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A00419 Maison rustique, or The countrey farme· Compyled in the French tongue by Charles Steuens, and Iohn Liebault, Doctors of Physicke. And translated into English by Richard Surflet, practitioner in physicke. Now newly reuiewed, corrected, and augmented, with diuers large additions, out of the works of Serres his Agriculture, Vinet his Maison champestre, French. Albyterio in Spanish, Grilli in Italian; and other authors. And the husbandrie of France, Italie, and Spaine, reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England: by Geruase Markham. The whole contents are in the page following; Agriculture et maison rustique. English Estienne, Charles, 1504-ca. 1564.; Liébault, Jean, ca. 1535-1596. aut; Surflet, Richard, fl. 1600-1616.; Markham, Gervase, 1568?-1637. 1616 (1616) STC 10549; ESTC S121357 1,137,113 746

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the third a Willow groue and Oziar plot the fourth a great Riuer the fifth a Medow the sixth a great champion ground the seuenth Coppies of vnderwood the eight plentie of Bushes and a Warren and the ninth a forrest of great Trees or Oakes to beare Acornes Now amongst all these seuerall points of perfect beautie we may see that the principall is vvater and vvood because that hauing vvater one may easily make Medowes Garden plots Oziar yards and Willow plots all along the vvaters and riuers and hauing vvoods one may make Vnderwoods Warrens Bushes and high great trees also if it be lopt and pruned vnderneath to make it shoot vp and grow on high And he must not leaue aboue three or foure branches at the most and then they will become tall and high by and by because that the root is disburdened of all the rest of his boughes by hauing them cut downe in like sort the ground sendeth all such nourishment vnto these three or foure branches as it had imployed in the nourishment of many branches of small vvood and affoordeth growth vnto the straightest and fairest branches which are left behind to come to perfection thus in a small time they become tall and great trees and beare acornes So in like manner there is not that vvood of high and great growth cut downe in good and seasonable time vvhich putteth not forth small vvood and bushes if cattell and beasts be carefully kept out Whereupon I will conclude that in planting of woods there are three things principally requisite to the making of a beautifull place that is to say little wood great wood bushes and a warren for it is the like reason to plant the one and the other for of the one the other is made wherefore in respect of the pleasure profit and beauty of the place it is meet and conuenient to plant woods But the chiefe pleasure and pastime which commeth by wild woods is that being ioined to your house and champion habitation which is the place where it must be seated or planted it is pleasant to the sight for by its diuersity of greenenesse it maruellously delighteth and with great contentment recreateth the sight The second pleasure or pastime is that the woods being neere vnto your lodging are alwaies full of all sorts of pretie birds which sing Sommer and Winter all the day long and most part of the night as nightingales and such other like whereby their songs become ioyfull and delightsome to the eare and so there is a pleasure and great contentment to the eare euen to them in the house if it be neere vnto Another pleasure is that in the said woods there are alwaies great store of wood coists popingaies stares cranes and other sorts of birds which make you pastime to see them flie and there may also pleasure be reaped in taking of them with little engines as with a call nets the tonnell or other such like The fourth is that in the woods there are to bee had conies hares squirrels and other sorts of small beastes pleasant to behold and of great seruice for prouision of vitaile The fifth is that in hot seasons you may purchase a coole aire within the said woods as those which will couer and defend you from the iniurie and vexation of the Sunne and contrariwise cooling you vvhether the heat will or no and therein you haue also to behold a comfortable greenenesse both vpon the boughes and ground vvhich keepeth his grasse greene through the coolenesse and shadow of the trees The sixth is that in Winter being in the said vvoods you are out of the iniurie and force of the vvinds and great cold because they breake them off and further in these vvoods you are solitarie and may vse your leasure in reading writing or meditating vpon your affaires vvithout being disquieted or distracted or drawne to cast your sight abroad ouer any farre distant place or countrey in as much as the sight cannot pierce through the boughes or bushes Besides the said pleasures there commeth much profit thereof as well for the feeding of cattell and that in the shadow and with store of grasse at commandement at all times as also in respect of the Oake mast Beech mast Chesnuts and other fruits vvhich the trees beare vvhich serue for the fatting of hogges and are very necessarie for other beasts and for that also you may vpon certaine yeares make fall of your vvoods to make faggots fire vvood stakes to hedge in garden plots and other inclosures as also rods for Vines to runne vpon and if there be cut downe any Chesnut-trees or Hasels you may besides the things alreadie named make your profit of hoopes and boords for vvine-vessels in such sort as that these your vvoods shall not onely doe you pleasure but profit also if so be you be so disposed to make your vse of it By this meanes you may coniecture that the ground which is imploied in bearing of vvood is not any thing inferior in profit vnto others which are imployed in bearing of Corne and Vines It is very true that the commaundement or vse and profit of it are longer time in purchasing and more hardly come by than that of Corne and Vines but it recompenceth it with the double in the end for the first charges once defrayed nature bringeth forth both the greater and the smaller vvood vvithout the helpe of man and vvithout any labour vvhich happeneth not in Corne-grounds and Vineyards seeing they beare not except they be continually husbanded and tilled Wherefore the ground imploied in Beech mast and vvood yeeldeth as much profit as any other and will stand the house in as great stead seeing it cannot be any way held or inhabited without vvood I haue heere beene the more vvilling to declare and lay downe in briefe the pleasure and profit that commeth of vvoods to the end that they which take paines in those courses may not thinke that they haue lost their time and cost bestowed thereupon and that they may not be ashamed at the first blow of their trauaile and long attendance seeing that afterward both the pleasure and the profit doth abide and continue vvithout any further cost and that vnto them and their posteritie Wherefore my counsell and aduise vnto the good husband and master of the familie is that he apply himselfe to such planting of vvoods betimes that so he may the sooner enioy the pleasures thereof and that in so doing he cast them so as that they may grow as neere vnto his lodging and house where he meaneth to dwell as possibly may be for his further both profit and pleasure for if no good else should come thereof yet they would serue to breake the raging and blustering vvindes annoying the house if they be well placed and so conueniently as a man may be able to dispose them CHAP. XIIII A treatise of the nature properties and differences of wilde trees and what ground
they delight most in SEeing it hath beene deliuered and laid downe here aboue what time and manner is to be obserued in the planting of all wild trees and in giuing them such tillage as may easily and in short time procure their growth it hath seemed good vnto me to write some little thing of the nature and sorts of trees which are planted and found ordinarily in the vvoods and forrests of France and to declare briefely what manner of ground they delight in and in what soile they proue greatest and most profitable to the end that the planters of them be not frustrated of their paines and purpose and that that which requireth a drie and hot soyle be not planted in a moist and low soyle as also that the trees vvhich delight in a moist and low countrey be not planted in mountaines and drie countries for this falleth out oftentimes to be the cause that such as bestow their cost in planting doe misse of their intent and that the plant being in a ground cleane contrarie vnto it doth not come to any profit For which cause I will here in a word expresse my mind concerning that point not with any purpose to describe or comprise all the natures vertues and properties of trees neither yet to speake of all kinds of trees but onely to describe and declare the places and grounds wherein they prosper and grow most as also to make knowne the diuersitie that is amongst trees of one and the same sort and of one and the same name as which are most fit to be planted and best for to make shadowes to walke or sit in I know that there are diuers sorts of trees that grow both in the Easterne Northerne and Southerne parts of the vvorld vvhereof we are almost altogether ignorant and which in respect of the diuersitie of the regions doe not grow at all in this climate and of these I mind not to speake at all because my purpose is only in briefe to lay downe that which is necessarie to be knowne about the planting of common trees such as are ordinarily to be found in our owne forrests and not of strange and forraine ones the trouble about which would be more than the pleasure And as for such as are desirous to attaine the perfect knowledge of all manner of trees growing in any part of the world and their vertues properties natures and seeds they may see the same at large in Theophrastus in his fourth booke of the historie of Plants and in the third booke vvhere hee particularly entreateth of the kinds of wild and sauage trees for he particularly runneth through the nature force vertue seed and manner of planting of euery wild tree as well those of the East North and South as those of the West but it shall be sufficient for vs at this time to declare the nature of fiue or six sorts of trees which commonly grow in the countries hereby and of their kinds and what ground euery one delighteth in Now therefore to begin there are two sorts of trees in generall the one is called vvater-trees or trees delighting to grow in or neere vnto the brinkes of vvaters in medowes and in low and watrie places the other land trees or trees delighting to grow vpon the firme and solid land and vvhere the waters by inundations or ouerflowings vse not to come But first we will speake of the trees liuing in or about vvater CHAP. XV. Of the Aller Poplar Birch Willow and other trees haunting the water YOu shall vnderstand that there are foure or fiue sorts of trees vvhich of their owne nature grow neere vnto vvaters and which except they haue great store of moisture doe hardly prosper or grow at all of vvhich amongst the rest the Aller is one that most coueteth the vvater for the Aller is of that nature as that it would be halfe couered in vvater and at the least the most part of the rootes must of necessitie be within and stand lower than the vvater for otherwise they would not take insomuch as that trees of such nature ought to be planted in moist medowes and neere vnto the brookes running along by the said medowes or in marshes for in such grounds they take and grow exceeding vvell This tree is apt to take in moist places because it is a vvhite vvood containing much pith and putting forth great store of boughes in a short time by reason of the moistnesse of the vvaters vvherewith it is nourished and fed The said Aller trees may be planted two manner of wayes as namely either of branches gathered from great Allers or of liue roots digged vp in most places together with the earth and set againe in the like ground and that in such sort as that the halfe of the said roots be lower than the water and the vpper part couered with earth the depth of one finger and in the meane time before they be planted they must haue all their branches cut off too within a fingers length of the root and it will put forth againe many young shoots after the manner of Hasel trees You may read more of the Aller tree in the fourth booke There is another sort of vvater-wood which hereabout is commonly called white wood of this kind are the Poplar Birch and other sorts of wood which grow close by the water side and vpon the banks of ditches springs and little brookes and it is a common practise in Italie to lay their conueyances and pipes to carrie their vvater from riuers throughout their grounds of those woods And these kinds of trees may be easily planted of young roots along by the vvater and riuer side both most conueniently and profitably especially the white Poplar otherwise called the Aspe tree whose leaues are apt to shake with euerie small winde Where rootes cannot be got there may in their stead be taken faire and strong plants such as are vsed in the planting of Willowes The Birch doth somewhat resemble the white Poplar in his barke and the Beech tree in his leafe but it craueth a colder and moister soile than the Poplar And this is the cause why it groweth so plentifully in cold countries The other sort of vvater-wood is the Willow vvhich as wee finde by proofe groweth nothing well except it be in a moist and warrie countrie and neere ioyning to vvaters The manner of planting of Willowes is commonly by setting of Willow plants and those such as are of a good thicknesse and strength as namely as great as one may gripe for looke how much the stronger and thicker they be so much the moe shoots will they put forth and so much the stronger This tree differeth much from the Aller for the Aller will haue his rootes all within water but the Willow would stand higher and spread his roots along into the ground that is wet and moist and neere vnto water vvithout hauing his roots altogether in the water according whereunto it is
waters dist●lled in Maries bath to retaine their vertues Waters distilled in the ins●rument called the Bladder The waters distilled ouer the vapour of boyling water The 〈◊〉 of waters distilled in M●ries bath Chusing of the ●ead Heads of Bra●●● and Copper How to order Glasse-stills For the 〈◊〉 of water●● Two things to be considered in 〈◊〉 The 〈…〉 What kind of things are infused in wine What mat●er or things are to be infused 〈◊〉 vinegar or ●ine Infusions in the bloud of Man a Swine or mal● Goat Infusion must he●p or increas● the force of the things distilled The addition of salt Putrifaction Furnaces must be set in a place where they may not do● or take hurt When we are to stand farre off from the 〈◊〉 and not to come neere them The chusing of Glasse-stilles A gentle fire at the first What quantitie of matter is best to be put in the still To distill in the heat of sand To make a spe●dier distillation than o●di●arie Vinegar distilled in that sort To distill one water many times The heat required to the distilling of one thing o●● The extracting of quintessences To seperate the flegme in distilled liquors The time of the flegme his comming forth When the still is in good temper and stilleth not too fast nor too slow To giue a good smell or taste to distilled waters Troubled waters Water of wormwood Water of Winter Cherrie● Water of common Walnuts Water of Walnut tree leaues Water of strawberries a●ainst ve●ime spots To procure termes To dry the weeping eye The water of Ash-tree Water of cherrie stones and kernells The falling 〈◊〉 Water of filberds Water of danewort The water of Betonie The water of Gent●an The plague The water of pelli●●ri● Paine of the Teeth Water of eye-bright The water of Nicotian The water of Paules betonie Leprosie Scabs The water of Hyssope The water of turneps Water of Lymons The water of Fenell The water of parsley Water of smallage basile 〈◊〉 buglosse c. The water of cinnamome A bad stomacke 〈…〉 Venime Rosewater Water of orange flowers Water of wild apples The water of elder rosemary and marigolds What is meant by liquor in th●● place Aqua-vitae The bladder still to distill Aqua vitae in Aqua vitae o●ten distilled Signes sh●wing that the Aqua-vitae is sufficiently distilled Aqua-vitae is distilled either of wine or wine 〈◊〉 or beere Vessells for the distilling of Aqua-vitae Vertues of Aqua-vitae Distilled vineger The difference betwixt Aqua-vitae and Vineger in their maner of distilling What vessels Vineger would be distilled in The vertues of distilled Vineger Salted water or Sea water Honey distilled To colour the haire Turpentine distilled The bloud of a male Goat distilled The stone Mans bloud distilled The bloud of a Drake distilled Distilled milke The vertues of distilled milke The milke of a she Goat distilled The distilling of mans dung Deepe vlcers The biting of ● mad dogge To giue a good smell to the distilled water To distill liuing things The water of a storke Water of Swallowes The Water of flesh Water of Egges Restoratiues The diuine restoratiue Another restoratiue Another restoratiue Another restoratiue A restoratiue to be made presently Compound wate●s Three sorts of common compound waters Sage water compounded Turnep water compounded Water of angelica compounded Falling sicknes Water of celandine compound Water of the vine compound Rose water compounded It preserueth the sight Eybright water compounded Rosemarie water compounded Fistulaes of the eies Water of trecle Vlcers of the mouth Treacle water Water of cloues Paine of the stomacke and bellie Saxifrage water The Stone Water of Swallowes Horse-taile water Vlcers of the reines Corneflag water Burne●-water Stone Grauell A water for the eyes An imperiall water An Allome water Purging waters Catholicum and Diap●oenicon distilled Water of Rhubarbe distilled Sweet water Lauander water Water of Cloues The water of sweet smells Rose-water musked Water of Spike Damask water Water of Myrrhe rose-Rose-water sweetned with Muske Water of Oranges Water of Nasse or Orange flowers The counterfeit water of Orange flowers A sweet smelling water A water for Fukes The vses of waters for Fukes Water of Strawberries Water of Beane-flower The water of Dragons Water of Guaiacum The water of Peaches and Willowes Water of whites of egges Water of 〈◊〉 of bread Water of Snailes Water of the whites of egges Water of Calues feet A water making white Water of crums of bread Water of the broth of a Capon Water of Bran. A sweet water Another water A water to paint the face withall Water of Cowes mi●ke Water of egges A water to colour or paint the face withall The water of Lard Water of Honey Water of Capers A painting and colouring water A water to cleanse the teeth To distill as it is called per ascensum Wha● 〈◊〉 of Oyles are distilled per desce●sum Rose-water distilled per descensum The Sea-Onion distilled per descensum To kill Rats and Mice Another manner of distilling waters per descensum and that without heat Water of the yellow parts of Violets To distill by the Filtre Virgins milk● Hearbes Seedes Flowers Fruits Spices 〈◊〉 Gumme● Beasts or the parts of Beasts Which ●e the distilled Oyles Two sorts of vessel● for th● distilling of Oyles The head The Gourd and the Head The preparing of the matter No oyle can be drawne in Maries-bath The order that must be kept in distillation The signes of the distillation ended A comparison betwixt th● water of the simple and the water vsed in the distilling of the simple To distill already distilled water The continuance of distilled oyles The 〈◊〉 Fruits Spice● and ar●maticall drugs Oyle of Cinnamome The preparing of wood for to draw oyles 〈◊〉 of The placing of the vessells Oyle of ●uaiacum wood Oyle of Ash-tree wood Two waies to extract oyles out of liquid Gums Oyle of Turpentine Thus 〈◊〉 Oyle o● waxe distilled When the distillation is ended Oyle of Waxe Another manner of making oyle of Waxe The 〈◊〉 of the oyle of wax The gathering of the Mulberrie-tree leaues Signes that the wormes would mak● silk● For to know the colour of the silk The choice of the 〈◊〉 The choice of breeding wormes The difference betwixt male and female wormes The diseases of silke-wormes Salt Marshes To make new medow grounds Oates a great breeder of grasse To sow Medowes Geese a greas enemie to good grounds 〈…〉 To gather out the stones To horrow it The manuring of it Bottomes of Hay-mowes Sluces and Draines To sow medowes Sops in wine or Snaile-clauer Cato Palladius Plantaine Wild Carret Wound-wort Germander Small Rampions Wild Saffron● Laughing Smallage Great and small water Germander in the Medowes of Cheles Carpenters w●rt-●alme Blessed thistle Pimpernell Saxifrage a great friend to Medowes Sweepings of Hay-barne floores Foddering of great cattell Foddering of Sheepe Commoditie of foddering Mowing of meadowes Best time to cut grasse Wind-rowes Great hay-cockes Sowre and harsh-grasse Choyce and vse of haye Moist-hay Drie-hay Curiositie
reading of old Writers or their owne ouer-reaching curiositie the ruine and ouerthrow of all good wits so many new inuented fashions of Building Tilling Speaking or Writing seeing that by such meanes in seeming to reforme things without the perfect knowledge of them men haue beene brought oftentimes vtterly to spill spoyle and marre the same And therefore I would not haue you to maruell if the Frame and Toile vsed about our French Countrey-Farme be not altogether like to that of former and auncient daies for it is my purpose following the Prouerbe which sayth That we must learne the manners of our auncient predecessours and practise according to the present Age to lay out vnto you the waies so to dwell vpon order and maintaine a Farme Meese or Inheritance in the Fields name it as you please as that it may keepe and maintaine with the profit and encrease thereof a painefull and skilfull Husbandman and all his Familie whereupon it commeth to passe that the countrey inhabitants doe call it at this day the onely or principall and greatest gaine that is because no other thing bringeth more gaine vnto the master thereof than the earth if it be well husbanded and reasonably maintained Now for as much as with good reason my countreymen of England may obiect against this Worke that albeit it may sort well with any soyle that is in any degree how much collaterall soeuer allyed to this temper clyme mixture of the French yet to vs that are so much remote in nature and qualitie and who●e Earth giueth vnto vs for our most generall profit things and fruits either little or very stranger-wise acquainted with them and in as much as there may be found that difference in our labours which may equall the difference of our tasts they being as farre from our Barley as wee from their Vine and wee as farre from their Fruits as they from our Woolls I will after the faithfull translation of their noble experiences adde the difference of our customes and to their labors adde the experience and knowledge of our best Husbandmen hoping thereby to giue a publike content to ou● Nation who seeing the true difference of both Kingdomes may out of an easie iudgement both compare and collect that which shall be fittest for his vse and commoditie CHAP. II. A briefe shew of that which shall more largely ●e described in that which followeth THe better to helpe the memorie and as it were by the way of pointing out of our French Husbandrie I will propound and set before you a champion place seated in such a coast or corner as you may find not as you could chuse and there wee will prepare without extraordinarie costs or charges a House with all such appurtenances or verie neere such as are fit and requisite for our time as good Cato hath drawne and described for his in that Treatise of Husbandrie set downe by him for the Commonwealth of the Romans And in the same place we will entreat of the state and dutie of the Farmer his Wife his People Cattell flying Fowles and such other things At the one side of this House euen iust in the place whereupon the Sunne riseth and in one part thereof wee will place the household garden which neere vnto the borders of his quicke-set hedge shall containe a frame of Railes in forme of an Arbor for Vines to runne vpon for the furnishing of our household store with Veriuice and other necessarie hearbes for the house and we shall not altogether neglect or forget to prouide and plant in the same place hearbes sit for medicine And yet furthermore in this garden also you shall plant things to make your profit vpon as Saffron Teazill Woad red Madder Hempe and Flaxe if it seeme not better to reserue this part of Husbandrie for fields that are full of Fennes or waterish Places In the other part wee shall make a garden for flowers and sweet smels with his ornaments and quarters garnished with many strange Trees About the Hedge we shall set for to make pottage withall Pease Beanes and other sorts of Pulse as also Melons Citrons Cucumbers Artichokes and such like in which place wee shall entreat of Bees Next to our gardens were must dresse some well-defenced piece of ground or greene plot for fruits and there place our nurcerie for kernels and feeds and there plant such stocks as whereon we intend to graft After or next hereto our square of old growne trees and such as haue beene transplanted taken vp and remoued and together with these things we will write of Silkewormes and prescribe the waies to distill Waters and Oyles as also to make Cyders Next in order to our foresaid Greene plot lying neere some one or other little Brooke we are to lay our Medow Grounds or Pastures for feeding compassed about with Osier Elme Aller-tree and Withie and by the borders of such Hedge we will prouide some Poole of standing water or running Spring and next in order to these the great and large Medowes for the prouision and reuenues of the Lord. Betwixt the South and the North we will appoint and set downe Corne-grounds and teach how to measure them and describe their fashion and manner of ●illing in which place wee will speake of making and baking of Bread and ouer and aboue the moitie or halfe part of a hanging thing and the moitie of a Butt or little Hill In the place which is neerest vnto the South we will plant the Vine and withall declare the ordering of the same Wee will speake of Vintage and the making of common and medicinable Wines And thereto wee will adde the diuers sorts of Wines which grow in our Countrey of France Betwixt the North and the East we will place our Warren either vpon some Hill or in some other place fit to hunt in and in the higher grounds wee will plant small Wood and great Timber-trees not forgetting in the meane time any thing which may appertaine to the ordering and gouerning of Wood or concerning Carpentrie We will also make mention of Parkes for wild Beasts of the hunting of them but that in a few words for there is no need that a good Householder should trouble his braine with much hunting and of the breeding of Herons Finally we will briefely describe the order and manner of taking of Birds So that after all these things there shall not much remaine further to be added hereunto either concerning the pleasure or prof●t of a Countrey Farme especially such a one as a man ought to desire which would liue carefully and within the compasse of reason vpon the labouring of his Land CHAP. III. What things are requisite before we goe in hand with building of this Countrey Farme AS concerning the proprietie of Inheritance whereof manie Authors both Greeke and Latine haue entreated so exactly and curiously I doe not at all intend to incomber my selfe therewith
called of the Latines Acanthus groweth in stonie and moist places although it loue to be diligently tended or otherwise not to yeeld anie profit The root and leaues are verie mollifying taken in drinke they prouoke vrine and applyed in forme of a Cataplasme they are good against con●ulsions wrenches and contractions of the ligaments They are to good effect vsed in the Clysters of them which haue the Dropsie Diuels-bit so called because it sheweth as though the middle or the heart of the root were gnawed or bitten by some Diuell so soone as it is planted or hath put vp in anie place as though the Diuell did enuie the good which it bringeth vnto men by the incredible vertues that are therein craueth no great husbandrie neither yet anie fat earth or verie moist for as we see it groweth vpon mountaines in bushes and places altogether barren It is true that it groweth also in medowes but yet such as are not verie moist It is found in great aboundance in the medowes of Verriere a borough neere vnto Paris The root and greene leaues being stamped together and applyed vnto Carbuncles and pestilent Buboes doe heale them The Wine wherein they haue boyled is drunke with good successe against the Plague and against the griefes and suffocation of the Mother The powder of the root thereof is verie good against Wormes Cinquefoile so called because of the fiue leaues which it beareth craueth a low waterish and shadowed ground it groweth also in drie and grauellie places The decoction of the root vsed for a Gargle doth assuage the tooth-ach and heale the vlcers of the mouth in a Clyster it slayeth all manner of flux of the bellie as well the bloudie flux as others taken as a drinke it is singular against the Iaundise the stopping of the Liuer and against a pestilent ayre and poyson Tormentill like in stalke vnto Cinquefoile but vnlike in number of leaues 〈◊〉 much as it hath seuen delighteth in the same ground that Cinquefoile doth 〈…〉 not altogether so waterish and called Tormentill because the powder or 〈◊〉 of the root doth appease the rage and torment of the teeth is ouer and aboue 〈◊〉 ●ther remedies most singular against the Plague and against the furie of all 〈◊〉 and Venimes it stayeth likewise all fluxes of bloud whether it be spitting 〈…〉 struous or of the bellie all vomiting and vntimely birth whether it be taken 〈◊〉 by the mouth or applyed outwardly or whether it be taken in substance 〈◊〉 the distilled water onely Perwincle delighteth in a shadowed and moist place we see it grow likewise 〈◊〉 Willow grounds Hedge-rowes and out-sides of Woods The leaues as well in decoction as otherwise doe stay all manner of flux of the bellie or spitting of bloud or otherwise as the monethly termes and whites 〈◊〉 purging hauing gone before and bleeding at the nose if you brui●e the 〈◊〉 and put them in the nose or if you make a collar thereof to put about your 〈…〉 a garland for your head or if you put them vnder and about the tongue After the same manner you shall stay the monethly termes as also preuent vntimely birth 〈◊〉 you apply them vpon the groines Bistort as well the great as the small doth delight in a moist waterish and sh●dowie place it groweth also in high Mountaines The root thereof doth stay all manner of fluxes as the termes and vnwilling 〈◊〉 away of the vrine if it be drunke with the iuice or distilled water of 〈◊〉 it stayeth the flux of bloud comming of a wound if the powder of it be cast 〈◊〉 the bleeding wound it suppresseth cholericke vomits if is befried with the 〈◊〉 of egges vpon a red hot tyle and be eaten by and by It is singular good as well 〈◊〉 the decoction and substance as in the distilled water against all Venime as also against the Plague against Wormes in little children against the Measels Purple● and small Pocks in young children against the bloudie flux and all manner of falls against the paine and rheumes of the teeth if you put it into the hollow tooth 〈◊〉 little Allome and Pellitorie of Spaine Pionie as well the male as the female craueth to be planted or set in drie ground where the Sunne hath his full force The seed or root gathered in the wane of the Moone and hanged about the neck or applyed vnto the wrists alone or with the Miss●ltoe of the Oake is a verie sing●lar preseruatiue against the Falling sicknesse Whereunto notwithstanding I would not haue thee so much to trust as that thou shouldest not looke after some other ●●medie assure thy selfe rather that it is singular in bitings and stingings that are ●●nimous as well taken inward as applyed outward Thirtie seeds of Pionie 〈◊〉 and brayed and the verie kernell made into powder and drunke with wine doth fetch againe the speech when it is lost Paules Betonie both male and female would be either sowne or planted in th● verie same ground with Pionie This hearbe especially the female is verie much commended for his vertues 〈◊〉 the iuice that is pressed out of his leaues and the water that is distilled thereof 〈◊〉 heale all sorts of wounds as well new as old all sorts of vlcers whether maligne 〈◊〉 cancrous swellings and hot tumors itch and all the diseases of the skin and which is more the often vse as well of the iuice as of the distilled water of Paules 〈◊〉 doth perfectly cure the Leprosie whereof we haue a notable and famous testimo●●● of a French King who thereby was throughly cured thereof And this is the 〈◊〉 why this hearbe is called the Leapers hearbe Some doe make a balme thereof 〈◊〉 we will further speake in the Chapter of Balmes in the third Booke which is sing●lar aboue all others for all sorts of wounds and maligne vlcers as also for the Leprosie and that it is so good is proued for that a certaine person well knowne vnto 〈◊〉 hauing a virulent vlcer in manner of a Polypus in his nosthrils of the cure 〈◊〉 manie as well Physitio●s as Surgions being excellent men and dwelling in 〈◊〉 Towne did altogether despaire was notwithstanding wonderfully cured by the application of this Balme and often vse of potions made of the decoction of the leaues of the female Paules Betonie This hearbe is singular also in Clysters for bloudie Fluxes and in drinkes for pestilent Feauers vlcers of the Lungs and obstructions of the Liuer and Spleene Gromell is the same which we call in Latine Milium solis and it groweth better being sowne than pianted it delighteth in a drie and vntilled ground being withall stonie and hauing a good ayre The iuice of the leaues and powder of the seed being drunke with Wine hath a singular vertue against the Grauell and Stone and procuring of the Vrine to passe away There is nothing more singular for the burning of the Vrine than to drinke manie mornings
especially the root being applyed vnto anie part is as causticke as Pigeons dung or the Causticke stone or anie oth●● the most violent cauterie that may be found for though you put betwixt the 〈◊〉 and the hearbe a Linnen cloth fiue or sixe double yet it will not leaue to 〈◊〉 and pierce deepe euen vnto the flesh This is the hearbe which being steept in D●●gons bloud the cursed rogues and wicked rouers vp and downe doe rub their 〈◊〉 legges and thighes withall thereby to exulcerate them that so they may moue th● people with remorse and so get the larger almes This is the hearbe which si●i● calleth Crowfoot and which is so much esteemed for the Plague and Plague 〈◊〉 called a Carbuncle Take saith he Crowfoot hauing a root like vnto a small 〈◊〉 Onion this root either alone if it be bigge ynough or two or three of them st●●ped and laid vnto the thombe of the hand that is on that side in the arme whereof the Plague is broken out or vnto the great toe of that foot that is on the same side th●● the groine is that hath the Plague-sore and there leaue it foure and twentie houre● and it will make blisters which breaking of themselues doe let runne out the 〈◊〉 of the Plague drawne thither by a veine common vnto both parts but because that this root is verie strong you must put betwixt it and the thombe foure or fiue do●bles of new and strong cloth or six or seuen of thinne and worne cloth and so 〈◊〉 it and bind it vp and afterward you shall heale the vlcer of the thombe with the yolkes of egges and fresh butter beat together with a little of the middle Con●f●●● stamped with them or a little washt Aloes and if you cannot haue it new the dries also good for the same purpose but then you need not so manie doubles of cloth betwixt them This operation and worke is quickly done and certainely witho●● bloud-letting or other euacuation Pettie whin groweth in euerie ground whether it be medow plowed land drie scorched moist tilled or not tilled The Husbandman doth greatly abhorre 〈◊〉 hearbe whereof he cannot by anie meanes rid his grounds The root is singular 〈◊〉 well in powder as in a decoction or in the water distilled from it so that before it be distilled the root be steeped in Malmesey twice so much as it weigheth for 〈◊〉 prouoke Vrine Womens termes and to procure the opening of the obstructions of the Spleene and Liuer but aboue all to breake into powder and dri●● forth the Stone as also to wast such ●arnosities as may be begotten in the bladder and conduit of the yard The powder must be taken with white Wine The●● is also made a kind of Wine of this root during the Vintage time with new Wine and white Grapes put into a Vessell adding thereto a certaine quantitie of Winter Cherries The Dittanie of this Countrey groweth in a drie ground being also stonie and open vpon the Sunne The root is much commended against Poisons and Veni●●● Wormes in children and cold diseases of the Matrix Being taken inwardly by d●coction or in powder with Wine the weight of two drammes or applyed or ministred in a fume it moueth the termes in women it bringeth forth the after-birth and dead child it also driueth out the stone from the reines but principally it is good for the Pocks taking it euerie morning a long time the weight of a dramme with 〈◊〉 decoction of Guaiacum It is profitable also against the Plague euerie way that 〈◊〉 can vse it Germander called of the Latines Cham●drys that is to say a small Oake because the leaues are like to those of the Oake requireth no other ground or manner of ordering than Dittanie This hearbe is called the F●auers scourge because the decoction thereof being drunke in the morning for a certaine space doth driue away and make an end of the tertian agues the leaues eaten in a sallade in the morning fasting it preserueth from the ayre and pestilent contagion no lesse effectually than water Germander of which we haue spoken before The decoction thereof is singular good against the jaundi●e and being vsed a long time for the Falling sicknesse head-ach and other diseases of the braine and for the wormes Rupture-wort groweth in a grauelly or sandie ground which is drie and vnhusbanded there is likewise great store of it found in the wood of Bo●●on neere vnto Paris This hearbe made in powder and drunke with wine prouoketh vrine that hath beene long detained and breaketh the stone of the reines and of the bladder if for some long time the partie take the weight of a dramme Fallopius ● great and famous Chirurgion in Italie affirmeth That he had cured an infinite number of persons of the rupture therewith giuing it them in drinke for a verie long time together Mouse-●are will grow in the same ground that Rupture-wort doth it hath a verie strong astringent qualitie and that is the cause why Shepheards haue no great affection to d●aw their sheepe into such fields as haue store of Mouse-eare in them because it bindeth them in their bodies which for the most part worketh in them vnto death likewise Physitians are wont to make their benefit of this hearbe in the bloudie fl●x and aboundance of termes as also to heale vp both inward and outward wounds the spitting of bloud and falling downe of the fundament Dogges-grasse without setting or sowing groweth more than one would wish both in gardens and also in corne grounds that are fat It serueth in physicke to coole and drie indifferently and withall notwithstanding this to open and take away obstructions and to expell and breake the stone it is true that the seed drieth more but it bindeth somewhat Water-Betonie groweth in moist waterie and marshie places Of the r●ot thereof gathered in Autumne and made verie cleane and stamped with fresh Butter all being closed vp in an earthen vessell well leaded and stopt and the same vessell set in some mo●st place and let stay there some fifteene or twentie daies after let the butter be melted vpon a soft fire and in the end strained is made an oyntment that is singular good to annoint the Kings-euill withall and the Hemorrhoides this root is set about with many small knots hauing the resemblance of Hemorrhoids or the swelling of the Kings euill It groweth without any great paine in gardens and being sowne groweth more aboundantly than one would haue it The seed purgeth those that haue the dropsie verie much if they be giuen in Whay it is true that they may be vsed without annoyance done to the stomack if it be parched and dried as also mixt with Annise and Fennell-seed furthermore it is verie good to set in gardens to kill and driue away Moules This hearbe is of two sorts male and female both of them will grow in all manner of earth but
also must be separated from the single to the end that they may make the fairer silke and especially there must choice be made of such people as are the best workefolkes both ●or to know the silke as also to draw it out with such discretion as that there may ●come the most profit of it When the Wormes shall be out of their huskes then you must make choice of the best for encrease and breeding those which are the grossest and blackest are the strongest and affoord better egges than anie of the o●her You must likewise take more females than males and for the knowing of ●he one from the other the eyes of these creatures doe sufficiently testifie thereof ●or the females haue thinner eyes and not altogether so blacke as the males They must also be put asunder and white Linnen clothes spread or rather leaues of Paper vpon little Tables for to receiue their egges The Paper is more naturall ●nd commodious than the Linnen because it may be the better raked ouer with 〈◊〉 knife to draw together the egges thereupon without making of anie spoyle 〈◊〉 all As concerning the diseases whereunto these little creatures be subiect When they haue not beene so carefully looked vnto as they should to be kept cleane when the ●●old Northerne wind or the hot Southerne Sunne hath molested them as also when ●hey haue eaten too much then they become sicke wherefore you must keepe ●hem cleanely stop the windowes and holes by which the cold windes doe enter and get in and carrie coales of fire that doe not smoake into their lodging setting thereupon Frankincense or Sawsages cut in slices for they so loue this smell as tha● it presently cureth them as also besprinkle them with a little Malmesey or Aqua-vitae If they haue beene troubled with too great heat of the South Sunne there must be sprinkled vpon them Rose-water If they haue ouer-eaten themselues the contrarie diet will cure them as the keeping of them three or foure daies without eating anie thing If there be anie of them that are spotted with anie duskish blewish or yellowish colour and that there appeare withall vpon their bellies a certain● humour that doth wet them they must be speedily taken from out of the companie of the rest and carried out and in the morning before the Sunne rise set the whole and sound in the ayre for some small time and afterward put them in their places againe and then it will be good to sprinkle them with good and strong vineger and to annoint them with Wormewood or Sothernewood and also to giue them ayre making them likewise to feele the force of the Sunne prouided that the beames thereof doe not ●ouch them and you must looke also that the windowes bee so placed as tha● the morning ayre may season and send his breath throughout the whole house The end of the third Booke THE FOVRTH BOOKE OF THE COVNTRIE HOVSE That there are two sorts of Medowes CHAP. I. Of Medowes and their difference IN our former Treatise wee haue runne through those things which belong vnto the husbanding and ordering of Gardens and Orchards and now it requireth that wee speake of Medow Grounds vvhereupon consisteth the greatest meanes of feeding and bringing vp of Cattell to the end wee may perfect and accomplish our fore-appointed purpose The thing therefore called in our French tongue Pr● may seeme to be borrowed from the old word Prat and both of them to signifie and point out a thing that is readie and prest to doe the Master of the Farme and Farmer seruice without putting him to anie paines in respect of the labouring or husbanding of them but this must be vnderstood of Medowes hauing their prey and maintenance about them namely such as are those which are fed and watered with the Marne on the one side and the Riuer Aube on the other which is about some hundred and fiftie leagues of square Countrey as also those about the Riuer called Veselle which of all others doth most abound in Medowes It is in like manner in the free and reclaimed grounds from Barle-du● to Vitrye in Partois and from Louemont to Vassie in Thierache all along the little Blondelle as also along the great and small Morin in our Country of Beauuoisis Such medow grounds doe not ●eare stormes and tempests as Gardens and other arable grounds doe but with little cost and charges they yeeld their double reuenue and profit euerie yeare the one of Hay the other of Pasture Medowes are of two sorts the one drie the other ●oist The drie craueth not the helpe of anie water to be watered withall except the raine because it is in a fat place and where it hath full store of refreshing ●uice and in such places Hay doth grow of his owne accord and that a great deale better than where it is forced by casting of water vpon it The moist medowes haue also seldome anie need of watering because most commonly they lye alongst the bankes of some great or small Riuers which feedeth and nourisheth them as those which lye here in France by the Riuers of Marne Aube Blondile and Morin and in England by the Riuers of Thames Trent Seauerne Auon Teame Ouze Wye and such like and these medowes are for the most part plaine and leuell grounds because the inundations of these Riuers washing them ouer at least once or twice euerie Winter the Moal●s and other silthie vermine which hurt the earth are destroyed and these Medowes are euer more fruitfull and more aboundant in their encrease than the higher Medowes are but the grasse is nothing neere so sweet and so pleasant neither feedeth so soundly nor so suddenly Whence it commeth that the husbandman keepeth his high-land hay for his cattell which are to be sed and his low-ground hay for those which worke CHAP. II. What grounds are good for Medowes and how to make new Medowes THe ground that is fat and full of iuice although it be nothing at all helped either by small Riuer or Brooke is good to bring forth hay so that such place be not exceeding farre from some small Brooke standing water or little Riuer or at the least that it be moist at the bottome and such as wherein if that one make a reasonable deepe ditch he may find good store of water for moisture is one of the nurses of hay Where such ●at and iuiceground is not there may Medow ground be made of what manner of earth soeuer it be whether it be a strong slight or leane earth so that you haue close by it but this one commoditie of a little Brooke to water it and that the field lye somewhat sloping or descending not verie low nor verie flat as wherein the raine water or other of anie small Riuer taking sometimes ouer the same doe not vse to dwell and stand anie long time but passeth and runneth away faire and softly without anie ●arrying Wherefore I agree and must needs confesse
the great and little Court the dung of Hennes and Pigeons Oxe-dung Horse-dung and all other such excrements which must be let incorporate and mingle together the whole Winter vntill such time as this matter watered with water and throughly pierced with the frost be sufficiently ripened This mixture when it is spread entreth better below into the earth 〈◊〉 dung alone and also incorporateth it selfe better with the earth But aboue all there is no dung more excellent for Medow grounds than the rotten staddell or bottomes of Hay-mowes or Hay-stackes which putrified with the moisture of the earth lookes mouldie blacke and most filthie and with this if you mixe the sweepings of the Hay-barne floore and the scattered seedes which fall from the Hay when it is shaked vp or bound into bottles it will be a great deale the better and the earth will put forth his encrease in much more plentie These Medow grounds must also be verie well drained from water if they be subiect thereunto and sluces and draines made either by plough spade or other instrument which may conuey it from one sluce to another till it fall into some ditch or riuer for as the sudden washing of the earth fatteneth and enricheth the same by reason of the mud slime and other fat substances which it leaueth behind it so the long abiding of the water vpon it 〈◊〉 the soyle rots the roots of the grasse and either makes it vtterly barren or 〈◊〉 it to a bogge-myre Nay where the water lyes long vpon the ground there it will ●ome the grasse to reed rushes or other vnprofitable weeds therefore by all meanes preuent the continuance of flouds and onely esteeme of a gentle washing and no more Againe in your Medow grounds you must be exceeding carefull to know the goodnesse or badnesse of the same as which is fruitfull which barren which quicke of growth which slow which will beare but one entire crop and which two and accordingly you must lay them that is giue them time of rest for growth as thus If your ground be verie fruitfull and rich yet through the coldnesse of the clyme will not beare aboue one crop it shall not be needfull for you to lay it before May day but if it be but of a reasonable fruitfulnesse then you may lay it at the Annuntiation of our Ladie but if it be verie hard and barren then it is best to lay it at Candle●●ss that it may haue the vttermost of the Spring Summer to grow in also if it be exceeding fertile and so warme and close couched that it will beare two croppes then you shall lay it at Candlemas that you may cut it at the end of May and the midst of September for to cut it after that time is both ill husbandrie and profitlesse for howsoeuer men may be opinioned either through custome or the imitation of their neighbors yet they shall find it most certaine that the hay how good soeuer the growth be yet if it want the Sunne and kindly withering it can neuer be good either to feed or sustaine nature with but hauing the iuice rotting and not dried within it becommeth black vnpleasant and unwholesome insomuch that the worst straw is better than the best of such hay therefore let euerie husbandman haue a great care to the good and kindly withering of his hay and esteeme euer the qualitie before the quantitie After Medowes are laid then the husbandman shall haue a great care to his ●ences least either his owne or other mens cattell by day or night breake into the same for they may doe him more iniurie in an houre than they can doe him profit in a moneth for the young and tender grasse if it be nipt or bitten at the first springing hardly after prospereth till the sythe haue cut it for it is with grasse as with stronger plants which if they be nipt or bitten forthwith loose the beautie of their flourishing and groweth not straight or vpright but low crooked and ill-fauoredly neither to fast as before it did but verie slowly and manie times without seed therefore by all meanes preuent the cropping of your Medowes by cattell at their first springing Also if you haue anie riuers ditches or small rundles which butt vpon your Medowes you shall at such time as you lay your Medowes be sure to cleanse and scoure them both of weeds madde and other filth that shall anie way cloy or fill them that the water may thereby haue a more free passage and a larger receit to receiue and conuey away anie floud which shall happen for after your Medowes begin to grow if anie floud shall come vpon them the sand and other filth will fasten to the rootes and lye vpon the grasse in such manner that not being able to be cleansed by anie husbandrie it will make the hay vtterly vnwholesome so that lying in the stomacks of the beasts it will engender manie mortall and pestilent diseases And herein is also to be noted that the mudde and other compasse which you shall take out of these riuers or ditches would be spread vpon the Medowes and when it is drie with small clotting maules be beaten as small as dust for this is also an excellent maner of manuring your Medowes CHAP. IIII. What must be sowne in the Medowes THe way then to reforme the old and drie consumed places of your Medow if they be become hoarie rotten must be by sowing them in the Spring with good Hay-seed which is the Medow Clauer which is called in some places Sops in wine by reason of the flower which is an hearb which men in times past made great account of sowing it by it selfe as the Fetch is wont to be sowne and they did sow it in Ianuarie as Cato and Palladius doe report The maner of sowing it shal be set downe in the fifth Booke in the handling of Pulse Likewise the seed of Gallion or petty Mugguet wild Fetch and Hauer-grasse which the Latine Poet calleth properly barren Oates Againe the small wild Mallow is not amisse neither the little Crowfoot foreseene it be not that with the bulbous root that is to say the Crowfoot hauing a round root like an Onions because that is venimous for the beast but it must be that Crowfoot which hath a hairie and threadie root The two-fold Satyrion is good in some place where it groweth naturally so likewise is the Hyacinth the one of them being of a blew flower the other of a purple herein differing from the Satyrion which is more cut diuided into small buds as likewise more fragrant It is not good that there should be any great store of Plantaine except it be that of the least sort called Birds-toong The wild Carret especially that which in the midst of the white flower in the round broad tuft beareth a sweet smelling seed being rubd in the hand like vnto graines of Paradise of
the same colour as likewise wild Wound-wort which Dioscorides calleth Hercules his wound-wort is very good foreseene that it grow not too great Germander likewise is good being called of the Grecians small Oake by reason of the figure of the lease Little Rampions likewise is very good because of the root which helpeth forth Lent sallads as wel as the Cresses wild Saffron is not good because of his flower seeing both the root and it doe kill beasts euen as Hemlock doth which is called Birds-bane neither yet water Pepper as being venimous through his heat and vsing to grow only in standing stinking waters as laughing Smallage doth called Herba Sardonica because it maketh men and beasts to seeme to laugh when it killeth them in like maner wild Woad Bucks-beard Hartstong wild low growing All-good both sorts of Violets the lesse Centaurie all the three sorts of Daisies and especially those which are called Gold-cups or little Crow-foot and the three-leaued grasse of the Medowes are all of them singular good hearbes for the fruitfulnesse of the Medow ground The Garlicke which is called Serpentina and which a man would iudge to be a little small rush of a reasonable length doth not amisse no more than the true and small water Germander which is often found in the Medowes of Cheles and elsewhere but great store of it maketh the hay to smell ill as on the contrarie Penyryall maketh it smell sweet and so likewise Organi● of both sorts the three sorts of Balme and Costmarie but Mints and that Hore-hound which is wild Camomile are nothing worth Great quantitie and store of wild Fetch causeth the hay to be verie full of nourishment for cattell the lesse Plantaine Siluer-grasse of both sorts Peachwort so called because it carrieth a flower like a Peach-tree and Burnet the three sorts of Shepheards needles called of the ancient Writers Storks-bills by reason of the fashion of the peake that followeth in place after the Hower whereof hearbe Robert is one doe verie well for cattell and cure them of the grauell causing them to make their 〈◊〉 in aboundance Millefoile and Prunell called the Carpenters hearbe because it is good for cuts are also good and verie sweet of smell but Quitch-grasse called Dogs-grasse doth destroy the Medow as much as Balme doth mend it and encreaseth milke in Kine as great Hares-foot doth in Goats and in like manner as Veruaine and Groundswell are good hearbes for Conies Looke well that Thistles set not their foot within your Medow except it be the blessed Thistle with the yellow flower or else the little Thistle and that but about the borders or edges of the Medow and that it haue the leaues of Sow-thistle though it be smaller and spotted as it were with drops of milke and therefore it is called Maries Thistle The red and blew Pimpernell because of their flowers as also the white are as good there as either the male or female Mercurie though these hearbes delight rather to grow in the wayes and amongst Vines as doe also the Bindweed and Nightshade Flax-weed which differeth from Esula in as much as it hath no milke and groweth high as Line doth saue that it hath a yellow flower is good but Esula or Spurge is naught as is also Hypericum for these two are both of them verie hot and shrewd fellowes Melilot the small and the great Myrrhis which hath leaues like Fennell and diuers diuided white flowers is of great vertue and sweet after the smell of Myrrhe To be short the Carret and Cheruile doe serue greatly for the nourishing and goodnesse of the hay But aboue all there is no hearbe nor seed more excellent to be nourished or sowne in the Medowes than Saxifrage is for amongst all huswiues it is held an infallible rule That where Saxifrage growes there you shall neuer haue ill Cheese or Butter especially Cheese Whence it commeth that the Netherlands abound much in that commoditie and only as is supposed through the plentie of that hearb only And for the better affirmation or proofe thereof you shall vnderstand that all good huswiues which will carrie any reputation for good Cheese-making doe euer dresse their cheslep-bags and earning with Saxifrage as the only hearbe that giueth a most perfit season to the same Now albeit I haue here deliuered you a particular collection of the seeds of all those hearbs which are most necessarie to be sowne in Medows yet I would not aduise you to be so curious as to bestow your labour in culling these seeds from the rest or to sow them in your Medows with that care and respect that you sow seeds in your Garden for lesse paines will serue only I would with you when you intend to sow your Medowes which would be either in the Spring or in Autumne to goe if you be vnprouided to such a neighbor or Farmer neere vnto you as is owner of some fine and delicate piece of Medow void of grosse filthie weeds stump-grasse knot-grasse peny-grasse speare-grasse or Burnet and from him you shal buy the sweepings or sc●●trings of his Hay-barne floore as also those sweepings which shall be vnder those windows or holes in at which the husbandman putteth hay when he vnloads it and these sweepings you shal sow vpon your Medows as thick as you can strew them for the thicker is euer the better and you must foresee that when you thus sow your Medowes you cause your ground to be as bare eaten before as is possible especially with Sheepe because as they bite the neerest of all cattell to the ground so they bestow vpon it their manure or dung which is the fattest and most fruitfullest of all other and maketh the seeds instantly to sprout after the first shower You shall also obserue when you sow your Medowes whether it be at the Spring or at the fall to see and if the dung of the cattell which last grazed vpon the same lye upon it still in heapes as when it fell from their bodies and this dung you shall raise from the ground and with beetles made for the purpose beat them into verie small pieces and so spread them generally ouer the whole Medow and then sow your seeds amongst them for by this meanes your seeds will quickly take root There is also another way of enriching of Medowes especially such as lye high and out of the dangers of flouds which for the most part are euer the barrennest and that is by the foddering or feeding of cattell vpon the same in the Winter season as thus The husbandman shall in the barrennest part of his Medow ground which is safest from waters or flouds make vp his hay in a large and handsome Stacke or Reeke either round or square according to his pleasure or the quantitie of the hay and this Stacke thus made he shall fence about with thorne or other hedge-ware to keepe
cattell from tearing or spoyling the same till such time as the Farmer himselfe shall thinke it meet to cut downe the same Then when the extremitie of Winter shall come as either when the grasse is cleane consumed or that by reason of long Frosts or Snowes your cattell cannot come by anie food then is the time to cut downe your Hay-reekes and to fodder your cattell therewith morning and euening cutting no more downe at a time than shall conueniently serue to fodder your cattell for spoyle herein is the vildest husbandrie that can be This hay thus cut downe you shall not lay in one place but in diuers places of your ground in little tufts or hillockes scattering an armefull thereof in manie places because if you should lay it in one place or in a verie small circuit neere together your cattell would disagree and offer to gore one another at least the stronger cattell would euer beat away the weaker and so rob them of their food whereas being scattered into diuers remote places those which are beaten away from one place will goe to another and so take their food without trouble in which you shall euer obserue to lay more tufts or heapes of hay than you haue cattell Neither yet doe I meane that this manner of foddering shall ouer-spread anie great piece of ground at one time but according to the number of your cattell be close packed together both for the ease of the fodderer and for the well husbanding of the hay which to be carried vp and downe too 〈◊〉 would make much wast by scattering so that to lay one foddering within two or three yards of another is sufficient And this I speake of great cattell as Oxen Kyne Steeres Horses or such like for if you fodder Sheepe then you must lay your hay in long rowes one row three or foure yards from another vpon the driest and cleanest ground you can find because the trampling and treading of the cattell will else 〈◊〉 much spoyle of the hay And herein is also to be noted that you must not by any meanes lay your fodder aboue twice in one place but change and alter your ground finding out still a drie and vntrodden place to fodder in as well for keeping the ground from two much foyling and tearing vp with the feet of cattell as also for the ●a●ing of the hay which would be halfe lost if it should be layd in wet and myrie places And thus you may in one Winter runne ouer a great piece of ground and not onely sow it plenteously with the Hay-seedes which will fall from the Hay in the carrying but also manure the ground excellently by this drawing together of your beasts into one place making their l●are and dunging most thereupon Now some will say that this manner of enriching of grounds carrieth with it a discommoditie which equalleth the goodnesse which is reaped from it and therefore not so much to be esteemed alledging that the trampling of the cattell teareth vp the greene-swarth and as it were ploweth vp the ground in such sort that it will hardly beare any good croppe of grasse a yeare or two after To which I answere that if it doe as happily it will teare vp or digge the ground so that you loose the next yeares croppe in some part yet after the first yeare is past the second will double and the third will treble anie encrease formerly receiued from the same ground neither will the goodnesse euer after be abated from the same besides if your ground be subiect to anie filthie soft mosse or fuzzie grasse which is both vnsauourie and vnwholesome for beasts and also choaketh and deuoureth vp all better herbage this treading of the cattels feet will vtterly kill it and make the ground fruitfull for euer after Nay if the ground haue beene much subiect to small whynnes or prick-grasse which is a most venimous weed in anie ground according to the opinion of the best husbands this course onely will destroy it To conclude ●he Medow well kept and maintained doth alwaies bring double commoditie to that which is ill gouerned and husbanded CHAP. V. Of the harrowing watering and keeping close and well defensed the Medow ground BEsides the seedes of good hearbes which is verie requisite for the Medowes yet there are other workes needfull for the goodnesse of Hay for the Medowes must be harrowed and raked presently after they be sowne to breake the clods into small earth or dust that so the mowers may not thereby hurt their Sythes If the ground of the Medow be withered and drie it will be a maruellous commoditie vnto it to draw into it all the winter long at the least some small Brooke for the watering and moistening of it seeing that moisture is the naturall nourishment of Hay and this would be done especially during the moneths of Nouember December Ianuarie and Februarie afterward when the earth hath drunke her fill then stop the way whereby the water of the Brooke runneth It is true that if the Medow-plot lye vpon the side of some hill or vpon some high ground there shall be no need to water it for the first raine that falleth will descend and water such Medowes verie sufficiently being ioyned with the iuice and goodnesse of the dung which you shall haue bestowed in the higher places Neither shall it be needfull to water the ground much where there is great quantitie of three-leaued grasse because then it would die by and by Againe you must not cause anie water to ouerflow anie old Medow grounds in the time of great and excessiue cold except it should be that they should continue a long time because that the water fayling the ground thus boyled againe and drenched would be verie much annoyed by the vehemence of the frost and yce Likewise if there be anie marish or dead water in anie part of your Medow you must cause the same to runne and drayne out by some Conduits or Trenches for without all peraduenture the super-aboundance of water doth as much harme as the want scarcitie or lacke of the same You must be sure also to keepe Swine out of your Medowes because they are alwaies turning it ouer with their snouts and ●aying great soddes of earth Neither must you admit anie great Cattell into them saue when they be verie drie because the hornie hoofe doth sinke into the earth and either breake off the grasse or cut in sunder the rootes whereupon they cannot spring or multiplie anie more CHAP. VI. To mowe your Meadowes againe and againe to gather the Hay and refresh your Meadowes and to bring your barren Meadowes into Tillage NOw for the mowing of your Meadowes it must be according to their growth or ripenesse for some ripen soone and some late and sure there cannot fall to the Husbandman greater losse than to cut his Meadow before it be ripe for then the sap or moisture not being come fully out of the roote
and bundells of wood you shall ram in hard betweene the pile till you haue couered them then you shall driue in more piles and ram them likewise as before heaping thus pile vpon pile and earth vpon earth till you haue made the head of that conuenient height which you did desire and if in the middest of this head you preserue a conuenient place for a sluce or floud-gate which you may draw vp and sh●● at your pleasure it will be a great deale the better and on the top of the head you shall make a small sluce or two vvith fiue grates in them to stay the Fish from passing through the same vvhich sluces shall conuay the vvast vvater vvhich shall at any time rise aboue the height or leuell of the bankes the bottome and sides of this pond you shall paue all ouer with fine greene-grasse-turfe which vvill be a great nourishment to the Fish and aboue the water you shall plant Oziers and on the top of the head diuers rowes of Willow because all fish take great delight in the shadows and if you intend the pond for Carpe or Breame you shall all along one side of the pond stake and bind downe diuers fagots made of brush-wood in which the fish shall cast their young or spawne and so haue them preserued which otherwise would be destroyed CHAP. XII What manner of wild flesh is to be prouided for the furnishing of the Fish-poole NOw one great commendation belonging to inheritances is to haue wild flesh and fish in the fields thereto belonging As concerning the wild flesh the walkes thereof are partly in the woods and partly in the warrens of which we will speak in their place partly in the ●rable grounds and fallowes as the great and little Hare the Partridge Quaile and Larke and part in the vvood at the Hart the Hind the Doe and the vvild-Bore and as concerning birds the Stock-doue Turtle Small-henne Plouer and others but to returne to our fish-poole the vvild flesh thereof especially of birds is the Swan the Heron the Woodcocke Snite Mallarde Teale young wild Duckes the wild Goose and the Bittor Besides there are belonging thereto as concerning beasts such as auncient Writers haue called double-liued beasts that is to say such as liue either in or out of the water the Otter the Badger vvhich verily hath a scalie tayle like Fishes the Beauer and the Dormouse vnto vvhich vve will adde the Torteise that daintie dish for Princes and great Lords albeit the most commendable of them and which hath the best relish and in most request is that which is called the wood Torteise and maketh her borough in the woods the wealth of 〈◊〉 and Languedoc CHAP. XIII Of the sorts of Fishes wherewith Pooles Ponds and Ditches are to be furnished IF you desire to furnish your fish-pooles and feeding stewes it is needfull that you carefully consider the nature of the place wherein you haue made them for all sorts of fishes doe not feed alike in all manner of places the stonie and rockie places do like well the fishes called thereupon Saxatiles or fishes liuing in stonie places as the Tront Pearch Loach Lumpe Mullet and Gudgeons In muckie and slimie places the Tench Bourbet Codfish and Eele doe delight to liue In grauelly and sandie grounds the Salmon the Pike and the Barbel doe not much dislike to liue Wherefore to the end that vve may speake generally in regard of the fish of pooles ponds or ditches things common amongst the inhabitants of Beaux though they haue no such store of vvater as the people of Salongne Percheron Tutraine Anjou or Mantz the most common and which best ●●ore and furnish the s●me are the Carpe and the Barbell It is true that the Pike is a good meat especially if he be kept in springing vvaters and into vvhich there runneth some riuer as the poole of Nau or Nouï as also that of Gouuieux the two most naturall and greatest pooles that are in all France and such as neuer drie vp but in keeping of him there is this daunger namely that he is a verie tyrant amongst all fresh-water-fish eating and deuouring the small thereof in such sort as that in fishing there is not a little one of that kind cast into the pooles againe after they be once drawne out vvhich yet is vsed in the little ones of all other kinds besides The small fish vvhich is called vvhite are the Pearch the Mullet the Millers-thombe the Cheuin Gudgeon Loach Menuise and the Trout albeit that the foremost are those which are the most daintie and chiefest in request for sicke and delicate folkes but the Trout is the princeliest and most delicate dish of all the rest which is neuer sound but in running vvaters or in great springs The Salmon-trout is a verie daintie thing and so likewise the flesh thereof is more fast and red euen after the manner of the Salmon after whom he had his name giuen The Tench Bourbet and Cod are of a courser and more slimie mear as is also the Eele which yet proueth singular good in great pooles and greatly commended being taken in that of Nouë and at the mills of Gouuieux witnesse hereof are the Eele-ponds which haue beene caused to be made there by Princes and therefore that of Nouë seemeth to me to be of greater account because of the causey belonging thereunto but ther● are some which disdaine the eating of eele in respect of the vn●auorinesse of her flesh and also because as some say she coupleth with the snake But whatsoeuer the matter is I find her as good in a swift running vvater as either the lampreie or lamperne a venimous fish in the Sea though when she is scoured and come vp into the great riuers as Loire she become a firme same nourishment saue that it is somewhat slimie and of a hard digestion how well soeuer it be dressed or handled The excrements of the poole which are eaten after the manner of fish are the frogge and the creuisse the first whereof being taken in his season as when she is not ingendring but well flesht and liking doth taste like a little chicken the other doth more load the stomacke than nourish and yet vnto the husbandman and farmer this i● as a second manna for his familie which on festiuall daies delight themselues with the taking of them with the long-bow-net or with a little maund of bulrushes as also the little 〈◊〉 with the shoue-net small-net called a truble and line for the fire the tunnell and bait are forbidden by all right The net and the hooke are chiefe and principall of all the rest And of nets there are diuers sorts and kinds as first the long draw-net vvhich contayning many fadomes in length is as it were diuided into two parts and in the middest a long rod or pole drawne close together at the furthest end with a heauie stone hanging at
Penyriall Sauorie Marierome Garlick and the lees of wine of ech alike of the greases of the same beasts so much as you shall see to be enough stampe euerie thing by it selfe after mixe them together and make pills thereof to cast into the place whither you would haue the fish to ●locke and that an houre before you cast in your net Otherwise take the bloud of a blacke Goat and Barly flower of each alike bray them both with the lungs of the Goat cut very small and make pill● thereof to vse after the manner aforesaid Otherwise take Garlicke halfe a pound burnt Sesamum as much Penyryall Organie Thyme Marierome Sauorie and wild 〈◊〉 of each foure ounces of Barly flower a pound of the dough thereof as much and of the barke of Frankincense-tree two ounces mingle all together with Bran and giue it vnto the fishes To catch Pearches The Pearch is not easily taken with Nets neither yet at the Weyres but rather with a proper bait and that in a puddlie and troubled water wherefore you must make a bait with the liuer of a Goat and bait your hooke therewith Or else take yellow Butterflies and Cheese of Goats milke of each halfe an ounce of Opopanax the weight of two French crownes of Swines bloud hal●e an ounce and of Galbanum as much then powne them all verie well and ●●●gle them together powring vpon them near red Wine and make thereof such little loaues as you vse to make perfumes into and afterward drie them in the shadow For to take Salmons as well of the Riuer as of the Sea Take of the testicles or stones of a Cocke one ounce of Pine-apple kernels burned two ounces bray them both together till they come to the forme of a powder Otherwise Take wild Ru● seed and the fat of a Cal●e of each an ounce of Sesamum two ounces stampe them all and make little loa●es which you shall vse The Trouts which are a kind of Salmon are taken with the hand hauing betaken themselues into their holes or with Nets or at Weyres and sometimes with the light of a candle The Gudgeon is taken with a hooke or the little Net called a Truble The Carpe is taken with the Net hooke or engines laid at Weyres but shee oftentimes deceiueth the Net shoouing her head downe into the mud or myre wherein shee delighteth The end of the fourth Booke THE FIFTH BOOKE OF THE COVNTRIE HOVSE Of Arable Grounds The measuring of Lands of what sort or forme soeuer they be CHAP. I. Of the common Measures whereby things are measured NOtwithstanding that the Art of measuring Grounds doth more properly belong vnto the Geometrician than vnto the Husbandman and euen as chiefe Masons and Master-builders who ought to haue the skill of Measuring doe not vouchsafe at anie time to measure the Workes and Buildings which they haue set vp and finished but leaue the same for such as make profession of Measuring So likewise it may seeme that this is no dutie of the Husbandmans to measure out his grounds but rather appertaining and therefore to be expected of them which practise such art and skill Notwithstanding being desirous that the Master of this our Countrey Farme should not be ignorant of anie thing which may serue for the enriching of his house and encrease of his wealth I haue thought it meete and reasonable before I passe anie further vnto my purposed discourse of the husbanding and tilling of corn-Corne-ground familiarly to vnfold certaine rules of Measuring which are verie common with vs here in Franc● and wherewith the Farmer in case of necessitie and for his commoditie may helpe himselfe To begin therefore with the matter all Grounds and Lands whether they be Medowes Vineyards Woods Isles of Water Courts Gardens Corne-ground places fields and others whatsoeuer are measured in France by the foot fadome and pole The foot according to the Kings measure containeth throughout all France twelue ynches the ynch twelue-lines and ●uerie-line must be of equall length to the thicknesse of a barly corne that is full and well fedde A ●i●rce or third part of a foot is called a Dour and the fourth part is called a Quarter The fadome and the pole are measured by the foot but how manie ●oot the one and the other should containe there is not anie so sure and certaine a rule which holdeth through all France as there is for the foot by reason of the vari●tie of Measures and those not in diuers Countries of France onely as in Britaine Normandie Gascoine Poictou and others but also euen in places situate within some one Isle of France and standing hard together as may easily be seene neere vnto Paris in such sort as that the fadome of some Countries containeth sixe foot and eight ynches and the pole twentie foot elsewhere the fadome containeth seuen foot and foure ynches and the pole two and twentie foot In manie places the fadome containeth sixe foot and the pole eighteene foot In others againe the fadome containeth sixe foot fiue ynches and halfe an ynch or there about and the pole nineteene foot and one dour which is foure ynches True it is that as the rule is certaine through all France that a foot containeth twelue ynches so it is as sure and inu●olable that a pole containeth three fadome Wherefore without standing much vpon the fadome which in truth is a measure more fit for Masons and Carpenters than for measurers of ground for the well measuring of all sorts of grounds you must content your selfe with two principall measures the foot and the pole not forgetting or omitting your ynche● quarters and thirds which are parts of a foot Which more is in as much as feet fadomes and poles are but small measures and such as whereof might rise as it were an infinite number or at the least a verie troublesome number and such a one as the reckoning whereof could hardly be kept especially when there is need of measuring a Wood Medowes Places Isles arable ground and other places of great compasse besides the foot fadome and pole there is vsed another measure which the Frenchmen call an Arpent but of the people of Burgundie and Cha●paigne and manie others it is called Iournax deriued from the Latine word I●gerum which containeth as much ground as two Oxen or Horse coupled or yoaked together can tyll in one day The Normans call it an Acre taken from the Romane word Actus This measure ariseth of manie poles being put one vnto another or else multiplied together as the poles doe rise of manie feet multiplied It is verie true that euen as the pole doth not hold throughout all Fraunce one measure of feet so neither doth the Arpent consist infallibly of one number of poles but looke almost how manie Countries there are euen so manie differences of sorts of Arpents there are likewise And that it is so there are to be
continually seene that Willowes planted vpon causeyes banks hauing some ditch of water ioyning thereunto that in such sort as that their roots may reach but to the brinks and edges of the water proue fairer taller and more plentifull than those which grow in waterish medows because that for the ●●st part their roots stand moist in water You may read of the Holme tree in the fourth booke I say not that Willowes Allers Poplars such white wood will not grow in high places notwithstanding that it is their nature to grow neere to water and doe prosper best in such places and if they be planted in high places and farre from vvater they are hardly nourished and put forth very little in growth insomuch as that a hundred such trees as are planted in waterie countries vvill yeeld more vvood than a thousand planted in a drie countrey notwithstanding all the indeuor and husbandrie that can be vsed yea and they will perish and die a great deale sooner This I say because it is easie to make them grow and to husband them in a high or hillie place by watering and dressing of them in conuenient sort vvhich labours as they are not performed without great cost so if they happen to be neglected it proueth to be the losse and spoile of the trees vvhereas if they be planted in some place that is fit for them and neere vnto vvater according as their nature requireth they vvill prosper vvithout the toile or industrie of man vsed therein Notwithstanding for as much as the first yeares after they be planted they haue much to doe to shoot and nourish their roots and such branches as are alreadie put forth it wil be best to free them of all such twigs as they shall put forth the first yeare to the end they may more easily seed their roots as also that thereby the force of winds which would take such hold of offall may not shake and loosen those which are alreadie fast for vpon such causes trees doe many times die be they neuer so well planted I know that it is not alwaies required that such paines should be taken especially about those which are orderly and conueniently planted in planting or p●uning of them notwithstanding I say thus much for them vvhich goe about the making of close alleyes for walkes and shades that they may cause them to grow much in a short time for this they shall effect by planting of them in furrowes and not one of them perish and as for their paine and labour they shall haue the pleasure thereof in shorter time and larger manner Herewithall it must be noted that whensoeuer you set or plant any such trees you must so doe it as that it need not a second doing for if any of them should die it would be the harder to set others in their places so as that they would thriue because the shadow of the other which liue would cause the same to die seeing it is vsually seene that the elder and stronger ones doe oppresse the weaker keeping them vnder and causing them to miscarrie Wherefore the greater care is to be vsed in the first planting of them and the more paine to be taken with them seeing the sequele is a thin● that is so hard to be redressed The time to plant Willowes Allers Poplars and other such vvoods is alwaies found best in the beginning of Februarie or at the later end of Ianuarie vvhen the great cold is past being otherwise apt to hurt such plants as are new set as hath alreadie beene said As concerning the properties of these trees thus delighting in watrie grounds the leaues and flowers of the white Poplar although they be a little hot doe notwithstanding make a very cooling ointment called Populeum good to take away the heat of inflamations as also the milke out of womens breasts that are newly deliuered Birch-tree yeeldeth twigs which serue to make rods for the punishing of theeues withall as also to make baskets little maunds beesomes and couerings for earthen bottles Of the stocke is made charcoale seruing for the melting of mettall And of the rinde are made links to giue light in the night season for to such end doe country people vse them The iuice of the leaues mixt amongst the runnet of a Calfe doth keepe cheese from wormes and rottennesse If you pierce the stock of the Birch-tree there will come forth a water which being drunke a long time is of power to breake the stone of the reines and bladder being taken in a gargarisme it drieth the vlcers of the mouth and being vsed in lotions it cleanseth and taketh away the filthinesse and infections of the skin CHAP. XVI Of Ashes Elmes and Maple-trees THe Ash doth naturally craue a low and waterish countrey and therefore doth grow more plentifully in such places than in high grounds and therefore for the most part they must be planted in such low and waterie grounds though not altogether so low and waterie as the Willow Poplar and Aller doe craue howbeit notwithstanding they may be planted in indifferent grounds and Elmes will grow well therein Their proper nature is to delight in moist valleyes for therein they prosper well and grow vp to a great height with straitnesse and beautifulnesse of Timber Notwithstanding this is a common vvood vvhich may be planted in all sorts of grounds howsoeuer that it like better in fat and moist grounds than in those which are but indifferent but they much dislike the drie rough stiffe and grauellie grounds if they be not mingled with moisture The auncient Woodwards vsed to plant them most in hedge-rowes and on the tops of great bankes or ditches where they might haue drie standing yet be continually fed at the root with a little moisture vvhich sure was a very good and husbandly manner of planting the Ash neither shall you at any time see it prosper better than when it is planted in such places It is naturally of it selfe ● little more tender than other wild trees and desireth a more gentle and loose mould which maketh them prosper the best in mixt hasell grounds or in moist sandie ground yet if they doe take in clay grounds as doubtlesse with a verie little care they will doe one Ash so growing is better tougher and more seruiceable than any three which are taken from the sandie or mixed earths It is a timber of no lesse precious vse than any other whatsoeuer for of it are made all your best Pykes Byll-shafts Halberd-shafts and diuers other engines for the vvarres of it also is made all manner of Plow and Cart-timber vvhatsoeuer as Beames Heads Skeathes Hales Spyndles Shelboords Cart or Wayne bodies rings for Wheeles Naues Harrow-buls Harrow-teeth Axle-trees and any other instrument or engine vvhich desireth a firme gentle yet a verie tough vvood a timber that must bend before it breake and not by any meanes be too extreame portable or heauie in the carriage but both
vnto wine Of the boyling ouer of the new wine while it is in working How new Wine is p●rged To haue new Wine all the yeare long To know if there be any Water in the Wine The way to correcti●e ouermuch wa●rishhesse of Wine To recouer the new Wine which beginneth to sowre To cause new win● to s●ttle quickly To separate water from wine To make an od●riferous Wine To make white wine red and red wine white To make claret wine Wine be●ring great store of water Wine that flowreth not Boiled wine To continu● wine sweet all the yere long Greekish wine Good houshold wine To cause troubled wine to settle The taking away of the strength of the wine To drinke much wine and yet not to be drunke To hate wine To make them which are drunke sober To cause wine that it shall not become strong To make old wine of n●w Wine that will keepe long The keeping of wine To make medicinable wines Rose-wine Wormewood-wine Wine of Horehound Wine of Annise Dill Peares Bayes Asarum bacchar and Sage Wine of Thyme Betonie wine Hysope wine Wine of pomegranats quintes mulberries and seruices How Wines must be ordered in cellers or roomes vnder ground Against the eagernesse or sowrenesse of Wines At what time Wine is most apt to turne and corrupt To helpe the ●ine that is turned For troubled Wine To helpe Wine the beginneth to wax away and di● To take away the fustie smel of Wine To helpe the sowrenesse of Wine To keepe the Wine from sowring Oyle oliue a preuenter of the the sowrenesse of Wine For wattrish Wine Against venime or venimous beasts falling into Wine Vineger is a ●ault of wine Rad●sh and beete roots ma●e vineger The roots of cale-words make Vineger to ●u●ne againe into wine Strong Vineger To make Vineger o● marr●d wine Dri● Vineger Rose Vineger To make vineger without wine Sweet vineger Mightie strong vineger Pepper vineger Water in vineger Vineger of sea onions The necessitie of drinke Sapa Defrutum Passum Noe. Why wine is called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in Greeke Icarus Why it is called Vinum Why Temetum The definition of wine Olde wines are hotes than the new New wine 〈…〉 in France The iuice of the grapes not 〈…〉 wrought New wines or the iuice of grapes which haue ●ately wrought vp The benefit of wine The hurts and inconueniencies that wine worketh Drunkennesse Wine goeth bare-foot 〈◊〉 filleth the d●spositions of the d●●nkers That drunkards their seed and nature is not apt for generation That vndelaied wine is not wholesome for such as be in health What qu●ntitie of water is to be put to ●●ine For what ages wine is m●st fit That wine is hurtfull vnto hat and drie natures and good vnto moist ones The differences of Wine Red Wine or darke coloured Sweet wines Sweet white wine Galens iudgement of white wine Rough and harsh wines Greene wines The cause of sowrenesse in wines That there is great difference betwixt sowrenesse and greennesse in wines What wines are to be called bastards The consistence of wine The 〈◊〉 or smell of wine The vertues of wine W●ake wines Wines of Coussy Wines of Prepaton Wines of Dij●n The diuersities of the wines of Orleance Wines of Sainctay S. Hillaries Chappel S. Mesmain and S. de Bouc Wines of Messay of Orleance Orleance wines of the grounds of the Abbey of Neighbours White wines of Orleance Wines of high Normandie Wines of Compeigne Wines of Nerac The profit of the Warren A good conie dieth alwaies in her earth The vertues and speciall properties of conies The aller The oake The chesnut tree The elme E●me● are barren an● b●are no fruit Chesnut trees Locusts euery three yeares Alleyes Fruit-trees The time to plant trees That dressing of the earth is necessar●● for yong plants Such dressing of the earth in d●y weather in not good To pull vp weedes by the roote The third dressing of trees The growth of plants commeth by heate and moisture The experience of dressing trees and of letting of them go vndresse Wood of Solonge Whereof wild trees 〈◊〉 grow Nine things requ●site for the ma●ing of a beautifull place Woods haue in t●●m three commodities The pleasures and past●mes that the wild woods a●●ord The profit of woods The profit of ground imploied about the bearing of wood Trees louing to liue neere the water White wood Trees must be well and surely planted at the first The time to plant Willowes Allers c. Ash 〈◊〉 Elmes of three sorts Male and female Elmes Columella Theophr●stus The Ash. The vertues of the Elme Shooting ●owes The different names of the okes are Robur Quercus Ilex The male and female of oakes Theophrastus The barren is called the male and the fruitfull the female That the life of an Oake containeth 100 yeares of growth 100. yeares of standing in a s●ay and 100. to per●sh and die in The horse at his full growth at fiue and a man a● fiue and twentie Horne-beame Beech The linden tree The corke-tree The yew-tree T●e stone The whites o● wom●n presages Falling sicknes Chaps of the lips The stone The grauell The profit of the parke The situation of the parke Prouision of ●ood ●or wild beastes What place is fittest ●o a H●ronrie Two things giuing occasion to make choise of some certaine place for a heronrie 〈…〉 What place is best to 〈◊〉 at the 〈…〉 The properties o● the heronshew To pr●c●re rest and sleepe The profit of 〈◊〉 ●oure footed beasts Grey-hounds and Hounds Two sorts of Grey-hounds 〈…〉 To breed a good w●●lpe The bay●●●al●ow 〈◊〉 dogs The gray dogs Blacke dogs The mar●e● of a good hunting dog The reason of these markes of a good hunting dog The kennell for hunting dogs The feeding and keeping of hunting dogs Flesh-meate P●●●age The diseases of hunting dogs For 〈◊〉 and verm●●e Wormes The ●i●ing 〈◊〉 Serpents 〈…〉 Signes of madnesse 〈…〉 Wormes Hurts giuen by wild bores Wounds 〈◊〉 of cold 〈…〉 Knocks of thrushes Against the 〈◊〉 of making water The disease of the eares How to teach a Spaniell to 〈◊〉 well Hunting is for great states The marks of distinction betwixt Hart and Hart as also of their ago The Hinde The cariages or largenesse of his tines The time when Harts cast their 〈◊〉 To iudge of the age of the Hart by his hornes The hornes of an old Hart. The gate or going of the Hart. The beatings and 〈◊〉 of the Hart. The rubbing of the Hart. The knowledge of the Hart his priuie haunt and place of retra●●● The Hart hath a seueral haunt euerie moneth The rut of the Hart. The meanes of finding out the particular place and lodging of the Hart. The report of the hunts-man vnto the king Three sorts of dogs as bloud-hounds coursers and for easements The m●●e dog is 〈◊〉 which openeth not but followeth the trace of the Hart. How to place the greyhounds for Te●sers Reset Bac●●●t Directions how to hunt the Deere with hounds onely Dogges
Maison Rustique Or THE COVNTREY FARME Compyled in the French Tongue by CHARLES STEVENS and IOHN LIEBAVLT Doctors of Physicke And translated into English by RICHARD SVRFLET Practitioner in Physicke Now newly Reuiewed Corrected and Augmented with diuers large Additions 〈…〉 Works of FRENCH SERRES his Agriculture VINET his Maison Champestre ALBYTERIO in Spanish GRILLI in Italian and other Authors And the Husbandrie of France Italie and Spaine reconciled and made to agree with ours here in England By GERVASE MARKHAM The whole Contents are in the Page following יהוה LONDON Printed by Adam Islip for Iohn Bill 1616. The Contents THere is contained in this last Edition whatsoeuer can be required for the building or good ordering of a Husbandmans House or Countrey Farme as namely to foresee the changes and alterations of Times to know the motions and powers of the Sunne and Moone vpon the things about which Husbandry is occupied as to cure the sicke labouring Man to cure Beasts and flying Fowles of all so●ts to dresse plant or make Gardens as well for the Kitchin and Physicke vse as also in Quarters with manie faire and cunning portraitures to make compartments of diuers fashions in euerie quarter with a large description of the hearbe Nicotiana or Pe●um as also of the root Mechoacan to plant graft and order Orange-trees Citron-trees and such other strange Trees to order Bees to make Conserues to preserue Fruits Flowers Rootes and Rindes to make Honey and Wax to plant and graft all sorts of Fruit-trees to make Cyder 〈…〉 and Oyles to distill Waters and Oyles or Quintessences of whatsoeuer the Husbandmans store and encrease with manie patternes of Limbeckes for the distilling of them to feed and preserue Silkewormes to make and maintaine medow-Medow-grounds Fish-ponds of running and standing waters to take Fishes to measure and tyll Corne-ground to bake Bread to dresse baked Meats to brew Beere to trimme Vines to make medicinable Wines with a very large and excellent discourse touching the nature and qualitie of Wine in generall and after that another speciall and particular one of all such Wines as grow in Gasconie Languedo● Touraine Orleans Paris and other countries of France to plant Woods of Timber-trees and Vnder-growth to make a Warren to breed Herons and to imparke wild Beasts As also a large discourse of hunting the Hart wild Bore Hare Foxe Gray Conie and such like with the ordering of Hawkes and all sorts of Birds And lastly in the end thereof is briefely shewed the nature manner of taking and feeding of the Nightingale Linnet Gold●●nch Siskin Larke and other such singing and melodious birds TO THE MOST NOBLE AND MOST WORTHIE LORD ROBERT Lord Willoughbie Baron of Willoughbie and Eresbie HOw euer the greatnesse of your place or the necessitie of the times may challenge your vertue most Noble Lord to bee wholy taken vp in the contemplation of high and serious affaires as ambitious or couetous to enjoy a full and absolute man and making euery thing that is not equall with your worth too much too inferiour for your eye yet this excellent glorie of Nobilitie well tempered Curtesie in which you are flowing rich persuad● me that the arguments handled in this Booke shall not appeare so triuiall in your Iudgement but that as to the tale of an honest Husbandman you will bend your Noble eare And though not for the bettering of your owne knowledge yet for the benefit which may spring vnto your neighbours grant it your most Noble patronage and defence from the stormes and frosts of Enuie and Detraction It first belonged to your most Noble and Heroical Father as the gift of a learned and well experienced Gentleman who in the translation tooke a long and well-meriting labour it must needs then now be yours both by order and inheritance And though when it came to kisse his hand it was all French except the language so that many wanted skill to make vse and some were fearefull how to vse a knowledge so differing from their practise yet now it is put into other garments and how homely soeuer the stuffe be yet it is cut with that art and iudgement that without doubt it will both endure the wearing and become any Husbandman of this Kingdome or the other who were first breeders of the same to whose particular profit I leaue it and my s●lfe euer to bee disposed as your Lordships seruant G. M. TO THE RIGHT HONORABLE SIR PEREGRINE BARTIE Knight Lord Willoughbie Baron of Willoughbie and Eresbie Lord Gouernor of her Maiesties Towne of Barwicke and Lord Warden of the East Marches AS Darius in his deepe affecting desire made choice of many such subiects and Captaines as Zopyrus and Eacus after that the Pestilence had vnpeopled Thessalia did wish that the swarmes of Pismires whereupon as it is said the Myrmidons tooke their names might be turned into men So I am vndoubtedly persuaded right honourable that you hauing made your chiefe and speciall choce of the things which are from aboue and striuing therein to set vp your rest of contentation would with like delight haue welcomed some such thing as had concerned the dressing and adorning of the soule rather than any course countrie and domesticall discourse such as I am here to offer vnto your Honour being commonly esteemed but as a tale of a turfe or matter for a mattocke And indeed I could haue wished that the Heauens had stoupt as low to haue reuealed vnto you some of her sacred mysteries as the earth hath aduanced it selfe herein and opened her mouth to shew vnto you her cabinet of rich prouision and casket of pretious iewels Or else that according to your place and calling some Caesar had affoorded you some learned Commentarie of Martiall Stratagems or some Lycurgus such treatise of Policie as wherein you might haue had pointed out and delineated as with Polycletus his golden rule the exquisit rules of vpright iustice and lawes of Common-weales safe gouernment But seeing this is that mite which my store will allow me at this time to offer vnto your Honour accepting the same may it please you to looke a little thereupon and consider that varietie and store of rarities their power magnificence and renow●●e Furthermore of or from the earth is ministred matter to defend or offend ●eed or famish cherish or starue make blind or restore sight to ouerturne or build vp great towers to giue or take away light to procure health or fickenes●e foes or friends peace or warre pleasure or paine sorrow or mirth taste or distaste sleepe or watchfulnesse sores or soundnesse barrennesse or fruitfulnesse life or death and what not Yea if you should desire to looke vpon the counterfeit of beautie or to know Diuine Pandora her manifold other graces you need not farre to search seeing herein irreprehensible shape surpassing fairenesse infinite riches rare attire robes ornaments issue abilitie vtilitie wisdome and gouernment seeing it also as the center of the world attended
man could desire in a ground of speciall and principall praise and commendation It is true that besides that Necessitie doth beget skill and prouoke and stirre vp men to take all possible paine industrie and care it doth also procure that there should not that discommoditie be found to offer it selfe which shall not be recompenced and counteruailed either by one or other commoditie as for example in hot places there are growne good Wines and Fruits of long continuance in cold places great store of sweet waters and sometimes sea-water which greatly encreaseth their profit in others for the most part when the Earth is barren in the vpper part it containeth some good things vnderneath as it falleth in Stone-pits Mynes and such other things which make the change for the better So then wee are to hold our selues content with such estate and condition as the place shall affoord where we must dwell and settle our habitation and if it be not such as some curious man in his desire or one that is hard to please might require and looke for then wee shall straine our selues to mend it by the meanes see downe hereafter There are verie few Farmes to be found so seated as that there is not something to be supplyed as want of Water in high and ascending places such as are the Countries of Beaux and Campaigne notwithstanding that their grounds there be strong as it happeneth in rising and mountainous places too great store of water in falling grounds and long valleyes such as are to be found in some places of Sauoy Daulphine Auuergne and Gascoigne in which places there is more pasture than tillage other quarters are giuen by nature to be sandie as towards the Towne of Estamps Saint Marturin de l'Archaut in Solongue and in the Countrey of Lands which notwithstanding cease not to be moist and waterish other quarters are chalkie and clayie as towards Rheims Troy and Chalons in Campaigne othersome are stonie as towards Saint Lou de S●rans Tonnerre Vezelay in Daulphine and in the Pyrene Mountaines where is to be found great store of excellent Marble and some are rockie which are most fit for the Countries abounding with Vines Howsoeuer the case stand the building cannot happen in so inconuenient and strange a place but that a man may make choice to take the best quarter for the Sunne-shine as that which is most for the health and wholesomenesse of the inhabitants and apply it euerie way for his vse and ease If therefore a high and flat place as Beaux or high France doe want Water you must for a supply make Pooles right ouer against your Courts and Cesternes in your Gardens and as for your grounds you must draw furrowes therein in such sort as that the earth cast vp by the way may retaine moisture a long time and if the ground proue it selfe strong you shall not need to manure and dung it so oft neither yet to let it lye fallow more than euerie fourth yeare If you cast Pits you must digge them of a conuenient widenesse and length that is to say fouresquare but somewhat more long than wide after the fashion of the Pits Aranques which are in vse in the gardens of Prouence and Languedoc with their trough laid to the brinkes of the Pits to receiue such water as is drawne but if the water be so low in the ground that such kind of Pits cannot be made then there must Pits be made to go with a wheele and those so large as that at euerie draught you may draw vp halfe a pipe of water at the least which you shall emptie into particular troughes and keepe them for the vse of your People and Cattell but aboue all other things you must haue a speciall care to gather and keepe well all Raine water either in C●sterne or otherwise The Cesterne shall be set in such a place as that it may receiue all that commeth from such spouts as are belonging to roofes or lower lofts of the house It must be firmely and closely paued with clay and mortar and after drawne ouer and floored with the same mortar to the end that the water be not made muddie or ●ast of the earth and if there happen any clift or chinke you must stop it with Cement made of cleane Haire Tallow vnquencht Lime and yolkes of Egges well beat and made into powder and then all of them well mixed together The throat or passage for the water out of it shall be such as that appointed for the Pits or Wells Some cast into their Cesternes E●les and other fresh water fish for to be fed and kept there to the end that the water may become the lighter by reason of their mouing and stirring of it and that so it may the more resemble the nature of running water but indeed such water is nothing wholesome for men as neither yet for beasts it were farre better to straw with greene hearbes all the bottome of the said Cesterne and cast in little pebbles of the Riuer vpon them for by this meanes rather the water would be made better Moreouer for the discommoditie of Wood you shall make leane the earth in certaine places neere vnto your lodging with grosse Sand Fullers earth and ashes from off the Earth after that you shall either sow or set there such Trees as you shall thinke that may serue you although indeed it were good to proue what kind of Trees would best prosper there before you wholly sow or set it If your place extend and reach vnto some running streame your medowes shall not be so farre off from it as your house which to be too neere a neighbour vnto Riuers would be a cause of procuring Rheumes and the falling down of some Roomes and yet it is not good to haue it too farre off as well in respect of watering of the Cattell as for the washing of Buckes Skinnes Line and H●mpe for the whiting of Webs of Cloth if so be that you intend or purpose any such thing for the grinding of your Corne as also if onely the Riuer neere vnto you be nauigable to send that which you reape from your Fields vnto the Towne but you must chuse the highest peece of ground to build your dwelling house vpon I leaue out the pleasures of Princes and great noble Personages who for their delight sake doe dwell in Summer in wattie places excellently trimmed and beautified with waters and furnished with all delights for our householder may not in any case charge himselfe with further costs than this his state may well beare for Princes haue wherewith they may be at their change and varietie of lodgings according to the changes and alterations of the seasons of the yeare and to turne at their pleasure the square into the round and contrariwise In a drie place as Beaux and Champaigne and the mountainous Countries learn● to set your building so well as
that it may take the Easterne Equinoctiall and not lose the rising of the Sunne in March and October or rather in September If there be euer a Hill build vpon the edge thereof making choise to haue your lights towards the East but if you be in a cold Countrey open your lights also on the South side and little or nothing towards the North if it be not in your Barnes where you put your Corne or such other things as are subiect to the Weasell and other vermine Ouer-against the North you shall procure some row or tuft of Trees for to be a marke vnto you of your place and defence also for the same against the Northerne windes in the Winter time But if you be in a hote countrey you must set your said tuft of Trees on the South side against such windes and heat of Sunne as come from thence and boldly open your lights especially in the said Barnes which lie on the North side Make good choice of the best parts of your Grounds to be most fit for Fruits Corne and Medowes and plant your Vineyard to haue the South open vpon it You shall make also certaine crosse Barnes with their counter-windowes in the place towards the South to open them in the time of a Northerne wind Such places are found in Countries full of Mountaines which doe greatly desire the East and yet notwithstanding would therewithall take part of the South which is so needfull for them In this and such like places Wells are in greater request and much more necessarie than in valleyes and plaine grounds and that wee may find out the place where it is best to make them wee must chuse the Easterne side at the beginning of the descent somewhat therewithall bending towards the North but wee may not haue any thing to doe with the Westerne side and yet somewhat better toward the South where hauing ouer night digged the earth in diuers places the quantitie of three feet ouer and fiue in depth and after returning in the morning at the Sunne-rise you must make triall how it soundeth being strucken with the end of a Holly staffe armed at the said end with some round peece of Iron or Latten after the manner of the end of a Shepheards staffe without the Crooke and there by the iudgement of the eare to obserue and marke how it soundeth vnderneath as whether it sound like a Mortar or like fat Earth Potters clay or some other that is very hard or like a Glasse halfe broken or else like a very deepe Pit that toucheth the Quarrie or Veine lying vnderneath and this is the best way to iudge and make triall Or otherwise in the moneth of August or September at such time as the Earth is verie drie a little before the Sunne rise you must lye downe flat vpon the ground hauing your face toward the East and chuse out that place where you shall espie a vapour to rise vp out of the Earth after the manner of little Clouds for this is a token of a proud or plentifull store of water Or else to make a shorter triall to make deepe trenches of foure foot within the ground and therein to put sponges or fleeces of Wooll verie drie and cleane couering them with boughs of Trees or leaues of Hearbes then after some time to take them out of the Earth and they being wet and moist doe argue abundance of water according to the qualitie of moisture which they haue within them whereas if on the contrarie they be drie when they be taken vp it argueth that there is no water to be come by Diuers there be that gather figures of the springing vp of water in place where by their seeing of small clouds and vapours rising from thence into the ayre in drie faire and calme seasons But howsoever it is not conuenient to content ones selfe with the bare viewing of the hearbes which grow thereupon without hauing first made some triall for vnder Crowfoot Folefoot Plantaine Dogtooth Cinquefoile Milfoile and three-leaued Grasse Water is not farre to seeke but it is naught worth if one digge not verie deepe as is to be seene at Bagnolet Belle-Ville vpon the Sand and other places of Liury Vnder Veruaine is oftentimes found good Water and deepe according to the nature of the ground and withall if the head doe spring from grounds apt to boyle as red Sand or gray Rocke and not from those sides which by and by are dried vp Aboue all to the end we may have Wells containing water of a good rellish and such as will neuer drie vp we must make choice of a s●●die blacke grauelly or clayish ground or such a one as is full of pebbles and especially that which is mixed of pebbles and sand together but neuer of that water which floweth from Fullers clay mire mudde or springeth from the grounds where Sallowes Roses Reeds and other such Plants which are engendred of a watrie humour doe grow for although that such places doe yeeld great store of water notwithstanding that water is naught worth and will easily be dried vp Wherefore as much as lyeth in you procure that your Wells be farre off from such ditches as wherein they lay the dung of Stables Cattell or Swine-coats to rot or any other place which may annoy in regard of the pissing of beasts if they be not well digged and made verie deepe True it is that Wells will be a great deal● the better if they consist of a high rising water and not such a one as lyeth deepe in the earth For howsoeuer that such Wells be lesse hot in Winter and in Summer lesse cold yet notwithstanding it shall be infinitely better because it hath more helpe of the Sunne and Aire which are the two things which doe greatly amend and make better the water and if necessitie force the water to lye so deepe and low wee must seeke to helpe the inconuenience by drawing but a little and oft for the iumbling and stirring of the water will rectifie it and amongst other things you must haue speciall care not to keepe it couered Fountaines in like manner rising from such places of Mountaines are had in request as well for the profit of the water which is a great deale better and more pleasant than that drawne out of Wells as also for the beautifying of the Country Farme And for to find their Head or Spring wee must vse the like meanes as wee haue layd downe for the finding of Wells excepted that wee must make chiefe choice of such as breake forth vpon the North at the bottome of high and great Mountains hauing hollow places and compassed about with plaines for in such plaine grounds the water gathereth it selfe together and distilleth through the earth Now this kind of prouision of water is when you desire it in great aboundance but if you stand vpon and desire the best and most excellent water you must make choice of
high places and such as are not ouer-shadowed the fall whereof doth enioy the Sunne-rising for water out of such Fountaines is a great deale more light and pleasant in tast and by how much it runneth the swifter and longer way in the Aire and Sunne before it come to the bottome so much it groweth the better as when it falleth from high Rocks it is as it were beaten and broken in falling through the downe-right places of stones and craggednes●e of the Rocks We must also see that such Mountaines be full of Dogs-tooth Plantaine Fox-taile wild Penny-ryall transmarine Sage which is called Adianthum Milfoile Chameleon and generally all other hearbes and plants which grow without being planted and are by nature greene well branched good and thicke and well flowred The time most apt in all the yeare and affoording greatest perseuerance for the finding out of the heads of Wells and Fountaines are the moneths of August or September for then it is easie to know the greatnesse of the head when the earth by the great heat of Summer hath no moisture of raine left remaining in it and then also we may gather assurance of such as will neuer drie vp altogether If it happen that the head Fountaine be somewhat too farre from the Farme you may force the water to come thither by little Riuers or rather more conueniently by cha●els and conduits made of Lead Wood or Pot-earth the best are made of Aller tree F●rre tree or Pine tree out of which distilleth Perro●en because that such Trees haue an oylie humour and hot which easily resisteth the hurtes which water might cause Next to them are those which are made of Pot-earth if that the water carried along in them were not the cause of breeding obstruction These must be two fingers thicke and sharpe at one end the length of halfe a foot to goe the one of them into the other the worst sort is those made of Lead because the water carried along by them purchaseth from the Lead an euill qualitie and that because of the Ceruse thereof so that it oftentimes causeth bloudie fluxes and other such like diseases if we beleeue Galen and them which for this cause call the inhabitants of Paris Squitters because they vse Fountaine-water which runneth through Leaden pipes which point notwithstanding seemeth not to be without all doubt seeing that Ceruse cannot breed nor be made of Lead without vineger and for that we see also diuers Countries doe drinke of such waters without being troubled with bloudie fluxes whatsoeuer it is wee must set well together and soulder the pipes with a compound made of vnquenched lime and the grea●e of a hogge or of Perrosen and the whites of egges or of lyme whites of egges oyle and the filings of yron because that all these things doe hinder corruptions and rottennesse which the water might cause If any Mountaine doe hinder the laying or bringing along of these Pipes wee must make them way if any Valley we must reare arches such as are to be seene in a Village neere vnto Paris called Ar●ueil and that because of those said arches or rayse pillars and other matter to support those water-passages But it is not sufficient to haue found out those Heads of Wells and Fountaines but we must further consider of the goodnesse and wholesomenesse of the Water as Aristotle teacheth vs For seeing the greatest part of our life dependeth vpon the vse of this element it is requisite that the Master of the Household should haue care to procure good Water in as much as Water must be the most of his seruants drinke and that the Bread which he and his familie doe eat is kneaded therewith and the greatest part of his victuals boyled therein The best and most wholesome Water of all others is Raine Water falling in Summer when it thundereth and lightneth verie much and yet notwithstanding Raine Water causeth costiuenes●e and obstructions especially that which is kept in Cesternes newly made and that by reason of their Mortar wherewith they are ouer-layd It doth also corrupt very quickly that onely excepted which falleth in May and being so corrupted it ma●reth the voice bringing Hoarsenesse and a little Co●gh Next to this in goodnesse is 〈◊〉 Fountaine Water which falleth from the Mountaines and runneth along amo●gst Stones and Rocks Next to this in goodnesse is Well Water or that which issueth at the hanging parts of the Mountaines or that which springeth in the bottome of a Valley The fourth different sort of Waters is that of the Riuer The worst of all the rest is that of the Poole and Marish Grounds and yet that which runneth not is worse than all the rest and more apt to in●ect The Water of Snow and Ice is the most vnwholesome of all because it is the coldest and most earthie as not hauing beene prepared by the heat and vertue of the Sunne And as conce●ning the Water of Wells and Fountaines seeing it is not found good alwaies and in all places we shall know them to be good if it haue neither tast s●●ell nor any colour whatsoeuer being notwithstanding verie cleere and of the nature of the Ayre taking quickly the colour of anie thing that one shall cast into it being also cleane warme in Winter and cold in Summer easie to make hot and as soone becomming cold againe in which Peason Beanes and other such like things doe boyle easily and which being put for some space in a Brasen Copper or Siluer Vessell well scoured leaueth no discoloured parts or spots in the same and which when it hath beene boyled in a Ca●ldron made verie faire and cleane doth not make any ●etling or shew of filth in the bottome if such as vse to drinke it haue a cleere voice a sound breast and the die or colour of the face be neat and liuely finally that which together with the rest of the markes is verie light and by consequent as principall of all the rest shall that be iudged which excelleth in the foresaid markes and qualities and for to know which is the lightest weigh as much with as much of euerie sort of Water or else take two three or ●oure Clothes of one and the same webbe length and breadth according to the quantitie and sorts of Water which you would compare together and in euerie one wet a Cloth distill the Clothes or let the Water drop out of them and then weigh them for the Cloth which was moistened in the ●ightest Water will then weigh les●e than the rest It is true that the lightnesse of Water is not so truely tryed by weight as by drinking not causing at such time anie burthenous weight in the places about the short Ribbes and passeth through the bodie speedily as also in being quickly hot and quickly cold Drie Places and Countries abounding with Mountaines doe commonly bring forth Stones which is easily perceiued by the rough and boisterous handling of the Earth
and also by the Stones lying vpon the vpper part thereof which otherwise might haue fallen and beene cast there in manner as sometimes it falleth out that men find vpon vntilled grounds the liuely shapes of Fruits and Corne gathered together and growne vnto the Stone which is to bee seene neere to Mommirall in Brie where Wood is growne vnto the Stone besides that the Hearth will make quicke and speedie triall hereof This will doe you seruice in the enclosing either of your Parke or of your Vineyards and other such like commodities besides the profit you may make of it by the selling of Milstones and Stones to build withall But looke well to your selfe and take good heed of Quarries and casting of Stone-pits and of their deceits which oftentimes rewards vs with our paines for our labour And as for the Earth taken and vnderstood generally it beareth all manner of Corne Fruits Hearbes Timber-trees Mettals Stones and other things and this hath beene giuen vnto it euen since it was first made and hereupon old Writers haue iustly giuen vnto it the due name of Mother But although in respect of the cold and drie substance and nature whereof it consisteth it may be called all of one temperature yet it purchaseth and getteth contrarie qualities according to the seuerall situations it hath in diuers places as also vpon occasion of affinitie intercourse and participation it hath with things of repugnant qualitie and hence doe rise the diuers sorts of the same and so diuers as that euerie ground will not beare euerie thing but one or two at the most For this cause to auoid both cost and labour see aboue all things that you proue either by your owne triall and experience or else by such enquirie as you can make of your neighbors what kind of Fruits what kind of Corne and what sorts of Trees doe prosper best thereon Some places in Trance and the free Countrey of Beaux beareth no other graine than Rye which is contrarie to the nature of the ground new broken vp another loueth nothing but Wheat Solonge loueth March corne and sometime Mesling Touraine worthily called the Garden of France is found most plentifull in Gardens and Fruit-trees as that part called Brie or Braye because it is situate betwixt the Riuers of Marne and Seine doth bring forth Fruits and Corne for sustenance and that quarter which lyeth betwixt Marne and the Riuer of Aube bringeth forth an infinite deale of Hay Notwithstanding the diligence of the Farmer may by his industrie ouercome the weaknesse of a ground euen as well as all sorts of wild Beasts may be tamed by the painefulnesse of man In watrie and marish places it will stand vs vpon to make our profit of the water which you shall oftentimes by sluces turne from his naturall courses into your pasture grounds and ponds of running and standing water for the profiting and helping of the same About the brinkes and edges of the most commodious ones you shall set rankes of such Trees and profitable Plants as you know to like and prosper in the water And you must especially obserue and marke the diuersitie of the bottome and vndermost part of the ground which in watrie places is often found to differ much and to be somewhat strange and according to the nature thereof to set such Trees as may best agree therewith Your House being ●eated in such places will be most strong and pleasant in Summer but of greatest maintenance preseruation and safetie if you enuiron it round about with water after the manner of an Islet as it is practised in manie places of Flanders who make the vse thereof familiar among them to reape thereby the benefit of Fish in his season the flesh of wild Fowle Trees as well for Fruit as for Fire and Building besides the helpes of their excellent pasture grounds but indeed your owne health as also the health of those of your familie is impaired hereby especially in Winter Wherefore it will be better to build vpon high ground as the auncient Romans did and to leaue the waters below for the comforting of your ●ight if so be you haue not the meanes of closing in all the same round about for your breed of young Colts and other Cattell all which will like verie well vpon such grounds except it be your Cattell seruing to furnish you with Wooll If your Farme doe for the most part consist of wild Grounds and Desarts you shall make them arable by labour and paines and recouer them deluing them diligently and raking them often for the Bull-rush B●akes and such other hearbes will soone be killed when the earth is often turned But and if you desire with more hast and certainetie to destroy them you shall burne the ground 〈◊〉 two first yeares and sow therein Lupines or Beanes to the end that together with the curing of the disease of your fields you may reape some profit and com●oditie Stonie grounds are mended by taking away the stones and if the quantitie be ●reat it will be best to cast them together in manner of some small hillock in certaine places of the ground and so by that meanes the rest will be cleansed and freed or ●●ther when the daies of handie-workes shall be got good cheape it will be best to digge the earth verie deepe and there burying the stones before-hand afterward to ●uer them with the earth If the Farme consist most of Forrests and Woods you shall make thereof arable ground by plucking vp the Trees altogether as also their rootes but and if there be but small store it will be ynough to cut them downe and burne them and then to till the ground And such grounds are wont the first yeare to bring forth much because that the moisture and substance which before was spent in the bringing forth and nourishing of Trees Bushes and Hea●bes doth prepare it selfe wholly for the good of the Corne that is sowne vpon it or for that it hauing beene fatted and growne better by the leaues and hearbes of manie yeares which of it owne accord it brought forth before it was tilled becommeth afterward sufficient to nourish and bring forth great abundance of fruits and so it commeth to passe also that being robbed of her former nourishment in time it groweth leane loosing the freshnesse and moisture which was maintained by the couert and therefore continueth not so fruitfull as it was at the beginning Sandie places may be made better by Dung and Marle which yet notwithstanding euen without such Husbanding by meanes of some currant of water running v●der the Earth in some Countries ceaseth not to yeeld good profit to their owners but these craue rest which is the principall remedie to helpe their weake and feeble estate and also to be sowne with varietie of graine as after Rye some kind of pulse The way to know such grounds is common when the
great Sand is fast and yellowish it is then found to be good for Corne and when it is white and drie it is good for Wood and wild fruits But it behoueth the Farmer to apply himselfe vnto the nature and temper of his field and according vnto it to sow and plant in euery place such things as are best agreeing with them as Pulse Millet Panicke Ryce Lentils Fetches and other things which doe not require great store of fatnesse But in our English Soyles we find that our sandie and hard grounds doe beare best Barley at their first breaking or when they are fattest after Rye Oats Fetches or Tare The strong heartie and fat Soyle is good for Vineyards and is apt to beare great store of Wheat-Corne foreseene that the yeare be drie especially in the moneth of May but small store of any other encrease yea and if the times be much giuen to raine they will beare but a little Corne and great store of chaffe Yet if the Seeds-man haue a carefull hand in the bestowing of his seed and doe not as it were cloy or choake his ground therewith these fat Soyles will beare very well and sufficiently the first yeare either whole Straw-Wheat Pollard-Wheat or Barley and the second yeare Beanes Pease or both mixed together and the third yeare Wheat or Rye or both mixed together which is called Maslyne or blend Corne. A raw rough and tough Soyle is hard to till and will neither bring forth Corne nor any other thing without great labour howsoeuer the seasons be temperate in moisture and drinesse To helpe the same you must labour it most exquisitely harrow it and manure it verie oft with great store of dung so you shall make it better and lesse subiect to the iniuries of the Sunne Winds and Frost but especially desire that they may not be watered with raine for water is as good as a poyson to them The Clay and strong ground as that in Bresse and other pla●es of Partois craueth great and deepe furrowes when it is eared and euerie where else as euen in the verie places where stones lye deepe and ouer-couered againe with good earth and this to the end that the water may the better be conueyed away which is naturally mixt therewith and cannot so easily depart by reason of the clamm●e sliminesse of the earth This plot is not so fit either for Trees or Vines except it be for some fruit Trees and those well husbanded and nourished If you build there then doe it vpon some high ground and neere ynough vnto the Riuer and cause the Easterne and Northerne quarter because such places are subiect verie much to putrifaction and verie vnwholesome The territories of Croye and Ardose are more sound and wholesome though they be more barren but it must be made better and much mended and employed onely to that which it delighteth in for the Baylife of the Husbandrie ought to know the nature of the ground and not to force it to beare that which is contrarie vnto it notwithstanding whatsoeuer you doe vnto it for the bettering of it for of forced grounds there comes as much profit as there doth of beasts by violence vsed towards them For suppose you may compell them yet it shall be to your great cost and charges by reason of their hurts maladies and otherwise for such cattell commonly stand not in good plight and state The old Prouerbe also saith That a Householder should giue greater heed vnto his profit and the holding out or continuing of that which he hath vnder his hand than to his pleasure and rare commoditie Euerie Countrie fit for good Vineyards is stonie and grauellie or full of pebbles and is found to be better on the South quarters or on the descent of the Hill lying on the side toward the Riuer This place is not so good for Corne in the plaine or ●lat places thereof you must make it better and dung it Make your buildings there on the sloping side which looketh into the Southeast where you may not remoue your selfe farre from the Riuer for the reason afore giuen The best Soyle is that which is blacke crumbling and easily turned ouer that is to say which easily falleth into small pieces in ones hand and feeleth light sweet and fat in handling like to that which is found in the countrey of Tourraine Maine and Anjou which are fertile in all manner of fruitfulnesse and aboundance of goods rich in Hills Vallies Pasture-grounds Vale-grounds Vineyards and all sorts of fruits but vpon good cause they giue place to Prouence part of Languedoc and Guienne and the better places of Aquitaine all which by reason of the heat of the South Sunne bring forth not onely in greater aboundance but their fruits of all sorts of better qualities and more forcible This is the land of Promise in our France and hath no discommoditie saue that of the Southerne wind which they call Austrault which except it be tempered by the Northerne winds doth almost euerie yeare engender vnhappie calamities both in men and beasts Wherefore in this Countrie the dwelling places and buildings must be set vpon a Hill and the South wind shut out and den●ed all entrance by lights except when it shall be needfull in the depth of Winter But to speake generally the Soyle may be knowne to be good and to beare great store of fruits by these means as if it be somewhat blacke or somewhat yellow if it 〈◊〉 not when it is ill tilled if it become not myrie when great store and abundance of raine shall fall vpon it but drinketh vp all the water that shall fall and therewithall keepe this moisture and refreshment a long time if in Winter time it become not hard in the vpper part thereof if without being husbanded or mended by great labour or fatnesse of dung it bring forth flourishing hearbes timber-trees straight thicke hauing great a●●es and abounding with store of their seuerall fruits and those good and well-rellished in their kinds and if it yeeld great fruitfulnesse of Corne if by being watered or rained vpon it become blowne vp and as it were stretched out and blacke and not hard bound or turned white if the water springing forth of it be sweet or if the greene soddes thereof being broken in pieces and steept two or three houres in water that is sweet and of a good tast doe not marre or make worse the tast of such water which must be tried by tasting of it after that it hath beene strained and clarified For naturally water issuing out from a spring or wrung from something that hath beene steept in it retaineth and carrieth with it the tast of the Earth and on the other side if the Earth steept in Water the same Water doe after such steeping yeeld a sweet and pleasant rellish if cast vp and two or three dayes after throwne into the said ditch againe it
the Hills shall not threaten much l●sse doe harme vnto the foundation of his dwelling place as also he shall not be too much subiect to the Winds and Raines of the whole yeare hee shall proc●re h●s principa●l Lights to stand vpon the Sunne-rising in the moneths of March and September for the Winds blowing 〈◊〉 those quarters are drie more hot than cold but verie whole●ome as well for the bodie as for the spirit of Man and the Sunne which commeth to enter betimes in the morning into the House doth diminish and wast the darknesse and gros●enes●e of the Aire adde further that looke by how ●uch his Hou●e shall be set more vpon the said Easterne point by so much the more easily it will be able to receiue that Wind in Summer and be les●e beaten in Winter with Frosts The Barnes shall be open towards the Sunne-set in respect of their greatest lights and with●ll shall haue one light seruing toward the North for the cause aboue named but all Houses for Beasts shall haue their Windowes towards the South and borrowing somewhat of the East for that the Winds blowing from thence will keepe th●m sound at all seasons and times It is true that as for St●b●es for Horses it is neces●arie to make them a light seruing towards the North to open ●n the hot time of Summer during the vehement heat thereof and that at the houre of their ease and rest which is Noone-tide for at this time and houre if you giue them not some breath of aire to coole them withall the heat of the Noone Sunne which would strike in and their owne which is alwaies in the Stable as also their breathing and presse of the whole companie of Horses being there together would set them in such a sweat faintnesse of bodie and loathing of their mea● as that the verie Stable would wearie weare and spend them as much as the Plough it selfe And as for the rest of the Buildings or the base Courts it maketh no great matter vpon what Coasts or Quarters you dispose them howbeit if you so contriue them as that they may marke vpon the North they cannot but be to good purpose These instructions for Lights and Windowes are not so strictly enioyned as that the differing qualities and conditions of Countries where such building must be made may not moue you to dispose them otherwise for seeing there are found in some Countries such Winds as are almost ordinarie and may be said to haue gotten as it were ● habit and those blowing from such Quarters as lye vpon the Sea or Marishes or such other and therefore bring with them some noysome qualitie or at least little profitable it must needs be permitted in such places to alter and change the former directions And to speake the truth seeing that by the meanes of Windowes and counter-Windowes you may cut off the entrance both of Sunne and whatsoeuer Winds it shall be left in your free choice to make such Lights as may seeme most necessarie in your owne iudgements being euermore directed against such annoyance as the Ayre might bring from that place whatsoeuer from whence it commeth And although that euerie one build after his owne humor yet the cause should so stand as that reason should rule euermore and surely such a man should be estee●ed but of a slender iudgement which hauing a place and commodities belonging ●hereto did not fit things in such sort as that on the one side of his chamber he haue ● light open vpon the Court and forepart of his Farme by which they must enter that ●ome to it and another open vpon his Gardens and principall Grounds Wherefore that he may know the more easily to prepare his Buildings as it were anew or else repaire it after his owne fansie it will be meet and conuenient for him to doe in manner as followeth Draw a great Court and wide and that verie square euerie way in the middest thereof cause to be cast two Fish-ponds at the least one for Geese Ducks and other Cattell the other to water steepe or soften Lupines Osiers Roddes and such other things as also for the rotting of your dung and somewhat more to the further side a Well with two or three troughs of hewen stone to water your Cattell and Poultrie ●t if you haue not the benefit of a running Water or some neere Riuer either great or small Make also two Dunghils the one to con●aine and rot all your new dung ●nd to keepe it till the yeare following the other that from it you may take the old and rotten dung and carrie it out into the fields These two Dunghils must bee farre from them and on a ground falling from the fore-named Fish-ponds and Well if so be that the place will affoord it or else at the least cast deepe within the Earth and paued in the bottome before hand least that the Earth should drinke vp the moisture for Dunghils must of necessitie be kept in continuall moisture to the end that if peraduenture amongst the Straw Litter Stubble or Chaffe which is brought thithe● there be the seeds of any Hearbes or Thornes mixt among they may rot and not bad or bring forth any Weeds when the dung shall be spread vpon the ground And therefore expert and skilfull seruants doe couer with Clay the dung which they cast out of the Stables to the end the Wind may not drie it vp or that the Sunne or Wind should cause it to spend all the moisture and turne it into dust This Court containing two acres square shall be compassed in with a Wall of ●ighteene ynches thicke and tenne foot high from the ground for the resting of y●ur Buildings vpon that are within and to meet with the danger threatned by Theeues and ruin●s procured by Raine it shall be strengthened with chaynes on those sides which lye next vnto Wayes as also with good Rafters according to the greatnesse of the commoditie of your plac● and other stuffe In the middest of the Wall and in the fore-part which is the part lying vpon th● Sunne-set you shall make your Gates and their Porch and in like manner a couer ouer head to keepe the said Gates from the Sunne and Raine which otherwise would beat full vpon them and ouerthrow them as also for the speciall vse of your selfe and your familie as to giue them place and shelter in the time of Raine or when they please And the Gates must be so high and wide as that a Cart laden with Hay or Corne may goe in with ease You shall raise it halfe a foot aboue the ground and defend it on the outside or vpper ground with a threshold well and fitly layd and in such sort as that vpon the running downe of water it may not rot which they would doe if they should come close to the ground and that theeues may not cast them off their hookes with Lea●ers or Crowes of yron
the Ouen and taken in the weight of a French crowne with white Wine halfe a quarter of an houre before the fit Furthermore the Liniment made with Mithridate or the oyle of Scorpions applyed to the ridge of the backes soles of the feet palmes of the hands brow and temples some small time before the fit The verie same vertue hath the oyles of B●yes mixed with Aqua vitae Some townesmen doe vse this superstitious rite against such manner of agues that is to say they eat nine dayes together being fasting the leaues of Sage the first day nine the second eight and so consequently they diminish euerie day a leafe vntill the last of the said nine dayes and the confident persuasion that they haue of this medicine doth cure them Some find it verie singular in a Quartane Ague after purging to drinke white wine wherein there hath beene Sage steeped all night if you eat before the fit a head of Garlicke pilled you shall scape the fit of shiuering cold if you drinke one or two ounces of the iuices of the root of Elder stamped and strained some small time before the fit and take the same againe two or three times you shall lose your ague The distilled water of the roots of Sea-Holly or else take a dramme of Myrrhe in powder and drinke it with Malmesey an houre before the fit The distilled water or decoction of Cardu● Benedictus and taken before the fit Pills made of Myrrhe and of Treacle as big as a ●ich pease taken an houre before the fit For the Thirst of an Ague let him roll to and fro vpon his tongue the three-cornered stone found in the heads of Carpes or the leaues of round Sorrell or a piece of Siluer or Gold or a Snayle stone or a piece of Crystall oftentimes dipt in water or the leaues of Pursl●ne or of Houseleeke or the husked seeds of Cucumbers For a Tertian Ague steepe in white Wine the bruised root of hearbe Patience for the space of three or foure houres afterward straine it and reserue about a pretie draught to giue the sicke to drinke an houre or two before his fit or else doe the like with the rootes of Plantaine steept in equall quantitie of Wine and Water or take a pretie draught of the iuice of Plantaine or of Pur●lane or of Pimpernell and drinke them a verie little while before the fit or else drinke with Wine euerie day six leaues of Cinquefoile that is to say three in the morning and three at the euening or the iuice of Smallage of Sage and good strong Vineger of euerie one an ounce three houres before the fit The most soueraigne remedie that some men doe find for it is to drinke fasting fiue houres before the fit two ounces of the iuice of Pomegranats and presently after to lay to the wrists temples and soles of the feet small pills of the bignesse of a Pease made of an ounce of the oyntment of Populeon and two drammes of Spiders webs and there to leaue them vntill such time as that the houre and feare of the fit be past or else a Cataplasme made of Sage Rue Greeke Nettle gathered before Sunne-rise of each a handfull Salt and Soot the quantitie of a Walnut it being all stamped with vineger and applyed to the pulset an houre before the fit Some doe greatly approue of a Liniment of Earthwormes boyled with Goose grease to rub the brow and temples of the sicke partie withall before the fit or else to carrie about his necke the hornes of a swift Hart which is a singular remedie For a Quotidian it is good to drinke somewhat before the fit the iuice drawne out of Betonie and Plantaine or to drinke euerie morning a reasonable draught of the decoction made of the root of Smallage Parsley Radishes Sperage leaues of Betonie and Spleenwort red cich Pease and the middle ri●de of Elder or to steepe in white wine the roots of Danewort and to drinke a small draught thereof an houre before the fit but after that hee must take heed of sleeping or let him drinke euerie day with Wine two leaues of Cinquefoile one in the morning and another at euening as also let him apply vnto his pulses the Cataplasme that wee haue set downe for the Quartane Ague To take away the paine of the Head comming of great heat namely such as befalleth Mowers during the Summer time there must be applyed vpon the browes slices of Gourds or Linnen Clothes dipped in Rose water or the iuice of Plantaine Nightshade Lettuce Purcelane and Vineger of white Wine or let her beat two whites of egges with Rose water and with Flaxe make a Frontlet or stampe bitter Almonds with Veruaine water and apply them vnto the browes or to wash the head in warme water in which hath beene boyled the leaues of Vines and Willowes the flowers of Water-Lillies and Roses and with the same water to wash the feet and legges and if in case the paine be so great as that there is feare that hee should loose his wits let there be applyed vpon the crowne of his head browes and temples a Cataplasme made of the white of an egge Bole-armoniacke Crabbes throughly boyled and Poppie seed with the water of Betonie and Vineger If the Head complaine it selfe of too much Drinke there may be made a Frontlet with wild Time Maiden haire and Roses or receiue and take the fume of the decoction of Coleworts or by and by after the head beginneth to be ill to eat one or two short-started Apples or some bitter Almonds or else to drinke of the shauings of Harts-horne with Fountaine or Riuer water or if you see that your stomacke be not sicke thou mayst take of the haire of the Beast that hath made thee ill and drinke off a good glasse of Wine If the Head become sicke of some great Cold apply and lay to the Head a bag full of Branne Millet and rubbed Salt or of Sage Marierome Betonie Tyme Annise-seed Fennell-seed Bay-berries and Iuniper-berries as hot as you can endure them or else chafe the temples with the iuice of Nightshade oyle of Roses and Vineger To cure the Frensie that commeth of a hot cause you must apply vpon the head of the patient the lungs of a Sheepe newly killed or the whole Gather or some Henne or Pigeon slit along the backe and applyed vnto the same place or rub his browes and all his head ouer with oyle of Roses Vineger and Populeon or with the iuice of Nightshade oyle of Roses and Vineger To awake those which are giuen to sleepe too soundly it is good to make a Frontlet of Sauorie boyled in Vineger or to make a perfume for the patients nosthrils with strong Vineger or seed of Rue or Nigella or feathers of a Partridge or of old Shooe soles or of the hoofes of an Asse or of mans haire or else to apply vpon the browes a Cataplasme of
boyled in honied water and putting thereto the Muscilage of Fleawort seed and the oyle of Lillies A Cataplasme made of the dung of Goats fresh Butter and the residence of the oyle of Nuts doth digest the swellings vnder the eare Against the stinking of the Nosthrils it is good to snuffe vp into the nosthrils of the decoction of Marierome Calameth Cloues Ginger and Nutmegs made inwhite Wine or else of the vineger of Squils To stay bleeding at the Nose you must by and by lay your thumbe vpon that side of the nose that bleedeth and you must put about your necke a neck-lace of Iaspar stone you must tie the vttermost parts of the bodie so strait as you can and put in the nose a tent of dead Nettles and hold in your hands the leaues and rootes of Agrimonie or else hold in your mouth verie cold Cesterne water and change it oftentimes Some doe much approue the vse of Camphire the flowers of Willow the mosse of Quinces and other hoar●e fruits put into the nose and to apply vnto the Browes Camph●re with the seed of Nettles or with the iuice of Plantain or of Nightshade or else to apply vnto the Temples and about the necke especially oueragainst the iugular veines hearbes of a cooling facultie as Nightshade Planta●ne Lettuce dead Nettles or pricking Nettles pouned with salt and vineger Peruincle others Peruincle also put vnder the Tongue hath the same vertue Some doe make in like manner Neck-laces and Bracelets of the hearbe S. Innocent Some hold in the hand that is on that side that the nose doth bleed of a branch of Holihocke Diuers Countrie folkes to stay any kind of bleeding in any part doe wrap of Hogs dung in Cotton and apply it to the place from whence the bloud commeth Others snuffe vp into the nose the powder of a three-cornered stone found in the head of a Carpe dried and made into powder Against the ach of the Teeth you must boyle in Vineger and Rosewater the root of Henbane or of the Mulberrie tree and to hold this decoction in the mouth otherwise take a Cloue of Garlicke and rost it a little vnder hot embers afterward bray it and lay it vpon the pained tooth as hot as you can in like manner put one in the eare of the same side that the paine is Some doe bray a Cloue of Garlicke with Salt and lay it to the pulse of that arme that is vpon the aking side Otherwise take two drammes of the rootes of Pellitorie bruised of the leaues of Sage Rosemarie of euerie one halfe a handfull Three fat Figges and you shall boyle them all in tenne ounces of Wine vnto the consumption of all the Wine afterward you shall take a quantitie of the said Figges and apply it to the aking tooth as hot as possible may be or else wash and gargle your teeth with the decoction of ground Yu●e made in Wine and to the consumption of the third part of the said Wine After the same manner you must apply vpon the pulses of the Temples a playster made of Pitch the powder of Allome and a Gall verie hot It is good also for the ach of the teeth to put thereupon the iuice of Garlicke Motherwort Rue or some hot oyle as that of Sage which is singular in this behalfe Some hold it for a secret to weare about the necke the tooth of a man knit within a piece of Taffata or a Beane found in which there is inclosed a Lowse taketh away the most strong paine of the teeth that may be endured It is good to foment the loose teeth with the decoction of Rosewater and Allome or else of the rootes of Cinquefoile and Allome and in case you would cause them to fall out put in their hole or hollow place of the ashes of Earth-wormes or of the dung of Mice or of the tooth of a Hart for such ashes will cause them to fall out by and by without any Iron or Instrument Or else apply thereunto the stone of a Mulberrie or else steepe the root of Mulberrie tree stampt and bruised the space of fiue daies in good strong vineger in the Sunne and there let it drie so as that you may make it into powder and then apply the same powder Vnto your tooth or else you shall apply thereto the braines of a Partridge or the iuice of water-Cresses in the place or else put into the hollow of the tooth the iuice of great Celandine To keepe the Teeth cleane and bright and to preserue them from the falling downe of all manner of Rheumes take a pint of Fountaine water a third part of Rosewater put therein two drammes of Allome as much of Cinnamon boyle them softly together in a Viall or earthen Pot well Leaded vnto the consumption of the third or fourth part wash your mouth and teeth therewith euening and morning or else wash your mouth and teeth in the warme decoction of small Sage Rosemarie and great Marierome boyled in white Wine to the consumption of the third part To stay the Canker of the Teeth hold in the morning a great graine of Salt vnder your tongue vntill it be there melted then rub your teeth therewith To take away the stinking of the Mouth it is good to wash the mouth with Wine wherein hath boyled Anniseed and Cloues or to chaw the root of Acornes or else to chew Masticke long ynough For the stinking of the Teeth it is good to rub them with the leaues of Sage and the rinde of a Ci●●on or with the powder of Cloues and Nutmegs in the meane time there must be auoided the vse of Milke-meats raw Fruits sharpe things and such as are hard to chew all victuals of ill digestion and all vomiting To white and take the wrinkles out of the Hands take the drosse of oyle of Linseed steepe it in raine water and wash your hands therewith or else wash your hands with the iuice of Citrons alone or some graines of Salt mixed therewithall For the Cough take Hysope and Folefoot of each one handfull Figges of Marcellis damaske Raisins and Licorice of each an ounce boyle them all in water vntill the third part be consumed vse this decoction twice a day two houres before dinner in the morning and at euening one houre before supper It is good likewise to take red Coleworts and to make them boyle two or three boyles with an handfull of Folefoot and a slip or two of Hysope and to vse this broth twice a day For the Squinancie or sorenesse of the Throat you must take a whole Swallowes Neast boyled with white Wine and with the oyle of Camomill and sweet Almonds therewith to make a Cataplasme and to apply it vnto the throat or to drinke by and by the weight of a French crowne of the tooth of a wild Boare powdred with the water of Carduus Benedictus or to touch the diseased
place with a Liniment made of Linseed and the powder of the tooth of a wild Boare or else to apply vnto the place a Cataplasme made of the dung of a young boy of a good constitution fed for the space of three dayes with Lupines and well baked Bread lea●ened and salted and hauing Claret Wine to drinke and no other eyther meates or drinkes and adding to the foresaid childs dung an equall quantitie of Honey Against the Pleurisie drinke presently with the syrrup of Violets or some other appropriate to the Breast whatsoeuer the weight of a scruple of Nettle seed or of the Ash Trees or take three ounces of the distilled water of Maries thistle or of Carduus Benedictus or of Broome a spoonefull of white Wine six springs or straines of Egges that are verie new the weight of a French crowne of the shells of French small Nuts made into powder eighteene graines of red Corall powdred all being mixed together let it be giuen warme with as much speed as may be mundified Barley and the seeds of Melons Gourds Cucumbers and Poppie are in that case highly commended roast a sweet apple vnder the embers mix therwithall when it is roasted the iuice of Licor●ce Starch and white Sugar giue thereof vnto the diseased twice a day two houres before meat or else take the weight of a French crowne of the powder of a wild Bores tooth and cause him to swallow it either with the iuice of sweet Almonds and Sugar Candie or with the broth of red Coleworts or decoction of the water of Barley or some other such like which is appropriate for the Breast or else burne to ashes the pizzle of an Oxe and giue a dram thereof with white Wine if the ague be but small or with the water of Carduus Benedictus or Barley water if the ague be strong and great and assure your selfe that such remedies are singular if they be vsed within three dayes of the beginning of the sicknesse The manner of making these ashes is to cut the pizzle of the Oxe in gobbets and laying it vpon the harth that is close layd to set a new pot ouer it and afterward to lay hot burning coales or hot embers about the pot which must be oft renewed vntill one be assured that it is burnt into powder and the better to iudge of the time he must thinke that this will not be done vnder a whole day It is good to lay a playster of blacke Pitch vpon the grieued side and where it commeth to passe that the paine of the side continueth and that the sicke partie cannot spet cause him to vse the decoction of the flowers of red Poppie or of the powder of them the weight of a French crowne with the water of Scabious and Pimpernell and syrrop of Hysope if there be no great Feauer or Violets if it be great Furthermore for a Pleurisie which is desperate and past hope take a sweet Apple euen a verie excellent one and take the kernels forth of it and fill vp the hollow place with fine Olibanum rost it couered ouer and rolled in stupes vnder the hot embers throughly and then giue it to the sicke of the Pleurisie to eat For the spetting of Bloud cause him to drinke the distilled water of the first little buds of the leaues of the Oake or the decoction of Comfrey or of Plantaine Horse-taile or Knot-grasse otherwise called the hearbe of S. Innocent or to swallow downe some small drops of Masticke or Harts horne or Goats horne burnt or Bole Armoniake or Terra sigillata or Corall or Amber or the powder of the innermost rind of Chestnut tree or of the Corke tree or frie the dung of an Hogge with fresh Butter and of that cluttered bloud which the sicke partie shall haue spet and so giue of these thus fried together to the sicke partie to eat For the beating of the Heart it is good to hang about the neck so much Camphire as the quantitie of a Pease or to drinke two or three ounces of the water of Buglosse and of Baulme some hold the distilled water following for a singular and soueraigne remedie Take two Hogs harts three Stags harts or the harts of three Bulls Nutmeg Cloues and Basill seed of each three drams flowers of Marigolds Burrage Buglosse and Rosemarie of each halfe a handfull steepe them all in Malmesey or Hipocras for the space of a night after distill them with a Limbecke and reserue the water for vse which shall be by taking three or foure ounces when necessitie doth require The conserue of Betonie and Rosemarie flowers Cinnamon water Aqua vitae and Imperiall Waters which wee haue set downe in our worke of the beautifying of mans bodie For the faintnesse of the Heart or Swouning it is good to straine and wring the ioynt of the Ring or Physitions finger as also to rub the same with some piece of Gold and with Saffron for by the meanes of that finger his neere communicating with the heart there is from it conueyed and carried some vertue restoring and comforting the heart For the flagging and hanging breasts of Women make a liniment with the drosse of the oyle of Linseed a little gumme Arabick Tragacanth Mastick and Camphire or with the iuice of Succorie or apply thereunto ground Iuie or the egges of Partridges which you shall change oftentimes or small Basins of the distilled water of young Pine-apples or the iuice of wild Pine-apples To procure much Milke vnto Nurses they must vse the fresh and new-gathered iuice of Fennell oftentimes or the iuice of Smallage or of Beets or the powder of the rootes of Maries thistle adding thereto the seed of Fennell and a little Pepper the fore-hoofes of a Cow burned and drunke with Wine or Broth or other conuenient liquor or the powder of Crystall powdred very finely and drunke with Wine or some broth or let them eat of boyled Coleworts seasoned with Pepper or of the roots of Rapes boyled with Pepper To cause Women to loose their Milke you must apply vpon the nipples of their Breasts the roots of great Celandine ●odden and powned or vse a fomentation of verie sharpe Oxicrate vpon the Breasts or else you shall apply a Cataplasme of the flower of Beanes or an emplaister of Rue Sage Mints Wormewood Fennell Branne boyled and mixed with Oyle of Camomill or the leaues of young and verie greene Gou●ds or of Cray-fishes all to brayed and stamped in a Mortar For the inflammation of the Breasts comming of the great aboundant store of Milke take the dyrt found in the bottome of the Troughes of Cutlers or Grinders and therewith couer the Breast and so you shall asswage the paine in one nigh●● you may adde thereto a little of the Oyle of Roses or if the Milke be much curded without any great inflammation in the Breast you may apply vnto it a Cataplasme of the flower of Rice or of
of it be consumed the vessell in the meane time being close couered and the fire burning cleare and softly after draw the vessell somewhat further from the fire and let it coole vnto the next morning then straine it out a little warme the grosser parts that it may so be forced through some hairie strainer and adde thereto of white Pitch melted by it selfe and also strained through a hairie strainer a pound halfe a pound of white Waxe in graines Masticke and Turpentine of each one ounce make thereof an oyntment of good consistence Likewise there is nothing more singular than to take of Greeke Pitch Brimstone and Olibanum equall parts to bray them together with the whites of egges and after you haue stanched and wiped away the bloud in handsome sort to ioyne and bring together the edges of the wound and to apply it thereto with a linnen cloth and a Cataplasme afterward to bind and roll it vp with double linnen clothes and so to leaue it for certaine dayes or else boyle the leaues of Carduus Benedictus and flower of Wheat in Wine vnto the forme of an Oyntment wash the Vlcers twice a day with Wine afterward lay thereunto this Oyntment Or else wash the wound with the decoction of Dent de lion more easily thus Take the dyrt which you find vnder Buckets Troughes or such like and apply it vnto the cut it closeth it vp incontinently For all wounds as well old as new vlcers and whatsoeuer cuts in the flesh take the leaues of Plantaine Spearewort or small Plantaine Mallowes All-good of each a handfull French Sage about foure and twentie leaues let all the foresaid hearbes be well picked washed and after stamped verie well all together this done take five quarts of old Swines grea●e put thereinto a hot pestill and cause it to melt then boyle it with the said hearbes and when you see that the liquor of the hearbes i● consumed you shall straine it and put thereunto as much Frankincense as a Nut greene Waxe and Perrosine of each as much as two Nuts melt them that so they may all be brought vnto the forme of an oyntment of which you shall make vse for all sorts of wounds Otherwise take Brimstone most ●inely powdred and searced put it in a Glasse-vessell and powre thereupon so much oyle Oliue as will doe more then couer it by foure or fiue singers set it out vnto all the heat of the Sunne you can for the space of tenne daies and stirring it about manie times with a Spatull of cleane and faire wood and keeping the said vessell close shut continually to the end there may not any dyrt fall thereinto At the end of the tenne dayes emptie out all the oyle by leaning the glasse softly to the one side seeing it hath extracted all the substance or essence of the Brimstone into another Glasse-bottell by the helpe of a funnell and let not any of the drosse or residence goe in withall after which you shall stop the bottell verie carefully and at such times as you would vse it you shall dip Lint white linnen Cloth Cotton or blacke Wooll in it and apply it vnto the parts that are hurt whether by Vlcers or Cuts as also vnto Impostumes and that so long as vntill they be cured You may powre in oyle againe the second time vpon the residence left after the oyle powred out as beforesaid and doe as was done before Make account of these two later Remedies as of those which will not faile you For the Boyle called Anthrax Carbunculus and other such pestilent tumours see that you apply vnto them Rue brui●ed and mixt with verie strong Leauen Figges Cantharides Onions of the Land and Sea vnquencht Lime Sope gumme Ammoniacke and a little Treacle for this emplaster draweth forth such kind of tumours Or else take a Toad drie her either in the Sunne or in the Ouen make her into powder and put of this powder vpon the Carbuncle it will draw forth all the venome Or else apply vnto the Carbuncle a Frog aliue and if she die then another and do● this so oft as vntill that one doe liue and so you shall draw out all the venome For vlcers comming of the Pocks and such other maligne ones take tenne pints of water quench therein hot yrons so long as till the tenne pints become but fiue and in these fiue pints infuse for the space of foure and twentie houres a pound of vnquencht Lime after that straine the water when it is strained dissolue therein fifteene graines of Verdegrease and as much of Vitrioll and twentie graines of Camphire this water is singular to mundifie cleanse and drie vp Vlcers Otherwise set to boyle in a new earthen vessell verie cleare water when it beginneth to boyle put into it by and by vnsleckt Lime and presently thereupon powre it out into another vessell all new let it rest there so long as vntill after it be scummed it become cleare the Lime falling to the bottome of the vessell in manner of pap in the end you shall gather the water swimming aloft by leaning the vessell and letting the Lime abide vnstirred in the bottome and this water thus gathered shall be reserued in a cleane violl or other vessell well stopped that so it may serue for your vse in which being warme dip a linnen cloth and apply it in stead of an emplaister vnto the Vlcer and renew it oft To draw out miraculously a Pellet make a tent of a Quince and for want of it of Marmalate of Quinces onely without any addition of Spices or other things annoint it with the oyle of egges and put it into the wound or hole made by the shot of the Pistoll For inward wounds in which there can no tents be put there must be drunke oftentimes the decoction of Auens and the outward wounds washt or else take Mugwort great and small Comfrey whole Betonie Agrimonie the roots of Rubia otherwise called the Diers hearbe the roots of small Plantaine otherwise called Carpenters hearbe Sage the leaues of Brambles Parsley pricking Nettle Marigolds Sanicle Bugula Mouse-eare Burnet Dendelion Plantaine the crops of Hempe female Ferne Buglosse Gentian Veruaine Birds ●oong ground Iuie water Germander Catmint hearbe Robert Cinquefoile Tansie all the Capillar hearbes of each one halfe handfull Damaske Rai●ins their stones taken out Licorice the seed and flowers of S. Iohns wort the seed of blessed Thistle of each an ounce the three cordiall flowers of each foure ounces all these being thus carefully pickt and made cleane let be brayed verie throughly after strained through a hairen strainer with one pint of white wine you must cause him which i● thrust through to drinke of this drinke a little draught fasting or one houre before he eat and as much before his supper If these iuices displease thee in stead of braying bruising or stamping of the things aforesaid you may make a decoction in common water adding in
where the sitteth you shall place steeped Barly in such quantitie as that she may take it out of much water for shee loueth not to leaue her young ones for sometimes she will rather die for hunger and to the end also that she may not stand in need to stirre or rayse her selfe except a verie little for to feed seeing that thus her egges might take cold And furthermore call againe to mind that which hath beene said of the Henne you may also set Hennes vpon Geese egges and that with better su●cesse than if they had beene set vnder the Goose her selfe but then not aboue seuen or eight The young Goslings must abide tenne daies shut vp with the Goose and be fed within with Barly meale tempered with Honey Bran and Water and now and then with Let●●ces and tender and new Sow-thistles after that with Millet and Wheat steeped and softened and at the terme of these daies to acquaint and accustome th●● to the Medowes with their dame but let them be fed before they goe thither for this bird is so rauenously giuen as that through sharpenesse in their hunger they pull the gras●e and young sprouts of Trees with such force and violence as that sometimes therewith they breake their owne necks They must be kept from Nettles Pricks from the Bay tree and Mugguet for they be bane vnto them in the house from Wolues and Foxes Cats and Weasels Goslings intended to be fatted must be chosen when they be foure moneths old and then the fairest and greatest must be chosen They must be put in a Cowpe in some Cellar vnder ground or in some darke and warme place where the younger sort is to be kept thirtie daies and the elder sort two moneths They must haue giuen them thrice a day Barly and Wheat meale tempered with Water and Honey for the Barly maketh the flesh white and the Wheat maketh them fat and maketh a great liuer Some doe make them meat with new or drie figges and leauen and giue them drinke aboundantly vsing to rowle their meat all ouer in Br●n Others pull the feathers of their head and belly and also the fat feathers of their wings and doe also put out their eyes for to fat them Aboue all things you must not pinch them in their meat and drinke because they are great eaters and giuen much to drinke Thus you shall haue them fat at the most within two moneths The common meat of Geese is all manner of Pulse tempered with Bran and warme water Manie doe giue them nothing but Bran somewhat grossely boulted and Lettuces Succorie and Garden Cres●es for to get them an appetite and they set them this meat morning euening and at noone and for the rest of the day they send them to the Medowes and to the Water-Pooles vnder the custodie of some little small Iacke who may keepe them from going or flying into anie forbidden places as also out of the Nettles and Briers as also from feeding of Henbane which some call the Goose-bane and from Hemlockes which set them on such a deepe sleepe as that they die therewithall Ancient Writers haue not permitted moe than three Geese to one Gander but we doe freely allow sixe and cause to be taken from them the Downe or soft feathers on the inside of their thighes and the great feathers of their wings to write withall in March and September for the quils of the dead Goose are not so sit for all vses no more than is the wooll of slaughtered sheepe or those which die of themselues And seldome doe we see much fewer than thirtie Goslings in one roome howsoeuer our predecessors would not put anie moe than twentie together for the greater doe beat the les●er and hurt them and for this cause they must be put into the Goose-house and kept asunder with hurdles in such sort as sheepe are kept asunder and they must haue new straw oftentimes and that such as is cleane and verie small for their house must be alwaies drie and oftentimes made cleane for feare of vermine And moreouer they are subiect vnto the same diseases and casualties that Hennes be and therefore they must be tendred after the same manner Which that I may not repeat I would haue you to search it out in the places concerning the same The Gosling though she be of hard digestion in as much as she is a water-fowle and also abounding with superfluities yet indeed the Goslings which exceed not two moneths old are verie much commended in the Spring time by reason of their daintinesse as the old are in Winter stuffed with great C●●●nuts her liuer also is of verie pleasant tast and eating The grease of Geese is profitable in this point if it be mixt with the iuice of an Onion and dropt into the eare it assuageth paine and draweth out water The Goose tongue dried and made into powder is good against the retention of ones vrine The stones of Geese eaten by an incontinent woman after her naturall courses doe not onely prouoke carnall copulation but also make apt to conceiue The dung of Geese dried powdred and taken in a morning the weight of one dramme with white Wine doth throughly cure the Iaundise if it be continually vsed for the space of nine dayes CHAP. XVII Of Ducks Drakes Teales brant Ducks water-Hennes small Ducks of the Lakes Swans Cranes Storks and other water-fowles THe Ditch or Fish-poole which we haue appointed to be in the midst of our Court and Straw roome may serue for the Duckes and other birds liuing in the water And neere vnto the said Pond there must be prouided for them a low roofe lightly couered for them to sit vnder in the night as also in the day as they please for as for any great diligence industrie to be vsed about these fowle indeed there in no such need except it be for the keeping of them from Cats and Weasels Kites Eagles Vultures and Serpents which are ve●e noysome vnto them In the place of their haunt they must haue some Corne cast Pulse and the drosse of the Riddle or S●arce must be cast about the edges of the Pond and also within the same to cause them to be pudling in the myre you 〈◊〉 also let them haue the libertie of such Ponds as you put your fish into which you meane to salt as also of the next Riuer as you doe your Geese notwithstanding it were good that some should see that they haunt or frequent not your Ponds with fish because indeed they will eat vp the small therein But in other points they need not so much attendance seeing for the most part they are nothing in loue with Gardens And as for their Neasts to lay in and to sit they make themselues and there is no care greater than this namely to know their haunt especially that of the wild ones in or about what place of the Ponds they vse
she conceiueth at the onely voice or ●light or breathing of the Cocke The meat that they most delight in is Millet ●nd Pannicke The egges of Partridges often eaten doe bring fruitfulnesse vnto barren women ●nd great store of milke vnto Nurces The gall of a Partridge doth cleare the sight ●nd mixt in equall quantitie with honey doth heale the bruises of the eyes the bloud ●f Partridges hath the like vertue Quailes being birds liuing altogether vpon the earth rather than in the aire doe ●ot make or build themselues anie Neasts anie more than all other birds which are ●eauie and cannot so well flie They be verie fierce and in that respect they are not ●ccustomed to haue either so much scope or light as other birds Likewise wee see ●hat they are wont to haue their Coupe couered with nets or skins least in flying vp ●n high and rising with some boisterousnesse they should beat themselues to death Some prouide them Meat-pots and Water-pots apart that is to euerie bird his owne ●rouision and diet They loue greene Corne and Wheat and Mustard seed is their ●hiefe and principall feeding They eat in those Countries whereinto they go being ●lsewhere than in this our Countrey great quantitie of Hellebore And this is the ●cause why Didimus saith that their flesh is laxatiue and that it doth procure the turning sicknesse and headach that it causeth the falling sicknesse conuulsion and distension of the Muscles and for that cause that they ought to be stuffed with Millet or boyled therein or else if anie should find themselues ill after them for to drinke the decoction of Millet or of Mittle tree berries and it will be good also to giue the same to Quailes to eat The Cockes are nothing lesse hot than the Partridge The Henne so soone as she hath layd her egges sitteth them and by and by after the hath hatched her young ones she draweth them into some other place to the end that such as goe about to take them may not find their place They be birds vsing to flocke together and they goe away at Spring time and returne in Winter and in the beginning of Autumne Thrushes are not naturally breeding in this Countrey as being an excessiue cold place and hardly at anie time doe they endure this aire and therefore it were but foolishnesse to goe about to fat them here This bird is addicted to hot Countries as also to such places as where there are great store of Oliue trees for they doe greatly delight in Oliues and grow fat at such season as they grow ripe It is a bird also giuen to make great hauocke and spoyle for the Thrushes doe poure downe themselues vpon the Oliue trees in great flights and hauing eaten their full they also carrie away at their departure one in their bill and one in their clawes after the manner of men of Warre They are found also and made fat in the mountaine and hillie Countries but it is in Winter time for they gather fat and fill themselues in cold weather if it be anie whit moderate The men of old and ancient time did much esteeme them and sold them in the time of the Romanes for tenne Sous a peece Thus also to this day doe the Italians and Spaniards and in this our owne Countrey those of Lyons Prouence and Auuergnac but they are not so great on this side the mountaines as they are beyond This bird is more sullen than anie of the afore named and dieth shortly after she is taken if she be carried out of her ordinarie ayre or if she be not put presently amongst other old tame ones They must haue their meat cast them vpon a verie cleane floore and farre from their Perches and some cast them dried figges stamped with the flower of meale and that so much as that there may something remaine more than they can eat And sometimes for change of diet they may haue cast them the fruit of Masticke or Mulberrie tree or the berries of Iuie and wild Oliue trees and yet notwithstanding their meat-pots must alwaies be full of Millet for this is their chiefe meat Againe you must see them prouided of cleare water as well as other bird● afore named CHAP. XXII Of the Doue-house THe profit that commeth of the keeping of a Doue-house is nothing lesse than that of the keeping of a Hen-house especially in respect of the selling of young ones and others which euerie yeare increase in●●merably for there are some Farmers which sell at euerie flight two hundred and three hundred paire vnto the Victuallers The care to be had abo●● them is not so great as that about other birds neither the cost so great in as much as they get their owne liuings the most part of the yeare and in that they lay sixe or seuen times a yeare two egges a peece yea and oftener and greater if you change the young House-doues Pigeons with those of the Cote after that they be once eight daies old to the end they may accompanie the Cocke Pigeons which goe by themselues without anie Matches but this must be done so cunningly as that the dams doe not perceiue it It is true that this bird is of great charges and w●steth much in respect of grounds and for this cause there is no ground Pigeon-house allowed but to such as be Lords in see simple neither yet verie oft anie Dofeu-houses in vpper roomes except it be to such as haue a competent quantitie of arable ground Let vs then prepare to our good liking and for the ease of the Huswife a ground Doue-house out of the noise of folkes the dashing of Trees one against another and the roaring of Waters and let it be set in a place somewhat raised or else let vs build it right in the middest of the base Court which is the place of our Countrey house before in this Booke appointed and that after the fashion of a stone Tower made for a Wind-mill or somewhat neerely resembling it but let it be distant flight or two from anie water to the end that the old Pigeon may warme that which shee bringeth for to giue to her young ones For it is certaine that as the Pies and Sparrowes the male and the female doe sit by courses and as while the one of them is seeking her food abroad the other is sitting vpon the egges so doe these for the safetie of their young ones vntill such time as they be out of their holes abroad And I would not haue you to vnderstand that the Doue-house should onely lie open vn●● the East quarter in this Countrey but that it take part also of the South because this bird doth greatly delight in the Sunne beating and casting his beames vpon their house and entring in at their windowes and loope-holes or higher lights especially in the Winter time and further that vpon the South there be prouided a sh●●ting and opening window
ouer-past The Shepheard shall order and gouerne them with great gentlenesse as it is most requisite for all Heards of whatsoeuer Cattell that it be who must rather be and shew themselues leaders and guides of their beasts than lords Guiding them to the field he must alwaies goe before them to hinder and keepe them backe from running into fields where they might feed vpon euill and hurtfull grasse and especially such grounds as wherein the water vseth to stand or where the ground hath beene ouer-washt with some Floud and breaking forth of some Riuer because th● by pasturing in such places they could not chuse but in lesse than● fortie daies be teinted and die except they were relieued and succoured by some good meanes He shall rather keepe a white dogge than one of anie other colour to follow his Sheepe and he himselfe also must be apparelled in white because that Sheepe re naturally so inclined to feare as that and if they see but a beast of anie other co●our they doubt presently that it is the Wolfe which commeth to deuoure them This dogge must haue a collar of yron about his neck beset with good sharpe points ●f nailes to the end that he may the more cheerefully fight with the Wolfe percei●●ing himselfe thereby to haue the aduantage as also that the Wolfe may not take oc●asion to hang him in his owne collar If it happen that his Sheepe be scattered to ●all them in and bring them together againe whether it be for keeping them out of ●arme or to cause them to know his call he must whoope and whistle●after them ●hreatning them with his Sheepe-crooke or else setting his dogge after them which ●he shall haue trained to doe them that seruice but he may not cast anie thing at them ●either may he goe farre from them neither yet take himselfe leaue to lye or sit ●owne he must accustome them to two sorts of cries the one pleasant and shrill to ●ake them goe forward but to call them backe to another and diuers crie to the ●nd that the Sheepe hearing these two different cries may learne and apply them●●●ues to doe that which is thereby commanded them If he walke not yet he must ●tand to the end he may be as a vigilant watch vnto his Cattell and he must not suf●er the Slower or those which are with Lambe to straggle from the rest or come farre ●ehind them by hanging backe when the light-footed and such as haue alreadie Lambed doe runne before least by that meanes some th●efe or deuouring beast de●eiue them and come vpon them busie at their meat He must sometime make them ●errie cheering them vp with songs or else by his whistle and Pipe for the Sheepe ●t the hearing thereof will feed the more hungerly they will not straggle so farre abroad but they will loue him the better He shall not draw them into anie grounds but such as are tilled and turned or to the grassie tops of Hills to the high Woods or else such Medow grounds as are not moist wet but neuer into Marish grounds nor into Forests or other places whereas there are Thornes Burres and Thistles for such doth nothing but make them itchie and scuruie and to lose their Wooll Also it is not so good fodder nor so good feeding which for long time hath been in continuall vse for so the Cattell will grow wearie of it and offended therewith except the prudent Shepheard vse some remedie against it by mingling some salt amongst it or sprinkle it with brine or dregs of oyle vpon some floure and so with their meat he should giue them both sawce and appetite In the high time of Summer the Shepheard shall come with his flocke to their lodging and shall fold them amongst the fallowes and there make his fold with hurdles after the manner of the Sheepe-cote the couering excepted And at the foure corners of his fold he shall tie his dogge for a sentinell and standing watch lodging himselfe in the said fold within his Cabin of Wood which he shall driue vpon wheeles to and fro as he shall haue occasion to change his field and fold He shall cleanse his Sheepe-cote but once a yeare and that shall be presently after August or else in Iuly being the time when his Heard is folded but neuer in Autumne nor in Winter for then their dung will serue to keepe them warme And then forthwith the Farmer shall cause the same dung to be carried vnto the leanest parts of his land and shall leaue it there on hillocks to drie in the heat of the Summer vntill October and then to cause it to be spread vpon the ground or else to mingle it with Marle to dung and manure the earth howbeit Marle must not be reiterated so oft as dung for which cause he must vse such discretion as that he must not lay anie Marle but from fiue yeares to fiue yeares in anie place It will be good after that the Sheepe-cote is made cleane to perfume it with Womens haire or Harts horne or the hornes of Goats clawes thereby to driue away Adders and Snakes and other beasts which oftentimes annoy this kind of Cattell He shall procure his Sheepe to be shorne the first hot season falling out in the Spring if it be in a hot and Southerly Countrey but in the Countrey that is cold and not so warme about the end of Iuly but neuer in Summer or in Winter and but from eight a clock in the morning vntill noone and that in faire weather without wind and the Moone growing old Afterward you shall strake the shorne Sheepe all ouer their skins with your drie hand moistened in oyle and wine mingled together to comfort them withall and if there be anie snips in their skins you shall apply vnto them melted Wax or Tarre with sweet Seame for this doth heale them and keepe them from the scab and causeth also a finer and longer Wooll to grow vp an● come in place To keepe your Sheepe in good plight you shall giue them Bay berries drie with salt beginning presently after they haue Lambed and continuing vntill they goe againe to Ramme by this meanes they will be fat sound full of milke After they be once with Lambe you must giue ouer that course least you cause then to cast their Lambes they must not at anie time drinke soone after this meat Sheepe are subiect to the Scab Cough and Bloud which is an extreame pains 〈◊〉 the head and to the Murraine The three last diseases are incurable also infecting for one of them hauing anie one of these diseases killeth the other of the same And at such times you must change their Aire and Cote and withall looke to them the●● and refresh them with straw giuing them that which is long small and perfuming their Cote with Tyme Rosemarie Iuniper Pennyryall Marierome Balme 〈◊〉 Basill and other sweet hearbes manie daies together and
cause him to be couered if therewith he haue the cough and if in trauaile he haue taken cold by raine or tedious vveather to giue him then to eat some Fenugreeke or Anise-seed amongst his prouender to change him vvhen he is past age and also to take acknowledgement of the loue that one Horse beareth towards another and accordingly to set them one by another in the Stable appointed for them which he must euerie morning may cleane in Sommer carrying out the dung and filth and letting none remaine and at night giue them fresh Litter He must also cast an eye about and see whether his horses doe grow leane or no and then to fat them with Fetches boyled in water and mixed amongst their Oats as also with millet pannicke rice sodden and mingled with meale of Beanes and a little Salt or where these are missing to take good sweet Barley chaffe or Pease pulse well mixt with some drie Beanes and to giue him thereof good store after euerie watering or vvhen he newly commeth from his labour as for sodden Barley or other boyled corne they are onely good to loosen the skinne but the fat which they gather is neuer of any indurance He must be content to take vp his lodging in the stable for feare of their falling sicke intangling themselues in their halters and growing of his beasts and let him be carefull and wise in ordering and placing his light in such sort as that it may be out of daunger and to locke vp and keepe his harnesse well and made readie ouer night 〈◊〉 morning that so when he is to returne to his labour into the field he be 〈…〉 of any thing If he haue any Mules or young Colts he must put them by 〈…〉 and reserue them for some other labour and if any of his Horses fall sicke if it be not of wearinesse dulnesse or chafing he must put him out from among the rest If he haue any Horse that hath ill propertie or fault he shall be carefull how to amend it as if he be fearefull or timerous or if he will not abide while one getteth vpon his backe or if he will not goe by or into any place he shall hang within his 〈◊〉 some prettie little stone and if this doe him no good he shall hoodwinke him or 〈◊〉 behind him at his taile some flame of fire or some sharpe pricking thing if he w●●nie much he shall tie to his head a stone with a hole through it if when a man is vpon his backe he rise and come aloft he shall hit him with his rod vpon the forelegges if he lye downe he must be raised vp againe with rough words and strokes if he goe backward you shall tye a cord to his codds vvhich shall be so long as th●● reaching betwixt his forelegges he which rideth him may hold it in his hand and when as the Horse shall goe backward he shall pull it hard with his hand to make him goe forward for so vvithout all doubt he will goe forthright and amend his fault if the Horse be gelded he must beat his thighs vvith a long staffe taken out of the fire verie hot and burnt at the end or he shall giue him feele of his whisking rodd betwixt his eares if the Horse be hard to shooe and troublesome to handle and dresse in the stable he shall put in one or both of his eares a little round pebble and there make it sure with one or both his hands and keepe them in his eares and thus he shall make him as gentle and meeke as a Lambe It is also the Carters part to gouerne his heard of Mares and Colts carefully th●● no inconuenience may befall them he shall put them to feed and shall send the● to grasse when it shall be due time and that in large and marish grounds Notwithstanding marish ground doth soften their hoofe verie much and maketh them tender sighted and begetteth water in their feet and for this cause I could like the high and hillie grounds better being such as from time to time haue raine or 〈◊〉 dropping downe vpon them and not drie at any time and such as are rather voi● and free than incombred with vvood or other bodies of trees or legges and yet further hauing a soft and sweet grasse rather than a high great and strong grasse And notwithstanding that Mares be not so frolicke nor couragious as Horses be yet they goe beyond them farre in the race and stand it out a great deale longer and againe they are not so chargeable to keepe as Horses are for they are not fed with the best hay they content themselues to run in pastures all the yeare long true it is that in Winter and when the ground is all couered with snow as also in the time of continuall raine they must be put in some one house or other and giue them such Hay as is good to eat and in Sommer to keepe them in some good coole shadow●● place and well growne with good Grasse and serueth vvith cleare vvaters but n●uer vpon the rough and ragged mountaines as vvell for that they doe hardly feed there as also because that such as are with foale can hardly clime without great paine not come downe without endangering themselues to cast their Colts You shall not suffer the Mare to take Horse ofter than euerie two yeare according to the opinio● of the curious Horsemen but yet the better experienced allow the conueying of Mar●s euerie yeare for it keepeth the wombe open and giueth the Foale a large bed to lye in to keepe and breed of the best kind and race and not to bring in a base and degenerate kind againe to see that it be d●ne about mid March to the end that at the same time that the Mares were couered and horsed they may easily feed their Colts hauing tender and soft grasse after Haruest for about the end of the eleuenth or twelfth moneth they foale and so their milke is the faster better conditioned begetteth also and nourisheth fairer Colts and such as thriue euen as we our selues would wish The Stalions also thus attended are the stronger and doe more abound with a well concocted and slimie nature and not with a thinne and waterie and withall they couer them with more courage and beget greater Colts and such as are more hardie and strong He shall know that the Mares are readie to take Horse when they yeeld a whitish humor at the place of generation and that their priuie parts are more swolne than they were wont to be as also more hot than ordinarie and eat not so much as they were wont He shall let her take Horse twice a day euening and morning before he let her drinke and this shall be continued but tenne daies which past if she refuse him he shall put her aside as with foale and shall take away the Horse least with his furious rage he make her
it is oftentimes seene to be quite lost or at least to become vnfit for 〈◊〉 And when your Horse is thus curried spunged rubbed and well smoothed 〈◊〉 ●uerie offence about him pickt trimmed and taken away you shall then cloth 〈◊〉 with such clothes as are necessarie for his health and answerable to the time and 〈…〉 of the yeare as either with double Clothes single Clothes lined Clothes 〈◊〉 Linnen or both together vsing most in the Winter fewer in the Spring 〈◊〉 fewest of all in the Summer Yet for a better satisfaction and that you may 〈◊〉 know what number or quantitie of clothes you shall vse you shall view well 〈◊〉 of your Horses bodie and looke carefully how his haire lyeth especially vpon 〈◊〉 necke and other outward parts which are vnclothed and if you perceiue that 〈◊〉 of those places the haire standeth vpright s●areth or looks rugged then you 〈◊〉 be assured that the Horse wanteth clothes and is inwardly cold at the heart the 〈◊〉 you shall then encrease his clothes and not cease so to doe till you haue 〈◊〉 his haire to lie straight and smooth which once perceiued then you may be 〈…〉 that he is sufficiently clad and you shall by no meanes exceed anie 〈◊〉 Now when you begin thus to encrease your Clothes if you shall find when 〈◊〉 come to your Horse early in the morning that he ●weateth much especially in 〈◊〉 flanks at his ●are-roots and in such like vsuall places yet notwithstanding his 〈◊〉 still stareth you shall then know that such sweating is but a faint naughtie 〈◊〉 gendred by corruption of food or else want of moderate and wholesome 〈◊〉 and therefore by no meanes shall you abate anie of his clothes but rather 〈◊〉 them till that naughtie faint sweat leaue him But if you perceiue that his haire 〈…〉 smooth and cleane and yet notwithstanding he sweateth then you shall know 〈◊〉 his clothes are somewhat too manie and you shall abate them till such sweating 〈◊〉 him This is a most infallible rule and such a secret as is worthie to be 〈◊〉 in the mind of euerie good Horseman and Groome that intends to keepe their 〈◊〉 sound and well prepared for all manner of labour The Horses dressed and 〈◊〉 as they should be and hauing eaten a little Hay must be led to water other ridden forth a myle or more to their water which would euer be some 〈◊〉 Spring or running Riuer where after your Horse hath taken one good draugh● two you shall bring him forth into some plaine ground and there gallop him 〈◊〉 vp and downe to warme the water in his bellie a little space and then bring 〈◊〉 to the water againe and let him take another draught then gallop him againe 〈◊〉 thus doe till he will drinke no more and then with all gentlenesse walke him 〈◊〉 and softly home to the Stable and there cloth him vp This manner of 〈…〉 your Horse is of all other the most wholesome giuing vnto him by this 〈…〉 great strength both of wind and bodie and also dissoluing all those 〈◊〉 cold and tough humors which are ingendred by the corruption of water when taken without exercise and lyeth cold and troublesome in his bodie making 〈◊〉 Horse to quake and tremble as anie man may perceiue when at anie time he 〈◊〉 to approue the same and hauing giuen his Horse water will but lay his hand 〈◊〉 on his bodie or buttocke But this I haue alreadie spoken is at full sufficient 〈◊〉 a Horses watering From whence when they are returned they shall 〈◊〉 Oates giuen them well sifted and fanned and they shall be marked whether 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or not that if need be they may be looked in the month to see whether there be 〈◊〉 thing to keepe them from eating or no and accordingly to take them in cure or 〈◊〉 for the common prouerbe is That Horses goe vpon their feet but it is their meat 〈◊〉 doth vphold them and cause them to endure trauell It is meet also to giue them ●●metimes some rare and daintie thing which may please them and may be more than ●rdinarie for it is all one as when one doth make them so gentle tractable and ●ame 〈◊〉 that afterward they will suffer themselues to be gouerned easily to vse them kindly 〈◊〉 and not to beat them to torment them or cast them into feare with high speeches 〈◊〉 threatening words or else by anie other meanes so long as they be in the Stable 〈◊〉 rather to handle them with all meeknesse as well in word as in touching or hand●●g in what manner soeuer it be To fit the Colt for the Saddle the good Rider must first put vpon his head a 〈◊〉 with a Rouler of Wood not attempting to doe anie other thing at that time and 〈◊〉 to leaue him for two or three houres vpon the reines being of cords and after such 〈◊〉 to take all away for that day the next day somewhat late to put it on againe 〈…〉 so to leaue it for some certaine time afterward taking him by his reines he must 〈◊〉 him a little out of his place drawing him along some twentie or thirtie paces 〈◊〉 thence sometime walking him and othersome time staying him still vpon the ●●ddaine according as he shall see it good that is according to the stubbornenesse 〈◊〉 frowardnesse or the easinesse and gentlenesse of the Colt So soone as he is come 〈◊〉 the Stable he shall haue this halter taken from off him putting him in his accu●omed Head-stall and giue him his rather some Hay to eat than to lead him to water 〈◊〉 after that to giue him his ordinarie of Oats The third day he shall not onely 〈◊〉 on his foresaid halter at the accustomed houre but also a saddle without stirrups 〈◊〉 or crupper girding him gently and in all kind manner fastening and buck●ing the same verie lightly he shall yet doe nothing but lead him out of the Stable by 〈◊〉 halter handling him alwaies louingly and leading him with all gentlenesse whi●●er he will willingly goe and after that he is come into the fallowes and plowed ●●rounds he shall get into them where hauing taken with him some long small ●hisking wand he shall first make him to stand still then afterward he shall make 〈◊〉 Colt goe a little pace and from that little somewhat faster and faster now and 〈◊〉 giuing him a gentle touch or remembrance with his said small rod which hee 〈◊〉 then shew vnto him after making him stand still againe he shall hold him vp ●ith courteous and friendly words and rubbing him with his hand shall carrie him ●acke againe vnto his Stable and there presently take off his said furniture and put ●im in his ordinarie Tiall or Head-stall The fourth day he shall make him readie 〈◊〉 he did the day before and hauing spoken him faire he shall set a little boy vpon ●im and if he 〈◊〉 that he begin not to smite and short and to take
with 〈◊〉 hand it may be done either in some faire descending ground or vpon the 〈◊〉 lands and either out of his trot or gallop as thus Hauing taken your 〈◊〉 backe and put him either into a swift trot or a swift gallop you shall on the 〈◊〉 chocke him in the weeks of the mouth and iert his head vp aloft 〈◊〉 him to shuffle his feet together and to strike them confusedly and thus you 〈◊〉 doe so oft till you make him strike an amble then you shall cherish him 〈◊〉 bring him to the smooth ground and there with the helpe of your hand 〈◊〉 firmely aloft make him continue his amble which when at anie time he 〈◊〉 to forsake you shall forthwith toyle him as you did before and then bring him 〈◊〉 the plaine ground chiefely vp the hill and there hold him to his pace which 〈◊〉 he hath gotten in anie reasonable sort he will naturally and for his owne 〈◊〉 seeke to encrease it and then you shall apply him at least three or foure times 〈◊〉 day and in one moneth there is no doubt but you shall bring him to that pe●fection your owne heart can wish There is also a third pace which is neither 〈◊〉 nor amble but is called a racking pace that is to say betweene an amble and 〈◊〉 trot and though it and the amble haue both one manner of motion that is to 〈◊〉 taking vp of both legges of one side together yet this racking moueth much 〈◊〉 and shorter striking thicke yet seldome beyond the step of the forefoot This pace is of some reputed the easiest of all paces but I leaue that to euerie 〈◊〉 mans feeling Certaine it is that manie men take much delight therein 〈◊〉 there is no racking Horse but can trot and so in deepe and filthie wayes are able to make much better riddance of the way whereas diuers ambling Horses can by no meanes trot and so lesse able to driue through the myre or if they doe it 〈◊〉 with much toyle and foule dashing and myring of their Masters To bring 〈◊〉 Horse then to this racking pace the onely best way is held to be sore and 〈◊〉 trauell as much Hunting Running and such like and then when you feele yo●● Horse begin to be a little wearie to hold vp your bridle hand and chocking 〈◊〉 Horse in the weeks of the mouth to make him breake his pace and to strike a 〈◊〉 which his wearinesse and the ease that the pace bringeth him will quickly 〈◊〉 him doe then to cherish and nourish him in the same and by no meanes to 〈◊〉 him past his strength or to make him goe faster than of his owne inclination 〈◊〉 is willing to doe for too much hast in this worke is the onely spoyle thereof And thus in lesse than a moneths hunting or riding of your Horse you shall bring him to a verie swift and most readie racke in which the Horse will 〈◊〉 so much delight that you shall not at anie time need to feare his forsaking 〈◊〉 the same Lastly for the bringing of your Horse to a cleane and good gallop you shall vnderstand that there be two sorts of gallopings the first stately 〈◊〉 aloft the Horse winding vp his legges high and gathering them round and close together in loftie manner and this is fit for great Horses which are 〈◊〉 vp for seruice in the Warres or for the pleasure of Princes and other 〈◊〉 Personages which take delight in stirring Horses which can leape bound 〈◊〉 behind coruet and other salts of like nature The other is a swift smooth 〈◊〉 and long gallop wherein the Horse stretcheth out his bodie to the vttermost length and carrying his feet neere vnto the ground swoopeth away swiftly nimbly and easily and this kind of gallop is meet for hunting Horses running Horses or Horses preferred onely for labour and trauell Now to bring a Horse to gallop aloft which is the first kind of galloping spoken of you shall daily vse to gallop him as his first riding on new-plowed lands which are deepe yet lye flat and withall you shall euer obserue to keepe a strait hand vpon his head 〈◊〉 the comelinesse of his reyne and by no meanes suffering him to gallop 〈◊〉 but the flower the better euer and anon with your hand rod and spurre raising vp his bodie and making him gather his feet vp roundly together for it is the pride of his reine and the flownesse of the gallop which brings him to the gallantrie and loftinesse of the motion Now for the other kind of galloping you shall vse a cleane contrarie course that is to say you shall traine your Horse vpon the plainest and smoothest ground you can find you shall giue him libertie of reine that hee may stretch forth his bodie and legges and lay himselfe close to the ground like a Har● or a Greyhound and this exercise you shall giue your Horse morning and euening after his water for then it is most wholesome and he the aptest to learne and doe as you would haue him Also it shall be good for you now and then to put him to the height of his speed for the more you straine him the more he coucheth his bodie and the lesse distance euer hee taketh his feet from the ground to follow the Hounds all the day twice or thrice a weeke or to giue him a course once a weeke of foure or fiue myles end-wayes are both verie good waies of training a Horse to this swift gallop because that length of exercise taketh the fire edge from a Horse and maketh him more temperate and sober in his doings whereas the heat and excesse of his courage maketh him praunce and doe things rashly and loftily Manie other obseruations there be but these few before rehearsed are fully sufficient to bring a Horse to anie pace the Rider pleaseth That Colt Horse or Stalion may be iudged to be good that is great thicke boned of a good shape hauing a small head and so drie as that there is nothing of it but skinne and bones small eares sharpe and straight but great eyes standing out blacke and cleane verie wide nosthrils puffscompassed vp and great small iawes thinne and drie his throat equally diuided on both sides a necke somewhat long and made compasse-wi●e being thinne neere vnto the head a short backe broad and somewhat shrinking downe like a valley his mane curled thicke and long and hanging downe vpon the right side a broad breast open bosled out and verie fleshie his shoulders great and straight his ribbes round his chine double his bellie round trusted his cods alike great and small his reines large and somewhat giuing downe his taile-long and tufted with haire thick● and curled his legges matches thicke of bone but thinne drie and bare of flesh high and straight his knee round and small and not wrested inward a round buttocke thicke thighes long fleshie finewie and strong a blacke hoofe hard high hollowed round good
he shall make them drinke pottage made of a pint of Wine stamped Garlicke and tenne whites of egges or else the iuice of red Coleworts mixed with white Wine In the meane time hee must take away from them their Oates and Barly altogether and to feed them with nothing but their owne and accustomed Fodder and Grasse meat to see and if they will recouer through the time of the yeare It will be good also to put within the sheath of their yard a Collirie of Honey boyled with Salt or else a Gnat or line Flie or quicke Fleas or a prettie little piece of Frankincense as also to lay vnto the Reines and Flankes Oyle mixed with Wine or else to annoynt his yard with Wormewood stamped and boyled with Vineger and moreouer to squirt a Syring full of coole water against his cods These Medicines are good when the Vrine hath scalded the priuie parts or when they haue great heat in their Vrine The cruell paine of the Head and rage of the Horse is cured by the often vse of Smallage and much Branne in which you shall haue chopped the leaues of Lettuce and Barly straw newly gathered let him bloud vpon the place where the braine lyeth or vpon the temples or vpon both places and let him stand in a verie darke Stabl● and such a one as standeth low You shall know if hee haue paine in his head by the distilling and dropping downe of water from it in that his eares-will be withered and hanging his necke and head heauie and hanging downe The ouer-cooled Horse is cured by giuing him to drinke Swines bloud all hot with Wine or Masticke and Rue boyled with Honey or a little common Oyle with Pepper This disease commeth vnto him when as sweating and being hot he is set in a cold place and thereupon it draweth vp his sinewes and hardeneth his hide you must set him in a verie hot place couering him verie warme with couerings downe to the ground and putting vnder his bellie seuen or eight great thicke stones red hot you shall quench them there by casting warme water vpon them by a little and little and oft that so by this meanes the heat may make him sweat The naile in the eye shall be lifted vp with a little small needle of Iuorie and then cut quite away with Sc●●ars or else make a powder of a greene Lizard and Arsenicke put it into the eye for to fret away the naile Against the suffusion there is a singular remedie an Eye-salue made of the iuice of ground Iuie stampt in a Woodden Mortar or else the iuice of the berries of Iu●e running along vpon the ground or the leaues of great Clarie beaten and stamped in a Mortar in Wine after that you haue let the Horse bloud vpon the veine of the eye that hath the suffusion and to continue this remedie manie daies euening and morning Or else blow into the eye through some Pipe or Quill the bone of Cuttle powned small or the seed of Rocket whole or else the seed of the hearbe called Tota bona and there let it alone till by his vertue it haue cleansed and taken away the spots or the powder of the yolke of an egge and salt burnt together and put into the eye or the powder of Sal-Armoniake Myrrhe Saffron and the shauings of the Cuttle bone The strucken eye is cured by applying vnto it a cataplasme made of bread 〈◊〉 steept in coole water or bread tosted and steept in white wine if this doe no good you must open the head veine The bleared eye is cured by an eye-salue made with frankineense myrrhe starch and fine honie as also by a frontlet made of frankincense mastick finely powdred ●●nd brayed vvith the vvhites of egges applied to the brows and suffered there to lye ●ntill the eyes cease to shed teares and after to raise the frontale vvith annointing the ●●dges thereof vvith Oyle and warme water beaten together The scarres of the eyes are healed with rubbing them vvith your owne fasting ●pittle and Salt or vvith the powder of the Cuttle-bone mingled vvith burnt Salt or the seed of vvild Parsnep pouned and pressed out of a linnen cloth vpon your eye scarres All paines of the eyes are cured by annointing them vvith the juice of Plantaine vvith Honie The Enceur doth bring present death vnto horses vvherefore you must so soone as euer you see the brest kernell to be swolne plucke it away immediatly without 〈◊〉 staying and if in thus pulling of it away any veine should burst you must tie it 〈◊〉 both ends with a silke threed looke how much the kernell shall grow greater so much greater an impostumation it would make and not so onely but therewithall ●●●ause death The horse hauing drunke much or watered verie quickly after his heat and trauaile and vpon it growing cold and not being vvalked doth beget the Auiues which doe but little differ from the disease called the Kings-euill because as well in beasts as in man the Kings-euill commeth of too much cooling of water the throat hauing beene heated vvhereupon the horse looseth his appetite to eat and his rest likewise and his eares become cold you must presently prouide to helpe him in taking away the Auiues after this manner Bend downe the eare betwixt his necke and his chyne make incision with a knife for the purpose along vpon the hard fleshinesse which one would say to be nothing but a verie whitesinew plucke away the white carnositie or fleshie substance lay to the place as well within as without a linnen cloth dipt in the white of an egge couer the horse by and by vvith a good couering and vvalke him so long as vntill that his eares become warme giuing him a drinke made with water salt and meale but first causing him to eat a little good Hay let him rest three daies in the stable and eat and drinke there or else make him hot fomentations and those of such things as are proper in that case to be applied vnto the part for to remoue the humour afterward applie a cataplasme made of Barley meale and three ounces of Rosin all boyled in due sort in good strong red wine and when the matter shall be gathered and readie for suppuration giue it a gash with a knife to let the suppurated and ripe matter out afterward put in the hollow place tents wet in water oyle and salt with bolsters layd vpon them and dipt in the same This disease craueth a speedie remedie for and if you stay till the Auiues be gotten vp higher it is past hope of curing The Squinanci● otherwise called the disease of the throat and swelling of the tongue requireth first of all that the horse should be let bloud vpon the veine vnder the tongue or of the palate of the mouth after that a fomentation for the whole mouth and for the tongue with warme water then after that
Cough If he be wearie and ouer-heated you must cast Grease and Wine into his throat Let all women that desire to haue children beware that they neuer take the sent of the vrine of a Horse or Mare-Mule for the smell of their vrine doth make women barren because that they themselues are naturally barren The fume of the hoofe of a Mare-Mule put vpon hot coales and set on fire is so odious vnto Rats and Mice that are in the house that they by and by foeling the smell runne away with great swiftnesse of which you may make triall The end of the first Booke THE SECOND BOOKE OF THE COVNTRIE HOVSE OF GARDENS CHAP. I. Of the Situation Inclosure Ground and fashions of Hedges requisite for Gardens whether they be for profit or for pleasure IT is requisite that we should now occupie our selues in describing the manner of husbanding and tilling of the Earth hauing runne through all that belongeth to the building and inclosing of a Farme the office of the chiefe Lord and of the Farmer and his people and generally whatsoeuer concerneth the raising of profit by keeping of Cattell Wee will begin therefore following the order before propounded to describe Gardens And first with the Kitchin Garden which ●ath beene deuised and appointed to ioine to the one side of the Garden of pleasure ●nd yet separated from it by the intercourse of a great Alley of the breadth of three ●athomes hauing either a Well or Conduit from some Fountaine in the middest ●hereof if you cannot conueniently haue a particular Well in the middest of euerie Garden and besides with an Hedge of Quickset verie thicke in which there may ●e made three doores one to the House another to the place of the Well or Foun●aine and the third opening vpon the Orchards inclosure This Hedge shall be ●lanted likewise with Hasell trees Goose-berrie bushes white and red Pepper trees Curran trees Eglantines Brambles Wood-bind the wild Vines both the Hollies ●lder trees and Apples of Paradise Ceruise trees Medlar trees and Oliue trees 〈◊〉 it must be more thicke and a greater defence than anie other to preuent danger ●f Cattell getting loose which might a great deale more endammage the good and profit of their Master than they could anie way pleasure him Yet in the planting ●f your Quick-sets according to the opinion of Serres you shall haue great confide●ation to the nature of the ground on which you plant them as which are apt for Quick-sets which not apt and which Quick-set is apt for which ground as thus ●our clayne and stiffe clayes which are without anie mixture of sand are slow in ●ringing forth Quick-set yet hauing once taken root they preserue and maintaine ●●eir Quick-sets longest and therefore the blacke and white Thorne mingled with ●ild Apple trees Ceruise trees Medlar trees Oliue trees or anie other which carri●●h bodie and substance Your mixt Hasell soyles which are Clay and Sand of an equall temper or your fast and close Sands which doe not diuide or runne to a generall dust are the kindl●est of all other to bring forth Quick-sets and do preserue and maintaine them for a conuenient time though not so long as the Clayes and are verie speedie in bringing forth therefore anie Quick-set is meet to be planted on such Soyles whether they be Tr●es Shrubs or Bushes as those before spoken of together with anie thing else that will take root But your grauellie flintie or loose Sands which fall away and neuer fasten vnto the root are the most barren of all other and seldome or with great difficultie bring forth anie good Quick-set at all yet Industrie which is the Mother of all profits hath found out by experience that the best Quick-set which can grow vpon these Soyles is the common Bramble or wild Bri●r out to the length of two foot or thereabouts and so planted in the earth and amongst them mingled three or foure foot asunder here and there diuers blacke thornes then when the Brambles begin to shoot forth to interlace them and twynd th●● bought-wise about the blacke Thornes making one bought runne into another and plashing them both vpward and downe-ward so close one within another that they may seeme like a Lattice-window and euer and anon to vphold and maintaine the earth to their roots till they be well fastened within the ground and then they wil● hold vp the earth afterwards themselues By this experiment onely hath beene se●●e in di●ers of these most barren Soyles as strong as thicke and as defensible Quick-sets as in anie other Soyle whatsoeuer as is daily apparent to mens eyes both 〈◊〉 France England and the Low Countries The situation of the said Gardens must be as we haue said before neere vnto the House placed vpon the North rather than vpon the South quarter to the end tha● the chiefe Lord and owner of the Farme may out of the windowes of his lodging enioy the pleasure and beautie of his Gardens in some plaine plot of ground which is as it were a little hanging and thereby at the foot thereof receiuing the streame 〈◊〉 some pleasant running water either from some Spring and Fountaine or from som● Well or else from the falling of the Raine but farre remoued from the Threshing●floore and Barne to the end that the hearbes may not be hurt by the dust dyrt sma●●straw or chaffe which might be conueyed along from the Threshing-floore vnto the Garden by the wind when the Corne is in threshing for such chaffe hauing take● hold vpon the leaues doth pierce them and fret them through and being thus pie●ced they burne and parch away presently Likewise for the benefit of their 〈◊〉 it must be iustly liued out and cast into a Square verie equally and vniformally 〈◊〉 yet somewhat sloping for the conueyance of the fall of Raine water and of the 〈◊〉 of the dunghill which continually will be thereby running downeward 〈◊〉 the allies by meanes of the Raine and so will mend the idle and vntoiled 〈◊〉 And by the side of either of those two Gardens within the wall and inclosure of the House there shall be kept two other Gardens if possibly it may be seuered and s●parated by other Hedges and a great path betwixt them containing in breadth 〈◊〉 lesse than three fathomes or eighteene foot euerie one finely paued with good ●●●●stones or burned Tyles or made with Steeres or filled with Sand that is to say by 〈◊〉 side of the Kitchen Garden a particular Garden for Hempe Line Saffron 〈◊〉 and other things of profit and good Husbandrie and this requireth a proper 〈◊〉 kind of ordering and by the side of the Garden of pleasure another Gard●● with Pulse as Peason Beanes Fetches Rice Panicke Millet and such other thing● for they serue greatly for the keeping of your familie Yet you shall vnderstand 〈◊〉 albeit I thus particularly appoint you these two seuerall Gardens the one for 〈◊〉 and Flax
the other for hast●e Pease Beanes and such like being right necessarie 〈◊〉 your household vse yet notwithstanding you may sow anie of those seeds abroad 〈◊〉 your Fields or manie other remote Croft or Close well tilled for the purpose 〈◊〉 fully as much profit conueniencie especially your Hempe and Flax for you 〈◊〉 vnderstand that there be some Soyles so rich and fat that after you haue 〈◊〉 Wheat Barly and Pease successiuely yeare after yeare that then in stead of fallowing and giuing your land rest you may that yeare sow a full crop of Hempe whic● ●estroying the weeds and superfluous growths which spring from the fertilenesse of ●●e Soyles makes your land apt and readie to receiue either Wheat or Barly againe ●nd so you neuer loose anie Crop at all bue haue euerie yeare something to reape ●●om your ground whereas should you let it rest and bestow mea●ure vpon it as 〈◊〉 case of more barren earth you would so much ouer-rich it that it would either ●●ildewe and spoyle your Graine or else choake and slay it with the aboundance of Weeds which the earth would vtter forth of it owne accord Againe if your land ●e with your neighbours in common amongst the generall Fields here a land and ●ere a land or here two and three and there two and three as it is a generall custome 〈◊〉 diuers places and that such lands doe butt vpon greene Swarthe or Grasse-●rounds which are likewise common and on which both your selfe and your neigh●ours must necessarily teather your Cattell which Cattell if at anie time they breake ●ose or by the negligence of their Keepers be stalld too neere the Corne may doe ●ou much hurt on your Graine in this case and to pre●ient this euill you shall sow ●●e ends of all such lands as butt on the grasse tenne or twelue foot in length as your and may conueniently spare with Hempe for vpon it no Cattell will bite so that ●n either of these cases aforesaid you shall not need much to respect the preseruation ●f your Hempe or Flax Garden The Inclosures of the Gardens must be such as the commoditie and necessitie of the place doth require that is to say of Walls if the reuenues of the House will beare it or of a strong and thicke Quick-set Hedge if there want either Pit-●tone or reuenues to build the wall withall Notwithstanding it is least cost to speake the truth and more profit to inclose and compasse them in with a Quick-set Hedge than with a Wall for the Quick-set Hedge doth endure a longer time and asketh not so great charges neither to trimme it nor to repaire it as the Wall doth Such a one is that which is made of Brambles and Thornes as white Thorne or with the plants of Elder tree or other plants with tufted flowers mingled and set amongst the Brambles the same being cut by the taile and made plaine and euen when the time of the yeare serueth as wee see here in manie places of France Some there be that compasse and inclose their Gardens with Ditches and Banks but small to their profit seeing the moisture of their Gardens which should serue them is thereby conueyed away and taken from them and this holdeth in all other cases but where the ground is of the nature of Marishes The common inclosing vsed by Countrey men is of Thornes Osiers and Reedes but such Hedges doe require almost euerie yeare new repaire reliefe and making in putting new stakes therein whereas if it had an abiding and liuing root it would free the Gardeners of a great deale of trouble cost and trauell The ground of the Gardens must bee good of his owne nature free from Stones Durt and hurtfull Hearbes well broken and dunged a yeare before it be digged to be sowne and after it hath beene digged and dunged againe or mar●ed you must let it rest and drinke in his dung and marle And as concerning the nature and goodnesse of it the Clayie Stiffe or Sandie ground is nothing worth but it must be fat in handling blacke in colour and which crumbleth easily in the breaking or stirring of it with your fingers or which hath his greene Turfes or Clods breaking easily vnder the Pick-axe and becommeth small with labouring as the small Sand and generally all grounds that are good for Wheat are good for Gardens It is requisite also to the end it may bring forth greene Hearbes in aboundance that it be a reasonable moist ground for neyther the ground that is much drie nor that which is much subiect to water is good for Gardens Notwithstanding if the Grounds belonging vnto the Farme happen not to haue this commoditie of idle and vnimployed ground to make Gardens you must remedie that soare as well as possibly you may The Clayie Stiffe and Sandie places must bee amended by Dung and Marle and would bee cast three foot deepe The Watrie place shall be made better if there bee mixt with it some Sandie or Grauellie Ground and therewith cast it round about with ditches thereby to draine and draw out the water annoying the Gard●● And thus the good Husband shall doe his endeuour to amend and make in so●● sort his ground more fruitfull Lee the dung which he layeth vpon it be either 〈◊〉 Sheepe or of Swine or of Horse or Pigeons or Asses according as the nature of 〈◊〉 ground shall require or of Oxe or Cow for albeit some Gardners thinke it of 〈◊〉 coole a nature and not so nourishing vnto tender hearbs as the other which are 〈◊〉 hot yet they are greatly mistaken therein for it melloweth the earth and enriche●● it more than anie of the other and maketh it more apt to sprout and put forth 〈◊〉 encrease besides it doth naturally affect no weeds if it haue better seed to work● vpon Whence it commeth that the Garden so manured keepeth his hearbes 〈◊〉 the cleanest fullest and largest Also Ashes are a verie good meanure for Garden● especially if the ground be apt to chap or breake into great rifts as diuers Cla● grounds are neither if the soyle be answerable thereunto shall you omit Mar●● Sand Chalke Lyme or such like And the elder it is the better also in as much 〈◊〉 in time it looseth his filthie stinke and whatsoeuer other euill qualitie and getteth 〈◊〉 new kind of rottennesse which is more soft and more easie to be conuerted into the substance of the earth whereby good earth is made better and the naughtie amended This is the cause why such as haue written of Husbandrie in Latine haue called dung L●tamen and Frenchmen Litiere because it maketh the ground me●●●e supposed when it is once mingled and incorporated with the same For dung that 〈◊〉 pure and of it selfe must not be laid vnto the roots of trees but first where there●● need of the shortest earth and afterward of dung The Hedge of Quick-set parting the Kitchin Garden and that other for delight would be
best water to water the pot-hearbs withall is raine water if it fall in the night or in such a time as that it may not heat the hearbes for it washeth and cleanseth them from the dust and 〈◊〉 that eateth them especially if the Raine come driuing with a Northerne wind for want of this the Riuer or Brooke water is best next being a little warme in place of this Well water drawne in the morning and put in a barrell or in some other thing of receit that so it may take the heat of the Sunne beames may serue for cold and salt water is enemie to all sorts of hearbes although that Theophrastus say that salt water is more conuenient than anie other to water certaine plants Beside● you shall vnderstand that for the speedie growing of hearbes or for comforting them after they are once sprouted and risen aboue the earth there is nothing 〈◊〉 the world better or more comfortable than Sope ●uds after they haue beene 〈◊〉 in and are verie well cooled The dregges of Ale or lees of Wine are 〈◊〉 good to water Rosemarie with or anie other tender Hearbe Flower or Pla●● whatsoeuer The time to water them is the euening and morning not the mid-day for feare that the water heated by the heat of the Sunne might burne th●● at the root After that the hearbes haue begun to put forth you must weed the bad from the good whose nourishment they would consume and ouer-shadow them withall this must be done with a forked trowell whiles they be verie small and with the hand which Gardiners call by the name of making cleane when the pot-hearbes are growne strong and great Some doe also weed them thus as well for the weight of the earth and heauie falling of the water vpon them as also because of the 〈◊〉 of folkes feet whereby the earth becommeth hard Wherefore if the 〈◊〉 be soft you need not to ●ake it but verie slightly And you must know that weeding is necessarie for Gardens at all times except in the height of Winter that is to say from Nouember till March in all which time it is not good to weed because those weeds which doe then grow doe not offend or choake the hearbe● but rather keepe them warme and comfort them whereas should they be taken away you would leaue the stemme and roots of your hearbes so naked to all the bitternesse of Winter that euerie small Rinde or Frost would endanger the vtter killing and destroying of them as you may find by proofe if you please not to giue credit to our relation Cutting of hearbes is also profitable for them at what time as they be somewha● growne thereby to make them to keepe their greenenesse the longer and to 〈◊〉 them the more beautifull and tufted to keepe them from seeding as also to 〈◊〉 them somewhat a more pleasant smell than they had in their first stalke By this meanes Lettuces and Coleworts are made better and of a more pleasant taste 〈◊〉 their first leaues bee pluckt from them In like manner Turneps and 〈◊〉 grow more beautifull and tufted if their leaues be cut But all hearbes must not be cut at all times for such as haue a hollow stalke as Onions and others if they be cut when it rayneth the blade or stalke of the Onion is filled full of water and rotteth And this is the cause why hearbes of such nature are not 〈◊〉 be cut but in a faire and drie time Or if not cut at all it is better except it be to keepe them from seeding or to make the head a little the fairer which fresh moulding will better doe and with lesse labour As for your Scallions Chyues or Leekes to cut them it is not amisse because they are hearbes continually to be vsed for the Pot and in that respect the oftener cut so much the better CHAP. IX Of setting and remouing of Pothearbes TO giue the greater scope and libertie to hearbes and to make them greater men vse to remoue them and this is done either by remouing of them from one bed to another or from one floore to another vvhen they haue foure or fiue leaues out of the ground and this may be done at ●y time but specially see that the season be inclining to moistnesse and raine and 〈◊〉 must be set in ground that is vvell furnished vvith fat vvithout any amending of with dung If the time fall not out rainie you must vvater them after they be new 〈◊〉 in good and due time not staying too long and from some of them you must cut 〈◊〉 the ends of their roots and set them thinne that so they may be vvet and haue 〈◊〉 earth lightened vvhen need requireth and that thereby they may grow better 〈◊〉 fairer And of these hearbes vvhich are thus to be remoued none is more neces●●rie than the Lettuce because being very swift of growth and naturally apt to mount 〈◊〉 it be not corrected and stayed by remouing it will presently runne to seed and 〈◊〉 that vertue for which it is principally preserued Therefore the sooner you re●oue your Lettuce prouided that you haue a shower to doe it in the better it is and 〈◊〉 sooner it will Cabbage and gather in his leaues growing hard firme and thick Also if after their remouing you lay some heauie Tyle or Slate stones vpon them which may a little presse downe their leaues it will be so much the better and they will Cabbage so much the sooner Generally what hearbes soeuer you would keepe from seed that you may thereby take the profit of the leafe and keepe the full strength of the hearbe in the same you shall as soone as you perceiue some leaues to ●e sprung aboue the ground forthwith remoue them into some other new-digged Beds of good and perfect Mould well broken and manured for the purpose and in ●his remouing of your hearbes you shall obserue to set them rather deeper than ●hallower than they were before and to fixe the earth close and fast about them ●nd not to forget to water them as aforesaid till you see they haue taken fast root ●nd begin to shoot vp Slips for the Garden of sweet and fragrant hearbes are gathered at all times and ●hey would be of young sprigges of a yeare old taking part of the old wood and ●vrything that to put it into the earth or else cleauing it below and putting in the ●left an Oat and round about it some other graines of Oates rather than dung for ●earbes that are remoued doe not require dung at their roots but rather they haue ●eed that the lowest parts of their roots should be a little steeped in water as I will shew herea●●er CHAP. X. Of gathering and keeping the seeds roots and flowers of Pothearb●s ROotes for the most part are gathered when the leaues are fallen off and in like sort are the flowers gathered as Borage Buglosse All-good and Marigolds when they are throughly open
Sunne If you desire that it should haue great leaues when as 〈◊〉 beginneth to put forth a stalke cut off the same in the halfe then put vpon it a clod 〈◊〉 earth or some small tyle If you couet to haue it faire and vvhite bind together the 〈◊〉 of it two daies before you take it from the first bed and set it in another place 〈◊〉 sprinkle it ouer with sand The cabbaged Lettuce being leaued and curled and not growing higher than a 〈◊〉 for the most part is made by being troden downe After that it is planted 〈◊〉 second time put vnto the root some cowes dung that is verie new afterward tread 〈◊〉 downe againe and vvater it and vvhen it beginneth to gather strength and grow 〈◊〉 the branch vvhich it putteth forth and couer it with a new earthen pot in such 〈◊〉 as that the top thereof by it may be beaten and kept downe and by this meanes 〈◊〉 vvill become tufted cabbaged and vvhite or else if you vvould haue beautifull 〈◊〉 faire lettuces two daies before you take them vp by the roots you must tie toge●●er the tops of them and then couer them with ea●th vp to the very ●aid tops so tied 〈◊〉 so they will become white and faire In like manner sand cast vpon them ma●●th them to become white If you feare that it will not grow hard ynough by rea●●● of some fault in the place or in the time or seed take it vp and set it in some 〈◊〉 place To cause Lettuces to haue a sweet smell more than ordinarie sow them with the 〈◊〉 of Citrons or else steepe the seeds in Damaske or other sweet water three 〈◊〉 daies together To mingle Lettuce with other Salad hearbes as Rocket Sorrell and such like and 〈◊〉 in such sort as that they may all grow vp together from one and the same root 〈◊〉 all your sorts of Seeds into a Sheepes trottle made good and hollow for the 〈◊〉 afterward set it verie deepe as namely about the depth of eighteene ynches in 〈◊〉 ground and water it oft and by little and little and haue great care and regard 〈◊〉 it when it putteth forth of the earth Others do crumble breake three or foure ●●ottles of a Goat or Sheepe and put their seeds in the middest thereof and then 〈◊〉 them with a linnen cloth fast bound in manner of a knot and doe plant them 〈…〉 were in the vppermost part of the earth verie diligently regarding and looking 〈◊〉 them when they come vp Some plucke away the leaues of the Lettuse which 〈◊〉 next vnto the roots and in stead of the leaues so pluckt away they put one 〈◊〉 seed of rocket cresses or sorrell and other such like by which meanes there grow 〈◊〉 and diuers sorts of branches The Lettuce is not without good physicke helpes for it cooleth the 〈…〉 the bellie causeth aboundance of good bloud The juice thereof mixt 〈…〉 Roses as●wageth the paine of the head and causeth the sick● of agues 〈…〉 rubbed vpon the brows and temples it serueth for a Gargarisme with 〈…〉 of Pomegranats for the Inflammation of the throat being rubbed vpon 〈…〉 it staieth the night pollutions or Gonorrhaea especially if thereunto be added 〈…〉 Camphire the seed thereof beaten with the seed of white Poppie in forme of 〈…〉 or extract doth effect the same and also cureth the scalding and burning of the 〈◊〉 the seed thereof steept in water wherein hath beene quenched steele with 〈…〉 quantitie of Iourie powdred is verie soueraigne against the white flowres of 〈◊〉 The leaues of Lettuce boyled and moystned in broth or salades of them in like 〈◊〉 after supper doth prouoke sleepe the seed thereof powdred and mixt 〈…〉 milke of a woman that hath brought forth a daughter and the white of an 〈…〉 to make frontale for the verie same purpose The decoction of the 〈…〉 boyled in Barley water and drunke causeth great quantitie of milke in 〈◊〉 if afterwards the dugges be well rubbed with the hand such as haue a short 〈◊〉 spit bloud or haue weake lungs as also such as desire to haue children must 〈…〉 Lettuces CHAP. XIII Of Endiue Sowthistle and Succorie ENdiue hauing narrow leaues otherwise called Scariole or 〈…〉 wild Lettuce and of the Latines Intybus or Seris is more 〈…〉 Physicke than any other wayes and is not planted in Garden● 〈◊〉 it is alwaies bitter notwithstanding that it be of the sorts of 〈…〉 rather of Succorie It is true that in often planting and transplanting of it and 〈…〉 mouing it from one place to another and by binding and couering it with 〈…〉 ring the Winter time the nature thereof may be changed and become tender 〈◊〉 white and without any great paines to the Gardiner may be kept all 〈…〉 thing our Gardiners haue practised seeing by experience that wild 〈…〉 commeth faire and flourishing after it hath beene ouerflowen with water and 〈◊〉 with sand or earth Sowthistle called in Latine Sonchus or Ci●erbita was of old time in 〈…〉 salades but now there is no such account made thereof saue onely that it is vsed 〈…〉 to teed Conies and Hares in like sort it is not planted in gardens because it 〈◊〉 plentifully amongst the vines notwithstanding the Italians doe vse the 〈…〉 it in Salades in Winter finding them sweet and of a pleasant tast his stalke is 〈◊〉 milke sometimes drawing neere vnto a yellow this milke taken in drinke is 〈◊〉 for them which haue a short breath and are stopt in their lungs 〈…〉 paines of the eares if you drop certaine drops thereof into them especially if 〈◊〉 cause it to boyle with some Oyle in the ri●d of a Pomegranat it healeth 〈◊〉 the strangurie and paines in making water if it be drunke to the quantitie of 〈…〉 The leaues of Sowthistle chewed doe take away the stinking of the mouth Succorie is of the nature of Endiue hauing large leaues and without 〈◊〉 and good handling doth alwaies continue bitter It loueth a moist place and 〈◊〉 laboured ground When it hath put forth foure leaues you must translate it to ●ell dunged soyle And to the end it may haue faire large and well-spread leaues 〈◊〉 it beginneth once to come to any growth in the middest of his leaues you must 〈◊〉 some prettie little tyle for by this meanes it will spread forth his leaues and 〈◊〉 haue them a great deale thicker standing and tufted By this good husbanding 〈◊〉 his bitternesse and then there is vse to be had of it in sallades in Winter 〈◊〉 it is called white Succorie and to this end it is wont to be planted againe in the 〈◊〉 of August after that in the beginning of September to the end that the leaues 〈◊〉 may be the greater it must be taken vp without the breaking of any thing 〈◊〉 with a smal blade of a straw haue the leaues tied together very easily and gently 〈◊〉 wringing or brusing of them afterward it must be
the nosthrils mingled with Hennes grease it dryeth vp the Kibes applyed with a linnen cloth vnto burnings it easeth and take● 〈◊〉 the paine being mixt with strong vineger it stayeth bleeding at the nose if it be dropt and put into the nose with a feather An Onion rosted vpon hot coales and eaten with Sugar Oyle and a little Vineger doth cure the Cough and is good for them that are stopped or stuffed in their Lungs and such as are short breathed Take away the heart of an Onions 〈◊〉 it with Cummin seed powdred stop the hole and rost the Onion thus prepared ●●der hot ashes when it is rosted strayne it out this iuice is singular good for the noyses and deafenesse of the eares being dropped into them The thicke ri●de of the Onion burned or rosted vnder hot ashes assuageth old Head-ach and Megrams if you put in little morsell moistened or besprinkled with Oyle of Roses and Bayes within the eare of that side of the head that aketh An Onion stamped with fresh Butter easeth the paines of the Hemorrhoids stamped with Honey and Salt it is a soueraigne remedie for the biting of a mad dogge and other such like beasts mingled with Hennes grease it taketh away the red and blew spots of the face boyled in Wine or in Water and afterward stamped and fried in common Oyle and applyed in forme of a Cataplasme vnto the Nauell it assuageth the throwes of Women newly brought in bed rosted vpon hot coales and mixed with Leauen and Oyle of Lillies it ripeneth Impos●umes Take away the heart of the Onion fill the hollow place with Tracle or Mithridate dissolued and beat with the iuice of Citrons stoppe vp the hole againe with the Cap or vpper Crust which you cut of● rost all together vnder the hot ashes and that so long as vntill all be well incorporated and drencht in afterward strayne the Onion so rosted and giue that which shall be strayned to drinke to him that is infected with the Plague and cause him by and by to lye downe and to be well couered to the end that he may sweat This Medicine hath not his match against the Plague prouided that the sweat breake forth by and by As for Chibols and Chyues they come more neere vnto the nature of Onions as by the smell one may well perceiue than vnto the nature of Leekes which they nothing resemble saue onely in the blade or stalke and in that they haue no head They must be sowne in the Spring as other hearbes in the same ground with the Onion They are verie pleasant in Salads to temper the coldnesse of other cold hearbes CHAP. XXIIII Of Garlicke GArlicke as is well knowne vnto the inhabitants of Gascoine Aquitaine Limosin and those about Burdeaux would be planted at the same time that Onions are and in the new of the Moone that so they may be great and it must not be set in whole heads but in those little ●loues and parts which may be diuided and taken off from the head They shall be set all along vpon beds diuided by ridges like vnto ridged grounds of the Countrey of Beaux to the end that the water may not destroy them in Winter For this hearbe desireth a drie ground and but a little moist verie white and not much dunged or verie fat When they shall haue put forth three leaues you must weed them as oft as you can for so they will become fairer and their seed will be the greater Who so is desirous to haue it great headed must take away the tops of it or else tread it downe with his feet before it put forth his stalke for by this meanes the iuice will returne into the head It groweth likewise of Seed but more slowly for it hath no better a head for the first yeare than a Leeke the second yeare it beginneth to be better headed and more like it selfe but is not perfect and absolute vntill the third yeare If you sow it in the wane of the Moone and take them vp in like manner when the Moone is vnder the earth you shall haue Garlicke that will not smell so strong but contrariwise if you sow in the new or growth of the Moone Likewise it will haue a sweet sauour if when you sow it you set in the middest thereof the kernels of Oliues as likewise if in planting it you set by the side thereof a Cloue ioyned verie close thereunto it will retaine the smell and taste thereof In like manner it will be of a better taste if you steepe it in good sweet Wine a day before that you sow it And if you steepe it in Milke two dayes before you sowe it it will become both greater and better The fit and conuenient time to gather and take it vp is in the wane of the Moone and in drie and faire weather when the stalke will no longer stand vpright It is kept well vpon straw lying bare or hung vp in the smoake of the chimney or being steept a little in salt water And to keepe it long you must let it ripe well and when it is gathered to lay it in the Sunne that it may drie throughly and afterward to lay it vp in a place that is not moist and whereas notwithstanding the Sunne commeth not for so it would continue but a while It is true that if you meane to sow and set it afterward that then you must not hang it vp in the smoak● nor steepe it in salt water for such kind of keeping doth make it barren and not fit to grow anie more Garlicke eaten bringeth a verie vnpleasant smell vnto the mouth and for the taking away of the same you must eat a raw Beane by and by after or the ribbe of a Beet rosted in ashes or some Smallage or greene Parsley or which is better if you loue Garlicke and hate the stinking breath that it yeeldeth then vse vineger wherein it hath beene steeped or else cause the Dishes and Vessels whereon your meat is to be serued to be rubbed therewith for by this 〈◊〉 you shall haue the taste thereof in your mouth and yet your breath shall not smell anie thing ill Garlicke eaten fasting is the Countrey mans Treacle in the time of the Plague and other dangerous diseases as also against all manner of Venime and Poyson It is true that it causeth thirst and heat throughout the bodie and head-ach when it is of● vsed but all these inconueniences will be easily corrected if you eate some Smallage or Parsley presently after Verie manie men but especially the people of Aquitaine in the beginning of the Spring time namely the first day of May doe eat euerie morning Garlicke with fresh butter by this meanes they hope to continue sound and strong all the yeare Garlicke applyed in forme of a Cataplasme vnto the stingings of Serpen●s or biting of a mad Dogge is a soueraigne medicine against the same
his old root but will be sowen euerie yeare in September in hot and drie countries and in other plac●● from Ianuarie vntill March and it is sowen commonly with colewor●s It prosp●et● best when it is sowen in places where the crops of vines haue beene burned I ha●● seene at Vandeuer a small village in Burgundie young children and other folke to eat the seed of white poppie for lickorishnes without being any thing moued to heauinesse of sleepe but made more stirring and liuely which hath made me to 〈◊〉 that the seed of Poppie is not so much to be feared as some would beare in hand CHAP. XXXVII Of Cucumbers CVcumbers are sowen vpon a bed in the moneth of March and for feare of srost they are couered with straw vntill mid-May which is the time when they would be remoued vnto such ground as is well manured and thicke layed with dung fat and soft to the end they may be suffered to creepe and ripen vpon the ground or else vpon beds filled with fat and well 〈◊〉 earth being a foot high For to sow them there must be planted foure or five seeds the one from the other some two foot they must not be weeded at all because they thriue the better when they be ouer-growne with weeds Notwithstanding 〈◊〉 Spaine they vse to weed them as carefully as they can as also lighten and raise the●● earth and there grow verie faire Cucumbers thereupon It is good to water the●● oft vntill they put forth their buds and bring forth fruit yea and after also if the time fall out somewhat drie for the Cucumber of his owne nature doth loue moisture insomuch as if there be set a vessell full of water vnder a Cucumber it will be found the next day to be shrunke three fingers and it must be prouided that the water goe directly downe vnto the root of the Cucumber without touching the fruit because otherwise it would make it worse It is true that when it beginneth to ripen the raine and ●uerie other manner of watering is enemie vnto it for thereby it becommeth but more withered without any tast and altogether discontenting It feareth the thunder and lightning and for that cause you must not pla●● them in any such time neither yet hope for any great increase thereof in such yeares as wherein such stormes and tempests fall out for thereupon they wither and fall quite away to nothing If a man desire to haue them faire ones he must gather them in the full of the Moone for at this time they grow bigge and at other times they fade and grow lesse Furthermore there may not come neere vnto their bed any vessell full of oyle because the cucumber of all other things hateth oile and cannot thriue if he which doth till them haue handled oyle The vse of Cucumbers is altogether hurtfull because the nourishment and juice comming of them is easily corrupted in the veines whereupon there grow in 〈◊〉 bodies Burning-Agues and such as are verie hard to c●re wherefore it is better to appoint them for meat for Mules and Asses to which kind of beasts this fruit is verie pleasant and profitable than to ordaine them for mens food and sustenance It is verie true that their seed boyled with Barley-water doth prouoke vrine asswage the heat of the reines and also diminish the heat and thirst that is in Agues A decoction made with the seed of Cucumbers Winter-Cherries Mallowes and the seeds of vvhite Poppie adding thereto the juice of Licorice a little Mummia Gum-arabecke and Tragacanth is a singular remedie for them which are in consumptions which cough continually and haue their vrine burning them So●● likewise say that a Cucumber placed long-wise neere vnto a child which hath an Ague being of the same greatnesse that the child is doth deliuer it altogether from the Ague CHAP. XXXVIII Of Gourdes GOurdes doe craue the like earth and ordering or tillage that Cucumbers doe foreseene that they haue the Sunne at commaund it is true that they must be sowne with greater distances and in such sort as they may climbe stakes heapes of stone and arbours thereby to giue some pleasure in the beholding of the fruit hanging rather than the lying vpon beds for they delight not so much in creeping vpon the earth as the Cucumber doth but rather to climbe on high Before you set them you must steepe their seeds one night in water that so you may learne to make the better choice of them and to know which are good And in that respect it will be good to take those which sinke downe to the bottome and let alone those which shall swim vpon the top of the water as being vnprofitable and worth nothing to sow The seeds shall be put into the earth two together the sharpe end vpward in holes wide and deepe to the quantitie of two foot and three or foure foot euerie one from another filled with old dung that is verie small or else to make them spring out of the earth the sooner with horse dung as it commeth all hot from the stable for other matters they craue no great attendance prouided that they be serued with water to their contentment and yet those which are least wa●ered will haue the most pleasant sauour and tast wherefore if they be sowne in a drie ground you must set hard by them pots of water with lists of cloth or straw hanging at them which will be continually dropping of water vpon them which thing will be great aduantage to them during the great heat It is certaine that the goodnesse and fairenesse of Gourds doth consist altogether in the good choice and well setting of the seed for the seeds which are next to the necke of the gourd doe bring forth long ones those which are in the middest round ones and those which are by the sides short and thicke ones in which consideration if you would haue grosse and thicke gourds which may serue to make vessells and bottles of when they shall be drie you must take the seed that is in the middest of the gourd and set it with the head downward but when you desire to haue them to sell and to eat you must take of the seed next vnto the necke and set them after the right and common manner for so the fruit will grow long and more tender and of a greater price The gourds intended to gather seed of for to sow must not be gathered before Winter and when they are gathered they must be put in the Sun to drie or else hung vp in the smoake or else hung as the manner is in France vnder some chamber-floore or else set them in rows voon boards for otherwise the seeds would rot or else to put them in heaps of corne which will not onely keepe them from rotting but will also ripen them if they be gathered being yet vnripe but those which are intended to be eaten must be gathered at their
damaske or sweet water by such meanes you may giue them such tast and smell as you please if you steepe their seed before you sow it in any such liquor as in Honied-vvater in Rose-vvater or in some other kind of water sweetned with Sugar or Muske notwithstanding watering of them doth take from them a great deale of that smell as also of their sauour and taste To make Cucumbers or Pompions sugred you must steepe the seed in water that is well sweetned with Sugar or Honie and to make them sweet in Sheepes milke or Honied water and so sow them and when they be growne you must sprinkle them ouer with the dust of some drie earth and water them a little To make Pompions to keepe long and not to be spoyled or rotted you must sprinkle them with the juice of Housleeke A woman hauing her termes and walking by the borders of Pompions Gourds and Cucumbers causeth them to drie and die but and if any of the fruit e●cape it wil be bitter Cucumbers indure fresh a long time if they be put in the sweet lees of wine or else in brine or if they hang in a vessell wherein there is a little vinegar Pompions will haue the smell of Roses if their seed be mingled with drie Roses and afterward sowne together and then also they are excellent good to quench the thirst in burning agues CHAP. XLI Of Strawberries STrawberries haue no need of great toyle or tilling so that they be planted in some good ground not manured notwithstanding but well shaded howsoeuer because they delight greatly in the shadow of other hearbes so also they are found growing amongst great tall trees without any manner of husbanding or tillage It is true that they grow well in the open Sun so that they be watered once or twice a weeke especially when they begin to looke red they must be remoued euerie three yeares to make them beare faire berries and their earth raised about them once euerie yeare and that about Christ-tide and to weed them by hand when as weeds doe ouergrow them in the ground whither you remoue them you must first put horse-dung well rotted or cowes dung a scuttle full to euerie border that is three foot broad dresse this ground in a drie time and let it lye afterward and in a moist time but not rainie you shall set the Strawberries halfe a foot euerie way thrusting the earth close to the root with a dibble In these you may obserue a certaine kind of wonderfull harmelesnesse and innocencie which although they creepe vpon the earth and be continually troden vpon by Adders Lizards Snakes and other venimous beasts are notwithstanding neuer infected with them neither get they any venimous sauour which sheweth that they haue no ●ffinitie with ven●me or poyson Amongst other pleasures or commodities that they afford the juice or wine that 〈◊〉 strained from strawberries is good to take away the red pimples itching knobs which grow in the face by the heat of the liuer as also to take away the rednes●e of the eyes and to wipe out the spots and knobs of the Leprosie Likewise the decoction of the roots and leaues of Strawberries made with wine is singular good for the 〈◊〉 if it be drunke for some time in the morning as also to prouoke the termes in women and this neuerthelesse doth stay the white termes and bloudie 〈…〉 vsed in forme of a Gargari●●e it comforteth the gums and teeth and 〈…〉 rheumes Of Physicke Hearbes CHAP. XLII Of Mallowes WE haue heretofore dedicated and appointed certaine borders downe●●low the Kitchin garden neere vnto the wall of the orchard for Physick hearbes whereof we desire and wish that the huswife may haue 〈◊〉 knowledge thereby to helpe the nec●ssities of her people And in 〈◊〉 respect it shall not be ●hought strange if we touch in a word the dressing and 〈◊〉 of some few such as are most vsuall and familiar amongst women leauing 〈…〉 and exact description of th●m vnto such as make profession thereof for 〈◊〉 drift of my purpose is to instruct the Farmer and his wife or her that is the 〈◊〉 and Dairie-woman so much as is needfull for the maintenance of their house and f●milie But we will begin with Mallowes as those that are most in vse Mallowes notwithstanding that they grow euerie where yet if you be disposed 〈◊〉 sow them you may doe it most commodiously in Autumne rather than at any other time to the end their growth on height may be repres●ed by the comming of Wi●ter for by how much the Mallow is the lesse by so much it is the better They lo● a fat and moist earth and craue to be remoued after they haue put forth foure or 〈◊〉 leaues though indeed it would be much the better not to remoue them at all 〈◊〉 they will keepe a better rellish but to the end they should not grow vp into high and great stalkes alter that they be come forth of the earth you must put some 〈◊〉 bricke in the mid●est of their leaues They would be oft wed and when they 〈…〉 if their leaues be t●ed together at the end they will bring forth a well 〈◊〉 and thicke set root The root of Mallowes ste●pt in Wine a whole day and afterward wrapt in a 〈◊〉 and roasted vnder the ashes and dried is a fine medicine to rub the teeth with●● and to cleanse and scowre off from them the filth gathered thicke about them 〈◊〉 juice drunke to the quantitie of halfe a pound o● the decoction of the 〈…〉 leaues comming to a certaine thick con●●stence is exceeding good for w●men 〈◊〉 are in trauell of child birth It is singular also for many other things and therefore is called of some Omnimorbia Hollihocks craue the like husbanding and tillage that the Mallowes doe 〈◊〉 they are of the same kind and in both of them especially in the Mallowes we 〈◊〉 obserue as a miraculous thing that their leaues and flower doe open at the appro●d and comming of the Sunne and shut vp themselues to goe to bed when it 〈…〉 doe the Marigolds Both these haue verie great power and vertue to mollifie they serue also to 〈◊〉 the bellie especially the young and tender crops of Mallowes haue vertue to 〈◊〉 swage the paine of the reines and doe cause a man to make water The juice 〈◊〉 with oyle doe heal● the stinging of Waspes The juice mingled with 〈◊〉 doth helpe women trauailing of child birth Their lea●es stamped with the 〈◊〉 of willows doe stay inflammations A cataplasme made of their leanes doth 〈◊〉 way the hardnes●e of the mother and other parts especially if it be made of 〈◊〉 with oyle of Roses Gentian grows in high places open to the ayre being notwithstanding 〈◊〉 and somwhat ouershadowed This hearb through his bitternesse draweth downe the termes and the stayed vrine The water thereof especially of the root being distilled
through a Limbecke in Maries-bath doth maruailously heale the Agues caused of the obstructions of any noble part and which is more it killeth the wormes and wipeth away all the spots of the face it they be often washed therewith It is exceeding good against the inflammation of the eyes It is verie soueraigne against any infection or mortall sicknesse if it be drunke with Water and Honie it abateth the swelling of the bodie and easeth the colicke whether it be in the stomach or in the bowels it also cureth the biting or stinging of venimous beasts and it causeth a woman to be deliuered of her dead birth The root is a present remedie against the Plague not onely in men but also in all ●orts of cattell it is a speciall preseruatiue against all poyson and a meanes to withstand all putrefaction in regard whereof the Switzers mingle it amongst their owne meat and the sodder or prouender of their cattell that so they may continue in good health Arsmart so called because the leaues applied to the fundament for to wipe it doe cause great paine and of the Latines Hydropiper doth require a marshie ground full of water or at the least verie moist or often watered and it groweth rather being planted of a root then sowne of seed It is verie singular in ointments for old vlcers and fistulaes as also in clysters for bloudie fluxes the leaues thereof washed in cold water and applied vnto wounds and vlcers either of man or beast doe take away by and by the paine thereof and doth throughly heale them as the swellings or gaules vnder the saddles of horses that 〈◊〉 hurt if they be renewed euerie day and the horse needs not to be forborne for all that Or else take the hearbe new steepe it in water and wash it then rub therewith the swolne or gauled place then put the hearbe in some place where it may quickly rot or else burie it in some fat ground and co●er it with a great stone so soone as the ●hearbe is rotted so soone will the fore be healed If you spread it all greene in the bed it killeth fleas you shall keep powdred proke from wormes if you wrap it in the leaues of this hearbe th● juice thereof dropped into wormie eares doth kill the wormes that is in them Eye-bright delighteth in a leane ground and shadowed place and yet where moi●ture is not altogether wanting such as are the meadows and little mountaines is groweth of roots not of seed It is singular good against the dimnesse waterishnesse ●ataract rheume and weaknesse of the eyes being either applied and layd thereto or ●aken inwardly by the mouth there is a powder made of ●he dried leaues which be●ng oft taken by the mouth with the yolke of an egge or alone or mixt with aloes ●nd swallowed downe with Fennell-water or with water of veruai●e doth comfort ●nd strengthen mightily the weake and diseased eyes some vse much to take Win● wherein eye-bright hath beene infused and steept a long time for the same purpose or the powder vsed with wine but the powder alone or the decoction without wine 〈◊〉 a remedie far more certaine than the wine of eye-bright as I my selfe haue proued ●y experience in as much as the Wine by his vapours doth fill the braine and pro●ureth rheumes and therefore if you would auoid these inconuenienees you must ●elay your Wine vvith the vvater of Fennell or mixe Sugar therewith 〈◊〉 de ●illa-no●a a●●irmeth that by the continuall vse of this he●healed an old man which ●●ad alreadie wholly lost his sight by the often vse of the leaues of this hearbe as well 〈◊〉 as drie as well in his drinke as in his meat Veruaine as well the male as the female must be planted of roots in a moist soile ●nd that it may grow the fairer it requireth to be remoued and that into a place of ●he like nature and qualitie Besides the helpes that this hearbe affordeth vnto vveake eyes it is also good a●ainst the paine of the head teeth and vlcers of the mouth and principally in the ●●fections of the skinne as the itch the tetter the flying-fire the ring-worme the ●prosie the Gangrena and Shba●lus if it b● vsed in manner of a bath 〈◊〉 in manner of a fo●entation made with F●mitorie in Water and Vinegar Elicampane must not be sowne of seed because the seed hath no power to 〈◊〉 but it must rather be planted of the young sprouts pulled gently from the 〈…〉 that in a verie well tilled ground and which hath beene manured not verie 〈…〉 yet ouershadowed It is good to plant it in the beginning of Februarie leauing 〈◊〉 foot distance betwixt plant and plant for it hath great leaues and the roots do 〈◊〉 verie much as doe the young sprouts or roots of Reed The Wine wherein the root of Elicampane hath steept for the space of four● 〈◊〉 twentie houres is singular good against the colicke as we haue alread●e said in 〈◊〉 first booke the juice of the root is singular good to continue and keepe the 〈◊〉 and beautifull hew of women The decoction of the root is likewise good 〈◊〉 ●●joyce the heart and to prouoke vrine and the termes of women as also to 〈…〉 to spit out but then it must be vsed inwardly and whiles it is new and greene 〈◊〉 when it is old and drie it is fit to be vsed outwardly and not to be taken into 〈◊〉 bodie Dittander which hath the tast of pepper and mustard for which cause it is 〈◊〉 of the Latines Piperitis must be planted before the first of March cut as the 〈◊〉 but not so oft for feare it should die with cold It will continue two 〈◊〉 prouided that it be carefully weeded and dunged it continueth in many 〈◊〉 whole ten years and it cannot easily be destroyed The root of Dittander stamped with Hogs-g●ease or with the root of 〈◊〉 and applied in forme of a catapla●me vnto the Sciatica doth cure it throughly It taketh away the great spots freckles and scales or pilling of the face by 〈…〉 the thin skin wherein these are fixed and as for the rawnesse left after the away of this skin it is healed easily with ointment of Roses Great Celandine groweth in euerie ground so that there be any shadow 〈…〉 and it would be sowne in Februarie and may so continue ten yeares so that ●waies after it hath cast his seed the stalkes thereof be cut downe within 〈…〉 of the root The juice of the flowers mixt with honie or womans milke or some othe● 〈◊〉 asswage the sharpenesse of it doth take away the spots in the eyes 〈…〉 scartes and vicers healeth the ring-wormes and itch of the head and the 〈…〉 the haire of little children The Alchymistes doe make great account of it 〈◊〉 their extractions of mettalls Some say that the old Swallows doe recouer the 〈◊〉 of their young ones being pore-blind by applying vnto their
in white wine is verie good for such 〈◊〉 haue a hard Spleene and are subiect to a quartane Ague B●●onie delighteth to be sowne in a moist and cold ground and neere vnto some wall by which it may be shadowed for it is not 〈◊〉 in loue with the Sun-beames The root hath contrarie properties to the leaues and flowers for the root 〈◊〉 the stomacke and is verie vnsauourie vnto the mouth his leaues and flowers and of 〈◊〉 ver●e good smell and a tast correspondent and answerable The decoction of Betonie made in white wine assuageth the paines of the 〈◊〉 breaketh the stone and healeth the Iaundise The leaues stamped and applyed 〈◊〉 forme of a Cataplasme doe quickly ioyne together the wounds of the head A Cataplasme made of the leaues with Porkes grease doth ripen the tumors called C●●haires and all other sorts of Impostumes The leaues stamped with a little salt doe heale hollow and cancrous vlc●rs To be briefe this hearb hath so manie and so gre●● vertues as that the Italian when he would highly commend a man for his gi●● will say that he hath moe vertues than Betonie Bugle would be planted in a stonie drie and hillie ground in respect whereof the Latines call it Casolida petrosa It craueth no great paines to be taken with 〈◊〉 The leaues thereof are good to conglutinate and soulder together both outward and inward wounds it is likewise put in drinkes for wounds and that is the cause why some doe commonly say That he that hath Bugle and Sanicle will scarce vouchs●●● the Chirurgion a Bugle Lions-paw groweth in a clayish ground being withall fat red and somewhat moist commonly in medowes situated in some high place It hath like properties with Bugle and Sanicle but moreouer it taketh away all the paine and heat of inflammations and vlcers The same hearb stamped and applyed vnto the teats of women and young maids maketh them hard and firme Great Comfrey groweth in moist places and hath the same propertie that Bugle hath that is to say to soulder wounds and this is ●o great in both of them as 〈◊〉 that you put Bugle or Comfrey into a pot wherein flesh is boyling the pieces of flesh will become no more manie but one The root of great Comfrey whiles it is yet greene and newly pluckt out of the earth being spread vpon Leather or vpon Linnen and applyed in forme of a Cataplasme vpon goutie or rheumatike places doth presently appease the paine of the gout being a thing often proued and tried The same root dried and made into powder is good to put in children● pappe which haue their rimme broken as also to stay the flux of the bellie A Cataplasme made of the root of great Comfrey with Beane flower and applyed vnto the place where the childs guts fall downe is a soueraigne remedie to cu●● the same Self-heale craueth a fat ground and where the Sunne beateth not much it groweth of se●des and not of rootes and hath like properties that Bugle and Co●frey haue especially to stay the spitting of bloud the bloudie flux and to conglutinate wounds within the bodie where no man can come to apply tent or oyntment if there be made a drinke of the iuice of the rootes and leaues thereof which being chafed in your fingers or put vnder your tongue doth smell and tast like Myrrhe Water Germander called of the Latines Scordium groweth verie easily and without great paine or toile so that it be planted by little slippes taken from the old stalke and set in a moist ground for it specially requireth to grow well to be pl●●ted in a moist ground and to be often watered It hath the like qualities that Angelica hath against Poyson and the Plague and furthermore the decoction thereof taken as a drinke for certaine daies doth heale the tertian Agues and putteth away 〈◊〉 obstructions of the Spleene and prouoketh vrine Fole-foot must be planted in a verie moist place and craueth to be often watered for so it appeareth when as it is seene to flourish and like best in marish grounds and about currents of waters There groweth a whirish moss● about the root of it which if you gather and picke verie cleane and afterward wrap it in a Linnen Cloth with a little Sal nitrum and so boyle it a little in Lee and afterward lay it to drie in the Sunne you shall haue an excellent match to take fire at a flint and fire-steele for it taketh fire so easily that it will light at the first stroke of the 〈◊〉 Amongst other vertues it is singular good to comfort the lungs and parts aboue the breast whether you take it in a decoction or in a syrrup or in manner of a fume at the mouth or otherwise especially if you mingle some slippes of Hysope and some figges or syrrup with the said decoction The great Colts-foot especially the root thereof dried powdred and taken in the weight of two drammes with wine is singular against the Plague if so the partie sweat presently after It is good also to giue vnto Horses which haue the bots or are short-winded The great and small Carline so called as though it were Caroline because this Thistle was in a diuine manner made knowne vnto Charlemaigne by an Angell for the deliuering of his hoast from the Plague which did miserably annoy them doth require to be sowne and planted in a drie ground and stonie and where the Moone and Sunne doth shine pleasantly The root of the great Carline made into powder and taken the weight of a French crowne is singular good against the Plague the feeblenesse and faintnesse of the Heart for the keeping of the Vrine the breaking of the Stone the paines of the Sides and Conuulsions applyed outwardly after it hath beene steept in vineger it helpeth the Sciatica Eringium groweth in an vntilled rough and drie ground The wine wherein the rootes of Eringium haue been boyled prouoketh the Termes and restrained Vrine breaketh the Stone and casteth out it and Grauell It is good for such as haue the falling Sicknesse Dropsie or Iaundise The decoction of the root is singular good to resist Drunkennesse The distilled water of the young buds of the leaues being drunke euerie day and that so oft as one can is maruellous good for them which haue their bodies troubled with vlcers caused of the French Pocks in as much as it comforteth the Liuer The same water is verie profitable for the quartane and quotidian Agues The root thereof taken either in powder or in a decoction with the broth of those Frogges which are vsed to be eaten or for lacke of Frogges in the decoction of a Goslin or green Goose is a preseruatiue against the poyson of the Toad Hedgefrogge and other venimous hearbes It doth good also in the diseases of the heart being drunke with the decoction of Buglosse or Balme Beares-breech
the seed of Gromell to the quantitie of two drammes Ceterach halfe a dramme and Amber two scruples all being powdred with the iuice of Plantaine or Purcelane or Lettuce In like manner two drammes of the seed of Gromell with womens milke doth much comfort and strengthen a woman in her child-birth Hyporicum loueth the like entreatie that Gromell loueth and yet withall it doth refuse a fat and well tilled soyle The iuice of the leaues and flowers healeth cuts and wounds The seed drunke with white wine taketh away the tertian Ague The flowers and crops are principally in vse to make Balmes of for the curing of wounds such like as this is Take of the fruit of the Elme tree the flowers of Hypericum and the buds of Roses put them all together in a Glasse-bottle and set them in the Sunne so long as vntill you see them all so altered and changed as that they may seem to be rotted then straine them all through a linnen cloth and reserue it for your vse See further in the third Booke of the oyle of Hypericum Ground-pine loueth a drie sandie and stonie soyle and groweth better planted than sowne The whole hearbe boyled in honied water doth heale the laundise prouoke the termes in Women prouoke Vrine and is soueraigne against the Sciatica either taken in drinke or applyed vpon the hippe in forme of a Cataplasme for the whole hearbe with the flowers and roots made into powder and taken at the mouth fortie daies with halfe an ounce of Turpentine doth throughly heale the Sciatica The conserue made of the flowers is good for such as are subiect vnto the Palsie The whole hearbe boyled in vineger and taken at the mouth doth minister insinit helpe to a trauailing women when the child is dead in her bodie Agrimonie would be planted in a stonie and drie place and further craueth no great helpe of hand or husbandrie The decoction openeth the obstructions of the Liuer and strengtheneth it and it being boyled and drunke doth helpe against the bitings of venimous beasts The iuice of Agrimonie mixt with vineger and salt in a Liniment doth cure the Itch. Agrimonie is good against the cough of Sheepe and for broken-winded Horses The liquor of the decoction of Agrimonie with fumitorie made like Whay doth prouoke Vrine expell the Termes heale the Itch and Scab of the whole bodie whereupon it is singular in the beginning of the Leprosie The seed mixt with the iuice of Agrimonie and taken in manner of pilles doth kill the Wormes The Stagge being shot and wounded is healed so soone as he hath eaten of this hearbe If you gather good store of this hearbe and steepe it in faire Spring water in a large earthen pot till the water putrifie and then euerie morning wash the face therein it will take away all manner of Morphew Sunne-burning Farn-freckles and other spots or dunnesse of the skinne whatsoeuer making the same also cleare and smooth and filling vp euerie manner of wrinekle Some likewise vse in this case to vse with Agrimonie the like quantitie of Goose-grasse and sure it is not amisse for they haue both one manner of force and working White Mullein groweth euerie where but best in a stonie and sandie ground The white Mullein both leaues flowers rootes and seed is singular good against all manner of venime as also to containe in his place the falling Fundament Good wiues in like manner for this consideration doe make a fume of the seed and flowers of Mullein the flowers of Camomill and Masticke all made into 〈◊〉 The iuice pressed from the root before it put forth his stalke and drunke foure●●●● in the quantitie of an ounce with Hippocras or Malmesey in the beginning of a 〈◊〉 of a quartane Feauer doth driue it quite away The iuice pressed out of the flowe●● or leaues applyed to Warts doth take them cleane away Likewise Gentlewom●n find no better remedie than the iuice of white Mullein flowers to take away the wrinckles and other blemishes in their face The leaues bruised betwixt two stone● and applyed in forme of a Cataplasme vpon the foot of a Horse that hath beene cloyed doth affoord him a singular and present reliefe The water distilled of the flowers quencheth the firinesse of the face if there be a little Camphire added there● unto It doth in like manner with the tumor called Erisipelas the itch burnings 〈◊〉 other diseases of the skin The flowers of white Mullein with the yolke of an egg● crummes of bread and the leaues of Leeks applyed vnto the Hemorrhoids doe 〈◊〉 them altogether There groweth about the leaues of white Mullein a whitish 〈◊〉 which is good to make match or tinder to take fire Mercurie craueth one and the same ground with the Vine there to be sowne and grow in great aboundance without anie great care of husbanding and yet th●●● must care and regard be had not to sow it among Vines because the wine which 〈◊〉 Vines should yeeld amongst whom Mercurie hath beene sowne would retaine the tast of Mercurie and become verie vnpleasant to drinke The iuice of Mercurie being drunke helpeth conception prouoketh wome●● termes and deliuereth them of their after-birth The decoction of Mercurie do●● loose the bellie being drunke or taken in a Clyster Some make a honey of the 〈◊〉 of Mercurie with a halfe quantitie of honey and this is good for laxatiue Clyste●● The iuice of Mercurie taketh away Warts the seed of Mercurie in a decoction with Wormewood doth cure the Iaundise and the iuice thereof with vineger doth rip● vp the scab and scurffe Yarrow doth grow in a ground that is indifferent fat and moist The decoctio● thereof doth stay all manner of fluxes and especially the red termes of women 〈◊〉 also that which commeth of a wound especially the leaues dried made in powder and drunke with the iuice or water of Comfrey or Plantaine The leafe put into the nose stayeth the bleeding and put into a Clyster it stayeth the bloudie flux Milfoile bearing a white flower being powned with his flower and drunke with 〈◊〉 distilled from the same and Goats milke doth cure the burning of the vrine in 〈◊〉 and the whites in women Danewort groweth better plunted than sowne and craueth a fat ground well ●●nured and somewhat moist The iuice pressed from the roots of Danewort being drunke for a certaine time preserueth a man from the Gout The seed of Danewort being well washed and drunke in powder to the quantitie of a dramme hauing beene first steeped a whole night in Wine doth helpe the Dropsie because it procureth stooles downward and vomit vpward to the voiding of great store of water Being drunke also with the d●coction of ground Pine it as●uageth the paine of the Gout and Pocks There is also made a soueraigne Oyntment of the same for the appeasing of the said paines Ta●● the iuice of the roots of Danewort the flowers of Rye and
fresh butter of ech alike mixe all and let them worke together in an earthen pot set in the Ouen with this Oyntment rub the aki●●g parts or else infuse the flowers in oyle with mans grease set in the heat of the Sunne Some also make an Oyle of the seedes pressing it 〈◊〉 of them Orpin groweth for the most part in moist and shadowie places The Countr●y people doe by their good wills plant it vpon Saint Iohns night in dishes or vpo● trenchers of wood in some cleft of a wall the foot being thrust into clay and the●● they set it where it abideth a long time greene growing and flourishing if it be now and then watered The liquor of the decoction of the leaues is a soueraigne remedie to heale wounds and stay fluxes of bloud for inward wounds and vlcers and for burstings and ruptures Goats-beard groweth verie well in a moist ground and shadowed and craueth to be oft watered The Latines call it Vlmaria because the leaues are like to the leaues of Elme The root and leaues made in powder doe cure the flux of the bellie and bleeding The distilled water being drunke is singular good for wounds both inward and outward Ground-Iuie groweth likewise in a moist and shadowed place The decoction of the leaues hath great power to take away the obstructions of the liuer and spleene to prouoke vrine and the termes in women There is made of it an excellent balme for new cuts and wounds also for the Collicke ministred in Clysters or taken in drinke putting the small chopt leaues into a Glasse-violl well stopt with gummie wax and strong parchment and setting the said violl in Horse dung for the space of fortie daies The iuice thereof with the rust of Brasse is a fit medicine for fistulaes and hollow vlcers the decoction thereof with Betonie Pimpernell Mouse-eare Bistort Horse-taile Tormentill red Coleworts and Dittander is singular for wounds in the principall and inward parts if it be oft vsed This ground-Iuie is otherwise called of some Ale-hoofe and it hath a most singular vertue for the curing of all manner of ●ore eyes either in man or beast if you take it and beat it well in a mortar and drop into it three or foure drops either of white Rose-water or the water of Eye-bright and then straine it into a cleane Glasse-bottle and keepe it close then wash the sore eye therewith when occasion is ministred and the oftener in the day that you doe wash the sore eye therein the better it is and the sooner recouered Hounds-tongue groweth easily in peblie and vntilled ground The leaues powned and applyed vnto burnings the wild-fire old vlcers wounds and inflammations aches fluxes and hemorrhoids doe verie much good There is made a singular Oyntment for wounds of the iuice thereof mixed with honey of Roses and Turpentine There are also made thereof pilles to stay vehement and violent rhewmes Adders-tongue doth require aboue all other things a fat place well tilled and moist it groweth also in medowes but it is destroyed by and by and spoyled The leaues stamped and applyed vnto burnings inflammations burstings and principally vnto wounds and maligne vlcers are of a maruellous effect There is a balme made of the leaues thereof for the same effects whereunto some put Turpentine Red wine wherein this whole hearbe hath beene steeped is good to stay rhewmes falling downe vpon the eyes Goose-grasse doth grow in anie kind of ground and hath no need of great tillage Some doe distill the water of it which is singular good against the Pleurifie and other paines of the side being taken in the beginning of the disease as also against the bitings and stingings of venimous beasts and to coole the heat of Cankers Corne-rose craueth a fat ground and well tilled such as are corne-Corne-grounds wherein we may see them grow faire and verie well blowne The flowers of Corne-rose as well the great as the small either in decoctions or the distilled water or in sy●rups or in powder the weight of halfe a French crowne are singular meanes to prouoke spitting in Pleurisies and to cure the same Bastard Dittanie in like manner requireth a fat ground and well tilled and therewith a diligent care to water it and to keepe it from the coldnesse of the ayre The seed root leaues and flowers as well in powder as in a decoction doe prouoke vrine breake the stone prouoke the monethly termes cast out the dead conception and after-birth being eaten with Rubarbe they kill and cast out the wormes The iuice applyed outwardly doth draw forth thornes and thistles and stumpe● of splints Knot-grasse is called in Latine Polygonum it groweth by the edges of Vineyards and fields that are badly tilled especially when it is a moist yeare Amongst the principall vertues thereof the distilled water is soueraigne against the difficultie of vri●● as I haue oft proued by experience Salomons-seale must be set in a drie ground and raised high The root whiles it is new being powned or the iuice of the same wipeth out freckles spots blew markes of blowes falls or other such like thing whether they be in the face or in anie other part of the bodie Some distill the water which as verie good for the paintings of women Great Dragons must be planted in a shadowed place and good earth The small Dragons loue a moist ground and waterish as neere vnto the Fountaine in the Garden Their rootes boyled or rosted and mixt with honey and afterward taken as 〈◊〉 Eclegme doe profit greatly for shortnesse of breath difficult and hard coughs and painefull getting vp of the spittle in such sort as that they cut ripen and wast the grosse humors and slimie Being powdred and mixt with honey they heale maligne and corroding vlcers especially the Polypus Their leaues spread vpon Cheese doe keepe them from spoyling and ●otting If the iuice thereof be mixed with honey and put into the eyes they take away all manner of pa●●e and aking thereof Also who so batheth his hands in the iuice thereof may handle anie venime without danger Also it is a great cooler of lust and maruellously abateth all lecherous cogitations As concerning the Nettle it hath no need either of sowing or setting for it commeth vp in Gardens more than one would haue it yet notwithstanding it is not without his great vertues as well the Greeke Nettle as the Hungarian or dead Nettle The leaues and especially the rootes of dead Nettle stamped and put vpon the nosthrils doe stay the bleeding of the nose and their iuice rubbed vpon the brow doth as much The leaues of the stinging Nettle stampt with a little Myrrhe and applyed vnto the nauell in forme of a Cataplasme haue great power to prouoke the termes of women Their iuice drunke a certaine time prouoketh vrine and breaketh the stone A Liniment prepared with the leaues of Nettle Salt and Oyle doth
defend the parts of the bodie from all cold and staruing how great soeuer it might proue to be if so be that you rub the ridge of the backe the soles of the feet and the wrists of the hands therewith Likewise the iuice of this Neule mixt with a little Populeon and applyed vnto the wrists appeaseth the great heat of Agues The leaues beaten and mixed with oyle of Violets and Poppies and applyed vnto the wrists doe alike The vapour of the decoction of Nettle seed doth take away the stuffing of the nosthrils Such as haue the Cough with a great ratling in the throat cannot meet with a better medicine to make them spit out lustily than to take with some p●ctorall syrrop or decoction the weight of halfe a French crowne of Nettle seed finely powdred You must furthermore obserue this vertue in Nettles as that if it be put into a pot wherein is flesh boyling it will cause the flesh to be the sooner boyled Stauesacre must be sowne in a place reasonably drie and shadowed The seed chewed and held in the mouth draweth vnto it by his heat great quantitie of moisture stamped and mingled with oyle it driueth vermine out of the head and other parts of the bodie it cureth scuruinesle and itch sleeped in vineger and held in the mouth it assuageth the tooth-ach There is not anie need of great care to be taken in sowing the great small or middle Plantaine for they grow euerie where and yet they must be esteemed by reason of their vertues The iuice of Plantaine leaues or rootes pressed out and 〈◊〉 two houres before the fit to the quantitie of two ounces doth assuage the 〈◊〉 Feauer The leaues of Plantaine stamped with the whites of egges doe 〈◊〉 burnings An emplaister made of the iuice of Plantaine the white of an egge and Bole-Armoniacke and applyed vnto the brewes doth stay the bleeding of the nose Horse-taile as well the great as the small requireth a verie moist ground as neere to some poole or shadowed place The decoction thereof in wine or water doth stanch bleeding and all other fluxes whether it be the bloudie or anie other such The iuice put into the nosthrils doth stay the bleeding of them and with a Pessarie put vp into the necke of the Matrix it stayeth the flux thereof Pellitorie craueth no great care or tillage for it groweth naturally neere vnto walls A Cataplasme made of Pellitorie and the grease of a male or female Goat is a singular remedie for the gowt and slidings or falls The leaues of Pellitorie fried with fresh Butter or Capons grease and laid in forme of a Cataplasme vnto the bellie doth assuage the paine of the Colicke The iuice mingled in like quantitie with white Wine and oyle of sweet Almonds newly drawne doth assuage the paine and torment of the stone A Cataplasme made of greene Pellitorie stamped with crums of Bread and oyle of Lillies Roses or Camomile doth resolue Apostemes happening in the breasts It is good also for mollifying Clysters and Bathes that are deterging Shepheards Powch groweth in all ground but principally vpon the ruines of old walls and neere vnto walls The decoction of this hearbe in raine water with Plantaine and Bole Armoniacke being drunke certaine mornings or taken in Clysters doth stay the bloudie flux and the spitting of bloud A bath prepared with the decoction of the leaues stayeth the excessiue flux of the termes But if you take it and boyle it in red wine with a little Cinnamon and Tanners barke and so giue it the patient to drinke it will stay the most dangerous bloudie flux that can be possible It is verie good also for the same disease if it be giuen in milke The iuice doth heale greene wounds and being dropped into the eares doth drie vp the vlcers of the same The leaues stamped and applyed in forme of a Cataplasme doth kill inflammations and the wild fire The leaues eaten doe stay all sorts of bleeding being put into the nosthrils as also holden in the hand they stay the nose from bleeding Sow-bread desireth a shadowed ground as vnder some tree or bush which must notwithstanding be fat and well tilled to feed the root thereof which is full grosse solide and as it were like vnto the Turnep The Forest of Orleance is well stored and repl●nished with this hearbe This is a thing to be maruelled at that the iuice of the root of Sow-bread snuffed vp into the nose purgeth the head and the distilled water thereof snuffed vp also into the nosthrils doth presently stay their bleeding The same water drunke to the quantitie of six ounces with an ounce of Sugar doth presently stay the bloud running downe from the breast stomacke or liuer and knitteth together the vessels therein if anie be broken which I my selfe haue proued and tried Two drammes of the iuice drunke with honied water doe loosen the bellie and free the liuer from obstructions as also the spleene in respect whereof it is singular good for the Dropsie and Iaundise but you must mixe with it a little Mallicke or Nutmeg or Rhubarbe for to correct the vehemencie thereof It is incredible what ease the iuice thereof worketh in the Colicke and other such like griping pangs if it be put into Clysters how greatly also it profiteth in Oyntments Liniments and Cataplasmes appointed for the hardnesse and swellings of the spleene and liuer If you infuse the roots chopped small in the oyle of Roses or Camomill or sweet Almonds and afterward boyle them together putting thereto a little wine in the end you shall presse them out This oyle dropped by two or three droppes into the eares doth driue away the noyse and deafenesse of the eares especially if vpon the eares you apply the drosse of these rootes at night at the parties going to bed or else chop small the rootes stampe them with Peaches and bitter Almonds steepe them all in Aqua vitae afterward straine them and drop certaine drops of that which shall be pressed out into the eares this is verie soueraigne for deafenesse and the noyse of the eares Crowfoot although there be six kinds of it yet they all loue a moist and marish ground and whereas the frogges delight to liue which also take pleasure in and 〈◊〉 themselues about this hearbe It is true that some of the sorts doe loue these 〈◊〉 places more than other some for the Crowfoot that hath a double flower not 〈◊〉 yellow but somewhat red and which appeareth onely in Autumne cannot grow in a verie moist place so as it doth in the drie medowes and in places a little 〈◊〉 contrariwise that which beareth a single flower of a yellow and golden colour cannot grow but in some watrie medow-plot and neere vnto standing water The other which beareth a double flower not verie yellow hath a bulbous and whitish root of a sharpe tast This same as well the leaues but
principally in that which is moist Neither the one nor yet the other doth beare any seed as Writers record notwithstanding it hath beene tried that the male beareth seed and that it cleaueth to the hindermost part of the leaues but yet so little that hardly can a man see it and which cannot be acknowledged or gathered but in the end of Iulie which is the time when it is ripe for to gather it you must cut the leafe neere vnto the root and then hang them vp in your house spreading a linnen cloth vnder them or else some faire cleane white paper I know well that the common sort doe verily thinke and auerre that this seed cannot be gathered but on the night of the wakes of S. Iohn in Sommer and that more is not without great ceremonies and mumbling and muttering of many words betweene the teeth which haue power to driue away Deuills which haue the custodie of the same seed but all this is nothing but fables The decoction thereof is good to prouoke womens termes to cast out the dead child to kill wormes and some doe vse it to heale the frettings or hurts that may be in the fundament fallen downe but especially the female Hearbe Two-pence so called because the leaues resemble small peeces of siluer requireth no great peece of husbandrie about it saue onely that it would haue a moist ground The whole hearbe either in decoction or powder but especially the water thereof distilled in a limbecke is verie singular good for the falling downe of the fundament Fleawort being called of the Latines Psyllium craueth a verie fat well manured and batled ground for else there will no good come of it The seed prepared in forme of a Mucilage and applied in vinegar doth kill the wild fire and te●●er applied vnto the head or brows it taketh away the paine thereof it taketh away also the rednesse of the eyes being applyed thereunto The distilled water is of infinite goodnesse seruing in the paynes of the eyes two or three drops thereof onely being dropt into them This hearbe requireth a verie fat place well manured and tilled likewise we see it grow aboundantly in vineyards and grounds for Wheat and Barlie The leaues are verie singular good for the opening of the liuer and cleansing away of adust humours and this also is the cause why physitians prescribe it with whay in scuruie scabbie and itchie cases and where the leprosie is The juice thereof is good to cleere bleared eyes Ground-swell groweth in euerie ground and without any great care we see if grow likewise neere vnto walls and vpon the townes walls it is greene all the yere and flourisheth as it were in euerie moneth and this is the cause why the Italians call it euerie moneths flower Some thinke that Ground-swell distilled is verie singular good for the Whites in women but beleeue it not before you find it true by proofe for I haue obserued by often vse that this hearbe whether in decoction or otherwise prouoketh the termes that are stayed Birt-wort as well the long as the round must be planted in a fat and fertile soyle such as that where Wheat is sowne and Oliue trees planted Their roots amongst other al●●ost in●inite vertues cause womens courses purge the lungs cause spitting cure the cough and prouoke vrine which more is if either of them be taken in drinke especially the round one made in powder with Pepper and Myrrhe it driueth forth the after-birth the dead conception and all other superfluities gathered in the Matrix it doth the like being applied in forme of a Mother suppositorie It purgeth all obstructions of the liuer and easeth all manner of colicke or other griefes which proceed from windie causes it is soueraigne against all manner of poyson or any other infection it cleanseth the bloud and by rubbing the gummes therewith it preserueth the teeth from rotting Centaurie or the gall of the earth aswel the great as the smal desireth a fat ground that is fruitfull and well tilled and yet in such a ground they thriue not well without the great care and industrie of the Gardener Their root in decoction juice or powder moueth womens termes and prouoketh vrine expelleth the dead child purgeth ●legmaticke humors which cause the sciatica openeth the obstructions of the liuer and spleene killeth the wormes profiteth and helpeth palsies convulsions and diseases of the sinews it cleareth the sight and taketh away all mistinesse from them especially the juice dropt into the eyes doth heale their fresh and new wounds and siccatriceth old and maligne vlcers Woodbind craueth no great tilling or husbanding for it groweth euerie where and in what place soeuer it listeth It is true that it desireth greatly to be neere broome hedges and also the borders of fields The fruit of Woodbind drunke with Wine the space of fortie daies taketh away the obstructions of a hard and indurat spleene it purgeth out vrine with such force as that the tenth day the vrine becommeth all bloudie it helpeth women in their child-birth the leaues in decoction or distilled doe heale wounds and filthie vlcers wipe away the spots and scarres of the bodie and of the face Pimpernel hath red and blew flowers and craueth a moist and shadowed ground so likewise we see it grow in the shadows of hedges and bushes Pimpernell with the red flowers stampe and applied vnto the eyes or the juice thereof dropt within them taketh away the inflammations dimnes●e and vlcers of the eyes and heal●th the inflammations of the secret parts Pimpernell with the blew flower boyled with salt and water is a verie good and proper medicine to cure the itch or scurfe and the lice or wormes in the hands if you wash them o●t therewith Buckwheat is a verie common hearbe and yet but little knowne by his name it is verie ordinarie in corne and tilled grounds about haruest time The Peasants of Champaigne doe commonly call it Veluote because in my judgement the leaues are hairie which name I mind not to change but rather to keepe for the easier knowing of the hearbe They make vse of it by applying it if at any time in shearing they happen to cut themselues with their sickles For to know it better therefore than onely by the name it putteth forth from the root fiue sixe seuen or eight small branches for the most part layed along vpon the earth of the length of a hand and sometime of a foot bearing leaues somewhat like vnto the little bindweed but indeed they be lesse and more round verie hairie and a little fattie The flower is small and of diuers colours drawing verie neere vnto a pale yellow but in greatnesse it commeth ne●re vnto the flower of eye● bright but in shape and fashion vnto the nettle slower The water of the leaues and branches distilled whiles it is in force in a Limbeck in Maries-bath is singular
vlcer grown in her brests which was turned to a Noli me tangere for which neuer ●nie bodie could find anie remedie and likewise that the Countesse of Ruffe had sought for all the famous Physitians of the Realme to cure her of a Ringwo●●● which she had in her face and that they could not all heale it he resolued with himselfe to send of it into France and thereupon accordingly sent it vnto king 〈◊〉 the second and vnto Queene mother and many other Lords of the Court together with the manner to order it and applie it to the abouenamed diseases as he himself● had ●●und by experience as also vnto the Lord of Iarnac gouernour of Roche●● with whom the said Embassadour had intercourse of letters by reason of the king his affaires which Lord Iarnac also told him one day sitting at table with the Queen● mother that he had caused of the said Nicotiana to be distilled and had caused 〈◊〉 water thereof to be drunke being mixt with the water of eye-bright by one that 〈◊〉 stuffe● in his lungs and that he was cured thereby This hearbe resembleth in figure fashion and qualities the great Comfrey in such sort as that a man would deeme it to be a kind of great Comfrey rather than a yellow Henbane as some haue thought It hath an vpright stalke not bending anie way thicke bearded or hairie and slimie The leaues are broad and long greene drawing somewhat toward a yellow not bearded or hoarie but smooth and slimie hauing as it were tallons but not either notched or cut in the edges a great deale bigger downeward toward the root than aboue as you see the smooth Docke leafe is which beareth small red seedes and not burres and the finer and clearer that such leaues are the better the Tabacco is esteemed Whiles it is young it is leaued and as it were lying vpon the ground but rising to a stalke and growing further it ceaseth to haue such a number of leaues below and putteth forth branches from halfe foot to halfe and storeth it selfe by that meanes with leaues and still riseth higher from the height of foure or fiue foot vnto three or foure or fiue cubits according as it is sowne in a hot and fat ground and carefully tilled The boughes and branches thereof put out at ioints and diuide the stalke by distances of halfe a foot the highest of which branches are bigger than an arme At the tops and ends of his branches and boughs it putteth forth flowers almost like vnto those of Nigella of a whitish and incarnate colour hauing the fashion of a little bell comming out of a swad or huske being of the fashion of a small goblet which h●ske becommeth round hauing the fashion of a little apple or swords pummell assoone as the flower is gone and vanished away it is filled with verie small seeds like vnto those of yellow Henbane and they are blacke when they be ripe or greene whiles they are not yet ripe In a hot countrie it beareth leaues flowers and seeds at the same time in the ninth 〈◊〉 tenth moneth of the yere it putteth forth young sciences at the root and reneweth it selfe by this store and number of sciences and great quantitie of sprouts and yet not withstanding the roots are little small fine threddie strings or if otherwise they grow a little thicke yet remaine they still verie short in respect of the height of the plant The roots and leaues do yeeld a glewish and rosinish kind of juice somewhat yellow of a rosinlike smel not vnpleasant and of a sharpe eager and biting tast which sheweth that it is by nature hot more than in the second degree and drie in the first wherupon we must gather that it is no kind of yellow Henbane as some haue thought Nicotiana c●aueth a fat ground well stirred and well manured also in this cold countrie that is to say an earth wherein the manure is so well mingled and inc●rporated as that it becommeth earthie that is to say all turned into earth and not making any shew any more of dung which is likewise moist and shadowie wide and roomie for in a narrow and strait place it would not grow high streight great and well branched It desireth the South Sunne before it and a wall behind it which may stand ●●stead of a broad paire of shoulders to keepe away the Northerne wind and to beat backe againe the heat of the Sunne it would also be defended from the tossing and force of the wind by reason of his weakenesse and height it is true that it will be out of the daunger of the wind if the root be deep●ly taken in the ground It groweth the better if it be oft watered and maketh it selfe spo●t and jolly good cheere with water when the time becommeth a little drie It hateth the cold and therfore to keepe it from dying in Winter it must either be kept in cellars when it may haue free benefit of aire or else in some caue made of purpose within thesame garden or else to couer it as with a cloake verie well with a double mat making a penthouse of wicker worke from the wall to couer the head thereof with straw layed thereupon and when the Southerne Sunne shineth to open the doore of the cou●● made for the said hearbe right vpon the said Sout●●Sunne For to sow it you must make a hole in the earth with your finger and that as deepe as your finger is long then you must cast into the same hole ten or twelue seeds of the sayd Nicotiana together and fill vp the hole againe for it is so small 〈◊〉 that if you should put in but foure or fiue seeds the earth would choake it and 〈◊〉 the time be drie you must water the place easily some fiue daies after it may be sowen also after the manner of Lettuses and such other hearbes mingling the mould verie well with the seed and afterward couering it most carefully Some mixe with the said earth verie cleane ashes being well si●ted and made small but in a 〈◊〉 quantitie It is a long time in springing and putting forth and after that it is 〈◊〉 forth you must keepe it both from the cold and frost couering it in the night time euen whiles it is young and small and so it will be preserued and kept continually greene and beautifull And when the hearbe is growen out of the earth in as much as euerie seed will haue put vp his sprout and stalke and that the small threddi● roots and intangled the one within the other you must with a great knife make 〈◊〉 great circle or compasse within the earth in the places about this plot where they grow and take vp the earth and all together and cast them into a bucketfull of water to the end that the earth may be seperated and the small and tender impes
of the colour in this case you shall distill your vinegar either in a Limbecke or other ordinarie Still and with the water which commeth from it which will be of a most pure and chrystaline colour and is indeed the spirit and sharpest part of the vinegar you shall preserue your flowers and then without doubt they will not abate any part at all of their owne brightnesse and colour White yellow and red Gillo-flowres do craue the like ordering that the March Violet doth and grow better vpon walls house tops and old ruines of stone than planted or tilled in gardens especially the yellow which come neerer to the resemblance of a shrub than of an hearbe hauing hard and wooddy stalkes and set full of branches commonly called of Apothecaries Key●y The seed of Gillo-flowres stampt and drunke with white wine is soueraigne to prouoke womens termes and to further deliuerance in them that trauell Daisies must not be sowen but planted after the manner of violets this is the least kind of the 〈◊〉 which is likewise found in the fields without being tilled it flourisheth all the yeare long if it be well ordered Daisies stampt with Mugwort resolueth the King-euill A Catapla●me made of Daisies is good for the palsie and all manner distillations For wounds in the brest whereinto tents may be put it is good to d●inke by and by a drinke made of stamped Daisies they heale the pastules of the tongue if they be chewed as also of the mouth being braied they asswage the inflammation of the priuie members eaten in sallades or broth of flesh they loosen the bellie Purple Veluet flower called in Latine Aramanthus doth recreate more with his colour than with any smell that it hath for it smelleth nothing at all notwithstanding who so will haue it in their gardens must plant it in a drie and sandie place The flower supt in pottage doth stay the flux of the bellie the termes and white flowers of vvomen the spitting of bloud especially if there be any veine broken or bruised in the lungs of brest The flower hereof infused in vvater or white vvine the space of an houre maketh the colour of the wine red and thus one may helpe himselfe the more easily to beguile any that are sicke of some ague and cannot abstaine from Wine Canterburie-bells as well the simple as the double require a fat ground and well inriched The Latines call it Viola Calathiana Their ●lowers mingled with Wheat flower make a good Cataplasme against scuruinesse and other sorts of scabbes likewise their roots boyled in white Wine to the consumption of the halfe and a linnen cloth dipped therein and applyed to scabbes and scuruinesse doth heale them the roots boyled in Wine and taken in a potion doe heale all the ruptures of the inward parts of the bodies doe cleanse the exulcerated lungs and spitting of bloud brayed and ground in manner of meale and drunke in Wine the weight of a French Crowne with two or three graines of Saffron are singular good against the jaundise if the partie sweat thereupon presently the like vertue is in the distilled water of the flowers the juice drawne out of their root and flowers applyed vnto wounds doth heale them presently a pessarie drencht in this juice prouoketh womens termes and draweth out the child dead in the mothers vvombe being dropt into the eare whereinto there hath some Flea or such other vermine crept it killeth them Gillo-flowres of all sorts are seldome sowne but oftentimes planted of roots or braunches pluckt from the plants the root shall be planted in the beginning of Autumne in a fat mould and so put in pots of earth th●t it may be remoued and set vnder some couert in Winter for feare of the frosts Sommer being come before the great plant haue cast forth his sprouts you may breake off so many small branches from about the root as will almost serue to set and plant a whole bed withall and so you may breed new plants of them You may make Gillo-flowers smell like Cloues if you lay bruised Cloues round about their roots In like manner you may make them haue faire flowers large pleasant and sweet smelling if you plucke away their leaues often and take paines to digge and water their earth furthermore such Gillo-flowers are commonly called Gillo-flowers of Prouence of the place where Gillo-flowers so ordered doe grow large tufted and ample those which haue not their flowers so large nor so sweet neither yet are so carefully looked vnto and dressed are properly called Purple Gillo-flowers The flowers of Gillo-flowers of Prouence as also their root are soueraigne against the Plague And for this cause such as are well aduised in the time of the Plague 〈◊〉 make conserues or vinegar of the flowers of Gillo-flowers to keepe themselues 〈◊〉 the euill ayre Indian Gillo-flowers called of the Latines Flos petillius and Ocellus 〈◊〉 although it refuse no ground notwithstanding if you plant it of the whole plant or of the branches thereof or else sow it in a fat and wel manured ground especially in the beginning of Iuly it will grow vnto such a height as that it will seeme to be a thing degenerated into the bignesse of a tree and will put forth of his stalke many bough● after the manner of a tree or shrub and by the same meanes there will put 〈◊〉 flowers induring vntill Winter Who will be counted carefull of preseruing his health must not smell vnto the flower of the Gillo-flowers of India for the smell thereof doth procure head-ach and giddinesse and is a meanes to breed the Falling-sicknesse further also which is more dangerous some haue found it by experience that it ingendreth an infectious aire likewise Physitians giue speciall prohibition to smell vnto the Indian Gillo-flower in the Plague time because the flower thereof is venimous and of temperate much like to the Hemlocke which may easily be perceiued by the vnpleasant smell it yeeldeth being both most strong and stinking That it is so namely that 〈◊〉 is venimous I haue giuen thereof sometimes vnto a Cat the flower the Gillo-flowres of India beaten and mixt with cheese to eat and she hath thereupon become verie much swelled and within a short time after dead I saw likewise a little young child who after hauing put these flowers in his mouth his mouth and lips did swell and within a day or two after became verie scabbed Wild Gillo-flowers as well white as red although they grow in the edges of field● and along the waies may notwithstanding be planted and set in gardens where 〈◊〉 they be oft remoued they will grow to haue a double flowre Their seed flower and whole hearbe is good against the stinging of Scorpions and indeed haue so gre●● vertue this way that the hearbe onely cast among Scorpions taketh from them all power to hurt their seed taken
to the quantitie of two drams purgeth hot and ch●lericke humours Dame Violets haue great leaues somewhat blacke notcht round about and broad the flowers are white and incarnate and in shape like vnto the Auens they grow sometimes so high as that they degenerate into a tree Goats-bread that it may haue faire double and full flowers doth craue a fat and moist ground The leaues thereof open at the Sunne rise and they close at noone the root boyled in mudde doth appease the paines and pricking of the side taken in forme of a lohoch with syrope of Violets it helpeth obstructed lungs and the ple●risie boyled in vvater and preserued with Sugar it is a singular preseruatiue against the Plague Poysons Venime and deadly Stinging the juice or distilled vvater of this hearbe doth heale greene vvounds if you dip linnen clothes therein and applie them to the wounds some vse the root of this hearbe in sallades where daintie and fine fare is the same boyled in a pot vvith Veale and Mutton and afterward prepared and made readie betwixt two dishes with butter and vinegar Marie or Marians Violets for the beautifulnesse of the flowers deserue to b● sowne in a fat and well laboured ground the flowers are good to make gargari●●●● for the inflammations and vlcers of the mouth Lillie-conually called of the Latines Lillium conuallium notwithstanding th●t it groweth in shadowed Woodgrounds yet it deserueth to be tilled in gardens as 〈◊〉 in regard of the faire little flowers white as snow which it beareth being also of a most amiable smell somewhat like vnto the Lillies as also in respect of his vertues because the distilled vvater of the flowers being taken vvith strong and noble vvine doth restore the speech vnto them which haue lost it vpon an apoplexie it is good likewise for the palsey distillations and fainting of the heart yet these nor any other Lillies whatsoeuer can I commend for any vse of nosegaies because the smell of them ●s lussious grosse and vnwholesome apt to make the head ake and as some hold of ●pinion apt to in ingender infection by reason of a certaine putrefaction which it ●tirreth vp in the braine vvhereby all the inward parts are distempered therefore whosoeuer planteth them shall preser●● them more for shew than smell and make ●se of their medicinall qualitie not o● their order and touching their medicinall qualtitie there is none better than this that if the root be taken and cleane washt and boyled in milke and so applyed to any hard tumour swelling byle or impo●tumation it will either dissolue it or else ripen breake and heale it so that it be applied pultus wise verie hot Water lillie as well the white as the yellow desireth a waterish and marshie place vve see it grow likewise in pooles and fish-ponds The root of vvhite vvater lillie ●oyled with grosse red wine and drunke stayeth womens whites the flowers roots ●nd seeds as well in decoctio●s as in conserues are verie singular or procure s●eepe ●nd to preserue chastitie Hyacinth groweth verie vvell in a sandie ground The root and seed boyled in vvine and drunke doth stay the flux of the bellie Narcyssus so called of a Greeke word because the smell of it comming vnto the 〈◊〉 doth cause an inclination vnto sleepinesse and heauinesse would be sowne in a ●at ground that is hot and moist it groweth also aboundantly in Languedoe and I●alie and but a little in this countrie The root thereof boyled or roasted and taken with meat of drinke doth greatly procure vomit also the same brayed with a little Honie and applyed doth heale burnings taketh away the freckles and spots of the face being mixt with the seed of nettles Corneflag called in Latine Gladiolus as well the blew as the white would be planted of new plants in March and Aprill or else of slips but such as haue roots for they are neuer sowne neither doe they require any great tilling Their flowres differ from the flowres of marigolds in this in that the flowres of the marigold doe open at the Sunne-shine but the flowres of Corneflag doe shut and close vp themselues then not opening againe but when it is cold and moist weather The roots must be pulled out of the earth in the beginning of the Spring that thereby they may haue a pleasant smell and a delectable kind of sauour and afterward they must be died in the shadow of the Sunne Some people to take away the superfluous moisture thereof which putteth them in danger to be consumed with Wormes doe vvet them with Lee of ashes as well whiles they are in the earth as when they are out and so drie them and keepe them for to procure the linnens and woollen garments to smell well The juice of the roots put in a clyster doth appease the paine of the Sciatica the root dried and made in powder doth cleanse and consolidate hollow and filthie vlcers being held in the mouth it causeth a good breath layed amongst clothes it preserueth them from all vermine and maketh them smell pleasantly The juice of the root taken at the mouth sundrie times purgeth water in such as haue the dropsie especially if it be taken mixt with the yolke of an egge halfe boyled The root mingled with the root of ellebor and twice so much Honie doth wipe away freckles red pimples and all spots of the face if it be annointed thereupon The decoction of the root taketh away the obstruct●ons caused of a grosse humour prouoketh vrine killeth vvormes and casteth out the stone The Italians make a preserue of this root whiles it is new with Sugar to Honie and vse it in all the cases aforesaid some make an oyle of the flowers infused in oyle which hath power to resolue soften and appease the griefe of cold rheumes or distillations Lillies must be planted in the moneth of March and Aprill in these 〈◊〉 and in hot countries in the moneths of October and Nouember as well the 〈…〉 the orange colour in a fat and well digged ground you shall make their flowe● 〈◊〉 what colour you will if before you set them you steepe their roots in such 〈◊〉 substance as shall best like you and afterward likewise to water the roots when they are set and planted in their trench with the same liquor and that after this 〈◊〉 Some say that the flowers of Lillies become red and purple if their roots before 〈◊〉 be planted be steept in the Lees of red Wine or in dissolued Cinnabrium and 〈◊〉 watered with the same in the little pit or trench wherein it is set Or else when 〈◊〉 are in flower in the moneth of Iune you must take ten or twelue plants and 〈◊〉 them together to hang them in the smoake for so they will put forth small roots 〈◊〉 vnto vvild Garleeke and when the time of setting is come which is in the 〈◊〉 of March and
is another note of admiration in this flower which is that it changeth it colour euerie yeare of it owne nature for the which no Gardiner is able to giue anie account Also there be some Tulipans which will not ●●ourish aboue foure or fiue daies in the yeare and then after it carrieth no flower 〈◊〉 all The Martagon is a plant which putteth forth verie rare and excellent flowers ●uch what is shape like the Flower-de-luce and are infinitely desired for their ex●ellencies it is most commonly either of an Orange or red colour and may be ei●her sowne or planted in a good ground in the Spring time when the Moone encreaseth It groweth in height seldome aboue three foot neither hath it anie bran●hes it garnisheth the earth with manie greene leaues both long and sharpe ●ending their points downeward At the toppe of the stemme the flowers put ●orth vpon seuen or eight round buttons or cuppes which after a few daies doe open and out of euerie button springs forth a flower which will continue 〈◊〉 upon at least three or foure daies and then they will fall away and the bowle is perceiued in which the seed is retained which is not verie great but of a little and 〈◊〉 compasse P●onie are flowers of diuers kinds some being single and some double and are 〈◊〉 esteemed for the beautie of their flowers they may be sowne or planted on any 〈◊〉 earth immediatly after Winter the stalke of it is greene and being ris●n 〈◊〉 foot from the earth it putteth forth diuers large branches vpon the tops whereof 〈◊〉 many great buttons out of which breaketh forth the flowers being round 〈◊〉 and large so that some haue beene measured from the circumference to be the 〈◊〉 part of a foot in the diameter these flowers are euer of one colour as being all 〈◊〉 all white or all purple and not mixt or stripped as other flowers are Amongst all the flowers which beauitfie gardens none may compare with this other for odour glorie or generall delicacie whence it commeth that it is 〈◊〉 the Crowne Emperiall it may be sowne from the seed in any well drest 〈…〉 the Spring of the yeare and the new of the Moone yet it is much better if it be 〈◊〉 from the root which root is bigge and round like vnto a great S. 〈◊〉 Onion about which in the planting you shall ●ould a little fine mould 〈◊〉 with cows dung and then set it a good depth into the earth the stemme of this 〈◊〉 will spring out of the ground three or foure foot garnished all along with fine 〈◊〉 yet without any braunches at the top of all it putteth forth eight or nine 〈◊〉 borne vpon seuerall little branches distinguished from the stalke euerie one of 〈◊〉 being of equall height and length the flowers thereof for the most part shew 〈◊〉 because like the Helitropian they continually follow the Sunne and 〈◊〉 stand streight vpright but at hie noone onely the colour of them most 〈◊〉 is a pale red and they haue within the inward part of them a round liquid 〈◊〉 like vnto an Orient pearle which whilest the flower is in strength being for the 〈◊〉 part fifteene or twentie dayes you can by no meanes shake off nor will it be 〈◊〉 way with showers or tempests but if with your hand you wipe it away a new 〈◊〉 will arise againe presently in the same place this pearle if you tast vpon your 〈◊〉 is sweet and pleasant as Honie or Sugar This flower must be carefully 〈◊〉 from the frost and the slips of it would be seldome or ne●er set because they are 〈◊〉 they bring forth flowers as three or foure yeares at the soonest CHAP. XLIX Of sweet smelling Hearbes BAsill as well the great as the small is sowne in Aprill and May in a 〈◊〉 ground and commeth vp quickly if so be that by and by after it is 〈◊〉 it be watered with water somewhat heated It may be sowne 〈◊〉 in Autumne and the seed would be watered with vinegar for so 〈◊〉 it but a verie little it will grow forth into branches If you sow it in a drie ground 〈◊〉 open vpon the Sun it will by and by turne and become either mountaine 〈◊〉 or cresses When you haue sowne it you must draw vpon the ground some 〈◊〉 fasten and set it close together for if it should lye light and hollow the seed would 〈◊〉 corrupt It must be watered at noone-tide cleane contrarie to other hearbs 〈◊〉 would be watered at morning or euening To cause it to grow great it is 〈◊〉 crop it oft with your fingers and not with any yron thing Some report a 〈◊〉 strange thing of Basill as namely that it groweth fairer and higher if it 〈◊〉 sowne with curses and injuries offered vnto it and further that there is a deadly 〈◊〉 betwixt ambe● basill for whereas amber or blacke jet it giuen to draw 〈◊〉 ●nto it vpon the touching of them it driueth and putteth farre from it the leaues and 〈◊〉 of Basill Such as are subject vnto head-ach or feare to be troubled therewith must shun the 〈◊〉 of Basill altogether for the smell thereof begetteth paine and heauinesse of the 〈◊〉 ye● sometimes it ingendreth in the head little small wormes like vnto Scorpi●●s as we read to haue happened to a certaine Italian in our time as Monsieur ●●oulier D. in physicke doth testifie in the beginning of his Practica in whose ●●aine the oft smelling of Basill did beget a scorpion which caused him to endure ●●treame paine and brought him to his death in the end The greatest vertue that 〈◊〉 hearbe can haue is that if a woman doe hold the roots of Basill in her hand to●ether with a Swallows feather when she is in trauell she shall be deliuered by and 〈◊〉 without any paine Rue as well that of the garden as the other which is wild doth not loue eyther a ●oist or cold ground neither yet a ground made verie fat with dung but rather a 〈◊〉 and drie ground free from vvind and where the Sunne shineth much in respect ●hereof it must be couered with ashes during the Winter time for the naturall heat 〈◊〉 the ashes doth cause it to resist the cold It may be sowne in March August and ●●ptember although in deed it grow better set of roots or braunches than sowne ●hen it groweth old it degenerateth into a wooddie substance and therefore you ●ust cut the stalkes twice euerie yeare euen to the root to recouer his youth againe 〈◊〉 must not be suffered if possibly it may be let to flowre for if it be suffered to put 〈◊〉 any flowres it groweth so much the more drie Some report that this hearbe 〈◊〉 a maruailous propertie as that if it be toucht or come neere vnto be it neuer so 〈◊〉 by a woman that hath abused her bodie or that hath her termes that it dyeth 〈◊〉 and by To cause that it
may grow faire and haue a more pleasant smell it must be planted ●nder the shadow of a Figge-tree or grafted in the rind of a Figge-tree for the 〈◊〉 and sweetnesse of the Figge-tree doth temper the sharpenesse and acrimo●ie of the Rue Some say likewise that Rue will grow fairer if the branches thereof 〈◊〉 set in a Beane or Onion and so put into the ground It is likewise reported that it ●●oweth fairer if one curse and hurt it when they set and plant it But looke how ●●iendly and kind it is to the Figge-tree so much it is enemie vnto and hateth the ●●emlocke likewise Gardiners when they would pull vp Rue for feare of hurting ●●eir hands rub them with the juice of Hemlocke Wild Rue is of greater force than the garden Rue and of a more vnpleasant ●●ell and also a more dangerous smell furthermore of so sharpe a vapour as that if 〈◊〉 come neere vnto the face neuer so little it will breed the wild fire in it The feed 〈◊〉 of the one and the other by the hot and drie temperature it hath drieth vp the 〈◊〉 of man and maketh him barren the same seed in decoction is good for distil●●tions and the moisture of the matrix Rue hath a singular vertue and force against all manner of venime Likewise we 〈◊〉 that the king Mithridates was accustomed to vse an opiate made of twentie ●●ues of Rue two drie Figges two old Walnuts and a little Salt to preserue his state ●gainst all manner of poyson For this cause you must plant in your gardens and 〈◊〉 your sheepecoats houses for your fowle and other cattell great quantitie of ●ue for Adders Lizards and other venimous beasts will not come neere vnto 〈◊〉 by the length of the shadow of it Some also hold it as a tried thing that to 〈◊〉 away Cats and Fulmers from hen-houses and doue-houses there is nothing ●etter than to set Rue at the doores thereof or round about them And that to free a ●ome of fleas and g●ats it is good to water that same with water sprinkled about with branch of rue In the plague time it is not good to put rue neere vnto your nose ●ontrarie to that which we see many men practise because by the sharpenesse of the 〈◊〉 there is caused a heat and excoriation of the part which it toucheth notwith●●anding to draw out the venime that is in a bubo or pestilent carbuncle there is no●●ing better than to applie thereto a cataplasme made of the leaues of rue stampt with leauen hogs-grease onions figges vnquencht lime sope cantharides and a 〈◊〉 treacle If a man haue eaten of hemlocke ceruse mandrakes blacke poppie 〈…〉 other hearbes which through their great coldnesse haue caused them to be 〈◊〉 and blockish they may profitably vse the juice of rue to drinke it for the 〈◊〉 of them from such danger or else the wine wherein it hath beene boyled Th● distilled water of rue powred into vvine and rose-water of each as much is good 〈◊〉 the weakenesse of the sight It is verie soueraigne for the headach and being 〈◊〉 in wine with fennell and so drunke it easeth all obstructions of the spleene or 〈◊〉 and taketh away the pain of the strangurie and also stoppeth any flux being 〈◊〉 with Cummin-seed it easeth all maner of aches and being stampt with home 〈◊〉 flower and the yolke of an egge it cureth any impostumation whatsoeuer All sorts of mints whether garden or wild doe nothing desire the ground 〈◊〉 dunged fat or lying open vpon the Sunne but rather a moist ground neere 〈◊〉 water for want thereof they must be continually watred for else they die it is 〈◊〉 sowne than set but if it be set then it may be either of roots or branches in 〈◊〉 or in the Spring time especially about the twelfth of March or September 〈◊〉 wanteth the seed to sow it may insteed thereof sow the seed of field mints 〈◊〉 the sharpe point downeward thereby to tame and reclaime the wildnesse of it 〈◊〉 it is growne it must not be toucht with any edge toole because thereupon it 〈◊〉 die Neither need you take care to sow it euerie yeare for it will grow of itselfe 〈◊〉 being sowne of set in great aboundance Mints stampt and applyed to breasts too hard and full of milke doe seften 〈◊〉 and hindreth the curding of the milke stampt with salt it is good against the 〈◊〉 of a mad dog stampt and put into a cataplasme it comforteth a weak 〈◊〉 and strengtheneth digestion two or three sprigs of mints taken with the juice of ●●pomegranat stayeth the hicket vomiting and surfets It is good to help them 〈◊〉 haue lost their smelling by putting it oft to the nose Then leaues dried made in 〈◊〉 and drunke with white wine doth kill the wormes in yong children Such as 〈◊〉 milke a●ter they haue eaten it must by and by chaw of the leaues of mints 〈…〉 the qua●ling of the milke in their stomachs for mints haue the speciall 〈…〉 keeping milk from curding as also to keepe chee●e from corruption and 〈◊〉 if it be sprinkled with the juice or decoction of mints being ●pplied vnto the 〈◊〉 it asswageth head-ach commming of cold The water of the whole hearbe distilled 〈◊〉 Maries bath in a glasse Alembecke and taken the quantitie of foure ounces 〈◊〉 stay bleeding at the nose which is very strange thing they that would liue 〈◊〉 must not smell vnto not eat any mints and therefore in auncient time it was 〈◊〉 captaines in warre to eat any mints Calamint otherwise called Mentastrum delighteth in the same ground 〈◊〉 mints we see it likewise grow in vntilled grounds neere vnto high waies and hedg● It prouoketh the termes in women whether it be taken at the mouth or in 〈◊〉 and that with such violence as that women may not in any case meddle with 〈◊〉 if they take themselues to be with child it is singular good vsed in formentation 〈◊〉 the paines of the stomach for the colicke and distillations the juice thereof 〈◊〉 the mouth killeth wormes in the bellie and being dropt into the eare it killeth 〈◊〉 there also Of this Calamint there are three kinds as the stone Calamint the 〈◊〉 Calamint and the water Calamint the water Calamint is excellent to make 〈…〉 the earth Calamint is verie good against leprosie helpeth paine in the 〈◊〉 and comforteth the stomach lastly the stone Calamint is soueraigne against 〈◊〉 and strengtheneth the heart if it be bruised and made into a plai●ter with 〈…〉 sewet it healeth any venimous wounds and to drinke it three or foure daies 〈◊〉 either in ale or wine it cureth the jaundise Thyme as well of Candie as the common doth grow better planted than 〈◊〉 and craueth a place open vpon the Sunne neere vnto the sea and leane and it 〈◊〉 be planted at mid-March in a well ●illed ground that so it may the sooner
〈…〉 also that it may grow the fairer and fuller leafe it will be good to water the 〈◊〉 ●oft with water wherein hath been steeped for the space of one whole day drie thyme somewhat bruised If you be disposed to gather the seed you must gather also the flowers wherein it is contained seeing they cannot be sundred A Cataplasme made of thyme boyled in Wine appea●eth the paine of the Sciati●●ca and the windinesse of the bodie and matrin The smelling of thyme is soueraigne to raise them that haue the Falling-sicknesse out of their fit and also to keepe them from their fit by decking their bed about with the leaues thereof The oft vsing of thyme with wine or whay is good for melancholicke persons Winter Sauourie craueth no fat manured or well tilled ground but rather an ●pen stonie and light ground lying so as the Sunne may shine full vpon it Both Thyme and Winter Sauourie are good for the nourishing of bees and for the preser●ing and seasoning of meats they are also called fine sebtill or small and slender hearbes Organie otherwise called bastard Margerome loueth a rough stonie peble weake and yet well fu●nisht ground and vvithall craueth a manured ground as also to be watered vntill it be growne vp to his full bignesse notwithstanding it be seene ●o grow in many places without watering or dunging It may be remoued of little ●prouts or sciences and the lower end set vpward to the end that it may put forth new ●prings and shoots and be sown of his seed the which the elder it is so much the soo●er it will put forth of the earth although that organie do not ordinarily shew it selfe before the 30 or 40 day after the sowing of it in many places it is sowne neere vnto ● because they willingly load themselues from thence and make singular honie Organie boyled in Wine and layed vpon the region of the raines doth take away and vndoe the difficultie of making vvater being boyled in wine and drunke it is good against venimous beasts or the stingings of Scorpions and Spiders A Cataplasme made of Organie and Barly meale boyled together resolueth the tumours vnder the eares The decoction thereof is good to comfort the sinews and the relaxed and weake parts the seed thereof drunke vvith Wine doth prepare and dispose a vvoman to conceiue the flowers and leaues of the sayd Organie dried at the fire in an earthen test or melting pot and being wrapped vp verie hot in a cloth and applied vnto the head and kept fast tied thereunto doth cure the rheume comming of cold Hyssope affecteth a place free from shadow and lying open vpon the Sunne it ●ay be set or sowne about the twelfth of March It must be cut in the moneth of August and dried to put in pottage in Winter Amongst other principall vertues that it hath it is of great vse for the affects of ●he lungs and to prouoke vvomens termes of there be a broth made thereof to sup ●asting in the morning Some say that the syrope of Hyssope taken oftentimes with ●owerfold so much of the vvater of Pellitorie of the wall causeth the stone and much grauell to auoyd from the reines Hyssope with figs rue and honie boyled together ●n water and drunke is good for those that are short breathed and for old and hard ●oughs stampt with salt cummine and honie and applied healeth the stingings of Scorpions stampt with oyle and rubbed it killeth lice pills made of hyssope ●orehound and pionie roots doe heale the falling-sicknesse Sommer sauourie doth delight in an open Sunne shining place and therefore must be set or sowne in such a one not in a fat or manured ground for it is often seen grow of it selfe in leane grounds and neere vnto the Sea It groweth more delight●ully and of a better tast if it be sowne amongst onions It is verie good for sauce to ●eat The leaues and flowres applied vnto the head in forme of a cap or garland doth away the drowsily inclined A Cataplasme made of sauorie and wheat meale ●oth cure distillations The Sciati●●● Coriander ●orteth well with any kind of ground notwithstanding in a fat and ●ew ground it groweth a great deale more aboundantly and it seeketh for an hot ●ire againe that which groweth in a sunnie place doth ouerthriue that vvhich groweth in a shadowed place when you goe about to sow it chuse the eldest seed you can get for by how much it is the elder by so much it is the better so that it 〈◊〉 not mouldie and foughtie Sow it also in a fat and moist ground and yet 〈…〉 a leane ground and to cause it to spring vp the sooner you must steepe the 〈…〉 water two daies before you sow it If you must dung the ground where it is to be sowne it must be with Sheepe or Goats dung rather than anie other The excessiue heat thereof bringeth Head-ach and the trembling of the 〈◊〉 being eaten after meat it comforteth digestion and dispelleth windinesse so that 〈◊〉 be prepared The way to prepare it is as followeth You must hauing dried it 〈◊〉 cast vpon it verie good wine and vineger mixt together and leaue it thus sprinkl●● and wet the space of foure and twentie houres then drie it vp and keepe it for Physicke vse being stamped in vineger and cast vpon flesh it keepeth it from 〈◊〉 it prouoketh womens termes and some say that looke how manie seeds a woman drinketh with white wine so manie daies shall her termes continue 〈…〉 drunke with the iuice of Pomegranats killeth the Wormes in children The 〈◊〉 thereof with Ceruse Litharge of Siluer Vineger and Oyle of Roses 〈…〉 Wild fire and all Rednesse The seed stamped in Vineger doth keepe the 〈◊〉 from corrupting in Summer Also to drinke the iuice thereof with Honey 〈◊〉 Wine killeth Wormes and adding the seedes bruised thereto it helpeth a 〈◊〉 Feuer Sage as well the little as the great it planted of branches wrythen at the foot 〈◊〉 also of roots in the Spring and Autumne It is sowne also at the same time The 〈◊〉 delighteth to be laid about with Lee ashes It must be set neere vnto Rue to 〈◊〉 from Adders and Lizards which vse to take vp their lodging neere vnto Sage 〈◊〉 may be knowne by the leaues which haue their tops oftentimes withered and dried the same comming of hauing beene touched by Serpents Sage refuseth neither 〈◊〉 nor cold ayre how beit naturally it groweth in a barren sto●●e and ill 〈◊〉 ground and that in such sort as that in some places of Spaine the mountaine● 〈…〉 ouer-growne therewith and the Countrey inhabitants burne no other wood No●withstanding to grow faire it would be well digged about and kept clean● 〈◊〉 leaues and stalkes that are dead It hath a singular vertue to comfort the ●inewes that are hurt by being 〈…〉 or otherwise become weake
it will keepe a yeare or two without being spoyled if you gather them cleane and not mixt with anie filthie things hauing 〈◊〉 dried them a little in the Sunne vntill they haue lost their newnesse and freshness●● afterward drie them vp throughly in the shadow and put them not vp to keepe 〈◊〉 they be perfectly dried It is good in the Plague time to perfume the house with Rosemarie for the 〈◊〉 thereof driueth away the ill ayre The leaues and flowers are good against headach especially to stay the whites if a woman doe vse them long time euerie morning 〈◊〉 more specially to make the sight better if the partie that hath the weake sight 〈◊〉 eat fasting both the leaues and the flowers of Rosemarie ioint together with 〈◊〉 and salt euerie morning The flowers thereof made in conserue doe comfort 〈◊〉 Stomacke and are good in melancholike Passions the Falling sicknesse 〈◊〉 and Palsies The seed drunke with Pepper and white Wine doth heale the Iaundise and take away the obstructions of the Liuer The decoction of the 〈◊〉 thereof in white Wine doe comfort weake and oppressed Sinewes If you 〈◊〉 your head therewith it will make a hard skinne and comfort the little 〈◊〉 and also keepe the haire from falling so quickly Some doe make Tooth-pi●●● of the wooddie parts thereof and those verie good as also Coales to draw 〈◊〉 first Lineaments and Ground-worke of Pictures and such other things to be painted The ordering of lesamine is like vnto that of Rosemarie saue that Iesamine do●● continue alwaies gre●ne and not so subiect to frost as Rosemarie and is much in 〈◊〉 quest for Arbors and Shelters and for the setting forth of a Quarter There may 〈◊〉 made an Oyle of his flowers infused a long time in Oyle of sweet Almonds 〈◊〉 in a bagge from betwixt a Presse which will be soueraigne to comfort the 〈◊〉 ●inewes and other parts of the bodie troubled with cold distillations and to 〈◊〉 the frets of young children Mountaine or wild Thyme delighteth to be planted or sowne in grounds 〈◊〉 some Fountaine small Rundle or Well and such as is ill tilled being drie in 〈◊〉 and full of water in Winter and thus placed it yeeldeth a great deale the 〈◊〉 leaues It requireth notwithstanding a ground that is neither fat nor dunged 〈◊〉 open to the Sunne and would be oft transplanted Sometimes it commeth of 〈◊〉 that is ill husbanded Mountaine Thyme boyled in vineger and oyle of Rose assuageth the headach if the temples be rubbed therewith boyled in Wine and drunke it prouoketh Womens termes bringeth forth the after-birth and dead child with Honey i● cleanseth the Lungs and helpeth the Falling sicknesse The decoction is good 〈◊〉 the windinesse swellings and hardnesse of the Matrix The perfume of 〈◊〉 Thyme killeth Serpents and other venimous Beasts and driueth away Fleas 〈◊〉 weight of a French crowne of the powder of Mountaine Thyme drunke with 〈◊〉 assuageth the belly ach and deliuereth the partie which is troubled with 〈◊〉 of vrine Penyryall groweth well either sowne or planted wherein this must be marked that if it be planted of the root or branches in Autumne it will bring forth 〈◊〉 and flowers in mid Nouember It being once planted continueth alwaies so 〈◊〉 it be well wed and pickt euerie yeare it must be watred verie diligently Penyryall●● excellent good against the Dropsie for the Spleene Iaundise and furthering of womens deliuerance in trauell as also to bring forth the after-birth and to 〈◊〉 the termes being drunke with white Wine The perfume of Penyryall killeth 〈◊〉 and venimous Beasts A Cataplasme made of Penyryall boyled in Wine doth assuage the paine of the Sciatica Dill loueth better to be planted than sowne and craueth chiefely a ground somewhat warme but more enclining to cold If you would haue it to grow faire you must water it oftentimes When it is sowne it is not needfull that the seed should be couered with earth because it is not subiect to be eaten of Birds Dill hath power to take away Belchings and inward Gripes Vomit and Hicket and that onely with smelling to it to prouoke Vrine and helpe the digestion of the Stomacke it causeth a spring of milke in Nurses healeth the suffocation of the Matrix and ripeneth all manner of tumours Annise craueth a well batled tilled fat and manured ground It must be sowne in March and oft watered Euerie man knoweth how good and profitable the seed thereof is eaten in the morning for such as are subiect to the gripes of the Stomack and Guts to the Hicke● Belchings stinking Breath and which desire to haue a beautifull and comely countenance after meat it also helpeth digestion it is good for Nurses to cause them to haue much milke It also taken away the stopping of the Stomacke or Spleene it helpeth Collickes prouoketh Vrine makes a man apt to sweet and lastly keepes the bodie soluble Bishops-weed craueth such ground and such tillage as Annise which being once sowne doth lightly grow there euerie yeare by the seed falling from it it groweth chiefely in rested grounds The seed is excellent good against Wringings and Gripes to prouoke Womens termes and Vrine if it be drunke with Wine so that it be vsed but seldome for otherwise it causeth a pale colour The perfume doth mundifie and cleanse the Matrix and maketh barren women fruitfull if together with this suffumigation the barren woman doe take euerie second morning the weight of a dramme of the powder of this seed three houres before shee eat anie thing continuing it for foure of fiue times but in the meane time the husband must lye with his wife vpon such daies as shee shall vse this powder a thing proued diuers times Caraway is sowne in the moneth of May in a good cleane and manured ground in such sort as we haue said in the Kitchin Garden The seed helpeth Digestion prouoketh Vrine expelleth Windinesse and hath the same vertues that Annise hath being made into powder it is with good successe mixt amongst such remedies as are vsed to be giuen for drie blowes Cummin doth grow fairest when it is sowne in a fat and hot ground or in a ground lying open to the Easterne Sunne amongst the pothearbes for so it groweth better in the beginning of May. Some likewise say that for to make it grow faire and well it must be cursed and rayled vpon It must not be watered so presently after it is sowne but after it is put forth of the earth it must be oftentimes watered The seed taken at the mouth scattereth the winds which breake vpward it mendeth the inward gripes and taketh away the difficultie to make water as also the blacknesse of drie blowes the powder thereof being presently applyed after it hath beene beat verie small and fine and heated at the fire
the said tooth-ach It is good also for them which haue the swimming of the head as also for them which are troubled with Melancholie or with the Stone Ca●s-mint or Nept is a kind of Calamint whereof wee haue spoken before so called because that Cats doe exceedingly delight in the smell thereof and doe tumble themselues round vpon the leaues and stalkes it groweth without anie great husbanding in marshie and waterish places as may easily be seene and tryed It is reported to haue a singular vertue in helping women to conceiue In like manner Physitians are wont to prescribe Bathes and Fomentations made of this hearbe for women that cannot conceiue and haue children Also it is verie delicately purgatiue and openeth the bodie verie gently without offence or danger afterco●●i●enesse French Lauander being and hearbe of a verie good smell and verie vsuall in Langu●do● and Prouence doth craue to be diligently tilled in a fat ground and lying open to the Sunne The decoction syrrup or distilled water doth comfort the braine and memorie taketh away the obstructions of the Liuer Spleene Lungs and Matrix but such as are cholericke must not vse it because it disquieteth them mightily in causing them to vomit and altering them much by bringing a heat vpon all the bodie The drie stonie and Sunne-shining place is verie fit for Lauander whether male or female Before it flower it must be cut and picked verie carefully It is of a sweet smell and good when it is dryed to put amongst Linnens and Woollen Clothes ●mparting of his sweetnesse vnto them and keeping of them from vermine It is verie excellent to comfort weake and wearied sinewes or otherwise ill affected through some cold cause and by reason hereof Baths and Fomentations made of Lauander for Palsies Conuulsions Apoplexies and other such like affects are verie soueraigne The flowers with Cinnamon Nutmeg and Cloues doe heale the beating of the heart The distilled water of the flowers taken in the quantitie of two spoonefuls restoreth the lost speech and healeth the swownings and disease of the heart The cons●rue and distilled water thereof doe the like The Oyle thereof dryeth vp Rheumes also and beeing annoynted vpon the nape of the necke it is singular good against conuulsions and benummednesse of sinewes All-good otherwise called in French Orualle because it is as much worth as gold groweth in anie ground without seed and with seed it delighteth notwithstanding to be often watered The leaues stamped and applyed doe draw forth thornes and prickes that are fastened and runne into anie part of the bodie whatsoeuer It doth in like manner bring the child out of the mothers bodie being in trauell The wine wherein it hath been steeped in small quantitie doth make men pleasant and cheerefull and apt to carnall copulation The seed thereof put into the eye and turned manie times round about the eye doth cleanse and cleare it in wiping away the ●●egmaticke humour wherewith you shall well perceiue the seed to be laden and a● it were wrapt in small filmes after that it is taken out of the eyes The flower● and seed put in a vessell full of sweet Wine whiles it yet purgeth giueth it the tast of Malmesey It is true that such Wine will quickly make one drunke and cause the head-ach as we see that Beere doth wherein Brewers boyle Clarie in stead of Hoppes Nigella of the Garden must be sowne in a ground that is fat and well tilled The fume of the seed taken doth stay the rheume drie the braine and causeth the smelling that is lost to come againe boyled with water and vineger and holden in the mouth it assuageth tooth-ach Sweet Balme groweth rather in Woods and Forests than in Gardens notwithstanding he that will haue it in his Garden must sow it in a fat and well battild ground where the heat of the Sunne commeth not verie strongly It serueth to reioyce the heart and deliuereth the spirit from melancholike imaginations and fansies it is good not onely against bitings and stingings of venimon● beasts but also against the Plague in whatsoeuer manner it be vsed And further if anie man doubt himselfe to haue eaten anie venimous or poysoned meat as it falleth out often in them which haue eaten Mushromes and such like things then this serueth for a singular remedie against the same Such as esteeme it a fine thing to keepe Bees to the end he may preuent their flying away and forsaking of their Hiues as also to cause them to come againe if they be gone away doe rub the Hiues with the flowers of sweet Balme as on the contrarie to driue them and to cause them to forsake them they rub them with the flowers of Fetherfew Camomile as well the white as the yellow hath no need of great tilling it is sufficient to plant it in a drie leane and stonie ground Camomile is singular good to mollifie resolue ra●ifie and loosen and in this respect there is no remedie better for la●●itudes or wearisomenesse without iust outward causes than bathes made with the leaues and flowers thereof The leaues of Camomile stamped with white wine make a verie good drinke to cure all sorts of Agues but especially Tertians for which reason the Priests of Egypt did consecrate it vnto the Sunne Also the water of Camomile drunke warme in the beginning of the fit doth throughly heale the Tertian by vomit The leaues of Camomile yet greene being dryed vpon a Tyle or hot Fire-panne doe by and by appease the head-ach Being also fried with sweet Sewet and vnset Leekes in a Frying-pa●●e and put hot into a Linnen bagge and so applyed to the nauell it killeth Wormes either in old middle age or young infants and taketh away all manner of paine in the bellie Melilot refuseth no ground be it fat or be it drie and yet it loueth to be watered Melilot doth mollifie resolue and rarifie as doth Camomile and yeeldeth a verie good smell especially when it is new or when it raineth in Summer it also assuageth the ach of anie part or member whatsoeuer it be Also the ●uice thereof mixed with Turpentine Waxe and Oyle ripeneth breaketh and healeth anie Impostume whatsoeuer it taketh away all hard swelling and cleanseth wounds Manie men being verie desirous to adorne and set forth their Garden with all sorts of Plants doe amongst the rest prouide to furnish it with Apples of Loue which the Latines call Mala insana by reason of the beautie of their fruit which which is as thicke as a Cucumber drawing towards a red colour They must be sowne in the Spring in a fat and well battild soyle and where the Sun hath great power because they cannot abide any cold they craue the like ordering and husbandrie that the Cucumber doth Many licorish mouthes let not to be eating of these no more than of mushroomes they take
a great Barly yeare it will be also a great Cypresse yeare If you remoue it doe the like but be carefull in the meane time not to water it nor to pr●ne it or to snip off the top● of it for it cannot endure anie wound be it neuer so little This tree hath a male and a female The male groweth more high hath his braunches and boughes more close and straight together and bringeth forth Fruit or Nuts but so doth not the female The Cypresse-tree beareth fruit and flourisheth three seuerall times a yeare 〈…〉 I●nuarie May and September and therefore at these times you must gather the Nuts which you shall drie in the Sunne to make them easie to breake and take 〈◊〉 the seed which you must likewise drie in the Sunne And if you be desirous to sow it the fit time for which is Aprill in verie hot Countries and May in temperate ones and in this Countrie from the twentieth of October vntill Winter you must chuse a drie faire and calme day and being sowne you shall riddle ouer it with a small riddle open aboue some earth in an euen and equall sort about the thicknesse of two or three fingers and after that so soone as the Cypres is put forth of the ground you must be watchful o●es the Ants and besprinkle it with water euerie third day before the Sunne rise or else after the Sunne set which i● much the better but after that it is growne aboue the earth you must not water it but verie seldome for often watering of it would make it die but in steed of this it must be carefully weeded pruned and digged but without touching of the root neither must you goe vpon it 〈…〉 vpon it with your feet killeth it and whereas ●or the first and second yeare it is verie tender you must couer the head of it for that time to keepe it from the burning hea● of the Sunne by day and the pinching cold of the frosty nights euen so as wee haue said of Melons the laying of the earth light about it spoken of before is to be vnderstood of the time of his young yeares and whiles it is growing for after it hath once perfected his sciences and bowes it hath no more need either of that or any other labour and helpe It is wont to be remoued being betwixt fiue and sixe yeares old and that in March or in Aprill and because it scattereth and spreadeth abroad his roots and pearceth not farre downeward with them the pit whereinto it is to be remoued must be made wide and that somewhat more than it selfe is broad in the roots and in a moist countrie it must be but a little depth vvhereas in a drie countrie it may be two foot deepe The Gardener must be carefull to keepe it from ants because this little vvorme loueth Cypres aboue all other things and causeth it oftentimes to die The vvood of Cypres is better than any other to make coffers chests cabinets and presses of because besides the good smell which it yeeldeth it endureth an infinit long time without corrupting moulding or rotting any thing at all and it is such an enemie to all vvormes and vermine as that the leaues and nuts thereof being laied amongst clothes doe free them of vvormes The leaues and seed are verie much commended for the killing of vvormes in children The decoction of the nuts in vinegar doe assuage the tooth-ach if the mouth be often washed therewith the decoction of the leaues vvorketh the like effect the ashes of Cypres nuts and the horn of an A●●es hoofe mixt vvith oyle of Myrtles keepe the haire from falling The decoction of new and fresh gathered Cypres nuts made in old vvine doth exceeding good to them vvhich haue the falling downe of the fundament if they drinke thereof euerie day the quantitie of three ounces but in the meane time they must rub their testiicles vvith the leaues of Cypres brayed and beaten and this is a certaine remedie such as hath oft beene experimented and tried the like vertue hath the young sciences of the Cypres-tree if they be so chawed as that thereupon their juice may descend into the bodie The Rose-tree sitteth it selfe for all manner of ayre vvhether hot or cold but in countries that are hot and somewhat moist it groweth more faire greater and ●lourishing a longer time as may be seene in manie coast townes and places neere the Sea in Spaine vvhere Roses continue and flourish vnto mid-Winter It requireth a fat substantiall and reasonable moist ground for as for grauelly and sandie grounds they are altogether enemies vnto the Rose-tree It must be planted in October Nouember and December in hot and drie co●ntries and in Ianuarie and Februarie in cold and moist cou●tries yea and also in March and such as are planted in the later season vvill put forth Roses the same yeare vvhich vvill not fall out in those vvhich vvere made hast of and planted a great deale sooner if the earth be good of it selfe the Rose vvill craue no manure but yeeld a more perfect smell but and if it be spent and vvorne out it must be succoured with dung well rotted As for Roses there be manie sorts of them that is to say the vvild ones vvhich we call Eglantine and the red also growing in hedges Damaske of the colour of Scarlet vvhich vve call Prouence Roses and amongst the braunches besides the vvild ones there are Muske-Roses Common-Roses and Roses hauing fiue leaues onely The Rose-tree groweth either of plants or seed It is planted of shoots or little 〈◊〉 diuided into pieces of the length of foure fingers and set into a well manured earth ●oot deepe It is good to remoue it for it will grow the fairer as also euerie yeare or at the least when it is past fiue yeares old which is the terme of his approching age to cut it or else to burne the branches of it that are superfluous for this restoreth 〈◊〉 vnto his young yeares againe If you remoue it remoue it by branches setting the one foure foot distant from the other in a ground that is not ●at or clayie nor moist but drie and stonie The Rose-tree sowne groweth slowly but yet and if yo● sow it let it be foure foot within the ground and deceiue not your selfe with th● seed for the seed is not that little yellow flower which is in the middest of the Rose but that which is contained and nourished in the little fruit which the Rose bringeth forth after Vintage which is knowne to be ripe when it groweth blacke and soft For to haue Muske Roses you must graft the Rose-tree vpon it selfe or vpon the Eglantine and before the grafting of it to put into the cleft where the graft 〈…〉 stand a graine of Muske or else one or two drie leaues of sweet smelling Roses Such Roses are pleasant to behold as being but a little tree and yet laden with leaues the flower verie
sweet of smell and such as will neuer faile but alwaies hold and bring forth in their season besides that a man may fit the root and branch●● thereof to make a shadow Such Roses are not good to make conserues or distilled water nor for anie vse in Physicke onely they are good to drie and put amongst Linnen and other Apparrell because of their good smell It is true that some say that they loosen the bellie Looke further in the third Booke in the Chapter of the speciall properties of Grafting and Planting To haue Roses that shall smell verie sweet you must plant your Rose-tree in a place that is verie drie or else to set it round about with Garlicke The Roses will come early if you make a little trench of some two hands wide round about the Rose-tree and therein powre warme water morning and euening and yet this must not be attempted before it begin to put forth his buds You shall doe the like if you place your Rose-tree in baskets or pots of earth and order them after the manner of timely Gourds and Cucumbers as hath beene taught before You may keepe new Roses in their liuelinesse if you put them in the lees of Oyle so as that the lees may swimme aboue them Others pull vp greene Barly roots and all wherein they wrap Roses as yet not blowne and so put them together in a 〈◊〉 that is not pitched The way to haue greene Roses is if you graft the Rose-tree vpon an old Colewort stalke or vpon the bodie of an Oake but then the Roses will 〈◊〉 no smell You may make the Carnation Rose white if you perfume it with Brimstone 〈◊〉 such time as it beginneth to spread You may haue Roses of a yellow colour if after you haue planted the Rose-tree vvith his naturall earth neere vnto the broome you bore through the broome stalke vvith a vvimble and plant in the same hole diuers roots or shoots of the Rose-tree scraped round about so farre as they are to lye in the hole and after tie and make the● fast vnto the broome plant with mortar and whenas you see the hole bored in the stalke to be growne vp againe you shall cut off the broome stalke aboue the pla●● vvhere you bored the hole and shall let the Rose-tree to put forth his shoots and 〈◊〉 by this meanes you shall haue yellow Roses The vertues of the Roses are sufficiently knowne vnto euerie one Some distill the vvhite and Prouence rose vvhich if you vvill haue it to retaine the full qualitie and vertue of the Rose together with the smell and fauour of the same you must distill in a glasse vessell and not in lead as is ordinarily accustomed Some make 〈◊〉 and syropes of carnation Roses which haue force to loosen the bellie and to purge the humours offending in serious and cholericke matter as also good for 〈…〉 the jaundise the obstructions of the liuer and beating of the heart The yellow growing within the Rose which is a flower accompanied as it vvere vvith smal haires doth stay the vvhite flowers of vvomen the white end of the leaues of Roses are good in a decoction to stay all manner of fluxes the cup hath the same force and vertues the seed and vvooll contained within the button of the Rose as also the whole button dried and made into powder is singular good to stay women● whites and termes for the scalding of the vvater for the disease called Gonorrhaea taken the weight of a dram with sowre red wine Box-tree is planted of shoots or boughs after the twelfth day of Nouember It delighteth in hillie places and mountaines and groweth verie well in cold drie and vvindie places It must not be planted neere the place where bees are kept for the flower killeth them sodainly Some affirme that it corrupteth the ayre by the stinking smell it hath and for this cause it would be as sparingly planted in the garden as possibly may be Box-tree is better to make combes and other durable instruments of than for to vse in medicine if it were not that Physitians doe hold that the scrapings or r●●ped powder of Box and the leaues thereof boyled in Lee doe cause the haire to looke ●ed Some likewise doe thinke that it hath the like properties that Guaiacum hath in decoctions for the French disease but herein I referre my selfe rather to experi●nce than to reason Broome as well the small as the great is planted of shoots and boughs in the in●rease of the Moone about the Calends of March It may likewise be sowne and it requireth a drie and sandie ground The flowers as also the seed doe prouoke vrine and breake the stone as well of the reines as of the bladder the flowers prouoke vomit taken in a drinke the leaues and crops boyled in wine or water are good for the dropsie and obstructions of the liuer spleene and kidneyes some vse the stalkes of broome to tie their vines as also to make ropes and sackes of and that by ripening it in water as they doe hempe Spanish broome groweth also in drie places it must be remoued after the first yeare that it is sowne it is sowne in Februarie and remoued in March the next yere after the flowers in decoctions procure vomite after the manner of white hellebor the seed alone doth loosen the bellie and forceth downeward great store of water Furze grow in vntilled and sandie grounds the leaues boyled in water or wine do stay all manner of ●luxes The Cedar-tree is verie rare in these countries so that if you will haue it in your garden you must assigne it a well husbanded ground and lying open vpon the Sun notwithstanding the places where it is found most growing be cold and moist mountaines and full of snow if you doe well you must sow in pots of earth and cases or impaled places the small and exceeding little seed that commeth thereof The liquor thereof put into the hollow parts of the teeth doth stay their ach being anuointed it killeth the wormes and preserueth bodies from rotting The wood is verie pleasant to looke vpon and to smell vnto whereupon some vse it in steed of perfumes Sa●in is planted as box and groweth much better if it be watered with Wine Lees or sprinkled with the dust of tile stones The leaues as well in decoction as in per●umes prouoke the termes and expell the after-birth and dead child they also cause to fall off the warts growing vpon a mans yard As concerning Iunip●r it affecteth the tops of mountaines and stonie ground for to grow well in and by how much it is the more ●ost of the winds and pinched with cold so much the fairer it groweth The fruit thereof is good for the stomach for weake and broken people and against all sorts of venime whether it be drunke or taken in a perfume as also against an
that the Sunne may come but sparingly to it to wit euen when the shadow 〈…〉 be hard at the foot if it notwithstanding it delighteth much in places neere 〈◊〉 the Sea in leane and thin grounds where the ayre is warme and temperate of it ●elfe It must be planted in Autumne and in the Spring time of sets of whole plants 〈◊〉 of branches and in March it is planted verie fitly and seasonably when as the ●ap ●putteth vp and commeth to the barbe It may likewise be fowne after the foure 〈◊〉 day of March in a ground that is well manured one foot within the ground 〈◊〉 foure berries together and at the yeares end to remoue it to some other place The Bay-tree feareth the cold aboue all other things and for this cause it must be planted in this countrie in a firme and solide ground as hath beene said to the end that during the times of snow frost and freesing vpon raine the roots may be defended from cold which although the boughes and braunches should be dead by the cold of Winter it would yet continue to bring forth new boughes in the Spring time for the fastnesse and closenesse of the ground will haue let and stayed the ayre from hauing pierced vnto the roots And in ca●e the ground where you haue planted your Bay-tree should be sandie drie and barren then it will be your part during the time of Winter to spread and cast ashes and straw about the roots of the Bay-tree to preserue the heat of the earth and to withhold the cold from piercing vnto the roots Then for to procure a flourishing and faire Bay-tree two things are necessarie the heat of the ayre and the fastnesse of the ground of which if the one be wanting the Bay-tree will not grow any thing at all or if it grow yet it will be bu● a small and starued thing as we may easily make triall and proofe in this ●countrie The Bay-tree may be grafted vpon it selfe as also vpon the Dogg-tree the Ash-tree and the Cherrie-tree as we will declare more largely in the third Booke The Myr●●e tree is of two sorts the one is a darke greene the other is a light greene the one beareth a yellow flowre and the other a white but of these the later is the better but euerie sort of Myr●le craueth a hot Countrie a light sandie lea●●● and brittle kind of ground and yet notwithstanding this it groweth well vpon the Sea bankes as also vpon the sides of pooles lakes and fennes It is planted either of young boughs borowed and cut downe for the excessi●e ranknesse of them after 〈…〉 foure or fiue yeares old or from the shoots putting forth at the root thereof ●epe●●ting them from the maine root so soone as they be put vp and from after a yeare of their first planting to remoue them or else of seed rubbed and cha●ed betwixt your hands and after thrust into an old band or small cord the same buried all along according to that length that it is of in a furrow cast a foot deepe or thereabout and well manured with rotten dung and watering the place The myrtle-tree would be planted in the highest part of the Garden for by his smell it maketh the place most delightsome it may be ●owne also after the manner of the Bay-tree but then it will not grow vp till after a long t●me It will grow both high and faire if you make it cleane and sco●re it often round about and it will b●ing forth much and great fruit if you plant Rose-trees neere vnto it or else plant it neere vnto Oliue-trees in the countrie where they grow for the Myrtle and Oliue trees doe helpe one another greatly It loueth and craueth to be watred with mans vrine but especially with sheepes or when you can get neither of these with warme water wherein it delighteth exceedingly as sometimes appeared by a Myrtle planted neere vnto a bath which to euerie mans sight grew verie pleasantly and beautifully though there were no reckoning or account made thereof Myrtle-berries put in a vessell which is not pitched but well couered doth keepe a long time greene and fresh Some hold it better to put them in hanging vpon their boughs The Myrtle 〈◊〉 nothing so much as cold and taketh delight to be neere vnto pooles brookes and maritime places If you water it oft with warme water it will beare fruit 〈…〉 any kernell The fruit is called Myrtle-berries It must be gathered when it is 〈…〉 great while after the Rose is fallen and shaken It may be grafted vpon another of his owne kind and the white vpon the blacke and the blacke vpon the Apple-tre● Medlar-tree and Pomegranet-tree After vintage time in the countrie of Prouence where there is a great number of Myrtle-trees the birds feed of the fruit of the Myrtle-tree and thereby become so fat and their flesh so pleasant to eat as that men eat birds so fatted all whole with●●● pulling out of the garbage insomuch as it is growne into a common prouerbe 〈◊〉 the excrement is better than the flesh The leaues bayes or berries of myrtle-tree by their astringent force and 〈◊〉 doe stay all manner of fluxes whether it be of the bellie or of the termes or principally of the whites the juice and distilled water of Myrtle-tree are singular good to drinke to keepe vp the falling fundament The decoction of the seed of Myrtle-tree doth blacke the haire and keepeth it from falling The berries of the Myrtle-tree may serue in steed of pepper the sauce made therewith worketh the like effect and is singular good to comfort a languishing stomach myrtle berries euen do comfort the heart and cure the beating of the same the ashes of the drie leaues of myrtle-tree burned within a pot of raw earth so throughly as that they become white being afterward washed haue one and the same vertue that Spodium or Pomphol●● hath If you cannot make the myrtle-tree to grow in your garden you must content your selfe with the Myrt-tree which craueth the same ground and manner of orde●●● that the Myrtle-tree as being a kind of wild Myrtle-tree and which may be 〈…〉 the steed of Myrtle-tree vvhen it cannot be come by as hauing the same or 〈…〉 vertues Butchers-broome is also a kind of wild myrtle which groweth commonly in Forests and Vnderwoods from whence it is better to translate it into your garden 〈◊〉 either to sow or plant it He that is desirous to plant Tamariske in his garden must make choyce of the moist and wettest ground and for want of a sufficient moist ground to water 〈…〉 It is likewise seene that Tamariske doth grow faire and tall by ponds 〈◊〉 and other standing waters It is planted either of roots or sprouts and that from the 〈◊〉 of October till the foure and twentieth of December yea vntill the beginning of Februarie but yet it thriueth best being set of roots there is
no frost almost 〈…〉 hurt it especially the root for when it is once taken it putteth forth continually 〈◊〉 and boughs along the plant The wood is principally commended for that it assuageth and diminisheth 〈◊〉 spleene in such as haue it stopt too full of melancholicke humours and hence 〈…〉 that many troubled with that disease doe eat and drinke in vessells made of 〈◊〉 wood thereof And some likewise doe counsell to giue swine that are troubled 〈◊〉 too much fulnesse of the spleene water to drinke in their ●●ough● hauing first ●●●ched therein coales made of the wood of Tamariske The decoction of the 〈…〉 damaske raisons in good for leprous persons and such as haue their spleene 〈◊〉 as also for the pockes Bastard Sene called of the Latines 〈◊〉 delighteth in a fat ground and well battilled with Sheepes dung It groweth not planted but vpon seed and it is meet that the seed be steeped first a long time in water euen vntill it begin to sprout The time to sow it is about the beginning of the moneth of Iune It must not haue any of the branches cut off nor be pruned or touched before the fourth yeare The fruit serueth to good vse for the fatting of Sheepe and maketh them to haue much milke it is good also to fat chickens bees goats and kyne Some take it to be Sene but they doe greatly deceiue and beguile themselues The Caper-tree in many countries groweth without any tilling ●n ●arable ground but where it wanteth if it must be sowne it must be in a hot countrie and a drie stonie and sandie place which shall before hand be inclosed with a little ditch which shall be filled with stone and lyme or else with fat earth for to be a fortresse and defence vnto it that so the roots of the Caper-tree and thereby all shoots that might grow vp from them may be kept from breaking forth and spreading further than this ditch for if they should be stayed and kept backe from spreading by some such meanes it would come to passe that within a small time they would ouer-runne the whole Garden and plant themselues in euerie corner of the same Notwithstanding the Caper-tree is not so noysome in that respect because it may be pulled vp as it is by inueniming I know not by what venimous humour or juice the whole ground and making of it barren It hath no need except a ver●e little to be any way tilled or fashioned for it groweth well ynough without any thing done vnto it in ●ields and desart grounds It may be sowne in the Spring and Autumne The fruit of the Caper-tree as well the great as the small is good in a fallade to prouoke appetite cleanse the flegmaticke stomach and to take away the obstructions of the liuer but principally of the spleene the rind of the root and leaues haue the like vertue but more effectually Capers both the great and the small whiles they are yet greene and not salted doe nourish a great deale more both of them are in request not so much for that they are fruit as for their manner of preseruing which is performed either with vinegar or else with salt brine for Capers not pickled are of a verie sharpe and vnpleasant tast but the vinegar wherein they are preserued doth make them verie acceptable vnto the stomach but the great ones because they haue both more juice and more pulpe are a great deale better than the little ones though the little ones are more delightsome to the tast than the great ones because they are fuller of vinegar than the great ones Agnus Castu● seeing it commeth verie neere to the nature and condition of the Willow and of the same colour with the leaues disagreeing onely in smell craueth to be planted in a watrie place where there is much shadow or at the least to be oft watered The leaues seed and flowers are singular good for them which would liue chastly taken inwardly or applyed outwardly for some say that the leaues 〈◊〉 or ●lowres put into little b●gges and applied vnto the reines in bed do helpe to keepe the chastitie of the bodie which is the cause that in many countries it is seene planted almost in all the Monkeries The decoction of the leaues is good against the sealding and burning Vrine as well in drinking as in fomenting it as also against the obstructions of the liuer spleene and matrix If you carrie a branch of Agnus Castus about you you shall not grow wearie no not after much trauell The fume thereof taken in at the secret parts of women doth quench the vnsatiable lust and burning desire vnto venerie and carnall copulation Beane-tree or S. Iohns-bread bearing a long flat and broad fruit like vnto that of Ca●●ia would be planted of new shoots in Februarie and Nouember in a drie ground lying open vpon the Sun and where as there are verie deepe ditches made It may also be grafted in a Plum-tree or Almond-tree in any case you must neuer thinke vpon the sowing of it because so it would neuer beare any fruit but would die verie quickly it must be oft watered The Cod● are good either to fat children or ●win● but not so fit to feed men withall It is true that the fruit doth loosen the bellie gently as it were after the manner of Cassia There 〈…〉 sorts of the Date-tree some beare fruit and some 〈…〉 and of the fruitfull some beare a reddish fruit and some a white and 〈…〉 gray Furthermore some are males and some females some are high and 〈…〉 some are stooping downe and but low and therefore called the little or 〈…〉 tree and some of a middle size betwixt both but howsoeuer they differ yet 〈◊〉 they agree that they all desire a hot ayre a great deale more than temperate for in a hot Countrey it bringeth forth verie faire and ripe fruit and of it selfe is 〈◊〉 kept and preserued without anie f●rther paine or ●are except it be about the 〈◊〉 of it where in a temperate Region it either ripeneth not his fruit or 〈…〉 none at all It craueth a 〈…〉 and nitrous ground foreseene that it be 〈…〉 moist and this is the cause why it ●ro●pereth well vpon the Sea coast and if the ground where it be planted be not such it must be watered with salt water 〈…〉 brine It is planted of small Plants with roots in Aprill and May the Plant being well layd about with fat earth Some also sow the new stones of Dates and they bring forth their trees in October two cubits deepe in the ground and that mingled with ashes and well enriched with Goats dung and the sharpe side of it must be vpward it must be watered euerie day and euerie yeare there must be ●alt shed 〈◊〉 it or else which is better that it be oftentimes watered with water that is 〈◊〉 salt Againe that it may grow high and faire it
vnto it you must then couer such chase with thicke new cloth being well woolled or else with straw and to tye the one or the other fast to by wreathing it about with one of the breadths of a Mat and stay it vp with a prop if need be In hot Countries as Spaine and Portugall it is held as an approoued opinion That by how much the more Orange trees are watered in Winter so much the lesse subiect are they to frost because their water is either out of the Well or fresh drawne from some Fountaine or of water broken out of the earth and made warme with the Sunne or with the fire and for that it is drunke vp all into the earth but I feare me that it would not fall out for well done if so be that in this cold Countrey one should take that course notwithstanding if you will vse the same order you shall doe it either by the helpe of the foresaid Sunne beames or by a pipe of Lead laid good and deepe in the earth a farre off from the root of the tree powring of the said water into it that so it may descend and reach vnto the roots but so soone as you haue thus powred in your water you must stop verie well and couer the said pipe with earth and dung that so the cold ayre may not runne along it vnto the roots for so they would be frozen They must be vnder-digged and cast at the foot from moneth to moneth if the season will suffer it and the earth made light and soft mingling it with dung and watering it as hath beene said And for the better preseruing of the branches of these plants and keeping of them in their strength and force they must be cut euerie yeare more or lesse according as the good and expert Gardiner shall iudge it necessarie in as much as these trees being both daintie and precious doe require a verie carefull regard to be vsed in this cutting It must not furthermore be forgotten to take from them continually all manner of superfluitie filth and grasse growing at their foot or elsewhere and likewise thornes or pricks and that with the hands or some other cutting yron And if anie branch through ●rost or otherwise grow drie pale or blacke you must cut off the dead part at the Spring in the decrease of the Moone in faire weather and calme and temperate and vpon the putting of it forth againe and this must be done with a Garden Sickle or Knife well sharpened and the cut must be well 〈◊〉 together and couered ouer that so it may put forth branches againe You must also bow the boughs as shall be necessarie and to raise some higher and pull some lower as occasion shall require cut the ends and sprou●s which put forth at the toppes of the tree take away those that grow too high to the end they may be proport●●●● in an equall measure of growth for these trees especially the Citron tree growing in anie great height and hauing anie great store of boughes doe neither bring 〈◊〉 so much nor so good fruits as when they are otherwise fitted and freed from their vn●necessarie boughes and further if need require to se● some store of p●les to hold vp the boughs If notwithstanding all the paine and preseruation spoken of before they fall now and then into mislikings and diseases then you must burie at their 〈◊〉 some Sheepes hornes for some are of opinion that by these they are maintained is ●ound estate and good plight And thus much as concerning the ordering of these Trees when they be brought out of other Countries but as for those which wee procure to grow and spring out of the earth here in this Countrey wee must know that they grow either of 〈◊〉 boughes grafts or ●eeds But to speake of these particularly the Orange tree groweth not but verie hardly either vpon shoots or grafts for hauing a verie hard 〈◊〉 it hardly taketh root It is true that some vse to prepare a Plant of it in such manner They picke and prune from an Orange tree bough his sprigges and 〈◊〉 plant it the small end downeward wrapt in a Linnen cloth hauing within it 〈◊〉 dung that is verie new and of such plants haue beene seene to grow Orange trees growing indeed lower than the other but hauing a well spread and large 〈…〉 yet it is better to sow it so that it be in a good soyle notwithstanding it be long before it bring forth fruit but he that will helpe that and cause it to hasten to bearing must graft it The manner of sowing all these sorts of trees is first to prepare and manure the ground verie well with Horse dung about the moneth of May or else with Oxe or Sheepes dung and to mixe therewith some Wood ashes or which were better some Cucumber ashes then making pits in the said ground of the breadth of halfe a foot to put three seeds together and the sharpe end vpward and the higher part of the seed toward the earth after this they must be oft watered with 〈◊〉 water or with Sheepes milke for so they will grow better and sooner And yet 〈◊〉 not before you sow them to lay them in steepe in Cowes milke that is warme and if you desire to haue them sweet fruit put to the liquor wherein you steepe them 〈◊〉 Sugar cand●e You shall plant their shoots after the same manner in a well husbanded and 〈◊〉 ground as also their boughes and grafts about mid May setting the great ends vpward and filling the pits with ashes made of Cucumbers These bring forth 〈◊〉 and the middle part of the apple will be sweet if the bodie of the tree be pierced with a Piercer in the moneth of Februarie and that there be made therein an oblique and sloping hole which must not goe through and from out of this the sappe is let distill vntill such time as the apples come to be formed and then you must stop vp the said hole with Potters clay or mortar or else giue a slit in the thickest branch of the tree and in the place where you haue giuen the slit make a hollownesse of the depth of a good foot which you shall fill with honey and stop vp with mortar 〈◊〉 feare of raine and of the heat of the Sunne when as the tree hath drunke in all the ●on●y you shall put in more and water the root with vrine in the end you shall 〈◊〉 off all the little shoots which shall put forth of the tree letting those alone which shall grow vpon the slit branch At the same time Orange trees may be grafted chiefely vpon the Pom● 〈◊〉 ●tree for vpon this they thriue maruellously especially the Orange tree both in goodnesse greatnesse beautie and thicknesse of such fruits as they bring forth in respect and comparison of those which they bring forth when they are grafted one 〈◊〉 another that is to say the Orange
〈◊〉 the start by which the Pomegrana●e hangeth or else lay Pomegranates in 〈◊〉 clay tempered with water and after drie them in the Sunne It is good likewise 〈◊〉 lay them in dust or scrapings or sawings of the Poplar tree the Holme tree or the Oake in a new earthen pot and within it to set them in order in manner of 〈◊〉 and then afterward to couer the pot and lute it verie well But whatsoeuer way 〈◊〉 take the principall end must be to keepe Oranges in a cold and drie pla●e and 〈◊〉 they be gathered with their stalkes as also with their little branches if possibly it may be done without hurting the tree for this helpeth much to keepe them long They must likewise be gathered in the old of the Moone so that they be then 〈◊〉 verie drie and not being wet from aboue and then after that to keepe them ● day 〈◊〉 two in the Sunne their flowers lying downeward then after that to clo●● them 〈◊〉 in a pot verie well stopt and well pitcht or ●eared that the ayre may not get in 〈◊〉 doe couer them and worke them ouer verie thicke with Potters earth verie well beaten and tempered and when it is drie then they hang them in a cold place and wh●● they will eat them they steepe them in water and take away the earth Others doe wrap euerie one of them alone by it selfe in hay or in straw within cases The 〈◊〉 of Pomegranate trees doe driue away ven●mous beasts and this was the cause why men in auncient time were wont to put the boughs of Pomegranate trees both v●de● and aboue them in their beds The Plane tree is more commended for the beautie of his leaues and shadow than for his fruit it groweth of shoots and siences drawne and taken from the tree and planted in a verie moist ground and such as is neere vnto some Fountaine or Riu●● and yet besides this it delighteth to be wa●red oftentimes with neat Wine and sometimes with mens Vrine to helpe it to shoot vp and grow high and to put forth larg● and ample branches and long leaues for to make the better shade In this Coun●●ey we cannot see manie faire ones I remember that I haue seene one at Basil in 〈◊〉 Peters place betwixt the height of fifteene or sixteene cubits vnder the shield and shadow whereof the people betooke themselues for their refreshment during the time of great and scorching heat Some make dishes of Plane tree wood to 〈◊〉 paine and wringings in the bellie being applyed thereunto You must beware of the dust which hangeth vpon the leaues for being taken into the bodie by drawing in of your breath it hurteth the rough arterie and voice and in like manner the ●ight and hearing if it fall into the eyes or eares The Nettle tree is well ynough knowne in Languedoc and Prou●n●e especially in a borough neere vnto Mompelier called Bontonnet it groweth in a fat ground well man●red and toyled open to the South or East Sunne The wood is good to make Flutes Cornets and other Instruments of Musicke it is good also to make handles for Kniues and Swords The fruit is verie much desired at the Tables of great States of his great sweetnesse and most pleasant and delightsome smell which they find in it that doe eat or smell to it Likewise some doe presse a Wine out of this fruit being stamped and beaten which is verie sweet and seemeth like vnto other new pressed sweet Wines but it lesteth not aboue tenne or twelue daies The Masticke tree delighteth in moist places and is planted after the first day of Februarie it beareth fruit thrice a yeare The leaues barke and wood in decoctions haue power to restraine strengthen and comfort And this is the cause why it is vsed to make Tooth-pickes thereof The Turpentine tree delighteth in a low and moist ground and withall in a 〈◊〉 and warme ayre open vpon the Sunne The leaues barke and wood haue the 〈◊〉 vertue that the Masticke tree The Iuiube tree and others as well foraine as growing in our owne 〈…〉 further to be seene and read of in the third Booke CHAP. LV. Of the two particular Gardens scituate or lying at the end of the Kitchin Garden and of the Garden of Pleasure THe Kitchin Garden and the other of Pleasure being of the largenesse aboue declared may haue referued out of them two or three acres for the profit of the Lord of the farme as for Madder Wo●d Tasel Line and Hempe And we may also adde vnto these Saffron albeit that all these things euen as well as pulse if it be a free and kind ground doe well deserue 〈◊〉 haue euerie one his seueral field by it selfe and to be tilled and husbanded after the ●anner of corne and pulse For Madder therefore it is meet that there should be appointed out foure or fiue ●eres of ground in a place by it selfe which must not lye farre from the water but in 〈◊〉 free and not in a strong mould and yet not too light which hath had his three or foure arders with the plough or as indeed is best digged and si●ted notwithstanding that the sifting of it be a longer peece of worke and of greater cost it being v●ed to be cast and tilled with thicker raisings of the earth and smaller clouds than is ●ont to be in the casting or digging of a new vineyard For this plant hath his proper and particular seasons to be dressed and planted in as well as the vine but in this they differ verie manifestly that the one is an hearbe and the other a shrubbe and as it were a knot to many trees the one dieth yearely and there is nothing of it 〈◊〉 request but roots for to make good colours of but the other lasteth and conti●●eth at the least twelue yeares in good liking and liuelihood of which the first sixe is for growth and a little for bringing forth of fruit and the later sixe for whole ●●mple and intire profit the daunger of haile washing away of the grapes when the ●ines be flowre by much raine and frost being excepted vnto which in like ma●●er Madder in subject and oftentimes more than the vine because of his tendernesse This prehemencie it hath that the vine being frozen cannot be recouered but Madder may be either set or ●owne againe as also Woad the speciall husbandrie of such as dwell in Prouence and the wealth and commoditie of Dyers of Cloth or Wooll with what colour soeuer it be It may be sowne or planted but indeed being sowne it yeeldeth scarce at any time any great store of increase but if you will sow it then bestow the like quantitie of the seed thereof vpon an acre as you are wont to doe of Hempe and that in the moneth of March vpon the tops of hills well battilled and ●manured thus the seed being cast into the ground and the same well incorporated with harrows of rakes
must steepe Sal-ammoniack and Wheat together 〈◊〉 sow them neere the place where the Weazles haunt for by this they will 〈…〉 killed or caused to run away if they eat it Some say that if you catch a 〈◊〉 cut off her taile and cods and let her goe againe aliue that afterward there will be 〈◊〉 moe 〈◊〉 in that place Ants will she away if you burne those which you take or if you annoint the 〈◊〉 of the tree which they vse with oxe-gall or with the de●●ction of Lupines or 〈◊〉 if you burne in the garden wild cucumber or if one clay ouer with white or red 〈◊〉 the tree where they are or if there be put at the mouth of their hole some 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 stone together You shall kill wormes if you perfume their holes with the smoake of oxt 〈◊〉 if you water them with pure lee You shall make them come out of the ground if 〈◊〉 water the place with the decoction of the leaues and seed of hempe or if you 〈◊〉 in the ground where you see great store of wormes it is true also that you shall rid your ground of them if you ●are your ground during the time of great heat 〈◊〉 then you shall ●ind them in great numbers vpon the face and vppermost part of 〈◊〉 earth and so you may gather them into bowles to giue them to your 〈◊〉 which thereby will become fat and lay great store of egges You shall kill snailes if you sprinkle them with the new l●●s of oyle or with the foot of the chimney Grashoppers will doe no great hurt vnto hearbes if they be vvatered with 〈◊〉 vvherein Wor●ewood or Le●kes or Centaurie hath beene stamped 〈◊〉 kill them you must boyle bitter lupines or wild cucumbers in salt brine and 〈…〉 therewith or else burne a great sort of Grashoppers in the place from 〈◊〉 would driue them for the smell of the smoke doth kill them but and if you 〈…〉 them altogether out of your gardens you must hang vp some Bats vpon yo●● highest trees You shall driue away field-Rats if you cast in the canicular or dogge 〈…〉 of hemlocke into their holes together with hellebor and barly meale or 〈◊〉 you shut the mouthes of their holes with Bay-tree-leaues to the end that when they would come forth they may be forced to take those leaues in their teeth and so by the onely touching of them they are killed Or if you mingle amongst their meat such as you know them to be delighted in quicke siluer tinne or burnt lead blacke hellebor or the 〈◊〉 of yron or if you make a perfume of the bodies of their kinds or if you boyle beanes in any poysoned water so lay the said beanes at the mouthes of their holes which vpon the smell thereof will quickly run vnto them You shall also kill Rats and Mice with paste made of honie coperas and stamped glasse mixt together and layed in places where they haunt most Moules will neuer cast in those gardens where the hearbe called Palma Christi doth grow either of it owne accord or purposely sowne likewise you shall either kill them or driue them away if you lay at their holes mouthes a Walnut filled with chaffe brimstone and perrosin and there set it on fire for by the smoake that will come of this nut the Moules will be killed or else run away or if you lay in diuers furrows about the garden a small ball of hemp-seed it will be a let to keepe that there come not any into those grounds out of other and withall will driue away those which are there alreadie There are three waies to take them the first is to stand as it were vpon your watch about Sunne rise neere vnto the place where they haue lately cast vp the earth for this is ordinarily the verie houre that they cast in according to their custome and thus may you throw them verie easily out of their holes with a pic●axe or spade The second way is by causing water to run into the hole where they haue newly digged for when as they once feele the water they will not stay to 〈◊〉 forth and saue themselues vpon some greene turffe or other and there you may ●●ther take them aliue or kill them The third way Take a liue one in March when they are a bucking and put the same into a verie deepe and hollow bason at night af●●er Sunne set burie the said bason in the earth vp to the brims that so the Moules 〈◊〉 easily tumble into it when they heare the captiue crie in the night time for all such as shall heare her and this kind of cattell is of a verie light hearing comming ●●eere to their food they will into the bason one after another and by how many moe goe in by so much will they make the greater noyse not being able to get out againe ●●ecause the bason within is smooth ●leeke and slipperie Some lay garleeke about ●heir holes or onions or leekes and these make such a smell as that they either driue ●hem away or kill them All maner of Serpents are driuen away with the perfume of Galbanum or of harts●●rne or of the root of lillies or of the horne of a goats claw or of hyssope or brim●●●● or pellitorie or an old shooe-sole It is good also to plant in some part of the ●ardens an Elder-tree or an Ash-tree for the flowres of the Elder-trees by their ●●inking smell doe driue away Serpents and the shade of the ashe doth kill them 〈◊〉 like sort it fareth with the pomegranat-tree whose shade as we haue said before ●●riueth away Serpents It is good likewise to plant some one or other bough of ferne 〈◊〉 the garden because the onely smell thereof doth driue them away You shall driue away scorpions if you burne some of them in the place whence 〈◊〉 would banish them or if you make a perfume of verjuice mixt with Galbanum 〈◊〉 the fat of a goat or if you plant in your garden some little Nut-tree The perfume of Iuie will cause the Reremouse to abstaine flying in your garden Frogges will hold their peace and not crie any more if you set a lanterne with a 〈◊〉 light vpon the side of the water or riuer which compasseth the garden If you 〈◊〉 in any corner of your garden the gall of a goat all the frogges will gather 〈◊〉 and so you may easily kill them CHAP. LXI Of the Honie-Bee the profit rising thereof and of chusing a place to set them in BVt if the greatest part of the profit of a farme depend and hang of 〈◊〉 keeping of cattell I dare be bold to affirme that the 〈◊〉 thing that can be kept about a Countrie-house is Bees Indeed 〈◊〉 is 〈◊〉 pa●t●es and care to be taken in chusing gathering together holding 〈◊〉 watching and keeping of them cleane in their hiues but withall 〈…〉 great rare and singular a
make it purge and boyle vp and withall they hang in the vessell a nodule or knot full of 〈◊〉 pepper ginger graines of paradise and cloues also they cast into the vessell a handfull of Elder-tree-flowres they set the vessell in the Sunne in Summer time for the space of fortie daies or in Winter they set it in some caue vnder the ground This kind of honied water is verie so●●●aigne against 〈◊〉 agues 〈◊〉 dispositions of the bodie diseases of the braine as the falling sicknesse apoplexie and palsie in which cases wine is forbidden The countrie men of Prouence and the Italians do● make marchpaines of honie and almonds after this manner Take white honie three pound and three whites of egges beat all together with a woodden pestill in a bason till it grow vnto the colour of milke afterward see the bason vpon a fire of coales stirring all together very carefully with the pestill till such time as it become somewhat thicke then put thereto sweet almonds stamped and fried such quantitie as shall be needfull for the making of it of some good consistence being yet hot powre it our vpon some marble or polished table make vp your marchpaine thereof and it will be singular good for them to eat which are in a consumption as also to procure spitting CHAP. LXXI Of the markes of good Waxe and the manner of preparing diuers sorts of Waxe GOod Waxe must be of a verie yellow colour smelling sweet far light pure 〈◊〉 close neat and purified from all filth It is the ground of other Waxes called artificiall as being by art made into diuers colours as blacke red greene and white Waxe Blacke Waxe is made with ashes of burnt paper greene by putting 〈◊〉 vnto it red by putting the root of Alkanet vnto common Wax or the powder of Cinnabrium but white Waxe is made many waies but for the most part after this sort and manner Melt Waxe in some vessell ●it for the purpose afterward 〈◊〉 it from all manner of superfluities through a strainer being thus strained 〈…〉 a soft coale fire in a great skellet or vessell of copper to keepe it liquid and in 〈◊〉 close thereby you shall haue one or two great barrells made after the manner of 〈◊〉 ●ubs full of water newly drawne out of the well in which you shall wet 〈…〉 that are round flat and halfe finger thicke fashioned like round coue● or 〈◊〉 of pots and in the middest they shall be made fast to a little sticke or woodden 〈◊〉 manner of a graspe by which one may handle them you shall dip the same 〈◊〉 well wet in water in the vessell where the Waxe shall be melted and p●e●●●ly after you shall pull them out full of Waxe and put them in the water ●ubs where the 〈◊〉 will abide that shall haue cleaued vnto them you shall gather this wax together and spread euerie peece by it selfe vpon hurdles couered with linnen cloth in the 〈◊〉 heat of the Sunne in the moneth of Iulie and vpon these you shall leaue it till it become white In the meane time while it shall thus lie in the Sunne if it happen 〈◊〉 the heat of the Sunne be so vehement that it melte●h the wax so sp●ed vpon the hurdles you must water and sprinkle it often with coole water by the same mea●● also defend it from the Bees which will flie thither from all corners to 〈◊〉 out the honie Otherwise boyle the wax in water so o●t as vntill that you see it 〈…〉 it this manner of whitening wax is not so sure nor of so easie charges as the 〈◊〉 for the often melting of the Wax doth wast it verie much but the drying of it in the Sunne bringeth no great losse as you shall best find after proofe and triall made To make ●earing candle Take two pound of new Wax a pound of good 〈◊〉 and a quarter of a pound of turpentine mixe them and make searing Wax The end of the second Booke THE THIRD BOOKE OF THE COVNTRIE FARME The Orchard or Greene plot CHAP. I. Of the differences of Orchards or Greene plots and the inclosing of the Fruit-Garden THere are three sorts of Orchards or Greene plots the one otherwise called an Arbour contriued with great bankes and this is pointed out and prouided in a field couered with green grasse and a fountaine in the middest of it and wrought-into d●uers plaine and euen plots and braunches consisting of lo●ts which are sustained and borne vp with carpentrie or frames of timber vnder which a great number of people may sit couered ouer head Of this sort I haue seene at Basill and 〈◊〉 other places in Germanie and to ●it a place for this manner of greene plot it 〈◊〉 requisite that it be cleansed from all manner of stones and weeds not so much as 〈◊〉 roots left vndestroyed and for the better accomplishing hereof there must boy●●ng water be powred vpon such ends of roots as s●aying behind in the ground can●●ot be well pulled vp and afterward the floore must be beaten and troden downe 〈◊〉 ●ightily then after this there must be cast great quantity and store of turfes of earth 〈◊〉 of greene gra●●e the bare earthie part of them being turned and laied vpward 〈◊〉 afterward daunced vpon with the feet and the beater or pauing-beetle lightly 〈◊〉 ouer them in such sort as that within a short time after the gra●●e may begin 〈◊〉 peepe vp and put forth like small haires and finally it is made the sporting green 〈◊〉 for Ladies and Gentlewomen to recreate their spirits in or a place whereinto ●●hey may withdraw themselues if they would be solitarie and out of ●ight The second sort of greene plots is that which our auncient Frenchmen who first ●●rote our Romane discourses and histories haue taken and vsed for a place of 〈◊〉 for Princes and was called in a●ncient time after the manner of a sojou●●ing 〈◊〉 abiding place but now by the name of a beautifull prospect Which beside the ●●ately building singularly contriued in partitions diuersitie of workes and most ●●aire windows compassed in with goodly water ditches ●ed from continuall run●●ng Springs doth containe an ●●ner and base Court with gardens for pleasure and fruits with vnderwoods warrens fishponds and whatsoeuer goodly and beautifull thing is wont to stand about princely palaces The third sort of greene plots is that which we intend to trim vp in this place and it may supplie the place of the fruit garden for a house respecting and looking to thrift and to keepe a houshold for husbandrie such a one as we haue here 〈◊〉 to furnish and set out euerie way well appointed and in which vve are 〈◊〉 to regard profit joyned with a meane and moderate beautie and co●●●nesse than any vnnecessarie ●umptuousnesse Therefore to goe on in our designed course and intended plot this place require●h that next after the kitchin and flower gardens with their appurten●●●●
vve make readie and trim vp a greene plot for fruit trees containing in it as much ground as both the other gardens and that without any manner of other a●●eys of 〈◊〉 beewixt it and the gardens or in the middest of it selfe than such distance and spare as must of necessitie be betwixt the trees and whereof we will speake more 〈◊〉 and without also whatsoeuer other husbandri● grasse or other things whereof you might hope to make some pro●it vnderneath whether of hay or any such other thing which would grow there for the fruit tree would not haue his sustenance pur●oyned or kept from it by the ●●lling of other plants which might be ●eared about it neither doth it craue to be kept vva●me in Winter time but onely tilled and ordered according to his seasons because that otherwise it would yeeld no profit vnto the owner thereof The situation of the orchard would be vpon some hill top or some little hill rather than in a plaine ground for besides that such seats haue better ayre more ple●sant and delightsome for contentment of contemplation and view and diuers other all●rements which will there offer themselues the tops of hills are yet more apt to containe greater number of fruit trees to be planted therein than the plaine gro●●● possibly can for such as stand in plaines if they be planted any whitneere do annoy one another vvith their shade the other on the contrarie side according as it 〈◊〉 more and more from the foot causing euerie tree to ouer-looke his fellow taketh away the discommoditie or inconuenience of such ouershadowing one of another It must also be planted somewhat more vpon the North than vpon the South quarter that so it may minister matter of rejoycing to such as shall behold it out at the windowes in his beautie and jolitie Indeed if it be planted vpon the South it 〈◊〉 more open vpon the Sunne whose heat is verie requisite for fruit trees but then 〈◊〉 would not stand so faire for prospect besides that it vvould be offended and 〈◊〉 of the dust and filth of the threshing f●oore vvhen the corne is thresh● if in case it should stand neere vnto it In any case let it not stand vpon the North-West quarter because it is a mo●● deadly enemie vnto all sorts of plants but principally of flowers which it singeth as if a fire had passed that vvay and the cause is for that it commeth from the 〈◊〉 side and taketh part with the North vvhich is verie rough and sharpe but yet not so dangerous as that North-West vvind vvhich bloweth once a yeare chi●●ly 〈◊〉 the Spring and spoyleth the cher●●e-tree-flowers and the vine more than any of the 〈◊〉 Whereupon there arose this Latine verse Vae tibi galerna per qu●m sit clausa 〈◊〉 In any case let not the ground vvhereon you plant your orchard be marshie or 〈◊〉 terish for the fruits growing vpon such grounds are not vvell relished neither 〈◊〉 vvill they last long it must likewise be inriched one yeare before that it be cast and digged to make any nurceri● there either of seeds or steckes and after it hath 〈◊〉 the second time digged and d●●ged or marled you must let it rest digest his dung and marle and in like manner pick out the stones that are in it most carefully And as concerning the naturall disposition and goodnesse thereof it must be ●at in handling blacke in colour and vvhich murleth easily in breaking and stirring it vvith your fingers not being hard clayie chalkie or sandie Yet if it be so that the situation of your Farme lyeth in such a soyle as is marshie and vvaterish for 〈◊〉 man cannot make choice of his abiding and it is a brauer reputation to the Husbandman to make a barren earth fruitfull than to make a fruitfull ground pleasant therefore as ● said if your ground lye low and be much sub●ect to wet and rottenne●●e you shall trench it diuers waies almost in the manner of a Labyr●th cutting one ●rench into another in such wi●e that the water may haue a descent of falling away into some Brooke Riuer or other Dike which as a Sewer may carrie away the wet and keep● the Orchard dr●● and also you shall bring from some other Grounds Lakes or Ponds great store of earth mudde and other compas wherewith you shall raise and heighten the bankes betweene the trenches in such ●ort that they may remaine and be farre from the danger of washing or ouerflowing of anie water and these bankes you shall stake well with strong Oaken stakes on euerie side and plant great store of Oziers also about them to maintain and hold vp the earth from falling Then as soone as you see these bankes firme and beginning to grow to haue a greene swar●h vpon them you shall plant your fruit-stocks of euerie seuerall kind vpon the same and without all doubt they wil prosper and grow there as well as in any ground whatsoeuer as may be seene in diuers places both of this and other Kingdomes The inclosure or defence vnto the Orchard shall be either a hedge of Quickset which is in truth the most pleasant and conuenient though yet the wall be more profitable as being more strong and built in lesse time which also being planted and handsomely dressed affoordeth not much lesse pleasure than the hedge or else if you like it better a ditch cast about it with a Quickset hedge set vpon the raised side thereof but in this according as the sufficiencie and reuenues of the Farme will beare it 〈◊〉 yet alwaies prouided that it be out of the way of the cattell and where no man 〈…〉 except he enter in at the gare●● and graunted that the wall is the surest kind 〈◊〉 defence as also the strongest most profitable and perfected in least time Besides the wall of all other ●ences is most needfull for the Orchard as well for the strength indur●ance and safe keeping of the same as also for the great profit which commeth thereby to all maner of fruit which is planted and plashit vp against the same chiefly in those cold countries where the Sunne is not altogether so violent nor so readie to 〈◊〉 as in these our 〈◊〉 ●oyles of France for it is most certaine that by planting any daintie or render fruit close to a wall and spreading his braunches open against the same which with loopes of leather or felt together with small nailes may easily be done ●a●●ning euerie principall braunch and materiall twig to the wall it will doubtlesse put ●orth as early flower knit and ripen being in a cold and hard ●oyle as if it were in the war●nest and fertillest earth which doth best of all agree with its nature as may be seene daily both in the cold and barren countries of Fraunce as also in other kingdomes much more Northerly and lesse beholden to the Suns warmenesse And herein you shall vnderstand that the principall fruit trees which delight
keepe them still so bare of braunches as that their sap may be imployed wholly in the making of one faire and lustie bodie and stocke and not many afterward pull them vp toward Winter before they haue begun to blossome to transplant and remoue into the nurcerie of stockes To cause them to shoot and put the sooner out of the earth you must steepe their kernells in vvater or milke for the space of two or three daies And you are here to vnderstand that the 〈◊〉 of the Mulberrie-tree doth not grow so ha●●ly or bring forth so good fruit as the seed of the Figge-tree For to sow the Elme you must gather his seed before the tree be couered with leaues which is in the beginning of March at such time as it beginneth to be yellow afterward they must be dried two daies in the shadow and after that sowne in a suff●cient firme ground an inch deepe and watered often if there fall no raine The Bay-tree must be sowne a foot deepe in the ground and foure seeds togeg●ther transplanting and remouing it a yeare after into some other place and in like ●ase you are to deale with all such like seeds whether they be of Cypres trees My●●●● trees or others CHAP. III. Of plants comming of stones FOr your plants of stonie kernells as of Oliue-trees Cherrie-trees Plum-trees Almond-trees Peach-trees Chesnut-trees Pomegranat-trees if so be that Pomegranat-trees be rather to be reckoned amongst them which haue stone-kernells than amongst the other which haue the soft kernells Abricots and Date-trees you must drie the stones as they come fresh out of their fruits which you meane to set in the ground at such time as the Sunne is not v●●ie sharpe and in the shadow thereof and see that it haue beene s●eeped in milke or vvater three or foure daies before and then thrust it into the earth But this must not be done but in the beginning of Winter that so they may first breake forth in the Spring for and if you put them into the earth before Winter they may also sprout and put forth before it come and so finding them young and tender when it commeth may preuaile against them to kill them they not being able to resist the rigour and rough●●esse of the cold and frosts But and if for your auoyding of 〈◊〉 labour you will gra●t them in their nurcerie that is to say in the place where you first 〈◊〉 them and where they haue put forth without remouing of them to any other place then se● in eueri● hole three foure or fiue stones and if all of them spring spring vp and take root yet you must let none but the fairest stand and 〈◊〉 to gra●t vpon in the place and as for the rest they would be pulled vp and remoued into some other place In what season soeuer it be that you set your stones yet see to it that the ground be good and digged verie deepe but put much small dung amongst it either alone or mingled with dust gathered out of the high waies and see them three fingers within the earth and halfe a ●oot one from another watering them three times euery mon●●● especially in Summer when it falleth out drie and weed them once a moneth Especially see they be set in a faire soile and open vpon the Sunne if so be you would 〈◊〉 a well-●ed and pleasant-tasted fruit for otherwise if you set them in a shadowed place though it be of a good soyle indeed the fruit may be faire to looke to but 〈◊〉 ynough to eat When the stones are set and haue taken sooting and are become 〈◊〉 what pre●ily fed pull them vp about Aduent which you mind to transplant and breake off the points of their roots and strip them of all their branches before you set them downe againe in their new appointed standing and know that a double remoue doth make the wild to become free conditioned and better bringing vnto them great aduantage And as concerning particular properties belonging into euerie stone and how it must be set it is to be knowne that grosse Nuts all manner of Peaches wild Figge● Almonds Che●nuts small Abricots but especially and most singularly well the branches becommeth free and reclaimed being set of a stone foreseene that they find as good and as faire a soyle as the trees enioy from whence the fruit of the said 〈◊〉 were taken The stone of the Peare-Plum-tree must be set in a cold place a foot deepe in the ground the point downeward euerie one a foot from another and this in Nouember in high places and in Ianuarie in low places The stone of the Iu●ube tree must be set after the manner and fashion of the stone of the Peare-plum-tree but it is long and slow in growing out of the earth The stone of the plum-tree must be set a fat ground a foot deepe and that in Nouember and Februarie and they are to be remoued the same time of the yea●● making their holes and pits neither too wide nor too deepe The stones or nuts of the Pine-tree must be set in cold places in Februarie and March or about the fall of the Pine-apple or shortly after in pits well digged and of a good mould the apple may not be broken by violence or with any 〈…〉 to get out the kernell but you must attend till it be opened and set vpon 〈◊〉 And the Pine-nuts must be steeped three daies before you set them and then you must set seuen together Some lay them in little baskets and cut them when they are sprung up They need no remoue but and if you do remoue them you must look● in the taking of them vp that you hurt not the chiefe and principall roots Small nuts and plums of all sorts peaches the small and great and great abric●●● in whatsoeuer good ground and pleasant soyle their kernells be set yet they grow not altogether like vnto the fruit of their trees whereof they were gathered and therefore they delight rather to be grafted vpon their young stockes The stone of the Date which bringeth forth the Date-tree must be set the great 〈◊〉 downeward two cubi●● deepe in the earth and in a place enriched with Goa●s 〈◊〉 and the sharpe side vpward it desireth to be watred daily and that there should 〈◊〉 yeare be salt sowne about it and withall it must be remoued The seeds of Limons Citrons Oranges Assyrian Citrons and such like as 〈◊〉 bin said in the second Booke must be prickt downe vpon beds well prepared 〈◊〉 about the moneth of March the sharpest end downward halfe a ●oot 〈◊〉 from another and a finger and a halfe deepe in the ground they loue to be much 〈◊〉 after when they are growne a foot high remoue them to the foot of some wall op●● vpon the South and in Winter when the time is hoarie couer and fauour th●● in such manner as wee haue
you will remou● them 〈◊〉 they are or plant them out of their nurserie without other manner of grafting them they vvill not faile to bring you good fruit for the taste and eating as also to 〈◊〉 Cyder of but the best fruit doth alwaies come by grafting for the fruit comming vpon grafting doth alwaies retaine a better forme and groweth more and more kind and withall much the greater but that which groweth of a kernell doth chaung● 〈◊〉 oft as the tree is changed which beareth it And besides you must note that 〈◊〉 all trees which haue a strong fruit grow better of kernels than of boughs ye● so it 〈◊〉 that a late ●eed doth bring forth but an ill-fauoured plant especially the said ●eed being put besides his familiar and well pleasing ground CHAP. V. Of Plants Siences and Shoo●● THe little siences of Cherrie-trees growne thicke with hairie 〈◊〉 and those also which grow vp from the roots of the great Cherrie-trees being remoued doe grow better and sooner than vpon stones but then they must be taken away and planted whiles they are young 〈◊〉 whiles they be but two or three yeares old for when they are growne thicke they thriue not so well againe if you stay till they be growne gro●●e in remouing of 〈◊〉 you must then ●op them and strip them cleane of their braunches setting their great end in the earth the depth of a foot and after treading downe the earth and pricking downe withall at the foot of euerie plant a little stake to hold them fast and to let the vvinds and vvhatsoeuer other thing from harming them But especially you must see that you cut not si●nces at any other time than in Winter for that moisture and coolenesse during the time of Winter especially is a meanes to conserue and keepe them and thereupon also they grow and bring forth their fruit the better afterward The Mulberrie tree groweth after the same manner of little ●iences although the best way of planting it be by taking a twigge thereof from the great branches which are cut from the old tree of the length of a foot and setting it good and deepe in the ground and that in such sort as that the ground may couer it three or foure fingers and this done you must see that in Sommer it be watered diligently F●●berts in like manner doe grow of smal shoots which grow forth of the roots of good Filbere-trees that are well rooted these ●iences must not haue their braunches cut off when they are remoued except they be growne great and ful of branches but three yeares after that they are remoued if they doe not prosper and grow faire you must cut them close by the ground and they will put forth a bush of streight siences verie smooth and neat and of these you may chuse whether you will suffer the fairest onely or all together to grow vp and continue The siences of the Oliue-tree which you intend to transplant must be long and faire ones and full of grosse and thicke moisture so as that they may be taken and grasped in the hand and the barke thereby nothing hurt They must be drawne ouer with dung mixt with ashes the head and the foot and after laid in the earth as they vvere vpon the Tree the lower end more downeward and into the earth and the higher end more vpward and looking into the aire for else they will not take at all and this must be a generall obseruation in transplanting of all manner of siences The siences of a vvell stringed root of a good plum-tree not grafted doe yeeld being transplanted a fruit no vvhit inferiour vnto that of the chiefe and principall plum-trees from which you haue ●aken them But and if the old plum-trees be grafted you must also take grafts and graft them in other plum trees or wild cherrie-trees or vpon ●oure Cherrie-Trees and not to vngra●t siences to transplant them Garden plummes and hartlike cherries doe not grow naturally being planted of siences but desire rather to be grafted of grafts CHAP. VI. Of pricking downe or fastening in the earth of small or great braunches SPrigs or plants taken from boughs or branches doe grow more speedily and come to better perfection than the ●eed of kernels or the setting of stones especially if it be put a little besides his owne ground and soylie and of this sort are ●ig-trees quince-trees and pom●gran●t-trees When a man is disposed to pricke downe some small sprig of a Mulberrie Figge Quince Cornell Pomegranat and Plum-tree or many sprigs of all these kinds and their diuers sorts he must cut them off betwixt the first of Nouember and the later end of December or a little after and he must see that these his sprigs be faire and well fauoured ones hauing a sound barke full of little eyes and as thicke as a sticke or thicker He must chuse such as be streight and full of moysture consisting of one onely rodd and of young vvood as of some three or foure yeares old and that they haue also as much old vvood as they haue young and they must be sharpened like a stake for the value of the length of halfe a foot but the bare must be left on vpon one side that their end which you meane to put into the ground must be writhen and steept in vvater or else you must cleaue it a little in quarters and make it stand vvide open and gape vvith a beane in the cleft or else some 〈◊〉 little small stone put in the middest thereof and so pricke it downe in the earth a foot d●●pe or else let it in a little-boxe of pease full of water and so put them all into the ground together The braunches must be gathered vpon a tree that is a good handfull thicke and hath borne fruit they must likewise be verie ●ound and they may be watered with a pipe which goeth downe vnto the root Obserue and marke 〈◊〉 the place nature of the soyle and aspect or scituation of the tree from whence you haue gathered the branch to pricke it downe on the same side the like soyle and the same scituation and lay vpon it some Elder-tree if so be that you would not haue it 〈◊〉 shoot vp into a tall tree but to continue alwaies low the braunches being such they will take the better and not breake in the gathering To plant the Figge-tree after the manner of the Genowais which shall beare fruit within three yeares after and it may be thus planted all Sommer time there must be taken a Figge-tree branch that hath borne fruit two or three yeares and that 〈◊〉 hauing leaues and fruit vpon it or not it must be sharpened and cut biace and p●icked thicke about that end which shall be set into the ground and afterward planted in a pit halfe a foot deepe in such sort as that the top of it may abide aboue the ground with
three or foure of the little eyes and be cou●●ed with straw for 〈◊〉 daies and watered euerie one of those sixe daies afterward let it be vncouered because by this time it will haue put forth and in the end of the yeare towards the moneth of Februarie you must cut off that which is put forth close by the earth and after that 〈◊〉 will shoot so mightily as that it will beare fruit the second yeare CHAP. VII Of the manner of making Siences for to plant FOr to make Siences of diuers sorts which you may plant and set ●●●●ding as you shall haue need cut in the Winter some great tree if it begin to be yellow or vvaxe bleake and pale and whereof you 〈◊〉 haue increase saw off some stockes of the thickest braunches into ●●●choons about the length of a foot and make a furrow in some verie far ground and of that depth as that you may set your ●●uncheons in them endwaies the earth cast vpon and courering them some three or foure fingers and prouiding that being thus 〈◊〉 in this furrow they may stand halfe a foot one from another couer them well and vvater them in Sommer if there be need and weed them verie well its space of time they will put forth ●iences which you may remoue when they haue taken root●●● two or three yeares but and if they haue not as then any roots set them good and deepe into good earth that so you may cause their roots to grow And these ●iences will p●● forth other which will likewise serue Marke it that all trees that put forth 〈◊〉 if you cut them in Winter they will shoot out aboundance of ●iences all which will be good to be planted The barberie redde corant and goose-berrie-trees are planted likewise in Winter vpon ●iences that come out of their roots and they must haue some hairy 〈◊〉 but and if they haue no roots there must some be procured to grow out of them CHAP. VIII Of planting of shoots of a yeares growth PRopagating or planting of Trees is fittest for such as haue beene planted of siences and such as doe put forth siences and small shoots from their roots for this causeth them to beare a more beautifull fruit and more aboundantly and more durable because they attract and draw a greater quantitie of iuice out of the earth For this cause Plum-trees Cherrie-trees Pomegranate-trees and all other Garden-trees that are wont to be grafted vpon wild ones would be propagated or planted for in as much as the wild one doth not draw such and so much iuice as the grafted tree doth require it is necessarie that it should be planted As and if a sweet Cherrie-tree should be grafted vpon a wild Cherrie-tree or one that beareth verie sowre Cherries such a Cherrie-tree would not continue and last long neither indeed will it beare anie sweet Cherries if it be not planted a yeare or two after that it is grafted and the reason hereof is because the wild Cherrie-tree draweth not iuice ynough to cause the tree to grow and withall the iuice which it doth draw is not so familiar or fit to bring forth and nourish sweet Cherries There are foure sorts of planting or propagating as in laying of shoots or little branches whiles they are yet tender in some pit made at their foot as shall be said hereafter or vpon a little ladder or in a basket of earth tied to the bottome of the branch or in boaring a Willow through and putting the branch of the tree into the hole as shall be fully declared in the Chapter of Grafting There are likewise di●ers seasons for to propagate in but the best is in the Spring and March when the trees are in flowers and begin to grow lustie The young planted siences or little grafts must be propagated in the beginning of Winter a foot deepe in the earth and good manure mingled amongst the earth which you shall cast forth of the pit wherein you meane to propagate it to tumble in vpon it againe In like manner the superfluous siences must be cut close by the earth when as they grow about some speciall impe which wee meane to propagate for they would doe nothing but rot For to propagate you must digge the earth round about the tree that so the roots may be in a manner halfe layd bare afterward draw into length the pit on that side where you meane to propagate and according as you perceiue that the roots will be best able to yeeld and be gouerned in the same pit so vse them and that with all gentlenesse and stop close your sience in such sort as that the wreath which is in the place where it was grafted may be a little lower than the sience of the new wood growing out of the earth euen so high as it possibly may be If the tree that you would propagate should be somewhat thicke and thereby the harder to plie and somewhat stiffe to lay in the pit then you may cut the stocke almost to the middest betwixt the root and the wrythen place and so with gentle handling of i● to bow ●owne into the pit the wood which the grafts haue put forth and that in as round a compasse as you can keeping you from breaking of it afterward lay ouer the cut with gummed wax or with grauell and sand If there be manie siences and impes in the plant which you would encrease multiplie and propagate and that all of them by hap or casualtie doe breake in propagating of them the remedie will be to set the tree straight vp and to couer the roots ●gaine with the earth that was about them before and which you had taken away and then to cut all the broken siences a little vnder where they are broken and to lea●e them so vntill another yeare when they shall haue put forth new shoots which the Winter following you may propagate but and if of all those siences there remaine some one not broken goe forward and propagate it cutting close by the ground some of the wrythen place and of those shoots which are not broken In propagating of them see that you lay good quantitie of the siences of your branches into the pit couch them there verie round couering them with the earth which you cast vp in making the pit after that you haue first mixt it with good fat ●ould and tread it downe by little and little aboue and looke that none of the said siences doe rise againe after you haue so troden them downe This being done 〈◊〉 right vp all the ends which shall come out of the earth and that so high as you can and to 〈◊〉 them rest for three or foure yeare before you furrow them euen vntill the 〈…〉 taken earth and be alreadie become full of hairie strings you must prickestickes about them for to handsome them taking heed that you breake them not Three or foure yeares after you must doe the earth
Almond and vvith a brasse pen or otherwise vvrite vpon the rinde of the Almond vvhat you please but doe it not too deepe afterward put the Almond againe into his stone vvrapping the said stone about vvith paper or parchment and so plant it and the fruit growing thereupon vvill be vvritten and ingrauen To make Peaches redd seuen dayes after you haue set the Peach stone take it out of the earth againe and vvithin the opening of the shell put some Vermillion or Cinnabrium and then set it again It will fall out likewise after the same manner if you graft the great Peach vpon the red Rose-tree or vpon the Almond-tree 〈◊〉 vpon the red damaske Plum-tree you may also make the Peach of such other colour as you will if according to the manner aforesaid you put such colour as you would haue it of within the shell of the kernell To preuene that Peaches doe not become withered and rotten you must take away the barke of the stocke of the Peach-tree that so there may issue out from 〈◊〉 some small quantitie of moisture after you must draw the place ouer with m●tter mixt with straw Pearce the bodie of the Peach-tree below and take away the pith and fasten within it a stopple of Willow or Corneile-tree and then you shall haue Peaches without any stone Pomegranat-trees will proue verie fruitfull if you annoint the stocke of the Tree with purcelaine and spurge stamped together Of an Almond-tree that is hard and bitter you shall make a soft and sweet if you bare the stocke euen vnto the roots which lie shallowest in the ground and water them oft during certaine daies with warme water before that it bloslome and thus the Almonds that before were bitter will become sweet To make good Muscadell Take an yron wyre and put it in the plant of a stocke which is cut with three eyes vsing the meanes to haue all the pith forth after which fill vp the said stocke with Nurmegs stopping it so therewithall that the water may not get in and the rootes that these three eyes shall beare will bee Muscadell rootes That nut will haue a ve ie tender shell and a verie thicke kernell in whose foote stocke and rootes there are put ashes To cause a Nut-tree that beareth no leaues before Midsommer vpon Midsommers euen to put forth both leaues and fruit together and withall to haue his fruit ripe and readie to care as soone as any other fill a pot with greene Nuts gathered the said Midsommer euen and make a hole in the bottome of the pot that the water may runne out putting it after that vpon the said Midsommers euen into the earth Plant the shootes that come of these and you shall find the thing before spoken of The grafting which is performed to a graft vpon a tree correspondent and 〈◊〉 to the nature of the graft proueth of most beautifull growth and most fruitfull and his fruit most durable which falleth not out when this correspondencie synpadne and fellowship is wanting and this is the cause why the Peach-tree though better being grafted in the plum-tree than elsewhere and the Peare-plum-tree in the Almond-tree and there continue a longer time If the eyelet of the Peare-plum-tree and of the Almond-tree be grafted together the kernell of the fruit which commeth thereof will be an Almond The Plum-tree grafted vpon the Almond-tree beareth a fruit like vnto the Almond and if it be grafted in the Nut-tree the rind or huske will be like vnto the nut huske or rind but within it will be a plum Againe if it be grafted vpon a quince-tree it will bring forth a fruit of a diuers fashion according to the nature thereof Graft a Plum-tree graft or any other fruit trees graft vpon the figge-tree and you shall haue your fruit to grow without blossoming Graft the grafts of an apple-tree vpon a ●owre peare and vpon the Richardine apple-tree and you shall haue apples of a yel●●● or straw colour and of the chesur-tree to haue such as will last vnto Nouember you must graft them vpon a quinc●-tree and other late trees and so they will be for to keepe two yeares Take two grafts of apple-trees the one sowre and the other sweet and joyne them close together when you shall graft them the apple will raste both of the one and other fauour as we haue said before If any tree bring forth his fruit late or if it be altogether barren and without fruit and yet full of both leafe and vvood set in the middest of his maine roots 〈◊〉 else in the middest of his stocke about Winter a wedge of greene-wood 〈…〉 yere following it will beare fruit The reason is because by the meanes of 〈…〉 the sap and substance which wandred abroad and imployed it selfe about the bearing of leaues and increase of wood will draw in it selfe and goe a closer and neerer way to worke conuerting his seruice to the making of fruit You shall haue Cherries on many Trees which will be good to eat vnto Nouember if you graft the Cherrie-tree vpon a reclaymed Mulberrie-tree and vpon a wild one If you desire that the fruit of your grafts should increase in goodnesse and furpasse the tast of the common grafts as they are when they are grafted you must first before you graft them steepe them in honie tempered with Rose-water so long as till they be throughly moistened and then grafting them draw them o●er afterward in steed of morter with Virgins-wax and other things fit to lute withall if after this manner you graft Medlar-trees on Goose-berrie-bushes and vpon naturalized mulberrie-trees and withall in the grafting wet your graft in honie you shall haue a hastier or earlier and better fruit Graft Chesnur and Calio●-peare-trees vpon a Goose-berrie-bush if you would haue them to beare their fruit earely and vpon the white thorne for to beare it late or else vpon the sowre peare-tree To make apples red you must water the tree with vrine or else plant Rose-trees neere vnto the Apple-trees Peares will haue no stones if at the first you picke away the stones and all other grauell from vnder them verie carefully making the ground where the Tree shall stand free thereof and withall lay vpon it at the roots being planted good store of ●i●ted earth watering it afterward verie diligently but and if the peare-tree be alreadie growne vp and become a perfect Tree you must lay it open to the lowest roots taking away all the stones and grauell that is vnderneath and about it and casting in the earth againe which you cast forth abroad but after that it hath beene ●i●ted and some dung put vnto it seeing that it be watered after you haue so cast in your earth The pomegranat will become verie red if you water the pomegranat-tree with water and lee mingled together The
some part of the stocke close by the earth and put through the hole a wedge of Oake watering it about with mans vrine You shall make bitter Almonds sweet if you lay round about the roots of the Almond-tree Swines dung and Vrine casting much earth vpon it afterward and this yearely or if you bore a hole in the stocke of the tree and put therein a wedge dipe in honey or if as Plinie and Theophrastus say you bore the stocke through and through below and let the sappe runne out Of sweet Almonds you may make sowre ones if you let the beasts browse and crop off the first and tender branches The Almond-tree will be free from all annoyance of fogges if so be there be sm●ll grauell laid vnto the rootes before it blossome and when it shall begin to blossome then to take it away You may haue written Almonds if you breake the shell of an Almond veri● finely without doing anie harme to the kernell whereupon hauing written what you thinke good wrap vp the shell and kernell in paper and so set it well couered with dyrt and Swines dung Almonds are gathered when their huskes gape through the force of the Sunne and hauing beat them downe if you shell them altogether and wash them in salt brine they will become white and will keepe a long time prouided that before you lay them vp to keepe you drie them in the Sunne Their huskes will be easily taken off from them if you spread them vpon straw The place to keepe them well must be drie whether it be Coffer Presses or Garner and if the number be great that you would keepe you must see that the place haue good store of ayre and be lying open to the North wind The bitter Almonds haue power to resist drunkennesse as Plutarch witnesseth of a certaine Physition which did vse to drinke out all commers and not be drunken himselfe and that by eating fiue or six bitter Almonds before he did drinke but they kill Hennes and Chickens if they eat them The bitter Almond bruised and rubbed or layed to the browes and temples doe appease the head-ach and procure s●eepe especially if you put vnto it water of Veruaine The vse of sweet Almonds is good for them which are troubled with clammie fleame in their throat or which haue weake lungs and are subiect to the grauell in the reines or difficultie of vrine as also to restore natures force and to make men apt to venerie The gumme of the Almond-tree doth quickly stay the spetting of bloud yea the daily vse sufficiently sheweth how profitable this fruit is for it serueth all the yeare long for the making of Almond milke Potage Pennets Marchpanes and other such daintie deuises CHAP. XXII Of the Peach-tree Abricot-tree Spanish Peach-tree Peach-Plum-tree bastard Peach-tree and the small Peach-tree PEach-trees are planted of their stone setting it two fingers within the ground and the small end thereof vpward it delighteth in sandie places in drie places and where the Sunne hath his full force but in cold moist and windie places it dieth presently if it be not defended from ●he said inconueniences You must set the stone with the sharpe end turned into the ●round and when it is in the earth digge it battle and stirre vp the earth about it at ●he foot at the least thrice a yeare you must allow it dung a fat soyle and a small ●ould and that a little before Winter come and especially Swines dung which ma●eth it to grow more thicke than anie other sort of dung or batling by this meanes ●ou shall haue good Peaches thicke ones and fleshie You must likewise weed them ●ft after when it is two yeares old you must remoue it and lay it along in his pit ●uen after the manner that they vse Vines letting one onely bough stand out of the ●arth which may grow to serue for the stocke and bodie and thus it will continue ●ong by reason of the great number of roots which it will haue both to stay it as a ●oundation and to feed it but you must cut off the longest branch and that which 〈◊〉 the straightest of all the other which is the thing that would be diligently practised ●pon all fruit trees because that it is the thing which keepeth them from bearing ●ore and aboundance of fruit It is not to be grafted out of it selfe if you will haue it ●xcellent howbeit to make it last the longer in as much as it soone waxeth old it is ●ood to graft it vpon a bitter Almond-tree damaske Prune-tree or Quince-tree but 〈◊〉 otherwise than scutcheon or flu●e-like It must be watered at euenings in hot weather with coole water and sometimes with water mingled with the lees of wine especially when it withereth and beginneth to fall away as also to remedie it when it is in danger of fainting and drying you must lop it and cut away all the boughes as is wont to be done with Willowes when they are headed for by that means they become lustie and frolike and to haue as manie boughes as they had before It must also be s●ayed vpon some Pole or Willow because his roots be verie tender small and not creeping farre into the earth likewise we see that the Peach-tree doth grow old and fall away incontinently It beareth a diuers fruit as well in colour and tast as in substance and this diuersitie commeth for the most part of the ground but principally of the husbanding of them And that it is thus the Peach-trees that are planted or grafted vpon Vines bring forth Peaches of a better tast and more solide substance the Peach-tree grafted vpon a Mulberrie-tree bringeth forth Peaches that haue red flesh the Peach-tree grafted vpon a Nut-tree doth beare Peaches with huskes like Nuts whose tree is but small and hath leaues like vnto the Almond-tree and a reddish flower It is true that such a tree may become such a one of it selfe as we see infinitely in France The Peach-tree grafted vpon an Almond-tree beareth Peaches which haue a kernell like vnto the Almond but the rind and the flesh like vnto the Peach There may as much be said of Abricots called of the Latines Praeocia or Armeniaca of Spanish Peaches Medlar-tree bastard Peach-tree and small Peaches which are kinds of trees agreeing much with the Peach all which are verie tender in frost especially the grafted Abricot-tree and it continueth not past halfe the time of the Peach-tree all of them are subiect to be spoyled of the cold snowes frosts and fogges which happen after that they are blossomed but to keepe them from these dangers it will be good to graft them vpon the Quince-tree or Almond-tree all of them will beare great fruit if when they blossome they be watered with Goats milke Concerning the particular vertues of the Peach-tree see more aboue in the nineteen●● Chapter of this Booke The flowers of the Peach-tree are
excellent good against melancholie and the wormes if you make syrrups thereof of seuen or eight infusions to be taken fasting The gumme of the Peach-tree is taken with good successe in the spetting of bloud with the water of Plantaine or Purcelane for the cough and difficultie of breathing with Hydromel or the decoction of Folefoot for the grauell and stone with the 〈◊〉 of Radishes Citrons or white Wine the weight of two drammes The leaues stamped and applyed vnto the belly doe kill wormes the iuice thereof dropt into the 〈◊〉 doth the like the kernels eaten take away the wringings of the belly eaten to the number of six or seuen in the beginning of meat they preuent drunkennesse 〈◊〉 and boyled in vineger to the forme of a broth and after rubbed in place con●enient they hinder the falling of the haire stamped and made in forme of milke with the water of Veruaine and ●ubd about the browes and temples they cease the head-ach the oyle made by expression ceaseth the paines of the eares and 〈◊〉 the Collicke and Sciatica He that hath regard of his health must not vse these fruits but as sparingly as he can possibly and fasting rather than otherwise because they corrupt easily in the stomacke but aboue all things they may not be eaten dipped or steeped in wine because wine correcteth them not as some thinke but rather causeth that their 〈◊〉 pierceth the more suddainely and easily into the veines The Peaches of Corbeil●●● counted for the best hauing a drie and solide pulpe and somewhat red not sticking or cleauing anie thing vnto the kernell The Romanes made great accoun● of the Peaches which they called Persica Duracina as doe also the Brittons The least dangerous least subiect to be corrupted and most pleasant are the Abricots which also some haue left out of the number of the kinds of Peaches and placed amongst the Plums as well because of their pleasant smell as for their harmelesnesse and 〈◊〉 both within and without they doe rather resemble the Plum than the Peach The oyle pressed out of their kernell is maruellous good against the Hem●●●● 〈◊〉 and swelling of vlcers and is also vsed as a remedie against the impediments of the speech and paine of the eares CHAP. XXIII Of the small Nut-tree or Hasel-tree THe Hasel-tree which is called the small Nut-tree of the small fruit which it beareth or the Filberd-tree of the great fruit that it beareth groweth in anie aire or ground but it best delighteth in a leane ground that is sandie and moist neere vnto waters or in places that men vse to water because this helpeth them as well in the bringing forth of their fruit in great store as for to make them endure long adde hereto that they put forth and spring in such sort at the root as that thereof one may set as manie as he will in other places When they are sowne they must be put two fingers vnder ground but indeed they grow better of a plant that hath root or of a shoot cut by as and hauing old and new wood as we haue alreadie declared in the sixt chapter They are planted in October and Nouember in a warme and temperate place or in Februarie and March and it is better to leaue vpon them some boughes when they are set than to set them of one single rod for so they beare the more fruit They must yearely be digged anew at the Spring neere vnto the foot and round about and their shoots all cut away without leaking anie standing saue three or foure for to plant and make thick bushie shadow and the same verie neat and cleane for height not leauing anie branch or bough after three or foure fadome from the top Wherefore if they be oft lopped picked and pruned they will grow the more streight compact and high and will beare better and fairer fruit but otherwise if a man neglect them they runne out all their nourishment into wood and leaues without fruit Their fruit is called the small Nut or Filberd The Filberd of hot Countries where such trees are called Filberd-trees is more round and fleshie than the French small Nut and it is a fruit verie easily dried and made yellow But and if you would keepe it fresh and white almost all the yeare long shut it vp close in an earthen pot and set them in the earth and when it is thus kept it bringeth not so much annoyance with it as otherwise it would for it naturally procureth drowsie headach and inflammation of the stomacke I know not by what obseruation of our ancestors this speech hath growne common amongst the people That the yeare which yeeldeth plentie of Nuts doth also yeeld manie mariages Both the little Nut-tree as also his fruit haue a certaine contrarie vertue against venimous beasts for if you hang a cluster of small Nuts in anie part of the house no Scorpion or venimous beast will enter thereinto but slie away presently The Countrey people haue likewise marked in all ages that the Serpent Lizard or other venimous beast dieth presently hauing beene stricken with a branch staffe or rod of the Hasel-tree And it is no maruell seeing Nut kernels eaten with Figges and Rue doe resist venime and the biting of venimous beasts The best small Nuts and Filberds and those which haue red shells and which are hardly broken The raw shell finely powdred and drunke with water of Carduus Benedictus doth heale the pleurisie in the beginning thereof being drunke to the quantitie of two drammes with red wine it stayeth the flux of the belly and the whites It is true that for the flux of the belly and whites ●he red part of the kernell which sticketh vnto the shell within is a great deale better and more forcible The Filberd nourisheth a great deale better than the Nut as being ● closer but not so fat a substance CHAP. XXIIII Of the Cherrie-tree sweet Cherrie-tree bitter Cherrie-tree and the hart Cherrie-tree IT is apparant that common Cherrie-trees sweet Cherrie-trees bitter Cherrie-trees and hart Cherrie-trees are sorts of trees agreeing in manie things for they all delight to grow in a cold and moist ground or else altogether indifferent betwixt hot and cold for a hot ayre they 〈◊〉 hardly endure and so likewise they refuse to haue anie dung because it ouer-heatech them and is contrarie vnto them and for this cause they must neuer be planted in a manured ground Notwithstanding if you so temper the dung as that it may not be ouer-hot for them it cannot ●urt them to be dunged no more than as wee will shew by and by to haue vnquench● 〈◊〉 laid to their feet to has●en their fruit but this is true that if you dung them yearely that then you shall not haue them of anie lo●g continuance They delight rather to haue their roots compassed with small branches and the broken parts of their owne siences or small lumpes and gobbets cut from their owne
small branches for in these they greatly reioyce and profit mightily ●●uing them in stead of dung You may either digge the kernell into the ground and burie it or else plant of the siences neere the tops of hills and mountaines whether 〈◊〉 be in a high or low place in October Nouember December and Ianuarie You may graft them in Nouember or according to Palladius from the twelfth day of December vnto the first of Februarie The best is to graft them in Februarie and in March albeit that it be the best cutting of all trees that yeeld gumme when the gumme is not yet rising or after it is quite gone downe and returned from whence it rise Lastly Cherrie-trees neuer thriue so well being nothing done vnto but planted as when they are gra●●ed they delight to haue their dried branches often weeded out from themselues and the siences growing at their foot they delight also to be set in hole● and pits that are digged and cast and to be often digged about And if you would haste● and cause them to bring forth their fruit sooner you must lay Quicke lime to the foot of them or else water their roots often with warme water but then such fruit is 〈◊〉 altered and made worse retaining but little of his naturally goodnesse euen as 〈◊〉 will proue and find by the hastie Cherries which the inhabitants of Poictiou send 〈◊〉 vpon horsebacke They may be grafted vpon the Plum-tree and Corneile-tree but best vpon one of their owne kind in such sort as that sweet Cherrie-trees being grafted vpon 〈◊〉 Cherrie-trees doe beare a more soft Cherrie than those are which grow vpon sweet Cherrie-trees grafted into sweet Cherrie-trees Cherries grow fairest vpon small Cherrie-trees and more plentifully also than they doe vpon high and tall ones Wherefore who so shall graft the small Cherrie-tree vpon the great shall procure greater store of fruit and more thicke ones such as are the wild Cherries and also 〈◊〉 haue more store of great boughs than those trees haue which doe but as it were 〈◊〉 on the earth In like manner if when you graft them you set the bud and the 〈◊〉 of the graft below the boughes that grow forth thereupon will fall out after 〈◊〉 like manner The Coeurs and Agriots may be grafted vpon the common sweet Cherrie-tree but better vpon wild ones than vpon garden ones We must therefore acknowledge eight sorts of Cherries growing vpon Cherrie-trees that is to say those which are properly Cherries hauing a verie short stalke round apple being also red fleshi●● full of iuice sharpe and hauing a sweet kernell wild Cherries which haue but a li●tle flesh on them but are red also on that side toward the Sunne and white on the other side the stone clea●ing to the flesh blacke Cherries whose iuice is so blacke as that it coloureth the hands and lippes bitter Cherries which are somewhat of a bitter tast whereof they haue their name Guyens Cherries so called because their first originall was in Guyenne they are long ones and manie hanging together at one stalke they are also verie sweet Piugarres and these are grosse thicke ones white hauing a hard flesh but sweet and cleauing vnto the kernell Coeurs which are like vnto a mans heart as well without as within their kernall some doe call these Cherries Heaumes and the Cherry-tree Heaumier especially in the Countrey of Aniou Agri●ts which are ripe last of all are sharpe relished and endure carriage farre off and they are also the same which are wont to be preserued Of the speciall properties and vertues of the Cherry and Cherry-tree see the nine●●enth chapter of this Booke wherein is declared how the Cherry may be made to grow without anie stone If the Cherry-tree be hurt of Pis●●ires you must rubbe his stocke with the iuice of Purcelane if it be too full of sappe you must make a hole in the principall root Cherries how faire soeuer they be yet they are of small nourishment beget ●uill humours in the stomack and wormes in the bodie and such are those especially which ●re called Coeurs The sharpe sweet Cherries are verie delicate fit to preserue with Sugar as well for such as are found as for them which are sicke The bitter Cherries ●re good raw but better drie and in sawces pastes and tart stuffe The sweet Cher●ies are chiefely commended in that they make the bodie soluble as the sharpe or ●ager ones doe bind it coole it and temper the heat of choler The gumme of Cherry-tree drunke with white wine doth breake the stone as well of the reines as of the ●ladder The water of Cherries newly gathered being distilled with a gentle fire and taken at the mouth in the quantitie of halfe an ounce doth put off the fit of the ●alling sicknesse a thing verie happily and with good successe tryed in manie as Manardus assureth vs. CHAP. XXV Of the Quince-tree ALl Quince-trees as well that of the Garden as the wild one and of the Garden ones as well the male as the female desireth a cold ground and especially that which is moist withall notwithstanding that we haue seene them as well to grow in the places lying open to the Sunne as at Con●lans a place belonging to Monsieur de Ville-roy neere vnto Paris but yet indeed not farre off from a Riuer and this kind of tree doth so much craue to haue the companie of moisture as that if the time fall out drie the necessitie thereof must be ●upplyed by watering of it and if for want of moist and waterish ground it be set 〈◊〉 a drie ground or in a stonie or clayie ground it must then also be often refreshed with water and must also be vnder-digged and laboured about the foot that so the ●●●et of the night may pierce and sinke downe vnto the roots that so it may bring ●orth good fruit and good store thereof When it is planted of rootes it grow●●th so well as that the second yeare it beareth fruit but it beareth not so soone when it is planted of branches It would be planted during the encrease of the Moone in the moneths of Februarie or Nouember This tree is verie commonly vsed to graft other trees vpon because they being grafted thereupon doe continue and endure longer and beare a more delicate fruit than if they were grafted vpon trees of their owne kind The best time for the gathering of this fruit is in the moneth of October when that blasting comes and it groweth to be of a golden colour for this is a signe that it is ripe and this must bee in cleare and faire weather and in the decrease of the Moone and then you must cleanse it from the mossie hoarinesse that is vpon it and lay them out orderly in the Sunne vpon hurdles If the Quince-tree make anie shew of being sicke you must water it with the ●●●lings of oyle mingled with equall quantitie of water or else with Quicke lime
make candles in such countries as where the oyle is much in request as in Mirebalois and thereabout it affordeth a gristle betwixt the two halfes of the kernell which being dried in the shadow after that the kernell is once perfected and afterward made into powder and drunke with a 〈◊〉 draught of red vvine doth by and by assuage the paine of the colicke as also the fruit comming of it when it is worth nothing but to make refuse and outcastings of as the nut growne old and all hoarie ceas●th not notwithstanding to doe good seruice for and if you burne it lightly or squeese it out easily with a hot yr●● the oyle that then wil come forth of it is singular good to take away blewnesse of strokes whether about the eyes or elsewhere in the face or other part of the bodie the old 〈◊〉 serueth also for other vses as shall be said by and by The wood of the walnut tree is good and handsome to put in worke when you would make any faire and 〈◊〉 worke because it is listed and smooth of his owne nature The small buds of the walnut-tree called of he Latins Iuli appearing in March being dried and after powdred and drunke with white vvine the weight of a French crowne are exceedingly good in the suffocation of the matrix The oyle of the nut drunke to the quantitie of fiue or sixe ounces doth cure the colicke if you mixe a little quicke lime amongst the oyle of nuts it will make a singular liniment for the swellings and shortnesse of the sinews The old oyle of walnuts cureth the falling of the haire called Tinea If you pill off the greene pillings of the walnuts and cast them into water and after cast this vvater vpon the ground there will grow from thence great store of wormes good for fishers if you boyle the pillings in a c●ldron after they be fall●● from the Tree as opening of themselues and rubbe any kind of white wood whatsoeuer with this water it will turne to the colour of the Walnut-tree but more faire and beautifull Some steepe the barke of the roots of Walnut-trees in vinegar and after lay it vpon the wrests of such as haue the ague This draweth out all the heat of the ague but it swelleth the skin of the wrest Some make a soueraigne mithridate against the plague as we haue said in the chapter of rue with two old walnuts three figges twentie leaues of rue and one graine of salt The walnut closed vp in a hen or capon set to the fire to roast causeth the said hen or capon to be the sooner roasted The distilled vvater of vnripe Walnuts gathered about Midsommer is singular good to driue away tertian agues if one take about some foure or fiue ounces of it The Walnut either new or drie but yet the drie somewhat lesse is of hard digestion causeth head-ach and hurteth the cough and short breath and therefore it must be vsed sparingly steepe whole walnuts pillings and shells and all in a sufficient quantitie of water vntill such time as that their shell be sufficiently softned and moistened and that the kernell may be pilled easily from the thin filme that couereth it ouer as it falleth out in greene walnuts this done take the kernells so pilled and let them steepe in a pot vvell couered in verie good Aqua-vitae giue two daies after two or three of these kernells whole to a woman that cannot haue her termes for the space of eight or nine daies before her accustomed time of hauing her termes and that in the morning and after that she hath purged This medicine hath neuer a match in prouoking of the termes that are stayed and it is a thing well proued And as for the manner of keeping and preseruing of them we will speake in his fit place If the same day that you haue beene bitten of a dogge which you doubt to haue beene madde you put vpon the biting an old nut well brayed and after take it away and cast it to a hungrie cock or hen if the same eating it die not it is a signe that the dogge which did bite you was not madde but and if it die then it is a signe that he was madde and therefore the sore must be looked vnto as is meet within three daies CHAP. XXXIIII Of the Oliue-tree NOw we come to speak of the Oliue-tree which is for the most part small thicke of leaues and round for there are some sorts also that haue great branches dispersed here and there out of order both the one and the other sort are contented with a shallow ground for in many places they grow vpon the thin green swarth or turfe that couereth the rocks vpon the ground hanging vpon the sides of some great steeres thus you may see how the oliue-tree disposeth of it selfe euerie where how vnfitting and vnlikely soeuer that the ground be prouided that it haue a warme ayre and Easterly or Southerly wind at command He that would carefully appoint it out such a plot as the vine would require might erre in many places for the oliue-tree is not so much to be regarded in respect of his soyle and seat at the vine for it contenteth it selfe with a great deale lesse than the vine vvill If you giue it ground that is good and fat earth and the Sunne and Winds which it delighteth in in other places doubt not but it will doe as the Spaniard who pleaseth himselfe with as good as nothing when he knoweth not how to amend himselfe or do better and performeth his seruice therewithall but if he come where he may but haue the smell of it he is stuffed as full as the greatest 〈◊〉 in all Lymosin so the Oliue-tree being once seised in his tallance of a good piece of ground contenteth it selfe and beareth fruit handsomely As concerning the planting of it vpon the North in hot Countries and there searing it vpon the toppes of mountaines or lesser hills or vpon the South in cold Countries these are but troubles and paines without anie great foundation for as concerning cold Countries there is no talke to be had of growing of Oliue-trees in them and as concerning hot Co●●tries there is neither taking nor leauing of quarters or coasts in respect of this tree The Oliue-tree doth encrease it selfe by shoots which it putteth forth at the soot● for being pulled vp vnhurt and planted elsewhere they grow vp verie speedily And to prepare them a faire place to grow in you must digge them pits where you mind to set them a yeare before hand of foure foot depth and if you cannot haue holes made readie for them so long before but must be constrained to set them downe in new digged ones then you must season and purifie the said holes by burning of the leaues and some small branches of the Oliue-tree therein or else some straw at the least for the fire
it causeth a good memorie taketh away the paine of the teeth breaketh the stone healeth the dropsie preserueth from venime such as haue swallowed any spider if it be drunke presently after The water of Gentian Take foure pound of the new rootes or rather of the dried rootes of Gentian chop them small infuse them in wine or besprinkle them only then afterward distill them This water is singular against the plague all sorts of venime the stone as well of the reines as of the bladder and to heale inward Apostumes and vlcers The vvater of pellitorie Take the rootes of pellitorie new or old cut them small and infuse them in verie good Wine the water is good for no appease the ach of the teeth to strengthen them and keepe them cleane if the mouth be washed therewith in the morning or else when it seemeth good to doe it To make water of eye-bright Take the leaues and flowers of eye-bright distill them the water thereof doth cleare the sight The vvater of Nicotian is distilled as the other going before but of this vve haue largely discoursed in the second Booke and haue shewed that it hath maruellous effects against the Noli me tangere cankers ringwormes scabs shortnesse of breath and the dropsie In this sort also you must distill Paules betonie the vvater whereof is singular to heale wounds scabbes and other diseases of the skinne The vse of this vvater is ve●●e excellent for the leprosie pestilent feauers obstructions of the liuer and spleene and exulceration of the lungs In this sort also is Mouse-●are distilled whereof vve ●●ue spoken in his place in the second Booke The vvater of hyssope must be distilled vpon hote ashes it is excellent for the paine of the teeth to prouoke vvomens termes for the cough and other diseases of the lungs The water of turneps Take whole turneps with their skins and all or else the skin alone you shall distill a water especially of the pilling or skin which will be profi●able to prouoke vrine and sweat●ng Water of lymons or the juice of them doth helpe verie profitably in the stone of 〈◊〉 reines The water of fennell Take the rootes and leaues and distill them or else boyle ●hem in water afterward put them all hot into a tin or copper platter and couer the 〈◊〉 vvith another platter the liquor vvhich shall be vpon the vppermost platter ●hall be kept in a viole to put a drop or two thereof into the corner of the eye for the ●iseases of the eye Water of parsley of the garden Stampe in a morter the leaues of parsely then di●till them it cleanseth the stomacke and comforteth the reines After the same manner are distilled the waters of smallage basill buglosse mi●es cammomile marigolds Carduus benedictus clarie succorie capillus Vene●i● che●uile end●ue aller fumitorie broome Iuie horse-taile lauander marierom mehlo● mallowes holihocke vvater lillies nigella organie pionie poppie pellitorie of the wall burnet plantaine purcelaine penniryall rue rosemarie madder sage sauorie scabious scolopendrium nightshade houseleeke willow leaues groundswell thyme white mulleine tansey valerian veruaine of the flowers and leaue● of the stinging nettle as well as of the dead nettle and of many other plants obseruing the generall precepts which we haue set downe before This is the manner of distilling cinnamome Take a pound of fine cinnamome breake it lightly and infuse it a certaine time in the distilled water of Roses the quant●tie of foure pounds and of verie good white wine halfe a pound after put it all into a glasse-still to be distilled either vpon hot ashes or else in Maries-bath such water is forcible against all cold diseases especially of the stomacke spleene liuer braine matrix sinews faintings and swo●nings to prouoke the termes of women and retayned vrine to stay vomits to represse the malignitie of all sorts of cold venime and for the deliuerie of wo●en that are in trauell of child Rose-water is distilled either of new roses or of drie roses and they are either white or carnation The fashion and manner of distilling of it is diuers for sometimes it is distilled by defluction tending downeward vvhich is called in Latine Distillatio per descensum according to the matter which we shall declare in the seuentie first Chapter hereafter following Sometimes it is distilled by insolation as we will likewise shew in the same place sometimes and that oftest as also best in Maries-bath and before the distilling of it if the roses be drie it is good to moisten them vvith the vapour of some boyling water or some Roses The water which is distilled of red Roses is more cordiall and corroboratiue as that which is made of white roses is more cooling Then to distill good rose-water you must infuse roses in distilled Rose-water or else in the juice drawne from them and that by the space of two or three dayes your vessell being well lured and stopt and afterward put them in a glasse-still couered with his head and they both well luted and fitted one to another and finally set them thus conjoyned in your vessell of Maries-bath Water of Orange-flowers called water of Naffe being distilled by a bell is good to procure vomit as also to make a good smell The water of vvild Apples and of Oke Apples vnripe of chesnuts and of veriuice that is halfe ripe is good against the red pimples and hard knobbes in the face The vvaters of flowers as of Rosemarie vvhich is good to rejoyce the 〈◊〉 of Elder-Tree vvhich keepeth the face cleare from Sunne-burning of Marigolds vvhich comforteth the eyes and such others are distilled after the manner of Rose-water CHAP. LXVI Of the manner of distilling liquors WE haue heretofore declared that the singular and rare efficacie and 〈◊〉 of things distilled haue in such sort rauished and carried away the spirits and studies of men as that there is scarce any thing to be found vvhich hath any good propertie and speciall qualitie in it but it 〈◊〉 beene brought vnder the yoke of distillation But in this place I call liquor all th●● which hath a liquid consistence vvhether it be juice humour excrement or any such like floting thing as vvine vinegar honie vrine juice of hearbes of fruit●● and you cannot but thinke that the juice of hearbes or fruits being distilled doth afford a farre better water than that which is distilled of hearbes yea or of fruits either We will begin therefore with distilled vvine Aqua-vitae is thus distilled notwithstanding that all manner of Wine is fit to make Aqua-vitae of so that it be not sowre spent or otherwise tainted yet indeede the strongest and noblest Claret vvine is the best vvhether pallet and inclining to vvhite or high coloured and inclining to red Take then of claret vvine a certayne quantitie according to the bignes●e of the vessell wherein you distill
Beanes infuse them a day or two in white Wine in a Glasse-violl in the Sunne afterward distill them This water taketh away the spots of the face if it be washed therewith morning and euening The rootes of great Dragons distilled maketh a singular water to take away the prints and marks which the pocks haue left behind them so doth likewise the distilled water of the root of wild Vine of Corneflag Sowbread Costmarie Angelica Elicampane Tutneps wild Cucumbers white Onions Gentian Capers Lillies Madder Alkanet Cinquefoile Crowfoot Tasell and manie other hearbes Water of Guaiacum Take Guaiacum and cut it in small pieces infuse them a certaine time in the decoction of other Guaiacum and a third part of white Wine afterward distill them in a Glasse-Stillitorie The water that shall distill thereof is singular for the taking away of all spots out of the face especially if you ioyne with it in the distilling of it some Lillie rootes The water that is distilled in equall quantitie of the leaues of Peaches and Willowes taketh away the red spots and rubies of the face The water that is distilled in equall quantitie of the whites of egges and iuice of Limons scoureth the face and maketh it faire In stead of this water if you haue not the fit meanes to distill it you shall take seuen or eight Limons or Citrons which you shall cut into quarters and after infuse them in white Wine in the Sunne Another water Take six ounces of the crummes of white bread infuse them in two pound of Goats or Asses milke mingle them diligently together and afterward distill them Water of Snailes Take white Snailes about thirtie of Goats milke two pound of the fat of a Pigge or Kid three ounces of the powder of Camphire a dramme distill them in a Glasse-Stillitorie Water of the whites of egges Take the whites of new egges about twelue fine Cinnamome an ounce and Asses milke twelue ounces distill all in a Glasse-Stillitorie This water maketh a woman looke gay and fresh as if shee were but fifteene yeares old Water of Calues feet Take the feet of a Calfe and taking away their skinne and hooues of their hoofes cut the rest in pieces that is to say the bones sinewes and marrow and so distill them This water maketh the face Vermillion like and taketh away the blemishes of the small Pocks A singular water to make one white Take the dung of small Lizards or of the Cuttle fish the Tartar of white Wine the shauing of Harts-horne white Corall the flower of Rice as much of one as of another beat them a long time in a Mortar to make them into fine powder afterward infuse them a night in an equall portion of the distilled water of sweet Almonds Snailes of the Vine and white Mulleine and put thereunto likewise the like weight of white Honey distill all together in a Stillitorie Water of bread crummes compounded Take the crummie part of Barly bread indifferent betwixt white and blacke two pounds of Goats milke three pounds of white Wine halfe a pound of the foure great cold seeds of each two ounces of the flowers of Beanes or dried Beanes and Cich Pease of each two pound of Rice halfe a pound of the flowers of water Lillies and white Roses of each two pugill● the whites and yolkes of twentie egges distill them all in Maries bath and the water will be a great deale more excellent if you put vnto the distillation some Venice Turpentine Water of the broth of a Capon Take of the broth of a Capon Henne or Pullet three pound of the iuice of Limons one pound of white vineger halfe a pound of the flowers of Beanes and water Lillies of each three pugills the whites of two or three egges the weight of two French crownes of Camphire distill them all This water is of a maruellous vertue to take away the spots and staines of the face and other parts of the bodie The water of Branne Take Branne the best that you can find sift it diligently and afterward temper it with strong vineger put them into a Still and cast vpon them tenne or twelue yolkes of egges distill them all This water maketh the face cleane glistening and verie faire Another water Take the flower of Beanes and water Lillies of each a pound of bread crummes Rice flower flowers of Corneflags of each six ounces of Honey a pound of white Wine and water of the fountaine of each three pound let all be well mingled together and afterward distill them in Maries bath Take the rootes of Corneflag and wild Cucumbers of each three pound of the rootes of Holihockes and Lillies of each two pound of ripe Grapes halfe a pound of Beane flowers and leaues of wall Pellitorie of each a pugill of water Lillies and Mallowes of each a handfull of the crummes of Barly bread a pound infuse it all in white Wine or in the household store of Goats milke putting to the infusion halfe an ounce of the rootes of Turneps and of the foure great cold seedes another halfe ounce of the vrine of a little girle halfe a pound let all be distilled together This water is singular good to take away freckles scarres the prints of the small pockes and all other spots of the skinne A water vsed amongst the Ladies of the Court to keepe a faire white and fresh in their faces Take a white Pigeon a pint of Goats milke foure ounces of fresh Butter foure pugills of Plantaine and as much of the roots and leaues of Salomons seale 〈◊〉 ounce of Camphire halfe an ounce of Sugar candie and two drammes of Allo●e let all settle together and afterward distill it Another w●ter Take of the crummes of white bread two pound of the flowers of Beanes one pound of white Roses the flowers of water and land Lillies of euerie one two pound of Goats milke six ounces and of the flowers of Cornflag anounce distill all this water is good to keepe the hands cleane and white Take Cowes milke in the moneth of May in other moneths it is not worth ani● thing two pounds foure Oranges and fiue Citrons Roch Allome and fine Sugar of each an ounce cut the Oranges and Citrons into small quarters and infuse them in milke afterward distill them all this water is good to keepe the colour neat fresh Take a certaine number of egges the newest you can get and lay them to steepe in verie strong Vineger three whole dayes and nights afterward pierce them with a pinne in such sort as that you may cause all the water that is within them to come forth and then distilling this water you shall find it excellent to beautifie the face Likewise to wash the face with the water of Almonds or Sheepes or Goats milke or else to lay vpon the face when one goeth to sleepe a white Linnen cloth dipped in these
that some grounds are not so sit and profitable as othersome for the receiuing of Hay-seed as those which through the neerenesse of some great Flouds and Pooles Lakes and great large Waters are oftentimes ouerflowne and couered with aboundance of water which in Winter drowneth the grounds Whereupon it commeth to passe that the hay is nothing fine or delightsome vnto beasts but great and full of stumpie stalk a broad grasse also and nothing pleasing their taste But howsoeuer it is the hay of standing waters ill husbanded and corrupted as also the hay which naturally grow●th thereabout and by the large borders of Lakes is not such as the fine mouthed beast can delight in as neither that which is gathered in grounds bordering vpon the Sea as with the salt and nitrous rellish whereof the appetites of Cattell are ouerthrowne not being accustomed thereunto besides that the verie grasse it selfe is more ranke and vnsauourie than the common sort of grasse is and in taste verie vnlike it Yet this holdeth not generally for these low Medowes and those which border on the Sea are oftentimes the best of all other and feed with greater expedition than any other hay whatsoeuer as witnesseth manie of those salt marishes which are the most chiefe nurceries and bringers forth of fat cattell that are knowne and especially Sheepe which neuer are knowne to rot vpon the same And of all cattell which ●eed vpon hay none is so daintie and choice in its taste as the Sheepe is for hee must haue it both sweet short and soft So that by that beast onely it may be seene that those low Medowes are not euer vnprofitable And indeed to conclude there is not any ground which will beare grasse but by industrie manure and much rest may be brought to beare reasonable good hay if not to feede yet to keepe cattell in good p●●ght and make them goe through with their labours soundly which is as great a profit to the husbandman as the office of grazing and more properly belonging to his profession Wherefore if you would make new Medowes make choice of the best ground you can this ground you shall lay fallow and let lye idle a whole Summer then in Autumne after you shall turne vp and plow the same ground often sowing therein for the first yeare Turneps or Nauets Millet Beanes or Oats and the yeare following with Wheat then the third yeare you shall labour it diligently and sow it with Fetches mixt with Hay-seeds and after this you shall mow and order it as other old Medowes as we will declare by and by Yet for the sowing of these manie Graines so manie yeares one after another it is not altogether so necessarie for though it may be vsed in some barren Countries because Turneps Nauers and Fetches are enrichers and as it were manurings of the ground and the Oates a great breeder of grasse yet if you onely when you intend to lay a ground of grasse doe but the last yeare cast downe the furrowes and lay the lands as flat as you can and then onely sow cleane Oates vpon the same it will be as fully sufficient as all the former labour and altogether as fruitfull if the husbandman slacke not his labour herein but giue it such needfull seconds as the soyle shall require CHAP. III. What manner of Husbandrie is required about Medowes SVch as obstinately defend and maintaine that there is not anie paines or labour to be vsed about Medowes seeme vnto me vnder correction void of all sound iudgement for euerie where in processe of time the earth becommeth wearie and standeth in need to be refreshed in some parts of it yea to be sowne againe and fashioned if need be especially in feeding grounds and Medowes appointed for pasture for horned beasts for such cattell as beare Wooll doe not desire wa●●ie places as Medowes would be but being contented with Shepheards graze along by the wayes and vpon the plowed grounds And as for your heards of young Horses and Asses they feed naturally and commodiously with your other cattell Yea furthermore I haue seene in Campaine as it should be about Pont vpon Seine a Medow countrey the Geese and Turkies daily and ordinarily driuen to the pasture for the sauing of charges at home which thing would not agree well about the places of Monfort l'Amaurye where is kept some part of the Kings breed of Horses and Mares for the downe and other feathers of those fowles as also their dung would make these sorts of beasts sicke euen Horse Mare Mule or Asse Besides according to the opinion of all good husbandmen these fowles are of all creatures the most preiudiciall that may be not onely to Medow grounds but also to all manner of Pas●ure grounds whatsoeuer for besides the annoyance which their feathers and downe make their dung is so poysonous vnto the earth that it makes it barren and forceth it to bring forth nothing but Goose-grasse which is such a sowre and vnwholesome weed that no beast will touch it and which in short space will ouer-runne a great deale of ground and make it vtterly vselesse therefore euerie husband must be carefull to keepe these fowles both from his Medowes and his feeding Pastures But whatsoeuer others say or doe sure I am that a good Farmer must not neglect his Medow ground seeing the husbanding of them is a matter more of care than of paine and labour For the first care must be to keepe it that it grow not with 〈◊〉 and thornes or great high stalkes of other hearbes all which would be pulled vp by the roots in Autumne or before Winter as bushes brambles and rushes some other of them in the Spring as Succories Hemlocke and such other weeds which are vnprofitable for the feeding of the heards of Horses and Mares Likewise there must not be left in them anie stones nor yet anie other thing that may hinder the digging of them when the earth is to be stirred The ground being freed of stones shall be made euen and smooth verie handsomely in the Winter time and after that tilled and turned ouer verie diligently and ●inely with the plough and after harrowed especially that which is leane and lying with some descent but not watred otherwise than the raine vseth to water it It must be dunged also in Ianua●ie and Februarie when the Moone is in the encrease that so it may be fatted and store of iuice brought into it for the growing of grasse The best manuring that can be bestowed vpon it is fine crumbling earth mixt with dung which will doe it more good than the best and purest dung that you can find in your Neat-house For the making hereof you must gather in Summer the dust that is by the high wayes most haunted and mingle the same with the dung of cattell the ●ilth and sweepings of the house the dyrt of the streets the parings of the house and
sweet and got in a good season that vvhich is not verie long of growth but verie pleasant and cleane grasse without weeds hard stumpes pricks or such like is best for milch-kine or stall-fed-oxen onely that which you preserue for your Kine would be got verie drie and haue all the sweetnesse and pleasantnesse that may be but that you keepe for your feeding-cattell would not be altogether throughly vvithered but got a little greenish so as it may take such a heat in the mowe as may onely discolour it and turne it red but no more for that will bring a thirst vnto the cattell and make them drinke vvell and the Grasier is of this opinion that cattell neuer feed well till they drinke well and that haye which is the finest and shortest growing vpon high and drie grounds full of flowers and sweet 〈◊〉 is best for your sheepe or young calues and this must be got verie drie and as neere as you can vtterly without any raine for when it is so drie that it will hardly lye vpon the Waine then is it the best of all for when the husbandman saith that moist haye is profitable for the increase of milke he doth not meane that you shall get in your haye greene or any part vnwithered for that brings it to a rottennesse or ouer-drinesse which is verie ill for milke but you shall get it into the barne as drie as you can without scorching scalding or such vnnaturall extremities and this hay taking his kindly sweat in the mowe is that which is called the Moist-hay and that which taketh a little too much heat in the mowe and altereth colour is the Drie-hay and keepeth your fat cattell from gripings and other painefull griefes in their bellies to which they are euermore verie much subject It is an vse with some husbandmen as well in our France as in other countries after they haue brought their haye into drie cocke to put it into great stoukes or pettie stackes without doores and so to let ●t remaine a fortnight or more that it may take the full sweat before it be brought to the barne or hay-loft but it is a needlesse and a double labour and may verie well be spared if the orders be obserued before prescribed for this much curiositie did but spring from a fearefulnesse of ouer-heating or mow-burning which to preuent the Ancients spared not any labour Nay they were so curious in the first times that they would not suffer their haye by any meanes to lye neere to the sinke or smell of the beast-house or vvhere any other noysome sauours were supposing that the haye would naturally of it owne inclination draw all such corruptions vnto it but it was a feare might haue verie vvell beene spared Now touching the later crop of haye which is euer to be m●●ne in the moneth of September you shall in all respects vse it like the hay of these barren grounds last written of for the yere time being so much shot on it can haue no other kindly withering neither is it to be vsed for the feeding of fat cattell or for milch Kine but onely for drie beasts or such as onely labor as the oxe horse mule or asse If by the gathering of your hay you perceiue your meadowes to become barren vvhether it happen by your negligence in not hauing beene carefull ynough in husbanding of them or by reason of age seeing the earth will sometime rest it selfe as being vvearie for the recouering of the strength againe as it is onely seene in barren soyles and no other for that which is truely fertile and good ground will neuer be wearie of bearing especially if it lie low and be gentlie washt with waters but that which lies high or violently against the heat of the Sun will many times decay in his aboundance which when you shall at any time perceiue it shall be good to forbeare the cutting of it the next yeare and onely graze it with cattell especially sheepe which vvill be as good as a manuring vnto it and make it beare grasse in as good plentie as euer it did afore for often cutting occasioneth barrennesse and often feeding breedes increase But if it be through the naturall fertilitie and hardnesse of the ground that it waxeth barren then you shall vse the like meanes that you vvould in making of new meadows set downe before in the second chapter of this booke or else if you see that you loose your labour in renewing of your barren meadows set downe with your selfe to reduce them into arable ground especially those which are drie parched bringing forth verie small store of grasse growne ouer with a hard ●●st and fraught rather with naughtie weeds than good and profitable grasse For the doing whereof you must cut the vpper face and crust of the earth in Aprill with a shallow delfe in turfes some fadome and a halfe long and halfe as broad and to the thicknesse of two fingers drie these turfes in the Sunne and being concocted by the heat of the Sunne fit them one to another and lay one vpon another in manner of a furnace afterward set fire to them with good store of straw when they are burned let them coole sixe or seuen daies after spead the ashes thereof equally all ouer the field then looke for a good raine in May to incorporate this ashie earth and when it is accordingly performed then plow it vp in Iune and presently after sow it vvith millet afterward with rie and in the end with mastling and wheat CHAP. VII Of the Ozier-plot REmember this that three things carefully kept and increased by the diligence of the vvorkeman doe make rich vvithout any great trauell that is to say the meadow-meadow-grounds the Ozier-plot and the Willow-plot vvhich by the meanes of vvater lightly slyding through the veines of the earth in the fat and vvell liking places that are vpon the sides of hills and by the vvatering of manifold streames round about doe naturally grow eu●rie yeare and yeeld great profit vnto their maister for the feeding of hi● cattell the making of hoopes for vessell and binding of them as also for fewell the benefit of poles woodden vessells arbours stakes for hedges and supporters for vines We will therefore speake first of the ordering and husbanding of the Ozier-plot and after it of the Willow-plot vvhich vve do not dreame to haue any other assigned place than about the meadows and far remoued from the arable ground in as much as their shadow is so hurtfull to wheat line pulse and other graine as that they neuer grow vvell where they are ouershadowed by these but on the contrarie meadow grounds receiue great profit thereby as well because that grasse doth grow the fairer and more pleasantly in the shadow than vvhere it is not shadowed as also for that the leaues of Ozier Willow Aller and such other Trees falling vpon the meadowes and there rotting maketh them the more fat
abounding in grasse and fertile The Ozier then which old Writers call Sea-willow or Wicker-tree that is to say apt to bend desireth not to come verie neere to the water but loueth rather to stand vpon the descending side of the valley and the Ozier-plot would end at the sides of the Willow-plot the Ozier-plot must be prickt with a line and prettie small ditches drawne out in it betwixt two lines and euerie slip must be set one from another about fiue foore and a halfe to giue them their spreading It vvill not abide the shadow of any tree but loueth much to haue the fruition of the South-Sunne The tame red Ozier requireth great husbanding and is afraid of frosts and the showres of raine that fall in March and verie cold vvater the vvhite and the greene Ozier vvhich neither bend nor yet defend themselues so well are of a harder nature and grow higher It vvill be good to pricke downe moe of the tame ones than of the other and alwaies to set them out of the shadow and there must be but a little water at their foot the most part of the time vvherefore you must make furrowes by the vvay to keepe and reserue water It must be dressed twice in a yeare to make it grow vvell that is to say about mid-May and towards the end of Nouember presently after that it is gathered being also the time of planting of it It is verie delightsome vnto it to haue the earth raised vvith the spade and stirred and to cast in again the clods vnto the foot some fifteen daies after S. Michael which is the time of gathering them and making of them vp into bottles You must keepe your bottles made of the thicknesse of a fadome fresh coole in some cellar or 〈◊〉 and if the season be drie to vvater them throughout now and then some slip off the leaues in gathering of them thereof to make good ashes others let the leaues fall of themselues and after gather them for the houshold and in Winter-nights by the fire side make the slaues spend their time in cleauing them for to make baskets of some doe not cut the oziers all from the head but such slips as are about the edges of it and leaue the maister-twig to stand vvhole for fiue or sixe yeares when it must be renewed and pricked downe againe for this is the terme of the plant for in all the time following the plant doth nothing but drie and the twig harden CHAP. VIII Of the Willow-plot SOme say that the Willow-plot craueth the like husbandrie that the Oier-plot because the Willow differeth onely from the Ozier in vse bignesse and barke for the Willow-tree is for poles the Ozier as hath beene said for bindings about the vine and caske the Willow is thicke and growing taller the Ozier is smaller and lower the Willow-tree hath a barke of a darke purple colour the Ozier of a yellow straw colour But vvhatsoeuer it is the Willow loueth vvaterie places and is planted of the tops cut off or else of poles the poles are taken from aboue of a good thicknesse but notwithstanding not thicker than the arme and they must be planted and pricked downe in the earth so deepe as they should stand before they touch the firme ground the cut of the top may be of the length of a foot and a halfe and be set in the earth being couered a little That which you shall plant must be cut from the tree verie drie because it will not thriue if it be vvet when it is cut therefore you must shun rainie da●es in the cutting of your Willowes The best time of planting the Willow is in Februarie in the beginning or in the end of Ianuarie vvhen as the heart of the great cold is broken vvhich oftentimes hurteth this plant when it is newlie planted It is true that it may be planted at any time after the beginning of Nouember yea it may be then both planted and gathered The plants shall euerie one stand from another sixe foot square and they must be carefully husbanded for the first three yeres as if they were yong vines You shall find a larger discourse of the Willow-tree in the sixth Booke The distilled vvater of Willowes is good to be drunke for the staying of all sorts of fluxes of bloud the decoction of the leaues or the lee made of the ashes of the vvood beeing drunke doth kill bloud-suckers vvhich hang in the throat CHAP. IX Of the Elme MEn of old time did much esteeme the Elme for the vine sake because they married the vine vnto the Elme as also it is yet practised of some vnto this day in Italie but now the Elme is applied to another manner of vse by the husbandman and for that cause vve haue giuen in charge to euery housholder to plant a plot of elmes at the end of his orchard as vvell to make fagots of as to make vvheeles and axle-trees of for his carts and ploughes as also for fire-wood and other easements besides the pleasure that the Elme-tree affordeth all the Sommer long For the planting then of your Elme-plot make choyce of a fat peece of ground and vvithall somewhat moist although this Tree be easie to grow in any kind of ground vvhich you shall digge and cast breaking the clods afterward verie small in so much as that you shall make all the earth as it were dust and in the Spring you shall harrow it and lay it euen afterward you shall sow it verie thicke vvith the seed of elmes vvhich shall by this time become little red hauing beene a long time in the Sunne and yet notwithstanding retayning his naturall substance and moisture and you shall sow it so thicke as that all the earth shall be couered vvith it then cast of fine mould vpon it good two fingers thicke and vvater it a little and couer the earth vvith straw or broken boughes and braunches to the end that vvhat shall come out of the earth may not be deuoured of birds And vvhen the siences shall begin to shew take away the straw and boughes and pull vp the bad vveeds verie carefully vvith your hands in such sort as that the small rootes of the elmes vvhich as yet are tender be not pluckt vp therewithall The waies and squares must be so discreetly cast as that he which is to weed them may easily reach to the middest of them euerie vvay F●r if they vvere too broad then he should be constrained in pulling vp the vveeds to tread the earth vvith his feet by which meanes the shoots might be hurt After vvhen the branches are put vp some three foot high to take them vp from their nurserie and to plant them in another ground and after that to transplant them againe The Elme-tree also may be planted of small branches taken from great etmes and that a great deale better in Autumne than in the Spring time after three yeares passed they must be transplanted
the same and into which the fish flie when they are taken then is this net plumbed with lead all along the lower side and floated aboue with bigge round floats of Sallow-wood to keepe the net from sinking it is but onely poled at the two outmost ends the just bredth of the net this net is to draw ponds riuers or meares withall then is there the flew and stand net vvhich are without rods plaine single nets onely as it were farced or lined before with another strong net euerie mash being sixe or eight inches square these nets are to fish vvithin narrow brookes blind dikes and other small rundles the stand net being prickt downe first and the flew drawing along vnto it then is there the leape net which is made square with many rods running one into another and this is fastened vnto a leape made of Oziers and are onely to take Eeles or other fish in mill-dames or other such lake strait places for the shoue net spade net or casting net they are only to fish in holes so is also the augure which is a sharpe instrument of yron made thinne with many sharpe teeth and so striken into holes or mudd●e banks vvhere they vvill many times catch a verie great aboundance of Eeles Besides these there are diuers other engines as hookes lines the angle and such like but none of more vse than these alreadie spoken of CHAP. XIIII That Fish-pooles must be looked vnto and the sides thereof repayred BVt and if you mind to reap any profit by your fish-pooles or fish ditches you must haue care to lay them drie euerie sixe yeare at the least and to dresse them euerie three yeare taking away the reedes bulrushes and broad leaues of vvater-lillies and other vvater-flowers for these hinder the Fish that they cannot sport themselues and maketh them eat muddily and of a bad taste You must likewise chase and driue away vvater-rats or else take them vvith some engine as also the Otter and Beauer as mightie spoylers of the fish-pooles These two tyrants are found in greater number in Loraine than in our true and naturall Countrie of France Furthermore you must haue care that there be not much shooting in Gunnes at the vvild-fowle which is found to haunt therein because such shooting astonisheth the fish and killeth it oftentimes Againe there are other meanes for the taking of such wild flesh neither is the crosse-bow so daungerous vvhether it be the tiller or the bullet It is true that the long-bow is the most singular of all and performeth the action of killing as wel as the Turkish bow vvhen it is drawne lustely and by one vvhich hath a good sight The greatest charges of the fish-poole is the keeping of the bankes and causey the vvater-stops sl●ces and ditch ouer against the poole made for the receiuing of th● vvater during the time of the fishing as also to rid it of mud and vnprofitable weeds as being the cause that the water when it is not of any strong current becommeth couered as it were with earth yea and though it be of a good fresh Spring yet they are the meanes of the stopping and drying vp of those Springs and to cause them to diuert and turne their courses another way wherefore all good housholders must be furnished with yron to repaire the grates and flints and hard stones for the maintenance of the causey As concerning the pondes and ditches for fishes they must be often dressed reple●shed vvith new stores and also refreshed with small ware for to be alwaies taken away and neuer adding any thing to doth pull downe the greatest heapes of store Againe the good farmer is carefull and diligent alwaies in his taking of fish 〈◊〉 cast the small backe againe into the water and not to kill them out-right if he can auoid it It is true that for further profit and thrift he vseth to pricke about such ditch or pond great plentie of Willowes and some also doe plant the Aller and Elme in the same place for to gather fire-wood of for the houshold others againe doe plant the Aspe and Poplar-tree and euerie one of these according as they find their ground best disposed to beare the one or the other CHAP. XV. Of the feeding of Fishes in their Pooles Ponds and Ditches IT is most certaine that the Fishes abiding in the Sea or streames and running riuers haue greater store of vitaile then those vvhich are shut vp in pooles ponds ditches and stewes for such as haue their full scope of libertie in the Sea and streames doe alwaies meete vvith one reliefe or other brought vnto them by the course of the vvater besides the small fishes which are the food and ●ustenance of the greater but the other shut vp and inclosed in safegard cannot goe forth a hunting a●ter any prey It vvill be good therefore some●imes to cast them in of all sorts of small Fishes the bowells and entrailes of great Fish tender figges cut downe crackt Walnuts soft ceruises boyled fresh cheese lumpes of white bread certaine fruits chopt small all sorts of salt ●ish and such other like victuall for and if the fish be not fed and made fat vvith meat vvhich the housholder or farmer shall giue vnto them vvhen they shall be carried either to hall or market for my meaning is that the good farmer should make his profit of all things the leannesse thereof vvill manifest that they vvere not taken in any full Sea at their libertie but in some place of gard and restraynt and so they vvill not sell so deere by much And sometimes it vvill be good to cast vpon the pooles and ponds the fresh leaues of parsley for those leaues doe rejoyce and refresh the Fishes that are sicke Besides to keepe your Fish-ponds well tur●t as vvas before said so as they may haue store of greene grasse in them is an excellent reliefe for fish and food which they vvill desire as much as any other for they vvill sucke and feed vpon grasse exceedingly therefore when grasse is in the prime and hath full bit vpon it if you gather large turfes thereof and pin them fast downe vnder the water they will feed and ●atten the Fish wonderfully the chippins of bread or other crusts which come from the farmers table although they be greasie and foule yet are they a verie good feed for fish so is also the clotted bloud of beasts as sheepe oxen or any other kind being cast into the pond morning and euening the young brood of Waspes when you find their neasts being cast into the water is a food that fish will delight in before any other CHAP. XVI Other more certaine and approued wayes to take all manner of Fish especially with the angle and other instruments AS for that vvhich hath beene before written being onely the secrets and experiments of the French practise I doe not hold it sufficient for the sati●faction of euerie judiciall Reader
fortie poles nor yet be lesse than thirtie or fiue and twentie and if the inconuenientnesse of the place vvill not suffer you to cast them into squares then make them somewhat more long but yet not exceeding the foresaid fortie poles in length for besides infinite other commodities and pleasures accompanying short fields and such as are not of large reach this is one verie speciall profit namely that oxen and horses doe labour there vvith lesse trauell and vvearisomnesse in as much as they do not onely cheere vp themselues and take their breath being at the end of the furrow but also for that the plow-man cleanseth and freeth his plow of the earth vvherewith it is woont to be laden as then also carrying them about to enter vpon a new furrow cause your ground if possibly it may be to lie leuell and euen for besides the pleasure of seeing from the one end to the other they vvill also be the more easie to be plowed dunged and sowne let them be ditched round about or at the least on the sides as well to draine away raine-vvater or other if any should stand there as for to cut off the trade-waies of passengers Plant not within not about your Corne-grounds any trees for feare of the shadow knowing assuredly that the more that corne is shadowed the further off it is from being comforted and rejoyced by the Sunne as also from hauing the dust which is vvoont to lye much vpon it blowne off by the vvinds and likewise from being deliuered from snow fogges and tempests o●tentimes a heauie burthen vpon the backe thereof And yet put case that for your pleasure you vvould plant some trees thereabout then let them be no other but Willowes or such like that may beare no great head to make shadow and therefore let neuer come nie thereto either the poplar or aspe or aller vvhose shadow is not onely daungerous and hu●tfull vnto the corne ground but vvhich is more vvith their great thicke and great store of roots they draw vnto them the best juice they sucke vp the fat of the earth and so steale away the best from the seed that is sowne And no lesse than these the Ashe is most poysonous vnto Corne-grounds for how farre soeuer his shadow extendeth so farre you shall see the ground euer forbeare to prosper and yet it is not vtterly vnnecessarie to haue trees grow about your Corne-fields for if you plant Fruit trees about them as the Apple Peare Ceruise and such like you shall find the profit many times double the injuries that are reaped from them neither is it forcibly necessarie that your fields should be cast into these small square grounds seeing you may haue them as large as you please according to the quantitie of your Farme or the nature thereof vvhich may as well lye publique and in common amongst your neighbours as priuate and seuerall to your selfe in either of vvhich you may make your lands of what length or bredth you please vvhether acres halfe acres or roods and herein is specially to be noted that you must cast your lands according to the natures of your ground not the prospect of your eye for if your ground be a gentle earth either mixt or vnmixt and lye drie and free all Winter from vvater neither by any meanes is subiect from it owne nature or casualtie to any superfluitie of moisture this ground you may lay leuell smooth and plaine and make it appeare as an entire garden or one land but if it be within any daunger of vvater or subject to a spewing and moist qualitie then you shall lay your lands high raising vp ridges in the middest and ●urrowes of one side and according as the moisture is more or lesse so you shall make the ridges high or low and the descent greater or lesse but if your ground besides the moisture o● by meanes of the too much moisture be subject to much binding then you shall make the lands a great deale lesse laying euerie foure or fiue furrowes round like a land and making a hollownesse betweene them so that the earth may be light and drie and this you must doe either vpon leuells or vpon descending and hanging grounds and to conclude the larger your fields are and the drier they are kept the better they will be and the better your corne vvill prosper vpon them CHAP. V. How often your Corne-ground must be ●ared or plowed ouer THat I may therefore briefly declare vnto you the tilling of grounds for graine and pulse vnderstand in generall that the earings of arable grounds are diuers according to the places and situations of the said grounds as vve haue alreadie alledged But howsoeuer the case stand in that poynt and in vvhat plat or peece of ground soeuer you can name them to be it behooueth that at the first earing vvhich is giuen them after they haue rested and laine fallow that you cleanse them vvell from stones all ouer with ●akes and that at the paines or trauell of some young boyes and girles that can doe little or nothing else or otherwise by others for the earth of it owne nature lying vntilled begett●h nothing but stones and strong and vnprofitable vveeds as those which are the reliques of the dung now throughly digested and chaunged by a heat exalted vnto the fi●th degree And we need not make any doubt of it but that euen good and kind ground when it should not bring forth any thing but mustard-seed couch-grasse pimpernell mercurie thistles of all sorts danewort vvild-fetch red poppie vvild oats veruaine blew bottles ax-fetch or such other like vnprofitable vveeds without forgetting of cockle and darnell and that which is called rest-harrow or at the least some fumitorie and henbane yet it will be doing of some thing more as namely those which grow out of it of themselues as stinking mathweed kexes rupture-wort these be reclaimed grounds and the herbe called Chamepytis as I haue sometimes seene in those countries which properly and truely containe France For the distinguishing of these herbes the thistles shew the heat of the ground as their aromaticall and odoriferous roots may testifie the hemlocke vvild smallage and fumitorie grow of putrefaction the bind-weed both great and small do proceed partly of drinesse partly of the alteration of the humour night-shade the great and small doe spring vp of the cold part of the earth vvhich they draw from the humour thereof mercurie of both sorts eye-bright also of two or three differing flowers the small sorrell red vnderneath and the three sorts of plantaine do hold of cold or temperate ground but the garden and vvater cresses rockets wild mustard-seed as also the two sorts of vvater-parsley haue differing natures and are more hot according to the humo●r vvhich chey confesse to participate in respect of their propertie To be short these are certaine dalliances and sports of nature vvhich though she should neuer be
it may become fruitfull BVt all grounds vvhich are appointed for seed or corne ground whether they be such as are new broken vp or such as haue oftentimes alreadie borne corne must be enriched and repaired by manure in the beginning of Winter about the eighteeenth of Nouember or the beginning of December vvith Sheepes dung that is three yeares old or else vvith Cow and Horse-dung mingled together for the helping of it to a temperate heat or vvith other manure such as the soyle affoords or the Farmers yard can breed and yet although I speake thus of Nouember and December being a time much vsed vvith vs in France where the vvaies are faire the journey little and the labour easie yet you shall know that you may leade your manure either in the Spring or in Sommer at all such vacant seasons vvhen you cannot follow more necessarie labour at when by vvet or other vveather you cannot lead your hay or corne then you may lead your manure for albeit husbandmen hold that the later you lead your manure the better yet it is not good to driue so long for feare of preuention but to take anie fit time or leisure that is offered you through the whole yeare The dung is to be laid on in hills little lumpes or heapes and that along as you meane to cast vp your furrowes in plowing and after to spread it in his season whether it be rotten dung or marle And it shall chiefely be done in Winter that so the raine and snow dropping and falling downe vpon it it may be ou●rcome and caused to re●●nt The vnskilfull and bad husbandman spreadeth it all hot but he lacketh not a faire forrest of weedes as reward of his hastie paines for dung being thus at the first sowne and spread though it be ouercome afterward notwithstanding see what weedes it hath receiued from the beasts houses as being there scattered it yeeldeth for his first fruits backe againe vpon the land and therewithall impaireth much the first crop of corne that shall follow after howsoeuer others following may proue more naturall and plentifull by it and further hindereth both the ground and hinds in ●heir working And this is the cause why the inhabitants of Solong●e and Beaux the b●st husbandmen cause their Rosemarie to be rotted in Summer and made manure of in Autumne and yet manie times not hasting but deferring the vse for a longer time Furthermore they continue and hold it from father to sonne as a receiued veritie That nothing is more deare and precious than dung taken in his season for the enriching of ground Some take dung as it were hot and halfe rotten at the end of their field but that doth much harme because such dung not being ouercome of the snow raine and other helpes of the heauens but remaining crude or raw doth likewise ramaine vnprofitable especially the first yeare doing nothing it selfe and keeping the better fruit from profiting and comming on as it would though the second yeare it may helpe well and hinder nothing It is true that if you would enrich a poore field that it is better done by the dung newly gathered out of the beasts houses than with such as is old and it would bee spread in the new of the Moone a little before the seed be sowne prouided yet that it be then plowed and turned vnder the earth They seeme vnto me not to doe worst who hauing gathered their corne in August or September and cut it somewhat high doe burne the stubble and other weedes which are in the fields whereby they make a manner of dunging of it by the helpe of raine falling thereupon This standeth in stead of the first sort of enriching of their ground especially in barren and sandie grounds and such as stand vpon a cold moistish clay or such as haue a strong new broken vp ground True it is that they doe not this yearely because of their need to couer their houses and of hauing litter for their beasts And yet those may seeme vnto me to be lesse deceiued who hauing left their stubble long and high in the shearing and cutting of it downe doe presently thereupon bestow an earing vpon such ground and so vnderturne the said stubble and weedes there to let them rot with the Winter raine There is nothing so good as the first manuring and dunging of the ground which if it be neglected it will not recouer it for two yeares space againe so that for ●uch space he shall gather nothing but Rye in stead of Wheat and Fetches for Oates and wild Fet●hes for kind and naturall ones It is true that the first is not sufficient of it selfe for to dung and enrich the earth sufficiently and to make fruitfull those that are barren and leane but there must be other meanes vsed for to effect such a worke and amongst them all that seemeth vnto me the principall which is the letting of the field to lye a yeare or two vnoccupied not ceasing the while to husband it both Winter and Summer as also the first time when you would haue it beare to sow it with Lupines or rather with Pease prouided that the ground be not ouer-cold for then it would profit those Pulse but a little And if all these meanes should fall out to be insufficient it will be good to spread Quicklime vpon the plowed ground in the end of Februarie for besides that it enricheth a ground greatly it cleanseth it also and killeth all bad and dangerous weedes whereupon it commeth to passe that the haruest after it is more plentifull than after anie other dung that a man can inuent to vse Furthermore if the ground be light it will be good to cause some water to ouerflow the corne for the space of ten daies or thereabout which will likewise stand in stead of a manuring or dunging The dung or marle is to be spred in the increase of the Moone about the eighteenth of Nouember after such time as the rested ground hath passed his time of recreation but if it bee in such grounds as wherein the chiefest kindes of corne are to bee sowne then they must be dunged presently after the end of Autumne that so the ground may haue leasure to receiue the raine therewithall which will serue to help the seedes the better to rot thereby prouiding an aid for the weakenes of the earth In like sort if this should be for Rie or for Messing the ground would be dunged in the heart of Winter or a little before notwithstanding that some doe stay for the moneth of March that it may presently after receiue the showers of Aprill which may do much good towards the later end of September at which time they sowe in fine dust and windie drowthes looking for the first raine and the pu●rifaction to be wrought by the same But howsoeuer the case standeth seeing it is better to manure the ground than not to manure it so
they haue a slipperie and moist ●round fit to make pots of for necessarie businesse they plow vpon a causey and as it were vpon an Asses backe and in euerie fiue furrowes they hold it meete to cast one high ridge that is verie large and made also like vnto a ca●sey that it may both receiue the raine water and that which springeth out of the earth which is alwayes moist and that because of two Riuers lying vpon the one side and on the other and doe moisten and water the grounds there continually vnderneath And for the same purpose which is also practised in small Beaux as in Long-boyau Val de Gallie Val-boyau Niuernois and Bourbonnois they make at the end of their ground certaine rises of sufficient height where betwixt the said rise and arable ground there is a ditch or pit made within it after the fashion of a long fatt to receiue the waters which runne along after great raine for otherwise they would rot and smother the corne This troubleth such as trauell those countries exceedingly and this is the cause of the name whereby they are called the Grashoppers of Brie Insomuch as that they cannot tell how to doe so well as in a rainie day to goe and pull vp Darnell Dane-wort and other ouer-spreading weedes which else they could hardly ouercome being a kind of earing of the ground called of auncient Writers the freeing of Corne-ground from weedes hauing further by such aboundance of raine this scath done vnto their Come as that it is layd bare now and then yea and that though it be neuer so well harrowed and the earth of it selfe strong and mightie There is no need of anie such rises or ditches in the parts of France truly and properly so called neither in the Isle thereof nor in the flat and free Countrey of Blairie as Long-boyau and Labea●ce the verie Barne and Store-house of France the Countries of Oye Sangterre or else of Berry and free Poictou And all grauellie Countries may be well excused and freed from all manner of such inconuenience as appeareth by manie places of Picardie and Solongne euen vnto Percheron so that they make their furrowes close and neere one to another as is wont to be done in low grounds and valleyes The ground must also be plowed in a fit and conuenient time to the end that it may become fruitfull Wherefore the carefull Husbandman shall neuer plow his ground whiles it is wet for running through it with the plough at that time it will doe nothing but runne vpon heapes especially in tough and clammie grounds as also in those which be hard or growing and putting forth their fruit in as much as this maketh them so sad and close that it is impossible to make them fine and small mould againe Likewise it is an absurd thing euer to goe about to put the plough into a dyrtie and myrie ground because it is nothing fit to stirre or deale anie manner of way withall before it become drie and so vnfit as that though you could doe what you would vnto it with the plough yet there is no casting of anie seed into it And if it should fall out that there were anie Tree or Vin●-plant in the ground you must passe it ouer in lifting vp the plough from off the shootes which come from the rootes at all times when you perceiue your selfe to be vpon them or 〈◊〉 you shall cut them off with a hatchet rather than bruise and breake them with the culter for feare of breaking the culter it selfe and putting the Oxen or Horse to 〈◊〉 and paines CHAP. X. That the ●attell vsed to plow withall doe differ according to the manner and custome of the Countries IN rough and tough grounds as also in free and kindly grounds as hath been said where there are required as needfull three Horses to a plough of fiftie foot but not so coupled and spanged as they be in Countries where they vse to plow with Mares Oxen Asses or Buffles you must after the first caring breake the clods with the rowler and lay it flat square and plaine with a planke In leane grauellie and weaker grounds you shall not stand in need to be at such cost either with horse or man for it is not requisite that you should draw so deepe a draught in the earth and againe the husbandmen of such Countries haue sooner finished and made an end than others and yet doe labour with more leisure because of the ayre and climate of their Countrey Yet this is but a particular fashion in France therefore to speak more generally both according to that and other forraine soyles you shall vnderstand that there be two principall causes to make a man plow with Horses although he may haue Oxen at his pleasure The one is when he liueth in a verie wet and dyrtie soyle where the ground of it selfe yeeldeth forth such a continuall moisture that the finallest trampling or treading thereupon bringeth it to a verie myre in this case it is best to plow with Horse because they draw euer directly one after the other and tread euer in the furrow without annoying the land and goe also much more light and nimbly than other cattell whereas Oxen going double and treading vpon the land would foyle it and make it so myrie that it would be good for no purpose The other when a man liueth farre from his necessarie accommodations as from his fuell his fencing his timber and other such like necessaries which he must forcibly vse euerie yeare in this case he must euer keepe his teame of Horses because they are fittest for trauell and long iournies doing them euer with the greatest speed and least losse whereas the Oxe being a heauie beast would soone surfet and are indeed so vnapt for the same that a man can hardly doe them greater iniurie Now for the number of Horses to be vsed in the plow it must be according to the greatnesse of the labour and the strength of the cattell for in the heauie and stiffe clayes sixe are euer few ynough either to fallow with or to plow the Pease-earth with and f●ure for anie other ardor in the lighter sands foure is sufficient at all times and three vpon anie necessitie As for the mixt soyles if they be binding they will craue as much strength as the clayes but if they be loose the same that serues the light sands will serue them also And herein is to be noted that the stoned Horse is euer better for the draught than either the Mare or Gelding yet all good and meet for seruice Againe they worke with the Asse and the Oxe as in A●uergne with the young Mule and in Romaine and Champaigne in Italie with the Buffle whereas of a truth the labour of Oxen is not readie nor so quicke of dispatch in the time of necessitie and for to remedie and helpe this mischiefe you must begin your worke with the Oxen
you shall take clodding-beetles made of purpose broad and flat and with them breake the clods so in peeces that the raine may soften them then with your back-harrowes runne ouer them againe and this is called sleighting as well as clodding Wherefore after that the clods are well broken and all made plaine for the second earing you shall cut vp your grounds againe about mid Iune if they be fat and moist or about the moneth of September if they be leane and drie for otherwise your leane ground would be quite dried vp and burnt with the Sunne neither would there remaine therein anie vertue or iuice Aboue all things you must obserue and keepe such order in plowing as that the ground may not be too drie nor too moist for great store of moisture maketh them dirt and mire and too much drinesse doth disaduantage the husbandman amaine either because the plough cannot enter the ground or if it enter yet it cannot breake it small ynough but turneth vp thicke and broad clods of earth in such sort as that afterward it will be hard to plow vp the field againe for certainely there cannot be that done which should and is requisite when the earth is too hard Wherefore the ground that hath beene plowed in drought must haue a rainie season found out to be plowed in afterward againe that so the same being watered and moistened may be the more easily tilled Yet of the most approuedst husbandmen for France is not rich in that profession it is held that the earth can neuer be plowed too drie so long as the plow is able to run through the same and one ardor so gotten is worth three in the moister weather besides the greater that the clods are which arise by plowing thus in drie weather 〈◊〉 greater store of mould you shall haue which is a good aduantage to the graine neither will it be anie thing more difficult to plow if you stay a good season and haue the earth throughly wet before the next plowing for these great clods doe neuer arise but in the clay grounds which are apt to breake with anie moisture Shortly after the second earing you shall giue it his third earing which must be more light and such as breaketh not in so deepe as the two former This earing being finished you must make the ground euen and smooth with a harrow presently after which shall be about the middest of October then you shall sow and bestow your seed vpon the ground in good proportion but not at anie other time than in the encrease of the Moone and neuer in the decrease and then likewise it will be the better if you take the opportunitie of a little raine following the Prouerbe which sayth You must sowe Wheat in myre and Barly in dust and the reason is because tha● Wheat being hard and comming neere to the nature of Wood doth bud and 〈◊〉 better and sooner when it is layd in steepe and mollified in dyrt or else for feare of Pismires which if the Wheat should be sowne in a drie ground would become lords of it by and by and carrie it away Notwithstanding if you see that the raine be somewhat long in comming seeing the times are not in mans power you shall not deferre to sow especially in dry grounds for the corne which is sowne in dry ground and well harrowed and couered doth enioy and keepe the same without corrupting as well as if it were in the Garner and if there follow anie raine the seed will be vp in a day I presuppose in the meane time that the Husbandman hath let rest and lye idle his grounds for some two yeares wherein he is intending to sow his Wheat to the end they may bring him a better crop Furthermore seed●time is expired and past about the eighteenth day of Nouember for then the earth by the coldnes of the aire becommeth close shut and as it were rugged staring and agast so that it will not be able so well to receiue the seed and to cause it to thriue It is true that in cold places seed must bee sowne earlier but in hote places later whereupon it commeth to passe that in Italie they sowe about the beginning of Nouember but with vs in France where it is temperate in October in cold places and Coast-countries in the kallends of September or rather sooner to the end that the roots of the come may be growne strong before that the Winter-raine doe molest it or the Yee and Frosts doe hurt it Notwithstanding at what time soeuer you sowe your seed you must ma●e diuers conueiances ouerthwart the grounds and conduits to carrie away the water out of the Corne. Yet this Seed-time is spoken but as of Wheat only or Rie which are called Winter-cornes for Pease Beanes and Pulse would bee sowne in Februarie and the beginning of March and Oats and Barley at the end of March and beginning of Aprill Now sometime the husbandman shall haue occasion to reioice in hope of good successe and sometime to feare in doubt of the euill successe of his seed by reason of the variablenes of the time Hee shall haue good hope of his Seed if hee see the time inclined to sweet mild and not violent showers and vnto temperate not e●cessiue and often showers for the mild showers resemble the dew the excessiue ones doe moisten and coole too much If in like manner the snow doe fall in abo●ndance and become hard by some frost following thereupon for such snow letteth and stayeth the earth from spending it selfe by exhalation and vvasting of his fatnesse which otherwise by vapours would be consumed and if also the said snow in making doe wash and water by little and little the earth vvith his pure and sweet liquor and as it vvere scumme of raine for that serueth to make the earth fat prouided that presently vpon the melting of the snow there fall no showers of raine accompanied vvith haile if lastly the frosts come in their proper and due time for if they be too 〈◊〉 and forward they burne the young sprouts and if too late they hurt them verie much CHAP. XII Of the choice and quantitie of seed to be sowne FOr Wheat to make seed of the industrious Husbandman shall chuse such as is full thicke heauie firme and so hard and strong as that it cannot but with paine be broken betwixt the teeth of a red colour bright cleane not aboue a yeare old which maketh sauourie and well-tasted bread threshed out of choice and culled eares which after fanning and winnowing lyeth vppermost as that which is the thickest and most massie which was growne in a fat ground but cont●arily seated to that wherein such Wheat is to be sowne as from hill to plaine and from moist to drie and yet so contrarie as that the seed of a bad place be rather sowne in a good place than the seed of a good place sowne in a bad for seed
it will vvither or not grow at all or else mil-dew turne blacke and become altogether vselesse Amel-corne THere is yet another kind of Corne vvhich the Grecians and Latines call Olyra of a middle size betwixt Wheat and Barlie vnlike altogether vnto Winter-vvheat vvhereof we last spake but of a sort and facultie like vnto spelt whereof vve vvill speake next in order Of this graine Dioscorides maketh mention and Matthiolus calleth it in French Seigle-blanche the tilling and ordering of it is like vnto that of spelt There is verie vvhite bread made thereof there is but small store thereof in France Spelt-corne SPelt-corne is that vvhich the Latines call Zea and hereof the auncient ●●mans did make great account and gaue it to name Semen by the way of excellencie as the Italians in such places as vvhere the said Spelt groweth in great aboundance doe call it Biada The Graine is lesse and blacker than Wheat It is found sometime single sometime double in an eare set with a long beard It must be sowne in a verie strong and hard ground for otherwise it will not thriue neither is there any sort of Wheat which so troubleth and weakeneth a ground as this but the bread that is made thereof is excellent and of it likewise the Italians vse to make a singular kind of Furmentie Course Wheat-flowre or fine Wheat-meale COurse Wheat-flowre is that which of the Latines is called Similage and is made of Wheat that is excellent good hauing the greatest Bran onely sifted from it but being ground of the best Mill th●● may be gotten howsoeuer the French name Semole vvhich seemeth to be deriued from these Latine ones Sine mola may 〈◊〉 to argue the contrarie We haue not any of the Corne in this Countrie vvhereof the Semole is made but in Prouence it is sowne in great quantitie as also in Champanie and in the Countrie of Naples and from thence there is great store of this 〈◊〉 meale brought vvhich Physiti●ns doe prescribe to their sicke patients to make Panade or pap-meat of vvith the broth of a Capon notwithstanding that 〈◊〉 and the greatest part of Physicions doe affirme that the fine meale called of the French Semole is of a gros●e and slimie iuice and not digested without difficultie and thereupon injurious to such as haue need of a fine and attenuating nourishment It is certaine that it is of great nourishment as is also the bread that is made thereof In steed of Semole vve vse Maslin and as concerning the Wheat vvhereof the course flowre Semole is made it craueth such ground and manner of husbanding as Maslin doth Furmentie FVrmentie is that vvhich the Latines call Alica or Chondrus and it is a kind of Wheat whereof after that it hath been steeped for some time in vvater and afterward brayed and husked and then in the end dried againe in the Sunne and ground somewhat grosly is made a kind of grosse meale re●embling 〈◊〉 verie much vvhereof sometimes is vvoont to be made pap-meat sometimes it is mixt in meat-broth and sometimes panade vvithall all which meats to say the truth doe nourish a great deale more than they profit the health of the bodie in as much as they ingender a thicke clammie and gros●e juice verie hurtfull for them that are subject vnto obstructions or vnto the stone and grauell Turkie-Wheat TVrkie-wheat so called or rather Indian wheat because it came first from the West-Indies into Turkie and from thence into France not that it is sowed there any otherwise than for pleasure or for to cause some admiration at the strange things which Frenchmen themselues doe admire and make much account of 〈◊〉 be sowne verie carefully after this manner the field must be diligently tilled according to all the sorts of earings vvhich are woont to be bestowed vpon any 〈◊〉 ground afterward toward the end of March at such time as the Sunne beginneth to affoord his hot and comfortable beames in franker and freer sort the said wheat must be steeped in water two whole daies and when this is done to keepe it till the earth receiue some prettie showres vvhich happening then presently to open the earth vvith some sharpe stake and that all along as streight as a line but with equall and sufficient distances and to cast into euerie one of these holes foure or fiue graines of this vvheat and by and by to close in the earth againe vvith your foot and so in this sort to fill and set a vvhole field with this Corne. If the earth be fat and the seed full and well ●ed it will not faile to sprout within seuen daies and to be ready to mow within fortie daies two moneths three moneths or at the furthest foure moneths sooner or later according to the goodnesse of the ground and power of the Sunne that is to say earlier in a hot place and good ground that lyeth open vpon the Sunne but more late in a cold ground and a leane place It hath the like temperature that our vvheat hath but somewhat more hot as may easily be gathered by the sweetnesse of the bread that is made thereof the meale thereof is vvhiter than that which is made of our wheat but the bread made thereof is more grosse thicke or close and of a more ●lymie substance in such sort as that the nourishment made thereof is likewise more grosse and apter to ingender obstructions vvher●●ore if the dearth of vvheat and famine doe force and compel you to sow of this Turkish-wheat to make bread thereof it will doe better if you mingle it with the flower of our vvheat than and if you should vse it by it selfe all alone The meale of this vvheat in as much as it is thicke and clammie will be good to make cataplasmes of to ripen impostumes withall for being apt to stop the pores of the skin by his clamminesse it cannot chuse but worke such effect Sarasins-wheat SArasins-wheat is a graine verie ordinarie and common throughout all France and more abounding vvithout comparison than the foresaid Turkie-wheat it must be sowne in all manner of grounds because it refuseth not to grow in any vvhether it be grauelly or of any other qualities vvhatsoeuer and that especially in Aprill in hot places or somewhat later in those that are cold and it is so forward and hastie at that it will ripen twice and yeeld you two crops in a yeare in one and the same ground being in a hot ground as is to be seene in Italie It may be mowne at the end of three moneths after it is sown in this countrie it is most vsed in the fatting of hogs pigeons and other fowles and in the time of dearth and famine to make bread which will be a great deale better if with this corne be mingled the corne of our countrie vvheat It may be made into grosse meale euen as the grain called furmentie but better without comparison than that of millet to be imployed in
the cakes which liquorish women vse to make of the meale It must not be sowne but in the midst of Summer whiles the times continue drie and that there is no raine looked for of a long time for the raine doth hurt it after it is sowne cleane contrarie to other plants which all of them reioice in raine after they are sowne The oyle which is pressed out of the seed of Sesame doth neuer freeze and is the lightest of all other Oyles and yet being mixt with Wine or Aqua-vitae sinketh to the bottome There is no account to be made of this graine for nourishment because it is giuen to ouercome the stomacke and is hardly digested as is all oylie matter Lentils LEntils must be sowne at two times in Autumne and most commonly especially in France and cold Countries in the Spring time whiles the Moone encreaseth vnto the twelfth thereof and either in a small or little mould or in a fat and fertile ground for when they be in flower they destroy and spoyle themselues through too much moisture or by putting too farre out of the earth And to the end they may grow the more speedily and the greater they must be mixt with drie dung before they be sowne and foure or fiue daies after that they haue beene so laid to rest in this dung to sowe them They will keepe long and continue if they be mingled with ashes or if they be put in pots wherein oyle and preserues haue beene kept or and if they be sprinkled with vineger mixt with Beniouin Lentils howsoeuer auncient Philosophers had them in estimation are of hard digestion hurtfull to the stomacke filling the guts full of wind darkening the sight and causing fearefull dreames and withall are nothing good if they be not boyled with flesh or fried with oyle Fasels FAsels grow in stubbly grounds or rather a great deale better in fat grounds which are tilled and sowne euerie yeare and they are to be sowne betwixt the tenth of October and the first of Nouember or else in March as other pul●e after that the ground hath beene eared about the eleuenth of Nouember They must be sowne after that they haue beene steept in water for to make them grow the mose easily and that at large when they are sowne and alwaies as they ripen to gather them They make far grounds where they be sowne they are accustomed to beare much fruit they keepe a long time they swell and grow greater in boyling and are of a good pleasant tast vnto all m●ns mouthes It is true that they are windie and hard to digest but yet notwithstanding they are apt to prouoke vnto venerie if after they be boyled they be powdred ouer with Pepper Galanga and Sugar and yet more specially if they be boyled in fat milke vntill they burst If you mind to take away their windinesse eat them with Mustard or Caraway seed If you haue beene bitten of a Horse take Fasels chew them and apply them so chewed vnto the greene wound Young gentlewomen that striue to be beautifull may distill a water of Fasels that is singular good for the same end and purpose Lupines LVpines craue no great husbandrie are good cheape and doe more good to the ground than anie other seed for when as Vineyards and arable grounds are become leane they stand in stead of verie good manure vnto them Likewise for want of dung they may be sowne in grounds that stand in need to be dunged if after they haue put forth their flowers the second time they be plowed vnder the ground they grow well in a leane ground and such as is tyred and worne out with sowing and they may be sowne in anie ground especially in stubbly grounds such as are not tilled for in what sort soeuer they be sowne they will abide the roughnesse of the ground and negligence of the husbandman neither doe they craue anie weeding as well in respect of their root which is single as also for that if it were hurt they would die presently and because also that it should bee but labour lost for they are so farre off from being infected and wronged with weeds that they euen kill them and cause them to die And this is the cause why manie sowe them in the middest of Vineyards to the end they may draw vnto them all the bitternesse of the Vineyard as being the qualitie most familiar vnto them and with which they best agree Notwithstanding they may not be sowne deepe for when they flower they are made no account of Of all other kinds of Pulse they only stand not in need to be laid vp in Garners but rather vpon some floore where the smoake may com● vnto them for if moisture take them they will grow full of wormes which eate vp that which should make them sprout and that which is remaining can doe no good they must be gathered after raine for if it should be drie weather they would fall out of their cods and be lost Lupines are good to feed Oxen in Winter but they must be steept in salted and riuer water and afterward boyled they serue also for to feed men to make bread thereof when it is a time of dearth of other corne Some doe note this speciall propertie in them which is that they turne about euerie day with the Sunne insomuch as that by them workmen are taught the time of the day though it be not cleare and Sunne-shine Lupines stampt and laid vpon the nauell do● kill wormes in little children the decoction thereof doth prouoke the termes of women and taketh away the obstructions of the sight by reason whereof manie doe wish them to be taken of young maidens and women which haue pale colours Their meale is singular good in ca●aplasmes to resolue the swelling of the Kings euill and other hard tumours as well boyled in honey and vineger as in honey and water and likewise for the Scia●ica Beanes BEanes must be sowne in a fat soile or else a ground that is well manured and eared with two earings and although it be in stubbly grounds and seated in low bottomes vvhither all the fat and substance of the higher parts doth descend notwithstanding the earth must be ●li●ed and cut small and the clods broken before they be sowne for albeit that amongst all the other sorts of pulse there be not any that doe so little vvaste and the strength and juice of the earth notwithstanding they desire to be vvell and deepe couered vvithin the earth they must be diligently vveeded at such time as they peepe out of the earth for so the fruit vvill be much more and their coddes farre the tenderer They may be sowne at two times of the yeare in Autumne vvhere it is a strong ground and the beanes be great and in the Spring especially in this Countrie in a vveake and light ground the beanes being but small and of the common size those vvhich are sowne in Autumne are
more worth than the other so that the hindes let not to say That they had rather eat the huskes or stalkes of beanes sowne in due time than the beanes themselues of three moneths old because they yeeld more fruit and haue a greater and better stored graine But at what time soeuer you sowe them you must haue speciall regard to sowe them all about the fifteenth day after the change of the Moone because that in so doing th●y will be the be●ter loaden and because they will not be so much assailed of little vermine as and if the Moone were new The day before they be sowne you must steepe them in the lees of Oliues or in water of Nitre to the end that they may beare the more fruit be more easie to boyle and not to be subiect to be eaten of Weeuils or Larkes They must likewise reape and pull them vp in the new of the Moone before day and after leaue them in the ayre to drie and thresh them out before the full Moone and afterward carrie them into the Garner for being thus ordered vermine will not breed in them Againe they proue more profitable being planted than sowne in a good ground that is well dressed tilled fatted and manured vvhich said ground if it be sowne the yeare following with Wheat will yeeld a more copious and plentifull haruest in as much as Beanes doe fatten a ground more than anie other kind of Pulse If you would keep them long you must sprinkle them with salt water but if you meane to boile them you must bee sure to keep the salt from them because salt-water doth harden them they must not be left in the cold aire for the cold also doth make them the harder to boile To keepe them from being euen of wormes they must bee annointed or rubd ouer with oile-oliue one after another vntill such time as they be well liquored with this oile The flowers of Beanes notwithstanding that they be of a pleasant and delightsome smell doe hurt a weake braine and such a one as is easily carried away and ouercome And hereupon it commeth to passe that there are a great number of fooles when Beanes are in flower Thus much for the French experience of Beanes which doth indeed more concerne the Garden-Beane than those which are continually in vse amongst Husbandmen Therefore to come to the profit and true knowledge of the husbanding of Beanes you shall vnderstand that they are onely to be sowne in a rich stiffe ground that is verie fertile as namely the black or blew clay for in other earths they ●oy but a little and they will grow with one ea●ing onely which would be done at the beginning of Ianuarie vpon such earth as hath borne Barly before or else vpon greene-swarth which hath not been plowed long before it must be plowed deep and haue a great furrow turned vp then you shall let it lye till it haue taken frost and raine then vpon the next faire season being about or soone after S. Valentines day you shall sowe it and harrow it As for the weeding of Beanes it is to no purpose for they are of themselues so swift of growth that they will out-grow all weedes And if they haue anie Pease mixt amongst them which should euer be for it is the surest seed they will smother vp and destroy all sorts of weedes They are because of their vpright growing better to be mowne with sythes than cut to reapt with hookes they aske little withering for so soone as the cod turnes blacke the stalke dryes The vse of them is principally for prouander for Horses or to mixe with Barley Wheat or Rie to make bread for hind-seruants or for hunting or running Horses but then commonly they are vsed simply of themselues or else mixt with Wheat onely for the mixture of Barley or Rie is not good for Horses of that nature except for some cause physicall as to keepe them soluble in their bodies and so forth The Garden-Beane is good for men to eat being boyled and mixt with butter vineger and pepper or for want of butter with oyle-Oliue The cods also are a verie good food being boyled whilest they are greene and tender Lastly the water which is distilled from the flowers of Beanes is good to take away the morphew or spots in men or womens faces Small Peason SMall Pease are no lesse profitable for the fatting of ground that is leane than Lupines It is true that if you looke to haue good store of them and well-codded you must sowe them in fat and warme grounds and in a temperate and moist time as in Februarie or March and sometime in September in the increase of the Moone and yet it is hard for them to endure and hold out the Winters cold for they alwaies desire the full fruition of the Sunne and doe grow a great deale the fairer when they doe enioy it accordingly and when also they are borne vp to that end on stickes rather than let fall flat to the ground to creepe vpon it they must be sowne thinne because their stalkes doe spread themselues further than anie one other kind of pulse They are verie subiect to be eaten within of Wormes and yet those which are so eaten of Wormes are better to sowe than the other which are whole and sound For this cause if you will preuent the Wormes that they may not hurt and hinder your corne sowe Peason first in the place It is true that for the better growth and prospering of them the thicke and grosse seed is most conuenient to be sowne especially if it be laid in water to steepe therein a night because thereby they grow the more easily and lose some part of their saltnesse in being steept by which meanes they recouer their naturall verdure againe They must be gathered in the decrease of the Moone presently vpon their being ripe for else they drie vp and fall out of their swads The earth wherein they are sowne standeth in need but of one earing Cich Peason CIch Peason doe likewise grow in fat and moist places they must be sowne in a rainie time they doe greatly load and burthen the earth and for that cause are neglected of the wiser sort of husbandmen Notwithstanding if you will sowe them you must steepe them in warme water a day before that so they may grow and put forth of the earth the sooner and greater Some to haue them grow the fairer doe steepe them and their cods in nitrous water To keepe them that passengers and other folke may not gather them to eate when they are ripe you must water them fiue mornings together before the Sunne rise with water wherein haue beene steeped the seedes of wild Cucumber and Wormewood and the dew within fiue daies after will haue taken away all the bitternesse thereof Such practises are likewise good for to be vsed about small Peason and Beanes The vse of them is good for such as are
slow to performe the act of carnall copulation and especially to carrie away grauell and to breake the stone as also for such as haue weake lungs and low and weake voices They are also good against melancholie and doe cut off troublesome thoughts and cogitations and put in place thereof iollie conceits and merrie moodes and then they being laid forth in the Moone-shine when it is in the encrease and before the Sunne rise they must be sprinkled with oyle-Oliue afterward steeped in warme water to soften them and lastly boyled for to be eaten The way to vse them is rather to suppe vp their broth made with the rootes of Parsley than to eare the Peason Small Cich Peason SMall Cich Pease called of the Latines Cicercula must be sowne in fat places and in a moist time as in Ianuarie or Februarie they doe lesse harme to a field than anie other pulse but for the most part they neuer come to profit for when they are in flower they cannot abide drowth nor anie strong Southerne windes at such time as they leaue flowring Great wild Tare and bitter Fetch THe great wild Tare and bitter Fetch doe desire leane places and such as ar● not moist for sometimes by putting forth too freely and growing too much they ouerthrow themselues They may be sowne in Autumne or in the end of Ianuarie and all the moneth of Februarie but not in March because if it should be sowne in this moneth it would hurt the Cattell especially Oxen troubling them in their braines Fetches THere are two seed-times for Fetches the first when they are sowne for to feed cattell and it is about the fifteenth day of September the second in Februarie or March and this is for to make bread of for to eat being mixt with other corne both of them may be sowne in vntilled grounds but it is better when they are sowne in grounds that haue had their three earings This seed loueth not the dew and therefore it must be sowne two or three houres after Sunne-rise when all the moisture thereof is spent and consumed either by the wind or by the Sunne and it must not alone be sowne but it must also be couered the verie same day because that if the night should come vpon it and wet it but a little before it were couered it would quickly become corrupt and putrified The ground wherein it is sowne needeth not anie more than one earing and when it is sowne it needeth no weeding In anie case it must not be sowne before the fifteenth day of the Moone for otherwise the Snailes will annoy it In like manner it must not be sowne neere vnto anie Vine or Orchard or anie place where there are trees growing because it draweth vnto it the iuice of such plants as be neere it and yet the Fetch doth not make the ground leane but rather fat and that it is so appeareth because that so soone as the Fetch is taken away out of the fields there may Peason Millet or anie other sort of Pulse be sowne Panick HE that would sow Panick must make choice of a light grauellie sandie or stonie ground and such a one as is situate amongst hills and on the tops of hills and yet whereas there is no little resort of water for that it being hot by nature groweth and putteth forth more easily than Millet It must be sowne in Summer and it groweth so speedily as that it may be mowen within fortie daies after that it is sowne The inhabitants of Gascoigne make bread thereof but it is verie vnpleasant because it is verie short and apt to c●umble away euen like ashes or sand The Perigordians frie it with butter or oyle others eate it with milke or meat-broth Fenugreeke Cummin and Mustard-seed FOr the sowing of Fenugreeke you must make choice of such ground as you would for the Fetch which you must not cut the second time seeing the first if it be done thicke and small and not deepe will serue for if the graine should be couered aboue foure fingers it would not be able to sprout and spring vp and therefore the plough and harrow both must goe but lightly ouer it The meale of Fenugreeke with Brimstone and Nitre doth take away the freckles of the face If you mingle it with a fourth part of the seedes of Cresses in vineger it will proue a singular remedie for the falling of the haire called Tinea If you boile it in honied water putting thereto some Swines grease it will resolue the swelling of the testicles hands feet and vnder the eares and is profitable against the wrenches of ioints The decoction thereof drunke oftentimes doth infinite good to such as haue beene troubled with an old cough and likewise for the vlcers of the breast for the distillations and rhewmes falling vpon the eyes you must wet clothes in the decoction of this seed and apply them vnto the browes And as for Cummin and Mustard-seed wee haue spoken of them in the second Booke Medick fodder or Snaile-clauer THere is not either anie Pulse or other feeding which is more agreeable or more precious for the feeding of beasts than Snaile-clauer called in French Sainct foin for that it may seeme to spring out of the earth and as it were of a more speciall fauour from God not onely for the nourishing and fatting of heards of cattell but also to serue for Physicke for beasts that are sicke and in that respect it is called of the Latines Medica Some call it Burgundie hay because the Burgundians 〈◊〉 beene alwaies verie carefull for the sowing and tilling of this hearbe The inhabitants of Picardie call it Foinasse and manie haue giuen it the name of great Trefoile Howsoeuer the name goe the benefit of this gras●e is so great as that euerie casefull husbandman ought continually to reserue the better part of his grounds to bee sowne therewith Make choice therefore of the sowing and growing of great store of this gras●e of an euen ground that is verie cleane and fat easie to be plowed and which hath had three earings before it was sowne as also which hath beene well dunged well harrowed and digged and delued rather in the decrease of the Moone than plowed with the plough beginning the worke in Iune afterward in August October December and Februarie to the end that the weedes that are in the ground may bee sufficiently killed as well by the heate of Summer at the cold of Winter After that you haue made the ground well pleasing and fit by such industrie beginne to sow it in the end of Aprill during the new of the Moone and toward the latter end of the day for being watered by the dew of the night it will spring more speedily and easily out of the earth than and if it were sowne in the heat of the day because it would be burst continually and would come but to small effect and profit You must not bee niggardly in sowing of it for
by how much the more seed you sow by so much the more thicke will the grasse grow neither will there grow any other grasse there and so there will also the more profit grow and rise thereupon to the good house-holder So soone as it is sowne you must harrow it euerie manner of way as long-waies broad-waies and ouer-thwart with harrowe● or rakes of wood set thicke with teeth but not of yron because it is an vtter enemie to yron afterward you must water it gently for the first time for and if you should water it forcibly and with aboundant store of water you should driue the seed all to one side of the field and yet you must not water it after September vnto the end of Aprill It will be good to cut it downe with a 〈◊〉 fiue or sixe times the first yeare and so proportionably the yeares following for it endureth ten yeares yea thirty as Pliny sayeth without standing in neede of being sowne againe The fit time to cut it downe is May Iune Iuly and August and the new of the Moone in the meane time you shall not let it lye vpon heapes any longer than a day in the meadowes for if it should stay there any long time it would raise such a hear as that it vvould smother and kill whatsoeuer were vnder it to the keeping of it for euer growing againe wherefore it will be good to carrie it elsewhere and to drie it assoone as possibly may bee stirring it euerie day from day to day Againe you must not let the cattell feede neere vnto this grasse in as much as not their tooth onely but their verie breathing on it also is very noysome vnto it and that so greatly as that it afterward becommeth either barren or else dieth presently it must not bee giuen greene for cattell to eate least it make them sicke by reason of the moisture and heat that is therein it must stay till it be drie before you giue it them to eate and then also but in small quantitie for that this grasse begetteth in them such store of blo●d as that of the much eating thereof they would be strangled therewith The good husbandman must be carefull to gather and reserue seed of this snaile clauer to sow the same vvhen it shall bee requisite it must not bee gathered the first yeare that it beareth by reason of his weakenesse but in all the other following and that in the moneths of Iune and Iuly so soone as the huskes wherein the seede is contained shall appeare drie and the seeds themselues be turned yellow Mixt prouander MIxt prouander must be sowne in fat and well manured places and such as haue beene twice eared it will be verie good if it be sowne with pilde barley sometimes it consisteth of barley oats fetches and fenugreeke vvhich are let grow hand ouer head and are cut afterward either greene or ripe to make fodder of for cattell in Winter Rice IF you will sow rice you may doe it but it is like to proue rather a worke of curiositie than of profit for rice is a commoditie properly belonging and growing amongst the Indians from whence also it is brought hither vnto vs in France Therefore for the sowing of rice either white or red chuse out some place that is verie moist and in case you haue no such amongst your arable ground then chuse out some field that is leane foule and nothing well clensed or some other which is light and weake but yet euen and through which you may conuey some little brooke or gutter of water Eare the ground thrice where you meane to sow your rice and when you haue thus plowed it ouer thrice sow your rice therein which you must first steepe for one whole day in water so soone as you haue sowne it draw your littlebrooke along through it and there suffer it to continue fiue whole moneths the depth of two singers and when as you perceiue the blade to begin to shoot forth his eare knowing that it also flowreth and seedeth at the same instant then double the quantitie of water to keepe the fruit from blasting or spoyling otherwise If you order it thus you shall not onely reape great quantitie of rice but you may also sow it three yeres together one after another without giuing any rest at all to the ground and yet the last yeare will bee no lesse fruitfull than the former yea which is more you shall make the field more fat frolicke in better plight and cleaner from weedes and cleaner from noysome beasts than it was before yea and furth●r than this you may sow therein for three yeares more one kind of graine or other wh●ther wheat or meslin whereof you shall not repent you in the time of haruest you shall find it to faire and profitable There is one inconuenience in rice which is that it causeth an ill aire by reason of the aboundance of water which it craueth for the space of fiue whole moneths but to recompence the same withall it proueth verie profitable for food and sustenance for thereof is made pottage and thereof also is bread made either with rie or mille● or all three together It is true that it is much giuen to make obstructions and it restraineth fluxes as mightily and this is the cause why such as haue great loosenesse in their bodies do vse it oftentimes especially if it be parched and boild in cowes milke wherein many little 〈◊〉 of the riuer haue bin quenched if you boyle it in milke adding therto sugar and 〈◊〉 it will prouoke vnto venerie Many do thinke that it maketh fat but seeing that according to the Physitians it is not digested in the stomach but verie hardly it must needs nourish but a little and then how can it possibly make one fat indeed it may be said rather to puffe vp than to make fat Hempe HEmpe must be sowne in fat and well dunged grounds and watered with some little brooke or else in fl●t and moist countries where much labour and ploughing hath beene bestowed for the fatter the ground is the thicker will the barke or pilling be It must be sowne in March and gathered when the seed is ripe and afterward dried either in the Sunne Wind or Smoake and then laid in water for to bee watered that so the pilling may the more easily depurt from the stalkes afterward to be vsed in making of ropes and cloth a labour and trauaile well beseeming and fit for women This is the opinion of the French but not the generall opinion of the better experienced for the rich ground which is spoken of here to sow hempe in must not bee taken for the rich stiffe blacke clay or for any clay at all for although they will beare hempe yet they put forth so much bunne and so little pilling that indeed the hempe that groweth therein is good for nothing therefore the best ground to sow hempe on is the richest of all mixt earths
that end doth become blacke and turneth into a darke and obscure colour This line after it hath receiued braking and the first hackling you shall take the strickes and platting them into a plat of three make a good bigge roule thereof and put it into a smooth and round trough made for the purpose in the same manner as you beate hempe so you shall beate this flaxe till it handle as soft as any silke then vnplat the strickes againe and heckle it through the second heckle the which must bee much finer than the first which done plat vp the strickes againe and then beat it the second time and then vnplat as before and heckle it the third time through the finest heckle that can bee gotten then spinne this ●ow and it will make you yarne either for Lawne Holland or Combricke or for the finest sisters thred that can bee sowed with as for the hurds which doe fall from the heckle you shall haue a great and diligent care to keepe them light and loose for by reason of the much beating they will bee exceeding soft and apt to clotter together and abide in lumpes and in the drawing of the thred it will handle very woollie yet bee well assured that from the first hurds you shall make a most exceeding fine mydling from the second a very fine lynnen and from the third a pure good holland Many other labours are bestowed vpon fla●ce but in this alreadie rehearsed consisteth the whole art of the huswife yet herein by the way is to bee noted that euer before you beate your flaxe you shall bestow great drying of it letting it stand each seuerall time at the least foure and twentie houres within the aire of the fire before you beate it for drying causeth it to breake Out of the seed of line you may presse an oyle which will neuer 〈…〉 so cold it is vsed of Physitions Painters and many other sorts of workemen It is singular good to soften hard things for the paine of the hemorrhoides chape and tumours of the fundament called Condylomata being washed in rose-water it ●●reth burnings it is maruelous good in plurisies if so be that it be 〈…〉 is old heateth and procureth vomite Nauets and Turneps NAuets and Turneps delight in a light and fine would and not in a 〈…〉 sad ground and yet turneps grow better in moist ground● 〈…〉 on the tops and sides of hills in drie and pettie grounds such as those are which are sandie and grauelly Howsoeuer it is the ground where they are sowne must haue beene oftentimes turned and cast harrowed and dunged for by these meanes they will not onely grow well but the ground after that they be gathered being thus prepared will bring forth fairer corne Turneps are sowne twice in the yeare in Februarie and in August in a well manured ground and you may not suffer them after that they haue gotten some little growth to put vp any further out of the earth for and if they should still grow more and more aboue the earth their root would become hard and full of small and little holes See more of nauets and turneps in our second booke CHAP. XIX Aduertisements concerning corne and pulse WIse and prudent husbandmen must not plow their groundes cut their vines or prune or haue any dealing about trees from the eighteenth day of Nouember vnto the seuen and twentieth of December Sow your corne as soone as you can and stay not to sow it in the Winter Neither doe you euer sow the corne which grew in a fat soile whether it bee wheat or rie or any other such in a leane and barren field but rather sow that corne in a fat and fertile soile which grew in a leane and barren ground and to be briefe sow in a well conditioned ground that which was growne in an ill conditioned ground In sowing your seed see that your hand auswere your foot and standing vpon your feet see that your right foot especially be moued when your right hand doth moue In sowing of wheat you must cast it with a full hand or by handfuls but in sowing barely rie oats and many other kindes of graine especially such as is shut vp in huskes as millet pannicke and rape seed must be sowne and cast into the earth with onely three fingers To preuent the frost that it may not hurt the corne that is sowne especially such as is sowne in cold grounds as those which are most subiect vnto frosts you must cast and spread lime vpon the said grounds before they besowne or else which is better mingle a sixt or eight part of lime amongst the corn which you meane to sow and so sow them together To keepe your seed from being eaten of birds mice or pis●yres water it before you sow it with the iuice of ho●se-leeke or according to Virgils aduice with water wherein nitre hath beene infused To cause peason beanes and other pulse to be tender and easily boyled you must lay them a day before they bee sowne in water vvherein there hath beene nitre dissolued or else to mingle amongst them in fowing of them some dung and nitre and if notwithstanding after all these meanes vsed they cannot yet be well boyled then put into the pot wherein they are boyling a little mustard seed and in a short time they will relent and seeth in peeces Beanes being sowne neere trees cause their roots to drie and wither beanes will keepe long if you water them with sea water notwithstanding that they will not boile any thing at all in salt or sea water Cich peas● will become greater if you infuse them in warme water before they be sowne or if you steepe them in their cods in vvater vvherein nitre hath bin infused if you vvould haue them earely sow them when you sow barley Lentils will grow very faire if they be infused in their cods in warme water with nitre or if they be rubd ouer with drie ox-dung before they be sowne You must not sow millet thicke if so bee you would haue it good for examples sake a handfull is enough to sow halfe an arpent withall for if you should 〈…〉 more you must but pull it vp when you come to the weeding of it Sow your lupines before all other kinds of corne without staying or 〈…〉 raine before they flowre you may put oxen in amongst them and 〈◊〉 all the other sorts of herbs they will eate but they will not touch or come neere vnto the 〈◊〉 because that they are bitter you may make them sweet if you steepe them three whole dayes in sea and riuer water mingled together Sow all manner of pulse in the increase of the Moone except peason and g●ther them as soone as they be ripe for otherwise their cods will open and the 〈◊〉 fall out Gather seeds and all manner of graine in the change of the Moone if you would haue them to keepe and doe with them as
vvhich commeth of new threshed corne because that the corne being driuen and laide naked from his first and vtmost huske and coate taketh the aire as also his vndermost couering vvherewith it is couered and so groweth drier and harder not only in his coate but also in the meale and marrow inclosed therein Whereupon it commeth to passe that this meale being left naked and voide of any coate by the grinding of the Mill becommeth more apt to keepe in being the more drie On the contrarie the meale of new threshed corne is not of so good continuance but spoileth sooner because that the corne new threshed retaining yet his natiue moisture maketh the meale the more moist and heauie and that it can not be so drie vvhereupon it falleth out to be more inclinable and readie to corrupt For euen as drinesse doth preuent and hinder putrifaction so moisture doth hasten and help forward the same And that it is so vve see by experience that the painfull husbandmen for the good keeping of their corne do leaue it in the sheafe mowed vp in the Barne there to Winter and sweate causing it after such sweate to be threshed that so they may shift it out of its place into another that is more drie and laying vp higher in a more open ayre vvhere being laide and gathered together in heapes after a long and not high raised manner he diligently bestirreth himselfe to cause it to be remoued from place to place that so it may take the aire by little and little but especially to ayre that vvhich lieth vnderneath by laying it about vvherefore it is not to be doubted but that the meale vvhich is made of corne that hath beene thus ordered in the Garner is of much better continuance than that vvhich is of corne comming newly out of the sheafe Besides the husbandm●n must giue in charge if so be hee vvould haue his meale to keepe long to the Miller to grinde his corne somewhat grosse for if it be ground fine it is not possible for him to keepe it so long in good state and condition Notvvithstanding for the well keeping of all sorts of meale whether it bee of corne new or old threshed you must make choice of the highest roome of all your dwelling place whether it bee towre towne or towne-house and being placed there as in a store-house it shall bee let rest full fifteene daies to relieue and ease it selfe of the trauell which it hath had in the grinding after which time of rest for the better and longer keeping of it it will be needfull to change it oft from one place to another and by this meanes it will be kept a whole halfe yeare and being often remoued and changed from one place to another it will bee increased a fift or sixt part at the least o● which notwithstanding there cannot be made so good bread as of the meale that is newly ground And thus much for the farmers duetie about baking which consisteth in chusing the corne causing it to bee ground and laying vp of the meale in some garner either to bee kept or to be presently vsed about the making of bread The ordering of the meale and making of the bread belongeth vnto the house-wife according to the custome of the auncient Romans amongst whom the women of speciall note and account did worke and knead the meale and made bread with their owne hands as Plutarch reporteth in his Problemes The house-wife then being possessed of so much meale in the garner shall goe about to doe her indeauour to make bread but before she beginne to make it she shall seperate the finer part thereof from the grosser with some temze searce or bolter to the end that of these seuerall sorts of meale she may make seuerall sorts of bread the finest part of the meale is called the flower of meale and of the Latins Pollen whereof the pasterers or cookes for pastrie doe make wafers and such like daintie knackes the grossest part is the brane called of the Latins Furfur which commeth of the coat or huske cleauing next vnto the narrow and kernell of the corne Betwixt the flower of the meale and the bran there are yet other parts of the meale more or lesse fine or more or lesse grosse according to the widenesse or narrownesse of the temze or bolter through which they passe and according to the difference and diuersitie of these parts there are made different and diuers sorts of bread that is to say more or lesse white according to the taking forth of two three or foure parts of the bran by the helpe and meanes of the bolter besides these parts and seuerall sorts there is yet another sort of meale which is called mill-dust and this riseth vp from the corne as it is vpon the mill grinding vnder the mill-stone but hereof there is no vse for bread the millers vse to sell it onely for the vse of booke-binders and gold-smiths to make their pastewithall there is yet another kind of meale which the Italians call Semole which is fine meale or course flower called of the Latins Simila or Similago whereof wee haue spoken before Wee haue it not in this countrie it is brought vnto vs from Italy and Naples neither doe men vse to make bread with this but either thicken their meat-broths or else make pap-meat It is as fine as the flower of meale but not so white notwithstanding hauing a colour halfe like the straw colour It is of a very good iuice and no●rishment There is yet further another sort of very white meale that is very fine which is commonly called in French Amydon and of the Greeks and Latins Amylon as though it were made without mill-stones It hath heretofore beene made diuers waies but in this countrie they vse to make it in this sort They chuse the faire●● and purest wheate that may bee got and cause it to bee ground verie finely which done they cast the ground meale into a vessell whch the other fill vp with water scumming off the bran that swimmeth aloft and after passing all the water through a cloth or strainer and then they put new water into the vessell which they likewise straine in such manner as they did the former leauing the white meale in the 〈◊〉 whither it is setled and this they drie in the heate of the Sunne about the dog daies and when it is dried it becommeth hard and is afterward broken into gobb●●s and so made into fine meale You may make meale likewise of other corne than of wheate as of barley 〈◊〉 mes●● secourgeon and many other sorts of graine whereof wee haue said before that bread is woont to bee made in the time of dearth and famine or else in poore countries that haue want of other or at least of better corne Barley meale is very full of branne and hence it commeth that the bread made thereof doth losen the belly Notwithstanding there vvas in old time made
by the sequell Oaten bread is not commended both because the imploying of oats that way were to rob cattell of their due food and prouander a great argument of famine as also because such bread is of an vnpleasant taste It is better to vse oatmeale made of oats freed from their huske as we haue said before in the treatise of pottage vsed either in flesh time or in the time of Lent Bread made of millet and panicke is very common in Bearne and Gascoigne not only amongst the vulgar sort but also in the houses of great Lords but these do vse it rather for daintinesse sake or for want of a good stomach than otherwise it is verie drie light and easily crumbling and so fit for to drie vp a stomach and bodie that is very moist It is pleasant in tast when it is new and well baked especially when it is eaten comming hot out of the ouen for then it tasteth and eateth with a maruellous pleasant sweetnesse Likewise in countries where such bread is made account of the bakers carry it presently after it is drawne into the towne and cry hot millet bread hot but after it is become hard it looseth all his grace Bread made of pure and cleane meslin is very good to be eaten according to the mediocritie of the substance thereof in such sort as that many compare it with the bread made of Similago which was in old times the best and most excellent wheat that was There is no regard to be made of the bread made of the bran which commeth of the meale that hath its flower taken from it and is commonly called meale bran it is better to leaue it for the hounds or sheepherds dogs or such as serue for the keeping and watch of the house In England and other places they make a great and profitabe vse of this meale as namely a certaine bread which they call horse-bread and is so generall among them that you shall not find an Inne Ale-house or common Harbour which doth want the ●●me how excellent good and wholesome it is for horses I will not boast because the bran is naturally hot and burning of it selfe and breeds many inflammations and hot diseases amongst horses yet certaine it is it will feed much and for trauelling horses it is a good food and well allowable during their labour or time of trauelling but in their time of rest not so good nor wholesome especially that which is of the common or worse sort for you must vnderstand that there be two kinds of this common horse-bread the first kind of it is that which is made of Branne or Chyssell onely and knoden with cold water without any mixture of other meale with it more than that which they mould it in which seemeth onely to bind the chissell together which otherwise would fall in sunder the other kind of bread is when they take two bushells of Branne or Chissell and adde vnto it one bushell of beane or pease meale and ●o kneade it vp in water scalding hot and after the 〈◊〉 are moulded to roule them in spelted beanes crusht and brused in a mill and so bake it well This bread is not altogether so vnwholesome as the former and may very wel serue to feed horses with all the yere for it is both hartie and strong only a little too heauie which maketh it hard of disgestion and so more hurtfull to horses of tender stomaches or such as want exercise which is the onely meanes of speedy ●●●cuation Soft bread otherwise called of the French Painm●llet or Pain de 〈◊〉 is to be made for none but great Lords Bisket bread made of the flower of white meale is for such as take the dyet Bisket made of rie and such other graine of the inferiour sort is for mariners and such as are besieged in townes The spiced bread is for such as are sweet ●oothed and li●ourishly giuen The most excellent and best bread of all other if you haue need at any time to make choice is that which is made of good and pure wheat that is new not old not corrupted or any way spoyled moist or long kept hauing beene well ground well sifted well wrought into paste with good store of leuen and sufficient quantitie of riuer or spring water rather than that which is taken out of Wells but neuer out of ●ennes pooles or fi●h ponds nor yet out of troubled dyrtie muddie vncleane or salt water being well raised and throughly kneaded and turned on euery side and let rest certaine houres being wel couered and somewhat salted of a reasonable masse of paste not too exceeding great that so it may take the heat of the fire equally on euerie side as well aboue as below which is baked in the ouen with a reasonable fire and such a one as did burne cleare feeding vpon wood rather than vpon straw stubble reed rotten or medicinable wood which is indifferently baked so as that by ouer much and long baking the crust is not scorched not the sweet iuyce of paste which is as it were the life and substance of the meale is not spent and consumed or so as by too slight and slender baking the inner part of the bread remaine raw and so become a heauie and burthensome bread vnto the stomach very hardly to bee digested and ingendring great store of windinesse and spettle drawne out of the ouen in time and place and set vp where there is a good aire and not in any filthie or stinking aire that there it may euaporate the superfluous moisture that is in it Such bread hauing beene thus prepared and ordered must not bee eaten too hastily as when it is new baked nor yet the same day but the day following in Sommer or the third day after in Winter for new bread especially that which is hot doth re●aine a great part of the moisture clamminesse and 〈◊〉 which 〈◊〉 had in the kneading and to being eaten new would procure the inflamation and puffing vp of the stomach prouoke thirst be hardly digested subuert and ouerthrow the stomach and cause obstructions in the liuer and inward parts It is true that physitians do greatly commend in faintings and swounings the smelling of the 〈◊〉 part of the loafe comming new out of the ouen and sprinkled with wine Old baked bread especially that which is three or foure daies old looseth all its best grace and sauour and in steed thereof falleth into drienesse and hardnesse and so becommeth hard of digestion passeth slowly downe into the bowells causeth costiuenesse and begetteth a melanchollie iuyce and nourishment The crust of bread notwithstanding it be of better taste and relish than the crums and that the commo● people do thinke that it maketh a stronger bodie yet it ingendreth a cholericke adust and melancholie iuice and that is the cause why in houses of great personages they vse to chip their bread What quantitie of bread must be eaten
grapes in places that are hot and giuen to be mild In drie countries he must plant those vines the fruit whereof is woont lightly either through raine or the dew to rot as those be of samoureau Gouet Pinot Blanke and Beaunoies and in a moist place those which are woont to spoile and perish through drinesse In countries which are troubled with haile such as are of a hard and large leafe for such are able the better to defend and couer the fruit CHAP. III. How that there is not planted any vine by the way of making a seed nurcerie except it be onely for pleasure I Am of that mind that a man cannot but hinder and iniurie himselfe in making nurcerices of vines for besides that the tree doth not grow sooner of kernels than it doth of the plant there is also this inconuenience namely that the vine growing of knernels doth not yeeld any thing of profit or good for vse This is indeed a worke for such as loue their pleasure and haue in their purses largely to defray the charges thereof being able thereby to sow seeds out of some strange countrie afterward to raise a nurcerie of stocks of the same when they are growne vp for to bee transplanted and remoued into a better ground and that they may graft thereon and afterward againe remoue the stockes so grafted into a better ground also that so about two yeares after they may reape the fruit thereof which is woont to be both great and daintie enough but yet this same new vineyard thus planted is the least durable of all others Againe in this countrie wee doe not trouble our selues in planting vines to runne vpon trees in such sort as any man may easily see that they doe in Lombardie and other places neither yet with such as are raised vpon single and double shadowing arbours neither yet with such as vse to creepe along and spread themselues vpon elmes or other trees for the wine neuer proueth so good as well because the root of the tree is corrupted after the maner as it falleth out with coleworts as also because this plant loueth not to be hoi●ed and mounted too high neither yet shadowed with any building of timber-worke higher than the stature of a perfect man CHAP. IIII. How that before you plant your vine you must learne out what wine the earth will beare where you are purposed to plant it WHosoeuer doth purpose to plant vines must not so much trust vnto the markes and signes of a good ground ceclared and set downe before as first to see that he haue made trial what wine the ground will best beare where he mindeth to plant his vine for it were but labour lost and money cast away to plant a vine for so small increase as can nothing like aunswere and content your expectation Thus then you may trie and proue your ground make a pit in the ground where you meane to plant it of two foot depth and of the earth cast out of the pit take a clod and put it in a glasse full of raine water that is verie deane mingle and beate together this earth and water then let it rest vntill such time as the earth haue made his perfect residence and setling in the bottome of the glasse which is easily perceiued by the cleerenesse of the glasse which will follow thereupon and after that the earth is throughly setled tast the water and looke what relish or tast it hath such would the wine be and therefore a vine yeelding such a relished wine fittest to be planted there therefore if you find therein a bitter tast a saltie or allum like or any other such vnpleasant tast auoid and cease to plant any vine in any such ground Which if it be true then to dung and manure vines is altogether to bee condemned because it is very hard that earth fed and nourished with dung should not taste and retaine the smatch of the dung and so by consequence communicate the same with the wine Wherefore the Parisians are fowly and foolishly ouerseene to load and lay vpon their vines yeare by yeare such great quantitie of dung and that is the cause for the most part why their wines haue an vnpleasant tast and doe easily and very quickely corrupt and yet further the dung doth cause the vines to grow old by and by and become barren because they put forth all their goodnesse the first yeare CHAP. V. Of the choice of young vine plants THe choice of young plants whether they bee crossets marquets or the tenais must not be put to the discretion of the seller who little careth to take the fit season for the gathering of the said young plants neither yet for the goodnesse of them but altogether to his diligent heedfull care which is the workemaster and for that cause it were best for men to take them of their owne vines or else at least to haue those which hee shall buy warranted to bee● good he must also haue regard to the quality of the aire and situation of the ground where he will set his plants that so he may fit them for the same For and if the ground lie vpon the South he shall chuse the young branches of vines which he will plant from the same part and quarter if he meane to plant them in a high place hee shall gather the plants vpon some high and tall vine and if low then out of some vineyard that is very low planting in a hot cold drie or moist ground hee shall chuse his plants for the renewing of any failing or decaied of the like situation by this meanes the plant will fasten the sooner in the ground and it will bring forth fruit sooner and a great deale better than if it should bee otherwise Likewise hee must not keepe the young plant any long time before hee plant it for no more than trees which are to bee remooued can the vine well and easily endure after it is cut to bee long vnplanted neither yet would it be carried far or remoued out of its owne soile into another because it feareth the change of earth and aire and thereupon it commeth that the young plants brought out of strange countries as of Beaune Rochel and Burdeaux cannot prosper so well in our soile as those which grew there first To make good choice therefore of crossets to plant new vines of you must see that the vine from which you gather such Cros●ets bee but sparingly furnished with pith because that such a one is not onely fruitfull and bearing aboundantly but because also it is not so subiect to the iniuriousnesse of time as Snow Fogges Frostes and the burning of the Sunne in the time of Sommer as those which haue much pith in them afterward when the vines beginne to bud you must diligently view about the beginning of September those that are most laden with grapes and which are most fruitfull and haue most
eies in their branches which haue not beene iniured or hurt by the hardnesse of weather and which are neither young not old but in their chiefest strength and middle age or not much past Of such vines must your branches be gathered in the increase of the new Moone somewhat late of the day in the afternoone not of such as grow most low not yet of such as grow highest but of the middle growth and such as are round smooth and fi●me hauing many eies and about three fingers of old wood together with the new It must be planted presently that so it may take the sooner in the earth whiles yet it is in life or else presently as soone as it is cut off to wrap it in its owne earth not tying it hard as also if you would keepe it a long time to put it in a vessell full of earth well closed and stopped perfectly on euery side that so the aire may not any way wrong it or else if it bee to bee carried into any far countrie to sticke it in an onion or wilde garlicke and then before planting of it to steepe it in water especially if the ground from whence it is gathered be drie by nature The vine-dressers of the duchie of Burgundie before the planting of crossets do cause them to be steeped one whole day or a night in running water and find by experience that the said crossets do take more easily Others cause the branch to be set and planted by and by that so it may take the sooner CHAP. VI. The manner and way to plant Vines THe first casting of the earth for to plant the vine must bee done in the Spring or Sommer in which first digging or casting of it the ground must bee cleansed of all superfluities as rootes weeds and stones it must be digged and renewed oftentimes to the end that the earth which is vppermost may bee brought vnto the bottome and that in the bottome may bee turned vppermost to moisten and refresh that which is drie and to heat and drie that which is moist thick and afterward made euen and cast into many furrows pits of a foot and a half breadth depth till you come to the hard stone in the bottom● and the knights or guids of the one side the other of such a thicknes aboue as may aunswere to the depth of the furrow which yet must be made hollower in a rough and crabb●d ground than in sandie flintie or wet ground in the bottomes of the sides of which furrowes there may bee put stones so that they bee no bigger than a loafe and couered with earth for the cooling of the vines in the heat of Sommer as also to the end that vpon great raine the water may find passage and not stand at the rootes of the plants Whereupon your ground being well laid with stones in this sort and rested and setled after the first dressing of it and being in the time of this rest turned o●er and wrought for the taking away of the couch grasse and other weeds you must spie out some calme and quiet weather to plant in according to the place where you shall bee and the nature of your ground prepare make readie sharpen and cut off the root and hairie threeds of your young plants and fit them well for the South Sunne plant them in the middest of the furrow in the plaine flat where your foot vseth to ●read and one right ouer against another and after the maner of a Burgundian crosse for to make them after that they are couered with earth and old made dung or with the earth which hath beene cast out of the furrowes and thrown on the ridges leape to the two sides of the furrowes towards the ridge of either part for so they beare more fruit and this is called the double plant which must bee vnderstood of the plants onely which are so planted in doubt that if one doe die the other may escape or that and if they both take the one of them may bee taken vp to put in place where others haue failed For howsoeuer the plant set of a crosset may make the better foot and root yet for certaine it is harder to take than the marquot although the marquot be not so lasting and of such continuance in as much as the crossets do put forth rootes of themselues Furthermore you must cut off the greatest wood and most knottie from the vine stocke which you know to bee the fairest and most fertile and it must consist both of old and new wood It continueth foure yeares without fruit and on the other side without some misfortune it is seene to continue thirtie yeares in his vigour and lustinesse After it is cut off it must be cut fit not leauing aboue three or foure ioints at the most two wherof in planting it may stand aboue ground and if it haue put forth any eielet you may rub it off with your finger or nip it off with your naile If you make lesser furrowes you must plant them after the fashion called ●n godeau after the Angeuin fashion setting euery one distant from another two foot one marquot betwixt two knights or guides as is vsually obserued in planting of stocks in the nurcerie of fruit trees and after that to leaue it foure yeares in the same state that it may be laid downe againe when it is growne that is some two or three yeres after it hath put forth strong and able wood in such sort as that to vines so planted there need no propping or vnder bearing for the chiefe and principall foot as it is in trees doth sufficiently beare vp the siences putting forth of the same In Languedoc and Prouence they plant them in this sort but they pricke them downe a great deale further off one from another and set an oliue tree betwixt euery two which nothing hindereth by his shadow either their growth or the Sunne from hauing full power vpon them And yet they leaue not so but as is vsed in Italy they set in euery furrow fiue or sixe rowes of pulse or wheat and yet so as that there groweth no intanglement betwixt them and the vine as not being set or planted amongst them and yet they let not to plant the oliue trees in corne fields prouiding as hath beene heretofore said that the shadow thereof doe not any thing hinder the growth of the graine The marquot would be planted as soone as it is raised from his stocke with his whole furniture of twigs and that alone in the middest of the furrow because of his small sprigs seeing there is no doubt made of the taking of it againe it must haue a bed and spreading place of great length it groweth sooner as hath beene said than the crosset but in like manner as the grafted one it indureth the least and shortest time of all the rest After that you haue planted your crossets
it for by it the earth is made the more supple and tractable In this peece of worke is contained the laying bare of the roots of the principall stocks and if the plant be grown high then this may be done in the calme and quiet time of March according to the difference and alteration of places for in this chill and cold place which is subiect vnto frosts and blastings as also in places seated in the vpper parts and tops of mountaines this first order and fashion of dressing them must be done in the after end of Winter which is called mid-May The second fashion of dressing and tilling the vine is to weed rake and cut the same as hath beene said before but before this worke come in hand the plants must bee fitted by being cut that so they may be able to continue in the place where they are planted and not to be tossed and carried to and fro with strong and blustering windes The third sort of labour to be performeed in dressing of vines is to propagate them but this worke fitteth them not for the second yeare no nor yet for the third yere except in some certaine places and in such vines as at that age are growne to very stronge wood The third yere besides the foresaid dressings if the plant be strong and seated in a good ground and that it hath put forth faire and goodly wood it is woont to be propagated betwixt mid-Aprill and for surenes sake vnto mid-May and then the propagated branches are buried in the places where the ridges are broken cast down and that alike on both sides by which meanes is made the checker whereof Columella speaketh In this same third yeare of the new plant according to the strength of the wood which it hath put forth notwithstanding for the cause aboue mentioned you haue with your naile nipped off such buds as were readie to blossome yet according to the store that it hath of strong wood after you haue cut it and amended the stocke some begin to prop vnderset and bind it for the bearing vp of the faire and iolly branches therof that they may not fall and lie flat vpon the ground which done you must go ouer it with the second fashion of dressing of it and yet before this be done it must be raised thrust vp and bound with his first band Vines are propagated in Aduent and Ianuarie after they haue beene cut howbeit in places that are more chill they be let alone till Februarie and March and for the doing hereof they make choice of the fairest branch that they can find growne out of the stocke cutting off the rest of the branches some two ioints from the stalke Sometimes if they were of a faire stocke some vse to take two of the fairest branches of the chiefest plant and then lay them verie gently one after another low vnder foot in a pit that shall haue beene made in the ridges afterward they must bee couered with earth some do lay the chiefe branch that is to be propagated very deepe to the end that the yeare after that it shall haue beene dres●ed and the branches handsomely laid downe in the earth without any offence or hurt done vnto them it may abide the manuring with dung for the chiefe and mother braunch is not woont to bee manured at any time but rather it is to be vncouered and layed ope● at the foot in Ianuarie in the beginning of December when the propagated braunch is manured to the end it may the better take in the snow and raine water which may make it to haue a thicke foot In Chablyes and throughout all To●uerroies and Auuerroies they vse to propagate their vines in October and in the beginning of December when they fall calme in stonie and grauelly grounds And from mid-May vnto mid-Aprill they propagate their vines in the said conutries in their sandie grounds and such as stand on a potters clay and not sooner than that because the water that would stand in the pits would rot and kill the young braunches newly planted because of the frosts there contin●ed both in Winter and in the Spring After August you must dresse your vine againe whether it be young or old binding it ouer againe by reason of his former young sprigs which might haue beene hurt by the first band and withered away and now at this time it must haue two bands bestowed vpon it though they vse not so to do in Anjou and Tourraine because their dressing of their vines is diuers and differing from that which wee vse Wee haue forgotten how that at mid-May before the raifing of the plant it must be stripped of his buds and in doing hereof to bee heedy and warie that the principall sprigs which shall be about the blossome be not hurt or touched except there be too many of them vpon one stocke For the third dressing of the vine which shall bee in August it is woont to bee trimmed and tied again after which in a gentle calm weather after some raine hath fallen the earth must be stird with the pick-axe very gently and softly and the weeds turned vnderneath and sometimes it is weeded if the yeare haue been rainie Besides which ordinarie dressings you must be further aduertised that indeed it is requisit● neuer to goe without a spade in your hand whiles you are amongst vines if so bee that you would haue them to prosper and that this businesse bee not posted ouer to rascally fellowes or maides especially the propagating of them and the stripping of them of their buds To conclude and shut vp the whole matter of the dressing of the vine set downe in his diuers sorts heere before it is to be vnderstood in generall that in the moneths of December and Ianuarie the new propagated plant must bee cut and the old one of the yeare past looked vnto in laying bare the foot of the old and dressing a new the propagated one and manuring of it if there be any need In March and Aprill it must bee cut and moe new plants made at the same time also some lay bare their vines and manure such as haue need within a sho●t time after they must be laid bare againe as also couered againe afterward before they blossome and flowre they must bee stripped of their buds with your hand especially whiles the branches shall appeare so tender as that they will scarce abide touching with ones finger for feare of spoiling and breaking off then shortly afterwards to prop them vp with railes and stayes to tie them with soft and nimble bands and of all this while not to forget to giue them their seuerall orders such as haue been● m●ntioned and spoken of before CHAP. XI Of the manner of grafting the vine THe vine in this countrie is seldome grafted notwithstanding wee will speak a word or two of it hauing alreadie in the third booke handled this point more
largely where we haue spoken of all the sorts and properties of grafting The vine then may bee grafted either vpon it selfe or on other trees The vine grafted vpon a vine is after two maner of waies the on● in the stocke the other in the branch To graft a vine in the stocke you must make choice of a grosse firm one and such as is ful of moisture not being too old cutting it close by the ground or which is better a foot within ground The grafts that you meane to graft must be round firme full of little eies and set one neere vnto another and cut in the decreease of the Moone and taken from the stocke and foot of the vine The manner of grafting of them is to insert and set the graft into the bodie of the vine about two fingers deepe And you shall do the like if you would graft the vine vpon the branches of the vine At Auxerrois and especially at Chablies they haue another manner of grafting besides the former and they vse it much it is in this sort They cut off all the greene buds and sprigs from the stocke except onely the shoot or branch which was put forth the yeare before which they leaue of the length of some two ●oot This branch they cleaue the breadth of two or three fingers they hollow and also make fit the cleft within on euery side to the end that the graft of the branch being made cornered may fit the said cleft the better and in this cleft they put the graft consisting both of old and new wood made sharpe at the end which shall go into the cleft with his pith shaped in manner of a wedge ouer which they cause the said clouen branch so to close and come together in such proportion as that the rindes of euery part of the cleft may ioine after which they binde it gently without straiting of it much with a clouen ozier hauing the woodie part taken away in such sort as that there remaine almost nothing but the very pilling that so it may be the softer to tie them and the sooner rotten This done they lay the said graft in the earth about halfe a foot and couer it with soft earth Neither do they forget to pick off the buds or sprigs that may grow on the same stock that yere to the end there may be no attraction or rising of the sap for the putting forth and feeding of any thing else but the yong graft which for the first yere groweth for the most part about two or three foot Then at the end of two yeares they propagate the stocke and the graft which by such meanes will put forth many new shootes The like may be practised in one of the twigs putting vp at the foot of the stocke The vine is grafted after the same manner vpon trees as cherry-trees plum-trees and others such like and thereof Columella in●reateth very largely in his Elme groue whereunto I will refer you seeing in this our countrie of France there is account or estimation made of the grafting of vines CHAP. XII Of certaine pettie practises and experiments touching and concerning the vines YOu shall haue your vines to beare aboundantly and withall a very good and durable wine if your vine-dresser weare a garland of iuie at such time as he croppeth and cutteth your vines if we may beleeue Palladius but indeed the surest way is if there be cast into the pit with it when it is planted the acorns of okes brayed and ground-fetches You shall perceiue before the vintage that there will bee a great aboundance of wines if whiles you plucke very lightly with your fingers one grape off from the bunch there follow and issue forth some liqour after it In like maner a plentifull haruest of wheat doth prognosticate a plentifull vintage of wine Raines in the Spring time do foreshew that the wines comming after will be strong and mightie Men of old and auncient times past haue highly esteemed of the treacle vine in respect of the great vertue which his win● hath against the bitings of serpents and other venimous beasts and not only the wine but also his leaues stamped and applied in forme of a cataplasme vnto the greeued part as also the ashes of the branches The maner of preparing of it is to cleaue three or foure fingers of the neather end of the branch which you meane to plant and after that you haue taken out the pith you must put in steede of the pith some quantitie of triacle afterward you must couer it and wrap it in paper and set the clouen end into the ground som● oth●r● not contented with this course doe poure treacle vpon the roots of the Vine A Vine may after the same manner be made laxatiue as if in the clouen branch you put some soluble purge or if the rootes thereof bee watered with some laxatiu● things Note notwithstanding that the branch taken from the treacle or laxatiue Vine to be planted will not hold the properties of the said Vine whereof it was gathered because the treacle and laxatiue drugs doe loose their force and power in the Vine in processe of time Your Vine will beare a Wine apt to procure sleepe if after the manner vsed in your treacle wine you put Opium of the juice of Mandrakes in the cleft which you shall haue made in the bodie of the Vine To make grapes to grow without kernels take the pith out of the branch that you meane to plant and yet not from the one end to the other but onely so much as is to stand within the ground afterward wrap it in wet paper or graft it in an Onion for the Onion helpeth the branch verie well to grow and so plant it There are some that doe aduise to water it oft with water wherein hath laine to steepe some Beniouin and that so long as till it hath put forth some buds To haue grapes in the spring you must graft the branch of a blacke Vine vpon a Cherrie tree To cause a Vine to budde betimes you must rubbe the eies of the branch newly cut with water wherein hath beene steeped Sal nitrum and within eight dayes after it will budde To make your clusters to consist partly of white and partly of black grapes you must take two diuers branches differing the one from the other and cleaue them in the midst hauing regard that the cleft run not through any of their eies as also that there be not any part of their pith lost then afterward you must ioine them together and that in such sort as that their eies may be neere one vnto another and that in such sort as that they may touch and of two there may become but one onely afterward the branches must be well tied together with paper and couer them with clammie earth or with the leaues of the heads of Onions and to plant them
more easily or distributed more speedily than white or yellow Wines but because that being once concocted in the stomach and sent vnto the liuer they are easily changed and turned into bloud notwithstanding they seeme not the least remoued and differing from the nature of the same for white and yellow Wines of all other are woont to be the speediliest concocted in the stomach and to bee conueied vnto the liuer but they yeeld lesse store of bloud then those which are thick and red and so doe fat lesse Wherefore yellow Wine or the redlike Wine being of a thinne and pearsing substance by how much it approcheth the neerer vnto the faculties of thinne white Wine by so much it begetteth the thinner and more fluent bloud and therewithall hot if it be hot or temperate if it bee waterish and weake such as the Grecians vse to call Oligophorum which signifieth a Wine admitting but small quantitie of water to be mixed therewith yea a reasonable cold bloud if it be yet somewhat greene and vnripe But the deepe red Wine which is harsh and rough whereas for its thickenesse it is profitable to comfort the loose and wearish stomach but nourisheth not much so in like manner it increaseth and redoubleth the obstructions of the liuer spleene and reines as also it maketh a thicke 〈◊〉 and melancholike blood so withal begetteth many melancholike diseases The red wine that is somewhat cleere and thin seemeth to hold of both and so standeth as a meane betwixt them both Wherefore Dioscorides following the opinion of Hippocrates hath rightly said that deepe red wines were thicke and of hard concoction and digestion for all thicke wines whether they be of a deepe or light red do nourish to speake the trueth aboundantly and fat the bodie but they put the stomach to more paine in concocting of them than those which are somewhat cleere and of a thinne substance Furthermore they being of hard digestion and distribution and not easily passing away by vrine through the long and continuall vse of them they ingender flatuous swelling and windieneffe in the bellie and bowels Wherefore yellow and white wines that are of a subtile substance and very ripe are to bee better accounted of and esteemed as more wholesome for all such as haue need or desire to bee heated as old folkes flegmaticke and melancholike persons that be cold of nature as also for them that lead their liues in idlenesse in cold co●●tries and cold seasons as in Winter heapinging vp great store of sup●rfluities and raw humours in the veines for they are likewise more profitable for the furt●●rance of concoction to bee made in the stomach liuer and veines than those which are waterish and sweete but very many times they offend and hurt the head and sinewes and make a full braine for this cause they are enemies and contrarie to such as are hot by nature or haue a moist braine or their sinewes and ioin●● weake and subiect to distillations for vnto such bodies the wines that are a littlered and somewhat astringent are farre more meete and conuenient because they bee not so fuming and therefore doe not charge the head so heauily But as for deepe red wines they are most fit and conuenient for diggers and deluers husbandmen dressers of vines and others which liue a toilesome and painefull life Wherefore white wines yellow red or claret and of those onely such as are of a subtile substance delicate and wat●ie called of the Greekes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is to say admitting but small store of water to be mingled with them are harmelesse to all and to be vsed with all safetie and securitie The white and yellow or redlike wines which are of a thin and subtile substance together with the claret weake waterie rawe and greenish being of a cold and moist temperature such as are very vsuall and common in the grounds about Paris do nourish the bodie very little and are harder to be digested than those which will beare but a little water but they coole and moisten more than the ●est and where as they nourish but a little they are said on the other side to make the body leane They bring not any detriment or harme vnto the head liuer reines or bladder but being long vsed they hurt the stomach bowels matrix and spleene very much and which is more are professed enemies to all such as are cold and moist by nature and especially vnto old folkes Contrariwise they are somewhat profitable for hot and drie natures and if naturall heat be strong they passe away and are euacuated easily by vrine and this is a thing that is common to all greene wines which are of a subtile substance The like iudgement is to bee had of diseases for as they are tolerated with all securitie in hot natures so in like manner they prolong and increase cold diseases And thus sufficiently as it seemeth vnto me concerning the nature qualitie and vse of wine gathered from the colour thereof As concerning the relish some wines are sweet some sharp some bitter some rough and harsh some sower and tart and both of them astringent others of a mixt nature betwixt sweet and rough others greene or greenish and these are very common and vsuall in the grounds about and belonging to Paris In generall all sweete wines whether they be white or red do nourish more than other heat indifferently prouoke thirst swell and stop through the much vse thereof the prnicipall parts but the liuer and the spleene more than all the rest especially if they be grosse and thicke for looke how much the thicker they bee so much the more vnwholesome they are Sweet wine saieth Hippocrates doth lesse burthen and charge the head then that which is strong and full of wine it lesse offendeth the vnderstanding also yea it looseth the bellie but it is not good for such as abound with colericke humours for that it prouoketh thirst and windinesse True it is that it is good for such as are much troubled with the cough because it raiseth vp flegme the more easily in all such except they be subiect to thirst and drinesse Sweet white wine is of a thinner substance than sweet red wine It helpeth spitting more than any other so that it bee not too grosse and thicke for it concocteth raw flegme in the brest it smootheth and maketh plaine the roughnesse of the inward parts and in that respect is profitable for the l●ngs reines or bladder being rugged or rough but in the meane time it hurteth the liuer because that as I haue here while said it swelleth and puffeth it vp and causeth obstructions therein It causeth thirst likewise in hot and drie natures because it maketh obstructions and is easily turned into choleticke matter as all other things are which are sweete Notwithstanding it procureth drunkennesse lesse than any other in as much as it offendeth the head but a little Dioscorides hath spoken
timber trees if peraduenture you haue not the b●nefit of some vnder wood neere vnto your house where the conies may settle themselues and make their abode Notwithstanding in as much as the hunting and taking of conies which haue their couer●s and boroughs in such vnder woods is some what more hard and difficult than that of the Warren and because also that conies liuing in smal woods multiplie nothing so much as those in the Warren and that especially by reason of foxes woolues and other field beastes whereunto they are oftentimes made a pray by being deuoured of them it will bee better and for your further both ease and profit to make a Warren apart by it selfe You must then for the making thereof reserue some fiue or sixe acres of fine dusti● or sandie ground such as is not fat strong or close in a high place lying open vpon the Sunne and not in a ●arish or waterie ground for together with that the ●onie hateth aboue all things moisture and cold yet for the conueniencie of her making of here earthes it is requisite that she be in a place where she may dig with ease for the making of her bed and couert This peece of ground shall be compassed and be set about after the manner of a parke with reasonable high walls to keepe out fox●s woolues and other wild beasts that they may not iniurie or make war vpon this little beast Within this conigrie you must plant great store of brambles mulberri● trees and ●loe trees strawberrie plants wild pine trees hurtle berrie bushes goose berrie bushes m●rtle trees and great store of iuniper for the conie loueth the iuniper berrie aboue all other things And as concerning hearbes you must sow if so be the earth bring not forth someof itselfe great ●tore of sowthistle groundswell succorie coleworts lettuces clarie taragon thistles turneps cich ●ease and other such like for the feeding of these little beastes As for the drawing of some small brooke or bestowing of any water conduit vpon them you need not trouble your selfe seeing the coni● hath moisture more than any thing else Neither yet doe you trouble your selfe to prepare them any other lodging than the holes which they shall dig and worke out for themselues And those burroughs or clappers which shall be meet for them to worke in which borrough would if the nature of the ground doe not allow it bee cast vp somewhat high and s●●ape wise so as the water may by all means dessend and passe from the same without soaking into it or drawing it vpon any fluxe of raine whatsoeuer vpon the tops of these burroughs or clappers for the better strengthning of them and holding the loose mould together you shall plant good store of alders and other rough bushes which are quicke of groweth whose roots once entring into the earth and twinding about the mould will keepe any from falling more than that which the conie of her owne selfe diggeth and although out of the precisenesse of choice we desire a speciall place for the conie Warren yet you shall vnderstand that the most barren●est ground whatsoeuer so it lie drie will serue for the conie Warren as namely the most dryest heath or downes or those earths which are ouer runne with linge gorse whynnes braken broome ferne and such like for a conie feedeth as a sheepe doth close and neere to the ground and will gather vp the smallest chi●e of grasse that may be and also delighteth to crop vpon weeds or any other tender bud that groweth within the compasle of her feeding the snow is her greatest enemie ●et not so much for the want of food as for the ouer moistning of ●er food and so bringing rottennesse therefore it is meere to haue euery Winter in your Warren a little cob or stacke of hay wherewith in those extreame times you may fodder your conies pricking vp little 〈◊〉 thereof in clouen stickes close by the ground which they will eate with all greedinesse for it is a meat at those times which they loue exceedingly for proofe whereof doe but fodder sheepe neere vnto a connie Warren and you shall see how euening and morning the conies will swarme vnto the same eating vp whatsoeuer the sheepe shall leaue which is not too hard or rough for their eating CHAP. II. That there must a Clapper be made for the better storing and planting of your Warren ANd yet it is not inough to haue made and finished the things that are to bee done round about the Warren as to haue fenced it with whatsoeuer is necessarie for the preseruing and nourishing of conies but you must also store and plant it for no more than arable ground beareth fruit except there be seed cast into in nor the vine any grapes except it bee diligently planted and dressed so neither thinke you that your Warren be it neuer so nea●ly and necessarily appointed and trimmed vp can breed and feed conies except you first put them there Wherefore for your storing of your Warren it is requisite that you cast vp a clapper wherein you may put your males and females to kindle euery moneth for to buy so many as should be needfull would be too costly and chargeable for the farmer or housholder Seeing also that it commeth to passe oftentimes that after hee hath sold many vnto the vitailers or for that the foxes haue eaten vp some great number the Warren remaineth quite spoiled and destitute of conies in so much as that he must be compelled to store it againe It is better therefore in respect of the greater commoditie and lesse charges to make a clapper in some corner of your court kitching or garden which may be foure square narrow and fenced in with bords or plaistered walls indeed it were better to be prouided in the Warren for so the young ones might more commodiously out of the clapper passe into the Warren at some one side of the clapper which should bee crosse wrought with lattise worke and should haue the holes thereof left so wide as that the young ones might passe out and in vnto their dams Whether therefore the clapper be prouided in the Warren or elsewhere you must build certaine small lodgings paued with boords and these must haue holes in them like to those which the conies make themselues in the earth and euery one seuerall from another for the conies to betake themselues into and it will be enough for to allow in such places one male to eight or ten females and yet therewithall to keepe the bucke close shut vp in his lodging for feare he should hurt and wrong the young ones for the male conie contrarie to the nature of all other manner of buckes deuoureth the young ones It is very true that so soone as it is espied that the Doe hath kindled she must incontinently be put into some other hole with the male that so he may Bucke her for this is a most certain thing that
whit about how he may find out of fall vpon that which belongeth to another likewise the Doe to take from him all occasion of any whi● regarding hers is woont to stop the mouth thereof as hath beene said Furthermore you must bee carefull round about the verdge of your conie Warren in the most secret and obscure places and where you shall find the greatest suspition of the trackt of vermine to place trappes and ginnes which may take and deuoure them nei●her shall your trappes bee made all of one fashion but of diuers fashions as some of them must bee hollow and passable both waies the which are called coffer trappes or hutches some frall-traps which are to crush and kill sodainely some spring-trappes to snickle or halter either bird or beast as also pit-falls and other ginnes all which the Warrenner shall diligently and carefully looke vnto and baite with the liuers of conies or some other such beastes and in the highest part of the Warren the Warrenner shall place a paire of gallowes made of crosse poales on which he shall hang all the vermine which he shall kill as Foxes Faulmars Cats of all kinds Buzards Crowes and such like all which breed great destruction in the Warren as well to scar away other from hunting thereabouts as also to giue testimonie to the owner of his care and diligence in preseruing his ground from such like incumbrances CHAP. IIII. Of the difference betwixt the Warren and clapper conie THe Warren conie hath a redder and thinner haire a swi●ter and slenderer bodie she is also more watchfull and wild hauing a pleasanter flesh and lesse ingendring melancholie than the clapper conie for the clapper conie lacking libertie cannot runne not exercise her bodie and so becommeth more familiar and tame more grosse fuller of haire more heauie and drowsie and therefore lesse pleasant againe if it happen by chance that shee come into the Warren amongst wilde ones she is by and by deuoured of Foxes or other beastes enemie vnto her hauing neuer beene acquainted with the the assaults and enimities of the said beastes before As concerning other matters both of them are better to be eaten young and small than when they are great Their braine is good to asswage the paine that young children doe endure in the breeding of their teeth notwithstanding such as would preserue their memorie must beware and e●te as little thereof as they can possibly because it furthereth forgetfulnesse The fat of conies is much more to bee commended than any other part because it is better than any other helpes to make liniments of for the reines which are grieued with the grauell or the stone Of Wood. CHAP. V. What is to be considered before a man go about to plant wood TO order and cause a new wood to be planted you must know the ground wherein you would plant any thing as whether it be fat or leane whether it be of a reasonable depth of earth or no and likewise if it bee subiect to waters because that some trees by nature lo●e the water as the aller an dothers of the same nature and according to the nature and propertie of the ground you must applie your selfe to fit it with such as it may nourish most both for your profit and pleasure You must see and set downe first and before all other things that the ground bee of such goodnesse as is requisite and you must likewise vnderstand that two of the noblest trees and esteemed worth most siluer are the oake and the chesnut tree and that for two principall reasons the one because they beare such fruits as whereof mixed with a little barley or oates one may make bread in the time of famine the other because it is not in the nature of any tree to afford so good timber as the said two the oake and chesnut tree do being either of them considered in its proper qualitie The third excellent sort of trees is the elme and notwithstanding it be inferiour to the other because it beareth no fruit and for that the lease thereof is nothing so pleasant in respect of the leaues of the oake and the chesnut tree yet ●he tree is worth the hauing euen for that it may be headded after the manner of willowes and cut euerie foure yeares to make props and fagots but the chesnut tree is a great deale better more neate and fine and bearing more fruit than other trees which are of its nature neither doth it stand in need of so good and fat a gr●und as doth the oake and againe the Caterpillers and such other vermine doe not h●●nt and fall vpon it as they doe vpon the oake and elme And further when the locusts come which is euerie three yeares as I my selfe haue seene they eate not the leaues of the chesnut trees because they find leaues vpon the oakes for the yeare of the locusts doth hinder some wood more than of a yeares growth whereas besides that priuiledge the chesnut tree doth ordinarily grow more in one yere than the oke doth in two Yet is the oake accounted the King of the forrest both in respect of his largenesse and hudgenesse as also for his hardnesse and long indurance for of all timbers not any is i● so long lasting or fit for building either vpon the land or water as oake is it is also the most principall timber that may bee either for boordes plankes wainscot or any other ●eeling whatsoeuer and of all manner of oakes those are preserued and kept as the best and principall which grow vpon the clay grounds as being the finest hardest ●oundest and most durable timber those oakes which grow vpon the sandie grounds being much more brickle falser hearted and much lesse able to endure the violence of the weather or the continuall beati●g of the wet when it must necessarily fall vpon the same whence it comes that the Ship-wright or the Mill-wright euer make choice of the strong clay oake and the Ioyner of the sand oake which though it bee lesse durable yet it is fairest and whitest to looke on The elme besides the benefit of his head which is commonly for the fire is a most excellent timber for the ground worke of any thing or to be lodged in the ground for any necessarie purpose especially to make pipes for the conueyance of water for it is a wood of that infinit toughnesse that if it lie close and well hid in the earth it seldome or neuer consumeth in the same it is also rarely good to make bow-staues withall and excepting the yew is the principall best for that purpose it is no lesse good to make axel-trees either for Wagons Carts or Waines being neither so brickle nor apt to heate and breake as the ash is the young plants are good to make beeles for yoakes by which oxen draw either in waines or ploughes and lastly is an excellent tree to plant in alleyes or
the same trench to the thicknesse of a finger or two and vpon that to set the tree which you are to plant then couering the rootes with earth to sway vpon them gently with your hands that so there may not any aire stay about them and in filling vp the said furrowes you must prouide that they haue some sloping of earth both on the one side and on the other in maner of a gutter to the end that if it raine the raine and moisture may run away the more easily And to the end that the planted trees may grow the better you must lay their longest roots all along the trench on the one side and on the other and if by hap it fall out that there be long ones on euerie side so as that they cannot easily bee laied along in the furrow you must inlarge the furrow a little in the place where such roots require it to be enlarged to the end that the said roots may not touch the firme and fast earth but may bee buried and wrapt in soft earth that hath beene moued and stirred You must likewise cut off by the top of the shanke all the trees which you plant that is to say such as you plant to make high and tall tymber trees or which you mind to set along by the sides of the alleyes till you haue not left aboue the length of fiue or sixe foote to stand out of the earth to the end that they may the sooner beare a great quantitie of woode but the trees which you are purposed to plant for lowe and small wood must bee cut that there bee not left aboue a foote and a halfe for it will bee sufficient if they haue the length of foure inches out of the ground neither is there any danger in mingling chesnut trees with oakes except a man bee purposed to plant one wood with oakes onely and another with chesnut trees and as concerning the thickenesse of the said trees it needeth no deepe aduice for they may bee either of the thickenesse of a chesnut tennise-ball or some other such like but rather the care is that they bee well and newly taken vp and planted the same day they bee taken vp or at the farthest the day following Neither is it doubtfull but if they bee of much larger and bigger compasse as seuen or eight foot in length aboue the ground and twentie inches in compasse yet they will grow as well and as fast as the younger especially the ●lme aboue all other trees nor would I wish you if you can get them to chuse plants of any lesse bignesse And howbeit that some Woodwards are of opinion that the ash would bee planted but of a meane length because say they looke how m●ch it is aboue the earth so much it will shoot out in roote vnder the earth before it begin to prosper aboue yet it is but a false coniecture and if you intend to haue a faire and a large tree you must chuse the fairest and largest plants that you can get and then planting them in a conuenient and due time and in a fit earth they will in one Winter recouer that roote which shall preserue them from perishing euer after againe you must remember that as soone as you haue fixed your plants in the earth and couered them wel close which is a principal care you must then forthwith couer the top of the head all ouer and at least halfe a foote downeward with clay and mosse st●sly well tempered together and if the clay be apt to chap or riue then you shall mingle a few ashes therewith and so keepe it closse couered till the new branches spred forth and couer the head all ouer then when those branches are put out and are tender you shall plash and order them at your pleasure whether it be to make a tree for timber or for shade for speciall marke or for any other deuice whatsoeue The wood thus planted must bee twice laboured and tilled once in the end of Aprill and the second time at the end of Iulie after the fall of some great raine vpon thunder and if the caterpiller shall fall vpon it within the yeare it must bee clensed and freed from them CHAP. VIII Of the time when wood is to be tilled and husbanded IT is here to be noted that the chiefe principall furtherance and comfort that can be giuen to trees either reclaimed or wild is the labour bestowed vpon them in due conuenient time for the more they are husbanded tilled so much the more do they grow and prosper in greatnesse wherfore dressing and labour is necessary for young plants of all sorts of trees as well small as great and especially the foure first yeares they must be husbanded throughly and plied with two seuerall dressings euery yeare as vines are that is to say towards the middest of Aprill when they begin to put forth their buds and towards the end of Iune this must be done in moist rainie weather and not when drying winds or heat doth raigne because the ground then stirred would do nothing but turn to dust which would destroie the young springs and cause them die againe the said earth dressed at such time doth more easily conueigh the drienesse of the drie earth turned downe vnto the rootes of the trees which is very contrarie vnto them seeing that moisture is the thing that is required for the nourishment of plants and againe if the ground be moist it ioineth it selfe close vnto the roots and lendeth vnto them of his moisture The other reason is for that the earth being newly opened by its lying open giueth pas●age for the water raine or dew to enter more easily vnto the said roots The principall labour to be made about all trees is to root out all weeds seeing they are giuen to grow euery where in all grounds and which if they be suffered to grow vp sucke purloine and carrie away the sap and substance of the earth in such sort as that there is not left sufficient vertue and power to nourish the rootes of the late planted trees well and in good order and this is perceiued by the labour made in dressing of the vine and gardens the which the more they are husbanded and tilled so much the more fruite and young springs they put forth and become so much the more beautifull and faire So it will bee the chiefe worke after you haue planted trees to cause them to be so dressed in seasons that are moist and that twice at the least and that will cause them to grow greater of wood greater of boughes and to yeeld double profit And if extraordinarily the Sommer proue rainie so as that your plants become ouergrowne with much weeds it shall be left to the discretion of the husbandman if he see that his plants be not cleane to bestow a third dressing vpon them to the end that the weeds may not
very right necessarie in parkes as well for the reliefe and sustenance of wild beasts as for the watering washing and moistning of the grounds to make them fruitfull Besides whensoeuer your gaine is extreamely hunted and brought to the pinch of extremitie then he will flie to the water which is called the soile and there find reliefe and rescue for according to the saying of the profit Dauid As the Hart desireth the water brooks c. so a deere in his greatest extremitie findeth reliefe and is refreshed by drinking or bathing in the water For a bet●er proofe whereof I will repeate vnto you a notable true and very memorable experiment approued by a gentleman of good worship and place in his countrie who being a very good hunts-man and very well experienced in the nature of wild deare It was his chaunce to bring vp a tame Stagge which by the excellencie of his keeping and full feeding grew a verie faire and great deere as soone as the deere was three yeares old hee caused him to be broke to the saddle and being himselfe a good horse-man and hauing a good horse-man then attending vpon him what through the ones instruction and the others paine the Stagge became so well reclaimed that not any gelding in his stable was more obedient to the man better mouthed or more tractable to carrie his rider than the Stag was in so much that when at any time the gentleman went forth a coursing or to other pleasure he would cause the Stagge to be ridden forth with him also when he traueild any smal iournie the Stagge also carried a man with him but the rider of the Stagge found that after hee had gone three or foure miles the Stagge did ●uer faint and grew wearie which as soone as he imparted to his master he presently commanded him to ride the Stagge when he so fainted to the next water and there cause him to drinke onely calling to mind the saying of Dauid before rehearsed and he found that so soone as the Stagge had drunke hee was as fresh as at his first setting forth and by that obseruation onely could make the deere trauell twentie and fiue and twentie miles a day without any trouble by which it is most credibly found that not any thing can be more necessarie in a park than store of sweet cold water of which the riuer is best the fountaine next and the standing pond the worst notwithstanding the standing pond how euer it is the worst water yet it is very commodious because in it you may breed all sorts of da●●tie fresh fish as the carp bream pike tench and perch also in them you may both feede and breede all manner of wild foule by framing little Islands in the middest of those lakes or ponds where the swans bussards elkes and other sma●l foule may frame their nests and lay their eggs out of the daunger of the water In the most conuenientest laund of the parke which is most spatious and fruitfull and which hath the greatest prospect into the parke and where the deere take greatest delight to feed there you shall build the lodge or house for the Keeper to dwell in and it shall by all meanes stand cleane and open euerie way so as there may bee no secret approch made vnto the same but such as the Keeper may easily behold from his windowes and it shall stand so faire in the view of the laund that from thence a man may see euery way round about the same and some part vp into the high woods and other most secret parts of the parke so that when the least disturbance or troble is offered vn●o the deere a man may from that lodge take notice of the same this house must bee made like vnto a little forcellet or fort strong and with diuers angles the windowes whereof so flanking one another that when any approach by stealers or other malitious persons shall bee made to the same the Keeper may from thence either with his bowes or with some other engines so annoy them that they shall by no meanes besiege or coope him vp in his house which is the practise of many subtile knaues but that hee may dispight their force issue forth and defend himselfe and his charge against them if there bee any part of the house which the windowes cannot flanker as the doores iaumes or such like then ouer them shall bee made little loopeholes through which the Keeper may either shoot cast stones or scalding water to make them auoid from the same close by this lodge shall bee built the kennell for the Keepers hounds and the cocke-house where hee shall keepe his fighting cockes and hennes also without it shall bee made a place for him to hang the hornes which his deere shall cast at the latter end of the Spring time also in your parke as well at both the ends of your laund which are the next adioining to the couert as in all other suspitious places where any man may in the night course your deere you shall place long stickes or slaues which are foure or fiue foot in length and two or three inches in compa●●e with both the ends sharpned exceeding sharpe and stuck sloapewise into the ground and standing not aboue a foot and a halfe or two foot aboue the the ground at most and these you shall set crossewise very thicke that when a stealer shall come to course in the night his grey hound may run and goar● himselfe against the same you shall also by no meanes alongst your pale walke plant fruit trees blacke-thorne or bullies for they are the occasion of much hurt and destruction to your pale vnder the colour of gathering the fruit and breed a great decay to your quickset besides many other mischiefes which are excussed by the pretence of getting that fruit onely yet would I not haue the parke vnfurnished of all manner of fruit for besides the pleasure thereof they are an excellent mast in which deere infinitly delight and are ●ed very much with the same You shall not by any meanes in one parke mixe the red deere and the fallow deere together for the red deere is a masterfull beast and when the time of bellowing commeth he growes fierce and outragious so that hee will be entire Lord of the field and will kill the fallow deere if they but crosse him in his walke and therefore each must bee kept seuerally in seuerall parkes Againe Cranes Ra●ens and wild-geese are excellent things to be nourished in a parke and will stand in steed of Keepers vnto the same for in the night time if any thing stir about the ground to which they are not continually accustomed they will with their clamours and noise not only giue warning to the Keeper but any that shall dwell neare to the ground not ceasing their noise till the ground be at peace and rest againe It is meet also that there should bee great store of grasse ground
for their leane dogs which hunt the hare and you must mingle sometimes amongst these pottage a little brimstone to heat them withall As for your raw flesh meate which amongst huntsmen it called ket if you do not eate it all at a meale you shall preserue it in some cleare running streame by suffering it to lie hid in the water till your next occasion to vse it Oates ground hulls and all and so scalded in hot water is a very good mange or meate for hounds and so is also your mill-dust scalded in the same manner But if your hounds happen to fall weake or sicke or bee ouer hunted then you shall take the bagges and intrailes of sheepe hauing turned the filth and excraments forth and washt the bagges well and also the sheepes pluckes and boyle them in faire water with a good quantiof ●atemeale till the pottage bee thicke and so giue it reasonably warme to the hounds this is a soueraigne good meate and it is very comfortable for weake and sicke dogs of what kind soeuer they bee and bring them into lust and strength sodenly Their kennell must be made in some place standing vpon the East through the midst whereof dot●●un some little riuer or spring The place wherein the dogs shall lie shall be builded with very white wals and floores of boords close ioined for ●eare that spiders fleas wal-lice and such like should breed there He that shall be appointed to keepe them must be gentle mild and courteous louing dogs of his naturall instinct and such a one as will make them cleane and dresse them carefully with wisps of straw and little brushes being readie to giue them some prettie dainties to ●ate and to draw them alongst the greene corne and meadowes as wel to giue them appetite to their meat as also to learne them to run and to cause them to passe through the the flockes of sheepe and other tame cattell that so they may bee accustomed vnto them and be made to know them I● the dogs be sicke you must vse the remedies following for lice ●leas and other vermine wherewith dogs are loden oftentimes especially in the times of great heat you must bath them or at the least wash them and rub them with a wispe with a decoction made of large quantitie with ten good handfulls of wild cresses wild marierome sage rosemarie rue patience and fix handfulls of ●alt all being well boiled together to the consumption of the herbs To driue out wormes you must soke perrosin made into pouder aloes po●dred vnquencht lime and liue brimstone made likewise into pouder euen all these in one oxegall and with this liquor rub the place infected with wormes If dogs be bitten of serpents you must cause them to take downe the iuice of the leaues of ash tree incontinently or else a glasse full of the decoction of rue white mullein mints and broome whereunto must be added the weight of a French crown of treacle applying treacle in like manner vnto the bitten place When the dogs are bitten of mad dogs they must forthwith be cast into a vessell of sea water nine times one after another or for lacke of sea water into common water wherein hath bin dissolued foure bushels of salt this will preserue them from going mad And if it happen that you haue not prouided this remedie timely inough but that now the dog is fallen mad to the end that you may keepe the other from the same mischiefe you shall be carefull that the mad dog run not abroad and therefore you shall kill him by and by for it is but all in vaine and altogether impossible to goe about to cure such madnesse the signes of such madnesse are the drawing vp of of his taile at the vpper end hanging the rest straight downe a very blacke mouth without any froth a heauie looke and that aside in ou●●thwart and crosse manner Against the scabs tetters itch and gauls of dogs you must take three pounds of the oile of nuts one pound and a halfe of the oile of oile of lees two pounds of old swines grease three pounds of common honie a pound and a halfe of vineger and make them all boile together to the consumption of the halfe of the vineger putting thereto afterward of perrosin and common pitch of each two pounds and a halfe of new waxe halfe a pound melt altogether casting in thereto afterward the pouders that follow a pound and a halfe of brimstone two pounds of reboiled coperas and twelue ounces of verdegrease making them all vp together in an ointment but they must be washed with water and salt before they be annointed with this ointment For the wormes in dogs you must make a drinke of the decoction wherein haue beene boiled wormewood southrenwood and the shauings of harts-horne or else cause them to swallow downe pils made of harts-horne brimstone aloes and the iuice of wormewood When the dogs are tired rub their feet with this restrictiue made of the yelkes of egs the iuice of pomegranets and soot finely poudred all of it being wel mingled together and left to settle one whole day Dogs are often hurt of wild bores in many parts of their bodies and then according to the places where they are hurt they must bee ordered and looked to with dressing of their wounds If the wound be in his bellie and that the guts comeforth vnhurt you must first put them in againe and then afterward put into the bellie in the place where the hole is a slice of lard and so sow vp the skin aboue but the thred must be knit of a knot and made fast at euerie stitch of the needle and withall cutoff the thred at euery stitch so fastened as much is to bee performed in the wounds that shall be made in other places alwaies obseruing to put some lard into them For wounds which dogs shall receiue the iuice of the leaues of red coleworts is a very souerainge balme being applied presently vnto the wound healing them vp very speedily or else take the iuice of Nicotiana whereof we haue spoken in the second booke Against the canker breeding in the eares of dogs taking a dramme of Sope of oile of Tartar Salarmoniacke Brimstone and Verdegrease incorporated all together with white vineger and strong water and rub the cankered eares therewith nine mornings If the dogs after they haue run in frost after raine and such other bad weather or swum the riuers lakes after the game come to take cold presently as soone as they come to their kennell they must be chafed and dried at a great fire and after that their bellies rubbed and wiped with wispes thereby to wipe away the dirt sticking vnto them Oftentimes in coursing ouer the fields rocks dogs come to haue the skin striken off of their feet for the remedying whereof it will bee good first to wash their feet with
the streame to bereaue the dogges by that meanes of comming by the sent of him The horsemen shall see to such his escapes and therefore if he haue taken his way into any champion ground they shall find out his traces by the sight of the eye and with the blast of the horne they shall cheere vp and encourage their dogges to a new course If the Hart haue taken the water whether it be for the cooling of himselfe or as the vttermost refuge he hath for the sauing of his life the hunter shall looke at what place the Hart shall haue taken the same and there cast in good store of boughes attending his passage and if they see that he commeth not out of the water they shall cause their dogges to take the water or else if they be afraid of causing them to take cold they shall send to seeke a boat or else if they can swimme they shall put off all their clothes and with a dagger in 〈◊〉 and swimme vnto him to kill him and yet they must looke that they see not vpon him but in some deepe place because that if the Hart find ground for his feet he would be able to hurt one of them with his horns whereas in a deepe place he hath no strength Furthermore there must great wisedome be vsed in the hunting of the Hart when he can no longer hold out but being out of all hope of his life standeth still and suffereth the dogges to barke at him for then he groweth dangerous as being giuen to strike with his hornes the first of the hunters that he can mee● withall And this is the cause why it is growne to a prouerbe A Beere for a Hart and a Barber for a vvilde Bore Wherefore it standeth euerie man vpon to looke vvell to himselfe in comming neere vnto the Hart when he endureth the bay and not to aduenture too farre and hazard himselfe too boldly When the Hart is taken he that shall haue giuen the blow shall ●orthwith thereupon sound the retrait to the end hee may call together his fellow hunters and the dogges and after he hath presented the right foot of the Hart vnto the King or vnto his Lord then to cut him vp as he shall know it meet to be done In the meane time he must not forget to take care of the dogges and to giue them some reliefe sustenance of the prey they haue gotten in hunting vnto the bloud-bound that is vnto the dog which by his sent hath led the way to the Hart his lodging he shall cast the head and the heart as his right and due vnto the rest he shall giue the necke and braine of the Hart or which is better he shall take bread and cut it into little lunches into to a panne with cheese and temper the same both together with the bloud of the Hart in his greatest hea● and afterward put all this prouision forthwith vpon the skin stretched forth vpon the grasse and in the meane space euery man shall put his horne vnto his mouth and therewithall comfort and cheere vp the dogges Some men vse now and then and yet after this first prouision to make a second with the entrailes of the Hart all whole which the master hunts-man doth cast vnto the dogges after they haue ended their feast holding them vp on high and whiles the dogges are eating these entrails they must be cheered vp with the noise of the hornes shoutings and hallowings CHAP. XXVI Of the profit that may be reaped by the killing of the Hart. NOtwithstanding that the hunting as vvell of the Hart as of other vvilde beasts be vndertaken and performed by great States rather for the exercise of the body and recreation of the spirits than for any other desire and hope yet the killing of the Hart is not without great profit and that in two respects the first being for the making of meat thereof and the second for the medicinable helps which may be made of his parts and members As concerning the meat made of the Hart his flesh is not very pleasant if it be not of that part of him which is commonly called the pizzle for to speake generally according to the truth Harts flesh is verie hard of an euill iuice melancholicke hard to digest in the stomacke and verie apt and easie to procure many great diseases It is true that many great Ladies hauing an opinion that the flesh of Harts being eaten often doth free and deliuer men from all danger of Agues because the beast himselfe is not subiect at all thereunto at their rising euerie morning haue accustomed to taste of Harts flesh notwithstanding vvho so is carefull of his health should not touch anie such flesh except it be of some tender Fawne or young Hiude vvhich are made seruices for the most part at the Tables of Princes and great Lords The medicinable helpes vvhich may be prepared and made of the Hart are infinite Some find a bone in the heart of the Hart howsoeuer there be some that thinke it to be false which is singular good against faintnes or swowning trembling and beating of the heart and other effects of the same as also against the venimes poysons and dangers of the plague and likewise against the hard ●rauell of vvomen The bloud of the Hart fried in a frying-panne and put in clysters doth heale the bloudie flux and stayeth the flux of the belly being drunke with vvine it is a soueraigne remedie against poysons The priuie member of the Hart washed diligently in water and the water wherein it hath beene so washed drunken appeaseth forthwith the paine of the collicke and retention of the vrine if it be steept in vineger the space of foure and twentie houres and afterward dried and made in pouder the weight of a French crowne of this pouder being drunke with water of plantine stayeth the fl●xe of bloud and all manner of fluxe of the bellie Likewise dried and poudred it may be mingled with remedies which haue power to prouoke carnall copulation It may also bee made seruiceable and of good vse in the ple●risie and against the bitings of Serpents if it be taken either alone or mingled with things which are good for such diseases The horne of the hart burned made in pouder and drunke with honie killeth the wormes which is a signe that the harts horne hath great vertue against venome and that not much lesse than the horne of the vnicorne The tender hornes of a young hart 〈◊〉 in small gobbets and put in an earthen pot wel leaded and close stopped with clay and afterward put in a hot furnace vntil such time as they be dried they may also be beaten to pouder putting thereto pepper and myrrhe do yeeld a pouder which is singular good against the cholicke taken in excellent wine The marrow and sewet of the hart are good to make liniments and cataplasmes for cold gou●s
run away and be packing apace from them CHAP. XXXII The markes of a good Hare of the male and of the female and of their formes NOw although in hunting of the Hare the hunter taketh what hee can haue and not what hee can find because of the swiftnesse and wilinesse of this little beast which oftentimes disappointeth him of his purpose notwithstanding if at any time it bee graunted the hunter by the good hap of hunting to chuse the best Hare amongst many or else that some Lord not willing to loose his labour hath sent his hunts-man to find the Hare before hee hunt her the markes of a good and faire Hare and such a one as deserueth to be hunted are these Those which keepe in woods or plaines or which feed vpon little hills vpon the herbe Penniroyall or wild Time are much better than they which keepe neere the waters as also better than the little red Hares which are of the kind of conies for such as keepe neere vnto water are commonly leprous Further the male is far better than the female The markes to know the one and the other are these The male hath commonly his dung smaller drier and sharper at the point the female hath them greater rounder and not altogether so drie as the males the female hath a grosser bodie but the male hath a more slender and fine bodie the male in comming out of his forme hath his hinder parts whitish as though hee had beene plumed the male hath also red shoulders with some long haires mixt amongst he hath also a shorter and more bushie head than the female the haire and beard of his iawes long his eares short wide and whitish the female hath a long and narrow head and also great eares the haire growing along the ridge of the backe of a darke gray When the dogs course the female she doth nothing but coast round about her seat countrie passing seuen or eight times by one place before she euer squa● the male doth the contrarie for being coursed with dogges hee runneth sometimes seuen or eight leagues distance from his forme To know the forme of a Hare you must take the benefit of the night for in the night she withdraweth her selfe into her forme and not in the morning because of the dew neither yet vpon the height of the day because of the heate There is more regard to bee taken vnto her traces for the print of the hares foot is sharpe and fashioned like vnto the point of a knife hauing her small nailes all pricked right downe into the ground and they doe leaue their print round about drawing alwaies narrower and narrower hauing the sole of her foot alway close after the manner of the point of a knife CHAP. XXXIII The killing of the Hare FOr the hunting of the Hare the very best time to kill her with coursing dogs beginneth at mid September and endeth at mid Aprill because of the flowers and great heat which then begin to raigne for both these are apt to depriue the dogs of their necessary scent besides that at these times the Hares are but young and feeble Notwithstanding there be certain countries and seasons where when the dogs haue not any scent of Hares as in Winter in the plaine countries where the ground is fat and strong because the Hare hath her foot vnderneath full of haire so that when she runneth a fat ground will take hold vpon it and so she carrieth it away with her foot and so all the scent that the dogs might otherwise take is withheld and vpon plaines there are neither branch nor herbe for her to hit her body vpon no more than there is in broad and troden waies In like manner it is an vnfit time to draw out dogs to hunt in frostie weather for they would both loose their nailes and sp●ile their feet on the contrarie the Hares run better at that time than at any other because they haue their feet furred Also high waies are very daungerous and ill to hunt vpon for by reason of the much trauelling of men and other cattell the scent which the Hare should leaue is cleane taken away and the dogs noses are stopt with contrarietie of odour nor is it good to hunt where flocks of sheepe heards of goats or cattell are kept for the hotnesse of their sent taketh away all scent of the Haire The first point making way for the killing of the Hare consisteth in finding out her forme which the better to find you must haue respect vnto the season wherein you go about it and the time how it shapeth for if it be in the Spring or Summer the Hares lodge not amongst the thicke places of woodes because of the ants serpents and lizards which driue them thence and so at such times they are constrained to lodge amongst the corne fallowes and other weake places In Winter they do the contrary for they take vp their lodging in some thicke bushes or thicke places of the wood especially when the Northren winds and other high and low winds doe blow for of such they are much afraid Wherefore according to the time and place where you shall see the Hares to take vp their lodging you must prepare your dogs to go and set vpon the Hare within her forme and when she shall bee started the horse-men which shall not be aboue three in number must incourage the dogs to follow the chace without making of much crying or greatly whupping of them for feare of setting of them in too great a hea●e which might cause them to ouerslip the traces and not to hold on right But touching the most generall and best places for the finding out of Hares both Winter and Somme● you shall repaire to the moores or heath which are ouergrowne with ling or with gosse whins Brakes or such like for they are speciall harbours in which a Hare delights most also in such places where there is great store of fog or long dead grasse which lieth vngot You shall be sure to find Hares haunt especially in the Spring time because such ground being giuen to moisture makes them take a greater delight therein for Hares at that time of the yeare loue to haue all their hinder loynes couered with water from whence it comes that the best Hare finders when they seeke Ha●es looke all the Winter vp to the top or ridge of the lands and in the Spring downe to the lowest bottome of the furrowes Now as soone as you haue found your Hare and started her the horse-men which follow the chace shall by all obseruations possible take good heed to the wile● and sleights of the Hare the which are verie many and diuers as in the time of raine the hare doth rather follow trodden pathes and broad then at any other time and if she light vpon any vnderwood she will not go in but to refresh her selfe by the sides thereof and letteth the dogs
282 Clapper or Warren storing thereof 645 646 To Clod the earth 541 C●mpound water of trees 461 Cl●uds darke and thicke a great signe of raine 26 The nature of the Lark called Cochenis 727. and her feeding ibid. To cut Coc●rels or to make them Capons 77. to fat Capons ibid. with speede 590. to make them lead Chickens 515. to make their stones good to make leane men fat 74. Capons of Mans and Bretaigne 73 Cocks and Capons must not haue their wings broken 67. one Cocke to a dozen Hennes ibid. notes of a good Cock and his colour 68. Cocks crowing at all houres a signe of raine 〈◊〉 How to order and breake Colts 1●8 the marks of a good Colt 135. Colts how they must be looked to 1●6 and to burne them and slit their no●●●●ils ibid. to geld them 127. the means to make them seruiceable ibid Colutea 291 Rocke Coms●ey 202 Great Com●rey ibid. Compositions of honey 230 Con●es are a kind of Hares 697. those of the Warren how they must be cared for and fedde 646. the diffe●ence betweene those of the Warren and those of the Clapper 648 Conserue of the root of Elicampane 428 Conserue of Quinces wherefore good 376. laxatiue conserue of Quinees i●id Constraint is neuer good 12 Sale Cookes their vse of great deceit 117 Corke trees what ground they delight in 667 Red Corant tree 342 Coriander 245 Corne of all sorts and the manner of growing them 548. Seed-Corne how it must be chosen 543. to sow ●anne riddle lay vp corne vpon the end of the Moone 31. such diuers sorts thereof as are fit to make bread 571 Corne of diuers Countries of France and which are the best 571. the grinding of them 572 Tu●kie Corne and how it must be husbanded 553 Sarac●ns Corne or Wheat ibid. Aduertisements concerning all manner of Corne and Pulse 569 570 Corne-flagge 239. distilled 462 Costmarie and his properties 182 The Court next the dwelling house and the scituation thereof 15. how it must be walled 16 Cowcumbers without water 195. how they may be kept 281. enemies to oyle 190. their hu●tful qualities ibid. obseruations to be knowne concerning the same 194 Creame of milke and how it must be prepared 65 Cr●spinet a singular hearbe against the Stone 〈◊〉 Cresses and their faculties 184 Crowes bathing themselues and braying at night are a signe of raine 25 Crowfoot 210 Cummin 249 Curiositie the ouerthrow of good wits 1 Curlew 78 Cuttl●-fishes and the manner of taking of them 515 D ADaies worke how much ground it containeth 518 Criticall Daies concerning the Moone 3● The 12. Daies of the feast of the Natiui●itie do prognosticate the disposition of the whole yeare 28 The Huswiues Dairie-house 16 The Dairie-woman and her office 38. what medicines she is to know for the diseases of the familie 39 Daisies 237 Da●es how planted 338 Date-trees how planted 390. male and female and their nature 292. what earth they craue 390 Dates how to be kept 409 D●●●-wort 206. distilled 453 ●earth and the signes fore-shewing the same 29 〈…〉 grounds how they may be prepared to beare fruit 10 〈◊〉 ●i●ph●●nicon distilled 462 〈◊〉 Diligence of the householder doth ouercome the weakenesse of the ground 10 〈◊〉 249 〈◊〉 good kind of Dissembling 21 〈◊〉 by whom it was inuented and the kinds therof 439 440 〈◊〉 of many sorts of waters with a briefe discourse ther●upon ibid. 〈◊〉 what it is ibid. 〈◊〉 of Oyles and Quintessences with a discourse the●eupon 469 〈…〉 Herbes Flowers Ba●kes and Roots euery one by themselues 45● c. 〈…〉 of Distilling 440 〈◊〉 matter must be prepared before it be Distilled 448 〈◊〉 Distill by Coldnesse 440 with the heat of Sand. 450 oftentimes one and the same water 451 what maner of heat is requisite thereto ibid. licours and the maner of ordering all things therein 454 compound waters three manner of wayes 460. c. per descensum 464 468. and without heat ibid. with a filtre ibid. liuing things 458 wood 480 481 ●●s●ruments and vessels for Distillation 441 〈◊〉 forme of Furnaces to Distill chymicall oyl●● 471 472. ●● itches for fishes 508 ●● ittanie and his properties 210 〈◊〉 203 ●●●ogges three sorts belonging to a Farme-house 120. to preuent their going madde and how to handle them 221 ●●●●ogge● their names ibid. ●●unting Dogg●s are of three sorts in generall 685. their ke●nel● and feedings 676. their diseases and cures 677. c. 〈◊〉 Dogge● how to traine them vp to fit them to hunting to swimming and diuers other pretie qualities 68● their tumbling vpon the ground a signe of raine 25 〈◊〉 Madde Dogges 678 〈◊〉 madde Dogge hauing bitten an Horse ●47 〈◊〉 Dogges-tooth a signe that water will 〈◊〉 found if there be pits cast 7 〈◊〉 Dogge-tree 395. and how to keepe the fruit thereof ibid. ●●he backe D●re of the house 18 〈◊〉 ground Dung-house how and where it must be made and ●eated 17 〈◊〉 Doue-houses 86 〈◊〉 Dragons great and small 268. distilled 465 〈◊〉 Dreames ioyfull in the new of the Moone 32 ●● Drinkes made of fruits and a discourse of the making of them 410 ●● ●rin●e of Sloe● 419. of Ceruises 395. the making of the Drinkes of Cer●ises 419 〈◊〉 haue a barren seed 626 〈◊〉 Drunkennesse how hurtfull a thing it is to man 625 〈◊〉 and Drakes how they must be kept and handled 〈…〉 where they must ●it on nights ibid. 〈◊〉 ●ild Ducks made drunke are easie to take ●8 〈◊〉 ●lesh pleasant to eate ibid. Ducks bloud good against all manner of venime ●bid Young Ducks ibid. Dung of the Stables where to be laid 15 What manner of Dung is to be laid vpon the ground 534 Than Dun● nothing more deare 535 Dun● of diuerse sorts and how and when it must bee spread 536 Dung of Pigeons for what ground it is good 89 Du●g what is good or euill for the Vine 599 602 603 Dung of Oxen Kine and Sheepe is good for manie diseases 104 116 of Men Kine and Pigeons di●tilled and their vertues 557 of Hares hinde●eth conception in Women 698 of Hens swallowed of an Horse causeth winging in the bellie 147. and causeth ha●re to grow againe 74 of Hogges stayeth the spitting of bloud 111 of Goats cureth the Parotides Bubo Sciatica and other Apostemes 120 of ●urtle D●ues for the spots of the eyes 84 of the Goose for the Iaundise 77 of Dogges excellent for the Squinancie 122 To Dung the ground and what manner of dung it must be 535 To Dung the ground in the encrease of the Moone 32 To lay any Dung to Vines is a damnable thing 595 There must 〈◊〉 two Dung●●● made and why 15 E EAgle the king of Birds 707. and the nature of Eagles ibid. The Earth of a cold and drie nature 10. of contrarie qualities according to her particular plots ibid. Diuers sorts of Earth and their diuers manner of tilling and encrease 11 Blackish and yellowish Earth good and fruitfull 11 12 E●●on borne the sixt day
●eaches to keepe long 409 red 363 spiced ones 362 without stones 364 written 363. distilled 465 〈◊〉 ●o haue fruits halfe Peaches and halfe nuts 360 〈◊〉 ●each-apples ●66 and Spanish Peaches 372 〈◊〉 ●●●●ckes are proud lecherous and iealous how they must be fed 81 their roust 17 their flesh better than the Turkies 83 〈…〉 a fish and how to take them 516 〈◊〉 ●are plums how planted 338 〈◊〉 ●●res how to keepe long 527 earely and late ones 365 how to haue them without stones ibidem of Augusta 362 〈◊〉 ●tre-trees are the most pretious of all others except apple-trees 380 and what earth they loue 381 soften Pearlet 288 Maruellous Peason ●88 Peason ●at the leane ground 563 to cause to be such as will be soone boiled ●94 Pellitorie of the w●ll ●09 Water Pepper 169 Penniroyall 248 A Penthouse for plough geare ●18 Percipier ●92 Perrie and how it is made 417 Pers●ley and his vertues ●81 and why so called ibidem Peruincle 204 Presages of Pestilence 667 Peta●ites or L●gwot● 20● Female Petum groweth of the seed of the male 334 and his vertues ibidem The sume of Petum appeaseth hunger and thirst 221 Pharao borne the nineteenth of the Moone a daungerous day 32 Naturall Phisicke must be well knowne to the datie-woman 39 To seperate the Phlegme in artificiall distillation 451 The people of Picardie would be handled very 〈◊〉 23 Pigeons of the doue-house and how they must be fed 86 which be the beast 87. and that they haue young ones thrice a yere 88 comming home late to their cote and ●●sage of raine 25 Pikes taken in fresh water 507 Pimpernell 212 Pine-trees and Pine-apples and their properties 292 Pine-trees how planted ibidem they craue a sandie and light ground 392 Pionie 204 Pipes for the conueying of water from springs 8 Pistaces brought by Monsieur du Ballay B. of mans 297 298. what carth they craue 339 The Pits called Aronques in Prouence and Lang●●docke 6 The Plane-tree 306 Plantane of three sorts and their their temperatures 208 495. a signe that water will bee found there vnder ground 7 To Plant trees to haue exquisite fruits 360. trees and in what season 367. a tree without roots 400. and remoue hearbes 165. and to 〈◊〉 them ibidem Plants and how they must be husbanded whether they be of timber-wood or other 657. of sciences and shoots 341. of stones 338. of vines when and where to be planted 598 599 Tokens foreshewing Plentie 28 29 Ploughs Charrets and Carts 18 Ploughs of diuers sorts according to the countrie and soile 540 The arders of Ploughing before it be sowne 537 Ploughing an art that an householder cannot want 4 Ploughing with oxen is not but of necessitie 90. but it is be●● ibidem To Plough for the second arder and third and so to sow 54● Laxatiue and sleeping Plums 393 To haue Plums readie at all times 362 Plums of Brignoles 39● Plum-trees how planted 3●7 in what places they delight 392 what distance must bee giuen in setting them betweene the one and the other 39● when they grow vndisposed languishing 393 The people of Poicto● giuen to be wilie and watie 49 A Pole of measure 518 Polenta what and how made of old 575 Polygonum 159 Pome-Adams 377 Pomi●●ones what kind of Hawkes 211 Pomegranates how to keepe 408 their nature 304. re● ones 365. without kernels 305 Pomegranate trees and their plants 341. where to bee planted and their nature 394. how they must be husbanded and grafted 304. to keepe them that they lose not their flowers 305 Poplar trees in what season planted ●6● being grafted vpon Mulberrie ●rees they bring forth white Mulberries 363 Pop●ins 256 Poppies and the properties thereof 189. the kindes thereof ibid. Wild Poppie of two sorts and their vertues 170 Pooles how they must be dressed and kept 508 and the wild sowle haunting the same 506 that are famous ibid. neere to the Farme-house 21 necessarie in drie and scorched places 6 Fish Pooles 514 The Portall on the back-side of the house 18 Pre●●●● of raine must be knowne to the Farmor 24 Presages of all things that the householder must haue ●ore-knowledge of 26 Preseruing what it is and what the word doth signifie 279 Preseruing of fruit 421 Preserues of diuers sorts 420 of fruits how they must be made 423 and conserue of Gentian 279 To Preserue hearbes of all sorts 279 Princes their pleasure in Summer in wattie places 6 Priuies stinking more than ordinarie a signe of raine 25 Priuet 240 To Propagate foure manner of waies and the time most fit to propagate 343 Prouence how fruitfull 12. the inhabitants of Prouence haughtie and cannot abide to be reproued 23 Pump●●●● 192. their goodnesse and gathering 193. obseruations concerning them 194 Laxatiue Pumpions ibid. Sweet smelling Pumpions 195 Pulse when how and where they must be sowne 570. they must be reaped in the wan● of the Moone 31. aduertisements concerning them 569 Pursela●e and the vertues thereof 223 Pyes male and female doe sit their egges 86 Pyes distilled 457 The Pyrene mountaines abound with marble 5 Purchase by statute the surest of all others 3 Q QVailes are birds rather of the earth than of the aire they make no nests 85. their feeding ibid. their flesh causeth giddinesse and headach 85. their flesh causeth also falling sicknesse ibidem Quarellous persons not fit to be made farmors 22 Quilles gathered of dead geese not so good as those which are gathered from the liue ones 77 Quin●es of diuers sorts 375 made into gellie 420 spoile other fruits growing neere them 408 Quince trees how planted 34● 376 Quintes●nces how they may be extracted 450. 669 R RAdishes contrarie to wine and their other vertues 187 Raine foreshewed by asses 25 Signes of Raine ibidem To R●ke lands that are to be sowne 544 Ra●● and the marks of a good Ramme 110 Small Ramp●ons 495 Rauens croking and beating their wings a signe of raine 25 Against field Ka●s 508 To hunt water Kats ibidem To cause Rats and Mice to die sodenly 315 Reason must be preferred in all things 15 Rest maketh a man slothfull 150 Rest harrow an enemie to the husbandman 210 Restorati●es of diuers sorts 460 Distilled Resto●ati●es 459 A diuine Restoratiue 430 Rice in what place it groweth ●1 Riuers bad neighbou●● to dwelling houses 6 Riuers vsing to ouerflow are very hurtfull 5 The Robinet or Robin red brest and the ●●orie of him 729 Rocket and the vertues thereof 182 Roames to tread and presse grapes in 17 Roats of potherbes 164 Rosemarie 247 Rosema●ie fit to build garden arbours 2●6 Rosemarie in conserue 280. and distilled 454. 461 Roses of diuers sorts and their temperature 283 in conserue 280 are distilled three waies 454 distilled per descensum 467 water compounded 310. 461 Prouence Roses 283 Rose at bours 282 Rub●rbe distilled 462 Rue and its maruellous vertues 243 Lambs Ru●net good against all manner of venome 116 Rie and husbanding thereof 548 S
leache of 425 D●inke of all sorts made after the English manner 588 589 Dung for Gardens 156 E ELme and the goodnesse 650 English practise added to the French 2 F FIgge-tree● growing in cold soyles to beare fruitfully 194 Fish in ponds how to feede with the best foode 509 Fish-ponds how to make 505 506 Flaxe ●54 Flower of the night 241 Flowers for Bees 316 Foxes by what meanes they get their e●●ths 70● G GRound Iuie the vertues 207 Goose grasse the vertues 207 Garden of pleasure how to proportion 234. alleies how trim 235. quarters to adorne 235. inward and outward beautie 277. hedges for borders 278 Grounds wet how to draine 335 Geese enemies to grasse 493 Grasse when best to cut how to make into hay the windrowes the hay cockes 499 Grasse sower and har●h choice and vse of hay of moist hay of drie hay 500 curiositie in hay making the grazing is good for hay ground 501 Garners how to make and their vse 547 548 Greyhound 673 diuersitie of Greyhounds choice of Greyhounds the breeding of Greyhounds 674. Greyhounds how to place for Teasers Gosh●wkes more worth than Sparrow● hawkes 707. The differences betweene the Ramage or Brauncherhawkes and the I●as hawkes 708. how to enter your Sparrow hawke all the diseases of the Sparrow hawk 709. phisicke for hawkes the seuerall impediments of hawkes 710 Ger●aulcons and their kinds 712. how to keepe the Ger●aulcon of Ger●aulcons the white is the best 713 H HOrsemans instruments 123 Horses food 124 Horse nose-slit naught 126 Horse to gueld 126 Horse keepers office 126 Horse exercise after water 128 Horse to make trot 132 Horse to make amble 133 Helpe● for stumbling 133 Horse to make racke 134 Horse to make gallop 134 Horse with best ma●kes or signes 135 136 Horses age 136 Hempe 154 Hearbs that will hardly grow and how to preserue to make grow soone ●59 to remoue 163 Hearbs of the East 229 Hearbs of the West 230 Hearbs of the North. 230 231 Hearbs of the South 231 232 233. He●●●opian 241 Hiues dead how to order 316 H●ues made of straw 318. where to place them 318 Horses and oxen of France 539 Hempe what ground is best and the ordering 566 Of Hounds 673. Hounds being young how they are to be taught and trained 682 Hunting of Deere at force with Hounds only 686 Hores what places are best to find them in 695 Hobby a Hawke and the vse 712 Hawkes which bee called Long● winged Hawkes which short 715 Husbandrie the maner entreated of 1 I INam● how to prepare to sow corne vpon 556 L LIllies and their vertues 239 Line or Flax how to order after the English manner 567 568. to make white thred to make oyle of Line seede 568 M MA●●iues and their collars 121 Mar●●gon of Constantinople 241 Mu●●ard how to make 281 Marmalade how to make of Oranges Lymons Cytrons 420 Meadow●s and their differences in England 491 Marshes salt and their profit 492 Ma●●in how to crop and gather 550 Malt and how to make it after the English manner 556 557 Maple and the vse 663 Me●●ins and their seuerall kinds 712 N NF●s of diuers sorts to take fish with 507 508 Nut trees or Ha●ell trees 373 O ORchards how to inclose 135 Oyle of Oats 425 Oats a great breeder of grasse 493 Of the Oxe harrow 544 Oats and the profit 558. Oatmeale how to make 558 Oake the goodnesse necess●●ie and vse 619 P PEstilence 147 Purs●an to preserue 177 Pyoa●● 242 Pip●ins how to sow 336 337 To Preserue Barbe●ies 422 To Preserue Filbe●●●or small nuts 423 Pasts how to make and the diuersities of colours 424 Plough● of diuers fashions 532 Plowing with English Oxen. 340 Pasterie in the right kind and the vse thereof 585 586 Park● what ground they should consist of 668 669. the water for Parks the pro●it and a strange example therof 669 Q QVi●ke●●● how to plant 153 Quince cakes how to make 423 R THe best Runnet 65 Rams that are best 110 Rot how to cure 114 ●hewme in the eye 147 ●ye how to sowe and order after the English manner 549 S 〈◊〉 St●●●e how to ●eed soone 103 Sheepe and the diuersities 216 Staggers 147 〈◊〉 ●traines 148 〈◊〉 ●paut● 148 〈◊〉 ●ignes of outward diseases 148 〈◊〉 ●ignes of inward diseases 148 〈…〉 breakes impos●umations 171 〈◊〉 ●pinage sallad 174 〈…〉 pouch vertues 209 〈◊〉 ●●uces how to make to d●ayne medowes 494 〈◊〉 ●●●●●age a great friend to meadowes 496 〈◊〉 ●●edes to be sowne in meadowes as sweepings of hay-barne floures 496. fodderings of cattell and sheepe and the speciall commoditie thereof 497 498 〈◊〉 ●awne of 〈◊〉 how to preserue 506 〈◊〉 oyle or mudde of ditches good dung● 537 〈◊〉 ●eed wheat of diuers sorts 543 〈…〉 how to make them hunt well 681 〈◊〉 Of Spany●● and their vse and ordering 679 〈◊〉 Setting dogges and their vse 680 〈◊〉 Sythes and Syckles 545 T TAbacco vertues 219 220 Translator to the English Reader 2 T●●pan 241 V VArietie of Countries causeth a d●uers manner of labouring of the earth 1 Violets to preserue 236 W WAlking horses nor good 131 Warts 148 Water-Spanyels their vse and ordering 682 Weeding why not to vse ●59 Weeds how to destroy 334 Winnowing of corne 548 Woad-ground 309. the making of Woad 309. the vertues 320 Y Y●llowes 14● FINIS ❧ A Table of the Diseases and Remedies described in the seuen Bookes of the Farme-House A AFter-birth of women newly brought in bed 54 183 206 207 210 214 247 249 251 287 360 How the Age of a man may be a great while prolonged 428 An euill Aire and 〈◊〉 meanes to driue it away 199 449 Anthrax or Carbuncle 58 Apostemes 120 214. of all sorts and the healing of them 56 57 122. to ripen them 155. cold Apostemes 120. Apostemes of the breast 109 Apostemes in Oxen. 102 Apoplexie 42 239 251 456 To keepe Apparrell 247 Appetite lost 182. how to recouer it againe 291 〈…〉 in horses 139 B BAcke and ache of the backe 434 Barbes a horses disease ●40 Barrennesse in women the remedies 52 82 245 246 249 251 288 To bring women to Bed without paine 243. to bee brought in bed before ones time 54. difficultie to bee brought in bed 54 To keepe Bees from flying away and to driue them 252 Belcking 249. at the mouth 48 Be●●ie and the fluxe thereof 69. the co●●iuenesse of the bellie 71. ache in the bellie 434. co●●iuenes●e 206 ● 209 428. to loosen it mightily 287 Bellie-ache fluxe of the bellie and the bellie bound in Oxen 96. paines of the bellie in horses 129 Vntimely Birth 204 Bitings of Dogges that are mad 61 189 199 244 387 391 395 678 of venimous Beasts 205 of the Viper 75 of Serpents 61 102 250 362 677 690 of the Wolfe 7● of Shrowes 102 147 171 of Scorpions 102 of Flies vpon horses 143 Bitings or wounds made by the wild Bore are dangerous 690 The Bladder 457 B●●sters 213 Bl●●d cluttered 201. fluxe of
ones 21● vlcers of the mouth 197 199 203. of the eares 209. inward 207. of the lungs 205. of the ●eme● 459. comming of the pocks 58 203. vlcers in Oxen. 102 A low and base Votte 148. to haue a good voice 176 To stay Vomiting 48 204 213 249. to cause vomiting speedily 449. to prouoke vomite 285. to the curing of a quartane and tertian ague 298 Vrine of all sorts and to procure the making of vrine 〈◊〉 97 171 176 180 182 194 197 199 203 205 208 210 211 212 246 248 251 371 397 453 679 690 Horses hardly able to make their Vrine 141. W WArts 60 206. hanging Warts ●16 Against Witchcraf● 199 Fuke● for Women c. 208 304 465 Wormes amongst Bee● 398 Wormes and how to kill them 157 200 201 203 205. 207 220 245 247 251 285 372 〈◊〉 690. wormes in little children 180 210 244 246 561 693. wormes menting horses 146. to cause the wormes that trouble dogges to fall from them 677 678. to kill them that destroy trees 405 406. to keepe flesh from all manner of wormes 197. to cause them to come out of the earth in great aboundance 386 The flying 〈◊〉 a disease in horses 142 To kill earth W●rmes that eat the roots of hearbes 401 Wounds in dogges 678 Wound● 198 200 207 214 against all sorts of wounds 204. against the inflammation thereof 28● wounds fresh and new ●7 207 209 214 220. old 58 214. maligned 201. wounds in the armes and legges 219. in the noble and ●nner parts 207 208. in the head 〈◊〉 in the guts 288. wounds with Dagges 59. to draw y●on out of a wound 199. for to consider of inward and outward wounds 202 205 207 211 212. an excellent balme for green wounds and cuts 57 204 437 Wring●●●● 249 Windinesse in the stomacke or bellie ibid. Y THe Yard swolne and the cure thereof The Yard of an Oxe growne hard FINIS P●●tarch in ●eg Apoh 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 2. Chro. 26. ●0 Genes 4. ● ● Sam. ● 14. 〈…〉 The varietie of Countries causeth a diuers manner of labouring of the earth Ouer-much curiositie the ruin● of good wits What manner of Husbandrie i● entreated of in that which follow●th The name of the Country ●ouse 〈◊〉 a Farme Meese or field Inheritance The Translator The English practise added to the French The Summe of the first Booke The S●mme of the second Booke The Summe of the third Booke The Summe of the fourth Book The Summe of the fi●● Booke The Summe of the sixt Booke The Summe of the seventh Booke The Kitchin must be the first piece of building in a good house Purchase by statute the surest of al others That there be 〈◊〉 foolish buyers than sellers That Land 〈◊〉 stri●e in hand Labour 〈…〉 a Householder That 〈◊〉 to say that euerything hauing attained his height doth in the ●nd decrease 〈…〉 A good aire 〈…〉 Farme Neere vnto a good neighbor Farre from places of garrison Farre from Riuers and Brookt It behoueth v● to content our selues with that which God and Nature affoordeth Rock●e grounds good for the bearing of Vines and so for such Countries as a bound with Vines A high and flat Countrey Pooles Cesternes Pits called Aranques To make a Cesterne for to hold and keepe Raine water The way to prepare ground for the bearing of wood A Country neare vnto Riuers The pleasures of Princes A drie Countrey A Hill to build vpon 〈…〉 Wells of good Water Fountaines To find out the beads of Fountaines The best time to 〈◊〉 out Spring-heads 〈…〉 What Waters are best Places giuen t● bring forth 〈◊〉 Deceitfull stone-pits Why the earth is termed by the name of a Mother That it is against the nature of the free Countrey of Bea●x to beare any Rie To●●aine the Garden of France Man by labour is able to tame euery thing Watrie and marish places The vnder parts of watrie grounds Islands of Flaunders To build on the tops of high ground Wild grounds Desarts and Bull-rushes St●nie grounds Vntilled grounds Sandie grounds What is 〈◊〉 to know the nature of great Sand. Strong grounds Rough ground A clay ground To build vpon a high ground Territories and fields lying in Croye and Ardose The nature of the earth must be knowne An old prouerh That of compulsions comes no good Good ground a fruitfull countrey of France The fruitfulnes of Aquitaine The inconueniences of the Southerne wind in Languedoc Prouence and Guienne The signes of a good and sertile ground Naughtie earth Great Cages make not thei● Birds good Vnfaithfull Farmers The eye of the Master fatteth the Horse 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈◊〉 The base Courts 〈…〉 Of the Lig●ts to be made in Building 〈…〉 The Wells of the C●●rt T●e dore of ●he H●use A partition The Farmers Lodge The Farmers Ouen The Farmers Chamber Garners Stables for Ho●se 〈…〉 Oxe-hous●s The entrance of the householde●s dwelling place The round staires The Kitchin The chietest Lights must be t●ward the East Garners The North wind good for the keeping of Corne. A Henne-house Turk●● Henn●● and Cock● Fesants 〈…〉 〈◊〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 〈…〉 What things are most fit to be farmed out The chiefe key of all the rest 〈…〉 To order his Suites What time the Householder should keepe at his Farme and when he may best go● abroad to the Towne or elsewher● Men cannot abide to be roughly entreated Husbandmens apparrell To know to write and read is not necessarie for a farm●r Paper endureth all t●ings A Farmer must haue much knowledge 〈…〉 N●cessarie things to be prouided It is not good ●o exact too much at a seruants hands The naturall inclimat●on of the s●uerall C●unt●imen of France Normans Normans Picards B●yais Lim●sins Goscoins 〈…〉 〈…〉 The f●retelling of Raine Signes ●ore●●kening great store of Raine Signes ●oret●kening Snow Haile Signes ●or●●tkening Winds The signes foretokening T●●nder Lightnings and Tempests The signes ●ore-tokening faire Weather Sig●es ●oretokening the be●innings and endings of times Signes ●oretokening Cold. A long Winter The heat o● Summer The knowledge of the disposition of eueri●●oneth 〈…〉 A good or bad yeare Signes foretokening fruitfulnesse A barren ●●are Tokens ●●reshewing Corn● to be good cheape or deare Signes fore●●kening a sickly or sound yeare Th● Sunne and the Moone great Lights Of the Moone T●e cause of the grow●h and wa●● of th● Moone To slaughter Ca●●ell in the new of the Moone Fruit-trees and others To cleanse trees To gather fruits Grapes To sow Corn● To winnow or fanne to searce and lay vp Corne vnder locke To grind Corne. Onions so●n in the wan● T● mow Med●w●s To dung them Ianuarie Februarie March Aprill May. Iune Iuly August September October Nouember December To ●se Bread temperately Prouision for Drinke The Plague Naphe A continuall Feauer A Quartane Agu● Thirst. A Tertian Ague A Quotidian Ague Headach comming of Heat Headach comming of drinking of Wine Headach proceeding of Cold● Frensie Drowsinesse or heauinesse of Sleepe
abo●●dantly The best season either to sow or plant it is in the Spring time and it endure●h manie yeares without aid or replanting all parts of it is verie medicinall both the root stalke leaues and flowers The water distilled of this hearbe is good again●● all Venimes or Poyson taken into the stomacke and also against all inward infection Itch Byles or Vlcers Then is Agrimonie of which we haue spoken 〈◊〉 Then Serpentar which is so called through the likelyhood it beareth of a 〈◊〉 and of it there are two kinds one great the other small It desireth a verie good earth and somewhat moist and may be sowne or planted in the Spring time The roots of this hearbe is excellent for all malignant Vlcers a decoction of the 〈◊〉 thereof is good for Womens termes and the leaues thereof keepeth Cheese long from rotting Then Onos which will grow in anie earth and rather in a barren 〈◊〉 a fertile and is best to be set of the root either in the Spring time or in 〈◊〉 It is soueraigne against the Stone and prouoketh Vrine speedily and a decoctio● of the roots thereof taketh away the paine in the teeth Then Cinquefoile which groweth almost in euerie place and may be planted in anie season the decoction 〈◊〉 it being gargled or held long in the mouth taketh away the paine of the teeth and heales anie Vlcer in the mouth it is also good against anie Infection or pestil●● Ayre Then Sellodnie of which wee haue spoken before Then Staphi●●●● which desireth a good ground yet euer to be planted in the shadow and that pr●●cipally about the Spring time It is good against paine in the Teeth 〈◊〉 and other Obstructions which grow from cold causes Then Goats leafe which will grow euerie where if it be not annoyed with wind and may be sowne or planted either in the Spring or in Autumne and is exceeding good for the stone Then ground Iuie of which we haue spoken before Then Tussilago or Colts foot which groweth best in watrie of moist places and would euer be planted in the Spring time or 〈◊〉 Autumne it is verie good against infection and against all straitnesse of breath 〈◊〉 the smoake or fume thereof being taken through a small tunnell in at the mouth 〈◊〉 cureth all infirmities of the lungs Then Salicaria or Lifimachus which receiued the name from the King Lisimachus who first made vse of that hearbe it loueth to be planted neere vnto Riuers either in the Spring time or in Winter it is good against the Dissenteria or to staunch bloud either being vsed in the leafe or in powder Lastly Vlmaria which loueth to be planted in low and shadowie valleyes a great 〈◊〉 more moist than drie and would be planted chiefely in Autumne The decoction 〈◊〉 it purgeth and cleanseth the bodie of all flegme whether it be sharpe or grosse it helpeth the Falling sicknesse the powder either of the roots or the leaues stayeth 〈◊〉 flux of the bellie or the issue of bloud and the distilled water easeth all paines both inward and outward Those hearbes which affect the North and delight to endure the blasts and ●●●pings of those colder ayres are first Gentiana of which we haue spoken before Th●● Cabaret or Asarum which neuer groweth so well from the seed as from the plant 〈◊〉 asketh little cost in tillage and beareth flowers twice a yeare that is to say both 〈◊〉 the Spring and in Autumne it cureth the paine in the head and assu●geth the inflammation and anguish of sore eies it is good against Fistulaes the Gout and Sci●●ticaes The powder of the root prouoketh Vrine and stayeth the menstruall Flux 〈◊〉 helpeth the Dropsie and putteth away both the Feauer tertian and quartane Then the Golden rod which onely groweth from the seed and would be planted in a good soyle in the Spring time it is good against the Stone or Strangurie it bindeth vp Vlcers and healeth Fistulaes Then the hearbe which is called Deuils-bit it desireth but an indifferent earth rather moist than drie and where the Seed often say●eth there the Plant neuer doth if it be set in the Spring time It is good against bit●er griefes as those which proceed from choler and against pestilent tumors against ●ice in childrens heads and such like Then Betonie of which we haue spoken be●ore Then Harts-tongue which onely groweth best from the root it is to be plan●ed in the moneths of March and Aprill in a fat earth yet the moister the better it helpeth all oppilations and cureth those which are troubled with a quartane Feauer Then the hearbe Dogges-tongue which desireth a light blacke mould yet but rea●onably tilled it may be sowne or planted in the Spring time it is good to cure the Hemorrhoids and easeth all Ach in the limbes Then Serpents-tongue which must ●uer be placed in a rich earth coole and moist for it can by no means endure the heat of the Summer it is best to be planted from the root in the first beginning of the Spring there is in it much vertue for the resoluing of Tumors and helping of Scal●ings or Burnings or other malignant Vlcers or anie inflammations in the Eyes Then water Germander which delighteth most in cold grounds enclining more to ●oisture than drinesse and rather fat than leane it flourisheth most in the moneths of Iune and Iuly yet in such sort that the flowers continue not aboue a day at most ●or as one falls away another rises it is best to be planted from the root or slippe 〈◊〉 the moneths of Februarie or March it is soueraigne against all manner of Poy●ons as Pestilence or the Dissenteria it prouoketh Vrine and the termes of Women it cleanseth Vlcers and reuiueth all benummed members Then Tormen●ill or Septifolium which loueth a darke waterish and shadowed earth yet that which is verie fat and ●ertile it is alwaies to be sowne from the seed either in the Spring time or in Autumne it is soueraigne against the Stone but chiefely it cu●eth Fistulaes and old Vlcers it withstandeth Poyson and easeth the paine of the Teeth Then Enula Campane of which we haue spoken before Then Persicaria which is oftest planted from the root in the Spring time in grounds which are rather moist than drie The decoction of this hearbe cureth all manner of bruises in Beasts where the bone is not broken onely by bathing them therein Also the flesh of Mut●ons Beeues Veales and such like is kept fresh manie daies by the vertue of this herbe ●nely being wrapped about the same Then Lyons foot which will not liue but in 〈◊〉 good earth fat and fertile yet somewhat moist and is best to be sowne in the ●oneths of March or Aprill it hath an excellent vertue for the healing of ruptures 〈◊〉 young children Then Eringo which craueth a good and well tilled ground and ●ay be sowne or planted either in the Spring or in Autumne it is good against the Collicke against Grauell or the
difficultie of Vrine it strengtheneth the Reines ●nd healeth the bitings of venimous beasts The distilled water thereof is good a●ainst both quotidian and quartane Feauers it helpeth the French disease and stop●eth salt humors Then lastly Feniculus Porcinus which delighteth a great deale ●ore in the shade than in the Sunne-shine it would be sowne or planted either in 〈◊〉 Spring time or in Autumne it comforteth much the sinewes and strengtheneth ●eake backes To conclude those hearbes which affect the South is first the blessed Thistle of ●hich we haue spoke before Then Veruaine of which there be two sorts the male ●nd the female both desire to be planted from the roots in good ground either in the ●pring or in Autumne This hearbe is of great reputation especially amongst the ●omanes who vse if continually amongst their Inchantments it taketh away the ●aine of the Teeth and it healeth anie old Vlcer it is good against anie Fea●er easeth the paine of the Collicke and expelleth Grauell Then Saxifrage which is of two sorts the great and the lesse they may be sowne or planted in anie good ground which is fat and light in the moneth of March The chiefest 〈◊〉 of this hearbe is to breake the Stone prouoke Vrine helpe womens Termes and 〈◊〉 driue away all euill humours out of the Stomacke Then Pionie of which wee 〈◊〉 spoken before Then Hermole or the Turkes hearbe which loueth a fat blacke and drie mould it may be either planted or sowne The vertue of this hearbe 〈◊〉 to make one to hold his Vrine the powder of it being taken either in Broth or 〈◊〉 white Wine Then Acanthus or Brankvrsine is an hearbe which the auncient A●chitects were wont to carue infolding and imbracing their Columnes or Pyllast●● of the Corinthian fashion Whence it came that the Romanes of auncient 〈◊〉 did call it Marmoralia because such Pillars commonly were of Marble It is 〈◊〉 be sowne in the moneths of March or Aprill in a well tilled Garden his 〈◊〉 are good against the Stone and stay the flux of the bellie Then Aristolochia 〈◊〉 both kinds of which wee haue spoken before Then Perforatio which is so called from the affection that it beareth to the Sunne it may be sowne in the Spring 〈◊〉 in anie light earth The seed of this hearbe beaten to powder and drunke in 〈◊〉 Wine cureth a tertian Feauer and easeth those which are troubled with the 〈◊〉 or Sciatica if the powder of it be cast vpon Vlcers it also healeth them and the decoction of the leaues thereof prouoketh Vrine exceedingly Then Arum 〈◊〉 also delighteth in a good Soyle rather moist than drie it flourisheth most in Iune and the leaues thereof are like the leaues of Millet and when it is in the prime 〈◊〉 hath a yellow colour like vnto Saffron it is to be sowne onely in the moneth of March This hearbe is verie soueraigne against the Gout and driueth away 〈◊〉 flegmaticke humours if it be bruised it cureth old Vlcers and all wounds or ●●tings giuen by the Wolfe the leaues boyled in Wine helpeth bruises and displaced members or bones out of ioint it helpeth the Hemorrhoids also Then 〈◊〉 of which we haue spoke before Then Carline which tooke the name from Charl●● the great King of France who by the vse of it onely cured himselfe of the Plagu● it loueth a drie stonie ground and where it may haue the strength of the Sunn● beames it must be sowne in the Spring time or else planted from the root 〈◊〉 powder of this hearbe being drunke chaseth away all infection and prouok●● Vrine it is good against all Conuulsions and being made into a Cataplasme ●●●tifieth and strengtheneth the heart if it be steeped or mixed well with vineger 〈◊〉 easeth either the Gout or the Sciatica being applyed vnto the place grieued Th● little Germander which differeth not much from water Germander onely it ●●ueth a drie and stonie earth and rather a hot than a cold it loueth the 〈◊〉 beames and is rather to be planted from the root than sowne from the seed 〈◊〉 in the Spring time or in Autumne it is good against infection and helpeth 〈◊〉 Feauers it helpeth the Epilepsis paine in the head and anie other griefes of 〈◊〉 braine it cureth Conuulsions the Gout and warmeth the entrailes Then Nic●●●ana or Tabacco of which wee haue spoken before Then Peper which must 〈◊〉 planted immediately after Winter in a well tilled earth and endureth long in G●●dens without anie helpe of transplanting Then Camomill which is of three 〈◊〉 differing onely in the colours of their flowers for the one is white the other yell●● and the third purple It loueth an earth cold and drie it is best planted from 〈◊〉 root or slippe either in Autumne or the Spring time it loueth to be oft troden 〈◊〉 or pressed downe and therefore is most placed in Alleyes Bankes or Seats in 〈◊〉 Garden It is good against a tertian Feauer and the bath which is made 〈◊〉 strengtheneth much weake members and comforteth the sinewes both of the 〈◊〉 and legges it comforteth also the reines The water thereof also distilled is 〈◊〉 good for the same purposes and the iuice thereof mixed with womans 〈◊〉 Rosewater and the iuice of Housleeke warmed and a Rose-cake steeped 〈◊〉 with a Nutmeg grated on it and so applyed vnto the temples of the head ●keth away all paine therein how violent soeuer it be Diuers other hearbes 〈◊〉 be which are of like natures to these alreadie rehearsed but from the experience 〈◊〉 these a reasonable iudgement may find how to plant nourish and vse anie whatsoeuer There be also diuers purgatiue Simples as Rhubarbe Agaricke and such like which for as much as our Soyles will not endure or beare them I will here omit to speake of them onely a word or two of the hearbe Sene which is somewhat more frequent with vs and is of that delicate holesome and harmelesse nature in his working and operation that it may be tearmed the Prince or Head of Simples Then touching Sene you shall vnderstand that it beareth little small thicke leaues vpon a high large stalke it hath flowers of the colour of gold with diuers purple veines running vpon them Some take the Hearbe which Theophrastus writeth of called Colutea to be Sene but they are deceiued therein for the one is a Tree and no Hearbe and the other is an Hearbe and no Tree besides diuers other differences needlesse here to repeat all which are at large see downe by Anthonie Mirauld Doctor of Physicke and a Bourbonois in his booke intituled Maison Champestre It may be planted either from the stalke or root like Rosemarie in anie good fertile and drie soyle where it may haue the full reflection of the Sunne and the season best and fittest for the same plantation is at the later end of Autumne As touching the choice of the best Sene that hath euer the best reputation which is brought from Alexandria in Syria as
leue● to knead their crust withall the hardned froth of beere which because it is windy and flatuous doth make the bread light as it were full of eies The grounds of beere doth serue to polish and scoure brasen vessell if they be● laid to steepe therein some certaine time The end of the fifth Booke THE SIXTH BOOKE OF THE COVNTRIE HOVSE The Vine CHAP. I. Of the profit rising of a well dressed Vine and Vineyard HItherto wee haue intreated of the husbanding tilling ordering and dressing of garden plots orchards and arable ground it now remaineth that we speake of the vine wherupon for certaintie dependeth the greatest part of the reuenues and riches of a house-holder howsoeuer many make small account of the vine and do more esteeme to haue possession of meadowes pasture woods and other grounds than to stand to the reuenues growing by vines in as much as for the most part they yeeld not the fruit which may recompence the charges laid out about them But for all this the vine is not to be discredited seeing this is not the fault of the ground but of the people that till it and either for couetousnesse or ignorance or negligence offend in the tilling thereof It is true that the husbanding and ordering of the vine is chargeable painefull and a matter of great care by reason of the tendernesse of the wood which being well considered may seeme to haue come to passe by a speciall prouidence of God directing the same and making it so weake tender and feeble to the end that this plant might not serue for any other thing than to bring forth the excellent and pretious liquor of wine which is so needfull for the sustentation and life of man for if it were fit for any thing else as the wood of other trees is it would be imployed and wine thereby would become a great deale more deere than it is The greatest part of vine dressers do not esteeme in what ground the vine be planted but do make choice of the worst quarter in all the country as if the worst ground and that which is good for nothing else were the best to plant vines in Others haue not the iudgement to know and chuse their plants and for that cause doe oftentimes plant their vineyards with such young vines as are nought Againe many hauing no respect of the time to come do in such sort order and dresse the vine as if they thought to liue but an houre burdening and loading it with so many branches and shootes for propagation and leauing vpon it so much wood as that it cannot prosper any long time Others although they know the way to order and dresse it well do yet continually omit certain courses and seasons as being more busily imployed about their own profit than their maisters wel-fare Likewise I would alwaies aduise the Lord of our countrie farme that hee would not altogether commit the care and charge of his vineyard vnto his farmer but that he himselfe would lay the chiefe burthen about it vpon himselfe for as the masters eie maketh the horse fat so the carefull industrie of the Lord or chiefe owner maketh the field fruitfull and to beare great store of increase and for that likewise the owner and Lord of the vine will not onely spare it better but also see that it bee not defrauded of any such toile and labour as it requireth contrarie for the most part to the practise of such as are but secondarily interes●ed in such matters the vine being such a peece of inheritance as wherein euerie small fault committed doth draw after it great losse and such as oftentimes cannot bee remedied or repaired but by supplanting what is done and replanting it a new And that it is no otherwise but iust so marke and see if euer you heare the Guespines of Orleance or the Bea●uoies and those of the duchie of Burgundie which haue large grounds imployed in vine●yards to complaine themselues of their vines and that because themselues take the whole care and reserue the principall ouersight vnto themselues On the contrary the Parisians haue no other complaints or agreeuances to talke of but of their vines and that because they credit deceitfull and ignorant workemen to sway the worke whose couetousnesse ignorance and negligence is for the most part of the cause that they reape not the fruit of their vines in such plentifull manner as they should or at the least that the fruit which they doe reape is not so durable as it would And this you must thinke that vines will yeeld a larger reuenue a great deale than gardens or other areable grounds if they bee well and diligently husbanded for there are few arpents of vines to be found which yeeld not euery yeare one yeare helping another ten or twelue tuns of wine which is a great reuenue and yet remaineth vnreckoned a great benefit and auailes which may be made of small plants and impes which may be gathered to transport or transplant into any other place which will easily amount to more than will satisfie and aunswere all the costs and charges which are laid out any maner of way about the vines wherefore either the reuenue rising of such plants by sale or the hope of the vintage and gathering of wine must be the spur to pricke forward the master of this our countrie farme to looke to the ordering and dressing of the vines himselfe CHAP. II. What soile and aire the vine doth most delight in THe vine groweth not but in certaine places that are fit and naturall for it which is a thing to be accounted of by vs so much the more excellent because the speciall propertie of this plant is more commended by men than any other in respect of the good it ministreth which i● that in such places as it groweth in the men are found to be more strong and mightie by the vse of it than other men are which for want of it are forced to vse other drinkes As concerning the soile to plant it in there must two things be considered the qualitie of the ground where it is to be planted and the disposition and inclination of the aire which ruleth in that place As concerning the qualitie of the ground you shall chuse such a one as is not very churlish and close neither yet very ligh● and open but yet of the two more inclining vnto a small mould and open ground neither leane nor very fat yet somewhat the rather inclining to the fat not champion nor a very plaine and flat and yet in such grounds there grow more wine neither very stiffe and straight but rather somewhat raised than otherwise that so it may bee the better aided and succoured by the fauourable beames of the Sunne neither dri● nor moist and watrish because that in such kind of ground the vine continueth not long neither doth it bring forth good wine but such as is quickely perished and yet
indifferently serued with vvater not such a one as hath any fresh springs or fountaines either breaking out euen with the vppermost face of the earth neither yet carried along within in the depth of the earth below but only in such sort as that neere vnto them there may be water to moisten their rootes withall and the same moisture must not be either bitter or salt to the end that the tast and ●auor of the wine may not be spoiled So that by this it appeareth that it is not meet to plant Vines in deepe and low valleyes albeit they might and would bring forth grapes in great abundance and that because they would not ripen in due time and so there would be made of them no better than a green vvine of small value adde hereunto that Vines seated in low valleyes are very much endangered by the Frosts of the Winter and Spring time and are also subiect to haue their grapes to burst and to runne out their iuice and to rot vvhich vvould cause a mus●ie and foughtie taste in the vvine and therewithall vvhen the yeare is rainie the kernels cleaue and burst out through the abundance of moisture by reason vvhereof the grape being in this sort too much moistened and nothing at all dried the vvine becommeth vnsauorie and apt to grow sowre and fall into many other faults And if you happen to light on such a place then chuse to plant there such plants and yong shootes as may beare clusters not too thicke set but growing somewhat thin that so the Sunne may pierce through them much lesse may you plant those Vines vvhich haue their pith taken out and bring forth a firme and solid grape in cold and moist grounds as neither yet in a hote and drie ground such Vines as haue substance enough in them and beare a grape somevvhat soft But chiefly if your place be so well appointed by nature as that it consist of and containe grounds that are fit and meet vpon the tops of great hills together vvith some low and small hills then make choice of them to plant your Vines thereupon It is true that it vvill hardly grow there at the first but hauing once taken roote it vvill yeeld a verie pleasant and noble vvine such as the vvines of Ay Hadre Argentueil Meudon and Seurre be In generall if you vvould plant a Vine vvhich may profite you in bringing forth abundant store of good fruit you must see that the ground be gentle easie fine and indifferent light to be stirred not as though such a ground onely vvere good for Vines but for that it is most kind naturall and best agreeing for Vines to be planted in sandie stonie grauelly and flintie ground as also such as consisteth of a Potters clay in the bottome and couered ouer with earth is good prouided that they be intermingled with some fat earth and that they be often refreshed by being digged euen to the veine of stones or rocke In a sandie clayie and churlish stubborne ground the first digging and casting of it must be good deepe and such grounds also would be thrise digged or cast at the least Such grounds bring forth strong and delicate vvines but such grounds as haue of stones or flints great store vpon the vppermost face of the earth are not fit for Vines because in Summer they stand at a stay by reason of the great heat of the Sunne being beat back vpon them by the said stones and they doe no better in Winter because of the excessiue cold which in like manner then troubleth them True it is that if a Vine be planted in a grauelly rockie and stonie ground that then it will not be needfull to cast so deepe because the roote is not so farre downe into the earth as is the new planted Vineyard which is made in a sandie ●oile and it is contented with twise digging for the most part A soile standing vpon Walkers clay or marle as loeg●y vpon Yonne is verie good for Vines but the ground standing vpon a Potters clay is not good In like sort the grauelly ground is not altogether fit for though it yeeld a daintie good wine yet it yeeldeth but a ve●ie little and there also the new planted Vineyard is very subiect vnto the hauing of his grapes washed away The drie and burning earth doth yeeld leane Vines if it be not helped by the dunghill As concerning the power of the Sunne and disposition of the ayre the Vine delighteth not to be planted vpon the tops of mountains and much lesse in places lying open vnto the Northeast winde but it delighteth in an ayre that is rather hote than colde and faire rather than rainie it cannot abide tempests and stormes it reioiceeth in a small gentle and friendly winde and would bee turned toward the East or South It is true that generally in cold places vines must stand vpon the South and in hot places vpon the North or East prouided that they be sheltred at such time from the winds as well of the South as of the East if the place be subiect to Winds it will be better that it should be to the Northerne or Westerne Windes than otherwise in temperate places either vpon the East or West but the best is towards the East Furthermore in as much as it is a very difficult thing to find all these commodities and good properties of ground and aire in euery countrie the good workeman shall fit the plants of his vines vnto the nature of the places and countries wherefore in a fat and ●ertile ground he shall set the young plant of a small vine and such a one as beareth but little as the Morillion the Melier and the Aubeine and in a leane ground the plant that is very fruitfull as that of Samoureau Tresseau Lombard Ouch Muscadet Beauuois and Pulceau in a thicke and close ground the plant that is strong and putteth forth great store of wood and leaues as that of Morillion Morlou Tresseau and Pulceau in a small mould and reasonable fat ground the plant which putteth forth but a little wood as that of Samoureau Lombard and Beaulnois and by this meanes the defect and want or the excesse and superfluitie of any qualitie in the young plant of the vine shall be supplied or corrected by the nature of the ground and that in such sort and manner as that of two excesses shall spring one meane and well tempered thing which is a point to be wished and requisite in the growing of all sorts of plants Furthermore he may not plant in moist places the young plant which is giuen to beare tender and grosse grapes as that of Samoureau Gouet Mourlous Pulceau Cinquaine and Tresseau In places ●ossed with winds and stormes he must prouide to plant such a kind of vine as is woont to bring forth hard grapes and sticking fast and close vnto the stalke but on the contrarie that which shall haue accustomed to beare tender