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A09851 The preceptes of warre, setforth [sic] by Iames the erle of Purlilia, and tra[n]slated into englysh by Peter Betham; De rei militari. English Porcia, Jacopo di, conte, 15th cent.; Betham, Peter. 1544 (1544) STC 20116; ESTC S114959 68,223 210

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the sagenesse and eloquence of the capitayne in his orations 145. To refrayne from spoyle and pyllage before thine enemies be wholy subdued 146 To refrayne from burnyng 147. Of aide and succoure to be sende to thy neyghbours abbordryng on the. 148. What it is to do some valiaunt act in the syght and face of thyne enemyes 149. Of a lytle power not to be cōtemned 150. Of slouthfulness to be eschued of the capitayne and all other 151. To viewe and knowe the countryes before thou cary thyne armye there 152. Of the encrease of thyne empyre 153 The conditions of the capitayne 154. what is to be done ī y e besiege of cities 155 A pollicye to knowe yf thy souldyours be faythfull 156. Of the great and huge coueytousnesse of the barbarous people 157. Howe to carye an armye ouer a water thyne enemyes resystyng 158. The cōfortable wordes of the capitayne when his souldyours be in despayre 159. Of thy souldiours worshypfully to be buryed 160. Whē y e power of thyne enemyes is moch stronger what is then to be done 161. Of hostages 162. To stint y e wepiges scrikes of womē 163 To hyde and couer the slaughter 164. To pacifye a stronge and valyaunt warryour which is displeased 165. Wages ar not to be eraued when y e treasures be spent and wasted 166. To passe by lytle thinges y t be harde 167. what is to be done of y e chefecapitaīs 168 To kepe the possessyon of the thyng ones gotten 169. Of the nature and condition of the common people 170. Of a muititude of gūners and crossebow shoters 171. what is to be done when the walles be beaten downe 172. what is to be done in y e slackig of cities 173 To set vpon the campe of thyne enemyes not warely kepte 174. what is to be done in slow slak siege 175 Of title thynges not to be despysed 176. Of warre on the see 177. Of great perilles scaped and auoyded by rashnesse and foolehardynesse 178. Of a certayne kynde of defence 179. where thyne enemies p̄uayl ī horsmē 180 To rayse the siege of any cytie 181. Of cyties yeldyng them selues 182 How necessary warly connyng is to souldyours 183. Great victories ben atchieued with fewe and expert souldyours 184. Of yonge men to be chosen 185. what men they shulde be to whome y e kepyng of coūtries cities is cōmytted 186. Of the maner of fyghtynge 187. In what places best it is to lodge thyne armye 188. Howe to make stronge thy campe w t fortresses thyne enemies assaultyng the. 189. To take our subiectes rather then straūgers for souldyours 190. What is to be done in the assemble and takyng of souldyours 191. To kepe thyne armye healthfull 192. what is to be done when waters can not be auoyded 193. To chastice and agrieue thyne enemyes hoste 194. To knowe yf any spyes lurke among thy souldyours 195. To kepe close thy counsayles 196. The oration of the capitayne to his hoste when they be marchyngforth to fight 197 To take thyne enemyes by wiles 198. what is to be done with captyues and prisoners 199. To fynde swete water and fresh 1000. Of nyght battayle 1001. Of the dutye of the capitayne in exercysyng hys souldyours 1002. Of the dutye of the graunde capitaynes in battayle 1003. Of the foretokē and figne of battayl 1004. ¶ The Chapiters of the seconde boke The proeme of the seconde boke vnto the lawes of warre 1. Of them that yelde theyr selues to theyr enemyes 2. Of an outstrayer 3. Of a spye or outryder 4. Of ronneawayes and landleapers 5. Of them that lose theyr harneys 6. Of them that do thynges prohybyted kepe not the lawes and decrees proclaymed 7. Of them that rayse vp sedition 8. Of a legion reculynge 9 Of banysshed personages 10. Of hym that is sendforth lyke a slaue 11. Of them that be iudged to dye 12 Of thē y t steale y e youth of chyualdry 13. Of hym y t maymeth a yong souldyer 14. Of hym that leaueth hys companye 15. Of them that rebell 16. Of disobedience and sturdines 17 Of hym that fleeth 18. Of spyes and scowtewatches 19. Of hym that woundeth hys felowe 20. Of runawayes and traytours 21. In what places the souldiours shall be forbydden to bye vytayles 22. Of them that leaue nyght watche 23. Of them that scape out of prison 24. Of a ronneagate and strydelande 25. Of y e tyme apoynted by y e capitayne 26. Of a disturber of the peace 27. Whē thy souldiers be ī theyr iourney 28. Of them y t skater owt of the cōpany 29. Of a captyne 30. Of them that forsake the capitayne 31. Of gonners on horsebacke 32. Of gonnes called serpentines w t other 33 Of a profitable defence of the campe 34. To gyue thankes and prayse to god after the victorye 35. Whether it be lawful for christen men to make and styrvp battayle 36. They that go on warfare do leaue they● iewels at home 37. To make the water noysome vnhealthsome to thyne enemyes 38 In what place y e battel is be to fought 39 To kepe the citye besyeged in faythe and constancie 40. To scape oute of a narrow place 41. Of bowes 42. Of y e outragious assaulte of thyne ennemyes 43. To forsee the place rounde abowt where battayle shall be 44 To setvpon thyne enemyes in theyr iourneye 45. What is to be done whan oure enemyes ouermatche vs in force 46. What is to be done whan we do fyghte in straytes 47. Of ouer muche confidence 48. Of the capitaines commaundement that no man take any prysoner 48. Not to depart frō the place apoynted 50 That the tētes be not left vndefensed 51. Of thyne enemyes fallynge in variaunce and stryfe 52 Let thy men be readye in harneys thyne ennemyes lyenge at hande 53. Of the besyege of cytyes 54. To make brydges wyth ropes 55. To reuenge our damages wyth lyke annoyaunce 56. Howe to conuaye the battayle from one place to an other 57 To relyue the scarsenes of water 58. To recouer cities and townes lost 59. What is to be done whan thow art ouer matched 60. To sette fyer on thyne ennemyes pauilyous 61. what is to be done whā we can not scape out of a place wyth our army 62. To make an assemble and shewe of horsmen in the face of thyne enemyes 63. To refrayne from the besyege of such cities whych haue dayly newe succour 64. What is moste expedyent for the chyefe capytayne to do at the fyrst entrye into countryes 65. what is to be done in the syege of bygge cities 66 what is to be done whan oure ennemyes spyes be taken 67. Not to haue one espye alwayes 68. To knowe the feare and cowardyse of thyne ennemyes 69. Of the duty of bolde stowte felows 70 To recouer y e heath of thy souldiours 71. A policie to deceyue and defraude our ennemyes 72 To get the fauour of our souldyours 73. To haue fyer to burne in water 74. what is to be done whan the capytaynes do not agree in one sentence 75 Of falshode to be reuenged 76. A waye to laye syege to cities on the sea syde 77. where we haue onlye well water 78. To chose a place to fyght in 79 To mocke our ennemyes 80. when thyne host is in great ieoperdy 81. what is to be done when thyne enemies be at hande 82. To prouyde that thyne armye may haue suffisaunce of vytayle 83. To prouoke thyne enemyes to fyghte in ioyned battayle 84. Finis ¶ Imprynted at London in the olde Iewery by Edwarde Whytchurche Cum priuilegio ad imprimendū solū ¶ These bookes are to be solde at the weste dore of Pauls by William Telotson ¶ The youth of Englāde doth vse in theyre playīges a warrelike sport and reseble of bat tayl whiche is called England and Scotlās
Chrysten princes knowing hys armye can not be nourysshed wythout the frutes of the grounde whyche beinge soulde hys souldyours therby haue and receyue theyr wagies knowyng also famyne to be noyouse and worse then a plage to hys hoste whyche desstroyeth cities countreyes and townes 1000. ¶ To fynde swete water and fresshe Abowte the sea bankes fresshe water is founde also in the mydde lande and places farre from the sea wher shrubbes do growe Mete it is the capytayne to haue knowledge of these thynges 1001. ¶ Of nyght battayle If thou fyghte in the nyghte tyme profytable it is to haue the moone on thy backe For soo thyne enemyes shall not well warde ne escape the strokes of thy men For the lyghte and also for the false vmbrage whych the Moone doth shewe fourthe 1002. ¶ Of the dewetye of the capitayne in excersysyng hys souldyours Nedefulle it is for a capytayne to knowe before he come to battayle that bothe hys horsemen and also hys foote men rude in the cunnyng of warre must be daylye exercysed For theyr vnskylfulnesse is the great destructiō of the whole hoste when they knowe not howe for to kepe theyr arraye nae yet what to do but lyke men astonysshed voyde of all warlye knowledge and nowe to learne the feates of warre in whose hand the chyfe parte of the battayle doth stand begynne to staye and proffer theyr backes 1003. ¶ Of the dewtye of the graunde capytaynes in battel Kynges and prynces the counsayle lours of the weale publyke for the tyme dismissed muste calle vnto them actyfe and experte warryoures and vse theyr counsayles in warlye affayres not doynge anye thynge rashlye agaynst theyr aduertisement of whyche thynge Pompeyus maye be an example that for hys knowlege of warre deserued to be called magnus great or noble which whē he warred agaynste Cesar was costrayned by the Senate to chaunge hys pourpose and to vse an other waye then he wyth hym selfe had decreed or elles the commyng of warre requyred wherby it chaūced that he was vanquysshed wyth hys frendes moost shamefullye 1004. ¶ Of the fotemen and sygne of battayle The tentes redde beforetokens of battayle to come and sygnes of the vyctorye wyth the bloodsheddyng of thyne enemyes FINIS libri primi The second boke ¶ The Proheme of the seconde boke vnto the lawes of warre IT nowe remayneth that in fewe wordes we playnelye shewe and opē what lawes the graunde capitaynes and also y e peticapitaynes ought to vse agaynst the defaultes of their souldyours not onelye in tyme of warre but also of peace For without mans iustice and equitie not armyes onelye kyngdomes and lordshyppes but also lytle countryes can not longe contynue and kepe theyr egall estate suche strength and vertue is in iustice and equitie Therefore it shall not be moche vnprofytable here shortly to shewe what I haue founde in the Romayne lawes and also what thinges ben obserued and vsed nowe in these dayes in the punyshment of souldiours whyche maye be taken for a lawe so that there shalbe none in the whole army that can saye the capitayne to haue wronged and iniured hym 2. ¶ Of them that yelde theyr selues to theyr enemyes Yf any yelde theyr selues to thyne enemyes hauynge no iust and vrgent cause the hygher he is in hys degree the sorer let hym be punysshed And for this cause that the other souldyours and theyr capitaynes take none example of hym the chaunce of the battayle not tryed to yeld themselues to theyr enemyes 3. ¶ Of an outstrayer He that leaueth and strayeth from his owne companye muste be punysshed by the purse or els lose hys place or be sende forth abrode lyke a slaue that he maye be an example to other not to straye oute of ordre 4. ¶ Of a spye or outryder A spye whyche wyll be entysed at the request of hys enemyes and so leaue hys capitayne is worthy to be beheeded and that iustlye For the saulfetye and destruction of the whole hoste doeth lye in hym Wherfore hys punyshment muste be the greater 5. ¶ Of ronneawayes and landeleapers They that ronne to theyr enemyes then after returne must be hanged He also that is purposed to flye and in y e meane tyme intertaken is worthye to be beheeded Whiche lawe amonge oure souldyours now on dayes is put in vre but not afore 6. ¶ Of them that lose theyr harneys He that loseth his harneys in battayl or shall alienate them must chaunge hys place but he that stealeth others must be put out of his souldyourshyppe 7. ¶ Of them that do thynges prohybited and kepe not the lawes and decrees proclaymed He that shal do any thyng forbydden of the capitayne and therwyth doeth not kepe hys commaundementes must be be heeded although the thynge be not well done Also yf he steale into the campe by walles or ditches dryuē by no great feare he is worthye the same punyshment 8. ¶ Of them that raysevp sedicion They that styre vp anye sedition are moost worthye to be beheeded but yf the sedicion shal come of some light cōplaynt then put them out of theyr place of souldyourshyppe whych fyrst dyd moue that busynesse 9. ¶ Of a legion reculynge Yf any legion gyue backe let them lose the name of chiualrye for euer 10 ¶ Of banyshed personage Banyshed personnes intromyttynge theyr selues to be taken vp as souldiours must be beheaded for the dignitie of chyualrye 11. ¶ Of hym that is sentforth lyke a slaue He that is sente awaye lyke a drudge for the glorye of chiualry must not be receyued as a souldyour agayne that the renoume of chiualry therby be not impaired 12. ¶ Of them that be iudged to dye They that be iudged to dye for y e sclaūder that runneth on them must not be taken in and receyued 13. Of them that steale y e youth of chiualrie He that shall steale yonge scholers in y e feates of warre in tyme of warre muste be exyled and lose parte of hys goodes in tyme of peace he must be beaten with stanes or kytgels 14. ¶ Of hym that maymeth a yonge souldyour He that maymeth a yonge souldyour of chiualrie is worthye banyshment 15. ¶ Of hym that leaueth hys compagnie An horseman that leaueth hys companye in tyme of warre deserueth heedyng and in tyme of peace to lose his roume 16. ¶ Of them that rebell He that doeth offre violent handes to any of the capitaynes is worthy heeding and that fault is augmented by the state and honour of the capitayne 17. ¶ Of disobedience and sturdynesse Disobedience agaynst the graunde capitayne or peticapitayne is worthy heedynge 18. ¶ Of hym that flyeth He that fyrste tourneth his face in the battayle to the example of other deserueth heedyng For by suche cowardly and holloweherted felowes thyne enemyes be comforted and encouraged and thyne owne men discouraged and afrayed Wherby it happeneth oftentymes thyne armye retreatynge to be dryuen downe slayne wherfore this penaltie is iustlye ordeyned for suche
enemyes more neglygentlye wyl kepe watche and ward And thy tyme spyed it shalbe lyght to passe by and escape eyther by nyght or els by day owt of that daungerous place But somtyme perforce thou must open a lane and make a waye by harde strokes and manfull fyghtynge 63. ¶ To make an assemble and shewe of horsemen in the face of thyne enemyes ¶ Myne aduise is that the numbre of our souldyours maye appere greate and huge to harneys the lacqueis of our horsmen and apoynte them to stande farre of lyke a garrison of men wyth the poyntes of theyr speres vpryght For so thyne ennemyes wyll iudge a bande of horsemen there to appere whyche shall moche affraye theym that we haue yet so greate a noumbre of souldyers at hande to succour and ayde vs yf nede requyre 64. ¶ To refrayne frō the besiege of suche cities whych haue daylye newe succour Best it is to wythdrawe and leaue of the syege of suche cities whych fetch vnto them maugrye our teth and in spyte of our hertes daylye newe succour For the assaulte through theyr new ayde is hard yea almoste vnpossible when lustye and stronge men occupy the rowmes of them that be woūded and theyr vytayles be so plentye that they fele no lacke nor skarsitye Wherfore we must all wayes fyght wyth fresshe men newe strengthes and plentye of vytayles But yet sodaynly to breke owte and besyege suche cities I do not muche dysalowe 65. ¶ What is moste expedient for the chyfe capitayne to do at the fyrst entrye in to countreyes If we make entries in to any countrey wyth an armye myne aduise is bycause it were paynful harde to lay syege to euery towne and assaulte euery citie to sende sage and honest personages to promisse for a long tyme the release of their rentes and affyrme the same wyth fayth and many othes Yf wyllyngly they wyl yelde and become hys lyeges and trewe subiectes 66. ¶ What is to be done in y e syege of bygge cities In the syege of greate cities takyng a bygge compasse rounde abowte we must wyth all laboure make and intercut not farre of the citte brode and depe trenches defensed wyth turrettes of woodde for feare of sodayne eruption owte of the citye whyche is the cause of many incommodities than brode wayes must be cast that thone parte of the hoste maye haue course and recourse to helpe the other yf nede be 67. ¶ What is to be done whā oure enemyes spyes are taken Yf the spyes of oure enemyes chaunce into our handes myne aduisement is to graunt them lyfe and gyue to them gret summes of money therby to knowe the counsayle of oure enemyes and their purpose and semblable to tell to them what thynges be mooste profytable for vs to knowe For nothynge is more necessary than to knowe the endeuours of our ennemyes whan lytle or nothyng they can hynder what we do pourpose But yf we shal sende theym awaye liberallye rewarded demaundynge nothynge of thaffayres of our enemies it shalbe a great argument of confydence assured boldnes in vs to the great feae of orur enemyes But the capitayne may take counsayle of thinges performe what he shal thinke necessarie 68. ¶ Not to haue one espye alwayes Do we remembre thys that it is not conuenient ne yet necessarye to vse one espye styll For they allured and enuegled with y e hope of great rewardes do bring oure conueyaunces and affayres to the eares of our enemyes and recount to vs suche thynges as be false and nothynge necessarye wyth many false lyes wherefore we muste diligentlye forsee that neyther of the scoute watches the one know the other for feare of crafte and trechery whyche thyng ones knowen to hang thē is nexte remedye 69. ¶ To knowe the feare and cowardise of thyne ennemies Whan the hostes bene at ioynynge yf we perceyue the speres of our ennemyes to mooue and beate to gyther that is a great sygne of theyr waueryng and hollowe hertes And it is good somtyme to know suche tokens of cowardnes 70. Of the duetye of bolde and stoute fellowes It becommeth not those that be balyaunt to feare any ieoperdye or to be broken wyth the doubtefull chaunge of fortune when nothynge is so vnweldable that by manlye prowes and sufferaunce maye not be conquered and vndertroden 71. ¶ To recouer the health of thy souldyers If thyne armye be troubled wyth any dysease y u doest couet to recouer theyre wounte healthe it shall be the best to carye them to open and hyllye places 72. ¶ A policie to disceyue and defraude our enemyes Easy it is to trifle wyth our enemyes and make them beleue that we be vnharneysed yf we couer oure harueys wyth some kynde of rayment vnder whych coloure and gyle they wyll come hedlynge to fyght and wyth fewe rashlye wyl set vppon vs. 73. ¶ To gette the fauour of oure souldyers If the capytayne be dyligente to heale them that be wounded and also cherysshe the sycke folke shortleye he shall wynne the fauoure of hys souldiours so that for the encrease of his renowme they wyll not shrynke to bestowe and spende theyr lyfe 74. ¶ To haue fyere to burne in water It shalbe very profitable ī warres on the sea to haue an artificiall fyer whych wyth water canne not be queanched by whyche policie the nauye of Sarracena was destroyed at Constantinople and the kynge therby payd yerelye a hundred poundes of golde for tribute 75. ¶ What is to be done whan capytaynes do not a gree in one sentence It chaūceth oft times y t mindes of y t capitaynes to be diuerse variable about the besiege of cities where best it is fyrste to begyn and there chefely where the armie is furnyshed wyth lyke power of dyuers capitaynes But what is to be doone in suche a chaunge of myndes shortlye shall you knowe Wryte the names of the cytie and cast them into a potte and the cytye whych shal fyrst by chaunce be taken out set vpon that wholye togyther wyth one force and power whiche aduertysement is not the worste For through suche dyscorde the death of an whole armye maye ryse and come 76. ¶ Of false hode to be reuenged Although other iniuryes maye be suffered and to forget them is a token of a noble mynde yet dissoyaltye by all meanes is to be reuenged and acquyted 77. ¶ A waye to laye siege to cytyes on the see syde When we may arryue and cast anker by the walles of the cytye myne aduyse is to dryue thyne enemyes of the walles is this Fyrst hard fast to bynde the mastes of the shyppes togyther with the gable ropes nye some shore and so to make a brydge that the gunnes maye stande to beate thyne ennemyes from the walles whych ones dryuen away it shall be easy on that syde to sette ladders and scale the walles to the wynnyng of the cytie 78 ¶ Where we haue onely welle water Yf for the greate scarcitie
oftentymes admonyshyng them to remembre theyr coūtrye lawe whyche is eyther to kylle or to be kylled to slee or to be slayne therwyth warnynge them nothynge to be more prayseworthy in a good warryour then manlye fyghtynge and for to obtaynethe victorie fearynge not to dye 41. ¶ Of excesse to be eschued Excesse in apparel meate and drynke doth make feble the vertue of thy mynde and causeth the strength of the bodye to decaye Wherfore wyse men haue purposed to flye mistemperaunce as a pestiterous and deedly disease 42. ¶ Of wantonnesse to be cast of in wealth Let not the capitayne be wanton and proude in good chaunce and luckynesse but rather beware and remēbre that in suche luckynesse men falle to ryot to their great reproche and the vtter damage of y e whole hoste Therfore lette not the capytayne swell and waxe proude in happynesse ne yet yelde and be discouraged in aduersitie but for y e time in both fortunes kepe ane gall vniforme state of mynde 43 ¶ To throwe downe villages and castels vndefenced In countryes be many vyllages and castelles whyche be not defenced at all Wherfore my counsayl is to throwe thē downe and sette them on fyre that thyne enemyes may haue there no vytayles neother thynges necessary to succour them selues and theyr horses Fyrste yf we do leaue them standynge we gyue to our enemyes a greate occation to trouble vs by warre Also it is expedyent to waste all the fodder and corrupte the fountaynes of waters yf there be many so that theyr commynge towarde vs shall be to theyr great charges and anoyaūce to the whole armye For a garison of men can not longe soiourne and tary in one countrye wythoute vytayles and other thynges necessary for theyr lyuyng 44. ¶ How to purchase frendes and to kepe the same Euerye wyttye capitayne ought earnestly to trauayle to labour fyrst to gette frendes and longe to retayne the same For by frendes realmes be mayntayned and preserued and great succour stādeth in them yf they be true Suche vertue force is in frendshyppe which is the only nourysher of mankynde and releue of sorowe Wherfore worse it is for a capytayne to be wythoute frendes then to lacke treasure 45. ¶ To abydesiege All thynges yea be they neuer so greuous are to be suffered in a sore siege before we yelde ourselues to our enemyes For nothyng is so prayse worthy in men as vnfayned fayth the whyche ones being defyled what is in those men prayseable Wherfore honest it is for thē that are besieged to kepe theyr foretresses to the ende and extremitie of theyr lyues neuer to put theyr bodyes to moost harde paynes For fortune manye tymes doeth lyft vp men vnwares Therfore do they abyde in one mynde and fayth that be besieged and gyue theyr bodyes for the saulfetie of theyr lorde For a valyaunte man can do nothyng more worthy euerlastyng renoum then to fynishe hys lyfe by kepyng his fayth and boundē dutye 46 ¶ when it is mete to fyght by eruption It happeneth oftentymes for y e greate assaulte of our enemyes to appoynt our selues sodeynly to burst out In whyche case let euery valyaunt capitayne know y t it is not good to fight by eruptiō but in extreme nede For y t kynde of fyght is to be refused but in great ieopardy at low downefall and when no hope is leaft to defende our tentes or when our souldyours be whole weryed in battayle The same thyng is to be marked in thassault of cytyes 47 ¶ To enterclude the passage of our enemyes by fyre Fyre is a great succour and ayde to an hoste For when our enemyes ben at hād that wythout great daunger we can not leaue the tentes my counsayle is to conueye woodde betwene both the hoostes and to sette it on fyre and then wyth all haste to departe into some other places better defenced For the flame and smoke wyll let the prospecte and foreseinge of our enemyes that they can not sykerlye pursue and folowe vs wherfore before that the fyre be vtterly quenched the capitayne maye haue space to goo farre of wyth hys Armye 48. ¶ A pollicie to stoppe the flying of thyne enemyes When thyne enemyes do faster flye then thou canst well folowe wyth thyne Armye then sende forth thy horsemen to let theyr flyght whych may snatch vp and trouble the laste warde vntyll the fotemen shall approche For then the battayle more sykerly and egallye shall be foughten and tryed on bothe sydes and the victorie more easelye shall be gotten withoute greate losse and slaughter of men 49 ¶ How siege is to be layed to cytyes and castels and of them that be besieged My counsayle is when thou doest be liege any cytye or castell to caste fyrste a trenche then bulworkes and aboue that buylde many turrettes that no man can come out of the cyty ne yet any man may haue free passage into the cytie Other wayes you shall neuer take any citye or castell whych is wel fortifyed For elles they maye cal vnto them outwarde ayde and succour and therwith may certify and admonysh theyr lordes and princes in what estate they be what vytayles be in the cytye and howe longe they maye abyde and contynue thassaulte And yf thyne enemyes obstynatlye do defende the cytye my counsayle is when the cytye is ones taken eyther by sleygth or rendrevp cutte of the handes of them that kepte the citye so toughly that theyr greuous punyshment maye be an example to other not so frowardlye to stande in theyr owne conceyte and contynue theyr assaultes 50. ¶ To auoyde and escape traynes Traynes and wyles maye be eschued aswell by chaungynge of the place as by appoyntynge of capitaynes For in tyme of rest men haue oportunitie to inuente wycked counsayle and the same immedyatly to put in execution 51. ¶ Of hostages and pledges rather to be taken then to fyght in open battayle Better it is and more for thy saulfegarde to take hostages of noble mē and so to haue thyne enemyes to yelde and rendre vp all theyr landes then in cruell fyght to proue the doubtfull chaunce of battayle whych oftentymes is varyable and wauering and causeth them to haue the vpper hande whome ye wolde haue iudged to haue bene subdued And then tyme it is to take hede whē that fortune doeth flatter vs. For she is false and deceytfull Wherfore let vs folowe this cōmune saying Assured peace is worthy to be preferred before doubtfull and hoped victorye 52. ¶ To stoppe our hauen Yf thou wylt stoppe an hauen my cost sayle is to fyll a shyppe full of greate stones and then to drowne the same shyp ouerth warte in the hauen wherby other shyppes can not well arryue at anye strounde ne yet go out of the hauen 53. ¶ To make hydde and false dytches to betray thyne enemyes They that ccueyte to conueye leade theyr enemyes into couerte and hyd dytches my counsayle is to sette a bande of
them selues to suche a cruell monster Wherfore let euery capitayne be gētle to hys souldyours vsyng all meanes to kepe them bounden to hym partly by praysynge theyr valyaunt deades sometyme rewardyng them lyberally remembryng this where leest ieopardy is there to vse hys power wyth lyke descretion lest he be mocked that in suche a lytle busynesse he doth vse hys mayneforce and puisaunce For that capitayne is iudged rather to be foolysshe then wyse that vseth more fiercenesse then is nedefull Therfore a wyse capitayne wyll considre the tyme and cause and not folowe hys angre the compagnion and marowe of cruelnesse 67 ¶ To kepe leage and promysse of peace with our enemyes Whatsoeuer leage of peace the capytayne shall make with any cytye kyng or prince honest it is that he kepe the same stedfastly and that he do not slyppe from it or shewe hym selfe disloyal for any displeasure done to hym of his enemyes For howe moche is that capitayne worthy to be regarded whose fayth is attaynted and whose falsehode is disdaynfull to euery man wherfore not onely to our frendes but also to our enemies fayth is to be kept and promyses are surely to be perfourmed All wyse capitaynes haue done this Yea Scipio Africanus in the tyme of truce wyth the cytizins of Carthage moued dyuerse wayes and sufferyng many rebukes successed to reuenge his wronges both for the dignitie of the Romayne people and also for hys owne honoure wyllynge to kepe hys faythe of peace otherwyse then the citizins of Carthage men notable for theyr falsehode dyd perfourme towarde hym knowynge traynes and deceiptes to come rather of a seruyle nature then of honest mynde and noble herte 68. ¶ Of the captaynes offyce in accomplyshyng al thynges The offyce of a carefull capitayne is to watche to be spedye to go about al thynges not plucked awaye for anye sleape paynes or other pleasures therwyth redye daye and nyght to seke all occations to noye hys enemyes and to reliefe hys frendes whych must spare for no money to knowe the endeuours of hys enemyes dayly yea yf he can euery houre By faith full spyes shortly he shall knowe that yf he wyll frely rewarde them at the begynnyng and then after lode them wyth greter promysses Thys is the nerest meane to auoyd hynderaunce and discomfiture of our men and the best pollicye to gette the mastrye 66. ¶ When thyne enemyes armye prepareth passage ouer any water Yf thou haue pytched thy tentes nygh to anye ryuers syde and thyne ennemyes wolde haue passage that waye suffre thē frely to passe by dissemblynge feare and flyght and when parte of theyr armye is passed ouer then set vpon them wyth all thy puisaunce For at suche tymes the victorye is moost easely gotten when thou doest fyght agaynst parte and not wyth the whole Armye But spare not to dyscomfyte them that be passed ouer and also to stoppe and kepe backe those that be on the other syde 70. ¶ When thy souldyours ben astonyshed and fearefull A capitayne that is redye to fyght perceyueth hys Armye fearfull and astonyshed ought to refrayne for that tyme feynyng one cause or other that hys purpose is so shortly chaunged For feare is the readye waye to lose the victorye whē on the other part boldnesse and sure trust to ouer throwe all do cause worth ye vyctories Feare also causeth moche staughter of thy men Therfore a wyse capitayn wyll not yssue wyth hys Armye toward hys enemyes for feare of discomfyture when his men be so hertelesse coward-like but wyl forbeare for that tyme vse all meanes to plucke y t feare out of theyr mindes finishing his orations with this conclusion That the vyctorye is in theyr handes yf wythout feare they wyl bolden themselues to matche and encountre wyth theyr enemyes 71. ¶ When scarcetie of vytayles is amonge our enemyes When our enemyes lacke vytayles suffre great scarcitie of all thynges best it is to withdrawe ourselues and vtterly refrayne from battayle that by famyn our enemyes maye sterue And then we shall get a noble victorye without blood sheddyng of our souldyours For an Armye besieged wyll attempt all thynges rather then to be famyshed But a paynefull capitayne in al thynges consydryng the cōmoditie of hys hooste in suche case wyll not gyue open battayle neyther for iniuryes of hys enemyes ne yet for the lauash wordes of his owne companye Not consydryng and weyinge before the ende of the matter as it becommeth a wyse man 72 ¶ Battayle is not to be begone but of necessitie and constraynte Battayle is neuer good to be begone but eyther of vrgent necessitie or elles of great oportunitie Although some prynces shortly ben entysed to make battayle when any lyght occation shall serue and yet they be not trauayled in knowledge of warre ne do perceyue the slyppernesse of fortune which for this tyme bryngeth herselfe very fauourable To thintēt she maye ouerthrowe and cast into myseryr all her adherentes whyich thyng Mariꝰ the Romayne emperour dyd wel knowe whiche after he had twyse dryuen kynge Bocchus to flight and done moch slaughter vppon his men yet he denyed not to stryke truce wyth hym although manye of hys petycapitaynes earnestlye bralled and grudged agaynst that dede of Mariꝰ whiche dyd remembre the bryckelnesse of fortune that at her pleasure lifteth vp the oppressed and treadeth vnder y e victours 73. ¶ To refrayne from battayle before that we haue deuysed and layed our traynes A watchfull capitayne wyl beware to make battayl before that he haue layed couertly conueyed his traynes whych be the chefest cause of the victorie wythout whiche for the moost parte Annibal neuer gat any famous victorye For when the Romaynes and the Carthaginenses dyd ioyne togyther in battayle in open playne felde the Romaynes euer preuayled and gat the vpperhande wherfore a wylye capitayne wyll chose a place to in trappe and betraye his enemyes For by suche traynes he shall conquere them easely and otherwayes perchaunce he shal be shamefully discomfited and oppressed 74 ¶ What is to be done that our enemies may be perswaded their capitayne to be slayne When the hostes be ioyned togyther and god Mars guydeth al then vse this pollicye to cast thyne enemyes in feare Sende some souldiour cōmyng in theyr language which may sowne and crye w t a loude voyce that they do fyght in vayn for theyr chefe capitayne is slayne Thys must be done in that parte where the capytayne is not For there the souldyours wyll be more lyght of credence and soner in feare Yea and for this cause chefelye that battayle bryngeth this yll with hym that noman is there borne or waxeth to any stature but many be slayne yea the strōgest and moost delyuer men of all By this meane therfore sone they do beleue the rumour and be put in feare which if it abyde causeth the puisaunce both of the mynde the bodye to fal and faynte And they be ready to retrace offeryng
refrayne from spoyle and pillage before thyne enemies be wholye subdued Do thou gyue to thyne hooste a generall commaundement that they refrayne from spoyle and robberye vntyll thyne enemyes be cōquered and wholy brought vnder and a greate penaltie must be sette to the contrarye For when thy men fall to spoyle and be gyuen to vaūtage thyne enemyes maye recouer and restore theyr strength and euen now subdued and lost men ryght agayne become vyctours Wherfore so longe as one lyueth and any parte of theyr strength remayneth for bydde thy men to gape after praye leste the myrth of the vyctorie be turned to an heuye and sodayne sorowe 147 ¶ To refrayne from burnyng After that the cities be taken and thyne enemyes vanquyshed and slayne it were vnprofytable to burne and waste all For thou mayest leaue those cyties to be inhabyted and kept of thy frendes and hereafter they wil be a great refuge and succour to the. Althoughe the capitayne consyderyng the tyme and place may folowe the aduertysement and rede of hys frendes 148 ¶ Of ayde and succour to be sent to thy neyghbours abborderynge on the. Yf thy neyghbours be vexed and tourmoyled on euery syde with warres it is conuenyent and honest to sende them ayd y t the sorowful war may rather be bewayled of them then of the. For to quenche y e fyre of thy neyghbours house is the safegarde of thyne owne Therfore mete it is neyghbours to be frēdes when outward warres do noie them lest thy neighbours hurte and damage lyght also vpon the. 149 ¶ what it is to do some valiaunt acte in the syght and face of thyne enemyes To shewe some token of puisauncie and do some valyaunt acte in the eyes of thyne enemies is a great helpe and moch vayleable to the gettyng of the victorye whether it be done by the capitayne or any other souldiours and also the enuy of hym shall enflame prouoke other of thy men to enterprice lyke thynges the courage of thyne enemies therby shalbe shaked and abated And so a fewe valyaunt men oftentymes haue ben the cause of all victories Therfore let the capitaine be sure to haue some man vaileable in feates and strength Whych in siguler stryfe and man to mā is bolde valiaunt and couragious 150. ¶ Of lytle power not to be contemned A wyse capitayne wyll not be carelesse and despyse a lytle armye although it be but weake and a small power whē of a lytle sparke whyche he wolde not thynke a great fyre doeth kendle Wherfore the fyre must be quenched before the flame flasshe out and all be set on fyre And lykewyse we muste quenche and ouercome that litle strength and puisaūce of our enemyes wyth all our endeuoure lest it waxe and growe bygger and then without more ieopardye it can not be w tstande Wherfore it is great follie to neglecte suche thynges and not in tyme to mete wyth lytle powers and vtterlye to discomfyte them 151. ¶ Of slouthfulnesse to be eschued of the capitayne and all other All capitaynes souldyours and other oughte to flye from ydlenesse euen as frō the pestylence yea and rather more For ydlenesse doth destroye the body and the mynde whych is moost hyest of al thynges and drowneth the renoume of men when the pestilence destroyeth onelye the bodye wherfore all capitaynes and souldyours do you cast of that sluggyshnesse both in tyme of peace and warre and stye from it as from a wylde beast when she setteth on you in tyme of prosperitie gyuyng moost deedlye battayle For cytyes whych neuer coulde haue bene ouerthrowen in tyme of warre haue bē destroyed by slougthfulnesse in time of peace which bringeth with her this mischefe that not only fooles but also wyse men be choked vp wyth the stynkyng canells of that vice 152. ¶ To viewe and know the countryes before thou cary thyne Armye thyther A good capitayne wyll be sure diligētly to vewe wyth hys owne eyes the coūtryes rounde aboute before that he carye hys armye thyther and he wyll surelye knowe what waye his men may iourney mooste saufelye and where that his enemyes may lye in wayte for hym or els he for them and what cyties and townes to destroye by the waye it shalbe profytable and expedient for him lest he be deceyued sometyme by espyes sometyme by ignoraunce sometyme trapped in theyr traynes and snares 153 ¶ Of the encrease of thyne empyre The dutye of a soueraygne emperour is in tyme of blysfull peace to augment and fence his empyre with the procurement of newe frendes Asdrebal the wyse kyng of the people of Carthage was not vnknowen of this For after the fyrst battayle that he had in Affrike he enlarged and encreased the power of Carthage when he hooked in those that dyd bordre on hym and purchased theyr fauoure Whych thynge all wyse Emperours before this tyme and in this time also haue done and do 154 ¶ The conditions of the capitayne The capitayne ought to be bolde in aduentures and therewyth wyttye and of moche counsayle For what cōmoditye is it to haue a capitayne bolde and the same foolysh and without counsayle whē they both do ioyne and iumpe so nere togyther And also the one nedeth so the helpe of y e other that for the defaulte of the one no man is worthye to be called a capitayne but a verye loute and a lobre and vnworthye that honourable name whyche also is lyker to haue a master then to be a master 155 ¶ What is to be done in the besiege of cyties It is very profitable in the assiege and beatynge downe of cyties to make thys proclamation amonge the mayne hooste by the commaundement of the graunde capitayne that all the pillage and prayes shalbe due to the souldyours Then they allured and enflamed wyth the swete desyre of vauntage and strengthened with the hope of ryches wyll not be put backe for anye violence thoughe it be neuer so great but they wyl surely take and beate downe the cytie Suche desyre and vnsaciable coueytosnes of vauntage raygneth amonge men 156. ¶ A pollicie to knowe yf thy soldyours be faythfull Yf thy souldyous gently folowe the from place to place it is a greattoken and argumente of theyr faythfulnesse 157. ¶ Of the great and huge couetousnesse of the barbarous people As the fyshes be taken wyth swete baytes so the barbarous aliens be plucked and hailed wyth golde yea moche soner For they esteme golde and syluer moche more then any prayse or renoume so that the Italions haue great hope to ouercome them for theyr gredye desyre of treasure although the commyng of warfare and prayse therof hath euer florished and yet doth amonge the same Italions 158 ¶ How to cary an armye ouer a water thyne enemyes restynge It happeneth oftentymes that algates thou muste carye thyne armye ouer some ryuer where thyne enemies do resist and withstande thy passage in whyche case thou muste gette bootes yf matter and tyme want to make a
leest thy catall and other vitayles Prouyde therwyth not to tarye and kepe the hoste there where is al playnes and champion grounde for the daūger of gūnes But to be brieue I can gyue no sure rule where to lodge thyne armye For the place and tyme must chaūge thy purpose in which case the wittynesse of y e capitayn knowledge is moch requyred 189. ¶ How to make stronge the campe with fortresses thyne enemyes assaultynge the. Yf thyne enemyes ben at hande and nedes the cāpe must be fortifyed set abrode a fewe horsemen and a greater garryson of fotemen readye to withstande dryue awaye thyne enemyes vntyll thy fences fortresses be wholy done and then conuey them by lytle and litle into thy campe By whych meane thyne enemyes shal be mocked and thy mē shal afterward more sykerly raunge forth and thyne enemyes whyche euen now reioysed as victours shalbe dryuen awaye with shame 190 ¶ To take our subiectes rather then straungers for souldyours Mete it is rather to rayse and assēble an army of thyne owne mē thā of straūgers whome thou shalt haue faythfull and redye in all peryls which hauyng theyr coūtrye parentes chyldren kynsemen frendes in remembraunce wyl not gyue back ten tymes in the daye to daunger theyr lyues In whiche mynde all kynges princes be excepte the wyse and ryche Venetians that they wolde rather take theyr owne men then outpeople and aliens 191. ¶ What is to be done in thassemble and takyng vp of souldyours When we purpose to make battayle expedyeut it is to foresee and surely know in what places the thyng is to be done For yf we muste trauayle in hyllye and rough places our armye must be garnysshed moche more with fotemen thā horse men And the horsemē also must be lyght harnessed that wyth more ease they maye clymbe vp and lykewise come downe the hylles yf neade be to fyght on fote But yf we must warre in playne and champyon countryes then horsemen be moost necessarye For fotemen wyll stande in lytle steade and vse These thynges be spoken not without some cōsyderation whē in y e assemblie of an armie kynges and princes ben at great charges somyme in vayne 192 ¶ To kepe thyne armye healthfull The health of thyne Armye is mayntayned by exercyse by healthsome countrie and swete ayers but chefelye where is plentye and abundaunce of vytayles For of famyne the plage sometyme doeth come when men for wante and defaulte of vytayles be dryuen to eate vnhealthsome and corrupted meates 193. ¶ what is to be done when waters can not be waded ouer Where the water is so depe that neyther fotemen ne yet horsemen dare venture ouer best it is to turne the water into dyches out of the wont course great streame by whyche meane the water beinge fallen thyne armye maye wade and passe ouer 194 ¶ To chastice and agrieue thyne enemyes hoste It is a good pollicie by hungre rather then by weapon and incurtions to vanquysshe thyne enemyes For nothynge is more profytable ne yet more prayse worthye then by vnbloudye battayle to ioyne the mastrye But take hede lest thyne enemyes thus sterued and tamed with hōger do prouoke them by some dyspleasures to battayle But then lye stylle wyth thyne armye and refrayne from anye assaultes or bykerynges vntyl theyr vitayles be whollye spent 195. ¶ To knowe yf any spyes lurke among thy souldiours Although it be verye hard in a greate armie to knowe the lurkyng spies yet I wylle shewe some wayes not vnprofitable of whych this shalbe one Oftētymes to serche and viewe thy registre if there be any not registred and wrytten it is a great token those to be spyes And also yf any of them that be regestred do carye ty dynges thy endeuours to thother part then nedefulle it is to stoppe and besette wayes passages and woodes by nyght and daye to take and to carye them to the capitayne there to be racked yea and yf any do wander owte of the campe the capitayne not commaundyuge they shal be taken gyltye of petitreason It shall be therefore the offyce of a capitayne dayly to beholde aboute hys armie bothe by hym selfe and other trustye and beleueable souldyers and marke men by theyre face by whych policye he shall knowe the tyme yf any of hys souldyours abode The capitayne also muste commaund al men to take theyre lodgyng by day lyght and to be in theyre tentes and yf any shal be suspect than take and imprison them by torment also constraynyng them to tel theyr intentes cōmandes and charges 196. ¶ To kepe close theyr counsayles Let the capitayne debate and discusse wyth the wytty and experte warryours nowe and agayne what is to be done But what he wyll do let hym disclose to discouer that to fewe depelye wayeng the thynge wyth hym selfe by whych policie he shal neuer attēpte ne enterpryse anye matter voydelye whan hys endeuours and affayres be vnknowen and conceled but by all wayes he shall haue hys owne desyre 197. ¶ The oration of the capytayne to hys hoste whā they be marchīgforthe to fyght The hoste vauncyng towarde battayl the capitayne ought to speake these wordes that wyllynglye he wyll seke hys owne death excepte he brynge with hym the victorie which wordes wonderfully wyll moue and arrayse theyr hertes and chiefely yf they loue and haue hym in any reuerence so that for his wont gentlenes and largesse they wyll put theyr lyues in daūger to gette hym the glory renoume coueytynge theyr death wyth hys death Wherfore lette the capitayne shewe and persuade to hys companye that hys lyfe death and renoume doo stande in theyr manlynesse and handes 198. ¶ To take thyne enemyes by wyles Myne aduyse is to sende forth thyne vnable souldyours sorye felowes most vnprofytable to be as a bayte praye and vntysement to thyne enemyes which prouoked and allured to take them prisoners or elles vtterlye to slee them ryght waye maye be catched and trayned in snares For they then gladsom of the lytle mastry disordrelye wyll as victours folowe the pursute and chase farreof kepynge none arraye By which couyne and trayne manye haue bene deceyued whyche pollicye was not vnknowen of the Easte souldyours whych dyd let loose theyr horses to straye amonge theyr enemyes and they coueytyng to steale the horses were takē and slayne 199. ¶ What is to be done wyth captyues and prisoners It is not good to kylle the captyues and prisoners but to kepe them to tillage and those chefelye that be burlye carterlyke and fytte thereto For what profyte can come of theyr death when yf they be kepte on lyue we maye vse them in husbandrye and of theyr labours get greate encrease and aduauntage Which thyng hath bene done of many kynges and princes And the Turke doeth at this tyme in drugerye and mooste vyle occupations kepe as slaues and bondmen a great nōbre of chrysten men Alas to the reproche and shame of
enemies be thereby strengthed and encouraged to fyghte for the hope desyre of that pray For all men be endewed wyth thys of nature that for ryches and vauntage sake they thynke all perylles lyght and easye all labours a playe and sporte Therfore do we leaue our ryches at home least vnwyllynge we gyue mattyer and occasyon to our enemyes to fyght and so of dasterdes make them bolde of cowardes coragyouse 38. ¶ To make the water noysome and vnhealthsome to thyne enemies If we couet to make the water poison full to oure enemyes it shall not be vnprofytable to cast a great quantity of wood broken and brused a sonder in the vpper parte of the streame whereby the water shall be bytter to the tast that neyther mēne horses maye drynke of it 39. ¶ In what place the battayle is to be fought The chyeftayne muste forsee and prouyde that hys men maye haue a water behynde theyr backes to refreshe and water theyr horses and hys ennemies none by whyche meane forsothe he shall carye away the maystry whan hys enemies theyr horses weryed by longe trauayle and fyght can haue no refreshment 40. ¶ To kepe the citie besyeged in faythe and constancie Oftētymes it chaunceth cities to be be syeged and therwyth to suffer greate famyne and honger thonly tamer of men ouer theyr huge paynfull watchynges in the same syege whyche al do cause the cities rather and ryght waye to gyue vp and yelde except the capitayne by his policie wyth fayre woordes and exhortacions do kepe the citizens in sure fayth and cōstancie dissemblynge faynyng manye thynges In example and profe whereof I wyll note some thynges hereafter that capitaynes instructed wyth my lessons maye serche mo wayes to kepe the citie to theyr kynge or prince obeysaūt fayth full Wherfore fyrst the capitayne ought to feyne letters sente from hys lord wher in he is promysed in shorte space to haue more ayde and succoure And yf he shall perceyue them waueryuge and bente to yelde vp he muste go abowte at some tymes to perswade them by orations decked garnyshed w t art and pyked reasōs to plucke them from such a myschyfe promysyng them all libertye Than after let hym also laboure that letters fastened to shaftes maye be cōueyed by nyght to the batelyng of towres in whyche some cityzen is admonyshed by some good frend of hys in the armye of theyr enemies not to yelde and gyue vp the citye For theyr capitayne is disceyptefull and worketh all by couyne and craft whych although his promises be fayre is mynded wyth fiere and swoorde to destroye the whole citie And suche other thynges are to be feyned whyche appere trouthlyke that the countenaunce of the syege maye not be grenous to the citizens 41. ¶ To scape oute of a narrowe place It chaunceth of tentymes thyne army wanderynge in hyllye countryes to entre into some narrowe and strayte place besette couertlye with thyne enemyes Where what to do or whyther to turne thy men doe not well knowe wherfore a skylful capytayne must thus prouyde y t yf he be not of power to dryue hys enemies from thense by strength let hym daye and nyghte seche when they be wythout watch and then sodaynlye and vnloked for rushe vppon them At other tymes let hym fayne despeyre and retrace backe in many skyrmysshes layenge some pyked and actyue warryours in couerte embusshemente 42. ¶ Of bowes Fotemen with bowes whych englysh men vse do greate seruyce in an host For there is no breste plate whyche is able to wythstand and holde owte the stroke of the arrowes suche force and vyolence is in bowes 43. ¶ Of the owtragyouse assault of thyne enemyes Yf thyne enemyes that be horsemen be within a myle and do come towarde the outragiously the reynes of theyr horses beinge let slacke staye there And yf they be fotemen and be within halfe a myle stande styll and gredelye receyue them pantyng for werynesse hertynge thy men boldly to fyght and to gyue manye a sore stroke which thyng maye be done when thyne enemyes be weryed 44. ¶ To foresee the place rounde about where the battayle shall be Beware to gyue battayle except thou haue before diligently viewed by thy self and thyne espyals yf there be any ieoper dye of traynes and gyles lest thou ouerthrowe thy selfe When thyne enemyes at what tyme thou arte moost earnestlye set to fyght shall oppresse the sodaynlye eyther on thy backe or elles on thy syde where thou shalt yelde thy selfe vanquyshed and taken bycause the defaulte can not be escaped ne holpen and al through thyne vnwarenesse 45. ¶ To set vpon thyne enemyes in theyr iourneye Yf we can knowe what waye out enemyes wyll take theyr voyage and iourneye it shall not be vnprofytable spedelye to preuent them and gettynge a place conuenyent to lye in wayte and set vpon them vnwares lokyng for no such thing For then vndoubtedly easye it is to ouermatche and conquere thyne enemyes 46. ¶ What is to be done when our enemyes ouermatche vs in force It chaunceth to haue suche men oure enemyes whose force and strength vneth or not at all we ben able to susteyne wherfore myne aduyse is to entreate the force of our enemyes and beseche ayde succour at theyr handes or to seke for helpe of them that bordre on vs and bene oure neyghbours warnyng them dyuers wayes of the ieopardye that is at hande of theyr lordshyppes and yf the soner they do not aide and releue them they can not but yelde and submyt theyr selues which thyng shalbe also great damage to them For the downefall and burnynge of thys house is the fyrematche of the nexte 47. ¶ what is to be done when we do fyght in straites Yf bothe the hostes mete and ioyne in strayte places and neythet wyll recule one fote but styfly endure the fyght then myne aduyse is the cheftayne takynge a certayne of hys stronge and weyghtye souldyours to assayle hys enemyes commyng on theyr backe or one the one wing although the passage be daūgerous and longe whereby certes he shall attayne a prayseworthye victorie wyth lytle losse or none of his men 48. ¶ Of ouermoche confidence Yf we haue gotten thupper hande of parte of our enemyes it is not good to tō tinue the battayle trustynge in our puissaunce and so hope on a greater victorye lest we put in hasarde what we haue gotten encountrynge with the whole hoste whych were fondely and rashly done 49. ¶ Of the capitaynes cōmaundement that no man take any prisoner Yf we purpose and trauayle to gette a notable conquest of our enemyes the capytayne oughte to commaunde vnder a greate penaltye to hys men that they take no prisoner ne captyue vntyl he shal gyue some token of the same which pollicie is not the worst For the souldyours shall then lose no tyme about captyues but shall wyth al theyr force put to flight beate downe and kylle theyr ennemyes Whyche done hereafter the
of water we ben enforced to occupye wel water great hede is it to be taken that suche welles be not poysoned by some crafte to the vtter destruction of theyr whole hoste whyche sone maye chaunce yf we take not moost dyligent care and hede 79. ¶ To chose a place to fyght in When our enemyes doo preuayle in force and nombre of men and we can not auoyd but gyue battayl best it is to chose a narrowe and strayte place lest our enemyes enclose and compasse vs rounde about wherby we shalbe sone vanquyshed and ouercomen 78. ¶ To mocke our enemyes Yf we be dryuen to flyght on the hye see for that we be not able to matche our enemyes and they make sayle after vs verye swyftly and ben euen in our tayle it shalbe good to mocke them thus Fyrste to cause our nauye to stryke sayle and make a bragge as we wolde fyght that done wyll the maryners at a sygne gyuen to hoyse vp the sayles to be readye to flye agayne the whych thynge when thyne enemyes shall perceyue shortly wyll they shyppe theyr ores and take them to theyr harneys couerynge theyr heedes wyth theyr sallettes and brefely prouydyng all thynges whych shall be thought necessary for battayle Thē when we shal se our enemyes harnessed and readye to fyght the sygne gyuen our nauye maye make awaye with all haste and flye And they loden wyth harneys shall not recouer to ouertake vs. 81. ¶ When thyne hoste is in great ieopardye When thyne armie is in great ieoperdie my coūsayl is y t chiefe capitayne yea al y t capitaynes to lyght downe from theyr horses therby to encourage the hertes of their souldiours by their bold aduēture lyke daunger and that more stoutlye and gredely they maye fyght seing theyr capitaynes beinge in lyke peryll and fierselye encountrynge wyth theyr ennemyes and so the souldyours castynge of all hope to flye may cousydre this with them selues eyther to vanquysh theyr enemyes or els to dye with glorye and prayse 82 ¶ what is to be done when thyne enemyes ben at hande When the hostes ben in ioynynge and both partes redye to fyght it is the parte of a pollityke and wyttie capitayne to pmesse greate rewardes vnto hys men yf they beatdowne and subdue his enemies wyth whyche hope they greatly gladdened wyll be more prest to set vpon theyr enemyes and purpose wyth them selfe neuer to gyue ouer ne turne theyr faces vntyll they haue atchyeued the vyctorye whych assured opynyon hath ben y e cause of many victoryes 83. ¶ To prouyde that thyne armye maye haue suffysaunce of vytayle The dutye of a carefull capitayne is to foresee that hys armye haue suffycyent vytayles For yf they be sterued for hūgre vnpossible it is that they shoulde do anye thynge vyliauntly when not onlye men but also horses famysshed doo lose theyr strength and lustynesse whereby they be not able to stryke theyr enemye ne yet to defende theyr selues 85. ¶ To prouoke thyne enemyes to fyght in ioyned battayle Yf thou desyre to ioyne in battayl wyth thyne enemyes and to come to handstrokes eyther for the greate commoditie of thyne armie or for some great nede myne aduyse is to dispeople the countries wast and destroye the fieldes rounde about to cause thyne outryders to raunge harde to the pale of thyne enemyes or vse some other kynde of displeasure wherhy they prouoked rashly wyll gyue battayle and so accordyng to thy desyre thyne enemies shall come forth But yet remembre neuer to ioyne in battayle except thou haue before vsed some pollicie or layed thy traynes to entrappe thyne enemyes or doo preuayle in an excedyng nombre of men and force of souldyours whiche be bothe act yue and puissaunt Then vndoubtedlye wythoute anye sleyghtes in playne fielde saufely thou mayest encountre and ioyne in battayle with them ¶ Thus endeth the boke of James the Erle of Purlilie dedicated to kynge Ferdinandus in the peare of our Lorde M. D. xxvii I Wyll be bolde moost gentle readers to put to this one precept of warre In whiche I wyl somewhat to my poore iudgement shewe the nature of Englysh men that the capitaynes of Englande may knowe and be warned which thynge without my warnyuge they do well followe and kepe although I shal do no great hurt to leaue that in wrytynge whiche they to theyr hygh prayse forsee in theyr warres that Engysh men be not able to continue war neither at home ne yet in forayne royalmes without vytayles Wherfore all capitaynes ought to prouyde that theyr souldyours maye haue meate and drynke ynough to fylle theyr bellye or els they can not so fiersely and gredelye contynue warre as they dyd begynne For Englyshmen of our nature be not content with so lytle meate and scarce foode as other men borne in the hye countryes be For whych cause theyr strength is weakened when that they lacke feedyng accordyng to the saying of Polidore which sayth that none armye neuer so great is able to withstande a garrison of Englyshe men at the fyrst brounte and begyunynge of theyr warres Whych saying maye thus way be true yf they haue not suche plentie of vytayles to suffyce theyr appetyte and hungre as they had at the begynnyng For by hungre theyr force and fiercenesse doeth slake Also all you capitaynes remēbre to prayse set forth w t moost gentle wordes the doynges of youre sould yours and sometyme to rewarde them freelye when wyth prayse they ben encouraged and harted to take in hande any great enterprice and for hope of rychesse at the deuysion of the pyllage and bothe they wyll not feare to ieoparde theyr lyues Wherfore they must be cōmaunded at the wynnynge of all townes and cyties fyrste manlye to fyght and delyuer them selues out of al feare of theyr enemyes and then frelye euery man to get what they canne and gather all prayes to theyr owne vse and profyte Wyth whyche hope they wyll be so encouraged that the power of anye prince is not able to be are theyr force and violence For by nature men of the east countrie be sharpened to fyght and encouraged by hope and aduaūtage FINIS ¶ A table contaynynge the chapiters of the fyrste booke To chose the capitayne Cap. 2. Of sufferaunce in warre ca. 3. Of the stowte and valyaunt mynde of a capytayne 4. Of the assyege and assault of a citie 5. Of a gret army of our enemyes 6. Of the reproche of that capytayne which howeseth hys armye in the sommer tyme. 7. To spye and serch a place to fyght in 8. Of the apparell of the capitayne 9. To knowe the maners and condicions of thyne enemyes before thowe make Battayle 10. Of the Germaynes Frenchmen 11. Of sedition to be appeysed amonges an armye 12. Howe to viewe the armye of thyne ennemyes 13. Of peace to be p̄ferred before batayle 14. Of tempestes and other clamours in an hoste 15. Of the rerewarde 16. Of great cities 17. In campyng thyne armye what is to be