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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72693 The booke of the common prayer and administracion of the sacramentes, and other rites and ceremonies of the Churche: after the vse of the Churche of England.; Liturgies. Book of common prayer Church of England. 1549 (1549) STC 16270A; ESTC S122894 224,523 337

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commaundementes His seede shal be mightie vpon yearthe the generacion of the faythefull shal be blessed Riches and plenteousnes shal be in his house and hys righteousnes endureth for euer Vnto the Godly there ariseth vp lyght in the darkenes he is mercifull louing and righteous A good man is mercifull and lendeth and wyll guyde his wordes with discrecion For he shall neuer be moued and the righteous shal be had in euerlasting remembraunce He will not bee afrayed for any euyl tydynges for hys hearte standeth fast and beleueth in the Lorde His hearte is stablyshed and will not shrynke vntill he see his desire vpon his enemyes He hath sparsed abroade and geuē to the poore and hys righteousnes remaineth for euer his horne shal bee exalted with honor The vngodlye shall se it and it shall greue him he shall gnashe with his teeth and consume awaye the desyre of the vngodly shall perishe Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is now and euer c. The Collect. Almightie father c. As at the second Communion on Easter day The Epistle ALl that is borne of GOD ouercommeth the world And this is the victory that ouercommeth the worlde euen our faith Who is it that ouercommeth the worlde but he whiche beleueth that Iesus is the sonne of God This Iesus Christe is he that came by water and bloude not by water onely but by water and bloud And it is the spirite that beareth witnesse because the spirite is truethe For there are three whiche beare recorde in heauen the father the woorde and the holy ghoste and these three are one And there are three whiche beare recorde in yearth the spirite and water and bloude and these three are one If wee receyue the witnes of menne the witnes of God is greater For this is the witnes of God that is greater whiche he testified of his sonne He that beleueth on the sonne of God hath the witnes in hymselfe He that beleueth not God hath made hym a lyer because he beleueth not the recorde that God gaue of his sonne And this is the record how that God hath geuen vnto vs eternall life and this lyfe is in his sonne He that hath the sonne hath lyfe and he that hath not the sonne of God hath not lyfe The Gospell IHesame daye at nyghte whiche was the first day of the Sabbothes whē the dores were shut where the disciples were assembled together for feare of the Iewes came Iesus and stode in the middes and sayd vnto them Peace be vnto you And when he had so sayde he shewed vnto them his handes and his syde Then were the disciples glad when they sawe the Lorde Then sayde Iesus to them againe Peace be vnto you As my father sent me euen so sende I you also And when he had saide those wordes he breathed on them and saide vnto them receyue ye the holy gost Whosoeuers synnes ye remytte they are remytted vnto them And whosoeuers synnes ye retaine they are retained ¶ The second Sondaye after Easter HAste thee O God to deliuer me Make haste to helpe me O Lorde Let them bee ashamed and confounded that seke after my soule lette them be turned backeward and put to confusion that wishe me euill Let them for their reward be soone brought to shame that crye ouer me there there But let all those that seke thee be ioyfull and gladde in thee and let al suche as delight in thy saluacion say alway the Lorde be praysed As for me I am poore and in misery Haste thee vnto me O God Thou art my helpe and my redemer O Lorde make no long tarying Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ALmightie God whiche haste geuen thy holy sonne to be vnto vs both a sacrifice for synne and also an example of Godly lyfe Geue vs the grace that we may alwayes moste thankfully receiue that his inestimable benefite and also dayly indeuour our selfes to folowe the blessed steppes of his moste holy lyfe The Epistle THis is thanke worthy yf a manne for conscience toward God indure griefe and suffre wrong vndeserued For what prayse is it yf when ye bee buffeted for your fautes ye take it paciently But and if when ye doe well ye suffre wrong and take it paciently then is there thāke with God For hereunto verely were ye called For Christe also suffered for vs leauyng vs an ensample that ye shoulde folowe his steppes whiche dyd no synne neyther was there guyle found in his mouth which when he was reuiled reuiled not againe when he suffered he threatned not but committed the vengeaunce to hym that iudgeth righteously which his owne selfe bare our sinnes in his body on the tree that we being deliuered from sinne should lyue vnto righteousnes By whose stripes ye were healed For ye were as shepe goyng a stray But are nowe turned vnto the shepheard and bishop of your soules The Gospell CHriste sayed to his disciples I am the good shepheard a good shepheard geueth his lyfe for the shepe An hired seruaunte he whiche is not the shepheard neyther the shepe are his owne seeth the wolfe commyng and leaueth the shepe and flieth and the wolfe catcheth and skattreth the shepe The hired seruaunt flyeth because he is an hired seruaunte and careth not for the shepe I am the good shepheard and knowe my shepe and am knowen of myne As my Father knoweth me euen so knowe I also my Father And I geue my lyfe for the shepe and other shepe I haue whiche are not of this folde Them also must I bryng and they shall heare my voyce and there shal be one folde and one shepheard ¶ The .iii. Sonday VNto thee O God doe we geue thankes yea vnto thee doe we geue thankes Thy name also is so nye and that doe thy wonderous workes declare When I receiue the congregacion I shal iudge accordyng vnto right The earth is weake and all the inhabitours therof I beare vp the pillers of it I sayed vnto the fooles deale not so madly and to the vngodly set not vp your horne Sette not vp youre horne on hye and speake not with a stiffe necke For promocion commeth neither from the East nor from the West nor yet from the Southe And why GOD is the iudge he putteth downe one and setteth vp an other For in the hande of the Lorde there is a cup and the wine is red it is full mixte and he poureth out of thesame As for the dregges therof all the vngodly of the yearth shall drinke them and sucke them out But I will talke of the God of Iacob and prayse hym for euer All the hornes of the vngodly also will I breake and the hornes of the righteous shal be exalted Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the
put his handes vpō them and blessed them After the gospell is reade the minister shall make thys briefe exhortacion vpon the wordes of the gospell FRendes you heare in thys gospell the wordes of oure Sauiour Christe that he commaunded the children to be brought vnto hym howe he blamed those that woulde haue kept them from hym howe he exhorteth all menne to folowe their innocencie Ye perceyue howe by hys outwarde gesture and dede he declared hys good wyll towarde them For he embraced them in his armes he laied his handes vpon thē and blessed thē doubte ye not therfore but earnestlye beleue that he will lykewyse fauourably receiue these presente infantes that he will embrace them with the armes of hys mercy that he will geue vnto them the blessing of eternall lyfe and make them partakers of his euerlasting kyngdome Wherfore we beeing thus perswaded of the good will of our heauenlye father toward these infantes declared by his sonne Iesus Christ And nothyng doubting but that he fauourablye alloweth thys charitable woorke of ours in bringyng these children to his holy baptisme let vs faythfully and deuoutely geue thankes vnto him And saye the prayer whiche the Lorde himselfe taught And in declaracion of our fayth let vs also recyte the articles conteyned in our Crede Here the minister with the Godfathers Godmothers and people present shall saye ¶ Our father whiche arte in heauen halowed bee thy name c. And then shall say openly I beleue in God the father almightie c. The priest shall adde also this prayer ALmyghtie and euerlasting God heauenly father wee geue thee humble thankes that thou haste vouchsaued to call vs to knowledge of thy grace and faith in thee Increace and cōfirme this faith in vs euermore Geue thy holy spirit to these infantes that they maye bee borne agayne and be made heyres of euerlasting saluacion through our Lorde Iesus Christe Who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy spirite nowe and for euer Amen Then let the Priest take one of the children by the right hande thother being brought after him And cūming into the churche towarde the fonte saye THe Lorde vouchsafe to receyue you into hys holy housholde and to kepe and gouerne you alway in the same that you may haue euerlasting lyfe Amen Then standing at the fonte the priest shall speake to the Godfathers and Godmothers on this wise WElbeloued frendes ye haue brought these children here to bee Baptised ye haue prayed that oure Lorde Iesus Christe woulde vouchsafe to receiue them to laye hys handes vpon them to blesse them to release them of theyr synnes to geue them the kyngdome of heauen and euerlastyng lyfe Ye haue hearde also that our Lorde Iesus Christ hath promised in his gospel to graunt all these thinges that ye haue prayed for which promise he for his parte wil moste surely kepe and perfourme Wherefore after this promise made by Christe these infantes must also faithfully for theyr parte promise by you that be their suerties that they wil forsake the deuill and all hys woorkes and constantlye beleue Gods holy woorde and obediently kepe his commaundementes Then shall the prieste demaunde of the childe whiche shall be firste Baptised these questyons folowyng firste namyng the childe and saying N. Doeste thou forsake the deuil and all his woorkes Aunswere I forsake them Minister Doeste thou forsake the vayne pompe and glorie of the worlde with all the couetous desyres of the same Aunswere I forsake them Minister Doeste thou forsake the carnall desyres of the fleshe so that thou wilt not folowe nor be led by them Aunswere I forsake them Minister Doeste thou beleue in God the father almightie maker of heauen and yearth Aunswere I beleue Minister Doest thou beleue in Iesus Christe his onely begotten sonne our lord and that he was conceiued by the holy gost borne of the virgin Mary that he suffered vnder Poncius Pilate was crucified dead and buried that he went down into hell and also did ryse agayne the thirde day that he ascended into heauen sitteth on the right hande of God the father almightie And from thence shall come agayne at the ende of the worlde to iudge the quicke and the dead Doest thou beleue this Aunswere I beleue Minister Doeste thou beleue in the holy Goste the holy Catholyke Churche the Communion of Sainctes Remissyon of Sinnes Resurreccion of the fleshe and euerlastyng lyfe after death Aunswere I beleue Minister What doest thou desyre Aunswere Baptisme Minister Wilt thou be Baptised Aunswere I will ¶ Then the priest shall take the childe in his handes and aske the name And namyng the chylde shall dippe it in the water thryse First dipping the rightside Second the leftside The thirde time dipping the face towarde the fonte So it be discretely and warely done saying ¶ N. I Baptize thee in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen ¶ And if the childe be weake it shall suffice to powre water vpon it saying the foresayde woordes N. I Baptize thee c. Then the Godfathers and Godmothers shall take and laye theyr handes vpon the chylde and the minister shall put vpon hym hys whyte vesture commonly called the Crisome And say Take thys whyte vesture for a token of the innocencye whiche by Gods grace in this holy sacramente of baptisme is geuen vnto thee and for a sygne wherby thou art admonished so long as thou liuest to geue thy selfe to innocencie of liuing that after thys transitory lyfe thou mayest be partaker of the life euerlasting Amen Then the Priest shall annoynte the infante vpon the head saying ALmightie God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christ who hath regenerate thee by water and the holye goste and hath geuen vnto thee remission of all thy sinnes he vouchesaue to annoynte thee with the vnccyon of hys holy spirite and bring thee to the inheritance of euerlasting lyfe Amen When there are many to be Baptised this ordre of demaunding Baptisyng puttyng on the Crisome and enoyntyng shal be vsed seuerally with euery childe Those that be first Baptised departyng from the fonte and remaynyng in some conuenyente place within the Churche vntill all bee Baptised At the laste ende the priest callyng the Godfathers and Godmothers together shall say this short exhortacion folowing FOr asmuche as these children haue promised by you to forsake the deuil and all his woorkes to beleue in God and to serue hym you muste remember that it is youre partes and duetie to see that these infantes bee taughte so soone as they shal be hable to learne what a solemne vowe promyse and professyon they haue made by you And that they maye knowe these thynges the better ye shall call vpon them to heare sermons and chiefely you shall prouyde that they maye learne the Crede the Lordes prayer and the ten commaundementes in thenglishe tonge and al other thinges whiche a Christian manne oughte to knowe and beleue to
catholyke Churche the Cōmunion of Saintes Remission of sinnes Resurreccion of the fleshe and euerlasting lyfe after death Aunswere I beleue Then the minister shall put the white vesture commonly called the Crisome vpon the childe saying TAke this whyte vesture for a token of the innocencie whiche by goddes grace in the holy sacramente of Baptysme is geuen vnto thee and for a sygne wherby thou arte admonyshed so long as thou shalte liue to geue thy selfe to innocencie of liuing that after this transitory lyfe thou mayest be partaker of the lyfe euerlastyng Amen ¶ Let vs pray ALmightie and euerlastyng God heauenlye father wee geue thee humble thankes that thou haste vouchesaued to call vs to the knoweledge of thy grace and fayth in thee Increase and confirme this fayth in vs euermore Geue thy holy spirite to thys infante that he being borne agayne and being made heire of euerlasting saluacyon throughe oure Lorde Iesus Christe may continue thy seruaunte and attaine thy promises through the same our Lorde Iesus Christe thy sonne who liueth and reygneth with thee in vnitie of the same holy spirite euerlastinglye Amen Then shall the minister make this exhortacion to the Godfathers and Godmothers FOr asmuche as thys chylde hathe promysed by you to forsake the deuill and all his woorkes to beleue in God and to serue him you must remember that it is your partes and duetie to see that this infante be taught so soone as he shal be hable to learne what a solemne vowe promyse and professyon he hath made by you and that he maye knowe these thinges the better ye shall call vpon him to heare sermons And chiefly ye shall prouide that he may learne the Crede the Lordes prayer and the ten commaundementes in the Englishe tongue and al other thynges which a christian man ought to knowe and beleue to his soules health and that this child may be vertuously brought vp to leade a godly and a christian life Remembring alway that baptisme doeth represent vnto vs oure profession whiche is to folowe the example of our sauiour Christ and to be made lyke vnto him that as he died and rose agayne for vs so shoulde we whiche are baptised dye from sinne and rise agayne vnto righteousnes continually mortifying al our euil and corrupt affeccions and daily proceding in al vertue and godlines of liuyng c As in publyke Baptisme ¶ But yf they whiche bryng the infantes to the churche doe make an vncertayne aunswere to the priestes questions and saye that they cannot tell what they thought dyd or sayed in that great feare and trouble of mynde as oftentymes it chaunseth Then let the priest Baptise hym in forme aboue wrytten concerninge publyke Baptime sauing that at the dyppyng of the childe in the fonte he shal vse this forme of wordes IF thou be not Baptised alreadye N. I Baptize thee in the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holye gost Amen The water in the fonte shal be chaunged euery moneth once at the least and afore any chyld be Baptised in the water so chaūged the priest shal saye at the fonte these prayers folowyng O Most mercyfull God our sauiour Iesu Christ who haste ordeyned the elemente of water for the regeneracion of thy faythfull people vpon whom beinge baptised in the riuer of Iordan the holye goste came downe in lykenes of a dooue Sende downe we beseche thee the same thy holy spirite to assist vs and to be present at thys our inuocacion of thy holy name Sanctifie ✚ this foūtain of baptisme thou that art the sanctifier of al thinges that by the power of thy word all those that shall be baptised therein may be spiritually regenerated and made the children of euerlastyng adopcion Amen O mercyful God graunt that the olde Adam in them that shal be baptised in this fountayne may be so buried that the newe man may be raysed vp agayne Amen Graunt that all carnall affeccions maye die in them and that all thynges belongyng to the spirite maye lyue and growe in them Amen Graunte to all them whiche at this fountayne forsake the deuill and all his workes that they maye haue power and strength to haue victorye and to triumph against him the worlde and the fleshe Amen Whosoeuer shall confesse thee o lord recognise him also in thy kingdome Amen Graunt that al sinne and vice here maie be so extinct that they neuer haue power to raigne in thy seruauntes Amē Graunte that whosoeuer here shall begynne to be of thy flocke may euermore continue in the same Amen Graunt that all they whiche for thy sake in this lyfe do denie and forsake themselfes may wynne and purchase thee O lorde whiche art euerlasting treasure Amen Graunte that whosoeuer is here dedicated to thee by our office and ministerie may also be endewed with heauenlye vertues and euerlastinglye rewarded through thy mercy O Blessed lorde God who doest lyue and gouerne all thinges worlde without ende Amen The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite ALmightie euerliuing God whose moste derely beloued sonne Iesus Christ for the forgeuenes of our sinnes did shead out of his most precious syde both water and bloud and gaue cōmaundemēt to his disciples that they should goe teache all nacions and Baptise them in the name of the father the sonne and the holy goste Regarde we beseche thee the supplycacions of thy congregacion and graunte that all thy seruauntes whiche shall bee Baptized in this water prepared for the ministracion of thy holy sacrament may receiue the fulnesse of thy grace and euer remaine in the noumbre of thy faithful and elect chyldren through Iesus Christ our Lorde ❧ CONFIRMACION ❧ wherin is conteined a Cathechisme for children TO th ende that confirmacion may be ministred to the more edifying of suche as shall receyue it accordyng to Saint Paules doctrine who teacheth that all thynges shoulde be doen in the church to the edificacion of the same it is thought good that none hereafter shall be confirmed but suche as can saye in their mother tong tharticles of the fayth the lordes prayer the ten commaūdemētes And can also aunswere to suche questions of this short Cathechisme as the Bushop or suche as he shall appoynte shall by hys discrecion appose them in And thys ordre is moste conueniente to be obserued for diuers consideracions ¶ First because that when children come to the yeres of discrecion and haue learned what their Godfathers and Godmothers promised for them in Baptisme they maye then themselfes with their owne mouthe and with their owne consent openly before the churche ratifie and confesse the same and also promise that by the grace of God they wyll euermore endeuour themselues faythfully to obserue and kepe suche thinges as they by their owne mouth and confession haue assented vnto ¶ Secondly for asmuche as confirmacion is ministred to them that be Baptised that by imposicion of handes and prayer they may receyue strength and
say Amen So be it ¶ So soone as the children can say in their mother tongue tharticles of the faithe the lordes praier the ten commaundementes and also can aunswere to suche questions of this short Cathechisme as the Bushop or suche as he shall appointe shall by his discrecion appose them in then shall they bee brought to the Bushop by one that shal bee his godfather or godmother that euery childe maye haue a wittenesse of his confirmacion ¶ And the Bushop shal confirme them on this wyse ¶ Confirmacion Our helpe is in the name of the Lorde Aunswere Whiche hath made bothe heauen and yearth Minister Blessed is the name of the lorde Aunswere Henceforthe worlde without ende Minister The lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite Let vs praye ALmightie and euerliuing God who hast vouchesafed to regenerate these thy seruauntes of water the holy gost And hast geue vnto thē forgeuenesse of al their sinnes Sende downe from heauen we beseche thee O lorde vpon them thy holy gost the coumforter with the manifolde giftes of grace the spirite of wysedom and vnderstanding The spirite of councell and gostly strength The spirite of knowledge and true godlinesse and fulfyll them O lorde with the spirite of thy holy feare Aunswere Amen Minister Signe them o lorde and marke them to be thine for euer by the vertue of thy holy crosse and passion Confirme and strength them with the inwarde vnccion of thy holy goste mercifully vnto euerlasting lyfe Amen Then the Bushop shall crosse them in the forehead and laye his hande vpon their heade saying N. I signe thee with the signe of the crosse and laye my hande vpon thee In the name of the father and of the sonne and of the holy gost Amen And thus shall he doe to euery childe one after another And whan he hath layed his hande vpon euery childe then shall he say The peace of the Lorde abyde with you Aunswere And with thy spirite ¶ Let vs praye ALmightie euerliuing God whiche makest vs bothe to wil and to doe those thinges that bee good and acceptable vnto thy maiestie we make our humble supplicaciōs vnto thee for these children vpon whome after the example of thy holy Apostles we haue layed our handes to certify them by this signe of thy fauour and gracious goodnes towarde them leat thy fatherly hande we beseche thee euer be ouer them let thy holy spirite euer bee with them and so leade them in the knowledge and obedience of thy worde that in the end they may obteine the life euerlasting through our Lorde Iesus Christ who with thee the holy gost liueth reigneth one god world without ende Amen Then shall the Bushop blisse the children thus saying The blessing of God almightie the father the sonne and the holy gost be vpon you and remayne with you for euer Amen The curate of euery parish once in sixe wekes at the least vpon warning by him geuen shall vpon some Soonday or holy day halfe an houre before euensong openly in the churche instructe and examine so many children of his parishe sent vnto him as the time wil serue and as he shall thinke conueniente in some parte of this Cathechisme And all fathers mothers maisters and dames shall cause their children seruauntes and prentises whiche are not yet confirmed to come to the churche at the daye appointed and obedientlye heare and be ordered by the curate vntyll suche time as they haue learned all that is here appointed for them to learne ¶ And whansoeuer the Bushop shall geue knowledge for children to be brought afore him to any conuenient place for their confirmacion Then shall the curate of euery parishe eyther bring or sende in writing the names of all those children of his parishe whiche can say tharticles of theyr faith the lordes praier the ten commaundementes And also howe many of them can aunswere to thother questions conteined in this Cathechisme ¶ And there shal none be admitted to the holy communion vntyll suche time as he be confirmed ❧ THE FORME OF ❧ Solemnizacion of Matrimonie ¶ First the bannes must be asked three seueral Sondayes or holy dayes in the seruice tyme the people being present after the accustomed maner And if the persones that would be maried dwel in diuers paryshes the bannes must be asked in both paryshes and the curate of the one paryshe shall not solemnize matrimonie betwixt them without a certificate of the bannes beyng thrise asked from the curate of thother paryshe At the daye appointed for Solemnizacion of matrimonie the persones to bee maried shall come into the bodye of the Churche with theyr frendes and neyghbours And there the priest shall thus saye DErely beloued frendes we are gathered together here in the sight of God and in the face of his congregacion to ioyne together this man and this woman in holy matrimonie whiche is an honorable estate instituted of God in paradise in the time of mans innocencie signifying vnto vs the mistical vnion that is betwixt Christ and his churche whiche holy estate Christe adorned and beutifyed wyth his presence and first miracle that he wrought in Cana of Galile and is commended of Saincte Paule to be honourable emong all men and therfore is not to be enterprised nor taken in hande vnaduisedly lightely or wantonly to satisfie mens carnall lustes appetites lyke brute beastes that haue no vnderstandyng but reuerently discretely aduisedly soberly and in the feare of God Duely cōsideryng the causes for the whiche matrimonie was ordayned One cause was the procreacion of children to be brought vp in the feare and nurture of the Lorde and prayse of God Secondly it was ordeyned for a remedye against synne and to auoyde fornicaciō that suche persons as be maried might lyue chastly in matrimony and kepe themselfes vndefiled membres of Christes body Thirdely for the mutuall societie helpe and comfort that the one ought to haue of the other both in prosperitie and aduersitie Into the which holy estate these two persons present come now to be ioyned Therfore yf any man can shewe any iust cause why they may not lawfully be ioyned so together Lette him nowe speake or els hereafter for euer hold his peace And also speakyng to the persons that shal be maried he shall say I require and charge you as you will aunswere at the dreadfull daye of iudgemente when the secretes of all heartes shal be disclosed that if eyther of you doe knowe any impediment why ye may not be lawfully ioyned together in matrimonie that ye confesse it For be ye well assured that so many as be coupled together otherwayes then Gods worde doth allowe are not ioyned of God neither is their matrimonie lawfull At whiche day of mariage if any man doe allege any impediment why they may not be coupled together in matrimonie And will be bound sureties with him to the parties or els put in a caucion to the full value of suche
hath not walked in the counsayle of the vngodly nor stand in the waye of synners and hath not sit in the seate of the skornefull But his delight is in the law of the lorde and in his lawe wil he exercise himself day and night And he shal be lyke a tree planted by the water syde that wyll bryng foorth his fruite in due season His leafe also shall not wither and looke whatsoeuer he doth it shall prospere As for the vngodly it is not so with them but they are lyke the chaffe whiche the wynde skattreth awaye from the face of the yearth Therfore the vngodly shall not be hable to stand in the iudgement neyther the synners in the congregacion of the righteous But the Lorde knoweth the waye of the righteous and the waye of the vngodlye shall perishe Glory be to the father to the sonne to the holy ghoste As it was in the begynning is nowe and euer shal bee worlde without ende Amen And so muste euery Introite be ended Let vs praye The Collect. ALmightie God geue vs grace that we maye caste away the workes of darkenes put vpon vs the armour of light now in the time of this mortal life in the which thy sonne Iesus Christe came to visite vs in great humilitie that in the last daye when he shal come again in his glorious maiestie to iudge bothe the quicke and the dead we maye ryse to the lyfe immortall through him who liueth and reigneth with thee and the holy ghost now and euer Amen The Epistle OWe nothing to any man but this that ye loue one another For he that loueth another fulfilleth the lawe For these commaundementes Thou shalt not commit adultrie Thou shalt not kyll Thou shalt not steale Thou shalt beare no false witnes Thou shalt not luste and so forthe if there be any other commaundement it is al cōprehended in this saying namely loue thy neighbor as thy self Loue hurteth not his neighbor therfore is loue the fulfillyng of the lawe This also we knowe the season howe that it is tyme that we shoulde now awake out of slepe for nowe is our saluacion nerer then when we beleued The night is passed the daye is come nye let vs therefore cast awaye the dedes of darkenes let vs put on the armoure of light Let vs walke honestly as it were in the day light not in eating and drinkyng neyther in chambouryng wantonnes neither in stryfe and enuying but put ye on the Lord Iesus Christ And make not prouision for the fleshe to fulfill the lustes of it The Gospell ANd when they drew nigh to Ierusalem were come to Bethphage vnto Mount Oliuete thē sente Iesus two disciples saying vnto thē Go into the towne that lyeth ouer agaynste you and anone ye shall fynde an Asse bounde and a Colte with her looce them and bryng them vnto me And if any man saye ought vnto you saye ye the lord hath neede of them and straight waye he will let them goe All thys was doen that it myghte bee fulfilled whiche was spoken by the Prophete saying Tell ye the daughter of Sion beholde thy kyng cummeth vnto thee meeke sitting vpon an Asse and a colte the fole of the Asse vsed to the yoke The disciples went and dyd as Iesus commaunded them and brought the Asse and the colte and put on them their clothes and set him theron And many of the people spred their garmentes in the way Other cut downe braūches from the trees and strawed them in the waye Moreouer the people that wente before and they that came after cryed saying Hosanna to the sonne of Dauid Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde Hosanna in the highest And when he was come to Ierusalem all the citie was moued saying who is this And the people sayed this is Iesus the Prophete of Nazareth a citie of Galile And Iesus went into the temple of God and cast out al them that solde and bought in the temple and ouerthrewe the tables of the money chaungers and the seates of them that solde doues and sayed vnto them It is written My house shal be called the house of prayer but ye haue made it a denne of theues The seconde Sonday WHen I was in trouble I called vpon the Lorde and he hearde me Deliuer my soule O Lorde from lying lyppes and from a deceyptfull tongue What rewarde shal be geuen vnto thee thou false tongue euen mightie and sharpe arowes with hote burning coales Woe is me that I am constrained to dwel with Mesech and to haue myne habitacion among the tentes of Cedar My soule hath long dwelt among them that bee enemies vnto peace I labour for peace but when I speake vnto them therof they make them to battayle Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. Amen The Collect. BLessed Lorde whiche haste caused all holy scriptures to be writtē for our learning graunt vs that we maye in suche wyse heare them reade marke learne and inwardly digeste them that by pacience and coumforte of thy holy woorde we maye embrace and euer holde fast the blessed hope of euerlasting lyfe whiche thou haste geuen vs in our sauiour Iesus Christe The Epistle WHatsoeuer thinges are written afore tyme they are written for our learning that we throughe pacience and coumforte of the scriptures myght haue hope The God of pacience and consolacion graunt you to be lyke minded one towardes an other after the ensaumple of Christe Iesu that ye all agreeyng together maye with one mouth prayse God the father of our Lorde Iesus Christe wherfore receyue ye one an other as Christe receyued vs to the prayse of God And thys I saye that Iesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the trueth of God to confirme the promisses made vnto the fathers and that the Gentiles might praise God for his mercie as it is wrytten For this cause I wyll prayse thee among the Gentiles and syng vnto thy name And agayne he sayth reioyce ye Gentiles with his people And agayne prayse the Lord all ye Gentiles and laude him all ye nacions together And agayne Esai sayth there shal be the roote of Iesse and he that shall rise to reygne ouer the Gentiles in him shal the Gentiles trust The God of hope fyll you with all ioy and peace in beleuyng that ye maye be riche in hope through the power of the holy gost The Gospell THere shall be signes in the Sunne and in the Mone and in the starres and in the earth the people shal be at their wittes ende through despayre The sea and the water shall roare and mennes hartes shall faile them for feare and for looking after those thinges whiche shall come on the earth For the powers of heauen shall moue And then shal they see the sonne of man come in a cloud with power and greate glory When these thinges beginne to come
shrynking children so he was theyr sauiour In theyr troubles he was also troubled with them and the Aungell that went furth from his presence deliuered them Of very loue and kyndenes that he had vnto them he redemed them He hath borne them and caried them vp euer sence the worlde began But after they prouoked him to wrath vexed his holy mynde he was their enemy fought against them himselfe Yet remēbred Israel the olde time of Moses his people saying where is he that broughte them from the water of the sea with them that fed hys shepe where is he that hath geuen his holy spirite among them he led them by the ryghthand of Moses with hys gloryous arme deuiding the water before them wherby he gate hym selfe an euerlastyng name he led them in the depe as an horse is led in the playn that they should not stomble as a tame beast goeth in the fielde and the breath geuen of God geueth hym reste Thus O God hast thou led thy people to make thy selfe a gloryous name withall Looke down then from heauen and beholde the dwellyng place of thy sanctuary thy glory How is it that thy gelousy thy strength the multitude of thy mercies and thy louing kindnes wil not be intreated of vs yet art thou our father For Abraham knoweth vs not neither is Israell acquaynted with vs But thou Lord art oure father and redemer and thy name is euerlastyng O Lorde wherfore hast thou led vs out of thy way wherfore hast thou hardened our heartes that we feare thee not Be at one with vs agayne for thy seruauntes sake and for the generacion of thyne herytage Thy people haue had but alitle of thy Sanctuary in possession for oure enemies haue troden downe the holy place And we were thyne from the begynning when thou wast not theyr Lorde for they haue not called vpon thy name The Gospell AFter two dayes was Easter and the dayes of swete bread And the hye priestes and the Scribes sought how they myght take hym by crafte and put him to death But they sayd not in the feast day lest any busines arise among the people And whē he was at Bethanie in the house of Simon the leper euen as he sate at meate there came a woman hauyng an Alabaster boxe of oyntmente called Narde that was pure and costlye and she brake the boxe and powred it on hys heade And there were some that were not contente within themselues and sayde what neded this waste of oyntmente for it myghte haue bene solde for more then .ccc. pence and haue bene geuen vnto the poore And they grudged against her And Iesus sayde let her alone why trouble ye her She hath done a good worke on me for ye haue poore with you alwaies whensoeuer ye wyll ye maye do them good but me haue ye not alwaies She hath done that she could she came afore hande to anointe my bodye to the burying Verely I saye vnto you whersoeuer thys Gospell shal be preached throughout the whole worlde thys also that she hath doone shal be rehearsed in remembraunce of her And Iudas Iscaryoth one of the .xii. wente awaye vnto the hye Priestes to betraye hym vnto them When they heard that they were glad promised that they would geue hym money And he sought how he might cōueniently betray him And the first day of swete bread when they offered Passeouer hys disciples sayd vnto hym where wilt thou that we go and prepare that thou mayste eate the passeouer And he sente foorthe two of hys disciples and sayde vnto them goe ye vnto the citie and there shal mete you a man bearing a pitcher of water folowe hym And whithersoeuer he goeth in say ye vnto the goodmanne of the house the maister saith where is the geast chamber where I shall eate Passeouer with my disciples And he wil shewe you a great parlor paued prepared there make ready for vs. And his dysciples went furth and came into the citie found as he had sayde vnto them and they made ready the Passeouer And when it was nowe euentide he came with the xii And as they sate at borde and did eate Iesus saide verely I say vnto you one of you that eateth with me shall betray me And they began to be sory to saye to hym one by one is it I an other sayd is it I he aunswered sayd vnto them it is one of the .xii. euē he that dippeth with me in the platter The sonne of man truely goeth as it is written of hym but woe to that man by whome the sonne of man is betrayed Good were it for that man if he had neuer bene borne And as they did eate Iesus toke bread when he had geuen thankes he brake it and gaue to them and sayd Take eate thys is my body And he toke the cup and when he had geuen thankes he toke it to them and they all dranke of it And he said vnto thē This is my bloud of the newe testamente whyche is shed for many Verely I saye vnto you I wil drynke no more of the fruite of the vine vntyll that day that I drynke it newe in the kyngdome of God And when they had sayde grace they wente oute to mounte Olyuete And Iesus sayeth vnto them al ye shal be offended because of me thys nighte For it is written I will smite the shepeheard the shepe shal be scatered but after that I am risen again I wil go into Galile before you Peter said vnto him though al men be offēded yet wil not I. And Iesus saith vnto him verely I say vnto thee that this day euen in this night before y e cocke krow twise thou shalt deny me thre times But he spake more vehemētly no if I should die with thee I wyl not denye thee Likewise also said they all And they came into a place which was named Gethsemany and he sayde to hys discyples sit ye here whyle I goe asyde and praye And he taketh with hym Peter and Iames Iohn and began to waxe abashed and to be man agony and said vnto them My soule is heauy euen vnto the death tary ye here and watche And he went foorth a litle and fell down flat on the grounde and prayed that if it were possible the houre might passe from hym And he sayde Abba father al thinges are possible vnto thee take away this cup frō me neuerthelesse not that I wil but that thou wilte bee doone And he came and founde them sleping and sayth to Peter Simon slepest thou Couldest not thou watche one houre watche ye and pray lest ye enter into temptacion the spirite truely is ready but the fleshe is weake And agayn he went asyde and prayed and spake thesame wordes And he returned and founde them aslepe agayne for theyr eyes were heauie neither wiste they what to aunswere hym And he came the thirde tyme and sayd vnto them
worlde seeth hym not neyther knoweth hym But ye knowe hym for he dwelleth with you and shal be in you I will not leaue you comfortles but wyll come to you Yet a lytle whyle and the worlde seeth me no more but ye see me For I lyue and ye shall lyue That daye shall ye knowe that I am in my father and you in me and I in you He that hathe my commaundementes and kepeth them thesame is he that loueth me And he that loueth me shal be loued of my father and I will loue him and will shewe myne owne selfe vnto hym ¶ Proper Psalmes and Lessons at Euensong Psalm Ciiii. The .ii. Lesson Actes .xix. It fortuned when Apollo wente to Corinthum vnto After these thinges Psalm Cxlv. The .ii. Lesson Actes .xix. It fortuned when Apollo wente to Corinthum vnto After these thinges ¶ Monday in Whitson weke O Be ioyfull in the Lorde all ye landes serue the Lorde with gladnesse and come before his presence with a song Be ye sure that the Lorde he is God it is he that hath made vs and not we oure selfes we are his people and the sheepe of his pasture O Goe your waye into his gates with thankesgeuyng and into his courtes with prayse be thankefull vnto hym and speake good of his name For the Lorde is gracious his mercy is euerlastyng and his trueth endureth from generacion to generacion Glory be to the father and to the sonne c. As it was in the beginning is nowe and euer c. The Collect. ¶ God whiche c. As vpon Whitsondaye The Epistle THen Peter opened his mouth and sayd of a trueth I perceyue that there is no respecte of persones with God but in all people he that feareth hym and worketh righteousnes is accepted with him Ye know the preaching that God sente vnto the children of Israel preaching peace by Iesu Christe whiche is Lorde ouer all thynges whiche preaching was published throughout all Iewry and beganne in Galile after the baptisme whiche Iohn preached howe God annointed Iesus of Nazareth with the holy goste and with power Whiche Iesus wente about doyng good and healyng all that were oppressed of the deuill For God was with him And we are witnesses of all thinges whiche he did in the lande of the Iewes and at Ierusalem whome they slewe and hanged on tree Hym God raysed vp the thirde day and shewed him openly not to all the people but vnto vs witnesses chosen before of God for thesame entente which did eate and drinke with hym after he arose from death And he commaunded vs to preache vnto the people and to testifie that it is he whiche was ordayned of God to be the iudge of quicke and dead To hym geue all the Prophetes witnesse that through his name whosoeuer beleueth in hym shal receiue remission of synnes Whyle Peter yet spake these wordes the holy gost fell on all them whiche heard the preaching And they of the circumcisiō which beleued were astonied as many as came with Peter because that on the gentiles also was shedde out the gifte of the holy gost For they heard them speake with tongues magnifye God Then aunswered Peter can any man forbid water that these should not be baptised whiche haue receyued the holy gost as well as we And he commaunded them to be baptised in the name of the Lorde Then prayed they hym to tarye a fewe dayes The Gospell SO God loued the worlde that he gaue his only begotten sōne that whosoeuer beleueth in him should not perishe but haue euerlasting lyfe For God sent not his sonne into the worlde to condemne the worlde but that the worlde through him myght be saued He that beleueth on hym is not condēned But he that beleueth not is condemned already because he hath not beleued in the name of the onely begotten sonne of God And this is the condemnacion that lyght is come into the worlde and men loued darkenes more then lyght because theyr dedes were euill For euery one that euill doeth hateth the light neyther cummeth to the light leste his dedes should be reproued But he that doeth trueth cummeth to the light that his dedes may be knowen howe that they are wrought in God ¶ Tuesday ¶ At the communion MY song shall be of mercye and iudgemente vnto thee O Lorde will I syng O let me haue vnderstandyng in the way of Godlynes When wilt thou come vnto me I wyll walke in my house with a perfect heart I will take no wicked thing in hande I hate the sinnes of vnfaythfulnes there shall no suche cleaue vnto me A frowarde heart shall departe from me I wyll not knowe a wicked person Whoso prieuely slaundreth his neyghbour hym wyll I destroy Whoso hath also a proude looke and an hie stomake I will not suffre him Myne iyes looke vnto suche as be faythfull in the lande that they may dwell with me Whoso leadeth a godly lyfe he shal be my seruaunt There shall no deceitfull person dwell in my house he that telleth lyes shall not tarye in my syght I shal soone destroy al the vngodly that are in the lande that I may roote out all wicked doers from the citie of the Lorde Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginnyng c. The Collect. God whiche c. As vpon whitsonday The Epistle WHen the Apostles whiche were at Ierusalem hearde saye that Samaria had receyued the word of God they sent vnto them Peter and Iohn Which when they were come downe praied for thē that they myght receyue the holy gost For as yet he was come on none of them but they were baptised onely in the name of Christ Iesu Thē layde they theyr handes on them they receyued the holy goste The Gospell VErely verely I say vnto you he that entreth not in by the doore into the shepefold but climeth vp some other waye thesame is a thefe and a murtherer But he that entreth in by the doore is the shepheard of the shepe To him the porter openeth and the shepe heare his voyce and he calleth his owne shepe by name and leadeth them out And when he hath sent furthe his owne shepe he goeth before them and the shepe folow him for they knowe his voyce A straunger will they not folowe but will flye from him for they knowe not the voyce of straungers This prouerbe spake Iesus vnto them but they vnderstoode not what thynges they were whiche he spake vnto them Then sayed Iesus vnto them agayne verely verely I saye vnto you I am the doore of the shepe All euē as many as came before me are theues and murtherers but the shepe dyd not heare them I am the doore by me yf any enter in he shal be safe and shal goe in and out and fynde pasture A thefe cummeth not but for to steale kill and destroy I am come that they myght haue lyfe that they myght haue it more
thy mercy and euermore serue thee in purenes of lyuyng to thy honour and glory through our onely mediator and aduocate Iesus Christe our Lorde Amen ALmightie God which haste geuen vs grace at this tyme with one accorde to make oure commune supplicacions vnto thee and doest promise that whan two or three be gathered in thy name thou wylt graunte theyr requestes fulfill nowe O Lorde the desyres and peticions of thy seruauntes as may be moste expedience for them grauntyng vs in this worlde knowlege of thy trueth and in the worlde to come lyfe euerlastyng Amen ⸪ ❧ OF THE ADMI ❧ nistracion of publyke Baptisme to be vsed in the Churche IT appeareth by auncient wryters that the Sacrament of Baptisme in the olde tyme was not commōlye ministred but at two tymes in the yeare at Easter and whitsontyde at whiche tymes it was openlye ministred in the presence of all the congregacion Whiche custome nowe beeynge growen out of vse although it cannot for many consideracions be well restored agayne yet it is thought good to folowe the same as nere as conueniently maye be Wherfore the people are to be admonished that it is moste conueniente that Baptisme shoulde not be ministred but vpon Sondayes and other holye dayes when the moste numbre of people maye come together As well for that the congregacion there present maye testifie the receyuyng of them that be newely Baptised into the numbre of Christes Churche as also because in the Baytisme of Infantes euery manne present maye be put in remembraunce of his owne profession made to God in hys Baptisme For whiche cause also it is expedient that Baptisme be ministred in the Englishe tounge Neuerthelesse yf necessitie so require children oughte at all tymes to be Baptised eyther at the Churche or els at home ❧ PVBLIKE BAPTISME ❧ When there are children to be Baptised vpon the Sonday or holy daye the parentes shall geue knowlege ouer nyght or in the mornyng afore the beginnyng of Mattens to the curate And then the Godfathers Godmothers and people wyth the children muste be ready at the churche doore either immediatly afore the last Canticle at Mattens or els immediatly afore the last Canticle at Euensong as the Curate by hys discrecion shal appoynte And then standyng there the pryest shall aske whether the chyldren bee Baptised or no. If they aunswere No. Then shall the priest saye thus DEare beloued forasmuche as al men be conceyued and borne in sinne and that no man borne in synne can entre into the kyngdom of God except he be regenerate and borne a newe of water and the holy ghost I beseche you to cal vpon God the father through our Lord Iesus Christ that of his bounteouse mercy he wyl graūt to these childrē that thing whiche by nature they cannot haue that is to saye they maye be Baptized with the holy ghost and receyued into Christes holy churche and bee made lyuely membres of the same Then the priest shall saye Let vs praye ALmyghtie and euerlasting God which of thy iustice dyddest destroy by floudes of water the whole worlde for sinne except .viii. persones whome of thy mercy the same tyme thou diddest saue in the Arke And when thou dyddest drowne in the reade sea wicked King Pharao with all his armie yet at the same time thou diddest lead thy people the children of Israel safely through the myddes therof whereby thou diddest figure the washing of thy holy baptisme by the baptisme of thy welbeloued sonne Iesus Christ thou diddest sanctifie the flud Iordan all other waters to this misticall washing away of sinne we beseche thee for thy infinite mercies that thou wilte mercifully looke vpon these children and sanctifie them with thy holy gost that by this holsome lauer of regeneration whatsoeuer synne is in them maye be washed cleane away that they beyng deliuered from thy wrath may be receyued into tharke of Christes Church and so saued from peryshing and being feruente in spirite stedfaste in fayth ioyfull through hope rooted in charite maye euer serue thee And finally attayne to euerlasting lyfe with all thy holy and chosen people This graunte vs we beseche thee for Iesus Christes sake our Lord. Amen ¶ Here shall the prieste aske what shal be the name of the childe and when the Godfathers and Godmothers haue tolde the name then he shall make a crosse vpon the childes foreheade and breste saying ¶ N. Receyue the signe of the holy Crosse both in thy forehead and in thy breste in token that thou shalt not be ashamed to confesse thy faith in Christ crucified and manfully to fyght vnder his banner agaynst sinne the worlde and the deuill and to continewe his faythful soldiour and seruaunt vnto thy lyfes ende Amen And this he shall doe and saye to as many children as bee present to be Baptised one after another Let vs praye ALmightie and immortall God the ayde of al that nede the helper of all that flee to thee for succour the life of them that beleue and the resurreccion of the deade we call vpon thee for these infantes that they cummyng to thy holy Baptisme may receyue remission of their sinnes by spirituall regeneracion Receyue them O Lorde as thou haste promised by thy welbeloued sonne saying Aske and you shall haue seke and you shall finde knocke and it shal be opened vnto you So geue nowe vnto vs that aske Lette vs that seke finde open thy gate vnto vs that knocke that these infantes maye enioy the euerlasting benediccion of thy heauenly washing and may come to the eternall kyngdome whiche thou haste promysed by Christe our Lorde Amen Then let the prieste lokyng vpon the children saye I Commaunde thee vnclene spirite in the name of the father of the sonne and of the holy goste that thou come oute and departe from these infantes whom our Lorde Iesus Christe hathe vouchesaued to call to his holye Baptisme to be made membres of his bodye and of his holye congregacion Therefore thou cursed spirit remembre thy sentence remembre thy iudgement remembre the daye to be at hand wherin thou shalt burne in fyre euerlasting prepared for thee and thy Aungels And presume not hereafter to exercise anye tirannye towarde these infantes whom Christe hathe bought with his precious bloud and by this his holy Baptisme calleth to be of his flocke Then shall the priest saye The Lorde be with you The people And with thy spirite The Minister ¶ Heare nowe the gospell written by S. Marke AT a certayne tyme they broughte children to Christe that he shoulde touche them and hys dysciples rebuked those that broughte them But when Iesus sawe it he was displeased and sayed vnto them suffre litle children to come vnto me and forbyd them not for to suche belongeth the kyngdome of God Verely I say vnto you whosoeuer doeth not receyue the kyngdome of God as a litle child he shall not entre therin And when he had taken them vp in his armes he
aboundauntly ¶ Trinitie Sonday ¶ At Matyns The first lesson Gene. xviii vnto the ende The seonde lesson Math. iii. vnto the ende ¶ At the communion GOd be mercifull vnto vs and blesse vs and shewe vs the lyght of his countenaunce and be mercifull vnto vs. That thy way may be knowen vpon earth thy sauing health among all nacions Let the people prayse the O God yea let all the people prayse thee O let nacions reioyce be glad for thou shalt iudge the folke righteously and gouerne the nacions vpō earth Let the people prayse thee O God let all the people prayse thee Then shall the earth bryng forth her increase and God euen our owne God shall geue vs his blessyng God shall blesse vs and all the endes of the world shall feare hym Glory be to the father c. As it was in the begynning c. The Collect. ALmighty and euerlastyng god which haste geuen vnto vs thy seruauntes grace by the confession of a true fayth to acknowlege the glory of the eternal trinitie and in the power of the diuyne maiestie to wurship the vnitie we beseche thee that through the stedfastnes of this fayth we may euermore be defended from all aduersitie whiche liuest and reignest one God worlde with out ende The Epistle AFter this I looked and behold a doore was open in heauen the firste voice which I heard was as it were of a trōpet talking with me which sayd come vp hither and I wyll shewe thee thinges which must be fulfilled hereafter And immediatly I was in the spirite And behold a seate was sette in heauen and one sate on the seate And he that sate was to looke vpon lyke vnto a Iasper stone and a Sardyne stone And there was a rayne bowe about the seate in sight lyke vnto an Emeraulde And aboute the seate were .xxiiii. seates And vpon the seates .xxiiii. Elders sitting clothed in white rayment and had on their heades crownes of golde And out of the seate proceded lyghtnynges and thunderynges and voyces there were vii lampes of fyre burnyng before the seate whiche are the .vii. spirites of God And before the seate there was a sea of glasse lyke vnto Christall and in the myddes of the seate and rounde about the seate were .iiii. beastes full of iyes before and behynde And the fyrste beaste was lyke a Lyon and the second beast lyke a calfe and the third beast had a face as a man and the fourth beast was lyke a flying Egle. And the .iiii. beastes had eche one of them syxe wynges about him and they were ful of iyes within And they had no rest day neyther night saying Holy holy holy Lord God almighty which was and is and is to come And when those beastes gaue glorye and honour and thankes to hym that sate on the seate whiche lyueth for euer and euer the .xxiiii. elders fell downe before hym that sate on the throne and worshypped hym that lyueth for euer and cast their crounes before the throne saying thou art worthy O Lord our God to receiue glory and honor and power for thou haste created all thinges and for thy willes sake they are and were created The Gospell THere was a manne of the Phariseis named Nicodemus a ruler of the Iewes Thesame came to Iesus by nyght sayd vnto him Rabby we know that thou art a teacher come from God for no mā could doe suche miracles as thou doest excepte God were with him Iesus answered and sayd vnto him Verely verely I saye vnto thee except a man be borne from aboue he cannot see the kingdome of God Nicodemus sayed vnto him howe can a man be borne when he is olde can he enter into his mothers wombe and bee borne agayne Iesus answered verely verely I say vnto thee except a man be borne of water and of the spirite he cannot entre into the kyngdome of God That whiche is borne of the fleshe is fleshe and that whiche is borne of the spirite is spirite Maruayle not thou that I sayed to thee ye must bee borne from aboue The wynde bloweth where it lusteth thou hearest the sounde therof but canst not tell whence it commeth and whither it goeth So is euery one that is borne of the spirite Nicodemus answered and sayed vnto hym howe can these thinges be Iesus answered and sayd vnto him art thou a maister in Israel and knowest not these thinges Verely verely I say vnto thee we speake that we do knowe and testifie that we haue seen and ye receyue not our witnes If I haue told you yearthly thinges and ye beleue not howe shall ye beleue yf I tell you of heauenly thynges And no manne ascendeth vp to heauen but he that came downe from heauen euen the sonne of manne whiche is in heauen And as Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernes euen so muste the Sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleueth in hym perishe not but haue euerlasting lyfe ¶ The first Sonday after Trinitie Sonday BLessed are those that be vndefiled in the way and walke in the lawe of the Lorde Blessed are they that kepe his testimonies and seke him with theyr whole heart For they which do no wickednes walke in his wayes Thou haste charged that we shall diligentlye kepe thy commaundementes O that my wayes were made so direct that I myght kepe thy statutes So shall I not be confounded while I haue respect vnto all thy commaundementes I will thanke thee with an vnfayned heart when I shall haue learned the iudgementes of thy ryghteousnes I will kepe thy ceremonies O forsake me not vtterly Glory be to the father c. As it was in the beginning c. The Collect. GOd the strength of all them that truste in thee mercyfully accepte our prayers And because the weakenes of our mortall nature can do no good thing without thee graunte vs the helpe of thy grace that in kepyng of thy commaundementes we may please thee bothe in will and dede through Iesus Christe our Lorde The Epistle DEarely beloued let vs loue one another for loue commeth of God And euery one that loueth is borne of God and knoweth God He that loueth not knoweth not God for God is loue In this appeared the loue of God to vs ward because that God sent his onlye begotten sonne into the worlde that we myght lyue through him Herein is loue not that we loued God but that he loued vs sent his sonne to be the agremēt for our synnes Dearely beloued if God so loued vs we ought also to loue one another No mā hath seen God at any time If we loue one another God dwelleth in vs and his loue is perfecte in vs. Hereby knowe we that we dwell in hym and he in vs because he hathe geuen vs of his spirite And we haue seen and do testifie that the father sent the sonne to be the sauiour of the worlde whosoeuer confesseth that Iesus
requiryng suche as shal be satisfied with a generall confession not to be offended with them that do vse to their further satisfying the auriculer and secrete confession to the Priest nor those also whiche thinke nedefull or conuenient for the quietnes of their owne consciences particulerly to open theyr sinnes to the Priest to be offended with them that are satisfyed with their humble confession to GOD and the generall confession to the churche But in all thinges to folowe and kepe the rule of charitie and euery man to be satisfyed with his owne conscience not iudging other mennes mindes or consciences where as he hath no warrant of Goddes word to thesame ¶ Then shall folowe for the Offertory one or mo of these Sentences of holy scripture to be song whiles the people dooe offer or els one of theim to bee saied by the minister immediatly afore the offeryng Let your light so shine before mē that they may see your good woorkes and glorify your father which is in heauen Laye not vp for your selues treasure vpon the yearth where the ruste and mothe dothe corrupte and where theues breake through and steale But laie vp for your selfes treasures in heauen where neyther ruste nor mothe dothe corrupt and where theues do not breake through nor steale Whatsoeuer you woulde that menne shoulde doe vnto you euen so do you vnto them for this is the lawe and the Prophetes Not euery one that sayeth vnto me lorde lorde shall entre into the kyngdome of heauen but he that dothe the will of my father whiche is in heauen Zache stode furthe and sayed vnto the Lorde beholde Lorde the halfe of my goodes I geue to the poore and yf I haue doen any wronge to any man I restore foure folde Who goeth a warfare at any tyme at his owne coste who planteth a vineiarde and eateth not of the fruite therof Or who fedethe a flocke and eateth not of the milke of the flocke If we haue sowen vnto you spirituall thinges is it a great matter yf we shall reape your worldly thinges Dooe ye not knowe that they whiche minister aboute holy thinges lyue of the Sacrifice They whiche waite of the alter are partakers with the alter euen so hath the lorde also ordained that they whiche preache the Gospell shoulde liue of the Gospell He whiche soweth litle shall reape litle and he that soweth plēteously shall reape plenteously Let euery manne doe accordynge as he is disposed in his hearte not grudgyngly or of necessitie for God loueth a chereful geuer Let hym that is taughte in the woorde minister vnto hym that teacheth in all good thinges Be not deceyued GOD is not mocked For whatsoeuer a man soweth that shall he reape While we haue tyme let vs doe good vnto all men and specially vnto them whiche are of the housholde of fayth Godlynes is greate riches yf a man be contented with that he hath For we broughte nothyng into the worlde neither maye we cary any thing out Charge them whiche are riche in this worlde that they be ready to geue and glad to distribute laying vp in stoare for themselues a good foundacion against the time to come that they maie attain eternall lyfe GOD is not vnrighteous that he will forgette youre woorkes and labor that procedeth of loue whiche loue ye haue shewed for his names sake whiche haue ministred vnto the sainctes and yet do minister To do good and to distribute forget not for with suche Sacrifices God is pleased Whoso hath this worldes good and seeth his brother haue nede and shutteth vp his compassion from hym how dwelleth the loue of God in him Geue almose of thy goodes and turne neuer thy face from any poore man and then the face of the lord shall not be turned awaye from thee Bee mercifull after thy power if thou haste muche geue plenteously yf thou hast litle do thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle for so gathereste thou thy selfe a good rewarde in the daie of necessitie He that hath pitie vpon the poore lendeth vnto the Lord loke what he laieth out it shal be paied him again Blessed be the man that prouideth for the sicke and nedy the lorde shall deliuer hym in the tyme of trouble Where there be Clearkes thei shall syng one or many of the sentences aboue written accordyng to the length and shortenesse of the tyme that the people be offeryng In the meane tyme whyles the Clearkes do syng the Offertory so many as are disposed shall offer to the poore mennes boxe euery one accordynge to his habilitie and charitable mynde And at the offeryng daies appoynted euery manne and woman shall paie to the Curate the due and accustomed offerynges Then so many as shal bee partakers of the holy Communion shall tarye still in the quire or in some conueniente place nigh the quire the men on the one side and the women on the other syde All other that mynde not to receiue the said holy Communion shall departe out of the quire except the ministers and Clearkes Than shall the minister take so muche Breade and Wine as shall suffice for the persons appoynted to receiue the holy Communion laiyng the breade vpon the corporas or els in the paten or in some other comely thyng prepared for that purpose And putting y e wine into the Chalice or els in some faire or conueniente cup prepared for that vse if the Chalice wil not serue puttyng therto a litle pure and cleane water And setting both the bread and wyne vpon the Alter Then the Prieste shall saye The Lorde be with you Aunswere And with thy spirite Priest Lift vp your heartes Aunswere We lift them vp vnto the Lorde Priest Let vs geue thankes to our Lorde God Aunswere It is mete and right so to do The Priest IT is very mete righte and our bounden dutie that we shoulde at all tymes and in all places geue thankes to thee O Lorde holy father almightie euerlasting God ¶ Here shall folowe the propre preface accordyng to the tyme if there bee any specially appointed or els immediatly shall folowe Therfore with Aungels c. ❧ PROPRE ❧ Prefaces ¶ Vpon Christmas daye BEcause thou diddeste geue Iesus Christe thyne onely sonne to be borne as this daie for vs who by the operaciō of the holy ghoste was made very man of the substaunce of the Virgin Mary his mother that without spotte of sinne to make vs cleane from all sinne Therfore c. ¶ Vpon Easter daie BVt chiefly are we bounde to prayse thee for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Iesus Christe our Lorde for he is the very Pascall Lambe whiche was offered for vs and hath taken awaye the synne of the worlde who by his death hath destroyed death and by his risyng to lyfe againe hath restored to vs euerlastinge lyfe Therefore c. ¶ Vpon the Assencion daye