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A66834 The Accomplish'd lady's delight in preserving, physick, beautifying, and cookery containing I. the art of preserving and candying fruits & flowers ..., II. the physical cabinet, or, excellent receipts in physick and chirurgery : together with some rare beautifying waters, to adorn and add loveliness to the face and body : and also some new and excellent secrets and experiments in the art of angling, 3. the compleat cooks guide, or, directions for dressing all sorts of flesh, fowl, and fish, both in the English and French mode ... Woolley, Hannah, fl. 1670. 1675 (1675) Wing W3268; ESTC R8138 128,002 405

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pound of Clove-gilli-flowers the whites being cut off infuse them a whole night in a quart of fair water then with four pound of Sugar dissolved in it make it into a Syrup wishout boiling 12. To make Syrup of Violets Take of Violet flowers fresh and pickt a pound clear water boiling one quart shut them up close together in a new glazed pot a whole day then press them hard out and in two pound of the Liquor dissolve four pound and three ounces of white Sugar take away the scum and so make it into a Syrup without boiling 13. To make Murmelade of Quinces Take a pottle of water and four pound of Sugar and let them boyl together and when they boyl scum them as clean as you can then take the whites of two or three eggs and beat them to froath put the froath into the pan to make the scum ●●se then scum it as clean as you can take off the Kettle and put in the Quinces and let them boil a good while and stir them and when they are boiled enough put them into boxes 14. To make Hippocras Take a gallon of White-wine two pound of Sugar and of Cinamon Ginger long Pepper Mace n●t bruised Grains Galingal Cloves not bruised of each two penny-worth bruise every kind of spice a little and put them all together into an earther pot for a day then cast them through your bags two or three times as you see cause and so drink it 15. To make Almond Butter Take your Almonds and blaunch them and beat them in a morter very small and in beating put in a little water and when they are beaten pour in water into two pots and put half into one and half into another put Sugar to them and stir them and let them boil a good while then strain it through a strainer with Rose-water and so dish it up 16. To preserve Quinces red Pare your Quinces and coar them then take as much Sugar as they weigh putting to every pound of Sugar one quart of water boil your Quinces therein very leasurely being close covered turn them to keep them from spotting● and when they are so tender that you may prick a hole through them with a rush and that they are well coloured then boil the Syrup till it will button on a dish and so put your Syrup and them up together 17 To pickle Cucumbers Wash your Cucumbers clean and dry them in a cloath then take some Water Vinegar Salt Fennel tops and some Dill tops and a little Mace make it fast enough and sharp enough to the tast then boil it a while and then take it off and let it stand till it is cold then put in the Cucumbers and lay a board on the top to keep them down and tye them up close and within a week they will be fit to eat 18. To Candy Pears● Plumbs and Apricocks to look as clear as Amber Take your Apricocks or Plumbs and give every one a cut to the stone in the notch then cast Sugar on them and bake them in an Oven as hot as for Maunchet close stopt bake them in an earthen Platter and let them stand half an hour then take them out of the dish and lay them one by one upon glass plates and so dry them if you can get glasses made like Marmalet boxes to lay over them they will be the sooner Candyed In this manner you may candy any other fruit 19. To preserve Oranges Take a pound of Oranges and a pound of Sugar pill the outward rind and inward white skin off then take juice of Oranges and put them into the juice boil them half an hour and take them off 20. To make Oyl of Violets Set the Violets in Sallad Oyl and Strain them then put in other fresh Violets and let them lye twenty days then strain them again and put in other fresh Violets and let them stand all the year 21. To mak cream of Quinces Take a roasted Quince pare it and cut it into thin slices to the coar boyl it in a pint of cream with a little whole Ginger till it tast of the Quinces to your liking then put in a little Sugar and strain it and always serve it cold to the Table 22. To make a March-pan Steep two pound of picked Almonds one day and two nights in fair water and blaunch them out of it then beat them well in a morter and bedew them with Rose-water put to your Almonds so many pound of Sugar and beat your Sugar with your Almonds then make very fine ●rust either of past or wafer and sprinkle it with Rose-water and Sugar then spread the stuff on it and bake it at a very soft fire always bedewing it with Damask-water Civet and Sugar and lastly with a gut of Dates guilt or long Comfits guilt or with Cinamon-sticks guilt or the kernels of the Pine-apple and ●o ●et it forth 23. To make Almond Milk Boyl French Barley and as you boyl it cast away the water wherein it was boil●d till you see the water leave to change colour as you put in more fresh water then put in a bundle of Straw-berry leaves and as much Cullumbine leaves and boyl it a good while then put in beaten Almonds and strain them and then season it with Sugar and Rosemary then strew some Sugar about the dish and send it to the Table 24. To preserve Apricocks or Pear-plumbs when they are green You may take any of these fruits and scald them in water and peel them and s●rape the spungy substance of the Apricocks or Quinces so boyl them very tender taking their weight in Sugar and as much water as to cover them and boyl them very leasurely then take them up and boil the Syrup till it be thick and when they are cold put them up with you● Syrup into your preserving Glasses 25. To pickle French Beans You must take your Beans and string them boyl them tender● then take them off● and let them stand till they are cold put them into the pickle of Beer Vinegar Pepper and Salt Cloves and Mace with a little Ginge 26● To make an excellent Jelly Take three gallons of fair water and boil in it a knuckle of Veal and two Calves feet slit in two with all the fat clean taken from between the claws so let them boil to a very tender Jelly keeping it clean scum●d and the edges of the pot always wiped with a clean ●●ath that none of the scum may boil in strain it from the meat and let it stand all night and the next morning take away the top and the bottom and take to a Quart of this Jelly half a pint of Sherry sack half an ounce of Cinamon and as much Sugar as will season it six whites of Eggs very well beaten mingle all these together then boil it half an hour and let it run through your Jelly bag 27. To make Aqua-Mirabil is Take of Cloves Galanga Cubebs Mace Cardamums
Nutmegs Ginger of each one dram juice of Celandine half a pound Spirit of Wine one pint White-wine three pints infuse them twenty four hours and draw off a Quart with an Alembick 28. Dr. Stevens Water Take of Cinamon Ginger Galanga Cloves Nutmegs Grains of Paradise seeds of Annis Fennel ●arraways of each one dram● herbs of Time Mother of Time Mints Sage Penny-royal Pellitory of the Wall Rosemary Flowers of Red Roses Camomile Origanum Lavender of each one handful infuse them twelve hours in ●welve pints of Gascoign wine then with 〈◊〉 Alembick draw three pints of strong-water from it 29. To make good cherry Wine Take the Syrup of Cherries and when it hath stood a while bottle it up and tye down the Cork and in a short time it will be very good pleasant Wine 30. To make Wa●ers Take a pint of flower a little cream the yolks of two Eggs a little Rose-water with some searced Cinamon and Sugar work them together and bake them upon hot Irons 31. To Preserve Grapes Stamp and strain them let it settle a while before you wet a pound of Sugar or Grapes with the juice stone the Grapes save the liquor in the stoning take off the stalks give them a boiling take them off and put them up 32. To Pickle Purslain Take the Purslain and pick it into little pieces and put it into a Pot or Barrel then take a little water Vinegar and Salt to your tast it must be pretty strong of the Vinegar and Salt and a little Mace and boil all these together and pour this liquor boiling hot into the Parslain and when it is cold tye it close but lay a little board on the top to keep it down and within a week or two it is fit to eat 33. To preserve green Walnuts Boil your Walnuts till the water tast bitter then take them off and put them in cold water and pill off the bark and weigh as much Sugar as they weigh and a little more water then will wet the Sugar set them on the fire and when they boil up take them off and let them stand two days and then boil them again once more 34. To prese●ve Currants Part them in the tops and lay a lane of Currants and a lane of Sugar and so boyl them as fast as you do Ras-berries do not put them in the spoon but scum them boil till the Syrup be pretty thick then take them off and let them stand till they be cold and put them into a glass 35. To make Goose berry Cakes Pick as many Goose-berries as you please and put them into an earthen Pitcher and set it in a kettle of water till they be soft and then put them into a five and let them stand till all the juice be out and weigh the juice and as much Sugar as Syrup first boyl the Sugar to a Candy and take it off and put in the juice and set it on again till it be hot and take it off and set them in the Press till they be dry then they are ready 36. An excellent broath Take a Chicken and set it on the fire and when it boils scum it then put in a Mace and a very little Oatmeal and such herbs as the party requires and boil it well down and bruise the Chicken and put it in again and it is good broath and to alter it you may put in six Prunes and leave out the herbs or put them in as you please and when it is well boyled strain it and season it 37. To make Angellets Take a quart of new milk and a pint of cream and put them together in a little Runnel when it is come well take it up with a spoon and put it into the Vate softly and let it stand two days till it be pretty stiff then slip it out and salt it a little at both ends and when you think it is salt enough set it a drying and wipe them and within a quarter of a year they will be ready to eat 38. To make Ielly of Harts-horn Take four ounces of the shavings of Harts-horn of the inside and two Ale● quarts of water put this in a Pipkin and boil it very gently till it come to a quart the Harts-horn must be steeped 3 or 4 hours first afterwards put a little into a Saucer till it be cold and if it be cold and Jellieth it is boil'd enough● Then being warm take it off the fire and strain it hard through a cloath and set it a cooling till it be hard Jelly then take two whites of eggs and beat them very well er with a sprigg of Rosemary or birch but not with a spoon till a water come in the bottom then put these beaten eggs and the water thereof into a skillet and all the Jelly upon it with three spoonfuls of damask Rose-water and a quarter of a pound of Sugar and when it boils sti● and lay it pretty well then strain it through a cloath and let it cool and of this take four spoonfuls in the morning fasting and four a clock in the afternoon and this is excellent good for the weakness of the ba●k 40. To preserve Damsons red or black Plumbs Take their weight in Sugar and water enough to make a Syrup to cover them so boil them a little therein being close covered turning them for spotting let them stand all night in their own Syrup then set them upon a pot of seething water and suffer your Plumbs to boyl no faster then the water under them and when they are both sweet and tender take them up and boil the Syrup again till it be thick then put up your Plumbs and it together in your preserving glasses 41. To make Rosemary water Take the Rosemary and the flowers in the midst of May before Sun-rise strip the leaves and flowers from the stalks then take 4 or 5 Elecampana roots and a handful or two of sage then beat the Rosemary sage and roots together till they be very small then take three ounces of Cloves as much Mace and half a pound of Anniseeds and ●eat these spices every one by themselves then take the herbs and the spices and put thereto 4 or 5 gallons of good White-wine then put in all these herbs spices and wine into an earthen Pot and put the Pot into the ground about sixteen days then take it up and distil it with a very soft fire 43. To make Pomatum Take fresh Hogs suet clean sed from the films and washt in White-wine one pound and as much sheeps suet washt in White-wine then take about sixteen Pomwater Apples cleansed and boyl d in Rose-water add to these Rose-wood Sassafras Roots of Orrice Florentine of each six drams of Benzoin Storax Calamita half an ounce of each and so make it into an Oyntment 44. To maks Oyl of sweet Almonds Take dryed sweet Almonds as many as you please beat them very small and put them into a rough hemp●n●
and therewith annoint the sore Face and it will ease the pain and take away the Swelling and when it is well nigh whole annoint the place with a little P●puleon and that will make the skin fair and well again 68. An excellent Salve Take half a pound of Bees-wax a pint of Sallet-Oyl three ounces of Red Lead boyl all together in a New Earthen Pipkin keeping it stirring all the while till it grows of a darkish colour then keep it for Use or make Sear-cloaths of it while it is hot It is most approved against any Pain Sore Scald Cut Burn to strengthen the Back or remove any old Ach whatsoever 69. A Iu'ep of Dr. Trench for the Fits of the Mother In the time of the Year Distill Black-Cherry-water Piony flower-water Cowslip-water Rue or Herb-grace-water then take of the waters of Cowslip Black-Cherries Piony Rue of each an ounce and add to them water of Castor half an ounce Cinamon-water one dram Syrup of Clove-gilly-flowers three drams mix all these together and take two spoonfuls at a time of it as often as you please 70. For a Tympany Take a handful of the Blossoms of Marigolds stamp them and strain them and give the Juice thereof to the Patient in a draught of Ale Fasting 71. To provoke Terms a good Medicine Take Wormwood and Rue of each one handful with five or six Pepper-corns boyl them all together in a quart of white-wine or Malmsey strain it and drink thereof 72. For the Bloody-flux or Scouring Take a great Apple and cut out the Core and put therein pure Virgins-wax then wet a paper and lap it therein then rake it up in the Embers and let it roast till it be soft then eat of it as your stomack will give leave 73. For a Rheumatick Cough or Cold. Take a pint of Hyssop-water Syrup of Gilly-flowers Syrup of Vinegar Syrup of Maiden-hair Syrup of Colts-foot of each one ounce mingle them all together and drink of it when you please 74. To kill a Fellon Take an Egg and Roast it hard and take out the Yolk thereof then Roast an Onion sost and beat the Yolk and the Onion together and lay it to the sore and it will kill the Fellon 75. For the white Flux Take the powder of the Flowers of Pomegranats and drink it in Red Wine 76. For the Red Flux Take Sperma Caeti and drink it and tru●s up your self with a piece of black● Cotton 77. For the Cancer in a VVomans Breast Take The Dung of a Goose and the Juice of Celandine and bray them well in a Mortar together and lay it to the Sore and this will stay the Cancer and heal it 78. For an Ague in the Breast Take Grounsel Daisie-leaves and roots and course W● eat sisted make a Poultess thereof with the Parties own water and lay it warm to the Breast 79. For Bleeding at the Nose Take Betony and stamp it with as much Salt as you can hold betwixt your two fingers and put it into your Nose 80. For spitting of Blood Take Smalledge Rue Mints and Betony and boyl them well in good Milk and drink it warm 81. To stanch the bleeding of a wound or at the Nose There is not a better thing than the powder of Bole Armoniack to stanch the bleeding of a Wound the powder being laid upon it or for the Nose to be blown in with a Quill Or take the sha●ings of Parchment and lay it to the Wound and it stancheth and healeth 82. To make the G●scoign Powder Take of Pearls white Amber Harts-Horn Eyes of Crabs and white Coral of each half an Ounce of black thighs of Crabs Calcined two Ounces to every Ounce of this Powder put in a dram of Oriental Bezoar reduce them all into a very fine powder and sierse them then with Harts-Horn-Jelly and a little Saffron put therein make it up into Paste and make therewith Lozenges or Trochices for your Use. Get your Crabs for this powder about May or in September before they be boyled dry your Lozenges in the Air not by Fire nor Sun 83. For the Megrim or Imposthume in the Head Take four penny-weight of the Root of Pellitory of Spain a Farthing weight of Spikenard and boyl them in good Vinegar and when it is cold put thereto a spoonful of Honey and a Saucer full of Mustard and mingle them well together and hold thereof in your Mouth a spoonful at once and use this eight or nine times spitting it out continually 84. For pain in the ears Take the juice of Wild Cucumbers and put it into the Ears and it asswageth the pain Also put the wood of green Ash in the Fire and save the Liquor that cometh out at the End and put it into the Ears it causeth the pain to cease and amendeth the Hearing Also beat the Juice of Wormwood and drop it into the Ears 85. A precious water for the Eye-sight made by K. Edward the Sixth Take Smalledge Red Fennel Rue Vervain Betony Agrimony Pimpernel Eufrane Sage Celandine of each a like quantity first wash them clean then stamp them and put them in a fair Brazen Pan with the powder of fourteen or fifteen Pepper-Corns fair ●iersed into a pint of good White-Wine put them into the Herbs with three spoonfuls of Honey and five spoonfuls of the water of a Man-Child that is sound mingle all together and boyl them over the Fire and when it is boyled strain it through a fine Linnen Cloath and put it into a Glass and stop it well and close till you use it and when you need put a little thereof into the Sore Eyes with a Feather but if it be dry temper it with White-Wine and it profiteth much all manner of Sore Eyes This Water was used by K. Edward the Sixth 86. My Lord Dennies Medicine for the Gout Take Burdock-Leaves and stalks cut them small and stamp them very small then strain them and cleanse them and when you have so done put them into Glasses and put pure Oyl of Olives on the top of them and stop it close from the Air and when you would use it for the Gout pour it into a Porringer and warm it and wet Linnen Cloaths in it and apply it warm to the grieved place warming your Cloaths one after another as they grow cold that are on 87. Dr. Stephen's Sovereign water Take a G●llon of good Gascoign Wine then take Ginger Galingale Cancel Nutmeg Grains Cloves Anniseeds Carraway-seeds of each a dram then take Sage Mints Red Roses Thyme Pellitory Rosemary Wild Thyme C●momile Lavender of each a handful then bray both Spices and Herbs and put them all into the Wine and let them stand for twelve hours divers times stirring them then Distill in an Alembeck but keep that which you Distill first by it self for that is the best but the other is good also but not so good as the first This water comforteth the Vital Spirits and helpeth inward Diseases which come from
up with a little White-wine let them boyl till they come to be pretty thick and so Dish them up 189. To bake Calves-Feet You must season them with Pepper Salt and Currans and then bake them in a Pye when they are baked take the Yolks of three or four Eggs and beat them with Verjuice or Vinegar Sugar and grated Nutmeg put it into your Pye then scrape on Sugar and so serve it 190. To Fry Neats-Tongues First boyl them and after blanch them and then cut them into thin slices season them with Nutmeg Sugar Cinamon put to them the Yolks of raw Eggs and a Limon cut into little square pieces then Fry them in spoonfuls with sweet butter make your sauce with White-wine Sugar and Butter heat it hot and pour it on your Tongues scrape Sugar on it and serve it 191. To Roast a Hare When you Case your Hare do not cut off his hinder Legs or Ears but hack one Leg through another and so also cut a hole through one Ear and put it through the other and so Roast him make your Sauce with the Liver of the Hare boyled and minced small with a little Marjoram Thyme and Winter-Savoury and the Yolks of thre or four hard Eggs with a little Bacon and Beef-suet boyl this all up with Water and Vinegar and then grate a little Nutmeg and put to it some sweet butter and a little Sugar Dish your Hare and serve it This may also serve for Rabbits 192. To Roast a Shoulder of Mutton with Oysters Par-boyl your Oysters then mince Winter-savoury Thyme Parsley and the Yolks of five or six hard Eggs hard boyled add to these a half-penny loaf of grated bread and three or four Yolks of Eggs mingle all these together with your Hands when you have Spitted your Mutton make holes in it as big as you think convenient put in your Oysters with the other Ingredients about twenty five or thirty Oysters will be enough let it Roast indifferent long then take the remainder of a quart of Oysters for you must have so many in all and put them into a deep Dish with Claret-wine two or three Onions cut in halves and two or three Anchovies put all this in the Dripping-pan under your Mutton and save your Gravy and when the Meat is enough put your sauce upon the Coals and put to it the Yolk of an Egg beaten grated Nutmeg and sweet butter Dish your Mutton and pour in your Oysters Sauce and all upon it Garnishing your Dish with Limons and Barberries 193. A Rare Broath Take a couple of Cocks and cut off their Wings and Legs and wash them clean and par-boyl them very well till there rise no scum then wash them again in fair water then put them in a Pitcher with a pint of Rhenish Wine and some strong Broath as much as will cover them together with a little China-Root an Ounce or two of Harts-horn with a few Cloves Nutmeg large Mace Ginger shred and whole Pepper and a little Salt stop up your Pitcher close that no steam may come out boyl the Pitcher in a great pot of water about six hours then pour out the broath and strain it into a Bason and squeeze into it the juice of two or three Limons and so eat it 194. To bake Sweetbreads Boyl your Sweetbreads and put to them the Yolks of two Eggs new laid grated bread with some par-boyled Currans and three or four Dates minced and when you have seasoned it lightly with Pepper Sugar Nutmeg and Salt put to it the juice of a Limon put up all these together into Puff-paste and so bake it 195. To make Pottage of French-Barley Pick your Barley very clean from dirt and dust then boyl some Milk and put it in while it boyls when it is well boyled put in a little salt sugar large Mace and a little Cream and when you have boyl'd it pretty thick Dish it and serve it up with Sugar scraped thereon 196. To boyl a Hanch of Venison First stuff your Venison with a handful of sweet Herbs and Parsley minced with a little Beef-suet and some Yolks of Eggs boyled hard season your stuffing with Nutmeg salt and Ginger having powdered your Hanch boyl it afterwards boyl up two or three Colliflowers in strong broath adding to it a little Milk when they are boyled put them into a Pipkin and put to them drawn butter keeping them warm then boyl up two or three handfuls of Spinage in the same Liquor when it is boyled up pour out part of your Broath and put to it a little Vinegar a Ladle-ful of sweet butter and a grated Nutmeg your Dish being ready with Sippets on the bottom put the Spinage round the sides of your Dish when the Venison is boyled take it up and put it in the middle of the dish lay your Colliflowers over it pour on sweet Butter over that Garnish it with Barberries and some Parsley minced round the brims of the Dish 197. To make a Florentine of Sweet-breads or Kidneys Take three or four Kidneys or Sweet-breads and when they are par-boyled mince them small season it with a little Cinamon and Nutmeg sweeten it with sugar and a little grated bread with the Marrow of two or three Marrow-bones in good big pieces add to these about a quarter of a pound of Almond-paste and about half a pint of Malaga Sack two spoonfuls of Rose-water and Musk and Amber-greece of each a grain with a quarter of a pint of Cream and three or four Eggs mix all together and make it up in puss-paste then bake it in three quarters of an hour it will be enough 198. To stew a Rump of Beef Season your Beef with some Nutmeg grated together with some salt and pepper season it on the bony side and lay it in the Pipkin with the Fat side downward then take two or three great Onions and a bunch of Rosemary tyed up together with three pints of Elder-Vinegar and three pints of Water stew all these three or four hours together in a pipkin close covered over a soft Fire Dish it upon Sippets blowing off the Fat from the Gravy put some of the Gravy to the Beef and serve it up 199. To make Pottage of a Capon Take Beef and Mutton and cut it into pieces then boyl a large Earthen pot ot Water take out half the water put in your Meat and skim it and when it boyls season it with Pepper and salt when it hath boyled about two hours add four or five Cloves half an hour before you think it is enough put in your Herbs Sorrel Purslain Burrage Lettuce and Bugloss or green Pease and in the Winter parsley-Roots and white Endive pour the Broath upon light bread toasted and stew it a while in the Dish covered If your water consume in boyling fill it up with water boyling hot The less there is of the broath the better it is though it be but a porringer-full for then it would be
make 18 Poppy-water 87 Prince-Bisket 104 Purslain to pickle 13 Q. Quiddany of Cherries 24 Quiddany of Quinces 51 Quiddany of Plums 75 Queens perfume 22 Quince-Cakes to make 1 Quince-Cakes clear 111 Quince-Cakes red 110 Quince-Cakes white 109 Quince-Cakes thin 56 Quince-Cream 76 Quinces preserved red 7 Quinces preserved white 3 Quinces to pickle 108 R. Rasberry-Cream 94 Rasberry-Wine 37 Raspices preserved 3 Red Currans-Cream 98 Red and white Currans pickled 98 Rich Cordial 98 Rose-leaves Candyed 104 Rosemary-water 17 Rosemary-flowers Candyed 46 Roses preserved whole 10 Rose-Vinegar 8 Rose-water 70 Rosa Solis to make 4 S. Snow-Cream 9 Spirit of Amber greece 35 Spirit of Honey 53 Spirit of Roses 64 Spirit of Wine 20 Dr. Stephens Water 12 Steppony to make 90 Strawberry Wi●e 92 Spots out of Cloaths 79 Suckets to make 56 Suckets of green Walnuts 7 Suckets of Lettuce stalks 10 Sugar-Cakes to make 78 Sugar-Leach 61 Sugar of Roses 86 Sugar-plate to make 27 surfeit-Surfeit-water 66 Sweet Cakes without Sugar 52 Sweet meat of Apples 115 Sweet bags for Linnen 52 Syllabub to make 89 Symbals to make 5 Syrup of Apples 82 Syrup of Citron-peels 32 Syrup of Cinamon 32 Syrup of Comfrey 108 Syrup of Cowslips 23 Syrup of Elder 65 Syrup of Clove gilly flowers 5 Syrup of Harts-Horn 33 Syrup of Hyssop 42 Syrup of Licorise 2● Syrup of Limons 20 Syrup for the Lungs 53 Syrup of Maiden-hair 21 Syrup of Mints 106 Syrup of Poppies 19 Syrup of Purslain 107 Syrup of Quinces 31 Syrup of Roses 68 Syrup of Saffron 70 Syrup for short-wind 67 Syrup of Sugar-candy 67 Syrup against Scurvy 68 Syrup of Violets 6 Syrup of Wormwood 19 Syrup of Vinegar 82 Syder to make 90 T. Trifle to make 74 Treacle-water to make 31 V. Verjuice to make 60 ●s●●ebah to make 26 W. Walnuts preserved 14 Walnut-water 31 Washing-Balls to make 59 Wasers to make 13 Waters against Consumptions 34 Water against Fits of Mother 18 Wormwood-wine 52 Wormwood water 55 White Damsons preserved green 80 White Leach of Cream 71 White Mead. 100 Whipt Syllabub 96 The Table to Physick Beautifying Waters and Secrets in Angling A. Ach of the Joynts 132 Ach or pain 129 Ad Capiendum Pisces 211 Ague in the Breast 156 Agues in Children 151 Ague to Cure 129 Another 132 Another 140 Another 140 Allom-water to make 162 B. Back to strengthen 130 Baits for Barbels 230 Baits for Bream 232 Baits for Carp or Tench 219 Baits for Chub and Pike 220 Baits for Eels 231 Bait for Fish all the Year 211 Baits for Gudgeons 229 Bait with Gentles 2●7 Baits for Perch 225 Baits for Roch and Dace 212 Baits for Salmon 233 Baits for Trout 228 Beauty to procure 196 Beauty water for the Fa●e 197 beauty-Beauty-water called Lac Virginis 178 Biting of a mad-Dog 137 Blasting to Cure 152 Bleeding at the Nose 1●6 Bleeding of a Wound 156 Bloody-flux or Scowring 154 Black Plaister for all griefs 172 Bone or Quills dyed red for Fishing 207 Breath to make sweet 191 Breath to sweeten another 191 C. Cancer to cure 136 Cancer in a Womans Breast to cure 155 Caps to sight for Fishing 207 Cement for Floats to Fish 207 Childblains in Hands or feet to cure 194 Conception to procute 143 Consumption to cure 144 Cough dry to cure 135 Cordial Julip 147 Corns to cure 166 Cramp to cure 132 D. Deafness to cure 138 Deafness another 142 Delicate washing-ball 19● Dentrifice to whiten the Teeth 189 Drink to heal wounds 169 Dropsie to cure 138 Dropsie another 146 E. Ears running to help 192 Ears pained to cure 158 Electuary of Life 162 Excellent Beauty-water 195 Excellent complexion to procure 196 Excellent Cordial 140 Excellent Salve 152 Excellent wash for Beauty 195 Eyes blood-shot 192 Eye-water 147 F. Face and Skin to cleanse 177 Face to Adorn 177 Face to beautifie 177 Face to look Youthful 177 Face to make fair 176 Face to make very fair 179 Face pitted by the Small-pox 183 Face to whiten 181 Falling off of Hair to prevent 176 Falling-Sickness or Convulsions 134 Falling-Sickness another 145 Fevers or Agues in Children 130 Fellon to kill 155 Fishing-Lines to make 205 Fishing●Lines to unloose in water 210 Fits of the Mother 148 Fistula or Ulcer 149 Fits of the Mother a Julip 153 Flowers to bring down 165 Flowers to stay 166 Flyes used in Angling to make 235 Flux red to cure 155 Flux white to cure 155 Freckles in the Face 180 Freckles and Morphew 188 G. Gascoign Powder to make 157 Gout to cure 128 Gout Lord Dennies Medicine 159 Green-Sickness to cure 138 Green-Sickness a powder 169 Griping of the Guts to cure 128 H. Hands to make white 192 Hands to whiten 198 Hands a sweet water 199 Hair to make grow 174 Hair to grow thick 174 Hair to make fair 173 Hair to take away 176 Head-ach to cure 130 Heat of the Liver 163 Heat and swelling in the Face 185 Heat or Worms in the hands 199 I. Jaundies black to Cure 131 Jaundies yellow to Cure 131 Imposthume to break 137 Inflamed Face to Cure 186 Itch or breaking out to cure 167 Itch another 136 K. C. K●nts Powder to make 132 Kings-Evil to cure 137 L. Lax or Looseness 141 Lips chopt to cure 193 M. Marks of Small pox to prevent 193 Megrim or Imposthume in the Head 1●7 Mis-carrying to prevent 134 Moist seabs after Small-pox 165 Morphew or Scurff of Pace or Skin 181 Mouth to cleanse 191 N. Nails cloven to cure 200 Nails that fall off 200 Nails to make grow 199 Nails rent from the Flesh. 200 Nostrils stinking to cure 198 O. Oyl of Fennel 171 Oyl of St. Iohns wort 170 Oyl of Roses 166 Oyntment green to make 148 Oyntment for pimples in the face 186 P. Paste for Fishing 2●2 Piles to destroy 136 Piles after Child-Birth 167 Pimples in the Face to cure 186 Pimples in the Face another 184 Plague to cure 131 plague-Plague-water 146 Pleurisie to cure 1●4 Pock holes in the Face 194 Pomatum to clear the skin 187 Powder for Green-Sickness 169 R. Red Face to cure 185 Redness Hands and Face by Small pox 183 Redness to take away another 184 Rich Face-to help 186 Rheumatick Cough or Cold. 154 Rickets in Children 149 S. Scald Head 146 Sciatica or pains in the joynts 129 Scurvy to cure 127 Scurvy another 142 Secrets in Angling by J. D. 209 Shingles to cure 149 Skin to clear 187 Skin to smooth and take away Freckles 201 Skin to make white and clear 180 Skin to make smooth 180 Sore breast to cure 144 Spitting of Blood 156 Spleen to cure 168 Sprain in the Back 139 Dr. Stephens Water 161 Stinking breath to cure 190 Stitch in the Side 167 Stench under the Arm● holes 201 Stone and Gravel 127 Sun-burn to take away 179 Swooning-fits 163 T. Termes to provoke 154 Teeth to make white and Sound 189 Teeth to keep white and kill worms 190 Teeth white as Jvory 119 Teeth in children to breed easily 150 Toothach to
add to it three pints of red wine with four pound of white Sugar boyl it into a Syrup and perfume it with a dram and half of C●● namon and of Cloves and Ginger of 〈…〉 two scruples 79. To make Walnut-water Take of green Walnuts a pound and half Garden Radish-ro●rs one pound green Afarabacca six ounces Radish seeds four ounces Let all of them being bruised be steeped in three pints of White-wine-Vinegar for three days and then distil them in a leaden Still till they be dry 80. To make Treakle Water Take of the juice of green Walnuts four pound juice of Rue three pound juice of Carduus Marigolds and Balm of each two pound green Peta●● is Roots one pound and half the roots of Burs one pound Angelica and Masterwort of each half a pound the leaves of Scordium four handfuls old Venice Treacle and Mithridate of each eight ounces Canary wine six quarts Vinegar three quarts juice of Lemons one quart digest them two days either in Horse-dung or in a Bath the Vessel being close shut then distil them in Sand in the distillation you may make a Theri●cal extraction 81. To make Syrup of Cinamon Take of Cinamon grosly bruised 4 ounces ●●eep it in White-wine and small Cinamon water of each half a pound● three days in a glass by a gentle fire strain it and with a po●nd and half of Sugar boil it gently to a Syrup This Syrup refiesheth the Vital Spirits and cherisheth the Heart and Stomach helps Digestion and cherisheth the whole body exceedingly 82. To make Syrup of Citron peels Take of freth yellow Citron peels five ounces the berries of Cherms or the juice of the● brought over to us two drams spring-water two quarts steep them all night boyl them till half be consumed take off the scum strain it and with two pound and half of the whitest Sugar boyl it into a Syrup let half of it be without Musk but perfume the other half with three grains of Musk tyed up in a rag 83. To make Syrup of Harts-horn Take of Harts● tongue thee● handfuls Polipodium of the Oak the roots of both sorts of Buglos barks of the roots of Capers and Tamaris of each two ounces Hops Dodder Maiden-hair balm of each two handfulls boil them in four quarts of spring-water till it comes to five strain it and with four pound of Sugar make it into Syrup according to Art 84. An Oyl perfume for Gloves that shall never out Take Benjamin two ounces Storax and Calamint each an ounce ●ut the two first must be finely bearen by themselves then take a pound of sweet Almonds and mingle it with the Storax and Benjamin upon a marble stone and then put it into an earthen pot with more Oyl then put in your Gloves powdered and so let it stand very close covered and when you will perfume a pair of Gloves take a little fair water in a spoon and wipe your Gloves very fine with take another spoon and dip it in your Oyl and rub it on your Gloves and let them dry this is excellent 85. An excellent Water for one that is in a Consumption Take three pints of Milk and one pint of red Wine twenty four yolks of new laid Eggs beat them very well together then add so much white bread as will drink up the Wine and put to it some Cow-slip flowers and distil them Take a spoonful of this Morning and Evening in Chicken or Muton broth and in one month it will cure any Consumption 86. To make Barley Water Take a penny-worth of Barley a penny-worth of Raisins of the Sun a penny-worth of Anniseeds a half penny-worth of Liquorish about two quarts of water boil all together till half be consumed then strain it and when it is cold drink it your Liquorish must be sliced into small pieces 87. Dr. Deodates drink for the Scurvy Take Roman Wormwood Carduus benedictus Scurvy-grass Brook-lime Water-creases Water-trifoil of each one handful Dodder Cetrach Soolopendria Burrage Buglos Sorrel Vervain or Speedwel of each half a handful Elicampane root one ounce Raisins of the Sun three ounces slices of Oranges and Lemmons of each fifteen boil or rather infuse these in a double glass with so much White-wine as will make a pint and a half of the liquor when it is done 88. A conserve to strengthen the Back Take Eringo roots and conserve them as you do damask white and red Roses in every respect the pith being taken out one pound and a half of Sugar is enough for every pound of Roots with three pints of water stew them closely at first as you do your Roses if you add to them five or six grains of Amber grease beaten to fine powder it will be much more cordial 89. To make excellent Aqua Composita for a Surfeit or cold stomach Take a handful of Rosemary a root of ●nula● campane a handful of Hysop half a handful of Thyme six handfuls of Sage as much Mint and as much Penny-royal half a handful of Hore-hound two ounces of Liquorish well bruised and as much Anniseeds Then take two gallons of the best strong Ale and take all the herbs afore●aid and wring them asunder and put them into an earthen pot well covered and let them stand a day and a night from thence put all into a brass pot and set it on the fire and let it stand till it boil then take it from the fire and set your Limbeck on the pot and stop it close with past that there come no air out of it and still it out with a soft fire you may add to it 1 handful of red Fennel 90. To make Balm water Take four gallons of strong stale Ale half a pound of Liquorish two pound of Balm two ounces of Figgs half a pound of Anniseeds one ounce of Nutmegs shred the Balm and Figgs very small and let them stand steeping four and twenty hours and then put it in a Still as you use Aqua-vitae 91. To pickle Broom-buds Take as many Broom-buds as you please make linnen bags and put them in and tye them close then make some brine with water and salt and boil it a little let it be cold then put some brine in a deep earthen pot and put the bags in it and lay some weight on them let it lye there till it look black then shift it again still as long as it looks black boil them in a little Cauldron and put them in Vinegar a week or two and they will be fit to eat 92. To make good Raspberry Wine Take a gallan of Sack in which let two gallons of Raspberries stand steeping the space of twenty four hours then strain them and put to the liquor three pound of Raisins of the Sun stoned let them stand together four or five days being sometime stirred together then pair off the clearest and put it up in Bottles and set it in a cold place if it be not sweet enough you may put Sugar
to it 93. To make excellent Hippocras in an instant Take of Cinamon two ounces Nutmegs Ginger of each half an ounce Cloves two drams bruise these small then mix them with as much spirit of Wine as will make them into a Past let them stand close covered in a glass the space of six days in a cold place then press out the liquor and keep it in a glass A few drops of this liquor put into any Wine giveth it a gallant relish and odour and maketh it as good as any Hippocras whatsoever in an instant 94. To make artificial Malmsey Take two gallons of English honey put into it eight gallons of the best spring-water set these in a Vessel over a gentle fire when they have boil'd gently an hour take them off and when they be cold put them into a small Barrel or Runlet hanging in the Vessel a bag of spices and set it in the Cellar and in half a year you may drink thereof 95. To make artificial Claret-wine Take six gallons of water two gallons of the best Syder put thereto eight pound of the best Malaga raisins bruised in a Morter let them stand close covered in a warm place the space of a fortnight every two days stirring them well together then press out the Raisins● and put the liquor into the s●id Vessel again to which add a quart of the juice of Ras-berries and a pint of the juice of black Cherries cover this liquor with bread spread thick with strong Mustard the Mustard-seed being down●ward and so let it work by the fire side three or four days then turn it up and let it stand a week and then bottle it up and it will tast as quick as bottle Beer and become a very p●easant drink and indeed far better and wholsomer then our common Claret 96. To make spirit of Amber-grease Take of Amber-grease two drams of Musk a dram cut them small and put them into a pint of the best spirit of Wine close up the glass Hermetically and digest them in a very gentle heat till you perceive they are dissolved then you may use it Two or three drops or more if you please of this spirit put into a pint of Wine gives it a rich odour or if you put two or three drops round the brims of the glass it will do as well half a spoonful of it taken either of it self or mixt with some specifical liquor is a most rich cordial 97. An excell●nt sweet Water Take a quart of Orange-flower water as much Rose water with four ounces of Musk-willow-seeds grosly bruised of Benjamin two ounces of Storax an ounce of Latdanum six drams of Lavender flowers two pugils of sweet Marjoram as much of Calanius Aromaticus a dram distil all these in a glass still in Balneo the Vessel being very well closed that no vapour breath forth note that you may make a sweet water in an instant by putting in a few drops of some distilled Oyls together into some Rose-water and brew them well together 98. Dr. Burges Plague Water Take three pints of Muscadine and boyl in it Sage and Rue of each a handful till a pint be wasted then strain it and set it over the fire again put thereto a dram of long Pepper Ginger and Nutmeg of each half an ounce being all bruised together then boil them a little and put thereto half an ounce of Andramachus Treacle three drams of Methridate and a quarter of a pint of Angellica Water Take a spoonful or two of this morning and evening 99. To dry Cherries or Plumbs in the Sun If it be small fruit you must dry them whole by laying them abroad in the hot Sun in Stone or Pewter dishes or tin Pans turning them as you see cause but if your Plumbs be large slit them in the middle and lay them abroad in the Sun an if they be very large then give each Plumb a slit on each side and if the Sun do not shine sufficiently then dry them in an Oven that is temperately warm 100. To preserve Pippins green Take Pippins when they be small green off the Tree and pare three or four of the worst and cut them all to peices then boil them in a quart of fair water till they be pap then let the liquor come from them as they do from your Quiddany into a bason then put into them one pound of Sugar clarified and put into it as many green Pippins unp●rd as that liquor will cover and so let them boyl softly and when you see they be boil●d as tender as a Cod●ing then take them up and peel off the outermost white skin and then they will be green then boil them again in the Syrup till it be thick and you may keep them all the year 101. To maks syrup of Hysop Take of Hysop one handful of Figgs Raisins Dates of each an ounce boil these in three pints of water to a quart then strain and clarifie it with the whites of two eggs and two pound of Sugar and so boil them to a Syrup and being boil●d enough keep them all the year 102. To make Rosa Solis Take Liquorish eight ounces Anniseeds and Carr●way of each an ounce Raisins ston'd and Dates of each three ounces Nutmegs Ginger Mace of each half an ounce Galingal a quarter of an ounce Cubebs one dram Figgs two ounces Sugar four ounces bruise these and distil them with a gallon of Aqua-vitae as the rest but when it is distilled you must colour it with the herb Rosa Solis or Alkanet root 103. To make Muscadine Com●●ts Take half a pound of Musk Sugar beaten and searced then take Gumdragagant steeped in Rose-water and two grains of Musk and so beat them in an Alablaster Morter till it come to perfect past then roul it very thin and cut it in small diamond pieces and then bake them and so keep them all the year 104. To make conserve of Burrage-flowers Let your flowers be well coloured and pick the blacks from them then weigh them and to every ounce of flowers you must take three ounces of Sugar and beat them together in a stone Morter with a wooden pestle till they be very fine then take them out and put the conserve into a pipki● and ●ea● it thorow hot put them up and keep them all the year 105. To candy Ginger Take very fair and large Ginger and pare it and lay it in water a day and a night then take double refined Sugar and boil it to the height of Sugar again and when your Sugar begins to be cold take your Ginger and stir it well about while your Sugar is hard to the Pan then take it out piece by peice and lay it by the fire four hours then take a pot and warm it and put the Ginger in it tye it up close and every other morning stir it about throughly and it will be rock-candyed in a little time 106. To make Manus Christi Take
water and then strew them over with Sugar finely sierced as you do Flower upon Fish to fry and set them into a broad earthen Pan and lay them one by another then set them into a warm Stove or Oven until they be dry and turn them every day till they are quite dry and if you please you may Candy them therewithal cast Sugar upon them three or four times as you dry them 120. To make Quiddany of Quinces Take the Kernels out of seven or eight great Quinces and boyl the Quinces in a quart of Spring-water till it come to a pint then put into it a quarter of a Pint of Rose-water and one pound of fine Sugar and so let it boyl till it come to be of a deep colour then take a drop and drop it into the bottom of a Saucer and if it stand take it off then let it run through a Jelly-bag into a Bason then set it over a Chafing-dish of Coals to keep it warm then take a Spoon and fill your Boxes as full as you please when they be cold cover them and if you please to print it in moulds wetting your moulds with Rose-water and so let it run in and when it is cold turn it into Boxes 121. To make Sweet Cakes without either Spice or Sugar Take Parsneps and scrape or wash them clean slice them thin and dry them well beat them to powder mixing one third part thereof with two thirds of fine Wheat-Flower make up your Paste into Cakes and you will find them very sweet and delicate 122. To make Wormwood-VVine Take small Rochel or Comahe Wine put a few drops of the Extracted Oyl of Worm-wood therein brew it together out of one pot into another and you shall have a more neat and wholsom wine for your Body than that which is Sold for right Wormwood-Wine 123. To make Sweet Bags to lye among Linning Fill your Bags only with Lignum and Rhodium finely beaten and it will give an Excellent Scent to your Linnen 124. To make Spirit of Honey Put one part of Honey to five parts of Water when the water boyleth dissolve your Honey therein scum it and having boyled an hour or two put it into a wooden Vessel and when it is Blood-warm set it on fire with Yeast after the usual manner of Beer and Ale turn it and when it hath lain some time it will yield Spirit by Distillation as Wine Beer and Ale will do 125. To Preserve Artichoaks Cut off the stalks of your Artichoaks within two Inches of the Choak and make a strong Decoction of the rest of the stalks slicing them into thin small pieces and let the Artichoaks lye in this Decoction and when you use them you must put them first in warm water and then in cold and so take away the bitterness of them 126. To make Syrup for a Cough of the Lungs Take a Pottle of fair Running water in a new Pipkin and put into it half an Ounce of Sydrack half an Ounce of Maiden-hair and a good handful of Elecampane Roots sliced boyl all together untill half be boyled away even to a Syrup then put into it the whites of Eggs and let it boyl two or three walms and give the Patient a Spoonful Morning and Evening 127. To make Banbury Cakes Take four pound of Currants wash and pick them very clean and dry them in a Cloath then take three Eggs and put away one Yolk and beat them and strain them with Yeast putting thereto Cloves Mace Cinamon and Nutmegs then take a pint of Cream and as much Mornings Milk and let it warm then take Flower and put in good store of cold Butter and Sugar then put in your Eggs Yeast and Meal and work them all together an hour or more then save a piece of the Paste and break the rest in pieces and work in your Currants then make your Cake what quantity you please and cover it very thin with the Paste wherein were no Currants and so bake it according to the bigness 128. To make Ginger-bread Take a quart of Honey and set it on the coals and refine it then take Ginger Pepper and Licorise of each a penny-worth a quarter of a pound of Anniseeds and a penny-worth of Saunders beat all these and sierse them and put them into the Honey add a quarter of a pint of Claret Wine or Old Ale then take three penny Manchets finely grated and strew it amongst the rest and stir it till it come to a stiff Past make them into Cakes and dry them gently 129. To make VVormwood-VVater Take two Gallons of good Ale a pound of Anniseeds half a pound of Licorise and beat them very fine then take two good handfuls of the Crops of Wormwood and put them into Ale and let them stand all Night and let them stand in a Limbeck with a moderate Fire 130. To make Paste of Quinces First boyl your Quinces whole and when they are soft pare them and cut the Quince from the Core then take the finest Sugar you can get finely beaten or sierced and put in a little Rose-water and boyl it together till it be stiff enough to mould and when it is cold roul it and print A pound of Quinces will require a pound of Sugar or thereabout 131. To make thin Quince Cakes Take your Quince when it is boyled soft as before and dry it upon a Pewter Plate with a soft heat and stir it with a slice till it be hard then take sierced Sugar to the same weight and strew it upon the Quince as you beat it in a Wooden or Stone Mortar and so roul them thin and print them 132. To make fine Cakes Take a Pottle of fine Flower and a pound of Sugar a little Meale and good store of Water to mingle the Flower into a stiff Plate with a little Salt and so knead it and roul out the Cakes thin and bake them on Papers 133. To make Suckets Take Curds and the paring of Limons Oranges or Pome-Citrons or indeed any half-ripe green Fruit and boyl them till they be tender in sweet wort then take three pound of Sugar the whites of four Eggs and a Gallon of water beat the water and Eggs together and then put in your Sugar and set it on the Fire and let it have a gentle fire and let it boyl six or seven walms then strain it through a Cloath and set it on again till it fall from the Spoon and then put it into the Rindes or Fruits 134. To make Leach Lombard Take half a pound of blanched Almonds two Ounces of Cinamon beaten and sierced half a pound of Sugar beat your Almonds and strew on your Cinamon and Sugar till it come to a Paste then roul it and print it as afore-said 135. To make a rare Damask Water Take a quart of Malmsey Lees or Malmsey one handful of Marjoram as much Basil four handfuls of Lavender one handful of Bay-leaves four handfuls of
very clean take it off the fire whilst it is hot put in Sugar to the thickness of a Syrup put it no more on the fire when it is cold put it into Glasses not filling them to the top for it will work like Beer 150. To make Orange-Water Take two quarts of the best Malaga Sack and put in as many of the peels of Oranges as will go in cut the white clean off steep them twenty four hours then Still them in a Glass Still and let the water run into the Receiver upon fine Sugar-candy you may still it in an Ordinary Still 151. To make a Caudle of great Virtue Take a Pint and a half of the strongest Ale may be gotten twenty Jordan Almonds clean wiped but neither wash'd nor blanch'd with two Dates minced very small and stamped then take the pith of Young Beef the length of twelve Inches lay it in water till the blood be out of it then strip the skin off it and stamp it with the Almonds and Dates then strain them altogether into the Ale boyl it till it be a little thick give the party in the Morning Fasting six Spoonfuls and as much when he goeth to Bed 152. An Excellent Surfeit VVater Take Cellandine Rosemary Rue Pellitory of Spain Scabious Angelica Pimpernel Wormwood Mugwort Betony Agrimony Balm Dragon and Tormentile of each half a pound shred them somewhat small and put them into a narrow mouthed Pot and put to them five quarts of VVhite VVine stop it close and let it stand three days and Nights stirring it Morning and Evening then take the Herbs from the Wine and Distill them in an Ordinary Still and when you have Distill'd the Herbs Distill the Wine also wherein is Virtue for a weak Stomack Take three or four Spoonfuls at any time 153. To make a Syrup for one short-winded Take a good handful of Hyssop and a handful of Horehound and boyl them in a quart of Spring-water to a pint then strain it through a clean Cloath and put in Sugar to make it Pleasant Stir it Morning and Evening with a Licorise-stick and take about three spoonfuls at a time 154. To make Syrup of Sugar Candyed Take Sugar Candyed and put it into a clear Bladder and tye it but so that it may have some vent then put it into a Bason of Water so that the water come not over the top of the Bladder and cover it with a Pewter Dish and let it stand all Night and in the Morning take of it with a Licorise-stick 155. To make an Excellent Syrup against the Scurvy Take of the juice of Garden Scurvy-Grass Brook●ime and Water-cresses of each six Ounces and after it hath stood till it is clear take sixteen Ounces of the clearest and put to it four Ounces of the juice of Oranges and Lemmons make it a clear Syrup with so much fine Sugar as will serve the turn 156. To make Syrup of Roses VVhen your Liquor is ready to boyl put as many Roses as will be well steept into it cover it close and when the Roses are throughly white then strain it and set it one the Fire again and so use it thirteen times and to every pint of your water or Liquor you must put a pound of Sugar and let it stand together steeping for the Space of one Night then scum it clean and seeth it over a quick Fire a quarter of an hour then take some whites of Eggs and beat them well together take off your Pot and put in the whites and then set it on the fire again and let it boyl a good space then let it run through a Jelly-bag till it will stand still upon your Nail 157. To make a Comfortable Syrup Take a handful of Agrimony and boyl it in a Pint of water till half be consumed then take out the Agrimony and put in a good handful of Currans and boyl them till they are ready to break then strain them and make a Syrup of them then set it on a Chafing-dish of Coals and put thereto a little white Saunders and drink it either hot or cold 158. To make an Almond Caudle Take three pints of Ale boyl it with Cloves and Mace and slice Bread in it then have ready beaten a pound of Almonds blanched and strain them out with a Pint of white wine and thicken the Ale with it sweeten it if you please but be sure to scum the Ale when it boyls 159. To Candy Cherries Take your Cherries before they be full Ripe take out the Stones put Clarified Sugar boyled to a height and then pour it on them 160. To make Syrup of Saffron Take a Pint of Endive water two Ounces of Saffron finely beaten and steep it therein all Night the next day boyl it and strain out the Saffron then with Sugar boyl it up to a Syrup 161. To make Rose Water Stamp the Leaves and first Distill the juice being squeezed out and after Distill the Leaves and so you may dispatch more with one Still than others will do with three or four and this water is every way as Medicinable as the other serving very well in all Decoctions and Syrups c. though it be not altogether so pleasing to the smell 162. To make Suckets of Green Walnuts Take VValnuts when they are no bigger than the largest Hasel Nut pare away the uppermost green but not too deep then boyl them in a Pottle of water till the water be boyled away then take so much more fresh water and when it is boyled to the half put thereto a quart of Vinegar and a Pottle of Clarified Honey 163. To make white Leach of Cream Take a Pint of sweet Cream and six Spoonfuls of Rose-water two Grains of Musk two drops of Oyl of Mace and so let it boyl with four Ounces of Isinglass then let it run through a Jelly-bag when it is cold slice it like brawn and so serve it out This is the best way to make Leach 164. To Preserve Pome-Citrons You must take a pound and a half of Pome-Citrons and cut them in halves and quarters take the Meat out of them and boyl them tender in fair water then take two pound of Sugar Clarified and make Syrup for them and let them boyl therein a quarter of an hour very gently then take them up and let your Syrup boyl till it be thick then put in your Pome-Citrons and you may keep them all the Year 165. To Pick●e Clove-gilly Flowers for Sallets Take the fairest Clove-Gilly-Flowers clip off the whites from them put them into a wide-mouth'd Glass and strew a good deal of Sugar finely beaten among them then put as much wine Vinegar to them as will throughly wet them tye them up close and set them in the Sun and in a little while they will be fit for use 166. To make Leach of Almonds Take half a pound of sweet Almonds and beat them in a Mortar then strain them with a Pint of sweet Milk
from the Cow then put to it one grain of Musk two spoonfuls of Rose-water two Ounces of fine Sugar the weight of three shillings in Isinglass that is very white boyl them together and let it all run through a strainer then still it out and serve it 167. To Candy Marigolds in wedges the Spanish Fashion Take of the fairest Marigold Flowers two Ounces and shred them small and dry them before the Fire then take four Ounces of Sugar and boyl it to a height then pour it upon a wet Pye-plate and between hot and cold cut it into wedges then lay them on a sheet of white Paper and put them in a Stove 168. To Candy Eringo Roots Take your Eringos ready to be Preserved and weigh them and to every pound of your Roots take of the purest Sugar you can get two pound and Clarifie it with the whites of Eggs exceeding well that it may be as clear as Crystal for that will be best it being Clarified boyl it to the height of Manus Christi then dip in your Roots two or three at once till all be Candyed and so put them in a Stove and so keep them all the Year 169. To Candy Elecampane Roots Take of your fairest Elecampane Roots and take them clean from the Syrup and wash the Sugar off them and dry them again with a Linnen Cloath then weigh them and to every pound of Roots take a pound and three quarters of Sugar Clarifie it well and boyl it to a height and when it is boyled dip in your Roots three or four at once and they will Candy very well and so stove them and keep them all the Year 170. To make Cinamon-Sugar Lay pieces of Sugar in close Boxes among sticks of Cinamon or Cloves and in short time it will have the tast and scent of the Spice 171. To make a Triste Take Cream and boyl it with a cut Nutmeg add Limon peel a little then take it off cool it a little and season it with Rose-water and Sugar to your tast let this be put in the thing you serve it in then put it in a little Rundlet to make it come and then it is sit to eat 172. To make Quiddany of Plums Take one quart of the Liquor which you preserved your Plums in and boyl six fair Pippins in it pared and cut into small pieces then strain the thin from it and put to every Pint of Liquor half a pound of Sugar and so boyl it till it will stand on the back of a Spoon like a Jelly then wet your Moulds and pour it thereinto and when it is almost cold turn it off upon a wet Trencher and so slip it into wet Boxes 173. To Candy Barberries First Preserve them then dip them quickly into warm water to wash off the Ropy Syrup then strew them over with siersed Sugar and set them into an Oven or Stove three or four hours always turning them and casting more fine Sugar upon them and never suffer them to be cold till they be dryed and begin to look like Diamonds 174. To make Cream of Apricots First boyl your Apricots with water and Sugar till they be somewhat tender and afterwards boyl them in Cream then strain them and season it with Sugar 175. To make Quince-Cream Take a Roasted Quince pare it and cut it into thin slices to the Core boyl it in a pint of Cream with a little whole Ginger till it tast of the Quinces to your liking then put in a little Sugar and strain it and always serve it cold to the Table 176. To Preserve Barberries Take one pound of Barberries pickt from the stalks put them in a Pottle-pot and set it in a brass Pot full of hot water and when they be stewed strain them and put to them a pound and half of Sugar and a Pint of Red Rose-water and boyl them a little then take half a pound of the fairest Clusters of Barberries you can get and dip them in the Syrup while it boyleth then take the Barberries out again and boyl the Syrup while it is thick and when it is cold put them in the Glasses with the Syrup 177. To make a Cullice Take a Cock and dress him and boyl him in White Wine scum it clean and Clarifie the Broath being first strained then take a Pint of sweet Cream and strain it and so mix them together then take beaten Ginger fine Sugar and Rose-water and put them all together and boyl it a little more 178. To make a Cordial strengthning Broath Take a Red Cock strip off the Feathers from the skin then break his Bones to shivers with a rolling-pin ●●t it over the Fire and just cover it with water put in some Salt and watch the scumming and boyling of it put in a handful of Harts-horn a quarter of a pound of blew Currans and as many Raisins of the Sun stoned and as many Pruans four blades of large Mace a bottom Crust of a white Loaf half an Ounce of China Root sliced being steeped three hours before in warm water boyl three or four pieces of Gold strain it and put in a little fine Sugar and juice of Orange and so use it 179. To Candy Grapes After they are Preserved then dip them into warm water to cleanse them from the Syrup then strew them over with sierced Sugar and set them into an Oven or Stove three or four hours always turning them and casting more fine Sugar upon them and never suffer them to be cold till they be dry'd and begin to sparkle 180. To make Sugar-Cakes Take one pound of fine Flower one pound of Sugar finely beaten and mingle them well together then take seven or eight Yolks of Eggs then take two Cloves and a pretty piece of Cinamon and lay it in a spoonful of Rose-water all Night and heat it almost Blood-warm temper it with the rest of the stuff when the Paste is made make it up as fast as you can and bake them in a soft Oven 181. To take spots and stains out of Cloaths Take four Ounces of white hard Soap beat it in a Mortar with a Limon sliced and as much Roch-Allom as an Hasel-Nut roul it up in a Ball rub the stain therewith and after fetch it out with warm water if need be 182. To keep Chesnuts all the Year After the Bread is ●rawn disperse your Nuts thinly over the bottom of the Oven and by this means the moisture being dryed up the Nuts will last all the Year but if you perceive them to mould put them into the Oven again 183. To preserve Cucumbers Green You must take two quarts of Verjuice or Vinegar and a Gallon of fair water a pint of Bay-Salt and a handful of green Fennel or Dill boyl it a little and when it is cold put it into a Barrel then put your Cucumbers into that Pickle and you may keep them all the Year 184. To preserve white Damsons Green Scald white Damsons in
water till they be hard then take them off and pick as many as you please take as much Sugar as they weigh put two or three spoonfuls of water then put in the Damsons and the Sugar and boyl them take them off then let them stand a day or two then boyl them again take them off and let them stand till they be cold 185. To make Cakes of Limons Take of the finest double refined Sugar beaten very fine and sierced through fine Tiffany and to half a Porringer of Sugar put two spoonfuls of water and boyl it till it be almost Sugar again then grate of the hardest Rinded Limon and stir it into your Sugar put it into your Coffins and a paper and when they be cold take them off 186. To make Artificial Walnuts Take some Sugar-plate and print it in a Mould made for a Walnut-kernel and then yellow it all over with a little Saffron-water with a Feather then take Cinamon sierced and Sugar a like Quantity working it to a Paste with Gum-dragon steeped in Rose-water and print it in a Mould made like a Walnut-shell and when the kernel and shell be dry close them together with Gum-dragon 187. To make Black-Cherry-VVine Take a Gallon of the juice of Black-Cherries keep it in a Vessel close stopped till it begin to work then filter it and an Ounce of Sugar being added to every Pint and a Gallon of White-Wine and so keep it close stopped for Use. 188. To make Rose-Vinegar Take of Red-Rose buds gathered in a dry time the whites cut off then dry them in the shadow three or four days one pound of Vinegar eight Sextaries set them in the Sun forty days then strain out the Roses and put in fresh and so repeat it three or four times 189. To make syrup of Vinegar Take of the Roots of smalledge Fennel Endive each three Ounces Anniseeds smalledge Fennel of each an Ounce Endive half an Ounce clear water three quarts boyl it gently in an Earthen Vessel till half the water be consumed then strain and Clarifie it and with three pound of sugar and a pint and half of White-wine-Vinegar boyl it into a syrup This is a Gallant syrup for such whose Bodies are stuffed either with Phlegm or tough Humours for it opens Obstructions or stoppings both of the stomack Liver spleen and Reins it cuts and brings away tough Phlegm and Choler 190 To make syrup of Apples Take two quarts of the juice of sweet-scented Apples the juice of Bugloss Garden and Wild of Violet-leaves and Rose-water of each a pound boyl them together and Clarifie them and with six pound of very fine sugar boyl them into a syrup according to Art 191. To make the Capon-water against a Consumption Take a Capon the Guts being pull'd out cut it in pieces and take away the Fat boyl it in a close Vessel in a sufficient quantity of spring-water Take of this Broath three pints of Barrage and Violet-water a pint and a half White-Wine one pint Red-Rose leaves two drams and an half Burrage-Flowers Violets and Bugloss of each one Dram pieces of bread out of the Oven half a pound Cinamon bruised half an Ounce still it in a Glass still according to Art This is a sovereign Remedy against Hectick-Fevers and Consumptions let such as are subject to those Diseases hold it as a Jewel 192. To make Elder-Vinegar Gather the Flowers of Elder pick them very clean dry them in the Sun on a gentle heat and to every quart of Vinegar take a good handful of Flowers and let it stand in the Sun a fortnight then strain the Vinegar from the Flowers and put it into the Barrel again and when you draw a quart of Vinegar draw a quart of Water and put it into the Barrel luke-warm 193. To make China Broath Take an Ounce of China-Root clipped thin and steep it in three pints of Water all Night on Embers covered the next day take a Cock Chicken clean pickt and the Guts taken out put in its Belly Agrimony and Maiden-hair of each half a handful Raisins of the Sun stoned one good handful and as much French Barley boyl all these in a Pipkin close covered on a gentle Fire for six or seven hours let it stand till it be cold strain it and keep it for your Use Take a good Draught in the Morning and at four in the After-noon 194. To make Paste of tender Plums Put your Plums into an Earthen Pot and set it into a Pot of boyling water and when the Plums are dissolved then strain the thin Liquor from them through a C●oath and reserve that Liquor to make Quiddany then strain the pulp through a piece of Canvas and take as much Sugar as the pulp in weight and as much water as will wet the same and so boyl it to a Candy height then dry the pulp upon a Chafing-dish of Coals then put your Syrup and the pulp so hot together and boyl it always stirring it till it will lye upon a Pye-plate as you lay it and that it run not abroad and when it is somewhat dry then use it but put to it the pulp of Apples 196. To make Cream of Codlings First scald your Codlings and so peel off the skins then scrape the pulp from the Cores and strain them with a little Sugar and Rose-water then lay your pulp of Codlings in the middle of the Dish and so much raw Cream round it as you please and so serve it 196. To make Sugar of Roses Take of Red-Rose-Leaves the whites being cut off an Ounce dry them in the Sun speedily put to it a pound of white Sugar melt the Sugar in Rose-water and Juice of Roses of each two Ounces which being consumed by degrees put in the Rose-Leaves in powder mix them put it upon a Marble and make it into Lozenges according to Art 197. To make a Cream Tart. Cut the Crust of a Manchet and grate it small and mix it with thick Cream and some sweet Butter then take twenty-four Yolks of Eggs and strain them with a little Cream putting thereto a good quantity of Sugar mix these very well and set it upon a small fire and so let it boyl till it be thick then make two sheets of Paste as thin as you can and raise the sides of one of them the height of one of your fingers in breadth and then fill it and cover it with the other sheet then bake it half a quarter of an hour then put Sugar on it and so serve it 198. To make Artificial Oranges Take Alabaster Moulds made in three pieces bind two of the pieces together and water them an hour or two then take as much Sugar as you think will fill your Moulds and so boyl it to a height then pour it into your Moulds one by one very quick Then put on the Lid of the Mould and so turn it round with your Hand as quick as you can and when it is cold
Vinegar and Sugar and put them up into the same Pickle you must Observe to cut them into small Thongs the length of half the Piel of your Limon being pared it 's a handsom savoury Winter Sallet Boyl them first in Water before you boyl them in Sugar 231. To make Goosberry-Paste Take Gooseberries and cut them one by one and wring away the juice till you have got enough for your turn boyl your juice alone to make it somewhat thicker then take as much fine Sugar as your juice will sharpen dry it and then beat it again then take as much Gum-dragon steeped in Rose-water as will serve then beat it into a Paste in a Marble Mortar then take it up print it in your Moulds and dry it in your Stove when it is dry Box it up for your Use all the Year 232. To make Suckets of Lettuce-stalks Take Lettuce-stalks and peel away the out-side then par-boyl them in fair water and let them stand all Night dry then take half a pint of the same Liquor and a quart of Rose-water and so boyl it to a Syrup and when the Syrup is almost cold put in your Roots and let them stand all Night to take Sugar then boyl your Syrup again because it will be weak and then take out your Roots 233. To make Musk-Sugar Bruise four or five Grains of Musk put it in a piece of Cambrick or Lawn lay it at the bottom of a Gally-Pot and strew Sugar thereon stop your Pot close and all your Sugar in a few days will both smell and taste of Musk and when you have spent that Sugar lay more Sugar thereon which will also have the same scent 234. To make Prince-Bisket Take one pound of very fine Flower and one pound of fine sugar and eight Eggs and to spoonfuls of Rose-water and one Ounce of Carraway-seeds and beat it all to Batter one whole hour for the more you beat it the better your Bread is then Bake it in Coffins of white Plate being basted with a little Butter before you put in your Batter and so keep it 235. To Candy Rose-Leaves Boyl Sugar and Rose-water a little upon a Chafing-dish of Coals then put the Leaves being throughly dryed either by the Sun or on the Fire into the Sugar and boyl them a little then strew the powder of double-refined Sugar upon them and turn them and boyl them a little longer taking the Dish from the Fire then strew more powdered Sugar on the contrary side of the Flowers 236. To Preserve Roses or Gilly-flowers whole Dip a Rose that is neither in the Bud nor over-blown in a Syrup consisting of Sugar double-refined and Rose-water boyled to it 's full height then open the leaves one by one with a fine smooth Bodkin either of Bone or Wood then lay them on Papers in the heat or else dry with a gentle heat in a close Room heating the Room before you set them in or in an Oven then put them up in Glasses and keep them in dry Cup-boards near the Fire 237. To make Ielly of Quinces Take of the juice of Quinces Clarified six quarts boyl it half away and add to the remainder five pints of Old White-Wine consume the third part over a gentle fire taking away the scum as you ought let the rest settle and strain it and with three pound of Sugar boyl it according to Art 238. To make Ielly of Currans Take four pound of good Sugar and clarifie it with whites of Eggs then boyl it to a Candy height that is till it go into flashes then put to it five pints or as much as you please of the pure juice of Red Currans first boyled to Clarifie it by scumming it boyl them together a while till they be scum'd well and enough to become a Jelly then put a good handful or two of the Berries of Currans whole and cleansed from the stalks and black End and boyl them till they are enough You need not boyl the juice before you put to the Sugar neither scum it before the Sugar and it boyl together but then scum it clean and take care that the juice be very clear and well strained 239. To make Syrup of Mint Take of the juice of sweet Quinces and between sweet and sour the juice of Pomegranats sweet between sweet and sour of each a pint and half dryed Mint half a pound Red Roses two Ounces let them lye in steep one day then boyl it half away and with four pound of Sugar boyl it into Syrup according to Art 240. To make Honey of Mulberries Take of the juice of Mulberries and Black-berries before they be Ripe gathered before the Sun be up of each a pound and half Honey two pound boyl them to their due thickness 241. To make Syrup of Purslain Take of the seed of Purslain grosly bruised half a pound of the juice of Endive boyled and Clarified two pints Sugar two pound Vinegar nine Ounces infuse the seeds in the juice of Endive Twenty four hours afterwards boyl it half away with a gentle Fire then strain it and boyl it with the Sugar to the consistence of a Syrup adding the Vinegar toward the latter end of the Decoction 242. To make Honey of Raisins Take of Raisins of the Sun cleansed from the stones two pound steep them in six pints of warm water the next day boyl it half away and press it strongly then put two pints of Honey to the Liquor that is pressed out and boyl it to a thickness It is good for a Consumption and to loosen the Body 243. To make Syrup of Comfrey Take of the Roots and Tops of Comfrey the greater and the less of each three handfuls Red Roses Betony Plantain Burnet Knot-grass Scabious Colts-foot of each two handfuls press the juice out of them all being green and bruised boyl it scum it and strain it add to it it's weight of Sugar and make it into Syrup according to Art 244. To Pickle Quinces Boyl your Quinces whole in water till they be soft but not too violently for fear of breaking them when they are soft take them out and boyl some Quinces pared quartered and Cored and the parings of the Quinces with them in the same Liquor to make it strong and when they are boyled that the Liquor is of a sufficient strength take out the quartered Quinces and parings and put the Liquor into a Pot big enough to receive all the Quinces both whole and quartered and put them into it when the Liquor is through cold and keep them for Use close covered 245. To make Plague-water Take a pound of Rue of Rosemary Sage Sorrel Celandine Mugwort of the tops of red Brambles Pimpernel Wild Dragons Agrimony Balm Angelica of each a pound put these Compounds in a Pot fill it with White-Wine above the Herbs so let it stand four days then Distill for your Use in an Alembeck 245. To make Quince-Cakes white First Clarifie the Sugar with the
white of a Egg made up into a Paste is an Excellent an d long Experienced Bait for small Fish which if they once taste of they will never for sake till Death 9. Another Gentles of which kind the best are those that are bred upon a Cat because they are the quickest and liveliest If you put some Gentles into a Box where Vermilion hath been they will live in it two or three days and will become of a very Transparent Colour and keep so in the water when you Fish with them When you Fish in a quick Stream a long Quill or Float is best But in an Eddy or still Stream the shorter the Quill or Float is the better When you Fish at the Well-boats or at the Bank-side be there at half Ebbing water and Fish upon those Well-boats that lye nearest to the shoar till the water falls away from them then go to the outermost Boats Some of the Well-boats do sheer to and again from the place where your Ground-bait lyeth to prevent which and that you may always Fish in that place where you have cast your Ground-bait you must have a Buoy to lye out and then you are sure to Fi●h right 10. Another Bait. Dry Sheeps-blood in the Air upon a dry board till it become a pretty hard dry lump then cut it into small pieces for your Use. 11. Another You shall find in the Moneths of Iune Iuly and August great quantities of Ant-flyes go to the Ant-hills and take a great handful of Earth with as much of the Roots of the Grass as you can put all into a large Glass Bottle then gather a Pottle of the blackest Ant-flyes but take heed you bruise them not Roch and Dace will bite at these Flyes under water near the Ground Directions how to make your Paste First wash your Hands very clean then get some of the finest Manchet of two or three days old and cut away all the Crust then lay it in water or Milk which is better let it lye no longer than till it is soaked just through then squeeze out all the water very well then knead it in your hands very well with a little bit of sweet butter to make it stiff colour it with Vermilion if you make it over-night keep it in a wet Linnen rag all the water being wrung out of it in the kneading scrape a little old Cheese among it How to Bait with Gentles Put your Hook through the middle-part of the Gentle and no more then he will live longest I mean through the skin and no more But if you could get some Oyl of Ivy that is rightly taken from the Tree in the Moneth of May and cast but two drops of it among the Gentles before you use them you would have sport beyond expectation When to drag upon the Ground and when not When you Fish in a quick Stream drag a Quills length or more Also when the water is not clear but of a white or Clay Colour and if you put a little piece of Scarlet a little above the Hook the Fish will see the Bait the better Sometimes when you are at the Sport the Wind ariseth and makes your Float dance upon the Waves then always observe and watch well the motion of your Float under water and not the top of your Float I saw an Angler whipping for Bleaks and Dace with a May-flye but he put on a Gentle upon the Hook besides and he had excellent sport Carp and Tench Baits 1. A Carp will take a red Worm dipt in Tarr at the bottom 2. Malt-flower Old Cheshire Cheese English Honey Eggs temper these together with a little water but I should think Milk is far better colour it with Saffron and put as much upon the Hook as the bigness of a large Hasle-Nut Bait the place where you intend to Fish very well over Night with Grains and Blood the next Morning very early Fish for him with a well scoured Lob-worm or the Past above-mentioned You may dip your Worm in Tarr and try what that will do A Carp choseth the deepest and stillest places in Ponds and Rivers and so doth the Tench and also green weeds which he loves exceedingly Late in the Evening the Ale Grains and Blood Well mixed together is Bait very good For Carp Tench Roch and Dace to prepare If early in the Morn at the River you are Strong Tackle for Carp for Roch and D●ce fine Will help thee with Fish sufficient to Dine For the Carp let thy Bait the knotted Worm be The rest love the Cadis the Paste or the Flye Chub Pike and Bream The Pike chuses Sandy or Clay ground in still Pools full of Fry the Bream loves a gentle Stream and the broadest part of the River the Chub loves the same ground and spawns in May. One who was the best trouler of Pikes in England used always to troul with a Hazle-Rod twelve Foot long with a Ring of wyre in the top of his Rod for his Line to run through within two Foot of the Rod there was a hole to put in a winder to turn with a Barril to gather up his Line and loose it at his pleasure this was his manner of trouling with a small Fish There are several other ways to take Pikes there is a way to take a Pike which is called the Snap for with Angling you must have a pretty strong Rod for you must Angle with a Line no longer than your Rod which must be very strong that you may hold the Fish to it your Hook must be a double Hook made of a large wyre and Armed with wyre one or two Links long you must Bait the Fish with the Head upwards and the point must come forth of his Side a little above his vent In all your Baitings for a Pike you must enter the Needle where the point cometh forth so draw your Arming through until the Hook lyeth as you think fit then make it fast with a thread to the wyre but first tye the thread about the wyre otherwise the Fish will skip up and down so fall to work The Bait must be a Gudgeon a small Trout Roch or Dace Now I will pawn my Credit that I will shew a way either in Ware Pond or River that shall take more Pikes than any Trouler shall do by Trouling and it is this First take a forked stick a Line of twelve Yards long wound upon it at the lower end leave a Yard to tye either a bunch of Flaggs or a Bladder to Buoy up the Fish to carry the Bait from the Ground that the Fish may swim clear the Bait must be alive either a small Trout Gudgeon Roch or Dace the forked stick must have a slit on the one side of the fork to put the Line in that the live Fish may swim at the gauge you set the Fish to swim at that when the Pike takes the Bait the Pike may have the full Liberty of the Line for his
make a Lamb Pye FIrst Cut your Lamb into pieces and then Season it with Nutmegs Cloves and Mace and some Salt with Currans Raisins of the Sun and Sweet Butter and if you will eat it hot when it is baked put in some Yolks of Eggs with Wine-Vinegar and Sugar beaten together but if you will eat it cold put in no Eggs but only Vinegar and Sugar 2. To make a Rice-Pudding Take thin Cream or good Milk of what quantity you please boyl it with a little Cinamon in it and when it hath boyled a while take out the Cinamon and put in Rose-water and Sugar enough to make it sweet and good then having your Rice ready beaten as fine as Flower and siersed as some do it strew it in till it be of the thickness of a Hasty-pudding then pour it into a Dish and Serve it 3. To make Cheese-Cakes the best way Take two Gallons of New Milk put into them two spoonfuls and a half of Runnet heat the Milk little less than Blood-warm cover it close with a Cloath till you see the Cheese be gathered then with a scumming-dish gently take out the whey when you have dreyn'd the Curd as clean as you can put it into a Siev and let it drain very well there then to two quarts of Curds take a quart of thick Cream a pound of Sweet Butter twelve Eggs a pound and half of Currans a penny worth of Cloves Nutmeg and Mace beaten half a pound of good Sugar a quarter of a pint of Rose-water mingle it well together and put it into Puff-paste 4. To make an Egg-Pye or Mince-Pye of Eggs. Take the Yolks of two dozen of Eggs hard boyled shred them take the same quantity of Beef-Suet half a pound of Pippins a pound of Currans well washt and dry'd half a pound of Sugar a penny-worth of beaten Spice a few Carraway-Seeds a little Candyed Orange-peel shred a little Verjuice and Rose-water fill the Coffin and bake it with gentle heat 5. To Carbonado Mutton Broyl a Shoulder or Breast of Mutton then Scotch them with your Knife and strew on minc'd Thyme and Salt and a little Mutmeg when they are broyled Dish them up The Sauce is Claret-wine boyled up with two Onions a little Camphire and Capers with a little Gravy Garnish'd with Limons 6. To stew a Pheasant French Fashion Roast your Pheasant till he be half Roasted then boyl it in Mutton-Broath and put into the Broath whole Pepper whole Mace and sliced Onions and Vinegar and make it sharp and put in Pr●ans and Currans and colour your Broath with bruised Pruans 7. To make Bisket-bread Take half a peek of Flower fine two Ounces of Anniseeds two Ounces of Coriander-seed the whites of six Eggs a pint of Ale-Yeast with as much warm-water as will make it up into a Paste so bake it in a long Roul when it is two days Old pare it and slice it then Sugar it and dry it in an Oven and so keep it all the Year 8. To make a Dish of Marrow Take a piece of fine Paste and roul it very thin then take the Marrow all as whole out of the Bones as you can and cleave it into four quarters then take it and season it with a little Pepper Salt Sugar and Dates small minced then lay one piece in your Paste and make it up like a Pescod so make half a dozen of them and fry them in Clarified Butter scrape Sugar on and serve them 9. To make a Herring-pye Put great store of sliced Onions with Currans and Raisins of the Sun both above and under the Herrings and store of Butter put them into your Pye and bake them 10. To make Black-puddings Take a quart of Sheeps-blood and a quart of Cream ten Eggs the yolks and the whites beaten together stir all this Liquor very well then thicken it with grated bread and Oat-meal finely beaten of each a like quantity Beef-suet finely shred and Marrow in little lumps ●●●son it with a little Nutmeg Cloves and Mace mingled with Salt a little sweet Marjoram Thyme and Penny-royal shred very well together and mingle them with the other things some put in a few Currans Then fill them in cleansed Guts and boyl them very carefully 11. To make a good Spanish Olio Take a Rump of Beef or some of a Brisket or Buttock cut it to pieces a Loyn of Mutton with the Fat taken off and a fleshy piece of a Leg of Veal or a Knuckle a piece of inter-laided Bacon three or four Onions or some Garlick and if you will a Capon or two or else three great Tame-Pigeons First put into the water the Beef and Bacon after a while the Mutton Veal and Onions but not the Capon or Pigeons only so long till they are boyled enough if you have Garavanza's put them in at the first after they have been soaked with Ashes all night in heat wash them well in warm water or if you have Cabbage Roots Leeks or whole Onions put them in time enough to be sufficiently boyled You may at first put in some Crusts of Bread or Venison Pye-Crust it must boyl in all five or six hours gently like stewing after it is well boyled a quarter or half an hour before you intend to take it take out a porringer full of Broath and put to it some Pepper and five or six Cloves and a Nutmeg and some Saffron and mingle them well in it then put that into the Pot and let it boyl or stew with the rest a while put in a bundle of sweet Herbs salt must be put in when it is scumm'd 12. To Stew Venison If you have much Venison and do make many cold baked Meats you may stew a Dish in hast thus When it is sliced out of your Pye Pot or Pasty put it in your stewing-Dish and set it on a heap of coals with a little Claret Wine a sprigg or two of Rosemary half a dozen Cloves a little grated bread Sugar and Vinegar so let it stew together a while then grate on Nutmeg and Dish it up 13. To boyl a Leg of Veal and Bacon Lard your Leg of Veal with Bacon all over with a little Limon-peel amongst it then boyl it with a piece of Middle-Bacon when your Bacon is boyled cut it in slices season it with Pepper and dryed Sage mixt together Dish up your Veal with the Bacon round about it send up with it saucers of green Sauce strew over it Parsley and Barberries 14. To make Furmety Take French-barley and pick it and wash it lay it in steep one Night then boyl it in two or three several waters and so cover it as as you would do Wheat to make it swell then take a quart of good Cream and boyl it with a Race of Ginger cut in two pieces one blade of Mace and half a Nutmeg all in one piece then put thereto so much of the Barley as will thicken it and when it is almost boyled
butter and when it is sufficiently Roasted and brown draw it from the Fire and put some Vinegar and Butter on a Chafing-dish of Coals and crumb in some white-bread and boyl it till it be thick then put to it good store of Sugar and Cinamon and putting it into a clean Dish lay the Cows Udder therein and trim the sides of the Dish with sugar and so serve it 126. To make a Spinage-Tart Take of good Spinage and boyl it in White-wine till it be very soft as Pap then take it and strain it well into a Pewter Dish not leaving any unstrain'd Put to it Rose-water good store of Sugar Cinamon Rose-water and boyl it till it be as thick as Marmalade then let it cool and afterward fill your Coffin and adorn it and serve it it will be of a green colour 127. To make a Tart of Rice Pick your Rice very clean and boyl it in sweet Cream till it be very soft then let it stand and cool put to it good store of Cinamon and Sugar and the Yolks of a couple of Eggs and some Currans stir and beat all well together then having made a Coffin as for other Tarts put your Rice therein and spread it all over the Coffin and break many small bits of sweet butter upon it all over and scrape some Sugar over it then cover the Tart and bake it and serve it as other Tarts 128. To make a Codling-Tart Take Green Apples from the Tree and coddle them in scalding-scalding-water without breaking then peel the thin skin from them and so divide them into halves and cut out the cores and so lay them into the Coffin and do as in a Pippin-Tart and before you cover it when the Sugar is cast in sprinkle good store of Rose-water on it then close it and do as in the Pippin-Tart 129. To make a Pippin-Tart Take of the fairest Pippins and pare them and then divide them just in halves and take out the cores clean then roul the Coffin flat and raise off a small verge of an Inch or more high lay the Pippins with the hollow side down-ward close one to another then put in a few Cloves a stick of Cinamon broken and a little piece of Butter cover all clean over with Sugar and so cover the Coffin and bake it as other Tarts when it is bak'd boyl some Butter and Rose-water together and annoint the Lid all over with it then scrape or strew on it good store of Sugar and so set it in the Oven again and then serve it up 130. To make a Cherry-Tart Take the fairest Cherries you can get and pick them clean from Leaves and stalks then spread out your Coffin as for your Pippin-Tart and cover the bottom with Sugar then cover the Sugar all over with Cherries then cover these Cherries with Sugar some sticks of Cinamon and a few Cloves then lay in more Cherries Sugar Cinamon and Cloves till the Coffin be filled up then cover it and bake it in all points as the Codling and Pippin Tarts and so serve it In the same manner you may make Tarts of Gooseberries Strawberries Rasberries Bilberries or any other Berry whatsoever 131. To make a Minc'd-Pye Take a Leg of Mutton or a Neats-Tongue and par-boyl it well the Mutton being cut from the Bone then put to it three pound of the best Mutton-suet shred very small then spread it abroad and season it with salt Cloves and Mace then put in good store of Currans great Raisins and Pruans clean washed and pick'd a few Dates sliced and some Orange-peels sliced then being all well mixt together put it into a Coffin or many Coffins and so bake them and when they are served up open the Lids and strew store of Sugar on the Top of the Meat and upon the Lid. 132. To make a Calves-Foot-Pye Boyl your Calves-Feet very well and then pick all the Meat from the Bones when it is cold shred it as small as you can and season it with Cloves and Mace and put in good store of Currans Raisins and Pruans then put it into the Coffin with good store of sweet Butter then break in whole sticks of Cinamon and a Nutmeg sliced and season it with Salt then close up the Coffin and only leave a vent-hole put in some Liquor made of Verjuice Sugar Cinamon and Butter boyled together and so serve it 133. To make a Tansey Take a Certain Number of Eggs according to the bigness of your Frying-pan and break them into a Dish taking away the white of every third Egg then with a spoon take away the little white Chicken-knots that stick upon the Yolks then with a little Cream beat them very well together then take of green Wheat-blades Violet-leaves Strawberry-leaves Spinage and Succory of each a like quantity and a few Walnut-Tree-buds chop and beat all these very well and then strain out the juice mix it then with a little more Cream put to it the Eggs and stir all well together then put in a few crumbs of fine grated bread Cinamon Nutmeg and Salt then put some sweet butter into a Frying-pan and as soon as it is melted put in the Tansey and Fry it brown without burning and with a Dish turn it in the Pan as Occasion shall serve strew good store of Sugar on it and serve it up 134. To Stew a Pike After your Pike is Drest and opened in the Back and laid flat as if it were to Fry then lay it in a large Dish put to it White-wine to cover it set it on the Coals and let it boyl gently if scum arise take it off then put to it Currans Sugar Cinamon Barberries as many Pruans as will Garnish the Dish then cover it close with another Dish and let it stew till the Fruit be soft and the Pike enough then put to it a good piece of sweet Butter with your Scummer take up the Fish and lay it in a Dish with Sippets then take a couple of Yolks only of Eggs and beat them together well with a spoonful of Cream and as soon as the Pike is taken out put it into the broath and stir it exceedingly to keep it from curdling then pour the broath upon the Pike and trim the sides of the Dish with Sugar Pruans and Barberries with slices of Oranges and Limons and so serve it up 135. To Roast Venison If you will Roast any Venison after you have wash'd it and cleansed all the Blood from it you must stick it with Cloves all over on the out-side and if it be lean lard it either with Mutton or Pork-lard but Mutton is best then Spit it and Roast it by a soaking Fire then take Vinegar Crumbs of Bread and some of the Gravy that comes from the Venison and boyl them well in a Dish then season it with Sugar Cinamon Ginger and Salt and serve the Venison upon the Sauce when it is Roasted enough 136. To Roast a piece of Fresh
Dish 5. A Warden Pye or Tart. 6. Custards A Bill of Fare for Winter Season 1. A Collar of Brawn 2. A Lambs Head and white Broath 3. A Neats-Tongue and Udder Roasted 4. A Dish of Minc'd Pyes 5. A Venison or Lamb-Pye 6. A Dish of Chickens Second Course 1. A Side of Lamb. 2. A Dish of Wild-Ducks 3. A Quince-Tart 4. A Couple of Capons Roasted 5. A Turkey Roasted 6. A Dish of Custards A Bill of Fare upon an Extraordinary Occasion 1. A Collar of Brawn 2. A Couple of Pullets boyled 3. A bisk of Fish 4. A Dish of C●rps 5. A Grand boyled Meat 6. A Grand Sallet 7. A Venison Pasty 8. A Roasted Turkey 9. A Fat Pig 10. A powdered Goose. 11. A Haunch of Venison Roasted 12. A Neats-Tongue and Udder Roasted 13. A Westphalia Ham boyled 14. A Joll of Salmon 15. Minced Pyes 16. A Sur-Loyn of Roast beef 17. Cold baked Meats 18. A Dish of Custards Second Course 1. Jellies of all sorts 2. A Dish of Pheasants 3. A Pike boyled 4. An Oyster-Pye 5. A Dish of Plovers 6. A Dish of Larks 7. A Joll of Sturgeon 8. A couple of Lobsters 9. A Lumber-Pye 10. A Couple of Capons 11. A Dish of Patridges 12. A Fricacie of Fowls 13. A Dish of Wild-Ducks 14. A Dish of cram'd Chickens 15. A Dish of stewed Oysters 16. A Marchpane 17. A Dish of Fruits 18. A Dish of Tarts A Bill of Fare for Fish-days 1. A Dish of Butter and Eggs. 2. A Barrel of Oysters 3. A Pike boyled 4. A stewed Carp 5. An Eel-Pye 6. A Pole of Ling. 7. A Dish of green Fish buttered with Eggs. 8. A Dish of stewed Oysters 9. A Spinage Sallet boyled 10. A Dish of Soles 11. A Joll of Fresh Salmon 12. A Dish of Smelts Fry'd Second Course 1. A Couple of Lobsters 2. A Roasted Spitcheock 3. A Dish of Anchovies 4. Fresh Cod. 5. A Bream Roasted 6. A Dish of Trouts 7. A Dish of Plaice boyled 8. A Dish of Perches 9. A Carp Farced 10. A Potato-Pye 11. A Dish of Prawns buttered 12. Tenches with short Broth. 13. A Dish of Turbut 14. A Dish of Eel-pouts 15. A Sturgeon with short broth 16. A Dish of Tarts and Custards A Bill of Fare for a Gentlemans House about Candlemas 1. A Pottage with a Hen. 2. A Chatham pudding 3. A Fricacie of Chickens 4. Leg of Mutton with a Sallet Garnish your Dishes with Barberries Second Course 1. A Chine of Mutton 2. A Chine of Veal 3. A Lark-pye 4. A Couple of Pullets one Larded Garnished with Orange-slices Third Course 1. A Dish of Woodcocks 2. A Couple of Rabbits 3. A Dish of Asparagus 4. A Westphalia Gammon Last Course 1. Two Orange-Tarts one with Herbs 2. A Bacon-Tart 3. An Apple-Tart 4. A Dish of Bon-Chriteen-pears 5. A Dish of Pippins 6. A Dish of Pear-mains A Banquet for the same Season 1. A Dish of Apricots 2. A Dish of Marmalade of pippins 3. A Dish of preserved Cherries 4. A whole red Quince 5. A Dish of dryed Sweet-meats FINIS A TABLE TO THE Art of Preserving Conserving and Candying A. ALmond-Butter Pag. 7 Almond-Candle 69. Almond-Milk 10. Angellets to make 15 Angelica-Roots preserved 30 Angelica water 23 Apricot-Cakes 48 Apricots preserved 10 Aqua Composita 35 Aqua Mirabilis 12 Artichoak-bottoms pickled 118 Artichoaks to pickle 94 Artificial Claret-Wine 38 Artificial Malmsey 28 Artificial Oranges 87 Artificial Walnuts 81 B. Banbury-Cakes 54 Barberries Candyed 75 Barberries preserved 76 Barley-Water 34 Baum-water 36 Bisket-Cakes to make 36 Black-Cherry-Wine 81 Bragget to make 122 Broom-buds to pickle 36 Burrage-flowers to Candy 47 Dr. Burges Plague-water 40. C. Cakes of Limon 80 Capon-water 83 Carraway Cake 91 Candying Pears Plums and Apricots 8 Caudle of great Virtue 66 Cherries to Candy 70 Cherries dryed in the Sun 41 Cherries preserved 4 Cherry-Wine 13 Cherries to dry 24 Chesiuts kept all the year 79 China-broath 84 Chips of Quinces 10● Crystal Jelly to make 45 Cinamon S●gar 74 Cinamon-water 2 Clove-gilly flowers to pickle 72 Comfortable Syrup 69 Comfits of all sorts to make 112 Conserve of Barberries 2 Conserve of Burrage-flowers 43 Conserve of Bugloss flowers 101 Conserve of Damsons 28 Conserve of Oranges 5 Conserve of Prua s. 44 Conserve of Qunces 19 Conserve of Roses 2 Conserve of Rosemary 23 Conserve of Sage 116 Conserve to strengthen the Back 35 Conserve of Strawberries 44 Conserves for Tarts all the Year 49 Cock-Ale to make 9 Cordial strengthning broath 77 Cream of Apricots 76 Cream of Codlings 8 Cream of Quinces 9 Cream-Tarts Cornelians to pickle 120 Cordial water of Clove gilly flowers 92 Cucumbers to pickle 8 Cucumbers preserved green 79 Cullice to make 77 Currans preserved 14 Currans-Wine 115 D. damask-Damask-water 57 Damsons preserved 7 Dr. Deodates drink for the Scurvy 35 Date-Leach 62 Dry Vinegar to make 62 E. Elder-Vinegar 83 Elecampane-Roots Candyed 74 Eringo Roots Candyed 73 Excellent Broth. 15 Excellent Hippocras presently 37 Excellent Jelly 10 Excellent Sur●eit-water 93 Excellent sweet water 40 F Fine Cakes 56 Flomery-Caudle 97 French Beans to pickle 10 French Bisket to make 27 Fruits dryed ●0 Fruits preserved all the year 97 G. Ginger to Candy 43 Ginger-bread to make 55 Gooseberry-Cakes 14 Gooseberry paste 102 Gooseberries preserved 29 Grapes to Candy 78 Grapes preserved 13 H. Hartichoaks preserved 53 Hippocras to make 6 Honey of Mulberries 107 Honey of Raisins 108 Honey of Roses 20 Hydromel to make 95 I Jelly of Almonds white 62 Jelly of Apples 121 Jelly of Currans 106 Jelly of Harts-horn 16 Jelly of Quinces 105 Jelly of Strawberries and Mulberries 46 Jelly of Gooseberries 121 Jelly of Raspices 111 Imperial Water 59 Italian Bisket 27 Italian Marmalade 122 Jumbals to make 61 K. Kings persume 22 K. Edwards persume 22 L. Leach of Almonds 72 Leach Lumbard 57 Leach to make 50 Limon and Orange-peel pickled 102 Lozenges of Roses 101 M. Manus Christi 44 Marmalade of Cherries 96 Marmalade of Currans 88 Marmalade of Grapes 119 Marmalade of Oranges 11● Marmalade of Oranges and Limons 23 Marmalade of Quinces 6 Mackroons to make 4 Marchpane to make 9 Marygolds Candyed in wedges 73 Mathiolus Bezoar water 88 Mead or Metheglin to make 25 Mead pleasant to make 89 Medlars preserved 99 Mint-water 93 Muscadine Comfits 42 Musk-balls to make 59 Musk-Sugar 103 Mulberries preserved 99 N. Naples-Bisket to make 100 Nutmegs to Candy 114 O. Oranges and Limons Candyed 25 Oranges to bake 28 Orange-peels Candyed 63 Oranges preserved ● Oranges preserved Portugal Fashion 25 Orange-water 65 Oyl of Sweet Almonds ●8 Oyl of Violets 9 P. Paste of Apricots 117 Paste of Cherries 116 Paste of Genua 50 Paste of Quinces 55 Paste Royal. 47 Paste of tender Plums 85 Paste of Violets 63 Peaches preserved 29 Pears or Plums to Candy 18 Perfume for Gloves 33 Pippins dryed 49 Pippins preserved green 41 Pippins preserved red 64 Pippins preserved white 30 plague-Plague-water 109 Pome Citrons preserved 71 Pomander to make 28 Pomatum to