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A02919 The faith of the church militant moste effectualie described in this exposition of the 84. Psalme, by that reuerend pastor, and publike professor of Gods word, in the famous vniuersitie of Hassine in Denmarke, Nicholas Hemmingius. A treatise written as to the instruction of the ignorant in the groundes of religion, so to the confutation of the Iewes, the Turkes, atheists, Papists, heretiks, and al other aduersaries of the trueth whatsoeuer. Translated out of Latine into English, &c. by Thomas Rogers. Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Rogers, Thomas, d. 1616. 1581 (1581) STC 13059; ESTC S118432 286,633 582

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if by thei● wise counsel theie preuaile nothing with the tyrants then are theie bound yea with weapons to defend godlie subiectes and remoue-awaie idolatrie restore true religion which thing if theie doe not theie discharge their duties but fraudulentlie And although the Church doeth not encrease by warres yet outward violence which is offered to religion by tyrantes maie by the magistrate placed betweene the cheefe head and priuate men be repelled by force Which thing both nature teacheth and the office of the popular magistrate requireth and the examples of holie men doe confirme wherefore let the magistrates and moderators of the cheefe head haue this saieng of the Lorde before their eies Giue vnto Caesar the things which are Caesars and giue vnto God those things which are Gods CHAP. 4. 1. An allegorical representatiō of the office of ministers 2. The sundrie significations of the worde Wel or fountaine in the Scriptures AND DIGGETH A WEL. THis fourth member touching the teachers of the Church is an allegorical image of the ministers of the worde This pleasant allegorie doeth admonish vs of manie thinges First it sendeth vs vnto the verie fountaine namelie vnto God himselfe And God is called á well both because he hath al good things from himselfe and also for that he doth communicate from thēce with his creatures without anie hinderance to himselfe For God ministreth to al lacking nought and receauing nothing of anie man Of this fountaine the Psalme speaketh My soule thirsteth for God euen for the liuing God And y e Lord by the Prophet Ieremiah doth saie My people haue committed two euils they haue forsaken mee the fountane of liuing waters to digge them pittes euen broken pittes that can holde no water And the Lorde in the Gospel calleth himselfe à Well The water issuing from this fountane is both the gift of the holie ghost Therefore saith the Prophet I wil powre-out my spirit vpon all flesh and also the doctrine of the Gospel or the promise of Christ. These are wholesome waters indeede wherewithall the hot and troubled consciences are cooled And y e doctrine puffeth not vp but is spiritual and withal cooleth the heart from the lustes of the worlde inflameth with the loue of GOD. Which wholesome waters Peter calleth the wordes of eternal life when he saith Master to whome shal wee goe Thou hast the wordes of eternal life Therefore in the Reuelation Christ saith I wil giue to him that is à thirst of the wel of the water of life freelie And as this liuing water is offered through the preaching of the Gospel so by faith it is drawen and taken according to the wordes of the Lorde He that beleeueth in me shal neuer thirst Hitherto maketh that saying of Isaiah With ioie shall yee drawe waters out of the wels of saluation And yee shall saie in that daie Praise the Lord cal-vpon his name Secondlie it signifieth that men are altogether vncleane and drie vnlesse they bee watered with the waters of this fountane and bee filled Because no man as Bernard saith is cleane from filth all men haue neede of the well of mercie and with à like desire shoulde hasten vnto this well with Noah Daniel Iob. And the Lorde saith Whosoeuer drinketh of the water that I shal giue him shall neuer be more à thirst Of this water also the Prophet Zechariah did prophecie in these wordes And in that daie shall there waters of life go-out from Ierusalem that is the preaching of the Euangelical doctrine which hauing proceeded from Iudea and Ierusalem shall bee sowed afterwarde ouer the whole worlde Thirdlie it calleth vs back from puddles and cisterns which either haue no water at all or if they haue it is muddie and vncleane yea and infected with poison that is it reclaimeth vs from the doctrines of men and diuels the which doe kill such as drinke thereof with their poison Moreouer Dauid in this allegorical picture hath an eie first vnto the type of the ministerie of the Gospell which is proponed in Genesis where it is saide That out of Eden went à riuer that watered the whole worlde Christ our Lorde is that liuing fountane buried in the earth but from the harte of the earth it springeth à liuing well to water the face of the whole earth that is to refresh so manie as dwel vpon the earth with the most comfortable waters of his Gospel that theie neuer thirst more Secondlie vnto that fountaine of water which issued from the harde rocke and followed the people Which rocke as the Apostle teacheth was à figure of Christ. Whose water did signifie the most delectable liquor of the Gospel Thirdly he had respect vnto the condition of men in his time which dwelled far-of from Ierusalem For theie thorough the vales of ●eares went vnto Ierusalem at the hie feastes and in their tedious iourneie with great labor digged the earth to finde water for the quenching of their thirst And therfore in the spirite sawe how the great paines of the ministers was signified who not without infinite troubles and persecutions should drawe water out of the fountaines of saluation wherebie theie might refresh those which thirst after their soules health CHAP. 5. 1. Howe the teachers in the Church are blessed prosper 2. Their enimies who theie be 3. Whether in the time of persecution theie maie flie or no 4. Comfortes for the Ministers in their conflictes DOVTLESSE WITH BLESSINGS SHAL THE TEACHER BE CROWNED 7 THEIE GOE FROM VICTORIE VNTO VICTORIE THis fift member of the description containeth à promise of blessing for the teachers of the Church of good successe in the ministerie This promise cōprehendeth as most plentiful doctrine so most sweete comfort The doctrine is how the ministerie of the worde should prosper Of this efficacie the Prophet Isaiah speaketh on this wise As the raine commeth down the snow from heauen returneth not thither but watereth the earth and maketh it to bring-forth and bud that it maie giue seede to the sower and bread vnto him that eateth So shal my worde be that goeth-out of my mouth it shal not returne vnto me voide but it shal accomplish that which I will and it shal prosper in the thing whereto I sent it As if he saide The worde of promise which at my commandement ye are to preach shal euermore be of force For as the raine which at my bidding watereth the earth and maketh it fruiteful so that of á litle seede the husbandmen gather such an haruest that not onlie theie feede their owne familie therewithal but also haue sufficient seede for the yeare ensuing so also shal the seede of my worde bee fruitfull and prosper so that the sowers of the worde maie bring-home abundance of fruite Afterward when he addeth They goe from victorie vnto victorie He signifieth how the teachers of y e Church shall
man formed after the image of God from so great good vnto such euil from life vnto death from à friende to an enimie vnto à traitor from à sauiour vnto damnation from saluation brieflie frō God the fountain of al goodnes righteousnes life saluation happines and honor vnto the diuel the auctor of al wickednesse vnrighteousnesse death damnation and perpetuall infamie But this euil which indeede is manifolde the blinded man perceaueth not And although sometime as it were through à casement it beholdeth à certaine shadowe thereof yet by and by it forgettes the same as he who hath seene his face in à glasse Which thing doubtlesse is greatlie to bee lamented For the first steepe vnto health as they saie is to knowe the sickenesse For the knowledg of the disease stirreth such as loue their health to seeke à Phisition Let vs therefore as the skilfull Phisitions doe in healing diseases seeke-out the causes of so great euill that knowing them both a Physition maie bee sought and remedie maie be applied to heale the same Wee then wil search-out the causes of mans vsual ingratitude and contrariwise oppose medicines for this common euil that so by comparing them together the contrarie causes of contrarie effectes maie the better both bee knowen and discerned Paul writing vnto the Ephesians doeth recite sixe causes aswell of this euil as of all other wickednesse raigning in the world which in order wee wil declare The first cause is that which he calleth the fleshe that is the wickednes of the corrupted nature in men after the fal of Adam This wickednes is like à filthie fountain from which pestilent vapors doe issue whereby all the cogitations al the counsels and actions of man are infected and corrupted as it were with deadlie poison And although this fountaine can not wholie bee stopped but oftentimes it wil breake out yet the course thereof as much as maie be is to be repressed which is done after thiswise The Gospel of Christ must be harkened vnto which when we beleeue we are endued with the holie Ghost which is à newe spring in the heart of man from whence floweth pure water springing vnto euerlasting life For frō this new foūtan wherby y e course of y e filthie spring which we haue throgh y e corruptiō of nature is stopped do issue godlie cogitations counsels and works like riuers frō an euerlasting fountane The seconde cause of this euil ingratitude is the lust of the fleshe that whereby the flesh or original sinne doth work to bring out most abhominable fruite The force of this concupiscence al mortal men doe feele in thēselues though diuerslie And it is as à litle riuer slowing from the fountaine and infecting whatsoeuer it meeteth with y e horrible stinch it hath Against this the lust of the spirite is opposed the which like à pleasant riuer floweth from the holie Ghost wherewith such as haue turned from their sinnes are endued the which maketh the cogitations and actions to spring at it were and to prosper But concerning the workes of the lust of the flesh and the fruite of the lust of the spirit reade the 5. chapter vnto the Galathians The thirde cause of ingratitude and of other sinns is the cogitation of the flesh to wit when y e cogatatiō raised-vp by concupiscence enterpriseth to reason and to dispute of those thinges which concupiscence doeth offer as gratefull and pleasant to the fleshe This Paul to the Romanes calleth the Wisedome of the flesh and enimitie against God For seeing it swarueth not from her beginning that is from the fleshe and the lust thereof it cannot sauour those things which are of God To this the wisedome of the spirite is opposed which the Apostle vnto the Romanes nameth The wisedome of the spirite This wisedome of the spirite when it taketh the ground of her reasoning from her fountane as from à beginning it cannot by reasoning conclude any other thing but that which is of the spirit God whome alwaies it beholdeth The fourth cause of our ingratitude and disobedience towarde God is The wil of the fleshe and of the minde As Paul saith This laboreth to attaine enioie that which y e wisedome of the flesh persuaded vnto as delectable For in this will there is election and lust whose end is the vse of the thing desired And although the will of reason doe sometime reclame the reasoning of the fleshe yet for the most parte by the violence of the fleshe it is borne-awaie euen as à shippe is violentlie carried-awaie by contrarie windes striue the marriner neuer so much For this will of the fleshe the Philosophers yea and Paul too calleth Selfe-loue which is à blind vndiscrete sauage loue of the bodie hurteful both to him that hath it and to others which Socrates not knowing the fountane of euil calleth the heade and the spring of al wickednesse Because it taketh awaie mutual charitie whereof all mischiefe ariseth among men while through the instinct hereof they seeke after wealth auctoritie preferment and pleasure wherein they doe place the soueraigne felicitie of man Against this wil of the fleshe and of the minde is opposed the will of the spirite the fourth cause of good workes and commaundeth such thinges as bee contrarie to the flesh and her will Which wil of the spirite maie bee called also Selfe-loue but yet à right cōmendable loue such as foloweth not the sense of the fleshe but the iudgement of the spirite This right and commendable Selfe-loue driueth à man to endeuour to labor and with earnest praiers to craue to beg that y e most excellent part of vs which is the minde maie be endued with true godlinesse and virtue and that to this ende that it maie bee ioined to God the soueraigne good in whom onelie the true felicitie of man doth consist This difference betweene this double Selfe-loue our Sauiour doth teach when hee saith He that hateth his life yeelding nothing therevnto in these casual and transitorie things he doth as hee shoulde loue it desireth to be saued but he y t loueth by yeelding he hateth it seketh y e destructiō of his soule As there is thē a doble self loue so there is à double selfe hatred One according to the right iudgement of the minde whereby we auoide the enticements of the flesh withdrawing vs from God the other of the foolishnesse of the fleshe whereby we despise the thinges concerning vertue goodlines and honestie This is à prophane and hurtful the other is holie and à necessarie hatred The fifth cause of mans vnthankefulnesse to God is the peruerse dealing of the world the infinite offences and the innumerable examples of all manner wickednesse This euil custome of the worlde is the fodder of all iniquitie naughtinesse and peruersitie whereby manie euen of such as purposed to feare God
daie of iudgement 103. Soules immortalitie 100. Spirite of fortitude 396. Spirite of God how in ministers 39● Spirites celestial 11. Spirite● preached vnto 102. Spirits wil. 290. Spiritual soldiers who 11 12 13 14. Spiritual warfare 12. Starres of heauen the soldiers of God and whie 14. Starres worshipped for Gods 191. State of the soules after this life 100. State of wicked ministers 4●4 Strangers 119. Strength of the Turkes 91. A Student in the Scripture who 401. Studie of the Scripture 40● The Sunne worshipped for a God 191 Supper of the Lord 30 figured by Manna 30 a note of the true Church 171 whie often receiued and what it signifieth 334 whether in the case of necessitie it may be ministred by a man not of the ministerie 234. S●●ine● flesh abstained frō 86. Sinne filthie 243 41● horrible 264 howe rewarded ●62 howe gotten 479 kindes thereof 389. Custome of Sinning oppugned 293. Al me● sinners 237. Sinners hated of God 263. T Teachers of Gods worde the souldiers of Christe 14. Teaching 160. Who are to Teach in the Church 170. Temples of God 113. Tentation of Christ 28. Tentation of God what 227. Olde Testament what 312 difference betweene the olde and the newe Testament 316 319. Timo●ia 410. Tradition 403. Tradition Papistical what 16● 511 Tradition wh●● in trueth 165 kindes thereof 166. Traditions of men how to be thought of 167. Transubstantiation 217 contrarie to the nature of a sacrament 217 learned of Magicians and witches ●●● Treason against Christ 30. Trial of Ioseph 418. Trial of faith wherevnto compared 4●● Troubles of the godlie howe to be taken 173 450. Troubles of Iob 418. Trueth of Christ 125. Tyrants how to be resisted 431 enimies to the Church 440. V Valeie of Ben-Hinnon 195 Vanitie of bodilie pleasure 380. Vanitie of mans reason 370. Virtuous life what 141. Vnitie of the Church 108. W Wayes vnto heauen 369. Christe the waie by doctrine 122 by merite 12● by example 124. Warfare spiritual 12 439 the weapons thereof 12. Heauenlie Warriers who 11. Water of God what 434. Water of life howe receiued 434. Who by Weapons maie resist tyrants 431. Wil of man 514. Wil of the flesh 289. Wil of the spirite 290. Wine absteined from 84. Wine why forbidden of the Turkes 85. Worde of God The excellencie of Gods worde 370 the profite thereof 372 the Church harkeneth therunto 110 the knowledge thereof necessarie in a minister 400 the contemners of y e same how punished 323 Workes Workes of Christians a sacrifice 350 of protestants what 513. the matter of good works 511. things necessarily required in a good Worke 514. Workes Papistical what 511. causes of them 512. Righteousnesse of workes oppugned 327. righteousnesse of faith and works together refelled 330. In this Worlde no satietie 377. Worldlie Wisedome 370. Worldlie Wisemens opinions concerning felicitie confuted 385. Worldes continuance 48. Worship of Saints whie inuented 429. Wrath of God against sinners 263. FINIS Faultes escaped The first number signifieth the page the last the number of the lines Page 7 line 18 for vvhether this place reade vvhether this Psalm 22 in the margine for Isai 52 r. M●cah 52 155 20 of one nature r. of it one nature 157 15 r. learne of him and the Apostles are sent forth 165 24 by the comparing r. as by the comparing 166 10 such things are r. such things as are 181 6 r. Habel brought 189 11 r. stolne my Gods 199 16 r. to instruct vvithal 214 24 r. in vvhich offence 234 10 r. of these 237 25 r. vvithout making 243 13 r. are so ouerthrovvne 249 3 r. in these vvords 309 15 r. that is al 335 25 r. vvhich Christ 338 18 r. both in the crosse 340 19 Christianitie r. Christianlie 359 19 r. merit of Christ 362 17 r. and build vp the 379 13 rat is easie to 388 12 r. doth faune 407 16 r. at the 413 8 r. doe vveigh their sinnes 416 10 r. selfe vnto al 426 4 r. but these 441 8 r. of his riches 448 16 r. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 484 4 r. as to the punishment 493 3 r. vvhich is to saue 501 3 r. vve are not vnder 508 3 r. then seeing through 519. 5 r. fauour before iustification 1. Kings 1● 21. 22. c. 1. King 22. 6. Act. 8 9. 10 c. Act. 13 8. 9. c. Coloss. 2. Acts 15. 1. Cor. 15. 2. Tim. 2 17. 18. 2. Pet. 2 10. Iude ver 8. 1. Tim. 1 34 Tit. 3 8. 9 Iude vers 4 2. Thess. 2. 3. 4. c. Iude ver 4. D. Chytraeus Ora de sta●● Eccles. Hoc tempore in Graecia Asia Africa c. Psal. 119. 9 Pro. 22. 6. Effectes of Gods word Psal. 19. 7. 8. Zech. 14 8. Ioh. 4 14. Ioh. 8 32. 36. Iere. 8. 9. 1. Tim. 2. 4. Rom. 4 25. Rom. 10 4. Mat. 11 28. Psal 84. ● Psa. 19 10. Psa. 119 14 Psa. 130 1. Psa. 119 32 Psa. 119 24 Psa. 119 46 Psal. 73 2. 3. 16. 17. 18. Psa. 119 93 Psa. 119 89 Psa. 122 9. Psal. 84 10 2. Pet. 3 ● Iere. 13 16. The argument The disposition The occasiō Punishmēts of Dauid 2. Sam. 13 14. 2. Sam. 13 28. 29. 2. Sam. 15 1 2. 3. 2. Sam. 15 14. 15. 16. 2. Sam. 16 21. 22. 2. Sam. 15 4. 5. 6. 2. Sam. 18 9. 10. Two special things to be considered in this Psalme Auctour of this Psalme Summe of the first verse The Lord of hostes who 2. Sam. 5 10 Psal. 59 5. The whole Trinitie the Lord of hostes Isa. 6 2. 3. Our Sauiour Christ is the Lord of hostes Psal. 24. 10. Isa. 8 8. Why our sauiour Christ is called the Lord of hostes Psal. 24 8. Psal. 72 19. The s●ldiers of Christ in his spiritual warfare 1. The 1. order of heauēlie warriars Heb. 1 14. Dan. 7 10. Reuel 12 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Michael what signifieth 2. Order of spiritual soldiers 2. Cor. 10 3. 4. 5. Ministers weapons 3. Order of spiritual soldiers Ephes. 6 12 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 1. Tim. 1 18. 19. 4. order of spiritual soldiers Exod. 38 8. 5. order of celestial soldiers The vse of al contained in this chapter 1. Tim. 1 18 * Aboue chap. 3. pag. 9 The Iewes The Turks The Muscouites Papistes Epicures Of the Messiah Christ the Sauiour of the world Iosephus lib. 18. cap. 4. Opinions of Christ. Iudas the Galilean Ioseph Benzara Barcozibas Iohn 5 3● 2. Pet. 1. 19. Maior Minor Conclusion The time of Christ his birth foretold by Iacob the Patriarch and by Daniel the prophet Gen. 49 10. Dan. 9 24. 25. 26. 27. The place Isai. 5. 2. The mother Isai. 7 14. Ier. 31 22. The stocke or kinred of Christ. Psal. 132. 11. Wisemen Isai. 60 6. Num b. 24. 17. Circumcision of Christ. Hag. 2 8. 10. Luke 2 32. Flight into Egypt Hos. 11 1. Isa. 16 1. Christ à Nazaris Samson à figure of Christ. Iudges 13 5 Isai. 11 1.