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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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children of death hel c. These thinges ought not to be forgotten or as the budget at our back to be cast behind vs but both with griefe to be remembred y t we vile wretches should so highly haue profaned Gods name with them of the false Church also with ioy that God hath shewed this mercie vnto vs to redeeme deliuer vs out of these snares of Sathā but especially to cōsider whē we come to y e supper of the Lord both what y e thing is we do receiue how with whome in what manner we ought to receaue yt Now if we be ignorant of the doctrines of baptisme but much more if we haue not receaued baptisme how should we be held worthy receiuers of those high misteries of y e body blood of our Lord Iesus Christ The watch rules of the word are ill kept in that Church which admitteth any much more many into their cōmuniō w t out ful assurāce of their baptisme But what kind of Church is that which consisteth wholy of a people vnbaptised for so by his argument are al they that were baptised in the popish churches And then al the land being such at the first receiuing of the G●…spel as they imagine to themselues how should an vnbaptised people chuse from amōg themselues able ministers to baptise Is yt not likely that this famous scholler knew ful litle what belonged either to the Church ministerie or sacramentes of Christ that wrote this learned discourse hath not the Church of Englād gottē a worthy champiō that thus learnedly defendeth her her proceedings with one word of his mouth pronounceth al such Brownists as denie this their C●…rch of England euen the eldest daughter of the Church of Rome together with her mother to be the true spouse of Christ and therfore both reprooue by the word of God refraine according to the same word al their abhominations suffring in al patiēt maner whatsoeuer may be done or said against vs for the same by the handes of these Cainites mouthes of these Balaamites rather thē defiling our soules with their abhominations Which as yt were a wearines for any man but to recite and bring to light these hellish mistes and fogs these secret mysteries of their ministerie and worship which they exercise in their Temples so is yt an impossibilitie for this learned clerke with al his cunning or the greatest priest of them to defēd the same when the light of the word is but once brought vnto them so sodainly are they therby discouered of what sort they are Let thē therfore that thus contend for their whorish Church approue and iustifie hereby the word of God and thē surely I wil yeild them to deserue the garland of a bishoprick or els let them assure themselues y ● yt is neither their tyrānie railing or sophistrie can either couer or excuse their shame from his fierie eies with whome they haue to do or lay that blame reproch vpon others which they indeuour To returne therfore againe to that from which we haue beene somwhat with drawen by these occurrentes yt remaineth that we proceed in the examination of the publike ministration of this famous Church of England Of their sacramētes we haue heard but they haue besides these certayne half sacramētes or high misteries vnto which belong set prescript communions which to performe execute are no small part of the priestes office Not to speake of their orders or iniunctions which are fower times in the yeare to be solemnely read not to repeat their sacrament of Peonance with their bitter curses and comminations going before their Lent fast They haue yet the holy sacrament of marriage solemnly kept in the holy church for the most part vpō the Lordes day an especial Leito●…rgie or cōmuniō framed to the same This action is to be done by the priest c. who instructing the parties to be ioined in wedlock wha●… to say when to pray c. teacheth the man to wed his wife with a ring In the name of the Fa●…her the Sonne and of 〈◊〉 ●…oly Ghost which ring must before by the man be layd vpon the seruice booke together with his offring vnto the priest Clarke The booke serueth in stead of holy water to hallow the ring The ring thus hallowed serueth in stead of an element to this sacrament being ioined to these wordes In the name of the Father of the Sonne of the holy Ghost especialy when al the collectes special psalme blessinges are said by the priest the maried couple deuoutly kneeling in the meane while at the communiō table c. But here wil be answered that the reformed better sort of priestes wil not marry with the ring here must then be noted that they breake their other of their Cannonical obedience which they tooke before the Bishop when they receiued their priesthood Moreouer y ● for their default herein they are to be censured and reproued by their Church namly their Cōmissarie his Court before whome such defaultes are to be presented by the Churchwardens questmen vnles they also will be forsworne for company Moreouer these reformed well conscienced priestes though they reiect this ring as an idolatrous relique yet dare they not by the word pronoūce the vnlawfulnes therof that others also might leaue detest the same That would cost blowes the Bishop would not suff●…r that therfore they for the peace of their Church ioine to them in the cōmunion c. that vse this execrable idolatrie But well let me not discourage them in well doing least vve take them not oftē in that fault leaft if the Bishop once heare of yt yt then become but a matter indifferent thē they for the peace of the Church the sauing their benefice their skinnes whole vse yt againe for companie But heere in the meane time I would know of y e learnedest of them where they find in the old or new Testament that marriage is an ecclesiastical action belonging to the worship of God in his Church to be done by the minister as part of his office function that in the Church but especially vpō the Lordes day with such a set Leitourgie of Collectes exhortations psalmes anthemes blessings framed to the purpose I hope they found not this in the 4 Chapter of the booke of Ruth yet I doubt not but both Booz and Ruth were godly persons and very lawfully famously maried They vsed no priest in this busines nor yet made yt a matter belonging to the tabernacle or worship of God I haue alwaies found yt the parentes office to prouide mariages for their children whiles they remaine in their charge gouernmēt and that the parties themselues affianced betrothed ech other in the feare of God the p●…esence of such witnesses as were present and that in their parentes or other priuate houses without running to
as the daies of their wecke stil are not only into y e names of Sainctes Angells but into y e names of these heathen Godds vvhich they still retaine hauing vtterly lost the name and order of their Creator as the First second third day of the vveeke of the first second third or such a moneth c. and are novv quite giuē away one day to the sunne Soli another to the Moone another to Merckrie another to Mar●… another to Iupiter another to Venus and the last to Saturne which they haue now so long held by prescription in quiet possession as yt is bonbtfull when the right owner shall challenge them his plea wil not be heard in westminster hall In like maner I haue heard that these their temples haue been dedicate vnto these Gods who haue had their Flamins archflamins therin but vpon the conversion of Engl●…nd to the faith of Rome they were al then new baptised into the names of holy saint●…s I know heere againe that our learned Antiq●…ries will hardly consent to this but then I must d●…sire them to shew me when these their auncient Cathedral churches were christened into y e saintes names they now beare I suppose they shall find some of them to haue caried the names they at this day do a great while We shal also haue much adoe with thē concerning the first faith which Engla●…d receaued which they wil cōfirme by the notable estate of the church y e first 500 yeres after the Apostles And here shal be brought vpon me a whole cartlode of writers Councels Doctors vnto al which I oppose that litle booke of Christs Testament from which they immediatly after the destruction of Ierusalem the decease of the Apostles fel away changing and innovating all thinges daily more and more vntil they had brought yt to this estate fashioning religion to the fansies and lustes of men as yt might best allure retayne and please the Princes multitudes of the world as is aboue in the beginning of this treatise more particularlie shewed and may by these ancient monumentes of their idolatrie which stil remayne as by so many argumentes be euidently convinced These Synagogues are built altogether to the forme of the old Téple of the Iewes in a long square East and west with their holy Court walled round about cōmonly called the Churchyeard which is holy ground and serueth for Christen burial being altogether exempt for ciuil vse yet is yt lawful for the yong men maides to play there together vpon their sundaies and holy daies But who so smiteth any in that holy ground by statute is to haue his hand cut off thersore These Synagogu●…s haue also their battlementes and their porch adioining to the●… Church not heer to speake of the solemne laying the foundation where the first stone must be laid by the handes of the Bishop or his suffragane with certaine magical praiers holy water and many other idolatrous rites They haue vnto yt their foulding d●…res and an especial leuite the parish clerke to keep the key They haue at the west end their hallowed belles which are also baptised sprinkled c. They haue their isles and their bodie of the Church they haue also their selles to the sides of the walles their vestery to keep the priestes ministerial garmentes where they are to attyre and dresse themselues before they goe to their seruice they haue their treasurie Al the cathedral o●… mother churches also haue their cloysters for their Deane prebendaries cannōs petty cannons singing mē and singing boies c. within their precinct and walles to abide and dwell that they may keepe the watch of the temple and their howers of Orizons Againe they haue in the bodie of their Church their hallowed fonte to keepe the holy water wherwith they baptise al other vessels and waters to the vse of baptisme being by expresse law forbidden They haue also their holiest of al or chauncel which peculiarly belongeth to the priest and quire which help the priest to say sing his seruice They haue their roodloft as a partition betweene their holie and holiest of all The priest also hath a peculiar dore into his chancel through which none might passe but himself Now this Church thus reared vp is also throughly hallowed vvith their sprinkling water dedicate baptised into the name of some especial Saint or Angel as to the patrone and defendor therof against al enemies spirites stormes tempestes c. Yet hath yt within also al the holy armie of saintes Angels in their windowes and walles to keep yt Thus I think can be no doubt made but that the verie erections of these synagogues whether they were by the heathens or papistes were idolatrous But heere I look to haue obiected these two reasons against me the one for the defence of the original the other for the present estate of them namly that many of these superstitions I speake of were invēted long after England receaued the faith and therfore the original of these churches could not be so euil the other that now thankes be to God they are quite purged of all these idols in the walles and windowes vsed to the pure worship of God therfore I doe not wel so to write of them in this estate To the first reason but that I loue not to raue in the apocrypha writings as they do with the papistes therfore neuer bring their cōtroversies to end I could shew most of these idolatrous shapes and customes to haue been very ancient in deed by al likelihood euē frō y e first building of these synagogues therfore yt skilleth not to inquire whether all these idolatries were invented at the first bringing of their faith into England seing yt is manifest that most of these churches were built many yeres after For as hath beene said they at the first contented themselues with such temples as they ere while worshipped their idols in so that they that wil obiect vnto me some few of their temples built in a round forme must both be sure that they were not built by heathens and that al these romish relikes of the Church-yard porch hallowed belles font images in the walles and windowes c. were added since the building therof And this I suppose wil be hard for them t●… doe The papistes can prescribe a long time for their images and manie other thinges yet all this if they could doe vvhat vvere these few vnto all the other so manie thowsandes as vve see to carrie these idolatrous shapes euen from the verie foundation vvhich vve know and vvith our eies haue seene thus defiled vvith idols and odolatrie so that yt shalbe needles for them to trouble themselues vvith things farther off vvhen these things stil remaine in this shape before our eies And this also may answere their second allegation where they alledg them now to be
in the bozome of their Church c. so if we by the rules of Christs Testamēt duly examine this their flanting ministerie wherof their Church so boasteth I doubt not but that we shal find them as counterfeit prodigious antichristian and rightly fitting to this monstrous confuse bodie of the multitudes this harlot their Church sittet●… on Which ministerie to describe in their coullers were a fitter Argument for a stage play to bring forth these hypocrits out of their dennes and to make them play their partes in the light then for any sober christiā discourse who abhor to raue in their vncleane cages filthy kennels yet that they may the sodainlyer apeare of what so●… they are we the soner haue done with them let vs first cōsider what maner of officers CHRIST hath apointed in the Church of God then how th●…se ought to enter then how to administer and so briefly by these rules examine the ministerie of their Church of England The ministerie apointed vnto the gouernmēt seruice of y e Church of CHRIST we find to be of two sortes Elders Dea●…ons the Elders some of them to giue attendance vnto the publike ministerie of the word sacramētes as the Pastor Teacher the other Elders together with them to giue attendance to the publike order gouernmēt of the Church the Deacons to attend the gathering and distributing the goodes of the Church Now these Officers are first duly proued examined compared by to these rules set downe in the Testament of CHRIST both in apparant graces by the manifestation of the spirit as also in al vnreproueable conuersation witnessed wel aproued vnto that flock of which they are chosen to serue attend This done with praier fasting they are chosen ordenied in the same Congregatiō by publike consent They being thus chosen ordeined by all are now diligently faithsully to execute their office vnto all not preiudicing the libertie of any ●…mbitiously assuming any inordinate authoritie or abusing or neglecting their office neither holding or executing yt in regard or in respect of person but vprightly and indifferently performing yt vnto all men as in the eies of God whose word they purely and sin●…erely teach faithfully precisely obserue to their vttermost knowledg and power If in any thing they transgresse or offend they are as well as any other members liable to the censure of the Church which is to reproue depose or excommunicate them according to the qualitie of the sinne estate of the offenders c. Now to come to the ministerie of the Church of England which is so manifold diuers as I know not how to begin to describe yt But let yt first be diuided into these 3 sorts 1. Reigning or Gouerning 2 Seruing 3 Collegiate 1. Of the reigning gouerning minifters are Arch-Bishops Lord Bishops Arch-Deacons Chancellers Commissaries all of the high Commission as likewise such ciuil Doctors Proctors Registers Scribes Pursuiuantes Sumners as attend vpon their Court●…s of faculties prerogatiue Archies delegates c. 2 Of the seruing sort are Parsons Vickars Curates hireling Lecturers vagrant mercenarie Preachers house priestes Chaplens half-Priestes or catechisers Church-wardens sidemen questmen pa●…ish Clarkes 3 Of the ministerie col●…egiate are Lord Bishops Deanes Sub-Deanes Prebendaries Canons petie Chānons Gospellers Pistellers Singing mē Singing boies Vergiers Sextines This diuisiō I suppose wil wel neere suffice for their officers But now how to diuide or distinguish their offices I know not I am so vnlearned ignorant of such great secrets high misteries Neither yet haue I skil to ●…arshial thē in their degrees of honour which I haue heard say they haue both in the cōmon welth in their schooles as ●…eir Primate their Mettopolitane graces their Palatine Lordbishops 〈◊〉 their Baronny Lordships al which I weene be Peeres of the realme 〈◊〉 estates of the Land Now there are also certayne Doctors of diui●…tie Bachelors of diuinitie which haue many great priuileges ●…ogatiues of the cappe the skatlet gowne the hood the habbite the ●…pet c. the ring the chaire the one of thē being a Kinghts fellow ●…e other an Esquires in any ground in England Also how capable ●…ese are by statute of how many benefices I cannot tell Neither haue I the cunning to deriue their genealogies and pede●…ies as they tooke beginning in the ages succeeding the Apostles in ●…e first 4. or 500. yeres only because I want that deep learning I must ●…ntent my self to goe to that old book of Gods word There in deed ●…emember Reuel 9. that I read of a Sar that fell from heauen vnto the ●…rth which had the key of the bottomles pyt giuen vnto him who ●…hen he had opened that bottomles pyt there arose the smoke of ●…e pyt as the smoke of a great fornace wherwith the Sunne and ●…e aire were darkned Out of which smoke of the said pyt I read 〈◊〉 at al these monstrous armed crowned poisoned Locustes Scor●…ōns issued c. Now as they tooke beginning with Antichris●… vnder ●…eir king 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Apolluon so tooke they increase together with him ●…or when Sathan had enthronized him giuē him his high Cōmissiō 〈◊〉 made him his Lieftenāt general in earth c. then these his Peeres 〈◊〉 c●…ptaines compassed about guarded his throne did miracles ●…efore the Beast deceauing with the effectual power of their errors ●…l such as receaued the Beastes marke or worshipped his image and ●…ried forth his image far an neere and set yt vp in al places where his ●…rson could not be cōpelled al both smal great rich poore 〈◊〉 receiue the Beastes mark worship his image this I read in the 13 ●…f the Reue. Now in the 16. Chapter of the said booke after that y●… vi●…s of Gods wrathful iudgmētes had beene powred out vpō the earth ●…ō the sea vpō the riuers fountaines ef waters vpō the Sunne vpō●…e Throne of the Beast vpon their great riuer Euphrates I read that ●…ese vncleane spirites that came out of the mouth of that Dragon ●…nd out of the mouth of that Beast and out of the mouth of that false ●…rophet ●…hich are y c spirites of Deuils working miracles should goe ●…rth vnto the kings of the earth and of the whole world to gather ●…em vnto the battel of that geat day of God almightie yea and in ●…e 17. of the Reuelation that they should cause these kings those ten ●…ornes to hate the whore to make her desolate and naked to burne ●…e whore with fire euen that faire harlot of whose cup they ha●…●…runke and with whome they had cōmitted fo●…ation so many ●…eares before and to giue their kingdomes power and authoritie vn●…o the Beast vntil the wo●…des of God be accōplished In the 19. 20. ●…hapters of this
al magis●…racie the whole order of the common welth Had that beast anie religion that thus blesphemed Christs ordināce haue not the heathen at al times thus reproched accused the word of God Gospel of Christ Yet what is more free of these crimes then this order they so accuse wherof Christ himself is the author preseruer Is yt not the f●…llowship communion haue such sinnes anie f●…llowship with him Before anie can enter or be receaued ●…nto this f●…llowship he must be renewed by repentance denijng all his fleshly conversation concerning the time p●…st he must be begotten by that immortall seed he must b●… borne againe of water and the Spirit and ●…ter as a new borne babe and as a child wained from the br●…sts he must leaue al his venome and fiercenes become as a meeke lambe obedient vnto his sh●…pheardes At what time anie is found disobedient and headstrong or incorrigible he forthwith loos●…th his place in this communion and fellowship he is seperate cast out As for their ord●…r of their assemblie yt is not ●…multious or con●…ntious but r●…ther an heauenlie schoole of all order sobrie●…ie and modest●…e which the A●…gels with great delight b●…hold euerie one there knowing his calling place boundes which he wi●…hout pres●…t b●…ame may not breake as fr●…e but not hauing that libertie as a cloke of wick●…dnes but as the s●…ruantes of God whose law is heere purelie sincerelie taught eu●…ry 〈◊〉 degree instructed how they ough●…●…o walke behaue th●…mselues towardes God men in al maner cōuersation Nothing more or more oftē inculcate thē to yeild due honour obedience submission vnto all magistrates parentes superiors that not for fashiō sake or ignorantly but as of knowledg faith cōscience towardes God Hereunto as also vnto al other duties they are continuallie instructed exhorted whosoeuer transgresseth is admonished censured and without present repentance amendment dulie cast out of this fellowship communion where no inordinate walking or contumacious persons are suffered Who then but that old Sathan or some sonne of his could thus accuse the lambes the babes these litle ones of Christ of rebelliō seditiō tumult c what mouth els could reproch and blaspheme that heauenlie gratious blessed order of Christ in his Church of subuerting cōmō welths destroijng ciuil magistracie gouernmēt without which holie ordinance magistracie as there can be no Church no assemblie no execution of law no callings no trades no order no safetie amongst men so without this instruction gouernment holie order of the Church cā no estate no magistracie be blessed of God because without this they can neither know nor execute their duties neither walke holily or lawfully in their callings or doe anie thing that may please God Who then but these vncleane spirits that speake out of the mouth of that Dragon out of the mouth of that Beast out of the mouth of that false prophet could in this māner disioine those that God hath so ne●…rlie ioined widowing spoiling the Church of that comfort and assistance she should haue of the ciuil magistrate depriuing the ciuil magistrates of that instruction ioy they should haue in the Church As we haue aboue alledged that nation or common welth Prince magistrate estate degree persō whosoeuer that submitteth not to ou●… Lord Iesus Christ to be wholy gouerned by his word both bodie soule in al things whatsoeuer without anie exception reseruation or polli●…ike respect that nation Prince magistrate person soule shall be vtterlie destroied amongst Christs enemies So Christ may not neither wil be fashioned or framed to anie common welth pollicie o●… pleasure of anie Prince he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings al the kingdoms of this world are his he shal reigne for euermore those that are no●… vnder his Scepter of grace those he will rule with a red of yron those shal be broken as a potters vessels So far then is this heauenlie and blessed gouernmēt of Christ in his Church by his word to which euerie soule that will be saued must be subiect frō being the ouerthrow of anie common welth or lawfull estate therof that you see yt is the only foundation of the one and stablishment of the other a perfect rule for both to which all lawes pollicies states degrees persons in al actions must be framed and subiect To which whatsoeuer is contrarie or transgressing whither common welth common cannon o●… ciuil lawes their Iudges pleaders courts must either be reformed or consumed therby No titles pollicies pleas or prerogatiues can excuse them from or before that Iudge who vpholdeth gouerneth and iudgeth all things by that his word and with the same ●…ifteth and fanneth out whatsoeuer is found contrarie to his will To which gouernment trial of his word because they will not submit their persons proceedings therfore with one consent all the estates degrees of the land Prince priests people hate him send by their elders an embassage after him that they will not haue him to reigne ouer them accusing his gouernment of innouation dangerous to their state pernitious to the whole land c. Thus take they boldnes to breake his bāds and cast his yoke from them to transgresse his lawes change his ordinances and to breake the euerlasting couenant euen that Testament purchased for them and sealed vnto them with that pretious blood of the giuer Therfore hangeth the wrath of God ouer them the day of his vengeance hasteneth feare and a pit a snare are vpon them He that flieth from the noise of the feare shall fall into the p●…t and he that commeth out of the pit shalbe taken in the snare for the windowes from on high are open and the foundations of the earth doe shake The earth is vtterlie broken the earth is quite burst in sunder the earth is moued exceedingly the earth shall reele too froe like a drunken man and shalbe remooued like a tent and the defection therof shalbe heauy vpō yt so that yt shall fall rise no more because the land is defiled vnder the inhabitants therof for they transgresse the lawes they change the ordinances and breake the euerlasting couenant THERE REMAYneth yet an other question of this ould captious Sadducie wherin he requireth to haue noted vnto him some particular Churches either in the Apostles time or since wherin y ● whole gouernment of the Church was practised only by Doctors Pastors Elders and Deacons and none other and that in an equalitie without superioritie in one aboue an other To satisfie his demands in this cauilling question which euidently apeareth to be made rather for a snare then anie godly edifijng I hold neither lawfull nor expedient vntil he haue acknowledged yeilded vnto the former namely vnto the necessity perpetuity of that order of gouernment and administration which CHRIST in his Testament hath prescribed which he hath miserably