of Sugar And ●●us● dilygently be reserued for out of one pound 〈…〉 litle of the eager 〈◊〉 drawn and it 〈◊〉 va●isheth away through the 〈…〉 Th●●●●ytherto ▪ or the most of them ▪ bor●●wed out of the 〈◊〉 of Vale●●●●●ord●● ▪ of the artificiall 〈…〉 An oyle of Vitryoll ▪ prepared after this maner according to the learned F●llopio in his Italia ●ooke of the ●ecrete remedies Take of Romayne vitryoll in that the Germayne is not to be vsed nor ●ood ▪ for this contayneth copper in it and the Romayne hath yron this is the cause why the one is good and the other euyll so that when any wyl mynister of the oyle to the sick regard must he had seeing the copper is an enemye to the stomacke the yron a friend and much healthfull Of this Romayne vitryoll take a quantity which put or set in a Furnace of reuerbaration letting it there so long remaine vntil it be calcined vnto a rednesse or become r●dd● ▪ After it shall thus ●e ●aloyned to a rednesse or be redde put the whole into a body of Venice glasse strongly fensed with the lute of wysedome and the glasse body ought to be made after the forme of a lute with a part of the belly ●la● and set into a Furnace of reuerberation after such maner that a part of the necke hangeth without the Furnace and tendeth downward somewhat to which annexe the Receauer dilygently stopped or closed in the ioynt with lute then contynew a fyre for fowre whole dayes and so many nyghtes vntyl all the substa●●ce be yssewed forth or that no more remayneth which may be distylled by force of the fyre Which ended the oyle wyll appeare very blacke in a maner as Incke this diligently keepe in a strong glasse close stopped that no ayre breath forth This maner of way is easie to be done and the best That synguler Fallopio applyed and vsed of it after this maner he fyrst tooke one pounde of the Inleppe of Violettes and one pounde of the finest Aqua vitae and three ounces of Rosewater in which eyght graynes of Muske dyssolued and one dramme of the sayd● Oyle these myxed togyther formeth or maketh a diuyne composition in his working For by gyuing one sponefull of it to a pacient fytted with a sharpe and hote Ague is by by after refreshed and cooled ▪ And for the spytting of blood the fluxe of the body the breaking of veynes in the breast an● a Rewme this ●●●stred doth speedily helpe And of a● th●se the ●ucthor Fallopio hath seene ●●e●tan●●pe●●i●e ▪ experience in sundry ●a●es And ●yueth a most great commendation of it c. Another manner ▪ take of Vitryoll as much as you wyll●● thyncke néedefull the same calcyne in a potte ▪ and calcyned bring to powder the powder their powre into a Retort ▪ powring vppon of the common Aqua tortis that it may de●n●ke in 〈…〉 place which let so stande for twenti● and ●●wre ●ower● or longe● The same after set into a 〈…〉 it with lute and Tyles and that fowre 〈…〉 made at eache corner one These done dist●ll fyrst with so ▪ s●fte●● 〈◊〉 ▪ that fowre ●n●syca●● strokes m●y be made ▪ betwéene droppe and droppe falling when no more water dystylleth then must the fyre be increased that the sp●r●te● may yssew forth which shall followe to be an Oyle After in Balneo Mariae seperate the water from the Oyle and keepe the same water vntyll you wyll drawe the Oyle agayn● ▪ Then shall you purge the Oyle by a Retorte in a Furnace in distyll●ng with a great fyre And you m●ye drawe and cause the Oyle to bee eyther whyte redde ▪ or yellowe ▪ and this ▪ according to the greatnesse and 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 Th●● borrowed out of the ●ynguler learned 〈…〉 Another maner ta●●● qu●●titie of Aqua vitae the same powre into a Lymbecke of Glasse ●ell ●en●e● with lute and betweene the Cucurbyte and cou●● or ●y●de put fowre verye thy●n● ▪ Par●●●ente● ▪ and dystyll the Aqua vitae vnto the halfe parte 〈◊〉 lesser After take a quan●ytie of Vitryoll which brought to fyne powder powre into a Retorte dylygently luted and distyll the same after Arte the water which shal then be gathered poure agayne vpon the Feces to be druncke in and this doe for fowre ●ymes togyther vntyll no more moysture wyll or can distyll forth 〈…〉 the Feces agayne powring it into a lyke ve●●ell well luted with the Aqua vitae lyke prepared ▪ as aboue vttered in such maner that the Aqua vitae be well two fyngers breadth aboue in the fo●esay●e vessell well closed and let it abyde on a soft fyre for syxe howers ▪ and this water keepe a part and powre agayne other Aqua vitae vpon for syxe howers as aboue vttered and the same ought to be done a thy●de tyme After take these three ●●●●rall 〈◊〉 and distyll them in Balneo Mariae with the Vitryoll aboue sayde and the water which shall then be gathered 〈◊〉 ●way if you wyll and in the bottome shal you fynd the oyle resting If any shall take of this oyle vnto the quantity of seuen or eyght droppes with Ma●●es●e or whyte wyne or oyle of Roses or of Vio●ettes ▪ before dynner or meate preserueth
for lacke of the same you maye vse the other instrument of glasse much like to the Funnell for this oyle euermore swimmeth aboue the water And this dystillation may also be done by sande in the same manner if so be you fence the bodie before with lute that the heate break not the glasse but the purer best cōmended is that done by Balneo The Instrument of Valerius Cordus Another instrument of separating after the forme of a Funnell 4. Is the emptie space B. the pipe by whiche the aire entreth into the emptie space 2. the space of the oyle and water 5. the pype by which the water issueth Of the vertues and vtilitie of the rectified oyle The .xlv. Chapter THis Oyle in auncient tyme was named holye for the marueylous and secrete vertues of it for it hath the same properties which the Amber it selfe but farre effectuouser For what efficacie and vertue consisteth in fiue sixe or seauen poundes of the Amber the same may be reduced eas●ly into one pounde By which reason it much auayleth in the falling sicknesse in the Palsie and Crampe and mightily helpeth women molested wyth the suffocation of the Matrice it comforteth also the yongling in the mothers wombe Of the Oyle of Amber and the vertues of it doth a certayne learned man thus write it excéedeth by his propertie sayth he all waters of lyfe as they name them and any maner of Aurum potabile or potable golde especially in the curing of the Apoplexie and falling sickenesse Of the Oyle of Tylestones The xlvi Chapter THe Oyle Benedick or Oyle of Tyle stones hauing in it manye vertues vnto colde griefes and diseases and profitabler than a Baulme by his vertue and subtilnesse is prepared and drawne after this maner Take of newe baked Tyles that neuer water came vpon such a quantitie as you thynke néedefull those beate so small as Fetches Hempe Milium or else the ponder most finely fifted After let it be poured into a glasse bodie or other bodie mightily maintayned with fire or strongly burned which thus burned poure into olde cléere oyle Olyue if it may be gotten being in an earthen vessell glased and let it so rest to infuse for vij or x. dayes and if any péeces be grosse beate those small and poure the whole into a great Cucurbite on which set a heade artely luted in the ioynt and dystill with a soft fire and this conceyue that of one pounde of the Oyle you shall gather but one ounce whose naturall vertue excéedeth and is greater in effect than the naturall Baulme in the curing of all cold sicknesses griefs is hoter than it for that cause it is named oyle Benedick or blessed oile especially vnto the curing of cold sicknesses the older the oyle shall be before the occupying the better will it work The true and certaine notes to knowe this Oyle assuredly are these that the oyle Oliue holdeth or beareth vp as it were thys oyle in the myddle of it or stayeth it hanging about the bottome and not touching the bottome whereof this sheweth it selfe to be hoter and lighter than the oyle Olyue and the same also which is not Artely drawne of Tyles i● heauye so that if a drop be let fall into this purer oyle it falleth to the bottome and in this is the coldnesse and he auynesse of it knowne Also this Oyle causeth or yéeldeth a strong sauour and is redde in colour and a drop of it besides poured in the hand doth incontinent vanish away spreadeth all the hande and if an yron rodde be annoynted with the same Oyle and touched of any fl●me doth forthwith burne and kindled or flaming doth not easily go out nor is lightly quenched When the distillation of this Oyle shall be fully performed open then the vessel wittily after it shall be through colde draw forth the pouder of the Tyles resting in the bottome of the glasse into which oyle after poure a quantitie of other pouder burned if you mynde to purchase more of the Oyle and dystill after the maner aboue taught and the Oyle dystilled kéepe well in a glasse close stopped with waxe There are here vttered xliiij vertues of the same auayling in a colde cause so well inward as outward 1. First the Oyle restoreth all those members colde by any accident if the harmed members be annoynted with it 2. It healeth a wounde if the proper herbe agréeable be a little boyled in it 3. This helpeth all the clefts and chops happening on the handes and féete in the winter tyme. 4. The oyle helpeth sinewes weake through the Goute or some other cause and the trembling or shaking of the head and handes 5. The Goute and ache of the ioyntes procéeding of a colde cause the necke payning so stiffe that it cannot turne hither thither is helpen with this oyle 6. It breaketh into small péeces the stone of the bladder kidneys by annoynting on the places drinking often of the oyle with white wine 7. It cureth also the excoriation of the bladder so well within as without which is knowne by the byting or fretting of the yard by annointing on the proper place 8. This helpeth the staying back of the vryne and hardnesse in the making of water 9. The oyle helpeth the passions of the eares procéeding of a cold cause as the deafenesse the noyse or hissing the fluxe of euill humors to the eares by applying a fine lynnen cloth wet in it wythin the eare 10. This auayleth against the wormes eyther bred within or crept in by hap 11. This helpeth the drawing of the mouth by a crampe and the drawing or tormenting of the belly the griefes of the matrice in euery age to the helpe of the Sciaticke payne or ache of the hip paine of the kidneys ridge bone may be added those herbes flowers rootes of a hot nature appropriated to them as the Sage the Penyroyall the Wormewood the running Time Organy Betony Hisop Dittany 12. To euery push and raw impostume not through rype in that the raw it soone rypeneth and the ripe soone or spéedily dissolueth to which if the Da●nell roote the yolk of an egge and whyte Onyon rosted vnder hot ymbers be artly applyed doth greatly profite 13. The oyle helpeth the hardnesse of the milt through ouer much coldnes in that it spéedily moystneth gently heateth it 14. This oyle helpeth such molested with the falling sicknesse is the nosthrill of the pacient be annoynted wyth it 15. This helpeth the ●●slation or stopping of the brayne and nose through a cold cau●e howsoeuer it shall happen whether the eyes run or water or the nosthrils be ful of flegme if the proper places be annoynted with it or that it be taken by the mouth 16. It helpeth all maner of coldnesse of the head and brayne for annoynted with the oyle it doth heate marueylously cōforteth 17. This also annointed on the hinder part of the heade
and to cause those subtiller through the benefit help of the long narrow winding instruments and the distillation to be performed néedeth not only cooling but also to be in a colde place where water may remayne for the continuall cooling of them that no viscositie or grossenesse come vnto the Limbecke whereof is come to passe that diuers and sundrie instruments are inuented by skilfull practisioners vnto the better performing of the abouesaide Many doe dystill the burning water by a bladder as they name it as Louicer 9 reporteth teacheth in his booke which the learned may there reade practise if they will but this maner of dystillation for that they shed the water is not allowed of the best dystillers and for that reason they vse this maner and waye for a more spéedynesse shorter forme inuented in a maner for the Poticarie only with vs of Germany An instrument for the dystilling of the water of lyfe out of the lyes of Wyne The thirde Chapter A. representeth the Furnace being rounde in forme or square if it be forceth not much B. doth here expresse the place or hole by which the fire is made vnder the potte or other copper vessell C. doth here represent the Brasse pot or Copper vessell sufficient able or great ynoughe conteyning the lyes D. doth signifie the couer of the vessell which if the same be made hollowe imbossing towarde the myddle and that in the myddle where the pype issueth forth this be framed to a sharpenesse it will sende by the vapors much better than if the couer were playne or flat E. doth signifie the hole of the couer into which the pype is set and artely fastened F. doth aptlye shewe the Copper pype carying forth the vapors which ought to be made wrything and wynding after this maner for on such wyse as they saye the water will séeme the oftner to be dystilled or the same perhaps so framed that the vapors the longer kept backe maye the lightlyer and easier be thickened Some there be which make sundry windings in the pype before it entreth within the Bucket or firkin which perhaps lesse allowed and commended of the skylfuller practisioners G. representeth the wooden payle bucket or firkin conteyning in it the colde water H. Doth signifie the benche or great stoole with foure féete bearing the bucket or firkin full of colde water K. the place lower on the bench or stoole where the receyuer ought artely to be set and fastened Two furnaces may be buylt neare to this firkin or bucket for on such wyse with vs a certayne practisioner was woont to dystill the burning water of which the one maye be erected nearer to the bucket and the other placed further of in the nearer pot to the Bucket let the Lyes be first dystilled in the other vessell placed further of let it be dystilled a seconde tyme that the water may be the subtiller and purer And the same water maye perhaps be drawne with lesser businesse if in the second dystillation it be dystilled with a longer Pype in that by a longer Pype and way retching the spirites sent forth may the thinner be gathered An other Instrument The fourth Chapter 1. The vessell or potte contayning the matter or liquide substance A certayne dystiller with the Author had a pot that helde xvj measures out of which he drewe after a seconde or thirde dystillation repeated about thrée measures 2 Representeth the couer of the vessell 3 Doth here set forth the pype which ought to be made broade beneath as the Pynapple and sharpe vppewarde and the same pype maye bée made double that the one filled with colde water and heated may be agayne drawne out 4 Expresseth the paile or bucket conteyning the colde water 5 Signifieth the trancheon or small blocke of woode set on a high stoole the apter to beare the Bucket equall to the heade and nose of the instrument placed 6 Doth here represent the place where the receyuer ought to be set fastened 7 Plainly sheweth the fire to be made round about of any small cloue wood By such an instrument is a farre greater yéeld of burning water purchased than by the cōmon Limbecks for somuch as the pype retching from the couer of the vessell doth ascende right vp and not as in the others windingly and in this perhaps is a greater spéede made than in the other instruments Another Instrument for the dystilling of the water of lyfe borrowed out of Pyrotechnia The .v. Chapter ALthough sundrie and diuers instruments be dayly inuented yet I sawe this alwayes most commodious and profitablest whose forme shall hereafer be described and first let a Copper vessell tynned within be prepared out of which in that part by which the wyne is poured in let a long pype formed with manye emptie partes retch vpwarde and at the ende aboue of thrée or foure yardes let a small bucket eyther of Copper or woode be set in the same maner placed that the pype in part of the bole or in the vpper part of the bucket retch wynding vp from the middle of it but at the toppe or straight ende of thys wynding Pype let a heade of glasse be aptlye framed and set on to the nose of whiche artely set and fasten a receyuer for the Aqua vitae dystilling forth This vessell on suche wyse prepared sette aptly into the furnace and the wine poure into it by the pype retching vppe on the other side right against the cocke by which also the groundes or superfluous substance after the dystillation ended are purged cleane forth But in the vpper part the bole or bucket placed vnder the pype which for his wynding is named the Serpent shall be filled with colde water and a soft fire in the beginning made vnder the vessell of wyne whose furnace ought to be buylt after this forme aboue demonstrated A fourth Instrument for the dystilling of the Aqua vitae so workemanly and cunningly drawne that the water but once dystilled may be purchased most mightie or strong And I heare such a practise at Florence to be in vse The .vi. Chapter A. Signi●●eth the place where the ashes rest B. Doth here represent the grate bearing the fire C. Doth here manifestly shewe the place where the fire is made D. Doth expresse the high narow furnace worckmanly made E. Sheweth the long and byg vessell receyuing the great quantitie of wyne F. Representeth the most narrowe ioynt G. the pype by which the wine is poured in H. doth instructe the way by which the vapors ascende I. The nose of the heade to which the mouth of the receyuer is set fastned K. Doth here represent the bucket or other vessell filled with colde water and cooling the head L. Doth shewe the cane or pype by which the cold water ascendeth or ryseth vp into the bucket M. Representeth the nose or pype of the bucket by which the hote water is drawne forth N. Signifieth the barrell or hoggesheade made
long and filled with colde water An instrument which is so formed that the water by sucking is forced to ryse vp and run forth as the lyke practise is often ●sed in pittes of water or welles And by this instrument with a little fire maye a great quantitie of the water of lyfe be dystilled and gathered Of the dyuers maners of distylling the Aqua vitae so well simple as compounde The .vij. Chapter A Water sublymed out of pure wine affyrmeth an vnknowne practysioner and the same is of late daies inuented to sublime the water by a glasse or Copper Bodie in the which dooing the grosse substaunce and refuse remayneth or stayeth behinde and the lighter matter in the vapours ascending dystilleth and is gathered in the Receauer Vitalis de Furno wylleth thus to dystill the simple burning water Take pure Claret wine and strong which powre into a Lymbecke and dystill with a soft fyre as you doe the Rosewater and a burning water wyl yssue forth by sublimation which looke howe oftner it shall be dystilled ouer and so much the subtyller and profitabler it wyll be That the water of life once dystilled ouer may be so perfyte and good and possesse the same properties which an other thrise foure times or oftner dystilled doth The .viij. Chapter IF so be you wyll dystill a simple Aqua vitae or burning wyne at one dystillation that in propertie and vertue it may be as if the same were twenty times dystilled ouer then couer a Spunge ouer the mouth of the Cucurbite and the Lymbecke close with the seale or lute of Hermes and a receauer set to the nose of the Lymbecke and luted in the ioynte dystill according to Arte in Balneo Mariae For on such wise is caused that the spyrit of the wine ascendeth vnto the highest and from thence by the Nose falleth into the Receauer but all the waterynesse remayneth by the waye in the Spunge And a certaine Alchymister vsed this maner for a most great and déepe secrete Wée compared or assayed it sayth D. Gesnerus with the Aqua vitae once dystilled ouer without a Spunge and we found ours of greater effecte and vertue and wée againe assayed it with an other water dystilled ten tymes ouer without a Spunge and oures dyd more pearce then that A certaine dystiller with vs sayeth the Aucthour affyrmeth that the Aqua vitae onely once dystilled to be verie vnholsome to them which drinke it and to haue a great force of putrifying as the same experience proueth If the burning water be set on fire sayth he quenched againe after a whiles that which remayneth very much sauoureth or stincketh But the water which shal be twise or thrise distylled ouer neyther stincketh nor putrifieth Of the distyllation of Quintessence out of wyne by Balneum Mariae Take of white wyne the best fowre measures or fiue according to the greatnesse of the Glasse bodye so that a thyrd part of the Cucurbyte be emptie on which set a head of Glasse luted in the ioynte with the whytes of Egges meale and water myxed togyther and spread on a Lynnen clothe before the laying on which on this wyse prepared set into Balneum Mariae and distyll after with a verie softe fire both daye and nyght For out of fiue measures you shal purchase but a halfe measure pure which after the rectifying in a Pellicane for certaine dayes kéepe to your vse A water of Lyfe out of wyne distylled thrise ouer Take twenty pyntes of good and grosse wyne and drawe out of the whole fowre pintes in suche a vessell as you knowe after out of those foure drawe two pyntes and out of those two agayne drawe onelye one pynte This water auayleth against any rednesse and spotte of the eyes and is profitable vnto all woundes and auaileth also against the Rewme and Fistula vnto many other grieffes besides it is right profitable That if you myxe with this the gaule of a Partriche it taketh awaye the heate and myste of the eyes also dropped in the eyes stayeth and taketh away the teares if it shall be mixed with the iuyce of the wilde Tyme A burning water take a pottell of the auncientest Red wyne and poured into a great pytchard or Tankard hauing a large bottome and narrowe mouth to which adde thrée ounces of eyther Brunstone or eyther O●pyment of Armoniacke of Tartare and of Salte nytre and one pynte of very olde Oyle olyue or common Oyle which boyle togyther vnto the consumption of two partes and let the whole be strayned to which then let hote or burning water be added and drawne after by an Ippocrasse bagge or strainer that the fyrst water may be gotten If a Candle be annoynted with this water or the wyke of any other light and put vnder the water wyll not goe out If this water also be sprinckled on the heyre of the head on a clothe or on a cappe that it may burne this after it shall be consumed the clothe wyll remaine vnharmed or any other on which it is sprinckled This Rogerius in his fourth Tract Chap. 7. where you shall fullyer learne this maner of distillation by the former Chapter A burning water you maye make on this wyse take thicke mightie and olde red wine to which adde a quarter of the same of vnsleaked Lyme of Brymstone most finelie brought to pouder of the Tartare of good wine lyke brought to pouder and of baye Salt which poure togyther into a Cucurbite well luted after the head set on and luted in the ioynt distyll according to Arte and the burning water gathered kéepe in a Glasse close stopped this Albertus Magnus A spyced water which they name the water of Lyfe or an Hyppocras or Baulme let the hearbes the swéete smellyng rootes and Spyces be stieped in sixe tymes so much of good wine for thyrtie dayes the wyne after strained and the spices broken adde againe to the wyne and distyll the whole according to Arte. To the water distylled adde of freshe Sage halfe an ounce of Cynamon of Gynger of Cloues of Nutmegges of Sage with the rootes and Graines of Paradize which after the infusion distyll ouer againe A water of Lyfe seruing vnto diuers grieffes procéeding of colde as vnto the Goute and paines of the same vnto the paine of the Bowelles and distyllation from the head druncke twyse in a moneth and the griefe also of the teeth the gummes and disseases of the Tounge this marueylously helpeth it worketh much good to the stomacke charged with flewme and the collicke passion ▪ one dram gyuen with so much of good Triacle in wine Take of burning water one pynt of Euphorbium of Odellium of Sagapenum of Spodium of long Pepper of Cubebae of Opopanax of Cynamon ▪ of Cloues of Nutmegs ▪ of Pellytory of Cyperus of Squinantum of each one ounce all these artlye brought to pouder stiepe in burning water for thrée dayes and drawe the lycour according to Arte in a dystyllatorie instrument this Bertapalia
A water of Lyfe against the Pestilence borrowed out of a written Booke Take of the Cloues halfe a dram of Cynamon of Zedoaria of the rootes of Valerian of Pympernell of Turmentyll and of red Roseleaues of eache one dramme of the Cytrine and red Saunders of Spodium of the ryndes of the Cytrone of Doronicum of Terra Sigillata of Dittany of Seseleos of Baulme of Maioram of the Helycampane of the séedes of Seseleos of Carabe of Ruberbe of Nutmegges and of Mace of eache halfe a dram of Scabious of the flowers of Borrage of Buglosse of Rosemarie of the Hartes horne burned of Rue of Colyander prepared Spetierum liberantis Specierum de gennus Diacameronis Letitiae Almansoris Diarrhodon abbatis Diamargaritonis of the Iacinct of the Smaragde of the pure Pearles of eache one dram of Methridate of Triacle of venice and of fyne Bole armoniacke of eache halfe a scruple of the leaues of Golde and Syluer of eache seuen in number of the best burning wine eyght pyntes let all these be disligentlye beaten and laboured togeather and myxed with the sublymed Wyne which after powre into a glased vessel and stoppe diligently the mouth that no ayre breathe forth best let so stande to infuse for thrée dayes and dystill after with a soft fyre according to Arte in Balneo Mariae Let of the same be gyuen in the Pestilence with the Electuarie aunswerable or agreeable to it A water of lyfe helping all colde grieffes and sicknesses especially an astonyed dissease the tendernesse of members and paine of the Goute and ioyntes Take of burning water drawne of the best wyne halfe a pynte of Acorus prepared two ounces of Rosemary flowers and Sauge flowers of eache one ounce and a halfe of the leaues of the same hearbe halfe a handfull of Cynamon of Xyloaloes of eache one dram of Mace of Cardomomum of the ryndes of the Cytrone of Cloues of Saffron of each halfe a dram of Nardus one scruple of Gynger one dram of Stachados two ounces of Muske and of Amber of eache syxe graynes all these after the breaking somewhat stiepe togeather for fiue dayes the Spices seperated dystill the liquour and ad too after the Spices Of a noble water helping many sicknesses and griefes of which as well the first that is dystilled as the seconde layde on a freshe wounde twyse in the daye is affyrmed to heale it in a short tyme also the Canker the Fistula eating Cankers or Wolf and the dissease which is named Noli metangere if they be washed once a day with eyther doth speedily cure them if halfe a dram waight be druncke with a small draft of the best wyne breaketh the stone and sendeth it foorth it mittigateth and helpeth the heate of the vryne in the comming foorth and any maner grieffes of the Matrice and annoynted with a lyke wayght of fatte lycour helpeth wearynesse and strengthneth the Synewes the Pacientes also molested with the Crampe and washed thrise in the day with this water are speedily holpen and many other infirmyties thys doth lyke helpe But the water a thyrde time distylled of these maintayning the colour of the blood is very precious of which if any shall drincke halfe a spoonefull for fifteene dayes togeather shall be cured of the Leprie the Palsie the water betweene the Skinne the ioynt Ache the Goute and other lyke disseases This druncke besydes vnto the quantity of halfe a dram or at the least twise in the weeke with a spoonefull of Borrage water for a yéere togyther doth stay backe olde age and recouereth strength in such maner that if any sicke be néere drawing an●●r nigh head shall receyue a lytle quantity of this water shall not ha●tity or sodaynlie dye The maner of makyng this water is on this wyse take of Zedoaria of Galingale of the long and rounde Pepper of Cloues of Gynger of Iuniper Berryes of the ryndes of the Cytrone and of the Orrenge of Sauge leaues of Basyll of Rosemarie of Maiorame of Myntes of Baye berryes of Penny royall of Gentiane of Catmynte of Elder flowers of the red and whyte Roseleaues of Nardus of Xyloaloes of Cubebae of Cardamomum of Cynamome of Calamus aromaticus of Stoechados of Germaunder of Chamaepithis of Melegeta of Mace of Olibanum of Aloes Hepaticke of the séedes and leaues of Mugwoorte and of the séedes of Wormewoode of eache one dram of Fygges of Reisons of the meate of Dates of swéete Almondes and of Pine Apple kernels of each one ounce of chosen Hony syxe ounces of Sugar vnto double the waight of the whole all which brought wel to pouder stiepe in burning water drawn● of the best wyne vnto the quantitye of thrée tymes so much as the waight of the whole which distyll with a glasse head according to Art● A singular water clearing the face and eyes take of the field● Rue of Fennell of the leaues of Veruaine of Bytony rootes of Roseleaues and of Mayden heyre of eache a lyke quantitie these stiepe togyther for a night in white Wine strong and pleasaunt and distyll after in a Cucurbyte after Arte this Fumanellus A distylled lycour for the speedylie healing of woundes out of Fumanellus Take of the water of Lyfe or burning water fowre ounces of good Triacle halfe an ounce which distyll in a glasse bodie after Arte of this applie on the wounde on which straw drye both of Aloes and Myrre I meane the pouder and on this againe a Lynnen cloth wette in the foresayde water Vnto the procuring of sleepe so many howers as is thought needefull ▪ take of the white black Poppie seedes halfe an ounce of good white wine and of the gaule of a Hare of eache two drams of pure Aqua vitae fowre ounces let these be poured togyther into the water and infused for three dayes which after distyll by a Lymbecke in Balneo Mariae A droppe of this procureth sleepe for an howre and two droppes taken for two howres c. A certaine composition of Doctour Gesnerus for the dropsse or the hardnesse of fetching breathe Take of olde White wine two pyntes of Cynamon one ounce of the Ireos of Florence halfe an ounce of our Ireos two drams a halfe of the red Roseleaues thrée drams of Colyāder prepared one dram a halfe of Fennel and of Gynger of each two drams of the rootes of Asarum three drams of Maister woort halfe an ounce of Chamaeleontis albi of Brionie of eache two drams of the ryndes of Esula thrée drams of Arum one dram of the Electuarie of the iuyce of Roses halfe an ounce● all these after the beating stiepe in a Glasse bodie well-luted which distyll in ashes according to Arte vntyll strakes lyke to parted lynes appeare in the head Of this giue one ounce at a tyme as tryed And for the same may it be wrought or done with the whay of mylke alone or with wyne in adding thereto a quantitie of Sugar or Rosed H●nny when you shall
the best Wyne and often repeated two ounces of Terra sigillata and Bole Armoniacke of eache two ounces of the white and red Saunders of Spodij of the white and red Ben of cleare Pearles of each one ounce a halfe of the bone of a Harts heart one ounce of the shauings or filings of Iuory halfe an ounce of Saffrō three drams of Camphora two drams of Leafe Gold halfe an ounce waight but first take the Leaues of Gold those clippe into so small péeces as is possible with a fine payre of shéeres or those on a Marble stone grind with Hony a long time into a pouder not to be perceyued by feeling shal you bring the leaues after put them into the burning water stopping close the mouth of the Glasse that no ayre breath forth let it so stand for fifteene daies Then take the pearles most finely brought to pouder powre thē into another glasse with the iuyce of the Lymons which well stopped let stand so many dayes after with the best wyne wash wel the rootes that they may be clensed frō the earth and dryed of the wynde in the shadowe beat them in a Morter and lyke the hearbes the flowers and Roses with the seedes which done poure all these into a certaine earthen vessell glased into which after put the Triacle with those powders and other thinges After with these powre that burning water with the leaues of Golde and the iuyce of Lymons with the Pearles sealing the mouth of the vessell in such maner that no ayre breath forth Then make a deepe pyt in the earth in a moyst place vnto the depth of three feete and make a Bed in the bottome of the pyt halfe a foote thicke of unsleaked Lyme That vessell then place in the myddle of it with Horse doong layd round about and couering it on which then powre one or two buckets or pailes of water and the vessell thus buryed let stand for twelue naturall dayes in remoouing it euery thyrde or fowrth daye with freshe doong which tyme ended drawe the vessell forth and the whole substaunce after powre into a Glasse bodye setting a head close on it and stopping the ioynt round about that no ayre breathe forth after make a soft fyre vnder of small clouen wood without smoke or rather of pure Coales and to the Nose of the head remember to lute the receauer that no ayre breathe forth The water drawne according to Arte powre vpon the Feces and dystill againe which a thyrde tyme powre into the Lymbecke without the Feces and dystill againe in Balneo Mariae the water gathered keepe to your vse in a Glasse close stopped Of this water take one small sponefull by it selfe or with any other confection or powder For this water multiplyeth the spyrites cleareth them comforteth the principall members and dysposeth them that the body hardlye may receaue the impression of any plague being neuer so mighty raygning and infected or stricken with the Pestilence doth marueylous speedily helpe the impression For whiles those matters remained hyd in those is a certaine fermentacion caused To conclude by the dystillation is a newe forme procured in them that of it selfe caused and not by reason of the fower qualyties but in that it is on such wyse as Aucthours report that the Pestilence mightily vering eache is through corruption caused A compounde water of Lyfe helping all grieffes of the bodye take of Nutmegges of Floris moschatae of Cloues of Cynamon of Ginger of Cubebae of Graines of Paradize ▪ of Stoechaaes of the seedes of Pyonie of eache halfe an ounce of Mustard séedes and of Lauender of eache one ounce of Vermilon or rather Dragons blood of Colyander of Anise and of Basil of each halfe an ounce of Geate but I rather wyl sayth D. Gesnerus of Aumber of Rosemary of each one ounce of Maioram of Cardamomum of Fennel of Lycoris of Hysope of Spyknard of each halfe an ounce of the flowers of Borrage of the Lyllies of the valley of Baulme of the heads of the seedes of Roses of each halfe an ounce of the Missill toe of the Oke of the bones of the Hartes heart of Lignum aloes of Saffron of each one ounce of Sage one handfull The maner of preparing the water is on this wyse take fortie measures of good wyne which dystill by a Lymbecke in Balneo Mariae in the first dystillatiō gather twelue measures which dystill ouer againe vntyll no more remayneth or be in the Glasse then a Nutte shell wyl hold the same then cast foorth in that it is al flewme the wyne last dystilled distyl againe and the whole leysurely or softly fiue times ouer in Balneo Mariae and the water shal then be prepared Take after all the aboue sayde symples as part of them small chopped part beaten into fine pouder which may be brought to pouder or which powre so much of the dystilled wyne as wyll well reache fowre fingers aboue the whole these let stande togyther to infuse for thrée or fowre dayes vntyll the water be coulored The wyne after poure into another Glasse and stoppe the mouth close that no ayre breathe foorth But on the Feces or groundes remayning poure freshe wyne which let so stande to stiepe for seuen or eyght dayes vntyll the wyne hath drawne and gotten the substaunce of all the infused That wyne then seperate from the Feces pouring after the whole wine into a Glasse bodie which distyll with a head close luted in Balneo Mariae vntyll no moisture remaineth in the Glasse and then shall you possesse the Quintessence of the foresayde matters which keepe dyligently stopped that it be not touched of the ayre After distyll wyne of those simples drawne by a Lymbecke and take or gather the halfe parte of the wyne for this shall be the true Quintessence of that wyne But the other part of the wyne which remaineth in the Glasse throwe awaye for it is onely a waterie moysture Then the Quintessence of the wyne ioyned with the Quintessence of the other matters wyll become so yellowe as Golde To this then adde Muscum Alexandrinum and Amber gréese of eache one dramme of Ruberbe two drams which after the tying in a fine lynnen clothe hange within the water and stoppe dylligently the mouth of the Glasse for it is then wholly perfourmed to vse A water of Lyfe marueylouslie comforting c. Dissoluing and coagulating Irone and other Mettalles c. Take of Nutmegs of Galingale of Cardamomum of the Graynes of Paradize of Cubebae of Mace of Ginger and of Cynamon all these brought to powder and myxed with the strongest White wyne let all after be beaten and laboured togyther vnto the styfnesse and thicknesse of a Pultyse which then distyll with a softe fyre and you shall gather a cleare and pure water To this water if you myxe a quantytie of Oyle the Oyle wyll then descende but if you myxe Camphora with it then shall the
is also and pearcing The maner of making Salt out of the waters of the Bathes of Aponensis in the field neere to Padna which Iohannes de Dondis first found inuented by which he made purchased such a store of Salt that it sufficiently serued all his famylye and had a reasonable store besides to gyue of it to his friendes Gabriel Fallopij teacheth the like in his learned booke of bathes waters mettals But the Salt which he made of the same water was more sauourly or salty and sowrer than the Sea salt or any salt digged out of th● earth In the large Lake of water of Aponitana he placed certain hollow vesselles of flynt well fowre fingers breadth déepe which vesselles besides that they were made hollow vnto such a depth were also framed square So that he placed these vessels in the lake in such maner that the water could not enter into it but stode on the water well two fingers bredth aboue After he gotte many earthen pots which he fylled with that water then placed he them in those square vesselles and left them euen there vntil it came to passe that the water in those pottes contayned were wrought and boyled through the heate and by lytle and lytle euaporated forth and so long this Philosopher dyd permit or let this water there remaine that it might boyle as how long a certayne brightnesse appeared in the water and he then powred forth that water of the pots into those hollow stony vessels in which the salt coniealed most white as in the highest vpper face of those vessels but in the lowest remayned the mater or substaūce properly named of him Gypsea The vrine of a Chylde if it be distylled in a Lymbecke after the maner of venyger vnto the thicknesse of Pitch the flewme then powred forth let the vessell after be very well sublimed you shal possesse the volatyle Salt. There be many which vse this Salt vnto the dyssoluing of Gold Syluer and sundrie Philosophers also there be which name it theyr Menstruum Vnto the procuring of the Termes as I my selfe have experienced Take the rootes of the Celondyne cleane scraped and not washed so many as you wyll those dyllygentlye stampe in a Marble morter then put them in a vessell of cyrculation as you know for a naturall day on which powre the lyfe of wyne or burning water as was of the Agaricke and others taught afore after let it remayne for a nyght in Balneo Mariae and then in the morning drawe it forth without any pressing or wrynging forth at all After so worke that it may be seperated as that it may euaporate the burning water in the dystylling after the accustomed maner and that gathered as afore taught of the Agarick And when all the burning water shall be consumed by Balneū Mariae in the bottome of the vessell wyll then remaine a cetayne pouder but whether lyke Salte which vse ▪ of this minister at a time one scruple in white wyne in an apt place and necessary tyme. A pouder of Saltes vnto the seperating of any flewme Take of Hysope of Penny royall of each halfe an once of Organy two drams of Fennell seedes halfe an ounce of Carr●way seedes two drams Lycorys one ounce of burnt Salt sixe ounces ▪ of the Salt of wormewood two drams of the Salt of Iuniper so much of Cinamō one ounce a halfe of long pepper sixe drams of Cordamom● of graines of Paradise of Cloues of each halfe an ounce of Ginger ●ue ounce these after the laboring into pouder mixe togither Of the Oyles of the Saltes of the hearbes which to purchase the Salt must on this wyse be dyssolued Take the Salt which calcyne in the strongest fyre and calcyned let it be after fynelye wrought to powder on a Marble stone this powder then strawe abroade on a Glasse the Glasse after with the powder set into a wyne Seller in a moyst place and the Salt wyll after be dyssolued into an oylie substaunce which of many is properlye named Salsal An oyle of Salte or oyntment of Salt which mightilye anayleth and helpeth as well the hote as the colde distyllinges of the head which is properlie named the rewme take a good quantitye of Salt which grind so fine as is possible after let it be boiled with out any moysture in a frying Pan vntyll it shall attayne a swart colour which ended let it be laboured to powder in a Morter vnto the finest of ●oulted flowre the same then myxe with the oyle Olyue vnto the styfnesse of an oyntment without heate or fyre With this oyntment annoynt the affected or grieued parte in a warme place The Salt Armoniack inuented of a French Empiricke take of the whitest Gum Arabicke three ounces which dyssolue in common water to which after ●dde of common Salte cleare and brought to powder two pounds the whole boyle vnto a iust thicknesse after powre the same into a certaine vessell washed before with common water and both sproungen rounde about and couered with Chimney soote brought to pouder and dryed in an apte place Of Borace The .xij. Chapter THE confection of Borace vsed at Venice a singular secrete Take of Cowes mylke distylled two pyntes of clarified Honnye foure ounces of Saffron three drams or Salt nyter well purged that is pure and somewhat sweete hauing no sharpnes nor tartenes at all fowre poundes Let all these be incorporated with the mylke that is dyssolued at the fyre with three pyntes of the water of the strong myxture drayned through the strongest and best ashes and myxed stronglie togyther After poure the whole into a potte glased which set in a colde and moyst place for one moneth The stone after found in the bottome let it be cleansed agayne and purifyed after this manner Take of the sayd stone one pounde of symple water dystylled foure pyntes the whole dyssolue togyther at the fyre and purge or skymme the froth of verie cleane and when no more some or froth shall aryse euaporate the whole water that is caste or poure the same forth when it shall be through colde and you shall possesse a most pure and fine Borace A syngular forme and way in making of the Borace borrowed out of a Frenche booke written Take newe Butter of one monethes makyng or there about salted which dylligentlye washe often tymes in cleare water Of this Butter washed take one pounde of the oyle of Tartare thrée pyntes these after the myxing in the Sunne poure into an earthen platter or pan glased which stronglie sturre and labour togyther with a large spatle After take one pounde of roche Alome being verye pure and cleare of Salis nitri Alexandrini halfe a pounde these also myxe in the hote Sunne and set abroade at nyght in a cleare ayre For otherwyse if rayne fall on the whole or be wette with water all woulde be in vaine come to naught The vpper face of it onely wyll be coniealed
Le●arge with the ●●●●ning water Lyllyes ▪ Memorye corrupt with the decoction of the Fennell and drunck restoreth ●eb●ed partes it remoueth Melancholie all maner of madnesse with the water of B●rage it helpeth an a●tonish●● sicknesse with burning water ▪ and cureth the falling sicknesse taken with the decoction of the w●●ite ●●te of the Pyonie ▪ gathered in the decre● 〈◊〉 wayne of the 〈◊〉 it ●●●●eth vnto the softnesse or losenesse of members wit● the dist●lled water of Sage or decoction of the same● it cureth the Ophtalmia ●● in●●amation of the eyes and other paines with the water of 〈◊〉 ●ythie of the 〈◊〉 and water● it helpeth distyling 〈◊〉 ●or 〈◊〉 with the water of 〈◊〉 the bleeding of the Nose this helpeth with the water of S●abious it cureth the cough with the water of Mayden hayre and in the spytting of blood with the water of ●●antane in the consumption of the Lunges with the water of Honny and mylke in the paine and swelling of the L●ng● with the water of ryuer Creauisses in the trembling of the heart with the water of ●●●line or Buglosse in the payne of the stomacke with the water of Myntes or decoction of the same in a hote disposition of the body with Rosewater or the water of Myrtylles in the blooddy scouring and gryping of the bellye or flyxe with the water of plantaine in the payne of the Collycke with burning water in the passions of the wormes with the decoction of Zedoaria or wormewood in the swellinges of the Liuer or stopping and water betwéene the skinne with the water of the wylde Endyue and of Lyuerwoort in a hote cause but in a colde cause with the decoction of Spykenarde or Cynamon in the Iaundise with the water of Honysocles commonly named Periclymenos or with Goates whaye in the passions of the Mylte with the water of the Ashe or Tamariske in the passions of the Kydneys stoppinges or fylling and the stone with the water of Tribulorum marinorum or Radyshe Alkekengi and Pympernell or with the pouder of Philantropos or Apparina in the Srangurie vlcers of the Kydneys with Goates mylke in the rupture of the caule of the guts and falling downe of the guts into the coddes with the water of eyther Consolida in the staying backe of the Termes with the water of Sauyne or Mugwoort and in the painfulnesse or straightnes of byrth with the water of Mugwoort it helpeth besydes barrennesse with the water of Nepte and Lauender all maner of ioynt aches happening in any member part of the bodye and consumpcions this cureth with burning water or the Cowslyp or the Lauender this serveth to the pestilent Ague with the water of Sorrell or Buglosse and Scabious to the Canker fystula and scabbydnesse with the water of Verueyne or Buglosse or Sorrell It preserveth a man from poyson and helpeth persons poysoned cureth the byt of a mad Dog with the water of Tormentyll white Dittany or Bystorta or the water of the roote of the Pyonie Quotydians Tertians quartaine Agues in the comming of the cold or beginning of the fytte giue it with the water of Harts tung and it putteth away the vnstable burning Agues with the syrupe of Violettes and that briefly to wryte they affyrme the potable Gold with burning water to procure a noble effect in mans bodie to put away in a maner all sicknesses And of it they appoynt in great sicknesses one scruple or halfe a dram wayght to be ministred at a tyme but in easier or gentler sicknesses vnto the quantitye of halfe a scruple in small grieffes vnto the wayght of two Barlye graines and myxed with a decoction being ten times so much Séeing that they vtter ● teach the making of it many waies for that cause wyl I here declare sundry of them but if any shall desire to knowe more wayes of the same and that the Chymistes terme name of fyxion of the Sonne in our heauine let him reade the Commentarie named the heauine of the Philophers where you shall finde many formes of the potable Golde and that sundrye wyse and in the same also shall you reade many compositions of Aqua vitae of which the trueth it selfe vttereth what fydelitye is to be gyuen to them A dyscription of the making of potable Golde The fyrst take a quantitye of the leaues of chosen Golde which shall seeme apter to thy purpose of the iuyce of Lemmons verye well puryfied so much as shall suffice powred into a bodie orderly stopped as it behooueth set into a Furnace of ashes vnder which a fyre made of a Candle or other lyght for fowr● dayes or more to which after adde halfe so much of burning water fiue tymes distylled ouer this vse according to discretion The second they vttering teaching another way of making the po●able gold doe take of gold leaues beaten very fine thin a. C. i● nūber of salt finely grinded on a smoth marble stone half anounce these mixed togither washed in hote water they after poure into a glasse body framed or hauing a long neck in the bottom fenced with the lute of wisdom on the mouth of which a keuer artly set vnder which a fire made of a light hauing iij. matches or wykes that they may distil as the order is accordi● to art ▪ that if any part of the gold shal yet remain in the bottom of the vessel they k●epe the same vnto vse The thyrde by another maner preparing and making the potable Gold they take one part of the purest Golde of quicksyluer two partes which they stiepe togither for a daye and a nyght vntyll the Golde shall be dyssolued by his force after they distyll the whole with a fyre vntyll the quicksyluer be seperated from the Golde and to the Golde resting in the bottome of the vessell then tending vnto a blacknesse they adde of Buglosse water halfe a pynt and the mouth of the vessell being stopped or keuered after arte they mayntaine fyre vnder for three dayes three nyghtes vnto the meltyng or through dyssoluing of the Gold. The fourth let be taken of the cement of Gold one ounce which compound or myxe with one ounce of pure Spanishe quicksiluer the whole put into a Glasse bodie common Oyle powred vpon floting well two fingers aboue then let it boyle on hote Ashes or ymbers for .xxiiij ▪ howres and when it shall be through cold draw forth the Oyle that which remayneth washe with warme water vntyll the moysture and vnctuousnesse be seperated dryed the same bring or worcke into a fyne pouder which then put with the Sulphure into a Crucible or coales mayntayning the fyre vntyll the Brimstone be burned or consumed after take the gold and grynde it with Salt for a certaine tyme and after with Hony make a long grynding on a Marble stone then washe it with hote water vntyll the Gold be very well clensed and pure after take vryne dystylled
the heade and wrap a Lynnen cloth many times about that ioynt to the ende that the passages and pores may on such wyse be stopped that no vapour at all breath forth then haue in a readynesse a baled Payle or other lyke vessell of woode expressed by the letter F. full of colde water ▪ and bored of eyther side directlye that the Pype descending from the nose of the Heade may passe ouerthwhart this Paile along within the colde water By this meanes and waye shall you knowe what maner of Spirites haue bene commixed with the Mynerall water For the Sande contayned in the Earthen pot heated by the fire doth make hote by his heate the Bozia or Vrinall bodie and the water contayned in the same from which many vapors continually are sent which ascending and flying to the head are there thickened and conuerted into water which running downe by the Pype retayneth as yet the vapors bycause that the water descending by this Pype is somewhat cooled by the colde as well of the Pype as of the 〈◊〉 water whych is in the wooden vessell ouerthwart the whych the Pype extendeth and passeth along that toucheth the water so that the cooling of the one and the other doth not permit that the vapours being in the water which descende to breath forth Thus procéede with that fire vnder the Furnace vntill all the water shall be dystilled forth and consumed in the Glasse bodie Thys done drawe the Bozia out of the Earthen pot in whych you shall finde and sée yet remayning some moysture the same let to drye and consume away in the sunne after set in the Sunne the Fecies or groundes which shall be at the bottome of the vessell and let them throughlye drie When the Fecies shall be thus dryed in the Sunne then it behooueth to consider marke what in them is contained Certayne wyll that the sedunents or groundes be layde abroade on a fayre smooth Table and beholde them in the Sunne to the ende that what bright and shyning Bodie shall be there the same may appeare more easily in the Beames of the Sunne As touching my mynde in this I rather wyshe that another matter be afore done First so soone as the Bozia shall be drawne forth of the Furnace the sediments or grounds being yet hote it behooueth to approch and put downe the Nose to the mouth of the Bozia for a man shall easily knowe and perceyue by the smell whether the same be of Cleye or of Earth which is impossible to knowe by any other meanes In lyke maner the sauour of the groundes yet being hote bryngeth or yéeldeth a knowledge of the redde Chalke that we name Ruddell which rendreth a sauour swéete and by the same note is the presence of the Oker perceyued After that the sedimentes shall be somewhat more cooled take a portion of the same rubbing it betwéene the fingers By the same meanes shall you discerne and knowe the Sandaraca Brymstone Orpyment and others lyke In the ende let the groundes being drye be spredde on a Table in the Sunne for if there shall be any small Bodyes of Alumne those will be made manifest by the Sunne so that on such wyse shall they apparantly shewe and be séene By this maner and fashion shall you perceyue the Salt if it be gathered in bygge graynes the Nytre lykewise if it be in great quantitie for that in small quantity the same is very hardly discerned The Brymstone if it be pure is knowne by his colour in that it is somewhat yelow or palyshe euen so may a man haue iudgement or perceyueraunce of Ashes and Stones clotted and hardned togither As touching other Mettals as the Golde Siluer Tin Iron and such like are not knowne for that those are sometymes so much myxed with Marble Ashes and such lyke things that they cannot be iudged or perceyued by any sense yea although that you taste the sediment yet may you knowe nothing by the same For which cause it behooueth to procéede and trie by another meanes and way as to spreade that sediment on a Lamyne of Iron polyshed and burning or redde hote for on such wyse shall it be ●asie to dyscerne the Ashes Marble Gypsum Lyme Brymstone Salt Nytre and Ceruse Forsomuch that if it hath of the Lyme or Marble they will not be burned at all but after that some one of the others shall be burned they will remayne possesse a colour more white than they had afore And if you discerne or sée that it hath any matter which cannot be burned but rather incontinent becōmeth very white know for troth that the same is Gypsū for which cause the Lyme Marble and Gypsum agrée and partake in this that they be not burned at all but remayne and be caused more whyte yet this difference there is that the Lyme and Marble are slowly caused whyte and their whytenesse is not much more increased than it was before But contrarywise the Gypsum attayneth incontinent a whytenesse whych is much greater tha● the same was before The Brymstone is also easily knowne by this experience forsomuch as that it m●lteth and representeth his proper sauor The Salt likewyse and the Nytre are knowne for that their sediments if they be there are burned and will cast forth sparckles But thys difference there is for if there be Salt it wyll sparckle and cracke lykewise if onely Nytre it wyll sparkle wythout cracking If the matter be myxed of Salt and Nytre whyles the sediment is in burning part of it wyll sparckle and cracke and part of it wyll sparckle wythout cracking I neuer yet founde the Leade by this experience but I suppose that if it were founde in the s●diment it woulde be molten on a Lamy●e of Iron burning If there be in it of the Ceruse the groundes then wyll render or be caused redde whych is also a note of the Leade for so much as these two are verye lyttle dyffering For the Ceruse is made of Leade and of Ceruse the Vermillon that is a like quantitie of Ceruse and Ruddell or redde earth burned togither If you sée that the sediment is molten and become so whyte as Mylke you maye not perswade and gather incontinent that there is in it of the Allum for although that there be sometymes a note that there is of the Allum with his stone yet may it be caused there to be without m●lting for the Allum is molten one whyles by heate an other whyles by moysture The other Mettals cannot be knowne by any of these experiences I neuerthelesse haue founde an Arte which I haue experienced at the Aponitaine Bathes Lucensis and the water of Villensis which is on such wyse When you will examine and trye if any water hath of the Vitrioll or of Allum or other lyke Mynurall cause the water first to boyle not in a vessell of Glasse but of Tynne or Iron after that the water shall be boyled a certaine tyme let it settle then after the