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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A81447 A diary of the siege of Colchester by the forces under the command of Generall Fairfax 1648 (1648) Wing D1378A; ESTC R231937 8,141 2

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A DIARY of the Siege of COLCHESTER by the Forces under the Command of Generall FAIRFAX The SIEGE of COLCHESTER By the Lord Fairfax As it was with the Line and Outworks 1648 Col Fothergall's Fort Horse Guard Foot Guard Fort Suffolk Fort Rainsborough Fort Bloyes Col. Fothergall's quarters Col. Harvey's quarters Col. Gourdons Horse quarters Horse Guard Foot Guard Col. Bloyes his quarters Col. Sir Tho. Barnadileons quarters Col. Whaley's Horse quarters Fort Whaley Grinstead Church Foot Guard Water Mill Horse Guard Water Mill Col. Scroops quarters of Horse Col. Ingolesby's quarters of Foot Col. Ewers his quarters of Foot at first Horse Guard Horse Guard Col Ewers Leagure The great Broom Heath Fort Ingolesby the Town Waterhouse Grinstead house burnt Lucas house S. Iohns Abbey Trinity Church the Castle S. Peters Maudline Chap. S. Mary Magdalens Hithe Black Fryars Crouchet Fryars Fort Needham M. r Barringtons House Col. Fleetwoods Horse quarters Fort Essex Barkstead Fort Lexden head quarters Foot Guard Horse Guard Col Cook 's Foot quarters Traine of great Gunns Col. Hunniwoods Foot quarters 5 Comp. of Col. Barksteads Regt. quarters Dragoons Guard and quarters Horse Guard The Generalls quarter of Horse 2 Troops of the Lieut. Generalls Horse 4 Comp. of the Lord of Warwick's Regiment Col. Harlackendens Horse quarters Colne River Suffolk Road London Road Malden Road Road into the Hundreds Merrie Road Cambridge Road East Street maudline Street A. S. Martins B. S. Rumbals C. S. Tenant Chap. D. S. Nicholas E. Allhalows F. S. Iames G. S. Botolphs H. S. Gyles I. North Gate K. East Gate L. Botolphs Gate M. Shore Gate N. Head Gate O. High Street P. East Street Q. Botolph Street S. Marys R. Wyer Street S. Cow Street T. Middleborow V. Bouchers W. More-elm Lane X. Trinity Lane Y. S. Martins Lane Z. Tenants Lane Tuesday June 13. The Lord Fairfax engaged in the fields bef●●● Colchester near S. t Maries the Lord Gorings Forces together with the Forces under Command of the Lord Capell and Sir Charl's Lucas and beat them into the Town Colonell St. William Leyton and between 4 and 500 of the Kings Forces were taken prisoners 200 of them being of Colonell Farrs Regiment and in pursuit of the rest Col. Barkestead with his Regiment entred the Suburbs as far as head-Gate and entred the Gate but being overpowered there and out of the Church-yard the Kings Forces Barracadoed the Gate leaving neer 500 men to our mercy yet notwithstanding those foot and Col. Needhams fought many hours after in hopes to gain the Town at that place but could not the Kings Forces making good resistance there were slain of the Kings Forces Col. Sir William Campion Col. Cooke and divers Officers of quality and about 80 private soldiers Col. Panton Capt Brunkerd Clifford Wors op and divers other Officers wounded On General Fairfax's side Col. Needham Capt. Lawrence of Horse Capt. Cox of foot and neer 100 private souldiers and inferior Officers were slain when we enter'd the Suburbs the Lord Goring was Summoned but returned an Answer not becoming a Gentleman The Word of the Kings Forces at the Fight was Charles the ground they fought upon Maries C … Gods our help The Forces under the Command of Generall Fairfax engaged in the Fight before Colchester June 13. 1648 As also the names of the chief Commanders and persons of Quality of the Lord Gorings Forces engaged at that Fight Generall Fairfaxes Forces engaged in that Fight Part of the Generalls Regiment of Horse being 4 Troops Commanded by Major Desbrough Of Col. Whaleys Regiment 6 Troops Commanded by himself Of Col. Fleetwoods 5 Troops Commanded by Major Coleman Three Troops of Commissary Genl. Iretons Commanded by Captain Cecill Two Troops of Dragoons Commanded by Captain Freeman and Captain Barrington Of Foot Col. Barksteeds Regiment Commanded by himself consisting of 10 Companies about 800 men Col. Needhams Regiment lately the Tower Regiment Com̄anded by Col. Needham being 7 Companies and about 400 men Part of Col. Inglesby's Regiment of 4 Companies Commanded by Capt. Grimes 320 men Of the Essex Forces Col. Harlackenden● Regiment of 4 Troops of horse Commanded by Major Robert Sparrow and Captain Turners Troop of Dragoons Sir Thomas Hunniwoods Regiment of Foot Col. Cooks Regiment of Foot both which said Regiments consisted of Auxiliaries and Trained bands The County Forces of Essex left to secure Chelmsford and Mansden two considerable Passes left more Forces should resort from London to the Lord Goring Colonel Henry Mildmaies Regiment of Horse and two Troops of Dragoons Part of Col. Carew Mildmaies Regiment of Foot Commanded by Major Bard. The Suffolk Forces who made good the Passes over the River at Nailand Stratford and Cadaway lest the Enemy should escape towards Suffolk and Norfolk were under the Command of Capt. Fisher Captain Bradling and Captain Sparrow besides the assistance which Capt Ball Capt. Cox and the rest of the Sea Commanders gave to secure the River The Suffolk Forces that came afterwards to help besiege this Town Colonel Gourdons Regiment of Horse Of Foot Regiments Colonel Sir Thomas Barnadistons Col. Fothergils Col. Harveys Col. Bloises Of the Army that came up after the Fight Col. Scroop with 3 Troops of horse of his Regiment The Lord Gorings Forces engaged in that Fight Of Horse Lord Gorings Regiment Lord Capels Regiment Sir William Comptons Col. Slingsbies Col. Sir Bernard Gascoignes Colonel Hamonds Colonel Culpeppers Of Foot Sir Charles Lucas his Regimt. Sir George Lisles Regiment Colonel Tilleys Regimt. Col. Tewk his Regiment Col. Farrs Regiment Colonel Gilburds Regiment Col. Sir William Campions Regiment himself slain Colonel Burds Regiment Colonel Bowmans Regiment Col. Chesters Regiment Colonels who had no Commd. of Regiments yet assisting at that Fight Earl Louborough Lord Hastings Sir William Leyton Colonel taken Prisoner and wounded Col. Sir Richard Hastings Colonel Iohn Heath Colonel Lee of Kent Colonel Panton wounded Colonel Cook slain Colonel Sir Hugh Orelie Quarter-master Gen. Col. William-Mexey Col. Pitman Col. Beal Lieu. Col. Hatch slain Major Jammot Adjutant Gen. besides divers Lieutenant Colonels and Majors who were assistants but had no Commands Wednesday 14. Generall Fairfax perceiving the Lord Gorings Forces would not stand the field resolved to sit down before the Town in order to a Siege but being too few to Storm it having not then nor when he first engaged 1500 old Foot and but about 1500 Horse and two Troops of Dragoons besides the 2 Regiments of the Trained Bands under Col Sir Thomas Hunniwood and Col Cooke the Lord Gorings Forces at that time being about 6000 Horse Foot in Town and the Town and Suburbs larger in Compas than Oxford and would require 5000 men to Besiege it appointed Lexden in the road to London for the Head-Quarter where the greatest Body was to lie to prevent more aid for coming from London to the Lord Goring and kept strong Guards of Horse on Cambridge road on the other side the River that they might not escape