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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A33534 Kitchin-physick, or, Advice to the poor by way of dialogue betwixt Philanthropos, physician, Eugenius, apthecary [sic], Lazarus, patient. With rules and directions, how to prevent sickness, and cure diseases by diet ... Cock, Thomas. 1676 (1676) Wing C4793_PARTIAL; Wing C792; ESTC R12679 32,867 159

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if so much as such meats as moisten the guts and stomach Sc. Pruens Pears Apples Butter Oyl Watergruel Flumory French barly Spinage and many such like moist and anodine Aliments of which hereafter and when the bowels and stomach are over moist relax'd and slippery as in your present Patient what can Physick do more than gradually as Rice does both heal alter bind dry and strengthen especially as it may be cook'd And you would find it Eugenius a hard task to tell me of any one Disease that I cannot hope to relieve or cure by a proper Diet and very little else as safely and surely though not perhaps so suddenly as the proudest Medicine the Chymist can produce What Disease is there that proceeds not from some of the simple or compound qualities and though no man is so compleatly wise as to explicate them in all their causes and effects which makes Mempsis absolutely deny their is any such thing as qualities which is no less absur'd than to affirm there 's no such thing as Summer and Winter or Fire and Water because in all things we know not their causes and effects and yet 't is certain they really exist and are by the Suns absence or more immediate presence made up of such qualities as we call hot dry cold and moist and as certain 't is that all essential Diseases are caused and all Medicines cure those essential Diseases by some or all of those four qualities hot cold dry or moist And what meats are there not as well as Medicines that are not in one degree or other opposite to those causes And if so as so it is what hinders then as strange as the Chymist makes it that food may not perform those cures and if you please not improperly be call'd Physick there being this only difference betwixt Food and Physick that in health Nature i. e. his Archeus requires things Homogeneal or of like qualities and temper to its self but in sickness things Heterogeneal or of contrary qualities to the Disease the neglect of which absolute and necessary distinction makes the Chymist so sceptical as he is Of such force and power is food for the preventing and curing Diseases that I could name you no meaner a Master of Physick than Avicen himself who cured to use his own words innumerable Diseases by Diet and esteemed it so honest as indeed it is safe easie pleasant and useful a science that no good nor wise men but the Chymist would neglect or undervalue it However if Diet should as in some sudden and great Diseases it sometimes does prove ineffectual you are hereby no more prohibited the judicious use of greater Medicines in such great and violent Diseases than the blowing up houses to prevent and put out fires when such natural and rational helps as water will not do it And that I may no longer detain you from what at first I most intended I shall without any more ado in several distinct Chapters propose you a proper Diet for Diseases by the help of which our Cordial Spirits c. I can with the satisfaction of a good conscience assure the Reader that he may safely and with good success especially where the Physician cannot visit the Patient practise on himself and avoid the danger of putting themselves into the hands of Pseudo-Chymists silly Women Mountebanks Mechanicks Fortune tellers and such like cheats And to do this there needs not much more than to be directed or have the opinion of some honest and able Physician whether your Disease be mixt or comes immediately from a hot a cold a dry or moist cause and then as you are directed by these ensuing Chapters to use a mixt or simple Diet contrary unto that cause CHAP. I. Treats of a Cold or cooling Diet for Hot Diseases and Constitutions THere is nothing that we can think on that belongs to Aliments so absolutely necessary so good cheap and easie to be attain'd as w●ter without which the whole Universe must stand still or run into immediate confusion It 's peculiar prerogative is to moisten cool relax relieve ease pain evacuate thicken thin and contributes something to all the active and passive five Qualities Dryness only excepted By its cold and moist Qualities it quenches Choler and Lenifies sharp acid salt and adust humours and relieves all inflamations inward and outward and is the only potent refuge for all volatil saline thin and sharp bloods A glass of good spring Water with a little toast and a little loaf-suger mix'd is a very good mornings draught for all hot lean sanguine cholerick and hectick persons So is Water Caudle made thus Take three pints of Water boil in it a little Rosemary or Mace till it comes to a quart then beat up an Egg and put some of the scalding hot water to it then give it a wame or two aad with a little Sugar drink it hot or cold three pints of Spring Water put to one pint of Milk with Sugar-candy or double refin'd Sugar is a drink that Princes may and do often refresh themselves with So also is running Water with a Lemon and some part of the Rine slit into it thin and a little Sugar and Wine put to it or Syrup of Rasberries Baum Violets Mint or Clove gilly-flowers you cannot take too much of it in ardent Fevers out of a bottle cork'd close and a quill run through the cork to drink out of Note that raw cold Water in Fevers Inflamations and Cholerick Thirst being drank at once in great quantity may cause obstructions and many dangerous Diseases as Dropsies c. But if you first boil well the water and use it after it is again perfectly cold instead of obstructing it will deobstruate or open obstructions and may thus be given at any time in all sorts of Fevers either malignant or ardent especially if a little White-wine Vinegar be mix'd with it That Water is best which is insipid or without taste clean light and bright but to make bad water good and good water better boil it well and then let it cool again before you use it Of Water is made Water-gruel the sick man's Food and Physick when the Archeus abhors all Cordials and high Diet this is ever very acceptable and pleasing and consequently not to be neglected by Mempsis himself there are these several ways of making it Take two pints of River or Spring Water boil it first and then let it cool again then put to it a due proportion of Oatmeal a handful of Sorrel and a good quantity of pick'd and well wash'd Currants eston'd Raisins of the Sun and other ingredients as the Disease will permit may also be added ●ye up these ingredients loosely in a fine thin linnen cloth or bag boil them all well together with or without a little Mace Nutmeg Rosemary c. as occasion offers when 't is sufficiently boil'd strain the Oat-meal and press out all the juyce or moisture of the Currants and
Sugar Sack Claret Sider or Oat-Ale though it seems worst that sort of Flumory is best which looks cleer and sheer and tastes sharp and sowre Thus also may be made Flumory of Wheat Rice French barley c. Frogs and Snailes are counted good food in France so may Toads Spiders or any Vermine if they come from thence Our English Hens Cocks Veal Lamb Chickens Kid and Capons are I think every whit as good for saline hot and dry bodies If your Lamb and Veal be very young you ought to stick it with Cloves or Rosemary as you do Beef and it eats more pleasant and is more wholesome The brains of most Animals are over moist and Phlegmatick But the Rumps Tails and Tongues of all Beasts but one are temperate and restorative The Lungs also of Flesh and Fowl are good for hot and dry constitutions So are the Eyes Gizards Sweet-breads and feet of most creatures especially boil'd Cassia or Currants boil'd in Chicken or Veal-broth cools moistens and loosneth the belly This is also a good cool moist cheap and nourishing potage boil any Mutton or Veal in water with or without Oatmeal when the Meat is a little more than half boil'd put in it a bundle of sweet Herbs and the green leaves of Marygolds Sorrel Spinage Lettice purslain Violet and Strawberry leaves add to these a sufficient quantity of the tender part of Asparagus or a good quantity of green Pease will do as well especially if you bruise some of them before you put them in Or boil Damask Pruens in two quarts of water after they have boil'd a quarter of an hour put to them a saucer full of wheaten bran let your bran only steep in the hot water till 't is cold then strain it and sweeten it with Sugar and drink it frequently Or steep a pound of Pruens and a very little Liquorish in three or four pints of cold water thirty or forty hours and drink it for common drink Or this Emulsion Take Raisins of the Sun ston'd and Currants of each a small handful Lettice and Purslain seed of each bruised two or three drachms boil them in a Gallon of Spring water to a Pottle then blanch two or three ounces of Almonds and bray them in a stone Morter strain the liquor and put into it the Almonds then strain it again and with sine Sugar make an Almond Milk and drink it blood warm as often as you will In short nothing moistens the body more than much sleep ease and rest and living in such a moist Air as Lambeth-marsh Hackney or Dengy hundreds And though that Air is simply best which is most serene clear sharp and dry Nay our Native Air though by its simpathy with our first matter often times most repairs and mends our decayed Natures yet sometimes a gross thick and moist Air or indeed any Air opposite to the Disease we labour under must by us always be reputed best it being a sure rule that all things cure best by contraries be it Air Aliments Food Physick or any of the non-naturals Note That while you are directed this Diet all things are to be avoided which are forbidden in the first Chapter CHAP. IV. Treats of a drying diet for moist Diseases and Constitutions BRead is so inseparable a companion of life that neither sound nor sick can subsist without it and did I not stand in awe of time and feared prolixity I would write its Paragraph and make man kind sensible how with this Milk or Water and very little else we might contemn the curiosities of a Court and encounter with death it self Epicurus that Cormorant and Monster of men only with his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 could entertain himself so well that he could dispute felicity with Kings and in his morals tells us that when he would entertain himself more splendidly he mended his chear with a little Milk and found so much satisfaction by it that he bids defiance to the pleasures which the ignorant and sensual world so much like and cry up in magnificent feasts great entertainments rich Wines costly Meats and Junkets and certainly says our wise man most that have addicted themselves to variety extravagancy and excess have thereby either loaded themselves with new cares or contracted new vices and so become obnoxious to various and great troubles and frequently commit Rapines Cheats violating Justice Faith and Friendship and many times precipitate themselves into grievous Diseases losses and disparagements which by Frugality Temperance and Sobriety they might have avoided Nature requires little opinion much and he that has not this faculty of abdicating from his desires his mind is like a Vessel full of holes ever filling but never full and to him that is not satisfied with a little nothing will ever be enough and whosoever covets no more than that little he enjoys however the world deceived by vain opinion may account him poor yet he really is the richest man alive and the way to make ones self truly great and rich is not by adding to ones riches but by detracting from our desires and what reason is there then says our brave Philosopher that any man should stand in fear of Fortune or court it's favour since few or none are so poor as to want long these things or ever was reduced to a lower ebb than Sallets Bread and Water nor know I whether more than this with a quiet mind and good appetite without which none need eat is worth contending for How many by high drinks and dyet riot and luxurious compotations have dyed on their Close-stools expired in privies and took their leaves of this base world over a Chamber-pot or at least only out-liv'd the conflict with Gouts Palsies Catarrhs Surfeits and many other ignominious Diseases and what great matter can be expected in Church or State from that man whose joynts are infeebled his sinews relaxed his head clowded eyes bleered and mouth full of curses and clamours and all by reason of debauchery excess and luxury which chokes rather than cherisheth Nature and clogs the Veins and Vessels with such superfluous moisture that no Meats nor Medicines can command those unmanly Diseases that are the effects of it and though Bread will do as much as any thing yet unless temperance abstinence or a spare diet be joyned with it all that Physick or Food can do is in vain No persons are more offended with Crudities Worms Fluxes and Defluxions than those that eat none or too little Bread No Flesh Fish or Fruits that we can feed on but putrifie and convert to slime and water for want of it No country no place no people in some sort or other are without it Some bake it some broil it others fry tost and boil it some make it of dry'd Fish some with roots of Plants and Barks of Trees some with Seeds Nuts Acorns Among our selves 't is made of Barley Rye Oats Misceline Wheat of all which Barley Bread is worst and Wheaten