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A64987 Fire and brimstone from heaven, from earth, in hell, or, Three discourses I. Concerning the burning of Sodom and Gomorrah formerly, II. Concerning the burning of Æetna, or Mount Gibel more lately, III. Concerning the burning of the wicked eternally, with fire and brimstone / by Thomas Vincent ... Vincent, Thomas, 1634-1678. 1670 (1670) Wing V437; ESTC R23063 78,865 146

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eat her Flesh and burn her with Fre. And again Chap. 18. throwout we have the destruction and burning of Babylon or Rome set forth at large Ver. 2. Babylon the great is fallen is fallen Ver. 4. Come out of her my people that ye pertake not of her Plagues Ver. 7. As she hath glorifyed her self and lived deliciously so much torment and sorrow give her Ver. 8. Her plagues shall come in one day and she shall be utterly burnt with fire for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her The Kings of the Earth that committed Fornication with her and Merchants and Ship-masters shall bewail her when they see the smoke of her burning Ver. 9. But in Heaven there shall be joy The Lord will rejoice the Prophets and Apostles will rejoice and all the Saints will rejoice in the vengeance which shall then be taken upon Her Ver. 20. Rome was standing and did rejoice when London was burning and I hope London will be standing and much more rejoice when Rome is burning London was burnt but in part Rome shall be utterly burnt with Fire London after it's burning is rebuilt in a great measure but Rome shall never be rebuilt after this burning This Babylon when it falleth shall never rise more Ver. 21. And a mighty Angel took up a stone like a great Mile-stone and cast it into the Sea saying Thus with violence shall that great City Babylon be thrown down and shall be found no more at all As a great Mile-stone thrown into the midst of the Sea is overwhelmed with Water so shall Rome be overwhelmed with Fire and as a Mile-stone cannot be raised and drawn out of the Sea so Rome when burnt shall never be raised again out of it's ashes and ruines Dreadful will the destruction of Rome be when the time of her barning is come those which stand a far off for fear of her torment who have been friends to her shall lament what lament●…tions then will there be by such as shall be found in the place it self when it shall be set on Fire about their eares when the Pope and Cardinals and the other Inhabitants of that Filthy and Abominably wicked City shall be consumed together as is likely in the midst of the flames O the hideous out-crys which then will be made in every street when they are surrounded with Fire on all sides and there is no way left for them to escape when their Houses and Wealth and Persons shall be consumed together by the devouring flames when God by such a dreadful fire on Earth shall convey them down to the more dreadful fire of Hell Then the Lord will avenge all the blood of his Saints which under the Anti-Christian tyranny hath been shed for so many generations then he will avenge all the Idolatry Pride Covetousness Oppression Blasphemy Filthiness Cruelty and Wickedness of Rome together When the Grape ● of this Vine are fully ripe the Angel with his sharp Sicle will cut it and throw it into the Winepress of Gods wrath where it shall be squiesed and crusht to pieces When their iniquities are full then their ruine shall come And surely the time is not far off I am much of the perswasion that this generation shall not passe away before God will accomplish what he hath threatn'd concerning R●…nes burning and destruction the last Sands of the hour of Gods Patience seem to be running the forty and two months seem to be expiring and the two witnesses civilly slain it may be are arising and then Rome will quickly be fa●…ling CHAP. X. Concerning the burning of the World 2 BY the burning of Mount Aetna we may be minded also of the burning of the World I mean the last general conslagration of the World at the end thereof whether Aetna's burning be a Prognostick of Rome's burning is not so certain but that it is a Prognostic of the Worlds burning and dissolution by Fire may be proved from Scripture as Luke 21. 11. Where our Saviour foretelling his Disciples what the signs should be of his coming and the end of the World amongst Wars Pestilences Earth-quakes doth reckon up fearful sights as one Fore-runner and I verily think there hath not been a more fearful sight since the days of our Saviour then this of the Eruption of Fir●… and Brimstone from this flaming Mountain the Inhabitant of the place expected a general conflagration then but we may well say that this fearful sight is a Fore-runner of it foretold by Christ and therefore should put us in mind of it The notice of this great and universal burning of the World we have not from reason but from the Scripture the clearest and fullest place to prove this is 2 Pet. 3. 5 6 7. By the Word of God the Heavens were of Old and the Earth standing out of the Water and in the Water Whereby the World that then was being overflowed with Water perished But the Heavers and Earth which are now by the same Word are kept in store reserved unto Fire against the day of Iudgement and perdition of Ungodly men And Ver. 10. The day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night in the which the Heavens shall passe away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up Here Note First That as the World of old was drowned by Water so that the World that now is shall be consumed by Fire as certainly as the former was s●… certainly the later shall be and as dreadful as the Flood was to Sinners on that day so dreadful and much more dreadful will the Fire be to Sinners on the last day Secondly It is by the Word of the Lord that this general Conflagration shall be effected by the Word of the Lord the World was made and by the Word of the Lord the World was Drown'd and by the Word of the Lord the world shall be burn'd In his word he hath foretold it and by his Word he will effect it Thirdly The Heavens and Earth are said to be reserved in store for fire when the Old World was drowned it was only the Earth and Inhabitants thereof the Heavens were untouch'd and the Earth also did remain undissolved and the same Earth did appear afterwards when the Flood was drawn off by God but at the last day the Heavens and Earth too shall be dissolved by Fire not by subterranean Fire as some imagine and that as when the World was drowned the Fountains of the great deep were opened and the Waters kept before in Store-houses were brought forth which overwhelmed the Earth so that there are Fountains of Fire in the bowels of the Eatth and that there it is kept in Store-houses all which then shall be opened and that the fire shall break forth in a more dreadful flame then ever was seen at Mount Aetna and set the whole Fabrick of the World on ●…ire For as
any place or Town which was in it's way remains nothing being to be seen but confused heaps of ragged stones which yeilding a noisom fume strick terrour and astonishment in all that behold it The first breaking forth of this burning Flood of Fire was on the Munday t●…e 11th of March which in it's progress devided it self into several lesser streams and filled the whole Countrey therebout with Fire and Brimstone in many places where these streams did come great flames were seen to arise together with thick smoke as from the mo●…ths of so many great Furnaces After the Flood of Fire was come down the Mountain and towards the foot which is not so steep it did not move with that swiftness as before yet nothing could divert it's course but it overturned and consumed all where ever it came The first streams continued their course for twelve days together and after hopes that the fury was now spent on Fryday the 22d of March the Mountain Aetna roared and thundered smoked and flamed again most hideously at the mouth shook trembled throughout most dreadfully unto the very foundations and cast forth such heaps of scinders stones and ragged Rocks out of it's bosom and bowels at those breaches before made in it's sides that they grew together and were raised into two large and high Hills and this acccompanied with another stream of it's liquid melted matter which overtook the former currents and thrust them forward with great fury But on the 25th of March the Mountain bellowed with a greater noise than ever before and was shaken with such violence and force that a large part of the head and top fell into the breast a●…d bowels and that the depth of half a mi●…e as some do judge And then issued forth fiery streams in so great abundance that joyning forces with the former they made great havock and desolation destroying the habitations of no lesse than seven and twenty thousand persons the Towns of La Guardia Malpassa Campo Rotundo La Potielli Antonino Pietro Mosterbianco Monpileri Falicchi Placchi were wholy consum'd and ruin'd Yea the Image of the blessed Lady of the Annunciata ●…o highly reverenced by the Superstitious Papists unto which many resorted in Pilgrimage from remote parts was not spared whatever power the Intercession of that Virgin Lady hath with her Son in Heaven for persons here upon the Earth as the Papists ridiculously fancy yet nothing could now avail to secure her Image from being swallowed up by this devouring fiery stream whereby all may see that there was no difference between the stones of that Image and those of the other buildings in that place which equally felt the fo●…ce of the fire Other places were ruin'd in part as Ma●…calucia Giovanni de Galermo with many other and at length the burning streams do approach near unto Gates and Walls of the City Calania in their course destroying Fields Gardens Orchards and Vineards about it which filled the Inhabitants with such fear that far the greatest part of them removed themselves and their goods out of the City Yet what ever the danger and fear was the Lord preserved the City from being swallowed up by these devouring streams part of these streams were congealed on the Land one of them emptied it self under the Wals of the Castle into the Sea in four fathom Water which held it's current in the Sea two fathom high above it and to the astonishment of all spectatours burned in the Sea it self for a great while and making progress into the Sea a mile in length and a mile in bredth was not quenched by the water of the Sea until having spent it self it did of it self congeal CHAP. V. Concerning the Concomitants of the Eruption and burning of Aetna WHilst the Mountain of Aetna or Gibel did thus vomit flames of fire at the top and streams of fire at the side accompained with such horrid noise and cracking in the Air such dreadful trembling and shaking of the Earth other things also were very observable at the same time such as the swelling of the Sea unto a great and unaccustomed height with great raging and roaring Waves the Floods of Water did seem to lift up their heads to see this dreadful spectacle of the Floods of fire and the Waves of the Sea did lift their voice in great tumult as being amazed at the horrid aspect of the Waves and Streams of Flames and Brimstone The Winds also which raised this Tempest in the Sea were high having broken loose from their habitation and with great noise and blustring whirled about the Land in fierce blasts beating upon the houses and unsheltred people in the Fields as if they would contend for force with the raging and irresistable fire The Clouds were gathered thick in the Sky and arrayed the Heavens with black attire hiding the comfortable and refreshing beams of the Sun from the sight which if sometimes it deed peep thorow the Clouds it was with a pale countenance as if it had been struck with fear and dared not to appear in such a dismal place Storms of rain often powred down from the Clouds which seemed in compassion to weep to weep Floods of tears endeavouring thereby to contribute some help for the extinguishing of the flames but all the Rain which fell was so far from quenching or allaying that it did but the more encrease and exasperate the fury of the Fire which hereby burned so much the more feircely In the City there was danger of the Houses overthrow by the Winds and Earth-quak or their being devoured and swallowed up by the Deluge of Fire In the Fields and Countreys there was danger of being destroyed by Thieves and Robbers who took advantage of the peoples confusions to set upon them murdering many and spoiling them of their choicest things which they had saved out of their ruin'd houses Great was the dread and terrour which now did possess the hearts of the people Our Saviour foretells Luke 21. 25 26. That on Earth there should be distresse of Nations with perplexity the Sea and the Waves roaring and men●… hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming upon the Earth Such was the distresse and perplexity of these people It is said in the Relation That people ran with cryes and lamentations about the City and Countrey expecting nothing but to be swallowed up or consumed by the Fire having no other apprehensions bu●… of death and a general Conflagration Had the Christian religion taken place there in the purity and power thereof it might have born up the spirits of the sincere and established Christians against overwhelming fear and amazement in all those storms and danger If of the vertuous Man much more may it be said of the truely Religions Si fracitus illabatur orbis impavidum ferient ruinae though the frame of the Earth and World should crack and be dissolved yet such a one would be undaunted under it's ruines
Hell the spirit will uttterly sink under the the heavy burden and pressure thereof especially the pressure of that pure and weighty wrath which shall be immediately upon the soul. The terrours of conscience here and foretasts of wrath are intollerable in this World Prev 18. 14. The spirit of man will sustain his infirmity but a wounded spirit who can bear If the body be infirm and weak full of distemper and pain yet whilst the spirit is whole and sound whilst there is peace within the spirit may sustain this and bear up under it but if the spirit be wounded by the Arrows of the Almighty shot into it who can bear it if God let fall some scalding drops of his wrath upon the spirit if he kindle a spark of Hell-fire in ye conscience who can endure it no Balm nor Physitian on Earth can cure such wounds no Earthly riches or sensual delights can aswage these inward griefs and horrours which by the hand of God are imprinted upon the Spirit when the wicked are filled with dispairful agonies through apprehension of future approaching wrath and there remaineth nothing but a fearfull looking for of Judgement and fiery indignation which shall devour the adversaries Heb. 10. 26. this is enough to sink the heart of the stoutest under it's burden And if the wounds of the Spirit herebe so intollerable what will those be which the Lord with such mighty force and by his immediate hand shall give hereafter if you cannot bear some drops of God's wrath now what will you do when the full Viols of Gods wrath shall be poured out upon you if you be found under the guilt of sin if you cannot endure the sparks of Hell-fire how will you endure the flames and most burning heat thereof If the foretasts of Hell affect ye heart with such horrour and the fears thereof fill the Spirit with such amazement what will Hell it selfs do when the pains and anguish thereof is beyond the greatest fears and highest conceptions thereof Should you fall into the hands of the most cruel Men to torture and Massacre you this would be fearful should you fall under the power of Devils to tear and rend you this would be more fearful but to fall into the hands of God this will be most fearful this you cannot bear and yet if wicked you must bear it and that to eternity and can you sleep still in Sin under the thoughts of such danger Secondly Consider the sureness and unavoidabieness of Hell-fire nothing is more sure than what God hath revealed in his Word and nothing more unavoidable than what God hath threatned and such is the tormenting of the wicked and Ungodly in the flames of Hell-fire Whilst you are here upon the Earth there is a possibility of escaping future torments Pardon P●…ace and Salvation are attainable If you lay your Sins to heart if you confess and forsake them you may find mercy if by faith you apply your selves unto the Lord Jesus you shall not perish but obtain eternal life But if go on still in your trespasse if you live and dye in a state of impenitency and unbelief it will be impossible for you to escape Indeed could you make you party good against God could you gather forces together and wage War against Heaven and obtain the Victory you might avoid the threatned punishment but alas God is infinite in power and will not permit any such attempts you will not be able to hold up head or hand against him who can stand in his sight when once he is angry God will bind all the Devils and wicked men and women together in chains of darkness stronger than any Iron chains and none shall be able to make any resistance Could you hide your selves at the last day from his eye could you fly from his presence into some remote corner could you creep under some Rock or Mountain and there be covered from his view you might think to escape but this cannot be Gods eye will follow you and his hand will reach you whither soever you go Could you by your Prayers and Tears move God to compassion and prevail for mercy as now you may do there might be some hopes of avoiding this punishment but 〈◊〉 Gods ear will be shut and the doors of mercy shut against you for ever your knocking at the door will be in vain it will never be opened your cryes and prayers will be no purpose they will receive no answer Hereafter the punishment of Hell will be unavoidable by the wicked Thirdly Consider the neerness of this punishment of Hell The sands of your life are running apace the time of your abode here is wasting very fast your bodies will quickly be in the Grave and if you dye in your Sins your soul will be as quickly in Hell You cannot long escape this punishment You may shuffle the thoughts of God and future wrath out of your minde for a time you may busie your thoughts about other thing whilst you are here but all these things will shortly shrink away from you and leave you naked and you must stand before God to be judg'd by him and to be condemned by him and to be punished by him God will meet you as a Bear bereaved of her whelps and rend the caul of your heart or like a roaring Lion and rear you in pieces when there shall be none to deliver God will take you into his hand and throw you out of his presence into the bottomless gulph of unquenchable burnings me thinks this should awaken you Fourthly And lastly consider the everlastingness of Hell-fire and your torment which there you must endure if you be found in the number of unbelievers The wrath of God will never be at an end the Worm of your conscience will never dye and the Fire of Hell will never go out but the smoke of your torment will ascend up for ever and ever when you have been the space of as many Years in Hell as there Stars in the Firmament as there are drops of dew upon the Earth in the morning as there are spires of Grasse which spring out of the Earth as there are drops of Water in the Ocean as are there Sands upon the Sea shore your torments will be as far from being aswaged and as far from being ended as at the first minute of your entrance into this dreadful place As there is an infinite space of place if I may so call it to help our apprehensions beyond the circumference of the Heavens and the visible World in comparison with which ten thousand Millions of worlds would not fill up the space of the least speck so there is an infinite space of duration beyond the circumference and bounds of time in comparison with which the duration of ten thousand Millions of worlds for ten thousand Millions of years would not be so much as a Minute or the least imaginable instant and this whole eternity you if wicked must
did run into But the Sodomits slight all Lot's sayings they deafen their ears against his reproofs and will be led by none of his example nothing prevails with them to repent The second aggravation of the Sodomits Sins was th●…ir Incorrigibleness As it was said of the Jews aft●…rward Ier. 5. 3. So it might have been said of the Sodomits then Though God had stricken them yet they did not grieve though God had consumed them yet they refused to receive correction They did not take warning by lesser judgements so as to be corrected and amended thereby They were smitten before their enemies their City not long before had been sackt their goods taken away and themselves were led into Captivity with their Wives and Children and yet they were insensible of their Sins the cause of all this evil that came upon them and were so far from being bettered hereby that they grew worse than they were before The third aggravation of the Sodomits Sins was their Ingratitude They were not only ungrateful unto Lot upon whose account Abraham did deliver them out of the hands of their enemies which not only laid an obligation of respect to Lot upon them as long as they liv'd but chiefly they were ungrateful unto God the Author of this deliverance by Abraham and who moreover had been very bountiful unto them in giving them such a place of plenty and pleasure for their habitation that it was like unto the Garden of the Lord for fruitfulness the greater Gods Mercy and Bounty to them the greater was their ingratitude and the more highly aggravated were their Sins The fourth aggravation of the Sodomits Sins was the Universality of their Sins There were no righteous persons amongst them except it were Lot and his Family they were generally corrupt they were all dross and no Gold all Water and no Wine all wicked when Lot was departed As the Earth of old was filled with violence so Sodom then was filled with Filthiness which was very offensive unto the pure and Holy Eyes of God and provoked him to destroy them The fifth aggravation of the Sodomits Sins was their Shamlesness What was spoken of Israel Ier. 6. 5. Might have been said of Sodom were they ashamed when they had committed abomination nay they were not at all ashamed neither could they blush When the Prophet would set forth the shamlesness of Iudah's Sins he compareth them unto Sodom Isa. 3. 9. The shew of their countenance doth witnesse against them they declare their Sin like Sodom they hide it not None had more reason to blush and be ashamed than such filthy Sinners as they and yet none were so little ashamed instead of being ashamed of their Sins they gloried in their shame The sixth aggravation of the Sodomits Sins was their Security They eat they drank they bought they solde they planted they builded until the the judgement did overtake them Luke 17. 28. They were generally secure though they had so greatly sinned and by their Sins so highly provoked the Lord to take vengeance upon them They put the evil day far from them Lot's Sons in Law although foretold and forewarn'd by their Father would not believe it was so near much lesse did the rest of the Sodomits believe any such thing who had no intimation thereof given unto them they little thought what a day would bring forth their impunity for a while did encrease their security and their security under the guilt of such Heaven-dareing Sins did aggravate their Sins exceedingly And now the lusts of the Sodomits having conceived and brought forth such Sins and their Sins so aggravated do arrive unto perfection and they bring forth death Their iniquities now are full and the Viols of Gods wrath also are full and he poureth them down upon their heads which leadeth unto the next particular to speak of the judgement it self inflicted upon Sodom and Gomorrah CHAP. IV. A particular description of Sodom and Gomorrah's burning by Fire and Brimstone from Heaven COncerning the judgement it self which was inflicted on Sodom and Gomorrah It was Fire and Brimstone which was rained down from Heaven upon those Cities The morning was clear when Lot went forth of Sodom and the Sun was risen upon the Earth when he entered into Zoar But then a strange darkness did quickly fill the face of the Heavens and hide the Sun from the view we may conceive that the fashion of the Heaven was altered and that the clouds which carried this horrible Tempest of Fire and Brimstone in their Bowels were of another shape than those which carry in them ordinary storms of Rain or Hail of Thunder and Lightning It was over Sodom and Gomorrah that these dreadful clouds were gathered which upon the command of the Lord brake asunder and it is likely with fearful lightening accompained with great cracks and amazing noise as if Heaven and Earth and Hell had been coming together let down these flaming showers which strangely turned the Air into Fire and with such irresistible violence beat upon the Houses of the Sodomits that they were foreed to yield unto the fury of these devouring flames This Rain probably was not in small drops like that which falling upon the tender Grass causeth it to spring forth and flourish but in great flakes of of scalding Sulphurious matter enkindled by the breath of God great sheets of Fire it is likely came down from Heaven like the Flying Roll spoken of Zach. 5. 2 3 4. the length whereof was twenty Cubits and the bredth thereof ten Cubits which entered into the House of the Thief and False-swearer and consumed the Timber thereof and the stones thereof So did these sheets and rolls of fire fly about the Cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and entered into the houses of the unjust and profane the filthy and unclean smiting and consuming Inhabitants with their Habitations This storm of Fire and Brimstone coming down with a commission from God to destroy the whole Place doth arm it self with unexpressible rage and fury and first smiting the heads and tops of all the houses in the City setteth them on fire together which mounting a great flame upward and that mingling with the sulphurious fire which came downward was exceedingly the more enraged and we may conceive that from thence came such horrid blazes to the eye and such dreadful roarings to the ear as awakened all the wicked Inhabitans of the City out of their sleep and security and filled them with unconceiveable horrour and perplexity when they saw inevitable ruine so near unto them Then the streets of the City were filled with flames and the Rain from Heaven likely did raise Floods and Streams of burning Brimstone which poured into the houses on every side such fire as no Water could quench no Stone Walls nor Iron Bars or Gates could resist or defend any of the Inhabitans from being devoured thereby thus Gods hand did find out all his enemies in these wicked Cities together
his right hand did lay hold on them that hated him and took no heed to his Laws and making Sodom and Gomorrah as a fiery Oven in the time of his anger he swallowed up all the Sinners of those Places in his Wrath and devoured them with this unquenchable fire the Place now is like a fiery Oven or like a great fiery Furnace the smoke of whofe flame was so great that far and near it might be seen concerning the horror of the Sodomits when compassed about with Flames I shall speak more under the third particular only here add these things which were remarkable in in this judgement First The strangeness of it Secondly The suddenness and unexpectedness of it Thirdly The dreadfulness of it First This Judgement was very Strange It is the nature of Fire to ascend towards Heaven but here Fire and Brimstone together do descend from Heaven this is very strange the Sodomits had an unnatural Fire within them and they have an unnatural Fire sent upon them they lust after strange Flesh Iud. 7. And God punished them with strange Fire Iob 31. 3. Is not destruction to the wicked and a strange punishment unto the workers of Iniquity But of all strange punishments this is one of the most strange never such a thing was heard of before or hath been known since as I may apply what Moses speaketh on another occasion Deut. 4. 32. Aske now of the days which are past which were before since God Created Man upon the Earth and ask from one side of Heaven unto the other whether there hath been such a thing as this great thing or hath been like it that God should Rain Fire and Brimstone from Heaven to punish wicked Cities We read of Fire sent down from Heaven by the Lord upon the request of Elijah which consumed his Sacrifice although he had drenched it often and surrounded it with Water all which was licked up by the fire unto the wonder and astonishment of the People whereby the Lord discovered his power beyond Baal whose Priests could not by all their prayers and cutting themselves prevail with their God to effect any such thing 1 Kings 18. 26 28 37 38. And we read of Fire sent down from Heaven which destroyed two Captains and their fifty's upon the request of the same Prophet these things were exceeding strange but the rain of Fire and Brimstone from Heaven which consumed several Cities and all their Inbitants together was far more strange Fire hath come from Heaven but never so great Fire Fire hath come down from Heaven but never Fire mingled with Brimstone Fire and Brimstone hath come forth of the bowels of the Earth of which in the second discourse but never did Fire and Brimstone come down from Heaven either before or since Secondly This judgement was sudden and unexpected It was like the Flood to the old World which was drowned or like the coming of Christ to the Sinners on Earth which shall be damned when the greatest judgements are most near the Sinners which shall be destroyed thereby are most secure and thus it was with the Sinners of Sodom the day before there was no appearance of any such destruction near there was no sign in the Earth or in the Heavens of any such thing the night before also was like other nights no fire beginning in any place only the fire of lust which burned and raged in the hearts of that wicked people but they had no apprehension of danger from those flames when the morning was come it was like other mornings there were no fiery dews or fore-drops of the fiery rain to give them warning of what would follow The shaddows of the night were chased away by the beams of the morning Sun there was no appearance of the shaddows of the night of Death ready to stretch forth themselves upon all the Inhabitants of Sodom and Neighbour Cities together But so soon as Lot was entered into Zear the Lord rained Fire and Brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah and brought such a sudden destruction upon them as they could not escape Even as it will be ere long with Babylon Rev. 18. 7 8. So it was with Sodom she lived deliciously and securely and in one day death and mourning came upon her and she was utterly burnt with Fire Could the Sodomits have foreseen and certainly foreknown what destruction would have befallen their City that day they would have hastened out of the place the day before at furthest they would have delayed no longer than that morning when Lot did depart they would have flocked about him old and young from every quarter and have departed with him they would not have vallued houses of goods so that they might have but sav'd their lives But the Sodomits did not in the least apprehend their destruction to be so near The Angels knew it but they discover the thing unto Lot only if they had made it know unto the Sodomits it is most likely they would not have believed it any more than Lot's Sons in Law did believe Lot when from their mouth he did declare it The Sodomits are jovial and secure as if their life and mirth should continue many a year when neither of them were a days standing longer Thirdly This judgement was most dreadful we read in the Scriptures and have seen with our eyes very great judgements but none so dreadful all things considered as this of Fire and Brimstone from Heaven Indeed the Flood which devoured the whole old World together Noah and his Family excepted did strike the most universal dread upon the children of men of any judgement that ever hath been since the Worlds Creation yet the Fire and Brimstone from Heaven which devoured Sodom and Gomorrah with all their Inhabitants Lot only and his Family excepted had more of particular dread in it in as much as death by Fire is more painful than death by Water especially such Fire as came down from Heaven It was a terrible day to the old World when they saw the Windows of Heaven opened and Water to come forth from thence in such great abundance as to swell into a Flood and that so great a Flood as drowned all Man-kind which were not found in the Ark But it was a more terrible day to the Sodomits when they saw the Windows of Heaven opened and Fire to come forth from thence Fire mingled with Brimstone and Gods fiery indignation which falling upon their Houses and heads put all into flames this last judgement as it had more strangeness in it so it did strike more terrour into the hearts of those which did endure it When the ground clave asunder and the Earth opening her mouth swallowed up Corah Dathan and Abiram with all that appertained to them when they went thus down alive into the pit and the Earth closing upon them again they perished from the Congregation Num. 16. vers 32. 33. This was a very feaful judgement but the opening
that place being so thin and hollow and penetrable by the Winds and the nature of the soil so Sulphurious and so fit matter for the begetting and nourishing of Fire the motion of the Wind closed in doth kindle the Fire which bel●…heth forth in smoke and flames and hence it is that the burning of Aetna hath endured for so many ages Unto which he addeth a little after speaking of the fall of the Waters Eade●… caus●… etiam Aetnae Montis ●…erpetuos ignes f●…cit Nam aquarum ille con●…ursus r●…tum secum spiritum in imum sundum trahit atq●…e ibi suffecat●… tamdiutenet donec per spiramenta Terrae diff●…sus nutrimenta ignis incendat The cause of Aetna's perpetual Fire is from the great and perpetual fall of the Water near at hand which carryeth down the Wind and Air and suffo●…ateth it at the bottom whence it breatheth away through some crevices of the Earth towards the Mountain and this kindleth and bloweth up the Flames Another assigneth the cause more clearly thus ●… tnam constat ab ●…a parte qua Eurus Affricus flant habere speluncas plenas Sulphuris ad Mare deduct as Haespeluncae recipientes in se fl●…ctus ventum creant qui agitatus ignem gignit ex Sulphures Mount Aetna saith he that way which the East and South wind do blow hath Caverns and Vaults full of Sulphur which reach so far as the S●…a which Vaults receiving into them the Waves of the Sea Wind is begot hereby which Winds being violently moved doth beget the Fire out of the Sulphur and therefore afterward he telleth us that as the East and South Wind do blow so this Mountain doth more on lesser vomit up sparks and fire Lucretius Lib. 6. doth set forth the cause Primum totius subcava Montis Est natura fere ●…ilicum suffulta cavernis Omnibus est porro in spelu●…eis ventus are c. The Mountain Aetna hollow is throughout With stones of Flint it's Cave are lin'd about Whereby it is held up The wind is there In every Cave begot by moved Air Through motion heat's engender'd i●… the Earth Thence fire springs forth and flames have birth Besides against the Mountain's Roots the Main Break her swoln Waves and swallow them again From whence unto the top of it's ascent The undermining Caves have their extent Through which the Bellows breath and cast forth flames With showers of stones ashes Thus concerning the cause of Aetna's burning which as to the second cause may rather be guessed at then fully understood CHAP. VII The Use of the Burning of Aetna THese late dreadful Eruption of Fire and Brimstone from Mount Aetna should carry our eyes upward unto God the Author hereof The Lord hath been lately upon the Earth he hath shown himself in great Majesty a Fire hath devoured before him and it hath been very tempestuous round about a smoke hath gone out of his mouth and Coals have been under his feet he hath clothed himself with flames and of late appeared very terribly in these Europaean parts he hath not only kindled fires in houses and Cities turning them into ashes and ruinous heaps but he hath also kindled a fire in a great Mountain which hath broken forth with a great flame We read Psal. 27. The voice of the Lord is powerful and full of Majesty the voice of the Lord is upon the Waters the God of Glory thun●…reth the voice of the Lord●… upon many Waters the voice of the Lord shaketh the Wilderness and maketh Lebanon to Ship like a young Unicorn Such Majesty and Power hath been in Gods voice which was heard from this Mount the voice of the Lord hath sounded from the Earth the God of Glory hath thundered out of the bowels of a great Mountain whereby the foundations thereof have been so shaken as if he would have overturned it in his anger Formerly the Lord brought forth streams of Water out of the hard Rock and lately he hath brought forth streams of Fire out of the deep Earth This is the Lord 's doing and it should be marvellous in our eyes If we wonder at the work let us wonder more at the Worker if we admire to hear of such floods of fire we have more reason to admire Gods infinite Power who hath effected this Use 2. The Relation of Aetna's burning should awaken impenitent Sinners out of their carnal security whilst they consider the hand of God herein and that this God who kindled such a Fire in the Mountain is highly incensed against them so long as they allow and indulge themselves in any Sinful practices and that the Fire of Gods anger which is kindled in his breast against them is ten thousand times more dreadful than the Fire which was kindled in the bowels of the Mountain yea that God is preparing the Fire of Hell for them which shall burn them everlastingly if they do not repent that God who hath power to kindle a Fire in the Earth hath power to kindle the Fire of Hell and he that hath power to keep alive the fire of this mountain for some thousands of years hath power to keep alive the Fire of Hell unto Eternity this he can do and this he will do and oh how fearful a thing will it be to be thrown into everlasting flames of which more largely in the next discourse Awake then all ye Sons and Daughters of sleep and security ye children of night and darkness and all ye workers of iniquity Look up and see how powerful and terrible the Lord is and how unable you are to make resistance when once his hand shall take hold on vengeance Gods anger now doth but smoke against you ere long it will break forth into a flame which will burn to the lowest Hell and never shall be extinguished Let me therefore perswade you to break off your Sins by repentance and apply your selves to Christ by Faith that the anger of the Lord towards you may b●… appeased and that being reconciled you may escape the dreadful effects of his displeasure CHAP. VIII Concerning the burning of London that may be Use. 3. THe Relation of Aetna's burning should lead us unto the consideration of the Burnings which may be and the Burnings which will be First Consider the Burnings which may be our dear and beloved City of London may be burnt again with fire and that not only ●…he Suburbs and Southwark and remaining Timber houses which the last Fire spared but also the New-built Houses of Brick many of them have been tryed that they can burn for no Building on Earth is a sufficient defence against Fire I don't think we are in danger of any such Fire as that of Aetna to break forth from under our feet out of the bowels of the Earth but we may be in danger of a Fire Forged in Hell I mean some Develish wicked men may be contriving again the burning of the City It is not long since this
our flourishing City was laid wast by devouring flames The Depositions given before Magistrates concerning the hands of the Papists set on work herein are not forgotten the principles of the Papists which will allow them to murder Princes blow up Parliaments Massacre people burn Cities if they be Hereticks as they call them are not altered The attempts of late to set houses in the City on Fire in several places have been made evident and I wish that there be no cursed design now on foot amongst such vile persons to burn our City and Massacre our persons together it is not amiss for us to think what may be the may be of a house's falling down upon our head in the street and being crushed thereby to pieces as some have been should put us upon continual preparation for death and much more when we are in danger of death many other ways If you should hear a cry at Midnight the Papists are come that Fire-balls are flying about the street that Fires are kindled in several parts of the City at the same time and that bloody cut throats stand ready to Butcher a naked people as they come forth of burning Houses with their goods If you should hear the groans and shreeks of your Neighbours whilst they are cruelly Massacred by the hands of merciless villains and when they approach your doors and you see no way of escaping but inevitable ' ●…ath is before you if you should then be found unprepared for death when you have no time to prepare how would you be surprized how would you be affrighted It is good to provide for the worst that when ever death doth appear in whatever shape it may not prove a King of Terrours How happy are those who have made their Peace with God when some men will not be at peace with them how little reason have those to fear the wrath of any here who are delivered from the wrath to come how safe is that treasure which is laid up in Heaven far beyond the reach of Thief or Rust or Flames of Fire get clear evidence of these things if you be delivered out of the snare of the Devil you need not be affraid of the snares of Men if you be not in danger of Hell ye need not be affraid of Death if you have well-grounded hopes to escape everlasting flames and to attain evealasting joys through your Intrest in Christ and his purchase you may smile at the flames of your Houses and laugh at destruction when it cometh But I hope if there be such a design which I neither do nor can affirm that the Lord will prevent the effusion of our Blood and Destruction of our City which too many may desire and that if ever they should attempt such a Massacre as in Paris or Ireland and to mingle our Blood and Fire together that the Lord will so spirit all true Protestants and Englishman to stand up so in their own defence which the Law of God and Nature will allow as by them to bring that Destruction upon themselves which they may endeavour against against all Justice and Law to bring upon Gods people Secondly Aetna's burning should lead us to the consideration of the Burnings which will be There are three great burnings that certainly will be 1. The Burning of Rome 2. The Burning of the World 3. The Burning of Hell CHAP. IX Concerning the burning of Rome First WE may be minded hereby of the Burning of Rome which certainly will be of which this Eruption of Aetna so near may be a Prognostick and Fore-runner it being of common observation amongst them that the extraordinary eruptions of this Mount are ominous especially unto Rome That Rome is the Babylon threatned with destruction and Fire will be evident if you look into the Description Rev 17. 1 2 3 4 5 6. And there came one of the seven Angels which had the seven Viols and talked with me saying unto me come hither I will shew unto thee the Iudgement of the great Whore that sitteth upon many Waters with whom the Kings of the Earth have committed Fornication and the Inhabitants have been made drunk with the Wine of her Fornication So he carried me away in the spirit into the Wilderness And I saw a Woman sit upon a Scarlet-coloured Beast full of names of Blasphemy having seven Heads and ten Horns And the Woman was arrayed in Purple and Scarlet colour and de●…ked with Gold and Precious Stones and Pearls having a Golden Cup in her hand full of Abomination and Filthiness of her Fornication And upon her Fore-head was a name Written Mystery Babylon The Great The Mother of Harlots and Abominatio●… of the Earth And I saw the Woman drunken with the Blood of the Saints and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Iesus That this Decription is applicable unto the Papacy of Rome and to no other is evident from every part thereof as it is explained by the Angel in this same Chapter and fulfilled as to every particular in the Popedom We are not to understand it of one particular Pope but of the whole Race and Succession of them who are called the great Whore sitting upon many Waters with whom the Kings of the Earth committed Fornication c. signifying the spiritual Fornication committed by them with her or the Idolatry which she draweth them unto the practice of The Waters are the People which she hath under subjection The Scarlet-Coloured Beast she sitteth upon having seven Heads and ten Horns is the great City of Rome and the state thereof the seven Heads signifie seven Mountains on which Rome was built therefore called Septi-collis Roma Seven-hill'd Rome Moreover the City is described to be the City which then Reigned over the Kings of the Earth which was the City of Rome the Emperial Seat at that time the ten Horns signifie the Kings of the Earth which give their power to the Pope for his support This Whore is called Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots who maketh the Nations drunk with the Wine of her Fornication and who her self is drunk with the Blood of Saints and Martyrs And to whom can this be applyed but unto the Pope who doth intoxicate so many Nations as with Wine or potions whence it cometh to pass that they wallow in the Filthiness of Spiritual Fornication and who hath shed so much of the Blood of Saints for the Testimony of Jesus against the Romish Superstition and Idolatry I should digress too far to apply all the parts of this description with other descriptions in the Revelations and of Anti-Christ in the Thessalonians unto the Pope of Rome as I might do and prove by unanswerable Arguments that the Pope is the Anti-Christ and Rome Spiritual Babylon That which here chiefly we should mind is the Judgement of this great Whore It is said Ver. 6. The ten Horns which thou sawest upon the Beast shall hate the Whore and shall make her desolate and naked and shall
was said before we read nothing of this in the Scripture it is said that the Heavens and Earth are kept in store for Fire but it is not said that fire is kept in store for them B●…sides how can we conceive that any Subterranean fire should have power to reach and dissolve the Heavens Fourthly The time of this burning of the World shall be at the day of Iudgement and perdition of the Ungodly called Ver. 10. The day of the Lord It will be at the day of Christ appearance to Judgement when he shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire to take vengeance on the Ungodly World having first raised up the Righteous from the dead and gathered them together from the four Winds and called them up into the Clouds and openly acknowledged and acquitted them and set them in a place of safty for as Noah and his Family were hid from the Deluge of Water in the Ark so the Lord will hide all the Righteous under his wing from the Fire and having examined and Sentenced the wicked unto Eternal perdition then most probably will the time be of his setting the World on fire and that all the wicked of all Generations will remain in the midst of those flames until the whole be consumed except themselves who will be then cast into a place of more dreadful burning I mean the everlasting fire of Hell The time cannot be far off the Lord will come very shortly Yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10. 37. And the Lord will come suddenly as a Thief in the night Ver. 10. When the World is secure and doth no more expect it than the old World did the Flood or the Sodomits did the fire then the Lord will come Fifthly Here is a more particular description of the burning of the World It is said Ver. 10. The Heavens shall 〈◊〉 away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the the works that are therein shall be burnt up And Ver II. All these things than be dissolved The Heavens shall be in flames and the frame of them crack with a hideous noise far beyond whatever before did ●…ound in the ear of any mortal and like a great scroll they shall be rolled together and fly away out of sight all the Elements also shall feel the force of this fire and hereby be melted and consumed into nothing the Elementary fire and air and water shall all melt with this fervent heat and evaporate so as to be no more but especially the earth and works thereof shall be the subject of these burnings all the Buildings all the houses and Towns and Cities of the world shall be on fire together all the great and vast Mountains shall be in flames yea and the great Woods Plains and Fields and the whole Earth from the very bottom of it's foundation shall be on fire and be burnt up O what a dreadful fire will this be it will be dreadful to behold it how dreadful will it be then to feel it to be in the midst of it as the wicked shall be in their passage to the eternal flames of Hell when they shall see the Heavens on fire and the air on fire and the Water on fire and the Earth on fire Cities on fire and Fields on fire and themselves on fire Head Back Breast Belly Hands Arms Legs Feet every part on fire and that such a fire though it doth torment them yet that shall not be able to consume them when they see the Heavens which have endured so long to melt stones to be broken and the hardest mettals to be dissolved by the fervent heat of this fire and yet their bodies made so strong that their flesh shall not be consumed hereby O how fearful will this be tongue cannot utter thought cannot conceive the anguish of the wicked on this day and in this place of fire Mr. Doolittle in his Book of Rebukes doth Patheticplly set forth the wo of the Ungodly through this fire from page 297. to p. 305 See the inference which the Apostle doth draw from the consideration of these flames which shall burn the world 2 Pet. 3. 11. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness Unto which add the 14th Vers. Wherefore be loved seeing ye look for these things be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless 1. Look to your state that you be Godly persons that you be regenerate and have the Image likeness of God upon you such will be safe and out of the reach of these flames at that day but wo be to the Ungodly they cannot escape 2. Look to your conversation that it be Holy that you be Holy in all manner of Conversation 1 Pet. 1. 15. These great burnings and dissolution of all things should take off your heart from the World which ere long will be in flames and quicken you unto a holy and circumspect walking that when the Lord doth appear you may be found of him in paece without spot and blameless and then you shall be taken to inhabit the new Heavens and new Earth those glorious mansions which the Lord will prepare for his people where you shall have the presence of the Lord with you for evermore The third burning which will be is the burning of Hell of which in the next discourse Fire and Brimstone in Hell to Burn the Wicked Psal. 11. 6. Upon the wicked he shall rain Snares Fire and Brimstone and an horrible Tempest this shall be the portion of their Cup. CHAP. I. The Introduction THe flames and fiery Streams which were rained down from Heaven upon Sodom and Gomorrah formerly and which issued forth from the Earth in the Eruptions of Mount Aetna lately are but shaddows of the future flames and like painted fire in comparison with the streams of Fire and Brimstone which in Hell shall burn the wicked eternally For as the Glory of Heaven whilst we are in the dark Vale of this World doth far exceed all conception and therefore cannot be set forth in full by any description but as one saith whoever attempts to speak of an Heavenly state while himself is upon the Earth his discourse of that must needs be like the dark Dreams and Imaginations of a Child concerning the affairs of this World while it self is yet swadled and cradled in the Womb and the Apostle Paul himself though he had been rapt up unto the third Heaven and had such discoveries made unto him there that he wanted words to utter what they were as 2 Cor. 12. 2 3 4. Yet acknowledgeth that he understood like a Child and had but daak views of this Glory even as thorow a glass 1 Cor. 13. 11 12. So also the torment of Hell through that Fire and
not so much as the smel of the Fire was upon their Garments but none shall be preserved from burning in this fiery Furnace indeed the wicked shall not be burnt up and quite consumed but they shall be always burning For Fifthly Hell-fire will be a continual Fire other firessometimes are in and sometimes out but this fire will be always in always burning without any intermission and always burning in the same high degree of intension there will be no aswagement of the Flames of Gods anger no abatement of the Fire of Hell this Fire will be always alike hot and always hot in the highest degree Sixthly Hell-fire will be an unquenchable Fire Math 3. 12. But will burn up the Chaff with unquenchable Fire Mark 9. 44. Where their worm dieth not and the Fire is not quenched Now the fire of Gods anger before it break forth into so vehement a flame may be quenched by the Blood of Jesus Christ and the Fire of Hell may be prevented but hereafter it will be too late no Sacrifice will be accepted then to appease Gods wrath and if all the Waters of the Sea could be poured upon the flames of Hell-fire they would not put them out And therefore Seventhly Hell-fire will be an everlasting Fire Math. 25. 42. Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels Rev. 14. 11. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever This Fire will be ever burning and the damned will be ever tormented therein Extremity and Eternity are the two most bitter ingredients of the damned's torments who can set forth the Eternity of the wicked's punishment in Hell-fire this Eternity is immeasurable it is incomprehensible all the Rays of the Sun may more easily be comprehended in a small room and all the Waters of the Sea contained in a small nutshel than boundless Eternity be conceived by our finite and shallow understanding none have shaddowed Eternity and set it forth better than those who have shown how infinitely short all measures and numbers do fall when they are applyed to the space of it's duration One expresseth himself thus on this subject in another language suppose ten thousand years past after that an hundred thousand Millions of years past after that ten hundred thousand Million of Millions of years past and yet you are not come to the end of Eternity no nor to the middle of Eternity yea you are but at the beginning of it add unto this the number of all the thoughts of Angels and Men of all the motions in every Creature of all the grains of sand which would fill ten thousand Worlds gather all the minutes of time from the beginning of the Creation of the World all the numbers of Arithmetick that can possibly be conceived and all this is but the beginning of Eternity How long will Eternity last Always When will Eternity end Never As long as Heaven shall continue to be Heaven and God shall continue to be God and the Saints shall be happy in the enjoyment of God so long shall the wicked be tormented in the Fire of Hell We may apprehend the everlastingness of this Fire of Hell but we cannot comprehend it CHAP. V. Concerning the Persons that shall burn eternally in the Flames of Hell IT is upon the wicked that the Lord will rain this horrible Tempest of Fire and Brimstone in Hell all the workers of iniquitie all that live and dye in their Sins must suffer the vengeance of Eternal fire These are the Chaff which shall be cast into the unquenchable Fire Math. 3. 12. These are the tares which shall be bound up in bundles to be burnt Math. 13. 30. These are the Goats which shall be condemned to everlasting fire Math. 25. 41. Look into a few places where in the plain Letter of the Scriptures the persons are described that shall be the subject of everlasting torment in Hell-fire Math. 13. 41 42. The Son of Man shall send forth his Angels and they shall gather out of his Kingdom all things that offend and them which do iniquity and shall cast them into a Furnace of Fire there shall be wailing and guashing of teeth Rom. 2. 6 8 9. Who will render to every man according to his deeds to them that are contentious and do not obey the truth but obey unrighteousness indignation and wrath tribulation and anguish upon every soul of Man that doth evil of the Iew first and also of the Gentile 2 Thess. 1. 7 8 9. The Lord Iesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospel who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and the glory of his Power Take one place more amongst many Rev. 21. 8. But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and Murderers and Where-mongers and S●…rceers and Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with Fire and Baimstone I shall spake more of the persons when I come to the application which I would chiefly insist u●…n the Doctrine being so well known and therefore I shall but briefly touch upon the reason why the wicked shall be eternally tormented in the flame of Hell and so come to the Use which I mainly intend R. The torment of the wicked in Hell is a punishment and therefore hath a respect unto Sin the guilt of which doth lay the wicked under an obligation hereunto and layeth God under an Obligation to inflict this punishment upon them Sin is the violation of a Holy and Righteous Law and an offence of an Infinite Majesty whose Justice requireth infinite satisfaction which it can receive no other way from Sinners themselves than by their undergoing the punishment of Hell although this punishment be not infinite in regard of the quality yet it is infinite in regard of it's duration and therefore the torments of the wicked shall have no end CHAP. VI. Application 1. Use of Examination WHen you had the relation of Sodom and Gomorrah's burning you might think this was done long ago and look upon your selves as unconcern'd when you had the Relation of Aetna's burnings you might think this was done a far off and look upon your selves as unconcern'd but when we come to discourse of Hell-burnings here you all are concern'd those burnings are past these are burnings to come those were burnings for a while these will be burnings for ever the greatest part of the children of men will be cast into these burnings and very few comparatively will escape O what a vast number of all kindreds and Nations and Languages will there be tormented for ever in Hell what a vast number of Christians yea of professours of the Gospel you had need to look to it that none of you be found in the number The dreadfulness of these everlasting burnings me thinks should stir you up with all sollicitousness