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A38455 An English herbal, or, A discovery of the physical vertues of all herbs in this kingdom what planet governs each herb, and how to gather them in their planetary hours : containing some hundreds of medicines made of English herbs, whereby any person may keep his body in health, or cure himself when sick, for a small charge, with such herbs and roots as naturally grow in England : collected for a general good. 1690 (1690) Wing E3088; ESTC R8390 44,374 74

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Decoction in Wine or Broth or distill'd Water Dropping some of it into the Eyes for several days together helpeth all Diseases of the Eyes or dimness of Sight it helpeth a weak Brain and watry Eyes taken any manner of way Some boil it in clean Water and strain it keep it in a Glass and wash the Eyes with it is good for sore Eyes F Fern grows on Heaths and is under Mercury the Roots boil'd in Whitewine kills all sorts of Worms and opens Obstructions of the Spleen The Leaves and Roots purgeth the Belly of Choler and Water but troubleth the Stomach therefore dangerous for Women with Child The Leaves and Roots boil'd in Oyl makes a good Ointment to heal all Wounds and to dry up malignant Ulcers the Smoke of Fern burnt drives away Serpents Knats Flies or any venomous Beast 'T is observ'd to cause Barrenness in Women Fern Water is under Saturn of the same nature but more powerful they provoke Urine much Featherfew grows mostly in Gardens c. 't is under Venus Boil'd in Whitewine it strengthens the Womb and frees from Birth and After-birth 't is good for all Distempers of the Mother and brings down the Courses speedily A hot Poultice applied to the Belly takes away all griping Pains 't is an effectual Remedy against Opium if the Decoction is drank It flowers in June and July Fennel grows in Gardens and is under Mercury It breaks Wind the Stone and Gravel and provokes Urine it encreases and amends the faults of Milk cures the Hickup loathing of Meat resists poisonous things and is good for Obstructions of the Liver Spleen c. It cures the Gout yellow Jaundice provokes the Terms and makes lean The distill'd Water is good for sore Eyes 'T is excellent to boil and eat with Fish Fennel Hog grows about Houses where Cattle frequent and is under Mercury To cure the Lethargy put the Juice into the Nose and us'd with Oyl and Vinegar 't is good for the Megrim Vertigo Falling-sickness Head-ach Palsie Sciatica Cramp Cough and Lameness The Decoction drank in Wine is good for a Cough Cholick-pains and shortness of Breath it purges gently gives Ease to Women that travail in Child-bed and eases Pains in the Womb Bladder and Reins The Juice mix'd with Wine eases the Tooth-ach cures all green Wounds and cleanses Ulcers drying them up Figwort grows in Meadows and shady Woods 't is under Venus in Taurus and excellent for all Diseases in the Neck and Throat as the King's-evil and Squinanzy The Herb decocted and drank in White-wine and the bruised Herb applied outwardly cures Wens Knots Piles and Kernels dries Ulcers that are foul and takes away Leprosies Spots Redness and all Deformities Fig-tree grows in Gardens and is under Jupiter the Juice of the Leaves and Branches are moist and hot The Decoction cures the Head of Scurf and Leprosie clears the Face of Morphew and the Body of Scabs and Ulcers The Juice kills Warts and the Decoction cures the Bloody-flux Chilblains Deafness and the Tooth-ach dropt into the Ears and the biting of mad Dogs or Serpents The Fruit is balsamick and opening if eaten The Decoction cleanses the Breast Lungs Womb Belly and Sores and cures shortness of Breath Hoarseness Coughs Dropsies and Consumptions Flag Water or Flower-de-luce grows in watry Ditches 't is under the Moon and is very dry and cooling The distill'd Water of the Flower Root and Herb cures watry Eyes and Blemishes of the Eyes 'T is a good Fomentation for all Inflamations Ulcers Cankers sore Mouths and Breasts It cures the Noli me Tangere and Ulcers in the Privities by Ointment or otherwise Flaxweed Toad groweth in Meadows Way-sides Paths and Banks 't is under Mars hot and dry It cleanses the Reins provokes Urine prevents the Dropsie in cold phlegmatick Persons it opens Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen cures the yellow Jaundice expels Poison drives forth the dead Child and After-birth provokes the Courses cures Inflamations of the Eyes and Pimples of the Face The distill'd Water cures Fistula's Cankers Leprosies Itch Scabs or any Spots of Deformity Flea●ane there is two sorts one groweth in Gardens the other in Fields near the Sea 't is under Saturn cold and dry The Seed powder'd and taken with Conserve of Roses stops the Bloody-flux ●nd corroding Humours it also stops the too great Violence of over-strong purging Physick and cholerick Defluxions the Mucilage of the Seed made with rose-Rose-water allays Thirst in Fevers cures the Gout Head-ach Megrims Hoarseness Agues Sciarica sore Nipples Breasts Worms inflam'd pain'd Ears and Ulcers Flixweed grows in Fields and Way-sides 't is under Saturn cold and dry it 's admirable to stay Fluxes Diarrhoea's and Dysenteries it stops the Terms in Women and joins broken Bones Being decocted in Wine and drank kills Worms heals internal Ulcers Bruises and Wounds Paracelsus commends it for uniting broken Bones it 's good to make either Plaister Ointment or Syrup Flower-de-Luce groweth in Gardens and is under the Moon A Decoction drank with Honey or Sugar cleanseth the Stomach of gross or thick Phlegm cures the Dropsy Jaundice Agues Cholick opens Obstructions of Liver and Spleen breaks the Stone helps Convulsions Cramps stoppage of Urine provokes the Terms cures a Cough Head-ach causeth Sleep and cures the Piles if fomented with it it 's a good Gargle for the Mouth fastens loose Teeth cures the Gout Ulcer Fistula Cancer and Noise in the Ears covereth naked Bones with Flesh again Fluellin grows in Corn-fields and other places and is govern'd by the Moon It helps Fluxes stoppeth the Terms heals Ulcers cures Wounds and Cancers is good for watery Eyes knits broken Bones and cureth Wounds outward or inward taken in Decoction or distill'd Foxglove grows on dry sandy Ground and under Hedges is govern'd by Venus and is good to cure green Wounds by applying a bruised Leaf to it The Juice put into old Sores speedily cures it cleanseth and heals all foul Ulcers opens Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen if boil'd in Whitewine and drank It cures the Kings-Evil scabby Heads c. an Ointment being made of the Juice none excelling The Decoction hath cured several of the Falling-sickness Fumitory grows in Corn-fields is under Saturn and cureth all Saturnative Distempers being boil'd in Whitewine or Whey by it self or with Polipodium It is very cooling and opening for the Liver Spleen Reins and Bladder purging the Blood and Stomach of melancholy Humour It cures saltish cholerick Distempers that breed Scabs Tettars Leprosy Itch and Ring-worms and sometimes soul Ulcers It operates by Urine if you take the Powder of the dry Herb or make Tea of it The Decoction cures Jaundice Fevers Plague sore Throat Pimples c. Furz or Gosbush groweth on barren Heaths and is under Mars It opens Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen The yellow Flower boil'd in Whitewine or Sherry cures the Jaundice provokes Urine cleanseth the Kidneys from Stone or Gravel and its cause G Garlick grows in Gardens and
Throat W Wall-flowers grow on Walls are under the Moen and are good in Gouts Palsie Apoplexy Pains in the Joints The Flower decocted infused or made into a Syrup opens Obstructions of Liver or Spleen provokes Terms and brings away After-birth Walnut-tree groweth in Orchards and Fields is a Plant of the Sun and the Fruit Leaf and Bark is and Antidote against Poyson but best before the Shell begins to harden They are naturally binding but kill Worms cure Inflamations of the Throat biting of venomous Beasts If bruis'd with Onions Salt and Honey they cure Carbuncles stop Fluxes c. A preserv'd Walnut is good against Plague or Infection if taken in a Morning fasting The Oil of the of Kernel cureth Deafness if put into the Ear. Wart-Cichory either eat in Sallads or laid on the Wart cures 'em to admiration Wold Dyers-weed grows in wet places is under Mercury Being decocted it cureth Phlegm and gross Humours dissolves hard Swellings cureth Bites from venomous Beasts kills Worms and resists Infection Wheat growth in Fields is under Venus and if you press an Oil out it cureth Tettars Ringworms Chapt Hands Ulcers c. The Flower boil'd in Vinegar and made a Poultice of cures the Rickets and Joint-Evil Willow-tree groweth by Water-sides is under the Moon and the Seed Bark and Leaves stay bleeding spitting of Blood and Bloody flux The Decoction drank in Wine cures Cholick-pains Vomiting heat of Lust and the Eyes being wash'd therewith cures dimn Sight Woad grows in Fields c. is under Saturn and is cold drying and binding It stops Bleeding and softens a hard Spleen Inflamations or Ulcers in any Part. Wolfsbane being poysonous inwardly taken forbear its Use Woodbind grows in Hedges is under Mercury and is good for the Lungs against Asthmatical Diseases very cleansing and opening Obstructions provoketh Urine and the Terms causeth speedy Delivery provided you drink the Decoction of the Flowers or Leaves The Ointment cureth Freckles Palsie Cramp and Convulstons Wormwood groweth in Fields and other places is under Mars and is hot and dry It purifieth the Blood creates a Stomach helps Digestion Surfeits and yellow Jaundice cureth all biting of venomous Beasts Poyson of Mushrooms and kills Worms The Use hereof preserves the Body in health drank cold in Purl it does not hurt the Eyes but is good for the Piles Y Yew-tree groweth in Church-yards is venomous and the Fume kills Mice Some say the Berries fatten Fowl The Juice helpeth biting of Vipers the Wood rasp'd and drank helps biting of mad Dogs It 's counted Poyson inwardly taken Yarrow grows in Pastures is under Venus and put up the Nose it makes you sneeze your Nose to run so consequently good against the Vertigo An Ointment of it is good in green Wounds Ulcers Fistula's c. especially such as abound with moisture It cures Inflamations The Decoction drank cures the Bloody-flux being chew'd it helps the Tooth-ach Running of the Reins and Whites in Women 'T is excellent for the Piles drank in Tea sweetned with Loaf-sugar so is Tormentile Zedoary groweth in Fields c. is under Mars hot and dry in the 2d degree It expels Wind good against Poyson and Infection it stays Vomiting stops Fluxes and Terms kills Worms and is used in Antidotes against the Plague You may take the Root pouder'd half a dram in Wine Ale Tea Posset-drink or as you like best The Art of Herb-gathering GO into the Field you 'll find growing by Walls and Hedge-sides frequently Cinquefoil Hounds-tongue Flaxweed Jack-by-th'-hedge Knotgrass Mugwort Shepherds-purse Vervain wild Tansie wild Orage In Closes you 'll find Bedstraw wild Carrots Dandelion Daisies Earthnuts Knapweed Ragwort Scabious Trefoil Yarrow Among Corn you 'll find Bluebottles Cow-parsnip Corn-marigold Fumitory Bindweed Mayweed Pimpernel Poppies Restharrow Sowthistle In Woods you find Agrimony Milk-wort Cistus St. Johns-wort Ladies-mantle Moonwort Mouse-ear Tormentile Satyrions Sorrel Wood-Betony Wood-Spurge c. In Meadows you will find Burnet-Coxcomb Lousewort March-Marigolds Moniworth Meadsweet Meadow-Rhubarb c. In Bogs you 'll find Butterwort Buckbeans Cottongrass Valerian Horsemint Horse-tail Peonygrass On Banks of a River you 'll see the great Valerian Sneeswort Comfry Watercresses Allheal the great Dock Water-hemp Flower-de-Luce Willow-weed Water-Betony Cast your Eye toward the Water therein you 'll find Water-lilly Frogbit Water-Milfoil Burweed Calthrops Water-Plantane Water-Parsly Arrowhead all sorts of Flag Bulrushes And by Ditches you 'll find Ducksmeat Water-Crowfoot Brooklime Water-parsnip Water-Cresses Water-Horehound Horsemint Water-Scorpiongrass Near Town lift up your Eyes to the Walls and there you 'll see Maidenhair Whitlow-grass Wall-Bugloss Polipody Wallflowers Rocket Pellitory Then look toward House-tops and you 'll perceive Singreen or Housleek Stonecrop Herb-Robert And now you can't but say I have named a great many Herbs but then say you To what Purpose Why you must observe Herbs in their proper Places have the greatest Vertues tho' perhaps they may be found in other Places too and you find that though some may grown in diverse places yet others are so confin'd that they cannot be brought into a Garden Some of those which grow in the Water will not easily be perswaded to grow any where else so it is with those that delight in dry places To make Tea's or Gruels Look into your Herbal you 'll find the Vertue of the Herbs you intend to make Tea for all Distempers You may make your Tea's or Gruels stronger or weaker according to the quantity of the Herb you put into your Liquor Sage-Tea is good for the Head Memory Eyes and Palsie and several other things Read Evelyn on Sallads p. 61. Rosemary-Tea is good for the Memory Sight Nerves and Head Scurvygrass-Tea is good for the Scurvy Sweet-Marjoram Limon-Thyme Ground-Ivy Mint Peonyroyal Marigolds Betony with divers others See their Vertues in this Hearbal Herbs Names from their Resemblance c. Arrow-head is an Herb like the Head of a barbed Arrow Scurvygrass is call'd Spoonwort the Leaf represents the shape of a Spoon Dandelion is like a Lyon's Tooth Plantain is call'd Rib-wort because every Leaf hath five Strings like Ribs Swordflag resembles a Sword Crowfoot the Foot of a Crow Teazel or Venus-bason a Bason Goatsbeard or Tragapogon is like a Goat's Beard Twablade has two Leafs Trefoil three Leafs Herb-Paris hath four Cinquefoil has five Heptaphillon because 7 Leafs Butterbur feels as if melted Butter had been pour'd on it Sundew hath a Dew upon it in the hottest weather Saw-wort its Leafs are nick'd like a Saw Butterbur because Butter is wrapt therein Leadwort hath Leafs the colour of L●ad Housleek from growing on Houses Bugloss is like an Ox's Tongue Some Leafs have Sand about 'em always as Mercury and Orage the Leafs of all sorts of Scabious break with small things like Hairs in the middle and so you may know it from Knapweed which is like it Pimpernel Leaves are spotted underneath St. Johns-wort and St. Peters-wort held to the Light has holes like a Sieve Leaves of Rhubarb Burdock
of Mars It is hot and moist and very tender it is reckon'd dangerous to be taken inwardly Mizaldus says that often smelling to it breeds a Serpent in the Head there is an Antipathy betwixt it and Rue It is of a hot and fiery quality and if it is rotted in Horse-dung it will breed Serpents It is sovereign against the biting of any venomous Beast or Serpent's Sting by drawing the Poison out Dr. Peachey says 't is an Ingredient of three compound Waters viz. Gilbert-water Briony-water and Celestial-water Bay-tree grows in Gardens is under the Sun and the Coelestial Sign Leo. It is hot and dry in the third degree it is wonderful in Vertue and very refreshing in its fragrant Smell The Leaves of it powerfully resist Drunkenness and all evil effects of the Brain as Vertigo's Swimmings all windings of the Stomach and is good against Gripes and Cholick and kills Worms Either the Berries Leaves or Bark are very sure and effectual good to prevent Infections and resists Pestilence or Plague also all evil Influences and Witchcraft It cures Numbness Convulsions Cramps Palsies and Lameness made into Ointments Oyls or Baths c. laid among Cloaths preserves them from Moths and gives a wholsome Smell Beans grow in Gardens and Fields and are under Venus They are Cold Dry very Windy and Binding The Flowers and Pods distill'd yield a Sovereign Water to smooth and beautify the Face from Spots Wrinkles and other Deformities Field Beans are excellent in Poultices to asswage Swellings Inflamations of Womens Breasts or about Wounds for any part swell'd make a Poultice of Bean-flour with Wine and Vinegar and Oyl of Camomile 't is good for the Cods swollen Bruises Pains or Wounds of the Sinews Sciatica or Gout Beans often eat causeth Noises troublesome to the Brain Bean-flour and Fenugreek mix'd with Honey cures Fellons Bruises Boyls c. Beans French grows in Gardens and belongs to Dame Venus Being dried and beaten to Powder a dram drank in Whitewine strengthens the Kidneys prevents the Stone loosens the Belly provokes Urine and encreases Seed and Lust They are good to eat when boil'd Beets White and Red the White is govern'd by Jupiter the Red by Saturn The Red Beet boil'd and eaten with Butter and Vinegar is a pleasant Food helps Digestion and is opening pickled they are cooling Sauce The White Beet doth more loosen the Belly and provoke Urine the Juice of the Leaves opens Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen helps Burnings and Swimmings of the Head The boil'd Herb is good to lay upon Chilblains Blisters Cankers Blains and prevents Hair falling off and Baldness Red Beets stops the Bloody-flux Womens Courses and cures the yellow Jaundice the Juice put into the Nostrils purges the Head and cures the Tooth-ach Ladies Bedstraw grows in Meadows and Pastures is an Herb of Venus being in Nature hot and dry It is very powerful upon the Parts of Generation to strengthen them A Decoction of the Flower or Herb drank dissolves the Stone provokes Urine stoppeth Bleeding inwardly and healeth Wounds inwardly being made into an Ointment it heals Scalds and Burns The Decoction or Ointment is good to bathe or anoint swell'd sore Feet of Travellers the Ointment cures the Itch is good for the Joints Sinews and Arteries and cures Pains and Colds Blackberry-bush or Bramble-bush belongs to Venus and grows in Fields The Fruit is good against Ulcers sore Mouth and Throat Quinzy c. it heals Wounds if wash'd with the Decoction 't is often us'd in Mouth-water made with other Herbs a little Vinegar Honey and Allom added The Berries are good for Fluxes Lasks Sores Spitting of Blood and helps all Sores of the Privities or Fundament if you wash with a Decoction the Berries are for a sore Throat near as good as Mulberries One-Blade grows in Woods shady and moist Places and is under the Sun The Powder of the Root or the Root boil'd in Wine or made into Tea is very Cordial if given in Wine and sweat upon it is good against the Pox or Plague It is a good Wound-herb old or new Blites grow in Gardens and other Places there are several sorts They are under Dame Venus and are of a cold and dry quality greatly binding in Lasks and Fluxes Red Blites stop Womens Terms The White stops the Whites and remember this that all Red Flowers are good to stay the too great Fluxes or Womens Terms Blewhottle grows in Corn-fields by Nature cold dry and binding and are govern'd by Saturn They are successfully given in Powder in plantane-Plantane-water or Comfry-water for Bruises by a Fall or spitting of Blood if taken in Wine 't is good against Poison stings of Serpents bad Air Plague or Pestilential Fevers Green Wounds are speedily cur'd by its Juice also Ulcers fore Eyes Imposthumes in the Ears or sore Mouth Borage Bugloss Langue de Beuf they grow in Gardens and High-ways and are much of the same Nature All three are under Jupiter by Nature they are hot and moist They strengthen Nature against Pestilent Fevers resist Poison and are very Cordial The Seed and Leaves boil'd in Posset-drink encrease Milk in Womens Breasts is good against Melancholly and purifies the Blood 't is also good against Fevers as has been often experienc'd Borage or Borage and Sage makes good Tea and with Syrups and Berries you may colours Teas Brank Ursine grows in Gardens and is govern'd by the Moon Boil'd and given in a Glyster it loosens the Belly the Decoction drank is good against a Flux of the Blood apply'd to the Kings-evil it is good and a speedy Remedy against Ruptures and Burnings inwardly or outwardly applied it helps the Gout Cramp and Consumption Briony grows on Banks and under Hedges it is under Mars hot and dry by Nature great Care is to be taken in using it but if well corrected it powerfully purges Phlegm and watery Humors is good in Dropsys provokes Urine opens Obstructions of the Liver and Spleen cleanses the Reins prevents Suffocation or Fits cleanseth the Womb expels the dead Child and Afterbirth and bringeth down the Courses 'T is likewise good for Shortness of Breath and Coughs If an Electuary be made of the Roots with Honey first being bruis'd and apply'd 't will draw forth splinter'd Bones Brooklime grows in shallow watery places and is hot and dry 't is govern'd by Mars The common Use of it is in Spring Pottage and Diet-drinks to cleanse the Blood anp tout the Scurvy 'T is likewise good against the Stone cures Inflamations and moves the Terms Broom grows in Fields and on Heaths is govern'd by Mars hot and dry in the third degree 't is very bitter If boil'd in Wine and drank 't is a sure Remedy for the Dropsie Gout and Jaundice It cleanseth the Reins Spleen and Bladder of Gravel and Stone and prevents its generating The young Tops made into an Ointment with Hogs-grease cures Sc●atica and other Pains decocted or boil'd it cures the black Jaundice Ague-fits Tooth-ach
if you eat 'em with Vinegar you can scarce be drunk those that be drunk by eating it may soon be sober They prevent Surfeits taken before Meat Colwor●s boil'd cureth swell'd Legs Gout-pains c. bath'd therewith The Broth also helpeth the Bitings of Serpents or if taken in Wine They are but windy Victuals and somewhat offensive to the Eyes The Sea-Colwort cleanseth and digesteth more than the common sort apply them to Sores or Inflamations they cure ' em A Decoction of Sea-Colworts opens and purges more strongly than Garden-Colworts Camomile grows in Gardens and is govern'd by the Sun 't is hot and dry in the 2d degree 'T is a great Cordial giveth Ease and causeth Sweat if the Flowers and green Tea boil'd in Water or Wine and drank it sweats strongly eases Pain at the S●omach and cures Agues it 's good in Glysters Poultices and Ointment bathing with it is good against the Stone and brings down the Courses In any sort of Ague boil a handful in a pint of Ale till half be consum'd then strain and drink it before the Fit comes and sweat do so three times and it cures Oil of Camomile put in a Vial and some Worms put in kill'd and bait your Hook with them the Fish will bite eagerly Lemery p. 15. Calamint or Mountain-Mint groweth on high Grounds is an Herb of Mercury hot in the third degree dry in the second If the Brain is afflicted from a cold Cause it 's excellent good for it strengthens the Memory enlivens the Mind and a Decoction being drank quickens the Senses it provokes Urine and the Courses is good for shortness of Breath Cholick Convulsions Cramps and wonderfully stays Vomiting but hinders Conception being boil'd in Wine and drank it opens Obsiructions of the Spleen and Liver and cures a Leprosie Calthrop's Water 't is a Water-Herb tho' seldom us'd there 's two sorts and they are under the government of the Moon cold in the 2d degree They are good against the Stone Gravel Kings-Evil all Inflamations and Swellings resist Poyson of venomous Beasts It 's used by Decoction drank or in Poultice outwardly Campions wild grow by Hedge-sides there are many sorts of it and they 're under Saturn but of a cold quality Taken in Decoctions it stops Bleeding inwardly or outwardly apply'd it resists Poysons the Plague breaks the Stone and Gravel cures Fistula's Cancers Ulcers Impos●humes c. Carduus Benedictus Blessed Thistla grows in Gardens is under Mars and the Sign Aries 't is an excellent Remedy for the Pleurisie Jaundice Pains in the Side purges the Blood by drinking the Decoction or distill'd Water it helps Tettars red Faces French Pox Plague Ringworms c. by sweating often with it it provokes Urine cures Agues and strengthens the Memory Carrots wild grow in Fields and it 's to be observ'd that all wild Herbs are more effectual than Garden Herbs in Physick Mercury governs this and 't is hot and openings The Root eaten or Decoction breaks the Stone provokes Urine expels Wind and the Courses is good against the Dropsy boil'd in Whitewine it helps Conception The Seed is more physical than the Root Caraway usually grows in Gardens 't is under Mercury ho● in the 3d degree the Seed is hot biting expels Wind provokes Urine and the Terms helps Digestion remedies the Cholick and a cold Stomach Celandine grows in Gardens by Hedges and old Walls is govern d by the Sun and Leo hot Made into an Ointment 't is excellent for fore Eyes The Herb decocted or otherw●se taken-inwardly cures the Jaundice Ob●truct ons of the Liver Gall Dropsy Pestilence Tettars Ulcers Worms of all sorts Fits of the Mother beautifies the Face Gather it in its proper Hour and it 's effectual Celandine Figwort grows near the Water or in Shades is under Mars and is hot and dry 'T is reported to be an effectual Remedy for the Kings-Evil or hard Swellings about the Throat being made into a Poultice or Decoction of Herbs and Roots Made into an Oil or Ointment it cures the Piles or Hemorrhoids Or if the Root be wore next the Skin it cures the above-mention'd Ailments tho' it touch not the place Cellary see Sallary Centaury grows chiefly in Pastures all the sorts are under the Sun hot and dry in the 3d degree This Herb decocted purges the Blood expels Wind and all cholerick and gross Humors is good in Glysters In Gruel it creates and Appetite helps Sciatica Gout Dropsy Green-sickness Spleen it kills Worms and helps Cholick-pains Charlock the Seed of these wild Turneps are hot and dry as Mustard-seed warming the Stomach Chervil grows in Gardens is under Jupiter hot and moist A Decoction or the Juice drank dissolves congeal'd Blood Or the distil'd Water breaks the Stone provokes Urine expels Gravel brings down the Courses helps the Pleurisie and if candy'd is good against Infection In Pottage eat with Bread Butter and Salt 't is good Food warms the Stomach and preserves the Lungs Chi●kweed Mouse-ear grows in wet Ground and about Hedges it 's under the Moon cold and moist very cooling to a hot Liver Outwardly apply'd it cures Swellings and Imposthumes Palsie Scabs Itch red Face red Eyes Ulcers Hemorrhoids made into Ointment or Poultice or by bathing Cherry-tree grows in Orchards and is under Venus Cherries-are all cooling but the black are most medicinal and in Convulsions most prevailing They create a good Stomach the Gum dissolv'd in Wine is excellent to break the Stone cure an old Cough and Hoarsness clear the Sight and cause a healthful Complexion Cherries Winter grow in Gardens are under Venus and excellent in Physick the Berries are hot and opening so powerfully cause Urine break the Stone expel Gravel out of the Bladder and Reins and help Blood-pissing The Berries may be dry'd and pouder'd and drank with Whitewine and Sugar or warm Posset-drink The Apothecaries mix them with other Ingredients for the same Distempers and call it Troches Alkekingy Chesnut-tree is under Jupiter hot in Nature the Fruit is very nourishing creates good Blood and Seed if eat moderately but bind too much Lask or Diarrhoea the Dysentery as also the Courses Chick-pease grow in Fields and Gardens are under Venus cold and dry By a cleansing quality they break the Stone in the Kidnies they encrease Seed and Milk provoke Urine and the Courses The wild sort is reckon'd most powerful of the two Cinquefoil grows by He●ge-sides and ways is under Jupiter hot and mo●st Give a scruple in White-wine and it seldom misses of curing any Ague in three times taking it before the Fit The Decoction cures Fevers Cancers Pe●●●●ence sore Throats yellow Jaundice Quinzays Gout Scabs Itch Bleeding Bruises and Burstenness Boil the Root in Milk it stops all Fluxes of the Belly Reds or Whites Chives is a sort of Leek that grows in Gardens they are under Mars hot in the 3d degree dry in the 4th They are bad for the Head making Sleep uneasie and weaken the Sight yet have