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A09810 A relation or iournall of the beginning and proceedings of the English plantation setled at Plimoth in New England, by certaine English aduenturers both merchants and others With their difficult passage, their safe ariuall, their ioyfull building of, and comfortable planting themselues in the now well defended towne of New Plimoth. As also a relation of foure seuerall discoueries since made by some of the same English planters there resident. I. In a iourney to Puckanokick ... II. In a voyage made by ten of them to the kingdome of Nawset ... III. In their iourney to the kingdome of Namaschet ... IIII. Their voyage to the Massachusets, and their entertainment there. With an answer to all such obiections as are in any way made against the lawfulnesse of English plantations in those parts. Bradford, William, 1588-1657.; Morton, George, d. 1624.; Winslow, Edward, 1595-1655. aut; Cushman, Robert, 1579?-1625. aut 1622 (1622) STC 20074; ESTC S110454 57,053 87

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from hence we intended to haue sayled to the aforesayd theeuish Harbour if wee found no convenient Harbour by the way having the wind good we sayled all that day along the Coast about 15. leagues but saw neither River nor Creeke to put into after we had sayled an houre or two it began to snow and raine and to be bad weather about the midst of the afternoone the winde increased and the Seas began to be very rough and the hinges of the rudder broke so that we could steere no longer with it but two men with much adoe were same to serue with a couple of Oares the Seas were growne so great that we were much troubled and in great daunger and night grew on Anon Master Coppin bad vs be of good cheere he saw the Harbour as we drew neare the gale being stiffe and we bearing great sayle to get in split our Mast in 3. peices and were like to haue cast away our Shallop yet by Gods mercy recovering our selues wee had the floud with vs and struck into the Harbour Now he that thought that had beene the place was deceived it being a place where not any of vs had beene before and comming into the Harbour he that was our Pilot did beare vp North-ward which if we had continued wee had beene cast away yet still the Lord kept vs and we bare vp for an Iland before vs and recovering of that Iland being compassed about with many Rocks and darke night growing vpon vs it pleased the Divine providence that we fell vpon a place of sandy ground where our Shallop did ride safe and secure all that night and comming vpon a strange Iland kept our watch all night in the raine vpon that Iland and in the morning we marched about it found no Inhabitants at all and here wee made our Randevous all that day being Saturday 10. of December on the Sabboth day wee rested and on Munday we sounded the Harbour and found it a uery good Harbour for our shipping we marched also into the Land and found divers corne fields and little running brookes a place very good for scituation so we returned to our Ship againe with good newes to the rest of our people which did much comfort their hearts On the fifteenth day we waighed Anchor to goe to the place we had discovered and comming within two leagues of the Land we could not fetch the Harbour but were faine to put roome againe towards Cape Cod our course lying West and the wind was at North west but it pleased God that the next day being Saturday the 16. day the winde came faire and wee put to Sea againe and came safely into a safe Harbour and within halfe an houre the winde changed so as if we had beene letted but a little we had gone backe to Cape Cod. This Harbour is a Bay greater then Cape Cod compassed with a goodly Land and in the Bay 2. fine Ilands vninhabited wherein are nothing but wood Okes Pines Wal-nut Beech Sasifras Vines and other trees which wee know not This Bay is a most hopefull place innumerable store of fowle and excellent good and cannot but bee of fish in their seasons Skote Cod Turbot and Herring wee haue tasted of abundance of Musles the greatest best that ever we saw Crabs and Lobsters in their time infinite It is in fashion like a Cikle or Fish-hooke Munday the 13. day we went a land manned with the Maister of the Ship and 3. or 4. of the Saylers we marched along the coast in the woods some 7. or 8. mile but saw not an Indian nor an Indian house only we found where formerly had beene some Inhabitants and where they had planted their corne we found not any Navigable River but 4. or 5. small ●unning brookes of very sweet fresh water that all run into the Sea The Land for the crust of the earth is a spits depth excellent blacke mold and fat in some places 2. or 3. great Oakes but not very thicke Pines Wal-nuts Beech Ash Birch Hasell Holley Asp Sasifras in abundance Vines euery where Cherry trees Plum trees and many other which we know not many kinds of hearbes we found heere in Winter as Strawbery leaues innumerable Sorrell Yarow Caruell Brook-lime Liver-wort Water-cresses great store of Leekes and Onyons and an excellent strong kind of Flaxe and Hempe here is sand gravell and excellent clay no better in the Worlde excellent for pots and will wash like sope and great store of stone though somewhat soft and the best water that ever we drunke and the Brookes now begin to be full of fish that night many being weary with marching wee went abourd againe The next morning being Tuesday the 19. of December wee went againe to discover further some went on Land and some in the Shallop the Land we found as the former day we did and we found a Creeke and went vp three English myles a very pleasant river at full Sea a Barke of thirty tunne may goe vp but at low water scarce our Shallop could passe this place we had a great liking to plant in but that it was so farre from our fishing our principall profit and so incompassed with woods that we should bee in much danger of the Salvages and our number being so little and so much ground to cleare so as wee thought good to quit and cleare that place till we were of more strength some of vs hauing a good minde for safety to plant in the greater Ile wee crossed the Bay which there is fiue or sixe myles ouer and found the I le about a myle and a halfe or two myles about all wooded and no fresh water but 2. or 3. pits that we doubted of fresh water in Summer and so full of wood as we could hardly cleare so much as to serue vs for Corne besides wee iudged it colde for our Corne and some part very rockie yet diuers thought of it as a place defensible and of great securitie That night we returned againe a ship boord with resolution the next morning to setle on some of those places so in the morning after we had called on God for direction we came to this resolution to goe presently ashore againe and to take a better view of two places which wee thought most fitting for vs for we could not now take time for further search or consideration our victuals being much spent especially our Beere and it being now the 19. of December After our landing and viewing of the places so well as we could we came to a conclusion by most voyces to set on the maine Land on the first place on an high ground where there is a great deale of Land cleared and hath beene planted with Corne three or foure yeares agoe and there is a very sweet brooke runnes vnder the hill side and many delicate springs of as good water as can be drunke and where we may harbour our Shallops and Boates exceeding well and
in the end we found it to be onely a path made to driue Deere in when the Indians hunt as wee supposed when we had ma●ched fiue or six myles into the Woods and could find no signes of any people we returned againe another way and as we came into the plaine ground wee found a place like a graue but it was much bigger and longer then any we had yet seene It was also covered with boords so as we mused what it should be and resolved to digge it vp where we found first a Matt and vnder that a fayre Bow and there another Matt and vnder that a boord about three quarters long finely carued and paynted with three tynes or broches on the top like a Crowne also betweene the Matts we found Boules Trayes Dishes and such like Trinkets at length we came to a faire new Matt and vnder that two Bundles the one bigger the other lesse we opened the greater and found in it a great quantitie of fine and perfect red Powder and in it the bones and skull of a man The skull had fine yellow haire still on it and some of the flesh vnconsumed there was bound vp with it a knife a pack-needle and two or three old iron things It was bound vp in a Saylers canvas Casacke and a payre of cloth breeches the red Powder was a kind of Embaulment and yeelded a strong but no offensiue smell It was as fine as any flower We opened the lesse bundle likewise and found of the same Powder in it and the bones and head of a little childe about the leggs and other parts of it was bound strings and bracelets of fine white Beads there was also by it a little Bow about three quarters long and some other odd knackes we brought sundry of the pretiest things away with vs and covered the Corps vp againe After this we digged in sundry like places but found no more Corne nor any things els but graues There was varietie of opinions amongst vs about the embalmed person some thought it was an Indian Lord and King others sayd the Indians haue all blacke hayre and never any was seene with browne or yellow hayre some thought it was a Christian of some speciall note which had dyed amongst them and they thus buried him to honour him others thought they had killed him and did it in triumph over him Whilest we were thus ranging and searching two of the Saylers which were newly come on the shore by chance espied two houses which had beene lately dwelt in but the people were gone They having their peeces and hearing no body entred the houses and tooke out some things and du●st not stay but came againe and told vs so some seaven or eight of vs went with them and found how we had gone within a slight shot of them before The houses were made with long yong Sapling trees bended and both ends stucke into the ground they were made round like vnto an Arbour and covered downe to the ground with thicke and well wrought matts and the doore was not over a yard high made of a matt to open the chimney was a wide open hole in the top for which they had a matt to cover it close when they pleased one might stand and goe vpright in them in the midst of them were foure little trunches knockt into the ground and small stickes laid over on which they hung their Pots and what they had to seeth round about the fire they lay on matts which are their beds The houses were double matted for as they were matted without so were they within with newer fairer matts In the houses we found wooden Boules Trayes Dishes Earthen Pots Hand baskets made of Crab shells wrought together also an English Paile or Bucket it wanted a bayle but it had two Iron eares there was also Baskets of sundry sorts bi●ger and some lesser finer and some courser some were curiously wrought with blacke and white in pretie workes and sundry other of their houshold stuffe we found also two or three Deeres heads one whereof had bin newly killed for it was still fresh there was also a company of Deeres feete stuck vp in the houses Harts hornes and Eagles clawes and sundry such like things there was also two or three Baskets full of pa●ched Acornes peeces of fish and a peece of a broyled Hering We found also a little silke grasse and a little Tobacco seed with some other seeds which wee knew not without was sundry bundles of Flags and Sedge B●ll rushes and other stuffe to make matts there was thrust into an hollow tree two or three peeces of Venison but we thought it fitter for the Dogs then for vs some of the best things we tooke away with vs and left the houses standing still as they were so it growing towards night and the tyde almost spent we hasted with our things downe to the Shallop and got abourd that night intending to haue brought some Beades and other things to haue left in the houses in signe of Peace and that we meant to truk with them but it was not done by meanes of our hastie comming away from Cape Cod but so soone as we can meete conveniently with them we will giue them full satisfaction Thus much of our second Discovery Having thus discovered this place it was controversall amongst vs what to doe touching our aboad and setling there some thought it best for many reasons to abide there As first that there was a convenient harbour for Boates though not for Ships Secondly Good Corne ground readie to our hands as we saw by experience in the goodly corne it yeelded which would againe agree with the ground and be naturall seed for the same Thirdly Cape Cod was like to be a place of good fishing for we saw daily great Whales of the best kind for oyle and bone come close aboord our Ship and in fayre weather swim and play about vs there was once one when the Sun shone warme c●me and lay aboue water as if she had beene dead for a good while together within halfe a Mu●ket shot of the Ship at which two were prepared to shoote to see whether she would s●ir or no he that gaue fire first his Mu●ket flew in peeces both stocke and barrell yet thankes be to God neither he nor any man els was hurt with it though many were there about but when the Whale saw her time she gaue a snuffe and away Fourthly the place was likely to be healthfull secure and de●ensible But the last and especiall reason was that now the heart of Wint●r and vnseasonable weather was come vpon vs so that we could not goe vpon coasting and discovery without danger of loosing men and Boat vpon which would follow the overthrow of all especially considering what variable windes and sodaine stormes doe there arise Also cold and wett lodging had so taynted our people for scarce any of vs were free from vehement coughs as if
the leg It was a very pretie devise made with a Rope of their owne making and having a noose as artificially made as any Roper in England can make and as like ours as can be which we brought away with vs. In the end wee got out of the Wood and were fallen about a myle too high aboue the creake where we saw three Bucks but we had rather haue had one of them Wee also did spring three couple of Partridges and as we came along by the creake wee saw great flockes of wild Geese and D●ckes but they were very fearefull of vs. So we marched some while in the Woods some while on the sands and other while in the water vp to the knees till at length we came neare the Ship and then we shot off our Peeces and the long Boat came to fetch vs master Iones and master Caruer being on the shore with many of our people came to meete vs. And thus wee came both weary and well-come home and deliuered in our Corne into the store to be kept for seed for wee knew not how to come by any and therefore were very glad purposing so soone as we could meete with any of the Inhabitants of that place to make them large satisfaction This was our first Discovery whilst our Shallop was in repairing our people did make things as fitting as they could and time would in seeking out wood and heluing of ●ooles and sawing of Tymber to build a new Shallop but the discommodiousnes of the harbour did much hinder vs for we could neither goe to nor come from the shore but at high water which was much to our hinderance and hurt for oftentimes they waded to the midle of the thigh and oft to the knees to goe and come from land some did it necessarily and some for their owne pleasure but it brought to the most if not to all coughes and colds the weather prouing sodainly cold and stormie which afterward turned to the scurvey whereof many dyed When our Shallop was fit indeed before she was fully fitted for there was two dayes worke after bestowed on her there was appointed some 24 men of our owne and armed then to goe and make a more full discovery of the rivers before mentioned Master Iones was desirous to goe with vs and tooke such of his saylers as he thought vsefull for vs so as we were in all about 34. men wee made master Iones our Leader for we thought it best herein to gratifie his kindnes and forwardnes When we were set forth it proued rough weather and crosse windes so as we were constrained some in the Shallop and others in the long Boate to row to the neerest shore the wind would suffer them to goe vnto and then to wade out aboue the knees the wind was so strong as the Shallop could not keepe the water but was forced to harbour there that night but we marched sixe or seaven miles further and appointed the Shallop to come to vs as soone as they could It blowed and did snow all that day night and frose withall some of our people that are dead tooke the originall of their death here The next day about 11. a clocke our Shallop came to vs and wee shipped our selues and the wind being good we sayled to the river we formerly discovered which we named Cold Harbour to which when wee came we found it not Navigable for Ships yet we thought it might be a good harbour for Boats for it flowes there 1● foote at high water We landed our men betweene the two creekes and marched some foure or fiue myles by the greater of them and the Shallop followed vs at length night grew on and our men were tired with marching vp and downe the steepe hills and deepe vallies which lay halfe a foot thicke with snow Master Iones vvearied with marching was desirous we should take vp our lodging though some of vs would haue marched further so we made there our Randevous for that night vnder a few Pine trees and as it fell out wee got three fat Geese and six Ducks to our Supper which we eate with Souldiers stomacks for we had eaten little all that day our resolution was next morning to goe vp to the head of this river for we supposed it would proue fresh water but in the morning our resolution held not because many liked not the hillinesse of the soyle and badnesse of the harbour so we turned towards the other creeke that wee might goe over and looke for the rest of the Corne that we left behind when we were here before when we came to the creeke we saw the Canow lie on the dry ground and a flocke of Geese in the river at which one made a shot and killed a couple of them and we lanched the Canow fetcht them and when we had done she carryed vs over by seaven or eight at once This done we marched to the place where we had the corne formerly which place we called Corne-hill and digged and found the rest of which we were very glad we also digged in a place little further off and found a Botle of oyle wee went to another place which we had seene before and digged and found more corne viz. two or three Baskets full of Indian Wheat and a bag of Beanes with a good man of faire Wheat-eares whilst some of vs were digging vp this some others found another heape of Corne which they digged vp also so as we had in all about ten Bushels which will serve vs sufficiently for seed And sure it was Gods good providence that we found this Corne for els wee know not how we should haue done for we knew not how we should find or meete with any of the Indians except it be to doe vs a mischiefe Also we had neuer in all likelihood seene a graine of it if we had not made our first Iourney for the ground was now covered with snow and so hard frosen that we were faine with our Curtlaxes and short Swords to hew and carue the ground a foot deepe and then wrest it vp with leavers for we had forgot to bring other Tooles whilst we were in this imployment foule weather being towards Master Iones was earnest to goe abourd but sundry of vs desired to make further discovery and to find out the Indians habitations so we sent home with him our weakest people and some that were sicke and all the Corne and 18. of vs stayed still and lodged there that night and desired that the Shallop might returne to vs next day and bring vs some Mattocks and Spades with them The next morning we followed certaine beaten pathes and tracts of the Indians into the Woods supposing they would haue led vs into some Towne or houses after wee had gone a while we light vpon a very broad beaten path well nigh two foote broad then we lighted all our Matches and prepared our selues concluding wee were neare their dwellings but
they should continue long in that estate it would indanger the liues of many and breed diseases and infection amongst vs. Againe we had yet some Beere Butter Flesh and other such victuals left which would quickly be all gone and then we should haue nothing to comfort vs in the great labour and toyle we were like to vnder-goe at the first It was also conceived whilst we had competent victuals that the Ship would stay with vs but when that grew low they would be gone and let vs shift as we could Others againe vrged greatly the going to Anguum or Angoum a place twentie leagues off to the North-wards which they had heard to be an excellent harbour for ships better ground and better fishing Secondly for any thing we knew there might be hard by vs a farre better seate and it should be a great hindrance to seate where wee should remoue againe Thirdly The water was but in ponds and it was thought there would be none in Summer or very little Fourthly the water there must be fetched vp a steepe hill but to omit many reasons and replies vsed heere abouts It was in the ende concluded to make some discovery within the Bay but in no case so farre as Angoum besides Robert Coppin our Pilot made relation of a great Navigable River and good harbour in the other head land of this Bay almost right over against Cape Cod being a right line not much aboue eight leagues distant in which hee had beene once and because that one of the wild men with whom they had some trucking stole a harping Iron from them they called it theeuish harbour And beyond that place they were enioyned not to goe whereupon a Company was chosen to goe out vppon a third discovery whilest some were imployed in this discovery it pleased God that Mistris White was brought a bed of a Sonne which was called Peregrine The fift day we through Gods mercy escaped a great danger by the foolishnes of a Boy one of Francis Billingtons Sonnes who in his Fathers absence had got Gun-powder and had shot of a peice or two and made squibs and there being a fowling peice charged in his fathers Cabbin shot her off in the Cabbin there being a little barrell of powder halfe full scattered in and about the Cabbin the fire being within foure foote of the bed betweene the Deckes and many s●ints and Iron things about the Cabbin and many people about the fire and yet by Gods mercy no harme done Wednesday the sixt of December it was resolved our discoverers should set forth for the day before was too fowle weather and so they did though it was well ore the day ere all things could be readie So ten of our men were appointed who were of themselues willing to vndertake it to wit Captaine Standish Maister Carver William Bradford Edward Winsloe Iohn Tilley Edward Tilley Iohn Houland and three of London Richard Warren Steeuen Hopkins and Edward Dotte and two of our Sea-men Iohn Alderton and Thomas English of the Ships Company there went two of the Masters Mates Master Clarke and Master Copin the Master Gunner and three Saylers The narration of which Discovery followes penned by one of the Company Wednesday the sixt of December wee set out being very cold and hard weather wee were a long while after we lunched from the ship before we could get cleare of a sandie poynt which lay within lesse then a fu●long of the same In which time two were very sicke and Edward Tilley had like to haue founded with cold the Gunner was also sicke vnto Death but hope of truking made him to goe and so remained all that day and the next night at length we got cleare of the sandy poynt and got vp our sayles and within an houre or two we got vnder the weather shore and then had smoother water and better sayling but it was very cold for the water frose on our clothes and made them many times like coats of Iron wee sayled sixe or seaven leagues by the shore but saw neither river nor creeke at length wee me●t with a tongue of Land being flat off from the shore with a sandy poynt we bore vp to gaine the poynt found there a fayre income or rode of a Bay being a league over at the narrowest and some two or three in length but wee made right over to the land before vs and left the discovery of this Income till the next day as we drew neare to the shore wee espied some ten or twelue Indians very busie about a blacke thing what it was we could not tell till afterwards they saw vs and ran to and fro as if they had beene carrying some thing away wee landed a league or two from them and had much adoe to put a shore any where it lay so full of flat sands when we came to shore we made vs a Baricado and got fire wood and set out our Sentinells and betooke vs to our lodging such as it was we saw the smoke of the fire which the Savages made that night about foure or fiue myles from vs in the morning we devided our company some eight in the Shallop and the rest on the shore went to discouer this place but we found it onely to be a Bay without either river or creeke comming into it yet we deemed it to be as good an harbour as Cape Cod for they that ●ounded it found a ship might ride in fiue fathom water wee on the land found it to be a levill soyle but none of the fruitfullest 5 wee saw two beckes of fresh water which were the first running streames that we saw in the Country but one might stride over them we found also a great fish called a Grampus dead on the sands they in the Shallop found two of them also in the bottome of the bay dead in like sort they were cast vp at high water and could not get off for the frost and ice they were some fiue or sixe paces long and about two inches thicke of fat and fleshed like a Swine they would haue yeelded a great deale of oyle if there had beene time and meanes to haue taken it so we finding nothing for our turne both we and our Shallop returned We then directed our course along the Sea-sands to the place where we first saw the Indians when we were there we saw it was also a Grampus which they were cutting vp they cut it into long rands or peeces about an ell long and two handfull broad wee found here and there a peece scattered by the way as it seemed for hast this place the most were minded we should call the Grampus Bay because we found so many of them there wee followed the tract of the Indians bare feete a good way on the sands as length we saw where they strucke into the Woods by the side of a Pond as wee went to view the place one sayd hee thought hee saw an Indian-house
among the trees so went vp to see and here we and the Shallop lost sight one of another till night it being now about nine or ten a clocke so we light on a path but saw no house and followed a great way into the woods at length wee found where Corne had beene set but not that yeare anone we found a great burying place one part whereof was incompassed with a large Palazado like a Church-yard with yong spires foure or fiue yards long set as close one by another as they could two o● three foot in the ground within it was full of Graues some bigger and some lesse some were also paled about others had like an Indian-house made over them but not matted those Graues were more sumptuous then those at Corne-hill yet we digged none of them vp but onely viewed them and went our way without the Palazado were graues also but not so costly from this place we went and found more Corne ground but not of this yeare As we ranged we light on foure or fiue Indian-houses which had beene lately dwelt in but they were vncovered and had no matts about them els they were like those we found at Corne-hill but had not beene so lately dwelt in there was nothing left but two or three peeces of old matts a little sedge also a little further we found two Baskets full of parched Acorns hid in the ground which we supposed had beene Corne when we beganne to dig the same we cast earth thereon againe went our way All this while we saw no people wee went ranging vp and downe till the Sunne began to draw low and then we hasted out of the woods that we might come to our Shallop which when we were out of the woods we espied a great way off and call'd them to come vnto vs the which they did as soone as they could for it was not yet high water they were exceeding glad to see vs for they feared because they had not seene vs in so long a time thinking we would haue kept by the shore side so being both weary and faint for we had eaten nothing all that day we sell to make our Randevous and get ●ire wood which alwayes cost vs a great deale of labour by that time we had done our Shallop come to vs it was within night and we fed vpon such victualls as we had and betooke vs to our rest after we had set out our watch About midnight we heard a great and hideous cry and our Sentinell called Arme Arme. So we bestirred our selues and shot off a couple of Muskets and noyse ceased we concluded that it was a company of Wolues or Foxes for one told vs hee had heard such a noyse in New-found land About fiue a clocke in the morning wee began to be stirring and two or three which doubted whether their Peeces would goe off or no made tryall of them and shot them off but thought nothing at all after Prayer we prepared our selues for brek-fast and for a journey and it being now the twilight in the morning it was thought meet to carry the things downe to the Shallop some sayd it was not best to carry the Armour downe others sayd they would be readier two or three sayd they would not carry theirs till they went themselues but mistrusting nothing at all as it fel● out the water not being high enough they layd the things downe vpon the shore came vp to brek fast Anone all vpon a sudden we heard a great strange cry which we knew to be the same voyces though they varied their notes one of our company being abroad came running in and cryed They are men Indians Indians and withall their arrowes came flying amongst vs our men ran out with all speed to recover their armes as by the good Providence of God they did In the meane time Captaine Miles Standish having a snaphance ready made a shot and after him another after they two had shot other two of vs were ready but he wisht vs not to shoot till we could take ayme for we knew not what need we should haue there were foure onely of vs which had their armes there readie and stood before the open side of our Baricado which was first assaulted they thought it best to defend it least the enemie should take it and our stuffe and so haue the more vantage against vs our care was no lesse for the Shallop but we hoped all the rest would defend it we called vnto them to know how it was with them and they answered Well Well every one and be of good courage wee heard three of their Peeces goe off and the rest called for a fire-brand to light their matches one tooke a log out of the fire on his shoulder and went and carried it vnto them which was thought did not a little discourage our enemies The cry of our enemies was dreadfull especially when our men ran out to recover their Armes their note was after this manner Woath woach ha ha hach woach our men were no sooner come to their Armes but the enemy was ready to assault them There was a lustie man and no whit lesse valiant who was thought to bee their Captaine stood behind a tree within halfe a musket shot of vs and there let his arrowes fly at vs hee was seene to shoote three arrowes which were all avoyded for he at whom the first arrow was aymed saw it and stooped downe and it flew over him the rest were avoyded also he stood three shots of a Musket at length one tooke as he sayd full ayme at him after which he gaue an extraordinary cry and away they went all wee followed them about a quarter of a mile but wee left sixe to keepe our Shallop for we were carefull of our businesse then wee shouted all together two severall times and shot off a couple of muskets and so returned this wee did that they might see wee were not afrayd of them nor discouraged Thus it pleased God to vanquish our Enemies and giue vs deliverance by their noyse we could not guesse that they were lesse then thirty or forty though some thought that they were many more yet in the darke of the morning wee could not so well discerne them among the trees as they could see vs by our fire side we tooke vp 18. of their arrowes which we haue sent to England by Master Io●es some whereof were headed with brasse others with Harts horne others with Eagles clawes many more no doubt were shot for these we found were almost covered with leaues yet by the especiall providence of God none of them either hit or hurt vs though many came close by vs and on every side of vs and some coates which hung vp in our Baricado were shot through and through So after wee had given God thankes for our deliverance wee tooke our Shallop and went on our Iourney and called this place The first Encounter
in this brooke much good fish in their seasons on the further side of the river also much Corne ground cleared in one field is a great hill on which wee poynt to make a plat-forme and plant our Ordinance which will command all round about from thence we may see into the Bay and farre into the Sea and we may see thence Cape Cod our greatest labour will be fetching of our wood which is halfe a quarter of an English myle but there is enough so farre off what people inhabite here we yet know not for as yet we haue seene none so there we made our Randevous and a place for some of our people about twentie resolving in the morning to come all ashore and to build houses but the next morning being Thursday the 21. of December it was stormie and wett that we could not goe ashore and those that remained there all night could doe nothing but were wet not having dai-light enough to make them a sufficient court of gard to keepe them dry All that night it blew and rayned extreamely it was so tempestuous that the Shallop could not goe on land so soone as was meet for they had no victuals on land About ●● a Clocke the Shallop went off with much adoe with provision but could not returne it blew so strong and was such foule weather that we were forced to let fall our Anchor and ride with three Anchors an head Friday the 22. the storme still continued that we could not get a-land nor they come to vs aboord this morning Good wife Alderton was delivered of a sonne but dead borne Saturday the 23. so many of vs as could went on shore felled and carried tymber to provide themselues stuffe for building Sunday the 24. our people on shore heard a cry of some Savages as they thought which caused an Alarm and to stand on their gard expecting an assault but all was quiet Munday the 25. day we went on shore some to fell tymber some to saw some to ri●e and some to carry so no man rested all that day but towards night some as they were at worke heard a noyse of some Indians which caused vs all to goe to our Muskets but we heard no further so we came aboord againe and left some twentie to keepe the court of gard that night we had a sore storme of winde and rayne Munday the 25. being Christmas day we began to drinke water aboord but at night the Master caused vs to haue some Beere and so on boord we had diverse times now and then some Beere but on shore none at all Tuesday the 26. it was foule weather that we could not goe ashore Wednesday the 27. we went to worke againe Thursday the 28. of December so many as could went to worke on the hill where we purposed to build our platforme for our Ordinance and which doth command all the plaine and the B●y and from whence we may see farre into the sea and might he easier impayled having two rowes of houses and a faire streete So in the afternoone we went to measure out the grounds and first we tooke notice how many Families they were willing all single men that had no wiues to ioyne with some Familie as they thought fit that so we might build fewer houses which was done and we reduced them to 19. Families to greater Families we allotted larger plots to every person halfe a pole in breadth and three in length and so Lots were cast where euery man should lie which was done and staked out we thought this proportion was large enough at the first for houses and gardens to impale them round considering the weaknes of our people many of them growing ill with coldes for our former Discoveries in frost and stormes and the wading at Cape Cod had brought much weakenes amongst vs which increased so every day more and more and after was the cause of many of their deaths Fryday and Saturday we fitted our selues for our labour but our people on shore were much troubled and discouraged with rayne and wett that day being very stormie and cold we saw great smokes of fire made by the Indians about six or seaven myles from vs as we coniectured Munday the first of Ianuary we went betimes to worke we were much hundred in lying so farre off from the Land and faine to goe as the tyde served that we lost much time for our Ship drew so much water that she lay a myle and almost a halfe off though a ship of seaventie or eightie tun as high water may come to the shore Wednesday the third of Ianuary some of our people being abroad to get and gather thatch they saw great fires of the Indians and were at then Corne fields yet saw none of the Savages nor had seene any of them since wee came to th●s Bay Thursday the fourth of Ianuary Captaine Miles Standish with foure or fiue more went to see if they could meet with any of the Savages in that place where the fires were made they went to some of their houses but not lately inhabited yet could they not meete with any as they came home they shot at an Eagle and killed her which was excellent meat It was hardly to be discerned from Mutton Fryday the fifth of Ianuary one of the Saylers found aliue vpon the shore an Hering which the Master had to his supper which put vs in hope of fish but as yet we had got but 〈◊〉 Cod we wanted small hookes Saturday the sixt of Ianuary Master Marten was very sicke and to our iudgement no hope of life so Master Carver was sent for to come abourd to speake with him about his accompts who came the next morning Munday the eight day of Ianuary was a very fayre day and we went betimes to worke master Iones sent the Shallop as he had formerly done to see where fish could be got they had a great storme at Sea and were in some danger at night they returned with three great Seales and an excellent good Cod which did assure vs that we should haue plentie of fish shortly This day Francis Billington having the weeke before seene from the top of a tree on an hie hill a great sea as he thought went with one of the Masters mates to see it they went three myles and then came to a great water devided into two great Lakes the bigger of them fiue or sixe myles in circuit and in it an I le of a Cable length square the other three miles in compasse in their estimation they are fine fresh water full of fish and foule a brooke issues from it it will be an excellent helpe for vs in time They found seaven or eight Indian houses but not lately inhabited when they saw the houses they were in some feare for they were but two persons and one peece Tuesday the 9. Ianuary was a reasonable faire day and wee went to labour that day in the building of our Towne in
two rowes of houses for more safety we devided by lott the plot of ground whereon to build our Towne After the proportion formerly allotted wee agreed that every man should build his owne house thinking by that course men would make more hast then working in common the common house in which for the first we made our Rendevous being neere finished wanted onely couering it being about 20. foote square some should make morter and some gather thatch so that in foure dayes halfe of it was thatched frost and foule weather hindred vs much this time of the yeare seldome could wee worke halfe the weeke Thursday the eleuenth William Bradford being at worke for it was a faire day was vehemently taken with a griefe and paine and so shot to his huckle-bone It was doubted that he would haue instantly dyed hee got colde in the former discoveries especially the last and felt some paine in his anckles by times but he grew a little better towards night and in time through Gods mercie in the vse of meanes recovered Friday the 12. we went to worke but about noone it began to raine that it forced vs to giue over worke This day two of our people put vs in great sorrow and care there was 4. sent to gather and cut thatch in the morning and two of them Iohn Goodman and Peter Browne having cut thatch all the fore noone went to a further place and willed the other two to binde vp that which was cut and to follow them so they did being about a myle and an halfe from our Plantation but when the two came after they could not finde them nor heare any thing of them at all though they hallowed and shouted as loud as they could so they returned to the Company and told them of it whereupon Master Leaver three or foure more went to seeke them but could heare nothing of them so they returning sent more but that night they could heare nothing at all of them the next day they armed 10. or 12. men out verily thinking the Indians had surprised them they went seeking 7. or 8 myles but could neither see nor heare any thing at all so they returned with much discomfort to vs all These two that were missed at dinner time tooke their mea●e in their hands and would goe walke and refresh themselues so going a litle off they finde a lake of water and having a great Mastiffe bitch with them and a Spannell by the water side they found a great Deere the Dogs chased him and they followed so farre as they lost themselues and could not finde the● way backe they wandred all that after noone being wett and at night it did freeze and snow they were slenderly apparelled and had no weapons but each one his Cicle nor any victuals they ranged vp and downe and could finde none of the Salvages habitation● when it drew to night they were much perplexed for they could finde neither harbour nor meate but in frost and snow were forced to make the earth their bed and the Element their covering and another thing did very much terrifie them they heard as they thought two Lyons roaring exceedingly for a long time together and a third that they thought was very nere them so not knowing what to do they resolved to climbe vp into a tree as their safest refuge though that would prone an intollerable colde lodging so they stoode at the trees roote that when the Lyons came they might take their opportunitie of climbing vp the bitch they were faine to hold by the necke for shee would haue beene gone to the Lyon but it pleased God so to dispose that the wilde Beastes came not so they walked vp and downe vnder the Tree all night it was an extreame colde night so soone as it was light they trauailed againe passing by many lakes and brookes and woods and in one place where the Salvages had burnt the space of 5. myles in length which is a fine Champion Countrey and even In the after-noone it pleased God from an high Hill they discovered the two Iles in the Bay and so that night got to the Plantation being ready to faint with travaile and want of victuals and almost famis●●ed with colde Iohn Goodman was faine to haue his shooes cut off his feete they were so swelled with colde and it was a long while after ere he was able to goe those on the shore were much comforted at their returne but they on ship-boord were grieved as deeming them lost but the next day being the 14. of Ianuary in the morning about sixe of the clocke the winde being very great they on ship-boord spied their great new R●ndevous on fire which was to them a new discomfort fearing because of the supposed losse of the men that the Salvages had fiered them neither could they presently goe to them for want of water but after 3. quarters of an houre they went as they had purposed the day before to keepe the Sabboth on shore because now there was the greater number of people At their landing they heard good tidings of the returne of the 2. men and that the house was fiered occasionally by a sparke that flew into the thatch which instantly burnt it all vp but the roofe stood and little hurt the most losse was Maister Carvers and William Bradfords who then lay sicke in bed and if they had not risen with good speede had beene blowne vp with powder but through Gods mercy they had no harme the house was as full of beds as they could lie one by another and their Muskets charged but blessed be God there was no harme done Munday the 15. day it rayned much all day that they on ship-boord could not goe on shore nor they on shore doe any labour but were all wet Tuesday wednesday thursday were very faire Sun-shinie dayes as if it had beene in Aprill and our people so many as were in health ought chearefully The 19. day we resolved to make a Shed to put our common provision in of which some were alreadie set on shore but at noone it rayned that we could not worke This day in the evening Iohn Goodman went abroad to vse his lame feete that were pittifully ill with the cold he had got having a little Spannell with him a little way from the Plantation two great Wolues ran after the Dog the Dog ran to him and betwixt his leggs for succour he had nothing in his hand but tooke vp a sticke and threw at one of them and hit him and they presently ran both away but came againe he got a pai●e bord in his hand and they sat both on their tayles grinning at him a good while and went their way and left him Saturday 20. we made vp our Shed for our common goods Sunday the 21. we kept our meeting on Land Munday the 22. was a faire day we wrought on our houses and in the after-noone carried vp our hogsheads of meale to our common store
HIM IT seemed good to the Company for many considerations to send some amongst them to Massasoyt the greatest Commander amongst the Savages bordering about vs partly to know where to find them if occasion served as also to see their strength discover the Country prevent abuses in their disorderly comming vnto vs make satisfaction for some conceived jniuries to be done on our parts and to continue the league of Peace and Friendship betweene them and vs. For these and the like ends it pleased the Governour to make choice of Steven Hopkins Edward Winslo● to goe vnto him and having a fit opportunitie by reason of a Savage called Tisquantum that could speake English comming vnto vs with all expedition provided a Horse-mans coat of red Cotton and laced with a slight lace for a present that both they and their message might be the more acceptable amongst them The Message was as followeth That forasmuch as his subiects came often and without feare vpon all occasions amongst vs so wee were now come vnto him and in witnesse of the loue and good will the English beare vnto him the Governour hath sent him a coat desiring that the Peace and Amitte that was betweene them and vs might be continued not that we feared them but because we intended not to iniure any desiring to liue peaceably and as with all men so especially with them our neerest neighbours But whereas his people came very often and very many together vnto vs bringing for the most part their wiues and children with them they were well come yet we being but strangers as yet at Patuxet alias New Plimmoth and not knowing how our Corne might prosper we could no longer giue them such entertainment as we had done and as we desired still to doe yet if he would be pleased to come himselfe or any speciall friend of his desired to see vs comming from him they should be wellcome and to the end wee might know them from others our Governour had sent him a copper Chayne desiring if any Messenger should come from him to vs we might know him by bringing it with him and hearken and giue credite to his Message accordingly Also requesting him that such as haue ●kin● should bring them to vs and that he would hinder the multitude from oppressing vs with them And whereas as our first arrivall at Pao●i●t called by vs Cape ●od we found there Corne buried in the ground and finding no inhabitants but some graues of dead now buryed tooke the Corne resolving if ever we could heare of any that had right thereunto to make satisfaction to the full for it yet since we vnderstand the owners thereof were fled for feare of vs our desire was either to pay them with the like quantitie of corne English meale or any other Commodities we had to pleasure them withall requesting him that some one of his men might signifie so much vnto them and wee would content him for his paines And last of all our Gouernour requested one favour of him which was that he would exchange some of their Corne for seede with us that we might make tryall which best agreed with the foyle where we liue With these presents and message we set forward the tenth Iune about 9. a clocke in the Morning our guide resolving that night to rest at Namasches a Towne vnder Massasoyt and conceived by vs to bee very neere because the Inhabitants flocked so thicke vpon every slight occasion amongst vs but wee found it to bee some fifteene English myles On the way we found some ten or twelue men women and children which had pestered vs till wee were wearie of them perceiving that as the manner of them all is where victuall is easiliest to be got there they liue especially in the Summer by reason whereof our ●ay affording many Lobsters they resort every spring tide thither now returned with vs to Namaschet Thither we came about 3. a clock after noone the Inhabitants entertaining vs with ioy in the best manner they could giving vs a kinde of bread called by them Maixium and the spawne of Shade which then they got in abundance in so much as they gaue vs spoones to eate them with these they boyled mustie Acorns but of the Shads we eate heartily After this they desired one of our men to shoote at a Crow complaining what damage they sustained in their Corne by them who shooting some fourescore off and killing they much admired it as other shots on other occasions After this Tisquantum told vs we should hardly in one day reach Pakanokick moving vs to goe some 8. myles further where we should finde more store and better victuals then there Being willing to hasten our Iourney we went and came thither at Sunne setting where we found many of the Namaschecks they so calling the men of Namaschet fishing vppon a Ware which they had made on a River which belonged to them where they caught abundance of Basse. These welcommed vs also gaue vs of their fish and we them of our victuals not doubting but w● should haue enough where ere we came There we lodged in the open fieldes for houses they had none though they spent the most of the Summer there The head of this River is reported to bee not farre from the place of our abode vpon it are and haue beene many Townes it being a good length The ground 〈◊〉 good on both sides it being for the most part cleered Thousands of men have lived there which dyed in a great plague not long since and pitty it was and is to ●ee so many goodly fieldes so well seated without men to dresse and manure the same Vppon this River dwelleth Massasoyt It commeth into the Sea at the Narrohiganset Bay where the French men so much vse A shipp may goe many myles vp it as the Salvages report and a shallop to the head of it but so farre as wee saw wee are sure a Shallop may But to returne to our Iourney The next morning wee brake our fast tooke our leaue and departed being then accompanied with some sixe Salvages having gone about sixe myles by the Riverside at a knowne shole place it beeing low water they spake to vs to put off our breeches for wee must wade thorow Heere let me not forget the vallour and courrage of some of the Salvage● on the opposite side of the river for there were remaining aliue only 2. men both aged especially the one being aboue threescore These two espying a company of men entring the River ran very swiftly low in the grasse to meete vs at the banck where with sh●ll voyces and great courage standing charged vppon vs with their bowes they demaunded what we were supposing vs to be enemies and thinking to take advantage on vs in the water but seeing we were friends they welcommed vs with such foode as they had and we bestowed a small bracelet of Beades on them Thus farre wee are sure the ●ide
as big as Oysters The latter we gaue to the sixe Savages that accompanied vs keeping the Meale for our selues when we dranke we eate each a spoonefull of it with a Pipe of Tobacco in stead of other victuals and of this also we could not but giue them so long as it lasted Fiue myles they led vs to a house out of the way in hope of victualls but we found no body there and so were but worse able to returne home That night we reached to the wire where we lay before but the Namascheusks were returned so that we had no hope of any thing there One of the Savages had shot a Shad in the water and a small Squirrill as big as a Rat called a Neuxis the one halfe of either he gaue vs and after went to the wire to fish From hence we wrote to Plimouth and sent Tokamahamon before to Namasket willing him from thence to send another that he might meet vs with food at Namasket Two men now onely remained with vs and it pleased God to giue them good store of fish so that we were well refreshed After supper we went to rest and they to fishing againe more they gat and fell to eating a fresh and retayned sufficient readie rost for all our break-fasts About two a Clocke in the morning arose a great storme of wind raine lightning and thunder in such violent manner that we could not keepe in our fire and had the Savages not rosted fish when we were asleepe we had set forward fasting for the raine still continued with great violence even the whole day thorow till wee came within two myles of home Being wett and weary at length we came to Namaschet there we refreshed our selues giuing gifts to all such as had shewed vs any kindnesse Amongst others one of the sixe that came with vs from Packanokik having before this on the way vnkindly forsaken vs marvayled we gaue him nothing and told vs what he had done for vs we also told him of some discurtesies he offered vs whereby he deserved nothing yet we gaue him a small trifle wherevpon he offered vs Tobacco but the house being full of people we told them hee stole some by the way and if it were of that we would not take it For we would not receiue that which was stolne vpon any termes if we did our God would be angry with vs and destroy vs. This abashed him and gaue the rest great content but at our departure he would needs carry him on his backe thorow a River whom he had formerly in some sort abused Faine they would haue had vs to lodge there all night and wondered we would set forth againe in such Weather but GOD be praysed wee came safe home that night though wett weary and surbated A VOYAGE MADE BY TEN of our Men to the Kingdome of NAVSET to seeke a Boy that had lost himselfe in the WOODS With such Accidents as befell vs in that VOYAGE THe 11th of Iune we set forth the weather being very faire but ere we had bin long at Sea there arose a storme of wind and raine with much lightning and thunder in so much that a spout arose not far from vs but God be praysed it dured not long and we put in that night for Harbour at a place called Cummaquid where wee had some hope to finde the Boy Two Savages were in the Boat with vs the one was Tisquantum our Interpreter the other Tokamahamon a speciall friend It being night before we came in we Anchored in the middest of the Bay where we were drie at a low water In the morning we espied Savages seeking Lobsters and sent our two Interpreters to speake with them the channell being betweene them where they told them what we were and for what we were come willing them not at all to feare vs for we would not hurt them Their answere was that the Boy was well but he was at Nauset yet since wee were there they desired vs to come ashore eate with them which as soone as our Boat floated we did and went sixe ashore having foure pledges for them in the Boate. They brought vs to their Sachim or Gouernour whom they call Iyanough a man not exceeding twentie-six yeeres of age but very personable gentle courteous and fayre conditioned indeed not like a Savage saue for his attyre his entertainement was answerable to his parts and his cheare plentifull and various One thing was very grieuous vnto vs at this place There was an old woman whom we iudged to be no lesse then an hundred yeeres old which came to see vs because shee neuer saw English yet could not behold vs without breaking forth into great passion weeping and crying excessiuely We demaunding the reason of it they told vs she had three sons who when master Hunt was in these parts went aboord his Ship to trade with him and he carried them Captiues into Spaine for Tisquantum at that time was carried away also by which meanes shee was depriued of the comfort of her children in her old age We told them we were sorry that any English man should giue them that offence that Hunt was a bad man and that all the English that heard of it condemned him for the same but for vs we would not offer them any such iniury though it would gaine vs all the skins in the Countrey So we gaue her some small trifles which somewhat appeased her After dinner we tooke Boat for Nauset Iyanough and two of his men accompanying vs. Ere we came to Nauset the day and tyde were almost spent in so much as we could not goe in with our Shallop but the Sachim or Governour of Comm●quid went a shore and his men with him we also sent Tisquantum to tell Aspinet the Sachim of Nauset wherefore we came The Sauages here came very thicke amongst vs and were earnest with vs to bring in our Boate. But we neither well could nor yet desired to doe it because we had lest cause to trust them being they onely had formerly made an Assault vpon vs in the same place in time of our Winter Discouery for Habitation And indeed it was no maruayle they did so for howsoeuer through snow or otherwise wee saw no houses yet wee were in the middest of them When our boat was a ground they came very thicke but wee stood therein vpon our guard not suffering any to enter except two the one being of Maramoick and one of those whose Corne we had formerly found we promised him restitution desired him either to come to Patuxet for satisfaction or else we would bring them so much corne againe hee promised to come wee vsed him very kindely for the present Some few skins we gate there but not many After Sun-set Aspinet came with a great traine brought the boy with him one bearing him through the water hee had not lesse then an hundred with him the halfe whereof came to the Shallop
side vnarmed with him the other stood aloofe with their bow and arrowes There he delivered vs the boy behung with beades and made peace with vs wee bestowing a knife on him and likewise on another that first entertained the Boy and brought him thither So they departed from vs. Here we vnderstood that the Narrohigansets had spoyled some of Massasoyts men and taken him This strucke some feare in vs because the Colony was so weakely guarded the strength thereof being abroad But we set foorth with resolution to make the best hast home wee could yet the winde being contrary having scarce any fresh water least and at least 16. leagues home we put in againe for the shore There we met againe with Iyanough the Sachim of Cūmaquid and the most of his Towne both men women children with him Hee being still willing to gratifie vs tooke a runlet and led our men in the darke a great way for water but could finde none good yet brought such as there was on his necke with them In the meane time the women ioyned hand in hand singing and dancing before the Shallop the men also shewing all the kindnes they could Iyanough himselfe taking a bracelet from about his necke and hanging it vpon one of vs. Againe we set out but to small purpose for wee gat but little homeward Our water also was very brackish and not to be drunke The next morning Iyanough espied vs againe and ran after vs we being resolved to goe to Cummaquid againe to water tooke him into the Shallop whose entertainement was not inferiour vnto the former The soyle at Nauset and here is alike even and sandy not so good for corne as where wee are Shipps may safely ride in eyther harbour In the Summer they abound with fish Being now watered we put forth againe and by Gods providence came safely home that night A IOVRNEY TO THE Kingdome of NAMASCHET in defence of the Great King MASSASOYT against the Narrohiggansets and to revenge the supposed Death of our Interpreter Tisquantum AT our returne from Nauset we found it true that Massasoyt was put from his Countrey by the Narrohiggansets Word also was brought vnto vs that one Coubatant a petty Sachim or Governour vnder Massasoyt whom they euer feared to be too conversant wi●h the Narrohiggansets was at Namaschet who sought to draw the hearts of Massasoyts subiects from him speaking also disdainfully of vs storming at the Peace betweene Nauset Cummaquid and vs and at Tisqua●tum the worker of it also at Tokamahamon and one Hobbamock two Indians or Lemes one of which he would trecherously haue murdered a little before being a speciall and trusty man of Massasoyts Tokamahamon went to him but the other two would not yet put their liues in their hands priuately went to see if they could heare of their King and lodging at Namaschet were discouered to Coubatant who set a guard to beset the house and tooke Ti●quantum for he had sayd if he were dead the English had lost their tongue Hobbamock seeing that Tisquantum was taken and Coubatant held a knife at his breast being a strong and stout man brake from them and came to New-Plimmouth full of feare and sorrow for Tisquantum whom he thought to be slaine Vpon this Newes the Company assembled together and resolued on the morrow to send ten men armed to Namaschet and Hobbamock for their guide to reuenge the supposed death of Tisquantum on Coubatant our bitter Enemy and to retaine N●pcof another Sachim or Gouernour who was of this confederacy till we heard what was become of our friend Massasoyt On the morrow we set out ten men Armed who tooke their iourney as aforesayd but the day proved very wett When wee supposed we were within three or foure myles of Namaschet we went out of the way and stayed there till night because we would not be discouered There we consulted what to doe and thinking best to beset the house at mid-night each was appointed his taske by the Captaine all men incouraging one another to the vtmost of their power By night our guide lost his way which much discouraged our men being we were wet and weary of our armes but one of our men hauing beene before at Namasch●t brought vs into the way againe Before we came to the Towne we sat downe and ate such as our Knapsacke affoorded that being done wee threw them aside and all such things as might hinder vs and so went on and beset the house according to our last resolution Those that entred demaunded if Coubatant were not there but feare had bereft the Savages of speech We charged them not to stirre for if Coubatant were not there we would not meddle with them if he were we came principally for him to be auenged on him for the supposed death of Tisquantum and other matters but howsoeuer wee would not at all hurt their women or children Notwithstanding some of them pressed out at a priuate doore and escaped but with some wounds At length perceiuing our principall ends they told vs Coubatant was returned with all his traine and that Tisquantum was yet liuing and in the towne offering some Tobacco other such as they had to eate In this hurley burley we discharged two Peeces at randome which much terrified all the Inhabitants except Tisquantum and Tokamahamon who though they knew not our end in comming yet assured them of our honesty that we would not hurt them Those boyes that were in the house seeing our care of women often cryed Neensqua●s that is to say I am a Woman the Women also hanging vpon Hobbamock calling him Towam that is Friend But to be short we kept them we had and made them make a fire that we might see to search the house In the meane time Hobbamock gat on the top of the house and called Tisquantum and Tokamahamon which came vnto vs accompanied with others some armed and others naked Those that had Bowes and Arrowes we tooke them away promising them againe when it was day The house we tooke for our better safegar 〈◊〉 released those we had taken manifesting whom we came for and wherefore On the next morning we marched into the middest of the Towne and went to the house of Tisquantum to breakfast Thither came all whose hearts were vpright towardes vs but all Coubatants faction were fled away There in the middest of them we manifested againe our intendment assuring them that although Coubatant had now escaped vs yet there was no place should secure him and his from vs if he continued his threatning vs and prouoking others against vs who had kindly entertained him and neuer intended euill towards him till he now so iustly deserued it Moreover if Massasoyt did not returne in safetie from Narrohigganset or if hereafter he should make any insurrection against him or offer violence to Tisquantum Hobbamock or any of Massasoyts Subiects we would revenge it vpon him to the ouer-throw of him and his As