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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09262 Fiue godly, and profitable sermons concerning 1 The slaverie of sinne. 2 The mischiefe of ignorance. 3 The roote of apostasie. 4 The benefit of Gods service. 5 The Christians loue. Preached in his life time in sundry places. By that late faithfull minister of Christ Mr William Pemble of Magdalen Hall in the Vniversity of Oxford. Pemble, William, 1592?-1623.; Tombes, John, 1603?-1676. 1628 (1628) STC 19576A; ESTC S114334 73,812 112

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more perfection is to be sought for but it wil neuer be had in this life therefore mē must be stil striuing in the knowledg of God schollers must studie still Ministers preach people must heare still all must grow richer in this treasure of spirituall wisedome In a word no man must cease learning till God giue ouer teaching And know this that the man who bewailes his ignorance daily searches after knowledge in the vse of good meanes he shall gaine this advantage first the little knowledg which he hath shall doe him much good then in due time his stock shall encrease according to that promise to him that hath vseth it well shall be giuen more he shall haue abundance Let thus much suffice to be spokē for the vnfolding of the nature of this sinne Come wee in the last place to make application of all vnto our owne vse 1 The first vse shall be for reprehension of ignorant persons whose fault is here declared to be great and their condition miserable which notwithstanding there are in the world many patrons of this sin who both in opinion and practise defend this sinne and approue it I shall name vnto you two sorts of them 1 Papists who make a direct profession of this shamefull sinne with them the best way for a man to doe his duty is not to know it at all and no devotion is comparable to that which is blind nor any service like that which is beastly and vnreasonable Let an ignorant Catholike that canne reade never a letter nor vnderstand scarce a fillable in the Creede Lords prayer Ten commandements or other part of his catechisme let him yet hold fast by his ghostly fathers sleaue doe as he bids him come to Church and heare Latine service reade latine prayers doe he knows not what yea any thing the Priest commands him and then they 'le warrāt him cocksure from falling into the ditch be he neuer so blind Let Paul finde fault with zeale without knowledge Rom. 10 2. 3. T is no matter what he saith the 'ile contradict him to his teeth and tell vs as they teach their people that ignorance is the best mother of true Catholike devotion In which impudencie some haue gone so farre of late daies as to erect a new order of Friers whose very rule profession was ignorance of all things except Christ and the virgin Mary It is not possible that all things should haue come to this passe amongst them were there not knaverie in the businesse But the truth is this Poperie is one great part of the kingdome of darknesse and for the support hereof it was needfull to shutte out the light for feare of discovering their secret abominatiōs If their deeds were good why doe they hate the light If their opinions were sound why are they afraid of Scripture 'T is selfe guiltinesse breeds those feares and iealousies and that Atheisticall slander of Gods word that the Scriptures are obscure that the reading of the bible will make men hereticks In short the best construction we can make of their practises in this kinde is that they mistrust Poperie would downe if people had but knowledge to see their villanies errors they see the credite of Priests Fr●ers would downe who now be the only admired oracles of knowledge among their ignorant people which is more those slow bellies and evill beasts see 't would cost them much paines and toile to bring their people to knowledge after so long neglect of that course wherefore they sit still grow lazie and fat whilst their people is well enough content to be vntaught so to perish in their Ignorance Idolatry and Superstition 2 Protestants amongst whom we haue a number which are papists in their practises what ever they be in their opinions Among vs many there be that haue left off to vnderstand and doe good as it is psal 36. 3. men of ill liues of ignorant minds that out of carelesnesse or contempt profit not one iot either in knowledg or obediēce of the Gospel This is a raigning sinne that spreads farre and wide ouer all quarters of the land a killing sin that ●laies thousands of soules which fall daily into the pit snare before they are aware that evill is toward them 'T is the grand factor for hell and that wherin the divil hath ever laboured by deepest polices to keepe men from knowledge either that they might not haue the meanes or not profit by thē when they had them What shall we say my brethren to the lamentable ignorāce amongst people shall we excuse it 't is not possible For I demand in the Apostles wo●ds Rom. 10. 18. haue they not all heard the Gospell noe doubt the sound thereof hath gone through all the land● and the words thereof vnto the end of the earth All meanes of knowledg haue been plentiful amongst vs Preaching Catechizing Printing and all these for a long time sixtie yeares and vpwarde so that one would thinke now all might know the Lord from the greatest to the meanest and if ever in any now in our country mightbe fulfilled that of Habakkuk c. 2. 14 the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glorie of the Lord as the waters couer the sea If in any particular place meanes haue beene scant and the people haue had but little instructiō ill may they thriue with their idlenes by whose negligence Gods people haue perished for lack of knowledg And if any such heare mee let them be entreated in the bowels of Christ Iesus to haue more pittie and compassion on the poore soules which goe astray as sheepe which haue no sheepheard But my brethren you must know that this excuse will not serue the turne neither if ministers wil not teach we need not learne No if they will not seeke where thou maist and doe not thou throw away thy selfe because another is careles of thy safety But of all what excuse will they haue who haue beene borne and bread vp in parishes that haue had preaching almost time out of mind Here one woulde thinke in regard of time meanes men might be teachers rather then learners but 't is nothing so Here also shall you meete with hundreds that had need be taught their very A. B. C. in matters of religion 't is no marvaile to see children or young mē ignorant when you shall haue old men 50. 60. yea 80 years old whose gray haires shew that they haue had time enough to learne more witt yet in case to be set to schoole againe for their admirable simplcitie in the knowledg of religion They 'le scorne to be questioned but doe but get them in a good moode and talke with them about religion aske them the meaning of the articles of faith of the petitions in the Lords prayer or of other cōmon points in Catechisme and marke their answers you shall see them so shuffle and fumble speake halfe words
that tempt God yea they are delivered See the rancor of a corrupt heart venting it selfe in fowle accusations against God and his goodnes as if he were one that had no respect at all to his faithfull Servants but one that favoured his Foes more then his friends Such is still the sottish iudgment of the world that it is a thankeles office to obey God almighty they coūt no time so vnprofitably spent as that which is bestowed vpon his service even the godlie in a fit of discontent are apt to thinke so David Ps. 73. 13. verily I haue cleansed my heart in vaine Baruch Ier. 45. 3. no course so vnlikely to thriue by to liue happily or honorably in the world as that which God counsels them to no men so despicable and miserable as those who desire to be what they are named Christians Mens practises easilie discover that in their hearts they are come to desperate resolutions as that impious fellow 2. King 6. 33. should I attend on God anie longer perswade men all that you can to a religious observation of reading the word instructing their servants and children as is to bee done in Christian families shew them Gods commaundements tell them of his promises that in doing these things God will blesse both soule and body goods and good name and marke their answeres Alas they are but poore men it is one day in a weeke losse to them they must worke or else wife and children wil be ill provided for they cannot liue by hearing of sermons religion will not buy food or raiment they haue their hands full of businesse and should they spend halfe an houre in a morning and so much at evening for prayer and devotion all would runne to wracke their worke would want their servants and their servants would want their sleepe they haue some speciall busines which cannot bee compassed in the weeke wherefore they must make bolde with God and borrow what they neuer meane to pay it must and shal be done on the Lordes day else they should wrong themselues and set all out of square Tell men that God abhorres falshood that a little with equitie is better then bagges full of cosenage and deceipt they 'le answere you that is not the way to thriue they wote well that plaine dealing is a iewell and God likes well of it but they do giue you to vnderstande that hee that vseth it shall die a begger Wherefore they must lie and cosen and doe as the world doth or els they are sure wealth wil come in but slowly Perswade men to be mercifull to the poore to feed the hungry cloath the naked helpe the decaied that their hearts may blesse them and that God may blesse them in themselues their posteritie you shall haue from them such speaches as these I know the ●ore part of my life but not the end the world is hard trade decaies I grow old I may come to wāt where now I giue a bird in the hand is worth two in the Bush I am sure of what I haue I cannot tell what I shall haue I haue many to provide for we must liue every man vpon his owne with a greate Deale of such cold water which men vse to cast vpon those few sparkles of Charity that 's left in them vtterlie to quench it Thus God may promise or commande what he will but most of vs are at a point with him we will doe but what we list thinking with our selues it is no booty to belieue what he promiseth or obey what he commands The ground of this perversnes of mens opinions and practises touching our obedience to God is that infidelity which is rooted in our Natures and growen vp with vs even from the wombe that poison which the Serpent powred forth into the minds of our first Parents viz that God did not meane fairly towards them hath ever since deeply infected our natures making vs stil to haue God in a jealousie suspition that he wil not do what he saith when he bids vs obey makes promise vpon promise that al shal be wel with thē that feare him much a doe we haue to take God vpō his word we forecast a thousand perils if we do so there is danger if so yet there we are not safe neither we begin to argue how this or that can be whē which way I shal be blessed as God saith I shall And after a great deale of quarrelling disputing in the end we fal to this conclusion that it 's good to trust God no farther thē we see him We may every one read his own thoughts in the practises of men recorded for our observation in the Scriptures Take a few Examples 2. Chro. 25. we read that Amaziah hauing hired 100000 men of Israel to go with him against the Edomits he was forbiden by the Prophet of God to let the Army of Israel go with him to battle for if he did he should surely loose the victory if he obeyed he should conquer Here now Amaziah is in a straight whether hee should follow the counsell of the man of God or his owne but what shall we doe saith he for the hundred Talents which I haue given to the Armie of Israell ver 9. yea this stucke in his stomacke he could willingly doe as God bids him but he shall loose an hundred Talents by the bargaine and that is a great matter wherefore the King could finde in heart to adde obstinacie to his follie as at first he had hired them against Gods good liking so now to retaine them contrarie to his expresse commande and to hazard loose Gods favour and aide in that iournie rather then the losse of one hundred Talents and doubtlesse so he had done had not the Prophet beene earnest with him and confirmed him by perswading him to trust to Gods power and rest himselfe contented the Lord saith he shall giue to thee much more then this in the same verse Againe in the 25. of Levit. we read that God gaue this law to the Israelits that sixe yeeres they should sow their land dresse their vinyards but euery seaventh yeere the land should rest they should not sow their corne nor reape that which growed of it selfe they should not cut their vines nor gather their grapes that grew that yeere as it is from ver 2. to the 8. of that Cha. Doubt ye not but this seemeth a strāge cōmand to this distrustful people and that they were very hardly brought to obey it even as many of vs would do in the like case What must all Tillage cease must no regard be had for the fruit of the Earth for every 7 yeare why this is the direct way to starue vs all what if harvest vintage proue bad in the sixe yeeres what shal we haue to liue vpō in the 2 years after what if the 8 th yeare proue naught then by like we must liue 3 yeares vpon one yeares